honor roll 2012 university of maryland university
honor roll 2012 university of maryland university
HONOR ROLL 2 012 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE YOUR GIFTS CHANGE THE FUTURE Thousands of UMUC students are helped each year by the scholarships your generosity makes possible. We have let them share their gratitude in their own words throughout this honor roll, which forever links you to their future successes. A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT GREETINGS ALUMNI AND FRIENDS In 2012, more than 9,500 students earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from University of Maryland University College (UMUC)—and in the process, opened doors to better jobs, new careers, and ultimately to the promise of brighter futures for themselves and the ones they love. This year’s honor roll of donors is a powerful reflection of the enormous commitment our donors have made to the students at UMUC and our global community. As a result of your generosity, we are supporting student achievements through scholarships, enhancing the quality of our academic programs, and expanding our vast arts program, both by acquiring new artwork and restoring historical pieces. Within this listing, we also acknowledge members of the Ehrensberger Society, who have made gift commitments through their estate planning. This list includes the names of all donors who have made gifts of $100 or more during the fiscal year of 2012—between July 1, 2011, Sincerely, and June 30, 2012. I am proud that during this time we saw a marked increase in the number of alumni who are supporting their alma mater. Cathy Sweet Vice President Institutional Advancement That success would not have been possible without the support of our community of alumni, faculty, staff, leadership boards, and friends, whose dedication and generosity have helped position UMUC as a 21st-century leader in higher education. of our cutting-edge and workforce-relevant academic programs, while also enabling our Arts Program to continue to grow and flourish. The honor roll celebrates our many donors by acknowledging the tangible difference their gifts and annual contributions make. I wish to thank each and every one of you who support this remarkable university and its unique and vitally important mission. Together, we can continue to ensure that our students receive the best possible education, preparing them to become tomorrow’s global leaders. Sincerely, Private donations have funded hundreds of scholarships, allowing our students to pursue their educational goals. Those same donations serve to support the continued development Javier Miyares President, UMUC Every gift of every size has a positive impact and supports our educational mission. On behalf of everyone at UMUC, I thank you for investing in both our students and our university. HONOR ROLL OF DONORS $100–$249 ASSOCIATE’S CLUB Mr. Paul R. Aaron ‘96 Ms. Brenda L. Abell ‘08 Ms. Yolanda C. Abernathy-Glover ‘84 Accent on Success, Inc. Mr. Precious C. Acheru ‘10 Ms. Diane H. Acurso ‘83 Ms. Desiree Adams Mr. John Ayoade Adejumo ‘10 Ms. Valerie Ozemhoy Agwale ‘06 Ms. Jennifer L. Agwunobi ‘03 & ‘04 Ms. Olakitan Akinmurele Mr. Winston Apapo Akondeng Mofor ‘10 Ms. Joycenette Alcorn ‘01 Ms. Yvonne M. Alex ‘05 Ms. Amber C. Allen ‘05 Ms. Gwendolyn L. Allen ‘07 SMSGT Richard Lee Allen (USAF, Ret.) ‘90 Mr. Richard T. Allen ‘81 Mr. James Andrew Allender ‘00 Mr. William Allison ‘79 Ms. Betsy A. Alperin Mr. Azim Al-Salam ‘11 Mr. Andres Arturo Alvarez ‘11 Mr. David Ellis Amerson ‘10 Ms. Kelita Monia Lisa Anderson ‘02 Mr. Robert P. Anderson ‘79 Dr. Sharon Anderson ‘69 Mr. Ron R. Angel ‘08 Mrs. Emelia K. Annum ‘01 & ‘04 Ms. Debbie K. Ard ‘05 Ms. Lynda Nana Frema Arhin Mr. Hamlet Arutyunov Ms. Ashley Arvin Mr. Mansour Ash-Shakoor ‘88 Ms. Danielle Nicole Assante ‘10 CWO Curtis Atkins Jr. (USN) ‘89 AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Ms. June A. Austin ‘00 & ‘02 Ms. Luci Austin Ms. Linda R. Avery ‘02 Mr. Paul O. Awunor ‘10 Mr. James Babio Mr. William R. Bachand ‘84 Ms. Claudette Y. Bailey ‘03 & ‘04 LTC Ernest L. Baillargeon (USAF, Ret.) ‘64 Mr. Patrick H. Bair ‘83 Ms. Tara L. Balfe Clifford Ms. Tessie L. Ballard Ms. Patti R. Ballentine ‘07 Mr. Donald F. Baltunis Bank of America Charitable Foundation Ms. Diane Lanette Banks ‘09 Mr. Peter M. Barbernitz Jr. ‘84 Ms. Pamela Lois Barnes ‘10 Mr. Ralph H. Barnes ‘55 Mr. Robert Lee Bartee ‘01 & ‘05 Ms. Diane Bartoo Ms. Deborah C. Bassard ‘05 Ms. Nadia M. Bassiouni ‘06 Mr. Charles J. Batt Jr. ‘86 Mr. Lewis H. Batty ‘65 Ms. Kate Bauer Mr. Christopher Eric Beccles ‘03 Ms. Alba Beckford Mr. Gerald J. Beeman ‘73 Mr. Stephen M. Beiga ‘02 Mr. Raymond M. Belak ‘75 Mr. Kibwe K. Belle ‘05 Mr. James W. Beller ‘73 Ms. Noell Marie Belton ‘09 Mr. Joshua P. L. Bender ‘10 Ms. Betty G. Bengtson ‘86 Ms. Jackie Benham ‘87 The 2012 Honor Roll represents gifts and pledges received from July 1, 2011, to June, 30, 2012. In the event that an error has occurred, we extend our sincerest apologies and ask that you contact Taneka Chialastri at 301-985-7124 so that our system can be corrected. 4 5 Ms. Tasha Benjamin ‘00 Mr. Herman J. Bennett ‘11 Ms. Deneen Yvonne Bullard-Barriere ‘02 Mr. Carlos Mequiel Bullock ‘10 Mr. Jerrold C. Chadwick ‘03 Ms. Lynette Caprice Chambliss ‘10 Mr. Mark E. Cornelius ‘01 Mr. Clyde Randy Corsi ‘02 Ms. Roberta E. Dillow ‘80 Mr. Michael A. Divittorio ‘96 MSgt Wayne E. Bennett (USMC, Ret.) ‘76 Mr. Harold R. Benson ‘93 & ‘99 Mr. Randall J. Bertsch ‘95 Ms. Pamela M. Betton ‘81 Mr. Morsie Biggs Jr. ‘76 Mr. Robert R. Bikoski ‘79 Mr. Kenneth Allyn Bird Ms. Judith Ann Bitzer ‘97 Mr. Kenneth D. Blackshaw ‘62 Mr. Carl K. Blakeley ‘02 Mr. Brent William Bland ‘00 Mr. Gairy A. Bobb ‘04 Ms. Christine M. Bodily ‘92 Mr. Marcel A. Boisvert ‘76 Mr. Michael R. Boivin Sr. ‘81 Mr. Thomas Bojito ‘06 Mr. Victor L. Bonaparte ‘93 Mr. James Walter Booker Jr. Ms. Nipika Borah ‘10 Mr. John J. Borris ‘59 Ms. Joann L. Boswell ‘87 Mr. Brian E. Bowman ‘85 Mr. George L. Bowman Jr. ‘71 Mr. Harry N. Bragg ‘79 Mr. Robert W. Brandenburg ‘92 Mr. Carl