MethylGenetic Nutrition Analysis - Seeking Health Educational Institute


MethylGenetic Nutrition Analysis - Seeking Health Educational Institute
Introducing the most dynamic and
comprehensive online software and
turn-key program that allows you to
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
based upon a person’s genetics, lab
work and presenting symptoms.
Welcome to the Future of Care
s we enter the era of functional medicine,
health care is entering a new paradigm
… one where practitioners are looking for
underlying causes of illness rather than band-aiding
and merely treating symptoms. This movement
adds a person’s unique genetics to lab findings and
presenting symptoms.
Quite simply, an individual’s genes contain
information on how to make enzymes, and those
enzymes take substance “A” and make substance
“B” to support functions inside the body. We all
inherit genetic variants called SNPs, where some
of these enzymatic functions may not be working
at 100 percent. Now, with the power of genetic
information, we can see where those SNPs are and
when they may be expressing when compared to
labs and symptoms and proactively give the body
the nutrients it needs to achieve optimal health
and wellness.
Today, the general public has access to inexpensive
genetic testing, such as through 23andMe®, and
more and more people are looking for practitioners
who can help them make informed decisions
based on their results. And in response, more and
more practices in the medical community and
complementary health world are shifting to learn
about genetics and understand the best way to
support their patients and clients.
If you’re interested in helping your patients or
clients in a brand new way, the MethylGenetic
Nutrition AnalysisTM web-based software and this
turn-key program may be the solution to finding
answers about their health not available until now.
*23andMe® is the registered trademark of 23andMe®, Inc. is not affilated with 23andMe®.
The statements made in this booklet have not been evaluated by
the Food and Drug Administration. The information generated by
the software program is for informational purposes only and is not
intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease.
Introducing MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM
For the first time ever, practitioners now have access to web-based software that incorporates lab work,
patient symptoms and concerns along with genetic information side-by-side in one program.
The MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM proprietary software enables you to Assess, Analyze and
Design SupportTM for each patient or client based on their unique genetics.
Assessing a patient using
MethylGenetic Nutrition
AnalysisTM integrates blood
labs and lab history, a symptom
survey and symptom history
and their raw genetic data from
a personal genome analysis
kit. All these data forms can be
entered or uploaded into the
Once the raw genetic data has
been uploaded, MethylGenetic
Nutrition AnalysisTM runs its
complex sequence of
mathematical algorithms and
automatically generates detailed
reports with dynamic information
including: a gene analysis,
enzyme analysis, patient SNP
report, a practitioner SNP report,
a supplement report, and a
methylgenetic analysis report.
Using both the practitioner and
supplement report, you can
choose from the suggested
supplements to design a
custom supportive nutritional
protocol for your patient or
client based on their unique
genetic nutritional needs.
This integrated process allows you to see how genetic variants/SNPs affect someone, if lab work
is verifying the issue and if the patient is expressing any symptoms.
A Comprehensive Solution:
Web-Based Software + a Turn-key Tool Box
The MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM software is just one part of a
comprehensive turn-key program to help your practice efficiently and
effectively integrate genetic testing and genetic-specific nutritional
support into your practice. The other components of this program include:
1. Training classes, with online pre-class videos and post-class
webinars that include case studies and ongoing updates
2. A webinar library at
3. Marketing materials for your practice to promote genetic testing
4. A consumer-based website ( to
help drive new patients to your practice
5. The MethylGeneticTM line of supplements from Professional Health
Products, specially designed for this program with more than 50
custom supplements to support expressed genetic variants and
related issues (visit for more information)
Now let’s take a look at how MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM enables
you to Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM for each patient or client
based on their unique genetics.
It’s Beyond Just the SNP: the difference between
having a SNP and the SNP expressing itself
As cutting edge researchers and health care practitioners investigate how genetic information can be
useful in supporting patients or clients nutritionally, the overriding question is if “SNPs (single nucleotide
polymorphism),” as they are called, are actually being expressed. Just because someone has a SNP, it doesn’t
always mean it’s causing an issue at the cellular level. Treating the SNPs only can easily backfire and have
negative consequences.
