Frankland Skin Cancer Hero Variety of classic beauties cruise into
Frankland Skin Cancer Hero Variety of classic beauties cruise into
Vol 18 No 6 Newspaper of the Frankland River Community Est. 1998 Circ. 385 Frankland Skin Cancer Hero Dr Ray Cockerill Fellow of the Skin Cancer College of Australasia 23 March 2015 Variety of classic beauties cruise into Ferngrove on their charity drive Dr Ray Cockerill of the Geraldton Mole and Skin Cancer Clinic has recently conducted his second Skin Cancer Clinic in Frankland River. Dr Cockerill has conducted 178 examinations over his past two visits to Frankland River checking the wellbeing of our community. The very important and valued service was as a result of Daisy, Dr Cockerill’s daughter asking her dad if he would provide the service. Just a little of Dr Ray Cockerill’s background makes for some interesting reading and insight into a delightful man. Ray graduated from UWA in 1975 and trained at Royal Perth Hospital as well as Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. His original intention was to train as a neurosurgeon but became a country GP back in his hometown of Geraldton after doing a locum for his father in law, Dr John Saunders in 1976. Dr Cockerill has been a procedural GP in Geraldton ever since 1978. His expertise covered obstetrics, anaesthetics and emergency medicine. The Variety Creative Car Cruise celebrated five years on the road in 2015, when over 90 participants and officials and 24 cars set off on a trip through the state’s South West this week. The event officially started from the Bunbury Education Support Centre on Thursday, taking the fleet of classic, muscle, sports and modified vehicles through Nannup, Walpole, Albany, Frankland River and Mt Barker before finishing at the Harvey Dam on Sunday, 22 March. A classic car lover’s delight, the line-up included a 1958 Cadillac, Series 62 Coup and a 1963 Holden EJ Panel Van. Ray has now largely ceased practicing in these fields of medicine, in favour of focusing on skin cancer, which is all he has been doing over the past five years. Dr Cockerill has completed his Fellowship with the Skin Cancer College of Australasia. Dr Cockerill and his wife Jo love coming down from Geraldton to visit the grandies (and the parents too!) to do a few odd jobs and enjoy Frankland River. To the good fortune of the Frankland River and close by communities Ray is keen to conduct several clinics a year for the foreseeable future. Thank you Dr Ray Cockerill. Entrants were not in a race, just a casual cruise for charity, with each car crew committing to raise much Page 2, 23 Mar 2015 The Franklander FRANKLAND CWA needed funds for Variety – the Children’s Charity of WA. Participants have contributed a minimum $4,000 donation ($3,000 for new cars) that will go towards empowering WA kids who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs through the provision of practical equipment, programs and experiences. The Variety Creative Car Cruise is proudly supported by 89’s The Garage Door Specialists. To find out more about Variety WA, or to register your interest for the 2016 event, visit or call 9355 3655. Two meetings have come and gone already, times flying. On 12 February was to have been our AGM but owing to ill health and family commitments it had to be deferred. With five members attending we had a quorum so a General Meeting was held: One topic of interest was agreed by all that CWA purchase a rain gauge to record the towns rainfall and if agreeable the Community Resource Centre be approached to position, read and record so the public can read in The Franklander how much rain we’ve had. We are also looking for suggestions as to what local projects we can support any ideas? Our competitions for March is a pot holder, April a tea towel. February’s raffle was won by Shirley. Our AGM was set for 12 March. AGM - Annabelle Capp chaired our meeting we thank you Annabelle. Unfortunately our outgoing President was unable to attend and has resigned due to family matters and we are really going to miss you Clare. After all the reports and audited bank balance were presented we had the election of Office Bearers for the new year. President Jo Jones, Vice President Barbara Dawson, Secretary/Treasurer Shirley