E. Bratfisch ‘62 Mr. Wayne E. Braunstein ‘76 Mr. Michael C. Brett ‘86 Ms. Rachel Briley ‘77 Ms. Iris C. Briscoe ‘95 Mr. Donald Brittingham ‘95 SMSgt Roger Broadwater (USAF) ‘92 Ms. Sheryl Delores Brodie ‘11 Mr. William Brogan Ms. Brandy Jean Brown Ms. Elaine M. Brown ‘80 Ms. Nancy W. Brown ‘92 Mr. William Eugene Brown ‘11 Ms. Patricia O. Buchanan ‘01 Ms. Georgia J. Bupp ‘90 Ms. Cheryl May Burg ‘88 & ‘99 Mr. Harold F. Burgess ‘00 Mr. Jason Jerome Burkley ‘10 Mr. Kenneth F. Burton ‘07 Mr. John L. Busch ‘87 Ms. Bertha Eva Butler ‘02 Mr. Dennis Leroy Butler ‘06 Mr. Alexander P. Butterfield ‘56 Ms. Eunice LaVerne Byrd ‘08 Ms. Janis D. Byrd ‘93 Ms. Rashel Byrd Mr. Melvin L. Byrne ‘97 Mr. Terrance R. Byron (USA) ‘95 Ms. Darcia C. Cahalan-Perini ‘05 Ms. Crystal Caldwell ‘00 Ms. Marie E. L. Callahan ‘75 Mr. Nick Denson Callaway III ‘10 Mrs. Judith A. Calvert ‘86 Mr. Keith D. Cameron ‘00 Ms. Shari I. Cammack Ms. Cheryl R. Campbell ‘85 Ms. Princess R. Campbell ‘03 Ms. Renee Danielle Campbell Ms. Shanik Denise Cannady ‘10 Mr. Jones Cannon Jr. ‘82 Mr. Stonneal Swanston Carbon ‘11 Mr. Joed Ivan Carbonell-Lopez ‘06 Ms. Joyce A. Carcaise ‘96 Ms. Holly L. Carey ‘01 Mr. Sean M. Carey ‘96 Mr. Theodore T. Carlsen ‘87 Ms. Jenae L. Carr ‘10 Ms. Ann Carroll Lane ‘73 Sgt. Cynthia D. Carter (USA) ‘99 Ms. Doris L. Carter ‘96 Mr. Richard L. Carter ‘87 Mr. Matthew C. Cereno ‘01 Mr. Michael N. Cerino ‘00 Ms. Kai-Xuan L. Chang ‘93 Ms. Ronnie M. Chantker ‘95 Mr. Thomas Chapman Jr. ‘76 Ms. Donna L. Chase ‘90 Mr. Carl L. Chavanne ‘86 Ms. Shahida Yasmin Cheema ‘11 Mr. Timothy J. Chermak ‘08 Mr. David B. Chew ‘02 Ms. Pamela Chisholm ‘04 Mr. Jong-douk Choi Mr. Jerry Lee Christensen ‘05 Mr. Paul T. Christian ‘82 Ms. Yvonne M. Ciarlo Ms. Bernadette Maria Clark ‘10 Ms. Joyce Ann Clark ‘06 Ms. Mary A. Clark ‘83 Dr. Roger G. Clark ‘90 LTC Roy C. Clark Jr. (USA, Ret.) ‘65 Ms. Myra M. Clary-Peterson ‘10 Mr. Beau Dedrick Clemmons ‘11 Mr. Robert G. Cline ‘89 Mr. Kevin J. Clouse ‘95 Mr. Robert A. Coelho ‘80 Ms. Brenda Carol Cofield ‘97 Ms. Danette Michele Cole ‘01 Mr. Tony Coleman ‘04 Ms. Sonya L. Coley ‘10 Mr. Paul E. Collins ‘85 Ms. Brenda Cooper Compton Turner Mr. Eric Brett Compton ‘02 Ms. Jacquelyn Y. Cones ‘86 Mr. Richard R. Conley ‘08 Ms. Rose Mary Cook ‘97 Ms. Kathleen A. Cooke ‘08 Ms. Elizabeth Cooper ‘95 & ‘04 Ms. Karen D. Copeland ‘90 Mr. Raphael P. Cordova ‘87 Mr. Bryant T. Corley ‘09 Ms. Sarah B. Cormier ‘95 Ms. Mary Ann Cortes ‘10 Mr. Delwyn A. Cosby Mr. Willie Bernard Cox ‘97 Mr. James R. Craig ‘79 Ms. Sally K. Craig Mr. William F. Crapo ‘80 Mr. Anatolio B. Cruz III ‘90 Ms. Christine Dinora Cunningham ‘11 Mr. James A. Cutlip ‘91 & ‘01 Ms. Graca A. Da cruz ‘00 Ms. Kae G. Dakin ‘96 Mr. Franklin S. Daley Jr. ‘97 Mr. Anthony R. Damiano Jr. ‘82 Ms. Diane B. Dandois ‘92 Mr. Michael D. Daniel ‘03 Mr. Ronald L. Danielian ‘96 Mr. Gabriel Daniels ‘09 Ms. Felicia A. Daniels-Smith ‘91 & ‘96 Dr. Raju V. Datla ‘97 Mr. Jesse B. Davis ‘05 Mr. Marvin A. Davis ‘85 Mr. Orville W. Davis Jr. ‘79 Mr. Oscar N. Davis ‘96 Ms. Tammera S. Davis Ms. Terita L. Davis ‘05 Mr. Thomas F. Davis ‘83 Mr. Douglas A. Day ‘91 Mr. John Mcalister Dean ‘02 Mr. Davesylvin D. Decker ‘91 Ms. Brigitte Dehart ‘99 Dr. Carol Jean Dell’Amore Ms. Carmen Marie DeMasters ‘92 Ms. Kelly Lynn Dempsey ‘10 Mr. Roland C. Depew ‘97 Ms. Falguni P. Desai ‘91 Mr. Bernard T. Devaney Sr. ‘84 Ms. Lisa Dewey Mr. Ronald Dickens ‘80 Mr. Robert A. Dillon Jr. ‘58 Mr. Chuyen Minh Do ‘04 Ms. Marilyn C. Dodd ‘05 Mr. Lawrence G. Doman ‘78 Mr. Jerry Domanico ‘02 Mr. James S. Donnelly ‘03 Mr. John Patrick Donohoe Mrs. Denise Dorn Mr. Guy Douglas ‘95 Ms. Renea A. Doyle ‘04 Mr. Gregg Eugene Drake ‘03 Mr. Theodore P. Drennan ‘02 Ms. Patricia A. Dubroof Mr. Kenneth Gordon Duffau ‘03 Ms. Monica K. Dukes ‘06 Mr. John P. DuMoulin ‘96 Ms. Mary Ellen Duncan Ms. Nichole Deion Duncan ‘10 Ms. Syretta Elizabeth Dyson ‘11 Ms. Frieda Bernadet Edwards ‘01 Ms. Heather G. Edwards ‘06 Mr. Charles A. Eisenhart ‘73 Ms. Cheryl L. Ellett ‘90 Mr. Patrick S. Elliott Ms. Cherilynn Ellis ‘07 & ‘10 Mr. David M. Ellis Ms. Debra A. Ellis ‘04 Mr. Sunday O. Eme ‘94 Dr. Morten G. Ender ‘80 Mr. Okwuchuckwu Matthew Enekwe ‘10 Ms. Cara Anita Ennals Ms. Lori Ann Enochs ‘07 Mr. Joseph J. Ensor ‘95 Ms. Shaunda LaTrice Evans ‘08 ExxonMobil Corporation Mr. Paul S. Fahey ‘97 Mr. Patrick V. Farina ‘82 Dr. Juanita Felder ‘65 Mr. Frank F. Fennell Jr. ‘90 Mr. Stephen Lloyd Ferguson Jr. ‘08 6 7 Mr. Leopoldo Fernandes ‘93 Mrs. Denise F. Ferrenz ‘84 Mr. Elvis Romeo Wafo Ghomsi ‘10 Ms. Felicia Ann Gibbs ‘03 Mr. John A. Hamilton ‘87 Ms. Mary Ann Hanberry ‘98 SSgt Dwight A. Fields (USA) ‘94 Ms. Norma A. Fields ‘97 Ms. Belinda J. Finn ‘02 Mr. Bennie W. Fitzgerald ‘80 Mr. Michael L. Fitzgerald ‘99 Ms. Cynthia Ann Flagg ‘04 Mr. Robert J. Fleury ‘79 Mrs. Charmaine D. Flint ‘11 Ms. Nofertary Bintu Fofana ‘11 Ms. Raquel B. Fontana Ms. Nona Elaine Ford ‘07 & ‘09 Ms. Ruth L. Ford ‘88 Ms. Gale Marilyn Forde ‘09 Mr. Byron Fordham ‘94 & ‘00 Ms. Kathleen U. Fornatora ‘90 Mr. Roy A. Forson ‘96 Ms. Valerie Fowlkes-Bynum ‘89 Mr. Alvin A. Frazier ‘97 Ms. Alana Frett ‘03 Ms. Joy E. Freund ‘03 Ms. Susan Fritz ‘06 & ‘10 Mr. Carl J. Fritzinger ‘91 Mr. Robert L. Fuss ‘92 Mr. Anthony Lynn Fykes ‘10 Mr. Jacob N. Gadson Jr. ‘89 Mr. Douglas R. Gaines ‘95 Mr. David Gallegos ‘01 Mr. John Galliano ‘01 CMSgt Thomas D. Galliher (USAF) ‘87 Mr. Timothy J. Gannon ‘89 Ms. Linda M. Gantt ‘95 Ms. Lisa K. Gardner ‘95 Mr. Lito Valenzuela Garlit ‘02 Ms. Bernsteine B. Garrett Mr. Joseph F. Gasper ‘80 Ms. Nakevia Jacklyn Gates ‘10 Mr. Frederick A. Gawlick ‘73 Mr. Dagmawi Gedion ‘06 Ms. Margaret G. Geiser-Kline ‘79 Mr. Paul A. Gifford ‘75 Mr. Brian K. Gilbertson ‘94 Ms. Barbara J. Givens ‘10 Ms. Marcia Urquhart Glenn ‘10 Ms. Joyce R. Godby ‘91 Mr. Frederick M. Goines ‘04 Ms. Sandra L. Golas ‘01 Mr. Anthony Gomes ‘76 Ms. Ina Goocharan ‘97 Mr. Egbert M. Goodman ‘94 Mr. Robert Goodwin Ms. Janice L. Gordon ‘05 Mr. Bernard Emmons Gracy ‘08 Mr. James W. Graham ‘69 & ‘86 Ms. Julia Rossana Grant ‘10 Ms. Meredith K. Gray ‘01 Ms. Rebecca K. Gray ‘98 Mr. Benjamin Eli Green ‘10 Ms. Lyllis