Laboratory Evaluation of Geosynthetic Reinforcement
Laboratory Evaluation of Geosynthetic Reinforcement
2009 NTPEP Report Series NTPEP Report 8507.1 LABORATORY EVALUATION OF GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT FINAL PRODUCT QUALIFICATION REPORT FOR SYNTEEN SF GEOGRID PRODUCT LINE Report Issued: June 2009 Report Expiration Date: June 2015 Next Quality Assurance Update Report: 2012 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Executive Office: 444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 249 Washington, DC 20001 (t) 202.624.5800 (f) 202.624.5469 www.NTPEP.ORG DOWNLOAD DATA FILES FOR THIS NTPEP REPORT @ 2009 NTPEP Report Series National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) NTPEP Report 8507.1 LABORATORY EVALUATION OF GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT 2007 PRODUCT SUBMISSIONS SAMPLED AUGUST 2007 Laboratory Evaluation by: TRI/Environmental, Inc. 9063 Bee Caves Road Austin, TX 78733-6201 Product Line Manufactured by: Synteen Technical Fabrics 1950 West Meeting Street Lancaster, SC 29720 © Copyright 2009, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book or parts thereof, may not be reproduced without express written permission of the publisher. The report does not constitute an endorsement by AASHTO of the products contained herein. This report provides an original source of technical information to facilitate development of acceptability standards and is primarily intended for use by state and local transportation agencies. DOWNLOAD DATA FILES FOR THIS NTPEP REPORT @ NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 PROLOGUE General Facts about NTPEP Reports: NTPEP Reports contain data collected according to laboratory testing and field evaluation protocols developed through consensus-based decision by the AASHTO’s NTPEP Oversight Committee. These test and evaluation protocols are described in the Project Work Plan (see NTPEP website). Products are voluntarily submitted by manufacturers for testing by NTPEP. Testing fees are assessed from manufacturers to reimburse AASHTO member departments for conducting testing and to report results. AASHTO member departments provide a voluntary yearly contribution to support the administrative functions of NTPEP. AASHTO/NTPEP does not endorse any manufacturer’s product over another. Use of certain proprietary products as “primary products” does not constitute endorsement of those products. AASHTO/NTPEP does not issue product approval or disapproval; rather, test data are furnished for the User to make judgment for product prequalification or approval for their transportation agency. Guidelines for Proper Use of NTPEP Results: The User is urged to carefully read any introductory notes at the beginning of this Report, and also to consider any special clauses, footnotes or conditions which may apply to any test reported herein. Any of these notes may be relevant to the proper use of NTPEP test data. The User of this Report must be sufficiently familiar with the product performance requirements and/or (standard) specification of their agency in order to determine which test data are relevant to meeting those qualifying factors. NTPEP test data is intended to be predictive of actual product performance. Where a transportation agency has successful historical experience with a given product, it is suggested to factor that precedence in granting or withholding product approval or prequalification. NTPEP Report Special Advisory for Geosynthetic Reinforcement (REGEO): This report contains product data that are intended to be applied to a product line, based on the test results obtained for specific products that are used to represent the product line for the purposes of NTPEP testing. It is expected that the User will estimate the properties of specific products in the line not specifically tested through interpolation or a lower or upper bound approach. It is intended that this data be used by the User to add products to their Qualified Products or Approved Products List, and/or to develop geosynthetic reinforcement strength design parameters in accordance with AASHTO, FHWA, or other widely accepted design specifications/guidelines. It is also intended that the User will conduct further, but limited, evaluation and testing of the products identified in this report for product acceptance purposes to verify product quality. Products included in this report must be resubmitted to NTPEP every three (3) years for a quality assurance evaluation and every six (6) years for a full qualification evaluation in accordance with the work plan. Hence, all product test results included in this Report supersede data provided in previous Editions of this report. The User is guided to read the document entitled “Use and Application of NTPEP Geosynthetic Reinforcement Test Results” (see NTPEP website) for instructions and background on how to apply the results of the data contained in this report. Tony Allen (Washington State DOT) Chairman, Geosynthetics Technical Committee Jim Curtis (New York State DOT) Vice Chairman, Geosynthetics Technical Committee NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.0 Product Line Description and Testing Strategy ....................................................................... 7 1.1 Product Description ............................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Product Line Testing Approach ........................................................................................... 7 2.0 Product Polymer, Geometry, and Manufacturing Information .............................................. 10 2.1 Product/Polymer Descriptors ............................................................................................. 10 2.2 Geometric Properties of Geogrids...................................................................................... 10 2.3 Product Production Data and Manufacturing Quality Control .......................................... 10 3.0 Wide Width Tensile Strength Data ........................................................................................ 11 4.0 Installation Damage Data (RFID)............................................................................................ 12 4.1 Installation Damage Test Program..................................................................................... 12 4.2 Installation Damage Full Scale Field Exposure Procedures and Materials Used .............. 13 4.3 Summary of Installation Damage Full Scale Field Exposure Test Results........................ 16 4.4 Estimating RFID for Specific Soils or for Products not Tested .......................................... 17 4.5 Laboratory Installation Damage Test Results per ISO/EN 10722 ..................................... 19 5.0 Creep Rupture Data (RFCR) ................................................................................................... 21 5.1 Creep Rupture Test Program.............................................................................................. 21 5.2 Baseline Tensile Strength Test Results.............................................................................. 22 5.3 Creep Rupture Test Results ............................................................................................... 23 5.3.1 Statistical Validation to Allow the Use of SIM Data to Establish Rupture Envelope............. 24 5.3.2 Statistical Validation to Allow the Use of Composite Rupture Envelope for Product Line ... 24 5.4 Creep Rupture Envelope Development and Determination of RFCR ................................. 24 6.0 Long-Term Durability Data (RFD) ......................................................................................... 27 6.1 Durability Test Program..................................................................................................... 27 6.2 Durability Test Results....................................................................................................... 28 7.0 Low Strain Creep Stiffness Data............................................................................................ 30 7.1 Low Strain Creep Stiffness Test Program.......................................................................... 30 7.2 Ultimate Tensile Test Results for Creep Stiffness Test Program ...................................... 30 7.3 Creep Stiffness Test Results .............................................................................................. 30 Appendix A: NTPEP Oversight Committee .................................................................................. 1 Appendix B: Product Geometric and Production Details .............................................................. 1 B.1 Product Geometric Information........................................................................................... 2 B.2 Product Production Information.......................................................................................... 7 B.3 Product Manufacturing Quality Control Program ............................................................... 7 Appendix C: Tensile Strength Detailed Test Results .................................................................... 1 Appendix D: Installation Damage Detailed Test Results .............................................................. 1 Appendix E: ISO/EN Laboratory Installation Damage Detailed Test Results .............................. 1 E.1 ISO/EN Laboratory Installation Damage Test Program ...................................................... 2 Appendix F: Creep Rupture Detailed Test Results........................................................................ 1 Appendix G: Durability Detailed Test Results .............................................................................. 1 Appendix H: Creep Stiffness Detailed Test Results ...................................................................... 1 1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Tables Table 1-1. Product designations included in product line.............................................................. 7 Table 3-1. Wide width tensile strength, Tult, for the Synteen Geogrid SF product line............... 11 Table 4-1. Independent installation damage testing required for NTPEP qualification. .............. 12 Table 4-2. Summary of installation damage tensile test results................................................... 16 Table 4-3. Measured RFID............................................................................................................ 16 Table 4-4. Summary of laboratory (ISO procedure) installation damage test results. ................ 20 Table 5-1. Independent creep rupture testing required for NTPEP qualification. ........................ 22 Table 5-2. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and associated strain................................................ 23 Table 5-3. Creep rupture test results for all tests conducted. ....................................................... 23 Table 5-4. RFCR value for synteen SF series geogrids for a 75 yr period of loading/use............. 25 Table 6-2. NTPEP durability test results for the Synteen SF geogrid product line and criteria to allow use of a default value for RFD. ............................................................................................ 29 Table 7-1. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) & associated strain. ................................................. 30 Table 7-2. Summary of creep stiffness test results. ..................................................................... 31 2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Figures Figure 1-1. Photo of Synteen SF20 (machine direction is perpendicular to ruler shown). ............ 8 Figure 1-2. Photo of Synteen SF80 (machine direction is perpendicular to ruler shown). ............ 8 Figure 1-3. Photo of Synteen SF350 (machine direction is perpendicular to ruler shown). .......... 9 Figure 4-1. Test soil grain size distribution. ................................................................................ 14 Figure 4-2. Installation damage Type 1 test aggregate.................................................................. 14 Figure 4-3. Installation damage Type 2 test aggregate................................................................. 15 Figure 4-4. Installation damage Type 3 test aggregate................................................................. 15 Figure 4-5. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of soil d50 size............... 17 Figure 4-6. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of product unit weight for type 1 soil (coarse gravel - GP)..................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4-7. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of product unit weight for type 2 soil (sandy gravel - GP)...................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4-8. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of product unit weight for type 3 soil (silty sand – SM). ........................................................................................................ 19 Figure 5-1. Composite creep rupture data/envelope for the Synteen SF geogrid product line. ... 26 Figure 7-1. Synteen SF creep stiffness for 2 % strain @ 1000 hours. ......................................... 31 3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Executive Summary This test report provides data that can be used to characterize the short-term and long-term tensile strength the Synteen polyester, PVC coated geogrid reinforcement SF product line using testing conducted on representative products within the product line. The purpose of this report is to provide data for product qualification purposes. While existing test data provided by the manufacturer was evaluated at the beginning of this testing program to determine that data’s eligibility for use under the NTPEP geosynthetic reinforcement work plan “grandfather data” clause, it was found that the available existing data did not meet those requirements (i.e., the data were too old). Therefore, the product qualification testing program was developed as a completely new testing program. The test results contained herein were obtained in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice T925 and the NTPEP work plan (see and can be used to determine the longterm strength of the geosynthetic reinforcement, including the long-term strength reduction factors RFID, RFCR, and RFD, and also used to determine low strain creep stiffness values. All testing reported herein was performed on the materials tested in the direction of manufacture, i.e., the machine direction. Product Line Description: The product line evaluated includes the following specific polyester, PVC coated geogrid reinforcement products: Synteen SF20, SF35, SF55, SF80, SF90, SF110 and SF350. This product line was represented through testing of Synteen SF20, SF80 and SF350. Samples of these three products were taken by an independent sampler on behalf of NTPEP on August 22, 2007, at the Synteen manufacturing plant located in Lancaster, SC. Statistical Validation of Use of SIM and Validation of Product Line: The creep rupture test results obtained were statistically evaluated in accordance with T925 to assess the validity of using SIM to extend the creep rupture data and to assess the validity of treating the products submitted as a single product line. The following was verified: i. ii. The SIM tests used to extrapolate creep test results were characterized by data statistically consistent with conventional creep tests conducted at the reference temperature up to 10,000 hours, including comparison of single rib and multi-rib test data (see Figure F-21 in Appendix F for details). Based on the available creep data for all the products tested, the product line submitted by the manufacturer statistically qualifies to be a product line and can therefore be represented using test results from representative products in the product line (see Figure F-22 in Appendix F for details). Recommendations on application of the representative product data to the rest of the product line for installation damage, durability and creep stiffness are provided in their respective report sections and summarized below in this executive summary. 