r - The George Washington University
r - The George Washington University
CHERRY TREE rrrr 1 T\ r~\rrrr/ / { r"r"r~f rr/rrrrr> rrrrrr^vir .rrr^rrr^rF ^rrrrrrr F AWF _ rr, >^ / fe*. V rrr^/"rrr~rrr^F[ rrrrrrrr FFFFFFFR FTF^^F rl 'rr r ~ r r n rr r E _ _ f! !>FF^ r\ ..r Ai rrrr FFr rA 1^\ FFFr~FFr~rrr r r r . .rrFr~Fr^r •• rr /rrpN ~rrrr~. T>-"f~Frrrrrrrr"rr rrrr r~r rr -I^TFTF rr FFF B-5, ~Frr^' F Fr- r R F--^ rrrrrF^TTfFrrr - /^ o // o F • I, FFF ^" FFr -r— •ppp-r— r 'FFF~Fr~" ^-p • / / F F i n "rnw!i fi tii in i.ljillli.i-ii » » « | | LT J« *# • ^ ; .. 1 1 . . . . • * '^caa 3Y. VJ fr f — ' > ;^v * in I In- IJ)ixln< I D I ( (iltimbia f.,&//.,////w, /A //<;///«//(/// J/if// r/ //H (/// > i 1///"/// h\ r\ 1 ^F r^"" ! i / 1 ~/F FrFFr. rr F^FFRFF" FFFFFP^ r r r r F r r - F F r r r r - F \ '/"" . //, rrrrrr^FrFFrrr - FFEl rrrrp "TrF F F I F F F F "FF rrrr '^EFfes r FEI F\T •s *••»-•«, T/ F TV •!FF FFTFFFFF FFFFFF -^FFFFFF^FFF/F^r^FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FF^FFFFFFF/F - F F F F F r - F F P ^ i ^ f e ^ p F R R F F F F E E Rr F " TFFFFF T F F FFFF: RrFF-FFFFFPFFFF^F'^FFFFFrFFFr FFFFFFF^FFFFF.^FF^ FFF?F £FP^ F'FF I /• ' \ F F F F F F .. . .v,^..//^/•„„,,,./ #,«.*.„. ^ - A . —*-'.,'*./-.• ^U^XAI The Ueorge Washington University Library Opecial Oollections Division THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CHERRY TREE 1965 P V *-*+,, * * & " 1 «*%rs , ». w 1 r*>>. *% '/' *r i ^"M^»*.*« •• ^^xps '•A f5# •***•*> •+>*• •• ^ V ».i ?. i FF FF' ~f *,' • * .JW • 1 pwW* 1 \ •M University Yard 4 . ;• . !* r CONTENTS Administration page 12 page 22 page 56 Seniors Organizations and Honoraries ROTC page 112 Queens page 122 Greeks page 134 Sports page 186 Looking Back page 2 1 0 Senior Index page 2 6 4 UNIVERSITY HERITAGE George Washington, as President and private citizen, urged the establishment of a national University at the seat of government. The high aims that he had in mind for a University have been the aims of the University which n o w bears his name. His national university "under the auspices of the General Government" w a s never established. Congress did not extend "the fostering hand" that he had hoped for and the e n d o w m e n t funds which he left in his will became worthless. Even our University did not take his n a m e until sixty years ago. The University has had three names and three major locations. The impetus for the establishment of the College was furnished by the missionary zeal of a group of Baptists, whose efforts were seconded by support from public m e n and m e m b e r s of m a n y denominations in this country and in England. Chartered by Congress in 1821 as an institution, nondenominational in character, the Columbian College in the District of Columbia occupied College Hill, a tract of forty-seven acres between 14th and 15th Streets extending northward from Florida Avenue for about half a mile. At its first C o m m e n c e m e n t President Monroe, General Lafayette, John Quincy A d a m s , John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay heard three young m e n deliver orations and saw them receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The Medical Department began instruction in 1825. The early College had periods of prosperity and of adversity. W h e n the Civil W a r began it w a s thriving. Soon students began to join the armies of the Union and the Confederacy. College Hill w a s taken over by the government. After the war, prosperity returned to the College rapidly. A marked raising of sights was noticeable throughout the College. A wider view w a s taken of its mission, and to indicate this n e w and broader concern in high education, the College became the Columbian University in 1873 and began plans to m o v e to a mid-town site. In 1884 the n e w University Hall w a s completed, and the activities of the University were shifted to H Street, between 13th and 15th Streets. In 1904 the n a m e of the institution w a s changed to The George Washington University. In a period of financial reorganization, the University's holdings between 14th and 15th Streets were sold. In 1912 the regrouping of the University's activities in Foggy Bottom began. In a half century, the holdings of the University have grown from a remodeled school building to the vast urban University that it is today. —Elmer Louis Kayser, Historian 6 A copy of the only k n o w n likeness of the Reverend Luther Rice (1783-1836), founder of the Columbian College in the District of Columbia, and one of the initiators in America of the m o d e r n missionary movement. H e spent the last fifteen years of his life in incessant travel throughout the eastern states preaching the Gospel, founding churches and soliciting support for the College. First building of the old Columbian College THE URBAN Students on their way to a football game. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CENTERED IN THE NATION'S CAPITAL . A tour of the National Gallery of Art 9 THE CAMPUS IS A CITY OF OPPORTUNITIES TO BE EXPLORED Recreation on the Potomac. 10 Study break at a Washington sidewalk cafe. II ADHINI5 Section Edited by Peter Pazzaglini and Sara Frampton 13 O S W A L D SYMISTER COLCLOUGH, Acting President of the University. B.S., U. S. Naval Academy; LI.B, The George Washington University; LI.D. Muhlenburg College; LI.D., Dickenson School of Law; Sc.D., The George Washington University. Office of the President 14 DR. J O H N A N T H O N Y B R O W N , JR. Vice President and Dean of Faculties, Professor of International Affairs A.B., Temple University; A.M., University of Chicago; L.H.D., Ursinus College; LI.D., Westminster College. WILLIAM PARKHURST SMITH, JR. Executive Assistant to the President A.B., The George Washington University; MB.A., The George Washington University. 15 DR. PAUL VERNON BISSELL, Dean of Men B.S., Missouri State Teacher's College; M.A., University of Missouri; Ph.D., University of Iowa. " II Woodhull House. DR. VIRGINIA R. KIRKBRIDE, Dean of Women 16 A.B., University of Nebraska; M.A., University of Nebraska; Ed.D., The George Washington University. DR. J O H N FRANCIS LATIMER, University Marshal; Director of Foreign Students A.B., Mississippi College; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D University; Honorary Degree Litt.D., Mississippi College. DR. H A R O L D FREDERICK BRIGHT, Associate Dean of Faculties A.B., Lake Forest College; M.S., University of RochesterUniversity of Texas. PhD 17 DR. CALVIN D. LINTON, Dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of English Literature A.B., George Washington University; M.A., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Monroe Hal DR. ELMER L. KAYSER, University Historian B.A., George Washington University; Ph.D., Columbia University; Honorary Degree LI.D., George Washington University. 18 DR. FRANCIS NEWELL HAMBLIN, Dean of School of Education A.B., Amherst College; Ed.M., Harvard University; Ed.D., Harvard University. ARCHIBALD M U L F O R D W O O D R U F F , Dean of the School of Government, Business, and International Affairs B.A., C u m Laude, Williams College; Ph.D., Princeton University. J O H N G A G E ALLEE, JR., Dean of the Division of University Students A.B., M.A., George Washington University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. 19 DR. GROVER LAMARR ANGEL, Dean of the College of General Studies, Professor of Education A.B., High Point College; A.M., The George Washington University; Ed.D., The George Washington University. ROBERT KRAMER, Dean of Law School A.B., Harvard, C u m Laude. Laude; LI.B., Harvard, Magna Cum fet^ DR. MARTIN ALEXANDER M A S O N , Dean of Engineering B.S., The George Washington University; Ph.D., University of Grenoble, France. •• 20 II •• V *• '* IS II C 3 G as i:-i George Washington University Hospital DR. J O H N PARKS, Dean of the Medical School Medical Director of Hospital A.B., M.S., M.D., University of Wisconsin W A R R E N G O U L D , Assistant Vice PresidentResources A.B., George Washington University; M.A., George Washington University A X FARRINGTON, Director of Special Projects A.B., Westminister College; B.S., George Washington University M.A., George Washington University 21 ,,:«J&,::^ v 22 •••••• ..^i ', •«»' i ™ o A j * ' ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ' ^ -• *TS^~~;'* «?""' v • ^ ^...JSv-.; li» :# #» /^33fkftx\'Sym: - , ^^^!?*V^IA >;>> «** U- a* <^ v, "Vfe • IP ^ t e ^ ? •.... . • i WmP S..- --*,-.-. ••.••- •"' ' ^'••>•'••&-\ :acJ**^-''; ••' •>/'/?•;'• ^"'••'•'v: i''^'••'•'•'? ^ ; ' y % - ^ mm pi' •;•. •>*-*£; >::-,i • ,•' -ii&^'+L.-.o'l-'Q *& ^^fc&r&^A:c y* V: '#? ^mmm+l9^*-* )-" ' ' ' - >^ *- 5 T i ^ ^^*3»r;$?&&•& »;*"•:• i '-,r -aW;.' UJ.\ ' •**3fe -•?/..«>:•••• -> •: 3w sjs* • v^Vvtv'-; ' ' SSrSV SCK«1 r» j M as: •^ •-..is/j-i-c •.'• y *S •y -41- , ••>'' 1 t* l . 4 0 f *^»*E5.mt**\.K »--:'.»S-. *J:'-S?'::V<iV¥x<<\- »Wfa*W»TWi ,-mm ^ # ^ : v y ' : I ^sSafelfejt'JJi: v.vV..%. -•^^r *?.«v: fmWmWmy • -; ri &Wi im * t .rv.C.v. ««i«..\»v ,.:. .. pi Section Edited by Arlene Graner, and Marge Ferm E 23 Linda Aaronson Ronald Altman 24 Robert Alden Todd Ackley Lucy Bennett Anderson Stuart Anderson Ah Spring . . . A campus appears Barbara Altman Patricia Arnold Knut Asper Martin Auerbach Susan Bahlke Greta Baker Lois Carder Allen Avery llene Baker William Barkov Satish Bagai Carol Baldwin Susan Barnett :A Roberta Bayane Donna Beach Barbara Bedine 25 Dorothy Bellinger 26 Linda Beloff John Bennett Bill Benton Joan Berelson Shirley Berezesky Winifred Berg Mirko Bilonick Evelyn Blaner Daphne Bethel Belles are working. Helen Berquist f?5 Priscilla Bloom Peter Botos Marion Blunt Susan Bogle Katharine Brandis Carol A n n Brewton Elizabeth Brinkerhoff Joseph Brinkmoeller Nancy Broyhill Doreen Buck Kate Buddy Joseph Bolcar 27 Carol Buettner Theodore Buhl Jane Burch Harold Burchette Helen Burn Sue Burney . .and I thought this book store had been reorganized. 28 Diana Bush Preston Cannadv Anne Carter Walter Crater Patricia Catalde Claudia Chaille Carolyn C h a p m a n Harvey Chapman Annette Chase Linda Cheyney / f4/w David Clarke 29 SM Donna Clarke Barbara Clements James Cleveland Karen Cliff Wl&fM Wilt* %i • l*r \<mL ILlmWimmml' Julia Cobb Sallie Coggin Edmund Cohen Patricia Cohen Farewell to dear old Dolley Madison Hall. Robert Cohen 30 Margaret Conlan Thomas Collins Wilkerson Conrad Linnis Cook Dominic Costanzo This sure beats Mom's cooking! Carol Cox Hassan Dadjmar Ellen Dayton Matid Daneshmand Mary Davidson Maureen DaLaney Frances DaLeo Kenneth Cummings Michael Davis Frank Dellermann 3 I Sue Dietz *-i **K^ Say it again, louder Karen Dixon AUmmmm • Shirley Douglas Donna Doyle Michael Doyle Leland Dribin Ellen Duberstein Marcia Dublin Richard Duenkel louder . . . Boooo-o, Slaters Sarah Duffes Rick Duques Dianne Edwards Joan Ennis Arlene Erlich Caroline Evans William Evinger Janet Falls H u d a A. Farouki Margaret Ferm 33 Cornelia Fitzgerald Ely Fishlowitz Susan Flint Claire Foster m4m^m.JSt^ Harold Freed Carol Freidin Mary Friedlander Linda Frost W h o needs a college education? r • ^3S w Lynn Galbraith \ Elaine Geiger Audrey Gardner - .- 7 ^ J | Suzanne Glaser John Ghent What a beautiful specimen . . . of wood. Allan Goldberg Jeffrey Goldman Susan Goldstein Robert Goldhamer Ronald Goldwyn Dawn Goodman t*t T %-* I Richard Gould Susan Gould Wiley Grant 35 Dinah Gray Margaret Gray Stephen Gray William Greenwood William Griffel Margaret Grinnan Louise Grosman Lindley H. Grubbs Margaret Guentert Jane G. Hadley David Grayson iL * * i Leonard Gross Nancy Haines Val Halamandaris Robert H a m m Barbara Harris Gene Roger Harris Hugh H. Heclo Charles Herbert III Harriett Herndon Elizabeth Hickey Jerry Heinze Alberta Hoffmann MR. W I Z A R D 37 Martin Hoffman Paul Horowitz Here w e go loop-de-loo Jacqueline Horsman Nettie Bell Howard Ruth Joan Hurvitz 00 Esther Kanesgsberg Philip Kaplan Philip Jaffe Hugh Kaufman Ruth Joyce Japha Linda Keighley Edward Kemper, Kathleen III O n e part vodka, 10 parts orange kool-aide the fraternity budget. Kelleher Margaret Kennedy . we'll just about Robert Kelley Michael Kelly A n n e Kerby Agnes Kiely Byron Kline Jon Kline Susan Knadle Uonnie Knickerbocker make 39 Jane Knierim Alice Korff Maury Landsman Hilda Knusli Ken Kowalski Carol Lang Karen Koenig Peter Kramer Robert Laycock Mary Komoroske Nancy Krumpeck Anita Lazar m t ^ 40 Gina Lazzari Benton Leaf Patricia Leeds Robprt 1 P P I Leona Leete James Leupold '^^*M4*W^J2 Leslie Levine Leslie Levitt Phyllis Levitin Rona Lichtman LE A P into reality. Roslyn Lichtman Leslie Lockwood 41 George Lotz Michaella Lowe Then there's Quigley's menu . . . Roberto Luzio 42 Constance Lynch Rosalie McCanner John McCarthy Verne McCullen Virgil McMahan Mary MacLeish Carolyn Mack Marjorie McGraw Barbara Mand Claudia Mann Mary Martin Joseph Martino Randolph Manning Frank Masci Alan May Rebecca Mehlman Bonnie Manwell Fred Massey Jr Charles Mederrick Judith Menaugh 43 Judith Mickelson Judith Miller J. R. Miller W h a t is the prerequisite for Witchcraft and Sorcery? Penny Miller Herbert Miller Margaret Miskelly Kathryn Moody Patricia Monge Daniel Morahan Margaret Moran Mardi Moriarty Diane Mroczek Nathaniel Mullener Robert Murphy Judith Nevins Steven Newburg Rosemary Nigrell Susan Nizen Lewis Norman Janice Niblett 45 iyiB^;- ~m\W f» jjuu V . 1 Cynthia O'Donnell Jan Olson Betty O'Hara Sandra Olson Elisabeth O'Leary Ina Orwicz Devonna Oliver Marcia O'Shea That was some night in the firehouse. Joan Osman John Pappalardo Danny Palm ™ Michael Perlman Marianne Perper Susan Petrovich Stuart Plotkin ""^BI^ Seth Pope James Potter Boyd Poush Barbara Presnall • Joseph Privitera Required reading: Education 129 James Raber Carol Rahnasto 47 "^*»«*_^V' J Mary Ralston Sonya Resnick James Rankin Richard Rettberg Julia Redding Thomas Richards Ruth Rendely Ann Richmond Yes, w e realize that it's condemned. 48 Louis Richmond Samuel Rindge Susan Roach Mary Roarty Thomas Robinson Robert Rogers David Rothbart R a y m o n d Rocca Donna Rosenthal Neither rain, nor hail Barrett R o w e MBI^^ Sharon Rush Rudolf Russart Lee Rytina Judi Safranko Kathy Sammis A n n Sanders Alice Saukas 50 Jack Schore Leonidas Sanchez Marc Santacroce Ronald Scheraga Lynne Schwaeble Yes, I use M a c Clean's. Kenneth Schoen Daniel Schwartz Paulette Schofer ITndm SrofloM Michael Scrudato Pamela Scullen Linda Sennett Joel Shulman WMmKS Merna Shulman Irma Silverman Margaret Simes Helen Simpson Teresa Skinner Billie Slayden Marilyn Silverman Nancy Smith Paula Silverman Veronica Smith 5| Barbara Smotrich William S n o w Need a ride to Monroe Hall? Maxine Solomon Barry Spiegel ^ tk Susan Sprague Jeffrey Springer Hi r* wr± Robert Stanley Carol Starzan Carolyn Sommer Jeanne Stanek Edward Stern Linda Storey Michaela Svehlova Randolph Swart <!*&*. |Mp»- %. Wmmmfi «*4^|tt| M Wj Diane Szostak Morton Taragin Phillip Taylor Virginia Testa Merrily Timmins Jon Todd Vytas Tarulis Joan Taylor Paul Teter Mary Thorn Roger Tripp John Tucker 53 Susan Urken Georganne Vogel George Ward Dee Wedemeyer 54 Carole Vaden Robert Vawter Carroll Walker James Walters Ann Walton David Warner Mary Watkins Nan Webster Janet Weisblut Ernest Welch A Marilyn Wender •*l Roxanne Wenk One hotdog with mustard and relish.. Ronald Wohl Craig Wolcott Gregory Zalar Jane Wolf Barbara Zaubner Mary Wood Thomas Zell Joyce Yavner Pafti Ziegenhein 55 56 4,^.-'t*-~Z~*?.- tmj* m m^'^^Mz^mi -^••WWrm '*$Wi- Section Edited by Roberta Bayane and Jeri Powell 57 THE 1965 CHERRY TREE STAFF KATHY FRITZINGER Associate Editor ROBERTA B A Y A N E Organizations Editor 58 CLAUDIA CHAILLE J O N KLINE Editors-in-Chief JERI POWELL Honoraries Editor ARLENE G R A N E R M A R G E FERM Senior Editors 59 PAT JONES FRANK MASCI Looking Back Editors JAN FALLS D A N HALL Greek Editors M A R Y RALSTON Queens Editor PETER PAZZAGLINI Administration Editor BOB BEERS ROTC Editor STEVE GARFINKEL Sports Editor 61 VICTOR CLARK President STUDENT JIM RANKIN Upper Columbian Representative ROBERT LAYCOCK Comptroller PETER PAZZAGLINI Publicity Chairman S A N D R A WISHNER School of Education Representative BRUCE JETTON Member-at-Large 62 COUNCIL SKIP G N E H M Freshman Director MICHAEL LEVIN Program Director T H O M A S ROBINSON School of Government Representative PHILIP KAPLAN School of Engineering Representative 63 * » e*< & » O>H *?:;c^ 1 " • ' -'\o* "•'--.. •-..'. «»;£*'* y:. B O Y D POUSH, Editor; LINDA STOREY, Editor; DEBI MOVITZ, News Editor yy Co* 0°c ,e .' X ^-M*-^ <'y CHARLES MEDERRICK, Business Manager RICHARD RELAC, Rewrite Editor; CAROL BALDWIN, Reporter. CHARLES ORY, Reporter BILLIE STABLEIN, Student Council Reporter THE UNIVERSITY HATCHET CHARLES BOYKIN, Photographer ALLEN SNYDER Copy Editor 65 6WU COLONIAL HARRIETT H E R N D O N KEN C U M M I N G S PAT JONES, Vice Chairman LOU COLAGUORI FRANK MASCI, Chairman COLONIAL BOOSTERS MEMBtdSHIP CARD CHUCK BUDDENHAGEN DEE WEDEMEYER —-*^T* 3rr! M A R G E FERM 66 1964 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE "Sept. 26 - Boston U. (A) Oct- 2 — Furnam Oct. 10 - V.P.I. (A) Oct, 17 Vanderbuill Oct. 23 - William ond Mary Oct. 31 - Cincinnati (A) Nov. 7 — West Virginia Nov. 14 - Vilianova Homecoming Nov 21 - The Citadel (A) Pat Jones, Dan Hall, Suzanne Savoy, Dee Wedemeyer, Steve Delman. Colonial Boosters is the organization created to encourage and support spectator participation at athletic events. W h e n a student obtains a booster card, he lends his support to the University's athletic teams and is entitled to choice seats at all football and basketball g a m e s . The Colonial Boosters sponsor activities which bring students into the excitement and activity found in team sports. Such activities include car cavalcades, half-time entertainment, and pre-game rallies. Ken Cummings, Harriet Herndon, Marge Ferm, Pat Jones, Frank Masci, Chairman, Lou Callegori, Steve Delman, Dan Hall, Dee Wedermeyer, Suzanne Savoy, Chuck Buddenhagen O h no, they took Ackley, our best cheerleader! 68 CHEERLEADER9 iu?43t 69 The George Washington University opened Strong Hall, its first residence hall for w o m e n , in 1935. Since then, the lounges, date rooms and sun roof of the dormitory have offered residents m a n y diverse opportunities for entertainment and relaxation. Quiet hours, O p e n Houses, Christmas Parties, fraternity serenades and spring sun-bathing have become yearly rituals. This year, Strong Hall had the distinction of serving as a residence for Senior W o m e n . First Row.- Kristin Scofield; Marianne Perper, Pres.; Kathy Sammis, Treas.; Rona Litchman, Sec; Second R o w : Lois Gordon, Holly Peck, Linda Keighley, Ruth Japha, Lynne Schwaeble, Barbara Mand. Third Row: Susan Stuber, Adv.; Jane Burch; Carolyn Sommer; Roberta Bayane; Alice Handwerk. STRONG HALL A change has come over Crawford Hall this year. The long beds high shelves and lack of closet space have experienced the laughing and shouting of the hall's m e n residents. Originally built as a residence for m e n , Crawford w a s used as a girl's dormitory until this year. N o w the giggling of high-pitched girls' voices has been replaced by the quiet h u m of boys' electric razors. Seated; Larry Bank, Sec; William Heller, Pres.; Leslie Koenig, Treas. Standing: Robin Kaye, Bart Loring, Sam Gilston, Paul Kravitz, G e n e Brown, Bill Bancroft. CRAWFORD HALL 70 THE NEW DORM Nineteen hundred "F" Street has become a familiar and integral part of the University's campus life. The one thousand girls residing in The George Washington University N e w Residence Hall for W o m e n have engaged in activities throughout the year. After the excitement of orientation and the beginning of classes, the girls settled into a program including dances, a Christmas Orphan's Party and a Christmas Banquet in the dining hall. Groups of co-els with their dates could be seen nightly in the lounges and g a m e room. Each floor in the N e w Dorm has its o w n Dormitory Council and carries on its o w n roster of activities. It is the purpose of the Coordinating Council "to coordinate the activities of the individual hall councils." The Council meets weekly to formulate policy for the N e w Dorm and Strong Hall. Procedures for dormitory elections and judicial matters fall under the Council's jurisdiction. Each individual Hall Council is encouraged to contribute its ideas or to bring forth grievances for discussion by the Coordinating Council. THE COORDINATING COUNCIL 71 Seated: Scarlett Levi; Sandra Ganderson; Bobbie Weinberger, Pres.; Shelia Butler, V. Pres.; Sally O'Neill, Treas. Standing: Cyndy Grill, Susan Fisher, Shirley Snyder, Roxane W e n k , De Vera Gilden, Elayne Fattman. "C" HALL Seated: Peggy Rush, Treas.; Mary Ellen Tesorero, Ronnie Blumenthal; V. Pres., Judy Mannes; Judy Ziegler. Standing: Lynne Carrier; Jane Porter, Pres.; Clair Filbert; Betty Chanson; Jerry Shepard, Sec; Mary A n n Byrne. 72 "D" HALL W/l//f«JlHHiilimflH^ Seated: Janet W y m a n , Sec; Mara Yachnin, V. Pres; Jill Kleinman, Pres.; Marcia Golden, Treas. Standing: Linda Moore, Helen Clark, Ellen Richter, Laurie Posner, Anne Gullette, Mimi Reusch, Claudia Strauss. Hr-H HALL Seated: Arlene Berger; Susan Roberts, V. Pres.; Linda S. Russell, Pres.; Kathie Clements, Sec; Gail Van Keulen, Treas. Standing: Suzi Hatch, Tova Indritz, Jan Moklebust, Sue Jacobs, Barbara Cowlish3w, Doreen Shaddix, Sandy Priestman, Nancy Smith, Carol Margolis. 