Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor
Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor
Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor Yadkin Valley Scenic Byway Wayfinding Supplement Sign Location Program and Message Schedule October 2013 MacEdonia Chu rch rlea Bria m Chatha Buffa lo d Houn ll e Ch am ath ay in D pta Ca ers Som Riv ist rm Hamlet top Hill Sunrise r che Hin Laye Hill rch hu eC idg R ing Min wo od Dog Holly Tree uck Twinkle Blackburn Medley ge Br y le oa Sh R horn Green n Luffma Benham Church Cane Mill h an c Ch Lewis an rm Fa er Old 60 US-21 rot mT ssu Po Laurelwood rch Old gle Ba t ne La r s Big Valley Pardue gar Collie Walker t on dm Pie State Road Am nd L dkin Wells n sT ow Calm Elkin Deca e Cook Kiosk i Te rr Elk Boles Ca ldw rd Fo Wilkes 0 US-6 Weaver ell Bullins Armstrong a ari Hwy M Osb ek Oa k Water e Carr ble m Bra orne Swan Cre Spur d twoo Wes Sloop ant Ola Bragg Chatham e llin Hall k Brown Oliver Ro n ntz Clo n Rave n Knob ck Ov ert on Bur Longpo int Boxer nt Blu ff ille sv ne cle Cir Loop Pa rk Laurel n Jo hn so Maple East m diu Sta Laura Lynn Cartner s Hayne d En Ridge n Grayly Gra cie Freeman Road x y Bunn Robbins Pin eV iew Homestead Pin Buck Run King alt ph As k Oa Lucky rm Fa ll ott Sc stfa Cre y Eck Holder Farm Swaim las Edgewood ad Ro I-77 Cave Hole Judge Emily Stella Pear Tree Marler ¦ ¨ § Flake Ja ke 's Cowbell House Mountain Rock £ ¤ US-21 t Hills Fores ndit Ba h Groce a bo De Old Oak l Leo Stanley ch on Price n Lyndo Ingram Gordan Miller-Brook y Bran Rock 11 Tootsie Gregory ite Wh Double y's Till e er Cedar Key Martin d le Brind Dog ss Old Ross Harbor Ralph rm Fa nie Va r bell mp Ca te erm tH un an e er ak hit W ry e Av Farris Sprous elm ilh W h urc Ch s Farm Phillip A Z Phillips Gilliam Mo Old e Chas Co nc re er alk W Triangle Buena Vista dd La ill Adams h ac Be yM nle Sta Evac reek Hill s Mill Cave gC Kin n so Wat White Farm n tio nta Pla es Hayn Windy John Out let ne Ge Moxley Brindle hin Hodge Dusty ge Sp uri e oo n Stratford Nix Pri de lan d Vance Watson tc Cru hfi Casemore eld Red White Lobos Halifax Cardinal Ridge Sundan ce £ ¤ US-601 Serenity Lone Oak Gideon ern Mod Forest Oaks Park s Collin Old Rockford 6 on D hn Jo is av Eag le Ho lco Pa's Huds peth Booger Swamp ire Ha mb Oak Ridg e Ch urch l ge k La lva eE Co llin s Great Oaks Rid Tr ot ain NM ey Haney ley Ash Ph s Sunrise Cundiff in t illip Pe pp er m Williams or Man Marview Oak Sonnet Arbor Academy sta tes Vineyard ae Mich rd Ha en Tritt Boos e Boonville Key Tanyard n rga Mo Shirleys Mexico Sa dd le E Tu rk Low G Skyland Old n aso Se ite Wh Arthur Bro adus Branch Boys ft cro ne Sto an m ap Ch Lestat Pe ppe rM ill ch Blue Pat Rid ge ins Atk e Colleg Windsor ard Viney man ther Wea p Kap Mossy Oak ta eri H Shady Spring g rin Sp wood gs g Sprin Rollin ok bro ow y La Wrights 7 tz Wol Will Ha ynes