May 2016 (file size: 2.6 MB)


May 2016 (file size: 2.6 MB)
June 22-26, 2016
VIP Tickets
$75 per person
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
Potentate’s Pre-Ball 2016
Celebrate The Journey
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
From the desk of the Potentate
Hello Nobles, Ladies, family & friends & Happy Spring!! This year is flying
by and I just want to tell you all how blessed I feel to be serving as your
Potentate. We’ve had a lot of great things going on and lots more to come!
I’d like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single person
who had a hand in helping at the Pre-Ball celebration & the Potentate’s Ball.
The Pre-Ball was more fun than I could have hoped for. From the hospitality
rooms, the fantastic food, my very own Saloon & all of you, it was a party
I will not soon forget. Also, during the Pre-Ball celebration between the
Hillbilly Clan and the Potentate’s Hospitality Room we were able to raise
$1400 for the new Hospital Staff Building fund! THANK YOU ALL! During
the Potentate’s Ball I was able to surprise my beautiful wife, Ginny with an
unexpected proposal to renew our wedding vows. We are so blessed to have
gotten to share that moment with our family, friends, fellow Shriners and
their Ladies. Thank you all for Celebrating the Journey with us!
Little kids and big kids alike had a great time at the kids Easter Party. Thank you to everyone who helped
out in one way or another. Big thanks to Ann Garrett for organizing this fantastic event & getting the
Easter Bunny to make an appearance!
It’s hard to believe that we’re already preparing for the 2016 Hadi Shrine Circus! The Ad Kick-off was held
on April 2nd, I’m sorry I missed it! There was a great turn out from the UCO’s & everyone enjoyed the
breakfast buffet and drinks! Guys, selling ads is very important to the success of the circus, so go out there
and sell...sell...sell!
Coming up on May 7th we have the Spring Ceremonial; I’d love to have a record breaking year adding
new Nobles. I ask each Noble; have you replaced yourself yet this year? Talk to your friends, family or
someone you work with; ask them “Would you like to be a Shriner?” Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.
Our membership team has also been hard at work contacting former members and encouraging them to
take advantage of the Amnesty program we have in place. Don’t forget about our Facebook Page, we’re up
to almost 900 likes, I’d like to thank those who are following our activities! Please continue to share our
page with your friends! We offer lots of great information on our Shrine Hospitals along with information
on upcoming events, and lots of pictures.
I encourage each of you to come down to the Shrine and participate in events that are coming up: Cinco
De Mayo on May 5th - the buffet opens at 5:30 with drink specials all night long, that would be a great
opportunity to bring some friends down for a fun evening. May 6th is our 1st Friday Prime Rib Buffet,
also a wonderful opportunity to come down to the Shrine and spend an evening with fellow Brothers and
their Ladies at the Red Fez Restaurant.
Yours in faith,
Illustrious Sir Danny Schuler
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
2016 Hadi Divan Officers
Illustrious Sir Danny Schuler Potentate
Issued once a month by USPS or Email
and Online @
Officially Published under the Auspices
Hadi Shriners • Desert of Indiana
Oasis of Evansville Office of Publications:
Hadi Shriners • 6 Walnut Street
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1 • Evansville, IN 47701
Phone: 812-423-4285 Ext. 205 • Fax: 812-421-4477
Editor: Kenny Cooper, Recorder
Mike Stader, Chief Rabban
Mike Taylor, Assistant Rabban
Rod McDonald, High Priest & Prophet
Steve Hawes, Oriental Guide
John Hudson PP, Treasurer
Kenny Cooper PP, Recorder
Dan Brown, 1st Ceremonial Master
John Nelson, 2nd Ceremonial Master
Mark Shaw, Captain of the Guard
Dale Thomas, Outer Guard
Rick Hubbard, Director
Andy Stewart, Marshal
Bob Sheets PP, Chaplain Emeritus
Ralph Pigman, Assistant Chaplain
Stated Meeting Notice
July 26, 2016
Hadi Nobles in Nursing Homes
Bob Bogan, P.P. * Good Samaritan
Wallace Schaaf • Scenic Hills
Ray Walker • Heritage
Don Deshaney • West River
Richard Schnakenburg • West River
Owen Vessell Willow Park
Dan Frick • Solarbron
Robert Harris • Amber Manor
Robert Fromm • Oakview Heights
Bill Musgrave • Hamilton Pointe
Alan “Boomer” Garnett • Atria
William Duvall • Newburgh Healthcare
Robert Murnahan • Hamilton Pointe
David Stewart • Amber Manor
Donald Sanders • Parkview Nursing Home
Notice is hereby given that the stated meeting of Hadi Shriners
will be held at the Hadi Temple on Tuesday July 26, 2016
at 7:00 PM for the purpose of transacting such business as may
regularly come before the meeting.
