Sharperlight 2.10 Advanced Training Manual Print v1_1_1


Sharperlight 2.10 Advanced Training Manual Print v1_1_1
Sharperlight 2.9
Advanced Training Manual
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Published by phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners
Printed: March 2014
Document Version: 1.1.1
Disclaimer: The information in this document remains the current view of phiLight Software International Pty
Ltd and is subject to change without notice. This position is due to changing market conditions and should
not be interpreted as a commitment to the correct operation of any technology or product contained
This document is intended as information only and phiLight Software International Pty Ltd makes no
warranties, express or implied as to the information in this document.
All rights reserved.
The copyright of this document and the computer software described herein and provided herewith are the
property of phiLight Software International Pty Ltd. No part of this publication or the computer software
may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or
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WA 6065
Table of Contents
Part I Introduction
1 Terminology
................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Audience
................................................................................................................................... 7
Part II Query
1 Filter
................................................................................................................................... 9
Sub Query
......................................................................................................................................................... 9
2 Output
................................................................................................................................... 10
......................................................................................................................................................... 11
.................................................................................................................................................. 11
Drill Link
......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Drill Through
......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Part III Excel Add-in
1 Writeback
................................................................................................................................... 20
Part IV Customisation
1 Custom
2 Custom
3 Custom
Part V Publisher
1 Report
................................................................................................................................... 36
......................................................................................................................................................... 37
and Styles
Part VI Command Line
1 File
2 Published
Part VII Scheduling
Part VIII .NET Data Provider
Server Reporting Services
SQL .........................................................................................................................................................
Server Business Intelligence Development Studio
2 Report
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
This document explains some of the advanced functionality in Sharperlight. Whilst some of the
topics are for power users and technical analysts, many are within the reach of end-users who just
want a richer user experience.
Most application databases consist of tables, views and complex interrelationships. The
Sharperlight Datamodel takes these building blocks and exposes them in a structure and layout that
can be more easily navigated and consumed by end-users.
The control logic in a Datamodel can adapt to the configuration of the underlying application
database, so the user experience is closely aligned to labelling, logic and fields available in the
source system. For example, if the source system can re-label the transaction date fields to reflect
the installation and client terminology, then the control logic in a Datamodel can read in these
customizations and display then in the Sharperlight field selection list.
The Sharperlight Query Engine interprets the structure of a Datamodel and automates the control
logic in the Datamodel. Working together the Query Engine and the Datamodel can handle complex
requirements ranging from record level security, to supporting multiple database platforms,
complex runtime calculations and version control logic, that allows backward compatibility of
legacy application databases.
One of the key ways Sharperlight differentiates itself from other ad-hoc reporting technologies is its
ability to Writeback structured data from within Microsoft Excel® to an application database, API or
web service. Writebacks are formulated within a Datamodel and it is the decision of the Datamodel
author how the Writeback will work and how it is controlled. Sharperlight has a generic Writeback
form that simplifies the selection of feeder cell ranges and it allows Writeback templates to be
saved and reused.
.NET Data Provider
Rather than relying on the legacy ODBC connection types and drivers, Microsoft promotes its own
connectivity layer called .NET Data Providers. In essence, these Data Providers handle all the
database interaction but they are easier to develop and maintain by .NET programmers. To allow
close integration with Microsoft Enterprise technologies, the Sharperlight .NET Data Provider is a
standard component that is automatically configured during the install process to work with SQL
Server Reporting Services® and SQL Server Integration Services®.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
This manual covers the advanced concepts and features in Sharperlight. Prior attendance at a
standard training course is advised because this manual assumes familiarity with Sharperlight
The screen images and practical exercises in this manual, may be different to the Datamodels that
the user audience plans to work with. Even with these differences the concepts and functionality
documented in this manual are applicable to all Sharperlight users.
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Sub Query
The concept of a Sub Query applies to both Query Outputs and Filters. With a Filter the Sub Query
can either restrict the records return in the query or it can restrict the items in the lookup dialog or
it can do both. To access the Sub Query interface, use the Attributes tab in a fields filter options.
