Fitness Incentive


Fitness Incentive
The official newsletter of Fitness Incentive since 1993
157 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon NY 11702 e-mail:
Gym/Exercise Facility
2007 2008 2009
To Print
Volume 18 Number 4
Holidays 2009
the Season
to be
Emma Fowler
Miss Me Peace top &
Black Diamond Jeans
Kym Marshak
Tie-dye tunic top by Green Dragon.
Leggings by Nux.
You can't help getting older,
but you don't have to get old.
-George Burns
Body Age Assessment
Body Age Personal Training
Exclusively at Fitness Incentive
Looking for the perfect gift?
Personal Wellness Studio & Spa
Spa Packages &
Gift Certificates
make everyone happy!
Incentives offers wonderful spa packages, massage
packages, facial and microdermabrasion packages and
even laser hair removal or photofacial packages.
Give the gift of health, relaxation
and youthfulness to someone
Visit us at on facebook at Incentives Spa
157 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon Village, NY 11702
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
@ FI
Speaking of Body Age...
10 Years Younger in 2010
address five key areas:
! Aerobic capacity and cardiovascular
! Body composition (the ratio of lean
mass to fat)
! Strength
! Flexibility, and
! Nutrition
The program will be offered in three
formats - 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16
weeks, with the option to train twice or
photo by Susan Eckert
s we go to press, the Fantastic Four
Body Age Challenge is heading down
the home stretch. By the time you
read this, we’ll be celebrating the winners
and praising the amazing efforts of just
about everyone in the contest. We do
know this: in the first 4 weeks, the
average age reduction was 4 years average! The top performers were able to
cut as many as 8, 9 and even 10 years off
their Body Age! Simply amazing results,
and only half the way through! Body Age
has proven to be a great motivator,
providing a window on your health and
fitness that can be a real eye-opener: a
loud and clear call to action. And now,
following on the success of the contest,
Body Age is being made available to
What’s Your Number...and Beyond
Inquiring minds want to know - what’s my
number? We hear it all the time. Everyone
is curious to find out their Body Age - to
know their number. And the assessments
do provide a wonderfully concise, easy to
understand measurement of your health
and fitness. But there is so much more to
it. The key to Body Age is more than
knowing your number, it’s knowing how to
lower it! And that’s where our new Body
Age Assessment and Body Age Personal
Training products excel.
The new Body Age Assessment product
includes two Body Age assessments, 8
weeks apart. The initial assessment takes
about 20 minutes, and is conducted by a
certified Body Age trainer. A few days later
there’s is a follow up one hour meeting
with the trainer to review your results,
and help you to develop a plan of action
to address any areas of concern. You’ll
also receive a detailed report of the
assessment, along with recommendations
for improvement. Then, 8 weeks later the
process is repeated. A comparison report
is produced, and you’ll again meet with
your trainer to review your progress and
make any adjustments required to keep
you on course.
Getting Serious About Getting Younger
As motivating as the Body Age Assessment
can be, reducing your age and trying to
get to your optimal age can still be a real
challenge. For those who are serious about
getting there, we will also be offering
Body Age Personal Training. This is a brand
new offering, developed by some of our
most qualified trainers. They’ve designed
a comprehensive program that will
Kym Marshak & Emma Fowler
sporting the latest FI logo top & roll down pants
three times each week. The training
product will also go beyond the basic
Body Age assessments, additionally
evaluating lifestyle risks and eating
habits. This will allow the trainers to
work very specifically with each
individual. The program also includes a
dietary plan and consultative review
with the Eat Smart Registered Dietitian,
and a top of the line Polar heart rate
monitor. It’s a premium package!
We are very excited to bring you this
new and innovative program. Our
training staff has worked very hard in
developing a unique program that is
exclusive to Fitness Incentive. We are
also excited to be able to roll it out to
you in time for the holidays and the
new year. It makes a great gift for
anyone you care about, and it’s a
motivating way to kick off a healthy
and successful new year. How about
this for a goal: 10 years younger in
2010! With our new Body Age products,
it’s an attainable goal!
Stop by the desk for more details.
If the gym had a Body Age, how old
would it be? It’s a funny question. FI is
over 25 years old now - prime of life for a
person, but potentially middle-aged for a
business. But we’re pretty confident that
our Body Age would be in the single
digits, approaching brand new. We’ve
continued to make investments in
equipment, people and programs that
keep FI feeling brand spanking new. In
fact, in many ways better than new.
Consider this: In the past year we’ve
upgraded nearly 20 pieces of cardio
equipment, including new treadmills,
ellipticals and the Expresso bikes. We’ve
since gone on to open the dedicated free
weight studio, and have outfitted it with
a bunch of new benches. Moving the
dumbbells opened up the main floor, and
that allowed us guessed it, add
more equipment. We’ve not only added
so many brand new pieces of strength
equipment that I’ve lost count, we’ve
upgraded many more. Among the new or
upgraded pieces: two leg presses, a hack
squat, a Smith machine, calf raises of
every style known to man, a couple of
hamstring curls, biceps and triceps
stations...and that’s not the whole list!
Or the end. As I write, TJ Lynch, our
equipment procurement specialist (and
junkie) is busy working on even more
new stuff, some of which will arrive by
the time you’re reading this.
And there’s more. There always is at FI.
We’ve always had the reputation - well
deserved we like to think - of being a
very clean facility. That’s never been
truer than right now. Our investment in
cleaning and maintenance has never
been greater. As anyone who has watched
our cleaning and maintenance staff in
action can attest, they are a busy,
dedicated group! We’ve recently added
the painting talents (and penetrating
eye) of Joe Skorubski (also a Personal
Trainer at FI) to the mix. Joe sees all,
and is constantly touching up, making
sure that your experience at FI is as close
to perfect as we can make it. It’s all
about staying “young” for you.
Best of Long Island...Again
For the fourth straight year we have had
the good fortune to be nominated as
“Best of Long Island” by the LI Press.
We’ve won the past three, and we’re
hoping for a 4-peat in 2010. And for that,
we need your help. Go to:
and select the Sports category, and go to
gyms. Vote early and often, as they say!
Voting ends December 15th.
What’s Next, Twitter?
We’re always looking for new ways to
stay in touch with you, and this past
continued on page 31
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
@ The Spa
by Monica Jones
By Dr. Donna Brown
Step Into the Light
IPL Photo Facial Rejuvenation
IPL Treatments at Incentives
influence its growth. Age, ethnicity,
weight, hormones, diet, medication and
metabolism all play a part in your hair's
location, thickness and resilience.
IPL slows the growing capacity of
follicles in the growth cycle at the time
of the treatment. Since some hair
follicles may enter their growth cycle
after your treatment, four to six
treatments may be required to deliver
optimal results.
xciting news at Incentives Spa. We
will be offering laser hair removal as
well as photofacial rejuvenation.
While some of you are already familiar
with these exciting treatments, others may
have a few questions that we would like to
answer for you.
For many men and women, unwanted hair
can be a nightmare. Until now the only
options for removing it were foul smelling
chemical hair removal creams, sharp
razors, stinging wax or painful electrolysis
needles. Now, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light),
an advanced approach to beautiful skin,
provides the ultimate solution. Men and
women alike will be pleased with the
results made possible by the IPL Laser Hair
Removal process.
What is the IPL Laser hair removal process?
The IPL process uses intense pulsed light to
gently remove unwanted hair, putting an
end to routine shaving and waxing. IPL
treatments leave your skin looking and
feeling smoother and silkier. This patented
technology transcends the older, painful
hair removal treatments to deliver long
lasting results. IPL's wide beam treats
larger areas such as the back, shoulders,
arms, legs and face rather than treating
one hair at a time. Best of all, IPL
treatments are a safe, fast, gentle and
effective alternative method for hair
How many treatments do I need?
The number of treatments you may require
for optimal long-term benefits depends on
the area you wish to have treated, the hair
density and your hair's growth cycle. Your
hair grows in cycles and many factors
Today, lasers give surgeons infinitely more
control, making skin resurfacing safer and
more predictable. However, laser skin
resurfacing still exfoliates the protective
outer layer of skin, which may require
bandages and a somewhat lengthy recovery
“...unwanted hair
can be a nightmare.
Until now the only
options for removing
it were foul smelling
chemical creams, sharp
razors, stinging wax
or painful electrolysis”
Note: Removing hair does not make it
grow back thicker, darker or quicker.
Following treatment...
After your treatment, the area is
cleansed and you can return to your
normal activities immediately. We may
recommend the use of sun screen on any
treated areas exposed to the sun.
IPL Photofacial
Do you think that the reflection you see
in the mirror each morning matches the
way you feel? Many women wish that
there was a safe, easy and quick way to
get rid of their red complexion, fine
wrinkles, irregular pigmentation and
large pores. Fortunately, our advanced
technologies enable us to treat these
skin imperfections safely, easily and
Advances in your treatment options have
continued to improve, from
dermabrasion and chemical peels to
laser skin resurfacing. With
dermabrasion, layers of skin are actually
sanded away. A chemical peel uses acid
solution to burn away layers of skin.
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
IPL Rejuvenation was designed to combat
the effects of aging and damaged skin in a
softer, gentler way. The redness and
flushing of rosacea can be reduced 80 to 90
percent. It can be used to treat the full
face, neck, chest and even the hands.
