Spring 2014 - Irvine Public Schools Foundation
Spring 2014 - Irvine Public Schools Foundation
PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION Envisioning a World Class Education S F P Spring 2014 Flyer Booklet www.ipsf.net 949.263.8340 • info@ipsf.net RAISE BIG MONEY FOR YOUR SCHOOL OR ORGANIZATION OC FAMILY PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION March 2014 Dear IUSD Parent, IPSF is proud to present the Spring Edition of our Flyer Booklet, connecting Irvine families with businesses, groups and organizations offering programs to elementary students. The Flyer Booklet is published twice per year, in Spring and Fall, and proceeds from advertising benefit IUSD schools. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 If you would like information about promoting your group or organization in future editions of the Flyer Booklet, please contact us at (949) 263-8340. By SUZANNE BROUGHTON ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER For whom the clock ticks It was a magazine much like this month’s Big Baby Issue of OC Family. I remember it had a baby on the cover. I casually picked it up in a doctor’s office and flipped through the pages. It was brimming with parenting advice and big, colorful pictures of strollers, bounce houses and meticulously coiffed mothers holding clean, happy, perfectly roundheaded babies. It was then that it hit me – I wanted a baby of my own! Tick. Tock. Tick. It was that biological clock I’d heard about for years. MY clock. I was 28 years old. My husband and I had been recently married. We lived in Tick. Tock. a 100Tick. It was year-old house that biological (that I’m clock I’d heard sure was about for coated years. MY ceiling to clock floor with lead paint) in the heart of San Francisco, with two big dogs, no garage and two ambitious career paths. Not the ideal launching pad for a family. It was the furthest thing from our minds. But now, because of one stroll through the pages of a parenting magazine, it was all I could think about. That night we started the conversation of “having a baby” that lasted over a year. Then once we decided it was time, we made our plans, laid out the schedule and got to the work of “having a baby.” But, something unexpected happened that we weren’t expecting at all. In fact, months and months went by and no double line. No nausea. No baby coming. We had unwittingly entered the world of infertility. Oh, and what a wacky and bizarre world it is, filled with unwanted winks and nudges from good-intended friends who say things like “it sure is fun trying” when you tell them you’re latest undertaking. And then there’s the seemly endless tests and exams. Next up, hormone shots given to you by your spouse – who had once promised to honor and protect you, and now has to stick you with a goo-filled syringe twice a day – all in $ class Your 19.99 = 80! $ back to What happens when the kids are grown and you’re ready to start your life over By AMY BENTLEY O FOR THE REGISTER ver time, things change. Now that you’re 37 years old, have a couple young kids and the job market has changed, it turns out your Sociology degree from 15 years ago isn’t helping you land the type of job you’re seeking now. Many moms today need to re-enter the workforce fulltime or part-time to help their families make ends meet. Considering today’s workforce and advancements in technology, many who left jobs and careers years ago to stay home with the kids are realizing that their job skills are outdated or inadequate. Or, they want to switch careers or work from home. Where to start? How’d they do it? ANN SMITH/AGE 45 CHILDREN: 1 0 and 1 4 PREVIOUS CAREER: Public Relations NEW VENTURE: Sommelier HER STORY Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ;lj;ln;lj Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ; CUTLINE_CREDIT Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ; Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ; Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ; Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ; Kdjoajd ;k;lajd;j;lkamn;aj;lknkla;lkn ; The Orange County Register’s fundraising program offers S E E C L A S S ● PA G E 6 4 weeks of 7-day home delivery for only $19.99. Your organization can earn up to $80 & your school gets $30 The Flyer Booklet is just one of the many ways that IPSF supports Irvine schools. Our mission is to enrich the educational experience of each child in every school. We do this by providing programs, raising funds and uniting the community in support of educational excellence. To get involved or to learn more, please visit our website at www.ipsf.net. Sincerely, Neda Eaton Chief Executive Officer cash immediately for each subscription they sell. Get started today! Call or email Gail Courtney 714-796-3676 | gcourtney@ocregister.com Code IPSF Envisioning a World Class Education Disclaimer of Endorsements, Warranties & Liability This Flyer Booklet contains paid advertisements provided by various businesses and organizations (“Advertisements”). Inclusion of the Advertisements and/or reference to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise in this Flyer Booklet does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Irvine Public Schools Foundation (“IPSF”) or Irvine Unified School District (“IUSD”). With respect to the businesses, organizations, products and/or services referenced in the Advertisements or otherwise in this Flyer Booklet, neither IPSF, IUSD nor any of their employees, volunteers or affiliates make any warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Further, neither IPSF, IUSD, nor any of their employees, volunteers or affiliates assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process referenced in the Advertisements; nor do they represent that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights. In the Service of Orange County -3- Irvine Public Schools Foundation PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION Envisioning a World Class Education Upcoming Events ACE PSF AFTERSCHOOL CLASSROOM ENRICHMENT A high-quality district-wide program for students in elementary and middle school. Enrichment classes coordinated by volunteers and taught by pre-approved professionals. Classes offering art, chess, languages, sports, digital animation/filmmaking Homework help, math and science classes. Over 4,200 students benefit from ACE classes each year. Contact IPSF for more information www.ipsf.net • 949.263.8340 March 17, 2014 Honors Concert General Admission Tix On Sale 10:00 AM Segerstrom Center for the Arts www.scfta.org April 30, 2014 Donald Bren Honors Concert 7:00 PM Segerstrom Center for the Arts May 12, 2014 Tee It Up for Education Golf Tournament Strawberry Farms Golf Course June - August Summer Enrichment Programs Locations and Offerings Available Online August 23, 2014 iTRYathlon & iTRY 5K Northwood High School September 2014 4th Annual Spirit of Excellence Gala KIA Headquarters Find Out More, Get Involved! www.ipsf.net • 949.263.8340 Summer Enrichment Academy 2014 Calling all INCOMING K-12th graders! SAVE THE DATES June 30th-July 25th (K-8th) June 30th-August 8th (9-12th) from ALL districts taught by credentialed Scholarships are available ✹ Students ✹ Courses are invited to attend! teachers and IPSF approved instructors. ✹ for those who qualify! Elementary (K-6) Sites Middle School (7-8) Sites Locations: Offering AM & PM classes offered at Alderwood, Canyon View, and Oak Creek and AM only classes at College Park and Brywood. Times: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM and 12:00 PM-3:00 PM Locations: Rancho San Joaquin, Jeffrey Trail, and Venado Times: 8:00 AM-9:20 AM, 9:30 AM-10:50 AM, and 11:00 AM-12:20 PM Registration: March 31st - June 6th We offer a variety of enrichment classes including SCIENCE, MATH, ART, MUSIC, LANGUAGES, and SPORTS. High School Summer Academic Camps (9-12th) Location: Irvine High School Times: 7:30 AM - 9:45 AM and 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM Registration: April 7th - May 2nd We offer a variety of enrichment classes including MATH, READING, WRITING, PUBLIC SPEAKING, SAT PREP and IMPROV. IPSF Summer College at IVC Location: Irvine Valley College Times: Varies with classes offered. Registration: April 7th - May 2nd We offer a variety of college credit courses including ENGINEERING, PSYCHOLOGY, COMMUNICATIONS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP and CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION. ✹ For course catalog and more information please visit www.ipsf.net. PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION -4- • No classes on July 4th. www.ipsf.net • 949.263.8340 -5- YOU can get THERE from HERE! Train with the best! Players will work with Striker FC coaches to develop their soccer skills in a fun environment and train with the club that has sent more student-athletes to college and onto professional soccer than any other club in Irvine. Soccer Summer Camp Open to boys and girls ages 5-14 Week 1: 7/14-7/17 Week 2: 7/21-7/24 Week 3: 7/28-7/31 All camps are Monday-Thursday from 9-12pm in Irvine $125: for one week of camp $200: for two weeks of camp $300: for three weeks of camp * $20 off Early Bird Discount if you register by June 1st * sibling discount available Strikers Junior Academy Open to boys and girls ages 5-10. Spring (February—April) Summer (June—August) Fall (August—October) Cost is $150 per 10 week session with training on Wednesdays and games on Friday nights. No weekend commitments. www.irvinestrikers.com Please contact Adrian Martinez at martinezstriker@yahoo.com