73 Ilpll F" HALL R o w I: Ricky Rickert, Stephany Engel, Susan Dessel, Susan Goldstein. R o w 2: Jacqueline Nathanson, Sec; Twala Bruce, Vice Pres.; Barre Weidler, Pres.; Cynthia Pratt, Treas. R o w 3: Ina Rockman, Marsha Golden, Roberta Arnove, Deidre Clark, Harriet Berkowitz, Peggy Cooper. mimM ^k ^1 ^B.^1 • 1 1 IH ••• ' m*tm\\\ m mm\ Am. k M "^SMlll mm¥ ~ *~^K ' HSlPiv lB^^^ ^dW mWmmmmW^^ ^kmmm^^ W^trnt L •. ^ m MPafciLll^-^ ;^r"'^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •* # .^H V ^ . ^ R o w I: Ellen Schwartz, Judy Fisher, Phyllis Cohen. R o w 2: Janice Bernstein, Joan Rubin, Treas.; Gail Van Dipen, Pres.; Judy Barrett, V. Pres.; Jeanette Haas, Sec; Lynne Foster. R o w 3: Allen De C a m D . Janet O w e n s , A n n e Marie Saunders, Margaret Singleton, Carolyn Singer. HALL First Row: Anne Stockvis, Deborah Florman, Susie Trump. Second Row; Claudia Talbott, Treas.; Orysia Paszczak, Sec; Mary Jane Bering, Pres.; Marilyn Goodman, V. Pres.; Cheryl Sims. Third Row: Arlene Schmaier, Judy Axelrod, Anne Rothman, Judy Dwyer, Karen Larson, Claire Braude. II • If HALL First Row; Claire Adams, Diane Wexler. Second Row: Gail Rothschild, Linda Fusch, Sec, Bonnie Bing, Pres., Julianne Thomas, Treas., Sandra Greenberg. Third Row: Arlene Forman, Phyllis Richmond, Carol Lehtonen, Susie Benton, Marjorie Kalter. Nancv SeaaL 75 ADAMS HALL COUNCIL Seated: Dennis Nash, Leslie Piatt, Pres., Randy Kahn. Standing: Tom Gutkin, Treas., Hollis Summers, Paul Johnson. S. Rogers, Art EDUCATION COUNCIL "The purpose of this organization shall be to act as a liaison between the students and the School of Education . . . "After formulating the Council and electing officers, the m e m b e r s of the Education Council expanded their objectives to include: Counseling, Curriculum, Job Information, A Newsletter, Teas and Chats, and Guest Lecturers in the field of education. It is the goal of the Education Council to bring matters concerning education closer to Education Majors. 76 Left to Right: Sandra Wishner, School of Ed. Rep. '64-'65, Susan Hamilton, Nancy Larson, Linda Russell, Pres., Carol Buittner, Ina Woolman, Pat Williams, Pat Bowerman, Marcia Gordon, Suzanne Wilson, Roberta Bayane, School of Ed. Rep. '65-'66. R o w One.- Marian Pohren, Martha Mendy, Rosalind Bresnehan, Mary Love II. R o w Two: Father Walter Guttendorf, Janet Drance, Treas., John Batchelder, Pres., Father Duffy, Chaplain, Pat Williams, Sec, Carolyne Hall, John Sanderson, Jim DeFer. R o w Three: Kathy McNamara, Jeanne Quigley, Dick Finnegan, Connie Bradt, Billie Stablein, Barbara Marr, Carol Nash, RoseMarie Noriega. NEWMAN CLUB The N e w m a n Club is the Catholic students social and fellowship group. Sponsored by Father Thomas Duffy they hold weekly meetings with guest speakers and discussion programs. Mass for students is celebrated in the Union Annex. Club Social Preparation for Mass. 77 EPISCOPAL STUDENT COUNCIL Left to Right: Paul Chemnick, Pres.; Robert Stanley; Corinne Colt, Father Martin, Advisor; John Lawrence; Richard Ostheimer; Thomas Rogers. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION First Row: Sister Ruth Coleman, Advisor; Marilyn Hoff; Bonnie Selinsky, Sec.-Treas.; Julianne Thomas. Second Row: Charles Coleman, Vice Pres.; Neil Salo; James M. Singer, Advisor; David Warner, Pres.; Edward Kmosena. 78 HILLEL FOUNDATION B'Nai B'rith Hillel is the Jewish student's organization on campus. It holds regular worship services, and Hebrew and Yiddish lessons are given. Most popular are the Friday afternoon snack bar and the Sunday morning bagel and lox brunches. First Row: Paul Berch, Vice Pres.; Joseph Pincus, Pres.; Larry Nussbaum, Rec Sec; Sharon Tudor, Corr. Sec. Second Row: Ed Stern, Harriet Berkowitz, Rebecca Lieberman, Third Row: Jeffrey Norman, Sam Gilston. RELIGIOUS COUNCIL The Religious Council is an interfaith board which coordinates religious activities. Each campus religious organization is represented. They are active in planning Holiday Season activities. Left to Right: Frank Miller; Sharon Ives; Bonnie Selinsky; Paul Chemnick, Pres.; Joseph Pincus, Vice Pres.; Janet Owens Sec; Charles Coleman, Debbie Orr, Treas. 79 WR6W-RADI0 Seated: Steve Fryberger, Paul Johnson, Mel Wahlberg, Frank Crotty, Rick Livingston, Marc Leepson. Standing: Richard Moock, Andrea Livingston, Joseph Siegel, Bob Kravetz, Jack Hranicky, Bob Wertzler, Karlota Koester, Thomas Steich, Bill Davis, Arthur Bloch, Mike Frankhouser, Penny Miller, Larry Spero. Charles Jekofsky, Station Manager STUDENT PLANNING COMMISSION Under the Student Council, the Student Planning Commission undertakes problems of student interest. The council is represented by the following organizations, Activities Committee, S t u d e n t Council, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mortar Board and four members w h o petition for the position. Left to Right: Bennett Lavenstein; Linda Russell; Judy Freeman, Mr. Berg, Advisor; Bonnie Towles, Chairman; Murry Cohen; Suzanne Wilson; Mary Jane Bering; Jon Todd. 80 FOGGY BOTTOM SPORTS CAR CLUB First R o w : Larry Clifford, Pres.; James Lear; Doris M a n n ; Douglas M a n n ; Bill Davis. Second Ken Manning; Suzy Miller, Mike Miller, Treas. Row: Dorothy Graham; Ed Buss, WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Seated: Lynne Moyer; Judy Axelrod; Dianne Alexander, Pres.; Bambi Orr; Eileen Lerner. Standing: Kii Mandel, Ellen Richter, Diane Schulte. 81 EPSILON Delta Phi Epsilon is a professional fraternity established for students m a joring in Foreign Affairs. The fraternity sponsors speaker-meetings at which representatives of embassies or the Foreign Service speak to the m e m bers on topics dealing with Interna* tional Affairs. R o w One: Mr. Houser, Advisor; Skip G n e h m , Pres.; T o m Robinson, Treas.; Duke Zeiger, Vice Pres.; Bill Snow. R o w Two: Richard Osteimer, Richard Smith, Richard Abell. Third Row: Jim Hoogerwerf, John Guequierre, David Williams, John Todd, Mike Perlman. S.N.E.A. The Student National Education Association is the professional organization for university students preparing to teach. The S N E A provides opportunities for personal and professional growth; development of leadership skills; understanding of the history, ethics and programs at state and national levels. In addition they participate in the functions of the Urban Service Corps. William Evinger, Vice Pres.; Carolyn Mack, Publicity Chairman; Mary Ralston, Pres.; Lee Rytina, Projects Chairman; Sue Bahlke, Sec. 82 ART CLUB The Art Club is composed of students w h o s e interests are not only in the creative field of art and in art history but w h o s e purpose is to encourage the interests of the University community in the visual arts. The club is active in the promotion of student exhibitions and special lectures on outstanding artists and their works. Kneeling: Todd Pendleton, Vice President; Sharie May, Jon Kline, President; Daphne Bethell; John McCarthy; Secretary-Treasurer; Standing: Robert Fink; Stephany Joy; Jeanne Jackson; Claire Adams; Alice Korff; Jeanine Flaherty; Hugh Taylor; Membership Chairman. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The club is open to all girls taking H o m e Economics courses. The group is a m e m b e r of the National and area H o m e Economics Associations. They tour places of interest and have had distinguished speakers. Seated: Linda Cheyney, Pres.; Anne Mary Ann Sieverts; Mary C. Young. Gokey. Standing: Monica Sheehan; Kathryn Moody, THE ENOSINIAN DEBATE SOCIETY Seated: Robert Roberts, Assistant Coach; Paul Chemnick, Sec.-Treas.; Marietta Bernot, Vice-Pres.; Jerry Sazama, Pres. Standing: First Row: Bill Halamandaris, Joe Pincus, Lesley Newton, Martha Kantor, Kathi Hill, Carolyn Smith. Second Row: John McCune, Jim Paulson, Greg Millard, Barry Rathner, Murry Cohen, Tom Harris. Third Row: Richard Avena, Hugh Heclo, Ronald Plesser, Warren Yarnell, Berl Brechner. Major General J. B. Lampert, Superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy, Hugh Heclo, Dion Meek. VAN VLECK CASE CLUB The Van Vleck Case Club's purpose is to enable law students to gain experience in appellate practice by arguing moot cases before a simulated court. The Club holds annual competition which is judged by leading area lawyers. Sidney Katz, Vice Pres.; Stanley M . Karlin, Pres.; Stanley F. Rodbell, Vice Pres; Not Pictured: Allen Berk, Thomas Hagenstad. LAW REVIEW M.o.L'* t • ie American Society of Civil Engineers takes its membership f r o m those students i n the engineering school w h o study civil engineering. T h e society h a s regular meetings, lectures and social functions. First Row: Ronald Ketchum, Vice Pres.; Eli Fishlowitz, Pres.; Eric Mendelsohn, Rec Sec; John Scott; Allie Ash. Second Row: Lawrence Kastner; James Webster; James Raber; Wayne Stanton; Prof. Raymond Fox, Advisor. I.E.E.E. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is aimed at the advancement of the theories and practices of engineering and its allied arts. Its m e m b e r s participate in a variety of social and educational activities. First Row. Michael Rivers; Joseph Proctor, III, Treas.; Judith Popowsky; Rudolph Decatur, Jr., Sec; Thomas Dillon, Chairman; William C. Burry, III. Second Row: Arnold Meltzer, Advisor; Michael Burdoo; Ricardo Nicto. Third Row: George Abraham; Carl Armstrong; George Saxton; John Christie; Robert Millcn, Advisor; Robert Tesler. 86 A.S.M.E. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers was formed for the professional advancement of mechanical engineering students. Regular monthly meetings are held where speakers are heard. They actively participate in the Annual Engineers Week. Seated: Bruce Howard, Treas.; Joseph Brinkmoeller, John Bauersfeld, Pres.; Prof. D. K. Anand, Advisor. Standing: Judith Popowsky, Martin H u m , Reg Mitchell, Norman Makowski, Frank May, Sec, James Gerner. YOUNG REPUBLICANS Seated: Marion Johnson, Nancy Garfrell, Nancy Broyhill, Sec. Standing- Frank Forlini, Pres., Paul Hansen, Carl Gagliardi. 87 First Row: Joanabbey Sack, Sec; Bonnie Maslin, Member-at-Large; Bruce Bereano, Pres.; Lawrence Onie, Member-at-Large; Marsha Sprintz, Vice Pres.; Peter Lee, Treas.; Second Row: Jeffrey Norman; Charles Coleman; Mike Robins; Larry Baltimore; Mimi Ruchwarger; Third Row: Sandy Schline, Sandra Gottlieb; Marv Kurzban; Elayne Fattman; Samuel Gilston; Jack Scott; Fourth Row: Jane Shapiro; Charlene Born; John Morgan, Adv.; Barbara Sautter; Eileen Sussman. 88 A peeping photographer . Seated: Al Poudziunas, Kent Telford, Sec; William Birchard, Pres.,- Mike Enzi, Vice Pres.; Ken Cleeland, Treas. Standing: Robert Laycock, John Ellison, Advisor; Lin Grubbs, Frank Cook, Jr., Kevin McCormack, Knut Asper, John Fridlington, Peter Botos, Michael Scrudato. ALPHA KAPPA PSI Alpha Kappa Psi is a professional fraternity in the field of business. The organization is devoted to promoting interest in the various fields related to business. Meetings are geared to cover problems encountered in the business world and are augmented by the appearance of speakers and lecturers from the business world. The group also takes field trips to various business firms. During the Spring semester, Alpha Kappa Psi conducted a tutoring program for accounting majors. 89 "BELLS ARE RINGING' Chuck Collett Jim McGregor Chris Waters Peter Pazzaglini Michael Doyle, Chris Waters, Robert Litman, Ron Scheraga. 90 Hugh Kaufman UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Under the directorship of Edward G. Ferero, the University Players produced "The Potting Shed" in the spring and "Bells are Ringing" in the fall for the Homecoming musical. All University m e m b e r s are eligible to participate in the players' activities. Outstanding m e m b e r s are n a m e d to the National Honorary Drama Fraternity. First Row. Ron Scheraga, Vice Pres.; Stephanie Barash; Mary Lincer; Beverly Opper; Judith Kunzman,- Laura Campbell; Bobbie Hustedt. Second R o w : Paul Diamond; Tova Indritz; Jackie Banyasz; Bob London; Priscilla Smith; Edward Ferero, Advisor; Mary Jane McGill. Third R o w ; Karen Gustafson; Phyllis Rice, Sec; Roy Nemerson; Sandra Olson; Thomas E. Williamson, III. Fourth R o w : Val Halamandaris; James McGregor; Peter Pazzaglini. ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB First Row Susan Gould, Sec, Dorcen Sladc, Vic- Pres r»o Lurie, Marianne Lorcnielli I Row Waltci McGralh Ronald Wohl, Pros , Phyllis Chao, Judith Magee Prol Ruth Krulteld, Adv., Third Ro» : Thomas Qumin, Beatrice Pierce, Maureen Delancy, Maiy Moliby, Prof. Deword Walker, Fourth Ko>. Margaret Too Margaret Bool c Prol Ralph Lewis Fifth Ro\> Stephen Beckern in, Valda Far ns.. Eleanoi Ochs Glcnda Prol Patrick Gallaghei Dann) Bo nberget J e m Corgill. Seinfeld Win Olcwilc 91 DANCE L * \ 92 The Dance Production Group is a coed organization comprised of three individual dance groups. The Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced groups practice in separate work sessions where members learn the techniques of dance and performance skills. During the year, the groups are coordinated for performances. The entire Dance Production Group participates in activities such as the H o m e coming Musical, studio performances, M a y Day activities, the annual Spring Dance Concert, Television shows and other special events. The Group's repertoire includes folk, jazz, modern dance and impromptu pieces. A sense of artistic satisfaction and personal expression are a m o n g the many benefits gained from membership in the Dance Production Group. V PRODUCTION 93 Marilyn W e n d e r , Social Chairman; Priscilla Bloom Kostiner, Pres.; Dianne Alexander, Vice Pres.; Lois Barder, Sec.-Treas.; Kathy Fritzinger, Cor. Sec; Laura Colvin, Publicity Chairman; Shelia Potts and Pat Dryden, Membership Chairmen; Miss Nan Larabee, Advisor. Not Pictured: D o n n a Clarke, Vice President. . . . . that's the funniest n a m e I've heard yet . . . . Big Sis is an organization of w o m e n w h o help n e w students become oriented into campus life. The Council works actively throughout the s u m m e r coordinating activities for fall orientation. S o m e of the official functions for the "little sisters" are Snack 'n' Chat, Tips 'n' Tea with Topnotchers and Tasty Turnabout. Girls learn about campus activities, see a fashion s h o w and get a chance to talk about educational plans with fellow students before registration. "... Tis the season to be jolly . . . " 94 OLD MEN Masaaki Seki; Ronald Scheraga; Paul Slattery, Pres.; Frank Korowitz; Howard B»laban. and number 124,567,897 on our list needs an Old M a n The Old M e n Board helps coordinate activities for n e w m e n students. Planned activities help freshmen b e c o m e acquainted with the campus and its activities. at last . . . fire, fire, burning bright kL 95 INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Left to Right: Tom Rogers; Allen Snyder; Bob Vawter; Chuck Bookoff, Treas.; Bob Ross, Vice Pres.; Joel Shulman, Pres.; Bruce Innes, Sec; Bruce Bereano, Social Chairman; Bill Hamann; Jim Serowick; Beau Jacoby. The Interfraternity Council, headed by Joel Shulman, is the governing body to promote good relations a m o n g fraternities. It establishes and enforces rush rules and annually sponsors an IFC Smoker for n e w m e n students. This year IFC included a Parent's Assembly in the fall rush activities. In the spring the council sponsors the IFC Formal and a joint Sing with Panhellenic. JUNIOR - IFC Seated: Bill Herman, Vice Pres.; Allen Snyder, IFC Advisor; Dave Jordan, Pres.; Brian O'Neill, Sec; Robert Slewett, Treas. Standing: George Beuch, Arthur Levien, Elliot Wein, Dana Robinson, David Segaf, Robert Fink. The Junior Interfraternity Council is organized with a m e m b e r from each fraternity pledge class. They hold social functions and a pledge smoker. Working as a coordinating body for the pledge classes they strive to promote good fraternity relations. Ward, Bill PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Left to Right: Nancy Broyhill; Pat Sherrard; Mary Savitt; Tova Altman; Susan Petrovich, Sec; Pat Jones, Vice Pres.; Nan Webster, Pres.; Karen Larson, Treas.; Linda Cheyney; Dianne Globus; Lynn Shaub; Ann Lappen; Sue Ewart. The Panhellenic Council is the governing body for the thirteen national sororities on campus. They organize rush activities, philanthropic projects and sorority participation in the Spring Sing and Prom. Throughout the year they coordinate pledge and active events. THE EXECUTIVE B O A R D . . . A N D PART II JUNIOR PANHEL OFFICERS: Karyn Ryan, President; Jeri Powell, Secretary; Toni Ratet, Vice-Presi dent; Arlene Schmaier, Treasurer. Under the sponsorship of Panhellenic Council and coordinated by the Vice-President, the Junior Panhellenic Council is represented by a pledge from each sorority. They plan activities including the annual Goat Show. THE C O U N C I L : Barbara Enwell; Gayle Boozer; Linda Granger, Pat Jones, Advisor. Second Row: Sally Short, Sherry Fnglish, Jane Shapiro, Linda Hoffmann, Hannah Shklar. First Row: Jeri Powell, Karyn Ryan, Toni Ratet, Arlene Schmaier. 99 Typing Pool Jamaican Orphans Angel Flight, through its m a n y activities, aids the progress of the Arnold Air Society and the Pershing Rifles, and serves as a symbol of appreciation for the importance and dignity of Air Force life. The Angels' m a n y campus and community projects include ushering for University functions, visiting Junior Village, and assisting the A F R O T C corps. Collecting clothes and books for Jamaican orphans has been a major project. PERSHING RIFLES * ^ . . . at play Sgt. Honanyan, Capt. Smith, Lt. D e n h a m . The Pershing Rifles is a National Military Honor Society. The bond of friendship is strong, developed through m e m b e r participation in social events and military functions. M u c h of the P/R's social life involves the Angel Flight, of which the P/R's are co-sponsors. While the military aspect is stressed in Pershing Rifles, the unit also exsts as a service organization. During the school year, the P/R's m a n ned the information booths for incoming students and ushered at University activities. Participation in various activities has created a strong bond a m o n g the Society's members. ... at inspection Devin Bent Roger Adelson PHI BE PHI BETA K A P P A , founded in 1776, at the College of William and Mary, w a s the first "Greek letter" society. Today it is the best k n o w n scholastic honor society in the country, and recognizes "Intellectual capacity well employed", especially in the liberal arts. Nathanael G. Mullener Arlene Rita O'Connor Nancy Broyhill Janet Duvali TA KAPPA N e w members of the District of Columbia Alpha Chapter are chosen in the fall and spring of each year from members of the junior and senior classes with outstanding academic records. Karen Judy Scott Floyd A. Riggs Kate Buddy Lois Barder WHO'S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN Paul Horowitz T o m Robinson 104 Jon Kline Twenty-nine University students, w h o have compiled an impressive list of activities and services for the University, have been selected for the 1965-66 edition of Who's W h o Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. To be nominated for Who's W h o , students must have shown "outstanding effort and achievement in scholarship, leadership, and citizenship." Vytas Albert Tarulis Kelly Burn Jerry Heinze AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES NOT SHOWN: Karen Cliff Daniels Karen Dixon Jim Rankin Nan Webster Sandy Wishner 105 TASSELS Members of TASSELS, the sophomore women's honorary, sponsored by Mortar Board, are tapped at the Big Sis Tips and Tea, during the Fall Orientation. In addition to maintaining high scholarship, pledges are required to contribute fifteen hours of combined meetings and project work before initiation. A m o n g others, projects include sale of H o m e coming tickets, working in the book exchange, and assisting in the annual Alumni Support program. First R o w , left to right: Ginny Zeitler; Ellen Schwartz; Leslie Sarafan; Julianne Thomas; Tova Altman; Miriam Nathan; Eve Cutler; Ina Nathanson; Marilyn Dove. Second R o w : Stancy Swanson; Andrea Foth; Marion Johnson; Bobbie Hustedt; Margaret Tao; Brigitte Selcke; Dena Pomeroy; Marrietta Bernot; Barbara Willmarth; Mary Lincer; Marcia Golden. Third R o w : Janet Weisblut, Mortar Board advisor; Barbara Hering; Patricia Linskey; Susan Goldstein; Laura Bonn; Jeanette Haas; Susan Dalby; Debi Movitz; Judy Barrett; Claudia Strauss; Bonnie Bing. PHI ETA SIGMA PHI ETA SIGMA is a national fraternity, established to encourage and reward high scholarship and attainment. M e m b e r ship is limited to those m e n w h o attain a scholastic average of at least 3.50 in the first semester of their freshman year, or for their entire freshman First Row, left to right: Ed Beals; Joseph Pincus, vice-president; Allan Goldberg, president; Peter Pazzaglini, treasurer; Ardavazt Honanyan. Second Row: W . L. Turner, faculty advisor; Paul Johnson; Larry Rubin; Philip Kaplan; Randy Ross; Allen Snyder. Absent from picture: Brian Holober, secretary. 