PROTECT. ADVANCE. COMMIT. 2013 Annual Report PROTECT. ADVANCE. COMMIT. 2013 Annual Report Table of Contents 3 Message from the CRNA-PAC Chair 5 CRNA-PAC Mission Statement 6 Financial Highlights 9 2013 Legislative Accomplishments 11 2014 Legislative Initiatives 14 CRNA-PAC Committee 17 Candidate Contributions Appendix A CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 2 | Table of Contents PROTECT. ADVANCE. COMMIT. 2013 Annual Report Message from the CRNA-PAC Chair CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 3 | Message from the CRNA-PAC Chair Message from the CRNA-PAC Chair On behalf of the CRNA Political Action Committee (CRNA-PAC), I want to thank the thousands of AANA members that chose to invest in the future of nurse anesthesia by supporting the CRNA-PAC in 2013. Your financial commitment has allowed us to remain the largest nursing PAC in the country and one of the top ten PACs among healthcare professionals nationwide. We set a high priority this past year on recruiting and involving additional donors and educating our next generation of CRNAs through student-specific activities. Through collaboration with your state’s Federal Political Director (FPD), we have also invested in more local political events than ever before, ensuring that members of Congress hear from us both in Washington, DC, and in their districts and states. All total, CRNA-PAC support allowed us to remain front and center at more than 350 events with members of Congress in 2013, educating those individuals making decisions about our profession. Even with all of our successes, we can and must do better. With a CRNA-PAC participation rate at nine percent among AANA members, we have a lot of room for improvement. And with national elections looming in November 2014, complacency is not an option. We must each play a role in continuing to support our allies in Congress, educate lawmakers influential on CRNA issues, and identify and help elect candidates who will stand with us when it counts. Whether we like it or not, decisions made on Capitol Hill continue to have an impact on our individual practices. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act healthcare reform law, reform of Medicare payment, funding of education funding and access to care within the Veterans Health Administration have all dominated our policy agenda in Washington, DC. 2014 brings additional challenges, including implementation of regulations related to nondiscrimination in healthcare, looming budget cuts, and more. Through all of this, CRNA-PAC continues to give us a seat at the table and ensures our voice is heard. We take pride knowing that CRNA-PAC is member-driven and hope you will contact us at any time. Thank you again for your support. On behalf of our AANA member colleagues on the CRNA-PAC Committee, it is our privilege to serve you and the nurse anesthesia profession. Sincerely, Paul Beninga, CRNA, MS Chair, CRNA-PAC CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 4 | Message from the CRNA-PAC Chair PROTECT. ADVANCE. COMMIT. 2013 Annual Report CRNA-PAC Mission Statement Advancing the profession of nurse anesthesia through federal political advocacy. CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 5 | CRNA-PAC Mission Statement Financial Highlights January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 $355,939 • CRNA-PAC Treasury Receipts — $723,688 • CRNA-PAC Administrative Receipts — $102,220 • CRNA-PAC Disbursements — $613,740 • Cash On Hand as of January 1, 2013 — • Federal Committees — $593,750 • Non Federal Committees — $6,125 • Operating Expenses — $13,865 • Cash on Hand as of December 31, 2013 — $465,887 • Candidates Who Received Contributions in 2013 — See Appendix A • Outlays from CRNA-PAC to Republican and Democrat candidates respectively — 53% – 47% CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 6 | Financial Highlights Forecasting for PAC growth CRNA-PAC Receipts Number of Receipts RECEIPTS from 2004-2013 800K 700K 600K 500K 400K 300K 200K YEAR 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 CRNA-PAC Participants 2011 22012 012 2013 Number of Donors PARTICIPANTS from 2004-2013 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 YEAR 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 7 | Forecasting for PAC Growth 2013 Competitor Statistics and Comparisons (as of December 31, 2013) In 2013 CRNA-PAC ASA-PAC* AMA-PAC* ANA-PAC* RAISED $723,688 $1,869,985 $1,352,007 $267,018 