Issue 337
Issue 337
The #1 FREE biweekly publication for the English speaking community of Milan Year XVI No. 337 February 4 - 17, 2016 The British School of Milan is pleased to invite you to the vernissage cocktail Spazio Ex-Bazzi - via Dei Canzi 19 - milan Leonardo3 The world of leonardo da vinci exhibiTion wiTh new discoveries codices, machines, painTings and drawings Milan, Piazza della Scala at the entrance of Galleria Open daily, 9:30 am-10:30 pm Info: 02 learning to excel since 1969 International Baccalaureate FREE Entrance Visual Arts, Students’ Show Thursday 3 March 2016, 18:00 - 20:00 2016 U MM NITY O RVING TH SE Free M AP English in eak g C sp E New in the center of Milan Award of Excellence from the President of the Italian Republic • Swimming Lessons (including beginner’s lessons for Toddlers) • Free Lane Swimming • Neonatal Swimming • Aquafitness • Aquakids Via Conservatorio 2 - 20122 Milano (M1 San Babila) For information or to book: Tel. 02.36799791/2 - tel. +(39) 02 66 98 32 99 embassy news VOTING IN 2016 U.S. ELECTIONS Your Vote Counts! Did you know that many U.S. elections for house and senate have been decided by a margin smaller than the number of ballots cast by absentee voters? All states are required to count every absentee ballot as long as it is valid and reaches local election officials by the absentee ballot receipt deadline. Follow a few simple steps to make sure that you can vote in the 2016 U.S. elections: 1. Request Your Ballot: Complete a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). You must complete a new FPCA after January 1, 2016 to ensure you receive your ballot for the 2016 elections. The completion of the FPCA allows you to request absentee ballots for all elections for federal offices (President, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives) including primaries and special elections during the calendar year in which it is submitted. The FPCA is accepted by all local election officials in all U.S. states and territories. You can complete the FPCA online at The online voting assistant will ask you questions specific to your state. We encourage you to ask your local election officials to deliver your blank ballots to you electronically (by email, internet download, or fax, depending on your state). Include your email address on your FPCA to take advantage of the electronic ballot delivery option. Return the FPCA per the instructions on the website. will tell you if your state allows the FPCA to be returned electronically or if you must submit a paper copy with original signature. If you must return a paper version, please see below for mailing options. 2. Receive and Complete Your Ballot: States are required to send out ballots 45 days before a regular election for federal office and states generally send out ballots at least 30 days before primary elections. For most states, you can confirm your registration and ballot delivery online. 3. Return Your Completed Ballot: Some states allow you to return your completed ballot electronically and others do not. If your state requires you to return paper voting forms or ballots to local election officials, you can do so free of charge at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Place your ballots in postage paid return envelopes or in envelopes bearing sufficient domestic U.S. postage, and address them to the relevant local election officials. If it’s more convenient for you, you can also return your FPCA or ballot to your local election officials via international mail or professional courier service at your own expense. The second binding referendum will be held from 3 March to 24 March 2016. Choose between the most preferred flag. The flag that receives the most votes in the second referendum will be the official flag of New Zealand. Follow the instructions in this website: [57713]XL Email i n f o - ro m e @ d f a t . g o v. a u if you would like to receive the Embassy Newsletter and other occasional communications from the Australian Embassy in Rome. Please include your name, email address, country of residence, and please specify whether you would prefer to receive communications in English or Italian. [57714]XL Interested in contributing to new online community? Submit your stories and share your experiences with other expats and English speakers living in Italy. Email: info@ [57614]B F XL Need to contact the British Consulate? gover nment/world/italy Email: Tel. 06.4220.2431 [30234]M All Americans should register online at step/ (even short-term visitors) for important Embassy emergency notifications. [15819]M All Australians residing overseas or travelling for tourism or business, either for short or long stays, are encouraged to register with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. [57543]XL Registration service for New Zealanders overseas, www. . Please register to be contacted in an emergency. More info on italy [30706]M New to Italy? Learn about the job market, figure out contracts, taxes & visas, as well as common scams & what to avoid. For tips and advice visit FAQs [57570] ▲ To contact the Voting Assistance Officers, call the Consular Section nearest you or send an e-mail to: • for the Consular District of Rome • for the Consular District of Milan • for the Consular District of Naples • for the Consular District of Florence Remember, your vote counts! The end of Expo has not slowed down the international initiatives in our city, on the contrary. In this issue, you will find lots of interesting announcements from the English speaking Diplomatic Institutions: from the U.S. Embassy on how to request an absentee ballot; a message from Ambassador Christopher Prentice to UK nationals on the 2017 referendum (p. 3); an invitation to Canadian Embassy’s Working and Living in Canada event in Turin; UKTI announcement on this year’s winners for the UK-Italy Business Awards (p. 5). Happy Reading, Amie Louie Editor in Chief Cinema in English 4 Feb. 96 min Irrational Man by W. Allen w/ E. Stone, J. Phoenix 8, 9, 11 Feb. 120 min by B. Ray w/ N. Kidman, J. Roberts 15, 16, 18 Feb. 103 min FreeHeld by P. Sollett w/ E. Page, J. Moore on Mondays at ANTEO spazio Cinema free classified ads That's right, all classified ads in plain text w/ max 170 characters are free! via Milazzo 9 - tel. 02 6597 732 (MM2 Moscova) on Tuesdays at ARCOBALENO FILM CENTER v.le Tunisia 11 - tel. 02 2940 6054 (MM1 P.ta Venezia) No 13:00 show on Thursdays at CINEMA MEXICO via Savona 57 - tel. 02 4895 1802 (MM2 P.ta Genova) Show Times 13.00 / 15.20 / 17.40 / 20.00 / 22.20 13.00 / 15.20 / 17.40 / 20.00 / 22.00 *Tues no show before 15 Place your ad today: 2 U. S. Embassy Rome, Italy Issue 337 SOTT Secret in Their Eyes Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program’s (FVAP) website, The Voting Assistance Officers at the U.S. Embassy in Rome and the Consulates General in Florence, Milan and Naples are available to answer questions about absentee voting. February is a special month for me for various reasons. Most of January is dedicated to recollecting after the holidays, getting over jet lag and getting on with some new year’s resolutions. Whereas, February is the month when the cold sets in and all those fortunate enough to be living here in Milan can start their ski season. In this issue, we are pleased to feature, 48 Hours in Verona, a great weekend get-a-way destination. More articles on living in Italy are found on, the online community for English speakers. Also in February, Carnevale takes place; a great distraction for kids and adults (see p. 4 for costumes). Last but not least, in February 2000, the first issue of Easy Milano was in distribution! serving the community since 1999 SOTT con sottotitoli in ital Researching the Candidates and Issues: Online Resources. Check out the FVAP links page for helpful resources that will aid your research of candidates and issues. Non-partisan information about candidates, their voting records, and their positions on issues are widely available and easy to obtain on-line. You can also read national and hometown newspapers on-line, or search the internet to locate articles and information. For information about election dates and deadlines, subscribe to FVAP’s Voting Alerts (vote@fvap. gov). FVAP also shares Voting Alerts via Facebookand Twitter. public announcements public announcements in collaboration with Tickets €7,50 1st two shows €5,00 students €5,50 under 18 €5,50 U MM NITY O RVING TH SE Dear Easy Milano readers, Today, the 4 February, I join the Electoral Commission in the launch of a day of dedicated activities to encourage British expats living overseas to register to vote. It is probably going to be a longer term campaign, but with the Overseas Voter Registration Day we aim to make a bigger splash and reach as many expats as possible around the globe! Year XVI Issue No. 337 February 4 - 17, 2016 Serving the community since 1999 Free every two weeks | Quindicinale gratuito Arts & Leisure 04 02 05 07 04 13 Arts & Leisure Cinema in English Clubs & Expat Associations Easy Life Events & What's On Music, Dance & Theatre Place your 15 15 02 03 02 06 06 04 02 14 Classified Ads How to Distribution Partners Editor's Note Embassy News - UK Referendum Embassy News - U.S. Elections Embassy News - Working & Living in Canada Recipe - Valentine's National Recipe - Pancakes Public Announcements Worship Directory 11 11 10 10 10 11 11 12 Childcare Positions Offered Childcare Positions Wanted Employment Offered Employment Offered Teaching Employment Wanted Household Employment Offered Household Employment Wanted Internship Related 08 07 08 07 07 07 08 Holiday Rentals Housing Offered Housing Offered Elsewhere Housing Wanted Real Estate For Sale Shares Offered Short Lets Offered That’s why we are urging UK nationals who are now living in Italy to take five minutes on Overseas Voter Registration Day, or any other day, to visit and make sure you are able to have your say at the EU Referendum, when it takes place. 