Be the Difference. - Cumberland Presbyterian Children`s Home
Be the Difference. - Cumberland Presbyterian Children`s Home
Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home Be the Difference. 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Partners in Service, Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home has been serving children and their families for more than 100 years. We at Cumberland are grateful for your prayers, your contributions, your time and talent, and your passion to give us the resources we need to make a safe and nurturing place for children and families who have been abused or neglected. Once you hear the stories about lives changed and hope renewed, you begin to get a sense of the good that our partnership in service has made. The year 2012 brought some obvious growth to our service programs: • In July, the Emergency Shelter opened and served 25 residents before year’s end. • The Still Waters Single Parent Family Program served a family in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, beginning Cumberland’s vision to replicate its programs. Rev. Richard A. Brown, L.C.C.A. President, CEO & General Counsel • Three full-time therapists were added to the staff of Cumberland Family Services. Our capacity to serve our own residents has grown, and we are better able to provide counseling to the community. We continue to look around us at the needs of a hurting world. True to our history, we respond to those needs with the resources at hand, but we dream of expanding to meet the needs of more at-risk children and families. Thank you for your help and generosity. You are vital partners in our work and ministry. Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home, in response to Christ’s love and example, serves children and families by providing healing and hope. In gratitude Thank you for all you do, Rev. Richard A. Brown, L.C.C.A. President, CEO & General Counsel Kay Goodman Board President Kay Goodman Board President A FINAL NOTE: At their September 2013 Board meeting, trustees heard the results of an intensive national search and elevated the Rev. Richard Brown from acting President/CEO to permanence in that position. Congratulations, Rev. Brown. 3 2012 HIGHLIGHTS Children’s Residential and Emergency Shelter Single Parent Family Family Services Cumberland’s Single Parent Family Cumberland Cumberland’s Children’s Residential program promotes family self-sufficiency Family Services by working to address the need for addresses strength-focused, goal-oriented the need for transitional housing for vulnerable adult affordable, single parents and their children. high-quality and Shelter program provides high-quality, strength-focused residential care for children and teens that have Since 1904, Cumberland RESIDENTIAL CARE Presbyterian Children’s Home has Through no fault of their own, some children, had a proud history of offering healing and hope to vulnerable adolescents and families need safe shelter to their lives. Cumberland offers residential care opened in 2012. Within the first five Located in Denton, Texas, since as single-parent families. Emergency shelter 1932, we believe in helping our is also now available at Cumberland. clients identify their strengths and NON-RESIDENTIAL CARE build on them. They develop the Families throughout the North Texas community benefit from Cumberland’s extensive offerings of parenting classes and counseling. Children, teens and families are stronger because of the information and guidance they receive through Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home. 4 Protective Services. The Emergency Shelter for Children to vulnerable children, ages 5-17, as well to the challenges of life. the Texas Department of Family and protect them from harm, and support to