Guide for Applying for Permanent Residence in
Guide for Applying for Permanent Residence in
Guidefor H il Applying for i I I I PermanentResidencein Canada: for IndependentApplicants Application provided for Permanent Residenee and Instructions Canadian Embassy in Bucharest, Romania by: Table of Contents .......1 ..... O v e r v i e.w. . d . ImportantWordstoKnow ..... ..... .............3 ......5 H o w t o A s s e s sYi fo u Q u a l i f y FundsRequiredto Settlein Canada ..... NextSteps-HowtoApply .... 14 ......15 How to Completethe ApplicationForm . . . . . 16 . LandingFees Ca l c u l a t i n g F ee s-P ro ce ssi n g a n d Rightof ..,,,20 The MedicalExamination ... ObtainingPoliceCertificates/Clearances FrequentlyAskedQuestions Your Rightsand Obligationsas a PermanentResidentof Canada . . . .. ,. 22 .. 23 ..,,. 27 . . . 31 .. 32 Checklist Attachments: GeneralOccupationsList ApplicationForm Thisis not a legaldocument; for legal infonnation,pleaserefer to the ImmigrationAct 1976,and Regulations,1978 Version frangaisedisponiblesur demande P a g e - 1INDEPENDENT CATEGORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE I Overvierv This kitl explainsthe process_for applyingfor permanentresidencein Canadaasan independent immigrant (see"ImportantWordsto Know"). It containsinformationon our selection&teria andhow to assess yourchances of qualifying,thestepsto takeif you chooseto applyandall of the necessary formswith instructions for completingthem. Separate kits existfor business, family classimmigrantsandfor refugees.Businessimmigrants arepeoplewho enterCanada asan investor,entrepreneur or self-employed person.Famif chss are sponsored to come to Canada by arelative such as a pur-ent,hanc6(e) or riour". ilmigrants (Boththesponsorandtheperso-n applyingto entermustmeetspecificconditions.)Ii.efugLes are persons. seekingasylumdueto fearof persecution in theirowniountry. Applicantsin all categories mustmeetstrictdefinitionsandrequirements. If you thinkyou mayqualifyin oneof thesecategoriesandyou wish to applyin thatcategory,you mustobtaintt upptopriitekit. " Beforeyou start: You shouldbegin by readingthe section"How to Assessif You Qualify." It outlinesthe l0 factors or "selectioncriteria."2 Canadausesto assesspotentialimmigrints, the numberof points awardedfor eachfactor and how you can estimatehow many points you would earn.Basedon this self-assessment, you can decideif this is an appropriatetime for you to apply. It is important that you make a closeassessment becauseyou must pay certainfeesand somi'oi thesefees(for example,the processingfee) arenon-refundable, even if your applicationis refused. If you decide,aftercqmpletingthe self-assessment guide,that you wish to apply, you must take a number of steps.They aredescribedherebriefly (more detail ii providedin itrckiiy. l. Collect the requireddocuments.Theseare explainedin the Checklistat the back of the kit. 2. You, your spouse(if applicable)and all of your dependants,whetherthey are accompanyingyou to Canadaor not, must undergoa medicalexaminationby a designatedphysician.You will find instructionsabout when to have your mjdical examin this kit. 3. You must be ableto prove you have enoughmoney to supportyourself and all of your dependants, whetherthey live in canada or will find instructionson how to calculatethis amountin the section"FundsRequiredto Settlein canada."You will be requiredto show proof of your funds. I Applicationkits may be reviscdseverallimeseachyear. Ensure that you havethe mostcurrentkit. 2 These criteria were valid on the day we mailed the kit to you and could change without notice, Applications received after any chonges occur will be ansessedagainst the new standards. Page-2INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE 4. Completethe forms and submit them,with the requireddocumentsand the correct fee, to the addressindicatedin the Checklist.When we receiveallof the documentationand the correctfee, we will evaluateyour applicationand either ask you to come in for an interview or mail you a decision. If we determinethat youdo notmeetCanada's immigration selection crite(a)wawitt sendyou0 IEKEI explainingwhy. $trile the information in this kit pertainsto immigration anywherein Canada,the Province of Quebecworks in cooperationwith the Governmentof Canadato selectits own immigrants.If you want to settle in Quebec,you must flrst contact the nearestoffice of the QuebecImmigration Service. The office of the QuebecImmigration Service is : Serviced'Immigration du Quebec tt Laurenzerberg 2/2/z A-1010 Vienna, Austria rt Phone: 531_38-3005 Fax: 531_38-3443 )u e( ****************+***************************+***+**d<*********d<t<+***t<****{.***** lc, er 'ic Processing timesvaryamongvisaofficesandbetweenapplicants.Someapplicants may be interviewed THINGSTHAT MAY DELAY PROCESSING OF YOURAPPLICATION * * * * t * * * * * * * * * incompleteorunsignbdapplicationforms missingdocuments incorrector missingfees insufficient postage incorrect,incompleteaddressor failure to notify the visa office of a changeof address unclearphotocopiesof documents documentsnot accompaniedby a certifiedEnglish or Frenchtranslation you are not a pelmanentresidentin the country in which you currentlyreside a medicalcondition that may requireadditionaltestsor consultations a criminal problem family situationssuchas impendingdivorce or custodyor maintenanceissues consultationis requiredwith other offices in Canadaand abroad verificationof informationyou give us inquiring aboutthe starusof your applicationbeforethe standardprocessingtime haspassed. Standardprocessingtimesfor your visa office are indicatedin the Checklist. Page-3INDEPENDENT CATEGORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS PERMANENT SEEKING RESIDENCE Important Words to Know Before you start you must understandcertain words. Read thefollowing definitions carefully. Accompanying dependant: A spouseor child of the principal applicantwho intendsto immigrate to Canada. Arranged employment: Arrangedemploymentis a guaranteedjob offer by a Canadian employerthat has beenvalidatedby a Human ResourcesCanadaCentrethat no suitably qualified Canadianor pennanentresidentis availableto fill the position. Background check: Checksconductedby ImmigrationCanadain all countriesin which you and your dependantshave lived to determineif you have any arrestsor convictionsor are a security risk to Canada. Close relative: The brother,sister,mother,father,grandparent,aunt,uncle,niece,or nephew of the applicantor of the applicant'sspouse. l Dependent children: are either under 19 yearsof age and unmarriedon the date the applicationis receivedat the visa office (and if they plan to immigrate,are still unmarriedwhen they arrive in Canada).Children of any ageor marital statusare also considereddependentif they are financially dependentupon their parents for either of the following reasons: . they are continuouslyenrolled and in attendanceas full-time studentsin an educationalinstitution and financially dependentupon their parentssincereaching the ageof 19 (or from the dateof their marriage,if manied before l9). Students who intemrpt their full-time studiescontinueto be considereddependantsas long as they are not away from