to reserve your spot now! Each spring, IPSF offers students and families the opportunity to recognize special IUSD staff members through our Parents Appreciating Teachers & Staff (PATS) program. Nothing matters more to a teacher than receiving your words of thanks. Send them a “PATS” certificate. • A great way to show teachers, principals, office staff, school nurses, health clerks, counselors, or custodians… anyone who makes a difference in your child’s education, that you care. • Teachers and staff enjoy receiving a recognition certificate with your personal message and a small gift expressing your thanks during Teacher Appreciation Week each year. • Your tax-deductible donation helps fund the Innovative Teaching Award Program (ITAP). Order Your “PATS” Today! Deadline March 28, 2014. PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION www.ipsf.net • 949.263.8340 -6- -7- All Spanish Summer Camps for Kids ages 5-10 PThe best way to keep your 4th Annual Strawberry Farms Golf Club is a picturesque par-71, 6,700 yard course set amid canyons and wetlands, tucked away at 11 Strawberry Farms Road, Irvine, CA 92612. Golf Tournament & Dinner Monday, May 12, 2014 at Strawberry Farms Golf Club Bonjour! Reg befo ister r 1st & e April rec a 10% eive disco unt! kids engaged, having fun, and learning in the summer PNative speaking instructors PLanguage Summer & Winter camps (ages 5-10) French and Spanish PNew classes available every 10 weeks (ages 1-10) PSmall group setting for begining to very advanced levels POriginal music, dance, games, storeytelling, etc. PFamilies receive a learning kit to continue language acquisition at home Call for a FREE Demo Class! 你好 Hola! Ruff! Exclusive Raffle for Players • Helicopter Ball Drop • Silent Auction • Cocktail Reception & Dinner Come out & play! Proceeds benefit more than 30,000 students in the Irvine Unified School District. PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION -8- Registration and Sponsorship Opportunity information are available online. www.ipsf.net • 949.263.8340 714-864-4680 l langokidsirvine.com Bacchus Office Park, 9070 Irvine Center Drive, Suite #135 -9- Now eNrolliNg 11 week Pre Ballet Spring Session March 2, 2014 - May 24th, 2014 11 week Pre Ballet Summer Session June 2nd - August 16th, 2014 Teaching the art of classical ballet in a structured learning environment. Beginning through pre professional levels taught by renowned instructors. -10- map e youth ballet Maple Conservatory of Dance 1824 Kaiser Avenue, Irvine CA 92614 (949) 660-9930 Ext. 27 map e www.mapleconservatory.com conservatory of dance Home of the Maple Youth Ballet -11- r زبان شیرین فارسی را فراموش نکنید Khayam Persian School Foundation Persian Language Classes Prepare Your Daughter for a Successful Future. INSTRUMENT RENTAL • Rent Your Instrument from IPSF & Support IUSD Music Education • More than $1 Million Raised to Support IUSD’s Music Program JOIN AT ANY AGE, ANY GRADE. For additional information please contact Sara Trask at strask@ipsf.net or 949-786-1278 Located at Rancho San Joaquin Middle School • 4861 Michelson Drive Monday through Thursday from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION www.ipsf.net “I have been a Girl Scout since I was 5, and I would like to say that I think without Girl Scouts I would not be where I am today. I think I would not get good grades; I don’t think I would do well in school; and I don’t think I would get along with others as well as I do.” Daisy, grades K-1 کالسهای آموزش زبان فارسی خیام Brownie, grades 2-3 949 . 854 .3325 949 . 854 .3325 Cadette, grades 6-8 برای کودکان و جوانان info@persianschool.org • www.persianschool.org A non-profit IRS tax-exempt 501(c)3, non-religious, and non-political organization. Junior, grades 4-5 Senior, grades 9-10 — Destiny, 12 Ambassador, grades 11-12 GIRL SCOUTS WORKS. A recent Girl Scout Research Institute report, Girl Scouting Works: The Alumnae Impact Study, reported that women who were Girl Scouts as children display significantly more positive life outcomes. Girl Scout alumnae have... higher perceptions of self, higher rates of volunteerism & civic engagement, higher rates of college education, and higher household incomes ...than non-Girl Scout alumnae. Join Girl Scouts Today! Contact mguild@GirlScoutsOC.org or 949.461.8868 Girl Scouts of Orange County 9500 Toledo Way #100 Irvine, CA 92618 -12- -13- IRVINE SOCCER ACADEMY Player Development is our Passion! JUNIOR ACADEMY SKILLS CLINIC (Mon/Wed) BOYS & GIRLS AGES 3 – 12 TRAINING WILL FOCUS ON PLAYER DEVELOPMENT! PROFESSIONAL TRANING AT AFFORDABLE RATES! $39 - $49 PER MONTH INCLUDES FREE ACADEMY T-SHIRT! SUNSET SOCCER (Friday’s @ The Great Park) ELITE TRAINING FOR BOYS & GIRLS AGES 6-14 CLUB TEAM TRYOUTS (Register now for Details) BOYS & GIRLS AGES 6 – 18 