08 09 14 10 08 09 08 English Lessons Italian Lessons Kids’ Corner Language Exchange Learning Directory Private Lessons Wanted Study Holiday While Overseas Voter Registration Day is not the only day you can register, it is the perfect opportunity for you to encourage friends, family or colleagues to check if they can take part and ask them to go online to register from wherever they are in the world. So please do share this information as widely as possible. 05 06 06 06 Business & Commerce Computer Related Professional Services Translation Services In the Community Fre e AD É Employment Opportunities Housing & Accomodation Learning Directory As many of you living in Italy are aware, before the end of 2017 there will be a referendum in the UK on our future in the European Union. The outcome of this vote will be of enormous importance for the future of Britain and indeed for the EU, and for this reason it is more important than ever that the level of participation is high! Not all of you are aware that it’s possible to register as an overseas voter for certain UK polls, in particular the UK Parliamentary General Elections, the European Parliamentary elections and the upcoming EU Referendum. Many of you could in fact discover today, or over the next few days, that you are eligible to vote and now it’s easier than ever to take this opportunity and register. The outcome of this vote will be of enormous importance for the future of Britain and indeed for the EU... Services & Shopping Health & Well-being 13 Health & Well-being 13 Sports & Fitness Misc & Others 12 Boats/Items for Sale 14 Pets Related Next Deadline: Tues, February 9 for Issue 338: Thurs, February 18 Following Deadline: Tues, February 23 for Issue 339: Thurs, March 3 Advertising Information Tel. +(39) 02 66 98 32 99 | Easy Milano is a Product of B Easy srl Via G. Fara 7, 20124 Milan, Italy | Printed by: Jona S.r.l., Paderno Dugnano (MI) Editor in Chief Amie Louie Managing Director Aaron Pugliesi Responsible Director Piergiorgio Chiarini Office Manager Antonella Tradati Back Office Jenine Laguatan To register as an overseas voter, you must have previously been registered in a UK constituency within the last 15 years. Once registered, you can then choose how you wish to vote: you can vote by post, by proxy (voting by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf), or even in person at your polling station if you will be in your local authority area on polling day. It should be easier to vote by post for this referendum as the timetable for postal votes has been extended to allow them to be sent out even earlier than usual, giving you further time to receive, complete, and return your ballot pack to the UK. So please: remember to register! To register to vote, visit and follow #OVRD on Twitter for tips and advice. Christopher Prentice CMG Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Italy and San Marino The content that appears in Easy Milano and is copyright by B Easy srl. It may not be used by third parties without explicit authorization from B Easy srl or the individual authors themselves. The reproduction of such content is a breach of Italian legislation (Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633, Art. 2, com.9) and may result in penal sanctions, and in case of non Italian nationals may result in expulsion (DL 25/07/98 n. 286, Art. 26 e Legge 6/03/98, n. 40, Art. 24). Readers are encouraged to notify such episodes to Easy Milano makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the ads and advertisements that appear on its pages and invites all readers to notify us of discrepancies or problems arising from or related to the ads and advertisements in its magazine. Nonetheless, Easy Milano can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect undesired consequences of the content or form of the ads and advertisements appearing in this magazine. Registr. all Tribunale di milano n. 22 del 14.01.2000 3 embassy news English in eak g C sp E UK Expats: Don’t Miss Out, You May Be Able to Vote in the EU Referendum. arts & leisure national recipe arts & leisure arts & leisure “…the best Chinese restaurant in Milan, best dim sum, good food, excellent service with a smile.” – Trip Advisor An authentic late 19th C aristocratic Milanese mansion decorated with Renaissance art & furniture: Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, via Gesù 5, Tues-Sun 1pm-5:45pm, Tel. [57694] This classified ad is Free! Plain text & 170 characters. Re-insert your free ad in a new issue every 2wks. Max 2 free ads per issue. See for more details [31977] ▲ Ted O’Flaherty’s Irish Pancakes events & what's on events Via G.Fara 15 Milano (MM Repubblica) Lunch & Dinner Every Day, For Reservations Tel. | 328.62.41.351 Celebrate the Chinese New Year in via Paola Sarpi on 8 February. Golden Dragon Parade, Chinese lion dance and a final masked parade are expected. It starts around 10am from the end of Via Paolo Sarpi. Afro-American violinist, Daniel Bernard Roumain at the Aperitivo concert at Teatro Manzoni on 7 Feb, 11 am to 1 pm. Full program here: Carnevale Ambrosiano takes place from 9-13 Feb - Don’t miss this unique Carnival tradition in Italy, as it starts when other Carnivals end. Many events and parades from Palestro to Piazza Duomo. Scherzi da Collezione, Friday 12 February at Mudec, Museo delle Culture di Milano. Carnevale 2016. €10 a bambino. Info and reservations Tel. 02.54.917 Per ulteriori informazioni educati on@ “Salon du Chocolat” a chocolate festival at The Mall Porta Nuova, v.le della Liberazione 13-15 Feb. For more info: 11 - 14 Feb 2016 12th edition of Love Festival: Verona in Love. A perfect place to celebrate Valentine’s Day. For more info: 14 - 17 Feb 2016 MIPEL International Leather goods Market, 9:30 am 7:00 pm at Rho Fiera Milano. More info Bring your kids to see The Nutcracker for children with Ballet Company and Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala from 13 Feb to 12 March. For dates and ticket, www. Brian May & Kerry Ellis “ One Voice The Tour” will takes place in Teatro Arcimboldi on 25 February at 9pm. For tickets visit, www. Tandem Exchange with the collaboration of Leonardo Da Vinci every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 9pm Ostello bello will be the place where you can learn Italian, from their expressions to swear words. Carnival party in Ostello Bello, Friday, 12 February at 7pm. There will be a makeup artist who dress you for the occasion. Winter's Tale at Teatro Piccolo Strehler, from 17 to 21 February in English with Italian subtitles. For tickets visit, en/events The English Comedy Gang Live Show starting from 9pm to 11pm on 4 February in Zelig Cabaret, v.le Monza 140 (MI) For info and reservations Tel. continued 4 Issue 337 Pancake Day, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday, is the last day of Lent. The following day, on Ash Wednesday, Christians traditionally started a period of abstinence, giving up sugar, butter and other rich foods. In many countries it is also known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. This year Pancake Day is on February 9th. Ingredients • 250ml flour • 1/2 tsp salt • 550 ml whole milk • 2 eggs • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • Additional butter for frying • granulated sugar • lemon juice Method 1. Beat the milk and eggs together in a bowl. In another bowl, sift the flour and salt together; add half the milk and egg mixture, stirring constantly. 