106 year. Lois Barder Nancy Broyhill Linda Storey Dr. Eva Johnson Priscilla Bloom Kostiner Evangelin Wells HOUR GLASS CHAPTER OF MORTAR BOARD M O R T A R B O A R D is the national senior women's honorary, which chooses members on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and service to the University. N e w members, not to exceed nine senior w o m e n , are tapped each spring at the M a y Day Program. Mortar Board sponsors Tassels and selects the Big Sis Board. Other functions include Study Panels; the annual Smarty Party; various programs of service, and a constant encouragement of high scholarship and leadership. Marilyn Wendler Sandy Wishner Janet Weisblut SIGMA DELTA PI S I G M A DELTA PI, a national honor society, seeks to foster a wider knowledge of, and a greater appreciation for, the Hispanic contribution to modern culture. It seeks to establish friendly relations between students of Hispanic and English nations, and to reward those w h o show special achievements and interests in the culture and literature of the Hispanic world. Active and honorary members are nominated by the Chapter Advisor and the Spanish Department, on the basis of high scholarship and excellence in upper division Spanish studies. first R o w , left to right: Judith Magee; Carolyn Mack; Christiann Hoffman; Louise Jansen, president; Sandy Wishner, secretary. Second row: Professor Mazzeo, advisor; M c M a h a n ; Underwood; Bill Snow, treasurer. Absent from picture: Ann Harris, vice-president. SIGMA ALPHA ETA n n'1 f\ i r 4 rsH -J o. MM 5 i ^^k m SK A • ».m. JJ^^I m ,y.,.%A ' II fl wok IB JfjiH few ^^^^h^^^^^. f^^Z First R o w , left to right: Marilyn Wender; Barbara Altman, president; JoAnne Blum, secretary; Gail Manchester; Sheila Potts. Second R o w : Ellen Leon; Robert A. Honeygosky, Supervisor to Speech Clinicians; L. Poe Leggette, Chairman of Department; Calvin W . Pettit, Director of Speech Clinic, advisor; Janet Weisblut; Serena Slepian. Third Row: Doreen McKenna; Ruth Hurvitz; Glenda Abbott; Terry Pearl; Marsha Dublin. Absent from picture: Sandi Cavanaugh, treasurer; Judy Nevins, vice-president. 108 • S I G M A A L P H A ETA is the honorary for students majoring in Speech and Hearing science and therapy. The chapter has a professional lecture series consisting of a team of persons involved with working with children needing speech therapy. Prominent speakers include psychologists, audiologists, and neurologists. Participation in Career Day programs in local high schools, and various tours, introduce m e m b e r s to speech therapy programs outside of the University Speech Clinic. Among its goals is the fostering of a spirit of unity by coordinating the interests and efforts of persons with a c o m m o n goal, by providing situations in which students and faculty m a y work together to advance the profession. OMICRON DELTA KAPPA First Row, left to right: John Diesem; Ronald Scheraga; Skip G n e h m ; Frank Masci; Allan Goldberg Peter Pazzaglini. Second R o w : S. J. Tracey; Robert Jones; H. J. Cantini; Philip Kaplan; Bill Benton; Hugh Heclo; Rolf Russart; Joel Shulman; Larry Broadwell; Joseph Pincus; Paul V. Bissel, Dean. OMICRON DELTA KAPPA is a national service and scholarship honorary. Often considered the service counterpart of Phi Beta Kappa, O D K recognizes junior, senior, and graduate men of high scholarship and outstanding leadership on campus. Tapping is held at the H o m e c o ming Dance and on M a y Day. ORDER OF SCARLET O R D E R O F SCARLET is an honorary organization for sophomore and junior men, who have at least a 2.50 QPI, and who participate extensively in extracurricular activities. Initiation of new members is held at Homecoming and M a y Day ceremonies. Upon selection, each n e w m e m ber is expected to carry out one of the projects selected by the organization's Board of Governors. Left to right: Skip G n e h m ; Peter Pazzaglini; Dean Bissel; Mike Levin; Mike Wexler. Absent from picture: Jerry Heinz. G > First Row, left to right: Dave Hicks, President; Bob Meredith; Gregory Zolar; Todd Ackley. Second Row: Bob Laycock; Bruce Bereano; Dave Stell; John Leggette. Third Row: Vince Grey; Alan May; Bill Benton. Awards at Homecoming. NO Miss Lynn Shaub, recipient of the Order of the Lacy Garter and Gate and Key members, Bill Benton, Todd Ackley, Lynn, David Hicks and Lin Grubbs. ND K G A T E A N D KEY is a national society for m e n with an outstanding record of service in fraternities. Every fall and spring, two m e m b e r s are selected from each fraternity. Faculty m e m bers m a y also be selected as honorary members. Ugly Man Bazan III 112 Section Edited by Robert Beers "A thoughtful mind w h e n it sees a nation's flag, sees not the flag only, but the nation itself, and whatever m a y be its symbol, its insignia, he reads chiefly in the flag, the governments, the principles, the truths, the history, which belongs to the nation." Henry W a r d Beecher The mission of the Air Force R O T C program is to develop in prospective college graduates the qualities of leadership and other attributes essential to their progressive advancement to positions of increasing responsibility as commissioned officers and to prepare them for immediate assignment to duties in the Regular Air Force and the Air Force Reserve. COLOR GUARD Tim Kielty, Richard Lind, Larry Lane, Brian Levy To help us fulfill our mission, these officers and enlisted m e n are dedicated. Through patience, tolerance, and understanding, they mold our raw potential into elements of leadership and dedication. Front: Lt. Col. Armand E. Reiser, Professor of Air Science, Major William E. Adams, Assistant PAS, Captain David R. Henriquez Commandant of Cadets. Back; Sgt. Charles Young, Sgt. Clarence Smarr, Sgt. Anthony Nasner 114 CADET STAFF The Cadet Staf las the responsibility of planning and organizing all Group activities, from formations and parades, to picnics, sports, and the Military Ball. Kneeling: Ray Ross, Executive Officer, Roger Rosenberg. Second Row: Dave Rothbart, Judy Nevins, Frank Dellermann, Marc Santacroce. Third Row: Ted Buhl, Blaine Lotz, Mike Moorhead, John Robinson. HEADQUARTERS FLIGHT Front Row: Jon Todd, Squadron Commander, Gaynor Hudson, Flight Commander, Seth Pope. Second Row: Bruce McMillian, Frank Zelasco, Bob Kranc Third Row: Hugh Pacella, Larry Lapidus, Allen Lowenkamp. A N G E L FLIGHT DRILL T E A M The Angel Flight is a social honorary for college w o m e n w h o wish to promote the interests of the United States Air Force and the Air Force R O T C program. The Carl Spaatz Flight at G.W.U. is one of a hundred Angel Flights throughout the country. First Row: Karen Skinner, Cookie Glasner, Iris Long, Gail Carlton, Susan Holt, Barbara Beachum, Carla Price, Flight Commander. Second Row: Nancy Burns, Mary Lou Rivnyak, Barbara Barich, Marsha Sprintz, Doris Matlyak. Third Row: Karen Lipcan, Janet Drance, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Sack, Alexandria Tolstoy, Karen Denocenzo. Kneeling: Ed Doster, Flight Commander, Kevin Bouch, Squadron Commander. First Row: Ron Peddicord, Don Hodges, Harry Lando, Greg Millard, Dan Lee. Second Row: Greg Bond, Bob Rierdan, Jim Ohl, Cliff Reid. Third Row: Kirk Rubida, Bob Kingham, Jeff Routh, Miles Myers. 116 Kneeling: Todd Ackley, Deputy Squadron Commander, Kevin Bouch, Squadron Commander. First Row: Ken Stryjewski, Jack Smith, Craig Sullivan, Kurt Wentz. Second Row: Ed Shamwell, Jack Dorner, Bob Scott, Terry Babcock. C FLIGHT Here the 140th AFROTC Cadet Group is appearing at halftime ceremonies at the Homecoming game with West Virginia. In the foreground is the Color Guard, made up of honorary Pershing Riflemen. D FLIGHT Kneeling: Pete Thatcher, Flight Commander; Grove Conrad, Squadron Commander. First Row: Terry Jones, Larry Adair, Lutz Neuman, John Bentley. Second Row: P. K. Walker, Neil Chamberlain, Jim Smith, Frank Osborne. 117 E FLIGHT Military Ball Princess Judy Bevis ind Escort Tom Padgett. Besides being very active members of the national organization, G. W . Angels take part in University and community activities. O n e of their m a n y functions on the campus is their job of hosting and ushering at Lisner Auditorium: Front Row: Karen Skinner, Karen Lipcan, Doris Matlyak, Judy Magee, Carla Price, Arelene Foreman. Second Row: Ann Stockvis, Karen Kochiss, Nancy Burns, Susan Holt, Barbara Beachum. Third Row: Nan Kaiser, Elizabeth Glasner, Mary Lou Rivnyak, Karen Denocenzo. Fourth Row: Elizabeth Taylor, Gail Gotthart, Theodora Forrest, Robin Birdsall. Military Ball Princess Karen Cliff and Escort Griff Jones. THE A R N O L D AIR SOCIETY The Arnold Air Society is an honorary organization of cadets whose interests lead them to learn more about their future in the U. S. Air Force. Front Row: Grove Conrad, Dave Rothbart, Ron Denham, Mike Moorhead. Second Row: John Robinson, Lee Dribin, Roger Rosenberg, Kevin Bouch, Blaine Lotz. Kneeling: Dave Smith, Squadron Commander, Ron Denham, Flight Commander. First Row: Bob Skinker, John Byczinski, Ron Griffith, Dave Rundquist. Second Row: Ard Honanyan, Tom Cseh, Ed Hughes. . PERSHING RIFLE R FLIGHT Military Ball Princess Dannie Dawson and Escort Dave Noonan. Cadet Colonel Ray Brown, last year's Group Commander, gives a command at the Final Parade and Revue. This parade is the culmination of a whole year's work, and cadets w h o have performed well are recognized at this time. Military Ball Princess Delia Panos and Escort Robert Beers. PERSHING RIFLE S FLIGHT Kneeling: Dave Smith, Squadron Commander, John Sugden, Flight Commander. First Row: Ed Hughes, Howard Nevin, Bob Wahl. Second Row: Cliff Keery, Ron Fink, Bill Schmidt, Al Dancy. Third Row. Joe Rigutto, Elliot Wein, Joe Vacca, Roy Parnell. R O T C participates in m a n y campus activities as well as service projects for the university. Its m e n often serve as ushers at Lisner Auditorium and m a n the voting booths for the Student Council elections. Its activities include intramural sports (pictured above is a team happy after an 18-0 victory over Kappa Sig) and the H o m e c o m i n g Parade, where entered is not only the marching group, but also a winning float (pictured right). "Okay, Cadet, repeat after me, 'Off w e go' Cadet Bob Dailey receiving Reserve Officer's Association's Gold Medal from Dean Richard W . Stephens. A retreat ceremony, calling an end to the day and to this story. 120 MILITARY BALL QUEEN 1964 June Whitacre 121 QUEEN9 HOMECOMING 122 MAY DAY Section Edited by Mary Ralston 123 starring Johnny Corson 1965 CHERRY TREE QUEEN January 6, 1965 LYNN LOCKQ Miss Mary Ralston U718 17th Street No. Arlington 1, Virginia Dear Miss Ralston: My selection for Miss Beauty Queen of the George Washington University's Yearbook is Miss Lynn Locks. It is always very difficult to choose from the pictures alone} and perhaps not the fairest vay. I do hope that the other girls are not too disappointed. My sincere congratulations and best wishes to Lynn. Johnny Carson f/A JC/rap Chosen by Johnny Carson v i CHERRY TREE QUEEN LYNN LOCKQ Alpha Epsilon Phi 125 PRINCE88 JAN COLETTI Chi Omega 126 PRINCE88 JANE GAILLARD Kappa Alpha Theta 127 w PRINCESS SUSAN LEFLER Kappa Kappa Gamma 128 PRINCE88 NANCY 8MITH Delia Gamma 129 MAY QUEEN KATE AVERY Delia Gamma 130 HOMECOMING QUEEN NANCY QCHUH Pi Beta Phi ^Ai *wns the Queen. 131 HOMECOMING 1964 LYNN LOCKS Alpha Epsilon Phi CAROL SUE DIENER Phi Sigma Sigma .«. .'-..i.ytT;. >. DANNIE D A W S O N Alpha Delta Pi 132 COURT Added reflections of Beauty. HARRIETT HERNDON Sigma Chi Queen Nancy and Court on Parade. 133 riKA 11 ZTA Z4>E 0IA 0 I I 1 <t>IK IAT AAn XQ KA Section Edited by Danny Hall and Jan Falls 135 AAn . Alpha Pi Chapter founded 1922. Alpha Delta Pi's blue and white represented by Danni as Homecoming princess ... by Stancey, Barb, Kit, and Karen in Tassels ... by Margeret in Alpha Lambda Delta; colors shine in 12 n e w pledges, their surprise Halloween party, and the pledge formal at Dupont Plaza; they socialized with coffee hours and exchanges, especially with the Engineering School. Our n e w pledge class 136 Pyromaniacs in action AAn The pause that . . . Bye-Bye Birdie Swanson, S. Thevenet, M . Wells. Not Pictured: P. Catanzariti, D. Dawson, S. Fisher, M . Lammond, K. Larson, L. Lowry, K. Kiracofe. I say "Hi"! 137 AE0 Alpha G a m m a Chapter founded 1937. It was a good year for the A E Phi's as they celebrated Founders Day at Gramercy Park Inn, entertained children at Junior Village with a music program, had a Mother's Day ceremony . . . They had exchanges and coffee hours and a very successful pledge formal at the Sheraton Park Hotel. Big Sis, Alpha Lambda Delta, Tassels and Delphi all have AEPhi m e m bers. Lynn was president of Delphi, a Cherry Tree finalist and a Homecoming finalist. Marilyn is a Mortar Board and in Who's W h o . Stephanie is vice president of ISAB and Mattie is in the Education honorary. The pledges w o n honors for ensemble in Goat Show. EYlAONI-(Dj|| A n d preferential is at the Parthenon. 138 AZ0 President L. Locks, R. Amove, C. Bershad, A. Dreier, S. Engel, D. Fellman, L. Frankel, B. Gilbert, D. Gilden, S. Goldsmith, I. Gottlieb, A, Grill, B. Hecht, J. Kemper, M. Kobre, L. Kreil, A. Lazar, P. Leeds, L. Lowe, G. Manchester, C. Marin, B. Miller, I. Nathanson, E. Noble, M. Oidick, G. Rothschild, M. Rubell, J. Shapiro, B. Silverman, N. Stein, E. Sussman, P. Urken, L. Weiss, M. Wender, R. Wenk, J. Osman, M. Lowe, C. Cahan. Not pictured: M. Golden, S. Goozh, J. Gozan, C. Ketay, T. Kischner, J. Michelson, S. Perper, M. Savitt, P. Schwartz, B. Weinberger, M. Wolf. THE CHAPTER 139 xn Phi Alpha Chapter founded 1903. Take an X and add a gold horseshoe and seventeen pledges. Chi O's enjoyed exchanges and coffee hours, booster activities, our little blue Homecoming whale and pledge formal with a breakfast at Jan's. Jan Coletti a Cherry Tree princess finalist; Pam Gay '64 Miss Venus; Bambi '64 Jr. Sportswoman; Kelly Who's W h o ; Tassels, Alpha Lambda Delta, S N E A and Big Sis m e m bers. Pat, Jan and Sue on the Cherry Tree staff and our DOM's Tim and Ed. Penny Miss Model Pledge. President C. Mack, S. Bahlke, S. Beneke, A. Benfield, M. Blunt, K. Burn, S. Coggin, J. Coletti, P. Cushman, P. DeCrosta, S. English, J. Falls, M. Farbman, C. Filbert, J. Gardner, D. Gray, S. Hatch, JS. Hodnett, J. Hubbard, P. Jones, L. Keighley, ME. 140 We've been evicted. xo Three Cheers for the Campus Club! Mantzuranis, T. Pederson, S. Medcalf, L. Moore, K. Mueller, D. Murphy, M. Morris, S. Park, S. Pollack, B. Orr, S. Rambo, C. Reynolds, AM. Saunders, M. Senio, C. Talbott, C. Throne, O. Torres, D. Warner, K. Williams. The night they invented champagne. 141 Ar Beta Rho Chapter founded 1945. Delta Gamma's anchor riding high at G W . . . two Queens: Candy Engineering Queen and Lynn Sigma Chi Sweetheart . . . four finalists, Harriett, Nancy, Maria and Barbara. D G spirit anchor shown in Capt. Kate, Harriett, Barb, and Doreen . . . ours and GW's cheerleaders. Our activities anchor with Kate, Karen D. and Karen C. in Who's W h o and Andy and Doreen S. in Tassels. The Honors anchor riding high with first in Panhel Sing and Derby Day. Karen C. President of Delphi and pledges with audience appeal honors in Goat Show. Our Anchor man. 142 President K. Buddy, B. Bengur, W . Berg, B. Bernstein, D. Brill, B. Brinkerhoff, D. Bruce, L. Burgess, M. Burneston, B. Cammack, L. Capparel, K. Cliff, A. DeAugustinis, K. Dixon, P. Fahey, P. Gearhart, M. Harris. H. Herrsdon n w^rkc* i U : „ J — *^ Martin, D. McKenns, c. merarran. m . reesnus, ®.reuvisss.ft|. Ar 4 ^ m^^k .^^k ml** I F l JBTB That's not a finger bov Last minute touches. O d o m , D. Oliver, D. Orr, A. Pallas, S. Philips, S. Priestman, M. Reusch, L. Shaub, J. Schirtzinger, L. Schwable, M. Smith, C. Scherer, L. Stecher, D. Shaddix, M. Thorn, W . Tyson, L. Lockwood. Not pictured: J. Blum, B. Gilbert, R. Rober*s, N. Wissman. Sorority meeting? 143 AZ . Alpha Delta Chapter founded 1922. Four pearls and a diamond . . . DZ's have been busy on campus . . . active in Tassels, Big Sis, Bowling Club, Philosophy Club, Germ a n Club. Philanthropy was support for Gaulladet College for the deaf. Rose pledge formal, traditional M a y Day breakfast for seniors, slumber party. Pat IFC Panhel sing chairman, Pam secretary Philosophy club, Toni Jr. Panhel VP, and Rita manager of Co-ed Bowling club. President R. Houff, N. Marsclen, T. Ratet, M. Rickert, M. Scanlon, P. Scullen, P. Sherrard, R. Thompson, SA. Young. Not pictured L. Galbraith, S. Harper, D. Johnson, K. Kraft, J. VanWely. D R E A M GIRL OF DELTA ZETA 144 AZ -" / Derby Day team. Pledge Formal 145 KAO G a m m a Kappa Chapter founded 1946. Theta's kite went sailing . . . especially for " N o M o o n at All" third in '64 Panhel Sing . . . first in Blood Drive, second in ISAB tennis, ping p.ong, and swimming. Complete surprise on annual Theta-Delt waterfight . . . trounced K K G in football. Thetas were Big Sis's, Junior Advisors, Diane, Cheerleader; Betty, scholarship in International Affairs; Chris, Alpha Lambda Delta; Joanne, Sylvia, Chris, and Jane Tassels; and Jane Gaillard Cherry Tree Princess. Carolyn, first place debate team; Chip secretary, ISAB, Sandie, Phi Sig "moonlight girl"; Gail, Sigma N u sweetheart. Sandie and Polly in "Bells are Ringing" and Kite flying at Lincoln Memorial. President J. Taylor, G. Boozer, C. Cox, P. Cross, ,C. Cushing, M. Davidson, L. DeForest, S. DeLuca, D. Detwiler, L. Diercks, S. Dietz, J. Ferdon, J. Gaillard, P. Grinnan, P. Guentert, S. Hadley, G. Harris, C. Lehtonen, S. Lorenz, G. Martin, H. Mason, J. McClung, B. Neimer, S. Olson, S. Paul, S. Porter, J. Ryon, P. 146 K A 8 HOUSE KAO S The big team! Schweickhardt, B. Slayden, C. Smith, G. VanKeulen, C. Walker, P. Ziegenhein, C. Herndon. Not pictured: K. Clements, P. Cunningham, J. Fisher, S. Hintz, G. VanDiepen, S. Voss, Z. Zed, J. Zeigler. ! think he's cute. 147 . . . Sigma M u Chapter founded 1922. "Let's Drink a Toast to the Kappa Delt's" for such a successful year. The KD's pledged 16 girls during rush, were visited by their National President Genevieve Forbes Morse at Founder's Day luncheon October 24, w o n second place in the Homecoming float contest, and presented their pledges November 21 at the Woodner Hotel. Marge Ferm was the November Mech Miss, Carola Scott was a runner-up in the Miss Model Pledge Contest, Janet Fricks received the Andy Davis Award for outstanding school spirit, and Arlene Graner received a medal for the freshman pledge with the highest QPI. Marge Ferm was secretary-treasurer of Booster Board; Marge, chairman, and M'Lou Gilbert, decorations committee for Homecoming; Stevie Walls, historian, and Arlene Graner, Alpha Lambda Delta; Susie C o m a n and Arlene Graner, Tassels; six Junior Advisors; Kathy Fritzinger, corresponding secretary of Big Sis; Kathy Fritzinger, associate editor, Arlene Graner and Marge Ferm, co-editors of the Senior section, and Jeri Powell, honoraries editor of the C H E R R Y TREE. When was the last time you had four dates at once? Pledge Formal 148 KA President C. Starzan, J. Bernard, N. Bond, K. Brandis, H. Clark, S. Coman, S. Ewart, M. Ferm, K. Fritzinger, K. Frusher, P. Giaimo, M. Gilbert, P. Gray, N. Krumpeck, C. Lang, C. Leifer, Y. Lightner, C. Little, J. Loving, S. Mathews, J. Mooers, J. Ortenburger, J. Powell, S. Ricker, S. Rush, S. Savoy, C. Scott, K. Steele, B. Sundquist, L. Tjossem, P. Todd, L. Walls, D. Wejdimeyer, K. Woods, S. Snyder, M. Studds. Not pictured: A. Graner A, HanrtvA,«»rL \C ^,-hool 149 KKI" . G a m m a Chi Chapter founded 1929. O h , Ka-a-pa, Ka-a-pa ... 22 n e w golden keys, third place homecoming float, second highest scholarship, first place ISAB. Donna, vice president, Big Sis . . . Pat, membership chairman and Laura publicity . . . Marion, president of Tassels and Barb a m e m b e r . . . Nancy, Treasurer of Mortar Board and Phi Beta Kappa. Laura, our cheerleader and a Mech Miss, too. Diane also a Mech Miss . . . Sue a Cherry Tree Finalist and Pat sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon. There's the owl, the key, the blue and blue and the fleur-de-lis. Did you hear that . . .? 150 KKr The Unveiling Our all-night»art course President N. Broyhill, B. Anderson, D. Carrell, D. Clarke, L. Colvin, P. Dryden, D. Edwards, A. Erlich, M . Fishman, P. Frisk, S. Gregory, S. Griffith, J. Gutherie, L. Hoffman, M . Johnson, K. Kelly, K. Koenig, S. Knadle, V. Lada-Mocarski, L. Larsen, S. Lefler, C. McDermott, J. Moklebust, J. Moore, M. Mulkerin, C. Murphy, H. Nesbitt, P. Rice, A. Robinson, S. Rubel, S. Sims, S. Swartman, B. Willmarth. Not pictured: L. Carrier, G. Coates, S. Davis, L. Foster, S. Greenwood, T. Hubenette, M . Killay, P. Rush, J. Russell, D. Sullivan, C. Waldie. "I'm lining m y cornea" 151 riBO D.C. Alpha Chapter founded 1 889. " C o m e join the girls w h o wear the Wine and Blue" . . Sixteen shiny n e w darts. Our adorable stork w o n first in Homecoming float parade ... w e were second in sweepstakes . . . Nancy was Homecoming Queen! Trophies everywhere . . . Originality honors for Goat Show, Bonnie, runnerup Miss Model Pledge, first place Christmas decoration. Social season with exchanges and a pledge party at Claudia's . . . and a first ... Pi Phi-SAE combined pledge formals for a successful weekend. Nan in Who's W h o . Winner of National Chapter Service Award. Claudia editor of Cherry Tree, Nan president of Panhel; Pi Phi on top in ISAB and Booster points. Mary lead the links of gold to another successful year. Pledge Formal at Brook Farm Inn. 152 nB<s> President M. Ralston, B. Babcock, D. Bethell, A. Brewton, M . Castle, J. Combellack, C. Chaille. Second R o w : S. Dalby, E. Dayton, K. Dorian, D. Doyle, B. Faylor, P. Fenrich, C. Foster, S. Frampton. Third R o w : C. Franzoni, P. Fraser, N. Gorab, A. Gullette, P. Harris, B. Howarth, S. Jeffrey, A. Kiely. Fourth Row.