4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Test Results for Tult: All wide width test results (ASTM D6637) obtained for this product line through the NTPEP testing were greater than the minimum average roll values (MARV’s) provided by the manufacturer (see Table 3-1). Test Results for RFID: Installation damage testing on this product line resulted in values of RFID that ranged as follows: RFID = 1.01 to 1.25 The highest values of RFID occurred when the coarse gravel gradation was used. The values of RFID generally increased as product weight/strength increased, a counter-intuitive trend. Therefore, interpolation of these test results to products in the line not tested is not recommended and an upper bound value of RFID for the product line should be used. In general, as the test material gradation becomes more coarse, the value of RFID increased. Therefore, interpolation of this data to intermediate gradations appears to be feasible. See Table 4-3 and Figures 4-5 through 4-8 for details. Laboratory installation damage test data in accordance with ISO/EN 10722 are also provided for future use in comparison to quality assurance testing (see Table 4-4). It should be noted that the installation damage strength retained and RFID values provided in this report reflect good geosynthetic installation practices that will keep damage to the geosynthetic to a reasonable minimum. The spreading and compaction equipment used in the installation damage testing reflects typical tracked or moderate tire pressure equipment. Actual RFID values could be higher if the spreading or compacting equipment tires or tracks are allowed to be in direct contact with the geosynthetic before or during fill placement and compaction, if the thickness of the fill material between the equipment tires or tracks is inadequate (especially for high tire pressure equipment such as dump trucks), or if excessive rutting of the first lift of soil over the geosynthetic (e.g., due to soft subgrade soil) is allowed to occur. Test Results for RFCR: The creep rupture testing conducted indicates that the following value of RFCR may be used: RFCR = 1.58 This value of RFCR is applicable to a 75 year life at 68o F (20o C), and may be used to characterize the full product line as defined herein. See Figure 5-1 for detailed creep rupture envelope or to obtain values for other design lives. Test Results for RFD: The chemical durability index testing results meet the requirements in WSDOT T925 to allow use of a default reduction factor for RFD. See Table 6-2 for specific test results, and see WSDOT T925 or the document entitled “Use and Application of NTPEP Geosynthetic Reinforcement Test Results” ( for recommended default reduction factors for RFD. The UV test results (ASTM D4355) for this product line, as represented by the lightest weight product in the line, indicate a strength retained at 500 hours in 5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 the weatherometer of 86%. This value of UV strength retained should be considered to be a lower bound value for the product line. Test Results for Creep Stiffness: The 1000 hr, 2% strain secant stiffness (J2%,1000hr) test results ranged from 10,293 lb/ft for the lowest strength style to 135,174 lb/ft for the highest strength style. Due to the strong linear relationship between creep stiffness and the short-term tensile strength (Tlot), the 1000 hr, 2% strain secant stiffness can, thus, be reasonably expressed for any product in the product line as: J2%,1000 hr = (4.7754 *Tlot) – 5266.9 Where, Tlot is the roll/lot specific single rib tensile strength per ASTM D6637. See Table 7-2 and Figure 7-1 for details. Note that once the stiffness is determined from this equation, an equivalent MARV for this property can be determined by multiplying the stiffness by the ratio of TMARV/Tlot. 6 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 1.0 Product Line Description and Testing Strategy 1.1 Product Description The Synteen SF Series family of geogrids are high-strength woven, PVC coated geogrids. The product line evaluated consists of the products as manufactured by Synteen Technical Fabrics listed in Table 1-1. Table 1-1. Product designations included in product line. Synteen Technical Fabrics Reinforcement Product Designations (i.e., Styles) SF20 SF35 SF55 SF80 SF90 SF110 SF350 The scope of the evaluation is limited to the strength in the machine direction (MD). The crossmachine direction (XD) was not specifically evaluated. 1.2 Product Line Testing Approach This product line was represented through testing of Synteen SF20, SF80 and SF350. SF80 was used as the primary product for product line characterization purposes (i.e., the baseline to which the other products were compared). Samples of these three products were taken by an independent sampler on behalf of NTPEP on August 22, 2007 at the Synteen manufacturing plant located in Lancaster, SC. Photographs of the three individual products actually tested are provided in figures 1-1 through 1-3. 7 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Figure 1-1. Photo of Synteen SF20 (machine direction is perpendicular to ruler shown). Figure 1-2. Photo of Synteen SF80 (machine direction is perpendicular to ruler shown). 8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Figure 1-3. Photo of Synteen SF350 (machine direction is perpendicular to ruler shown). 9 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 2.0 Product Polymer, Geometry, and Manufacturing Information 2.1 Product/Polymer Descriptors Yarn used in all Synteen SF Series geogrids is a high molecular weight, low CEG, high tenacity polyester (PET). Source of Yarn – Proprietary. Coating used in all Synteen SF Series geogrids is a PVC-based coating with no post-consumer recycled materials. The coating target weight per unit area is 50% of the total weight of the finished product. Source of Coating – Proprietary. For the PET yarns, key descriptors include minimum production number average molecular weight (GRI-GG7 and ASTM D 4603) and maximum carboxyl end group content (GRI-GG8): o o o o Minimum Molecular Weight > 25,000 (Typical value is 34,022) Maximum CEG < 30 (Typical value is 21.9) % of regrind used in product: 0%. % of post-consumer recycled material by weight: 0% 2.2 Geometric Properties of Geogrids Rib width, spacing, thickness, and product weight/unit area vary depending on geogrid style. While such data are generally not used for design, it can be useful for identification purposes, and to be able to detect any changes in the product. Measurements of geogrid rib spacing are also used to convert tensile test results (i.e., load at peak strength, Tult, and load at a specified strain to obtain stiffness, J) to a load per unit width value (i.e., lbs/ft or kN/m). Detailed measurement results, as well as the typical values supplied by the manufacturer for each product, are provided in Appendix B, Section B.1. 2.3 Product Production Data and Manufacturing Quality Control Geogrid roll sizes and weights, lot sizes, and a summary of the manufacturer’s quality control program are provided in Appendix B, Sections B.2 and B.3. Such information can be useful in working with the manufacturer if product quality issues occur. 10 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 3.0 Wide Width Tensile Strength Data Minimum average roll values supplied by the manufacturer and test results obtained on the three products used to represent the product line in this NTPEP testing program are provided in Table 3-1. Wide width tensile tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D6637. The measured geogrid dimensions discussed in Section 2 and provided in Appendix B, Section B.1, were used to convert test loads to load per unit width values. Note that the independently measured Tult values only indicate that the sampled products have a tensile strength that exceeds the Manufacturer’s minimum average roll values (MARV’s). As such, these independently measured Tult values should not be used directly for design purposes. However, these independently measured Tult test results have been used as roll specific tensile strengths for comparison to installation damage and creep test results. Detailed test results are provided in Appendix C. Table 3-1. Wide width tensile strength, Tult, for the Synteen Geogrid SF product line. Product Style/Type SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 Test Method MARV for Tult, in MD (lb/ft) Tult, Independently Measured in MD (lb/ft) 2,501* ASTM D 6637 1,939 ASTM D 6637 3,055 ASTM D 6637 4,199 ASTM D 6637 7,398 ASTM D 6637 8,500 ASTM D 6637 10,207 ASTM D 6637 27,400 (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) MD = machine direction *Average of 5 readings obtained during NTPEP testing. 11 8,090* 28,363* NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 4.0 Installation Damage Data (RFID) 4.1 Installation Damage Test Program Installation damage testing and interpretation was conducted in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice T925, Appendix A, except as noted herein. Samples were exposed to three “standard” soils: a coarse gravel, a sandy gravel, and a sand. Additional laboratory installation damage testing in accordance with ISO/EN 10722 was also conducted. The specific installation damage test program is summarized in Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Independent installation damage testing required for NTPEP qualification. Manufacturer: Synteen Technical Fabrics PRODUCT Line: SF20 to SF350 Qualification (every 6 yrs) / QA (every 3 yrs) Tests Conducted Products Tested # of Tests (see Note 1) Qualification QA Index tensile tests on undamaged material (ASTM D 6637) SF20, SF80, SF350 NA 3 Three field exposures, including soil characterization and compaction measurements (ASTM D5818) SF20, SF80, SF350 in Types 1, 2, and 3 soils NA 9 Tensile tests on damaged specimens (ASTM D 6637) SF20, SF80, SF350 in Types 1, 2, and 3 soils NA 9 Laboratory installation damage testing –as basis for future QA (ISO/EN 10722) SF20, SF80, SF350 NA 3 Note 1 Each test is performed using the number of specimens required by the test standard. For example, for index tensile testing, a test is defined 5 to 6 specimens. See the specific test procedures for details on this. 12 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 4.2 Installation Damage Full Scale Field Exposure Procedures and Materials Used Three “standard” soils were used for the field exposure of the geogrid samples to installation damage. Soil gradation curves for each soil are provided in Figure 4-1. Photographs of each soil illustrating particle angularity are provided in figures 4-2 through 4-4. LA Abrasion tests conducted to characterize the backfill materials indicted a maximum loss of 21%, which is well within the requirements stated in T925. Note that the photograph of the Type 2 soil only shows the coarser particles since the percentage of sand in that soil is relatively small, and the sand particles have slipped into the voids in this poorly graded gravel just below the stockpile surface at the time this photograph was taken. The approach specifically used for applying installation damage to the geosynthetic samples that allows for exhumation of the test samples while avoiding unintended damage was initially developed by Watts and Brady1 of the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) in the United Kingdom. The procedure generally conforms to T925 and ASTM D 5818 requirements. Since compaction typically occurs parallel to the face of retaining walls and the contour lines of slopes, the machine direction was placed perpendicular to the running direction of the compaction equipment. To initiate the exposure procedure, four steel plates each measuring 42inches x 52-inches (1.07 m x 1.32 m), equipped with lifting chains, were placed on a flat clean surface of hardened limestone rock. The longer side of the plates is parallel to the running direction of the compaction equipment. A layer of soil/aggregate was then placed over the adjacent plates to an approximate compacted thickness of 8 inches (0.18 m). Next, each of four coupons of the tested geosynthetic sample was placed on the compacted soil over an area corresponding to an underlying steel plate. To complete the installation, the second layer of soil was placed over the coupons using spreading equipment and compacted to a thickness of 8 inches (0.18 m) using a vibratory compactor. The spreading equipment used included a wheeled front end loader and a 10,000 lb single drum vibratory roller with pneumatic rear wheels. The front end loader was allowed to spread the aggregate by driving over the geosynthetic with an 8 inch aggregate lift between the wheels and the geosynthetic. The following construction quality control measures were followed during exposure: Proctor and sieve analyses were performed on each soil/aggregate, when possible. (Proctors could not be performed on Gradations 1 and 2.) Lift thickness measurements were made after soil/aggregate compaction. When possible, moisture and density measurements were made on each lift using a nuclear density gage to confirm that densities >90% of modified Proctor (per ASTM D 1557) were being achieved. To exhume the geosynthetic, railroad ties were removed and one end of each plate was raised with lifting chains. After raising the plate to about 45, soil located near the bottom of the leaning plate was removed and, if necessary, the plate was struck with a sledgehammer to loosen 1 G.R.A. Watts and K.C. Brady (1990), Site Damage trials on geotextiles, Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Produts, Balkema Rotterdam. 13 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 the fill. The covering soil/aggregate was then carefully removed from the surface while “rolling” the geosynthetic away from the underlying soil/aggregate. This procedure assured a minimum of exhumation stress. Photographs of the installation damage field exposures are provided in Appendix D. A detailed tabulation of each soil gradation is provided in Appendix D, Table D10. 3" 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" Sieves 4 10 20 40 60 100 200 100 90 Type IIII D50 = 1.2 mm 80 Percent Finer 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Type I D50 = 18.5 mm LA Abrasion Small (B, 500) = 19.1% loss 0 1000 100 10 Type II D50 = 6.4 mm LA Abrasion Small (B, 500) = 21% loss 1 0.1 Grain Size (mm) Figure 4-1. Test soil grain size distribution. Figure 4-2. Installation damage Type 1 test aggregate. 14 0.01 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Figure 4-3. Installation damage Type 2 test aggregate. Figure 4-4. Installation damage Type 3 test aggregate. 15 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 4.3 Summary of Installation Damage Full Scale Field Exposure Test Results The roll specific ultimate tensile strength (ASTM D6637) test results for the baseline, Tlot (i.e., undamaged tensile strength tested prior to sample installation in the ground) and the ultimate tensile strength of the installation damaged geogrid samples, Tdam, are provided in Table 4-2. RFID, calculated using the results shown in Table 4-2, are summarized in Table 4-3. Strength retained is calculated as the ratio of the average exhumed strength Tdam divided by the average baseline strength Tlot for the product sample. RFID is the inverse of the retained strength (i.e. 1 / 0.872 = 1.15). Detailed test results for each specimen tested are provided in Appendix D, Tables D-1 through D-9. Table 4-2. Summary of installation damage tensile test results. Baseline Backfill Type Style Type 1 Coarse Gravel (GP) Type 2 Sandy Gravel (GP) Type 3 Silty Sand (SM) SF20 SF80 SF350 SF20 SF80 SF350 SF20 SF80 SF350 1 Tlot (lb/ft) 2,503 7,934 28,362 2,507 8,142 27,969 2,532 8,090 27,929 COV (%) 1.73 2.05 2.15 3.53 2.53 2.24 2.35 2.06 1.73 2 Tdam (lb/ft) 2,182 7,383 22,638 2,475 6,887 23,093 2,348 7,806 25,557 Exhumed COV (%) 8.17 3.56 3.99 3.70 4.85 2.60 3.95 3.12 4.03 1 Average of 5 specimens. Average of 10 specimens. (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) 2 Table 4-3. Measured RFID. Style Mass / Area (oz./yd2) SF20 SF80 SF350 6.28 13.24 42.25 Type 1 Coarse Gravel % RFID Retained 87.2 93.1 79.8 1.15 1.07 1.25 16 Type 2 Sandy Gravel % RFID Retained 98.7 84.6 82.6 1.01 1.18 1.21 Type 3 Silty Sand % RFID Retained 92.8 96.5 91.5 1.08 1.04 1.09 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 4.4 Estimating RFID for Specific Soils or for Products not Tested In general, as the test material gradation becomes more coarse, the value of strength retained decreased (i.e., RFID increased). Trend lines plotted in Figure 4-5 for the mean, upper bound and lower bound for all the installation damage data obtained for the product line illustrate the general trend of the installation damage data with regard to soil d50 size. Interpolation of this data to intermediate gradations appears to be feasible based on these test results, though the scatter in that trend should be recognized when estimating values of RFID for specific soils. The Synteen SF product line did not exhibit a strong relationship between the weight or the tensile strength of the product and the strength retained after installation damage. The values of RFID generally increased (i.e., strength retained decreased) as product weight/strength increased, a counter-intuitive trend (see figures 4-6 through 4-8). This may be related to variations in coating thickness from product to product, the broad, flat shape of the longitudinal ribs for the highest strength product (i.e., SF350), or both. Therefore, interpolation of these test results to products in the line not tested is not recommended, and a lower bound value of strength retained (i.e., upper bound value of RFID) for the product line should be used. 100 Strength Retained, P (%) 95 Upper Bound 90 SF20 Mean 85 SF80 SF350 Upper Lower Average 80 Lower Bound 75 1 1.2 6.4 10 d50 (mm) 18.5 100 Note: RFID = 1/P; d50 = sieve size at which 50% of soil passes by weight Figure 4-5. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of soil d50 size. 17 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 94 Strength Retained, P (%) 92 90 Pdmean at d50 of 18.5mm 88 86 84 82 80 Pdmin at d50 of 18.5mm 78 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 Product Unit Weight, W (oz./yd ) 35 40 45 Figure 4-6. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of product unit weight for type 1 soil (coarse gravel - GP). 100 98 Strength Retained, P (%) 96 94 92 Pdmean at d50 of 6.4mm 90 88 86 84 82 Pdmin at d50 of 6.4mm 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 Product Unit Weight, W (oz./yd ) 35 40 45 Figure 4-7. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of product unit weight for type 2 soil (sandy gravel - GP). 18 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 97 Strength Retained, P (%) 96 95 94 Pdmean at d50 of 1.2mm 93 92 Pdmin at d50 of 1.2mm 91 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 Product Unit Weight, W (oz./yd ) 35 40 45 Figure 4-8. Synteen SF product line installation damage as a function of product unit weight for type 3 soil (silty sand – SM). It should be noted that the installation damage strength retained and RFID values provided in this report reflect good geosynthetic installation practices that will keep damage to the geosynthetic to a reasonable minimum. The spreading and compaction equipment used in the installation damage testing reflects typical tracked or moderate tire pressure equipment. Actual RFID values could be higher if the spreading or compacting equipment tires or tracks are allowed to be in direct contact with the geosynthetic before or during fill placement and compaction, if the thickness of the fill material between the equipment tires or tracks is inadequate (especially for high tire pressure equipment such as dump trucks), or if excessive rutting of the first lift of soil over the geosynthetic (e.g., due to soft subgrade soil) is allowed to occur. 