The Sub Query only affects the selected field and if a Sub Query already exists, it will display an Edit
Sub Query and Delete button rather than a Create Sub Query button.
Filter Attributes - Sub Query
A Sub Query on a filter uses the same naming concept available with an output Sub Query.
Therefore named filters in the parent query can be used to restrict the child query. The first field in
the Output pane in the Sub Query becomes the filter list that gets past into the filter IN clause or
into the lookup query.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Sub Query - Query Builder - Filter Sub Query
Filter based on Sub Query
Filter uses Sub Query values and
no lookup is displayed
The first column in the Sub Query will become the input
stream for an <in> clause in the parent query. Thus the Sub
Query will restrict the parent query but the filter will not
display a lookup dialog.
Sub Query is used for Lookup value
Sub Query will restrict the available values in the lookup
dialog but does not directly affect the parent query.
Sub Query is used for Lookup but
also restricts values
Sub Query will restrict both the available values in the
lookup dialog and these restrictions will also be applied to
the parent query.
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Output Expressions provide a means of manipulating and calculating output fields. These
Expressions have their own .NET calculation engine integrated into the Sharperlight query engine.
Expressions are visually differentiated from other output items by have a blue calculator icon.
Output Expressions
Expressions are often used for mathematical, string and date calculations, however it also allows
data manipulation like sorting, formatting and event driven logic. Email distribution is a simple event
that can be triggered by the execution of a query. The Send Email functions can send an email
message for each row in a query whilst the Send Report functions, send a single email with the
query contents enclosed in the email message.
The syntax for each email function is relatively similar, each starts with the from email address, then
the to email address, followed by a subject line and the message body. Output rows, filter values
and system variables can be imbedded in the addresses and message, the values in curly brackets {...
} will be resolved at run-time.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Expression - Email Report
To use email messaging the connection details of the outgoing email server need to be configured in
Client Setup. Each Service has its own email details and the Local Connection can have email details
Client Setup - Email
When the query is run in the Web Channel or in Explorer, the email message will be triggered and
distributed to the identified email recipients. Just running the query in Preview does not trigger the
email distribution logic. Normally the email Expression would be hidden because it doesn't return
anything in the report.
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Published Query
The resulting email message can include multiple to addresses and cc addresses. The subject line
can have the extraction time added to the subject heading and the message body can include
hyperlinks back to the Web Channel along with commentary and the enclosed report.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Report Email Received
Drill Link
A Drill Link is a special type of Drilldown where each row in a query is generated with its own unique
query URL address. This Drilldown reference will automate the loading of the Browser Client and
the encrypted row query will then be loaded into Explorer through the browser.
Drill Links provide a simple method of associating Drilldown to a result set where the presentation
layer only supports URL hyperlinks. Common uses of a Drill Links include integrating Drilldowns into
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and it PDF documents.
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Drill Link
Drill Through
There are two distinct types of Drill Through, the first type drills into a related query that has been
constructed using the Query Builder whilst the second type is a link to a URL web address. The Link
Drill Through can be used to load any web address, so it could just as easily access a document
management system, a google search, execute a report in Microsoft Reporting Services or display a
Published Query.
Drill Through Menu
The Link Drill Through allows for a base URL and additional URL parameters, that will be
concatenated to the end of the base URL. The named filters and output fields in the Query Builder
can be injected into the URL address by selecting them using the assist button with three dots or
typing them in directly.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Link URL and Parameters
If a Drill Through Link is going to access the Sharperlight Service, there is a runtime value called
{*Service.Rest.Address} that will resolved the full service address.
Service Address
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Query Unions
Sometimes a query needs to append together different data sets from different tables or products,
or even the same table but with radically different filters and maybe summarised at a different
level. In these diverse circumstances, Query Unions can be used to append together these different
queries and return the combined data set in a single query result.
To use Query Unions start with a normal query that will become the parent to all the other queries.
Then select the Query Unions menu option from the Outputs menu or using the right hand click
menu on the Outputs pane. If a query template contains Query Unions then the Query Unions
button will be displayed above the right hand corner of the Outputs pane.
