Cottonwood Incorporated
Cottonwood Incorporated
CONTACT In touch with all things Cottonwood... Spring 2015 COTTONWOOD I N C O R P O R A T E D We help individuals with disabilities shape their own future. Real People. Real Lives. InsideCOTTONWOOD................ Board of Trustees COTTONWOOD INCORPORATED Steve Atzeni 2015 is proving to be another busy year at Cottonwood. Thanks to your generous contributions to the Cottonwood Foundation’s Annual Fund Drive and a grant from the Douglas County Community Foundation, work is underway to add a much needed bathroom/changing room in the Work Enrichment Services area. Our onsite work center, Cottonwood Industries, has added 11 new customers this past year providing continuous work and the opportunity for workers to earn a consistent paycheck. JobLink, our community employment program, continues to achieve outstanding successes in assisting individuals with disabilities to find and keep community jobs. As you will see in this issue, Cottonwood has incredible direct support staff working in all areas of Cottonwood to help fulfill our mission of helping individuals with disabilities shape their own future. We are also pleased to welcome two new Board members to the Cottonwood, Inc. Board of Trustees this year; Jeff Sigler and David Millen. We greatly appreciate the wonderful support and dedication from all of our board members, both on the Cottonwood, Inc. Board and the Foundation Board. We hope you will enjoy this issue of the CONTACT and the opportunity to stay in touch with all things Cottonwood . On The Cover: Richard, Jessie and Connie Warkins (Photo by Interhab) 2 Board of Trustees COTTONWOOD FOUNDATION Tana Ahlen Joe Baker Hank Booth Barbara Ballard Brad Burnside Marilyn Bittenbender Harley Catlin Zak Bolick Kristin Eldridge Perry Buck Harry Gibson Jim Budde Kurt Goeser Mary Carson Mark Gonzales Kirsten Flory Tom Groene Doug Gaumer Eileen Hawley Phil Godwin Nancy Longhurst Webster Golden Mark Mitchell Luke Livingston Allison Vance Moore Carl Locke Martin Moore Tim Marshall Miles Schnaer Shirley Martin-Smith Gary Sollars David Millen Jon Smiley Tom Mulinazzi Sharon Spratt Gary Rexroad J. Taylor Jeff Sigler Andy Vigna Paul Werner Richard Zinn CONTACT is published for the friends and supporters of Cottonwood, Inc. by the Community Relations and Development Department: Peggy Wallert and Kari Bentzinger. Cottonwood, Incorporated is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization that serves children and adults with developmental disabilities. Cottonwood provides employment , residential, and community support services. Cottonwood is a member of Interhab, the Resource Network for Kansans with Disabilities. Cottonwood is partially funded on a contractual basis with the Kansas Department for Aging & Disability Services. Cottonwood also receives some funding from United Way of Douglas County. Cottonwood is accredited by CARF, the rehabilitation accreditation commission. Cottonwood is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. (The Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1998). Labeling and mailing services for this newsletter have been provided by men and women of Cottonwood. An adapted version of this publication and other materials are available by calling 785.842.0550 or by visiting us on the web at SPOTLIGHT Welcome New Board Members! David Millen David has worked at Hallmark for 30+ years in a variety of positions and locations around the country. The majority of his career has been spent serving as a Plant Manager. He and his wife, Deana, have been active in their local church and have served in college ministry leadership positions for the past 20 years. They have 3 children: Natalie (married, resides in Columbus, GA), Samuel (Senior @ Washburn University), and Sara (married, resides in Louisville, KY.) They have 2 grandchildren. David also serves on the Salvation Army Advisory Board. Jeff Sigler Jeff grew up in Olathe, Kansas. He studied pre-pharmacy at Emporia State University and graduated from Kansas University Pharmacy School in 1983. He has spent his entire pharmaceutical career in Lawrence, working at Raney Drug (1984-1995) and as the pharmacy manager at HyVee on Clinton Parkway from 1995-2005. Since 2005, he and his wife, Suzi, have operated Sigler Pharmacies. They also own and operate SFI Medical Publishing. They have two children; Melissa and Andrew. In 2014, Suzi and Jeff were honored with the Cottonwood Community Partner Award at the Cottonwood Classies. Congratulations to these Employees of the Quarter! Cottonwood is proud of the many wonderful people who work here. Every quarter one employee is honored by Cottonwood as the Employee of the Quarter. We congratulate these very dedicated and deserving members of Cottonwood’s team! Christine Clement Work Services Data Entry Specialist Lynette Goldizen Support Services Coordinator Betty Tyler HCBS Financial Clerk Marion Babb Support Services Coordinator 3 ANNUAL FUND DRIVE Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ahlen Thank you for your generosity and for supporting Cottonwood. Your contribution ensures the success of our mission—to help people with disabilities shape their own future. Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andersen Mr. Roger Bain Mr. & Mrs. Dave Baloga Mr. & Mrs. William Bartscher Mr. & Mrs. Smitty Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Phil Bentzinger Ms. Martha Berger Ms. Dee Bisel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bjorge Mr. & Mrs. Zak Bolick Ms. Barbara Braa Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brabender Ms. Johanna Branson Ms. Theresa Browning Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brubaker Dr. and Mrs. Steve Bruner Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Jim Budde Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bunce Mr. & Mrs. Brad Burnside Mr. and Mrs. Steve Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Win Campbell Ms. Mary Carson Mr. & Mrs. V.A. Chamberlin Ms. Wanda Chmidling Ms. Gladys Cofrin Mr. & Mrs. Warren Corman Ms. Judy Culley Mr. and Mrs. Pete Curran Ms. JoAnne DeGraffenreid Dr. Dale Denning Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Goeser Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leines Dg.Co.KS Chapter of Thrivent Financial Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gonzales Mr. Robert Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Howard Duncan Dr. and Mrs. Captain Gray Mr. Zachary Lerner Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duver Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lienhard Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eddy Mr. & Mrs. Clint Grieder Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Linton Edmonds Duncan Registered Investment Hallmark Cards Mr. & Mrs. Luke Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Dick Edmondson Ms. Beth Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Carl Locke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ellerman Ms. Ruby Harwood Ms. Susie Lounsbury Mr. Kent Ely Dr. and Mrs. Don Hatton Mr. and Mrs. John Lungstrum Mr. Dana Fertig Ms. Marge Hazlett Ms. Shirley Martin-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Dale Flory Ms. Lori Heasty Mr. and Mrs. Ken Martinez Mr. & Mrs. James Flory Arthur Heck Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George McCleary Mr. and Mrs. Lester Furlong Ms. Bunny Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Kent McCullough GCSAA Ms. Bonnie Henrickson Medical Development Management LLC Ms. Jane Getto Dr. and Mrs. James Henry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Horning Dr. and Mrs. Richard Meidinger Mr. & Mrs. Gene Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibson Ms. Linda Howard Mr. James Miller Mr. Steve Gillum Mr. & Mrs. Colin Howat Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell Col. & Mrs. Byron Gilmore, Ret. Mr & Mrs. Christopher Hubener Mr. Martin Moore Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gish Mr. Barney Hubert Mr. Tom Murray Mr. Steve Glass Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ingles Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mynsted I cannot express enough thanks for the contributions of our upcoming renovations. This will make our lives, as staff, much more productive to be able to assist with proper equipment and space closer by. Again, thank you! Also, a great big thank you from the individuals who are not able to speak for themselves. The benefits are grand for years to come! -Shelby 4 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jarboe Mrs. Marlene Jepson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston Mr. & Mrs. David Jones Mrs. Faye Jones Dr. Rosemary Jones Mr. Bernard Judge Mr. and Mrs. John Kiefer Dr. Paul Kincaid Mr. Jerry Bolig Knights of Columbus #11240 Mr. John Nalbandian Mr. Earl Nehring Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Niebaum Ms. Andrea Norris Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogden Mr. and Mrs. George Paley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Penny Ms. Mary Ruth Petefish Dr. and Mrs. Mark Praeger Dr. and Mrs. Laurance Price, Jr. Mr. Murray Renick Mr. and Mrs. Dwane Richardson ANNUAL FUND DRIVE The past few years we have experienced an increase in the number of people served who require more intensive assistance with their basic hygiene needs. To meet the increased needs, we plan to renovate and install a new bathroom/changing area designed specifically to lift and position people with special needs in our Work Enrichment Services program. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rowen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vigna Ms. Ruth Ann Ryan Ms. Peggy Wallert Mr. & Mrs. John Sayler Ms. Anne Walters Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Schaub Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Warner Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schenewerk Mrs. Faye Watson Ms. Carol Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Waugh Dr. and Mrs. Greg Schnose Mr. and Mrs. Herb Weidensaul Mr. and Mrs. Bill Self Dr. and Mrs. Mike Well Mr. Bob Simpson Ms. Shirley Wenger Ms. Gina Smith Ms. Cindy West Ms. Beverly Smith Billings Mr. and Mrs. Pete Whitenight Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sollars Mr. & Mrs. Jon Wiese Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spratt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stoecker Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wildgen Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stokes Mr. Lyman Wiley Mrs. Mary Ann Strong Ms. Cindy Williams Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stultz Ms. Sharon Stultz Ms. Virginia Williams Mr. & Mrs. Derrill Swearingen Ms. Eleanor Woodyard Mr. Arlo Thiry Mr. & Mrs. William Young Mr. & Mrs. John Varberg Mr. and Mrs. Dick Zinn Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vaughan Mr. & Mrs David Zupancic Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Willis To all our generous humanitarians who opened your hearts to make each day a better day for consumers and staff in Work Enrichment. Thank you! - Coelet E L P AM S N G I S DE Mr. & Mrs. Kevan Vick The only disability in life is not caring. Thank you for caring enough to make our lives at Cottonwood better! -Jeramie Donations made to the Cottonwood Foundation allow us to continue to provide supports to those we serve and ensure that these individuals will be able to make choices and experience the natural process of learning and living in the community. Your gift is an investment in their future. 5 EVENTS Families form advocacy group for Kansans with developmental disabilities. InterHab, together with families of Kansans with developmental disabilities, recently formed a new advocacy group. The new group, Advocates for Invisible Kansans, intends to expose lawmakers to a slice of the lives of Kansans with developmental disabilities and their families. Advocates for Kansans with Developmental Disabilities & InterHab were at the Statehouse talking to legislators about their top three priorities. The advocacy group wants to ward off budget cuts to the state’s developmental disability system, raise the reimbursement rates for service providers and reaffirm 1995 state legislation that gave local service providers oversight over the system. “I think a lot of the people in government are kind of insulated,” said Connie Warkins with Advocates for Invisible Kansans. “If they could actually see or live with someone with a disability it might make a difference.” Connie’ s daughter, Jessie receives services from Cottonwood, Inc. Matt Fletcher, Associate Director of InterHab, shows the poster for the new Advocates for Invisible Kansans campaign. Opportunities to shape the future The Cottonwood Foundation is a separate but affiliated 501 (c) (3) non –profit organization established to facilitate the contribution of funds for the benefit of Cottonwood, Inc. The Cottonwood Foundation plays a key role in providing funding for the organization by helping to serve the individual with special needs at Cottonwood, Inc. With increased competition for limited philanthropic funds, gifts have become even more critical to helping ensure a long, healthy future for Cottonwood, Inc. Contributions to the Cottonwood Foundation can be made in a number of ways, including cash, securities, real estate and personal property, life insurance, retirement plans, in-kind gifts, and planned gifts through a will or trust. Each contribution makes a difference and helps ensure the future of Cottonwood. The Cottonwood Foundation is a charitable organization, and gifts are tax deductible. To learn more about how you can have an impact on the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities by making a donation to the Cottonwood Foundation, contact Peggy Wallert, Director of Community Relations and Development at (785) 842-0550. For more information about Cottonwood, Inc. as well as the Cottonwood Foundation, visit www. You can make a lasting difference! 6 PUSH DAY Every year the Kansas legislature convenes a wrap-up session to work on a massive “omnibus” appropriations bill. It is during this omnibus session that InterHab hosts its annual Push Day rally outside the Kansas capitol to demonstrate concerns for pressing issues affecting Kansans with developmental disabilities. Hundreds of individuals with developmental disabilities, along with their families and their advocates, rallied at the Statehouse April 30th to call for full funding of services for persons with developmental disabilities. 7 Our Cottonwood Choir is a very special part of the Cottonwood family. They really enjoy getting together to learn new songs and dances—and to revisit old favorites. In December, 2014, the choir was surprised with new choir robes. Now they can’t wait for their next “gig”! If you would like to have a very special entertainment for your group or meeting, contact Peggy Wallert at 785-840-1605. Thank you Dillon’s! For the past several years, Dillon’s Grocery Stores in Lawrence have conducted a campaign at their check-out counters to give a special treat to persons with disabilities supported by Cottonwood for Valentine’s Day. It was a wonderful surprise when a truck filled with roses arrived! Each person received a flower that was individually wrapped for them. A special “Thank You” to everyone who made this happen! 