Volume 48 August 2016 Issue 8


Volume 48 August 2016 Issue 8
The Vette Gazette
Member - National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC)
Volume 48
George Trocki*
Vice President:
Steve Vrabel*
Jeff Walker*
Valerie J. Chavis-Kosko*
Jerry Shaffer *
Peg Stauffer*
Scott/Linda Fredericks*
Program Chr:
Mike Boyer*
WOT** Chr.
Tom Ranc
Parade Coord:
Barb Boyer
Brian Tucker
Rod Beever
by George Trocki
“The Race is on and we are almost to the finish line for
We are now at 178 members and climbing. I welcome all the
new members that we inducted in July!!
I would like to start with thanking all of the event coordinators
for a fantastic job the month of July. VFW New Freedom
Parade, Shrewsbury All Car Show, Honoring of Rich Miller’s
“Murder Mystery Progressive Dinner”.
Special Thanks to the Walker Family, Boyer Family, Miller
Family and Shaffer Family for the Tasty Ice Cream Truck.
Lastly, what a day with our family “YCCC”.
Thanks to all the participated with the Murder Mystery such as,
our members that were able to make it and support this
worthy event, all the cast, their families and friends!
Who would ever think that Sheriff Packard was the Murderer?
Welcome aboard to our Publications and Communication
Transitional Board members Linda and Scott Fredericks!!!!!!!
York County Corvette Club
P.O. Box 3033
York, PA 17402
2nd Wednesday Each Month @ 7:00 p.m.
The Great American Saloon
20 Dairyland Square, Red Lion
(717) 246-9548
Thornton Chevrolet
180 S. Main Street
Manchester, PA 17345
717/266-8800 or 866/966-8800
The Chip Miller Charitable Foundation
The York County Children’s Advocacy
Issue 8
August 2016
We salute Stu and Teena Jones for their long and loyal service
to the club serving in many capacities and faithfully carrying
out their responsibilities top the Membership and Club!!! We
wish you both well with your future endeavors!
Mike has some great trips coming later this year. The Vermont
Trip has several openings. Please sign up early if you would
like to be included. You snooze, you lose!!!
And do not forget about the Corvettes for Carlisle!!!
Enjoy you summer with Family and Friend’s.
It is always my pleasure serving you as your President and
letting you know, that we have an open door policy to the
members and Board of Directors.
As we move forward, take time to pray for and stay in contact
with members
and their families that may be in poor health or just need
someone the talk too!!
We are all about our members, you come first!! Let’s have
some fun this year.
Your friend and President George A Trocki 410-303-6276 cell
WOT members and all have found it to be fast paced and
technically challenging despite its short 2-mile length. This
is an excellent event for all classes of drivers. Questions contact Tom Ranc.
25 – 28 Aug 2015 – Corvettes @ Carlisle (Seven (7)
sanction) - NCCC Concours Showfield.
Compete against the best Corvettes in the World and win
cash prizes.
Although, the NCCC showfield is
not a new feature, after last
year’s success Seven (7)
Sanctions are being offered again
to NCCC members who compete
in the event. The NCCC Concours
Judged Showfield is limited to 175 Corvettes. Be sure to
pre-register by calling our office at (717) 243-7855.
YCCC Calendar Limited registration may be available at the event. NCCC
Note: Some special events are months/years in the Concours Judged Showfield Awards:
planning stage and may not be repeated. Be alert,
don't wait, as soon as they show up in the newsletter
 "Best of Show" - $500
contact the chairman and get on his list. Often
 "Best of Concours Prepared" - $100
participation is limited and the event can sell out
 "Best Modified" - $100
quickly. That's why we say "if you snooze you lose".
 "Best Street Prepared" - $100
 "Best Wash & Show" - $100
 "Best Custom/Race Prepared." - $100
05 Aug 2016 – First Friday Ice Cream Run. Meet at
Wrightsville Rutter’s and we will leave at 7pm. Bring a non- See sign-up sheets to help out. This is a large moneymaker
member friend in their Corvette and their ice cream is “on for our club.
the club”.
