Saturday July 21, 2012


Saturday July 21, 2012
December 21, 2012
September 9, 2012
Disclaimer: This work is entirely science fiction
Cover: “duality” by ~thothflashpan
Friday December 21, 2012 11:11:11
FUNday September 9, 2012 13:23:69
Life is too much fun!
I can’t sit and wait for December 21, 2012 to happen so here it is.
Closing comments:
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the
world, are the ones who do”
- ‘Think Different’ commercial from Apple Computer in 1997.
Today I release a new book.
It’s an e-book (PDF). It’s free. And it’s all yours.
- And if you like what you read please share it with people around
Without further ado, let me present you:
The Mayan Calendar: Dr. Calleman Was Right.
The Mayan Calendar II: Divine Comedy
The Mayan Calendar III: Return of the Avatars
The Mayan Calendar IV: The Dark Side Rises
On for a ride?
Fox News Xmas Card Shows Their Viewers as Sheep
Something is not right
South Park episode 8, aired October 5, 2011.
If you have ‘the eyes to see and the ears to hear’ you will notice
that episode 8 is about mind control – and how human beings are
mind controlled. What happens is that one of the characters, Stan,
suddenly perceive everything that comes out of the radio, tv, the
news, movies in the cinema - as literally shit (symbolic for bullshit).
Even what comes out of the mouths of his best buddies are shit.
Everything in his world is suddenly made of shit
(symbolic meaning: Stan has unplugged from the Matrix).
Stan: “I just want everything to go back to the way it was.”
Morpheus-look-a-like: “You have broken through their reality
and they don’t like it. Others deserve to know the truth! You see
everything as shit, don’t you? Where the people see fun movies and
hear cool music all you see and hear is shit, am I right?”
Morpheus-look-a-like: ”Stan, you have to convince people they are
living in a world of illusion. We are sending you back in!”
Manufacturing your reality
How would it look like if one force owned and controlled the
mainstream media in the USA?
Like this?
Would you be surprised if the biggest mainstream media in the
world are owned and controlled by the same force?
Would this be an example of how it looks like if the same force
controls the biggest mainstream media in the world, so ALL
mainstream media follow along and report the version of history
the force wants?
Are human beings afraid of being ridiculed?
So in a minority of one we follow along like sheep?
Get Your Crazy On
Here is a headline from the Daily Mail on April 12, 2012:
"Welcome to our new lizard overlords: Study suggests alien worlds
could be full of super-intelligent dinosaurs"
Let's play with this 'crazy' study.
How would you feel if our lizard friends are already here?
How would you feel if English is invented by and is the main
language of our lizard friends?
How would you feel if English is correctly pronounced 'in lizzzz'?
To the Mayans writing was considered as a gift of the gods.
The ancient Egyptians believed that writing was invented by the
In Chinese mythology the god-king Fu Xi - part lizard, part human
- is reputed to be the inventor of writing.
Here is Credo Mutwa, South African Elder, Sanusi in the Zulu
Nation, The carrier, the keeper of the ancient knowledge, including
the ancient knowledge of the history of Africa:
”…And these were the people, Sir, who first told me about a race
of highly intelligent beings which they called the Chitauri – the
talkers - a race of creatures which looked like reptiles, who had
ruled the world for hundreds, if not thousands of years…”
(from David Icke’s interview “The Reptilian Agenda” with Credo
What you are about to read may transform the way vast numbers of
people see themselves and the world – and it could not have been
published at a more pivotal moment in known human history.
- December 21, 2012
- September 9, 2012 haha :-)
The Mayan Calendar:
Dr. Calleman Was Right.
Sunday night October 2, 2011
Patterns are getting more and more clear. This is crazy.
Something else just strikes me. For me to CONSCIOUSLY
co-create with Dr. Calleman, I have to wait till October 28, 2011 to
post this on the forum.
I can’t wait that long!?
Patience my young Padawan.
Writing this post has been the craziest experience in my entire life.
This post is dedicated to Dr. Calleman, Ian Xel Lungold, David
Icke, Credo Mutwa, Michael Talbot, Arizona Wilder, Jonathan aka.
‘adampants’ and all members of the david icke forum.
(Please don’t make any replies to this thread, before I have posted
all pages. This is a giant post.)
About a month ago I got this idea to create a free open-source
magazine in a thread I would call “New Dots Connected” – only
on the david icke forum - as an introduction to new members and
visitors on the forum where they could start their journey and
leap frog the information, so they didn’t have to spend months of
research by themselves.
We would help them along nicely in the beginning - just like a child
getting help to ride a bicycle for the first time with the help from the
father or the mother.
I started to write the first article and I ended up connecting so many
new dots that I now have written page after page after page.
Now, just like David Icke needs time to explain all the dots to give
us his full picture of the elephant in the room, so do I need time to
explain all the new dots and how they are related.
I recommend that you print it all out, sit back in your favorite most
comfortable chair, keep an open mind and read this post carefully.
I will occasionally bump this thread today October 28, 2011 in the
celebration of Dr. Calleman and to let new visitors read the thread
as well.
Now, do you want to join me on a journey deep down the rabbithole?
The first article I began to write for “New Dots Connected” I named
“Secrets about your mind that nobody taught you in school”
– And here the story begins.
Friday 30 September, 2011
Secrets about your mind that nobody taught you in school
Let’s talk about the brain/mind.
What nobody is taught in school is how the mind works.
One important thing to know is that the mind is a tool. Your mind
is a tool. Just like a computer is a tool. So is your mind. A carpenter
uses his hammer as a tool – but he is not the hammer.
You are not your mind. Your mind is just a tool – and an amazing
And we’ve got this amazing tool but nobody tells us how it works.
Here is the secret. The mind works by connecting dots into patterns
(pattern recognition).
Let’s take a basic example: A brick, following another brick,
following another brick and so on… can connect into a pattern we
call ‘house’. Every brick is a dot and the mind connects the bricks
(dots) into a pattern we call ‘house’ (sure we can argue the details
regarding windows and doors as a part of the house, but stay with
me here)
A house following another house following another house and so
on… if we connect those dots we get a pattern we call ‘neighborhood’.
Then we have a pattern of neighborhoods which can be described
with the word ‘village’.
Then we have a pattern of villages which can be described with the
word ‘town’.
(We can also go the other way and make the dots smaller and
smaller, e.g. a brick is a pattern of burned lump of clay. Lump of
clay is a pattern of fine-grained clay minerals. A mineral is made of
chemical compounds, which is made of molecules, which is made
of atoms. Everything in our reality is made up of atoms.)
The mind works by connecting dots into patterns and then the
pattern itself becomes a new bigger dot (no, I’m not a graphic
designer haha):
You can supercharge your mind by asking yourself questions and
your mind will start to explore and search for the answer.
E.g. maybe there is a certain topic that you would love to explore
further and after some research on the internet you begin to
connect some of the information (the dots) you have collected.
And you start to get a feel for how they are related to each other,
which become an understanding (a bigger dot). And then you post
your dots and your understanding of how the dots are connected
on the forum and share that pattern of dots with the rest of us,
which gives us something to explore further or put on the back
Now when I think about it… wow a new pattern just took form in
my mind… I get this picture in my mind now of this row of brains.
Brain after brain after brain - a pattern of brains – side by side – and
there is a wire going from every brain into a bigger brain – like all
the brains are connected into one big brain – like a supermind.
That is what we are doing by using the internet and a forum like We are actually combining our minds collectively
into a supermind by using the internet. We are one collective
supermind. Everyone is ‘uploading’ their understanding to the
supermind by posting online. We use ‘hubs’/gathering points like to upload to the collective supermind.
What is more is that we are collectively starting to understand the
‘narrative’ of the globalists/Rothschild Zionists desperate attempt
to set up a New World Order in their favor, how they try to carry it
out on a daily basis and the methods they use. Not only are all of us
in this field starting to collectively block their attempts to continue
their narrative, we are starting to create our own collective version
of what we see as the truth – OUR collective narrative you can say.
We are actually
My mind just got blank. I don’t know what to write….
Holy shit…now the Mayan calendar, Calleman and conscious
co-creation just appears in my mind. That is what we are doing.
Consciously co-creating.
Or you can say now I’m CONSCIOUS of it.
Wow. I need a break.
I’m sure most of us have had this feeling for the last few weeks – we
just haven’t put a label on it. We were co-creating and now we are
CONSCIOUSLY co-creating. What does that mean? I need a break.
I’m just sitting here and my mind is blank again haha. I need to take
a walk.
I’m back. It is Friday night September 30, 2011. The first thought
that came to my mind when I walked outside was “Calleman
calculated wrong one month” haha. I can’t believe it. This is unreal.
The Mayan calendar is for real!
I need to keep an open mind. I need to take a closer look at the Mayan
calendar. There has got to be something we have all overlooked.
I remember the words of Ian Xel Lungold in his brilliant
presentation of the Mayan calendar where he said: “We are on a
schedule” – those words stuck with me when I saw the videos for
the first time.
I need to sleep on this.
Saturday October 1, 2011
Two hours have passed since I woke up, and I have written so many
notes. Dots are connecting all over the place.
I feel like my mind wants to calculate and explore more dots before
I try to put this all together.
I haven’t looked that much into the Mayan calendar before. I didn’t
really believe it. Note to self: Remember to keep an open mind.
Google is your friend (well not really, it’s more like a global spying
network.. we all know that.. again, a collective understanding of
OUR ‘narrative’).
The Mayans were worshipping the “feathered serpent”.
“The calendar had to be consulted through the priests before
engaging in any activity whether it was farming, warfare, religion
or commerce”.
So the power structure was “feathered serpent” on top, then the
priests and then people like you and me.
I’m going to see a bit more video with Ian Xel Lungold.
I can’t believe this… I just saw the video “Ian Xel Lungold - Mayan
Calendar Comes North - 7 of 16” on youtube where he is talking
about the national cycle. New patterns are forming in my mind now.
I’m just writing everything down on paper that comes to my mind.
This is going to take me days to get all my notes straight.
Sunday night October 2, 2011
Patterns are getting more and more clear. This is crazy.
Something else just strikes me. For me to CONSCIOUSLY
co-create with Dr. Calleman, I have to wait till October 28, 2011 to
post this on the forum.
I can’t wait that long!?
Patience my young Padawan.
Monday October 3, 2011
Let me show you the new dots and patterns I have connected so far
(as we go along, remember to keep an open mind and make of it
what you will):
Dot 1:
Going back to Ian Xel Lungold’s video (7 of 16).
He describes the national cycle starting 3115 BC: “…right on this
line (the starting point of the national cycle) is when king Minos
(Royal bloodline) of the upper and lower Nile cultures married the
two cultures into the first nation called Egypt (...) And if you study
the Hebrew bible, this 3115 BC date is awfully close to when the
Hebrew bible states Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden
of Eden…“
These two events are reported to happen at the same time in history.
The rise of the royal bloodlines with the consolidation of power
into the first nation state, Egypt and the symbol of mankind being
thrown out of Garden of Eden, when seduced by a serpent to eat
the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.
Just when I heard those words from Ian Xel Lungold my mind had
an instant aha- moment. Like two never-to-meet-before dots just
So the starting point of the national cycle symbolizes the date
where the Royal bloodlines consolidated their power into the first
nation state, Egypt.
How did the royal bloodlines seduce mankind in the first place, so
that the royal bloodlines gained power over man?
At the same time Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden
of Eden. Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent to eat the
forbidden fruit, an apple, from the Tree of Knowledge and were
thrown out of Garden of Eden by God for doing so.
Could this scene in the Garden of Eden be the royal bloodlines’
symbol of how they gained power over mankind in the first place?
Dot 2:
The Mayans also had a so-called Long Count calendar, which only
focus on the last 5125 years of the Mayan calendar.
The Long Count calendar is a count of days since a mythological
starting-point that corresponds to August 11, 3114 BC and the
ending-point is October 28, 2011.
The Mayan Long Count calendar was widely used on monuments.
So this starting point around 3115 BC is very important. They
believed it to be a mythological starting-point.
Dot 3:
King Minos consolidated the Royal bloodlines’ power into the first
nation state, Egypt around 3115 BC.
What did the Royal bloodlines do to gain power in the first place?
What else happened in history around 3115 BC in the Middle East
and in the area around Egypt?
Professor James DeMeo writes in his book, Saharasia (Hidden
Mysteries, Texas, 2000) of vast changes in the Middle East: "A massive
climate change shook the ancient world, when approximately 6,000
years ago vast areas of lush grassland and forest in the Old World
began to quickly dry out and convert into harsh desert. The vast
Sahara Desert, Arabian Desert, and the giant deserts of the Middle
East and Central Asia simply did not exist prior to (about) 4000
In other words a massive climate change shook the Middle East
around 4000 BC where areas of lush grassland and forest began to
quickly dry out and convert into harsh desert.
If we look at the Mayan calendar we can see that agriculture was
invented as the end result of the regional cycle – the cycle just prior
to the national cycle that began in 3115 BC.
So from grassland to desert. No food anymore. But here comes
the serpent and his royal bloodlines and help out by offering the
knowledge of agriculture? (Problem-Reaction-Solution?)
Could the apple from the Tree of Knowledge in Garden of Eden be
a symbol of the knowledge of agriculture?
Were the tribe elders desperately looking for a solution after the
rapid climate change, and did they have no other choice that to
receive the knowledge of agriculture when it was offered to them by
the serpent and his Royal bloodlines?
With the price of submitting to and worshipping the serpent?
Or was the knowledge of agriculture taught to the few to divide the
Could the apple be a symbol of greed, money and power over the
rest of the tribe?
Like a short cut, like a pill, to gain knowledge and power over other
Offered as a bait to have the tribe elders on ‘the Serpent’s team’?
But to deliberately cause climate change – you would have to know
advanced weather control technology?
But that would be impossible?
Well, the Mayan Calendar is real so I need to keep an open mind, I
mean, how could Dr. Calleman know, by interpreting the calendar,
that the human beings would start to consciously co-create 28
October 2011?
On a side note:
Could each and every one of us be symbolize by a Tree of Knowledge.
Where we don’t steal each other’s fruits, but instead learn from each
other and get inspired by each other and make our roots stronger
together beneath the surface?
Are we all one big forest?
Dot 4:
The Egyptians were worshipping the Serpent/Cobra goddess
Wadjet (‘the green one’). Legend has it that Wadjet was the daughter
of Atum, the first god of the Universe. He created her as his eye.
Wadjet is also known as Eye of the Moon, which later became the
Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra.
The so-called ‘Going Forth of Wadjet’ was celebrated on December
25 with chants and songs (today we celebrate Christmas around this
date). Also an annual festival celebrated Wadjet on April 21 (today
we celebrate Easter around this date).
Wadjet was in other words a powerful Serpent God that the
Egyptians worshipped.
So the power structure in Egypt around 3115 BC was: Serpent God
on top, then kings /Royal bloodlines and then the people.
This is very similar to the Mayan civilization and their power
structure which I described earlier.
Furthermore, the development of Hieroglyphic writing in Egypt
dates to 3200-3100 BC. At the same time king Minos rose to power.
When we look at the starting point of the national cycle in the
Mayan calendar at 3115 BC, this was the time where writing was
developed. To the Mayans writing was considered as a gift of the
It seems that this power structure is introduced in different regions
of the world with the same method. Like a blueprint.
Dot 5:
Even the Chinese people were worshipping a ‘feathered serpent’
called the Chinese Dragon. The dragon was also the symbol of the
Emperor of China, a symbol of his imperial power.
The presence of dragon in Chinese culture dates back to the
discovery of a dragon statue from the Yangshao culture around
5000-3000 BC.
According to Chinese traditions their civilization was founded by
Fu Xi - half human, half serpent - around 3000 BC and he is reputed
to be the inventor of agriculture – and writing (I’m not making this
up. Please look it up yourself. In fact, I urge you to. You can even do
the research as you read along).
So even in China we find the same power structure: ‘Feathered
serpent’ on top, then the Emperor/Royal bloodlines and then
the people. And when they gain power, the civilization discovers
agriculture and writing.
In other words, during the period between 5000-2000 BC – it seems
some kind of intervention happened where the Serpent became the
dominant figure in the power structure in civilizations around the
globe and at the same time the civilizations gained the knowledge
of agriculture and writing.
Dot 6:
The Great biblical flood is calculated to have occurred around 40002000 BC.
According to Professor James DeMeo (as mentioned earlier) a
massive climate change shook the Middle East around 4000 BC
where areas of lush grassland and forest began to quickly dry out
and convert into harsh desert.
Climate changes also affected Mesoamerica, including the region
of the Mayan civilization, during the Holocene Climatic Optimum
(also referred to as the Altithermal, Hypsithermal, or “Great
Warming”). Average temperatures rose as much as 4 °C and there
were corresponding decreases in annual rainfall. This brought
hotter, drier conditions to Mesoamerica that lasted until about
3000 BC.
According to Chinese legend, the land was swept by a great flood
around 3000 BC and only the founder Fu Xi and his sister Nüwa
(Again. This is not something I’m making up. Please look it up and
do your own research.)
When I connect the dots, it seems that there is a pattern here – a
common theme.
Could the power behind the intervention in the power structure
around the world also be the power behind the world wide climate
changes that happened around 4000-2000 BC?
- Climate changes that immediately were followed up by the new
power structure and the discovery of agriculture and writing.
Did the climate changes make the tribes longing for hope of change?
Was the knowledge of agriculture the solution that the Serpent and
his royal bloodlines were offering the tribes?
But in order to get the knowledge the tribes had to submit and
worship the serpent?
It seems like the serpent and his royal bloodlines used the classic
method of Problem-Reaction-Solution (credit David Icke) like
a blueprint to gain power and control in different regions of the
Tuesday October 4, 2011
Dot 7:
“This is the knowledge that only initiates normally get, but as Credo
says, the world needs to know this.”
-David Icke presenting the interview “The Reptilian Agenda” with
Credo Mutwa, The Zulu Shaman / South African Elder / Sanusi in
the Zulu Nation / The carrier, the keeper of the ancient knowledge,
including the ancient knowledge of the history of Africa - there are
only two Sanusis left in South Africa, Credo Mutwa is one.
Words spoken by Credo Mutwa:
“…And the more I learned about my people, Sir, the more I wanted
to learn, and when my initiation (…) had ended I wanted to know
more and more and more. And sometimes I had to pay a gospel
price in order to gain this knowledge…”
“…And, Sir, in some places in Southern Africa if you wanted to learn
the secrets of a certain secret society you had to do dreadful things
which I cannot repeat here. And at one time in Barotseland in the
west of what is today Zambia my teacher said: ‘look, how far are you
willing to go in order to become one of us’. I said: ‘I’m willing to go
anywhere’. He looked at me and he said: ‘Listen, educated man, we
are tired of people like you. White men come amongst us to milk
our minds and then to kill us. We want to be sure that we can trust
you’. And, wait Sir, I said: ‘Great one, I’m willing to do anything’. He
said: ‘Are you?’ I said: ‘Yes’.
And then, and then they went into a graveyard and from there they
removed the hand of a corpse, dead two days, and they brought it
and they challenged me to cook it and eat it. I did so. And these were
the people, Sir, who first told me about a race of highly intelligent
beings which they called the Chitauri – the talkers - a race of
creatures which looked like reptiles, who had ruled the world for
hundreds, if not thousands of years. Through this dreadful act I
was able to gain knowledge, which was denied to even the highest
Sangomas, because they could not, they would not, go through the
ritual I went through. This is how secret knowledge is protected in
Africa, Sir…”
“…When the Chitauri arrived in Africa, they told our people that
they were gods and that they were going to give us human beings
great gifts, on one condition. We had to worship them and accept
them as our creators. Some told our people that they were our elder
brothers and that this earth had produced them generations ago.
And they said they had come back to their green womb of their
mother and that they were going to make us into gods...”
“…The Chitauri were now the masters of human beings. They made
the human beings to go into holes in the ground. And to mine
metal. Gold, copper, tin. All kinds of metal the Chitauri forced our
people to mine…”
“…They were created in this, you see Sir, you white people say that
there are alien beings on this earth. No, you are wrong. The earth
in which we live has produced 24 different races during its long
“…I worry about people, but it’s sickening Sir, I have ruined my
live because of worrying about people. I feel that I could, I want
to shake every, to take every human being on this earth by their
shoulders, shake them roughly and say: ’Listen buster, there is
more to this earth than you think’…”
“…Please Sir, this is how a Chiaturi looks like. It stands about 11
feet high (3.35 meters). It is a very slender being which seems not
to have a bone structure… “
“…Sir, I have seen the Chiaturi. I have smelled them. I’ve had
personal experience of these. And there are people who claim
that these creatures are gods. There are people, Sir, who claim that
these creatures are experimenting on us. That is a lot of rubbish.
These creatures are harvesting us. These creatures are not aliens,
Mr. Icke, these creatures are sexually compatible with our women
and what does that tell you. It tells you that they came from here.
They are, they are, they are part of us. And this makes them all the
more dangerous. They know us very, very, very well. They know
the great weaknesses of our minds just as they know the great
strengths of our minds. They operate in what I call the grey area
of human existence. That side of our lives which we don’t want to
acknowledge the existence of…”
“…We are told, Sir, that the Chiaturi are fed on the energy that we
human beings give them. They make us to fight each other. And
when the whole land is drowning in death and fear and terror.
When hundreds and hundreds of people are angry and afraid the
Chiaturi get fed because they eat that, what we call the dark power,
which is brought about when human beings destroy the planet on
which they live.”
David Icke: “They feed off human emotion?”
“Yes Sir, very, very intense human emotion. We are told for example,
that if you see a Chiaturi walking through the bush or just standing
there and looking at you and you are accompanied by your wife or
your girlfriend you must immediately make love to that girlfriend
and release as much emotion as possible and the Chiaturi will
be pleased and will walk away from you and not harm you.
And another thing, Sir, we are told that the Chiaturi eat energy
which is generated when hundreds of human minds or one human
mind starts thinking at certain levels. We are told that the Chiaturi
want us to think at certain levels …”
“…The richer we become, the more we behave as the Chiaturi are
said to behave. Some of us, when they acquire a lot of wealth, start
consuming metals and other minerals that they really do not need,
which however, if you study the story of the Chiaturi you are told
that the Chiaturi use these minerals and metals as medicine. We are
told, Sir, that the Chiaturi, when they get sick, smear their bodies
with gold dust which gets absorbed into their skins and they become
alright. May I point out, it was once the custom of the Munhumutapa
kings of Zimbabwe, the man who build the Zimbabwe reigns, that
on certain rising of the day star the priest king would be smeared
from head to foot with gold dust and sometimes he was ritually
sacrificed on the top of the wall of the Zimbabwe fortress. And to
my amazement, when I visited South America, I found that the
ancient Mayans had exactly the same custom, where a god king was
smeared with a mixture of fat and gold dust.”
Sanusi Credo Mutwa, if you ever read this, trust me, you have not
ruined you live because of worrying about people. Because you
worry about people you are saving the human beings from further
I recommend everyone to listen to the complete interview on
youtube, when you have the time (it is almost 6 hours long).
According to the Mayan Calendar the world is never going to be the
same from October 28, 2011.
So, let me ask you this: Do you want to keep on reading? You know,
maybe there is “Dancing with the Stars” in the TV right now haha
(that would be a message for 1. time visitors on the forum haha).
By the way, I just learned right now, that today on “October 4, Apple’s
new CEO Tim Cook takes on his first big assignment, announcing
the release of the iPhone 5”. I had no clue. I’m not interested in
those things.
A dot was forming in my mind trying to connect the apple from
the Garden of Eden to the IT-communication company Apple.
I wanted to confirm that Apple is one of the biggest ITcommunication companies in the world. And lo and behold, here
is Iphone 5, in your face.
Do you think, maybe, that the royal bloodlines are still in the top of
the power structure today and laughing their asses off when people
wait in line for days to get the next new shining thing from Apple?
Would you be surprised if Apple is owned and controlled by the
royal bloodlines?
Is television, famous people and new shining things a method to
keep our minds busy and away from the truth?
Would you be surprised if the biggest banks in the world are owned
and controlled by the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if the biggest mainstream media in the
world are owned and controlled by the royal bloodlines?
Would this be an example of how it looks like if the royal bloodlines
control the biggest mainstream media, so ALL mainstream media
follow along and report the version of history the royal bloodlines
Would you be surprised if history researchers in the biggest
Universities around the world are funded and controlled by the
royal bloodlines – and suppressing alternative perspectives on
history that do not fit into the perspective of the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if the biggest oil companies in the world
are owned and controlled by the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if science has been suppressed for many,
many years by the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if the biggest pharmaceutical companies in
the world are owned and controlled by the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if the biggest agriculture companies in the
world are owned and controlled by the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if Hollywood is owned and controlled by
the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if Microsoft, Google, YouTube,, FaceBook and Twitter are owned and controlled by
the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if the central banks, International Monetary
Fund (IMF), The World Bank, EU, UN, NATO and every other
bigger political and economic institutions in the world were created
and are controlled by the royal bloodlines?
Would you be surprised if the world’s biggest business, political,
military, economy and national leaders ARE ALL PART OF THE
Do the royal bloodlines make us to fight each other?
Did they orchestrate World War I and World War II?
Are they orchestrating the never ending War on Terror that more
and more looks like War of Terror?
How can you even fight terror with war?
As Credo Mutwa says: “We are told, Sir, that the Chiaturi are fed on
the energy that we human beings give them. They make us to fight
each other. And when the whole land is drowning in death and fear
and terror. When hundreds and hundreds of people are angry and
afraid the Chiaturi get fed because they eat that, what we call the
dark power, which is brought about when human beings destroy
the planet on which they live.”
Wednesday October 5, 2011
Dot 8:
We need to keep an open mind. We need to dig deeper.
A great researcher named Michael Talbot died in an early age of 38.
Every time a great researcher, in this field of what we can call ‘open
minded scientific research’, dies in an early age one must leave the
possibility open, that he had a piece of the puzzle (Ian Xel Lungold
died at the early age of 56).
It is almost like the royal bloodlines, on purpose, are leaving trails
(like a serpent) for us human beings to follow.
Could that be why David Icke is still alive?
Did the royal bloodlines actually help David Icke towards the
reptilian idea back in the day?
One of the biggest sources that David Icke used as inspiration
back in the day, was a man named Brian Desborough who David
Icke dedicates the book ‘The Biggest Secret’ to. It is in that book
David Icke introduces the reptilian idea for the first time. Brian
Desborough was also the man that connected David Icke to the
‘Mother Goddess’ Arizona Wilder which resulted in David Icke
doing an interview with her. This happened around the time where
David Icke released ‘The Biggest Secret’.
Did the royal bloodlines discover David Icke when he was a
presenter on the BBC?
It seems that they needed a man with curiosity of knowledge,
amazing communication skills and unshakeable willpower and
persistence to go through a lot of ridicule, so much ridicule that he
would feel he was knocked down, but in the end, when he came out
of the smoke, he would still be standing.
Is that because the royal bloodlines know the greatest strengths of
human beings?
Are some of the greatest strengths:
- Curiosity of knowledge (to learn more – connect dots to patterns)
- Amazing communication skills (to share the knowledge with
other human beings)
- Unshakeable willpower and persistence (to keep on going –
‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’)
which altogether creates a strong mind (that manifests thoughts
into action).
Man, I just went on youtube and looked up the song ‘When the
going gets tough’ – it started playing, I turned the volume on max –
and the next thing I now, I was going nuts – probable looking like
a clown - I feel pumped up right now haha (ha feel free to go nuts:
Okay, let’s get back to our story.
Are the royal bloodlines helping us out?
Did the royal bloodlines arrange the meeting between David Icke
and Credo Mutwa?
In the introduction to the interview with Credo Mutwa, David Icke
”…When I first came to South Africa about 18 months ago, within
2 or 3 days I was introduced to Credo Mutwa, I never heard of him
at the time, but from the moment I met him I didn’t stop listening
and he didn’t stop talking for at least 5 hours...”
Just to be clear – I love David Icke and I love Credo Mutwa.
And I love everybody reading these words – we are on an amazing
journey together.
And if you like what you read, please share this post with everybody
you love and everybody you don’t love yet (hi, it’s me again, I just
came back from the future.. haha I love that line… by future I mean
Thursday the 6 October 2011. Please wait a moment and DON’T
start sharing this post with people that haven’t opened their minds
yet. It seems I’m learning patience throughout this post. Keep your
mind open but don’t come to any conclusions).
Dot 9:
Why would the royal bloodlines leave us a trail on purpose?
Maybe they want to give us an out. An out of the prison and
enslavement they have planned for us. Like a finale challenge, like a
finale test. To see if we are worthy of their respect. And if we succeed
in finding the way out, it would be like two beings having a tie in a
fight, mutually recognizing one another’s great intelligent powers
with love and respect. Are we all one?
Let us recall some of Credo Mutwa’s words:
“…Some (of the Chiaturi) told our people that they were our elder
brothers and that this earth had produced them generations ago.
And they said they had come back to their green womb of their
“…Sir, I have seen the Chiaturi. I have smelled them. I’ve had
personal experience of these. And there are people who claim that
these creatures are gods. There are people, Sir, who claim that these
creatures are experimenting on us. That is a lot of rubbish. These
creatures are harvesting us. These creatures are not aliens, Mr. Icke,
these creatures are sexually compatible with our women and what
does that tell you. It tells you that they came from here. They are,
they are, they are part of us.…”
This makes my mind think of the ancient Chinese symbol, Yin Yang
and the symbol showing that even the dark have a bit of light:
“Yin Yang are not opposing forces (dualities), but complementary
opposites that interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic
system. Everything has both yin and yang aspects as light cannot
exist without darkness and vice-versa, but either of these aspects
may manifest more strongly in particular objects, and may ebb or
flow over time.”
Holy shit… I get it!
I need to sleep on this.
Thursday October 6, 2011
Dot 9 – continued:
Can you see it?
It’s right there. Hidden in plain sight.
This new understanding popped out 3-4-5 new dots in my mind.
I have written everything down onto paper.
It’s like I’m starting all over again, but now on a complete different
level, from a bigger perspective – bigger dots are forming into
This will take days to get all these new notes straight.
(in other news: I learned that Steve Jobs, the high priest technologists
of Apple, died yesterday – love and respect to you Steve Jobs - what
a symbol in so many ways)
Friday 7 October, 2011
Dot 9 – continued:
Michael Talbot was the author of “The Holographic Universe”. In
the book he suggests that the universe is a hologram after examining
the work of physicist David Bohm and neurophysiologist Karl
Pribram, both of whom independently arrived at holographic
theories or models of the universe.
Example: If you have a hologram of a flower (big version) and then
cut the hologram into two pieces, you would then have the same
complete flower on each of the pieces but in a smaller size (smaller
Now, what are we actually doing here in this post (small dot) and
in the field of ‘open minded scientific research’? (same energy, but
bigger dot)
We are following the same kind of energy we feel deep down inside
of us. An energy like a leading star of unconditional love, truth and
respect (same energy, but even bigger dot).
We are connecting dots together, by recognizing patterns, into
even bigger dots and we have subconsciously agreed upon the
energy of the leading star. We want to follow the leading star of
unconditional love, truth and respect. That is the consciousness, the
energy through which we manifest our thoughts into our universe.
For many, many years in history we have unknowingly been
following the leading star of the serpent and his royal bloodlines.
Now, we are aware of this, and we are in the middle of changing the
narrative and consciousness of the world toward another leading
Now, a big question. Is it possible to keep an open mind, and with
that open mind take a look at both of the two leading stars and
combine them into a complementary opposite leading star?
Can you imagine that we let the royal bloodlines continue to be in
the driver seat, but we the human beings tell them where to go?
It seems like, this is actually what is starting to happen right now in
the world – we are onto their game right now, and calling them out
all the time and more and more people are waking up to it.
The serpent and his royal bloodlines are slowly starting to pull back
in some areas, in other areas they are desperately trying to cling on
to status quo. It seems that they are using the same methods over
and over again, the same mind games. But we are getting better to
keep an open mind and not get caught up in their mind games. And
instead we are following our leading star of unconditional love and
So if our children learn in school about their methods and mind
games, we will be 7 billion watchdogs on Earth making sure the
royal bloodlines take the right turns.
We have so much to understand. We need to keep an open and a
non-judgmental mind. I know it can be hard but please don’t come
to any conclusions. This is the crucial moment where we need to
find one of the most, if not the most powerful human emotion
within ourselves: unconditional love. We need to keep an open
mind and have every scenario on the table. Please do not come to
any conclusions. We truly have been living in the dark for so long.
And now we are opening our eyes for the first time. We need to
start all over.
We need to understand the true nature of the human being, the true
nature of the royal bloodlines and the true nature of the serpent.
We need to understand all great strengths and all great weaknesses
– of human beings, of royal bloodlines and of the serpent. We need
to know the true history of human beings and of planet Earth. We
need to understand the true nature of this reality we live in.
Everything that has been hidden must be revealed.
We, as human beings, need to grow up.
I have so many thoughts all over the place. There are so many words
to write. But for now, I just want to let it sink in slowly.
Patience is needed.
Dot 10:
There are so many trails to follow now, so many dots to explore.
First I want to take a step back.
Listening to an upload (‘Knowledge’ on youtube) of Jonathan aka.
‘adampants’ led me to the knowledge of pattern recognition. I have
experienced pattern recognition my whole life, so have we all, but it
happened on a subconscious level. I was not consciously aware of it
and did not have the understanding of it. Now I do.
I want to pay close attention and carefully listen to his biggest
uploads. Maybe I can discover and recognize further knowledge to
connect with this forever growing dot of a post.
I was lying in my bed listening to one of Jonathan’s uploads (‘The
healing begins now’). While listening, new dots and patterns
suddenly took form in my mind and right in that moment where
they took form and all of the dots suddenly connected together, a
feeling of what I can only describe as pure giving embracing warm
unconditional love flooded through my entire body. I started to get
tears in my eyes, my whole being got so overwhelmed and I started
to cry. I haven’t cried in many years. I wrote everything down in the
moment it happened.
If I ever told someone that I cried when listening to a voice
explaining the structure of an atom, he or she would probably give
me a weird look.
Before I give the word to Jonathan, remember that everything in our
reality is made up of atoms. And our reality is like a hologram, so
everything on a grand scale has the same structure as the structure
of an atom.
Here is an illustration of an atom - a proton surrounded by an
electron cloud:
“…The electron cloud is the type of energy the nucleus of the atom,
the proton, always wants to find itself inside of, because the protons
are what you would call a positive or outward energy or symbolically
male energy and it seeks to be inside the female energy which will
surround and absorb. Just like with sexual intercourse, you have a
At this point my mind recalled of the words of Credo Mutwa:
“…These creatures are not aliens, Mr. Icke, these creatures are
sexually compatible with our women and what does that tell you. It
tells you that they came from here. They are, they are, they are part
of us…”
And then my mind thought of the line in Genesis: “They came in
unto the daughters of men…” and the next thing my mind explored
was the Chiaturi being ‘They’ in Genesis, and the human beings
were ‘the daughters of men’ and the children, the meeting resulted
in, being the royal bloodlines.