Up until now, it was challenging to determine what the right approach might be. Now, through technology,
you can compare SNPs to your patient’s/client’s lab results (urine organic acids, blood methylation
pathway, neurotransmitters, hormones, and coming soon – blood tests) and the patient’s/client’s presenting
symptoms or diagnosis to contrast and compare if the SNPs are being expressed.
Basic Premise of MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM
MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM follows the basic principles of traditional naturopathy, which is the
“environment” or “terrain” of the body will determine how fast it will age, and its susceptibility to pathogens
and disease processes.
Its major focus is to help you, as the practitioner, identify and bring balance to what we call “the good guys”
and “the bad guys.” The goal is to have adequate amounts of the antioxidants needed to protect the body
from inflammation, adequate agents that support detoxification and the nutrients needed to rebuild tissue, as
well as to adequately control, reduce and detoxify from those molecules that cause damage to the body.
This is a current list of the good guys and the bad guys; we are certain this list will
grow quickly over time as more research yields new issues on which to focus.
Good Guys (Boost)
The Bad Guys (Reduce)
Nutrient-filled food based nutrition
Superoxide dismutase
Nitric Oxide
Balanced neurotransmitters
Balanced hormones
Excess glutamate
Superoxide free radical
High sulfites
High sulfates
NOS uncoupling
High histamine
High ammonia
The MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM web-based software can help you identify where SNPs may be
contributing to these imbalances, and offer you effective ways to help bring homeostasis to the body.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Enter Lab Data & Lab Data History
Using the MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM program is
as easy as logging into the software and starting a new
patient record through the software dashboard. Within a
minute, you’ll be ready to work on the patient assessment.
One of the most unique aspects of MethylGenetic
Nutrition AnalysisTM is that it allows you to enter a patient’s
lab results under the “Enter Lab Work” tab. Currently,
labs that can be captured include urine, blood, urine
organic acids, urine neurotransmitters, and Doctor’s Data
Methylation Profile Plasma. This section will be expanded
over time. All entered labs are stored in the “Lab Data
History” section, and currently some of the labs are
integrated into the final supplement report to optimize
your decision-making power when designing a nutritional
protocol for your client. This is the first time ever that you
can take lab information, symptoms and genetics and
compare them side-by-side.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Enter Survey & Survey History
Tracking symptoms is vital to all patient care. MethylGenetic
Nutrition AnalysisTM includes a comprehensive symptom
survey that addresses questions related to:
■■ Adrenals/Glutamate
■■ Histamine
■■ Ammonia
■■ Inflammation/Oxidative
■■ Anti-aging
■■ Liver Function
■■ Low Dopamine
■■ Mitochondrial Dysfunction
■■ Muscle Mass/Strength
■■ Neurotransmitters
■■ Over Methylation &
Under Methylation
■■ Thyroid
■■ B-12
■■ Blood sugar
■■ Cardiovascular
■■ Digestion
■■ Environmental Toxin
■■ Female & Male Hormones
■■ Heavy Metal Toxicity
All completed symptom surveys are saved in the Survey
History section for future reference, and like the lab tests
are integrated into the supplement report to assist with the
selection of a custom protocol for your client.
For the patient symptom survey, a link is e-mailed to the patient for them to click, answer the survey questions, and then it’s
automatically uploaded to their file. No staff time is needed to enter the data, and it’s there for your viewing and analysis.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Gene Analysis
The gene analysis function of MethylGenetic Nutrition
AnalysisTM utilizes the uploaded genetic data from
23andMe®. When first opened, this screen shows all the
gene analysis in alphabetical order (the name of the gene,
the position it’s in, the genotype, the risk and the number
of variants). However, a flexible sort function “▼”enables
you to re-sort by any of the categories, such as showing all
the homozygous variants first.
Another useful function is the “?” icon next to the gene
name. Clicking on this icon reveals a commentary bar that
provides information about that gene as well as issues or
symptoms that may be the result of a genetic variation.
For those highly experienced, this may be all you need,
and available at a price less than other online services.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Enzyme Analysis
Each of the genes tracked by the MethylGenetic Nutrition
AnalysisTM make an enzyme; many of them work together.
The software program contains mathematical formulas that
look at all the genes and the number of variants each gene
has and calculates a production efficiency percentage and
rating of needed support (ranging from 0% efficiency/10
support rating/red box meaning needing maximum
support all the way down to 100%/0 support/green box
meaning no support necessary).