SPENT $613,740 $1,428,709 $336,823 $232,120 CASH ON HAND AS OF JANUARY 1, 2014 $465,887 $2,060,382 $1,315,665 $78,783 *ASA-PAC: American Society of Anesthesiologists PAC; AMA-PAC: American Medical Association PAC; ANA-PAC: American Nurses Association PAC Top PACs among Health Professionals Organization Receipts for January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS PAC $1,869,985 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PAC $1,352,007 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY PAC $1,345,250 AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION PAC $1,310,766 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS PAC $1,245,697 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS PAC $1,001,591 AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION PAC $819,352 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS/CRNA-PAC $723,688 AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION PAC $662,457 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY PAC $645,905 CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 8 | Forecasting for PAC Growth 2013 Legislative Accomplishments Medicare Payment Reform Congress took significant strides towards permanently repealing the flawed Medicare “sustainable growth rate” (SGR) formula that threatened CRNAs with 24 percent cuts to their Medicare reimbursement in 2014. AANA-backed legislation (H.R. 2810) was approved by the Medicare-writing House Energy and Commerce Committee late July on a bipartisan vote. Approval of similar legislation, also supported by the AANA, was provided in December by the House Ways & Means and Senate Finance Committees. The legislation repeals the harmful SGR formula and reforms future Medicare payment. The AANA was successful through committee legislative processes in keeping anti-CRNA provisions out of the legislation that the committees approved. Legislators have adopted a threemonth relief package to buy time in the hope of passing final SGR relief and Medicare reform legislation in 2014. While optimism prevails, a solution for how to fund the bill is still unclear. Protecting Provider Nondiscrimination Law The AANA continues to work with its partners in the Patient Access to Responsible Care Alliance (PARCA) to ensure smooth implementation of the provider non-discrimination provision, which prohibits insurance companies from excluding certain providers solely based on their licensure. With the support of AANA, the federal provider nondiscrimination law was enacted in 2010 to promote patient safety, access, choice and competition in healthcare. However, in 2013, the lone anesthesiologist in Congress, Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), with the backing of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, proposed legislation (H.R. 2817) to completely repeal the non-discrimination provision. AANA and PARCA have worked to educate members and staff in both the House and Senate about the importance of fully implementing this important law to increase competition and improve patient access to their choice of healthcare provider. Efforts to prevent support for H.R. 2817 have been successful to date; as of December 2013, the legislation had no cosponsors in the House and there is no companion bill in the Senate. Title VIII Education Funding AANA and its partners in the nursing community worked to protect funding levels for the Title VIII Nursing Education workforce development program. With the influx of baby boomer retirees and increases in health coverage, demand for a skilled healthcare workforce is increasing, making adequate funding for Title VIII critical to training providers to meet the needs of Medicare beneficiaries. While partisan politics bogged down the appropriations process, AANA was successful in securing appropriate funding levels in the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations measure approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee on July 12. The approved measure includes funding at the President’s 2014 budgeted level of $251 million, as the AANA requested. The appropriations process bogged down as 2013 progressed, however. Ultimately, in early January 2014, Congress adopted an omnibus appropriations bill that funded fiscal year 2014 Title VIII programs at $224 million, up slightly from 2013 levels but below the requests of the President and the Nursing Community. With Congress beginning its 2015 budget process now, AANA