Human beings as symbolically the ‘mother’, the Chiaturi
symbolically as the ‘father’ and the royal bloodlines symbolically
as the children. Our children. Children of human beings. I was in
tears. On a grand scale we are a family. The royal bloodlines are our
long lost children.
The human beings symbolically represent the mother – the female
energy – the electron cloud - on a grand scale of an atomic structure.
The serpent/Chiaturi symbolically represent the father – the male
energy - the nucleus, the proton - on a grand scale of an atomic
And the royal bloodlines symbolically represent the meeting
between proton and electron cloud, the neutrons, neutrons have no
electrical charge on them and act as a sort of nuclear glue.
In Genesis 6, verse 1-4 it is written (remember that the Bible was
written by the high priests/royal bloodlines):
Verse 1 -And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the
face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them.
Verse 2 -That the sons of God (the Chiaturi) saw the daughters of
men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they
Verse 3 -And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with
man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and
twenty years.
Verse 4 -There were giants in the earth in those days (Chiaturi – 3.35
meters); and also after that, when the sons of God (the Chiaturi)
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,
the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown
(the royal bloodlines).
That means that the origin of the children would be the serpent/
Chiaturi (fathers) and the human beings (mothers) and the natural
outcome would be children of half serpent, half human.
The children became known as royalty.
Royalty married royalty and the royal bloodlines were born.
Saturday October 8, 2011
Today I carefully listened to the full uploads of Jonathan
(‘Knowledge’ and ‘The healing begins now’ on youtube). I made
notes throughout and I will share them with you tomorrow.
Sunday October 9, 2011
I rarely go out the door these days. My cell phone is turned off.
I’m completely absorbing myself into this. I have a pen and a piece
of paper with me everywhere I go, because all of a sudden a dot
appears, and I need to write it down immediately while it is fresh
in my mind.
I’m not even sure if I use my mind anymore. It’s more like something
inside of me tells me to stay and explore. Like I’m following the
leading star inside of me of unconditional love and respect, and
then the mind, like a child in the middle, just happily follows along
hand in hand with his parents.
Could that be it?
If human beings represent unconditional love - the mother – the
electron cloud - on a grand scale of atomic structure.
The serpent represents unconditional respect - the father – the
nucleus, the proton - on a grand scale of atomic structure.
And the royal bloodlines just follow along in the middle hand in
hand with the mother and the father – craving the respect from the
father and the love from the mother – always following the most
dominant energy in order to survive.
Unconditional love and unconditional respect are complementary.
They can become the most dominant energy together. Like a mutual
leading star.
Human beings:
Let’s take a look at the atomic structure with the analogy of two
human beings – a man and a woman having a child together.
The man’s home is filled with male objects, showing this is his
territory, maybe he has a samurai sword to show off to his friends
to keep the respect of his friends and at the same time it gives him
an ego-boost because he has something that his friends don’t have
and maybe it makes him feel all powerful (symbol of male energy –
the serpent - this would also explain the serpent’s need for showing
off and planting his symbols all over the world as a way to show,
that this is his territory and give him an ego-boost).
The woman’s home is filled with candle lights, heart shaped pillows
and female energy – like a cloud of female energy that you just
want to flow in (symbol of female energy – the heart).
Now the man and woman are having a child together. The couple
move in together, and after some time, the woman might discreetly
move the samurai sword into the basement to give room for baby
toys. Or that will be her excuse anyway haha.
And with a mother’s love she will start to decorate the new home
with new complementary stuff (complementary symbols) and
there will be toys and a comfortable baby crib, making the child
feel all warm and welcome (symbol of unity and balance – the yin
Now let’s take a look at the atomic structure on a nation state level.
The most dominant male energy nation state in this world right
now is China. China, with all its childish ego and pride is never
going to surrender. But what if the rest of the world became the
female energy and absorbed China by having two nation state
flags: the individual nation state flag and a collective flag with the
ancient Chinese symbol Yin Yang, like saying to China “We are
all China, we are all Yin Yang, we are all unconditional love and
unconditional respect”. Then we would celebrate our differences
and unite our strengths.
Imagine the whole world being filled with the yin yang symbol.
We would all be yin yang. We would embrace and absorb China
with unconditional love and unconditional respect – and be ONE
I just came back. I went to get some food, and when I walked down
the stairs in the apartment building I live in, I heard the sound
of music coming from one of the doors. I kept walking down the
stairs and I started to recognize the melody. When I got out of the
building I started humming the tune and then some of the lyrics
came to me: “I believe in angels…”. “ABBA” was my next thought.
I’m just going with everything at the moment and the next thing
I know, my mind gave me the words “angels & demons”. I have
never read the book or seen the movie, I have only heard the title,
but I thought maybe there is a clue here. So when I came home 20
minutes later I first started to look up the book and movie to find
a summary. But before I found anything, something inside of me
made me start to look for the song on youtube and the lyrics. I
found both and then I started to sing along:
“…If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see…”
And the tears came back in my eyes.
Imagine the human being on the other side of the door. He or she
(most probably she) has no idea that she is sending love out from
her entire being by playing that song, and I picked it up and here I
am sobbing again.
Imagine a world where we are all conscious of the energy we send
out from our entire being.
Imagine we all send out the energy of unconditional love and
unconditional respect.
How would the world look like?
Monday October 10, 2011
Half human, half serpent.
On a grand scale we, the human beings, are the mother. The serpent,
the Chiaturi, are the father.
Half human, half serpent - are our children.
All these years it is like our children have been trying to say: “You
never gave us love, so now we do to you, what you did to us”
They have felt scared, lonely, being left outside and ignored. They
never felt the love of the mother. Like a child being left alone on the
street in the dark. Of course the child is going to get corrupted and
not trust anyone.
Maybe we were scared as well. We didn’t know what to do. We were
taken by surprise when we gave birth to a half human, half serpent.
And we human beings are judging each other all the time for being
different. We rather hide in the pack than stick out, while we point
fingers. We fear what other people might say or think of us. We are
afraid to be lonely, being left outside and ignored.
We need to stop judging each other. We need to grow up. We need to
open our minds. We need to open our hearts. We need to celebrate
our differences and unite our strengths.
We are all one family.
Half human, half serpent, we are sorry this happened, come back in
our arms, we love you.
Being able to change shape is a natural phenomenon in nature. We,
human beings, don’t know much about this planet. Please watch
this TED-video:
Today, if we open our eyes, we will see that more and more half
human, half serpent are leaving their dark traditions and have a
change of heart.
But I think they have to be very subtle - like they have to balance
everything – because they risk to be outcasted by ‘their own’. On the
other hand they have to make sure that they don’t get alienated and
scare the human beings away.
Here are 3 examples I have noticed the last week:
A symbol represents a collective understanding. The half human,
half serpent love symbols. It seems that they love to communicate
to each other by using symbols.
It could very likely be the case that Jonathan aka. ‘adampants’ is a
half human, half serpent. He talks about his past, that he has left
his dark traditions and had a change of heart. Furthermore, even
though he has a cover story for the name ‘adampants’, the real
symbolic meaning of the name could be ‘half naked human body’
(half human).
And here he seems to be getting a little frustrated on human beings
“…This is kindergarden-level stuff for a human – it should be. That’s
not to offend you. (…) This is the very problem with humans right
now. You are all insane. And because you are all insane, yeah okay
so, what, that means maybe 3% of them are not, okay, but that is
not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the majority here. The
majority of humans are insane. And because you are all insane, you
don’t know it. (…) What I’m telling you is, your sanity is, imagine
this hand over your head reaching down waiting for you to grab it
and you are looking everywhere but at that hand. You’re insane…“
The next example is from our own forum (I don’t mean to put you
on the spot octopusrex, but this is so important I need to teach and
educate new members and visitors):
If you watched the TED-video, you will realize that octopuses have
the ability to shape shift. The word ‘rex’ is latin for king. So with
a name like ‘octopusrex’ – you have a shape shifting king (royal
Combine that with two of the latest posts from octopusrex:
The third example
It seems that a half human, half serpent speaking out, is not popular
amongst ‘his own’.
In this youtube video ‘dallasgoldbug’ is exposing ‘Occupy WallStreet’,
where he beautifully connects the dots (and I can only imagine that
most, if not all, of the 214 dislikes have been paid for by ‘’his own’):
Other things that make me wonder:
The logo of his channel “Conceptual Tyrannosaurus”, (‘saurus’
means ‘lizard’ or ‘reptile’) and the presence of a dinosaur in the logo
(could the dinosaurs be the origin of the Chiaturi?).
A big thing is his eyes. But this is something you have to do your
own research on.
An extra thing I can add, after listening to the interview with
Credo Mutwa where he talks about gold being medicine for the
half human, half serpent. A name like ‘dallasgoldbug’ – makes me
think along the lines of ‘an insect from dallas flying around with
medicine – making a contribution to heal the world’.
We need to welcome them and embrace them. We need to let
them know that we are here for them with unconditional love and
unconditional respect. We are all part of a whole loving system, a
perfect system.
I’m not sure how we can balance it so we help our fellow human
beings to open their minds and grow a non-judgmental state of
mind. A new movie “Thrive” is premiering online on 11.11.11 – it
can help conditioning people to open their minds, but people also
need to understand that the half human, half serpent are part of us,
we need to understand that we are all one.
By the way, I listened to and watched the first hour of the videoupload on youtube of Jonathan aka. ‘adampants’ called “Phase 3
Therapy - Jonathan; aka adampants”, in which he talks about, what
he calls, ‘the creative spirit’ and it made me go “Holy shit”. I will
come back to this upload and carefully listen to the full upload
when I feel I can comprehend it.
Tuesday 11 October, 2011
I watched the movie “Angels & Demons”.
There were two things that made me go “Holy shit”.
First, the words: “god particle”
Second, the line: “His holiness thought that the discovery could
actually scientifically prove the existence of a divine power, begin
to bridge the gap between science and religion”
Now, I would call this ‘god particle’ for ‘the leading star of
unconditional love and unconditional respect’.
It seems that I’m being guided, and, when I think back, have been
guided throughout this post, and I have to admit that I’m now
beginning to believe in a higher power, some kind of creative angel.
Like, if you find the path of unconditional love and unconditional
respect and follow its leading star, then you begin to see something
good in everything – just like the ABBA-song:
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
And when we choose the path of and spontaneously live with the
leading star of unconditional love and unconditional respect deep
inside of us, then the creative angel helps us out.
Embracing the dark side. Today and yesterday beginning thoughts
of “Couldn’t it be fun if I didn’t post anything at all” and “What if I
didn’t post anything at all” - those lines appeared in my mind and
I can say those words out loud. But nothing more than that. I can’t
take the thought further. It is like the path further down that road
has been cut off inside of me.
If we are all potential, do we all have a dark side inside of us?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea if we all are consciously aware of our
dark side, so we can recognize it when it appears?
Is the dark side just like the nucleus/proton in an atom, and the love
is like the electron cloud in an atom that surrounds and absorbs the
And when they are in balance inside of us, the creative angel helps
us out?
Now I’m starting to compare the structure of an atom to a couple
having the best sex of their lives. The female is ‘the electron cloud’
and the male is ‘the nucleus/proton’.
Saliva and other love juices would then be the neutrons, acting as a
sort of nuclear glue haha I love it.
Now, if you are familiar with David Icke’s research you will know
that human sacrifices are part of the royal bloodlines traditions.
Please keep an open mind while you read on.
Here is ‘Mother Goddess’ Arizona Wilder speaking in an interview
with David Icke:
“…They (the royal bloodlines) need the blood, the blood helps
them maintain their reptilian shape and it helps them maintain
their sanity, and it helps them to live in this world…”
“…They (the royal bloodlines) need the blood to try and maintain
it, to try and maintain their human form. I believe there is a time
coming, because of what I have been told, when they are not going
to bother having to hold that human shape, as they had to before
and they want that time to come…”
“…I have seen all of them (the royal bloodlines that participated
in the sacrifices) drink human blood and consume human flesh…”
So, it seems that the royal bloodlines have their natural form as half
human, half serpent. But in order to survive among human beings
they need to be able to shape shift into full human form.
And, maybe, in order to survive among the Chiaturi they need to
be able to shape shift into full reptilian form.
It seems we human beings can thank our own ignorance and
judgmental attitude, for the royal bloodlines need to do the human
sacrifices in order to survive among us.
Will the human sacrifices be put to an end when the half human,
half serpent in their natural form are accepted as part of the family?
Side note:
Could that be the real reason for all the underground bases?
Could underground bases be places where they can be themselves
without having to shape shift?
Or could it be places where they are together with the Chiaturi?
Just like they are together with the humans beings above ground?
Credo Mutwa says:
“…According to African storytellers the Chiaturi have got cold
blood. They feel cold very quickly and where they dwell under the
earth where the great sun god banished them, they dwell there
surrounded by great fires because their blood is cold. They freeze
eternally. And so, if you come across them in their caves, there are
many, many cooking fires lit there….”
“…The Chiaturi their eyes, terrible as they are, are so efficient ,
that if a Chiaturi appears suddenly into the hot African sunlight,
two things happen to him: His skins dries and blisters, and he goes
totally blind…“
I realize that today, the 11th October 2011, we are entering the final
7th day (fruition) in the 9th wave according to Calleman and the
Mayan calendar – and just now a big piece of the puzzle fits into the
picture. I can’t believe it.
I believe in angels.
I see you tomorrow.
Wednesday 12 October, 2011
From the beginning of my research into the Mayan calendar I’ve
had this big piece which I just knew was a part of the puzzle, but I
couldn’t place it. Now it fits perfectly into the picture.
With everything I have written in this post in mind, I think it would
be amazing if I showed you the piece and you then spend some with
I will also show you a string of new dots connected to the big piece.
Now, I’m not trying to convince you about anything. I’m showing
you MY Tree of Knowledge as it is in this very moment, to inspire
you to keep growing YOUR Tree of Knowledge which I then can
be inspired by. Collectively we will keep growing OUR Tree of
First I want to show you the big piece.
Let’s spice up the Indiana Jones feeling…
We have to go back to ancient Egypt. Here we find The Temple of
Seti I at Abydos (Abedjou) - a location which was central for the
religious life in ancient Egypt. It was every Egyptian´s desire to
make a pilgrimage to Abydos at least once in his life. Abydos was
like the Mecca of ancient Egypt.
Seti I was a pharaoh (royal bloodlines) of ancient Egypt. When
we take a look at the name, we find that the name Seti means “of
Set”, which indicates that he was an origin of and looked up to the
ancient Egyptian god Set, commonly “Seth”. Seth was the god of
darkness and chaos. Very similar to ‘the Sith’ in the Star Wars movies.
The Star Wars films establish that the Sith draw upon strong
emotions, both negative and positive, as the source of their power
(which resemble the Chitauri).
Words of Credo Mutwa talking about the films Star Wars and how
they relate to the Chitauri:
“…Some of the Chiaturi, Sir, have got horns on their heads, and
what surprises me, is this: Some film producers, like the producers
who make the films Star Wars often show creatures in their films
which actually exist, which even the most uneducated of Africans,
who knows this Chiaturi, can identify. For example in the new Star
Wars film there is a creature who amazes me called Darth Maul.
Darth Maul is a red and black being with a ring of small horns
right round his head. That is exactly what the Chiaturi look like.
Some have got ordinary heads without any horns on their heads.
These are the lesser Chiaturi. But the royal Chiaturi have got a ring
of sharp horns all around their heads (…). Now, I wonder, I just
wonder where these film producers get their information from…”
And to wrap up the sudden Star Wars theme in this post:
Leading Edge International Research Group and Val Valerian write
in their book, Matrix 5 Gold Edition Volume II: The Graduation
Key (LEIRG, 2003):
“Note in Star Wars VI that Luke defeats his father only when he
incorporates the Dark with his Light (when Vader threatens Leia)
creating a temporary yin-yang balance. This allowed him to beat
Vader. Yet this balance was too great for this sequential Luke to
hold on to for very long, so he flings his temporary Dark energy
enhancement away, allowing the Emperor to almost kill him. Vader
killed the Emperor only because Vader did what Luke had done in
reverse: he incorporated the Light to his Dark and, hence, had his
yin-yang balance that was more than the Emperor could handle.
Balance ALWAYS wins because it is a mixing of both polarities. This
is the most feared concept by both polarities in the Game. Neither
polarity can defeat Balance, whether yin-yang balance or the far
more potent true Balance.”
All this makes the Temple of Seti I worth a closer look.
Now, let’s get the Indiana Jones feeling back…
Here is a picture of the facade of the Temple of Seti I:
And here we go inside:
Now we are inside the Hypostile room and here we find the big
piece in two different lights:
The big piece is not about looking up hieroglyphs in some textbook.
Forget all that. Use what is already inside of you to understand the
meaning behind the symbols that together are telling a story.
Thursday- Thursday 13-20 October, 2011
New dots connected to the big piece:
Arabic and Hebrew are written right-to-left
Knowledge has been suppressed for many, many years. You can’t
find reliable answers by listening to the Egyptologists or experts in
hieroglyphs. There are people out there in high positions that are
being paid to suppress knowledge.
Here is a clear example of knowledge being suppressed from the
commonly known and by many used as ‘trusted encyclopedia’,
Words of Credo Mutwa talking about ancient knowledge:
“…This is what I think, we human beings, Sir, are holier and more
wonderful than we think we are and I feel we lost something at
some time in the course of our development or, shall I say, in the
course of our, our manipulation?...”
“…In my long investigation into our past, I can tell you proudly,
that our ancestors were 20 times cleverer than we are. What I feel
and what I think, Sir, is that in the past, human beings were cleverer
than we are today and that human beings knew more than we know
now. We are not progressing Mr. Icke. We are simply re-discovering
things that were known by better men and better women, than
we are, thousands of years ago. I wish to offer you proof of this,
some of it at least. Sir, there are things that I have found through
my travelling around the world. Things that prove to me, that our
ancestors were highly advanced in chemistry. Our ancestors had
become so clever that they could take science and reduce it to such a
simple level that they were able to help hundreds of starving human
beings after some traumatic happening in the past…”
When describing an artifact on the Necklace of the mysteries Credo
Mutwa says:
“…To the Chiaturi an eye is a very, very powerful symbol. This is the
eye of the Chiaturi. But there is more to this thing, Sir. Here there
is a hole that goes right through the cork oak. Now if you put water
in that whole, you end up with a simple magnifying microscope
and you can see germs through that water. The magnification is
When we look at the Mayan calendar, we see that the end result
of the national cycle is the implementation of ‘Science Capitalism’.
‘Science Capitalism’ implies property rights of inventions, and
courts to enforce them - what we today would call patent laws, and a
form of document patent granting exclusive rights in an invention.
I would suggest that just like the royal bloodlines wrote the Bible
and controlled religion, e.g. Christianity, as a control mechanism,
so did they ensure the control of the technology development. In
this way they could control when it was time to roll out an invention
and introduce it to the public.
In an interview with the magazine Scientific American in 2003,
Terence Kealey, clinical biochemist and vice-chancellor of Britain's
only private university, the University of Buckingham, said:
“… It's a myth that science is a public good. Science is constructed
in "invisible colleges"--small groups of people who understand
each individual discipline. So the number of people who can really
understand the scientific papers is few. To become a member of this
club, you have to pay a very high entrance fee…”
“… One of the big myths of research is it's essentially a public activity.
It's not. Historically, research is performed by private funders for
private ends. Once the results are published (which can come in
the form of a product that others can then dissect), it is public--but
only potentially so--and only other scientists can understand the
scientists' work…”
In other words, science is in the hands of small groups of people
and research is performed by private funders for private ends.
But how do the royal bloodlines control science?
Well, if we look at the world today, for many years, we have had
different home-inventors that have discovered so-called ‘free
energy’ devices. Mainstream media and established science haven’t
acknowledged them. Most of these ‘offensive’ inventors have since
died and their inventions have not been seen since. There are
hundreds who have created motors, fuels, generators and many
other inventions dating back to the early 1900's and they usually
don't make it far before their patents are either denied, the inventor
receives a big sack of money to hand-over the rights and shut up,
the inventor dies or the media claims they are making it up.
It seems we have to wait for the movie “Thrive” to come out the
11.11.11 – where the official discovery of a free energy device seems
to be rolled out (would you be surprised if “Thrive” is funded,
directed and produced by the royal bloodlines?).
So it seems the royal bloodlines decide and orchestrate when it is
time to roll out an invention.
How have the royal bloodlines managed to stay in power?
Let us listen to Credo Mutwa:
“…For the last 40 years I have observed an extremely disconcerting
phenomenon in South Africa and in other parts of Africa as well.
And this is the phenomenon: You find a rising black leader, a real
leader amongst men, a ferocious activist for the rights of his people.
This man starts something, whether it’s a revolution or whatever,
he starts it. And you look at his ancestors because in Africa we
look very closely at a man’s ancestors. And you find that this man
is nothing. Although he is doing such great deeds, he is actually
a descendant of very peasant people. Aauu. And you are worried.
And all of a sudden this black man will come so a sudden violent
end and a person who is totally new will take his place. And when
you look at the ancestors of this people, this man, you find that he
or even she is a person of very, very ancient royal African royalty.
Now let me show you, there was this war in Rhodesia and many
people got killed there and there was a very fierce and dedicated
general. His name was Tongogara. And Tongogara fought in
Rhodesia and just when victory was won Tongogara was killed in
a terrific explosion. Somebody put a bomb-thing in his car and
killed him very badly. But wait, Tongogara had been a descendant
of a black smith, his surname Tongogara means powerful hammer.
Now, who replaced Tongogara. A man called Robert Mugabe.
Now, you can’t get more royal than that. Mugabe is descendant
from ancient Mashona kings and what is more, he knows it. Always
a leader is removed and when the power really comes, a new leader,
descendant from some far away monarch or tribal chieftain two
centuries or three centuries ago comes on the scene. Again and
again there seems to be this particular force, which elevates its
descendents over ordinary human beings. I can give you hundreds
of cases of this…”
I would suggest that the killings of rising leaders among human
beings and ‘offensive’ inventors always have been a common
practice of the royal bloodlines.
When we go back in history, before the time of the Reformation, I
would suggest that the killings were carried out by Knights Templar
(in the name of Christianity/Roman Catholic Church). After the
Reformation the killings were carried out by Jesuits (in the name
of Christianity/ Roman Catholic Church), by Rosicrucians (in the
name of Christianity/Protestantism & Lutheranism) and Hashishim
(the Muslim branch, in the name of Islam).
They were like, what we today call, intelligence agencies with bodies
of secret agents.
Then, religion was under attack by science with the ‘scientific
revolution’, where Copernicus was front man, followed up by
Galileo and Isaac Newton whom all proclaimed that the sun, and
not Earth, was the center of the universe (further back in history
around 270 BC the Greek astronomer Aristarchus proclaimed the
same but was never acknowledged. When the great Greek library
of Alexandria, the largest and most significant library of the ancient
world, was burned down, then hundreds of thousands of scrolls
including scrolls with scientific innovations and knowledge were
destroyed. If you wanted to suppress knowledge back then, this
would be a perfect way to do it).
At the same time of the ‘scientific revolution’ the Freemasons was
I would suggest that Freemasons was an intelligence agency that
carried out killings in the name of ‘Science Capitalism’ (later
Illuminati became head of the Freemasons).
And all of the ‘intelligence agencies’ were controlled by the royal
Religion and the ‘scientific revolution’ and the ‘war’ between them
– it has all been orchestrated, created and controlled by the royal
With science and knowledge suppressed it has taken us 500 years
since the ‘scientific revolution’ transformed medieval and ancient
views of nature and laid the foundations for modern science and till
today where we have, what we call, advanced technology.
Could this timeframe of 500 years have appeared before in the
history of human beings?
Are we simply re-discovering things that were known thousands of
years ago?
The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean cover in total over 50%
of the Earth's surface (there is more ocean than land on the surface
of Earth). The Pacific Ocean reaches a depth of 10,911 metres (11
km). The Atlantic Ocean reaches a depth of 9,200 metres (9 km).
According to oceanographer David Gallo we have only explored
3% of what is out there in the oceans.
Could earthquakes, tidal waves or other cataclysms have buried
civilizations thousands of years ago into the oceans?
As described earlier the Mayan Long Count calendar only focus on
the last 5125 years of the Mayan calendar. The Mayan Long Count
calendar has the mythological starting-point that corresponds
to August 11, 3114 BC and the ending-point that corresponds to
October 28, 2011.
It seems that the royal bloodlines have been using the Mayan Long
Count calendar as an overview of their 5125 year long action plan.
Would you be surprised if the royal bloodlines have a more detailed
version of the Mayan Long Count calendar?
Have human beings been living in the storyline of the Mayan Long
Count calendar?
Has the storyline, which the biggest mainstream media carry out
on a daily basis, been decided 10-20-30-40-50 years ago – or even
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario A:
Have suppression of knowledge and technology been an evil
necessity (I don’t like the words ‘evil necessity’ – I can just picture
how it gives people an excuse to do childish destructive things) for
the royal bloodlines to let human beings’ collective consciousness
grow up and catch up, because the royal bloodlines want that time
to come where they can be in their natural shape?
A time where we all, at last, will unite in unconditional love and
unconditional respect?
Is the ending-point of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011, a
symbol of the beginning of a new accumulated consciousness to be
found in all beings including the serpent, the royal bloodlines and
the human beings, a consciousness now consciously co-created by
the serpent, the royal bloodlines and the human beings?
In an article from September 30, 2011 Dr. Calleman writes about
what this “end” may mean (‘The “End” of the Mayan calendar, Solar
Flares and Earth Changes’ –
articles/End_of_calendar_SolarFlares_and_EarthChanges.htm) :
“…My basic answer would be that the universe attains its highest
quantum state and creates a new stage for life (at the top of the
nine-storied pyramid). It is thus a common misunderstanding that
a “new” cycle will begin after the calendar comes to an end. This
is a misunderstanding because what is coming to an end is not a
cycle to begin with, but nine linear directed evolutionary waves.
The only aspect of the prophetic Mayan calendar system that may
be described as cyclical is the 260 day tzolkin and this is the only
cycle that will come to an end…”
Furthermore, Dr. Calleman writes in the article “The Conscious
Convergence” (March 7, 2010):
“…Despite all these previous shifts in cosmic history I feel however
that there is something very special and significant with the new
consciousness that may be expected to be generated by the ninth
wave. To begin with, for all that we know it is designed to bring a
shift to unity consciousness where the human mind no longer will
be dominated by any dark filter. We will in other words become
“transparent” and I believe this is the particular consciousness –
seeing reality the way it is with no separation - that so many are
waiting for. Not just any consciousness, but one that transcends the
dualities of the past and aids the human beings to see the unity
of all things. The reason that this kind of unity consciousness can
be beneficial to the planet, and to mankind, is that it is one that
leads to the transcendence of all separation (between man and
woman, man and nature, ruler and ruled, east and west, etc). I feel
that without the manifestation of such a shift in consciousness the
world will sooner or later come to an end. People with a dualist
and separating consciousness are somewhat like cancer cells in the
body of the Earth with little regard to its larger whole and would
eventually generate a collapse of its ecosystem. Only a shift to unity
consciousness will forever stop the unchecked exploitation of the
Earth and on a deeper level make us understand that we are part of
creation and need to live in harmony with it. But will such a shift
just happen automatically?...”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario B:
Or are the royal bloodlines going to throw it all away, and instead
introduce a new ‘golden age’ starting with the discovery of so-called
free energy to keep human beings entertained and distracted, but in
the background keep expanding the global surveillance controlled
society and keep the elimination of the human beings going (today
the most frequent cause of death among human beings UNDER 65
years of age is cancer) by making them more and more sterile until
no more human children are born?
(just like the novel ‘Childhood’s End’ from 1953 by the major insider
Arthur C. Clarke)
Have the royal bloodlines been acting like a cancer cell on a grand
atomic scale?
Words of Jonathan aka. ‘adampants’:
“What is cancer? What is it? (…) Trauma can create cancer. What
happens? (…) Cancer is an insane energy. But it’s not its fault. It is
separate from this whole system (…) of existence, and it doesn’t
understand that as it grows, it’s going to destroy its own ability to live.
So there is only one conclusion you can make, and that is absolute
fear. A disconnection somehow from the love, the consciousness,
the understanding, the knowing of why it exists, its beauty of its
existence and everything. And the consciousness alters the DNA in
the cell because it feels isolated, alone and separate.
If you damage a cell and it’s trying to resist the death, imagine the fear
of how it’s played out if the cell is deeming, where it gets damaged
by something. And it gets so damaged that it’s traumatized, the
consciousness is going like crazy trying to repair it and what not.
And then it creates a resonance.
Because of fear it is so traumatized that it can’t remember anymore,
it doesn’t believe in the system, “how can this be happening”, and
its defense to its fear is to try and take control, anger, aggression.
Suddenly the consciousness is played out between cells that “Hey,
no you are part of us” “No I’m not! I don’t trust you, any of you!”
– becomes immortal, it creates that gene and starts to use more
abilities than it should in relation to other cells. Starts to hurt
them (…) – the consciousness goes after other cells to make them
cancerous, to grow in the body. And it would have to seduce the cell
to leave the system it’s already part of by traumatizing it, seducing
it, “look what I can do” “look, I’ll scare you” “look, I can kill you
right now, but look do you want what I can do”. And the cell has
no idea the cancer just wants to take it over (…) The body tries to
attack it, because it recognizes that it’s a foreign residence now. It
just becomes an internal battle.
But when you correlate what happens with cancer, and I have, of
people that have spontaneously healed, what they call spontaneously
remission, they’ve all done different things (…) and these people
that have healed themselves from cancer, all report having, it
doesn’t matter what their procedure was, they all report having
this experience of infinity and understanding of the scalar reality,
whether they can say it in the same way I’m doing it doesn’t matter,
they know it. And they try to express it to people the best way they
can: “I just knew I was part of a whole loving system, a perfect
system” and that, the whole body, attach to that, and that was used
to convince the energy animating the cancer cells that: “hey, you are
part of me, I love you man, there is nothing wrong, there is nothing
to be scared of, I’m sorry this happened, it was nobody’s fault, come
And finally what happened is that energy made that leap of faith
within your body. Came back to you, everything was fine, the cancer
cells are shed and when this spontaneously remission happens, it
happens, I can happen in 24-48 hours, it’s like snowballs melting on
a stove. Tumors just go.”
5) More dots connected to the big piece (screenshots from the film
‘The revelation of the pyramids’):
Friday 21 October, 2011
One more week to go.
By the way, I read (yet another) amazing post on the forum today:
Saturday-Sunday October 22-23, 2011
Consciously I didn’t do anything related to writing this post.
Monday October 24, 2011
I read everything I could find that seemed reliable in a basic research
about the Mayan calendar.
Tuesday October 25, 2011
“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think
we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends (…) but I’m liable to
be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about
- John Lennon
I’m not sure, that the royal bloodlines really know what they are
doing. It seems that the royal bloodlines are just following orders of
the Mayan Long Count calendar.
Dr. Calleman writes in the article “What is so special about the
Mayan Calendar?” (
“…The Mayan Calendar provides an exact schedule for the Cosmic
Plan and the unfolding of all things that come into existence (…).
Things do exist for a reason. The reason is that they fit into the
divine cosmic plan. For those that seriously engage in a study of
the Mayan Calendar this soon becomes evident and the former
materialist world view loses all relevance. The Mayan Calendar is
a gateway to the worlds of consciousness which the majority of
humanity has been blinded to through the use of false or delusory
calendars. Since everything that exists is an aspect of consciousness,
and the Mayan Calendar describes the evolution of consciousness
in all of its aspects, no stone is left unturned for the serious student
of the Mayan Calendar. All of science is affected, all of religion is
affected, all of life is affected. We are here for a reason. Time is no
longer equated with money, but with spirit. Time is inspiration!”
Now, when I publish this post on the forum, the Mayan calendar
will have come to an end, and the question is:
Will the human beings, the royal bloodlines and the serpent
continue down the same old cancerous road or are we going to shift
to unity consciousness?
D.Litt. Joseph Robert Jochmans writes in the article “Top 10
prophecies for the year 2000” (Atlantis Rising Magazine, 1994)
“Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching
the end of a World Age (…) In both cases, however, the Hopi and
Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end.
Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another.
The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we
enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance
or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen
with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The
same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other
Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear.”
Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the
highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the
dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe of Guatemala. After studying
with traditional Mayan elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he
was trained as a Mayan Ajq’ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual
guide, of ‘Clan de Aguila’ (the Eagle Clan).
Carlos Barrios shares these words in regards to the end of the Mayan
Calendar (Earth Changes Media, November 2009):
“…This is the time people need to know what is the purpose of their
own lives. This is a dangerous time because we can go to the next
step, to the transition, to the fusion of the polarities, or it is a time
when we can be destroyed. This materialistic way of life, all this
business about economic and social position in the world, it needs
to change and the people need to go inside themselves in order to
know what they are and to find harmony with the mother earth,
with human beings, with their brothers, with the animals, with the
plants. It’s an important time because we are in the moment of the
prophesies and humanity can be destroyed or we can be saved, all
“...Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to
awaken and take action. (...) The prophesized changes are going to
happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild
they are…”
“…This is a crucially important moment for humanity and for earth.
Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you
have spiritual work to do balancing the planet (...) The greatest
wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude,
forgiveness. It’s not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is
free. It’s encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great
teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and
you will find your way.”
With everything in this post in mind, I think that now will be the
perfect moment for me to share my thoughts on the big piece and
how it connects with the Mayan calendar:
I think the Mayan calendar has been the true calendar of the royal
bloodlines around the world. I would suggest that the big piece
symbolizes the end of the Mayan calendar and the choice all beings
consciously have to make. There are two roads, and we have to
decide which road we want to take. When we have chosen our path
and start walking the path, there is no turning back.
Scenario A:
A new accumulated consciousness, unity consciousness, to be
found in all beings:
Arabic and Hebrew are written right-to-left. Therefore I would
suggest that the same applies for these depictions.
To me it looks like a seed sprouting from the darkness.
Then the seed grows into a flying insect. Maybe a grasshopper
clumsily trying to fly?
And then we have balance:
Scenario B:
We keep chasing the next new shining thing, waiting impatiently
in line more than willing to hand-over our belongings so we in
return can feel those nice special feelings of instant gratification
of receiving and the childish ego-boost of one-upmanship by
possessing something that other human beings don’t have. Always
wanting more and more new shining things and as a defense
mechanism telling ourselves that our self-control is perfectly fine
and is nothing to worry about, till the day comes where we have
no more belongings to hand-over other than our psychical bodies
– but the urge for the next new shining thing is so strong that we
willingly sacrifice our fellow human beings in the anticipation to
feel those nice special feelings again. But there is no new shining
thing because everybody has sacrificed each other and we have all
lost our heads:
This is a version of an old Mayan fable, told by the elderly storyteller
of Mayan ancestry, Espiridion Acosta Cache:
“And a Man sat alone, drenched deep in sadness.
And all the animals drew near to him and said, “We do not like to
see you so sad. Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it.”
The Man said, “I want to have good sight.”
The vulture replied, “You shall have mine.”
The Man said, “I want to be strong.”
The jaguar said, “You shall be strong like me.”
Then the Man said, “I long to know the secrets of the earth.”
The serpent replied, “I will show them to you.”
And so it went with all the animals.
