job printers - Lancaster County and the Civil War
job printers - Lancaster County and the Civil War
.-ZS!S?>2!Z<!?< ^ v S c ' t S i S - S t ; C O A P B T N E B S H T P WO T I C E. FBfiiJINAiTD E. MATES, dootor has no time to think of Booh things." y o a , w h a t » t r o u b l e i t would" be I" returned young l i d y ' l pettish rejoinder, aa l i e brushed h e d r » * h * < » o * ttfili breart, h U eyelaahes room. h ^ > r o ^ ••rtatnly- be>harged with the . r v s £ i a K > v : »-srEXAMINER & HERALD A TTORNEY AT LAW, No. 402.LIImmediately rising, ahe left t h e H E Partherenip' heretofore e x i s t i n g " N o time ?H returned the old lady, : taking he, in a tone of muoh remonitranoe. " I d o i t the t e e n away." " She was angry with me for gliste*%^ra'tW;mmnBity of hia emotion,' I miaohief. J . A. HlffiTABp, J. F . HDBKBJ 5 . HBCKERT, BRARY STREET. B r a n s ' Building, PB1LADEL'between the' undersigned propria t o n of t b * . " Cox- JA_ ; room, and ran to the yard. Only one of the loo the remarks literally. " I think h e has as know that every one of y o u would have to go, moping,'a» ahe called I t ; and I told her r, ^^j^ia^^^'^^t^7li»^Sm a i n mat or XSTOQA TaAKSPORTATiox L l » . " nod trading M GEO, prflA: .. . - »^ T ui34tao dogs was there, however; the other was off GAL'DSR ft CO., h a v i n g b««a d l t t o l r v d b y n n t u l con-• • -here to be grumbled a t " jjoVjaMi^r^^ H I E S T A T O , ' t H n B B E & H E C K E E T , much time for i t an other people. Where though;" h e continued, _whi!e.the too-rmo>ji- wouWnot*t»y sent, n i l p t i H U t a r i n g clalma a g a b u t said Arm w i l l WKt AUG. ATLEE, r with hia master. The absent one, too, would • " W h y d o y o a m o p e ? " h * aaked. -.. orrin u n a n i i n u ITREBT. give It m e rmaeked.for you and I have been Slaitae p r e u n t tham for settlement; a n d a l l p t r w n t l n there's a will!there's » "yfff.' Phillft do y o n scious orimson dyed her face, and she played •bt*d w l l l . p t a t B e n u k * Immediate p»7meat—both TTORNEY AT LAW, No. 45 East have been the most likely to be guilty of the parties" - : " B*c*»u* I ohooie," was the wilfal retort. know, that y o u i r e in youi thirty-fifth year f" nervously with the" gold cord. a n authorized to a n tbe name of t h e l a t e firm King street, opposite Snreeher's HoULJjuicasUr, i n ltaotdation. . GEO. GALDX&, T H E E X A M I N E S « H E R ALP naughty aot, for .he.was lively and active ; Joly4-ly-aa "IcanloewiKrjowif I Jtte,-you Knoir,fhil" C h j ^ y i n n o o a a t — b e e n innocent all this " And do jonknowialaoiwhatyoar patients -'••• Certilnly Hot, tf L ^ y AnuMley had her : GEO. CALDBS, J * . Ji .ttos*XeM sftdb>( «f 2>oo DoBdrt a Tar. : wheieas, t h e other was a little fat, lazyanimal, • i p . v . .-•-,! :=.;. • > , . . . . ; : • . . . • , . " -while f'.'.ahe.gaeped.,. say f *'• put In Lady Anneailr. • " T h e y a'ayr-" ' way," he reeumid. Maria'' eatonfahed at the EDWABD BEILLY, -* ' ADVX&TUHBBBinS will be InBCrtod at the " H e has,^n good truth. We'mnat try and who had never got himself Into trouble in his T h e u n d e r s i g n e d h a v e f o r m e d a C o p a r t n e r "K:yonlike^-yeB,".aaBeitted S i i Philip.— " I can1 gueaaV that .will do 1" interrupted words glehoed at blm i n amazement. Don't TTORNEY AT LAW.—OFFICE, *u a* «1 ooptr • t n n . a t tea Hue., for UUTM lnwts h i p for t h e transaction of General Bastnesa. u n d e r t h e life. D O E S S T S E E T . a d o o r s N o r t h o f the Court House, make it up to him. I " " W h e r e should y o u g o t " n a m e and s t y l e o t OALDEK A BBOTHEB. Having p u r i ton «r Ian; n i M ust>pn • t u n f o i «wk aldltload Sir Philip, with a laugh. " If they don't like you see It all,Maria!" n o r 2-tf-O There was no ohoioe, however; so Anne led chased t h e Boats a n d a p p u r t e n a n t s * of t h e Conestoga Lancaster, P e o n ' s . " Oh, Philip!''. she interrupted, with streaman unmarried man, they need not come to me. " I d o n t know, * n d l don't much oare," " See what .jy.sbe exclaimed. lamrOoi. Transportation L i n e , a n d stoek of COAX.LUMBBB. A c , ing eyes, " y o n will .believe m e now. I did the dog np-itaifB, put him into the room, and of t h e late Arm of Oao. C a l d e r A Go,, t h e r wlU continue • T O UTS. C R E D I T O R S . " Nay, I shall not tell you. So much the dreamily responded Georgian*. AlTntlHntaUaeoMU(U>Uiu'WlU ba enargwio Let them go elsewhere." to receive » d forward Produce a n d Merchandize, be" Would y o u like to remain in the house for give h i m t h e twenty pounds—I did Indeed. went her way. tween Lancaster a n d P h i l a d e l p h i a ; and also continue " Not they," said Lady Annesely, Bignifl- better if you have not seen i t . I thought i t A K E N o t i c e , t h a t I h a v e applied to ruti pot 11m for tho lit luorUos, H i > casta per Una t h e COAL. LUJrXB&B, a n d SALT BUSINESd. t t t h e old t h e Court of Common Plena of Lancaster county, I had laved in BO many trifles; I had made W h e n William oame home, Anne's heart stand on the Conestoga. eantly. " Philip, y o u really ought to marry. had been patent to the house. My vanity may good?" resumed Sir PhlUp, after* pause.. " I or OMfc aabaaaraaat lnaartlon. GEO. CALDBa, J a . , r o r t h e benefit of t h e insolvent l a w s of thle Commonold gowns look like s e w ones, all for him.— b e a t ; and it beat quicker when, in a few minm a y 7-tf-24 JF. L . CALDEB. w e a l t h , and t h a t t b e said Court,ha* appointed 10 o'clock was thinking about aaklng y o a to do BO." Boataaa* AdTerHaemanta huartod by the quarter Delay it another ten years, and your children be in error, after a l l . " in t h e forenoon, ou MONDAY, JUNK 16th, 1862, a t t h e half year or yanr, will be charged u rollowe: A faint bluah rose to her s u e , bnt sheshow- Yoa should not have donbted me, if thereit utes, aha heard her name oalled sharply on will be-growing up when y o u are an old man. Court House, l a t h e City of Lancaster, for t h e hearing " What do you mean, Sir Philip J" $50 B B W A R D . of me a n d m y creditors, w h e n a n d w h e r e a l l persons did." ImonfAa. tmonthe. UnwnfAa I wish you would ; it would set m y mind at the staircase. . Trying to put on an innocent He was gazing at her with b i s deep blue ed no other emotion; *nd hia tone, considerInterested m a y a t t e n d If t h e y t h i n k p r o p e r . T T T A S stolen from t h e T r u n k o f t h e OoaSqiara »3 00 »5 00 « 8 00 " M y whole life Bhall atone to yon, Maria," look, ahe ran to her brother's room. 13 00 rest." m»yl4-3t-2i JOHH THORNTON. 800 ing t h e momentous words was wonderfully 600 eyes—vain and eauoy enough they were, juat CASB, BOOK AND JOB V T subscriber, a t J a m e s H . Hopkln'a Oar Banks, Two- ;. 11 10 00 IS 00 24 OC on Monday night, t h e 38th d a y of April, 1662, »bout Do yon know any thing about this ?" " oalm. Perhaps both had been conscious for he softly whispered. Georgians* " A t rest from what V asked Sir Philip, in then. She felt completely at sea. . 39 00 M eolumi IS 00 FIVEHQflDRED DOLLARS, rtz: $330 on. t h e Lancasn m T O M Y C R E D I T O R S . MOO 80 00 30 00 She broke from him, her cheeks flushing " Oh 1 what a pity 1" exolaimed Anne. " It t e r County Bank, $100 on t h e F a r m e r ' s Bank ot LanX •• a hasty and somewhat sharp tone. " Give me your opinion, Maria? If I did some little time that these words would be caster, a n d about 830 on o t h e r different Banks. T h e A K E N o t i c e , that I h a v e applied t o NO. 8 2 N O B T H Q U E E N ST., BDSIHISS HOTICRS l u a r t a d before Marriage, a n d " Ob, well, I am hot going to explain," an- resolve to Bet np housekeeping for myself, d o spoken. Sir Philip bent hlB head towards crimson. , In the moment's bewilderment she must have been Buffalo." above r e w a r d will b e paid for t h e recovery of t h e t h e Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, PATRICK BBISLAK. had totally forgotten his engagement to GeorDeaths, double tfc. regular rataa. for t h e benefit of t h e Insolvent l a w s of this Common- DIRECTLY OPPOSITE HOBTLWS HOTEL. "Buffalo was not here when I went out," money. swered Lady Annesley. " At rest in more y o u think that any of y o u could be Induced to her. may 7 8t* 24 w e a l t h , a n d t h a t t b e said Court, h a s appointed 10 o'clock t ^ A n a d T t r U a l i i g a O c o u n t a a r e eoneldered e o l l e c u " T h e world has reproaohed me with not gians*. . He laughed merrily, hia eyes dancing said William. ways than one." etop and help me in i t ! " In the forenoon, on MONDAY, JUNE 16th, 1862, a t t h e LANCASTER, PA. bla a t t h e expiration of h a i r tba period contracted for. and drew her baok again. STATE OF JACOB BRENEISEN, Oourt House, In t h e City of Lancaster, for the h e a r i n g " Then h e mnat hare got i n . " " Provided, I presume, that I married to Her heart beat, violently;—her eyes fell.— marrying. Help me, Georgians, to pat the reTransient EdTertisemeiita, oaaH Ss., late of HLnkletown, Karl t o w n s h i p , deceased. of m e a n d m y creditors, w h e n and w h e r e a l l persons In" Never fear that I am abont to turn Mor" I wonder who let h i m In ?" and the yonng J i t t e r s testamentary on said estate b a r i n g been g r a n t - terested m a y attend if t h s y t h i n k proper. J. A. HIESTAND, IF. HDBER & P. HME&T please yon," orled Sir Philip, who fully un- The gold chord in her fingers was wreathing proach »w»yl There I* no o n e l wonld ask to TIAN PLUM. a p 30-31-23 ed to t h e undersigned, a l l persona indebted thereto a r e mon, and marry y o n both I Georgian* has man looked straight at his sister. PIiAIW A.TSD P A U C Y derstood the bye play. itself into knots. Sir Philip came round and be m y wife bnt you.'' requested to m a k e Immediate p a y m e n t , a n d those h a v MOUNTAIN PICTUSKB. " L o o k h e r e , P h i l i p ! " s h e e x o l a i m e d , push r given me up, Maria. In the excitement causThe little girl hung her head as she answer- ing claims or demanda against the aama w i l l present REMOVAL. " Of course not to please me, Philip—I am laid h i s hand upon her shoulder as she knelt t h e m for settlement tg t b e undersigned, residing In MONADNOCK FROM WACHUSET. ing baok her hair, * s d turning her faoe, fall of ed by t h e discovery Bhe spoke her mind out ed: " I don't know." Leaeock township. W I L L I AH QABEL, nobody. To please yonr Bisters, and to please making her turn her faoe to him. to me, that Bhe did s o t like me, with all her m a y 7-6t«2* Executor. _ Agent for LTCOMISQ COPSTY MUTUAL F I B K L I William said no more. Are Prepared to Print at Short Notice. " Beoanse I may be asking the question its eager excitement, toward him—excitement the world." I w o u l d I w e r e a p a i n t e r , for t h e s a k e aDBAtfCB COMPACT AND AUKKIOAX L i r s IXBUSAJTCS ASD ' trying,' half as well as ahe did Charley Carr, Cheeka, Notes, W h e n papa oame home in the evening, his COHPA.IT, ban removed t o No. 62, E a s t King i t . , Bill Heads, Of s s w e e t p i c t u r e , a n d o f h e r w h o l e d , "Terribly if I married only to please m y - some day. Do you know where Lady Annes- not oauied by him. "I'll speak oat the troth STATE OF LEWIS HURFORD, TBUST Hotel Registers, Business Cards, Drafts, directly opposite h i s former Store Stand, and that none bat Cbarley Carr should be her late of t h e City of Lancaster, dee'd.—Letters testo y o a ; I could not to every o n e : bat y o a are son showed him the spoiled pioture, and h e A fitting g u i d e , w i t h l i g h t , b u t r e r a r e n t t r e a d , self, would it not be, Lady Annesley t" he ley put the ring. m a y 14 St-24 Books, Pamphlets, Bbow Cards, tamentary h a y i n g been granted t o t h e underalgoed a s husband. Scott has gone to tell Charles the Funeral Notices, Bills of P a r e , Billets. was very sorry. Sole Executor of t h e Ia£t w i l l a n d testaments of uald I n t o t h a t m o u n t a i n m y s t e r y ! First a lake She sprang. She opened t h e desk, and good, and true, and noble. Were I to say to laughed. Druggist's Labels, Visiting Cards, dee'd., a l l persons Indebted to the Estate of said dee'd., Blanks, " y o n ' Yes,' and let y o a take me believing that news, and bring him n p . If T i n t e d w i t h a n n s e t ; n u i t t h e w a v y lines P L A N T S ! P L A N T S ! ! P L A N T S ! ! ! "Anne says Buffalo did it," said William. gave the paroel to him, sealed aa Lady Annesa r e requested t o m a k e payment, a n d those b a r i n g Programmes, Posters, He had never oalled her "mother ;" at one Paper Book<*. I loved you, I should just be acting a lie. I claims o r demands against the same, w i l l present them Of f a r receding: h i l l s ; e n d yet m o r e far, " W h a t o n earth i s this?" ejaoulated Lady Constitutions, Order Booka, Sale Bills, &o. 0 , 0 0 0 S W E E T P O T A T O P l a n t s at 2 5 Papa turned a troubled look upon his littld ley had left It. He slipped It Into his waisttime had studiously oalled her "Lady Anneaw i t h o u t delay for settlement to the undersigned, residTbld edtablishment contains tbe largest, neateat an J cents p e r hundred, o r $1 p e r thousand. loved some one else; I am trying to forget him Annesley, as she oame in and stood like one daughter, aB he remarked: M o n a d n o e k lifting from h i s n i g h t of pine-. ing In West Fallowneld township, Cheater county, n e a r ly." Fetor and twenty years of age when his ooat pocket, went down t o hia brougham and About 160,000 TOBACCO PLANTS, a t CO cents per best assortment of Printing Types, In t h e city of LanP e n n l n g t o n r i l l e , or they m a y be presented t o ffm. Hia r o s y forehead l o t h e e v e n i n g s t a r . with m y whole heart aud might—but I did petrified. caster, w h i c h enables us to get u p w o r k far e u p e u j r t i Then Buffalo must have done it, if Anne Aug. Atlse, Esq . attorney at l a w , a t h i s office in East t h o u s a n d . father married this, his second wife, Philip in drove off. Eighteen Varieties of TOMATO P L A N T S ; aJso,CAB- a n y other establishment. BeBida UB, purple-7.oned,'WRchaflet laid MARIS HLEFOBD, " It's this," replied Sir Philip, holding ont says so 1 Surely m y little daughter wouldn't King street. In less than twenty minutes h e was back love him." BAOS Early a n d L a t e : RED BEETS, E a r l y a n d Late : his inmost heart, had rebelled at the union. I n addition t o o u r fast Printing Taylor a n d Ho* H l B h e a d a g a i n u t tlie'WMt, %\u>?z w a r m l i g h t m a d e may7-6VS4 . Executor. PEPPERS, Sharp a n d S w e e t ; CELERY, W b l t e a n d Maria's hand, on whioh shone the brilliant 'bear false witness' against even a dog." " W h o was this?" They all had, at first; but they learnt to like again, and oame flying up the stairs as fast as R e d ; SALAD; BOO PLANTS, a n d a v a r i e t y of othera. Presses, we h a v e Introduced one of Bab cock's Patent H i a a u r e o l e ; a n d o ' e r h i m . s h a r p * a n d clear, keeper. " This mlsohief-makiug keeper has r j - A U orders promptly attended to b y the under- POWER JOBBERS, which for neat, cleau a n d beautiful Charley Carr had flown down them. " Charles Carr." The child oast down her eyeB, and the hot NSTATE OF CHRISTIAN GOOD, her in time. The girls were married new, L i k e a shaft of l i g h t n i n g h i m i d l a u n c h i n g s t a y e d , SAMOliL HES3, j j late of Pequea township, deceased.—Letters tes- signed printing cannot be excelled. W i t h this Press w e ar> save Mary, who wonld he the last. " A pretty simpleton y o u made of me, Sir Philip's blue eyea flashed w i t h * pecu- turned up again. When y o a held It that day blood rushed np into her face and neok. Her tamentary on said estate h a v i n g been granted t o the Fruit and Vegetable Gardener. A s i n g l e level c l o u d - l i n e , &h.>ne u p o n Ar»DtiE3a—Wlllow-st. P . 0 . , Lancaster county. P a . enabled to print Bl'V HeadB, Circulars, Cards, Ac , at over the open box, and MIB. Annesley oalled father'B words had shown her real guilt, and undersigned, a l l persons Indebted thereto are requested liar light, and he looked Into the fire—not at Maria,—giving me an empty box 1" " ft is no joking matter, Philip. What a By t h e fierce g l a n c e s of t h o s u n k e n s»a, m a y 14 »f-2» to m a k e Immediate payment, and those having demands unprecedented low prices. out, there oan be no doubt that yon, in the a sensation of misery crept over her. Georgian*. against the e a m e w l l l present them for settlement to " A n empty box 1" M e n a c e d t h e d a r k n e s a w i t h i t s g u l d e n s p e j i r ! nice rose that is in yonr button-hole 1" couWe respectfully Invite the public to call aud ezdiulna the undersigned, lealdlog in uald township. LANCASTER HOME MUTUAL " That love ought to, and," he said, " i t can hurry, nnoonsoiously slipped it on your finger, S o t w i l i g h t d e e p e n e d r o u n d u s . Still a n d Mack He took to the box out of his pocket, and The pioture was put away, and no more tinued Lady Aunealey. " Where did yon get o u r Presses, Materials a n d Specimens, which t?* will HENRY GOOD, instead offento the box, and lost it off your said about i t ; but a oloud was over the little T h e g r e a t woods climbed t h o m o u n t a i n a t o u r b . i r k : it?" bring yon no good." m a y 7-6i*2t Executor. at all times be pleased to show them. held it open before her. F I R E INSURANCE COMPANY, finger again immediately amid the paper party, whioh made the sapper-table very dull. A n d o n t h e i r pkirfs, w h e r e y e t t h e l i n g e r i n g d a y Office, N o . 5 8 , E a a t X i n g S t . , " I told the man I had brought baok the "Don't I tell y o a that it has ended—that I " Out of Mrs. Leigh's conservatory,"—he ~~~SSIGNED ESTATE OF Amxstuffing. The oushion has just given up its Anne tried to chat as usual, but her tongue LANCASTER. PA. On t h e s h o r n g r e e n n e s p of t h e c l e a r i n g l a y , H A U H . METZGER a n d WIFE, of Cone<togo replied taking it from his coat—a magnificent ring to exchange for a smaller one, opened am putting it from m e a s h u t as ever I can ? o w n s h i p , h a v i n g b y Deed of v o l u n t a r y assignment, H I S strictly mutual, no T h e b r o w n old f a r m - h o u s e l i k o a b i r d ' s neat h u u g - white rose, beautiful as a camellia—" she se- the box all gingerly, to hand i t to h i m , and Bat the remembr*noe c*nnot go *11 at onoe. I prey." felt stiff; besides, Bhe oould think of nothing tdated A P R I L 14th, 1S62, assigned a n d transferred a l t profits baing contemplated, b u t a n immense saving. W i t h homo-life s o n n d i t h e d e s e r t a i r w a s s t i r r e d : duced me into it juBt now, wheu I was at her behold 1 there was nothing iu it. Lady Annealey sank upon the first seat with to say. Papa was as kind as ever, and W i l - their estate andeSaets, to the undersigned, for ibe benefit It was organized for the special benefit of insured p a r This establishment continues to take t h e lead in t h e did love him ; and believe it was your generof t h e creditors of t h e said Abraham H. 31augar, he tla*, as they will h a v e tbe entire control of It, a n d con- Printing ot BRONZE s o d COLORED WORK, and wa T h e b l e a t of s h e e p a l o n g t h e hill wo h e a r d , honae." " Did you drop it iu the brougham ? Did osity in hushing up his dreadful disgrace, in- a oreBt-fallen expression. " I never heard of liam as attentive; but both were grave, and therefore gives notice to a l l Demons indebted to u&id stitute the Company. It is n o w prepared to insure T h e b u c k e t p l a s h i n g i n t h e curd, ?weet w e l l . AaBlgnor, to make p a y m e n t to t b e undersigned and Heal a n d Personal property, i n t h e city a n d county of defy competition In this particular b r a n c h . " Is her daughter better ?" you open it in the brougham ?" Bhe reitera- stead of proclaiming it and proaeoutlug him* such a thing I'' she stammered. "Myfinger1 papa seemed even sad. The evening was not those having claims to present them to Lancaster. Those of o a r citizens who denire neatly Printed Work T h e pasture-hara that clattered as they fell; that first made me like you more thau com- Whatever will be the consequence ? Poor spent with the ordinary cheerfulness; there ted. JACOB X . HETZQBB, Assignee, (•resident— Eev. W m . T. G e r h a r d ; Vice Presidents— of this description are respectfully invited to call a n J " No, poor girl. And I fear " D o g s b a r k e d , fowla fluttered, c a t t l e l o w e d ; t h e g a t e residing in MtUeravllle, Lancaster County, D. Q . t i w a r i z a o d J . B . flwartiwalder; Secretary—C. H. Charley 1" was no lively* conversation, no game of p l a y ; e x a m i n e specimens. " I- never touohed it, sfter y o n saw ma p n t mon." Sir Philip did not say what be feared. He may 7 tft-il-t Lefever; l\ea&urer—John ShaelTer. Of t h e b a r n - y a r d c r o a k e d b e n e a t h t h e m e r r y w e i g h ' HIESTAND, HUBER 4 HBCKERT, " The consequence, I expect, will be that William occupied himself with a book, and m a y 14 tf-25 " You acknowledged, then, that y o u like Of s u n - b r o w n c h i l d r e u , l i s t e n i n g , w h i l e t h e y was not the one lo speak at home of bis pa- it i a m y pocket, until I was in the shop. NOTICE. aprU2-I9 PaoPatETOaa. y o u will have two weddings instead of one," papa sat baok in his chair, with his eyes fixed tients. In the silence that supervened, a ser- I unsealed the paper before the Bhowman'a me ?" smiled Sir Philip' swung, L L persons are cautioned against laughed Sir Philip. "Georgiana has pro- on the lire; he was evidently thinking. eyes." vant appeared. T h e w e l c o m e s o u n d of s u p p e r - c u l l t o h e a r ; " Very—very muoh.'' i _ negotiating a n y of t h e following Motes a n d A n d d o w n tho s h a d o w y l a n e , i o t i u k l i n g s c l e a r " Then where can it be ?" exclaimed Maria. "LadyOliver, S i r . " " Well enough to take me for better aud fo r claimed her intentions, and I don't suppose Anne tried to amuse herself, but s h e oould Check*, a i tbey were utoltm from o u r Safe on tt>a NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. W I L L O W S CELEBRATED H E i V E CUBE, Charley will bear malice. I think I ought to n o t ; a pain was in her heart, and a weight on n i g h t of t o * 76th u l t . One Note of Luwix. Z. LlndeT h e p a s t o r a l curfew of t h e c o w - b e l l r u n g . Sir Philip nodded ; stood a moment or two, " Lady AnneBley certainly sealed i t u p , and worse ?" m u t h , payable to us for $621.00; unaof Thomas ZP.U, OR UNIVERSAL CONDITION MEDICISE FOR have given the ring to him as a memento, infor $600 00; J o h n Z. Llodemuth, two notes of $20v.OQ T h u s s o o t h e d a n d p l e a s e d , o u r b a c k w a r d p a t h w e aa if in deep thought; then prepared to de- pnt it, herself in the desk ready for you. No OB T T O B I I T J S , her spirits, whioh nothing could ease ; and she e a c h ; OUB u f l l e n r y Kdufelt, for $250 00, payable at Y e s ; if, after this confession, y o u would H O U S E S A N D CATTJL.E. stead of to Maria." took, BOOT & SHOK MAKER, one went near the deBk afterwards—no one still wish it." acend. wished—oh 1 how she wished—that Bhe had York B a n k ; one of Steven Grleriloger, for a balance of $50, J o e on a note for $Gl)OP0; one of A^am Fletcher* Next door t o Baer*e Printing Office, North Qu*au St . P r a i s i n g t h e farmer's home. H e only spake, 1 For Sate at J O H N F . LONG it SONS, Drug a u d " T o Maria!" irasoibly returned Lady An- not been so smart when she planned that piece for $104.00; one of Dr. J, H. Grove, for $3j0.0u ; ooe of "Will you put this up for me?' he said, came into the room, or was in the room, but " I do," he answered, drawing her too him, LAEfCASTER, P A . "Looking into t h e sunset o'er tho lake, Henry Plckel, for $^71.45; H e n r y S. iluaaer, one for Chemical Store, No. 6 North Queen Street, Lancaster. giving the diamond keeper to Lady Annesley myself.'* and taking his firfll kisB from her lips. Geor- nesley, not precisely uuderstauding, but not ofdeoeption. She felt if what she had done $1000.00; Jacob L. Kngle, one for $89.00; Washington JffBT OPKHED A LAiOE 8TOCK Ot? HEYL'S, ROBERTS, a n d SEPNCE'S Embrocations, L i k e o n e to w h o m t h e far-off is moat u o a r : being comfortable. " What in the world need could only be undone, nothing oould tempt b i a b l , one for $ 1 ; Dr. Inaac BowraiD, one for as he paased her. " I will change it when I giana flew to her room, and there burst into a " Lady Annesley must have Bealed u p an MERCHANT'S Gargling Oil, TOBIAS' Venetian " Y e s , m o s t folks t h i n k it h a s a p l e a s a n t look ; $70.00; a n d MnnHelman, H e r r & Co., a Check for $ 1 , ia there to give it to her, Sir Philip !'' her to do i t again. And how easy it now «42.tS, payable at F*rmcr»* Bunk. Liniment, a n d SCOTTB, Bed Oil Liniment, go ont. There, Maria, is a present for you." empty box, that's clear," said Sir Philip.— flood of tears. I love It for m y g o o d old m o t h e r ' ^ s«ko, MILLER & MUS2EB, "Great need," he replied, hia tone becoming Beamed to have confessed the accident, and kept constantly on h a n d . OP E V E B T DESCRIPTION. He flung the white rose into Maria's lap.— " I have brought the other ring." Lady Annesley was strangely elated at the W h o l i v e d a n d died h e r e in t h e p e a c e of find!" m a y 7-31*24 Marietta. I'euna. m i ? 14 tf-34 which w i l l be sold a t Ibe LOWEST CASH PRICU^She did not touch it, ouly let it lie there, her But Lady Aunesley, when she entered, pro- news. Bhe had hope for it i n her inmoBt serious. " Bnt it is given with a condition at- borne the consequences; and as to punishT h e lesson of h i s w o r d s we p o n d e r e d o ' e r . $ 3 0 0 R E W A R D S T O L E N . 5 3 " Measured Work promptly made and of tbe has', tached to it—that I add one of plain gold.— ment—why, no punishment oould be compacheeks again growing hot. Lady Annesley tested that Bhe had not Bealed u p an empty heart—long and long. A s s i l e n t l y w e t u r n e d t h e e a s t e r n flank material. H E office o f t h e subscribers, Dear S 3 * Give m e a call, knitted her brow. But it oleared as her eyes box—that the ring was in it. And Bhe reOf t h e m o u n t a i n , w h e r e i t s s h a d o w d e e p e s t s a n k , " You have done well, Philip," s h e said t o A h l Lady Annesley, we oannot be falBe to red with what she was now suffering. Marietta, w&a brolcsn open on Friday nlgiit, April ap 19 tf-31 C. BUCKIUb'. ourselves, try as we will. Maria has remaintheir flre-proof safe w a s blown open, and about D o u b l i n g t h e n i g h t a l o n g o u r r u g g e d road : fell on the ring. WHITBNAOK'S lated the details to Sir Philip, as they have her step-son. If she could only think of something else, or 2Mb, $810 I n b a n k note*, besides t w o 320 gold piecda, nnd a W e felt t h a t n i a u w a s m o r e t h a n h i s a b o d e . — " I never did see a greater beauty 1" she en- been given above. The box, she said, was " I shall escape the worrying about not get- ed my best and dearest love up lochia hour, if papa was pleasant as usual; but there must n u m b e r of checks and promissory notes stolen. Among IMPROVED N E W JERSEY AW A G E N T W A N T E D t h e bank noteu were three fiO'e on ibe Columbia Bank, T h e i n w a r d life t h a n N a t u r e ' s r a i m o n t m o r e : thusiastically exclaimed, as she slipped it not out of her hand a minute altogether. ting married, at any rate," responded Sir cajole and deceive iny heart as I would. And be something very serious on papa's mind, he two 60'e ol tba Lancaster County B a n k ; t h e remainder IN EVERY TOWNSHIP, TO CANVASS FOR TUK now, I trust, ahe will remain so, so long as was BO silent, and several times she heard of tbe money w a s chiefly of tbe banks above named, A n d t h e w a r m s k y , t h e s u n d o w n - t i n t e d hill, several limea on and ofl' her finger. " But " Are you sure you put it in ?—that you did Philip. and of t h e Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, and the Mount A>TERrCAX ANNUAL C YCLPO.* tit A time shall last!" T h e forest a n d t h o l a k e , seemed d w a r f e d a n d d i m what a judge Philip must have been to get it W I T H DORSKY'S bELF-ACTING BAKE. him sigh deeply. At family worship, ton, he J o y Bank. A reward of $160 will be given for the re"Philip"—lowering her voioe confidentially not let it slip aside ?" questioned Sir Philip. XX D covery of the money stolen, a n d a n additional $150 for f T \ H E Manufacturers of this Machiue Before t h e s a i n t l y soul, whoso h u m a n will so large aa this I Who is this ooming up V was particularly solemn; and she noticed that — " do you know, I frightened myself to death tbe arrest a n d conviction of t b e thief o r thieves on " Sure !" repeated Lady Annesley, half in_J_ h a v e the best reason for believing t h a t It ia tbe best REGISTER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS M e e k l y in t h e Internal footsteps t r o d , MILLER at MtfaaEK, his voice shook, when, in prayer, h e offered conviction. It was Charles Carr, Maria's brother, popu- clined to resent the implied suggestion of care- at one time, lest yon shond marry Maria. I Rxaper in c s e . Tbe advantages claimed for DORSET'S THE U T I L E SOAT. Of T h e Year 1S61. M a k i n g h e r h o m e l y toil a n d h o u s e h o l d way? Lumber Merchants, SELF-ACTING B A E B o n t h e JERSEY RSAPER, are this petition : larly known in the honse as "Charley." A lesBnesB;" I am quite sure. And, had the fancied you were growing attaohed to her ; may 7-31*24 Marietta, P A thena: It i i o f lighter draught t h a n a n y other m a c h i n e A Liberal Discount allowed. References known to tba An e a r t h l y echo of t h e s o n g of p r a i s e I have a little velvet coat, with trimmings plairted k n o w n . It id simple in construction; compact a n d young lieutenant he ; gay, careless,and handand people wonld have said I had set it on. ring slipped aside, it would only have gone oubacilbers will ha required. Apply to " Wherein we have Binned this day, grant S w e l l i n g from a n g e l lip? a n d h a r p s of s e r a p h i m ! durable. T h e driver i"lta ou t h e home next t h e grain Soldiers1 Pensions a n d Bounties. bright, some. Often in scrapes, always i n trouble. OD to the table. I put it i n safely,-and shut fitie, where be can have full view of the operation a n d The red color flashed into Sir Philip's face. that thy Holy Spirit may operate npon our KLIAS BARR A Co., J . (J. W H I T T I R H . H E undersigned, members of the B a r avoid all obstructions. It dispenses w i t h the Reel unThat has been laid for years away, close folded out deep in debt, in "bills," in many things that it in. No. 8 EsM King Streai, of Lancaster County, will provide a n d make out 11relyL the Revolving arms serving a far better purpose, " I s h o u l d have married her, bnt for that hearts, so as io lead u3 to repentanoeand conof sight; tbe proper forms and forward them to the proper gathering tbe grain gently to the cutters. 1 may 7-tf.24] Ag'ts for Lanciater City and County. he ought not to be, altogether a gentleman affair of the diamond keeper." fession.' officers of t b e Government, a n d collect all Claim*, " Who was in the room, beside yourselves ?" Yet sometimes, when I chance to come where it Wbeu an Sclent straw h a s been cut to form a proper THE BRILLIANT KEEPER Bounties, Arrearages of P a r , a n d Pensions, for all who was believed to be going to the bad head- asked Sir Philip. Lady Annesley looked blank. " D i d yon Anne was glad when her bedtime came. Tbe widows and orphans of soldiers from Lancaster County, sized sheaf, the Rake, in an easy, graceful m a n n e r re- DRUGS, &c. 1SG2, DRUGS, Ac. has been so long, moves it from t h e platform, b y side delivery, lbaving who m a y be killed or m a y die In tbe serviCd of tbe It was a comfortable room, even for the long, espeoiaily by Lady Annesley. He was " Only Charley Carr. He was Btanding by like her BO muoh as that ?" The silken edge looks dim and Mtirred. bemuse good-night kisB was as affeotionate as ever ; Government of tho United btattB, and fjr all noldier» the track perfectly clear, so t h a t a n entire field m a y be J. B . M A E K L E Y , cnt if desired, before binding a single sheaf. No at raw her own nephew, her dead brother's son ; and west end of Loadon. It was not the grand but when her father said, '* God bless m y from same county, that m a y b e w o u n d e d , o r become will be fouad tcattered between t h e sheaves. T h e me, wishing the ring were h i s . " " L i k e her I" he echoed, in emotion, " I Wholesale a n d Retail Dealer In my tears are strong. sick and disabled—without a n y charge or compaasa.! ton. aheaven are delivered w i t h regularity. Their compact drawing room of the house; it waa not the he oame to the house, presuming upon the redaughter!" his voice broke, and teara started " N o , " cried out Mrs. Annesley, innocently; loved her. I am not sure but I love B , W . 8HEKK. J A S . K. A L E X i S D E H , MEDICINES, &C.,1 and neat appearance cannot be t quailed b y any h a n d - DRUGS, ANDREW J . t-TELNMAtf, ROLAND KI.NZER, commodiouB dining room, where Sir Philip's lationship and upon Maria's residence in it, " wishing its value in money was h i a ! Theher still. W h y , Lady Annesley, I all but The last tiino that T took it down, becanse the to his eyes. Wilh a heavy weight upon her raker from reaping machine or cradle s w a t h s . No. 4 1 N o r t h Qtie e n at." B E N J . F . BEAR. ABK*HAM SHANK", need was o'er, Tbe Rake c m be adjusted to nuit heavy or light patients waited their turn to go in to him ; it oftener than Lady AnneBley liked. A great more sensible wish of the two. little heart, the child retired. She loved her THADDEU3bTEVBNS,;r., J . R. SYl'HER. Late Kauffman's,) Lancaster, Pennu. asked her to be m y wife the very afternoon I found tbe pockets full of toys, that would ho a p 30 " - ^ L . grain, forming large or small sheaves, a s desired. Binwas only a small, oozy apartment, wilh a fear was at her heart that he had grown too father passionately, and oould not bear to see ders prefer working after this machine, and farmers H E subscriber has j u s t opened t l u A wild sickening senaation darted to Maria that wretohed boy did the miaohief." used no more: c*a dispense w i t h o n e o r more binders b y u s l a g l t , largest a n d bast stock of DRUGS, CHEMICAL*. bright fire, easy chairs, and generally, plenty fond of Georgiana Livingston, or that Georgiana Carr's brain. It was not yet a suspicion; it " Im sore I am very glad h e did do it, if it The little bits of colored glass, and tinsel paper, lay him iu trouble. At another time Bhe would C o n e s t o g o a n d B i g S p r i n g V a l l e y simply because t b e gavels are laid In better condition, VLriFUMBRY, SOAPS, 4 c . , ever offdiedln Laccaater.trand thle laborious operation of binding rendered leu*, the attention of which b e solicits a call from conuirv of litter. For a wonder, it was tidy now ; had of him—perhaps both. Her penniless was a fear lest suspicion ahonld oome ; nay a prevented that," retorted m y lady. Turnpike Road Company. Folded together with toe coat, and so I let them have wound her arms around his neck, and fatiguing b y the regularity with w h i c h t b i s h o a v e a a r e merchants and others, feeling an>-nred that he c m raf H K Commipsioners to open books and formed. The Kake take* off either tangled or straight at nothing was on the centre table, save Lady nephew, who had not croas or ooin to ble&B foreboding that it was comiog. kissed away his tears; but now conscience lower rates than a n y other bi>u«e lu Lancaster, h.i* " I might have got over that, h i s fault, bnt stay. receive subscriptions to tbe capital stock of tbe g r a i n , leaving cbe bnts evea and equare. The weight Ing purchased bis stock before t h e advance iirlc.