Using the advanced IPL system, we gently
deliver precise amounts of light energy
through your skin's surface. Treatments are
spaced out at three week intervals. The
energy is delivered at specific settings for
each treatment to maximize your results.
The light energy stimulates the production
of collagen. As the new collagen forms, it
softens the appearance of aging skin. Fine
lines and wrinkles are decreased. The
redness associated with rosacea can be
dramatically reduced.
Who are the best candidates for IPL photo
facial rejuvenation?
The best candidates have:
! red, flushed faces
! sun-damaged skin
! hyper-pigmentation
!enlarged pores
What results can I expect?
After only one treatment, your skin will
have a more even tone with a smoother
look and feel. Sunspots will fade. Pore sizes
will shrink. Fine lines and wrinkles will
gradually decrease in size. These
improvements will steadily increase with
each treatment. Patients with rosacea will
see a progressive decrease in redness with
every treatment.
What will recovery be like?
Post-treatment discomfort is almost
nonexistent. After treatment with most
light systems, the treated skin may appear
a little flushed and capillaries may seem to
be more visible. The flushed look soon
fades away, and the capillaries appear to
vanish, leaving the skin looking younger. It's
that simple.
lease stop in and talk to our
professionals. They will be happy to
give you a complimentary
consultation. Right now we are offering a
special- buy a package for one area, you
get an additional area complimentary. This
offer can even be split between 2 friends or
family members! Along with all of our
services, packages for laser hair removal
and photofacials make great holiday gifts!
Dr. Donna Brown is a Chiropractor as well as the
owner/operator of Incentives Spa. Questions? Email
her at:
By Jim Cordova
On Becoming a Work of Art
The Formula for Physical Excellence
re you still looking for a secret
formula that will sculpt your
physique into the marvelous
masterpiece that you envision? Well, I
have good news. Your search is over!
However, you may be shocked to find that
the most effective approach entails
nothing more than incorporating simple
compound movements into your routine.
Even so, I don't want to mislead you! By
simple I am not implying that such
movements are easy. Performed correctly
and in correlation with the following tips,
they are the most natural and least
complex in terms of implementation.
Nonetheless, exercises of this nature are
very rigorous. In fact, you may feel
downright exhausted after performing just
one since that is all it takes to thoroughly
fatigue multiple muscle groups!
Not are compound movements the most
efficient way to exercise, but they allow
you to achieve a heightened level of
muscular stimulation. Because the body
works best as a unit, a synergy is created
where each muscle involved in a
particular compound movement will
ultimately be working harder than it
would when performing an isolation
exercise. Another benefit worth
mentioning is the natural spike in
hormonal levels, which this type of
exercise is capable of promoting better
than anything else! This will keep you
both looking and feeling younger, enhance
your recuperative abilities, and all topped
off with notable improvements in overall
functional strength!
Ladies, these are not bodybuilding
exercises and so you can rest-assured that
you will not bulk up. Far from it! In fact,
you will burn more calories in 15 minutes
performing these exercises than you
would in an hour on the elliptical, while
working your core and developing your
musculature toward that toned
appearance that you seek! If this wasn't
good enough, they offer so much
versatility that you will rarely, if ever, find
yourself waiting around for a piece of
equipment. These reasons and many more
are why the tried-and-true compound
basics have been a staple in the routines
of countless individuals since the dawn of
fitness, with unparalleled success, and
why they continue to reign over the
dozens of "secret" fad formulas that have
come and gone up until this very day.
There are seven fundamental
compound movements that deserve a
permanent place in your exercise
structure. Combined, this series will
blast virtually every major muscle
group to the extreme! A good tip is to
coordinate all of the additional
exercises in your routine around the
key compound movement(s) that you
plan to implement for that day.
Moreover, you'll find it advantageous to
complete only three or four of them
per week so that you complete all
seven within a two-week period. This
will allow for adequate recuperation
and ensure that your intensity levels
remain high. Perform in this fashion on
a consistent basis over the next few
months and watch as your physique
transforms into a work of art!
Silvana Solares on the Gravitron
Dips: Using free-style bars, Cybex
machine, or the Gravitron, begin by
placing the hands approximately
shoulder-width apart. Press yourself up
to the starting position with your arms
extended and supporting the entire
weight of your body. Next, lower
yourself to a final position where your
arms are bent just past 90° and your
pectorals are stretched. Press yourself
back up, stopping just short of lockout,
and repeat. (Tip: Place the hands wider
than shoulder width apart to better
allow the elbows to flare wider and place
more emphasis on the lower pectorals. To
add more emphasis to the triceps,
perform the movement using parallel bars
and begin by placing the hands slightly at
approximately shoulder width apart.).
Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
Primary: Lower Chest; Triceps
Secondary: Upper Chest; Front Deltoids
Silvana demonstrates the incline dumbbell press
Incline Dumbbell Press: Lie on an incline
bench with feet flat on the floor. Place
the head of the dumbbells near the ends
of the knees. Using a bit of momentum as
you lie back, knee the dumbbells up and
safely guide them to the starting
position. Place your hands in the
pronated position. Lower the weight and
focus on keeping the arms bent around
90-degrees at the bottom of the press.
Press up and in toward the midline of the
body. As an added tip to enhance
stimulation, focus on moving the
dumbbells at a very slight angle toward
the head during the ascent. Keep the
hands about six inches apart at the top of
the movement and never lock out the
arms, squeeze, or pause throughout the
movement. (Tip: Change the angle by a
few degrees from one workout to the
next. Likewise, alternate the dumbbell
variation with barbells, the Smith
machine and the Hammer Strength
Incline to accelerate progression).
Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
Primary: Upper Chest; Front Deltoids
Secondary: Triceps
Standing Dumbbell Push Press: Stand
upright with the feet shoulder-width
apart. Grab a pair of dumbbells and raise
them to shoulder level, with the hands
lying in between the pronated and
neutral position (10 o'clock-2 o'clock).
Keep a slight arch in the lower back and
your chest up throughout the movement.
Press the dumbbells straight up and
slightly back toward the head, stopping
just short of locking out. Lower the
dumbbells back to shoulder level. Upon
approaching failure, create a bit of
momentum with your legs to squeeze out
a few more reps and stimulate the core
Norman tells Janese to “bring it on!”
continued on page 29
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
M i n d B o d y & Sby Monica
p iJones
By Dina SantaMaria
Pain, Pain Go Away
Pilates for Chronic Pain
from chronic pain. Fortunately, many
have been able to relieve that pain by
learning and practicing Pilates.
Why Pilates?
Joseph Pilates (1880-1967) was a
German immigrant. He created his
own method of body conditioning and
physical therapy based on gymnastics
and healthy movement. Originally,
Joseph Pilates employed his method on
fellow inmates imprisoned during World
War I to help speed their rehabilitation.
In the 1920's Joseph Pilates and his wife
Clara moved to New York City. It was
there that Pilates became popular with
the elite. Professional dancers and
athletes flocked to him to help repair
and strengthen their battered bodies.
In the 1990's many of Pilates original
techniques (more than 500) gained
hronic back pain…unheard by others
but deafening to you. Your quality
of life is compromised. Your
everyday activities and hobbies
change…your good spirit is drained. Left
unattended, chronic pain can take over
your life. Chronic spinal pain can result
from many reasons including but not
limited to:
! Herniated, ruptured or bulging disks
! Disk degeneration
! Abnormal Curvatures (structural or
functional scoliosis, hyper-lordosis,
! Nerve compression
! Spondylitis (spondyloarthritis,
! Stenosis
! Infections
Even if you are suffering from chronic
back pain as a result of surgical
interventions aimed at treating spinal
disease or injury, Pilates can safely and
effectively ease much of your pain and
lead the way to a better quality of life.
The exercises are fun and relaxing, and
can be helpful for both pre and postsurgical chronic pain.
If you suffer from chronic back pain, it is
important to know that you are not
alone. Unfortunately many people suffer
Pilates treats the mind and
body as a whole. This notion
extends beyond the body, to
the mind and emotions as well.
more widespread popularity when
rehabilitation practitioners introduced
the Pilates Method to orthopedic,
geriatric and pain management
The question that is often asked is; why
is Pilates so highly recommended for
those who have spinal injuries, spinal
stenosis and those who may even need
spinal disk surgery? Pilates avoids
quick or jerky motions that might
worsen an injury. Fluid, elegant,
precise, controlled movement prevails
over speed and wasted energy. After a
Pilates workout, you generally do not
feel exhausted; rather you feel calm,
relaxed and energized.
Pilates shares some features with Yoga,
such as stretching and mindful
breathing techniques. However, Pilates
offers less strain on muscles and
connective tissues than Yoga, especially
where fusions begin an end, because it
where fusions begin an end, because it
requires less twisting of the torso. Also,
since Pilates exercises were originally
designed to be rehabilitative, they are
great for the healthy (for prevention of
injury) and just as good, if not better for
the injured. Pilates…more than any
exercise regimen takes into account each
individual's physical strengths and
limitations and offers a biomechanically
complex program of healing.*
When you commit to a consistent Pilates
regimen, you can expect:
Stronger muscles
A more streamlined spine
Firmer stomach and buttocks
Graceful posture
Improved circulation
A decompressed spine
Lubricated joints
An improved sense of well being
Pain reduction
The foundation of Pilates is strengthening
and stabilizing the core of the body….the
trunk muscles, the deep core postural
muscles of the body, including the deep
abdominal and back muscles that support
the spine. The trunk muscles must be
strengthened and stabilized before
moving on to the peripheral areas. With
injured people, the Pilates method begins
a healing process as a result of increased
circulation to injured areas. Joseph
Pilates referred to this improved
circulation as an “internal shower.”