4.5 Laboratory Installation Damage Test Results per ISO/EN 10722 Laboratory Installation damage testing and interpretation was conducted in accordance with ISO/EN 10722. In this procedure, geosynthetic specimens are exposed to simulated installation stresses and abrasion using a standard “backfill” material in a bench scale device. Once exposed, they are tested for tensile strength to determine the retained strength after damage. Five baseline and five exposed specimens from each product were tested. The test results are summarized in Table 4-4. Detailed test results are provided in Appendix E, as well as a photograph of the test set-up and a close up of the standard backfill material used. This procedure is intended to be a reproducible index test to assess relative susceptibility of the geosynthetic to damage. In this NTPEP testing program, the results from this test are primarily intended to be used for future quality assurance to assess the consistency in the product’s 19 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 susceptibility to installation damage. It is not intended to be used directly in the determination of RFID for a given soil backfill gradation. Table 4-4. Summary of laboratory (ISO procedure) installation damage test results. Synteen SF Style Mean Baseline Tensile Strength (lb/ft) SF20 SF80 SF350 2,511 7,992 27,830 Coefficient of Variation (%) Mean Exposed Tensile Strength (lb/ft) 3 1,761 2 7,265 1 20,245 (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) 20 Coefficient of Variation (%) Strength Retained (%) 11 6 3 70 91 73 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 5.0 Creep Rupture Data (RFCR) 5.1 Creep Rupture Test Program Creep testing and interpretation has been conducted in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice T925, Appendices B and C. A baseline (i.e., reference) temperature of 68o F (20o C) was used. Synteen SF80 was used as the primary product to establish the creep rupture envelope, with limited creep testing of the other Synteen geogrids (i.e., SF20 and SF350) to verify the ability to interpolate creep rupture behavior to the SF geogrid products not specifically tested (i.e., to treat all the products submitted for evaluation as a product line per T925 and the NTPEP work plan). The creep rupture testing program is summarized in Figure 5-1. Creep testing was conducted using both ASTM D5262 (termed “conventional” creep testing) and ASTM D6992 (i.e., the Stepped Isothermal Method - SIM). A limited number (6) of tests using ASTM D5262, conducted only at the reference temperature of 68o F (20o C) for up to a minimum time of 10,000 hrs were used for comparison purposes to verify the accuracy of the SIM creep tests. Since the SIM creep tests are conducted as single rib tests and conventional creep tests (ASTM D5262) conducted as multi-rib tests, both single rib and wide width (multi-rib) short-term tensile tests were conducted for the primary product, Synteen SF80. This was done for comparison purposes to establish the validity of using single rib creep test data as well as to ensure that the correct index tensile strength is used, since the creep load is expressed as a percent of Tult. 21 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table 5-1. Independent creep rupture testing required for NTPEP qualification. Manufacturer: Synteen Technical Fabrics PRODUCT Line: SF20 to SF350 Qualification (every 6 yrs) / QA (every 3 yrs) Products Tested Tests Conducted # of Tests (see Note 1) Qualification QA SF20, SF80, SF350 NA 3 SF80 NA 1 PRIMARY PRODUCT 6 Rupture Points – Conventional Creep testing @ 10, 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 10000 hrs (ASTM D5262) SF80 @ 6 load levels NA 6 PRIMARY PRODUCT 6 Rupture Points – Accelerated Creep rupture testing (SIM). (ASTM D6992) SF80 @ 6 load levels NA 6 Index single rib tensile tests on lot specific material (ASTM D 6637) Index wide width tensile tests on lot specific material (ASTM D 6637) SECONDARY PRODUCT(S) Conventional Creep Testing None NA 0 (ASTM D5262) SECONDARY PRODUCT(S) SF20 and SF350 @ 4 load Accelerated Creep rupture testing (SIM). NA 8 levels (ASTM D6992) Note 1: Each test is performed using the number of specimens required by the test standard. For example, for index tensile testing, a test is defined 5 to 6 specimens. See the specific test procedures for details on this. 5.2 Baseline Tensile Strength Test Results All creep testing using SIM (ASTM D6992) was performed on single rib specimens, whereas multi-rib specimens were used for the conventional (ASTM D5262) creep tests. Both types of tests were only conducted for the SF80 geogrid product. To facilitate use of both single rib to wide width specimens for the creep testing, rapid loading tensile and creep tests were conducted, in accordance with T925. Sample specific geogrid dimensions were used to convert tensile test loads to load per unit width values. As shown in Table 5-2, a multi-rib ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 8,090 lb/ft was comparable to single rib UTS of 8,227 lb/ft. The multi-rib rupture points also fit closely with the single rib rupture curve (see Figure 5-1). The tensile test specimens tested were taken from the same rolls of material that were used for the creep testing. The measured geogrid dimensions discussed in Section 2 and provided in Appendix B, Section B.1, were used to convert tensile test loads to load per unit width values. 22 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table 5-2. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and associated strain. Product Single Rib UTS per ASTM D6637, Tlot (lb/ft @ % Strain) SF20 2,560 @ 12.4% SF80 8,227 @ 15.5% SF350 29,223 @ 16.4% Wide Width UTS per ASTM D6637, Tlot (lb/ft @ % Strain) 8,090 @ 14.0% (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) 5.3 Creep Rupture Test Results A total of 14 Stepped Isothermal Method (SIM) tests and 6 conventional creep tests were run to fulfill the qualification requirements. Table 5-3 summarize the tests performed and their outcomes. Detailed test results, including creep curves for each specimen tested, are provided in Appendix F, Figures F-1 through F-20. Table 5-3. Creep rupture test results for all tests conducted. Style & Test Type SF20 - SIM SF20 - SIM SF20 - SIM SF20 - SIM SF80 - SIM SF80 - SIM SF80 - SIM SF80 - SIM SF80 - SIM SF80 - SIM SF80 - Conv. + SF80 - Conv. + SF80 - Conv. + SF80 - Conv. + SF80 - Conv. SF80 - Conv. SF350 - SIM SF350 - SIM SF350 - SIM SF350 - SIM Creep Load (% of Tlot) 65.01 69.98 74.99 80.00 60.00 65.01 69.97 75.00 80.00 85.00 79.00 76.00 73.00 70.00 82.00 85.00 65.00 70.01 75.01 80.01 Time to Rupture (log hrs) 5.8586 3.6029 3.5735 1.3064 6.2053 5.1204 4.1255 3.5559 2.2112 0.9842 1.9859 2.4790 3.6265 4.0000* 1.3006 -0.3372 5.7008 4.2403 3.6136 1.0788 * Finished without rupture + Multi-rib specimen 23 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 5.3.1 Statistical Validation to Allow the Use of SIM Data to Establish Rupture Envelope Details of the confidence limits evaluation conducted in accordance with T925 are contained in Appendix F. Figure F-21 provides a plot of the creep rupture envelope with the confidence limits and the rupture envelopes for the conventional creep and SIM creep data, illustrating this statistical test. Detailed calculation results for this statistical analysis are provided in Table F-2, and summarized in Table F-6. The results indicate that the SIM data meet the statistical validation requirements in T925 (i.e., the SIM rupture envelope is within the specified 90% confidence limits of the “conventional” creep rupture data). Thus, the conventional and accelerated (SIM) data may be used together to construct the characteristic creep rupture curve of the primary product, and SIM data may also be used for creep testing of the other two geogrid products to evaluate the potential to construct a composite creep curve for the product line. 5.3.2 Statistical Validation to Allow the Use of Composite Rupture Envelope for Product Line Details of the confidence limits evaluation for the product line conducted in accordance with T925 are contained in Appendix F. Figure F-22 provides a plot of the creep rupture envelope with the confidence limits and the rupture envelopes for the primary product and the other tested products (i.e., SF20 and SF350), illustrating this statistical test. Detailed calculation results for this statistical analysis are provided in tables F-3 and F-4, and summarized in Table F-7. The results indicate that the rupture envelopes for the SF20 and SF350 products are within the specified 90% confidence limits of the primary product (i.e., SF80) creep rupture data, meeting T925 requirements. Thus, all the SF products tested (i.e., SF20, SF80, and SF350) can be used to construct a composite creep rupture envelope representing the entire product line. The calculation results for the statistical analysis and regression to create the full composite creep curve are provided in Table F-5. 5.4 Creep Rupture Envelope Development and Determination of RFCR In consideration of the statistical validation described in Section 5.3 of this report, a composite creep rupture envelope, using log-linear regression, was constructed as shown in Figure 5-1. The mix of conventional and accelerated (SIM) creep rupture test data points meets T925 requirements. Based on this plot of all data, the regression of the data shows that the r2 value is 0.94 (see Table F-5 in Appendix F for details). Per T925, this degree of scatter in the data is acceptable for a composite rupture envelope. The creep rupture envelope in Figure 5-1 should be considered valid for the entire Synteen SF geogrid product line evaluated in this report. Since the temperature accelerated creep results produced through the SIM testing allowed time shifting of the creep rupture data points to over 1,000,000 hours (i.e., 114 years), no extrapolation uncertainty factor in accordance with T925 need be applied. Table 5-4 provides the estimated value of RFCR for Synteen SF Series geogrids based on the reported testing for a period of long-term loading of up to 75 years. This rupture envelope can be used to determine RFCR for times other than 75 years, if desired. 24 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table 5-4. RFCR value for synteen SF series geogrids for a 75 yr period of loading/use. Period of Use (in years) 75 RFCR for Rupture – All SF Styles 1.58 25 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Synteen Technical Fabrics Composite Creep Rupture Curve 100 20C Reference Temperature RUPTURE STRENGTH (%UTS) 90 y = -4.05x + 87.048 r2 = 0.9354 80 70 Regression SF20 SIM rupture SF350 SIM rupture 60 SF80 SIM rupture SF80 SIM runout SF80 CONV rupture 50 75yr 114yr SF80 CONV runout 40 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOG TIME (hr) Figure 5-1. Composite creep rupture data/envelope for the Synteen SF geogrid product line. 26 7 8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 6.0 Long-Term Durability Data (RFD) 6.1 Durability Test Program Basic molecular properties relating to durability were evaluated, allowing a “default” RFD to be used in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice T925, provided that the long-term environment in which the geosynthetic is to be used is considered to be non-aggressive in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and T925. A non-aggressive long-term environment is described in these documents as follows: A soil ph of 4.5 to 9.0, A maximum particle size of 0.75 inches or less unless installation damage effects are specifically evaluated using full scale installation damage testing in accordance with ASTM D 5818, A soil organic content of 1% or less, and An effective design temperature at the site of 86oF (30oC) or less. Other specific soil/environmental conditions that could be of concern to consider the site environment to be aggressive are discussed in Elias2. The index properties/test results obtained can be related to long-term performance of the polymer through correlation to longer-term laboratory durability performance tests and long-term experience. Note that long-term durability performance testing in accordance with T925 and the NTPEP work plan to allow direct calculation of RFD was not available from the manufacturer, nor evaluated as part of the testing program for this product line. For polyester (PET) geosynthetics, key durability issues to address include hydrolysis and ultraviolet (UV) oxidative degradation. To assess the potential for these types of degradation, index property tests to assess molecular weight, carboxyl end group content, and ultraviolet (UV) oxidative degradation are conducted. Criteria for test results obtained each of these tests are provided in T925 as well as the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The UV degradation tests were conducted on the lightest weight product in the product line (Synteen SF20) as recommended in T925. Since UV degradation attacks from the surface of the geosynthetic, the heavier the product, the more resistant it will be to UV degradation. Therefore, UV testing the lightest weight product should produce the most conservative result. 2 Elias, V., 2000, Corrosion/Degradation of Soil Reinforcements for Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes, FHWA-NHI-00-0044, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. 27 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 The molecular weight and carboxyl end group content tests are conducted on the base yarn for the product series. Since for a product line the base yarn used must be the same for all products in the line, these tests on the base yarn will be applicable to all products in the product line. Table 6-1. Independent durability testing required for NTPEP qualification. Manufacturer: Synteen Technical Fabrics PRODUCT Line: SF20 to SF350 Qualification (every 6 yrs) / QA (every 3 yrs) Products Tested Tests Conducted # of Tests (see Note 1) Qualification QA All polymers, resistance to weathering @ 500 hrs (ASTM D4355), including before/after tensile strength SF20 NA 1 For polyesters, molecular weight determination (ASTM D4603 and GRI-GG7) – on yarn/strip SF20 yarn NA 1 For polyesters, carboxyl end group content determination (GRI-GG8) – on yarn/strip SF20 yarn NA 1 CEG-MW Testing Coating Removal, if necessary SF20 yarn NA 1 Brittleness (WSDOT T926) NA NA 0 For polyolefins, long-term evaluation via Oxidative degradation (ISO/EN 13438:1999) NA NA 0 For polyesters, long-term evaluation via Hydrolytic degradation (WSDOT T925) None None 0 For polyolefins, long-term evaluation via NA NA 0 Oxidative degradation (WSDOT T925) Note 1: Each test is performed using the number of specimens required by the test standard. For example, for index tensile testing, a test is defined 5 to 6 specimens. See the specific test procedures for details on this. 6.2 Durability Test Results A summary of the test results is provided in Table 6-2. This table also includes the criteria to allow the use of a default reduction factor for RFD provided in T925 and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Detailed durability test results are provided in Appendix G. 28 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table 6-2. NTPEP durability test results for the Synteen SF geogrid product line and criteria to allow use of a default value for RFD. Polymer Type Property Test Method PP and UV Oxidation HDPE Resistance ASTM D4355 PET ASTM D4355 UV Oxidation Resistance PP and ThermoHDPE Oxidation Resistance PET Hydrolysis Resistance PET Hydrolysis Resistance Criteria to Allow Use of Default RF* Min. 70% strength retained after 500 hrs in weatherometer Min. 50% strength retained after 500 hrs in weatherometer if geosynthetic will be buried within one week, 70% if left exposed for more than one week. Min. 50% strength retained after 28 days (PP) or 56 days (HDPE) Min. Number Average Molecular Weight of 25,000 ENV ISO 13438:1999, Method A (PP) or B (HDPE) Inherent Viscosity Method (ASTM D4603 and GRI Test Method GG8) GRI Test Method GG7 Max. Carboxyl End Group Content of 30 Test Result Obtained as Part of NTPEP Program NA 86% strength retained NA 38,932 19.3 Note: PP = polypropylene, HDPE = high density polyethylene, PET = polyester Based on these test results, all products in the product line meet the minimum UV requirement shown in Table 6-2. Regarding hydrolysis resistance, these test results shown in Table 6-2 indicate that this product line has adequate long-term resistance to hydrolysis to justify the use of a default value for RFD, meeting the requirements in T925. Note that while no specific tests, other than installation damage, were conducted to evaluate the durability of the PVC coating, because the hydrolysis resistance characterization was determined based on the base polymer, any potential coating degradation should have very little effect on the long-term durability of the geogrid product and the default value of RFD selected. Typically, a default value of 1.3 for RFD is selected. See WSDOT Standard Practice T925, or the document entitled “Use and Application of NTPEP Geosynthetic Reinforcement Test Results” (, for guidance on the selection of a default value for RFD. 29 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 7.0 Low Strain Creep Stiffness Data 7.1 Low Strain Creep Stiffness Test Program Creep stiffness testing was conducted in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice T925 and the NTPEP work plan. The creep stiffness determination was targeted to 2% strain at 1,000 hours. All of the products selected to represent the SF product line (i.e., SF20, SF80, and SF350) were tested for creep stiffness. Roll specific single rib short-term rapid loading tensile strength tests (Tlot) were conducted for each product for correlation purposes and to calculate load levels. A total of nine Ramp and Hold (R&H), 1,000 second creep tests, were conducted on each product. Three specimens were R&H tested at each of the following stresses: 5, 10 and 20% of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS). A linear regression based on %UTS and % strain at 0.1 hour was used to normalize strain curves to reduce the variability of the elastic portion of the strain curve. The % UTS required to obtain 2% strain at 1,000 hours was then determined. Three R&H tests and two 1,000 hour conventional creep tests (ASTM D5262, but as modified for low strain in WSDOT Standard Practice T925 and using a single rib specimen) were conducted at this load. All tests were conducted at 68o F (20o C). 7.2 Ultimate Tensile Test Results for Creep Stiffness Test Program The values provided in Table 7-1 represent the baseline, roll specific, ultimate tensile strength used to normalize the load level for the creep stiffness testing. Sample specific geogrid dimensions were used to convert tensile test loads to load per unit width values. Table 7-1. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) & associated strain. Tlot for Single Rib (lb/ft @ % Strain) SF20 2,560 @ 12.4% SF80 8,227 @ 15.5% SF350 29,223 @ 16.4% (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) Product 7.3 Creep Stiffness Test Results Detailed test results provided in Appendix H. Table 7-2 provides a summary of the creep stiffness values obtained. Note that the creep stiffness values at 1,000 hours and 5%UTS, 10%UTS and 20%UTS represent stiffness values at strains other than 2% strain. See Appendix H for details. Figure 7-1 shows the relationship between the measured tensile strength and the creep stiffness. Considering the strong linear relationship between the creep stiffness and the product tensile strength, interpolation to other products in the product line not tested to determine creep stiffness values for those products is acceptable. 30 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table 7-2. Summary of creep stiffness test results. Synteen SF Series Style Average Creep Stiffness @ 1000 hours for 5% UTS Ramp & Hold (lb/ft) Average Creep Stiffness @ 1000 hours for 10% UTS Ramp & Hold (lb/ft) Average Creep Stiffness @ 1000 hours for 20% UTS Ramp & Hold (lb/ft) Average Creep Stiffness for 2% strain @ 1000 hrs (lb/ft) SF20 13,963 9,061 5,567 10,293 SF80 36,664 25,568 15,141 29,781 SF350 239,742 121,272 68,888 135,174 (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) 160000 SF350 Creep Stiffness (lb/ft) 140000 120000 TLot 100000 y = 4.775x - 5266.9 R2 = 0.9967 80000 60000 SF80 40000 SF20 20000 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Synteen SF Series T lot (lb/ft) Figure 7-1. Synteen SF creep stiffness for 2 % strain @ 1000 hours. To obtain the minimum likely stiffness value for each product in consideration of the MARV tensile strength, multiply the stiffness value from the plot by the ratio of TMARV/Tlot. TMARV is the minimum tensile strength, as provided by the manufacturer, for each product in the product line. Tlot is the actual roll specific tensile strength for the sample used in the creep stiffness testing. 31 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 APPENDICES NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix A: NTPEP Oversight Committee A-1 National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) Chair: William H. Temple, Louisiana Vice Chair: Thomas E. Baker, Washington AASHTO Staff: Keith Platte, Greta Smith, Claire Kim, and Henry Lacinak NTPEP Committee Member Department Member/Delegate Phone Number Fax Number Email Addres Alabama Lynn Wolfe, P.E. (334) 206-2335 (334) 834-5799 Michael San Angelo (907) 269-6234 Frank T. Darmiento, P.E. (602) 712-3134 (602) 712-3400 Mark Bradley (501) 569-2380 (501) 569-2070 Michael Benson (501) 569-2185 Tony Sullivan (501) 569-2661 (501) 569-2014 Peter Vacura (916) 227-7285 (916) 227-7075 David Kotzer (303) 398-6566 (303) 398-6504 K.C. Matthews (303) 757-9543 (303) 757-9439 Andrew J. Mroczkowksi (860) 258-0304 (860) 258-0399 James M. Sime, P.E. (860) 258-0309 (860) 258-0399 James T. Pappas III, P.E. (302) 760-2400 (302) 739-5270 Teresa Gardner (302) 760-2515 (302) 739-8282 Rezene Medhani (202) 673-2155 William P. Carr (202) 671-1371 (202) 671-0617 Karen Byram (850) 414-4353 (850) 414-4199 Paul Vinik (352) 955-6649 (352) 955-6644 Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida (updates found at NTPEP Committee Member Department Member/Delegate Phone Number Fax Number Email Addres Georgia Brad Young (404) 363-7560 Don Wishon (404) 363-7632 (404) 363-7632 Richard Douds (404) 362-2545 (404) 363-7588 Stephen B. Loop (208) 334-8267 (208) 334-4411 Kenny Anderson (317) 610-7251 Ronald P. Walker (317) 610-7251 (317) 356-9351 Joseph Putherickal (515) 239-1259 (515) 239-1092 Kurtis Younkin (515) 239-1184 (515) 239-1891 Curt Niehaus (785) 296-3899 (785) 296-6665 David Meggers, PE (785) 291-3845 (785) 296-2526 Derrick Castle (502) 564-3160 (502) 564-7034 Ross Mills (502) 564-3160 (502) 564-7034 Jason Davis (225) 248-4131 (225) 248-4187 Luanna Cambass (225) 248-4131 (225) 248-4187 Doug Gayne (207) 624-3268 (207) 624-3301 Dan Sajedi (443) 572-5162 Gil Rushton (443) 572-5293 (410) 321-3099 Russell A. Yurek (410) 582-5505 (410) 582-9861 Ed Mirka (617) 951-1348 John Grieco (617) 951-0596 John Staton, P.E. (517) 322-5701 Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan (517) 322-1262 (updates found at NTPEP Committee Member Department Member/Delegate Phone Number Fax Number Email Addres Minnesota David Iverson (651) 366-5550 (651) 366-5515 James McGraw (651) 366-5548 (651) 366-5515 Celina Sumrall (601) 359-7001 (601) 359-1716 John D. Vance (601) 359-7111 (601) 359-7126 John J. Smith (601) 359-1454 (601) 359-5918 Julie Weiland (573) 751-2487 (573) 526-4361 Anson Moffett, P.E. (406) 444-5407 Craig Abernathy (406) 444-6269 Ross Metcalfe, P.E. (406) 444-9201 Mostafa Jamshidi (402) 479-4750 (402) 479-3975 Omar Qudus (402) 479-4394 (402) 479-3975 Jason Vanhavel (775) 888-7567 (775) 888-7077 Roma Clewell (775) 888-7894 (775) 888-7230 Alan D. Rawson (603) 271-3151 (603) 271-8700 William Real (603) 271-3151 (603) 271-8700 Richard Jaffe (609) 530-5463 (609) 530-3790 Ernest D. Archuleta (505) 827-5525 (505) 827-3202 Jim Curtis (518) 457-4735 (518) 457-8080 Michael Stelzer (518) 457-4595 (518) 457-8171 Patrick Galarza (518) 457-4599 Mississippi Missouri Montana (406) 444-6204 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York (updates found at NTPEP Committee Member Department Member/Delegate Phone Number Fax Number Email Addres North Carolina Chris Peoples (919) 733-3532 Jack E. Cowsert (919) 733-7088 (919) 773-8472 Ron King, P.E. North Dakota Ron Horner (701) 328-6904 (701) 328-6913 Brad Young (614) 351-2882 (614) 275-1354 Lloyd M. Welker Jr. (614) 275-1351 (614) 275-1354 Kenny R. Seward (405) 521-4999 (405) 522-0552 Reynolds H. Toney (405) 521-2677 (405) 522-0552 Ivan Silbernagel, PE (503) 986-6213 (503) 983-3096 Mike Dunning (503) 986-3059 (503) 986-3096 David H. Kuniega (717) 787-3966 (717) 783-5955 Tim Ramirez (717) 783-6714 (717) 783-5955 Orlando Diaz-Quirindong (787) 729-1592 (787) 721-3245 Colin A. Franco, P.E. (401) 222-3030 Deborah Munroe (401) 222-303 Mark F. Felag, P.E. (401) 222-2524 Merrill Zwanka, P.E. (803) 737-6681 Terry Rawls (803) 737-1498 (803) 737-0271 David L. Huft (605) 773-3292 (605) 773-4713 Jason Humphrey (605) 773-3704 (605) 773-6600 Joe J. Feller (605) 773-3401 (605) 773-5867 Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island (401) 222-4573 South Carolina South Dakota (updates found at NTPEP Committee Member Department Member/Delegate Phone Number Fax Number Email Addres Tennessee Danny Lane (615) 350-4175 (615) 350-4128 Heather Hall (615) 350-4150 (615) 350-4128 John Bassett (512) 465-7922 (512) 302-2054 Robert Sarcinella (512) 506-5933 (512) 465-7616 Scott Koczman (512) 416-2073 (512) 416-2152 Michael Rafalowski (202) 366-1571 (202) 493-2070 Barry Sharp (801) 965-4314 (801) 965-4796 Ken Berg, P.E. (801) 965-4321 (801) 965-4564 Rukhsana Lindsey, P.E. (801) 965-4196 (801) 965-4796 William Ahearn (802) 828-2561 James R. Swisher (804) 328-3121 (804) 328-3136 William R. Bailey III (804) 328-3106 (804) 328-3136 Thomas Baker (360) 709-5401 (360) 709-5588 Tony Allen (360) 709-5450 Bruce E. Kenney III, P.E. (304) 558-3044 (304) 558-1209 Larry Barker (304) 558-3160 (304) 558-1209 Ned Schmitt (608) 261-8631 Peter J. Kemp (608) 246-7953 (608) 246-4669 Delbert McOmie, P.E. (307) 777-4484 (307) 777-4163 Texas USDOT - FHWA Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming (updates found at NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix B: Product Geometric and Production Details B-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 B.1 Product Geometric Information Table B-1. Typical and measured MD geogrid geometry for the Synteen SF product line. Style SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 Width (in) Machine Direction (MD) Ribs Spacing (in) Aperture Size (in) Rib Thickness (in) Typical Values As Measured* Typical Values As Measured* Typical Values As Measured* Typical Values As Measured* 0.185 0.170 0.240 0.400 0.380 0.367 1.260 0.18* 1.255 1.060 1.060 1.260 1.210 1.027 1.730 0.83* 1.07 0.89 0.82 0.86 0.83 0.66 0.47 0.65* 0.0245 0.0350 0.0350 0.0665 0.0520 0.0520 0.1176 0.025* 0.33* 1.29* 1.25* 2.26* 0.92* 0.97* 0.048* 0.076* (Conversions: 1 in = 25.4 mm) *Average of 5 readings obtained during NTPEP testing. Full test results in tables B-5 through B-7. Table B-2. Typical and measured XD geogrid geometry for the Synteen SF product line. Style SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 Width (in) Cross-Machine Direction (XD) Ribs Spacing (in) Aperture Size (in) Rib Thickness (in) Typical Values As Measured* Typical Values As Measured* Typical Values As Measured* Typical Values As Measured* 0.168 0.173 0.193 0.202 0.214 0.222 0.193 0.19* 0.893 1.173 1.213 1.222 1.234 1.242 1.196 1.27* 0.0735 1.000 1.020 1.020 1.020 1.020 1.030 1.08* 0.033 0.043 0.038 0.060 0.051 0.055 0.073 0.031* 0.25* 0.22* 1.12* 0.54* 0.87* 0.32* 0.050* 0.054* (Conversions: 1 in = 25.4 mm) *Average of 5 readings obtained during NTPEP testing. Full test results in tables B-5 through B-7. B-2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table B-3. Typical and measured geogrid junction thickness for the Synteen SF product line. Style SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 Junction Thickness (in) Typical Values As Measured* 0.042 0.036* 0.049 0.051 0.057 0.057* 0.061 0.066 0.125 0.100* (Conversions: 1 in = 25.4 mm) *Average of 5 readings obtained during NTPEP testing. Full test results in tables B-5 through B-7. Table B-4. Typical and measured geogrid unit weight for the Synteen SF product line. Geogrid Style/Type Typical Weight (oz/yd2) SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 6.49 7.96 8.85 11.50 15.63 18.44 26.84 2 Measured Weight, per ASTM D5261 (oz/yd 2) 6.28* 13.24* 42.25* 2 (Conversion: 1 oz/ yd = 33.9 g/m ) *Average of 5 readings obtained during NTPEP testing. Full test results in tables B-5 through B-7. B-3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table B-5: Geogrid geometric measurements for Synteen SF20 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER MEAN STD. DEV. Typical Value 1 2 3 4 5 2.98 6.21 210 3.03 6.31 214 3.05 6.35 215 3.04 6.33 215 2.97 6.19 210 6.28 213 0.08 3 6.49 MD - Aperature Size (in) 0.612 0.663 0.639 0.663 0.661 0.648 0.022 NP MD - Aperature Size (mm) 15.5 16.8 16.2 16.8 16.8 16.4 0.6 NP TD - Aperature Size (in) 1.091 1.083 1.077 1.066 1.087 1.081 0.010 NP TD - Aperature Size (mm) 27.7 27.5 27.4 27.1 27.6 27.5 0.2 NP MD - Width (in) 0.178 0.174 0.176 0.171 0.175 0.175 0.003 NP MD - Width (mm) 4.52 4.42 4.47 4.34 4.45 4.44 0.07 NP TD - Width (in) 0.201 0.197 0.184 0.188 0.186 0.191 0.007 NP TD - Width (mm) 5.11 5.00 4.67 4.78 4.72 4.86 0.19 NP MD - Thickness (in) 0.024 0.024 0.025 0.028 0.025 0.025 0.002 NP MD - Thickness (mm) 0.61 0.61 0.64 0.71 0.64 0.64 0.04 NP TD - Thickness (in) 0.031 0.032 0.029 0.035 0.029 0.031 0.002 NP TD - Thickness (mm) 0.79 0.81 0.74 0.89 0.74 0.79 0.06 NP Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D 5261) Specimen Width (in) 4.3 Specimen Length (in) 5.1 Mass(g) Mass/unit area (oz/sq.yd) Mass/unit area (g/sq.meter) 220 Aperature Size (Calipers) Rib Width (Calipers) Rib Thickness (Calipers) Node/Junction Thickness (Calipers) Thickness (in) 0.033 0.035 0.036 0.039 0.037 0.036 0.002 NP Thickness (mm) 0.84 0.89 0.91 0.99 0.94 0.91 0.06 NP MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. B-4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table B-6: Geogrid heometric measurements for Synteen SF80 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 MEAN STD. DEV. Typical Value 5 Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D 5261) Specimen Width (in) Specimen Length (in) Mass(g) 6 5.5 9.75 9.39 9.23 9.74 9.72 13.49 457 13.00 441 12.77 433 13.48 457 13.45 456 13.24 449 0.33 11 11.50 MD - Aperature Size (in) 0.932 0.94 0.891 0.882 0.945 0.918 0.029 NP MD - Aperature Size (mm) 23.7 23.9 22.6 22.4 24.0 23.3 0.7 NP TD - Aperature Size (in) 0.885 0.875 0.887 0.881 0.838 0.873 0.020 NP TD - Aperature Size (mm) 22.5 22.2 22.5 22.4 21.3 22.2 0.5 NP MD - Width (in) 0.347 0.332 0.329 0.318 0.328 0.331 0.010 NP MD - Width (mm) 8.81 8.43 8.36 8.08 8.33 8.40 0.27 NP TD - Width (in) 0.299 0.202 0.31 0.212 0.203 0.245 0.054 NP TD - Width (mm) 7.59 5.13 7.87 5.38 5.16 6.23 1.38 NP MD - Thickness (in) 0.046 0.049 0.049 0.051 0.047 0.048 0.002 NP MD - Thickness (mm) 1.17 1.24 1.24 1.30 1.19 1.23 0.05 NP TD - Thickness (in) 0.054 0.048 0.049 0.045 0.052 0.050 0.004 NP TD - Thickness (mm) 1.37 1.22 1.24 1.14 1.32 1.26 0.09 NP Mass/unit area (oz/sq.yd) Mass/unit area (g/sq.meter) 390 Aperature Size (Calipers) Rib Width (Calipers) Rib Thickness (Calipers) Node/Junction Thickness (Calipers) Thickness (in) 0.058 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.056 0.057 0.001 NP Thickness (mm) 1.47 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.42 1.45 0.02 NP MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. B-5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table B-7: Geogrid geometric measurements for Synteen SF350 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER MEAN STD. DEV. Typical Value 1 2 3 4 5 54.74 50.66 53.19 54.64 53.16 43.41 1471 40.17 1362 42.18 1430 43.33 1469 42.15 1429 42.25 1432 1.31 44 26.84 MD - Aperature Size (in) 1.034 0.944 0.997 0.930 0.934 0.968 0.046 NP MD - Aperature Size (mm) 26.3 24.0 25.3 23.6 23.7 24.6 1.2 NP TD - Aperature Size (in) 0.265 0.294 0.273 0.351 0.399 0.316 0.057 NP 6.7 7.5 6.9 8.9 10.1 8.0 1.5 NP MD - Width (in) 1.278 1.295 1.257 1.346 1.284 1.292 0.033 NP MD - Width (mm) 32.45 32.88 31.92 34.19 32.60 32.81 0.85 NP TD - Width (in) 0.228 0.221 0.221 0.220 0.229 0.224 0.004 NP TD - Width (mm) 5.79 5.60 5.61 5.59 5.80 5.68 0.11 NP MD - Thickness (in) 0.072 0.077 0.077 0.075 0.077 0.076 0.002 NP MD - Thickness (mm) 1.83 1.96 1.96 1.91 1.94 1.92 0.05 NP TD - Thickness (in) 0.059 0.051 0.056 0.054 0.053 0.054 0.003 NP TD - Thickness (mm) 1.50 1.30 1.41 1.37 1.33 1.38 0.08 NP Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D 5261) Specimen Width (in) Specimen Length (in) Mass(g) 8 7.2 Mass/unit area (oz/sq.yd) Mass/unit area (g/sq.meter) 910 Aperature Size (Calipers) TD - Aperature Size (mm) Rib Width (Calipers) Rib Thickness (Calipers) Node/Junction Thickness (Calipers) Thickness (in) 0.093 0.102 0.104 0.107 0.092 0.100 0.007 NP Thickness (mm) 2.36 2.59 2.64 2.72 2.34 2.53 0.17 NP MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. B-6 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 B.2 Product Production Information Table B-8. Typical geogrid roll dimensions for the Synteen SF product line. Style/Type SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 Width (ft) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Length (ft) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Area (yd²) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Roll Diameter (ft) 0.75 0.75 0.92 1.08 1.17 1.17 1.25 Gross weight (lbs) 102 114 132 203 210 224 467 (Conversions: 1 ft = 0.3048 m; 1 yd2 = 0.836 m2) B.3 Product Manufacturing Quality Control Program Testing/sampling is done per the Synteen Quality Control Plan Document. A summary of the program is provided in Table B-9. Table B-9. Typical summary of quality control testing conducted by the manufacturer for the Synteen SF product line. Test Method Property ASTM D 5261 Mass / Unit Area ASTM D6637 Single Rib Tensile ASTM D6637 Multi-Rib Tensile Hand measure Aperture Size Hand measure Width GRI-GG2 Junction Strength GRI-GG7 CEG GRI-GG8 MW Testing Frequency Every master roll 1 per master roll 1 per lot Every master roll Every master roll Not tested Once per year Once per year Table B-10. Typical production lot size for the Synteen SF product line. Style/Type SF 20 SF 35 SF 55 SF 80 SF 90 SF 110 SF 350 Lot Size (yd2) 345,454 262,976 197,198 109,731 88,785 63,333 21,603 B-7 # of rolls per Lot 1,727 1,315 986 549 444 317 108 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix C: Tensile Strength Detailed Test Results C-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table C-1: Geogrid single rib tensile test results for Synteen SF20 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Single Rib Tensile Properties (ASTM D 6637, Method A) 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. MD - Number of Ribs per foot: 9.5 MD Maximum Strength (lbs) MD Maximum Strength (lbs/ft) MD Maximum Strength (kN/m) 275.8 2620 38.3 258.5 2456 35.9 263.8 2506 36.6 277.0 2632 38.4 272.3 2587 37.8 269.5 2560 37.4 8.0 76 1.1 MD Break Elongation (%) 12.4 12.4 12.3 11.7 13.0 12.4 0.5 MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. C-2 MARV 1,939 Min 28.3 Min NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table C-2: Geogrid single rib tensile test results for Synteen SF80 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Single Rib Tensile Properties (ASTM D 6637, Method A) 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. 4.6 MARV MD - Number of Ribs per foot: 10.0 MD Maximum Strength (lbs) 817.1 818.6 823.7 826.9 827.1 822.7 MD Maximum Strength (lbs/ft) 8171 8186 8237 8269 8271 8227 46 7,398 Min MD Maximum Strength (kN/m) 119.3 119.5 120.3 120.7 120.8 120.1 0.7 108 Min MD Break Elongation (%) 14.9 16.3 16.0 14.8 15.7 15.5 0.7 MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. C-3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table C-3: Geogrid single rib tensile test results for Synteen SF350 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Single Rib Tensile Properties (ASTM D 6637, Method A) MD - Number of Ribs per foot: MEAN 4 STD. DEV. MARV 5 7.5 MD Maximum Strength (lbs) 3833 3963 3972 3812 3902 3896 73 MD Maximum Strength (lbs/ft) 28748 29723 29790 28590 29265 29223 548 27,400 Min MD Maximum Strength (kN/m) 419.7 433.9 434.9 417.4 427.3 426.7 8.0 400 Min MD Break Elongation (%) 16.2 16.6 17.0 16.3 16.0 16.4 0.4 MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. C-4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table C-4: Geogrid wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF20 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Wide Width Tensile Properties (ASTM D 6637, Method B) MD Number of Ribs per Specimen: MD Number of Ribs per foot: 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. 