Williams, Reporter is also Secretary's job & Craft Officer Barbara Dawson. The outgoing Treasurer Ev Fish and Secretary Barbara Dawson wanted a vote of thanks be recorded for Shirley Williams for helping them out throughout the year. Annabelle then congratulated all incoming office bearers and pinned on their badges. We sincerely thank you Annabelle. A letter of thanks to be sent to Peter Northover for auditing our books. General Meeting on the 12 March followed the AGM. We welcomed a new member Denise Greehalgh. Welcome Denise. Our rain gauge has been presented to CRC so let it rain. Above: Participant's enjoyed a picnic in the gardens at Ferngrove as part of their cruise through the SouthWest. Ferngrove are proud supporters of Variety WA. A special note of thanks to Tony Ames for the fabulous photographs. Thanks Tony! CRANBROOK SHOW SATURDAY 28 March 2015 10:00am to 4:30pm FREDERICK SQUARE CRANBROOK FREE Entry The Annual Craft Day Competition for the Southern CWA’s is to be held in Frankland River this year so we are hosts. The date will be 9th October 2015 so we will need judges time to put our thinking caps on, we are lucky to have a very efficient organiser in Barbara. Winner of our pot mitt competition was Ev Devine, Runner up Shirley Williams. Next months competition is a tea towel. We are not only tea and scones as the Government will vouch a lot of what's been implemented has come from CWA. Ladies are you interested to find out what makes us tick if so come along to our meetings to find out, they are at 10am the second Thursday of every month at the Frankland River Hall for further information ring Jo Jones President or Secretary Shirley Williams on 9826 8009 Don’t forget next meeting 9th April and the competition is a tea towel. Shirley Williams The Franklander Phone/Fax (08) 9855 2310 Email: Cards Anyone? As mentioned in the last Franklander we are looking for anybody interested in playing card games such as euchre, five hundred, bridge or canasta. Two possible times and places have been suggested. Either 2pm on Wednesday at the Community Centre or 7pm on Thursday at the Club. If you are interested give the Community Centre a call on 98552310 or turn up at either of the above times and locations. If you are interested but the days are inconvenient let us know and it may be possible to make other arrangements. Some people had a short, enjoyable session of euchre at the Community Centre last Wednesday. Bushfire Information Session Mr Steven McDonald and Ms Sarah Matthews presented a very well-run & informative presentation to a small but attentive group of Frankland River residents last week. Areas of concern from the group attending included: Is there a Shire / FESA Evacuation Plan? Where are we to go to? Who will organize the evacuation? What do we have to bring? When will we go? Who will tell us to go? How will we be told? What should we do to reduce the risk of being burnt or property being burnt? Is there a register where we can advise somebody that they have left our residence and are safe and our location’? Further information sessions along with some practical advice/ demonstrations as to dealing with house (kitchen) fires are planned. Page 3, 23 Mar 2015 OPENING TIMES Monday to Friday 9:30am to 5:00pm Doctor Visit to Frankland River The Frankland River Community Centre enjoyed the resumption of the Plantagenet Medical Centre’s GP visits. Dr Fitzpatrick came to the rescue as Dr Sabin was not able to attend the Clinic as was intended. Thank you Dr Fitzpatrick for stepping up and providing Frankland River with your GP services. Dr Fitzpatrick’s visit coincided with Dr Ray Cockerills Skin Cancer Clinic. Patients were coming through the door, going to their respective medical appointments without any hitches thanks to the great organisational skills of Sue Tremayne and ably assisted by Beck Ettridge. Worked like clockwork. Dr Fitzpatrick had a full book for the day and Dr Cockerill saw a total of 96 patients with some returning for further treatments. Great effort by the local community to support the service that has been provided at the Community Centre. The Plantagenet Medical Centre will have a GP at Frankland River every second Tuesday from now on. Should you require the services of a GP at