M. Green Mr. Neil Green Mr. William B. Greenan ‘89 Mr. Jackie Greene ‘93 Mr. B. Keith Gregory ‘87 Mr. Thomas R. Grippo Jr. ‘79 Ms. Shelly Mae Gross-Wade ‘97 Ms. Vickie Ann Grow ‘09 Ms. Tabatha S. Guion ‘03 Ms. Jenny M. Gunderman ‘99 Ms. Anntoinette C. Gurvin ‘88 Mr. Roger W. Gustafson ‘73 SFC Scott H. Gustafson (USA) ‘01 Ms. Sandra H. Gwynn ‘07 Mr. Brian J. Haan ‘87 & Ms. Courtney C. Haan Ms. Patricia M. Haase ‘95 Ms. Daliah Dawn Haber-Dixon ‘10 Mr. Robert Eugene Hafer ‘10 Mr. Henry Hailstock Jr. ‘80 Ms. Lucy W. Hall ‘08 Mr. Michael A. Hall ‘99 Ms. Martella L. Hancil ‘06 Mr. Fred A. Hand ‘74 Mr. Edward A. Hanka ‘86 Mr. Tracy Kent Hankins Ms. Patricia E. Hannum ‘77 Mrs. Evelyn K. Chou Hao SMSgt Floyd R. Hardman (USAF) ‘88 Ms. Stacy Ann Hardman ‘10 Mr. Milton Dewey Harmon ‘96 Ms. Rebecca Harmon-Coby ‘95 & ‘00 WO Wendy A. Harpe (USN) Mr. Royal Harrell ‘97 & ‘02 Ms. Anna C. Harris ‘99 Ms. Charlotte B. Harris ‘85 Ms. Jasmine Nicole Harris Mr. Marvin O. Harris ‘81 Ms. Rosemary Hartigan Ms. Gloria J. Hastings ‘90 Ms. Lisa Michelle Hawkins ‘11 Mr. Ronnie Devon Hawkins ‘03 Ms. Linda S. Haydon ‘93 Mr. Daniel J. Hayenga ‘96 Mr. Donald P. Hearn ‘73 Mr. Joseph A. Heastie ‘80 Mr. Warren F. Heine ‘75 Mr. Jay L. Heinemann ‘85 Mr. Eric C. Helfers Ms. Bobbette Henderson Mr. Michael Terrence Henderson ‘93 Ms. Patricia A. Henderson ‘01 Henggeler Computer Consultants Mr. James P. Hennessy ‘77 Mr. James L. Henson ‘00 Ms. Mary L. Hepp ‘89 Mr. Robert W. Herbig ‘84 Ms. Diane Marie Herring ‘92 Mr. Frederick A. Herrmann Jr. ‘80 Ms. Ann Marie Russo Herron ‘83 Mr. Troy L. Hewitt ‘92 8 “It is scholarships such as yours that motivate students to keep going and not give up on their dream, no matter how challenging their road may be. I am honored to have been selected to receive this scholarship.” PECK FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT 9 10 Mr. Michael Batten Higginbotham ‘11 LT Deborah J. Hill (USN) Ms. Joy Lynn Jacques ‘11 Mr. Curtis A. James ‘65 Ms. Andrea C. Key ‘05 Mrs. Dawn L. Kilheffer ‘87 Mr. Edward James Lewis III ‘11 Ms. Marthea P. Lewis ‘01 Mr. Andrew K. Mauer ‘03 Mr. Scott H. Maurice ‘02 Ms. Cheryl L. Hills Mr. Robert T. Hobble ‘96 Mr. James Hodges ‘85 Mr. John E. Hodges ‘85 & ‘97 Ms. Jenell Marlana Holder Ms. Greta E. Holland ‘84 Mr. William S. Holmes ‘87 Mr. Michael A. Holser ‘94 Ms. Anna R. Holton ‘90 Mr. Timothy L. Homan ‘92 Mr. William M. Hong ‘04 Mr. Joseph E. Hopkins III ‘72 Mr. Otis Hopkins ‘82 Mr. Fred Horowitz ‘70 Ms. Jennifer Rae House ‘11 Mr. Daniel E. Hranek ‘92 Mr. Ernest D. Huff Jr. ‘84 Ms. Loretta L. Hunt ‘00 & ‘08 Mr. Robert L. Hunt ‘84 Mr. Abe Hunter Jr. Mr. Jerry M. Hurst ‘81 Ms. Melody Ann James Ms. Deepa Janakiraman ‘07 Mr. Gregory S. Jarosinski ‘02 Mr. Gregory K. Jenkins Ms. Phyllis A. Jenkins ‘79 Mrs. Marianne T. Jessee-Solfronk ‘83 Ms. Lucresse Carmelle Jocelyn ‘10 Ms. Carmelita Somerville Johnson ‘10 Ms. Esther M. Johnson ‘83 Ms. Mazie M. Johnson ‘08 Mr. Michael R. Johnson ‘01 Ms. Misty G. Johnson ‘04 Mr. Timothy Maurice Johnson ‘94 Mr. John T. Johnston ‘99 Estate of Antwon Harris Jones Ms. Brenda Cassandra Jones ‘08 Ms. Debbie C. Jones ‘10 Sgt. Douglas E. Jones (USA) Mr. John Paul Jones Jr. ‘00 Rev. Kenneth S. Jones & Mrs. Larocca T. Jones ‘80 & ‘87 Mr. Otis Hurt III ‘95 Ms. Angela D. Hutchison ‘04 Mr. Jonathan L. Hutchison ‘01 Mr. Frederic D. Hyatt ‘71 Mr. Donald P. Hymel ‘86 Ms. Victoria P. Imre ‘97 Ms. Linda I. Inogbo ‘05 & ‘10 Ms. Persida Iorga ‘08 Mr. Dan H. Iredell ‘85 Mr. Peter W. Irizarry Mrs. Tina M. Israel ‘80 Mr. Donald E. Jaccard ‘96 Mr. Gerald Monroe Jackson ‘05 Mr. Kendrick S. Jackson ‘08 Mr. Kevin D. Jackson Ms. Vickie L. Jackson ‘84 Mr. Robert Eric Jacobs ‘11 Ms. Penny A. Jacocks ‘97 Ms. Margaret S. Jones ‘76 Ms. May Rose Jones ‘02 Ms. Paulette Jones ‘05 Mr. Richard R. Jones ‘72 Ms. Leslie B. Joy ‘01 Mr. William C. Joyner ‘04 & ‘08 Mr. Roger E. Kager ‘05 Mr. Ronald Benjamin Kaita ‘01 Ms. Shalini Kals ‘10 Mr. Leon Kaplan ‘74 Ms. Amy L. Karch ‘95 Mr. Kevin L. Kasalonis ‘08 Ms. Sara A. Kaufman ‘93 Ms. Bernadette Elizabeth Keane ‘11 Mr. Joseph F. Keckler ‘83 Mr. Orson Keeys ‘09 Mr. Jeffery David Kent Ms. Natalie J. Kepner ‘93 Ms. Alexandra H. Kim Ms. Jean S. Kim ‘08 Mr. John R. King ‘95 Ms. Patricia A. Kingsley ‘89 CMSgt. James R. Kinney (USAF) ‘87 & ‘09 Ms. Darlene S. Klinksieck ‘92 Mr. Joseph T. Kobsar ‘05 Mr. Mark Koenigsberg ‘79 Ms. Susannah C. Kolstad Ms. Amy Jean Konz ‘05 Mr. Dale L. Kopnitsky ‘94 Ms. Jeneba K. Kouadio ‘04 Ms. Jeanne M. Kraus ‘88 Ms. Erica H. Kropp ‘91 Mr. Richard A. Kruckow Jr. ‘92 Mr. Dennis J. Kubicki ‘07 Ms. Kristin Kubik Mr. Randall Kuldell ‘95 Mrs. Frances W. Kushner ‘82 Mr. Takawira Walter Kwenda ‘10 Ms. Billie M. Labhart ‘81 Mrs. Elizabeth H. LaBuda ‘03 Ms. Darla T. Lacey ‘10 Ms. Jeannie A. LaDriere ‘94 Mr. Paul David Lancaster Mr. Paul L. Landry ‘57 Ms. Jean A. Larson ‘85 Ms. Maria B. Laughlin ‘97 Mr. Ernest P. Lawhorn Ms. Hayley Lawrence ‘11 Ms. Madonna A. Lebling Ms. Leslie M. Lee ‘08 Ms. Sheila M. Lee ‘95 Ms. Monica Renee Leftwich ‘11 Mr. Robert B. Legrand ‘03 Mrs. Barbara A. Lehto ‘69 Ms. Theresa M. Lesko ‘89 Ms. Carley Monique Lester ‘11 Mrs. Shondraya Grant-Levy ‘00 Dr. Chimene L. Liburd ‘02 Ms. Carole M. Lieber ‘88 Mr. Thornten T. Liggans ‘02 Mr. William Lineburg ‘94 Mr. Robert B. Link ‘96 Mrs. Ann Lister Ms. Regina S. Litman ‘82 Ms. Irene Little ‘00 Mr. Jered Dale Little ‘05 Mr. Robert H. Locke ‘70 Mr. Clarence L. Logan ‘88 Ms. Joan M. Lorincz ‘96 Ms. Karen A. Lucas ‘86 Ms. Ashley Sade Lucci ‘11 Mr. Marvis F. Lynes ‘68 Mr. Stephen M. Lynott ‘97 Mr. William L. Machen ‘70 Mrs. Amy Macht Ms. Laverne R. Madison ‘91 Ms. Patricia A. Madrigal ‘06 Mr. George E. Maillot ‘60 Mr. George W. Mainer ‘70 Mr. Gilbert Mainvielle ‘07 Ms. Nancy J. Maisel ‘01 Mr. James Malone ‘01 Mrs. Claire B. Mansberg ‘71 Mr. Howard Y. Manwiller Jr. ‘87 Mr. Gary Daniel Marcelin ‘11 Mr. Dennis Allen Marglin ‘00 Mr. Philip S. Margolies ‘05 Mr. Raymond Markham ‘06 Ms. Antoinette Martin ‘95 Mr. Robert E. Martin ‘95 MSgt Carlos P. Martinez (USAF) ‘94 Ms. Elaine N. Martini ‘90 Mr. Timothy F. Marx ‘82 Mr. Jonathan P. Mason ‘07 & ‘09 Ms. Xinli