5 9.5 MD Ultimate Strength (lbs) MD Ultimate Strength (lbs/ft) MD Ultimate Strength (kN/m) 1323 2514 36.7 1297 2464 36.0 1265 2404 35.1 1307 2483 36.3 1390 2641 38.6 1316 2501 36.5 46 88 1.3 MD Strength @ 2% Strain (lbs) MD Strength @ 2% Strain (lbs/ft) MD Strength @ 2% Strain (kN/m) 241 458 6.7 250 475 6.9 254 483 7.0 239 454 6.6 250 475 6.9 247 469 6.8 6 12 0.2 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (lbs) MD Strength @ 5% Strain (lbs/ft) MD Strength @ 5% Strain (kN/m) 422 802 11.7 444 844 12.3 453 861 12.6 421 800 11.7 433 823 12.0 435 826 12.1 14 26 0.4 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (lbs) MD Strength @ 10% Strain (lbs/ft) MD Strength @ 10% Strain (kN/m) 1101 2092 30.5 1153 2191 32.0 1190 2261 33.0 1098 2086 30.5 1161 2206 32.2 1141 2167 31.6 40 76 1.1 MD Break Elongation (%) 12.3 11.3 10.6 12.0 11.9 11.6 0.7 MD - Machine Direction MARV TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. C-5 1,939 Min 28.3 Min NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table C-5: Geogrid wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF80 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Wide Width Tensile Properties (ASTM D 6637, Method B) 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. MARV MD Number of Ribs per Specimen: MD Number of Ribs per foot: 7 10.0 MD Ultimate Strength (lbs) 5525 5737 5653 5817 5584 5663 117 MD Ultimate Strength (lbs/ft) 7893 8196 8076 8310 7977 8090 167 7,398 Min MD Ultimate Strength (kN/m) 115 120 118 121 116 118 2 108 Min MD Strength @ 2% Strain (lbs) 1000 994 984 995 972 989 11 MD Strength @ 2% Strain (lbs/ft) 1429 1420 1406 1421 1389 1413 16 MD Strength @ 2% Strain (kN/m) 20.9 20.7 20.5 20.8 20.3 20.6 0.2 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (lbs) 1547 1533 1527 1534 1491 1526 21 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (lbs/ft) 2210 2190 2181 2191 2130 2181 30 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (kN/m) 32.3 32.0 31.8 32.0 31.1 31.8 0.4 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (lbs) 3624 3589 3620 3636 3505 3595 53 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (lbs/ft) 5177 5127 5171 5194 5007 5135 76 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (kN/m) 75.6 74.9 75.5 75.8 73.1 75.0 1.1 MD Break Elongation (%) 13.2 14.5 13.7 14.4 14.1 14.0 0.5 MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. C-6 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table C-6: Geogrid wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF350 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Wide Width Tensile Properties (ASTM D 6637, Method B) MD Number of Ribs per Specimen: MD Number of Ribs per foot: 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. MARV 3 7.5 MD Ultimate Strength (lbs) 11263 11267 11196 11779 11220 11345 244 MD Ultimate Strength (lbs/ft) 28158 28168 27990 29448 28050 28363 611 27,400 Min MD Ultimate Strength (kN/m) 411 411 409 430 410 414 9 MD Strength @ 2% Strain (lbs) 1650 1808 1829 1891 1874 1810 96 MD Strength @ 2% Strain (lbs/ft) 4125 4520 4573 4728 4685 4526 239 MD Strength @ 2% Strain (kN/m) 60.2 66.0 66.8 69.0 68.4 66.1 3.5 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (lbs) 2603 2612 2701 2691 2672 2656 45 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (lbs/ft) 6508 6530 6753 6728 6680 6640 114 MD Strength @ 5% Strain (kN/m) 95.0 95.3 98.6 98.2 97.5 96.9 1.7 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (lbs) 5611 5397 5524 5603 5264 5480 148 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (lbs/ft) 14028 13493 13810 14008 13160 13700 370 MD Strength @ 10% Strain (kN/m) 205 197 202 205 192 200 5 MD Break Elongation (%) 13.9 14.4 13.9 13.1 15.3 14.1 0.8 MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction NP - Not Provided The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. C-7 400 Min NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 3000 Machine Direction Tensile Strength (lb/ft) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 2 TRI Log # E2280-08-01 4 6 8 10 12 % Strain Figure C-1: Geogrid wide width tensile test load-strain curve for Synteen SF20 C-8 14 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 9000 Machine Direction 8000 Tensile Strength (lb/ft) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 TRI Log # E2280-08-01 6 8 10 12 14 % Strain Figure C-2: Geogrid wide width tensile test load-strain curve for Synteen SF80 C-9 16 18 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 35000 Machine Direction 30000 Tensile Strength (lb/ft) 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 2 4 TRI Log # E2280-08-01 6 8 10 12 14 % Strain Figure C-3: Geogrid wide width tensile test load-strain curve for Synteen SF350 C-10 16 18 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix D: Installation Damage Detailed Test Results D-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-1: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF20 geogrid, soil gradation 1. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF20 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 5 1345 2561 37.4 12.1 5 1326 2526 36.9 10.4 5 1316 2507 36.6 11.7 5 1294 2464 36.0 12.1 5 1290 2457 35.9 11.9 1314 22.8 1.73 2503 43.4 1.73 36.5 0.63 1.73 11.6 0.69 5.94 Load @ 2% lbs 244 266 244 241 244 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 466 506 465 459 464 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 6.80 7.39 6.79 6.70 6.78 Load @ 5% lbs 426 476 418 405 428 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 812 907 796 771 815 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 11.9 13.2 11.6 11.3 11.9 Load @ 10% lbs 1111 1272 1081 1058 1096 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 2116 2423 2060 2014 2088 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 30.9 35.4 30.1 29.4 30.5 248 10.0 4.05 472 19.1 4.05 6.89 0.28 4.05 431 27.0 6.28 820 51.5 6.28 12.0 0.75 6.28 1124 85.2 7.59 2140 162 7.59 31.2 2.37 7.59 Load @ 2% lbs 239 246 243 247 235 239 240 237 232 234 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 455 468 463 470 448 456 458 451 443 445 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 6.65 6.84 6.76 6.87 6.54 6.65 6.69 6.58 6.46 6.50 Load @ 5% lbs 419 429 424 426 405 410 413 403 390 391 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 799 816 807 811 771 780 787 768 743 746 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 11.7 11.9 11.8 11.8 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.2 10.8 10.9 Load @ 10% lbs Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) Load @ 10% (kN/m) 1082 1118 1120 1087 2061 2129 2133 2070 30.1 31.1 31.1 30.2 1096 1076 1023 998 2087 2049 1948 1902 30.5 29.9 28.4 27.8 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF20 installed in Gradation 1 (Coarse Gravel) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 5 1015 1933 28.2 9.76 5 1138 2168 31.7 10.4 5 1248 2377 34.7 10.9 5 1195 2277 33.2 10.8 5 1106 2107 30.8 10.3 5 981 1869 27.3 9.48 5 1152 2194 32.0 10.7 5 1279 2436 35.6 11.8 5 1194 2274 33.2 11.2 5 1147 2185 31.9 11.0 Average Standard Deviation % COV 1146 93.6 8.17 2182 178 8.17 31.9 2.60 8.17 10.6 0.68 6.35 239 4.92 2.05 456 9.36 2.05 6.65 0.14 2.05 411 13.7 3.32 783 26.0 3.32 11.4 0.38 3.32 1075 43.2 4.01 2047 82.2 4.01 29.9 1.20 4.01 Percent Retained RFid 87.2 1.15 87.2 1.15 87.2 1.15 91.3 96.6 96.6 96.6 95.5 95.5 95.5 95.7 95.7 95.7 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-2: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF20 geogrid, soil gradation 2. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF20 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 5 1323 2521 36.8 12.3 5 1297 2470 36.1 11.3 5 1265 2409 35.2 10.6 5 1307 2489 36.3 12.0 5 1390 2648 38.7 11.9 1316 46.4 3.53 2507 88.4 3.53 36.6 1.29 3.53 11.6 0.68 5.82 Load @ 2% lbs 241 250 254 239 250 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 459 477 483 455 475 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 6.70 6.96 7.05 6.65 6.94 Load @ 5% lbs 422 444 453 421 433 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 803 846 862 802 824 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 11.7 12.4 12.6 11.7 12.0 Load @ 10% lbs 1101 1153 1190 1098 1161 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 2097 2196 2266 2091 2211 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 30.6 32.1 33.1 30.5 32.3 247 6.35 2.57 470 12.1 2.57 6.86 0.18 2.57 434 14.0 3.22 828 26.7 3.22 12.1 0.39 3.22 1140 39.8 3.49 2172 75.8 3.49 31.7 1.11 3.49 Load @ 2% lbs 224 234 238 235 233 232 239 244 244 234 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 426 446 454 447 443 443 455 464 464 445 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 6.22 6.52 6.63 6.52 6.47 6.46 6.64 6.78 6.77 6.50 Load @ 5% lbs 371 383 384 393 383 386 392 408 407 394 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 706 729 732 748 730 736 747 777 776 750 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 10.3 10.6 10.7 10.9 10.7 10.7 10.9 11.3 11.3 10.9 Load @ 10% lbs 994 997 1016 1029 1016 1021 1021 1065 1056 1061 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 1893 1898 1935 1960 1935 1945 1945 2029 2012 2021 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 27.6 27.7 28.3 28.6 28.3 28.4 28.4 29.6 29.4 29.5 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF20 installed in Gradation 2 (Sandy Gravel) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 5 1311 2497 36.5 12.6 5 1319 2513 36.7 13.4 5 1355 2581 37.7 12.7 5 1279 2436 35.6 12.0 5 1280 2438 35.6 12.1 5 1340 2552 37.3 13.0 5 1323 2521 36.8 12.8 5 1285 2448 35.7 11.9 5 1183 2254 32.9 10.8 5 1320 2514 36.7 11.9 Average Standard Deviation % COV 1299 48.1 3.70 2475 91.6 3.70 36.1 1.34 3.70 12.3 0.73 5.91 236 5.89 2.50 449 11.2 2.50 6.55 0.16 2.50 390 11.3 2.90 743 21.6 2.90 10.8 0.32 2.90 1028 25.4 2.47 1957 48.4 2.47 28.6 0.71 2.47 Percent Retained RFid 98.7 1.01 98.7 1.01 98.7 1.01 106 95.5 95.5 95.5 89.8 89.8 89.8 90.1 90.1 90.1 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-3: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF20 geogrid, soil gradation 3. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF20 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 7 1830 2495 36.4 12.2 7 1820 2481 36.2 12.1 7 1872 2553 37.3 12.4 7 1926 2627 38.3 12.5 7 1835 2503 36.5 12.4 1857 43.6 2.35 2532 59.5 2.35 37.0 0.87 2.35 12.3 0.18 1.46 Load @ 2% lbs 330 327 344 341 323 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 451 446 470 464 440 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 6.58 6.51 6.86 6.78 6.42 Load @ 5% lbs 543 543 571 560 548 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 740 740 779 764 747 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 10.8 10.8 11.4 11.2 10.9 Load @ 10% lbs 1411 1440 1463 1438 1401 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 1925 1964 1995 1960 1911 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 28.1 28.7 29.1 28.6 27.9 333 9.21 2.77 454 12.6 2.77 6.63 0.18 2.77 553 12.5 2.26 754 17.0 2.26 11.0 0.25 2.26 1431 24.4 1.71 1951 33.3 1.71 28.5 0.49 1.71 Load @ 2% lbs 330 305 334 325 303 312 315 350 329 322 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 449 416 455 443 413 426 430 477 449 439 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 6.56 6.08 6.65 6.47 6.04 6.22 6.28 6.96 6.55 6.41 Load @ 5% lbs 548 519 554 551 500 550 532 592 563 554 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 747 708 756 752 682 750 725 808 767 756 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 10.9 10.3 11.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 10.6 11.8 11.2 11.0 Load @ 10% lbs 1504 1395 1508 1543 1380 1519 1432 1577 1506 1494 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 2051 1903 2056 2105 1882 2071 1953 2150 2054 2038 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 30.0 27.8 30.0 30.7 27.5 30.2 28.5 31.4 30.0 29.8 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF20 installed in Gradation 3 (Sand) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 7 1745 2380 34.7 11.1 7 1770 2414 35.2 11.9 7 1773 2418 35.3 11.3 7 1559 2126 31.0 10.1 7 1724 2351 34.3 11.7 7 1650 2251 32.9 10.7 7 1737 2368 34.6 11.6 7 1726 2354 34.4 10.9 7 1754 2392 34.9 11.6 7 1781 2428 35.5 12.0 Average Standard Deviation % COV 1722 68.1 3.95 2348 93 3.95 34.3 1.36 3.95 11.3 0.60 5.28 323 14.1 4.38 440 19.3 4.38 6.42 0.28 4.38 546 25.0 4.58 745 34.1 4.58 10.9 0.50 4.58 1486 63.4 4.26 2026 86 4.26 29.6 1.26 4.26 Percent Retained RFid 92.8 1.08 92.8 1.08 92.8 1.08 91.7 96.9 96.9 96.9 98.8 98.8 98.8 104 104 104 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-4: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF80 geogrid, soil gradation 1. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF80 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 5 3843 7687 112 13.0 5 3936 7872 115 13.2 5 3991 7983 117 13.6 5 4056 8111 118 14.4 5 4009 8019 117 13.6 3967 81.3 2.05 7934 163 2.05 116 2.37 2.05 13.6 0.53 3.91 Load @ 2% lbs 683 704 691 694 689 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 1367 1408 1382 1387 1378 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 20.0 20.5 20.2 20.3 20.1 Load @ 5% lbs 1047 1087 1060 1064 1063 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 2094 2173 2120 2128 2126 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 30.6 31.7 30.9 31.1 31.0 Load @ 10% lbs 2513 2615 2533 2496 2574 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 5025 5230 5066 4993 5148 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 73.4 76.4 74.0 72.9 75.2 692 7.49 1.08 1384 15.0 1.08 20.2 0.22 1.08 1064 14.3 1.34 2128 28.6 1.34 31.1 0.42 1.34 2546 48.2 1.89 5093 96.3 1.89 74.4 1.41 1.89 Load @ 2% lbs 687 655 690 680 699 673 685 678 682 672 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 1374 1311 1381 1360 1398 1347 1371 1357 1365 1345 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 20.1 19.1 20.2 19.9 20.4 19.7 20.0 19.8 19.9 19.6 Load @ 5% lbs 1062 1028 1076 1054 1075 1032 1049 1043 1057 1038 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 2125 2057 2152 2108 2151 2064 2098 2086 2114 2075 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 31.0 30.0 31.4 30.8 31.4 30.1 30.6 30.5 30.9 30.3 Load @ 10% lbs 1062 1028 1076 1054 1075 1032 1049 1043 1057 1038 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 2125 2057 2152 2108 2151 2064 2098 2086 2114 2075 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 31.0 30.0 31.4 30.8 31.4 30.1 30.6 30.5 30.9 30.3 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF80 installed in Gradation 1 (Coarse Gravel) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 5 3644 7289 106 12.8 5 3753 7506 110 13.1 5 3521 7041 103 12.3 5 3515 7031 103 12.6 5 3829 7658 112 12.8 5 3844 7687 112 14.5 5 3703 7406 108 13.6 5 3590 7180 105 13.9 5 3876 7751 113 13.5 5 3642 7283 106 13.0 Average Standard Deviation % COV 3692 131 3.56 7383 263 3.56 108 3.83 3.56 13.2 0.68 5.14 680 11.8 1.74 1361 23.6 1.74 19.9 0.34 1.74 1051 16.7 1.59 2103 33.4 1.59 30.7 0.49 1.59 1051 16.7 1.59 2103 33.4 1.59 30.7 0.49 1.59 Percent Retained RFid 93.1 1.07 93.1 1.07 93.1 1.07 97.4 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.8 98.8 98.8 41.3 41.3 41.3 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-5: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF80 geogrid, soil gradation 2. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF80 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 7 5457 7796 114 13.5 7 5813 8304 121 14.7 7 5735 8193 120 14.0 7 5690 8129 119 13.7 7 5800 8286 121 14.4 5699 144 2.53 8142 206 2.53 119 3.01 2.53 14.1 0.49 3.49 Load @ 2% lbs 987 967 954 971 984 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 1409 1381 1362 1387 1406 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 20.6 20.2 19.9 20.2 20.5 Load @ 5% lbs 1511 1464 1467 1479 1515 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 2159 2091 2095 2113 2165 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 31.5 30.5 30.6 30.8 31.6 Load @ 10% lbs 3462 3479 3560 3609 3604 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 4946 4970 5085 5155 5149 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 72.2 72.6 74.2 75.3 75.2 972 13.5 1.39 1389 19.3 1.39 20.3 0.28 1.39 1487 24.6 1.66 2125 35.2 1.66 31.0 0.51 1.66 3543 68.8 1.94 5061 98.2 1.94 73.9 1.43 1.94 Load @ 2% lbs 909 911 917 928 968 940 961 941 935 923 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 1298 1302 1309 1326 1383 1343 1373 1344 1335 1318 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 19.0 19.0 19.1 19.4 20.2 19.6 20.0 19.6 19.5 19.2 Load @ 5% lbs 1392 1383 1350 1447 1522 1524 1545 1494 1485 1462 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 1989 1976 1928 2067 2174 2178 2207 2134 2121 2089 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 29.0 28.8 28.2 30.2 31.7 31.8 32.2 31.2 31.0 30.5 Load @ 10% lbs 2922 2901 2632 3188 3386 3921 3972 3839 3713 3674 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 4174 4144 3760 4554 4838 5602 5675 5485 5304 5249 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 60.9 60.5 54.9 66.5 70.6 81.8 82.9 80.1 77.4 76.6 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF80 installed in Gradation 2 (Sandy Gravel) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 7 5143 7347 107 13.9 7 5148 7354 107 13.9 7 4774 6821 100 13.9 7 4767 6809 99 12.9 7 4784 6834 100 12.3 7 4580 6542 96 11.0 7 4920 7029 103 11.4 7 4839 6913 101 11.4 7 4371 6244 91 10.9 7 4882 6975 102 11.9 Average Standard Deviation % COV 4821 234 4.85 6887 334 4.85 101 4.88 4.85 12.4 1.22 9.87 933 20.1 2.15 1333 28.6 2.15 19.5 0.42 2.15 1460 66.5 4.55 2086 95 4.55 30.5 1.39 4.55 3415 480 14.06 4878 686 14.06 71.2 10.0 14.06 Percent Retained RFid 84.6 1.18 84.6 1.18 84.6 1.18 87.9 96.0 96.0 96.0 98.2 98.2 98.2 96.4 96.4 96.4 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-6 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-6: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF80 geogrid, soil gradation 3. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF80 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 7 5525 7893 115 13.2 7 5737 8196 120 14.5 7 5653 8075 118 13.7 7 5817 8310 121 14.4 7 5584 7978 116 14.1 5663 117 2.06 8090 167 2.06 118 2.43 2.06 14.0 0.54 3.84 Load @ 2% lbs 1000 994 984 995 972 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 1428 1419 1406 1421 1389 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 20.8 20.7 20.5 20.8 20.3 Load @ 5% lbs 1547 1533 1527 1534 1491 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 2210 2190 2182 2191 2130 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 32.3 32.0 31.9 32.0 31.1 Load @ 10% lbs 3624 3589 3620 3636 3505 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 5177 5128 5171 5195 5007 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 75.6 74.9 75.5 75.8 73.1 989 10.9 1.10 1413 15.5 1.10 20.6 0.23 1.10 1526 21.0 1.38 2180 30.0 1.38 31.8 0.44 1.38 3595 53.1 1.48 5135 75.8 1.48 75.0 1.11 1.48 Load @ 2% lbs 967 1090 976 991 992 970 1006 959 990 987 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 1382 1558 1395 1416 1418 1385 1437 1371 1414 1410 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 20.2 22.7 20.4 20.7 20.7 20.2 21.0 20.0 20.6 20.6 Load @ 5% lbs 1539 1724 1543 1523 1512 1477 1526 1498 1592 1577 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 2198 2463 2205 2176 2159 2110 2179 2140 2274 2253 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 32.1 36.0 32.2 31.8 31.5 30.8 31.8 31.3 33.2 32.9 Load @ 10% lbs 3750 4392 3868 3196 3126 3058 3093 3117 3940 3965 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 5357 6275 5525 4566 4466 4369 4419 4453 5628 5665 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 78.2 91.6 80.7 66.7 65.2 63.8 64.5 65.0 82.2 82.7 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF80 installed in Gradation 3 (Sand) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 7 5439 7770 113 12.9 7 5565 7950 116 12.2 7 5055 7221 105 11.9 7 5286 7552 110 13.6 7 5587 7981 117 14.6 7 5496 7851 115 14.7 7 5583 7976 116 15.0 7 5524 7891 115 14.6 7 5527 7896 115 12.8 7 5578 7969 116 13.1 Average Standard Deviation % COV 5464 170 3.12 7806 243 3.12 114 3.55 3.12 13.5 1.13 8.35 993 37.0 3.72 1419 52.8 3.72 20.7 0.77 3.72 1551 69.7 4.50 2216 100 4.50 32.4 1.45 4.50 3551 485 13.66 5072 693 13.66 74.1 10.1 13.66 Percent Retained RFid 96.5 1.04 96.5 1.04 96.5 1.04 96.8 100 100 100 102 102 102 98.8 98.8 98.8 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-7 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-7: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF350 geogrid, soil gradation 1. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF350 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 3 11263 28157 411 13.9 3 11267 28169 411 14.4 3 11196 27990 409 13.9 3 11779 29447 430 13.1 3 11220 28049 410 15.3 11345 244 2.15 28362 611 2.15 414 8.92 2.15 14.1 0.81 5.8 Load @ 2% lbs 1650 1808 1829 1891 1874 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 4124 4520 4574 4728 4686 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 60.2 66.0 66.8 69.0 68.4 Load @ 5% lbs 2603 2612 2701 2691 2672 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 6508 6530 6752 6728 6681 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 95.0 95.3 98.6 98.2 97.5 Load @ 10% lbs 5611 5397 5524 5503 5264 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 14027 13492 13810 13758 13160 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 205 197 202 201 192 1811 96 5.3 4526 240 5.3 66.1 3.50 5.3 2656 45.3 1.71 6640 113 1.71 96.9 1.65 1.71 5460 133 2.4 13649 334 2.4 199 4.9 2.4 Load @ 2% lbs 2188 1884 1995 2116 1853 2029 1718 1931 2025 2247 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 5470 4710 4987 5291 4633 5072 4294 4828 5062 5616 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 79.9 68.8 72.8 77.2 67.6 74.1 62.7 70.5 73.9 82.0 Load @ 5% lbs 3056 2683 2777 2863 2738 2811 2718 2774 2817 3095 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 7641 6708 6942 7157 6845 7027 6795 6935 7044 7738 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 112 97.9 101 104 99.9 103 99.2 101 103 113 Load @ 10% lbs 7928 5772 6095 6721 6576 6024 6260 6625 6335 8311 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 19820 14430 15237 16802 16440 15060 15650 16563 15838 20777 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 289 211 222 245 240 220 228 242 231 303 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF350 installed in Gradation 1 (Coarse Gravel) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 3 8910 22276 325 11.1 3 9021 22553 329 12.7 3 9286 23216 339 12.5 3 8612 21530 314 11.7 3 8753 21881 319 11.6 3 9940 24851 363 12.9 3 8961 22403 327 11.8 3 9000 22499 328 11.7 3 9123 22807 333 12.1 3 8945 22362 326 10.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV 9055 362 3.99 22638 904 3.99 331 13.2 3.99 11.9 0.73 6.14 1998 160 8.01 4996 400 8.01 72.9 5.84 8.01 2833 138 4.87 7083 345 4.87 103 5.04 4.87 6665 825 12.4 16662 2062 12.4 243 30.1 12.4 Percent Retained RFid 79.8 1.25 79.8 1.25 79.8 1.25 84.0 110 110 110 107 107 107 122 122 122 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-8: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF350 geogrid, soil gradation 2. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF350 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 3 11177 27942 408 12.3 3 11012 27530 402 15.1 3 11621 29053 424 12.8 3 11087 27717 405 13.3 3 11041 27603 403 13.5 11188 250 2.24 27969 626 2.24 408 9.13 2.24 13.4 1.07 7.96 Load @ 2% lbs 2059 2007 2094 1981 2056 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 5147 5017 5235 4952 5140 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 75.1 73.2 76.4 72.3 75.0 Load @ 5% lbs 2894 2895 2984 2858 2969 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 7236 7238 7459 7146 7422 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 106 106 109 104 108 Load @ 10% lbs 7051 6887 7570 6750 6872 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 17629 17217 18925 16874 17180 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 257 251 276 246 251 2039 45.1 2.21 5098 113 2.21 74.4 1.65 2.21 2920 53.7 1.84 7300 134 1.84 107 1.96 1.84 7026 322 4.59 17565 806 4.59 256 11.8 4.59 Load @ 2% lbs 2025 1625 2353 2335 2102 1834 2197 1376 2368 2224 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 5063 4063 5882 5837 5256 4585 5494 3441 5920 5561 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 73.9 59.3 85.9 85.2 76.7 66.9 80.2 50.2 86.4 81.2 Load @ 5% lbs 2793 2584 3269 3193 2865 2754 2947 2558 3283 3079 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 6983 6460 8173 7982 7162 6885 7369 6395 8206 7697 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 102 94.3 119 117 105 101 108 93.4 120 112 Load @ 10% lbs 6346 5249 8302 8051 6709 6132 6976 5177 8012 8001 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 15865 13123 20755 20128 16772 15330 17439 12944 20030 20004 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 232 192 303 294 245 224 255 189 292 292 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF350 installed in Gradation 2 (Sandy Gravel) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 3 9070 22674 331 12.0 3 9453 23631 345 13.4 3 8958 22395 327 11.3 3 9112 22781 333 10.6 3 9530 23824 348 12.3 3 9054 22634 330 12.6 3 9198 22994 336 11.6 3 9144 22860 334 13.8 3 9700 24249 354 11.1 3 9156 22890 334 10.2 Average Standard Deviation % COV 9237 240 2.60 23093 600 2.60 337 8.76 2.60 11.9 1.16 9.72 2044 335 16.4 5110 837 16.4 74.6 12.2 16.4 2933 267 9.11 7331 668 9.11 107 9.75 9.11 6896 1172 17.0 17239 2931 17.0 252 42.8 17.0 Percent Retained RFid 82.6 1.21 82.6 1.21 82.6 1.21 88.8 100 100 100 100 100 100 98.1 98.1 98.1 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-9 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-9: Installation damage wide width tensile test results for Synteen SF350 geogrid, soil gradation 3. Installation damage testing (ASTM D 5818, as modified in WSDOT T925). Wide wide tensile testing (ASTM D 6637, Method B). Machine Direction Sample Identification SF350 Baseline Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 Ribs per Foot Width 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Average Standard Deviation % COV Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 3 11402 28505 416 13.4 3 11008 27521 402 13.0 3 11275 28188 412 13.9 3 11236 28089 410 14.6 3 10937 27343 399 14.3 11172 193 1.73 27929 483 1.73 408 7.06 1.73 13.8 0.64 4.66 Load @ 2% lbs 1943 1884 2012 1787 1590 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 4858 4709 5031 4467 3975 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 70.9 68.8 73.4 65.2 58.0 Load @ 5% lbs 2833 2834 2862 2703 2660 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 7083 7085 7156 6757 6649 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 103 103 104 98.6 97.1 Load @ 10% lbs 6783 6590 6426 5869 5659 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 16959 16475 16066 14672 14147 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 248 241 235 214 207 1843 164 8.89 4608 410 8.89 67.3 5.98 8.89 2778 90.8 3.27 6946 227 3.27 101 3.31 3.27 6266 481 7.67 15664 1202 7.67 229 17.6 7.67 Load @ 2% lbs 2291 2119 2320 2110 2234 2138 2143 2105 1236 2278 Load @ 2% (lbs/ft) 5727 5297 5800 5274 5586 5346 5357 5263 3089 5694 Load @ 2% (kN/m) 83.6 77.3 84.7 77.0 81.5 78.0 78.2 76.8 45.1 83.1 Load @ 5% lbs 3143 2942 3190 2838 3010 2962 2965 2890 2514 3354 Load @ 5% (lbs/ft) 7858 7355 7975 7094 7524 7406 7412 7225 6285 8384 Load @ 5% (kN/m) 115 107 116 104 110 108 108 105 92 122 Load @ 10% lbs 7731 6812 7512 6120 6832 7064 6957 6543 4796 8509 Load @ 10% (lbs/ft) 19328 17031 18779 15300 17081 17659 17392 16357 11991 21272 Load @ 10% (kN/m) 282 249 274 223 249 258 254 239 175 311 Machine Direction Sample Identification SF350 installed in Gradation 3 (Sand) Average Standard Deviation % COV Percent Retained RFid Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ribs per Foot Width 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Number Maximum Maximum Maximum Elongation of Ribs Load Load Load @ Break Tested (lbs) (lbs/ft) (kN/m) (%) 3 10395 25988 379 12.9 3 10267 25667 375 12.9 3 9932 24830 363 11.9 3 11072 27679 404 13.3 3 10325 25814 377 13.6 3 10208 25519 373 12.7 3 10151 25377 371 13.1 3 9416 23540 344 12.8 3 10334 25836 377 13.7 3 10126 25315 370 12.0 10223 412 4.03 25557 1029 4.03 373 15.0 4.03 12.9 0.59 4.56 2097 314 15.0 5243 784 15.0 76.6 11.4 15.0 2981 226 7.57 7452 564 7.57 109 8.24 7.57 6888 992 14.4 17219 2480 14.4 251 36.2 14.4 91.5 1.09 91.5 1.09 91.5 1.09 93.0 114 114 114 107 107 107 110 110 110 The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. D-10 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table D-10. Standard test soil gradations (% passing). Standard Installation Damage Soils Used for Field Exposures Percent Passing by Weight US Sieve Sieve Size Type 1 Type2 Type 3 No. (mm) (Coarse Gravel) (Sandy Gravel) (Silty Sand) 6 - in 150 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 - in. 75 100.0 100.0 100.0 2 - in. 50 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.5 - in. 38 100.0 100.0 1 - in. 25 76.5 100.0 100.0 3/4 - in. 19 51.9 100.0 100.0 1/2 - in. 12.5 100.0 3/8 - in. 9.5 13.8 90.6 100.0 No. 4 4.75 0.8 29.2 98.9 No. 10 1.7 0.3 0.8 70.4 No. 20 0.85 0.1 0.0 41.2 No. 40 0.425 0.0 0.0 28.2 No. 60 0.25 0.0 0.0 22.8 No. 100 0.15 0.0 0.0 19.4 No. 200 0.075 0.0 0.0 16.0 D50, mm 18.5 6.4 1.2 LA Abrasion Small Drum 19.1% loss 21% loss Method B 500 Cycles Liquid Limit, % Plasticity Index, % Angularity Angular to Angular to Angular (ASTM D 2488 ) Subangular Subangular GP GP SM Soil Classification Poorly Graded Poorly Graded Gravel with Well Graded Silty Gravel Sand Sand D-11 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Figure D-1. Lifting Plates positioned between ties and covered with first lift of compacted soil/aggregate. Figure D-2. Grid positioned over compacted base and covered. Cover soil/aggregate is uniformly spread and compacted using field-scale equipment and procedures. D-12 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Figure D-3. The density of the compacted soil is measured with a nuclear density gauge. Figure D-4. The steel plates are tilted to facilitate exhumation. D-13 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix E: ISO/EN Laboratory Installation Damage Detailed Test Results E-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 E.1 ISO/EN Laboratory Installation Damage Test Program Testing is done per the EN/ISO 10722. Five wide width tensile specimens are exposed to 200 cycles producing between 209 lb/ft2 (10 kPa) minimum and 10,443 lb/ft2 (500 kPa) maximum stress at a frequency of 1 Hz. The aggregate used is a sintered aluminum oxide with a grain size such that 100% shall pass a 10 mm sieve and 0% shall pass a 5 mm sieve. The exposed specimens and five baseline specimens are tested according to ISO/EN 10319. Representative photos of test apparatus and aggregate are provided in Figures E-1 and E-2. Detailed test results are provided in Tables E-1 through E-3. . Figure E-1. ISO/EN 10722, laboratory installation damage test apparatus. Figure E-2. ISO/EN 10722, laboratory installation damage aggregate. E-2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table E-1: Laboratory installation damage (ISO/EN 10722) tensile test results for Synteen SF20 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Laboratory Installation Dam age (ISO/EN 10722) Strength Retained measured via w ide w idth tensile (ISO/EN 10319) MD Number of Ribs per Specimen: MD Number of Ribs per foot: 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. COEF. VARI. PERCENT RETAINED 7 9.5 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - B 1871 1849 1764 1847 1920 1850 56 3 MD Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) - B 2539 2509 2394 2507 2606 2511 77 3 MD Tensile Strength (kN/m) - B 37.1 36.6 35.0 36.6 38.0 36.7 1.1 3.1 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - E 1189 1474 1416 1173 1236 1298 138 11 MD Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) - E 1614 2000 1922 1592 1677 1761 187 11 MD Tensile Strength (kN/m) - E 23.6 29.2 28.1 23.2 24.5 25.7 2.7 10.6 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - B 13.2 12.1 11.5 12.3 12.9 12.4 0.7 5.4 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - E 8.9 10.5 9.9 9.0 9.8 9.6 0.7 6.9 70 78 B - Baseline Unexposed E - Exposed MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as w ell as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. E-3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table E-2: Laboratory enstallation damage (ISO/EN 10722) tensile test results for Synteen SF80 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Laboratory Installation Dam age (ISO/EN 10722) Strength Retained measured via w ide w idth tensile (ISO/EN 10319) 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. COEF. VARI. MD Number of Ribs per Specimen: MD Number of Ribs per foot: 7 10.0 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - B 5614 5526 5657 5757 5417 5594 129 2 MD Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) - B 8020 7894 8081 8224 7739 7992 185 2 MD Tensile Strength (kN/m) - B 117 115 118 120 113 117 3 2.3 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - E 5285 5437 4754 4774 5179 5086 308 6 MD Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) - E 7550 7767 6791 6820 7399 7265 440 6 MD Tensile Strength (kN/m) - E 110 113 99 100 108 106 6 6.1 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - B 12.2 12.2 12.6 13.5 12.6 12.6 0.5 4.2 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - E 12.2 12.7 11.5 11.4 12.4 12.0 0.6 4.7 PERCENT RETAINED 91 95 B - Baseline Unexposed E - Exposed MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as w ell as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. E-4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table E-3: Laboratory enstallation damage (ISO/EN 10722) tensile test results for Synteen SF350 TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 Laboratory Installation Dam age (ISO/EN 10722) Strength Retained measured via w ide w idth tensile (ISO/EN 10319) MD Number of Ribs per Specimen: MD Number of Ribs per foot: 4 5 MEAN STD. DEV. COEF. VARI. PERCENT RETAINED 5 7.5 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - B 18700 18404 18615 18548 18499 18553 112 1 MD Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) - B 28050 27606 27923 27822 27749 27830 169 1 MD Tensile Strength (kN/m) - B 410 403 408 406 405 406 2 0.6 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - E 13657 13296 12854 13572 14104 13497 462 3 MD Tensile Strength (lbs/ft) - E 20486 19944 19281 20358 21156 20245 693 3 MD Tensile Strength (kN/m) - E 299 291 282 297 309 296 10 3.4 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - B 13.2 12.5 13.5 13.9 13.4 13.3 0.5 3.9 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - E 10.1 10.6 9.8 10.7 10.8 10.4 0.4 4.1 73 78 B - Baseline Unexposed E - Exposed MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as w ell as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. E-5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix F: Creep Rupture Detailed Test Results F-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table F-1: Explanation/Key for Individual Creep Test Data Tables/Figures Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 Spreadsheet Filename SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Manufacturer Product Specimen: Test Filename 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 01-Jan-07 Average Creep Stress: 65.0 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 100.0 kN/m Rupture: 66.00 YES Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 20.00 - 2 9500 10000 500 0.1 1.2600 34.00 0.0900 3 19500 20000 500 0.1 1.2600 48.00 0.0900 4 29500 30000 500 0.1 1.2600 62.00 0.0900 5 39500 40000 500 0.1 1.2600 76.00 0.0900 6 49500 50000 500 0.1 1.2600 90.00 0.0900 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 90 60000 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.9542 4.7782 log hours 6.0000 AT(t-t') - 17.25 years 114.00 Strain 9.500 12.500 % - Modulus 800.0 600.0 kN/m - AVG logAT/T = Horizontal shift factor for each temperature step expressed per degree C Average temperature for each step 0.0900 logAT = Horizontal shift factor for each temperature step Vshift(%) = Vertical shift to offset system temperature expansion % Strain and Creep Modulus at end of test Rupture Time expressed in log hours and years % Strain and Creep Modulus at onset of creep t = The actual start time of each temperature step t' = The theoritical start time of each temperature step F-2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf206518d7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF20 Specimen: 081n2ssf20sim65 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 18-Dec-07 Average Creep Stress: 24.4 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 37.