rebuild children, teens and families. tools they need to find solutions been removed from their homes by In response to Christ’s love and example, we serve children and families by providing healing and hope. months, the shelter served 25 children. Cumberland served 72 children in the residential program, and their behavior scores were 25% better than the clinical population of teens in Texas. Beginning in the fall of 2012, a stronger alliance was formed with social service specialists in the Denton Independent School District, a partnership which gives Cumberland served 15 single parents and 25 children in the program. 9 out of 10 were employed during their stay, and 75% reported having a saving account. Cumberland evaluated 88 service plans, and saw a 33% increase in financial goals from the past two years. marriage- and family-related education and counseling for the community at large. Cumberland Family Services Counseling Center officially opened. Cumberland served 76 children, families and community clients in counseling, 189 parents in our Love & LogicTM parenting classes, and took 556 in-take calls. There was a 67% increase in counseling services from 2010. on-going supportive communication for 9 out of 10 said their emotional health our school-age residents. and well-being had improved. 5 Financials 2012 Donors For the year ended December 31, 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Cash held for children (children’s account) Due from Board of Stewardship Land, buildings and equipment, net Other receivables Prepaid expenses Other long-term investments TOTAL ASSETS REVENUES, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT $ 968,463 7,621 20,914 4,331,375 40,741 55,024 10,486,638 $15,910,776 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Due to children (from children’s account) TOTAL LIABILITIES $56,592 7,621 64,213 NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted 9,105,469 23,872 6,717,222 TOTAL NET ASSETS 15,846,563 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 6 Donations made from January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 $15,910,776 Audit by: Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn & Seay - Certified Public Accountants Contributions and grants CPS revenue Other program fees Denominational support Income on long-term investments Oil and gas royalties Realized gains on investments UNREALIZED GAINS ON INVESTMENTS Special eents Rents Other Subtotal Net assets released from Restrictions Total Revenue, Gains and Other Support $ 1,122,056 $366,575 $67,366 72,553 194,795 10,777 422,284 229,075 6,746 31,301 1,630 2,525,158 2,525,158 EXPENSES Program services: Residential child care Family services/Single parent family Management and general Fundraising Total Expenses 1,378,699 488,957 155,981 98,378 2,122,015 Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year 403,143 15,443,420 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR 15,846,563 A to Z Hydraulics, LLC Adamson, Nathan Daniel Addington, Roberta M. Aden, Elizabeth Akin, Billye Akridge, Charles & Nona Dean Alexander, Jackie Alexander, Meredith Alexander, Merlyn & Joann Algood CP Women’s Ministry Allen, James Lee Allsboro CP Church Almquist, Arne & Sharon J. American Eagle H.O.G.