Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)


Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
Nr. 203 - März 2007
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: - Web:
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Es ist vollbracht! In einer harten
Nachtschicht ist es uns gelungen, Ausgabe 203 unseres Newsletters noch
rechtzeitig vor unserer Abreise nach
Bradford unter Dach und Fach zu bringen. Und wie bereits angekündigt enthält diese Ausgabe nur die amerikanischen Releases, die für die nächsten
Wochen angekündigt sind. Wer also
nur an deutscher DVD-Kost interessiert ist, der darf diesen Newsletter
getrost beiseite legen. Es sei denn, Sie
möchten jetzt schon wissen, was wir
zukünftig als deutsche Veröffentlichungen erwarten dürfen. Denn die Erfahrung lehrt uns, dass die Amerikaner
meist nur ein paar Wochen früher mit
den Titeln auf den Markt stürmen als
die europäischen Vermarkter. Es gibt
hier natürlich Ausnahmen, wie bei-
spielsweise den von uns in einer vorigen Ausgabe angesprochenen BUBBA
HO-TEP. So, aber jetzt räumen wir
das Feld um noch rechtzeitig unsere
Koffer zu packen und Ihnen genügend
Gelegenheit zu geben, sich durch die
Massen von amerikanischen Releases
zu wühlen. Übrigens gelten für alle
Vorankündigungen selbstverständlich
wieder unsere Pre-Order-Preise, sofern
uns Ihre Bestellung spätestens eine
Woche vor dem amerikanischen Erstverkaufstag vorliegt. Noch Fragen? Ab
dem 22. März sind wir wieder in gewohnter Weise für Sie da.
Wir gehen zum
nach Bradford!
Daher bleibt unser
Geschäft in der Zeit vom
15. März 2007
bis einschließlich
21. März 2007
Wir bitten um Beachtung
und danken für Ihr
Seite 2
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
Die verweste Leiche eines Mädchens wird
gefunden. Wer ist das Opfer? Was ist der
grausam entstellten Unbekannten zugestoßen?
Stilsicher und mit sehr erschütternden
Wendungen beleuchtet Regisseurin Karen
Moncrieff aus fünf Perspektiven den Mordfall;
präsentiert uns eine bitter clevere Montage
menschlicher Schicksale und Abgründe.
In einer großartigen skurrilen Anfangssequenz,
die in ihrer Beklemmung von David Lynch
stammen könnte, entdeckt ein von ihrer Mutter
(CARRIE’s Piper Laurie!) streng unterdrücktes
Mauerblümchen (Toni Collette) die Tote – und
schafft sozusagen im Anblick des Todes
unvermittelt den Sprung in ihr eigenes Leben. In
den folgenden Kapiteln lernen wir weitere am
Unglück beteiligte Personen kennen: Die
Medizinstudentin, die in der Frauenleiche ihre
vermisste Schwester zu erkennen glaubt. Die
Mutter (Marcia Gay Harden), die auf den Spuren
ihrer ermordeten Tochter Wahrheiten erkennen
muss, die sie nie ihren Frieden finden werden
lassen. Krasser Höhepunkt und kluger
Schachzug des Thrillers ist jedoch die Vorstellung
des Mörders, über dessen Charakter und Taten
wir weitgehend secondhand erfahren, nämlich
durch die Augen seiner Frau … Stück für Stück
setzt sich das Puzzle vor uns zusammen. Nicht
alle Fragen werden dabei beantwortet. Umso
quälender und nachhaltiger bleibt der Film. THE
DEAD GIRL ist großes Kino, nicht zuletzt dank
des herausragenden Ensembles.
März 2007
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90
(gültig bis 02.05.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 08. Mai 2007
Seite 3
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Luc Besson
The world has changed a great deal since the Twilight
occurred, and many players simply don’t come around
anymore. However, new players join all the time, with
twins Shugo and Rena among them. In an exciting
moment, Shugo and Rena win a contest that allows them
to use the images of Kite and Black Rose, and they get
caught up in the moment, until they begin to notice that
mysterious things keep happening to them. This
collection contains every episode from the entire series.
Director Luc Besson (THE FIFTH ELEMENT) tries his
hand at a children’s film with ARTHUR AND THE
INVISIBLES. Based on a book, this adventure follows
Arthur (Freddie Highmore) as he journeys in his own
backyard to save his home from greedy land developers.
When his grandfather disappears, Freddie follows a series
of clues that lead him to the land of the Minimoys (aka
the Invisibles). Arthur ’s entrance into their realm takes the
film from live-action to computer animation, changing
Arthur from a 10-year-old boy into one of the Minimoys.
The elf-like people he encounters are so tiny that insects
dwarf them. Their warrior princess (voiced by Madonna) is
ready to ascend the throne of the tiny kingdom. But first
she and Arthur must join forces to outwit the evil
Malthazar (voiced by David Bowie), who is intent on
destroying the kindhearted race.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064009
Childrens, Animated 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064277
Adventure of Teddy P. Brains The Journey Into the Rain Forest
Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 2: Earth - Vol. 3
Childrens, Educational 2007
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064244
The children’s cable network Nickelodeon fashions an
American spin on Japanese anime with their original
series AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER. On a futuristic
Earth torn between the warring elements of Air, Earth,
Water, and Fire, only one special being known as the
Avatar can bring peace to the conflicted planet. The
trouble is, the Avatar is an immature 12-year-old boy
called Aang, who would rather wander the world having
fun-filled adventures than settle down and face his heroic
destiny. Ably blending kids-oriented comedy with martialarts action/adventure worthy of its Japanese counterparts,
AVATAR continues its second cycle with five more
.hack //Legend of the Twilight Complete Collection
Afro Samurai
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064562
Afro Samurai (LImited Edition)
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 22.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064561
Avenger - Complete Collection
All 13 episodes of the thrilling anime sci-fi fantasy series
are gathered here, offering viewers full exposure to the
world of AVENGER. With much needed materials on Mars
running out, and all the domed cities competing for
rations, it is up to Layla Ashley to look out for her city.
Together with doll-breeder Speedy, and strange
mechanical doll Nei, Layla must travel the planet in
search of a man who hurt her in the past. Could giving
this man the punishment he deserves safeguard Layla’s
home from ultimate destruction?
Ai Yori Aoshi / Ai Yori Aosh Enishi - Complete Set
Geneon Entertainment 27.03.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064646
American Dad - Season 2
Television, Childrens, Animated FF DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064581
Childrens, Animated 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064004
Barney: Let’s Go Explore
Childrens FF
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064589
Angelina Ballerina - Angelina
Follows Her Dreams
Angelina Ballerina
Hit Entertainment 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064587
Barney: Shake Your Dino Tail
Childrens 2007 FF 50min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064588
Ant and the Aardvark
Five episodes of the popular cartoon.
Childrens, Animated 1986
MGM Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064620
Basilisk - Vol. 6: Fate’s Finest
Arjuna - Complete Collection
This program contains the complete collection of the
series ARJUNA. Please see individual titles for complete
Action/Adventure 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064005
Arthur and the Invisibles (HD
Anthony Anderson, Chazz Palminteri - Dir.
Television, Childrens, Animated 2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064239
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064565
Basilisk - Vol. 6: Fate’s Finest
Hour (Limited Edition)
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064564
Best Student Council - Vol. 2:
Making the Grade
Director Yoshiaki Iwasaki (BOTTLE FAIRY, MAO-CHAN)
fashions his own take on the high-school comedy genre
with his anime series BEST STUDENT COUNCIL. The
wacky series follows the academic misadventures of
transfer student Rando Rino as she joins a covert
organization at her new girls’ school—and interacts with
her constant companion, an unusual hand puppet named
Pucchan. This volume continues the charmingly offbeat
anime series with four more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 13.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064317
Betty Boop Collector’s Edition
Childrens, Animated FF
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064654
Black Cat - Vol. 3: Cat and Mouse
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064557
Case Closed - Vol. 2.2: Cracking
the Perfect Alibi
Dramas 1996
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064560
Charlie & Lola: Volume 4
Maisie Cowell, Jethro Lundie-Brown
Based on the children’s book series by Lauren Child, this
colorfully animated series centers on narrator Charlie and
his younger sister Lola. The fourth volume features six
episodes of the British series, and contains simple
lessons and animation that make perfect fun for the
preschool set.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064013
Coyote Ragtime Show - Vol. 2:
The sci-fi anime series COYOTE RAGTIME SHOW is an
exciting foray into the clandestine world of futuristic space
pirates (aka coyotes). When the planet Graceland faces
extinction from a criminal gang threatening to use a
photon bomb, government authorities attempt to recruit
the universe’s most renowned coyote, Mister, to deal with
the impending disaster. Unfortunately, Mister is nowhere
to be found, leading both government agents and Mister ’s
old partners in crime to search for the missing coyote in a
desperate race against time. This volume continues the
thrilling sci-fi anime series with four more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064318
Coyote Ragtime Show - Vol. 2:
Cliffhanger Limited
The sci-fi anime series COYOTE RAGTIME SHOW is an
exciting foray into the clandestine world of futuristic space
pirates (aka coyotes). When the planet Graceland faces
extinction from a criminal gang threatening to use a
photon bomb, government authorities attempt to recruit
the universe’s most renowned coyote, Mister, to deal with
the impending disaster. Unfortunately, Mister is nowhere
to be found, leading both government agents and Mister ’s
old partners in crime to search for the missing coyote in a
desperate race against time. This volume continues the
thrilling sci-fi anime series with four more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 27.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064319
Curious George / The Land
Before Time
This two-pack features a pair of beloved animated films
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 4
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
TIME. Please see individual titles for synopsis information.
Childrens, Animated FF DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064199
Curious George: Rocket Ride and
Other Adventures
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 15.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064182
DearS - Box Set
Geneon Entertainment 13.03.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064639
Defenders of the Earth - The
Complete Series: Vol. 2
Another gem from the golden age of 1980s animation,
DEFENDERS OF THE EARTH brought an interesting
cross-generational twist to its cartoon blend of action, scifi, and fantasy. A sequel of sorts to THE NEW
ADVENTURES OF FLASH GORDON, the television series
found superheroes Flash Gordon, the Phantom, Lothar,
and Mandrake recruiting their teenage offspring—Flash’s
son Rick, Phantom’s daughter Jedda, Lothar ’s son L.J.,
and Madrake’s adopted son Kshin—to save the universe
from the evil plotting of tyrannical space lord Ming the
Merciless and his own son Crotan. This collection
presents 32 more episodes.
Childrens, Animated 1986
Navarre Corporation 03.04.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064021
Escaflowne - Complete Collection
Andrew Francis, Venus Terzo - Dir. Kazuki
Contains the entire ESCAFLOWNE series in a collector’s
box. See individual titles for details.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1996
FF DD 2.0 650min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064007
Eureka Seven - Vol. 6
One of the most acclaimed anime series in recent
memory, EUREKA SEVEN sets a teen romance against
the backdrop of a future society complete with giant
robots. Renton Thurston is a teen who loves lifting, a
sport similar to surfing. But instead water, lifting involves
surfing on Transparence Light Particles. To Renton, the
only thing more exciting than lifting is Eureka, a pilot he
meets when he joins a group called Gekko State. Season
six finds Renton away from Gekko, and a new friendship
causes him to make decisions about his life. Renton’s
absence makes Eureka’s heart grow fonder, but is her
love enough to bring him back to Gekko?
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 100min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063995
Franklin and the Turtle Lake
Childrens, Animated Ltbx
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064585
Gakuen Heaven: Boys Love Hyper - Vol. 2: School of Love
Tex Avery’s Droopy: The
Complete Theatrical Collection
Television, Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064498
Dramas 2006
Media Blasters 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064610
Gate Keeper / Gate Keepers 21 Complete Set
Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy - Complete
Seasons 1&2
The loveable ED, EDD ‘N EDDY have their first two
seasons of adventures collected here. A variety of
moneymaking schemes abound as the friends attempt to
stave off the boredom of their suburban surroundings.
Another successful production from the Cartoon Network,
ED, EDD ‘N EDDY and their numerous allies provide
plenty of entertainment as they bumble through life.
Geneon Entertainment 27.03.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064647
Go Diego Go! - The Iguana Sing
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064293
Television, Childrens, Animated 2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064238
Él - Complete Series
Gundam SEED Destiny - Vol. 4
Science Fiction erotic anime from Japan takes on Earth’s
nuclear future. It’s the year 2030 and a nuclear war that
broke out over global pollution issues has reduced the
population to a barren existence. The Megaro Earth
Project was begun as a domed city as a last hope for the
human race. El and Parsley are two snipers enlisted to
disarm Gimmick, leader of the Black Widow organization
who hopes to put an end to the Megaro Earth Project. In
between trying to save the Earth, El and Parsley get
drunk and have sex.
Directed by Mitsuo Fukada, this branch of the epic
Gundam anime franchise begins with the world at relative
peace. This slightly unstable state has been brought
about by a truce between the Plant and Earth forces, but
for people like coordinator Shin Asuka, the battle is not
over. The adventures continue in this fourth volume of
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2001
Media Blasters 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064609
Elemental Gelade - Vol. 6
Geneon Entertainment 17.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064640
Ergo Proxy - Vol. 3: Cytotropism
Geneon Entertainment 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064644
Action/Adventure 2004 DD 2.0 100min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064003
Gundam Wing - Complete
Collection 1
This incredibly popular extension of the venerable
GUNDAM series has spawned a rabid following all over
the globe. The series begins as the space colonies have
grown tired of the oppressive rule by the Earth
government, a corrupt organization ruled by people who
have no real interest in the colonists or their well-being.
Their rule is unjust and unfair, but not unopposed.
Resistance forces in the colonies have created five
special Mobile Suits (robot-like vehicles) called Gundams.
Five young pilots have been selected to sneak these
Gundams down to Earth and begin a guerilla campaign
that will end the Earth government’s rule forever. Of
course, there is also romance, albeit a rather strange one.
A young woman, Relena, sees the face of one of the
Gundam pilots, which is enough for him to threaten her
life. However, a relationship forms between the two that
causes problems for both.
Action/Adventure 1995 FF DD 2.0 625min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064008
Guyver - Vol. 3: Lost Number
The classic 1980s sci-fi anime series THE GUYVER
receives a contemporary makeover with this 2005 remake
crafted by the creative masterminds behind BUBBLEGUM
Yoshiki Takaya’s popular manga, the series still centers
on a normal high-school student who is thrust into an epic
battle of good and evil when he stumbles upon a suit of
alien robot armor that transforms him into a powerful
mechanized warrior. But the remake aims to follow in a
more modernist tradition with stunningly stylized animation
and character designs as well as amped-up levels of
violence and gore. Gearing up to appeal to a whole new
generation of anime fans, the remake continues with four
more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064313
Happy Feet (Full Screen)
Set in the strange and beautiful world first explored in the
2005 documentary MARCH OF THE PENGUINS, George
Miller ’s HAPPY FEET tells the story of Mumble (Elijah
Wood), a tone-deaf Emperor Penguin who is unable to
sing his „heart song,“ the ritual required to win a mate (in
this case, his beloved Gloria, voiced by Brittany Murphy).
The fact that Mumble is a terrific tap dancer is completely
lost on his tribe, and he spends a rather lonely
adolescence as an outsider. His hero’s journey involves
both discovering his own innate coolness, and, more
importantly, solving the mystery of the dwindling supply of
edible fish in the ocean. As the latter plot takes over, the
film shifts from a touching story of self-belief, to a more
urgent ecological plea, but all the themes converge when
Mumble’s special talent saves the day.
Childrens, Animated 2006 FF DD 5.1
Warner Home Video 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064482
Happy Feet (Widescreen)
Set in the strange and beautiful world first explored in the
2005 documentary MARCH OF THE PENGUINS, George
Miller ’s HAPPY FEET tells the story of Mumble (Elijah
Wood), a tone-deaf Emperor Penguin who is unable to
sing his „heart song,“ the ritual required to win a mate (in
this case, his beloved Gloria, voiced by Brittany Murphy).
The fact that Mumble is a terrific tap dancer is completely
lost on his tribe, and he spends a rather lonely
adolescence as an outsider. His hero’s journey involves
both discovering his own innate coolness, and, more
importantly, solving the mystery of the dwindling supply of
edible fish in the ocean. As the latter plot takes over, the
film shifts from a touching story of self-belief, to a more
urgent ecological plea, but all the themes converge when
Mumble’s special talent saves the day.
Childrens, Animated 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Warner Home Video 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064483
Happy Tree Friends - Season 1:
Volume 2
If Quentin Tarantino created an episode of LOONEY
TUNES, HAPPY TREE FRIENDS would be the bloody
result. With an animated cast populated by characters like
Giggles, Cuddles, and Petunia, one might expect typically
cutesy results. Instead, these animals meet their doom in
creative and violent ways. These gleefully gruesome
cartoons feature decapitations, eye-gouging, and
dismemberments. For those that think the action of Itchy
and Scratchy (of THE SIMPSONS fame) seems too tame,
HAPPY TREE FRIENDS might be the solution. This
collection presents the second half of the series’ first
Television, Comedies
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064024
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 5
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
TURISTAS (Unrated Version) - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Vorzugspreis im März: EUR 34,90
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 27. März 2007
Seite 6
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Hello Kitty Stump Village - Vol. 3:
Trip to the Sky
Television, Childrens, Clay Animation
Geneon Entertainment 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064643
Jubei-Chan the Ninja Girl: Secret
of the Lovely Eyepatch Complete Collection
Hoodwinked (HD DVD)
Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, James
Belushi, Andy Dick, Patrick Warburton,
David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit
This new spin on an old fable is from first-time director
Cory Edwards, who also co-wrote the story and
screenplay. Virtually everyone knows the story of Little
Red Riding Hood, the young girl who brings a basketful of
goodies to her Granny’s house only to discover the Big
Bad Wolf impersonating her beloved grandmother. In this
digitally animated version of the classic tale, a bolder Red
(Anne Hathaway) is a delivery girl for her Granny’s sweets
shop. The Big Bad Wolf (Patrick Warburton) is there as
well, but this time he’s not exactly a threat. As for Granny
(Glenn Close), she’s hardly frail and sickly; she has a big
secret that she’s keeping from everyone—including Red.
Finally, there’s the Woodsman (Jim Belushi), a struggling
actor who drives a schnitzel-on-a-stick truck by day.
Childrens 2006
Weinstein Company/Genius 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064273
Human Crossing - Complete Set Volumes 1-4
Geneon Entertainment 13.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064645
IGPX - Complete Collection
Haley Joel Osment, Michael Rodrick, Mark
Hamill - Dir. Koichi Mashimo
Set in the year 2048, this anime series follows a racecar
driving team (Team Satomi) through many turbulent
attempts at winning the Immortal Grand Prix, a race so
mammoth an entire city has been built around its track.
Racing at speeds higher than 350 mph, the drivers of
Team Satomi and their competition have got an intense
course ahead. This release contains the entire series.
Childrens, Animated 2003 DD 2.0 300min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063999
IGPX - Vol. 5
Set in the year 2048, this anime series follows a racecar
driving team (Team Satomi) through many turbulent
attempts at winning the Immortal Grand Prix, a race so
mammoth an entire city has been built around its track.
Racing at speeds higher than 350 mph, the drivers of
Team Satomi and their competition have got an intense
course ahead. In this volume, Team Satomi must recover
from its defeat by Team White Snow, and must make up
for Amy’s absence. What will happen when the Rocket
takes her place?
Childrens, Animated 2003 DD 2.0 100min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063998
Infinite Ryvius - Collected Series
Director Goro Taniguchi (various GUNDAM series)
presents INFINITE RYVIUS, a science fiction anime drama
that is reminiscent of LORD OF THE FLIES and HARRY
POTTER. With each of the teenage characters
representing divergent viewpoints and backgrounds,
INFINITE RYVIUS is also about the clash of ideas forced
into close proximity with each other. Kouji and Aoi are
classmates aboard the massive space station Liebe Delta,
where the next generation of space workers—everyone
from pilots to engineers to stewards—are trained. But a
vicious act of sabotage sends the space station
plummeting into the cosmic body known as the Sea of
Gedalt. With the adult instructors all killed, the only hope
for the many students is themselves. Taking refuge
aboard the spacecraft Ryvius, they abandon the doomed
station and blast off into outer space, where they will have
to contend with the saboteurs, and each other, if they
ever want to get home safely. INFINITE RYVIUS: THE
COLLECTED SERIES contains all 26 episodes of the
anime series.
Television, Action/Adventure 1999
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064010
Young Jiyu Nanohana is quite surprised when, shortly
after moving to a new town, she is approached by a
mysterious stranger and is given something called the
Lovely Eyepatch. She soon learns that the disciples of
Yagyu Jubei, Japan’s greatest swordsman, have been
searching for over 300 years for a worthy successor to
Jubei’s legendary abilities. Unfortunately, with this honor
comes certain enemies who would love to gain Jubei’s
power for their own use, and Jiyu finds herself learning
her inherited trade quickly as she defends herself from
would-be assassins. This collection contains the entire
Action/Adventure 1999 DD 5.1 325min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064011
Jungle Book - Riki-Tikki-Tavi to
the Rescue
Childrens, Animated 2006 FF DD 2.0
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064029
Kenny the Shark - Vol. 1: Feeding
Airing on the Discovery Kids network, the animated
children’s show KENNY THE SHARK takes its fish-out-ofwater premise quite literally with the impish misadventures
of a giant tiger shark that lives as the pet of a 10-year-old
girl and her suburban family. This collection presents
three fun-filled episodes.
Television, Childrens, Animated
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064089
Kenny the Shark - Vol. 2: Good
Guys vs. Bad Guys
Airing on the Discovery Kids network, the animated
children’s show KENNY THE SHARK takes its fish-out-ofwater premise quite literally with the impish misadventures
of a giant tiger shark that lives as the pet of a 10-year-old
girl and her suburban family. This collection presents
three more fun-filled episodes.
Childrens, Animated
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064090
Kodocha - Vol. 12: Akito’s Rival
Based on a hit manga by Obana Miho, the shojo anime
series KODOCHA offers a charming chronicle of childhood
friendships and rivalries told through a girl’s point of view.
The series centers around Sana Kurata, the precocious
11-year-old child star of a popular television show who
nonetheless attends grade school as a normal student.
But Sana’s attempt at normalcy is threatened by the
juvenile antics of school bully Akito Hayama, who leads
the classroom’s boys in a distracting campaign of chaos
and mayhem. With the help of the girls in her class and
her slick, show-biz manager Rei, Sana launches an all-out
battle of the preteen sexes that yields moments of
goodnatured hijinks as well as unexpected romance.
Sweet and funny with a strong emphasis on relationships,
the comedy anime continues with this 12th volume of
Comedies 2000 FF S 105min.
Navarre Corporation 03.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064368
Kong: The Animated Series - Giftset
KONG: THE ANIMATED SERIES fashions a modern spin
on the King Kong tale with the adventures of a benevolent
half-ape/half-human hybrid that fights crime. This
collection presents every episode of the series’ first and
only season.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064338
Kong: The Animated Series - Vol.
KONG: THE ANIMATED SERIES fashions a modern spin
on the King Kong tale with the adventures of a benevolent
half-ape/half-human hybrid that fights crime. This
collection presents the second half of the series’ first and
only season.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064337
Kong: The Animated Series
KONG: THE ANIMATED SERIES fashions a modern spin
on the King Kong tale with the adventures of a benevolent
half-ape/half-human hybrid that fights crime. This
collection presents the first half of the series’ first and
only season.
Childrens, Animated 1966
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064336
Law of Ueki - Vol. 6: Ultimate
Geneon Entertainment 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064641
Legend of the Dragon - Season 1
The Disney Channel fashions an American spin on
Japanese anime with their cartoon series LEGEND OF
THE DRAGON, which centers on twin brother-and-sister
duo Ang and Ling as they find themselves fighting on
opposite sides in the battle between good and evil. Ably
blending kid-friendly drama with martial-arts actionadventure worthy of its Japanese counterparts, LEGEND
OF THE DRAGON’s debut season is presented in its
entirety with this collection of episodes.
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.05.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064032
Legend of the Dragon - Vol. 4
The Disney Channel fashions an American spin on
Japanese anime with their cartoon series LEGEND OF
THE DRAGON, which centers on twin brother-and-sister
duo Ang and Ling as they find themselves fighting on
opposite sides in the battle between good and evil. Ably
blending kid-friendly drama with martial-arts actionadventure worthy of its Japanese counterparts, LEGEND
OF THE DRAGON continues with this fourth volume of
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064030
Legend of the Dragon - Vol. 5
The Disney Channel fashions an American spin on
Japanese anime with their cartoon series LEGEND OF
THE DRAGON, which centers on twin brother-and-sister
duo Ang and Ling as they find themselves fighting on
opposite sides in the battle between good and evil. Ably
blending kid-friendly drama with martial-arts actionadventure worthy of its Japanese counterparts, LEGEND
OF THE DRAGON continues with this fifth volume of
Childrens, Animated
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064031
Legend of the Pervert
The phrase „hard work“ takes on an entirely new—and
sexy—meaning in LEGEND OF THE PERVERT. With the
office as its setting, this adults-only anime features a
woman who enjoys a little solo fun in her office in the
mornings and a young man whose female coworkers
make him do naughty acts that would make human
resources cringe.
Media Blasters 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064425
Loveless Collection - Vols. 1-3:
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Triple Feature Collection
This three-volume set captures the complete anime series
about a boy dealing with the mysterious death of his
brother. Please see individual titles for synopsis
Dramas 2005
Media Blasters 24.04.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064426
Mars Daybreak - Vol. 2
Combining space travel, pirates, and advanced
technology, MARS DAYBREAK is a science-fiction anime
based on the PlayStation 2 game KENRAN BUTOUSAI.
After the conclusion of a lengthy war, the economy of
Mars suffers through a terrible depression, creating an
increasingly desperate populace willing to engage in theft
and piracy. While Gram struggles to survive, he falls in
with a gang of notorious pirates, and finds himself forced
by association to flee military forces along with them.
Although reluctant to join the crew at first, he slowly
becomes accustomed to the pirate life and begins to thirst
for excitement. MARS DAYBREAK is a cheery anime
series of high adventure, with a moderation of sex and
violence not usually found in similar programs. In this
second volume, Gram, now a legitimate pirate, adjusts to
the danger that his line of work brings. But things spiral
out of control when his gang captures the Earth
president’s granddaughter only to have her decide she
wants to stay on their pirate ship.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064001
Max & Ruby - Summertime with
Max & Ruby
Animated, Childrens 2002 FF 100min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064665
Michel - Vol. 6: The Spring Fairy
and the Golden Butterfly
Produced and directed by the DR Movie animation studio
de Saint-Exupéry’s beloved children’s fable, THE LITTLE
PRINCE, into a whimsical fantasy anime series. Trying to
escape an evil army of Black Hammers, a female airplane
pilot named Kim lands on a magical island that is home to
a kingdom of fairies protected by the little prince Michel.
Unfortunately, the Black Hammers soon arrive in hot
pursuit and decide to kidnap the fairies for their own
nefarious purposes, leaving Kim and Michel to rescue
their sprite friends and restore the island’s tranquility. This
sixth volume continues the kid-friendly anime series with
four more episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
ADV Films, Inc. 13.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064311
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse:
Mickey’s Great Clubhouse Hunt
Join Mickey and friends in this feature-length adventure
from the popular series MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE.
Minnie, Pluto, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy team up to
provide both learning and laughter for preschool-age kids.
The beloved characters will help kids sing along with the
song „The Best Easter Ever.“ This release also includes
an exclusive episode, „Donald’s Hiccups.“
Television, Childrens, Animated FF
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064339
Moeyo Ken TV - Vol. 2: Shanghai
a Go-Go
Produced by Marvelous Entertainment (AIR GEAR) with
character design by Rumiko Takahashi (INUYASHA), the
sci-fi/comedy anime series MOEYO KEN TV offers a
goofy, girl-powered spin on the samurai genre. The wacky
hijinks revolve around three teenage girls who decide to
follow in their fathers’ samurai footsteps by protecting
Japan from a variety of (mostly supernatural) dangers—
only to end up causing more trouble than they resolve.
This volume continues the charmingly delirious anime
series with four more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064316
Comedies 2004 FF DD 2.0 30min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064000
Moon Phase - Vol. 5
Peach Girl - Vol. 1: Super Pop
Love Hurricane
Based on a manga by Keitaro Arima, this popular anime
series MOON PHASE follows a paranormal photographer
who is forced to take in a beautiful female vampire after
he inadvertently rescues her from a dank castle.
Simultaneously dark and sweet, the anime series
continues with this fifth volume of episodes.
Dramas 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 105min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 03.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064563
My-HiME - Vol. 4
This favorite Japanese anime series begins when an
ordinary girl named Mai enrolls in Fuka Academy, only to
find out that she is in fact a HiME. This means Mai is one
of a select 12 girls chosen to use their supernatural
powers against the demons that haunt the school. This
volume contains several more episodes in which everyone
gets ready for the Tamayura Festival, and a hostage
situation ensues.
Action/Adventure 2004 DD 2.0 100min.
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063994
New Adventures of He-Man - Vol.
THE NEW ADVENTURES OF HE-MAN puts a sci-fi spin on
the action of MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. In this
animated series, the brawny blond hero has been
propelled thousands of years into the future to save a
planet in danger. But he’s not alone in his time traveling:
his arch enemy Skeletor has followed him through space
and time. This collection presents a second volume of
Childrens, Animated
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064334
Noein: Volume 3
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 126min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 17.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064512
Outlaw Star - Complete
OUTLAW STAR is a futuristic anime about two
mercenaries, Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking, whose
lives are turned upside down when a routine job
ingratiates them with the police, pirates, and some irate
aliens. Similar to COWBOY BEBOP in style and subject
matter, OUTLAW STAR focuses more on action and is just
as entertaining. Contains the entire series in a collector ’s
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2002 DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064006
Ozie Boo! - Learn to Live
Together Volume 2
Comedies 2005
Navarre Corporation 17.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064363
Peach Girl - Vol. 1: Super Pop
Love Hurricane (Limited Edition)
Comedies 2005
Navarre Corporation 17.04.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064362
Peter & The Magic Egg / Dorothy
in the Land of Oz
This program presents a double feature of family-friendly
cartoon movies: in PETER AND THE MAGIC EGG, a
young boy helps his friends save their family farm; and in
DOROTHY IN THE LAND OF OZ, the Kansan returns to
the magical land of Oz.
Liberation Entertainment 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064424
Please Teacher! - Complete
In PLEASE TEACHER! Kei Kusanagi is actually older than
he seems. A rare disorder left him in a coma for three
years and stunted his growth. Now he lives as an 18-yearold in the body of a 15-year-old. His gorgeous teacher,
Mizuho Kazami, also has a secret. She is actually an alien
sent to Earth to study the strange ways of humans.
Although Kei and Mizuho fall in love and get married, they
hide their secret from everyone else. Being both a school
kid and a married man, Kei finds himself in many
humorous and strange scenarios. For example, what is
Kei supposed to do when a classmate falls for him?
Comedies 2004 FF DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063996
Please Twins! - Complete Series
A spin-off of the enormously popular anime series
PLEASE TEACHER!, PLEASE TWINS! pairs up the talents
of director Yasunori Ide (PLEASE TEACHER!) with those
of writer Yousuke Kuroda (TRIGUN, S-CRY-ED). Both
comedy and romance, PLEASE TWINS! revolves around
Maiku Kamishiro, who after growing up an orphan, has
little to ground him. The only clue he has to his origins is
a picture of himself as a child standing in front of a house
next to a mystery person. When Maiku accidentally comes
upon a building resembling the one in the photo, it brings
him hope of finding his long-lost twin sister. But when two
young women tell him they are each his sister, he invites
them to live with him, unsure of who’s telling the truth.
How long will it take to figure out which of the lovely girls
is his flesh and blood, and which is his ultimate crush?
This collection contains the entire series.
Comedies 2004 FF DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063997
Princess Princess - Vol. 1
OZIE BOO! is a charmingly animated children’s show
about five cuddly penguin friends who learn valuable life
lessons while sharing all kinds of wholesome adventures
in their icy animal kingdom. This volume presents a second volume of episodes.
Comedies 2006
Media Blasters 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064611
Childrens, Animated 2006
Allumination Film Works LLC 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064323
Akira Kurosawa’s Samurai 7 - The
Complete Series
Panda-Z: The Robomation - Vol. 3
Cuddly and cute but also large and powerful, the adorable
animated stars of this series are unique fighting machines.
Taking on the evil Skull Pandas and the Warunimal forces
by riding in his Panda-Z robot vehicle, the cute, scarfwearing panda Pan-Taron promises to make viewers laugh
while protecting his Robonimal pals. The adventures
continue in this third volume.
Action/Adventure 2004
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.03.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064556
Scooby-Doo Where Are You? Seasons 1-3
Everybody’s favorite cartoon makes a striking return with
this special release, which contains every episode from
the show’s unforgettable first three seasons. Join Fred,
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März 2007
Seite 9
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby-Doo as they find
themselves stumbling their way through a series of hairraising adventures. From legendary producers William
Hanna and Joseph Barbera, SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE
YOU? is family entertainment at its most hilarious.
Childrens, Animated FF 60min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064324
Television, Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 10.04.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064289
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 4
Shana - Vol. 5
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 S 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064461
She-Ra - Season 1, Volume 2
A spinoff of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, the 1980s cartoon series SHE-RA: PRINCESS OF
POWER fashioned a girl-power version of its parent
show’s hallmark brand of action-fantasy. Vibrantly
animated and creatively told, the series followed the
mythical adventures of He-Man’s twin sister, Princess
Adora, as she transformed into her super-heroine alterego, She-Ra, to defeat the villainous Evil Horde and bring
peace to the kingdom of Etheria. This collection presents
the second half of the series’ first season.
Television, Childrens, Animated
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064335
Silverwing - Season Set
Television, Childrens, Animated 2003 FF S
Navarre Corporation 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064365
Solty Rei - Vol. 3
Who says life is easy for a bounty hunter? For Roy
Revant, who lives in a city on the edge of extinction
thanks to an event called the Blast Fall, work is never
complete. With Resembles (people with prosthetic limbs)
roaming the streets, it is hard to tell who is for real and
who’s a fake. When a young female Resemble named
Solty emerges from the skies, she promises to bring Roy
both peace and pain. The anime series SOLTY REI
continues to chronicle Roy and Solty’s sci-fi adventures
with this third collection of episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005
Navarre Corporation 17.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064364
Speed Grapher - Vol. 6
Set in a future world characterized by the conspicuous
consumption of all types of pleasures, the anime series
SPEED GRAPHER follows former war-photographer Saiga
into an underground world of mysterious power. After
stumbling upon a mysterious ritual at the exclusive
Roppongi Club, Saiga has uncovered his own power to
make things spontaneously combust, and now he’s on the
run with the mysterious woman Kagura. But the person
who presents the greatest threat is the one from whom
Saiga cannot run: himself. This volume continues the
thrilling anime series with another collection of episodes.
Mutated into anthropomorphic fighting machines when
they fall into the sewer at a young age, four turtles—
Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael—have
been trained in the martial arts by the sewer-dwelling
Hamato Yoshi. Now, they fight crime in New York City,
using their ninja skills as well as the aid of news reporter
April O’Neil to counter the efforts of their enemy, Shredder. This collection includes all the episodes from the
fourth season.
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006 DD
2.0 920min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064147
Trinity Blood - Vol. 6
The supernatural, futuristic, and mythological converge in
the engaging, action-packed anime series TRINITY
BLOOD. Set in an apocalyptic future where vampires and
humans are engaged in a constant battle between good
and evil, the anime centers around a priest, Peter Abel
Nightroad, who deals with the unholy bloodsuckers in a
rather unorthodox fashion. This sixth volume continues
the dark and imaginative series with four more episodes.
Dramas 2005
Navarre Corporation 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064366
Trinity Blood - Vol. 6 (Limited
The supernatural, futuristic, and mythological converge in
the engaging, action-packed anime series TRINITY
BLOOD. Set in an apocalyptic future where vampires and
humans are engaged in a constant battle between good
and evil, the anime centers around a priest, Peter Abel
Nightroad, who deals with the unholy bloodsuckers in a
rather unorthodox fashion. This sixth volume continues
the dark and imaginative series with four more episodes.