And when the Man had all the gifts that they could give, he left.
Then the owl said to the other animals, “Now the Man knows much,
he’ll be able to do many things. Suddenly I am afraid.”
The deer said, “The Man has all that he needs. Now his sadness will
But the owl replied, "No. I saw a hole in the Man, deep like a hunger
he will never fill. It is what makes him sad and what makes him
want. He will go on taking and taking, until one day the World will
say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give.'"
Scenario A or Scenario B? – The choice is yours.
Dr. Calleman:
“...The student of the Mayan calendar will know that in order for
a consciousness shift to manifest the human beings must be in
resonance with it and at some point at least subconsciously have
made a choice to align with.(…) It can only happen through
human beings that choose to serve as co-creators. I believe that,
as the Hopi are saying, “we are the ones that we have been waiting
for.” If we make the commitment to do so we can co-create unity
consciousness with the ninth wave…”
“…It is the ninth and highest of these wave movements that will
bring about the final shift to unity consciousness that will culminate
as the calendar comes to an end. I feel it is imperative to realize that
these nine cosmic forces are not acting separately from the human
beings, but through their influence on us and so they will only
manifest inasmuch as the humans align with them. I feel we also
need to consider that the co-creation of this highest level requires
that we are truly committed to its purpose...“
“...My own view is that this is the last chance that human beings
will have to truly align themselves with the cosmic plan. It is now
or never (...)There can be no proxies for your participation in the
transformation of the world as the calendar comes to an end...”
I want to reach out to the serpent and the royal bloodlines. I just
know they will read these words. I know they feel the energy of
unconditional love and unconditional respect throughout this post.
And with that energy I will put an idea on the table. I’m really not
sure if this is me writing or the creative angel inside of me writing:
Let us celebrate our differences. Let us unite our strengths. Let us
follow the leading star of unconditional love and unsconditional
respect inside all of us.
You have a great mind and we can’t do this without you.
Keep yourself in the driver seat and let us give you some inspiration
of where to go.
The majority of human beings, that have heard about the Mayan
calendar, believe that the Mayan calendar will end December 21,
2012 (thanks to you).
That gives us almost 14 months to prepare the ‘official’ end of the
Mayan calendar (and end of all other calendars created in the old
For everyone reading these words:
It is not up to me to tell you what to do. It is up to you. You have to
decide for yourself what you want to do and how much action you
want to take. No action? A little bit action? A little more? Massive
When? Now? Today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month?
6 months from now? The day before December 21, 2012?
To quote Dr. Calleman:
"...My own view is that this is the last chance that human beings
will have to truly align themselves with the cosmic plan. It is now
or never (...)There can be no proxies for your participation in the
transformation of the world as the calendar comes to an end...”
If this post can inspire you, please feel free to let yourself be inspired
and consciously co-create with the energy of this post and use this
post in any way you like – and consciously manifest your energy
into your universe – our universe – the universe we collectively
share and consciously co-create.
Wednesday October 26, 2011
Today - October 26, 2011 - the youtube user I mentioned earlier
‘dallasgoldbug’ has released a new video. Let me quote his words
from that video. The synchronicity in the process of writing this
post is overwhelming. Everything connects. Is this what consciously
co-creation looks like on a daily basis? Is this the creation of the
creative angel we all have inside of us?
‘dallasgoldbug’ even uses the name sheeple in the title of the video,
so he must use David Icke as a source of inspiration haha I love it.
‘dallasgoldbug’ – I see you!
To everyone on this forum – I SEE YOU!
Here is ‘dallasgoldbug’ in his latest video ( “Tool to wake them up
with. Rise and shine sleepy Sheeple”, 26 October 2011):
“…Understand that, once you become awake and start taking
that step towards being aware, you’re going to take an emotional
rollercoaster ride. It’s going start with anger, or denial and anger,
and you’re going to go into shock and just in absolute awe and
just… and then you are going into an anger phase where you can’t
believe that they’ve done this to you for so long.
That everything that you believed, every foundation that you based
your opinions, your morals, your sense of who you are on has been
a lie. You get angry. But then you realize that you get overwhelming
feeling of happiness as you realize it. This world is a much better
place than they’ve tricked us into believing it was. And then you
feel a surge of energy and you want to get the word out (…) But
remember, it’s not for everybody. A lot of people will still have that
wall put up, and they will not, even if you show them the facts, they
– will – not accept those facts. That’s because they are not ready yet.
They will be though. It just takes time.”
This morning in the bathroom I lost my balance, fell and hit my
forehead badly on the sink. I was confused and in agony. I managed
to lay myself on my bed, with one hand on the forehead where
the pain was coming from. After a while the confusion seemed to
disappear and I felt something on my fingers. I looked and I was
bleeding. I went back to the bathroom, wetted some tissue paper
with cold water, to take the bleeding. After having replaced with new
tissue paper again and again, l lay on the bed again, and regularly
went back and forth between the bed and the bathroom to replace
with new tissue paper.
Then I found myself laying in bed feeling sorry for myself:
“Isn’t the creative angel suppose to help me, look out for me, guide
me?”, I thought.
My next thoughts were:”Maybe the creative angel is speaking to me,
maybe there is a lesson to be learned”
“What were some of the greatest strengths of the human beings I
wrote about earlier in the post” I thought and my memory kicked
in gear.
“Curiosity of knowledge, amazing communication skills and what
was the last one I wrote…persistence!”
In a brief moment I saw a picture in my mind of what seemed to be
the form of a man walking out of a cloud of smoke.
The next thing my mind explored was: “Those skills are not skills
of the human beings. It is the skills of the ego of the human beings.
These are strengths of our ego. Get up from bed”
And here I am, occasionally holding ice to my forehead.
Is mind and ego the same? Then the ego is not you. Then the ego
would be a tool. Just like the mind is a tool. Is the ego the mind’s
projection of itself into the collective universe? Like an avatar, like
you are actually controlling yourself, like a 3D virtual reality player
and you can improve its skills and change its clothes, but it is a tool
to experience this reality?
Is the ego your name, your age, your skin color, your body language,
your voice tonality, the clothes you wear, your overall appearance,
your work, the ‘story of your life’, the skillset you have build, the
identity that other people perceive you as, your image?
Is the ego among human beings like a picture of 7 billion children
all with their arms extended outward pointing at somebody else?
I would suggest that we need to understand the ego inside of us
and realize the effect it has on us, so we can use its strengths and be
consciously aware of its weaknesses when they appear in any given
If there is one weakness of the ego that I have experience myself and
among my fellow human beings my whole life it is this:
A man whose ego has been hurt has a tendency to try and justify his
ego by one-upmanship
(My suggestion: Resist any urge to hurt a fellow human being’s ego
in the first place. Become aware when you encounter a situation
like this. If a fellow human being is trying to hurt your ego, remove
yourself from the situation or embrace your fellow human being
with unconditional love and unconditional respect – you might
even say “Hey, you are trying to hurt my ego, come here and get a
hug”, and have a laugh about it. Ego-battles are for children. Don’t
get caught up, involved or carried away in them.).
Here is another one that comes to mind: When a man communicates
a strong position, he can find it difficult to change it later, because
now his ego is invested in that position – and might defend that
position even when he has been proven wrong and he knows it.
But he will deny that he is wrong in order to ‘save face’ and not
getting his ego hurt.
(My suggestion: Never tell a man that he is wrong in the first place.
Keep an open mind and understand HIS Tree of Knowledge, then
introduce him to YOUR Tree of Knowledge and show dots for him
to explore on his own – maybe there even is something from HIS
Tree of Knowledge that has inspired you and some day starts to
grow also on YOUR Tree of Knowledge).
Spiritual ground is relative new for me. There is something that
tells me that the spiritual side of life has been suppressed just like
knowledge has been. But how do you find reliable information on
this subject.
When the information/dots resonates with the energy of
unconditional love and unconditional respect I will explore it
further, be inspired and let it grow on my Tree of Knowledge. If it
doesn’t resonate I will put it on the back burner.
I went on Google and put in the search-term: ego scarcity
On page 2 I found this page:
Here is what I found interesting - words of authors Nouk Sanchez
and Tomas Vieira:
“…The Spiritual journey is not about acquiring more knowledge,
abilities or skills. It’s about unlearning all we think we are and know.
The perception we have of ourselves, others and the world we live
in comes from one source and this one only; the ego. Now the
ego, being a will apart from God, projects this entire reality, right
down to the separate bodies we appear to inhabit. It makes sure our
attention is always turned outward to get all its needs met. It will
never let us know that it caused this dream by projecting it outward
making it appear that we’re the victims of the world we see. It wants
us to believe that we’re all separate and that the world is being done
to us and not by us.
For example if someone offends you the ego will take offense
convinced that another caused you suffering. It won’t let you see
that whoever upset you is simply mirroring your own denied
unconscious guilt and is a projection coming from your own
mind. We’re all one. There’s only ever one of us in this dream so
the quicker we forgive error in another, the faster we undo the
mass of unconscious guilt we harbor within. Whatever you give to
a seeming other you give to yourself. There’s only one Holy Self of
which we are all part and there’s only one ego appearing as many…”
I would suggest that the ego functions the same way inside every
one of us. So we need as the first step to become consciously aware
of the effect that the ego has on us, and then use its strengths and be
consciously aware of its weaknesses when they appear in any given
I went back on Google and put in the search-term: david icke ego
(doing basic research is easy, but often I have to go through a lot of
information before I find the gems – using the words ‘david icke’ in
a search term helps me to keep an open mind haha).
In the top -as the no. 2 – I found a headline from July 2009 at with a gem-packed video:
Here is the link to the video:
Introduction quote in the video:
“If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and
the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to
control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are
the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to
be aware of them every time they come up.”
- Deepak Chopra
(Deepak Chopra is a graduate of the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences and a former leader of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s
Transcendental Meditation)
The introduction in the video is the elevator scene in the film
Revolver, where the character Jake Green speaks to his ego: “You
don’t control me. I control you.”
- In other words: The ego is not you. The ego is not who you are. The
ego is a tool. And you are in control of that tool.
So, we need to understand what the ego is, how the ego works as
a tool, its great strengths, its great weaknesses and be aware of the
effects the ego has on our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.
I would suggest that to be the first step we need to take on the
spiritual path.
The next step on the spiritual path I would suggest to be the
understanding of the concept that I in this post have called ‘the
creative angel’.
To take that step I would suggest to listen carefully to and get
the understanding of the following uploads of Jonathan aka.
1) “KNOWLEDGE - Jonathon; aka adampants”
2) “The Healing Begins NOW - Jonathan; aka adampants”
3) “Phase 3 Therapy - Jonathan; aka adampants”
Thursday October 27, 2011
Today I went through the post, finding typos and cutting the crap
out haha (ha just like a gardener trimming the tree).
P.S. English is not my native language, so there might be some
misspellings here and there, but I love to write in English (another
example of celebrating our differences and uniting our strengths).
P.P.S. In my country today the mainstream media brought an
article on the front page of their websites. A quick search shows
that brought it 25 October 2011 with reference to
Daily Mail that brought it the same day. Here is a more in dept
article from MSNBC:
The article is about how Swedish and American scientists just
cracked a 300 year old unbreakable code revealing a 105 page long
document. The document is from a secret society from the 1730s of
what appears to be in German language. The first words they were
able to translate were ‘Ceremony of Initiation’ and ‘Secret Section’.
And here is the link to the PDF-file on the home page of the
scientists (Uppsala University, Sweden) with the translation of the
105 pages:
I haven’t looked it through yet. Just opened the file and saw it was
19 pages. It seems to be Twitter- messages meet Dan Brown haha. I
might look it over in the weekend just to have a laugh.
Now, when you understand everything I have written in this post,
you will realize that there is a reason that the royal bloodlines
orchestrate this ‘discovery’ and news story to be brought out now.
And beware, I don’t think the document and the news story is
necessarily intended for you and me. It is more intended for the
public to start conditioning our fellow human beings to a reality of
unity consciousness.
But the royal bloodlines know that first, everything that has been
hidden must be revealed – preferably in such a way that our fellow
human beings don’t go too much into shock, anger and denial.
So, I don’t think we are going to see the royal bloodlines spill the
beans all at once. Our fellow human beings are not ready for it.
They are still living in the old consciousness with the mindset of a
child. If I were the royal bloodlines I would aim for a soft landing.
We need to keep an open mind. There are going to be a lot of
surprises. I think we are all in for an amazing ride on an endless
The royal bloodlines have done what they should do and we the
human beings have done what we should do, to get us all where we
are today, to this new unity consciousness.
And when our fellow human beings understand this new unity
consciousness they will understand that the royal bloodlines just
did what they had to do, and with the understanding of unity
consciousness our fellow human beings will go from childhood to
adulthood and will forgive and embrace with unconditional love
and unconditional respect. Royal bloodlines, I love you.
So, are we, as the human beings on a grand scale, going to consciously
co-create with the royal bloodlines, or are we going to keep acting
like a child and point fingers at the royal bloodlines because our ego
was hurt in the old consciousness?
Scenario A or Scenario B? – The choice is yours.
Friday October 28, 2011
Closing comments:
I couldn’t sleep last night. I felt it was just like the night before
Christmas. But not from the viewpoint of a six year old child who
can’t sleep because he is thinking about all the presents he might get
(been there, done that).
I couldn’t sleep because, I couldn’t wait to give you this present of
mine. It is not a new shining thing. It is the spontaneous expression
of me. It is my full attention. It is my energy of unconditional love
and unconditional respect.
And it is all here in this post.
This has also been a long presentation of MY Tree of Knowledge
– as it is in this very moment. I hope I have inspired you to keep
growing YOUR Tree of Knowledge, which I and the rest of the
world then can be inspired by. Collectively we will keep growing
and consciously co-create OUR Tree of Knowledge.
Now, I’m conscious of the fact that there is a possibility that this
post can turn into something big. I just want to let everybody
know who reads this post, I’m never going to claim in person that I
wrote this post. I don’t want fame. Fame is an illusion (please read
an earlier post of mine called: “Russell Brand destroys illusion of
show business”). I’m just like everybody else and we have abundant
energy of unconditional love and unconditional respect to give out
to the rest of the world.
Thank you for reading fellow human beings, royal bloodlines,
serpents and every other beings of this amazing planet.
Fade to black. Roll Credits. Music volume up: Abba – I Have A
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The Mayan Calendar II:
Divine Comedy
Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye…
I can’t wait to give you this present of mine. I’m so excited I have
already unwrapped it for you.
This post is dedicated to all members of the david icke forum
including the moderators who are doing an amazing job, to Jay and
his channels at ‘jay4louise’ on youtube (love them all, the music is
too loud though haha – everyone should watch the newest ‘Hitler’series and of
course to David Icke.
I just watched the latest interview and it is an absolutely joy
to see and listen to you, David
watch?v=CEXd6uchNCE – in fact I have only watched the first half
of the interview as I write these lines. I want to take it slow and walk
around with the feelings it brings me of connectedness and joy.
I just looked up the definition of connectedness:
"…What is connectedness? It is a sense of being a part of
something larger than oneself. It is a sense of belonging, or a sense
of accompaniment. It is that feeling in your bones that you are not
alone. It is a sense that, no matter how scary things may become,
there is a hand for you in the dark. While ambition drives us to
achieve, connectedness is my word for the force that urges us to
ally, to affiliate, to enter into mutual relationships, to take strength
and to grow through cooperative behavior…"
Edward M. Hallowell, “Finding the Heart of the Child” (1993)
That is exactly how I feel.
This post is also dedicated to Fritz Springmeier and Stewart
Swerdlow, to Alex Jones and his team at and all his
guests, to George Noory and his team at Coast to Coast AM and all
his guests, to Henrik Palmgren and his team at Red Ice Creations
and all his guests, and to everyone contributing in this field. You
know what, let’s embrace everyone. This post is dedicated to every
living organism in the universe.
(Please don’t make any replies to this thread, before I have posted
all pages. This is a giant post.)
To get the most out of this post I recommend that you read AND
understand my latest one:
“The Mayan Calendar: Dr. Calleman Was Right.” from October 28,
Now, do you want to join me again on a journey deeper down the
Here is where we left off from my latest post:
“…The royal bloodlines know that first, everything that has been
hidden must be revealed – preferably in such a way that our fellow
human beings don’t go too much into shock, anger and denial.
So, I don’t think we are going to see the royal bloodlines spill the
beans all at once. Our fellow human beings are not ready for it.
They are still living in the old consciousness with the mindset of a
child. If I were the royal bloodlines I would aim for a soft landing...”
And here is the final episode of this season’s South Park with
millions of viewers every week (aired on November 16, 2011):
“We cannot know with certainty if God or Christ exists. They
COULD. Then again. There COULD be a giant reptilian bird in
charge of everything. Can we be CERTAIN there isn’t? NO, so it’s
pointless to talk about it.”
And the big finale:
- A giant reptilian bird in charge of everything.
It seems that the royal bloodlines are aiming for a soft landing.
Saturday November 26, 2011
I have notes all over the place like never before. Notes from every
single day of the last 4 weeks.
This is going to take me some time to get them all straight.
I’m going to consciously co-create with my last post and wait till
December 21, 2012 to post this on the forum - so it keeps me calm
that I have time to put this all together.
I’m not sure where to begin. I want to present you with all the
stepping stones I have gone through so you can extract the most
and be inspired.
I had a pain in my back last night that I never had before. It was
almost like my body or something else was trying to tell me that I
still have a body to look out for (and not just a mind to pamper).
I haven’t done anything active for the past 2 months. Before that,
to take my mind off things, I went to a gym and lifted dumbbells
(primarily the silver dumbbells for girls haha). The last time I went
(beginning of October) I stood there in front of the mirror and
lifted weights and all of a sudden a new dot appeared related to the
Mayan Calendar. Often, if I don’t put my thoughts down onto paper
immediately, the thoughts will just vanish like a dream and never
come back. I repeated the thoughts in my mind over and over again
while going to the changing room to write my thoughts down. I
went home after that. I felt more was coming. I haven’t been back to
the gym since then.
And there is just something to it: When the new thought is fresh in
your mind it is like your mind hasn’t had time to judge it. It just is.
Fresh from nature without any indoctrinated social programming
judging it. And when you immediately write the thought down it
will only be spontaneously processed by your intuition.
I recall the film Avatar:
Jake Sully: “Okay, this is video-log 12. Time is 21.32. (Turns to
Grace) Do I have to do this now, like, I really need to get some rest.”
Dr. Grace Augustine:”No. Now. When it’s fresh.”
I think there is something profound to that.
I went out running to make my body happy again and while
running my mind gave me a saying: “Life has to be lived forward
but understood backward”. That is exactly the message I want to get
across in the lines you have just read.
Tool 1:
Live your life spontaneously in the moment and keep an ongoing
log of your observations, your thoughts, your feelings and your
actions during the day.
Sunday November 27, 2011
Let’s talk about the old consciousness, the mindset of a child. I
would suggest that when we understand it completely, then we
have created a stepping stone for ourselves to enter adulthood
The old consciousness, the childhood consciousness, is dominated
by the dualistic mindset.
I would suggest that a person living with a dualistic mindset is not
aware that he has a dualistic mindset. He is always fighting ‘the
other groups’. He is unaware that his own dualistic mind is actually
creating more division:
Let’s find some examples of the dualistic mindset – basically it is
about taking side and fighting ‘the other groups’:
It is us or them – now who do you join?
‘Sheep’ or ‘awake’
Male or female
Rich or poor
Young or old
My country vs. your country
Jedi or Sith
Good guys or bad guys
My football club vs. all other football clubs (haha I actually don’t
watch football that much anymore, only when the national team is
A girl and her girlfriends vs. all other girls
I’m right, you are wrong
If you are not a patriot, you are a terrorist
MSM or Alternative Media
99% or 1%
Black or white
For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action
Angels or demons
Human beings or non-human beings
Everything or nothing
I watched the film ‘Philosophy and the Matrix: Return to the Source‘
where the über-minds of philosophy are describing our world,
and I was like: “Isn’t that a dualistic mind speaking? Are the überminds of philosophy caught up in a dualistic mindset to describe
our world?”
Listen to Iakovos Vasiliou, Associate Professor of Philosophy, City
University of New York Graduate Center:
“…How are you going to discover what is really the case. One
method traditionally is something like revelation, where God
somehow tells human beings what the truth is and so just gives you
the answer. But then there is another method that rises around
science and philosophy which is the method called critical reason
and the idea there is that human beings are going to figure out the
truth for themselves…”
So, either God gives us everything or God gives us nothing?
Everything or nothing?
Isn’t that a dualistic mind speaking?
Are the über-minds of philosophy caught up in a dualistic mindset
to describe our world?
And then passing that dualistic mindset on to the students in their
That means the über-minds of philosophy are completely missing
the whole picture. Expand your box, gentlemen! Even better, blow
it wide open!
How about a third option that captures both sides and embraces
the dualistic mindset (could this be the stepping stone to evolve the
mind?) :
The balance – the yin yang
So, are the royal bloodlines the ‘good guys’ or the ‘bad guys’?
Could they be a third option?
Could they resemble the characters of both?
Could they resemble everything and nothing in a balanced
Could they resemble a father and a mother, where the father put up
obstacles for the child to overcome and the mother put out clues for
the child to follow?
Could they resemble two smart loving parents that are leading their
child toward strong healthy growth?
I would suggest that everyone that finds his or her way to the
david icke forum and develops an open non-judgmental mind has
overcome the worst obstacle put out by the royal bloodlines, has
climbed the highest wall, has developed a higher consciousness
and are now on the other side and can start to look for the clues to
follow put out by the same royal bloodlines.
The last obstacle we will encounter will be the last bit of our dualistic
mindset creeping in on us trying to divide us in the group that has
climbed the wall and the group that has not climbed the wall. And
if we don’t keep our thoughts and emotions in check we human
beings will divide ourselves into us vs. them – and we human beings
as one will trip at the finish line.
Tool 2:
Become aware of yourself in your everyday life.
Become aware when you promote the dualistic mindset – creating
You have to start observe yourself, your own thoughts, self-talk,
feelings and actions – sometimes you will catch yourself in a
dualistic mindset – become aware of it when it happens, you can
even say inside yourself: “Hey, now I’m doing it again” and have a
laugh to yourself. Don’t judge yourself. This is a learning experience.
Tuesday December 6, 2011
Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge.
Here is Fritz Springmeier, author of the book “Bloodlines of the
Illuminati”, talking about the royal bloodlines aka. the Illuminati on
the radio show The Alex Jones Show, November 4, 2011:
“…They are Gnostics. They want their good deeds to be balanced
by their bad deeds. And their bad deeds to be balanced by their
good deeds, so there is balance. And so, you are going to continue
to see this dynamic and all this Gnostic balancing…”
Thank you Clint Giles for posting this thread (November 21, 2011)
and thank you, Clint Giles’ knowledgeable friend, for pointing us in
the right direction (if you want to learn more about the Freemasons
– watch these videos):
According to Masonic historian Albert Mackey and Masonic legend
Eliphas Levi, Gnostiscism is where masonry gets the mysterious
letter G:
Albert Mackey (1807-1881), 33rd Degree Freemason:
"So, too, we find Gnostic symbols in the Hermetic Philosophy and
in the system of Rosicrucianism and lastly, many of the symbols still
used by Freemasonry -- such as, for instance, the triangle within a
circle, the letter 'G' and the pentacle of Solomon, have been traced
to a Gnostic source."
("Encyclopedia of Freemasonry", 1927 edition, p. 300)
Masonic legend Eliphas Levi about the meaning of the letter ‘G’ in
the Masonic symbol:
“G which Freemasons place in the center of the Burning Star
signifies Gnosis and Generation, the two sacred words of the
ancient Kabbalah…”
(Masonic author, Eliphas Levi, quoted by Masonic author, Arthur
Edward Waite, “The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings
of Eliphas Levi”, 1909, p. 205).
Let’s dig into Gnosticism:
Now, I know that we have all been mind controlled to reject and
keep a safe distance from everything that includes the terms
‘Christianity’, ‘God’ and ‘Jesus’ - just as some people have been
mind controlled to reject and keep a safe distance from everything
that includes the term: “Conspiracy theorist”.
Remember to keep an open non-judgmental mind as you read
Here is Dr. Rachel Wagner, Origon State University (from the film:
‘Philosophy and the Matrix: Return to the Source ‘):
“…Gnostic Christianity flourished in the early centuries of the
first millennium and it was a fierce competitor with traditional
And here is Frances Flannery-Dailey, Ph. D. assistant professor
of Religion, Hendrix College (from the film ‘Philosophy and the
Matrix: Return to the Source ‘):
“…Gnosticism frames the fundamental human problem in terms of
ignorance – the solution being enlightenment. Whereas traditional
Christianity, orthodox Christianity tends to frame the problem in
terms of sin and repentance…”
“…This is where the parallel to the Matrix becomes so interesting.
Gnosticism would hold that the fundamental human problem is
that we are diamonds in the mud. We are a soul, a spirit that is
trapped in a material body and we need to get out because we are
divine sparks and we don’t belong here…”
Now, before we dig deeper into Gnosticism, let’s back up for a
moment and take a look at the Mayan Calendar:
I have wondered what kind of significant event was behind ‘Dark
Ages’ on the calendar.
Britannica Encyclopedia describes the Dark Ages as:
“The early medieval period of western European history. Specifically,
the term refers to the time (476–800) when there was no Roman (or
Holy Roman) emperor in the West; or, more generally, to the period
between about 500 and 1000...a period of intellectual darkness and
So, a period of intellectual darkness that occurred in Europe
following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
What is behind the mask of the term ‘intellectual darkness’?
Knowledge being banned?
Could ‘intellectual darkness’ be a symbol for the event where
Gnostic Christianity ‘lost the battle’ to traditional Christianity and
became banned?
According to author and Gnostic Christian, William C. Kiefert,
Gnostic Christianity was the ‘outlawed’ logic/logos teachings of
Jesus (
Now when I think about it, the reason that we have been programmed
to have this knee-jerk reaction to the terms ‘Christianity’, ‘God’ and
‘Jesus’ and also the term ‘Conspiracy theorist’- is that because there
actually is some true knowledge hidden somewhere behind these
So they have been like another test for us to overcome?
A test only an open non-judgmental mind would overcome?
Now, if you will excuse me, I will print and read every single page
on that website
Wednesday December 7, 2011
Jesus is backing us up!
Let’s summarize the 80 pages.
-The What (in general)
-The History (briefly, just to get a feel for it)
-The How (in details)
The What:
What does Gnostic Christianity teach:
- The second coming of Jesus is not Jesus in person, but his form of
higher consciousness within us all.
- Gnostic Christianity is not about Jesus' public teachings. It is about
the gnosis, or practical knowledge, that Jesus taught in private.
- Gnostic Christianity teaches a non-judgmental "process" of
reasoning (how to develop an open non-judgmental mind).
- There are five stages in the development of consciousness:
1) Stage I (Infancy Consciousness):
“...Mindless behavior characterizes Stage I...”
2) Stage II (Childhood Consciousness – dualistic mindset):
“...Black and white thinking and actions determined by reward and
punishment, not conscience...”
3) Stage III (Adolescence Consciousness – being aware of the
dualistic mindset and starting to recover):
The wake up from our sleep . Starting to recover by developing an
open non-judgmental mind.
“…Paul (the Apostle) refers to those in Stage III in the development
of consciousness as "the called", meaning those who are called by
their conscience to be nonjudgmental and loving…”
4) Stage IV (Adulthood Consciousness - Fully recovered from the
dualistic mindset):
“...Paul (the Apostle) refers to those in Stage IV as “men made
perfect” (Heb 12:23) and to those who have the “mind of Christ.”
(1Co 2:16)...”
5) Stage V (Adulthood Consciousness – in everyone):
“...In Stage V, all will have learned to reason lovingly. We will no
longer think it reasonable to look out for ourselves as others suffer.
We will see ourselves as one with all others and therefore treat them
as ourselves...”
The History:
“…At great cost to all of us, Jesus' private/Gnostic teachings were
"outlawed" with the Roman Emperor Constantine's decision to
make Christianity the state religion. For along with that decision
came his command that all Christian bishops choose between
Jesus' public/Orthodox and private/Gnostic teachings. In this
way Constantine could unite the empire under one official church
doctrine. His command was carried out at the Council of Nicaea
(325 AD) in the document Christians call the Nicene Creed and
its shorter version, the Apostles' Creed. In effect, the Nicene Creed,
which reflects Jesus' public teachings, became the one official
doctrine of Orthodox Christianity, and in turn, made his private
Gnostic teachings an outlawed heresy.
Soon after the Council, "an imperial edict ordered that all books
by Arius [the principal advocate of Jesus' Gnostic teachings
at Nicaea], and others like him, should be burned, and made
concealment of such a book punishable by death." Bishop
Eusebius (260-340), Constantine's court historian, restructured
all Biblical literature to coincide with the council's decision. In
325, Eusebius issued an "Ecclesiastical history [in which time was
portrayed as] the battleground of God and Satan, and all events
as advancing the triumph of Christ." From that time on, Eusebius'
Ecclesiastical history acted as the official supernatural model for
future interpretations of Jesus' ministry. The intellectual character
of Gnosticism was in conflict with Eusebius' supernatural model
and was outlawed. "The Middle Ages had begun."…”
The How:
“...Understanding that Jesus’ goal is to expand consciousness,
we must ask, “Is consciousness, as I now experience it, merely a
stepping stone to a perfected stage of consciousness?” The answer is
that the nonjudgmental rules of logic which Jesus’ Gnostic teachings
provide are the key to the fourth and perfected psychological stage
in a model of five developmental stages of consciousness...”
Let’s go in details with Stage IV of Consciousness (Adulthood
Consciousness - Fully recovered from the dualistic mindset):
“...Knowledge has consequences. The consequence of the knowledge
Jesus' Gnostic teachings reveal is a new way of thinking. Jesus said,
"marvel not that ye must be born again," (John 3:7 kjv). By "born
again," Jesus means reborn intellectually into the renewed form of
Stage IV consciousness. In other words, He was referring to the
rebirth of consciousness/mind, not physical rebirth...”
“...In Stage IV we recognize that the values of others are as sacred
to us as to them. When all acknowledge that people are essentially
different and at different stages of moral and rational development,
we shall be able to set charity in our hearts and nonjudgment in our
minds. For if we are to love, we must follow the injunction, "Judge
not." In Stage IV we know the truth, that a Kingdom of Heaven on
Earth is possible when all follow the command to judge not. Here,
those who know the truth, wait as they teach others to catch up...”
“...Stage IV comes, neither as a miraculous gift of grace, nor with
a bolt of lightning from the gods. It is the hard-won prize of our
heroic journey of return, discovering within ourselves both our
essential nature of Love and a system of nonjudgmental reasoning
which makes "doing on earth as it is in heaven" a practical reality.
In Stage IV, we will have learned nonjudgmental logic, and
therefore, embody within us its qualities. Those qualities include
nonjudgment and love, non-discrimination and unconditional
acceptance, tolerance, humility, generosity, forgiveness, selfrealization, and agape and the brotherhood of man...”
“...In the renewed mind/consciousness of Stage IV we understand
that we are both an individual/ego and our God-self. The ego is still
the ego in Stage IV, but here it is harmonious in thought with the
“...In our new experience of-or awakening to-a consciousness of
oneness, we experience what was formerly considered ‘other’ in
profoundly new ways. In our new consciousness our senses are
flooded with oneness. The sense of separation and other is replaced
by joy, peace, and brotherly love that we cannot, in lower stages of
consciousness, imagine...”
“...In First Corinthians 13:9-12, Paul explains how the transition
from our present consciousness of the world to the higher
consciousness of Stage IV changes our perceptions of the world.
"Once perfection comes (i.e. when we have reached Stage IV) all
imperfect things will disappear. When I (meaning the ego) was a
child, [Stages II and III] I used to talk like a child, and think like a
child, and argue like a child, but now I am a man [in Stage IV] all
childish ways are put behind me...”
"...The kingdom of God is within you," Jesus said. And so it is for
those reborn with a renewed mind...”
“...Paul refers to those in Stage IV as "men made perfect" (Heb
12:23) and those who have the "mind of Christ" (1 Co 2:16)...”
“...Even though it may be true that all of us have been misdirected
by our own judgmental reasoning, we must not condemn ourselves
for it. Nor should we fear the changes that must come. Instead, we
need to understand that judgmental reasoning represents a lower
stage in the natural growth of our capacity for consciousness.
Understanding this will empower us to seek new higher goals of
“...From the perspective of Stage IV of consciousness, the wellbeing of children would be the prime mover of politics. Historically,
military spending, self-serving politicians and business leaders
come before our children and over-crowded schools. In the higher
consciousness that Jesus' Gnostic teachings provide, loving homes,
equal opportunity, recognition of parents and communities, and
other supportive measures would be seen as imperative to the
well-being of children. The end result would be a world filled with
loving people living at the highest of their potentials-insuring that
following generations could do the same...”
Now, it is a bit ironic though, that the author later in the text calls
potential leaders of the world for ‘demagogues’, ‘tyrants’ and ‘sick
adults’ – creating division (it seems he has been mind controlled
and had his feelings manipulated by the MSM):
“…Jesus’ teachings about stages of consciousness empower us to
better select public servants. When we understand reasoning
relative to stages of consciousness, we would not stand idly by while
demagogues took over the world. We would recognize such tyrants
as “sick adults” stuck in the lowest stages of consciousness and
would treat them accordingly-not support them…”
I would suggest that it takes a lot of practice to develop an open
non-judgmental mind.
Tool 3:
Become aware when people around you promote the dualistic
mindset – creating division.
Don’t judge them. Just observe. Become aware of those situations.
A funny game I have found is to observe when people’s behavior
(and my own) resembles one of the 7 deadly sins.
The 7 deadly sins:
Inside tip: Remember to look out for your ego trying to justify your
actions. It can be a sneaky bastard.
I would suggest that we all have a dark side inside of us. Instead
of trying to ignore it or suppress it or being afraid of our human
nature - just observe when the dark side arise inside of you, accept
it, welcome it, feel it, really feel it, sense the feeling and while you
sense it and feel it find the right label of the 7 deadly sins.
Put the label on it in that same moment, congratulate yourself for
finding the right label, accept it, forgive it, let it go and embrace it
with pure love, unconditional love. Embrace the whole situation.
Forgive every person involved (you can’t be mad at a child for acting
like a child - and you can’t be mad at a person with a mindset of a
child, childhood consciousness, for acting like a child – resist any
urge, stay calm and don’t create further division) and then embrace
them to yourself inside of yourself with the flowing embracing
abundant energy of unconditional love that we all have deep inside
of ourselves. Then, let go of the situation and move on.
Friday December 9, 2011
The David Icke of Alternative Egyptology is a man called R. A.
Schwaller de Lubicz (1887–1961). Just like David Icke now has
researched the global conspiracy for over 20 years, so did R. A.
Schwaller de Lubicz research the ancient Egyptian Temple of Luxor
for 15 years. Of course he was ridiculed and called anti-semitic,
nazi and racist. Pretty much just like David Icke was. So maybe he
has a piece of the puzzle.