continues working on Capitol Hill and with other nursing organizations to support nurse workforce development funding. CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 9 | 2013 Legislative Accomplishments Rural Pass Through AANA was successful in raising concerns about legislation that would add anesthesiologists to the Medicare Part A rural reasonable cost based pass-through program during the 113th Congress. The Medicare Access to Rural Anesthesiology Act of 2013 (S. 1444), introduced by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Johnny Isakson (R-GA), would amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide payment under part A of the Medicare Program on a reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services furnished by an anesthesiologist. If enacted, this legislation would add additional costs without achieving greater access to care or improving quality. The legislation has failed to garner additional co-sponsors and does not have companion legislation in the House of Representatives at this time. Recognizing Veterans Affairs CRNAs to their Full Scope of Practice to modernize and improve the VHA Nursing Handbook by recognizing CRNAs and other Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) as Full Practice Providers. If implemented, this proposal would be a positive step towards increasing access to high quality healthcare. AANA and AVANA met with more than 90 members of the House and Senate, multiple Veterans Service Organizations, and other interested organizations including AARP, yielding support from AARP and a joint letter from more than 40 national nursing organizations. AANA and AVANA were also instrumental in securing support for a bipartisan “Dear Colleague” letter from the House Nursing Caucus Co-Chairs, Reps. Lois Capps (D-CA) and David Joyce (R-OH), and 26 additional members of the House of Representatives. While the VHA’s timeline for completing and releasing the draft handbook remains uncertain, AANA and AVANA will be meeting with representatives from the VHA in early 2014, to discuss this issue and the important role of CRNAs in the provision of high quality healthcare in the VHA. AANA and the Association of Veterans Affairs Nurse Anesthetists (AVANA) worked to garner support for current efforts of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 10 | 2013 Legislative Accomplishments 2014 Legislative Initiatives Medicare Payment Reform While Congress has enacted three months’ relief from 24% cuts to Medicare CRNA payments – a cut that threatens the average CRNA with $16,400 in Medicare reductions during 2014 – further relief, possibly permanent relief, is necessary to avert huge future reductions. Congress is anticipate to work during 2014 on major legislation permanently alleviating these periodic and damaging SGR cuts and reforming Medicare payment. But as of the New Year, the most difficult aspect of this issue remained for Congress to address – how to pay its estimated $140$150 billion cost. AANA will have to continue working to advance CRNA patients and practice by alleviating these huge SGR cuts permanently, ensuring that Medicare payment reforms treat CRNAs the same as physicians, and turning aside possible anti-CRNA amendments. Implementation of Nondiscrimination Provision The AANA-backed Provider Nondiscrimination Law takes effect beginning Jan. 1, 2014, and its implementation will be important in promoting patient access to the safe, high-quality care that CRNAs provide. Three risks remain that require AANA’s work and voice on Capitol Hill and beyond. First, legislation introduced by Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), the only anesthesiologist in Congress, seeks to repeal this law entirely. Second, AANA will have to continue work with three major federal agencies to promote its appropriate implementation – and to resist efforts to weaken the provider nondiscrimination law. Third, AANA will continue working with state nurse anesthetist associations and our State Reimbursement Specialists (SRSs) to monitor its implementation among health plans and to address discrepancies when they occur. VHA Recognition of CRNAs and Other APRNs as Full Practice Providers Though the reform of the VHA Nursing Handbook to recognize CRNAs and other APRNs as full practice providers is a policy matter within a federal agency, AANA is concerned that opponents of this proposal may mobilize members of Congress to raise roadblocks to this