Mataya ‘98 Mr. J. Michael A. Matthews ‘83 Mr. Ronald J. Maus ‘84 Ms. Lenoria P. Maxwell ‘09 Mr. Milton D. McClain ‘91 & ‘96 Mr. Charles J. McCabe ‘95 Ms. Lisa Darlene McCants ‘97 Mr. William F. McCarthy ‘86 Ms. Joanne M. McCasland ‘11 Mrs. Pamela S. McClendon ‘89 Mr. Patrick O. McConaghy ‘79 Mr. Richard E. McConnell ‘79 Mrs. Dorothy E. McCormick ‘73 Ms. Ronda Lynette McCoy Ms. Eileen M. McCrady ‘98 Mr. Jasper M. McCurdy ‘62 Mr. Steven McDaniel Mr. Edward E. McDowell ‘85 Mr. Robert S. McFaul ‘80 Ms. Rasheedah Angelica McGhee-Bey ‘10 Mr. Dennis L. McGuire ‘75 Mr. Larry D. McNabb Ms. Josephine D. McNally ‘84 Ms. Layah L. McPhail ‘11 Ms. Cindy K. McVeigh Ms. Ellen Aleta McVeigh ‘92 Ms. Jean M. Measell Ms. Emily Medina Mr. John J. Meiburger ‘96 Ms. Denise Melvin Ms. Eileen S. Menton ‘90 Mr. Dana C. Merrick ‘92 & Ms. Teresa M. Merrick ‘94 Ms. Kittie L. Messman ‘98 CWO Frank J. Miccio (USN, Ret.) ‘85 Mid-Shore Community Foundation Inc. Ms. Angela T. Miller ‘05 Ms. Barbara J. Miller ‘84 Mr. George E. Miller ‘87 Mr. Kevin Alan Miller ‘11 Ms. Suzanne F. Miller ‘08 Ms. Kathleen A. Mishkin ‘87 11 “When I saw the scholarship offer, I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited I jumped out of my chair and called everyone I knew to tell them I had money to go to school. I will now be able to get through this, my last year, because of this scholarship. Thank you so much for your financial assistance.” CYBERSECURITY SCHOLARSHIP FUND RECIPIENT Ms. Brenda May Mitchell ‘90 Mr. John A. Mojecki ‘67 Ms. Deborah A. Mooney ‘04 Ms. Heather D. Moore ‘04 Mr. Eugene E. Morath Jr. ‘55 Mr. Dexter G. Morris ‘04 & ‘11 Mr. William J. Morris Jr. ‘81 Mr. Frank & Mrs. Diane Morrison Mr. Marvin P. Morrison ‘86 PO Andrew T. Motsinger (USN) ‘92 Mr. Chifundo Moya ‘10 Ms. Tracy Mucci ‘98 Ms. Alicia M. Murray ‘07 Mr. Bruce A. Murray ‘92 Mr. Gordon D. Murray Jr. ‘79 Ms. Frances B. Musgrove ‘89 Mr. Wayne R. Myer ‘01 Mr. Stanley T. Myles ‘04 SMSgt Alan T. Nakamura (USAF) ‘88 Mr. Krishna Kumar Sankaran Nambisan MSG Patricia I. Nance (USA) ‘93 Ms. Patricia A. Nash ‘96 Mr. Rodney Edward Neal ‘97 Ms. Martha K. Neel-Rodenburg ‘05 Ms. Peggy L. Nemitz-Rogers ‘85 Ms. Marcelle W. Newsome ‘96 12 Ms. Carolyn Newton Mr. David C. Newton Mr. Can Xuan Nguyen ‘02 Mr. Anthony William Nichols ‘07 Mr. Esam M. Nimer ‘11 Ms. Suzanne Thamar Njanji Mbollo ‘10 Ms. Caren Armine Norian ‘10 Ms. Annie Mae Norris ‘04 Mr. Douglas W. Norton Ms. Joan E. O’Brien ‘01 Dr. Paula C. O’Callaghan Ms. Ellen O’Connor ‘96 & ‘05 Mrs. Thu-Hang Ogburn ‘01 Mrs. Edith Ogella ‘62 Mr. John J. O’Hare ‘88 Mr. Franklin T. Olive Jr. ‘76 Ms. Essie G. Orekoya ‘03 Mr. Augustine C. Ormrod ‘71 Ms. Candace G. Orsetti ‘03 Mr. Alexander A. Orsini ‘04 & ‘09 MSgt Patrick J. Oshea (USAF) ‘93 Mr. Taiwo O. Osifade ‘11 Mr. William A. Owens ‘96 Mr. Thomas Kweku Owoo ‘10 Mr. Oluwaseun T. Oyemade ‘99 Mr. Donald S. Pabis ‘96 Mr. Jeffry R. Paddock ‘92 Ms. Nita S. Pancholi ‘07 Mr. Vijay A. Pandit Mr. Leslie M. Pang Mr. Abraham Pappan ‘11 Mr. Richard A. Paradis Ms. Ruth D. Parker ‘88 Ms. Ali Paskun ‘98 Ms. Alethea E. Patten ‘93 & ‘98 Ms. Jacqueline L. Patten ‘02 & ‘03 Ms. Tia A. Patterson ‘10 Mr. Charles D. Payne ‘61 Mr. Stephen D. Payne ‘01 Mrs. Kathryn S. Pearson ‘95 Ms. Theresa C. Pearson-Johnson ‘88 Ms. Hattie Louise Peay ‘01 Ms. Michon E. Peck ‘85 Ms. Helen M. Pernell ‘98 & ‘00 Mr. James M. Peters ‘85 Mr. Donald A. Peterson ‘88 Mr. Ronald C. Peterson ‘03 & ‘06 Mr. Wade Timothy Petree ‘03 Mr. George W. Pfeiffer ‘74 Mr. Arun Naduparambil Philip ‘04 Ms. Vivian A. Phillips ‘90 Ms. Janet M. Piateski ‘98 Ms. Irene C. Pierce ‘08 Mr. Julian A. Pierson III ‘96 Mr. Andrew C. Pinkham ‘01 Ms. Alison Pope ‘85 Ms. Stella Porto ‘08 Mrs. Barbara A. Power ‘88 Mr. Fitzgerald L. Price ‘01 Mr. Kent H. Price SGM Linda J. Pujo (USA) ‘86 Ms. Denise P. Pumphrey ‘93 Mr. Cale Terrance Queen ‘10 Ms. JoAnn Foster Queen ‘11 Mr. Michael A. Ragoza ‘95 Dr. Glenda Marie Rainney ‘93 Ms. Syeda T. Ramcharan ‘06 Mr. Robert J. Rayca ‘73 Ms. Melissa E. Reese Mr. Patrick A. Reid ‘93 Ms. Janice H. Reilly ‘90 Mr. Kevin M. Remmell ‘10 Mr. Anthony J. Rice Ms. Susan M. Richards Mr. Wayne M. Richards ‘96 Ms. Earnestine J. Richardson ‘91 Mr. Roger W. Rick ‘79 Ms. Michele Riesenberg ‘04 Ms. Elizabeth Jean Ring ‘92 Ms. Jodi A. Risse ‘97 Mr. Donald M. Ritscher ‘60 Mr. Richard C. Rivera ‘00 Mr. John Moss Roberts ‘98 Dr. James A. Robertson Mr. Omar Audely Robertson Ms. Cheryl A. Robinson ‘90 Ms. Connie M. Robinson ‘10 Mr. Christopher Thomas Robison ‘10 Mr. Steven W. Rodichok Mr. Daniel E. Roehrich ‘81 Mr. Richard Rollins ‘86 Mrs. Donna F. Ronco ‘04 Mr. Roger G. Rose ‘68 Mr. Victor S. Rosenblum ‘85 Mr. Lewis A. Routon ‘68 Ms. Cheryl A. Rucker ‘00 Mr. John Michael Ruiz ‘07 Ms. Maria M. Ruiz ‘90 Ms. Cynthia J. Ruse ‘96 Mr. Kenneth Russell ‘79 Mr. Stephen V. Ryan ‘80 Mr. Thomas E. Ryan ‘97 Mr. William E. Ryan ‘84 Mr. Eugene Thomas Ryder ‘97 Ms. Sawsan Said Mr. Jeffrey L. Salisbury ‘79 Ms. Grace E. Sanders ‘92 Ms. Dianne L. Sanna Ms. Sonya D. Sargent-Oliver ‘05 Ms. Jaylene Sarracino Mr. Boniface D. Satu ‘11 Ms. Carol A. Savage ‘84 Ms. Patricia P. Savory ‘84 Ms. Laverna B. Savoy ‘93 Mr. Norman Sawin Jr. ‘08 Dr. Hasan H. Sayani Ms. Julie A. Scanlon ‘94 SSgt Michael P. Schabowski (USA) Mr. Eric Schanzenbacher ‘02 & ‘06 Mrs. Laura I. Scheeler ‘89 Ms. Elizabeth Scheffler ‘95 & ‘97 Mr. Roger L. Schenck ‘68 Mr. Jimmy L. Schiele ‘94 Mr. Laurence Schiffenhaus Ms. Maida Schifter ‘85 Mr. Warren Schor ‘90 Mr. Jeremy E. Schroeder Mr. Chester M. Schultz ‘63 Mr. Holger Schulze ‘09 Mr. Jeffrey D. Schutter ‘92 13 Mr. Alan R. Schwartz ‘82 Mrs. Denise A. Scott Campbell ‘04 Mr. Richard E. Smith II ‘86 Ms. Shanta Lynette Smith ‘07 Mr. Brian E. Taylor ‘04 Mr. Jeff J. Taylor ‘96 Mr. John D. Veal Jr. ‘94 Mr. Ruben F. Velez ‘82 Ms. Dorothy E. Widdows ‘04 Ms. Twanna Thurmond Wiggins ‘97 Mr. Charlie F. Scott ‘83 Mr. Gary G. Scott ‘91 Mr. Gregory J. Scott ‘98 Ms. Robyn Seabrook Mr. William E. Sealey ‘93 Mr. Roy Seivwright Mr. Terrance L. Seldon ‘98 & ‘04 Ms. Donna J. Sellers ‘04 Ms. Lynn C. Selmser ‘84 Mrs. Christine S. Senese ‘78 Mr. Allan H. Senker ‘83 Mr. John