Concept Note High-Quality Food from Crop and Livestock under


Concept Note High-Quality Food from Crop and Livestock under
Concept Note
High-Quality Food from Crop and Livestock under Water Scarcity
Concept of a joint Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (SFB/TRR) of
Universität Hohenheim and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
in preparation for submission to DFG
Universität Hohenheim
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Life Science Center
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Coordination Office SFB/TRR
Faculty Research Committee
Compiled by A. Valle Zárate, H. Czosnek, H. Breer, S. Wolf, G. Lavon and A. Klumpp
June 2009
Table of Contents
The Concept Note..……………………………………………………………………..
Justification of Topic………………...……………………………………………...……
The Research Partners of the Consortium…………………..………………………..
Concept and Organisation.…………………………………...…………………………
Connections between Clusters and Subprojects.…...………………………………..
Contents of Clusters and Subprojects .………………………………………………..
A1 Deficit Irrigation.…………………………………………….……………………….
A2 Ecophysiology………………………………...…………………………………......
A3 Xenobiotics.…………………………………………………………………………..
B1 Barley and Tomato Stress Physiology…………………………………………….
B2 Barley and Tomato Breeding……………………………………………………….
B3 Tomato and Sclerotinia……………………………………………………………..
B4 Tomato Genes and Proteins……………………………………………………….
C1 Broiler Genetics……………………………………………………………………...
C2 Broiler Skeleton and Stress………………………………………………………...
C3 Broiler Gastrointestinal Physiology………………………………………………..
C4 Fish, Water Quality and Stress…………………………………………………….
D1 Encapsulating Biofunctional Components………………………………………..
D2 Food Flavor and Chemosensory Cells……………………………………………
D3 Barley Biotechnology………………………………………………………………..
D4 Barley and Tomato Micronutrients………………………………………………...
D5 Probiotics and Coli from Broiler and Fish…………………………………………
E1 Water Price and Policy Scenarios…………………………………………………
E2 Modeling Water Scarcity……………………………………………………………
6 Annexes………………………………..………………………………………………… 53
6.1 Names and addresses of subproject leaders and deputies……………………….... 53
6.2 CV and list of ten most important publications over the previous five years of
subproject leaders and deputies …………………………………………..…...……... 62
6.3 List of references cited in chapter 5…………………………………………………… 99
1 Justification of Topic
Water Scarcity is a central problem for global agriculture, aggravated by climatic change. A hot
spot for the emergence of this problem is the Middle East showing actually severe impacts on
agricultural production systems, product quality, environment and socio-political tension rooted
in conflicts on regional water distribution.
Water scarcity translates for agricultural production conditions not only in shrinking water availability, calling for more efficient irrigation systems and even provoking turn backs to rainfed agriculture. Under intensive production conditions solutions are approached in increasing use of
alternative water sources, namely desalinated water, salty water from aquifers and rehabilitated water, recycled from former uses. These practices are spreading, though having still unpredicted consequences on soils and environments and posing an altered micro-environment
for plant growth, to which plants need to be adapted and management needs to be adjusted to
support their adaptive mechanisms. Also in livestock production, pressure for resource use efficiency increases with less resource availability. Poultry and fish are the species with highest
resource use efficiencies under intensive production. In aquaculture a response to water scarcity is the development of closed intensive systems, where the water is biologically purified and
reused. In meat production with chicken (broiler), drinking water is not the factor in minimum, on
the contrary it provides only a very small portion in the water balance and even offers possibilities to increase feed efficiency by stimulating feed intake and improving farm energy and water
balances by enhancing the thermo-regulative properties of the birds. A better understanding
and utilization of these mechanisms seems necessary along with research on possibilities to
use alternative water resources for watering.
Genetic changes in crops and livestock leading to altered physiological mechanisms together
with changes in water provision will have consequences on the composition of human food,
calling for research into possible negative or positive side effects and development of technologies to enhance the latter for provision of high quality food for human healthy nutrition.
Economists have to integrate knowledge about the changes in production factors and value of
products into their modeling approaches to provide decision supporting instruments to those
stakeholders deciding about distribution of water of different quality to different users in the societies.
In Israel, laboratory and field research facilities have been built up to foster research on technological solutions for coping with reduced quantity and frequency of water availability and increased used of desalinated and rehabilitated water sources. They provide an ideal research
environment for scientists addressing research on the multiple consequences of water scarcity.
Research priorities have been identified for
> developing techniques to produce with less water (e.g., deficit irrigation, development of
drought-resistant plants)
> exploring possibilities for increasing use of treated wastewater, desalinated water and
salty/contaminated water from the aquifer in all production processes
> producing plants and animals under increasing abiotic stress through water scarcity and different water quality, and biotic stress through altered host x infection agents interactions
with newly emerging diseases
> developing safe products from crop and livestock, that may be altered in quality through direct contamination and metabolites resulting from production under stress conditions
> maintaining safety and high quality of human food and animal feed from these products and
develop food technologies adding additional quality value to these products
> providing scientifically based advice to politicians and other decision-makers for sectoral allocation and restriction of water resources to assure welfare of producers and consumers.
The nature of these interrelated problem fields is requiring integrated interdisciplinary research
• generate basic knowledge about metabolic pathways and their control on the level of organisms in the soil, water, plants and livestock under conditions of water scarcity
• generate basic knowledge on mechanisms and technologies to safeguard quality of products
derived from production under water scarcity
• develop econometric models explicitly incorporating consequences of agricultural production
under water scarcity
• connect new findings from basic research of adherent disciplines to identify strategies for
problem solutions.
2 The Research Partners of the Consortium
The University of Hohenheim (UHOH) has identified research on water-related issues as a
leading topic for setting up strategic research from different disciplines in internationally highly
competitive scientific approaches, with strategic research guidelines defined for the next decade
at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
(HUJ) leading in the same direction.
UHOH has decided to join forces with excellent international research partners in research areas identified as common priority.
Longstanding (> 20 years) partnership in research between partners from UHOH and HUJ is a
stable basis for jointly encompassing the present complex research program.
Development of the partnership program has been directed in the past years consequently into
support of promising young scientists and their incorporation in joint research programs.
HUJ is strongly supporting the initiative with the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment in
Rehovot opening its field research facilities in Israel, inviting the German partners to conduct
research on site and to share complementary laboratory research expertise and equipment.
Detailed information on the research partners forming the consortium between researchers from
UHOH and HUJ can be found in
> Annex 1 (names and addresses of applicants)
> Annex 2 (CVs and selected publications of applicants) and
> Annex 3 (list of cited references)
3 Concept and Organisation
Research groups have been structured into 5 project clusters each consisting of 2-5 subprojects
(Figure 1, Table 1) with clusters joining the disciplinary contributions from:
A: Soil and Environmental Sciences
B: Plant Breeding and Physiology
C: Animal Breeding and Physiology
D: Nutritional Sciences and Food Technology
E: Economic Sciences
Fig. 1: Structure of the proposed SFB/TRR showing clusters and cluster speakers
Table 1: Organisation of clusters and subprojects, principal investigators and subproject titles
Project Title/Short Title
High-Quality Food from Crop and Livestock under Water
Cluster A Soil and Water
Soil and Water
Feedback-controlled deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to cope
with water scarcity / Deficit Irrigation
Plant Ecology and
José M.
Plant Sciences
and Genetics in
Ecophysiology and soil-plant interactions for improving plant
performance and carbon sequestration of barley under climate
change-induced water scarcity / Ecophysiology
Food Chemistry
Soil and Water
Xenobiotics originating from reclaimed wastewater and sludge: fate
in soils and uptake by plants / Xenobiotics
Plant Sciences
and Genetics in
Physiological and developmental mechanisms for stress resistance
in tomato and barley /Barley & Tomato Stress Physiology
Plant Sciences
and Genetics in
Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley
and tomato / Barley & Tomato Breeding
Plant Pathology
and Microbiology
Susceptibility and interaction of tomato and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum /
Tomato & Sclerotinia
Cluster B Crop Physiology and Breeding
Fruit Science
Crop Biodiversity and
Breeding Informatics
Biodiversity and
Plant Interaction
Plant Physiology and
Plant Sciences
and Genetics in
Tomato genes and proteins for stress acclimation in a complex
environment / Tomato Genes & Proteins
Cluster C Livestock Breeding and Physiology
Animal Breeding and
Husbandry in the
Tropics and Subtropics
Plant Sciences
and Genetics in
Genetic variation in water uptake in broilers, depending on water
quality and ambient temperature / Broiler Genetics
Farm Animal
Ethology and Poultry
Effect of water quality on broiler skeletal development and stress /
Broiler Skeleton & Stress
Animal Sciences
Implications of water stress on the gastrointestinal physiology of
broilers / Broiler Gastrointestinal Physiology
N. N.
Van Rijn,
Animal Sciences
Fish and water quality in water saving intensive culture systems /
Fish, Water Quality & Stress
Food Science
and Nutrition
Micro- and macro-encapsulation and delivery of (bio)functional
ingredients from barley, tomato, broiler and fish to improve food quality
and promote health / Encapsulating Biofunctional Components
Cluster D Food Quality and Safety
Food Structure and
Food Science
and Nutrition
Flavor quality of food generated under water stress: Interaction
of micronutrients with target proteins in chemosensory cells /
Food Flavor & Chemosensory Cells
Food Science
and Nutrition
Influence of water scarcity on the biotechnological processing of
barley seeds for their use as food and feed / Barley Biotechnology
Food Science
and Nutrition
Bioavailability of selected micronutrients and plant-specific
ingredients in variants of tomato and barley under water scarcity /
Barley & Tomato Micronutrients
Microbiology and
Molecular interaction of probiotic and commensal microorganisms
with enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
from broiler and fish / Probiotics and Coli from Broiler & Fish
Biological Chemistry
and Nutrition
Food Microbiology
Cluster E Competition for Water
Agricultural and
Food Policy
Economics and
Water scarcity and distribution from a macroeconomic perspective /
Water Price & Policy Scenarios
Production Theory
and Resource Economics
Economics and
Improving regional modeling approaches in agricultural economics
on water scarcity and quality / Modeling Water Scarcity
Cluster Z Project Management and Communication
Animal Breeding and
Husbandry in the
Tropics and
Plant Sciences
and Genetics in
Vice-Dean for
Life Science Center
Faculty Research
Project management and communication
In Cluster A
A1 will address the soil and the soil-plant interface, comparing regular and deficit irrigation
schemes and monitoring soil reactions and plant stress responses, the latter focused on quality
of barley and tomato.
A2 will investigate eco-physiological and ecological drought tolerance traits of wild barley ecotypes, relevant for improving crop performance and carbon sequestration, aiming at developing
jointly with B2 new barley lines incorporating and expressing favorable genes from the wild ancestor.
A3 will research into the fate of wastewater-originated xenobiotics in the environment and their
effect on the ecosystem, focusing on sorption-desorption behavior in soil constituents and uptake and accumulation in plants utilized in A1 and their products in cooperation with cluster D.
All three subprojects are closely interrelated, with particularly strong links to Cluster B, several
links to Cluster D and fewer links to Clusters C and E.
In Cluster B
B1 will address the optimal strategy for water balance regulation and ionic homeostasis under
stress conditions, search for the optimal leaf structure/size plant leaf area for improving plant
stress resistance and research the role of phytohormones and specific metabolites in the
mechanism of water stress resistance regulation. The subproject will put special focus on the
optimal flowering strategies for higher yield and fruit quality under stress conditions and will
closely cooperate with A1.
B2 is building on collections of germ plasm for tomato and barley from the Middle East and
heading at developing approaches for efficient exploitation of natural genetic variation for plant
breeding purposes. Measurement of stress indicators in different genotypes (ethylene emission)
in the greenhouse and the field under optimal and water stress conditions and analysis of genetic variation of ethylene emission will be done in close collaboration with A1. Measurement of
food quality traits in cultivated barley and introgression lines containing exotic alleles will be performed together with D3.
B3 will investigate the susceptibility and interaction of tomato and a pathogen of a major fungal
disease, white rot, on tomato varieties collected and developed by B2 in laboratory and field
tests in collaboration with A2 and A3.
B4 has set up a long-term research plan with the final goal of identifying candidate genes and
proteins that are involved in the acclimatization to a combination of abiotic and biotic stresses
for further use in transgenic breeding and selection of tomato lines with combined resistance to
drought and viruses.
All four subprojects are closely interrelated with their specific contributions on tomato and barley
physiology and breeding, have a strong cooperation with Cluster A and links to D3 and Cluster
In Cluster C
C1 will study genetic variation in water uptake in broiler chicken depending on water quality and
ambient temperature and reveal the genetic bases for trait expression in performance and meat
quality traits. Diverse and standardized genetic material will be provided to researchers within
and among the clusters for comparison under different water quality applications.
C2 will study the effects of supplemented desalinated water on the quality of the micro- and
macro-architecture of the bones and on behavior and behavioral physiology of stress response
as well as performance and carcass quality of broilers with experiments conducted in both sites
based on genetic material identified and provided by C1 and closely connected to research on
nutritive physiology of water and feed intake of C3.
C3 will research into the gastrointestinal physiology of broilers, concentrating on phenomena
and mechanisms underlying an adaptation of the gastrointestinal system on the level of cellular
and molecular changes in the mucosa. A focus will be on the chemosensory and osmosensory
systems to unravel mechanisms initiating and regulating adaptive processes comparing birds
genetically differing in intrinsic water consumption under treatments with different water qualities.
C4 will research on the manipulation of water quality in intensive fish culture systems by biological water purification of recycled water and the hormonal changes in fish responding to stress in
these systems with effects on reproduction, performance and, in collaboration with Cluster D, on
product quality.
All four subprojects are closely interconnected conducting joint experiments within the species
and linking approaches of genetics, nutritional and stress physiology across the species. Main
cooperation across the clusters will be established with all subprojects of Cluster D. Exchange
of data and information will be pursued with Cluster E, and specific punctual connections between selected projects of Cluster C and others of Clusters A and B will be built up.
In Cluster D
D1 will develop technologies for micro- and macro-encapsulation and delivery of bio-functional
ingredients from primary plant and animal products developed in Cluster A and B in response to
water scarcity.
D2 will research into the flavor quality of food generated under water scarcity in Clusters A, B
and C and focus on the interactions of micronutrients with target proteins in chemosensory
D3 will develop techniques for the biotechnological processing of barley seeds grown under
water scarcity for their use as food and feed, the latter envisaged to be tested in C3 and C4 in
the second phase of this project.
D4 will first determine micronutrients in variants of tomato, barley and sorghum under study under the impact of water scarcity in clusters A and B and later proceed from feeding trials with
cell cultures and model animals to livestock in collaboration with Cluster C.
D5 will study the molecular interaction of pro-biotic and commensal microorganisms with enteropathogenic and toxin-producing E. coli from chicken and fish in methodological collaboration
with D3.
All subprojects of Cluster D are connected to each other, some of them concentrating on research objects provided by projects from Clusters A and B, others on those provided from cluster C, with feedbacks planned to incorporate information about nutritional and technological
properties of products from defined biological sources to those studying their genetics and
physiology. There won’t be strong connections to Cluster E.
In Cluster E
E1 will analyze the effects of various water price and policy scenarios from an efficiency as well
as a distributive perspective by developing and combining a regionalized CGE of the Israeli
economy with political-economic analysis incorporating water as an intermediate input being
differentiated according to water quality.
E2 will develop methods for regional modeling by improving PmP (positive mathematical programming) model calibration with explicit incorporation of responses to water quality and quantity and integrating an agent-based model supported with information generated by clusters B
and C.
The main link of the two closely related subprojects to the subprojects from the natural sciences
is through the interest in the effects of water scarcity on agriculture and the environment. Cluster E will explore the options to integrate the results of natural sciences on changes in yield,
product quality and environmental impacts into the CGE model based analysis in order to assess the economic consequences and political implications of these factors.
Research methods applied across subprojects and clusters comprise: analyses of xenobiotics,
measurement of ethylene emission as stress indicator, proteomics, genomics and bioinformatics.
The common focus is given through the research objects tomato, barley, fish and broiler
chicken with maize and sorghum being envisaged as secondary research objects.
Subprojects have one leader (and deputy) each from UHOH and HUJ. Further scientists are
incorporated as associated researchers.
Descriptions of the topics, goals and methods of each subproject can be found in chapter 5.
Research cooperation takes place within the clusters and across the clusters by building on
each others research products and sharing methodologies. Primary data exchange between
subprojects and clusters will take place upon individual agreement, the management of a common database is not foreseen.
Connections between clusters and projects are depicted in the following scheme (Figure 2) with
detailed information by subproject to be found in chapter 4.
Fig.2: Cluster structure and scientific focus of subprojects
Communication is organized
• directly between partners within subprojects by conducting joint experiments and by staff and
student exchange
• by regular cluster meetings by site
• by board meetings and daily backstopping of coordinators and leaders
• by regular plenary meetings and workshops
• through a website with intranet making available minutes from meetings, updated structure,
documents of common interest.
The preparatory phase to build up the research consortium is being supported by:
• The MWK Baden-Württemberg: support granted
• The rectorate of UHOH: support granted
• The rectorate of HUJ and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment in
Rehovot: support given in kind and cash
• DFG: under application
Milestones of preliminary work since 2007, further steps in 2009 and an outlook to milestones in
2010 and 2011 are summarized in the following table.
Milestones of preliminary work since 2007
October 2007
Life Science Center Symposium “20 Years Rehovot-Hohenheim Cooperation” with
13 participants from Rehovot attending; signature of MoU between the universities
and agreement about enhancing research collaboration
Visit of Eran Vardi, Director of the HUJ Authority for Research and Development,
and Alma Lessing, HUJ-Representative in Germany, in Hohenheim and discussion
about possible structures for a research consortium
UHOH and HUJ agree about preparation of a joint research consortium and nominate speakers (Valle Zárate and Czosnek)
Informal meeting of Speaker Valle Zárate with DFG representatives in Bonn, discussion on SFB/TRR proposal
Visit of Minister Frankenberg to Rehovot Campus, accompanied by Rector HansPeter Liebig and Anne Valle Zárate
Intensive thematic preparations of cluster structures, contents of subprojects and
links between them with several individual and group meetings within and between
April 2008
June 2008
August 2008
October 2008
since October
February 2009
Visit of Henning Eikenberg, HUJ-Representative in Germany, at UHOH and MWK;
discussions and visits to institutes and labs
Proposal for co-financing of the preparatory phase by UHOH and MWK submitted to
the UHOH Rectorate
UHOH Rectorate takes formal decision to support the SFB/TRR initiative. UHOH
forwards the proposal to MWK to seek co-financing by the state of BadenWürttemberg.
Release of a website as an information and communication platform for the
SFB/TRR initiative
Formal decisions on co-financing by HUJ and support of the preparatory phase by
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
Outlook on further steps in 2009
June 2009
July, 20, 2009
July, 20-21, 2009
OctoberDecember 2009
Submission of the concept note to DFG and application for funding of preparatory
work to DFG
Informal meeting of projects leaders from UHOH and HUJ with DFG representatives
in Bonn
Meeting of project and cluster leaders from UHOH and HUJ in Hohenheim
Joint planning workshops in Rehovot
Compilation of the pre-proposal
Outlook on milestones 2010/2011
First quarter 2010
Second quarter 2010
Fourth quarter 2010
First quarter 2011
Third quarter 2011
Submission of pre-proposal to DFG
Formal consultation with referees and DFG representatives at DFG headquarters in Bonn, decision on pre-proposal
Submission of full proposal to DFG
Final evaluation through international review board and DFG in Rehovot
Projected start of the project
The coordination of the research consortium is performed through the Life Science Center at
UHOH and the Office for the Coordination of Research Affairs of HUJ in Rehovot. We would like
to emphasize that goals have been achieved so far according to the initial planning, and administrative co-operation and communication between the partner institutions has been as fruitful
and enjoyable as the research collaboration per se.
Within UHOH a close cooperation has been built up with the second collaborative research centre (SFB) in preparation under the leadership of Prof. Manfred Zeller on „Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa“ already in the preparatory phase. For the implementation of both programs, the use of synergies, thematic and methodological complementarities are envisaged and will be achieved building on regular communication, mutual interest and support.
4 Connections between Clusters and Subprojects
A1: Feedback-controlled deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to cope with water
Cooperation with B1: The characteristics of the ethylene production rate of tomatoes after flowering and the onset of the climacterium will be measured under various stress conditions, including deficit irrigation and use of marginal water. R. Wallach and M. Moshelion have developed a high throughput system to screen plants’ resistance to abiotic (mainly drought and salinity) stress. The system is based on a lysimeter system that provides frequent plants-weight data
and a special mathematical algorithm that analyzes the data and ranks the plants by their resistance to the applied stress. This system provides also valuable information about the momentary transpiration rate during normal, abiotic stress, and recovery.
Cooperation with B2: The measurement of the ethylene production rate under stress offers
unique and complex biological information for plant breeding. Possibilities of screening different
barley and tomato cultivars in the laboratory and the field will be evaluated.
Cooperation with A3: The planned maize irrigation field study will be used by subproject A3 to
study the effect of effluent irrigation on soil chemical properties and agrochemical residues in
the crop and A2 comparing carbon sequestration and plant nutrition in barley.
Cooperation with B4: Plants under water stress show differences in their plant-pathogeninteractions. The time resolved measurement of the ethylene production rate helps to quantify
this stress response in correlation to other parameters.
A2: Ecophysiology and soil-plant interactions for improving plant performance and carbon sequestration of barley under climate change-induced water scarcity
Joint experiments shall be performed with the subproject within the crop cluster working on barley B2. Those experiments will include studies on common lines of H. spontaneum, and, later
on in the project, work with common introgressions of H. spontaneum traits into cultivated barley. Cooperation with subprojects in the soil cluster will focus on comparing carbon sequestration and plant nutrition in barley and corn (A1). In addition, there will be a close cooperation with
A3 and other subprojects of the crop cluster, particularly with B1. Barley samples from different
samples will be provided to D4 and feedback on micronutrients received. With the projects of
Cluster E collaboration will consist in exchange of information, data, and feedback.
A3 Xenobiotics originating from reclaimed wastewater and sludge: fate in soils and uptake by plants
Main cooperation will be established with A2 and A1, the latter with modeling. Exchange of material and results will also take place with C4. Expertise in food analysis and lipid analysis (e.g.
n-3-fatty acids) will be provided to subgroups B1, B2 and C1. D5 will contribute with characterization of soil bacteria. A1 will contribute with modeling.
B1: Physiological and developmental mechanisms for stress resistance in tomato and
Main cooperation will be established with subproject A1: The characteristics of the ethylene
production rate of tomatoes after flowering and the onset of the climacterium will be measured
under various stress conditions, including deficit irrigation and use of marginal water. There are
also connections with A2 and A3. All subprojects in Cluster B are strongly connected over the
common research objects and exchange of plant, cell and DNA-material is foreseen. Connections to subprojects of the Cluster D will be built up in the second phase, as well as with the projects of Cluster E, as soon as yield scenario inputs are available.
B2: Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley and tomato
Measurement of stress indicators in different genotypes (ethylene emission) in the greenhouse and the field under optimal and water stress conditions. Analysis of genetic variation
of ethylene emission (A1).
Provision of experimental lines to subprojects A2 and A3 and exchange of experimental
material and information with B1, B3 and B4.
Measurement of stress indicators in different genotypes (water use efficiency and respiration
rate) in the greenhouse and the field under optimal and water stress conditions. Analysis of
the different strategies (iso- and unisohydric responses) of the different mapping populations
and associating these quantitative responses to particular loci across the barley genome
(A1, B1)
Measurement of food quality traits in cultivated barley and tomato and introgression lines containing exotic alleles. This includes the quantification of food quality traits in grains, the identification of proteins of barley grown under differential environmental conditions (D3), micronutrients from tomato and barley variants (D4) and flavor characteristics of tomato variants (D2).
Input to E1 and E2 with yield scenarios will follow at later stages.
B3: Susceptibility and interaction of tomato and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Intensive exchange is envisaged with:
B2 for provision of tomato genotype collection and generation of GMOs in resistance studies
and exchange of experimental material and information with B1.
B4 for methodological exchange and information related to resistance mechanisms in tomato
and protein analysis in Sclerotinia.
A2 and A3 for collaboration in simulating infection experiments under different water regimes
and following sorption/movement of factors affecting sclerotila germination in soil
B4: Tomato genes and proteins for stress acclimation in a complex environment
Collaboration with projects of cluster B:
1) Genetic material for selection and mapping of resistant traits will be obtained from subproject B2.
2) Comparison of patterns of gene expression between different biotic (e.g., virus, fungi) and
abiotic stresses will be done in cooperation with subproject B3.
3) Gene expression analysis (“next-generation-sequencing”) in cooperation with subproject
4) Bioinformatic analyses of gene expression under water stress will be performed with subproject B1 and B2.
5) Integration of molecular and physiological responses to stress in tomato in cooperation
with subproject B1.
6) Quality parameters of different tomato lines grown under various stress environments will
be assessed in collaboration with subproject B1.
Collaboration with other clusters:
1) Water stress studies, comparison of different irrigation water types and effect on tomato
gene expression will be done with subproject A1.
2) Ethylene as an early marker for stress in tomato will be assessed in collaboration with
subproject A1.
3) Stress response protein gene expression of tomato and fish/broilers will be compared together with subproject C1, C2 and C4.
4) On interactions of micronutrients with target proteins in chemosensory cells with D2.
5) Economic impact of improving resistance of tomato to biotic and abiotic stresses in collaboration with subproject E1 and E2.
C1: Genetic variation in water uptake in broilers, depending on water quality and ambient
The project will collaborate closely with subproject C2 in the experiments to be conducted in
Israel and in Germany providing the experimental stocks and agreeing upon nutritional and water treatments based on expertise in C3. Collaboration will be established with B2 and B4 for
stress response protein gene expression analysis and C4 in addressing genetic control of salt
tolerance across livestock species. Research on the quality of fresh and processed meat will be
addressed in cooperation with A3 and D1, methods will be shared with A3 and C2. Food safety
aspects will be addressed together with C4 and D5. Information on yield and product values will
be shared with E1 and E2.
C2: Effect of water quality on broiler skeletal development and stress
Close collaboration will be established with the other projects of cluster C:
Information provided by C1 on the variation of water intake within and among broiler lines is a
precondition for designing the experiments and adjusting the mineral concentration in the drinking water.
Information on the physiology of water intake and mineral metabolism of C3 will contribute to
select different materials used for supplementation of desalinated water and determine treatments.
Collaboration with C4 will cover research on behavior under stress and be extended to comparative studies on stress physiology at later stages.
Connections will also be built up with D1, D2 and D5 in exchange of research material.
C3: Implications of water stress on the gastrointestinal physiology of broilers
Close collaboration will be established with projects C1, C2 and D2 in exchange of experimental
materials and protocols up to joint conduction of experiments in Israel and Germany. Cooperation with D5 and D3 will be established at later stages.
C4: Fish and water quality in water saving intensive culture systems
The following cooperation is envisaged:
with D2 on off-flavor compounds,
with A3 on soil chemical impacts (phosphate),
with D4 and D5 – micronutrients and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from fish,
Information on water use and yield will be provided to E1 and E2.
Cooperation will be built up with C2 on stress physiology and behavior, at a later stage incorporating behavioral physiology approaches.
A subproject leader from Germany is still missing to complement research on fish nutritional
D1: Micro and macro-encapsulation and delivery of (bio)functional ingredients from barley, tomato, broilers and fish to improve food quality and promote health
In clusters A-C, the effect of water stress conditions on the chemical biology of selected plants
and livestock will be investigated. We will collaborate with investigators in these clusters to identify target compounds that are of biofunctional significance for encapsulation and inclusion in
food products. Isolation of antimicrobial polypeptides will be performed within our subproject.
We will collaborate with subproject D2 to optimize the encapsulated systems for their organoleptic properties and with subproject D4 to test the biological efficacy of encapsulated
compounds. Additional target compounds will in the course of the project be obtained from collaborators in subproject D3, which focuses on the large scale production of functional ingredients identified in barley subjected to water stress using biotechnological approaches. Information on added value of product quality and safety in relation to different input and output will be
provided to E1 and E2.
D2: Flavor quality of food generated under water stress: Interaction of micronutrients
with target proteins in chemosensory cells.
Main cooperation will be established with the projects from Cluster C, primarily with the physiologists in C2 and C3. Close collaboration will be established with B1, B2 and B4 on the expression of differences in chemosensory properties of tomato and barley lines and with D1 and
D3 on the incorporation of sensory traits in convenience food.
D3: Influence of water scarcity on the biotechnological processing of barley seeds for
their use as food and feed
A close cooperation, exchange of knowledge/biomaterial is necessary and will be done with
subprojects B2, C3, D1, D2, D4 and D5.
D4: Bioavailability of selected micronutrients and plant-specific ingredients in variants of
tomato and barley under water scarcity
As our main topic is the analysis of beneficial micronutrients in plants that may serve for broiler
and fish nutrition and directly for human nutrition, safeguarding reduction of residues and enhancing components for promotion of human health, this subproject may become a vital connection and junction point for optimal exploitation of several subprojects, especially A2, A3, the
whole of Cluster B, C3 and C4, and the other subprojects in Cluster D. Subproject B1 might
include the state of micronutrients, anti-pathogenic alkaloids and beneficial polyphenols under
their topic “quality control”, and the same will be envisaged with subproject B2 working on barley. In Cluster D, co-operations with the subprojects D1 (lycopene and other carotenoids in tomatos, saponins, polyphenols, fatty acids and alkaloids in barley) and D2 are obvious, i.e. we
will analyze the samples from the other subprojects to look for concentrations and cooccurrences of the selected micronutrients and polyphenols. Similarly, in the long range, and
following the establishment of MS libraries, we will look at fish and broiler meat following consumption of products from the projects of Cluster B in terms of contents of the beneficial micronutrients in various tissues. The results will be fed back to orientate other projects to develop
strategies to optimize the selected plants under the various water conditions.
D5: Molecular interaction of probiotic and commensal microorganisms with enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from chicken and fish
A close cooperation will be performed with A3, B2, C3 and C4 about technological methods of
improving the quality of probiotics preparations.
E1: Water scarcity and distribution from a macroeconomic perspective and
E2: Improving regional modeling approaches in agricultural economics on water scarcity
and quality
The main link to the subprojects from the natural sciences is more through the interest in the
effects of water scarcity on agriculture and the environment than in terms of directly envisaged
data transfer. Nonetheless, a clear potential for complementarities will be further explored:
The water, soil and plant scientists of A2, B1, B2, B4, C1, and C4 will research the impact of
water scarcity and stress on the yield of tomato, barley, broiler and fish. They will also examine
the effect of irrigation with saline and reclaimed water on crops and the use of minimum water
for aquaculture in closed recycling systems and they will try to assess the environmental consequences of irrigation with saline and reclaimed water (A1 and A3). The nutritionists and food
technologists will investigate the consequences of production of crops and livestock under water
scarcity for product nutritional quality, safety and contribution to human health. We will explore
the options to integrate some of the results of these studies into the CGE model based analysis
in order to assess the economic consequences of these factors.
Within cluster E, very strong synergies and complementarities exist and will be exploited in a
close collaboration between the two subprojects. Simulation models at very different aggregation stages will be applied: CGE, sectoral PMP supply, agent based. The CGE and the sectoral
supply model will both be regionalized, which allows for various linkages among the subprojects: 1) Development of joint scenarios which are analyzed at different levels. 2) Comparison
and discussion of results for variables which are endogenous in more than one model (e.g. regional supply of agricultural products).
3) The top down mapping of certain variables which are endogenous at the higher level model
but exogenous to the lower level model would be straightforward: e.g. vectors of equilibrium
price changes from CGE to sectoral supply and agent based model. A bottom up linkage would
be more demanding. This could involve an iterative process of model solving with fixing of certain variables or, alternatively, calibrating certain CGE parameters (technical progress shifters,
CET and CES elasticities) to a lower level model supply behavior.
5 Contents of Clusters and Subprojects
Subproject A1
Feedback-controlled deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to cope with water scarcity
Forecasts of global water withdrawals predict a sharp increase in future demand to meet the
needs of the urban, industrial, and environmental sectors. Given that the single biggest water
problem worldwide is scarcity (Jury and Vaux, 2005), there is a great deal of uncertainty about
water-supply levels for future generations. Irrigated agriculture currently uses in excess of 70 to
80% of total water consumption in arid and semi-arid regions. Further growth in irrigated agriculture will therefore be limited by the scarcity of water, increasing competition for water, degradation of the environment and the rising cost of development. There are many strategies that have
been implemented in the last decades to deal with water scarcity: (a) improving plants resistance to abiotic stresses, (b) improving irrigation management, (c) improving irrigation technology, and (d) combining water of lower quality for irrigation. The proposed research will deal directly with strategies (b) and (d), and indirectly with strategy (a) via collaboration with Cluster B.
Strategy (c) is beyond the scope of the current research.
The application of water below evapotranspiration (ET) requirements is termed deficit irrigation
(DI). Irrigation supply under DI is reduced relative to that needed to meet maximum ET. In line
with research on “molecular to whole plant physiology”, there is a need to investigate how to
improve water use efficiency by appropriate irrigation management schemes that are generally
based on DI. One of the most promising DI methods is regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), a strategy designed to save water with minimum impact on yield and fruit quality by imposing water
deficits during those phenological stages when plants are relatively tolerant to water stress
(non-critical periods). In order to minimize the application of water in RDI we propose a feedback- controlled deficit irrigation (FCDI), using the gas exchange and the plant hormone/ stress
indicator ethylene (Yang, 1984; Abeles et al., 1992; Kende, 1993) as control parameter.