2. Melt the butter and whisk it in. Whisk in the rest of the remaining milk and egg mixture. 3. Allow the batter to stand at least two hours. 4. Melt 1 tbs butter in frying pan, add 1/4 cup batter and tip until the pan is evenly coated. Keep the pan moving as you cook to prevent sticking. When the underside is golden brown, flip the pancake and cook the other side. Slide onto an oven proof platter; sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice and then, roll up. Keep warm in a 300 degree oven until ready to serve. American Style Pancakes For those of you who prefer the American alternative to pancakes which are much fluffier, cut the milk content in half to about 250ml, use one less egg and add 4 teaspoons of baking powders. Replace lemon juice with maple syrup. I Vincitori degli UK-ITALY Business Awards Join the Premiere Network for Professional Women in Milan For more information on our networking and career development events, please visit our website: PWA is a member of EuropeanPWN Gli UK-Italy Business Awards sono l'evento annuale che il governo britannico dedica alle aziende italiane che hanno scelto di espandere il proprio business verso il Regno Unito, in collaborazione con l'agenzia governativa UK Trade & Investment (UKTI). La cerimonia di premiazione, organizzata dal Consolato Generale Britannico di Milano, in collaborazione con Borsa Italiana - London Stock Exchange Group, celebra sia le imprese italiane più affermate sia le start-up innovative. Aziende Premiate il 27 gennaio 2016: ABACO S.p.A Agritech Award EXOR Investor of the Year Award FRENESY FILM Creative Industries Award Venice Film Festival GREEN NETWORK UK PLC Green Economy Award PRADA GROUP Manufacturing Award SCAVOLINI Market Entrant Award YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP Digital Economy Award Premio Programma ELITE, organizzato da Borsa Italiana: Alice in the Wonderland at Teatro Manzoni on 13 Feb. Promote yr event in Easy Milano! Submit yr event details every 2 wks. Don’t miss the deadline, see online calendar for exact dates. Promuovi il tuo evento in Easy Milano! Scrivi i dettagli del evento ogni 2 settimane. [31976] ▲ clubs & expat associations clubs and expat associations Twitter: @uktiitaly @uktiitalia @ukpavilion2015 Instagram: UKTI_Italy LinkedIn: UKTI-italy “Create a New You!” An empowering 2 day transformational workshop Make it your New Year’s resolution for 2016! Embrace your passions Reach your Goals Transform your Habits Meet a dynamic group of international women at Professional Women's Association (PWA). For more info on career development events, go to We are the Italian member of European Professional Women’s Network Read about our Ready for Board Women project at [46113]B F XL Aperonet, expat group in Milan! Expats & Ital meet for happy hr, pub quiz, practice langs, watch latest movies in Engl for €3,80: and join us on facebook [57699] ▲ Discount for early Registratio n! Become the person you have always wanted to be! Enquire today about our new courses and workshops! Tel. 339.412.5087 Benvenuto Club of Milan- An allvolunteer organization of English speaking women meeting for friendship, fun, cultural exchange, travel and more: visit our website www.; write to us at; join us each Wed from 10:30 to 12 at D&G Martini Bar Corso Venezia 15 [54106]XL GOLDEN GOOSE DELUXE BRAND INDUSTRIE DE NORA S.p.A RACCORTUBI GROUP VALVITALIA GROUP VIASAT GROUP S.p.A Premio alle Start-Up italiane più brillanti: CLEAFY DIAMANTE GranHub MOBYSIGN SAFEN SOLO Infinite Wisdom A DAY WITH SHAKESPEARE M.A.C. Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro, 1 Sunday 7th February, 4 p.m. Music by Bach/Carusi - Morricone - Berio Schubert - Beethoven - Satie Chopin - Schumann - Mussorgski Based on Shakespeare’s sonnets and Buttafuoco’s lyrics Group Connecting English-speaking people to share interests and activities, business networking, social occasions and more… Join Us on EasyCircle Narrator Pietrangelo Buttafuoco Piano Nazzareno Carusi Reduce price tickets: € 7 present this ad at the ticket office the day of the concert MusicaArteCultura 5 arts & leisure business & commerce PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION MILAN embassy news Working and Living in Canada Feb. 16 Event in Turin: Express Entry - Immigration to Canada is Efficient and Effective professional PROFESSIONAL SERVICES services Electrician: If you have electrical problems, just call me. Tel. 335.628.2526 [57555] U.S. corporate lawyer in Milan with 20 years experience in Italy and the U.S. offers timely, comprehensive legal advice to expand business. Email: [57688] Got a small/medium business in need of marketing? English speaking Social Media consultant will guide and follow you through the works! Email: shay@stibelman. com Tel. 348.629.2008 [57620] B Easy Srl, publishers of Easy Milano, offers web design using content management system. Choose from simple web pages to complex designs. Call for a free quote. Tel. Email [6670]B XL The Canadian Embassy will be hosting a public information session in Turin geared towards skilled workers interested in working and living in Canada. This information session will take place on February 16 between 18:30-20:00 at Starhotels Majestic Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 54. Those interested in attending are required to register in advance by writing rome.expressentry@ Canada has the 11th largest economy in the world and is one of the world’s wealthiest nations. There are many professional opportunities for people who have education and work experience in skilled professions. People interested in learning more on Job opportunities in Canada can refer to Canada’s Job Bank,, an electronic listing of jobs provided by employers from everywhere across Canada. Applying to work or immigrate in Canada is convenient and efficient. Under Express Entry, applications for skilled workers to Canada are now processed entirely online. Priority is given to applicants who have job offers in Canada, as well as other applicants whose professional qualifications, work experience, and language ability are likely to make them successful in Canada. LAVORARE E VIVERE IN CANADA Torino 16 feb.: Express Entry Emigrare in Canada in maniera efficiente ed efficace L’Ambasciata del Canada ospiterà un seminario informativo a Torino rivolto a lavoratori qualificati interessati a lavorare e vivere in Canada. Il seminario si terrà il 16 febbraio dalle 18 :30 alle 20 :00 presso Starhotels Majestic in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 54. Si prega, per chi fosse interessato a partecipare, di iscriversi in anticipo scrivendo una email all’indirizzo rome.expressentry@ Il Canada è la 11esima economia mondiale ed è una della nazioni piú ricche al mondo; per persone con educazione ed esperienza in professioni altamente qualificate ci possono essere molte opportunità professionali. Per chi fosse interessato ad opportunità lavorative in Canada, puó visitare il sito Canada’s Job Bank , un portale online contenente offerte di lavoro da datori di lavoro da tutto il Canada. Far domanda per lavorare o emigrare in Canada è pratico ed efficace. Con il programma Express Entry le domande di lavoratori qualificati sono ora trattate interamente online. La priorità viene data ai candidati che hanno già un’offerta di lavoro in Canada, come anche ad altri candidati le cui qualifiche professionali, esperienze lavorative e capacità linguistiche rendono piú probabile la loro riuscita in Canada. Embassy of Canada to Italy Ambassade du Canada en Italie 6 Issue 337 Migrate to Australia, Free consultation to assess your eligibility. Our agents are based in Milan. Tel. +39 338.929.8805 www.visaaustraliamnc. com Email: meg@visaaustraliamnc. com [57617]R Offro servizi economici di editing, correzione di bozze per testi di narrativa, saggi, tesi di laurea e altri generi, ghostwriting. Email: [57657] P romote your professional service every two weeks. Easy Milano offers classified ad styles to make your text stand out from the rest. Choose from bold, framed, extra length, all caps and red text for just €10 each and pre-program your styled classified ads at no extra charge! Details on [31974]B F C ▲ translation services translation services EMT professional translator specialized in IT>EN financial, business and legal translations. Also general, tourism, wine/food. Free quotes. Email: goconsulting_ [57537] We offer fast, accurate and competitively priced Italian/English translations! Contact us for a quote! www., Email: [57615] ▲ computer related computers related Certified professional engineer