ld rfie Coal son r Dobson ing ss te es Ch Tucke Andra Lumberjack Potts Gra Lelia nt Bluemont Bent Aver Yukon County Home Enchanted Always Acres ow Will E ks Hill ota ak D Colonels Ble ett Corn Pic ad Me p am ol Po hs Elija Old le ag nC so Pri ld O 89 ap wa Casta ndab alo uff eB chnu t Cla Back Nine Shugart 4 Tany ard Cr ett rn Bu rm ka Tope lds Patriot Old Fie Allred Fa nes Hay rity tob er Hamlin out Oc September Valencia 5 Soda Pop November y Cropps Valley High Country Buck Brown Bee Marlin I-74 it Wh Minnie Rou Abner w Vie low Oak Ridge Dolly Lassie ¦ ¨ § Co usi ns um Colise Rock ford e La ure l Lynn Kat ny Sto eek Countryside Rig Nile al Vista oss Weldon Tonys oll Kn D ur Wilb W es Stratfo rd Liberty te Mead Burton 601 Lexus Okay ind dga Bill Coe od wo ck Bla tw Win high Ch a rity ed le y Narrow M n aco Be Sundan Beech ce dle d ti Cris ht nig cK M ey rn Fo r rd Sunrise Ha wk Elm Cherry Ford de Willow Ashburn Mill Williams Birch Ala d Hil an wm Bo Hardin Holyfield MacKie an elm Ste ey in dy ore Kenm San inn M cK Fireside ny hn Jo ris Pa Echo Bray er Riv Hil l Old Old Cad le Fo rd ch tar ns Utah Pe ows tbir d Javan Ca op lT Bowen Round Hill r Landfill Altons Roy 1 Aline Perry ill M Corder He av en s Stoltzf us Ladybug Ivy Hill Autobahn Little Rive on ps Sim To a ey Old McKinney Mc Kin n ssy Emba Bend Yadkinville Main ns 2 Ba an Br Hamlin Ford Tra ee Hickory Country Club rch Mopar Ch u ree Th Qu Turkey Ford ler Fow Diamond Hill Haig 3 Lee New Cedar Beagle an Cree Helam New Cedar Knoll Beech Creek Ca on Sprin g Ai Wa ts se ou Do ris hth Lig on Mas swax Bens Bee Papa Betty Dolly ind stw Ea Beehive Blu ff Hilah ss ell Liquid Osc Bradley ar H Brock Nebo il W Friendly Anna rt's Elbe Hoots Memorial Ephram Beamer Spruce Beroth Maple Ch Court Marvin W Creekw ay Pa Pri nt Myrtle w Lee US-421 t Service nd st Vir gin M ia ay Johnson Elo Bluemont s da Dixie Johnson Traveled io Un Ca le b's Sherry Terry ie m Ro n Gro ve u Ch rc ow Sn nes Tom Jo Old US-421 Dan Taylor le Margi e Ba rk h e ia nin Alic Ca Troutman n e idg hR Hig Lynnhave Atkins n as Williamson om Th ii wa Ha Bullin Hollow £ October 2013 Walnu Ash Pine Spring Cedar n Po Greene ill Pra tt Glory Bound Monico Brenda's Warden os urch Hill Ch mond Rich cess Coyote L.C. Le e Johnson Am Anchor Marion Ola Snow Apollo Scott Bunker Starr Va lle y Prin tle Myr Gardner Louise Ge ne ral Ke y Ca Taylor g lair it Summ Golde Be Lon Calvary Linwood Cubs n Old Toa Alle Pine Cletius Moser Lock lear st Critz NOTE: Kiosks and Interpretive Panels are not in NCDOT ROW x co Lazy n tto Pa mith No nnie Old rm Sce nic 10 Fa Hall Branch White Pine m Free art He Cro an n nio U Blacks ns o m Sim ller te Mos ke Bla l Mil ty Kit s ncer Spe ts ke oc ins b ob Ernest Keyfield rry Be John Wright m Mo Kelly Archery Oregon Cabernet D Cr Lottie B Irelan le nd Bri t Dir Po pN er lm Pa Heritage Farm y le Fo hn ug Dra