Frankland River, contact the Plantagenet Medical Centre on 9892100 to make your appointment. THE FRANKLAND RIVER COMMUNITY RESOUCE CENTRE CAN NOT MAKE THE APPOINTMENT FOR YOU. YOU CAN NOT GET AN APPOINTMENT BY TURNING UP AT THE CENTRE EXPECTING TO SEE A GP WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT. CALL 98921000. Page 4, 23 Mar 2015 The Franklander RAINFALL FIGURES FOR 2015 We have received several comments on the recent lack of rainfall figures for Frankland River in our monthly round-up. Figures are now reported direct to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and sourcing these figures from other locals recordings is not always possible prior to printing. We have also been requested to reproduce data direct from the BOM website, this intellectual information is copyright and reproducing in any form requires written permission from the Commonwealth of Australia. The BOM website holds a wealth of interesting data from our area and is an excellent source of information including climate statistics and rainfall figures and we encourage everyone to take a browse at the figures and statics that has been gathered over many years. Frankland River Fox Shoot Saturday 14th March Another successful fox shoot has been held in Frankland River. The number of teams entered were down slightly to previous years however with ten teams participating a good number of vermin were shot on the night resulting in 119 foxes, 62 rabbits and 1 feral cat being destroyed. Congratulations to : !st Team Preston 33 foxes & 7 rabbits - 344 pts 2nd Team Quick 32 foxes & 1 rabbit - 322 pts 3rd Team Kizza 11 foxes & 22 rabbits - 180pts Frankland River Station 9635 records 26.3 mm of rain for 2015 up to 18 March. Frankland River Station 9843 and Bangalup 9506 currently have no data uploaded for February/March however record the following rainfall for January; Station 9843 - 22.6mm & Bangalup Station 9506 22.8mm We recommend a browse: Frankland Stations: p_nccObsCode=139&p_display_type=dataFile&p_stn_num=009635 p_nccObsCode=139&p_display_type=dataFile&p_stn_num=009843 p_nccObsCode=139&p_display_type=dataFile&p_stn_num=009506 When browsing the following notes may assist: Gaps in the record is due to missing valid daily observations within that given month. This can be caused by failure in the observatory equipment, where an event has suspect data or where the records are kept manually and the observer is away Data recorded in italics represents observations that have not been fully quality controlled. We would like to sincerely thank the manual recorders in our district who kindly share their records with us each month, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Playgroup - Change of Day Playgroup now meets every Wednesday from 9:30am to 11:30am in the Frankland River Community Centre. Cost is $2 and it is requested to bring a piece of fruit to share. The Franklander Page 5, 23 Mar 2015 Community Lunch This month we had delicious Corned Silverside with cauliflower cheese, mashed potato, carrot, peas and corn followed by a decadent, rich Chocolate Mousse Cake and cream. Thankyou to Tammy Hale and Jenny Quick for cooking us the wonderful meal. Thanks also to everyone who came along and enjoyed the great lunch and great company. Next month's lunch will be on April 9th and our cooks will be Judy Cullam and Tracey Amabalino. See you there! School Holiday Afternoon Movies Return Two G rated movies will be run on the Big Screen over the school holidays providing FREE family entertainment. Thursday 9th & 16th April 2:00pm in the Frankland Hall Lunch coordinator Pereena McGuirk 0439847797 or 98551542 BYO popcorn, drinks, beanbags and enjoy a fun afternoon with your friends. Nunijup Patchwork Group News Autumn Movie Night th On the 19 of March the Nunijup Patchwork Group celebrated its’ 19th birthday. The Group was formed in 1995 under guidance of Denise Beech and started with 10 members. We now have 19 members. By 2010 the Group moved to that Tenterden Hall, a light and spacious venue. During the years Presidents and Secretaries came and went, but not the Treasurer. Lorraine Parsons has now been in that position for an amazing 19 years. Through good times and bad times she has always been cheerful and efficient. Our Autumn