Špecifický program People v kocke
Špecifický program People v kocke
1 Špecifický program People v kocke 1 Basics • The Marie Curie Actions are the People Programme of the 7th Framework Programme • They fund all the domains of research (bottom-up approach) • They support the mobility of researchers of all nationalities • The applications are done through competitive calls for proposals • The proposals evaluation is done by independent experts 2/81 The Marie Curie Actions support 3 of the 7 flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart/sustainable/inclusive growth: • Innovation Union 1 million new research jobs needed Attract and train young people to become researchers Quality doctoral trainings, with businesses involvement Offer internationally competitive research careers Attractive employment conditions and gender balance • Youth on the move Mobility of researchers across countries, disciplines & sectors • An agenda for new skills and jobs Better skills for better jobs 3/81 FP7 overview (2007-2013) FP7 breakdown (€ million) Cooperation : Ideas : € 32 413 € 7510 Collaborative research FP6 (2002-2006) Marie Curie Actions € 1580 million Frontier Research ERC 10 thematic areas Evolution of annual budget Marie Curie Actions Research Capacity People : € 4750 JRC : € 1751 Capacities : € 4097 Euratom : € 2751 Nuclear research 4/81 Bottom-up approach Research topics are chosen freely by Budget distribution by scientific panel (Marie Curie Actions 2007-2011) applicants Life Sciences 28% COFUND 8% Information Science and Engineering 18% Economics 2% Mathematics 3% Social Sciences and Humanities 8% Chemistry 10% 2007-2011 • EU contribution: ~ €2 billion • Research projects funded: > 5000 Physics 12% Environmental and Geo-sciences 11% 5/81 Marie Curie Actions Initialtraining training Initial InitialTraining TrainingNetworks Networks(ITN) (ITN) Initial Life-longtraining trainingand andcareer careerdevelopment development Life-long Intra-EuropeanFellowships Fellowships(IEF) (IEF)/ /Career CareerIntegration IntegrationGrants Grants(CIG) (CIG) Intra-European Co-fundingof ofregional, regional,national nationaland andinternational internationalprogrammes programmes(COFUND) (COFUND) Co-funding Industrydimension dimension Industry Industry-AcademiaPartnerships Partnershipsand andPathways Pathways(IAPP) (IAPP) Industry-Academia Internationaldimension dimension International Outgoing&&Incoming IncomingInternational InternationalFellowships Fellowships(IIF (IIF&&IOF); IOF); Outgoing InternationalResearch ResearchStaff StaffExchange ExchangeScheme Scheme(IRSES) (IRSES) International Policysupport supportactions actions Policy Researchers’Night; Night;EURAXESS EURAXESS Researchers’ 6/81 Objective Marie Curie Action Initial training of researchers Improve career perspectives of early stage researchers (ESR) in both public & private sector Initial Training Networks (ITN) (1900 M€) Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) Life-long training and career development Career development of experienced researchers (ER) (e.g. diversification of skills/competencies; integrate a stable position after mobility) Career Integration Grants (CIG) (1170–1400 M€) Co-funding of regional, national, international programmes (COFUND) Industry dimension (250-450 M€) Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Open and foster dynamic pathways between public research organisations and private research commercial enterprises International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) International dimension Reinforce the extra-European dimension of the European Research Area (ERA) through mobility, training, knowledge transfer and cooperation International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) World fellowships (1170–1400 M€) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) 7/81 Eligible researchers Applicants Individual researchers More experienced Researchers MER > 10 years Research funding bodies IEF IOF Experienced Researchers ER Industry/Research Institutions CIG COFUND IAPP IIF IRSES > 4 years or PhD ITN Early Stage Researchers ESR < 4 years 8/81 MCA - objectives People programme = Marie Curie Actions From pure mobility actions to a dedicated programme for structuring training, mobility and career development Objectives • Strengthen the human potential in R&D in Europe • Stimulate people to enter into the profession of researcher • Encourage researchers to