theirprogram of study for a total of more than one year and continueto be financially dependentupon thek parentsduring that time; or . they cannotsupportthemselvesdue to a physicalor mental disability and are financially dependentupon their parents. (Note: Somedisabilitiesrnay result in refusal for medicalreasons). Education/Training Factor (ETF): The level of education/trainingfor averageperfonnancein the occupationin which you are qualified to work in Canada. Excessivedemand: Refersto the significantburdenplacedon Canada'shealthor social services due to ongoing hospitalizationor medical,socialor institutionalcarefor physical or mental illnesses,or specialeducationor training. Theseindividualsmay be deniedadmittanceto Canadadue to the high costsof their care. General Occupations List: The list of occupationsin Canadawhich are open for independent immigrants and in which therearereasonablelevels of labour mobility. a APPLICATION KIT INDEPENDENT CATECORY FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Human ResourcesCanadaCentre: (formerlyknownasCanadaEmploymentCentres)Local office of HumanResources DevelopmentCanada(HRDC) whichprovidesadviceon local labourmarketconditionsandmobility. Independentimmigrant: A personwith specificoccupationalskills, experienceandpersonal qualificationswho meetsCanada'sselectioncriteriaand is acceptedto immigrateto Canada. ' Permanentresident: A personlawfully in Canadaasan immigrantbut who is not yet a citizen. Canadian Spouse:A personof the oppositesexto whomthe applicantis legally married. Visa office: A CanadianimmigrationofficeoutsideCanada. Page-5INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE How to Assessif You Quatify Canadahas a set of criteria againstwhich potential immigrants are assessed.The main criteria are-related.tgyour occupation- that is, the type of work you intend to do in Canadaand the skills, qualificationsand experienceyou have in that occupation. Your_occupdtionmust be listed on the GeneralOccupationsList unlessyou have a permanent job offer validated by a Human ResourcesCanadaCbntre certifying that no suitably qualified ' Canadianor pennanentresidentis availableto filr the position. It is important to note thatjob titles in your country may not correspondto the samepositionsin Canada..All occupationsare assessed againstCaniAian standardsfbr that occupation. Many requirelicensingand you shouldprovide evidencethat your qualification, *"ei the required standardswhen you submit your application. You will find instructionson the following pageson how to estimateyour points. This will help you ass,ess your chancesof qualifying. You must have at least70 points to qualify. If you ttori fewer than 60 points, your application may not meritfurther coisideratioi. Points are basedon: age education education/trainingfactor (ETF) - the level of education/trainingneededto work in your occupationin Canada. occupation(the one you intend to follow in Canada) arrangedemployment work experience languageability demographic factor (as set by the federal government) personalsuitability and relativesin Canada Page-6INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE guide:How to estimateyour points Self-assessment This sectionwill help you determineyour chancesof qualifying for permanentresidencein Canada.It explainsthe 10 factorson which points arebasedand detailshow you can estimatethe number of points you would earn for eachfactor. It alsoprovidesa self-assessment worksheet you can use to tally your results. If you scorefewer than 60 points basedon these 10 factors, your applicationmay not merit further consideration.A maximum of 10 additionalpoints may be awardedby a visa officer for personalsuitability at the interview. Remember,you must score70 points to qualify. If there is a difference between the points you give yourself and the points the visa officer awards you, the visa ofTicertsassessmentwill prevail. Read the explanation for eachfactor, then fill in your scoreon the work sheet. Factor 1: Age (maximum10 points) Points are given for your age at the time your applicationis received. Calculating age points Age Total Points l8 4 19 6 20 I 2t-4 t0 45 I 46 6 47 4 48 2 49 and over 0 s c o R E P a g e - 7INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Factor 2: Education (maximum 16 points) You have not completed secondaryschool 0 You have completed secondaryschool but not in a program that allows for university entranceor does not include trade or occupationalcertification 5 Secondaryschool completed in a programthat provides for university enfrance l0 Secondaryschool completedin a programthat includestradeor occupational certification. 10 Post-secondaryprogram completed (for example, college, trade school or apprenticeship)which required,as a conditionof admission,secondaryschoolingat a level that does not ordinarily allow for entranceto a university (the program must have included at leaseone year of full-time classroomstudy) 10 Post-secondaryprogram completed (for example, college, trade school or apprenticeship)whiih required, as a condition of admisiion, secondaryschoolng at a level that allows for entranceto a university (the program must have included at least one year of full-time classroomstudy) r3 Universitydegreein a programthat requiresat leastthreeyearsof full-time study 15 Secondor third-level university degree(for example, Masters,PhD) t6 s c o R E Page-8INDEPENDENT APPL]CATION KIT CATECORY FORPERSONS SEEK]NG PERMANENT RESIDENCE Factor 3: Education/Training Factor (morimum t8 points) Education/TrainingFactor(ETF) refersto the length of training, education,and/or apprenticeship requiredto work in your occupationin Canada. If youroccupationis listedin the GeneralOccupationsIist (seeFactor4), give yourselfthe numberof pointslistedunderthe columnmarked"ETF'for that occupation As listed If your occupationis not on the GeneralOccupationsList but you have "arranged employment" validated by a Human ResourcesCanadaCentre, the ETF points will be shown on the notificationof arrangedemploymentsentto you by the visa office As listed s c o R E Factor 4: Occupation(maximum10points) You must get at leastonepoint in Factor4 to be considered.If you do not scoreat leastone point, you must have arrangedemploymentvalidatedby a Human Resources.Canada Centreto position. qualified permanent resident is available to fill the show that no suitably Canadianor If your occupationis not indicatedon the enclosedGeneralOccupationsList, check if there is another occupationfor which you are qualified and experienced.If so, give yourself the points listed As listed If thereis no occupationlisted for which you are qualified 0 If you have arrangedemployment l0 s c o R E Page-9INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKING PERMANENT RESIDENCE Factor 5: Arranged employment (10 points) "Arranged employment" is a guaranteedjob offer by a Canadianemployer that has been validated by a Human ResourcesCanadaCentre certifying that no suitably qualified Canadianor permanentresident is available to fill the position. If you have arrangedemployment. (lf you have arranged employmentand the ETF (Factor 3) is 15 or more,you may also give yourself I0 points