* ••' Annesley's deBk, at which she eat writing—a himself with, steal Georgiana and hei' nine The suspicion did come; came immediately I could not get over Maria's. To uphold him Of all tbe traces that are left, reminding of the made her s h y , and, with a feeling of un- " conestogo and Big Si'riog Valley Turnpike Road Com- of the rake is the same a s that of a n ordinary reel', re- Gooda. He invites a l l to call before making their (IUI will meet for t h a t purpose a t the public honse quiring no more power to work i t ; and b y dispensing chttsea and test the matter themselves. His entire £!.•-** plain, pleasant woman of forty, wearing weeds hundred a year! The world would talk then to all of them. Iu vain Sir Philip suggestod in his deceit—to invent a falsehood to Boreen worthiness, which made her wretched, she p»ny,'* of Jacob Hnber, In the (!ity of Lancaster, on MONDAY, w i t h t h e weight of a hand-raker, i t is evident lean is FBE-'H, and nelected with care Mod Judgment past, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, power la requited to drive tbe machine. yet. The late Sir Robert, a popular and suc- —would aay that|she, Ledy Annealey, had that Charles must have done it in a joke, to him—how could I make her my wife ?" turned away. J. B . MARKLEY, thd26th.a7ib,2Stb,C9[b and 30ib days of MAY next. This touches nearest to tbe iiuiek, becanse he wore By Ihe substitution of the Rake, the labor, waged and cessful physician, had risen in the world and planned it 1 And Lady Annesley was temark- put Lady Annealey in a fright, for he was as Wholatalo D r u g g i t t a a d Apothecary, " Whatever is there about Maria to like <" Snbacilptlon books will be kept upon from 10 o'clock, board of a man are saved, to say nothing of t b e extra When she was in bed, aud the light ont, and it last; m a y ?.tf-24 41 Worth Qneen Sir d «t. got h i s baronetoy; but this had been his ably sensitive to the world's censure. A.M., ta 4 .l'cl.H'k, r\ M. power requisite to d r a w him over the ground, especifull of tricks as a monkey—that he would fretfully interrupted Lady Aunesley. And oftentimes the little arms were crossed upon the maid gone, she felt worse; fear took posally w h e n be in located near the grain aide, t h u s greatHKNRY CARPENTER, second wife. Charley glittered in full regimentals ; one bring it back with him in the evening. That ly increasing side d r a u g h t . The machine la perfectly IMPROVED GEOROE K. REED. its breast. " She's more likeable than any oue iu this session of her then—a horrid fear of death and balanced, leaving no more weight on the horsau necks HARRIS BOADMEN, That never more wilt clasp ma here, because they of judgment. She thought of Ananias and On a low sofa, nesr the fire, Bat an old lady of the handsomest young fellowB that had ever he had taken the ring from the box there was world, to m y thinking " t h a n is necessary to-keep t b e tongue d o w n . T h e MowJOHN ESIILEMAN, ing arrangement, operates tn a l l kinds of g r a a s l n t b e JOHN B. KREIDEK, —aoheerful, nice old lady, In spite of her boned before Her Majesty at St. James'. A n d no doubt whatever; and Lady Annesley, in are at rest. Sapphire, and trembled aud cowered ; and oh t " HttBh Philip 1" ^ moat satiofactory manner, with a n Improved Lever for ap 30-41-23 HENRY K . &TONKR. Manufactured a n d eold b y tba uuderagned a t $.*3ki. KaSMngand Lowering.while in motion. Also, Extra blindness and her eighty-four years. She he had no objeotion that somebody else should her anger refnsed to be soothed. The news of the engagement went forth to Without the little tender form, this coat I cannot how Bhe wished that the past d s y could be PLOWS HKPA1BED AND PLOW CASTIS03 Reel for grass. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. would tell yon, could y o u speak with her, see him and think so. lived over again ? constantly on h a n d , a t l b * Saad Stora or She attacked Charles the moment ha made the house. Maria had etlll remained in it see— ' S S I G N E D E S T A T E of M A R T I N ALL MACHINES W A R B A N T E D T O CUT OBAIN AND W. D. SPRECHBK, that God had seen fit io take her dear son " Where's Georgiana ?" aaked he. his appearance. "Where's that keeper ?" s h e making herself nseful as she had done liefoie, Something iu every worn-down fold recalls it back W . WEAVER 4 W l F i — T h e undersigned Audim . r c b 10 r.m-17 Ef«t i rtoK ntraet, La(ir»»l»! OKA=S IN A WORKMANLIKE MANXES ! Her room adjoined her father's ; and, as she tor, appointed b y tbe Court of Common Pleas of LanSir Bobert, and had spared her. Dpon her " Georgiana's out," snapplBhly replied Lady sternly demanded, without olrcamlocntion. especially to Mrs. Annealey, for she had nu to ma: ' lay thus in terror and anguish, she heard him caster county, to distribute t h e balanct remaining in K K p a JTK N C E S . lap waB a bag made of white linen, resembling Annealey. " What are yon dreased up for ?" 1862. other home. Better Bhe had quitted i t ; to And though his every garment now is sacred to the b a n d s of Jouaa ReiQ* and Daniel Meyer, assignees of 1862. " What keeper ?" returned Charles. come up-stairs, and enter his room. It waa a said M a r t i u W . Weaver and Wife, of Ephratt. towDBbip, X J " The following named farmers of Lancaster county a pillow oase, bnt not so long; and she was "I have juat come from the Levee. Did uiy heart, ' ~ ' ' a v e purchased and thoroughly tested t b e Domey SelfS P K I N G ! " T h e brilliant keeper that yon made off see Sir Philip daily was not the way to cure relief to have him near, and she raised her to a n d among tbe creditors a n d tbona locally entitled hActing R a k e : to receive t h e same, will meet the parties Interested. staffing It with handfulle of paper torn into you forget it t" he returned, taking up m e - with to-day." HAGEB & BEOTHEBS, From this, the pockets filled hy him. I eonhl no her love for him. head and listened to his movements. He was for said purpose, ou i-ATURDAY, Ihe 24th of MAY, J o n a t h a n Stolsfoose, ELias Zook.Leacock t o w n s h i p ; minute bits. Since Bhe became bliud Bhe was chanically the little jewel-box and opening it hear to part. • a t 10 o'clock A. SI., l a tbe Library Boom of t b e Rudy D. Gelat, Jacob Weldler, Abraham L a n e , J o h n Aro now opening a L r g a Slock or CABPKTd a n d >>lt. " I hope you will be happy, Sir Philip ; I walking up and down the room—up and 1562, " I don't know what you mean, aunt." CLOTHS, to wbtcb they invite n a examination. Court House, in the city of Lancaster, and ou TUESDougherty, Christian Hess. Mtrilu Hess, J o h n Zwally, wont to employ some of her time i n tearing Charley's fingers had a trick of touohlng things' MAY 27th, 1SU2. a t 1 o'clock P . M.. at ihe public Benjamin Long, Soloman Martin, J o h n Staufier, M a n . Lady Annesley flew into a rage. " I left wiah y o a every happineBs," she stammered, Mv little'bny no longer needs his coat with trim- down, with slow and measured Btep ; his heart DAY, NEW STYLES BUUSSELS CARPETS, House of Chambers Ynndt, in Hlnkletowo, Ephratu helm townahlp ; Emanuel LongeneckBr, J o h n S t e b m a n , up waste paper, newspapers and the like, to and ha often got a rap on the knuokles for it NEW STYLES TAPESTRY CARPETS ming's bright... ". was very sad tonight. And then came the twp., w h e n s a d where all penton* Interested are re David Weidman, J o n a s E r b . S a m u e l i l i n n l c h , F r e d e r i c k the box close to your hands when I turned to believing it waa inenmbent on her to say someEXTRA TDREE PLY CARPETS stuff cushions. Maria Carr, Lady Annesley's literally and metaphorically, from my lady. iiuested to attend, it' tbe~> *eo proper. Keller, Christian Hersbey, Joseph Grabill, George Rule, SUPERFINE INGRAIN CARPETS pick up the cushion for Mrs. Annesley. How thing to him to that efiect. But Sir Philip ob- For, since I had it Uiil away, his robes have been thought that her loving and indulgent father, Jonas Brubaker, Samuel Borahey, Jacob Cassel, 1'ena nieoe, was at the far window making the case " What a splendid ring?" ha uttered. VENETIAN S DOTCH CARPETS, E. BURKHOLDER, of white; served that her face turned ghastly with emotwp.; S. Stolsfoose, P. Sheafler, Jacob Eshleman, Chrn. who knew what tronble was himself, would dared you take the ring out ?" BEHP, RAO AND LIST CARPETS ap 30-41-2.! Auditor. for the cushion ; two square pieces of white Mubaolmun, Henry MusHelman, Jacob Burkholdsr, Bo, when!! meet him at the last, my longing eyes sympathize wilh her in her present diBtres?,if JlBDaOETS. RDQS & COCOA MATS " Sir Philip's present to Mary. But it is to tion as she spoke. " Let's aee whether 1 have got it about me," Salomon Groff, John Grabill, Amos Espenbhade.Earl NOTICE. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, velvet, on eaoh of which was painted an ex- l»e ohauged ; it is too large." may see township ; George Bard, David Cockel, John F . Bailer, she would tell him all. The thought brought " Thank y o u ; I hope we shall be," he coolly From ooe to fonr y a r d , wide. reported Charley, in a careless, indifferent, quisite group of flowers, Maria's doing. T!te H E R E A S , E U S H A B A R D a n d Benjamin Myers, Jacob Bsnnoe, Andrew Bard, Upper W i n d o w Shades'. W i n d o w SUdde* ' Charley put It on his little finger and turned provoking manner, aa he made a show of feel- replied; and, sinoe that uuhappy episode, he Tho little hand, that plai-ed the love, held out comfort wilh it—the first comfort she had W I F E , of Paradlne t o w Q H U p , Lancaster co., Leacock town>h!p; Jno. Sellers,Lower Leacock t w p . ; cushion was intended for a present for Mary again to me. Nathaniel Burt, Samuel Kauffman, Salisbury t o w n s h i p ; In new and elegant dtsiait. it rnuod admiringly; as they had all done. ing iu all his pookets. " Oh—I mnat have had never spoken to her but coldly. " Georkuown sinoe her sin was committed—aud she have by J pad of voluntary assignment, dated tbe 16th Jacob K. Shenk, Henry Lantz, J o h n C. Stauffer, John FINK VELVET Bi KDERED SUAUE.1 d a y of APRIL, A. D., 1E6:, transferred sll Ih&ir proAnnesley, who was on the point ,~if marriage " A charming ring!'' he repeated. " I t is left it in m y regimentals." resolved to act upon it. petty, reel personal aud mixed, (except whut In therein W i n n e r , J o h n Frantz, Michael H a r n U h , Manor, t w p . ; F I N E OILT SHADES. giana Livingston possesses one great eaaential with Dr. Scott. She had good cut uun with excepted) aota Amoa I.. Witmer, lor t h e bsnent of the Uaris Uuopee, Martic t w p . ; S. 0 . Bomberger, Warwick PAINTED AND PLAIN SHADES. really beautiful.*' Jeremiah Herr, Conestoga t w p . ; Jacob Dent linger, Lady Annesley nearly boiled over. Words towarda making heraelf aud others happy— A STORY FOB. THE LITTLE FOLKS. CORDS, TA?8EL.S AND FIXTURE " Papa," said a little voice ; and papa, turn- creditors of said Bllsba BarM. All puruon* indebted twp.; t h e late Sir Robert AnneBley'a ward, Oeorgiaaa w i l l please m a k e immediate p a y m e n t to tbe undersign- Bart t w p . ; J n o . Masterson, Peiin t w p . ; Jacob Homhey. " Do yon wiah it were yours?" laughed, led to words; Charles grew angry i n his turn; truth." BOFF AND OREBN CURTAIN HOLLANDS ing quiokly round, saw the child, wLoni he ed assignee, and all persona having cUims n ill presam Hempfleld t w p . ; Jacob Sebner, Shltz it Foliz, Chrn. m LVringBton, who lived with them. P3 It ID Conscience-Smitten; or, The Little Mamma, J o h n Hersbey, West Hempfleld t w p . ; Rudy D. Maria, from her diatant window. for settlement. and at length ahe gave a hint that h e must supposed to be asleep in bed, standing, in her them legally attestedAMOS The preparations for the wedding went briskHunaberger, Henry Zwally, Abraham Lefever, Jacob GirVs Confession. L. WITMER, A ^ U n e e . " I wish I had the cost of it," h e s a i d — have stolen the ring. He deolared he had not Mrs. Annesley looked up from her cushion Grabill, Andrew Deaner, Christian ZtoTt, Christian le-iJing iu Paradine, Lancaster i-ouniy. little white night-dres?, inside the door. W A L L P A P E R S ! W A L L P A P E R S '. ly on. Lady Annesley would first move into R a p p , Isaac ShaelTer, J o h n Bach, Joseph Bach, West and her bits of paper—if it be allowable to "That would be of more use lo me. What touched the box, or the ring; that he had ap-23 w[-22 Anne Froeuian was a quiet child, of about Earl twp.; Jacob Brubaker, J o h n H. RUser, Daniel B. 10,000 PIECES, another residence. No change had been made " My love, what's the matter?" he exclaimErb, W a r w i c k t w p . ; William I. Clark, Drumora twp.; was it ? Fifty guineas ?" say that of one who has no sight; but when turned from the table wheu Lady AnneBley since Sir Robert's death, but Sir Philip must seven years. She belonged to a piona family, ed ; " a r e y o u sick?'' W A L L P A P E R S Stautfdr, C a r n a r v o n twp.; Isaac Wenger, W«at STATE of JOSEPH GLAUNER, Tobias she spoke to people, she was in the habit of "Not a bad guesB," said Lady Annesley did, and remained talkiug to Maria while the have hia house to himself now. One evening and was carefully trained—so she had no bad IN late of Salisbury township, deceased.—Letters of Earl t w p ; John Brubaker, Elizabeth t w p . ; Martin Bru" No, pa," she said, coming toward h i m ; baker, Rapho t w p . ; Isaiah J a m e s , B u c k s county; Q*o. FINE HOLD PAPERS, turning her face in the direotion Bhe thought who really liked Charley, and his good lookB cushion was being picked u p ; and he swore administration on s^id estate having been granted to Sir Philip waa spending an hour with Dr. habits; nevertheless, her little heart conld not " bat I couldn't eleep, and I want to tell you tbe undersigned, a l l r-erdons Indebted thereto a r e re- Houck, Mech&ntcbburg; Gabriel Wenger. Tobias BOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS Krelder. F r a n k l i n Herr, John King, Christian Bailer, they might be, as she had done before the and his good nature, au fond, wheu she could to this with sundry unorthodox words, forgetDECORATIONS Soott. A navy-smgeon was alao there—Mr. have been pure, or what we are about to I ell •omething. Pa," and her tones were quick quested to make immediate p a y m e n t , and those having Daniel Book, Lampeter twp ; Joseph Buckwaller, Jacob MARBLE AND OAK NEAT AND OAYOLAZED PAPEK.i clalniB or demands against t h e same will present them Lefever, Henry Stauffer, LevlGroaa, J a c o b S w a r r , H e n r y darkness came o n : " What about Charley's forget the fear and trouble touenrbg Miss ting that he was not in quarters, but iu a PLAIN AND BBIOHT COMMON PAPERS. Blake, once their chnm at Bartholomew's; would not have happened. and nervous—" Buffalo didn't spill the ink on without delay for settlement to t h e undersigned, resid- S. Hosteller, Abraham Hurst, Peter Shelly, Henry S. going to ohurch ? Isitdeoided ?" BORDERS, STATUES, FIRE BOABD PRiNf.-! Georgina. lady's drawing-room. CHRISTIAN D. WARFBL. Shenk, Jonas Erb, Isaac Balmer, Samuel Erb Man helm She had no little Bister to play with, and William's tables; it was I spilt it, and told a ing io said township. and Georgiana WBS sitting up staira wilh Mary BLINDS, SO., ap-23-6l*22 Administrator. t w p . ; J o h n L. Lapp. H. H . ^ h e r t z , Paradise t w p . ; Henry " W e l l ; I suppose " Lady Annealey Tkey stood together stngiug praises of the W l U , UK HOLD AT " I f nobody takes his part, I will I" holly Scott and her baby. her only brother was grown, almost a man. lie about it." Hlldebach, Ellas Herr, Amos Herr, Pequea t w p . ; EphGREATLY REDUCED PSKES. a l m Eshleman, Manor t w p ; Michael Buckwalter,.'on. slopped.- The door had hastily opened, and a ring ; now she' had it on—now h e . Lady cried Georgiana Livingston, after Charles had SSIGNED ESTATE OF ELIAS rBuck aP'-"19 BY HAOEB.I BROTHERS. " Is smoking allowed here ?" aaked the Her father waB in easy circumstances, so slie waiter, Benjamin Boiler, J o h n K . L a p p , Martin "Now, thank God ! my child has grace to B B E M S N Y D B S i ISAAC FRY. of Earlville, West gentleman entered—a tall, fine man. Hut for Annesley at length took it from him, and held dashed away from the house, promising that Cooper, Bant Lampeter t w p . ; J o h n K. Brubaker, Jacob was well supplied with, toys and books ; but township,Lancaster county, h a v i n g b y v o l u n t a r y surgeon—glauoing at the elegant sofa on confess;" and papa joyfully caught her up to Kan APRIL. IS.'.-' the Bweet Bmilo that frequently party hia lips it over the open box, aa if taking a farewell of he'd never enter it again; and her oonntenance deed of assignment, dated April S, 1362, assigned a n d Krelde . Jacob Bear. George Wellei, Henry F r a n t z , 1802. whioh he sat, where was displayed that beau- these were notBnffioieut to prevent her feeling hia heart, and kissed her again and again. transferred all their estute, to the uodertslgned, for t b e Jacob Bwartley, East Hempfleld t w p ; Christian HuntzA.XOTBBR A/ttttVAr. Of and lighted up hia dark blue eyes, hia features it before she dropped it iu. , was distressed, and her cheeka were scarlet, benefit of tbeir creditors; notice is hereby given, to all berger, H . Reob, Adam Rudy, Abram Shlvely, Lejcock lonely. Her ohief pleasure she found in visittiful cushion painted by Maria Carr—" I'm twp.; Edward Eshleman, Richard Miller, P e r r y county ; Papa then told Anne that he had known of S P L E N D I D N E W S P R I N G 0 0 0 D a porsona indebted to t b e Bald £ l i s s Kaemanyder 4t Isaac might have been deemed plain. And yet, " Ob, dear I" cried out Mrs. Aunesley. aB she said it. "Steal a ring! You may juat ing her brother's room, and feasting her eyeB r y , to m a k e immediate payment to tbe undersigned William Spencer, SadBbury twp.; Samuel Houbtand, halfdead without m y pipe." A.T W E N T Z BROS. Montgomery c o u n t y ; W . S. & I . A. Rutherford, Harher sin, and it had made h i m very, very un- FAssignee, ladleB were apt to say that Sir Philip Annesand tho«e having claims to present tbem to Lady Annealey hastily put the lid on, left as well accuse me, Lady Annealey, as sccuse on the pretty pictures there. Pur "William i i s b u r g ; Samuel Leaman & ^on, F r a n k l i n county. H. B . ORKYB1LL, Assignee, happy. It nearly broke his heart to think of 1 Lot of FOULARD SILKS, only lis;.ley, being unmarried, was too attractive for a the box on the table by Charley, and ran to him ; I should be the more likely of the two Receiving assent, he lighted it, and then F o r ^ a l e by C. D SPRECHER A BRO.. a p 23-6t-S2 P . O. Addroa.-*, Werit Earl. 1 Lot of Spring Challle DELAINES, I S ^ c . worth ?0v. walked across the room to Sir Philip, and the Freeman drew admirably, and painted with his only daughter growing up a liar, and that medioalman. her mother in-law. The old lady had left the to do it." No. 2S Ea=t King Street, two doors w«st of the Court I Lot Brocha VAI.ENCIAS. Boqoa i& 31 3?','.Doctor, who stood at the window. There waa much taste. He also wrote poetry; aud Anne dangerons of all liars, a slanderer. The ohild TESTATE of ANDREW S. MILLER, Houae, Laucaater, Pa. ap .SO 2m-2:; I Lot Super Bcqoa CHALL1ES, only 25c. Back fall upon the hearthrug, and some of the "Iflthat Philip!'; SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS, beautiful and good "o." Do, pray recollect youraelf, Georgiana!" some disturbance in the street, aud they-all thought her brother a great genius, and loved was shocked that she had oauaed the pain _ | _ j late of Bast Hempfleld township, deceased.—LBIAll oor best CALICOES, selling a t i z ^ c . " Myself, and nobody else, grandmamma;" ammunition was falling out. tera of administration on said estate having beau remonstrated m y lady. " Ia this avowal aem- three remained there ohatting and looking to inspect his productions. t Lot Extra Good CALICOES, only 10c CHAMPION REAPER & MOWER which she had witnessed her father sofferiug granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted Thereto 1 Lot Excellent BONNET 4 APRON!.>.-.' for Sir Philip sometimes, half in sport, address *' Don't trouble yourself, m y dear," s h e iy for a young girl ?" requested to make immediate payment, a n d those WITH SELF ACTING BAKE, out. One day, when she had .finished reading a then asked, in surprise, how he kuew of i t . - are having claims or demands against the same will present her by the old familiar title of his boyhood. Baid, as Lady Annealey began pnBhing it in. SHAWL AND CLOAK Rtlulf. New Stock of SPR1NU " I don't care whether it's seemly or unseemthem without delay for settlement to the undersigned, 11 Suddenly a burst of liglit shot up iu the little boob, and had played with her dollB till He told her that William had the ink-bottle residing in eaid townxhtp. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. BEAUTIFUL ETELI.A W h o will lend me A finger?" " Put it on m y lap again ; I won't be BO SAMUEL HESS. J a . ly," responded Miss Georgiana, dashing away she was tired, she went, as usual, to William's restored to its place in the stand, which conld SHAWLS " E w ap 16 6t*21 Administrator. O P 1862, "A finger!" echoed Lady Annesley. clumsy a second time. It ia nearly full, you Borne tears. " You ought to be ashamed of room, and they wheeled round in consternaTHE CHO CE BARGA N OF THK DAY room. He was out, but the table stood, just sot have been if Buffalo had upset it. Oh WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT.*. tion. A blsze waa asoending from the velvet Bee." O <• What fort Asks Maria." TESTATE OF JOHN B. BRACKS yourselves, all of you I Because Charley E again ofi'er our combined Machine WKNTZ BRO cushion. They caught u p the hearth rug aB he had left it, with drawing and writing these mute tell-tales 1 how many Bins they M, ,J BILL, deceased.—The undersigned having been Maria laid down her velvet, and came forLady Annealey did as requested, and re- happens not to be made of money, you turn to the Farmers o[ Lancaster county, w i t h eorne O N E K M Boattered over it. She had always been for- reveal which t&e perpetrators fondly believe appointed Auditor b y t h e Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, to distribute the assets remaining io tbe handt> Improvements over last season, and now claim many ward. Sir Philip opened a little square box, turned to the table. Charley, reBtless Char- against him,and think he'd talce it. I'll let and Bucoeeded i n putting out the fire.— bidden to touch anything in her brother's are known o n l y to themselves ! of Benjamin Brackblll, Administrator of t h e estate of advantages over all other machines In tbe m a r k e t . W e R E E D M G R A N N & CO Georgiana Livingston, hearing the commotion, and, taking ont a ring, passed it on to the ley, was then Btanding by Maria, and the two him know that I don't." naid deceased, to and among the creditor* of said J o h n have wrought, iron guards with cast steel face. T h e absence; bat she had neat fingers—naturally oame in with a white face. B. Brackblll, w i l l meet for t b e purpose of h i s appoint- aelf-actinii Rake is admitted to be t h e moot simple a n d BANKKRS third, or wedding finger, of her left hand. were whispering together. Lady Annesley Years have passed away, and Anne Freeman m Hot words, hotly spoken. A few days, and e n t in tbe Library Room of tbe Court Heuee, in t h e in t h e m a r k e t . It can be regulated b y t b e In lighting h i s pipe, Mr. Blake mnat have neat, and care Jul—and she thought i t great s a woman. Her talented .brother has long City of Lancaster, oa TUESDAY, the 13th day af MAY, durable ECE VE M n oa D p a u d pay driver to make the sheaves regular for heavy o r light She stood before him, perfectly quiet in mo- [ took a Bheet of fair white paper, and wrapped even Georgiana was obliged to'judge him less nonsense to prohibit her from touching. So p o D Y u d < >< A. D. 1S62,—where all person * interested will pleaie grain. I t h a s two motions, tbe quick motion of t h e tion and bearing, but blushingtothe'very roots up the little box, without again looking in i t , leniently. Sir Philip ohose qnietly to inves- suffered a Bparkto'fall upon the cushion. o m o been sleeping beneath tbe shadow of an old attend. JOHN QUIGLEY. knife Is obtained by the use of . . e m a i l pinion wheel L she" climbed n p on a chair, and lifted a pioThere it had smouldered, penetrating at length B D M n L o requiring a alow upoed for tbe team. T b e regular moApril 15, IS62. ap 10 4t -21 of her hair. Two thin chains of gold croBsed lighted a wax match and sealed it. church wall, and her loving father, too has tigate the suspicion ; and he ascertained that C h U ou n lioa b y tbe use of a large pinion for grain. It has two to the Bluffing, which then blazed up. Yon turefto'look at iL It was a drawing in mez- gone to rest; but that lesson learned in child, L R m M o h W and re crossed each other, enclosing a brilliant knives, rmoutb edge for grase and sickle edge for grain. U " Well, I must be off," cried Charles. Charles had the very evening subsequent to NOTICE. Kotinto, which was not finished; but the little D E C E may remember that it consisted of paper. UT? „ n r I A r n . ' » n n J I,- t I i ! W e will refer Farmer., lu want of mscblnes to those between eaoh crossing—twelve brilliants in C A C " Shall you be at home this evening ?" the loasof the ring, and the following day, girl, with a natural appreciation of art imagin. hood is still remembered, and never since has oE o " Oh, that lovely cushion !" lamented Georall, small, but of the first water—a jewel of " I shall," laughed grandmama, from her paid sundry small debts, for which he had m o U o 3 L ed what it would be when finished, and feast. she been tempted into the metn vices of falseM l i U n d e r s i g n e d , h a v i n g b e e n d u l y ' who used them last season very successfully: w o rare beauty, remarkably light and elegant. place on the sofa. " I don't suppose many of been long dunned. Twenty pounds, at least, giana. appointed Assignee of Benjamin Meckloy.ofCoooy | Emanuel Landis, David Landls, ( F a r m e i s ) Samuel ed her eyes on its beauty. At length, satisfied hood and slander. o township, Lancaster county, u n d e r adeed of voluntary | Landie, (Uartln'e son,) Beoj. R. Landls, P-eoj. H. Stauf. " What's this ?" uttered Dr. Scott, picking " Philip, what a beautiful ring 1" nttered the others will be out." She had not pene- of these payments were traoed, and then Sir A with the inspection, Bhe laid it down as she assignment for t h e benefit of hie creditors, hereby ; fer. Abni. Doner, Abm. R o b r e r . E a s t Lampeter; J o h n L. Lady Annesley. notifies all persons indebted to the eaid assignor, to j Robrar, Henry L. Landls. J o h n Newnauser, Jacob trated to Lady Anne&ley's fear ; and Charley Philip diopped the Bearch. W h y pursue it ? up something bright and glistening from the found it. Then seeing a piece of poetry at a The power of sympathy on children is won- m a k e immediate p a y m e n t , a n d those b a r i n g claims to Stoltsfus, William Baker, Leacock; Peter Herr a n d R E E D H E N D E R S O N & C O ashes. If I don't believe it's a ring!" was a wonderful favorite of hers. present the eittne for settlement, to ' Jacob Hershey, (Preacher.) P a r a d i s e ? Joseph L. Del. " Y e s ; it took my fancy. Mary will like a It was all too dear, for Charles had no relittle distance, she thought she would read i t ; derful. No one can do anythiug with them, JACOB MECKLEY, j weller, HempBel-1. BANKERS A ring it was. The lost, the beautiful, the keeper, and Boott, in his absent fashion, ia but, in reaching her hand for it, her sleeve who does not know how to awaken it. " Look, Maria," said Lady AnneBley, as sources of hia own to draw upon. a"p 16.61-21 Assignee, j 5 3 - F a r m e r s In w a n t of a good combined RBjper A C o E K and D brilliant keeper 1 The eyes of Sir Philip and sure not to think of one. Lucky, I say, if he they heard Charley and his sword clattering But here Maria stepped i o to his defenoe. - . — 1 Mower, with eelf-actlng rake, will please giro us a call caught in the pen, whioh had been left in the L ANCASTER PA Those who oomplain of the poverty of their Georgiana met. . c i D T n a T n n i o v r t m r n n and examine oure. All machines warranted to work as remembers the wedding-ring. It ia too large ; down four at a time^—" I will pnt it here.— She protested with earnestness, with teara, ink-bottle, aud the latter was overturned. A S S I G N E E ' S N O T I C E . well as any other combined In the market. language acoose their own sterility. Marl* was, that same evening sitting alone; is it not, Maria!" Quickly she lifted the bottle, but i t was too If Philip should come for it, y o u can tell that she had furnished h i m herself with M O S . S . B O W E R S o f W e s t H e m n - ' F o r , a > " at Adam R. Berr-e Agricultural I m p l t m e n t BOHKE L T H E N L A Y D N U R A N C E A N D she and her breaking heart. It had felt like The very cirenmatanoea which make the shalHeld townenip. having boy Deed of T o l u u J o y LaneKj^ooas""^ tonff' " " " l0°r '" " Muoh too large for a keeper. Mary would him where it ia." twenty pounds; that ahe had given it to him late ; it had fallen on the unfinished drawing; L o o b A S B w h D E O T C O M A N Y breaking ever since that oloud fell npon it. She 1862, assigned and t r a n s " ! " - L .,, " " • l S S ' £ • Yiy, low misanthropical iaoline the wise to be ben- a l i g n m e n t , dated April 16tb, require another ring to keep this one o n . " in that moment when they were whispering o o and the beautiful picture was ruined. r.m.1 alt hfa . . t a t e mnH otr.-*,. t., H,* ,,.„».,..;„„.,.* r„. U l a y n t . « JAt.t»S Si AHil. She lifted the lid of her deek and pnt In the heard Sir Philip come home—and she began A o m m o h N U R E by On B " I ought to have ohoaen the smaller one," together. She knew Charles' wants, she said, . "Agony seized the child, and Bhe bnrat into evolent. m m w m A M little box. Then approaohed MrB. Annealey gathering her work together. HENRY S KAU HAN A OD said Sir Philip. " There ia another jnat like and had beeu saving this money up for h i m . Who. feelfl love in his heart feels a spnr in tears. Sliding from the ohair, she threw her T OdR w be n m or L L P 0 and took hold of her arm to lead her from the " Don't run away, Maria ; I have something it, only lesa in size. I'll take this one back Lady Annesley flatly contradicted Maria. self on the floor, and cried long and bitterly' hia limbs. K C m m U * M C O M C K W O E L D R E N O W N E D room. " We shall have no drive to-day, unto tell y o a 1" 6 m » STATE OF DAN EL KRE DER and ohangg it." It did not stand to reason, she contended, that The destruction of the pioture wonld have KKA KH AHD MOWER m o leas we make haale. Maria will finiah that." Immagination should be modest and retir. o C w —T She looked at . h i m i n wonderment. His " I t muBt have cost a great deal ?" said Maria with her poor means, could Bave u p B H K TKK been grief enough, fond and proud as she was b C A o M P L C T Y S n h Du b " It is finished, all bnt taoking," said the R F K m u o D G nd voice wore the same loving tone as iu the days of her brother's work; bnt t h e thought of i n g ; like the heart, emotions extorted from it w o w Annealy. K m o h o D oldlady; " i t i s a s f u l l a a i t o u g h t t o b e . Maria, twenty pounds, or even ten. The thing was w b o are always less forcible than those that spring K o C w m almost againBt possibility ; and Maria fell u n - gone b y ; a tone long past for her. that brother's anger, and the punishment h e no no "Pretty well. Forty-eight guineas. C O R N W A N T E D my dear, come and do it at once." spontaneonBly. h m o m " Lend me your hand, Maria 1" And, with- might inflict—perhaps forbid her entering his der nearly aa great a ban as her brother, for w o b o b m Mrs. Annesley lifted her hands in dismay. L B M w w ASH PA D FOR CORN by Maria carried her velvet to the sofa, and set Sweet meroy is nobility's trne badge. L R m n b C H n C o o w n W "Oh, Philip 1 Forty-eight guineas for a about completing the onshion, kneeling down attempting to screen him by -falsehood out waiting for assent, he took it in his, the room again—oh I this last was dreadful! CALDKK 4 C o L on UK DAV o MAY A B m M w O Bu O m N U left hand, and slipped upon the third finger, To pray together, in whatever tongue ot ritS M w n d w o m m w wo rlngl It seems next door to a Bin. Your for convenience Bake. She had got the velvet There were momenta when, In her own sick Q L W U m n m w as he had doneonce .before, the diamond L C No, she oould not bear to be banished from ual is the most tender brotherhood of hope and o m w m w father, m y dear, would have looked twice at a cover on to it, and was beginning to put round heart, Maria did believe him t o be guilty. AMB M CAA keeper. " Do yon recognize it ?" o w this room I She realized more than she had sympathy that men can contraot in this life. B A quarter of the money before giving it." the gold cord and lo sew on the tassels, when Such things have been heard of iu the world T M o m m m EXAM NER & T T A L D " I t ia Mrs. ScottYreplied Maria. " W h y eyer donebefore, how greatly it contributed —done i o the reokleBsnesa of neoessity. •The poet who knows how to express and STATE OF EMANUEL HOSTET m M S m Job and C d P n n O Heorossed the room, and pnt the keeper In- Sir Philip entered. He rested his arms on the w o w w n nd have yon brought It here Sir Philip ?" to her happiness; and, at any risk, snch a paint the affeotlons and pasBiona of the soul> TKR o M m w L back of the sofa, and looked down at her and o b w m n A V N G n du d n our O to her hand, bending down to her, and speak—L o m ou " It Is s o t MrB. Scott's, it i s larger than hers. miaoharjoe must be avoided. Then she sat will always be read with greater delight than A twelvemonth passed away—and a twelvew m y o h R ing gently. « Feel it, grandmother; It really her work—a fair girl Bhe, with a gentle face. w M w o b u month brings ohauf-es. Georgiana Livingston Do s o t remove it, Maria. It shall be yonr up and studied : " Maybe William wonld think RUGGLE EOTAKY CARD CUTTER p y on m the moBt exact observer of inanimate natnre. U « b e a u t y . I know the sum is large: bnt w T o " I wonder if folks would send me presents w U m o CABD — A D m w was of age s o w , and at liberty to choose her own keeper, if you will let me add the wedding that Kitty did it when she came in to make up Y m m COLORED w w o * we do not give away Maria every day." if I set np housekeeping on my own score ?" Never accustom those who love y o n to do mm A o o m w m A m ZB AND COLOB o who n y u« own residence. She was alone in the drawing- ring." the room ; but Kitty wonld stoutly deny it, OHN B E B B A w w m orled he. w AT T H E LOWE T BATE Mrs. Annesely pasBed her fingers over the without y o a . b om m U L room one April evening. Mrs. Annesley was and her word wonld be believed, for she was T T w CABD OF ALL Confused, bewildered, wondering what it m w ring, after the manner of the blind, and handE T A w b u L C H U C "Yon had better try them," said Maria. much confined to her chamber, and Lady AuLittle birds build their nests in the grass H m M C H meant, wondering t t the BtraDgely loving ex- truthful; BO that wonld not d o . " Several C URLK H TKTTKR ed It baok to him'. " P h i l i p , when do Joa ta. Bnt Bhe spoke the words without thought, and m m ACOB B BRBT HADB nealey had gone np to her. Sir Philip oame pretsion that gleamed on her from h i s dark other suggestions oame to her mind, bnt were aud birds of prey on elevated trees. FOR SALE tend to buy a wedding keeper on your own felt, at the moment they had left hsr Hpa.that b">. PEQUEA USEE F esh Ga den Seeds—New C op blue eye|,' she biret into teara. Waa h e say- *aoh rejected. , aooount! Ever?" EOUR HORSE RETURN FLUL To oonquer fanatlolam y o a must tolerate i t she had rather have bitten ont her tongue than TEAM BO LER w W o pHE O n P qu L m n n "Alone, Georgian*! W h y l what i s t h e ing that to mock her ? HpHE a en on of Fa me s and Ga d At length, a bright thought struok h e r . ' Her the ehuttlsoook of religious dWerenoa goon M ; Jftat »weit smile of hia rose to .Ms lips, and uttered them-. T V U BK BO LXBMAH h nd *k u o h nh b A o* X M W U UM H w matter ?