Whereas the advantage of using a direct stress indicator (ethylene) instead of stress-inducing
factors (e.g. the soil moisture) is obvious, there are many open questions regarding the changes
of the production rate and the emission pattern of ethylene in the field due to different irrigation
management: (a) how do plants react to multiple stresses in the field (pattern analysis of stress
responses, Ulrichs et al., 2004)? (b) how do stressed plants interact with neighbor plants
(analysis of inter-plant interaction/communication at different scales (two plants, five plants,
canopies))? (c) how do the control parameters (time constants, amplitudes) for the FCDI depend on spatial variability of soil characteristics and plants?
The accurate assessment of ethylene production patterns requires a method that combines high
sensitivity (low biomass on plant scale) with a high temporal resolution (10-20 Hz data acquisition rate on field scale). At present, only photo-acoustic methods are able to fulfill these requirements. Measurements under normal conditions will be established as a reference level.
Abnormalities from the reference level will be used to identify the characteristic time constants
of the stress responses of the crop and to model the response of the crop to water scarcity.
Crop irrigation with marginal water, mainly with treated wastewater, is expanding worldwide due
to the increasing shortage in fresh water. Treated wastewater differs from fresh water by higher
contents of electrolytes, dissolved organic matter (DOM), suspended solids, and biochemical/chemical oxygen demand (BOD/COD). These varied constituents have a direct and indirect
effect on the availability of this water to the plants. A direct negative effect is through the enhanced salts accumulation in the root zone. An indirect effect is owing to the change in soil
physical properties and flow regime in the soil profile. It was recently found that prolonged use
of effluents for irrigation enhances the development of soil water repellency. Water repellency
reduces infiltration capacity, increases overland flow and soil erosion, and induces unstable,
irregular wetting fronts (fingered flow). Fingered flow may lead to poor seed germination and
decrease in water availability to the plant roots. There are many open questions regarding the
formation of water repellent soils by effluent irrigation: (a) which organic compounds render infiltration capable soil to a hydrophobic soil? (b) given that the increase in contact angle of the soil
particles toward 90o is a long-term process, does sub-critical repellency affect the flow regime in
the soil profile and to which extent? (c) given that the soil will in general be drier under DI than
under regular irrigation and that the degree of water repellency depends on water content, how
will the degree of soil water repellency be affected by DI? (d) how does the formation of water
repellent soils change the control parameters for FCDI for certain cultivars?
Goals and methods
1) To study the effect of regular, deficit and regulated-deficit irrigation with water of different
quality levels (including treated effluents) on crops (tomato, barley and maize).
2) To explore the relationship between irrigation regime (normal and DI) and plant stress at
different phenological stages and on different scales using rate and pattern of ethyleneproduction as a measure for plant stress
3) To establish the ethylene-production rate as a control parameter for irrigation scheduling
under normal and DI regimes in the examined crops
4) To explore the relationship between ethylene-production rate at different phenological
stages and food quality.
5) To study the long-term effect of effluent irrigation on buildup of soil water-repellency (contact
angle between the soil particles and water) and its effect on water penetration and flow regime in the soil profile.
Subproject A2
Ecophysiology and soil-plant interactions for improving plant performance and carbon
sequestration of barley under climate change-induced water scarcity
Water shortage is already an environmental threat in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, and
climate change will further reduce environmental productivity and predictability. Crop adaptation
to these conditions relies on genetic diversity of wild ancestors of crop species which may serve
for the introgression of alleles after selection of suitable lines. We aim to identify lines of wild
barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch) that are suitable to improve future barley cultivars in terms
of yield, yield stability and yield quality under conditions of ongoing water shortage and increasing aridity.
Goals and methods
The first phase of the project aims to identify lines of H. spontaneum that show high fitness under conditions of future climatic scenarios and which appear suitable as sources for introgression of alleles into H. vulgare with respect to plant growth, carbon sequestration, grain yield,
yield stability and yield quality.
The methodological approach during the first phase (years 1-4) will comprise:
Definition of future climatic conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean region. This work package
will build on previous work from other projects, such as GLOWA Jordan River and CIRCE
(Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment), and will be performed in close collaboration with the coordinator of GLOWA Jordan River, Prof. Katja Tielbörger, Universität Tübingen.
Exposure of lines of H. spontaneum to simulated drought according to climate scenarios. The
work package will comprise two approaches:
(i) Growth experiments under controlled conditions in greenhouses. In these experiments,
drought stress (i.e., soil water shortage) will be induced according to the climate change scenarios. Drought periods will be applied at various growth stages of H. spontaneum in order to
define the stages during plant development most susceptible to drought in terms of fitness and
seed production.
(ii) Field experiments in Israel: Rainout shelters will be used in the field to induce water shortage to drought tolerant H. spontaneum lines according to a small set of climate change scenarios at two stages of plant development. Two nutrient levels will be applied at all drought
The selection of H. spontaneum lines for the growth experiments (i) and (ii) will be performed
in close collaboration with Subproject B2 (Karl Schmid/Eyal Fridman) who have recently established a new collection of H. spontaneum from 51 sites in Israel and characterized nearly
1000 individual plants by means of SSR (simple sequence repeats) analyses. About 20 promising genotypes, according to site origin, will be selected for experimentation. The following
topics will be assessed in experiment (i): phenology, carbon and nutrient element acquisition
and redistribution, plant water relations and water use efficiency (WUE), and grain production
and grain quality in terms of dormancy and chemical composition in the H. spontaneum lines
under investigation. Experiment (ii) will investigate soil-plant interactions on field scale, including carbon sequestration by plants and soil, and nutrient cycling between plants and soil. In
addition, plant water and nutrient use efficiencies, plant growth and growth traits, and grain
production and quality will be studied. Carbon sequestration, water use and nutrient cycling
will be assessed through gas exchange, isotopic tracers, carbon and nutrient stocks, and
lysimeters at the plant and the soil level.
The two experiments will be integrated by a set of common measurements, including plant
growth and growth traits, water and nutrient use efficiencies, grain yield and grain quality.
These variables together with some of the experiment-specific measurements will enable selecting drought tolerant lines for subsequent phases of the subproject.
Once suitable lines of H. spontaneum have been identified, introgression of alleles of these
lines into the agricultural crop H. vulgare shall be performed as a starting point for the upcoming
stages (years 5-12) of the overall joint project in which we will test H. vulgare for grain yield,
yield stability and quality, and climate change footprint under future climatic scenarios.
Subproject A3
Xenobiotics originating from reclaimed wastewater and sludge: fate in soils and uptake
by plants
Goals and methods
The overarching goal of this proposal is to develop a better understanding of the fate of wastewater-originated xenobiotics in the environment and their effect on the ecosystem. This goal will
be achieved by elucidating the interactions of these compounds focusing on: (1) soil constituents – sorption-desorption behaviors; and (2) plants - uptake potential, mechanisms, and accumulation. The research tasks result from the following specific aims:
Task 1. Elucidate the mechanisms of sorption interaction of the xenobiotics and their derivatives
with soil and sediment minerals and organic matter. This task will include batch experiments
of the mother compounds as well as their metabolites (see task 2) and stable isotope analysis.
Task 2. Identification of breakdown productions, synthesis of reference standards, binding to
cutin and fate
Task 3. Determination of soil fatty acids as markers for the microbial community
Task 4. Study the uptake of the studied xenobiotics and their metabolites by plants (tomato and
barley), their routes in plant tissue, localization and accumulation in different plant organs
(roots, stems, leaves, fruits). This task will include lab and field experiments as well as state
of the art chemical analysis.
To accomplish the specific goals the following experimental approach will be taken:
1. Batch sorption isotherm trials will be conducted using soil/sediment components (e.g.,
clay minerals, organic matter) as well as the isolated wastewater and sludge dissolved organic matter (DOM) fractions, to ascertain the binding of xenobiotics to soils/sediments and
soil/sediment components, as a function of effluent organic matter and xenobiotic chemical
structure and character. Metabolisms of the xenobiotics in soils will be studied and the metabolites will be enriched and characterized. Sequestration of xenobiotics and their metabolites in soils will be studied using the 13C-labeled compounds in microcosms. Stable isotope
analyses will be carried out to provide insights into the isotope fractionation due to sorption
and/or metabolism.
2. Uptake, accumulation and distribution of 13C-labeled compounds and related derivatives
in plants will be studied in nutrient culture model plants and in more realistic pot culture that
allow effects of soil processes (adsorption, transport) and microbial activity. Extracts of
apoplast and symplast from the stem and whole-tissue extracts of various plant organs will
be analyzed to identify modes of transport and patterns of distribution and accumulation in
the plant. Whole-tissue extracts from plants grown in fields having a long history of irrigation
with effluent water and/or sludge application will be used to compare long-term accumulation of unlabeled compounds.
3. Effect of aging of cutin in soil will be studied by long incubation and isolation of the
compounds. The composition of the cutin will be assessed by NMR and lipid analysis and
differences in the sorption potential will be determined.
Subproject B1
Physiological and developmental mechanisms for stress resistance in tomato and barley
Studying the regulation mechanisms maximizing crop yield and fruit quality under stress
conditions, we would like to ask the following questions:
What is the optimal strategy for water balance regulation and ionic homeostasis under
stress conditions?
Which methods are best suited for quantifying plant stress levels?
What is the optimal leaf structure/size plant leaf area for improving plant stress resistance?
What is the role of phytohormones and specific metabolites in the mechanism of stress resistance regulation?
What are the optimal flowering strategies under stress conditions?
How do all of these mechanisms interact in a whole plant system?
What is the best combination of all of the above factors, leading to higher yield and fruit
quality under stress conditions?
Goals and methods
Considerable progress has been made in the study of plant resistance to stress. However, the
research on the physiological and developmental aspects of stress has progressed in parallel,
without much interaction. Here, we propose an interdisciplinary study that addresses both the
physiological and developmental aspects, and most importantly the interaction among them.
This will be done by combining experts from both fields aiming to test the following hypothesis: Plants cope with stress by combining physiological and developmental strategies. Therefore, specific combinations of several developmental and physiological stress resistance traits in
a single plant should act synergistically to improve plant stress resistance. Finding the optimal
combinations will result in novel plant models to study the interactions between key traits and
their impact on plant productivity and product quality under stress.
We suggest making use of our diverse professional expertise in order to identify major modifiers
of plant architecture, reproduction, hormone action, water uptake and ion transport in response
to stress acclimation. In the first stage of the research, we will create transgenic tomato and
barley plants expressing each one of 5-6 genes of interest predicted to affect yield performance
under stress (Table1). In the second stage we will use mutant tomato populations (available
from B2) and, in parallel, generate mutant barley populations. We will screen for mutant plants
with the best performance under stress, based on monitoring transpiration with high-resolution
multiple lysimetry developed by the Moshelion and Wallach laboratories (see A1) and on parallel measurements of foliage temperature, leaf chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf gas exchange.
We will screen similarly wild species and available introgression-lines and recombinant inbred
lines populations (available from B2). In the third stage, we plan to create gradients in levels of
several (4-6) genes of choice and create a matrix of genotypes such that each genotype will
have different levels of each gene. If we have mutations in each one of the genes we can create
a background which has mutations in all 4-6 genes. An example of a set of genes to be tested is
presented in table 1.To this background we will introduce constructs that will over-express each
of the genes under specific promoters that will express the genes in the correct tissue. Thus, we
will have a plant that has none of the natural genes, but each of these genes will be expressed
under unnatural promoters. This plant will be crossed to a plant from a different ecotype and the
F1 plants will be selfed. In the F2 population each gene can appear in different strengths. Progeny of this plant will segregate 5 doses for each of these 5-6 genes (from homozygote mutant to
wild type with 2 copies of overexpressed transgene), resulting in a total of 15625 different segregating genotypes of the 5-6 genes, and if we think of the segregation of all other alleles of
other genes in the genomes there are practically infinite possibilities. We will screen a big number of F2 seedlings for those (1%) that survive a severe salt stress and those will be further
screened as detailed below.
Table 1: List of selected proteins known for their regulation of key traits.
Improving plant yield and stress Sade et. al., 2009
Florigen affecting flowering time Teper-Bemnulker
and Growth
and Samach 2005;
Shalit et al., 2009
Homeobox tran- Delays leaf senescence, affects Ori et al, 1999 and
scription factor
leaf size and shape, improves salt N. Ori, unpublished
AVP1 H+- Ion transporter
improves drought and salt toler- Park et al., 2005; Li
ance, affects organ development
et al., 2005; Lv et
al., 2008
Nuclear signal- Hormone signal transduction Im- Achard et al., 2006
ing pathway
proving tolerance to osmotic stress
in Arabidopsis
The selection for the best-performing plants will take place using a novel high-throughput
system (Moshelion and Wallach, 2008). This system pinpoints the individual plants showing
improved transpiration use efficiency under stress conditions, even at an early developmental
stage. By characterizing the transpiration use efficiency through high-resolution determinations
of plant-weight variations, we predict accurately yield performance. By implementing thermography, we will improve the screening capability of our system even further. We will screen for
genotypes that show exceedingly high transpiration use efficiency under stress-free conditions.
Specific physiological criteria will be applied in a subsequent round of screens. The final selec24
tions will be conducted on a relatively small number of plants and will be based on trial-anderror, employing field assays for the best-performing cultivars.
We aim to develop this approach in both tomato (an isohidric, well characterized model dicot
crop plant with compound leaves, which is independent from photoperiod and responds mildly
to low temperatures) and barley (anisohidric, winter monocot with simple leaves, which flowers
in response to vernalization temperatures between 4-16°C and under long photoperiods).
Finding the optimal genetic combinations will provide:
1. crops adapted to salinity conditions for farmers use;
2. the most promising models for in-depth study engaging our specific expertise, in order to
understand why a specific combination of genes creates a synergistic increase in yield and
fruit quality under stress;
3. a unique and intriguing platform for each one of us to focus on/target a specific gene or
process within the field of her/his expertise, in genetic backgrounds that are non-existent in
Subproject B2
Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley and tomato
Topic: Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley and tomato
Barley is among the most important crops world wide for food and feed because it is ecologically highly adaptable and grows in very different environments. In 2007, the applicants Schmid
and Fridman initiated a collaboration to investigate the genetic basis of the ecological plasticity
and local adaptation in barley. Fridman assembled a large collection of wild barley (1000 accessions, from a large-scale ecographical gradient across Israel. This
collection was genotyped with microsatellite (SSR) markers and jointly analyzed for geographic
population structure (Hubner et al., 2009). There are three major clusters across Israel that correspond with phenotypic differentiation between Mediterranean and desert accessions as a result of local adaptation.
The goal of the current project is to understand the genetic basis of local adaptation to water
stress in barley and tomato from the Middle East, to identify the genes responsible of water
stress tolerance and to study the physiological effects of these genes. A long term goal is to
develop approaches for efficient exploitation of natural genetic variation in exotic germ plasm of
crop species for plant breeding purposes. Approaches are similar for both crops, however different research teams will concentrate on each of them with on following research subject specific collaborative links to other subprojects in clusters A and B. Therefore, goals and methods
are presented separately, first for barley, subsequently for tomato.
Goals and methods: barley
1. Characterize the genetic architecture of water stress tolerance in a large collection of wild
and cultivated barley.
2. Evaluate relationship of yield and food quality traits in different genotypes under water
3. Develop novel mapping strategies for identifying the genetic basis of yield stability under
water stress to identify genes of minor effects and elucidate complex genetic interactions
such as epistatic effects. Mapping strategies include the diallele and genome-wide association mapping in combination with the detection of natural selection.
4. Create mapping populations for joint linkage and association mapping of water stress tolerance.
5. Create introgression lines containing QTLs and alleles for water stress tolerance to be used
for marker-assisted selection.
1. The Barley1K collection of wild barley and additional collections of wild and cultivated barley
(landraces, accessions from the Israeli gene bank) will be phenotyped for water stress to
identify tolerant genotypes.
2. Dialleles of a diverse set of tolerant and nontolerant accessions will be set up and phenotyped for heterosis effects under optimal and aridity conditions.
3. Developmental and physiological responses of barley genotypes to drought conditions will
be defined and associated with whole plant responses, including biomass and yield:
Define the development of selected genotypes under optimal and stress conditions with
emphasis on meristem development.
• Using non-invasive methods, monitor stress symptoms of barley with various methods
over the life cycle that include ethylene emissions (Bergner and Teichmann, 1993; Morgan and Drew, 1997).
• Compare the water use efficiency (WUE) and respiration rate of selected genotypes under water deficiency conditions
• Associate particular developmental and physiological responses to whole plant responses in the field including rate of cell division and protein synthesis.
• Quantify variation in food quality using carbohydrates, protein and micronutrients under
different treatments.
• Analyze changes in gene expression during the grain development and grain filling state
using massively parallel sequencing methods.
4. Introgression lines from wild and domesticated barley genotypes with high water stress tolerance will be created using MAS and the resulting lines will be evaluated for water stress
tolerance and food quality characteristic.
5. Conduct genotyping and expression analysis to identify candidate genes for water stress
tolerance using next-generation sequencing and associated bioinformatics methods.
6. Further characterize positive candidate genes; establish the robustness of water stress
QTLs in different accessions and different lines
Investigate the role of candidate genes with isohydric and unisohydric physiological
Investigate the role of mapped genes in the developmental and physiological responses
of barley to water stress
Evaluate nearly isogenic lines (NILs) for candidate gene effects
Analyze the population genetics of candidate genes along aridity gradients and testing
for signatures of selection using resequencing methods.
The project can be divided into three major parts. First, the available collections are characterized for drought tolerance using various phenotypic methods and then used for mapping. The
second phase includes the generation of mapping populations for the association and QTL
mapping using approaches such as nested association mapping (NAM) and joint linkage mapping methods. The third phase comprises the generation of introgression and backcross populations using marker-assisted selection to be used for further genetic analysis and plant breeding.
Goals and methods: tomato
Goal 1 – Identification of DT-QTL and evaluating their effects in different environments
and genetic backgrounds
In this task we will screen ILs involving six tomato wild species for DT in the field. The ILs will be
evaluated for their yield potential in non irrigated replicated field trial both as homozygous state
(IL) and in a heterozygous state as IL hybrids (ILH). The screening of the S. pennellii ILs was
already conducted and 13 DT lines were identified. These ILs will be crossed to three different
tomato genotypes and the effect of the introgressed segment will be evaluated in dry and wet
fields with the aim of identifying DT QTL that are effective on a range of genotypes. Two important elements will be included in these trials: 1) The phenotypic evaluation methods will be
standardized among all participating groups with common controls that will be grown in all sites;
2) We will adhere to strict definitions of QTL as to eliminate as much as possible false positives
i.e. in order to be considered as a QTL in our database its effect will have to be highly significant
(P<0.01 in a Dunnett test) in at least two independent trials.
All the plants in the dry and wet treatments will be irrigated immediately after transplanting with
~25 m3 of water for every 1000 m2 of field area. For the rest of the growing period, the wet
treatment will be drip-irrigated with ~250 m3 of water per 1000 m2 while no water will be applied
to the dry treatment. Water status in the soil will be monitored at three depths (30, 60, 90 cm)
using tensiometers and by measurements of moisture content in soil samples. Two density
spacing will be followed: 1) a single plant per m2 – wide spacing. 2) three plants per m2 – narrow spacing. This task will identify DT QTL that will be further explored in the second task for
their site of expression.
Goal 2 – Identification via reciprocal grafting of root and shoot QTL for DT
The grafting experiments will be conducted in order to identify the site of expression of the
DT QTL. Seedlings of M82 (the common control) and each of the DT ILs will be used for reciprocal grafts, such that each IL genotype will be used as a root or shoot complementary to M82.
Self-grafted M82 plants will be used as controls to estimate the grafting effect. Grafted plants
will be sown and transplanted in the field at the same time as the non-grafted plants. We plan to
ask the following questions using a reciprocal grafting strategy: 1) which plant part (root or
shoot) contributes more to the variation in yield-related phenotypes? 2) Can we map root- or
shoot-specific yield QTL using the IL population? And 3) can we identify interactions between
such shoot and root QTL? Shoot-specific QTL will be defined in cases where an IL grafted as a
shoot onto an M82 rootstock has a phenotype similar to that of the non-grafted IL, and both of
them differed from M82. Root-specific QTL will be defined in cases where the root-grafted IL
(M82 grafted onto an IL rootstock) has a phenotype similar to the non-grafted IL, and both of
them different from M82. Experiments using the S. pennellii ILs led to the identification of IL8-3,
which increased total yield by 20% when used as a rootstock for M82. Using this grafting strategy we will screen all the DT ILs to identify the site of expression of the QTL.
Goal 3 – Map based cloning of DT-QTL
Fine mapping of DT QTL will be conducted in two stages: The first step will involve breaking
each introgression into approximately 20 sub-ILs. Once a particular QTL effect is delimited to a
segment of less than 5 cM then we will move into the second phase aimed at ultra highresolution mapping. The fine mapping analysis will be done on at least 20000 F2 plants that will
be genotyped with markers that flank the introgressed segment. Recombinants will be selfed
and sub-ILs homozygous for the recombined segment will be genotyped with all markers that
are available for the interval. Sub ILs from the S. pennellii population are available for three genomic regions that harbor DT QTL and these will be phenotyped starting from the first year of
the project. The map based cloning of the DT QTL will be greatly enhanced by the availability of
the tomato genome sequence which is expected to be released in early 2010.
Goal 4 - Phenom Networks: Bioinformatics generation of a systems view of complex phenotypes
Functional genomics is only as powerful as the diversity of phenotypes that are associated with
the databases of DNA sequences and their expression patterns. Plant and animal geneticists
have generated over the past decade numerous Mendelian populations that segregate for genetically mapped complex phenotypic variation. Information about the map position of such QTL
is included in more than 1000 publications but only a small fraction of raw data finds its way to
existing genomic databases. A common bioinformatic challenge which is important for understanding the phenotype of DT is to develop a set of programs to display the details of the different components of the complex phenotype on the net and link it to sequenced genomes. Thus
our group embarked on a project to develop a web - R based – ‘engine’ (entitled Phenom Networks) into which scientists will import their raw data and be able to conduct QTL analysis. We
have established a consortium of scientists who were interested to deposit their data, covering
diverse organisms such as tomato, Arabidopsis, barley, Maize, mice and rats. Having DT data
from multiple crops on a common framework will make it possible to identify bottlenecks for productivity under conditions of drought and devise ways for rational marker based strategies for
genetic improvement. Phenom Networks, which is still unpublished <>
will be a major engine for discovery and a key component for tying together the data derived
from the present proposal.
Phenom Networks needs to be extended and to implement a module of genetic markers that
enables searching, visualizing and comparing markers from different populations. Finally, after
we were able to find conserved QTL, there is a need to link Phenom Networks to a genome
browser of the particular organism in order to obtain information about the sequence that underlie the QTL. Here we will apply a technology that links database systems, and enable to query
one database from the other like the BioMoby web service (
Beyond the phenotypes Phenom Networks will link with The Solanaceae Genome Network
(SGN; and the sequence analysis and annotation pipelines of the EUSOL project in a manner that would facilitate the ‘One Stop Shop’ vision of the SOL community.
Long-term perspective (barley and tomato)
Most traits of interest to plant breeders are determined by multiple genes that interact with each
other and the environment. A complex yet undefined trait is drought tolerance (DT), which
could greatly contribute to global food security. The long term objective of the project is to integrate the data generated in this project for tomato and barley in a common bioinformatics
framework. Data from multiple laboratories, experiments and traits will be stored and statistically analyzed 'on-line' through the site “Phenom Networks”. The construction of an integrated
set of open source programs that link diverse data is a prerequisite when we want to link genotype and phenotype. This framework would allow us to look for differences and commonalities
in the response of plants to water stress. A basic tenet of the project is that DT should not be
treated in isolation but in as system network with other traits, phenotyping platforms, species
and plant breeding objectives. Phenom Network will be further developed to link traits and QTL
with comparative sequence based maps and provide the community with an engine for integration, discovery and the rational implementation of heterosis in the breeding of crop plants.
Subproject B3
Susceptibility and interaction of tomato and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
White rot is a worldwide threat to numerous crop plants (host range of more than 400 species).
The causing pathogen, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a necrotrophic ascomycete which produces
sclerotia as main resting structures. In tomato production, stem rot kills between 5-10% of the
plants and additional damage occurs when fruits are affected. The pathogen is a serious problem in both field and greenhouse cultivation. Sources of resistance in tomato are virtually unknown and virulence factors other than oxalic acid have yet to be explored.
The tomato collection at Rehovot is a valuable target for the evaluation of compatible and incompatible reactions with S. sclerotiorium. Furthermore, the screening of various strains of the
pathogen under field, greenhouse and laboratory conditions would provide insight on the
chemical, physiological and cytological interactions that occur between this pathogen and its
tomato host. The novel information from this project would expand the understanding of the necrotrophic biology of Sclerotinia and help to elaborate effective protecting strategies for tomato
production in Israel (380 000 t in 2006). Water scarcity in crop production provides a challenge
in many parts of the world and specific irrigation systems and greenhouse cultures are common
counter strategies. However, the application in tomato culturing has not eliminated Sclerotinia
infections although the pathogen is generally assumed to depend on humid weather conditions.
The project will provide insight in infection strategies of the pathogen and resistance mechanisms of its host in both genotypes adapted to aridic stress. Furthermore, understanding the
mechanisms involved in pathogen survival (with emphasis on sclerotia as a soil-borne and
plant-borne resting structure) will provide novel targets for pathogen control, based on interference with strategies employed for survival under conditions of water scarcity.
Goals and methods
Tasks of the first 4 year period:
The project is depending on two genotype collections representing host lines and pathogen
strains. The former exist in the laboratory of Dr. Zamir (B2). The latter is currently represented in
fungal strains maintained at Hohenheim in Dr. Heller’s lab and in Dr. Yarden’s lab at Rehovot.
For synergistic collaboration, it will be a major prerequisite to have both collections available at
Hohenheim and Rehovot and to maintain and use them under identical conditions for data comparison. Screening for compatible and incompatible host-pathogen-interactions will result in selecting suitable combinations for consecutive studies. Within this first round of testing, experimental conditions will be designed with special focus on environmental influence imposed
through different water regimes. Subsequent investigations will focus on host, pathogen and
their interactions.
We will:
1) analyze the metabolic differences in susceptible versus tolerant tomatoes. This will first be
done in a bioassay-guided approach where we will test the effect of different tomato exudates/fractions on Sclerotinia development (with an emphasis on infection cushion formation
and sclerotial development). This will be performed in a collaborative manner (extracts from
Spring, assays by Yarden and ultrastructure by Heller).
2) analyze the effects of water stress on the metabolic activity of selected tomato genotypes (ex
1) using chromatographic techniques (Spring).
3) purify bioactive compounds and identify them spectroscopically (Spring). Influence of the
pure compounds on the germination of sclerotia and on hyphal growth will be tested (Yarden).
4) analyze (also in a bioassay-guided manner) and purify Sclerotinia compounds toxic to tomato
(Spring). The elucidation of structures will be performed by Spring in collaboration with Dr. Conrad, Inst. Bioorganic Chemistry). The cytological effects of the isolated toxins will be tested on
tomato host tissue (Heller).
5) investigate the cytotological interactions in compatible/incompatible host-pathogencombinations, along with comparison to non-virulent or reduced pathogenicity strains and mutants (Yarden and Heller).
6) determine the effect of changes in water scarcity on the development, survival and germination of sclerotia (the predominant resting structure of S. sclerotiorum), including the isolation of
Sclerotina mutants that are either impaired in survival or exhibit extreme capabilities in survival
under dry conditions (Yarden and Heller).
7) determine the effect of altered water regimes and humidity levels on the virulence of S. sclerotiorum strains impaired in various signal transduction pathways (linking the environmental
cues with the relevant pathway in the pathogen (Yarden).
Tasks of the second 4 year period:
Results of the first project period are expected to yield a solid basis of data in terms of genotype/phenotype selection, elaboration of uniform and suitable methodology, principle mechanisms relevant for interaction and environmental effects influencing these processes under the
specific aspects of water scarcity and local irrigation techniques.
Most promising results will be selected for detailed investigation of mechanisms and structures
in the second 4-year term. This will encompass:
1) Comparing key processes of early (ethylene, ROS, PR proteins) and late resistance reactions (phytoalexins, cell division, lignification) in tomato under dry and moist conditions (Spring,
Heller). The results are expected to provide valuable links to promising breeding goals (Zamir,
2) Once structure of the Sclerotinia toxin(s) is elucidated we will determine its relevance to
pathogenicity by homologous gene disruption (or RNAi) of genes involved in the biosynthetic
pathway (assuming the structure will assist in identifying it) (Yarden, Spring, Heller).
3) Modeling structure-activity relationships of Sclerotinia toxins will help to identify functional
groups (Spring). In parallel, and based on the toxin structure, attempts will be made to introduce
potential toxin detoxifying-encoding genes to host plants (Zamir, Yarden, Spring).
4) The genetic analysis of sclerotinia strains exhibiting tolerance to extreme water scarcity conditions may yield useful information in both the identification of potential novel antifungal targets
as well as potential genes to be transferred to tomato for increasing the plant's tolerance to such
In parallel, the second term will provide the possibility to test the new findings under natural
conditions in field and greenhouse cultures. This will encompass:
5) Testing of the influence of soil effects and moisture on the mobility and inactivation of the
relevant allelochemicals (root exudates/ sclerotinia toxins) (Yarden, Spring).
6) Exploring options to trigger the resistance mechanisms of tomato through abiotic external
stress (dryness, heat, irradiation, activators).
7) Exploring options to inactivate sclerotia of selected genotypes in the soil (Yarden).
In general, the methodology employed in this second phase will relay on the techniques mentioned above and will be expanded through specific methods where necessary.
Subproject B4
Tomato genes and proteins for stress acclimation in a complex environment
Among the abiotic environmental stresses, drought is a major factor limiting plant growth and
productivity. Plant responses induced by water stress have been studied intensively leading to
the identification of hundreds of genes potentially involved in stress adaptation. However, most
of these studies have been conducted in well-controlled laboratory/greenhouse settings, and
our understanding of plant responses to drought in a more complex environment where multiple
stresses occur simultaneously is still fragmentary. In this collaborative effort we aim at a better
understanding of
- how oxidative stress that results from drought – particularly in combination with other forms of
abiotic stress including excessive light and extreme temperatures – translates into cellular
damage and photoinhibition
- how plants acclimate to environmentally induced oxidative stress, particularly with respect to
the detoxification of stress metabolites and repair from photoinhibition
- if and to what extent the growth of plants under water limitation affects resistance to pests and
- compare gene networks underlying resistance to drought and other abiotic stresses with those
governing resistance to viruses and other pathogens.
Our long-term goal is the identification of genes/proteins that are involved in the acclimation to a
combination of abiotic and biotic stresses. These genes/proteins will then be tested in transgenic approaches as candidates to improve stress tolerance in crops. They will be mapped on
the tomato genome using introgression lines as well as the knowledge generated from the tomato sequencing project. Molecular markers derived from the stress-response genes will be
used in a breeding program aimed at selecting resistant tomato lines.
Goals and methods
- transfer of knowledge gained in the model system Arabidopsis to tomato (with respect to oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, detoxifying enzymes (Schaller lab) and repair from photoinhibition, chloroplast proteolytic machinery (Adam lab))
- quantification of stress and comparison of stress levels in different tomato germplasm grown
under different environments (lipid peroxidation, ethylene, chlorophyll fluorescence)
- proteomic analysis of tomato stress responses to abiotic stresses (including different tomato
breeding lines grown in different environments)
- proteomic analysis of responses to biotic stresses (whitefly feeding and Tomato yellow leaf
curl virus infection) in tomato plants grown in different environments
- identification of candidate genes involved in the acclimation to a combination of biotic and
abiotic stresses
- confirmation of candidate genes in loss-of-function analyses (RNA-interference in transgenic
- generation of transgenic tomato lines to test candidate genes for improved stress tolerance
- development of markers identifying genes allowing acclimation to stress useful in tomato
breeding programs
- breeding and selection of tomato lines with combined resistance to drought and viruses.
Subproject C1
Genetic variation in water uptake in broilers, depending on water quality and ambient
Water consumption in broilers is highly correlated with feed intake and growth. Water consumption per body weight gain further increases with ambient temperature as part of thermoregulation. Therefore under higher ambient temperatures, and as broilers will be further selected for
even higher growth rates, water consumption is becoming more important to maintain the welfare and productivity of the broilers (Ajay Singh, 1994).
Water consumption interacts with nutritional factors, further more with differing mineral contents
depending on water quality. Information is lacking about the genetic control of water intake,
which may be a bottleneck in further development of fast growing broilers, aggravated under
high ambient temperatures and other stress conditions and correlated with increasing problems
of meat quality. Genetic bases of physiological pathways underlying control and expressions of
traits have to be revealed to enable for future breeding strategies for high quality poultry meat.