#1147 American Legion Post #321 Anderson, Larry & Mary Anderson, Miles & Harlene E. Angel Academy Anonymous Donor Antioch CP Church Appleton CP Women’s Ministry Arnold, Rebecca & J. Ash Hill CP Women’s Ministry Ashby, Larry & Gail M. Ashley, Roberta Atwood CP Church Austin, John P. Bailey, Ben & Vera Baker, Hope Baker, Philip Baldwin Chapel CP Church & Women’s Ministry Banks CP Church Barren Fork CP Women’s Ministry Barron, Lee Barron, William L. Barry, Ida C. Barthold, Evelyn Bartlett, Jana Bartow CP Church Bartow CP Women’s Ministry Bartzen, Bernard Bates Hill Adult Bible Class 2 Bates Hill Missionary Women Bates Hill Women’s Club Bazan, Diana Beard, Cynthia Beasley, Jim & Brenda Beech CP Nite Lites Circle Belcher, Timothy Bell, Karen Benedict, Ethel Beal Berger, Edna M. Bernice I Personnett Trust Berry, June & Wilkes Bertram CP Women’s Ministry Bertram Running Circles Bible Study Group Bethany Bible Class/ 1st CP Church Bethany CP Church Big Cove CP Church Big Cove CP Church/ Senior Adult SS Class Black, Jean Black, Robert & Jane O. Blanchard, Irvin & Betty L. Boiling Springs CP Church Bolivar CP Church Bolivar CP Women’s Ministry Booker, Grady L. Booneville CP Church Borders, Monte Borge, Geri & Rich Bouldin, Freda Bourland, Mark & Lynda Bowden, Arnold Bowling, Hank Box, Stefanie Bradford CP Women’s Ministry Bradshaw, Charla Brady, William & Linda E. Brake, Delmas & Barbara Bramlett, Janice W. Brashear, Joy Brenthaven Willing Workers Class Brewer, Robert G. Briggs, Connie Briscoe, Richard Brittian, David Brooks, Martha & John Burd Brower, Carl Brown, Cindy & Richard Buckley, Ella Builders Class Bundy, Hoyte & Margie W. Bungalow Class, 1st United Meth. Burch, Norma Burk, Joyce Jordan Burnt Prairie CP Church Burrows, Arthur L. Busby, David Buscarino, Michael Bush, W. Gail & Linda Bushman, John & Carol M. Butler, Katie Best Buttery, Howard Bynum, Ronald & Nancy H. Cai, Tung & Dana H. Cairo CP Church Calico Rock CP Women’s Ministry Calvert, Alan Calvert, Tommy & Brenda D. Camp Ground CP Church Camp Ground CP Church Camp, Nancy Campbell, Gordon Campbell, M. L. & Julia Campbell, Randolph & Diana B. Campbellsville CP Women’s Ministry Campground CP Church Campground Cumberland Presbyterian Church Card, Roy & Virginia T. Carota, AP Carr, Melvin Carter, Arthur & Kimberly H. Carter, Melissa Carter, Patricia & Freddie Carter, William & Bruce C. Casey CP Church Casey Fork CP Church Cassell, Fred W. Catlett, Mary Alma Caulksville CP Women’s Ministry Caulksville CP Young at Heart Class Causseaux, Jon Causseaux, Rae Cavnar, Alva Cedar Hill CP Church Cedar Hill CPC/ Sue-Ella-Anne Circle Cedar Springs CP Church Chambers, Aubrey Chandler CP Church Chapel Hill CP Church Chapel Hill CP Women’s Ministry Chappell, Carol S. Charlotte CP Church Chattanooga CP Women’s Ministry Chicone, Carde and Chicone Chrisman, Doyle E. Christ CP Church Christian Service Center, Inc. Circle R Ranch Clark’s Grove CP Church Clark, Frances S. Clark, Walton Clarksville CP Women’s Ministry Clifton Mills CP Women’s Ministry Cloyd’s Young Adult/ Friendship Class Clyne, Douglas Cobb, Herb & Jane Coffey, Susie & John Coker CP Women’s Ministry Cole, Lyman & Anne Cole, Thomas Collins, Kenneth Collins, William & Carol M. Columbus CP Women’s Ministry Circle #2 Columbus Ladies Aid Society Comeans, Kenneth Commerce CP Church Commerce CP Women’s Ministry Community Pharmacy Concord CP Church Concord CP Church Condon, Thomas & Verna W. Conklin, James C. Cook, Herb Cookeville CP Women’s Ministry Cookeville CPC Upper Room Church School Class Cool Springs CP Church Cooper, Lloyd Gene Corbin, Eric & Kristi Scott Corley, Nancy Cornelius, William & Stacy L. Costco Wholesale Counts, Raymond & Pat E. Covenant CP Church Covenant CP Women’s Ministry Cowan CP Church Coward, Carolyn CP Women’s Ministry Project CPW Green’s Chapel Church Craig, Thomas & Kathryn J. Crain, Charles E. Cramer, Bryan Crandall, John Craver, Amanda Crawford, John & Marion M. Crews, James & Susan K. Crooks, Alvin & Betty B. Crowell, Doris & Richard A. Crutcher, Jacqulyn Cullen Johnson Equipment Culp, Betty and Ralph 7 Donors (continued) Cumberland Valley CP Church VBS Cumberland Valley CP Women’s Ministry Cunningham, Don Curry, R. & Doris D. Daniel, Jeana R. Darby, Denny C. DATCU Davidson Chapel CP Church Davidson, Jan Davidson, Randy Davis, Eugenia Bodenhamer Davis, Floyd & Joanne Don Davis, Jeff Davis, Kenneth Davis, Threta Day, William S. Dean, David & Deborah R. Dean, Richard & Carol P. Deardorff, Larry Delta Sigma Phi - UNT Chapter Demaret, Derek Denman, L. C. Denton Air Fair Inc. Denton Benefit League Denton Charity Mudbug Boil Denton Community Theatre & Pied Piper Players Denton CP Women’s Ministry Denton Order Of The Eastern Star Denton Wood Floors Outlet Desert Gardens CP Church Dickerson, Mary Dickson CP Women’s Ministry Dilworth CP Church Donelson Sam Langford SS Class Double Springs CP Church 8 Double Springs CP Women’s Ministry Dougherty, Dorothy Downs, John H. Dresden CP Church Driver, Mary Dry Fork CP Church Dyer CP Church Dyersburg CP Lydia Circle Dyersburg Daystar Circle E. T. Allen CP Church Eagle Point Marina East Gadsden CP Women’s Ministry East Point CP Church Eastlake Church Ebenezer CP Church Edburg, Rusaline C. Edwards, Andrea Edwards, Don eginnings Eidson Chapel CP Church Elliott, Jessica & Derrick Ellis, Bettye & John Ellis, Louise Emerson, Richard & Millicent A. Emis, Glenn & Dorothy W. Employees Of Links Construction and The Martino Group Erb, Harley E. Erin CP Women’s Ministry Errick, Robert Escobedo, Lauren Estate Of Frances Griggs Elizer, The Estate of Ora B. Cody Estate Of Peggy Ann Evans Harbison Estate Of Virginia Ekiss C/o Wood and Mayberry Estate Of Virginia Ross Estes, Robert & Marcia M. Ethel CP CHurch Etter, Andrew B. Eunice Gains Sunday School Class Evans, William & Mattie Fairfield CP Women’s Ministry Fairleigh, Clive Fairview CP Church Fairview CP Church Faith Hopewell CP Women’s Ministry Falls Chapel CP Church Farber, Donna Ferguson, Edmond Blant Ferguson, Judith Fidelis Class C P Church, The First CP Church First CP Church First CP Church First CP Church - McKenzie First CP Church/Columbia First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Of Denton Flat Lick CP Women’s Ministry Flat Lick CP Church Florence CP Women’s Ministry Floyd, Jackie Fomby CP Church Ford, John H. Foreman, Glenda Forester, Edna G. Forester, Willie Mae Forrest Avenue CP Church Forrest Avenue CP Women’s Ministry Fowler, Jerry Fowler, Mike & Diane Francy, Allison T. Frazier, Mary Alice Fredonia CP Women’s Ministry Freedom CP Church Freeman, Mahlon & Marcia French, Robin Frisby, Jack & Patrice S. Frisby, James & Gail Frye, Clarence & Norma E. Fryer, Don and Ruth Fuller, Julie & Jerry Pazdral Fullerton CP Church Fulton CP Women’s Ministry (South) Gaither, Rita Siler Gallivan, Phil & Diane Galloway, Billie Gam, John & Pamela Gamble, Rick Garden Culture Club, The Garner, Allison Gewin, Paul & Mildred E. Gifford Spring Company Gifford, Ralph & Jan W. Gilbert, Freda Giles, Charles & Sylvia O. Gladys Nichols Trust Glasgow “The Christian Way” Class Glasgow Mildred Gore/Willing Workers Class Glasscock, Elbert Gleaners’ Sunday School Class Glencoe CP Church Glencoe CP Faith in Deed Circle Glencoe CP Women’s Ministry Godwin, John & Stacy K. Gomer, Stanley Good Prospect CP Church Good, Roberta Goode, Jerry & Heather K. Goodlettsville CP Church Goodlettsville CP Circle No. 2 Goodlettsville CP Circle No. 3 Goodlettsville CPC/Fidelis SS Class Goodman, Donald & Terry C. Goodman, Kay & Robert Goodman, Robert Goodwin, Jerry Goolsby, Lena Gordon, Don Goss, Randy Gouge, Anthony Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church Graceful Girls Club Grant, Dorothy E. Gray, Reba Gray, Stanley & Margaret Greater Lewisville Early Childhood PTA In response to Christ’s love and example, we serve children and families by providing healing and hope. Greenhill Cumberland Presbyterian Church Greenlaw, M. Jean Greenville CP Church Greer, Marie Greer, Sharon Gregory, Mike Griffin, Edward & Glenda Griffin, Karla Gritters, Egbert & Kathryn Gross, Harold Gulley, Vita Gum Springs CP Church Gunter, Carrie Y. Gurley CP Church