Dance Marvin Perry Zephyr ckett Bud Pu ing De Cranberry Starmount tain ord -G ram ey y Ja Runn il Qua Moun Windy Ing Shaw Neal I-77 Wild Turk Rodeo J&J Little Westwood Bray y Iv Oak £ ¤ US-21 Swaims Churc Lauder l Hil Lilac tin Mar Ho wa rds Airb orne Church shal Chapel Spice Farm rs me in Ca Harrell Bob Wilmoth le Purp Hill gle ¦ ¨ § 8 w on elt Sh ck ysta Ha tte Hickory ye fa La vie ay M y Valle 89 rm Fa Dezern White 9 ar ne M Way rm Ho oos ens Jack Mill Bessies m Fa Durha co Bron Wol ins tk tz A Casstev es n odso D Thomas Lee Ginseng Leeford a M Pine Whispering rm Fa Stanley Brothers Covewood nn rks Pa il s rm Fa rch Chu 268 nta tto Co e vin pe Gra ika Ann y berr Ridge Mul hell Mitc wn Bro hyr Zep s llow Deer Ho rst hu ite Wh Hodg Hodges Farm Rippling Water 18 Justins Ridge g ou D Camilla-Jo Gregson k r Woodcarve Reely Coo all ell H Gull Point ter s La Pow se Hou Gro her spie ille yG Lero Richards on Plantation Brown ll W este Lyda Farm -421 US N Old n Loff Circle lbe rt De Howell School ve Ha Fletch Hill Old ine Carol er Cent Sandy Berry 17 Old Garland ake eS Pet Elkin n Aaro n rio Ma Foxhall ge Rid 1 US -2 £ ¤ B on -V ry l oo Rid ch eS vill ds Ivy ge Grove Hill s Mill Ju urch zer Ch Ebene Jonesville Jo o rris o M rook n berb Tim e McKinley n Have s Ridg Adam Shady Valley cham Fla ts New Tree rk Fig ig Bent Tw e Ch Kapp Old vy urch nia Ch Lado Misty Morning Odis Cave 13 ain Pa yr M ount Zeph Causeway 16 Hill k Roc Hero o rem Cla ud dy M Dillo Troy n nto Cli Tuckda P.G. Toler Westbroo g h Beec Main rook Rd Cedarb Cobb aw Sh 15 rd nda Sta Win gs Gentry Pon d Frontier Fa 14 Arnold s lk Fo Wild ge Rid Camp Creek Lyles Market Canip n ixo tN Pa Highland ill st H ore Robin F PO Rat tler Music City Oak Grove Triangle Templeton 21 ra l en av bH Clu ver Eldridge Clo r Mill Carte nd Oakla £ ¤ Dyn esty Smok ey nc e Glendale Sparks US-4 Twin Creek Pri Snow Brookfall Dairy ng Be lin nk Fra ge Lod ey mn Ridge am ath Ch Cedar Lake Yadkin- Old rch Union Chu ss e Pa Pea Ridg wm l ecliffe lon Dil Logun Thorn M k t Cree Shor arm leas P ount e Cre ate kW rF on Nix Clifton Ro Marshall Old Mil an ung Yo Ne ge Ed Sturdivant Bethel Woo dy gman Clin tur eR Blu idg Martin Byrd ch Cou n or elb W ek Cre er Field Preach Lee 60 gla n lde Go se bro rs Do u La 1 Ya Old 42 wis Armstrong Old 2381 Groce he bs eA ng Lopi Le Tro t G es ay M m ssu Po State Road 2309 ore Sh p Cu Th H e Ab ds oo W r 12 Riv e atu rn pe Su k lac Je tB Blue Big Ea ng Club Oak dge rds Ri lke Wa Edwa ng ll Zebra Cou He t Te a len Wells Hollow Interpretive Panel 1 M Easy h tfis Ca k ree yC me Ra e life e ool op Sch tH un Mo Sylvan g inin yS pri ng nti Hu -42 US r Tu ck e r Fores Ceda hu y Valle evy Ch £ ¤ hC nc te Ta Bra el Beth Luffm an ffm Lu ley oa Sh Lyon d p ntain To on urm Th Mou ck ith m cus Tu li SMar Wals h E rk Fo rve Cu rds By urr M Dimmette Johnny Couch w Lark Mounce ay Pruitt