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 65.01 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.61 - 2 9300 10019 719 0.09 1.1429 33.12 0.0846 3 19300 20009 709 0.08 1.1780 46.60 0.0874 4 29300 29999 699 0.08 1.1837 60.61 0.0845 5 39300 39989 689 0.09 1.1896 74.59 0.0851 6 49300 49979 679 0.1 1.1955 88.38 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 54.6 52919 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.7372 9.4482 log hours 5.8586 AT(t-t') - 88.95 years 82.37 Strain 8.914 11.121 % - Modulus 277.7 219.0 kN/m - 0.0867 AVG 0.0856 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-1. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF20 at load level of 65.01% UTS. F-3 6 7 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf207028n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF20 Specimen: 081n2ssf20sim70 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 28-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 26.2 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 37.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 69.98 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.86 - 2 9400 10019 619 0.09 1.2079 34.04 0.0852 3 19400 20009 609 0.08 1.2399 48.58 0.0853 4 29400 29999 599 0.08 1.2467 62.82 0.0875 5 6 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 60.12 32399 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.7790 7.1714 log hours 3.6029 AT(t-t') - 0.47 years 0.46 Strain 9.702 11.757 % - Modulus 273.7 223.0 kN/m - AVG 0.0860 14 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-2. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF20 at load level of 69.98% UTS. F-4 5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf207528n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF20 Specimen: 081n2ssf20sim75 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 28-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 28.1 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 37.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 74.99 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 20.06 - 2 9400 10019 619 0.1 1.2076 33.49 0.0899 3 19400 20009 609 0.1 1.2396 47.65 0.0876 4 29400 29999 599 0.15 1.2464 61.56 0.0896 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 61.5 32099 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.7889 7.1248 log hours 3.5735 AT(t-t') - 0.42 years 0.43 Strain 9.315 11.782 % - Modulus 301.6 238.4 kN/m - 5 6 AVG 0.0890 14 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-3. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF20 at load level of 74.99% UTS. F-5 5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf208031d7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF20 Specimen: 081n2ssf20sim80 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 31-Dec-07 Average Creep Stress: 30.0 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 37.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 80.00 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.96 - 2 9500 10019 519 0.1 1.2842 34.02 0.0914 3 4 5 6 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 65.27 13319 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.8147 4.8662 log hours 1.3064 AT(t-t') - 0.00 years 0.00 Strain 10.318 12.329 % - Modulus 292.4 243.1 kN/m - AVG 0.0914 14 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-4. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF20 at load level of 80.00% UTS. F-6 3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf806020n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF80 Specimen: 081n2ssf80sim60 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 20-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 72.0 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 120.1 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 60.00 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.50 - 2 9400 10019 619 0.09 1.2078 33.31 0.0875 3 19400 20009 609 0.08 1.2397 47.20 0.0892 4 29400 29999 599 0.07 1.2465 61.41 0.0877 5 39400 39989 589 1.27 1.2534 75.37 0.0898 6 49400 49979 579 0.15 1.2604 89.34 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 66.19 53355 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.8208 9.8051 log hours 6.2053 AT(t-t') - 202.29 years 183.01 Strain 9.654 12.400 % - Modulus 746.2 343.5 kN/m - 0.0902 AVG 0.0889 14 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-5. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF80 at load level of 60.00% UTS. F-7 7 8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf806519n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF80 Specimen: 081n2ssf80sim65 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 19-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 78.1 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 120.1 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 65.01 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.77 - 2 9400 10019 619 0.09 1.2078 34.01 0.0848 3 19400 20009 609 0.08 1.2398 48.25 0.0871 4 29400 29999 599 0.07 1.2466 62.36 0.0883 5 39400 39989 589 0.08 1.2535 76.29 0.0900 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 70.6 44999 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.8488 8.6959 log hours 5.1204 AT(t-t') - 15.73 years 15.05 Strain 10.870 13.355 % - Modulus 718.1 584.4 kN/m - 6 AVG 0.0875 5 6 16 14 STRAIN (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-6. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF80 at load level of 65.01% UTS. F-8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf807028n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF80 Specimen: 081n2ssf80sim70 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 28-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 84.0 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 120.1 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 69.97 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.75 - 2 9400 10019 619 0.09 1.2077 33.00 0.0912 3 19400 20009 609 0.08 1.2397 46.51 0.0918 4 29400 29999 599 0.07 1.2465 60.26 0.0907 5 6 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 74.74 39643 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.8736 7.7043 log hours 4.1255 AT(t-t') - 1.60 years 1.52 Strain 10.816 12.968 % - Modulus 777.1 268.8 kN/m - AVG 0.0912 5 6 14 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-7. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF80 at load level of 69.97% UTS. F-9 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf807519n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF80 Specimen: 081n2ssf80sim75 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 19-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 90.0 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 120.1 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 75.00 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.94 - 2 9300 10020 720 0.09 1.1420 34.05 0.0809 3 19300 20010 710 0.1 1.1771 48.21 0.0831 4 29300 30000 700 0.07 1.1828 62.32 0.0838 5 6 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 120.46 33420 sec - logAT(t-t') 2.0808 7.1168 log hours 3.5559 AT(t-t') - 0.41 years 0.41 Strain 11.810 15.707 % - Modulus 762.6 573.4 kN/m - AVG 0.0826 18 16 STRAIN (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-8. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF80 at load level of 75.00% UTS. F-10 5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf808028n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF80 Specimen: 081n2ssf80sim80 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 28-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 96.1 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 120.1 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 80.00 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.82 - 2 9300 10019 719 0.09 1.1427 33.33 0.0846 3 19300 20009 709 0.1 1.1777 46.73 0.0878 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 80.2 22199 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.9042 5.7827 log hours 2.2112 AT(t-t') - 0.02 years 0.02 Strain 12.108 15.318 % - Modulus 793.4 627.1 kN/m - 4 5 6 AVG 0.0862 18 16 STRAIN (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-9. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF80 at load level of 80.00% UTS. F-11 4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf808528n7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF80 Specimen: 081n2ssf80sim85 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 28-Nov-07 Average Creep Stress: 102.1 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 120.1 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 85.00 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 19.96 - 2 9300 10019 719 0.09 1.1425 32.70 0.0897 3 4 5 6 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 82.84 11819 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.9182 4.5438 log hours 0.9842 AT(t-t') - 0.00 years 0.00 Strain 11.899 14.562 % - Modulus 857.7 700.9 kN/m - AVG 0.0897 16 14 STRAIN (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-10. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF80 at load level of 85.00% UTS. F-12 2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics Conventional Creep Test Results - ASTM D 5262 SF80 - Multirib 14 Finished without rupture @ 10,000 hrs 70.0 % UTS 12 % STRAIN 10 8 6 4 2 Reference Temperature - 20C 0 -4 -3 TRI Log # E2280-08-01 -2 -1 0 1 2 LOG TIME (HR) Figure F-11. Creep data/curve per ASTM D5262, multirib, for Synteen SF80 at a load level of 70.0% UTS and 68oF(20oC) F-13 3 4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics Conventional Creep Test Results - ASTM D 5262 SF80 - Multirib 14 Rupture @ 4232 hrs 73.0 % UTS 12 % STRAIN 10 8 6 4 2 Reference Temperature - 20C 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 LOG TIME (HR) TRI Log # E2280-08-01 Figure F-12. Creep data/curve per ASTM D5262, multirib, for Synteen SF80 at a load level of 73.0% UTS and 68oF(20oC) F-14 3 4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics Conventional Creep Test Results - ASTM D 5262 SF80 - Multirib 18 Rupture @ 301.3 hrs 76.0 % UTS 16 % STRAIN 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Reference Temperature - 20C 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 LOG TIME (HR) TRI Log # E2280-08-01 Figure F-13. Creep data/curve per ASTM D5262, multirib, for Synteen SF80 at a load level of 76.0% UTS and 68oF(20oC) F-15 3 4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics Conventional Creep Test Results - ASTM D 5262 SF80 - Multirib 16 Ruptured @ 96.8 hrs 79.0 % UTS 14 % STRAIN 12 10 8 6 4 2 Reference Temperature - 20C 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 LOG TIME (HR) TRI Log # E2280-08-01 Figure F-14. Creep data/curve per ASTM D5262, multirib, for Synteen SF80 at a load level of 79.0% UTS and 68oF(20oC) F-16 3 4 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics Conventional Creep Test Results - ASTM D 5262 SF80 - Single rib 18 Rupture @ 19.98 hrs 82.0 % UTS 16 % STRAIN 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Reference Temperature - 20C 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 LOG TIME (HR) TRI Log # E2280-08-01 Figure F-15. Creep data/curve per ASTM D5262, single rib, for Synteen SF80 at a load level of 82.0% UTS and 68oF(20oC) F-17 2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics Conventional Creep Test Results - ASTM D 5262 SF80 - Single rib 18 Rupture @ 0.46 hrs 85.0 % UTS 16 % STRAIN 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Reference Temperature - 20C 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 LOG TIME (HR) TRI Log # E2280-08-01 Figure F-16. Creep data/curve per ASTM D5262, single rib, for Synteen SF80 at a load level of 85.0% UTS and 68oF(20oC) F-18 1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf3506519d7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF350 Specimen: 081n2ssf350sim65 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 19-Dec-07 Average Creep Stress: 277.2 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 426.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 65.00 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 20.17 - 2 9300 10020 720 0.12 1.1425 34.52 0.0796 3 19300 20010 710 0.1 1.1776 48.60 0.0837 4 29300 30000 700 0.1 1.1834 62.78 0.0834 5 39300 39990 690 0.1 1.1892 76.79 0.0849 6 49300 49980 680 0.1 1.1951 90.83 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 57.5 51570 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.7597 9.2437 log hours 5.7008 AT(t-t') - 55.54 years 57.28 Strain 11.832 13.657 % - Modulus 2403.8 2029.8 kN/m - 0.0851 AVG 0.0833 16 14 STRAIN (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-17. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF350 at load level of 65.00% UTS. F-19 6 7 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf3507018d7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF350 Specimen: 081n2ssf350sim70 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 18-Dec-07 Average Creep Stress: 298.5 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 426.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 70.01 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 20.05 - 2 9300 10020 720 0.12 1.1425 34.70 0.0780 3 19300 20010 710 0.1 1.1776 47.97 0.0887 4 29300 30000 700 0.1 1.1834 61.89 0.0850 5 39300 39990 690 0.1 1.1892 76.44 0.0817 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 67.5 40560 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.8293 7.7929 log hours 4.2403 AT(t-t') - 1.97 years 1.98 Strain 12.474 14.774 % - Modulus 2454.4 2020.8 kN/m - 6 AVG 0.0832 16 14 STRAIN (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-18. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF350 at load level of 70.01% UTS. F-20 6 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf3507518d7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF350 Specimen: 081n2ssf350sim75 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 20-Dec-07 Average Creep Stress: 319.9 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 426.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 75.01 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 20.45 - 2 9300 10020 720 0.1 1.1425 34.80 0.0796 3 19300 20010 710 0.1 1.1776 49.01 0.0829 4 29300 30000 700 0.1 1.1834 63.14 0.0837 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 57.5 33570 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.7597 7.1338 log hours 3.6136 AT(t-t') - 0.43 years 0.47 Strain 12.587 15.395 % - Modulus 2630.8 2080.7 kN/m - 5 6 AVG 0.0821 18 16 STRAIN (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-19. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF350 at load level of 75.01% UTS. F-21 5 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Accelerated Creep Rupture via SIM - ASTM D 6992 081n2ssf3508020d7.xls SUMMARY CREEP PARAMETERS: NTPEP - Synteen Technical Fabrics SF350 Specimen: 081n2ssf350sim80 4 Method: SIM (10 s, 14C),single rib, machine dir. Test Date: 20-Dec-07 Average Creep Stress: 341.2 kN/m %UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength: 426.5 kN/m Rupture: Dwell Seq t' t (t-t')i Vshift(%) logAT Temp 80.01 YES logAT/T 1 0 0.5 0.5 - - 20.30 - 2 9500 10020 520 0.1 1.2840 34.43 0.0909 Summary Initial Final Units @20C refT lab time 67.5 11610 sec - logAT(t-t') 1.8293 4.6081 log hours 1.0788 AT(t-t') - 0.00 years 0.00 Strain 11.777 13.275 % - Modulus 2958.5 2575.5 kN/m - 3 4 5 6 AVG 0.0909 14 12 STRAIN (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 LOG TIME (hr) Figure F-20. SIM/Creep data/curve for Synteen SF350 at load level of 80.01% UTS. F-22 3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO (2007)-01 June,2009 Synteen SF80 - Creep Rupture Single Rib Conv. Rupture SIM Data All Data Regression Multi-Rib Conv. Runout Conv Regression 1000 hour Acceptable Limits Multi-rib Conv. Rupture SIM Regression 50000 hour Acceptable Limits 90.00 85.00 80.00 Load (%UTS) 75.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 SF80 SIM regression satisfies the 90% two sided confidence limits at 1000 and 50,000 hours per WSDOT T925. 