Query Builder - Query Unions
The Query Unions dialog provides an interface to create additional queries whose results will be
appended to the parent query. There is no limit to the number of Query Unions that can be defined
and provided they all have the same number of output columns and they have the same data types,
then the child queries will be appended to the parent.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Query Unions
The creation of totals for each query union and then their inclusion or exclusion from the query
grand total can be controlled using the Total Options.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Excel Add-in
Sharperlight has a Writeback form available from its Excel Add-in menu that can source worksheet
data and write this data back through a Datamodel to a target system. Datamodel authors decide if
Writebacks will be available in a Datamodel and they control the validate and operation of the
Writeback. The Writeback form simplifies the selection of feeder cell ranges and it allows
Writeback templates to be saved and reused.
The Writeback form is accessed through the Solutions entry in the Sharperlight Excel Add-in menu
and it will display the Solutions dialog. To open the Writeback form use the Writeback node below
the relevant Datamodel. The Writeback form can handle different connection services and
Superfield values; the destination table is selected using the Table lookup or an already saved
Writeback template can be opened and reused.
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Excel Add-in
To map the fields to the underlying worksheet in Excel, select a field in the Fields tab, then select the
corresponding range or starting table column in the underlying workbook. Return to the field row in
the Writeback form and right hand click to display the Fields menu. When referencing the source
cells the menu can assist with absolute and relative referencing, however, if the cell reference is
part of a table the user will be prompted if they want to autobind the table to the Writeback.
Autobinding will match the column titles to the field names and only reference table columns where
they are the same.
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Fields Menu
Table references use the format TableName[ColumnName] whilst cell references use traditional
the column and row syntax. The use of Excel Tables and table autobinding has the advantage of
speeding up the field mapping process and table columns can be added and moved around without
affecting the operation of the Writeback.
Field References
When defining the Writeback, one field needs to allocated as the Driver field. This field has special
significance because it restricts the evaluated range and it has special logic that will skip rows which
have a blank driver field.
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Excel Add-in
During the field referencing stage of a Writeback, the end-user can Preview the records they are
extracting and they can Validate these records against the Writeback definition. If errors are found
in the source records then the Logging dialog will identify these invalid records. If the user double
clicks on the message row in the Logging dialog their cursor in Excel will jump to the related cell
This button will display the Writeback Preview dialog. It
extracts the rows from the worksheet and shows them in
grid view.
This button will display the Logging dialog. Validate
compares the source records with the Writeback definition
in the Datamodel and it verifies that all records are properly
formed and valid.
This button actions the Writeback.
Row and Matrix Styles
Writebacks templates fall into two broad categories, there a row Writebacks where the source
records are listed down the worksheet and there are matrix style Writebacks where records are
referenced from both row and column. In most respects they look similar and they are created the
same way but the matrix style has cell references mapped across columns. The idea being that the
intersection of the rows and columns create a unique row in the Writeback. For example, uploading
budget values for multiple periods is a classic use of the matrix style.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Matrix Writeback
For a matrix Writeback to function it needs the cross-column references to be absolute and the row
and column intersection to be a relative cell reference on the first row. The Driver field will
determine how far down the rows extend.
Matrix Cell References
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Excel Add-in
Macro Button
Within the Writeback dialog, the definition for the Writeback can be named and it then can be
saved into the workbook for future use. Once a Writeback definition is named it can also be
referenced in a macro button that automates the Writeback without having to open the Writeback
Writeback Name
Once the Writeback definition has been named and saved, insert a macro button or a shape onto
the worksheet. Both of these will have an Assign Macro option on their right hand click menu. Open
the Assign Macro dialog and type in the macro mdWriteback. With this macro associated to the
button or shape it will use the objects name to determine the appropriate Writeback to process
when it is left hand mouse clicked. With the object selected, type the name of the Writeback into
the edit box on the left of the formula bar.
Writeback Macro
If the macro button or chart is properly configured, it will process the associated Writeback
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
definition and display the Logging dialog. If their is an error in the records and validation picks it up,
then the Writeback is aborted and the Logging dialog will return the error and the cell reference of
the erroneous value.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
End-users often request site specific modifications and enhancement to a Datamodel. Some of
these requests are fed back into the development process and integrated into future Datamodel
releases. However, some requests are unique to the customer and may not be relevant to the
broader Datamodel audience. Sharperlight can still support and deliver these site specific
customisations through the use of Custom Tables, Custom Fields and Custom Joins.