-kjrying ??• ACTO E C h No, s o t to'saoelc her, No, Sir Phillip wound . brother waa f o i i d o l d o p , and a l w a y i ' k e p t * •00= falls t o t h » grouod,'Whan t b « » ' a r » n o an C pT H L n w n mpU O - p e r l i p i t h e taut tinge of color t o his face. " A O B XH UD d o " But the flitthjg from t h e house for all of B U D E b E A H nd d PA BL H B " Oh, L*dy Annealer set me on J" w u t h e U w n O * J B MASKT BT M H * ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ * * j ) * ^ » l < , M * ' ' * ' ? s l » i « W » l - } n o * , l I « t t h « o H h « M d d j » w a * : l i t h » Uttltdar*! to b*»t tr M d n r e t d . and towards. K P > Ap N hQ n T A A T PRINTING T OFFICE. E JOB JteL PRINTERS, E 8 I A Jfiincg Colore*} priding. T Important to Farmers & Drovers • BOOTS AND SHOtiS T TO FARMERS! MOWER & REAPER! T T T COCKLEY PLOW. A taaa. W E A ^ o r tlxe Harvest w R T A Farmers Look o your In eres s! E I S C E H A gfiatniner * gerald. LAHCABTEBf,' P A . WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 1 , 1862. X& JSMflMONDl T E E BOOTH S E H O i r U T I t i M l H p M ; ! y W e h a v e n o t fceon i n a h u r r y t o c o m m e n t on t h e recently issued W c m a k e roomVin? K w I a y V p a p e r for his division under martial law. This, we hope will enable him t o operate ino^e efficiently i n thVre^nctron"of those "flt&e« t o loyalty : Democratic t h e able speech of H o n . D A V I D W I L M O T recently delivered:,iin"tto-'UnitedStatia| iidSreispSiS^weffiiSK'fliit'if'ife'Mgners' h a d s h o w n t h e s a m e o r g r e a t e r d e l i b e r a t i o n S e n a t e , a n d a s k for i t a n a t t e n t i v e p e r u I t is one of t h e most convincing t h e y w o u l d h a v e b e e n s p a r e d t h e i g n o m i n y sal. V HHADQUAKT'S, - D n J l w f e ' o K H i 8 O C T H V Summaryof War News and Incidents. • *HrtMiJBiAi>rsbuTcKOABOtrHA; y May 9,1862. : ' J . ..>.<* GSHSKAL -OtfMM^Nifc : . l l , T r T h e three, states of Georgia, Florida a n d "South Carolina, comprising t h e miliUry; department of , t h e Sontfa,;, having deliberately. deolared themselves no longer under t h e protection of t h e United States of America a n d having taken u p arms against the said United States, i t becomes a military necessity to.'declare t h e m , under martial law. This was accordingly dtme on the 25th day of April, 1862. Slavery, a n d martial law in a fcee country are altogether i n compatible, the persons in these three states, Georgia, Florida, a n d S o u t h Carolina, h e r e t o fore held as slaves, are therefore declared forever free. ; ;- , ; .f/f • V*V;-^ < ^ ?£*t'- -'-.V ' ' -:• r ~ T T ~" Captain B o g g s t e l l o i g o o a s t o r y o f F a r r a g n t . It"«eem» th«t}i«fbro the bombardment of the Forte below New Orleans, ;the commanders of the English a n d Frenob. vessels of w a r n e a r a t T h e E x ^ d l t l o n o f Ooim. G o l d a b o r - 'Hand'nn3"desired' t o "communicate^ with' t h e ' >- ongh u p t h e J a m e s River. forts. This was agreed t o . After t h e foreign captains returned, they informed Captain F a r r a g u t t h a t i t was useless for him to attempt to BEPULSE' OF THE-GTTN-UOATS. t a k e t h e forto—that n o wooden vessels could rednoe them or pass them; F a r r a g u t replied — " I w a s sent h e r e to make the attempt. You On F r i d a y lGth, Commodore Obldsboroogh'I™ 8 ? *"> r i g h t ^ - b u t I came here to t a k e New accompanied! b y the eteam frigate S n s q u e h a n a p f 1 , " " 1 1 3 — t 0 P a a s t h e f o r t s ; and I shall t r y i t na f a n d t h e ganboats-Dacotaht Marjtanza f and on!" W a c h o s e t t , a n d t o g Zouave, the latter being THK S D T P L T OF COTTOH".—A correspondent m o u n t e d w i t h a siogle gun, proceeded u p the James river. They found the first-rebel bat- of the World, taking it for granted t h a t the tery, a t Dog's Point deserted, :b'at t h e rebel flag w a r will be over b y n e x t midsummer, assumes: " 1. T h a t a t least six million bales of Amerwas still flying over, t h e battery a t H a r d y ' s ican cotton will be available, for t h e commerce Point, fifteen miles above Newport News.— of the world before the following spring. Com. Goldsborongh, on arriving within range 2. That owing to the American w a r a n u n of t h e last named work, a t once Bhelled it, a n d , usually large cotton produot may b e expected on receiving no response, after ^faly reconnoi- from India, Egypt, West Africa, Brazil, a n d the other cotton growing regions ; a n d tring, landed a force of marines, found it also 3. As a consequence t h a t a cotton glut will deserted, a n d most of the guns, dismounted.— succeed the cotton famine, a n d unusually low Through a solitary inhabitant picked up there prices t h e h i g h rates which have heretofore h e ascertained t h a t , on t h e previous Wednes* prevailed." .8PJ4EOU OF DAVID WILMOT, On t h e bill to Confiscate t h e property a n d free t h e Slaves of rebels, delivered i n t h e United s t a t e s Senate, April 3 0 , 1862. C N wa m o m one o an m w m m a a m n he e wa o he C w a m o n he m aw o B B no he BS on he W we m n he o an a am we and o w o do T n he m P o C mm a d o he S w ha and S no he o o S do m o he w o he m — w up m and ho o m T na he m o he m m and he S he a m o Ye one we m no We m v he ou To no do we m m he and o wa w Mr. President, the seoond seotionof the bill reported from the J u d i c i a r y Committee is an act of emancipation giving freedom to the slaves T h e r e i s n o t h i n g ' e l s e : i n v o l v e d i n t h e i r duty o f t h e G o v e r n m e n t t o j p u t d o w n t h e of those who, during the present rebellion, course—du> practical-". c o n s e q u e n c e * — f o r r e b e l l i o n tit a l l h a z a r d s , a n d . c l e a r l y s h o w s shall take u p arms against the United States, or in a n y manner give aid and comfort to said ; t h e i r s c h e m e will fall a d e a d f a i l u r e . I f t h a t o n e o f t h e m o s t efficient m e a n s for rebellion. The bill itself declares their emane v e r t h e old a n d t o t a l l y d e f u n c t d e m o - t h a t p u r p o s e w o u l d b e t h e confiscation o f cipation without the intervention of a court of commissioners, a n d provides t h a t i n any proc r a t i c p a r t y ia t o ; b e r e v i v e d o n i t s o l d all r e b e l p r o p e r t y " a n d t h e slaves of r e b e l s . The President h a s issued a proclamation de-\ ceeding by the master to enforce his claim ..basis, 1 i t m u s t b e a t a n o t h e r t i m e , b y o t h e r D e v o i d o f a l l c l a p - t r a p o r s p r e a d e a g l e declaring t h a t blockade o f t h e ports of Beauagainst the slave, he shall establish his loyalty before a n order shall be made for the sura r g u m e n t s a n d b y o t h e r men t h a n t h o s e flight, i t goes a t o n c e i n t o t h e h e a r t o f fort, P o r t Royal a n d New Orleans shall s o f a r render of the slave. The bill also provides for w h o i s s u e d t h i s a d d r e s s . , ' . O f . t h e f o r t y - t h e m a t t e r , a n d w h i l e i t f u l l y , e x p o s e s t h e cease a n d determine from a n d after the 1st of the confiscation t o t h e national Treasury of both the real a n d personal estate of rebels two, d e m o o r a t i o . m e m b e r s o f C o n g r e s s , n o t s e c r e t c a u s e o f t h e r e b e l l i o n , a t t h e s a m e J u n e next, that commercial intercourse w i t h who shall, after the pnasage of this act, ba en those ports, except a s to persooB a n d things o n e - h a l f h a v e s i g n e d t h e d o c u m e n t , a n d t i m e d i s p e l s t h e flimsy c l o u d s w h i c h y o u r gaged i n the rebellion, or i n giving it a i d and and information contraband of war, may from [Official] " D A V I D HUNTER, comfort, a n d who are beyond the United States, not one o f these i s from N e w Y o r k , or strict constructionists endeavor to place << Major General Commanding. that time b e carried on, subject to t h e laws of or, if within t h e United States, a r e beyond the a n y o f t h e E a s t e r n S t a t e s . M r . R i c h a r d a r o u n d t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n , w h e n e v e r t h e the United States, a n d to the limitations and " E d . W. Smith, Assistant Adjutant General. reach of judicial process. The bill does n o t F o r a considerable time past General H u n per te work a forfeiture, b u t forfeiture takes s o n , o f I l l i n o i s , h e a d s t h e s i g n a t u r e s , b u t s p i r i t of t h a t c o n s t i t u t i o n c o m e s i n con- in pursuance of the regulations which are p r e Flag of t h « free h e a r t ' s hope a n d home 1 place after seizure and appropriation by the t e r has been issuing p a p e r s to the contrabands t h e semi-traitor a n d rebel, Yallandigham scribed b y t h e Secretary of the" Treasury. I n t a c t w i t h t h e s y s t e m of s l a v e r y . commissioners appointed to act within those By angel hands t o Valor g i v e n ! accordance with this proclamation, Secretary guarantying their freedom—their right to go — a g r e a t e r f a v o r i t e w i t h t h e full-blown States a n d d i s t r i c t s w h e r e t h e rebellion makes nan T h y s t a r s h a r e l i t t h e -welkin dome, M P m now o he the holding of courts impossible, and after Chase h a s issued a circular prescribing the " N o r t h , East, South and West," a n d t h a t t h e y r e b e l s t h a n w i t h l o y a l m e n — i s e v i d e n t l y AS IMPORTANT PROCLAMATION. And a l l t h y hnea were b o r a in Heaven. should be " f r e e forever;" b u t these p a p e r s , a an ac o H condemnation by the courts, in districts where rules b y which the trade w i t h theBe reopened t h e m a s t e r s p i r i t of t h e m o v e m e n t , w h i c h a e no a and w a op they can be held, of the property seized, upon Forever float t h a t standard s h e e t ! it is understood, were g i v e n . o n l y to negroes day night, its late garrison of 100 rebels evacuports must b e regulated. DIVC0RCB AND KTJRD13S—A WESTERN proceedings in rem, as in prize cases, or cases no a ac o 'WKere.brestheB the foe b u t fallB before u s , i s w o r t h y of h i m a n d h i s followers i n a l l T h e P r e s i d e n t B e p u d i a t e s G e n e r a l who h a d been employed i n the rebel service ated it. TRAGEDY. he of forfeiture arising u n d e r t h e revenue laws. Brigadier General J a m e s G. Blunt h a s - With freedom'! soil beneath o u r feot, A large number of snob, doooments, signed respects. Hunter's Policy. he o a I will consider briefly both features of H e then proceeded up the river, finding a l l assumed t h e command of the Department The Southern Tier Democrat, of Iowa, gives . And Freedom's banner streaming .o'er a s T with General Hunter's name, were i n the hands the rebel batteries, which were numorous, b e he o The the bill. The second section, that providing of Kansas a n d issued a n order accordingly.— details of a frightful m u r d e r committed i n for t h e emancipation of the slaves of rebels, I on he he T h e greater p a r t of t h e address is t a k e n of the negroes, who were t r e a t e d in every r e - tween H a r d y ' s Point, Fort Bnger, and James, He Reiterates h i s Emancipation Proposition. Brigadier General Sturgis, i n relinquishing be and m Appanoose county, that State, week before sustain in the whole length and breadth of its spect as free persons, a n d were on a footing town, deserted, with their guns mostly disu p i n t h e iteration of old partisan shibbo! CONTESTS OF T E E F I S S T PAGE. m he h no command of t h e department, states t h a t h e last. The m u r d e r e d persons w e r e a roan provisions. While I shall claim for t h e Govquite different from t h a t of t h e " contrabands" mounted and rendered temporarily useless.— Bu he h ernment fall power over the subject of slav- m The " B R I L L I A N T K E E P E R " is a tale that l e t h s , as m u c h o u t o f d a t e n o w as t h o s e A PROCLAMATION. does so i n order to comply with instructions named Frazier a n d Mrs. King, wife of Allen ery, I would not at this time go beyond the he o be w who h a d remained within the lines o f our for- Com. Goldsborongh took the proper precauwiUcommendilself to all readers. Eacy, w h i c h g a v e s u c h r a n c o r t o t h e e l e c t i o n Whereas, There appears in the publio prints from the War Department. King, of Decatur county. King a n d h i s wife provisions of this bill. I would to-day give w he he ces or h a d escaped from the rebels. tions t o secure the ordinance thus left b y the lively, and spiritedly•written it is one qf\ e e r i n g c o n t e s t s o f t h e d a y s o f A d a m s a n d what purports to be a proclamation of Major o U S he have n o t lived together for some ' m o n t h s , freedom to the slaves of every t r a i t o r ; and A flag of truce recently went u p the Jamea*] The proclamation of General Hunter, declarebels. General Hunter, i n t h e words a n d figures folm n o b y m com the best tales of the season, life Story d u r i n g which time they h a d several lawsuits after that would confidently look for t h e early J e f f e r s o n , t h e o n l y difference b e i n g t h a t river from Fortress Monroe, w i t h 806 \ w no can be o adoption of the policy recommended by the m ring slavery incompatible with martial law, lowing, to w i t : for Little Folks is an excellent one, and a fight or two. King sued h e r for a prisoners of w a r to be exchanged, b u t 90 T h e A f l a i r a t f o r t D a r l i n g . these partizans seek now to renew their President, gradually to work out the great r e and therefore t h e freedom of the slaveB, i n the shoiving that the good seed- sown in divorce, a n d notified h e r that on certain sult of universal emancipation. he T he m of them refused to be sent to Richmond a n d Near Jamestown he met the division of his HEADQUABTERS OF TUB DKP'T OF THH SOOTH, \ Department of the South, w a s received with childhood will bring forth abundant q u a r r e l s a t a t i m e w h e n t h e n a t i o n i s m T o he S squadron that had previously gone u p the river days he would proceed to t a k e depositions HILTOS HEAD, S. C , May «, 1802. J took the oath" of allegiance to the United States. a n d s t r u g g l i n g for i t s v e r y e x i s much surprise, b u t as the Cahawba sailed two under Commander J o h n Rodgers, and learned good fruit in old age, if properly mir- fighting m O M S m o Special guarantee's are claimed for the proGENERAL OBDBBS, N O . 11. The three States The b o a t r e t u r n e d w i t h 885 released federal a t Centerville a n d a t Bloomfield. he o he o he tection of slavery. Exemption i s demanded days after it was issued, and immediately after tho history of the fight of Thursday t h e 15tb, bared, and cared for. " M O U N T A I N t e n c e , a n d w h e n t h e o n l y r e s u l t of t h e i r of Georgia,*FIorida and South Carolina, compris- prisoners, none of whom were officers. To he m o ho Accordingly, she, in company with Mr. F r a for it from the hazards a n d necessities of war. PICTURES" by the Quaker poet Whitticr, s u c c e s s w o u l d b e t o g i v e j u s t s o m u c h a i d it h a d been circulated among our troops, its at Fort Darling, and also of the bursting of the ing the military department of tho South, having w A dispatch from General Wool to the Secre- full effect had not been developed. Naugatnck'B large gun, and the evacuation b y zier, were present when the depositions were Greater security is at temped to be thrown w and the " L I T T L E C O A T " are two gems m a and a n d c o m f o r t t o t h e a r m e d e n e m i e s o f t h e deliberately declared themselves no longer under t a i y of War announces the capture of Suffolk the rebels of all their James river fortifications taken, and on their way back, camped for the around it than is accorded to any other interwhich should not be passed iinread. est or right. I deny the legality of this preGeneral Hunter waB organizing a Negro the protection of the United States of America, and batteries below F o r t Barling, which w a s U n i o n . T h e y h a v e n o word of reprobawithout resistance, I t was taken possession n i g h t a t B i g W a l n u t , eight miles west of Cen- tension in behalf of slavery'. It has no conT o a em o T H E ^ O U B T H PAGE. and having taken up arms against the said United Brigade, and h a d detailed some officers to supposed to have taken place on the previous m o be n o of on Tuesday evening of last week. treville, end t h a t night they were murdered stitutional basis. I t s claims of peculiar soAs usual contains mailer interesting to the tion for t h e s e e n e m i e s w h o h a v e i n v o l v e d States, it became a military necessity to declare train the contrabands to the use of arms. Con- Wednesday night. aw o o he C credness, a n d for special protection, are an The Mobile Register of the 8th instant states in the wagons i n which they were sleeping. It seems that the Monitor and Galena were agriculturist. The article on "I'ASTUBE t h e c o u n t r y i n s u c h p e r i l s a n d d i s t r e s s , them under martial law. This was accordingly o U S siderable progress w a s m a k i n g . , . The number Life and liberty are the only vessels of the squadron able to r u n They were shot five or six times each, and insult to the nation. t h a t five Union gunboats had appeared off Don be m m ou m A N D T H E S U M M E R C A R E O P S T O C K , " c a r r y i n g r u i n i n t o a l l i n d u s t r i a l c i r c l e s , done on tho 26th day of April, 1862. made secondary to the safety and preserva- w of negroes at the different points was so great past all the lower fortifications of the rebels and w he o Slavery and martial law in a free country are Pirn Island, t h a t Gen. J o e Johnson's army was that no difficulty was apprehended in enlisting on Dog's Point and at Harding's Bluffs, which then stabbed a n d c u t i n the face a n d body in tion of slavery. T h e property of the nation is seasonable and may be read with a n d d e a t h t o t h o u s a n d s o f h o u s e h o l d s . m o o m is to be subjected to heavy contributions, the as large as Gen. Beauregard's, and t h a t the more than twenty places. One of Frnzier's altogether incompatible. The persona in thesB profit. a corps sufficiently large to garrison all the in fifteen miles above Newport News, and all N o , t h e i r w r a t h i s a l l r e s e r v e d for t h e a d lives of tens of thousands of its citizens sacriw he three States—Georgia, Florida and South Caro- rebels at Corinth await the attack. the way u p to Fort Darling, eight miles below ears was cut off, and both bodies were fortifications a t and n e a r F o r t Royal. The ficed, hundreds of thousands of widows and The S m M M m i n i s t r a t i o n , w h i c h , w i t h o u t r e g a r d t o p o - lina—heretofore held as slaves are, therefore, deRichmond, where they found the channel ef- horribly mutilated. There was nothing to in- orphans cast upon the charity of friends for Dispatches from Monterey, Tennessee, state H o m movement was viewed with sorfe distrust b y PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. fectively blocked, as stated in a previous des- dicate t h a t they h a d ever moved from the posi- support, all that we possess, life and properly, l i t i c a l o r p e r s o n a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s , i s c a r r y - clared forever free. that on Monday of last week o u r pickets took o He the officers of our regiments. patch. On arriving in range of the guns of DAVID HUNTER, o w and bu tion they were i n when the assassin came u p - are at the disposal of the Government: slavepossession of a n evacuated rebel camp three THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who i n g o n t h e w a r for t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f t h i s Fort Darling—which is situated on an elevation r y alone claims exemption, the cause of the m he w X Major General Commanding. on them. She lay upon his arm, perhaps in and a half miles from Corinth, a n d the rebel two hundred feet above the water surface—the desire cordially to unite i n G o v e r n m e n t left u s b y o u r f a t h e r s . T h e y rebellion, the parent of all the calamities that aw h m on A dispatch from Strasburg, Va , states that Enw. W. Surra, Acting Ass't Adj't General. pickets were driven in. A reconnoitering further progress of the two iron-clads n p the the same position they were sleeping when threaten and afflict us. This great revolt SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL A D M I N I S - s a y : — and by he o ou own And whereas, The same is producing some party, u n d e r Brigadier General Smith, h a d a on Thursday a band of about three h u n d r e d river was, therefore, prevented, and that of attacked. I t i s said there was a bottle found against the integrity and sovereignty of the TRATION mounted guerrillas made a dash on the railthe remainder of the fleet stopped a t points close to the wagon, a n d t h a t it is probabla nation h a s no other foundation than slavery. " A n d yat, the history of the Administration for excitement and m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g : therefore, skirmish with t h e rebel pickets on our r i g h t N aw he aw o in its patiotic efforts to suprcss a sectional and Democratic government is a perpetual danger I , A B E AIT AM LIKCOLK, President of tho on Tuesday, killing two, wounding three a n d road guard beyond F r o n t Royal, a n d killed below. the twelve months past has been, and continues to w o and chloroform was administered tojthem. unholy rebellion againBt the to slavery. The government of an oligarchy The heavy guns of tho fort were so depresone and took fourteen prisoners. I t was r e m w by mm he be, a history of repeated usurpations of power, and United. States, proclaim a n d declare t h a t t h e capturing five. Our loss was two. T h e p a r t y sed in their range as to play most effectively UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC, King was arrested at h i s brother's in Deca- is demanded ns security for its perpetuity and o w N a e by he ported that Generals Milroy a n d Schcnck a r e of violaUonstof the Constitution, and of the public Government of the United States h a d no power. Here is the cause of the rebellion went within half a mile of a ' r e b e l b a t t e r y , upon tho two gunboats. Of the twenty-eight aw w he aw o and who desire to support, b y every power of and private Tights of tho citizen. For the proof t u r county on Monday last, a n d will bo tried with its immense sacrifices of life and treasknowledge, information, or belief of a n inten- supported b y a brigade of infantry, j u s t o u t - in possession of Staunton. shots that struck the Gelena, eighteen peneO n o the Government, our hundred thousand heroic we appeal to faots too recent to need recital hers, ure. Amidst the sacrifices of this hour, this Not one of those that for the crime. tion on the p a r t of General H u n t e r to issue side the intrenchments. The rebel officers at Corinth complain bitter- trated h e r armor. m o The commanding universal wreck of interests, shall the slave. brethren in arms, braving disease a n d the and too flagrant and heinous for the calm narrastruck the Monitor, however, did her any a a m and a such a proclamation, nor h a s it y e t a n y au- general was to move h i s camp on Wednesday ly at Halleck's delay in attacking, as they had THE GARDEN OF EDEN MODERNIZED.' holding traitor grasp securely his human chatdamage whatever, all glancing off. I t seems m C aw perils of the field to preserve the Union of our tive whioh we propose." thentic information t h a t t h e document i s four miles from Monterey t o t h e front. O u r received all the reinforcements they could extie ? Not sir, if my voice or vote can reach that the armor of the Galena was not designed and o Among the various peculiar a n d patriarchal fathers, a r e requested to select the number of C a n a n y t h i n g b e m o r e u n j u s t , u n f e e l i n g , g e n u i n e ; a n d , further, t h a t neither General to resist heavy shots, of the description fired B a e o m— army is within two a n d a half to three miles pect, a n d every day weakened them. institutions of Cincinnati, is a maison de j'oie him. DELEGATES equal to the Legislative RepreG m o he a n d , i n t i m e s l i k e t h e s e , m o r e t r a i t o r o u s , Hunter n o r a n y other commander or person of the enemy's entrenchments. I t was generA gang of one hundred guerillas have been at her from the fort, a t so great an angle of styled the Garden of Eden, which appers, sentation of the State, a t such times and in W e muBt rightly comprehend the unparalaw by he o elevation, and thus is the faot that h e r armor t h a n a s w e e p i n g c h a r g e l i k e t h i s , w i t h o u t has been authorized by the Government of the ally understood t h a t the engagement would captured near Bloomfield. Missouri. ha he o o such manner as will best respond to the spirit proved inefficient on this occasion accounted like its Scriptural original, to be vulnerable leled wickedness of slavery, and the desperate United States to make a proclamation declar- come off i n t h e course of t h e week. Princeton, the capital of Mercer county, for. On Friday 16th, the two iron clad gunw m and o w t h e least a t t e m p t at proof? N o t a word of this call, and to meet i n to Satanic power. On Sunday afternoon last, determination with which it makes w a r on the ing the slaves of a n y States free, and that the Government, or we shall fail to deal with it as w m o a m o TM» Va., iu Fremont's department, h a s been a t - boats returned down the river. The Galena of g e n e r o u s c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e u n p r e c e while all was going merry as a marriage-bell our security and peace demand. Governor Sprague, who h a s arrived a t For thirty m o be The supposed proclamation now in question, STATE CONVENTION, tacked and captured from Gen. Cox's advance though pierced eighteen times, was not materiin this new paradise, a young man in the years slaveholders have looked with fear and he m o V d e n t e d o r d e a l w h i c h h a s b e s e t t h e A d m i n - whether genuine or false, i s altogether void, Washington from Gen McClellan's army, sayB ally injured, and with the Monitor and all h e r i AT guard by Humphrey Marshall, b u t has since that our loss i n killed, wounded a n d missing original consorts, doubtless, on Saturday fol- festive company invited a girl named Frances hatred on our free system of government. i s t r a t i o n f r o m t h e m o m e n t i t c a m e i n t o so far as respects sueh a declaration. T o U been, retaken. HARRISBURG, lowed Commodore Goldsborough and the other I Kirsch to dance with h i m . S h e consented ; Universal suffrage a n d tho wide diffusion a n d a t t h e battle of Williamsburg w a s about two m a u increase of knowledge were sources of c o n - ; power. N o t a w o r d o f s y m p a t h y for t h e I further make it known that, whether it b e From P o r t Royal we learn that the negro porton of the squadron u p the river. | On THURSDAY, the 17th day of July n e i t , N w w thousand, a n d the enemy's fully as much.— walked with him to the centre of the floor, and slant dread. For y e a r s they have kept t h e , When last heard from, on Friday, Commo • p a t r i o t i c a i m s w h i c h a l o n e a n i m a t e d i t s competent for me, as Commander-in-Chief of enlistment did not find favor with the blacks, w oFa peace only on the terms of their domination | The fight a t West Point, he says, was heavier at 11 o'clook on said day to dore Goldsborough was continuing his progress had taken the first step in a waltz, when, simw m F m and our subjection. They have governed the e x e r t i o n s — n o t h i n g b u t cold c o n d e m n a - the army a n d navy, to declare t h e slaves of than i s generally supposed. Five hundred of some of whom were escaping to g e t a w a y from with the most of his squadron u p the river and w ultaneously with the report of a piBtol, she 1 NOMINATE CANDIDATES any State or States free, a n d whether a t any country, shaped its foreign|and domestic pol it. A rebel gunboat, the steamer P l a n t e r , o w m above Jamestown, securing t h e ordnance, & c , fell like lead to t h e floor. tion, a s unqualified a s i t is baseless. our men were t a k e n prisoners, t h e rebels t a k icy, controlled its legislation on all questions time, i n a n y case, i t shall have become a w can o do o w * for the office of ^ mounting one rifled g u n , h a d escaped from abandoned by the rebels as he progressed. Assisted by others, her p a r t n e r bore h e r of interest, to themaetves, and administered m o be a a &C w a na B u t t h e a d d r e s s , t h e Intelligencer t o t h e necessity indispensable to the maintaince of ing advantage of their landing, a n d tho loss Charleston In charge of a negro crew who The general evacuation of their works below i AUDITOR GENERAL in their own hands or through n o r t h e r n would, doubtless, have been greater b u t for he o w 3 e from the ball-room to another department, Fort Darling has doubtless enabled Commodore c o n t r a r y n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g , h a s fell s t i l l - the Government to exercise such, a supposed surrendered themselves and the vessel to the men subservient to them, every high office of the fortunate interposition of o u r gunboats. AND Goldsborough to get within range of F o r t and, upon examination, it was found that she State. A more imperious oligarchy never r u - F m w be an o he blockading squadron. T h e y carried their born to t h e ground. E v e r y w h e r e i t h a s power, are questions which, under m y responA dispatch from G e n Halleck's a r m y ( u n Darling. Certain mortar boats and other ves- had been shot—the ball entering h e r side j u s t led a government. o SURVRYOR GENERAL, sibility, I .reserve to myself, a n d which I canfamilies with them. been received with scorn a n d condemnasels a r e likely to be able to act effectively official) says that on Monday two Rebel regiand to take such measures a s may be deemed above the hip bone, and lodging in the stomach. A an m m o he mm not feel justified in leaving to the decision of The freeman—the democracy of the nation General McClellan's advance guard h a s against that work as well as tho supply vessels w o we m w necessary to strengthen t h e Government in t i o n , a n d b u t v e r y few p a p e r s i u t h e loyal commnnders in the field. These a r c totally ments, from Kentucky a n d Tennessee, atnecessary to make any future naval attack The pistol must have been held close against —in the election of Abraham Lincoln, vindiw a w w be by m tempted to desert in a body, b u t were held in reached the crosBing of the Chickahominy upon it effective. this season of common peril to a common s t a t e s c a n b e f o u n d defiant a n d u n p r i n c i - different questions from those of police reguthe clothes, as the powder burned a hole in cated their right to administer the Governw U he he river and driven t h e enemy across. This i s ment, and in the first hour of victory were check b y other regiments a n d a mutiny enThe James river and its banks is now clear h e r dress, fire or six inches in diameter, and country. pled e n o u g h to endorse it. lations in the armies and camps. u n w met by the armed rebellion of the slaveholders. m of rebel vessels and soldiers iu arms u p to a sued. A force from our advance made a dem- fifteen miles from Richmond. aw ou o : A. K. McCLURE, the marks of it went through three petticoats^ Shall slavery overthrow this Government t T h e following f r o m t h e B o s t o n Journal On the 6ih d a y of March last, by a special onstration and returned with sixty prisoners, The Mobile papers furnish particulars of the point eight miles below Richmond. Chairman of the People's State Com. the ball cutting the tope sustaining her h o o p - The nation h a s the right of self-defense, of is so m u c h t o t h e p o i n t t h a t w e l a y i t w i t h message, I recommended to Congress the adop- mostly from the disaffected regiment*. They Pensacola affair. I t seems t h a t the rebelBi self-protection—the righL to make secure its S wc w w w [Correspondence of the Press.] j GEO. TV. HAMMERSLY,-) ~ , . Bkirts. H e r partner in the dance was arrested pea and and o m w w on ADDITIONAL PART1CUI-ABS OF THE FIGHT. tion of a j o i n t resolution, t o b e substantially represent affairs i n Beauregard's army to be burned t h e Navy y a r d a n d forts, a n d when p l e a s u r e b e f o r e o u r r e a d e r s . S p e a k i n g o f J J O H N M . SULLIVAN, /Secretaries. as the perpetrator of the dastardly d e e d ; but n ho way S n he wa ha he aw o V as follows: the United States forces found what was going FOETEESS MONROE, May 18—PM.