Pilates for all injured and healthy is
geared at developing efficient movement
patterns that increase strength, balance,
stability, and flexibility while building
strong muscles.
The core, or trunk muscles, which were
Joseph Pilates main focus, represent the
primary muscles responsible for posturally
correct and safe movement. These
muscles shape the spine into its optimal
starting and ending position for all of your
activities: bending, reaching, walking,
sitting and so on.
There are more than three hundred
muscles enabling your trunk and limbs to
The rooting
section: “Little”
and friend
move. Faulty
coordination can lead to spasms, strain,
pulls (small ruptures) or tears. Fatigued,
strained, weak muscles cannot follow
through on their role in healthy muscle
recruitment patterns. There are a series
of contractions and extensions between
muscles that make up movement. Breaks
in this chain add to the potential for
Pilates engages both the “big” or
superficial muscles of the body as well as
the deeper muscles, so that entire muscle
go to page 27
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Re s u l t s !
At thirty, I accomplished a
sixteen-year-old goal of
finishing a marathon.
That addictive postworkout spike in selfconfidence and sense of
motivated me to finally
undertake my ultimate
challenge. Throughout
my training, TJ reinforced
the importance of
maintaining lean muscle
mass and fueling my body
appropriately. Without
the lean muscle that I
developed through weight
training, I would not have
been strong enough to
complete the race.
Christina Jaskowiak
Long May You Run
It Never Gets Easier, and That’s Why It Works.
Now: Christina with TJ
forehead perspiration-only workouts
have been replaced by the reality of
weekly muscle-blasting sweat sessions.
That addictive post-workout
spike in self-confidence and
sense of accomplishment
motivated me to finally
undertake my ultimate
lthough my body has become leaner,
training with TJ Lynch has never
become easier. Two and a half
years after our first appointment, my
visions of eventually experiencing breezy,
Not only has weight training made me a
stronger runner, but also, it has redefined
my self-concept. My strength makes me
feel capable and beautiful. I am more
adept at shouldering the demands and
responsibilities of daily life because of my
fitness routine. In truth, few situations
seem more challenging than running 26.2
miles! You will catch me alternately
pumping iron and pounding the pavement
in preparation for the next big race or for
the next day.
I have learned that “legs” never gets
easier, and “eating clean” requires a
seriousness of purpose and dedication.
Thank you TJ!
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
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Tr a i n i n g
by Sue Brunjes and Jen DiPalma
Which Twitch is Which?
Are You A Fast-Twitch or a Slow-Twitch?
the percentage of each varies from
person to person. Each fiber serves a
unique role towards performance, can
be developed to their optimal potential
and also compliment each other if
trained appropriately.
The slow-twitch muscle fibers prefer
aerobic based activities. Often times
we are more accustomed to activities
which promote greater reliance on the
slow-twitch fibers; exercise options such
as, long distance low intensity running,
a longer steadier workout on the
elliptical or expresso bike, or classes
(pump and jump, step, or spin). If
you're the type of person that gravitates
f you are like most members of the gym,
then you probably relate to the notion of
coming in for a workout and following
the same routine… keys in the cubbies, a
bathroom visit and then your off to do your
familiar workout - maybe a class followed
by some “abs” - before calling it a day. You
probably have a preference for a certain
activity on certain days and at a specific
time. If you've been working out for a while
you might have noticed that you are a total
“aerobic junkie”, you prefer and almost
yearn for “extreme cardio”, a step class,
Zumba, etc. Or you gravitate to the
training floor, hit the weights hard, do a
quick circuit, and finish off by jumping
roping and punching the heavy bag. You
know you should “mix it up” and have a
varied workout - one that creates a wellrounded fitness program (strength,
cardiovascular, flexibility). Yet, again and
again you show up to workout and choose
that familiar “feel good” workout.
Ever wonder why (outside of the general
reason: “it's easy and I don't have to think”
excuse) you prefer and gravitate towards
one activity versus another? Consider the
idea that your choice of favorite workout
might not be a mental choice at all, but
instead the workouts that your body is
physiologically choosing for you. You may
be surprised to discover how your muscle
physiology is instrumental in choosing what
path you take along your fitness journey.
We are all composed of two main types of
muscle fibers, slow-twitch and fast- twitch;
“The benefits of training
your less dominant muscle
fibers are to actually raise
the “baseline” ability of
your more dominant fibers.
towards these types of activities then
you are engaging in workouts that
enhance your slow-twitch muscle fibers.
Slow-twitch muscle fiber develop less
tension and in a slower fashion, usually
are fatigue resistant, and have an
abundance of oxygen and enzymes
because these fibers rely on the
oxidative energy system (one of the
three energy systems that allow energy
to be released at slower consistent rate
before reaching a point of burnout or
complete depletion). Slow-twitch fibers
also have an enhanced oxygen storing
Fast-twitch muscles fibers thrive when
you perform high intensity exercise for
short bouts of time. The fast twitch
muscle fibers rely on the ATP-Pc energy
system. This energy system releases a
tremendous amount of energy at a fast
rate (within 5-8 seconds). Think fasttwitch fibers when you witness
kickboxing, plyometrics, sprints on the
treadmill done at optimal speed and
under 1 minute, or weightlifting with
heavy tension. Sounds like tough work,
right? Well, it is and that's good!
Physiologically, fast-twitch muscle fibers
are designed to develop a tremendous
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
amount of tension in a very fast fashion,
have a very low resistance to fatigue, with
small amounts of capillary density where
there is minimal oxygen available for the
work your activity is demanding. This is
the type of activity you most likely “don't
want to do” yet somewhere know you
need to do and when your finished you
almost liked to do. Fast-twitch muscle
activities are often not the type a
majority of people gravitate towards,
partially because they are mentally and
physically challenging, and partially
because the majority of people are more
aerobically (slow twitch fiber) dominate.
Now, think of the activities your “prefer”
and the exercises you gravitate towards.
Research has shown that if physiologists
were to perform a muscle biopsy test to
discover the muscle fiber your specific
body has a greater percentage of then the
very activity you are “choosing” to do will
align with the muscle fiber that is more
dominant in your body. Again, think of
your workouts - are you the aerobic
“junkie” or the strength and power
“junkie?” Shall we rephrase the
question…are you slow-twitch dominant or
fast-twitch dominant? Research also
shows that the majority of the people are
slow twitch dominant (aerobic junkie).
Good news, right? Maybe not! Would you
ever consider “crossing over” and doing an
exercise that you’d rather not do as a way
to enhance the less dominant, less
developed fiber? The benefits of training
your less dominant muscle fibers are to
actually raise the “baseline” ability of
your more dominant fibers. For example,
if through appropriate exercise choice
(e.g. exercises: strength training,
plyometric, high intensity sprinting, etc.),
you practice enhancing your fast-twitch
muscle fibers your baseline power will
improve which will physiologically help
your slow-twitch muscle fibers perform a
greater amount of work, yet more
efficiently and with less effort. On the
contrary training slow-twitch fibers, even
when you naturally perform more strength
and power activities is just as important.
If you are already the 'power' athlete, yet
systematically engage in more aerobic
base activities, then your baseline oxygen
carrying capabilities are enhanced.
Having a stronger baseline allows for
quicker and greater recovery, which will
allow a person to handle greater bouts of
high intensity strength and power
It's as simple as it seems! Train the
opposite of what you naturally prefer
(more than occasionally) and you'll
enhance both slow and fast twitch muscle
fibers to create the optimal result. Mix it
up! Get out of your comfort zone and
never quit!
Sue Brunjes and Jen DiPalma are Exercise Physiologists
and Certified Personal Trainers at Fitness Incentive.
They developed and administer the Cardio Blast Vo2
Max targeted training program.
E AT S M A R T !
By Rachel Sergeant, RD
Cookie Monster
Enjoy a Happier Holiday with Some Simple Math
throughout life but rather changes
during different life stages. During
times of growth more calories are
needed to build bones, muscles and
other tissues. Once a person reaches
adulthood they simply need less
calories. The typical adult has less lean
muscle and is less physically active then
their own youthful self. If eating habits
aren't adjusted from youth through
adulthood, your weight will creep up.
And don't forget hormonal changes can
also slow metabolism. It is no wonder
why we gain weight!
Our size also makes a difference to our
metabolic rate. The more you weigh
the more calories you need during the
he holidays are here and you have
accepted the fact that you are
going to gain your annual 10-pound
“Christmas cookie weight.” But do you
have to? A smorgasbord of holiday goodies
may tempt you, but with a little
understanding of calories and nutrient
balance, you can maintain or achieve a
healthy weight even during the holiday
Calories, from a nutritional standpoint,
are the measurement of the amount of
energy in food. Foods with calories
include carbohydrates, fats and proteins
(alcohol also has calories but isn't exactly
“food!”) Nutrients that are also needed
daily but do not have calories are water,
vitamins, minerals, cholesterol and fiber.
Nutrients are needed for all life functions,
to breathe, think, feel and even sleep!
The amount of calories that are actually
needed however, varies from person to
person. That is why we all have that
'friend' who can eat like it is Thanksgiving
everyday and still wear her high school
size-2 jeans. Basic factors that affect
energy needs include metabolic rate, age,
activity level, body size and shape. So to
achieve or maintain a healthy weight it is
all about a balance of total calories
coming in and going out!