Important - Register on-line before July 25, 2015 at:
10 Aug 2016 – Next Membership Meeting
Code=2016-025) and get a 10% discount from the $75 fee.
The gavel comes down at 7pm at the Great American
Saloon! The menu will consist of a plated salad, broasted
9, 10 and 11 Sep 2016 - Jets and Vettes on the Lex chicken, baked mild white fish, baked macaroni and
This will be the last time this WWII carrier will be used for
cheese, stewed tomatoes and broccoli. Meals are $18 a
car shows because of elevator maintenance issues. The
event will honor the 15th anniversary of 9/11. Rod Beever is
coordinating this event. Several members have registered
13 Aug 2016 - Saturday Annual Pig Roast at Boyer's and will attend the event. Nineteen cars signed-up.
Farm - mark your calendar. There will be a charge of
$10/non-member (for food and beverages) payable by July 9 & 10 Sep 2016 – Vintage Car Race in Watkins Glen.
8 Regular Meeting. Those members who plan to attend will Details to follow at a later date
be free but must sign-up. Sign-up sheets will be available.
Activities include: 1) fishing derby (men versus women) 9 18 Sep 2016 – Sunday – Boardwalk Show – Ocean City,
am to 11 am (women won last year), 2) Lunch @ 12 pm, 3) NJ – A day at the Beach, pre-registration early is essential
Pocono/Carlisle judging seminar @ 2 pm, 4) DJ – 4 pm to 7 to get on the rooster. We normally stay Saturday night and
pm, 5) Pig roast 4:30 pm till dark. Bring your Vette, a come home Sunday night. You can register online at
covered dish or dessert to share, LAWN CHAIRS and any www.boardwalkcorvettes.com with either PayPal or credit
adult beverage you choose. The price this year is FREE if you cards. Check website for flyer and to see if spaces are
available. Mike Boyer has reserved some rooms, contact
sign up and show up. There is a $10 fee for guests.
Mike if interested and get on his list. Nineteen cars are signed
WOT Event - 5-7 Aug 2016 - Friday - Sunday Summit up. As of 13 July, Mike still has one room available.
Point Main - PorscheFest - Tom and Ed Heindel attended
the 2015 event and found it to be an fascinating experience.
Touted as the premier Porsche event for the Porsche- 06 - 09 Oct 2016 - Road Trip to Vermont and New
Potomac club, this is another 3-day event that is a Hampshire - Mike Boyer is hard at work developing a fall
tremendous value for the dollar. The variety of different road trip. Details will follow. Stay alert. There is a sign-up
models of Porsches in attendance is amazing. Being a short sheet. Sixteen cars have signed up. Contact Mike Boyer and
2 hours away, S-P has been run numerous times by several get on his list. He has added a tour of Hemming's in
Bennington, Vermont to the agenda. Cost will be about $700 and only 21 are from YCCC. This is a little light for the
per couple. Sold Out! Talk to Mike to get on standby club. He is encouraging more participation.
The Lancaster County Corvette club along with the Chip
Miller Foundation is running a raffle to win a new Corvette.
22 Oct 2016 - Corvette Day at Simone Museum near The winner will be determined by the PA Lottery winning
Philadelphia Airport. More to follow on this.
number that day (August 27th). There are 1,000 tickets
available for $100 each. The NCCC will also do a raffle for
Potential additions to Calendar –
a new Corvette at $50 each with 2,000 tickets being sold.
01 Apr 2017 - YCCC Awards Banquet
Membership Peg Stauffer – We have 178 members with
18-25 Aug 2017 - NCCC Annual Convention - Bowling 86 present tonight. Jeff Corbin – who owns a 2000 FRC in
Green, KY - Uncancelled!!