Dramas 2005
Navarre Corporation 24.04.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064367
Tutenstein - Vol. 1 - The
Airing on the Discovery Kids network, the animated
children’s show TUTENSTEIN follows the fish-out-of-water
adventures of an Egyptian mummy that is reanimated by a
lightning bolt and forced to navigate the perplexities of
21st-century life. This collection presents four fun-filled
Television, Childrens, Animated 2003
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064092
Airing on the Discovery Kids network, the animated
children’s show TUTENSTEIN follows the fish-out-of-water
adventures of an Egyptian mummy that is reanimated by a
lightning bolt and forced to navigate the perplexities of
21st-century life. This collection presents four more funfilled episodes.
Spongebob Squarepants - Bikini
Bottom Adventures
Childrens, Animated
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064093
Childrens, Animated 1999-2006 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064666
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie 2 - Vol.
3: Toast That Ghost
See Strawberry Shortcake and her friends in these classic
animated adventures. This tasty treat includes THE
the beloved berry-scented heroine, Orange Blossom,
Blueberry Muffin, and Custard as they fight the evil
Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak.
ADV Films, Inc. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064312
Ugly Duckling and His Big Race
The Ugly Duckling and his friends can’t wait to see who is
the fastest at the farm. Will the Ugly Duckling win the
race, or will one of the cheating birds steal the victory
from him?
Liberation Entertainment 13.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064422
Utawarerumono - Vol. 2: In the
Face of Evil
The popular video game UTAWARERUMONO springs to
animated life in this fantasy anime series from Oriental
Light and Magic Studios. Hakuoro is a fully human adult
male who wakes up wounded, amnesiac, and sporting an
irremovable face mask in a strange village populated by
furry creatures with catlike ears. The battle-heavy action
follows Hakuoro as he sets out to recover his past and
save his new protectors from a bloody war ravaging the
countryside. This volume continues the imaginative
fantasy anime series with five more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064315
Utawarerumono - Vol. 2: In the
Face of Evil Limited
The popular video game UTAWARERUMONO springs to
animated life in this fantasy anime series from Oriental
Light and Magic Studios. Hakuoro is a fully human adult
male who wakes up wounded, amnesiac, and sporting an
irremovable face mask in a strange village populated by
furry creatures with catlike ears. The battle-heavy action
follows Hakuoro as he sets out to recover his past and
save his new protectors from a bloody war ravaging the
countryside. This volume continues the imaginative
fantasy anime series with five more episodes.
ADV Films, Inc. 20.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064314
VeggieTales - Moe and the Big
The VEGGIETALES children’s series stars adorable,
computer-animated vegetables in family-friendly stories
that foster Christian values and morality. A fun-filled take
on the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus, the
episode „Moe and the Big Exit“ stars series regular Larry
the Cucumber as a Wild West cowboy seeking to free his
people from the tyrannical mayor of Dodgeball City. The
animated adventure also features a charmingly goofy
musical number, „A Mess Down in Egypt,“ by the
VEGGIETALES’ resident boy-band, Boyz in the Sink.
Childrens, Animated 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064478
Tutenstein - Vol. 2: A Bad Spell
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064566
Strawberry Shortcake - Her Very
First Adventures
season with four more episodes.
Created by Kaishaku (STEEL ANGEL KURUMI) with
character design by Maki Fujii (STRAWBERRY EGGS),
the magical-girl anime series UFO ULTRAMAIDEN
VALKYRIE is a racy blend of action, comedy, and sexual
innuendo. When space princess Valkyrie crash-lands into
a Japanese bathhouse run by teenager Kazuto Tokino, the
alien vixen bestows a magical kiss that saves the boy’s
life but transforms her into an eight-year-old child. Now
stranded on Earth and totally dependent on Kazuto,
Valkyrie searches for an antidote to her condition in a
series of wacky adventures featuring various scantily clad
females. This volume continues the anime series’ second
Velveteen Rabbit / Nightengale
This program presents a double feature of family-friendly
cartoon movies: in THE VELVETEEN RABBIT, a stuffed
toy dreams of becoming real; and in THE NIGHTINGALE,
a Chinese emperor falls under a songbird’s musical spell.
Liberation Entertainment 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064423
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home:
The Complete First Season
Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064288
What’s New Scooby-Doo: The
Complete Second Season
Shaggy’s common refrain, „Scooby Doo, where are you?“
finally has an answer here: the dog and all his friends are
in the complete second season of WHAT’S NEW SCOOBY
DOO? This latest incarnation of Scooby’s adventures
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
began in 2002 on WB and featured the characters
everyone loves. Freddie, Velma, Daphne, and Shaggy all
pile into the Mystery Machine and solve crimes with the
help of their canine companion.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064613
Television, Childrens FF
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064287
Air Force
Wolf’s Rain - Complete Collection
This set contains the remaining episodes of the series
WOLF’S RAIN that didn’t feature on the first collection.
The anime fantasy show created by Keiko Nobumoto
follows a group of wolves, who live among humans, as
they embark on a quest to find a legendary paradise on
Earth rumored to reveal itself only to wolves. Kiba, Hige,
Toboe, and Tsume each have their own reasons for the
journey, but they find they must band together to reach
their goal—and to avoid the power-hungry humans who
chase them every step of the way.
Action/Adventure 2004
Bandai Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064002
John Garfield, John Ridgely, Gig Young,
Arthur Kennedy, Charles Drake, Harry
Carey, George Tobias, Stanley Ridges,
Moroni Olsen, Edward Brophy - Dir. Howard
The story of the crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress who
encounter the Japanese after their attack on Pearl Harbor
is tailor-made for director Howard Hawks, a master of
men-under-pressure adventures. Featuring stirring aerial
battle scenes and realistic dialogue, this film is far above
the average World War II propaganda vehicle; it earned
four Academy Award nominations, and won for Best
Action/Adventure 1943 M
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064683
Alone With Her
Wonder Pets - Save the Wonder
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064466
Zipang - Vol. 4: Attack on G Island
Geneon Entertainment 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064642
Colin Hanks, Ana Claudia Talancon,
Jordana Spiro, Mel Gorham - Dir. Eric
Surveillance is often used by directors who are keen to
add a voyeuristic touch to their work, and has been
cleverly used as a plot device in classics such as BODY
ALONE WITH HER, director Eric Nicholas (RIVER RATS)
takes the theme to its logical conclusion, shooting an
entire movie on cameras stashed in ingenious locations by
the film’s central protagonist, Doug (Colin Hanks). Doug is
a dangerous loner who whiles away the hours by filming
unsuspecting women on hidden cameras, ultimately
developing an infatuation with Amy (Ana Claudia
Talancon). But after Doug has wired up her home with
cameras and microphones, he takes the ruse one step
further, using the information he’s garnered to align his
tastes with Amy’s in order to impress her at a „chance“
meeting. Naturally, Amy thinks they have a lot in common
after meeting him and they begin dating, which only spurs
him on to greater surveillance-related depravity.
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064105
20 Fingers
Mania Akbari, Bijan Daneshmand - Dir.
Mania Akbari
Dramas 2004 Ltbx 72min.
Adult Source Media 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064072
36 Hours
James Garner, Eva Marie Saint, Rod Taylor,
Werner Peters, Celia Lovsky, Alan Napier Dir. George Seaton
A gripping WWII thriller in which Nazis capture an American spy and try to trick him into thinking that the war has
Dramas 1964 Ltbx 115min.
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064684
40 Year Old Virgin (Unrated
Special Edition)
Catherine Keener, Steven Carell, Paul
Rudd, Romany Malco, Elizabeth Banks,
Leslie Mann, Seth Rogen - Dir. Judd
Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) rides his bike to his
stockperson job at Smart Tech, has a nice apartment filled
with collectable toys (in their original packages), and
plays videogames every night before bed. He’s also a 40year-old virgin. During a poker game with his coworkers
David (Paul Rudd), Jay (Romany Malco), and Cal (Seth
Rogen), talk turns to sex and it becomes very clear that
Andy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. His friends
become intent on remedying his situation, and their advice
leads to newfound confidence for naïve Andy. But when
he develops true feelings for single mother Trish
(Catherine Keener), Andy finds that all the sex advice in
the world won’t help him navigate the choppy waters of an
adult relationship.
Alpha Dog (HD DVD)
Justin Timberlake, Sharon Stone, Emile
Hirsch, Anton Yelchin, Shawn Hatosy, Ben
Foster, Dominique Swain, Harry Dean
Stanton, Bruce Willis, Lukas Haas - Dir.
Nick Cassavetes
A difficult gestation period led to Nick Cassavetes’s ALPHA DOG being delayed and facing possible legal battles
after the real-life subject of the film (alleged kidnapper
and murderer Jesse James Hollywood) objected to his
portrayal. The cinematic version of Hollywood is named
Johnny Truelove and played by Emile Hirsch (LORDS OF
DOGTOWN). Truelove is a wild 18-year-old who deals
drugs for a living and hangs out with his posse, who
revolve around a core of Frankie (Justin Timberlake),
Elvis (Shawn Hatosy), and Tiko (Fernando Vargas). When
a client of Truelove’s, Jake Mazursky (Ben Foster), is
unable to pay off his crystal-meth debt, the group kidnaps
his 15-year-old stepbrother, Zack (Anton Yelchin), who
becomes a Patty Hearst-like accomplice in his own
abduction. Indeed, Zack positively revels in his new
position, and lives it up with the boys at every opportunity
he gets. But Cassavetes’s film really revs into gear as the
cops close in on Truelove’s band of outsiders, and they
face a tough decision about what to do with Zack.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 118min.
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064196
Alpha Dog (Full Screen)
Justin Timberlake, Sharon Stone, Emile
Hirsch, Anton Yelchin, Shawn Hatosy, Ben
Foster, Dominique Swain, Harry Dean
Stanton, Bruce Willis, Lukas Haas - Dir.
Nick Cassavetes
Johnny Truelove and played by Emile Hirsch (LORDS OF
DOGTOWN). Truelove is a wild 18-year-old who deals
drugs for a living and hangs out with his posse, who
revolve around a core of Frankie (Justin Timberlake),
Elvis (Shawn Hatosy), and Tiko (Fernando Vargas). When
a client of Truelove’s, Jake Mazursky (Ben Foster), is
unable to pay off his crystal-meth debt, the group kidnaps
his 15-year-old stepbrother, Zack (Anton Yelchin), who
becomes a Patty Hearst-like accomplice in his own
abduction. Indeed, Zack positively revels in his new
position, and lives it up with the boys at every opportunity
he gets. But Cassavetes’s film really revs into gear as the
cops close in on Truelove’s band of outsiders, and they
face a tough decision about what to do with Zack.
Dramas 2007 FF DD 5.1 118min.
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064194
Alpha Dog (Widescreen)
Justin Timberlake, Sharon Stone, Emile
Hirsch, Anton Yelchin, Shawn Hatosy, Ben
Foster, Dominique Swain, Harry Dean
Stanton, Bruce Willis, Lukas Haas - Dir.
Nick Cassavetes
A difficult gestation period led to Nick Cassavetes’s ALPHA DOG being delayed and facing possible legal battles
after the real-life subject of the film (alleged kidnapper
and murderer Jesse James Hollywood) objected to his
portrayal. The cinematic version of Hollywood is named
Johnny Truelove and played by Emile Hirsch (LORDS OF
DOGTOWN). Truelove is a wild 18-year-old who deals
drugs for a living and hangs out with his posse, who
revolve around a core of Frankie (Justin Timberlake),
Elvis (Shawn Hatosy), and Tiko (Fernando Vargas). When
a client of Truelove’s, Jake Mazursky (Ben Foster), is
unable to pay off his crystal-meth debt, the group kidnaps
his 15-year-old stepbrother, Zack (Anton Yelchin), who
becomes a Patty Hearst-like accomplice in his own
abduction. Indeed, Zack positively revels in his new
position, and lives it up with the boys at every opportunity
he gets. But Cassavetes’s film really revs into gear as the
cops close in on Truelove’s band of outsiders, and they
face a tough decision about what to do with Zack.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 118min.
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064193
American Pastime
Gary Cole, Judy Ongg
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064679
American Pie Presents: The
Naked Mile / Accepted
Justin Long, Blake Lively, Eugene Levy,
Candace Kroslak, Steve Talley, John White,
Jessy Schram, Angel Lewis - Dir. Joe
Nussbaum, Steve Pink
AMERICAN PIE adventures continue in yet another sequel
raunchy fun begins with Erik Stifler’s worrisome realization
that he may be about to become the only Stifler to
graduate from high school with his virginity intact. Eager
to toss his virginity before slipping on his cap and gown,
Erik makes it his mission to find a willing partner. Thanks
to reliable, offbeat advice from the ever-present Eugene
Levy as Jim’s dad, Erik feels prepared when he heads off
to the annual Naked Mile race. Packed with sorority girls,
the event promises an easy victory. Or does it?
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064187
Mayra Serbulo, Gerardo Taracena, Raoul
Trujillo, Dalia Hernandez - Dir. Mel Gibson
CHRIST) tackles the downfall of Mayan civilization in his
latest turn as writer/director. Jaguar Paw (Rudy
Youngblood) and his fellow villagers lead a peaceful life in
the forest until a savage, unprovoked attack turns their
world upside down. After hiding his pregnant wife and
young son from the invaders, Jaguar Paw joins in the
fight, only to be taken prisoner with the rest of the
survivors. Uncertain of what the future holds and taken
from his home to a thriving metropolis that might as well
Comedies 2005 Ltbx 16x9
A difficult gestation period led to Nick Cassavetes’s ALPHA DOG being delayed and facing possible legal battles
after the real-life subject of the film (alleged kidnapper
and murderer Jesse James Hollywood) objected to his
portrayal. The cinematic version of Hollywood is named
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
be a foreign country, Jaguar Paw has just one goal—to
return to his wife and child. Jaguar Paw’s journey is a
coming-of-age saga running the gamut of love, loss,
courage, and redemption.
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064529
Dong-wook Lee, Yun-ah Song, Jong-su Lee
- Dir. Sang-hoon Ahn
Horror/Suspense 2006
Tartan Video 08.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064263
Architect (Blu-ray)
Anthony LaPaglia, Viola Davis, Isabella
Rossellini, Hayden Panettiere, Sebastian
Stan, Paul James, Serena Reeder, Malcolm
Goodwin, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Walton
Goggins, Duane McLaughlin, Constance
Wu, Lauren Hodges, David Call, James
O’Toole, Tijuana Ricks, Eisa Davis, Julius
Tennon, Lilias White - Dir. Matt Tauber
Based on a play by David Greig, THE ARCHITECT stirs
together issues of class, race, sexuality, and architecture,
then heats up to create potent sociological drama.
Anthony LaPaglia stars as Leo, a close-minded Chicago
architect/college professor whose family is coming apart
at the seams: older son Martin (Sebastian Stan) is
troubled by his emerging homosexuality, Leo’s 15-year old
daughter (Hayden Panettiere) has begun acting out
sexually in a misguided search for affection, and his highstrung wife (Isabella Rossellini) is headed towards a
complete nervous breakdown. If that wasn’t enough,
African American activist Tonya (Viola Lee Davis) visits his
classroom in an attempt to get him to sign a petition to
have a housing project he designed torn down. He won’t
do it, claiming the building is soundly constructed, but
Tonya’s lived there long enough to know it’s crushing the
souls of its residents; her son even committed suicide to
get away from it. In his refusal to accept responsibility or
respond to the pain of others—both within and without his
own four walls—Leo’s carefully constructed worl
Dramas 2006
Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064204
Architect (HD DVD)
Anthony LaPaglia, Viola Davis, Isabella
Rossellini, Hayden Panettiere, Sebastian
Stan, Paul James, Serena Reeder, Malcolm
Goodwin, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Walton
Goggins, Duane McLaughlin, Constance
Wu, Lauren Hodges, David Call, James
O’Toole, Tijuana Ricks, Eisa Davis, Julius
Tennon, Lilias White - Dir. Matt Tauber
Based on a play by David Greig, THE ARCHITECT stirs
together issues of class, race, sexuality, and architecture,
then heats up to create potent sociological drama.
Anthony LaPaglia stars as Leo, a close-minded Chicago
architect/college professor whose family is coming apart
at the seams: older son Martin (Sebastian Stan) is
troubled by his emerging homosexuality, Leo’s 15-year old
daughter (Hayden Panettiere) has begun acting out
sexually in a misguided search for affection, and his highstrung wife (Isabella Rossellini) is headed towards a
complete nervous breakdown. If that wasn’t enough,
African American activist Tonya (Viola Lee Davis) visits his
classroom in an attempt to get him to sign a petition to
have a housing project he designed torn down. He won’t
do it, claiming the building is soundly constructed, but
Tonya’s lived there long enough to know it’s crushing the
souls of its residents; her son even committed suicide to
get away from it. In his refusal to accept responsibility or
respond to the pain of others—both within and without his
own four walls—Leo’s carefully constructed worl
Dramas 2006
Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064205
Army of Shadows
Lino Ventura, Paul Meurisse, Jean-Pierre
Cassel, Simone Signoret, Paul Crauchet Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville
Dramas 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 145min.
Criterion Collection 15.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064099
Art of the Devil - 2-Pack
Napakpapha M. Nakprasitte, Namo
Tongkumnerd - Dir. Tanit Jitnukul, Pasith
Buranajan, Kongkiat Khomsiri
Horror/Suspense 2005
Media Blasters 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064608
Gene Autry - Singing Hill
Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Virginia Dale,
Mary Lee - Dir. Lew Landers
Westerns 1941 FF M 75min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064395
Axing of Coffin
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064065
Bad Movie Police Double Feature: Zombie Cop / Maximum
Foreign Films, Italian
Anchor Bay Entertainment 03.04.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063953
Richard Burton, Peter O’Toole, John
Gielgud, Donald Wolfit, Martita Hunt,
Pamela Brown, Sian Phillips, Paolo Stoppa
- Dir. Peter Glenville
Classic struggle between Church and Monarchy. Thomas
Becket and King Henry Plantagenet engage in one of the
most famous power struggles in English history. When
Becket first becomes chancellor and later Archbishop of
Canterbury, a rift grows between Henry II and his old
friend. Some eager drunken knights trying to please the
disgruntled monarch assassinate the cleric in the
Dramas 1964
MPI Home Video 15.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064455
Stanley Donen’s Bedazzled
Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Raquel Welch,
Eleanor Bron, Robert Russell, Barry
Humphries, Michael Bates - Dir. Stanley
All that a poor short-order cook would like is the love of a
waitress who has won his heart. Only it seems she’s not
interested. Just as he has abandoned all hope and is
ready to end his life, in steps a man with the innocentsounding name of George Spiggot...but who is better
known by such other monikers as Lucifer, Mephistopheles,
and the Devil. George has an offer too good to refuse:
He’s ready to grant seven wishes. And all he wants in
return is the cook’s soul....
Horror/Suspense FF 122min.
Tempe Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064265
Comedies 1967 Ltbx M 103min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064080
Bad Movie Police: Crimewave! 5Pack
Behind Enemy Lines (Blu-ray)
Ariauna Albright, Lilith Stabs, James Black,
Ken Jarosz, Bill Morrison - Dir. Lance
Randas, Yolonda Squatpump, John Treacy
Horror/Suspense FF 324min.
Tempe Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064266
Battlestar Galactica: Season 2.0 /
Battlestar Galactic: Season 2.5
Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell,
Katee Sackhoff, Jamie Bamber, Tricia Helfer, Grace Park
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA balances its striking special
effects with character-driven drama and social
commentary to create a show that’s both entertaining and
relevant. This critical favorite from Ronald D. Moore
cult series from the 1970s with a new cast and more
impressive villains. It also eschews the sunny outlook of
STAR TREK in favor of a darker vision of space and
humanity as it comments on issues such as terrorism and
civil liberties. Androids called Cylons have massacred
billions of people, leaving only a small group of survivors.
Led by Oscar nominees Edward James Olmos and Mary
McDonnell, the human fleet searches for a mythical planet
called Earth as they evade the Cylons. This two-pack
includes every episode of the second season, including
the shocking finale. The second season features guest
appearances from genre favorites Lucy Lawless (XENA:
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004
Ltbx 16x9
Universal Studios Home Video 08.05.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064185
Bava Box Set: Vol. 1
This collection presents five giallo classics from legendary
Italian horror director Mario Bava: BLACK SUNDAY
and KILL BABY KILL (1966). See individual titles for plot
Owen Wilson, Gene Hackman, David Keith,
Olek Krupa, Gabriel Macht, Charles Malik
Whitfield, Vladimir Mashkov, Joaquim de
Almeida - Dir. John Moore
On a reconnaissance flight over eastern Europe,
disillusioned naval pilot Chris Burnett (Owen Wilson) and
his partner, Stackhouse (Gabriel Macht), photograph a
scene they were not meant to see. When their plane is
shot down and Stackhouse is quickly captured and
executed, Burnett must struggle to survive in unfamiliar
hostile territory with a cold-blooded assassin and
hundreds of enemy troops on his heels. Meanwhile, on an
American battleship in the Adriatic Sea, Burnett’s
commanding officer, Admiral Reigart (Gene Hackman),
attempts to negotiate his soldier ’s return amidst tense
political and military maneuvers. Soon Burnett discovers
exactly why he’s being hunted, making his situation—and
Reigert’s actions—even more perilous.
Action/Adventure 2001
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064569
Beneath Still Waters
Patrick Gordon, Raquel Merono, Michael
McKell - Dir. Brian Yuzna
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx DD 2.0 90min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064156
Big (Special Edition)
Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, David
Moscow, Robert Loggia, John Heard, Jared
Rushton, Samantha Larkin, Mercedes
Ruehl, Jon Lovitz, Josh Clark, Rockets
Redglare, Jamie Tirelli, James Eckhouse,
Tracy Reiner - Dir. Penny Marshall
A 13-year-old boy named Josh wants, more than anything
else, to be „big“. And when he makes a wish on a carnival
wishing booth his dreams come true: he transposes into
the body of a 35 year old man — though his mind and
spirit remain that of a child. Since he can’t really go to
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
school looking like an adult, and his mother doesn’t know
him in his new guise, he heads to New York with his pal
Billy, where they proceed to goof off, play around, and act
basically like the kids they are. But when Billy leaves,
Josh is subjected to the encroaching needs and
responsibilities of adulthood, and he quickly discovers
both the pleasures and the problems of being grown-up.
Comedies 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 120min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064567
Bill / Bill: On His Own
Mickey Rooney, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt,
Largo Woodruff - Dir. Anthony Page
Television, Dramas 1981-1983
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064028
Black Christmas (HD DVD)
Michelle Trachtenberg, Mary Elizabeth
Winstead, Oliver Hudson, Kristen Cloke,
Andrea Martin, Katie Cassidy - Dir. Glen
Though it was only a mild success upon its release in
1974, the original BLACK CHRISTMAS (directed by Bob
Clark, who would go on to direct A CHRISTMAS STORY in
1984) has become a cult favorite among horror buffs
since the dawn of the home-video era. An early example
of the „body count“ genre, the film also predates WHEN A
STRANGER CALLS (1979) in its use of a killer making
threatening phone calls that originate within his potential
victims’ own house. In this remake, writer/director Glen
Morgan takes the basics of Roy Moore’s screenplay for
the original to create an elaborate and almost comically
disturbing back story for Billy, the killer who previously
remained a mystery. A handful of sorority girls remain at
the house after the school shuts down for Christmas
break. An ominous snowstorm blows in, isolating them. At
the same time, a killer—who in this version escapes from
a mental institution to return to his former family home—
breaks into the attic and begins making terrifying phone
calls to the girls (led by Kate Cassidy, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Lacey Chabert) before killing them off one by
Horror/Suspense 2006
Weinstein Company/Genius 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064276
Black Kiss
Reika Hashimoto, Ken Mitsuishi, Masanobu
Ando - Dir. Macoto Tezka
Horror/Suspense 2004
Media Blasters 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064612
Blind Woman’s Curse
Meiko Kaji, Makoto Sato, Toru Abe, Hoki
Tokuda - Dir. Teruo Ishii
Action/Adventure 1970
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064066
Blood Mask
Horror/Suspense 2006
Razor Digital Entertainment 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064252
Bloody Reunion
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min.
Tartan Video 13.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064471
Blue Steel
John Wayne, George „Gabby“ Hayes,
Eleanor Hunt - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury
John Wayne plays U.S. Marshall John Caruthers as he
follows the trail of crooked speculators. When bandits
terrorize a small town, Caruthers happens to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time and the Sheriff accuses
him of the crime. Meanwhile, unknown real estate moguls
are buying up all the property in a supposedly worthless
town. Unbeknownst to its citizens, the land is the source
of a vast fortune in gold. BLUE STEEL fetures Wayne in
an early role in the genre that would make him legendary.
Westerns 1934
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064171
Born To Fight
Frankie Darro, Jack LaRue, Kane
Richmond, Frances Grant - Dir. Charles
Corruption runs rife throughout the boxing world in this
black-&-white feature from 1936. A stab at the World
Heavyweight title should be the highlight of Bomber
Brown’s (Kane Richmond) career, but when he is urged to
throw the fight to appease a gambling ring, his world falls
in around him. Quitting the game, Brown decides to
change his name, and focuses his attention on training a
scrappy street kid to become a professional boxer. But as
the kid climbs the ladder to fame, Brown’s past life
inevitably comes back to haunt him.
Dramas 1936
Weinstein Company/Genius 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064267
Born to Fight
Panna Rittikrai - Dir. Panna Rittikrai
Action/Adventure 1986 FF 93min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064026
Tartan Video 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064467
Breaking and Entering
Jude Law, Juliette Binoche, Robin Wright,
Martin Freeman, Ray Winstone, Vera
Farmiga, Rafi Gavron, Poppy Rogers - Dir.
Anthony Minghella
BREAKING AND ENTERING may lack the quality and
scope of Anthony Minghella’s previous work such as THE
interesting, character-driven drama. Jude Law (CLOSER)
plays Will, a landscape architect who succeeds in
business but finds his personal life is tougher to navigate.
He has been with Liv (Robin Wright Penn, FORREST
GUMP) for years, but it’s difficult to connect with her due
to her worry over her teenage daughter. When Will
catches a teenage boy named Miro (Ravi Gafron)
breaking into his office, he chases the thief home. He
later meets the boy’s mother, a Bosnian refugee played by
Juliette Binoche (CHOCOLAT). His anger at Miro is
quickly transformed into attraction to his mother, further
complicating his relationship with Liv.
Dramas 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064275
Break-Up / Along Came Polly
Ben Stiller, Debra Messing, Hank Azaria,
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jennifer Aniston,
Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Joey Lauren Adams - Dir. Peyton Reed, John Hamburg
Jennifer Aniston stars in THE BREAK-UP and ALONG
CAME POLLY with comedy greats Vince Vaughn and Ben
Stiller. Please see individual titles for synopsis
Universal Studios Home Video 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064186
Bullet for the General
Gian Maria Volonte, Klaus Kinski, Lou
Castel, Martine Beswick, Andrea Checchi,
Spartaco Conversi, Jaime Fernandez,
Joaquin Parra, Aldo Sambrell - Dir.
Damiano Damiani
A fast paced and vicious spaghetti western starring Klaus
Kinski and Lou Castel, A BULLET FOR THE GENERAL
begins as a gang of former Mexican rebels attempt to rob
a train carrying munitions, which they plan to sell to a
revolutionary named General Elias. One of the
passengers on the train, a gringo named Bill Tate
(Castel), helps the bandits steal the weapons, ingratiating
him with the leader of the bandits, El Chuncho, who
accepts him into his gang. However, Tate is really an
assassin sent by the Mexican government to kill General
Elias, who is an old friend of El Chuncho’s. Incensed at
the murder of his old friend, El Chuncho is inspired to
become a revolutionary once again, but not before he
hunts down Tate and kills him.
Foreign Films, Italian 1967 Ltbx M 118min.
Blue Underground 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064033
Burning Annie
Jay Paulson, Gary Lundy, Sara Downing Dir. Van Flesher
Max’s college life is defined by his obsession with one
movie: Woody Allen’s ANNIE HALL. His friends waste no
time in pointing out that Max’s fixation is hindering his love
life, but the poor fellow is helpless, even when Julie, the
one and only listener to Max’s late-night confessional
radio show, expresses a romantic interest in him. Max
soon begins to realize that his enslavement to ANNIE
HALL isn’t doing him any good, but how can he shed his
beloved Annie and bring some semblance of normality
back to his life? BURNING ANNIE has all the answers.
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 95min.
Warner Home Video 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064492
Burst Angel - Box Set
Action/Adventure 2004
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.03.2007
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064559
El Buscapalabras
A man with a reputation for fighting struggles to shed his
legacy as he travels from town to town in a desperate
attempt at piecing a new life together. Men armed to the
teeth frequently attack him as he tries to settle into a new
life, leading to plenty of bloodshed in this Spanish thriller.
Foreign Films, Spanish
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064202
Bust Things in Life are Free
Lynden Johnson, Celeste, Angel Bust,
Ashe Leigh, Tara Gold, Daphne
Busty, big-name startlets perform in well-produced
vignettes, including Celeste doing Houdini tricks in S&M
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1994
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064636
Drew Carey Show: The Complete
First Season
Drew Carey, Diedrich Bader, Christa Miller,
Ryan Stiles, Kathy Kinney
Comedies 2006 FF 489min.
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064501
Casi Casi
Comedies Ltbx S
Warner Home Video 15.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064586
Florence Roach, Martin Gardner, T.C.
Sharpe, Chris Walls - Dir. K-Cutta
The corrupt streets of Memphis turn a young man into a
criminal in CHAPTERS. Despite words of wisdom from his
mother, the man can’t resist the temptations that light up
his eyes but bring an element of risk to his life that may
prove very costly.
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Warner Home Video 17.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064300
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064616
China Doll
Charge of the Model T’s
Arte Johnson, Herb Edelman, Louis Nye,
John David Carson - Dir. Jim McCullough
Mexican guerrillas team up with a German spy during
WWI as he tries to infiltrate the United states with the help
of a new secret weapon - the RX4 high speed attack car.
Mishaps and mayhem abound.
Comedies 1976
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064604
Children of Men (HD DVD)
Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael
Caine, Chjwetel Ejiofor, Peter Mullan, Charlie Hunnam, Pam Ferris, Danny Huston,
Jacek Koman - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron
CHILDREN OF MEN is not a popcorn movie. With its
almost relentlessly bleak perspective of the future,
Alfonso Cuarón’s film doesn’t make for pleasant viewing.
But it’s an exhilarating experience because the picture is
an incredible dystopian drama that lacks all of the typical
trappings of the genre. Set uncomfortably close to the
present, it paints a frighteningly realistic picture of the
future. In 2027, every woman on earth is infertile. With the
loss of their ability to have children, the world has also
lost hope. Clive Owen (CLOSER) plays Theo, a Briton
attempting to make a life in this hellish world. His
estranged wife (Julianne Moore) convinces him to help
transport a young woman to safety. When Theo learns
that the woman is pregnant, their journey takes on a
significance—and a danger—he never imagined.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 110min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064615
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 94min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064625
Chinese Film Classics Collection
- Crossroads / Daybreak
Zhao Dan - Dir. Yu Sun
Foreign Films 1937 FF 226min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064131
Chinese Film Classics Collection
- Spring in a Small Town
Shot in 1948, SPRING IN A SMALL TOWN has endured a
difficult history after being heavily censored by the Chinese government. Fortunately, the favorable tide of opinion
from critics and those lucky enough to have seen the film
has swept SPRING IN A SMALL TOWN into release once
more, and the tale of a woman caught up in myriad
relationships is presented here in an uncut version.
Foreign Films 1948 FF 93min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064127
Chinese Film Classics Collection
- Street Angels / Twin Sisters
Children of Men (Full Screen)
STREET ANGELS and TWIN SISTERS were shot in 1937
and 1934 respectively, and are two fine examples of early
Chinese cinema. STREET ANGELS tackles issues of
abandonment in Shanghai, while TWIN SISTERS follows
two sisters who take remarkably different paths in life.
Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael
Caine, Chjwetel Ejiofor, Peter Mullan, Charlie Hunnam, Pam Ferris, Danny Huston,
Jacek Koman - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron
Foreign Films 1937 FF 180min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064130
CHILDREN OF MEN is not a popcorn movie. With its
almost relentlessly bleak perspective of the future,
Alfonso Cuarón’s film doesn’t make for pleasant viewing.
But it’s an exhilarating experience because the picture is
an incredible dystopian drama that lacks all of the typical
trappings of the genre. Set uncomfortably close to the
present, it paints a frighteningly realistic picture of the
future. In 2027, every woman on earth is infertile. With the
loss of their ability to have children, the world has also
lost hope. Clive Owen (CLOSER) plays Theo, a Briton
attempting to make a life in this hellish world. His
estranged wife (Julianne Moore) convinces him to help
transport a young woman to safety. When Theo learns
that the woman is pregnant, their journey takes on a
significance—and a danger—he never imagined.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 FF DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064617
Children of Men (Widescreen)
Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael
Caine, Chjwetel Ejiofor, Peter Mullan, Charlie Hunnam, Pam Ferris, Danny Huston,
Jacek Koman - Dir. Alfonso Cuaron
CHILDREN OF MEN is not a popcorn movie. With its
almost relentlessly bleak perspective of the future,
Alfonso Cuarón’s film doesn’t make for pleasant viewing.
But it’s an exhilarating experience because the picture is
an incredible dystopian drama that lacks all of the typical
trappings of the genre. Set uncomfortably close to the
present, it paints a frighteningly realistic picture of the
future. In 2027, every woman on earth is infertile. With the
loss of their ability to have children, the world has also
lost hope. Clive Owen (CLOSER) plays Theo, a Briton
attempting to make a life in this hellish world. His
estranged wife (Julianne Moore) convinces him to help
transport a young woman to safety. When Theo learns
that the woman is pregnant, their journey takes on a
significance—and a danger—he never imagined.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 110min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.03.2007
Chinese Film Classics Collection
- The Big Road / Queen of Sports
THE BIG ROAD and QUEEN OF SPORTS are both silent
films from the early days of Chinese cinema. A left-leaning
political film, THE BIG ROAD highlights the need for
young activists to stick together. QUEEN OF SPORTS
follows a young woman who learns a few lessons in life
while also demonstrating her sporting prowess after a
move to Shanghai. Director Sun Yu oversaw both films.
Hilary Duff, Chad Michael Murray, Amber
Tamblyn, America Ferrera, Alexis Bledel Dir. Ken Kwapis, Mark Rosman
CINDERELLA STORY: Hilary Duff plays Sam, a goodhearted Cinderella stuck in the fairy-tale-gone-wrong
atmosphere of modern-day Los Angeles. Enslaved by an
evil, Botox-junky step-mom (a hilarious Jennifer
Coolidge), Sam is forced to scrub floors at her late
father ’s diner, thus earning the eternal disdain of the
snooty popular kids in school. Luckily, she has a friend in
an artsy nerd named Carter (Dan Byrd), and a textmessage romance with some poetic schoolmate she’s
never met. She also has a fairy godmother: the sweet
diner manager (Regina King) who helps Sam get decked
out and disguised for the Halloween dance. At the dance,
she discovers her prince is one of the popular kids, Austin
Ames (Chad Michael Murray). Happily ever after seems
like a long shot, though, because Austin is burdened by
pressures at school and at home, and Sam can’t shake
her „diner girl“ inferiority complex.
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064298
Cinema of Death
These disturbing and daring experimental films all focus
on death. This collection features five short works, all
dominated by images of death and decay. ADORATION
connects love and cannibalism in a surprising way, while
LE POEM shows an autopsy with an Arthur Rimbaud
poem as narration. DISLANDIA takes the viewer into the
fractured mind of a young girl, and PIG explores the inner
workings of a murderer. Filmed at the Museum of Death in
California, HOLLYWOOD BABYLON pays tribute to avantgarde master Kenneth Anger.
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064050
City of Angels / Michael
Nicolas Cage, Meg Ryan, John Travolta,
Andie MacDowell, William Hurt, Bob
Hoskins - Dir. Nora Ephron, Brad Siberling
CITY OF ANGELS: Based in part on Wim Wenders’s 1988
film, WINGS OF DESIRE, this is the story of Seth (Nicolas
Cage), an angel who wanders the Los Angeles area
invisible to humans. As someone’s death approaches, he
spends time near that person and becomes visible while
acting as traveling companion during the trip to the great
hereafter. His discovery of a distraught heart surgeon,
Maggie (Meg Ryan), inspires him to forego his immortality
and exist on earth with her as a feeling and mortal entity.
Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064295
John Cleese Comedy Collection
Foreign Films FF 188min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064128
John Cleese
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064412
CHIPS: The Complete First
Coach - The Second Season
Erik Estrada, Larry Wilcox
Television, Dramas 2007 FF M
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064290
Chocolate War
John Glover, Wallace Langham, Ilan
Mitchell-Smith, Bud Cort, Jenny Wright,
Doug Hutchison - Dir. Keith Gordon
This adaptation of Robert Cormier’s novel is an unusual
study in personal freedom, as an idealistic freshman at a
Catholic high school for boys unexpectedly defies the
system and learns firsthand about the power of
manipulation and intimidation.
Dramas 1988
MGM Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064621
Cinderella Story / Sisterhood of
the Traveling Pants
Craig T. Nelson, Jerry Van Dyke, Shelley
Fabares, Bill Fagerbakke, Claire Carey, Kris
Kamm, Travis McKenna
Television, Comedies 1990-1991 FF DD
2.0 477min.
Universal Studios Home Video 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064614
Comedy of Power
François Berléand, Marilyn Canto, Robin
Renucci, Thomas Chabrol, Jean-François
Balmer, Pierre Vernier, Jacques Boudet,
Isabelle Huppert - Dir. Claude Chabrol
Celebrated French director Claude Chabrol (LA
CEREMONIE) teams up with his regular muse, Isabelle
Huppert, for this scandal-driven drama.
Foreign Films, French 2006 Ltbx 16x9
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064133
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Comedy of Power / God is Great
and I’m Not
Isabelle Huppert, François Berléand,
Audrey Tautou, Edouard Baer, Julie
Depardieu - Dir. Pascale Bailly, Claude
COMEDY OF POWER: Celebrated French director Claude
Chabrol (LA CEREMONIE) teams up with his regular
muse, Isabelle Huppert, for this scandal-driven drama.
Foreign Films, French 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064134
Coming Soon
Ryan Reynolds, Gaby Hoffman, Mia Farrow,
Yasmine Bleeth - Dir. Collette Burson
Comedies DD 2.0 100min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064161
Command Decision
Clark Gable, Walter Pidgeon, Van Johnson,
Brian Donlevy, Charles Bickford, John
Hodiak, Edward Arnold, Marshall
Thompson, Richard Quine, Cameron
Mitchell, Clinton Sundberg, Ray Collins,
Warner Anderson, John McIntire, Moroni
Olsen - Dir. Sam Wood
This adaptation of William Wister Haines’s play examines
World War II air force generals engaged in life-or-death
decision-making processes and their struggle to choose
between effectiveness and morality. Director Sam Wood’s
film is a compelling study of a commanding officer ’s
struggle between doing what is right and what looks good
to the public.
Dramas 1948 FF M 111min.
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064685
Confessions of A Thug
Daron Southboy Fordham, Lady of Rage,
Kenny Flyy
A former mob boss schools a college-educated protégé to
be his successor in this hip-hop musical.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
DD 2.0 105min.
Warner Home Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064682
Catherine Deneuve, John Malkovich,
Leonor Silveira, Luis Miguel Cintra, Duarte
D’Almeida, Heloisa Miranda - Dir. Manoel
This latest work by the 86-year-old Portuguese writerdirector Manoel de Oliveira showcases his eye for
beautiful compositions, and his taste for detailed, magical
narratives. And for the first time, de Oliveira works with
movie stars—Catherine Deneuve and John Malkovich. An
American professor and his dissatisfied wife, Hélene,
journey to a remote monastery to conduct research.
There, he hopes to find evidence to prove his thesis that
William Shakespeare was actually a Sephardic Jew. When
they arrive, the couple encounters the monastery’s
strange inhabitants, including the ancient building’s
sinister guardian, Baltar. De Oliveira suggests that one of
the characters—maybe even Baltar or Hélene—is actually
Satan, and develops a complex conflict between good and
Foreign Films, Multi-Lingual 1995 FF DD
2.0 90min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064155
The Corn is Green
Katharine Hepburn, Bill Fraser, Patricia
Hayes, Anna Massey - Dir. George Cukor
Katharine Hepburn gives a bravura performance as a
devoted teacher in this remake of the 1945 film based on
Emlyn Williams’s famed autobiographical stage play.
Hepburn plays Miss Moffat, a schoolteacher in a poor
Welsh mining town who dedicates herself to helping one
of her promising students gain entrance into prestigious
Oxford University. When her protégé learns that he’s
fathered an illegitimate child, Miss Moffat’s careful plans—
and the boy’s future—are thrown into jeopardy.
Dramas 1978 Ltbx M 93min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064296
Crimen Perfecto
Guillermo Toledo, Monica Cervera, Luis
Varela, Enrique Villen, Fernando Tejero,
Kira Miro - Dir. Alex De La Iglesia
Theatrical release: August 19, 2005 (NY/LA)
Foreign Films, Spanish 2005 Ltbx
Tartan Video 13.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064469
Curse of the Golden Flower
Liu Ye, Chen Jin, Ni Dahong, Li Man, Qin
Junjie, Yun-Fat Chow, Jay Chou, Gong Li Dir. Yimou Zhang
In 2004, Zhang Yimou caused a sensation with his
astonishing HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS, and his
dazzling, visually stunning film. Calling again upon the
talents of the striking Gong Li, Yimou tells an epic tale of
lust and power set in the opulent world of the Later Tang
dynasty. The plot follows the story of the Emperor (Chow
Yun Fat) and his Empress (Li) and the tragic
disintegration of their royal family—whose problems go far
beyond the merely dysfunctional. For starters, the ailing
Empress has long been having an affair with her stepson,
the Crown Prince Wan (Liu Ye). Unbeknownst to her, Wan
has been dallying with the Imperial Doctor’s daughter (Li
Man), and has plans to escape the palace with her.
Meanwhile, the Emperor himself has just returned from a
long trip, and while relations with his wife are obviously
icy, it becomes clear that his plans for her are far more
ominous than she could ever imagine. Everyone involved
has a secret plan for either escape or domination,
resulting in an explosive ending wherein the darkest
family secrets are revealed and hor
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064342
Dakota / In Old California
John Wayne, Vera Miles, Walter Brennan,
Binnie Barnes, Albert Dekker - Dir. Joseph
Kane, William McGann
Westerns 1945 FF
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 08.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064170
Daniel Boone - Season 3
Fess Parker, Albert Salmi, Ed Ames,
Patricia Blair, Veronica Cartwright, Darby
Television, Westerns 2006
Goldhil Entertainment 24.04.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064087
Daniel Boone: Cain’s Birthday
Parts 1&2
Fess Parker
Television, Westerns 2006
Goldhil Entertainment 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064377
Daniel Boone: The High
Cumberland Parts 1&2
Fess Parker
Westerns 2006
Goldhil Entertainment 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064376
Dante’s Peak / Daylight Double
Amy Brenneman, Viggo Mortensen, Sylvester Stallone, Pierce Brosnan, Linda
Hamilton - Dir. Roger Donaldson, Rob
Prepare for disaster with this action-packed pair of films.
Action/Adventure 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064440
David and Lisa
Keir Dullea, Janet Margolin, Howard Da
Silva, Clifton James, Neva Patterson, Richard McMurray, Jaime Sanchez, Karen
Lynn Gorney - Dir. Frank Perry
Directed by Frank Perry (THE SWIMMER) and based on a
nonfiction story by Dr. Theodore Isaac Rubin, this movie
was a bona fide independent hit at the time of its 1962
release. Rich performances, unusual frankness for its day,
and David’s disturbing dream sequences—rendered in
Leonard Hirschfield’s stark black-and-white photography—
also created strong word-of-mouth interest in the film.
Dramas 1962 FF DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 08.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064392
Dawn Rider
John Wayne, Marion Burns, Yakima Canutt,
Reed Howes - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury
John Wayne seeks revenge on the gang responsible for
killing his father in this action-packed western adventure
Westerns 1935
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064176
Dead and Deader
Dean Cain, Susan Ward, Guy Torry, John
Billingsley, Armin Shimerman, Dean
Haglund, Ellie Cornell, Natassia Malthe
With its blend of gore and giggles, DEAD & DEADER
channels horror comedy classics such as EVIL DEAD 2
stars as a Special Forces officer infected by a zombie
virus. Despite the infection, Cain’s character retains a
shred of humanity and vows to stop the rest of the world
from succumbing to the illness. This made-for-TV film
stars genre favorites such as Dean Haglund (THE XFILES), John Billingsley (STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE), and
WILD THINGS 2 beauty Susan Ward also costars.
Television, Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1 89min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 10.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063950
The Dead Girl
Toni Collette, Brittany Murphy, Marcia Gay
Harden, James Franco, Josh Brolin, Rose
Byrne, Giovanni Ribisi, Kerry Washington,
Mary Steenburgen, Mary Beth Hurt, Piper
Laurie, Nick Searcy - Dir. Karen Moncrieff
Karen Moncrieff follows up her well-received debut
feature, BLUE CAR, with THE DEAD GIRL, an impressive,
haunting ensemble drama. When a young girl is found
murdered, the lives of several different individuals are
impacted. Some of these connections are peripheral,
while many others are painfully direct. The film is broken
up into five distinct chapters, each with its own title. In
„The Stranger,“ Arden (Toni Collette) finds the body, much
to her abusive mother’s (Piper Laurie) dismay. „The
Sister“ follows a graduate student (Rose Byrne) who is
still mourning the disappearance of her sister along with
her mother (Mary Steenburgen). Mary Beth Hurt stars in
„The Wife“ as a frustrated housewife who discovers that
her husband (Nick Searcy) has been up to no good. „The
Mother“ features Marcia Gay Harden as a heartbroken
mother who travels to Los Angeles to see how her
murdered daughter lived and forms an unlikely bond with
her daughter ’s former roommate (Kerry Washington).
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Lastly, „The Dead Girl“ tells the story of Krista (Brittany
Murphy), a tempestuous drug addict who wants to visit
her daughter on her
Dramas 2006 DD 5.1 94min.
First Look Home Entertainment 15.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064553
Deadly Justice
Meredith Baxter, Joanna Kerns, Pat Hingle,
Frances Lee McCain, George Dzundza,
Richard Crenna - Dir. Karen Arthur
After a savage beating at the hands of two criminals,
cynical police officer Richard Beck (Emmy Award-winner
Richard Crenna) is forced to see the criminal justice
system through the eyes of a victim. Never having cared
much about the public he served, Beck now has to
confront the dehumanizing system he once endorsed. To
regain his self respect, Beck must track his attackers
down and bring them to justice—his way.
Dramas 1985 FF DD 2.0 95min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064126
Deadly Voyage
Omar Epps, David Suchet, Joss Ackland Dir. John Mackenzie
A shocking drama based on a real-life incident.
Dramas 1996
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064696
After the success of 2004’s MAN ON FIRE, director Tony
Scott and Denzel Washington teamed up once again—this
time alongside high-powered producer Jerry
Bruckheimer—to deliver this big-budget spectacle of an
action picture set in post-Katrina New Orleans. The city is
delivered another crushing blow when a ferry explodes,
killing over 500 innocent citizens. Only this time, nature
wasn’t the cause of the tragedy. Enter ATF officer Doug
Carlin (Washington), who is recruited by a newly formed
FBI unit (headed by Val Kilmer) to help track down the
killer (a Timothy McVeigh-esque Jim Caviezel). When a
body is found floating in the river, it is determined that the
victim was murdered before the ferry blast occurred.
Unfortunately, the victim was the impossibly beautiful
Claire Kuchever (Paula Patton), whose death has begun
to torment Carlin. Adding a new level to the investigation
is a top-secret FBI invention, which allows a select group
to view the past on screen as if it had been videotaped
days earlier. The more Carlin sees of Kuchever, the more
connected to her he becomes, until he decides to risk hi
Action/Adventure 2006
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064045
Warner Home Video 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064681
Diagnosis Murder - The Second
Russell Simmons Presents: Def
Poetry Season 5
Alicia Keys, Dave Chappelle, Kanye West Dir. Stan Lathan
Rap impresario and all-round media mogul Russell
Simmons brings back his DEF POETRY JAM show for a
second season with this release. Shot at the Supper Club
in New York, and originally shown on HBO, DEF POETRY
JAM aims to bring some highly talented, but rarely
televised, performers onto the screen, affording the artists
precious airtime that would most likely be unavailable to
them otherwise. Host Mos Def brings performers such as
Dave Chapelle, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, and many others
to the stage, allowing them a precious opportunity to lay
down some prescient urban poetry.
Comedies 2006 FF
Warner Home Video 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064388
Dick Van Dyke, Barry Van Dyke, Scott Baio,
Victoria Rowell, Michael Tucci, Delores Hall
The long-running CBS television series DIAGNOSIS
MURDER offers a clever hybrid of the medical-drama and
murder-mystery genres. Comedy legend Dick Van Dyke
anchors the series as Dr. Mark Sloan, a hospital physician
who helps his detective son, Steve (Van Dyke’s real-life
son, Barry), solve crimes for the Los Angeles Police
Department. Warm, witty, and family-friendly, this
collection presents every episode from the series’ second
season, which includes guest appearances by Michael
Tucci, Dyan Cannon, and Pernell Roberts.
Television, Dramas 1994-1995 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.06.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064657
Diary of a Cannibal
Deja Vu
Paul Cameron, Denzel Washington, Jim
Caviezel, Adam Goldberg, Bruce
Greenwood, Val Kilmer, Paula Patton, Eldon
Henson, Erika Alexander - Dir. Tony Scott
After the success of 2004’s MAN ON FIRE, director Tony
Scott and Denzel Washington teamed up once again—this
time alongside high-powered producer Jerry
Bruckheimer—to deliver this big-budget spectacle of an
action picture set in post-Katrina New Orleans. The city is
delivered another crushing blow when a ferry explodes,
killing over 500 innocent citizens. Only this time, nature
wasn’t the cause of the tragedy. Enter ATF officer Doug
Carlin (Washington), who is recruited by a newly formed
FBI unit (headed by Val Kilmer) to help track down the
killer (a Timothy McVeigh-esque Jim Caviezel). When a
body is found floating in the river, it is determined that the
victim was murdered before the ferry blast occurred.
Unfortunately, the victim was the impossibly beautiful
Claire Kuchever (Paula Patton), whose death has begun
to torment Carlin. Adding a new level to the investigation
is a top-secret FBI invention, which allows a select group
to view the past on screen as if it had been videotaped
days earlier. The more Carlin sees of Kuchever, the more
connected to her he becomes, until he decides to risk hi
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064530
Jillian Swanson, Trevor Parsons - Dir. Ulli
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 81min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 28.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064151
Paul Cameron, Denzel Washington, Jim
Caviezel, Adam Goldberg, Bruce
Greenwood, Val Kilmer, Paula Patton, Eldon
Neal Jones, Wayne Knight, Miranda
Garrison, Garry Goodrow - Dir. Emile
Headstrong 17-year-old Baby Houseman hardly expects
her family’s usual summer vacation in the Catskills to be
momentous. But then Baby spies Johnny Castle, the
resort’s dance instructor from the wrong side of the
tracks. Johnny’s facing a crisis: his dance partner and
friend, Penny, is pregnant and has reluctantly decided to
get an abortion. This leaves Johnny a solo act — until
Baby agrees to take Penny’s place. She has to learn how
to dance first, however, and as Johnny teaches her the
choreography’s sexy, seductive moves, the two fall in
Dramas 1987 Ltbx DD 5.1 105min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 08.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064168
Dirty Dancing (Blu-ray)
Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Jerry
Orbach, Cynthia Rhodes, Jack Weston,
Kelly Bishop, Lonny Price, Max Cantor,
Neal Jones, Wayne Knight, Miranda
Garrison, Garry Goodrow - Dir. Emile
Headstrong 17-year-old Baby Houseman hardly expects
her family’s usual summer vacation in the Catskills to be
momentous. But then Baby spies Johnny Castle, the
resort’s dance instructor from the wrong side of the
tracks. Johnny’s facing a crisis: his dance partner and
friend, Penny, is pregnant and has reluctantly decided to
get an abortion. This leaves Johnny a solo act — until
Baby agrees to take Penny’s place. She has to learn how
to dance first, however, and as Johnny teaches her the
choreography’s sexy, seductive moves, the two fall in
Dramas 1987
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 11.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064169
Doctor Who - Castrovalva
Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah
Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Anthony
Ainley - Dir. Fiona Cumming
Adventures and travels of a Time Lord known as The
Doctor, who employs a time-and-space travel device in
the shape of a typical British Police Box (Booth).
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1982
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064019
Doctor Who - Logopolis
Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Sarah Sutton,
Janet Fielding, Matthew Waterhouse,
Anthony Ainley - Dir. Peter Grimwade
Dinosaurs - The Complete Third
and Fourth Seasons
Adventures and travels of a Time Lord known as The
Doctor, who employs a time-and-space travel device in
the shape of a typical British Police Box (Booth).
Jessica Walter, Sally Struthers
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1981
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064018
Like a lot of the best family entertainment, DINOSAURS
was fun for both kids and their parents. Children couldn’t
get enough of the slapstick humor, while adults enjoyed
the show’s satire of contemporary society. This 1990s
sitcom centered on the Sinclairs, a family of dinosaurs led
by father Earl. Though he was surrounded by devoted
wife Fran, sassy daughter Charlene, and rebellious teen
Robbie, the real star of the show was Baby Sinclair. The
talkative tyke would famously bash his father on the head
while screaming, „Not the mama!“ Jim Henson
Productions brought the creatures to life, and they
featured the vocal talents of sitcom stars like Jessica
Walters (ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT) and Sally Struthers
(ALL IN THE FAMILY). This release includes the third and
fourth season of the show, plus the music video for „I’m
the Baby, Gotta Love Me“ and other extras.
Television, Comedies FF
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064044
Dirty Dancing
Déjà Vu (Blu-ray)
Henson, Erika Alexander - Dir. Tony Scott
Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Jerry
Orbach, Cynthia Rhodes, Jack Weston,
Kelly Bishop, Lonny Price, Max Cantor,
Doctor Who - New Beginnings
Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Sarah Sutton,
Matthew Waterhouse, Geoffrey Beevers,
Anthony Ainley, Janet Fielding - Dir. Fiona
Cumming, Peter Grimwade
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 19811982
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064020
Doctor Who - The Keeper of
Tom Baker, Sarah Sutton, Geoffrey
Beevers, Anthony Ainley
Adventures and travels of a Time Lord known as The
Doctor, who employs a time-and-space travel device in
the shape of a typical British Police Box (Booth).
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064017
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064264
Dragon Seed
Dog Day Afternoon (Blu-ray)
Al Pacino, John Cazale, Charles Durning,
James Broderick, Chris Sarandon, Carol
Kane - Dir. Sidney Lumet
Covers events from August 22, 1972; Produced and
released in 1975.
Dramas 1975
Warner Home Video 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064675
A screen adaptation of Pearl S. Buck’s novel about a
Chinese peasant clan whose quiet existence is shattered
by war.
Dramas 1944 Ltbx M 148min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064301
Dog Day Afternoon (HD DVD)
Al Pacino, John Cazale, Charles Durning,
James Broderick, Chris Sarandon, Carol
Kane - Dir. Sidney Lumet
Covers events from August 22, 1972; Produced and
released in 1975.
Dramas 1975 Ltbx 124min.
Warner Home Video 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064676
Dogs O’ War Collection
Music Video Distributors 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064213
Donnie Brasco (Extended Version)
Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Michael Madsen,
Anne Heche, Bruno Kirby, Zach Grenier Dir. Mike Newell
Al Pacino and Johnny Depp are terrific together in this
excellent Mafia drama from director Mike Newell. Pacino,
who played undercover cop Frank Serpico 25 years
before, now becomes the hunted Mafia man whom
undercover cop Johnny Depp is after. The film was
coproduced by Barry Levinson and the screenplay was
written by Paul Attanasio, two of the people responsible
for the extraordinary television police drama HOMICIDE.
Dramas 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 147min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064061
Donnie Brasco (Extended Version) (Blu-ray)
Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Michael Madsen,
Anne Heche, Bruno Kirby, Zach Grenier Dir. Mike Newell
Al Pacino and Johnny Depp are terrific together in this
excellent Mafia drama from director Mike Newell. Pacino,
who played undercover cop Frank Serpico 25 years
before, now becomes the hunted Mafia man whom
undercover cop Johnny Depp is after. The film was
coproduced by Barry Levinson and the screenplay was
written by Paul Attanasio, two of the people responsible
for the extraordinary television police drama HOMICIDE.
Dramas 1997
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064064
Electronic Lover / The Spy Who
Phillipa Reed, Louis Waldon, Mike
Atkinson, Jean Carrol, Uta Erickson, Linda
Boyce - Dir. Jesse Berger, Ron Wertheim
Sex and science fiction collide in this pair of surrealistic
1960s sexploitation films. In ELECTRONIC LOVER, a mad
scientist builds a computer-like machine that will allow
him, with the help of his bizarre assistant, to peep through
women’s windows from the comfort of a chair. But,
exposed to the lurid visions that appear on his screen, his
voyeuristic desires lead him to the brink of madness. In
THE SPY WHO CAME, vice cop Harry Harris finds himself
under the control of an opium-addicted Arab and his den
of drugs and depravity. Among a harem of brainwashed
sex slaves (and the Arab’s brain-washing lesbian
accomplice) Harry must lead a sex-slave rebellion in order
to escape.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1966 FF DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064113
Entourage: Season 3 Part 1
Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Kevin
Connolly, Jerry Ferrara, Jeremy Piven, Debi
Mazar, Emmanuelle Chriqui, James
Cameron, Seth Green, Malcolm McDowell,
Martin Landau
So that he’ll never forget where he’s from, actor-on-therise Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier) enlists the company
and support of his childhood pals from Queens, New York,
to join him on his path towards stardom. More than happy
to oblige, Eric (Kevin Connolly), Turtle (Jerry Ferrara),
and Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon) eagerly move into
Chase’s L.A. mansion, where they enjoy endless parties in
the company of beautiful women. With Hollywood as their
playground, it doesn’t take long for the entourage to
discover that celebrity life is not all fun and games,
especially as they contend with the high-pressure tactics
of Vince’s hilariously cutthroat agent, Ari (Jeremy Piven),
and no-nonsense publicist, Shauna (Debi Mazar). Highlights of this HBO series include special quest
appearances by real-life celebrities including director
James Cameron and actors such as Seth Green, Malcolm
McDowell, and Martin Landau.
Television, Comedies 2006
Warner Home Video 03.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064390
Eragon (Blu-ray)
Don’t Look For Me
Udo Schenk, Lea Mornar, Stipe Erceg - Dir.
Tilman Zens
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064098
Charlie Trairat, Sirachuch Chienthaworm,
Chintara Sukapatana - Dir. Songyos
Horror/Suspense 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.05.2007
Katharine Hepburn, Walter Huston, Turhan
Bey, Agnes Moorehead, Aline MacMahon,
Akim Tamiroff, Hurd Hatfield, Frances
Rafferty, Henry Travers, Robert Lewis, J.
Carrol Naish - Dir. Harold S. Bucquet, Jack
Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, Djimon
Hounsou, Edward Speleers, Robert Carlyle,
Sienna Guillory, Garrett Hedlund, Alun
Armstrong, Christopher Egan, Joss Stone,
Tamsin Egerton, Steve Spears, Gary Lewis,
Rachel Weisz - Dir. Stefen Fangmeier
Based on the first novel in Christopher Paolini’s popular
INHERITANCE trilogy, ERAGON is a fantastical adventure
in a vein similar to that of the LORD OF THE RINGS
trilogy and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. A classic
story of a quest driven by destiny and set in a land where
elves, magicians, and humans live side by side, the battle
between good and evil, innocence and cynicism, is taken
up once again. John Malkovitch camps it up as the evil
King Galbatorix, a former guardian of peace who long ago
went over to the dark side. He now rules over a land from
which dragons have all but disappeared, until humble farm
boy Eragon (newcomer Edward Speelers) happens upon a
mysterious blue object that turns out to be a dragon egg.
Eragon befriends the charming dragon cub, Saphira
(voiced with aplomb by Rachel Weisz), and becomes her
rider, designating him as the principal warrior in the fight
against evil. Jeremy Irons steals the show as the wise and
mysterious old man who becomes Eragon’s mentor,
guiding him through the tasks of saving a princess
(Sienna Guillory) battling an evil sorcerer (Robert Carlyle,
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064083
Eragon (Special Edition)
Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, Djimon
Hounsou, Edward Speleers, Robert Carlyle,
Sienna Guillory, Garrett Hedlund, Alun
Armstrong, Christopher Egan, Joss Stone,
Tamsin Egerton, Steve Spears, Gary Lewis,
Rachel Weisz - Dir. Stefen Fangmeier
Based on the first novel in Christopher Paolini’s popular
INHERITANCE trilogy, ERAGON is a fantastical adventure
in a vein similar to that of the LORD OF THE RINGS
trilogy and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. A classic
story of a quest driven by destiny and set in a land where
elves, magicians, and humans live side by side, the battle
between good and evil, innocence and cynicism, is taken
up once again. John Malkovitch camps it up as the evil
King Galbatorix, a former guardian of peace who long ago
went over to the dark side. He now rules over a land from
which dragons have all but disappeared, until humble farm
boy Eragon (newcomer Edward Speelers) happens upon a
mysterious blue object that turns out to be a dragon egg.
Eragon befriends the charming dragon cub, Saphira
(voiced with aplomb by Rachel Weisz), and becomes her
rider, designating him as the principal warrior in the fight
against evil. Jeremy Irons steals the show as the wise and
mysterious old man who becomes Eragon’s mentor,
guiding him through the tasks of saving a princess
(Sienna Guillory) battling an evil sorcerer (Robert Carlyle,
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064576
Eragon (Full Screen)
Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, Djimon
Hounsou, Edward Speleers, Robert Carlyle,
Sienna Guillory, Garrett Hedlund, Alun
Armstrong, Christopher Egan, Joss Stone,
Tamsin Egerton, Steve Spears, Gary Lewis,
Rachel Weisz - Dir. Stefen Fangmeier
Based on the first novel in Christopher Paolini’s popular
INHERITANCE trilogy, ERAGON is a fantastical adventure
in a vein similar to that of the LORD OF THE RINGS
trilogy and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. A classic
story of a quest driven by destiny and set in a land where
elves, magicians, and humans live side by side, the battle
between good and evil, innocence and cynicism, is taken
up once again. John Malkovitch camps it up as the evil
King Galbatorix, a former guardian of peace who long ago
went over to the dark side. He now rules over a land from
which dragons have all but disappeared, until humble farm
boy Eragon (newcomer Edward Speelers) happens upon a
mysterious blue object that turns out to be a dragon egg.
Eragon befriends the charming dragon cub, Saphira
(voiced with aplomb by Rachel Weisz), and becomes her
rider, designating him as the principal warrior in the fight
against evil. Jeremy Irons steals the show as the wise and
mysterious old man who becomes Eragon’s mentor,
guiding him through the tasks of saving a princess
(Sienna Guillory) battling an evil sorcerer (Robert Carlyle,
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 FF DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064578
Eragon (Widescreen)
Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, Djimon
Hounsou, Edward Speleers, Robert Carlyle,
Sienna Guillory, Garrett Hedlund, Alun
Armstrong, Christopher Egan, Joss Stone,
Tamsin Egerton, Steve Spears, Gary Lewis,
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März 2007
Seite 21
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Rachel Weisz - Dir. Stefen Fangmeier
Based on the first novel in Christopher Paolini’s popular
INHERITANCE trilogy, ERAGON is a fantastical adventure
in a vein similar to that of the LORD OF THE RINGS
trilogy and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. A classic
story of a quest driven by destiny and set in a land where
elves, magicians, and humans live side by side, the battle
between good and evil, innocence and cynicism, is taken
up once again. John Malkovitch camps it up as the evil
King Galbatorix, a former guardian of peace who long ago
went over to the dark side. He now rules over a land from
which dragons have all but disappeared, until humble farm
boy Eragon (newcomer Edward Speelers) happens upon a
mysterious blue object that turns out to be a dragon egg.
Eragon befriends the charming dragon cub, Saphira
(voiced with aplomb by Rachel Weisz), and becomes her
rider, designating him as the principal warrior in the fight
against evil. Jeremy Irons steals the show as the wise and
mysterious old man who becomes Eragon’s mentor,
guiding him through the tasks of saving a princess
(Sienna Guillory) battling an evil sorcerer (Robert Carlyle,
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064577
Essential Classic American Musicals
Howard Keel, Jane Powell, Judy Garland Dir. Vincente Minnelli, Stanley Donen
MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS is a captivating musical about a
St. Louis family at the time of the 1903 World’s Fair.
Tunes include „Trolley Song,“ „Boy Next Door,“ „Have
Yourself a Merry Christmas,“ and others.
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064485
Essential Classic Dramas
Humphrey Bogart, Charlton Heston - Dir.
William Wyler, Orson Welles, John Huston
Three of the finest dramas ever brought to the screen are
included on this collection. The titles featured are a
special four-disc release of BEN HUR, the Special Edition
of CITIZEN KANE, and a three-disc presentation of THE
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064486
Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn) into a proper society lady in
time for an important ball. His gamble could pay off—but
the spirited Eliza is more of a handful than the professor
could have predicted. As she slowly becomes more
refined, and less reliant upon him, Higgins realizes, to his
confusion, that he can’t live without her. The film was
nominated for 12 Oscars and won eight, including Best
Picture and Director.
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064484
Essential Classic Romances
Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman - Dir. Michael Curtiz,
Victor Fleming
CASABLANCA: World War II Morocco springs to life in
YANKEE DOODLE DANDY) classic love story. Colorful
characters abound in Casablanca, a waiting room for
Europeans trying to escape Hitler’s war-torn Europe.
Humphrey Bogart plays Rick Blaine, a cynical but goodhearted American whose café is the gathering place for
everyone from the French police to the black market to
the Nazis. When his long-lost love, Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman),
surfaces in Casablanca with her Resistance-leader
husband, Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid), Rick is pulled into
both a love triangle and a web of political intrigue. Ilsa
and Victor need to escape from Casablanca, and Rick
may be the only one who can help them. The question is,
will he?
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064500
Everybody Loves Raymond: The
Complete Eighth Season
Patricia Heaton, Doris Roberts, Brad
Garrett, Peter Boyle, Ray Romano
Television, Comedies 2006 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064387
Fail Safe
James Cromwell, Bill Smitrovich, Brian
Dennehy, Don Cheadle, Doris Belack,
George Clooney - Dir. Stephen Frears
Dramas FF M 84min.
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064680
Essential Classic Family Films
Judy Garland, Gene Wilder - Dir. Mel Stuart, Victor Fleming, King Vidor
wry and amusing musical, a world-famous candymaker
hides five golden tickets in candy bars for five lucky
children. Young, good-natured Charlie (Peter Ostrum)
wins one of the tickets hidden among thousands of Wonka
chocolate bars. What have Charlie and the other four kids
won? A tour through Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, led
by the loveable, eccentric, but often mean-spirited Wonka
himself (Gene Wilder). The factory is like a fantasy world:
crazy color schemes, wild inventions, secret rooms, busy
oompa-loompas, and lots and lots of delectable sweets.
But Wonka has a hidden agenda, and during the tour he
tests each child’s character and honesty.
Family Law
Adriana Aizemberg, Damian Dreyzik, Daniel
Hendler - Dir. Daniel Burman
The son of an attorney follows his father into the same
line of business only to suffer an identity crisis in this
Argentinean comedy.
Foreign Films 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064104
Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
/ The Fast and the Furious
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064487
Lil Bow Wow, Lucas Black, Sung Kang,
Zachery Ty Bryan, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker,
Michelle Rodriguez - Dir. Rob Cohen, Justin
Essential Classic Musicals
Fasten seat belts for this pair of high-octane racing films:
FURIOUS: TOKYO DRIFT. Please see individual titles for
synopsis information.
Debbie Reynolds, Audrey Hepburn, Rex
Harrison - Dir. George Cukor, Stanley
Donen, Gene Kelly
MY FAIR LADY: A priceless classic, MY FAIR LADY has
become one of the most popular musicals of all time.
Based on George Bernard Shaw’s 1913 play,
PYGMALION, the film swept the Academy Awards. Cecil
Beaton’s lavish sets and costumes and Lerner and
Loewe’s winning score became the background for
George Cukor ’s striking mix of styles that ranged from the
fantastic to the abstract in his telling of the tale of a waif
who’s educated into being a lady. Egotistical linguist
Professor Henry Higgins (Oscar-winning Rex Harrison)
bets his friend, Colonel Hugh Pickering (Wilfrid HydeWhite), that he can transform Cockney flower girl Eliza
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064200
Fear / The Watcher / Rasing Cain
- Triple Feature
James Spader, Marisa Tomei, Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon, William L. Petersen, Alyssa Milano, Keanu Reeves, John
Lithgow, Lolita Davidovich, Steven Bauer -
Dir. Brian De Palma, James Foley, Joe
These three thrillers—FEAR, THE WATCHER, and
RAISING CAIN—focus on chilling tales of obsession.
Please see individual titles for synopsis information.
Horror/Suspense DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064189
Female Prisoner #701 Scorpion Collection
Meiko Kaji - Dir. Shunya Ito
Quentin Tarantino drew inspiration for KILL BILL from this
series of Japanese exploitation films starring Meiko Kaji of
LADY SNOWBLOOD fame. This set includes FEMALE
and SCORPION GRUDGE SONG. In these films, Kaji
plays Scorpion, a woman warrior intent on vengeance.
This trio of movies traces her attempts at escape from
prison to her efforts at revenge once she gains her
Foreign Films, Japanese 1972-1973
Media Blasters 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064429
Final Contract
Alison King, Drew Fuller, Ken Bones, Sam
Douglas - Dir. Axel Sand
Action/Adventure 2006 FF DD 2.0 97min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064110
Final Shot: The Hank Gathers
Victor Love, Duane Davis, George Kennedy,
Nell Carter - Dir. Charles Braverman
This fact-based film tells the tragic story of Hank Gathers,
a talented college basketball player with severe heart
problems. Gathers made the difficult decision not to take
his medicine because it made him sluggish and unable to
play well. As a result, he suffered a heart attack and died,
still very young, during a game.
Dramas 1992
MPI Home Video 24.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064454
Finding Neverland (Blu-ray)
Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie,
Radha Mitchell, Dustin Hoffman - Dir. Marc
Most people know the story of Peter Pan, the boy who
refused to grow up. Director Marc Forster ’s (MONSTER’S
BALL) FINDING NEVERLAND delves deeper, depicting a
fictionalized account of the family and events that inspired
the classic tale. At the turn of the 20th Century, Scottish
playwright J.M. Barrie’s (Johnny Depp) latest play in
London has flopped almost as badly as his marriage to
stature-seeking Mary (Radha Mitchell). During one of his
frequent excursions to the park with his dog, Barrie meets
four young boys and their recently widowed mother, Sylvia
Llewelyn Davies (Kate Winslet). Soon Barrie becomes a
frequent playmate to the children, using the boys’
imagination to take them on fanciful adventures. He also
becomes a friend and confidante to the overwhelmed
Sylvia, much to the dismay of her overbearing mother
(Julie Christie). Barrie’s active imagination and interaction
with the family inspires „Peter Pan,“ a play that celebrates
the child in everyone and the importance of believing in
fantasies and miracles. A droll and amusing Dustin
Hoffman appears as American Charles Frohman, Barrie’s
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064046
First Blood (Blu-ray)
Sylvester Stallone, David Caruso, Richard
Crenna, Brian Dennehy - Dir. Ted Kotcheff
Sylvester Stallone stars as ex-Green Beret John Rambo,
a shell-shocked Vietnam vet adrift in the Pacific
Northwest. Harassment by an unsympathetic small-town
sheriff brings on nasty flashbacks of torture at the hands
of the Viet Cong; after busting out of the jail where he has
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Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
been unjustly imprisoned, our psychically-scarred hero
vows to get revenge on the ungrateful sheriff. Before
blowing the sheriff and his town away, however, Rambo
must use his jungle smarts to elude the relentless posse
of state troopers and National Guardsmen who pursue
him through the forest.
Action/Adventure 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064144
Fletch (Jane Doe Edition)
Chevy Chase, Joe Don Baker, Dana
Wheeler-Nicholson, Kenneth Mars, Geena
Davis, George Wendt, M. Emmet Walsh,
George Wyner, Tony Longo, Tim Matheson,
Ralph Seymour, Bruce French, Alison La
Placa, Burton Gilliam - Dir. Michael Ritchie
An investigative reporter with a talent for disguise
becomes involved in a huge drug smuggling scheme and
police corruption after answering the bizarre request of a
dying man.