Your metabolic rate accounts for
approximately 60% of your daily calorie
needs. “Basal metabolism” is the amount
of calories needed to keep involuntary
body functions and processes such as
breathing, heart beating, sweating, etc.
operational. The need isn't constant
“..A smorgasbord of holiday
goodies may tempt you, but
with a little understanding
of calories and nutrient
balance, you can maintain or
achieve a healthy weight even
during the holiday season.”
day. Think about how much effort it
takes to walk up the stairs- yes, you
burn calories but you would burn more
if you walked up the stairs carrying a
50-pound boulder. Likewise, tall, thin
bodies generally burn more calories in
comparison to shorter ones. Taller
people have more surface area and
release more heat is (i.e. burn more
calories) to maintain a normal body
temperature. Lastly, leaner bodies have
higher metabolic rates because ounce
for ounce muscular bodies burn more
energy then fat bodies. (Fat does not
burn energy.) Typically, men have a
higher basal metabolic rate than
females since they have more lean
muscle mass.
Physical activity makes up about 30 % of
our daily calorie needs. Movement of
any kind burns calories- some people
are just more efficient then others and
need less calories for the same
movements. Plateaus are normal with
any weight loss program. As you lose
weight your body requires fewer
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
calories to function, so over time,
adjustments are needed to budge the
The last 10% of our energy needs is the
energy needed to actually burn calories
from eating and digestion. But realize
that 10% is only a small amount, and you
can't rely on eating more in order to lose
What about that thyroid? Hypothyroidism
is when the thyroid doesn't produce
enough thyroid hormone thyroxin, which
can cause weight gain, lack of energy,
poor memory, dry skin, constipation,
heavy menstrual flow and cramps. If you
have any of these symptoms see your
doctor for a simple blood test.
Balancing nutrients can be tricky, but the
general rule for any adult is to intake 45
to 65% of calories from carbohydrates, 20
to 35% from fat and 10 to 35% from
protein. The foods that you choose should
be from more nutrient-dense foods.
These include fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and low fat proteins, which are
healthy and have more vitamins, minerals
and relatively fewer calories than energydense foods. Energy dense foods provide
a lot of calories without any nutrition
(such as candy, soda and desserts.)
So this holiday season plan to pack on the
nutrients without packing on those extra
Personal training does some serious work
towards improving your cardiovascular
capacity, muscle strength and/or
flexibility. But did you know a huge part
of your success is the time spent away
from the gym eating? Have you
considered how what you eat affects
your overall health, weight maintenance
and/or athletic performance? Well you
should! Eat Smart developed by a
certified dietitian-nutritionist is a broad
range of nutritional services tailor-made
to individual needs. With the purchase of
a training package you have the option to
add on, or substitute Eat Smart for
sessions in your package. The nutritional
recommendations are based on
education, realistic goals and sensible
eating rather than starvation, denial and
punishment. The flexibility of the
program can benefit everyone from the
young, to the advanced in age or anyone
facing serious health conditions (such as
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high
blood pressure, severe obesity, etc.). In
short, Eat Smart is hype-free and results
driven and a great addition to any
training package. For more information
contact your trainer or Rachel Ezelius RD
CDN at
Rachel Sergeant is a Registered Dietitian who
manages Fitness Incentive’s
Eat Smart program. Questions? Contact her
by email:
Proper nutrition si has a
positive impact on our lives
Diet & Nutritional Counseling
Services at Fitness Incentive
Gift Certificates
are the perfect way to
let family and friends
know you’re thinking
about them!
Danny Maurrasse
631 . 747 . 5643
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
S c h o o l o f Yo g a
By Angela Strynkowski
Yoga School Days
Be Here Now.
oga. What is Yoga? Why do Yoga?
Where to start?
The partnership between A Jewel in the
Lotus and Fitness Incentive for Yoga
Immersion and Teacher Training is going
well. You can see this by the smiling,
shiny faces in the picture! There are 9
lovely, sincere individuals participating
in this Immersion. These students all
will take the 200 hour Yoga Teacher
Jim Cordova
Certification which begins January
2010. After some delay we begin;
Jim Cordova
studies, we get glimpses of what yoga
is...the state where we are clear that
we are missing nothing.
Staying on the path to yoga can be
difficult, even when we know
personally or have been told how
worthwhile it is to do Yoga regularly.
That is why yoga is considered a
practice, but also discipline. Life
happens, and sometimes we move
away from what is good! Atha! We
must begin again, now.
training, the workshops are a wonderful
Another student is a Massage Therapist
who will eventually expand her
business by incorporating Yoga. Another
woman is a fairly new Mom who wants
to do something for herself, her
practice and her work life. Every
student has a personal reason for being
here. Now.
Atha. Now the practice of yoga. This is
a loose translation of the first Yoga
Sutra of Patanjali: Now the practice of
yoga. It means we start Yoga exactly
where we are at this moment. Not how
we were 3 years ago, or three decades
ago, or even 3 minutes ago. Now. With
whatever body and mind we have right
now! Yoga is personal. The Practice is
personal because we all come to Yoga
with our different physical and mental
and emotional “characteristics”.
So now, where are
to begin a new
Jewels in the rough: Top row....Sylvia, Christine, Liz, Angela, Suni, Irene. Front row....Claire, Denise, Lori, Tom.
a renewed
Atha is the Sanskrit
practice or a
word for now and
deepening practice?
happens to be the
Come to a class! Get
first word of the
a few Yoga
Yoga Sutras of
if you
Patanjali. These
don't feel quite
Sutras of Patanjali
ready to enter
are thought of as a
through the “yoga
step by step guide to
room door”. Or
Yoga. It is considered
come to one of the
to be one of the
many workshops
most important Yoga
being offered. Read
texts. Sutras are
the Sutras. Act on
short statements,
the intention that
generally using
you will begin yoga
various technical
or deepen your
terms. These sutras
practice! We all
were handed down
encourage ourselves
verbally then
to do things. Just like the New Years
eventually written some 2,500 years
Just as there are many reasons to
Resolution. The key is to act. Now!
ago. They serve as a step by step guide
move away from the practice of yoga,
to Yoga.
there are many reasons we delve
How wonderful how the first Sutra
deeper. Our Yoga Immersions and
applies to the “New Year” and it's
So what is yoga? According to the
Teacher Training are undertaken by
tradition of starting anew - now. The
Sutras, (as well as the millions if not
individuals for a variety of reasons,
New Year and the first Sutra are about
billions of individuals who have
just as they are being offered a
letting go of past promises and wiping
practiced yoga and who currently
variety of reasons.
our slate clean and starting again practice yoga), yoga is a practice,
NOW! It reminds us that it is never too
philosophy, science and discipline. The
One student, Tom who is an avid
late. It is never too late because now is
practice of yoga eventually leads one
runner, got hooked on yoga a few
now. Atha!
to a state of health and happiness,
years ago. He is taking the teacher
uninterrupted by life's daily stresses. It
training to deepen his commitment
Enjoy the now! And enjoy the New Year.
is about living in a place of calm, no
and understanding of Yoga. Luckily
matter what storm or storms are
for Tom, he is able to make time for
swirling around us. Yoga “happens”
his training. For those who cannot,
when it is clear to us that we are
but who still wish to deepen their
missing nothing...nothing.
practice, we are offering numerous
workshops that are open to all. For
In the meantime though, practice is
Angela Strynkowski, 200 E-RYT, B.A. is a long time
those who wish to “go deeper” and
what we do in order to “reach” yoga.
practitioner and instructor of Yoga. She, along with
may not have the time or motivation
Mondello-Morris, 500 Hour E-RYT, is the co-founder
Thankfully, as we practice and deepen
of the Jewel in the Lotus yoga teacher training school.
to commit to the full teacher
our practice through continuous
Contact her at:
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
By Janet Lang
To Thine Own Self Be True
At Least When It Comes to Fashion!
Cathy in Miss Me Diamond Cross Jeans
and Michael Stars Shine top
“Delete the negative; Accentuate the
Donna Karan
If you have an impressive asset, such as
fabulous legs, wear clothes that draw
attention to them instead of something
negative, like a bulging midsection. It's
all about smart shopping. Being a savvy
fashion maven is about more than just
having an eye for what's hot and what's
not. It applies to dressing for your body
and choosing items that flatter your
figure, draw attention to your best areas
and conceal any trouble spots. You'll be
surprised at how subtle changes can make
a huge difference in how others view you
and, more importantly, how you feel
about yourself.