Blue is a guest tonight. We were also happy to see Cathy
Walker in attendance. The following candidates were voted
into membership tonight. Bob and Nancy Nolton (1994
Membership Meeting
Blue), Terry and Cathy Sell (07 Convertible – Silver), Linda
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Martone – wife of Bob Martone, Kathy Zeiders (wife of
Call To Order – President George Trocki called the Wilford Zeiders), and Gordon Bell (a real fast Cadillac).
meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Publications & Communications Scott and Linda
Minutes from Previous meeting – Previous months Fredericks – Thanks for letting us serve. We are presently
uploading many pictures and would like a picture of
minutes approved as distributed.
member’s garages of their cars. Stu Jones has reported he
has been honored to serve the club.
Treasurer Val Kosko – Val provided details on our accounts Program Chairman Mike Boyer -The Grand Ascent show
and transactions. Motion – To accept Treasurers report as in Hershey was nice to see old fuel injected Corvettes
climbing hills, two cars in attendance. Perry Point had 15
presented, Seconded, Passed.
cars present, Columbia had 17 Cars present, Annapolis was
a good show, Crawdaddies had 13 cars in attendance, Leg
President George Trocki – George thanks the hard work
Up Farm had 8 cars going.
of the team who presented our Markets of Shrewsbury
show. This is our second best show of the year.
Check Calendar for upcoming events.
The Board has recommended a new position and
President Trocki has appointed Rod Beevers to be the
Liaison to the board. This will allow members to voice
concerns to the board in confidence.
Stu and Teena Jones are moving to Florida. Stu will
resign as Publications and Communications chair after 10
years of faithful service. Stu received a much deserved
standing ovation for all of his efforts. We will miss his
talent greatly in this position. Linda and Scott Fredericks
will be taking over the duties as appointed by the President
until the general election in November. Teena Jones will
also step down from her position as meal coordinator with
the Saloon. Many thanks to Teena for all her great work
with the Saloon.
The Murder Mystery dinner will take place this Saturday
starting at 11 at the Walker Residence.
The Charlotte trip was well received with lots of great
touring including Rick Hendricks personal collection. The
tour director also sent a great thank you card for the trip.
Vice President Steve Vrabel. – The banquet date will be
April 1st. . Bob Morris passed away and a brick at the
Corvette Museum will be purchased in his honor. Bill Dobos
is battling cancer and is suffering from radiation sickness.
Stephanie Folk presented and read a very nice thank you
card from Tom Folk of his two sons passing.
NCCC Governor Jeff Walker – Extended his appreciation
to the Ranc’s and Vrables among others for a well run show
and our biggest one yet.
Carlisle events show is in August – July 25th is deadline
for early registration. There are 100 cars registered so far
Parade Coordinator Barbara Boyer – Parade in New Current YCCC By-Laws and Policies are available on
Freedom went well as we won the “Best Non emergence request from Linda and Scott Fredericks.
vehicle”. 16 cars were there. Went to Restaurant 7
A word from our Sponsor
Team WOT Tom Ranc – 3 members went to Watkins
Glen. Upcoming is the Porsche Fest on August 3-5 at
Thornton Chevrolet, our sponsor since 2003, has been a
Southern Point.
welcome supporter of YCCC. This is a great place to service
Shrewsbury show recap. Largest show so far with over 100 your Vette. Their Service Department will give YCCC
Corvettes in attendance, and 35+ cool cars. 38 trophies were members a 5% discount on labor on any vehicle service.
awarded. $5,000 in gross proceeds minus expenses left a
Expecting NEW 2017 Long Beach Red Grand Sport
profit of $2,366 to the club.
Convertible with a Kalahari top and Jet Black /Kalahari
Unfinished Business – Bylaw change – Page 2, Section 1, interior. “Automatic Transmission”
article 4 reads, “ All officers shall be elected for a period of
one year and can succeed themselves one term only with
the exception of the Governor and the Publications Chair.
Proposed change to change it to “succeed themselves for
two terms”. Motion to approve, seconded, passed
Open Discussion – Jerry Heckinger was presented an
award from the Thornton show.