PROFESSIONAL COACHES AT AFFORDABLE RATES! TRYOUT FOR A FREE EVALUATION TO SEE WHERE YOU STAND TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE: IRVINESA.COM RECREATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUE EVERYONE PLAYS! I YS L . O R G NO VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS! JOIN YOUR LOCAL IRVINE TEAM! 949 466-3129 YOUTH SOCCER LEARNED THE CORRECT WAY! SPRING SEASON: Registration Dates: Practices begin: FALL SEASON: MAR - MAY November 1 – March1 BOYS & GIRLS AGES 4 – 12 OF ALL SKILL LEVELS PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS PROVIDE PERSONALIZED EVALUATION February 15 SEP - DEC Season Dates: March 1 – May 26 PLAY ON A TEAM WITH FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS & CLASSMATES REGISTRATION FEEIrvine ONLY $175 Location: Fields TBA FRIDAY NIGHT GAMES ON LOCAL IRVINE FIELDS EARLY BIRD ONLY Age Groups: Boys $135 & Girls, 4 - 12 NO VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENT – QUALIFIED COACHES WELCOME Number of Games: 8-10INCLUDED) (8-12 GAMES, UNIFORM BEST VALUED LOW COST YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE Awards: Yes WEEKLY TRAINING, LEAGUE & TOURNAMENT GAMES REGISTER IYSL.ORG Entry Fees: NOW AT $175 - Early Bird Only $135 IYSL is proudly sponsored by: Irvine Soccer Academy & Pateadores Irvine TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE: IYSL.ORG -14- -15- -16- -17- 2014 Irvine High Golf Classic SUMMER CAMP AT THE J Benefitting Irvine Vaqueros Football, Golf & Aquatics Monday • June 30, 2014 CAMP HAVERIM for grades TK-11 ACA accredited day camp with something for everyone. Art • Sports • Academics • Teen Leadership • Science • Theatre (Disney’s Mulan Jr.) • Explorers • Field Trips We also offer Camp Yeladim for preschoolers and NEW Travel Camp for grades 6-11. In true Tom Fazio form, Oak Creek Golf Club beckons the competitive spirit of golf players at all levels. Each of the 18 holes throughout this golf course presents new challenges amid tapered fairways, scenic greens, beautiful lakes and bull-nose carved bunkers. With dense and dynamic flora, Oak Creek creates a sanctuary not only for your playing experience but for a variety of birds and other fauna as well. Register now for lowest rates! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR MORE INFORMATION call (949) 435-3400 or visit www.jccoc.org/jcamps/ Merage JCC of Orange County • 1 Federation Way, Irvine 92603 • www.jccoc.org • Shotgun Start • Boxed Lunches • Silent Auction • • Helicopter Ball Drop with Cash Prizes • • Cocktail Reception & Dinner • Complimentary Drinks • • Contests with Awards & Prizes • and Much More! • Come, Show Your Support & Join the Fun! Funds raised will help to sustain and improve Irvine High Football, Golf & Aquatic programs. Partly Sponsored by, As a parent, would you like to: Improve your child's ability to play Piano, Violin, or other Musical Instruments? Improve your child's ability to Draw and expand his/her Creative potential? Improve your child's reaction time for Sports such as Golf, Soccer, and Basketball? We simplify and bring clarity to all the cloud buzz. For more info on how Allyance can bring you peace of mind: sales@allyance.net | 949-863-0025 | facebook.com/allyance.net Build your child's Confidence to be ready to face many of life’s challenges? Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities Available Online. www.irvinefootball.org For any questions and/or additional information, please contact Myrna Perez-Topping at myrnaperez@cox.net • 949.466.5249 or Grace Neary at gycneary@cox.net • 949.351.2641 IHSGOLF Irvine High Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID Number 33-0539231. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent by law. -18- Find & like us on Facebook! Irvine High Golf Classic NOW in ble a l i a v A Irvine 5 School District (more than 70 schools) already accepted our training program. Join one of our Midbrain Activation Training Seminars to set up a Free Trial and Assessment! Summer Camp is available now. Call for Reservation: 1-888-998-6988 Ext 949 Address: Golden Bridge Academy 5500 Trabuco Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92620 MidBrain Inc. All rights reserved. More information please visit our website: www.midbrain.com -19- August 23, 2014 • Northwood High School – Irvine, CA Women’s and youth triathlon ▶ 3mi. run | 9mi. bike | 200m swim Junior triathlon ▶ 1/2mi. run | 2mi. bike | 50m swim ▶ 5K run & walk Personalized instruction emphasizing effective water survival skills that progress into championship stroke technique LEARN TO SWIM Enabling basic water safety for independent swimming & playing Small Group & Private Lessons (15-30 minutes) PRE-COMPETITIVE Transition from swim lessons to stroke lessons Star Club & Select Group (30 