critical policy intended to promote Veterans access to safe, high-quality care. These roadblocks may occur in the legislative, oversight, and appropriations processes. AANA and CRNAs will have to work to keep our voice strong on Capitol Hill to support this appropriate recognition of CRNA and APRN practice. Affordable Care Act Implementation and Oversight Implementation of the Affordable Care Act accelerates in 2014 with the rollout of health coverage through exchanges with subsidies for lower-income persons and households, expansion of Medicaid programs in about half of U.S. states, and levy of fees and penalties for certain persons who have not obtained health insurance. Implementation deadlines have also been subject to considerable changes. For CRNAs, the AANA will continue working on Capitol Hill and in federal agencies to promote the protection and advancement of CRNA practice as a beneficial part of the solution for healthcare quality improvements, access to care, and control of runaway costs. CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 11 | 2014 Legislative Initiatives Title VIII Educational Funding and Graduate Nursing Education (GNE) Implementation Congressional adoption of a two-year budget agreement in December 2014 reduces but does not eliminate risks of further cuts to Title VIII nurse workforce development programs critical to the development and modernization of CRNA educational programs around the country. The budget agreement reduces but does not eliminate the budget “sequestration” process that threatened Title VIII programs with cuts approaching 9% in 2013. In addition, the AANA-backed GNE demonstration project will be reaching its halfway point in 2014, and its assessment in support of its extension and improvement is getting under way now. Finally, the Title VIII nurse workforce development programs themselves expire at the end of 2014, and must be extended to ensure their continued funding and educational program benefits. To promote nurse workforce development in 2014 and beyond, the AANA will continue working with nursing organizations, healthcare industry and patient groups to advance APRN and CRNA education as crucial to meeting present and future healthcare needs for our aging population. National Elections in 2014, with Primary Elections Taking Place All Year Long In November 2014, all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives will be on the ballot, as well as one third of the 100-member U.S. Senate. Primary elections and convention processes among Republican, Democratic, and other political parties in each state will determine candidates’ appearance on the ballot. The Federal Election Commission has listed 2014 federal elections by state at this website: fe2014/2014pdates.pdf. For the AANA to have the strong voice it needs in Washington to protect and advance CRNA practice, the AANA and CRNAs will be involved in many of these elections as voters, volunteers, campaign supporters and contributors, and investors in the CRNA-PAC. CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 12 | 2014 Legislative Initiatives PROTECT. ADVANCE. COMMIT. 2013 Annual Report CRNA-PAC Committee Members and FPDs CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 13 | CRNA-PAC Committee Members and FPDs FY13 CRNA-PAC Committee Ruth Ann Morris CRNA, MS Chair Paul Beninga CRNA, MS Treasurer Mark Bjornstad CRNA, MS Custodian of Records Lori Baerman CRNA, MS Anthony Chipas CRNA, PhD AANA Board Representative Grace Johnston MSNA, CRNA Student Representative Rick Jueneman CRNA Doug Ramey CRNA, MHS, APRN Steven Sertich CRNA, MAE, JD AANA Board Representative FY14 CRNA-PAC Committee Paul Beninga CRNA, MS Chair Mark Bjornstad CRNA, MS Treasurer Lori Baerman CRNA, MS Custodian of Records Anthony J. Chipas CRNA, PhD AANA Board Representative Kathryn L. Jansky CRNA, ARNP, MHS, USA, LTC(ret) AANA Board Representative Rick Jueneman CRNA Cynthia Leaks SRNA Student Representative Angela Mund CRNA, DNP Shirley Sopko CRNA, MSN The CRNA-PAC Committee would like to thank the FY13 Federal Political Directors (FPDs) for their role in advancing the nurse anesthesia program through political involvement. AMY NEIMKIN, CRNA ALABAMA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CHRISTINA LOGAN, CRNA ALASKA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS JENNY MCDONALD, CRNA ARIZONA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS MICHAEL KIERSEY, CRNA ARKANSAS ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS LISA HAAS, CRNA CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS KATHY AKERS, CRNA COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SARAH FIGUEROA, CRNA COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SUZANNE ARIZA, CRNA DELAWARE ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS LORI SCHIRLE, CRNA FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS STEPHEN SMITH, CRNA GEORGIA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS JESSICA DEERY, CRNA HAWAII ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CLAYTON SANDERS, CRNA IDAHO ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 14 | CRNA-PAC Committee Members and FPDs ANDREW GRIFFIN, CRNA ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS JOHN RETZLOFF, CRNA INDIANA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS MARY O’BRIEN, CRNA IOWA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS RUTH MORRIS, CRNA KANSAS ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS KEVIN WHELAN, CRNA KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS RAYMOND SMITH, CRNA LOUISIANA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS KRISTIE HOCH, CRNA KELLY PETZ, CRNA MAINE ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS MARYLAND ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CAROLINE HAAS, CRNA MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS TRUDY PIERCE, CRNA MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SUSAN DUERR-TREBILCOCK, CRNA MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SETH FISHER, CRNA MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS JULIE ZERWAS, CRNA MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS DWAYNE SELF, CRNA MISSISSIPPI ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SHELLI COLLINS, CRNA MISSOURI ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SUZANNE DUFEK, CRNA MISSOURI ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS ALISON CARTER, CRNA MONTANA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS MARK VANDOLAH, CRNA MONTANA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS NANCY GONDRINGER, CRNA NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS PHYLLIS KANTOR, CRNA LISA SULLIVAN, CRNA NICHOLAS BLANCK, CRNA NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS NEW HAMPSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS NEW JERSEY ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS ROBERT SHEARER, CRNA NEW JERSEY ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS WERNER BECKERHOFF, CRNA NEW MEXICO ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS VINCENT BATTUELLO, CRNA NEW YORK ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SHIRLEY SOPKO, CRNA REBECCA HEILMAN, CRNA NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS NORTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS NORMA LANDIS, CRNA OHIO ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS LISA WILLEY, CRNA OHIO ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS DEREK FREEMAN, CRNA OKLAHOMA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS ROBERT RAWLS, CRNA OKLAHOMA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS DAVID ANDREWS, CRNA OREGON ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS SCOTT RIGDON, CRNA OREGON ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CHRISTINE ALLEN-SANDERS, CRNA PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS KEITH MACKSOUD, CRNA RHODE ISLAND ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS ANTHONY CHIPAS, CRNA SOUTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS ANGELA MUND, CRNA SOUTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS KAREN BORDEWYK, CRNA JESSICA APPEL, CRNA SOUTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CARROLL RUHLMAN, CRNA VERMONT ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS PATRICIA PAROLARI, CRNA VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS ASHLEY FEDAN, CRNA WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS THOMAS HILBERT, CRNA WISCONSIN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS PAUL ROBERTSON, CRNA WYOMING ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 15 | CRNA-PAC Committee Members and FPDs Christine Allen-Sanders, CRNA, MSEd, 2013 FPD of the Year Award Recipient, with AANA 2012-2013 President Janice Izlar, CRNA, DNAP. CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 16 | CRNA-PAC Committee Members and FPDs 