Your attention is called to Section 3.1
of Hadi Shriners By-Laws.
A Stated Meeting shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in April,
the fourth Tuesday in July, the fourth Tuesday in October and
the third Tuesday in December at 7:00 PM.
The exact hour of all other
meetings, including the annual meeting shall be
designated by the Potentate.
Hadi Black Camel
Dedicated to the Memory of Nobles
Dan Schuler, Potentate
Kenny Cooper, Recorder
Year Start
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
Vidalia Onions
Don’t forget
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
Drum & Bugle Corps
Greetings form the Hadi Drum & Bugle
Corps! The Spring season is upon us and
that means parade season. In fact, the first
parade of the season will be held on Saturday, May th as part of the Spring Ceremonial. If you need anything for your
uniform, instrument or drum make sure
you see Mike Holman before this date. It
is important that we have a good turnout
for the first parade of the year.
Vidalia onions are either here or fast approaching, so lets secure those orders for
these great onions! Let’s all work together
to make this a successful fund-raiser.
The Drum & Bugle Corps would like to
welcome all new Nobles to Hadi Shrine
and extended to one and all a warm welcome to join this great unit. You do not
have to have any musical talent, just desire
to have a good time and meet some great
fellow Shriners.
Past Masters
A group of D&B members attend the
kick-off breakfast signaling the beginning
of the selling of Circus ads. After a great
breakfast they are now ready to sell a large
number of ads for this years circus.
Ladies Night was held on April 16th, and
a great time was had by a large number of
D&B members, their ladies and friends.
This is always a highlight of our year and
we thank all who had a part in putting on
a great evening.
Please sign up to participate in the “Paper
Crusade” which will be held on May 21st.
This is a great way we can educate the public about our Shrine Hospitals.
Make a note that our Stated Meeting for
the month will be held on May 13th. Hope
to see everyone there! Hope to do this
again next month and bring you the past
& future happenings of your Hadi D&B.
After what seems to be a long wait, the
month has finally arrived for our PAST
MASTERS CLUB Ladies Night! This will
be held on May 19th at 6:00 p.m. at the Log
Inn. This will be an evening of great food
and fellowship; so get your favorite lady
and join us for this fun evening!
We know there are some Past Masters who
are Shriners who have not yet joined us ans
we sure wish you would. We are sure you
will enjoy the fellowship as we meet four
times in a calendar year.
All members and
potential members
will receive a letter
at the beginning
of May with all of
the information on
how to get your reservations in for this great get together.
Oriental Band
Spring greetings to all from the members
and their families of Hadi Shriner Oriental Band; as I believe Spring has finally
section, so guys please make every effort to
attend so we can have a good turnout as it’s
here the new Nobles get to see what being
an Oriental Bandsman is all about.
Nobles, our annual Spring Breakfast is behind us now and once again my thanks to
all who helped in one way or another putting together another good outing. Many
thanks to V.P. Keith Schnepper and his
cooking crew to ensure that everyone had
plenty to eat and didn’t go away hungry. It
was good that we all could get together for
a few hours to renew old friendships and
make new ones.
Hey, Hey! Many thanks to V.P. Keith
Schnepper his Lady Kelly and those who
helped put together our OB Ladies Night.
Thank you Nobles for your support as I’m
sure everyone had a good time.
Those wild and crazy Nomads are getting
geared up for the parade season, Spring
Ceremonial and our annual OB Jamboree coming up the first weekend of June
in flint, Michigan. Practices are being held
every Tuesday evening at 7 sharp in order
to get us ready for the tough competition
ahead. Those of you who plan to attend the
Jamboree need to attend practice so we can
get your information, such as roommate,
playing golf and what day you plan on
leaving. Hopefully we’ll have our Jamboree
information by our June business meeting.
Guys, Spring ceremonial is May 7th and
once again we’ll be performing in the first
Our Oasis is slowly taking shape thanks to
some of our hard working members. Those
who haven’t, come on down and give us a
hand it’d be much appreciated. Get active,
get involved and remind yourself why you
became a Shriner. The OB is the place to
Wear your Fez with pride, remember the
children and may your camp be blessed.