Goals and methods
The relationship between individual water consumption, growth rate and meat quality traits will
be determined in medium heavy broilers of experimental lines with major genes for heat tolerance and within populations of commercial fast growing broilers. Besides conventional performance traits for growth and carcass yield, a broad spectrum of meat quality traits will be determined and interrelated. Besides dripping loss and meat texture (Fletcher, 1999, 2002), meat
color as measured by CIE color values and myoglobin content (Okere, 2007), lipid oxidation will
be determined with fluorescence microscopy (Ajuya et al, 1993; Wold and Mielnik, 2000) as well
as flavor related traits like odor, psychotropic plate count and capacitance detection time (Allen
et al, 1997, 1998) related to taste and shelf-life of fresh meat. Sensory and processing quality
(Berri, 2000) will be addressed in relation with convenience products. A main problem increasing with further growth of valuable parts (Remignon and Le Bihan-Duval. 2003), the occurrence
of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) meat (Barbut, 1997) will receive special attention in the search
for strategies to overcome unfavorable genetic antagonisms between traits of growth and carcass conformation on the one hand, and stress susceptibility and meat quality failures on the
other hand.
Search for candidate genes on broiler meat quality (Saxena et al, 2009) will be performed applying the 60K SNP Illumina iSelect chicken array developed by the USDA Chicken GWMAS
Consortium, Cobb Vantress and Hendrix Genetics.
Diverse and standardized genetic material will be provided to researchers in other subprojects
and facilitate comparisons under different temperature regimes and water quality, aimed at determining how differences in water intake are related to nutritional physiology and skeletal functioning (laboratory, Israel, collaboration with C2) and meat quality as well as stress-indicating
ethological traits (laboratory, Germany, collaboration with C2).
The genetic bases for variation in water intake within pedigree structured commercial lines under different water quality treatments will be studied on commercial farms in Israel, estimating
heritability and genetic correlations under simultaneous screening of the genomic variation.
Outcome of the research will be recommendations on inclusion of water intake in quantitative
trait and genomic selection strategies of future broiler stocks with high growth rates and meat
yield, yet expressing consumer acceptable meat quality when drinking water of variable quality
and reared under higher ambient temperatures.
Subproject C2
Effect of water quality on broiler skeletal development and stress
With increasing scarcity of fresh water desalinated water will be used as drinking water for livestock. Pure desalinated water is not drinkable for its osmotic characteristics and supplementation of minerals is essential. Fortification of normal drinking water with various nutrients becomes increasingly popular in livestock production. There is, however, a lack of knowledge in
this field since traditionally nutrients are usually supplied through the feed. In some situations
there are clear advantages of applying nutrients through drinking water: i) when small amounts
of essential nutrients are required, for instance to cure deficiencies of minerals, trace elements,
amino acids and vitamins. ii) when feed consumption is hampered, for instance under heat
stress. iii) when immediate change of deficient feed is technically not possible.
The necessity to supply minerals to the desalinated water can be combined with the option of
strategic supplementation of essential nutrients.
In this regard there are two areas where the use of fortified desalinated water could contribute
to solve existing problems in livestock production. This is the supply of adequate minerals in
quality and quantity for optimum bone formation and prevention of skeletal diseases in fast
growing animals and the stimulation of water consumption through selected salts to alleviate
heat stress and at the same time stabilize the electrolyte balance.
Broiler chickens may be used as models for other farm animal species for their extreme early
growth and the high prevalence of leg disorders.
Skeletal disorders are a primary concern in the poultry industry today. Inflammation and fracture
occur relatively frequently, especially in fast-growing broilers and turkeys. The genetic selection
pressure for an incredibly rapid increase in body weight (for instance in broilers, from 30 gm to
2.5 kg in 6 weeks) lead to an increased incidence of low quality bones, which results in poor
quality of life of the birds and thus to an important animal welfare concern, and considerable
economic losses to the farming community due to high number of birds culled for leg problems
and fractures during catching and transporting the birds to the slaughter house.
Both local and systemic factors are involved in the health of the skeletal system. These include
sex hormones and calcium regulating hormones (systemic factors) and cytokines, prostaglandins, growth factors and colony-stimulating factors (local factors). Another cardinal factor in the
maintenance of normal skeletal architecture and strength is the supply of minerals, which provide the necessary building blocks needed for the synthesis, remodeling and maintenance of
the skeleton. Of particular importance in this regard are minerals such as calcium, phosphorous
and magnesium, which need to be supplied in the diet (both in the food and the water supply).
Bone is constantly turned over through a process termed bone remodeling. This process occurs
by the coordinated activity of the so-called bone forming unit (BFU) which consists of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. First osteoclasts are called to an area in bone in which microdamage (mostly micro-cracks resulting due to repeated use) has accumulated, and resorb this
area; subsequently osteoblasts move into the resulting cavity, and form new, damage-free
bone. Normally, resorption and formation of bone occur not only sequentially but in a balanced
manner in order to maintain bone mass nearly constant during most of adulthood (Rodan and
Martin 2000). This balance may be disturbed due to nutritional deficiencies, leading to increased
resorption and loss of bone mass.
It has been shown that the addition of various nutritional supplements (in particular alkalis) to
the drinking water increases bone density and lowers the bone resorption rate (Wynn et al.,
2008). Furthermore, the presence of calcium in the water helps prevent such pathological processes as osteoporosis (Guillemant et al., 2000; Meunier et al., 2005). On the other hand water
enriched by fluoride did not lead to improved structure or mechanical properties of the bones of
the skeleton. The response of the skeleton to poor water quality has so far not been investigated. However it is reasonable to assume, based on the findings listed above, that such circumstances will negatively affect bone architecture and mechanical properties.
Supplementation of minerals through the drinking water not only stimulates water intake, but
also compensates for mineral losses. In a field study Dai et al. (2009) added different levels of
NaCl and KCL to the drinking water of broilers under hot humid climatic conditions. Groups receiving 0.4% NaCl or KCl reached a higher slaughter weight as compared to the control without
salt supplementation. Similar effects have been reported by Ross (1979), Balnave et al. (1989)
and Teeter (1994).
The results of salt supplementation in drinking water on mortality seem to be more complex. Dai
et al (2009) found no significant effects of NaCl and KCl supplementation on mortality. High
level of NaCl in broiler diets increases the risk of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Grashorn,
1993) under moderate climatic conditions. Borges et al. (2003) found no significant effect of
electrolyte treatment on mortality of broilers under moderately increased ambient temperatures,
and Deyhim and Teeter (1991) reported that 0.5% KCl in the drinking water reduced mortality in
heat-stressed broilers. The effect of mineral supplementation to drinking water on carcass quality is not fully clarified. Dai et al. (2009) reported about significantly lower abdominal fat in broilers under heat stress after application of NaCl and KCl. The response of thigh meat and breast
meat to increasing supplementation of NaCl and KCl was not consistent. Borges et al. (2003)
and Smith (1994) noted that the use of electrolytes in drinking water had no significant effect on
carcass traits.
In the comprehensive and multi-disciplinary study we propose here, to study the effects of supplemented desalinated water on the quality of the skeleton and on performance, carcass quality
and stress related behavioral traits of broilers. In particular, we will study the following questions:
1. Can the adverse effects of desalinated water be reversed by supplementation of minerals?
2. How do various levels of minerals supplied through desalinated water affect the micro- and
macro-architecture of the bones of broilers and turkeys?
3. What are the cellular-molecular genetic pathways by which the effects of mineral supply
through drinking water exert their effects on the skeleton?
4. How can strategic supplementation of minerals to desalinated drinking water assist broilers
in coping with stress and avoid deterioration of carcass quality?
Goals and methods
We envision attaining the following long-term goals through this project:
- Characterization of the effects of various aspects of using desalinated water in livestock
production. The research results will not only advise on safe use of desalinated water,
but also improve the skeleton in fast growing animals by strategic supplementation of
minerals and other essential nutrients to desalinated water. Supplementation of minerals
to the drinking water may become a routine procedure to alleviate heat stress in poultry
and other livestock. Starting with broilers as model animals research will be extended to
other species and products.
- Providing basic information on the interrelationships between mineral supply and environmental parameters, in particular ambient temperature and humidity, on the stress related behavior, locomotory activity (distance walked and gait quality), structure and mechanical function of various bones in broilers.
- Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms and genetic pathways responsible for the effects
of water quality on the skeleton.
In order to attain these goals we will use a large-scale experimental facility in which we will be
able to control water quality and amount available to broilers and vary it so as to be able to determine its effect in a quantitative manner.
We will also use climatic chambers (University of Hohenheim) to study the effects of mineral
supplementation in drinking water under varying ambient temperature on feed and water intake,
stress related behavior, locomotory activity including gait score and leg and carcass quality.
We shall obtain bone samples from all experimental groups and study them by histological
staining and quantitative PCR. We will also mechanically test them by three-point bending and
study their structural features (geometry and mineral distribution) by micro-CT. We will also use
fluorocrome staining methods to determine dynamically the mineralization process rates (both
spatially and temporally).
Experimental animals used will be provided by C1, previously genetically screened for intrinsic
water intake. Assessment of carcass quality traits will be done in collaboration with C1, concentrating on meat quality traits. Feeding and watering regimes will be jointly determined with researchers from C3 studying the gastrointestinal physiology of the same experimental birds.
Subproject C3
Implications of water stress for the gastrointestinal physiology of broilers
The supply of sufficient, high quality water is one of fundamentally important parameters in efficient poultry production. It plays important roles in regulating body temperature, digesting food,
and eliminating body wastes. At normal temperatures, poultry consume about twice as much
water as feed; when heat stress occurs, water consumption will double or quadruple. A safe and
adequate supply of water is therefore essential for efficient poultry production. Competition for
drinking water has increased in many locations across the world as groundwater continues to
decline. Once used for agriculture, water is now directed to private and industrial users. The
implications of water scarcity but also of water with varying salinity and various flavors on poultry are not well understood. Water ingested by an organism is first encountered by the chemosensory systems of nose and tongue before it enters the gastrointestinal tract, where it is essential for digestive processes before it is absorbed. Even within the gut specialized chemosensory
cells residing in the mucosa continuously monitor the composition of the chyme on its passage
through the various compartments of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the quantities of ingested
water as well as its chemical ingredients are likely to affect a variety of physiological processes
along the passage through the different compartments of the gastrointestinal tract. It is therefore
a goal of the project to explore the gustatory and olfactory capacity of poultry and its relevance
to assess and consequently affect the water and food intake. In the intestine, mucosa cells
which are most relevant for the absorption of water and electrolytes will be analyzed concerning
adaptive changes upon water quality. These aspects may include morphological changes but
major attention will be focused on the expression of relevant functional proteins, such as
aquaporin subtypes. It has to be assumed that such kind of molecular adaption is under the
control of endocrine or neuronal signals. Therefore, attempts will be made to evaluate if endocrine cells scattered throughout the intestinal mucosa may govern the molecular mechanisms
underlying the regulation of fluid and electrolyte transport. Such local regulatory processes mediated by local endocrine cells and/or the local enteric nervous system would require an efficient
surveillance system to assess the gut contents. Candidate chemosensory cells, as recently discovered in the intestine mucosa of rodents, could be involved in this process and might be part
of the regulatory cascade. The proposed approaches will contribute to elucidate some of the
subtle regulatory mechanisms underlying adaptive processes of the gastrointestinal tract of
poultry to altered water quality.
Goals and methods
Poultry production involves the supplying of sufficient high quality water to the birds for efficient
production and economic performance. The need, in the future, to cope with water of different
salinity in poultry production, is an immerging problem. It is therefore a major goal of this project
to evaluate how water contamination may affect the gastrointestinal system and its specific
functions, most notably digestive and resorption processes. We envision that the long-term
goals of this research project will lead to a better understanding of gastrointestinal processes
under conditions of use of water of different quality and salt content which may allow to improving poultry performance under such drinking water circumstances.
Attempts will be made to explore the effects of water stress, including the degree of scarcity, the
duration of scarcity and various degrees of salinity on the intestinal morphology, intestinal surface area, entrocyte dynamics (proliferation and maturation processes), enterocyte functionality,
goblet cells maturation and mucin production in small intestine segments taken from broilers of
various genetic lines studied in subprojects C1 and C2.
The major emphases will be on phenomena and mechanisms underlying an adaptation of the
gastrointestinal system to the altered water quality, i.e. on cellular and molecular changes which
allow the system to optimize its operations under different water treatments and ambient temperatures. One limiting parameter under altered water conditions may be the capacity of the
gastrointestinal mucosa for water absorption. Attempts will be made to explore if and to what
extend this capacity can be modified. One putative mechanism would be a controlled insertion
of water channels (aquaporins) into the membranes of mucosal cells. Such a mechanism would
be reminiscent of the kidney collecting duct, where water retention is controlled by an endocrine
governed permeability of the duct wall. In addition to aquaporins, transporters, such as sodium /
glucose and sodium / amino acid transporters as well as transporters for micronutrients, such as
calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron, will be of interest in this context.
Towards an understanding of the adaptive processes for altered water quality, it will be of particular interest to unravel the mechanisms which initiate and regulate these processes. It can be
assumed that appropriate detector systems exist which can sense the ingredients of drinking
water. Chemosensory and osmosensory systems are considered as most appropriate for this
task. It is therefore most relevant to explore the cellular and molecular capacity of chemosensation in the nose and tongue but also in the gastrointestinal tract. These aspects will be evaluated by genomic, molecular, cellular and physiological approaches. Recent genomic findings
suggest that the chemical senses of birds may have some unique features and are therefore of
particular interest for these studies.
How the collected chemosensory information is subsequently processed to initiate and regulate
the cellular and molecular mechanisms which finally lead to the adaption of the gastrointestinal
system and the whole organism to altered water quality is unknown but of great importance towards an understanding of these phenomena. Attempts will be made to explore how chemosensory cells, especially cells in the gastrointestinal mucosa, communicate with afferent nerve
fibers or endocrine cells in their vicinity. It is conceivable that information could be transferred
via diffusible signal molecules, such as prostaglandins or nitric oxide. Accordingly, candidate
chemosensory cells will be assessed for their molecular capacity to generate such molecules
under appropriate conditions.
Exploring these various aspects of gastrointestinal physiology is considered as prerequisite to
disclose starting points for interventions to optimize water intake of broilers under different water
composition and temperature conditions.
Subproject C4
Fish and water quality in water saving intensive culture systems
manipulation of water quality in intensive fish culture systems by biological water purification
of recycled water
hormonal changes responding to stress in intensive culture systems with effects on reproduction and performance
Goals and methods
Fish culture in RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) based on aerobic and anaerobic
treatment of culture water in intensive aquaculture systems is a relatively new concept. During
the long term study we propose to examine benefits of this treatment which go beyond the already demonstrated importance of this treatment system as a means for sludge digestion and
nitrate removal. In addition, research will be conducted on the growth performance of fish cultured in these systems with particular emphasis on identifying physiological stress indicators
under intensive culture conditions. Combined, this research on water quality control and fish
physiology will lead to a better understanding of optimal conditions for fish growth and carcass
quality in these intensive and low water use culture systems.
The overall aims of the research are as follows:
To examine the various processes responsible for phosphate removal in the anaerobic
treatment stage of the RAS;
To identify, quantify and optimize biological and physicochemical process underlying geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) removal in the anaerobic treatment step of RAS;
To examine the probiotic effect of the anaerobic treatment step;
To examine stress in fish as a function of elevated inorganic nitrogen levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and fish density;
To examine the effect of anaerobic water treatment on stress in fish.
Specific aims related to the identification of stress indicators affecting reproduction and growth
of fish are:
• Expression and characterization of biologically active recombinant tilapia GH, gherlin and
somatolectin (according to Aizen et al., 2007a; Kasuto and Levavi-Sivan, 2005);
• To establish specific ELISAs for the measurement of tilapia GH, Ghrelin and somatolectin
(according to Aizen et al., 2007b);
• To determine the levels of cortisol, FSH, LH, GH Ghrelin and somatolectin at different stages
of the reproduction cycle, in tilapia as a model fish;
• To determine the levels of cortisol, FSH, LH, GH Ghrelin and somatolectin at different ages;
• To try and elucidate the differential neuroendocrine control on the release and synthesis of
GTHs and GH;
• To identify new RFamides in tilapia which are related to growth and/or reproduction;
• To clone a tilapia RFRP by bioinformatics (according to Biran et al., 2008) and identify similarity with any known vertebrate RFRPs;
• To clone the RFRP receptor/s from tilapia and to localize their tissue distribution including
cellular sources (according to Biran et al., 2008);
• To test how endocrine signals regulate RFRPs and other RFamides and their relative receptors gene transcription;
• To investigate whether the actions of RFRPs and other RFamides are mediated via the hypothalamic GnRH system and/or via direct action on the anterior pituitary gland;
• To study the role of RFamide in growth in tilapia as a model fish;
• To determine the levels of mRNA of RFRPs and other RFamides as a function of reproductive stage;
• To discover the signal transduction pathways coupled to RFamide receptors that are related
to both reproduction and growth.
The ultimate goal of this long-term study will be the optimization of fish culture in closed, recirculating fish culture systems. The study combines research on new stress indicators in fish with
water quality control in zero-discharge recirculating systems. Pilot-scale fish culture facilities
operated in a zero-discharge mode on-campus as well as semi-commercial systems are available for the proposed study.
The research plan is proposed so far exclusively for the research team in Israel. As soon as the
position for Aquaculture at University of Hohenheim will be filled, the research plan may be extended to a co-operative approach between research teams from both institutions.
Subproject D1
Micro- and macro-encapsulation and delivery of (bio)functional ingredients from barley,
tomato, broilers and fish to improve food quality and promote health
The modern food industry continues to face major challenges in formulating foods that include
compounds with bio-functional properties, such as nutraceuticals, antimicrobials, antioxidants
and flavors. This is because their biological activity is hardly ever maintained when they are
introduced in a complex food system. This poses a serious problem since the success or failure
of a product depends on the continuing functionality of the bioactive ingredients. Thus, there is a
vital need to develop effective delivery systems to encapsulate, protect, and deliver bioactive
ingredients in a form that will be biologically active when the food is eventually consumed. Bioactive compounds vary widely in their physicochemical properties, for instance polarity, water
solubility, melting point, and chemical stability, and, thus, different delivery systems will perform
better for different ingredients. Nevertheless, presently there is a limited understanding on how
to select the most appropriate delivery system for each type of bioactive compound and food.
Our aim is to design food with positive impacts on health using carriers that entrap polypeptides,
such as antimicrobial polypeptides (AMPs) and enzymes, or ingredients, such as lycopen, flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. isolated from tomato and barley or fish and broilers grown
under water stress or with recycled/desalinated water, with a beneficial biofunctional role for
several human/animal body systems, i.e., digestive, reproductive, vascular and immune. The
purpose of our research is to establish the scientific principles needed to rationally design and
select delivery systems based on the physicochemical and functional properties of these target
ingredients. This subproject thus provides a key element to the overall objective of the research
cluster to enable the food industry to develop high-quality, biofunctional foods from primary
plant and animal products produced under water scarcity.
Goals and methods
We will focus on the utilization of flavonoids, carotenoids, enzymes, omega-3 fatty acids, antimicrobial polypeptides, and in principal any biofunctional ingredients isolated from tomato/barley/fish/poultry grown under water scarcity or treated water. For example, under water
shortage, type and concentration of antimicrobial polypeptides from plants are significantly elevated. This alteration in type and concentration of active components requires suitable encapsulation systems to be used in order to effectively incorporate the compounds in a food product.
Furthermore, it is reasonable that in order to fill in the gap between the nano- or the microcapsules, several tools have to be developed and good model systems studied and then applied.
To date, no comprehensive study has been undertaken that has allowed the establishment of
prediction models for encapsulation based on (a) the chemical and physical characteristics of
the active compound or the active fractions (b) the required functionality (antimicrobial, flavor,
antioxidant, physiology) (c) the property of the matrix in which the capsules are to be encapsulated (liquid, gel, solid, foam, sponge, cellular solid) and (d) the environmental conditions to
which the matrix with capsules will be subjected to (temperature, pressure, humidity, pH
changes). The knowledge regarding the influence of the technological stages on the efficacy of
both the carriers and ingredients is lacking. Therefore, the goal of this long-term project is to
establish structure-function relationships to allow the incorporation of flavonoids, carotenoids,
enzymes, omega-3 fatty acids, antimicrobial polypeptides, etc. into different foods for better
health and disease prevention.
Investigators will focus on characterization of target compounds that have been identified by
collaborators in other clusters as key metabolites with biological functionality. Encapsulation
system development will be based on the adaptation and modification of nanoscalar, colloidal
and microscopic dispersed systems, macrocapsules and cellular solids and their combinations.
The ability of the encapsulation systems (micro and macro) to contain the functional ingredients
and to provide maximum stability in model and real food systems will be determined. For the
creation of encapsulation systems, the collaborators have at their disposal a range of macro-,
micro- and nanofabrication techniques and a wide array of biochemical analysis tools. The
physiochemical and functional properties of the manufactured capsules will be determined by
use of state of the art biophysical analytical techniques available in the collaborators’ laboratories. Biological activity of the encapsulated polypeptides will be measured by biochemical
analyses. The following stages are envisaged:
Design of micro and macro-carriers to encapsulate antimicrobial polypeptides or other target
compounds; encapsulation of antimicrobial polypeptides via different methods in micro and
macro capsules, or inclusion of microcapsules within “bigger” carriers, cellular solids or food
models; determination of release of encapsulated antimicrobial polypeptides or other target ingredients; Measurement of kinetics of release of encapsulated ingredients; determination of
biological activity of the released ingredients; biofunctionality of encapsulated bioactive ingredients in mice, poultry, fish, and eventually humans.
In the long-term perspective, development of biologically active ingredients encapsulated
within novel carriers for animal or human feed may open up new avenues to improve human
health and immunity, to prevent disease, and to promote health.
Subproject D2
Flavor quality of food generated under water stress: Interaction of micronutrients with
target proteins in chemosensory cells
The flavor of food generated from plants which are grown under semi-arid conditions is generally more intense due to higher concentrations and different repertories of secondary metabolites accumulated under water scarcity. Several of these low molecular weight natural compounds have beneficial effects for human and animal health; they are considered as micronutrients, yet, most of them have aversive flavors which have negative effects on the acceptance of
food by the consumers and lowers the consumption of foodstuff by the livestock. It is therefore a
goal of this project to explore and identify target proteins in chemosensory cells for relevant
secondary metabolites in food, with a focus on flavor compounds generated in tomato and barley under water stress. In initial studies, the interaction of representative flavor compounds with
the most obvious target proteins, the chemosensory receptors, in particular bitter receptors, but
also TRP-channels will be explored. A combination of biochemical, molecular and computational approaches will be employed to decipher the interaction between the receptor protein and
low molecular weight natural compounds. The data are considered as the basis for identifying or
designing compounds which function as antagonists and thus could be employed as “masking”
compounds for aversive food ingredients. Furthermore, detailed knowledge about the molecular
interplay between low molecular weight organic compounds and their receptive proteins could
be the starting point for developing devices which can operate as biosensors to detect the relevant compounds in food samples. Secondary metabolites which support cell differentiation will
be assessed for their potential to improve the chemosensory capacity of nose and tongue,
which depend on a constant renewal of the sensory cells. These approaches will be extended to
the gastrointestinal system, where essential activities, such as motility and secretion, are governed via sensory cells in the GI-tract. Interference with the enteric regulatory processes could
be the bases for multiple effects that have been attributed to secondary metabolites.
Goals and methods
Representative secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols, terpenes, alkaloids, will be assessed for their capability to stimulate or inhibit olfactory, gustatory or trigeminal cell activity.
Activity of these cells will be monitored by determining the induced expression of c-fos or by
calcium imaging approaches.
Molecular and biochemical techniques will be used to identify the target proteins for distinct
secondary metabolites in the chemosensory cells. Initially, the focus will be on the chemosensory receptor proteins, most notably the bitter receptors, since many of the natural compounds
have a bitter taste. The so-called TRP-channels expressed in the trigeminal neurons, in particular TRPV1, are candidate target proteins.
Computational modeling approaches will be applied to explore putative interaction sites between chemoreceptor proteins (odorant receptors, bitter taste receptors, TRP-channels) and
representative natural compounds and in particular secondary metabolites from tomato and
The modeling results will be verified on heterologously expressed receptor proteins. Expression, e.g. in HEK cells, would allow to monitor a receptor-mediated activation in calcium imaging
experiments. Expression in bacteria or yeast cells will comply with the requirements for binding
assays and alleviate experiments with site-directed mutagenesis approaches.
Based on the results which emerge for the interaction from modeling and biochemical approaches, computational tools will be employed to identify or design compounds that may potentially act as antagonists, preventing the secondary metabolites from interacting with the
chemoreceptor protein.
This knowledge may also be a starting point for developing technical devices which could sense
the related compounds and thus eventually allow to monitor food products for certain sensory
relevant ingredients. Cell based or protein-based biosensors are conceivable; i.e. cell lines
stably expressing the relevant receptor protein or the isolated receptor proteins are immobilized
on electronic chips which are able to register the specific interaction between metabolite and
protein and convert this event into an electronic signal.
To explore potential beneficial effects of secondary metabolites on the sensory capacity, the
influence of carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids will be studied. Both are considered to be cell
protective and support cell differentiation, properties which may be particularly relevant for the
olfactory epithelium and the taste bud, where sensory cells are constantly renewed. Therefore,
mice fed a high carotenoid or omega-3 fatty acid diet will be assessed for the apoptotic and proliferative/regenerative capacity of the chemosensory systems. Furthermore, the sensory detection thresholds for defined sets of odorants will be assessed in behavioral tests.
In similar approaches, the responsiveness of chemosensory cells in the gastrointestinal tract to
secondary metabolites will be monitored. Tissue samples from the gastrointestinal mucosa will
be assayed in short term organotypical explants by imaging approaches but also by recording
the release of gastrointestinal peptide hormones upon application of secondary metabolites in
ELISA experiments.
From the gastrointestinal mucosa of mice fed a diet enriched in specific secondary metabolites
the transcriptome will be determined using microarray and real time PCR approaches. It will be
of central interest, whether the expression levels of potential target proteins are altered upon a
continuous exposure to the natural compounds. The results may allow to draw conclusions
about the long-term effects of secondary metabolites on gastrointestinal physiology.
Subproject D3
Influence of water scarcity on the biotechnological processing of barley seeds for their
use as food and feed
In three approaches: 1) investigation of the enzyme profiles from germinated barley seeds;
2) biochemical characterization of barley seed proteins and their use for selective proteolysis; 3) solid state yeast fermentation of germinated barely seeds for potential application as feed, the proteins, carbohydrates and enzymes from barley seeds grown under optimum water conditions (Obs) and grown under particular water scarcity (WSbs) will be comprehensively investigated by functional bioanalytical methods leading to a new understanding of
the interactions of these biomolecules during germination and fermentation of barley seeds. The
potential of barley seeds to be used in new, high-quality food or feed, respectively, will be
checked by various processing methods and scientifically described.
Goals and methods
1.) Investigation of the enzyme profiles from germinated barley seeds
For beer production the malting of the barley seeds (Hordeum vulgare) is performed in order to
make important hydrolases available. During germination in a time period of 96 to 144 h various
enzyme activities are endogenously generated through expression of the corresponding genes.
The drying step (82-85°C) inactivates the enzymes finally. The main groups of enzymes which
are produced during the malting process are glycosidases, proteases and hemicellulases.
The germination of barley seeds provided by subprojects B2 and A1, differing in drought tolerance and submitted to different irrigation treatment (Obs and WSbs) will be investigated under
controlled conditions (time, temperature). The particular enzyme profiles of the seeds at certain
times of germination will be established by measuring the true enzyme activities (quantitatively)
in selective assays. The focus will be on enzyme classes which are useful in food processing:
glycosidases, proteases/peptidases, esterases, oxidases (marker enzymes). Methods for sample preparation, enzyme purification and bioanalysis (true enzyme substrates) will be established. The functional results of the particular enzymes will be compared and correlated with the
proteomic and genomic results of the other subprojects and the literature.
With suitable enzyme cocktails from germinated barley seeds, processing of special food stuff
will be tested in order to investigate such cocktails for potential application in food technology.
Furthermore, studies focusing on imbibing extraneous enzymes into seeds will be attempted.
This approach (as demonstrated previously in our collaboration; see a patent application - Saguy et al., 2009), known as seed enzyme reactor (SER), will allow controlling various reactions
to take place inside the seeds, offering numerous unique advantages for reaction kinetics and
Another aspect of the research will focus on consequences of water stress. In recent years, due
to environmental changes related to water stress, growing conditions have are changing. Therefore, in addition to these malting-specific enzymes, an important determinant of barley feed
quality is the concentration and type of secondary metabolites that accumulate in the plant tissue. This distribution depends on the activities of specific enzyme families that generate these
metabolites. Specifically, the channeling of metabolic flux between lignin and suberin production, volatile phenylpropanoids, and neutraceutically-important flavonoids, is an important regulatory crossroad that determines quality, nutritional value, and organoleptic properties of plantderived foodstuff. We hypothesize that stress conditions such as water stress will affect the relative distribution of flux between these different sub-pathways. It has been suggested that the
differential regulation of various paralogs of enzymes such as coumarate ligase and chalcone
synthase with differing substrate specificities determines this distribution. By pinpointing the
identity and substrate specificity of specific barley paralogs that are induced under water stress
we will be able to predict the effect of the stress on the distribution of metabolites, and thus on
product quality. In addition, this approach will also provide a strategy for ameliorating any detrimental effects of stress on metabolic flux. It is therefore proposed to analyze the expression of
barley genes encoding enzymes of the early phenylpropanoid pathway under water stress, in
comparison with plants growing under water-replete conditions. We will then analyze the substrate specificity of the different enzymes encoded by these genes, in order to determine the
changes in metabolic flux that occur due to water stress.
2.) Biochemical characterization of barley seed proteins and their use for selective proteolysis
Plant proteins can be classified in four groups. The water-soluble proteins are albumins, the
salt-extractable are globulins, the fraction which is extracted with diluted ethanol is defined as
prolamins and the acid- or alkali-extractable as glutelins. Barley seeds contain about 16 % protein, differing between lines and growing conditions. In our sub-project the qualitative and quantitative biochemical characterization of barley seed proteins from different genetic lines and
grown under Obs and WSbs will be done in order to get knowledge about the influence of water
scarcity on the protein profile of the seeds.
Dziuba et al. (1995) demonstrated with an in silico analysis the potential of barley (Hordeum
vulgare) seed proteins to contain angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitory sequences
which might be generated in a technical process by specific proteolysis. However, this theoretical approach was not verified by experimental studies. In our sub-project the isolation of albumins and globulins storage proteins from barley seeds will be performed.
These quantified and characterized protein isolates will be hydrolyzed by selective proteases
from probiotic bacteria (available in our working group) or by commercial protease preparations
under controlled conditions. The enzymatically generated peptides of these hydrolysates will be
fractionated by chromatographic and/or membrane methods and tested for possible physiological (e.g. ACE inhibition) and techno-functional properties (e.g. foaming properties) using in vitro
3.) Solid state yeast fermentation of germinated barely seeds for potential application as
animal feed
In animal feeding, protein meals like fish meal, squid meal or shrimp meal are used as major
component with high nutritionally elements. Due to their high prices they are supplemented partially with plant derived protein sources like soybean meal, gluten meal or corn gluten feed. Also
barely seeds might be used due to their relative low price as component of this feed. A problem
thereby is on the one hand a high amount of carbohydrates (~60%) and crude fiber (~27%) and
on the other hand a relatively low amount of proteins (~16%), which needs to be increased to
assure a better feeding value. An increase of the usable protein content can be achieved by a
fermentation of barely seed and the reduction of the amount of carbohydrates and fibers. Since
decades microbial fermentations are used for the production of nutrients and feeds containing
protein for agricultural application. A solid state fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or
other yeasts, after barley seed germination and under controlled conditions will be investigated
as a possible method for increasing the protein and vitamin content of barley seeds, and so
make it a more valuable feed.
Subproject D4
Bioavailability of selected micronutrients and plant-specific ingredients in variants of
tomato and barley under water scarcity
It is hypothesized that when grown under water scarcity the levels of several beneficial compounds in tomato and barley are elevated or may decrease. Some of these compounds may
show positive effects on human health and others may promote an efficient production of farm
animals such as fish and poultry. In this subproject we will perform a thorough analysis of compounds that change with variety and change of irrigation, and study their bioavailability (BV) and
effects on cell cultures, model animals, and human subjects. Later the developed methods and
databases may serve to determine the levels of these compounds in fish and poultry from other
subprojects. These analyses of composition and bioavailability are required to define goals for
good agronomic practices and superior cultivars (performed in clusters A and B). Such analyses
will also establish a database that will serve for quality control at the farm and production levels,
and for the selection of unique traits for individual goals. We will perform BV studies in vitro (using several selected human cell lines), and in vivo (rodents and humans), because a high content of a micronutrient does not necessarily mean an also high BV (for example folate or iron).
The quality of plant and animal nutrients depends on the substances contained in. Besides
macronutrients, a number of various micronutrients like vitamins and trace elements and, especially in plants, secondary plant pigments, attractants and defense molecules (e.g., polyphenols,
alkaloids, flavonoids) are of importance to the quality of the product and its health promoting
potential. Many of the micronutrients are accepted as important players against a plethora of
pathogeneses in the context of e.g. oxidative stress, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease,
cancer defense and others.