Sizes mean nothing! Like shoes, numbers
differ from designer to designer. You may
be a size 6 in one pair of jeans, while a
Experiment with
fabrics, colors, and
styles to come up
with looks that are
fresh and flattering,
but don't obsess over
having a 'perfect'
Here are a couple of tips to help you
look and feel your best:
Buy quality
clothing. Now, I know
your thinking...”but
pants or
Walmart is within my
skirts that
price range!” I would
are too
rather have a perfect
tight at the
fitting pair of
waist will
designer jeans and wear them 2-3 times a
cause the
week than 2-3 jeans I only wear once and
flesh there
don't look good on me! You have to buy
to be
quality if you want to dress your best!
giving even
One of the quickest and most effective
ways to achieve a stylish appearance is
with jewelry. Especially a piece of bold
women a
jewelry. A chunky necklace, bracelet or
earrings (not all worn at once!) will make
belly bulge.
people stand up and take notice of you
I think we
and you'll simply feel more fashionable.
have all
heard the
At Secretly Chic, the boutique at Fitness
Incentive, we pride
ourselves on bringing
top”! The
in sophisticated and
right pair of
feminine fashions
from premiere
designers. We have
need to be
lots of different
Janet in a tight -- it
fashions that you
Tattoo print tunic
won't find, unless you
and leggings by Green Dragon should fit
just so.
travel to the city, to
Don't be
Greg and Nicole Collins compliment your
concerned that a proper fit may
individual style. I am
emphasize your curves. In fact, pants
always available to
that fit right will make you look
help you personally
slimmer and trimmer than pants that
with merchandise
are too tight.
selection and proper
fit, so please just
Wearing tops that create a waist is
ask. You can use the
important in having a crisp, pulledcoupon on the back
together look. And it's more feminine.
cover to get started
Remember that clothes that are too
on putting together a
boxy or loose tend to fade into the
great outfit for the
background. Boxy shapes will also make
holidays or for an
you look and feel shorter than you are.
photo by Susan Eckert
ow your clothes
fit can make all
the difference
in the world when it
comes to looking and
feeling confident. I'm
talking about looking
poised and selfconfident, no matter
how you feel. Part of
it is attitude, but the
other part -- the easy
part -- is wearing
clothes that fit you
and that have a little
flair. It's about looking
as great as you can whenever you can. It's
time to embrace our bodies, curves,
flaws, and all. When it comes to beauty
and fashion, there is no ideal body shape.
All female body types have their own
unique attributes, and with style and
clothing, knowing how to dress will let
you have fun with your wardrobe so that
you can flatter your body shape and bring
out your best features. Remember, black
is not the only thing that makes you
appear slimmer; a perfectly fitting outfit
can take 10 pounds off your body. Just
because you can squeeze into a size 6,
doesn't mean you should!
size 8 in another. If you don't fit into
something, either go up or down - no
one knows what's on the tag, but you.
If you have to go up a size, don't use
this as an excuse to feel bad about
yourself. Focus more on being a
healthy weight than being a certain
photo by Susan Eckert
“A woman is never
sexier than when she
is comfortable in her
Vera Wang
photo by Susan Eckert
photo by Susan Eckert
Secretly Chic
Curvy Divas by It Jeans, Michael Stars
Shine top, & long coat by Fillmore
hips and rear.
Because leggings fit
so close to the body,
you want your top to
come down past your
hips. You can wear a
belt with it or not.
To create a casually
elegant look, wear a
black tunic with
black leggings and
black high heel boots
and add jewelry.
Wear leggings with tunics. The
“Know, first, who
simplest way for women to sport
you are; and then
leggings is underneath a tunic. Tunics
adorn yourself
The Hansen Clan
vary in length, so it's important that
Dipped hem tunic by Green Dragon.
Leggings by Hard Tail
your tunic is long enough to cover your
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
n the past few years, we’ve
run articles and center
spreads about many of our
outstanding employees Spin, Yoga & Pilates and
Personal Training have all
had their day in the sun, so to speak. But
there’s been one group that we’ve
neglected, perhaps because they are so
central to our identity, so core to our
foundation, that we almost take them for
granted. I’m speaking about our Group
Exercise Instructors. Twenty six years
ago, Fitness Incentive opened as an
“Aerobic Studio” on Grove Place. It was
strictly classes, taught almost entirely by
Corinne, who was still working in the city
at that time. At first, we were only open
at night - hard to believe, but true! Cor
would come running off the train
(perpetually late, of course), dash across
the High School parking lot and open the
studio for her 3 back to back classes.
She’d stagger home at 11pm. And then do
it again the next day.
Clearly, if the business was to grow, we
had to find some additional instructors.
So, naturally, Cor turned to her best
students and recruited them to become
teachers. Remarkably, a quarter of a
century later, many of that group are still
teaching at FI. This “Cor Group”, if you
will, is truly the foundation of Fitness
Incentive. It is upon their excellence and
commitment that the gym was built.
Fittingly, we decided to start our tribute
to the Group Ex instructors with this very
special group.
The Foundation
My start in fitness goes back to the
days before Fitness Incentive had even
opened; back to the days when Cor
would invite a small group of girlfriends
to her house on Friday nights to
exercise. It was our alternative to
Happy Hour. Cor and I would commute
to the city together, and she would
always insist that I take the stairs - no
matter how many there were - instead
of the escalator. She instilled this in me
to the point where I still can’t use the
get certified to be able to help out with
the Oakdale gym...Cathy Peacock and I
got our original certification together.
I'm Presently teaching cardio, body
sculpt and stability ball classes
The thing I love about Fitness Incentive is
the feeling of family. It is not a just a
gym to me, but a community. I love
seeing members I have known for 23
years and watch as their children and
grandchildren come to achieve health
and fitness. It always feels right when I
walk through those doors. Cor and Ken
have built more than a gym; it's home.
I moved to the city and started
teaching classes in Manhattan back in
the days of leg-warmers, headbands
and high-top Reeboks (circa 1984).
Cathy Peacock
teach Cardio Kickbox, Step, Bodysculpt,
Stability Ball, Aerofunk and Essential
Laurie Gilfedder
nursery. They are now 24, 25 and 29! I
love that I am a good role model to my
three daughters, teaching them the
proper way to be fit and healthy
throughout their lives. I attribute my
good health and strong energy level to
my lifelong commitment to exercise. I
never thought that I would still be
teaching at 56 yrs old, but I hope to
continue teaching here at FI until I'm
put out to pasture!
trust people put in me and in return, I
will give only my best. Fitness Incentive
has been my second family. They have
been there for me through all my highs
and lows. Who could ask for more?
Liz Romano
I have been teaching at Fitness Incentive
Eilleen Boyle
Once I moved back to Long Island I was
convinced by Corinne to come teach at
Fitness Incentive. The rest is history! I
teach both cardio and sculpt classes
and the members at FI keep me
motivated. Being able to come to work
and doing something I love and help
other people stay healthy and fit is
extremely rewarding. Certification:
Lisa Bachety
Janet Lang
Fitness Incentive is in my blood. It's my
home away from home. I've been
teaching at Fitness Incentive for almost
as long as it has been around. I took my
first class with Corinne and I was hooked.
I became a "regular", a "groupie" in no
time. It wasn't long before Cor asked if I
would be interested in becoming an
instructor. Although I was very reluctant
at first, I am so grateful that she
encouraged me. It's been 25 years since
then and I still absolutely love what I do!
The energy in a Group Fitness setting is
so contagious and the members at FI are
beyond compare! They give so much
back and are the reason that I still love
getting up there for every class. Teaching
has given me the opportunity to help
make staying fit and healthy fun for the
many friends I've met here.
I am certified through AFAA. I currently
I have been working in the fitness industry
since 1971 so this will be my 38th year
teaching exercise classes. I have
witnessed the profession's many changes
and steps forward in that time. When I
first began teaching, we wore leotards,
leg-warmers and exercised without
sneakers and without music! Shin splints
were a given that every instructor just
learned to live with. We now have special
aerobic floors, fancy sneakers,
microphones, stereos, body bars, spin
bikes, bosus, step straps, medicine balls,
kettlebells, and on and on. Things
certainly have evolved and changed for
the better. Over the years I have taught
aerobics, step, and rebounding, but my
favorite classes are spin and sculpting.
There is one thing that has never changed
in all these years, and that's the energy
that exercising in a group setting
generates. It's inspiring, motivating and
totally exciting. Teaching classes is great
fun and the time just flies! It's why I'm
still at it after all these years. It's more
fun than work!
I'm Eilleen Boyle, and if you don't know
me by now, well, let's make it happen!
I've been a student, an instructor and a
personal trainer for over 22 years.
(which has no reflection of my age!)
Prior to boarding the FI Train, I worked
as a registered nurse in many
capacities at North Shore and Mercy
Hospitals. My three children grew up
thinking of FI as their backyard. I've
always felt good about the positive
image I have given them on exercise
and maintaining good health. There is
nothing about that I would change.
for 25 years! I have been certified by
AFFA, SMART (for personal training),
Powerstrike (with Illaria Montagnani),
and also have been practicing Ashtanga
yoga for about 5 years. I have taught
every kind of cardio class from step,
rebounding and kickboxing, but my
specialty is hard core strength classes!
Strength classes are my favorite because
it gives me a chance to challenge my
students to a level that they would not
do on their own and when class is over
they are proud of their accomplishments.
Also, strength classes can be easily
modified to their personal level. I also
have a great passion for yoga (in a hot
room) and will be teaching Hot Yoga at FI
in 2010! The positive feedback that I get
from my students is so gratifying - they
are committed, hard working, and so
thankful for our workouts!
The Foundation
I have been teaching at Fitness 23
Years!!! I cannot believe that stat! My
original certification is through AFAA.
When Cor and Ken were opening the
Oakdale Fitness Incentive “East”, Cor
encouraged a couple of her groupies to
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Fitness Incentive has been my home for
the last twenty years. When I first came
here, my children were toddlers in the
I have a dance background that I tap
into when I teach (pun intended) or
even take classes. I love rebounding,
step, interval training - give me a beat
and I'll move my feet. The proud
energy I feel when I pass a car with an
FI parking sticker on its bumper or
when I catch the smiles on my clients'
faces is refreshing. I'm grateful for the
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Our tribute to the Group Ex instructors
will continue next issue!