Hey guys, it’s that time of year again for
our annual onion sales so let’s all make this
a very productive fund-raiser and remember it’s a great way to support your unit and
Hadi Shrine.
Nobles, Circus ads have started and Chairman Randy Eades is asking for our support
to make this a profitable year and push
sales to an all-time high!
Guys, many thanks to all who paid for
their 2016 dues as we had a 90% response
from our members. Thank you to all our
members for your continued support, it is
much appreciated!
Please remember our families and Nobles
with health issues, pray that they receive
Divine blessings for a quick and full recovery.
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
Honored Ladies
Hospital Staff
Did you know the Hospital Staff has
members from all Hadi Shrine UCO’s?
Membership is important as this is where
our dedicated drivers, that transport our
Shrine Kids to and from the various hospitals come from. While bowling in the
Shrine Bowling League a fellow Brother,
Bud Sheritz, gave me a suggestion I felt
very worthy, so I decided to incorporate
his suggestion starting with this article.
We will call these stories “From a Driver’s
View” and will consist of a Hospital Staff
Driver’s most memorable experience making a trip transporting a patient. This will
be written by the drivers and will rotate
from month to month and different driver’s point of view.
If you missed the Potentate’s Ball, you
missed a great party! From the dinner &
band to the surprise wedding ceremony. Thank you Illustrious Sir for a super
time! Kudos this month are to the Hillbilly Clan #52 who held a Hillbilly Clan
Degree during the Friday night festivities
of the Ball. The Hospital Staff Building
Fund was presented a check for $1400.
This amount included $1000 from the
Hillbilly Clan #52 and $400 from auction
items. The Hospital Staff appreciates all
the donations given from all individuals &
From a Driver’s View
We always drive in teams of two Hospital
Staff drivers. We started out at 7:00 am
our child had an appointment at 12 for
surgery. We usually stop at Mt. Vernon,
IL to change drivers and give the family a bathroom break. We arrived at the
hospital at 10:30 am & had the patient’s
family eat at the hospital while their son
was prepped for surgery to remove a rod
from his leg.
The surgeon was delayed until 2:30 pm
due to high water and the patient who was
supposed to be operated on ahead of our
patient was running late. They operated on
our patient at 2:30 pm took him to recovery at 3:30 pm.
We took the mother to children’s hospital
to get a prescription filled, this took and
hour and a half. We returned back to the
hospital and he was released from recovery
at 7:00 pm and they decided to keep the
Hospital Staff Building Fund!
Let’s all get into the Circus mode by
selling Circus Ads; the kick-off was April
Thanks for all of the support you gave for
the annual Guns & Hoses. It was nice
to see all yellow in our section. As you
know, our support to the Guns & Hoses
is always in kind with a donation to the
Transportation Fund.
Don’t forget Spring Ceremonial is May
7th. The Paper Crusade is scheduled for
May 21st. The Hospital staff Screening
Clinic is May 21st from 9am to 12 pm.
We will have a Physician to access our
patients and this is a call to ALL Shriners
to help your community in spreading the
word that your Shrine helps kids with
orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord
injuries and cleft lip and palate. Keep in
mind your Shriners Hospitals do this
treatment regardless of the family’s ability
to pay. All care and services are delivered
in a family centered environment.
Number of Trips - 47
Number of Patients - 52
St. Louis, we asked the mother if she needed anything for her overnight stay at the
hospital. She said she had prepared for it
just in case and thanked us for helping her
during the surgery. We took her and the
Grandmother to the hospital cafe’ and paid
for their meals.
We started our trip home without our patient and got back to the Temple at 10:30
pm. The patient was released the next day
and another driving team was dispatched
to pick him up.
There really is nothing like the experience for one Shrine Kid to
another, than
By: Ralph A. Pigman
Once again I’m playing catch up! The
hostesses for January were Joyce Freeman and Jerry Brenner.
We welcomed our new Divan Representative
Rick Hubbard, the new Potentate Dan
Schuler and a new member Della Kokomoor. Della won the Half Pot and
Gail Hawkins won the free lunch.
Denise Brenner celebrated a birthday.