MCSE-CCNP provides computer/ network support, repair, upgrade, design, troubleshoot, WiFi, advice. Tel. [54952]M ▲ Valentine's recipe Red Velvet Cake Ingredients for the sponges • 250g butter, plus extra for greasing • 200g dark chocolate, broken into chunks • 500g plain flour • 500g golden caster sugar • 2 tbsp cocoa powder • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda • ½ tsp salt • 2 large eggs • 200g natural yogurt • 400g cooked beetroot in natural juices (not vinegar) • 4 tbsp or 2 x 28ml bottle red food colouring (optional- a natural liquid colouring will not work) for the frosting • 200g full-fat soft cheese, at room temperature • 250g butter, softened • 400g icing sugar, sifted • 2 tsp vanilla extract Preparation 1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Make the first batch of sponges by greasing and lining 2 x 20cm round tins. Gently melt half the butter and chocolate together in a saucepan. Mix half the flour, sugar, cocoa, bicarb and ¼ tsp salt in a large mixing bowl. Whizz one egg and half the yogurt and beetroot in a food processor or blender until fairly smooth. Put the kettle on. 2. Tip the beetroot mix into the dry ingredients along with the melted chocolate mixture and 150ml boiling water, then stir to combine. Stir in half the food colouring, if using, and divide the mixture between the tins. Bake for 25 mins until a skewer poked into the centre comes out clean. Leave the cakes on a wire rack to cool completely. 3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to make 2 more sponges. 4.To make the frosting, briefly beat together the soft cheese and butter, then beat in the icing sugar and vanilla. Use a little to sandwich the cooled cakes together, then swirl the rest all over the sandwiched cakes and decorate with sweets, if you like. Sit the cake somewhere cool (not the fridge) to set a little before serving. Prep Time: 1 hr 10 mins + cooling Cooking Time: 30 mins English Speaking Lawyers Francesca Arenosto, trained in Boston University, and a team of 8 English-speaking lawyers in both Milan and in Rome specialized in: • Divorce and Family Law • Advice for setting up a new company / small businesses • Dispute Resolution: Employment disputes, road accidents • Contracts: Rental & Real Estate Milano - Via Dei Martinitt, 3 - Tel. Roma - P.zza Dei Carracci, 1 - Tel. - skype: studiolegalearenosto REAL ESTATE FOR SALE real estate for sale Spacious luxury flat / San Siro area: 191 m2 living space, 60 m2 terrace, underground parking (2 cars), 24 hr security. Asking € 988k. No agency. Tel. 348.640.8600 [57330]B Seeking buyers (or sellers) of large 5-star luxury hotels/properties in Rome & Venice centers & Tuscany area. No real estate agents please! Email: [57667] For Sale - via Montessori, res. futura 3 fl 55 m2 Furn apt 1 bdr, bath, sitt/din + open kitchen. AC, opp. children playgrnd & SuperM. Berge Tel. 329.750.6740 Email: [57610]F Umbria, beautiful villa on sale by owner. Amazing panoramic view, olive grove. Totally restored fully furnished. Price €160.000 Tel. 334.573.5512 [57596] Big house with small bed & breakfast surrounded by Olives trees & huge garden in Monacizzo TA(Puglia)2km to the seaside, for viewing & contact: w w w. c a s a f l i n t s t o n e . w e e b l y. c o m [57574] ▲ housing offered housing offered Pretty, furnished, flat, 55 m2, near Arena. 2 rooms, bathroom, little kitchen, large terrace, wash machine. €850. Available from February. Tel. 333.143.3359 [57589] In cerca dell’ inquilino perfetto? I nostri lettori cercano soluzioni abitative a breve termine. Cerca un nuovo inquilino oggi con Easy Milano su www. [40884]B F M2 Caiazzo beautiful Loft F/F A/C 55 m2 ktchnet, livrm fireplace, bdrm, bathrm. €850/mth heating condo charge bill incl. Email: pariflats@ Tel. 388.573.2492 [57600] M2 Crocetta - for rent 1 bdr loft apt in Via Orti. Perfect for professional single. Old Milan, elegantly furnished, A/C, wifi. €950 plus utilities. Email: [57604] To rent F/furn luxury apt available immediately, in ver y quiet residential area on MM4 Istria, 3 bdrms, 2 bthrms, all mod cons Short/long term rentals. Tel. 334.761.5773 [57662] Caiazzo: new furn. single room attic flat, full of light, a/c, rooftop terrace, all comf., €780/month all incl., avail. 1st Feb '16, no agenc. Email: [57665] Mini loft with 1 bedrm under the roof, full furnished. 4th floor, elevator. Via Forcella, 11. fashion area next to Armani Theatre. €850/ mth Sara Tel. 345.388.9491 [57609] R Via Battistotti Sassi (Viale Corsica), nice area, prvt rents 50 m2 apt. Well furn, suitable for a couple, too. € 950/mth exp. incl. Pia 345.228.3674 Email: merippai@ [57630] EASY MILANO OFFERS CLASSIFIED AD STYLES TO MAKE YOUR TEXT STAND OUT. REACH OUT TO THE ENGL SPEAKING COMMUNITY OF MILAN. CHOOSE FROM BOLD, FRAMED, EXTRA LENGTH, ALL CAPS AND RED TEXT FOR ONLY €10 EACH. EASILY SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE WWW.EASYMILANO.IT & PAY CONVENIENTLY BY CREDIT CARD. [31972]B F R C ▲ shares offered housing offered (shares) In nice flat near Moscova and Sempione, quiet single room for rent to F, private bathroom, use of kitchen, wifi. Monthly €450 all incl Email: Tel. 339.739.7951 [57674] ▲ housing housing wanted wanted 26 yo medical student is looking for accommodation. Ready to share apt or rent a studio in Milan (also nonstandard one, e.g without kitchen). Michael Email: [57682] ▲ easy life Studio Legale Arenosto 48 Hours in Verona What better way is there, than to spend Valentine’s Day in Verona, Italy’s city of love? Begin the tour at Castelvecchio (corso Castelvecchio 2). This medieval castle with its brick exterior and turrets is a wonderful architectural gem which houses an incredible collection of Medieval and Renaissance art. During your visit, take some time for a stroll across the Ponte Scaligero for a better look of the castle and the whole city. After your visit, head towards Piazza Bra where you’ll find the beautiful Arena. Built in the 1st century, this is the third largest Roman amphitheater. It can accommodate 30,000 spectators and is used during the summer months for several opera performances. After a peek inside the Arena, continue your tour to Verona’s main square: Piazza delle Erbe. This irregularly-shaped square is lined with restaurants and a few market stalls, take your pick and stop for lunch. In Roman times, the forum was held in this square, at the Domus Mercatorum near the center of the square. Be sure to spot the fountain with the Madonna Verona which was also constructed during Roman times. At the far end of the square you’ll notice a column with a winged lion, the symbol of St. Mark and the city of Venice. Next stop will be the Torre dei Lamberti, the tall bell tower visible from Piazza delle Erbe (Via della Costa 1). Take the lift for a breathtaking view of the city from a height of 84 meters. Exit Piazza delle Erbe along the Southern side on Via Cappello for a mandatory stop: Juliet’s House (Via Cappello 23). Although it is not the actual setting of Shakespeare’s play it is well worth a visit even if it is just to drop off your letter. On the courtyard you can see the famous balcony as well a lovely bronze sculpture of Juliet, be sure to rub her breast for luck in love! Romantics can proceed to the site of Juliet’s Tomb in the former convent of San Francesco (Via del Pontiere 35) just a short walk from here. Day two begins at the far end of town across the Adige River in the Giardino Giusti (Via Giusti 2). Enjoy a morning stroll along the magnificent gardens of the Giusti family popular among the likes of Mozart and Goethe. From here, head towards the Roman Theater (Via Redentore 2). The theater was built on a hillside on the 1st century and overlooks the River. Like the Arena it is still in use, especially in the summertime. Proceed across the river to Verona’s Duomo (Piazza Duomo 21), a Romanesque masterpiece with Titian’s The Assumption of the Virgin. Continue along Via Duomo to the church of Sant’Anastasia with its brick exterior, arched entrance and rose window. This is perhaps one of Verona’s most visited churches with its beautiful interior and frescoed chapels. Next stop is the Galleria d’Arte Moderna (Cortile Mercato Vecchio), located in the Palazzo della Ragione which features artworks by Boccioni, Hayez and Warhol to mention a few. Don’t leave town without trying some of the delicious specialties which include Pasta e Fasoi (pasta dish with beans) or Risotto all’Amarone made with Amarone di Valpolicella, a local red wine. Tip: For a sightseeing visit, we strongly recommend you opt for the Verona Card, which offers free admission to most sights including churches, which in Verona require admission to enter. Choose from 18 Euros for 24-hour card or 22 Euro for 48-hour card depending on your visit. The Verona Card can be purchased in the ticket office to main landmarks. More info is available on: written by Vanessa Viara More articles like this one at: New articles in English for Italy’s Expat community are published every month on The online community for English speakers in Italy FIND. READ. SHARE. CONNECT. SOCIALIZE. 