under Factor 4). l0 If you are a member of the clergy and have a letter from a congregationin Canadaoffering you a permanentsalariedposition. l0 If your family in Canadahas a businessin which you will work full time. This processmust be initiated in Canadaand the offer of employmentmust be approvedby a CanadaImmigration Centre. As a first step,your relative in Canadashould contacttheir nearestCanadaImmigration Cente and askfor information on the Family BusinessProgram l0 s c o R E P a g e- 1 0 KIT APPLICATION CATECORY INDEPENDENT RESIDENCE PERMANENT SEEKINC FORPERSONS Factor 6: Work experience(maximum 8 points) You must have the equivalentof at least one year's experiencein your occupation to score a point in this factor. If you do not, your application will bp fefused and you mlst either wait until you gain the required experienceor have a pre-arrangedjob validated by a Human Resources Canidu Centre which statesthat the prospectiveemployer in Canadadoes not require you to have a year ofexperience. The numberof points dependson: . the number of years you have worked in your intended occupation after completionof formal training . the numberof points you ,.ored for ETF (Factor3.) You will find the point value of your ETF liited besideyour occupationin the enclosedGeneral Occupations List. Use Table 2 to calculatethe numberof points you would receivefor experience' Find the point value that correspondsto your ETF (Faitor 3), and read acrossto the numberof yearsof experienceyou have in your occupation. This numberis your score. Tabte2: Calculationof experience 3 Years 4 Years or more ) ) ) ) 4 4 4 15 ) 4 6 6 17to 18 ) 4 6 8 ETF Points I Year Ito2 2 5to7 2 Years S c o R E P a g e- 1 1 INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Factor 7: Languageability (maximum15points) If you are fluent in both of Canada'sofficial languages(English and French), give yourself 15 points. If you are not fluent in both official languages,use iable 3 to estimat""your credits. Award the credits tha! bggt reflect your ability io read, write and speakEnglisiand/or French. Use the following definitions: Fluent: .v9ry good command of the languagein a range of social and work situations, and no difficulty communicatingin a professionalcapacity Well: can communicatereasonablywell aboutpersonal and familiar things With difficulty: can speak/read/writejust a few basic words Table 3: Calculation of languagecredits First Language Read Write Speak Fluent 3 3 3 Well 2 2 2 With difficulty 0 0 0 Second Language Read Write Speak Fluent 2 2 2 Well I I I With difficulty 0 0 0 Add your credits: Totalof read+ write+ speak= y,ourpointsasfollows: Calculate (total) For a totalofO or I credityou scorezeropoints For a total of 2to 5 creditsyou score2 points For a total of 6 to 15creditsyou scorethe samenumberof pointsasof credits Page- 12]NDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS PERMANENT RESIDENCE SEEKINC Factor 8: Demographic factor This is a numbersetby the federalgoVernment.Award yourself8 points S I Factor 9 : Personal suitability (maximum 10points) This factor has to do with how well a person and his/her family are deemedable to settle successfullyin Canada.It refers to a person'sadaptability,motivation,initiative and resourcefulness.For your application to merit further consideration you should have at least 60 points before you add this factor to your score. A visa officer will only awardthe points for personalsuitability at your interview. The most you can get is 10. The averageis 5 to 7 points; few applicants receive either 0 or 10. You may wish to award yourself an average scoreof6 in this factor. 6 Factor 10: Relative in Canada (maximum 5 bonuspoints) Give yourself 5 points if a brother,sister,mother,father,grandparent,aunt, uncle, niece or nephew is a permanentresidentor Canadiancitizen living in Canada. 5 s C o R E Page-13INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKING PERMANENT RESIDENCE Self-assessment Worksheet(Table4) Use this worksheet to calculate your total point score. Maximum Points Factor Your Score I Age 10 2 Education 16 Education/Training Factor ( trainin g/educat i on/ apprenticeship) r8 Occupation(you needat least I point or amanged employment) l0 ) Arrangedemployment 10 6 Work experience(you need a minimum of 2 points or arranged employment) 8 7 Languageability l5 8 Demographic factor 10 8 9 Personalsuitability (For your application to merit further considerationyoushouldhaveat least 60 points before you add this factor to your score.) 10 6 Relativein Canada(bonus) 5 - J 4 10 Total Pointsawardedfor the occupationalfactorareupdatedperiodicallyandpoint scoresmaychange without notice.Your applicationwill be evaluatedbasedon theregulationsin effecton ihe datE yourcompletedapplicationandfee arereceivedat thevisaoffice. It is thereforein your interest to submityourapplicationassoonaspossible. P a g e1- 4 INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICAT]ON KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE FundsRequiredto Settlein Canada supportthemselvesandtheir dependants for six monthsafterthey arrivein Canada.The governmentprovidesno financialsupportto new immigrants.You shouldresearchthe costof living in theregionof Canadawhereyou intendto liver_You shouldtakewith you asmuchmoneyaspossibleto makeyour initial establidrment easier.You will be requiredto showproof of your funds. An independent applicant,upon enteringCanada,is requiredto haveat least$10,000.00CAD plus $2,000.00CAD for each dependant. I Page-15INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS PERMANENT RESIDENCE SEEKINC Next Steps- How to Apply guide and determinedthat you appearto qualify After you have completed the self-assessment for permanentresidencein Canada,proceedwith the following steps: i. Collect the documentsyou need to support your application. These are listed in the Checklist in this kit. The Checklistwill tell you which docurnentsmust be originals and which should be photocopies.Itwill also tell you if a certified translationinto English or French is required. 2. You, your spouse(if applicable)and eachdependentchild aged 18 or over (whether accompanyingyou or not) must completea separateApplicationfor PermanentResidencein Canada(Form IMM 0008).(See "ImportantWords to Know" for a definition of "dependent children".)This kit providesone applicationform. Before you start to fill it in, make a photocopyfor eachpersonwho will be submittingan individual form. Detailed instructions for completingthe form are providedin the section"How to Completethe Application Form". Do not leave any blanks.Sign and dateyour form. 3. Calculatethe feesyou must sendwith your applicationusing the instructionsin the section "CalculatingFees- Processingand Right of Landing Fees".Processingfees are not refundable.Do not mail cash. 4. Obtain a police certificateor clearancefrom every country in which you or your dependants aged 18 yearsor over have residedfor six monthsor longer sincereachingthe ageof 18. You will find instructionsin the section"ObtainingPolice Certificates/Clearances". 