Our February meeting was cancelled
due to bad weather so we missed celebrating Juanita Broughman’s 95th
birthday. Hostesses for March were
Jean Rickard and Denise Brenner. We
celebrated Joan Graham’s 90th birthday. New officers were elected and installed: President- Nancy Clem, Vice
President- Gail Hawkins and Treasurer- Linda Young. A Memorial Service was held for Mary Bihm. Other
February birthdays were Mary Lou
Felker and Nancy Clem. March birthdays were Joyce Freeman, Carol Higgs
and Linda Young. The April hostess
and auctioneer was Nancy Markham.
A new member Yolanda Sowders attended. Jean Rickard won the Half
Pot and Shirley Hicks won the free
lunch. A letter and pictures from our
retired Divan Representative Past Potentate Phil Smith and Lady Charlotta were shared with the group. Nancy
Markham celebrated her birthday. The
White Elephant Auction was a success
making $216. Hostesses for May are
Liz Gentry and Mary Lou Felker. The
date is May 16. If it has been awhile
since we’ve seen you at Honored Ladies, please say yes when contacted
by the calling committee for the May
We would like to invite any eligible
lady (widow of a Shriner who a member in good standing at the time of his
death) to join us for an afternoon of
food, fun, fellowship and friendship. If
you are not on the list contacted by the
calling committee, reservations may be
made by calling our Treasurer, Linda
Young at 812-483-6911 no later than
the Tuesday before the meeting the
3rd Monday of each month.
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
Hadi Color Guard Arab Patrol
Greetings Nobles, I hope everyone is
doing well. The Color Guard enjoyed
the honor of posting Colors for Illustrious Sir Dan Schuler at the Potentate’s Ball. It was a very memorable
night for all present. Congratulations
to Illustrious Sir Dan and his officers,
good luck in the up coming year.
Circus ads kick off on April 2nd. Let’s
sell those ads. Every little bit helps.
May 7th is the Spring Ceremonial. It is
not too late to reach out to a brother to
join. We are looking forward to seeing
all the new Nobles take that great step
that we all have.
Greetings fellow Patrolmen!
Lots of events coming up and I hope you are reading your Hot Sands. Onion sales, Ceremonial, Paper Crusade, Button Kick-Off for Shrinersfest,
just to name a few.
Looking forward to your attendance at the meetings on the first Friday
at 7:30 pm. Don’t forget that we will fill your belly’s with some fine food
before the meeting.
As always, keep our
members, who can’t
attend, in your prayers
and say a couple for our
men and women in the
Armed Forces.
Russell Redmon
Don’t forget May 21st is the screening
clinic at the Temple.
At our last meeting we had a visitor
by the name of Lynn Angermeir. Let
me say this, HE is the Most Interesting Man in the Color Guard. Brother
Lynn shared some stories of past parades and of his time in Color Guard.
It was a good to see everyone laughing
with our Past Captains and Lynn. Our
meeting lasted a half hour longer but
it was a memorable time for of us. I
believe their stories had a lasting impression on the newer members to see
the bonds made by our more experienced members. Hopefully we can follow their lead to spread the cement of
brotherly love and affection. Join us on
The Color Guard meets the 1st Friday of every month at 7:00 pm. Come
down to the Temple early to enjoy the
Red Fez.
Fraternally; Mike Cravener, Sergeant
Hadi Color Guard.
May 2016
Brass Band Notes
Musicians who can read music and play
any of the following instruments: clarinet,
saxophone, F horn, trombone, tuba, baritone, trumpet or percussion.
We invite you to come check out the Brass
Band on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m.. The
only thing
you need
the Brass
Band is the
desire to
make music; there
are no try outs and we will even do our
best to locate an instrument for you if you
don’t already have one. Are you already in
another Hadi UCO? No problem! You can
belong to more than one; all of our gigs are
on Monday nights with the exception of
the Spring and Fall Ceremonials and parades.
Gibson County
Hello to everyone from the Gibson County Shrine Club! Wednesday, April 13th we
had our monthly meeting at the American Legion in Princeton, a great time was
had by all! Big thanks to Bill Shoulders for
doing a great job auctioning off all of the
White Elephant gifts!
The Beer, Wine and cheese tasting event
was a success and everyone who attended
had a wonderful time!
The Spring Ceremonial is coming up on
May 7th; please come down to the Temple
and support our new Nobles. Please think
of our members who cannot be with us,
and if anyone knows of someone who need
looked in on; please let Ward Keyer or one
of the other Gibson County officers know.