—The in a very b i d state, most of the troops from t h e d e m o c r a t i c a d d r e s s , a n d t h e disloyal he aw m m o 3 Stevens battery, known as the Naugatuck, has an examination proved that he could have " Resolved. That the United States ought to the Border States being anxious to return to on they opened a furious bombardment. he mm aw o o D nny S he sentiments i t promulgates t h e editor rej COTOTY COHVENTION. just.arrived here from the scene of action in had no hand in it. a S may o w w u co-operate with a n y State which m a y adopt a their allegiance to the Union. Gen. Mitchell's T h e T. S. Military Telegraph h a s been e x - front^of Richmond, and I have some interestmarks: So dexteriously was the thing done, that not w m o V W he gradual abolishment of slavery, giving to such division h a d formed a junction with Gen. t e n d e d t o t h e fourteenth mile p o s t from ing details of the important operations of Comi The people of Lancaster county who desire m on o " Bat we have no idea of being provoked into in- State pecuniary aid, to be used by such State, Pope's, and now constitutes the extreme left a soul saw who fired the shot, though a dozen V a w o and o Richmond, At t h a t place a n i n s t r u m e n t modore Rodgers' fleet in the upper waters of G m ? S we cordially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL dignation—the contemptuous unconcern of the on w w — persons were close to Miss Kirsch when she in its discretion, to compensate for t h e incon- of Gen. Halleck's army. Gen. Sigel, with r e - h a s been placed in a saw mill. T h e lines a r e the J a m e s river. w w no a n d o he o ADMINISTRATION in its patriotic efforts to loyal people of this country will be the Teal answer I t seems that our iron clad Bloop-of-war Ga- fell, and there is no clue;by which the murho m A S u o can veniences, public and private, produced by inforcements, h a d joined General Halleck.— all in good working order to Fortress Mon. suppress a and unholy rebellion to all sach stun*. We wilt only tarn as a matter of lena proceeded up the river, leading t h e fleet, m and o a a w So m o he a a m o derer can be identified. The girl is y e t alive, When General Mitchell joined General n a l - roe. such a change of system." and silencing the many minor batteries that w o — against the Unity of the Republic, a n d who cariosity to some of the arguments of these gentlem w w lined the shore, until the fleet Lad arrived a t b u t (here is scarcely a possibili ty of h e r r e - A o and ho aw The resolution, in the language above quo- lcck's main army h e brought two thousand he w Fo we w desire to support, by every power of the Gov- men. That upon which they particularly lay The Bteamer Vanderbilt arrived a t Baltihe o w a point in the James river about eight miles covery. five hundred prisoners with him, who a r e to he o he o ernment, our hundred thousand heroic breth- themselves out, is the assertion that it is the Dem- ted, was adopted by large majorities in both more on Monday, t h e 19th inst., w i t h 500 below Richmond, where there is a bluff, upon w no be sent to Cairo. The Rebel General B r a g g T w o no m ren in arms, braving disease, and the perils of ocratic party alone that has preserved the country. branches of Congress, and now stands an a u sick soldiers from Yorktown. Most of t h e which a series of strong batteries have been is reported to have been killed in the fight a t A fatal duel was fought n e a r Dover Madison a he on hp he aw o o Wo constructed up to the city. These batteries the Beld, to preserve the Union of our fathers, For sixty years, with short intervals, they say, the thentic, definite, a n d solemn proposal of t h e cases a r e t y p h o i d a n d bilious fevers aw o he o Farminglon. Deserters from Beauregard's wero found to be mounted with superior rifled county, Ky., on Thursday, between Col. Leoniare requested to meet a t their usual placeB of Democratic party waB in power, and they pretend nation to the States and people most immedihe o he aw o o T h e prize steamer Gazelle, while conveyw and he we a e army report that several regiments had mudas Metcalf and Mr. B . Casto, in which the guns of very heavy calibre. to enumorate what was accomplished under its ad- ately interested in the subject matter. a a e o b y ou Bu holding delegate elections within their respecing a b a t t e r y of artillery from Ship Island to The Galena was moored in close to those latter was killed. The difficulty between the T n aa w ministration. Eight new States wero admitted— aw w n o ou o To the people of those Slates I now earnest- tinied. tive districts, New Orleans sprung & leak a n d s u n k . H e r shore batteries yesterday morning, and opened on o mm two wars prosocuted—hoavy debts extinguished— ly appeal, I do not a r g u e ; I beseech y o u to parties originated from a grudge entertained and he o an W a w mm and he a terrific tire upon them, t h e Monitor, N a u g a crew was saved. m n m o w and w a he m o On SATURDAY, the 7th of SUSS next, general prosperity secured, A c , &c. But, strange by Casto against Metcalfe, t h e latter having m make the arguments for yourselvcB. You cantuck, and other vessels assisting. At first, the From New Orleans. n mm — The progress of Commodore Goldaborough between the hours of ft and 8 P . M., in Lan- to say, the last great item is utterly ignored, tn can m any n by shot of thojMbelguos rolled off the sides of been instrumental last fall in causing the a r not, if you would, be blind to the signs of the 13 a The Memphis Avalanche, of the fUh instant, I u p the J a m e s river h a s cleared it a n d i t s w m no T caster cily; 3 and 7 P. M., in the Boroughs, wit: the Union was dietohed under Democratic the Galena, making only dents in her mail, but rest of Casto and having him incarcerated a t n m The wa n ou times. I beg of you a calm and enlarged con- states in regard to affairs in New Orleans, that w b a n k s of rebel vessels a n d soldiers. gradually, after five hours' fighting, it was Fort Warren. S m C n he o B w v The and all other districts between 3 andG o'clock, ride, and by leading Democrats. Eleven Demo- sideration of them, ranging, if i t may b e . far Ma)*or Monroe a n d the Board of Aldermen cratic G overnors headed the infamous rovolt, which S SC 110 The T h e people of Norfolk evince b n t little r e - found that the Bteel pointed balls used by the A M R w nh w o he Con U P . M., to elect delegates to a County Conveno w have been arrested for refusing to take the spect toward t h e Federal troops. T h e y t h i n k rebels were piercing her. Thirty shots struck wasplannedby Democratic Senators and tho high- above personal and partisan politics. A large number of Germans a r e about to n o ou om tion, to be held in Lancaster city, U This proposal makes common cause for a oath of allegiance to the United States, a n d t h a t o u r troops will s h o r t l y be driven o u t . her aud lodged, whilst two went entirely t h r o ' emigrate to this country, a n d settle in Illinois, est officers of a Democratic* administration. Why May m on a her, tumbling out on the other side. On WEDNESDAY, t h e 11th of TUNE, n e x t does not this address make some reference to this common object, casting no reproaches upon n w mm m o be and sent to prison. On account of the scarcity of Wisconsin a n d Minnesota. This immigrating It IB unofficially stated t h a t Commodore A shell burst in the Galena during tho en E w he m o a t 10 o'clock, A. M., in FULTON HALL, to great historical faot ? I t is stated that a person a n y . I t acts not the P h a r i s e e . The change provisions great distress prevailed in the city. m And (Goldsborongh h a d taken possessaton of t w o gagemert which unfortunately killed seventeen party consists principally of wealthy land-owno he U o ou M On he h elect SIX DELEGATES to represent Lancaster may regularly take a slight quantity of arsenic for it contemplates would come gently as the dews Flour was not to tic h a d at a n y price. The of the crew aqd wounded nineteen. —But even ers, and among them a r e several barons* w ou ou and ou batteries on t h e J a m e s river. county in the State Convention to meet a t H a r - years, and appear all the better for i t ; but beyond of heaven—not rending or wrecking anything. same paper of the 7th, contains a proclamation this sad accident did not dishearten the brave About twenty thousand acres of land have aln w o Martial law b a s b e e n proclaimed over Captain Rodgers and his crew. They fought K he w o he G m no w w acertain point, or by the occurrence of any little Will you not embrace it ? So much good h a s by General Butler, in which he declares marrisburg, T wa he ov w w w o Charleston a n d t e n miles of t h e s u r r o u n d - on until dark, and until their ammunition had ready been purchased for them in t h e three w injury which woald otherwise be barmlcs?, he will not been done b y one effort in all past time, a s , o ho and tial law over the city, assures t h e lcyal peo- ing c o u n t r y . and w m m o ou own States named, and it is expected they will arOn THURSDAY, the 17th d a y of JULY, n e x t uoarly given out. dio a horrible death. What would be thought of o he m w a o w ho m in the providence of God, it Is now your high ple that they will be protected in their rights, to nominate candidates for the offices of AuThe Naugatuck was ably handled by Captain rive by the middle of J u l y . It is reported t h a t General Beauregard h a s T m o w w he o an advocate of this practice who should descant m and w o m m had ditor General and Survei/or General, and to take enthusiastically upon all tho benefits enjoyed by privilege to do. May the vast future n o t have and counsels those who sympathize with the iaBued a n order r e q u i r i n g all b a n k s , persons Constable, but, after firing seven magnificent Eighteen of the most eminent surgeons in Bhots, h e r splendid bow gun burBt, killing two w m o S he now B a confederate cause to return to their allegiance such measures as may be dcematl necessary to one of its victims, but flay nothing of his death ? to lament that y o u have neglected i l ! a n d corporations to Jake confederate, m o n e y men and wounding three othors, including Connecticut have volunteered, atthe call of G o v o hu m he Wc m he m strengthen the Government in thiB season of We do not say that the two cases are parallel furIn witness whereof, I have hereunto set my to the Union. The censorship of the press a t p a r . T m m and Capt. Constable, who was Btruck in tho head Bnckingham, to visit any battle-field and do we w a he w he will be rigid, a n d nothing will be allowed to common peril to a common country. and hand and caused the seal of the United States by a piece of the flying metal. We are happy ther than this—that the rehearsal or facts in both T h e Richmond hospitals are said t o be professional duly. he m m be published in any manner injurious to the crowded w i t h t h e sick. to learn that he is not seriously injured. A flaw T S to be affixed. o ew I n pursuanceof the Resolution of the County is significantly incomplete." A negro, a very desperate character, was was discovered in the metal, and this was, no e by V uay B o federal government. To the end that the poor Done at the city of Washington, this the nineT h e New Mexican expedition, which ia Committee, each of the following districts will hung at West Point on F r i d a y for the colddoubt, t h e cauge of tho explosion. by and m aw E K n mm teenth day of May, in the y e a r of o u r Lord of the city may not suffer privation, for the composed of five regiments, h a s received electnotless than T H R E E nor more than F I V E o on ho a w o Lieut. Morris, in command of the gunboat blooded murder of two Massachusetts Boldiers. w H w B ho o n present it is permitted the people to use con- m a r c h i n g orders from General B l o u n t . l i e caught them asleep alone, a n d murdered one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, w V he o n a o m and m o Port Royal, and late of tho Cumberland, was EMANCIPATION IS MABYLABD. delegates;—each district to b e entitled to one them for their m o n e y H e was caught the next federate notes as a currency. I n conclusion The aw o aw on he slightly wounded, Commodore Rodgers was and of the Independence of the United The F i r s t New York F i r e Zouaves, formervote i n Convention. T h e B a l t i m o r e American says t h a t t h e m o no o n and and he mm General Butler addB that martial l a w will b e ly Ellsworth's regiment, h a s arrived a t N e w wounded painfully, but not seriously, in the day, a n d was made to j u m p off the limb of a w States the eighty-sixth. tree with a rope around his n«ck. n Adamstown, jLeacock, m and no o e v i d e n c e s a c c u m u l a t e t h a t t h e h e a r t of imposed for sueh a time as in the judgement York, a n d are t o be m u s t e r e d o n t of service. left cheek. These a r c all thp casualties heard ABRAHAM LINCOLN. he and by he S m Bart, Leacock Upper, o of up to the sailing of the Naugatuck for FortThe Manchester (N. H.) American says there M a r y l a n d i s d e e p l y s t i r r e d j t h a t h o w e v e r By the President. of the United States authorities it m a y be C o U S Tho o w on Lancaster City: Brecknock, F o u r t e e n of t h e crew of t h e Merrimao,who ress Monroe. T aw he is a woman in that city who has been three B n he U S North East Ward, Carnarvon, Wni. H. SEWAHD, Secretary of S t a t e . necessary; a n d will be vigorously a n d firmly h a v e families residing a t t h e North, arrived efforts m a y b o m a d e to p o s t p o n e o r avoid o m he o The slaughter among the rebels iu the b a t - times married, b u t has never lost a husband a he mm m o he w w North West-Ward, Clay, administered a s t h e occasion calls for i t . G m and he o teries is said to havo been terrible, although by death. She has been twice married to t h e discussion on t h e c u r r e n t t o p i c , " e m a n c i a t Baltimore last S a t u r d a y . and n he South East Ward, Cocalico East, DEATH OF GEN. K E I K . m by w w a e they had the advantage of our gunboats in same man, with whom she now lives; also t h a t o B w and wa a a South West Ward, pation," i t will m a k e itself a p p a r e n t . It Cooalico West, Since t h e removal of t h e National troops having the batteries situated on a bluff. o S Gen. William H . Keini, late Surveyor Genthere is a young woman there of twenty-four Gen. Butler's official report of the operations o w o o Lancaster twp., Colerainc, o w w a and o from K e n t u c k y t o t h e S t a t e s f a r t h e r South, The fight will be renewed shortly, when years, who was married last week to h e r third is n o m o r e possible, i t s a y s , t o i g n o r e t h i s m n ho and eral of this State, died of a combined attack of the forces u n d e r j i i s command in the reducColumbia, Up. Ward, Manheim twp., o w Commodore Rodgers hopes to silence the rebel husband. She has had four children, two of n ou a he m m a t t e r t h a n i t is t o i g n o r e t h e p r e s e n t war. fo typhoid fever a n d dysentery a t the Brady tion of Forts St. Philip a n d Jackson and the t h e secession s e n t i m e n t in t h a t State h a s be* forts, and if he can pass the obstructions whom s h e has buried. " Lower do. Martic, he S a e n he m m o a c o and Marietta, come v e r y a p p a r e n t . House, i n Harrisburg, on Sunday last, i u t h e m a n d h e w a on Cqnestoga, occupation of New Orleans supplies some and he o known to b e placed in the river above t h e b a t T h e E a s t o n Star, p u b l i s h e d o n t h e s h o r e Millerstown, General Wool's arrival a t Norfolk p r e v e n t a wa o and Conoy, he o he o he 40th y e a r of his a g e . Gen. Kcim held tho interesting facts. The passage of Commodore teries, ho will tako the city. Haunt J o y bor., of M a r y l a n d , s a y s t h a t t h e t i m e h a s c o m e Ou o on he w a can Drumore, [Communicated.] A uii-rtar boat was greatly needed during position of Major General of the Pennsylvania • Farragut's fleet u p tho Mississippi river beyond ed t h e Bale of t h r e e h u n d r e d a n d sixteen Mrunt J o y twp., T o and he be on he w a ca Donegal West, w h e n t h e question " m u s t b e m e t . discusso an m w troopB in the three months' Eervice, serving New Orleans appears not to have been contem- free blacks, who were advertised t o be sold. the action, as with it the batteries could have by he o ou The Intelligencer of last week asks : •' What Donegal E., (Mayt'n,)! Mount J o y , (new) becu taken quite easily. Tho Monitor was at Paradise, w ou a Suffolk, a t o w n a b o u t s e v e n t e e n miles b y ed a n d decided b y t h e people." T h e S t . under Gen. Patterson. Last fall h e w a s a p - plated b y bis instructions, b u t Gen, Butler, Donegal Eaat (New) have democratic principles to do with Brecklast accounts ahead, no ball y e t fired by the Penn, c he o o u own can Earl, M a r y ' s Beacon a d v o c a t e s t h e i m m e d i a t e pointed a Brigadier General by the President, viewing a movement in that direction more rail from Norfolk, was oooupied b y t h e Union enemy having any effect upon her iron<clad inridge : He deserted them and so has J o h n W m ou n a Pequea, He who a m Hickman and J o h n W. Forney {to say nothing E a r l East, forces on S u n d a y last. No rebel troops were turret. w wa ou and V A en Petersburg, a m o n formation o f a p a r t y t o e m b r a c e t h e w h o l e wnicb. he accepted, and resigned the office of important than any immediate attack upon of the lesser lights here and elsewhere) and EarlWeBt, m m w he m to be found i n t h e s u r r o u n d i n g c o n n t r y . , a n d The Naugatuck will take another guu on Providence, an m Surveyor Goneral. New Orleans, was endeavoring to persuade t h e yet who would think of holding the Democratic Eden, anti-abolition s e n t i m e n t of t h e S t a t e . T h e w S m — , Rapho, board, and proceed up the James river to r e o The o ou . — I « I Commodore to cooperate i n a movement i n n o opposition was made- Many of t h e in> p a r t y responsible for the acts of cither of these Elizabeth twp., oe o S ha Rapho, (new) new the fight a s soon a s possible. a m C a m b r i d g e Democrat says i t is certain renegades! The idea is absurd, it is the kind A POLITICIAN SuTPEESSED. JSttxabethtowu, that direction. Gen. Butler expresses a pur- h a b i t a n t s h a d left. Some of those who reo he w o he G Robrerstown, w we ac The reports from Gen. McClellan's army tot h a t t h e P r e s i d e n t ' s " e m a n c i p a t i o n a c t s Ephrata, he n and Charles Ileny Foster, the bogus Congress- pose to adequately punish the mob of New mained were very bitter i n their feelings a n d day place his advance within ten miles of Rich- of stuff that Abolition diatribes" are composed m Sadsbury, o m m bu we of now-a-days." Fulton, w and o e Salisbury, expressions. m m a A a r e m e e t i n g w i t h a r c s p o n s e i n M a r y l a n d . " man from North Carolina, proposed to address Orleans for tearing down the *'Stars and mond, and he is moving on. Now it is of very little moment whether the The wa Hempfield West, Strosbnrg bor., m we a c o The Seaboard a n d So3oik Railroad h a s I t a d d s , t h a t " to p e r f e c t a n o r g a n i z a t i o n a political meeting a t Newborn t h e other day, S t r i p s " after they h a d been raised over t h e democratic party or a n y other p a r t y is held and and w e Indian/own, rStrosburg twp., a a w an n b e e n found i n good condition, o n l y a single wc a m o Lampeter West, Warwick, wa u and w h i c h will g i v e a i m a n d o b j e c t to t h e c a u s e upon learning which Gen. Burnside issued an City Hall. DEPL0RABTE ACCIDENT—FIVE SISTERS responsible for the acts of J o h n C. Breckinbridge h a v i n g been destroyed. T h e road wi'J a o w E ridge or n o t ; b u t that a J o u r n a l which bays Lampeter East, {Washington. order forbidding him to do so. Gen. Burnw a e o a he o n DROWNED. and assure its more certain t r i u m p h , circuand wa The Little Britain, claim to any respectability should compare m n m be immediately p u t in w o r k i n g order. side says it would be very unwise in Foster to THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MEBHIMAC, m wa n he [From tho Toronto Globa of the 15th.] the foul treason of Breckinridge with the po- G T be l a r s h a r e b e e n d i s t r i b u t e d to s e v e r a l of o u r The citizens of Suffolk a d m i t t h a t t h e SAMUEL SLOKOM, Chairman. deliver t h e address, a n d very unwise i n himand n he The About one o'clock yesterday, Wm, Ward, litical sin of deserting a mere party organizaOne of the gunners of t h e Merrimac brings a e and o he J O H K H . ZELLAB, S e c r e t a r y . post-offices throughout our- c o u n t r y . " self to allow it. He reminds Foster that he s t a t e of affairs is m u c h more - satisfactory son of Mr. D. Ward, fisherman, embarked in tion, is shocking to every patriot. According m o he a o he C the detailB of h e r destruction. When. the G m o and he m T h u s i t will a p p e a r t h a t t h e f r i e n d s a n d holds no official position in the State, having evacuation of Norfolk was decided upon', u n d e r t h e United States a u t h o r i t y t h a n i t a sailboat, for a cruise on the bay, accompani- to these sentiments, deliberately uttered, the N be o m on S m ed by his five sisters. The oldest girl was Intelligencer makes no discrimination between T E E P E E S I D E N t ' S PROCLAMATION. foes of e m a n c i p a t i o n a r e a c t i v e l y e n t e r i n g been refused a seat in C o n g r e s s ; a n d that the Commodore Tatnall convened a council of was n n d e r t h e rebel r n l e . Business in t h e about thirteen years of age, and the youngest o w due o aw and m he the politician who hy lawful and peaceful w o he n T h e P r o c l a m a t i o n o f P r e s i d e n t L i n c o l n i n t o t h e discussion o f t h e q u e s t i o n , a n d PresidentbaB appointed aProvisional Governor w a r on board t h e ship, i n which i t was decided town is dull, t h e cause being a t t r i b u t e d t o only four. After sailing u p and down the bay means tries to-influence the people ; and the o mm w How we w o h e t h e soaroity of money, e x c e p t i n g confederate for a n hour or so, William, who was steering traitor in arms whose hands are reeking with for the State, a n d continues : to lighten h e r so as to enable h e r to go u p to o n t h e e m a n c i p a t i o n p r o c l a m a t i o n o f G e n . t a k i n g m e a s u r e s t o c a r r y o u t t h e i r respecth e C n w m o m on cu D " The Government will doubtless indicate Richmond. This proving to be impossible, notes, whioh a r e refused i n m a n y cases.— the bont with an oar, attempted to p u t it on the gore of brethren slain in battles fought T can be no m S on o C m H u n t e r will b e f o u n d i n a n o t h e r c o l u m n . i v e v i e w s a t the polls. A b o u t t h e s a m e its civil policy to Governor Stanley, a n d I can- after throwing out all her ballast a n d most of Some suffering Is expected o n t h i s account. another tack. He sat upon the gunwale in for the destruction of their homes, tbeir lib The o he C ho mm o ou A f t e r t h e modification of G e n . F r e m o n t ' s k i n d of a g i t a t i o n is also a p p a r e n t in M i s - not consent in the meantime to embarrass A later desp^toh s a y s t h a t a n engine h a s order that he might have a greater purchase' erties and everything they hold sacred. Wo he B o m h o m B u t according to the above enunciation of either him or t h e Government, b y initiating h e r coal, h e determined on h e r destruction. been placed on t h e Seaboard a n d . R o a n o k e over the oar, when the Eail suddenly flapped w due o m B a m • proclamation b y t h e P r e s i d e n t , h e could souri. against the mast, and the boat capsized. All the Intelligencer's political faith, the giat of She was fired, and blew u p afttr burning two myself, or allowing nny one else to initiate, w H w a T n w o m h m Railroad a n d r u n to P o r t s m o u t h . A l t h o u g h who were on board instantly fell into the the offence of Breckinridge does not consist : s c a r c e l y h a v e d o n e less t h a n disown t h i s an}- civil policy.*' and a half hours. Tatnall, in the meantime, a e aud m and m o he and o he t h e retreating a r m y carried off a l l t h e mova- water. The boy made every effort to save his in his treason to the nation, but in his deserm o he w The m of G e n . JEIunter. T h e P r e s i d e n t i s e m had gone " o n to Richmond" in hot haste. • BEBEL VANDALISM. ble p r o p e r t y , e v e r y t h i n g else was found i n sisters, and to right the boat. After considera- tion of the democratic party. I n this respect An m w a he o w AV m T H E GREAT W A S T OF THE S O U T H . — A n i n phatic that h e has not given to any genble effort he succeeded in getting t h e boat on Breckinridge possesses either less finesse or m u m T h e rebels destroy t h e i r cotton, tobacno he good order, not even a rail being t o r n u p for telligent correspondent of the Missouri 'Repubher keel again, and when the two eldest of his else more honest impetuosity than the Intellim he we m o We and e r a l i n t h e field t h e control o f t h e s u b j e c t co, & c , professedly t o p r e v e n t i t f r o m b e By order of the President, Secretary Stan sixteen mihre. lican, in writing concerning the prevailing sisters came to the surface he managed to get gencer, which has been nblo to remain demo- w and bu h w he and o he o v e r w h i c h G e n . H u n t e r h a s c h o s e n t o i n g s e i z e d b y o u r g o v e r n m e n t a n d confis- want in Arkansas, describes the disability ton h a s sent a letter of thankB to General Wool ou he had w o and de w w m he It is s t a t e d t h a t a plot for a negro i n s u r - them into the boat, which was half filled with cratic to the core, while i ' s services to the nation in this trying crisis, are all of a noga he C and w u We m he e x e r c i s e c o n t r o l , i n t h e s t a t e s of S o u t h c a t e d t o t h e s u p p o r t of t h e w a r . J u d a h P . which belongs to the whole South more or for the successful issue of his plans for the rection h a s been discovered i n Prince George water. hm had a mm When about to g e t on board himself, t h e five quality. we m he capture of Norfolk and vicinity, and the moveless. H e Bays: a n d Charles counties, Maryland. Great wind again caught the Bait of (he boat, and, Carolina, Georgia a n d Florida. " m h a o he In the estimation of the Intelligencer tho w o and he B e n j a m i n , t h e r e b e l S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e , in " The great want of the country is schools, ments which compelled the rebels to destroy a l a r m exists among t h e white population. w o he G m we m S ha m and in an instant, she was capsized a second time, preservation of the democratic parly is the T h e P r e s i d e n t reminds t h e people a r c o e n t l o t t c r the Merrimao. T h e Senate, aUo, confirmed churches and free labor. When the rebellion „P +, . . . . . , . i n a n s w e r t o a n i n q u i r y h h e L L : m u p and w T h e California State S e n a t e h a s oonvioted and the poor girls, along with the lad who summum bonum, the ocean to the river of its is over a new spirit will visit this land. T h e the nomination of Brevet Major General Wool he C m be n ha he G m and thoughts, the consummation most devoutly to of t h e rebelUous s t a t e s of t h e actton o f w h e t h e r cotton p u r c h a s e d on f o r e i g n a c J u d g e H a r k y , of t h e U. S. District C o u r t , of had acted so manfully, were again battling people a r e beginning to see t h a t t h e great o The w for their lives in t h e water. H e made another be wished; a n d to desert this organization to be a Major General i n t h e army. C o n g r e s s , a n d n o t to " b e b l i n d t o t h e c o u n t w o u l d b e e x e m p t from d e s t r u c t i o n , cause of all their troubles h a s been the want disloyalty t o t h e government i n uttering Be am now w ho he C by o pnd even if done with patriotic motives is a sin attempt to save them, b u t they sunk before signs of t h e times," a n d that whether i t s a y s : of general intelligence and education among General Mitchell, in a telegram to the Se- ditlona language. U S o M his eyes to rise no more in life. The boy, a l - which cannot be forgiven if the deserter bethe people, a n d as the rebellion is likely to cretary of War dated at Huntsville on T h u r s b e c o m p e t e n t for h i m as C o m m a n d e r - i n " I t is the settled determination of the governthough much exhausted, succeeded in getting comes a good Republican and a staunch supGeneral T o t ten, chief of t h e Engineer Deremove a portion of the violent and recklesB porter of the Government and the Adminisday, states that on Tuesday afternoon General hold of the boat which was being driven C h i e f " a t any time, i n a n y case i t : s h a l l ment to allow no cotton to fall into the hands of classes from t h e Siftte, their places will be an m o and p a r t m e n t , h a s replied t o t h e enquiries on t h e T Am W w w on h i t h e r a n d thither b y the wind and waves, and tration. If, however, the democratic p a r t y M C aw a n d m • « h a v e b e c o m e a necessity i n d i s p e n s a b l e oar enemies, as it i3 perfectly well known that they filled with a better class of citizens, and there Negley's expedition from Pulaski, supported subject of t h e changes w h i c h m a y h a v e b e by he U S w Q shouted lustily for assistance. His father's sends forth John C. Breckinridge with the m m he C wonld seize and appropriate to themsslves all cot- will be greater respect paid to the institutions by Colonel Little's expedition from Athens, A 10 The w come necessary In fortB a n d o t h e r m e a n s of house is Bituated about a thousand yards from laudable design of destroying the best govern" to t h e m a i n t e n a n c e of t h e G o v e r n m e n t , m w m ton they could find, without regard to ownership. of religion and liberty, and greater protection eutercd Rogersville, driving the enemy across and The and defence. l i e nrges t h e necessity of Increas- •where the accident occurred. ment the world 1ms ever seen, fo murder its ' C mm S w he w ". t o e x e r c i s e s u c h a s u p p o s e d p o w e r , h e If your correspondents buy cotton thoy must expect to life a n d property than h a s hitherto been w m o o c the Tennessee river a n d destroying a portion ing t h e number" a n d especially t h e calibres His painful cries for assistance were not best and most valuable citizens, who had elea a SM M C be and m o R m to share tho same risks as are incurred by our own enjoyed. One of the fruits of this w a r must " r e s e r v e s to himself." h e a r d by the inmates of the father's h u t , b u t vated h i m to honor a n d distinction, a n d t o m he wo m o be the renovation of society in many p a r t s of of the ferry boats. T h e enemy had succeeded of l a n d b a t t e r i e s . V The wa o he citizens." no one a young man named E a r n e s t h a d observed humble a n d dishonor u s in the eyes of the civthe South, and the purification of" the public in removing their artillery, baggage and stores U p o n t h e whole w e like t h i s message w bo a o m m w the accident from the Esplanade and p u t off ilized world, the sympathies of the Intelligen- G I t i s well k n o w n t h a t t h e r e a l object of mind from the hurtful prejudices which hove before t h e arrival of our forces. The bridge o o o f " t h e ^ P r e s i d e n t ' s . I t affords m u c h food I t is a little remarkable that while some of in a boat to render assistance. He fortunately cer go with him, a n d the object he h a s in a o U wa heretofore kept the peoplo i n ignorance a n d S he op t h e r e b e l g o v e r n m e n t i n o r d e r i n g t h e de- cursed the State." across Shad creek a n d the ferry below tho our Northern Conservatives, as they are pleas succeeded in rescuing the lad i n a very ex- view justifies the means he employs and the h n o for t h o u g h t a n d e a r n e s t reflection. o m a and o he w mouth of the same stream have been seized by ed to call themselves, a r e raising a hue and cry hausted state, a n d conveyed h i m to his father's crime h a s little or no enormity, a n d it is ready s t r u c t i o n o f cotton i s t o c a u s e d i s t r e s s he —r«» aw m m W M C another expedition sent out b y General Mitch- against every act of confiscation, such earnest, dwelling. T h e grief of the p a r e n t s may be to welcome back the erring brother to the S m ' • © " T h e H O N . T H A D D E U S S T E V E N S a b r o a d , h o p i n g t h e r e b y to c o e r c e a f o r e i g n w n now he and STATE MEDICAL SocrEir.—The annual meetfolds of thiB immaculate, charming democratic ell. Twelve or fifteen hundred r e b e l cavalry, active, a n d positive Union men as Gov. J o h n - imagined when they learned t h e melancholy m o he m w ou m m o he o he S T wa This might be c l e a r l y ing of the P e n n a . State Medical Society not intelligence t h a t their five daughters, who h a d party, whose oracle and especial champion it •will-please e x c e p t o u r t h a n k s f o r p u b l i c i n t e r v e n t i o n . he G m a he mm o in b a n d s of three or four hundred, a r e thus son, Emerson Etberidge, a n d Brownlow and left them i n health a short time before, h a d assumes to be. o he o Bu U o documents. b r o u g h t to l i g h t b y a p r o c l a m a t i o n o n t h e having taken place last y e a r on acobunt of t h e can be a o cut off from communication with; the other side Carter, who have suffered a t t h e hands of t h e all met a watery grave. To preserve the integrity of the democratic w m disturbed stale of the copntry, the Philadelphia and m p a r t o f o u r g o v e r n m e n t t h a t cotton, t o b a c party is the supreme good! This, the Intelliof the river, a n d it is probable they will be rebels, a r e strenuous in their advocacy of T a m m County Medical Society h a s authorized its Presigencer impliedly says, i n the article above o ho o w he -ArroMTHMTs n v T H * GovaajTOit.—Gover- co, s u g a r , m o l a s s e s ; &o., t h e p r o p e r t y o f T C A Chicago correspondent of the Tribun6 quoted. P a r t y a n d p a r t y fealty constitute the dent to extend a n invitation to the State Medi- hunted down a n d captured b y our forces. Gen. stringent confiscation measures. Gov. J o h n U S ho o w n o o n o r C u r t i o bas-appoiiitea William McClellarA p r i v a t e c i t i z e n s w h o h a v e t a k e n n o a c t i v e o oal Society to hold i t s Annual Meeting i n P h i l a . Mitchell was i n hopes of being able soon to son' says t h a t " a rebel against the Government says that the dog of St. Louis Pfieff of that grand central sun, country a n d patriotism are S C a n y of B r a n k l i n county r Charles Gnpin, o f P h i l a T w m he w o a pay h i s respects" to. the enemy in the eastern h a s no t i g h t to own a n y t h i n g . " Yallandigham place was a t h i s side when h e w a s killed a t b u t p u n y satellites revolving around them, n o p a r t i n t h e r e b e l l i o n , s h a l l b e e x e m p t f r o m delpbia on the Becond Wednesday in J u n e next m a o w o a o a a p h i a j a n d RobertB-MoCottib, of Lawrence o he w a At 11 o'clock. ; ' side of the region under j^ia command. . . , a n d t h e other sympathisers with the negro- the battle of Shllofa, a n d stayed b y h i s grave while sordid self-interest is the attraction of o we m a be m m oa onun! s e i z u r e . " . T h i s * o u l d p u t r e b e l J e a j d e r s i n W™^^ « r i o n e r » t 6 revise[and oodify the gravitation which keeps the abominable mao m one S he w bo and o he F r o m Fortress ; Monroe! we have a rumor t h a t gspyria& aristocracy, a c t a s though they twelve days till the Lieutenant's wife came to chine i n motion. 