Comedies 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 98min.
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064449
Flight 29 Down
Corbin Bleu, Johnny Pacar, Kristy Wu,
Jeremy James Kissner, Hallee Hirsh, Allen
Alvarado, Lauren Storm - Dir. Steve De
Jarnatt, D. J. MacHale
Television, Action/Adventure 2005
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064091
Flip a Coin
Staten Eliot, Fran Labbe, Eglantine
Rembeauville-Nicolle, Cathy Barry - Dir.
David Flamholc
Dramas 2004
Vanguard International Cinema 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064669
Forgotten Noir #4: Man from
Cairo & Mask of the Dragon
F-Troop: The Complete Second
Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, John
Mahoney, Jane Leeves, Peri Gilpin
Forrest Tucker, Larry Storch, Ken Berry,
Melody Patterson
With its witty dialogue, sophisticated character
development, and classic slapstick situations, FRASIER
was a prime example of television comedy at its finest.
Picking up the slack from the departure of CHEERS from
American television in 1993, the smart sitcom centered on
pompous psychiatrist and former Cheers regular Frasier
Crane (Kelsey Grammer) as he started life anew as a
radio talk show host in his Seattle hometown. The series’
brilliant ensemble cast included his prim and proper
brother, Niles (David Hyde Pierce); their gruff, retired cop
father, Martin (John Mahoney); Martin’s live-in home care
assistant, Daphne (Jane Leeves); Frasier’s brassy radio
producer, Roz (Teri Gilpin); and a charismatic Jack
Russell terrier named Eddie, ensuring that Frasier’s life
was populated with as many colorful characters as it was
back East. This collection presents the beloved series’
ninth season in its entirety.
Television, Comedies 2001-2002
Paramount Home Entertainment 15.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064464
Kevin Dillon, Chris Gauthier - Dir. William
A college reunion brings four friends back together in this
comedy. Led by Rick Foster (ENTOURAGE’s Kevin
Dillon), the group of friends realizes how much they’ve
changed in the years since graduation. However, Foster’s
mind isn’t entirely on bonding as he hopes to make some
money off his former pals in a game of golf.
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 29.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064188
Michael J. Fox Comedy Favorites
Kirk Douglas, Gabrielle Anwar, James
Woods, Annabella Sciorra, Helen Slater,
Michael J. Fox - Dir. Herbert Ross, John
Badham, Barry Sonnenfeld, Jonathan Lynn
Michael J. Fox charms his way through these four comedy
individual titles for synopsis information.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064450
This 1960s sitcom/western followed the bold yet bumbling
soldiers of F-Troop at Fort Courage in the days following
the Civil War. Led by Captain Parmenter, a naive and
wide-eyed soldier promoted to Captain due to an act of
accidental heroism, the F-Troop cavalry does its
incompetent best to survive in the lawless frontier. Making
things easier, Parmenter ’s second-in-command, the crafty
Sgt. O’Rourke, negotiates a deal with the local Hekawi
Indians in which the cavalry and the Indians stage mock
battles, but actually work together in a mutually profitable
Indian souvenir business. The true threat to F-Troop
comes from the warlike „Shug“ Indians who periodically
raid the fort. Bringing a bit of sexpot appeal to the show,
sharp-shooting cowgirl Wrangler Jane strives to marry the
innocent Captain Parmenter. A lighthearted send-up of the
Western genre, F-TROOP, with its irreverent anti-authority
attitude, showed its ties to the sixties counterculture, and
acted as a precursor to the megahit M*A*S*H.
Television, Comedies FF M 784min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064510
Freedom Writers (Full Screen)
Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick
Dempsey, Scott Glenn, Robert Wisdom,
April L. Hernandez, Kristen Herrera, Sergio
Montalvo, Jason Finn, Deance Wyatt,
Vanetta Smith, Gabriel Chavarria, Hunter
Parrish, Antonio Garcia - Dir. Richard
Fungus the Bogeyman
Based on actual diary accounts of several teenagers
following the LA riots, FREEDOM WRITERS is the story of
an idealistic teacher’s attempts to make a difference in
the lives of her at-risk students. Located in gang-ravaged
Long Beach, California, Woodrow Wilson High is a hotbed
of violence due to a voluntary integration program which
brings Black, Latino, Asian, and White students together.
Rather than having the desired effect of creating healthy
diversity, this program breeds constant war between all
parties involved, the result being daily gun shots, constant
racial slurs, and gang violence.
Nicole Kidman, Robert Downey - Dir.
Steven Shainberg
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064637
Dramas 2007 FF 122min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064659
Freedom Writers (Widescreen)
George Raft - Dir. Philip Stevenson, Sam
Dramas 1951-1953 FF 137min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 06.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064673
Frasier - The Ninth Season
Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick
Dempsey, Scott Glenn, Robert Wisdom,
April L. Hernandez, Kristen Herrera, Sergio
Montalvo, Jason Finn, Deance Wyatt,
Vanetta Smith, Gabriel Chavarria, Hunter
Parrish, Antonio Garcia - Dir. Richard
Based on actual diary accounts of several teenagers
following the LA riots, FREEDOM WRITERS is the story of
an idealistic teacher’s attempts to make a difference in
the lives of her at-risk students. Located in gang-ravaged
Long Beach, California, Woodrow Wilson High is a hotbed
of violence due to a voluntary integration program which
brings Black, Latino, Asian, and White students together.
Rather than having the desired effect of creating healthy
diversity, this program breeds constant war between all
parties involved, the result being daily gun shots, constant
racial slurs, and gang violence.
Clare Thomas, Fay Ripley
Television, Dramas FF 162min.
MTI Home Video 08.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064207
G.I. Jane (Blu-ray)
Demi Moore, Dan DePaola, Susan Aston,
John Seitz, Kent Lindsey, Bob Moore, Harry
Humphries, Michael Currie, Steve
Gonzales, Arthur Max, Billy Dowd, Duffy
Gaver, Scott Helvenston, Phil Neilson,
Viggo Mortensen, Anne Bancroft, Jason
Beghe, Daniel Von Bargen, John Michael
Higgins, Kevin Gage, David Warshofsky,
David Vadim, Morris Chestnut, Josh
Hopkins, Jim Caviezel, Boyd Kestner, Angel
David, Stephen Ramsey, Gregg Bello, Scott
Wilson, Lucinda Jenney, Ted Sutton, Gary
Wheeler, Donn Swaby, Jack Gwaltney, Neal
Jones, Rhonda Overby, Stephen Mendillo Dir. Ridley Scott
In Ridley Scott’s G.I. JANE, navy lieutenant Jordan O’Neil
smashes the glass ceiling as the first female candidate for
SEAL training, but her biggest battles are yet to come—
brutal training regimens, persecution from her tough-asnails master chief, and the growing realization that she is
a pawn in the political games played by her chief
supporter, a hardened female senator.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 122min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064660
Dramas 1997
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064047
El Gallo Giro
Dan Hedaya, Amanda Plummer, Brooke
Shields, Kiefer Sutherland, Michael T.
Weiss, Reese Witherspoon, Bokeem
Woodbine, Wolfgang Bodison - Dir. Matthew
EL GALLO GIRO is a Spanish-language thriller about a
violent man who takes an unusual turn in life by pursuing
a career as a singer. But his love for a woman who is
already spoken for brings the man face to face with his
past once again as he returns to his violent ways in an
attempt to solve the problem.
A hip, darkly comic on-the-road tale about a young woman
who has an unfortunate encounter with a figurative big,
bad wolf while hitching a ride to grandma’s house to
escape her abusive family. Little Red Riding Hood it ain’t.
Comedies 1996 FF DD 2.0 102min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064153
Foreign Films, Spanish FF 98min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064203
Gamebox 1.0
Nate Richert, Danielle Fishel - Dir. David
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Hillenbrand, Scott Hillenbrand
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064159
Gangs of the Dead
Enrique Almeida, Noel Gugliemi, Reggie
Bannister - Dir. Duane Stinnett
When two rival gangs unexpectedly meet in a warehouse
in Los Angeles, violence is sure to ensue. But it’s not the
gang members causing the trouble in this horror film—it’s
the zombies. A meteor filled with a virus crashes into Los
Angeles, and the results are far more grave than a simple
cold. The meteor brings with it a zombie-spawning spore,
and it forces the two gangs to join with the cops in order
to survive the undead apocalypse.
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 88min.
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064443
George and the Dragon
Tom Reeve, Piper Perabo, Patrick Swayze,
Patsy Swayze, Michael Clarke Duncan,
Joan Plowright
Dramas DD 5.1
First Look Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064359
Get Up & Groove with The
Television, Childrens 2007 FF DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064163
Horror/Suspense 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Tartan Video 13.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064470
Ghost Busters - Complete Series
Forrest Tucker, Larry Storch, Bob Burns
Television, Comedies 1975
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064023
Girls Gone Bad - The Delinquent
Dames Collection
This collection of 25 low-budget movies includes plenty of
Z-grade, female-themed action, and is aimed at fans who
adore scandalous filmmakers such as John Waters
(HAIRSPRAY), Herschell Gordon Lewis (BLOOD FEAST),
and Russ Meyer (SHE-DEVILS ON WHEELS).
Dramas FF 1755min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064221
Italian deserter Giuseppe, allowing him to stay in the
apartment she shares with her brother. But things get
complicated when Giuseppe falls in love with Maria and
she must keep him from discovering her connection with
the Polish resistance.
Dramas 1964 Ltbx 94min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064549
Godzilla Raids Again
A death struggle between the indestructible monster and
the Japanese people with both Godzilla and Gigantis
destroying everything in the way.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064052
Godzilla Vs. Mothra
Akira Takarada, Yuriko Hoshi - Dir. Inoshiro
When Godzilla goes on a fire-breathing rampage, it is up
to the mighty Mothra and her two feisty baby Mothras to
battle the barbarous beast.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1964
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064051
The Good Shepherd (HD DVD)
Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Joe Pesci, Keir
Dullea, Alec Baldwin, Michael Gambon,
Billy Crudup, William Hurt - Dir. Robert De
Niro, Francis Ford Coppola
TALE) makes an ambitious return to the director’s chair. A
labor of love for Oscar-winning screenwriter Eric Roth
(FORREST GUMP), the film tells an epic, fictionalized
account of how the Central Intelligence Agency was born.
Matt Damon plays Edward Wilson, a reserved young man
who graduated from Yale in the late 1930s. His
membership in the exclusive, hidden Skull and Bones
society led him away from poetry and into a relationship
with the federal government, who recruited him to help
them on several covert operations. Roth’s script
alternates between Wilson’s gradual emergence as a
genuine government operative in the early 1940s and the
infamous Bay of Pigs conflict in the early 1960s. Along the
way, he has a sweet romance with a pretty deaf girl (a
sparkling Tammy Blanchard) and ends up marrying the
woman he impregnates (Angelina Jolie) out of a strong
sense of duty. Throughout the film, the emergence of a
mysterious tape haunts Wilson, who is determined to
uncover the truth behind a leak in his secret organization.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 168min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064195
The Good Shepherd (Full Screen)
Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Joe Pesci, Keir
Dullea, Alec Baldwin, Michael Gambon,
Billy Crudup, William Hurt - Dir. Robert De
Niro, Francis Ford Coppola
Giuseppe in Warsaw
TALE) makes an ambitious return to the director’s chair. A
labor of love for Oscar-winning screenwriter Eric Roth
(FORREST GUMP), the film tells an epic, fictionalized
account of how the Central Intelligence Agency was born.
Matt Damon plays Edward Wilson, a reserved young man
who graduated from Yale in the late 1930s. His
membership in the exclusive, hidden Skull and Bones
society led him away from poetry and into a relationship
with the federal government, who recruited him to help
them on several covert operations. Roth’s script
alternates between Wilson’s gradual emergence as a
genuine government operative in the early 1940s and the
infamous Bay of Pigs conflict in the early 1960s. Along the
way, he has a sweet romance with a pretty deaf girl (a
sparkling Tammy Blanchard) and ends up marrying the
woman he impregnates (Angelina Jolie) out of a strong
sense of duty. Throughout the film, the emergence of a
mysterious tape haunts Wilson, who is determined to
uncover the truth behind a leak in his secret organization.
Antonio Cifariello, Zbigniew Cybulski, Alina
Borkowski, Krystyna Borowicz, Elzbieta
Czyzewski - Dir. Stanislaw Lenartowicz
Dramas 2006 FF DD 5.1 168min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064192
This charming comedy, set during World War II, shows the
lighter side of Polish cinema. In German-occupied
Warsaw, Maria (Elzbieta Czyzewski) takes pity on the
The Good Shepherd (Widescreen)
Girls Next Door - Season 2
Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt, Kendra
Television, Comedies 2006 DD 2.0
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064582
Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Joe Pesci, Keir
Dullea, Alec Baldwin, Michael Gambon,
Billy Crudup, William Hurt - Dir. Robert De
Niro, Francis Ford Coppola
TALE) makes an ambitious return to the director’s chair. A
labor of love for Oscar-winning screenwriter Eric Roth
(FORREST GUMP), the film tells an epic, fictionalized
account of how the Central Intelligence Agency was born.
Matt Damon plays Edward Wilson, a reserved young man
who graduated from Yale in the late 1930s. His
membership in the exclusive, hidden Skull and Bones
society led him away from poetry and into a relationship
with the federal government, who recruited him to help
them on several covert operations. Roth’s script
alternates between Wilson’s gradual emergence as a
genuine government operative in the early 1940s and the
infamous Bay of Pigs conflict in the early 1960s. Along the
way, he has a sweet romance with a pretty deaf girl (a
sparkling Tammy Blanchard) and ends up marrying the
woman he impregnates (Angelina Jolie) out of a strong
sense of duty. Throughout the film, the emergence of a
mysterious tape haunts Wilson, who is determined to
uncover the truth behind a leak in his secret organization.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 168min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064191
Good Soldier
Susan Fleetwood, Jeremy Brett, Robin Ellis
- Dir. Kevin Billington
This adaptation of Ford Madox Ford’s classic novel
provides a look at the duplicity that lies beneath the calm
surface of a comfortable marriage. Two couples—one
British, the other American—meet at a German spa. They
form a pleasant friendship. But slowly this veneer of
normalcy is torn away, revealing deception and infidelity.
This version, aired on Masterpiece Theatre in the 1980s,
maintains the novel’s nonlinear structure, using
flashbacks to reveal the gap between life as it is
perceived, and life as it really is.
Television, Dramas 1981
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064330
The Gospel According to St.
Enrique Irazoque, Margherita Caruso,
Susanna Pasolini, Marcello Morante, Mario
Socrate - Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Christ’s life is presented with respect for the traditional
religious doctrine of the Church, but Pasolini’s trademark
naturalism „humanizes“ his subject and makes him his
own. The documentary-style camera captures Christ’s
meetings with the men who were to become his disciples,
the Last Supper, the betrayal by Judas, and the
Crucifixion. The impassioned music of Bach, Mozart, and
Prokofiev lends a further aura of spiritual intensity to the
Foreign Films, Italian 1965
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064417
Gothika / Queen of the Damned
Stuart Townsend, Aaliyah, Robert Downey,
Penélope Cruz, Halle Berry - Dir. Mathieu
Kassovitz, Michael Rymer
GOTHIKA: GOTHIKA stars Halle Berry as Dr. Miranda
Grey, a psychiatrist who becomes a patient in her own
mental hospital after she is accused of murdering her
husband (Charles S. Dutton). Grey’s only initial memory of
the incident involves a chilling encounter with a distraught
girl (Kathleen Mackey) on a rain-soaked road. The
incarcerated and medicated Grey is now haunted by the
same apparition, and she must convince her former
colleague Pete Graham (Robert Downey Jr.) that she is
not insane or guilty of murder. Meanwhile, the seemingly
mad ramblings of Chloe (Penelope Cruz), one of Grey’s
former patients, now make more sense, and Grey must
throw aside clinical logic to solve the supernatural murder
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064489
Guys Gone Wild - Platinum Edition
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Mantra Films, Inc. 03.04.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064655
Katharine Hepburn, Ian Saynor, Robert
Taylor, Spencer Tracy, Lucille Ball, Walter
Huston, Lowell Sherman, Adolphe Menjou,
Cary Grant - Dir. Harold S. Bucquet, Jack
Conway, Vincente Minnelli, George Cukor
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1972
Weinstein Company/Genius 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064477
Hardy Boys Nancy Drew
Mysteries: Season Two
Pamela Sue Martin, Shaun Cassidy, Parker
Television, Dramas 1977-1978 FF
Universal Studios Home Video 12.06.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064618
Harry and the Hendersons
John Lithgow, Melinda Dillon, Don Ameche,
Lainie Kazan - Dir. William Dear
George Henderson takes his family on a hunting trip in the
Pacific Northwest, where they discover the legendary
Bigfoot when it accidentally stumbles in front of their
station wagon and gets run over. Excited by his rare find,
George straps the monster to the roof of the car and
takes it back to the Seattle suburbs. But the beast turns
out to be alive and within minutes has transformed their
dream home into a pile of drywall and splinters. They
soon discover, however, that the creature has a genuine
heart of gold as well as a brain, and they grow quite fond
of the family’s new addition. This makes things all the
worse when local hunters start setting their sights on the
Henderson’s beloved, oversized pet.
Comedies 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 101min.
Universal Studios Home Video 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064431
Harsh Times
Christian Bale, Freddy Rodriguez, Eva
Longoria, Terry Crews, Noel Guglielmi,
Emilio Rivera, Abel Soto, Adriana Millan,
Tammy Trull - Dir. David Ayer
Haunted by nightmares from his murderous military past,
the honorably discharged Jim (Christian Bale) spends his
time between his impoverished fiancee in rural Mexico
and cruising the streets of east L.A., knocking back beers
and smoking joints with his buddy Mike (Freddy
Rodriguez). They also pawn a gun, run into some trouble
with a jealous gangster, and fool Mike’s girlfriend (Eva
Longoria) into thinking he’s actually dropping off resumes
instead of getting drunk and high with his buddy.
Homeland Security meanwhile wants to recruit Jim for
some special ops in Central America, but first he has to
pass a urine test.
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 116min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064473
Heaven and Hell
David Chiang, Alexander Fu Sheng, Kuo
Chue, Lo Meng - Dir. Cheh Chang
Action/Adventure 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 08.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064108
Hell to Eternity
Jeffrey Hunter, David Janssen, Vic
Damone, Patricia Owens, Richard Eyer,
Sessue Hayakawa - Dir. Phil Karlson
Based on the true story of WWII hero Guy Gabaldon, a
Marine who was raised by a Japanese-American family.
He daringly went behind enemy lines and convinced 2,000
Japanese soldiers to surrender. Packed with action, the
film features Janssen before he found wider fame as TV’s
Action/Adventure 1960 FF M 132min.
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064677
Katharine Hepburn Collection
Six films from screen icon Katharine Hepburn are featured
on this collection. The titles included are: THE CORN IS
Dramas 1933-1978
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064297
Highlander Series: Best of the
Action/Adventure FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 17.04.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064310
The Hill
Sean Connery, Harry Andrews, Ian Hendry,
Michael Redgrave, Ian Bannen, Alfred
Lynch, Ossie Davis, Roy Kinnear, Jack
Watson - Dir. Sidney Lumet
THE HILL, a World War II drama directed by Sidney
Lumet, focuses on the cruel British soldiers who were
based in the desert in Libya, Africa.
Dramas 1965 Ltbx M 123min.
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064686
History Boys
Frances De La Tour, Stephen Campbell
Moore, James Corden, Richard Griffiths,
Clive Merrison, Adrian Scarborough,
Russell Tovey, Penelope Wilton - Dir.
Nicholas Hytner
THE HISTORY BOYS, a clever look at a British school
system’s attempts to produce Oxford and Cambridgeworthy graduates, is based on the play of the same title
by Alan Bennett. Bennett’s play provides an interesting
springboard for a film about youth, growing up, education,
identity, and the complexities of the student-teacher
relationship. Set in Sheffield, England, in the early 1980s,
the story follows a class of college-bound high-school
boys as they prepare for the rigorous entrance exams.
Feeling the boys need grooming beyond what the absurd
Mr. Hector (Richard Griffiths) and sarcastic Mrs. Lintott
(Frances De La Tour) can offer, the headmaster (Clive
Merrison) brings in Mr. Irwin (Stephen Campbell Moore) to
fill in the gaps. As a finishing school teacher of sorts, it
becomes Irwin’s job, through innovative history lessons
and bold techniques, to turn children into men. But like his
colleagues, Mr. Irwin is not without doubts and of his
own, and his inevitable attraction to one of his students is
something that he continually struggles with.
Dramas 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064079
Hitcher (HD DVD)
Sean Bean, Sophia Bush, Zachary
Knighton, Neal McDonough, Kyle Davis,
Danny Bolero, Yara Martinez, Lauren Cohn,
Jeff Hutchinson, Skip O’Brien, Travis
Schuldt - Dir. Dave Meyers
Music video director Dave Meyers’s debut film is an
updated version of the 1986 shocker of the same name,
featuring Sean Bean (LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY) in
the title role of a chillingly sadistic hitchhiker. Twentysomething couple Grace (a mini-skirted Sophia Bush from
ONE TREE HILL) and Jim (Zachary Knighton) embark on
a road trip across the American Southwest to meet up
with Grace’s friends on vacation. Things get off to a bad
start when they almost run over a hitchhiker in the middle
of a rainstorm, and then leave him to fend for himself.
When they later run into the man (Bean), who calls
himself John Ryder, at a gas station, their consciences
get the best of them, and they agree to give him a ride to
the next town. The couple’s passenger quickly turns on
his hosts, and although they manage to escape, he
follows them and makes their lives a living hell. Soon,
Grace and Jim find themselves framed for John Ryder’s
vicious crimes, and they are on the run from both the
authorities and the Hitcher, of whose existence no one but
they are aware. As their flight gets increasingly desperate
and the Hi
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064181
Hitcher (Full Screen)
Sean Bean, Sophia Bush, Zachary
Knighton, Neal McDonough, Kyle Davis,
Danny Bolero, Yara Martinez, Lauren Cohn,
Jeff Hutchinson, Skip O’Brien, Travis
Schuldt - Dir. Dave Meyers
Music video director Dave Meyers’s debut film is an
updated version of the 1986 shocker of the same name,
featuring Sean Bean (LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY) in
the title role of a chillingly sadistic hitchhiker. Twentysomething couple Grace (a mini-skirted Sophia Bush from
ONE TREE HILL) and Jim (Zachary Knighton) embark on
a road trip across the American Southwest to meet up
with Grace’s friends on vacation. Things get off to a bad
start when they almost run over a hitchhiker in the middle
of a rainstorm, and then leave him to fend for himself.
When they later run into the man (Bean), who calls
himself John Ryder, at a gas station, their consciences
get the best of them, and they agree to give him a ride to
the next town. The couple’s passenger quickly turns on
his hosts, and although they manage to escape, he
follows them and makes their lives a living hell. Soon,
Grace and Jim find themselves framed for John Ryder ’s
vicious crimes, and they are on the run from both the
authorities and the Hitcher, of whose existence no one but
they are aware. As their flight gets increasingly desperate
and the Hi
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064198
Hitcher (Widescreen)
Sean Bean, Sophia Bush, Zachary
Knighton, Neal McDonough, Kyle Davis,
Danny Bolero, Yara Martinez, Lauren Cohn,
Jeff Hutchinson, Skip O’Brien, Travis
Schuldt - Dir. Dave Meyers
Music video director Dave Meyers’s debut film is an
updated version of the 1986 shocker of the same name,
featuring Sean Bean (LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY) in
the title role of a chillingly sadistic hitchhiker. Twentysomething couple Grace (a mini-skirted Sophia Bush from
ONE TREE HILL) and Jim (Zachary Knighton) embark on
a road trip across the American Southwest to meet up
with Grace’s friends on vacation. Things get off to a bad
start when they almost run over a hitchhiker in the middle
of a rainstorm, and then leave him to fend for himself.
When they later run into the man (Bean), who calls
himself John Ryder, at a gas station, their consciences
get the best of them, and they agree to give him a ride to
the next town. The couple’s passenger quickly turns on
his hosts, and although they manage to escape, he
follows them and makes their lives a living hell. Soon,
Grace and Jim find themselves framed for John Ryder ’s
vicious crimes, and they are on the run from both the
authorities and the Hitcher, of whose existence no one but
they are aware. As their flight gets increasingly desperate
and the Hi
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064197
Hog Island
Arwen Anderson, Lasse Christiansen - Dir.
Tom Clyde
Dramas 2007
Vanguard International Cinema 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064670
Hogan’s Heroes - The Sixth & Final Season
Bob Crane, Werner Klemperer, John Banner, Robert Clary, Richard Dawson, Ivan
Dixon, Larry Hovis, Leon Askin
Despite a historically and morally questionable premise,
the 1960s sitcom HOGAN’S HEROES was wildly popular
during its premiere run and continues to remain one of the
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
most classic (not to mention utterly unique) comedy series
in television history. Set in a Nazi prison camp during
World War II, the series follows a group of Allied POWs—
Englishman Peter Newkirk (a pre-FAMILY FEUD Richard
Dawson), Frenchman Louis LeBeau (Robert Clary), and
Americans Andrew Carter (Larry Hovis) and James
Kinchloe (Ivan Dixon, one of the first African-American
actors to get equal billing)—led by the irrepressible
Colonel Robert Hogan (Bob Crane) in their hilarious
attempts to sabotage the Nazi war effort. Though often
mischaracterized as a tasteless gloss on the real-life
horrors of Nazi Germany (the series was set in a prisonerof-war camp, rather than concentration camp), HOGAN’S
HEROES was intended as parody and certainly pulled no
punches in its unflattering depiction of idiotic Nazi officers
such as the pompous Colonel Klink (Werner Klemperer),
bumbling Sergeant Schultz (John Banner), and irascible
General Burkhalter
Television, Comedies 1970-1971 FF M
Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064662
House: Season One / House:
Season Two Value Pack
Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps,
Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison
Part E.R. and part C.S.I., HOUSE is a medical mystery
television show that’s appealing due to its creative
camerawork, interesting characters, and twisting plotlines.
Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) is a brilliant medical
professional, but often alienates his patients and coworkers because of his abrasive manner and bitterness.
In each episode House is faced with a person exhibiting a
number of unusual symptoms, and along with his team of
dedicated doctors and nurses, must discover what strange
illness is afflicting the patient...before it’s too late! The
show moves at a rapid pace, spurred by its turning and
suspenseful plotlines and the lively interaction between
the characters, played by a strong supporting cast that
includes Robert Sean Leonard, Omar Epps, and Sela
Ward. This collection gathers every episode in the first
two seasons of the Golden-Globe-winning series.
Television, Dramas 2004-2006 Ltbx 16x9
Universal Studios Home Video 08.05.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064183
I Love Lucy - Lucy’s Really Lost
Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz
Television, Comedies
Genius Productions, Inc. 01.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064174
Scott Victor Nelson - Dir. Chris Long, Mike
Comedies 2006
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064248
Illegal Aliens
The third and final film in the INFERNAL AFFAIRS series
packs the same wallop of action, style, and tense police/
crime drama as its predecessors. All the principles of the
first film appear in INFERNAL AFFAIRS 3, creating a
compelling ride high on tension and complex plot twists
and turns. Fans of the first two films in the series (and
fans of THE DEPARTED, Martin Scorsese’s remake of
INFERNAL AFFAIRS) won’t want to miss this final chapter.
Action/Adventure 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064270
Infernal Affairs Box Set
Andy Lau, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
This collection presents all three films in the blockbuster
Hong Kong trilogy that inspired Martin Scorsese’s Hollywood remake, THE DEPARTED. The original INFERNAL
AFFAIRS (2002) follows the parallel lives of a cop (Tony
Leung) working undercover as a mobster and a mobster
(Andy Lau) who has infiltrated the police force. INFERNAL
AFFAIRS 2 (2003) offers a prequel, while INFERNAL
AFFAIRS 3 (2003) ties up loose ends. All three films are
both commercially and critically acclaimed for eschewing
over-the-top action in favor of a more stylized and
subdued storyline that builds on emotional and
psychological tension. See individual titles for further plot
Action/Adventure 2002 Ltbx DD 5.1
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064271
Infernal Affairs 2
Edison Chen, Shawn Yue, Francis Ng, Eric
Tsang, Carina Lau - Dir. Wai Keung Lau,
Sui Fai Mak
Japan’s INFERNAL AFFAIRS films began to receive some
serious international recognition after Martin Scorsese
remade the original as THE DEPARTED in 2006.
INFERNAL AFFAIRS 2 is a police/crime thriller in the
same vein as its predecessor. The events of INFERNAL
AFFAIRS 2 take place prior to the time frame of the
original, providing backstory to its events and characters.
Stylish, action-packed, and outfitted with a complex rollercoaster of a plot, this prequel will be of interest to any fan
of the original.
James Doohan, Susan May Pratt, Sid Haig,
Craig Littler, Charlie Dell
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 19791981
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064025
Julius Caesar
Charlton Heston, Jason Robards, John
Gielgud, Richard Johnson, Robert Vaughn,
Diana Rigg, Richard Chamberlain, Michael
Keating - Dir. Stuart Burge
Appalled by the murder of his mentor, Julius Caesar, Mark
Antony declares war on his assassins — especially Caius
Cassius and „the honorable“ Brutus, who only reluctantly
took part in the crime.
Dramas 1970 FF DD 2.0 117min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064145
Laura Prepon, Tess Harper, Cherilyn
Hayres, Patrick Bauchau, Anthony John
Denison, Misha Collins - Dir. Joel Bender
A husband-and-wife team kidnap and murder three young
girls in this shocking story, which is based on a real event.
Paul Bernardo (Misha Collins) and Karla Homolka’s (Laura
Prepon) exploits fascinated the Canadian (and worldwide)
media as police frantically tried to capture them. KARLA
documents everything surrounding the case, with a
particular focus on how Paul used his creepy charm to
convince Karla that nothing was wrong.
Oliver Platt, Arliss Howard, Peter Riegert,
Alan King - Dir. John Mackenzie
Dramas 2006
Monterey Media 03.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064453
Based on a true story, an Israeli journalist goes
undercover in modern-day Germany to investigate the
proliferance of racial attacks and skinhead violence
Kelly’s Heroes / The Dirty Dozen
Dramas 1995
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064695
Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles,
Donald Sutherland, Robert Aldrich, Lee
Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, John Cassavetes Dir. Brian G. Hutton
KELLY’S HEROES: The laid-back members of a somewhat
wacky army platoon plan an unusual expedition—to rob a
bank located behind enemy lines.
Helen Baxendale, Laura Fraser, Ian Burfield
- Dir. Christopher Oxley
Dramas 1997
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 10.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064328
Jean Reno, Patrick Bruel, Danny Trejo,
Patricia Velasquez, Harrison Lowe - Dir.
Francis Veber
Director Francis Verber ’s THE JAGUAR takes a look at
what happens when disparate worlds collide. A gambler
named Perrin (Patrick Bruel) meets Wanu (Harrison
Lowe), an Indian humanitarian worker, along with his
interpreter, Campana (Jean Reno), in a Paris elevator.
Wanu is immediately taken with Perrin, and decides he is
the man he’s been seeking to carry out a dangerous
mission. Incredibly, Perrin agrees, and sets off on a
deadly adventure with Campana in tow.
Anna Nicole Smith
Comedies FF 93min.
MTI Home Video 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064206
Andy Lau, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Leon Lai,
Kelly Chen - Dir. Wai Keung Lau, Sui Fai
In this true story, Staff Sergeant Caroline Meagher is
assigned with rooting out suspected lesbians from the
British military. But, as she conducts her interrogations,
Meagher finds that she must deal with her own sexuality.
Action/Adventure 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064269
Infernal Affairs 3
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 2.0 100min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064261
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064304
Franco Nero, Woody Strode, William Berger, Olga Karlatos, Donald O’Brien, Giovanni
Cianfriglia, Orso Maria Guerrini, Gabriella
Giacobbe, Antonio Marsina, Joshua Sinclair
- Dir. Enzo G. Castellari
Franco Nero (DJANGO) stars as the title character in this
unjustly forgotten spaghetti western from Italian auteur
Enzo G. Castellari. Keoma, a half white, half Indian
gunfighter, returns to his hometown only to find it overrun
by a plague affecting much of the town. Unfortunately, the
man running the town, Caldwell, will not let anyone out or
any medical supplies in. After saving a beautiful woman
(Karlatos) thought to be afflicted, Keoma sets about
eradicating Caldwell and his men from his town. Stylish
and brutal, director Castellari combines the conventions of
the spaghetti western with the slow motion shootouts of
Peckinpah, resulting in a wholly unique and entertaining
Foreign Films, Italian 1976 Ltbx M
Blue Underground 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064034
Jason King
Peter Wyngarde, Anne Sharpe - Dir. Jeremy
Summers, Cyril Frankel, Roy Ward Baker
Television, Comedies 1971-1972
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064396
Kicking & Screaming / Big Fat
Liar Double Feature
Jason of Star Command - The
Complete Series
With actors such as Will Ferrell, Frankie Muniz, and Paul
deliver fun for the whole family. Please see individual
Frankie Muniz, Amanda Bynes, Paul
Giamatti, Lee Majors, Isaiah Washington,
Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate Walsh Dir. Jesse Dylan, Shawn Levy
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
titles for synopsis information.
Comedies 2005 FF DD 5.1 183min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064439
Kidnapped - The Complete Series
Jeremy Sisto, Delroy Lindo, Dana Delany,
Mykelti Williamson, Timothy Hutton, Linus
Roache, Carmen Ejogo
Television, Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 541min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064060
George Eastman, Aldo Caponi, Maurice
Poli, Lea Lander, Riccardo Cucciolla - Dir.
Mario Bava
The bleak but captivating story of three men who take a
woman hostage and hijack a car driven by a man taking
his dying son to the hospital. Mario Bava’s film was
completed posthumously in 1997 by Peter Blumenstock.
Told in real time.
Foreign Films, Italian 1974 Ltbx 16x9
Anchor Bay Entertainment 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063951
Clive Owen, Stellan Skarsgaard, Keira
Knightley, Ioan Gruffudd, Hugh Dancy,
Stephen Dillane, Ray Winstone, Til Schweiger, Joel Edgerton, Mads Mikkelsen, Ray
Stevenson, Sean Gilder, Ivano Marescotti,
Ken Stott - Dir. Antoine Fuqua
Combining the historical appeal and epic sequences of
films like GLADIATOR and BRAVEHEART, director Antoine
Fuqua (TRAINING DAY) and producer Jerry Bruckheimer
provide a sleek twist on the King Arthur legend. Arthur
(Clive Owen), a brave Roman/British Christian warrior who
leads his band of pagan knights on missions for the
Empire, must complete one final mission before the
knights can earn their freedom from servitude and Arthur
can return to Rome. Along the way, however, Arthur
realizes that the pullout of the Romans will open the door
for a crushing invasion of Britain by the Saxons, and he
takes it upon himself to fight with Merlin (Stephen Dillane)
and Guinevere (Keira Knightley) for the freedom of the
British people.
Action/Adventure 2004
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064043
Kingdom of Heaven (Blu-ray)
Michael Sheen, Eriq Ebouaney, Jouko
Ahola, David Thewlis, Liam Neeson, Philip
Glenister, Orlando Bloom, Kevin McKidd,
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Steven Robertson,
Marton Csokas, Alexander Siddig, Brendan
Gleeson, Jeremy Irons, Edward Norton, Eva
Green - Dir. Ridley Scott
Director Ridley Scott confronts hundreds of years of
religious conflict in KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. An epic film
set in Europe and the Middle East, the story follows one
man’s struggle to better himself and the world around him.
Orlando Bloom stars as Balian, a French blacksmith who
is mourning the deaths of his wife and baby when his
estranged nobleman father (Liam Neeson) arrives and
asks him to join the Crusades in Jerusalem. Mindful that
conducting the Lord’s work will help him atone for his sins,
Balian agrees, and embarks on the perilous journey. Along
the way, he reveals his gifts of inherent goodness and fair
treatment of all human beings. Upon reaching Jerusalem,
a city where his meager beginnings no longer matter,
Balian earns respect and fealty, while the evil Guy de
Lusignan (Marton Csokas) looks down his aristocratic
nose at the former laborer.