The consequences of water deficit on crop yield and quality are profound, and include modification of the levels and (co-) occurrence of quality and health promoting compounds. Indeed, the
levels of these compounds depend on a number of internal (e.g. genetic) and external factors
like climate, soil, availability and quality of water and UV-irradiation. It is important to analyze
the spectrum and levels of these nutrients when the plants are grown under the conditions determined in the whole project, mainly water scarcity or the use of alternative water sources. It
was recently shown, for instance, that growing cherry tomatoes in salty water can make them
tastier and richer in antioxidants. Using diluted saline water, from the sea or from saline aquifers
such as are used in Israel, to irrigate tomato or barley plants puts an environmental stress on
the plants that causes them to produce higher levels of certain compounds in an attempt to
cope with the stressful conditions. In contrast, essential micronutrients such as ascorbic acid
may decrease over time.
Hence, in this “co-operation cycle” we will continuously analyze the crops and plants from the
partners on their micronutrient content. Our long range focus will be the performance of human
studies (using the metabolic unit available in Hohenheim) to determine the optimal conditions
for a high bioavailability of the selected (mixture of) compounds. For example, the BV of vitamin
C is negatively correlated with fiber content and heptaglutamyl folic acid has a 35% lower BV
than monoglutamyl folic acid. Functional BV and pharmacodynamics (dose to effect relationship) studies will be conducted for the food derived nutrients. The study will be performed in
animal models of human metabolic diseases. Simple and clinically acceptable endpoints for
biological effects will be selected. In addition, the effects of the nutrients at different doses on
genome expression profile and cell function will be evaluated as well.
Goals and methods
Our main goals will be the generation and establishment of databases of quality and health
promoting compounds in tomato and barley grown under water scarcity conditions and their BV
in farm animals and humans. These databases will also include libraries to be used by all project teams and potentially published on the web or as patents by distributors of the chromatographic systems (e.g. like the existing libraries for GC-MS used in many metabolomic studies).
We also plan to support the development of an experimental setting to improve the concentration, bioavailability and stability of the selected micronutrients with respect to water scarcity and
GMOs. Thus, determination of carotenoids, alkaloids (tomatine), saponins, vitamins C, A, E, D
by HPLC, LC-MS, or automatic lab-pipettor (Olympus) and the BV in vitro and in vivo (including
humans) will be our methods to gain such information.
Specific goals:
1) Study levels of selected quality compounds in tomato, barley and sorghum, grown
under water deficit and under saline irrigation. Teams at both universities will determine
composition and levels of selected compounds with recognized benefits for humans: carotenoids and vitamins C, A and D (UHOH) and alkaloids, saponins, polyphenols and pigments
other than carotenoids (HUJ).
2) Study bioavailability of selected compounds in the fruits and products, using cell
lines, model animals and humans. Food – drug interactions through the inhibition of intestinal and liver CYP 450 3A4 by polyphenols from barley and tomato (HUJI) and BV in cell
lines (e.g. uptake and AOX effects in ARPE19 cells (nitrotyrosine, TBARS, protein carbonyls) and humans (UHOH) and mice (HUJI).
3) Prepare sample food products and study BV as above. Model foods (HUJI): ‘ketchup’
from tomatoes and/or bread from barley or sorghum, grown under the various conditions (in
cluster A and B) Study their physical properties as well as stability through processing and
effect on lipid absorption in mice (HUJI) and BV of the ketchup in humans looking in a first
line for uptake of the selected compounds, later looking for respective effects (depending on
an enhanced uptake of single compounds; UHOH).
4) To study BV of the specific food-derived nutrients in disease conditions. Conditions such as
obesity may affect the bioavailability and volume of distribution of the nutrients, which may
end up being highly significant for the food quality question. To our best knowledge so far
this question was not addressed properly in the literature. In addition, changes in quality of
food under water scarcity or stress conditions will be addressed by studying different dosage
of nutrients containing foods in relationship to biological effects. Simple and clinically acceptable end points for biological effects will be selected. An observed dose dependent effect of the food product will indicate functional bioavailability.
In addition, the generation of databases and MS libraries of selective nutrient concentrations in
food products grown under water scarcity, our long range goal will also include the elucidation
of additional health promoting benefits. We will use a high throughput assays, using specific
cells in culture to elucidate the protective beneficial properties of different nutrients against
stressors and the cellular BV. Another study will be conducted in animal models of human
metabolic diseases. In the disease models the BV and protective effects against oxidative
stress, inflammation and metabolic deregulation will be evaluated. The final outcome is to provide information of the nature of the nutraceutical compounds derived from water scarcity conditions in tomato and barley, their concentration and their potential to serve as functional food to
prevent and treat diseases.
Subproject D5
Molecular interaction of probiotic and commensal microorganisms with enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from broiler and fish
Probiotics are used as health supplement in foods, feeds or as pharmaceutical preparations.
Although numerous probiotic products are already available and in use, the molecular basis for
the discovery of new probiotics must be improved, and in many cases the fundamental action of
these bacteria and fungi is yet to be discovered in more detail. Moreover, fundamental questions such as functionality and biosafety in the host, technological issues, i.e. delivery of sufficient numbers of living organisms to the host are poorly understood. We will therefore address
some key issues that currently prevent a more effective and defined application of probiotic microorganisms. The specific goal of the project is to establish and better define the biofunctional
properties of probiotics with respect to their fundamental action and biosafety, in particular, a)
identification and definition of probiotic action on the molecular, cellular, and animal levels, b)
identification of new probiotic strains. Special emphasis will be given in the interaction of probiotics with pathogenic Escherichia coli of poultry and fish.
Goals and methods
• To understand the molecular interaction of probiotic microorganisms with enteropathogenic
(EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) strains of poultry and fish and host cells.
• Probiotic action will be investigated as immunomodulatory effects in cell culture systems (HT29 cells) using a coinfection model with pathogenic E. coli. As markers we use the expression of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, the transcription factor NFκ-B, and the induction
of apoptosis
• Adherence assays for probiotics and pathogens in a coinfection model will be conducted.
The modulation of virulence markers will also be investigated in this model. Including the expression of Shiga toxins and type III effectors (nleA) as markers.
• The effect of probiotic bacteria on the capacity of the pathogens to activate their LEE genes
will be tested by the real time analysis of all the key LEE promoters
• The effect of the probiotic bacteria on the capacity of the pathogen to inject the key effectors
proteins will be tested.
• The capacity of particularly potent subsets of probiotic bacteria to reduce the tissue-damage
cased by STEC will be tested using the xenograft model.
• The direct interaction of probiotic bacteria with enteropathogens will be investigated in cultural experiments using the expression of Shiga toxin as a marker. Also, the role of quorum
sensing molecules, expressed by probiotic microorganism will be evaluated.
• Transcriptome analysis will be performed by microarray analysis to characterize the bacterial
genes that are involved in the beneficial interaction with HT-29 cells and in the alleviation of
EPEC and EHEC pathogenesis.
• The genome of a selected probiotic strain will be sequenced, and sequence information will
be used for comparative genomics, for forecasting of potential biosafety aspects, as a basis
to perform functional analyses, and to design microarrays
• Up/downregulated genes will be analyzed by functional gene analysis (site-directed
mutagenesis, cloning, expression analysis, etc.).
• Biosafety experiments will be performed in cell culture models, and by functional analysis
(transferable antibiotic resistance, toxins, adherence, etc).
Subproject E1
Water scarcity and distribution from a macroeconomic perspective
The competition for water in Israel is intense: among Israel and its neighbors, among different
sectors in Israel such as agriculture, industry and urban consumers, and within the agricultural
sector. Because of the common pool properties of water the degree of government intervention
in the sector is strong and political lobbying is common in the Israeli water economy.
We intend to analyze the effects of various water price and policy scenarios from an efficiency
as well as a distributive perspective. To this purpose we will develop and combine a regionalized CGE of the Israeli economy with political-economic analysis. More specifically, we intend to
1. Develop a regionalized CGE of the Israeli economy which incorporates water as an intermediate input being differentiated according to water quality.
2. Use this CGE in a traditional way to analyze the allocative and distributive effects of various
water price and policy scenarios and forecast the political viability of regulatory reforms:
What are the most efficient policies for the inter- and intra-sectoral allocation of water? And
what are the distributive consequences?
3. Develop a theoretical political-economic model of water allocation and estimate its relevant
4. Enrich the CGE model by incorporating political equilibrium equations into the model and
endogenizing government policies in the Israeli water economy.
5. Examine the relative efficiency of various regulation regimes in the presence of political lobbying.
6. Examine the influence of political lobbying on investment in infrastructure and reclamation
and desalination facilities.
Goals and methods
Specifically the following tasks are foreseen in the first project phase:
1. Development of a regionalized CGE for analyzing the competition for water in Israel. As we
can start from a national CGE, we need to disaggregate according to Israeli regions and according to sectors which play an important role in water demand. In addition, we intend to
depict water as an intermediate which can be traded nationally and internationally as well as
“produced” (desalination, reclamation of waste water).
2. Application of the regionalized CGE for the analysis of various scenarios of increasing water
scarcity/increasing water costs and different water policy regimes.
3. Analysis of the political economy of water regulation in Israel.
a. Analysis of reforming water regulations in Israel—a traditional approach. We will
analyze the political viability of changes in water allocation and regulations reform by
employing the traditional political-economic approach (e.g. Anderson, 1992). Based
on the CGE model, we will examine the consequences of each reform on the welfare/profits of the various interest groups, such as farmers in various regions and
growers of different products, industry, urban users and environmental and social activists.
b. Development of a theoretical political-economic model of water allocation. The theoretical model will be based on Zusman (1976), Grossman and Helpman (1994),
Finkelshtain and Kislev (1997) and Gawande and Hoekman (2006). In our analysis,
the government is a political entity rather than a benevolent planner, and its utility is
affected by both social welfare and political rewards. Consequently, the policy decisions reflect the interests of the participants in the political arena and can be characterized as if the government was maximizing a political support function – a weighted
sum of social welfare and lobbies’ welfare.
c. Structural estimation of the political-economic parameters. For this we will follow the
approach, which was developed recently by Finkelshtain, Kan and Kislev (2009). In
the course of the current study we will update the data and employ the large dataset
the Israeli subproject leader has on the village level for the years 1992-2002 in Israel
(about 800 villages with detailed information on cropping patterns, water use and
complementary data).
d. Endogenizing water policies in the CGE model. We will widen the scope of CGE
analysis by endogenizing government policies. This will be accomplished by integrating a political economic model into a conventional market model. Instead of treating
the government policy instruments as exogenous parameters, they will be described
by the equations of the political model. The exogenous parameters of the model will
be the more primitive notions, such as technological and taste parameters, politicians' ethics and the institutional and constitutional environments of the economy.
The modeling exercises will make it possible to quantify the effects of changes in
these fundamental conditions on both government policies and the economic performances.
In subsequent project phases there are promising perspectives for further development of this
research cooperation:
1. Developing a mechanism which allows to base the intra-agricultural water allocation of the
regionalized CGE on the response of the regionalized PMP model which will be developed
as part of the second project in Cluster E will result in a much better empirical basis. Options
vary between a “linking” and simultaneous solve of both models or for example the calibration of the CGE model to approximate the PMP supply response (e.g. by adjusting
CES/CET elasticities of water mobility).
2. Political economic analysis of investment in infrastructure, desalination and reclamation facilities.
3. Political economic analysis of substituting marginal (reclaimed and saline) water for fresh
water in the agricultural and environmental sectors.
4. The analysis of the effect of climate change on increasing yield volatility and potential responses of farmers. This could involve introducing stochastic terms to the agricultural supply
functions associated to water scarcity.
Subproject E2
Improving regional modeling approaches in agricultural economics on water scarcity and
Regional models of agricultural production are useful tools to investigate issues of water scarcity in relation to agriculture, because they are capable to take into account the spatially varying
availability of different quantities and qualities of water and assess the impact of agricultural
production under different external conditions. A particular interesting class of models in this
respect is positive mathematical programming (PMP) models (Howitt 1995) that have seen
many applications during the past decade. Applications to Israel include the models developed
by Kan et al. (2007) and Kan et al. (2009) for the analyses of climate-change impacts on agriculture and agricultural amenity-enhancing policies, respectively.
The key topic of the project is to further develop the PMP methodology and its applications to
issues of water scarcity by using information generated by
improving PMP model calibration through information on land-use analysis based on
econometric approaches;
using information generated through an agent-based model (to be developed in the project),
the explicit incorporation of responses to water quality and quantity into PMP models.
Goals and methods
Specifically the following tasks are foreseen in the first project phase:
1 Specification of cost functions in PMP models
(a) – given that the PMP results may be sensitive to the specification of the cost function and
that frequently there is not enough data to support any specification, we will utilize the large
dataset the Israeli subproject leader has on the village level for the years 1992-2002 in Israel
(about 800 villages with detailed information on cropping patterns, water use and labor) to validate the quadratic function.
(b) – There is a parallel progress in the literature on land-use using econometric analyses. Frequently, the multinomial-logit approach is used (e.g., Wu and Segerson, 1995, Miller and Plantinga, 1999). This methodology, in combination with the sample-selection method developed by
Kan and Kimhi (2005) will be used for generating additional information to be used for calibrating a PMP model.
2. Construction of an agent based model that can a) help to interpret results from a PMP
model and that may b) be used to generate data that can be used in the PMP model. This agent
based model can be used to integrating the temporal dimension into PMP analyses.
There will be a close collaboration in both areas. In area 1 the Israeli subproject leader will take
the lead with support of the German subproject leader, and vice versa in area 2.
In subsequent project phases there are promising perspectives to develop the approach further.
Two dimensions of work seem to be especially promising, which could be assigned subsequently to phase 2 and phase 3 of the project.
Studying the impact of spatial specification, using the aforementioned large dataset on village level for Israel. The issue of spatial scale in PMP has not been investigated much.
However, it would be interesting to compare a coarser model (e.g. all of Israel as one spatial
unit) with models of finer spatial resolution. This could give some information on the optimal
spatial scale for PMP models.
Calibrating PMP models while incorporating risk-aversion - incorporating external information on risk aversion and probability distribution functions into the PMP model and appropriately calibrating the model. The idea is to take the known rainfall distribution functions and to
evaluate the change in these functions due to climate change on agricultural profitability,
while taking into account that farmers plan cropping areas based on the rainfall distribution
function associated with their region. Besides methodological advancement, the final output
would be in close collaboration with E1 to provide policy advice for regulating use of water of
different quality under scenarios of increasing scarcity in Israel and elsewhere,
6 Annexes
6.1 Names and addresses of subproject leaders and deputies
Subproject A1
Feedback-controlled deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to cope with water scarcity
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Rony Wallach
Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rehovot, 76100
Tel.: ++972-8-9489170
Fax: ++972-8-9475181
Date of birth: 06.05.1953
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck
Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation
Section of Biogeophysics
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22796
Fax: ++49-711-459-23117
Date of birth: 11.02.1960
Subproject A2
Ecophysiology and soil-plant interactions for improving plant performance and carbon
sequestration of barley under climate change-induced water scarcity
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. José M. Grünzweig
Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489782
Fax: ++972-8-9473899
Date of birth: 14.03.1963
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fangmeier
Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology
Section of Plant Ecology and Ecotoxicology
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22189
Fax: ++49-711-459-23044
Date of birth: 01.03.1956
Subproject A3
Xenobiotics originating from reclaimed wastewater and sludge: fate in soils and uptake
by plants
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. Benny Chefetz
Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489384
Fax: ++972-8-9475181
Date of birth: 28.10.1965
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Walter Vetter
Institute of Food Chemistry
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-24016
Fax: ++49-711-459-24377
Date of birth: 09.05.1960
Subproject B1
Physiological and developmental mechanisms for stress resistance in tomato and barley
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Jens N. Wünsche
Institute of Specialty Crops and Crop Physiology
Section of Fruit Sciences
Universität Hohenheim
Fax: ++49-711-459-22351
Date of birth: 07.03.1964
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. Menachem Moshelion
Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Fax: :++972-8-9489899
Date of birth: 06.12.1971
German Deputy Leader
Dr. Martin Hegele
Institute of Specialty Crops and Crop Physiology
Section of Fruit Sciences
Universität Hohenheim
Fax: ++49-711-459-22351
Date of birth: 15.03.1960
Israeli Deputy Leader
Dr. Alon Samach
Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Fax: ++972-8-9489899
Date of birth: 28.09.1960
Subproject B2
Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley and tomato
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. Eyal Fridman
The RH Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and
Genetics in Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University, Rehovot
Tel.: ++972-8-9489513
Fax: ++972-8-9468265
Date of birth: 14.03.1969
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Karl Schmid
Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Science and
Population Genetics
Section of Crop Biodiversity and Breeding
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-23487
Fax: ++49-711-459-22343
Date of birth: 27.03.1966
Israeli Deputy Leader
Prof. Dr. Dani Zamir
The RH Smith Institute for Plant Sciences and
Genetics in Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University, Rehovot
Tel: ++972-8-9489092
Fax: ++972-8-9489943
Date of birth: 06.01.1950
Subproject B3
Susceptibility and interaction of tomato and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Otmar Spring
Institute of Botany
Biology Department
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-23811
Fax: ++49-711-459-23355
Email: spring@uni-hohenheim
Date of birth: 10.05.1954
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Oded Yarden
Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rehovot, 76100
Tel.: ++972-8-9489298
Fax: ++972-8-9468785
Date of birth: 11.10.1956
Subproject B4
Tomato genes and proteins for stress acclimation in a complex environment
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Henryk Hanokh Czosnek
Institute of Plant Science and Genetics in
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489249
Fax: ++972-8-9468265
Date of birth: 23.05.1947
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schaller
Institute of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22197
Fax: ++49-711-459-23751
Date of birth: 06.01.1962
Israeli Deputy Leader
Prof. Zach Adam
Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489921
Fax: ++972-8-948 9329
Date of birth: 27.08.1952
Subproject C1
Genetic variation in water uptake in broilers, depending on water quality and ambient
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Avigdor Cahaner
Institute of Plant Sciences and
Genetics in Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rehovot 76100
Tel: ++972-54-882-0091
Fax: ++972-8-948-9432
Date of birth: 11.10.1946
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Anne Valle Zárate
Institute of Animal Production in the Tropics and
Section of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in the
Tropics and Subtropics
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-24210
Fax: ++49-711-459-23290
Date of birth: 31.05.1954
Subproject C2
Effect of water quality on broiler skeletal development and stress
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Ron Shahar
Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489756
Fax: ++972-8-9467940
Date of birth: 02.10.1949
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Werner Bessei
Universität Hohenheim
Faculty of Agriculture
Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry
Tel.: ++49-711-459-23581
Fax: ++49-711-459-24246
Date of birth: 22. 10. 1946
Subproject C3
Implications of water stress on the gastrointestinal physiology of broilers
German Subproject Leader
Dr. Karin Schwarzenbacher
Institute of Physiology
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22267
Fax: ++49-711-459-24199
Date of birth: 01.05.1977
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Zehava Uni
Department of Animal Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489302
Fax: ++972-8-9465763
Date of birth: 23.03.1954
Subproject C4
Fish and water quality in water saving intensive culture systems
German Subproject Leader
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Jaap van Rijn
Department of Animal Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rehovot 76100
Tel.: ++972-8-9489302
Fax: ++972-8-9465763
Date of birth: 23.03.1956
Israeli Deputy Leader
Prof. Dr. Berta Levavi-Sivan
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rehovot 76100
Tel.: ++972-8-9489302
Fax: ++972-8-9465763
Date of birth: 23.09.1959
Subproject D1
Micro and macro-encapsulation and delivery of (bio)functional ingredients from barley,
tomato, broilers and fish to improve food quality and promote health
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Amos Nussinovitch
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-948-9016
Fax: ++972-8-936-3208
Date of birth: 31.08.1950
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Jochen Weiss
Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology
Section of Food Structure and Functionality
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-24415
Fax: ++49-711-459-24446
Date of birth: 04.02.1969
Israeli Deputy Leader
Dr. Oren Froy
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-948-9746
Fax: ++972-8-936-3208
Date of birth: 11.08.1968
Subproject D2
Flavor quality of food generated under water stress: Interaction of micronutrients with
target proteins in chemosensory cells
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. Masha Niv
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489664
Fax: ++972-8-9476189
Date of birth: 11.03.1969
German Subproject Leader
Professor Dr. Heinz Breer
Institute of Physiology
Section of Physiology
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22266
Fax: ++49-711-459-23726
Date of birth: 08.07.1946
Israeli Deputy Leader
Dr. Roni Shapira
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489818
Fax: ++972-8-9476189
Date of birth: 23.02.1956
Subproject D3
Influence of water scarcity on the biotechnological processing of barley seeds for their
use as food and feed
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Sam Saguy
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489019
Fax: ++972-8-9489019
Date ob birth: 08.06.1946
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Lutz Fischer
Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology
Section of Biotechnology
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-23018
Fax.: ++49-711-459-24267
Date of birth: 25.03.1960
Israeli Deputy Leader
Dr. Hagai Abeliovich
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489019
Fax: ++972-8-9489019
Date of birth: 02.08.1962
Subproject D4
Bioavailability of selected micronutrients and plant-specific ingredients in variants of
tomato and barley under water scarcity
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Hans Konrad Biesalski
Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-24112
Fax: ++49-711-459-23822
Date of birth: 14.04.1949
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. Zohar Kerem
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
76100 Rehovot
Tel.: ++972-8-9489278
Fax: ++972-8-9476189
Date of birth: 24.04.1962
German Deputy Leader
Prof. Dr. Donatus Nohr
Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-711-459-23691
Fax: ++49-711-459-23822
Date of birth: 29.09.1954
Israeli Deputy Leader
Dr. Oren Tirosh
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
76100 Rehovot
Tel.: ++972-8-9489623
Fax: ++972-8-9363208
Date of birth: 22.02.1968
Subproject D5
Molecular interaction of probiotic and commensal microorganisms with
enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from broiler and fish
Israeli Subproject Leader
Professor Dr. Ilan Rosenshine
Dept of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Institute of Medical Research Israel-Canada
Faculty of Medicine
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-2-675-8754
Fax: ++972-2-6757308
Date of birth: 27.02.1956
German Subproject Leader
Professor Dr. Herbert Schmidt
Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology
Department of Food Microbiology
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-23156
Date of birth: 18.05.1961
Israeli Deputy Leader
Professor Dr. Nahum Shpigel
The Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489534
Fax: ++972-8-9489138
Date of birth: 26.06.1956
Subproject E1
Water scarcity and distribution from a macroeconomic perspective
Israeli Subproject Leader
Prof. Israel Finkelshtain
Department of Agricultural Economics and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489255
Fax: ++972-8-9466267
Date of birth: 24.02.1959
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe
Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22631
Fax: ++49-711-459-23752
Date of birth: 25.03.1965
Subproject E2
Improving regional modeling approaches in agricultural economics on water scarcity and
German Subproject Leader
Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert
Institute of Farm Management
Section of Production Theory and Resource
Universität Hohenheim
Tel.: ++49-711-459-22541
Fax: ++49-711-459-23499
Date of birth: 23.06.1958
Israeli Subproject Leader
Dr. Iddo Kan
Department of Agricultural Economics and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489233
Fax: ++972-8-9466267
Date of birth: 06.11.1964
Israeli Deputy Leader
Prof. Ayal Kimhi
Department of Agricultural Economics and
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel.: ++972-8-9489376
Fax: ++972-8-9466267
Date of birth: 29.04.1959
6.2 CV and list of ten most important publications over the previous five years of
subproject leaders and deputies
Subproject A1
Feedback-controlled deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to cope with water scarcity
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck
Studies in Sociology and Philosophy, Universität Marburg, Germany
Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Universität Giessen, Germany
Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Universität Göttingen, Germany
Research associate (PhD student), Institute of Geoecology, Technische
Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Postdoc, Dept. of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of California,
Riverside, CA, USA
Researcher and Lecturer, Institute of Geoecology, Technische Universität
Braunschweig, Germany
Fritz Scheffer Award of the German Soil Science Society
Since 2001
Professor of Biogeophysics, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation,
Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Offer of a professorship of General Soil Science at Universität
Hamburg, Germany (declined)
Head of the Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Universität
Since 2003
Speaker of Section 3 “Ecosystems and Resource Management” of the
Life Science Center, Universität Hohenheim
Since 2009
Member of the Management Board of the new research institute “Water & Earth System
Science (WESS)”, Tübingen, Germany
Publication List (T. Streck)
1. Wan, Y.J., Ju, X.T., Ingwersen, J., Schwarz, U., Stange, C.F., Zhang, F.S., Streck, T., 2009. Gross
nitrogen transformations and related nitrous oxide emissions in an intensively used calcareous soil.
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73, 102–112.
2. Beyer, C., Altfelder, S., Duijnisveld, W.H.M. & Streck, T., 2009. Modelling spatial variability and
uncertainty of cadmium leaching to groundwater in an urban region. J. Hydrol. 369, 274-283.
3. Ingwersen, J., Poll, C., Streck, T., Kandeler, E., 2008. Micro-scale modelling of carbon turnover
driven by microbial succession at a biogeochemical interface. Soil Biol. Biochem. 40, 872-886.
4. Ingwersen, J., Schwarz, U., Stange, C.F., Ju, X., Streck, T., 2008. Shortcomings in the
commercialized Barometric Process Separation measuring system. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72, 135142.
5. Kahl, G., Nutniyom, P., Ingwersen, J., Totrakool, S., Pansombat, K., Thavornyutikarn, P., Streck, T.,
2007. Micro-trench-experiments on interflow and lateral pesticide transport in a sloped soil in
Northern Thailand. J. Environ. Qual. 36, 1205–1216.
6. Lamers, M., Ingwersen, J., Streck, T., 2007. Nitrous oxide emissions from mineral and organic soils of
a Norway spruce stand in Southwest Germany. Atmos. Environ. 8, 1681–1688.
7. Ingwersen, J., Bücherl, B., Streck, T., 2006. Cadmium leaching from microlysimeters planted with the
hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens: Experimental findings and modeling. J. Environ. Qual. 35,
8. Ingwersen, J., Streck, T., 2006. Modeling the environmental fate of cadmium in a large wastewater
irrigation area. J. Environ. Qual. 35, 1702–1714.
9. Altfelder, S., Streck. T., 2006. Capability and limitations of first-order and diffusion approaches to
describe long-term sorption of chlorotoluron in soil. J. Contam. Hydrol. 86, 279–298.
10. Ingwersen, J., Streck, T., 2005. A regional-scale study on the crop uptake of cadmium from sandy
soils: Measurement and modeling. J. Environ. Qual. 34, 1026–1035.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Rony Wallach
B.Sc (with honors) in Agricultural Engineering, Technion-Israel Inst. of Technology.
M.Sc Agricultural Engineering, Technion - Israel Inst. of Technology
D.Sc Agricultural Engineering, Technion - Israel Inst. of Technology
Postdoc, UC Riverside, USA
Lecturer, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Food and
Environmental Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Senior Lecturer, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Food
and Environmental Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Biological
Engineering, Cornell University, USA
Associate Professor, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural
Food and Environmental Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Since 2003
Professor, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Food and
Environmental Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Since 2009
Member of the Management Board of the new research institute “Water & Earth System
Science (WESS)”, Tübingen, Germany
Publication List (R. Wallach)
1. Graber, ER, Tagger, S, Wallach, R, 2009. Role of Divalent Fatty Acid Salts in Soil Water Repellency.
Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 73, 541-549.
2. Sade, N, Vinocur, B, Diber, A, Shatil, A, Ronen, G, Nissani, H, Wallach, R, Karchi, H, Moshelion, M,
2008. Improving plant stress tolerance and yield production: is the tonoplast aquaporin SlTIP2;2 a
key to isohydric to anisohydric conversion? New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/j.14698137.2008.02689.x
3. Wallach, R, Jortzick, C, 2008. Unstable finger-like flow in water-repellent soils during wetting and
redistribution - the case of a point water source. J. Hydrology 351, 26-41.
4. Marabi, A, Mayor, G, Burbidge, A, Wallach, R, Saguy, IS, 2008. Assessing dissolution kinetics of
powders by a Single Particle approach. Chem. Eng. J. 139, 118–127.
5. Wallach, R, 2008. Physical Characteristics of Soilless Media pp. 41-116, Chapter 3 in: Raviv, M.,
Lieth, JH, (eds.), Soilless Culture - Theory and Practice. Elsevier.
6. Graber, ER, Krispil, S, Wallach, R, 2007. Do surface active substances released from water repellent
soils contribute to their wetting kinetics? Eur. J. Soil Sci. 58, 1393-1399.
7. Wallach, R, Graber, ER, 2007. Effluent irrigation-induced soil water repellency: Time dependent
variation of infiltration rate and of water repellency at different levels of ambient relative humidity.
Hydrological Processes 21, 2346-2355.
8. Graber, ER, Ben-Arie, O, Wallach, R, 2006. Effect of Sample Disturbance on Soil Water Repellency
Determination. Geoderma 13, 11-19.
9. Wallach, R, Ben Arie, O, Graber, ER, 2005. Soil water repellency induced by long-term irrigation with
treated sewage effluent. J. Environ. Quality 34, 1910-1920.
10. Saguy, IS, Marabi, A, Wallach, R, 2005. Liquid imbibition during rehydration of dry porous food.
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 6, 37-43.
Subproject A2
Ecophysiology and soil-plant interactions for improving plant performance and carbon
sequestration of barley under climate change-induced water scarcity
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Andreas Fangmeier
Studies in Biology, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany
Research assistant (PhD student) at the Institute of Plant Ecology, Justus-LiebigUniversität Gießen, Germany
PhD Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.), Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Postdoc and research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Plant Ecology, Justus63
Since 2000
Liebig-Universität Gießen
Visiting Scientist, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, and Duke
University, Durham, NC, USA
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Plant Ecology, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Habilitation in Botany and Plant Ecology, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Professor of Plant Ecology and Ecotoxicology, Institute of Landscape and
Plant Ecology, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Vice Rector for Research, Universität Hohenheim
Head of the Life Science Center, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (A. Fangmeier)
1. Marhan, S., Kandeler, E., Rein, S., Fangmeier, A., Niklaus, P. A., 2009. Indirect effects of soil
moisture reverse soil C sequestration responses of a spring wheat agroecosystem to elevated CO2.
Glob. Change Biol., in print.
2. Erbs, M., Franzaring, J., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., 2009. Free-air CO2 enrichment in a wheat-weed
mixture – effects on water relations. Basic Appl. Ecol., in print.
3. Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., 2009. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment affects potatoes - 1. Aboveground
biomass production and tuber yield. Eur. J. Agron. 30, 78-84.
4. Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., 2009. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment affects potatoes – 2. Tuber quality
traits. Eur. J. Agron. 30, 85-94.
5. Franzaring, J., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., 2008. Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment on the growth of
summer oilseed rape (Brassica napus cv. Campino). Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 128, 127-134.
6. Franzaring, J., Holz, I., Fangmeier, A., 2008. Different responses of Molinia caerulea plants from
three origins to CO2 enrichment and nutrient supply. Acta Oecol. 33, 176-187.
7. Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., 2008. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on grain quality of wheat. J.
Cereal Sci. 48, 580-591.
8. Franzaring, J., Klumpp, A., Fangmeier, A., 2007. Active biomonitoring of airborne fluoride near an HF
producing factory using standardised grass cultures. Atmos. Environ. 41, 4828-4840.
9. Erbs, M., Fangmeier, A., 2006. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment effects on ecosystems – experiments
and real world. Progr. Bot. 67, 441-459.
10. Katny, C.M.A., Hoffmann-Thoma, G., Schrier, A.A., Fangmeier, A., Jäger, H.-J., van Bel, A.J.E.,
2005. Increase of photosynthesis and starch in potato under elevated CO2 is dependent on leaf age.
J. Plant Physiol. 162, 429-438.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Dr. José M. Grünzweig
Undergraduate studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
B.Sc., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Basel, Switzerland
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Postdoctoral fellow, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Research associate, Israel Institute of Technology – Technion, Haifa, Israel
Consultant, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2005 to date
Senior lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Publication List (J. M. Grünzweig)
1. Grünzweig, J.M., Hemming, D., Maseyk, K., Lin, T., Rotenberg, E., Raz-Yaseef, N., Falloon, P.D.,
Yakir, D., 2009. Water limitation to soil CO2 efflux in a pine forest at the semi-arid ‘timberline’. J.
Geophys. Res., in press.
2. Maseyk, K., Lin, T., Rotenberg, E., Grünzweig, J.M., Schwartz, A., Yakir, D., 2008. Physiologyphenology interactions in a productive semi-arid pine forest. New Phytol. 178, 603-616.
3. Maseyk, K., Grünzweig, J.M., Rotenberg, E., Yakir, D., 2008. Respiration acclimation contributes to
high carbon-use efficiency in a seasonally dry pine forest. Glob. Change Biol. 14, 1553-1567.
4. Grünzweig, J.M., Carmel, Y., Riov, J., Sever, N., McCreary, D.D., Flather, C.F., 2008. Growth,
resource storage, and adaptation to drought in California and eastern Mediterranean oak seedlings.
Can. J. For. Res. 38, 331-342.
5. Grünzweig, J.M., Gelfand, I., Fried, Y., Yakir, D., 2007. Biogeochemical factors contributing to
enhanced carbon storage following afforestation of a semi-arid shrubland. Biogeosciences 4, 891904.
6. Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Even Tzur, G., Grünzweig, J.M., Yakir, D., 2006. Assessment of
temporal changes in above-ground forest tree biomass using aerial photographs and allometric
equations. Can. J. For. Res. 36, 2585-2594.
7. Klein, T., Hemming, D., Lin, T., Grünzweig, J.M., Maseyk, K., Rotenberg, E., Yakir, D., 2005.
Association between tree-ring and needle δ13C and leaf gas exchange in Pinus halepensis under
semi-arid conditions. Oecologia 144, 45-54.
8. Grünzweig, J.M., Sparrow, S.D., Yakir, Y., Chapin, F.S., III., 2004. Impact of agricultural land-use
change on carbon storage in boreal Alaska. Glob. Change Biol. 10, 452-472.
9. Pumpanen, J., Kolari, P., Ilvesniemi, H., Minkkinen, K., Vesala, T., Niinistö, S., Lohila, A., Larmola, T.,
Morero, M., Pihlatie, M., Janssens, I., Curiel Yuste, J., Grünzweig, J.M., et al., 2004. Comparison of
different chamber techniques for measuring soil CO2 efflux. Agric. For. Meteorol. 123, 159-176.
10. Morgan, J.A., Pataki, D.E., Körner, C., Clark, H., Del Grosso, S.L., Grünzweig, J.M., et al., 2004. The
role of water relations in grassland and desert ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric CO2.
Oecologia 140, 11-25.
Subproject A3
Xenobiotics originating from reclaimed wastewater and sludge: fate in soils and uptake
by plants
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Walter Vetter
Diploma thesis in Organic Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart
Research Fellowship of the "Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research", research scientist at the "Norwegian Institute for Air Research", in Lilleström,
Doctoral thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Hohenheim; title of the doctoral thesis:
“On the isolation and characterisation of single standards for the determination of
residues of polychlorinated multicomponental mixtures“ (in German)
Habilitation (2nd doctoral thesis) and appointment as Privatdozent
(postdoctoral lecturing qualification, 5 years) at the Institute of Nutrition and
Environment, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena; title of the habilitation thesis:
“Congener and enantioselective determination of toxaphene” (in German)
Oberassistent, Institute of Nutrition and Environment, Friedrich-Schiller-University of
Since 2002
Professor of Food Chemistry at the University of Hohenheim
Since 2008
Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland, Australia
Publication List (W. Vetter)
1. Hoh, E. Lehotay, S.J., Mastovska, K., Ngo, H., Vetter, W., Pangallo, K., Reddy, C. M., 2009.
Capabilities of direct sample introduction - comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography –
time-of-flight mass spectrometry to analyze organic chemicals of interest in fish oils. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 43, 3240-3247.
2. Vetter, W., von der Recke, R., Symons, R., Pyecroft, S. 2008. GC/ECNI-MSMS-SRM and GC/EIHRMS-SIM determination of polybrominated biphenyls in Tasmanian Devils (Sarcophilus harrisii).
Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 22, 4165-4170.
3. Jenske, R., Vetter, W., 2008. Enantioselective analysis of 2- and 3-hydroxy fatty acids in food
samples. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 11578-11583.
4. Melcher, J., Schlabach, M., Strand Andersen, M., Vetter, W., 2008. Contrasting the seasonal
variability of halogenated natural products and anthropogenic hexachlorocyclohexanes in the
Southern Norwegian atmosphere. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 55, 547-557.
5. Vetter, W., Rosenfelder, N., 2008. Gas chromatographic retention data of environmentally relevant
polybrominated compounds. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 392, 489-504.
6. Vetter, W., Rosenfelder, N., Kraan, S., Hiebl, J. 2008. Structure and origin of the natural halogenated
monoterpene MHC-1 and its concentrations in marine mammals and fish. Chemosphere 73, 7-13.
7. Vetter, W., Gaul, S., Armbruster, W. 2008. Stable carbon isotope ratios of POPs – a tracer that can
lead to the origins of pollution. Environ. Int. 34, 357-362.
8. Vetter, W., Gaul, S., Thurnhofer, S., Mayer, K., 2007. Stable carbon isotope ratios of methyl-branched
fatty acids are different than straight chain fatty acids in dairy products. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 389,
9. Thurnhofer, S., Hottinger, G., Vetter, W., 2007. Enantioselective determination of food-relevant
anteiso fatty acids. Anal. Chem. 79, 4696-4701.
10. Vetter, W., Gleixner, G. 2006. Compound-specific stable carbon isotope ratios ( 13C values) of the
halogenated natural product 2,3,3´,4,4´,5,5´-heptachloro-1´-methyl-1,2´-bipyrrole (Q1). Rapid Comm.
Mass Spectrom. 20, 3018-3022.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Dr. Benny Chefetz
B.Sc. Agr. (Magna Cum laude) at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Soil Science.
M.Sc. Agr. (as part of a direct track of studies towards a Ph.D. degree) at The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Soil Chemistry.
Ph.D. at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Soil and Water Sciences. Thesis:
Transformation of organic matter during composting of municipal solid waste.
Post-Doctorate at the Dept. of Chemistry, Ohio State University, OH, USA.
Lecturer of Environmental Chemistry, Dept. Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Since 2005
Senior Lecturer of Environmental Chemistry, Dept. Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Chairman, Soil and Water Sciences Study Program, The Hebrew University of
Since 2008
Chairman, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Publication List (B. Chefetz)
1. Chefetz, B., Xing, B., 2009. The relative role of aliphatic and aromatic moieties as sorption domains
for organic compounds: a review. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 1680-1688.
2. Chefetz, B., Mualem, T., Ben-Ari, J., 2008. Sorption and mobility of pharmaceutical compounds in soil
irrigated with reclaimed wastewater. Chemosphere 73, 1335-1343.
3. Polubesova, T., Chen, Y., Navon, R., Chefetz, B., 2008. Interactions of hydrophobic fractions of
dissolved organic matter with Fe3+- and Cu2+-montmorillonite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 4797-4803.
4. Shechter, M., Chefetz, B., 2008. Insights into the sorption properties of cutin and cutan biopolymers.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 1165-1171.
5. Polubesova, T., Sherman-Nakache, M., Chefetz, B., 2007. Binding of pyrene to hydrophobic fractions
of dissolved organic matter: effect of polyvalent metal complexation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41,
6. Shechter, M., Xing, B., Kopinke, F.-D., Chefetz, B., 2006. Competitive sorption-desorption behavior of
triazine herbicides with plant cuticular fractions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 7761-7768.
7. Drori, Y., Lam, B., Simpson, A., Aizenshtat. Z., Chefetz, B., 2006. The role of lipids on sorption
characteristics of freshwater- and wastewater-irrigated soils. J. Environ. Qual. 35, 2154-2161.
8. Stimler, K., Xing, B., Chefetz, B., 2006. Transformation of plant cuticles in soil: effect on their sorptive
capabilities. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70, 1101-1109.
9. Ilani, T., Schulz, E., Chefetz, B., 2005. Interactions of organic compounds with wastewater dissolved
organic matter: role of the hydrophobic fractions. J. Environ. Qual. 34, 552-562.
10. Drori, Y., Aizenshtat, Z., Chefetz, B., 2005. Sorption-desorption behavior of atrazine in soils irrigated
with reclaimed wastewater. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 9, 1703-1710.
Subproject B1
Physiological and developmental mechanisms for stress resistance in tomato and barley
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Jens Wünsche
M.Sc. (Dipl.-Ing. agr.), Agriculture, Universität Halle, Germany
Ph.D. Agriculture, Universität Bonn, Germany
Postdoc, Nelson Research Centre, HortResearch, Nelson, New Zealand
Scientist, Nelson Research Centre, HortResearch, Nelson, New Zealand
Habilitation, Venia legendi in Fruit and Vegetable Sciences, Universität Bonn, Germany
Liaison Scientist, Hawkes Bay Research Centre, HortResearch, Havelock North, New
Since 2004
Professor for Fruit Sciences, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Publication List (J. N. Wünsche)
1. Glenn, M., J.N. Wünsche, I. McIvor, R. Nissen, A. George. 2008. Ultraviolet radiation effects on fruit
surface respiration and chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 83,
2. Hegele, M., P. Manochai, D. Naphrom, P. Sruamsiri, J.N. Wünsche. 2008. Flowering in longan
(Dimocarpus longan L.) induced by hormonal changes following KClO3 applications. European
Journal of Horticultural Science 73, 49-54.
3. Hoffmann P.G., K. Steiner, J.N. Wünsche, M. Hegele, E.M. Schönhals, R. Blaich, A. Forneck. 2008.
GA3 induzierte und genetisch bedingte Lockerbeerigkeit bei Pinot noir - Welche Rolle spielt das
Phytohormon Auxin? Deutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch 59, 153-161.
4. Spreer W., S. Ongprasert, M. Hegele, J.N. Wünsche, J. Müller. 2008. Yield and fruit development in
mango (Mangifera indica L., cv. Chok Anan) under different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Water
Management 88, 173-180.
5. Pichler F., E. Walton, M. Davy, C. Triggs, B. Janssen, J.N. Wünsche, J. Putterill, R. Schaffer. 2007.
Relative developmental, environmental, and tree-to-tree variability in buds from field-grown apple
trees. Tree Genetics & Genomes 3, 329-339.
6. Greer, D.H., J.N. Wünsche, C.L. Norling, H.N. Wiggins. 2006. Root-zone temperatures affect
phenology of budbreak, flower cluster development, extension shoot growth and gas exchange of
Braeburn (Malus domestica) apple trees. Tree Physiology 26, 105-111.
7. Wünsche J.N., D.H. Greer, W.A. Laing, J.W. Palmer. 2005. Physiological and biochemical leaf and
tree responses to crop load in apple. Tree Physiology 25, 1253-1263.
8. Wünsche J.N., I.B. Ferguson. 2005. Crop load interactions in apple. Horticultural Reviews 31, 231290.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Dr. Menachem Moshelion
B.Sc.Agr. Studies in Agricultural Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Rehovot, Israel
M.Sc.Agr. Studies in Agricultural Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Rehovot, Israel
Research associate (PhD student) Dept. of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
Postdoc, University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Unit of Physiology &
Biochemistry, The Faculty of Bio-engineering, Agronomy and Environment
Since 2004
Lecturer, Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture, Faculty
of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel
Publication List (M. Moshelion)
1. Moshelion M, Hachez C, Martin A.B, Cavez D, Bajji M, Jung R, Chaumont F, 2009. Aquaporin
expression and regulation control membrane osmotic water permeability of Black Mexican Sweet
maize cultured cells. Plant, Cell and Environment. (in press, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.02001.x)
2. Sade N, Vinocur JB, Diber A, Shatil A, Ronen G, Nissan H, Wallach R, Karchi H, Moshelion M.,
2009. Improving plant stress-tolerance and yield production: is the tonoplast aquaporin SlTIP2;2 a
key to isohydric to anisohydric conversion? New Phytologist 181, 651-661.
3. Ashkenazi M, Bader G, Kuchinsky A, Moshelion M, States D., 2007. Cytoscape ESP: simple search
of complex biological networks. Bioinformatics. 24, 1465–1466.
4. Ashkenazi M, Moshelion M, 2007. Shared transcriptional correlations in seed formation and in plants
response to drought. BMC Bioinformatics 8 (Suppl 8), P5.
5. Volkov V, Hachez C, Moshelion M, Draye X, Chaumont F, Fricke W, 2006. Water permeability differs
between growing and non-growing barley leaf tissues. Journal of Experimental Botany. 58, 377-90.
6. Yu L, Becker D, Levi H, Moshelion M, Hedrich R, Lotan I, Moran A, Pick U , Naveh L, Libal Y, Moran
N, 2006. Phosphorylation of SPICK2, an AKT2 channel homologue from Samanea motor cells.
Journal of Experimental Botany 57, 3583-3594.
7. Hachez C, Moshelion M, Zelazny E, Cavez D, Chaumont F, 2006. Localization and quantification of
plasma membrane aquaporin expression in maize primary root: a clue to understanding their role as
cellular plumbers. Plant Mol Biol 62, 305-323.
8. Chaumont F, Moshelion M, Daniels MJ, 2005. Regulation of plant aquaporin activity. Biology of the
Cell 97, 749-764.
9. Moshelion M, Moran N, Chaumont F, 2004. Dynamic changes in the osmotic water permeability of
protoplast plasma membrane. Plant Physiology 135, 2301-17.
10. Fetter K, Van Wilder V, Moshelion M, Chaumont F, 2004. Interactions between plasma membrane
aquaporins modulate their water channel activity. The Plant Cell, 16:215-28.
German Deputy Leader: Dr. Martin Hegele
M.Sc. (Dipl.-Agr.Biol.), Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Final Degree, Postgraduate Course in Plant Pathology, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Executive Scientist, SFB 564, Institute of Specialty Crops and Crop Physiology, Universität
Hohenheim, Germany
Since 2006
Deputy Subproject Leader, SFB 564, Institute of Specialty Crops and Crop Physiology,
Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Since 2009
Researcher and Lecturer (permanent position) at the Institute of Specialty Crops and Crop
Physiology, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Publication List (M. Hegele)
1. Hegele M., P. Manochai, D. Naphrom, P. Sruamsiri, J.N. Wünsche, 2008. Flowering in longan
(Dimocarpus longan L.) induced by hormonal changes following KClO3 applications. European
Journal of Horticultural Science 73, 49-54.
2. Hegele, M., D. Naphrom, P. Manochai, P. Sruamsiri, J. Wünsche, 2008. Effect of girdling and
defoliation of longan shoots on hormonal changes during flower induction. Acta Hort., accepted.
3. Hoffmann P.G., K. Steiner, J.N. Wünsche, M. Hegele, E.M. Schönhals, R. Blaich, A. Forneck, 2008.
GA3 induzierte und genetisch bedingte Lockerbeerigkeit bei Pinot noir - Welche Rolle spielt das
Phytohormon Auxin? Deutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch 59, 153-161.
4. Spreer W., S. Ongprasert, M. Hegele, J.N. Wünsche, J. Müller, 2008. Yield and fruit development in
mango (Mangifera indica L., cv. Chok Anan) under different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Water
Management 88, 173-180.
5. Spreer, W., M. Hegele, J. Müller, S. Ongprasert, 2008. Effect of deficit irrigation on fruit growth and
yield of mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Northern Thailand. Acta Hort., accepted.
6. Spreer, W., M. Hegele, Z. Czaczyk, V. Römheld, F. Bangerth, J. Müller, 2007. Water consumption of
greenhouse lychee trees under partial rootzone drying. Agricultural Engineering International LW 07
019. Vol. IX.
7. Hegele, M., D. Naphrom, P. Manochai, P. Sruamsiri, F. Bangerth, 2006. Control of flower induction in
tropical/subtropical fruit trees by phytohormones at the example of longan and mango. Acta Hort.
727, 217-226.
8. Manochai, P., P. Sruamsiri, W. Wiriya-alongkone, D. Naphrom, M. Hegele, F. Bangerth, 2005. Year
around off season flower induction in longan (Dimocarpus longan, Lour) trees by KClO3 applications:
potentials and problems. Sci. Hort. 104, 379-390.
9. Hegele, M., N. Boonblod, F. Bangerth, D. Naphrom, A. Chattrakul, P. Sruamsiri, P. Manochai, 2004.
Changes in photosynthesis, IAA export from leaves and cytokinins in the xylem sap after girdling of
young mango trees in combination with different growth regulators and their possible significance for
flower induction. Acta Hort. 645, 417-424.
10. Hegele, M., D. Naphrom, P. Manochai, A. Chattrakul, P. Sruamsiri, F. Bangerth, 2004. Effect of leaf
age on the response of flower induction and related hormonal changes in longan trees after KClO3
treatment. Acta Hort. 653, 41-49.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Dr. Alon Samach
B.Sc., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel
Ph.D., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology.
Postdoc Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada
Research Associate Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
BC, Canada
Research Scientist Department of Molecular Genetics, John Innes Centre, Norwich,
Norfolk, UK
Lecturer, Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture, Faculty
of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel
Since 2006
Senior Lecturer, Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture,
Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel
Publication List (A. Samach)
1. Sharabi-Schwager, M., Lers, A., Samach, A., Porat, R., 2009. Relationship between plant stress
tolerance, senescence and life span. Stewart Postharvest Review 5, 1-6.
2. Berger, Y., Harpaz-Saad, S., Brand, A., Melnik, H., Sirding, N., Alvarez, J.P., Zinder, M., Samach, A.,
Eshed, Y., Ori, N., 2009. The NAC-domain transcription factor GOBLET specifies leaflet boundaries
in compound tomato leaves. Development 136, 832-823.
3. Samach, A., Lotan, H., 2007. The transition to flowering in tomato. Plant Biotechnology 24, 71-82.
4. Wenkel S, Turck F, Singer K, Gissot L, Le Gourrierec J, Samach A, Coupland G., 2006. CONSTANS
and the CCAAT Box Binding Complex Share a Functionally Important Domain and Interact to
Regulate Flowering of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 18, 2971-2984.
5. Ben-Naim O, Eshed R, Parnis A, Teper-Bamnolker P, Shalit A, Coupland G, Samach A, Lifschitz E,
2006. The CCAAT binding factor can mediate between CONSTANS-like proteins and DNA. Plant
Journal 46, 462-476.
6. Paltiel J, Amin R, Gover A, Ori N, Samach A, 2006. Novel roles for GIGANTEA revealed under
environmental conditions that modify its expression in Arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula. Planta
224, 1255-1268.
7. Samach A, Wigge PA, 2005. Ambient temperature perception in plants. Current Opinion in Plant
Biology 8, 483-486.
8. Teper-Bamnolker P, Samach A, 2005. The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and
FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Cell 17, 2661-2675.
9. Valverde F, Mouradov A, Soppe W, Ravenscroft D, Samach A, Coupland G, 2004. Photoreceptor
regulation of CONSTANS protein in photoperiodic flowering. Science 303, 1003-1006.
10. Samach A, Onouchi H, Gold SE, Ditta GS, Schwarz-Sommer Zs, Yanofsky M.F, Coupland G, 2000.
Distinct roles of CONSTANS target genes in reproductive development of Arabidopsis. Science
(Research Article) 288, 1613-1616.
Subproject B2
Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley and tomato
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Karl Schmid
Studies in Biology, University of Munich, Germany
Visiting Graduate Student (DAAD Fellowship), Oxford University, UK
Research associate (PhD student), Institute of Zoology, University of Munich,
Postdoc, Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA
Group Leader (Emmy-Noether Fellow), Department of Genetics and Evolution, MaxPlanck Institute of Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany
Group Leader (Evolutionary Genetics), Genebank Department, Leibniz Institute of
Plant Genetics and Crop Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany
Professor of Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Since 2008
Professor of Crop Biodiversity and Breeding Informatics, Universität Hohenheim,
Publication List (K. Schmid)
1. Hübner S., Höffken M., Oren E., Haseneyer G., Stein N., Graner A., Schmid K.J., E. Fridman, 2009.
Strong correlation of the population structure of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) across Israel with
temperature and precipitation variation. Molecular Ecology 18, 1532-1536.
2. Song B.-H., Windsor A. J., Schmid, K. J., Ramos-Onsins S., Schranz M. E., Heidel A. J., T. MitchellOlds, 2009. Multilocus patterns of nucleotide diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium
in Boechera stricta, a wild relative of Arabidopsis. Genetics 181, 1021-1033.
3. Schmid K. J., Z. Yang, 2008. The trouble with sliding windows and the selective pressure in BRCA1.
PLoS ONE 3, e3746
4. Oyama, R., Formanova N., Clauss, M. J., Kroymann, J., Schmid, K. J., Vogel H., Weniger K.,
Windsor A., T. Mitchell-Olds, 2008. The shrunken genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant
Systematics 273, 257-271.
5. Spillane C., Schmid, K. J., Pien S., Laoueille-Duprat S., Page D. R., Baroux C., Escobar-Restrepo J.M., Kohler C., Wolfe K., U. Grossniklaus, 2007. Positive darwinian selection at the imprinted MEDEA
locus in plants. Nature 448, 349-352.
6. Korves T.M., Schmid K. J., Caicedo, A. L., Mays, C., Stinchcombe, J. R., Purugganan, M. D., J.
Schmitt, 2007. Fitness effects associated with the major flowering time gene FRIGIDA in Arabidopsis
thaliana in the field. American Naturalist 169, E141-157
7. Schmid, K. J., O. Törjek, R. Meyer, H. Schmuths, M. Hoffmann, T. Altmann, 2006. Evidence for large
scale population structure in Arabidopsis thaliana from genome-wide SNP markers. Theoret. Appl.
Genetics 112, 1104-1114.
8. Schmid, K. J., S. Ramos-Onsins, J. Ringys-Beckstein, B. Weisshaar, T. Mitchell-Olds,.2005. A
multilocus analysis of sequence variation in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals a genome-wide departure
from the standard neutral model of sequence evolution. Genetics 169, 1601-1615.
9. Wiehe, T., Schmid, K. J., W. Stephan, 2005 Sweeps in space. In: Selective Sweeps. Edited by D.
Nurminsky, Landes Bioscience.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Dr. Eyal Fridman
Studies in Biology, The Hebrew University, Rehovot
Research associate (PhD student; direct course), Department of Genetics, Faculty of
Agriculture, The Hebrew University, Rehovot
Postdoc, Dept. of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Since 2005
Senior Lecturer (Alon Fellow), RH Smith Institute for Plant Sciences and Genetics,
Faculty of Agriculature, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel
Publication List (E. Fridman)
1. Hübner, S. , Höffken, M. , Oren, E. , Haseneyer, G., Stein, N., Graner, A., Schmid, K. Fridman, E.,
2009. Strong correlation of the population structure of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) across
Israel with temperature and precipitation variation. Molecular Ecology 18, 1532-1536
2. Kapteyn, J., Qualley, A.V. , Xie, Z. , Fridman, E. , D. Dudareva, N., Gang, D., 2007. Evolution of
cinnamate/p-coumarate carboxyl methyltransferases and their role in the biosynthesis of
methylcinnamate. Plant Cell 18, 3458-3475.
3. Koeduka, T., Fridman, E., Gang, D.R., Vassão, D.G., Jackson, B.L., Kish, C.M., Orlova, I., Spassova,
S.M., Lewis, N.G., Noel, J.P., Baiga, T.J., Dudareva, N., Pichersky, E., 2006. Eugenol and
isoeugenol, characteristic aromatic constituents of spices, are biosynthesized via reduction of a
coniferyl alcohol ester. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 10128-10133.
4. Fridman, E., Wang, J., Iijima, Y., Froehlich, J.E., Gang, D.R., Ohlrogge, J., Pichersky, E., 2005.
Metabolic, genomic and biochemical analyses of glandular trichome from the wild tomato species
Lycopersicon hirsutum identify a key enzyme in the methylketone biosynthetic pathway. Plant Cell
17, 1252-1267.
5. Fridman, E., Pichersky, E., 2005. Metabolomics, proteomics, genomics and identification of enzymes
substrates. Curr. Opin. Plant Bio. 8, 242-248.
6. Forouhar, F., Yang, Y., Kumar, D. , Chen, Y. , Fridman, E., Wook, P.S., Chiang, Y. Acton, T.B.,
Montelione, G.T., Pichersky, E., Klessig, D.F., Liang, T.L., 2005. Structural and biochemical studies
identify tobacco SABP2 as a methyl salicylate esterase and implicate it in plant innate immunity. Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA 102, 1773-1778.
7. Iijima, Y., Davidovich-Rikanati, R., Fridman, E., Gang, D.R., Bar, E., Lewinsohn, E., Pichersky, E.,
2004. The biochemical and molecular basis for the divergent patterns in the biosynthesis of terpenes
and phenylpropenes in the peltate glands of three cultivars of basil (Ocimum basilicum). Plant Phys.
136, 3724-3736.
8. Iijima, Y., Gang, D.R., Fridman, E., Lewinsohn, E., Pichersky, E., 2004. Characterization of geraniol
synthase from the peltate glands of sweet basil. Plant Phys. 134, 370-379.
9. Fridman, E., Carrari, F., Liu, Y.S., Fernie, A., Zamir, D., 2004. Zooming-in on a quantitative trait for
tomato yield using wild species introgression lines. Science 305, 1786-1789.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Prof. Dr. Daniel Zamir
Lecturer in Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture,
Senior Lecturer in Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of
Agriculture, Rehovot
Associate Professor in Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of
Agriculture, Rehovot
Since 2003
Adjunct Professor of Genetics, Cornell University, Dept. of Plant Breeding, Ithaca, NY
Since 1996
Professor of Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture,
Publication List (D. Zamir)
1. The International SOL project Team, 2008. A snapshot of the emerging tomato genome. The Plant
Genome 2, 78-92.
2. Zachary B. Lippman, Oded Cohen, John Alvarez, Muhammad Abu-Abied, Irena Pekker, Ilan Paran,
Yuval Eshed, Dani Zamir, 2008. The making of a compound inflorescence in tomato and related
nightshades. PLoS Biology 6:e288.
3. Zamir, D., 2008. Plant breeders go back to nature. Nature Genetics 40, 269-270.
4. Schauer, N., Yaniv Semel, Ilse Balbo, Matthias Steinfath, Dirk Repsilber, Joachim Selbig, Tzili
Pleban, Dani Zamir, Alisdair R. Fernie, 2008. Mode of inheritance of primary metabolic traits in
tomato. Plant Cell 20, 503-523.
5. Lippman, Z., Yaniv Semel, Dani Zamir, 2007. An integrated view of quantitative trait variation using
tomato interspecific introgression lines. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 17, 545552.
6. Ori, N., Aya Refael Cohen, Adi Etzioni, Arnon Brand, Osnat Yanai, Sharona Shleizer, Naama
Menda, Ziva Amsellem, Idan Efroni, Irena Pekker, John Paul Alvarez , Eyal Blum, Dani Zamir, Yuval
Eshed, 2007. Regulation of LANCEOLATE by miR319 is required for compound-leaf development in
tomato. Nature Genetics 39, 787-791.
7. Semel Y, Y Nissenbaum, N Menda, M Zinder, N Issman, U Krieger, T Pleban, Z Lippman, A Gur, D
Zamir, 2006. Overdominant QTL for yield and fitness in tomato. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103,
8. Galpaz N, G Ronen, Z Khalfa, D Zamir, J Hirschberg, 2006. Chromoplast-specific carotenoid
biosynthesis pathway in tomato revealed by cloning of WHITE-FLOWER (wf) which encodes betacarotene hydroxylase. Plant Cell 18, 1947-1960.
9. Schauer N, Y Semel, U Roessner, A Gur, I Balbo, F Carrari, T Pleban, A Perez-Melis, C Bruedigam, J
Kopka, L Willmitzer, D Zamir, AR Fernie, 2006. Genetics of metabolite content in fruits of interspecific
introgression lines of tomato. Nature Biotechnology 24, 447-454.
10. Mueller LA, SD Tanksley, JJ Giovannoni, J van Eck, S Stack, D Choi, B Dong Kim, M Chen, Z
Cheng, C Li, H Ling, Y Xue, G Seymour, G Bishop, R Sharma, J Khurana, A Tyagi, W Stiekema, P
Lindhout, T Jesse, R Klein Lankhorst, M Bouzayen, D Shibata, S Tabata, A Granell, MA Botella, G
Giuliano, L Fruciante, M Causse, D Zamir, 2005. The tomato sequencing project, the first cornerstone
of the international Solanaceae project (SOL). Comparative and Functional Genomics 6, 153–158.
Subproject B3
Susceptibility and interaction of tomato and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. O. Spring
Studies in Biology, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Research associate (PhD student), Institute of Botany, Universität Tübingen, Germany;
PhD 1982, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Postdoc (C-1), Institute of Botany, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Associate Professor Dept. of Botany, The University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, U.S.A.
Associate Professor Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Habilitation; Universität Tübingen, Germany
Assistant Professor (C-2), Institute of Botany, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Since 1993
Professor of Botany, Institute of Botany,
Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Chair of the DFG Forschergruppe "Wirt-Parasit-Interaktionen"
since 2001
Elected member of the "Hochschulrat", Universität
Since 2008
Head of the Institute of Botany, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (O. Spring)
1. Göpfert J., MacNevin G., Ro, D-K., Spring O., 2009. Identification, functional characterization and
developmental regulation of sesquiterpene synthases from sunflower capitate glandular trichomes.
BMC Plant Biology, in press.
2. Zipper, R., Hammer, T.R., Spring, O., 2009. PCR-based monitoring of recent isolates of tobacco blue
mold from Europe reveals the presence of two genetically distinct phenotypes differing in fungicide
sensitivity. European Journal of Plant Pathology 123, 367-375.
3. Heller-Dohmen, M., Göpfert, J.C., Hammerschmidt, R., Spring, O., 2008. Different pathotypes of the
sunflower downy mildew pathogen Plasmopara halstedii all contain isometric virions. Molecular Plant
Pathology 9, 777-786.
4. Thines, M., Göker, M., Telle, S., Ryley, M., Mathur, K., Narayana, Y.D., Spring, O., Thakur, R.P.,
2008. Phylogenetic relationships of graminicolous downy mildews based on cox2 sequence data.
Mycological Research 112, 345-351.
5. Schwekendiek, A., Spring, O., Heyerick, A., Pickel, B., Pitsch, N.T., Peschke, F., De Keukeleire, D.,
Weber, G., 2007. Constitutive expression of a grapevine stilbene synthase gene in transgenic hop
(Humulus lupulus L.) yields high amounts resveratrol and its derivatives. Journal of Agriculture and
Food Chemistry 55, 7002–7009.
6. Hammer, T.R., Thines, M., Spring, O., 2007. Transient expression of gfp in the obligate biotrophic
oomycete Plasmopara halstedii using electroporation and a mechanoperforation method. Plant
Pathology 56, 177-182.
7. Heller-Dohmen, M., Göpfert, J.C., Hammerschmidt, R., Spring, O., 2006. Characteristics of the
mycovirus in Plasmopara halstedii, the downy mildew pathogen of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus).
Phytopathology 96, 47.
8. Göpfert, J.C., Conrad, J., Spring, O., 2006. 5-Deoxynevadensin, a novel flavone in sunflower and
aspects of biosynthesis during trichome development. Natural Products Communications 1, 335-340.
9. Spring, O., Zipper, R., 2006. Evidence for asexual genetic recombination in sunflower downy mildew,
Plasmopara halstedii. Mycological Research 110, 657-663.
10. Göpfert, J.C., Heil, N., Conrad, J., Spring, O., 2005. Cytological development and sesquiterpene
lactone secretion in capitate glandular trichomes of sunflower. Plant Biology 7, 148–155.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Oded Yarden
1978–1981 Agricultural Sciences - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture,
Rehovot, Israel
M.Sc. - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel.
Visiting fellow, Pesticide Degradation Laboratory, United States Department of
Agriculture, Beltsville Maryland
Ph.D - Plant Pathology and Microbiology. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of
Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel.
Postdoc, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University.
Lecturer, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, the Hebrew Univ.
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, the Hebrew Univ.
Since 2005
Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, the Hebrew Univ.
Since 2007
Israeli representative to the Asian Mycological Committee.
Publication List (O. Yarden)
1. Ein-Gil, N., Ilan, M., Carmeli, S., Smith, G.W. Pawlik, J.R., Yarden, O. 2009. Presence of Aspergillus
sydowii, a pathogen of gorgonian sea-fans in the marine sponge Spongia obscura ISME J., in press.
2. Levy, M., Erental, A., Yarden, O., 2008. Efficient gene replacement and direct hyphal transformation
in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Mol. Plant Pathol. 9, 719-725.
3. Erental, A., Dickman, M.B., Yarden, O., 2008. Sclerotial Development in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum:
Awakening Molecular Analysis of a "Dormant" Structure. Fung. Biol. Rev. 22, 6-16.
4. Ziv, C., Gorovits, R., Yarden, O., 2007. Carbon Source affects PKA-dependent polarity of Neurospora
crassa in a CRE-1-dependent and independent manner. Fung. Genet. Biol. 45, 103-116.
5. Erental, A., Harel, A., Yarden, O., 2007. Type 2A phosphoprotein phosphatase is required for asexual
development and pathogenesis of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 20, 944-954.
6. Divon H.H., Ziv C., Davydov O., Yarden O., Fluhr R., 2006. The global nitrogen regulator, FNR1,
regulates fungal nutrition-genes and fitness during Fusarium oxysporum pathogenesis. Mol. Plant
Pathol. 7, 485-497.
7. Seiler, S., Vogt, N., Ziv, C., Gorovits, R., Yarden, O., 2006. The STE20/germinal center kinase POD6
interacts with the NDR kinase COT1 and is involved in polar tip extension in a motor proteindependent manner in Neurospora crassa. Mol. Biol. Cell 17, 4070-4082.
8. Harel, A., Bercovich, S., Yarden, O., 2006. Calcineurin is required for sclerotial development and
pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in an oxalic acid-independent manner. Mol. Plant-Microbe
Interact. 19, 682-693.
9. Scheffer, J., Ziv, C., Yarden, O., Tudzynski, P., 2005. The COT1 homologue CPCOT1 regulates polar
growth and branching and is essential for pathogenicity in Claviceps purpurea. Fung. Genet. Biol. 42,
10. Harel, A., Gorovits, R., Yarden, O., 2005. Changes in protein kinase A activity accompany sclerotial
development in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Phytopathology 95, 397-404.