stay in Europe • Attract researchers from around the world • Target researchers at any stage of their careers 9/81 MCA – main features Main features of all MCA: Research project Mobility aspect 10/81 1. Host-driven actions: Partners’ consortia prepare proposal and recruit / second researchers • ITN • IAPP • IRSES 11/81 Initial Training Network ITN 12/81 ITN Features ITN Objectives To improve career perspectives of researchers at the earlier stages of their careers by making research careers more attractive to young people. To add to the employability of the recruited researchers through exposure to both academia and enterprise. To eliminate cultural and other barriers to mobility. To structure research training capacity through international networking To offer a joint research training programme 13/81 Initial Training Networks ITN Organizations Participants: full network partners and signatories to the grant agreement. Recruit researchers and receive funding (“beneficiaries” or “level 1”) Associated Partners: do not recruit researchers and do not receive funding. Provide transferable skills training and/or secondment opportunities (“level 2”) Researchers Early Stage Researcher (ESR): at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, must be in the first 4 years of their research careers (full-time equivalent), and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree Experienced Researcher (ER): at the time of recruitment, more than four years research experience (or doctoral degree), but less than five years of research experience 14/81 Doctoral Training Interdisciplinary International 15/81 Initial Training Networks ITN 3 ITN modes: 1. Multi-ITN 2. Innovative Doctoral Programmes (IDP) 3. European Industrial Doctorates (EID) 16/81 Food Country 1 Multi-ITNs University or Industry Country 3 Country 2 • At least 3 participants from different countries + associated partners • Short-term secondments of ESRs Electronics • 3-36 months for ESR // 3-24 months for ER (limited amount) 17/81 Country 1 Food Innovative Doctoral Programmes University or Industry University or Industry Other country Other discipline Industry Other sector • 1 participant + associated partners from different countries • Innovative training programme addressing the triple “i” dimensions • 3-36 months for ESR (doctoral candidate) Electronics 18/81 European Industrial Doctorates ≥ 50% Industry Country 1 Country 2 • 2 participants (1 from each sector) in different countries + possible associated partners • The researchers must be employed by one of the participants, enrolled in a doctoral programme and spend at least 50% of the time in private sector Electronics • 3-36 months for ESR (doctoral candidate) 19/81 Multi - ITN • At least 3 participants from 3 different MS/AC • Associated partners from any country / any sector • Private sector participation: “highest possible level” • ESR: appointment for 3-36 months (min. 80% of total) • ER: appointment for 3-24 months (max. 20% of total) • Secondments encouraged (up to 30% of recruitment period) • Max 500 researcher months • Max 40% budget to one country 20/81 Innovative Doctoral Programmes (IDP) • 1 participant only (from MS/AC only) • Associated partners from any country / any sector • Private sector participation: strengthen the international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral aspects • Only ESR: appointment for 3-36 months • Mandatory enrolment in doctoral programme • Secondments: encouraged (up to 30% of recruitment period) • Max 500 researcher months 21/81 European Industrial Doctorates (EID) • 2 participants: 1 academic + 1 industrial (MS/AC only) • Research institutes can be academic partner if associated with university delivering the doctoral degree • Associated partners from any country / any sector • • • • • • Only ESR: appointment for 3-36 months Mandatory enrolment in doctoral programme At least 50% of time at private sector participant Recruited by 1 or both participants Joint supervision by both participants Consortium agreement mandatory • Max 180 researcher months • 20M€ earmarked for the EID panel 22/81 Financial regime Category 1: Monthly Living Allowance - € 38,000 gross salary per ESR / year x country coefficient - € 58,500 gross salary per ER / year x country coefficient Category 2: Mobility Allowance - € 700 - € 1,000 (“family”) per researcher month x country coefficient - Flat-rate cost category Category 3: Contribution to Training & Research Costs - € 1,800 per researcher month (Multi-ITN) - € 1,200 per researcher month (EID and IDP) - Flat-rate cost category Category 4: Management Activities - Maximum 10% of total EU contribution (i.e. 10% of C1+C2+C3+C4+C5) - Real costs category Category 5: Overheads - 10% of direct costs (i.e. 10% of C1+C2+C3+C4) 23/81 Evaluation Criteria ITN Threshold Weight Priority if ex-aequo S&T Quality 3 30% 3 Training 4 30% 1 Implementation 3 20% 4 Impact 4 20% 2 24/81 Industry – Academia Partnerships and Pathways IAPP 25/81 IAPP Features IAPP Objectives • Foster co-operation between non-commercial research organisations & commercial enterprises based on joint research projects. • Stimulate long-term collaboration between sectors through secondment of researchers between the public & private research domains. • Diverse career possibilities & research experience for researchers, and support knowledge sharing/cultural exchange. 26/81 IAPP Features • IAPP consortium composition • • • • • At least 1 partner from non-commercial sector At least 1 partner from commercial sector Partners from at least 2 different MS or AC Additional participants from anywhere in the world Usually 4 to 8 participants and 48 months 27/81 Food IAPP Country 1 Country 2 Company University Staff Exchange • At least 2 participants (1 from each sector) from different countries Pharma • Secondment of staff Hospit (at least 1 year experience in the institution) to the al partner institution (2-24 months for ESR / ER / MER). Electronics • Possible to have intra-national, inter-sectoral mobility (maximum of 30%) 28/81 Food IAPP Country 1 Country 2 Company University Optional Recruitment • The participants can recruit experienced researchers (ER / MER) Pharma Hospit al • Recruitments are allowed for a period of 12-24 months • Maximum 50% of the total Electronics 29/81 IAPP Features IAPP Eligible Organisations Non-Commercial participants • National organisations (e.g. universities, public non-commercial research centres etc.) • Non-profit or charitable organisations (e.g. NGOs, trusts, etc.) • International European interest organisations (e.g. CERN, EMBL, etc.) • The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission • International organisations (e.g. WHO, UNESCO, etc.) Commercial participants • Commercial enterprises of any size (incl. SMEs, spin offs, start ups) • National organisations (if operating on a commercial basis). 30/81 IAPP Features IAPP Main Activities Compulsory Staff Secondment • Majority of support in IAPP (≥ 50% of person-months) • Always inter-sector • Usually 2-way with reintegration phase (1 year) • Up to 30% intra-national secondments Optional Recruitment of experienced researchers • Relevance to project and to recruiting organisation shall be duly justified • Not a substitute for secondment (no recruitment inside the consortium) Other • Networking activities • Workshops & Conferences 31/81 IAPP Features Eligible researchers Secondment • Early-stage or experienced researchers • Management & technical staff where justified • No nationality restriction • Staff members active for at least 1 year • 1-year mandatory return phase • Mobility 2–24 months (split stays allowed) Recruitment • Experienced researchers only • No nationality restriction • Transnational mobility: residence or main activity in host country is max. 12 months in the 3 years prior recruitment • Mobility 12–24 months 32/81 Proposals must be clear about a wide advertisement of positions and an open & transparent recruitment process Evaluation Criteria IAPP Threshold Weight Priority if ex-aequo S&T Quality 3 25% 2 Transfer of Knowledge 4 30% 1 Implementation 3 20% 4 Impact 4 25% 3 33/81 International Research Staff Exchange Scheme IRSES 34/81 IRSES Features IRSES Objectives • To strengthen research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between researcher organisations from EU/AC and countries with which EU has an S&T agreement or in the process of negotiating one and countries covered by the European Neighbourhood policy. • To provide support to research organisations to establish or reinforce long-term research cooperation through a coordinated joint programme of exchange of researchers for short periods. 