0 ! shades of Jefferson a n d o he ow m B o Beveriu'eli'aws of Pennsylvania, under t i e act t h e i r " t t & p o s i t i o n j i s v a n d a l e n e m i e s of. and m a o f "Hbs.*€KAB£EB J . IsQEBsoLiof$bi&delphia . y d i U a ^ i f t y p ; ^ thought t h e rebels h a d the right to own every- find the remains. She was about g i v i n g u p i n Jackson deliver u s from the democracy of these T a o ap w w m m w or April, 1862. mankind. died on Wednesday last, aged 80 ye*rs. degenerate d a y s ! BONUS. despair when s h e discovered the dog. a o and a he m he w m »a The m junotion, hud been ev^ittated b y t h e rebels, thing. w M o h m U h e r e a f t e r a t t a c h t o t h e i r n a m e s . a r g u m e n t s y e t m a d e o n t h e right and the ig&£&£&£' 50 ; gQOdUgnt,h0ayy'48,5Oai9,5O'; common, and B m Tm G . Ito Oeinidt^ REG STER S NOT CE ^ ' i Q i i W W ^ W (chra*or>Andy;J^ U mm U L good IemT$9,50i$ll,60; fine do; $12,50al3,50 ; and non-new of soon rigMi it not »TWMraoimtion of fiscating«n«aj property the L a c t i b i t m a n * tte*rstiieotfiiprt»*Mj i o n ' s n a m e w a s u p h e w o u l d B a y a w o r d : if Mr. Synod, appointed for the purposei of .presenting K B C m G oholee 415a$18. The stock now on hand is abont th«m, trat thoj maylw oilled into practical exer- that "the legislature has not yet dttoTawd its wttt treason, t o t a k e the property b f n b e U f o t s r r * ^ HE he accoun s of he espec ve A B m Tm G O 600 hhds. The inspections for tho week are as folto confiscate property .which was within our terriAfter farther discussion Mfc- Davis, 0 f K e n - Llnooln h a d consulted ther Union men of Ten- to" t h e President t h e resolutions passed b y K m nessee a s to who s h o u l d b e 'Governor, t h e y O L m lows, viz;—2,194 hhds. Maryland, 203 hhds. Ohio R tucky, moved to amend the first section b y « Mr. Wharton, in lib JEiementB of International tory at tho declaration of war." ".',_.,' _.,_ that body, at'their late s e s s i o n , i n t h i s city,, B m M M w B R On tlit Uth lmt., b t K«T.Mr. BMikoM, DITTO BUCK, 240 hhds. Kentucky and 5 hhd. Virginia—total 2, w O C Law, (paga 365,) EO strongly maintains belligerent "- < £itia disposes .effectually' of theieiiraordin- striking out a l l the clauaeafreeius; slaves, a n d would have unanimously responded for'Andy: were on Tuesday of last week, introduced to I H . , to K u u B u r n m « u , b o t b . of ftu towuMp. A m C H C L K B C m G rights in civil war, that .aome of hla language ary protenaionB set u p . f o r t h a President, a s a adding;a provisionifor imprisonment for h a r d Johnson. H e h a d o p p o a e d Andy systematiBr tl» Bri. A': H. K u f t a u , Bnjjunx H. Kiroara 692 hhds. MONDAY UNE A M A B m Tm G A would imply that there were no other rights.— ground of opposition to this .bill. Those who labor of not less t h a n five n o r m o r e t h a t t w e n t y cally and persistently, a n d J o h n s o n h a d fought President:TJnopln by-.the Secretary, of}6tate, to BAUAK* STOFIE: *u of Muor. N W D w G O a T b u n U r , t i t Wh l M t . b r B.T. J. B. KtrMltb, K w w m A B A m M E G m Thfa, however, could not have been intended; for really favor the.confiscation of rebel property, y e a r s . M r . Davis said h e h a d no objection t o him, t o o : b u t now t h e y t h a t would arouse old and communicated^ t h e resolutions adopted, N E W YORK, May 17, 1802. E . M u i c c to AMUSJL SAX* GUH, »U of. JbracuN m w K if sovereign rights be at an end," the war is merely will go for, some legislation t o effectuate t h a t the confiscation of t h e slaves, if they were p a r t y issues a n d make capital out of this w a r commending t h e oonrse of the Government i n HBSIT TOBACCO.—Kentucky has been more active, in tn. m B B G B B G O HAWTHOB R international. * Civil war, ~tx vi termini, imports end. The P r e s i d e n t - h a s no more power of treated like other property a n d t h e proceeds deserved; death. ^ W w y - ' d r ^ r e Andy: J o h n s o n the prosecution of the war. I s tail oltJYOn.ts. 14th hut., b r B.T. B. K M S U , part for export at full prices. Other descriptions I n presenting t h e E TH L M that sovereign rights are not relinquished, but inA m Snuw s. NAQII of lUrlftU, to B. B. MiLora, of Lui- are quiet and unchanged. ~ Sales 504 hhds. Kenout;of | u > h o u s e , a n d tooV.hifl^property, a n d ; confiscation than a n y : Senator ; o n : this floor.* placed i n the treasury.' " r^olutionsthe'ReT^Prof. Sternbergiandthe M C w G A m sisted on. ' Tho 'war i s waged to maintain them. tucky at 7}al6o; 118 cases Seedleaf 8aI0c, and 19 t h e y h a d p a t into h i s h e a r t a devil a s b i g as Mr. President,-; thetpassage of: this bill is B M Z G C L After discussion Mr. Davis' amendment was Oa t b . Htb. lnit, b , t h . SOT. P. I . Tlmlov, L. T. Rose n . Himely (4 C ranch ,372) was a case arising LANCA TER COUNTY B A N K bales Tara on private terms. this* pitcher (holding.up a pitcher), a n d into R e r . Dr.'Pohiman, ^ both of t h e State' of .New Voou to H i u a r , ianfftiu of John Ells.. ICuittUu M M Yeas—Messrs. Davis,'MeDougal, out of the exercise of aovereigU'iights by France demanded b y the;strongest considerations of rejected. A C w G A other Union men's hearts a devil as b i g a s a York, made brief addresses, t o which Presijustice a n d p o l i c y / ' I t is very much' a g u e s tipn, Pearoe, Powell, Saulsbury, S t a r k . a n d Wilson in her civil war with St. Domingo. Tho oourt re; B T m H G C A C T HE D RECTORS have h s day de : hat. d e n t Linooln responded as followsi. cogniied the coexistence of beHigorent and sover- whether t h e property of loyal men of the of Missouri—7. Nays 8 1 . m FOB BENT. D OUB PER CENT M M w G A North shall be confiscated By taxation, or t h e And w h e n their t u r n comes they would shoot eign rights." , C m The question then recurred on M r . T r u m Two-Story Briok DWELINGr MA B m W U G m m W L E EB C GiHTLB«Jt;—1_ welcoms h e n the representa" The United States hare, during the present .vast property of the leading rebels b e taken to bull's amendment to strike out the first section 'em like dogs, a n d b a n g them on every limb M m HOD6E aad LOT, with > l u g . variety of MS they came t o . Their time would come yet, tives of the Evangelical Lutherans of the United war, exercised both belligerent and sovereign defray i n p a r t the expenses of t h e w a r ? Be- which was rejected. m D GU C L B W m L OSOIOE TRDIT, to exeallaat Marina °rd«r, lu ~ I * B tween Independent Powers, it IB not unusual G A m M rights." ' . ., On U » 10tk last--, i a M a n o r , township, ArnrA, widow la South Lime street, a few doors belovr Eait Kl&g Mr. Howard, of Michigan, moved to strike, and h e only wanted a chance to go down a n d States. : l a o o t p t , with gratitud*, theu- MfurahoM EU C L B A H m A street. Terms Terr moderate. Inquire of of Chrlstlas S t e a k , af*d 99 j e a n a n dftd a y s . " Examples of the former are, receiving capiru : i n treaties, of p e a c e ' t o introduce stipulation's out the second Bection, which provides for t h e point out t h e Rebels. The hope of h i s life' H E D RECTOR m I a Marietta, o n 7 t £ u u t . i I V T L T , d a u h t e r of David THKO. W. HBBB, laUons of tha enemy as prisoners of war, holding providing for theV-payment* in p a r t b y - o n e Jbrfeiture of jthe.^propwty a n d i r e e d o m o f t h e was to again publish t h e , K n o x v i l l e Whig, of the sympathy and support of t h a t •nllgbtcnsd, O D B M E D w B may 21>tf<28 . in the Court HooBa. Influential and loyal ohua of ray rellow-eltisena in a a d E U s a U t a C a s M l , a s e d 8 y e a n a s d 19 d a y s . C C and exchanging them aa such; and astill more p a r t y to the other of the expenses attending A m On — t h l a s t , H r a i n T T A , wife of H t n i y F s a l s s , of slaves of those who inoite, engage in, or a i d with 100,000 subscribers, a n d then h e "would m prominent Instance' is the blockade which, before the war. Indeed, i t i s most common i n modC G W H m w G an important crisis, which involves, in-my judgeexpress h i s opinion of some of'em. H e would lUriitU. m H M E D W H BROWN C A B B m B G BANK STOCK FOB SALE. the aaBembling of CoogreBs, was establised by ern times. If nations thus claim and receive insurrection against the United States. H e pronounce some eulogies, for if h e had a talent ment, not. only the civil and religions liberties of I a Baltimore, JAMBS, o n l y t o n of J o h n Barr, formerly spoke a t length against this section of t h e B G m s-sdai7ttn. military authority of tho Oommasder-in-Chief.*' N THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1862, C indemnity for the expenses into which unjust bills, as simply mitigating t h e punishment of it was to p i l e ; u p epitaphs one upon another. our own dear land, but in a huge degree the civil o xOlBb rBl aa aUdsi ,Ta m W H B H m w B o n l n g , a t his resldanca I n n o r t h Q a e « .I am satisfied that the United States as a na- war h a s plunged them, m a y we not, with tb> inbBerlber w i l l offer for sale, a t Cooper's E H A A m LONDON E X H B T O N But i n the town where A n d y - J o h n s o n resides B U B S , s*«d a b o a t 48 r e a r s . treason. The amendment was rejected. tion,- have fall and complete belligerent rights, and religious liberties of mankind, in many coun- s t HmUt T, BicKofuu 19th, IK t b U t i t y , 8 A * A H J A S I , d a u s h U r of Hotel, In the City of Lancaster, a t 1 o'clock, P . K., much justice a n d propriety indemnify ourthey took out two Union men, a n d b y order 'which are in no degree impaired by the faot that D m C L G A The Senate then w e n t i n t o Executive session, tries and ttirough. many ages. You wsll know, Tfeomu u j j u r y V o a l M r , In t a « 7th y t a r of h*r « g t - S3 8HAESS OFLANGA8TBRCOUHTJf B A N S STOCK. selves i n p a r t for the enormous costB of this of one o f 4 h e moBt unmitigated scoundrels B Em E D m G Emm their enemies owe allegiance, and have superadded M»y l e t h , l a this city, A n n s ELIZIBBTH, daughter of EKTUBN T CKETS L ND H AHD BACK most causeless and unprovoked w a r ? All and subsequently adjourned till Monday. ALSO, on SATURDAY, J U N E 7 t h , at 3 that ever made a t r a o k i n Tennessee, hanged gentlcimenV and the world knows, how reluctantly B s B J i n l a u d l u s a b s U i a t n a l u r , agedO T M » , 8 n u » . R D m m the guilt of treason to that of unjust war." Housa.—The Speaker laid before the House E U L w G o'clock. P. M , a t Shaffaer'B Hotel, i a the boroagb of R T CLA loyal men agree that the rebellion must be these men, a n d directed' t h e . engineers to go I accepted this issue of battle forced upon me, on and 8 d a y s . The confiscation of t h e property of (hos a communication from t h e Secretary of War, A B C L G E • a y 14th, In Wast Hempaald t w p . , of Croup, U A B T Mount J o y , T H R D CLA crushed put. This can only be done b y driv slowly, b y , so as to give t h e passengers a n my advent to this place, by the internal enemies of H E H M A H engaged in rebellion a n d unsuccessful revoluenclosing a report from General Geary conA i u a s a , d a o f h U r of Jacob H . Herahay, agad 6 y a i r s , 55 SHAKES MODHT J O T BAHK TTOCK. ing the leaders from the country and confiscaopportunity, a s t h e y passed, to r a p t h e dead M E H m tion is a p a r t of t h e history of civilized naonr country. You all know, the world knows, the 1 month a n d IS days, Terms made known a t sale. ting their estates. "They must be reduced to cerning the homicide of Robert E . Scott and a bodies w i t h their canes, a n d k i c k t h e m ; a n d T E A M W E E K L Y T O L VER H a y 13th, I n this e i t y , B H K J X W S D u m m t a , aged 66 tions. I t i s deeply impressed upon English m a y 21-3t-36 J . HOFVMAH HEBSHEY. C H E D w G OOL QUEEN TOWN C poverty before their power in the. South can man named Mathews, recently, i n Fauquier the w o m e n — n o t the- l a d i e s — w a v e d their forces and the resources the public agents have y u r i and 4 m o n t h s . legislation during t h e last century. Half the A B B M G E Z H H a y 11th, In this city, GEOEQI W n & u u u , In. t h e S6tn L N w Y be broken. Our interests a n d o u r safety de- county, Virginia, from which i t appears that handkerchiefs a t the sight. T h e m a n who brought into employment to sustain a Governm w OBPHANS' COURT SALE titles of the kingdom rest upon acts and dem C m mand the speedy passage of this bill. Lenien- they were killed b y two privates of a Wiscon- h a d ordered this—Leadbeater—had got a ment against which there has been brought not y e a r of h i s Eg*. H H H M w B M orees of confiscation. Such, too, is the history On t h e 13th I n s t , l a Mount J o y t w p . , M A E T , daughter CITY PROPERTY. cy emboldens the traitors. They feel secure sin regiment, as they, with arms i n their glorious whipping b y Gen. Mitchell. H e oould one complaint of real injury, committed against of Bav. J o h n B l u e r , aged 4S yearn, 2 months a n d 7 OF VALUABLE A m w C m of France. Every one, I think, of the old hands, were entering a house where the D w D — w in their 'property, come - w h a t m a y . Those N SATURDAY, JUNE 14TH, 1862, M G kill a Union m a n taken out of jail, b u t w h e n , y s . On t h * lfith, l a t h e preaenoe of a large multitude Thirteen Colonies confiscated the properly of sooiety at home or abroad. You all may recollect dofa friends A B B m H m By v i r t u * of a n Order of t h e Orphan*' Court, t h e a n d relatives, hex remains were deposited i n suspected of loyalty only suffer. Refuse to soldiers h a d taken shelter to capture them. h e met the Yankees i n b a t t l e he took to his G E enemies •within their respective jurisdictions One of . t h e latter w a s shot, a n d t h e other the family g r a v e y a r d . undersigned, w i l l expose a t public eats, a t t h e housa of ED NBURGH M M pass this bill, a n d y o u offer a premium to heels, like a coward a n d scavenger, a s h e is. that, in taking up the sword thus forced into our On t h e and Inst., i n Manheim t w p . , JACOB BABHLXK, Anthony Lechler, i a East King Btreet, Eait of Duke in t h e time of our own Kevolution. The C TY OF BALT MORE H E H m w B H hands, this Government appealed to the prayers of aged « years, 7 months a n d 18 dayB. disloyalty a n d treason. The safety of a man's escaped. I t is added that they h a d been guilstreet, l u the City of Lancaster, t h e following described A property of German refugees who engaged in KANGAROO M H A m When tho Rebellion was over, h e hoped the the pious and the good, and declared that it placed On t h e 1st I n s t , In W a r w i c k t w p . , CMBIBTIAX OEUBB, Beal Xstate, belonging to Estate of Jacob Herzog. d e e ' d , property i n the South will impel him to side t y of marauding in the section through which N m the revolution of 1848 beyond question was D G M L B w B G to w i t : with our enemies. The rebels seize a n d a p - they passed while seeking to join their regi- Union men would.catch h i m if they grabbed its whole dependence upon the favor of God. I aged 80 y e a r s , » m o n t h s a a d 6 d a y s . M A m N R confiscated. I t is the policy and practice of On t h e tOth nit., i n Mapfc*im t w p . , JOHN W., sou of no other. They would take h i m to t h e same No. 1. Five Lota sltoata on t h e south side B propriate the property of loyalists; we secure ment. m H w T A K O Q every nation thus io punish rebellion and now humbly and reverently, in your preflence, re- Christian and A n n H a n , aged 9 months and S t d a y s . of Chestnut street, i n the city of Lancaster, each of eald B D A m H T oak tree, a n d make t h e widow of one of the R T CAB N TEEBAGE a n d protect t h e p r o p e r t y of rebels. T h e On t h e 10th l a s t , In Manheim t w p . , A A B O B , son of After the consideration of private bills the treason. I n pasBiug-iUis Trill, we are traveling lota containing i n front on eald Chestnut street, 64 feet O C m murdered men t i e t h e r o p e about his neok. iterate the acknowledgement of that dependence, Christian a n d Tknny E r e l d e r , aged 1 year, 5 m o n t h s i% L L passage of this measure is demanded as a j u s t House adjourned until Monday. inches, a n d I n depth southward 245 feet, to a 14 in the beaten path of nations. All men who The Rebels had tied u p Union men and beaten not doubting that, if it shall pleaso the Divine a n d 10 d a y s . measure of retaliation. Hundreds of millions feet wide public a l l e y ; bounded on t h e north b y Cheat. . . . . . •*—»t> D m w B M Q A . On the 16th I n s t , i n Mount J o y , BiocA, daughter or understand the true nature of the struggle in H m H m them almost to death, a n d when redress was Being who determines the. destinies of nations Samuel a n d Barbara Kaufiman, I n the 6th year of h e r n u t street, on the east b y P l u m b street, and on the m of property i n t h e South belonging to northw H B m R •which we arc engaged will hail this measure south b y a 14 feet wide alley, and on the wast b y lot m C w B Em asked i n Court t h e J u d g e replied that these that this shall remain a united people, they will, age. ern men, h a s been confiscated or destroyed.— m A w w Ho, £88, each of said lots to be sold separately. as just, and demanded by a wise consideram A m m E were revolutionary times, therefor they intendR m L Q w C Other hundreds of millions of debts due our m W E E w B L W No. 2 . A two-story Brick DWELLING humbly seeking Divine guidance, make their protion of o u r own interests, and by the atrocious m L ed, when they got the opportunity, to h a n g or merchants and manufacturers, a n d of investE HODSB, and half lot of ground, altuato on the m Q w HO OO T •wickedness of our enemy. M C L B G H aast Bide of Mulberry street, containing In front Em ments in railroad a rooks a n d other southern GEAND OVATION TO THE TENNES- Bhoot every one of these miscreants. Well, longed national existence a source of new benefits E ,on said street, 32 feat, 2*{ lnohes, a n d in SEE PATRIOT. when he was i n jail, they drove u p every to themselves and their successors, and all classes T m mm securities, has been forfeited to the rebel govA g a i n : objection is made to the bill because E w B C M depth eastward to a 14 feet wide public alley; bounded w morning with one or two oontus, a n d none of and conditions of mankind. Other millions, the property of of its alleged unconstitutionality. The Con- ernment. A m on t h e north b y ground of Marnaret Linen, on t h e east A B the one hundred a n d fifty prisoners knew who loyal southern men, have been pillaged and HOUSEHOLD K A B K E I . b y said alley, on the south b y property of V. F y l e , a n d D W E w G A stitution, after defining the crime of treason, m Extracts from his 8peech. was to be hanged. They took a venerable on t h e west b y Mulberry street. destroyed. " A S t a t e , " says Yuttel, " taking The Growing Crops.—From every Bection m L W L B C H M K provides that— SATDRDAT, May IV, 1862. L AM NMAN A W G w * N o . 3 . A Lot of Ground, situate/on t h e west K m *' Congress shall have power to declare the pun- up arms in a j u s t cause, h a s a double right old Lincolnite a n d of the county we have t h e most gratifying acThe New York Academy of Music waB man, a n d called him a ALEX MALCOM S E Q w Bide of North Queen Btreet, contain BUTTIB, 15@20 c t s . $ lb, D M w B m M ishment of treason j but no attainder of treason against its enemy. A r i g h t of putting itself Union sneak. They led him u p . They took counts of t h e growing crops. E v e r y t h i n g C W D EYMOUR CO L E VE & % w w A m filled on Thursday evening last from p i t t o Boos, 9@12 o t s . ^ doz, HACEY K W m S ULE shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except in possession of what belongs to it, a n d which J . C H a n n , a young man of excellent characA m W H m w G 610 lb. DBCOUE B > the enemy w i t h h o l d s ; and to thiB must be dome, the immense concourse of persons hav- ter, leaving a wife a n d four helpless children. looks promising, a n d the prospect is that the LABO, B B during the life of the person attainted." A m B D B m R G OHN G DALE W C m SUOKED MJEAT, 9(_112 C N H m L G m w What is " attainder,'' as here used 5 Simply added the expenses incurred to this end, the ing assembled to do honor to Parson W. G. And when Mrs. Brownlow came away she saw toil of the husbandman will be abundantly r e O N 4 AL o P o G W C L B E W VEAL, W lb, front quarter, 4 charges of the war, and the reparation of judicial judgment against an offender for the Mrs. H a n n ploughing a n d hoeing corn, to feed warded. Grass, wheat, corn, fruit, indeed OHN G DALE A B w N Y w B B N Q B E Brownlow. " " hind " 5@5J crime of treason. The provision then is, no damages." "We must not give license to r e her starving children. When they took H a n n E E w B D w w 10@12 Mr. Brownlow wore his black felt h a t away out (he h a d h a d a n hour's notice), he claimed every thing is in a state of forwardness which SADSAOKB A m w judgment pronounced by :i court for (reason bellion b y the forbearance with which we crock H B M w B M G 75@100 D D w H "shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture treat the rebels. We must protect the inter- down over his forehead, and his bent form indi- the privilege of having, a Union Methodist promises well. How different this from t h e ApriB BOTTKB, H A m w M TURKBTO, cleaned and uncleaned 50@$1.50 beyond the life of the party. This provision ests of loyal citizens by charging the property cated, as did his pallid face, t h a t h e was la- preacher b u t they would not allow it. B W C w A blight a n d desolation which h a s fallen upon GEESE, N Q B do do ..50@7; of traitors with the expenses of the w a r . B H A m changed the rule of the common l a w ; the pair. N 5 A LOG HOUSE and C A Secession preacher on t h e scaffold under- the fruitful regions of the sunny South. There CHICKENS, live, boring under severe indisposition. As he ad;.-25@C0 W E E w B D j u d g m e n t of a court against an offender for w B M took to say t h a t H a n n h a d been led away by L A m do cleaned, 25@62 •• •• vanced to the desk he was recognized by the all i s gloom with no hope that the season will treason did corrupt the blood, and destroy its w B R W Union men, a n d was sorry for it. H a n n rose OATS of 3 bushels, 95@110 " b a g . w w T w inheritable qualities,^ud his property became M A m audience, who rose en masse a n d greeted him up, a n d with a clear, stentorian voice, said, bring either the reward or the pleasure t h a t M T CORN, SO per bushel. A m H W C w B m H forfeited to t h e Crown. The Constitution w w with shouts a n d cheers, w i t h r e r e w e d shouts "Fellow-citizens, there i s n o t a word of t r u t h it h a s done i n the y e a r s past. E POTATOES (Mercer) 50@65 simply does away with the common-law conseK M M H K m M w B L in that statement. I n e v e r gave authority to and cheers, and with supplemental shouts a n d Do. (White and Pink Bye,) 45®50 " " quences of the judgment, by declaring t h a t A m make such a statement. Go on a n d do y o u r a y a * o 3 3VT » T n e N C F L o G on he Track Laying.—The track layers will com- LAHCASTEB OBAIH MASKET—Wholesale. E M w B E cheers. We make the following extracts from n o attainder, that is, no judgment for treason, F I E 6 T BEGULAR SESSION. worst. I am for the Union. I did what I did w N Q A m shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture his speech in the confident belief t h a t they with m y eyes open." As God was his judge, meace work on the Reading a n d Columbia Rqtorted by ALBRIGHT & Co., Forwarding and N B C B E w B G B Commission Merchants. beyond the life of the party against whom TUESDAY, Ma}" 13. H B A m he would sooner be H a n n to day, than a n y of Railroad on Monday. The work will be p u s h will meet the approbation of our readers : TDESDAY, May 20, 1862. B m U w W E w B E R W judgment shall be pronounced. Our right to SENATE.—The Pacific Railroad bill wa"s r e the scoundrels concerned in his murder. (Ap- ed ahead energetically b y Messrs. Green & FLODB, superfine, per bbl N m D K U R W W A m $5.00 confiscaj* the property of rebels cannot be ported back from the Select Committee. T h e THE SOUTH B.ESFONSIBLE FOE THE WAR. 540 plause.) One amiable m a n was condemned to N U w H C C W B E w G do extra, McGovem, a n d with the completion of t h e affected by & constitutions! provision which bill to protect the Indians who have adopted m 1.30 A B M H G D He could only attribute the improvement of die, a n d his daughter, a most estimable girl, WHITB WHBAT.pftr bnsael,... D H KQ m M declares that certain consequences which at- civilized habitB was passed. Mr. Wilson, from C , 1.20 his voice to t h e God-like cause in which he hearing that h e was to be h u n g asked the priv- bridges over the Shawnee Furnace Road a n d R S D « " & W m M H w m tached to a judgment for trenson at common the Military Committee, reported a joint reso44 professed to be engaged. We were in the ilege of seeing him. This, contrary to custom, Shawnee Run, below town, a n d over the r u n CORK, old A B A m K m A " — N AL o P o G w B law, shall not follow such judgment here. lution, which was passed, to provide for the 30 m midst of a baneful revolution. He would was granted. They h a d him in a small iron a t Cram's, which will be very soon, we m a y OATS, B w " 60 This bill does not pronounce judgment against presentation of medals of honor to enlisted N D w G B K R w employ no language that he h a d not used cage. As she entered, he threw his arms " 21 A B B G A expect to see t h e cars r u n n i n g , a t least t6 R T B , a n y o n e . No man can be tried under it. It- men a n d volunteers. M r . Wilson offered a u K a t home, way down i n Dixie. H e should around.her n e c k ; they sobbed, and cried. The M N m CLOTKBSKSD, w D affects property alone, and touches no property amendment to the resolution introduced by despise himself if h e h a d one Bet of sentiments scene was most affecting and h e hoped never Chestnut Hill. The first point of importance WHISKBT, ia hhds H O 21 w w of an offender amenable to process. I t does Mr. Sumner in regard to placing the names of E L m w B W m K K for the North and another for the South. H e to see the like again. As she left he could beyond will be Manheim, and we anticipate do in bblfl not change the punishment of treason b}' de- battles ou the colors of regiments, to the effect V A m w B H K m would utter here no word against the corrupt barely distinguish that s h e lisped his name, no small mutual advantage to the places from A m K E L m w G claring a forfeiture of estate as p a r t of the that such regiments as have or may distinguish PHILADELPHIA MARKET, and infamous wretches that he would not utter and h e could understand that she wanted him R E A B G L penalty. Those whose property is taken are themselves in battle may by permission of the on the street where he resided. H e would to telegraph to Jeff. Davis and t r y to save h e r their approaching railroad connection. Alw H W MONDAY, May 19 K m V Am C beyond the reach of personal punishment. President inscribe the names of the battles B repeat simply what h e h a d frequently said in father's life. H e did s o ; addressed it Hon. ready we learn that a number of rafts of lumFLOUR.—There is some little export demand for D K C w T A Are the refugees of this rebellion to live upon in which they were engaged on their flags.— H the widest circulated paper of the South ( t h e Jeff. Davis—he didn't believe he was honora- ber have been purchased, (which have been FLOOR, but buyers and sellers are apart in their m B D T C the revenues of large estates here? Is SHdell The bill for the better protection of revenue L w Knoxville Whig) u p to the time t h a t paper ble, b u t did i t for form's sake. Jeff. DaviB drawn on our shores) b y dealers from Man- views, end tho market is dull and unsettled, tho A C R E w m w to live in Europe in affluence on the revenue was passed. The resolutions offered by M r . w m was suppressed, on the 25th of October Last— could not withstand the daughter's appeal, a n d sales being mostly confined to the wants of the H L w T A AMUEL H R C E from estates in Louisiana? Does a traitor, Simber on Monday, were referred to the B T O the last Union paper that was permitted to the father's life was saved. B u t that father heim. This shows at once one advantage our trade, nt $5&5,12£ for superfine, $5,25a5,50 for exA m E U w possesaing large estates, gain immunity from Select Committee ou Confiscation. The conC M H E m live i n the South, and the only religious j o u r - was compelled to remain in j a i l . This was t h e town will immediately derive from t h e open- tras, $5,564a5,75 for family, and $6a6,50 por bbl. a l l punishment whatever b y fleeing the coun- sideration ot the Indian Appropriation bill m m m for fancy brands, as in quality. Holders generally M M W L m w B nal in t h e eleven Seceded States. T h e people spirit which actuated t h e m everywhere. ing u p of t h » rich country l a y i n g along t h e t r y a n d making his permanent residence was continued, a n d Mr. Latham offered a n are free sellers at these rates. H E T P Ha and Cap S of the South, and not the people of the North, line of the route, now almoBt entirely c u t off abroad ? L w G amendment in regard to the Indians of Califor- were to blame for the w a r . The South had R Y E FLOUR is quiet and selling io a small way m Would they allow a n y among them to apolw A B R K G nia, making one reservation in that State in- intended for thirty y e a r s to break u p the ogize for such a murderous a n d bloodthirsty from railroad facilities. The* lumber used in at $3.50 per bbl. w m A B m L Coax MEAL is not muchinqutred for, and PennSir, this bill has no relation whatever to stead of two, and otherwise reducing the e x - Government. set of demons* as lived in the Southern Confed- this region h a s heretofore t e e n wagoned, m C C L B G K sylvania meal is very dull at $2,G2Aa2,G5 per bbl. the punishment provided against treason. It pense, which was adopted. A w eracy. They shot a n d whipped Union men, A m HATTERS They had h a d ihe Presidency twice to our and even whipped the wives a n d daughters of mainly from Marietta. If o u r dealers will be- The receipts to-day aro 2025 bbla. Flour, 7307 attaches to the property of those in rebellion, C L G A — bushels Wheat, 12,480 do. Corn nnd 2S70 ditto. N mm HO N Q S L P and provides for proceedings in rem and not HOUSE.—The Senate amendments to the bill once, and five of their Presidents were r e - Union men. .He claimed that a more loyal or stir themselves a n important trade m a y be B C G K m B m Oats. inpertonam. The two are wholly distinct.— establishing a depot of agriculture were con- elected, for periods amounting in all to forty more devoted people to the cause of the Stars secured to our town. This, we believe ia b u t R Emm C m HE subsc be s a c des ous o n o m GRAIN'.—The W a s AT market is quiet tj-day; w M V Am Under this bill, you take and confiscate the curred in. The pension bill was then consid- years. No man a t the North ever h a d more and Stripes could not be found t h a n the people the beginning a n d before a y e a r passes, after D E C w B D E C m there is little or none afloat, and the last sales of w property of r e b e l s ; if afterwards they should ered, and an amendment was adopted author- than one term in the Presidency, yet, in addi- of Tennessee. (Applause.) Before he left they A m D E E m prime Pennsylvania red were at $1,25 ; tho millers A m C E M w B B R come within our power, they m a y b e indicted, izing the appointment of a specialagent whose tion to their own Presidents, the South h a d appealed to him to relieve them, if possible ; the opening of t h e road, even the most scepti- aro buying in a small way at from theso figures up M SOFT FELT AND S LK HATS E D E E convicted, and hung for the crime of treason. business it shall be to detect a n d prosecute seized upon two or three miscreants who to see the President and have the army sent cal will be convinced of the value of the Read- to $1,23 in store, aad white at $l,35al,40, the latw mm w m G C E L w B O E The bill provides for proceedings in rem, as in frauds. Mr. Mallory, from the Committee on had been elected by the North—the South had to disenthral them. H e thanked God that ing a n d Columbia road to Columbia.—Colum- ter for prime Kentucky. m m m G L E E V A N AMBU XGH T L L L V E w M E C w B A prize cases, and in no way affects the penalities Roads and Canals, reported back the bill to ploughed with them as their heiffers. T h e the Rebellion would soon play outw m M R.VE is unchanged, Pennsylvania selling at 70c. bia Spy. m V in personam administered hy our criminal facilitate the transportation of troops and mails South asked the Fugitive Slave law, a n d it CORN is rather better, with sales of some 10,000 W m W H m w G m w W T m T courts. between Washington and New York. After was granted. They nsked the repeal of the buBhels, mostly primo southern yellow, at 54c. A B W E We understand that it is in contemplation C m M Missouri Compromise line, which never ought S LK CASS MERE AND SOFT TUTS afloat; none but prime lots are saleable. M B W w w BG T Am The case of the Palmyra (12 Whealon p. 1) some discussion it was laid upon the table by to lay n branch railroad from this city, to C m OATS are inactive, and offered at 37c. for southMr. to have been given, b u t it was granted. She STBAW HATS w was the case of seizure by a Government ves a vote of seventy-six to forty-three. W m & W H m w G demanded the admission of Texas, a n d it was W w H connect with the Reading and Columbia, at or ern and 38c. for Pennsylvania, without sales to any Q G m B A B W E eel, the Grampus, under the acts of piracy, of Stevens, from the Committee of Conference, N w H m H extent. BAHLEY remains quiet. granted. The North had granted all the South M B W w w G W near Manheim. t i e 3d March, 1S19, and of 15th May, 1820. made a report on disagreeing to the amendV w C G C WHISKY is quiet and prices about ibe same; M m ever desired. Hence this attempt a t secession Reviving.—We a r e glad io notice that buildA N w G C One ground taken against a condemnation of ments to the bill incorporating the Washington W E w B m W A sales of 200 bbls. Ohio are reported at 241c. 100 was without cause. I t was the work of the Y w W CH LDREN TBAW GOOD ing operations which had almost ceased are beMore Counterfeits.