Subproject B4
Tomato genes and proteins for stress acclimation in a complex environment
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schaller
Studies in Biology, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany
Research assistant (PhD student), Institute of Plant Sciences, Federal Institute of
Technology, Zürich, Switzerland
Postdoc, Institute of Biological Chemistry, University of Washington,
Pullman, WA, USA
Research associate, Institute of Plant Sciences, Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich,
Habilitation in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Since 2002
Professor of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology,
Head of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Universität Hohenheim,
Stuttgart, Germany
Since 2005
DFG liaison officer at Universität Hohenheim
Since 2006
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle,
Since 2007
Head of the Life Science Center, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (A. Schaller)
1. Rose, R., Huttenlocher, F., Cedzich, A., Kaiser, M., Schaller, A., Ottmann, C., 2009. Purification,
crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a plant subtilase. Acta Cryst. F 65, 522525.
2. Cedzich, A., Huttenlocher, F., Kuhn, B.M., Pfannstiel, J., Gabler, L., Stintzi, A., Schaller, A., 2009.
The protease-associated (PA) domain and C-terminal extension are required for zymogen
processing, sorting within the secretory pathway and activity of tomato subtilase 3 (SlSBT3). J. Biol.
Chem. 284, 14068-14078.
3. Schaller, A., Editor, 2008. Induced Plant Resistance against Herbivory, Springer.
4. Howe, G.A., Schaller, A. 2008. Direct defenses in plants and their induction by wounding and insect
herbivores. In: Induced Plant Resistance against Herbivory. A. Schaller (ed), Springer, pp. 7-29
5. Schaller, A., Stintzi, A., 2008. Jasmonate biosynthesis and signaling for induced plant defense
against herbivory. In: Induced Plant Resistance against Herbivory. A. Schaller (ed), Springer, pp. 349366.
6. Huet, Y., Strassner, J., Schaller A. 2008. Cloning, expression and characterization of insulindegrading enzyme from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Biol. Chem. 308, 91-99.
7. Breithaupt, C., Kurzbauer, R., Lilie, H., Schaller, A., Strassner, J., Huber, R., Macheroux, P., Clausen,
T. (2006): Crystal structure of 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 3 from tomato: Self-inhibition by
dimerization. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 14337-14342.
8. Pieterse, C.M.J., Schaller, A., Mauch-Mani, B. and Conrath, U., 2006. Signaling in plant resistance
responses: divergence and cross-talk of defense pathways. In: Multigenic and Induced Systemic
Resistance in Plants. S. Tuzun and E. Bent (Eds.) pp. 166-196, Springer, New York.
9. Rautengarten, C., Steinhauser, D., Büssis, D., Stintzi, A., Schaller, A., Kopka, J., Altmann, T., 2005.
Inferring hypotheses on functional relationships of genes: Analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana
subtilase gene family. PLoS Comput. Biol. 1(4), e40.
10. Schaller, F., Schaller, A., Stintzi, A., 2005. Biosynthesis and metabolism of jasmonates. J. Plant
Growth Regul. 23, 179-199.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Henryk Hanokh Czosnek
Assistant in Biochemistry, Department of Biological Chemistry, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (PhD student).
Research Scientist (Post doctorate), New York State Institute for Basic Research in
Mental Disabilities, Staten Island, New York, U.S.A.
Research Scientist, Department of Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Since 1996
Since 2006
Senior Lecturer, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops and Genetics, Faculty of
Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot
Associate Professor, same address
Professor, same address
Head of the Genetic studies, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Rehovot
Publication List (H. H. Czosnek)
1. Edelbaum D, Gorovits R, Sasaki S, Ikegami M and Czosnek H (2009) Expressing a whitefly GroEL
protein in Nicotiana benthamiana plants confers tolerance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)
and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), but not to Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Tobacco mosaic virus
(TMV). Archives of Virology 154:399-407.
2. Vidavski F, Czosnek H, Gazit S, Levy D and Lapidot M (2008) Pyramiding of genes conferring
resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus from different wild tomato species. Plant
3. Mahadav A, Gerling D, Gottlieb Y, Czosnek H and Ghanim M (2008) Gene expression in the whitefly
Bemisia tabaci pupae in response to parasitization by the wasp Eretmocerus mundus. BMC
Genomics 9:342.
4. Czosnek H. (2008). Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (geminiviridae). In: Encyclopedia of Virology. Third
Edition. Mahy BWJ and Van Regenmortel M, Editors. Oxford, Elsevier. Vol. 5:138-145.
5. Gorovits H. and Czosnek H. (2008) Expression of stress-response proteins upon abiotic stress in
tomato lines susceptible and resistant to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Plant Physiology and
Biochemistry. 46:482-492.
6. Gorovits R, Akad F, Beery H, Vidavsky F, Mahadav A and Czosnek H (2007) Expression of stressresponse proteins upon whitefly-mediated inoculation of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in
susceptible and resistant tomato plants. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 20:1376-1383.
7. Gorovits R and Czosnek H (2007) Biotic and abiotic stress responses in breeding tomato lines
resistant and susceptible to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. In: Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease:
Management, molecular biology, breeding for resistance. Czosnek H. (Ed). Pp 223-237. Springer,
The Netherlands.
8. Czosnek H., Editor (2007) Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease: Management, molecular biology,
breeding for resistance. 420 pp. Springer, The Netherlands.
9. Akad F, Eybishtz A, Edelbaum D, Gorovits R, Dar-Issa O, Iraki N and Czosnek H (2007) Making a
friend from a foe: Expressing a GroEL gene from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in the phloem of tomato
plants confers resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Archives of Virology. 152:1323-1339.
10. Akad, A., Teverovsky, E., Gidoni, D., Elad, Y., Kirshner, B., Rav-David, D., Czosnek, H., and
Loebenstein, G. (2005). Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Botrytis Cinerea in tobacco
transformed with cDNA encoding an inhibitor of viral replication (IVR)-like protein. Annals of Applied
biology 147:89-100.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Prof. Dr. Zach Adam
Assistant in Biochemistry, Department of Biological Chemistry, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (PhD student).
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plant Physiology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plant Physiology
University of California, Berkeley,USA Postdoc
Carnegie Institution, Stanford Postdoc
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Plant Biochemistry
Plant Molecular Biology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Senior Lecturer
Cornell University, USA
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Associate Professor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Full Professor
Institute de Science Vegetal, CNRS, GIF/Yvette, France Associate Scientist
Visiting Scientist
Publication List (Z. Adam)
1. Dafny-Yelin M., Tzfira T., Vainstein A. & Adam Z., 2008. Non-redundant functions of sHSP-CIs in
acquired thermotolerance and their role in early seed development in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. 67,
2. Adam Z. (2007). Protein stability and degradation in plastids. In: Trends Curr. Genet., vol. 19, Cell
and Molecular Biology of Plastids, pp 315-338 . (an invited review).
3. Ostersetzer O., Kato, Y., Adam, Z. & Sakamoto, W., 2007. Multiple intracellular locations of Lon
protease in arabidopsis: evidence for the localization of AtLon4 to chloroplasts. Plant Cell Physiol. 48,
4. Kapri-Pardes E., Naveh L. & Adam Z., 2007. The thylakoid lumen protease Deg1 is involved in the
repair of photosystem II from photoinhibition in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19, 1039-1047.
5. Adam Z. , Rudella A. & van Wijk K., 2006. Recent advances in the study of Clp, FtsH and other
proteases located in chloroplasts. Curr. Op. Plant Biol. 9, 234-240. (an invited review).
6. Zaltsman A., Ori N. & Adam Z., 2005. Two types of FtsH protease subunits are required for
chloroplast biogenesis and photosystem II repair in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17, 2782-2790.
7. Zaltsman A., Feder A. & Adam Z., 2005. Developmental and light effects on the accumulation of FtsH
protease in Arabidopsis chloroplasts – implications for thylakoid formation and photosystem II
maintenance. Plant J. 42, 609-617.
8. Adam Z., Zaltsman A., Sinvany-Villalobo G. & Sakamoto W., 2005. FtsH proteases in chloroplasts
and cyanobacteria. Physiol. Plant. 123, 386-390.
9. Sinvany-Villalobo G., Davydov O., Ben-Ari G., Zaltsman A., Raskind A. & Adam Z., 2004. Expression
in multi-gene families: Analysis of chloroplast and mitochondrial proteases. Plant Physiol. 135, 13361345.
10. Levy M. & Adam Z., 2004. A single recessive mutation in the proteolytic machinery of Arabidopsis
chloroplasts impairs photoprotection and photosynthesis upon cold stress. Planta 218, 396-405.
Subproject C1
Genetic variation in water uptake in broilers, depending on water quality and ambient
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Anne Valle Zárate
Studies of Agricultural Sciences, Major in Animal Sciences, Universität
Hohenheim, Germany, Dipl.-Ing. agr. (M.Sc.)
Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Animal Breeding, Universität
Hohenheim, Germany, Dr. sc. agr. (Ph.D.)
Assistant Professor, Institute of Animal Breeding, Humboldt-University
Berlin, Germany (before 1990 Technische Universität Berlin)
Post-doctoral thesis (“Habilitation”), “venia legendi” for Animal Production,
Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany
Professor for Animal Husbandry at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms
Universität Bonn, Germany
Since 1999
Professor for Animal Breeding and Animal Husbandry at Universität
Hohenheim, Germany
Publication List (A. Valle Zárate)
1. Markemann, A., Stemmer, A., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Piepho, H.-P., Valle Zárate, A., 2009. Stated
preferences of llama keeping functions in Bolivia. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2009.01.011. Livest. Sci., in
print, published online.
2. Roessler, R., Herold, P., Willam, A., Piepho, H.-P., Thuy, L. T.,Valle Zárate A., 2009. Modelling of a
recording scheme for market-oriented smallholder pig producers in Northwest Vietnam. DOI:
10.1016/j.livsci.2008.11.022. Livest. Sci. 123, 241-248.
3. Cahaner, A., Ajuh, J., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Azoulay, Y., Druyan, S., Valle Zárate, A., 2008. Effects
of the genetically reduced feather coverage in naked neck and featherless broilers on their
performance under hot conditions. DOI: 10.3382/ps.2008-00284. Poult. Sci. 87, 2517-2527.
4. Gootwine, E., Abdulkhaliq, A., Jawasreh, K., Valle Zárate, A., 2008. Screening for polymorphism at
the prion protein (PrP) locus (PRNP) in Awassi and Assaf populations in Israel, the Palestinian
Authority and Jordan. DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2008.02.008. Small Ruminant Res. 77, 80-83.
5. Legesse, G., Abebe, G., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Valle Zárate, A., 2008. Small ruminant production in
two mixed-farming systems of southern Ethiopia: Status and prospects for improvement. DOI:
10.1017/S0014479708006376. Exp. Agric. 44 (3), 399-412.
6. Lemke, U., Valle Zárate, A., 2008. Dynamics and developmental trends of smallholder pig production
systems in North Vietnam. DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2007.08.003. Agric. Syst. 96, 207-223.
7. Roessler, R., Drucker, A., Scarpa, R., Markemann, A., Lemke, U., Thuy, L.T., Valle Zárate, A., 2008.
Using choice experiments to assess smallholder farmers' preferences for pig breeding traits in
different production systems in North-West Vietnam. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2007.08.023. Ecol.
Econ. 66, 184-192.
8. Lemke, U., Emrich, K., Thuy, L. T., Kaufmann, B., Valle Zárate A., 2006. Evaluation of smallholder pig
production systems in North Vietnam. Pig production management and pig performances. DOI:
10.1016/j.livsci.2006.06.012. Livest. Sci. 105, 229-243.
9. Wurzinger, M., Delgado, J., Nuernberg, M., Valle Zárate, A., Stemmer, A., Ugarte, G., Soelkner, J.,
2006. Genetic and non-genetic factors influencing fibre quality of Bolivian llamas. DOI:
10.1016/j.smallrumres.2005.07.004. Small Ruminant Res. 61 (2-3), 131-139.
10. Dimassi, O., Hinrichs, J., Valle Zárate, A., 2005. Cheese production potential of milk from Dahlem
Cashmere goat using a cheese simulation method. DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2004.05.003. Small
Ruminant Res. 65 (1-2), 38-43.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Avigdor Cahaner
Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ), Faculty of Agriculture,
Rehovot, Israel. (B.Sc.Agr.)
Studies at HUJ, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel
(Ph.D. in Genetics and Breeding)
Post-doctorate Fellow, University of California at Davis, CA, USA
Lecturer, Genetics and Breeding, HUJ, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot
Senior Lecturer, Genetics and Breeding, HUJ, Faculty of Agriculture,
Associate Professor, Genetics and Breeding, HUJ, Faculty of Agriculture
Since 1997
Full Professor, Genetics and Breeding, HUJ, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot
Publication List (A. Cahaner)
1. Cahaner, A., J. A. Ajuh, M. Siegmund-Schultze, Y. Azoulay, S. Druyan, A. Valle Zárate, 2008. Effects
of the genetically reduced feather coverage in naked neck and featherless broilers on their
performance under hot conditions. Poult. Sci. 87, 2517-2527.
2. Cahaner, A., 2008. Broiler strains for hot regions. Pages 30-47 in Poultry Production in Hot Climates
(2nd ed.) N. J. Daghir, ed. CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK.
3. Druyan S., Y. Hadad, A. Cahaner, 2008. Growth rate of ascites-resistant versus ascites-susceptible
broilers in commercial and experimental lines. Poultry Sci. 87, 904-911.
4. Cahaner, A., 2007. Being featherless (homozygous sc/sc) provides fast-growing high-yield broilers
with genetic adaptation to hot conditions. 4 pages. In CD Proc. 1st International Conference on Food
Safety of Animal Products. Amman (Jordan).
5. Atzmon, G., S. Blum, M. Feldman, A. Cahaner, U. Lavi, J. Hillel, 2008. QTLs detected in a
multigenerational resource chicken population. J. Hered. 99, 528-538.
6. Druyan S., A. Cahaner, C. M. Ashwell, 2007. The expression patterns of HIF1α, HYOU1, HO1, and
cTnT during development of the chicken heart. Poultry Sci. 86, 2384-2389.
7. Druyan S., A. Cahaner, 2007. Segregation among test-cross progeny suggests that two
complementary dominant genes explain the difference between ascites-resistant and ascitessusceptible broiler lines. Poultry Sci. 86, 2295-2300.
8. Druyan S., A. Ben-David, A. Cahaner, 2007. Development of ascites-resistant and ascitessusceptible broiler lines. Poultry Sci. 86, 811-822.
9. Druyan, S., A. Shlosberg, A. Cahaner, 2007. Evaluation of growth rate, body weight, heart rate, and
blood parameters as potential indicators for selection against susceptibility to the ascites syndrome in
young broilers. Poultry Sci. 86, 621-629.
10. Lavi, Y., A. Cahaner, T. Pleban, J. Pitkovski, 2005. Genetic variation in Major Histocompatibility
Complex Class I α2 gene among broilers divergently selected for high or low early antibody response
to Escherichia coli. Poultry Sci. 84, 1199-1208.
Subproject C2
Effect of water quality on broiler skeletal development and stress
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Werner Bessei
Animal Production Officer (Poultry) at FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
Since 1990
Professor for Ethology and Small Animal Sciences, Institute of Animal
Husbandry and Breeding, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Since 2007
Vice Dean of the Agricultural Faculty
Publication List (W. Bessei)
1. Dai, N. V., W. Bessei, et al., 2009. The effects of sodium chloride and potassium chloride
supplementation in drinking water on performance of broilers under tropical summer conditions. Arch.
f. Gefügelk. 73, 41-48.
2. Dai, N. V., W. Bessei, et al., 2009. The effect of sodium chloride supplementation in drinking water on
water and feed intake and egg quality of laying hens under cyclic heat stress. Arch. f. Geflügelk., in
3. Dai, N. V., W. Bessei, et al., 2009. The effect of potassium chloride supplementation in drinking water
on water and feed intake and egg quality of laying hens under cyclic heat stress. Arch. f. Gkd., in
4. Bley, T. A. G., Bessei, W., 2008. Recording of individual feed intake and feeding behavior of pekin
ducks kept in groups. Poultry Science 87.
5. Coenen, A., S. Prinz, et al., 2007. A non-invasive technique for measuring the electroencephalogram
of broiler chickens in a fast way: the "chicken EEG clamp" (CHEC). Arch. Geflügelk. 71, 45-47.
6. Harlander-Matauschek, A., I. Benda, et al., 2007. The relative preferences for wood shavings or
feathers in high and low feather pecking hens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 107, 186-190.
7. Bessei, W., 2006. Welfare of broilers: a review. World's Poult. Sci. J. 62, 455-466.
8. Bessei, W., D. Rivatelli, et al., 2006. Zur Trogöffnung und Veränderung der Bodenfläche
(Vergrößerung und Verkleinerung) bei Mastkaninchen mit Hilfe der operanten Konditionierung. Arch.
f. Geflügelk. 70, 49-55.
9. Dänner, E., R. Timmler, et al., 2006. Inevitable losses of phosphorus in growing male turkeys 8 and
12 weeks of age. Arch. Geflügelk. 70, 2-7.
10. Jezierski, T., S. N., et al., 2005. Demand function for cage size in rabbits selectively bred for high and
low activity in open-field. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 93, 323-339.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Ron Shahar
Clinical Lecturer, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Clinical Senior lecturer, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Clinical Associate Profesor, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Since 2008
Associate Profesor, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Publication List (R. Shahar)
1. Shipov, A., Sharir, A., Milgram, J., Monsonego-Ornan, E., Shahar, R., 2009. The Influence of Severe
and Prolonged Exercise Restriction on the Mechanical and Structural Properties of Bone: an Avian
Model. The Vet J., in press.
2. Lev-Tov Chatach, N., Shahar, R., Weiner, S., 2009. Design Strategy of Minipig Molars Using
Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI): Comparison of Deformation under Load between
the Tooth-Mandible Complex and the Isolated Tooth. Adv. Mater. 21, 413-421.
3. Barak, M.M., Sharir, A., Shahar, R., 2009. Optical metrology methods for mechanical testing of whole
bones. The Vet J. 180, 7-14.
4. Krauss, S., Monsonego-Ornan, E., Zelzer, E., Fratzl, P., Shahar, R., 2009. Mechanical function of a
complex three-dimensional suture joining the bony elements in the shell of the red-eared slider turtle.
Adv. Mater. 21, 407–412.
5. Reich, A., Sharir, A., Zelzer, E., Hacker, L., Monsonego-Ornan, E., Shahar, R., 2008. The effect of
weight loading and subsequent unloading on the post-natal skeleton. Bone. 43, 766-774.
6. Barak, M.M., Weiner, S., Shahar, R., 2008. Importance of the Integrity of Trabecular Bone to the
Relationship between Load and Deformation of Rat Femora: An Optical Metrology Study. J. Mater
Chem. 18, 3855-3864.
7. Barak, M.M., Currey, J.D., Weiner, S., Shahar, R., 2008. Are tensile and compressive Young’s moduli
of compact bone different? J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mater. 2, 51-60.
8. Sharir, A., Barak, M.M., Shahar, R., 2007. Whole bone mechanics and mechanical testing. The Vet J.
177, 8-17.
9. Shahar, R., Weiner, S., 2007. Insights into whole bone and tooth function using optical metrology. J.
Mater. Sci. 42, 8919-8933.
10. Shahar, R., Zaslanski, P., Barak, M., Friesem, A.A., Currey, J.D., Weiner, S., 2006. Anisotropic
Poisson's ratio and compression modulus of cortical bone determined by speckle interferometry. J.
Biomech. 40, 252-264.
Subproject C3
Implications of water stress on the gastrointestinal physiology of broilers
German Subproject Leader: Dr. Karin Schwarzenbacher
Academic studies in biology, majoring in physiology, biochemistry, genetics,
virology, Universität Hohenheim
Diploma thesis “Pränatale Expression olfaktorischer Rezeptoren in Zellen
des cribriformen Mesenchyms”, Universität Hohenheim
PhD thesis “Olfaktorische Rezeptoren – multifunktionelle Membranproteine
in sensorischen und nichtsensorischen Zellen“, Universität Hohenheim
Since 2006
Postdoctoral position, Institute of Physiology, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (K. Schwarzenbacher)
1. Hass, N., Haub, H., Stevens, R., Breer, H. and K. Schwarzenbacher (2008) Expression of adiponectin
receptor 1 in olfactory mucosa of mice. Cell Tissue Res. 334: 187-197.
2. Hass, N., Schwarzenbacher, K. and H. Breer (2007) A cluster of gustducin-expressing cells in the
mouse stomach associated with two distinct populations of enteroendocrine cells. Histochem Cell
Biol. 128: 457-471.
3. Fleischer, J., Schwarzenbacher, K. and H. Breer (2007) Expression of trace amine-associated
receptors in the Grueneberg ganglion. Chem Senses 32: 623-631.
4. Fleischer, J., Schwarzenbacher, K., Besser, S., Hass, N. and H. Breer (2006) Olfactory receptors and
signalling elements in the Grueneberg ganglion. J. Neurochem. 98: 543-554.
5. Fleischer, J., Hass, N., Schwarzenbacher, K., Besser, S. and H. Breer (2006) A novel population of
neuronal cells expressing the olfactory marker protein (OMP) in the anterior/dorsal region of the nasal
cavity. Histochem Cell Biol. 125: 337-349.
6. Schwarzenbacher, K., Fleischer, J. and H. Breer (2006) Odorant receptor proteins in olfactory axons
and in cells of the cribriform mesenchyme may contribute to fasciculation and sorting of nerve fibers.
Cell Tissue Res. 323: 211-219.
7. Schwarzenbacher, K., Fleischer, J. and H. Breer (2005) Formation and maturation of olfactory cilia
monitored by odorant receptor-specific antibodies. Histochem Cell Biol. 123: 419-428.
8. Strotmann, J., Levai, O., Fleischer, J., Schwarzenbacher, K. and H. Breer (2004) Olfactory receptor
proteins in axonal processes of chemosensory neurons. J. Neurosci. 24: 7754-7761.
9. Schwarzenbacher, K., Fleischer, J., Breer, H. and S. Conzelmann (2004) Expression of olfactory
receptors in the cribriform mesenchyme during prenatal development. Gene Expr. Patterns 4: 543552.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Zehava Uni
B.Sc. in Biology, Haifa University.
M.Sc., Department of Animal Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Ph.D., Department of Animal Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Post-doc, Cornell Veterinary College, Department of Avian and Aquatic Animal
Medicine, Ithaca, NY, USA. .
Postdoc, Department of Animal Sciences, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lecturer, Department of Animal Sciences, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Senior Lecturer, Department of Animal Sciences, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sabbatical, Poultry Science Department, North Carolina State University, USA
Since 2006
Associate Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Robert H. Smith
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of
Publication List (Z. Uni)
1. Hakim, Y., Harpaz, S. and Z. Uni (2009) Expression of brush border enzymes and transporters in the
intestine of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) following food deprivation Aquaculture (Feb
2009 online).
2. Amit-Romach E., Uni Z., Cheled S., Berkovich Z. and R. Reifen (2009) Bacterial population and
innatie immunity-related genes in rat gastrointestinal tract are altered by vitamin A- deficient diet. J.
Nutr.Biochem 20:70-77.
3. Foye, O., Ferket, P. and Z. Uni (2007) The effects of in ovo feeding arginine, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, and protein on jejunal digestive and absorptive activity in embryonic and neonatal turkey
poults. Poultry Sci. 86: 2343-2349.
4. Amit-Romach, E., Reifen, R. and Z. Uni (2006). Mucosal function in rat jejunum and ileum altered by
induction of colitis. Int. Journal Molecular Medicine 18: 721-727.
5. Hakim, Y., Uni, Z., Hulata, and S. Harpaz (2006). Relationship between intestinal brush border
enzymatic activity and growth rate in tilapias fed diets containing 30% or 48% protein. Aquaculture
257: 420-428.
6. Tako, E., Ferket, P. and Z. Uni (2005). Changes in chicken intestinal zinc exporter (ZnT1) mRNA
expression and small intestine functionality following an intra amniotic zinc-methionine (ZnMet)
administration. J. Nutr. Biochem. 16:339-346.
7. Smirnov, A, Perez, R, Amit-Romach, E, Sklan, D. and Z. Uni (2005). Mucin dynamics and microbial
populations in chicken small intestine are changed by dietary probiotic and antibiotic growth promoter
supplementation. J. Nutr. 135:187-192.
8. Tako, E., Ferket, P.R. and Z. Uni (2004). Effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates and beta-hydroxybeta-methylbutyrate on the development of chicken intestine. Poultry Sci. 83:2023-2028.
9. Uni, Z. and P.R. Ferket (2004). Methods for early feeding and their potential. World Poultry Sci. J.
60:101-111 (Review Article).
10. Amit-Romach, E., Sklan, D. and Z. Uni (2004). Microflora ecology of the chicken intestine using 16S
ribosomal DNA primers. Poultry Sci. 83:1093-1098.
Subproject C4
Fish and water quality in water saving intensive culture systems
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Jaap van Rijn
Agricultural Engineer, National Agricultural College Deventer, The Netherlands.
M.Sc., Department of Oceanography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Ph.D., Department of Oceanography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Research Fellow, Institute of Life Sciences, Division of Microbial and Molecular
Ecology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Visiting Research Associate, Department of Microbiology and Enzymology,
Kluyver Laboratory of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, The
Teaching Fellow, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and
Environment, Department of Animal Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Lecturer, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
Department of Animal Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Head Teaching Affairs (Hug), Department of Animal Sciences, The Robert H.
Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of
Senior Lecturer, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and
Environment, Department of Animal Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Sabbatical at Fish Culture and Fisheries Group, Department of Animal Sciences,
Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Since 2004
Associate Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Robert H. Smith
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Department of Animal Sciences.
Since 2007
Head, Department of Animal Sciences, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Publication List (J. van Rijn)
1. Guttman, L., J. van Rijn, 2009. 2-Methylisoborneol and geosmin uptake by organic sludge derived
from a recirculating aquaculture system. Wat. Res. 43, 474-480.
2. Sher, Y., Schneider, K., Schwermer, C.U., J. van Rijn, 2008. Sulfide induced nitrate reduction in the
sludge of an anaerobic treatment stage of a zero-discharge recirculating mariculture system. Wat.
Res. 42, 4386-4392.
3. Guttman, L., J. van Rijn, 2008. Identification of conditions underlying production of geosmin and 2methylisoborneol in a recirculating system. Aquaculture 279, 85-91
4. Foesel, B.U., Koch, L., Gieseke, A., Cytryn, E., Schwermer, C., Stief, P., Minz, D. (r), van Rijn, J.,
Drake, H.L., A. Schramm, 2007. Nitrosomonas Nm143-like ammonia oxidizers and Nitrospira marinalike nitrite oxidizers dominate the nitrifier community in a marine aquaculture biofilm. FEMS Microbiol.
Ecol. 63, 192-204
5. Neori, A., Krom, M.D., J. van Rijn, 2007. Biochemical processes in intensive zero-effluent marine fish
culture with recirculating aerobic and anaerobic biofilters. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 349, 235-247.
6. van Rijn, J., 2007. Denitrification. In: Timmons, M.B, Ebeling, J.M., Wheaton, F.W., Summerfelt, S.T.
and B.J. Vinci (Eds.). Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (2nd ed.). Northeast Regional Aquaculture
Center, Cayuga Aqua Venture, Ithaca, NY, USA.
7. Cytryn, E., Minz, D., Gieseke, A., J. van Rijn, 2006. Transient development of filamentous Thiothrix
species in a marine sulfide oxidizing, denitrifying fluidized bed reactor. FEMS Microbiology Letters
256, 22-29.
8. van Rijn, J., Tal, Y., H.J Schreier, 2005. Denitrification in recirculating systems: theory and
applications. Aquacult. Engineer. 34, 364-376.
9. Cytryn, E., van Rijn, J., Schramm, A., Gieseke, A., de Beer, D., D. Mintz, 2005. Identification of
bacterial communities potentially responsible for oxic and anoxic sulfide oxidation in biofilters of a
recirculating mariculture system. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 71, 6134-6141.
10. Cytryn, E., Gelfand, I., Minz, D., Neori, A., Gieseke, A., de Beer, D., J. Van Rijn, 2005. Sulfideoxidizing activity and bacterial community structure in a fluidized bed reactor from a zero-discharge
mariculture system. Environ. Sci.Technol.39, 1802-1810.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Prof. Dr. Berta Levavi-Sivan
BSc Biology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
MSc Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
PhD Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Investigator, Dept. of Zoology, Tel Aviv University.
Postdoc, Dept. of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Postdoc, INSERM U 339 Department of physiopathology and neuroendocrinology,
Paris, France
Lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and
Environment, Hebrew University, Rehovot.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and
Environment, Hebrew University, Rehovot.
Since 2006
Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Food and Environment, Hebrew University, Rehovot
Since 2006
Head of the Curriculum, Animal Sciences. Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Environment, Hebrew University, Rehovot
Publication List (B. Levavi-Sivan)
1. Biran J. Ben-Dor S. Levavi-Sivan B., 2008. Molecular identification and functional characterization of
the kisspeptin/kisspeptin receptor system in lower-vertebrates. Biol Reprod. 79, 776-786.
2. Aizen J, Kasuto H. Levavi-Sivan B., 2007. Development of specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay for determining LH and FSH levels in tilapia, using recombinant gonadotropins. Gen Comp
Endocrinol. 153, 323-332.
3. Avitan A, Zelinger E Levavi-Sivan B., 2007. Homologous desensitization and visualization of the
tilapia GnRH type 3 receptor. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 153, 182-188.
4. Aizen J. Kasuto H. Golan M. Zakay H., Levavi-Sivan B., 2007. Tilapia follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH): Immunochemistry, stimulation by GnRH and Effect of biologically active recombinant FSH on
steroid secretion. Biol Reprod. 76, 692–700.
5. Nocillado, JN, Levavi-Sivan, B. Carrick, F. Elizur A., 2007. Temporal expression of G-protein-coupled
receptor 54 (GPR54), gonadotropin-releasing hormones (gnrh), and dopamine receptor D2 (drd2) in
pubertal female grey mullet, Mugil cephalus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 150, 278-287..
6. Levavi-Sivan, B., Biran J. Fireman E., 2006. Sex steroids are involved in the regulation of
gonadotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine D2 receptors in female tilapia pituitary. Biol Reprod.
75, 642–650.
7. Levavi-Sivan B., Aizen J. Avitan A., 2005. Cloning, characterization and expression of the D2
dopamine receptor from the tilapia pituitary. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 236, 17-30
8. Levavi-Sivan B. Avitan A., 2005. Sequence analysis, endocrine regulation and signal transduction of
GnRH receptors in teleost fish. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 142, 67-73.
9. Levavi-Sivan B, Bloch C.L., Gutnick M.J. Fleidervish I.A., 2005. Electrotonic coupling in the anterior
pituitary of a teleost fish. Endocrinology 146, 1048-1052.
10. Kasuto H. Levavi-Sivan B., 2005. Production of biologically active tethered tilapia LH
by the
methyllotropic yeast Pichia pastoris. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 140, 222-232.
Subproject D1
Micro and macro-encapsulation and delivery of (bio)functional ingredients from barley,
tomato, broilers and fish to improve food quality and promote health
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Jochen Weiss
Studies in Process Engineering, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.
Ph.D. Studies in Food Science, Department of Food Science, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA.
Assistant Professor of Food Science, Department of Food Science and Technology,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA.
Assistant/Associate Professor of Food Science, Department of Food Science, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Since 2008
Professor of Food Science and Head of the Section of Food Structure and Functionality
at the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, Universität Hohenheim.
Publication List (J. Weiss)
1. McClements, D.J., Decker, E.A., Park, Y., Weiss, J., 2008. Designing food structure to control
stability, digestion, release and adsorption of lipophilic food components. Food Biophysics 3, 219228.
2. Weiss, J., Decker, E.A., McClements, D.J., Kristbergsson, K., Helgason, T., Awad, T.S., 2008. Solid
lipid nanoparticles as delivery systems for bioactive food components. Food Biophysics 3,146-154.
3. Kriegel, C., Arecchi, A., Kit, K., McClements, J., Weiss, J., 2008. Fabrication, functionalization and
application of electrospun biopolymer nanofibers. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 48, 775-797.
4. Gaysinsky, S., Davidson, P.M., McClements, D.J., Weiss, J., 2008. Formulation and Characterization
of Phytophenol-Carrying Microemulsions. Food Biophysics. 3, 54-65.
5. Helgason, T., Awad, T.S., Kristbergsson, K., McClements, D.J., Weiss, J., 2008. Influence of
polymorphic transitions on gelation of triplamitin solid lipid nanoparticle suspensions. J. Am. Oil
Chem. Soc. 85, 501-511.
6. Laye, C., McClements, J., Weiss, J., 2008. Formation of biopolymer-coated liposomes by electrostatic
deposition of chitosan. J. Food Sci. 73, N7-N15.
7. Vargas, M., Weiss, J., McClements, D.J., 2007. Adsorption of Protein-Coated Lipid Droplets to the
Surfaces of Mixed Biopolymer Hydrogels: Role of Biopolymer Diffusion. Langmuir 231, 1305913065.