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Pr o f i l e s i n F i t n e s s
By Paul Smith
Inspired by a Starr
Organization Looms Large in her Legend
Meryl Starr
ew FI member Meryl Starr is an
award-winning entrepreneur
whose achievements in the fields
of professional organization and
motivational speaking have lead to
numerous appearances on television and
in print. This past October we met and
spoke about her recent return to LI and
her coming to Fitness Incentive.
PS: I'm fascinated by what you do
professionally. How did it come about?
MS: I've always had a very positive
attitude, and even when I was very
young, I found myself passing that on to
friends and family members…motivating
them. So this skill, which was exposed at
an early age, came together well with
organizing because to organize, you need
to be motivated. It's not just about
cleaning out your closets and your
garage, it's really about cleaning out your
life - organizing your life. To do this you
must be motivated, just as you must be
to belong to a health club like Fitness
Incentive. This has been my thing, and it's
been great.
PS: In a passage I read in one of the
features on your website, I noticed a
reference to an epiphany of sorts you
experienced in 1993.
MS: I was at a friend's house, and I
organized her entire kitchen. Got rid of
things; put like-items together…cabinets,
refrigerator, alphabetized the spices…and
I was like a kid in a candy store through
all of this! I had the time of my life.
When my friend's husband came home,
he looked at this achievement and
said, “You know, you could charge for
this!” This was a light bulb-over-thehead moment. “You know what,” I
thought, “I'm going to start my own
company and call it Let's Get
Organized. Just like that…and that's
just what I did. I had brochures made
and sent them out to everyone I knew
and my mother knew. And that's how I
acquired my first clients. It took off
from there, even though at the time,
being a full-time mom, I could only
deliver a part-time commitment. I've
built the business, having been
fortunate over the years to have
received a lot of press. 30-odd
national magazines, lots of radio,
television (including Queer Eye For The
Straight Guy), and several pilots, one
“I'm telling all my friends
about this club…it's so
complete and so perfect!
People bring their kids,
and hold the door for you.
They strike up conversations.”
of which won a Telly Award.
PS: It sounds as though you've
identified something that you are
really good at that also provides you
with a tremendous amount of personal
MS: Without question. Of course it is
very gratifying to be commercially
successful, but there's so much more
to this for me. When I can see plain
evidence with my own eyes, or learn
through emails and phone calls and
testimonials that what I've done has
actually helped people - made them
happier in their lives - well, what more
could you ask for? Tremendous
personal satisfaction. It sustains me.
PS: Has there been a particular theme
on your mind recently?
MS: This morning I twittered on the
idea of change. I myself have just gone
through a major one: I returned to my
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
roots here on the Island after 12 years of
residence in Duchess County. And the
thing about change is that many people
fear it, in spite of the fact that it is a
constant in life. This change in my life
has been a very positive one, and has
prompted me to remind people that
when change appears on the horizon we
ought to embrace it, not fear or avoid
it. We convince ourselves that changes
in our lives will not be good - an
expression of fear. But rather than
indulging in the anticipation of change
as a bad thing, I'd say that change
should be approached as a positive thing
in our lives. This takes away a lot of the
fear and negativity. I must say that one
of the greatest things about this recent
change for me has been this gym. It isn't
just the classes and the facility - all topnotch - but to be able to come to a
place where you are made to feel so
welcome has been wonderful. The
people. The energy. It's as though I've
been a member for years instead of
When something like this happens, it's
truly incredible. I was really pleased to
have connected so quickly with Corinne.
I know I'm exactly where I should be at
this point in life, primarily because of all
the positives I've encountered. When we
are receptive to change, we can really
be surprised by how positive it all ends
up being.
PS: Apart from the people and the vibe the environment here at Fitness
Incentive, what else have you been
enjoying? What kinds of thing have you
been doing?
MS: Lots of Spinning, the ellipticals, and
free weights so far…I've wanted to get
into more classes - Corinne's class; some
Step and some Jump & Drill - but recent
foot surgery means I'm still being a little
careful there. I've also got an eye on a
stretching class and Pilates. I enjoy the
Café and I love Incentives! I've already
had my nails done and visited the
chiropractor. I'm telling all my friends
about this club…it's so complete and so
perfect! People bring their kids, and
hold the door for you. They strike up
PS: We spoke earlier of gratification. Is
there something - some achievement,
say - that you draw special satisfaction
MS: Well, my children are first and
foremost. Both are in college and they
are truly my pride and joy.
Professionally, I'd have to say it's
probably the publication of The Home
Organizing Workbook, my first book. It
was so cool. I'd wanted to write a book
but hadn't really devoted a lot of energy
to it. I'd been receiving so much
continued on page 28
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
T i p s & Tr i c k s
By Amy Llinas Lynch, CPT
Emotional Rollercoaster
The FI Way to Cope With the Holidays
body will thank you.
For example, when you are angry, why
not go to the gym and have an intense
uphill battle on the treadmill? The
outcome will be a much more
profitable one than arguing with a
Feeling overwhelmed by finances,
clutter, or a hectic schedule, why not
try a yoga class? Yoga will help quiet
and calm the mind that can often run
rampant with constant "to do lists".
Experiencing the peaceful environment
he holidays are a time of laughter,
fun and good cheer. They are also a
period of reflection and
remembrance, which is prime time for
emotional wounds and losses to
resurface. The holiday season is the time
of year when many people find
themselves reflecting on the past, and
let's face it, the past can drudge up all
sorts of emotions and feelings both
positive and negative.
What are emotions? Emotions are
subjective experiences, most commonly
associated with mood, temperament,
personality, and disposition. They are
powerful sources of energy found within
our minds yet sometimes they become
locked within our bodies. Often times,
personal stressors such as; the loss of a
loved one, financial turmoil, a demanding
career, marital problems, or any other
such life changing event can send our
emotions into overdrive. When we do not
adequately deal with these feelings,
where do they go? These emotions or
feelings become an even deeper part of
us by burying themselves within the
tissues of our bodies. The question is,
"how do we get rid of or appropriately
deal with these unwanted emotional
One of the best ways to alleviate the
everyday stressors in life is to "work out"
your emotions. Working out your
emotions ensues a productive way to
maintain a consistent exercise regimen.
The outcome will be both positive and
beneficial to your health. Your mind and
“When you’re angry, why
not go to the gym and have
an intense uphill battle on
the treadmill? The outcome
will be a much more
profitable one than arguing
with a spouse.”
created in a yoga class will help soothe
and calm the mind. In turn, allowing
mental clarity and sharpness on a day
to day basis.
Sad, depressed, emotionally drained,
or exhausted? Grab your iPod and
create a playlist of your favorites.
Crank up your tunes, isolate yourself,
and focus on the source of your pain.
Start out with a nice warm up on the
treadmill, and follow up by pumping a
little iron. Breathe deeply and use
slow controlled movements allowing
the sadness and exhaustion to dissipate
from your body.
Gripped by fear and anxiety, ride it out
in a spin class! Anxiousness is fueled by
idle energy. Use that anxiety to push
those pedals on the spin bike, and don't
worry you won't miss the extra calories
you burn while doing so.
Needing guidance or having trouble
making decisions? Hire a personal
trainer to guide you through workout
regimens and to assist you in making
health conscious meal choices. Hiring a
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
personal trainer will create a stable and
consistent learning environment as well
as promote structure and balance for
your overall well-being.
If you are happy and you know it, JUMP
into an aerobics class. Not only will you
increase the energy level in the class, but
your happiness will be infectious to
others! The extra boost of endorphins
will have you leaving class feeling
happier than ever!
Come join us at Fitness Incentive and
work through each and every emotion.
Whether you are angry, overwhelmed,
sad, depressed, anxious, indecisive, or
just happy and full of excitement, we
have a little something for everyone.
Overcome your emotions by taking a step
in a positive direction. Walk, run,
meditate, spin, train, or jump into
fitness! From aerobics classes to personal
trainers, there's something for everyone
here at Fitness Incentive! Allow the
holiday season to add something
beneficial to your life - fitness! - making
this holiday season a memory to reflect
upon and think of all year long.
Happy Holidays!
Amy Llinas Lynch, CPT is an Ultra Fit trainer
at FI (and a new Mom!) Questions?
contact her at:
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
by Monica
T h e r a p i s t ’s C o
r nJones
by TJ Golub, PT
Keep Breathing
Asthma Can Make the Holidays a Challenge
the chimney before your first holiday
fire, and make sure the fireplace flue
and vents work properly. Allow logs to
dry out in an enclosed place before
burning to reduce some of the irritants.
he holidays are here again and you
can just smell the Yuletide log
burning, the holiday feast roasting,
and the crisp chill of that winter air. But
not everyone finds peace in this
seemingly perfect winter scene; it's full of
potential asthma triggers that could
cause a flare-up of symptoms or an
attack. This article will offer some
valuable tips about how to reduce
triggers and maintain asthma control so
the whole family can have a happy,
healthy holiday season.
Winter Weather
Walking in a winter wonderland might not
be so delightful for people with asthma
because cold winds and harsh weather
can be especially hard on your lungs.
Warm and humidify the chilly air before
you breathe it in by wearing a scarf or ski
mask. If it's still difficult to breathe, you
can buy a warming mask at most medical
supply stores.