7 housing & accommodation Don’t forget to tell advertisers you saw them in: The best choice of apartments in Milan Their ads keep the magazine free for you. di Porta Romana 92, Milano T 0258328574 short lets offered housing offered (short lets) Room near M5 Marche, available for March, in a 2 bedrooms flat. Email: [57700] I'm letting a large double-bed room for 1 person for 1-3 months from March in my flat, very close to Bocconi University. €700/mth. bills included. Email: [57635] Central Milan. Modern furnished apartments. Utilities & Internet connected. Easy as hotel. Monthly & yearly lease. Move in now! Tel: [55821]M Email: info@ temporary rent in Milan. Apt f/furnished all around Milan, internet and anything you may need. Tel. +39 [57693] 1 bdroom flat w kitchen, toilet and shower. Small balcony. Ground flr. 2 single + 1 double bed. Tv, wifi, fully fur nished. Monteceneri area. Livia Tel. 338.211.9253 [57670] ▲ housing offered elsewhere housing offered (elsewhere) Legnano, only 30 mins from Milano, luxury modern beautiful panoramic lrg comfy f/furn apt for rent. Also short term www. legnanorentapartment.webnode. com Tel.329.031.2013 [57590] ▲ holiday rentals holiday rentals Are you looking for a Temporary Rent? We got the perfect place for you: fully furnished, internet. w w w. h o m e s re n t a l s . eu or Tel. [57692] SW Florida paradise. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom F/furn condo in beautiful Naples for all year rent all mod cons/garage and pool. Frank Tel. 335.656.2992 Email: [57628] 8 Issue 337 1 bedroom holiday home on Lake Maggiore. Lake views, terrace, parking, WiFi. 10 min walk to train station, lake and centre. For info, Email: [57621] ▲ study holiday study holiday Impara l'inglese con mamma e papa in Irlanda alla Dublin City University. Organizziamo nel mese di giugno vacanze-studio pensate per i più piccoli (6-12 anni) e i loro genitori. Presentazione a Milano il 24/02 presso il Sallas Café Via Pinturicchio,11 alle 19.00 www. [57472]XL At SEPAgency we offer summer camps and school terms in Ireland for children from 12 of age Tel. 380.896.5700 Italia [57539] Active English overnight summer camps for 7 to 13 yr olds are filling fast. Sports & Workshops. Come Join the Fun! / [57679] ▲ learning directory learning directory Art teacher from Accademia di Brera, gives art lessons to adults and children. Tel. 335.820.6645 Email: [57686] If you are interested in learning English or/and Russian languages, you can contact me. I am student in Milan from Georgia, am fluent in languages and able to teach. Email: [57650] Cook in Milano: Italian home cooking classes in Milano City, tasty recipes, excellent TripAdvisor reviews http:// Email: Tel. 335.805.9852 [56173]B English Immersion in UK Boarding Prep Schools for pupils aged 7-13 following the national curriculum, June (3-4 weeks) Email: Tel. [57540] Spending countless hours baffled in front of the computer screen? Let me help you make sense of it all: MS Office, Mac/PC, Internet, Social Media and more Tel. 348.629.2008 Shay [57619] British-trained Physics and Science teacher available for lessons and also English conversation. TEFL Qualified. Tel. 331.958.1812 Email: [57545] Italian native teacher with experience offers Italian and French lessons at all levels. For info Raffaella Tel. 339.350.5462 [57646] ▲ english English lessons lessons EMT= English Mother Tongue Cerchi lezioni di inglese private/ English lessons. Tel. 392.657.3326 [57581] Corsi di inglese, Bussero. Insegnante madrelingua. Privati/ Aziende. Bambini/Adulti. Tutti i livelli. Risultati ottimi. Tel. 346.017.4636 w w w. t o n i a l o r r a i n e r u s s o u w. c o m [57672] Pro teacher of English offers private lessons & courses to all levels: beginners & advanced; and ages: adults & kids. Group teaching & 1 to 1. Tel. 389.153.6139 Email: aldeyasty@ [57639] EMT 28yo F teacher (MA in languages) offers English lessons med/high levels, university students, conv, homework, grammar, IELTS. Low prices, group prices. Email: [57556] Corsi 1:1 o di gruppo su Skype con insegnanti madrelingua per imparare inglese a casa o in ufficio. Conversazione, grammatica, colloqui o altro? Visita [57661] Insegnante di inglese madre lingua, certificata TEFL, esperienza pluriennale, ottime referenze, massima serieta. Specializzata in linguaggio commerciale. www. [57561] British-trained Physics and Science teacher available for lessons and also English conversation. TEFL Qualified. Tel. 331.958.1812 Email: william. [57591] British teacher offers lessons of conversation + grammar for groups & indiv translations & p ro o f re a d i n g . Email: [57559] Lezioni di inglese in modo serio ma divertente e rilassante allo stesso tempo. Donna madrelingua inglese con 15 anni di esperienza. MI e MB. Cynthia Both Tel. 340.813.6754 [56068]M EMT experienced Teacher of all ages offers especially tailored, creative, private/group lessons 4 s t u d e n t s / c a re e r s / e x a m s / conversation. Superb w/ kids. Email: m e n t e r p r i s e @ l i b e ro . i t [57666] EMT inglese insegnante madrelingua USA, molto esperto. Lezioni private/piccoli gruppi. Conversazione, presentazioni, business English, preparazione esami. SMS 333.547.943 [57592] English Mother Tongue, 25 yo, M, experienced teacher for English language available for English Lessons or helping with conversation. SMS/WhatsApp/Tel +39 388.953.2805 [57643] American h e re teaching conversational fun English for all. Enjoy learning English for school, work or vacation! Go shopping, Cafes, on walks all in English? With me, Diane! Email: [57549] Ins. d'inglese bilingue dall'Australia, 13 anni d'esperienza. Impartisce lez x tutti i livelli presso vostro ufficio, durante pausa pranzo. Email: [57579] Prof Americano bilingue, per lavoro, esami, colloqui, CV. Veloce, prezzi buoni! Convers, pronun, gram. Personal trainer 7:3020:30 lun-ven. Zona Solari. Email: Te l . 349.496.3162 [57687]F Need to practice your English? Conversation with Steve. British EMT teaching experience. Can also help children with homework. Email: €25/h [57558] EMT teacher (British F), 7 years experience, including The British Council and Wall Street English. Conversation, exam prep and General English. Tel. 380.637.4191 [57500]M Inglese Low Cost. Ripetizioni elementari/medie, lezioni private anche per adulti. Tel. 346.576.5600 Email: giosiana. [57611] EMT F exp 7 yrs Korea, 6 yrs Milan. Elem to Uni. Business. Law, Medical, Job interviews. TOEFL TOEIC IELTS IPEC KET etc. I have TESOL cert. Email: [57554] LEARN ITALIAN IMT= Italian Mother Tongue IMT teacher qual and exp at the Italian Cultural Institute in London gives private Italian lessons, all levels, home & online. Sabrina Email: [57586] Italian native Teacher, highly qual & long exp. Flex hrs incl w/ends to match your schedule. Prof & friendly, good refs. www. Tel. 334.573.5512 [57597] Learn Italian! Fast & enjoyable at exceptionally low prices, 1-on-1 or group lessons. Special discount for intensive courses and for au pairs. Tel. Email: [51948]B F XL z fast & enjoyable, at exceptionally low prices One to One Lessons try your first lesson free! Group Course max 8 people: from € 150 for 4 weeks Evening Groups 6:30 - 8 pm or 8:30 - 10 pm Intensive Course 80 hours/mth SPECIAL DISCOUNT € 450 Au pair discount 10% off for group courses LANGUAGE.IT Info Monday - Friday 10.00am - 18.00pm Galleria del Corso 4, 7th floor MM Duomo Tel. 02 76 00 95 75 italian Italian lessons lessons learning directory EASY MILANO OFFERS CLASSIFIED AD STYLES TO MAKE YOUR TEXT STAND OUT. REACH OUT TO THE ENGL SPEAKING COMMUNITY OF MILAN. CHOOSE FROM BOLD, FRAMED, EXTRA LENGTH, ALL CAPS AND RED TEXT FOR ONLY €10 EACH. EASILY SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE WWW.EASYMILANO.IT & PAY CONVENIENTLY BY CREDIT CARD. [31973]B F C ▲ Latino, ancient Greek and Italian for foreigners: professor with many years experience gives lessons all levels even at home. Michele Tel. 351.225.6302 [57654] Learn Ital fast & easily! Exp & qual IMT teacher gives lessons tailored on your learning style & needs. Flex hrs incl w/e & good rates. Francesca Email: [57599] ▲ z Now Accepting Applications for the 2016–2017 Academic Year z private private lessonslessons wanted wanted Looking for an experienced EMT teacher