—A new counterfeit five bbls. Pennsylvania at 24c. and drudge at 22c. m t h e v e s s e l was, that it was not averred in the and Georgetown Railroad Company, which worst man that God ever permitted to live on V w C was adopted. A m B W w C w B A m UMMER E CAP libel that there had been conviction in personam this earth. If when t h e w a r was over the ginning to revive. I n almost every p a r t of dollar note on the Bank of America, New K B M E S T m a L a w w of the offense charged in the libel; and it was Government should fail to h a n g the leaders, the city we notice preparations for the erection York, is being circulated. They have for a m E w G A CATTLE MAHKET. C contended that there must be a conviction WXDNKSIUY, May 1-J. every one, a s high a s Hamen, t h e triumph of houses, some of them first class, giving vignette a female a n d eagle, figure 5 on each B D G M w T m m MONDAY. May 19. | upon an indictment for the offense inpersonam, m BUCCC w SEN AT*.—'The resolution to suspend t h e would be a failure. m OHN A HDLTZ A BDLTZ evidence that our city i s not y e t finished, a n d end. The body of the note is printed in blue, The market for B B E F CAXTLE was active and the averred and proved, in order to maintain the payment of troops not actually employed in the m H G M w B M G m w libel in ran. P P G A m that a great many years must elapse before it and the ends in r e d ink. They m a y b e print- prices rather better, the receipts and sales at PhilWestern Department was after a discussion HIS SUFrKRINfiS. T M lips' reaching about 1150 head, 300 less than last H B C w B H THE LAWCASTEK ACADEMY w m Justice Story, who delivered the opinion of laid over. The resolution by M r . Powell, N H C H E ed in different colors, and the best plau is to week, all of which were taken at*" prices ranging After robbing the Unioumeu of all their will be ready for fencing in. R GEORGE R BARR o h s c y asking the Secretary of State for the n u m b e r the conrt, in noticing this objection, s a y s : A M P m from $7i to$9i the 100 lbs., the latler for extra horses a n d blankets, breaking open drawers refuse all notes of this denomination. he nnd C W m w T A O quality. The following are the particulars of the " T h e point of objection ia cf an important nnd and names of prisoners arrested in the State and chests, and seizing upon money, counteR & M G H H w B W m R W T Explanatory.—Mr. Hollinger, the Mercanm One dollar notes on the Boyleston Bank, sales made public to-day at the Avenue Yard : M MONDAY difficult nature. I t is well known that at common of Kentucky, etc., wns amended, to the.effect nanced b y the authorities, in spite of being C & W m W B F R E E TO ALL AUGU T $SAu9 law, in many cases of felonies, tho party forfeited that the President be requested to inform the unarmed the people rebelled. I n one night, tile Appraiser for the present year, explains Boston, Mass., a r e also in circulation, a great 73 Lancaster county, Kimble & Kirk, UN T mm w A W m w B Z Senate, if compatible with the public interest, " " Jas. McFillen, Jr., 8 a9 his goods and chatties to the Crown- No right to strange to say, all the railroad bridges from the apparent discrepency in the n u m b e r of many having been passed in Philadelphia on 73 mm m B W m W A m :t T C T w m the goods and cbattlea of the felon could bo ac- concerning the arrests in Kentucky, and was* Chattanooga a hundred miles south, took fire vendors of merchandise this y e a r with former 63" P . Hathaway, 8 a9 M E L w B G w m C mm A H MB Saturday. -T^he notes are on poor and thin then passed. M r . Clarke, from the Special A B E O L E quired by the Crown, by the mere commission of and burned down. I t was a singular coinci34 '• » P.McFUIen, S^a9 G m L L S E A E m the offense; but the right attached only by the Committee on Confiscation, reported a bill.— dence that they should all t a k e fire on that years to the fact that h e returned none b u t paper. The centre-piece is a shield surmount- 40 T w m V VU W LDAMMAL " " Schaumbarg A Co.,...8 oS} m conviction of tho offender. I n contemplation of Mr. Trumbull offered a resolution, which was night. That was purely accidental. (Laughter those who were clearly liable to the t a x . — ed b y a n eagle, a n d having female figureB on 43 m M M B T B C " " E . S . Miaiin, SJait A (i the common law, the offender's right was not di- laid over, calling on the President for infor- and applause.) H e happened to be out from Heretofore it h a d been the custom to r e t u r n L E w T G V a a Am 30 " McCleese, 8 aS2 either side. On the lower right hand corner M M w B S M E vested until conviction. But this doctrine never mation as to a n y design ou the p a r t of any home at the time. He h a d gone out to collect w w m 20 " " J. Johnson, 8 a9 L M was applied to seizures and forfeitures created by foreign power to intervene in this war, &c.— some debts from Union men—the Sheriffs of every small cake a n d candy shop in the coun ty, are two farmers, and on t h e left h a n d corner B R w G 3G " " H.Miller, SJa9 M C C Statute in rem, cognizable on the revenue side of The army appropriation bill was considered several counties. B u t as the bridges took fire and on suit being brought to recover the l i - is the word "One.*' The printing of " BOBA B B M G m H A & C M B 38 " " Haymaker & Bro., 8 a9 and amended, after which the Senate went T m the exchequer. ; The thing is here primarily conwhile he was out, they swore t h a t h e was the cense, i t was found that, to a certain extent, fon" is very b a d . Z m m w G W E w B A m B w 25 " " J . Kaufftnani 8Ja83 m sidered as the offender, or rather the offense is into executive session. ringleader of all the deviltry. They h a d the they were exempt. The same was the case m L w D A m m w m " " D.W.Miller, SiaSJ Persons should also be on their guard 33 primarily attached to tho thing. Many coses exist Ow B E w G A H O U S E . — T h e joint resolutions requiring the jails all full. They seized him on December with millers who only did customer w o r k a t " " Airsman *fc Bro., 8 a9 B M G W mH where the forfeiture for acts done attaches solely against receiving a n y of the notes* of the 55 m w superintendent of the census to keep records of (i, a n d confined him in a dirty, miserable jail, B w 20 Chester county, Kennedy, StaSJ in rati, and there is no accompanying penalty in w m with one hundred a n d fifty others. I n all the their mills. Under these circumstances, t h e Warran Bank, (Pa.) The Bank is a rotten thenamesofadultmales, heads of families, a n d Oowa AND CALVES.—About 120 were offered nnd B m m personam. Many cases exist where there is both M W C w B M freeholders, was passed. Mr. Elliot, from the jail there was not a chair, bench or table, or list was revised this year, and only those r e - concern and its issue perfectly useless. w sold at from $18 to $30 oach for springers, and $20 a forfeiture in rem and a personal penalty. But in E committee on confiscation, reported two bills, any furniture, except a bucket a n d two old turned a n d published those who came clearly to $40 for Cows and Calves—about the same as A m O M m mm D G w T A B neither class of casee has it ever been decided that tin dippers to d r i n k from. H e knew t h e i n which were made the special order for TuesX T C Look out for Them.—The public are caution- last week. the prosecutions were dependent upon each other. him, a n d when he en- u n d e r the-law. HOGS.—Some 2G00 wore disposed of at rather C day next. Mr. Shellabarger offered a resolu- mates a n d they ( knew I But the practice has been, and so this court uned against a set of mustached and rascally lower prices, including 1570 at InihofTs, at $4a4, m M H m w B D H m tion,which was passed, calling on the Secretary tered they said, Brownlow, a r e you h e r e ? " B O GO WE T ORAKGE C E T O Z and T T m derstand the law to be, that tho proceeding in rem Personal.—Our good friend M a j . M. Hoopes, Jews who arc travelling through this and ad- 50 for still and $4,50a$5 for corn fed: and 1000 at TREET m m of the Interior to inform the House what r e - " Yes, boys, we have at last met at the h a t G C C w B A M stands independent of and wholly unaffected by P m A m ter's shop." the Avenue Yard, at from $5 to $5,75 the net 100 A trenchments can be made in the expenditures. Paymaster in the U . S. Army, dropped into joining counties, pretending to sell the best of any criminal proceeding in personam." L B lbs. tho latter for extra quality. G W L M w B Am B m ACCOTTNTS O P T R U S T A N D AE The House went into Committee on the army A P B E Here t h e offenEe is attached to the thing, SHEEP.—The offerings and sales roach about They said that they never thought they our office on Monday looking the perfection French a n d German cloths at remarkably low S GHTED E S T A T E S appropriation bill, snd a debate on the subject G K C B w G A A a n d the bill provides for proceedings in rem, 5600 head, taken, at 4aijc per lb gros? for clipped of good health a n d humor. H e was fresh prices. I t is needless to say that their r e p would come to this. He told them to cheer B G B m K of confiscation ensued. Mr. Calvert, offered a T w w m Sheep. H E o h e w m RB in prize cases or forfeitures arising under D K E m m N w resolution, which was rejected, that no por- up. Were they there for stealing, counterfeit- from t h e seige of Yorktown, a n d brought with resentations are false, and that their merO BALTIMORE GBAIN MARKET. the revenue laws. I t h a s no connection whatY M R m tion of the appropriation i n the bill shall be ing or manslaughter? No, it was because him several articles of "Secesh" manufacture, chandize is of the most miserable kind. The A L W w w B L G E C C mm ever with criminal proceedings in personam; BALTIMORE May 17,1S02. applied to the support or equipment of negroes they adhered to the flag of tho Constitution of among them a pay-roll of the Rebel army, best t h i n g t h e farmers could do when these w A M t h e y a r e still open to b e resorted to, if the FLOUR.—The Flour market has been extremely L m M W w w B m or fugitive slaves for serving in the array of their country. H e declared to God as his B B A E C R m R W E H P m quiet, the demand being chiefly con fined to tho offender shall ever come within the reach of Y L G E B A the United States. The bill was finally passed j u d g e he looked upon t h a t sixth day of De- which is about as menu a looking specimen of swindlers entor their premises would be to let wants of the city trade and business bns conseE V E W C w B m E our criminal process. cember ns the proudest day of his life. H e M C w E T B the " A r t preservative of all A r t s " as we have loose their " b i g dogs" upon them. They are quently been on a limited scale: prices are tendM mm E F without amendment. ;i m N E T h e Constitution provides that n o bill of B T vowed t h a t h e would stay until death, or o n A A A w M E H m w B G E T H m C m a t t a i n d e r or expostjactol&w shall b e p a s s e d ; " Am A til they would h a n g him rather than renounce ever seen. T h e Major left the same day for a nuisance a n d should be driven out of the ing Elightly in favor of buyers, though wo are un- D A m H M N M A w able to quote any material decline. Transactions m P B T M B a n d i t i s objected that t h e bill under considerTHURSDAY, May l u . his- principles. The prisoners were offered the a r m y a n d will make one of the number who country. G E T H M E U C m Am reported comprise 400 bbls. Ohio Super at $5,37 J ; M G B w G A ation impinges on the constitutional provision. SKNATE.—Mr. Wade, from the Committee chances to volunteer, a n d from their misery will march on to Richmond. There are no m B B M G A m G m 750 bbls. Howard Street Super at $5,37Aa5,50 ; 1, . I t i s claimed to be a bill of pains and penalties on Territories, reported back the House bill they h a d been compelled to volunteer; b u t , D A E H M A A mA The London Quarterly Review for April is S00 bbls. Ohio Extra, and 550 bbl-. Howard H better or more efficient officers connected with UC m within the mischief, and, therefore, within to provide a temporary government for Ari- after he was first confined, that volunteering E m w G Street do. at $5,G2* per bbl. H A E E & B K m an exceedingly interesting number, embracing H Am X A B C H M G Emm t h e constitutional prohibition against bills of zona. Mr. Wilkinson, from the same com- stopped. During his incarceration one of the the army t h a n Paymasters Hoopes and W i l e y A Am P P m R Y E FLOUR.—We notice sales ofsomo 350 bbls. BB m the following papers:—Dorset, Hymnology, at$3,50a3,75 per bbl. at which figures wo quote " p a i n s a n d penalties,' 1 that we have no con- mittee, reported back the House bill to amend Confederate Brigadiers, named Leadbeater, of Lancaster county. P K A K M A H B E w B B C D G stitutional power to enact it. A bill of attain the act for the government of Colorado, which visited him, dressed within a n inch of h i s natm N E State and ;ProBpects of T u r k e y ; Training of ordinary to choice brands. B B W P W L E w C mm d e r , " differs from a bill of " pains and penal- was passed. Mr. Brown, from the same com- ural b u t drunken life. After some preliminary Am K R W L m w G CORN MEAL.—Within the past two or three days G Dead.—Sergeant George L . Myere, of Capt. the Clergy; Life of T u r n e r ; The eastern H A E H H A G W O ties"* only ini pronouncing the judgment of mittee reported back the House bill to secure conversation, the Brigadier offered to have A B M G Emm E sales have beon made of 2,500 bbls. City Mills and M V Am E R G M R L A K m death, instead of a milder punishment. Goth freedom to the people of the territories, with him released if he would take the oath of al- Pyfer's company, Staumbaugh's Regiment, Archipelago; Stanhope's life of P i t t ; The Brandywino Corn Meal on terms not made public, H A E A D E A G a r e equally within tho reason and spirit of the an amendment whicn changes t h e language of legiance. Rising u p several feet, and having died on the 8th inst. His family reside in the Merrimac a n d the MonitorF o r sale at we quote City and Brandywino nominal at $2,87^ E V G E A m T H N w m M w B C K a$3 per bbl. constitutional prohibition. *In both, the Leg- the bill to that of the ordinance of 1787. M r . his Irish aroused, ho told him he would rot neighborhood of New Holland. Am B m A Westhaeffer's. M A E U B A N w m K N w m A m W m P islature assumes judicial functions, and pro- Morrill, from the Conference Committeo, r e - before he would take that o a t h ; that he deWHEAT.—The receipts on Change for the week G W C w E H C m V Am add up 20,000 bushels. Sound Wheat has been C nounces sentence for post offenses, and with- ported the hill for a city railroad from Wash- nied their right to administer a n oath ; that H T E Em I m p o r t a n t t o Tavern and R e s t a u r a n t KoepW A m F w D A m B T wanted, and with very little at market, prices out the safeguards of a trial. No j u r y , no ington to Georgetown, which after a lengthy they had no existence ; that they h a d never C m w B m B A G PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD. N have ruled firm, at our quotations, viz: fair to good court, no evidence—the Legislature, by a n act discussion, was passed. A message was r e - been recognized, nnd ho believed that they eri.—All licenses granted a t the late term of B w A m Am m C MONDAY D white 142al52 cts. prime to strictly choice do. 15S B w B L m w B M ' Arrival a n d Departure of T r a i n s . of legislation,; pronounces sentence. Both u1 ceived from the President recommending a never would be. the court must be lifted on or before T h u r s d a y H B UNE m B w D B w H al62 cts. fair to prime Pennsylvania rod 130al33 bill of attainder and a bill of pains and penal- vote of- thanks to Capt. Farragut, and to the A A P M next. E w cts. and Southern do. 133al35 cts. per bushel. LEAVE EASTWARD. W H A ties are of the nature of ex post facto \aws. In other officers commandiug the expedition PRISON TREATMENT OF UNION MEN—NORTHERN B T m L w w w A H C C B Wm W Through Express 2.45 a . m . We quote at tho close fair'to good white at 145a ETER MART N both, the Legislature ussumeBjudicial functions against New Orleans and the forts. Mr. Har- TRAITORS. Found Bead.—A m a n supposed to have been al53 cts ; prime to choice do. 158al64 cts. and A m & O B L O F W C Fast Line 7.00 a. m. fair to prime Pennsylvania red at 133al35 ct3. per a n d proceeds to conviction without law or lan, from tho Committc of Conference on the w E H m B w B D G m G Preacher us he "was, he would see them C W G H drowned was lately found on the b a n k of the Mt. Joy Ac. arr 8.40 a. m. evidence. Homestead bill, made a report which was bushel. No Southern red coming forward. Ass gned Es a e o JAMES CUBRAN E m E A m C m A E G C H M w B H This bill h a s no feature of a bill of pains agreed to. Mr. Doolittle offered a resolution, down in ihe infernal regions before h e would Susquehanna river, a t " F i p t c h ' s E d d y . " — Lancaster Accom 9.00 a. m. and W FE of S asbu g Bo RYE.—The receipts of Rye have been light and P w w K H join them. " W e l l , " said the Brigadier, H A m a n d penalties.' I t is not ex post facto; it in- which was laid over, calling on the Secretary Mail-Train 2.53 p . m. with a fair demand tho market has ruled quiet B W R B D L plan t a l k . " " Y e s , " w a s h i s r e - When found he h a d on a pair of military pants, AMES CUKRAX and W FE of M L WL w A m w flicts n o penalty for past offenses, b u t ouly i n - of the Navy for information in regard to the that's COS p . m. firm at 74a75 cts. for good to prime Pennsylvania, C B blue knit Bhirt, a n d a pair of newly half-soled Harrisburg Accommodation.....'. p l y ; " h u t it's (be talk for revolutionary flicts forfeiture against such as shall, after its nnmber and armament of t h e gunboats nowLEAVE WESTWARll. G D mm C w B D m and 69a70 cts. per bushel for Maryland do. w C w C m m A m passage, be guilty of bearing arms against the being constructed, etc. Mr. Harris offered a times." "Well, the times were tightened u p . boots. H e was without coat, h a d sandy hair, Through Express 1.21 a . m . Am C CORN.—Some 96,000 bushels havo been offered A B B w B M C m C United.States,; or in giving them aid and com- resolution, which was laid over, requesting There was not a bed i n their j a i l . If they was of short stature and about thirty-five years Mail Train 10.40 a. m. on Change. The balk ofthe receipt has changed B W w A m R m fort. I t pronounces no legislative sentence. the Secretary of Stale to report to the'Senate wanted to realize it let them lie down awhile of age. No clue could b e had of his name. A P G P L E w B m W A Mount Joy Accommodation. ..10.50 a. m. hands at prices ranging from G0aG3 cts. for fair to m m m P The bill itself, does not appropriate any pro- what arc the rights and obligations of the and warm the floor for somebody else. During Fast Line 2.18 p . m. prime white, and 58a60 cts. per bushel for yellow m HENHY M LLER A T W E w B B m P C m L m L perty, b u t only makes the appropriation after United States and Great Britain in regard to the imprisonment a number died from various Hanisburff Accommodation COS p . m. do. the market closes in tlie abseence of any deE Bailroad Accident.-—Last week Mr. Harman P C F H condemnation by the courts, or through com- the maintenance of armaments on the north- diseases contracted. H e would never forget mm R w B D mm Lanceater and Columbia Train ?>44 p.m. mand for Government or for export at a decline of the scenes wbioh he passed during that fearAm P 1 cent on the above figures. The market closed at A m missioners where the rebellion makes the sit- ern lakes. The Indian appropriation bill was. Ass gned Es a e of DAV D LA RD Odell, a conductor on a freight train of the Emigrant train 10.20 p. m. M w m P m C m L B H 60a63 cts. for fair to prime white, and 58aGO cts. ting of courts impossible. If it is complained further considered. A message was received ful time. H e remembered two venerable men, F e n n a . Railroad m e t with a n accident a t o Ma e ownsh p B w E A m Am P r i n t i n g for B a l l s a n d Parties.—A beautiful per bnshel for yellow do. t h a t the bill gives too great power to the com- from the House annouueing the death of Hon. ministers, who were harshly used b y t h e corM B m M w B B m AV D LA RD of Ma e ownsh p R D E G OATS.—Some 37,500 bushels have been received missioners, I answer that this objection is not Goldsmith P . Bailey, a n d t h e customary r e s - ruptjailor, whom he had frequently denounced Downingtown bridge, by which he came near u s o r t o i e n t of F I N S EMBOSSED CARDS. s u l U b l a for A m m G G m P as a scoundrel in h i s paper. Of these two loBinghis life. H e was knocked from the Balls a n d Parties, ja&t received a t t h i s office. Gall and on Change. Tho demand throughout the week has A B L w B B m open to those who, b y arms, have set u p anoth- olutions were adopted. F W C R A old Baptist preachers, one was incarcerated been moderately active. Sales reported, have ransee specimens. jurisdiction, and driven our courts from the K P m A G = D E w B W m ged from 39 to 4.1 cts. for fair to prima Pennsylva- D L because he prayed for the President of t h e train b y coming i n contact with the bridge, territory of several States. This would be to M B w E C a t a l o g u e s , Ac.—Principals of Seminaries a n d nia; 36a4.0 cts. for Maryland do. and 34a3S cts. Q P m A w m m HOUSE.—The consideration of the bill intro- United S t a t e s ; t h a t was all of his offence. The while crossing, a n d fell through the timbers Schools w h o desire n e a t l y printed Catalogues a n d ClrG M E C L B W give exemption to the property of traitors bem m H C G per bushel for Virginia do. at which range of prim A M A m duced by Mr. Penton for the adjudication of other was imprisoned merely for throwing u p to the ground below, stunning and otherwise A F m M cause of their treason. OHN H L D E B R N D w calars w i l l And a t this office t h e best selection of mate ces we quote at the close. H m W m M w B S W Ow P C claims for the loss a n d destruction of property his h a t and cheering when Union troops passed. OHN ARM TRONG M w m E Very extraordinary powers are claimed for rials for this branch of p r i n t i n g . D H F m M The jailor constantly examined between pie injuring himself. m A belonging to loyal citizens, and the damage A w M M w B W m the President on this subject of emancipation A B m BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET. done thereto by the troops of the United States and plate, to see whether there was a n y treaP o s t e r s , S a l e B i l l s , i o . , printed a t short notice C m of slaves a n d confiscation of properly. As 3TATE of DAV D STONE a e of M A m H L B w B Order of Odd Fellows.—The Grand Lodge and In t h e best style a t this office. T h e largest a n d during the present rebellion, was postponed to son being sent in paper billets from the Union A BALTIMORE, May 17,1862. w —L m Commander-in-Chief, it is claimed that he has K E man. He lay on a piece of carpet on the the 26th instant. Mr. Ward, from the ComT GBEAT VAN AMB TBGH of this order commenced i t s annual session a t beet selection of type for this particular b r a n c h of printCATTLE.—The offerings at the State Live Stock D K S E H m w B full power to emancipate the slaves, and the W he > o T mittee on Commerce, reported a bill establising floor, scarcely able to turn over. His wife Philadelphia yesterday. D B K B m B K m Scales to-day amounted to 600 head, all of which A i l the Lodges of ing will b s found a t this establishment. right to take for public u s e such property of m m A A m were taken<by city packers and butohers at prices m m mm a coinage department in the United States leaving five children a t home, brought one m m A w the rebels as he pleases. This, sir, is claimR G w B m G P r i n t i n g f o r S o c i e t i e s , fto.—Constitutions. By ranging from $3,50 to 5,25 per 100 lbs. only a few m assay officer, in this city, which wa3 ordered child five weeks old to the door to see him die. this county- are represented, as several quesw W E H > A m ing large powers for the President, a n d if he EL A TOKE V T MA m to be printed and recommended to that com- B u t they refused to let her Bee h e r dying h u s - tions of importance will be brought before the Laws, Order Books, Certificates, Ac. printed i n t h e best prime fat Beeves bringing the outside figure. Dum C B C m B E poBaess them, then, indeed, does w a r make m B C HO MAN E C W m A M E mittee. The Senate bill authorizing the a p - band until nfter he h a d p u t his head out of body for its action. A eulogy on the life, atyle, and a t moderate prices. Call and see specimen. ring the week sales of 300 head have been made to M h i m a s absolute as the Czar or Sulton. T h e tho Government agent at the above range of A m W L m w O pointment of medical store-keepers for the the window and besought them for God's sake M A D President, as Commander-in-Chief, h a s no character a n d services of P a s t Grand Sire C a r d P r i n t i n g . — A large assortment of CARDS of prices. STATE OF JACOB BASSLEK A B M G army a n d hospital chaplains was passed. to let her in. They finally did, a n d when she THE GOW EOUS P CKS X M m w L v e r y style a n d yarlety Joat received, a n d n e a t l y printpower to emancipate slaves, except as actualHOGS,—Tho supply of Hogs at market was conA m Consideration was then resumed of business saw h e r huBband she WOB SO weak as t o ' b e Thomas Wildey. the founder of Odd Fellow- ed a t this office, a t rates cheaper t h a n a n y other estab* A A M m ly connected with his military operations, and siderable, with only a fair demand, prices of good A G B C m B E T p e r t a i n i n g i o the District of Columbia, and unable to stand, nnd the husband was not seip i n the United States, will be delivered by s h m e a t i n t h e city. COLDEN CHAR OT h e r e h e is limited to the actual power of the E and prime Live Hoga ruled lower ; while fair Hogs m mm m several.bilb|V:Were passed. M r . Potter, from able to embrace his wife—neithercouldapeak. P a s t Grand Master Robert A. Lamberton, of W G B C m B H M C force under his command. A general in the brought an advance of 25 cts. por 100 lbs. on Inst m m m w m C C i r c u l a r s — i n a n y style neatly and expeditiously the Conference Committee on the Homestead He held the babe during the interview. He nevN E A m m O H C B week's prices. Sales ranged from $4,25 to $5 per w field has the same power. A proclamation by Harrisbnrg, to night, a t t h e Musical Fund printed a t t h i s office. H B B w C L B T m H bill, made a report,, which was adopted. T h e er Baw but one sight that excelled it, and hoped O H N H WABE 100 lbs. the President of general emancipation, or of B w E E w M P O E H m w death of Hon. Goldsmith F . Bailey, of Massa- it would never bo witnessed again. This was Hall. The proceeds will be appropriated to B i l l H e a d s neatly p r i n t e d a t t h i s office, plain SHEEP.—Tho market was moderately supplied. K E w G A emancipation of the slaves of rebels is utterly m chusetts, was announced, and t h e u s u a l r e s o l u - the. spirit of Secession, not only i n Tennessee, the military hospitals of Philadelphia. or fancy color*. B A m K m W m C Demand good. Fair to prime Sheep sold at $4 to •without force. He may control b y martial lair E K m w tions of condolence and respect was adopted. b u t all over the S o u t h ; it was the spirit of •e—*- ' • $4.50 per 100 lbs. gross. (which, for the time being, supersedes the w G M M A STATE o JOHN BTJRKHOLDE hell, and y e t wo had men a t the North to symHIIJTAKT—There Is, perhaps/no departH w —L T munioipallaw) within his military array. Here Yearly Meeting.—The yearly meeting ofthe ment of Military business In which there has been apathize with i t . If lie owed twelve of t h e W LL EXH B T AT LANCASTER E E w B H TOBACCO MAEKET m h e may call upon the slave for military service, F R I D A Y , M a y 1G. most revolting wretches a n d depraved scoun- Progressive Friends will be held a t Longwood more marked Improvement than in the clothing of solA m E BA MOR M SG a n d take him out of the "power and control of SENATE.—A resolution was adopted that the drels the world ever saw, to his Satanic majesO N B B M m w B C m m mm m TOBACCO —T L T du h i s master. His authority as military com- bills of both houses be enrolled on paper i n - ty, he would make a tender of twelve N o r t h - Chester county, on Thursday the 5th of J u n e . diers. Not many years since officers and privates were R B wm A m m m m w he w m o A w B M B B m m mander goes not beyond his lines. H e has no stead of parchment. The Indian Appropria- ern men sympathizing with Secession. They William L. Garrison a n d Thaddeus Tilfon will clad In garments which were almost skin-tight. They A m o P DAN E BURKHOLDER wore leather stocks. Yhlch were worthy of the name. power whatever of confiscation. He may take tion bill was passed, with a n amendment might deem him severe a n d bitter in his de- be in attendance. A m L E L m w B H E w w and he m for they kept the wearer in tribulation • while their suoh military stores, forage, andjirovisions as authorizing the Presidentrto apply the appro- nunciation of Northern t r a i t o r s ; b u t they N L E DAV D BURKHOLDER m M T baa n m T C L B S D0OES OPEN AT 1 AHD 7 OCLOCK padded breast aue tight sleeves made volition a matter w e necessary for the support of his Army, priations to certain tribes,whena p a r t wa3 dis- must consider that they in the South took i t CHR T AN Z MMERMAN w a a o a H r . J . A. L i g h t of Lebanon P a . , made a balA A m m B K w of great difficulty. During the present war, such of and this h e mayflo alike from friend or foe. loyal, to the loyal portion, and where a tribe as a personal matter. These Northern traitors w o T E m E H m w B M The supreme power of this Government, u n - has taken u p arms against t h e government to ought n o t to be tolerated on Broadway. They, loon aBcension from Manheim on Saturday a our volunteers as-procure taeir uniforms at the Brown B A m m o he mm m m and MART B ARMER A D ADM SS ON 25 CENTS H B C m A der and within thelimits of the Constitution, abrogate all treaties with them. The confis ought to be ridden on a rail out of t h e North, week. We should think t h a t ballooning a t this Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill It WUson.Nos. 603and m w T A T m B E H m M H E « i n C o n g r e s B . T u the case before cited of cation bill was then taken u p and Mr. Clarke, and made to show their hand. 60S CheBtnnt street,above EUtb.Phuadelphla, obtain CH LDREN UNDER 9 YEARS 16 CENTS O E H R ARMER m A N lime would be r a t h e r a n unprofitable business. C T he XInited •E?2£.- *li . S t a ^ s , while i t was of New Hamshire, said the biU had been carea he w v V clothing that la perfectly easy, substantial and beeoma m m m OT CE o JOSEPH R FARMER E w N L m Gm TH A L wm B E B H TL and mm M « ™ S S ? * f w e m i 8 h t confiscate, enemies' fully prepared b y t h e committee, who h a d H ng. Thefirmnamed nave gone largely Into the busiY mm n G DG H E The dull monotony of t h e streets w a s r e - ness of making military clothing, and their facilities mm m S X r " \ 0 n l a n d ; u ™ s also decided tried hard to harmonize the different proposia L a REBEL ATTROOITIES—SttTRDERS OP UNION B w B AU & H M C C L B C C C C mm P mm and < and ne w HH E « £ £ £ * £ ? T - n e d o n l b ' 8 P o i n t - t h a t i h e tions, and he hoped the bill would meet with lieved yesterday b y t h e entrance of a grand enable them to fill the largest ordsrs In In the shortest MEN. D A m THTRD MONDAT N AUGUST w Ow he ac possible time. W B w Q A power of confiscating enemies' properly- i s in the approbation of the Senate. any yon w M E F caravan of circus -teams. Preceeded b y a B A G B G Emm C After Bull Run, officers a n d privates passing aprlO iy.3» o m m m he CASPEB D THAH Congress. After citing the act of congress - Mr. Trumbull, of Illinois, moved to strike m m m w W m w n We o HA D ACTT RBE O W P BOYD declaring war against Great Britain. tiffES. out the first section, which he said was merely through this town on their w a y South, bore b a n d w a g o n containing some t e n or twelve W m W w w B E w K o O T a with them frequently what they said were the H CO H ON AHD X B K CB O AK NVA D performers on consumptive fiddles a n d windm K A m FUBN TDBB OF EVERY DERCEPT10N say. intended to enlighten the punishment of treaT m L m O B B Bw w P o h» w w a son, a n d unconstitutional. He contended t h a t heads of Yankees. They would hold them broken horns, i t trailed through the streets to w on m m MECBAN1C8BURQ Xon Co Pa H T A m w B m D U 'There being no other act of Coneress »>,,„,, this ; was n o t a, confiscation biU a t alL H e u p b y t h e beard, holding the h e a d out of the o Q a e a L E H m w B E HE unde s gned espec u y n o ms t * w upon the subject, it is t m t i t o S X ! ^ claimed t h a t Congress h a d the power to t a k e window, often saying that it was " a — ^ - Y a n - the infinite delight-of b a r k i n g ours a n d bare- P m D A a m m h» L A w B o U w — o mm G W w w B R o C By one w Um U ha w oa a a* ~ the property ;of a rebel during life in war, b u t kee's head, captured at Bull R u n . " (Sensa-' footed boys. Taking i t altogether i t was a m T ed and K T T A H T H A T m «*> C O E m o DBH TOHB o de tion, a n d cries of -.".Bhame.") This was t h e w U " sorry c o n c e r n / ' b u t as onr good'cUizens have not bring h i m into court and t a k e his property and w — HAV B XOV D KOU H C L B H A w tt« declaration of war, and this sentence of con- longer t h a n life under the Constitution, which spirit of murder—of the Tile, untutored lavage; U B B M By * T n K T w m H A U not been gratified a j the sight of a circus for a H EAR K HO STBKET o .aeanauon cannot be sustained/' H m — — m m T »« i t was the spirit of hell, a n d h e who applOfiied B H W H m w T A *„ — BT m m VU -.Again m CHA BS c No 6 BAST K NG BTBBET B A m G m T P T m od we o o n ItwBD—.rm***.*. > «. IA,. IP, r °Vlde8against a t t a i n d e r a a d U i e - t a k i n g - o f for i t was n o t a whit > e t t e r t h a n the"p«r^otraB E B n he m A I t *pptan to tho conriv that the poirw of con-1 the property 0 r a traitor from Ufa h « i r i r \ e t , tors themselves. I n Andy Jofenmpfa town OTe owo O a» o a*?** M WJ T Vwwoa op 9S I »? 19 KM B C m CS U A WO T OTB TSS WM B OC M W T atlta. A T O O Parson Brownlow in New York. f&ttnew of gjarfecte. h VAN AMBUR8H & GO S Mammoth Menagerie GREAT MORff EXHIBITION Thirty-Seventh Congress. Colossal Golden Chariot. SHULTZ~& BRO., T M T J D E E E TUESDAY J U N E 3d. N Un on Housekeepe s REMOVAL »umr-» T Empo um i~ t.J-'L;-Ovg:.1.'»'V'S^^-.i? fc^t^fc <_***ici*:,^C-».' • • i ^ i y ^ ^ w ^ ^ ^ - J A ^ i r Oj£^;i!l\&ZZXTXX^ZL. oSMXSB'bbraT-SAXE: /.W MOMDAY.'the 16th day of JUNE *:UTJ,W"l''giP '-•* • .^.issBaatfeaa^^aas •^#^M^*I^^ '• W.E^ASTntjepOTrrY;^ •;;••;-" HE, followingis- :a list of the -Tenders. T ' Stole. B B FUcklacar John liodwlg Jacob Esserels B PUckicgar Hds Pro Hdi do 14 14 14 14 BC&rllng Jeremiah Wlest A W Meatier SB&Uback COLERAIN. Hdz 13 a D SprMhflz do-14 do 14 do IS Hvzmsn Miller Chandler. ^v . . Denial Okaeon FraakGrien. i. . HKMinnich J«eoVD«Qk«r John J Fischer SUiabeth Spreoger Catherine fihoenberger WmKuhaa . "Henry Franka Henry fiirohle, rndUitler. . Jaoob-Mfiaker KLiiabethCox PIlTLAPraPHU AUVKttTIbKMENTS. - .. Hllaire Xaepfel CnriaOaa Bowman BtBiyt-WMsmbarger John Frnneiecns Johnstattara JohnOo»elnnd CLASS 100 100 P B I O E $45 H E B 2 , 0 0 0 lbs. REDUCED v P ® I G 5 S , Jiwih ^ M » g i ' ' J O & A P Dgitffltii JohaHoanr-. N6.52i Hra Sophia Koch AmbA LOftgandarAr WashUuruav HoUoirar AMoMlchael TIMra Matlida Koch MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP. Kelff MOUNT JOY BOROUaH: Jamea Mooner TiJohn Kyara tf Co . 