Hall, Joann Hallman, George A. Haney, Billy & Emma D. Hanson, Michelle & Bert Happy Home CP Church Hardman, Kyle Bayne Harlow, Colby L. Harmon, Carolyn & Richard Harmon, Verlon Harmony CP Adults Class #1 Harmony CP Church Harmony CP Church Harmony CP Women’s Ministry Harper, B. Heath and Melody Harper, Dean & Debbie Harper, Jenna Harrell, Richard & Barbara E. Harris, Rob & Carla Harris, Robert Claude Harris, Tyrone P. Hart, Joe W. Hartmann, Holly Hayes, Joe & Joann T. Hayes, John & Mary W. Hayes, Robert & Cornelia Earl Hayslip, Bert & Gail Heights CP Church Helena CP Church Helm, Jalayn & Dale Helton, Delma L. Hench, William Hendershot, Charles & Dorothy A. Henderson, James & Penelope L. Hendricks, Shirley Henson, Bill & Joan Henson, Kevin Henson, Kevin & Robin R. Herring, Tyler Hershberger, Phillip Hershman, Glen Hester, J. David David Hickel, John Hickman, Gaylon & Joann Highland CPC/Adult Class 1 Hinkle, Patricia A. Hipsher, Jesse W. Hiveley, Dan Hodges, Oleta M. Holl, Susan Holland, Sue Holloway, Barbara Holloway, Dale Holly Grove CP Church Holly Grove CP Church Joy SS Class Holly Grove CPC/Believers Class Holt, Robert & Patricia B. Hood, Jack & Gwen E. Hope Presbyterial CP Women’s Ministry Hope Presbyterian Church Hopewell CP Church Hopewell CP Church Hopewell CP Church (BC) Hopewell CPWM Hopkinsville CP Church Hopper, Thomas & Annette A. Horn, Jim & Mary Houston CP Church Howell CP Church Hubele, Richard & Beverly Huber, Melvin Hudgins, John C. Hudson, Judy Huff, David & Patricia Huffman, Janie T. Huffty, Gene Hunter, Doris Hunter, Tom & Betty Huntsville 1st-Maranatha SS Class Hutchison, Joyce I Care Immaculate Conception Church Ingram, William & Barbara T. Irland, Sue Irving, Christopher & Pamela J. Ivey, Billy & Edna F. Jamison, Larry & Connie Janner, Tony Jasper CP Women’s Ministry Jeannette Eppler Charitable Trust Jeffries, Judy Jeffus, Samuel Jesus Es El Camino CP Church Jim Smith Ranches John H. Guyer High School Johnie Massey Clay Circle/CP Women’s Ministry Johnson, Carole Johnson, Genevie Johnson, Nancy Johnston, Jimmie R. Joins, Brenda Jones, Craig Jones, Ken & Sue Jordan, Collette & Lothrop M. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Kearney, Virgil Kee, Pauline Keeling Turner Keiko Circle Keith, Judy & J.B. Kelly’s Chapel CP Church Kemp, Peggy Kennedy, Samuel & Monica H. Kenton CP Church Kidder, Guy & Opal A. Kim, Yoong & Ann King, James H. Kingwood First Presbyterian Church Kinnaman, Stanley & Cynthia P. Kirkpatrick, J. F. & Jane Kitchens, Sarah Kiwanis Club Klein, Aaron Klein, Dick Knight, Charles & Angelia Knight, Ruby Knox III & Knox, Thomas & Christine M. Koenig, Christina Kremp, John Kuykendall, Doug & Sheri L.A. Nelson Elem/Katie Brown’s 1st Grade Clas Lake Highland Presbyterian Women Lake Highlands CP Women’s Ministry Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church Lancaster, Naomi H. Lance, Donald Landis, Alice S. Lang, Wendell Langford, Chris Langford, Heather Lara, Caroline Booth Lauria, Mary E. Lawrenceburg CP Women’s Ministry Lawrenz, Patty Lawson, James & Carolyn Lebanon CP Church Lebanon CP Women’s Ministry Leese, Alice Leong, Andrew Letson, Ruby Lewisburg CP Church Lewisburg CP Church Lewisburg CP Women’s Ministry Lewisburg First CP Church CPWM Lexington CP Women’s Ministry Liberty CP Church Liberty CP Women’s Ministry Liberty CP Women’s Ministry Lindsay, John Little, George & Joyce D. Little, Jane Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Locust Grove CP Women’s Ministry Long, Patricia Longview CP Women’s Ministry Louder, Christopher S. Louder, Lawrence G. Louder, Ruth Louisville First CP Church Louisville First CP Women’s Ministry Loving, John & Rhonda T. Lowe, Carolyn & Dewayne Lucas, Angela Knauth Lucas, John & Patricia R. Luenser, Debbie Lukert, Mike & Marlene Lusby, Glenna M