Christina Campbell, Charlie O’Connell,
Victoria Pratt, Jack Scalia
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx DD 5.1
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064648
Kunoichi Collection: Deadly Mirage & Lady Ninja
Yûko Moriyama, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Michie
Tomizawa - Dir. Yutaka Akiyama, Hitoshi
Female ninjas slash their way across the screen in this
pair of Japanese films. In DEADLY MIRAGE, the last of
the Kunoichi (female ninjas) must battle a powerful demon
to save the world. LADY NINJA centers on a group of
women warriors who vow revenge against a wicked noble.
Foreign Films, Japanese 2002-2004
Media Blasters 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064428
Kyle XY: The Complete First
King Arthur (Blu-ray)
Dramas 2005
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064570
Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep
Matt Dallas, Marguerite MacIntyre, Bruce
Thomas, April Matson, Jean-Luc Bilodeau,
Kirsten Prout, Nicholas Lea
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064534
Las Vegas: Season One / Las
Vegas: Season Two Value Pack
James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Nikki Cox,
Molly Sims
One of television’s slickest and most entertaining shows,
LAS VEGAS looks at the inner workings of one of the
biggest casinos in the city of sin. Filmed on a nearly
complete replica of the real-life Mandalay Bay, one of the
largest sets ever built for a television program, LAS
VEGAS centers on Big Ed Deline (James Caan), operator
of the Montecito Casino. He employs a specialized staff of
security personnel as well as a high-tech surveillance
system to catch the cheaters and schemers who enter the
facility. This two-pack collects every episode from the first
two seasons of the series.
reality of the situation. When he does finally realize the
atrocities Amin is inflicting upon his people (and is also
capable of inflicting on Nick), the terrified doctor tries to
make a frantic escape before it’s too late.
Dramas 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064076
Last King of Scotland
Gillian Anderson, Forest Whitaker, James
McAvoy, David Oyelowo, Kerry Washington,
Simon McBurney - Dir. Kevin MacDonald
Forest Whitaker delivers a ferociously commanding
performance as bloodthirsty Ugandan president Idi Amin
Adapted from the novel by Giles Foden, the film recounts
Amin’s horrific reign through the eyes of a fictional
character, Nick Garrigan (James McAvoy), a young doctor
from Scotland who travels to Uganda hoping to do some
good. Nick is more sanguine about new president Amin
than is his counterpart Sarah Merrit (Gillian Armstrong),
whose experience causes her to be skeptical of Amin’s
bombastic declarations. After an automobile accident,
Nick is called in to treat the president’s wounds. His
authoritative behavior impresses Amin, who charms Nick
into becoming his personal physician. Nick embraces his
newfound life of luxury, but he is unable to grasp the
reality of the situation. When he does finally realize the
atrocities Amin is inflicting upon his people (and is also
capable of inflicting on Nick), the terrified doctor tries to
make a frantic escape before it’s too late.
Dramas 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064075
Legend of the Dragon
Sammo Hung
A martial arts master finds his attempt to undertake a
different profession as a courier is more difficult than he
ever imagined in the explosive LEGEND OF THE
Action/Adventure FF 92min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064129
Little Britain Live
Anthony Head, Matt Lucas, David Walliams
Lassie: A Mother’s Love
An odd, distinctly British sketch show, LITTLE BRITAIN
rose to become one of the most popular comedy shows in
its native U.K. Starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams in
a variety of guises, each sketch features a unique take on
the minutiae of British life. Imitating people from various
walks of life, Lucas and Walliams grotesquely exaggerate
them for comedic effect; their chirpy yet deliberately
irritating character, Vicky Pollard, even spawned a
catchphrase that seeped into everyday use in Britain
(„yeah, but no, but yeah!“). In 2005 Lucas and Walliams
took the show on the road, bringing many of their most
popular characters to the stage on an eight-month tour.
This performance was recorded in Blackpool.
Genius Productions, Inc. 01.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064053
Television, Comedies 2006
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064331
Last King of Scotland (Full
Little Children
Television, Dramas 2003-2006 Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 08.05.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064184
Gillian Anderson, Forest Whitaker, James
McAvoy, David Oyelowo, Kerry Washington,
Simon McBurney - Dir. Kevin MacDonald
Forest Whitaker delivers a ferociously commanding
performance as bloodthirsty Ugandan president Idi Amin
Adapted from the novel by Giles Foden, the film recounts
Amin’s horrific reign through the eyes of a fictional
character, Nick Garrigan (James McAvoy), a young doctor
from Scotland who travels to Uganda hoping to do some
good. Nick is more sanguine about new president Amin
than is his counterpart Sarah Merrit (Gillian Armstrong),
whose experience causes her to be skeptical of Amin’s
bombastic declarations. After an automobile accident,
Nick is called in to treat the president’s wounds. His
authoritative behavior impresses Amin, who charms Nick
into becoming his personal physician. Nick embraces his
newfound life of luxury, but he is unable to grasp the
Gregg Edelman, Kate Winslet, Patrick
Wilson, Sadie Goldstein, Jennifer Connelly,
Jane Adams, Phyllis Somerville - Dir. Todd
Actor-turned-director Todd Field follows up his Oscarnominated drama, IN THE BEDROOM, with this ambitious
adaptation of Tom Perrotta’s celebrated novel. Set in the
imploding minefields of modern suburbia, LITTLE
CHILDREN follows several inhabitants of a small American town as they fumble their way through adulthood.
Numb-to-life housewife and mother Sarah Pierce (Kate
Winslet) finds an outlet for her yearning in gorgeous
househusband Brad Adamson (Patrick Wilson), who is
crippled with insecurity over the fact that his perfect wife,
Kathy (Jennifer Connelly), is the family breadwinner.
When Sarah and Brad meet at the local playground one
afternoon, a passionate affair is sparked. In a further
attempt to reclaim his youthful fire, Brad joins a night
football league with Larry Hedges (Noah Emmerich), a
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
former cop who has begun to harass a convicted sex
offender, Ronnie J. McGorvey (Jackie Earle Haley). These
troubled lives eventually collide, causing each individual
to take full responsibility for their not-so-responsible
actions. Adapted for the screen by Field and Perrotta and
artfully photographed by
Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064456
Trujillo, Bernabe Melendrez - Dir. Luis
Dramas 2003 FF DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064115
Los Mas Buscados Trilogy
Little Rascals - Best of Our Gang
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064413
Little Rascals - Best of Spanky
Weinstein Company/Genius 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064414
Little Rascals - Superstars of Our
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064415
Alejandro Alcondez, Jorge Reynoso,
Fernando Saenz - Dir. Francisco J. Lopez
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064116
Lost Language of Cranes
Brian Cox, Eileen Atkins, Angus
MacFadyen, Rene Auberjonois - Dir. Nigel
A married, supposedly heterosexual man, has been
secretly engaged in homosexual activity for years —
picking up men in male porno theaters and hiding his
short-lived affairs from his wife and son. When the son
announces to his parents that he is gay, the man is forced
to confront his own homosexuality and the hypocrisy of
his marriage and his life.
Comedies 1992
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064012
Little Rascals Box Set
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064416
Lost Reality - 1 & 2
Television, Comedies 2004-2005 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064629
Living Coffin
Gaston Santos
K. Gordon Murray produced this cheapie about a girl
terrified of being buried alive who puts an alarm bell
inside her coffin.
Horror/Suspense 1958
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064250
Lock Up
Sylvester Stallone, Donald Sutherland, John
Amos, Darlanne Fluegel, Frank McRae,
Sonny Landham - Dir. John Flynn
Prison flick starring Stallone as a good convict whose
sentence is almost completed. He attempts to escape,
however, in order to see his dying dad one last time. He is
caught, giving his warden-from-hell even more reasons —
and ammunition — to torture him brutally.
Dramas 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 115min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064162
Martha Navarro, Roberto Sosa, Leticia
Huijara, Javier Zaragoza, Mauricio Rivera Dir. Maria Novaro
Abandoned by her rock-singer husband, Lola (Leticia
Huijara) is forced to navigate a life of single motherhood
amid the often hostile backdrop of Mexico City. Marking
the debut of Mexico’s most prominent female director,
Maria Novaro (DANZON), this dark and realistic drama
depicts Lola wavering between responsibility and
recklessness, afflicted by guilt for her inadequacies as a
parent and defiant of a life increasingly beyond her
Major Hubal
Zygmunt Malanowicz, Tadeusz Janczar,
Kazimierz Wichniarz, Emil Karewicz - Dir.
Bohdan Poreba
Based on the true story of Major Dobrzanski who refused
to surrender after the Nazi occupation of Poland in 1939.
Foreign Films, Polish 1973 FF 126min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064548
Major Payne / Sgt. Bilko Double
Damon Wayans, Michael Ironside, Steve
Martin, Dan Aykroyd, Phil Hartman - Dir.
Jonathan Lynn, Nick Castle
Get a double dose of army amusement with these two
military-themed comedies.
Comedies 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.0 193min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064438
Man and the Monster
Abel Salazar
A famous pianist must hide whenever he hears a certain
tune — it changes him into a werewolf!
Horror/Suspense 1958
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064249
Richard Robinson, Frankie Ingrassia
Lost Room
Peter Krause, Julianna Marguiles, Kevin
Pollak, Elle Fanning, Roger Bart, Chris
Bauer - Dir. Craig R. Baxley
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
FF DD 2.0 300min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064160
Plans for a brother-sister reunion after a three-year gap
go horribly wrong in the taut thriller MARCUS. A man
called Marcus claims to be Roger’s sister’s boyfriend, but
with his sibling nowhere to be seen, Roger soon starts to
worry. Marcus explains that she will be with them shortly,
but when she fails to appear suspicions start to rise and
are compounded by the presence of a former friend of
Roger ’s, who is accompanied by his ex-girlfriend. Secrets
are soon exposed, and the brutal story line develops a
few shocking twists and turns.
Lovejoy - Complete Season 1
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 2.0 76min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064494
Ian McShane, Dudley Sutton, Chris Jury,
Phyllis Logan
Television, Dramas 1986
Warner Home Video 19.06.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064016
Lucky Texan
John Wayne, Barbara Sheldon, George
„Gabby“ Hayes, Yakima Canutt, Lloyd
Whitlock - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury
John Wayne and his mining partner strike it rich, but
tragedy ensues when one of them is accused of murder.
Westerns 1934
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064172
Dramas 1989 Ltbx 93min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064546
Billy Zane, Maggie Castle, Shauna
MacDonald - Dir. John Kalangis
Horror/Suspense 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064088
Lord Help Us
Joe Clair, Margaret Avery, Debra Wilson,
Bill Toliver, Nadia Turner - Dir. Shavar Ross
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 08.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064107
Alessandra de Rossi - Dir. Kelvin Tong
Los Hijos Del Gallero
Hailed as the first major horror movie to come out of
Singapore, Kelvin Tong’s chilling, harrowing thriller follows
Rosa (Alessandra de Rossi), a young woman who leaves
her home in the Philippines to find work as a maid. A
practical young woman who doesn’t put stock in
superstitions, she violates the sacred rules of the Seventh
Month of the Chinese calendar, and soon all Hell breaks
Toño Infante, Jorge Aldama, Valentin
Horror/Suspense 2005
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064262
DD 5.1 89min.
The Marsh
Brooke Johnson, Peter MacNeill, Gabrielle
Anwar, Justin Louis, Forest Whitaker - Dir.
Jordan Barker
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064343
Martin - The Complete Second
Martin Lawrence, Tichina Arnold, Tisha
Campbell, Carl Anthony Payne, Garrett
Martin Payne (Martin Lawrence) is a loudmouth whose job
as a radio and television personality fits him like a glove.
MARTIN focuses on Payne’s relationship with his longsuffering girlfriend Gina (Tisha Campbell) and the wide
variety of crazy friends he surrounds himself with, most of
whom are also played by Lawrence. This second season
of the show finds Payne getting into further mishaps, with
27 episodes included.
Television, Comedies 2006 FF
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064389
Maten Al Mexicano
Studio Latino 17.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064360
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Blu-ray)
Mayflower Madam
Candice Bergen, Chris Sarandon, Chita
Rivera, Caitlin Clarke - Dir. Lou Antonio
Based on the life and career of Sydney Biddle Barrows, a
young socialite descended from one of the original
Mayflower Pilgrims. This film chronicles the events that
lead to her arrest for the operation of the Cachet Escort
Service, a sex-for-sale operation.
Dramas 1987 FF
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064649
McLeod’s Daughters - The
Complete Second Season
Jack Thompson, Bridie Carter, Lisa
Chappell, Simmone Jade MacKinnon,
Jessica Napier, Aaron Jeffrey, Myles
Pollard, Tammy McIntosh, Kym Wilson
This release presents all 22 episodes from the second
season of MCLEOD’S DAUGHTERS. Claire (Lisa
Chappell) and Tess (Bridie Carter) are the two daughters
of the title. The McLeods have been brought together
after a long period of separation, thanks to their joint
inheritance of Drover’s Run, a cattle farm that has been in
their family for many generations. Together, the two
gather an all-female group of workers to keep the place
going. The show creates some admirably strong,
inspirational female characters, and builds its original
premise into well-crafted storylines.
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Kerry Washington,
Adam Brody - Dir. Doug Liman
Named after a 1941 Alfred Hitchcock film, MR. AND MRS.
SMITH is really its own ball of flaming wax, with enough
sizzling chemistry between stars Angelina Jolie and Brad
Pitt to blow up a small building. He shows he is equally
adept in comedy and action, and she manages to set new
screen standards of bad-ass sexiness. It’s impossible to
dislike this pair, or a movie that makes being married
seem like such insane fun. Pitt and Jolie play extremely
skilled professional assassins who have managed to stay
married for five years without ever realizing each other’s
profession because they work for rival agencies and the
work is top secret. When their paths eventually cross on a
high-level hit, one of the most lethal battles of the sexes
in the history of cinema is officially on. Thanks to a
genuinely witty script, the issue isn’t who will win, but
whether the couple will realize they are meant for each
other before it’s too late. Director Doug Liman was
obviously the right choice for the material, having proved
his ability to fuse engaging romance with knuckle-biting
action in 2002’s THE BOURNE IDENTITY. The c
Action/Adventure 2005
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064085
Mr. Bach Comes To Call
Some of Johann Sebastian Bach’s most popular pieces
are performed by the Bach Choir of Bethlehem and the
Bach Festival Orchestra as this tender tale about
friendship spills onto the screen.
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 969min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064136
Childrens 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064143
Melrose Place - The Complete
Second Season
Mrs. Doubtfire (Special Edition)
Courtney Thorne-Smith, Daphne Zuniga,
Doug Savant, Grant Show, Andrew Shue,
Thomas Calabro, Marcia Cross, Josie
Bissett, Heather Locklear
Creator Darren Star and executive producer Aaron
Spelling followed up on the massive success of their
1990s teen drama BEVERLY HILLS 90210 with a spinoff
series that went on to match its parent show’s popularity
(and made its Monday night timeslot a night of must-see
TV). A grownup, racier version of 90210, MELROSE
PLACE harkened back to the days of classic nighttime
soaps like DYNASTY and DALLAS while adding a
decidedly younger, hipper edge with amped-up levels of
sex, betrayal, murder, and a multiple personality or two.
The backstabbing action centered around a group of
fashionable, affluent twentysomethings living in a stylish
apartment complex on the titular L.A. strip: vulnerable ad
exec Alison Parker (Courtney Thorne-Smith); her
roommate/love interest, Billy Campbell (Andrew Shue);
the increasingly conniving doctor Michael Mancini (Thomas Calabro); his sweetly innocent wife, Jane (Josie
Bissett); her trashy stripper sister, Sydney (Laura
Leighton); nice guy Jake Hanson (Grant Show); openly
gay Matt Fielding (Doug Savant); tough New York transplant Jo Reynolds (Daphne Zuniga); the utterly psychotic
Television, Dramas 1993 FF 1452min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 01.05.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064226
Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce
Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Robert Prosky,
Mara Wilson - Dir. Chris Columbus
An unemployed actor loses custody of his children after
his wife leaves him. Desperate to spend more time with
the kids, the crafty thespian decides to dress up as a 60year-old British woman and interview with his ex-wife for a
nanny position. He lands the job, but he’ll have to give the
performance of his life to keep it.
Comedies 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 125min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064575
Morning Glory
Katharine Hepburn, Adolphe Menjou,
Douglas Fairbanks, C. Aubrey Smith, Mary
Duncan, Don Alvarado, Richard Carle, Tyler
Brooke - Dir. Lowell Sherman
Katharine Hepburn stars as Eva Lovelace, a sweet
country girl who comes to New York with dreams of
becoming a Broadway star. She loses some of her
innocence, however, when she gets involved in a series of
love affairs...
Dramas 1933 FF M 74min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064291
Miss Potter
Motives 2 - Retribution
Renée Zellweger, Emily Watson, Ewan
McGregor, Lloyd Owen - Dir. Chris Noonan
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
Weinstein Company/Genius 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064272
Brian White, Vivica A. Fox, Shemar Moore,
Sharon Leal, Mel Jackson, Joe Torry, Ralph
Tresvant, Drew Sidora, Bone Crusher - Dir.
Aaron Courseault
Action/Adventure 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064055
Mission: Impossible - The Second TV Season
Peter Graves, Barbara Bain, Greg Morris,
Martin Landau, Peter Lupus
Television, Dramas 1967-1968 FF DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064656
Murder in Suburbia - Series 2
The taut British television crime drama MURDER IN
SUBURBIA stars Caroline Catz and Lisa Faulkner as
Detective Inspector Kate Ashurst, a sharp, intelligent
product of upper-class schooling, and Emma Scribbins,
her more intuitive, working-class partner. Together, the
savvy (and sexy) pair get to the bottom of some
surprisingly ugly crimes in the deceptively calm suburb of
Middleford. This collection presents all six episodes of the
series’ entertaining second season: „Witches,“ „Estate
Agents,“ „The Wedding,“ „Salsa,“ „Dogs,“ and „Golden
Television, Dramas
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 10.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064327
Murder She Wrote: The Complete
Sixth Season
Angela Lansbury
There’s little doubt that Jessica Fletcher’s name belongs
in the fictional detectives’ Hall of Fame with such legends
as Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple, and Nancy Drew.
Played by Angela Lansbury, the writer-detective was the
center of MURDER, SHE WROTE, a mystery series that
ran for more than a decade. Lansbury earned 12
nominations (one for each season) for her smart and
warm portrayal of Jessica, but she was never rewarded
for her efforts. This release includes all 22 episodes of
the sixth season featuring guest stars such as Jerry
Stiller, Elliott Gould, Shirley Jones, and Shirley Knight.
Television, Dramas 1989-1990 FF M
Universal Studios Home Video 17.04.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064451
MXC - Most Extreme Elimination
Challenge - Season 2
Television, Comedies
Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064633
My Friend Flicka
Roddy McDowall, Preston Foster, Rita
Johnson, Jeff Corey, James Bell, Jimmy
Aubrey, Arthur Loft - Dir. Harold Schuster
A young boy is determined to befriend and tame a wild
horse in this screen version of Mary O’Hara’s novel.
Despite the fact that his chosen horse comes from „bad
blood“ ten-year old Ken decides he must tame it, to prove
himself as a person. A family classic for all ages.
Childrens, Live-Action 1943 FF 100min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064078
My Young Auntie
Chia Liang Liu, Kara Hui - Dir. Chia Liang
Action/Adventure 1981
Weinstein Company/Genius 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064475
Naked Civil Servant
John Hurt, John Rhys-Davies, Patricia
Hodge, Roger Lloyd Pack - Dir. Jack Gold
Television, Dramas 1975
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064014
National Lampoon’s Pucked
Jon Bon Jovi, Estella Warren, David
Faustino, Curtis Armstrong, Nora Dunn,
Cary Elwes, Pat Kilbane - Dir. Arthur Hiller
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 84min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064344
Newsradio - The Complete Fifth
Dave Foley, Maura Tierney, Stephen Root,
Andy Dick, Vicki Lewis, Joe Rogan, Jon
Television, Comedies 1998-1999
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064535
vais, Mickey Rooney, Ben Stiller, Carla
Gugino, Dick Van Dyke - Dir. Shawn Levy
Night at the Museum (Blu-ray)
Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a down-on-his-luck divorced
father in this family-friendly tale directed by Shawn Levy
lots of ideas and dreams, but none of them come to
fruition. In an attempt to prove his stability to his ex-wife
(Kim Raver) and his son, Nicky (Jake Cherry), Larry
accepts a job as a night guard at the Museum of Natural
History. But the elderly night guards who hire him (played
by entertainment legends Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke,
and Bill Cobbs) fail to mention one crucial detail: when the
museum is closed, everything inside comes to life. From
Attila the Hun to miniature Roman soldiers, African
mammals to Neanderthal men, and Egyptian mummies to
dinosaur skeletons, the museum teems with lively activity.
Now it’s Larry’s job to control the mayhem and show his
son that he is, indeed, a great man after all.
Bill Cobbs, Jake Cherry, Steve Coogan,
Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Ricky Gervais, Mickey Rooney, Ben Stiller, Carla
Gugino, Dick Van Dyke - Dir. Shawn Levy
Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a down-on-his-luck divorced
father in this family-friendly tale directed by Shawn Levy
lots of ideas and dreams, but none of them come to
fruition. In an attempt to prove his stability to his ex-wife
(Kim Raver) and his son, Nicky (Jake Cherry), Larry
accepts a job as a night guard at the Museum of Natural
History. But the elderly night guards who hire him (played
by entertainment legends Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke,
and Bill Cobbs) fail to mention one crucial detail: when the
museum is closed, everything inside comes to life. From
Attila the Hun to miniature Roman soldiers, African
mammals to Neanderthal men, and Egyptian mummies to
dinosaur skeletons, the museum teems with lively activity.
Now it’s Larry’s job to control the mayhem and show his
son that he is, indeed, a great man after all.
Comedies 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064574
No Man of Her Own
Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, Dorothy
MacKaill, Grant Mitchell, George Barbier,
Elizabeth Patterson, J. Farrell MacDonald,
Tommy Conlon, Walter Walker, Paul Ellis Dir. Wesley Ruggles
Night at the Museum (Special
Bill Cobbs, Jake Cherry, Steve Coogan,
Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Ricky Gervais, Mickey Rooney, Ben Stiller, Carla
Gugino, Dick Van Dyke - Dir. Shawn Levy
Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a down-on-his-luck divorced
father in this family-friendly tale directed by Shawn Levy
lots of ideas and dreams, but none of them come to
fruition. In an attempt to prove his stability to his ex-wife
(Kim Raver) and his son, Nicky (Jake Cherry), Larry
accepts a job as a night guard at the Museum of Natural
History. But the elderly night guards who hire him (played
by entertainment legends Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke,
and Bill Cobbs) fail to mention one crucial detail: when the
museum is closed, everything inside comes to life. From
Attila the Hun to miniature Roman soldiers, African
mammals to Neanderthal men, and Egyptian mummies to
dinosaur skeletons, the museum teems with lively activity.
Now it’s Larry’s job to control the mayhem and show his
son that he is, indeed, a great man after all.
Comedies 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064573
Smooth-talking professional gambler Babe Stewart gets
married on a whim after losing a coin toss, only to find
that his blushing bride expects him to settle down and go
Comedies 1932 FF DD 2.0 81min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064444
Not Just The Larry Sanders Show
Garry Shandling, Jeffrey Tambor, Rip Torn,
Penny Johnson, Wallace Langham,
Janeane Garofalo
Television, Comedies FF S 510min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064340
Notes on a Scandal
Julia McKenzie, Cate Blanchett, Judi
Dench, Bill Nighy, Andrew Simpson, Philip
Davis, Michael Maloney, Juno Temple, Max
Lewis - Dir. Richard Eyre
Night at the Museum (Full
Bill Cobbs, Jake Cherry, Steve Coogan,
Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Ricky Gervais, Mickey Rooney, Ben Stiller, Carla
Gugino, Dick Van Dyke - Dir. Shawn Levy
Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a down-on-his-luck divorced
father in this family-friendly tale directed by Shawn Levy
lots of ideas and dreams, but none of them come to
fruition. In an attempt to prove his stability to his ex-wife
(Kim Raver) and his son, Nicky (Jake Cherry), Larry
accepts a job as a night guard at the Museum of Natural
History. But the elderly night guards who hire him (played
by entertainment legends Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke,
and Bill Cobbs) fail to mention one crucial detail: when the
museum is closed, everything inside comes to life. From
Attila the Hun to miniature Roman soldiers, African
mammals to Neanderthal men, and Egyptian mummies to
dinosaur skeletons, the museum teems with lively activity.
Now it’s Larry’s job to control the mayhem and show his
son that he is, indeed, a great man after all.
Comedies 2006 FF 105min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064572
Dame Judi Dench and Kate Blanchett face off with searing
performances in this riveting tale of obsession and desire.
Based on the novel by Zoe Heller, NOTES ON A
SCANDAL is the story of Barbara Covett (Dench), a hardnosed spinster schoolteacher, and her poisonous
friendship with fellow teacher Sheba Hart (Blanchett).
When the young and beautiful Sheba shows up as the
new art instructor, everyone is charmed by her, including
the embittered Barbara. Barbara is thrilled when her
lonely life is shaken up by Sheba’s overtures of friendship,
as Sheba invites her to share in family dinners, and opens
up to her about her marital troubles and personal longing.
Barbara narrates her own feelings of longing to us from
her meticulous diaries, and it becomes increasingly clear
that her take on the friendship is uncomfortably intense, if
not borderline delusional. Things reach a fever pitch when
Barbara happens upon Sheba dallying in the art room with
a 15-year-old student. She tells Sheba that she must end
the affair at once, but decides not to report her to the
school, and instead, to use her knowledge of the indis
Dramas 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064086
Jennifer West Savitch, Peter Macon,
Andrew Ableson, Dominik Overstreet, Anne
Goldmann - Dir. Michael Ferris Gibson
Night at the Museum
Bill Cobbs, Jake Cherry, Steve Coogan,
Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Ricky Ger-
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 105min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064571
This indie science fiction romp is set in Yerba City, a
futuristic sphere where humans willingly trade their souls
for immortality. Turned into angels, these creatures watch
over mankind as it dwindles under an addiction to a
powerful narcotic called the Drip. As a young woman
named Claire risks her life by digging into the past, she
must depend on Miles, one of the only humans immune to
the Drip’s power. With his power, Miles intoxicates Claire,
who risks being pulled deeper and deeper into his seedy
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064097
O.C. - The Complete Fourth
Benjamin McKenzie, Peter Gallagher, Adam
Brody, Kelly Rowan, Autumn Reeser
Television, Dramas 2006-2007 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064299
Off Screen
Jeroen Krabbe, Jan Decleir, Astrid Joosten,
Marjon Brandsma - Dir. Pieter Kuijpers
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
Image Entertainment, Inc. 29.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064114
Old Joy
William Oldham, Daniel London - Dir. Kelly
Indie-rock star Will Oldham stars alongside Daniel London
(MY BEST FRIEND’S WIFE) in this tale of two old friends
who bond during a camping trip in Oregon. Kelly Reichardt
(RIVER OF GRASS) directs, Yo La Tengo provides the
Dramas 2006
Kino on Video 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064605
Olimpiada Del Barrio
Gilberto De Anda, Manuel Ibanez, Alfonso
Studio Latino 17.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064361
One Armed Swordsman
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1967
Weinstein Company/Genius 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064476
One Week From a Man’s Life
Jerzy Stuhr, Gosia Dobrowolska, Danuta
Szaflarska, Ewa Skibinska - Dir. Jerzy Stuhr
Krzysztof Kieslowski regular Jerzy Stuhr (WHITE,
CAMERA BUFF) directs and stars in this morality tale
about a respected lawyer whose impeccable professional
life runs at odds with an escalating personal crisis.
Dramas 1999 Ltbx 93min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064550
Opal Dream
Peter Callan, Eliza Lovell, Andy McPhee,
Adam Morgan, Rusty Potter, Denise Roberts, Sapphire Boyce, Jacqueline
McKenzie, Vince Colosimo - Dir. Peter
Life in the Australian Outback is interesting, especially for
Kellyanne Williamson, a little girl with the good fortune of
having two imaginary friends. Kellyanne has endured
much teasing due to these figments of her mind, but when
her friends go missing, the whole town bands together to
find them.
Childrens 2006 FF DD 2.0 86min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064445
Outlaugh - The Best of Queer
Comedies 2007
Wolfe Video 10.04.2007
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064504
Deborah Kara Unger, David Paymer, Bill
Duke, William Devane, Kris Kristofferson,
James Coburn - Dir. Brian Helgeland
Paradise Canyon
John Wayne, Yakima Canutt, Marion Burns,
Reed Howes - Dir. Carl Pierson
John Wayne plays the role of a government Secret Service agent who is assigned the task of smashing a
counterfeiting ring operating near the Mexican border.
When he catches the crooks, he discovers that their
hideout is in a hidden underground cavern.
Westerns 1935
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064177
Action/Adventure 1999
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064234
Parenthood (Special Edition)
Steve Martin, Jason Robards, Mary
Steenburgen, Rick Moranis, Tom Hulce,
Dianne Wiest, Keanu Reeves, Martha
Plimpton, Joaquin Phoenix - Dir. Ron
The trials and tribulations of middle-class family life are
depicted in director Ron Howard’s humorous and loving
ode to the joys of parenthood. Middle-manager Gil
Buckman struggles to reconcile his ambitions at work with
his loyalty to his family, particularly to his troubled son,
Kevin. His divorced sister Helen has a sullen and
withdrawn son and a sexually active teenage daughter.
Gil’s other sister, Susan, is a schoolteacher married to an
ambitious yuppie determined to make a genius of their 3year-old daughter. Their long-lost brother, the
irresponsible Larry, has always been daddy’s favorite and
returns home with an illegitimate son named Cool.
Comedies 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 124min.
Universal Studios Home Video 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064447
Passion of Fashion
Erika Jordan, Lux Kassidy, Crystal Klein,
Shay Laren, Sabrina Rose
Ad executive Amanda Harper (Erika Jordan) hustles to
find the perfect model for her client’s big ad campaign, but
gets sidetracked by her sexy job candidates. Her new ad
ideas bring to life erotic fantasies featuring the girls,
leaving her further behind in her work. With pressure
mounting, an intimate audition with hot young newcomer
Helena Pierce (Shay Laren) makes Amanda’s decision a
whole lot easier.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064459
Patch Adams / What Dreams May
Come Double Feature
Monica Potter, Philip Seymour Hoffman,
Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding, Annabella
Sciorra, Max Von Sydow, Rosalind Chao Dir. Vincent Ward, Tom Shadyac
Oscar winner Robin Williams stars in two emotional
dramas that feature a touch of the actor’s trademark
sense of humor.
Dramas 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.0 230min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064437
Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center
Peter Gallagher, Art Malik, Ned Eisenberg,
Marcia Gay Harden, Andreas Katsulas, Paul
Guilfoyle, Mike Starr, Shaun Toub - Dir.
Leslie Libman
A dramatization of the days before the terrorist bombing
of the World Trade Center building, tracing the steps of
the conspirators—one of whom is an FBI informant.
Produced for HBO.
Dramas 1997
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064697
Payback (Director’s Cut) (HD
Mel Gibson, Gregg Henry, Maria Bello,
Deborah Kara Unger, David Paymer, Bill
Duke, William Devane, Kris Kristofferson,
James Coburn - Dir. Brian Helgeland
Mel Gibson is Porter, a ruthless criminal, who is gunned
down by his wife and friend after they rob an Asian gang.
When Porter survives the attack, he makes it his mission
to exact revenge on his friend, who has used the robbery
money to buy his way into a powerful syndicate. Added to
the mix are crooked police officers, members of the
syndicate, and the Asian gang, who are out for a bit of
revenge themselves. Based on the series of novels by
Donald E. Westlake, which were translated to the screen
previously in John Boorman’s POINT BLANK (1967).
Action/Adventure 1999 Ltbx 90min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064235
Peach Girls - Nothing Sweeter
Vol. 3
Lisa Daniels, Angel Cassidy, Karlie Montana, Zoe Britton
The Peach Girls heat things up in this fiery collection of
their hottest scenes. Whether it’s at the bar—or behind
bars—these 12 beauties can’t help but strip down and
show off their amazing assets.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064460
Perfect Man / Head Over Heels /
In Good Company
Dennis Quaid, Scarlett Johansson, Topher
Grace, Monica Potter, Freddie Prinze,
Shalom Harlow, Hilary Duff, Heather
Locklear, Christopher Noth - Dir. Mark
Rosman, Mark Waters, Paul Weitz
This trio of romantic comedies set in New York City
IN GOOD COMPANY. Please see individual titles for
synopsis information.
Comedies 2001-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064190
Perfect Match
Lisa Daniels, Jaime Hammer, Aubrey
Taylor, Matt Wilde
In this sexy dating game, one lonely bachelor is given the
chance to make his erotic dreams come true by matching
up with one of several sultry contestants, provided he—
and the viewer—make the right choices. But, whether he
gets the bad girl or the girl next door, it’s hard to imagine
a bad time with one of these sex kittens.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064458
Payback (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray)
Mel Gibson, Gregg Henry, Maria Bello,
Mel Gibson is Porter, a ruthless criminal, who is gunned
down by his wife and friend after they rob an Asian gang.
When Porter survives the attack, he makes it his mission
to exact revenge on his friend, who has used the robbery
money to buy his way into a powerful syndicate. Added to
the mix are crooked police officers, members of the
syndicate, and the Asian gang, who are out for a bit of
revenge themselves. Based on the series of novels by
Donald E. Westlake, which were translated to the screen
previously in John Boorman’s POINT BLANK (1967).
Boguslaw Linda, Marek Kondrat, Janusz
Gajos, Cezary Pazura, Pawel Edelman Dir. Wladyslaw Pasikowski
With the fall of the iron curtain, organized crime has taken
hold of Poland. This hard-edged action film finds Franz
and Olo, two ex-KGB agents turned cops, assigned with
cleaning it up. But, while battling the mob and police
superiors suspicious of their Communist pasts, these
partners must also forge new identities in a country
transformed by political upheaval.
Action/Adventure 1992
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064551
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead
Man’s Chest (Blu-ray)
Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira
Knightley, Bill Nighy, Stellan Skarsgaard,
Jack Davenport, Jonathan Pryce, Kevin
McNally, Naomie Harris, Tom Hollander, Lee
Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, David Bailie,
David Schofield, Martin Klebba - Dir. Gore
The second part of a trilogy, PIRATES OF THE
CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST is a fantastic tale of
pirates, love, and the supernatural. Blacksmith Will Turner
(Orlando Bloom) and his upper-class love Elizabeth
Swann (Keira Knightley) are preparing to wed when they
are confronted with a warrant for their arrests because
they helped the notorious pirate Captain Jack Sparrow
(Johnny Depp) escape the authorities. Their only choice
for a pardon is to find Jack and return to Lord Cutler
Beckett (Tom Hollander) with the flamboyant captain’s
compass. Will’s attempt to track Jack down, however,
becomes an adventure unto itself: Jack is being held
captive on an island where the natives think he is a god.
To make matters worse, the infamous Davy Jones (Bill
Nighy) and his Flying Dutchman crew are after Jack,
seeking his soul to repay a debt. With his beard of
tentacles and a lobster claw for a hand, heartless Jones is
no mere mortal. He and his men are slowly evolving,
taking on the attributes of various sea creatures, and with
the help of a giant sea monster, the Kraken, they rule the
Action/Adventure 2006
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064048
Pirates of the Caribbean: The
Curse of the Black Pearl (Blu-ray)
Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando
Bloom, Keira Knightley, Jack Davenport,
Jonathan Pryce, Zoe Saldana, Mackenzie
Crook, Lee Arenberg - Dir. Gore Verbinski
Loosely inspired by the time-honored Disney theme-park
THE BLACK PEARL is a swashbuckling high-seas tale
directed by Gore Verbinski. When Captain Jack Sparrow
(Johnny Depp), an eccentric rogue, arrives at Port Royal,
he barely avoids going down with his ship. Soon enough,
he’s in the market for a new one, but not before he saves
the life of Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), the beautiful
daughter of the governor (Jonathan Pryce). This act of
bravery sets into motion a sweeping adventure involving
Elizabeth’s childhood friend, blacksmith Will Turner
(Orlando Bloom); a mysterious medallion; and a legendary
pirate ship, the Black Pearl. The Pearl’s mottled Captain
Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) wants Elizabeth’s doubloon
necklace, and when she’s kidnapped by the ol’ salty dog
and his crew, Sparrow and young Will must rescue her
and find out the truth behind the ship’s curse.