71 Jaoob Moonj. WALNUT STREET, A L L E N & OR B T H I S A U T H O R I Z E D A G E N T S . t y » Nan* genuine vlthout the written signature the inventor and manufacturer. J B Kennedy & Son Hdx HI J D Hastings J H cwlaher do H | F J Pennoek Gillespie & Blackburn do U< W Bobbins Q of TO T H E S U F F E R I N G . r r i H E Proprietor and Manufacturer of I tbls Cough Candy, lu introducing it to public ftror, dots so with the utmost coundsnes that It Is a l l that la claimed for It. Its Tlrtues and effleMy in Coughs, Colds and all Bronchial affections have been tested b y thousands, whose certificates and ricommendaUoaai could, be procured were It deemed necessary. All that U u proprietor ask* la a fair trial, and on this h e Is w t l U n r to rest Its value M a m e d l e b u . I t Is composed of nothlaf that can possibly injure the most delicate oouututtan, being prepared solely from articles long known and used by tbe Medical Profession for the alleviation and cure of diseases of tbe Throat, Lungs and Breast. With the utmost confidence. It Is, thereore, submitted to the p u b l i c V . P. ANDEB30N. N E E D L E S ' PLUMING, GAS FITTING, &c. A B B AM C. B H O W N , AS removed bis Plumbing and Gas K i ^ F o r Sale by John W . Hnbley, John D . S t t l e s , Darld King, Jobn Tondersmlth, Jacob Bowers, WaUon OPPOSITE T H E S T A T E H O U S E , 21. Miller, and at the Confectionery Store of the Manufacturer, North Queen Street, Lancaster. tf. 8 fitting KaUbUahmutfrom the north-east to the J*n 22 This manure, from its superior quality, and PHILADELPHIA:. north-west corner of Eighth and Battonwood i t s . , the low price at which we are Belling, enPhiladelphia, where h e will continue the basinets with C O N S U M E R S O F renewed xs*l and Ingenuity. H s would call especial ables tbe Farmer to nae it when fas Attention to the Deep Well Pump, which A child of ten COAL, . M A I T U B E ! MATTCTBE!! could not conveniently buy other ears can readily operate In a w e l l of 60 feet d e e p ^ articles. Those who hare hss« Pumps are made o f brass, and a o t l l a b l s to get H E underaigned desire to call the oat of order; m a y be seen l a operation a t Ui* nooses , atUatton ot theAgrloaltnial Commtutty to their used it heretofore, ara Tja.3a;Ei N O T I O B I of Messrs. W m . C. Kent, John. Brock and 8aml. Magar* gee, near Shoemakertown; and Col, Jacob S. Haldeman, again doing so HarriabOTf. t ^ P a r U c u l a x s on application. now, which JLM &iV»w» ao nQoh^aaUaTaeUoiL to Farmera and H e keeps constantly o n h s a d t h e Tarioushiads of ELIIMAKEB'S Which i s the Beat Evidence of its Excellent HTDRAULIO RAMS, and parts of Rams, and Force and other* In dlAvreitHsetloiMOf tbej conatry. that Lift Pumps, and their several parts, to accommodate It la eonttdMtiy rernimneiiWl aa one. ABO customers, should any. part break or wear out. of the BfiSr MAHDR1S, erer Persona itarlag Hydraulic Bams which are not In offend to the p u b l i c working order,'will promote tholr Interest b y calling Sim at the Old Place, Fries $40.00 per. TON gf'2,000 lba. on the subscriber, whose knowledge and experience w i l l enable him to explain difficulties, and put them la Cor. of Prince an.l Lemon Bta., one sqn a. W e also, Manufacture » working order, frequently at small expense. North of the Railroad. M E A T a n d B O N E COM.POST, Jun S ly.23 H E moat convenient yard in the city rhloh u IU nam* Imports, la caxaposed of, Meat, Bon for Country Trade, belag out of slgbt ai tba cara and Offal, from the Slaughter Home, combined aad fronting on Mr it streets. P E R U V I A N . — W o sell n o c e b a t N o . I, w c e i r s d with other zaaterlale. readering It a K^HaTlng procured the services uf valuable and cheap trUeta w a l l direct from t h e P e r u r i a u T h e Philadelphia and Baltimore CenJACOB B B I M H O L D , adapted to promote the QoTernment. tral Bailroad. growth of Cora, for 16 years well aad favorably kaowa u the I C H A B O E . — A v e r y saperior article, received d i Potatoee S R l N a ARRANGEMENT. people ot this couaty la coaaectlaa with the coal busiand rect from t b e I s l a n d . ness, and by giving his entire attention to the baalnea., N and after MONDAY, MARCH 10th, tbe enbscTtber hopee to merit and receive a ilbsvaf VegetablM'generaily. P L A S T E R . — G r o u n d P l a s t e r — * superior article, 1832, the Trains will leave Philadelphia from share of tbe pabllo patronage. PRICK only *35.0D p e r T O N . theuepot ofthe W . C. and P . R. K. Company N. K. paofced i o g o o d strong barrels. {^•Saper-flna QEODHD BOHR warranted pure. CORNBB of BIQBTESHTH and MARKET STREETS, at J3-C7.?an fiocl and full weight guaranteel to all. B O N E S — B n t t o n Makera B o n e D u s t and Ground 8.05 A. 11., and 4.80 P . M . PEIOB $35.00 PBB TON. apr i;-ly-21 LE7I ELLMiKSK Returning, leave Oxford at 6.S& A. if., and 3 00 P. M. Address Bones. WAHRES-TBD P U R E . The Train leaving Philadelphia at 3.05 A. M., connecte TASKEB & OLAEK, StTPEKIOH P E Q U EA LlME A. I . l b e r a l D e d n c t l o n M a d e I o D e a l e r s at Oxford with a line of Stages for Peach Fottom, lu S. W. Cor. EIGHTH St. «5- Washington Avenue, Lancaster county, and leave* Peich Bottom in the on the above Articles. PO K S A L B . PHILADELPHIA. morning to connect at Oxford with tbeefternoon I rain for Philadelphia. | 3 h T h e above FERTILISERS for Sale by 'T'HK subscribe: jontinues to sell the ALLEN & NEEDLES, HKNKY WOOD, W. SPRBCHBB, J . best quality of WOOb BUKNT LIMB, at h i . Liarfi-tMiS General Superintendent SOUTH WHARVES A 41 SOOTH WATKK ST. Kilns, one aad a hall'mile sonth of Lawpeter tqoar* mar S-Sm-lS Lanoaster, Pa. (First Street above Che-ttnuij Orders left at Sprecber's Hotel, Id the rlty of LaacaS A P O N I F I E R ! S A P O i n F I E R . l KOLLOOK'S caster, will be promptly attended to. PHILADELPHIA. r ^ T H E FAMILY SOAP M A K E R . ^ maro-lyio JOHH W . MAVTIK. mar 6 3m-15 D A N D E L I O N COFFEE. All Kitchen Oreatie can be made into good SOAP, by aEO." W . l l i E H A P F B Y , This preparation, made from the bast using SAPOXIFlERl • H A T C H & CO., JAVA. C O F F E E , L IJ M l i H K J l K K C H A N 'V , DlrcoUout* A c c o m p a n y i n g E a c h B o xI Id recommended b y physician* as a snperior NUTRIMARIETTA, PESSSYl, V.KSIA. TIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia ttOAf is a sadily madt) with it, a* mating a u u p u and all bullous disorders. Thousands who A S on hand u large uuJ general have been compelled to abandon the ust« assortinsalof • UASITPACTDBP.D ONLY Ut THK PATESTSfc*. \>( Coffaa will nee this without InjuriHOARDS, PI.lNK, 1:18 W a l n u t s t r e e t , P l i l l a d e l p l i l n . ous effects. One can contains the JOISTS, KAVTKKS. Pa. Salt Manufacturing Company. DEALERS IN btrength of two pound* or SCANTL1NO, SULSOLES, and LATUa. ordinary coffee. Price Plaued White Pine for Shelving, Flooring aad Cslllu* N o . 12T Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, 25 C E N T S . feb 12 12.1 j Sblagle and fleeter Lath, Pales, Itc; al.o Pine and Oak Stnd*, T O B A C C O , FERTILIZER. H f ?, John Bally Fredatl«kElail«7 Hdz 14 Edward Wiley BAPHO. Edwud-WllV/ do 14 J u a t i G o j l . Q«rh«rt tfetigu B M Brabaker do 14 O S u t . Pcbar KcGooomy C.mpbsll & Meraoall SADSBTJRY. COLUMBIA. 14 i. H Bmiflman Agt John HUlii 7j Joseph. B e n s H C Fondersmlth M i l 14 DrWSHoOorkle P n t g e 14 Th»o Ulll.r 14 Wm P Brook, J C Bttchsr Tob 14Martin Smith Gro 14 W m J G»bl« SALISBURY. Taylor & McDonald Bks 14 Wm Gordon do * 14 K D.Ichl«r Tobacco. •WHliam ?ry berger Gray k Co Drugs 14 Samuel Grove S h o « 14 . 14]CnrIatlan Long. . . 14 0 Fendrlck ft Bro Tob 14 H F Brunner Hdx IZ S E S s m n t n .. . WARWICK. Bamnel Patterson HlPQKbirman It B Williams Drugs 14 H Saydam Gro 14 7t Martha Longeaeoker 13 WsIohansAWNanghtan IS F M Ranch WMHathlot Hdz 14Chr'n Dnttenheffer do 14 John Kuane John B Gable . 13| Bdward Sturgla ll J F Smith Conf 14 George Tllle fAg't) do do 14 CBetner do 14 J B Yerkes Trimming Storet. WASHINaTON BOROUGH. D Hanaar Cloth 14 James HoUlnsworth do Mrs Barbara Kane 14|Thomas Grlevee do 14 John PenUnger Gabel & Bro Shoes 14 J G Pulloch ' 14lJohn Boagh J Stranse . do 14 ! > a n Banm P Bhrelner & Son Jowel 14 FGrab Hi TEN FINS AND BILLIARD SALOONS. Morgan Hays do 14 PUnebner Shoes 14 Variety Storet. B Klce (Agent) Cloth 14 David Mullen d o * 14 COL1JMBIA. -McTague It Bro Hdz ISJno Wlasler Brewer 8 W m B Helnlteh 14| Fred Peusch Daniel Herr 1 Billiard Table John Felix Jewel 14 E H Hitler Hdx 14 Varnish Stores. J S Miller do do Hal* 14|Geo Dlerbeck Produce 14 H F Brook* Coal 14 Beinoebl & Hostetter 13| A Belnoehl B J Haldeman Mdz 12 J G H e s a LANCASTER CITY. B F A p p o l d do 14 Haldeman & Jackson Warehouses. Richard Helms 1 Billiard Table Llndsey Cloth 14 Grocery 13 S&m'l Amelia B Locber a do do ISlSttiae & Me>xel E K Smith Lumber 14 J B Bltner Tea Flos J W Cottrell Hard 13 ~~ Scbnltz Reese 2 Alleys do 14 llANHBIM TOWNSHIP. do A J Nelson 2 do J C Pfahler do 14 W m Wblppsr do 14 do 2 do Udz 14 H L Barnllz G J Smith Conf 14 James Borrell do 13 Samasl L Leaman Hit ]4.Jobn Q Hacker ft J Frlck do 3 do do 14 A Sbenk do 13 H B Bowman Dlatlll 8 Lewie Allen Blchards do 14 J Vaughn & Co George MeiBenkop do 1 do Mill 14| J S Hostetter d j 13 Miller i K o l t do 8 J A Snyder Shoe 14,'Georgo Bogle A Brunner. do 13 MARIETTA MANHBIM BOROUOH. Haltby 4 Case Hdz loi J Cooper do 14 Bard 13 S Easmlnger J C Pfabl«r Saddler 14 Wm - " ~ Stoddard 0 a Goodman 1 Billiard Table Jao Dyer Drags 14 do 14 J Bumple St Son Hard 13 F S Blett HtUs I I William Erater 2 do Jo Kline & Danner Mdz 13A Miller Ulram Wiie?a Tin N G M Booth Tobacco 14 Arodt & Boyd Goaf 14 do 13 H Hogenlobler STRASBURd TOWNSHIP. S H Eberlln Gro 14 George 3 Bawhothum She*ffar & Glnrlch d>> 13 Worley White and 1 Ten Pin Alley Cloth 14 Joha Patt A Pelan Gro 14 do 14 Bomberger Lam 14 WlUIam Btahl Coal 13 0 J Belff Tan 14 GSelbert Furn 14 S Banrngardner Variety 14 Jacob Arndt BROKERS, John Sheaberger do 14 George Mengle & Bro Mdi M C B McClare Shoes 14 Shoes 13 Trlppte & Warfel - do 13 LANCASTER CITY CONESTOQA. MARIETTA BOROOaif, David Beeves A Son do 13 A H Hettgar Hill 14 B W LaulKRhoada k Co $1000 A. Casual Mdz 13 B Garman Saddler 14 John Oyger, BUI Broker, amount of bualLWi.ri, Habeeker, J a Peters Coal 14 do Stock do do 600 Lumber & Coal 14 Spangler & Patterson do 12 Rebecca Wolf Variety 14 Haverntlck do Exchange do du 500 John Erb i Brenelson? Floor 14 J R Dlffaobaxh. dn 14 !tf E Hellluger do 13 Joseph Imhoff do 14 Lnmber Lftwls B&teu do 14 Mra Sarah Bttohanan Gro 14 John Anxer do 14 14 ? S l l a e do 14 Reed. McGraan ACo.BUl Brokers,aint of bnalnean, 1000 Btunner & Manner Mdx 14 jamaol Haralsh Lnm 14 J Roth ChrltfU&n Hood Distill do .Stock do do fiOO do 14 Mra OB Anderson Conf 11 do Exchange, do do COO a CONOY. Wm H Qroelt do 14 John Crnll Hati 14 Hdz 13;F 21 Oramm do 14 John Strickler J e w 14 Reed,Hendernou A Co BUI Brokera.amtof budlueaa, 1000 Abrftm Collins Shoe 14 A J Miller KOLLOOK'S L E V A I N . certain Tract of Land, situate iu the township of Martic, S D Eborsole Mill 14 Smitb. i Kurlz do Stock: do do 600 WHJES and LlftUOHS. Oro 14 Iaaao BelslDger do 14 A Sammy Coal 14 after they have enjoyed a roam in the Lancaster county, and State of Pennsylvania, bouaJed Hflnry Oralder Kdz 14 Abratn Smith do Exchange do do 500 The pnrekt and best BAKING POWDER known, for Tan 14 Patterson & Co Hard 33 Frederick Maullok Brew 8 >3~ClaimB for errors to be made on receipt of goods, and described as follows to w i t : Beginning at a post La Oroff& Metzter making light, sweet and nutritions Bread do 13 G Beaoe It Bro Lam 14 DHoth COLUMBIA BOROUGH. fields. In Lancaster County, famous for the public road, one perch we*t ot corner of land of J.»bn D Hetit aug 21 ly-39 do 14 A If Caasel Lnm 12 and Cakes. Price 16 cents. do 14 John Wiley Distill S $o00 John Clark, thence by s « n e , uorth 89X degree*, eat-t S Uackeaberger A Lindsay Shoes 14 8 4 B Hiestand do 11 Datwelter & Bro., amonnt of bnslnaB, its fine farms and fat grain-fed cattle, 838-13 Drag 141 MANUF1CT0EKD BT perches to line of land of Thomas Alexun-ler, Thomas Stance MOUNT JOY BOROUGH. do 14 Groah & Son do 14 T. J. McGTJIGAH", Of. H . K O L L O C K , C h e m i s t , even during the time they are consuming thence by same eonth 10i£ degrees, east 27 G-10 percben DONEGAL EAST AND WEST. S D Miller $600 Cloth 14 C A ShatTaer do 14 A Garber, amount of bneineas, stone, thence south l l ^ d e g i e a s , east 12perches to a Corner of Broad & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Importer aod Wholesale Dealer ia corn meal, it is common to give them ton do 14 Mahaffay.HontzACodo 10 poet, thence by land of Jnmes Gibson, north 89»£ de- S F Kegel &Co Lumber ]4|Harman Llghtner Oro 14 Joha Sell £ | Sold b y all DruggUts and GrocersJ-fi* ( g ^ A n appeal will be held at the ComThomas Kelt do 14 D 1 Bowman Drags 14 THBKiDS, J R Smayliug do 14 B F Hletstand & Jno such exercise as they are wiling to take grees, west S9 2 to perches to a post in the public road Miller & Mafiser ml&»K>nart>' otBco, In Lancaster, Off KOBTDAT, THE 2d da 12 H S Book Tobacco t4 U 6 Landia fab 26 ly-H aforesaid, and thence by said road, north 2>5 degrees, TAPES, Drugs 14 Kline Assignees DAT OF JUNE NEXT, when and where all persons w h o in the fields adjoining the barn-yard and west SS 8-10 perches to the place of beginning, contain- MuBBelmani WattBMdz 13 S Blaymaker Mdz IS J J Llbhart do 14 for A U & J Snoeh do 14 ara improperly rated (or think themselves BO) may atHOSIERY, Henry Fletcher Gro 14 Jao Hartley ing do 14 do 14 E WflUhl do stables. Cattle thus treated are known Weat A Roth tend if they think proper. ISAAC ROLLINGBB, Henry Huber Olflh & Bro Wars 14 Jno Becker ' NOTIONS, S c . Dlsllll S ACRES A N P 127 PERCHES, MARTIC. Mercantile Appraiser. Jauepb Bnglea Henry Peucd Oio 14; from the increased action and develop- surface 8measure MATCHES AND BLACKING. with all tb* Improvement^ wayo, Henry Andrews Mdx HlCharles LllaaaeH Keller Robinson Tan 14 DRUMORE. ment of their muscle, (which is the flesh waters, water courses, rights, privileges, hereditament*! Ho. 2 Strawberry Street, doMANOR. I 4 | W m E Ramsey Mdz 14 fiiTThe following is a part of the 5th seoapportenancee. Mdz 14 do 14'IaaaeII RoblUBon do 14 lion of an act amendatory of the license laws of this David Brown 131 Jao Posey ap!6-3m-21 PHILADELPHIA. or meat we all prefer for eating,) caused and As the property of HENBY GEEYBILL. John Pattoo do Mdc 14 Conrad Kraus Tobacco IS State, approved April 11th, lS62 t to which special attenJAmes it tjamptlou do 14 Henry Funk N . E . COB. N I H T H & MAKKET, do 14 by exercise, to make the most delicious Bam'l Boyd H Bowman do 13 Llotner & Co do 14 do DiBtlll 3 tion 1B directed:— « do do 14 John Funk Gro 14 Levi Myers do 14 Ellas Anment PHILADELPHIA ALSO, at the same time and place, all that F Mc3pirren Mdz 14 ' That it shall be the duty of every City and Connty meat and gravy; it is known that beef certain A N D Conf14 Tdn 14 James M Hopkins do 14 J R Barr do 14 Treasurer to sue for the recovery of all licensee duly reLot of Ground, situated In Connatoga t-'Wnsslp, W m W U l U n n do 14 F Remmel da, 14 3 J Consteln DiitUl 8 turned to him by .the Mercantile Appraisers, If not paid Mdz 14 a f u a t y & BOD from animals exercising moderately is Lancaster county, and atata of Punneylvaola, dsacrlbed liaS-.filQmiti Jaoob Kready IT. E. COSHES SECOND AHD EACE STEEETS, A R Witmer do 8 Coal 14 follows; Beginning at a corner of John W«rfer<* on or before tba first day of July In each and every EARL. marbled with fat, presenting a different HS Mdz 14 year, within ten daye after that d a t e ; and Bald TreasAmos Sonrbear Mdz 12 F Saner O. C O N B A D , F o r m e r Occupant, land. In a line or John Ashton's land, thence eontb PHILADELPHIA. J URutter Md/ 13•Wm M Smith Qro 14 £ mael Kau&maa Mill 14 U B Immel urer shall not be discharged from any such license u n aspect and flavor from that of stall-fed *%ym degrees, east 7 3-10 perches, thence by John Grants AkitDUler STKEET MO. 1 4 8 N O R T H S E C O N D At Co do It Shirk & Bro Tan 14 land south 2 degrees, east 28 2-10 perches, to a post, in IflHB he bt Ings salt to recover the same within said date, MOUNT JOY BOROUGH. beeves. In these last, the fat, from Want tbe middle of the public road, thence along middle of Caibarstoa tx Elliott do l'l ChrlriMiia Hoffman Mdi 14 CORNER OF QUARRY STREET. and.presses the same to judgment and execution aa MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Mdz 12 Myers 4 Kicker Hard 13 soon thereafter as practicable." do 13 R ReideabacU do H BecMold road, north 73££ degrees, west 7 6-10 parches, M e n i i a r i Geiat ' T ' H E undersigned haa leased t b e above of action of the muscles, is not deposited •aid -1 H O Kern J e w 14 Hard 13 Jicob Hol&lnger tbence along said Aenton'tt land north 2 degrees, we»t Jaejb Meotisr do 14 Arndt & Eby do J2 JOHN DENLINGEB, I premises, where he will keep a large assortment Bi-^baker 4 timlth do 13 Joha Roberta among them, but on the surface of the 27 perches, to the place of beginning, Saddler 14 may 7 4t-24 Treasurer of Lancaster County. do 14 Samael Bomberger do 13t L M Hoffman 01 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of American, J R Johns Drags 14 Je!B« Sliowilter I Levi Redsecker Hats 14 Henry Barr do 13 English and Swiss Manufacture of the modt celebrated CONTAINING 1£ ACRES OF LAND, Grain 14 meat. Sucb meat cannot be health}-. Tanner 14 1 B » M Witwar Jewelry i i OF EVER T DESCRIPTION AND YA.RIET Y makers, In addition to which, will be found always on J B Bmbaker do 1-3I Henry Kurtz with a one and a balf-biory Lop DWELLING A M Siestajd Drugs 141 MlsaCGiberson Variety 14 NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. hand and made to order, an extensive variety of J e w . HOU5S, with sterna basement, bake ovca, pig KARL EAST. OF STYLE AND PRICE. Lnm 14 Butchers who purchase fat cattle for pen, draw well, fruit trees, and other improveJoshua Leader do 14. B M Odder elry, Stiver, and Silver Plated Ware, together with a 0 W Seanenlg Tan 14|M Sensanlg tt Son Mdz 14 J McDannel L Philip Frank Brewer 6 ap 23 tf-22 general assortment of snch goods as ere nsaally kept in Gro 14 A R M Y A N D NAVY Philadelphia markets are well acquainted ments. do 14 I John Pattemon Coal 13 Emor S Hammond Mdi UjMiller & Bowman a first class Watch acd Jewelry Store. As tbe Property of JOSEPH H. URBAN. David Brady do Wallae* & Reach do 13* Jno H Ecbternacb The patrons of O. Conrad, and thoss of the subscriber with the character of the farming disPorter & Eberly Hard 14 L ¥ Shirk do Hi Lor I Ueatzir B L I N D S AWD S H A D E S . together with tbe pablic generally, are Invited to call of which Is ee'.zed and Uken in Execution, and to WeiYar&SeaHQnlg do 141 tricts whence they draw their cattle beAil MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP. where they will receive a good article for tbelr mouey. sold by S. W. P. BOYD Sheritf. J . WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Ae I am determined to do strictly a cash business, Benjamin Oroeh Mdz SIR Kelff Brewer S EARL WEST. Their experience has taught them not Sherifi's Office, Lancaster, May 7, JS«2. Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Manufacturer of goods will be sold very low. "Smell Profit* and Quick amuel Hlnny do 14 A S Hackman Flour N E T T L E T O N , G I L B E R T & CAMP, S USeldomrldga Md? HiPater Brown Mdz only thit-cattlc from certain fertile grassSales," i s t h e m o t t o o f t h e Establishment. YEMTIAN BLINDS and Amanda Menangh Gro 14, and Grain 12 P H I V A T E SALE, Horoberger &GreyUartln Kurtz 111 BROADWAY, do L E W I S K. B B O O M A L L , producing districts die better than those WINDOW SHADES. PARADISE. bill Mdz Ml LeTl W Groif Plaiill 8 H E subscriber will sell at private sale, (FoHMBBLT O. C O N R A D , ) Mir. 12 George Cooiman (J N E W Y O K K C I T Y . The largest and flneat aaBortment in the city, at the A.L Witmer of the same outward appearance of weight EDEN. in East Lampeter township, Lancaster connty, 4 ^ A K Witmer Ware H 11 La-non Agt) Ware H U No. 113 North Second Street, Corner of Quarry* owestprlcea. Blinds painted and irlmed e^ualtonew. and condition from other places, but they miles from the City of Lancaster, on the Old I'bliudel- McLaaghlln&ZsokMdz 1.! DanlalD Hei>n Tan 14hrael Rohrer Miller 14 Mdz 14 J Leldlgb. & Son PHILADELPHIA. Store Shades rtiadc and lettered. do 14 arnos Bockey ___' (• A _ . „i_ * /• ' /• .," I pbia Pike, 4 miles from Siraabarg. and 2 mile* from C W&bnltz Hdz 14 Arrears of Pay. Bounty and Prize Honey Grain 14 Mrs E M Paxon do 14 D L Rapenshade jun ly.2S Distill ! E Hoplon ap 16 lm.2l Joseph Elliott Ware H 14 Mill 14 E Rankle do 14 Eli Wearer even prefer to purchase from favorite | Bird-in-Uand, the following real «tate,zi I: Promptly Collected. E Herr Espenehade H d i 1 Ha nisei & Dblor Md, l<t E Ratter & Sou do 14 farms in these districts where grass is Coal 14 J S & C Eeneagy distill 8 A Lot of Ground oontaining 4 ACRES AND John Lemon Higlily Important to the L a d i e s . E N S I O N S procured for disabled Of103 N 0 E T H EIGHTH STREET, ELIZABETH! better. Some of t h e first-class butchers 46 PERCHES, adjoining land* of John Gyger. Jacob PENN. ficers, Soldiers. Marines and Sailors, and forHhe S e c o n d D o o r A b o v e A r c h , ( U p S t a i r s , ) dee'd. and others. The improvements nrs a twu- David Brlckar cannot be persuaded to b u y cattle from Rife, Hdz 14tAdam Habeclcer Distill 8 Widows and Children of ancb. aa are deceased. etory Frame DWELLING HOUSK, 24 by 20 feet, grift J F Hostetter STATEN ISLAND LADIES' DRESS TRIUUINQS, i c . EL1ZABETHTOWN. with a Frame Wash Honee,one and ahalf.atory, g j | 3 do 14 Jacob Young Hdz 14 J Shaeffttr & Co certain inferior farms, l'uffed-up animals, attached; All necessary papers prepared and sent to any part FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. a Frams Barn 30 by 30 feet, with it B u i DiBsiLger & Pan Mdz \1 Matblas Ranamlnger Jel 14 H B H o l l ( A g t ) do 14| H E Copartnersltip heretofore, existing from soft grass or clover, though sleek Hoc-sty attached, a good well of water, and other out- John Lyach of the country, with proper instructions for (heir execudo 14 S S Roan Drage U Ho. 47 H. Eighth St., Pphild'a; between HADFFMiN A LONNER3TADTBR, havPEQUEA. tion, and no charge made nntil tbe money is collected. ing heen dissolved by mhtaai consent, the undersigned OFFICES D Brenemau it Bma do 13 J H Blitz looking to an inexperienced eye, would ba)ldi&g<>. do 14 Nos. 5 and 7 John St., New York. S ^ Any person wishing to view the premine-", will William TYonart H d i MiJcBephWCreen J BaXxtreasar do 13 H Shltr Letters of inquiry answered without charge. respectfully informa the patrons and friends of the old Brow At this time when economy possesses a special internot pass muster along side o f one from call on the 6nbacrlber, who will show tb& name. Jacob Dye"Hard 13 John Daner firm, and the trade in Rimaral, that he has taken all est for all, we respectfully invite tbe attention of tbe W e refer, b y permission, to Tan 14 PROVIDENCE. HENEY I I A R T M A N . J B . Brandywinegra?s. The soilingof animals m a y 7 3t«24 tbenp-stalrs rooms ot No. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STBEET. V S Bryan t Co do 14 Will tarn Wilson Lam 14 Thomaa Robinson Hdz Hi Jno Tweed LADIES, to our very great Improvements in DYEING Hdz 13 Hon. GEORGE OPDTKB, Mayor of New-Tork ABOVE A ECU &TBEBT,PfliLAi>Ki.PaiA. To continue the and FINISHING SHAWLS, DBSSS GOODS, &c. 4 c . Gro 14 Henry Breneman & Co m a y answer where it is desirable simply F O H E S T C O . , L A U D F O R S A L E . Joseph Clinton HWataon do 14 f B Mylln Miller 14 Hon. CORKELIDS VAN VORST, Mayor of Jersey City U&nnfaetnrlng of all kinds of Ware 14 Jno Hildebrand Crape, Woolen, Zephyr, Knit and Stella Shawls, Conf 14 do lal to keep life and body together, tlioiu;h, N MONDAY, the 19th day of MAY I*a:ic Well* DES3S, CLOAK AND SIANTlLLi TRIUMINGS, CLAFL1K, MELLEIT& CO., New-Tork Cleansed or Dyed In a superior manner. EPHRATA. nest the nnilerMgnad Esecntom of the Will of RAPHO. LATHROP, LTJDIHGTON St CO., New-Tork. FRirfatts, BarroNS, TASSELS, CORD, then, the rigor of the animal is destroyed; DAVIU MILLEK, deceased, w i l l eell by pablic vendue at Z Killian BSOCHK SHAWLB, CLEA5BED. Mdz 14 Anion Faenach Pro 14 Tan 14 Jacob Eofroth Mdc 14i Aaron Dyer Hdz 14 U&kD-HET5 of all descriptions. $-c.,tfc., U M Fry & Co t Graver A Kafroth Mill 14 Seal Skin and Chlnllle Shawls, treated with success. I. SETM0DR, Pres t Bank of North America N. T . bnt, for any end, the teachings o f nature thepublichoaaaor Heary^. Shenck, (sign of the Lamb,) Adam Lntz Pi.till S do 131 i S Hackman and will offa-r lndncementB in Price and Qoatlty, as Silk, Merino, D«, Alpaca, V&ramatla and Barege Mdz 14 Joseph Hastersen Mdz 14 Jao Niesly In West King Street.intlm ciiy of Lancaster, tbe folCHARLES JENKINS, PresH East River Bank. J & fl Kauumeu DietlU b\ w e l l a a prompt attendance to orders, in every article Dresses Dyed with a perfection that lesembtea New should be heard. .Exercise is essential lowing Real Eelate. late yf httid deceased,to wit:—A Eotli A Ftelee J 3 Hftcket do WILLIAM CURTIS NOTES, Esq., New-Tork. appertaining to hla Una. Ellas Stober do Goods. E 5 ~ Specimens of oar skill cheerfully shown of 6S6 ACRES OF LAND, Surveyed on Warrant E Konfgmacher 3AD3BURT. for- the proper development of the bones Tract WM. LONNERSTADTEB, David Staik Pro 14 on application at tbe office. No. 311.0, and a Tract of 1100 AGUES OF LAND, Survey- D Steinmelz DAVID DUDLBT FIELD, Esq., New-Tork. No. 103 North Eighth Street, above Arch Street, J S Sharp EliziReed Hdz 14 James Hood Hdz 14 Pro 14 and muscles of y o u n g animals, as well as ed on Warrant No. SI62 Mtnatal adjolnlojr each oJlur B 3 " Orders by letter and Expresi, promptly attended to. Hon. JOHN W . EDMONDS, New-Tork. ap-21 3 U - ! . PSILADHLPHIA J D Harrar d o 14 Wullcer & Co Ware U 10 Jenks township, Forent county Peaneylvanla Tho Goods received and rdurned by Expreiu. FULTON. ap 1G _ fim-2l for that o f the luugs and other viscera. in Land la beavily Tiiabered with Cherry, Oik, Hickory William Irwin Drugs 14 Whltaon & Sprout do 11 BARRETT, ftEPHEWS & CO. L Hippie Coal 14 C C Kauffman Far 14 and Hemlock, and la watered by branches of the Clarion Townsend & Bro Aids 14 A s for the manure, i t cannot admit o f a 1862. 1862. J H Longhead do Ho.47 North Eighth St., below Arch, Philadelphia. Mdz 14 CoaUs & Pownall do 13 river. Millstone creek ronning tbrongh tbe umaller do Lnm 14 A Lewie m a M 2 __ Stn-IB E Y H E & L A O T E L L , doubt that manure from animals i'ed with tract, and Maple creek throogh the larger tract. The Levi Halueii do I t Mdx 14M i E B Brown SALISBURY. VALUABLE TO TBE 9ICKOE WELL, SENT BY MAIL. do good and tbe Borface rolling and not billy. The David M Reynolds do 14 Isaac H Balnea F O U R l H &AKOH STREET, green, soft herbage, such as is used gen- BOIUH N A T R O N A COAL O I L ! Mdz 14 do H D Houaton k Son Hdz Hi Win Maitlu Land 1B tdtuated about two mi leu and a half sonth ot S Wilkinson & Co do 14 J W Swift A'o pay expected unlit received, read and approved. PHILADELPHIA, UCIITHID & Bro erally in soiling animals, is b n t o f little the location of Marion, tbe conuly tow*i of Poreat coun14] Buchanans Miller do 13 HEMrPlELD EAST, are now offering their nanal asaoriDient of WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVF.l do and not f»r dixtant from the Sunhury and Erie "I S T . - D B . S. S. FITCH'S S I X LECHEKerns do lSj'D*ni»I Ptank value, as compared with that from t h e ty, DRingw,:.U&D4TiriXdz KjGeorge Mallln Railroad. do do 14 Juoepb Umble do 1 2 j B l a a 4 Wallace X TORES on the Camas, Prevention and cure of Conand equal to a n y K E R O S E N E . Tan. 14 Flour 14 John 11 Beano winter yard. L e t any o n e notice- the S a l e v i l l lt«giu at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said J B Bear ' Dls.lll S Daniel Mohn sumption. Skin pit-eases; Male and Female Complainta, do 14j B F tt A Weaver lid?. 14 Ac. On the mode and rules foi Preserving Heattb. 300 "why o u y a n explosive Oil, when a few ce&U mora Mdz 14 Hiestand & Stanffer J Eby do 14 S Kurtz ADAPTED TO SPBINO SALES, droppings from cattle pasturing on an old day, whon i-jrum will 1>* WM.JO known. SALE Posinrii. S C I'inkerton do 14 pages. 2t engrarlop-. Price 60 cento. Hiram K Miller do I-J I Ware Sonne 13 Jos C Walker Ware 8. U S McClara per gallon w i l l furnish you with a perfect OU ? KAMUEL L WIT.MC.H, . do 14 green-grass sod, a week after they have 2nd.—Dr. 8. S. FITCH'S HEW YORK oa heart Disease, Fashionable DRESS SILKS, W . CARPENTER. JHPngh do 14 K Woratjr JobnStantfer do U\ Fashionable SPRIKO SHAWLS, MADP. OHLT BT Apoplexy. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Ac., with many Esecutor»orth* Will orDiTin Mju.r;t;,decM. K Baldwin Mdi 14 been deposited, and compare them with HEMPFIELD WEST. valuable Medical Prescriptions for these diseases. 16S lu Hetv assortment of DBESS QO0DS, tn Ml STRASB0RG BOKO0GH. S Haldeman & Co Mdz 13[Henry Shookers Var 14 F a . Salt Manufacturing Company, pagea, 6 engravings. Price, 50 cents. K J - Say which those'left by cattle pastured on clover, *P Spring Prints, DeLalnes and Ginghams, Mdz 14 Isaac Walker Mdx 11 Annie Splelman Conf 14 Book you will have, giving Kame.Btate. County and H R Kootwell do 14 Tacob Kendlg F O B SALE. or other soft pasture, and tbe latter will N o . 127 W a l n u t SttQzt,P8ILA DELPRTA. do 13 O S Maynard M'JoLINS and LIHEHS of Oral quality, DR. B. S. FITRU, do 14 Jao BbBUIng do 14 Post Office. John Davlin do 14 John Myers feb 12 12-iy ap 23-lm-22 Broadway, New York. FINK BUILDING LOT, situated JMCoaklln CLOTHS, CASSIUEKE3 and TESTINGS, be found to have dried away to a mere Rows St Clark do l-i C Keneagy &'Ct> Drug 14 do u | In tbe Borough of Lebanon, on tbe Soath-eant corJao s Rohrer da 13 Bowers & floll Hard 14 Table LINBNS, Towelings and Hapklns LANCASTER TOWNSHIP. scale, while t h e former continue thick nur.of Mulberry and Hill streetB. For partlsnlara apFISH HOOKS AHD FISHING TACKLE. Samuel Herebey DlatH SjGeorge Calder !t Co L Wdldley Cloth. 14 A M Serr Miller 14 N . B.—BLACK SILKS, below Begular Prlcea. p l y to JACOB W S I D L K . •vnd solid almost as wlien "dropped. c 1' H Sammy J & J- C C O K E O Y , do H WO &F SCochmanConf 14 ? » l H i - .. _ Lumber* Coal 11 Samael Bower ALSO, a number of fine CHRSTKUr TIMBER AHD B Bnckw»lter raar.'. _ 3m-lo 14|Sam'l Rack DELAWAKE MUTUAL Mill 14 OS F n . l t o n S t r e « £ , N e w T o r i * : , STRASBURG TOWNSHIP. LOTP, situated in South AnoTillB aod LonT h e most onerous duties o f a farm, PASTOUB BAFETT LAMPETER WEST. Importers and Manufacturers of FISH HOOKS and donderry townships, Lebanon county. Apply ae nbave, PReyaoldH Distill 8|Masselman& Herr W E 13 F0TJETH STKEET FISHING TACKLE. Have on hand a full and complete and those most trying to t h e good temper or to Jnn^ BKSSOIT, at ColBhrook Fnraace. P Miller Tanner 141 Daniel K Herr Mill 14B M Fricb Mdx 14|A.T MBlrgar Hill M Block of all Articles in tbelr line, to wblcb they would W. 0 . FREEMAN, Mdz M of the farmer, are such as are entailed by J & J P Herr if Hi I-.JtfH Krd.dar WARWICK. C A R P E T S T O K E , ask the attention of dealers. GOODS OF FIRST Admlnlalxatoi of W M . COLKMAS, dee'd. Iiam 14 Weldman Coldren C W Stnrgis Cloth 14 QUALITY, AND PRICES LOW. PHILADELPHIA. Heaty D Shell?. Mdz M I J Horr Sm-20 the neoessity of keeping and feeding stock * P 9 Mdz 13 Benjamin Gfngrlct Conf 14 NO. 47. ABOVE CHESTNUT. NO 47. Particular attention given to WRITTEN ORDHHS. LAMPETER EAST. B Fry Mill 13 Henry Ranch do 14 , Incorporated 1835. in trie barn-yard during t b e winter. A l l PriSEfl, FiKR3, and KRTTIMO.OI ail kinds, on band. HE subscriber offers at private sale MAE<?GU.}gl9 ltd* IlfH L Pickle Ware 12 A W Shobor T i n 14 Mdz 14 Clam-nt Geitoer J. T. D E I i A C H O I X , Orders eoliclted by several /arms, located In the eoothein part of Lan- Joel Miller dn U,A. Braaer animals, when confined so as to require J H Sbank Drags H Lam 12 J B Tahod7 & Nephew The following STATEMENT of the Affairs of the J. 4 J . C. CONROY, Invites a'tention to bis Spring ImpcitAtlou of connty; Borne or which are finely Improved. JBloklay do 14 Rank tfl.wdU Mill i:i Company, is published in conformity with Mdz 13 Ranch S T s h n d y Brew B the care of man, arc liable to accident, caster ap HMm-2l Mo. 65 Fulton S t , « . Y . AIBO, a nice little property in Cecil county, tfdz 14 N S wolle 13 J B Tebudy Lnm 14 J K Cooper do 14 H Fre>lftQd CARPET1NGS, a Provision of its Charter. Md., with good improrementB, bnt a few mllee Tan H Darld Brlcber neglect and disease; and w h y any one J B Wlsler Mdz I.'I KOillBapI* & Haa Luta 12(DiTtd Stj.nnn PREMIUM3. Comprising all descriptions of the best makes, together from tho State lioe. being a good iocatlon for a do 13 Mohn & Herchelroth Ezra Relet should advocate a continuance o f this physician. LEACOCK. Received from Kov. 1, I860, to October 31, ISfil. with a large Stock or Lo«r Priced CARPETIKG3, Jaoob Small Shoe 14 Distillery S JOSEPH SiLLANOE. On Marine and Inland Bisks $227,BnS 71 troublesome duty beyond the the winter 13-Termo llbeial. J K Smoker Mdz 13iJ P Seldom ridge Md?. IS GTGrelder FLOOK OIL CLOTHS. DRUGGET?, CARTON du S do 14 Daniel Douter HASCPACTURllD BT THK Oa FfreRiakti, „ . . 100.S57 ]S JUBroietCo Ware IS? John Carley Paddlsr H Eliaa Bach Cloth 14 AHD COCOA MATTIHG. months, w h e n nature invites them out of n o . 28 tf-1 Kirk's Mlu. p . o . , Lancaster co.. r v SBamaalBeerbroirerMdz ;dz 13 U N I T E D S T A T E S B I O X I N A E 0 0 F I N G CO. nlMoaes Kby WASHINGTON. For Sale Low—Wholesale and Retail. Premiums on Policies not marked BM-'L. W . CAHPEKTBB'S, doors, i s inconceivable.—(Evan's Iiiirnl LEACORK: U P P E R . Ko. 9 G O E E B L O C K , A H Kauffmau Md?. 14 John A Bruah I.oui off Nov. 1,13B0 .• 260,322 3S J.T.DELACHOIX. Samael QroQjr ( 4g'() • ^ R Kjara Economist.') Mdz 12 D B Baylor Gro 14 Jatlas L Shotnan do Cor. Green a n d Pltfs stu., Boston. Mass. ap 9.2IU-20 47 South Fonrtb Bt., Philadelphia. Mdr. 12 M Q Wenger ili-ida 13 Wm Manu Conf 14 Jacob Stehtuan 8 Mill ; $168,913 27 H I S Portable Roofing is the only artiE Swopa (Ag*t) do n | COElfEE SO0IH OTEEH & GEBMA1T SIS., S h u m a n i House Lnm 14 •cle ever offered to the public, which Is ready pre3=t/VTTOHa3:'<3 PKEMIUMS. 1AHCASTKR, PA. LITTLE BRITAIN. pared to go on the roof without any nolnhlog operation. Marked off as earned, from Wot». 1, lfltfO, to Qaorber PHESENT WORK. Is continued by hie widow, who id confident that ehe J L W r l g b t LIQUOR STORES. I t is light, hantlnome, and easily applied, a n d can b e Mdr 14, J C Taylor ;;i, i s c i . i safely and cheaply transported to a n y part of the will be able to enstalh the well known do 13 James 01 ins lead L J Kirk On Marine and Inland Rleks, $274,2631: world. It will not taint or discolor water running reparation of his d.