35/81 IRSES Features Main features • Applicants are research organisations • min. 2 research organisations within EU/ Associated Countries and one or more organisations in third countries • Partners institutes to select their staff for exchange • Short term stays between 1 and 12 months • In principle 50%-50% (each funding its outgoing researchers), but EU funding for ICPC countries is possible • Researchers keep salary at home institution and return • Funds cover travel and subsistence of the researcher, as well as networking activities, management costs and overheads 36/81 EU+AC Food University IRSES University EU+AC University S&T Agreement • At least 2 research organisations from different EU/AC countries + 1 research organisation from countries with an S&T agreement • Short-term secondments of staff Electronics • Up to 12 months per staff (ESR / ER / MER) 37/81 IRSES Features Eligible Organisations RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS Legal entities established as a non-profit organisations which carry out research or technological development as one of its main objectives • Who is currently participating? National organisations (e.g. universities, public non-commercial research centres etc.) Non-profit or charitable organisations (e.g. NGOs, trusts, etc.) International European interest organisations (e.g. CERN, EMBL, etc.) The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission International organisations (e.g. WHO, UNESCO, etc.) 38/81 IRSES Features IRSES partnership composition • At least 2 partner from EU MS/AC • At least 1 partners from other third countries with which EU has an S&T agreement or in the process of negotiating one and countries covered by the European Neighbourhood policy • Usually 5 to 10 participants and 48 months 39/81 IRSES Features Eligible Staff Researchers can be ESR and ER Technical and Managerial staff Staff can be any person who has any type of contract including stipends according to the law of the country where the institution is located Their participation must be justified in the proposal for the benefit of the objectives of the project 40/81 Evaluation Criteria IRSES Threshold Weight Priority if ex-aequo Quality of exchange programme N/A 25% 1 Training 3 30% 2 Implementation N/A 15% 4 Impact 3 30% 3 41/81 2 - Individual actions: Individual researchers apply for funding together with selected institution • IEF, IOF, IIF (IxF) • CIG • COFUND 42/81 Individual Fellowships IxF 43/81 Food IEF EU+AC University or Industry IOF Mandatory Return EU+AC Third Country Possible IIF Return ICPC EU+AC CIG long Electronics term EU+AC 44/81 University or Industry Food IEF IOF • 12-24 months for ER / MER • 12-24 months for ER / MER • 12 months for mandatory return phase IIF • 12-24 months for ER / MER • 12 months for ICPC return phase CIG •Electronics 12-48 months for ER / MER 45/81 IxF 3 types of Fellowships • Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) Within EU MS and AC • International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) From third countries into EU MS and AC • International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) EU MS and AC residents going to Third countries including ICPCcountries 46/81 IxF features Individual driven action: Applicants are individual researchers jointly with the host organisation For experienced researchers (only): PhD or more than 4 years of research experience; Fellowships: are directed at life-long training and career development 47/81 IxF funding Individual Fellowships Funding: 1. Researchers salary • includes all employers costs such as social security and pension contributions • takes into account the cost of living in the country of recruitment • takes into account the family obligations of the researcher 2. Contribution to the costs of the project • Flat rate of € 800 per researcher-month to contribute to expenses related to training activities, research costs etc • Overheads - maximum of €700 per researcher month corrected for the cost of living in the country of recruitment 48/81 Budget and timetable - IxF 2012 Call Budget IEF - 130 M€, IIF - 45 M€, IOF - 45 M€ Timetable Publication Closure 13 March 2012 16 August 2012 ----------------------------------------2013 Call Budget approx. IEF - 134 M€, IIF – 44,5 M€, IOF – 44,5 M€ Timetable Publication Closure 14/03/2013 14/08/2013 49/81 Career Integration Grants CIG 50/81 CIG features CIG - Helping Researchers to establish themselves in a long-term position - Researcher can be of any nationality - Organisation is based in EU (MS/AC) - Must have a full-time post in the host organisation 