The customisation of Tables, Fields and Joins means new query objects can be added to an existing
Datamodel and they appear to the end-user, as if they are part of the core Datamodel.The
customisations are maintained separately and they can be export and imported for migration
Note The definitions for Custom Tables, Fields and Joins are stored in the Sharperlight
system database.
Custom Tables
To add or edit a Custom Table use the right hand click menu on the Table filter and select Custom
Custom Tables
The Custom Tables main form is a list view of all the existing Custom Tables available for the site.
Using the list view right hand click menu new Custom Tables can be created, existing ones cloned
and the table definitions can be saved to and loaded from files. To edit a Custom Table double click
on the relevant row and it will be displayed in the Custom Table editor.
Custom Tables List
Each Custom Table has a unique code that differentiates it from existing tables in a Datamodel. The
display location of the Custom Table in the Table Tree can be specified in the General tab of the
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Custom Table editor. The default location for a Custom Table is in Custom folder but a table can be
located anywhere in the table tree of the parent Datamodel.
Custom Table - General
The Table Details tab contains the table structure with fields, joins and folders. The table and every
field has additional configuration settings available in the right hand side properties pane. Users
familiar with the Sharperlight Studio will notice the similarities between the Table Details tab and
the Table layout in the Studio, they use the same controls and design interface.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Custom Table - Table Details
The Processes tab is a different interface to what exists in the Studio but it works the same way,
allowing scripting and control logic to assist and manage the operation of the Custom Table. For
example, a Custom Table could be based on a temporary table that is populated by a stored
procedure, the steps to drop, create and insert records into the temporary table could all be
initiated from the Processes tab.
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Custom Table - Processes
Adding a New Custom Table
To create a Custom Table select the New item from the list view right hand click menu. The first
dialog to appear is the Product (Datamodel) dialog. Every Custom Table is associated a single
Datamodel and this customisation is merged at run-time into the related Datamodel. Select the
Datamodel where the new Custom Table will appear.
The next dialog will control whether the Custom Table is created based on an existing SQL or MDX
statement. With a query statement the fields in the table will be automatically generated, without a
query statement the user will have to create the table structure from scratch. It is generally better
to generate the Custom Table using a query statement.
New Table based on SQL Statement
If the user selects YES in the New Table dialog then the Create Custom Table dialog will be
displayed. Copy and paste the prepared SQL query statement into the entry pane. Select OK and the
Custom Table will be created with a structure modelled on the prepared SQL statement.
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Create Custom Table based on SQL Statement
Custom Fields
Custom Fields can be added to Datamodel tables and they then become available to all users. These
fields are displayed with a purple description to differentiate them from the native Datamodel
fields. To add or edit a Custom Field use the right hand mouse click menu in the Selection pane.
Custom Fields
Custom Fields need a valid SQL query statement to work, they can combine fixed values, case
statements and include calculations based on other tables.
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Custom Field Dialog
Custom Joins
Custom Joins add a join folder to the selected table. These joins can be between existing tables in
the Datamodel or with Custom Tables. Care needs to be given when constructing the SQL Join
clause, it must be a valid SQL join statement and it must also be logical because an erroneous join
clause can fundamentally change the context of a query.
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Custom Join Dialog
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
The Report tab in Publisher controls how filters behave and the default web content type. The
Report tab also has a layout dialog that can control how multiple publisher queries can be displayed
together and it supports HTML control for presentation and content delivery. In the illustration
below, three published queries are used to create a main landing page or home page.
The header section is a published query called System.HomeMain. It has a layout that refers to the
individual tabs and it has a custom HTML header with logos, title and the active login details. The
middle and footer section is a published query called System.HomeMenu. It uses a query to list and
shortcut too various published query groups. The footer section is a HTML reference to site
information and another logo. The Info tab in the middle section is another published query that
returns a Custom HTML page that contains some simple help topics.