Action/Adventure 2003
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064042
Pirates of the Golden Age Movie
Jeff Chandler, David Janssen, Joseph
Calleia, Donald O’Connor, Helena Carter,
Will Geer, Yvonne De Carlo, Philip Friend,
Elsa Lanchester, Andrea King, Errol Flynn,
Maureen O’Hara, Anthony Quinn, Alice
Kelley - Dir. George Sherman, Frederick De
Cordova, Charles Barton
X marks the spot in this booty-filled collection of pirate
films starring legends of classic cinema. Errol Flynn,
Maureen O’Hara, Anthony Quinn, Yvonne DeCarlo, and
Donald O’Connor rule the silver screen and the seven
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
seas in these four films: AGAINST ALL FLAGS,
Action/Adventure 1950 FF DD 2.0 321min.
Universal Studios Home Video 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064452
Play Dirty
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 16x9 117min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064627
Jackie Chan - Dir. Jackie Chan
Like a cross between Charlie Chaplin and a blender, Chan
is back on the case of Chinese drug smugglers.
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 1988
Ltbx 122min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064268
Pride of the Yankees
Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright, Babe Ruth,
Walter Brennan, Ludwig Stossel, Bill
Dickey, Ernie Adams - Dir. Sam Wood
This acclaimed biopic, featuring a stellar performance
from Gary Cooper, relates the brilliant and tragic life of
baseball great Lou Gehrig.
Dramas 1942
MGM Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064619
Richard Grieco, Laura Zoe Quist, Gary
Sirchia, Thomas Martwick, Russell Reed,
Laurie Clemens - Dir. Milko Davis
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064117
Pursuit of Happyness (Full
Rapid Fear
Will Smith is a father struggling to take care of his young
son in this touching tale based on a true story. In San
Francisco circa 1981, Chris Gardner’s (Smith) luck has
run out. A bad business investment, a bevy of parking
tickets, and back taxes in addition to rent, childcare, and
groceries keep him constantly scrambling for cash. Chris
thinks his luck is changing when he is accepted into a
highly competitive internship program at a brokerage firm.
But the internship is unpaid and soon, despite his best
efforts, Chris and his five-year old son, Christopher
(Jaden Christopher Syre Smith—Will Smith’s real life son),
find themselves homeless. Chris might spend his days
training to invest and make millions, but he and Christopher spend their nights in shelters and public
transportation stations.
Dramas 2006 FF DD 5.1 117min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064345
Pursuit of Happyness
Prince of the City
Treat Williams, Jerry Orbach, Richard
Foronjy, Lindsay Crouse - Dir. Sidney
Sidney Lumet returns to the complex and interwoven
worlds of New York City police and criminals in his grandscale film PRINCE OF THE CITY. The cops from the
Special Investigative Unit are known as Princes of the
City, working out of uniform and closely together, like a
renegade family, peppering their drug-fighting duties with
payoffs and behind-the-scenes drug deals of their own.
Lumet’s complex and operatic film commences with just
such a deal, with Danny Ciello (played with swaggering
magnetism by Treat Williams) and his squad busting a
group of Colombian drug lords and netting themselves a
clean $48,000 on the side. When Ciello is called in for
questioning by the Chase Commission investigating police
corruption—like Serpico before him—the seeds of doubt
and guilt lead him into a dangerous game of truth and lies
as he begins to inform on his colleagues. At first the
adrenaline gleaned from the illegal activities of the SIU
carries over to the equally dangerous tasks of ensnaring
his fellow cops; however; as the countdown to redemption
and revenge becomes fever-pitched, Ciello’s resolve
Dramas 1981
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064491
Will Smith, Dan Castellaneta, Thandie Newton, Jaden Smith, Brian Howe - Dir. Gabriele Muccino
Will Smith is a father struggling to take care of his young
son in this touching tale based on a true story. In San
Francisco circa 1981, Chris Gardner’s (Smith) luck has
run out. A bad business investment, a bevy of parking
tickets, and back taxes in addition to rent, childcare, and
groceries keep him constantly scrambling for cash. Chris
thinks his luck is changing when he is accepted into a
highly competitive internship program at a brokerage firm.
But the internship is unpaid and soon, despite his best
efforts, Chris and his five-year old son, Christopher
(Jaden Christopher Syre Smith—Will Smith’s real life son),
find themselves homeless. Chris might spend his days
training to invest and make millions, but he and Christopher spend their nights in shelters and public
transportation stations.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 117min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064341
The Queen
Helen Mirren, Michael Sheen, James Cromwell, Sylvia Syms, Alex Jennings, Roger
Allam, Helen McCrory - Dir. Stephen Frears
Candela Peña - Dir. Fernando León de
Director and screenwriter Fernando León de Aranoa takes
to the streets of Spain for this drama, which focuses on
the lives and aspirations of a group of prostitutes.
Foreign Films, Spanish 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064393
Michael Caine, Mickey Rooney, Lionel Stander, Lizabeth Scott, Nadia Cassini, Al
Lettieri, Dennis Price, Leopoldo Trieste Dir. Mike Hodges
Pulp fiction writer Mickey King gets mixed up with
gangsters and murder on the island of Malta in this parody
of private eye mysteries.
Raiders of the Damned
Gary Oldman, Lesley Manville, Philip Davis,
Tim Roth, Christopher Fulford, Sean
Chapman - Dir. Alan Clarke
Dramas 1982 FF M 187min.
Blue Underground 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064040
Will Smith, Dan Castellaneta, Thandie Newton, Jaden Smith, Brian Howe - Dir. Gabriele Muccino
Police Story 2
Comedies 1972
MGM Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064622
Punks & Hooligans Twofer
Helen Mirren delivers a royally stirring performance as
Queen Elizabeth II in Stephen Frears’s fictional romp,
THE QUEEN. The year is 1997, and Great Britain has a
newly elected prime minister, the youthful, optimistic Tony
Blair (Michael Sheen). In Buckingham Palace, the Queen
doesn’t appear to be fazed by Blair’s arrival. Then again,
she doesn’t appear to be fazed by anything. But when
Diana—her son’s ex-wife and the mother of her
grandchildren—is killed in a tragic car accident, her
authority is tested as never before. While the Queen
Mother (Sylvia Syms) and Prince Philip (James Cromwell)
agree with her decision to remain at their holiday estate in
Balmoral and not publicly acknowledge the tragedy, Tony
Blair feels differently. Unfortunately, so do the English
people. Making matters worse is the out-of-control media,
which has begun to castigate the queen for her silence. In
order to retain her grip on the country that she has served
for so many years, she must swallow her pride and let the
world know that she does, in fact, care.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 103min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064531
Steven Grives, Peter Kent
Action/Adventure 2004
MTI Home Video 29.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064634
Rawhide - The Second Season:
Vol. 1
Eric Fleming, Clint Eastwood, Paul
Brinegar, Steve Raines
Television, Westerns 1959-1960 FF M
Paramount Home Entertainment 29.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064663
Jean Renoir - 3 Disc Collection
Foreign Films, French DD 2.0 640min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064148
Requiem for a Dream / Pi
Jennifer Connelly, Jared Leto, Ellen
Burstyn, Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis - Dir.
Darren Aronofsky
Two dark, edgy dramas from acclaimed director Darren
Aronofsky are included in this 2-pack. Both his first film,
PI, the surreal tale of mathematical obsession, and his
second, bigger movie, an adaptation of Hubert Selby Jr’s
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, the tale of drug addiction on
Coney Island, are here.
Dramas 1997-2000 Ltbx 187min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064149
Rest Stop
Joey Lawrence, Jamie Alexander, Joey
Mendicino, Deanna Russo, Mikey Post,
Michael Childers, Diane Salinger, Gary
Entin, Edmund Entin - Dir. John Shiban
Two women take a trip straight into Hell in the splatter
movie REST STOP. Jess and Nicole are on a road trip,
heading towards Hollywood. A rest stop provides a
welcome break from the rigors of driving, but when Jess
vanishes, Nicole comes face to face with a fearsome
adversary who is armed to the teeth with weapons.
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 85min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064305
Kevin Costner, Anthony Quinn, Madeleine
Stowe, Sally Kirkland - Dir. Tony Scott
Retired United States Navy pilot Jay Cochran (Kevin
Costner) is looking forward to spending his days relaxing
at his cabin in the countryside. First, however, he plans to
visit his rich and powerful friend Tibey (Anthony Quinn) on
his Mexican estate. Tibey’s violent temper and shady
business dealings make him a dangerous man. His young
trophy wife, the doe-eyed and melancholy Miryea (Madeleine Stowe), yearns for motherhood and finds her
marriage to this older man who does not want any more
children unfulfilling. Despite his friendship with Tibey,
Cochran finds himself drawn to Miryea and they begin an
illicit affair, risking Tibey’s wrath each time they meet.
Eventually, their luck runs out and the two are forced to
face the consequences of their actions as a cycle of
revenge begins. Neither Cochran nor Miryea realize how
vicious Tibey can be until it is too late. Filmed on location
in Mexico and California, director Tony Scott’s (THE
HUNGER, CRIMSON TIDE) fifth film opens with a flying
sequence in homage to TOP GUN, his top grossing 1986
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Dramas 1990 Ltbx 16x9 104min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064536
Revolution Trilogy
Alfredo del Diestro - Dir. Fernando de
Directed by Fernando de Fuentes, a pioneer of early
Mexican cinema who’s been called „the Mexican John
Ford,“ this trilogy of films set during the Mexican Revolution is often considered his greatest achievement.
Dramas 1933-1936 DD 5.1
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064543
the Italian Stallion himself, this movie is all heart. Thirty
years after Sylvester Stallone first introduced the
underdog backroom brawler from Philadelphia in the
Oscar-winning ROCKY, Rocky Balboa returns for one last
dance. Speculation as to whether Balboa, in his prime,
would have been able to defeat lackluster champ Mason
„The Line“ Dixon spurs Dixon’s management to set up an
exhibition fight between the two. That Balboa is in his 50s
in the film and wouldn’t be sanctioned to fight anyone, let
alone a man 30 years his junior and in the prime of life,
must be left up to the viewer’s ability to suspend disbelief.
To its credit, however, the movie addresses at every turn
the insanity of a man approaching 60 getting back into a
boxing ring, and Balboa’s impassioned explanation of his
motivations is just believable enough to give all other
improbabilities a free pass.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 102min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064056
Rio Escondido
Maria Felix, Domingo Soler, Carlos Lopez
Moctezuma, Fernando Fernandez - Dir.
Emilio Fernandez
A monumental achievement of the Mexican cinema, RIO
ESCONDIDO is notable in a number of respects. It was
directed by Emilio Fernandez, historically one of the most
important Latin American filmmakers, at the height of his
success and popularity. The star is Maria Félix, an actress
with iconic status in Mexico, and the villain is played by
Carlos López Moctezuma, who won an Ariel (the Mexican
equivalent of the Oscar) for his role in the film. The
influence of Sergei Eisenstein on Fernandez is manifest in
the film, with a story of poverty-stricken villagers being
exploited by a cruel governor. Félix plays a teacher sent
by the President to investigate the horrible living
conditions and corrupt bureaucracies of the countryside.
She arrives in Ciudad Juarez, where greedy thug (López
Moctezuma) has seized control of the town and terrorizes
its populace. The teacher educates the townspeople in
how to defend themselves and battle the villainous mayor.
RIO ESCONDIDO is a story of social justice made by
some of the giants of Mexican cinema.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1948 FF 110min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064630
Road Warrior / Mad Max: Beyond
Mel Gibson, Tina Turner - Dir. George
Ogilvie, George Miller
ROAD WARRIOR: The first sequel to MAD MAX takes
place after nuclear war has destroyed Australia. In this
installment, Max lends his aid and protection to a small
band of survivors who are losing their struggle to protect
an oil refinery under siege by a band of savage,
mohawked marauders. Playing very much like a postapocalyptic western (right down to Max’s dog, Hondo)
THE ROAD WARRIOR boats one of the most thrilling car
chase scenes ever filmed.
Rocky Balboa (Blu-ray)
Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Tarver, Burt
Young, Milo Ventimiglia, Tony Burton, Geraldine Hughes, James Francis Kelly, Bert
Sugar, Max Kellerman, Larry Merchant, Jim
ROCKY BALBOA, the sixth installment of the long-running
film franchise, should amount to nothing more than a lame
punch line to a TONIGHT SHOW monologue joke.
However, just as his longtime corner man Paulie describes
the Italian Stallion himself, this movie is all heart. Thirty
years after Sylvester Stallone first introduced the
underdog backroom brawler from Philadelphia in the
Oscar-winning ROCKY, Rocky Balboa returns for one last
dance. Speculation as to whether Balboa, in his prime,
would have been able to defeat lackluster champ Mason
„The Line“ Dixon spurs Dixon’s management to set up an
exhibition fight between the two. That Balboa is in his 50s
in the film and wouldn’t be sanctioned to fight anyone, let
alone a man 30 years his junior and in the prime of life,
must be left up to the viewer’s ability to suspend disbelief.
To its credit, however, the movie addresses at every turn
the insanity of a man approaching 60 getting back into a
boxing ring, and Balboa’s impassioned explanation of his
motivations is just believable enough to give all other
improbabilities a free pass.
Dramas 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064057
Roots - 6 Volume Set
Edward Asner, Lloyd Bridges, Cicely Tyson,
Lorne Greene, Ben Vereen, Sandy Duncan,
Chuck Connors, Burl Ives, O.J. Simpson,
Lynda Day George, Louis Gossett, LeVar
Burton - Dir. Marvin J. Chomsky
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064497
A six volume collection of the television production that
won nine Emmies and over 135 other awards. The
unedited complete mini-series based on Alex Haley’s best
selling novel that follows a black man’s search for his
Robin Hood - Season 1
Dramas 1977
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064490
Keith Allen
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064528
Roseanne - The Complete
Seventh Season
Rockford Files: Season Four
James Garner, Noah Beery, Stuart Margolin
Television, Dramas FF M
Universal Studios Home Video 15.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064434
Rocky Balboa
Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Tarver, Burt
Young, Milo Ventimiglia, Tony Burton, Geraldine Hughes, James Francis Kelly, Bert
Sugar, Max Kellerman, Larry Merchant, Jim
ROCKY BALBOA, the sixth installment of the long-running
film franchise, should amount to nothing more than a lame
punch line to a TONIGHT SHOW monologue joke.
However, just as his longtime corner man Paulie describes
Roseanne, John Goodman, Martin Mull,
Sara Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf, Estelle
Parsons, Glenn Quinn, Johnny Galecki,
Sarah Chalke
One of the major family sitcoms of the late 1980s/early
1990s, ROSEANNE became popular for its no-nonsense
attitude and its humorously honest portrayal of American
life. With a set resembling the living room of countless
family homes across the United States, the show
concerned itself the with the antics of its main star, Roseanne Barr, her husband Dan (John Goodman), and their
kids. More like a regular working-class family than any
other characters previously seen on television, the Illinoisbred Connors use brutal honesty and acerbic wit to raise
their three children: rapidly maturing Becky, sarcastic
Darlene, and precocious DJ. Meanwhile, they have to deal
with the typical problems of an American family, such as
annoying relatives, worries about jobs and money, and the
struggle to find time for themselves. ROSEANNE was
among the first shows on television to deal in a truthful
and deglamorized way with everyday issues that average
viewers could relate to—and it managed to remain funny
and touching while doing so. Each uncut episode from the
show’s seventh season is included here.
Television, Comedies 1994-1995 FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 03.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064309
Royal Flash
Malcolm McDowell, Alan Bates, Florinda
Bolkan, Oliver Reed - Dir. Richard Lester
Comedies 1975 Ltbx 103min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064082
Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Joss
Ackland, Zouzou - Dir. Irvin Kershner
The CIA has mistakenly killed two KGB agents. The
Russians, now seeking revenge, target the bumbling duo
of Griff and Brulard. To add to their woes, they let a
prominent Russian defector get kidnapped. Soon they are
targeted for elimination from both the KGB and their own
side as well.
Comedies 1974
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064081
Sagebrush Trail
John Wayne, Nancy Shubert, Lane
Chandler, Yakima Canutt, Wally Wales, Art
Mix, Robert E. Burns, Huntz Hall - Dir.
Armand Schaefer
In this action-packed western about a stagecoach robbery
on the old Sagebrush trail, a runaway prisoner teams up
with a spunky, young filly to thwart the bad guys and set
things right.
Westerns 1933
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064173
The Larry Sanders Show - The
Complete First Season
Garry Shandling, Rip Torn, Janeane
Garofalo, Jeffrey Tambor, Jeremy Piven,
Wallace Langham, Megan Gallagher, Linda
Doucett, Kathryn Harrold, Penny Johnson
This critically acclaimed series, which ran from 1992 to
1998, focuses on the behind-the-scenes antics of selfloathing late night talk show host Larry Sanders (Garry
Shandling) and his funny and often surprising interactions
with crew, writers, and guests. Real celebrities (Dana
Carvey, Billy Crystal, and more) appear on Larry’s show
as themselves, but the real fun happens before and after
the show and during the commercial breaks! A fine
supporting cast, led by Rip Torn as cantankerous
producer Artie and Jeffrey Tambor as Larry’s insecure
sidekick Hank, helped to earn the program numerous
Emmys and Cable Ace Awards. Includes the first thirteen
Television, Comedies 1992 FF DD 2.0
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064346
Sandlot: Heading Home
Luke Perry, Danny Nucci, Sarah Deakins,
John Kruk
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 1.0 96min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064583
Sanshô the Bailiff
Kinuyo Tanaka, Eitarô Shindô, Yoshiaki
Hanayagi, Kyôko Kagawa - Dir. Kenji
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Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
SANSHÔ THE BAILIFF is the tragic and moving story of a
family torn apart by oppression in feudal Japan.
Foreign Films, Japanese 1954
Criterion Collection 15.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064100
A Scanner Darkly (Blu-ray)
Winona Ryder, Robert Downey, Woody
Harrelson, Keanu Reeves, Rory Cochrane Dir. Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s classic
novel is a challenging, mind-bending experience that
cautions about the dangers of excessive drug use as well
as the government’s capacity to abuse and manipulate
power. Using the same interpolated rotoscoping technique
that Linklater employed in 2001’s WAKING LIFE, the film
is an animated, trippy descent into one man’s unraveling
mind. Set in the not-too-distant future where a new drug,
substance D, has created an epidemic, A SCANNER
DARKLY charts the mental unraveling of Bob Arctor
(Keanu Reeves). Arctor is an undercover cop who has
been assigned to track a group of individuals who include
the druggily verbose Barris (Robert Downey Jr.), the
hyper-intense Luckman (Woody Harrelson), the ultraparanoid Freck (Rory Cochrane), and the beautiful Donna
(Winona Ryder). As the film unfolds and Arctor finds
himself abusing substance D in order to maintain his
façade, his mind begins to spin out of control, to the point
where he doesn’t know what’s real and what isn’t.
Eventually, the truth comes out, leaving Arctor even more
numbed. Linklater’s surpri
Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064689
Scrubs - The Complete Fifth
Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke,
Judy Reyes, John C. McGinley, Ken
Jenkins, Neil Flynn, Robert Maschio, Aloma
With its deft combination of humor and heart, this singlecamera sitcom is a both a critical and cult favorite.
SCRUBS stars Zach Braff as J.D., an eager doctor at
Sacred Heart Hospital. With J.D. as its narrator, the show
frequently dips into surrealism as it shows his strange
thoughts and daydreams. The rest of the characters on
SCRUBS are equally eccentric: best friend Turk (Donald
Faison), bossy nurse Carla (Judy Reyes), J.D.’s reluctant
mentor Dr. Cox (John C. McGinley), the anxiety-ridden exgirlfriend Elliot (Sarah Chalke), and J.D.’s arch nemesis,
known simply as „Janitor“ (Neil Flynn). With guest stars
such as Jason Bateman and Cheryl Hines, the fifth
season earned an Emmy nod for Best Comedy Series.
This season also includes the show’s 100th episode, a
crafty homage to THE WIZARD OF OZ.
Television, Comedies 2006 DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064533
Secret Window (Blu-ray)
A Scanner Darkly (HD DVD)
Winona Ryder, Robert Downey, Woody
Harrelson, Keanu Reeves, Rory Cochrane Dir. Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s classic
novel is a challenging, mind-bending experience that
cautions about the dangers of excessive drug use as well
as the government’s capacity to abuse and manipulate
power. Using the same interpolated rotoscoping technique
that Linklater employed in 2001’s WAKING LIFE, the film
is an animated, trippy descent into one man’s unraveling
mind. Set in the not-too-distant future where a new drug,
substance D, has created an epidemic, A SCANNER
DARKLY charts the mental unraveling of Bob Arctor
(Keanu Reeves). Arctor is an undercover cop who has
been assigned to track a group of individuals who include
the druggily verbose Barris (Robert Downey Jr.), the
hyper-intense Luckman (Woody Harrelson), the ultraparanoid Freck (Rory Cochrane), and the beautiful Donna
(Winona Ryder). As the film unfolds and Arctor finds
himself abusing substance D in order to maintain his
façade, his mind begins to spin out of control, to the point
where he doesn’t know what’s real and what isn’t.
Eventually, the truth comes out, leaving Arctor even more
numbed. Linklater’s surpri
Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064688
Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, George Raft, Boris
Karloff, Karen Morley, Osgood Perkins,
Vince Barnett, C. Henry Gordon - Dir.
Howard Hawks
The powerful, original gangster film that is based on the
story of Al Capone’s rise to power in Chicago during
prohibition, in the form of mobster Tony „Scarface“
Camonte (Paul Muni), who fights his way to the top of the
heap to become the top dog—but not without
consequences. The well-made, controversial SCARFACE
is the model for Hollywood’s gangster film genre.
Dramas 1932 FF DD 2.0 94min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064433
School of Rock / Orange County 2-Pack
Jack Black, Colin Hanks - Dir. Jake
Kasdan, Richard Linklater
Comedic actor Jack Black fronts the two films in this
outrageous collection: ORANGE COUNTY (2002) and
SCHOOL OF ROCK (2003). See individual titles for plot
Comedies 2002-2003 DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064658
Maria Bello, Timothy Hutton, Charles S.
Dutton, Johnny Depp, John Turturro - Dir.
David Koepp
Based on a Stephen King novella, the psychological
thriller SECRET WINDOW is reminiscent of an Alfred
Hitchcock film. Eccentric author Mort Rainey (Johnny
Depp) finds his life spiraling out of control. With a drinking
problem and a cigarette habit he can’t shake, Mort can
barely function when his wife (Maria Bello) leaves him and
he abandons his work. In the midst of his anguish, a
deranged man, John Shooter, (John Turturro) appears at
Mort’s New York cabin, claiming that Mort has plagiarized
one of his stories. As his wife pushes Mort to finalize their
divorce and Shooter systematically destroys his life, he
struggles to restore order to an increasingly insane
Dramas 2004
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064062
accomplish the task, she hires a down and out adventurer
who needs to raise enough money to return to the U.S.
Action/Adventure 1986 Ltbx DD 2.0 93min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064158
Shaolin Family Soccer
Chan Kai Tai, Loretta Lee, Sui Ming Kei,
Wong Yat Fai - Dir. Lau Tsun Fai
Comedies 2004 Ltbx DD 1.0 92min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064112
Shaolin Master Killer
Chia Hui Liu, Lo Lieh - Dir. Lau Kar-Leung
One of the most revered martial arts films of all time, this
is the story of a young man who joins the Shaolin Temple
when the Manchus kill his family.
Action/Adventure 1983
Weinstein Company/Genius 10.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064474
The Siege (Martial Law Edition)
Tony Shalhoub, Sami Bouajila, Liana Pai,
Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Annette
Bening - Dir. Edward Zwick
In Edward Zwick’s THE SIEGE, New York City becomes
the target of several terrorist attacks after the U.S.
military captures a Muslim leader. Government officials try
to contain the escalating madness, but when it spirals out
of control, martial law is declared.
Action/Adventure 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064580
Silent Partner
Elliott Gould, Christopher Plummer,
Susannah York, John Candy - Dir. Daryl
When a thief holds up the bank where he works, a teller
takes advantage of the situation to put aside $50,000 for
his own use. The cops think the robber got every penny...
but the gunman knows better, and he’s determined to get
every penny „due him“.
Dramas 1979 FF DD 2.0 103min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064157
Sensitive New Age Killer
Skin in the Sixties
Paul Moder, Kevin Hopkins, Helen Hopkins,
Frank Bren, Carolyn Bock - Dir. Mark
Action/Adventure 2000
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064254
Uschi Digard
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064593
Sesame Beginnings - Moving
Childrens, Educational 2007 FF
Sony Wonder 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064255
Shadow Warriors - The Complete
First Season
Sonny Chiba
Television, Foreign Films, Japanese 1980
DD 2.0
Navarre Corporation 17.04.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064022
Shanghai Surprise
Sean Penn, Madonna, Paul Freeman - Dir.
Jim Goddard
Skulls / The Skulls II Double Feature
Joshua Jackson, Paul Walker, Craig T. Nelson, Leslie Bibb, Robin Dunne, Nathan
West, Ashley Lyn Cafagna - Dir. Rob
Cohen, Joe Chappelle
THE SKULLS and its sequel center on a secret society at
an elite university.
Dramas 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 207min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064435
Slaughter Night
Kurt Rogier, Carolina Dijkhuizen, Jop Joris Dir. Frank Van Geloven, Edwin Visser
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Tartan Video 10.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064468
Shanghai 1937. A beautiful American missionary is trying
to track down a shipment of stolen opium. In order to
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Seite 37
Newsletter 06/07 (Nr. 203)
März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sleeping Dogs Lie
Melinda Page Hamilton, Bryce Johnson,
Geoffrey Pierson, Colby French, Jack
Plotnick, Bonita Friedericy, Brian Posehn,
Morgan Murphy, Steve Agee - Dir. Bobcat
Bobcat Goldthwait, the frantic, shrieking comedian who
gained fame in several POLICE ACADEMY films, follows
up his debut feature as a writer-director—1992’s SHAKES
THE CLOWN—with SLEEPING DOGS LIE, a surprisingly
tender romantic black comedy. Melinda Page Hamilton
gives a terrific lead performance as Amy, a young woman
with a deep, dark secret, something very stupid that she
did in college. Eight years later, as her relationship with
John (Bryce Johnson) intensifies, she considers telling
him what she did, as he believes in total honesty. When
she finally does, her entire world comes crashing down.
Her rather strange mother (a very funny Bonita Friedericy)
and hunk of a father (Geoff Pierson) won’t speak to her;
her drug-addicted loser of a brother, Dougie (Jack
Plotnick), revels in her failure and agony; and John is not
sure he can spend the rest of his life with someone who
has committed such an outrageous act, even if it was a
silly mistake that she regrets. Amy, a teacher, finds solace
in Ed (Colby French), a coworker going through his own
marital problems, but everyone else has abandoned her.
Comedies 2006 DD 5.1 89min.
First Look Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064358
Small Town Conspiracy
Zen Gesner, Jeannetta Arnette, W. Morgan
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064651
Snowy River - The MacGregor
Hugh Jackman, Guy Pearce
SNOWY RIVER, the Australian TV series based on Banjo
Paterson’s poem „Man from Snowy River,“ takes place in
the late 19th century in a small mountain town outside of
Melbourne. The program follows the dramatic story of
Matt McGregor and his family as it plays out in the course
of this charming, heartwarming series.
Westerns 1990
Allumination Film Works LLC 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063981
Snowy River - The Mcgregor
Saga Vol. 2
Hugh Jackman, Guy Pearce
Television, Westerns
Allumination Film Works LLC 03.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064520
So Proudly We Hail
Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard,
Veronica Lake, George Reeves, Barbara
Britton, Walter Abel, Sonny Tufts, Mary
Servoss - Dir. Mark Sandrich
Colbert is a nurse during World War II in charge of her
detail in the Pacific where she tirelessly mends the
wounded and bolsters morale.
Action/Adventure 1943 FF DD 2.0 126min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064448
Song at Midnight
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin 1937 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064595
Spider-Man 2.1
Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Alfred
Molina, James Franco, Rosemary Harris,
J.K. Simmons - Dir. Sam Raimi
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064058
Stand Up - The Movie
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064409
Steelyard Blues
Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Peter
Boyle, John Savage, Roger Bowen, Howard
Storm, Dan Barrows, Nancy Fish - Dir. Alan
A trio of establishment outcasts band together in the
twilight of the 60s. The result is this offbeat caper starring
Jane Fonda as Irish, the town prostitute, and Donald
Sutherland as Veldini, a mild-mannered madman who
dreams of making the world a better place by demolishing
every automobile on the planet. Under his messianic
spell, Iris and an unemployed acrobat help Veldini foment
a Navy Yard break-in with the purpose of stealing a
certain electrical part. They need it to get an old World
War II plane flying again so they can wing off into the wild
blue yonder — leaving the society of repressive squares
behind them.
Comedies 1972
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064496
Straight Time
Dustin Hoffman, Gary Busey, Theresa
Russell, M. Emmet Walsh, Harry Dean
Stanton, Kathy Bates, Eddie Bunker, Fran
Ryan - Dir. Ulu Grosbard
Dustin Hoffman stars in this dark drama about an exconvict’s return to a life of crime after a six-year stint at
the state penitentiary.
Dramas 1978 Ltbx M 114min.
Warner Brothers Publications 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064495
Succubus: Hell-Bent
Kelly Hu, Jason Blair, Natalie Denise Sperl,
Robert Mann, Gary Busey, David Keith,
Lorenzo Lamas - Dir. Kim Bass
The tables are turned when a ladykiller meets a real-life
succubus in Cancun in this horror film. Rich and spoiled,
Adam (Robert Mann) will sleep with anything in heels.
When he flies south for spring break, he continues his
womanizing ways. He gets a lot more than he bargained
for when he seduces Lilith (Natalie Denise Sperl), a
beautiful demoness. When he returns to his life of luxury
in L.A., Lilith follows him, leaving a bloody tale of
vengeance in her wake.
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 17.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064442
Summer School
Mark Harmon, Kirstie Alley, Robin Thomas,
Dean Cameron, Shawnee Smith, Courtney
Thorne-Smith, Gary Riley, Kelly Jo Minter,
Ken Olandt, Fabiana Udenio, Amy StockPoynton, Frank McCarthy, Patrick
Labyorteaux, Richard Steven Horvitz - Dir.
Carl Reiner
A laid-back high school coach (Mark Harmon) reluctantly
forfeits a Hawaiian vacation to teach remedial English to a
class of likable misfits. This goofy comedy tells the
sweetly inspiring story of the group of high school
slackers who seem destined to fail until they land in the
coach’s class. As both students and teacher accept the
fact that they must complete the course, all learn a great
deal about themselves, their priorities, and friendship.
Comedies 1987
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064463
Sunset Grill / Scorpion Spring /
Eye of the Storm
Matthew McConaughey, Peter Weller,
Dennis Hopper, Ruben Blades, Alfred
Molina, Esai Morales, Craig Sheffer, Lara
Flynn Boyle, Stacy Keach, Lori Singer - Dir.
Brian Cox, Yuri Zeltser, Kevin Connor
This collection presents a triple feature of taut action
thrillers. In SUNSET GRILL (1993), a tough private eye
investigates the brutal murder of his ex-wife with the help
of her last boyfriend. In SCORPION SPRING (1996), a
desperation-fueled drug runner and his beautiful hostage
hitch a ride with a pair of unwitting good Samaritans,
bringing the area’s most ruthless and powerful kingpin
bearing down on them. And in EYE OF THE STORM
(1991), two brothers who remain haunted by their parents’
murder find their past catching up with them when a
stranded couple checks into the family motel.
Dramas 1991-1996
Image Entertainment, Inc. 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064397
Survival Quest
Lance Henriksen, Mark Rolston, Steve
Antin, Paul Provenza, Ben Hammer,
Dominic Hoffman, Traci Lin, Dermot
Mulroney, Catherine Keener - Dir. Don
While learning how to survive alone in the wilderness, a
group of students encounters another survival school run
by a mercenary with questionable methods. With their
instructor murdered, the group must use their new skills to
return to safety before being killed.
Action/Adventure 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Anchor Bay Entertainment 10.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063956
Sweeney Todd
Ray Winstone, Tom Hardy, David Warner,
David Bradley, Essie Davis
This BBC production considers legendary English serial
killer Sweeney Todd (Ray Winstone). Following him as he
wields his straight razor through the squalid streets of
18th-century London, this film not only looks at the
heinous acts of the Demon Barber, but also examines the
reasoning behind them.
Television, Dramas 2006
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 10.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064329
Swimsuit Seduction
Carli Banks, Angel Cassidy, Rachel
Clothing is optional in this wild and raunchy pool party,
overflowing with hot girls who love to get wet!
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 13.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064457
Sylvia Scarlett
Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Brian
Aherne, Edmund Gwenn, Dennie Moore,
Lennox Pawle, Daisy Belmore, Elsa
Buchanan - Dir. George Cukor
When authorities go after a con artist, he and his
daughter are forced to go on the run. In order to fool the
cops, the young woman disguises herself as a man, which
leads to comedic complications when she meets an
attractive member of the opposite sex. This daring George
Cukor film stars Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant.
Comedies 1936 FF M 94min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064292
Tears of the Black Tiger
Chartchai Ngamsan, Stella Malucchi,
Suppakorn Kitsuwan, Arawat Ruangvuth,
Sombati Medhanee, Suwinit Panjamawat Dir. Wisit Sasanatieng
Wisit Sasanatieng’s TEARS OF THE BLACK TIGER is as
assured and dazzling a directorial debut as an individual
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
can hope to deliver. Stylistically electrifying, the film
combines filmmaking techniques from the 1960s with a
modern jolt of blood and violence, resulting in a work that
feels completely fresh and new. The story itself is simple
enough: a lower-class boy, Dum, falls in love with a
wealthy girl, Rumpoey, but their social differences keep
them apart. Years later, Dum returns home only to
discover that his father has been murdered by a gang of
brutal outlaws. Traumatized by this event, Dum becomes a
renegade bandit who will stop at nothing to avenge his
father ’s death. When he reconnects with Rumpoey, she’s
slated to marry the policeman who has been trying to
track down Dum. On her wedding day, Dum (aka Black
Tiger) takes matters into his own hands so he can fulfill
his dream of being with Rumpoey once and for all.
Action/Adventure 2007
Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064632
Teletubbies: Time to Play
Television, Childrens FF 58min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 01.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064223
Texas, Adios
Franco Nero, Livio Lorenzon, Elisa Montes,
Alberto Dell’Acqua, Jose Guardiola - Dir.
Ferdinando Baldi
Franco Nero (DJANGO) stars in this spaghetti western as
Burt Sullivan, a Texas sheriff haunted by the memory of
Cisco, the man who killed his father when he was a child.
Hearing that Cisco is living in Mexico, Burt rounds up his
little brother to accompany him through Mexico as he
searches for Cisco in order to exact his revenge.
However, Cisco has turned himself into the despot of a
small rural town, controlling its citizens with fear and the
small army he has accumulated over the years. Violent,
operatic, and wickedly funny, TEXAS, ADDIO turns the
familiar revenge plot of so many westerns into something
completely alien, a grandly scaled riff on the genre that is
hugely entertaining.
Foreign Films, Italian 1966 Ltbx M 92min.
Blue Underground 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064035
That 70s Show - Season 6
Topher Grace, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher,
Danny Masterson, Laura Prepon, Wilmer
Valderrama, Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood
Smith, Lisa Robin Kelly
Television, Comedies 2003-2004 FF DD
2.0 543min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064584
That Thing You Do! (Director’s
Tom Everett Scott, Liv Tyler, Steve Zahn,
Ethan Embry, Tom Hanks, Charlize Theron,
Giovanni Ribisi, Chris Ellis, Alex Rocco, Bill
Cobbs, Peter Scolari, Rita Wilson, Chris
Isaak, Kevin Pollak, Robert Torti, Claudia
Stedelin, Keith Neubert, Sean Whalen, Clint
Howard, Kathleen Kinmont, Warren Berlinger, Barry Sobel, Tracy Reiner, Gedde
Watanabe, Johnathon Schaech - Dir. Tom
Set in the 1964 and steeped in Americana, this film
chronicles the meteoric rise — and equally quick demise
— of a music group called The Wonders. The talented
musicians start out playing in neighborhood joints. That
changes after they meet a shrewd record executive, who
advises the boys on how to dress, act and sing. Soon
their song, „That Thing You Do,“ hits #1, and the group is
on top of the world.