8. Taylor, T.M., Gaysinksy, S., Davidson, P.M., Bruce, B.D., Weiss, J., 2007. Characterization of
Antimicrobial Bearing Liposomes by Zeta-Potential, Vesicle Size and Encapsulation Efficiency. Food
Biophysics 2, 1-9.
9. McClements, D.J., Weiss, J., Decker, E.A., 2007. Emulsion-Based Delivery Systems for Lipophilic
Bioactive Components. J. Food Sci. 72, R109-R124.
10. Weiss, J., Takhistov, P., McClements, D.J., 2006. Functional Materials in Food Nanotechnology. J.
Food Sci. 71, R107-R116.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Amos Nussinovitch
B.Sc., Chemistry, University of Tel Aviv.
B.Sc., Food Engineering & Biotechnology, Technion-Israel Institute of
M.Sc., Food Engineering & Biotechnology, Technion-Israel Institute of
D.Sc., Food Engineering & Biotechnology, Technion-Israel Institute of
Researcher, Technion Israeli Institute of Technology, Department of Food
Engineering & Biotechnology & Jordan Valley Regional Industrial Complex.
Research Associate, Department of Food Engineering & Biotechnology,
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
Senior Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Food Engineering
and the Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts.
Since 2001
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Associate Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Visiting Professor, Department of Food Science, Chenoweth Laboratory,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA.
Associate Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Publication List (A. Nussinovitch)
1. Nussinovitch, A., Zvitov-Marabi, R., 2008. Unique shape, surface and porosity of dried electrified
alginate gels. Food Hydrocolloids 22, 364-372.
2. Gal, A., Nussinovitch, A., 2007. Hydrocolloid carriers with filler inclusion for diltiazem hydrochloride
release. J. Pharm. Sci. 96, 168-178.
3. Nussinovitch, A., 2005. Production, properties, and applications of hydrocolloid cellular solids. Mol.
Nutr. Food Res. 49, 195-213.
4. Zohar-Perez, C., Chet, I., Nussinovitch, A., 2005. Mutual relationships between soils and biological
carrier systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 92, 54-60.
5. Reich, A., Jaffe, N., Lavelin, I., Genina, O., Pines, M., Sklan, D., Nussinovitch, A., Ornan, E. M.,
2005. Weight loading young chicks inhibits bone elongation and promotes growth plate ossification
and vascularization. J. Appl. Physiol. 98, 2381-2389.
6. Zohar-Perez, C., Chet, I., Nussinovitch, A., 2004. Irregular textural features of dried alginate-filler
beads. Food Hydrocolloids 18, 249-258.
7. Zvitov, R., Zohar-Perez, C., Nussinovitch, A., 2004. Short-duration low-direct-current electrical field
treatment is a practical tool for considerably reducing counts of gram-negative bacteria entrapped in
gel beads. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70, 3781-3784.
8. Maurice, S., Nussinovitch, A., Jaffe, N., Shoseyov, O., Gertler, A., 2004. Oral immunization of
Carassius auratus with modified recombinant A-layer proteins entrapped in alginate beads. Vaccine
23, 450-459.
9. Zohar-Perez, C., Chet, I., Nussinovitch, A., 2004. Unexpected distribution of immobilized
microorganisms within alginate beads. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 88, 671-674.
10. Nussinovitch, A., Jaffe, N., Gillilov, M., 2004. Fractal pore-size distribution on freeze-dried agartexturized fruit surfaces. Food Hydrocolloids 18, 825-835.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Dr. Oren Froy
B.Sc. Life Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Ph.D. studies Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv
University, Israel
Post-doctoral research associate in Neurosciences, Harvard Medical School and
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Massachusetts, USA.
Since 2003
Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Robert H
Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel
Since 2008
Head of the Biochemistry and Food Sciences programme, Robert H Smith Faculty of
Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Publication List (O. Froy)
1. Sthoeger, Z.M., Bezalel, S., Chapnik, N., Asher, I., Froy, O., 2009. High α-defensin levels in systemic
lupus erythematosus patients. Immunology 127, 116-122.
2. Sherman, H., Froy, O., 2008. Expression of human beta-defensin 1 is regulated via c-Myc and the
biological clock. Mol. Immunol. 45, 3163-3167.
3. Barnea, M., Madar, Z., Froy, O., 2008. Glucose and insulin are needed for optimal defensin
expression in human cell lines. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 367, 452-456.
4. Froy, O., Chapnik, N., 2007. Circadian oscillation of innate immunity components in the mouse gut.
Mol. Immunol. 44, 1954-1960.
5. Froy, O., Hananel, A., Chapnik, N., Madar, Z., 2006. Differential effect of insulin treatment on
decreased levels of beta-defensins and Toll-like receptors in diabetic rats. Mol. Immunol. 44, 796802.
6. Froy, O., Levkovich, G., Chapnik, N., 2006. Immunonutrition enhances the expression of mouse
intestinal defensins. Gut 55, 900-901.
7. Sherman, H., Chapnik, N., Froy, O., 2006. Albumin and amino acids upregulate the expression of
human beta-defensin 1. Mol. Immunol. 43, 1617-1623.
8. Froy, O., Chapnik, N., Miskin, R., 2005. Mouse intestinal cryptdins exhibit circadian oscillation.
FASEB J. 19, 1920-1922.
9. Froy, O., 2005. Regulation of mammalian defensin expression by TLR-dependent and TLRindependent pathways. Cell. Microbiol. 7, 1387-1397.
10. Froy, O., 2005. Convergent evolution of invertebrate defensins and nematode antibacterial factors.
Trends Microbiol. 13, 314-319.
Subproject D2
Flavor quality of food generated under water stress: Interaction of micronutrients with
target proteins in chemosensory cells
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Heinz Breer
Studies in Biology and Chemistry, University Münster
PhD in Biology, Universität Hohenheim
Post-Doc, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
Research Scientist, University Osnabrück
Akademischer Rat, University Osnabrück
Post-Doc, Albert-Einstein-College, New York
Habilitation in “Zoology”, University Osnabrück
Apl. Professor, University Osnabrück
Since 1987
Full Professor for Physiology, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (H. Breer)
1. Strotmann, J., Bader, A., Luche, H., Fehling, H.-J., H. Breer, 2009. The patch-like pattern of OR37
receptors is formed by turning off gene expression in non-appropriate areas. Mol. Cell. Neurosci., in
2. Fleischer, J., Mamasuew, K., H. Breer, 2009. Expression of cGMP signalling elements in the
Grueneberg ganglion. Histochem Cell Biol 131, 75-88.
3. Mamasuew, K., Breer, H., J. Fleischer, 2008. Grueneberg ganglion neurons respond to cool ambient
temperatures. Eur J Neurosci 28, 1775-1785
4. Luxenhofer, G., Breer, H., J. Strotmann, 2008. Differential reaction of outgrowing olfactory neurites
monitored in explant culture. J Comp Neurol 509, 580-593
5. Fleischer, J., Schwarzenbacher, K., Besser, S., Hass, N., H. Breer, 2006. Olfactory receptors and
signalling elements in the Grueneberg ganglion. J Neurochem 98, 543-554.
6. Hoppe, R., Breer, H., J. Strotmann, 2006. Promoter motifs of olfactory receptor genes expressed in
distinct topographic patterns. Genomics 87, 711-723
7. Breer, H., Fleischer, J., J. Strotmann, 2006. The sense of smell: multiple olfactory subsystems. Cell
Mol Life Sci 63, 1465-1475.
8. Krieger, J., Grosse-Wilde, E., Gohl, T., Dewer, Y.M.E., Raming, K., H. Breer, 2004. Genes encoding
candidate pheromone receptors in a moth (Heliothis virescens). Proc Nat Acad Sci USA (PNAS)
101, 11845-11850.
9. Strotmann, J., Levai, O., Fleischer, J., Schwarzenbacher, K., H. Breer, 2004. Olfactory receptor
proteins in axonal processes of chemosensory neurons. J Neurosci. 24, 7754-7761
10. Leinders-Zufall, T., Brennan, P., Widmayer, P., Prashanth, C.S., Maul-Pavicic, A., Jäger, M., Li, Y.H., Breer, H., Zufall, F., T. Boehm, 2004. MHC class I peptides as chemosensory signals in the
vomeronasal organ. Science 306, 1033-1037.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Dr. Masha Niv
BSc in Chemistry, Hebrew U, Israel
Direct PhD program in Chemistry, Hebrew U, Israel
Group leader in Molecular Modeling and Bioinformatics, Keryx, Israel
Postdoc, Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Medical College of Cornell U, USA
Instructor, Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Medical College of Cornell U, USA
Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Hebrew U, Israel
Since 2008
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Hebrew U, Israel
Publication List (M. Niv)
1. Shudler, M, Niv, MY, 2009. BlockMaster: Partitioning protein kinase structures into semi- rigid blocks
and flexible regions using normal mode analysis". accepted to Journal of Physical Chemistry
(invited article for a special issue).
2. Niv, MY, Iida K, Zheng R, Horiguchi A, Nanus D., 2009. Rational Redesign of Neutral
Endopeptidase Binding to Merlin and Moesin Proteins",.accepted in Protein Science.
3. Rubinstein, M, Niv, MY, 2009. Peptidic modulators of protein-protein interactions: progress and
challenges in computational design. accepted in Biopolymers.
4. Skrabanek L, Niv M.Y., 2008. Scan2S: Increasing the precision of PROSITE pattern motifs using
secondary structure constraints. Proteins 72, 1138-1147.
5. Niv, M.Y., Skrabanek, L., Roberts, R.J., Scheraga H.A., Weinstein, H., 2008. Identification of GATCand CCGG-recognizing Type II REases and their putative specificity-determining positions using
Scan2S-a novel motif scan algorithm with optional secondary structure constraints. Proteins 71, 631640.
6. Niv, M.Y., Filizola, M., 2008. Influence of oligomerization on the dynamics of G-protein coupled
receptors as assessed by normal mode analysis. Proteins 71, 575-586.
7. Niv, M.Y., Ripoll, D.R., Vila, J.A., Liwo, A., Vanamee, E.S., Aggarwal, A.K., Weinstein, H., Scheraga,
H.A., 2007. Topology of Type II REases revisited; structural classes and the common conserved
core. Nucleic Acids Res. 35, 2227-2237.
8. Niv, M.Y., Skrabanek, L., Filizola, M., Weinstein, H., 2006. Structural templates for active state
conformations of GPCRs. JCAMD 20, 437-448.
9. Niv, M.Y., Weinstein, H., 2005. Flexible docking procedure for the exploration of peptides binding
selectivity to PDZ structures and homology models. JACS 127, 14072-14079.
10. Madsen, K., Beuming, T., Niv, M.Y., Chang, V., Dev, K.K., Weinstein, H., Gether, U., 2005. Molecular
determinants for the complex binding specificity of the PDZ domain in PICK1. J. Biol. Chem. 280,
Israeli Deputy Leader: Dr. Roni Shapira
BSc in Agriculture, Hebrew U, Israel
MSc in Microbiology, Hebrew U, Israel
PhD in Microbiology, Hebrew U, Israel
Postdoc, Molecular Genetics, Haddassah Medical School, Hebrew U, Israel
Postdoc, Molecular Virology, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley,NJ, USA
Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition , Hebrew U, Israel
Since 1992
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition , Hebrew U, Israel
Publication List (R. Shapira)
1. Eyngor, M., Tekoah, Y., Shapira, R., Hurvitz, A., Zlotkin, A., Lublin, A., Eldar, A., 2009. Streptococcus
iniae exopolysaccharide induces cytokine storm and death. Infec. Immun., accepted.
2. Eyngor, M., Tekoah, Y., Shapira, R., Hurvitz, A., Eldar, A., 2008. Emergence of novel Streptococcus
iniae exopolysaccharide-producing strains following vaccination with non-producing strains. Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 74, 6892-6897.
3. Droby, S., Eick, A., Macarisin, D., Cohen, L., Rafael, G., Stange, R., McColum, G., Dudai, N., Nasser,
A., Wisniewski, M., Shapira, R., 2008. Role of citrus volatiles in host recognition, germination and
growth of Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum. Post Harvest Biol. Technol. 49, 386-396.
4. Eyngor, M., Chilmonczyk, S., Zlotkin, A., Manuali, E., Lahav, D., Ghittino, C., Shapira, R. Hurvitz, A. ,
Eldar, A., 2007. Transcytosis of Streptococcus iniae through skin epithelial barriers: an in vitro study.
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 277, 238-248.
5. Mizrach, A., Schmilovitch, Z., Korotic, R. Irudayaraj, J., Shapira, R., 2007. Yeast detection in apple
juice using Raman spectroscopy. Transactions ASABE 50, 1-8.
6. Shapira, R., Mimran, E., 2007. Isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli mutants exhibiting
altered response to thymol. Microb. Drug Resist. 13, 157-165.
7. Kerem, T., Yarmus, M., Halevy, G., Shapira, R., 2004. Immunodetection of the bacteriocin lacticin
RM: Analysis of the influence of temperature and Tween 80 on its expression and activity. Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 70, 2098-2104.
Subproject D3
Influence of water scarcity on the biotechnological processing of barley seeds for their
use as food and feed
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Lutz Fischer
Studies in Biology, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
Doctoral Studies, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Technical University of
Braunschweig, Germany
Post-Doc, Institute of Applied Biochemistry, Technical University of Lund, Sweden
Scientific Assistant, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Technical University of
Braunschweig, Germany
Administrator of the C4-Professorship, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
Guest-Professor, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Materials Science, Laboratory for
Organic Chemistry and Catalysis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, DTU, Lyngby (Copenhagen),
Since 2001
Full-Professor of Biotechnology, Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology,
Universität Hohenheim, Germany
2008 Formal offer for a leading position in an international biotech company
Since 2005
Dean of Studies and Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Natural Sciences
Publication List (L. Fischer)
1. Ewert, C., S. Lutz-Wahl, L. Fischer, 2008. Enantioselective conversion of alpha-arylnitriles by
Klebsiella oxytoca. Tetrahedr. Asymmetry. 19, 2573-2578.
2. Vejvoda, V., Kaplan, O., Bezouska, K. Pompach, P., Sulc, M., Cantarella, M., Benada, O., Uhnakova,
B., Rinagelova, A., Lutz-Wahl, S., Fischer, L., Kren, V., Martinkova, L., 2008. Purification and
characterization of a nitrilase from Fusarium solani O1. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym. 50, 99-106.
3. Kubac, D., Kaplan, O., Elisakova, V., Patek, M., Vejvoda, V., Slamova, K., Tothova, A., Lemaire, M.,
Gallienne, E., Lutz-Wahl, S., Fischer, L., Kuzma, M., Pelantova, H., van Pelt, S., Bolte, J., Kren, V.,
Martinkova, L., 2008. Biotransformation of nitriles to amides using soluble and immobilized nitrile
hydratase from Rhodococcus erythropolis A4. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzym. 50, 107-113.
4. Lutz-Wahl, S., E.-M. Trost, B. Wagner, A. Manns & L. Fischer, 2006. Performance of D-amino acid
oxidase in presence of ionic liquids. J. Biotechnol. 124, 163-171.
5. Patett, F., L. Fischer, 2006. Spectrophotometric assay for quantitative determination of 7aminocephalosporanic acid from direct hydrolysis of cephalosporin C. Analytical Biochem. 350,
6. Patett, F., L. Fischer. 2005. d-(D-a-Aminoadipoyl)-cleaving Amidase of Ochrobactrum anthropi.
Biotechnol. Lett. 27, 1915-1919.
7. Mayer, J., Conrad, J., Klaiber, I., Lutz-Wahl, S., Beifuss, U. & L. Fischer, 2004. Enzymatic production
and complete nuclear magnetic resonance assignment of the sugar lactulose. J. Agric. Food Chem.
52, 6983-6990.
8. Vaidya, A., Borck, A., Manns, A. & L. Fischer. 2004. Altering glucose oxidase to oxidase D-galactose
through crosslinking of imprinted protein. ChemBioChem 5, 132-135.
9. Braiuca, P., Ebert, C., Fischer, L., Gardossi, L. & P. Linda, 2003. Homology model of penicillin
acylase from Alcaligenes faecalis and in silico evaluation of its selectivity. ChemBioChem 4, 615622.
10. Baumeister, A., Vogelmann, S. & L. Fischer, 2003. Concentration and purification of orotic acid
directly from whey using an expanded bed adsorption system. J. ChromatogrA 1006, 261-265.
* Due to particular circumstances (e.g. secrecy agreements) about >10 manuscripts will be submitted
soon. Thus the published papers are from 2003 in the moment.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Sam Saguy
B.Sc. Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technion, The Israeli Institute of
Technology, Haifa
M. Sc. Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technion, The Israeli Institute of
Technology, Haifa
D. Sc. Chemical Engineering, Technion, The Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa
Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology, Institute of Biochemistry, Food
Science and Nutrition, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Adjunct Member of the Graduate School, Dept. of Food Science, Rutgers State
University, New Brunswick, USA
Visitin Professor, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Nestec Ltd., Nestlé Research
Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
Since 1997
Professor in Food Science and Technology, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
Nutrition, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Visiting Professor, Nestlé Product Technology Center, New Milford, USA
Visiting Professor, Nestlé Product Technology Center, New Milford, USA
Publication List (S. Saguy)
1. Traitler, H., Saguy, S., 2009. Creating successful innovation partnerships. Food Technology 63, 2335.
2. Marabi, A, Mayor, G., Raemy, A. Burbidge, A. Wallach, R., Saguy, I.S., 2007. Assessing dissolution
kinetics of powders by a single particle approach. Chemical Engineering Journal,
3. Marabi, A, Raemy, A. Bauwens, I. Burbidge, A. Wallach, R., Saguy, I.S., 2007. Effect of fat content on
the dissolution enthalpy and kinetics of a model food powder. Journal of Food Engineering 85, 518–
527 (doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2007.08.012).
4. Marabi, A, Mayor, G., Raemy, A. Bauwens, I. Claude, J. Burbidge, A.S. Wallach, R., Saguy, I.S.,
2007. Solution Calorimetry: A Novel perspective into the dissolution process of food powders. Food
Research International 40, 1286-1298 (doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2007.08.007).
5. Meiron, T.S., Saguy, I.S., 2007. Adhesion modeling on rough low linear density polyethylene. J. Food
Science 72, E485-E491.
6. Meiron, T.S., Saguy, I.S., 2007. Wetting properties of food packaging. Food Research International
40, 653–659.
7. Dana, D., Saguy, I.S., 2006. Review: mechanism of oil uptake during deep-fat frying and the
surfactant effect - theory and myth. Advanced in Colloids and Interface Science 128–130, 267–272.
8. Marabi, A., Thieme, U. Jacobson, M., Saguy, I.S., 2006. Influence of drying method and rehydration
time on sensory evaluation of rehydrated carrot particulates. Journal Food Engineering 72, 211–217.
9. Saguy, I.S., Marabi, A., Wallach, R., 2005. New approach to model rehydration of dry food
particulates utilizing principles of liquid transport in porous media. Trends in Food Science &
Technology 16, 495–506.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Dr. Hagai Abeliovich
B.Sc. Chemistry and Biology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
M. Sc. Biological Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ph.D. Molecular Biology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Postdoc, Yale University, USA
Postdoc, University of California, USA
Since 2004
Postdoc, University of Michigan, USA
Lecturer, Dept of Biochemistry and Food Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Biochemistry and Food Science, The Hebrew University of
Publication List (H. Abeliovich)
1. Abeliovich H., R. Gonzalez, 2009. Autophagy and Food Biotechnology. Autophagy, in press.
2. Journo, D., Winter, G., H. Abeliovich, 2008. Monitoring autophagy in yeast using FM 4-64
fluorescence. Methods Enzymol.451, 79-88.
3. Winter, G., Hazan, R., Bakalinsky, A., H. Abeliovich, 2008. Caffeine induces macroautophagy and
confers a cytocidal effect on food spoilage yeast in combination with benzoic acid. Autophagy 4, 2836.
4. Tal, R., Winter, G., Ecker, N., Klionsky, D.J., H. Abeliovich, 2007. Aup1p, a yeast mitochondrial
protein phosphatase homolog, is required for efficient stationary phase mitophagy and cell survival. J.
Biol. Chem. 282, 5617-5624.
5. Farhi, M., Dudareva, N., Weiss, D., Vainstein, A., H. Abeliovich, 2006. Synthesis of the food flavoring
methyl benzoate by genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biotechnol. 122, 307-315.
6. Abeliovich, H., 2005. An Empirical Extremum Principle for the Hill Coefficient in Ligand-Protein
Interactions Showing Negative Co-operativity. Biophys. J. 89, 76-79.
7. Baxter, B.K. Abeliovich, H., Zhang, X., Stirling, A.G., Burlingame, A.L., D.S. Goldfarb, 2005. Atg19p
ubiquitination and the cytoplasm to vacuole trafficking pathway in yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 3906739076.
8. Hazan, R., Levine, A., H. Abeliovich, 2004. Benzoic acid, a weak organic acid food preservative,
exerts specific effects on intracellular membrane trafficking pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Applied Environ. Microbiol 70, 4449-4457.
Subproject D4
Bioavailability of selected micronutrients and plant-specific ingredients in variants of
tomato and barley
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Hans Konrad Biesalski
Licensed Physician
Research Assistant, Department of Physiology, Division of Biophysics, University of
M. D. Thesis
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of Mainz
Associate Professor, Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of Mainz
Since 1993
Full Professor, Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (H. K. Biesalski)
1. Nohr D., H.K. Biesalski, 2009. Vitamins in milk and dairy products: B group vitamins. In: McSweeney
P.L.H. & P.F. Fox (Eds.) Advanced dairy chemistry-3. Lactose, Water, Salts and Minor Constituents,
3rd edition, Springer, New York.
2. Schwarz S, Obermüller-Jevic UC, Hellmis E, Koch W, Jacobi G, Biesalski HK., 2008. Lycopene
inhibits disease progression in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia. J Nutr.138, 49-53.
3. Biesalski HK., 2008. Parenteral ascorbic acid as a key for regulating microcirculation in critically ill.
Crit Care Med. 36, 2466-8.
4. Biesalski HK., 2008. Parenteral ascorbic acid in haemodialysis patients. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care. 11, 741-6.
5. Strobel M, Tinz J, Biesalski HK., 2007. The importance of beta-carotene as a source of vitamin A with
special regard to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Eur J Nutr. 46 Suppl
6. Biesalski HK, 2007. Polyphenols and inflammation: basic interactions. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care. 10, 724-8.
7. Biesalski H.K., Chichili G.R., Frank J., vonLintig J., D. Nohr, 2007. Conversion of ß-carotene to retinal
pigment. Vitamins and Hormones 75, 117-130
8. Nohr D., H.K. Biesalski, 2007. “Mealthy” food: meat as a healthy and valuable source of
micronutrients. Animal 1, 309-316
9. Chichili G.R., Nohr D., Frank J., Flaccus A., Fraser P.D., Enfissi E.M.A., H.K. Biesalski, 2006.
Protective effect of tomato with elevated beta-carotene levels on oxidative stress in ARPE-19 cells.
Brit J Nutr. 96, 643-649
10. Chichili G.R., Nohr D., Schäffer M., vonLintig J., H.K. Biesalski, 2005. ß-carotene conversion into
vitamin A in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Invest Ophthal Visual Sci 46, 3562-3569
Israeli Subproject Leader: Dr. Zohar Kerem
Undergraduate studies in Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel
M.Sc. in Biotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Postdoc, Institute of Microbial Bio-Technology and Department of Microbiology, University
of Wisconsin, Wi, USA.
Researcher and Lecturer, Food Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and
Nutrition, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2004
Senior Lecturer, Food Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2006
Head, Panel for Postharvest & Food Safety, Food and Storage – The United States - Israel
Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Fund and The Ministry of
Publication List (Z. Kerem)
1. Shabtay, A., Eitam, H., Tadmor, Y., Orlov, A., Meir, A., Weinberg, P., Weinberg, Z., Chen, Y., Brosh,
A., Izhaki, I., Kerem, Z. 2008. Nutritive and antioxidative potential of fresh and stored pomegranate
industrial by-product as a novel beef cattle feed. J. Acric. Food Chem. 56, 10063-70.
2. Dag, A., Ben-Gal, A., Yermiyahu, U., Basheer, L., Nir, Y., Kerem, Z. 2008. The effect of irrigation level
and harvest mechanization on virgin olive oil quality in a traditional rain-fed “Souri” olive orchard
converted to irrigation. J. Sci. Food Agric. 792, 99-106.
3. Zung, A., Glaser, T., Kerem, Z., Zadik, Z., 2008. Breast development in the first 2 years of life: An
association with soy-based infant formulas. J. Pediatric Gastroenter. Nutr. 46, 191-195.
4. Kerem, Z., Gopher, A., Lev-Yadun, S., Weinberg, P., Abbo, S., 2007. Chickpea domestication in the
Neolithic Levant through the nutritional perspective. J. Archaeol. Sci. 34, 1289-1293.
5. Karu, R., Reifen, R., Kerem, Z., 2007. Weight gain reduction in mice fed Panax ginseng saponin, a
pancreatic lipase inhibitor. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55, 2824-2828.
6. Solomon, A., Golubowicz, S., Yablowicz, Z., Grossman, S., Bergman, M., Gottlieb, H.E., Altman, A.,
Kerem, Z., Flaishman, M.A., 2006. Antioxidant activities and anthocyanin content of fresh fruits of
common fig (Ficus carica L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 7717-7723.
7. Kerem, Z., Chetrit, D., Shseyov, O., Regev-Shoshani, G., 2006. Protection of lipids from oxidation by
epicatechin, trans-resveratrol, gallic and caffeic acids in intestinal model systems. J. Agric. Food
Chem. 54, 10288-10293.
8. Kerem, Z., Bilkis I., Flaishman, M.A., Sivan, L., 2006. Antioxidant activity and inhibition of αglucosidase by trans-resveratrol, piceid, and a novel trans-stilbene from the roots of Israeli Rumex
bucephalophorus L. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 1243-1247.
9. Levavi-Sivan, B., Hedvat, R., Kanias, T., Francis, G., Becker, K., Kerem, Z., 2005. Exposure of
pituitary cells to saponins: insight into their mechanism of action. Compar. Biochem. Physiol. 140, 7986.
10. Kerem, Z., Bravdo, B., Shoseyov, O., Tugendhaft, Y., 2005. Rapid LC-UV determination of organic
acids and phenolic compounds in red wine and must. J. Chromatogr. A. 1052, 211-215.
German Deputy Leader: Prof. Dr. Donatus Nohr
Diploma in Biology (Zoology); University of Frankfurt
PhD (Dr. phil. nat.)
Department of Anatomy, University of Mainz
Since 2001
Since 2008
Habilitation in Anatomy
Department of Neuro-anatomy, University of Düsseldorf
Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, Universität Hohenheim
apl Professor dedicated by the University of Tübingen
Publication List (D. Nohr)
1. Biesalski H.K., Nohr D., 2009. The nutritional quality of meat. In: Kerry J.P. & D.A. Ledward (Eds.)
Improving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh meat: New technologies. Woodhead Publishing
Limited, Cambridge.
2. Nohr D., H.K. Biesalski, 2009. Vitamins in milk and dairy products: B group vitamins. In: McSweeney
P.L.H. & P.F. Fox (Eds.) Advanced dairy chemistry-3. Lactose, Water, Salts and Minor Constituents,
3rd edition, Springer, New York.
3. Nohr D., H.K. Biesalski, 2008. Vitamin K In: Offermanns S. & W. Rosenthal (Eds.) Encyclopedic
reference of molecular pharmacology (2. ed). Springer, Heidelberg.
4. Biesalski H.K., Chichili G.R., Frank J., vonLintig J., D. Nohr, 2007. Conversion of ß-carotene to retinal
pigment. Vitamins and Hormones 75, 117-130.
5. Nohr D., H.K. Biesalski, 2007. “Mealthy” food: meat as a healthy and valuable source of
micronutrients. Animal 1, 309-316.
6. Chichili G.R., Nohr D., Frank J., Flaccus A., Fraser P.D., Enfissi E.M.A., H.K. Biesalski, 2006.
Protective effect of tomato with elevated beta-carotene levels on oxidative stress in ARPE-19 cells.
Brit J Nutr. 96,(643-649.
7. Back E.I., Frindt C., Oćenášková E., Nohr D., Stern M., H.K. Biesalski, 2006. Can changes in
hydrophobicity increase the bioavailability of alpha-tocopherol? Eur J Nutr. 45, 1-6.
8. Nohr D., H.K. Biesalski, 2005. Speciation of copper. In: Cornelis R., Caruso J.A., Crews H. & K.G.
Heumann (eds.) Handbook of elemental speciation II. John Wiley and Sons. pp 187-199.
9. Chichili G.R., Nohr D., Schäffer M., vonLintig J., H.K. Biesalski, 2005. ß.carotene conversion into
vitamin A in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Invest Ophthal Visual Sci 46, 3562-3569.
Israeli Deputy Leader: Dr. Oren Tirosh
B.Sc. in Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of
Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Departments of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Biochemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Postdoc, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley,
Postdoc, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural,
Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Since 2006
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of
Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Publication List (O. Tirosh)
1. Tirosh O., Ilan E., Budick-harmelin N., Ramadori G., Madar Z., 2009. Down regulation of eNOS in a
nutritional model of fatty liver. e-SPEN., in press.
2. Tirosh O., Ilan E., Anavi S., Ramadori G., Madar Z., 2009. Nutritional lipids-induced oxidative stress
leads to mitochondrial dysfunction followed by necrotic death in FaO hepatocytes. Nutrition 25, 200-8.
3. Budick-harmelin N., Dudas J., Demuth J., Madar Z., Ramadori G. Tirosh O., 2008. triglycerides
potentiate the inflammatory response in rat kupffer cells, Antioxid. Redox. Signal. 10, 2009-22.
4. Aronis A., Madar Z. Tirosh O., 2008. Lipotoxic effects of triacylglycerols in J774.2 macrophages.
Nutrition 24, 167-76.
5. Tirosh
secondary necrosis in rat colon, Nutrition 23, 878-86.
6. Shilo S., Pardo M., Aharoni-Simon M., Gliebter S., Tirosh O., 2008. Selenium supplementation
increases liver MnSOD expression: molecular mechanism for hepato-protection, J Inorg Biochem.
102, 110-8.
7. Abovich-gilad L., Tirosh O., Schwartz B., 2006. Phytoestrogens regulate transcription and translation
of vitamin D receptor in colon cancer cells, J. Endocrinol. 191, 387-398.
8. Aharoni-Simon M., Reifen R., Tirosh O., 2006. ROS-Production-Mediated Activation of AP-1 but Not
NFkB Inhibits Glutamate-Induced HT4 Neuronal Cell Death, Antioxid. Redox. Signal. 8, 1339-1349.
9. Ilan E., Tirosh O., Madar Z., 2005. Triacylglycerol-mediated oxidative stress inhibits nitric oxide
production in rat isolated hepatocytes, J. Nutr. 135, 2090-2095.
10. Aronis A., Madar Z., Tirosh O., 2005. Mechanism underlying oxidative stress-mediated lipotoxicity:
exposure of J774.2 macrophages to triacylglycerols facilitates mitochondrial ROS production and
cellular necrosis, Free Rad. Biol. Med. 38, 1221-1230.
Subproject D5
Molecular interaction of probiotic and commensal microorganisms with
enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from broiler and fish
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Herbert Schmidt
Undergraduate studies in Biology, Technical University (TU) Darmstadt
PhD in Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, TU Darmstadt
Postdoc and Senior Researcher, Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology, Medical Faculty,
University of Würzburg
Habilitation in Medical Microbiology, Medical Faculty, University of Würzburg
Professor of Molecular Medical Microbiology, Institute of Medical Microbiology and
Hygiene, Medical Faculty, Technical University of Dresden
Since 2004
Full Professor, Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (H. Schmidt)
1. Imamovic, L., Jofre, J., Schmidt, H., Serra-Moreno, R., Muniesa, M., 2009. Phage-mediated Shiga
toxin 2 Gene Transfer in Food and Water. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75, 1764-1768.
2. Jelcic, I., Hüfner, E., Schmidt, H., Hertel, C., 2008. Repression of the Locus of the Enterocyte
Effacement-Encoded Regulator of Gene Transcription of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Lactobacillus
reuteri Supernatants Is LuxS and Strain Dependent. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74, 3310-3314.
3. Müsken, A., Bielaszewska, M., Greune, L., Schweppe, C. H., Müthing, J., Schmidt, H., Schmidt,
M. A., Karch, H., Zhang, W., 2008. Anaerobic Conditions Promote Expression of Sfp Fimbriae and
Adherence of Sorbitol-Fermenting Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:NM to Human Intestinal
Epithelial Cells. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74, 1087-1093.
4. Loukiadis, E., Nobe, R., Herold, S., Tramuta, C., Ogura, Y., Ooka, T., Morabito, S., Kérourédan,
M., Brugère, H., Schmidt, H., Hayashi, T., Oswald, E., 2008. Distribution, Functional Expression,
and Genetic Organization of Cif, a Phage-Encoded Type III-Secreted Effector from Enteropathogenic
and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 190, 275-285.
5. Aldick, T., Bielaszewska, M., Zhang, W., Brockmeyer, J., Schmidt, H., Friedrich, A. W., Kim, K.
S., Schmidt, M. A., Karch, H., 2007. Hemolysin from Shiga toxin-negative Escherichia coli 026
strains infures microvascular endothelium. Microbes Infect., 1-9.