Movie Night will be held on Saturday 11 April starting at 7:00pm. In the final stages of planning the movie title will be confirmed next edition. Mark the date in the diary, book the babysitter and join us for a few child free hours mid school holidays. Rainfall Our birthday lunch, attended by nearly all our members seemed the ideal time to present Lorraine with Life Membership to the Group for her outstanding service and commitment. Well done Lorraine. Statistics gathered from the newly installed rain gauge reports 8 wet days, 13 dry days and 36.6mm of rain for March. The Group meets twice a month and new members are welcome. To date Frankland River has experienced 19 wet days and 61 dry days during 2015. Recent evenings have been considerably cooler with the need for adjustments to the air con. Nunijup Patchwork & Craft Group Meeting Dates Thursday 2 April Thursday 16 April Frankland River Public Library Monday - Friday 9:30am to 5:00pm. Phone 9855 2310 or 9855 2209 Business Development Manager Shelley Behsman will be at the CRC on the following dates: Thursday 26 March & Thursday 2 April Drop in to discuss all your banking needs or call Shelley for an appointment on 0429 703 048 Page 6, 23 Mar 2015 The Franklander SEASONAL SNIPPETS FROM GILLAMII If you have any questions or would like more information on any of the topics, then please contact Kelly Hill, Dept. of Agriculture & Food WA (DAFWA) at the Gillamii Centre, Cranbrook by calling M. 0417 837 983 or email: Kelly’s Snippets ……… Seeding canola in dry soil Timing is the key to successful seeding of canola in dry soil. Assessing this risk has been made a little easier thanks to a guide recently produced by DAFWA. The guide identifies the best tactics, which are a result of trial work in the Wheatbelt during 2013 and 2014. If you would like more information about this topic, contact Kelly. WeedSmart e-news – would you like to receive it? An industry funded initiative, WeedSmart promotes the long term sustainability of herbicide use in Australian agriculture. One way the team at WeedSmart do this is by providing information to growers via their WeedSmart e-newsletter. Topics in the latest edition include ‘Can planting a tight crop improve weed control?’ and ‘Pre-emergent herbicides need to be more than a spray and pray decision’. If you would like to be added to the list to receive these newsletters, then please contact Kelly. Worms Summer drenching has been confirmed as the main factor causing high levels of drench resistance in WA. Most adult sheep have low worm egg counts in summer (and a drench at that time isn’t warranted) so delaying a drench until late March or April is recommended by WormBoss. Want help with your worm decisions? Frankland Rural Rural Merchandise Agronomy Livestock OPEN 7.30am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri 9.00am – 12.00pm Sat Nathan, Chloe and Jody P 08 9855 2288 M 0488 552 288 F 08 9855 2289 WormBoss has developed ‘The WormBoss Drench Decision Guide’ to simplify decisions on whether & when to drench. For more information on worm management in WA visit the WormBoss website at The Franklander Page 7, 23 Mar 2015 Bush Telegraph We were saddened to hear of the passing of former Rocky Gully resident Russell Higgins. Russ was born in Kojonup in 1944 and spent 60 years living and working in the Rocky Gully area. A passionate sportsman Russell played and supported football, cricket and bowls in the district. Russ will be remembered fondly for his sense of humour and the love of a good practical joke. Our sincere condolences to Lee, Shaz, Casper, Larissa and Tamara and their families, brothers Jack, Robin and Billy and their families and friends. Our thoughts are with you all. Child Health Clinic AWARD WINNING WINES WITH A VIEW Cellar Door Sales Mon - Sat 10am to 4pm Ferngrove Road Frankland River ph 9855 2378 fax 9855 2368 Wednesday 1st April Please note this is not the usual visiting day this month. Appointments 9851 1451 C N K HAIR Cnk hair is opening every Tuesday by appointment. Please ring Chelsea for bookings 0438 511 828 or Ashleigh Jackson on 0428 711 905 For all your waxing requirements Anne Draper visits the first Tuesday of each month. Anne can be contacted on 0429 660 588 Page 8, 23 Mar 2015 The