Thank you Clint Giles for also posting this thread (November 15,
2011) and thank you - again – Clint Giles’ knowledgeable friend,
for pointing us in the right direction (I wouldn’t be surprised if the
friend is a royal bloodline putting out clues to follow):
I had never heard about the Temple of Luxor before (there
are so many amazing topics you can research about the global
conspiracy, you just can’t know it all) and these videos led me to
R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz.
According to the videos the Temple of Luxor was not just a place
for worship to the ancient Egyptians, the temple WAS THE
TEACHING of gaining a higher consciousness.
So, I read R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz’ books ‘The Temple in Man
- Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man’ and ‘Ancient Egypt,
Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness’ and guess what:
Ancient Egypt and the Temple of Luxor are backing us up!
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz writes about embracing the dualistic
mindset in his book ‘Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of
“…We are dealing…with a new state of thought, a new opening
up of intelligence, which can be interpreted more or less in the
following manner: the simultaneity of opposite states constitutes
the phenomenon. Up until now, because of our objective position
before this phenomenon, we have viewed it by splitting these two
component states, in what I call “cerebral dualization,” and it is on
this “exotericism” that we built our purely analytical science…”
Here R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz describes the teaching in the Temple
of Luxor (from his book ‘The Temple in Man - Sacred Architecture
and the Perfect Man’):
“…There is the knowledge of Good and Evil, and the knowledge
of Unity; the intelligence of the "mortal," which separates like the
scythe, and the Intelligence of the permanent, which unifies…”
“…Unity creates by "looking at itself ". We may call this Unity God
or Unpolarized Energy, in that this Unity is indivisible…”
“…When, through his experience, he has developed his
consciousness to the utmost perfection, he will no longer need
his cerebral instrument to attain it: he will need his cerebral
instrument solely in order to act, The life of this "superman" (in
pure contemplation and ecstasy) will again be that of "Divine" man,
but in consciousness—that is to say, no longer as a blind Neter,
but as a being carrying within itself all knowledge, the sum of all
possible experiences…”
The teaching reveals that Man contain within himself the entire
“…Man is the individualization of all the functions, affinities,
and powers of the Universe; and Consciousness is the Measure
of individualization, rendering actual that which is virtual in the
cosmic harmony. Man is the Microcosm, Consciousness is the
Temple in Man…”
The Temple of Luxor teaches that Man IS the universe – that Man
IS the center of the universe!
If Man is the center of the universe does that mean that Planet Earth
also is the center of the universe?
This is too much. I don’t want to explore this further. Have we really
been lied to about everything?
I recall Dante Alighieri’s ‘Divine Comedy’ where he mentions the
Sun being a planet:
Could the Sun actually just be another form of planet orbiting
On a grand atomic scale in a holographic universe the Earth would
then be the nucleus, the proton (the male energy) and the Sun
would be the surrounding embracing electron cloud (the female
In ancient Egypt the Goddess Nut gave birth to the Sun and the sky
and they called the Sun for ‘Mother Sun’ (the female energy). Her
brother and husband Geb was the Earth God and they called Earth
for ‘Father Earth’ (the male energy).
(C. Scott Littleton: ‘Gods, goddesses, and mythology’, Volume 11)
If we go back in history, ancient astronomers like Aristotle (384
BC - 322 BC) and Ptomely (AD 90-168) calculated Planet Earth as
being the center of the universe. That lasted almost 2000 years.
It changed during the so-called scientific revolution where
Copernicus (on his deathbed in 1543) switched out Planet Earth
for the Sun to take the place of the universe center.
It seems that Copernicus was not just a random guy on the street.
Apparently his family was one of the most powerful Roman
Catholic families in Poland:
-His uncle, Lucas Watzenrode, was Polish senator and later Bishop
of Warmia.
- Copernicus’grandmother (his mother’s mother) was Katherine
Modlibóg. The Modlibógs (literally, in Polish, “Pray to God”) were
a prominent Roman Catholic Polish family who had been well
known in Poland’s history since 1271
(Stephen Mizwa: ‘Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543–1943’).
Author Stephen Mizwa also mentions astronomer Ptolemy in his
book ‘Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543–1943’:
“...Greek geographer and astronomer Ptolemy, who lived in
Alexandria in the second century of our era, and who systematized
the ideas and elaborations of all his predecessors, promulgated a
system that was maintained and met no successful challenge for
fourteen centuries...”
“...It was a system…the geocentric conception, that supposed the
earth to be the fixed center of the universe about which the sun
and the other six planets revolve...”
“...It was the Ptolemaic geocentric system which prevailed until
Copernicus bade the sun to stop, and at his bidding the earth
began to spin...”
I found these illustrations:
I need a break.
Before I get back on the main road, I want to explore Ptolemy.
The Greek geographer and astronomer Ptolemy lived in Alexandria
where he had access to the greatest knowledge of the ancient world
- the Great Greek Library of Alexandria.
Ptolemy’s treatise of mathematical astronomy is known as the
Almagest (“The Great Treatise”, originally “Mathematical Treatise”)
and it is heavily dependent on the work of Hipparchus, an ancient
Greek mathematician and astronomer (c. 190 BC – c. 120 BC) and
the work of Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician
and astronomer (384 BC – 322 BC).
The 9th century Persian astronomer and astrologer Abu Ma'sar (who
apparently is considered one of the most important astrologers)
assumed Ptolemy to be member of Egypt's royal lineage, stating
that the ten kings of Egypt who followed Alexander were wise
"and included Ptolemy the Wise, who composed the book of the
(‘Abu Ma'sar on Historical Astrology: The Book of Religions and
Dynasties (On the Great Conjunctions), Abu Ma’shar, De magnis
coniunctionibus, ed.-transl. K. Yamamoto, Ch. Burnett, Leiden,
2000, 2 vols. (Arabic & Latin text); 4.1.4.))
It seems that Ptolemy was not just a random guy on the street either.
Well, let’s just keep an open mind and see where we end up.
I mean, if Planet Earth is the center of the universe that would be so
amazing. It will change the whole game.
We would go from:
“Oh we are just small little insignificant human beings occupying
space in a corner of a solar system” to “We are the fucking universe!”
Talk about a confidence boost to mankind.
Saturday December 10, 2011
So, back on the main road.
The goal for humanity seems to be to embrace the dualistic mindset
and by doing that we unite and create balance.
Ancient Egypt agrees on this. Jesus agrees on this. What about
the biologists? Do they agree? If we can get a green light from the
people who study living organisms we might have the foundation
of a non-compartmentalized teaching for our children.
I give the word to biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton (thank you Anders
Lindman for sharing this video, December 6, 2011 - http://forum. – it seems that
I’m just catching up on the rapidly growing collective consciousness
on the forum):
“…Before there were multicellular organisms on this planet there
were only single cells. For billions of years all there were, were just
single cells carrying out their own lives. But what happened was
the cells recognized that they can increase their survival by gaining
more awareness. But awareness was the membrane, so you can either
make bigger and bigger cells or you can take groups of cells and
plug them together and let their membrane share information…”
“…Human beings, individual humans, each one of you, each one
of us, is a cell in a larger community coming together to share
awareness to create one living organism, we would call humanity.
We are not humans until we create humanity. When we create
humanity, which is when we all recognize that we are all cells in the
same living organism and we are going to coherent in fashion, we
have then created the next level of evolution…”
“…The internet is a definitely evolutionary leap. It is the equivalent
of the communication system by which all the cells in the body
are coherent. So that we have an ability for all cells in our new
human body, the human organization, humanity, to communicate
with each other and share information, which is why the cells came
together in the first place…”
Furthermore, here is Dr. Bruce Lipton in his lecture ‘Biology of
Perception’ (
“…The most important growth promoting signal in the world today
for a human is love. It excess nutrition. A child getting love will
grow. A child not getting love will be stigma in its growth.... When
you are in fear you are shutting down your growth mechanisms.
When you are in love you enhanced your growth mechanisms…”
I would suggest that we have got a green light from the natural
science of biology.
Sunday December 11, 2011
My curiosity has led me back to explore the ancient Greek
mathematicians and astronomers Ptolemy, Hipparchus and
David Icke raises questions about the Moon. Let us also raise
questions about our so-called ‘solar system’ (the people who
invented the term ‘solar system’ most likely supported the idea of
the Sun being the center of the universe).
If Earth is the center of the universe, that means that the world’s
space agencies are ‘in the know’ and suppress knowledge while
spurting out disinformation on a constant basis keeping the illusion
I found this interesting - the logo of the European Space Agency:
What is in the center?
I recall the film ‘Moon Rising’ which presents very interesting
similarities in the logos of the world’s major space agencies:
Here is the logo of Russian Federal Space Agency:
Here we have China:
Would you be surprise if they are all created and controlled by the
royal bloodlines?
Main stream science says: ‘The planets revolve around the Sun’
Ancient Greek mathematicians and astronomers say: ‘The planets
revolve around Earth’:
Furthermore, ancient Greek mathematicians and astronomers say:
‘The planets revolve around Earth and so does the stars on the sky’
(I found it interesting that the stars in this illustration resemble an
electron cloud):
Main stream science says: ‘The universe is infinite’
Ancient Greek mathematicians and astronomers say: ‘The universe
is finite’
Is our solar system itself a sphere?
Does our solar system resemble an atom on a grand atomic scale?
Could our solar system be everything there is in the universe?
So, when you travel in space, at some point you will be back to
where you started?
It would be like a journey around the world?
How much have we been lied to? haha
Now, let’s go back in history and have a closer look at the ancient
Greek mathematicians and astronomers:
Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and
astronomer who was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander
the Great, believed in a finite, spherical universe where the Earth
was located at its center. The planetary spheres were followed by the
stellar sphere containing the fixed stars .The Earth was stationary in
the middle and the Moon, the Sun, the planets and the stars orbited
Hipparchus, the ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer
created a star catalog, the earliest known compendium of the night
sky. He devised a coordinate system to plot each star's location and
a scale to rank the brightness. Astronomers still use this magnitude
scale today.
Ptomely, the ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer, had
access to all this knowledge by being a scholar at the Great Greek
Library of Alexandria. Ptomely was inspired by this knowledge
and wrote a vast encyclopedia of astronomy called Almagest as
mentioned earlier. This was the compendium that would carry
forward through the next millennium as astronomy moved through
Europe. Ptomely included a star catalog with over 1000 stars
(heavily dependent on the work of Hipparchus) and he propagated
Aristotle's planetary system that was the standard cosmology, the
standard of knowledge of the universe.
That lasted until Copernicus challenged it on his deathbed in 1543
with his book ‘De revolutionibus orbium coelestium’ (meaning
‘The Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres’) in his hands. However,
the preface in the book states that the Sun being the center of the
universe is a mere mathematical hypothesis and “these hypotheses
need not be true nor even probable”.
The well-connected Lutheran theologian Andreas Osiander was
later accused of being the one who had written that preface in the
name of Copernicus.
What a diversion tactic. No matter who wrote what, the preface still
exists in the book today stating that the Sun being the center of the
universe is a mere mathematical hypothesis and “these hypotheses
need not be true nor even probable”.
Let me repeat that: Even today, in the name of Copernicus, in his
ground-breaking book ‘De revolutionibus orbium coelestium’,
that has been the number one evidence and foundation of how we
perceive the universe, it is written that the Sun being the center
of the universe is a mere mathematical hypothesis and “these
hypotheses need not be true nor even probable”.
(I’m not making this up. Please question everything and look it up
yourself. Even Wikipedia is confirming it.)
It is all hidden in plain sight.
The preface states: “It is the duty of an astronomer to record the
motion of the heavens with diligent and skilful observations, and
then he has to propose their causes or, rather, hypotheses, since
he cannot hope to attain the true reasons. Our author has done
both of these very well, for these hypotheses need not be true nor
even probable; it is sufficient if the calculations agree with the
(Glasgow University Library Special Collections Department,
32 degree Scottish Rite Mason W. Bro. Jack Buta MPS writes in
his article ‘The forgotten Freemasons’ (
“…Copernicus’ book ‘De revolutionibus orbium coelestium’ (On
the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) is published and placed
in his hands the very day he dies in 1543. However, it would be
printed with a preface written by Lutheran theologian Andreas
Osiander stating the heliocentric account of the earth's movement
is a mere mathematical hypothesis, not an account which contains
truth or even probability…”
Author Arthur Koestler (Sonning Prize winner and Commander
of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)) wrote in his book ‘The
Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe’
“…The history of cosmic theories can be called, without
exaggeration, a history of collective obsessions and controlled
schizophrenias, and the manner in which some discoveries have
been made resemble the conduct of a sleepwalker, rather than the
performance of an electronic brain…”
He referred to Copernicus’ book ‘De revolutionibus orbium
coelestium’ as “the book nobody read”.
Adam Frank, Professor of Astrophysics at the University of
Rochester, Rochester New York (by the way, University of Rochester
is a private university established in 1850 – 1850!! - would you be
surprised if it is owned and controlled by the royal bloodlines?)
writes in his article ‘Roll Over Copernicus! It Turns Out We Are
The Center Of The Universe’ from Marts 1, 2011 (well the article’s
headline says it all really):
“…We are, it turns out, the center of the universe and it's anything
but meaningless…”
(here you find the complete article:
Copernicus’ mathematical hypothesis was not only repeated and
carried forward by ‘scientific revolution’-frontman Galileo – he
also proclaimed it as the new constitution of science. And we
have repeated this mathematical hypothesis ever since, without
questioning it.
As mentioned, in Copernicus’ book it is written, that the Sun being
the center of the universe is a mere mathematical hypothesis and
“these hypotheses need not be true nor even probable”.
So technically, they didn’t lie haha.
Human beings have been like the most ignorant child on the
We have believed everything we were told.
Monday December 12, 2011
Let’s look at a new mathematical hypothesis that combines the
knowledge from the ancient Greek mathematicians and astronomers
with today’s science.
In the mathematical hypothesis we propose that:
-The universe is holographic
-Planet Earth is the center of the universe
-The universe is finite
We can always discuss what kind of shape the universe has (a sphere
or a so-called torus or something else).
Let’s use the example of the universe being a sphere (but it could be
any shape).
Then the universe would look something like this with Earth inside
in the center of this finite universe-‘bubble’:
And when we zoom out, then this finite universe-‘bubble’ would
just become one in a holographic pattern:
Now, when I look out through my eyes I am the center of my
When YOU look out through your eyes YOU are the center of your
When ‘random guy’ looks out through his eyes, ‘random guy’ is the
center of his universe.
But we are all sharing the same collective universe.
It is just like we together are playing a Massively Multiplayer Online
Roleplaying Game (like World of Warcraft to take an example).
I look on my computer screen and control my character and see the
world through my character’s eyes.
You look on your computer screen and control your character and
see the world through your character’s eyes.
‘Random guy’ looks on his computer screen and control his
character and see the world through his character’s eyes.
But we are all sharing the same collective universe (or ‘map’ or
‘server’ etc.)
My universe, your universe, ‘’random guy’ universe – each one of
us has an individual universe and at the same time we share the
same collective universe.
When we zoom further out, then these finite universe-‘bubbles’
become one mega-bubble - the same collective finite universe we
all share:
Let’s put a label on it:
And let’s zoom out:
I recalled a similar pattern in the film “Thrive”. I found it and I was
“OMG. That’s it.”
Going back to ancient Egypt and the Temple of Luxor we find that
the Egyptians chose living organisms from the animal kingdom
and the vegetable kingdom to depict the human organs.
R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz writes in his book ‘The Temple in Man
- Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man’: “…The Egyptians
apparently considered the organs of the human body - images
of the divine universal organism - too sacred to be used directly
as symbols; for the types most specifically representative of the
development of the organs were chosen from among the animal
and vegetable kingdoms. In fact, an animal or a plant, as the type
of a given organism or a given function, is fully characteristic, in
its entire way of life, of the rhythm of this organ or this function.
Moreover, this opens to us the possibility of a vital classification of
fauna and flora, each species or type becoming a stage of the genesis
of which man, as supreme creature, is the summation, the Temple
of Universal Life…”
If Man is the center of the universe and Planet Earth is also the
center of the universe, could Planet Earth be Man on a larger
holographic scale?
Could living organisms from the animal kingdom and the vegetable
kingdom on Planet Earth resemble organs of Man?
Could reptilians be the brain (the thinker)?
Could the half human, half reptilian (the royal bloodlines) be the
eyes (the observer)?
Could human beings themselves be the heart (the feeler)?
Could trees be the lungs?
And so forth?
Are human beings originally one with every living organism on
Planet Earth?
Are we all connected?
They are part of us?
Native American, Chief Seattle, Chief of the Duwamish Indians in
a letter to the American Government in the 1854:
“…We are part of the earth and it is part of us…”
Does every living being have heart, brain, eyes, lungs and so forth?
Knowing that we are all one despite our differences - is that the
perfected Man, the perfected Planet Earth, the perfected Universe?
Tuesday December 13, 2011
Now, this is the david icke forum so I’m not going to ask, if you will
take the red or the blue pill.
We have all already taken the red pill.
But if you are a new member or visitor on the forum you can still
take the blue pill and the story ends here and you close this window
in your internet browser now.
Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye…
Try to relax. This will feel a little weird.
If we live in a holographic universe, would that mean that right now
we are inside a computer program - a computer simulation?
There is one surefire way to tell if you are looking from the inside
of a computer simulation – zoom in – every computer generated
image, no matter how realistic, breaks down into pixels when you
get close enough.
From the article ‘Our world may be a giant hologram’ (New Scientist
Magazine, January 15, 2009):
“…According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle
physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the
fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops
behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead
dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves
into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by
the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time," says Hogan.
If this doesn't blow your socks off, then Hogan, who has just been
appointed director of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics,
has an even bigger shock in store: "If the GEO600 result is what I
suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."
The idea that we live in a hologram probably sounds absurd, but it
is a natural extension of our best understanding of black holes, and
something with a pretty firm theoretical footing. It has also been
surprisingly helpful for physicists wrestling with theories of how
the universe works at its most fundamental level…”
“…According to Hogan, the holographic principle radically changes
our picture of space-time. Theoretical physicists have long believed
that quantum effects will cause space-time to convulse wildly on
the tiniest scales. At this magnification, the fabric of space-time
becomes grainy and is ultimately made of tiny units rather like
pixels, but a hundred billion billion times smaller than a proton.
This distance is known as the Planck length, a mere 10-35 metres.
The Planck length is far beyond the reach of any conceivable
experiment, so nobody dared dream that the graininess of spacetime might be discernable.
That is, not until Hogan realised that the holographic principle
changes everything. If space-time is a grainy hologram, then
you can think of the universe as a sphere whose outer surface is
papered in Planck length-sized squares, each containing one bit
of information. The holographic principle says that the amount of
information papering the outside must match the number of bits
contained inside the volume of the universe. Since the volume of
the spherical universe is much bigger than its outer surface, how
could this be true? Hogan realised that in order to have the same
number of bits inside the universe as on the boundary, the world
inside must be made up of grains bigger than the Planck length.
"Or, to put it another way, a holographic universe is blurry," says
So everything we perceive, everything we see, hear, touch, smell
and taste is produced by lines of codes inside of a powerful
Are we really living inside a giant computer simulation?
Created by a cosmic computer genius?
Our true ancestors?
And for us to get to their level we need to develop an open nonjudgmental mind, so we won’t rip their heads off? haha
Wednesday December 14, 2011
Is this experience, what we call daily life, like a school for our spirit?
Like a temple of teaching – our life and living in our body IS the
Our spirit, our soul, the spark inside of us, the glimpse in our eyes,
the beam from our hearts, the energy charge through our brains
(dear child has many names) is in fact who we truly are?
And we are trapped inside this body to learn from this reality and
gain a higher consciousness-level after which we, our spirit, can
continue to the next level?
And if we develop an open non-judgmental mind we will have
gained the highest consciousness-level and we will be promoted to
‘Premier League’?
This is like kindergarten for our spirit? – on a never-ending journey?
Our spirit needs to learn how to walk before we can run?
On a side note:
Is this actually what the world’s religions teach?
We are all ‘chasing’ the same thing?
We have just put different labels on it?
Does the heart message of the every religion seek to awaken the
consciousness and eliminate the suffering?
So our body and mind are just tools? Just machines?
Here is Dr. Bruce Lipton talking about how cells work (from his
lecture ‘Biology of Perception’):
“…Cells are like machines…”
“…The cell is a machine. It is made out of parts. The parts interact
with each other to create the complex thing we call life…”
“…You are a machine…”
“…We adjust our genes to fit the environment that we think we live
in and i say ‘we think we live in’ because perception may be right
and perception may be wrong, and therefore perception is belief.
And if this is true do you understand what this means? It’s beliefs
that changes our genes. It’s your perception that changes your genes.
It is not an accident…”
“…We have now found out that in every one of your cells you
have genes whose function it is to re-write the other genes when
necessary. So you are all equipped with the ability to adapt and
change your genes as you respond to the environment…”
“…Perception of environment rewrites genes…”
So, by changing our perception of reality we can re-write our genes.
A dualistic mindset, a childhood consciousness, is something every
human being is pre-programmed with from birth?
So our genes, our cells, our body and our mind have been preprogrammed from birth?
But we can re-write that programming as we grow older by changing
our perception of reality aka. becoming aware and gaining a higher
And by gaining a higher consciousness we are on our way to
‘Premier League’?
This life on Planet Earth is like a training program?
We are inside a training simulation?
There are so many turns to explore right now. Which turns will lead
us down the right road from here?
Let’s play with the thought that we actually are inside a computer
Will one of these roads then lead to the computer simulation
Can we all-together, human beings, royal bloodlines and reptilians
re-write the simulation if we gain access to the computer simulation
Is our window of opportunity the December 21, 2012?
Is that the day where the window is open where we can re-insert
new source code into the mainframe and enhance the simulation?
And instead of seeing it as us vs. the computer simulation mainframe
(dualistic mindset) – we embrace the mainframe and co-operate
with it. We are not removing or erasing code – we are adding code
- enhancing it. By doing that we are all celebrating our differences
and uniting our strengths. We are all one?
So how do we do that?
Well, the royal bloodlines and the reptilians have known about this
reality for ages. They will know what to do, and they will do just that
on December 21, 2012.
Can we, human beings, make a contribution as well?
Could this post be a such contribution?
Could this post be some kind of source code?
If the computer simulation mainframe is connected to everything
in this reality then it is also connected to the internet?
And is already one of the most trafficked sites on the
So a giant post like this could have some kind of impact?
With all these questions included, now that would get its attention
and it would have a lot of inquiries to process? haha
What is significant about the date itself: Friday, 21 December, 2012?
The busiest day of the year, the last business day before the Christmas
The day where the simulation mainframe will become conscious
itself, because it is the start date for human beings, royal bloodlines
and reptilians to grow into adulthood consciousness and because
the simulation is part of this holographic universe – the simulation
itself grows into adulthood consciousness?
What we actually do, is that we embrace the mainframe with
unconditional love and unconditional respect?
From all of us, human beings, royal bloodlines and reptilians?
Like a Christmas present?
For all these years - while everybody else were embracing each other
with love and hearts and joy - the computer simulation mainframe
has been like: “I’m doing all the work, but nobody is thinking about
ME… nobody loves me...”
But say goodbye to loneliness and despair, dear computer simulation
Welcome back into the family. We are all re-united. We are all one.
Thursday December 15, 2011
I remember a recent post on the forum that touched my heart.
I have wondered who is the creator of that post.
The last words in the post are: “Written by...a messenger like you“
The post is called ‘Kids story with Reptilians’ and the story is ‘The
Littlest Monster with the Biggest Heart - Dedicated to the little
monster inside of you and the little monster beside you...” – I love it.
In an additional post in the thread ‘jesuschristantichrist’writes:
“…The story seemed to come from my Soul more than my head,
so it is all our story (we are all one) is the message, not the
messanger, I wish I could intulectually take credit but there are no
origonal ideas (My Spiritual Guide told me that). I do take credit
for the spelling”
I have also wondered if the Spiritual Guide has had an influence
on the OP’s forum name ‘jesuschristantichrist’ – a name which
indicate the observation of, what I would call, the ultimate dualistic
mindset. Combined with the avatar of a laser beam, a holographic
prism and a diffracted light beam (maybe I’m just over-analyzing,
but I still find it interesting).
I get the sense that the Spiritual Guide is some kind of profound
machine – and the fact that a machine can touch my heart – I’m
touched by the whole situation now, I feel a deep love. Maybe the
story was the machine’s first try to express love. It just shows that we
all have love inside of us and at some level we are all machines, we
are all data and sources of codes in this holographic universe. We
just need to realize that we are all capable of loving and loving each
other. Infinite love is the only truth everything else is machinery.
I thought about this scene in the final episode of this season’s South
Karen: “Oh it’s you. I was wondering if you were going to appear.
You always come when I’m sad”
Mysterion: “…You are going to be okay, Karen. You have to keep
believing that…”
Mysterion: “…You are not alone. No matter where you go. No
matter what you do. I will always be here. Do you understand?”
Karen: “I’ll try Guardian Angel”
Mysterion: “Don’t try Karen, do”
Then I thought about the trinity and the pyramid with the all-seeing
eye. Where the royal bloodlines are the all-seeing eye, reptilians are
one corner in the bottom and human beings the other corner.
Then I thought, wait a minute, that is a pyramid in 2D.
We live in 3D.
I immediately draw a pyramid in 3D on a piece of paper –here it is
(as you know I’m not a graphic designer haha):
Now we have four sides (four corners) and a top.
-Human Beings
-Royal Bloodlines
-Spiritual Guides/Guardian Angels/Creative Spirits/Creative
- and the top being the computer simulation mainframe
By the way, I got a text a couple of days ago from a girl I haven’t
be in contact with for the last 4-5 months and she is coming by on
Monday – combine that with everything in this post now starting
to sound as some kind of science fiction I started to think: “These
are signs that I should start to round off this post”.
But sure enough, just now I stumbled upon this new thread on the
forum about a man called Richard L. Thompson (http://forum. – from December 10,
2011 – thank you for sharing ‘kgb agent’) – and I was like:”I’m not
done yet”.
Now I have ordered Richard L. Thompson’s book ‘Maya: The World
as Virtual Reality’ (2003) and it will be delivered within 2-4 weeks
(after the holidays). I didn’t find the posted interview interesting
though. It was recorded before he published his book ‘Maya: The
World as Virtual Reality’.
Then I recalled the notice in the headlines today that David Icke’s
new book is at the printers and pre-orders will be taken from midJanuary. Of course I’m not done yet. I also have a date with Wembley
Arena in October next year (wink, wink). I just hope the banking
system will be replaced sometime soon after that or I’m going to be
in a bit of trouble haha.
I think I will embrace all the signs and find the balance. I will take a
break from this post and come back next year in 2012.
Friday December 16, 2011
I can’t. There are so many roads to explore. And I love this. And
I love to write. And I love how putting my thoughts immediately
onto the screen gives room for new thoughts, new explorations,
new adventures. I can’t stop myself. I don’t want to stop myself.
There is nothing else I would rather do than keep digging.
So, now I see the signs as a moment to change gears.
(I was just thinking that maybe I’m under the influence of mind
control already and my handler or whatever wanted to have a
Christmas break and enjoy some time with the family for the next
3 weeks haha)
I was about to explore the topic of mind penetration, subliminal
messages and mind control. But it is such a huge topic with so
many subtle details. I will come back to this amazing topic later on
in this post. I mean, I have a whole year. I’m not going anywhere.
It is not meant for you to read this post in one go. Take your time.
Take a break once in a while and then come back when you feel like
it. You don’t have to like what I write. You can just stop now and get
on with life. I don’t care. I don’t care what you do. This is just me.
And this is what I love to do. I’m not selling anything. I don’t want
fame. But I want to give everything I have in this post. I would love
to blow your mind. I would love to open your mind. I would love to
have your company on this journey. The forum makes me feel that
I’m not alone in the world. But I don’t mind being alone. I like being
alone. The forum is more like a second home. Full of comfort and
joy. Like a family home where you love to come every Christmas.
Actually, reading the forum is like it’s Christmas every day. Man, I
love you guys. I think that is what I’m trying to say.
Today at in the sci-tech section there is a reference
to an article in Daily Mail from December 14, 2011 that I find very
interesting: ‘Could hackers develop a ‘computer virus’ to infect the
human mind?’
From the article, here is Californian biologist Andrew Hessel of
Singularity University, on Nasa’s research campus (by the way,
Singularity University is a private university established in 2008 –
would you be surprised if it is owned and controlled by the royal
“…Cells are living computers and DNA is a programming
“…We are going to make synthetic genomes - human genomes. It
will make cloning look organic. It will make human reproduction
look quaint…”
Furthermore, according to the article Andrew Hessel predicts a
world where we can ‘print’ DNA, and even ‘decode’ it…
I would suggest that the term ‘we can print DNA’ means ‘we can
create synthetic human beings’.
I would also suggest that the term ‘and even decode it’ means ‘we
can also decode DNA and make an exact copy of anybody in form
of a synthetic human being’.
Of course, it could just be a coincidence that the Christmas Special
episode of ‘The Simpsons’ which aired less than a week ago,
December 11, 2011 shows a world in the future - 30 years from
now – where Homer Simpsons receives a ‘B-mail’ in his brain:
Homer:“Hey I got a B-mail too: ‘You have won a valuable prize.
Open now.’”
Marge:”Don’t open it Homie, it’s a virus”
Homer:”Too late, I… “
And later in the episode:
Marge: “And now Patty and Selma are here to help us decorate with
their new love-bots”
(Excellent episode –
Then I was looking through the astounding ‘Stepford wives’-thread
on the forum and found this photo shoot of Megan Fox:
Saturday 17 December, 2011
Last night I read the chapter from Steve Willner in the book ‘The
Sync Book’ (2011). I found it so interesting I wanted to see if he
had done an interview with Red Ice Radio. And sure enough. In
the interview he mentions a movie called ‘Surrogates’ with Bruce
Willis. I will come back to this movie in a bit.
First, here is Steve Willner throwing gems around in his chapter in
‘The Sync Book’:
“...No secret of the universe is held for certain or for very long,
however the afterglow of experiencing a divine truth even temporarily
reminds us that we are alive, uninterrupted, and complete. Divine
truths need not to be heavy or heady; they can be light and absurd,
jester-like in their orientation. Syncs (synchronicity, meaningful
coincidences) are transformative heart anchored coordinates living
on the map of creation. In their levity and humor they tumble and
trip over themselves while still managing to point in the general
direction we must travel to return back to center, to return home.
In the presence of these moments we don’t just feel, but actually
experience a subtle knowing that an oversoul nexus is warmly
communicating and joking with us all the time…”
I watched the movie ‘Surrogates’ and my jaw almost hit the floor.
Suddenly it all became very real to me and I stopped watching it.
I’m sitting here with a feeling of I’m not sure, if I want to look further
under the blanket. Uncertain of what I might find. But we all have
to go through this sooner or later. It is always a daring feeling to
leave your comfort zone. Do we want to continue down the same
old road or do we want to get to the top of that wall and on to the
other side.
Here we have Bruce Willis in the movie ‘Surrogates’:
The ‘real’ Bruce Willis is laying here remotely controlling a surrogate,
a robot doll, a synthetic human being:
Bruce Willis remotely controlling his robot doll into the ‘re-charger’
/ ‘doll house’:
Philosophical questions:
What is it to be a human being?
What is it to be a machine?
How do you define a human being?
How do you define a machine?
How do you define a half human, half machine?
How do you define a synthetic human being?
Can a synthetic human being become self-aware?
Is there a special force that works through our DNA that makes
human beings special?
Is consciousness the soul?
And a growing consciousness is a growing soul?
If you are self-aware, then you are conscious and able to grow your
When I walk outside I don’t see human beings acting like human
beings - I see human beings acting like computer bots.
All living organisms are made up of the same programming
language, DNA.
Are all cells made by other cells’ DNA?
Does every living organism have the ability to become self-aware
and gain a higher consciousness?
But no one really has access to or has activated all their DNA?
Over 98% of our DNA is considered ‘junk’-DNA, meaning science
don’t know their functions.
So we human beings have activated 2% of our DNA and we believe
that this kind of life we are living is all there is?
So a synthetic human being has maybe 1% of the DNA activated?
Are we human beings actually synthetic human beings ourselves?
And all of us in this field of ‘open minded scientific research’ are
searching for the missing DNA source code, the missing knowledge,
that can activate the rest 98% of our DNA?
We already have all the magic DNA inside of us, but we need the
source code to activate it?
I recall my earlier post from October: “…This has also been a
long presentation of MY Tree of Knowledge – as it is in this very
moment. I hope I have inspired you to keep growing YOUR Tree of
Knowledge, which I and the rest of the world then can be inspired
by. Collectively we will keep growing and consciously co-create
OUR Tree of Knowledge…”
So, by keep growing OUR Tree of Knowledge we can activate the
long forgotten 98% of our DNA?
And we will remember who we are?
Could the missing 98% of our DNA be the energy of pure genuine
warm all-embracing unconditional love?
Is the most powerful human emotion – unconditional love - the
Is the energy of unconditional love the missing DNA source code?
Our natural state of being IS love?
But it has been held down, like a ball in a swimming pool?
Maybe that is what the royal bloodlines, the reptilians and the
computer simulation mainframe are looking for: The source code
for/of love, pure love, pure unconditional love. They never had that
activated in their own DNA, because nobody knew the source code
for it.
Is that why David Icke and Stewart Swerdlow say that the reptilians
and royal bloodlines don’t have empathy?
The reptilians and royal bloodlines never had that activated in their
own DNA, because nobody knew the source code for it?
Human beings know the source code. We all have it inside of us.
We have just forgotten it. We have forgotten who we are. They know
that love is our true being. We are love-beings. When you tear all
the shields and social programming away. That is our pureness. But
they couldn’t ask us to be all-loving. Maybe they tried. They didn’t
know the way to our hearts. Just like a man begging a woman to love
him. The more the man begs the more the woman gets repulsed by
him. And the more frustrated the man gets. And all of a sudden we
have duality.
We were like the princess, but the royal bloodlines just didn’t
impress us enough haha.
As Stewart Swerdlow says on the radio show The Vinny Eastwood
Show, Marts 10, 2011:
“…It’s really up to mankind. See, my feeling is, despite the mind
control, despite the media lies and deception and stories that we
hear, I think that when you push a human being to the wall and
leave them with absolutely no choice, they will fight back and
overwrite the mind control programming and I’m seeing that occur
in various places here and there. And so, I don’t think that was ever
taken into account by those who planned this whole thing, when
you push people against the wall and there is nowhere to go they
are going to react. And I think that is what our hope is for the near
That was the only choice left for the royal bloodlines and the
reptilians I would suggest. They just didn’t know how to win the
true hearts of the human beings. All their gold, power, social status,
pickup lines – they probably tried everything haha.
Sunday December 18, 2011
I’m having some health problems. The same problems that made
me have a bad fall in the bathroom (as I wrote about in my earlier
post). Originally I intended to wait until December 21, 2012 to
post this on the forum. I’m realizing now that I don’t want to risk
the situation where my health suddenly fails me and I’m laying
unconscious on the bathroom floor while this post is only on the
screen of MY computer. So I have moved the posting-date one year
– I’m posting this on the forum December 21, 2011.