If you're working, playing, or exercising
outside in the cold, your health care
provider may advise you to use
preventative medications 15 to 30
minutes before heading outside, to lessen
the chance of an attack. It's crucial with
the extra stress of holiday weather and
festivities to stick to your asthma action
plan, and consult a physician if you're still
experiencing flare-ups.
Cozying up to the fireplace may seem to
give you some relief from the bite of the
winter air, but keep your distance
because particles and gases from the fire
can cause more difficult breathing. Clean
“Deck the halls with care
and caution because holiday
trees, wreaths, and seasonal
plants can harbor dust and
mold, which are major
asthma triggers.”
Holiday Decorations
Deck the halls with
care and caution
because holiday
trees, wreaths, and
seasonal plants can
harbor dust and
mold, which are
major asthma
triggers. Make sure
to dry out live trees
in an enclosed porch
or garage before
bringing them inside
and decorating. Ask
if the tree retailer
has a shaking
machine, which
physically can
remove some
allergens. If you're
using an artificial
tree this year, clean
it outside before
decorating to
remove any
accumulated dust
and mold from
Clean and dry all
decorations before
and after use. Use
metal, plastic, and
glass ornaments that
can't trap dust
mites, and wash old,
fabric decorations in hot, soapy water
before using. Use artificial snow sprays
with caution as they can irritate your
lungs if you inhale them. Seal all
decorations in plastic bags, and store
them in tightly sealed containers to avoid
collecting dust, mold, or other irritants.
Gathering with family and friends around
the holidays can be more frustrating than
fun for some people with asthma because
of all the triggers and irritants
entertaining can produce. But just
changing a few things around the house
can make these get-togethers less
stressful on you and your lungs. When
cooking or baking, use kitchen fans and
vents to remove strong fumes and
moisture. Also limit scented candles,
potpourri, and air fresheners with strong
odors that can aggravate asthma
symptoms. If you're going to someone
else's house, be prepared for possible
reactions to unfamiliar elements such as
pets, perfumes, and smoke.
When making your list to prepare for the
holidays, don't forget to add your
medications, delivery devices, and
written action plan. Keeping control of
your asthma could be the most important
gift you give yourself this year.
TJ Golub is a Physical Therapist, FI member, and consultant
to the FI Personal Training program. He is the owner
of Absolute Best Care Physical Therapy in Babylon.
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Professional Organizer
M i n d B o d y & Sby Monica
p iJones
continued from page 6
! Do retain a certified, qualified
Pilates trainer to work with.
! Do obtain permission and medical
systems get a balance workout. Pilates
allows overused muscles to disengage so
they can rest while weaker, less used
muscles are engaged and strengthened,
allowing them to share the stress of
movement and playing the role they were
meant to in the process.
Pilates is unique and unlike most exercise
programs. Most exercise programs will
focus on “problem areas”. Pilates
workouts incorporate movement of the
whole person. Pilates treats the mind and
body as a whole. This notion extends
beyond the body, to the mind and
emotions as well. Without this
connection, one can not engage the
intense focus needed to achieve the
precision of movement necessary to
perform the Pilates exercises efficiently.
As a Pilates practitioner, you must be
keenly aware of the positioning and
communication of many muscles during
any single movement. This heightens your
concentration and your ability to be “in
the moment”. Trust me, for this reason
(yet, not this reason alone), Pilates is
never boring.
As you improve the precision of
movement, you learn to achieve the ease,
fluidity and beauty of proper motion. This
ease and beauty of movement can give
you a sense of accomplishment and
satisfaction. So not only will the precision
of movement you acquire and the muscle
communication improve your physical
body, it can improve your self-esteem and
your sense of self-acceptance. Holistically
creating a mind-body connection will take
you to a healthier place all-together,
helping you combat not only the physical
detriments of chronic pain, but the
emotional as well.
clearance from your surgeon, therapist
or health care provider.
! Do stop if you experience pain,
shortness of breath, faintness,
dizziness, palpitations, or a rapid pulse
when resting.
! Do work on a slip resistant mat.
! Do wear comfortable clothing
(similar to Yoga attire).
! Do be sure to drink plenty of water
throughout and after your workout.
! Do remember that with Pilates, less
is more. You are aiming for quality, as
opposed to quantity, of movement.
! Don't exercise just after eating a
large meal.
There are more than three
hundred muscles enabling
your trunk and limbs to move.
Faulty movement and/or
poor coordination can lead to
spasms, strain, pulls
(small ruptures) or tears.
! Don't ever change exercises
midstream. Completely finish one
before the beginning another.
! Do listen to the verbal cues of your
! Don't exercise if you have taken
medication that makes you sleepy or
makes you unaware of your pain.
! Do practice two or three times
weekly or more often.
! Do remember especially if you are
injured to work closely with your
certified Pilates trainer.
Fitness Incentive offers a
comprehensive Pilates program. Our
certified, qualified Pilates trainers are
here to answer your questions and
guide you to the most appropriate
Pilates regimen for you!
Christmas gift certificates are
available! Ask for one in your stocking
and get on the road away from chronic
pain and to optimal health!
For latest event schedule, check
Body Age
Find out your Body Age and how to reduce it:
Body Age Assessment and Body Age Training
are now available at FI. Stop by the front desk
for more information. Non-members welcome.
Eat Smart
by Rachel Sergeant, RD By Appointment only.
Call 587-5766 or stop by the desk.
by Jim Cordova, Amy Llinas & TJ Lynch.
Physique transformation administered by
world-class trainers. Free consultation. Call
for an appointment: 631-587-5766.
Pilates Reformer
By Dina Santa Maria
Private and small group classes available.
Open to non-members. Stop by the desk or
Anatomy and Physiology 101
December 6th, 12pm-2pm...$35, and...
Restorative Yoga
with Angela and Lisa
December 6th, 2:30-5pm ...$45. Both for $70.
Men’s Night @ Incentive’s Spa
December 10th. 7pm. Holiday open house with
refreshments and an informative health
discussion about men’s health issues.
No Charge! Call 631-893-3490 to register.
Mixed Martial Arts
by Jim Cordova
New session starts the first week in January.
Limited enrollment. Call today to reserve. $175
for 8 class session.
Hot Fusion Yoga
by Liz Romano & Karen Britton
starting January 6th
Wed. 9:00am, Thurs. 6:30pm
Members: $12 per class. 10 for $100
Non-Members: $15 per class. 10 for $130
Raja Yoga-The King of Yoga
with Angela and Lisa
This workshop will delve deep into the Yoga
Sutras that apply to The 8 limbed path of
Classical Ashtanga Yoga.
January 10th, 12:00-3:30...$50.
Anatomy for Yoga Asana Practice
(head, neck, wrists, ankles and knees) plus...
If you are ready to try Pilates for your
injury here are some general do’s and
Yoga Asana Practice
Dina Santa Maria is a certified Yoga & Pilates Instructor.
She manages FI’s Mind & Body program.
Questions?: Contact her at
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Joint Freeing Series
January 24th, 11:30-5:30...$65
you! It happens to me all the time.
Pr o f i l e s i n F i t n e s s
Continued from page 20
supportive press. But then Chronicle
Books got in touch with me and asked me
to write the book. At the time I was
barely computer-literate and hadn't
written muchno English major, certainly. I
had all the material in mind, though, and
after about 9 months, I completed the
manuscript. The final product really
turned out beautifully, and
the first time I saw it on the
bookshelf at Barnes and
Noble, I cried.
PS: Any closing thoughts?
MS: Well I'd really like to say
that I'm so grateful to be
here at Fitness Incentive
and “thank you” to
everyone for being so nice
and welcoming.
In a general sense, perhaps
I'd say that I think it's
important for people to look
at their lives and change
what's not working for them.
What's not feeding you?
What's not good? What's not
making it happen for you?
Identify it and change it. me
Either labor to make these things work,
or let them go. These things, when we
simply yield to them or shrug and
accept them, are nothing more or less
than clutter, and clutter is negativity.
Once dealt withcleaned up, organized,
or released, space is made for other,
better things. And they will come to t
Meryl’s books:
“The Personal Organizing Workbook”
and “The Home Organizing Workbook”
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
Meryl Starr is a best-selling author
whose books have been published in
multiple languages and whose articles
have appeared in many popular
magazines, including Fitness, Shape, In
Style, Smart Money, and Women's Day.
Learn more about Meryl at her website: She can be
reached via e-mail at, and by phone at
Of course, you
may just bump
into her right here
at Fitness
Paul Smith manages Marketing
for Fitness Incentive, and is responsible for all the
signs you see around the gym.
He’s a regular contributor to these pages.
Silvana performing a squat on the Smith Machine
Silvana executes the standing dumbbell push press.
and thigh muscles. Perform 3-4 sets of 812 repetitions.
Primary: Front Deltoids; Side Deltoids
Secondary: Triceps, Quadriceps, Glutes,
Core Group
Cable Row: Choose a cable attachment
that is designed to place your hands in the
neutral position within shoulder-width
vicinity or a bit narrower and clip it onto a
low row machine. Sit down on the bench,
grab the handle, and straighten the legs
while keeping a slight bend in the knees.
Pull the bar toward the mid-abdominal
area as you retract the shoulders back,
using very light momentum from the legs
and lower back just to initiate the lift.
Bring the handle back to the starting
position using strict control and repeat.