L. Seymour ‘85 Mr. Daniel W. Sharpe ‘96 Mr. Melvin Shea ‘95 & ‘01 Ms. Olga Sheyner ‘04 Mr. Jamell H. Shields Mr. Richard D. Shilby ‘82 Mr. Michael H. Shipley ‘85 Mr. Leonid Shmunis ‘07 Mr. Ronald K. Shorts ‘02 Mr. Steven C. Shriver ‘90 SSgt Shelton C. Smith (USA) ‘87 Ms. Tonita Bell Smith ‘98 Ms. Angela Smookler ‘94 & ‘98 Dr. Darlene A. Smucny Mrs. Lila A. Snow Mr. Mabayoje N. Solarin ‘11 Dr. William W. Sondervan Ms. Mary Ann Spilman ‘97 Dr. Anthony Bernard Spivey ‘91 Mr. John Spooner ‘01 Mr. Robert E. Sprecher ‘95 & ‘02 Mr. Linwood R. Starbird ‘92 Mr. David Stebbins ‘99 Mr. David E. Steele ‘85 Mr. Andrew P. Stefancik ‘81 SSgt Betty A. Stewart (USA) ‘94 Dr. James J. Stewart Mr. William P. Stivers ‘82 Ms. Sandra M. Stocks ‘91 Ms. Melody M. Stokes Ms. Katherine Stone Mr. Jullion Ronald Taylor Jr. ‘10 Ms. Miley A. Taylor ‘95 Ms. Sakinah Monique Taylor ‘07 Mr. Curtis W. Teague ‘96 Mr. Luis Telles Hernandez ‘06 Ms. Hellen Tesfamariam Dr. George Theoharis Ms. Donte Lisa Thomas ‘11 Mr. Joseph R. Thomas ‘92 Mrs. Alice E. Thompson ‘78 Ms. Jennifer L. W. Thompson Mr. Michael J. Thompson ‘03 Ms. Penny E. Thompson ‘86 Mr. Norman K. Thorpe ‘72 Ms. Beverly D. Threadgill ‘10 Ms. Cheryl M. Tobierre ‘08 Mr. Alan L. Toense ‘93 Ms. Pamela J. Tollefsen ‘83 & ‘02 Mr. Charles V. Tramazzo Jr. ‘84 Mrs. E. R. Trice & Mr. S. C. Trice ‘02 Ms. Desiree J. Tritle ‘04 Mr. Justo Silva ‘04 Ms. Magarita Silva ‘06 Mr. Denroy J. Simon Sr. ‘10 Ms. Leonora L. Simon ‘92 Mr. Nicola A. Sisto Jr. ‘04 LTG Ray B. Sitton (USAF, Ret.) ‘54 Mr. Richard Arthur Sixtos ‘05 Mr. Richard H. Skorny ‘97 Mr. Zygmond Edward Slevinski ‘10 Mr. Tyrone Small Mr. Alfred D. Smith ‘60 Mr. Ernest R. Smith Jr. ‘75 Mrs. Joyce C. Smith ‘71 Ms. Martha M. Smith ‘96 Mr. Michael L. Smith ‘03 Ms. Pelba Jean Smith ‘04 Ms. Penny E. Smith ‘85 Ms. Claudia M. Street ‘83 Ms. Rosiland M. Strother ‘05 Dr. Forrest E. Studebaker Ms. Maria Suarez ‘03 Mr. Richard Sugarman ‘88 Mr. Willie A. Sugay ‘07 Mr. Gregory K. Summers ‘01 Mr. John Charles Sweeting ‘97 Mr. Donald H. Swellander ‘65 Mrs. Mary E. Switzer ‘85 Ms. Evelyn J. Tackett ‘65 Ms. Amber R. Talbert ‘06 Mr. Mahmut Tamersoy SSgt Duane C. Tant (USAF) ‘90 Mr. Robert Tarloff ‘99 Mr. Ricky D. Tart ‘95 Mr. Anthony E. Taylor ‘97 Ms. Frances A. Troxler ‘92 Ms. Blanche O. Trueheart Ms. Leona Lyons Truelove ‘73 Ms. Lynette M. Trumbore ‘97 Ms. Mitchia Darnya Tull-Cook ‘03 Mr. Kuo-Min Tung ‘96 Mr. Joel B. Turner ‘07 Mr. Ralph D. Turner ‘94 & ‘11 Ms. Sherry A. Turner ‘94 Mr. Richard J. Turnmeyer Mr. Neil W. Tyra ‘85 Mr. Larry Tyson ‘95 Mr. John J. Upman Jr. ‘86 Ms. Helen M. Vaitaitis ‘72 Mr. Kestutis A. Vaitkus Ms. Gladys Valentin ‘98 Mr. Paramjit Singh Vasir ‘10 Ms. Patricia M. Vernon-Rusher ‘94 Mr. Pedro Nicolas Viera ‘99 Mr. Michael A. Vincent ‘81 Ms. Ana M. Vittes Mr. Kenneth R. Waddell ‘01 Mrs. Louise T. Wadsworth ‘77 Mr. Edward S. Walker ‘69 Ms. Kristina L. Walker ‘95 Ms. Stefanie B. Walker ‘01 Ms. Lorraine Wallace ‘00 Ms. Samantha Jean Wallace ‘10 Ms. Winifred B. Wallace Sgt. Raymond S. Walton (USAF) Mr. Peter M. Wanco ‘01 & ‘02 Ms. Yu-Hsiu Wang Mr. Brian Lester Ward ‘10 Ms. Deneen Ward ‘01 Ms. Joyce M. Warfield ‘96 Ms. Frances Washington ‘01 The Washington Post Company Matching Gifts Program Ms. Marilyn Delois Watkins ‘97 Ms. Rudy Watson Mr. David R. Watt ‘81 Mr. Kenneth J. Weeks Jr. ‘06 Mr. Robert J. Weesner II ‘91 Mr. Sherman Weisinger ‘61 Mr. Jerome G. Welkom ‘69 Wells Fargo Mr. Edward F. Wenglowski ‘84 Mr. Michael S. Wenthold ‘11 Mr. Levon West ‘06 Mr. Dale A. White ‘91 Mr. Kenneth H. White Jr. ‘65 Mr. Lance White ‘11 Mr. Larry White ‘94 & ‘99 MSgt Francis L. Whiteley (USAF) ‘94 Mr. William J. Wichtendahl Jr. ‘92 Mrs. Catherine A. Wick ‘86 Mr. Scott A. Wilander ‘94 Mr. Edward T. Williams Jr. ‘89 Mr. George C. Williams III ‘81 Ms. Haley Nicole Williams ‘10 Ms. Jennifer J. Williams Mr. Jon A. Williams ‘73 Mr. Samuel Stephen Williams ‘07 Mr. Tommy L. Williams Jr. ‘08 Mr. Douglas A. Wilson ‘10 Ms. Inez N. Wilson ‘11 SMSgt Marty Beaman Wilson (USAF, Ret.) ‘90 Ms. Shelia Renee Wilson ‘00 Ms. Gloria B. Wims ‘01 & ‘05 Ms. Aimee Melissa Winchester ‘10 Mr. Gerald M. Wingate Sr. ‘92 Ms. Tanya M. Winheim ‘96 Mr. Kevin F. Winkeler ‘88 Ms. Scarlett Rae Wirt ‘91 Ms. Janna R. Witherell ‘06 Ms. Sue Ok Withrow ‘07 Ms. Jaimie R. Wolf ‘10 COL Donald E. Wood (USMC, Ret.) ‘61 Mr. Charles W. Woodland ‘77 Ms. Merria A. Woods ‘08 Ms. Sandra L. Woody ‘06 Dr. Constance Woolcock-Henry Ms. Michelle W. Woolfolk ‘96 Mr. Charles K. Woolley Jr. ‘03 Ms. Arabella M. Wright ‘90 & ‘98 Ms. Mary A. Wright ‘92 Ms. Renae L. Wright ‘05 Mr. Michael Yeargin ‘02 Mr. William A. Yoder ‘73 Mr. Brian Young Mr. Charles R. Young ‘82 Mr. Dominic F. Zaccarelli Jr. ‘98 Ms. Jacqualin Ann Zito ‘10 Mr. Floyd J. Zollicoffer ‘03 Mr. Chester A. Zue ‘94 14 15 $250–$499 DIRECTOR’S CLUB Ms. Monita R. Crump-Sisco ‘91 Ms. Helen L. Dale ‘87 Mr. Daniel James Hoffman ‘08 Mr. Kevin Gerrard Hokett ‘06 Ms. Dianna L. Adams ‘02 & ‘05 Ms. Jalea’ Nietta Adeboyeku ‘10 Mr. Yaya Omoboriowo Adegboyega ‘10 Mr. Robert W. Ahlberg Mr. Bobby W. Allen ‘93 Mr. Marquet James Anderson ‘11 Dr. Anna Andriasova Mr. David L. Armijo ‘87 Mr. Eric K. Ashie ‘10 Ms. LeeAnn Ashton ‘11 Mr. Eric K. Aspnes ‘10 Mr. Donald F. Baltunis ‘68 Mr. Albert C. Barclay Jr. ‘85 Mr. Amir Beshai ‘07 Mr. David K. Biser ‘85 Mr. Mel R. Blackburn Mr. Andrew I. Both ‘11 Ms. Rebecca T. Boughamer Ms. Marian H. Bowser ‘85 & ‘91 Mr. Mark W. Briggs ‘85 Mr. Milton K. Brookins ‘85 Mr. Thomas M. Daley ‘89 Mr. Jerrie L. Davis ‘85 Dr. Guy De Genaro ‘57 Mr. John P. Devine Jr. ‘91 Ms. Michelle A. Didier Mr. Joseph G. Dmello Ms. Tammy J. Doherty ‘04 Ms. Jennifer Morgan Dollman ‘96 Mrs. Tammy J. Donaldson Ms. Clorene A. Douglas ‘01 Ms. Theresa Marie Dunbar-Reid ‘10 Ms. Carolyn F. Edmonds ‘89 Ms. Lenore England Mr. Jerome H. Enis ‘62 Exelon Corporation Mr. Paul D. Fairburn ‘05 & Ms. Lisa Fairburn Ms. Lourdes Fernandez Mr. Richard Flores ‘85 Mr. Peter W. Friedman Mr. Felipe Fuster ‘08 Ms. Janine A. Galloway ‘03 Honeywell International Charity Matching Mr. David B. Horwitz & Mr. John F. McGrath Jr. Dr. James A. Howard Mr. Manish Kumar Inala ‘10 Ms. Letise S. Ivory ‘99 Ms. Beverly J. Jackson ‘86 Ms. Geraldine Jackson ‘80 Mr. Marc Joerres ‘05 Ms. Muriel Joffe Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Ms. Derryl E. Johnson ‘85 Mr. Robert A. Johnson ‘82 Mr. Orlando Lee Jordan ‘97 Mr. Gregory Thomas Katz ‘97 Mr. Seth Katz Ms. Kerry Kennedy Dr. Datta Kaur Khalsa Mr. William D. Killen ‘93 Mr. Ronald Joe Kindelberger Mr. Robert H. Lacey III ‘88 Mr. Donald Edward Lamb ‘96 Mr. Christian Alexander Brown ‘07 Ms. Bertha Eva Butler ‘02 Mr. Joseph L. Butler ‘98 Mr. Neil Byrd ‘00 Mr. Joseph A. Campbell ‘00 Mr. Richard G. Carlson ‘80 Mr. David T. Chaconas ‘02 Ms. Mary C. Chambers ‘03 Ms. Maxine E. Chaplin ‘06 Ms. Lucia M. Chavez ‘89 Mr. George L. Child ‘92 MSgt Mark E. Chovanec (USAF) Mr. Stephen G. Claggett ‘02 Mr. Kirk W. Clear ‘03 Mr. D. L. Clute ‘02 Mr. Theodore R. Comstock Jr. Mr. Curtis Paul Cote ‘90 Mr. Nigel Ricardo Garcia ‘91 Mr. Joseph X. Garvey Jr. ‘98 Herbert George Associates, LLC Mr. Tony Correia Goncalves ‘10 Ms. Carla M. Grant ‘90 & ‘98 Mr. Robert Matthew Graves ‘02 Ms. Sherri Y. Gray ‘05 Mr. Mark Douglas Green ‘10 Mr. Theodore H. Grier ‘74 CMSgt James W. Griffie (USAF) ‘91 Mr. Robert Eugene Gross ‘10 Ms. Daijun Guo ‘96 Dr. Sharon G. Hadary Mr. Kenneth E. Hale ‘77 Mr. Aaron Ross Harms ‘11 Ms. Catherine A. Harris ‘96 & ‘01 SgtMaj Walter D. Higginbotham (USA) ‘91 Mr. John D. Landen ‘92 Mr. Newell N. Langford ‘67 Mr. Thomas M. Lanigan Jr. ‘98 Ms. Barbara A. Latvanas ‘95 Mr. Marc A. Lindemann ‘06 Dr. Garth Mackenzie Ms. Katherine C. Madaleno ‘78 Mr. Joseph Mahone ‘95 Mr. Nicholas J. Marinaro ‘79 Mr. Gregory F. Marino ‘06 & ‘09 Dr. Theresa Marron-Grodsky Mr. Edward A. Martin ‘02 & ‘05 Mr. James A. Maybin ‘87 Mr. Anthony R. Mayne ‘11 Mr. Brian P. McCormack ‘03 Mr. Brian J. McCreesh ‘66 Ms. Sonya M. Mercer 16 “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am aware that I should express a certain level of decorum in accepting this generous gift, but I am so happily overwhelmed. This scholarship award has not only the impetus to help me continue my degree but will serve as a testimony for those I seek to inspire and mentor about the importance of setting and achieving goals.” WORKING FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Mr. George H. Miller ‘78 Mr. Vernon T. Miskowich ‘73 Mr. Gordon J. Svoboda II Ms. Sylvia M. Syphax ‘96 $500–$999 EXECUTIVE’S CLUB Dr. E. Kathryn Klose ‘01 Mr. Mark R. Laird ‘90 Ms. Cleopatra A. White Ms. Danielle Y. White Ms. Barbara A. Mitchell ‘03 Ms. Dawn Nicole Mongelli-Dixon ‘10 Mr. Firas Fathi Musmar ‘11 Ms. Betty Jane F. Myers ‘82 Ms. Denise D. Nadasen ‘90 Mr. Lloyd Nigma ‘92 Mr. John B. Norris ‘07 Ms. Cheri Denise Osborne ‘99 Dr. Robert P. Ouellette Mr. Bryan A. Pai ‘07 Mr. Charles N. Painter ‘94 Mr. Rony Pappan ‘10 Mr. Raj Parr ‘08 Mr. Billy W. Patterson ‘82 Ms. Linda Marie Payton ‘02 The Hon. Edward J. Perkins Mr. John F. Potter ‘04 Mr. Michael S. Radonski ‘06 Mr. Keith Neil Rambo ‘10 Mr. Amitabha N. Ray Mr. Michael Risher ‘04 & ‘07 Mr. Raymond H. Szyperski ‘73 Mr. Willie Thomas ‘87 & ‘89 Mr. James A. Treadaway Jr. ‘84 & ‘93 Dr. James D. Tschechtelin Mr. Stacy L. Tucker ‘02 Mr. Alfonso V. & Mrs. Sylvia L. Valentino The Vanguard Group Inc. Mr. Eddy Vleugels ‘99 Ms. Luann H. Vondracek Ms. Sharon L. Walton Ms. Cynthia Washington ‘98 Ms. Beth Raber Waters ‘91 Ms. Marcia R. Watson Ms. Elizabeth A. Westerburg ‘92 Ms. Deetra A. Whatley ‘04 Mrs. Mary Lou Winder Ms. Daisy Lenice Winters ‘10 Mr. Juan F. Woodroffe ‘79 Ms. Jessica T. Yaeger ‘03 Ms. Penny L. Young ‘85 Ms. Pershail C. Young Mr. Qin Zou ‘92 Dr. Monika Zwink Ms. B. Lee Lambert ‘99 Ms. Geraldine F. Lanier ‘94 Ms. Lana Larsen Ms. Julia Lindenmeier Mr. Philip E. MacNeill & Ms. Barbara R. MacNeill ‘78 Ms. Anne V. Maher Mr. Daniel McCollum Mr. Bernard J. Mcguinness II ‘00 Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Dr. Elizabeth Mulherrin Ms. Jennifer Papp Newlin ‘95 Ms. Dorothy B. Parker ‘95 & ‘99 Ms. Carol A. Parker-Perez ‘98 Mr. Douglass F. Peagler ‘92 & ‘03 Ms. Melissa M. Penn ‘04 Mr. Charles C. Philipp Mr. Thomas Porch Ms. Theresa Poussaint ‘01 & ‘05 Mr. Kevin Pratt ‘01 Mr. William T. Rachford Jr. ‘72 Mr. Robert C. Ricker ‘98 Ms. Victoria Z. Rindone ‘01 Mr. John N. Roberts ‘82 Mr. James A. Ruby ‘96 & ‘03 Mr. Jeffrey Rudy Dr. Linda R. Ruggles Mr. John P. Serock ‘08 Mr. Kevin M. Sprague ‘96 Stanley Black & Decker Dr. Robert E. Steele Mr. Mickey D. Sullivan ‘85 Ms. Cyril P. Svoboda Mr. Robert Milton Taylor ‘05 Mr. George Trujillo ‘07 Ms. Patricia D. Vestal ‘85 Mr. William C. Wallace ‘84 Ms. Maureen M. Walsh-David Dr. Kathleen Barr Warner Mr. Harold L. Weiss ‘81 Ms. Kawoanna L. Wiggins ‘02 & ‘06 Mr. Clay Wilson III ‘79 & ‘95 & Ms. Aleta R. Wilson ‘94 & ‘96 Ms. Charisma J. Wooten ‘89 Mr. Gary E. Yates ‘92 Mr. Charles H. Youngblood ‘72 Ms. Pamela S. Risik Mrs. Deidre E. Robinson ‘94 Ms. Kathryn Roginski ‘05 Ms. Lisa M. Romano Ms. Michelle Dawn Ruble-Denes ‘11 Mr. Michael Sallada ‘91 & ‘95 Mr. Rene Sanjines Mr. Edward J. Schechter ‘71 Schwab Charitable Fund Mrs. Elinor Seidel ‘63 Mr. Bruce A. Shadle ‘96 Ms. Joellen E. Shendy Mr. Larry J. Silva ‘88 Mr. Craig A. Simmons ‘99 & ‘07 Ms. Beverly Slavin Mr. Jacob W. Smith Mr. Ronald L. Smith ‘77 Ms. Catherine M. Speakman ‘80 Ms. Cheryl A. Adams ‘91 AECOM Mrs. Neelkamal Ahuja-Agarwal ‘05 Mr. Kaya Timida Badjo ‘10 Bankers Business Management Services, Inc. Ms. Barbara Barnett Mr. Deward E. Benton ‘60 Mr. Albert P. Bieri Jr. ‘88 Mrs. Inger A. Bischofberger ‘79 Dr. Richard E. Brogdon ‘67 Mr. Orson Butler ‘79 & Mrs. Ruth Butler ‘82 Mr. John W. Carman ‘72 Mr. James W. Cocke ‘59 Creative Information Technology Inc. Mr. James B. Cronin Ms. Pamela J. Dello-Russo Ms. Grace Denman Mr. Manuel F. Dennis ‘05 Mr. Michael Andrew Dickerson ‘10 Ms. Anna R. Doroshaw ‘91 Mrs. Yolanda Elliot Dowe ‘03 Employees Charity Organization of Northrop Grumman Mr. Richard England Jr. ‘83 Ms. Jennifer M. Eubanks Ms. Teresa Floyd ‘96 & ‘02 Ms. Crystal Frye GEICO Philanthropic Foundation Dr. John W. Gustafson Ms. Mary J. Harmon ‘04 & ‘07 Ms. Maureen F. Harvey ‘81 IBM Corporation Dr. Allen L. Ingling ‘85 