Franklander The Franklander Uralla Update Life remains pretty hectic here at Uralla with a record number of animals arriving on our doorstep. Our good news story this week is the successful release of Debbie the joey I wrote about in the last Uralla news. Thankfully Debbie fully recovered and it was a really happy occasion to release her and watch her hop away towards the other kangaroo’s that were grazing off in the distance. We really hope that we will see that day for one of our other little joeys. Charlie arrived a month ago after being found caught up and hanging upside down in a fence. By the time he was rescued he had cut his legs down to the bone and sustained nerve damage. At that time he was unable to weight bear and we were unsure if the nerve damage was permanent or not. Luckily for Charlie he is now able to stand and hop slowly around, he still has some nerve damage to his feet and his wounds have a long way to go before they heal but he has improved a lot since he arrived. He has a sweet and patient nature and is very accepting of the care we need to give him. His human mum Margaux has given him a lot of love and attention making his time here at Uralla less scary for Charlie. He still has a long way to go but we remain optimistic about his future. Page 9, 23 Mar 2015 call as soon as possible. Don’t try to feed the joey as the wrong milk will kill it. Sometimes very little joeys will be in the pouch still attached to mum’s teat, pulling the teat out of the mouth can damage the fragile joeys jaw so it is much better to cut the teat from the mum and leave it in the joey’s mouth. Naturally the joey needs experienced care as a matter of priority. Uralla is open for visitors 7 days a week and admission is free though we do ask you to ring before visiting to arrange the best time for you and the animals. We are available to take animals 24 hours a day and can be contacted on 98561065. Until next time, John and Mandy ENGLISH Our latest project at Uralla is the construction of a flight aviary. This is financed by a grant from Lotterywest for the materials and is being constructed with the help of our fantastic volunteers. With our injured/abandoned bird numbers increasing the flight aviary will be invaluable in allowing the birds to build up their strength again prior to release. We would like to give a huge thanks to Hughie and Gunwarrie for the generous donation of grain, likewise many thanks to Tim Parsons for his donation of oats. We have also had a donation of some bales of hay which is really appreciated. It is really great to get such local support and thanks also to the numerous people who have donated blankets and towels to ensure all our animals are kept warm and clean. Uralla will be holding a sausage sizzle at Bunnings on Easter Sunday April, 5th and we hope to make this a successful fundraiser. We currently have our French Revolution at Uralla with 8 of our 9 volunteers being from France, Bianca from Hong Kong is well and truly outnumbered. All are doing a fantastic job and we have a really great team with us at the moment. On a final note I would just like to mention that we are once again at the time of the year when female kangaroo’s may have joeys in their pouches so please if you come across a dead kangaroo on the side of the road stop and check the pouch. If you do find a joey wrap it in something warm, keep it nice and quiet and give us a Visitors Welcome Open weekdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Weekends and Public Holidays by appointment Frankland Rocky Gully Road Ph: 9855 1544 Page 10, 23 Mar 2015 Cranbrook Motocross Pull out your helmet, boots and goggles, kick start that bike and check the oil levels because the Cranbrook Districts Motorcycle Club is commencing its third season of riding with a ‘Come & Try Day’ on Saturday 18th April. This season the race calendar, April to October, features a regional interclub, come and try day, three non-competitive club meets, three competitive club meets (with non-competitive races) and training/ coaching days. Our home the Rockwell Flats track is also open for practice every weekend of the season (you must meet Motorcycling WA conditions) Motorcycling WA South West Regional Interclub is the most exciting feature for