- D. Kline, B. Knickerbocker, B. Knettell, S. Miller, B. O'Leary, M . O'Neill, L. Pickens, j. Redding. Fifth R o w : A. Richmond, L. Rytina, A. Sanders, N. Schuh, S. Short, S. Short, T. Skinner. Sixth R o w : V. Testa, S. Tracy, A. Twilley, L. Viray, N. W e b ster. Not Pictured: D. Kocsis, Carol Manning, Ann Lappan. 153 . Kappa Chapter founded 1924. Phi Sig's aim high . . . Lois, Janet, and Pris, Mortar Board; Diane, cheerleader; Debi, Alpha Lambda Delta; six in Tassels; Phyllis, Pi Lambda Theta; Pris and Janet, Sigma Alpha Eta; four Alpha Theta Nu's; Sue, H o m e c o m ing finalist; Pris, Big Sis President; Lois, Secretary-Treasurer of Big Sis. Lois, Student Life Committee; Arlene, Vice President National Angel Flight; National Scholarship award and D.C. Panhellenic Scholarship Award. Rush stars. 154 Our beautiful pledges. <t>II dWmmrmm/i fe^llififc President L. Barder, L. Albert, T. Altman, J. Baker, M. Berger, P. Bloom, J. Brooks, S. Brown, L. Brust, S. Diener, J. Cymberg, M. Dove, E. Duberstein, L. Feinstein, D. Florman, A. Foreman, D. Glaser, K. Goldsmith, V. Hambro, K. Leibowitz, D. Lerner, C. Margolis, D. Movitz, M. Nathan, C. Nusbaum, J. Scharer, S. Schein, A. Schmaier, L Sennett, M. Silverman, C. Strauss, E. Weber, S. Weintraub, J. Weisblut, M. VanDam, J. Yavner, B. Zauber. Not Pictured: J. Bauer, P. Bogen, M. Friedlander, P. Klasky, B. Farino, D. Seldes, N. Steinberg V. Warren. 155 IAT Alpha Tau Chapter founded 1961. "Tis SDT spirit burning" . . . Alpha Tau w o n award at National Convention in California. W e enjoyed Mothers' brunch, a scavenger hunt, Founders Day Banquet, and pledge formal. W e visited Walter Reed Medical Center. Roberta on Cherry Tree staff, Sheila Potts '64 Apple Blossom princess, Leslie, Eve, and Ginrty Tassels and Eve Alpha Lambda Delta. ~~* S President J. Safranko, G. Abbott, R. Bayane, L. Cooperman, E. Cutler, J. Dunsay, S. Fink, E. Geiger, D. Globus, S. Hilzenrath, J. Lederman, R. Lichtman, L. Lodge, J. Mannes, J. Marcus, C. Margolis, M. Miller, P. Miller, M. Montell, S. Potts, J. Rogoff, D. The pledge class. 156 IAT Hiding Something? A hard day's night! Rosenthal, J. Schoengold, K. Seltzer, E. Shainis, H. Shklar, N. Spinrad, L. Weisberg, G. Zeitlen. Not pictured: G. Aronson, N. Berman,, S. Berman, R. Greenberg, M. Herscher, S. Kane, J. Kessler, S. Levi, I. Rockman, L. Sarafan, J. Wolf, M. Wolfson. The Sewing Circle. 157 IK . Zeta Chapter founded 1 906. Sigma Kappa's year of weddings and pinnings. Coffee hours and exchanges . . . first fall event with the Kappa Sigs. Year of activities with pledge formal, goat show (everybody please remember to bring your Green Stamps) and Homecoming float building party ... an all night affair. Someday my prince will come. President M. Miskelly, A. Arntsen, A. Conde, M. Conlan, S. Duffes, A. Eckerson, B. Enwell, S. Flint, S. Hastings, M. MacWilliam, S. Petrovich, N. Skon, 158 IK N o w I have my books for one class. What's the next course? K. Updergraft, A. Wagner. Not Pictured: N. Buynak, N. Colaizzi, M. Leake, J. Meadows, C. Shelly, B. Sullivan. Pledge formal. 59 . . . Beta Alpha Chapter founded 1924. Zeta Tau Alpha's year of activities and honors . . . Awarded scholarship improvement cup for 196364 . . . May Day honors with Dianne as Outstanding Sophomore W o m a n and Andy as outstanding Freshman W o m a n . . . wins first place in 1964 Holiday Season . . . Phil chosen Sweetheart; Janie Coleman, Sweetheart of TKE and president of ISAB . . . Dianne, president of W A A and chairman of Holiday Season; with enthusiastic participation in Booster activities, was a good year for the Colonials and ZTA. Pretty lively skeletons, huh? President D. Alexander, G. Anderson, G. Baker, A. Barrett, S. Benton, M. Boleyn, J. Borkey, P. Brown, C. Burney, S. Burney, L. Butler, J. Carlson, J. Cason, C. Chapman, L. Cheyney, J. Coleman, P. Evans, A. Foth, L. Granger, P. Hagen, E. Harland, J. Jackson, N. King, J. Mehaugh, R. Nigrelli, D. Pomeroy, B. 160 "I'm not thai ugly! ZTA I'm so angry. V W e go to sleep every night this way. \ Presnall, M . Roarty, J. Saukas, P. Shallcross, C. Smith, C. Staub, G. Staudt, L. Storey, D. Szostak. Not Pictured: N. Baer, L. Derrick, J. Fishburn, C. Johnson, J. McAllister, B. Miller, N. Robert, P. Rowland, M . Slaughter. Les pledges. 161 FRATERNITIES Crivella just dove into the pool and the tide went out. Duke Farrell grabs one for TKE. Hopeless opponent mistakes w o r m for Duke Farrell Jon Feldman turns the Delts in hot pursuit. 162 end with _.--?•, Leader of the pack—hie, hie, rah, rah and all that jazz! * * % % * G W ' s stolen car club observes latest haul. 163 AEn Kappa Deuteron Chapter founded 1947. Again Alpha Epsilon Pi upheld its tradition of high scholarship and interest in extra-curricular activities: three Phi Beta Kappa's and eight brothers in Who's W h o . Seventy-six pledges marked the largest pledge class taken in the fraternity's history. The chapter w o n second place in intramurals and had six m e m b e r s on the Student Council. T w o brothers were chosen outstanding junior and senior. Victory in the Ford stuffing contest went to AEPi. tiiM^iM The AEP float parade entrant. tiklllfcij^ mm^^^l V- *~ It Top Row: R. Altman, J. Balarban, R. Biren, R. Block, M. Cahn, R. ^ohen. Second Row: S. Delman, P. Diamond, R. Fisher, H. Freed, S. Gilston, L. Gross. Third Row: M. Hoffman, P. Horowitz, B. Kahn, R. Kaplan, A. Kassan, E. Kellner. Fourth Row: E. Klein, F. Korowitz, J. Kraft, P. Krauss, R. Levine, B. Loring. Fifth Row. J. R. Messing, L. Piatt, G. Romansky, D. Rothbart, B. Sp 164 T. Zuk. "Friendship is our most important product.' iimtokm All the pledges—The Thundering Herd. Are you a pledge too? 165 ATA . . . G a m m a Eta Chapter founded 1 903. Delta Tau Telta began the Fall Semester of 1964 with a pledge class of thirty-four pledges. Three brothers played on the Varsity Basketball Team, and the chapter w o n its third Intramural Athletic Competition Trophy in three years. For the sixth successive year, Delts w o n first place in I.F.C. Sing. Brother Rolf Russart was elected Outstanding Fraternity M a n on Campus. The chapter is proud to be the foster father of a Korean child. As usual the Delts distinguished themselves by having brothers on the baseball, football, golf, and tennis teams. It looks as if the crew team has become an auxiliary of the Delt House. Top Row: H. Atkinson, A. Avery, H. Burchette Jr., A. Clain, P. Cannady Jr., P. Corso. Second Row: D. Dismukes, Pres. R. Duques, J. Fishenden, J. Fletcher, J. Goodlatte, F. Heck. Third Row: G. Howard Jr., P. Julicher, N. LaSalle, M. Locke, F. Massey Jr., M. Meloy. Fourth Row: G. Pierson, T. Richards, R. Russart, J. Salopek, L. Self, B. Shelton. Fifth Row: H. W . Smith, J. C. Weller. 166 ifhgii Delt's answer to the Beatles—The Four T-Shirts. itfii -'P Delt's capture another A League Football title. 167 In Interfraternity academic competition the Alpha Eta Chapter of Kappa Sigma not only ranked second place in scholarship, but also w o n the Sigm a Chi Scholarship Improvement Trophy. As an off-campus activity this year the brothers sponsored a Boy Scout troop in Anacostia, Maryland. Annual events such as the Founders Day Banquet and the Black and White Formal were held. In addition a stag spaghetti dinner and smoker and an alumni Koffeeclatch were included on the Social Calendar. Brother Bruce Innes served as Secretary to the Interfraternity Council, Brian O'Dwyer as Vice-President of the Young D e m o crats, Carl Gagliardi served as Young Republican Treasurer, and Jim Paulson was active in University debating and received a University Tennis scholarship. 168 O'Dwyer, B. O'Neil, J. Paulson, R. Peddicord. Third Row: S. Pope, L. Tabick, P. Walker. Frat House. 169 <DIA Phi Alpha Chapter founded 1914. Phi Alpha Chapter of Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity, founded on October 14, 1914, kept up its good record of participation in campus activities with four brothers in Omicron Delta Kappa and eight brothers in Order of Scarlet. The entire chapter w a s on the Hatchet staff. Brother Joel Shulman w a s president of the Interfraternity Council, and Allan Goldberg w a s president of Phi Eta Sigma. Dan Greifman is president of Alpha Theta N u , Steve Garfinkel is sports editor of the Cherry Tree, and Allen Snyder is managing editor of the Hatchet. The fraternity's 2.9 QPI w a s tops for the fourth semester in a row. Other 1964 awards included the Blood Drive trophy for the third straight year, 2nd place in IFC Sing, and outstanding pledge scholarship. This 50th anniversary year hopes to prove even more fruitful. - -ximmte** Rush is a risky business. Top Row: M. Auerbach, B. Beirn, R. Bloom, J. Bomze, P. Cohen, L. Colaguori, D. DeWald. Second Row: R. Elberger, M. Fingerhut, S. Garfinkel, S. Gold, A. Goldberg, D. Greifman, A. Gutkin. Third Row: R. Harris, M. Isenberg, D. Kaplan, B. Kravetz, M. Levy, P. Mayerowitz, C. Mederrick. Fourth Row: R. Millman, B. Rathner, R. Rosenberg, R. Scheraga, R. Schulman, J. Shulman, R. Seligmann. Fifth Row. J. Siegel, J. Sloan, J. Springer, S. Spector. 170 "Keep your hands to yourself." Getting ready for initiation. The great outdoors. 171 OIK Lambda Chapter founded 1899. This was a big year for Phi Sigma Kappa. The brothers w o n the Homecoming float contest and sweepstakes. Nick Bazan became campus Ugly M a n and Steve Wisner was Outstanding Intramural Athlete. The usual annual events included the Miss Model Pledge Contest, the Christmas Formal, the Carnation Ball, the Founders' Day Banquet, and the selection of Moonlight Girl. Important Phi Sigs on campus are Steve Royer, Advocate of the Student Council; Nick Bazan, Student Council Activities Director; Dave Hicks, president of Gate and Key; and Mark Clark, Basketball team captain. A part of the winning float in the Homecoming parade. 172 Top Row.- S. Anderson, N. Bazan, J. Bennett, J. Chandler Jr., M. Clark, B. Cox. Second Row: M. Davis, R. Dove, D. Duenkel, R. Dworkoski, H. Farouki, P. Gossens. Third Row: L. Hanitchak, J. Harris, D. Hicks, G. Hollendursky, B. Kirkham, R. Landsman. Fourth Row: R. Loftus, J. i p^.ith Q eu, Martell, J. Mattingly, A. May, R. Miller, R. Mur-^>' Fifth Raw: ! Pete! D. Smith, E. Wein, G. Zalar. Phi Sigs support the home team. First prize is the lady in white. V wL N*" "Well, I'll be damned!" 173 IAE . Washington City Rho founded 1 858. The past year w a s far from dull at the S A E House near Dupont Circle. The brothers distinguished themselves in all fields of endeavor. The SAE Athletic teams placed first in the track meet; the "B" league football team w a s undefeated; and the brothers placed first a m o n g frats in the swim meet. In Varsity Athletics the SAE's had five m e n on the football team. The brothers are proud of their Outstanding Freshman football player. Brother Ed Rainey was one of the fast rising SAE's on the basketball court. T w o brothers n o w participate in crew. SAE's participated in many campus activities with Vic Clark, president of the Student Council; Bob Ross, Chairman of Homecoming and Vice President of IFC; Peter Pazzaglini,. Student Body Publicity Chairman; and Jon Kline, Cherry Tree editor. ' SAE had five brothers in the honorary Order of Scarlet, two brothers in Who's W h o , and one brother in Omicron Delta Kappa. Also, there are four brothers in Gate and Key with "B.K." as social chairman. £5 / C j R O <f> The social season was highlighted by Spring Formal, the Christmas Party, and Playboy Party (complete with bunnies). SAE's newest addition was mascot and watchdog. "Chns serving as Top Row: Pres. L. Grubbs, L. Adair, T. Babcock, B. BaVkow, G. Weedon, H. Berry, W . Beuch, J. Blish, W . Blocher, J. Bradt, M. Brady. Second Row. J. Chew, V. Clark, J. Colbert, R. Colgin, J. Cox, J. Cummins, R. Danese, T. DeVeau, D. Dickenson, L. Edmonds. Third Row: J. Ghent, J. Glass, D. Grayson, B. Griffel, V. Halamandaris, W . Halamandaris, D. Hall, M. Haynes, J..Heinze, D. Hereda. Fourth Row; P. Hoffer, M. Holloran, W . Howell, N. Janes, T. Kaculis, J. Keller, G. Kientzler, B. Kline, J. Kline B. Vic Clark, Student Council President, and native friend. 174 Levy. Fifth Row: W . Lockhart, C. Logan, J. Little, J. MacDonald, M . MacDougall, B. MacLeod, E. McElroy, C. M e a d o w s , D. Moss, J. R. Miller. Sixth R o w : S. Plotkin, R. Price, P. Pazzaglini, R. Raimondi, E. Rainey, A. Reut, L. Rochez, R. Ross, B. Rowe, W . Shewmaker, H. Slaughter. Seventh Row: A. Spencer, G. Spitler, J. Stallsmith, D. Swindler, J. Tucker, R. Ullrich, G. Vitt, R. Wallace, M. Welker, K. Wentz, J. Ziglar. A true Greek shows interest in the human for 75 IX . . . Epsilon Chapter founded 1864. 1964-65 marked Epsilon of Sigma Chi's one hundredth year at G.W., and it w a s indeed a good year. The brothers w o n the Booster Board Trophy, placed first in Holiday Season, third in intramurals, and third in I.F.C. Sing. Five Sigma Chi's w e r e on the Student Council, six were n a m e d to Who's W h o in American Universities, and four w e r e elected to membership in Omicron Delta Kappa. Sigs continued to be active on the Hatchet. Brother Dick Cunningham was valedictorian at the T 9 6 4 graduation, and the chapter placed first in scholarship in the Eastern Province of Sigma Chi. New Sweetheart Lynn Shaub was crowned at a gala Centennial Sweetheart Dance, which w a s attended by over 3 5 0 alumni from all parts of the U.S. t i W A tfctil Sigma Chi gets a good view. 176 Top R o w : K. Asper, P. Bates, Pres. B. Benton, D. Bialek, J. Bjarnason, P. Botos. Second R o w : K. Cummins, T. Curtis, L. Dribin, M . Enzi, J. Fridlington, S. G n e h m . Third R o w : A. Grassanovich, P. Greenberg, J. Guequierre, C. Herbert III, R. Kelly, E. Kemper. Fourth R o w : R. Laycock, J. Leupold, F. Masci, S. Mermelstein, C °ry, R. Pollock. Fifth Row: M . Price, T. R o L : " c '— " c— J — -' W. Snow. Sixth Row: V. Tarulus, P. Tetec. -;. •itvc~ • VSMSIM'.S, J. wwiiiionHi. .-• ' '"'olf. Typical rush party. I wonder where Sigma Chi learns its cheers? Cleopatra never had it so good. 77 IN . Delta Pi Chapter founded 1915. Sigma N u Fraternity had a busy year in 1964, beginning with the IFC Sing, in which Brother Van Sternbergh w o n the Best Sing Director trophy. Spring Semester, the Chapter took time out to honor Sigma N u congressmen, senators, and government officials at its annual Congressional Reception, an event unique among fraternities on this campus and the nation. September brought rush season into full swing, and Sigma N u enjoyed one of its most successful rushes in years. The Fall social season began in October with parties, exchanges, and football games, climaxed in December by the White Rose Formal, held at the Shoreham Hotel. Miss Gail VanKeulin of Kappa Alpha Theta was crowned Sweetheart at this event. "I never touch the stuff" mA- -fc -W Top Row; J. Christie, M. D. Doyle, R. Fink, D. Hanscom, B. Holober, J. Holt. Second Row: R. Katsuranis, A. Kinkead, J. Lauritsen, A. Mayo, T. Rave, J. Raber. Third Row: L. Saage, J. Scott, S. Scott, R. Seiferth, M. Sosnowski, J. Starke. Fourth Row: P. Taylor, J. Travel, R. Vawter, Q. T. Zell. 178 Sigma Nu Annual Banquet. Sigma Nu mourns a football injury. Sigma Nu Spring concert: The Beach Boys. o«-*., -.* >u« u„ There is more than one way to get a head on a beer. 179 IOE D. of C. Alpha Chapter founded 1909. Sigma Phi Epsilon, the house with a heart, has a n e w brother this year w h o has four legs and a bark. In addition the Sig Ep's enjoyed an event filled social season which included exchanges with Kappa Kappa G a m m a and Delta G a m m a plus a football g a m e with the girls from Dunbarton College. Pat Dryden was chosen Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon, and was given a surprise birthday party at the house. k A Top Row: W . Bechtold, L. Blood, M. Brooke, J. Corcoran, J. Finch, J. Green. Second Row: C. Hoffman, Howard, J. Kun, J. Leggette, F. Miller, C. Richardson. Third Row: P. Simon, R. Simons, P. Slattery, W . Stone, D. Vespia, D. Wunsch. Contented Cow. Happy Birthday, Pat! 180 Don't let your hands get off the subject. Cleanliness is our motto. Sig likes his straight. 181 TEO . Tau Theta Chapter founded 1932. The Tau Theta Chapter of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity began this year with a refurnished house and a pledge class of twentytwo boys. Although they were champions in last fall's " A " League football, the brothers anticipate third place rank this year. The high point of last spring's Dinner Dance w a s the appearance of Supreme Court Justice William Douglas arid Dr. Thomas P. Carroll, President of the University, as guest speakers. Next week I have to get to work. Top Row: S. Ames, L. Beale, J. Bobrow, H. Chapman, J. Chomski, N. Dobkin. Second Row: M. Friedman, Pres. N. Gray, S. Haren, M. Hawser, J. Kurtin, M. Kurzban. Third Row: A. Levien, A. Menachem, B. Mitchell, L. Morse, T. Perl, M. Perlman. Fourth Row: I. Richmond, R. Rogers, J. Schore, D. Schwartz, A. Singer, K. Weissblum. Rftfc »"«/• R Wohl p Wr;„k« 182 Chancellor Mike Perlman with guest William TEP Spring Dinner-Dance. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice at The late Dr. Thomas P. Carroll, President of the University at the TEP Spring Dinner-Dance. What TEP's do w h e n they are not at the Spring Dinner-Dance. 83 TKE . Alpha Pi Chapter founded 1935. Tau Kappa Epsilon started off the n e w year with a rush program which featured steak and Wurtzberger beer. The twelve m a n pledge class helped in the erection of a sign 200 feet high from the Washington M o n u m e n t at Homecoming. Homecoming also featured a (twenty foot) high "Snoopy" feet as the TKE entrance in the float parade. The brothers distinguished themselves with a .635 overall winning average in intramural sports. Fearless leader Top Row: A. Bary, D. Costanzo, R. Fink, R. Hamm. Second Row: A. Kravetz, J. Meinecke, M. Myers, T. Rogers. Third Row: J. Rowland, S. Sharfman, H. Shea, G. Terrill. 184 Car cavalcade winner "Only his hairdresser 'Pledge or I'll shoot" "Whoever finds the third clue 185 Xin^juj JUL 4 186 •irt *" m v 2^HHHHII 9P0RT8 Section Edited by Steve Garfinkel 187 FOOTBALL THE 1964 G E O R G E W A S H I N G T O N COLONIAL FOOTBALL S Q U A D Front Row: Haught, O w e n , Neverson, Branch, Perriello, Coach Camp, Heilman, McNeil, Lapko, Keith, Holloran, Astolfi. Middle Row: Doyen, Lyle, Zier R., Kwiecinski, Kun, Reilly, Zier J., Spolar, Reid, Stryjewski, Welpott, Cerul, Yakin, Passieri. Back Row: Gaujot, Schmidt, Olsen, Cignetti, Raemore, Bostic (42), Ferguson, Glass, Jensen, Gross, French, Niepoky, D'Orazio (40), Paszek, Keddie. Coffman, Stull. C O A C H I N G STAFF Kneeling: Joe Popp, Ron DeMelfi Standing: Ray Hanken, Jim Camp, Hayden Buckley, Bob Frulla Gw. George Washington students were treated to m a n y thrilling, heartbreaking, and glorious moments this fall, all provided by the most exciting Colonial football team. For the first time since 1960, the Buff and Blue finished the season with a winning record. Getting off to a slow start at the beginning of the schedule, G W was 1-3, including an opening g a m e loss to poorly touted Boston University, and a 33-0 drubbing at the hands of Virginia Tech. But then the true caliber of the team came to the fore. Under the able hands of Head Coach Jim C a m p , the Colonials w o n four of their last five games, the only blemish being a 20-19 heartbreaker to West Virginia. O n route the Buff knocked off two bowl-likely teams, Cincinnati and Villanova, in the terrific Homecoming encounter. With only five seniors, the team can look forward to an even better year in 1965. STARTING SENIORS Harry Haught Paul Flowers Don Perriello Joe Heilman CO-CAPTAINS D o n Perriello gets his big chance to m a x e good as an open field runner against Vanderbilt. GWU COLONIALS D o n is back to leading the ball carrier on this play, but it appears to be for naught. Villanova defenders m o v e up to bring d o w n Mike Holloran after he took a pass in the flat. 190 The Villanova fullback is not about to get past Lou Astolfi on this play. " H a w k " D'Orazio, all-conference defensive back, picks off another. Lyle calls signals behind his wall of protection. SOPHOMORE O n e of the brighest spots for the Colonials this year w a s their star sophomore back, Garry Lyle. The 6-2, 195 pounder, from Verona, Pennsylvania started the year at tailback, but was switched to quarterback in the second half of the Vanderbilt game. In the five games Lyle started at quarterback, only the squeaker with SC c h a m p West Virginia w a s a losing effort. A n amazingly deceptive runner, Lyle found the quarterback option an excellent manner to become one of the top m e n in total offense in the conference. Second only to Virginia Tech's Bob Schweickert in polling votes to the All-conference team, Garry Lyle will be an excellent addition to Buff teams for the next two years. Garry Lyle Lyle is off and running around the William and Mary end. A n y time he turns the corner, the yards will be eaten away. In one of several long touchdown jaunts against West Virginia, Lyle is goalward bound. 