dekalb county item no. d3 board of commissioners zoning agenda
dekalb county item no. d3 board of commissioners zoning agenda
March 7, 2016 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. D3 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DATE: March 22, 2016 ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE SUBJECT: Modification of Conditions , CZ-16-20312 Tyshawn Kingsberry COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: ATTACHMENT: Planning & Sustainability x YES NO 26 PAGES: PETITION NO: 5&7 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 SLUP-16-20312 PROPOSED USE: Child Caring-Institution Group for up to six (6) residents LOCATION: 1833 Stephenson Road, Lithonia, Georgia PARCEL No.: 16-191-03-014 PURPOSE: To request a Major Modification to zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-11-17341, to delete the restriction for office use in order to allow a Child Caring Institution, Group for up to 6 residents in an O-I (OfficeInstitutional) District, in accordance with Section 27-4.2.41 of the DeKalb County Code.The property is located on the south side of Stephenson Road, approximately 450 feet west of Rock Chapel Road, at 1833 Stephenson Road, Lithonia, Georgia. The property has approximately 272 feet of frontage on the south side of Stephenson Road and contains 3.99 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING COMMISION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (01/05/16 & 03/01/16): The Planning Commission voted to approve the request per Staff recommendation. Petition Number: CZ-16-20312 Board of Commissioners: 03/22/16 kfhill March 7, 2016 PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The request to modify approved conditions Z-11-17341 to allow a child caring institution, group for up to six (6) persons in an O-I (Office-Institutional) District allows a compatible use to the nearby existing child day care center across from the site and surrounding single-family residences along Stephenson Road. The proposed use is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan strategies: Provide a variety of housing opportunities and choices to better accommodate the needs of residents (HS13). The modification request will not adversely impact surrounding land uses, traffic, utilities or schools in area. Therefore, the Planning and Sustainability Department recommends APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the modification request subject to the following attached conditions: PLANNING COMMISSION VOTE: 03/01/2016 Approval With Conditions: 6-0-0: M. Butts moved, J. West seconded for approval as recommended and conditioned by staff. 01/05/2016 Approval With Conditions: 6-0-0: M. Butts moved and T. Phillips seconded for approval as recommended and conditioned by staff. The motion unanimously passed 6-0-0 . COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: 02/08/2016 Approval 5-0-0. 12/14/15 Approval 6-0-0. Petition Number: CZ-16-20312 Board of Commissioners: 03/22/16 kfhill March 7, 2016 CZ-16-20312 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Use shall be limited to a child caring institution, group for no more than six (6) residents in the existing residential structure. 2. The use shall be limited to the existing structure(s) with no exterior modifications except for normal maintenance. 3. No business identification signage allowed. 4. Parking shall be allowed within the existing driveway. 5. The Special Land Use Permit shall be issued to Tyshawn Kingsberry for operation of a child caring institution and shall not be transferrable. Petition Number: CZ-16-20312 Board of Commissioners: 03/22/16 kfhill DeKalb County Department of Planning & Sustainability 330 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 500 Decatur, GA 30030 (404) 371-2155 / Lee May Interim Chief Executive Officer Planning Commission Hearing Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 6:30 P.M. Board of Commissioners Hearing Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 6:30 P.M. STAFF ANALYSIS Case No.: CZ-16-20312 Agenda #: D.3 Location/Address: The south side of Stephenson Road, west of Commission District: 5 Super District: 7 Rock Chapel Road, at 1833 Stephenson Road, Lithonia, Georgia. Parcel ID(s): 16-191-03-014 Request: To request a major modification to zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-11-17341, to delete the restriction for office use in order to allow a Child Caring Institution for up to 6 persons in an O-I (Office-Institutional) District, in accordance with Sec. 27-4.2.41. Property Owner(s): Ernest Howell Inc. Applicant/Agent: Tyshawn Kingsberry Acreage: 3.99 Acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Single-Family Residential Structure Surrounding Properties: Single-family residences, Child day care center, YMCA, Gas pumps, Elementary School, vacant commercial zoned property Adjacent Zoning: Comprehensive Plan: North: O-I (Office-Institutional), East & North: C-1 (Local Commercial) South & West: R-100 (Residential Medium Lot) District Suburban X