Meado idge Har Rid ams Pa Victory le ap ris R M Barry t ec Pin Out ey ne er ve Sil ok La pepp Tw in Kn ine o rP Yad Mtn Sm 2 240 oad te R Sta res g Cul rd ue w Farrell Wild Wall Ma way on Ker Dry Wall on cK Nix Guest Nix Ed Nix ney Wal l id n Randlema n Royall ge im rs Pe Re Farm Collins River Rid Splitrail on m Forest Wilkes Daystar allo ar C Osc s 's back ddin Re Pinnix M S Gilley Rob Cool Pine Swan Creek o nc u ou th Leo Berley Abby mon School Liberty on s ery View llin Co ke Sto ok H Bro No rth Callo way ill nd r yM vis Windso Virginia Miller Granny's Glen Oaks s Tann o Cle Pardue Hill Damon Tree Quail l od Old Quarry Kennedy ill ill M Hil Pinewo North Sm ten Tri s Swaim n d Elkin Sabrina nie r so ind Williams otio Dev ip Periwinkle oo rkw Cheek Su W ston Mill ith ort be r Ne tle Sh sh ow Fe ll Tu r Dwayne es dg Re Forest Canterbury ny s Bri Tw in view Oak lo Pa Ba nk Lake Arlington Carrie Farm Day e Co rry Bur Count Sourwood oker m Ho Hinson Rena s Farview ga l llin Co Jasmine Strawbe n Willia Ridg berry bre Au Ila Finney nto Be w Blue Elkin Wildlife nout Joan erm Taxid s yT M F Whi te Alcor vie Lake e 77 ry View n Interstat Gramar ma Kin od w t dges Sid Ho Caprice Hazard n ya us wo Vie in osa nta palo err ou Ap yb Jim 02.20.12 h aks rc te O Ch u d Ma M Gatton Fa fner Shaf rm Ro ad as Be Melto Za Munc riar Greenb Fo rd Gilmer Miller ns Timbe ho River Hill Pvh Quality Holleman Wilkins re Ka Pipestem Park Cattle rlake Riverside el rm Frank Moore und rs Mpv Sexton Hig Mays ea Sp McCraw ont Fremont Three Oaks Jake's Jo Andrew er Sta Snowbird er Wag on ey nd ls E mons ok ple Ma Baker Red Dirt Jacob Shop Snow Peak Wid a n So tley Hill rley Ha Fleeman Friendship Climbing Hill Trai er Sim Grov bro S Tad Ta ll W all d ou th Lure Ke Winters Pin e Salem Fork nwood ar Rocky Mountain Still Meadows Woodhaven Sha Br Mon Vestal Rd rch an ari t Emerson em Gray Chu rry White ya n r Hill Snow Hagler Fe Old sL ge od il H Vir g n Hemric Ashlyn Tyle el Ramey Orchard Harrell m ckerha J H Co he rW Tiffany Beulah W ate Cambridge Homer Lowder Ya dk in Sc ho ol Golden Leaf Riley Harris Coe oo ng ta Vis l Lo 03 23 kw e Ca oo sid Breezy Insc ore Clyde r nd spie Panther ins Tild y Sa Ba Peach Tree Jarv is Longtown d Br Raine oa Marble R Wesley te Revisions Whi ek nfield this Cre Bra ve Ma Winding ar Joh stal r Fre Burch Ferr Wa te Kennel Cockerham y Rich's Yorkshire Hailey l Rea H Sta Date Cry Pauls Ellie May Dobb Thornsbury Spencer Lake Sti ll Crooked Creek n dy Gille Frazier ch Mo D Su Co s Hallmark Estate Royal Miles don Morgan Bran yers M nH Donald Jolly Mitchells Chappell l Cartwright Mabel dina Alberts de h Ch p nch Alp eksi urc Drifter Branch Sugar k Herring Ester ha Mc ver ure lS p Richlanridngs am nC so Pri ffin Gu Station Pasadena Clo te sh tac e Red Bru Holt Badgett ys Ha ec ow Holly n Mill r w l Hill ee Andre Rebe Cre Gatehouse Wren