(Tip: Change up your grip-style to subject
the muscles to unique tension patterns
and movement pathways. Likewise,
incorporate the barbell, dumbbell, Smith
and Hammer Strength machine variations
into your routine to ensure continual
Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
Silvana on the cable row station
continued from page 12
Primary: Lats; Traps; Rear Deltoids
Secondary: Biceps; Forearms,
Hamstrings, Erectors
Pull-up: Place your knees on the
Gravitron and place your hands on the
overhead bars. Using a pronated
(overhand) grip, space the hands out a
few inches wider than shoulder width
apart. Arch the back and tilt the head
back slightly. Focus on keeping the
arms a bit in front of the body as you
pull yourself up until your chin
approaches the bar. Lower yourself
with control until the arms are almost
fully extended and repeat. (Tip: Switch
up your hand spacing and incorporate
various grip-styles on occasion to
stimulate the lats from multiple angles.
Perform overhead movements using the
Hammer Strength and lat pulldown to
interchange tension patterns.)
Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
Primary: Lats
Silvana demonstrates the pull-up on the Gravitron
Secondary: Biceps; Forearms; Trapezius
Squat: Place a free-weight barbell over
the traps (not the neck!). Roll the bar
back slightly to distribute the weight
properly, reduce stress to the knees
and lower back, and to enhance
tension on the quads. Place your hands
in a comfortable position to support
the bar throughout the movement. Lift
the bar off of the rack, step backward
carefully, and then position the feet
within shoulder-width vicinity. Be sure
to angle the toes outward and allow
the legs to flare out so that they move
in the same direction as the toes (never
keep the toes straight as your knees
angle in a different direction on any
lower body pressing movement!). While
keeping the back straight, slowly
descend until the upper legs are nearparallel to the ground or just slightly
below. Explode upward to near-lockout
and repeat. Your back should not bend
below a 45-degree angle and your
knees should never extend out past
your toes. (Tip: Use dumbbells, a ball
squat, or Smith Machine squat variation
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
until you build
enough strength
to perform this
exercise using a
Perform 3-4 sets
of 8-12
Primary: Quads;
Hamstrings; Core
Deadlift: This is
arguably the most
exercise that you
can do since it
strengthens the
muscles that
support the spine! Place a barbell on the
ground and grab it at approximately
shoulder width. Pull it off of the rack and
stand upright, angling the toes out and
placing the heels at shoulder-width. Bend
the knees slightly and as you lower the
weight back to the ground. To place more
emphasis on the hamstrings, begin by
standing upright with a very slight bend
in the knees. Keep the bar close to the
legs to assist in pushing the hips back
when lowering the weight. Thrust the
hips forward on the ascent. Focus on
keeping your back straight throughout
the lift, though a slight arch is natural.
The arms should remain straight
throughout the lift on both variations.
(Tip: Perform this movement using
dumbbells, kettlebells, or the trap bar to
add more
emphasis to the
upper back and
reduce stress
to the lower
back. Use the
machine to
build up
strength and
learn the form
basics before
using any style
of free-weight
Perform 3-4
sets of 8-12
Primary: Spinal
Glutes; Lats;
Silvana does the deadlifts on
the Nebula Deadlift/Shrug machine
Jim Cordova Certified Personal Trainer and one of the
Ultra-Fit trainers at FI. Jim is a world-ranked drug-free
bodybuilder, and the reigning WNBF Pro Mr. Universe,
Mr. America, and World Champion.
Questions? Email him at
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Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
@ FI
month we rolled out two new online
options - Fitness Incentive on Facebook
and a new “Blackberry friendly” version
of our online schedule. The schedule can
be accessed through this link:
ed.html. Make sure you have HTML tables
enabled on your device. (This setting is
typically found under your browser
options.) As for Facebook, log on and
become a fan of Fitness Incentive! It’s that
simple. We’ve already been posting info
about programs, holiday hours, contest
results and much more. It’s a great way to
stay connected - check it out!
The Gift that Always Fits
Now there’s a cliche I cannot resist. “Give
the gift that always fits.” Actually it’s a
pun, too, which just makes me love it even
more. Which is just another way of saying
that it’s that special time of the year
again...the Holidays are upon us. Whether
that thought makes you want to dance in
the snow or crawl up in bed until it’s all
over, FI makes your holiday shopping a
breeze. Not many stores offer a product
that is always in stock - even at 3pm on
Xmas eve (you know who you are!), that
always fits (not that again!), and is sure to
please. And is there any other gift that’s
better at showing a person how much you
really care about them? Whether it’s a gift
membership, personal training, Body Age,
Eat Smart, Zumba, Mixed Martial Arts,
Jump & Drill, Pilates Reformer
training...whatever they love, crave or
simply need, we have it. And we have a
gift card to put it on.
Fitness Incentive has also geared up for
the holidays with a lot of fun gift ideas for
the special people in your life, be they
gym rats, spinners, runners, teachers and
even your loveable couch potatoes. We
have gifts for every budget ranging from
$10.00 and up - we've wrapped them for
you! Here are some great gift ideas to
make your holiday shopping simple:
! FI Logo Tanks and Roll Down Pants for
your fitness enthusiast
! Cozy Long Sleeve Tees & Sweatshirts
! Men's Workout Shorts & Athletic Tees
! Adorable FI “onesie” for your baby gifts
! Coffee Mug with a $5.00 Café Gift Card
(great teacher gift)
! Travel Mug with 5 free refills
! Polar Heart Rate Monitors starting at
! Runners Headbands, Spin Seats, Yoga
! Sneakers ranging from $55.00 and up
And more…
We also have a full selection of fashion and
exercise wear in our Secretly Chic
by Monica Jones
Boutique. Our personal shoppers, Janet
and Laurie, would be happy to help you
select the perfect holiday gift. Just
stop by the front desk to inquire about
setting up an appointment.
Manly Wear for Manly Men
Up until recently, the boutique has
been pretty much a woman’s place at
FI. Unless you were a man who was
exceptionally in touch with his
feminine side, about the only thing we
sold that might interest you was
sneakers. But now, in response to
popular demand, Fitness Incentive has
introduced it’s own FI-logo brand shorts
and technical tops for men. These are
manly shorts and tops that any man
would be proud to wear. Especially if
you happened to have forgotten yours.
Fear not - we have you covered literally.
More Affordable Options...
Speaking of popular demand, we’ve
also introduce more affordable options
in both sneakers (now starting at just
$55) and Heart Rate Monitors (starting
at about $60), thus saving you an extra
trip to Bob’s or shipping from Amazon.
Two more reasons to shop at FI.
Hot Yoga. Perfect for Cold January.
After a bit of a false start last summer
(I know - who starts their Hot Yoga
program in July? Oh well...) we’re
happy to announce that our own
“house brand” of Hot Yoga - “Hot
Fusion” - will begin this January, just in
time for post-holiday de-toxing and destressing. Prepare to perspire! This is a
limited enrollment program that will be
open to members and non-members.
Members: $12.00 per class or 10 classes
for $100.00 Non-Members: $15.00 per
class or 10 classes for $130.00. Watch
the signs for the exact days and times.
Call or stop by the desk to register.
Machine Demonstrations
With all the new machines that have
come on board in the past few weeks
and months, it can be hard to keep up.
TJ is here to help. Not only is he giving
free demos on the new equipment
(check the signs at the gym and our
Facebook site for days and times), he’s
agreed to demonstrate some of the
features of one our favorite new
machines, the Flex biceps curl. Unlike
the machine it replaced, the Flex
station has a pivoting handle. This
allows for greater diversity of
movement. This in turn allows you to
Holidays 2009 FIT to Print
target the biceps from
different angles.
As TJ demonstrates:
Figure 1: Standard two
handed curls with your palms
up for
& Chris
get overall
development. If you want
more inner biceps
development you can also
supinate your wrist slightly so
that your palms turn upward
then out ward, the little
finger higher than the thumb
at the top.
Figure 2: You can also use a
hammer curl grip with your
palms facing inward engaging
the brachialis muscle which is
the muscle on the outer arm
the is between the triceps &
biceps. With the hammer grip
you would be training your
forearms as well as your
biceps giving your arms a
better overall appearance.
Figure 3: Another option is to
take a reverse grip grasping
the handles with your palms
facing down recruiting more
of the extensor muscles,
creating more forearm
Figure 4: The last variation is
one arm at a time, using any
of the desired hand positions.
When performing one arm at
a time you can put full
concentration on the working
For even more tips, attend one of his
live demos. They’re an education!
Keep Your Calendar Open...
Jim Cordova is at it again. FI’s innovatorin-chief is working with us to develop
amateur Figure and Fitness competitions
at FI this coming spring. The exact
details are being worked out as we go to
press, so stay tuned for the official
announcement, or speak to one of the
Ultra-Fit trainers. It promises to be
another exciting event!
The Picture of Beauty
There are several amazing photos in this
issue, in particular the cover shot, and
the fashion shots of Janet & Cathy on
page 14. They were graciously provided
by Susan Eckert of LI Art Photograhpy
(see her ad on page 26). The hair and
make-up for all of our fashion models
was also generously provided by Karen &
Teresa, respectively, of Incentives Spa.
Jewelry provided by Donna Walsh (and
available at FI)
Happy Holidays!
From all of us at Fitness Incentive!
To Print
The official newsletter of
Fitness Incentive
157 Deer Park Ave., Babylon NY 11702