5. You, your spouse(if applicable)and eachof your dependantswhetherthey are accompanyingyou to Canadaor not must undergoa medicalexaminationby a designated physician. Refer to the instructions in the section "How to Arrange the Medical Examination". 6. Use the Checklistto verify that you have all of the requireddocumenrs.It is importantto note that the visa office may requestmore information from you at any time during the applicationprocess.Such information may not be listedon the Checklist. 7. Submit your completedapplicationto the addressindicatedin the Checklist.Print your name and addresson the top left-handside of the envelope. 8. If mailing, ensurethat your envelopehas sufficient postage.The Post Office will return your applicationto you if it doesnot have enoughpostage. Pleasenote that processingtimes vary amongvisa offices. Page-15INDEPEN DENTCATEGORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE How to Completethe ApplicationForm This kit providesoneapplicationform. Beforeyou start to fill it in, makea photocopyfor eachpersonwho will be submittingan individual form. T\e ApplicationforPermanent Residence in Canada(IMM 0008)is attached at theendof this document. these questions. instructions to fill it must answer Use in. You all If you leaveany sectionsblank,yourapplicationwill bereturnedto you for completionandprocessing will be delayed.If any sectionsdo not applyto you,pleaseanswer"Nor AIILIcABLE". USE A BLACK PEN OR TYPEWRITER. PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS. All persons18or overwho areaccompanying you to Canadamustcompleteindividual applicationforms.Eitheryou or yourspouse(if applicable) may applyasthe applicant.You and your spouseshouldbothcompletethe self-assessment worksheet in theSelf-Assessment Guideto determine whichof you wouldget a higherpoint score.Thepersonwith thehighestpointscore shouldapplyastheapplicant.Theotherspouseshouldcheckthe dependantbox. BOX I Printfull family namefor yourself,print your givennames(first,secondor more),andon secondline write yourfull namein yourown language script. Print any other namesyou have used,suchas namebeforemarriage,or an alias. J 4 Check appropriatebox. Print your date of birth as: day/rnonth/year.Print the city or town, and the state or province and the country where you were born Print your country of citizenship. If you have more than one country of citizenshipgive detailson a separatesheet. Print the addresswhere you live now, evenif it is not in the country where you permanently reside.Enter your completetelephonenumber(include areacode). Print your postal address.If it is the sameasyour presentaddress,check box for "same". Include your telephonenumberwith areacode. 8 Check the appropriatebox to indicateyour presentmarital status. 9 Print the date and place of latestmarriage and provide detailsof other marriagesin Appendix A. 1 0 If your currentmarriageis not your first marriagecheck "yes." If your currentmarriageis your first marriagecheck "no." If "yes" indicatethe number of times that you have been married in the spaceprovided. If "yes" you must also completeAppendix A to the applicationform. Page- 17 KIT INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE l l Section A is for the details of your husbandor wife. If you have never beenmaried print "not applicable"in the first box. SectionsB throughJ are to be usedfor the detailsof your dependents(son or daughter) startingwith the oldest in sectionB. For place of birth, print the city or town, state or province and country where your spouse or dependentwas born. For relationshipto me: print relationship of eachdependantto principal applicant. ' To accompanyme to Canada: only check "no" if your spouseordependentis NOT applying for permanentresidencefor Canadaat this time. 12 Print the passport or travel document number for eachperson. Print the date that eachof your passportswill expire as: day/month/year. r3 Indicate by ticking the appropriateboxeshow well you communicatein English and French, and usethe line below sectionl3 to indicateyour mother tongue,that is, the first language you spoke. T4 Print the number of yearsof schoolingcompleted at eachlevel. Also check "yes" or "no" for questions14 i) through14 v). r5 Print the detailsof your educationor apprenticeshiptraining including secondaryschool(if complete).Begin with the most recentprogramcompleted.Include university education, professionaltraining, apprenticeships, and on-the-jobtraining. For secondaryschool, indicatewhetheror not you have completedform 5, 6 and/or7 (if applicable). Use an additionalsheetif necessary. 1 6 a) Print the title of the occupation in which you intend to work in Canada. b) Print the occupationalcode (from the occupationslist includedin this kit) that correspondsto the occupationin box l6a. T7 Print the title of your currentoccupation. l 8 Print the detailsof your work history for the pastten years.Begin with your most recentjob. Include work you have done in other countries. (If you did not work for any period of time during the last ten years,enter what you were doing, such as "unemployed" or "studying" or "travelling". You must accountfor every month of the past ten years. Use an additionalsheet if necessary. L9 Print the nameand addressof any relative,employeror organizationwilling to assistyou in Canada. If more than one relative is a permanentresidentof Canadaor CanadianCitizen print the narne,addressand relationshipof your closestrelativeliving in Canada. If none, print "not applicable". 20 Print the relationshipof any personthat you namein box 19. 21 Print the nameof the city and provincewhereyou intendto live in Canada. 22 Give the value of money which you intend to bring to Canada(in Canadiandollars),and property you own. Do not list jewellery, cars and otherpersonalassets. - 1 8Page INDEPENDENT CATECORY KIT APPLICATION FORPERSONS PERMANENT RESIDENCE SEEKINC 23 List the amountof all loans, debtsand financialobligationsincluding alimony and child supportpaymentsin Canadiandollars. Use an additional sheetif more spaceis required for your answerto this question. ?ll Pint dl the addresses where you have lived since you were 18 years old. Do not usepost office (P.O.) box addresses.If therewas no streetor streetnumberwhere you lived, explain exactly where you lived in the spaceprovided (do not skip any period of time).ln " additional to the city and country you must also indicate the state or province in which you resided. Use an additionalsheetif necessary. 25 Print detailsof any organizationsor associationsyou belong to or have belongedto sinceyou were 18 yearsof age.Includethe full nameof any political, social,youth, studentor List military vocationalorganizationsand any tradeunions or professionalassociations. serviceyou have completed(if you did not belong to any organizations print "not applicable" in the spaceprovided.) 26 Print details aboutyourparents. 27 Read questionsA. to F. very carefully. Answer "yes" or "no" on behalfof yourself and your dependants,If you answer"yes" to any question,pleaseprovide full detailsin the space provided. Use a separatesheetif necessary. 28 You will needto attachfour passportsize photographsof yourself and four passportsize photosof all dependants,whetheraccompanyingor not. Print the name and date of birth of the person in the photo on the back of the photo. 