Adjournment – Motion – To adjourn the meeting at 8:35
pm. Seconded, Passed.
Respectfully submitted to the Membership by Jerry Shaffer,
Please give Doug Freeze a call at 717309-8324.
Thornton Chevrolet is your vehicle headquarters. We have
vehicles in stock starting $4995 & up.
Thanks Again & Have A Great Chevy Day!!!
Doug “Chevy Man” Freeze
From Publisher: This is the member’s newsletter.
Suggestions for content and contributions of material are
welcome. Occasionally, there will be Corvette “Stuff” of
general interest to members too lengthy to be included with
the mailed edition of the newsletter. These will be e-mailed
to those receiving the newsletter by e-mail. If you are not
on that list and would like to have these “bonus” files, E-mail
Linda and Scott Fredericks at YCCCPublishers@gmail.com .
Note: MANY, MANY new photos have been scanned and
posted on Smug Mug. Go to our website, on the opening
page (before signing in) click photos and click the new
galleries. 2016 Thornton’s, Shrewsbury and Charlotte have
also been added!
Once the original 35mm photos are scanned they will be
available for all members to pick through and take what they
want. Linda and I will have the photos at all meetings until
December as well as the Pig Roast and possibly Carlisle.
Members Note: There are thousands of pictures here going
back over 10 years. They are your pictures and if you find
one you like, right click on it and you can copy and paste
anywhere you would like.
Website A new tab has been added to access information on
"Corvette Racing", thanks Brian. Check it out.
Our Photos have been re-arranged to be more user
Nametags - When you sign in for the regular meeting
our Membership Director will have a sign-up sheet for
any member wanting a new/replacement nametag. If
a member has lost their name tag and wants a new
one, they will have to pay the current price for the
replacement nametag.
(See http://www.corvettesnccc.org/fcoa1.html) - The NCCC
sponsors the Future Corvette Owners Association for kids.
This is a great deal for your kids, grandkids, nieces and
nephews who are under the age of 16. It's a unique
"Corvette Club for kids" formed to interest the younger
generation in the Corvette hobby. The website will explain
the benefits and provide an application to join. A total $10
fee (new 2011 price) which covers membership for date of
application until age of 16. Check it out.
Corvettes/Corvette Stuff for Sale
This space is available to advertise member’s
Corvettes and Corvette stuff. Contact Scott & Linda
Fredericks at ycccpublishers@gmail.com
2012 Grand Sport chrome factory wheel set with tires. Tires
have 16,000 mile. Wheels like new. $1200.00 if interested, call
Craig Holler at 717-515-3494
New Member Profiles: When you join YCCC we ask
for a new member profile and you get your picture
taken resulting in the member profiles. New Member
Profiles will be printed here as time permits.
Tom Savoie
Welcome to the club!! Tom was born in Albany NY. He has
3 children and 2 grandchildren. Tom is retired and enjoys
fishing and cars. Tom just purchased a 1979 dark green
coupe and wants to be part of an active club. Tom resides
in York.
Terry & Cathy Sell
Welcome to the Club! Terry and Cathy were both born in
York. They have 4 children and 5 granddaughters. They
enjoy Football and Baseball and enjoy their time at the
beach. They joined YCCC fun activities with the Corvette and
new friends. Terry and Cathy have a 2007 Silver Convertible.
They reside in York.
Robert & Nancy Nolton
Welcome to the Club! Robert and Nancy were born in
Oregon and Michigan. Robert has 2 sons and Nancy has 1
son. They enjoy antiquing, gardening and busy as a bee
with bee keeping. They joined YCCC to learn more about
corvettes. Robert and Nancy have a 1997 Blue Coupe. They
reside in Shrewsbury.
From the Publishers
Linda and Scott want to thank everyone for their patience
and support during the transition of the Publishers position.
We certainly have some big shoes to fill with this position.
Stu, thank you for an incredible job over the years as the
clubs publisher!! You did an out standing job! Linda and I
are committed in keeping the newsletter as interesting as
possible and keeping all information as accurate as possible.