minutes—1 hour) Call for more information or to schedule a FREE in-water evaluation 949-702-6682 swimlessonsnova.com -20- -21- Great Soccer Starts Here! Join OC Dance Productions for the Spring 2014 Session and Summer Camps! Offering your favorite Parent & Me, Early Childhood, & Youth Dance Classes as a part of our Progression Program. And don't forget about our week-long camps! Ballet-Hip Hop-Combo-Cheer-Irish Dance Did you hear about our Dance the Magic Program? Apply for the Summer Dance Classic Parade Performer Camp! Dancers ages 7+ work towards performing down Disneyland's Main St, U.S.A.! For Class, Camp, and DTM details visit www.ocdanceproductions.com For Registration Dates and Info, visit www.irvinequickreg.org Keep Connected- facebook.com/ocdanceproductions -22- -23- NEW YEAR! NEW DATE! SAME GREAT CAUSE! KIDS HELPING KIDS REA CH DER’S OI 2 CE 010 8 200 REACH FOR A CURE MARCH 29-30TH RE CHADE OC O R 2 ICE S’ “Best Martial Arts Instruction in Orange County 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011” 01 1 NOW AT IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE All proceeds will benefit the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation We Accept Competitors Coupons 2-DAY EVENT! SATURDAY BIKE TOUR 15-mile • 35-mile • 50-mile SUNDAY RUN/WALK Gavin was 4 years old when he was diagnosed and after 3 1/2 years of treatment, his cancer is now in remission. To other kids with cancer, Gavin says: “You are brave and tough, just like me.” Half Marathon 10K Run • 5K Run/Walk 1K Kids’ Fun Run WEEKEND HIGHLIGHTS: Gavin R. 7 years old, Mission Viejo, CA Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Call About our Camps! Top 3 Fundraisers get a Gold iPhone 5s* • Free Event Shirt or Jersey for participants *Apple is not a participant in or • Medals for all finishers sponsor of this promotion. • 2-Day Finish Line Expo • Sunday Kids’ Fun Zone! Enjoy face painting, petting zoo, kids bounce house, prizes, refreshments and MORE! (949) 552-3602 The Ultimate Martial Art Experience SIGN UP TODAY! 29 $ 1st MONTH includes: Classes & Uniform No Contracts. Martial Arts for Ages 3 & Up -24- ATA IRVINE 15435 Jeffery Rd IRVINE, CA 92618 (Corner of Jeffrey & Irvine Center Dr.) info@ATAirvine.com www.ATAirvine.com -25- GreAt SoCCer Starts Here! Ages 4 and Up Certified Coaches, Free Friday Nights Soccer Clinics Build Skills, Confidence, Sportsmanship Millions of players got their start in AYSO, including Landon Donovan, the USA national soccer team captain. Art Sports Music Science Cooking Homework Dance Chess Language Computers Acting Yoga...and more Saturday, September 27, 2014 Proudly honoring distinguished Irvine Alumni Gala Chairs IPSF Legacy Partners Mr. Jim Rome Ms. Grace Lin PSF Spring registration Now open 5th Annual Gala Save the Date AYSO 144 supports Irvine schools by donating soccer balls and equipment Register now at www.irvineayso.com CLUB J KIDS S spiritÊofÊexcellence Download the FREE App that gives back to Irvine Schools. 520 merchants and counting... IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION Dine or shop at any participating local merchant, register your purchase on the App, and the merchant will donate 10-15% back to the school PTA you choose! www.ipsf.net Scan to get the App, & start earning $$$ today! www.communitiesforcause.com After school enrichment program for grades K-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION contact Sydney Ross (949) 435-3400 ext. 300, sydneyr@jccoc.org Merage JCC of Orange County • 1 Federation Way, Irvine 92603 • www.jccoc.org -26- -27- Want to advertise in the fall edition? TheIPSFFlyerBookletistheonlywaytoadvertisedirectlyineveryIrvine elementaryschool.WearecurrentlyacceptingsubmissionsfortheFall2014 FlyerBooklet.Allplacementrequestsareonafirst-come,first-servebasis. • • • • Deadline:September3,2014forpayment&artwork Cost:$200-$1,250 TargetAudience:15,000+K-6studentsandtheirfamilies Distribution:Printandelectronicdistributionthe2ndweekofOctober2014 Call us at 949-263-8340 or email jcupp@ipsf.net to reserve your space today. Fall 2014 Flyer Booklet -28- -29- 2014 Spring Flyer Index Acting Academy for Kids ............................................................... 15 ATA Martial Arts.......................................................................... 25 AVID Academy for Gifted Youth ....................................................... 10 AYSO Region 144......................................................................... 26 AYSO Region 213......................................................................... 23 College Nannies & Tutors .............................................................. 29 Communities for Cause ................................................................ 