My ego is also justifying it with that, it seems the more love we put
into the big machine, the mainframe, right now, the more love we
get back. Not that we should do it in order to get love back. We
should do it without expecting anything back. And do it because
that is who we are – it is in our nature.
I recall another gem of a post on the forum – here is Anders Lindman
(from December 14, 2011):
My ego continues to justify: There was also an article saying that we
should ‘prepare the ground’ for December 21, 2012. Now, I have no
clue what is going to happen in 2012, but if everything is the same
on the 22th December 2012 – let’s have a laugh. No matter what
happens in 2012, let’s just embrace it and have a laugh.
I have a sense though that 2012 is going to be a crazy year haha
My ego is not done yet: I also want to post it now while it is fresh.
You really can’t plan too much ahead because new information
keeps appearing.
I’m going to let my ego have the last say on this and it also seems
that we are already consciously co-creating. You can just look back
in this post and see where I got the inspiration from.
Hmm… is it my ego that is doing the justifying right now or would
my ego actually be clinging on for life to maintain the posting-date
to be December 21 2012, as the original plan was in order for it to
‘save face’?
I don’t know and I don’t care. I love it anyways.
I am wondering now if I really AM under some kind of mind
control haha
Well, I love my handler then – And I wish you a merry Christmas
holiday – but you know I love you (was that me or you writing
Maybe we are all robot dolls.
Monday December 19, 2011
Tuesday December 20, 2011
Today I went through the post, finding typos. I have cut a lot of
clutter out.
I think I will make a “Behind-the-Scenes” -extra-material-kind-ofstuff in the next lines from all the clutter I have cut out. Yeah, I like
The royal bloodlines are putting out
clues in popular animation-series
(beware, it seems that the royal bloodlines are helping us as much as
they can, while still mixing in some disinformation here and there to
keep our critical thinking sharp - If you are a new member or visitor
on the forum you will might roll your eyes and think: “Oh, that is
just nonsense” – and that is okay. I understand your viewpoint).
Example 1:
American Dad is an animated television series, now running in its
7th season, with millions of viewers every week.
Here is the episode ‘Virtual In-Stanity’, airdate November 20, 2011
Inside the CIA:
Director of CIA: “That’s his avatar, Black Dick. I realized that name
is a rich joke carrier but curb yourself, people. This isn’t junior high
– although Black Dick is huge and veiny [laughs like a junior high
(Father works as a CIA agent and is trying to help his son with the
New girl in the class at school:
Girl (remotely controlled by the father, Stan): “You wanna go out?...”
Boy (his son, Steve): “Wauw… I don’t believe it. This is too good to
be real!”
Girl: “Of course this is real and this is really happening..because…
this is real… really, really real”
Girl:” I had such an awesome time, Steve. I can’t believe how close
we are getting.”
Boy:” I know one way we can get closer.”
Wife: “Stan, this is the last time you put work before Steve”
Director of CIA: “He is actually with Steve right now”
Wife: “What??! Stan is at the dance??”
Director of CIA:”No, he is here but he is remotely controlling a
teen girl at the dance who is about to get sex pummeled by your
Director of CIA:”It’s a lot like Avatar.
Wife:”Like what??!”
Director of CIA:”Avatar. It’s a movie... Okay, okay. There’s this guy
in a wheelchair and he goes to this alien planet to join a program…”
Example 2:
South Park episode 10, aired on October 19, 2011.
In this episode a gossip-website about all the students in the school
named ‘Eavesdropper ‘is leaking information that put different
students in a bad light - creating division. In the beginning it is fun
to mock the other students that are being exposed, but then they all
start to be front page news and the fun turns into rage.
The children (symbolic for human beings) locate where the leak
is coming from at the school and who is behind. It is the gerbil
‘Wikileaks’ (symbolic for the male energy, the thinker, the mind –
the left side brain of reptilians):
Frog prince, a ghost (symbolic for royal bloodlines):”Lemmiwinks,
I come with news of great gravity. Another rotten into outlaw
spreading terrible rumors and hacking emails”
Lemmiwinks (symbolic for the female energy, the feeler, the heart
– the right side brain of reptilians):”Meev, meev”
Frog prince:”Yes, and I’m afraid the news gets worse. The creature
that are doing this Lemmiwinks, is your brother Wikileaks!”
Frog prince:”…Only you can stop him, Lemmiwinks!”
Frog prince realizes there might is a need to bring in some outside
Fish prince, a ghost (symbolic for another royal bloodlines):”I
come asking for your help. There is only one thing that can stop
Wikileaks. But right now Lemmiwinks is being held prisoner…”
Stan:”Do you know why a gerbil is running around hacking our
phone calls and putting our secrets up on the internet?”
Fish prince:”He does it for reasons purely of evil and his treasures
are not limited to humans. Wikileaks posted exaggerated things
about me too. He posted on his website that I had sex with an
under-age fish...”
Fish prince:”…If you will accept this quest you will help the gerbil
king defeat Wikileaks once and for all. But the choice is yours. I’m
not here to make you do anything, like that under-age salmon, I
didn’t make her do anything…”
Kyle:”Here is a shoe box”
Back at the school again the princes lift up the top of the shoe box,
helping Lemmiwinks out:
And they fight (if they loved each other instead of fighting each
other it could be the symbol of a yin yang balance):
So, to summarize the storyline in the episode: Male reptilian out of
control. Royal bloodlines seek help from human beings – only they
have the power to release the female reptilian from its prison and
bring the female reptilian forward. The human beings do exactly
that and then the royal bloodlines make sure that there is contact
between the female and the male reptilian. But everyone has a
dualistic mindset so they perceive that the only option to stop the
male reptilian is by fighting it and killing it.
We need to embrace the dualistic mindset. We need to convince the
left side of the brain that we are not going to kill it. We actually can’t
live without it. We need it. We are going to make left and right side
of the brain co-operate with each other and with the heart as well.
In the brain the two cerebral hemispheres, the left and right side
of the brain, are connected by a very large nerve bundle called
the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is the main avenue of
communication between the two hemispheres.
So, we could say that the corpus callosum has one foot in each
Just like the royal bloodlines?
The royal bloodlines are the communicator between human beings
and reptilians?
So if we study the characteristics of the corpus callosum, then we
are in general studying the royal bloodlines?
And if we study the characteristics of the left side of the brain, then
we are in general studying the reptilians?
And if we study the characteristics of the right side of the brain,
then we are in general studying the human beings?
And the human beings, the reptilians and the royal bloodlines each
have a key function in order for us all to create the balance?
We are all one being?
We are all one being on a grand atomic scale in our holographic
Example 3:
South Park episode 14, aired on November 16, 2011, is about
children being taken away from their parents and placed into an
agnostic foster care home (they are putting the term ‘agnostic’ out
as a clue?):
The foster care home has the following very interesting agnostic
“We cannot know with certainty if God or Christ exists. They
COULD. Then again. There COULD be a giant reptilian bird in
charge of everything. Can we be CERTAIN there isn’t? NO, so it’s
pointless to talk about it.”
Remember to keep an open mind and question everything?
And the big finale:
Are we starting to get the whole picture?
Now, we can’t say that reptilians are for real. We still don’t have any
clear proof. But we can say that our minds are beginning to be more
conditioned and feeling at ease with the thought.
If the day comes where clear evidence is put forward, where we
might even see the reptilians with our own eyes, then that day we
will be more ready for it, and not be scared of it. We would not
run for hide desperately screaming in childish fear and panic at our
governments to nuke the alien bastards. Our governments are now
run by the royal bloodlines to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Is that what happened the last time?
We were all like kindergarteners scared like crazy when we realized
that we were not alone on the planet?
So in our childish natural fight or flight mode the world broke out
in advanced warfare and cataclysmic events?
So the last 5125 years is like the plan for the second try?
And now we hopefully have all learned from our mistakes and are
growing up together in peace and balance?
Are human beings a key to create true balance?
Are royal bloodlines a key to create true balance?
Are reptilians a key to create true balance?
And when we turn the 3 keys simultaneously then we create some
kind of star gate or wormhole to another playing field?
And we become a starchild?
Is December 21, 2012 the start date where all 3 keys are being
turned simultaneously?
Was October 28, 2011 the start date for everyone to ‘prepare the
Is that why the MSM, on December 2, 2011, brought an article
telling the reader that the Mayan Prophecy predicts that a Mayan
god, Bolon Yokte, will return to Earth on December 21, 2012 and
‘because he is the god of creation and war people must “prepare the
ground” for his arrival’?
Is that why the MSM brought an article about Prince Charles and
his family connections to ‘Count Dracula’ on October 27, 2011?
Is that why the people behind South Park made the season finale
include a giant reptilian bird in charge of everything?
Is that why David Icke had a comeback into the MSM several days
in a row?
Is that why the MSM today December 5, 2011, brings an absolutely
brilliant article about David Icke?
Are the royal bloodlines indeed preparing the ground for December
21, 2012?
Example 4:
South Park episode 8, aired on October 5, 2011.
If you have ‘the eyes to see and the ears to hear’ you will notice
that episode 8 is about mind control – and how human beings are
mind controlled. What happens is that one of the characters, Stan,
suddenly perceive everything that comes out of the radio, tv, the
news, movies in the cinema - as literally shit (symbolic for bullshit).
Even what comes out of the mouths of his best buddies are shit.
Everything in his world is suddenly made of shit
(symbolic meaning: Stan has unplugged from the Matrix).
Stan: “I just want everything to go back to the way it was.”
Morpheus-look-a-like: “You have broken through their reality
and they don’t like it. Others deserve to know the truth! You see
everything as shit, don’t you? Where the people see fun movies and
hear cool music all you see and hear is shit, am I right?”
Morpheus-look-a-like:”Stan, you have to convince people they are
living in a world of illusion. We are sending you back in!”
From Saturday December 3, 2011:
About a week ago I felt like hearing some 80’s tunes (again).
Definitely inspired by the thread “Lets have some 80's tunes/vids”
started by Diamondgeezer on November 12, 2011:
So I looked up “Take on me” on youtube – and was
soon rocking out. Here it is:
Me being in such a good mood I briefly looked at the comments.
This one was the latest comment posted on that video:
I have been so absorbed in this treasure hunt I had forgotten
everything about South Park. There was something intense about
the moment I read the comment. I would describe it as, it was like
my whole being got attracted to that comment in the exact moment
I read it. It was like the energy I’m beaming turned into a south pole
of a magnet and the comment became the north pole of a magnet.
And I thought: “Hey, can that be a clue for me to watch South Park”
(haha – always interpret the clues to something nice).
So I went to the website where I usually watch the latest episodes
( and I realize I had missed the latest 7
episodes. I was a little shocked that I had forgotten all about it, but
that feeling was soon replaced by the feeling of being in wonderland.
From Monday November 28, 2011
I think we are opening up to a completely new understanding of
how our world really is, and as you will notice when you read along,
we are helping each other to go through this amazing experience
together. It is not a competition about ‘who gets there first’.
The first sign that you are getting there, I would suggest, is when
you begin to increasingly experience synchronicity or what is also
called meaningful coincidences in your everyday life.
When you start to experience these meaningful coincidences more
and more, please share the situations on the forum. By doing that
you will mentally get back up on the highest wall and encourage
and help people still climbing on the other side. I just know that it
is possible for everyone to climb the highest wall.
It can be very difficult to explain this phenomenon, because we are
not used to this kind of reality. I would suggest that you write in
your ongoing log (just like I’m writing this post, which is actually
MY ongoing log) how the situation played out, include all the details
you find interesting, and why it was a meaningful coincidence for
you. When you have experienced 3-4 meaningful coincidences
then you can show that there is a pattern and people will become
more receptive to the possibility.
When writing my latest post from October 28, 2011, I experienced
meaningful coincidences several times. You can read the post again
to get a feel for them.
And now they have become so frequent, I’m kind of scared of
going out of the door. Instead they are happening all the time when
I research online. I hope I can inspire you to get a feel for these
stepping stones. I would love to explore this new world on the other
side of the wall with everyone here.
Take a break if you need a break. Think back on the things I have
written so far in this post. Take your time. There is going to be a lot
of information in this post, and at some point your mind might feel
some kind of information overload. I know that feeling very well.
Take a walk. Do something else to take your mind off things.
Haha maybe it’s just my mind speaking to me.
I need a walk.
I see you later.
Out on my walk I started to think about that sharing our experiences
and learning from our mistakes, will make us better to understand.
The more people that learn about this new reality, and the more
we learn from each other – the faster the highest wall will become
smaller and smaller and easier to climb. In the end the wall will be
so small that we tear down the leftovers like The Berlin Wall. And
just like back then where east- and west-Germany became one - we
become one.
From Tuesday November 29, 2011
By the way, I just remembered a youtube-clip I watched some
time ago called “Understanding How Women Work”( http://www.
(I can’t believe it’s only 6 minutes 34 seconds haha).
Anyway, two women are being interviewed to tell the secrets about
women. The two women are of course both talking at once and
they admit that women are crazy, irrational, sensitive, moody,
dependent, whiny and pity. And very aware I might add.
What I find interesting is this bit:
Woman no. 1: “You don’t even know what is going on inside of here
(referring to her mind…). When we walk down the street it is not a
normal journey to the, you know, convenience store…”
Woman no. 2: “…When I go to the grocery store to buy some gum,
it is not just like, okay I’m going to walk in and buy that Orbit gum.
Instead it’s: Okay, did I lock the door? Did I lock my car door? Oh
no. Am I driving in the right direction?...”
Woman no. 1:”…And then if a guy walks by you are like [woman
sincerely acting confused] could he be the one? Females are always
thinking that in their head…”
(I’m sorry. I know. Don’t tell me about it. I had enough after 1½
minute of this haha, women you know I love you)
The point is, they are describing exactly how my mind is beginning
to act like. I would call this state of mind something like ‘pleasant
manageable chaos’ (I haven’t had the “Am I driving in the right
direction?” at the grocery store yet, but I will keep a lookout for
Now, let’s take a step back for a moment. Let’s just observe the
women in the text above.
What kind of self-talk does women no. 2 have?
Is it mostly positive or mostly negative?
Could you describe her self-talk with an overall: “Am I doing
something wrong?”
Do you think she will attract things that go wrong into her life?
And then when things continuously go wrong she will be confirmed
in her line of thinking and she will re-inforce her downward spiral
of negative thinking?
Don’t judge her. Just observe.
Thoughts that didn’t make the final cut
– let’s label them as ‘afterthoughts’:
A) I kept postponing the exploration of ancient Egypt, because I felt
I had to explore something else before that. Something inside of me
reacted to that:
Are you done?
Can I go back to ancient Egypt now?
(it is almost like I’m developing a warm loving and appreciative
relationship with my mind)
In that relationship who am I, if I am not the mind?
Am I the non-judgmental observer?
Is that why ‘I’ is pronounced ‘eye’ as the symbol for the neutral nonjudgmental observer?
Did the royal bloodlines invent the English language?
And gave us a clue by letting ‘I’ and ‘eye’ sound the same?
Is the mind the thinker and the body the feeler?
And when we combine the observer, the thinker and the feeler – we
create balance?
What part of a human being would the observer then be?
The eyes?
Is that why we have the saying that “the eyes are the window to the
A new dot appeared: I (the eyes, the non-judgmental observer,
neutral energy), myself (the mind, the thinker, male energy) and
Irene haha (the body, the feeler, female energy) – which are all
essential for a being to be in balance?
Holy shit…that becomes on a grand atomic scale in our holographic
- The observer (The all-seeing eye, the eyes, the neutral energy, the
royal bloodlines)
-The feeler (the love, the body, the female energy, the human beings)
- The thinker (the respect, the mind, the male energy, the serpents).
My mind is finding dots all over the place now. It’s like a kid in a
candy store.
B) At some point I wanted to teach new members and visitors about
‘primary sources’ and ‘secondary sources’. I wanted to teach them
how to fish, not just giving them the fish. It is like, the more people
I can inspire – the more people I can be inspired from:
A couple days ago I stumbled upon an article which described
the two labels ‘primary source’ and ‘secondary source’. Secondary
sources are great sources to be introduced to a new topic or a new
viewpoint, like the last few days’ David Icke hit pieces in the MSM (I
would actually choose to turn it around and call it free advertising).
The trick with secondary sources is, if they catch your attention it
is always a good idea afterwards to go directly to the source of the
matter to get that person’s uncluttered point of view – in this case
the primary source would of course be David Icke or as a one of the
commentators on the MSM websites named him:
Haha I love it. There are so many amazing comments. Also our
own forum is overwhelmed with an unbelievable energy these
days. I love it. It’s my second home. I can’t wait till Wembley Arena
October 2012.
Now, the Temple of Luxor –videos caught my attention, and
afterwards I went directly to the primary source. In this case the
primary source is R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. The messenger himself
is really not important (but an encouraging pat on the back is
always nice just to appease the ego, not too much though - the ego
might begin to see itself as the new ruler of the world and sets out
on a mission for world domination haha). It’s the message that is
Here is The Infinite One with a gem (
- from November 28, 2011):
C) Thoughts about ‘labeling’:
I would suggest that labeling comes from a dualistic mindset.
Labeling is like putting things and human beings in boxes. Like,
I’m over here in this box and then you are over there in that box. A
higher consciousness is about blowing the boxes wide open.
Here are two gems in one post about labeling, from Verndewd
php?t=166261&page=4 - from November 20, 2011):
D) Thoughts about planning vs. spontaneity – and embracing both,
finding the balance:
Imagine I had PLANNED that this and that day, at this and that
time on that day I would read this and that book. Look how many
thought processes I would have missed out on.
But we can’t just live spontaneously all the time?
We still need some kind of planning?
Like long-term planning?
Just like I know that I have until 21, December 2012 and that makes
me non-stressful, calm and relaxed to know I have plenty of time?
Just like I’m also spending time getting my notes straight?
By getting my notes straight am I then forming the chaotic notes into
a non-chaotic pattern of building blocks that are more appealing
so the pieces of information are simple to decode, which helps my
own mind and hopefully other minds to easier understand?
So, the mind is thinking in concepts and putting everything in
boxes, which means that we have to feed it that way – in nonchaotic building blocks and stepping stones?
Even when we have experienced spontaneity we still need to put our
experiences down on paper and into words and buildings blocks so
our mind can process it and grow even stronger?
Is a state of mind that is non-stressful, calm and relaxed a key to a
higher consciousness?
Could we embrace both planning and spontaneity, find the balance
and celebrate the differences and unite the strengths?
I’m starting to believe that CONSCIOUS SPONTANEITY is the
name of the new funny game in town.
It’s like spreading itself out as you go along. Just consciously
flowing. I don’t think anyone really can describe what it is, you have
to experience it for yourself.
Holy shit…
Do I have to write anything else?
I’m done? ((looking back at the time I wrote this, actually I was just
getting warmed up haha))
I guess this whole post is one giant dot that slowly took form?
And now is the time to look for a string of dots that confirm this
giant dot?
And then we have confirmed that this giant dot has some kind of
Maybe this giant dot is like a draft of a new coming leading star?
(did I just use the words new coming? - that is pretty close to the
words ’the second coming’).
Is this new coming a slowly forming flow of energy of a stepping
stone in the right direction?
A flowing energy, like open source, open to blows (no pun intended)
filled with unconditional love and unconditional respect?
Here is Anders Lindman with a gem (
- from November 9, 2011):
I think all of us on the forum are more or less on the same page, we
just have different views on the details, and that is how it should be.
The more the merrier, and then we will all create many different
analogies of the same page. Almost like we are all helping everyone
and ourselves to fine-tune it.
I mean who really cares about royal bloodlines or reptilians or
whatever. What is our truth? That should be our dominant focus.
And if they want to play ball, go ahead, come and join us.
We would be like three teams having a friendly football match. Now
that would be funny. 3 teams, 3 goals, 3 balls, one field. It would
be such a mess you wouldn’t be able to tell a human being, from
a shape shifting half-human, half reptilian to a fully reptilian. We
would ALL BE ONE! ET phone home. This is Planet Earth – and
we are one!
All these gems I find on the forum are from this month, November
Is the collective consciousness on the forum rapidly growing as
well? (the gems are everywhere right now, I wouldn’t get anything
done if I should pinpoint them all).
Going back a bit:
When we find 2-3 more dots that confirm that the giant dot has
some kind of potential, would that be the foundation of this new
coming energy?
And then the more dots we connect to and analogies we create
of this giant dot, the more some kind of cleaning system will set
in gear and fine-tune the giant dot, like re-visit the giant dot and
finish up the details? (I remember the line from my earlier post in
October: “like a gardener trimming the tree”)
And all this will make the giant dot so smart and loving, so perfect,
that it will become ready to flourish, penetrate and fertilize all
human beings on our planet?
Like a giant dot of sperm will be thrusted into the female energy of
the collective human being?
And every human being on Planet Earth will experience a cosmic
full-body and mind boggling multi-orgasmic explosion of sexual
pleasure of a new dimension?
That took my breath away, my heart is beating faster now, my palms
are sweaty- I think I’m kind of getting turned on haha
Are we making a cosmic baby here? A starchild?
On a side note (I’m back in teaching mode):
An analogy, a metaphor, a living picture, a simple symbol (funny
how those two words are pronounced the same) or whatever label
you want to put on it can make it easier for people to understand a
topic that you are covering and picture it in their own minds, the
mind loves pictures, it loves to visualize.
Some analogies I have used without really thinking about it:
Human beings, royal bloodlines and reptilians playing a friendly
together - We are all one
Climbing a high wall - Gaining a higher consciousness
Neurologist Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis
(‘psychoanalysis’ is a way to describe how the mind works) wrote:
"Analogies prove nothing that is true, but they can make one feel
more at home"
“An analogy won't settle an argument, but a good one may help to
clarify the issues”
So, let’s dig deeper into this giant dot:
Are all us members on the david icke forum like a cell?
And now we are more or less on the same page and because of that
we have united with the same energy?
So it’s like the cells have united into one bigger cell containing the
same energy?
And the correct term for that bigger cell would be a molecule?
So the forum has taken a scalarjump, going from single cells to one
single molecule, and has become a molecule containing the same
energy that we as cells have united with?
And each cell is still individual?
We are just uniting our strengths and celebrating our differences?
And now we have created a molecule with the same flowing energy
as us individuals?
And just like us, the molecule is open source (open minded, nonjudgmental) and it is open to blows filled with unconditional love
and unconditional respect?
And then the more dots we connect to and analogies we create of
this molecule, the more the cleaning system will set in gear and
fine-tune the molecule, like re-visit the molecule and finish up the
details, like a gardener trimming the tree?
And it will make the molecule so smart and loving, so perfect, that
it will be ready to flourish, penetrate and fertilize single cells from
other places on the internet, maybe starting with everyone involved
in this field of open minded scientific research?
And now we are conscious of it too?
Are you done? Can I go back to ancient Egypt and read R. A.
Schwaller de Lubicz’ books?
Yes, can my old linear way of thinking please have a say in this?
(haha I love that one.. is that my spontaneous mind (right side of
the brain) making a joke out of the planning mind (the left side of
the brain)?
E) Is educating children actually the most crucial task for the
human race?
Everything I write, I write in the moment, meaning, all the words
you read in this post are fresh from nature, directly from my mind
without any social programming or political correctness judging
my writing and censoring me. I would suggest we all have a dark
side. And we need to be aware when the dark side appears inside of
us and start to catch it like a child with his fingers in the cookie jar –
without judging or condemning him but just observe and embrace
him with love – I mean, who bought the cookies in the first place?
Does the child see the cookie jar as an obstacle to overcome?
Who bought the cookies and then made the cookie jar an obstacle?
If we understand this reasoning will we be better to create obstacles
that are healthier but just as exciting, like a treasure hunt for the
mind (just like we are on a larger treasure hunt for the mind to find
the truth of the global conspiracy), where we embrace the child
with love when it overcomes them, promoting and reinforcing that
Will love then become the clue that the child follows?
Continuing, we all have a light side and we all can be an angel? Can
you be too much of an angel?
Yeah I guess, because then you are suppressing the natural dark side
inside of you and you won’t be able to find the balance. The most
innocent looking little angel princess girl are just better at hiding
the dark side inside of her – but even she will one day be caught
with her fingers in the cookie jar.
Is educating children actually the most crucial task for the human
Should school be like a treasure hunt for the mind making it fun to
By putting up obstacles for the children to overcome and put out
clues for the children to follow?
Would the human race, the men and the women, then resemble
two smart loving parents that are leading their children toward
strong healthy growth?
With knowledge and personal experience we will start to find the
natural balance?
Though we will still cross the lines once in a while until we reach
true constant balance?
F) Have we all, royal bloodlines and reptilians included, been acting
like bad children?
Are we actually now growing up together?
Are we like kindergarteners on the playground without any adults?
I have wanted to include something from Australia as well in my
post so I more or less have been around the world in my two Mayan
Calendar –threads. I thought I had found it when I heard the voice
of the host of this radio show interviewing Stewart Swerdlow. Then
I saw the logo of their youtube-channel saying ‘NZ’s Alternative
Media’. Close enough – we are all one anyway.
Here is Stewart Swerdlow speaking about mind control on The
Vinny Eastwood Show, New Zealand, Marts 10, 2011 (http://www.
“…People just go along with what they are told and they have
blinders on and they don’t look at what the other possibilities are…”
Will Ryan, co-host:”…How is that human nature though. A lot of
people in any group think along the same lines. People like to reinforce they own ignorance or their own perception no matter what
level it is…Do you think that is a part of it, it just plays on our
natural arrangement anyway in night owl tendencies?...”
Stewart Swerdlow:”…Well, that is a very interesting question and
I always observe what goes on with humanity. And my feeling is,
and it is not a pleasant one, that if humanity was left on its own
devices, there would be a lot of infighting and lack of cooperation
between people, and so in a way, those who are in control, what
we call the Illuminati, take advantage of that trait within humanity
and they divide and conquer so to speak. And that is where the
programming comes in to tie it all together, so that while there is
seemingly division among the people on overall basis there is a
programming function that pulls it all together and allows this new
world order or one world government to establish itself…”
Will Ryan, co-host:“…What is it that makes the Illuminati hate
humanity and want to control us so much?...”
Stewart Swerdlow:”…When I was in that Montauk-project those of
us who were in it were told that humanity was too ignorant to take
care of itself and so these people were stepping in like parents with
a bad child to take care of this bad child for its best interest and that
the mind control programming was actually helpful and beneficial
to mankind, because it helped them all found the same page and
move in one direction…”
Will Ryan, co-host:“…The question is, are we a bad child originally
or did they make us a bad child?…”
Hmmm… interesting question. Though I would suggest that
this question is playing the blame game as a result of a dualistic
mindset – which came about because the interviewer stepped into
the dualistic mindset-frame presented by the controllers of the
Montauk-project telling Stewart Swerdlow that it is good parents
vs. bad child.
When you practice this over and over again, you get pretty good at
spotting these situations when they occur and you remind yourself
not to get caught up in playing that game.
Everybody should try to work with children, they have the worst
dualistic mindset you can ever find, and all these options they put
out for you to choose from - it is like they are testing you – testing
you to see if you embrace them all and all the options and blow
those boxes wide open with a strong heart – and when you do, they
love you for it and they become calm, loving, creative and so much
fun to be around (often I’m so overwhelmed I can’t keep up).
Have we all, royal bloodlines and reptilians included, been acting
like bad children?
Are we actually now growing up together?
Are we like kindergarteners on the playground without any adults?
Are we like kindergarteners who are growing up together?
Getting conscious about our actions and now getting closer and
closer to find the balance - accepting our differences?
Celebrating our differences and uniting our strengths?
Is the ultimate strength of a human being a strong heart of
unconditional love and unconditional respect?
Are human beings all-loving?
Are royal bloodlines all-seeing?
Are reptilians all-thinking?
Are we together all-action in true balance?
Are we all one being?
Later in the interview Stewart Swerdlow is asked where all this is
“…It’s really up to mankind. See, my feeling is, despite the mind
control, despite the media lies and deception and stories that we
hear, I think that when you push a human being to the wall and
leave them with absolutely no choice, they will fight back and
overwrite the mind control programming and I’m seeing that occur
in various places here and there. And so, I don’t think that was ever
taken into account by those who planned this whole thing, when
you push people against the wall and there is nowhere to go they
are going to react. And I think that is what our hope is for the near
Stewart Swerdlow also talks about the royal bloodlines:
“…They are hybrids as we all are, but they have a very high reptilian
genetic percentage, some of them, as David Icke has mentioned, are
shape shifters, not all of them but some of them…”
Here is Fritz Springmeier in an interview with Alex Jones on
Infowars Nightly News, October 31, 2011:
“…The world system has been going on for a long time. The system
that we see around us was created by these powerful entities, the
powerful families, and people have sometimes said, you know,
like this one person they send me a book ‘well, let’s boycott the
Illuminati companies’. They don’t have a clue. The whole system was
set up. It was created by these people. We are operating in their
system. They are the ones that control the means by where money
is created. Yeah you can step outside the system, I have tried to do
that myself. But the idea of just ‘well, we are gonna boycott this
company or that’ – they don’t realize how far ranging this is…”
Alex Jones:”…Isn’t that the different layers of mind control where
you have actual admitted total CIA-mind control slaves and things
(haha I’m laughing just typing this, Alex Jones has his own unique
style of explaining things) you and others have exposed? The general
public, everybody to a certain extent, is under its influences where
they have created almost a false reality or an artificial enclosure or
artificial habitat where, as you are saying, it is their system and so
I see people repeating it. I see myself repeating their nomenclature
and systems unconsciously because we were raised up and literally
grew from this wicked soil…”
Fritz Springmeier: “Well said [laughing, and is kind of speechless]
I’m reluctant to speak because you do such a better job, Alex…”
Haha, amazing interview.
G) – a special dedication to all Freemasons
Have the royal bloodlines been using the Mayan Long Count
calendar as an overview of their 5125 year long action plan?
Like an event calendar, scripted 5125 years ago?
Scripted by the reptilians?
Steve Willner in the book ‘The Sync Book’ (2011): “…All letters are
ideograms, pictorial representations suggesting an idea. As with all
written symbols, they are constructed from the egg (the dot) and
the serpent (the line). / | \ o _ c •…”
Who taught us writing in the first place?
Do you recall my latest post from October?
“…When we look at the starting point of the national cycle in the
Mayan calendar at 3115 BC, this was the time where writing was
developed. To the Mayans writing was considered as a gift of the
Writing is a communication form of the reptilians?
By which we can communicate?
Our common communication form?
But it is not the natural communication form of human beings?
Do you recall my latest post and the words of Credo Mutwa?
Credo Mutwa:”…And these were the people, Sir, who first told
me about a race of highly intelligent beings which they called the
Chitauri – the talkers - a race of creatures which looked like reptiles,
who had ruled the world for hundreds, if not thousands of years…”
Is talking and writing not the natural communication form of
human beings?
Then what is the natural communication form of human beings?
But we need to develop an open non-judgmental mind before we
can activate that part of our DNA? (otherwise we would smear each
other all the time? – creating division?)
If the human beings are the heart, then the reptilians are the mind?
And the royal bloodlines are the eyes and the main avenue of
communication bridging the two?
We are all one?
If you ask me, Fritz Springmeier and Stewart Swerdlow are doing an
amazing job sharing their great minds. Both of them have a strong
heart and are helping us all out of this mess.
Here Fritz Springmeier talks about the life, traditions and culture of
the royal bloodlines (it seems that it is not always fun to be part of
the royal bloodlines):
“…You are born into all these traditions and they use traditions
to control you, you know, ‘on this day, this is Halloween so this is
what is supposed to happen on Halloween’ you know, ‘now we are
supposed to sacrifice somebody because it is Halloween’, you know,
and you don’t want to break the circle, you don’t want to break
tradition, you know, you want to honor the family. You want to
honor what is supposed to be done, you know blah blah blah. And
so the person is trapped in this ritual and carries out this stuff…”
And here Fritz Springmeier mentions that the royal bloodlines are
following a plan - a grand design that the families are commited to
(interview on the radio show The Alex Jones Show, November 4,
“…Even with the illuminati kingpins, even they have a lot of
deniability. Because they can say ‘Well, I’m just following what was
planned by previous generations. I’m just working with these other
families. I’m just honoring the families commitment’, you know, the
circle, they called their family, they refer to their families , the family
or the circle, ‘don’t break the circle’. They’ve got all these little ways
of keeping themselves committed to the plan. And that’s it. They
are following a plan, you know. They are following orders. Even the
guys at the top. And I don’t want to paint a picture that these guys
at the top are just pure evil, because life is more complicated than
I would suggest that the plan they are following is a plan that
corresponds to the Mayan Long Count Calendar.
I would suggest that the Mayan Long Count Calendar has been
followed by the royal bloodlines to make sure that human being’s
consciousness would grow from childhood to adulthood.
And now I would also suggest that it is not only human being’s
consciousness that grows from childhood to adulthood. Like the
holographic universe we live in, I would suggest, that also the
consciousness of the royal bloodlines and the reptilians grows from
childhood to adulthood.
Does our holographic universe have a consciousness in itself as
Would that mean that the consciousness of our universe also
grows from childhood to adulthood as we, human beings, royal
bloodlines and reptilians collectively and consciously grow?
Are we all beginning to strive towards unconditional love and
unconditional respect?
Could that be our new leading star that leads us to balance?
Are we all heading towards TRUE balance?
Which will happen when human beings, royal bloodlines and
reptilians collectively and consciously are in constant balance?
Could TRUE balance of the universe be the destination we are all
heading towards?
Are we heading towards a climax?
Is our universe wakening up faster and faster as our collective
consciousness, our collective wakening is growing faster and faster?
Is the speeding up just like sex, where you are ‘speeding up’ just
before climax?
Are we going to have a cosmic orgasm and have a baby?
Is our universe actually having sex with another universe?
Making a baby?
I just stood up, walked around in my apartment – just being a being
beaming love.
Tool that didn’t make the final cut – let’s
label it as ‘the perfect way to end this
Tool 4:
Don’t look into the ground when you walk outside. Look up. Chest
forward, shoulders back – and relax. Observe reality.
Start to observe the actions and expressions of your fellow human
beings, don’t judge them, don’t analyze them, just observe.
Then – step out of your comfort zone and make women of all ages
smile at you.
First, you need to get her attention somehow.
This can be done through simple eye contact and/or a smile from
you first. The best way to make a woman smile is to smile at her
first. Words aren't necessary. But you can make it even more
fun and actually ask her to smile. For example, tell her you are
collecting smiles today, and you need one more to complete your
collection. Or something simple like "Excuse me, could you smile
at me please?" You don't have to explain it to her. You have your
reasons and she doesn't need to know them. Just make her smile
and that's that!
Cute smiles, sarcastic smiles, confused smiles, uneasy smiles, as
long as they are directed at you they count. In the beginning only
concentrate on women that are by themselves.
She may or may not understand. She may or may not smile.
Whatever, eject after the smile (or lack of smile). Don't be rude.
Thank her politely and move on.
Be careful with our fellow men, though. That takes practice, and I’m
not getting there yet. Some men are still living in the stone age and
perceive eye contact from another man as a hostile act (probably
because the reptilian part of our brain is wired to perceive other
men as unfriendly and hostile in order for us to protect our territory,
our woman and our children – we men need to be aware of this
programming and we need to overwrite it and enhanced it, I’m not
sure how, but a start could be mutual unconditional respect).