Custom Home Page
The System Datamodel in Sharperlight allows queries to be created that return lists of published
queries. With minimum effort these query lists can become a navigation page for accessing these
published queries. The addition of a tabbed layout and custom HTML can very quickly create a
professional home page.
Publisher - Home Page - Published Queries
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The illustration below displays the Report tab for a published query called System.HomeMain. Note
that the Layout option is enabled along with the Custom Header. Selecting the Edit button in the
Layout group will display the Layout dialog.
Publisher - Report
The Report Layout dialog supports a Tab and Dashboard presentation style. Tabs can orientate to
the top, bottom, left and right of the resulting web page. The Dashboard style allows for a
configurable number of columns and the nominated reports become stacked across the available
The illustration below refers multiple times to the same System.HomeMenu query, with the Tab
style each nominated reporting group becomes a separate tab. Note that the Tab Tile provides a
user friendly label for the tab and the URL Parameters are passed through to the associated query
and become filters.
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Publisher - Report Layout
The URL Parameters in the Layout Dialog can be used to filter the associated query. For this to work
the lookup filter in the associated query needs to named and then the URL Parameter references
this name and the input value. For example, in the illustration about it uses &fltModule=MYOBEXO
and this becomes the filter value for the Group filter in the query below because the Group filter has
been named Module.
Published Query
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HTML and Styles
The Web Channel renders web content in HTML 4 and additional HTML content can be added
through the Report tab.
Custom Header
In the Custom Styles group in the Report tab there is a Custom Header option and an Edit dialog.
Standard HTML can be added to the header and it can reference content stored in a Datamodel.
Custom Header
Custom Footer
The Custom Footer option is in the Custom Styles group on the Report tab.
Custom Footer
Custom HTML
The Custom HTML option in the Report tab allows for a full web page to be included and delivered
through the Web Channel.
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Custom HTML
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Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Command Line
The main runtime application for Sharperlight is an executable named md.application.exe and it is
located in the Sharperlight installation bin folder. This application has several command line options
that allow it to execute queries, output file formats and distribute email content. The command line
options can execute query templates stored in a file system and they can execute the published
queries from Publisher.
Running a query from the command line does not support a native login and password, therefore
windows authenticated security needs to be implemented for the Sharperlight Instance and a valid
windows login created in Site Setup.
File Query
The syntax for executing a file query template is outlined below. In normal circumstances the path
to the md.Applications.exe will need to be fully quoted with the complete directory path to the
executable. For example, "C:\Program Files\phiLight\Sharperlight\bin\md.Applications.exe" /
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "queryfilename"
"<optionaloutputfilename>" "filter:name=value" "filter:name2=value"
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "C:\QueryTemplates\Sample1.xml" "C:
The query engine will use the output file name extension to determine the output file format. The
supported output file formats include CSV, TXT, HTML and XML. If the query engine cannot
recognise the file format it will default to CSV. To allow a unique naming convention with each
generated file, the output file name can include these runtime variables {_DateTime}, {_Date} and
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "C:\QueryTemplates\Sample1.xml" "C:
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "C:\QueryTemplates\Sample1.xml" "C:
The default query filter values will be used in the execution of the query unless they have been
reassigned using command line filter options.
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "C:\QueryTemplates\Sample1.xml" "C:
\Sample1-{_DateTime}.html" "filter:Company=MBR LTD"
"filter:Period=2010/001" filter:Period2=2010/010"
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Command Line
Published Query
The syntax for executing a Published Query is similar to a file query but it needs the direction
command to look in Publisher for the query code .
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "publisher:group.code"
"<optionaloutputfilename>" "filter:name=value" "filter:name2=value"
md.Applications.exe /queryexecute "publisher:GL.ProfitLoss" "C:
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Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight uses the Windows Task Scheduler and the command line options to the
md.application.exe to automate the generation of output formats and allow the regular distribution
of report content via email. The preferred output format is defined in the command line and the
email distribution is configured in the query using an Output Expression. See the sections in the this
manual that refer to Query Output Expressions and the Command Line Options.
To open the Task Scheduler navigate through Control Panel into Administrative Tools and Task
Scheduler is available there. The creation of scheduled task is very easy to do and it is worth using
the Create Basic Task Wizard (select the Create Basic Task from the Actions pane).