Unlimited, Inc. Macedonia Ministries Madison CP Women’s Ministry Madison, Lela Madisonville CP Women’s Ministry Maggart, James & Evelyn Edward Magnolia CP Church Magrill, Rose Mary Mahaffey, Charles Malatinsky, Bill Malpica, Kelly Manchester CP Church Mann, Jerry Mansfield CP Church Marietta CP Church Marietta CP Church Marietta CP Church Living Stones Class Mars Hill CP Women’s Ministry Marshall CP Church Marshall CP Women’s Ministry Marshall Gladys Bryson Circle Marshall, Becky Martha Sue Parr 1986 Charitable Trust Martin CP Women’s Ministry Martin, Byron Martin, Gary & Carlotta A. Martin, Paul Martin, Tony & Ann Mary Hawkins Circle Mason Hall CP Church Mason, Ann K. Mason, Davis & Linda G. Mason, Nelle K. Mathews, Louise Mayo, G. & Hazel Ray Mays, George C. McAdoo CP Women’s Ministry McAnulty, R. M. McBride, H.E. McCain, Robert D. McCains CP Church McClelland, Bob McClelland, Jeffrey McCord, Rodney & Pauline G. McCulloch, Rocky McDonald, Helen McDougal, Barbara McKee, Bob McKenzie 1st CP Church Fellowship SS Class McKnight, Richard & Dorinda McLemore, Eugene & Patsy McLeod Chapel CP Church McMacken, Christopher & Charlotte D. Medina CP Church Medley, Tom MedSolutions Memphis CP Beacon-Weigel Bible Class Men’s Club Of Brenthaven Mikeska, Donald C. Miller, David & Helen Miller, James Reed Miller, Roy & Billie Jean Mister Sign Man Mitchell, Barney & Faye 9 Donors (continued) Mitchell, Bobby & Corine R. Mizer, Ramona & Kenneth Monaco, Ruth Moody, D. L. & Martha Moore, James & Kathi Moore, Samuel D. Moreland, Edd Morris, Jimmy T. Morrison, Frank Mosier, Betsy Moyers, James & Sharon & Darren & Melanie Mt. Ararat CP Womens Ministry Mt. Carmel CP Church Mt. Denson CP Bess Miles S.S. Class Mt. Gilead CP Church Mt. Gilead CP Women’s Ministry Mt. Joy CP Church Mt. Joy CP Women’s Ministry Mt. Liberty C. P. Vacation Bible Sch. Mt. Olive CP Church Mt. Olive CP Church Mt. Olivet CP Women’s Ministry Mt. Pleasant C. P. Sunday School Mt. Sharon CP Women’s Ministry Mt. Sharon Seekers Class Mt. Sharon Spares & Pairs Class Mt. Vernon CP Church Mt. Vernon CP Church Mt. Vernon CP Women’s Ministry Mt. Zion CP Church Mt. Zion CP Church Mullinax, Joyce Mulling, Albion & Lucille Murfreesboro CP Women’s Ministry Murphy, Nell 10 Murray, Karen E. Nabors, Panthea P. Naron, Mary Ann Neal’s Chapel CP Church Nebo CPWM Nelson, David & Brenda New Beginnings Circle Marshall CPC New Bethel CP Church New Bethlehem CP Church New Hope CP Church New Hope CP Church New Hope CP Church New Hope CP Church New Hope CP Women’s Ministry New Providence CP Church New Salem Church CPW New Salem CP Church New Salem CP Church-Weakley County Newberry CP Church Newell, Charldean Newkirk, Craig Newton, Ronnie Norman, Maury & Edna A. North Texas Corvette Club North Union CP Church Northminster Presbyterian Church Norton, Bob & Loretta L. O’Malley, Nancy O’Mara, Sheila Oak Forest CP Church Oak Grove Union CP Women’s Ministry Oak Hill CP Church Oak St. Drafthouse Oakland CP Church Oakland CP Church Vacation Bible School Oakmont Ladies Golf Assoc. Odom, Anne Elizabeth Oertel, Darlene & Robert Ogden & Davis, Jane & Al Ogle School Old Time Gospel Church Olive Garden Italian Restaurant One Source Trucking Orahood, Mike Overton, Fred & Rita Owen, Pat Owens, Mona Owensboro CP Church Owensboro CP Women’s Ministry Palestine (HC) CP Church Palmer, L.C. & Billie Palmer, Walter Pappas, Cecile F. Parker, James & Anna Michael Parker, Margaret E. Parker, Pat Parkin, Elane Parrish, Barba Patterson, Jerry & Virginia L. Payless Shoe Source #4140 Peebels, Ronald & Ellen D. Perry, Regina Petersburg CP Women’s Ministry Pettit, Robert C. Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Phillip Young & Associates Phillips, Craig & Janie A. Phillips, Hugh & Jenean E. Phillips, Rodney Piedmont CP Church Piedmont CP Women’s Ministry Pierson CP Church Pine Ridge CP Church Pine Tree CP Women’s Ministry Piney Fork CP Church Pinson, Joe & Sara Plattsmier, Don & Nancy C. Pleasant Grove CP Church Pleasant Grove CP Church Pleasant Hill CP Church Pleasant Mount CP Church Porter, Juanita Porter, Linda Powell, Evelyn Jane Powell, Omer & Josephine T. Prevost, Grady A. Price, Anita Price, Charles & Linda R. Price, Don Pride, Viola M. Protemus CP Women’s Ministry Pryor, Dawn Cheek Pryor, Rick & Shirley Puente, Abel Pugh, Carter Pullen, M. Floreen Qualls, Stanley Randolph, Margaret Ranson, Elva R. Rawlins, Linda P. Reams, Alan Red Bank Alert Bible Class Red Bank CP Women’s Ministry Redden, Ronald Redman, Van & LuAnn Reed, Bobby Reeves, Ben Rettig, Roy Rewerts, Richard Reynolds, Kristin Richardson, Jean Richland CP Church Richmond, Leroy & Janet Riggins, Sue G. Rigler, Steve & Connie Sue L. Robert P. Little SS Class Roberts, B. Garner & Melodye Roberts, Jeanelle Robinson, Bob & Norma Robinson, C. & Cecelia B. Robinson, Carol Jeanne Robinson, Delores Robinson, Robert Rockvale CP Church Rockvale CP Women’s Ministry Rodean, Gertrude O. RoEllen CP Church Rogersville CP Women’s Ministry Rogersville Fooks SS Class Rohlman, Janet Rose Creek CP Women’s Ministry Ross, Anne C. In response to Christ’s love and example, we serve children and families by providing healing and hope. Ross, Joan & Robert C. Roy, Betty & Joseph Rozzell Chapel CP Church Rudy’s Country Store Rush, Olene & Robert Russell, Bettie L. Russell, James & Marcy R. Rustenhaven, William & Dolores “Bill” Sager, Dan & Cindy Saldivar, Joe Sale, Sarah Salem (FC) CP Church Salem CP Women’s Ministry Salerno, Lorelei & Frank Sanabria, Luis Sanders, Myrene Sark, Robert Savannah CP Church/Faith Sunday School Class Sawko & Burroughs Schoolfield, Dudley & Rosemary B. Scott, Frank & Shali H. Scott, Mildred & James K. Scottsboro CP Church Outreach SS Class Scrudder, Norlan & Eleanor “Ellie” Seal, Helen Searcy CP Women’s Ministry Selner, Dennis Serrano, Allen Seymour CP Church Shankle, JoAnne Sharar, Thom Sharon CP Church Sharp, John E. Sharrard, David Shell Chapel Shell, Mickey K. Shelton, Louise Shepard, David & Judith B. Sherman, Judson & Patricia V. Sherman, Robert & Bette F. Shiloh CP Church Shiloh CP Church Shiloh CP Church Shiloh CP Church Shiloh CP Women’s Ministry Shiloh CPWM Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church Shipley, Walter B. Shipman, L. Dee Shipp, Leonard & Doris R. Short Creek CP Church Shorter, Susan Shugert, Richard Simpson, Wilford & Barnita Sims, Frankie Slemmons, Daniel & Marilyn H. Smart, Janice W. Smith, Barry Smith, Charles W. Smith, Dick & Margaret Smith, Elmer & Marie H. Smith, Franklyn Smith, Robert & Jill A. Smith, Sylvia Smartt Smithville CP Women’s Ministry Smithville CPC Snider, Bennie & Joyce Southside Masonic Lodge #1114 Sparks, James Spence, Sharman Spinelli, Michael Spring Creek CP Sunday School Springer, Wilson & Frances Springfield CP Church St. Andrew John Bushman’s Class St. Andrew Presbyterian Church St. Luke CP Church St. Luke Night Shift Women’s Ministry St. Mark CP Women’s Ministry St. Matthew CPC St. Timothy CP Church Stapper, Blake E. Stark, Robert F. Starks, Albert & Lucyndia Stauffacher, Virginia Steam Mill CP Church Steam Mill CP Women’s Ministry Stellar, Debra L. Stephenson, Kimberly Stewart, Jeanne Stewart, Rita & Robert Gail Stone Oak CP Church Stone, Betty & Glen Marie Stonegate CP Church Streater, D A. Strickland, James & Anne Stroup, Clayton Sullivan, Rex Sulphur Springs CP Church Summers, Everett Swabby, Thelma Swain, Cornelia Swan, Nancy Sweeney, Jaime L. Swindle, Sidney & Lita Sykes, Ruth R. Tabor, Don & Cheryl M. Talbott CP Church Tate, Danny Taylor, Danny Taylor, Danny & Sherry Taylor, Joe A. Taylor, Kenneth S. Taylor, Patrick & Janice K. Taylor, Radford Temple, Rick Tetra