> 14|D.M HaBting On Fire Ki»ks,. llft.fiOS 46 G B PrilterH.iu . A» plants are now growing rapidly, over, or tying on it, and is in all respects a very daSdmaet ttibrly -tfSM.liT.? 22 blrable article. Ita nonconducting properties adapt It LANCASTER CITY. care should be taken to support all such B A U G H & S O N S , IaUraEt.Salvage.&cdurl&gs&tne ' • AM ABSOTXEMT OP. especially to covering manofacrorieB of various kinds, COCALICO EAST. period, as [are tall or have tall flower stems with PATENT and It 1B confidently offered to the public after a teat of MANUFACTURERS AND OTHER PLANES Brewers and Distillers. M H r'ry % PROPRIETORS. four years in all variation of climate and temperature, neat sticks. I f my hints the last winter t S " Kept constantly on i a n d and made to ordtr. $419,297 52 Jobn A Spreoger COCALICO WEST. S[Elizabetb Spreoger for covering all kinds of roofu, flat or pitched, together L O S S E S . KX.PEK S E S . &U. Store, N o . 2 0 South W h a r v e s , were heeded, ample provision in the way She trnste that she will be favored with a continuance Lavrence Knapp " Henry Frank Jacob KegeraU with cars, steamboats, &c. . During the. year as above. John Araold tbe patronage of hie old cnetomers and friends ; and Charles Fin lager of jneat painted rods was made by every of PHILADELPHTA. It Is both cheap and durable, AgentB wanted, to whom COLnMBLA. Marine and Inland Navigation* Benjamin MUhl»r Die Jobn Witllnger w i n spare no effort to give satisfaction. liberal inducements are offered. Send for sample, cirlosses, ... $172,831 29 JCBacher 14,GeorgeTilla (>) Philip P y U cultivator of flowers. Now begins their BENCH SCREWS AHO CABIKET MAKERS SCREWS Catharine Sboaaborg^r cular, Ac., with particulars, to " U . S . ROOFING CO., S3.103 71 Fire Loues Robert Hamilton 14 Frederick Grabb Constantly on hand and mads to order. Bookt. No. 9 QORR BLOCK, BOBTOX." ap 30-8in>23 use. Do not wait until the beauty of 56.474 S3 Return Praminma,^ Martin Smith 14 Charles Grove AUo, to be had at the Hardware 8tore of G. M. Stein- E 1'arr & Co 10,896 57 14; Jacob Weailia»ffer your plants is destroyed by high winds Be-iniurances t , 16,663 38 man & Co., Weet King St. Christian DntteDbeff*r 14( BaerV Soon IS W F D n n e a n H E H L O V A L . mar 2S-lS-Sm MRS. S . B. OARPEKTER. Agency Charges, 3,731 31 and storms, or until wreck has been made CONE3TOGA. John ShaeiTdr lSlJEThackerd ILLIAM N . AMBR, DENTIST, OfiBH -16 Advertising, Printing, i o . , John Erb III J R Barr k Co ofjtall and beautiful flower stems, but set Little lieed be Bald to recommend thiB article—iu pe- Taxes,.. 20,4 R7 SS Brushes, for five years a student and asMst- ^m^^s*. DONEGAL WEST. your stakes and tie up to them as fast as ant of Dr. WAYLAN, formerly of this City, culiar merits AS a vigorous and lasting maanra having Expanses,Salaried, Bent. t i e , . . . , 11J Joseph Samtou -$aifl.67C 43 Jacob Rotbarmei has removed his office to tbe rooms lately Hannan LlghtnBr Confectioneiies. firmly established It In the popular faro.'. W e would growth is made. occupied by Dr. McCalla, Is East King st., 2 14 0 3 Brady EARL. doora from Centre Square, where he ia prepared to meet atate however, that not only having & continued cara Wm Shear |Keep the borders clean. Frequent (hoee w h o many favor him with their confidence, and to maintain 1(3 standard efficacy, w e have aought to J R Johns . Samael Damn to. 13 Jacob Ornet ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, H A H H A H & CO.', Charles Kdsa serve them in tbe most ekillful manner, warranting render it more immediate in its action, by the addition C W Metzitar hoeing and raking are necessary not only (November 1,1861.) ELIZABETHTOWN. satisfaction In every reasonable ease, both as to opera- of* small quantity of beat Peruvian Quauo. We do V P Andersou SOLE PaorBiEToas, 29 CLIPP STEBET, N E W V O E K . 13 F H Smith Par. Co*f. tions performed and charges for tbe same, to kill weeds, but to keep the ground W H sot claim that by this improvement, (which was made $100,000 United S!*(e* 3 per cent. L o * a . . . . $100,260 00 Clothilig. Two Size S1.00 and $1.25 mar 26 l y - N « AMKR. £0,000 United States 6 par cent. Treasury loose and thus readily admit dew, rain or EPHRATA. HirBh it Bro during the past yeai, and without publicly noting the IS J K Smallog 49,990 37 Notes J G Bowman N E W DEWTIST OFFICE, air, a very important trio of assistants in S 3 " On receipt of price a Press will be maued to any George Spnrrler • J Krl anger Tact.) our Euper-Fhosphate la tendered any the more 25.000Dnlted.States7 8-t0per ceat.Treas. J A Erben M WShlDdle OPPOSITE HORTIKQ'S SLACK HORSE HOTEL lasting iu its effect, or iu any w a y benefited, except In £6,000 00 HEMPPIELD EAST. in the.growth of flowers. address,postage paid. Descriptive Circulars Cent if re- Jared Blester ary Notes Tboinaa Coleman 89.66125 N o r t h Q,neen S t . , L a n c a s t e r . ensuring a quicker action on application. D Ringwalt & Davis 100,000 Peuna.Statefi per cent. Loan i Use the roller frequently on the lawn, qnested. Statlsners and Agents enpplied on llbeial 8 S Rathvoa 64,161 60 61.000 " " 6 " 119,44317 HEMPFIELD WEST, Cutlery.particularly after a rain and before cut- terms. 123,060 Philad'a. City 6 per cant. Loei>... O E O B G E A, H O B T I N G , Dentist,' 24,076 00 S 3 " Extraordinary inducements offered to intelligent Eicbold Si Bro P H I C E , 845 p e r 2 0 0 0 I b s . C A S H . Jacob Kendlg 14l H R-Knotwell 50,000 Tennessee State 6 per cent. Loan. 14 [ BBacbmlller ting. Do not be afraid of a little labor •Agents. E S P E C T F U L L Y informs his friends ,, a„30s 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 1st MortFurniture, LANCASTER CITY. ' bestowed on both rolling and mowing the and people of tbe county that he has established gage 6 per cenL Bonds 20,000 00 Jared Ketcham (50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d MortA DENTIST'S OFFICE, John Fondersmlth Monet Winger GROUND R A W BONES. 'ltjwn, for it cannot be better bestowed.— 46,130 S3 PERT1XIZEBS. gage fl percent. ";«<!« PhUlp Glnder Isaac MiBhler Druggists. In North. Queen Street, over Examiner tt Her- This article is ground without any previous prepara- 10,000 300Shar&» Stock Germantowu Oas 3te hard-hearted when tbe children ask H E SUBSCRIBER has always on ChrlBtlan Shirlz John E s b l e u a n ald Office, Lancaster, Pa. Companv, Interest and Principal hand a PURE ARTICLE of HSlaymaker Agt Ely Parry Lncas Breatt tion, and contain*, ALL the organic matter of thB bouee. MlTbomaiEUmaker ypu to leave the dandelions in the grass, guaranteed by the City of PhilaW h a r . be Is prepared to perform DKNTAL Benjamin Mlahler Charles Sweyble James Smith 14 O f t HeUehti 14,657 50 IT IS WABBANTBD PDBB. H A W B O N E DTJST. delphia. .* OFBRA.TiON8 of every character, l a the/ David Greenwalt and-root up everything but grass and Isaac MiBhler,, 1^'jharles Gehrlng C A Httlnltsh best style of the art. ' 6,000 100 SbareB Stocks Pennsylvania — ALSO — £ Hhober P R I C E , $35 p e r 2 0 0 0 lbs.—CASH. HHoln 13|Daniel HeCormlck 6,000 00 - white, clover. John F Long & .Sons HaTlog obtained tbe most approved Instruments, be Railroad Company 14 Jaesb Long 90,730 07 S u p e r - P h o t i p h a t e o f L i m e , Wm O Baker flatters blmself prepared to glv. satisfaction to all who LEACOCK UPPER. 14 B 6 Mnblanbnrif ; Keep the walks free from weeds, rake Bills Receivable, for Insurances made 75 COO 00 MADE OP PURE RAW BONE. may favor Mm with their patronage. £5™ The above Sinn area can be had of regular Deal141 C H Her te 61,363 36 Samnal Grott (Agl) " Bonds and Mortgages them frequently, put on a little top-dress- E T B p t h a r t i c l e e warranted to be a* represented.^3 Jobn B Hartley aep25 l»y-44 ers, or of B AUG a It EOIS'S, Heal Estate Tkoee 'who wish to purchase PORE FERTIUZEK8 MARIETTA. Dry Goods. No 20 Sooth Wharves, Philadelphia, ing of gravel-occasionally. Balances due at Ajenclad—Pretniuuitt ou w i l l find It to their advantage to procure them or bc-jaa HATS AND CAPS. " " feb 19 3m-I3 4S.ISI 97 Wm Bomberger H D Benjamin 14JJR Diffenbadh 14 John Bendtr Marine Policies, Iuterest, and other debts iTineh in any shoots on your shrubs manufacture, in preference to baying them abroad. Hnjb. a Qara • 14 Hatter «t Bro due tbe Compans Satisfactory references can be Riven. •W. A . H B I T S H T T , MOUNT JOY BOROUGH. 4 086 00 D Bait & Co J O Getz which, show- adisposition to grow out of Apply to or addreas Scrip and Stock of Sundry laauraucu and ISRAEL ROHRER, W e n u h Bro 11 CM Erben Agt A D Reese 14 |J R Helllg No. 14 North Queen Street, next door to Baer LADIES CLOAKSAND MANTILLAS. other Company,$1!,8« estimated valne.. bound; by this means yon will save the mar 19 2m«17 Lemon Place P 0,~Lancaster Co., Pa. Jamea Prangley Marlla iJvLandb Cash on band—In Banks $&i.098 0:t 61,610 3d PENN. A G N E W & CO., 8 3 9 C U e s n u t .Stre.'I, t Sons' Book Store, Lancaster, John P Myer P L o n p A Nephew necessity'.of pruning next spring. la drawer, f.l7 *.'( SPBIHCr DRY GOODS lSiJB>Lane P K Breneman O Brlllgam Opposite the Continental Hotel, PENWA. 11 George Fahnestock $868.12C 37 R £ Fabneetoek i Finally, i f your wife and daughters are AJ.-J. O N S T A N T L Y on hand, or made AT * PROVIDENCE. H L Erben Agt 13 ChrUUan Shaeffer toordar,«very variety of HATfs.nch not in the habit of working in the flower AQNRW & KKOLISF, 25 60UTH 9th STREET, WILLIAM MARTIN. I-resldeot. Beabm & Potts 14lSftamelAlllaon John Hildebrand HA E t t B B O T B E E S , aa Beaver. Mi'.sfcratt Brash, Casslmere, and THOMAB C. Ha.<rn,Tlco.Presldeat. 13| Three Doors Above Chpsnut Street, Philadelphia. garden; go and buy them broad brimmed Now openicg a beamifnl assortment of NEW STYLES M Geisenbcrgar SllkHata. Hr-NRT LTLBURS, Secretary. ALSO, a aMne assortment of SOFT HATS, T both t h e above Establishments, straw hats to save their complexions, and t j - L A D I E S B H E S S G O O D S . "S» J. ZIMMfiHUSX. Agent, Flour and Feed. FCK HEN AHO EOY8, embracing every, LadteB can choote from the Largest Cheapest and EATIHG HOUSES. mar lS-Sm-M] No. V4 North Qneen et., Lancaster. BPRINQ CLOAKS AND CLOAKIXQ, CLOTHS, tell ;them that i t is their business and oolor, abape and Quality. Henry Oorrecht Best selected Slock of Goods in our line to be found lu 14IJOcba . . STELLA AND CASHMERE SHAWLS, CAPS: A PDLC AHD OOMPLETi. j u s u K T i u n r u* tbe City—comprising all the Newest London and I'aiin John Eepner 14 L&vrenea Qoaa should be their pleasure to do all thi'light COCALICO WEST. 'ian*aa£ OAPS.o/ewrymrfefyanrfEiaEeriai.forai&N. Styles of^;i.OAK<,BaCQl7B8,CIRCaLAB3,PALET0T--:, Wm Mohn SMBKOIDEBlES, GLOVES, 14JPrask Oraprong * E V A N S & HASSALL, . work of the garden, leaving the heavy ^ f ^ M , BOYB. AHD OHTT.DRRH. Also, MAHTLES,-Sic, &c. All m»de in the best manner of HOSIERY, 4 o . Finding, f^^» FANCY HATS FOR CWLDBElf, Fine, French, Belgian, English and American Cloths, for M I L I T A R Y FURNISHERS, work for Patrick or yourself COLUMBIA. Sprjng and Summer Wear; also, beat quality or Black A Cole n l g r s a t variety. l?|Dl>Locher 418 Arch St., Philadelphia. MEN'S WEAR, Sllka *nd thin Summer Goods In eudleu variety, at the - 1 3 " Pleaae call and examine at Ho. 14 H. Qaeenac. John bsVeluf Angnstas Shaler Ehrisman & Co lowest possible prices for Cash. jirar BEOEIVSD BTW . A. HETrSHD, (formerly D. Heltehn.) G Brandt BToBt Groceries. dec I ij.f JnoSnyder Our entire Stock being purchased exclusively for. : Beeeipefor MakingBuharh wine. AZ.ller . HAGER & BROTHERS, John Bhormayer CISH—eelected with the greatest care aad made up unWm Smith F Dlffenbath J) S A J g Bnrk BLACK AND COLOBID PBKJTCH CLOTHS, . James Nolln . der our special supervision from the very latest Farls Go'-rge Greaflr PHEDEBICK SMITH, F/ftnk Srahl EMBROIDERIES, : Cut the rhubarb into smalljiieces, put , r . T » . „ B " £ " 8 » N 0 H DOESKIN CASSIBERES, Jobn Fondertmllh Jno Wlueler and Londo* Styles, we can offer Inducements to buyers SWORDS, BELTS, SASHES AND Paul Benu Chkxlet A Gets' Jobs Schl«lch aprll 3 2m-19 Joseph'Mack Casper Belbert A S H I O N A B L E H A T a n d / * equal to any bouse i n the trade. B P Miller it. into just enough water, to keep it from PLAIN AND MIXED COATINGS. . A liberal allowance w i l l be made to Country MerFANCY PBENCH CABSIME8E8 (New Stvlea.I Philip. Glnder Watson HMlUer • CAP HAHDFADTDSIB, H O . U X WMteivaf, CONESTOGA. ' 7 chants, aod person* purchasing for Schools. Partirnlar • burning, boil until quite tender, strain PLAIN AND PAH0Y MELTONS. (io^sSitaJ ' Joseph White 8amnel Y u d e r a a a l KlojStreet.Lancastsr.Pa. da l - l i - l F U B H T T U R E ! FTJHBTTTJEE! I L tIK 'Jamea McGlaighlin attention paid to all Orders for mourning. r MiH±H?I ' OASSIMBREB, (frr Boys.) D*rid King S H Zahrn through a coarse cloth."-; -To. one gallon of RTLir SILK, CASHMEREiNDMABSEILLKS VESTINa3. AtJNBW & CO. ; AQXSW & SNOLIBH, 3HL«Tan . \ large andasaortedStock of PARLOR, add two A Z Rlngwalt CONY. . fe?'q^d' gallons of water; to W T Hndaba LIBRARY and CHAMBER FURNITURE, o H oi 839 C f i i s N D T 8 T B B E T , ' 2 6 S O U T H 9 T H B T H E E T , , j; Bowers Frederick Smith H e a d y M a d e Clothing, Adam Finder LATEBT aTTLia, will be offersd throach the epriag eeason Opposite the Continental ; 3d Door Above Chesnut each gallon thus made, put four1 pounds John. V? Hnbley C Edvarda' J O B MEN Ayo BOYS, at annarjally l o w pricee, by J LUTZ, Mo. 121 South DONEGAL RAST. Hote], Street, D SkUes Edward. B U m i t Eleventh Street, Philadelphia. ° £ ? ^ > £ ™ e n t in'*>» openvessef forty- A y ? Z ^ S K T O C K W g * MANUPAC John 13 W e s t K i n g Street, Lancaster, P a , Frederick Hester' Philadelphia, Philadelphia. JotutiBfttz J o h n l Hartman 8 3 - T b l s Stock of Foroltore la well worth the attenand j ap 23-2u,.22 eigK hours, flieni.takeoffthe scum, and Hoary Gable JobnKllllan HAS' OOBtTASXLT OS HAfTO A l i i FOE a A l E , EARL. loa of those about fumlehlng^ aa every article hae bten Cuper Millar PhUlp Blwaltig manufactured under hie own^caxe, and la warranted, : ^donepuitjof;the. best brandy to 'every S e a m * H o U ... * L O N D O N C L O A K S T O R E . CharleVPeter* - . . : . A0ID8, . COAL O I L ! COAL OILM ap 9 am-20 Charles Dorr ^ ^ ? W ' ^ % ^ pnt itihtb an air. FMderfek. Albright 8 0 0 A B OF I.BAD. , -KARL EA8T. • B*two«nfiCturlcetand Cbciraat, lEvBubeenber prepared to Thomas Fairer OeArge Bhladle TOTASBXSi ' FLOOKSBXPaDK, F 8 - G a W B ••'• ; 'i-i-.S J" "';:'''- *}&*£?*?* v-then-leHKremain B ix months JsrsmlabCinipDeU HBlickahadarfsrA Sons 14 •AtPMfr:; PKOVISIOWS! SFIOaS.. PBILADELPBIA,. ILAX8RD, • •uhaistebed' when"' i f willrbe; ready:ftic John LAwresce LAKD. CHEESE, SOP.CABB.80DA, HOBHOI'S C L O ' A K . - B T O a B . BAMS, O Donrart .' bottling. VOto each boKlo-put one raisin • -OMiiTTiatTAJI, tODts_ - UatD'onv »atEj> MDrr, D u l i l HoCort , H e n r y H i r kley and'jeal the bottle'well:' ' B n n t lUUer . A d u n ehelrenbrw'dt' -BHODLDEES,L SH0KED BEEF. DESKS, . *0,ti. *c,4o. ,PhUlp T i m e r ' X«r»%ll*«dn ir±HtrrAcnraiD off T*B PKMHBM^7'JokklpUktoy H» . • •.-.POMS,!-.'. BtrrrjE, 40, io. Jacob Bmtlti t?<33-Ua-aS] so South &h BtTMt. PhQa&tlfhta, Tor sale b y WM. HOLAHD : Chsstaut Btnet Wharf, •TokalMwme* p i U a d i l p h l a , Pa. =i«r I M = . i ? COAL LASTING QUALITIES. YARD, T Q (0MMSSSI0\ H MERCHANTS, GOULD & CO., OONSTaKTLT 0 » IIANO A » b SaWEO TAKE _WATCH & JEWELRY STORE- FURNITURE PENSION AGENCY. B. T P T 0 A INSURANCE COMPANY, T m BIOTINA ROOFING. PLANE MANUFACTORY, T BONE FERTILIZERS. CLTY. RAW-HOME SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP LIME. W PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. R T C MA SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS, E A HEiTsmrs DRUG STORE, was.. .:. tromu,:. '''^^intivt't ' ' HXvr'mLiMi-i- 3MC O V E D THEIE Warehonse, Coal and lumber Yard, FE0M QEIEFF'B LANDING, To taa Property formerly occupied by Messrs. t* Loag 4 Nephew, oa the opposite or sottth side of the Cooeatoga, A N D would call the attention of their old easterners and all interested, to tbelr superior S T O C K OF C O A L , Saltable for STEAM, L n t i B C E S U Q , BLACK SMITH and FAMILY Usn,by the boatload or ton. stock of TO O k b S a . Also, SASH, DOOBS, SHD1T£RS, Plain and Venltlau |3r-Orders attended to at the shorten aotice, and d« Tered at any point on the Bailroad aad Canal. feb !•'• Iy-21 HAVB B . S B O O T S A1TD S H O E S . T ? O R the best Boots, go to • BKK.VEMAS'S, \V. King Street. For tbe best Women's Shoes, go to BREKEMAiVS, W. Kins 3tr„.i. For the best Children's Shoes, go to BBEKEMAK'S. W. King For the most comfortable fit, go to BBEKEMAN'S, W . King Slra.t. For work that will not rip, go to BBENEMAK'S, W . E l n g Strset. Tor Boots that wilt not let In water, go to BBENEHAK'S, W. King Strsst. All In waat of Boots and Shoee, VQ to BHENEMAM'S, W. King Street. Everybody lnthe conatry go to BEEKEJIAS'S Opposite Cooper's Hotel. Also, to (heir S E G A B A N D TOBACCO LUMBER, T STOHE. H A T Old Stand, No.—, W. KING ST^aectiod doorbalowtliftCrosa Kaya TaFarn, coxiOK srasT DEacarpTiox, ooxataTtxa o? tainB the flneat and beat asaorttueat of begara aod Tobacco of every description ia tola city. The stock con1st aad 2nd COX. BOAEDS, ulutB of the fiaeBt and bent qnallliesof Uavaoa, Principeo 1st aad 2nd COM. PLANET. aad TaraSegara oferery variety. (Jermaa aad AmerlCDLL1N0 BOAEDS. cau Sixes .and Half-Spanish Sagara. Jtongh and Keady, UAKS BOAEDS. Roue Twist, Fig.EldoraJo.CongraeaaDdTwiatTob&ccoa. CULLING PLANE!, Snuff of every variety. Pipes, Soaff and Tobacco Boxe-i, PINE SBIKQLES, and a gaaeral variety of Fancy Oooda l>aloogia£ to ib« CTPR8S8 SH1N0LE3, trade. All of which will be uold at prices to null purHEMLOCK BCANTLINO ch&eara, wholesale nuJ retail by tbe prouriulor. AND JOIST. ALSO, Kentucky, Muy<irllle, Maryland, Ohio a Penna. seed leaf Tol.aciV lu loin to bQit maiinfactQro Jone8-ly'-23 Y.d, B B E H M A N . CABOLIiNA YELLOW PLVB FLOOBISfl BOARDS PIiASTEfilMG L A T H S , PATLS A N D PICKETS, &c, &o., WANTED ACIv 1 n n r . CORDS m,& OAK mlcK seaitoa, loi \J \J BARK, tbls com .xtit^t* tbe . 1,-. HIOrfKST u i n ^ i t 1 ^ T » CASH fian PRICE which low aa can be porchased elsewhere. will be paid delivered at SHIRK i BRUBAKER'o E J - W a have the best Stock ot POST-* and B i I I . 8 la Tannery, at the Blrd-la-Hand, Lancaster Co., Pa tbe city of Lancaster, conslctlDg or Chestnut a n d Spanish Oalc All of which Is of the be#t quality, aad w i l l be sold aa X « \J ' LOCUST MORTICED POSTS, O TWO WOSKS. NOTICE! GEO. CALDER & BRO., UNION FURNITURE DEPOT, VAN ANDEN'S PATENT P u l m o n a r y Consumption. Prepared and Sold by V. P. ANDEBSOH, Lan caster, Pa. T and.beet a e t h o d of procuring water in Oouatry places. Many Farmsraor others, residing oat of the Its continued success for so many years past City, laboriously prrcuro all the water need b y their Families a n d Stock, b y . the use o f the o l d faahloaed i s the BEST QOABANTBB tbe Farmer Pump, when a very trifling expense for* Ht/DBAULIC BAH, would bring an. abundance of the beat water to has that-he is buying a their very doors, or Indeed, Into any part of their honaee.and about their Farms. Tba great and constant eavlug of labor, and the greater security lu caae of fire, w i l l soon overbalance the first cost, which le OUR 8UPER-PHOSPBATE OF LIME generally Ieaa than a w e n and pump. ' 'When, properly It s o t eh&agsd l a its ckkrtctsr errtry-Mtuon. bnt Is erected they are not liable* t o g e t out or order, and when neocaury, are easily and cheaply repaired b y whti- It poiporU to be, Uniform i n IU ctwmlcal the owner. cooaHtaentp, »nd *lwmy» to Those deslrloua or Introducing the HYDRAULIC be relied on. RaM, can see one l u constant operation, at the Store of the aubaorlber. O - A L L WORK WARRANTED TO QXV& KNT1RB SATISFACTION. mar l&-6m*17 ( 2 K CETTB FKS R>) TPH0SPRAMC;;F^Tn.IZER, PEOVlDBNCB. Boots and Shoet. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Hydraulic Bams t Hydraulic B a m s ! H E S E afford, generally, the Cheapest CELEBRATED AND UNRIVALLED T a r . W U d C h e r r y A Hoarbotufcd C a n d y FOR THB CURB OF Coughs, Colds, Whooplng-Cough, Bore Throat, Hoarse ness, Asthma or Phthisic, Inflamatioit of Uw Longs, Pain In the Bide and Breast, BroBehlUa, Shortness of Breath, and all diseases tending to G-exxulxxo ..^crtiol©. MANOB. : . JBHelllA Philip Ftank DSALBRIIf HYDRAULIC RAMS.WATBR WSXBLS WIND MILLS, LIFT AND FORCS POMPS, Ac. . And i o Y w U M y to fee rell»d o a u * MAHUBB of .-_ S t o o d u d Exoellanc*. FltfllkMMHu OotWVIirllmr Johm WlM _, MAHETTA BOEO03H. JobnBarnenilager PHILADELPHIA. Unequalled by any otbe^ io tho markot, MANHBIM BOROTOH. George Tost . Frederick MaaUok Frededok-Dakel ChriaUan Haoer G 0 Goodman S. E . Cor. E l e v e n t h a n d R a c e 8ts., ALWAYS THE SAME IN QUALITY, BarrOitli ANDERSON'S PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, CT^libspliate of Lime. . F I E S T ADVERTISRMBNTS. THOS. H . arcoLUir, LEACOCK. Jacob Eiefer vmT*rim.Ptiri\ NOTTGE! John; Ouley ? COCALICO WEST. FBlLADIffiPHU^At>YBUTIHBaij{rTTij. ;.-LANCASTER crnr. Aiaoa j £ L « f \ John A:8prsigarr Lawre»ee_Knapp Jot«ph ; HeUleT JaioVleher Biotnel Taylor BehnltaEeeae JoMph Baintnal AJJUson iSSStM. It is welrJunown that the New York adjoining the abore on tho west, containing In front on victualeraate in the weekly habit of visit- Orange street 28 feet, and extending In depth southward ing -Philadelphia markets, either person- 100 feet to said alley. '' Sale w i l l begin at 3 o'elook, In the afternoon of said ally or by agents, for "the purpose of sup- day, when terms will be made known. . plying themselves with butter, poultry, Persona wishing to Tiew tbe premlaes before the day sale, w i l l please call on W. CAKPEKTBR, Ho. 27 E»*t lamb and veal; and the beeves fed in of Orange street, or on J B R H X U H BAonAir,Bsq.,atHo. 1. Chester, Delaware and Lancaster Counties, ADAH KOSIQMACBSE, W. OABPtfNTBK. when they appear in the New York cattle may 14-tf.24 Execntors. markets, from the demand for them, and S H E R I F F ' S SALES. their consequent high price, for the most N SATURDAY, MAY 3 1 S T , A. D., part into the hands of the best butchers 1863, at 2 o'clock, P. M , by Tlrtne of Sundry Writs venditioni Exponas and Fieri Facias (Inquisition in that city. It has been remarked, too, or belDg.walred) leaned out of the Court of Common Plots of Lancaster ConDty, and to me directed I wilt expote by victuallers who have visited English to nubile sale or oat-ery at tbe Court House, i n the City markets, that not even in London is finer of Lancaster, the following real estate, T>X : beef to be found than in the Philadelphia A Piece of Laud in Fntton township, Lanmarkets. How, then, is this excellence caster county, containing ACRES, to be explained? The answer is, that (mora or less,} with a8two-story Frame DWELthe system here pursued is that which is LING HOr/SB, and other Improvements thereon, adjoining property of Amor Stnbbs, John Blckbest to produce it. And what, then, is nell,and others. that system'( The answer to this is, that Ai the property of JAMES HABB1S. it approaches as near as possible to na- ALSO, at the same time and place, a Lot of ture ; the habit of the animal is under- Ground In the city of Lancaster, fronting 64 feet, (more lest),) on Lemon street, and extending la depth northstood by those upon whom his manage- «r ward 3 IS feet, (more or leui.) to a 14 feet wide alley, ment devolves, and they practice upon it. with a two-story Brick SWELLING HOU3E, s o d other Improvements thereon, adjoining proFeeding stock and dairy cows are but perty of Mrs. Franklin, on tbe east and w « L seldom confined in stables, even in winter As the pjoperty of JOSEPH POSEY. time,- excepting at night; ample barnALSO, at the same time and place, a Tract yards are provided, in which they may of Land In Upper Leaeock township. Lancaster connty, supple their limbs, and get air and exer- containing 1G3 ACRES, cise. Most farmers, however, are not (more or less.) with a two-story Log Weather DWELLING HOUSE, frame hack buildquite content with this, but are in the Boarded ing, a tenant honw, baok barn, sheep house, daily habit, when the weather is fine, of wasou abed, corn crib. Aleo.atwo story Brick DvvtfL' LING HOUSE, a two-story Brick Kitchen, attached, a turning out their stock into the fields du- bricksummerbonse, frame barn, wood haojie.Epricg of ring a part of the daytime, that they may fanning water at tbe farm house, a well of water with pomp at the brick bouse. Fruit Trees, and other Impro: enjoy their apparent freedom, and to be vements, adjoining property of Henry Barton, Arabia Bear, Jaeob Kurtz, Susan Bender and others, and frost' more contented on their return to the lng on the New Holland Turnpike. yards and stables at feeding time and at As the property of ISAAC L. B A E D . night. It is found that they eat with ALSO, at the same time and place, all that more appetite and rest with more ease * 7|B£ary'rfew«oineT 'l biaao Conklln ~~'•••- Hardware. , nIbtieMvaulJMa V n -t ielM lwTnIdX, 'Mlm i l a.aMeaHon-of n of t i e w u l »or j\MJ t-pikan Jt C o JohmSBuasel-,.... - - Jaoob Gable , o r t o .TAk.Orpkaas' Coart of t w i s t e r, WW of Merebandlj. -ltt~- L.eeaata* eoMt?;<:wltli:tn. OewgeJfcayer 13 0ii*ner A B t h a a m M U n j n a R t ' w u i d B t . a t t b t u b U e ' h o u t o f HSffRT elataU)eation of the earn, aareeablj to the ptwrialoAB of A T l f ^ u e t i ; :•-;-.- .-. Vg i 3 £ a n f f n i a n B . < H $ S X , n » , 5 t ! ; , i « M l > , u W a t f E n l e t r ^ l . t a n - the several Acts of Aesemblr. George' HStelnmah * O o 8 H e n r y Q L l p p ' cuwttfct&iftucwUf <**el; <Ht§ta;lftta'of aald. deceased, 14 ** .The Amount of license reqalnd to be .mid b y each M a y * B U T l u s elaesls s i follows: Hatttri. . »-W» OF l a t h Claei p a r e In tlii? agiicBltmal^Wtti ct ' ^ "»"»<#^^M^m^J^iMt:«iiH » 7 0 0 8th Glass pays ft SO 00 >Wn?in*^<Mi<^«-of.Mra'tfiMi, b»t««a • 14, Frederick Smith 10 00 00 7th do do . ' 40-00 ,*.a.Tbrr 10 now.-iid'ieTOT proW^y*"* bf e n a - S ^ Cn.rirata»d:waUut airwta,]Atte CUTor.Leeeaater, l a t h d o "do 14 PabirWebeT BOW W A H e l U b u U 60 6th d o d o 12th do d o 12 tion! •ffhether.eaWle, either..nnlk. CAWS..<* 60 00 Bhnltx A Bro 1 1 1 •" 11th d o d o 16 09 5tb, do d o 80 TO »— — - - • • - — * - « « - - J~ feeder* tihoaldbe shut up in pens, and • u U r i & l t o l l * . • Implement*. 10th do do 20 00 4th- do do 100 00 W D Spreoher • -.; . J3 l^aajaJ.Barr' . 9th do do 25 00 3d do do soiled as it is termed,,or. let.jun in .the Lumber and^Coal. pisiiire 'fields, and ; ;tHus 5snfiere4:to |«<- a U L B d l f k i M B BHOL*. k o i » 2 « U ^ « d T r M k ^ T X Henry Stauffar ADAM3TOWN. ' on;. - Xh» »h«J**f t^1)Tlok4)BiLdijt|^ls tutUr cellar and Vii T4|Leri Hemmlg Vlonr 14 W m G o m e h t ' ,13iagafi"o«r4&on ^efo>themsel7es. ; Tie;piad&9e'rliei€f, aowriuifcstfiaAo • ^ r > t ^ r 7 < t t u U . « x > « u « "converted John Haiser David Hartman UB'BHartln do 14| into'tuxe* dwalUag hoMM.~~ '..;•"" thrbnglibnt the county, is to iurh'but', the TMi property U o n * of tfca o w t location* for business H Banrngardner 8 M F-SUlgarwalt BART. Levi EUmakar W m Brown it Son Hdze 14 W m S Ferree cattle ;earlj in May; onr graziers and of a n y kind on th» BaHrbad. . H d i 14 Thomas Ferguson do 14 |£ardn A- Snyder do 13 N p , S . T M » a d ( T l d e d h * i r * r t o f i L O T O F a S O m T D , Jeto&ry,P dairymen, actuated as they are by the de- 6Rth«BorthtW»bfWMtKlM«tr*;t,l»tw»«iJjQlberry J H i J H o y b e r g e r do 14 W K Clark d o . 14 Hnnry Blahk, • • ; • do 14 Qreharai Williams do U Theodore) Wolf sire to carry on their ^irti'edlar business .&BdOuulotto:itr*tU,laBmld e l i y , a o a U i i i i i U front J P Bdssel • HL*EJZahm John, L^ngejaeeker WMr King itr*»l W f e e t - i « ; H e b e * , s a d « BRECKNOCK. * H l r i h * Bro.. with profit, both as regards - receipteTand o&'nftt Jaa««Pl)yaaH' U a d U r J n dopih .northw«ra'S45 f«i» t o n 14 fMt wide Eahm it Jackson 14 n s s e l m a n & B e a m M d z - U I I s a a o f r y &Son- - Hdx 14 Bhoads 4 Gilleiple expenditures, eould not-anywhere^that Qbllo nlIeJ,.»Uh •."STOIfEJ)WBLLTHO HOUSE. T i N H T l n J » | j - A J O b e r h o l t e s r D U t l U 8 Martin Bhrelner A B D t n i d STIeUt'TAHlfBRY, and other Improve- R M L a u a c h is among practioal men—be induced-tb ia«nU:tnu*oj.r ' SUas Horting Hdx H ) Oyittr Cellart; AlaoVotA.linlfXotofGroasdontht north side of tb* CARNARVON., ' '. ." adopt the soiling. system^ so highly^re- Vaforssnld Wm E t a t t 8.6undtl ElBdnftr. ^public "aUw.innnlng along l b * w a r of the 8 | •. Mdx 14,WUllam Btngwalt Mdz 14 commended by Josiah Quincy and some last above dMerlbod lot. oontilnlos in,front o n said Q W Gompton TU14 do U l j B Gordon Paper: 6* fMtH4 Inohu, and. extending In depth norlb- Cyrus Waller Eastern, agrioultorists. The markets, of »U»y irard 13t fvat and 6 InahM, mora or l o w , with a Framo S O White 11 |.JpluiB4liUl Philadelphia have long been far famed Btable.and, Wagon' 8b td thereon. CLAT. Patent Medicine?. laittwc*. deocrlbodlota h a r e boon u * i i together Hdi 13] J R FenaAbeeker, Hds 14 S P A WairJman for their supply of good butter; and as aaTho tho "Tmanary Proptrty." ABEJnffmaD. - . M01O A HolnlUli do 13 for beef, mutton, and the poultry, no No. S. Tbe undivided half part of a Lot of Ground on Samuel Sberly John t Loag A Son, 100| John B H « r U « 7 the south slda'of JSae't Orange street, near o u t of Plum COCAL1CO. markets in America have" as yet excelled street, In said city, containing l a front on Oraiiga-*L S3 SaiOert. Hdz 14 Hda U j B S w a r l z Isaac JlicklDger feet, and extending ' tontbw-ard 100 feet to a IS feet E SobMfftt ft 8 M them, or, perhaps, never equalled them. wide alley. ' Tan 14 J B Goekley do .SlGeorge Mangel nUmMHUey Hdz 14 M HftlMiliaah 23o.4\Tha nndlrlded half part of a Lot of .Ground, J B Beddlg do 13| Daniel Hlshler PABITOB, AHD THE pKMEK CABS OF ""•^"-'-'frr". CHKSTNTIT MORTICED POSTS, BOARD FEHCE FOST3, AND A VABIETi OFOHESIiDTBAILBAND'vrEBB FENCING JIATEBIAL. Ground Alum and Asliton Salt, L U M P A K D QEOXrND P L A S T E R , also wanted. J 3 " A d d i e . s KaUrprl-e P. O., Lancaster county. Pa mar o-IH.1 SHIRK .V BRDBAEF.R. HAiiABD'S RAILROAD AND MILITARY MAP HP THS S O U T H E R N STATES. DOPTED by the War Department, A t J - R e c o l l e c t that we have removed to the sooth end aa tba Official 11AF Tar Oortrnmeai n**. Prl:» of the Bridge, where we will be pleased to sea oar old OKC D.'i.r.Aa. F.irfiale at M e n d s and customers. "V. BAER'3 EON'8 , BOOK ETOris. No. 12 North Queen Slr^at, Lmcaater, Pa. Bt. C A L D E R & BRO., ap Si) lf-23 OFPICB IN LANCASTER, A3 USUAL. East Orange St., second door from Queen. Jan SO B U I L B l H G SLATE. North tf-ld P3IOES RBDUCSU TO SUIT THE TIMES r rflflK undersigtifcd, Laving made a i - I arneginenU tfith Mr. B. JO.\'E^, for ail hU best i n i l l t y o f PEACH BOTTOM SI.ATS, ii*r Ibis marltft. aad a elmilar arranRem"at ? l t b the proprietors or B U " ODE COUNTRY—ONE ArlD INDIVISIBLE •• ofthe principal aad best iiaarrlea iu York connty, bo ba4 jnr-t received tt large lot of thaao baperior qaalitlei S. S. R A T S V O N , of Bulld!DK Slate.whicb wIJl ha pat ou by tbe B^aare.o M E H C H A N T T A I L O R or C L O T H T B R . b h m AL O n n E L PEACH BOTTOA at KramphV Old Stand, AT U K Corner of Orange and Sorth tiueen Strrel*, H m m h L m (oppofciiaShober'a Motel.) Ii*nc«8i«r City, P^ood.. w b w ub h AMVAT9 HAW O.V HAND A VASIKO ASSORTJlKS-r Of m Cloths, Casaimeres, Vestinga, TrliiiH & T B X TH MARKET B w U n minga, H e a d y M a d e Clothing m m m WM D HP ECHEK N wA nd W and Furnishing Gooda m UKO O H BCHB In general, for both Men and Boyrt, adapted to the preS S= K m W b vailing reaeona, tastes aad style. H CIVILIAN AND MILITARY DKSS3. UNDRESS, FATIQUE AND BDSlNKyS CLOTUING. ^TTh o h I du D my Made promptly to order, and ivarranteit to give entire P mG satisfaitioit. S 3 " Special alien lion, 33 heretofore, given t o Boys' n L m G Work, Cutting, &c. Thankful /or past patronga. tiie M K O NK proprietor confidently looks to the fsstalnlng hand of a A P B m D generous pnblfc for a continuance* o( that support s ^ra which h u heretofore bean eo liberally extended to- J wards him and tho3e in his employ. S. S. EATHVON. LTJMBEE W A N T E D Merchant Tailor and Clolhler. QUAN TV o BEECH and AP P. 8.—SPRING FASHIONS, and Spring and Summer PLB WOOD B P w Materials, received and ready (Q bo mads, either plain, mediotu or facbionable. ap 19 3m-21 P w b A C C m W K H W O A K Ii I ACxK M A N u i ^ ^ T O u V . K BFPEE AUXKX A ALTICK & McGINNIS, FOKXHKLT DRCSEEE, A-LTICK 4 Extensive G O L D E N H O R S E HOTEL Qo'd., Carriage Manufactory, W . Orange Bt., next to the cor. of Prince. E E P constantly on hand, and manufacture to order CARRIAGES of every description, made of the beat materials, by K XO T EA HK ub K G REE b p p P m m ANCA d o ER PA mn nd T u h & AAC B M LLER P m THOS J DYSART experienced and competent workmen. Having been extenelvely engaged in the above bneiness for many years, they are. conSdent that tbe work tarnedl oat by them w i l l be N GO EAST K NO STREET LANCASTER found equal if not superior to any other make iu the R T R A T S PA NTKD rom e or county, either as regards STJLE, WORKMANSHIP, P O OB m P L quality of materials or pi ice. Their atock of new and Becondhand carriages li the uiuot extensive in the P OTO PH nO W C county. nd h J3"Persons In want of anything in their Hue will m T pleaae call and examine their work and ascertain their VORYTYPE h h prices before purchasing elsewhere. All work manuw factured at tbie eetabUsbuient warranted. Particular MQ V OF EVER DE CR P ON w attention paid lo all kind* uf repairing. b w n u IMNIBL A. ALTICK, MD V ang2l-ly-S9 A. 31c0INNI3. P H . M. W H I T E & SON, C O A C H M A K E R S , WALNUT STREET, NEAR WATER, LANCASTER, PENNA. CARRIAGES Of every descrlptloa oa band and made¥ toorder. Allworkwarranted. Hepair-. log promplly attended to. S A M U E L B COS" CARR AGE MANUFACTURER AND PRAC T CAL MECHAN C Co ne o Duke and V ne S Lanca e Pa " Z" EP n n on b nd and m nu SOLD ERS CLA MS HK under gned hav ng pen con derabe me o makng bmae ae aaQ ed w h T F m P H mHO H U w OP OLD ER P B P B A & nd m b m w n w C m w m w b m OFF CE—A C H h G m CLA M L A n h V h K m m H m TUEO V HEBK nd w L P n NOT CE V CAKK AO "" OFEVEBY DE CB PT O N m OUN R WATKLNS P p o m b WU w P w m R L C % H b C n m m BB m h h w m w h w b m b m w mm m n w b H u b m m B n b mm H nw H H C h m w m w w ~ A nw T w PKE UO w hU b m m —A P m b L C N B —LOK L A AU C P BE T BLKT P m m M p M BE T H T A TOP BDQU — A M h H U A nd M nd b b C A U T O N TO TRESPASSERS F N m BE T H FT H E under gned c zen o Ea NG TOP BDGQY TROTT NG BOGGY D w L A P P M w m F FTY n D FVEHENT TYL u m A w m B U m w w K m B D HU U M U BAM TEL E COX M W H G M C O " T H E BLOCKADE BROKEH " A w A m M H SLATE SLATE T & G H H E ub cr ber ha made arrangemen E G m B C w W C E K KOOF HO LATE m L Y C Q w b w pu n m E D w A m NOTHER Lo o ho ? e ebra « H m T w w Q KEN AND BLACK TEA w b m U n B b b OHN D KH K K A W W O B m LD G O V K B N M E N T JAVA w C LAODATEA APB CAN d B O COFFEE OHN B KD EV HABDWAER TORE K nd k N K K S L OHH > K LE m J T T A o " ^XTBA SYKUP MOLASSES a 50 A P U o > g SB N: EW D R E D A P P L E S AND PEACHE d U b CH E E