8 DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY We are very appreciative for the wonderful Lawrence Transit T-Lift and their wonderful drivers! The people with disabilities served by Cottonwood use the T-Lift to get to and from their many and varied jobs in the community. Both the people and the staff at Cottonwood wanted to say a very special “thank you” to the drivers who drive so safely and who always seem to have a smile on their faces! Each driver who arrived at Cottonwood received a Cottonwood mug filled with special sweet treats and a card created and signed by folks from Cottonwood. Thank You Lawrence Transit!!! 9 TOURS Peggy Wallert- Cottonwood, Don Nunley-JobLink, Russ Briggs & Steve Cain Perry Buck-Cottonwood, Debra Schmidt & Ann Niccum- WOW! Channel 6, Sam Branson-Cottonwood, Peggy Wallert-Cottonwood Call Peggy Wallert for tour information. 785-842-0550 PEO Group Michele Payne-District Representative for US Senator, Jerry Moran, Peggy Wallert- Cottonwood, Sharon Spratt-CEO Cottonwood, Inc. Shirley Martin-Smith Board Member, JR Condra-Cottonwood, Marvin Hunt-Dwayne Peaslee Technical Training Center, Sharon SprattCEO Cottonwood. Lawrence High School - Interpersonal Skills (IPS) Class Back Row: Sharon Spratt- CEO, JR Condra-Cottonwood, Harry Gibson- Board Member, Dr. Jim Budde-Board Member. Front Row: Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, Tana Ahlen- Board Member Lawrence Memorial Hospital Group 10 Keri Rodriquez-JobLink, Sally Zogry-Downtown Lawrence Inc. Standard Beverage & The Oread present: Salute! Festival of WINE FOOD Salute 2015 AND Thursday, July 9th 5-8pm Mass Street Mosey Tickets $60/person July 9-11, 2015 Mosey to the following 14 venues for a taste of red and white wine along with appetizers. Eccentricity LaFamilia Extra Virgin Oils & Vinegars Maceli’s Goldmakers Mr. Bacon BBQ Hobb’s Lady Bird Diner Kring’s Interiors Prairie Patches Mark’s Jewelers Saffees Free State Brewery Zen Zero Mass St Sweet Shoppe Eileen’s Cookies 23rd St Brewery The Mad Greek US Bank M Street Interiors/ Phoenix Gallery Waxman Candles The Merc Wheatfields Tickets $150/person Featuring the wines of Grgich Hills Estate Wine Reception at 6:30 pm - Dinner will begin at 7pm Saturday, July 11th 6:30-10pm Grand Tasting & Auctions The Oread Hotel Cottonwood, Inc. Limestone Pizza Friday, July 10th 6:30pm Winemaker Dinner Maceli’s INCORPORATED I N C O R P O R A T E D Mass St Sweet Shoppe Merchants Pub & Plate COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD Sunflower Bike Shop The Etc. Shop A Benefit for TICKETS ON SALE JUNE 1st 785-840-1604 Tickets $75/person Featuring more than 200 wines and spirits as well as gourmet cuisine from: Arterra Event Gallery, Bigg’s Barbeque, Cibo Sano Italian Grille, Dillon’s, Genovese, Holiday Inn, Merchants Pub & Plate, The Olivia Collection, Paisano’s, 23rd St Brewery Attendees at all events must be at least 21 years of age with valid ID. TOYOTA / SCION / VOLKSWAGEN Jeff & Sherry Ingles First Vice President Branch Manager Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 785-842-7680 Member SIPC JobLink Congratulations to the JobLink Employees of the Month! February - Alex January - Greg “I have worked at The Union for 1 year. I empty the trash in The Market dining facility, operate cardboard bailer and trash compactor. I like everything about my job, but I like making cardboard bails the most. I like my job because I like the money and it keeps me busy.” Greg’s advice on being a good employee, “Be nice to everybody”. “I have worked at KU-Mrs. E’s since October 2013. I clean tables in the dining center and I sometimes serve food to students at one of our food stations. I also work on the salad bar too. My favorite task at work is serving food to the cutomers. I enjoy seeing what we’re serving and interacting with the students, it’s really fun. I love being around people. I like helping people with what they want.” Alex’s advice on being a good employee, “First, always be yourself. Learn that if you make a mistake it’s ok and not to be too hard on yourself. Learn to listen to your co-workers and know that your superiors and co-workers are there to help you. And always be on time.” March - Sarah “I have worked at Pizza Hut for about 1 year. I fold boxes and put coupons and stickers on them. My favorite task to do is putting on the coupons. I like my job because I like getting the boxes ready and helping my coworkers.” Sarah’s advice on being a good employee, “Be on time and work hard.” May - Katie April - Barb “I have worked at Set ‘em Up Jack’s for 1 1/2 years and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! I roll silverware and stack silverware in containers. I like my job because I have good co-workers, quiet atmosphere, the bosses are approachable. I love my boss, Dan. He