Linda Martone
We have some new and exciting ideas coming in the next
Welcome to the Club! Linda is the wife of Tony Martone.
few months! 2 new ideas we already incorporated is a
historical timeline for that month in Corvette History and
current news in the Corvette World. We hope you will enjoy
Gordon Bell (picture not available)
the new information! Also, we want to start adding wedding
Welcome to the club! He has a 2012 Black Cadillac CTS-V anniversaries to the newsletter along side of the birthdays.
by Fast Eddie
During June of 2015, numerous YCCC Club members visited
Watkins Glen International to take in IMSA racing during
the Sahlen’s Six Hours of The Glen. Despite rainy
conditions, all were treated to some spirited racing and
hospitality courtesy of Corvette Racing. A short time after
this race, the track was scheduled for a total repaving in
anticipation of an expanded race season during 2016.
One year to the month later, with the track now in like-new
condition, Team W.O.T. made its appearance for three days
of Porsche. That’s right, Porsche, the Deutschland tin cars
that seem to be our proverbial nemesis. Under the
competent leadership of the Potomac Region Porsche Club,
a 3-day high performance driving event [HPDE] was
conducted on the full 3.4-mile road course. Of the
approximate 150 cars attending, total Corvette
representation was a booming four cars. Some other nonPorsche marques included a single Camaro, a W.O.T.
Cadillac, one Mustang and a (very) loud Maserati.
Representing Team
W.O.T. were Randy
Byrd, Ed Heindel and
honorary W.O.T.
member Dr.
Gordon Bell.
Dr. Bell, as
you may
from our
2016 Pocono article, pilots a Cadillac CTS-V that is
super-fast. More about the Cadillac’s weekend to
HPDE participants are normally placed within a
group commensurate to their proven or perceived driving
expertise. The W.O.T. team was assigned to the
Intermediate [White] group ordinarily reserved for drivers
with amateur abilities and factory-stock cars. But
contrarians as they can be, Porsche must have interpreted
the group differently…. as included within our group of
approximately 36 cars were numerous factory prepared,
race-dedicated cars and drivers with extensive high
performance backgrounds.
Their competitive prowess proved an interesting test for the
W.O.T. group as it challenged our basically stock cars to
keep pace within the group. In HPDE parlance, cars are
typically separated into two performance groups.
Momentum cars are those that depend upon their
nimbleness and light weight moreover power to maintain
high speed. Conversely, Horsepower cars depend upon big
power for their get-up-and-go. The Porsche 911-based and
Cayman models easily fit a middle of the road category
having both the agility and power to be very capable track
cars even in stock trim. In many instances, the expensive
Porsches significantly outpaced our cars; other times, our
superior horsepower reeled them back in. In a typical lap of
the 3.4-mile, 11-turn track, it was common to pass and be
passed by the same car. Great fun for all!
Dr. Bell’s Cadillac did not fare out as well. The usual bulletproof car suffered from several mechanical gremlins which
curtailed most of his on-track time. Despite efforts to get
him running again, the car was sidelined in the name of
safety. Here again is a story where a simple radiator clamp
and a leaking dip stick tube ruined an otherwise perfect
weekend. On the bright side, the car did drive home and is
now ready to fight again.
So what about
our reception
by the Porsche
group? In
fairness, the
treatment that
we outsiders
and our plastic
cars received
from the Porsche gang was good. The HPDE community
wherever seems to thrive on good fellowship, fun and
camaraderie. As we all moved about the pit, it appeared
that they were as interested and appreciative of our cars as
we were of theirs. Mix together with this a newly paved
track with super grip, big speeds and excellent weather
conditions and you have the makings of what would be a
perfect 3-day weekend.
To anyone interested in high performance fun, put Watkins
Glen International on your bucket list as a must-do Big Boy
Vette Picture of the Month
August 24, 1963: The Corvette Grand Sport records its
first victory at Watkins Glen. Driver Richard Thompson
achieves an overall win.