Canary Hardi Re Transou n Jenkins tow Cadle Knoll Nicks Pond c Ro Cone Maple Hol Nevada Younger Coco nial mys Sm ie Wagoner e na n lvu An Su La Ba y Coram ne Cardinal Mo Calvary Triple L Presidential Ar Wilmoth Governors l Local Destination Vanhoy Bethe KEY MAP ill ng e Ava stroJan m Hemr xM Cook Regional Destination Co nd by ter eld Big Be Lake n Hayfi Car Church tt h Prui ptist Ch urc ttle Ro ns s teve Se Ru ll se Thurman Cass JA rd Vehicular Sign Isaac Ty-Sid rd rba bu rove ey G Pin kfo rd Old Colo Cove Firestone Imm ith Cliffa B land nah Jean e Tana Airview Joyn er Cascade Nancy Joan revi ty Juniper Savan Laurel ree Par Th 1 Tu rn Old tross Alba 60 Mo er ok ro Tic kl High Luray Bra Ben Watson Farm Tom Martins Hill Amber oll Kn ny Sk Lon e ro am Lake Hayes Speas River y Pin ck Speer klin Pa ore Snow Fran Wallace Shad Sh Swaim Rocky Knob Leaf nix g MacEm ding Powers Pin rin ue ic Mtn Red iew yV le Val River Sp Messick y Ernie's Pierces Place rry Bridge h Churc Oak rk ll Dewitt t Ivy Hardy Pa Chappe Pierce Eaton or er Pickett k on Washington Sh Vene and Pea Wilkes,Surry,Yadkin, & Caldwell Counties Ilex Butler hill rap nT orne Pinel P dbe Brookwood ek b rris Tracy Abbott Windsor Fleming Renegar le C ouch Hawth Wolfe Anc ok Ridge Merlin ybro lett re Mill Hol Trip ll C h Kno on ill ly H Fa Fox atte rs Guyer urc Ch Stars Cr Valle Dogwood Ridge sti Au Auburn § ¦ ¨ s Kennedy Wild RoD seudley land I-77 Oakwood rS Sa e Elle ol cho Golf Co urs CB Wood Evan itter e n l Riv iew rV Ru MS Farm Vesta ndit Turtle Run Ba ev Ch e yes Ha y Ce Betti il Show Horse wta is ntr Winery Sign on Henry Ashton Lake y Fra lp nn Ge Steven's hea Mic Mill w Fu ge n uff Ha ke nt Rid n Ly rook La Pleasa ike nd dr Caudle l Wilson nd rt Reece George Klo Lap Hu Maggie Stuart Mil ynold s Filmor e ish eek Rosa's Angus aw rts Billy Re sF Cedarcr Fir tr Pe sie r tate bbit Inters Ra 21 Industrial Cummings uch ock ood oo W sh oo d un Heml r Midway ga uth 1st Ford 3 Rd lborn Sta Finb Sign Legend u Sh So R. Cleary Fax We Jarv F st cre ne Sto nite Gra Vallie ess entr Sun Howard e Co Sizemore Shor s ing Cumm set A A& Adams Co b lu yC Payne Farm m ers Jeff Forest Rothrock Be e Sequoia Cr tle idg rm ley ff bR Hin Fa Kin rria ge Sto Four Kids Blu ing ob Kn er Persh e W lls Riv b We Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor 1 Ch Mc Lit n el Laur yn ill eM enw Gre tatio allo er is Pl an Sw Feath do pe Ho G t oa ning Mor ra y Old S gs prin La all Eld o s ld no Joe od ler H.D. d s lar Pop Twin Oaks and Ch ay e an rk w Big Pin rm ge Rid e Fa ir Mtn Bre Bluff Pa ha Dobbins Mill an Luffm s Antelop Jr Key Truman he ns nto ck a ng View l Hil r rn ico e Un fish g Kin Lo Oak esce nt Fis Ca ye Bledsoe Se th pa Graham Ranger M rk ain Pa ount Ha iot Buck Fork ra Ab y Old Linco Carolilnna oo e olf W lum use Stinson Cla Myers Eisenhower G n Co Rockho er Vehicular Directional Signs