With this report, there is again the flexibility to re-sort the
results by the enzyme, production efficiency and support
rating. As well, by clicking on the “?” icon, you can open
a commentary bar that provides details about the specific
enzyme, its function and the issues that may arise if too
much or too little of this enzyme is produced as a result of
genetic variation. From this section, you can generate and
print a report for your client to take home with them.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Patient SNPs
The Patient SNPs section of the MethylGenetic Nutrition
AnalysisTM program provides a Genetic Variant Nutritional
Assessment report that gives a brief description to
educate you on these genetic SNPs and where the
person’s body may be lacking in the production of
antioxidants and nutrients. This report can be printed
for your patient or client for them to take home with them
(just a portion of the complete report is displayed on
the right).
As new findings are added to the MethylGenetic Nutrition
AnalysisTM software, all reporting and calculating functions
are dynamic and you can refresh the patient’s record
when you open their file again for a follow-up visit.
Coming soon, the patient report will summarize the labs,
symptoms and SNPs so they can see at a glance if the
SNPs are being expressed. Also coming soon, dietary
suggestions based upon labs, SNPs and symptoms.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Practitioner SNPs
The Practitioner SNPs report includes more in-depth
data including the name of the gene, the number of
variants, and how genes are related to the enzyme, with a
calculated percentage rating of how many genes do not
have a variant. Clicking on the “?” icon shows the specifics
of that gene’s function.
The commentary on the right side of the screen lists ideas
about supplements that may be appropriate. While some
of the report’s information is static, other text is dynamic
and changes based on the patient’s unique genetic makeup. This provides you with powerful knowledge about
the patient’s underlying issues and suggestions for how
to address and support them. This report can also be
downloaded as a PDF for your electronic files. Coming
soon, the practitioner report will combine SNPs, labs and
symptoms to help the practitioner determine if the SNPs
are being expressed.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
MGNA Report
The MGNA report summarizes all the SNPs, labs and
symptoms that are associated with nutrients, detox
pathways or toxin build up. This report is a work in
progress, with upgrades coming soon.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
Supplement Report
This final tab holds the real power of the MethylGenetic Nutrition
AnalysisTM software. This report actually lists for you the supplements
that may be appropriate for the patient to take based upon their
SNPs, labs and symptom surveys. This functionality is unprecedented.
The supplement report (shown on the top of this page) gives you
step-by-step guidance, showing a multi-step process for starting a
new protocol with your client. Based on the client’s SNPs, a list of
possible supplements are provided, along with what the supplement
is, what it does, recommendations as to how many supplements
to take and when, as well as whether this supplement would be a
permanent, temporary or optional part of the protocol. The software
also includes contraindication warnings to make sure certain steps are
followed when issues might be caused by taking a certain supplement based on the individual’s SNPs.
And since you can view the total number of SNPs, lab results and symptoms results side-by-side, you have the power
to make informed decisions about their unique nutritional protocol. The functionality allows for sorting by the SNP
total, lab total, or symptom total as well as by the supplements you have selected for the patient. When you are
done choosing the supplements, you can generate a report for your patient with instructions for them to take home.
Coming soon, a fourth calculation will be available that mathematically combines SNPs, labs and symptoms, with the
ability to sort by this total.
Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM
The ABCDE’s of Support*
For those who are experienced, the genetic reports may be all you need to determine the support needed. However,
for those needing guidance, the MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM software’s “Support” supplement suggestion is
based upon the following concepts.
A – Antioxidants and Activate the Methylation Pathways: Before pushing any methylation pathways, the body
may need antioxidants or cofactors that are used in the pathways. Consequently, it may be good to start with a
custom made B vitamin (no Folic Acid or B12) and multi-minerals with assimilation support.
B – Build Cell Health: Build cells and tissues with food based nutrition.
C – Cleanse & Neutralize Toxins: If pathways are filled with toxins or free radicals, one of the four Scavenger
products (Histamine, Peroxynitrite, Ammonia and Glutamate Scavenger), or antioxidant support products may be
needed, as well as sauna or other detox support.