Windows Task Scheduler
Using the Create Basic Task Wizard, give the task a name and select Next to move into the Trigger
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Task Create
In the Task Trigger dialog select the frequency for the task or the initiating event. Depending on the
Trigger the next dialog will provide scheduling and automation options appropriate to the trigger.
Task Trigger
In the Action dialog accept the default "Start a program" and then in the Start a Program dialog use
the Browse button to navigate and select the md.applications.exe in the Sharperlight installation bin
directory. Then add the arguments which will control the execution of the Published Query. For
example, the arguments /queryexecute "publisher:MYOBEXO.Q02220336" "C:
\Output_MYOBEXO_Q02220336.html" will execute the Published Query MYOBEXO.Q02220336 and
it will output a html version of the queried report.
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Task Action
The last dialog in the Task Wizard provides a brief summary and the ability to open the full
properties dialog of the task when Finish is clicked. This will be necessary to configure the windows
user account that executes the query.
Task Finish
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.NET Data Provider
.NET Data Provider
Sharperlight includes a .NET Data Provider that allows .NET technologies to consume Sharperlight
SQL Server Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) uses the term Custom Data Providers to describe
how it can use .NET Data Providers as a data source for reporting content. Its report design studio
also supports Custom Designer Extensions, so third party query interfaces can be used within SQL
Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). When Sharperlight is installed on a
computer that has SQL Reporting Services, the installation process will configure the Sharperlight
.NET Data Provider to work with SSRS and it will configure the Query Builder to be available in BIDS
as a query designer.
SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio
BIDS is the development environment for designing and deploying SQL Server Reporting Services
reports. The Studio uses the concept of report projects where multiple reports are constructed
together and they can then all share the same data sources. These shared data sources are then
used to populate report data sets. When the reports are deployed to the report web service, the
shared data sources are create at the same time.
BIDS - Report Designer
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If Sharperlight is installed on a SQL Server Reporting Server then the Sharperlight Data Provider will
be an available data source type in BIDS and in the reporting web service. This Data Provider
supports both windows authentication and a Sharperlight login. Rather than hardcoding the login or
prompting for credentials each time, it is generally easier to use windows authentication.
Note The Sharperlight Data Provider supports multiple releases of SQL Server including
2005, 2008 and 2008 R2.
Shared Data Source - Sharperlight Data Provider
The design process for creating a Reporting Services report with the Sharperlight Data Provider is
similar to constructing a report with any other connection type. However, the Sharperlight Data
Provider provides all the advantages of a unified data abstraction layer and and the Query Builder
becomes the query designer in BIDS. So queries can be prototyped by end-users and then sent to
report developers for layout, this can significantly reduce development timeframes.
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.NET Data Provider
Query Designer
To add a Sharperlight Dataset to a report, open the Dataset Properties dialog from the Report Data
pane. From within this dialog, select or create a data source that uses the Sharperlight Data
Provider and the Query Designer wizard will display the Query Builder. On an existing Dataset that
uses the Sharperlight Data Provider, the developer can easily display the Query Builder by right hand
clicking on the Dataset name and selecting the Query menu item.
Dataset Properties
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Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
SQL Server Reporting Services uses parameters to filter datasets. The Query Builder supports the
use of parameters by exposing named filters as parameter names. So in the illustration below the
parameter value from and to are mapped to the named filters in the Query Builder.
Dataset Parameters
To further enrich the user experience of using Sharperlight with SQL Server Reporting Services, the
ad-hoc drilldown interfaces that are available with Sharperlight can be accessed within SSRS. This
functionality uses the Go To URL Action available in the BIDS report designer and Sharperlight can
pass it a unique web address that combines the browser client interface for Explorer and it
encapsulates the query definition and row context. Explorer will then open the query and prompt
the user for the fields they want to use for analysis.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
.NET Data Provider
Drill Link
To create the unique drilldown web address, use the Outputs menu and select Add Drill Link. This
will generate a new output field called Drilldown. In the BIDS report designer open the relevant field
data properties, selection the Action settings and use Go To URL to associate the Drilldown field
from the Query Builder. Refer to the section on Report Manager to see how the Drilldown works
within the Report Manager website.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Go To Action
Report Manager
The SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio is used to create reports but to make
them available to a wider audience they need to be deployed to a SQL Server Report Server. This
Report Server provides a web service with a web browser based Report Manager for scheduling,
running, printing and exporting reports.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
.NET Data Provider
Report Manager
The Sharperlight Data Provider can delivery datasets that populate parameter selection lists, as well
as the report content.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Report View
If a Drilldown web address has been added to a Go To URL Action then the end-user will notice that
when they hover over this field or chart series, it will display the related web address in the browser
status line. Selecting the field or chart series will load in the browser the Sharperlight web client and
it will open the Explorer Drilldown Output Fields dialog.
Go To URL Action - Drilldown
Explorer in a browser has exactly the same interface experienced by desktop users, except it uses a
click-once installation that avoids the need for a desktop Sharperlight installation.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
.NET Data Provider
Drilldown Output Fields
When using the Sharperlight Drilldown in Reporting Services it sometimes better to open another
browser window so the end-user can quickly navigate back to the source report.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Report Builder
Report Builder (RB) is a simpler MS Office like report designer and runtime viewer of SSRS reports. It
doesn't support Custom Data Providers directly but it will use the Sharperlight Data Provider if a
report uses a shared data source accessible on the Report Server. So end-users can open reports
from the Report Server, modify them and run them within Report Builder.
Note Report Builder has two deployment types, it can be run as a click-once application in
the SQL Report Services Report Manager or it can be installed with a stand-alone
desktop installer.
Open Report
Report Builder does not support Custom Designer Extensions, so if the Query Designer is opened for
a dataset it will error with the message "An error occurred while connecting to data source... Only
the text-based query designer will be available" and it will then display the Sharperlight XML query in
the Query Designer text pane.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
.NET Data Provider
Report Design
The Home menu and ribbon has the main formatting controls in Report Builder whilst the Insert
menu has wizards that can add a Table, Matrix, Chart and drawing objects. To Run the report, select
the Run icon on the Home ribbon.
Report Run
When running a report in Report Builder it uses the shared data source on the Report Server to
extract the report data.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Report Viewer
Using the Sharperlight Data Provider with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is a good idea for
existing SSRS customers because they can leverage their existing skills and investment. However, for
customers who do not want a Microsoft Reporting Server, they can still use the BIDS report
designer to author reports and then consumed directly in Sharperlight.
The standard desktop installation of Sharperlight includes a Microsoft Report Viewer control that
handles the rendering and viewing of reports that are in the Microsoft Report Definition Language
(RDL) layout. To make these report files accessible they need to be included in a Datamodel and
linked to a Solutions menu.
Note The Microsoft Report Viewer control included with the Sharperlight will only work with
Report Definition Language files that use the SSRS 2008 RDL schema. These reports
definition files can be authored in the report development studio available with SQL
Server 2008 Express with Advance Services.
End-users run these RDL reports by selecting a report item from the Solutions menu and then the
report definition will be loaded from the Datamodel into the local report viewer. This viewer will
prompt for report parameters and then the report can be executed using the green run button. The
rendered report has the same selection and output controls that are available in the Report
Manager web interface. The viewer also supports Go To URL Actions, so Drill Links can be used for
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
.NET Data Provider
Report Viewer
To make an RDL report file available to end-users, use the Include Files menu in the Studio. The RDL
file will be copied from its source directly and loaded into the Datamodel.
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
Studio - Include Files
After including the RDL file in the Datamodel, use the Solutions menu to organize how the reports
will be displayed.
Studio - Solutions
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
.NET Data Provider
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
Sharperlight 2.9 Advanced Training Manual
-..NET Data Provider
Report Viewer 60
SQL Server Business Intelligence Development
Studio 49
-CCommand Line 42
Customization 28
Custom Fields 32
Custom Joins 33
Custom Tables 28
-DDrill Link 14
Drill Through
Link 15
-QQuery Unions
-WWriteback 20
Macro Button
Copyright 2010-2014 phiLight Software International Pty Ltd
Simplified Intelligence
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