for conversation at home. We live near Piazza Tricolore, Milano. From 6 pm Once a week. Email: [57564] Educating international students from more than 50 countries for more than 50 years. » 50+ Nationalities » International, American-Style Education » Early Childhood through High School » Next generation learning approach » Modern, green 9-acre campus » Extensive sports facilities American School of MIlan | Via Karl Marx 14 | Noverasco di Opera, MI | Tel: (+39) 02 5300.0015 | continued Bilingual EuropEan School TUTOR YOU IB Revision Courses with TutorYou Spring revision and preparation for IB exams in: Mathematics Studies/Standard/HL, Physics SL/HL, Chemistry SL/HL, Biology SL/HL, Economics SL/HL, Environmental Systems and Societies SL. Dates: March 29th to April 3rd, 9:00am – 5.00pm Location: Milan Do you want to improve your grades and make the most of the last break before IB Exams? This is your last chance! TutorYou can help you reach your target IB score and boost your confidence. To Sign up, visit Become a top IB Graduate – Enrol Now! Get in touch with TutorYou at: thE lEAding BilinguAl PrimAry & middlE schOOl in milAn Bilingual European School Elementary and Middle School Scuola elementare e secondaria di primo grado cOllABOrAtivE rEflEctivE wEll BAlAncEd cOmmunicAtOr BilinguAl innOvAtE OPEn mindEd mOtivAtEd cAring KnOwlEdgEABlE thinKEr inquirEr PrinciPlEd Bilingual European School An OutstAnding BilinguAl EducAtiOn with A glOBAl PErsPEctivE TutorYou Viale Luigi Majno 7, Milano • Tel: +39 335 6502741 • 9 friends & partners Easy Milano is pleased to have had the fortune to work in collaboration with AT E S O F A ST M N SU L AT E G E NE R CO AL ICA UNIT ER ED the following institutions and organisations over the years: I require a Cambridge DELTAqualified teacher to assist me in preparing for a job competition: syllabus & content design, theory and practice. Oliver Tel. 348.186.4018 [57612] Cerco madrelingua inglese/ americana per lezioni d'inglese(conversazione e grammatica) in cambio di aiuto domestico/commissioni 1/2 ore a settimana. Email: simoviola100@ [57647] Cerchi qualcuno di madre lingua inglese che può seguire tuo figlio passo a passo con l’inglese o altre materie? Stai cercando un tutor privato? Inserisci il tuo annuncio su Easy Milano, [51756]XL ▲ language exchange language exchange I would like to join a small group for Italian language lessons, if anyone is interested or knows of an available teacher please get in touch. Email: marianrays@ [57568] Elisa 32 yo. I hope You'll contact me. I'm Italian mother tongue and I search new foreign friends to speak English. Email: elisaresmini@gmail. com [57602] Pro teacher of English. M 46 yo. Friendly and easygoing. Also, journalist and poet. Looking for language exchange in Milan. Tel. 389.153.6139 Email: aldeyasty@ [57638] This classified ad is Free! Place your classified ads in plain text (not bold, frame, etc.), max 170 characters every 2 weeks. Max 2 free ads per issue. www. [31979] ▲ employment offered employment offered - Città Metropolitana di Milano 10 Issue 337 EMT= English Mother Tongue Marketing online/offline. Area Nutraceutics-Nutrigenomics. Free training, 100hrs. PT/FT. Possible independent activity. Email CV: [57685] PT EMT freelance writer for solar/ wind power online news. Please send covering message and example of work or links to items online to webwriter@zeroemission. eu [57601] Office mgr/pa PT Milan design firm book keeping experience required, tel correspondence, strong organizational & MS Office suite, fluent Eng/Ita, positive outlook. Email: [57613] Cercasi Segretaria Personale Italiana in casa privata. €10/ora. Zona Piazza Giulio Cesare, Milano. Email: [57629] Centro medico pediatrico Milano con programmi di internazionalizzazione,ricerca consulente EMT con competenze nel settore della finanza sociale e della comunicazione innovativa. Il professionista sarà supportato dalla struttura Aziendale. Rappor to professionale con P. IVA. [56643]XL Principal Relocation Company seeks freelance local counselors to accompany corporate clients to view properties, public offices, etc. in Milan. Own transport is necessary. Please send your résumé and photo to Email: with reference LC-MI as the subject. [57523]XL La vostra azienda ha bisogno di una persona madrelingua inglese o una persona bilingue? Inserisci il tuo annuncio sul Easy Milano. [51812] ▲ employment wanted employment wanted 26 years old medical student is looking for a job. Excellent interpersonal skills, managerial experience, past military background, multilingual (speaks English, Russian, Hebrew and Italian). Willing to discuss and consider any job proposal. Michael Email: [57668]XL F 46 yo Italian I am looking for a job as secretary or similar in Milan, international environment pref. Speaks IT EN FR. Email: Tel. 339.412.9333 [57605] Cerco lavoro, preferibilmente aziendale. Sono disponibile da subito, contattarmi Tel.342.065.1028 [57594] I m a student of Pavia University from India. I am looking & open for any kind employment here. Till Milan I can travel each day if needed as i m very much hard working. Email: shasha.jan01@ [57565] ▲ employment offered teaching employment offered teaching EMT= English Mother Tongue The English Playgroup is looking for PT (4-5 hrs per week) EMT teachers for private/group lessons with children & adults. Email: theenglishplaygroup@ [57616] International school in Milan is looking for qualified EMT Teachers. Send CV to Email: vacancies. [55670]M We are looking for a Math teacher for primary and secondary classes. Cambridge syllabus. St. Joseph College. Milan. Tel. 389.969.4117 [57652] Insegnante madrelingua inglese milano. La cooperativa sociale Aldia seleziona insegnante madrelingua inglese con titolo educativo. Per candidarsi Email: [57598] Training services company is looking for experienced business and general English teachers in and around Milan. Please send an updated CV Email: i.smeraldi@ [57696] Part time (mornings) grade 1 IB PYP teacher required immediately. We are a small, unique bilingual school in Monza, Italy. If you are ready for a challenge and interested in working as a part of our supportive team then send your CV to Email: with a recent picture and names and address [57444]XL EASY MILANO OFFERS CLASSIFIED AD STYLES TO MAKE YOUR TEXT STAND OUT. REACH OUT TO THE ENGL SPEAKING COMMUNITY OF MILAN. CHOOSE FROM BOLD, FRAMED, EXTRA LENGTH, ALL CAPS AND RED TEXT FOR ONLY €10 EACH. EASILY SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE WWW.EASYMILANO.IT & PAY CONVENIENTLY BY CREDIT CARD. [31971]B F R C ▲ household employment offered household employment off Looking for someone who can keep my mum company + clean 4 hrs/ week. She speaks English and a little Italian. Email: tutiitit@gmail. com [57644] ▲ childcare positions offered child care positions offered EMT= English Mother Tongue We are looking for a nanny for our son Pietro (3 yrs old) near Porta Romana. After school, 3 hours per day from Monday to Friday. Tel. 347.985.8325 [57541] Una famiglia con due gemellini di due anni e mezzo cerca una babysitter di madrelingua inglese per un paio di pomeriggi alla settimana. (dalle cinque alle sette) Email: [57689] Looking EMT serious experienced nanny for 3 yr old. Mon/Fri 4:30/18:30 from Feb 2016. Lotto Metro station. Possibility live in in July at seaside. Email: [57383] M Looking for a EMT student bbsitter for 1 or 2 day/week, from 4,30 - 7,30 pm, 2 girls 8 & 11. Just conversation, no teaching. Via Solari area. Email: [57618] English mother tongue babysitter wanted to pick up 2 kids (4-6 years) from school at 6pm and stay home with them until 8pm. Pisani Dossi/Feltre District. Francy Tel. 338.564.3489 [57585] EMT baby sitter wanted. 