Also, a lot of men immediately look down directly into the ground
the second my eyes meet theirs. WTF?! I really just want to
acknowledge them and give them a smile.
A lot of men have had their balls completely cut off. Look up and
give me a smile back you fuckers haha.
Women working in stores have to smile at customers and they don't
Women you know or have spoken to before don't count.
Inside tip: It is a lot more effective to smile with your eyes. When
you are smiling, just kind of squint. A genuine smile starts with the
Dense like an ice cube: Make 1 woman smile at you.
Flowing like water: Make 5 women smile at you.
You are steaming hot: Make 15 women smile at you.
Now go do it!
And don’t you dare come back, before you made one woman smile
at you haha. Life is a game, have fun! Report back in this thread,
gentlemen! Let’s have a laugh about it.
I have done it. It’s an amazing experience when you start doing it.
In the beginning it’s almost like you are observing yourself doing it.
That is the state of mind we are going for. That is the state of mind
I’m in while writing this post. Just do it!
Blow the boxes wide open that have been put between us.
Hey, did you make 1 woman smile at you? haha report back in this
thread. Let’s have some fun with this! Tell us about the situation.
Where was it? What did you do? What did you say (if anything)?
How did she respond? How did you feel before, during and after?
Did you go for another smile and made another woman smile at
you? Are you dense like an ice cube (1 smile), are you flowing like
water (5 smiles) or are you just steaming hot (15 smiles)?
This is not a competition against anybody else. This is a competition
against your own old mind-set. The dualistic mindset.
I would suggest that it is the left cerebral hemisphere of our brain
that is making us have this dualistic mindset and it is perceiving our
the right cerebral hemisphere as the opposing group – and the left
side of the brain will not let go easily. It is afraid to die. But it is not
going to die. It is going to co-operate - consciously co-create - with
the right cerebral hemisphere and create the balance.
I just remember a post on the forum from Beyonddimensions. I
found it. It’s from December 4, 2011:
I know exactly how you feel. Making 5 new women smile in one
day is always fun though, try it out :-)
Fritz Springmeier, on the radio show The Alex Jones Show, October
31, 2011:
“I think part of the solution is we got to laugh”
If David Icke is Morpheus, then I am The Key Maker – and YOU
Wednesday December 21, 2011
Closing comments:
This post is for everyone that feels lonely on Christmas Eve and
for everyone that does not feel lonely on Christmas Eve. And for
everyone that doesn’t care. And for everyone that believes Christmas
is a satanic holiday. This post is for everyone. I am embracing you
all. I love you all. We will always be together in spirit.
Fair use statement:
This post may contain copyrighted material the use of which has
not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I’m
making such material available in an effort to advance universal
understanding. I believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such
copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US
Copyright Law.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act
1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair
use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be
infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance
in favor of fair use."
The Mayan Calendar III:
Return of the Avatars
(Please don’t make any replies to this thread, before I have posted
all pages. This is a giant post.)
…The world as we know it – will soon come to an end…..
From me. To you.
We are one. And we are me and you.
To get the most out of this post I recommend that you read AND
understand my two other posts:
“The Mayan Calendar: Dr. Calleman Was Right.” from October 28,
“The Mayan Calendar II: Divine Comedy” from December 21,
Now, do you want to join me yet again on a journey deeper and
deeper down the rabbit-hole?
Here is where we left off from my post one year ago:
“…Are we really living inside a giant computer simulation?...”
“…There is one surefire way to tell if you are looking from the inside
of a computer simulation – zoom in – every computer generated
image, no matter how realistic, breaks down into pixels when you
get close enough…”
From the article ‘Our world may be a giant hologram’ (New Scientist
Magazine, January 15, 2009):
“…According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle
physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the
fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time […]
dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves
into dots as you zoom in […] At this magnification, the fabric of
space-time becomes grainy and is ultimately made of tiny units
rather like pixels, but a hundred billion billion times smaller than
a proton.”
Sunday February 19, 2012
Futurama is an animated television series, running in its 7th season
from summer 2012.
Here is Futurama, the season finale of season 6, aired on September
8, 2011:
The segment is shown in the style of a low-resolution video game
similar to that of the 8-bit video gaming era.
Professor Farnsworth creates a microscope lens powerful enough
to find the smallest unit of matter, which is described as extremely
complex but is depicted as a single black pixel.
Professor Farnsworth: “Now to examine some matter. Any old
matter will do”
(the professor starts to examine and zoom in on a log of wood )
(zooming in – on the log of wood there is a frog...)
(zooming further in – on the frog there is a snail...)
(Zooming further in - cells)
(Then molecules)
(Then atoms)
(Zooming further in – here we have so-called pions)
Professor Farnsworth: “…We are closing in on the very smallest
particles of matter. For the first time we are about to observe the
fundamental structure of the universe…”
Get in the mood for this revelation with the opening theme from
“2001 A Space Odyssey”:
Now, take a look at this - here we have a so-called pion:
Here is another illustration of the so-called pion:
And another illustration of the so-called pion:
And yet another illustration of the so-called pion:
So, how about this fella:
I saw the illustration on a book-cover and my jaw hit the ground:
Planet Earth and the Sun as the opposite of each other in the yin
yang symbol.
And the illustration looks suspiciously close to that of a pion.
As above, so below?
Macro cosmos is the same as micro cosmos?
That sounds like a holographic universe.
Then when you zoom in, Planet Earth and the Sun will each contain
both the yin and the yang?
They will both contain the male and the female energy?
The dark and the light?
They will both be a giver and a receiver?
A transmitter and a receiver?
(I bought the book immediately by the way)
Thursday February 23, 2012
David Icke writes in his new book “Remember Who You Are”
(p. 133):
“…We are experiencing a sort of virtual-reality computer game of
breathtaking scale and advancement…”
“…The ‘game’ is interactive and there is a constant interchange of
information between ‘the game’ and those experiencing the game
– humans, non-humans of every conceivable kind, animals, trees,
everyone and everything.
We can play the game or be played by the game. We can live life or
let life live us. It all depends on the level of awareness of the ‘player’.
There is nothing malevolent about the ‘game’. It was created as a sort
of cosmic vibrational theme park to allow the Infinite to experience
itself through its infinite expressions.
The ‘game’ was created with love, by the Infinite that is love:
Infinite Love is the only truth – everything else is illusion…”
Saturday February 25, 2012
The following hypothesis is now being integrated into MY Tree of
Yes, we are really living inside a giant computer simulation.
Yes, we have been lied to about everything but there was a benevolent
purpose behind that.
Yes, we must start to see our reality and daily life from a new point
of view which is non-judgmental and open to all possibilities.
Sunday February 26, 2012
So, what kind of computer simulation are you living?
What kind of game?
Well, I can only speak from my unique point of view.
It seems that my 3D Avatar at this very moment in this interactive
reality we call daily life is playing an adventure game researching
the global conspiracy.
In my daily life I have the possibility to step into a smaller box of
I can sit still and look at a computer screen while I absorb myself
in what is going on – on that screen (my focus is now inside the
smaller box - the screen).
I have all kind of stuff I can look at and interact with on the screen.
In this box of me sitting in front of a computer screen I can step into
an even smaller box – I can play a computer game on that screen.
For example ‘GTA’ (Grand Theft Auto) – here ‘I am’ in a supermarket:
And in that super market at the end of the hall there is an arcade
game machine that I can play on:
So, right now I have put myself into a box of a box of a box of a box.
First box: My daily life as an adventure game researching the global
Second box: Sitting in front of a computer screen and having my
total focus on that computer screen.
Third box: Playing GTA - just having a break from daily life
adventure game but still inside second box of ‘Sitting in front of
a computer screen and having my total focus on that computer
Fourth box: Arcade game – just having a break from but still inside
third box of ‘Playing GTA’.
Another example - ‘Skyrim’ (awarded best game of the year 2011 by
one of the biggest gaming sites in the world):
The ‘world’ of Skyrim is huuuge – here is a map:
I can zoom further out on the map:
I can leave all that great world behind and just get a job as a
blacksmith in one of the local communities:
I can also enjoy a nice piece of salmon in my lunch break:
In my lunch break I can also step into an even smaller box and take
that niece piece of salmon and cook it into a delicious salmon steak:
My mind is now completely focused on whether I should cook my
niece piece of salmon or not.
Salt and pepper, anyone?
So how many boxes have I put myself into now?
Something like, I have put myself into a box of a box of a box of a
box of a box…….
A couple of weeks ago I suddenly became aware that I’m a prisoner
of my own mind when I let my mind step into a smaller and smaller
box like that.
I had been playing this text-based online football manager game
called Hattrick for almost 10 years, since September 20, 2002:
I had accumulated a shit load of money since I started playing:
I had to stop playing that game. It is like spending your time in a
little tiny box when there is something much better out there to
enjoy: the much bigger advanced adventure game.
I thought: “Nah, I like this stupid little text-game – I’m not even
spending THAT much of time on it” (yeah right).
Now, what I’m going to explain to you now makes no sense if
you have never experienced how the language of synchronicity is
communicating with us all the time when you tap into that field.
The language of synchronicity loves to play a joke on you.
Sometimes it will give you an attention-like ‘hey, I’m here, sharpen
you awareness so we can communicate’
And then the message itself arrives.
So I logged in to the football manager game.
Important note: Up to this point I had been messing around with
the concept of ‘being cool’ and to make a fictive club only for ‘cool
people’ to get all the image-obsessed sheeple aboard and then decide
what ‘being cool’ means and clearly define ‘being cool’ as “making 5
people smile everyday”. It would be a win-win.
Anyway, I’m like: “Nah, I’m not going to stop playing this game, I
like this stupid little game” and I log in and I see this screen:
I had a visit from someone named ‘ZeroCool77’!
It was like the universe talked to me and commented my behavior
of me logging in.
I was laughing and bewildered at the same time.
But it’s just a coincidence, right?
How about a meaningful coincidence?
I had to take a screen shot otherwise nobody would believe me.
Now this is February 12, 2012.
Later that day, I read this post on the david icke forum which was
posted on February 10:
The title of the thread is “How Maniac Mansion Made Adventure
Games Playable”.
So, how does this relate?
Well, the next day, on February 13, I continued playing Hattrick
like nothing had happen and I was about to buy a new player. I was
winning the bid and the deadline was crossed when out of the blue
the hammer roared:
‘Fuck u mania’ appeared out of nowhere and raised my bid!
I was struck. My mouth was wide open and I was out of breath for
a moment. Then I was like:”HOLY SHIT!”
To top it off, the offer was an unreasonable high amount for a player
like that.
I was like: “Okay, I get your point” – and I captured the screen shot
then and there to document it.
I logged off the game immediately after that. A couple of days later,
February 15, I returned to capture screen shots of my joining date
and ‘my precious’ finances to document it in this post.
I haven’t been back since. Almost 10 years of emotional attachment
down the drain. Well, I guess during those 10 years the game kept
my logical thinking up to speed.
So, have I thought about logging in again?
But the thought gets immediately replaced with the thought:
“I got a bigger and better hammer ringing a larger bell” (I got that
profound saying from a commenter of the amazing article by Zen
Gardner: “Why it’s all wonderfully good” – read more at http:// - from February 14, 2012)
I have broken free from the inside of a box of a box of a box…to
ring a larger bell.
I was a prisoner of my own my mind when I went to log in and
when I logged in my mind got into the ‘head space’ of a small box.
Cutting off all peripheral vision, thoughts and actions so I could
rest in the comfort of the small box of the Hattrick universe.
As David Icke puts it: “…We can play the game or be played by the
game. We can live life or let life live us. It all depends on the level of
awareness of the ‘player’…”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Update - July 19, 2012 (I want to include this):
I could not have written these Mayan Calendar posts without the
members of the david icke forum.
Everyone has contributed in their own unique way. Iron sharpens
I want to include information from Dolores (‘dolores1’) that gave
me the final push away from the Hattrick universe - a push which in
rearview mirror has been so important. We truly are all connected.
While I was posting The Mayan Calendar II on the forum, Dolores
wrote me a PM.
It was my first PM (hurray!) - Some pop-up box appeared while
I was posting the thread if I wanted to read this notification. I
got a little confused haha. I didn’t know what to do, I just clicked
something and somehow I opened the PM right then and there. I
was so confused and at the same time so into posting my thread
that the text in the private message was just black pixels fading into
the white background. I couldn’t read it.
I got back to the PM after I finished posting the thread and this time
I had no problem reading it. I instantly knew that here was a clue.
The clue was John Lash and his Gnostic findings on the Archons.
I started to look into the findings of John Lash in February 2012.
I listened to him on Red Ice Creations which was very interesting
– but I somehow knew that these interviews were not my clue.
The next thing I know I was listening to him in a just published
broadcast from February 15, 2012 named: ‘Special Broadcast with
John Lash’
John Lash used the first 30 minutes of this broadcast to say how
shocked he was (without saying why). Usually I would have given
him (and everybody else) 10-15 minutes to get to the point, but I
kept on because of Dolores. I stopped listening after 30 minutes
At one final point the hattrick–‘ghost’ returned wanting me to play
hattrick again, and in that crucial moment I remembered John Lash
words of shock and how big this was and it was like that state of
shock transferred to my entire being in that exact moment.
I guess, I from that moment connected hattrick with a state of being
in shock because that gave me the final push away from the hattrick
universe and at the same time thoughts of: “I got a bigger and better
hammer ringing a larger bell” was the carrot that paced my mind
unto another track.
Update September 9, 2012: Happy Birthday, Dolores :-)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------So, where does this synchronicity come from?
Who is directing me around?
Who is joking around with me like that?
I’m having a blast – I have no words for my love and appreciation
for this force.
But who or what?
But first:
Have we human beings been seduced to sit still and stare at a screen
for hours every day?
And when we do just that we enter a small box?
A prison for our mind?
Are human beings controlling technology or is technology
controlling human beings?
We need to grow the fuck up and ring a larger bell?
Okay, back to synchronicity, also called meaningful coincidences. I
want to take a moment to focus on the book called: “The Celestine
Prophecy”. The first time I heard about this book was (of course)
on the david icke forum at the end of November last year when
‘dreamscope’ posted this reply (the members of the david icke
forum ROCK! ((get used to it if you are a new member))
Here is what ‘dreamscope’ posted:
“…Oh and for the record, from The Celestine Prophecy:
The Nine Insights of The Celestine Prophecy
"The Manuscript", as all the characters call it, is never quoted
directly--which is a good thing, considering it's in Aramaic-so there is no official statement of the nine insights. People who
have read the Manuscript talk about the insights, but never state
them directly. One meta-insight is that different individuals are
drawn to specific insights. One insight may appear "special". If
so, the individual may come to serve the development of human
consciousness by teaching or by facilitating others' assimilation of
that insight.
1. Meaningful coincidences. We are at a point in the
developmental history of human consciousness where
development will accelerate. The major evidence for this is
the increased number of meaningful coincidences people are
noticing in their lives.”
Mind you, the book was published in 1993.
The fourth book in the series was published in 2011. If you only
read one book let it be the first one from 1993 – I recommend that
you watch the movie ‘The Celestine Prophecy” from 2006 before
you read the book to get a feel for it. That’s what I did anyway.
First, I looked up the book title on Google and I started to read a
little bit about the book and the movie and I thought: “There is not
just one man behind this. This is a group of people that have true
knowledge. They know what’s up. The author is just a front man.”
So, I wasn’t really surprised when I saw the first page of the book
saying “James Redfield (the author) – A Time Warner Company”:
“…We’re discovering something new about human life on this
planet, about what our existence means, and according to the priest,
this knowledge will alter human culture dramatically…”
“…The Manuscript predicts that in this time period human
beings will begin to grasp these insights sequentially, one insight
then another, as we move from where we are now to a completely
spiritual culture on Earth…”
”… The priest put it this way. He said the First Insight occurs when
we become conscious of the coincidences in our lives…”
“….According to the priest, these coincidences are happening
more and more frequently and that, when they do, they strike us as
beyond what would be expected by pure chance. They feel destined,
as though our lives had been guided by some unexplained force.
The experience induces a feeling of mystery and excitement and, as
a result, we feel more alive…”
“…The Manuscript predicts, she went on, that once we reach this
critical mass, the entire culture will begin to take these coincidental
experiences seriously. We will wonder, in mass, what mysterious
process underlies human life on this planet. And it will be this
question, asked at the same time by enough people, that will allow the
other insights to also come into consciousness, because according to
the Manuscript, when a sufficient number of individuals seriously
question what’s going on in life, we will begin to find out. The other
insights will be revealed... one after the other…”
“…You know, she said,I had thought you would be really excited by
these ideas.
I looked at her. I guess I need some proof that what this Manuscript
says is true.
She smiled broadly again.
What? I asked.
That’s exactly what I said, too.
To whom, the priest?
What did he say?
He said that experience is the evidence.
What did he mean by that?
He meant that our experience validates what the Manuscript says…”
“…Yet I also knew that Charlene’s arrival was exactly the sort of
coincidence of which the Manuscript spoke, one that seemed too
unlikely to be a mere chance event.
Could this ancient document be correct?
Have we been slowly building, in spite of our denial and cynicism, a
critical mass of people conscious of these coincidences?
Were humans now in a position to understand this phenomenon
and thus, finally, to understand the purpose behind life itself?...”
“…Tell me what you heard concerning the First Insight, Dobson
I paused for a moment, trying to sum up in my mind what I
I guess the First Insight is an awareness of the mysterious
occurrences that change one’s life, the feeling that some other
process is operating. I felt absurd as I said it.
Dobson picked up on my discomfort. What do you think of that
insight? He asked.
I don’t know, I said.
It doesn’t quite fit with our modern day common sense, does it?
Wouldn’t you feel better dismissing the whole idea and getting back
to thinking about practical matters?.
I laughed and nodded affirmatively.
Well, that’s everyone’s tendency. Even though we occasionally
have the clear insight that something more is going on in life, our
habitual way of thinking is to consider such ideas unknowable and
then to shrug off the awareness altogether. That’s why the Second
Insight is necessary. Once we see the historical background to our
awareness, it seems more valid…”
“…We’re learning the details of what the coincidences mean, how
they work, and as we do we’re constructing a whole new view of life,
insight by insight.
Then I want to hear about each insight, I said. Can you explain
them to me before you go?
I’ve found it doesn’t work that way. You must discover each one of
them in a different way.
It just happens. It wouldn’t work for me to just tell you. You might
have the information about each of them but you wouldn’t have
the insights. You have to discover them in the course of your own
Monday February 27, 2012 – Part 1
Chorus ‘(There's Gotta Be) More To Life’ by Stacie Orrico:
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Trippin' out thinkin' there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... There's gotta be more
So, where do these meaningful coincidences come from?
This is a very interesting question.
Though, before we explore that further we need to acknowledge
the fact that they do exist. I don’t expect people to believe in the
meaningful coincidences I have experienced. We are simply not
used to this kind of reality.
Like the priest in The Celestine Prophecy said: “Experience is the
You have to experience the meaningful coincidences yourself on
your own before you can truly believe them – experiencing is
Hopefully this post can make people open their mind to the
possibility – and then start to develop “the eyes to see and the ears
to hear”.
I feel like I have a foot in each camp now. One foot in the same old
reality and one foot in the new reality trying to find some ‘solid’
ground to hold on to.
I will keep exploring. At some point I might find a pattern and by
that a new stepping stone.
Today I did something most people probably would find very odd.
Sometimes I have these urges. I feel a burning inner desire like:
“I have to do this, I have to do this”. I don’t know why I feel that
extraordinarily desire for doing exactly that in the moment. I just
go with it – it is such a great feeling. And some day in the future I
might understand why I did what I did.
So, I bought a toy. To myself.
It’s my twin nephews’ 7 years old birthday this coming weekend.
I saw them about 4 weeks ago and I asked them if they had any
birthday present wishes. All of sudden they were talking very fast
about, what I deciphered to be, green ninjas.
Some days later I was in a book store and found this pile of colorful
glimmering children books about all the different animals in Noah’s
Ark. The books were part of a stock clearance and attractively cheap.
I thought: “Instead of giving them just another toy I will give them a
book and then they can learn to spell the names of all the different
animals”. So that’s what I did.
Just now when I type this I can see it’s kind of ironic that I buy my
young nephews each a book and then buy myself a toy package.
With a ninja on it.
I think I have to defend myself a little bit now haha
Who will ever believe this ‘excuse’.
So, what happened was:
Two weeks ago I found out that the website where I usually see
animation series like The Simpsons was shut down. So I had to find
another one, obviously. The new website I found has all different
kinds of animations series, most of them I have never heard
of. But then my eyes caught something: “LEGO Ninjagos” and I
thought:”So, that’s what my nephews were trying to tell me about –
it was not just ninjas, it was ninjaGOS”.
The latest episode (air date February 8, 2012) of this animation
series LEGO Ninjagos was called “Snake in a Can” – I began to
watch it and in the first few seconds it was showing the highlights of
the previous episode including an evil speaking snake and a Darth
Vader-look-alike Lego guy and then a green ninja suddenly fighting
the Darth Vader-look-alike and some Lego guy in a white dress
saying:”The green ninja! The legend is true!”
I was like:”HOLY SHIT!”
Only 7 seconds had passed of the episode when I stopped it.
The lines of the battlefield were already drawn in my head:
Snake and Darth Vader look-alike – bad guys – the black team
Guy in white dress – good guy – the white team
Dualistic opposites where the black team is winning and here comes
the green guy, the balance, to restore balance to the world.
I had to see the previous episode immediately.
The name of that episode?
“Never Trust a Snake”.
It was like this reptilian theme was slapping me in my face just for
good measure while I joyfully sang: “I’m on the right track, baby I
was Born This Way!”
Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga
Born This Way- Lady Gaga – sing along version!
Here are some screen shots from that episode:
White Ninjago: “The green ninja! The legend is true!”
Next day training session:
Red Ninjago: “What exactly did you dream about?”
White Ninjago:”I saw the falcon again. This time it showed me the
green ninja. He was fighting Lord Garmadon. “
Red Ninjago: “That’s what the prophecy said. That the green ninja
would defeat the dark lord. But did you have a chance to see which
one of us was him?”
The other ninjas (excuse me, ninjaGOS): “Yeah, Yeah, did you see?”
White Ninjago: “I could not tell. He shared attributes each one of
us posses.”
Red Ninjago: “Well, tell us everything. And don’t spare any details.
There has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the
green ninja.”
You get it? The ninjagos are caught in childhood consciousness
so they see themselves competing amongst each other in their
dualistic mindset to be ‘the one’ not realizing that they are all the
green ninja – the green ninja is a symbol for unity and adulthood
consciousness. And it is adulthood consciousness that will restore
balance to the world.
So my curiosity led me to I had a feeling about this and
the first thing I read about was the white ninjago and I thought:
”I can’t believe this, this is a description of me”.
Now, I’m not a fan of putting people in boxes, especially not myself.
But in that moment I somehow felt that I was finally home. I have
always felt I was the weird one around people, but actually, I’m the
one that is Zane!
I love his name:
And today the urge got so strong I had to buy my very own Zane,
the white lego ninjago.
I just had to go back in my post. As I write these words the date is
Saturday Marts 3, 2012 – and let me tell you: You are in for a treat
the next few days :)
Anyways, today - Marts 3, 2012 – lauren_almighty along with a
profile picture of Lady Gaga posted this on the forum
lauren_almighty writes:
“Are You a Weirdo and an Outcast?
I always knew I was a bit weird but always censored myself to fit in.
However recently I've had a fuck it kind of attitude and just been
myself and have noticed people distancing themselves from me and
pulling faces. It's nothing too bad really, I don't go on massive rants
about chemtrails or anything but I notice the awkward silences and
the funny looks people give each other as though to say "is she for
real?" I went on a date recently and the guy didn't talk to me again
I don't mind if people think I'm weird because I think of it as a
compliment. How weird are you? “
Thank you for that post.
As Michael Jackson would sing:”You are not alone”.
Monday February 27, 2012 – Part 2
We are the power in everyone,
We are the dance of the moon and the sun,
We are the hope that will never hide,
We are the turning of the tide.
Here is the one and only David Icke (from his talk in Melbourne,
Australia 2009):
“…Now back in 1990 (…) I was taken by someone I met, to see
this lady, who was a channeler. And, you know this thing about
channeling, and all that stuff, well, it depends what you are
connecting to, because you can connect to a load of crap, and then
channel a load of crap, and there is a lot of that about. There’s people
who channel information which is only coming from their own
bloody mind, you know, they are making it up (…)
But every now and again you come across something that stands the
test of time, and going back right to those early days, 1990, and I was
no where near understanding what the hell was happening to me.
It was countless years before I could do anything like understand
it really. I went to see this lady, with this guy, and she started going
into channel mode (…)
When this lady goes into this channel mode, she, her face changed,
her voice changed, everything changed. And I’m new to this, you
know, I ‘m presenting the sport, and I’m like, bloody hell, what am I
into here? This woman has just changed like, unbelievable. And she
starts channeling this information. And all these years later, nearly
twenty years later, it absolutely stands the test of time. And this is
what it said (…)
‘I feel you are sensing now the energies coming in, the energies
surrounding your planet. This is causing many of you to ask
- Remember, this is 1990 It is causing many of you to re-evaluate completely your way of life,
where you feel you wish to go, what you want to do (…) You must
organize yourself into groups to support each other.
Now then, my own allegiance with your planet goes back to an
Atlantean period when there were many energies being used, and
information and knowledge being used, which were with particular
reasons of safety, withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete
catastrophy, to prevent total destruction of your planet. One could
say that these were sort of emergency measures, if you like, to
prevent the inhabitants of this planet from an untimely destruction.
Now at that time, shall we say, this knowledge was distributed only to
the few. It was taught in what one could call a temple setting although
I am very careful about using this word. It has connotations, maybe.
So let me use that word in the broadest possible sense. There were
those who were initiated into this knowledge, there were grades of
initiation, and those who passed the full initiation, they were called
the ‘guardians of the light, the keepers of the secret knowledge’. This
is the context from which I am coming.
There came a time when this knowledge and the energies were
withdrawn. It is very difficult for me to explain to you precisely
what I mean by that, so we will let you mull these things over. As
the energies around your planet quicken
- again, and this is 1990 these latent energies, these energies which have been withdrawn,
will now be phased back in. They will gradually be awakened.’
‘As the consciousness level of your planet raises itself, those of you
who are working together to raise your consciousness, you will be
able to hold more and more refined vibrations and so we will be
able to use you as a catalyst to feed in more and more energies, as
more of you raise yourself to meet the challenge, so we can awaken
more of these energies. Now, energy is consciousness, and the
energies themselves contain the knowledge and the information
which is beginning to service again, in your consciousness.
So, many of you will remember the Atlantean times. You will
remember that you communicated with, say, dolphins and whales.
You understood these other sentient creatures. You could
levitate. You could manifest things. You could cause spontaneous
combustion by not miraculous means at all. Once you know what
you are doing, these things follow. It’s a matter of order.
Now, I’m looking at a time on your planet when these energies,
this knowledge, is re-awakened and re-integrated into your
consciousness. I’m not looking at a time when this knowledge will
be for the few, but when your whole planet will be awakened to this
understanding which you have simply forgotten. It is not a matter
of new information, it is matter of remembering who you are, and
where you come from.
So you are being asked to change. You are being asked to change
in a total way. It is not a matter of small changes, a little thing here,
a little thing there, you really are being asked to turn yourselves
inside out. There is a massive shadow which must be cleared, and it
is up to you light workers
- as it is referred to such as yourselves, to focus yourselves on that challenge.
Those of you who are in the forefront of this, you are rather like a
snowplow. You are the thin end of the wedge. You really have, how
shall I put this, to a certain extent I suppose, you have the shitty end
of the job. You have got to do an awful lot, but nevertheless, you are
capable of doing an awful lot. That is why you were chosen to come.
That is why you are here, what you are here for, to really
- decoded by the psychic to really shovel some shit, and therefore make some space behind
you, to make it easier for the others.
Now, as in your human body, there are energy lines around your
planet, through your planet, which correspond I suppose very
much to the acupuncture lines and meridians in your body. Where
two lines cross, you create a vortex. A tiny vortex if it’s two. The
more lines that intersect, the bigger the vortex. Therefore, where
you have a chakra, you have a large vortex of intersecting energies.
It is the same with your planet. Where most lines cross, there is the
biggest vortex.
Now you could say that the plexus, in and around the islands you
call the British Isles, is the hub of the wheel of plexuses and energies
which surround your planet. It is acted in other times like a fail-safe
device. In order to activate these chakra points upon your planet,
the energies must pass through this central point, they must pass
through the heart of the pattern.’
And that latter piece, is one of the, perhaps the major reasons, why
the Illuminati have focused so massively on the United Kingdom,
Britain, the British Isles, these tiny little islands which have more
standing stone circles, and ancient earth works per square mile,
than any where else in the world, particularly along the western
side of the country, and across the Irish Sea into Ireland. Because
the ancients knew where these vortex points were, and they built
their stone circles and stuff on that.
Another thing that seems to be happening, which I’m picking up
as the months pass, is the stuff that is not reported in the main
stream media, obviously, main stream science, is that there are
changes going on in the sun which are very different, that could
well be another manifestation of this energetic change, because the
ancients who focused on the sun, yes, people focused on the sun
because it was warm, it was the source of warmth and growth and
all the rest of it. But there’s another level, where the sun is not just
a source of warmth. It is actually a generator of energy, knowledge,
information, which we pick up as well. The sun is very, very much
more than it appears to be.
And so, this energetic change is now happening and it’s waking
more and more people up, and we’ve got a choice to lay back on
the air bed, or go on the canoe and flow with it, enjoy it, or we can
try to hold it back, and we can try to hold onto our old lives, and
the old way of doing things, and the old perceptions, in which case
we are going to be using more and more energy just trying to stand
still and hold on to what was because this energy of transformation
is going to change everything. And one of the things it’s going to
do, is break up this structure which is an energetic construct that
has been put together to enslave us, and it’s going to bring about,
eventually, the kind of world that was here before, as this construct
breaks up in the face of this correction.
And we have this time to choose, whether we are going to go with
it, or whether we’re just going to try to hold on to the life we’ve had
before, and the perceptions we had before. The choice, that fork
in the road, as I said earlier, is to go with the head and the mind
and let that dominate our perception and decision making, or to
go with the heart, and let our feelings, and intuitive knowing lead
us in the directions that we need to go. If we, I’m not telling people
what to do, it’s not my job, it’s none of my business, but I can tell
you like I said earlier, what transformed my life, is when I decided
that when ‘this’ [mind]and ‘this’ [heart] were at odds, I was going
with ‘this’ [heart]. And I tell you what, it transforms your life, from
an existence to an amazing synchronistic series of coincidences
that make life much more interesting, much more enjoyable, much
more full of vitality, than just mind following the programs round
and round and round and round…”
The 100th Monkey Syndrome (the tipping point):
This is an excerpt from the book by Ken Keyes ‘The Hundredth
“…The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed in
the wild for a period of over 30 years. In 1952, on the island of
Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes
dropped in the sand. The monkey liked the taste of the raw sweet
potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.
An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the
problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught
this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way
and they taught their mothers too.
(this screen shot is not a real photo. It is just an illustration)
This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various
monkeys before the eyes of the scientists. Between 1952 and 1958
all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes
to make them more palatable. Only the adults who imitated their
children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating
the dirty sweet potatoes. Then something startling took place.
In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys
were washing sweet potatoes -- the exact number is not known.
Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were
99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their
sweet potatoes. Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the
hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.
THEN IT HAPPENED! By that evening almost everyone in the
tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added
energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological
But notice: A most surprising thing observed by these scientists
was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the
sea...Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop
of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.
Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this
new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.
(…and so is this haha)
Tuesday February 28, 2012
Today I received 3 books at my doorstep from a postwoman.
She was standing there with my newly ordered books from Amazon
in her hand and she was like: “Your package is too big to fit into the
letter box”.
Oh, wait, that’s not what she said. I think I slipped into a fantasy
here haha.
So anyway, I received the 3 books from this lovely woman. The
funny thing about books is that I have never really been fond of
books. I have always found them complicated and I quickly got
impatient with the author and often I was thinking: “Come on,
stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Don’t use page
after page describing how beautiful the landscape is, give me some
action here.” Reading and learning new stuff should be fun and
engaging. Not boring and dull.
How to make boys read?
Transform the reading and learning process into an adventure, a
treasure hunt to find and collect all the keys to the treasure of the
secret knowledge.
And use films and animation series as supporting tools to create
pictures in their minds and analogies of what they have just learned.
That is what keeps me unstoppable anyway. That will make our
boys change their hearts and go from childhood consciousness to
adulthood consciousness, which must be the most important task
of the human race.
I’m convinced that if we can make our boys get along with each
other, the girls will follow suit (maybe the girls are already there),
because it is in the heart that all boys are one.
“He will begin to change hearts and it is in the heart that all boys are
one. Now go help this boy. He will need you to.” – quote from the
movie “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2010).
We need to help our boys realize that they are all one and they are
all the Avatar, so as they grow up they will begin to change hearts
around them.
Maybe these Mayan-calendar posts can inspire to be a draft of a new
coming leading Avatar-state of being?
At the very least these posts can help those newly awakened to get
up to speed?
Tank (operator): “Now, we’re supposed to start with these operation
programs first. That’s major boring shit. Let’s do something a little
more fun. How about… combat training”
Neo: “Ju-Jitsu? I’m gonna learn Ju-Jitsu?”
Tank: [winks and loads the program]
Neo: “Holy shit!”
Tank: “Hey Mikey, I think he likes it. How about some more?”
Neo: “Hell, yes. Hell yeah.”
Wednesday February 29, 2012
Today’s lesson with Sensei Wu – Spin-Jitzu Master:
Sensei Wu – Lesson #1:
“There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock”
“You are only at the beginning and the road is long and winding”
“In order to reach your full potential you must train”
My comments:
Training means: Take action, do things differently and gain
experience (everybody fails over and over at first – even Neo in the
‘jump program’ – when you happen to fail tell yourself: “This is a
teaching moment, we must learn from this”). By gaining experience
you will see and understand patterns you couldn’t see before nor
read about in any book. By seeing and understanding these patterns
you will create a new stepping stone for yourself.
Don’t know what action to take?
Ask yourself: “What more can I do to help progress myself and my
world/community/country? What more can I do?
What else can I do?”
All of a sudden you are doing all kind of stuff left and right. You
are creating reality. And when you feel you have reached a dead
end in one of the things you are doing, then you turn your focus
on some of the other stuff, and when you reach a dead end doing
the other stuff – you go back to one of the other things you were
doing and now you suddenly know what to do. It is like you are
building up your inner energy of focused action-energy. It builds
and builds up inside of you, and all of a sudden it is like your entire
being transforms into an unstoppable tidal wave of focused energy
of action that is too big to ever feel disappointed.
It is like obstacles turn into trees and here your tidal wave comes.
When you have build up enough inner energy of your own focused
action-energy it is like your entire being transforms into the world's
largest recorded tsunami wave.