Pak, Inc. Thetford, Charles & Suzanne E. Thomas, Bill & Janie Thomas, Maurice & Robin Thomas, Wanda Thomason, Toby & Judy E. Thompson, Henry Thompson, Johnnie Thomson, John & Suzanne W. Thorton, Martin Tiede, Tempa & Charles Tilghman, Ramona Tucker Todd, Donald Todd, Virgil H. Tollison, Alicia Tommy’s Hi Tech Auto and Tire Toni & Guy USA Tony Martin Insurance Agency, Inc. Townley, Ashley Trans Canada Travis, Paul Trejo-Todd, Linda Trimble CP Church Trinity CP Church Fidelis SS Classs Trinity Presbyterian Church Trixler, Marguerite Tusculum CP Women’s Ministry Twitty, Cheryl Tyler, J. B. & Ollie Union City CP Women’s Ministry Union City First CP Church Union CP Women’s Ministry Union CPC Union Hill CP Church Union Hill CP Women’s Ministry Union North CP Church United Way Of Denton County Inc. Unity Circle CP Women’s Circle Unkel, Betty L. Valderas, Tony & Linda Vanstory, Mike Varnell, Susan & Barry D. Vaughn’s Chapel CP Church Vaughn’s Chapel Sunday School Veazey, Charles & Sharon O. Vestal, J. Lee Vick, Phillip & Barbara O. Village CP Church Voertman, Paul Walker, Mary & Ron Jane Wallace, Bob & Shirley Wallace, James & Marlene K. Wallace, Stacy Churchwell Walnut Grove CP Church Walnut Grove CP Church Walters, Max Wan, William & Amy W. Watson, Christine Watson, Jane Watson, Mark & Carolyn J. Waverly CP Church Waverly CP Women’s Ministry Wayman, Anita A. Waynesboro CP Church Waynesboro CP Women’s Ministry Weaver, Hoyt Welti CP Church Welti CP Senior Adult Class West Nashville SS Knights Of Honor Class West Tennessee Presbytery Whatley, Peggy J. Whiddon, Henry & Sonya L. White Oak Pond Circle III White Oak Pond CP Circle II White, James & Diana D. White, Pat Whitfield, Grace N. Wilbur, Barbara Wilkerson, Harold T. Wilkerson, J. H. Williamson Community Church Williamson, Charles & Patsy Lee Williamson, Nancy Willing Workers SS Class/Holly Grove CPC Willow Creek CP Church Willow Creek CP Women’s Ministry Wilson, Harley & Bonnie W. Wilson, Melba Wilson, Priscilla C. Wilson, T. L. Wimberley, Alan Wingard, John Winston, Meghan Winters, Clyde & Sara K. Wood, Nancy Woodside CP Fellowship Class Wooten, Wallace Wright, Dorris Wynn, Helen Yancey, Jimmy & Lanette N. Young’s Chapel CP Church Young, Joel & Gayle Youngman, Betty Yount, Janet Yunker, Barb Yunker, Lowell E. Zewde, Endale Asfaw Zion CP Church Zula Boone Circle Marshall CP Church 11 Board of Trustees Mrs. Kay Goodman . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanger, Texas Board President Rev. Norlan Scrudder . . . . . . . . . . Park Hill, Oklahoma Board Vice President Mrs. Pat Huff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saginaw, Texas Board Secretary Mr. Richard Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gadsden, Alabama Mrs. Mamie Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hewitt, Texas Rev. Dr. Yoong Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . Germantown, Tennessee To make a tax-deductible financial gift to Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home, a 501(c)(3), donate at or mail a donation to P.O. Drawer G, Denton, TX 76202. Rev. Melissa Knight . . . . . . . . . . . . Live Oak, California Mrs. Ruby Letson . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florence, Alabama Ms. Patricia Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aledo, Texas Rev. Alfonso Marquez . . . . . . . . . . Lenoir City, Tennessee Mr. Mickey Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pine Bluff, Arkansas Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home Mr. Baron “Barry” H. Smith, Jr. . . Flower Mound, Texas P.O. Drawer G, 909 Greenlee St., Denton, Texas 76202 Mrs. Tiffany Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flower Mound, Texas 940-382-5112 Rev. Don Tabor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brentwood, Tennessee