27 Discovery Science Center..................................................... 16 and 17 Feliks Volozharnin....................................................................... 11 Girl Scouts OC ........................................................................... 13 IL-DO Taekwondo........................................................................ 28 IPSF ACE ................................................................................... 4 IPSF Fall Flyer ........................................................................... 29 IPSF Instrument Rental ................................................................. 12 IPSF PATS .................................................................................. 7 IPSF Spirit of Excellence Gala......................................................... 27 IPSF Summer Enrichment Academy ................................................... 5 IPSF Tee It Up For Education ........................................................... 8 IPSF Upcoming Events ................................................................... 4 Irvine High Golf Classic ................................................................ 18 Irvine Slammers FC ..................................................................... 31 Irvine Soccer Academy ................................................................. 14 Ish Junior Golf Academy ............................................................... 22 iTRYathlon................................................................................ 21 Khayam Persian School Foundation .................................................. 12 Lango Kids................................................................................. 9 Maple Conservatory of Dance ......................................................... 11 Merage Jewish Community Center.......................................... 19 and 26 MidBRAIN ................................................................................. 19 NOVA Swim School ...................................................................... 21 OC Art for Kids............................................................................ 8 OC Dance Productions .................................................................. 22 OC Register ...........................................................Inside Front Cover PCRF ...................................................................................... 24 The Performer’s Academy ............................................................. 20 Renegade.................................................................................. 8 SeaFit Irvine ............................................................................. 12 SoCal - Elite Sports .......................................................... Back Cover Strikers - FC............................................................................... 6 T Street Volleyball Club................................................................. 7 USA Academy of Performing Arts ..................................................... 27 Our mission is to enrich the educational experience of each child in every school. We achieve this by providing programs, raising funds, and uniting the community in support of educational excellence. PSF IRVINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION -30- Irvine SLAMMERS FC • The largest youth soccer club in Irvine • Junior Academy League A ‘professional approach’ to recreational soccer Over 150 Teams Ages 3.5 years - 14 years The Junior Blades recreational youth soccer program provides a structured and developmentally appropriate curriculum for youth soccer players aged 3.5 – 14 years old. The beauty of our program is that players learn the quickest by having fun while playing the game. Our Academy Director is a professional coach and a former professional soccer player. Spring Break Camps Featuring some of the TOP COACHES in So Cal English Premier League Soccer Camps Manchester United comes to Irvine Over 1000 players attended these camps in 2013 Summer Soccer Schools Featuring some of the TOP COACHES in So Cal Check us out @ Irvineslammersfc.com -31- EW N D Y N BRA FACILIT ! E ON HOM ING SO C0M • SPRING: Mar. 23rd - May 4th (Sundays Only) • 7 to 8 games (No weekday practices) • Boys: K thru 8th Grade • Local Irvine Indoor Facilities • SUMMER: June - August (TBA) ACADEMY TRAINING TRA ININ G LEA GUE S OFF-SEASON BASKETBALL • SCE WEEKLY ACADEMY Tuesdays thru Thursdays (4 - 7pm) • ADVANCED TRAINING Mondays (7 - 8:30pm) & Thursdays (6 - 7pm) CAM PS BASKETBALL CAMPS • Spring & Summer Breaks • Location: Local Irvine Gyms • Boys & Girls: Ages 4-14 years old • Includes: FREE T-Shirt, Basketball, and Kids Meal Vouchers REGISTER NOW AT: SOCALELITE.ORG
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