10 years old children. Monday to Friday from 17 - 19 in Novate Milanese. Only EMT. Email: francesca.savoia@ Tel. 338.859.6223 [57606] Want your children to speak English at home? Looking for an English speaking nanny or babysitter? Place your free ad in Easy Milano, under “Childcare Positions Offered” See www. for more details [31978]B ▲ childcare positions wanted child care positions wanted EMT= English Mother Tongue SL M exp driving EU and suburbs. Taking kids to school, sports activities and convo English. Good knowledge taking care your kids. with ref. Reliable. Tel. 320.763.6499 [57684] Exp reliable bilingual nanny/tutor available after school. Will drive, play, help with homework. Eves and holidays. Good references. Mirella Tel. 333.257.3894 Email: mfisch@ [57656] 29 yo F Student looking for a PT job as an English tutor/help with homework/babysitting on the afternoons. Flex & experienced. Email: avraham.michal1@gmail. com [57660] I am Salome 25 years old student in Milan from Georgia, fluent in Russian and English languages. I have free time to babysit and teach/practice children languages. Email: [57651] 27 yo F looking for PT job as a babysitter in Milan. Fluent in English & Spanish. If interested please contact me. Tel. 389.293.3978 Email: s.tolosa46@ [57587] Italian F very good English spoken written loves children good culture referenced cheerful looks PT BS tutor homework play Mon/Fri 2-3 afternoons week Tel. 347.518.7821 [57658] Babysitter, Ukranian student. Language: English, Russian, German. Basic of Italian. Location: Porta Romana. Pref: in the evening. €10/h. Tel. 338.744.3222 Alina [57641] Would you like your children to learn English by playing, singing and drawing? I have many years of experience with children. Also available as a babysitter. Tel. 351.214.6559 [57603] Eng/Italian Asilo nido Teacher, F, Bilingual/Sri Lankan, looking PT B/sitting 4.30 onwards weekdays only. Play and speak in English. Tel. 320.026.6392 Email: chooty_22@ [57582] EMT looking for position w/ family taking care & playing w/ ur children while learning English. 11+ yrs exp & ref avail. Susan Tel. 334.980.2209 Email: fromthebigapple@hotmail. com [57552] Maria, 37 anni Filippina alla ricerca di un lavoro PT come baby sitter al pomeriggio dalle 14 in poi. Tel. 327.038.3632 [57573] Experienced college educated nanny is looking for a full time nanny position in Milano, starting March 2016. I am organised, fluent in English (TEFL certificate), German and French, with more than 5 years of experience in the field of childcare, tutoring and education, Email: [57572] XL Indian F 33 yo. Searching job, I have experience for babysitter, teaching English. Tel. 351.262.6387 job timing 9-17 [57576] ▲ household employment wanted household employment want Priya exp, hotel, in driving, house work, serving, gardening, small electric works, with docs and reference. Tel. 320.763.6499 [57681] Looking for PT 3 to 4 hrs/day in mornings, knows how to clean, iron, cook and babysit, have a good ref and doc. Tel. 389.004.1965 [57577] Filipina 28 yrs old, looking for PT/ FT job with more years experienced like bbsitting, cooking & household chores, can speak English & a bit of Italian. Tel. 388.103.6628 [57538] Filipina 39yo looking for English speaking family that I can work as housekeeper or babysitter w/ exp. Nice, flexible, hardworking and responsible. Tel. 388.699.5056 [57653] SL M with docs and reference. Exp working in Hoteltrade, domestic, cooking, serving, gardening, maintenance works and driving. speaks English, Italian. Tel. 320.219.1906 [57557] SL M with docs and ref. Exp in driving EU and suberbs, hotel exp, cleaning, serving, cooking, small electric, gardening, speaks English, Italian. Tel. 320.763.6499 [57683] Filippine looking for a PT/FT speaks Eng Ita knows everything household chores, babysitter you can trust and honest person w/ ref n complete doc. Tel. 327.296.3545 [57607] 38 yo, Indian M, 15 years in Milan, good Italian, English, Italian licence, cleaner, baby sitter, old man caring. Tel. 349.961.1127 333.686.9173 [57578] Bheng, Filipina, looking for work as a part time nanny or housekeeper, pref. in the mornings speak English & Russian languages. Tel. 327.299.9213 [57648] Marijane 39 anni, filippina esperienza lavoro come domestica/ colf anche della cura dei bambini. Sono motivita flessibile e di imparare velocemente. Email: c_ [57690] I'm Gina Filippina, 38 years old, with good personality and complete documents is looking for a work as PT baby sitter, colf or badante. Tel. 389.213.2718 [57636] Good morning. 26 yo, have full experience on household cleaning, ironing, cooking, have 5 yrs exp on bbsitting. Hard working, w/ complete documents. Tel. 320.372.8786 [57624] Signora Sri Lankese cerca lavoro part time 3 giorni al settimana solo pomeriggio come domestica. Email: [57562] Ramya a student looking for PT job in the evening and weekends from 2016 Feb end for office jobs, English lesson, cleaning, cooking etc. Tel.344.291.8395 [57631] ▲ New to Milan ? Don't worr y, our online map will give you directions on how to locate your closest distribution point. 11 employment opportunities Dynamic Intl lang studio in Ossona 25kms west of Milan reqs ace EMT teacher for all types of teaching. Be hard working & professional. CV to Email: frank@futuraschool. com [57627] Hiring experienced FT & PT English teachers for adults. Creative, interesting, cultured, alternative teaching styles welcomed. CV to, object: Eng tchr [55867]M English/bilingual teacher (ItaEng) required for lang studio in Corbetta/S.Stefano Ticino, 20 km from Milan (train S6). Send CV to Email: [57534]M EYE School in Milan is looking for a qualified and experienced teacher to teach English classes for all ages. Send CV to Email: direzione@ [57659] Are you a Business English teacher w/exp? We offer real career dev & interesting students. FT fixed salary & PT opps learn more: [57569] internship related internship related American Chamber of Commerce in Italy The American Chamber Chamber of of Commerce Commerce in Italy is one of the largest and most dynamic business organizations of its kind in Europe. in Milan, Milan, the the business business heart heart Located in of the the country, country, with with aa widespread widespreadpresence presence extending throughout U.S.A., throughout Italy Italy and and the U.S.A., we provide provide key key information, information, contacts contacts and and support services services in in all all areas areas of commerce, finance, customs and tax. of commerce, finance, customs and tax. you are are considering considering doing doing business business IfIf you within Italy Italy or or the the European European Economic Economic within Community, The The American American Chamber Chamberof of Community, Commerce in in Italy Italy can can be be the thecornerstone cornerstone Commerce of your your business business development. development. fo Visit Visit our our website websiteto tobe beupdated updatedon onour ourinitiatives initiatives and and to to check checkout outthe theagenda agendaofofour ourevents events For more information on membership: American of Commerce Commerce in in Italy Italy American Chamber Chamber of Via Milan Via Cesare Cesare Cantù, Cantù, 11 -- 20123 20123 Milan Tel. Tel. +39 +39 028690661 028690661 Fax Fax +39 +39 0239296752 0239296752 Email: Email: Get More Visibility. [ online version ] links to your website That's right, when you advertise in the printed version of Easy Milano, your ad on the online version is included with a free clickable link. Easy Milano, the only publication for the English speaking Community, both printed and online. 12 Issue 337 Interested in contributing to new online community? Submit your stories and share your experiences with other expats and English speakers living in Italy. Email: [56284]B F XL ▲ items for sale items for sale Men's designer shirts & trousers, great condition, large sizes: xl/xxl,17,5"(eg. armani,zegna,gant,D&G). Woman's sailor costume. neck & leg brace. Email: [57671] Samsonite large suitcase cm 72x47, 26, grey, with 2 strong wheels, incorp lock, 2 zipped front cases, excell quality, used just once, €100. Tel. 328.828.2840 [57698] Table+chairs for sale at €60, sofa+ar mchairs €95, antique cupboard for €200, american coffee machine €12, cheap kitchen items. Tel. 339.505.1575 [57544] Are you moving? Need to sell something? Easy Milano offers classified ad styles to make your text stand out from the rest. Choose from Bold, Framed, Extra Length, ALL CAPS and Red Text options for just €10 each. To place your classified ad, use the online form at & pay conveniently by credit card [31975]B XL ▲ boats for sale boats for sale Beautiful Riva Junior boat 1966 fully restored. Original V8 Riva Crusader 180HP engine. Interesting price. Please call only if seriously interested Tel. 334.761.5773 Rich [57663] Yatcht for sale aquaviva executive 30-1990 model with 2 engines vp 400hp manifolds reser gas. Remodeled interior 2011 wide2.54m long-9.20m. Inquire Tel. 338.456.0018 [57575] ▲ items for free items for free Need space at home? Do you have too much stuff and you just don't know what to do with it? If its in good condition and you don't want to throw it out, recycle it in this category. Insert your free ad, for more info see ▲ American Counselor Individual and couples counselling for adults • inter-cultural relationship and family challenges • expatriation and cultural adjustment • pregnancy and new parenthood for ex-pats • stress and anxiety Member of AssoCounseling and American Counseling Association Studio Karen Rigatti English - Français - Italiano - Deutsch Cardiac and Chest