192 SENSATION Lyle cocks his arms to throw Paul Flowers leaves pass blockers in his w a k e as he brings d o w n the William and Mary quarterback. Villanova defenders m o v e up to tackle wingback Holloran after receiving a swing pass. waits ba to Flowers w h o patiently for the The "Grossest" feature of Mark Gross to rival teams is his fabulous toe. Joe Heilman catches the Villanova quarterback in the backfield. Lyle is loose for a score against the Indians 196 A WINNING SEASON COLONIALS 7 34 0 0 21 17 19 *13 35 OPPONENT Boston Univ. Furman VPI Vanderbilt W m . and Mary Cincinnati West Virginia Villanova Citadel 15 14 33 14 0 15 20 6 6 * Homecoming Flowers makes a beautiful reception in the Furman g a m e . It appears to be quite a traffic jam, but the Vandy halfback manages to get out for a good gain. 197 198 BA8KETBALL The past basketball season was one of the most unpredictable in the team's history. Returning to play for the Colonials were four starters from last year's tournament finalists, Kenny Legins, Mark Clark, Phil Aruscavage, and Ric Duques. However, in the past tradition of G W teams, the hoopsters got off to a terrible start, with six quick defeats. But w h e n the team began to show its capabilities, especially in h o m e games at Fort Myer, the excitement of a good winning team abounded. Such games as the squeaker to nationally ranked St. John's, the first g a m e victory over the Mountaineers, and the conquering of arch-rival Georgetown were some of the greatest thrills of the season. The loss of scoring leader Legins, w h o suffered a broken bone in his foot in the second West Virginia g a m e . Hurt by this and other ailments, the Colonials, entering the SC tournament with a 10-12 record, were eliminated in the first round. Despite the loss to graduation of so many boys, next year's squad will feature g a m e experienced boys like Ed Rainey, Bill Murtha, Joe Lalli, and Dick Ballard. Senior guard Mark Clark drives around his Indian defender, and heads for the basket. Rich Duques forfeits eight inches to Mountaineer Bob Camp, but still lays in t w o points for the upset-minded Colonials. Little sophomore guard Joe Lalli displays excellent ball-hawking skill in freezing out the trailing West Virginians. 200 Phil Aruscavage takes out his fury on V M I on a fast break layup. 6'6" sophomore Ed Rainey uses his long reach to pull d o w n an errant Indian shot. Bill Murtha keeps the ball away from his phantom adversary. 201 W h o said basketball is a non-contact sport? A St. Johns' player ignores the fact that Clark is scoring, in order to try his hand at boxing. G W ' s four graduating starters begin a play against William and Mary. They include Kenny Legins (40), Phil Aruscavage (42), Rick Duques (with ball), and Mark Clark (20). 202 The loss of scoring leader Kenny Legins, w h o broke his foot in the second West Virginia game, was a great blow to Colonial chances in the conference tournament. Above left, in the first Mountaineer game, Legins was the scoring spark that paved the w a y for GW's upset win. In the St. John's game, Kenny w a s one of those w h o nearly pulled off a win against the nationally ranked N e w Yorkers. With Legins out for the rest of the season, much of the scoring burden fell on Clark, a great clutch player, and an all-tournament guard in 1964. BASEBALL 204; I "Ouch, watch it, it's only a game. 205 Seniors Buddy Goeltz and Harvey Harrison were the top men on the team. Harrison serves. "CONFERENCE CHAMPS" TENNIS After a brilliant 1964 season in which Colonial netmen w o n their eighth conference championship in the last nine years, the tennis team faces somewhat of a rebuilding task with the loss of Nos. 1, 2, & 3 racqueteers Harvey Harrison, Buddy Goeltz, and Steve Kahn. Kahn has returned to Foggy Bottom to assume the duties of tennis coach, as last year's mentor, Bill Shreve has found it necessary to more time at the Tennis Shop. In defense of the crown, the team will look to lettermen Singer and Montalvan. Harrison goes high for a forehand, and Goeltz goes low for a backhand. fc GOLF The Colonial linksmen are one of the teams to beat w h e n G W opens its conference season March 15. Last year's team had a terrific 10-2-1 record, with a third place finish in the SC tournament, and this year sights are set even higher. Coached by Bob Faris, the team, led by returning lettermen Chuck Collett, Dick H a m m , and John Sherwood, will miss the services of last year's Nos. 1 & 2 players, Bob Murphy and Bob Haney. WmmmmmWmk Bob Murphy hits a long iron off the fairway. "Drive for show, putt for . . . uh GW." Bob Haney chips off the fringe. Keep your eyes on the ball. 207 TEW f •*0»m*j£& £ Standing: F. Massey, D. Lowe, J. Heinze, B. Massey, H. Montgomery, K. Bouch, J. Hagerty, P. Manzo, and J. Jenkins. Kneeling: A. Clain. CREW The doctor says I'll have to wear it three weeks. "Uh, H o w deep is the water here?" Left-handed salute O n the Potomac at six in the morning is the Colonial crew team. With seven returning lettermen, the varsity is looking forward to a good spring. Participation in crew has risen to the point, where G W hopes to have freshmen, JV, lightweight, and varsity rowers. W^mmmmWfm 7. **fy ***** 'It's that d a m n tennis elbow again, Doc!' " O h boy, this'll be the tenth w i n d o w I've busted today!' "But . . . but the green is right behind you!" SPORT TRIBULATIONS It's an uphill battle all the way. 209 210 211 THE F R E S H M E N C O M E T H AWE, APPREHENSION, ACCOMPLISHMENT CHOOL *• ^B •'jfl 11 \^J(^J^ l'; 1 You're dam right we're dirty old men. Mi Nl *c fir"• = * •pi - " = i • i=t HI HI* pi * nfl «=* - m mmmm%jttl^^r^ M fc :^^^H «=* - M l , BBwiJII^i 1 ^^W fl * ^A fll ' ^^^ Required Freshman uniform: madras and weejuns. ^^^^^^H Arriving en masse to campus early in September, the freshman class of nearly 1,000 teenagers received its first glimpse of college life through orientation lectures, counseling sessions, dorm meetings, aptitude tests and "street dances." The largest class to enter the University w a s greeted by upperclass m e n and w o m e n , administration, and faculty members eager to help the fledglings meet the problems of the first few weeks of school. Freshman girls entered a lovely n e w dormitory equipped with a dining hall and staffed by young graduate assistants. T w o out of three freshman girls think I'm great! REGISTRATION 214 Just follow the signs. What's this about topless bathing suits? Keep your hands above the table, buster! O h no, this is Georae Washington. 215 I don't want a c o m b o just a yearbook. Are they really out of toilet paper? 216 I k n e w w e overestimated this year's freshman class, but this *. ;^*sl Newly tested Dean approval system. The worst is yet to come —the payoff. 217 FRATERNITY RUSH THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH G Street Jungle Hey, hey, sign your life away Who says we won't get 76? 218 Where have all the rushmen gone Rush 1 9 6 4 — w h o can forget it . . . AEPi's find n e w significance in "76 Trombones" . . . Bart's pizza . . . SAE's trip to the Md.-Okla. g a m e . . . the Sigs n e w ceiling . . . Delts Afghan hound . . . Sig Ep's n e w mascot . . . promises, promises, promises . . . ( / We have 3 7 % fewer active alumni" . . . Sing, brothers, sing . . . All you can drink for only a dollar . . . What do you mean you want to go second semester .. . and w e only have 5 assessments per month . . . 12 good houses . . . brotherhood, sociability, scholarship— you'll always find them here! SORORITY RUSH McHales N a v y — A Straight-Arrow Crew And our group had 4 0 % less brains. Under the direction of Panhellenic President N a n Webster, Fall Rush resulted in the pledging of 198 girls, a record number. Each of the sororities had parties and skits and tried to attract the rushees into their group. Familiar sights during rush . . . rain . . . bright-colored rush dresses . . . white-ribboned Delphi girls . . . Panhel post office . . . n a m e tags . . . buff and blue ribbons . . . smiles and "hello!" . . . happy n e w pledges. I wish I may, I wish I might 220 Squawk, garble, yuk Only eight more parties to go! O'ooo Where's the ladies room. Rush is over after two hectic weeks, but the excitement just.begins. During the fall semester the n e w pledges became acquainted with sorority activities through philanthropic work, academic programs, athletic events, and social gatherings. Under the leadership of Panhellenic, sororities cooperate in a general spirit of active participation in campus affairs. Organized Pan-Hel relay team Mormon Tabernacle choir and a few Episcopals. UNTIL NEXT FALL ... 221 M O C K ELECTION LANDSLIDE FOR LBJ Apply a little silly putty to the forehead and slap it on They voided m y write-in for Frank Sinatra Cast your ballot for Johnson or—er Goldfinger 222 Miss. "Vote-Vote" USA and runnerup. Lynda Byrd Johnson and a record number of her fellow students jammed Woodhull to cast their votes in the Mock Election. Campaigning was hot and heavy but the vote went as predicted; an overwhelming majority for President Johnson. Anxious moments It's in the bag 223 • I "BELLS ARE RINGING" *» **%*»***T ^mmmmm) ' mmmW *• .1 .' . ' mmm9 " mW 1• -• ........ {.-*•« j^mrn^ If I don't crack this case the 3rd Precinct will take a w a y m y water pistol. Watch your elbow! Housewives unite! ^SsaLftp; KfSSftn&R FLOAT PARADE Phi Sigma Kappa "kicks of the Wildcats" and sweeps H o m e c o m i n g honors _^4»jii«ii-.^' / ^ Delta Tau Delta tips the scales in favor of the Colonials to capture second place in the fraternitv division W o u l d anyone like a used wildcat? A n elaborate parade was the result of m a n y sleepless hours of work. Homecoming Queen Nancy Schuh and her court led the procession d o w n G Street. Pi Beta Phi and Phi Sigma Kappa's floats were chosen best by the judges. Entrants in the Marlon Brando motorcycle contest were a noisy addition. Regrets were voiced by those w h o had classes and missed the too-short event. Kappa Delta spills over Villanova to win the sorority cup for second place. Drag ya to Leo's. Pi Beta Phi labored to win first place. 227 RALLY. Coach Camp and Varsity rally to be pepped. Phi Alpha The Colonials trounced Villanova to begin Saturday's victorious Homecoming celebration. Tuxedoclad Gate and Key initiates added to the color of the afternoon. According to Chairman Bob Ross, this year's Homecoming Dance would depict a year of change. The dance honored the country's greatest losers and the Armory was decorated with slogans of lost campaigns. Bill Doggett, the Coasters and the Roaches added life to the traditionally spirited evening. Queen Nancy and Acting President Colclough Hello Mudda, Hello Farouki GAME AND DANCE ^H>* ' '-' '\mm\\ W' Jwi • ' IrlHI 'mWW •^-WmmmmmmmYmmmmmW^mmWr* "*''"''^«!M| li! Oops! Neison iust ate my pom pom. Ugly Men Hey man, Dig this crazy trophy! 229 INTRAMURALS . . . THAT BROTHERLY SPIRIT . . . W h e r e did he go? A n d Fruit of the Loom doesn't rip easily either! 230 Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Kappa Kappa G a m m a in a football spectacular. ... THE GIRLS GET INTO THE ACT n And she's off! SsD-psfs ' # Oof! -V. J~- •< Laura's spiked punch. 231 GOAT SHOW Theta's rally at SAP Exchange. "Stop the World" it's time for another Goat Show. Sponsored by Junior Panhellenic, sorority pledges compete with original skits centered around a c o m m o n theme and line. Trophies are given in three categories: originality, ensemble and audience appeal. Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity submitted the winning line, "Our group has 2 0 % fewer . . ." Top honors in ensemble were taken by Alpha Epsilon Phi. They combined Cinderella with T o m Jones music. Delta G a m m a w o n the audience appeal with a spoof on Greeks. Judged the most original w a s Pi Beta Phi's portrayal of the various roles of wives. Zeus LEAP'S for D G , winning audience appeal. The show provides friendly competition and promotes pledge class unity. Cans of food required for admission are given to charity. W a y out Chi O's. 232 N o w m y tootsie has everything! Pi Phi's take trophy for originality STOPS THE WORLD! AEPhi wins ensemble. 233 THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS .. . 2 3 4 Even the dog is on his ear. . . . PARTIES GALORE N o little girl I can't m a k e a beatle. ... AT THE NEW DORM . .. ORPHANS' PARTY . . . BUFFET DINNER Quack-pot tries to help Santa. Santa's little helpers. 236 Food for the kiddies. . . . AROUND CAMPUS . . . Noel, Noel, Noel Schwartz he's the kid upstairs. BUT . . . ALAS It came upon a midnite clear! ALL GOOD THINGS MUST END. Christmas party remains at PSK. 237 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON Washington 6, D. C h mm Anxiety over final in. Play Proaucfion If I only had five minutes more. )' 15 17 vm Will you please write a little bigger? 238 (256816) 230192) (234466 218908 235120 34 56? 517 (234307 (260335 (234115) (259169) (257312) (259875) (257324) C 2*6457} • .24x WkL #J HVERSITY "*H 93 C 0x2 RJ? KS3 RB3 JJ3 SMS GLS MB3 KBT MET RMT PRT MLV SEW MAW 258851 gr- (. (257481; (233183 [260644 256798 244979} 249241 [260557J (240372) (257586) itL yi. K Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo—that's a . . . B paper. SL fSLil oyg FINAL EXAMINATIONS 85=c The curve decides.it. 239 ELECTIONS 1965 Yea, Yea, he wonie, wonie A meeting of the board. 240 Getting out the votes. Then you put your hand on your hip, close your eyes and . . The winnah . . . It's almost over. 241 The DG's "Ride the Chariot" to Pi Phi's Aggie Kiely crowns Chi O's Penny Model Pledge, 1964. DeCrosta Miss Pie eyed. The Knights of the Table 242 Don't be cruel Tom, I paid for the ceffes las! rline first place honors in Pannel Sing. TEP's stuffing bods. Sorority Hall Round are m e n invincible S o m e o n e ask the KD's what's so funny. 243 DAY DERBY Kappa Kamikazi—"I'd do anything for dear sorority" Rex Jet pays $7.70, $5.80, and $2.20 244 He'll have something to tell his grandchildren \ ',r\ : # Each spring Sigma Chi fraternity invites the thirteen sororities to fight their w a y through egg-tossing contests, relay races, balloon-shaving trials, and other crazy stunts to win the hard-fought trophies in D E R B Y D A Y . Sporting black derbies and bow ties the brothers of Sigma Chi supervise and join in the fun. N o matter which groups win, the hilarious events of the day enliven Greek spirit on campus. Get off my back—will you! gas And he caught m e with my guard down. 245 COLONIAL CRUISE Pardon m e , but are there any more tuna fish sandwiches left? 246 It's what's up front that counts Bottems up!! TemDUs fuait—brothers! 247 HAIL THEE, GEORGE WASHINGTON .. . General Eisenhower, an honored guest 248 Hail, A l m a Mater! To thy spirit guiding Pledge w e fidelity, By thy n a m e abiding Armored in courage, N'er from battle hiding, Fearless—each loyal son. For through the darkness, Like a lamp is shining Knowledge, thy handmaid in her strength combining. With lofty brotherhood, Ne'er her place resigning, Hail thee, George Washington. For as thine patron, Midst the battle's dinning Clear-eyed and fearless, S a w his forces winning, So for the w a r of life, Which w e are beginning, A r m us, George Washington. Graduation remains a time for reflection ... the culmination of four or more years of hard, sometimes impossible work . . . the pride of accomplishment and the merits of a job well done ... So for the war of life which w e are beginning — Arm us George Washington! Our distinguished late President T H O M A S HENRY CARROLL It's what's up front that counts. Well, back to civilization. Should a gentleman offer a lady a tiparillo? 250 I a m devilish, but oh so cute! Me, good looking? Well, their coffee's good G Street beach. 251 LITTLE VIENNA RESTAURANT 2122 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W 30 Years Serving Better Food i f f g o o d luck, C L A S S OF 1965! ; Slater School ond College Services wishes to thank the members of the graduating clou for their potronoge—to toy fercwcll, guod iuck, ona good heolll performance often depend; on planned nutrition Through A R A Slater they hove wisely invested in quality food, prepared and served in friendly style We hope you hove enjoyed Slater meals ond sersiccthot mealtime prodded a pleasant social break in the day's buiy routine. From all of ut. good luck and good heolih in Ihe yeori aheod! SLATER S C H O O L A N D C O L L E G E SERVICES PHILADELPHIA 46, PA. [ A R A j 252 Susie, Barf and Friends. Sbter N o - Serves More Than 220 Schools In 32 Stotei ond Puerto Rjc Quigley's School Supplies Soda Fountain C O R N E R 21 st & G. N.W. PARK LANE PHARMACY Just off the Campus 2029 I St., N.W. RE 7-4424 Fountain Cosmetics Don't drop those screens, girls! Students in a Hurry? Then Bring Your Dry Cleaning and Laundry to Italian Cuisine MARROCCO'S 1913 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. FE 8-0664 Try O u r Sorrento Roo m SWIFT'S DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS 1751 F St. N. W . Cor. 18+h and F Sts. M E 8-1768 SERVICE 6 DAYS A WEEK INC. SAT. To Look the Best BASSIN'S G. W. INN Drop in at 20th and Penn Ave. VINCENTS BARBER SHOP Vincent R. Metallo, Proprietor " W H E R E SERVICE C O U N T S " FE 3-9420 1922 Penna. Avenue, N.W. Open 24 Hours 365 Days a Year NEVER EVER C L O S E D Kosher Corned Beef—Spaghetti—Pizza Beer—Cocktails 253 JOIN AND SUPPORT YOUR G. W. CAMPUS CLUB 1912 S STREET, NORTHWEST Designed and Catering to Students, Alumni, and College Personnel Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in a Collegiate 'Atmosphere ROGER SMITH HOTEL 18th and Pennsylvania Ave., N. W . P H O N E 298-7200 Closest Hotel to G W Campus Moderate priced hotel— Accommodations—walking distance to the University Excellent dining and entertainment facilities Steak House Specialty Restaurant 254 Don't laugh baby, m y eyeballs ar- Washington's largest financial institution continues to offer every banking facility, including EDUCATION LOANS PRIMARY SCHOOL PREPARATORY SCHOOL UNIVERSITY FULL-TIME POST G R A D U A T E Riggs Education Loans will provide money to cover tuition, room, board and other expenses closely related to your education. Your loan will be discounted at a rate or only 3V2% Comprehensive in scope — simplified in operation — a n d with a flexibility that allows it to fit your needs, a Riggs Education Loan can be quickly and easily arranged. For full information, call STerling 3-5600 and ask for tke Education Loan Department. ; 13 T/^l r^i Q NATIONAL The IvlvJvJ© BANK Washington's Largest Bank • Founded 1836 Member —Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation • Member — Federal Reserve System :OPEN S U N D A Y S F R O M 12:30: Serving only the very finest rime M k and at Moderate Prices 1807 H Street N.W. • NA. 8-0746 Just 2 Block* W=<t of the White House 1615 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. • 296-7750 DANCING 4 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY In the new downtown Holiday Inn Free Valet Parking After 6 P.M. • Credit Cards Honored We're for Johnson! Hello Lynda 256 CHERRY TREE PHOTOGRAPHERS PAUL HANSON CHARLES BOYKIN THE NEW G. W. U. BOOKSTORE Invites You to Visit Your N e w Bookstore With Its Expanded Facilities to Serve Everyone: The Faculty Students, the Alumni and the Staff Come Textbooks in Often and Browse Reference Books Paperbacks Supplies rw «.«•,••• • r«r»»»*ir"«»W N o w you drink some . . . The Deodar Tree. Down in front! 258 GOLD LIQUOR STORE 2501 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. "Your Campus Cut-Rate Store" "Keg Beer Our Specialty" 965-1400 965-1401 Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-z-z-z. 259 I bid one club. Pan-Hellians 260 Gentleman Jim. N o w sing it like that . . . from the top. V 26/ GWU students in near-by Georgetown. Mac's 262 The University Orchestra. Find Woodhull House! Looking Back thanks Johnny Pappalardo. 