Comedies 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 155min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064568
Thieves Like Us
Keith Carradine, Shelley Duvall, John
Schuck, Bert Remsen, Louise Fletcher, Ann
Latham, Tom Skerritt, Joan Tewkesbury Dir. Robert Altman
THIEVES LIKE US, director Robert Altman’s remake of
Nicholas Ray’s THEY LIVE BY NIGHT—a 1949 adaptation
of the Raymond Chandler novel—is an authentic,
understated drama that is as much a love story as it is a
gangster picture. Taking place in the South during the
1930s Depression, the film follows the exploits of three
recent prison escapees who become wanted after a string
of bank robberies. The hapless criminals—Bowie (Keith
Carradine), Chicamaw (John Schuck), and T-Dub—shack
up at the home of Dee Mobley (Tom Skerritt), where
Bowie falls in love with Dee’s daughter Keechie (Shelley
Duvall). Soon, Keechie in tow, the foursome settles at
Mattie’s (Louise Fletcher) house. Eventually, Bowie and
Keechie move in together and struggle to maintain their
relationship while Chicamaw and T-Dub do their best to
stay out of trouble, but before they can perform one final
robbery, the law threatens to put them out of commission.
Altman tells an honest story of ordinary people who fell
into a life of crime because it was the only thing they
knew how to do. He also incorporates a ROMEO AND
JULIET radio sho
Dramas 1974
MGM Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064623
Things to do
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 85min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064592
The Third Man (Special Edition)
Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli,
Trevor Howard, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Bernard
Lee, Geoffrey Keen, Martin Miller - Dir.
Carol Reed
Carol Reed reached the peak of his form with this classic
noir, an elegy for American innocence and European
elegance. Joseph Cotten, in fine form, stars as
unemployed pulp-novelist Holly Martins. When he arrives
in post-WWII Vienna on the promise of a job from his old
friend Harry Lime (Orson Welles), he finds that Lime has
recently died in a dubious car accident. Against the advice
of British sector authority Major Calloway (Trevor
Howard), who accuses Lime of criminal behavior, the
indignant Martins decides to stay to investigate his
friend’s death. He searches this city of rubble-strewn
streets and bombed-out buildings, earnestly questioning
Lime’s associates, a cynical, war-weary collection of
black-market hustlers. At length, he realizes that the
stories he’s hearing are so full of contradiction, he’s
getting nowhere. Yet, he’s entranced by Lime’s beautiful
girlfriend, Anna Schmidt (Alida Valli), who, unlike the
others, seems to have loved Harry. Calloway finally
provides evidence of Harry’s treachery, and Martins,
despondent, is about to return home when everything
changes in a shadowed moment. T
Action/Adventure FF 104min.
Criterion Collection 17.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064511
Third Wish
Jenna Mattison, Armand Assante, Betty
Dramas Ltbx
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064652
Thirty Seconds Over Tokoyo
Robert Walker, Van Johnson, Robert
Mitchum, Phyllis Thaxter, Spencer Tracy Dir. Mervyn LeRoy
Action/Adventure Ltbx M 138min.
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064687
Three Bad Men
George Kennedy, Mike Moroff, Chris Gann
Action/Adventure FF DD 5.1 118min.
ThinkFilm 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064668
Three Marias
Marieta Severo, Julia Lemmertz, Maria
Luisa Mendonca, Luiza Mariani, Carlos
Vereza - Dir. Aluisio Abranches
Do not allow the sorrow of grieving to interfere with the
power of hatred and revenge. This message, delivered by
a family matriarch (Marieta Severo), is clearly understood
by the three sisters who are the title characters in THE
THREE MARIAS. The sisters are called home when their
father and two brothers are brutally murdered in separate
slayings, all ordered by a man from their mother’s past.
The grieving widow and mother responds to the killings by
commanding her daughters to act. She assigns each
daughter a hitman in order to avenge the deaths. Various
complications keep these mercenaries from carrying out
their tasks and the sisters must take it upon themselves to
finish the job, as each of the Marias targets one of the
three killers.
Foreign Films, Portuguese 2003
Empire Pictures 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064698
Three Stooges - Extreme Rarities
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064420
Three Stooges - Greatest
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064419
Three Stooges - Swing Parade
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064418
Three Stooges - Triple Whammy!
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064421
Ticket to Heaven
Nick Mancuso, Meg Foster, Saul Rubinek,
Kim Cattrall - Dir. Ralph Thomas
A gripping drama and shocking expose of the shady world
of California’s cults. Based on the true story of a cult
convert „rescued“ and deprogrammed from a cult. This
convincing film reveals the hideous truths behind many so
called „non-profit religious organizations.“
Dramas 1981 FF
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064653
To Catch a Thief (Special Edition)
Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Brigitte Auber,
Jessie Royce Landis, John Williams,
Charles Vanel, Wee Willie Davis, Georgette
Anys - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock directed this light, thoroughly
entertaining comedy-drama in which a reformed cat
burglar, to prove himself innocent, tries to capture the
thief who’s terrifying the French Riviera. He is assisted by
a rich, young American woman, and as they track down
the thief, they fall in love with one another.
Dramas 1955
Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064236
To Protect and Kill Twofer
Claudio Amendola, Enrico Lo Verso, Carlo
Cecchi, Franco Nero, Francoise Fabian Dir. Ricky Tognazzi, Damiano Damiani
Action/Adventure 1974 Ltbx DD 5.1
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Blue Underground 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064041
provides a shock to Jake’s optimistic system, but as it
becomes clear that Alonzo is dangerously out of control,
Jake must decide whether or not to risk his future in the
name of the law.
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064488
Ugo Tognazzi, Rupert Everett, Anne
A monk played by Rupert Everett (ANOTHER COUNTRY)
is welcomed into the lives of a newlywed young couple
after being thrown out of the church in the provocative
thriller TOLERANCE. But this unusual threesome soon
finds tension mounting between them, leading to some
surprising revelations.
Dramas FF DD 2.0 107min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064260
Alexandra Paul, Nicholas Turturro, Dennis
Christopher - Dir. Rex Piano
In an abandoned hotel, kidnappers hold a software
engineer’s daughter hostage until she cracks the code to
vital government data.
Action/Adventure 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064382
Tomb Raider 2-Pack Gift Set
Gerard Butler, Ciaran Hinds, Djimon
Hounsou, Daniel Craig, Iain Glen, Jon
Voight, Noah Taylor, Chris Barrie, Angelina
Jolie - Dir. Simon West, Jan de Bont
This DVD 2-pack includes two high-octane action films
based on the the wildly popular video game series LARA
CROFT: TOMB RAIDER. Angelina Jolie is perfectly cast
as the voluptuous title character, a tough, sexy, heavilyarmed archaeologist who travels the world in search of
lost relics, battling an arsenal of monsters, villains, and
pitfalls along the way. In the first film, mercenaries invade
Lara’s hi-tech mansion and steal an ancient relic, forcing
her to journey to various international locations—including
Cambodia, Italy, and the Arctic Circle—to retrieve the
strange object and discover its mysterious properties. In
the film’s sequel, THE CRADLE OF LIFE, Lara has made
perhaps the most important archaeological discovery in
history: an orb that leads to the mythical Pandora’s Box.
Unfortunately, the orb falls into the hands of an evil
scientist who deals in killer viruses and hopes to sell the
secrets of the box as the ultimate weapon. In both films,
Lara is a walking advertisement for „girl power“: she’s
brilliant, athletic, courageous, and saucy—and always
righteous in her quests to save mankind
Action/Adventure 2001-2003
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064465
Touched by an Angel - The Fourth
Season: Vol. 1
Roma Downey, Della Reese, John Dye
The inspirational CBS television drama TOUCHED BY AN
ANGEL stars Della Reese, Roma Downey, and John Dye
as a trio of celestial beings sent to earth by God to aid
people in distress. Disguising themselves as mere
mortals, guardian angels Tess (Reese), Monica (Downey),
and Andrew (Dye) maneuver themselves into the lives of
their human wards and attempt to revive feelings of faith,
hope, and wonder. This collection presents the first 13
episodes of the series’ fourth season, which includes
guest appearances by Bai Ling, Adrian Pasdar, and
Celeste Holm.
Television, Dramas 1997-1998 S 540min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 27.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064661
Tower of the First Born
Ben Cross, Peter Weller, Ione Skye - Dir.
Alberto Negrin
Action/Adventure 2004 FF DD 5.1 190min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064166
Training Day / Fallen
John Goodman, Donald Sutherland, Ethan
Hawke, Denzel Washington - Dir. Antoine
Fuqua, Gregory Hoblit
KILLERS, BAIT) turns up the intensity level with TRAINING DAY, a charged drama about police corruption in
downtown Los Angeles. Ethan Hawke stars as Jake Hoyt,
a well-intentioned young officer who thinks he’s found his
ticket to becoming a detective in the form of undercover
officer Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington). Harris is a
notorious figure in the streets and in the office. He also
has the authority to make Jake’s professional wishes
come true, provided Jake is able to prove his worth on
Alonzo’s team. At first, Alonzo’s blunt, carefree demeanor
Trouble with Men and Women
Kate Ashfield, Matthew Delamere, Christine
Tremaraco, Joseph McFadden - Dir. Tony
Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 73min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064394
True Confessions
Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Charles
Durning, Ed Flanders - Dir. Ulu Grosbard
In Los Angeles, circa 1940, an embittered, once-corrupt
cop named Tom Spellacy is investigating two murders:
that of a priest found dead in a whorehouse, and that of a
mutilated woman in a park. As he searches for the
culprits, Spellacy uncovers an immense web of corruption,
involving prostitutes, dirty cops and pornography. Even
the Roman Catholic Church is implicated, particularly one
Monsignor Des Spellacy, Tom’s brother. Although Des is
innocent of any wrongdoing, his actions raise moral and
religious issues that Tom must deal with, in order to solve
these bizarre murders.
Dramas 1981
MGM Home Entertainment 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064624
True Grit (Special Edition)
John Wayne, Glen Campbell, Kim Darby,
Robert Duvall, Jeremy Slate, Dennis
Hopper, Alfred Ryder, Strother Martin - Dir.
Henry Hathaway
Oscar winning performance by John Wayne as Rooster
Cogburn, the one-eyed, eye-patched Deputy Marshal who
helps a stubborn, yet resourceful, teenage girl find the
murderer of her father.
Westerns 1969
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064237
Tsunami - The Aftermath
Sophie Okonedo, Tim Roth, Toni Collette Dir. Bharat Nalluri
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064391
Melissa George, Josh Duhamel, Olivia Wilde, Desmond Askew, Beau Garrett, Max
Brown, Agles Steib, Lunardi, John
Stockwell - Dir. John Stockwell
A group of international tourists seeking fun and
adventure in Brazil get a lot more than they bargained for
in the suspenseful horror film TURISTAS. Written by firsttime screenwriter Michael Arlen Ross and directed by
John Stockwell (BLUE CRUSH), TURISTAS, the first
American film to be shot completely in the South American
nation, is set in the Brazilian mountains, where Alex (Josh
Duhamel); his sister, Bea (Olivia Wilde); and her best
friend, Amy (Beau Garrett), are preparing for an eco-tour.
But when their bus crashes, they are stranded with a
group of locals as well as a handful of other tourists,
including Finn (Desmond Askew) and Liam (Max Brown),
two Brits looking for fast times and hot women, and Pru
(Melissa George), a beautiful Australian traveling on her
own who takes an immediate liking to Alex. In the middle
of nowhere, they find a little oasis in a surprise sandy bar,
where they get to know each other, drinking and dancing
until they wake up the next morning, having been drugged
and robbed of just about everything, with all remnants of
the bar gone. They walk into an unfriendly town, but
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 110min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064369
Turistas (Blu-ray)
Melissa George, Josh Duhamel, Olivia Wilde, Desmond Askew, Beau Garrett, Max
Brown, Agles Steib, Lunardi, John
Stockwell - Dir. John Stockwell
A group of international tourists seeking fun and
adventure in Brazil get a lot more than they bargained for
in the suspenseful horror film TURISTAS. Written by firsttime screenwriter Michael Arlen Ross and directed by
John Stockwell (BLUE CRUSH), TURISTAS, the first
American film to be shot completely in the South American
nation, is set in the Brazilian mountains, where Alex (Josh
Duhamel); his sister, Bea (Olivia Wilde); and her best
friend, Amy (Beau Garrett), are preparing for an eco-tour.
But when their bus crashes, they are stranded with a
group of locals as well as a handful of other tourists,
including Finn (Desmond Askew) and Liam (Max Brown),
two Brits looking for fast times and hot women, and Pru
(Melissa George), a beautiful Australian traveling on her
own who takes an immediate liking to Alex. In the middle
of nowhere, they find a little oasis in a surprise sandy bar,
where they get to know each other, drinking and dancing
until they wake up the next morning, having been drugged
and robbed of just about everything, with all remnants of
the bar gone. They walk into an unfriendly town, but
Dramas 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064084
Twin Peaks - The Complete Second Season
Kyle MacLachlan, Lara Flynn Boyle, Michael Ontkean, Sherilyn Fenn, Madchen Amick,
Warren Frost, Peggy Lipton, James Marshall
Television, Dramas 1990 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064227
Kazuo Umezz’s Horror Theater Collection
Toshinori Omi, Riko Narumi, Kyusaka
Shimada - Dir. Noboru Iguchi, Atsushi
This anthology of horror films from Japan eschews the
genre’s slasher traditions in favor of more creepy and
creative tales. In DIET, a newly thin young woman feels
an insatiable hunger in the presence of an ex-boyfriend.
THE WISH features a human head made from a block of
wood that befriends a young boy. THE PRESENT turns
the joyous Christmas holiday into a time of nightmares
with the appearance of a demented Santa. Three more
short films complete this frightening collection.
Foreign Films, Japanese 2005
Media Blasters 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064430
Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard, Howard Da
Silva, Boris Karloff, Cecil Kellaway, Ward
Bond, Katherine DeMille, Henry Wilcoxon Dir. Cecil B. DeMille
Cecil B. DeMille directed this prerevolutionary saga about
an English prisoner who is indentured in the colonies
during the early struggles between the settlers and the
Action/Adventure 1947 FF DD 2.0 147min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064432
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Katharine Hepburn, Robert Taylor, Robert
Mitchum, Edmund Gwenn, Marjorie Main,
Jayne Meadows - Dir. Vincente Minnelli
An ex-con who arrives in Puerto Rico to run his former
partner’s nightclub finds himself set up in a deadly
scheme after he is bribed into having an affair with the
wife of a powerful mob boss.
Dramas 1946 FF M 116min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064302
Until Death
Stephen Rea, Selina Giles, Julie Horvath,
Mark Dymond, Jean-Claude Van Damme Dir. Simon Fellows
Action/Adventure 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064059
Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj
Anthony Cozens, Kal Penn, Holly Davidson,
Daniel Percival, Amy Steel, Steven
Rathman - Dir. Mort Nathan
The legacy of perpetual college party-man Van Wilder
RISE OF TAJ, as his former apprentice Taj Mahal
Badalandabad (Kal Penn) takes the torch to jolly old
England, where he is continuing his education at stuffy
Camford University. At first things look bleak for Taj,
despite his gleaming newfound confidence and hip
makeover from his days at Coolidge College, as he is
rejected by the prestigious fraternity, Fox and Hounds,
and ends up boarding with a group of misfits. Driven to
live up to his former mentor’s good name and also to
make his father proud, Taj sets out to prove his big-manon-campus potential by unabashedly leading his outcast
housemates in an attempt to defeat the wealthy elite of
Camford in a range of competitions for the coveted
Hastings Cup.
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064201
Vengeance Is Mine
Ken Ogata, Rentaro Mikuni, Mayumi Ogawa
- Dir. Shohei Imamura
Based on a true story, VENGEANCE IS MINE tells the
chilling tale of an unremorseful murderer on path of
destruction across Japan. Director Shohei Imamura’s film
is a detailed look at the criminal’s shocking life, revealed
in flashbacks.
Foreign Films, Japanese 1979 Ltbx 16x9 M
Criterion Collection 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064101
Peter O’Toole, Leslie Phillips, Jodie
Whittaker, Vanessa Redgrave, Beatrice
Savoretti, Phillip Fox
Screen legend Peter O’Toole stars in this moving story of
an elderly actor and his somewhat questionable
relationship with a teenage girl. Maurice (O’Toole) and his
friend Ian (Leslie Phillips) are two classy curmudgeons
whiling away their hours in coffee shops and at the
theater, but their routine is thrown for a loop when Ian’s
niece’s daughter Jessie (Jodie Whittaker) is sent from the
country to act as his nurse. Jessie shows up on the scene
sullen and pouty, immediately drinking all the liquor in the
house and slouching her way from room to room. But
Maurice befriends her, taking her to museums and getting
her a gig as an art model, and along the way he openly
expresses the lust she has awakened in him. Jessie’s
brash rejections of his affections are at first as amusing
as they are awkward. When she starts to allow him small
pleasures—like kissing her bare shoulders or caressing
her hands—the film enters into some uncomfortable,
complicated territory, but it is deftly navigated by Hanif
Kureishi’s sharp screenplay, and O’Toole’s heartbreaking
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 95min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064532
Viaje A La Luna
German Valdes, Polo Ortin, Alfonso Arau Dir. Fernando Cortes
This classic Latin film revolves around a television star
named Carlos, whose beautiful singing voice makes him
the object of every female’s fantasies. When Carlos’s
agent stages a fake kidnapping to attract the press, he
does so with innocent intentions. But when the hotel
Carlos is brought to turns out to be a loony bin, the plan
gets out of hand and things turn dangerous for the wellknown ladies man.
Dramas 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064063
Von Richtofen and Brown
Dramatization of the showdown between World War I
flying ace Baron Manfred Von Richtofen (the „Red Baron“)
and Roy Brown, a Canadian wheat farmer.
Comedies 1958 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064631
Education/General Interest, War/Military
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064626
Waiting for God: Series 2
Isabelle Huppert, Stéphane Audran
Foreign Films, French 1978 FF 122min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064602
Warner Home Video 12.06.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064015
Virgin Again
Alison Mills Newman, Dick Anthony
Williams, Arlinda Isais - Dir. Francisco
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064597
Penélope Cruz, Carmen Maura, Lola
Dueñas, Blanca Portillo, Chus Lampreave,
Cobo Yohana, Antonio de la torre, Maria
Isabel Diaz, Neus Sanz - Dir. Pedro
Pedro Almodóvar, the Oscar-winning writer-director of
such international successes as TALK TO HER and
returns to his hometown of La Mancha in Spain for the
tender VOLVER. Raimunda (Penélope Cruz) is trying to
keep her family together despite her husband’s (Antonio
de la Torre) inability to keep his job; when a terrible
incident occurs at home, Raimunda covers it up in order
to protect her daughter, Paula (Yohana Cobo). Meanwhile,
Raimunda’s sister, Sole (Lola Dueñas), believes that their
mother, Irene (Carmen Maura), has come back from the
dead; Sole even has the resurrected Irene working in the
illegal hair salon she has set up in her apartment. Sole
and their neighbor Agustina (Blanca Portillo), who had
been taking care of their aged aunt (Chus Lampreave), try
to keep this secret from Raimunda, with both funny and
heartbreaking results—and the revealing of yet more
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 121min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064054
Volver (Blu-ray)
Penélope Cruz, Carmen Maura, Lola
Dueñas, Blanca Portillo, Chus Lampreave,
Cobo Yohana, Antonio de la torre, Maria
Isabel Diaz, Neus Sanz - Dir. Pedro
Pedro Almodóvar, the Oscar-winning writer-director of
such international successes as TALK TO HER and
returns to his hometown of La Mancha in Spain for the
tender VOLVER. Raimunda (Penélope Cruz) is trying to
keep her family together despite her husband’s (Antonio
de la Torre) inability to keep his job; when a terrible
incident occurs at home, Raimunda covers it up in order
to protect her daughter, Paula (Yohana Cobo). Meanwhile,
Raimunda’s sister, Sole (Lola Dueñas), believes that their
mother, Irene (Carmen Maura), has come back from the
dead; Sole even has the resurrected Irene working in the
illegal hair salon she has set up in her apartment. Sole
and their neighbor Agustina (Blanca Portillo), who had
been taking care of their aged aunt (Chus Lampreave), try
to keep this secret from Raimunda, with both funny and
heartbreaking results—and the revealing of yet more
Walker Texas Ranger - The
Complete Third Season
Chuck Norris, Noble Willingham, Sheree J.
Wilson, Clarence Gilyard
Martial arts star Chuck Norris made his transition to the
small screen with the action-packed television drama
WALKER TEXAS RANGER. Lasting for nine seasons, the
series followed the crime-fighting adventures of tough-guy
Texas Ranger Cord Walker (Norris) as he brought justice
to the streets of Dallas with a well-placed karate chop to
the city’s more nefarious criminals. Walker ’s
unconventional interrogation methods clashed with his
computer-expert partner, Jimmy Trivette (Clarence
Gilyard), and the by-the-book county D.A., Alex Cahill
(Sheree Wilson), who also functioned as Walker’s love
interest. This collection presents the series’ third season
in its entirety.
Television, Dramas 1995-1996 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.06.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064664
Waltons: The Complete Fifth
Ralph Waite, Michael Learned, Ellen Corby,
Richard Thomas, Will Greer
When CBS debuted its new series, THE WALTONS, in
1972, no one was prepared for the level of success it
reached. Telling the story of a large family living on
Walton’s Mountain during the Great Depression, the
series tackles universal themes that continue to ring true
to this day. Told from the perspective of John Boy (Richard Thomas), an aspiring writer who makes his way
through college and into adulthood, THE WALTONS is a
timeless work of entertainment. This release includes
every episode from the fifth season of the show.
Television, Dramas FF M 1213min.
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064480
Waltons: The Complete Seasons
Michael Learned, Ellen Corby, Richard Thomas, Will Greer
When CBS debuted its new series, THE WALTONS, in
1972, no one was prepared for the level of success it
reached. Telling the story of a large family living on
Walton’s Mountain during the Great Depression, the
series tackles universal themes that continue to ring true
to this day. Told from the perspective of John Boy (Richard Thomas), an aspiring writer who makes his way
through college and into adulthood, THE WALTONS is a
timeless work of entertainment. This release includes
every episode from the first five seasons of the show.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
245,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064481
Denzel Washington Spotlight
Wesley Snipes, John Turturro, Jodie Foster,
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Clive Owen, Denzel Washington, Angelina
Jolie, Deborah Kara Unger, Rod Steiger,
Vicellous Shannon, Liev Schreiber, John
Hannah, Ed O’Neill, Queen Latifah - Dir.
Phillip Noyce, Norman Jewison, Spike Lee
See Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington in
four engaging dramas: INSIDE MAN, MO’ BETTER
Please see individual titles for synopsis information.
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 15.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064446
John Wayne 100th Anniversary
John Wayne
Twenty-three John Wayne films are included on this
collection, which has been released to coincide with the
100th anniversary of his birth.
Action/Adventure FF 2000min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064222
John Wayne
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064179
John Wayne
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064175
Welcome Back Kotter: The
Complete First Season
Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, Marcia Strassman,
Robert Hegyes, Ron Palillo
Television, Comedies 1975-1976 FF
Warner Home Video 12.06.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064674
What a Man Wants...What a
Woman Needs
Sam Salter, David Peaston, Keith „Wonder
Boy“ Johnson, Shirley Murdock - Dir. Eddie
Religious 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064119
White Slave
Horror/Suspense 1954-1986
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064591
Whose Life is It Anyway?
Richard Dreyfuss, John Cassavetes, Christine Lahti, Bob Balaban - Dir. John
Director John Badham’s dramatic picture tells of a man’s
confrontation with life and death after he is paralyzed in
an auto accident. Demanding that his doctor’s let him die,
his own obstinance presents his caregivers with a painful
dilemma. The film is based on the Broadway play by Brian
John Wayne, Yakima Canutt, Lane
Chandler - Dir. Mack V. Wright
This early western from 1936 stars Wayne as a one of two
rugged westerners with little business experience who buy
a stagecoach line to compete with the arrival of the
telegraph. Jon Blair (John Wayne) and Larry Adams (Lane
Chandler) must obtain the mail delivery contract in order
to continue their days with the Pony Express, but face
many obstacles from crooks trying to undermine them
along the way.
Westerns 1936
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064178
Crystal Bernard, Timothy Daly, Thomas
Haden Church, Tony Shaloub
Television, Comedies 1992 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 15.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064462
Within These Walls
John Wayne Collection Wave 2
Box Set
Will & Grace - Season 6
Winds of the Wasteland
Wings - The Fourth Season
John Wayne Collection Gift Pack
Dramas 1981 Ltbx M 118min.
Warner Home Video 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064499
Shelly Morrison, Debra Messing, Eric
McCormack, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes
Television, Comedies 2003-2004 DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.05.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064164
Ellen Burstyn, Laura Dern - Dir. Mike Robe
Joan Thomas (Ellen Burstyn from REQUIEM FOR A
DREAM) stars as Joan Thomas, a hardened criminal
serving hard time in a women’s prison. Into her life walks
Sister Pauline (Laura Dern, BLUE VELVET, CITIZEN
RUTH) who is looking to start a program where the
prisoners will train dogs for use by handicapped people.
This Hallmark made-for-television film shows how these
two different people, both with very different but difficult
pasts, manage to see their way through difficult situations.
Television, Dramas 2001 FF
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064650
Without Love
Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Lucille
Ball, Keenan Wynn, Carl Esmond, Patricia
Morison, Felix Bressart, Gloria Grahame Dir. Harold S. Bucquet
Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy team up in this
talkative comedy about two scientists who discover love
through co-habitation. Wartime housing shortages are in
effect, so for purely pragmatic reasons Pat Jamieson and
Jamie Rowan decide to get married. Romance is never
supposed to enter the picture — she’s mourning her dead
husband and he’s pining for a long lost love — but things
don’t work out quite the way they planned.
Comedies 1945 FF M 110min.
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064303
WKRP in Cincinnati - Season 1
Howard Hesseman, Tim Reid, Loni
Anderson, Gary Sandy, Frank Bonner, Richard Sanders
Television, Comedies 1978
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064077
world of porn star John Holmes in Los Angeles in the
1970s. But everything came tumbling down in June 1981
when he was accused of taking part in a multiple murder
that forms the basis of James Cox’s dizzying
WONDERLAND. Val Kilmer, who previously embodied
rock lead singer Jim Morrison in THE DOORS, transforms
himself into the famous porn celebrity in this excitingly
sordid tale of excess, which is told from the point of view
of several different players, echoing Akira Kurosawa’s
RASHOMON. Under the stage name Johnny Wadd,
Holmes was rumored to have had sex with more than
14,000 women in some 1,000 X-rated films; his dangerous
life caught up with him when he died of AIDS in 1988. Cox
has assembled an unlikely cast for this lurid story,
including such well-known television stars as Lisa Kudrow
(FRIENDS), Dylan McDermott (THE PRACTICE), and
Christina Applegate (MARRIED WITH CHILDREN), in
addition to Carrie Fisher, Janeane Garofalo, and Eric
Bogosian, among others. In order to ensure accuracy, C
Dramas 2003 Ltbx 104min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064152
Wonderworks - Bridge to
Annette O’Toole, Gloria Carlin, Peter
Dvorsky, Julian Coutts, Julie Beaulieu, Tom
Heaton, Darlene Bradley, Sharon Holownia,
Jennifer Matichuk - Dir. Eric Till
A poignant adaptation of Katherine Paterson’s brilliant,
acclaimed coming-of-age novel.
Childrens, Live-Action 1985 FF 60min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 13.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064325
Diana Vacaru, Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov,
Peter Hauman, Lajos Kovacs, Sandor
Gaspar - Dir. Janos Szasz
Buchner ’s classic drama is powerfully updated in this
modern tale of a man, Woyzeck, who leads a horrific
existence. Working as a flagman in a decrepit trainyard,
he must battle poverty and an unsympathetic wife, as well
as many other crushing factors. He eventually takes a job
as a lab rat in order to feed his family. His task is to eat
nothing but peas, which will hopefully prove a bizarre
medical theory. When he discovers that his wife is
cheating on him with a cocky policeman, his fading sanity
explodes, climaxing in a desperate act of violence.
Foreign Films, Hungarian 1993 FF 93min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064547
WW II Collection Vol. 2: Heroes
Fight For Freedom
Jeffrey Hunter, Clark Gable, James Garner,
Eva Marie Saint - Dir. George Seaton, Sam
Wood, Phil Karlson
Warner Home Video 05.06.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064678
You and Your Stupid Mate
Nathan Phillips, Angus Sampson, Rachel
Hunter, Madeline West, Rock Hampton Dir. Marc Gracie
Comedies 2004 Ltbx DD 2.0 85min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064165
Young Aphrodites
Takis Emmanuel, Eleni Prokopiou, Vaggelis
Loannidis - Dir. Nikos Koundouros
Franky G, Tess Parker, Val Kilmer, Kate
Bosworth, Christina Applegate, Eric
Bogosian, Carrie Fisher, M.C. Gainey,
Janeane Garofalo, Lisa Kudrow, Ted Levine,
Joshua Lucas, Dylan McDermott, Tim Blake
Nelson, Natasha Gregson Wagner - Dir.
James Cox
Foreign Films, Greek 1966
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064594
Two adolescents experience sensual awakening in a
strange, nomadic world. Winner of the Berlin Film Festival, and the International Film Critics Award. Narrated in
Fast cars, fast women, sex, drugs, and rock and roll, with
guns and ammo thrown in for good measure—that was the
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Young Soul Rebels
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063993
Dramas Ltbx 105min.
Strand Releasing 17.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064667
Dance Movement: Salsa and
Latin Styling
Yu Yu Hakusho - Team of Four:
Episodes 43-56
Action/Adventure 1994 FF DD 5.1 300min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064558
The work of Japan’s rising young literary star Ostuichi is
the basis for these five short films. The title film questions
the nature of reality in the face of a brutal murder, while
SO FAR covers a similar topic with very different results.
WHEN THE SUN SHINES explores a post-apocalyptic
world using CG animation. Siblings take center stage in
KAZARI AND YOKO and SEVEN ROOMS. This collection
shows Otsuichi’s penchant for strange and intricate
Foreign Films, Japanese 2005
Media Blasters 17.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064427
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 62min.
BayView Entertainment 17.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064691
Dance with Len Goodman
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Warner Home Video 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064526
Dinosaur Jr. - Live from the
Middle East
Dinosaur Jr.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF DTS 83min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 29.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064109
Dokken - Unchain the Night
The hard, rocking sound of Dokken is unchained and let
loose in this video. Includes „Breaking the Chains,“ „Into
the Fire,“ „Just Got Lucky,“ „Alone Again,“ „The Hunter,“
„In My Dreams,“ and „It’s Not Love.“
Beatles Hamburg
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063987
Beatles London
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063991
Dierks Bentley - Live & Loud at
the Fillmore
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064068
Glass Tiger - Live In Concert
Canadian rock-pop band Glass Tiger performs at the
Ontario Palace Forum on this release. The show was
captured on camera during a four-night stint at the venue
in 1986.
Lawrence Gowan
The rock and roll documentary that launched a thousand
imitations, D.A. Pennebaker ’s loose shooting style and
focused interviewing paved the way for films of this
nature; it details Dylan’s celebrated 1965 tour of England
and features appearances by Joan Baez and Dylan’s
manager Albert Grossman. The film also includes one-ofa-kind performances of „The Times, They Are a Changin’,“
„It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue,“ and „Subterranean
Homesick Blues.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1967
FF 96min.
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064218
Evanescence - Broken
Petula Clarke - Petula
Falstaff - Royal Opera House
Petula Clarke
Bryn Terfel, Barbara Frittoli
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
EMI Christian Music Group 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064069
Gowan - Live in Concert
Richard Harris
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064525
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
In this concert from Johannesburg, the first family of
gospel performs to a sold-out crowd. With the beautiful
South African vistas as a backdrop, Bill and Gloria Gaither
sing a number of favorites, such as „Fully Alive,“ „Worthy
The Lamb,“ and „Look For Me At Jesus’ Feet.“ SOUTH
AFRICAN HOMECOMING also includes features narrated
by the Gaithers and fellow gospel singer Russ Taff.
Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Albert Grossman Dir. D.A. Pennebaker
Elvis Presley
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064347
Concise Beatles London
Bill Gaither, Gloria Gaither
Bob Dylan: Don’t Look Back
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 01.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064523
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music 1968 FF
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064278
Bill and Gloria Gaither and their
Homecoming Friends - South
African Homecoming
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
WEA 13.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064240
Elvis Lives: The 25th Anniversary
Petula Clarke furthered her career in the late 1960s by
creating her own TV special, simply titled PETULA. The
show is presented here in its entirety, and sees Clarke
performing many of her biggest hits and an anti-war duet
with Harry Belafonte.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
EMI Christian Music Group 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064070
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1986
FF 78min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064140
Best of the Tony Awards - The
musicians as they lift their voices to God in this concert
from Johannesburg, South Africa. In addition to featuring
almost two dozen songs, LOVE CAN TURN THE WORLD
features a tribute to late gospel musician Anthony Burger.
The Gaither Vocal Band also teams with the African
Children’s Choir in an unforgettable moment.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Ryko Distribution 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064251
Bryn Terfel stars in this adaption of Giusseppe Verdi’s
opera FALSTAFF. Bernard Haitink conducts the Orchestra
of the Royal Opera House.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064406
Bill and Gloria Gaither and their
Homecoming Friends - Love Can
Turn the World
Bill Gaither, Gloria Gaither
Bill and Gloria Gaither lead a group of more than 40
Taken from the Much Music archives, this live concert
originally took place at Montreal’s Spectrum in 1990.
Performing at the heights of his popularity, Gowan
delivers a dynamic set of star-marking originals. Additional
material includes a bootleg version of „Victory,“ a live
video for „City of the Angels,“ and an interview with Much
Music’s Denise Donlon.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1990
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064139
Edita Gruberová - Norma
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064283
Larry Harlow’s Legends of Fania
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF DD 5.1 95min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064118
Nikolaus Harnoncourt - Il Ritorno
D’ulisse In Patria
Werner Hollweg, Trudeliese Schmidt,
Philippe Huttenlocher - Dir. Jean-Pierre
In the 1970s Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and Nikolaus
Harnoncourt revived the work of Claudio Monteverdi,
staging three of his operas in Zurich. This production of IL
February 1979 and features Werner Hollweg, Trudeliese
Schmidt, and Phillipe Huttenlocher in lead roles.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064285
Nikolaus Harnoncourt -
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
L’incoronazione di Poppea
Rachel Yakar, Eric Tappy, Paul Esswood Dir. Jean-Pierre Ponnelle
In the 1970s Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and Nikolaus
Harnoncourt revived the work of Claudio Monteverdi,
staging three of his operas in Zurich. This production of
L’INCORONAZIONE DI POPPEA was performed in June
1978 and features Rachel Yakar, Eric Tappy, and Paul
Esswood in lead roles.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064282
Nikolaus Harnoncourt - L’orfeo
Philippe Huttenlocher, Dietlinde Turban,
Roland Hermann - Dir. Jean-Pierre Ponnelle
In the 1970s Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and Nikolaus
Harnoncourt revived the work of Claudio Monteverdi,
staging three of his operas in Zurich. This production of
L’OREFEO was performed in February 1987 and features
Philippe Huttenlocher, Dietlinde Turban, and Roland
Hermann in lead roles.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064281
Nikolaus Harnoncourt - Opera
Boxed Set
Philippe Huttenlocher, Dietlinde Turban,
Roland Hermann, Rachel Yakar, Eric Tappy,
Paul Esswood, Werner Hollweg, Trudeliese
Schmidt, Nikolaus Harnoncourt - Dir. JeanPierre Ponnelle
In the 1970s Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and Nikolaus
Harnoncourt revived the work of Claudio Monteverdi,
staging three of his operas in Zurich. This release
includes full-length productions of L’OREFEO,
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064286
Heavenly Voices
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
EMI Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064349
Marilyn Horne - L’Italiana In
Marilyn Horne
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064284
Horowitz - A Reminiscence
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064404
Legendary Crooners - Frank,
Dean, Bing, Nat and Perry
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby,
Nat King Cole, Perry Como
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064411
Loves of Emma Bardac
Katia Labèque, Marielle Labeque - Dir. Thomas Mowrey
A French impressionist musical docudrama performed by
the brilliant piano duo of Katia and Marielle Labeque, to
18 pieces by Bizet, Faure and Debussy while appearing
both as themselves and as actresses in stunning
pantomimes that match the beauty of the impressionist
paintings also shown.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 1990
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064403
Ashley Macisaac - Live at the
Rehearsal Hall
First intended as a 2003 TV special, this music release
features hit material as well as music videos by Ashley
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2003
Music Video Distributors 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064138
Natalie MacMaster & Friends
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven
German metal band Helloween presents this head
banging collection of live footage from their concerts in
Sao Paulo, Sofia, and Tokyo. These performances from
their 2005-2006 tour feature fan favorites such as „The
King For 1000 Years“ and „Dr. Stein.“ This release also
includes a look at the band’s life on the road, through a
documentary and interviews.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Steamhammer/SPV 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064246
Some big names from the early days of hip-hop convene
for this reflection on the genre. Among those taking part
are Run DMC, Kurtis Blow, Grandmaster Flash, and Afrika
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Warner Home Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064493
Hollywood Sound - Music for the
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064073
Manon Lescaut - Glyndebourne
Hip Hop Legends
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064402
Canadian singer and fiddle player Natalie MacMaster is
joined by some good friends for this concert recording.