D – Digestive Function Support: Since the software may help find food issues with gluten, histamine or
excitotoxins, improving diet may be critical. The software will make dietary suggestions based upon labs,
symptoms and SNPs and overall healthy eating habits.
E – Emotions & Balancing Neurotransmitters: Supports the utilization of amino acids and healthy production of
stabilizing neurotransmitters.
*S – Supporting Expressed SNPs, but only after determining if labs, diagnosis or symptoms confirm the need.
Cloud Based for Instant Updates
The MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM software was
carefully designed for flexibility so that new information
and research can be added almost instantly.
As we learn about new SNPs, or add new labs to the
software, the changes will instantly be uploaded into
your reports. You will be notified of updates, and with
the click of your mouse, the patient report will be
upgraded to include the new information.
Research Tools
In this brand new world of genetic nutrition, there
are still many unknowns as to which SNPs might be
the most active and cause undesirable changes with
enzyme function.
In the near future, research tools will be added to the
software that will compare labs to SNPs to determine
which SNPs consistently result in chances in enzyme
Webinars for Reviewing
Updates & Case Studies
Every other Thursday evening at 8 p.m. EST, we hold a
webinar to provide updates to the software and review
one or two case studies.
These webinars are recorded and available for replay at
your convenience. There is no change to be part of the
webinars, as it’s provided as part of your subscription
to the software. For the webinars, please visit
An Affordable Tool for Your Practice
The MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM software is
available for only $25 per report fee and a $25 per
month licensing fee per doctor, which includes the
cloud-based instant updates, research tools, webinars
and unlimited access to run all your patients’ reports
and run unlimited updated reports. Each doctor will
have their own private account and each doctor in a
multi-doctor practice will only pay a $20 licensing fee.
As a user of this software, you will be the first to know
this important information.
All the Tools You Need to be an Expert in
Targeted Genetic Nutritional Support
We’re excited about this brand new, ground-breaking software and turn-key program and we know you
will be too. This momentum-gaining approach to functional medicine breaks free from the “take this” for
“that” method of treating symptoms. This is about finding the root cause where genetic variants are causing
nutrient deficiencies or imbalance, and then compensating for those deficiencies using targeted epigenetic
MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM takes away the guesswork by providing incredible data at your fingertips
so you know exactly where your patient needs specific nutritional support based on their genetics, labs and
symptoms or diagnosis. And with our comprehensive program, you have all the support tools necessary
to efficiently integrate genetic testing and nutritional support into your practice. Now you can help your
patients or clients be the very best they can be. By compensating for genetic variants with targeted nutrition,
we can decrease oxidative stress, increase antioxidants, and support the healthy rebuilding of the cells…all
maximizing patient wellness.
A Pioneering Vision of Genetic Variant Support
ROBERT MILLER, CTN, is the primary researcher and developer of the
MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM software.
He earned his naturopathic degree from Trinity School of Natural Health and is board
certified. Bob has served as a traditional naturopath for 20 years, and has spent
the last several years engaged almost exclusively with genetic variants and related
research. Working with many clients, he is astounded at how many peoples’ health
concerns are related to the genetic issues.
Recognizing that there was not a nutritional supplement line on the market
comprehensive enough to address all of the possible genetic variants, he began
working with a national company, Professional Health Products, to formulate an
Epigenetics line of products for use by health care providers.
Bob lectures at nationwide seminars to educate physicians and health care
practitioners about genetic variants and nutritional supplementation for achieving
optimal health.
In 2015, Bob founded the NutriGenetic Research Institute to research and publish
reports on the relationship between genetic variants and labs and presenting
symptoms. His growing research team currently includes himself, a functional
medicine chiropractor, a holistic nutrition consultant and health coach, and a chemist.
With unprecedented functionality, MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM offers a web-based platform
that enables practitioners to integrate findings from lab work, symptoms surveys and raw genetic
data and then compare all the patient data in a side-by-side format…a powerful decision-making
tool when designing a custom nutritional protocol for your client based on their unique genetics.
Only MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM helps you Assess, Analyze and Design SupportTM.
For more information on this ground-breaking software or to try a free trial,
call 717-733-2003 and ask for Yvonne or email
MethylGenetic Nutrition AnalysisTM is proprietary software of Tree of Life Health Ministries.
© 2015