spectators and riders alike on our 2015 race calendar. Cranbrook will host one event for this series on Sunday the 2nd August, where riders will travel as far as Bunbury to compete for the South West Region Champion title. There are seven events in this championship one at each of the member clubs being, Albany, Bunbury, Busselton, Collie, Cranbrook, Denmark and Manjimup. On Australian Day, Cranbrook Districts Motocross Club was the recipient of the Shire of Cranbrook, Community Achievement Award. This was in recognition and appreciation of our service to the community of Cranbrook. As a club, we strive to be a family-friendly and community minded organisation catering to people of all ages. We thank the community for this recognition. The Franklander for free, in primary schools since 2007, delivering it to over 19,000 student’s statewide. The program provides information and educates children in the ten principles of safe motorcycle riding, environmental considerations and protective equipment. Students enjoyed a presentation video and practical equipment demonstration. They also received a free ’ticket to ride’ brochure, which entitles them to one year of free membership to our club and an annual MA Mini Recreational licence. This is a once only offer and only applies to children who have not held an MA licence before. For more information please see or The Cranbrook Districts Motorcycle Club is hosting its first 2015 season event ‘Come & Try Day’ on Saturday 18thApril. This event is aimed at riders, aged from 4 years riding quad or two wheeler motorbikes, that are thinking of riding Motocross, but not sure where or how to get started. There will be FREE MA licences (rider accident insurance) if you have never ridden before. Pits Open at 7am,motorbike examination and rider sign on 7:30am to 8:45am, riding starts9am.Please remember that every rider needs to participate with flag duties, so please bring along a volunteer helper. Canteen available and spectators welcome. Queries phone Dallis 98268050. The Shire of Cranbrook and the Cranbrook Districts Motorcycle Club Inc., have been working together to create a new motocross facility at Sukeys Hill, approximately 5km from the Cranbrook town site. This project is a very exciting development for the Cranbrook community, managed by a steering committee and plans are progressing well. On the 4th – 6th of March, the students of Gnowangerup District High School, Cranbrook Primary School and Frankland River Primary School were visited by Mr Peter Smith with the ‘Smarter than Smoking Motosafe’ program. Motorcycling WA has conducted this program Mark 0427 724 846 0427 338 913 ANDREW & JODI McFARLANE The Franklander Page 11, 23 Mar 2015 Country Club News With the AFL season about to start footy tipping is back at the club. Same rules as last year and price of $25.00 paid by the end of Round 3 apply. Names need to be in by 29 March. First game is on Thursday 2nd of April. The club has a vacant position in the kitchen for Friday and Saturday night. Please contact Tammy on 9855 2245 for details. Congratulations to the ladies at Country Week for a successful campaign. Also to the men bowls who won this weeks pennants at home against Albany. Best of luck this week in Cranbrook playing for the gun. A very big congratulations to the Frankland River cricket team in winning the Great Southern Cricket Association A division Grand Final against Kendenup. With rain unfortunately bringing the game to a close Frankland won by being on top of the ladder and with a large points margin. Thank you to the cricket boys and their families and friends for supporting the Country Club. CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!! Great Southern Cricket Association A Grade Premiers - Photo courtesy Susanne Williams Page 12, 23 Mar 2015 The Franklander FOR SALE Samsung 113cm Plasma TV As New Condition - Cost $3500.00 Selling $1200.00 Ph: 0405747477 **************** Stanley Rogers ISLINGTON 48 Piece Dinner Set plus accessories. Still in unopened packaging. Worth $700. Will sell for $350.00. Ph: 0405747477 Ideal top of the range Wedding Gift **************** Blood Pressure Monitor Cost $134.00 new, Selling for $60.00 Ph: 0405747477 **************** Sheep Manure for Sale $7.50 or $70.00 