263 8ENI0R INDEX A A R O N S O N , Linda Elizabeth Washington, D.C. Sociology ACKLEY, Todd M . Maplewood, N.J. American Thought and Civilization Gate and Key; Vice-President, Pi Kappa Alpha: Social Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, President. Varsity Crew. A L D E N , Robert A m e s McLean, Virginia History Alpha Theta N u ; Delta Phi Epsilon: Vice President; Sigma Chi; HATCHET: Sports Editor, Sub-editorial Board; C H E R R Y TREE Staff; Westminster Fellowship; International Relations Club; United Christian Fellowship: Board of Directors; American Historical Association; French Club; University Sports Publicist & Statistician; American Political Association. A L T M A N , Barbara Joan Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Speech Correction Sigma Alpha Eta: President, Crawford Hall: President, Strong Hall Dorm Council: President (Summer Sessions), B'nai B'rith Hillel, People-to-People, CHERRY TREE Staff. A L T M A N , Ronald A. Jackson Heights, N.Y. Zoology Alpha Epsilon Pi: Historian; Campus C o m b o ; Aesculapian Society; Fall Concert; Old M e n , Homecoming. A N D E R S O N , Lucy Bennett Waco, Texas Spanish and Secondary Education Kappa Kappa G a m m a : Personal Relations. A N D E R S O N , Stuart Ian Jackson Heights, N.Y. Accounting Phi Sigma Kappa: Scholarship Chairman, Budget Committee; Alpha Kappa Psi: Publicity Director; Libertarian Society: Treasurer; Young Republicans; S.A.M. A R N O L D , Pat Bladensburg, Maryland History in Education ASPER, Knut R. Jr. Brooklyn, N.Y. Business Administration Sigma Chi: IFC Delegate; CHERRY TREE Staff: Business Manager; Alpha Kappa Psi: Vice President and Secretary; Inter-Collegiate Red Cross Committee; Old M e n ; Society for the Advancement of Management. A U E R B A C H , Martin Washington, D.C. Accounting Phi Sigma Delta: Treasurer, Vice President; Old Men. AVERY, Allen Alexandria, Virginia Sociology Delta Tau Delta; Intramural Soft- 264 ball; University Players. BAGAI, Satish K. India, B.S. Mechanical Engineering BAHLKE, Susan Lee Ridgewood, N.J. Spanish Chi O m e g a : Secretary; National Educational Association: Secretary; Spanish Club. BAKER, Greta A n n El Dorado, Arkansas Philosophy Zeta Tau Alpha: President of Pledge Class; N e w m a n Club; International Student Society. BAKER, llene Washington, D.C. Elementary Education B A L A B A N , Howard Alan Bayside, N.Y'. History Order of Scarlet; Alpha Epsilon Pi: Vice President; Student Directory: Business Manager; Program Director: Conference on Curriculum and Careers. H A T C H E T Staff. B A Y A N E , Roberta Englewood, N e w Jersey Education Sigma Delta Tau, CHERRY TREE, Organizations Editor. B A L D W I N , Carol M. Alexandria, Va. History Phi Alpha Theta; H A T C H E T Staff; At Univ. of Richmond: University Players; Campus Radio Station Announcer; Modern Dance Group; Westminster Fellowship. BARNETT, Susan Vance Arlington, Va. Biology Transfer from Mary Washington College; Rifle Club; Messiah Chorus; Episcopal Council. American Thought and Civilization BELOFF, Linda S. Washington, D.C. Medical Technology BENNETT, John Charleston, South Carolina English Literature Sigma Nu: Pledge Class Secretary; Crew. B E N T O N , Bill B. La Mirada, California Pub//c Affairs Alpha Theta N u ; Phi Delta Epsilon: President; Order of Scarlet; Omicron Delta Kappa: Vice President; Gate and Key: Secretary, Social Chairman; Sigma Chi: Social Chairman, Rush Chairman, IFC Delegate; HATCHET: Editor, Sports Editor; Varsity Yell Leader; Interfraternity Council: Social Chairman; Emanon; Who's W h o . BERG, Winifred Virginia English Literature Delta G a m m a . BERELSON, Joan Brooklyn N.Y. Elementary Education Strong Hall Dorm Council; Secretary of Strong Hall; Colonial Cruise: Publicity Committee; Student National Educational Association; H o m e w o r k Hall Project; Young Democrats; Homecoming: Ticket Committee; Hillel. BEREZESKY, Shirley A. Washington, D.C. Russian Russian Club: Vice President. BERGQUIST, Helen Westfield, N.J. International Affairs Messiah Chorus; People-to-People; French Club. BEACH, Donna L. Washington, D.C. Psychology Tassels; Chi O m e g a : Vice-President of Pledge Class, Pledge Trainer, Assistant Rush Chairman; Big Sis. BETHELL, Daphne R. Art History and Theory Pi Beta Phi: Pledge Class Activities Chairman, Activities Chairman, Music Chairman; United Christian Fellowship; Art Club; University Players. BILONICK, Mirko A. Republic of Panama Accounting Transfer from Canal Zone College; Deans List; Delta Psi O m e g a ; Phi Beta Kappa; Society for the Advancement of Management; International Students Society: Social Secretary; Marketing Club; Biological Society; Pan American Club; Intramural Sports; Student Council, Dance Committee. BLANAR, Evelyn Lucy Takoma Park, Maryland Elementary Education Alpha Lambda Delta BEDINE, Barbara Joan BELL, Nancy Sue Bethssda, Maryland Psychology Messiah Chorus; Wesley Foundation; Big Sis. BELLINGER, Dorothy Ann Alexandria, Va. BLOCHER, William F., Jr. Chevy Chase, Md. Economics Pershing Rifles; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; IFC Representative; HATCHET: News Editor; CHERRY TREE: Assistant Business Manager, Business Manager; Old M e n ; IFC BARDER, Lois Beth Washington, D.C. Political Science Tassels: Membership Chairman; Mortar Board: President; Delphi; Phi Sigma Sigma: President; Big Sis Board: Secretary-Treasurer; Student Life Committee; Booster Board: Publicity Chairman; Outstanding Sophomore Woman Award; Outstanding Junior W o man Award; Book Exchange: Publicity Chairman; Homecoming: Voting Chairman; Mech Miss; Who's W h o . Sing Chairman; Young Republicans; C a m p u s Representative: T W A Airlines. B L O O M , Priscilla Jan Portsmouth, Virginia Speech Therapy Mortar Board; Delphi; Sigma Alpha Eta; Alpha Theta N u ; Deans List; Phi Sigma Sigma: Pledge Mistress, Social Chairman, President of Pledge Class; Student Council: Lower Columbia Representative Big Sis: President; Strong Hall Dorm Council; Planning Commission: Secretary; Mech Miss; Homecoming Queen Candidate; Urban Service Corps; Who's W h o . BLUNT, Marion Bethesda, Maryland History Chi O m e g a . BOGLE, Susan Boynton Beach, Florida Economics BOLCAR, Joseph J. Summit, N.J. Psychology B O T O S , Peter Jonathan Falls Church, Va. Business Administration Sigma Chi: Assistant Quaestor, Alumni Relations Chairman; Society for the Advancement of Management; HATCHET staff; Alpha Kappa Psi. BRANDIS, S. Katharine Falls Church, Va. Political Science Tassels; Kappa Delta: Activities Chairman, Standards Chairman, Treasurer; H A T C H E T staff; Dance Production Groups: Promotion Manager; Big Sis. B R E W T O N , Carol A n n Alexandria, Va. Psychology Transfer from Mary Washington College; Pi Beta Phi: Assistant Pledge Trainer, Pi Phi Times reporter, Standards Board; Psychology Club; French Club; CHERRY TREE Staff; Young Democrats. BRINKMOELLER, Joseph A. Arlington, Va. Mechanical Engineering A S M E : Vice-Chairman. BROYHILL, Nancy Arlington, Va. Public Affairs Mortar Board; Alpha Lambda Delta; Delphi; Kappa Kappa Gamma: President, Second Vice President, Song Chairman; Panhellenic Council; Young Republicans: Secretary; C H E R R Y TREE Princess; College of William and Mary: Student Assembly; Women's Student Government; Aquatic Club; Phi Beta Kappa,- Who's W h o . BUCK, Doreen Carole Alexandria, Va. English Literature B U C K N E R , Sherri Y. Burlington, Iowa International Affairs Devens Hall: Vice President; Steering Committee: N e w Women's chanical Engineers: Chairman; Engineers Council; MECHELECIV gate, Big COSTANZO, Dominic Sis: First Vice President; Resident Morristown, N.J. B U D D Y , Kate G. Staff. Assistant; Who's Westport, Connecticut Sociology CARR, Psychology Tau Kappa Epsilon: Pledge Trainer, Residence dents' Hall; International Stu- Society: Delphi; Delta Messiah Chorus. Kappa ship man; SNEA. Secretary, Tickets Chair- CARTER, A n n e Captain; Cruise: Tickets Tassels; Crawford Treasurer, D o r m Hall: Councilor, Presi- •BUETTNER, Carol Jane Elementary Rifle Team, SNEA. Larchmont, N.Y. International CATALDE, Mentally Retarded Dorm Transfer from Council; Lesley Col- Spanish Tau Repre- tramural Assistant; Recreation DeHelen Holly Springs, Pa. D. Chi Omega: Delegate, Vice President; Delphi; Big Sis: Junior Advisor; Le Cercle Francais: Secretary; W o m e n ' s Athletic Association; Vice President; Reorganization Student Secretary; Peace Corps Student Support Group: President; Who's Who. Representative; Pi Beta Phi: CHERRY Chairman, Vice Presi- TREE: Co-Editor-in-Chief, Editor; Student Education Association: Chairman; President's on Publications; National Program Committee Booster Board: Activities Asst.; Transfer: Harvey Psychology Carolyn Preston Chemistry and Song Chairman; Annette Home Speech Sigma Corres- Homecoming: Chairman; C a m p u s Com- Secretary. Corresponding Recording Delegate; C r e w ; Secretary, IFC tary; Tau: American Society Secreof Me- Engineering DANESHMAND, Tehran, Iran Matid Civil Engineering Sigma N u : Vice Pledge Class; Ping President Pong. DAVIDSON, Mary Chichester Washington, D.C. of International Affairs Kappa Club: President. Alpha Chairman, Vice Neck, N.Y. Theta: Asst. Archivist, Class Rush Chaplain, Secretary, Second President, Scholarship Chair- m a n ; Y o u n g Republicans; Big Sis; Student Directory Staff. Staff; Society for the Management; Epsilon Pi. DAVIS, Michael D. Portland, Oregon International Affairs Robert S. Phi Sigma York, N.Y. Kappa: Secretary, Sing Director; Colonial Chairman. Cruise: Tickets Washington, D.C. Political Science History Pi Beta Phi: Censor, Magazine Sigma Phi Epsilon: Secretary, Rush Chairman; Y o u n g Republican Club; Chairman; Old Chess Club. Men; Intramurals. DELANEY, Kappa: Maureen W e y m o u t h , Massachusetts Sociology Journalism Sigma Scholarship Chair- m a n , Publicity sity Glee Club; Madrigals. duction Group; Cultural Club. Basketball, Varsity C O N R A D , Wilkinson DE LEO, Francis Marie Silver Spring, M d . Directory Baseball, Stu- Business Staff. Religion C L A R K E , Donna phi; Kappa Bottom, Union: Publicity Service Gray IV Elementary College; Arnold sity; S N E A ; N e w m a n ciency Chairman, Panhellenic Dele- Air Society; Phi from St. John's Theta Kappa; Society for the Ad- D E L L E R M A N , Frank vancement of Valley Leadership Award, tramural Management; AFROTC, Unit In- Softball, Football, Track; Advisor. International English Univer- Club. John Affairs Command- Air Society: Adm'nis- trative Officer, ecutive Officer. Linnis I. Pro- N.Y. Rifles: Flight er; Arnold Doraville, Georgia United Stream, Pershing Dance Education Transfer Dorm G a m m a : Effi- I, II, III: Secretary Transfer from Valley Forge Junior COOK, Kappa C, N.J. Business Administration A. D.C. Student Ship Chairman; Univer- Tassels; Dance Production Groups, Gate and Key; Phi Sigma Kappa: President, Vice-President; Varsity apian Society: Vice President; Del- Corresponding David C O N L A N , Margaret Arlington, Va. 8io/ogy Engineering Theta TIMES: Tassels: Project Chairman, Aescul- D.C. Hassan D A Y T O N , Ellen Arlington, Va. C A R R , Millard E. Washington, Edmund Washing- COLLINS, Thomas N. Arlington, Va. Baptist bo: Board: Activi- Alex Director; Tutor for Urban Corps. and DADJMAR, Corresponding Booster Electrical Engineering Delta: Washington, Secretary; Civil Ser- ties Chairman; Martha ton. New Sis: Social Queens Chairman, Pre-Med Tehran, Iran Annandale, Virginia Sociology of Co-Chairman; HAT- Society: Treasurer. Council. Secretary of Student Council; Big ponding ISAB Leader; Tau Epsilon Phi; Theta Tau. C L A R K E , David Chairman Sis; Yell Mechanical Alpha N.Y. Gamma; Chi: Sigma N u . Sweetheart dent V. Eta; Delta Big Chairman. of Correction Alpha Chairman,- HATCHET D.C. Sigma Secretary, Scholar- Varsity Publicity Advancement Business Administration Republicans. Lillian Chemistry resentative; Hostess; D o r m Society; Corresponding CHET: Sportswriter; Booster Board: Zeta Tau Alpha: Panhellenic Rep- Evansville, Indiana Education Zoology Arlington, Va. Business Administration Economics C , Jr. ship Chairman; Russian Club Dele- Great Home Kenneth Aesculepian Pledge Ann Economics Tau Treasurer. gate; C O H E N , Patricia Linda Delegate, Publicity Director. Suffield, Connecticut Garter, C O B B , Julia Psychology Havertown, Pa. C L A R K , Mark Wantagh, Big L. Chairman, Activities Director, IFC Barbara Lacy leader; Who's W h o . CHEYNEY, Secretary, Historian, Scholarship CAPARELL, Ad- Coun- cil: Philanthropy Chairman; Cheer- Psi Chi; G e r m a n Tau Young Council; Junior Washington, D.C. IFC Elementary Dorm Rallies Chair- visor; Big Sis, Panhellenic Wilmington, Delaware History Editor. CANNON, man; CHASE, Alpha Chi Sigma: President; Delta Delta: Sing: Bakersfield, Calif. Board: Pep COHEN, Delta Pre-Med. the Booster Sis; Russian Club; Messiah Chorus. History B., Jr. of CUMMINGS, Secretary; CLAIN, Stefanelli California Order Best Director; R O T C Queens Court; vice Art Arlington, Virginia Sociology Monterey, Secre- Homecoming Chi O m e g a : Social and Ruth Economics Marie IFC COGGIN, Sallie Ann Intramurals. Chairman, Corresponding Tournament Tau Epsilon Phi: Scribe; Old M e n ; Washington, Alexandria, Virginia CANNADY, Alpha Finalist; Panhellenic COHEN, Zeta Tau Alpha: Treasurer. Diana Sigma Committee; Queen Social M. C H I N , Carol Lee Education Panhellenic President; Student Life Committee; President; Tassels; Alpha Delta Pi: Treasurer, York, N.Y. Week Alexandria, Virginia BUSH, Therapy Activities Historian; Tau Beta Pi: President; Sigma Tau: Club: President; Big Sis; W e l c o m e B U R N E Y , Sue Math Speech Delphi: Secretary, Chairman, Council Committee: Secre- tary; D o r m Council; Student Union Board: Recording ing Pi Delta Epsilon, Delphi: Panhell- Commercial Historian, Activities ISAB Alpha Falls Church, Va. Electrical Engineering Zeta Tau Alpha: Secretary, House Chairman, Kappa CRATER, Walter J. Jr. Tulsa, Oklahoma French Delphi; President, CHAPMAN, BURN, Anthropo/ogy Tassels; tary, Panhellenic Delegate, A N C H O R A Correspondent; H o m e c o m - partment. Mount C. CHAILLE', Claudia New Basketball; In- A. m o n t College. CHAPMAN, Delta: Athletic Card Big Sis. Univ. of Oklahoma. sentative; Varsity Men. Eta: Vice President; Delta G a m m a : Special Delta Club; Virginia Inter- lege. Physical Education Republican; Valley Stream, N.Y. Glenside, Pennsylvania B U R C H E T T E , Harold K. Silver Spring, M d . Old COX, CLIFF, Karen A. Chorus; Queens Traineeship for Spe- Education; Modern Chairman; Club; Y o u n g Theta: Junior Panhellenic Delegate, dent, Pledge Class Vice President; Education for the Cheerleader; Ann Council; Fire Monitor; Big Scholarship Government SNEA; Patricia Psychology enic Annapolis, Maryland Tassels; J. Chairman, Rush Newman Psychology Education B U R C H , Jane Social Neck, N.Y. C L E V E L A N D , James Buffalo, N.Y. Affairs cer Club. Lynn Arlington, Va. Vienna, Va. Rifle Team; Air Force R O T C ; Soc- Elementary G. Sis; Transfer from B U H L , Theodore W . Chairman, Psychology Dorm Education Who. Barbara Dance Club; H A T C H E T Staff. Messiah Arlington, Va. House Baltimore, Maryland dent, S u m m e r session; Who's W h o . cial Sigma: Home- Colonial Great President; Psychology President; Chairman; Cheerleaders: Treasurer, Vice CLEMENTS: Education Activities Chairman, Rush Chairman, Scholarcoming: A. Washougal, Washington Gamma: Chairman, Roderick First Comptroller, Ex- D E V I N E , Paul, Jr. Christian R O T C : Angel Flight. Fellowship; Arlington, Va. Mathematics 265 DIETZ, Suzanne F. Glen Burnie, Maryland Political Science Kappa Alpha Theta: Treasurer, Pledge Trainer, Standards Board; Young Democrats; N e w m a n Club. DILLON, Judith A. Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. Elementary Education Young Republicans; SNEA. DILLON, Thomas P., Jr. McLean, Virginia Engineering Sigma Tau, IEEE: Chairman; Engineers Council Representative; D-H House Manager; Colonial Boosters. DIXON, Karen Anne Washington, D.C. Elementary Education Delphi; Homecoming Queen; Phi Sigma Kappa Moonlight Girl; Order of the Lacy Garter; Sigma Chi Derby Day: Miss Venus; Mech Miss; Delta G a m m a : President, Rush Chairman, Social Chairman; Cheerleader: Captain; Booster Board; Mardi Gras: Decorations Chairman; Homecoming: Pep Rallies Chairman; Alumni Chairman, Secretary; Big Sis, Messiah Chorus, University Players; Who's Who. DOBKIN, Neale C. Wethersfield, Connecticut International Affairs Tau Epsilon Phi: Member-at-Large; International Students' Society; Pershing Rifles; Arnold Air Society. DOUGLAS, Shirley Ann Chester, N.J. Political Science DOYLE, Donna Arlington, Virginia Psychology Pi Beta Phi, Jr. Panhellenic Delegate, Senior Panhellenic Delegate; Big Sis; N e w m a n Club; CHERRY TREE; Transfer from Seton Hill College. DOYLE, Michael D. Fullerton, Calif. Accounting Sigma Nu: Rush Chairman; Bells are Ringing; Old Men DREIER, Adrienne H. N. Plainfield, N.J. Speech Sigma Alpha Eta; Alpha Epsilon Phi: ISAB Delegate; Young Republicans; Hillel. DRIBIN, Leland George Silver Spring, Md. Political Science Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Theta Nu; Sigma Chi: Student Activities Chairman; Old Men; Arnold Air Society: President; Student Union Board; ROTC; G W U Representative—"Youth Wants To Know." DUBERSTEIN, Ellen P. Bethesda, Maryland Sociology Phi Sigma Sigma: Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Vice President of Pledge Class; Strong Hall Dorm Council; Urban Service Corps; Big Sis: Junior Advisor; Young Republicans: Student Book Exchange. DUBLIN, Marcia Schlesinger Arlington, Va. Speech Therapy Sigma Alpha Eta; Career Conference. 266 DUBLIN, Robert Anthony N e w York, N.Y. Political Science DUENKEL, Richard Education Football Captain 1963, President of Welling Hall, Who's Who, Assistant Football Coach. DUFFES, Sarah M. Monroe, Connecticut Elementary Education Big Sis; Sigma Kappa: ISAB Delegate; International Students Society; SNEA, Young Republicans; Messiah Chorus: Transfer from Central Connecticut State College. DUQUES, Ric Cleveland, Ohio Accounting Gate and Key: Delta Tau Delta: Treasurer, President: Freshmen Crew; Old Men: Varsity Basketball; Freshman Basketball; Welling Hall: Treasurer, President; Who's Who. EDWARDS, Dianne Bethesda, Maryland Medical Technology Tassels; Delphi; Kappa Kappa Gamma: Pledge Trainer, Scholarship Chairman, Vice President; Big Sis; Young Republicans; Engineering School Princess; Mech Miss. ENNIS, Joan A. Silver Spring, Md. Zoology ERLICH, Arlene Baltimore, Maryland Economics Tassels: Activities Chairman; Kappa Kappa Gamma: Activities Chariman, Treasurer; Campus Combo: Sales Co-Chairman; Big Sis; Colonial Cruise: Transportation. EVANS, Caroline Arlington, Virginia EVINGER, William R. Arlington, Virginia Education SNEA: Vice President. FALLS, Janet McLean, Virginia Elementary Education Chi Omega: Personnel, Pledge Trainer, ISAB Delegate; Russian Club; Booster Board; Big Sis; Cheerleader; CHERRY TREE: Looking Back Co-Editor, Greek Co-Editor. FAROUKI, A. Huda Amman, Jordan Electrical Engineering Gate and Key, Outstanding Scholar of Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Sigma Kappa: Inductor, Vice President, President; International Students Society; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers: Vice Chairman; Student Council Reorganization Committee; Student Council Assistant Advocate. FERM, Margaret L. Falls Church, Virginia Chemistry Kappa Delta: Pledge Activities Chairman, House Chairman; Homecoming Decorations ChairmanBooster Board: Secretary-Treasurer; CHERRY TREE: Co-Editor, Senior Section; Big Sis; Transfer from University of Hawaii. FISHLOWITZ, Ely G. Wheaton, Maryland Civil Engineering Sigma Tau; Theta Tau: Scribe; American Society of Civil Engineers: President; W R G W ; Old Men, Intramural Football. FITZGERALD, Cornelia Owings Mills, Md. Art History Devens Hall: Publicity Chairman; Young Republicans; Peace Corps Student Support Group; Transfer from St. Mary's Junior College. FLINT, Susan B. Longmeadow, Massachusetts Speech Therapy Sigma Alpha Eta; Sigma Kappa: Pledge Philanthropy Chairman, Active Philanthropy Chairman, Pledge Formal Chairman, Corresponding Secretary, House Chairman; Troubadors; Messiah Chorus; United Christian Fellowship; Secretary-Treasurer; Angel Flight; Big Sis; International Students Society. FOSTER, Claire Capen St. Louis, Missouri Sociology Pi Beta Phi; Young Republicans; Womens Athletic Association. FREED, Harold Stuart Washington, D.C. Electronic Engineering Alpha Epsilon Pi; Engineers Council: Vice President; IEEE FREIDIN, Carol N e w Hyde Park, N.Y. Spanish Language and Literature HATCHET; Hillel, Spanish Club. FRIEDLANDER, Mary Lynne South Orange, N.J. History-Education Phi Sigma Sigma; Big Sis; Transfer from Douglass College. FROST, Linda Elizabeth Washington, D.C. Anfhropo/ogy Tassels; Student Council: Secretary; Big Sis; University Players; Dance Production; Urban Service Corps; Liberal Education/Action Project; Sweetheart of Delta Tau Delta. GALBRAITH, Lynn Ann Alexandria, Va. Efementary Education Delta Zeta: President of Pledge Class, Goat Show, Scholarship Chairman; SNEA; Colonial Boosters. GARDNER, Audrey Emmaus, Pennsylvania History Constitutional Revision Committee; Steering Committee; Information Committee Chairman. GEIGER, Elaine R. Brooklyn, N.Y. Accounting Sigma Delta Tau: Historian, Pledge Formal Chairman; Rush Chairman; Hillel. GERIG, Thomas M. Washington, D.C. Mathematical Statistics. GHENT, John Roy Fredericksburg, Va. Psychology Sigma Alpha Epsilon. GLASER, Suzanne R. Canton, Ohio Secondary Education Russian Club; Welcome Week Hos- tess, Correspondence Chairman; Strong Hall: Dorm Council, Program Chairman. GOLDBERG, Allan Bruce Silver Spring, Md. Chemistry Phi Eta Sigma: President; Alpha Theta Nu; Order of Scarlet: Omicron Delta Kappa; Outstanding Sophomore Man Award, Sigma Kappa Award for Chemistry; Phi Sigma Delta: Social Chairman, Vice President. Master Frater; Booster Board: Publicity Chairman, President; University Center Advisory Committee; W R G W ; Old Men; Intramural Sports; Intramural Forensics; Russian Club, Who's Who. GOLDHAMER, Robert