If you know a Mason who would be a good
addition Hadi Shriners and the Brass Band
have them come join us! If you need any
further information, please contact any
of Officers: Ron Higgs 812-985-5167, Jim
Bauermeister 812-774-1195, John Sakel
812-303-9227, Art Midle 812-760-4349.
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
Legion of Honor
Greetings from Hadi Legion of Honor!
With the passing of April, the year 2016
is 1/3 of the way past. By now the trees
all have a fresh new coat of bright green
leaves, the various spring varieties of flowers and shrubs are blooming, and Southern Indiana is vibrant with a blend of colors that appeals to the eye.
Hello Nobles! As usual, the year is off to a
fast start. Many of the Funsters attended
the Potentates Ball and had a great time.
Thanks to Illustrious Sir Dan Schuler, Lady
Ginny and the entire committee for putting on a wonderful ball.
Spring Ceremonial is almost here, so now
is the time to encourage some Master Mason to become a Shriner. Just imagine how
great it would be if each one of us could
bring in one new member to the Shrine.
The 41st Great Lakes Shrine Association
Legion of Honor Convention to be hosted
by Hadi LOH is progressing at a very nice
pace. The event will take place at the Holiday Inn North by the airport in Evansville
during the dates of August 10-14, 2016.
We invite all Shriners who are veteran service men to join our unit. We meet the 4th
Monday monthly at Hadi Shrine. We eat
with our ladies in the Red Fez room and
then the men adjourn to the third floor for
our meeting at 7:00 P. M. Remember, it is
an honor to be a member of the Legion of
May 2016
parade season, Ceremonial, Shriners
Fest, and more.
Greg “Fireplug” Wilhite
We had several Funsters attend this year’s
GLSCUA spring convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. Once again, the Funsters were
well represented in the competition. Dan
“Spanky” Brown placed 1st in Happy
Hobo, Chad “Slugo” Denton placed 2nd in
White Face, John “Demo” Nelson placed
3rd in Happy Hobo and Lon “Cactus”
Burke placed 2nd in Character. Congratulations to all participating Funsters and
thanks for representing Hadi so well!
A big “Thanks” to all the nobility, friends,
co-workers and others who purchased the
peeler cards we recently sold as a fund
raiser. Funsters continue to be active in
the community. Spring carnivals at local
schools are starting along with many other events. If you have an organization that
would like the Funsters be sure to contact
our Director as soon as possible. Funsters
are looking forward to the upcoming pa-
HADI Shrine Yacht Club Noble William (Bill) Davis Elected
Fleet Captain of IASYC
The International Association of Shrine Yacht Clubs (IASYC), which was officially recognized by the Board of Directors of the International Council in April of
1973, represents, among its affiliated Shrine Temple Yacht Clubs, ambassadors of
good will among the boating community.
In February of 2016, the IASYC held its annual mid-winter meeting in New
Orleans, Louisiana. Attendees were Nobles, their Ladies and friends from Clubs
internationally. During the Bridge Meeting, Noble Bill Davis was elected Fleet
Captain of the IASYC for 2016-2017. The International Fleet Captain shall assist
the Commodore in the discharge of the duties and the conduct of the affairs of
the Association. The primary responsibility of the Fleet Captain, is to promote
fully the interest and development of the IASYC as relates to the recruiting of
membership, both individual members as well as assisting in the organization
and formation of Shrine Yacht Clubs within
the outline of the IASYC. His duties involve
contacts and correspondence with Ambassadors and Port Captains in the pursuance
of an ongoing membership development
For more information on IASYC give Noble
BILL a call at 1-812-449-4637 or email
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
Motor Corps
Motor Corps first black coal event will
be May 1 at Interlake. Guys, mark this on
your calendars. This is a great time to get
to know and to fellowship with your fellow brothers. Along with the fellowship,
we have a wonderful time raising funds
for our unit.
Our first Ceremonial is coming up in May.
Come on out and support YOUR Motor
Corps. This is a perfect time to meet new
nobles and invite them to our newly remodeled room. Petitions will be available
in our room. Come on out and enjoy the
food and fellowship. There is, as always a
parade, so if you have a vehicle…..SHINE
Don’t forget the Motor Corps meetings
are always on the fourth Friday of the
month at 7:00pm. Come out early to the
Red Fez for food and fellowship prior to
the meeting. Bring your ladies with you,
as the Motor Belles meet at the same time
as Motor Corps. Hope to see you all there
and always remember to be safe.