August 1958: Sales of the 1958 model reach 9168 Units,
enough to turn a profit for the Corvette for the first time.
Steve Vrabel’s C6– “A Rose Between Two Thorns”
August 1985: Chevrolet calls Reeves Callaway,
ultimately resulting in Callaway building the Twin Turbo
Corvette as a Chevrolet option.
August 1998: Dave Hill officially introduces the 1999
hardtop Corvette. Price in US dollars as $38,777
Corvette News For August 2016
Editors Note - People worldwide are taking pictures at
an incredible rate with a large part of the population
having a device with them at all times that can take
decent pictures. From all those pictures are coming
some outstanding photos. We would like to ask YCCC
members to submit at least one of their favorite photos
(ycccpublishers@gmail.com) by the 25th of each
Editor's favorite will be printed here. From each set of
12 monthly pictures, the membership will be asked to
select their favorite and an annual award will be
presented for the best YCCC Photo. All entries will be
YCCC/Corvette related pictures will be given preference.
This Month in Corvette History
August 1, 1981: The last Corvette built in the St. Louis
assembly plant rolls off the assembly line.
August 6, 2000: A Sports Car America Le Mans Series
race is held at Mostport International Speedway in
Bowmanville, Ontario. A Corvette C5-R driven by Ron
Fellows and Andy Pilgrim finishes 2nd in GTS class,
0.353 seconds behind a Viper.
August 10, 1993: The 1997 Corvette program begins
Concept Alertnatives Selection, in which virtually every
part, procedure and design layout is presented,
defended and decided on. The program provisionally
passes, pending a 2 week review of some components.
August 20, 2000: In Ste Croix, Quebec, the Speedvision
World Challenge, Round 5 is held. Bill Cooper took 2nd
place in a C5 Corvette. John Heinricy places 3rd, also
racing a C5.
The Corvette has been produced for seven generations
over the past 63 years. Known throughout the world as
“America’s Sports Car,” the Corvette embodies the
concept of innovation. On June 30, 1953, the first
Corvette came off the assembly line. In 2008, the
United States House of Representatives passed a
resolution that June 30th would annually be known as
“National Corvette Day.” That’s right, a whole day
devoted to America’s sports car.
Below is the actual text from the resolution.
“H. Res. 970
In the House of Representatives, U. S., June 26, 2008.
Whereas the Chevrolet Corvette is America’s first
sports car;
Whereas the first production Corvette rolled off a Flint,
Michigan, assembly line on June 30, 1953;
Whereas the Corvette is now manufactured in Bowling
Green, Kentucky;
Whereas the Corvette is the most widely respected
production sports car in United States history;
Whereas the Corvette is truly a symbol of American
Whereas General Motors is celebrating its 100th
anniversary in 2008; and
Whereas the 30th of June would be an appropriate day
to designate as `National Corvette Day’:
Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the United States
House of Representatives supports the designation of a
`National Corvette Day’ to honor the Chevrolet
To help mark this year’s “National Corvette Day” here’s
a brief glance at the history of the Corvette.
At the beginning of the 1950s, Harley J. Earl, General
Motors’ designer, developed an idea. Earl dreamed of
an American sports car that would sell for around the
same price as a mainstream American sedan. Inspired
by the great European sports cars of the time, Earl
wished to create an American sports car that would be
able to hold its own against the foreign competition.
He became aware of the increasing popularity of
European sports cars in America, and he hoped to
build a comparable sports car in the United States. In
1953 Earl introduced the Corvette as his latest “dream
car.” The Corvette was only intended to be a part of
General Motors’ traveling display, located at the
Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. However, the
Corvette was an instant hit. From the moment the
prototype Corvette was put onto display, the history of
“America’s sports car” was set into motion. With its
fiberglass body and sleek design, the Corvette was met
with thousands of interested potential buyers at the
New York show.
history that he is often credited with the nickname
“Father of the Corvette.” By the mid-1960s, the
Corvette had secured its reputation as America’s
favorite sports car.