D. Washington, D.C. Zoology Judo Club, Dance Production; Pre-Med Society. G O L D M A N , Jeffrey B. District Heights, Md. Electrical Engineering Transfer from Case Institute of Technology; IEEE: Vice Chariman; Freshmen Swimming Team. GOLDSTEIN, Susan Carol Lakewood, N e w Jersey Education Tassels; Hillel; SNEA; P O T O M A C ; Community Service Coordinating Committee Chairman. G O L D W Y N , Ronald J. Washington, D.C. Public Affairs Alpha Epsilon Pi; HATCHET: Reporter and News Editor; Ice Hockey Club. G O O D M A N , Dawn G. Ephrata, Pennsylvania Zoology HATCHET; Rifle Club: Columbian W o m e n ; Women's Rifle Team: Captain; Wesley Foundation: President Dorm Council; CHERRY TREE; Religious Council; Pre-Med Society; Womens Athletic Association. G O R D O N , Lois Jean Norfolk, Va. Education-Eng/i'sh Le Cercle Francais, National Education Association; Hillel; Welcome Week Hostess: Correspondence Committee: Co-Chairman; Strong Hall Dorm Council. GOULD, Susan Silver Spring, Maryland Geography Anthropology Club: Secretary; Dance Production Group. GOULD, Richard A. Sussex, N e w Jersey International Affairs GRANT, Wiley C. Arlington, Va. English Literature GRAY, Dinah L. Annandale, Virginia Philosophy Chi Omega: Activities Chairman, Pledge Trainer, Personnel Chairman, Rush Chairman; Cheerleader: Co-Captain; Student Council: Assistant Secretary; Philosophy Club; Liberal Education/Action Project. GRAY, Margaret (Peggy) Muskogee, Oklahoma Elementary Education Kappa Delta; SNEA. G R A Y S O N , David Kir Honolulu, Hawaii Political Science Order of Scarlet; Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Recording Secretary; Junior Varsity Crew. G R E E N W O O D , William R. Woodmere, N.Y. Business Administration GREY, Stephen Sandweiss Newton, Massachusetts Engineering Science Gate and Key; Tau Epsilon Phi: Pledge Warden; American Society of Mechanical Engineers. GRIFFEL, William Ackley, Iowa Sigma Alpha Epsilon: warden, song chairman. G R I N N A N , Margaret Manning Dallas, Texas English Literature Kappa Alpha Theta: Fraternity Trends Chairman; Big Sis; Newm a n Club. G R O S M A N , Louise Bates Washington, D.C. English Literature Civil Rights Club; Young Democrats, P O T O M A C ; French Club; Hillel: Corresponding Secretary, Publicity Chairman. GROSS, Leonard Teaneck, N.J. Psychology Alpha Epsilon Pi; Pre-Med Society; Intramurals. GRUBBS, H. Lindley Washington, D.C. Accounting Federal Government Accountants Associate Scholarship, Alpha Kappa Psi: Activities Chairman; Sigma Alpha Epsilon: President, Treasurer, Rush Chairman, Scholarship Chairman. House Manager; Booster Board: Assistant Publicity Chairman; Gate and Key. GUENTERT, Margaret Westfield, N e w Jersey Political Science Kappa Alpha Theta: Pledge House Chairman, Standards Committee; Transfer Student; Young Republicans. HADLEY, Jane G. Silver Spring, Maryland Elementary Education Kappa Alpha Theta: Historian, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary; Big Sis: Transfer from Kansas University. HAINES, Nancy Upper Montclair, N.J. Sociology University Players; Devens Hall President; Strong Hall Vice President. H A L A M A N D A R I S , Val Price, Utah Political Science Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Public Relations Chairman; Debate Team, Homecoming; Bells are Ringing. H A M I L T O N , Susan Melanie Pasadena, Calif. Elementary Education SNEA: Program Chairman. H A M M , Robert B. Manila, Philippines Electronic Engineering Tau Kappa Epsilon: Hlstor and Grammateus; M E C H E L E C IV: Assistant Editor-in-Chief; A d a m s Hall Dorm Council; IEEE. HARRIS, Allen K., Jr. History Transfer from University of Oklahoma; Activities Council; Activities Board: Lambda Chi Alpha: Rush Chairman; Young Citizens for Johnson: D.C. Coordinator; Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Social Affiliate; Assistant Director of Men's Residence Halls; Delegate of Washington Student Citizenship Seminar. HARRIS, Barbara Silver Spring, Maryland Chemistry Transfer Student; Messiah Chorus; Troubadours. HARRIS, Gene Roger Enterprise, Oregon International Affairs Howard Henry Howlett Scholar; Campus Representative: The Experiment in International Living,People-to-People; International Students Society; Student Committee on Faculty Associates. HECLO, H. Hugh Marion, Ohio Political Science Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Theta Nu; Order of Scarlet; Who's W h o in American Colleges and Universities; Alumni Scholar; Rotary International Fellow; Delta Sigma Rho; Tau Kappa Alpha; Omicron Delta Kappa: President; Debate Team: President, Varsity Debate; Committee on Student Life; HATCHET: Senior Staff; Student Government Reorganization Committee: Chairman. HEINZE, Jerry Beltsville, Maryland Chemistry Pre-Med; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Theta Nu; Order of Scarlet; Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Rush Chairman, Budget Chairman; Crew: Varsity and Freshmen; CHERRY TREE: Associate Editor; HATCHET: Junior Staff; IFC TIMES: Editor; Order of Scarlet: Vice President; Who's Who. HERBERT, Charles S. Ill Chevy Chase, Md. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Sigma Tau; Sigma Chi: Treasurer; American Society of Civil Engineers: Treasurer. H E R N D O N , Harriett Lewise Falls Church, Va. Elementary Education Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon; CHERRY TREE Princess; Homecoming Queen Finalist; Delta G a m m a : Social Chairman, Secretary; Cheerleader: Secretary-Treasurer; Booster Board: Entertainment Chairman; Fall Concert: Publicity Chairman; Big Sis; Homecoming: Decorations Chairman; Colonial Cruise: Publicity Chairman; University Players; Messiah Chorus. HICKEY, Elizabeth Ann Washington, D.C. American Thought and zation H O F F M A N N , Alberta Wallington, N.J. Medical Technology H O F F M A N , Martin H. N e w York, N.Y. Business Administration Civili- H O R O W I T Z , Paul J. Jamaica, N.Y. Zoology Order of Scarlet; Alpha Epsilon Pi: President; Fall Concert: Ticket Chairman; Spring Concert: Comptroller; Homecoining: Publicity Committee; H A T C H E T Junior Staff; Colonial Cruise: Facilities Chairman; Comptroller; Conference on Curriculum and Careers: Chairman; Outstanding Junior M a n Award; Old M e n ; Who's W h o . H O R S M A N , Jacqueline June Arlington, Va. Elementary Education SNEA. H O W A R D , Nettie Bell Washington, D.C. Medical Technology Young Democrats. H U D Y , Patricia Diane Lakewood, Ohio Psychology HURVITZ, Ruth Joan Washington, D.C. Speech Therapy Sigma Alpha Eta; Delta Phi Epsilon: Alumni Chairman. JAFFE, Philip Brooklyn, N.Y. Biology Aesculapian Society, Old Men, Dorm Council. JAPHA, Ruth Joyce Norfolk, Va. Medical Technology Young Democrats, Dorm Council; Hillel. K A N E G S B E R G , Esther Norma Little Falls, N.J. Political Science K A P L A N , Philip B. Washington, D.C. Electrical Engineering Tau Beta Phi: Vice President; Omicron Delta Kappa: Treasurer; Phi Eta Sigma: Treasurer; Pi Delta Epsilon; Order of Scarlet; Sigma Tau, Phi Sigma Delta: Parliamentarian, Asst. Treasurer; Student Council: School of Engineering Representative; Engineers Council: Treasurer; MECHELECIV; Business Manager; IEEE: Corresponding Secretary; Old Men; Who's W h o . K A U F M A N , Hugh Arlington, Va. Electrical Engineering Arnold Air Society; Varsity Football; University Players,- IEEE; Air Force ROTC. K A U F M A N , Norman L. Woodmere, N.Y. Foreign Affairs Delta Phi Epsilon; International Students' Society: Corresponding Secretary; Spanish Club: Vice President. KEIGHLEY, Linda Wakefield, R.I. Elementary Education Chi O m e g a : Activities Chairman; SNEA: Treasurer; Dorm Council: Treasurer; Strong Hall Dorm Council; Big Sis; Pi Kappa Alpha Calendar—Miss July. KELLEHER, Kathleen Northport, N.Y. Political Science KELLEY, Robert H. Creve Coeur, M o . History Sigma Chi: House Manager, Par- liamentarian; Old M e n , HATCHET; ROTC. KELLY, Michael G. Washington, D.C. Chemistry KEMPER, Edward C. Ill Arlington, Va. History Sigma Chi: Social Chairman, Historian, Derby Day Chairman; Old M e n ; Emanov. K E N N E D Y , Margaret Ruxton, Maryland History KERBY, Anne Arlington, Va. English Literature KIELY, Agnes Poughkeepsie, N e w York Sociology Pi Beta Phi: Social Chairman; N e w m a n Club. Phi Sigma Kappa, Miss Model Pledge. K I R S C H E N B A U M , Susan S. Washington, D.C. Elementary Education Urban Service Corps; Hillel; SNEA. KLASKY, Phyllis D. Swampscott, Mass. Transfer from Boston University: Phi Lambda Theta; Phi Sigma Sigma: Philanthropy Chairman; Big Sis: SNEA. KLINE, Byron Harrisburg, Pa. Accounting Gate and Key: Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Pledge Trainer, Treasurer; Gate and Key: Social Chairman; Homecoming Committee. KLINE, Jon Washington, D.C. Art design Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Social Chairman, Herald; Performing Arts Committee; Homecoming Publicity Committee; Colonial Cruise: Publicity Chairman; Old Men; Art Club: President, Vice President; CHERRY TREE: Editor and Art Editor, Stage Crew: Who's W h o , Publications Committee. K N A D L E , Susan A n n Washington, D.C. Zoology Kappa Kappa G a m m a : Registrar, Secretary; Big Sis. KNICKERBOCKER, Bonnie Louise Washington, D.C. Painting Pi Beta Phi; Young Republicans; Art Club. KNIERIM, Jane Arlington, Va. Art History KNUSLI, Hilda Constance Shaker Heights, Ohio International Affairs Transfer from DePauw University. K O E N I G , Karen Saratoga, California English Literature Kappa Kappa G a m m a : Secretary, Membership Chairman; Big Sis; HATCHET; Holiday Seasons Chairman; N e w Dorm Steering Committee; Dorm Council; W o m e n s ' Athletic Association. K O M O R O S K E , Mary Angela Alexandria, Va. Elementary Education SNEA; W o m e n s ' Swimming Manager. 267 KORFF, Alice Washington, D.C. Applied Arts Art Dept: Student Asst., POTOM A C : Art Editor. KOWALSKI, Ken C. Fairfax, Virginia Education Pi Kappa Alpha: House Manager; Varsity Basketball: Varsity Track; Varsity Baseball; Monogram Club: SNEA, Transfer from Washington and Lee University. KRAMER, Peter Leo Van Nuys, California International Affairs Varsity Rifle Team; W R G W . KRUMPECK, Nancy L. Grand Haven, Michigan Political Science Kappa Delta: Editor, Parliamentarian; Devens Hall Dorm Council; Young Democrats; Jr. Advisor. LABIB, Adel M. Arlington, Va. Elementary Education L A N D S M A N , Maury S. Washington, D.C. Philosophy Alpha Theta Nu; Civil Rights Group: President; Liberal Education Action Project: Chairman; Young Democrats; HATCHET; Transfer from University of Chicago. LANG, Carol M. Chevy Chase, Maryland Elementary Education Kappa Delta: Junior Panhallenic Representative, Asst. Pledge Trainer, Recommendations Chairman, ISAB Delegate; Play Production; Big Sis; SNEA; CHERRY TREE; Transfer from Davis and Elkins College. LAYCOCK, Robert T. Garden City, N.Y. Accounting Order of Scarlet; Gate and Key; Pi Delta Epsilon; Sigma Chi: Rush Chairman, Social Chairman, Chapter Editor, Kitchen Manager; Student Council: Comptroller, Student Council Reorganization committee; Faculty-Student Night Host; Hatchet; CHERRY TREE: Assistant Business Manager; Adams Hall Dorm Council: Secretary; Alpha Kappa Psi: Master of Rituals, Treasurer; IFC Times: Editor; Emanon; Holiday Season: Publicity Chairman; Who's Who. LAZAR, Anita N e w York, N.Y. Public Affairs Alpha Epsilon Phi: Recording Secretary, Standards Board, Social Committee, Panhellenic Delegate; May Day Follies: Publicity Chairman; Homecoming Ticket Committee; Big Sis; Junior Advisor. LAZZARI, Gina Marylyn Silver Spring, Maryland Psychology Sigma Alpha Eta; Glee Club; Newman Club. LEAF, R. Benton Baltimore, Maryland International Affairs LEEDS, Patricia Clayton, Mo. Public Affairs Alpha Epsilon Phi: .Standards Board; Young Democrats; Union 268 forum; Urban Service Corps; Transfer from University of Missouri. LEES, Robert H., Jr. Rockville, Maryland, Business Administration LEETE, Leona Asper Washington, D.C. Elementary Education SNEA; Messiah Chorus; Episcopal Student Association; Madrigals. LEUPOLD, James Conrad Fair Lawn, N e w Jersey Public Affairs Order of Scarlet; Pi Delta Epsilon; Gate and Key; Sigmas Chi: Activities Chairman, Historian; Homecoming Float Chairman; HATCHET: Sports Editor; IFC Times; Old Men; CHERRY TREE; Booster Board. LEVINE, Leslie Paskow Rockville, Maryland Medical Technology Tassels; Book Exchange; Hillel; HATCHET; Pre-Med Society. LEVITIN, Phyllis Lee Jamaica, N.Y. Psychology Hillel; Spanish Club. LEVITT, Leslie N e w York, N.Y. English Literature Dance Production Groups: Manager of Advanced Group; University Players. LICHTMAN, Rona Norfolk, Va. Economics Alpha Lambda Delta; Tassels; Sigma Delta Tau: Treasurer; CHERRY TREE; Career Conference; POTOM A C : Exchange Editor. LICHTMAN, Roslyn Norfolk, Va. Education Sigma Delta Tau: Recording Secretary, Parliamentarian, Philanthropy Chairman; CHERRY TREE; P O T O M A C ; Hillel; Dance Production. LIEFER, Carole Brooklyn, N.Y. Elementary Education Kappa Delta: Social Service; SNEA; Urban Service Corps. L O C K W O O D , Leslie Washington, D.C. Sociology Delta Gamma; Homecoming Ticket Committee; Spring Concert Ticket Committee; Transfer from Wesley College. LOTZ, George Blaine, II Reading, Pa. History Arnold Air Society: ComptrollerYoung Democrats; Urban Service Corps; Campus Coordinator. LOWE, Michaella N e w York, N.Y. Sociology Alpha Epsilon Phi: ISAB Delegate, Activities Chairman, Asst. Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary; Tennis Team; Madison Hall Dorm Council; Big Sis. LUZIO, Roberta Arlington, Va. LYNCH, Constance M. Bordentown, N.J. Sociology Newman Club; Judo Club; French Club. MacDONALD, Douglas Edward Washington, D.C. Electrical Engineering Sigma Tau: Historian. M A C K , Carolyn Eileen Annandale, Va. Secondary Education/Spanish Sigma Delta Pi; Chi Omega: Pledge Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer, House Chairman, Vice President, President; SNEA: Vice President, Publicity Chairman; Delphi; Booster Board: Asst. Membership Chairman. MacLEISH, Mary H. Lynbrook, N.Y. Education Madison Hall Dorm Council; Newman Club; Spanish Club; CHERRY TREE. MAGEE, Judith Helen Arlington, Va. Anthropo/ogy Tassels; Alpha Theta Nu; Sigma Delta Pi; Deans List; Angel Flight: Commander; Drill Team Commander; President's Medallion; Big Sis; Spanish Club; Cultural Foundation. MANCHESTER, Gail Haves Washington, D.C. Education and Speech Sigma Alpha Eta; Delphi; Alpha Epsilon Phi: Rush Chairman; Fall Concert: Usher; Spring Concert: Tickets. M A N D , Barbara English Education Dorm Council; Coordinating Council; Alpha Epsilon Pi Sweetheart. M A N N I N G , Randolph Silver Spring, Maryland Business Administration Alpha Sigma Lambda; Masonic Order; Phi Delta Kappa. MANWELL, Bonnie C. Washington, D.C. MARTIN, Mary Pacific Palisades, Calif. Anthropology Delta Gamma: Foundations Chairman, Rituals Chairman; Big Sis; Order of Lacy Garter; Court of Delta Tau Delta. MARTINO, Joseph F. Hillcrest Heights, Md. Electrical Engineering Theta Tau; IEEE. MASSEY, Fred H., Jr. Washington, D.C. Economics Pershing Rifles; Delta Tau Delta; Baseball; Varsity Crew. M A Y , Alan M. San Francisco, Calif. Public Affairs Gate and Key; Phi Sigma Kappa: Secretary, Rush Chairman, House Manager, IFC Delegate, Social Chairman; HIBALL Dance: Chairman; Young Republicans: President, Business Manager; Student Directory Chairman; Student Council Committee on Publications; IFC Scholarship Chairman; Gate and Key: Secretary; May Day; Colonial Cruise. McCANNER, Rosalie A. Washington, D.C. Chemistry Alpha Theta Nu. MCCARTHY, John Michael Potomac, Md. Accounting Alpha Kappa Psi; Dance Produc- tion: Stage Manager; Society for Advancement of ManagementUniversity Players; Art Club: Treasurer. McCULLEN, Verne Jean Burtensville, Md. International Affairs Alpha Theta Nu; Hancock Hall Dorm Council. M c G R A W , Marjorie East Blue Hill, Md. International Affairs Pi Kappa Delta; Dance Production; International Club; Transfer from University of Maine. M c M A H A N , Virgil E. Wesley, Illinois Journalism Sigma Delta Pi; Spanish Club; Lab Instructor; lapa Scholarship. M A N N , Helen Claudia Bethesda, Maryland International Affairs Tassels; Delphi; Alpha Delta Pi: Rush Chairman, Activities Chairman, Efficiency Chairman, President, Publicity Chairman; Panhellenic Council; Junior Advisor; Big Sis; Messiah Chorus. MASCI, Frank J. Brooklyn, N.Y. Biology Omicron Delta Kappa; Order of Scarlet; Pi Delta Epsilon; Sigma Chi: Social Chairman, Ritual Chairman, Corresponding Secretary, Pledge Trainer; Dorm Council; HATCHET: Art Editor; CHERRY TREE: ROTC Editor, Greek Editor, Looking Back Editor; Colonial Boosters: Chariman; Emanon; PreMed Society; A X Zoology Lab Asst.; IFC Times Staff; Who's Who. MEDERRICK, Charles T. Adelphi, Maryland Accounting Phi Sigma Delta: Treasurer; Alpha Theta Nu; Old Men; HATCHET; Intramural Editor, Business Manager; Campus Combo: Chairman; Omicron Delta Kappa; Henry Howard Hewlett Scholarship. M E H L M A N , Rebecca Silver Spring, Md. Art History M E N A U G H , Judith Ann Alexandria, Va. Journalism Zeta Tau Alpha; Social Chairman, Big Sis Coordinator; W R G W : Secretary; Big Sis; Transfer from Indiana University. MICKELSON, Judith Ann Washington, D.C. Spanish Education Alpha Epsilon Phi: Corresponding Secretary, House Manager, Outstanding Pledge, Outstanding Member; Booster Board Committee; Homecoming Committee; Fall Concert Committee. MILLER, Judith K. Bethesda, Maryland MILLER, Penny Eileen Bethesda, Md. Psychology Sigma Delta Tau; Big Sis; Hillel; WRGW. MILLER, Herbert S. Silver Spring, Md. Urban and Regional Development Tau Epsilon Phi: Publicity Chairman, House Manager, Social Chair- man, Spring Marlboro Weekend Chairman, Chairman, Alumni tions Chairman; Asst. Geography WRGW; Rela- Student Dept.; IFC. Springfield, Va. Education/English Hall Paper; Student Planning C o m - Order of Scarlet: Secretary; Gate and Key; Sigma Chi: President mission; Strong Vice-President, Alpha Lambda cil. NIBLETT, Janice MISKELLY, Margaret Nu; Chicago, Illinois Treasurer. English Literature Delphi; Alpha Nu; Sigma Kappa: Activities Chairman, Scholarship Chairman, Recording Delta; Alpha Theta Tassels; Kappa Alpha Mentally Tau for the Dorm Coun- Pledge Hempstead, Athletic Alpha: Second Council; N e w m a n Club; H A T C H E T . man, Panhellenic MITCHELL, Reginald S. Social Chairman; Arlington, Va. tion: M a k e - U p Dance Produc- Chairman; Big Sis; Junior Advisor. r'hgjrman, His'orian, son Hall Council; Strong Hall Council: President; Student Union man Arlington, Va. Home Alpha Pi Epsilon: Treasurer; H o m e Students M O R A H A N , Daniel Michael Kevin Ann Musical; from Big Sis; Webster College; Ann Jane Beta Phi, Vice President Y o u n g Republicans; N e w m a n Club; Alexandria, Va. Home Alpha Big Sis. Home Chairman; Ec Club: Treasurer; Drama Club; N e w m a n OLIVER, Devona Mechanical Theta Eugene tary. Society OLSON, Mountainside, N.J. American the and Delta Sigrrn Delta; Transfer from Combo; Dorm Council: Zoology Lab Kappa Alpha Com- Beta Sigma Committee; Young Class; O'SHEA, Marcia B. Golf Combo. Marhora, Team; OSMAN, Skokie, Illinois Stamford, Conn. Council: Secretary. Alpha PRIVITERA, Joseph Washington, Aesculapian Joan Ruth Epsilon Troubadours; Sociology Young Republicans; N E W B U R G , Steven Washington, D. D.C. Economics Young Kappa Democrats; Hillel. PECK, Alpha; Back CHERRY TREE, Economics Delphi; Zeta Tau Alpha: Recording Secretary, Ritual Chairman, Presi- dent, Pledge Trainer, House Chairman; Carol Man- Irma Newman Club; Membership Chairman. ROBINSON, Thomas Big Sis: International Affairs Alpha Theta N u ; Order of Scarlet; ple to People: Treasurer; Wesley man, Guard, Foundation: man, Float Philanthropy Chairman; Russian Produc- Student President; Old Council: School ernment Representative: ship Chairman; Who's R O B I N S O N , John Education Washington, W DC. Arnold Scholarship; Madrigal Treasurer, President TREE: Section Editor; Red Committee; Who Psychology Rush Chairman, President; Big Sis, History GovSigma , Jr SNEA: CHERRY Men; of Chi: Annotator, Tribune, Scholar. Mary Atlanta, Ga. Dance Chair- Democrats, Co'cnial R A N K I N , James K. History Chorus; Delta Phi Epsilon: Treasurer; Peo- Alpha Delta Pi: Scholarship Chair- Cross Intercollegiate Play Production. Assistant. Harriet N e w t o n , Mass. Messiah (Mollie) Chairman; A S C E ; Old Secondary Jersey Looking Rifle Club. D. Delphi; Pi Beta Phi; Pledge Trainer, John Psychology Pi President. N u : Treasurer, House Club; Y o u n g Boosters. Phi: Pledge. PAPPALARDO, New Secretary. R O A R T Y , Mary D.C. Arlington, Va. Angel responding H. Society: Oakland, Calif. Chorus; Traveling ternational Students Society; Span- Bethesda, Maryland N E V I N S , Judith Eta; National and Civiliza- Zoology RALSTON, Alpha Religion D.C. P A L M , Danny J. Flight; Messiah Scruggs Hartford, Conn. ish Club; Recording Secretary, Cor- Kappa Alpha Theta. Sigma West Episcopal Students Association; In- International Affairs NEIMER, Barbara J. Cranford, N.J. Speech Correction from Fitchburg, Mass. N.J. Dorm Ann President Transfer State University. RAHNASTO, Sociology S.A.M.; Intramurals. International Affairs Frederick Midland, Texas Campus Kappa; lege. Thought ager, Rush