is a good one!” 12 “ I have worked at KUThe Underground for 10 months. My favorite task is working in the dish room because I like to help Carmen out. I like my job, because I get to meet new people and I get to be helpful.” JobLink SPOTLIGHT These Employers of the Month share their thoughts about JobLink January Over 18 years ago, we were approached by JobLink to consider hiring one of their clients with a disability. What happened is that we received much more than we gave! Charlie has been an inspiration and has become part of the “Neu Family”! JobLink has always been supportive and very helpful and friendly. There are no pressures and they take all the worries out of the day to day issues that may arise. I would encourage any organization to open your doors and hearts to assisting and hiring other individuals with disabilities. You will be rewarded in more ways than you could ever imagine! February We hire based on the ability to do the job and willingness to learn. -Iowa Street Walmart has benefitted from hiring capable people who really want to work. The job consultants have been very supportive and insightful. They are great advocates for the people they serve. The associates we have employed are hardworking, pleasant, and willing to learn. We have learned a lot from the individuals we have hired and found that usually our expectations and perceptions have been too narrow and limiting. They usually can do far more than the job coaches or their supervisors thought at first. They just need a chance, and given the right support, will prove to be real assets to any company. -Jennifer Yocum-Personnel Mgr. March -23rd Street April -Lydia Neu- Owner JobLink Facts: 259 # of jobs in community 27 # of job seekers 4 yrs. 4 mos. average years on job May We hire people with disabilities because it is the right thing to do. I believe if the person can do the job, why not hire them. The employees are very reliable, always showing up on time, and they want to make us happy, which they always do. -Peter Fassbender - Manager We try to be a part of our community because we really care about it. Our regular customers enjoy talking with Lisa. It helps to have a 2nd lobby helper during dinner hours. If you give someone a chance you might be surprised at how it can benefit the person, your business, and the community. -Adrian Elliot- General Manager Our mission is to serve the community and we are delighted to have our lives and work enriched by diversity in all ways. Our organization and employees are so grateful for our affiliation with JobLink and for our relationship with Eleasia. She’s amazing and we would be missing out if we didn’t have the opportunity. -Megan Stuke-Director of Development and Administrative Services 13 COTTONWOOD Industries Labeling Shrink Wrapping Bulk Mailing Packaging Sealing Bagging Kitting Cottonwood Industries is a very busy place these days! For the past five months there has been available work for 99% of the time. The jobs include many opportunities for the people we support to earn a paycheck and do meaningful work for a wide variety of businesses in our community. Cottonwood Industries has a long history of providing excellent quality, on time delivery and attention to detail--all crucial factors in meeting the needs of our customers. Contact Robert Bieberle (855-842-0550), Cottonwood Industries Business Development Manager, if you have questions about utilizing Cottonwood Industries to get a specific job done! 14 COTTONWOOD Industries 11 Loading Docks Warehousing CASS Certified ISO Compliant Commercial Sewing Order Fullfillment What our customers say...... “Zero late deliveries, zero product deficiencies and the best part about it all, the Cottonwood team loves their work. We are very proud to be able to partner with Cottonwood and support their cause in the community.” “Cottonwood has met deadlines very well. I would not hesitate to send more work to Cottonwood.” “We so appreciate what Cottonwood does for us. We are always on a time crunch and you are always ready and willing to get our projects done in the timeframe we ask. That is extremely helpful in the success of our business.” “Our relationship with Cottonwood has helped us expand our business to our clients by offering affordable fulfillment services. Because their team is so efficient and accurate, we can count on them to do it right. We like working with Cottonwood most of all because of the entire team’s enthusiastic “cando” attitude with every detail and deadline. Our confidence in Cottonwood helps us rest easy, and keeps our clients thrilled, and coming back for more.” Congratulations to these Cottonwood Industries Workers of the Month! 15 COTTONWOOD NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage PAID Lawrence, Kansas Permit No. 115 I N C O R P O R A T E D 2801 W 31st St Lawrence, KS 66047-3049 SAVE THESE DATES Thursday, July 9th Mass Street Mosey Friday, July 10th Winemaker Dinner Saturday, July 11th Grand Tasting & Auctions Tickets on sale June 1st Tickets may be purchased at or 785-840-1604