In 1981 GM transferred production of the Corvette
from St. Louis to Bowling Green, Kentucky. Originally a
Chrysler air-conditioning unit factory, the facility was
completely refurbished into a modern automotive
facility. Since then, the facility has doubled in size, and
Bowling Green, KY has remained the exclusive home of
the Corvette for over 30 years.
09 Jul 2016 - 1967 L89 Corvette Convertible Heading to
Barrett-Jackson Northeast -
The first 1953 Corvette in Flint, MI.
With such popularity at the GM Motorama show, just a
few months later the Corvette was launched into
production in Flint, Michigan. On June 30th, 1953, the
first Corvette rolled off the assembly line. The first 300
models of Corvette were built in Flint in 1953. Each of
these Corvettes was Polo White roadsters with red
interiors, and black canvas tops. These early models
were designed to open from the inside, and the
exteriors lacked door handles. Two options were
offered in the original 300 Corvettes: a signal seeking
AM radio and a heater. Although these were listed as
options, every 1953 Corvette came furnished with both
the heater and a radio.
In 1954 the Corvette production moved from Flint,
Michigan to St, Louis, Missouri. It was here that mass
production of the Corvette would begin. With the
introduction of Chevrolet’s first V-8 engine in 1955,
through the influence of GM engineer Zora Duntov, the
car’s performance greatly improved. The increase in
performance helped bridge the gap from cruiser into
the high performance sports car that the Corvette is
known to be today. So important were Duntov’s
contributions during the beginning of the Corvette’s
We’re starting to see some of the offerings that’ll be
crossing the block in a couple of weeks at BarrettJackson’s inaugural Northeast auction. The all-new 3day event takes place June 23rd through June 25th at
the Mohegan Sun Hotel and Casino in Uncasville, CT.
One serious Corvette selling at no reserve there is Lot
667, a rare 1967 L89 Corvette convertible. If it looks
familiar that’s because it’s the same L89 that sold
(twice) out of the Falbo Collection at Leake Oklahoma
City back in February for $167,000.
RPO L89 added aluminum cylinder heads to the
already potent 427 cubic in engine. The lightweight
cylinder heads lifted from the L88 racecars took 75 lbs
off of the front of the car which resulted in a lower
center of gravity, better rear wheel weight bias, and an
improved overall power to weight ratio. Horsepower
was listed at an underrated 435 hp which was the
same as the 435hp L71 engine, though the L89’s
aluminum heads had larger exhaust valves yielding
more airflow. Estimated horsepower for L89’s is
somewhere around 500. In the end, just 16 L89
Corvettes were produced in St. Louis.
This particular example is finished in Marlboro Maroon
with a white interior and white soft top. Other options
include a 4-speed manual transmission, power
steering, power brakes, side mount exhaust, and
bolt on wheels wrapped in white wall tires.
As with any low production collector car,
documentation is very important. This particular
Corvette been has inspected by Roy Sinor, former
NCRS National Judging Chairman and 1967 National
Team Leader, and Bloomington Gold engine-stamp
and trim-tag judge. Through his examination he
confirmed that all of the visible body tags, casting
dates and casting numbers appear correct. It is
interesting to note here that the seller clearly calls
out that he has no GM documentation on the car.
For the numbers guys: The car was built June 21,
1967 based on the never-removed trim tag. The
block was cast on March 31, 1967 and the engine
was assembled on May 12, 1967 as noted by the
T0512IU engine stamp.
Since the 1967 L89 Corvette is selling at auction twice
within roughly 4 months, this will give us a good
opportunity to see if there’s any consistency in the
market or if the selling venue affect value. Back in
February, the car was a relatively new find so potential
bidders may not have found about the car in time to
take a swing at owning it. It will be interesting to see if
the Barrett-Jackson pageantry adds or deletes from the
final sale price of this car now that is been known for 4
months. We’ll find out for sure on June 25th so stay
tuned. Source: Barrett-Jackson