Men. Accounting Navin, Maple- History R O A C H , Susan Sigma In] M . Louis w o o d , N.J. Psychology R I N D G E , Samuel Civil Engineering Washington, D.C. Sigma Republi- Washington, D.C. Kappa. Business Administration Moon- cans. M U R P H Y , Robert Phi Kappa Men fer from North Carolina State Col- Smith Chairman, Vice Pledge American tion Eta; RICHARDS, Thomas F. Washington, D.C. Accounting Delta Tau Delta; Old RICHMOND, Ann Kensington, Md. Service RABER, James participant; Phi D. Los Angeles, Calif. Washington, itor; National Science Foundation- Intramural PRICE, Charles Michael Washington, L. Theta: Marshal, Scholarship ORWiCZ, Psychology Alpha Theta N u ; Zeta Tau Alpha: cial Prose Ed- Asst.; Science versity Players; Bgi Sis; D o r m So- List; P O T O M A C : Chairman; Chase, M d . Washington, D.C. Deans Barsky D.C. Tau Epsilon Pi; Intramurals; Trans- light Girl; Dance Production; Uni- Scholarship; Psi Chi; Action Democrats; Big Sis; S N E A . Social Barbara mittee; Phi Carr RESNICK, Sonya Washington, RICHMOND, M U L L E N E R , Nathanael Emma Education Secondary Education and English Therapy Alpha Liberal Pi Beta Phi: Rush Captain; Y o u n g Zoology West Virginia University. Psychology IFC Homecoming of President. Sandra Speech Civilization Delta Advancement Winchester, Mass. Thought .Treasurer; M a n ; Old M e n ; C a m p u s C H E R R Y TREE. Pennsylvania for Management: M R O C Z E K , Diane S. New Epsilon Anchor of Marketing Tau: Scribe; A S M E : Secre- Trainer, Political Falls Church, Va. Engineering of Alpha President; Chevy O L S O N , Jan Washington, D.C. University Sigma PRESNALL, Speech Frank Develop- Business Administration Comptroller; Delta G a m m a Delta G a m m a . MOY, Regional Phi Theta Kappa; Calhoun Hall Dorm Council; S.A.M. Goodwin Silver Spring, Maryland Club. G. Sports. Economics Delta Pi: House Stuart Mexico; of Pledge class, Corresponding Sec.; M O R I A R T Y , Mardi and RETTBERG, Richard POTTER, James Douglas Bethany, Conn. English Literature Pi Council: Council: Public Affairs Vice Greenville, S.C. Dance Production Group: Costume Manager. Panhellenic Panhellenic Transfer from Pledge Betty O'LEARY, Elisabeth Sociology Urban ciety. Vice Presi- Association. PLOTKIN, International Affairs Alexandria, Va. Ellen Park, M d . Shirley, Mass. Falls Church, Va. Margaret Jr. Student ship Chairman; Dance Production; O'HARA, Sigma Alpha M u . RENDELY, Ruth Takoma Secretary; Russian Club; Lutheran Delphi. Transportation Kappa: Second Malverne, N.Y. Homecoming Washington, D.C. Transfer Students Society. Alpha Delta Pi: President, Scholar- Club. Young Republicans; Big Sis. Project; International Students So- President; History Society; School Club; Tassels; Sigma Wellesley, Mass. International Settlement P E T R O V I C H , Susan dent; O ' D O N N E L L , Cynthia Rica Phi: Moline, III. International Affairs International English MORAN, New- Psychology M O N G E , Patricia E. Newman Groups; Washington, D.C. Ec Club: Treasurer. San Jose, Costa Production Club. N O R M A N , Lewis Clark Economics Beta Chairman; N e w m a n ment Art History Dance Kay Who French Club: Vice President; Madi- People: Secretary; Big Sis. M O O D Y , Kathryn IFC Social Chairman; Fresh- Political Science and Literature Board: Asst. Chairman; People-to- Chairman. Editor; Holiday m a n Tennis Team; Who's Pi French Language Woodbridge, Conn. Treasurer, Vice Men; Darien, Conn. Engineers ASME: Spcrts Hanover, Pa. N I Z E N , Susan Representative; Council: Representative; R E D D I N G , Julia Tau Beta Pi: Recording Secretary, Council Chairman, Season Chairman; Yell Leader; Old PERPER, Marianne Representative, Columbian HATCHET: N.Y. Rush Trainer; Student Upper Mark Treasurer, Prisident; Hillel. Vice President, Membership Chair- Engineering HEII International Affairs retary, President; People-to-People: Social Chairman; Strong Hall D o r m Mechanical Follies; Madison Delta Phi Epsilon; Tau Epsilon Phi: Retarded Delphi; Zeta Day P E R L M A N , Michael Rosemary Washington, D.C. Elementary Education Sec- Theta: W. NIGRELI, Theta tion; Ma/ Faye Air ternational Society; Club; Trustee Singer; Civil In Rights Group. ROCCA, Raymond Washington, P. Jr. D.C. Electronic Engineering IEEE. 269 ROGERS, Robert West Palm Beach, Florida Zoology Tau Epsilon Phi: President; Gate and Key; Aesculapian Society. R O S E N T H A L , Donna M. Rochester, N.Y. Sociology Delphi; Sigma Delta Tau: Corresponding Secretary, Historian, Program Chairman; Dorm Council; Inter-Dorm Council; Dorm Council Steering Committee; Big Sis; Career Conference; ISAB; Urban Service Corps. R O T H B A R T , David N e w York, N.Y. Political Science Arnold Air Society; Pershing Rifles: Finance Officer; Alpha Epsilon Pi: Social Chairman; Old M e n ; Student Directory: Ticket Sales; Pre-Law Club. R O W E , Barret L. Neffsville, Pa. Geography Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Secretary, Pledge Trainer, Social Chairman. RUSH, Mary Sharon Frankfort, Ky. History Transfer from University of Md., Munich; Kappa Delta; Big Sis; N e w m a n Club: C H E R R Y TREE. RUSSART, Rudolph Arlington, Va. Economics Order of Scarlet; Gate and Key: Treasurer; Outstanding Fraternity Man; Omicron Delta Kappa; Delta Tau Delta: Vice President, Pledge Trainer, Rush Chairman; Student Council: Vice President, Freshman Director; Old M e n ; Varsity Basketball; Student Council Reorganization Committee; Who's W h o . RYTINA, Elise Baltimore, Maryland Elementary Education Pi Beta Phi: Treasurer; N e w m a n Club; Big Sis; SNEA: Special Projects Chairman. S A F R A N K O , Judi Albany, N. Y. Education Tassels; Delphi; Sigma Delta Tau: Secretary, President; Big Sis; Career Conference; M a y Day Queens and Judges Committee; SNEA; French Club; Model U.N. S A M M I S , Kathy Darien, Conn. Political Science Transfer from Connecticut College; Student Union Board; Strong Hall Council: Treasurer. S A N C H E Z , Leonidas, Jr. Panama, Republic of Panama Business Administration Society for the Advancement of Management; International Students Society. SANDERS, A n n Las Cruces, N e w Mexico Education Pi Beta Phi, Pledge Class President; Canterbury Club; Young Republicans; Big Sis. S A N T A C R O C E , Marc A. N e w York, N.Y. International Affairs Pershing Rifles; Arnold Air Society; A d a m s Hall Dorm Council: Secretary and Cultural Chairman. 270 S A U K A S , J. Alice Cheverly, M d . Business Administration Zeta Tau Alpha: Boosters Chairman, Secretary; Big Sis; Holiday Seasons; Young Republicans; Transfer from Baltimore Junior College. S C H E R A G A , Ronald G. Paterson, N.J. International Politics National Collegiate Players; Order of Scarlet; Phi Sigma Delta: Asst. Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Deltan Reporter, Pledgemaster; Messiah Chorus; Troubadours; Glee Club; HATCHET: Movie and Drama CriticCultural Editor; Old M e n : Treasurer; Dance Production: Publicity Director; W R G W ; University Players: Vice President; Student Council: Asst. M e m b e r at Large; Chairm a n of Activity S h o w for Freshmen; Who's W h o . S C H O E N , Kenneth SCHOFER, Paulette S C H O R E , Jack J. N e w York, N.Y. Sociology Tau Epsilon Pi: Athletic Chairman. S C H W A E B L E , Lyrine Marie Wyckoff, N.J. Medical Technology Delta G a m m a : ISAB, House Chairman, Parliamentarian; Dorm Council: Parliamentarian; Dance Production; Reviewing Board; President: Crawford Hall; University Players. S C H W A R T Z , Daniel Belleville, N.J. Business Administration Tau Epsilon Phi: Vice President, Rush Chairman, Pledge Master, Social Chairman; Intramurals; Interfraternity Council. SCOFIELD, Kristin M . Darien, Conn. American Thought and Civilization Dorm Council: Hancock Hall, Strong Hall: Publicity Chrmn. S C R U D A T O , Michael J. Belleville, N.J. Chi: Intramurals; Old Men: Business Administration; Alpha Kappa Psi; Society for the Advancement of Management; Sigma C H E R R Y TREE: Business Manager: HATCHET: Sports; Judo Club. SCULLEN, Pamela Swansea, Mass. Philosophy Delta Zeta: Treasurer, Scholarship Chairman; Recording Secretary; Philosophy Club: Secretary-Treasurer. SENNETT, Linda Myra Washington, D.C. Elementary Education Tassels: President; Mortar Board: Treasurer; Outstanding Sophomore W o m e n : Outstanding Senior W o man; Who's W h o in American Colleges and Universities; Order of Scarlet: Honorary Member; Phi Sigma Sigma: President of Pledge Class, President; Booster Board Membership Chairman,- Student Activities Asst; Big Sis: Corresponding Secretary, President; Homecoming Court; Student Council: Vice President, Secretary. SENVILLE, Renee Passaic, N e w Jersey French Pi Delta Epsilon; P O T O M A C : Editor in Chief, Business Manager, French Club; Fall Concert: Ticket Committee; C H E R R Y TREE. S H U L M A N , Joel Ira Washington, D.C. Chemistry Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Delta Kappa; Alpha Theta N u ; Phi Eta Sigma, Order of Scarlet; Alpha Chi Sigma Freshman Chemistry Award; Phi Sigma Delta; Interfraternity Council: President, Vice President, Social Chairman; Committee on Student Life; Old Men. S H U L M A N , Merna Barbara Washington, D.C. Sociology Big Sis; French Club; Hillel: Chairman. SILVERMAN, Irma Norfolk, Va. Sociology SILVERMAN, Marilyn Norfolk, Va. Accounting SILVERMAN, Paula Smith Greenbelt, M d . Elementary Education Alpha Epsilon Phi: Historian: Fall Concert; Spring Concert. SIMES, Margaret Anne N e w York, N.Y. English Literature Alpha Lambda Delta: Treasurer, President, Senior Advisor; Chi O m e g a : Asst. Pledge Trainer, Asst. Rush Chairman, Asst. Panhel Delegate; President; Homecoming: Alumni Chairman; C H E R R Y TREE; Co-Editor of Looking Back; Big Sis; Junior Advisor; Liberal Education Action Project. SIMPSON, Helen Carol Falls Church, Va. French and Education Alpha G a m m a Delta: Editor; Transfer from Madison College; SNEA; HATCHET; French Club. SINGER, A. Robert Silver Spring, M d . Political Science Alpha Theta Nu; Tau Epsilon Phi. SINGER, Danny St. Louis, M o . International Affairs Varsity Tennis. SKINNER, Teresa S. Washington, D.C. Elementary Education Pi Beta Phi: Scholarship Chairman; SNEA; Transfer from Purdue University. SLAYDEN, Billie Carolyn Washington, D.C. French Language and Literature Delphi; Kappa Alpha Theta: Social Chairman, Marshal, Rush Chairman; French Club; Candidate for Homecoming Queen; Booster Board: Secretary; Big Sis; Student Council Publicity Committee; Dance Production Group. SMITH, Nancy Hickory Corners, Michigan Anrhropo/ogy Delta G a m m a : Social Chairman, Rituals Chairman, Second Vice President; D o r m Council: Secretary; Big Sis; M e c h Miss; Dean's List; Fall Concert: Ticket Chrmn; Spring Concert: Publicity Chairman. SMITH, Veronica Washington, D.C. Art. S M O T R I C H , Barbara Silver Spring, Maryland Political Science Transfer Student. S N O W , William E„ Jr. Casilla, La Paz, Bolivia International Affairs Sigma Delta Pi: Treasurer; Delta Phi Epsilon: Secretary; Arnold Air Society; Sigma Chi: Scholarship Chairman, Secretary; Russian Club; HATCHET: Art Editor; CHERRY TREE; Booster Board; People to People. S O L O M A N , Maxine Silver Spring, M d . Medical Technology Alpha Lambda Delta, Freshman Chemistry Book Award; Alpha Theta Nu; Hillel: Social Chairman; Book Exchange; Spanish Club. S O M M E R , Carolyn Elizabeth Seattle, Washington Political Science Young Democrats: Treasurer; Strong Hall Council; International Students Society. SPIEGEL, Barry M . Brooklyn, N.Y. History Alpha Epsilon Pi: Pledge Secretary, Secretary; Fall Concert: Chairman; Old M e n ; Spring Concert: Sub-Chairman; Young Democrats; H A T C H E T ; Intramurals. SPRINGER, Jeffrey B. Silver Spring, M d . History Alpha Theta N u ; Phi Sigma Delta: Treasurer; Old M e n ; HATCHET. SPRAGUE, Susan Seattle, Washington Education; English Pi Lambda Theta; Alpha Theta Nu; N e w m a n Club; SNEA. STANEK, Jeanne Marie Westmont, N.J. Political Science Young Democrats: Secretary. S T A N E K E N A S , Raymond Washington, D.C. Electrical Engineering IEEE. STANLEY, Robert A. St. Mary's, West Virginia French French Club. S T A R Z A N , Carol Ann Berwick, Pa. Russian Tassels; Kappa Delta: President, Membership Chairman, Social Chairman; C H E R R Y TREE; Delphi: Counseling Chairman; Dorm Council; Big Sis; Junior Advisor; Panhellenic Council: Penalties Committee; Russian Club: Secretary. STEINBERG, Nancy M . South Orange, N.J. Art Education Phi Sigma Sigma: Social Chairman, Panhel Delegate, Co-Rush Chairman; Homecoming Queen; C H E R R Y TREE Queen; HATCHET; Homecoming: Publicity Committee; Colonial Cruise; Student Directory. STERN, Edward Allen Kensington, M d . Economics P O T O M A C : Prose Staff; Hillel: Presi' .t, Program Chairman; Religious Council. STOREY, Linda Darlene Washington, D.C. Journalism Mortar Board: Historian; Pi Delta Epsilon: Secretary; Tassels; Who's W h o in American Colleges and Universities; Alpha Theta Nu; Zeta Tau Alpha: Historian; HATCHET: Board of Editors; Homecoming: Float Parade Chairman; Big Sis; Young Republicans, Publications Committee; Who's Who. SVEHIOVA, Michaela H. Glen Burnie, Md. Russian Tassels; Russian Club: President; German Club: Treasurer; Junior Advisor; W.A.A.; Dorm CouncilInternational Students Society. SWART, Randolph A. Altadena, Calif. International Affairs. SZOSTAK, Diane Jane Monticello, N.Y.' Political Science Homecoming Queen Finalist; Zeta Tau Alpha: Pledge Secretary; Historian, Recording Secretary, Asst. Rush Chairman, Social Chairman; N e w m a n Club: Social Chairman; French Club; Homecoming Float Committee; Junior Advisor, Big Sis; HATCHET. TARAGIN, Morton F. Washington, D.C. Physics Phi Eta Sigma; Sigma Beta Pi; Hillel. Tau; Tau TARULIS, Vytas Albert Washington, D.C. Electrical Engineering Sigma Tau; Gate and Key; Order of Scarlet; Omicron Beta; Sigma Chi: Intramural Chairman, Rush Chairman, IFC Delegate; Student Council: Publicity Director; Interfraternity Council: Social Chairman; HATCHET: Senior Staff; Engineers Council; Holiday Season; Who's Who. TAYLOR, Joan C. York, Pennsylvania Economics Delphi; Kappa Alpha Theta: President, Social Chairman, Archivist, Asst. Rush Chairman, Asst. Corresponding Secretary; Big Sis; Strong Hall Dorm Council; Phi Sigma Kappa Moonlight Girl. TAYLOR, Phillip A. Ashland, Kentucky International Affairs Alpha Theta Nu; Gate and Key; Sigma Nu: Secretary, Treasurer, President; Interfraternity Council: Treasurer, Vice President. TESTA, Virginia Teaneck, N.J. American Thought and Civilization Pi Beta Phi: Program Chairman. TETER, Paul R. Brooklyn, N.Y. Civil Engineering Sigma Chi: Intramural Chairman; Old Men: Judo Club. THOM, Mary Conway Washington, D.C. Elementary Education Alpha Theta Nu; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tassels, Outstanding Freshman W o m a n ; Delphi; Delta Gamma: Scholarship Chairman, Treasurer, First Vice President; Messiah Chorus; Homecoming MusicalBooster Board: Treasurer; Homecoming: Queen's Chairman; Big Sis; G W Rep. to "Brides' Magazine"; Fall Concert Committee; Orphan's Committee. TIMMINS, Merrily S. Arlington, Va. TODD, Jon Pressley San Marino, Calif. International Affairs Phi Delta Epsilon; Pershing Rifles; Arnold Air Society; International Students Society; Student Planning Commission; Adams Hall Dorm Council. TRIPP, Roger C. McLean, Va. Business Administration Society for the Advancement of Management: Vice President, Comptroller. TUCKER, John W . Bowie, Md. Zoology Alpha Theta Nu; Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Recorder, Correspondent, Asst. Pledge Trainer, Scholarship Chairman; CHERRY TREE; Sports Editor. URKEN, Susan Jane Trenton, N.J. Elementary Education Hillel; Young Democrats; Urban Service Corps; Fall Concert; Spring Concert. VADEN, Carole Anne Camp Springs, Md. Psychology Psi Chi; HATCHET: Cartoonist; Alpha Theta Nu: Secretary, Treasurer; Tassels; Swimming Team. VAWTER, Robert Roy, Jr. Clearwater, Fla. Political Science Alpha Theta Nu; Sigma Nu; Interfraternity Council. VOCK, Annette B. West Orange, N.J. French Zeta Tau Alpha: Corresponding Secretary; Dorm Council: Publicity Chairman; French Club. VOGEL, Georganne Klee N e w York, N.Y. Political Science Young Republicans. WALKER, Carroll (Chip) Norfolk, Va. Sociology Kappa Alpha Theta; Pledge Activities Chairman, Activities Chairman, ISAB Delegate; ISAB: Secretary; Big Sis. WACHTER, James K. Alexandria, Va. Political Science Tau Kappa Alpha; Sigma Chi: Secretary; Liberal Education Action Project. W A L T O N , Ann P. Fort Braff, N.C. Art Delta Gamma: Activities Chairman; Cheerleader; Big Sis; Modern Dance Club. W A R D , George F., Jr. Alexandria, Va. Public Affairs ROTC: B Flight Commander, Commander; Arnold Air Society. WARNER, David R. Jr. Washington, D.C. Political Science Lutheran Students Association; President; Religious Council: Treasurer. WATKINS, Mary Elizabeth Shaker Heights, Ohio Geography Transfer from Beloit College and University of Urenna. WEBSTER, Nan East Williston, N.Y. Education Delphi; Phi Beta Phi: Vice President, Pledge Trainer; Panhellenic Council: Secretary, Vice President, President; Big Sis; Junior Advisor; SNEA; Student Life Committee; Who's Who. WEISBLUT, Janet Merle Washington, D.C. Speech Therapy Mortar Board: Vice President; Sigma Alpha Eta; Delphi; Phi Sigma Sigma: Vice President, Corresponding Secretary; Fall Book Exchange: Chairman; Tassels; Hillel; Career Conference: Publicity Co-Chrmn.; Fall Concert: Tickets Sub-Chairman; Big Sis; Student Union Board; Dean's List; Intersorority Forensics; Student Council Cert. of Appreciation; Who's Who. WELCH, Ernest E. Landover, Md. History WELLS, Evangeline Stuart Hyattsville, Md. Biology Alpha Theta Nu; Tassels,- Mortar Board: Secretary; Big Sis; All-U Follies: Second Place; "Bye Bye Birdie"; Dance Production; Messiah Chorus: "Brigadoon"; University Glee Club; Troubadours; Who's Who. WENDER, Marilyn Rockville Centre, N.Y. Speech Therapy Mortar Board: Secretary; Sigma Alpha Eta; Delphi: Secretary; Alpha Epsilon Phi: Social .Chairman, Scholarship Chairman, Ritualist; Big Sis Board: Social Chairman; ISAB Tournament Chairman; Who's Who. W E N K , Roxane, Chicago, III. Chicago, III. Public Affairs Transfer Student from University of Missouri; Alpha Epsilon Phi: House Manager, Activities Chairman; Tennis Club; Urban Service Corps; Hall Representative: Dorm Council. WESLEY, Richard Kenneth Washington, D.C. Pre-Medical N e w m a n Club; Pre-Med Club. WISHNER, Sandra Alice Washington, D.C. Secondary Education Spanish Mortar Board; Tassels & Senior Tassels; Alpha Theta Nu; Pi Lambda Theta; Sigma Delta Pi: Secretary; Scholarship Holder,- Student Council: School of Education Rep.,Chairman: Faculty Student Liaison Committee; Faculty Student Night: Chairman; B'Nai B'rith: Vice President, Secretary, Program Chairman; Mr. Apollo Contest: Chairman,- HATCHET; Career Conference: Publicity; International Students Society; People to People; Book Exchange; Dean's List; Orientation Evaluation Committee; Topnotcrier; Parent's Weekend Comm. Who's Who. W O H L , Ronald Harvey Chevy Chase, Maryland Anfhropo/ogy Tau Epsilon Phi: Chaplain, Historian, Member at Large, Athletic Chairman, Scholastic Chairman, Public Relations Chairman; Hillel: President, Vice President; Anthropology Club: Founder, President. WOLCOTT, Craig Borden Red Bank, N.J. Psychology Dorm Council: Calhoun Hall; Transfer Student. WOLF, Jane Susan Bethesda, Md. Political Science Tassels; Sigma Delta Tau: Second Vice President, First Vice President, Pledge Trainer, Program Chairman; CHERRY TREE: Administration Editor; Hillel; Spanish Club; Young Democrats; Big Sis; Holiday Season; "Bells are Ringing". W O O D , Mary L. Atlanta, Ga. History Dance Production Group. YAVNER, Joyce Tamara Norfolk, Va. Elementary Ed. Phi Sigma Sigma; SNEA. ZALAR, Gregory L. Washington, D.C. Chemistry Gate and Key; Pre-Med Society; Phi Sigma Kappa: Vice President, Secretary, Sentinel. ZAUBER, Barbara J, Deal, N.J. Sociology Phi Sigma Sigma; Transfer from Pine Manor Jr. College; Big Sis; Spanish Club; Fall Concert: Tickets; Career Conference. ZELL, Q. Thomas Carlisle, Pa. Psychology Sigma Nu: Reporter, Rush Chairman, Athletic Chairman, G. W . Crew. ZIEGENHEIN, Patti Jane Kensington, Connecticut English Literature Kappa Alpha Theta: Archivist. ZIEGLER, Dorothy North Flourtown, Penna Psychology 271 * Students at the Supreme Court Building 272 rrn rrrr r7rr~F rrrr/ r rrrrrrr/Tr-. r rr F~ T T r> "F rrr r/r FF~F FA r /r r"i~ F r r V r /rrrrrr. • rrrrrr^rrr. T/FFrrrrr rrFyrrrrvrr o^. ^FFFFFFFTF Frrrrrr :FF ^ - r-"j-r. i i i r i- •; ~/~F_rrrr~Trr~ri—vr FFFr^ 'FE rr-rrrp rr ^ ~",T rrn r^^rir^FFr-Frrrrrrr rr ~FV r !PIX r ,. PrFFFrrr !*& rr FF~FrFr - m ~r~i rrrr i FI 1 rrr T\-"rn T> i n r i-^FFF'F ri rr rF prPFF, — r rr EFtS •r?* - [S!> rPFrC TTF TFT^F r r F F F r - A •r< /> r-rF. FFrA EEL ^_ y- "REI F F F ... \. |... | IF! |ppp-r— o F ., WW • I, r 1- HL- 1 - -p-p-p- 4> / 7 l ... / "^7 F F FF F F 1111 rI II I • Mill III* sI fr I —> I ) )/-v ' r, ape i .,1' il, SS///.Y07YJ.Y in Inr 1) IKI rt< \ <>l ( olit ni!)ia r^ /.,//////.,//>-// <•/., //// /// / ///r/ /// /// Serf/ '/ ///f ffftrtlttifftit F\ 1 1/^ ">< J-.F, 7 / FF/F ~F r>w - | — t — Fr Or .\>H'J13C.\ TFFF^ /.,- /„,,/,„/ '/'" v FFrFFFFrFFrrr-. ,„*,//,. 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