Consistent Proposed Square Ft.: None Existing Square Feet: 2,887 Proposed Lot Coverage: None Existing Lot Coverage: <35% 03/07/16 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 1 CZ-16-20312 ZONING HISTORY: The subject site was rezoned from R-100 (Residential Medium Lot) District to O-I (Office-Institutional) per Z-11-17341 with the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use shall be limited to a real estate office. The outside structure may not be changed or moved. No additional outside structures shall be added. Signage to be approved by the Planning and Sustainability Department before constructed. PROJECT ANALYSIS The 3.98 acre site is located on the south side of Stephenson Road in the Stone Mountain area of unincorporated DeKalb County. It is west of the intersection of Stephenson Road and Highway 124. The existing structure on the site consists of a one (1) story single-family residence approximately 2,300 square feet. The site is heavily wooded with mature vegetation in the rear and along the west property line. Access to the site is via a gravel driveway from Stephenson Road, a two-lane minor thoroughfare with curbs, gutters and a sidewalk that extends along a portion of the property frontage. The existing gravel driveway also provides access to a single family residence in the rear of the property. Adjacent land uses west and south of the site are existing single-family residences. East of the site is undeveloped property. Along the north side of Stephenson Road is property developed as a child day care center. At the northwest intersection of Stephenson Road and Highway 124 is a Chevron gas station. Along the east side of Highway 124 is Rock Chapel Park and Rock Chapel Elementary School. Further south of the site is a YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) recreational facility. Condition 1 per Z-11-17341 restricts the use on the site to a real estate office. The applicant is requesting to modify condition 1 to allow a child caring institution, group for up to six (6) residents which is a permitted use in the O-I (Office-Institutional) District. Per the application, the facility would serve three (3) women and their babies for a total of six (6) persons. This is a 24-hour operation with supervision from three (3) staff members. Staff’s recommended condition limiting the use to six (6) residents would require an additional modification to allow an increase in number of residents or any other uses on the site. IMPACT ANAYSIS Section 27-7.3.4 of the DeKalb County Code states that the following standards and factors shall govern the review of all proposed amendments to the Official Zoning Map. A. Whether the zoning proposal is in conformity with the policy and intent of the comprehensive plan: Located within a Suburban Character Area, the requested modification to allow a child caring institution, group on the site as a permitted use is consistent with the following comprehensive plan strategy: Provide a variety of housing opportunities and choices to better accommodate the needs of residents (HS13). B. Whether the zoning proposal will permit a use that is suitable in view of the use and development of adjacent and nearby properties: The proposed modification request for a child caring institution, group on the site is suitable given the location of a child day care center across from the site on Stephenson Road. Given that the existing structure will remain residential in appearance, maintains its’ compatibility with existing single-family residences along Stephenson Road. 03/07/16 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 2 CZ-16-20312 C. Whether the property to be affected by the zoning proposal has a reasonable economic use as currently zoned: The modification request has no effect on the current O-I (Office-Institutional) zoning on the site. D. Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property: The modification request to allow a child caring institution, group on the site should not have an adverse impact on existing non-residential and residential uses in the area. E. Whether there are other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property, which give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of the zoning proposal: The existing structure will not be altered or modified in any manner. It will keep its residential appearance. Capacity for the child caring institution will be limited to six (6) persons. These limitations give supporting grounds for approval of the modification request. F. Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect historic buildings, sites, districts, or archaeological resources: It appears that the modification request would not adversely affect historic buildings, sites or archeological resources. G. Whether the zoning proposal will result in a use which will or could cause an excessive or burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools: The request for a child caring institution, group for six (6) persons in the existing residential structure will not cause an excessive burden on existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools. H. Whether the zoning proposal adversely impacts the environment or surrounding natural resources. The request for a child caring institution, group for six (6) persons in the existing residential structure will not adversely impact the environment or surrounding natural resources. COMPLIANCE WITH O-I DISTRICT STANDARDS: REQUIREMENT EXISTING COMPLIANCE LOT WIDTH 100 Feet 272 Feet on Stephenson Road Yes LOT AREA 20,000 Square Feet 3.986 Acres Yes FRONT Min. 50 Feet >50 Feet Yes CORNER LOT -SIDE N/A N/A N/A INTERIOR LOT - SIDE 20 Feet >20 Feet Yes YARD SETBACKS STANDARD 03/07/16 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 3 CZ-16-20312 REAR 30 Feet >30 Feet Yes TRANS. BUFFERS 50 Feet along west and rear property line adjacent to R-100 zoned property. The site is heavily wooded. It appears the existing mature vegetation meets the intent of the transitional buffer. Yes HEIGHT Max. 5 Stories 1-Story Yes LOT COVERAGE PARKING Max. 80% 2-4 parking spaces <80 % Can accommodate 4 or more spaces Yes Yes N/A Shall comply when needed. SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS Architectural Plans Submit 2 copies to Director of Planning prior to issuance of building permit or business license. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS The request to modify approved conditions Z-11-17341 to allow a child caring institution, group for up to six (6) persons in an O-I (Office-Institutional) District allows a compatible use to the nearby existing child day care center across from the site and surrounding single-family residences along Stephenson Road. The proposed use is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan strategies: Provide a variety of housing opportunities and choices to better accommodate the needs of residents (HS13). The modification request will not adversely impact surrounding land uses, traffic, utilities or schools in area. Therefore, the Planning and Sustainability Department recommends APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the modification request subject to the following recommended conditions: 1. Use shall be limited to a child caring institution, group for no more than six (6) residents in the existing residential structure. 2. The use shall be limited to the existing structure(s) with no exterior modifications except for normal maintenance. 3. No business identification signage allowed. 4. Parking shall be allowed within the existing driveway. 5. The Special Land Use Permit shall be issued to Tyshawn Kingsberry for operation of a child caring institution and shall not be transferrable. Attachments: 1. Department and Division Comments 2. Application 3. Site Plan 4. Zoning Map 5. Land Use Plan Map 6. Aerial Photograph 7. Site Photographs 03/07/16 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 4 CZ-16-20312 NEXT STEPS Following an approval of this application, one or several of the following may be required: • Land Disturbance Permit (Required for of new building construction on non-residential properties, or land disturbance/improvement such as storm water detention, paving, digging, or landscaping.) • Building Permit (New construction or renovation of a building (interior or exterior) may require full plan submittal or other documentation. Zoning, site development, watershed and health department standards will be checked for compliance.) Certificate of Occupancy (Required prior to occupation of a commercial space and for use of property for any business type. The issuance follows the review of submitted plans if required based on the type occupancy.) • Plat Approval (Required if any parcel is being subdivided, re-parceled, or combined. Issued “administratively”; no public hearing required.) • Sketch Plat Approval (Required for the subdivision of property into three lots or more. Requires a public hearing by the Planning Commission.) • Overlay Review (Required review of development and building plans for all new construction or exterior modification of building(s) located within a designated overlay district.) • Historic Preservation (A Certificate of Appropriateness is required for any proposed changes to building exteriors or improvements to land when located within the Druid Hills or the Soapstone Geological Historic Districts. Historic Preservation Committee public hearing may be required.) • Variance or Special Exception (Required to seek relief from any development standards of the Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing and action by the Board of Appeals are required for most variances.) • Minor Modification (Required if there are any proposed minor changes to zoning conditions that were approved by the Board of Commissioners. The review is administrative if the changes are determined to be minor as described by Zoning Code.) • Major Modification (Required submittal of a complete zoning application for a public hearing if there are any proposed major changes to zoning conditions that were approved by the Board of Commissioner for a prior rezoning.) Business License (Required for any business or non-residential enterprise operating in Unincorporated DeKalb County, including in-home occupations). • Alcohol License (Required permit to sell alcohol for consumption on-site or packaged for off-site consumption. Signed and sealed distance survey is required. Background checks will be performed.) Each of the approvals and permits listed above requires submittal of application and supporting documents, and payment of fees. Please consult with the appropriate department/division. 