50.00 -1 0 1 2 1000 3 hrs 4 Time (log hrs) 50000 5 hrs 6 7 Figure F-21. Statistical evaluation results for determining validity of using SIM to extend Synteen SF geogrid conventional creep rupture data, and to compare single-rib to multi-rib data. F-23 8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table F-2. Computation table to determine statistical validity of using SIM to extend Synteen SF geogrid conventional creep data. Synteen SF80 Creep Data Evaluation SIM Test Report Conventional Product time, log hrs %UTS Rupture SF80 6.2053 60.00 SF80 SF80 5.1204 4.1255 SF80 SF80 SF80 Runout Test Report logti-logtbar (logtilogtbar)2 79.00 0.17 0.0306 0.00 0 0 76.00 73.00 76.00 73.00 0.67 1.82 0.4463 3.2962 -3.00 -6.00 9 36 -2.004144 -10.89329 82.00 85.00 82.00 85.00 -0.51 -2.15 0.2605 4.6147 3.00 6.00 9 36 -1.531056 -12.88915 Product time, log hrs %UTS Rupture 60.00 SF80 1.9859 79.00 65.01 69.97 65.01 69.97 SF80 SF80 2.4790 3.6265 3.5559 2.2112 75.00 80.00 75.00 80.00 SF80 SF80 1.3006 -0.3372 0.9842 85.00 85.00 SF80 SF80 SF80 4.0000 Runout Pi - Pbar (Pi-Pbar)2 K*L 70.00 2.353 6 5 3.00 4.70 P1000 = 75.0826 P50000 = sigma squared = 69.4851 0.1189 sigma = 0.3448 but time is the y axis the x axis -0.202297 -4.943217 18.366304 90.78863 4.6990 67.560452 = 50000 hr intercept Conventional - All Points 9.0548 1.8110 395.00 79.00 Sum 0.00 8.6483 (90% 2-sided prediction limit) Conv - 1000 hrs (log 3.000) d-o-f slope intercept if time were 3.0000 75.958978 = 1000 hr intercept SF80 SF80 student's t = n-sim = n-conv = treg = treg = time is dependent variable: R squared 0.9898507 0.989851 -2 100.6751 10 41.35646 SF80 Sum Mean SIM - All Points Conv - 50000 hrs (log 4.699) 3 log tL - lower = log tL - upper = 2.05 3.95 75.0826 log tL - lower = 75.0826 log tL - upper = SIM - logtL @ Load = 3.18 OK 3.49 5.90 SIM - logtL @ Load = 69.4851 69.4851 4.31 OK 0.00 90 -27.31764 time is dependent variable: if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.303529 -3.294574 intercept 25.789769 84.96632 R squared 0.9587673 0.958767 -2 91.55547 10 52.02057 3.0000 75.082593 = 1000 hr intercept 4.6990 69.485111 = 50000 hr intercept All Creep Data (conv & SIM) time is dependent variable: 90% 2-sided conf. limit df student's t 2 2.92 3 2.353 4 2.132 5 2.015 6 1.943 7 1.895 8 1.86 9 1.833 10 1.812 11 1.796 12 1.782 13 1.771 14 1.761 if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.232303 -4.304722 intercept 20.369467 87.68489 R squared 0.9511464 0.951146 -2 96.29434 10 44.63767 3.0000 74.770726 = 1000 hr intercept 4.6990 67.457004 = 50000 hr intercept F-24 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO (2007)-01 June,2009 Synteen SF80 - SF20 - SF350 - Creep Rupture SF80 Regression All Regression SF80 SIM Rupture SF20 SIM rupture SF20 Regression 2000 hour Acceptable Limits SF80 conv rupture SF350 SIM rupture SF350 Regression 50000 hour Acceptable Limits SF80 conv runout 100 SF20 & SF350 regressions satisfy the 90% two sided confidence limits at 2000 and 50,000 hours per WSDOT T925. Load (%UTS) 90 80 70 60 50 0 1 2 3 2000 hrs 4 Time (log hrs) 50000 hrs 5 6 7 Figure F-22. Statistical evaluation results for determining validity of creating composite creep rupture envelope for the Synteen SF geogrid product line. F-25 8 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table F-3. Computation table to determine statistical validity of creating composite creep rupture envelope for the Synteen SF geogrid product line - SF20 and SF80 comparision. Synteen SF20 Creep Data Evaluation Test Report Product SF20 SIM Tests on SF20 Expected time, log hrs %UTS 5.8586 65.01 SIM & Conventional Tests on SF80 Rupture 65.01 Test Report Product SF80 time, log hrs 6.2053 %UTS 60.00 Rupture 60.00 Runout logti-logtbar 3.36 (logtilogtbar)2 11.3147 Pi - Pbar (Pi-Pbar)2 K*L -15.45 238.7868 -51.97882 SF20 3.6029 69.98 69.98 SF80 5.1204 65.01 65.01 2.28 5.1931 -10.44 109.0506 -23.79721 SF20 SF20 3.5735 1.3064 74.99 80.00 74.99 80.00 SF80 SF80 4.1255 3.5559 69.97 75.00 69.97 75.00 1.28 0.71 1.6485 0.5103 -5.48 -0.45 30.0603 -7.039443 0.204962 -0.323397 SF80 2.2112 80.00 80.00 -0.63 0.3974 4.55 20.67769 -2.86646 SF80 SF80 SF80 0.9842 85.00 85.00 -1.86 3.4498 9.55 91.15042 -17.73281 student's t = n-sf20 = n-sf80 = 1.833 4 11 (90% 2-sided prediction limit) d-o-f 9 treg = 3.3010 SF80 1.9859 79.00 79.00 -0.86 0.7322 3.55 12.58314 -3.035292 treg = 4.6990 73.8904 SF80 2.4790 76.00 76.00 -0.36 0.1315 0.55 0.299507 -0.198424 P2000 = SF80 1.3006 82.00 82.00 -1.54 2.3746 6.55 42.86678 -10.08914 P50000 = sigma squared = 67.8727 0.1980 SF80 SF80 -0.3372 3.6265 85.00 73.00 85.00 73.00 -3.18 0.78 10.1048 0.6161 9.55 -2.45 91.15042 -30.34896 6.015871 -1.925221 sigma = 0.4450 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 Sum 4.0000 90% 2-sided conf. limit df student's t 2 2.92 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2.353 2.132 2.015 1.943 1.895 1.86 1.833 1.812 1.796 1.782 1.771 1.761 Mean 70 31.2573 829.98 2.8416 75.45 Sum 0.00 36.4728 2.45 4.15 SF20 - logtL @ Load = 3.20 OK 642.8464 -149.3352 SF20 - All Points time is dependent variable: slope intercept if time were but time is the y axis the x axis -0.273758 -3.652862 23.43143 85.59179 R squared 0.9033694 0.903369 -2 92.89752 10 49.06317 3.3010 73.533582 = 2000 hr intercept 4.6990 68.427099 = 50000 hr intercept SF80 - All Points time is dependent variable: if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.232303 -4.304722 intercept 20.466003 88.10045 R squared 0.9511464 0.951146 -2 96.7099 10 45.05323 3.3010 73.890436 = 2000 hr intercept * runout plotting below the regression line is not included in the regression SF80 - 2000 hrs (log 3.301) SF80 - 50000 hrs (log 4.699) log tL - lower = log tL - upper = 0.00 SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv 73.8904 log tL - lower = 73.8904 log tL - upper = 4.6990 67.872693 = 50000 hr intercept All Creep Data SF80 & SF20 (conv & SIM) time is dependent variable: 3.81 5.59 SF20 - logtL @ Load = F-26 67.8727 67.8727 4.85 OK if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.239025 -4.183671 intercept 20.87295 87.32555 R squared 0.9391005 0.939101 -2 95.69289 10 45.48884 5.8176 62.986627 = 75-yr intercept 5.9425 62.464086 = 100-yr intercept NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table F-4. Computation table to determine statistical validity of creating composite creep rupture envelope for the Synteen SF geogrid product line - SF350 and SF80 comparision. Synteen SF350 Creep Data Evaluation Test Report Product SIM Tests on SF350 Expected time, log hrs %UTS SIM & Conventional Tests on SF80 Rupture Test Report Product time, log hrs %UTS Rupture Runout logti-logtbar (logtilogtbar)2 Pi - Pbar (Pi-Pbar)2 K*L SF350 5.7008 65.00 65.00 SF80 6.2053 60.00 60.00 3.36 11.3147 -15.45 238.7868 -51.97882 SF350 SF350 4.2403 3.6136 70.01 75.01 70.01 75.01 SF80 SF80 5.1204 4.1255 65.01 69.97 65.01 69.97 2.28 1.28 5.1931 1.6485 -10.44 -5.48 109.0506 -23.79721 30.0603 -7.039443 SF350 1.0788 80.01 80.01 SF80 3.5559 75.00 75.00 0.71 0.5103 -0.45 0.204962 -0.323397 SF80 2.2112 80.00 80.00 -0.63 0.3974 4.55 20.67769 -2.86646 SF80 SF80 SF80 0.9842 85.00 85.00 -1.86 3.4498 9.55 91.15042 -17.73281 3.3010 SF80 1.9859 79.00 79.00 -0.86 0.7322 3.55 12.58314 -3.035292 SF80 2.4790 76.00 76.00 -0.36 0.1315 0.55 0.299507 -0.198424 SF80 1.3006 82.00 82.00 -1.54 2.3746 6.55 42.86678 -10.08914 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 Sum -0.3372 3.6265 4.0000 85.00 73.00 85.00 73.00 -3.18 0.78 10.1048 0.6161 9.55 -2.45 91.15042 -30.34896 6.015871 -1.925221 student's t = n-sf350 = n-sf80 = treg = treg = 1.833 4 11 P2000 = P50000 = 4.6990 73.8904 67.8727 sigma squared = 0.1980 sigma = 0.4450 90% 2-sided conf. limit df student's t 2 2.92 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2.353 2.132 2.015 1.943 1.895 1.86 1.833 1.812 1.796 1.782 1.771 1.761 (90% 2-sided prediction limit) d-o-f 9 Mean 70 31.2573 829.98 2.8416 75.45 Sum 0.00 36.4728 SF350 - logtL @ Load = 2.45 4.15 73.8904 log tL - lower = 73.8904 log tL - upper = 3.26 OK 642.8464 -149.3352 time is dependent variable: slope intercept if time were but time is the y axis the x axis -0.28967 -3.452209 24.661595 85.13697 R squared 0.9404286 0.940429 -2 92.04139 10 50.61489 3.3010 73.74113 = 2000 hr intercept 4.6990 68.915149 = 50000 hr intercept SF80 - All Points time is dependent variable: if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.232303 -4.304722 intercept 20.466003 88.10045 R squared 0.9511464 0.951146 -2 96.7099 10 45.05323 3.3010 73.890436 = 2000 hr intercept * runout plotting below the regression line is not included in the regression SF80 - 2000 hrs (log 3.301) SF80 - 50000 hrs (log 4.699) log tL - lower = log tL - upper = 0.00 SF350 - All Points SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv Conv 4.6990 67.872693 = 50000 hr intercept All Creep Data SF80 & SF350 (conv & SIM) time is dependent variable: 3.81 5.59 SF350 - logtL @ Load = F-27 67.8727 67.8727 5.00 OK if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.242429 -4.124923 intercept 21.149257 87.23906 R squared 0.9432547 0.943255 -2 95.48891 10 45.98983 5.8176 63.241906 = 75-yr intercept 5.9425 62.726703 = 100-yr intercept NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table F-5. Computation table for composite creep rupture envelope for the Synteen SF geogrid product line (in support of Figure 5-1). Stress, % of UTS product: SIM DATA: CONV DATA: data for regression calculation loghrs all SF20 5.8586 65.01 SF20 3.6029 69.98 SF20 3.5735 74.99 SF20 1.3064 80.00 SF350 SF350 SF350 SF350 5.7008 4.2403 3.6136 1.0788 65.00 70.01 75.01 80.01 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 SF80 6.2053 5.1204 4.1255 3.5559 2.2112 0.9842 60.00 65.01 69.97 75.00 80.00 85.00 SF80 Multi-Rib SF80 Multi-Rib SF80 Multi-Rib SF80 SF80 SF80 Multi-Rib 1.9859 2.4790 3.6265 1.3006 -0.3372 4.0000 SF20 65.01 69.98 74.99 80.00 SF350 65.00 70.01 75.01 80.01 79.00 76.00 73.00 82.00 85.00 sim rupture 65.01 69.98 74.99 80.00 rlt rupture conv''l rupture sim runout* conv'l runout* NOTE: Don't include runouts in the regression calculation unless the points lie above the line SIM & Conventional - SF20 time is dependent variable: 65.00 70.01 75.01 80.01 60.00 65.01 69.97 75.00 80.00 85.00 if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.273758 -3.65286 intercept 23.43143 85.5918 R squared 0.9033694 0.90337 -2 92.8975 10 49.0632 6 63.674616 = 114 Year intercept 5.817863 64.339938 = 75 Year intercept SIM & Conventional - SF350 time is dependent variable: 60.00 65.01 69.97 75.00 80.00 85.00 79.00 76.00 73.00 82.00 85.00 79.00 76.00 73.00 82.00 85.00 70.00 SIM Only - All time is dependent variable: slope intercept R squared SF80 if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.28967 -3.45221 intercept 24.661595 85.137 R squared 0.9404286 0.94043 -2 92.0414 10 50.6149 6 64.423722 = 114 Year intercept 5.817863 65.052497 = 75 Year intercept SIM Only - SF80 time is dependent variable: if time were but time is the y axis the x axis slope -0.202297 -4.94322 intercept 18.366304 90.7886 R squared 0.9898507 0.98985 -2 100.675 10 41.3565 5.999706 61.130779 = 114 Year intercept 5.817863 62.029671 = 75 Year intercept SIM & Conventional - SF80 time is dependent variable: SIM & Conventional - All time is dependent variable: if time were but time is if time were but time is if time were but time is the y axis the x axis the y axis the x axis the y axis the x axis -0.2311817 20.4160336 0.9268135 -2 10 5.99970632 62.3593041 5.81786273 63.1458872 -4.3256027 88.31165 0.9268135 96.9628554 45.0556229 = 114 Year intercept = 75 Year intercept slope intercept R squared -0.2469286 21.4946851 0.93542518 -2 10 5.99970632 62.7508469 5.81786273 63.4872686 -4.0497536 87.0481795 0.93542518 95.1476868 46.550643 = 114 Year intercept = 75 Year intercept F-28 slope -0.232303 -4.30472 intercept 20.369467 87.6849 R squared 0.9511464 0.95115 -2 96.2943 10 44.6377 5.999706 61.857824 = 114 Year intercept 5.817863 62.64061 = 75 Year intercept NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 The regression for the conventional creep tests produced at log 3.00 hr (1,000 hrs) and log 4.6990 hr (50,000 hrs) intercepts at 75.08% and 69.49% UTS, respectively. The regression for the accelerated creep tests (SIM) produced log 3.18 and log 4.31, respectively, for the same %UTS. This was within the 90% confidence limits of log 2.05 to log 3.95 and log 3.49 to log 5.90 associated with those %UTS. This evaluation is summarized in Table CR3. Thus, the conventional and accelerated data may be used together to construct the characteristic creep rupture curve of the primary product. Confidence limits satisfied per T925. Table F-6. Summary of statistical comparison between SIM and conventional creep rupture envelopes. Product SF80 conv. SF80 SIM Intercept at log 3.0000 & 4.6990 hrs, %UTS Intercept at same % UTS, log hrs 75.08 & 69.49 3.0000 & 4.6990 90% Confidence Limits @ Higher %UTS, log hrs - - 3.18 & 4.31 2.05 to 3.95 90% Confidence Limits @ Lower %UTS, log hrs 3.49 to 5.90 The regression for the all creep tests on the primary product (SF80) produced log 3.3010 hr (2,000 hrs) and log 4.6990 hr (50,000 hrs) intercepts at 73.89% and 67.87% UTS, respectively. The regression for the creep tests on SF20 & SF350 produced log time intercepts for the same %UTS within the 90% confidence limits of log 2.45 to log 4.15 and log 3.81 to log 5.59 associated with those %UTS. This evaluation is summarized in Table CR4. Thus, the primary, SF80, and secondary products, SF20 & SF350, data may be used together to construct the characteristic creep rupture curve of the family of products. Confidence limits satisfied per T925. Table F-7. Summary of statistical comparison between rupture envelopes for all tested SF geogrid products, to test validity of composite creep rupture envelope for product line. Product SF80 SF20 SF350 Intercept at log 3.3010 & 4.6990 hrs, %UTS Intercept at same % UTS, log hrs 73.89 & 67.87 3.3010 & 4.6990 3.20 & 4.85 3.26 & 5.00 - F-29 90% Confidence Limits @ Higher %UTS, log hrs 2.45 to 4.15 2.45 to 4.15 90% Confidence Limits @ Lower %UTS, log hrs 3.81 to 5.59 3.81 to 5.59 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix G: Durability Detailed Test Results G-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table G-1. Yarn test results to evaluate susceptibility to hydrolysis Material: Polyester Yarn Product Identification: SF20 Uncoated Synteen Geogrid Yarn TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 MEAN STD. DEV. 3 Carboxyl End Group (CEG) Count (Test Method: GRI GG7) mmol/Kg 19.4 19.0 19.4 19.3 0.2 39,987 37,809 39,000 38,932 1,091 Molecular Weight (Test Method: GRI GG8) Mn (Number average molecular weight) The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. Table G-2. UV resistance test results of Synteen SF20 geogrid. TRI Log #: E2280-08-01 PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 MEAN STD. DEV. PERCENT RETAINED 5 UV Resistance (ASTM D 4355) Strength Retained measured via single strip tensile (ASTM D 6637, Method A, mod.) MD - Number of Ribs per foot: 9.5 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - B MD - Tensile Strength (lb/ft) - B MD - Tensile Strength (kN/m) - B 273 2594 37.9 273 2594 37.9 275 2613 38.1 279 2651 38.7 278 2641 38.6 276 2618 38.2 3 27 0.4 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - E MD - Tensile Strength (lb/ft) - E MD - Tensile Strength (kN/m) - E 242 2299 33.6 233 2214 32.3 240 2280 33.3 236 2242 32.7 238 2261 33.0 238 2259 33.0 3 33 0.5 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - B MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - E 12.4 10.3 13.4 10.5 12.1 11.3 13.1 11.1 12.9 11.6 12.8 11.0 0.5 0.5 86 86 B - Baseline Unexposed E - Exposed for 500 hours of ASTM D 4355 Cycle MD - Machine Direction TD - Transverse/Cross Machine Direction The testing herein is based upon accepted industry practice as well as the test method listed. Test results reported herein do not apply to samples other than those tested. G-2 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Table G-3. Summary of UV resistance test results for Synteen SF20 geogrid. Synteen SF Series Style Mean Baseline Tensile Strength (lb/ft) Standard Deviation (lb/ft) Mean Exposed Tensile Strength (lb/ft) Standard Deviation (lb/ft) % Strength Retained SF20 2,618 27 2,259 33 86 (Conversion: 1 lb/ft = 0.0146 kN/m) G-3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Appendix H: Creep Stiffness Detailed Test Results H-1 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Low Strain Ramp and Hold Test Results Product: SF20 8.0 Individual Ramp & Hold Curves before Strain Normaliztion 20% UTS 7.0 6.0 % Strain 5.0 4.0 3.0 10% UTS 2.0 1.0 5% UTS 0.0 -4 TRI LOG # E2280-08-01 -3 -2 -1 Log Time (hr) Figure H-1. Low strain ramp and hold tests for Synteen SF20 geogrid, before strain normalization. H-2 0 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Low Strain Ramp and Hold Test Results Product: SF20 10.0 Average Ramp & Hold Curves after Strain Normaliztion Log Linear Trend Line 9.0 8.0 R&H @ 20% UTS % Strain 7.0 1000 hours 6.0 5.0 4.0 R&H @ 10% UTS R&H @ 8.05% UTS 3.0 2 ea Conventional Creep @ 8.05% UTS 2.0 1.0 R&H @ 5% UTS 0.0 -4 -3 TRI LOG # E2280-08-01 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Log Time (hr) Figure H-2. Low strain ramp and hold tests for Synteen SF20 geogrid, after strain normalization, with 1000 hour low strain creep tests. H-3 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Creep Stiffness @ 1000 hours Product: SF20 16000 14000 Creep Stiffness (lb/ft) 12000 y = 13576x-0.3994 R2 = 0.9983 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Strain (% ) Figure H-3. Creep stiffness versus strain at 1,000 hours for Synteen SF20 geogrid. H-4 10.0 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Low Strain Ramp and Hold Test Results Product: SF80 10.0 Individual Ramp & Hold Curves before Strain Normaliztion 9.0 20% UTS 8.0 % Strain 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 10% UTS 2.0 5% UTS 1.0 0.0 -4 TRI LOG # E2280-08-01 -3 -2 -1 Log Time (hr) Figure H-4. Low strain ramp and hold tests for Synteen SF80 geogrid, before strain normalization. H-5 0 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Low Strain Ramp and Hold Test Results Product: SF80 12.0 Average Ramp & Hold Curves after Strain Normaliztion Log Linear Trend Line 10.0 R&H @ 20% UTS 1000 hours % Strain 8.0 6.0 2 ea Conventional Creep @ 7.24% UTS R&H @ 10% UTS 4.0 R&H @ 7.24% UTS 2.0 R&H @ 5% UTS 0.0 -4 -3 TRI LOG # E2280-08-01 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Log Time (hr) Figure H-5. Low strain ramp and hold tests for Synteen SF80 geogrid, after strain normalization, with 1000 hour low strain creep tests. H-6 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Creep Stiffness @ 1000 hours Product: SF80 40000 35000 Creep Stiffness (lb/ft) 30000 y = 39046x-0.3908 R2 = 0.9946 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Strain (% ) Figure H-6. Creep stiffness versus strain at 1,000 hours for Synteen SF80 geogrid. H-7 12.0 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Low Strain Ramp and Hold Test Results Product: SF350 8.0 Individual Ramp & Hold Curves before Strain Normaliztion 20% UTS 7.0 6.0 % Strain 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 10% UTS 1.0 5% UTS 0.0 -4 TRI LOG # E2280-08-01 -3 -2 -1 Log Time (hr) Figure H-7. Low strain ramp and hold tests for Synteen SF350 geogrid, before strain normalization. H-8 0 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Low Strain Ramp and Hold Test Results Product: SF350 10.0 Average Ramp & Hold Curves after Strain Normaliztion 9.0 Log Linear Trend Line 8.0 1000 hours % Strain 7.0 R&H @ 20% UTS 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2 ea Conventional Creep @ 9.25% UTS R&H @ 10% UTS R&H @ 9.25% UTS 2.0 R&H @ 5% UTS 1.0 0.0 -4 -3 TRI LOG # E2280-08-01 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Log Time (hr) Figure H-8. Low strain ramp and hold tests for Synteen SF350 geogrid, after strain normalization, with 1000 hour low strain creep tests. H-9 NTPEP June 2009 Final Report Report Expiration Date: June 2015 REGEO(2007)-01 June, 2009 Creep Stiffness @ 1000 hours Product: SF350 300000 Creep Stiffness (lb/ft) 250000 200000 y = 187751x-0.474 R2 = 0.9987 150000 100000 50000 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Strain (% ) Figure H-9. Creep stiffness versus strain at 1,000 hours for Synteen SF350 geogrid. H-10 10.0 “The National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) was established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in early 1994. The program pools the professional and physical resources of the AASHTO member departments in order to test materials, products and devices of common interest. The primary goals of the program are to provide cost-effective evaluations for the states by eliminating duplication of routine testing by the states; and to reduce duplication of effort by the manufacturers who produce and market commonly used proprietary, engineered products.” NTPEP -- Rick Smutzer (IN), former NTPEP Chairman call 1.202.624.5800 fax 1.800.525.5469 online www.NTPEP.ORG ITEM: NTPEP Report 8507.1