29 You must authorizethe releaseof information on yourself and accompanyingdependantsto the statedauthorities.'Ifyou also wish informationon your applicationto be releasedto anotherpersonpleasecompletethis sectiongiving the nameof the individual. Sign and date the authorization. 30 Sign and datethis declaration.This declarationis a statementthat you fully understandthe questionsaskedand have answeredthem truthfully. Note: It is an offence under the Immigration Actto knowingly make a false or misleading statement in connection with an application for permanent residencein Canada. 3l If someonehas completedthis form for you, he or shemust completethis section(if no one assistedyou, print "not applicable)". Note: Paying someoneto help you completethis form doesnot meanthat your application will be approved.It will be given exactly the sameconsiderationasif you completedthe applicationyourself. 32 Do not completethis sectionuntil told to do so by a visa officer. This sectionis only usedat the interview. 33 Do not completethis sectionuntil told to do so by a visa officer. This sectionis only usedat the interview. P a g e- 1 9 - DENrcArEcoRyAppLtcAIoNKtr !J!?E!_E| r-r.ii iii rt m.r ce Wer.i Instructionsfor completingAppendix A to the IMM 000gform Additional Family Informationi plicantandor the-spouseif that person has been lren, or children born out of wedlock tf,ut * not n form. At the top of the form, check the e. Theinformationvouprovideis collected tlt11u!!o,riuof tlr.Immigration Actto determine "Yta It wiu lou ma! beadmittedto canadaat an iiiigrant. beitiira in personarInformationBank if ,'t"t'd oii oi,,,,ur, iXf:;',:lfr::fl?i'; !; uiiu ii provisions ottiit"niiacyActandthe Page-20 KIT APPLICATION INDEPENDENT CATEGORY RESIDENCE PERMANENT FORPERSONS SEEKINC CalculatingFees- Processingand Right of Landing Fees There are two fees to be paid when applying for immigration to Canada- one is a processingfee and the other is a Right of Landing Fee (ROLF). The processingfee is non-refundablewhether your application is approvedor not. The processingfee must be paid when you send your application to the CanadianEmbassyin Bucharest.The ROLF is required of every adult aged 19 or over in your family but, unlike the processingfee, is refundableif an immigrant visa is not issuedor used, or if you withdraw your application.The ROLF can be paid at any time during the application process,but must be paid before an immigrant visa can be issued.If you do not pay the ROLF when you submit your application, the Visa Office will contact you when it is time to pay the ROLF. Table 1 showsyou how to calculatethe amount required in Canadian dollars. You may have the option of paying in anothercurrency.Pleaseseethe following page for details. Table t: Immigrant FeeSchedulein Canadian Dollars Immigrant Visa ProcessingFee Plus Right of Landing Fee* Total of Immigrant Visa Processingand Right of Landing Fees UseThis Column to WorkOutYour Fees Processing Applicant $500 $975 $1475 s1475 Spouse $500 $975 $r475 $1475 Each dependant 19 yearsand over $s00 $97s $1475 $1475x?=$ $100 Not Applicable $100 $100x?=$ Each dependant under 19 years Total Fee Payable $ Page- 21 INDEPENDENT CATEGORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Where and when to pay the Fees You may go directly to the Imnigration Unit of the Canadian Enbassy in Bucharest when your payment is made in US dollars or by certified cheque, bank draft or money order made payable to the rrReceiver General for Canadarr. Fees paid in Canadian Funds must be drawn on a Canadian Bank. Only US or CAD dollars are accepted when payment is applicable exchange rate is used for USD. in cash and the your application If you are nailing DO NOT ENCLOSE CASH, only certified cheque, money order or bank draft. a THE RIGHT OF LANDING FEE MAY BE PATD WITH YOUR INITIAL APPLTCATTON OR AT ANY TIME DURTNGTHE APPLTCATION PROCESS. HOWEVER,THE RIGHT OF LANDING FEE MUST BE PAID BEFOREAN IMMIGRANT VISA CAN BE TSSUED. We suggest application. Immigration you pay ONLY the Then you pay Unit. processing fee at the tirne of the ROLF when requested by the the MAILED APPLICAfIONS WILL BE RECETVED AT THE CANADIAN EMBASSY IN BUCHAREST, 36 NICOLAE IORGA, BUCHAREST22, ROMANTA. IF IN PERSON YOU MAY COME BETWEEN9:00 AND 12:00 ON MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Page- 22 APPLICAT]ONKIT INDEPENDENTCATEGORY RESIDENCE PERMANENT SE,EKING FORPERSONS Medicalfnstructions be sent to You bY the will instructions medicalDetailed is not required. When an interview Unit (Bucharest) when Inmigration if You instructions the handed be is required an interview You trill are successful. -i Page- 23 - I IN DEP-EN DENT CATECORYAPPLICATION KIT ronpmsorus seerrruffi;riirii'[iir]r*ce obtaining policecertificates/clearances :elevantauthoritiesto obtain the necessarypolice le information documentation regarAing 9r i periodsof residence in that country. you may If you have a conviction in canada, you must seek-apardon.{rom the National parole Board of Canadabefore you appryr"i*rG'ilion ,o canada.The addressis: National parole Board 340 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa,OntarioKIA ORl Canada. Th,efotowing chartprovides someadditionalinformation tl police certificatefor certain assistyou in obtaininga countries. preaseheqr i- *,^, .lll.T,1.v i'"Jtl::fi:,Xt#:;:*H:::ljij';:."',".":"i4# ffi:H*l#;::*:l*J" d;L"ffi,Tfi ", l1"*':ffi'ffi:':X?"T,i,::il:?:l'l*:H,T,y-t:,',""'':lulXl'T il:H,'tfi"[ffi f,':]'L:ill: ifi:f,"Tm*:X*ltl,:"lxCiiiiifi'?.'*:[:iJtilil,T'i :ilT?i,#nffi j:r[it?s":l".,i.iTf;f [1lllfifi [?i#ilffS*'t?:xy:i: ffi;,TlJ*;: :';#':ffiTi'Jtrfi :'*:,ffii$.tHf (Buffalo) &1',1:ff ::f andtire tT"?:j ,il:#l:'",yf*:ffi meci&l fo#r. we will alsodo our own background checksin all countries_in youandyourdependants *iii Eli.'-i"" ir y* h;;;;;;^ullr,, which orconvi*iorS, rff.,t';"j;-11":T|!.t' orif youarea Page- 24 INDEPENDENT CATEGORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE COUNTRY YOU MUST PROVIDE: ADDRESS USA l. A copy of our letter requesting that you obtain a Police Record Check (PC-l tetter enclosed). Affix your own name and addresslabel. 2. A full set of fingerprints. Fingerprints should be provided on the FBI finserprint card. but fingerprints may be obtained fiom a local police department as long as you have proof of your identity, or from a regional office of the Departmenrof motor Vehicles or froma private organizarion engaged in the fingerprinting business. DO NOT contact any FBI office for fingerprinting. 