03/07/16 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 5 CZ-16-20312 DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT DISTRIBUTION FORM NOTE: PLEASE RETURN ALL COMMENTS VIA EMAIL OR FAX TO EXPEDITE THE PROCESS TO JOHN REID or MADOLYN SPANN The following areas below may warrant comments from the Development Division. Please respond accordingly as the issues relate to the proposed request and the site plan enclosed as it relates to Chapter 14. You may address applicable disciplines. DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: Transportation/Access/Row There are no proposed road improvements on Stephenson road for this site. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Storm Water Management A Land Disturbance Permit is not required for this project. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Flood Hazard Area/Wetlands The site does not appear to lie inside the FEMA Flood Hazard Zone according to County GIS mapping records as of _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12/11/2015. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Landscaping/Tree Preservation Landscaping and tree preservation plans shall be in compliance with DeKalb County Code of Ordinances 14-39 and _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ are subject to approval by the DeKalb County Arborist _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Tributary Buffer The County GIS map does not indicate a blue line stream on this property. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Fire Safety Plans for land development permit shall comply with Chapter 12 DeKalb County Code for fire protection and prevention. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ From: Keeter, Patrece (Public Works Transportation) Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 3:17 PM To: Holston, LaSondra Subject: RE: Inter-Dept. Comments (January 2016 Rezone Agenda) D1- No comment N1- No comment N2- No comment N3- Provide necessary right of way for GDOT project number 753290. GDOT permits required. Align access point with Vista Valley at a 90 degree angle to Briarcliff Rd. Briarcliff Rd (SR 42) and Lavista Rd (SR 236) are Minor Arterials- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. Briarcliff Rd is also on the Tier 2 Bicycle Priority Network. N4- GDOT permits required. Briarcliff Rd (SR 42) is a Minor Arterial- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. Briarcliff is also on the Tier 2 Bicycle Priority Network. GDOT may also require a deceleration lane- which would really impact the sight plan. Align any new access point with Poplar Grove Drive. They need to make sure they comply with the private alley requirements in Chapter 14-195. It looks like there are parallel parking spots on the 16” alley. The code requires a minimum 12 foot private alley- to have the parking you need an additional 8 feet for a total of 20 feet. It’s hard to read exactly where the 16 measurement if from…. Private roads must be built to public road standards (Chapter 14-189.1 (j) of the County Code. N5- No Comment. N6- GDOT permits required. Allow only one access point on Memorial Drive. Memorial Drive is classified as a major arterial- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. Memorial Drive is also on the Tier 2 Bicycle Priority Network. Allow on one access point on Thomas Road- farthest from Memorial Drive. N7- No comment. Glenwood Rd is a Minor Arterial- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. Glenwood Rd is also on the Tier 2 Bicycle Priority Network. N8- GDOT permits required. Covington Hwy is classified as a major arterial- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. Covington Hwy is also on the Tier 2 Bicycle Priority Network. N9- No comment N10. Eliminate total property curb cut by adding curbing, landscape strip and sidewalks along property frontage with one access point. Rockbridge Rd is a Minor Arterial- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. Rockbridge Rd is also on the Tier 2 Bicycle Priority Network. N11. No Comment. N12. No Comment. Stephenson Rd is a collector- make sure the requirements in the chart for Chapter 14-190 (lane widths, bike lanes, sidewalks, right of way dedication, etc.) are met as they may impact the sight plan. N13. No Comment. Rock Chapel Road Site CZ-16-20312 SUB Rock Chapel Road Site Site Auto Gas Rock Chapel ES DeKalb YMCA CZ-16-20312 Proposed Child Caring Institution for six (6) residents