51/81 CIG funding - 4 years funding of €25k per year (lump sum) - CIG can be combined with (almost) any other funding - CIG paid as lump sum => no restrictions on what type of project costs can be covered - Grant can be used for consumables, technicians salary etc. 52/81 Budget and timetable - CIG 2012 Call Two closures: 6 March 2012 18 September 2012 - Budget 25 M€ Budget 25 M€ ----------------------------------------2013 Call Budget 40 M€ Timetable Publication Closure 18/10/2012 18/09/2013 53/81 Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes COFUND 54/81 COFUND features • Multi-annual proposals for new or existing mobility programmes • Public or private bodies responsible for research training programmes 55/81 COFUND features Main features • 3 types of international mobility are eligible: outgoing, incoming & reintegration mobility • EU rules: bottom-up approach, fair recruitment conditions • Eligible researchers - experience researchers who comply with the transnational mobility condition • The EU contribution is 40% of the fellowship costs, with a maximum of EUR 10 million per applicant entity for one call 56/81 Food Funds IAPP ITN • Researcher/staff gross salary (per year, multiplied by the country coefficient) €38,000 for ESR €58,500 for ER with <10 years experience €87,500 for MER with >10 years experience • €700/€1000 of mobility allowance per researcher / month (x country coefficient) Pharma Hospit al • €1200/€1800 for training/research costs per researcher / month Electronics • Additional funds for project management (10%) and overheads (10% direct costs) 57/81 IIF Food Funds IEF IOF • Researcher/staff gross salary (per year, multiplied by the country coefficient) €58,500 for ER with <10 years experience €87,500 for MER with >10 years experience • €700/€1000 of mobility allowance per researcher / month (x country coefficient) • €800 for Pharma Hospit training/research al costs per researcher / month • €700 for overheads per researcher / month Electronics • €15,000 per researcher / year for IIF return phase 58/81 Food Funds CIG • €25,000 per researcher per year IRSES • Flat-rate of €1900 per exchanged staff member / month • Long distance allowance of €200 per exchanged staff member / month (eligible countries) Electronics 59/81 60 000 researchers supported - over 120 nationalities 1996-2010 50 000 Marie Curie Researchers - 40% women 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1996-1998 1999-2002 2002-2006 2007-2010 2011-2013 Pierre and Marie Curie honeymoon, 1895 60/81 Achievements Marie Curie researchers coming from all over the world (around 130 nationalities) FP6 and FP7 Marie Curie researchers 61/81 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Marie Curie host organisations in 70 countries 500 0 UK DE FR ES IT NL CH SE BE EL US IL 12 MAIN DESTINATIONS 62/81 FP6 and FP7 Marie Curie host organisations Some Marie Curie figures: • Since 1996, the Marie Curie programme has supported training for more than 60.000 researchers of 130 different nationalities working in 70 countries. • Nearly 6 300 universities, research organisations and companies worldwide (including 5 140 in the EU) have participated in the programme since 2007. • The countries hosting the highest number of Marie Curie researchers: • United Kingdom, • Germany, • France, • Spain, • the Netherlands • Italy. • The total number of grant applications has increased by 65% in the past three years and the number of Marie Curie researchers is expected to hit 90,000 by the end of 2013. 63/81 Achievements Participation of Slovakia in MCA: Number of Slovakian researchers funded under Marie Curie Actions (2007-2012): 68 EU budget allocated so far to Slovakia institutes (2007-2012): € 3,9 million Number of Slovakian institutions participating in Marie Curie Actions (2007-2012): 24 64/81 How to apply? – all calls Call published on the Research Participant Portal http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/ • Publication of FP7 calls officially switched from CORDIS to the Research Participant Portal. • FP7 calls no longer published on CORDIS. CORDIS users redirected to the relevant Participant Portal pages. 65/81 Thank you for your attention Ing. Peter Kopkáš, PhD. B I C Bratislava, spol. s r.o. Zochova 5 81103 Bratislava Slovakia T: +421 2 5441 7515 F: +421 2 5441 7522 E: kopkas@bic.sk www.bic.sk http://ec.europa.eu/mariecurieactions www.enterprise-europe-network.sk 66/81