3. Certified che4ue or money order for US$18 made payable to the U.S. Treasury NOTE: You mayalso be asked ro provide separatepolicecertificates from the State of County police from the stareswhere you have lived. FBI,Criminal Justice Inforcration Services Division (CJIS Division),Room l0lM, l0th and Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, D.C. United Kingdom l. letter requesting your "Prosecution/Conviction History under Section 2l of the Data Protection Act, 1984." DONOT REQUEST A FOLICE CERTIFICATE. Subject Access Office, Metropolitrn Police, l0 The Broadway, London. SWIH 0BC, ENGI-AND Qatar l. letter requesting police certificate for Canadian immigration purposes 2. full passportdata 3. Name of Qatar Sponsor 4. Dates of arrival and departure to/from Qatar 5. One full set of fingerprints Commandantof Police,P.O. Bor 58, Doha, Qatar Oman l. Letter requesting police certi ficate for Canadian immigration purposes 2. Full name 3. Date and place of birrh 4. Passportnumber, date and placeofissuance 5. Profession 6. Dates of residence in Oman 7. A copy of our letter requesting that you obtain a Police Record Check (PC-l letter enclosed).Affix your own name and addrcsslabel. The Inspector General of Police and Customs, P.O. Box 2, Muscat UnitedArab Emirates 1. a copy of our letter requesting that you obtain a Police Record Check (PC- l letter enclosed). Aflix your own name and addresslabel. You mustapply in personto thenearcstpolice station. Bahrain l.Request in writing an application for a Good Conduct Certificate (Form PS/CID/30) from the addrcssat the righr. then... 2. Complete and submit the application to the sane addressalong with: a) 3 matt (not glossy) phorographs b) Photocopy of first 4 pages of your passport c) Photocopyofprevious Bahrain ResidencePermits d) I full set of fingerprinrs from your local police authoriry e) A copy of our letter requestingrhal you obtain a Police RecordCheck (PC- I letter enclosed). Affix your own name and addresslabel. Criminal Investigation Directorate (CID), P.O. Box 26698. Manama, State of Bahrain South Korea l. Completed IMM 1052 supplementaryinfbrmation form (enclosed) for each person age l8 and older 2. three passport size photographs stapled ro bottom rightcorner of IMM 1052 (Retum the completedIMM 1052to theCanadian ImmigrationArea Processing Centeralongwith your completedapplication) New Zealand l. The enclosed PC-l letter, completed, with an original signanue. (Return along with your completed application.) Itaty Citizens, residents and former residents of Italy must obtain three certificates: a) Certificato Penale Generale Del Casellario Giudiziario b) Certilicato Del Carichi Penali Pendenridella Procura c) Cenificato Del Carichi Penali Pendenti dellaPretura You may provide written authorization to a relative or fiiend in Italy who can obtain ihe cenificateson your behalf. a) issued in your place of birth for citizens, issued by Rome Tribunal for residents b) issued by hocura (Solicitor General'sOffice) in your place of residence c) issued by Pretura (lowest court or magistrate's coun) in your place of rcsidence PC.INFO (APCAPR9?) 20s37-97(n You may also be r-equiredto report to the Royal Oman Police for fingerprinr comparison. Page- 25 KIT INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE The CanadianConsulaterecognizesthat personswho are not residentin the following countries will not be ableto obtain police certificates: Brazil Bulgaria Chile Comoros CzechRepublic Ethiopia Jordan Morocco Paraguay Surinam Yemen Do not attemptto obtainpolice certificatesfrom the following countries. The Canadian Consulatewill enquireon your behalf. Afghanistan Atbania Angola Aruba Bangladesh Bolivia Burkina Faso Burundi Cape Verde CentralAfrican Republic Chad Chile Congo Cuba Djibouti EquatorialGuinea Guam Guinea GuineaBissau Haiti India Iraq Ivory Coast Korea (South) Kampuchea Laos Liberia Mali, Republic of Maldives Malaysia Mauritania Mexico Mozambique Myanmar Nepal New Zealand Nicaragua Pakistan Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sierra Leone Somali Republic Sri Lanka Sudan Uganda Venezuela Vietnam Zaire Pleasenote: If you are unableto obtain an original policecertificatefrom a policeagencyin any country,other than thoselistedabove,you must providean original letter from the police authority verifying that they will not issuea policecertificateto you. Page - 26 INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Dear Siril\4adam, This is in referenceto yow application for permanentresidencefor Canada. The Government of Canadare4uires that you obtain an original police certificate of "no criminal record/conviction,, from the police authorities in the countries whereyou have lived. This letter identifies you, (and your dependentsif applicable), as a person who is making an applicarion for immigration to Canada. Pleasepresentthis letter to the police authorities when you requestyour police certificate. Where possible the police authority should return the police certificare to you, the applicant. Thank you for your cooperationin this matter. The Consulate THIS PORTIONTO BE COMPLETEDBY APPLICANT AUTHORZATION BY VISA APPLICANTFORRELEASEOF POLICEAND COURTRECORDS I hereby authorize the Police or RelevatrtAuthorities in [namecountry(s)]to discloseany derailsof previouscriminalconvictionstotherCanadian Embassy,Bucharest, Romania,for inmigration purposes onty. PRINCIPLE APPLICANT SPOUSE DEPENDANTSON/DAUGTITE& T8&UP (usean additionalsheetif necessary) SURNAME: GIVEN NAMES: MAIDEN OR OTHER SURNAME(S)USED: NAMEINORIGINAL SCRIPT(ie.Arabig Chinee, etc.): DATE/PLACEOF BIRTH: NATIONALITY: IN THIS SPACE LTSTALL ADDRESSESAND DATES OF RESIDENCEIN Iname country(s)] SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: PC-l (APC) I P a g e - 2 7INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKING PERMANENT RESIDENCE FrequentlyAskedQuestions About the Application... "Who qualifies as an independent immigrant? A person with specific occupationalskills and experiencemay quatify as an independent immigrant. These skills must be readily transfera6leto the Canaaianiabour markit. Does it help to have a relative in Canada? Yes. Having a closerelativein Canadaincreasesyour point scoreunder the selectionsystem. The relative must be a permanentresidentor Canadiancitizen aged l9 or over, and he/shemust be a "closerelative" as definedin the section"ImportantWordsio Know". you must provide documentationto prove the relationship. What feesmust I pay? There are two fees to-be paid when apply]1g f9r immigration to Canada- one is a processingfee and the other is a Right of Landing Fee (ROLF). The processingfee is non-refundible whet-her your applicationis approvedor not. The processingfee must bJpaid when you sendyour applicationto the RegionalProgramCentrein Buffalo. The ROiF is requirld of every adult aged 19 or over in your family but, unlike the processingfee, is refundabieif an irnmigrantvisa is not issuedor used,or if you withdraw your application. The ROLF can be paid at a-nytime during the applicationprocess,but must be paid before an immigrant visa .an L" issued. If you do not pay the ROLF wten you submit your application,the Visa Office will contactyou whln it is time to pay the ROLF. Table I in this kit show you how to calculatethe amount required. **.You are al-sorequiredto pay any feesassociated with the immigration medical examination and requestsforpolice clerancecertificates Who is included in my application? If you are married,eith-eryox or your spousemay apply as the principal applicant.Both of you shouldboth completethe self-assessment worksheeiin this kit lo Aetirmine which of you would get aligher point scoreand shouldthereforeapply as the applicant.The other spousewill apply as a dependant.You must also include on your applicationiil aependentchildren whettrerthey' ar€ accompanyingyou