6. Creuzburg, K., Schmidt, H., 2007. Molecular Characterization and Distribution of Genes Encoding
Members of the Type III Effector NleA Family among Pathogenic Escherichia coli Strains. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 45, 2498-2507.
7. Herold, S., Siebert, J., Huber, A., Schmidt, H., 2005. Global expression of prophage genes in
Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain EDL933 in response to norfloxacin. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
49, 931-944.
Brunder, W., Karch, H., Schmidt, H., 2006. Complete sequence of the large virulence plasmid
pSFO157 of the sorbitol-fermenting enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H- strain 3072/96. Int.
J. Med. Microbiol. 296, 467-474.
8. Creuzburg, K., Recktenwald, J., Kuhle, V., Herold, S., Hensel, M., Schmidt H., 2005. The Shiga
toxin 1-converting bacteriophage BP-4795 encodes an NleA-like type III effector protein. J.
Bacteriology 187, 8494-8498.
9. Beutin, L., Kaulfuss, S., Herold, S., Oswald, E., Schmidt, H., 2005. Genetic analysis of
enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli serogroup O103 strains by molecular
typing of virulence and housekeeping genes and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. J. Clin. Microbiol.
43, 552-1563.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Ilan Rosenshine
BSc Biology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
MSc Microbiology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
PhD Molecular Biology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Postdoc, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Lecturer, The Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Microbiology
Institute, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
1999– 2006
Associate Professor, The Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology,
Microbiology Institute, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Since 2000
Head of the Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Microbiology
Institute, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2006
Professor, The Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Microbiology
Institute, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Publication List (I. Rosenshine)
1. Golan G., Livneh-Kol A., Gonen E., Yagel S., Rosenshine I., Shpigel N.Y., 2009. Mycobacterium
avium paratuberculosis invade human small intestinal goblet cells and elicit inflammation. J. Infect
Disease 199, 350-354.
2. Yerushalmi G., Nadler C., Berdichevski T., Rosenshine I., 2008. Mutational analysis of the LEE
encoded regulator (Ler) of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 190, 7808-18.
3. Shifrin Y., Peleg A., Ilan O., Nadler C., Kobi S., Baruch K., Yerushalmi G., Berdichevsky T., Altuvia
S., Elgrably-Weiss M., Abe C., Knutton S., Sasakawa C., Ritchie J.M., Waldor M.K., Rosenshine I.,
2008. Transient shielding of intimin and the type III secretion system of enterohemorrhagic and
enteropathogenic E. coli by a group 4 capsule. J. Bacteriol. 190, 5063-74.
4. Shpigel, N.Y., Elazar, S., Rosenshine I., 2008. Mammary pathogenic Escherichia coli, Curr Opin
Microbiol. 11, 60-65.
5. Mills E., Baruch K., Charpantier X., Kobi S., I. Rosenshine, 2008. Real time analysis of effector
translocation by the type III secretion system of enteropathogenic E. coli Cell Host Microbe 3, 104113.
6. Gonen E., Vallon-Eberhard A., Elazar S., Harmelin A., Brenner O., Rosenshine I., Jung Y., N. Y.
Shpigel, 2007. Toll-like receptor 4 is needed to restrict the invasion of Escherichia coli P4 into
mammary gland epithelial cells in a murine model of acute mastitis. Cellular Microbiology 9, 282638.
7. Chacko J, Li M, Yerushalmi G, Yvonne YW, Mok YK, Rosenshine I, Leung KY, Sivaraman J., 2007.
Structure of GrlR and the Implication of its EDED Motif in mediating the regulation of type three
secretion system in enterohemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC). PLoS Pathogens 3, e69
8. Nadler, C., Shifrin, Y., Nov, S., Kobi, S., Rosenshine I., 2006. Characterization of enteropathogenic
Escherichia coli mutants which fail to disrupt host cell spreading and attachment to substratum.
Infect. Immun. 74, 839-849.
9. Peleg, A., Shifrin, Y., Ilan, O., Nadler-Yona, C., Nov, S., Kobi, S., Baruch, K., Altuvia, S., ElgrablyWeiss, M., Abe, C., Knutton, S., Saper M. A., Rosenshine, I., 2005. Identification of an Escherichia
coli operon required for formation of the O-antigen capsule. J. Bacteriol. 187, 5259-5266.
10. Berdichevsky, T., Friedberg D., Nadler C., Rokney A., Oppenheim A., Rosenshine I., 2005. Ler is a
negative autoregulator of the LEE1 operon in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 187,
Israeli Deputy Leader: Prof. Dr. Nahum Y. Shpigel
Faculty of agriculture, Hebrew University
DVM, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Onderstepoort, South Africa
PostDoc, Immunology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Food animal practice, The Hachakleit Veterinary Services, Israel
Organizer, The Food Animal Ambulatory Clinic, KSVM
Specialist, in clinical veterinary medicine, Israel
PhD, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
Executive MBA, Bradford University
Diplomate of the European College of Bovine Health Management
Senior lecturer , Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University
Associate Professor, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University
Publication List (N. Y. Shpigel)
1. Imamovic, L., Jofre, J., Schmidt, H., Serra-Moreno, R., Muniesa, M. 2009. Phage-mediated Shiga
toxin 2 Gene Transfer in Food and Water. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75:1764-1768.
2. Jelcic, I., Hüfner, E., Schmidt, H., Hertel, C. 2008. Repression of the Locus of the Enterocyte
Effacement-Encoded Regulator of Gene Transcription of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Lactobacillus
reuteri Supernatants Is LuxS and Strain Dependent. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74:3310-3314.
3. Müsken, A., Bielaszewska, M., Greune, L., Schweppe, C. H., Müthing, J., Schmidt, H., Schmidt,
M. A., Karch, H. and Zhang, W. 2008. Anaerobic Conditions Promote Expression of Sfp Fimbriae
and Adherence of Sorbitol-Fermenting Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:NM to Human
Intestinal Epithelial Cells. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74:1087-1093.
4. Loukiadis, E., Nobe, R., Herold, S., Tramuta, C., Ogura, Y., Ooka, T., Morabito, S., Kérourédan,
M., Brugère, H., Schmidt, H., Hayashi, T. and Oswald, E. 2008. Distribution, Functional
Expression, and Genetic Organization of Cif, a Phage-Encoded Type III-Secreted Effector from
Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 190:275-285.
5. Aldick, T., Bielaszewska, M., Zhang, W., Brockmeyer, J., Schmidt, H., Friedrich, A. W., Kim, K.
S., Schmidt, M. A. and Karch, H. 2007. Hemolysin from Shiga toxin-negative Escherichia coli 026
strains infures microvascular endothelium. Microbes Infect. 1-9.
6. Creuzburg, K., Schmidt, H. 2007. Molecular Characterization and Distribution of Genes Encoding
Members of the Type III Effector NleA Family among Pathogenic Escherichia coli Strains. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 45: 2498-2507.
7. Brunder, W., Karch, H. and Schmidt, H. 2006. Complete sequence of the large virulence plasmid
pSFO157 of the sorbitol-fermenting enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H- strain 3072/96. Int.
J. Med. Microbiol. 296: 467-474.
8. Herold, S., Siebert, J., Huber, A. and Schmidt, H. 2005. Global expression of prophage genes in
Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain EDL933 in response to norfloxacin. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
9. Creuzburg, K., Recktenwald, J., Kuhle, V., Herold, S., Hensel, M. and Schmidt H. 2005. The
Shiga toxin 1-converting bacteriophage BP-4795 encodes an NleA-like type III effector protein. J.
Bacteriology 187:8494-8498.
10. Beutin, L., Kaulfuss, S., Herold, S., Oswald, E. and Schmidt, H. 2005. Genetic analysis of
enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli serogroup O103 strains by molecular
typing of virulence and housekeeping genes and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. J. Clin. Microbiol.
Subproject E1
Water scarcity and distribution from a macroeconomic perspective
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe
Diploma in Agricultural Sciences, specialization in Agricultural Economics, Georg-AugustUniversity of Göttingen
PhD in Agricultural Economics, Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Lecturer/Post Doctoral Researcher, (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), Humboldt University of
Habilitation in agricultural economics, Humboldt University of Berlin
Since 2008
Professor of Agricultural and Food Policy, Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets,
Universität Hohenheim
Publication List (H. Grethe)
1. Artavia, M., Grethe, H., Möller, T, and G. Zimmermann (2009), Correlated Order Three Gaussian
Quadratures in Stochastic Simulation Modelling. Contributed paper at the Twelfth Annual
Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Chile.
2. Götz, L. and H. Grethe (2008), The EU Entry Price System for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – Paper
Tiger or Powerful Market Barrier? Food Policy 1 (34): 81-93.
3. Balkhausen, O., Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2008), Modelling CAP Decoupling in the EU: A
Comparison of Selected Simulation Models and Results. J. of Agricultural Economics. 1, 57–71.
4. Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2008), Top Down, and a little Bottom Up: Modelling EU Agricultural Policy
Liberalization with LEITAP and ESIM. Contributed paper at the 11th Annual Conference on
Global Economic Analysis, Helsinki, Finland.
5. Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and M. Banse (2008), Modelling the Effects of EU Sugar Market Liberalization
on Area Allocation, Production and Trade. In: Bartova L. and R. M'barek (ed.), Modelling
Agricultural and Rural Development Policies: Proceedings, Selected Papers, 107th EAAE
Seminar, 29th January-1st February, 2008, Sevilla. Office for Official Publications of the European
Communities, Luxembourg: 211-223.
6. Grethe, H. (2007), Perspectives of Integrating Turkish Food and Agricultural Markets and Policies in
the EU. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance & Ecology. 4/5, 440-459.
7. Grethe, H. (2007), High Animal Welfare Standards in the EU and International Trade – How to Deal
with Potential "Low Animal Welfare Havens"? Food Policy. 3 (32): 315-333.
8. Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and S. Tangermann (2005), Evolution, Current State and Future of EU Trade
Preferences for Agricultural Products from North-African and Near-East Countries. Journal of
International Agricultural Trade and Development. 2 (1): 109-133.
9. Grethe, H. (2005), Turkey's Accession to the EU: What Will the Common Agricultural Policy Cost?
German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft). 2 (54): 128-137.
10. Chemnitz, C. and H. Grethe (2005), EU Trade Preferences for Moroccan Tomato Exports – Who
Benefits? In XIth Congress, European Association of Agricultural Economists, "The Future of Rural
Europe in the Global Agri-Food System", Copenhagen, 24-27 August 2005 (CD).
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Israel Finkelshtain
B.S Agr. , Magna Cum laude, Agricultural Economics and Management, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, (Dean's list).
M.Sc. Suma Cum laude , Agricultural Economics and Management, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, (Gal Distinguished Student Fellowship).
Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley,
Supervisor: James A. Chalfant, (University of California Fellowship).
Post-doctoral Kinamon Fellowship, at University of California, Berkeley.
Post-doctoral Hirshlimer Fellowship, at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Lecturer, Agricultural Economics and Management, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Senior Lecturer: 1) Agricultural Economics and Management, Heberw University of
Jerusalem, 2) Tel-hai College, Israel (2000/1); Chairman of Teaching Track (1998-2000),
Member of the Hotel Management Curriculum Committee, Head of the Steering
Committee of the Agricultural Marketing Program.
Associate Professor, 1) Agricultural Economics and Management, Hebrew University Of
Jerusalem, 2) Department of Economics, College of Management, Israel; Member of the
Ag. Econ. Dept. Recruitment and Promotion committees; Director and member of the
Center for Agricultural Economic Research.
2009Sam M. Cohodas Chair in Agricultural Economics.
Publication List (I. Finkelshtain)
1. Kimhi A. and I. Finkelshtain Editors. 2009: The Economics of Natural and Human Resources in
Agriculture, Nova Science Publisher, Inc.
2. Finkelshtain I. and Y. Kachel 2009: The Organization of Agricultural Export: Lessons from Reforms in
Israel. In The Economics of Natural and Human Resources in Agriculture, Nova Science
Publisher, Inc.
3. Fishman A., I. Finkelshtain, A. Simhon and N. Yacouel 2008: The Economics of Collective Brands.
Discussion Paper 14.08, The Center for Agricultural Economic Research, Rehovot, Israel.
4. Tchetchik A., A. Fleisher and I. Finkelshtain. 2008: Differentiation and Synergies in Rural Tourism:
Estimation and Simulation of the Israeli Market. American Journal of Agriculture Economics. 90:
5. Finkelshtain. I., and I. Kan. 2007: Quota and Price Regulations in the Israeli Water Economy.
Annual Meeting of the Israeli Economics Association. Male Hachamisha.
6. Bar-shira Z., I. Finkelshtain and A. Simhon. 2006: The Econometrics of Block Rate Pricing in
Agriculture. American Journal of Agriculture Economics. 88: 986-999.
7. Bar-shira Z., I. Finkelshtain and A. Simhon, 2005: Competitive Equilibrium of an Industry with Labor
Managed Firms under Risk." Journal of Rural Cooperation.
8. Feinerman, E., Finkelshtain. I., and Kan I. 2004: On a Political Solution to the Nimby Conflict.
American Economic Review, 94: 369-381.
9. Finkelshtain I., and Kislev Y. 2004: Taxes and Subsidies in a Polluting and Politically Powerful
industry. Journal of Asian Economics. 15: 481-492.
10. Bar-shira Z., Finkelshtain I., Shimhon A., 2003: Cross-Country Productivity Comparisons: The
Revealed Superiority Approach. Journal of Economic Growth: 8: 301-323.
Subproject E2
Improving regional modeling approaches in agricultural economics on water scarcity and
German Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert
Intermediate Diploma, General Agricultural Sciences, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Master of Science in Agricultural Economics, Penn State, USA
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Universität Hohenheim
Head of the Institute of Socioeconomics, Centre of Agricultural Landscape
and Land Use Research (ZALF), Müncheberg
Habilitation in Farm Management, Universität Hohenheim
Since 1994
Professor of Production Theory and Resource Economics, Institute of Farm
Management, Universität Hohenheim
Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universität Hohenheim
Since 2003
Member of the Board of Scientific Advisors to the German Minister of Agriculture
Since 2003
Member of the DFG Senate Commission “Matter and Resources in Agriculture”
Since 2008
President of the German Association of AgriculturaL Economics and Rural Social
Publication List (S. Dabbert)
1. Aurbacher, J. Dabbert, S.: Integrating GIS-based field data and farm modeling in a watershed to
assess the cost of erosion control measures: An example from Southwest Germany. Journal of Soil
and Water Conservation, accepted
2. Häring, A., Vairo, D. Zanoli, R., Dabbert, S. 2009. Organic farming policy development in the EU:
What can multi-stakeholder processes contribute? Food Policy URL: (Science direct)
3. Henseler,M., Wirsig, A., Herrmann, S., Krimly, T.,Dabbert, S. 2009.: Modeling the impact of global
change on regional agricultural land use through an activity-based non-linear programming approach.
Agricultural Systems, Volume 100 (Issues 1-3): pages 31-42 URL: (Science direct)
4. Vairo, D., Häring, A.M.,Dabbert, S., Zanoli, R. 2009. Policies Supporting Organic Food and Farming
in the EU: Assessment and Development by Stakeholders in 11 European Countries. Journal of
International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 21:214-227
5. Dabbert, S., Berg, E., Herrmann, R., Pöchtrager, S. und K. Salhofer 2009. Kompass für
agrarökonomische Zeitschriften: das GEWISOLA-ÖGA-Publikationsranking. Agrarwirtschaft German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Jahrgang 58, Heft 2: 109 -113.
6. Henseler,M., Wirsig, A., Krimly, T. Dabbert, S. 2008. The Influence of Climate Change, Technological
Progress and political Change on Agricultural Land Use: Caculated Scenarios for the upper Danube
Catchment area. Agrarwirtschaft - German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Jahrgang 57
(2008), Heft 3/4: 207- 219
7. Dabbert, S., Braun, J., 2006. Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre, Grundwissen Bachelor, [Farm
Management, Bachelor Level textbook] UTB, Ulmer, Stuttgart, 288 pp.
8. Dabbert, S., 2006. Measuring and communicating the environmental benefits of organic food
production. Crop Management, (doi:10.1094/CM-2006-0921-13-RV).
9. Hodgson, J.G., Montserrat-Martı́, G., Tallowin, J., Thompson, K., Díaz, S., Cabido, M., Grime, J.P.,
Wilson, P.J., Band, S.R., Bogard, A., Cabido, R., Cáceres, D., Castro-Dı́ez, P., Ferrer, C., MaestroMartı́nez, M., Pérez-Rontomé, M.C., Charles, M., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Dabbert, S., PérezHarguindeguy, N., Krimly, T., Sijtsma, F.J., Strijker, D., Vendramini, F., Guerrero-Campo, J., Hynd,
A., Jones, G., Romo-Dı́ez, A., de Torres Espuny, L., Villar-Salvador, P., Zak, M.R., 2005. How much
will it cost to save grassland diversity? Biological Conservation 122, 263–273.
10. Röhm, O., Dabbert, S., 2003. Integrating agri-environmental programs into regional production
models: An extension of Positive Mathematical Programming. American Journal of Agricultural
Economics 85, 254–265.
Israeli Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Iddo Kan
B.Sc. in Soil and Water Sciences, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Faculty of
Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management,
The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
Economic Consultant, Environmental Management & Consulting LTD (EMC), KarmeiYosef, Israel
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management,
The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
University of California Riverside, The Department of Environmental Sciences, Assistant
Cooperative Extension Specialist (visiting).
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
Professional Administrator and Economic Consultant to The Professional Committee for
the Issue of Agriculture Water Pricing, The Prime-Minister’s Office, Israel.
University of Haifa, The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Management, Lecturer
Since 2007
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Agricultural Economics and
Management, Lecturer
Publication List (I. Kan)
1. Kan, I., Leizarowitz, A. and Tsur, Y. 2009: Dynamic-spatial management of coastal aquifers. Optimal
Control Application and Methods (forthcoming).
2. Kan, I., Haim, D., Rapaport-Rom, M. and Shechter, M. 2009: Environmental amenities and optimal
agricultural land use: The case of Israel. Ecological Economics 68: 1893–1898.
3. Kan, I. 2008: Yield Quality and Irrigation with Saline Water under Environmental Limitations: The
Case of Processing Tomatoes in California. Agricultural Economics 38: 57-66.
4. Gogodze, J., Kan, I. and Kimhi, A. 2008: Land Reform and Rural Well Being in Georgia: 1996-2003.
Projections 7: 26-41.
5. Federman, R., Kan, I. and Ayalon, O. 2007: Recycling of organic solid waste in Israel – environmental
and economic aspects. Studies in Natural Resources and Environmental Management 5: 37-52
6. Kan, I., Kimhi, A. and Lerman, Z. 2006: Farm Output, Non-Farm Income, and Commercialization in
Rural Georgia. Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics 3(2): 276-286.
7. Schwabe, K.A., Kan, I. and Knapp, K.C. 2006: Drainwater Management for Salinity Mitigation in
Irrigated Agriculture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(1): 133-149.
8. Kan, I. and Finkelshtain, I. 2004: Connections between political economics and environmental justice.
Studies in Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2(1): 71-82 (Hebrew).
9. Feinerman, E., Finkelshtain, I. and Kan, I. 2004: On a political solution to the NIMBY conflict.
American Economic Review 94(1): 369-381.
10. Kan, I. 2003: Effects of drainage-salinity evolution on irrigation management. Water Resources
Research 39(12): 1377-1388.
Israeli Deputy Leader
B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Management, The Faculty of Agricultural,
Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Management, The Faculty of Agricultural,
Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource
Economics, The University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.
Teaching and Research Associate, Department of Agricultural Economics and
Management, The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality
Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, The Faculty
of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Economic Growth
Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, The
Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
Director of Research, The Center for Agricultural Economic Research,
since 2008
Rehovot, Israel.
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, The University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Since 2004 Associate Professor, Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and
Management, The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality
Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
Publication List (A. Kimhi)
1. Kimhi, A. 2009: Male Income, Female Income, and Household Income Inequality in Israel: A
Decomposition Analysis. Journal of Income Distribution (forthcoming).
2. Kimhi, A. 2009: Entrepreneurship and Income Inequality in Southern Ethiopia. Small Business
Economics (forthcoming).
3. Kimhi, A. 2009: Pension Wealth and Intergenerational Succession in Family Businesses. Portuguese
Journal of Management Studies 14 (forthcoming).
4. Kimhi, A. 2009: Heterogeneity, Specialization and Social Cohesion in Israeli Moshav Cooperatives.
Journal of Rural Cooperation 37 (forthcoming).
5. Kan, I., Kimhi, A. and Lerman, Z. 2006: Farm Output, Non-Farm Income, and Commercialization in
Rural Georgia. The Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics 3: 276-286.
6. DeSilva, S., Evenson, R.E. and Kimhi, A. 2006: Labor Supervision and Institutional Conditions:
Evidence from Bicol Rice Farms. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88: 851-865.
7. Kimhi, A. 2006: Plot Size and Maize Productivity in Zambia: Is There an Inverse Relationship?
Agricultural Economics 35: 1-9 (Lead Article).
8. Benjamin, C. and Kimhi, A. 2006: Farm Work, Off-Farm Work, and Hired Farm Labor: Estimating a
Discrete-Choice Model of French Farm Couples’ Labor Decisions. European Review of Agricultural
Economics 33: 149-171.
9. Ahituv, A. and Kimhi, A. 2006: Simultaneous Estimation of Work Choices and the Level of Farm
Activity Using Panel Data. European Review of Agricultural Economics 33: 49-71.
10. Lee, M-j. and Kimhi, A. 2005: Simultaneous Equations in Ordered Discrete Responses with RegressorDependent Thresholds. The Econometrics Journal 8: 176-196.
6.3 List of references cited in chapter 5
Subproject A1
Feedback-controlled deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to cope with water scarcity
Abeles FB, Morgan PW, Saltveit ME Jr., 1992. Ethylene in Plant Biology, Academic Press, London
Jury WA, Vaux Jr H, 2005. The role of science in solving the world’s emerging water problems. PNAS,
USA 102, 15715-15720.
Kende H, 1993. Ethylene biosynthesis. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 44, 283-307
Ulrichs C, Gäbler R, 2004. Identification of host-/pathogen infection by ethylene emissions Journal of
Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik 78, 161-163.
Yang SF, Hoffman NE, 1984. Ethylene biosynthesis and its regulation in higher plants. Ann. Rev. Plant
Physiol. 35, 155-189.
Subproject B1
Physiological and developmental mechanisms for stress resistance in tomato and barley
Achard, P., Vriezen, W.H., Van Der Straeten, D., Harberd, N.P., 2003. Ethylene Regulates Arabidopsis
Development via the Modulation of DELLA Protein Growth Repressor Function. Plant Cell 15, 28162825.
Li J, Yang H, Ann Peer W, Richter G, Blakeslee J, Bandyopadhyay A, Titapiwantakun B, Undurraga S,
Khodakovskaya M, Richards EL, Krizek B, Murphy AS, Gilroy S, Gaxiola R, 2005. Arabidopsis H+PPase AVP1 Regulates Auxin-Mediated Organ Development. Science 310, 121-125.
Lv S, Zhang K, Gao Q, Lian L, Song Y, Zhang J, 2008. Overexpression of an H+-PPase Gene from
Thellungiella halophila in Cotton Enhances Salt Tolerance and Improves Growth and Photosynthetic
Performance. Plant Cell Physiol. 49, 1150-1164.
Moshelion M, Wallach R,, 2008. High-throughput Screening Method to Select Cultivars with Potential
Resistance to Abiotic Stresses. U.S. Provisional Patent No. 60-983,455, filed October 29.
Ori, N., Juarez, M. T., Jackson, D., Yamaguchi, J., Banowetz, G. M., Hake, S., 1999. Leaf senescence is
delayed in tobacco plants expressing the maize homeobox gene knotted1 under the control of the
senescence activated promoter. Plant Cell 11,1073-1080.
Park S, Li J, Pittman JK, Berkowitz GA, Yang H, Undurraga S, Morris J, Hirschi KD, Gaxiola RA, 2005.
Up-regulation of a H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) as a strategy to engineer drought-resistant crop
plants. PNAS 102, 18830-18835.
Sade N, Vinocur J. B, Diber A, Shatil A, Ronen G, Nissan H,Wallach R Karchi H. , Moshelion M., 2009.
Improving plant stress-tolerance and yield production: is the tonoplast aquaporin SlTIP2;2 a key to
isohydric to anisohydric conversion? New Phytologist 181, 651–661.
Shalit, A., Rozman, A., Goldshmidt, A., Alvarez, J.P., Bowman, J.L., Eshed, Y., Lifschitz, E., 2009. The
flowering hormone florigen functions as a general systemic regulator of growth and termination.
PNAS 106, 8392-8397.
Teper-Bamnolker, P., Samach, A., 2005. The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and
FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Cell 17, 2661-2675.
Subproject B2
Genetic basis of water stress response in wild and cultivated barley and tomato
Bergner, C., C. Teichmann, 1993. A role for ethylene in barley plants responding to soil water shortage.
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 12, 67-72.
Hubner S., Höffken M., Oren E., Haseneyer G., Stein N., Graner A., Schmid K.J., E. Fridman, 2009.
Strong correlation of the population structure of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) across Israel with
temperature and precipitation variation. Molecular Ecology 18, 1532-1536.
Morgan, P., M. Drew, 1997. Ethylene and plant responses to stress. Physiol. Plantarum 100, 620-630.
Subproject C1
Genetic variation in water uptake in broilers, depending on water quality and ambient
Ajay Singh, 1994. Never underestimate the importance of water for poultry. Poultry Adviser 27, 27-29.
Ajuah, A. O., Fenton, T. W., Hardin, R. T., Sim. J. S., 1993. Measuring lipid oxidation volatiles in meat.
Journal of Food Science 58, 270-273.
Allen, C. D., Russel, S. M, Fletcher, D. L., 1997. The relationship of broiler breast meat color and pH to
shelf-life and odor development. Poultry Science 76, 1042-1046.
Allen, C. D., Fletcher, D. L., Northcutt, J. K., Russel. S. M., 1998. The relationship of broiler breast color
to meat quality and shelf-life. Poultry Science 77, 361-366.
Barbut, S., 1997. Problem of pale soft exudative meat in broiler chickens. Br. Poult. Sci. 38, 355-358.
Berri, C., 2000. Variability of sensory and processing qualities of poultry meat. World’s Poultry Science
56, 209-224.
Fletcher, D. L., 1999. Broiler breast meat color variation, pH, and texture. Poultry Science 78, 1323-1327.
Fletcher. D. L., 2002. Poultry meat quality. World’s Poultry Science 58, 131-145.
Okere, I., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Cahaner, A., Valle Zárate, A.,, 2007. Better breast meat quality in
featherless broilers than in their feathered sibs under hot temperature conditions. First International
Conference on Food Safety of Animal Products, 12-14 November 2007, Amman, Jordan, poster
Remignon, H., Le Bihan-Duval, E., 2003. Meat quality problems associated with selection for increased
production. In: Muir, W. M., Aggrey, S. E.: Poultry genetics, breeding and biotechnology. CABI
Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp 53-66.
Saxena, V. K.; Sachdev, A. K.; Gopal, R.; Pramod, A. B., 2009. Roles of important candidate genes on
broiler meat quality.Worlds Poult. Sci. J., 65, 37-50.
Wold, J. P., Mielnik, M., 2000. Nondestructive assessment of lipid oxidation in minced poultry meat by
autofluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science 65, 87-95.
Subproject C2
Effect of water quality on broiler skeletal development and stress
Balnave, D., Yoselewitz, I., Dixon, R.J. 1989: Physiological changes associated with the production of
defective eggshells by hens receiving sodium chloride in the drinking water. British Journal of
Nutrition 64, 35.
Borges, S. A., Fischer da Silva, A.V., Ariki,J., Hooge, D.M., Cummings, K.R., 2003. Dietary electrolyte
balance for broiler chickens under moderate high ambient temperature and relative humidity. Poultry
Sci. 82, 301-308.
Dai, N. V., Bessei, W., Nasir, Z., 2009. The effect of sodium chloride supplementation in drinking water on
water and feed intake and egg quality of laying hens under cyclic heat stress. Arch. f. Gkde.,
Grashorn, M., 1993. Untersuchungen zur Ätiologie und Pathogenese des Plötzlichen Herztodes bei
Masthühnern. Stuttgart, Eugen Ulmer.
Guillemant, J., Le, H.T., Accarie, C., du Montcel, S.T., Delabroise, A.M., Arnaud, M.J., Guillemant, S.,
2000. Mineral water as a source of dietary calcium: acute effects on parathyroid function and bone
resorption in young men. Am J Clin Nutr. 71, 999-1002.
Meunier, P.J., Jenvrin, C., Munoz, F., Gueronniere, V., Garnero, P., Menz, M., 2005. Consumption of a
high calcium mineral water lowers biochemical indices of bone remodelling in post-menopausal
women with low calcium intake. Osteoporosis International 16, 1203-1209.
Rodan, G.A., Martin, T.J., 2000. Therapeutic approaches to bone dideases. Science 289, 1508-1514.
Ross, E., 1979. The effect of water sodium on chick requirement for dietary sodium. Poultry Sci. 58, 626630.
Smith M.O., 1994. Effect of electrolytes and lighting regimen on growth of heat distressed broilers. Poultry
Sci. 73, 350-353.
Teeter, R.D., 1994. Optimizing production of heat stressed broilers. Poultry Digest 53, 10-27.
Wynn, E., Raetz, E., Burckhardt, P., 2008. The composition of mineral waters sourced from Europe and
North America in respect to bone health: composition of mineral water optimal for bone.
Subproject C4
Fish and water quality in water saving intensive culture systems
Aizen, J., Kasuto, H., Golan, M., Zakay, H., Levavi-Sivan, B., 2007a. Expression and characterization of
biologically active recombinant tilapia FSH: Immunohistochemistry, stimulation by GnRH and effect
on steroid secretion. Biol Reprod. 76, 692-700.
Aizen, J., Kasuto, H., Levavi-Sivan, B., 2007b. Development of specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay for determining LH and FSH levels in tilapia, using recombinant gonadotropins. Gen Comp
Endocrinol. 153, 323-332.
Biran, J., Ben-Dor, S., Levavi-Sivan, B., 2008. Molecular identification and functional characterization of
the kisspeptin/kisspeptin receptor system in lower vertebrates. Biol Reprod. 79, 776-786.
Kasuto, H., Levavi-Sivan, B., 2005. Production of biologically active tethered tilapia LHba by the
methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Gen Comp Endocrinol 140, 222-232.
Subproject D3
Influence of water scarcity on the biotechnological processing of barley seeds for their
use as food and feed
Dziuba, J., P. Minkiewicz, K. Puszka, S. Dabrowski, 1995. Plant seed storage proteins as potential
precursors of bioactive peptides. Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci. 4:31-42.
Saguy, I.S., Kliger, E., Fischer, L., Lutz-Wahl, S., 2009. Design of a novel chickpea seed enzyme reactor
(SER). Patent application (to be submitted shortly).
Subproject E1
Water scarcity and distribution from a macroeconomic perspective
Anderson, K., 1992. International Dimensions of the Political Economy of Distortionary Price and Trade
Policies. In Goldin, I. and L. A. Winters (eds.), Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and
Agriculture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 290–310.
Finkelshtain I., Y. Kislev, 1997. Prices vs. Quantities: The Political Perspective. Journal of Political
Economy 105, 83-10.
Finkelshtain. I., Kislev, Y., I. Kan, 2009. Quota and Price Regulations in the Israeli Water Economy. The
Center of Agricultural Economic Research, Rehovot, Israel.
Gawande, K., 2006. The Structure of Lobbying and Protection in US Agriculture. In: Hoekman, B. and
Evenett, S. (eds.), Economic Development and Multilateral Trade Cooperation.New York, Macmillan,
Palgrave, 41-88.
Grossman, G. M., E. Helpman, 1994. Protection for Sale. American Economic Review 84, 833–850.
Zusman, P., 1976. The incorporation and measurement of social power in economic models, International
Economic Review 17, 477-462.
Subproject E2
Improving regional modeling approaches in agricultural economics on water scarcity and
Howitt, R.E., 1995. Positive Mathematical Programming. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77,
Kan, I., A. Kimhi, 2005. Land reform, cropland allocation decisions and crop yields in Georgia.
Privatization, Liberalization, and the Emergence of Private Farms in Georgia and Other Former Soviet
Countries; An International Workshop, June 21-22, 2005, Tibilisi, Georgia.
Kan, I, Rapaport-Rom, M., M. Shechter, 2007. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Water, Land-Use
and Economic Return in Agriculture. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Agricultural &
Natural Resource Economics 11, No. 67.
Kan, I., Haim, D., Rapaport-Rom, M., Shechter, M., 2009: Environmental amenities and optimal
agricultural land use: The case of Israel. Ecological Economics 68, 1893–1898.
Miller, D.J., A.J. Plantinga, 1999. Modeling land use decisions with aggregated data. American Journal of
Agricultural Economics 81, 132-143.
Wu, J., K. Segerson, 1995. The impact of policies and land characteristics on potential groundwater
pollution in Wisconsin. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77, 1033-1047.