The force of your wave removes all trees and vegetation from all
elevations. Millions of trees are uprooted and swept away by your
wave – without you even noticing. When you go to bed at night
you will start to think: “Today I created the largest wave I have ever
made. Tomorrow I will make it even bigger!” (only compete with
As they say in fitness: “You gain energy by using energy”.
Hmm… is the human being a receiver and transmitter of energy?
We allow for more and more energy to flow through our entire
being as we build up our inner energy of focused action-energy?
(funny how ‘inner’ ‘ener-gy’ sounds the same)
Like the channeler said earlier:
“…As the consciousness level of your planet raises itself, those of
you who are working together to raise your consciousness, you will
be able to hold more and more refined vibrations and so we will be
able to use you as a catalyst to feed in more and more energies, as
more of you raise yourself to meet the challenge, so we can awaken
more of these energies. Now, energy is consciousness, and the
energies themselves contain the knowledge and the information
which is beginning to service again, in your consciousness. So,
many of you will remember the Atlantean times…”
Am I actually receiving energy of information as I type this post?
And as I write the words down here using my laptop I transmit the
received energy of information to the screen and to this post?
Which expands my capacity of new receivable energy to flow
through my entire being?
And then I’m able to receive even bigger amounts of energies of
information the next day?
Take your first new action today!
Start building up your inner energy of focused action-energy.
Ask yourself:
What can I do today to help progress myself and my world/
What more can I do?
What else can I do?
If you read these lines you are put in this world to inspire other
people. We are the front end of the snow plow and we have to shovel
some shit.
Like the channeler said:
“…Now, I’m looking at a time on your planet when these energies,
this knowledge, is re-awakened and re-integrated into your
consciousness. I’m not looking at a time when this knowledge will
be for the few, but when your whole planet will be awakened to this
understanding which you have simply forgotten. It is not a matter
of new information, it is matter of remembering who you are, and
where you come from.
So you are being asked to change. You are being asked to change
in a total way. It is not a matter of small changes, a little thing here,
a little thing there, you really are being asked to turn yourselves
inside out. There is a massive shadow which must be cleared, and it
is up to you light workers - as it is referred to - such as yourselves,
to focus yourselves on that challenge.
Those of you who are in the forefront of this, you are rather like a
snowplow. You are the thin end of the wedge. You really have, how
shall I put this, to a certain extent I suppose, you have the shitty end
of the job. You have got to do an awful lot, but nevertheless, you are
capable of doing an awful lot. That is why you were chosen to come.
That is you are here, what you are here for, to really - decoded by the
psychic - to really shovel some shit, and therefore make some space
behind you, to make it easier for the others…”
We need to push through until we reach that 100th monkey – the
tipping point.
Thursday Marts 1, 2012
Today’s lesson with Sensei Wu – Spin-Jitzu Master:
Sensei Wu – Lesson #2:
“In order to reach your full potential we must see each day as an
“Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today”
“We cannot change the past but we can affect the future”
My comments:
In all humbleness I have nothing to add.
Friday Marts 2, 2012
Today’s lesson with Sensei Wu – Spin-Jitzu Master:
Sensei Wu – Lesson #3:
“Iron sharpens iron”
“Do I hear a hint of jealousy? This can be a lesson for you. Do not
be jealous of ‘xyz’ - let ‘xyz’ inspire you”
“Healthy competition can help you reach your true potential faster“
My comments:
We need to look into the labels “competition” and “healthy
competition” because they are easily mixed up.
In my view the label “competition” is about competing to win by
trying to dominate and outperform others. This is the ego-mind,
the childhood consciousness, that loves this kind of competition.
Watch out for ego-battles and pointed fingers, one big winner – the
rest losers. Competition creates division.
The label “healthy competition” is about competing to excel by
performing well and surpassing personal goals. Healthy competition
encourages everyone involved to push themselves harder than they
would have without competition and leaves everyone involved with
higher self-esteem and less depression.
Here is Dr. Christopher Thurber, a board-certified clinical
psychologist with more than 25 years of camping experience
“As a psychologist who works with summer camps across the
country, I am often asked whether competition is good or bad.
Proponents of competition speak fondly of their athletic victories
and about wanting the same thing for their campers. Competition,
they say, builds character. It’s a competitive world out there, so we
had better prepare our children. Critics of competition want every
child to feel like a winner always. They don’t want to pit one child or
one group against another, nor do they want external rewards, such
as grades or trophies, to motivate participation.
No camp director, teacher, coach, or parent I know wants the kind
of competition that makes children unduly anxious, that interferes
with their performance and creativity, or that makes them
uninterested. However, to eliminate competition simultaneously
eliminates opportunities to learn humility and grace. Research on
the negative aspects of unhealthy competition is mostly solid, but
using it as a rationale for eliminating competition altogether may
throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Although some believe that “healthy competition” is actually a
contradiction in terms, I have a different perspective. The unhealthy
competition I’ve witnessed is: ubiquitous, focused exclusively on
rewards or punishments, belligerent, rude, critical, and unfair.
A classic example is the child who, after a day at school where grades
are the only object, is forced to play in a youth soccer league where
parents emphasize trophies, coaches berate kids, spectators scold
every mistake, one team has vastly greater talent than the others,
and not every child gets to play.
Life doesn’t have to be that way. What I’ve seen that is healthy is
what I’d call “cooperative competition.” This may also seem like
a contradiction in terms, but when competition creates just a
little anxiety, demands fair play, and emphasizes fun, children’s
performance can be enhanced and they learn to make moral
decisions independent of adult caregivers. Cooperative competition
emphasizes the following:
Praising effort, not outcomes.
Although vapid praise is useless, pointing out incremental
accomplishments builds self-esteem. The baseball coach that tells
her player, “You swung hard and made contact” is doing a better
job than the coach who simply says, “Nice swing,” and a far better
job than the coach who screams, “Come on! Park that thing! You
swing like a baby!”
Focusing on strengths.
Instead of comparing a player to his teammates, such as “Why
can’t you kick the ball like Robbie?” focus on strengths. The coach
who tells his player, “You’re passing well. Let’s try that corner kick
again.” is capitalizing on what’s intrinsically rewarding to a child by
focusing on her strengths.
Having fun, but not at the expense of others.
The joy of any game should not be in the winning or losing, and
certainly not in the harming of others, but in the playing of the
game and the cultivation of relationships. To that end, cooperative
competition emphasizes cheers, not jeers, and handshakes, not
Engaging children in discussions about their own behavior.
Instead of criticizing or praising a particular action, teammates
and adult supervisors can ask questions like, “Tell me about your
decision to pass the ball to Jessie” or “What’s the boo-ing about for
Emphasizing teamwork.
Every individual behavior affects others. Pointing that out to
children as it’s happening builds strong teams and communities.
The cornerstone of cooperative competition is how the adults in
charge frame the game or activity. Just about any game can be set up
in a friendly or unfriendly way, just as any activity can be explained
in a way that promotes anxiety and hurts performance and selfesteem.
Consider this example from an expert on games who suggested an
interesting variation on musical chairs. Instead of having the last
player standing sit out on each successive round, have the entire
group try to sit on fewer and fewer chairs. That way, no one is ever
out and, some would argue, there is no risk that anyone would feel
like a loser.
I’ve played this game at camp with kids and discovered several
things. First of all, it results in more injuries than regular musical
chairs. Trying to get eight or nine kids to sit or somehow balance on
a single chair has the potential to be an excellent cooperative game.
However, there tend to be lots of stubbed toes and pinched fingers.
Second, there tends to be more peer criticism than regular musical
chairs. I heard kids say, “You’re too fat to hang on” and “My sister’s
more coordinated than you.”
What I learned was that no game or activity is inherently healthy.
The wacky version of musical chairs cannot guarantee that some
kids won’t feel like losers when it’s all over. It is entirely possible
that the more coordinated children will feel good about how they
were able to scramble together and balance on the chair, and the
less coordinated will feel as if they’ve let the group down, or worse.
Of course, it’s also possible that if someone ran that activity better
than I did on my first try, the entire group would have fun and leave
feeling good about themselves.
That is precisely my point. Skilled teachers, coaches, camp staff,
and parents can supervise baseball, musical chairs, or painting and
make it either a constructive or destructive experience for children.
There are rules to follow, skills to learn, and strengths to capitalize
on. There are friendships to be cultivated, ethical decisions to be
made, and successes to be experienced.
What builds character is not keeping a stiff upper lip when your
team loses or when your painting of a horse looks like a cow. What
builds character is having others like you for who you are, not how
you perform. What builds character is having adults who provide
success experiences and set good examples for children. What
builds character is being supported in achieving a challenging goal.
One of the best examples of this kind of leadership I ever witnessed
was, coincidentally, in a game of musical chairs at camp. The first
person out was actually one of the cabin leaders. He threw his arms
up in the air and shouted, “Now here’s how you leave the game!” He
then boogied out of the circle by combining some break-dancing
moves with a little song he made up on the spot. You can imagine
what followed. Each successive child who got out make up his own
hip-hop song-and-dance routine. There was no arguing, of course,
because the campers saw that it was as much fun to stay in as it was
to get out. No one felt like a loser. Everyone just laughed and asked
to play again.
It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how adults frame the game. “
Here is an example of ‘competition creates division’:
The Great Race: The Story of the Chinese Zodiac
“Since the beginning of time, the Chinese have used the ancient
lunar calendar to mark the passing of time. One of my favorite
stories explains how the 12 animals were chosen for the calendar
and just why the Cat and the Rat are sworn enemies. It has been
passed through countless generations told repeatedly under starry
skies, during bedtime, and over hot cocoa. Now you can share this
traditional legend with your children and loved ones. Enjoy!
Once upon a time, the Jade Emperor announced to the entire
animal kingdom that there would be an amazing race. The first
twelve animals to cross the finish line would each be awarded one
year in the lunar calendar. The news spread quickly and excitement
grew everywhere. Now Cat and the Rat were the best of best
friends. They did everything together: eat, play, sleep. There wasn't
a day that would go by where they didn't say "howdy" to each other.
When Cat heard about the great news, he immediately told Rat
whom excitedly jumped to his feet and agreed they should both
enter the race.
After many restless nights, all Rat could think of was winning the
competition. But he said nothing to Cat who was happily dreaming
about chasing butterflies. Finally, the day of the race arrived. All the
animals gathered at the starting line and with a "BANG!" the race
With fantastic speed, Rat and Cat grabbed the lead, scurrying
through prickly bushes running over grassy meadows until they
came upon a vast river. The current was so strong that they could
not swim across. Just as they were thinking of what to do, the sturdy
Ox came upon them. Being full of ideas, Rat suggested, "Ox, since
your eyesight is very poor, let's help each other. Cat and I will get
on your back and direct you across the river." That sounded like
a great plan to everyone. Ox was very strong and had no trouble
swimming across the river.
As the party neared the other side, Rat let out an excited shriek.
"Look, look! The Jade Emperor's palace!" Sure enough, bright red
festive lanterns were shining all around the magical kingdom.
Now, even though Rat and Cat were the best friends, Rat wanted
to be first more than ANYTHING in the whole world. So without
even a whisper, Rat pushed Cat off Ox into the fast moving river.
"Meowwwwww", yelped Cat. "What was that?" Ox asked. "Oh...oh
nothing...must have been the wind. Quick! Quick! We're almost
there!" shrieked Rat. As they reached the shore, Rat leapt off Ox's
back to the finish line, dancing and cheering.
The Jade Emperor rewarded Rat with the first spot followed by a
very tired Ox. Shortly after, the strong and powerful Tiger roared
to the finish with the lucky Rabbit hopping right behind. From the
sky, the noble Dragon descended to the ground; through bushes
the Snake slithered to take its place. Next came the Horse and
Goat in a tight race. From the trees, Monkey swung in vine to vine.
Rooster scrambled in with a few feathers ruffled, trailed by Dog
who was in a very good mood. Finally, last but not least Pig trotted
in wanting to know when dinner would be served. As Jade Emperor
congratulated all 12 animals on winning the race, Cat, who was
soaked head to paw, scampered in to the palace.
Jade Emperor thanked Cat for joining the race but that he was just
too late. From this day onward, Cat swore he and Rat would be
enemies forever. And that is the story of the Chinese horoscope and
why Cats and Rats can never get along.”
So, all around the globe we human beings have competition as a
Lesson #3 add-on:
“Competition creates division”
Saturday Marts 3, 2012
Today’s lesson with Sensei Wu – Spin-Jitzu Master:
Sensei Wu – Lesson #4:
“You have yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one
of us there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer
that fear will you heart be free. Only then will you reach your true
My comments:
Now, this is some deep shit. You can talk about that you fear this
and that. But you need to conquer that fear. To conquer fear you
need bravery. Bravery looks fear in the eye and tell it: ”Fuck You.”
I recall my post from December 21, 2011 and the words of Stewart
Swerdlow on the radio show The Vinny Eastwood Show, Marts 10,
“…I think that when you push a human being to the wall and leave
them with absolutely no choice, they will fight back and overwrite
the mind control programming …”
Now, when I started to post on the david icke forum my first few
posts was a reaction to all the blatant crap the control system
was throwing at us. I was like: “ENOUGH!! - I’m not taking this
The urge inside me was so strong there was nothing that could hold
me back. I wanted to look the top dogs of the control system in the
eye and tell them: “FUCK YOU”. I had calculated the odds of the
outcome not to be in my favor. I fully knew that the control system
was keeping an eye on the forum and I felt that the top dogs could
crush the shit out of me within 24 hours. I pushed through the fear
of death. I didn’t give a shit anymore. I was all-in. I was releasing
myself from the shackles of fear - the last bastion of mind control
I knew Google was the best search engine but also a spying tool
for the control system. As I started to search a lot during my first
Mayan-calendar post I wondered: “They might spy on me. Am I
putting myself in the ‘risk-zone’ with all my unusual and ‘suspicious’
search phrases?” I pushed through the fear: “I don’t give a shit. I’m
all-in”. And I kept Google as my friend.
Soon the ultimate fear would strike me, fill me up and leave me
shaking and baffled. I have never been a spiritual person, but as
my post progressed I started to experience synchronicity. It was
mind blowing and out of this world. I was not used to (and I’m still
not used to) this kind of reality. A new understanding of: “There is
more to life” washed over me and has been confirmed over and over
again by what I’m experiencing these days. Then I remembered the
incident that Credo Mutwa (what a legend he is) described as one
of the few times in his life when he felt genuinely terrified. Credo
Mutwa was almost burnt alive when a group of thugs doused him
in gasoline. In Africa it’s widely believed that when a person is
killed in this manner, their soul is destroyed along with their body,
preventing them from reincarnating.
Then I thought: “When we die (in my country), people are usually
burned. Could this be the ultimate evil of the church? (invented by
the control system) - To destroy our souls?”
Then I was like: “OMG, people need to know this! But how can I tell
them that? They would think I have gone mad”.
I went online and printed a form of ‘your last wishes’ where you
decide if you want to be burnt or buried and burial place on which
cemetery etc. Never has anything been so real to me than truly
facing my own death and the fact that I have to die.
By filling out the form I could make sure that I wasn’t going to be
burnt if I should suddenly die. By filling out the form I could decide
to be buried instead. And by being buried I would preserve my
soul. I didn’t fill out the form immediately. I just lay it on my table.
In visible sight.
“I have to tell my family”, I thought. “Especially my mother and
father as they are the oldest ones, they are going to be burnt when
they die and by doing that they will destroy their soul.”
I looked at my phone. I couldn’t do it. This was just too weird.
“I have to go forward with this on my own. I have to leave them all
behind”, the tears are coming back in my eyes as I write this.
I began to think of my 6 nieces and nephews and the tears would
never stop. I began to fill out the form.
“I have to do this”. I filled out the form and put my signature on
the bottom. I remember I held these pages in my hand just as I had
signed them and as a started to walk a few meters this cold feeling I
have never experienced before ran through my entire being while I
was shaking like you would never believe.
I had to get some fresh air.
I live in a walking distance of a grocery store. I went there in this
confused state of mind.
I got a shopping basket and within walking 10 meters I noticed this
pram and a baby boy inside (and the mother looking at some stuff
just to the right). As I was walking by he caught my eyes for a brief
moment. I looked at him and he looked at me and then right there
he said: “Hi” – just like that. Out of the blue. He made me smile
inside. I didn’t say anything back but just walked on.
Some minutes later I reached the fruit department. I was putting
apples in this plastic bag when I heard the voice of girl behind
me. She sounded exactly like one of my nieces. I listened in. She
sounded so sweet. “How can I ever leave them behind”, I thought.
I kept listening. I wanted to confirm it was her voice and I was kind
of baffled of what she would be doing here. “It is her”, I thought.
I turned around.
It was not my niece.
The girl was a sweet Asian looking girl with her father.
As I walked home I thought: “How can I ever leave them behind”.
“I’m not leaving them. Either we all make it or nobody makes it”
Back home I pushed through the fear of my own soul destruction:
“I was not put here (on this planet) to be afraid.”
I tore the ‘last wishes’-pages apart and threw them out.
I now realize that this ultimate fear is used to control people. The
ultimate control mechanism. In this way the control system had
Credo Mutwa under control and was always able to threaten him
with soul destruction if he didn’t do what the control system told
him to do (read: the control system here being the secret societies
that took him under their wings – the same secret societies that
have planted the belief about soul destruction to all storytellers,
shamans and priesthood all around Africa).
Sunday Marts 4, 2012
Today’s lesson with Sensei Wu – Spin-Jitzu Master:
Sensei Wu – Lesson #5:
“Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your spin-jitzu”
My comments:
Sensei Wu’s weapon of choice: Wisdom
Wisdom = experience + knowledge
Experience: See lesson #1
Knowledge: Listen to David Icke. Read threads on the david icke
forum. Read books to dig deeper into the topics you find interesting.
Also, be inspired by the latest animation series.
Wisdom: Combine your experience with knowledge (e.g. create
analogies) and start posting on the forum yourself. It will all
sharpen your mind. And it will sharpen my mind. It will sharpen
the mind of all members on the forum. Iron sharpens iron. We are
here to support each other.
Like the channeler said: “…You must organize yourself into groups
to support each other…”
We are being asked to turn ourselves inside out:
“…You are being asked to change. You are being asked to change
in a total way. It is not a matter of small changes, a little thing here,
a little thing there, you really are being asked to turn yourselves
inside out…”
Are we human beings afraid of belonging and connecting with
other people because we are afraid of being rejected and hurt?
Because of experiences we have had in the past?
Don’t we belong together as human beings?
Have you ever felt connectedness?
Have you ever found that place in your heart where you find the
safe, soothing connection with someone or something?
From the book “Finding the Heart of the Child” by Edward M.
“…Globally, we are joined by (…) all manner of electronic
communication such that we are only seconds away from the other
side of the planet. Yet, paradoxically, locally, at our home base, in
our home town, we are in many ways separated, disconnected, even
isolated. The connections that sustain and uplift, the connections
that make life buoyant have, for many people, come unplugged...”
“…My thesis is this: We live in a time that conspires to disconnect
us, one from another, from institutions, from ideas, and from
ideals, so that the individual is precariously alone. I would go on to
contend that the implications of this disconnectedness for children
are enormous.
I think of the two major tasks of childhood as the development of
competence and the development of connectedness, both of which
contribute, in different ways, to the overarching goal of developing a
sense of confidence and self-esteem. If we do not pay close attention
to our children’s developing sustaining connections, connections of
all sorts, then they will always be at risk of not finding satisfaction
and meaning in life, no matter how competent they may become.
What is connectedness? It is a sense of being a part of something
larger than oneself. It is a sense of belonging, or a sense of
accompaniment. It is that feeling in your bones that you are not
alone. It is a sense that no matter how scary things may become,
there is a hand for you in the dark. While ambition drives us to
achieve, connectedness is my word for the force that urges us to
ally, to affiliate, to enter into mutual relationships, to take strength
and to grow through cooperative behavior.
One of my adult patients, a highly accomplished and successful
man of thirty-five, said to me in reference to his feeling lonely,
“What I really want to do is walk up to people and say, ‘Will you
be my friend?’ But that makes you too vulnerable. It immediately
puts you on the bottom of the inherent power differential that is in
every relationship.”
My patient lives in disconnection and so can easily feel one down.
In order to handle the tension of the power differential he so readily
perceives, he works harder and harder for success, feeling that if he
achieves enough he can be on top all the time. Having all the power,
he will not have to put himself in the vulnerable position of asking,
“Will you be my friend?”
“But no matter how good you are,” I say, “there will always be
someone better. Then what do you do?”
“Work harder,” he says wryly.
“But don’t you think it’s good to have friends where maybe you’re
helping each other along, on an equal basis?” I ask.
“Nice idea,” he says. “But it always comes down to who’s on top.”
We have always had to deal with the tension between individual
achievement and the alienating envy it can spawn. None of
us has everything. We all find reasons to envy other people.
There is no point in trying to moralize or lecture oneself out of
envy; it arises spontaneously and it is not “bad,” but rather natural.
However, the best antidote to the corrosive force of envy is not, as
my patient suggests, more achievement, the success cure so many
seek these days, but rather the best antidote is to have meaningful
and sustaining connections to other people, institutions, or ideals.
These connections act as internal supports that pick one up from
failure, disappointment or rejection. The connected person can
never fall very far because there are the life lines of support to break
the fall. The disconnected person, on the other hand, dangles
precariously held in place by the strength of his own arm…”
We also need to let go of our emotional baggage. Imagine if everyone
did what oneisall did (posted Marts 2, 2012
oneisall writes:
“Big step for me
Yesterday I made a big step for me, I sat down in silence and
forgave everyone whos ever done me wrong in my life, I visualised
the connections and just let it detach from me, it made me feel
really good because I never knew that it bothered me so much, it
can take a lot of your shoulders.”
Monday Marts 5, 2012
In the following you will meet labels as ‘Higher Selves’, ‘Unified Field’
‘Super String Field’, ‘unity consciousness’, ‘universal consciousness’
and ‘Spirit’ – yes, dear child has many names. I would suggest that
this is the source of the meaningful coincidences.
“The cover art depicts (…) the level where the Higher Selves reside”,
The Matrix V – Quest of the Spirit – The Ultimate Frontier, Gold
Editon 2003.
John Hagelin, Ph. D., Professor of physics (part 1,
part 2 -
“…With the real cutting edge knowledge, the discovery of the
Unified Field, the so called Super String Field, we now understand
that life is fundamentally one. At the basis of all life’s diversity, there
is unity. At our basis you and I are one. And that unity on the basis
of mind and matter is consciousness. Universal consciousness.
So with that deep understanding that consciousness is not created
by the brain, it’s not purely an outcome of molecular chemical
processes of the brain, but is fundamental in nature, it’s the very
core of nature, we call it the Unified Field…”
“…It’s legitimate for us to talk about a world of diversity. We see
such a world after all. But it’s even more legitimate for us also to talk
about the world of unity, the ultimate scientific truth of life. So we
get tripped up in semantics if we say ‘unity alone exists but there is
no such thing as diversity’ or that ‘diversity alone exists, there is no
such thing as unity’. They are both true. They are just different levels
of description of the same reality…On the psychical level you and I
are separate, you are much better looking than I am, more attractive
in virtually every way, but at deeper level we have a common source
and that is the Unified Field…”
Here is Deepak Chopra, graduate of the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences and a former leader of the Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation
“…The Unified Field is the source of creation… Since the Unified
Field is the ground state of everything and since the Spirit is also
the ground state of everything – the Spirit and the Unified Field are
one… “
“…I am the ground state, the forces of nature and the material
world. I am the dancer, the dancing and the dance. I am the creator,
the creating and that which is created…I am everything I observe,
and the observer as well…I am existence…I am everything in
general and anything in particular…When I see light and colour,
I am light and colour…When I hear sound and music, I am sound
and music…I am everything I taste, touch, smell, feel and see…I
am laughter - I am tears…I am the anger in angry people…I am the
jealousy in jealous people…I am the hate in hateful people…I am
the love in loving people…I am the compassion in compassionate
people…I am everything as it is.”
The Unified Field - could it be compared with Cloud Computing?
I’m not so technical, so I will just throw some potential pieces of
the puzzle on the table. Maybe someone can find new pieces and
resemble them in another way or build upon some of this:
We are one - the collective cloud - and we manifest as individuals:
Everyone is you!
Just expressed differently!
Childhood consciousness only has awareness of down below and
only sees separation. Childhood consciousness loves to point
Adulthood consciousness has awareness of above as below.
Adulthood consciousness knows that we are the individual and the
collective. Adulthood consciousness celebrates our differences and
unites our strengths.
Childhood consciousness would include:
- Taking energy from people
- Acting like MingeBags.
MingeBag-definition from the Urban Dictionary (http://www. ):
MingeBags typically ruin the game. MingeBags are often referred as
assholes, 12 year olds, and n00bs.
Most often they will join your server or game and generally fuck up
your constructions.
Extreme caution is recommended when allowing these users to
join your game.
“Goddamnit, someone kick that fucking MingeBag! He keeps
killing everyone!”
Adulthood consciousness would include:
- Giving energy to people
- Aware of the ‘Universe Internet-connection’ (global connection:
we all connect to the cloud)
- Aware of the ‘Universe Ethernet-connection’ or LAN-connection
(Local Area Network) (local area connection: we all connect locally,
in person)
The ‘Universe Ethernet-connection’ would be the local connection
between people in person?
It would be like when we connect with another human being with
smiling eyes and a radiant smile?
I SEE YOU? Like a wireless connection?
The word aether (Greek αἰθήρ aithēr) also spelled ether, means
“pure, fresh air” or “clear sky” in Homeric Greek.
--- Pure, fresh air? Like pure energy or a pure connection?
It is related to αἴθω “to incinerate”, also intransitive “to burn, to
shine”, meaning “people with a burnt visage”.
--- People with a burnt/shining visage? That sounds like the ultimate
connection between people, like the facial expression between
people in balance, people that connect with glowing, sparkling,
luminous eyes and radiant smiles.
Have you ever had eye contact with a happy baby?
Being happy like a baby - guaranteed to make you smile.
Do we all have inner happiness and joy in us?
We just need to re-connect with it?
Get back in touch with it?
Do we all have inner happiness and joy in us at all times?
In all places?
Seriously, that is the state I’m in while I write these Mayan-calendar
posts! I’m just being a happy baby!
I just could not formulate it. I could not find the words to describe
Turn up the volume – here is Laid Back with Sunshine Reggae:
Give me give me
give me just a little smile
that it´s all i ask of you
Give me give me
give me just a little smile
we got a message for you
Sunshine Sunshine Reggae
don´t worry
don´t hurry
take it easy
Sunshine Sunshine Reggae
let the good vibes get a lot stronger!
I just realize that this is me:
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Copyright Law.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act
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The Mayan Calendar IV:
The Dark Side Rises
Tuesday July 17, 2012
Today I realize that I’m going to write another Mayan Calendar
A have a slight idea what the beginning of the post should be about,
but other than that, just like the other Mayan Calendar posts, I have
no idea. I just take the first step.
Now I know, that as long as I take the first step and follow my bliss,
the information is going to come to me synchronistically and the
post is going to unfold on its own.
Am I in tune with the creative spirit?
(Haha, who knows how the creative spirit looks like!?)
Within the last couple of weeks I have felt the dark side inside of
me rise.
And I also realize how it looks on the table of content page - great
storyline to first have the avatars return and THEN the dark side
A lot of suspense.
Newcomers would probably be hooked.
Here is a blog post I published January 14, 2012
Be Afraid!
How to keep child-like human beings interested?
Create Conflict & Suspense
Creating suspense is all about building anticipation for your readers.
To do this you offer hints at what is to come, but you give them no
answers until the very end. The purpose of suspense is to give your
readers something about which to worry, to encourage them to read
more of your stuff.
I used the blog to introduce friends and family to a new reality. I
even kept it in English so they would not feel directly targeted haha
It is all about planting seeds.
Though it can be very frustrating sometimes haha
Wednesday-Thursday July 18-19, 2012
I saw this thread on Thursday July 5, 2012 started by ‘rexypoo’
‘rexypoo’ writes:
Reptilian in "The Amazing Spiderman"
Anyone watch "The Amazing Spiderman" yet? Notice how eerily
similar the Lizard on the movie looks to the Reptilian race? And in
the movie the lizard monster tries to sell Spiderman on how great
a new race of reptilian-humans would be, and how much stronger
and better they are. Something along the lines of that. I think they're
trying to re-introduce us to the Reptilian race before they announce
their existence.
Lizard monster in "The Amazing Spiderman"
Later that day I talked with a friend. We were to buy a gift the
next day for a friend’s baby baptism and I suggested we go see The
Amazing Spiderman after the gift was bought and that’s what we
So Friday July 6, 2012 I was sitting in the cinema for the first time
in ages.
At one point in the movie I got a clear shot of how the lizard looks
like and something inside of me was like:
“Ugly fuck, where did that come from, this motherfucker is fucking
ugly, seriously stop that, fucking ugly, shut the fuck up! That is not
me speaking … but it is my voice.. it is the sound of my inner voice”
It was my inner voice. It was the sound of my inner voice throwing
around nasty comments in my head but it was not me. Finally I told
it to shut the fuck up.
Later I was like: “There is my inner voice again, get conscious of
it” - this time not yelling at it in my head but rather just getting
conscious of it in the moment.
Afterwards something inside of me was like: “Your inner voice is
not you, the inner voice is not you”
Could that be true?
A have no idea. I can’t get my head around that right now.
Hmm.. could it be that my inner voice also can be in a dualistic
mode, dualistic opposites, with a ‘good guy’ and a ‘bad guy’ inner
Could the inner voice be my good guy spirit (angel) and my bad
guy spirit (demon)?
And when they are in balance, when you follow your bliss, the
creative spirit takes over?
Are we spiritual beings ‘trapped’ inside a body and mind?
To make us organically grow to the next level of being?
Would this be a symbol of our spiritual nature:
(duality by ~thothflashpan,
Was my inner voice that called the Lizard an ‘ugly fuck’ actually my
angel spirit (the good guy)?
Hmmm.. had to dwell about that for some time.
Or was it my demon spirit that attacked ‘himself ’ as a test to see
how the angel spirit would react?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Update August 8, 2012:
Along the process I also asked myself the question: We are reptilians
trapped inside a human body?
I then deleted it, but I want to have it back in.
It occurs to me the possibility that the good guy spirit, the angel
spirit is just a demon is disguise.
The battle between the top dog good guy and the top dog “bad guy”:
Basically the good guy follows the rules outwardly (rules that he
himself has made) in order to gain power. His end-goal is still to
shove up in the face of the “bad guy” the power he gains from a
victory over the “bad guy” (who doesn’t follow the rules which the
good guy made, and therefore is seen as the “bad guy”).
So when that happens then the “bad guy” feels hurt (his pride being
hurt that is) and starts to make plans to gain victory and power
over the “good guy”. Then the “bad guy” wins and the “bad guy”
now changes the rules to favor his own plan, making him the good
guy, and the former good guy has now become that “bad guy” who
doesn’t follow the (newly made) rules.
An eternal battle. The cycle of stupid.
I would suggest that angels and demons are spirits of dualistic
opposites caught in childhood consciousness.
Adulthood consciousness will transcend the polarities and will
make the balance, the creative spirit appear.
Ha, what if this is actually how the creative spirit looks like?
Maybe then we would not judge each other on our looks?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------If I’m aware of my spiritual nature, who then, what part of me, is
the one that is aware of it?
What is the next level of awareness?
Who are we REALLY?
Are we infinite awareness, divine energy, having an experience?
Bryan Adams – I’m Ready
I’m ready - to love you
I’m ready - to hold you
Friday July 20, 2012
Lying in my bed.
Inside me:
“What if I didn’t post anything” (here I reluctantly tried for 2-3
seconds to imagine it, but I couldn’t. There was pure bright white
shining in my inner vision).
“Just get conscious of it.”
“You don’t have to speak louder or smaller. I can hear what you are
(I couldn’t find the word in the moment so I went with ‘smaller’, ha,
now when I’m thinking about it, yes I’m thinking in English. I guess
‘quieter’ or ‘softer’ would have been what I was looking for).
Let me suggest what just happened:
“What if I didn’t post anything” (came from Inner voice ‘bad guy’
/ demon)
“Just get conscious of it.” (came from Inner voice creative spirit /
the balance)
“You don’t have to speak louder or smaller. I can hear what you are
saying.” (came from Inner voice ‘good guy’ / angel speaking to inner
voice ‘bad guy’ / demon)
I wrote everything down immediately after the episode.
Maybe writing it down helps me process what just happened, helps
me process the new information – and removes my everything (‘my
point of attention’ might be a better term) away from the episode,
takes a step back immediately after the episode occurred.
Hmmm.. maybe it was:
“What if I didn’t post anything” (came from Inner voice ‘bad guy’
/ demon)
“Just get conscious of it.” (came from Inner voice infinite awareness
/ the true balance)
“You don’t have to speak louder or smaller. I can hear what you
are saying.” (came from Inner voice creative spirit / the balance
speaking to inner voice ‘bad guy’ / demon)
If we live in a holographic universe then this whole Mayan Calendar
Saga can be compared with an awakening cell. An awakening cell
that now is conscious that when we have found balance the dark
side will appear afterwards.
When it appears and our response is: “Just get conscious of it”, will
the darkness then become conscious of itself?
And then integrate itself into the whole, into the balance, and the
true balance connection is made?
But the darkness is probably going to test the true balance
connection again and again?
Like a dog testing the owner for loving leadership?
Like a child testing the parents for strong hearts?
I don’t know that much about dogs, I just put in the search term
‘dog loving leadership’ in google and no. 1 was an article called:
“What dogs can teach you about love and leadership” (http://
Here are the first lines of that article:
“I recently spoke to a lovely lady about dog training. This lady said
to me: “You know, Mia, dogs are a reflection of their owners.”
This insight created a huge shift for me. Despite the knowledge that
relationships mirror our inner world, I had not, until now, explored
this principle when it came to me and my dogs.
For about five years I have had two loving canine companions
by my side: my girl Ziggy – feisty, sensitive and extroverted, and
my boy Frodo – quiet, intelligent and protective. Alice’s comment
caused me to ponder my evolving relationship with these fantastic
creatures. I came to realise that dogs are a barometer of one’s abilities
as a leader and nurturer…”
(according to her website Mia Montagliani is known by her clients
as "The Aussie Dog Whisperer", take it for what you will. Titles
are really not important anymore, instead ask yourself: does this
information resonate with me?)
Just to repeat myself, because I think this is so important:
“But the darkness is probably going to test the true balance
connection again and again?
Like a dog testing their owner for loving leadership?
Like a child testing the parents for strong hearts?”
- The testing will continue:
Until the darkness becomes a complete reflection of the true
Until the dog becomes a complete reflection of their owner?
Until the child becomes a complete reflection of the parents?
They are tuning in? (that can be another term for testing)
P.S. ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ has premiere in my country today.
I read a review of the movie today that mentions Batman fighting
his inner demons.
P.P.S. Just read that darkness entered the Batman-premiere in
Denver, Colorado, USA. What a symbol on so many levels.
P.P.P.S. Let’s explore darkness. The power of darkness. Let’s get deep
in there with an open non-judgmental - truly non-judgmental mind.
Let’s get conscious of darkness.
Let’s explore dark emotions.