Evaluation - GI Abdominal Complaints Stress Related Disorders Women’s Health - PAP Smears - Dermatology Sports Injuries - Minor lacerations - Travel Medicine Second Opinion - Internal Medicine Infant Newborn Care - Immunizations Growth Evaluation - All Parenting Concerns Easily organized X-Ray - Mammogram - MRI - CT - U/S On site lab exams *US TRAINED SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS ar e e Via Vittadini 11, Milano (Zona P.ta Romana) Cell: +39 349 130 56 48 INT’L AIMC AMERICAN MEDICAL CENTER Tel: 02-5831-9808 - Via Mercalli, 11 - Publicity authorized-Ordine dei Medici 08/10/01- Municipal No: 225307/2001 sports & fitness sports & fitness Personal Fitness Trainer - Eng Mother Tongue. Donovan is the Number 1 british trainer of expats/ natives in Milan. His methods include Gym, Outdoors & Private home training. One on One & Group training available. FREE Consultation & 1 FREE session. For info contact Donovan at [57495] B F XL ▲ health & well-being Psychoanalyst - Psychologist, member of NYU Post Doctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, with over 30yrs of experience. Fluent English and Ital, offes individual sessions, short term couple psychotherapy, family expatriation counseling. Tel. 338.977.4594 www. [57595]B F XL Life coach. Learn how to get what you want in life. Love, money, health. Want a better you? free introductor y session. Studio BUSSERO (MI) Tel. 346.017.4636 Tonia Lorraine Russouw [57673] Negativity and poor self-esteem are spoiling your life? German Problem Solver assists you to overcome your problems and to achieve new goals. Info Tel. 328.828.2840 [57697] ▲ health & well-being Problems with drinking? Alcoholics Anonymous English speaking meetings in Milan > > meetings > Italy- Email: [56308]M Bach flower therapy by flower card reading. psy professional consultant in bach flower can help to restore from disharmonic life with flower therapy. Email: [57122]B Pranic healing for a burst of energy! Face your fear, illness, emotional & physical trauma and embrace life supported by a professional therapist. Email: [54517]M I need to get fit! Personal trainer needed can swap English language lessons for training program. Email: [57567] If you’re struggling, feeling unhappy or uninspired, try coaching. You'll find the clarity, confidence, and insight you need. Learn More: blossomandleap. com Tel. 347.876.7966 [57640] Pregnant? Looking for a calm & easy birth? Next class starts March 3rd. Need to start earlier? Contact me Registration and information: www. [57664] Speech and language therapist. Experienced in adult and pediatric assessment and therapy for communication and swallowing difficulties. Email: SLTmilano@yahoo. com [57622] I am a Jungian Psychotherapist and an actress trained in London and NY. I offer therapy sessions, public speaking techniques in English and Italian. Email: [57571] music, dance & theatre music, dance & theatre Belly dance professional dancer available for performances and lessons. No time wasters. Nur Tel. 327.094.1595 [57655] I m Anisha Das student of Pavia University. I am a trained dancer in Indian classical & folk dances & can take up any dance quickly. Fluent in English & German. Did Theatre. Email: [57566] Piano lessons for beginners and adults: theor y, master classes and piano competition preparation. Piano teacher of the British School of Milan and composer – Development coordinator ABRSM I t a l y. Via Fatebenesorelle 18/A (MI). 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Freud - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Specialized in Relational Psychotherapy - Cultural Adjustment - Psychodiagnostics - Sessions in English or Italian Member of “Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia” Publicity Authorized - Ordine degli Psicologi Municipal N. S04/1110 del 5/10/2004 - PG 1060412/2004 del 21/10/2004 Via Beato Angelico, 23/2 - 20133 - Milano Cell. 339 3681493 - - next deadline: Tuesday, February 9 for publication date Thursday, February 18 following deadline: Tuesday, February 23 for publication date Thursday, March 3 sin ce 19 99 13 health & well-being CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR worship directory worship directory Intl Church of Milan. A bible believing fellowship. Worship in English Sun at 17:30 w/children, youth & young adult programs. Jim Tel. 349.766.9678 - www.icm-milan. com [57593] ▲ English Summer Programmes in the UK. Full immersion experience for students aged 7-16. Academic subjects plus sports. Email: Te l . 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Services offered by the center • General medicine • Allergology • Dentistry • Dermatology • Orthodontics • Dietetics • Otorhinolaryngolog • Gynaecology • Pediatrics y and Obstetrics • Psychotherapy • Systemic Laboratory counselling tests: blood, urine, allergy tests, microbiology, pap smear, food intollerance test. €10 Via Angelo Mauri 3 - 20144 Metro: MM1 Conciliazione Milano near corso Vercelli - Tram: 16 5 min. from , 29, 30 Cadorna Bus: 61 Tel. 02 Railwaystation 43990401 - Fax 02 43989800 www.milanmedicalcenter Milan Medical .it - e-mail: info@milanmedicalcente Center srl - Direttore Autorizzazione Sanitario Dott. 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Carducci 17 (Cadorna) Subway Café V.le P. Amedeo 2 (Turati) Superpolo International Food Store Largo LaFoppa 1 (Moscova) Teatro Strehler Largo Paolo Grassi 2 (Cordusio) The Bagel Factory XXIV Maggio 1/8 (Sant’Agostino) Toni&Guy V. Vincenzo Monti 27 (Conciliazione) Tourist Office InfoMilano V. Emanuele II ang. della Scala (Duomo) Università Cattolica V. Carducci 28 (Ambrogio) Università degli Studi di Milano V. Conservatorio 7 (San Babila) University of Milan V. Santa Sofia 9/1 (Duomo) Wall Street Institute V. Carducci 9 (Cadorna) U MM NITY O flip booK FOR 2014 SABOTINO SCHOOL Viale Sabotino 16 MM P.ta Romana Tel. 02.8703.5280 PF MA EA ENQUIRE NOW P FEA MA PLINIO SCHOOL via Plinio 16 MM Lima Tel. 02.3653.1079 American Via K. Marx School of Milan 14, Noverasco Tel. +(39) di Opera 02 5300 (MI) 0015 - Last Revised: 4/2013 download AD FORM /Modulo MA X 1 7 0 CH A R A C T E R S O R 3 0 0 CH A R A C T E R S F O R E X T R A L E NG T H O P T I ON Harbour Club Milan V. 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Some examples are American Business Group, British Chamber of Commerce, Benvenuto Club of Milano, Benvenuto Monza, Democrats Abroad, Europlacements, International Church of Milan, International School of Milan, Louis Vuitton Offices, The Moms & Tots Group, Professional Relo (Agrate Brianza), Professional Women’s Association, Maire Tecnimont Offices, Toastmaster Int’l, etc. Become / Suggest a distribution partner T E L : E M A I L : Next deadline: February 9 la prossima scadenza: 9 febbraio New issue every 2 weeks. Deadlines generally fall on a Tuesday for publication the following Thursday. For our full publication calendar go to We do not accept classified ads in person or by phone. All ads submitted incorrectly will be disregarded. Easy Milano reserves the right to refuse publication of any ads submitted. 15 ATM transportation fees Taxis in Milan In Milan you may have noticed it's difficult to hail a taxi. Most available taxis are found either at taxis stands, usually near major metro stops or they are reserved in advance. The meter will start ticking once the taxi is heading in your direction for pick up (not once you get into the taxi). There are set fare to and from the airports. Malpensa airport to the city center will cost Euro 90, whereas from Linate Airport will cost on average Euro 35 depending on where you need to go. © There are different types of tickets for traveling on Milan’s ATM transportation network. Here are the most common fares: Urban Ticket: (1.50€) valid for 90 mins. One Day Ticket: (4.50€) valid for 24 hours. Two Day Ticket: (8.25€) valid for 48 hours. Weekly 2x6 Pass: (10€) Allows two rides per day for 6 days in a week. Carnet of 10 Standard Tickets: (13.80€) Allows ten 90-minute rides. Milan airport connections easy map Underground / Metropolitana Sesto 1° Maggio FS — Rho Fiera Milano / Bisceglie Cologno Nord / Gessate — Assago Milanofiori Forum / Abbiategrasso Comasina — San Donato Bignami — San Siro Stadio Suburban Railways / Ferrovia suburbana For Rho Fiera use trains S5 (Varese) or S6 (Novara) Milano Linate Airport (LNT) Located 8 km SE of Milan. Mainly for domestic or short European flights Milano Malpensa Airport (MXP) Located 40 km NW of Milan. Largest airport of Milan metropolitan area Issue 337 Milan Bergamo Airport - Orio al Serio (BGY) Located 45 km NE of Milan. Popular with low-cost airlines 16
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