for 10 Ph: 0405747477 Waste Facility Sites Waste Facility Sites Hours of Opening Cranbrook Monday, Thursday Friday, Sunday 7.30am—11.30am 1.00pm—5.00pm Frankland River Monday, Thursday Friday, Sunday 1.00pm—5.00pm 7.30am—11.30am TYRES If you wish to dispose of old tyres at the sites you will need to purchase prepaid vouchers from the Shire Administration Office in Cranbrook or the Frankland River Community Centre. DRUMMUSTER If you would like to drop off your cleaned chemical drums then please call the Shire Office to set up an appointment time for this on 9826 1008. When calling the Shire to make an appointment for dropping off chemical drums - please make sure you have an accurate number of drums to be counted before booking. Please contact the Shire for more information. Shire of Cranbrook Emergency Number 0418 759 598 Plantagenet Medical Centre Appointments 9892 1000 Article deadline for the next edition is Thursday 2 April 2015 We look forward to receiving your news. ALKOOMI WINES 1141 Wingebellup Road, Frankland River, WA 6396 FINE WINES & OLIVE OIL Visitors Welcome OPEN 7 Days—10am to 5pm Picnic Facilities, Chalets & Function Room Hire Available Telephone: (08) 98 552 229 Fax: (08) 98 552 284 Email: info @ 2015 RECYCLING DATES Monday 30 March Monday 13 April The Franklander Page 13, 23 Mar 2015 CLASSIFIEDS Charges: $5.00 for 15 words, 20c every 4 words thereafter. Cash payment with advertisement before edit day required please. Minimum cost $5.00! Forms available at Frankland River Community Centre. Please indicate if receipt is required. FOR SALE FOR SALE Pea straw garden mulch, excellent quality, compact easy to handle bales. $9/bale delivered or you pick up on farm $8/bale Ph 9851 4069 2 door Cool Drink Fridge As new condition $2500.00 Ph: Kat on 0405 747 477 FOR SALE WORK WANTED HENS FREE RANGE $10ea 10 x $90 or 20 x $140 Pullets 20wks $26 Free Delivery Fri 27 March Frankland Rocky Gully 98443485 Enquire about advertising your business with us Email: Church Announcements Anglican Cranbrook: 1st & 3rd Sunday 2nd & 4th Sunday Tenterden: On a 5th Sunday of the month 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am House Cleaner & Babysitter I’m an Italian girl looking for work as a House Cleaner or Babysitter Available every day Mon to Sat Feel free to contact me anytime on Michela Ph: 0437 390 666 Email: EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance Primary Number 000 for Emergency Assistance 000 Hospital Mt Barker Hospital Albany Poisons Info Centre Cranbrook Police Crime Stoppers Fire Brigade Churchwarden: Susan Gillam 98268044. Baptist Each Sunday at 8:30 am at Frankland River Contact Jeff Jackson 9826 1038 or 0411 347 550 Catholic Parish priest Father John Brown 0410 044 160 contacts: Shirley Williams 9826 8009 0148 947 439 All new community members warmly welcomed. 9892 1222 9892 2222 13 11 26 9826 1102 1800 333 000 0427 552 321 0458 552 271 9855 2309 Chief Fire Control Officer Butch Packard Mobile FESA Vet Mt Barker Vet Kojonup Southern Agcare HACC - Mt Barker Mechanical Force 9851 7265 0428 837 939 1300 657 209 9851 1177 9831 1666 9842 2956 9851 2015 0427 443 117 0427 724 846 Page 14, 23 Mar 2015 The Franklander MARCH/APRIL 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 24 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 25 Doctor Playgroup FRIDAY 26 27 NO Physiotherapy Waste Station 7:30am - 11:30am Frankland Rummage 10am – 1pm Frankland Rummage 10am - 1pm SATURDAY 28 Community Nurse Bendigo Bank @ CRC Konga 29 30 31 Waste Station 7:30am - 11:30am Physiotherapy Baptist Service 8:30am Waste Station 1:00pm - 5:00pm 1 Frankland Rummage 10am – 1pm Recycling 2 3 Playgroup Physiotherapy Child Health Nurse Nunijup Craft 4 Good Friday Easter Saturday Frankland Rummage 10am - 1pm Community Nurse Bendigo Bank @ CRC Konga Last day of Term 1 Article deadline 5 6 Baptist Service 8:30am Easter 7 Easter Monday 8 Doctor Frankland Rummage 10am – 1pm 9 Play in the Park 10:00am—12noon 10 Physiotherapy Frankland Rummage 10am - 1pm 11 Waste Station 7:30am - 11:30am Movie Night 7:00pm Community Lunch CWA Community Nurse School Holiday Movie 2pm The Franklander TO THE RESIDENT Frankland River Community Resource Centre 55 Wingebellup Road Frankland River 6396 Phone: 9855 2310 Email :