ITT Industries, Inc. Ms. Elaine F. Jacobs Mr. Arthur L. James Jr. ‘91 Ms. Patricia J. Kelley ‘74 Mr. Alex M. Kelso ‘74 Mr. Naveed A. Khan ‘85 & ‘93 19 “I tried to complete my academic studies at other institutions at various points in my adult life. However, it was not until I began my studies at UMUC that I found real progression. I could not have come this far without the structure, resources, and supportive staff at this university.” CHARLOTTE W. NEWCOMBE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT $1,000–$2,499 DEAN’S CLUB American Endowment Foundation THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore Ms. Sheryl Elizabeth Banks ‘00 Mr. Carl Robert Berman Ms. Demetria V. Hanna ‘90 Mrs. Andrea Hart Dr. Blair Hayes James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Robert W. Jerome Ms. Savitha Krishnamaneni Mr. Carrol G. Lewis ‘89 Mr. George A. Shoenberger Sotera Defense Solutions Ms. Patricia K. Spencer Ms. Cheryl A. Storie Ms. Patricia J. Toregas ‘84 & ‘91 Mr. Albert L. Troupe ‘92 Verizon Foundation Dr. Murray D. Blank Mr. Harold J. Bothner III ‘82 & ‘93 Mrs. Bonnie N. Broh-Kahn ‘77 & Mr. Jere Broh-Kahn Mr. Jay Browning Mr. Duncan R. Butts CACI International, Inc. Mr. I-Ling Chow Mr. Hyun Chung COL Rennie C. Coleman Jr. (USA) ‘66 Mr. Wallace H. Currey ‘61 CyberPoint International, LLC Dr. Cynthia A. Davis Ms. Winifred C. Day ‘97 Mr. Earl H. Foote Dr. Michael S. Frank MG James E. Freeze (USA, Ret.) ‘64 Ms. Bernadette Gormally ‘05 Dr. Stephen B. Hameroff & Mrs. Beatrice Hameroff Mr. Eugene Donald Lockett Jr. Mr. Edward J. Lubbers ‘75 Mr. Charles H. Lynch ‘81 Mr. Dennis Mateik ‘88 & ‘00 Dr. Brian R. McNeill ‘90 & ‘10 Mr. Javier Miyares and Mr. Dean Amahboub Mrs. Betty M. Montgomery ‘86 Dr. Dennis S. Palkon Dr. Mark L. Parker Mr. Charles E. Peck Mr. George J. Petrello Ms. Patricia C. Pezzuti Ms. Nadine M. Porter Mr. Charles R. Rogers ‘87 Mr. Paul S. Ross ‘77 Mr. James H. Selbe Mr. Dharma R. Selvanayagam Dr. Koo-Sik Shin GEN John W. Vessey Jr. (USA, Ret.) ‘63 Ms. Frances A. Volel-Stech ‘89 Dr. Greg von Lehmen Mr. John A. Waksmunski Jr. ‘79 Ms. Robin Celine Whitfield ‘03 Mr. Woodrow W. Willey Jr. ‘89 Mrs. Nancy Williamson 20 $2,500–$14,999 PROVOST’S CLUB Dr. Susan C. Aldridge Mr. Robert H. Asplundh AT&T Government Solutions Mr. John & Mrs. Doris Babcock Dr. Thomas C. Bailey ‘86 Ms. Blanche Berman Mr. Richard F. Blewitt ‘73 Mr. Dennis H. Blumer Mr. Stephen A. Burch Mrs. Marc M. Campbell Mr. Reginald & Ms. Marilyn Camphor Mr. Daniel F. Case ‘97 Center for Business Inclusion and Diversity, Inc. Dr. Marie A. Cini and Dr. Andrea Lex Ms. Diane St. Clair Clarisse The Community Foundation Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Deloitte LLP Mr. John Derrick Jr. & Mrs. Linda Derrick Mr. Willis K. Drake III ‘01 Jonathan S. & Patricia G. England Foundation Mr. Oladipo Famuyiwa ‘95 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greibo K Designs, LLC Dr. Christina A. Hannah and Mr. Laurence M. Hannah Mr. Eric D. Harbison ‘90 Mrs. Dona R. Hildebrand ‘57 Ms. Michele E. Jacobs ‘74 and Mr. Joseph V. Bowen Jr. ‘84 & ‘95 Mr. Eric Key Mr. O. Wayne Krumwiede ‘66 Mrs. Joan W. Lee ‘97 & ‘06 Mr. Jerry J. Masin ‘04 Mr. Harvey M. Meyerhoff The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc. National Contract Management Association Northrop Grumman Corporation Pearson Learning Solutions Ms. Clarissa A. Peterson ‘87 Ms. Sharon R. Pinder ‘01 Rachuba Family Foundation, Inc. RFS Gives Back Foundation Mr. Jonathan Sheppard Mr. Walter R. Somerville Jr. ‘70 Mr. Stephen Stein Ms. Cathy Sweet Ms. Elaine S. Ullian United Charity Campaign of Maryland Mr. David Westlein ‘88 & ‘95 & Ms. Patricia A. Westlein ‘88 Ms. Joyce M. Wright ‘90 & ‘94 Mr. Peter C. Young 21 $15,000+ 1947 CLUB THE EHRENSBERGER SOCIETY Baltimore Community Foundation Mr. Michael J. Batza Jr. and Ms. Patricia K. Batza Blaustein Philanthropic Group Carnegie Corporation of New York Mr. Wayne A. Chasen ‘81 & Mrs. Nancy R. Chasen Comcast Foundation Gallagher, Evelius and Jones, LLP Mr. Mark J. Gerencser ‘93 Mrs. Mary Anne Hakes ‘90 Mr. Ronald J. Keller ‘67 Lockheed Martin Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Open System Sciences Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Orkand and the Orkand Family Mr. Henry A. Rosenberg Jr. and Mrs. Dorothy L. Rosenberg SAIC, Inc. Named in honor of Dr. Raymond “Ray” Ehrensberger, UMUC’s first chancellor, The Ehrensberger Society is an exclusive club created for UMUC benefactors who choose to make planned or deferred gifts that will benefit the university in the future. Members of The Ehrensberger Society have confidence in UMUC, and their generosity will benefit generations of students to come. Mr. James Robert Barchiesi Mr. Charles R. Bolden Mr. Barry Borella Mr. Richard R. Bowers Mr. Ronald G. Bryan & Mrs. Beth Bryan Ms. Barbara Cihak COL Rennie C. Coleman Jr. (USA) Mr. Jerome H. Enis Mrs. Mary Anne Hakes Dr. Julie E. Hamlin & Dr. Paul H. Hamlin LTC Kathleen W. Harrison Mr. Ronald J. Keller & Mrs. Mary Lou Keller Ms. Ann Blake Kelley COL Dieter C. Knuepfer (USA) & Mrs. Cathryn Wiggins Knuepfer Mr. O. Wayne Krumwiede & Mrs. Grace Krumwiede Mr. Edward J. Lubbers Dr. T. Benjamin Massey Mr. John L. Milton COL Fitzroy Newsum (USAF) Hon. Anne S. Perkins & Mr. Thomas P. Perkins III Mr. William T. Rachford, Jr. Mr. Joseph P. Rockhill & Mrs. Patricia C. Rockhill Mr. William Schultz & Mrs. Janet P. Schultz Mr. Joseph Sheppard & Ms. Rita St. Clair GEN John W. Vessey Jr. (USA, Ret.) ’63 & Mrs. Avis Vessey Mrs. Shirley A. Walker Ms. Patricia Westlein & Mr. David Westlein COL Vernon E. Wickman, (USAF, Ret.) LTC Ethelyn B. Wiggins, (USA, Ret.) Dr. Ching-Hung Woo & Mrs. Rosalie Woo 22 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Rebecca Boughamer Director, Advancement Services Taneka Chialastri Assistant Director, Scholarship and Grant Programs Sarah Conboy Program Specialist, Annual Giving and Scholarships Pam Dello-Russo Associate Vice President, Grants and Donor Relations Jennifer Eubanks Assistant Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations Earl Foote ’02 Program and Support Services Specialist Harriett Hayes-Hubbard Administrative Assistant, Alumni Relations Sylvia Henri-Wonasue Executive Assistant to the Vice President Robert Hilderbrand Assistant Director, Finance and Administration Carla Solis Coordinator, Grants and Donor Relations Cathy Sweet Vice President, Institutional Advancement UMUC ADMINISTRATION Javier Miyares President Joseph K. Adams Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Allan J. Berg, PhD, JD Senior Vice President, Overseas Operations Dennis Blumer, JD Senior Advisor to the President Sean Chung Vice President, Enrollment Management Marie A. Cini, PhD Acting Provost and Chief Academic Officer Margo Coleman-Seiffert, PhD Chair, University Advisory Council Ex-Officio Member Eugene D. Lockett Jr. Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Susan O’Brien Associate Vice President State Government Affairs Nadine Porter, JD Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer James H. Selbe Senior Vice President, Partnerships, Marketing, and Enrollment Management Joyce Shirazi, DSc Vice President and Chief of Staff George A. Shoenberger Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer Cathy Sweet Vice President, Institutional Advancement Greg von Lehmen, PhD Senior Vice President, External Relations and Initiatives Nancy Williamson, JD Vice President and General Counsel Peter C. Young Vice President and Chief Information Officer Tara Holder Research and Prospect Specialist Cynthia Davis, PhD Acting Vice Provost and Dean, The Undergraduate School Simmy Papali Assistant Director, Advancement Services Sarah Dufendach Associate Vice President, Federal Relations Theresa Poussaint ’01 & ’05 Associate Vice President, Alumni Relations Michael Freedman Senior Vice President, Communications Mark J. Gerencser, Chair ’93 Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Michael Richmond Director, Annual Giving Programs Robert C. Goodwin, JD Acting Vice Provost and Dean, The Graduate School Evelyn J. Bata, PhD ’68 Collegiate Professor, University of Maryland University College Dharma Selva ’02 & ’04 Assistant Vice President, Development Andrea Y. Hart Vice President, Arts and University Events Angela D. Smith Office Manager Blair H. Hayes, PhD Director, Diversity Initiatives Richard F. Blewitt ’73 Member Emeritus, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Blewitt Foundation 24 Nicholas H. Allen, DPA Provost Emeritus UMUC BOARD OF VISITORS Joseph V. Bowen Jr. ’84 & ’95 Senior Vice President, Operations and Managing Principal McKissack & McKissack, Inc. David W. Bower President and Chief Executive Officer, Data Computer Corporation of America John M. Derrick Jr. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.), Pepco Holdings, Inc. Karl R. Gumtow Founder and Chief Executive Officer, CyberPoint International Michèle E. Jacobs ’74 Managing Director, Special Events at Union Station Donald S. Orkand, PhD (Former Chair) Member Emeritus, Founding Partner, DC Ventures and Associates, LLC Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige Jr. (U.S. Army, Ret.) ’72 Vice President of Operations (Ret.), Department of Defense and Intelligence Systems, Lockheed Martin Information Technology Charles E. (Ted) Peck Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.), The Ryland Group, Inc. Sharon R. Pinder ’01 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Pinder Group Brig. Gen. Velma Richardson (U.S. Army, Ret.) Vice President, DoD IT Programs and Special Projects IS&GS, Lockheed Martin Corporation Gen. John (Jack) Vessey Jr. (U.S. Army, Ret.) ’63 Member Emeritus, Former Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff William T. (Bill) Wood, JD Wood Law Offices, LLC Joyce M. Wright ’90 & ’94 Chief Claims Officer, People’s Trust Homeowners Insurance ABOUT UMUC University of Maryland University College (UMUC) is the largest public university in the United States. As one of the 11 degree-granting institutions of the University System of Maryland, this global university specializes in high-quality academic programs tailored to working adults. UMUC has earned a worldwide reputation for excellence as a comprehensive virtual university and, through a combination of classroom and distance learning formats, provides educational opportunities to more than 92,000 students. The university is proud to offer highly acclaimed faculty and world-class student services to educate students online, throughout Maryland, across the United States, and in more than 25 countries and territories around the world. UMUC serves its students through undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs, noncredit leadership development, and customized programs. For more information regarding UMUC and its programs, visit www.umuc.edu. “Please know that your money will not be wasted. I have dreamed of earning my degree for seventeen years. Thanks to your scholarship, it is finally in sight. I am so excited to be able to continue my education. Once again, thank you.” SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT ENROLLED IN THE UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE STATESIDE Arizona California Colorado Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Kentucky Maryland New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Texas Virginia Washington COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES Afghanistan Australia Bahrain Belgium Djibouti Egypt England Germany Greece Guam Italy Japan mainland and Okinawa Kuwait Marshall Islands Netherlands Portugal Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Korea Spain Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates United States This brochure was printed with soy-based inks on recycled FSC-certified paper from well-managed forests using an environmentally friendly process. 10% Cert no. SW-COC-2006 13-IAD-012 (11/12) Office of Institutional Advancement 3501 University Boulevard East Adelphi, MD 20783-8008 USA Institutional-Advancement@umuc.edu
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