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party BRADLEY BYRNE 1 U.S. HOUSE R MIKE ROGERS 3 U.S. HOUSE R TERRI SEWELL 7 U.S. HOUSE D LISA MURKOWSKI S1 U.S. SENATE R MARK BEGICH S2 U.S. SENATE D RON BARBER 2 U.S. HOUSE D KYRSTEN SINEMA 9 U.S. HOUSE D S2 U.S. SENATE R TIM GRIFFIN 2 U.S. HOUSE R TOM COTTON 4 U.S. HOUSE R JARED HUFFMAN 2 U.S. HOUSE D JOHN GARAMENDI 3 U.S. HOUSE D MIKE THOMPSON 5 U.S. HOUSE D DORIS MATSUI 6 U.S. HOUSE D JERRY MCNERNEY 9 U.S. HOUSE D NANCY PELOSI 12 U.S. HOUSE D BARBARA LEE 13 U.S. HOUSE D JACKIE SPEIER 14 U.S. HOUSE D DEVIN NUNES 22 U.S. HOUSE R KEVIN MCCARTHY 23 U.S. HOUSE R LOIS CAPPS 24 U.S. HOUSE D BUCK MCKEON 25 U.S. HOUSE R JUDY CHU 27 U.S. HOUSE D Candidate Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas JOHN BOOZMAN Appendix A California CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 17 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party HENRY WAXMAN 33 U.S. HOUSE D XAVIER BECERRA 34 U.S. HOUSE D KAREN BASS 37 U.S. HOUSE D LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD 40 U.S. HOUSE D JANICE HAHN 44 U.S. HOUSE D Candidate California (continued) Colorado MARK UDALL S1 U.S. SENATE D MICHAEL BENNET S2 U.S. SENATE D JARED POLIS 2 U.S. HOUSE D CORY GARDNER 4 U.S. HOUSE R JOHN LARSON 1 U.S. HOUSE D JOE COURTNEY 2 U.S. HOUSE D ROSA DELAURO 3 U.S. HOUSE D JEFF MILLER 1 U.S. HOUSE R GUS BILIRAKIS 12 U.S. HOUSE R KATHY CASTOR 14 U.S. HOUSE D DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ 23 U.S. HOUSE D JACK KINGSTON 1 U.S. HOUSE R SANFORD BISHOP 2 U.S. HOUSE D JOHN LEWIS 5 U.S. HOUSE D JOHN BARROW 12 U.S. HOUSE D MIKE CRAPO S1 U.S. SENATE R JIM RISCH S2 U.S. SENATE R 2 U.S. HOUSE R OTHER STATE PARTY COMMITTEE R RICHARD DURBIN S1 U.S. SENATE D MARK KIRK S2 U.S. SENATE R PETER ROSKAM 6 U.S. HOUSE R TAMMY DUCKWORTH 8 U.S. HOUSE D JAN SCHAKOWSKY 9 U.S. HOUSE D Connecticut Florida Georgia Idaho MIKE SIMPSON ADA COUNTY LINCOLN DAY ASSOCIATION Illinois CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 18 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party BILL ENYART 12 U.S. HOUSE D RODNEY DAVIS 13 U.S. HOUSE R JOHN SHIMKUS 15 U.S. HOUSE R ADAM KINZINGER 16 U.S. HOUSE R AARON SCHOCK 18 U.S. HOUSE R MARLIN STUTZMAN 3 U.S. HOUSE R TODD YOUNG 9 U.S. HOUSE R CHARLES GRASSLEY S1 U.S. SENATE R TOM HARKIN Candidate Illinois (continued) Indiana Iowa S2 U.S. SENATE D BRUCE BRALEY 1 U.S. HOUSE D DAVE LOEBSACK 2 U.S. HOUSE D TOM LATHAM 3 U.S. HOUSE R PAT ROBERTS S1 U.S. SENATE R JERRY MORAN S2 U.S. SENATE R TIM HUELSKAMP 1 U.S. HOUSE R LYNN JENKINS 2 U.S. HOUSE R MIKE POMPEO 4 U.S. HOUSE R S1 U.S. SENATE R ED WHITFIELD 1 U.S. HOUSE R BRETT GUTHRIE 2 U.S. HOUSE R JOHN YARMUTH 3 U.S. HOUSE D HAL ROGERS 5 U.S. HOUSE R JEFFERSON COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY OTHER STATE PARTY COMMITTEE R REPUBLICAN PARTY OF KENTUCKY OTHER STATE PARTY COMMITTEE R S1 U.S. SENATE D SUSAN COLLINS S1 U.S. SENATE R MIKE MICHAUD 2 U.S. HOUSE D Kansas Kentucky MITCH MCCONNELL Louisiana MARY LANDRIEU Maine CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 19 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party S1 U.S. SENATE D STENY HOYER 5 U.S. HOUSE D CHRIS VAN HOLLEN 8 U.S. HOUSE D 1 U.S. HOUSE D S2 U.S. SENATE D DAVE CAMP 4 U.S. HOUSE R FRED UPTON 6 U.S. HOUSE R SANDY LEVIN 9 U.S. HOUSE D JOHN DINGELL 12 U.S. HOUSE D RUDY HOBBS 14 CANDIDATE, U.S. HOUSE D Candidate Maryland BARBARA MIKULSKI Massachusetts RICHARD NEAL Michigan DEBBIE STABENOW Minnesota AMY KLOBUCHAR S1 U.S. SENATE D AL FRANKEN S2 U.S. SENATE D TIM WALZ 1 U.S. HOUSE D JOHN KLINE 2 U.S. HOUSE R ERIK PAULSEN 3 U.S. HOUSE R THAD COCHRAN S1 U.S. SENATE R ALAN NUNNELEE 1 U.S. HOUSE R S2 U.S. SENATE R ANN WAGNER 2 U.S. HOUSE R BILLY LONG 7 U.S. HOUSE R S1 U.S. SENATE D OTHER STATE PARTY COMMITTEE D S2 U.S. SENATE R JEFF FORTENBERRY 1 U.S. HOUSE R LEE TERRY 2 U.S. HOUSE R ADRIAN SMITH 3 U.S. HOUSE R Mississippi Missouri ROY BLUNT Montana MAX BAUCUS MONTANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY Nebraska DEB FISCHER CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 20 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party S1 U.S. SENATE D S1 U.S. SENATE D 2 U.S. HOUSE D S2 U.S. SENATE D FRANK PALLONE 6 U.S. HOUSE D LEONARD LANCE 7 U.S. HOUSE R S1 U.S. SENATE D MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM 1 U.S. HOUSE D BEN RAY LUJAN 3 U.S. HOUSE D S1 U.S. SENATE D TIM BISHOP 1 U.S. HOUSE D STEVE ISRAEL 3 U.S. HOUSE D CAROLYN MCCARTHY 4 U.S. HOUSE D