to Canadaor not. (See"ImportantWordsio Know" for a definition of "dependentchildren".) Your dependantsmust pasJbackgroundchecksand medical examinations.All family members18 yearsof age or ov-ermust completetheir own individual application forr.n. what about my dependantswho will not accompanyme to canada? All of your dependants,whetherthey will accompanyyou to Canadaor not, must passmedical examinationsand backgroundchecks.All of your dependants,whetherthey will a..ornpany you to Canadaor not, must be includedin Part A of youripplication form or, if they are l8 brover, must completetheir own applicationforms. Page- 28 INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKING PERMANENT RESIDENCE Should I pay someoneto complete my forms and advise me on my application? In some cases(for example,if you have difficulty understandingthe form) you may wish to pay someoneto help you fill in the informationorgive you advice.However, this doesnot meanthat your applicationwill get specialattentionor necessarilybe approved. I cannot fit all the information on the application form and am unsure who should be included in my application. Yog should complete the form by printing or typing clearly and you must sign your application f9rm. If you needmore spaceto answerany questions,attachseparatepages.When ybu trave signedthe form, it becomesa legal documentand the information you have providedmust be truthful, complete and correct. It is an offence under the Immigration Act to knowingly make a false or misleadingstatement.Ifany informationchanges,you must inform the officeio which you appliedin writing. Do I need a passport or travel document? You and your dependantsmust have passportsor travel documentsthat are valid. If any documentsare soon to expire, you shouldrenew them.Diplomatic, official, serviceor public affairs passportscannotbe usedto immigrateto Canada.You must have a valid regularor private passportwhen you arrive. The validity of your visa may be affecredby thJvalidity of. your passport. Must I or others in my family attend an interview? A visa officer will review your applicationand decideif an interview is necessary.If so, you will be informed of the time and place.Your spouseand dependentchildren aged 18 or over will be askedto come with you. The visa officermay ask aboutyour job, work experience, education,reasonsfor migrating,plans and preparations.The officer may also ask aboutyour family, spouseand/or dependantsor your health,financial situationor past difficulties wittr ttre law. Theremay also be questionsto determineyour ability to settlesuCcessfullyin Canada.Your answerswill help us to assessyourpersonalsuitability,occupationalexpertiseand professional qualifications,and to evaluateyour motivation,initiative, adaptability,iesourcefulnessand overall abjlity to settlesuccessfullyin Canada. Do professionalsneedregistration and licensing to work in canada? Many occupationsin Canadarequiremembershipin a professionalassociationand/or registrationor licensing.Applicantsintendingto work in one of theseoccupationsmay needto prove they hold sufficient credentialsto meetprofessionallicensingrequire-ments. We suggest you contactthe appropriateprofessionalassociationin Canadato have your qualificationJ assessed beforeyou submityour applicationand fee. For how long is my immigrant visa valid? Ngrmal.lV,immigrant visas are valid for 6-11 monthsfrom the date of issuance.The validity date is basedupon the earlier of you or your dependantspassportvalidity date(s)and the medicai validity date. IMMIGRANT VISAS cANNoT BE EXTENDED oNcE ISSUED; IF APPLICANTS DO NOT USE THEM WITHIN THEIR VALIDITY THEY MUST REAPPLY FOR IMMIGRATION TO CANADA. Page- 29 - '[R'1,'l!ts'tr'tr[i i"triiiFn+'*oJ!,f,J*.u About the Medical Examination... I the medicalexamination? cal Examination becomethe For how long is the medical examinationvalid? The medicalexaminatio;il"Iffi;t' test'If your visais notprocessed rz monii* rlm thedareof thefirst medicalexamination in;il* tur."anorhercomplereexamination. or everyonein my family have a medicalexamination? YJ:t edicalexamination? :";;,^1,),i:i%:;,:,xx*X;i:T:,ff :,.,i:,:&T,!:::,rwi,rb iceduringtheprtcessing-or vo*6;il;#..,, My chitdrenarestudyingabroad andcannotreturnhgT. fortheir immigrationmedical I ao;;i;;ilJd.ruy iffiTJlfr"f,f ?ili",[.;ilr;;il.. subm*ting myapprication. NOTE: In certain visa offices the Medical R-eportForm will not be includedin the kit' In suchcasesthe medicar application i".r*"ii"ns will'be sil; yourort* you ,rf.i, your to the visa office. apprication Page- 30 INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT F O RP E R S O NSSE E K I NP CE R M A N E NRTE S I D E N C E I do not understand "excessivedemand" or whether my ailment would place an excessive demand on canada's health or socialservices.can you tell me more? The factorsconsideredduring the medicalassessment include whetheror not hospitalizationor medical,social or institutionalcareare requiredand whetherpotentialemployabiiity or productivity could be affected.For example,a personwith a ierious diseaie ot pryihiutri. disorderthat requiresongoing careor hoipitalization may be inadmissiblebecausetheir requirementswould place "excessivedemind" on the heilth-care system.Individuals with developmentaldelay or congenitaldisorders_ who requirespecialeiucation or training to lead an independentlife may also be inadrnissible.Other conditionr which could place a sign-ificant financial burdenon Canada'shealth or social serviceswould alsorenderan applica-ntmedically inadmissible. UponArrival... What happenswhenI arrive in Canada? officer.The Yl.n yo1]arrive,you mustpresentyourimmigrantvisato a customs/immigration officerwill checkyour visaandtraveldocumentandaskyou questionssimllarto thoseon the immigrationapplicationform_toverifythatyou areof goodcharacter andin goodhealth.The gf!_cermay alsorequestproofthatyouhavesufficientlunds to settlein Canada. If thereareno difficulties,theofficerwill authorizeyouradmissionto Canadaasa perrnanent resident. What settlementservices are available? Canada's settlement servicesarelimited.You canlearnaboutthemfrom CanadaImmigration Centres,HumanResources CanadaCentresandprivateorganizations. It is your responiibilityto find a job whenyou arrive.You shouldhaveenoughmonJyto supportyouiselfand^ your dependants until yougetajob. Can you help me find a job, tell me in whichoccupationI shouldapplyand giveme specific adviceaboutmy applicationbeforeI committo payingthe procesritigt ., gJttingaUihe documentstogetherand undergoinga medical? Unfornrnately we do not havetheresources to providethistypeof assistance. The immigration selectioncriteriaandprocessrequirepotentialimmigrantsto provetheirown initiative, resourcefulness andmotivationby researching theiremployment prospects, findingoui if th"i, qualifications andexperience aretransferable to theCanadian lab-our marketandto assess themselves on thepointssystem. lH,#""'ilTil,ii3i,,ffi ilFA+,8L 5!1n., Your Rightsand Obligations asa PermanentResident ii cunada You and yourdependants have the,study and work foras rong as you remain '" ,"f,,,".iar benerits o.;o;;Jd iffi*fl*liU:-entitred tocanadian iil{il:"ffi:ff:f tp requirements, and