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064405
Points in Space
The first part of this tape includes the BBC documentary
on the critically acclaimed collaboration between
choreographer Merce Cunningham, composer John Cage
and director Elliot Caplan. Following is a performance of
„Points in Space“ performed by Cunningham and his
dance company to the music by John Cage: „Voiceless
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance 1986
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064400
Baden Powell - Self Portrait
Baden Powell
Brazilian musician Baden Powell is captured performing
live in concert on this release. The show was shot for
Brazilian television, and sees Powell taking to the stage
without a backing band.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music 1990
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064137
Elvis Presley - He Touched Me:
The Gospel Music of
Elvis Presley
Elvis is known for being the King of Rock ‘n Roll, but there
was, in fact, a spiritual side to him. Some of his later pop
hits were definitely tinged with a gospel feel, but on this
amazing release, Elvis performs over thirty pure gospel
songs. Along with beautifully moving performances, HE
TOUCHED ME also provides insight into the King’s life
and personality. In interviews with friends, Elvis becomes
a more fully formed man, emerging from the two-dimensional caricature that the general public will recognize.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2000
EMI Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064348
Pursuit of Happiness - Live in
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1993
FF DD 5.1 58min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064603
Rainbow - Up Close and Personal
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064596
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 1997
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064407
RBD - Live in Rio
Payola$ - Live in Concert
Rock Relief: Live In Concert
Released from the Much Music Big Ticket archives, this
live concert program features material first recorded on
October 15th, 1982 at Toronto’s famed venue the Concert
Hall. Bonus material includes an interview with Paul Hyde
from 2005.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1982
Music Video Distributors 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064142
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
EMI Video 20.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064071
Rock and pop legends join forces in this concert for
hurricane relief. Though the sounds of Michael Bolton and
Twisted Sister ’s Dee Snider couldn’t be more different,
they unite in this show that includes performances from
Eddie Money, Loverboy, Mark Farner of Grand Funk
Railroad, and Dickey Betts of the Allman Brothers.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF DD 2.0 90min.
Music Video Distributors 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064635
People’s Passion
Jessye Norman
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Salsa Dance Footwork and Styling
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März 2007
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 78min.
BayView Entertainment 17.04.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064690
638 Ways to Kill Castro
Spooky Tooth - Nomad Poets Live
in Germany 2004
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
DD 5.1 56min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064598
Spoons - Live in Concert
This collection of live material includes performances from
Montreal and Toronto. Tracks include „Convention
Beliefs,“ „Symmetry,“ „Red Light,“ and many more.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Music Video Distributors 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064141
Sybersound - Party Tyme
Karaoke - Girl Pop 8
For folks looking to flex their vocal muscles at home, the
Party Tyme Karaoke series provides a wonderful series of
releases that help do just that. Girl Pop is the focus this
time around, with eight songs designed to help any Kelly
Clarkson or Beyonce wannabes fulfill their dreams! Also
included are tracks made famous by Nelly Furtado,
Natasha Bedingfield, and others.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064027
A&E - Ancient Mysteries Atlantis:
The Lost Civilization
This episode of A&E’s ANCIENT MYSTERIES series
program explores the myths and legends surrounding the
fabled underwater city, parsing out facts, historical stories,
and present-day speculation.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064552
Zombies - Live at the Bloomsbury
Theatre, London
The British rockers reunite for the first time in three
decades for this live concert from London’s Bloomsbury
Theater. As founding members of the Zombies, Colin
Blunstone and Rod Argent provided a soundtrack for the
1960s with hits such as „Time of the Season“ and „She’s
Not There.“ This monumental concert features those
songs, as well as other favorites including „This Will Be
Our Year“ and „A Rose For Emily.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
WEA 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064242
Special Interest
Alexander Hamilton
American Justice - The Cult
A&E’s ANCIENT MYSTERIES program explores the
world’s most sacred sites. This absorbing documentary
takes viewers to Easter Island on a journey of myth,
religion, tradition, and reverence.
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063965
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064513
Aviation Library - Combat Zone
A&E - Ancient Mysteries: Secrets
of the Aztecs
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064519
Remixing the most brain-numbing examples of the modern
mass media into fun and funky sound-video collages, THE
TRAILBUDDIES alternatively mock and celebrate TV’s
cultural wasteland.
Dramas 2006 FF 86min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064542
A&E - Ancient Mysteries: Sacred
Sybersound - Party Tyme
Karaoke - Pop Hits 9
TV Sheriff & the Trailbuddies Not 4 $ale
This docudrama explores the story of notorious serial
killer and cannibal Albert Fish. Fueled by his own twisted
take on Biblical stories of suffering and sacrifice, the
elderly Fish tortured and killed countless children in
Depression-era New York.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 15.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064229
This documentary, produced for A&E, examines the
mysteries behind the great Aztec civilization that
flourished between the 14th and 16th centuries. Interviews with scholars and archaeologists outline the story of
the Aztecs, their achievements, and the building of their
capital Tenochtitlan, which later became the site of Mexico
Musical & Performing Arts, Karaoke
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064279
Albert Fish
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064515
Musical & Performing Arts, Karaoke
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064280
For folks looking to flex their vocal muscles at home, the
Party Tyme Karaoke series provides a wonderful series of
releases that help do just that. Pop is the focus this time
around, with 16 songs designed to help any Kelly
Clarkson or Beyonce wannabes fulfill their dreams! Also
included are tracks made famous by Fall Out Boy, Nick
Lachey, and others.
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063980
A&E - Ancient Mysteries: The
Fate of the Neandertals
THE FATE OF THE NEANDERTALS winds back the clock
some 70 thousand years to plumb the mysteries of the
Neandertal clan. Interviews with experts and
paleontologists present facts and theories, providing
startling insights into the history of this ancient race.
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064518
A&E - Biography - Pamela
Television, Education/General Interest,
Biography 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063971
A&E - Biography - Ted Bundy
Behind Ted Bundy’s charming exterior lurked the heart of
a serial killer. This episode of BIOGRAPHY examines
Bundy, his 26 known murders, and the sources for his
violence. Interviews with police, psychiatrists, and those
who knew Bundy help shed light on this charismatic killer.
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063975
A&E - Biography - Theodore J.
Kaczynski: The Unabomber
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063977
A&E - Biography - Will Smith
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
Education/General Interest, Aviation 2006
FF S 330min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 08.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064125
Matthew Barney: No Restraint
From 1995 to 2002, avant-garde artist Matthew Barney
wrote, directed, and starred in the Cremaster Cycle, five
offbeat films featuring unusual situations and bizarre
characters. Since 1987, he has also been working on the
Drawing Restraint series, in which he uses physical
weights and barriers to make the creation of his art more
difficult—and more rewarding in the end. In 2005 he
released DRAWING RESTRAINT 9, a film about a man
(Barney) and a woman (Björk, Barney’s real-life wife) who
board a Japanese whaling ship and participate in some
strange rituals and ceremonies involving a tank filling up
with 45,000 pounds of petroleum jelly. Director Alison
Chernick documents the making of DRAWING
mixing in clips from the film, behind-the-scenes interviews,
and home-movie footage of Barney playing high-school
football. She also examines Barney’s entire career,
speaking with gallery owner Barbara Gladstone, New York
Times art critic Michael Kimmelman, Guggenheim curator
Nancy Spector, and Yuko Hasegawa, chief curator of the
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art i
Education/General Interest, Art 2006
Weinstein Company/Genius 01.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064103
Baseball the Ripken Way - The
Fundamentals of Defense
Baseball siblings Bill and Cal Ripken bring decades of
professional experience to an instructional series aimed at
improving young players’ skills. Based on the coaching
techniques of their father Cal Ripken, Sr. (who played for
and then managed the Baltimore Orioles), the brothers’
BASEBALL THE RIPKEN WAY offers fun and easy-tofollow instruction that uses archival footage of actual
players to demonstrate each of its lessons and tips. This
volume focuses on the basics of playing defense.
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2005 FF
Hart Sharp Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064095
Baseball the Ripken Way - The
Fundamentals of Hitting
Baseball siblings Bill and Cal Ripken bring decades of
professional experience to an instructional series aimed at
improving young players’ skills. Based on the coaching
techniques of their father Cal Ripken, Sr. (who played for
and then managed the Baltimore Orioles), the brothers’
BASEBALL THE RIPKEN WAY offers fun and easy-tofollow instruction that uses archival footage of actual
players to demonstrate each of its lessons and tips. This
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
volume focuses on the basics of hitting.
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2005 FF
Hart Sharp Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064094
Baseball the Ripken Way - The
Fundamentals of Pitching
Baseball siblings Bill and Cal Ripken bring decades of
professional experience to an instructional series aimed at
improving young players’ skills. Based on the coaching
techniques of their father Cal Ripken, Sr. (who played for
and then managed the Baltimore Orioles), the brothers’
BASEBALL THE RIPKEN WAY offers fun and easy-tofollow instruction that uses archival footage of actual
players to demonstrate each of its lessons and tips. In this
volume, the Ripkens invite former Orioles pitcher John
Habyan to present the basics of pitching.
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2005 FF
Hart Sharp Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064590
Biography - Anne Rice: Vampires,
Witches and Bestsellers
The Biography series turns its attention to best-selling
author Anne Rice in this in-depth profile. Rice’s Gothic
tales of vampires, witches, and the supernatural have
captured the imaginations of millions. Join Biography as
they survey Rice’s life and career, interview Rice and her
family, and reveal the inner workings of the author’s
singular imagination.
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064514
Bronte Sisters
Declassified - Castro
Education/General Interest, Biography
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064516
This episode takes a look at America’s often strange, and
sometimes illegal, efforts to end Castro’s reign in Cuba.
Castro has always escaped these attempts on his rule
and life through luck and cunning, maintaining his place
as one of the world’s last-remaining Communist leaders.
This program also draws connections between America’s
failed attempts to kill Castro and the Kennedy
Brotherhood of Terror
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063961
Bumfights 2 - Bumlife
A second volume of BUM FIGHTS is presented here,
featuring material that may offend some viewers. Over
four years worth of filming has taken place in order to
compile this second helping, capturing some violent street
fights between homeless people, drug addicts, and other
people whose lives didn’t quite turn out as they planned.
Some brutal chick fights are also included, alongside
further grotesque material that definitely isn’t for the weak
of heart.
Education/General Interest, Mondo/
City Hall Records 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064537
Cage Fights Brutality
Get a front row seat to the most vicious moments in handto-hand combat with CAGE FIGHTS BRUTALITY. With no
rules, these are ugly battles, but the fighters are masters
of their sport.
Sports/Recreation, Boxing
Shami Production 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064215
Biography - Mafia Legends
Cannibalism Secrets Revealed
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063979
Education/General Interest, Strange
Phenomena 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063962
Biography: Casanova - World’s
Greatest Lover
Children of War - The Evacuees
The BIOGRAPHY series explores the life of the legendary
Venetian lover, diplomat, writer, and criminal in CASANOVA- WORLD’S GREATEST LOVER. BIOGRAPHY’S
presentation delves into historical detail about Casanova’s
life in 18th century Italy, his association with Louis XV, his
escape from prison, and his sexual adventures, spinning a
complex yarn about the man as fascinating as the myth
that surrounds him.
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064517
Bombers & Bombing Raids 19421945
Although the Luftwaffe entered WWII with the strongest
firepower in terms of bombing and air technology, by
1942, the massive setbacks in Russia had taken their toll.
After tracing the Germans’ expansion and victory between
1939 and 1942, this documentary traces the downfall of
the German bombing campaign. Including operations from
North Africa all the way to northern Norway, as well as the
Battle of Stalingrad, the graphic archive footage also
shows many of the different aircraft the Luftwaffe
employed, including flying boats and float planes.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2005 S
Ryko Distribution 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064521
Bottom of the Ninth
The spirit of America’s national pastime is alive and well in
baseball’s minor leagues. This documentary follows the
New Jersey Somerset Patriots as they make a play for the
championship, and reveals a world where team members
still play with a true passion for the game.
Dramas 2002 FF 50min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064541
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II Ltbx 63min.
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063988
Crash Punks
The daredevils in CRASH PUNKS put the boys of
JACKASS to shame with their crazy antics. Watch as
these friends push the boundaries of safety and common
sense with often dangerous results.
Sports/Recreation, Skateboarding
Shami Production 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064214
Cultural History of the Western
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064408
Dancing with the Stars
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 60min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064154
Dead Men’s Secrets - M19:
Escape & Evasion In Europe
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063969
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063963
Declassified - The Taliban
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063976
Decoding the Past - Prophesies
of Iraq
Did ancient prophecies predict the fall of modern-day
Iraq? This episode examines Hebrew prophecies
foretelling the sacking of Babylon, finding startling
parallels with Operation Desert Storm, the 2003 Iraq War,
and the ousting of Saddam Hussein.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063972
Decoding the Past - Prophesies
of Israel
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063973
Deep Sea (IMAX)
The wondrous denizens of the diverse marine habitat
known as a coral reef are the subject matter of Howard
Hill’s DEEP SEA 3-D (originally an IMAX presentation).
Exploring the reefs throughout the Pacific, Hill’s cameras
capture a rare close-up glimpse of turtles, shrimp,
scallops, sharks, eels, starfish, jellyfish, octopuses, and
much more. Thematically, the film examines the balance
of life and symbiosis between these creatures. There are
the hunters and the hunted, yet there is always another
species that keeps the hunters in check, too. Similarly,
some species of smaller fish eat by feeding on sea
material that collects on some larger fish, which also
cleans the larger fish’s scales. The continued and
necessary persistence of this activity is quite important to
the collective survival of the animals, the reef and,
indeed, all of humanity. Narrated almost conversationally
by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, DEEP SEA 3-D is a
thrilling, intimate, and educational look at the unknown
depths of the world underwater; enjoyable for kids and
adults of any age.
Education/General Interest 2006 Ltbx DD
2.0 41min.
Warner Home Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064294
Deepak Chopra: Seven Laws of
Spiritual Success
Education/General Interest, New Age/
Metaphysical 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064579
Deliver Us From Evil
Director Amy Berg helms this shocking documentary,
which looks at the activities of a priest named Oliver
O’Grady. O’Grady had been identified by the Catholic
church as a pedophile, but they allowed him to continue to
work and molest children throughout the 1970s. Berg
draws on interview footage of O’Grady and his victims to
tell the unsettling tale.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 101min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 08.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064146
Dogfights: The Complete Season
CGI technology brings some of the great aerial battles
back to life in this program from the History Channel.
Among the planes on display are the F6F Hellcat and the
P40 Tomahawk, and narration comes from pilots who flew
these machines in their heyday.
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064321
Empress of Ambitions
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064371
Jeff Zimbalist and Matt Mochary’s documentary is a major
achievement in nonfiction filmmaking, a vibrant, important
work that is as inspiring as it is tragic. The narrative
centers on Anderson Sá, a distinguished-looking young
man who grew up in the worst of Rio di Janiero’s
infamously violent favelas, Vigário Geral. Though most
residents of this extremely impoverished community do
their best to cobble together a piecemeal living, the
neighborhood is ruled over by murderous drug lords,
whose average age of death is between 14 and 25 years
old. In 1993, after one of these men murdered a few
notoriously corrupt cops, the military police retaliated by
brutally, and randomly, murdering 21 innocent favela
residents. One of these victims was Sá’s younger brother.
Rather than allow the anger and despair to propel him into
a place of darkness and revenge, Sá decided to stop the
cycle of violence, using the universal language of music
as his conduit to social awareness and rebellion.
Mobilizing like-minded friends and musicians, he started a
newsletter and a band to perform his upbeat, yet
courageously hones
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064381
Fearmakers Collection
Envy Girls
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 128min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064150
ESPN - High School Phenoms /
Through the Fire
From Lebron James to Dwight Howard, ESPN - HIGH
SCHOOL PHENOMS captures some of basketball’s
biggest stars playing in their high school games.
THROUGH THE FIRE looks back on Sebastian Telfair’s
critical year as an NBA draft pick right out of high school.
Sports/Recreation, Basketball Ltbx
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064357
ESPN - Sportscenter Year In Review 2006 / Wide World of Sports
Relive sport’s most memorable moments from 2006 with
WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS compiles the highs and lows
from more than 40 years worth of ABC sports footage.
THE FEARMAKERS COLLECTION gathers documentaries
about the careers of horror movie directors, with sections
on John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, Roger Corman, and
Dario Argento all included.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064067
Finding Oprah’s Roots: Finding
Your Own
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Paramount Home Entertainment 01.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064231
Al Franken: God Spoke
Political satirist Al Franken follows up his best-selling
this feature film. AL FRANKEN: GOD SPOKE follows the
inimitable figure over a two-year period in which he
campaigns against George W. Bush’s reelection and takes
well-aimed swipes at a number of big political targets.
Television, Sports/Recreation 2007 Ltbx
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064383
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064220
Exploring the Deserts of the
From Conception to Birth
The vast stretches of desert that cover various parts of
the globe contain some of the most uninhabitable terrain
follows two film directors as they rev up the engines of
their motorbikes and explore deserts in Asia, America,
Africa, and many other places.
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
FF 360min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064135
Extreme Private Eros Love
This provocative documentary by Japanese filmmaker
Kazuo Hara takes an intimate look at his former lover,
Takeda Miyuki. Using the camera as a basis for continued
interaction, Hara probes the dissolution of their
relationship, and Miyuki’s place as a feminist and bisexual
within the traditional confines of 1970s Japan. With
startling closeness, this film breaks down the wall
between filmmaker and subject, marking its place as an
essential and powerful work of Japanese cinema.
Dramas 1974 FF 97min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064544
Favela Rising
Education/General Interest, Childcare/
Parenting 2005
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064123
Full Frame Documentary Shorts Vol. 5
Set up to showcase some of the best documentary films
from around the globe, the Full Frame film festival
delivers around 100 movies per year to an expectant
audience. The festival’s reputation has brought some bigname directors on board to help judge the entries,
including Jonathan Demme, Martin Scorsese, and Barbara
Kopple. The short films are always a highlight, and this
collection includes six films from filmmakers such as Erin
Hudson, Astrid Bussnik, Cindy Stillwell, and Peter Jordan.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064219
Girls Next Door Workout
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF S
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064124
Guide to Professional Blues
Education/General Interest FF
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063990
Heavyweight Advanced Workout
Laila Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064384
High School Phenoms
Sports/Recreation, Basketball
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064351
Hitler’s War
The events of World War II are seen through German
eyes on this program. Many different perspectives from
the German side of the battle are presented, making this
a fascinating glimpse into the army that lost the war.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 480min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064132
Holocaust - Ravensbruck And Buchenwald
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
Ryko Distribution 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064522
Honor Roll - College Basketball
Box Set
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064356
Honor Roll - College Basketball
Vol. 1
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064353
Honor Roll - College Basketball
Vol. 2
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064354
Honor Roll - College Basketball
Vol. 3
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064355
Icons of Power
Four programs from the National Geographic channel are
featured on ICONS OF POWER. Among the great
historical figures profiled are Napoleon, Catherine the
Great, Peter the Great, and Henry VIII.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064375
IFC - Battleground Boise
The International Fighting Championships (IFC) capture
the best in mixed martial arts, an extreme sport that
incorporates elements of judo, karate, jiu jitsu, and
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
kickboxing into a no-holds-barred style of fighting held in
a 30-foot steel cage. This volume presents a collection of
matches from the BATTLEGROUND BOISE event, which
took place on October 25, 2003, at Idaho’s Bank of
America Center, and included appearances by fighters
Mitch Coats, Hank Weis, and Mike Kyle.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2003
K.C. Sales 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064211
Education/General Interest, Cooking/
Beverages 2006 FF 103min.
Delta Entertainment Corporation
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064538
Investigating History - Billy the
IFC - Eve of Destruction
The International Fighting Championships (IFC) capture
the best in mixed martial arts, an extreme sport that
incorporates elements of judo, karate, jiu jitsu, and
kickboxing into a no-holds-barred style of fighting held in
a 30-foot steel cage. This volume presents a collection of
matches from the EVE OF DESTRUCTION event, which
took place on March 5, 2005, in Salt Lake City, Utah, and
included appearances by fighters Randy Spence, Jerome
Isaacs, and Chris Kiever.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005
K.C. Sales 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064209
The International Fighting Championships (IFC) capture
the best in mixed martial arts, an extreme sport that
incorporates elements of judo, karate, jiu jitsu, and
kickboxing into a no-holds-barred style of fighting held in
a 30-foot steel cage. This volume presents a collection of
matches from the MAYHEM IN MONTANA event, which
took place on April 30, 2005, at Billings’s MetraPark
Arena, and included a World Middleweight Championship
battle between Joe Riggs and Ed Herman.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005
K.C. Sales 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064210
The International Fighting Championships (IFC) capture
the best in mixed martial arts, an extreme sport that
incorporates elements of judo, karate, jiu jitsu, and
kickboxing into a no-holds-barred style of fighting held in
a 30-foot steel cage. This volume presents a collection of
matches from the ROCK AND RUMBLE event, which took
place on July 30, 2005, at Nevada’s Reno Events Center,
and included a championship battle between Jake Shields
and Roan „Jucao“ Carneiro.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005
K.C. Sales 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064212
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063960
Dramas 2006 FF 70min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064180
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 1996 DD 2.0 49min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064398
Japanese Hardcore Wrestling Hardest of the Hardcore 3-Pack
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Red Dragon 31.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064243
With previously unseen footage and interviews with former
members of the Peoples Church, this documentary
explores the events leading up to the Jonestown
Massacre in 1978. A cult which developed a large
following in the 1970s, the Peoples Church was led by Jim
Jones, who brought his congregation to an idyllic
community in Guyana before inciting them to mass
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
Ltbx DD 2.0 90min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064233
Larry King Live: Greatest Interviews Collection
In the Cockpit - Spies in the Sky
Education/General Interest, War/World War
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063983
In the Womb: Animals
Computer animation and advances in technology help
bring this fascinating program to the screen. The National
Geographic channel explores how babies develop in the
wombs of a variety of animals, including dogs, elephants,
and dolphins.
Television, Education/General Interest 2006
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064374
In the Womb: Multiples
Computer animation and advances in technology help
bring this fascinating program to the screen. The National
Geographic channel explores how multiple siblings, such
as twins and quadruplets, develop in the womb, providing
pictures of every stage of their development.
Larry King
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Warner Home Video 17.04.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064479
Knockout Two-Pack
Sugar Ray Leonard, Laila Ali
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 17.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064386
Lightweight Beginner’s Workout
Laila Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064385
Mana: Beyond Belief
Education/General Interest 2006
Warner Home Video 08.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064372
Every culture invests objects with power, or „mana.“ This
documentary explores the world of mana objects and their
influence in realms as diverse as art, religion, and politics.
From the revered to the ridiculous, these objects help
shape our beliefs and the world in which we live.
Introductory Guide to Wine
Education/General Interest, New Age/
Metaphysical 2006 Ltbx S 95min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
Make the journey from oenophobe to oenophile with this
tour through the world of wine.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064230
Mr. Leather
Jonestown: The Life and Death of
Peoples Temple
IFC - Rock and Rumble
Perhaps no figure of the Old West is more elusive than
Billy the Kid. This episode of INVESTIGATING HISTORY
sheds lights on the real gunfighter, separating truth from
half-truth, featuring insightful conversations from former
New Mexico governor Lew Wallace (who once promised to
pardon the Kid) and such luminaries as Pulitzer Prizewinning novelist N. Scott Momaday.
Iwo Jima: 50 Years of Memories
IFC - Mayhem in Montana
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064378
Jason Garrett directs this documentary about leather
contests, and the men who participate in them. Garrett
patiently chronicles competitions, and offers sympathetic
portraits of the leathermen and their desires, goals, and
sexual philosophies. The film provides a fascinating look
into the workings of the leather subculture.
Modern Marvels - James Bond
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063968
Modern Marvels - Smart Bombs
With its combination of precision, safety, and deadly force,
the smart bomb is a weapon designer ’s dream-come-true.
This episode of MODERN MARVELS examines the
evolution of the smart bomb through interviews with
military historians, from its predecessors in World War II,
to its pivotal use in the Gulf War.
Education/General Interest, War/Military
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063974
Modern Marvels - The Colosseum
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063964
Modern Marvels - The World’s
Longest Bridge
When the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge was opened to traffic, it
represented the fulfillment of Japan’s centuries-old dream
of linking its many islands. This episode of MODERN
MARVELS surveys the making of the world’s longest
single-span suspension bridge, from preliminary plans to
opening day, to the final test of its innovative design—
surviving the 1995 Kobe earthquake.
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063978
Mozart on Tour - Box Set
André Previn hosts this story of Mozart’s life, which is
complemented by plenty of music from the late composer.
Education/General Interest, Biography Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064074
Mindy Mylrea - Kick Butt Boot
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 90min.
BayView Entertainment 17.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064693
Mindy Mylrea: All About Abs
Renowned fitness instructor Mindy Mylrea presents four
core workouts that tone and strengthen the abdominal
muscles using a medicine ball, stability ball, body weights,
and a unique gliding technique.
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März 2007
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064502
Mindy Mylrea: All About Legs
Renowned fitness instructor Mindy Mylrea presents four
complete workouts that tone and strengthen the legs and
buttocks using a medicine ball, stability ball, tubing, and a
unique gliding technique.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 70min.
BayView Entertainment 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064503
Mysteries of the Freemasons
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063970
Mythbusters - Collection 1
Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman
Television, Education/General Interest,
Science/Technology 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 22.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064121
N Is a Number
A wandering documentary capturing the essence of
mathematician Paul Erdos, this film follows him through
four countries as he continues his metaphysical battle with
God to discover the secrets of the universe.
Education/General Interest, Biography 1993
FF 57min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064540
NASCAR Unauthorized: Totally
Unofficial and Uncensored
Go behind the scenes of one of America’s favorite
pastimes with NASCAR UNAUTHORIZED, an unofficial
and uncensored documentary that features interviews with
drivers and stockcar experts, as well as plenty of highoctane action footage.
Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064628
Nature Tech - Earthquakes
One Love: The Collection - Vols.
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064122
Paradise Lost - The Lives &
Times of John Milton
Education/General Interest, World History/
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063986
Planet Earth: Complete
David Attenborough
Education/General Interest
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064332
Pro Bull Riders - Bred For
Sports/Recreation, Rodeo 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.05.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064111
Three top-ranked bull riders contend for a million-dollar
prize and the title of world champion in this documentary.
Following Mike Lee, Justin McBride, and Adriano Moraes
throughout the seven-day competition, this film gives an
up-close and authentic view of the risky world of professional bull riding.
Sports/Recreation, Rodeo 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 10.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064102
Shiva Rea - Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064524
Lions and buffalos are deadly rivals in the wild, and this
film shows how brutal their confrontations can get.
Produced for the National Geographic channel, awardwinning filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert (EYE OF
THE LEOPARD) capture some remarkable footage on film.
Remembering Marshall
New York Yankees 1977 World
Series Collector’s Edition
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2007
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064320
Sports/Recreation, Football 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064352
Richmond Gone Wild
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
S 70min.
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064245
Newsreel History of the Third
Reich - Volume 7
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II FF 89min.
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063984
Newsreel History of the Third
Reich - Volume 8
Education/General Interest, World History/
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
Simon Schama’s The Power of
Andy Serkis, Allan Corduner
Education/General Interest, Art
Warner Home Video 19.06.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064527
Secrets of the Dead - Dogfight
Over Guadalcanal
In August of 1942, American and Japanese forces began
fighting for control of Guadalcanal Island in the South
Pacific theater of WWII. A major turning point in the war,
the Battle of Guadalcanal played out as a bitter dogfight
between the powerfully opposing personalities of American fighter pilot James „Pug“ Southerland and his
Japanese counterpart, Saburo Sakai. This episode of
PBS’s SECRETS OF THE DEAD series explores the
DOGFIGHT OVER GUADALCANAL through contemporary
forensic science in conjunction with historical data, as well
as dramatic recreations, archival materials, and
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064232
Self - Dance Your Way Slim!
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 45min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064600
Self - Sculpt Sexy Legs Fast!
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 45min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064601
Shaolin Kung Fu - Vol. 2
Using techniques perfected by monks, SHAOLIN KING FU
VOL. 2 teaches martial arts students to use this centuriesold fighting style.
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts
Shami Production 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064208
Relentless Enemies
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064373
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063966
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063985
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
A biography on samuel taylor coleridge followed by an
illustrated michael redgrave narrative of the coleridge epic
poem, the rime of the ancient mariner, winner of six
international film festival awards.
Education/General Interest, Art 1976
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064399
Sportscenter Year in Review 2006
Sports/Recreation 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064350
SportsCentury Greatest Athletes Wayne Gretzky
Sports/Recreation, Hockey
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064380
Comedies 2007
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064096
State of S Full Circle
Sports/Recreation, Surfing FF
Inspired Corporation 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064224
Steam Around the World - The
Eastern European Archives
Thanks to Harry P. Dodge’s exhaustive 16mm footage,
viewers can witness the visual history of the American
railroad. Filmed in the 1960s and early ’70s, the program
captures what it felt like to ride aboard the vintage steam
engines on railroads across Yugoslavia, Eastern
Germany, Romany, Poland, and Hungary.
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 54
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 65min.
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063989
Steam Around the World - The
Latin American Archives
Education/General Interest, World History/
Ryko Distribution 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063992
Streets: Los Angeles
Get inside the underground world of the Los Angeles
skate scene with this all-access release featuring
interviews with skating legends, locals, and more. Music is
provided by DJ Kingmost, Shureshot, Sean Julien, Mores
Code, Ben Keegan, and DJ Mutt.
Sports/Recreation, Skateboarding 2007
Ryko Distribution 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064049
drama UNCIVIL LIBERTIES. The story is told from both
Porter’s perspective and that of the terrorists, and enters
interesting territory as she starts to have doubts about
government surveillance, and some of the terrorists
grapple with their own misgivings about assassinating her.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2007
Ariztical Entertainment 13.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064326
Unexplained - Alien Abductions
Education/General Interest, Strange
Phenomena 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063959
Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 2007
WEA 13.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064241
Daniel Tosh
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 60min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 01.05.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064120
Sports/Recreation, Surfing 2006 FF
Inspired Corporation 17.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064225
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture 2001 Ltbx 16x9
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064599
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology 2007
A&E Home Video 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063967
Dramas 1993 FF 535min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.03.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064545
World War II - Vol. 1
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2007
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063957
Action from the 1948 World Series appearance by the
Cleveland Indians is presented on this entry into the
Vintage World Series collection.
Education/General Interest, War/World War
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064401
Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064410
The True Story of Che Guevara
The incredible life of Argentinean revolutionary Che
Guevara is recalled in this documentary. His famous
motorcycle trips—previously brought to the screen in THE
MOTORCYCLE DIARIES—are recalled, as is his
involvement in the Cuban Revolution.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064322
UFC 60: Hughes vs Gracie
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
First Look Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064554
UFC 62: Liddell vs Sobral
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
First Look Home Entertainment 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064555
Uncivil Liberties
A government agent named Cynthia Porter, who works for
Homeland Security, finds her life in danger in the gripping
Learn more about the struggles and triumphs of the
„Greatest Generation“ in this five-volume boxed set. This
collection features D-DAY, AIR FORCE BATTLES,
Education/General Interest, War/World War
Shami Production 06.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064216
World War II - Vol. 2
Voices From Hitler’s Army
Tropic of Gallagher Comedy
Johan van der Keuken - The
Complete Collection, Vol. 2
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2007
New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063958
Education/General Interest FF
Warner Home Video 29.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064509
Wild West Tech - Gold Rush Tech
Vintage World Series Films Cleveland Indians
Wide Awake
Television, Sports/Recreation
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064379
Unsalted a Great Lakes
Vintage World Series Films - Cincinnati 1975, 1976, 1990
Daniel Tosh - Completely Serious
Teri Horton
Warner Home Video 01.05.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064638
Wide World of Sports - 40 Years
of Glory
Tokyo Underground
TOKYO UNDERGROUND gives a glimpse into Japan’s
street racing subculture. This documentary takes fans to
racing hotspots ranging from the Tokyo Auto Salon to
roads that carve through the country’s canyons. See how
speed and guts rule this edgy sport with insight from the
best drivers in the game.
Who the #$&% is Jackson Pollock
Warplane: A Century of Fight and
This second volume of the informative, in-depth
documentary series focuses on the crucial air force
battles that helped turn the course of the war, as German
dominance of the skies was slowly reversed by the
combined British and American fliers.
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2006
ZYX Music 06.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064217
World Wrestling Network
Presents: FIP - Shimmer 3
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
First Look Home Entertainment 03.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064333
Wrath of the tsar
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 22.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064228
Education/General Interest, World History/
Warner Home Video 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064370
Where is the World Going To, Mr.
WWE - Backlash 2007
Dramas 2007
First Run Features Home Video 22.05.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064694
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.05.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064307
Who Shall Live and Who Shall
WWE - Mick Foley: Greatest Hits
& Misses
A documentary about America’s knowledge of the
Holocaust during the war. Contains previously classified
information, interviews and rare newsreel footage. The
flip-side of Schindler’s list.
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 1982
Kino on Video 03.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064606
Formerly known as Cactus Jack, pro-wrestler Mick Foley
has taken the wrestling world by storm with his inimitable
displays of power and strength. Having worked his way up
through the wrestling world, Foley has gained the respect
of his peers and fans alike, always offering a value-formoney performance that leaves his opponents shattered,
and the audience gasping for breath!
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2003 FF
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 55
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März 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064508
WWE - Wrestlemania III
WWE - No Way Out 2007
The wrestling stars of SMACKDOWN! battle to gain entry
into WRESTLEMANIA 23 in this program, featuring
heavyweights like Batista, Chris Benoit, and Undertaker.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064506
WRESTLEMANIA III made history with its mash-up
between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant, and Randy
Savage’s gut-busting battle with Ricky Steamboat. Nine
other matches are included on this release, featuring
classic wrestling stars like „Rowdy“ Roddy Piper, Bret „Hit
Man“ Hart, and Jake „The Snake“ Roberts.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064308
Yoga For Health - Basics /
WWE - Ric Flair and the Four
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Vanguard International Cinema 24.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064672
Ric Flair
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
Genius Productions, Inc. 10.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064507
Yoga For Health
WWE - Royal Rumble: The
Complete Anthology
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Vanguard International Cinema 24.04.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064671
This set showcases the first 20 of WWE’s popular ROYAL
RUMBLE events, in all their body-slamming, pile-driving
You on a Diet
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.03.2007
398,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064505
Education/General Interest, Health/Diet
2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064539
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Telefonische Bestellannahme:
Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (Baden-Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf
15.03.2007 - 21.03.2007
bleibt unser Geschäft
WWE - Wrestlemania 23
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.05.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064306
Seasun Zielger: Straight Up Step
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 54min.
BayView Entertainment 17.04.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40064692
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Newsletter 06 / 07 (Nr. 203)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
© (2007) by LASER
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision.
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol sind
Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
Der NEWSLETTER ist die
offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
kein Verkaufsangebot dar,
sondern dienen nur zur
Dolby Merchandise
Seite 56