Briarclif f io Un ab ke rham Se el ah No Char r ng d ee luff th Go lle kfor Sugartown ess eek s bu ley n Sta Cu Ra er Ten n Fork kerham Wilmo ne ld lm Sycamore ek Cre Pony unta in ng Hicks Lo Roy Re Coc Lee bet Wilkins ayes eV iew dM dg Cor Hill Cr eri Wa nd Dry Po Blu ut lkabo lla Bert Coc Woods Ge O Roc e Collidge B urel La Ca Indigo ol Red P nava n coon ks Scho Freedom Do Rac n ha Fulk Oa on y ek Cre ss co y Oak Farm ag d ea Ha rog re na Rock Jyro Hill Red ind st Bay t W rw te Ta Open Tra m rd ou e g Rid ty Ch urch ckfo son Tobe Hud Ro ay on ag W Ro Floy ys k WR Gille spie Run H ow Old ine Dearland Sw Mar Atlanta Ad High Assembly s ida ey all rV h cre Cedar rl rs Sign Program Map rris John Ford he hurc Popin Johnny Lynd sey Palam ino s ad C in Tw Cave Circle Ridge Edinb ac ssro ms rry a Pe de Hunter Grove Mo Jefferson Cro Ada F n ou e Arni Carl Fis h Liber De Pa or em Taft Sc tore is C llow Isa e Lif ike er M r pe Coo be ill le is Siz Unifi Industrial N ew an Ho Stone Acres h c ur Hickm sS inson Viola B in lev Fred Atk Willow Com le av D ge Rid ield tchf te Cru Whi ab ns Kathy rion Ve n ld e Ryan Ma ow urg Wesmon m Ho o Sn r H ub Pulliam O ty B c es Hamby e Do l Pe y Holida un Co ch pa Mo er Elm er Frieberg e sri e e Freetown Bran t Lake Fores Badgett Farm Dav Summertim Church r End Am Jo rlie l Hil ght y alle nV Be de Beulah Rive ity Cha Childress Mid ni rk Yo k Midnight Hid Ro Sh Oa al Dinosaur y ad One a urc h ns King Haven Moor Ch Simmo h h D er Churc urc n ve Philip n Simpso Ch ell n n Brick sto We io iss Fannie Fish Riv s Un io ro a Rosebush l Water Henrietta M Crysta land Cope an nd ry kG Beth he m s in ac Heath Mickle arv Ap n Howards Oa Chin Ap Qberry Fra Parker Beulah Laurel ex ts Larry Sc za M Pa Blue Dan orp ty ynas rion w Bo ttie Honey Boo Pla Ingelwood Ma Misty Ha ion Niston in cK y Siloam Un Navaho Valleydale h Wa ow ton inn M ing Nike ns od cho wo Ke r ll nE lde Kno Gle est w re tain Vie Da Moun ne Torres For ina Catal in tts Kubota Georgia Creek Old Ma Cro Victory Reb Spring Bunker Alcorn Charlie Miller il His Kitrell Tranqu s rch End W hu Willie le ap sC Ho M Cro s Taft ge Barn ta Vin Woodlyn Ho ots Graco Ga rne Sim am be r Dirt Thunder urc h nada co x Buxt Ca Hoyt on ile s Burge ss f's Clif rs Message Schedule Vehicular Directional Signs Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor Number Type Town/County Posts Intersection 1 Interpretive County White Rock Rd @ Richmond Hill Rd 2 Kiosk (2 sided) Rockford General Store, Rockford Road 3 Interpretive Rockford Rockford Methodist Church 4 VDIR.4 County DP Brayford Rd @ Rockford Rd Orientation Message River Byway SB Local, Regional, Byway Frescos Byway EB → Historic Rockford Condition Grass Grass Grass Detailed Placement 30’ in advance of stop sign. Yadkin Valley Scenic Byway Supplement Setback of at least 12 feet. In private property, determined with