youmayapplyfor Canadian a canaaian iissport. citizenship Therearea few limitations on permanent residents: . ' You cannotvotein certain elections. you may be inerigiblefor certainjobs requiringhigh-revelsecurity clearances. As a permanentresident, you alsohaveI legal obligationsascanadians, such suchas aspaying p"t;;;';;;;', raxes ondrrrp."tino.,,":.Tt and;rrp.;il;;#i#X ' ill""Jr#lt tr::il'dljffi-"tit serious crimes, vouoryourdependants risk me a Canadian, citizenor abandonCanada as Ito have abandoneJ C";;;fiou have frequenr travel to Canada,o you, v,sasfo, ntry indefinitely, you *ili ioJ""vourpermanent Page- 32 KIT INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION RESIDENCE FORPERSONS SEEKING PERMANENT Checklistfor IndependentImmigrants DocumentsChecklist AI-L applicabledocumenrsaretobe submitted,up front, with your completedapplicationlorm. P)easesubnirt otherthanEnglish listedbelow. Documentsin languages photocopies, unlessotherwiseindicated,of thedocuments by a certifiedtranslation-0tatis atranslationpreparedby an accreditedtranslalor. or-Frenchmustbeaccompanied The documentsshouldbe submitted , in onepackage,in theorderthey arelisted. For example,theAPC checklist etc. Pleasenumberyour shouldbe ttretop document,followedby thepassportcopy(s),thenbirttr certihcate(s), is appreciated. witlr thenumberson this list. Your cooperation documentcopiesto correspond to therelevanttag (a paperclip Assembleyour documentsaslisted. Cut alongthelinesandanachyour documents is indicated. exceptwhereanoriginaldocument of all documents will do). Sendphotocopies TAG NO. IMMIGRANT APPLICATIONFORM Check that it is complere and signed. If you wantus to deal with a Canadianrepresentativeon your behalf, be sure you have signed a documentallowing us to releaseinformation, on the back of the application form and on a separatedocument. L IDENTITY / MARRIAGE INFORMATION Birth, mariage, final divorce, separationand/or death certificates for yourself and spouse. Also a clear copy of your national Identity Card/Certificate/Cedula(where available). 2 CHILDREN'SINFORMATION Children's birth certificares (which name their parents); adoption papersfor adopted dependentchildren; proof of cusrody for children under the age of 18 and proof that the children may be removed from the jurisdiction of ttre court; if the children will not accompanyyou to Canada,proof that you have fulfilled any obligation staredin custody agreements. Proof of continuous full-time studies of all dependent children aged 19 orover. 3 DOCUMENTS TRAVEL / PASSPORT children.Childrenmusthave or traveldocumensfor yourself,your spouseanddependent Passports from tlreirparents'.Includeonly copiesof pagesshowingthepassport their own passport,separate number,dateof issueandexpiration,your photo,name,dateandplaceof birth. If you residein a counrrydifferentfrom your nationality,includea copyof your visa for the countryin which you currentlyreside. **'TPLEASE NOTE: ALL PROSPECTIVE IMMIGRANTSMUST HOLD A VALID REGULAROR PRIVATE ARE PASSPORTAT THE TIMEOF I-ANDING. DIPLOMATIC,OFFICIAL, SERVICEOR PUBLIC AFFAIRSPASSPORTS tr()!ACCEPTABLE.**' PROOFOF RELATIONSHIPTO CANADIAN FAMILY Proof of relationship ro yoru close relatives in Canad4 such as birth and mariage certificates. (If you do not have any CanadianFamily omit this tag.) 4 F 5 Page - 33 - .NDE'ENDENT cAlIg_o1y ApplrcAroN Krr ffi ffiwm andsigneduy"?.pon,iur"orn.'"i"i;"p"ff fff tffiffi trffi ,,, ,,:U:::,#"ffi iff I *: mf,ryrg wirhtlrecompany, ?fy.".'gpglo.rmenr 3:;ry*H#*l#:iffi mainresponsibilities :ji."i*igl5#J*ffi i" E*h frri,i.j", ].Vour #pXlf iii;"",andtlrerimespentineachposirion, rnX**XLpl,:**1,.::i{:meoryouremproymenr. ffi;To*c'RRENTEMeLovER pLEASE pRovrDE H.IfrU-ffi ?J".1?"1",g1if**-.d,t5g3#ii&*fi A wRrrrENExi,iariiirorv. bererevant royour Hrl";;"ff:fla"fi":T;;r,rJ1l,:{:*,:T:iit31glolfri"".".Tray successrur ,i:lTT:1,UffiT; ffi:gffi:,.lcanada*'i"r,"iuyi"rp,"d".;;il*i#tr;;;,iffi1,fr Pr.oofofsufficientfundscurrentlyavailabIetomaintainyourselfand,ffi self-supporting in canada'rr'it i""rua"tuuni sraremenb, reitersfromyourfinanciliinstirurion, proofof vourliquidasses.Th;l;;;r "."oun, rur, L" ,"uJirfou],irf*ur" to canadain a convertibre HL""|;: certificates orclearances 9RI9INAL Police fromeacl-.gryv-t familvagedl8 vears ffi poLICE Mucferrncn ffiE-oftaNAL ooiurrrcNtrsl. Placeall of your documentsand application forms in a sealedenvelopeand mail them to the addressat the top of the nextp.g".' Page- 34 INDEPENDENT CATEGORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Ma i I o r d e p o si t yo u r a p p l i ca ti o n to: Canadian Enbassy in Bucharest 36 Nicolae Iorga 71118 Bucharest, 22, Romania service standards The rmmigration unit in Bucharest is the office responsible for processing atI rmrnigrant applications in Romania and Ln" nepublic of Moldova. The forlowing service standards appry to arr cases of our territory. Acknowledgenent of Receipt Notice: uPgl receipt of your apprication the rmrnigration unit of Bucharest wiII r-er1i-ewyour appli-ation for completeness to ensure that you have followed the instructions in tnis kit and nave paid tn. correct fees.. rf you .provide an incomplete apprication or incorrect fees your apprication wirl be returned to you. rf your ap p i i c a t i o n i s -o n p l e l i a n a the fees ar e cor r ect the office will send you an Acknowledgenent of Rec-eipt within I weeks of receipt of -your applicatign. This acknowledgernent wirl pi""ia" a file number. No t i c e o f Asse ssme n t: rh-. Innigration office will advise you within Lz weeks frorn Acknowledgenent of Receipt if your ilnterview has ulen waived. the rf you require an interview you wiff receive an invitation at the Iatest 6 weeks prior to the interview date. Tine to Interview: Interviews wiII be hetd LO-L2 months from r e c e i p t of a p p r i c a t i o n . w h i re th e rrn rn i g r ation office wir r make every efforta n to naintain this tine frane the waiting period for an interview may increase as more cases are added to 6xisting interview queues. Review of Documentation subnitted in your Apprication -ue Documents subrnitted in your application wili revGwea w i t h i n weeks from the date of receipl of the documents or the complete6 app l i c a t i o n . Tine to Finarization for rnterview waived casess Applicants who do not require an interview may expect finalization of their cases appr.oxim.ately 5-6 months after- they navl undertaken their nedical examinations.- Page - 35 INDEPENDENT CATECORY APPLICATION KIT FORPERSONS SEEKINC PERMANENT RESIDENCE Routine Status Enquiries: Routine status enquiries for cases being-repry processed within the above standards may be discarded without thereby E"lfriiig t h e o f f i ce to b e tte r u tilize its lim ited ieiour ces to pr oc es s applications. Yo u r M a i l i n g A d d re ss: rt is inperative that you keep our office informed of any changes t o y o u r rn a i l i n g a d d re ss. r t ls your r esponsibir ily to do so. T o notify us of a change in your mairing address f,t"a=" use THE CHANGE oF ADDRESS FAx provided on the folrowing pag;. By using the enclosed form you can herp to ensure that new address inforrnition i s u p d ate d o n yo u r fi l e a! quickly as possible.