Hadi Mariners
May 2016
Greetings from your
Hadi Highlanders!
The Highlanders are continuing our
preparation for this year’s Tartan Ball.
We’ve worked out a new venue, which
should have the capacity to hold our
largest event to date. We’ll keep everyone updated as the date & plan develops.
The Highlanders continue to have
large turn outs to our weekly practices, and are very pleased with the progress of our newer members. A special
thanks to all of our seasoned pipers &
drummers who are assisting our newer
members with mastering the fine art of
the pipe band!
In closing, we’d like to send our deepest condolences to the family & friends
of our brother Tom Denton. Tom was
a beloved Highlander, and outstanding
member of our organization. He will
be missed, but never forgotten.
Please stop by any Wednesday night at
7:00 for a wee dram with the group!
Tie down the hatch, throw out the anchor and be prepared for the
ride of your life. Several items have been discussed with the bridge,
among them are planning more activities with the Mariners Club
camp this year. The mariners have put together a special flyer explaining Mariners Club camp and SS Mariner Float rentals. The flyers can be picked up at the Hadi office or contact any bridge member
for flyer handouts or E-mail, Also check
out are new for more information on
camp rental. There have been many exciting plans focused for 2016.
We would like to invite as many members as possible to be part of
making them a reality.
Attendance was great at are last meeting. A big welcome aboard goes
to new members Mike Zeller (zip) and his Lady Angela. Mike came
aboard at the February meeting. Also the March meeting welcomed
new member Jeff Raben and his Lady Lisa. Chris Rothschild will join the Mariners Club at the April meeting. As you can see
the Mariners are moving forward.
Fun, Fun, Fun --- Nobles, Brothers and Friends were overlooking the river, what more can we say about steak night ! April
20th was are annual Mariners Club steak night event. A tip of the fez goes to the Mariners Master Cook, Mike Taylor. Mike as
always did a great job at the grill. Also a tip of the fez goes to are Divan Rep. Dale Thomas, Thank you for your support Dale.
Remember the mariners meet the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month at 6:00pm, meeting at 7:00 at the Mariners Club
overlooking the Ohio River. We will have a seat reserved for you at are next wave of Fun, our monthly meeting. Remember
the best ship is Friendship when spent with friends.
Vice Commodore, Dave Horn
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
Hadi Shriners
Screening Clinic
Saturday, May 21st
9 am to 12 pm
Hadi Shrine Temple
Helpi Fun
Kidss g
Open to ALL
Children ages 0-18.
The clinic is FREE.
If you have any
quessons, please call
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
Golf Outing
Illustrious Sir
Danny Schuler
A weekend getaway
for 2 at the beautiful
French Lick Resort
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
2016 Parade Schedule
Mardi Gras
Spring Ceremonial
R. Skelton Vincennes
Strassen fest/Jasper
Huntingburg? TOY RUN
Eville Fall Festival
Hadi Fall Ceremonial
4 Freedoms Veterans
Evansville Christmas
Henderson Xmas
Pike County Xmas Petersburgh
Feb 6,Sat May 7, Sat June 18, Sat July 16, Sat
July 30, Sat Aug 7, Sun Sept 10, Sat Sept 25, Sun Oct 8, Sat
Oct 29, Sat Nov 12, Sat
Nov 20, Sun
Dec 3, Sat
Dec 3, Sat
12 Noon
Other Community Parades (these dates & times are subject to change and not verified)
Ft. Branch, IN
Shawneetown, IL
Mt. Carmel, Il
Newburgh, IN
Albion, IL
Ridgeway, IL
Mt.Vernon, IN
Lynnville Christmas
Rockport Christmas
Princeton Christmas
Mt. Carmel, IL
Boonville Christmas
June 4, Sat June 4, Sat July 2, Sat July 2, Sat
July 9, Sat Sept 10, Sat Sept 10, Sat Sept 17, Sat Sept 25, Sun Sept 25, Sun Oct 22, Sat Nov 6, Sun Dec 3, Sat
Dec 3, Sat Dec 3, Sat Dec 4, Sun 10:00am
12 Noon
12 Noon
12 Noon
26TH & 27TH
May 2016
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt
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Evansville, IN 47713
Member SIPC
Hot Sands Vol. 91 No. 5
May 2016
Potentate’s Ball 2016
Celebrate The Journey
Hadi Shriners
P.O. Box 1
Evansville, IN 47701
Evansville, Indiana
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