landowners Off driveway near ‘Welcome to Rockford’ sign. Not in DOT ROW Grass 50’ in advance of bridge guard rail Grass 150’ in advance of stop sign Grass 175’ in advance of Scenic Byway sign Patio Brick Patio. Not in NCDOT right of way Grass 150’ east of Shelton Vineyards sign Grass 150’ in advance of ‘Road Narrows’ sign ↑ Historic Rockford 5 VDIR.5 County DP Rockford Rd at NC 268 SB ↑ Stony Knoll Vineyards ↑ Hutton Vineyards ←Historic Rockford 6 VDIR.5 Dobson DP Rockford Rd at South Main St SB ← Stony Knoll Vineyards ← Hutton Vineyards 7 Kiosk NC Welcome Center Dobson I-77 Southbound WB Regional Byways ↑ Downtown Dobson 8 VDIR.5 Dobson DP Zephyr Road at I-77, Byway points east EB ↑ Historic Rockford ↑ Historic Courthouse ↑ Wineries Zephyr Road at I-77, 9 VDIR.4 County DP 10 VDIR.4 County DP 11 VDIR.4 County SP W Pine Rd @ Beulah Rd SB 12 VDIR.4 County DP Haystack Rd @ River Rd NB 13 VDIR.4 County DP Kapps Mill Road @ River Rd WB Byway points west West Pine Rd @ Round Peak Church Rd WB WB ↑ Downtown Elkin 13 miles ↑ Scenic Byway ↑ Scenic Byway ← Historic EdwardsFranklin House → Historic EdwardsFranklin House → Edwards-Franklin House Grass 150’ in advance of Cedar Ridge Elementary School sign Grass 150’ in advance of intersection Grass 100’ in advance of Scenic Byway sign Grass Co-locate with Scenic Byway sign Concrete 75’ in advance of stop bar. ↖ Historic Downtown Elkin 14 VDIR.5 Elkin SP N Bridget St @ Church St SB ↖ Visitor Information ↖ Scenic Byway ← Post Office 15 VDIR.3 Elkin SP Bridge St @ Main St NB ← Library ↑ Town Hall 60’ in advance of brick paving. If Concrete 4 messages will not fit on VDIR.3 sign, then remove Post Office ↑ Scenic Byway 16 Kiosk (3 sided) Elkin Step Park, Main St NB Local, Regional, Trails Grass In planted area, not in DOT ROW 17 Kiosk (3 sided) Jonesville Jonesville Welcome Center NB Local, Regional, Trails Grass In planted area, not in DOT ROW ↑ Downtown Elkin 18 VDIR.5 County DP Zephyr Rd @ Kapps Mill Rd SB ↑ Visitor Info (11 miles) ↑ Vineyards → Scenic Byway No. Branch Grass At presumed property line 225’ Date in advance of intersection 10.14.13 Revisions 2 Location Photos 1 2 3 4 Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor Yadkin Valley Scenic Byway Supplement New Pole Location Existing Pole 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NOTE: All existing sign and poles identified in these location photos are to be removed as part of the installation of this system, unless otherwise stated. Date Revisions 10.14.13 3 Location Photos 17 18 Yadkin Valley Heritage Corridor Yadkin Valley Scenic Byway Supplement New Pole Location Existing Pole NOTE: All existing sign and poles identified in these location photos are to be removed as part of the installation of this system, unless otherwise stated. Date Revisions 10.14.13 4
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