JOE CROWLEY 14 U.S. HOUSE D ELIOT ENGEL 16 U.S. HOUSE D TOM REED 23 U.S. HOUSE R LOUISE SLAUGHTER 25 U.S. HOUSE D RENEE ELLMERS 2 U.S. HOUSE R DAVID PRICE 4 U.S. HOUSE D VIRGINIA FOXX 5 U.S. HOUSE R HOWARD COBLE 6 U.S. HOUSE R MIKE MCINTYRE 7 U.S. HOUSE D SHERROD BROWN S1 U.S. SENATE D ROB PORTMAN S2 U.S. HOUSE R BRAD WENSTRUP 2 U.S. HOUSE R BILL JOHNSON 6 U.S. HOUSE R JOHN BOEHNER 8 U.S. HOUSE R MARCY KAPTUR 9 U.S. HOUSE D MARCIA FUDGE 11 U.S. HOUSE D PAT TIBERI 12 U.S. HOUSE R Candidate Nevada HARRY REID New Hampshire JEANNE SHAHEEN ANN KUSTER New Jersey CORY BOOKER New Mexico TOM UDALL New York CHARLES SCHUMER North Carolina Ohio CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 21 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party TIM RYAN 13 U.S. HOUSE D DAVID JOYCE 14 U.S. HOUSE R RON WYDEN S1 U.S. SENATE D JEFF MERKLEY S2 U.S. SENATE D SUZANNE BONAMICI 1 U.S. HOUSE D GREG WALDEN 2 U.S. HOUSE R EARL BLUMENAUER 3 U.S. HOUSE D KURT SCHRADER 5 U.S. HOUSE D MIKE KELLY 3 U.S. HOUSE R JIM GERLACH 6 U.S. HOUSE R MIKE DOYLE 14 U.S. HOUSE D CHARLIE DENT 15 U.S. HOUSE R JOE PITTS 16 U.S. HOUSE R TIM MURPHY 18 U.S. HOUSE R JACK REED S1 U.S. SENATE D SHELDON WHITEHOUSE S2 U.S. SENATE D 2 U.S. HOUSE D LINDSAY GRAHAM S1 U.S. SENATE R TIM SCOTT S2 U.S. HOUSE R CHIP LIMEHOUSE 1 CANDIDATE, U.S. HOUSE R ELIZABETH COLBERT-BUSCH 1 CANDIDATE, U.S. HOUSE D JOE WILSON 2 U.S. HOUSE R JIM CLYBURN 6 U.S. HOUSE D S2 U.S. SENATE R S1 U.S. SENATE R JIM COOPER 5 U.S. HOUSE D DIANE BLACK 6 U.S. HOUSE R Candidate Ohio (continued) Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island JIM LANGEVIN South Carolina South Dakota JOHN THUNE Tennessee LAMAR ALEXANDER CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 22 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party JOHN CORNYN S1 U.S. SENATE R SAM JOHNSON 3 U.S. HOUSE R JOE BARTON 6 U.S. HOUSE R KEVIN BRADY 8 U.S. HOUSE R RUBEN HINOJOSA 15 U.S. HOUSE D PETE OLSON 22 U.S. HOUSE R MICHAEL BURGESS 26 U.S. HOUSE R GENE GREEN 29 U.S. HOUSE D EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON 30 U.S. HOUSE D LLOYD DOGGETT 35 U.S. HOUSE D S1 U.S. SENATE R 4 U.S. HOUSE D S1 U.S. SENATE D SCOTT RIGELL 2 U.S. HOUSE R ERIC CANTOR 7 U.S. HOUSE R S1 U.S. SENATE D JAIME HERRERA BEUTLER 3 U.S. HOUSE R CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS 5 U.S. HOUSE R DEREK KILMER 6 U.S. HOUSE D JIM MCDERMOTT 7 U.S. HOUSE D DAVE REICHERT 8 U.S. HOUSE R DAVID MCKINLEY 1 U.S. HOUSE R SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO 2 CANDIDATE, U.S. SENATE R S2 U.S. SENATE D PAUL RYAN 1 U.S. HOUSE R MARK POCAN 2 U.S. HOUSE D RON KIND 3 U.S. HOUSE D SEAN DUFFY 7 U.S. HOUSE R REID RIBBLE 8 U.S. HOUSE R Candidate Texas Utah ORRIN HATCH JIM MATHESON Virginia MARK WARNER Washington PATTY MURRAY West Virginia Wisconsin TAMMY BALDWIN CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 23 | 2013 Candidate Contributions District Candidate or Committee Description Party MIKE ENZI S1 U.S. SENATE R JOHN BARRASSO S2 U.S. SENATE R NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE OTHER PARTY COMMITTEE R NATIONAL REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL COMMITTEE OTHER PARTY COMMITTEE R NEW DEM PAC OTHER LEADERSHIP PAC D DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE OTHER PARTY COMMITTEE D DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE OTHER PARTY COMMITTEE D TUESDAY GROUP PAC OTHER LEADERSHIP PAC R Candidate Wyoming Other CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 24 | 2013 Candidate Contributions Contact CRNA-PAC Frank Purcell Senior Director, Federal Government Affairs Kate Fry Associate Director, Political Affairs CRNA-PAC 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 550 Washington, DC 20001 202.484.8400 CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 25 | Contact CRNA-PAC PROTECT. ADVANCE. COMMIT. 2013 Annual Report Disclosure Statement Gifts to political action committees are not tax deductible. Contributions to CRNA-PAC are for political purposes. All contributions to CRNA-PAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute witho ut reprisal. The guidelines are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest and the association will not favor or disadvantage you by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. Federal law requires CRNA-PAC to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. I am a US Citizen. CRNA-PAC 2013 Annual Report | 26 | Disclosure Statement