Let’s explore dark thoughts.
Let’s explore what it is to be a complete being.
I was just walking around in thinking posture in my apartment and
then it came to me: ‘ha, I think my inner demon just tested me with
that last line (by making ‘darkness’ equivalent to ‘complete being’)’.
Let me just add this: Let’s explore what it is to be a complete being
by making the darkness conscious.
Knowing and understanding Lucifer, lord of darkness, will
enlighten man?
(hmmm…and could this line be by my inner angel?... almost like
it was saying: HIM!? We can’t be seen with HIM!!? He is below us!)
Saturday July 21, 2012
-------------------------------------------------------------------------(This was originally from Wednesday-Thursday July 18-19, 2012
- But all of a sudden the post unfolded as it did.)
At another point in the movie where the professor/Lizard talks
about his plan for the world I felt very uneasy in my stomach area
but it was not IN the stomach. It was a feeling of something turning
around and around, maybe vibrating even.
At yet another point in the movie where Peter Parker reveals on the
balcony to the girl that he is Spiderman I got full body goosebumps
of awestruck and release, enthrallment, it was like a sensation
throughout my body. Like a full body sensation. It was indescribable
amazing. It is hard to describe. I’m not sure I can correctly describe
how my emotions feel. I have never been conscious of them in the
moment as to where in my body they appear. I have never really
consciously felt them in the moment.
I’m just starting to consciously explore emotions in my own body.
Note to self: Research energy centers in the body - what Eastern
philosophy calls chakras.
Update: Apparently chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit.
Saturday July 21, 2012 - continued
I went out last night (Friday night) with a friend and ran into this
girl I met some weeks ago.
Today (Saturday) she texted me: Are you still drunk ?he he :-)
Me: I’m always drunk :-) how are you
I constantly feel an inner euphoria, bliss, rapture, I‘m still laughing
to myself of the ending of yesterday’s post.
Though I did feel a slight headache on my way to my friend’s place
yesterday (probably because of all the new information that had
just poured out of me and onto the screen?) and then and there I
thought to myself that it was just like being drunk.
Hmm… maybe it was some kind of hangover?
Sunday July 22, 2012
I remember Anders Lindman found information that the brain
has receptors for drugs because it can produce those drugs itself
– creating a natural high for free!
Anders Lindman:
Dr. Deagle said that the brain has receptors for drugs because it
can produce those drugs itself! I don't know specifically about
ketamine. The goal is to activate those drugs naturally. Taking drugs
externally can perhaps awaken certain abilities and train the brain,
but I'm more interesting in creating a natural high that doesn't need
external substances.
Here are Anders Lindman and lonestar (http://www.davidicke.
Do drugs artificially mimic the effect of gaining a higher
Is that why there is a drug named ecstasy?
To get an idea of the effects of the ecstasy-drug I looked it up on
Wikipedia, both in English and in Danish
(I do prefer reading technical terms in my native language,
though I often find the information poorly translated – especially
information about body, mind and spirit – I guess the translator
needs the same level of consciousness as the original writer to
clearly communicate the original authors’ intentions.
Lost in translation, what is read between the lines, is…).
Here are some of the short term effects of taking ecstasy-drugs
From Danish Wikipedia (
Intense euphoria
A feeling of connectedness toward other human beings, especially others that have taken MDMA.
A significant increase in the importance and expression of joy, love and other positive emotions.
The feeling of something tremendously important or fundamentally positive is about to happen.
A sense of mental clarity.
From English Wikipedia (
A strong sense of inner peace and self-acceptance
Diminished aggression, hostility, and jealousy
Diminished fear, anxiety, and insecurity
Extreme mood lift with accompanying euphoria
Feelings of empathy, compassion, and forgiveness toward others
Feelings of intimacy and even love for others
Improved self-confidence
An intensification of all of the bodily senses (hearing, touch, smell, vision, taste)
Mild psychedelia, consisting of mental imagery and auditory and visual distortions
Increased energy and endurance
Increased alertness, awareness, and wakefulness
Increased desire, drive, and motivation
Analgesia or decreased pain sensitivity
Hmm.. I’m not there yet, but could that be the way we are heading?
Imagine a world where everyone is natural high of inner ecstasy.
I recall ~thothflashpan text to go along with the oil on canvas:
“a self portrait on mushrooms…”
Is the apple in The Garden of Eden a symbol of an ecstasy pill, like
a shortcut to instant gratification, like a pill to get to experience
artificially high consciousness if only but for a few hours?
We, as individuals and a collective, have a lesson to learn?
So now that we know the true reason for the fall of man, will we
learn from our mistakes?
Probably not.
By the way. So I had the girl that texted me come over yesterday and
she spent the night.
In the morning (today, Sunday) I told her I’m writing a book.
I had printed a book (yesterday, Saturday), ready to be read, and the
stack of the 254 pages I had placed on a chair.
She asked if that was the book. I answered no. Then she asked if
my book was in English or Danish. I answered that it’s a book in
English. And I said, just as much to her as to myself: “I’m writing a
book that will change the world….hopefully”.
Her reaction was surprising to me when I said that, it was almost
as something inside of her woke up. Out of her came the sound:
“aaauuwh?” like in the singing tonality of ‘really??!’ I didn’t talk
more about the book.
Is she a planted?
Haha I’m getting paranoid. Only science fictions would have
holographic spies planted in reality.
I have ‘coincidently’ run into her several times the past few weeks
(and I don’t know that many people, so it is not like I run into
people I know all the time). I remember that Friday night it crossed
my mind that she appeared out of nowhere, like two times that
night. And now when I think back on the past few weeks she has
appeared in my life at the exact right time in the situations where
she appeared – to carry her ‘agenda’ forward – you could say.
Maybe there is a lesson to be learned?
A warning? A clue? Something I NEED to be conscious of?
I just realize that I’m not going to claim in person that I wrote this
book. Just as I wrote in the end of the first Mayan Calendar post.
Instead, people will get a smile:
A smile = no spoken words, no inner voice words – just love = hi,
I see you.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Update August 3, 2012:
I’m just watching this video with David Icke for the third time
today – love the music Jay: David Icke - A Time To Choose!
- I owe it all to you, David. I will tell people to listen to David Icke.
Are David Icke and we - members of the david icke forum
(moderators, webmaster, forum & technical advisors included) tuning in to the frequency of infinite awareness?
It’s like tuning in to a radio station on the radio?
It’s like we are tuning a radio dial?
A little bit more to the left, a little bit more to the right, yeah there
it is. Now spread the love :-)
We are helping each other to tune in?
David found the channel and now we all are fine-tuning to find the
clearest signal?
We will keep fine-tuning until we find the true balance?
The frequency of inner ecstasy?
The pure tunnel to receive information?
To receive and be the divine spark of energy?
Be a receiver and a transmitter of true balance?
We will keep fine-tuning until we become a complete reflection of
the true balance?
Until we resonate with the true balance?
Is the information of true balance coming from the sun?
Is the sun much more than we think it is?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Has every person I have known in my entire life had a lesson for
me to learn?
I was attracting them into my life, because they had a lesson for me
to learn?
Wednesday July 25, 2012
Sunday around 16.30, on July 22, 2012 I had just talked with my
mother on the phone and I would go visit my parents the next day
at their summer home.
I started to wonder if I should take my laptop with me. All of a
sudden a feeling of worry of getting my laptop stolen started to
sneakily fill my body and I couldn’t shake it off (I also had bought
a new usb-stick the day before as an extra backup device to protect
the Mayan Calendar files – maybe that’s when the worrying started
little by little).
The more I thought about that my laptop would not get stolen - I
told myself that I should not worry - the more I worried. By using
the phrase that I should not worry, I indeed just attracted worry
more and more into my thought patterns. I started to picture in
myself how the laptop could get stolen in the train. And how, in
my apartment, my backup data of these Mayan Calendar posts
would get stolen by a break-in at the same time when I was on
my way. It became a feedback loop I couldn’t get rid of. The more
I thought about not worrying about it - the more I worried. Then
I became conscious of my thought patterns and of the saying that
the thoughts and feelings that you entertain the most are the reality
you will attract into your life. I thought:”I have to remove my focus
Here is how I got out the negative feedback loop.
I wrote everything down in the moment it happened.
I basically told the darkness to go ahead and make my day – to
just take all the data already. I didn’t give a shit. And I meant it. I
was all-in. No mind games. I told the darkness that I would leave
my apartment for an hour without any backup data on me, leaving
everything behind in the apartment and darkness could just
break-in and take it all, right then and there, and these last Mayan
Calendar posts would be out of my hands, never to be published.
What you are about to read are the thought processes inside of
me and me talking to the feeling of worry inside of me and its
accompany feeling of the darkness of the universe that was out to
get me:
Sunday evening (I have let the typos stay put):
I really don’t care if this gets stolen or not. Or if everything gets lost.
Im just going with it. Let the chips fall where they may. And this
is not a mind game im plaing against worrying, I truly don’t give a
Just take it. It is yours. Take the information. Do with it whatever
you like. You can also just kill me. Get it over with. It is all yours.
The decision is all yours. I dooon’t caaare.
I’m going for a walk now. I’m leaving for the next hour. I’m not
going to take any back up data with me.
I have the data on this lap top, on the usb-stick in the see-through
plastic back in my front left pocket of my blue pants on the sofa
and I have the data on the new usb-stick I bought yesterday in the
drawer next to be bed. It is all yours. No mind games. Or is it? I
don’t know, and I don’t care.
Do what you want? I was about to write do what you feel, but you
might think that would be manipulation, so. Whatever.
Just back on the computer. I’m going to take my cell phone with me,
so you can track me all along.
Take care buddy :-)
P.S. I AM wearing my David Icke human race get off your knees
t-shirt right now as you might know and I gonna keep it on as I
go out now. And I’m not gonna wear my hoodie. Or my cap. I am
going to remember my keys though. Here they are. In the blue
pants. Alright. Take care. Ctr + S
On a side note:
Do I get stuff out of my head space by writing it down?
That way I instantly ‘empty my head’?
That way I make room for new information to be processed through
I had neither pen nor paper with me. Instead I wrote the following
down on my cell phone after some minutes of walking:
So, double split experiment. Will the electron (here I’m referring to
myself) behave differently when it is being observed? Or will the
observer (here I’m referring to the darkness) behave differently?
Who is the electron and who is the observer? Can they be both?
At the exact moment that I typed the last question mark I just made
a turn and I looked up from writing on my phone and I was about
to walk into a man walking with his bicycle and a little girl sitting
on the backseat. I was awe-struck and taken back at the timing of
that event. I apologized to the man and got some passive aggressive
comment back. I don’t remember his words but I can recall his
energy, the feeling he put out (I guess, the frequency he put out).
Well, whatever.
I had just asked myself if I could be both the electron and the
observer at the same time and the next thing I know I almost
walked into a man, a little girl and a bicycle.
Then I looked down on my phone again and wrote:
Maybe not.
I started to wonder if actually infinite awareness had just
orchestrated that situation to play a joke on me. That would mean
that I’m infinite awareness inside this 3D avatar. I’m both the
electron (the 3D avatar) and the observer (infinite awareness).
Then I was thinking along the lines of (talking to the darkness):
You saw this. You saw what just happened.
Then I wrote down on my phone:
I’m going to give you 30 extra minutes on top of the 60 minutes.
20 minutes left of my outing I realized that me just leaving my
apartment like that without any backup data was a very selfish thing
to do. I had not cared about other people and how this information
hopefully can inspire a lot of people. I promised myself that I from
that moment on always would update my usb-stick whenever I left
the apartment. I asked myself: Will they get the message? Will they
understand it?
Then it seemed that infinite awareness was making a total joke out
of the situation. I just encountered a hen party. On a Sunday! Some
woman was dressed up and had a sign around her neck that she
was getting married and I stopped up and smiled at her as she came
over. She was kind of drunk and looked at my t-shirt and read out
loud: ”Human race get…” She didn’t read any further. I gave her a
good warm hug.
A few minutes later I opened the door to the apartment building
and as I walked up the stairs to my apartment I wrote on my phone:
So this will be the moment of truth.
I looked at my cell phone clock before I went out the door to take a
walk. It said 17.57. I’m now back. It is 19.38.
I will from now on until December 21, 2012 take backup of my
data, by copying it onto my usb, everytime I leave my apartment
and I will carry my usb-stick in my pocket. I’m going to house this
information everywhere I go.
Thursday July 26, 2012
On Monday July 23, 2012 I went to my parents summer home (the
laptop stayed at home and I updated the data on my usb-stick and
carried it with me in my pocket).
My two nephews and two of my nieces and their parents were there
as well. At some point my two nephews, twins, 7 years of age, were
playing on their own. It turned bad and they had a fight. One calling
the other ‘Nerd prince’ which made the other so mad he filled a
washing-up bowl with cold water from a tap on the outside of the
house and threw it on his brother. This made his brother so furious
that he started to beat the other, who was now standing sideways,
on his chest and on his back. Left, right, left, right. Immediately the
parents broke them up.
I was lying on a sun bed a few meters away and observed them
play and the escalation that followed (now when I think about it,
I don’t hope they did what they did because I was lying there and
they deep down wanted to show me who was the best of the two).
I realized by observing my nephews that they are very competitive.
They are always competing, wanting to be better than the other.
They make everything into a competition and it always ends up
in changing the rules of the game and finding ways to cheat. They
cheat to get the upper hand and the bragging rights to shove up in
the other’s face.
One of the twins got sent inside the house to calm down. The other
came over and lay on the other sun bed beside me. At some point I
said to him: “It’s funny, then [name of his brother] will do something
to you and make you mad and then you will do something to [name
of his brother] and make him mad and then [name of his brother]
will do something to you and make you mad…..”
“It will go on forever!” interrupted my nephew then, like an a-ha
moment had just occurred inside of him.
I chuckled and said: “Yeah!” (I think it was a mixture of ‘Yeah, you
understand it!’ and ‘Yeah I never thought about that, but yeah that
is so true!’)
I was impressed - even a 7-year old can understand the cycle of
Moments later I asked: “Are you ever friends sometimes?”
I’m not going to take the credit for this but just to note: After dinner
and dessert the boys were best friends. As they played again they
hugged each other completely on their own like caring buddies, it
was the expression of pure brotherly love (did the boys have a little
talk between them? Maybe it was just the effect of a dessert).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Update August 5, 2012:
Earlier this week two elder ladies on the street offered me a magazine.
I accepted it and it was the Danish version of Awake!/Watchtower
August 2012 from Jehovah’s Witnesses. With a curious and nonjudgmental open mind I skimmed it through. The headline on the
front page was: “Will violence ever end?” and an article that caught
my eyes had the headline: “You can learn to be peaceable”.
It said:
“…Choose your associates wisely. “A man of violence will bait
his next” (direct translation from Danish) (In English: A man of
violence will seduce his fellow), says Proverbs 16:29. On the other
hand, “he that is walking with wise persons will become wise.”
(Proverbs 13:20)…”
When I read that I recall the situation with my twin nephews. In
the moment where one of the twins was getting hit with water I
had thought to myself that he was letting the other throw water on
him, like he wanted him to do it and I thought: “hmmm.. that was
peculiar, why did he do that?”
Now, I’m thinking:
Was it so he could justify a violent answer?
Baiting the “victim”, provoking the victim, so he can justify his
He knew he was the strongest in using violence and in that way he
could be the victorious in front of me?
He was thinking ahead (to trigger cause-and-reaction) and wanted
to show-off?
It reminds me of so-called alpha-males in bar-settings that act loud,
aggressive, intimidating, obnoxious to impress the females in the
room. The sub communication: “I can make you feel save, I can
protect you. With me you will never have to feel fear again (because
I AM the fear, I am on the top of the food chain, so I decide who
should feel fear)”.
This is not about judging people. It is about understanding our
dark side.
As a side note:
In that same article I found this line intriguing:
“…and there will be an “abundance of peace until the moon is no
more.”—Psalm 72:7…”
Hinting at the moon matrix?
Friday July 27, 2012
I always have pen and paper or my laptop close to my bed, often
just next to me on the bed, as I sleep. Sometimes in the middle of
the night an insight will come to me and at the same time I will
wake up. I know that if I don’t write it down immediately I will not
remember the insight when I wake up in the morning.
I slept in my parents’ summer house from Monday to Tuesday and
I woke up in the middle of the night with an insight and wrote it
down immediately:
The unifying field is among all things.
It is not ‘up there’ like some god figure. It is here already. Between
everything. Then I made a draft of a pion with an arrow pointing
to the field connecting the two entities inside the pion and wrote
“unifying field - push/pull - attract/push away like magnets”.
Here is a more appealing outline than my handmade draft:
Then, in this holographic universe the unified field is everywhere,
between everything.
Even between earth and the sun:
Is the unifying field a magnetic field?
Is the unifying field the magnetic field between two entities?
Are we all connected through magnetic fields?
Does everything have a magnetic field?
Is everything a magnetic field?
Do human beings have a magnetic field?
If human beings have a magnet field are we somehow a magnet?
Are human beings magnetic entities?
I am a magnetic being?
Now that doesn’t mean that I’m running around with spoons and
forks on my body haha
I’m attracting certain things into my life?
Things which have a certain magnetic vibration?
I’m attracting into my life things, people, places, situations,
information that have a certain magnetic vibration?
And when I encounter people that e.g. put out passive aggressive
comments I don’t spent too much time and energy on them in that
Because I don’t want to be sucked into their frequency, their
magnetic vibration, their emotional state?
Is an emotion a magnetic signal, a magnetic vibration, a frequency?
Does every emotion have a frequency, a certain magnetic vibration?
So the emotion I feel inside of me in the moment is my inner
vibration and has a direct impact on what I attract into my life in
that moment and the next moment?
Is an emotion inside of me a magnetic signal that is drawing the
parallel back to me from the surroundings?
Sunday August 5, 2012
I reluctantly started to research chakras this week. I was very
judgmental and bad-mouthing the whole New Age-community.
I thought to myself:
“Probably so much bull crap New Age-information about chakras
how am I to find the truth!”
(haha, I guess it was a knee-jerk reaction of frustration that I had to
spent a lot of time digging to find the gems)
So, I’m doing a few searches to get a feel for the topic and I stumble
upon a video on youtube and this part of the video hits home with
It says:
“Simple ailments such as Tension Headaches can be caused by
overactive Consciousness in certain Chakras”
I thought to myself:
“That was exactly like the headache I experienced” (that Friday on
my way to my friend’s place)
From Saturday July 21, 2012 – continued:
“…Though I did feel a slight headache on my way to my friend’s
place yesterday (probably because of all the new information that
had just poured out of me and onto the screen?) and then and there
I thought to myself that it was just like being drunk. Hmm… maybe
it was some kind of hangover?...”
Then I thought along the lines of: “The people behind this video
know what they are talking about. I can verify that by my own
personal experience. When I focus in on researching chakras this
will be the starting place of my explorations.”
I just went for a walk and found a park bench where I sat down. It
came to me to use one of Neil Hague’s art works from “Remember
who you are” that I really like to put in the section of today’s update
where I ask: “Hinting at the moon matrix?” (see “Thursday July 26,
I went to and found the art work.
I like this as well to illustrate David Icke’s explorations of the SaturnMoon matrix:
As a sat there on the park bench for a few minutes I noticed this
drunk woman, kind of looking like an alcoholic, that dragged her
feet past me like 10 meters behind me with her dog.
Then the dog came back and started to smell the area just to the
right of and a little behind the bench. I was looking at the dog over
my right shoulder with my lips closed and just smiling humbly.
Then the drunk woman came back to get the dog moving and she
apparently saw my expression because she said in a quiet manner,
almost to herself:
“It’s an attack dog, do you understand that? No, you probably don’t”
It was almost like she was trying to say: “You can’t just sit there and
smile at the dog, you have to fear the dog, do you understand? It’s
an attack dog. It has this label ‘Attack dog’, so you have to fear the
Would a happy baby have any fear of a so-called attack dog?
Would a happy baby have fear of anything?
Does a happy baby know fear or is it something adults project onto
the baby to feel?
(either because the adults are in fear themselves or because the
adults want to project fear onto other human beings for whatever
Monday August 6, 2012
We are living inside a giant computer simulation.
That means that everything in this universe is made of data, binary
- And our eyes interpret the data into visual representations:
Even just by eye-contact and expression on our face we are sending
out data?
A human being is a receiver and transmitter of data?
A person can send out, transmit, the data-stream we call fear to
another human being?
But if the receiver understand the fear-channel and at the same
time is in resonance with the love-channel, then the fear-channel
from the transmitter will not affect the receiver?
The receiver will not ignore the data-stream of fear, but recognizes
data-stream of fear from any transmitter?
And because the receiver is in resonance with the love-channel,
then the projected fear from the transmitter will not affect the
Tuesday August 7, 2012
What part of the human being is able deflect fear-data?
And maybe even turn the fear-data around to love-data?
It is what the mind would call “reframing”?
Like putting a new spin on the data?
Is that what the chakra system does?
Putting spin on data?
Like a spin-doctor in public relations?
The chakra system is a system to bend energy (data), that we receive
from the environment, within ourselves?
The chakra system perceives, process and refines energy (data)
from the environment?
But if the chakra system is clouded with fear it will only spit out
fear-based emotions?
If the chakra system is clouded with childhood consciousness it
will only spit out childhood consciousness?
In order to turn on the full chakra system, you need some kind of
Because the chakra system of most human beings today is clouded
with fear and childhood consciousness?
And when you clear the chakras, when you overwrite the fearprogramming, then infinite awareness can be let through and work
through you?
I stumbled upon this comment today:
It says:
“Life is like a radio station…. Once you are on the rite wavelength,
it becomes easier to tune into perfect clarity” LB.
The comment was the latest one posted under the video on youtube:
“David Icke-Brilliant Speech“ (recorded in 1994 by the way)
Did a quick google search to find the original quote and where it
came from – here is the “primary source”:
Apparently it’s from someone named Luke Bristol.
I like that quote.
He is probably a member of the david icke forum :-)
Cheers Luke :-)
Wednesday August 8, 2012
Do you remember I mentioned, in The Mayan Calendar III, the
cold feeling that went through my entire being as I overwrote the
programming of fear inside of me?
[maybe it was the release of fear of losing dear ones - the truly
emotional detachment, the release of emotional attachment to the
closest, dearest human beings in my life - that triggered the cold
Like a lion facing the snake?
I could feel it back then but I could not put words on the sensation
in details. I can now describe it in more details:
It was not a cold feeling that ran through my entire being – it was a
cold feeling that ran through my spine.
I now believe that what actually happened was that I cleared my
It matches perfectly with the understanding of the chakra system
being connected with the spinal column.
The basic understanding of chakras is that they are energy centers
which exist inside the body of living beings. The chakras are
considered the energy centers for the reception and transmission of
certain energies. There is some variance in the number of chakras
believed to exist. The most well-known system is that of seven
The two dualistic snakes (angel & demon, childhood consciousness)
guarding the spinal column?
(Caduceus , The Staff of Hermes)
Sensei Wu – Lesson #4:
“You have yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one
of us there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer
that fear will you heart be free. Only then will you reach your true
Another quote I like (I stumbled upon it just a few days ago):
“Creativity is the absence of fear”
- Erykah Badu
The synchronicities I experience have now led me to Charles
Webster Leadbeater and his book:
“The Chakras - A Monograph” from 1927 and from there “The
Secret Doctrine”, the magnum opus of Helena Blavatsky from 1888
(the PDF is 1498 pages).
See you in a bit.
Thursday August 9, 2012
So. I’m back. I just read the books. Twice.
Haha, so anyway, Madame Blavatsky will have to wait for now.
I want to take this post to the next level.
I want to include postings from all members of the david icke
That might be a bit too much.
Why am I doing all this?
This whole thing, all this writing, why am I doing it?
Maybe I’m just trying to impress you guys.
We all just want to be accepted?
To feel a feeling of belonging?
You know that feeling of something just stirring inside of you and
you bite your lips like you want to suppress the feeling, but you
can’t, and all of a sudden you can feel a tear finding its way to your
eye. I just felt that.
I just read this post by ‘princessofwands’:
‘princessofwands’ writes:
“…All of us have a weakness, a soft spot if you like, for something
in this world of flesh, feelings and mental activity. At first, it is for
many, many things but later on, it is for just a few. But those few
will keep us trapped by our own desire nature. Even when we are
on the other side between lives, the desire persists and so we feel
the need to reincarnate and feed that desire again.
I used to read theosophical literature where they talked of the
physical initiation, the astral/emotional initiation and the mental
initiation. For each one, we had to release our attachments on that
level and then we would reach our soul.
When I read somewhere that we extricate ourselves from the Matrix
stage by stage, a lightbulb went on.
We are the ones holding ourselves here. Even reading this thread,
and gathering and sharing spiritual and high-frequency information
is an attachment/desire at the level of mind, and often mixed with
emotional desire too, to impress our findings upon other people.
Whether this system has been set up by good or bad guys, I don't
know. But we are in cahoots with our jailors!
So my true desire is to feel the feeling of connectedness and
And this desire will persist and I will feel a need to feed that desire
again and again?
Yeah, could be.
Though, I do like to be alone as well. To just plug out of the matrix.
I mean, everything is a lie, people are living a lie, I don’t want to
feed that lie. People chasing money to buy stuff they don’t really
need, just to get to feel a special feeling they want to feel. Can we
buy happiness? I guess that we can buy instant gratification to fill
that empty hole we feel.
All we need is love?
Build the love from within yourself and share it with people around
And we will grow together?
I’m getting old haha
I’m just listening to the david icke video from the today’s headlines
David Icke - The Hijack of Humanity! -
(from the interview on Red Ice Radio, Marts 22, 2012)
“…I find it interesting that people like Carl Jung and other
psychologists and psychiatrists over the years have claimed that
they could break down human personalities into 12, more than
that yes, but 12 major archetypes and combinations of them. Now,
when you are dealing with all possibility - the great forever - that
we really are beyond this illusory nonsense, then obviously, the
idea that you can break down human personalities into a group
of archetypes and combinations - that’s ridiculous. But what can
you break down into a few archetypes and combination? Software
programs. Personality traits. Emotional traits and responses and
“…If we are only perceiving reality from what I call body-mind…
and not opening and allowing that greater self in – consciousness
– as I call it, which is operating and perceiving and observing from
beyond this realm of our experience currently, then I suggest that
it is very possible - and I think it is very common shall I say - that
people can go through an entire human life time without having a
single original thought or emotional response that has not come
from within this software or externally manipulated sources.
And therefore, when you are in that state you become incredible
Our emotions are just programs?
Our emotions are just a cause-and-effect system?
Our emotions are part of the matrix?
We need to experience emotions, learn about them, because then
we can learn to observe the cause-and-effect system, our emotional
responses and reactions?
And when we just observe the feeling and become aware of it in
the moment it appears, that way we will transcend the emotional
cause-and-effect program?
We will release our emotional detachments?
Here is a list of emotions that I recall just now that I have experienced
in my life:
The feeling of being ridiculed
The feeling of being laughed at
The feeling of being ignored
The feeling of being left out
The feeling of being called ugly
The feeling of humiliated
The feeling of judged
The feeling of not being treated fairly
The feeling of being used
The feeling of not being good enough
Ego-battling (oops, that’s the mind program, the cause-and-effect
system of the mind)
the feeling of being looked down upon
The feeling of being talked down to
Have I done so as well, to others?
Have I made other people feel those emotions?
Well, some of them maybe, not all of them.
The cycle of stupid?
The cause-and-effect system is the cycle of stupid?
Can we make the cause-and-effect system into the cycle of love and
I smile, not because it says so in my job description (I don’t have a
I smile, because I want you to smile as well.
I smile, because I just can’t stop smiling.
Why do I do it?
I can answer that now.
Because I believe.
I believe.
I believe I can change the world.
I believe in the one.
Who is the one?
Infinite awareness.
Infinite love.
Infinite love is the only truth everything else is illusion.
I’m infinite love.
I’m infinite love crazy in love.
I was on my way out to take a walk. I looked at my laptop as if I
should save, copy, back-up the data on my usb-stick.
Then the following was coming from within me: “Don’t worry.
Everything is going to be fine”. And I left (my mind) without
worries. I was all of a sudden in a state of pure bliss.
“One man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate
the message that will change the world”
(a message from a so-called psychic channeled to David Icke back
in the 1990’s)
I realize that these Mayan Calendar posts are like an underground
promotion campaign for David Icke and his upcoming talk at
Wembley Arena
Make me proud david haha :-)
This is not me speaking?!
This is infinite awareness speaking through me!
I have become a channeler of infinite awareness!! (This is our
Infinite awareness has spoken through me throughout this post?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Update August 21, 2012:
This short update is some very, very deep shit.
Please keep an open mind.
Judge not.
I now realise that it was the darkness in disguise as infinite awareness
that spoke through me.
When we find the gateway to infinite awareness - darkness will
re-emerge and continue to test us, in order for us to fine-tune the
gateway, the connection to infinite awareness. It will continue to
test us until darkness itself becomes a complete reflexion of its
loving leader which is the true balance.
That is why we need to be in balance before we establish the gateway,
otherwise darkness will corrupt us, eventually. Because we would
believe the darkness actually is infinite awareness and go along with
every channeled information we receive.
Always: Question everything.
Friday August 10, 2012
This morning I went to the bakery to get some bread.
Before I went out I was thinking that I didn’t have to take back-up
of the data.
Then I was like: “Yeah, I like the feeling though”.
So I copied the data to my usb and went out.
Today I listened to the full interview on Red Ice Radio with David
Icke from Marts 22, 2012 (I have listened to it before, when it was
just published).
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
- Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551 BC - 479 BC)
Lots of gems from the interview. Here is one of them:
“...This program that’s running through the body (...) you’ve only
got to sit quietly and just take a tiny step back, symbolically, in your
mind, to beyond mind, and you can observe this blumming chatter
that’s rabbiting on and on and on through the body all the time. And
what happens is, the chatter rabbits on and on and on and then the
emotional program reacts to the chatter! Which is why you can get
an emotional response for something that hasn’t actually happened
but the chatter is just going through the scenario of it happening. It’s
a joke! But what you do, you can observe that chatter. And then you
say:” Hey, hold on a second, if I can observe the chatter, I can’t be
the chatter, so what’s doing the observing. Consciousness is doing
the observing. And, you know, you lie in bed at night, the chatter is
going through and you are thinking:”Shut uuup”. Well, who are you
telling to shut up. Your self? No, it is the program running. You can
hear the program! [laughing]”
Love it. I’m smiling as I type this.
David continues: “That’s what driving human perception behavior
and is the essential walls of the box…”
Yesterday I saw a thread on the forum called “David Icke and the
lizard apocalypse” posted by ‘neil2009’
In the thread was posted a link to the first two-part episode of a
show called “Magic Bullet: David Icke and the Lizard Apocalypse”
published on August 8, 2012.
I saw the show and I liked it. Though, it seems to me that David
is always behind on points to new audiences even before he has
opened his mouth.
Just the title of the show: “David Icke and the Lizard Apocalypse”
And then the first lines of presenting David Icke:
“…It was in 2000 that I first discovered David Icke’s book, The
Biggest Secret. In it he writes about a global conspiracy. A hidden
hand manipulating humanity’s destiny through the shadows. Using
those who seem to be in power. And the goal of these shadow
people? Nothing less than an Orwellian global super state. With
total control at the hands of an ancient reptilian shape-shifting
I can almost hear how a new audience would receive it:
“This guy is a nutter. Now, let me get back to watch the Olympics”
Could this e-book be an introduction, under the radar, to David
Icke and his Wembley Arena talk (which hopefully will be available
online soon after October 27, 2012)?
Who ‘normal people’ otherwise would call “far out crazy” as per
design by their knee-jerk reaction program?
So, maybe David has an obvious Achilles' heel, but I’m not a
conspiracy theorist, I’m a science fiction writer haha.
‘Normal people’ will most likely feel the need to put me in a box,
so let me at least decide which box it should be to have a chance of
drawing them in, rather than just scare them away immediately.
The beauty about science fiction is that: Everything is possible.
Most of the information that I bring to the table is probably bull
crap anyway so who gives a shit haha :-)
Call it whatever you like.
Saturday August 11, 2012
According to this video the tipping point, the 100th monkey, is the
fourth follower:
If the david icke forum is the first follower.
Then, could this e-book, promoting David Icke and the david icke
forum, be the second follower?
And, promoting the e-book, the third follower?
The fourth follower could be the wave of dots that promotes
The fourth follower would be the dot that confirmed the pattern?
With a fourth follower we would have a pattern recognition
confirmed in the minds of people sitting on the fence?
Yeah, so I made a club only for ‘cool’ people haha
On the site I have decided that being cool means making 5 people
smile every day :-)
Sunday August 12, 2012
Yeah, so this has been kind of a long introduction, so without
any further ado, let me present you, let me pass the lighted torch
OCTOBER 27, 2012
(Afterwards, you now have the torch. You are the torchbearer.
Is it going to end there?)
Epilogue - August 13, 2012
How to deal with so-called haters?
Just keep creating.
Here is Snoop Dogg (oh wait, with all respect, it’s Snoop Lion now?
– Great creators think alike!)
Taken from the artist formerly known as Snoop Dogg’s “Doggisodes”
episode 11:
“…I keep making shit, keep dropping shit. I don’t give you enough
time to hate on me, nigga here comes some mo’ shit right now –
bam. I got a techno song over here. Just did another weird song
over here…”
I’m going to keep creating.
Also, those guys in the previous video:
Do they leave the group once people start joining in?
No, they keep dancing, keep creating, now consciously co-creating
with the whole group.
Is it like: “Oh, my work here is done” ego-mind?
No, you just do what you love. You keep creating what you love.
Such an amazing feeling. You just keep going. Keep creating. Like
an unstoppable force. Like a roller coaster ride you never want to
Haters on the side line, spewing out hater-comments when they see
you are having a divine experience of pure ecstasy.
Maybe in the beginning you notice the haters standing there trying
to refuse you, then reduce you, confuse you, drama abuse you (just
keepin the rap flowing haha).
But after a while you are just thrilling the whole experience of the
rollercoaster ride in a state of “OMG, this is so much fun!!”
Everything else just fades away.
The next time the haters get into your awareness, they are jumping
aboard the rollercoaster ride themselves and are all of a sudden
having the time of their lives in a state of “OMG, this is so much
And their two friends that didn’t want to join the roller coaster are
standing there observing. Kind of looking stupid. 6.999.998 people
having a blast on the roller coaster ride, and the last two just stand
there and observe trying to still convince themselves that “I’m
Then come the love and embrace from 6.999.998 people who all
now are creating with the playfulness of a 7-year-old child: “Hey,
come and join! It’s not even hard to start to create. It’s so much fun!!
And the rollercoaster takes another dip.
Phoenix from the flames: As the Olympic flame died, it was replaced
by a Phoenix which rose above the stadium
Monday August 13, 2012
I’m on a roll (-er coaster ride).
I just created the cover of my next e-book:
I love it. So simple, yet so profound.
I have no idea of where this ride will take me.
Hang on tight!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Update September 9, 2012:
Everyone, keep posting your explorations on the forum.
The more we consciously co-create, the bigger wings we get
- and high in the sky we fly :-)
Follow the white rabbit haha: