Monroe Legal Reporter
Monroe Legal Reporter
Monroe Legal Reporter Containing decisions of the Court of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, Legal Notices. Advertisements, and other Matters of Legal interest. Vol.LX Stroudsburg,PA,September18,2015 No.38 THE BENCH: Hon. Margherita Patti Worthington, President Judge; Hon. Arthur L. Zulick; Hon. Jonathan Mark; Hon. Jennifer H. Sibum; Hon. Stephen M. Higgins; Hon. David J. Williamson MichaelR.Muth,Editor MarkA.Primrose,AssistantEditor 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (570) 424-7288 Drawing Courtesy of Joyce Love POSTMASTER: Send change of address notices to MONROELEGALREPORTER,913MainStreet,Stroudsburg,PA18360 All advertisements for the LEGAL REPORTER should be submitted no later than Wednesday at 10:00AM one week prior to publication on Friday. MONROELEGALREPORTER, U.S.P.S. 359-520 is published every Friday by: MONROE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Subscription: $75.00 per year Published Weekly, Entered as PERIODICALS May 10, 1938 at the Post Office, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, under Act of March 3, 1879 2 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER SEPTEMBER 2015 Monday Sunday Tuesday 30 31 Wednesday 1 SEPTEMBER Thursday 2 8:30 Criminal Status/Arraign 3:00 PFA Exparte 9:00 JURY SELECTION 3:00 PFA Exparte Friday TRIAL 3 Saturday TERM 4 5 11 12 9:00 Juvenile Court HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte 9:00 & 1:00 Support Court HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte Probation C 1:15 Parole Court HR C Last Day to Praecipe for October Argument 6 7 8 9 8:30 Criminal Status/Arraign 3:00 PFA Exparte Criminal Day 8:30 PFA 9:00 Sentencing 3:00 PFA Exparte 1:15 Parole Court HR C HOLIDAY Labor Day SEPTEMBER TRIAL 10 9:00 Dependency Court HR C 10:00 Sheriff Sale HR B (Personal Property) 3:00 PFA Exparte Probation C TERM 9:00 Sentencing 9:00 Juvenile Court HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte C O P E Present Accounts Last Day to File Accounts 13 14 9:30 Arguments 9:00 & 1:00 Support Court HR C 12:30 PFA 3:00 PFA Exparte *Rosh Hashanah 15 Criminal Day 9:00 Sentencing 9:30 & 2:00 Bench Trials HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte 1:15 Parole Court HR C 27 22 Criminal Day 9:00 Sentencing 9:30 & 2:00 Bench Trials HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte 1:15 Parole Court HR C 28 23 Probation C *Yom Kippur 29 8:30 Criminal Status/Arraign 3:00 PFA Exparte 12:30 Final Status Conference PT Testing HR A Mortgage Foreclosure(RJ ) HR A Mortgage Foreclosure HR A & B *Sukkot *Sukkot 3:00 PFA Exparte 25 26 Juvenile Reviews CR 3 9:00 & 1:00 Support Court HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte Pre Trials - Higgins 30 Criminal Day 9:00 Sentencing 9:30 & 2:00 Bench Trials HR C 3:00 PFA Exparte 1:15 Parole Court HR C 8:30 PFA 9:00 Dependency Court HR C 19 BENCH/BAR CONFERENCE 24 9:00 Juvenile Court HR C 9:00 & 1:00 Support Rules CR 3 10:00 Sheriff Sale HR B (Real Property) 3:00 PFA Exparte 1:30 PFA Cost Contempts CR 5 8:30 Criminal Status/Arraign 3:00 PFA Exparte 12:30 Attorney Conference 18 3:00 PFA Exparte Mortgage Foreclosure(TM) HR A Pre Trials - Williamson Mortgage Foreclosure(RN) HR A 21 Juvenile Call of the List CR 3 8:30 PFA 3:00 PFA Exparte 17 9:00 & 1:00 Support Rules CR 3 9:00 Juvenile Court HR C 9:30 Summary Court CR 1 3:00 PFA Exparte 2:00 License Susp. Appeals CR 1 Probation C * Rosh Hashanah 20 16 8:30 Criminal Status/Arraign 3:00 PFA Exparte 1 2 Probation C Monroe County Bar Association Come visit us at: features include: Calendar of Events Find A Lawyer System Community Services Monroe Legal Reporter Continuing Legal Education Legal Links MCBA Membership Directory Young Lawyers Division Monroe County Bar Foundation and much more... Monroe County Bar Association 570.424.7288 3 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Monroe County Bar Association Mission Statement 3 The mission of the Monroe County Bar Association is to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law, to cultivate social interaction among its members and to increase its usefulness in promoting the due administration of justice. In support of its mission, the Monroe County Bar Association shall: Provide quality continuing legal education programs; Work with the Court and County government to improve administrative procedures in the Monroe County Court system and related row offices: Provide opportunities for collegiality and networking among its members; Promote high standards of civility, professionalism and ethical conduct; Keep the community informed of the role and work of the legal profession; and Provide opportunities for its membership to contribute to the community through public education and charitable giving. 4 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2015 MCBA EVENT SCHEDULE September 18 Bench Bar Conference 6:30am-6:00pm (NCC Monroe Campus) 22 CriminalDefenseLuncheon-Sarah’sCafé-Noon 26 NYCBusTrip–DepartsfromMCBA@8:45am October 3 Centennial Dinner Celebration-Skytop-6:00pm 7 EstateLawyersLuncheon–WillowtreeInn-Noon 12 MCBA Office Closed – Columbus Day 13 ExecutiveBoardMeeting-Siamsa-Noon 13 RealEstateLuncheon–WillowtreeInn–Noon 14 LunchandLearn:SexualAssaultCasesandIssues- MtAiry2:00pm-4:00pm 15 SocialSecurityDisabilityLunch–Siamsa-Noon 17 (Tentative)FoundationBeerandWineTour– DepartsMCBA@11:30am 20 MunicipalLawLuncheon–WillowtreeInn-Noon 27 CriminalDefenseLuncheon-Sarah’sCafé-Noon 31 DayLightSavings(FallBack) November 4 EstateLawyersLuncheon–WillowtreeInn-Noon 6 MemberMeeting/CLE-Terraview-Lunch11:30am;Meeting 12:00pm;CLE12:30pm For any additional information on the events listed above, please call the MCBA at (570)424-7288, or Email: or Check the Legal Services • Illustrations • Videography • Graphics • Animations Call: 570-230-7833 All Pocono Settlement Services, LLC EvEning & WEEkEnd Closings AvAilAblE Quick Turnaround Service Agent for Title Insurance Co. 570-839-6696 (phone) 570-839-3393 (fax) 3041 Route 940 #106 Mount Pocono, PA 18344 The Monroe County Bar Association and the Monroe Legal Reporter assume no responsibility for failure to report any matter inadvertently omitted or withheld from it. MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 5 Upcoming PBI Schedule at the Bar Center – Live-feed Group-casts & Video Replays For more details or to register for any PBI seminar, go to Courses are subject to cancellation by PBI if a minimum number of attendees do not pre-register. The following PBI seminars have been scheduled and will be held at the Monroe County Bar Center, 913 Main Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 To register go to or call 800.932.4637 PBI SCHEDULE 2015 PBI - How to Prepare Fiduciary Accounts and Avoid Common Traps Groupcast Date and Time: 9/24/15 9:00 AM - 9/24/15 04:30 PM PBI - Fundamentals of Estate Administration Groupcast Date and Time: 9/30/15 9:00 AM - 9/30/15 04:30 PM PBI: Habeas Corpus Groupcast Date and Time: 10/16/15 8:30 AM - 12:45 PM PBI - 22nd Annual Auto Law Update Groupcast Date and Time: 10/28/15 12:15 PM - 10/28/15 04:30 PM PBI - Elder Law Update Groupcast Date and Time: 11/4/15 9:00 AM - 11/4/15 12:15 PM PBI - 19th Annual Family Law Update Groupcast Date and Time: 11/10/15 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM Please go to the MCBA calendar to confirm seminar. 6 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER • Court-Appointed Certified Mediator since 1994 for Middle District of PA • 45+ years experience representing individuals and corporate entities in complex litigation in State and Federal Courts • 25 years experience as Mediator and Arbitrator, successfully resolving hundreds of cases • Fair, Prepared and Ready To Resolve Your Case BRADLEY M. HOCKMAN, CPA, ABV Accredited in Business Valuation by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Comprehensive Business Valuations prepared for: Divorce Settlements, Buy-Sell Agreements, Succession Planning, Estate Planning, Estate Tax Compliance, Gift Tax Compliance, Damages Litigation and Stock Holder Disputes Member of the Institute of Business Appraisers Member of WESELOH CARNEY & COMPANY LLC Certified Public Accountants, LLC One Washington Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 (570) 424-1040 7 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER NEW YORK CITY BUS TRIP! Saturday, September 26, 2015 8:45 AM - Leave the Monroe County Bar Center - 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 6:00 PM - Depart New York City 8:30 PM - Approximate return to Bar Center $30.00 per person (Tip is included!) Open To MCBA members, family, friends, staff, courthouse staff, & county employees Call MCBA at 570.424.7288 to make reservations Mail checks, payable to the MCBA, 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 **************************************************************************************************** New York City Bus Trip September 26, 2015 $30.00 seat (Includes tip!) Primary Contact: ________________________ Cell phone #: ___________________________ Secondary Contact: ______________________ Secondary #: ___________________________ Number of Seats: ______ Total enclosed $ _______ Reservations accepted until bus is at capacity or September 18, 2015 8 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER MONROE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION PIKE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION PRESENT: Sexual Assault Cases and Issues Presented by: The Honorable Correale F. Stevens PA Supreme Court Justice The Honorable Jack A. Panella PA Superior Court Judge Followed by a Panel Discussion: “Post- *IFP v. Koken* - Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims" Scott Cooper, Esq. Teresa Ficken Sachs, Esq. Wednesday, October 14, 2015 2:00 – 3:00 pm CLE Seminar 3:00 – 4:00 pm CLE Panel Discussion 4:00 – 5:00 Cocktail Hour Monroe County Bar and Pike County Bar Members Free Non-Members of Monroe and Pike - $55.00 Hors D’oeuvres will be served Cash bar available In accordance to the Event Payment Policy: If you reserve a seat and do not attend you will be charged for the full amount of the CLE, $55.00 Mount Airy Resort and Casino 312 Woodland Road, Mt Pocono PA 18344 Valet parking is available at the Main Resort Entrance **Everyone present for entire seminar will receive 2 substantive CLE credits** Please return this portion along with payment to MCBA BY October 2, 2015 Sexual Assault Cases and Issues and “Post- *IFP v. Koken* - Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims" October 14, 2015 In accordance to the Event Payment Policy: If you reserve a seat and do not attend you will be charge for the full amount of the CLE Name: Attorney ID: Telephone: Email: Monroe Member _____ Pike Member _____ Non-Member Enclose $55.00 _____ I will attend the CLE: I will attend the Cocktail Hour: *If you have special dietary requirements, please contact a staff member of the MCBA* 9 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Monroe County Bar Foundation presents: 2015 Foundation Wine and Beer Trail October 17, 2015 Departs from MCBA 11:30 am Returns to MCBA 7:30 pm Join us as we travel in style to local wineries and breweries to taste award winning wines and beers! **MUST be 21 or over** Ticket price include bus trip tastings of wine and beer lunch *Seats are limited* Prices: Couple: Regular: $65 YLD: $50 Individual: $40 $30 A Tricky Tray, Silent Auction and 50/50 cash raffle will conclude our trip back at the MCBA at 7:30 pm Shawnee Craft Brewery Sorrenti Cherry Valley Vineyards Tolino Winery Blue Ridge Winery Weyerbacher Brewery Proceeds will go to the Little Leagues of Monroe County Purchase tickets at the Monroe County Bar Association Please Make Checks Payable to: Monroe County Bar Foundation 913 Main Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 ● 570.424.7288 10 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Member Meeting Friday, November 6, 2015 At The Ridgecrest, Stroudsmoor Inn 11:30 am - Luncheon 12:00 pm – Member Meeting 12:30 pm – CLE We will be voting on the 2016 MCBA Officers Decisions Decisions: The Who What & Where of Purchasing Technology aka Technology Planning Presented by: Ellen Freedman PBA Law Practice Management Coordinator Members: Free *Reminder- if you sign up for the event and do not show you will be charged $30.00* 1 Substantive Credit RSVP by October 30, 2015 Monroe County Bar Association 913 Main Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570.424.7288 Fax: 570.424.8234 Member Meeting and CLE: Friday, November 6, 2015 RSVP by October 30, 2015 Member Name: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Reservations accepted by: Email: Phone: 570.424.7288 Mail: 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 or Courthouse Box MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 11 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY FORTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA THOMAS GAETA, Petitioner VS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PENNSYLVANIA STATE POLICE, Respondents NO. 8346 CIVIL 2014 FORFEITURE-CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 1. The Commonwealth must put forth more than just evidence that the property seized was in the possession of someone who has engaged in criminal conduct; it must identify a nexus between the property and the criminal activity. 2. While the Commonwealth need not present evidence directly linking the seized property to illegal activity, it must evidence more than a suspicion or possibility of a nexus. 3. Where the circumstantial evidence does not lead to a single inference of drug activity, we cannot find that the Commonwealth has met its burden. Jeffrey G. Velander, Esquire Adrian Shchuka, Esquire, SDAG Jennifer Harlacher Sibum, J., December 16, 2014 12 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY FORTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA THOMAS GAETA, : : Petitioner : : vs. : : COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, : PENNSYLVANIA STATE POLICE, : : Respondents : : : : No. 8346 Civil 2014 PETITIONER’S PETITION FOR RETURN OF PROPERTY OPINION Petitioner, Thomas Gaeta, filed a Petition for Return of Property on October 7, 2014 to recoup currency seized during a police stop conducted on August 22, 2014. Petitioner, stopped for a headlight malfunction, possessed $29,200.00 in U.S. Currency seized by police during the stop. Petitioner was neither issued a citation nor arrested as a result of the stop. A hearing was held on this matter on November 17, 2014. We are now prepared to decide this matter. DISCUSSION Pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure 588, a petitioner may move to have property returned on the grounds of lawful entitlement to possession. Pa.R.Crim.P. 588. To establish lawful entitlement, a petitioner must, at minimum, make an allegation that he is entitled to lawful possession of the property. Com. v. Pomerantz, Page 1 of 5 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 13 573 A.2d 1149, 1150 (Pa.Super. 1989). Once the petitioner puts forth such an averment of entitlement, the burden then shifts to the Commonwealth to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the seized property is contraband. Barren v. Com., 74 A.3d 250, 255 (Pa.Super. 2013). To meet its burden, the Commonwealth must put forth more than just evidence that the property seized was in the possession of someone who has engaged in criminal conduct; it must identify a nexus between the property and the criminal activity. Singleton v. Johnson, 929 A.2d 1224, 1227 (Pa.Commw. 2007). While the Commonwealth need not present evidence directly linking the seized property to illegal activity, it must evidence more than a suspicion or possibility of a nexus. Com. v. Marshall, 698 A.2d 576 (Pa. 1997). If the Commonwealth successfully sustains its burden, the property owner then must disprove the Commonwealth’s evidence or establish a statutory defense to avoid forfeiture. Beaston v. Ebersole, 986 A.2d 876, 881 (Pa.Super. 2009). Upon a review of the evidence, facts, and testimony, we find that Petitioner has properly claimed ownership of the currency. Petitioner has adequately claimed lawful possession and has provided the Court with sufficient indicia of ownership such as copies of checks, court documents, medical expense reports, and other related documents to account for the acquisition of an amount of currency similar to the amount seized during the stop. By doing so, Petitioner has alleged lawful possession of the currency and shifted the legal burden to the Commonwealth to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the seized currency is contraband. Id. at 882. Page 2 of 5 14 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER We find that the Commonwealth has failed to meet this burden. At hearing, the Commonwealth presented evidence that upon being stopped, the Petitioner appeared nervous, excited, and had inconsistent theories for the origin of the currency in question and that the currency was found rolled in thousand dollar increments. The Commonwealth also presented evidence that an ion scan was conducted on the currency and bank bag in which the currency was found. The drug contact levels indicated by the ion scan do substantiate that the seized currency and bank bag had, at one time, been in contact with the controlled substance cocaine. Despite this evidence, we find that that the Commonwealth has failed to put forth sufficient evidence tying the currency to the sale of drugs. The Commonwealth has presented evidence indicating that the currency seized may have, at one point, been part of a drug transaction. There has not, however, been a showing by a preponderance of the evidence that Petitioner used the money in a drug transaction. Where the circumstantial evidence does not lead to a single inference of drug activity, we cannot find that the Commonwealth has met its burden. Com. v. Porrino, 96, A.3d 1132 (2014). No drug paraphernalia was found on Petitioner’s person or in his vehicle. No citation or arrest for drug activity or involvement was issued for Petitioner. The only connections the Commonwealth can make to a drug transaction are Petitioner’s slightly odd behavior and the presence of cocaine on the currency. The presence of cocaine is not enough evidence to generate the required nexus to drug activity. An ion scan testing positive for controlled substances may help to establish a nexus between the currency and illegal activity. However, the ion scan results must be considered not in a Page 3 of 5 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 15 vacuum, but together with the rest of the evidence. See Com. v. Three Hundred Ten Thousand Twenty Dollars, 894 A.2d 154 (Pa.Commw. 2006). The Commonwealth’s evidence, in tandem with the documents and claim of ownership presented by Petitioner suggest that while the currency may have been used in a drug transaction at some point, it is not more likely than not to have been a part of such transaction involving Petitioner. There are too many inconspicuous likely alternatives to the theory presented by the Commonwealth. As such, we cannot find the Commonwealth has satisfied its burden. For these reasons Petitioner’s request is granted. Accordingly, we enter the following Order. Page 4 of 5 16 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY FORTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA THOMAS GAETA, : No. 8346 Civil 2014 : Petitioner : : vs. : : COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, : PENNSYLVANIA STATE POLICE, : : Respondents : : PETITIONER’S PETITION FOR : RETURN OF PROPERTY : ORDER AND NOW, this ______ day of December, 2014, Petitioner’s Petition for Return of Property in the amount of $29,200.00 in U.S. Currency is GRANTED. BY THE COURT: Jennifer Harlacher Sibum ______________________________ JENNIFER HARLACHER SIBUM, J. cc: Jeffrey G. Velander, Esquire Adrian Shchuka, Esq., SDAG JHS2014.031 Page 5 of 5 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 17 CIVIL CASES TO BE TERMINATED IN 2015 PURSUANT TO LOCAL RULE OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION 1901 The following cases will be terminated, pursuant to Monroe County Rule of Judicial Administration 1901, unless counsel or unrepresented parties file a written objection to termination no later than Friday, October 23, 2015 to avoid that termination. The court will hear argument on Friday, October 30, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom No. 1, Monroe County Courthouse, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania in the cases on the following list where timely written objections have been filed. If no written objections are timely filed, the Prothonotary will enter an order terminating the case pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. 1901(c)(2), and that matter will not be addressed at the call. BY: George J. Warden, Prothonotary 2006 CV-5295 Scott Hunsicker – Plaintiff Vs. Charles Feuquay- Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joseph R. Rydzewski, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Allyn M. Starry, Esq. 2007-CV-5181 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Ronald Pures - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Allan C. Smith, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David A. Martino, Esq. 2008-CV-7397 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. George M. Keys, Sr. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Allan C. Smith, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: George M. Keys, Sr. 2008-CV-7727 Sheila Navarro and Thomas Navarro – Plaintiff Vs. Curtis N. Watson - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joshua Goldberg, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Laurie B. Tilghman, Esq. 2008-CV-9127 Ioana Lixandru – Plaintiff Vs. Geanna’s Pocono Florist and Geanna Mazzarella – Defendant Vs. Rebecca Echevarria – Additional Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael J. McDonald, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Jennifer L. Levan, Esq. and Jill M. Moffitt, Esq. for Additional Defendant 2008-CV-9398 Jeffrey Cheng – Plaintiff Vs. Union Motor Lodge, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Marshall E. Anders, Esq For the DEFENDANT: James V. Fareri, Esq. 2009-CV-7138 Capital One Bank (USA) N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Gerard E. Cook - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Gregg Morris, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Gerard E. Cook 18 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2010-CV-4457 Nicholas Delvecchio – Plaintiff Vs. Muller’s Diner, d/b/a Muller’s Diner/My Place Bar and Grill and Pocono Area Restauranteurs, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael T. Van Der Veen, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Matthew P. Barrett, Esq. and Norman D. Namey, Esq. 2010-CV-5258 Valley National Bank – Plaintiff Vs. John Hyers - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Barry A. Rosen, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: John Hyers 2010-CV-5488 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Denise Miller - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: David J. Apothaker, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Denise Miller 2010-CV-5898 Law Offices of Alan R. Mege – Plaintiff Vs. Andrea Perez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Alan R. Mege, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Andrea Perez 2010-CV-6496 Cyril D. Higgins, Jr. and Jennifer Higgins, his wife – Plaintiff Vs. Megan Ehrichs Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Kevin P. Foley, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Megan Ehrichs 2010-CV-8490 Asset Acceptance LLC Assignee of Citibank – Plaintiff Vs. Stephen J. Carpenter Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. 2010-CV-9798 Discover Bank by its Servicing Agent DFS Services, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Myrna I. Rivera Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: David J. Apothaker, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Myrna I. Rivera 2010-CV-11014 Livingston Financial LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Beverly Cook - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Daniel Santucci, Esq For the DEFENDANTS: Beverly Cook 2010-CV-12015 Depuy House Property Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Ernest J. Zander and Diane L. Zander - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ernest J. Zander and Diane L. Zander 2011-CV-181 William G. Lee, Jr. and Elizabeth Lee, husband and wife – Plaintiff Vs. Michael Grampp, Steven Grampp and Nelly Grampp - Defendants For the PLAINTIFFS: Malcolm L. MacGregor, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Michael Grampp, Steven Grampp and Nelly Grampp 2011-CV-1247 Primo Construction and Restoration Services, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Sumner Building, LLC and Falling Creek LLC - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Lawrence A. J. Spegar, Esq. and Joseph P. Hanyon, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Michael Mancuso, Esq. 2011–CV-1283 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Joyce Williams - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Joyce Williams MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 19 2011-CV-2128 Bradley Boyington – Plaintiff Vs. Estate of Robert Sasz, Deceased - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Bradley Boyington For the DEFENDANT: Zachary Sasz, Administrator of Estate of Robert Sasz 2011-CV-2315 Alan S. Heald – Plaintiff Vs. Jigai Wang, Shixiong Hu, Roger J. Klein, Individually and as Administrator of the Estate of Jennifer L. Holzmacher-Klein - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Abraham P. Kassis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jaime L. Wertz, Esq., and Paul M. Schaffer, Esq. 2011-CV-3113 Lisa Kane and Grace Mondrosch Trading as Trifecta Kennels – Plaintiff Vs. Michael D. Cush - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Mark S. Love, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Robert H. Nothstein, Esq. 2011-CV-5158 Jorge Rueda a/k/a Jorge Reuada and Bertha Rueda a/k/a Bertha Reuada, his wife – Plaintiff Vs. Merah Maharaj a/k/a Merah Mahara J. and Mahase Maharaj a/k/a Mahase Mahara J. Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Richard F. Goldenziel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Merah Maharaj a/k/a Merah Mahara J. and Mahase Maharaj a/k/a Mahase Mahara J. 2011-CV-6528 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Nestor Garcia - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Nestor Garcia 2011 CV-6841 Sallie Mae, Inc. as Administrator for SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 2009-B – Plaintiff Vs. Andrae T. Davis - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Daniel Santucci, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: AndraeT. Davis 2011-CV-6882 American Express Centurion Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Harmon P. Gordon - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Lloyd S. Markind, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Harmon P. Gordon 2011 CV-6906 Elaine Bradley and Dorothy Bradley as Administratrix of the Estate of Louis J. Bradley – Plaintiff Vs. Pocono Internal Medicine Specialists, Pocono Medical Center, Pocono Gastroenterology, P.C., Ralph D. Hawks, M.D., Vincent Francescangeli, Jr., M.D., Charles F.M. Cohan, D.O., Charles F. Cohan, M.D. - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Robert A. DeLuca, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: James A. Doherty, Jr., Esq. and Dominick J. Georgetti, Esq. 2011-CV-7985 Rene Morales and Veronica Vazquez – Plaintiffs Vs. Gilroy Notheast, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael D. Collins, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Robert H. Nothstein, Esq. 2011-CV-10394 Remit Corporation – Plaintiff Vs. Jessica J. Aguilar - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Raymond W. Kessler, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. 2012-CV-3147 Cavalry SPV I, LLC, as assignee of Bank of America/FIA Card Services, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Deanna L. Terlesky - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frederic I. Weinberg,Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Deanna L. Terlesky 20 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2012-CV-3842 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Karl E. Davis - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris A. Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. 2012-CV-4090 FIA Card Services, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. David F. Burch - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David F. Burch 2012-CV-4176 Citibank, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Ibeth M. Gonzalez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Brit J. Suttell, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ibeth M. Gonzalez 2012-CV-4226 James Desantis – Plaintiff Vs. Lewis Bernard - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: H. David Spirt, Esq. For the Defendant: Lewis Bernard 2012-CV-4417 Shawnee Valley Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Nicolae Terzeanovici and Silvia Terzeanovici, husband and wife - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: John G. Dean, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Marshall E. Anders, Esq. 2012-CV-4419 Shawnee Valley Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Georgia Baez and Lawrence Henry - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joseph S. Wiesmeth, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Georgia Baez and Lawrence Henry 2012-CV-4454 Francis W. Coward – Plaintiff Vs. Appletree Management Group, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Donald P. Russo, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David M. Steckel, Esq. 2012-CV-4480 Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co., - Plaintiff Vs. Continental Pools, Inc., Richard A. Egley and Stephen S. Newberry - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Sarah A. Elia, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Continental Pools, Inc., Richard A. Egley and Kevin M. Walsh, Esq. 2012-CV-4516 Nancy A. Giordano – Plaintiff Vs. Shirley J. Hibbert - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jonatha J. Russell, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Lisa A. Balestrini, Esq. 2012-CV-4544 FIA Card Services, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Richard Bethel - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael P. Ratchford, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Richard Bethel 2012-CV-4613 Mary Beth Resch and Bernadette Collins – Plaintiffs Vs. Mid-Atlantic Insurance Group National Headquarters - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Alan C. Milstein, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Mid-Atlantic Insurance Group National Headquarters 2012-CV-4905 Estate of Louise C. Gay, by its Administrator, Gerald Gay – Plaintiff Vs. Maureen Gay Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Marshall E. Anders, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Joshua B. Goldberg, Esq. MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 21 2012-CV-4914 Mary A. Remick and Gerald D. Remick, husband and wife – Plaintiffs Vs. Johnston Alvin Cleveland and Twin Logistics Express, Inc. - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Brian J. Butler, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Johnston Alvin Cleveland and Twin Logistics Express, Inc. 2012-CV-4928 Albert J. Pruden – Plaintiff Vs. Diane Bonn - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Gregory E. Fellerman, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jeffrey M. Pollock, Esq 2012-CV-4934 Patricia and John Dais – Plaintiffs Vs. Honeywell International, Inc.; Honeywell Technologies, Inc.; Honeywell Technologies Solutions, Inc.; Honeywell-Auerbach Computer Services, Inc.; Honeywell-Measurex Corporation; Honeywell-Measurex Systems, Inc.; Honeywell-Mutual Protection Service, Inc.; Honeywell-Owl Protection Service, Inc.; Honeywell Specialty Wax & Additives, Inc.; Honeywell Richardson, Inc.; Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.; Bull Hn Information; Indianapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, Inc.; Honeywell Electronic Materials, Inc.; Honeywell DMC Services, Inc.; Honeywell Company; Honeywell Building Solutions Ses Corporation; Honeywell Building Management Services, Inc.; Honeywell Analytics, Inc.; Honeywell Analytics Distribution, Inc.; Honeywell Allied Data Communications, Inc. - Defendants For the PLAINTIFFS: Christopher A. Piazza, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Honeywell International, Inc.; Honeywell Technologies, Inc.; Honeywell Technologies Solutions, Inc.; Honeywell-Auerbach Computer Services, Inc.; Honeywell-Measurex Corporation; Honeywell-Measurex Systems, Inc.; Honeywell-Mutual Protection Service, Inc.; HoneywellOwl Protection Service, Inc.; Honeywell Specialty Wax & Additives, Inc.; Honeywell Richardson, Inc.; Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.; Indianapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, Inc.; Honeywell Electronic Materials, Inc.; Honeywell DMC Services, Inc.; Honeywell Company; Honeywell Building Solutions Ses Corporation; Honeywell Building Management Services, Inc.; Honeywell Analytics, Inc.; Honeywell Analytics Distribution, Inc.; Honeywell Allied Data Communications, Inc. 2012-CV-5569 Citibank, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Ernest I. Moretz, Jr. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Neil Sarker, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David A. Martino, Esq. 2012-CV-5590 Weinstein Appraisal Group, Inc., t/a Weinstein Realty Advisors – Plaintiff Vs. LZ Holding Pennsylvania, LLC - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jana Butler Toole, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: LZ Holding Pennsylvania LLC 2012-CV-5632 FIA Card Services, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Carl A. Carbo - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Timothy Fisher, Esq. 2012-CV-5834 Capital One Bank (USA) N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Karen L. Bowe - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Arthur Lashin, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Karen L. Bowe 2012-CV-5884 Rebecca Perez-Irofuala, As Parent and Natural Guardian of Chinedu Irofuala, A Minor – Plaintiffs Vs. Boy Scouts of America - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Michael B. Kaspszyk, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: James J. Donohue, Esq. 2012-CV-5924 Hugh Doran – Plaintiff Vs. Pocono Farms Country Club Association - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Kevin A. Hardy, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Raymond A. Swan, Esq. 2012-CV-5996 Citibank, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Gregory P. Lukomski - Defendant 22 For the PLAINTIFF: For the DEFENDANT: MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Morris Scott, Esq. Joseph P. Murphy, Esq. 2012-CV-6314 Shawnee Valley Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Kerry and Kotosha Barnes Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: John G. Dean, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Marshall E. Anders, Esq. 2012-CV-6378 Edward A. Bergey and Brett J. Bergey – Plaintiffs Vs. Casey Winders - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: David A. Martino, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Casey Winders 2012-CV-6408 Bridgette Gorman and Jennifer Dugan – Plaintiff Vs. Todd Bushta - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Andrew R. Spirt, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: G. Christopher Parrish, Esq. 2012-CV-6417 Serafina Salerno and Luigi Salerno, w/h –Plaintiff Vs. Danilo Djuric and Prowler, Inc. Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Kevin P. Foley, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Gary N. Stewart, Esq. 2012-CV-7081 Asset Acceptance LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Craig Leap - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Craig Leap 2012-CV-7082 Shirley Dorshimer and Robert Dorshimer – Plaintiffs Vs. Zonar Systems, Inc. – Defendants Vs. Velocity, Inc. – Additional Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: James Conaboy, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS : Chris J. Carling, Esq. and Velocity Inc. 2012-CV-7162 Equable Ascent Financial, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Carmen Sattar - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jordan W. Fezler, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Carmen Sattar 2012-CV-7236 Pocono Mountain School District – Plaintiff Vs. Pocono Mountain Education Association – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey T. Tucker, Esq. and Keely Jac Collins, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jeffrey Husisian, Esq. 2012-CV-7250 Yvette Rodriguez – Plaintiff Vs. Betty Broad - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Erik J. Conrad, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: G. Christopher Parrish, Esq. 2012-CV-7303 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Nelly Gartner - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq For the DEFENDANT: Nelly Gartner 2012-CV-7312 Patricia Peer and Peter Peer – Plaintiff Vs. Robert Fowler - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Joseph P. McDonald, Jr., Esq. 2012-CV-7315 Ford Motor Credit Company LLC d/b/a Mazda American Credit – Plaintiff Vs. Burton R. Bell - Defendant MONROE LEGAL REPORTER For the PLAINTIFF: For the DEFENDANT: 23 Lloyd S. Markind, Esq. Burton R. Bell 2012-CV-7397 Virginia Scheirer – Plaintiff Vs. Nationwide Insurance Company of America - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Leo P. Jackson, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Charles E. Haddick, Jr., Esq. 2012-CV-7460 Carol Lee Kidd – Plaintiff Vs. Anthony Silverence – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Randolph T. Borden, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Anthony Silverence, Esq. 2012-CV-7469 Dorothy M. Roth – Plaintiff Vs. Michael Gilliland - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Michael Gilliland 2012-CV-7495 Pocono Medical Center – Plaintiff Vs. Vasant Doshi a/k/a Vasantkumar Pravinchandra, Sweta Dharia and Saumil Dharia - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: March Joseph DaFermo, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Vasant Doshi a/k/a Vasantkumar Pravinchandra, Sweta Dharia and Saumil Dharia 2012-CV-7521 LVNV Funding LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Duane A. Lewis - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Duane A. Lewis 2012-CV-7755 Rosemarie Mazzotta – Plaintiff Vs. Shawnee Holdings, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Kevin Conaboy, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Michael T. Blazick, Esq. 2012-CV-7847 Discover Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Emanuel Rivers - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Kimberly F. Scian, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Emanuel Rivers 2012-CV-7866 Discover Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Ashley S. Sandt - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Benjamin J. Cavallaro, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ashley S. Sandt 2012-CV- 7887 Southeastern Metals Manufacturing Co. – Plaintiff Vs. Blakeslee Home Improvement, Inc. – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert E. Cherwony, Esq., For the DEFENDANT: Blakeslee Home Improvement, Inc. 2012-CV-7936 Linford Werkheiser – Plaintiff Vs. Judith Aupperlee – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Geoffrey S. Worthington, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Judith Aupperlee 2012-CV-7943 Fulton Bank, N.A. Formerly Known As Fulton Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Herre Bros., Inc. Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Scott F. Landis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Herre Bros., Inc. 2012-CV-7963 Strauss Homes, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Carolann Smith and Kerwin A. Britton – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: David W. Skutnik, Esq. and Strauss Homes, LLC For the DEFENDANTS: Carolann Smith and Kerwin A. Britton 24 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2012-CV-7978 Natacha Roman, a Minor, by her Parent and Natural Guardian, Andrea Skrtic and Andrea Skrtic, in her own right – Plaintiff Vs. Daniel and Lorraine Cuccherini and Peter Lascala – Defendants For the PLAINTIFFS: Jerome P. Foley, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Daniel and Lorraine Cuccherini and Peter Lascala 2012-CV-8043 Pennywise Fuel Co. – Plaintiff Vs. Tina Pence - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Pennywise Fuel Co. For the DEFENDANT: James P. Gregor, Esq. 2012-CV-8082 Ursula Machalick-Truszkowski, Executrix of the Estate of Walter Machalick, Deceased – Plaintiff Vs. James York, Jr. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Michael B. Kaspszyk, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: James York, Jr. 2012-CV-8089 FIA Card Services, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Michelle L. Artimovich - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Michelle L. Artimovich 2012-CV-8091 Kaylee Gilliland, a minor, by Jennifer Gilliland, her parent and natural guardian, and Jennifer Gilliland, individually – Plaintiff Vs. Roy Schmidt - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Marvin O. Schwartz, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Roy Schmidt 2012-CV-8094 Capital One Bank (USA) N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. James K. Baker – Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: James K. Baker 2012-CV-8166 Main Street Acquisition Corp. – Plaintiff Vs. Linda Hendricks - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Linda Hendricks 2012-CV-8180 Main Street Acquisition Corp. – Plaintiff Vs. Jason E. Roth - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Jason E. Roth 2012-CV-8229 Jason Zizza and Patricia Ann Tudda – Plaintiff Vs. ADM Services/Doug Marshall Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jason Zizza and Patricia Ann Tudda For the DEFENDANTS: ADM Services/Doug Marshall 2012-CV-8350 Jack Parr – Plaintiff Vs. Alfred E. Boyd; WGM Transportation, Inc., Pinelands Insurance Company, RRG; Insurance Offices of America; NTA Associates, LLC and Spectrum Transportation Agency, LLC - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Alan P. Schoen, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Alfred E. Boyd; WGM Transportation, Inc., Pinelands Insurance Company, RRG; Insurance Offices of America; NTA Associates, LLC and Spectrum Transportation Agency, LLC 2012-CV-8361 Peter Lascala and Colleen Lascala – Plaintiff Vs. Erie Insurance, Erie Insurance Group and Erie Indemnity Co. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: James L. Pfeiffer, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Erie Insurance, Erie Insurance Group and Erie Indemnity Co. MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 25 2012-CV-8416 Michelle Blanchette – Plaintiff Vs. Tarek Campbell, Martinique Gordon, and Verol Gordon - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Deborah L. Huffman, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Tarek Campbell, Martinique Gordon, and Verol Gordon 2012-CV-8435 Franchesca Davila and Mirtha Estezes-Reyes a/k/a Mirtha Reyes – Plaintiff Vs. Boyd R. Tallada a/k/a Royd R. Tallada - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Richard F. Goldenziel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Boyd R. Tallada a/k/a Royd R. Tallada 2012-CV-8461 Joseph Dibella and Mamie Dibella – Plaintiff Vs. Denise Remolino - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: T. Axel Jones, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Denise Remolino 2012-CV-8479 FIA Card Services, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. AnaMaria Hendricks - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Anamaria Hendricks 2012-CV-8482 Allison Falconer and Andre M. Nanton – Plaintiff Vs. Traci Walters - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Allison Falconer and Andre M. Nanton For the DEFENDANT: Traci Walters 2012-CV-8511 Frankie Brown – Plaintiff Vs. Traci Boone and Christopher Boone - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frankie Brown For the DEFENDANTS: Traci Boone and Christopher Boone 2012-CV-8545 Citibank, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Matthew Schwenk and Leigh Ann Schwenk- Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Brit J. Suttell, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Matthew Schwenk and Leigh Ann Schwenk 2012-CV-8562 Bank of America, N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Dean E. Feltman and Donna L. Feltman Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Alison B. Weinroth-Shaw, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Dean E. Feltman and Donna L. Feltman 2012-CV-8569 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Robert Christiana - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Robert Christiana 2012-CV-8671 Asset Acceptance, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Guy O. Brink - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael B. Volk, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Donald M. Leeth, Esq. 2012-CV-8673 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company – Plaintiff Vs. Pocono Cab Company, LLC and Jeff Osby - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Benjamin W. Lawrence, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Pocono Cab Company, LLC and Jeff Osby 2012-CV-8711 Pocono Farms Country Club Association, Inc., - Plaintiff Vs. Mark Pinkney and Dorine T. Pinkney, husband and wife - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: George R. Hludzik, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Mark Pinkney and Dorine T. Pinkney, husband and wife 2012-CV-8737 Pocono Farms Country Club Association, Inc., - Plaintiff Vs. Wilfried Jaeger and Dina Jaeger, husband and wife - Defendants 26 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER For the PLAINTIFFS: George R. Hludzik, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Wilfried Jaeger and Dina Jaeger, husband and wife 2012-CV-8755 Slomin’s Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Eric Rivera - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Eric Rivera 2012-CV-8767 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Oral C. Thorpe - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Oral C. Thorpe 2012-CV-8902 Progressive Group of Ins. – Plaintiff Vs. Justin Hernandez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Benjamin W. Lawrence, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Justin Hernandez 2012-CV-8932 Cobler Realty Advisors, Inc., d/b/a Knob Crest Senior Apartments – Plaintiff Vs. Peter Wagner and Charles Taylor - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Christopher E. Farrell, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Peter Wagner and Charles Taylor 2012-CV-8983 Equable Ascent Financial, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Elizabeth A. O’Brien - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jordan W. Felzer, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: C. Daniel Higgins, Esq. 2012-CV-9004 The Bureaus Investment Group Portfolio No. 15, LLC, Assignee of HSBC Card Services Inc., - Plaintiff Vs. Samantha A. Polack - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Peter J. Payne, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Samantha A. Polack 2012-CV-9058 Howell H. Raines and Krystyna A. Raines – Plaintiff Vs. Gary Bacher and Exterior Innovations, Inc. – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Brett J. Riegel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Charles Laputka, Esq. 2012-CV-9125 Efren Serrano O/B/O Margarita Serrano, a minor – Plaintiff Vs. Pocono Mountain School District, and East Stroudsburg Area School District - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: James J. Conaboy, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: John E. Freund, III, Esq. and East Stroudsburg Area School District 2012-CV-9154 Bono Pizza, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Derya Bacaz t/a Bono’s Pizza - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Daniel P. Lyons, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Derya Bacaz t/a Bono’s Pizza 2012-CV-9180 William E. Joye – Plaintiff Vs. Paul E. Nelson - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: William E. Joye For the DEFENDANT: Paul E. Nelson 2012-CV-9262 River Village Phase III-B Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Timeshare Solutions, LLC - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Jeffrey A. Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Timeshare Solutions, LLC 2012-CV-9283 Mario Pilgrim – Plaintiff Vs. Doctor Feelgoodes - Defendant MONROE LEGAL REPORTER For the PLAINTIFFS: For the DEFENDANT: 27 Mario Pilgrim Geoffrey S. Worthington, Esq. 2012-CV-9311 Jack Williams Tire Company, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Meckes Tire, Inc. and Natalie Smith Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Samuel A. Falcone, Jr., Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Janet Marsh Catina, Esq. 2012-CV-9322 Robert Gleitzmann – Plaintiff Vs. Laura Mitchell and Bryant McCaskill - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Robert H. Nothstein, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Laura Mitchell and Bryant McCaskill 2012-CV-9499 GE Capital Retail Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Lorain McFarlane - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Gregg L. Morris, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Lorain McFarlane 2012-CV-9504 Karen Berger – Plaintiff Vs. Chad Dorst and Bridgette Dorst - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Karen Berger For the DEFENDANTS: Chad Dorst and Bridgette Dorst 2012-CV-9536 Martha R. Gonzalez – Plaintiff Vs. Seth Richards - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Martha R. Gonzalez For the DEFENDANT: Christopher S. Brown, Esq. 2012-CV-9554 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Melody Cintron - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Melody Cintron 2012-CV-9561 Harry T. Maryanski, Jr. – Plaintiff Vs. Antigona Komani - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Brandon A. Swartz, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Colin M. Hannings, Esq. 2012-CV-9638 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. David Seymour and Arlethia Willis Seymour - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: David Seymour and Arlethia Willis Seymour 2012-CV-9669 Discover Bank, Through its Servicing Agent, DB Servicing Corporation – Plaintiff Vs. Eric W. German – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael J. Dougherty, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Eric W. German 2012-CV-9684 Discover Bank Through its Servicing Agent, DB Servicing Corporation – Plaintiff Vs. George A. Rodriguez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael J. Dougherty, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: George A. Rodriguez 2012-CV-9775 PPL Electric Utilities – Plaintiff Vs. Stephen G. Argen and Stephen G. Argen D/B/A Workforce Mortgage Service For the PAINTIFF: Richard P. Focht, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Stephen G. Argen and Stephen G. Argen D/B/A Workforce Mortgage Service 2012-CV-9810 Theresa Acevedo and Samuel Acevedo, Her Husband – Plaintiff Vs. Haines & Kibblehouse, Inc. d/b/a Locust Ridge Contractors - Defendant 28 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER For the PLAINTIFFS: Edwin A. Abrahamsen, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Joseph F. McNulty, Jr., Esq. 2012-CV-9886 Hercules Medical, PC and Polyxena Medical, PC – Plaintiff Vs. Leonard Baskin Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Alan R. Mege, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Leonard Baskin 2012-CV-9944 Erica DeJesus – Plaintiff Vs. Safe Auto Insurance Company - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Kevin P. Foley, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Safe Auto Insurance Company 2012-CV-9951 American Express Centurion Bank, A Utah Corporation – Plaintiff Vs. Joanne Fish – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Demetrios H. Tsarouhis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Joanne Fish 2012-CV-10001 American Express Centurion Bank, A Utah State Chartered Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Frances Zuccarelli - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Demetrios H. Tsarouhis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Frances Zuccarelli 2012-CV-10155 Farda Associates, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Michael Bartell, trading as M n J Services Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Ralph A. Matergia, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Joshua B. Goldberg, Esq. 2012-CV-10156 Heller’s Gas – Plaintiff Vs. Nancy Yohe - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Heller’s Gas For The DEFENDANT: Nancy Yohe 2012-CV-10179 David Moore – Plaintiff Vs. Raymond J. Duncan and Raymond E. Duncan - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Richard F. Goldenziel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Raymond J. Duncan and Raymond E. Duncan 2012-CV-10186 ONeil Duncan – Plaintiff Vs. Raymond J. Duncan and Raymond E. Duncan Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Richard F. Goldenziel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Raymond J. Duncan and Raymond E. Duncan 2012-CV-10202 Kevin Ward – Plaintiff Vs. Elizabeth Rodriguez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Kevin Ward For the DEFENDANT: Elizabeth Rodriguez 2012-CV-10254 Estate of Donald J. Hudson – Plaintiff Vs. Loretta J. King - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Estate of Donald J. Hudson For the DEFENDANT: Daniel A. Miscavige, Esq. 2012-CV-10286 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Elta Ducosse - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. McGuigan, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Elta Ducosse 2012-CV-10365 Robin Miller – Plaintiff Vs. Coordinated Health Holding Company, LLC and CH Hospital of Allentown, LLC/CH Surgical Hospital of Allentown, d/b/a Coordinated Health – East MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 29 Stroudsburg, Brett P. Godbout, MD, Seth Burkey, MD, John/Jane Doe Assisting Physician, John/Jane Doe Assisting Nurse, John/Jane Doe Anestheologist, Coordinated Health Orthopedic Hospital, LLC D/B/A Coordinated Health-Bethlehem Hospital – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert A. Saurman, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Shawn P. Phillips, Esq. 2012-CV-10446 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Abigail Evans - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Allan C. Smith, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Abigail Evans 2012-CV-10481 Main Street Acquisition Corp. – Plaintiff Vs. Mark S. Matthews - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Demetrios H. Tsarouhis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Mark S. Matthews 2012-CV-10505 Howard Dornd and Tiffany Dornd, Husband and Wife – Plaintiff Vs. Hala Eljarhi Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Douglas A. Yazinski, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Hala Eljarhi 2012-CV-10516 Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast a/s/o Vernette Brown – Plaintiff Vs. Harco Insurance Company - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey M. Pollack, Esquire For the DEFENDANT: Harco Insurance Company 2012-CV-10548 Tony Grecco – Plaintiff Vs. Thomas Wilke and Michelle Wilke - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Tony Grecco For the DEFENDANT: Thomas Wilke and Michelle Wilke 2012-CV-10550 Dell Financial Services, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Ricardo O. Morales - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ricardo O. Morales 2012-CV-10555 Target National Bank fka Retailers National Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Stephanie A. Matthy Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Stephanie A. Matthy 2013-CV-13 Polk Township Board of Supervisors – Plaintiff Vs. Raymond Kosakowski and Linda Kosakowski, his wife - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: James V. Fareri, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Raymond Kosakowski and Linda Kosakowski 2013-CV-142 Stephanie Hayes – Plaintiff Vs. Maria Rivera - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Stephanie Hayes For the DEFENDANT: Maria Rivera 2013-CV-165 Demtrich c/o Chris Campanelli, Arthur Doughty – Plaintiff Vs. Ron Brown Hauling Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Demtrich c/o Chris Campanelli, Arthur A. Doughty For the DEFENDANT: Ron Brown 2013-CV-186 Allstate a/s/o Silvio Vitiello – Plaintiff Vs. Jamie Dileo - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey S. Gillman, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jamie Dileo 30 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2013-CV-189 Remit Corporation Assignee of Unifund CCR, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Gladys Babilonia Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Raymond W. Kessler, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Gladys Babilonia 2013-CV-195 Ford Motor Credit Company LLC d/b/a Land Rover Capital Group – Plaintiff Vs. Stephanie James-Sharif - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Lloyd S. Markind, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Stephanie James-Sharif 2013-CV-228 Linda Miller – Plaintiff Vs. Luis Rivera - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Paul T. Oven, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Luis Rivera 2013-CV-257 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Alvin Vera - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFEDANT: Alvin Vera 2013-CV-269 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Saul Vasquez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Saul Vasquez 2013-CV-322 Pennstar Bank, a division of NBT Bank, NA – Plaintiff Vs. Thomas A. Gazzano and Liz Gazzano - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: David M. Gregory, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Thomas A. Gazzano and Liz Gazzano 2013-CV-323 Pennstar Bank, a division of NBT Bank, NA – Plaintiff Vs. Thomas A. Gazzano and Liz Gazzano - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: David M. Gregory, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Thomas A. Gazzano and Liz Gazzano 2013-CV-328 Asset Acceptance LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Gina Perez – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq., For the DEFENDANT: Gregory J. Pascale, Esq. 2013-CV-330 Pennstar Bank, a division of NBT Bank, NA – Plaintiff Vs. Elizabeth A. Gazzano and Thomas A. Gazzano - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: David M. Gregory, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Thomas A. Gazzano and Liz Gazzano 2013-CV-332 Linda Axworthy – Plaintiff Vs. Matthew A. Schmidt, Esquire and Amori & Riegel, LLC – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Nicholas R. Sabatine, III, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Scott M. Amori, Esq. 2013-CV-481 Anthony Nemnom and Elena Nemnom – Plaintiff Vs. Valerie Gilbreath and Merideth Frances - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joseph S. Wiesmeth, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Thomas J. Foley, Jr., Esq. 2013-CV-485 Frances Cruz – Plaintiff Vs. Tara J. Kelly and Shakall Chanoine - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Tara J. Kelly and Shakall Chanoine MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 31 2013-CV-630 Diane Litterello – Plaintiff Vs. Ten-Twelve Corp/Anthony S. Diecidue - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Diane Litterello For the DEFENDANT: Ten-Twelve Corp/Anthony S. Diecidue 2013-CV-664 Maria Tesko – Plaintiff Vs. Lebron’s Auto Repair - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Maria Tesko For the DEFENDANT: Lebron’s Auto Repair 2013-CV-774 WGL, Limited Partnership d/b/a Pocono Inn at Water Gap – Plaintiff Vs. Tigo Bitteez, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Emanuele J. DeStefano, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Tigo Bitteez, Inc. 2013-CV-817 John Bonner and Virginia Bonner, his wife – Plaintiff Vs. Resorts Group, Inc., Resorts Group, LP General Partner, Bushkill Group, Inc., Tree Tops, Inc., All defendants individually, Collectively and t/a Tree Tops Resort and Fernwood Resort - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joseph G. Price, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David A. Williams, Esq. 2013-CV-898 Nia Spence – Plaintiff Vs. The Bushkill Group Inc. d/b/a Fernwood Resort - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Brett J. Riegel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Andrew Wolf, Esq. 2013-CV-1085 Arleen Cohen – Plaintiff Vs. Marissa Davis and Craig Davis - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Arleen Cohen For the DEFENDANT: Marissa Davis and Craig Davis 2013-CV-1128 State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. – Plaintiff Vs. Marie Lyons - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Benjamin W. Lawrence, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Marie Lyons 2013-CV-1141 Donna Crawford – Plaintiff Vs. Kaitlin Constantine - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Thomas J. Foley, Jr., Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Kaitlin Constantine 2013-CV-1171 Melinda Bernard – Plaintiff Vs. Ryan Campanella and Donna Campanella - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Richard F. Goldenziel, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ryan Campanella and Donna Campanella 2013-CV-1234 Remit Corporation, Assignee of Unifund CCR, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Kevin N. Rosene Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Raymond W. Kessler, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. 2013-CV-1258 Sallyann Scuorzo and Anthony Scuorzo, her husband – Plaintiff Vs. Jane Carol Hess Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Nicholas R. Sabatine, III, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jane Carol Hess 2013-CV-1367 Darleen Gwinnett – Plaintiff Vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Lawrence A.J. Spegar, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Timothy Foley, Esq. 2013-CV-1369 Jose Velasquez & Eneida Velasquez, husband and wife – Plaintiff Vs. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Defendant 32 For the PLAINTIFF: For the DEFENDANT: MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Lawrence A.J. Spegar, Esq. Timothy Foley, Esq. 2013-CV-1399 Dorothy Leeds and Peter Leeds, her husband – Plaintiff Vs. Ronald Malvin and Patricia Malvin - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Malcolm L. MacGregor, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ronald Malvin and Patricia Malvin 2013-CV-1418 Thomas Giarrizzo, Jr. – Plaintiff Vs. Mount Air Casino & Resort - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Donald P. Russo, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Donald D. Gamburg, Esq. and Richard William Diaz, Esq. 2013-CV-1466 Lori Possinger – Plaintiff Vs. Prospect Hill Apartments - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Nicholas R. Sabatine, III, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Prospect Hill Apartments 2013-CV-1684 Henry Brian Campbell aka Hank Campbell – Plaintiff Vs. Renee Ezrin and Brenda Mitstifer – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Marshall E. Anders, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Renee Ezrin and Brenda Mitstifer 2013-CV-1685 Lisa Bauder – Plaintiff Vs. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. s/b/m to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Marshall E. Anders, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. s/b/m to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. 2013-CV-1690 Justine Riches – Plaintiff Vs. Donald & Colleen Forrester - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Justine Riches For the DEFENDANT: Aaron M. DeAngelo, Esq. 2013-CV-1693 Everbank USA – Plaintiff Vs. Paul A. Rosato - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Shawn P. McClure, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Paul A. Rosato 2013-CV-1799 Jayne Tyson – Plaintiff Vs. Jasmine Inman - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael B. Kaspszyk, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jasmine Inman 2013-CV-1826 Christopher Monaco – Plaintiff Vs. Justin Newkirk - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joshua B. Goldberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Justin Newkirk 2013-CV-1880 Thunderbolt Holdings LTD., LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Louis J. Marini - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Melissa Pirillo, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Louis J. Marini 2013-CV-1881 Thunderbolt Holdings LTD., LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Sheron Jackson - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Melissa Pirillo, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Sheron Jackson 2013-CV-1900 Michelle Pierce-Schmader – Plaintiff Vs. Mount Airy Casino and Resort - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Donald P. Russo, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Donald D. Gamburg, Esq. and Richard William Diaz, Esq. MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 33 2013-CV-1973 Alicia Buatti – Plaintiff Vs. The Lounge at Comfort Inn and Turtle Walk Shoppes Corp., Inc. t/d/b/a the Lounge at Comfort Inn-and/or Comfort Inn-Heart of the Poconos and Comfort Inn Heart of the Poconos and Kar Development Corp. and Jamal Bayton - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael J. Foley, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: The Lounge at Comfort Inn and Turtle Walk Shoppes Corp., Inc. t/d/b/a the Lounge at Comfort Inn-and/or Comfort Inn-Heart of the Poconos and Comfort Inn Heart of the Poconos and Kar Development Corp. and Jamal Bayton 2013-CV-1984 Peter Adams – Plaintiff Vs. Elaine Adams - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Joshua B. Goldberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Elaine Adams 2013-CV-1995 Garfield Spence – Plaintiff Vs. Linda Counterman and Andrew Benasutti - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Garfield Spence For the DEFENDANT: Janet Catina, Esq. 2013-CV-2010 Denice Melchor, as Executrix of the Estate of Janice M. Pope, Deceased – Plaintiff Vs. Courtland Street CVS, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Nicholas R. Sabatine, III, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Courtland Street CVS, Inc. 2013-CV-2147 Sheila Vogel – Plaintiff Vs. Ohio Casualty, t/a and d/b/a Peerless Indemnity Insurance Company and d/b/a Safeco Insurance Company – Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Jeremy D. Puglia, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Ohio Casualty, t/a and d/b/a Peerless Indemnity Insurance Company and d/b/a Safeco Insurance Company 2013-CV 2376 Penn Estates Property Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Peter S. D’Amico and Wendy D’Amico - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Nicholas Charles Haros, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Peter S. D’Amico and Wendy D’Amico 2013-CV-2489 James Lanzafama – Plaintiff Vs. Victor Ramos - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Mark A. Primrose, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Victor Ramos 2013-CV-2565 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Frederick Holtjr - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Allan C. Smith, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Frederick Holtjr 2013-CV-2636 CCP Property Owners Association South – Plaintiff Vs. John Moschogiannakis Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Gregory D. Malaska, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: John Moschogiannakis 2013-CV-2664 Kaitlin Gonzalez – Plaintiff Vs. Rodrigo Restrepo - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Thomas J. Foley, Jr., Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Rodrigo Restrepo 2013-CV-2697 Michael Hojnowski – Plaintiff Vs. Mareta Deleon - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: James J. Conaboy, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Mareta Deleon 2013-CV-2737 Federated Mutual Insurance Company as subrogee of Karbill Enterprises, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Shawnee Investments, LTD. - Defendant 34 For the PLAINTIFF: For the DEFENDANT: MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Steven K. Gerber, Esq. Shawnee Investments, LTD 2013-CV-3017 Blue Mountain Lake Club – Plaintiff Vs. Elton Brewington - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Kevin A. Hardy, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Elton Brewington 2013-CV-3167 Anthony Verderese – Plaintiff Vs. Tara Fields – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Patrick Walsh, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Tara Fields 2013-CV-3244 LVNV Funding LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Josephine Nardi - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Michael F. Ratchford, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Josephine Nardi 2013-CV-3495 Capital One Bank (USA) N.A. – Plaintiff Vs. Wanda Gonzalez - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Arthur Lashin, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Wanda Gonzalez 2013-CV-3548 Shawnee Tabernacle Church, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Razi Howie - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Marshall E. Anders, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Razi Howie 2013-CV-3648 Remit Corporation, Assignee of Unifund CCR, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Claudia E. Hasegan – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Raymond W. Kessler, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Claudia E. Hasegan 2013-CV-3724 Thomas J. Scotchlas – Plaintiff Vs. Byron Palmer and Shermaine Palmer, husband and wife - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: John C. Prevoznik, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Byron Palmer and Shermaine Palmer, husband and wife 2013-CV-3729 Thomas J. Scotchlas – Plaintiff Vs. Byron Palmer and Shermaine Palmer, husband and wife and Scott McGlynn - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: John C. Prevoznik, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Byron Palmer and Shermaine Palmer, husband and wife and Scott McGlynn 2013-CV-3772 21st Mortgage Corporation – Plaintiff Vs. Raymond W. Sugalski a/k/a Raymond W. Sugzlski – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Daniel C. Lawson, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: John Molnar, Esq. 2013-CV-3820 American Express Centurion Bank, a Utah State Chartered Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Shani Rutt - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Demetrios H. Tsarouhis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Shani Rutt 2013-CV-3858 Allstate a/s/o Shawn Brosnan – Plaintiff Vs. Pamela Saldibar - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey S. Gillman, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Nicholas J. Masington, III, Esq. 2013-CV-4106 Remit Corporation, Assignee of Unifund CCR, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. David R. Haseney Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Raymond W. Kessler, Esq MONROE LEGAL REPORTER For the DEFENDANT: 35 David R. Haseney 2013-CV-4149 Erie Insurance, Dennis Pesotini, Robin Pesotini – Plaintiff Vs. Jermaine G. Johnson Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Erie Insurance, Dennis Pesotini, Robin Pesotini For the DEFENDANT: Jermaine G. Johnson 2013-CV-4215 River Village Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Marlou Q. De Asis - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey A. Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Marlou Q. De Asis 2013-CV-4216 River Village Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Eugene De Bellis and Lorraine C. De Bellis - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey A. Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Eugene DeBellis and Lorraine C. DeBellis 2013-CV-4217 River Village Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Terrance F. Burke and Claire R. Burke - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey A. Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Terrance F. Burke and Claire R. Burke 2013-CV-4242 River Village Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. James L. Williams - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Jeffrey A. Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: James L. Williams 2013-CV-4243 River Village Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Robert Scott Whiteley, Janice M. O’Malley, Raymond W. Lang and Margaret Farley - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Jeffrey A. Durney, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Robert Scott Whiteley, Janice M. O’Malley, Raymond W. Lang and Margaret Farley 2013-CV-4291 NCEP, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Mike Mader – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Frederic I. Weinberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Mike Mader 2013-CV-4399 Ryan Kreher and Kristen Kreher – Plaintiff Vs. Air Tech Equipment, LTD. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFSF: Brian M. Vinsko, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Air Tech Equipment, LTD. 2013-CV-4556 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Erin Clayton - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Erin Clayton 2013-CV-4667 Gordon L. Whitt – Plaintiff Vs. Otto’s Auto - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Gordon L. Whitt For the DEFENDANT: David A. Martino, Esq. 2013-CV-4741 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Lisa Agathagelou - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Lisa Agathagelou 2013-CV-4961 Kimberly Sue Stickle, Administratrix of the Estate of David John Barnes, Deceased – Plaintiff Vs. Lehigh Valley Hospital, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Malcolm L. MacGregor, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Howard S. Stevens, Esq. 36 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2013-CV-5074 American Express Centurion Bank, a Utah State Chartered Bank – Plaintiff Vs. Jason Boies - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Demetrios Tsarouhis, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jason Boies 2013-CV-5172 Nicole Smith – Plaintiff Vs. Tara Lynn Nestinger and Ryan Rogers - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Nicole Smith For the DEFENDANT: Tara Lynn Nestinger and Ryan Rogers 2013-CV-5190 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Lisa A. Counterman - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Lisa A. Counterman 2013-CV-5209 Tile City, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Bayan Maudarbekova - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert H. Nothstein, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Bayan Maudarbekova 2013-CV-5222 A Pocono Country Place Property Owners Association, Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Janice Abraham, Larry Abraham and Monica O. Abraham - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Nicholas Charles Haros, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Janice Abraham, Larry Abraham and Monica O. Abraham 2013-CV-5277 Alicia Bowles – Plaintiff Vs. David Laserson a/k/a David V. Laserson and Pocono Cab Company, LLC - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Christopher J. Szewczyk, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David Laserson a/k/a David V. Laserson and Pocono Cab Company, LLC 2013-CV-5297 Isobell Futcher – Plaintiff Vs. Lake Naomi Club, Lake Naomi Property Owners Association, Lake Naomi Corporation and Lake Naomi Property - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Lawrence A.J. Spegar, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Lake Naomi Club, Lake Naomi Property Owners Association, Lake Naomi Corporation and Lake Naomi Property 2013-CV-5320 Susan Carson – Plaintiff Vs. Joy Mendoza and Vincent DeMilta, individually and as husband and wife, and Tara Soto - Defendants For the PLAINTIFF: Joshua B. Goldberg, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Joy Mendoza and Vincent DeMilta, individually and as husband and wife, and Tara Soto 2013-CV-5358 S. Franklin & Son Inc. – Plaintiff Vs. Scott Krueger indv & dba Krueger’s Sheet Metal Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: James W. Adelman, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Scott Krueger indv & dba Krueger’s Sheet Metal 2013-CV-5360 Atlantic City Electric Company Employees Federal Credit Union – Plaintiff Vs. John J. Firestone and Kelly Firestone - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: William B. Callahan, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: John J. Firestone and Kelly Firestone 2013-CV-5366 Garvin Harriett – Plaintiff Vs. Robin Granger – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Garvin Harriett For the DEFENDANT: Robin Granger 2013-CV-5392 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Carmen Cruz Malave - Defendant MONROE LEGAL REPORTER For the PLAINTIFF: For the DEFENDANT: 37 Robert N. Polas, Esq. Carmen Cruz Malave 2013-CV-5469 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Brendan Pergamo - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Brendan Pergamo 2013-CV-5490 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Todd Wilson - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Todd Wilson 2013-CV-5504 Myrian Foster-Ruiz and Wilfredo Ruiz – Plaintiff Vs. PPF Homes Improvement & Renovation, Inc., PPF Homes Inc., and William O’Neal - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: John P. O’Boyle, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: PPF Homes Improvement & Renovation, Inc., PPF Homes Inc., and William O’Neal 2013-CV-5586 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Kevin W. Kutzler – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Kevin W. Kutzler 2013-CV-5655 TD Bank USA NA – Plaintiff Vs. Kristina Zwack - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Morris Scott, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Kristina Zwack 2013-CV-5778 Theresa McCauley – Plaintiff Vs. Margaret Gemmell - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Theresa McCauley For the DEFENDANT: Margaret Gemmell 2013-CV-5864 S.F. Savino, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Nicholas Sorensen and Emil Sorensen - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: S.F. Savino, LLC For the DEFENDANT: Nicholas Sorensen and Emil Sorensen 2013-CV-6024 Midland Funding LLC – Plaintiff Vs. David Carida - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert T. Lieber, Jr. Esq. For the DEFENDANT: David Carida 2013-CV-6095 Dennis C. Sims, Jr. – Plaintiff Vs. Tracy Kathleen Perez, Miriam Campanella and Patricia Campanella - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Dennis C. Sims, Jr. For the DEFENDANT: Tracy Kathleen Perez, Miriam Campanella and Patricia Campanella 2013-CV-6275 Victor Rocha and Sonia Rocha – Plaintiff Vs. Olive Garden and Darden Corporation and Darden Restaurants, Inc. and GMRI, Inc. - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Terrence R. Nealon, Jr., Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Victor Rocha and Sonia Rocha – Plaintiff Vs. Olive Garden and Darden Corporation and Darden Restaurants, Inc. and GMRI, Inc. 2013-CV-6289 Rosalyn Henley – Plaintiff Vs. GAK Construction - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Rosalyn Henley For the DEFENDANT: GAK Construction 38 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 2013-CV-6295 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Leon P. Hughes - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Leon P. Hughes 2013-CV-6484 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Ferria Defoe - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Allan C. Smith, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Ferria Defoe 2013-CV-6583 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Arlene Schwarz - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Arlene Schwarz 2013-CV-6596 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Heidy Arias - Defendant For the PLAINTIFFS: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Heidy Arias 2013-CV-6598 Cach, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Patricia Bile - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Allan C. Smith, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Patricia Bile 2013-CV-7291 Robert Cole – Plaintiff Vs. Nationwide Insurance Company - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert Cole For the DEFENDANTS: Nationwide Insurance Company 2013-CV-7434 Jeanmarie and William Pollock – Plaintiff Vs. Lucille Fenelon - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: George T. McCool, Jr., Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Lucille Fenelon 2006-CV-4894 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Dorothy A. Kurpat - Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Benjamin J. Cavallaro, Esq. For the DEFENDANTS: Dorothy A. Kurpat 2013-CV-6799 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC – Plaintiff Vs. Jeanette Gordon – Defendant For the PLAINTIFF: Robert N. Polas, Esq. For the DEFENDANT: Jeanette Gordon THE COURTS MONROE COUNTY Adoption of Local Rule of Judicial Administration 1901; 2014-CU-5 [44 Pa.B. 4352] [Saturday, July 12, 2014] Order And Now, this 11th day of June 2014, pursuant to the directive of Pa.R.J.A. 1901(b), It Is Ordered that effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, Monroe County Rule of Judicial Administration 1901, Mon.R.J.A. 1901, regarding Termination of Inactive Cases is hereby adopted. It Is Further Ordered that two (2) certified copies and one (1) CD-ROM shall be filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; That MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 39 one (1) certified copy shall be filed with the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts, and that one copy shall be filed with the Prothonotary of Monroe County. By the Court MARGHERITA PATTI-WORTHINGTON, President Judge Local Rule of Judicial Administration 1901. Termination of Inactive Cases. (a) General Policy. It is the policy of the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas to bring each pending civil action to a final conclusion as promptly as possible consistent with the interests of justice. When no docket activity has occurred in a civil case for a period of more than two years, the court will commence proceedings under this rule to terminate the action, pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. No. 1901. (b) Procedures for termination of a civil case for inactivity. (1) Call of the list. The Prothonotary shall prepare a list each year on or about July 1 of civil cases in which there has been no docket activity for more than two years. The Court will schedule a call of that list to give the parties an opportunity to be heard on the termination of a case. The call of the list will be scheduled for the third Monday of October at 9:00 a.m. or at such other date and time for which notice shall be given pursuant to this rule. (2) Published notice. The Prothonotary shall publish notice of the moribund cases scheduled for the call of the termination list one time in the Monroe Legal Reporter at least thirty days before the scheduled call. The notice shall state a) the caption of each case and the names of the attorneys of record or pro se litigants, if any; b) the date, time and location of the call of the list; and c) the requirements of filing written objections and appearing at the call of the list in order to oppose termination, as stated below. (3) Written objections and the call of the list. Any party wishing to oppose the termination of a matter must file written objections with the Prothonotary a minimum of one week prior to the call of the termination list and serve opposing counsel or pro se parties in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. A certificate of service shall be filed with the Prothonotary. If no written objection to dismissal is timely filed, the Prothonotary shall enter an order terminating the case pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. 1901(c)(2), and that matter will not be heard at the call. If an objection is timely filed and served, the Court will hold argument on that case at the time of the call of the termination list. The party opposing termination must attend the call of the termination list in person or by counsel to argue against the termination of the case. Opposing counsel or parties who wish to be heard may also present argument. The court will then enter an appropriate order. (c) Reinstatement. Any matter terminated under this rule may be reinstated by the Court upon written petition for good cause shown. (d) Other remedies not affected. This rule shall not prevent a party from seeking dismissal of an action due to inactivity through other procedures authorized by law or rule of Court. 40 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER g CIVIL COMPLAINTS PLAINTIFF V DEFENDANT Radican William Radican Celine Keating Ann Osinski Stanley Scofield Laurie Scotko Robert M Landon Lawrence Landon Eileen Heil Mary E Cotter Thomas A Kelly Myrad V Country Club of the Poconos SouthSummons WRIT of SUMMONS REAL PROPERTY U S Bank National Association as Trustee For Residential Asset Mortgage Products Inc Mortgage AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates Series 2005-EFC5 V Torres Eileen Or Occupants -Real Property Ejectment Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee For Novastar Mortgage Funding Trust Series 2007-2 V Doe John and Or Tenant Occupant -Real Property Ejectment Suntrust Mortgage Inc V Fernandez Joel L Or Occupants -Real Property - Ejectment The Bank of New York Mellon as Successor Trustee to JPMorgan Chase Bank as Trustee For Novastar Mortgage Funding Trust Series 2004-1 Novastar Home Equity Loan Asset-Backed Certificates Series 2004-1 V Rodriguez Gilberto Or Occupants -Real Property - Ejectment Wells Fargo Bank NA V Johnson Bruce Johnson Pamela -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association V Wallace Jamiese -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC V Calascibetta John Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Wells Fargo Bank NA V Polak Zbigniew Polak Ewa Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Wells Fargo Bank NA V Dixon Brenda -Real Property Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Bank of America NA Successor by Merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP V Bailey Ralph A/K/A Bailey Ralph R -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Wells Fargo Bank NA V Depompo Christopher -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company as Successor-In-Interest to All Permitted Successors and Assigns of JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association as Trustee For Specialty Underwritting and Residential Finance Trust Mortgage Loan AssetBacked Certificates Series 2005-BC3 V Mayers Darrell Mayers Janice -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Wells Fargo Bank NA V Wright Jeffrey L In His Capacity as Co-Executor of the Estate of Frick Edward D AKA Dinsmore Edward Frick AKA Frick Ned Fisher Janet In Her Capacity as Co-Executor and Devisee of the Estate of Frick Edward D AKA Dinsmore Edward Frick Aka Frick Ned Young Joanne In Her Capacity as Devisee of the Estate of Frick Edward D AKA Dinsmore Edward Frick Aka Frick Ned Millar Heather McBriar In Her Capacity as Devisee of the Estate of Frick Edward D AKA Dinsmore Edward Frick AKA Frick Ned Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church In Its Capacity as Devisee of the Estate of Frick Edward D AKA Dinsmore Edward Frick AKA Frick Ned St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church In Its Capacity as Devisee of the Estate of Frick Edward D AKA Dinsmore Edward Frick AKA Frick Ned -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential PNC Bank National Association Successor In Interest to National City Real Estate Services LLC Successor by Merger to National City Mortgage, Inc Formerly Known as National City Mortgage Co Doing Business as Accubanc Mortgage V Owusu Kofi Owusu Helen Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Wells Fargo Bank NA S/B/M to Wahcovia Bank Na- tional Association V Abrams James H Abrams Doris M A/K/A Abrams Doris -Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential PNC Bank NA V Kent Maureen AKA Kent Maureen E AKA Campbell Maureen Individually and as Known Heir of Campbell Brian Sr AKA Campbell Brian H Sr Unknown Heirs Successors Assigns and All Persons Firms Or Associations Claiming Right Title Or Interest From Or Under Campbell Brian Sr AKA Campbell Brian H Sr Campbell Brian Jr Known Heir of Campbell Brian Sr AKA Campbell Brian H Sr Campbell Thomas Coley Known Heir of Campbell Brian Sr AKA Campbell Brian H Sr of Shyanne Marie Brown-Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Deutsche Bank Nation Trust Company as Trustee Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement Relating to Impac Secured Assets Corp Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2006-3 V Jackson Christopher Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Pinecrest Lake Community Trust V Kellehner Catherine and Columbo Edna D Individually and as Administratrix of the Estate of Columbo Dennis JReal Property - Other MECHANICS AGREEMENTS Kron John S Kron Jeanne R W Buff Inc V Kron John S Kron Jeanne R W Buff Inc-Mechanics Agreement CONTRACT-EMPLOYMENT DISPUTE Westgate Roger V Keystone Blind Association Contract - Employmentdispute: Other CONTRACT Stillwater Lakes Civic Association Stillwater Sewer Corporation V Mancini Matthew Mancini YvonneContract - Other Stroud Mall LLC V BMOC Partners Inc-Contract – Other CONTRACT-DEBT COLLECTION-CREDIT CARD Schwartz Joshua A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation V V-Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card Discover Bank V Bonilla Jackeline G -Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card CONTRACT-DEBT COLLECTION-OTHER Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC V Apogo Benjamin A -Contract - Debt Collection: Other Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC V Kochanowski John -Contract - Debt Collection: Other Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC V Burns Robert Contract - Debt Collection: Other Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC V Rivera Thomas Contract - Debt Collection: Other Rocky Mountain Holdings LLC V Williams Brian J Williams Kathleen -Contract - Debt Collection: Other BLI Rentals LLC V Pini Kim -Contract - Debt Collection: Other First Northern Bank and Trust Co V M&D Trans Inc Benner Michael S Benner Christina Everdean Contract - Debt Collection: Other-$16,606.88 Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC V Sullivan David Sullivan Lisa -Contract - Debt Collection: Other TORT Baxter David V Baxter Nickey L K-Tort - Intentional Alavarado Juana V Mozley Deanna L-Tort - Motor Vehicle Grodzki Margaret S V Thomas Gary S Rollins Isaiah Q Travco Insurance Company-Tort - Motor Vehicle Tanner Joshua and Tanner Christina Individually and as Husband and Wife V Grebb Matthew Inmate#LN2732 The Caporusso Investment Group Inc MONROE 41 , p p LEGAL REPORTER Individually and T/D/B/A Pocono Brewing Company Rivera, Agustin S/Dellaria, James A AKA Pocono Brewing Company Inc Caporusso Secretary of Housing and Urban Development/Wise, James Individually and T/D/B/A Pocono Brewing Karen L Company AKA Pocono Brewing Company Inc Poco- Kraus, Katy R/Jones, Daniel E no Brewing Company AKA Pocono Brewing Company Wells Fargo Bank NA/Secretary of Housing and UrInc-Tort - Motor Vehicle ban Development Sexton Robin Sexton Ervin Individuall and as Hus- Wells Fargo Bank N A/Secretary of Housing and Urband and Wife V Pietrulewicz Jill Aka Roselli Jill-Tort - ban Development Motor Vehicle Fern Partners/Possinger, Nyles J Mitchell Abraham Mitchell Sophia V Haulin’ On Time White, William J/White, William J Haulin On Time Transportation Inc Wolff Edward T Luhavalja, Joanne/Luhavalja, Christopher Mark Bolus Freight System Inc McDonald Mark Block John Cortright, Ronald/Cortright, Elizabeth M S Cabral Kris Bulk Express Logistics Inc Logix Trans- Joka, Robert/Mousch, David J portation Inc-Tort - Motor Vehicle JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association/KAJA Baujan Shirley Baujan John V Asher William-Tort - Holdings 2 LLC Motor Vehicle Gogoly, John/Gogoly, Ann Feit Alan V Audett Linda Marie-Tort - Other Schuster, Robert R/Kresge, Steven R Allstate Insurance Company Aso Grahme Dale Digiondomenico, Peter A/Digiondomenico, Peter Grahme Regina V Cacciatore Peter Individually and T Jared A Cacciatore Contracting-Tort - Other Moe & Freddy Realty Inc/Center Rock Realty Company Lewers, Eulus/Lewers, Eulus PREMISES LIABILITY Cole, Horace S/Dunning, Richard E Born Lisa V Dorshimer Darlene Grassa Alfred E -Tort - Rogers, Grace S/Rogers, Grace S Premises Liability Togno, James A/Doci, Zhaneta Bobenich Jeffrey G V Doscer Sandra AKA Doster Oliver, Joseph/Hardy, Dwight Sandra -Tort - Premises Liability LTS Homes LLC/Fernandez, Elias J Requena Victor M Jr V Figueroa Victor Sr Figueroa Brackbill, Angelina T/Heidler, Betty M Annette -Tort - Premises Liability Smith, Thelma D Est/Smith, Jay Howard Smith, Thelma D Est/Smith, Jay Howard Fonzetti, Rocco/Polito, Salvatore PETITION Delp, Judith A/Ferraro, Donna Sandra MASS TORT Emha Acquisitions LLC/Wernig, John L PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY Kelly, Robin/Koltisko, Bernard Johnson Angela Johnson Troy V Pocono Medical Castellano, Robert Sr/Warren, Timothy Center Pocono Medical Center Physician Associates Bank of America N A/Odell Roy LLC Zhang Daying MD Hamilton Cheryl MD Family Care Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company National Association/McGriff, Bryant Centers Inc -Professional Liability#Name? Pope, Joanne/D E & S Properties Inc Braddish, Thomas Est/D E & S Properties Inc US Bank National Association/Martin, William MISCELLANEOUS KAL-TAC Inc/Albelli Properties LLC Commonwealth of Pennsylvania V $741 00 U S Miller, Lucille A/Rivera, Michelle Currency-Miscellaneous - Other Commonwealth of Pennsylvania V Four Wheeler ATV Talamo, Cynthia D/Corrigan, James J Vin: JSAAK478432108962-Miscellaneous - Other Swartz, John T/DeBlasie, Francis Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Four Wheeler ATV Faunce, Michael/Indymac Venture LLC Vin: Y4AG02385C034747 V V-Miscellaneous - Branch Banking and Trust Company/Secretary of Replevin Housing and Urban Development Lancer Insurance Co V Murray’s Heavy Duty Towing Scrimale, Charles/Varricchio, Joseph Inc-Miscellaneous - Replevin Henning, Rachel E Est/Henning, George Jr Bittenbender Jenna Rene-Pe-Petition Name Change Steranka, Kevin M/Palmer, Thomas Jr CDK Properties Inc/Springer, Jeffrey V Fleming, Thelma D/Global Real Estate Solutions LLC WRIT of EXECUTION Chambliss, Ezra/Global Real Estate Solutions LLC Kowalski, Laura J/JMS New Dawn LLC 209 Commerical Inc/Six Street Partners Inc DEEDS Toman, Magdalena/Federal National Mortgage AssoGRANTOR/GRANTEE ciation Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation/Park, Ele- Fells, David/Federal National Mortgage Association na Kerestan, Deborah G/Federal National Mortgage AsFiorita, Mary Ellen/Dejulio, Joanne sociation Perez, Elizabeth/Wells Fargo Bank Na Suhaka, Muriel E/Federal National Mortgage AssociaFannie Mae/Hunter, James tion Cox, John/Nunez, Alexander Sr Maltes, Thomas C/Federal National Mortgage AssociZegilla, Mike A/Zegilla, Mike A ation Dooley, Vera M Est/Mountain Top Estates Property Garcia, Sylvia/Federal National Mortgage Association Owners Association Lagos, Guillermo/Federal National Mortgage AssociaBank of America N A/Secretary of Housing and Urban tion Development Pavlovsky, Ruth Est/Federal National Mortgage AssoWallace, Kermit C/Whyte, Willet W ciation Secretary of Housing and Urban Development/Albelli Trommer, Diane Marie/Fannie Mae Properties LLC Golden, Dorothy/Fannie Mae Fannie Mae/Evans, Sarah B Smith, Muriel E/Fannie Mae Argueta, Isidro/Fannie Mae Bolinsky, George/Mian, Zeeshan K Ariza, Maria I/Fannie Mae Cave, Pamela/Nasca, Gary S Jr Ashford, Monica/Fannie Mae Nair, Pravib K/Camporeale, Robert J Santana, Luis R/Federal Home Loan Mortgage CorCole, Horace S/Klinger, Robert Thomas Jr poration Pipher, Elwood J/Samridh 3 LLC Perna, Eleanor/Federal Home Loan Mortgage CorpoKuhenbeaker, Joann M/Greenzweig, Barry ration Brownlee, Hilda Schreiber Est/4923 LLC 42 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER y p Irons, Corey A/Freddie Mac Crichlow, Shelly Ann/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Meyer, Robert J/Wells Fargo Bank National Association Deshler, Nettie Ann Est/M&T Bank Lopez, Rene J/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Bainton, Thomas J/Selene Finance LP Washel, Paul W/ARC NP LLC Vitagliano, Michael J/ARC NP LLC Gallagher, Robert E/ESSA Bank & Trust Anderson, Roger H/Secretary of Veterans Affairs Buzzard, Dale A/U S Bank National Association Abas, Matthys/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Calabro, Robert M/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Kabischer, Seva/Pentagon Federal Credit Union Diaz, Jahaida/Ventures Trust 2013-I-H-R Erb, Lauren/MTGLO Investors LP Schmidt, Thomas B Jr/First Northern Bank & Trust Co Matrix Financial Services Corporation/Fodor, Tamas Freddie Mac/Palazzo, James J Bb&T Bank/Rose, Shanika Strategic Realty Fund LLC/Cheathem, Jabbar Wessels, Kyle/Gunter-Hayes & Associates LLC Meskill, Denise/Meskill, Denise Poconodreams LLC/Parris, Harriette C Fannie Mae/Matos, Angel Antola, John/Telalyan, Tina Chuposka, George/Allen, Scott Fannie Mae/Dimek, Vensentina Vernon, Peter M/Ames, Rebecca L Riehl, Elam S/T S Realty Inc Harbison, Debra L/Jerrold, Robin B Wingo, Franklin A/Palmer, Thomas Jr Wells Fargo Bank Na/Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Sanderson, Carol A/Zimmerman Family Vacations LLC Kennelley, Patricia A/Henion, Albert W Montalvo, Antonio Sr/U S Bank N A Mcleskey, Charles H/Mcleskey, Charles H Shaffer, Edna W Est/Pocono Lake Preserve Inc Ruvane, Louis S/Defazio, Stephanie Witmer, Janice B/Taylor, Bruce W Police and Fire Federal Credit Union/JNJ Corp CIT Bank N A/Indymac Venture LLC Indymac Venture LLC/Real Estate Insite LLC Byrne, John/Kossin, Nan S Werning, John L/Stack, Patricia Sibley, Doris/Zamoshets, Yevgenia Nickel, David F/Conforto, Richard M Kozakiewicz, Melissa/Molhoop, Melvin Aichele, Robert K Jr/Renew Vacation Developments LLC Wilmington Trust NA/Healy, Matthew Sean Henryville House/Potchak, Christopher J Commerford, Daniel J/Carsillo, Samuel S Richardson, Kelene R/National Residential Nominee Services Inc National Residential Nominee Services Inc/Kresge, Eric R Hickey, John M/Donlan, Joseph Green Meadow LLC/Cid, Benito Keiper, Francis Walter Est/Bier, Martin Rayford, George Sr/Rayford, George Sr Serfass, Robert M/Stanley, Carmen D Bowman, Terry/Ragland, James B Prof-2013-S3 Reo I LLC/Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB/Primestar Fund I TRS Inc Primestar Fund I TRS Inc/Newallo, Duane E Altemose, Marie E Est/White, Thomas Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation/Allen, Rickey Secretary of Veterans Affairs/Pichardo, Sonero Pennymac Corp/Clarke, Aidan , Kirkwood, Ureneus V/Hatfield, David R Muehlhan, Jack Jr/581 Associates LLC HSBC Bank USA National Association/Witt, Jeffrey Michael Indymac Venture LLC/Fogarty, Sean H Vroom, Warren R/Rizvi, Syed Abid Bank of America N A/Trejgis, Wojciech Vanderbrink, Carolyn/Prusinoski, Patryk DIVORCE O’Connell Maurice K V O’Connell Patricia M-Divorce Maddalena Christina V Maddalena Tommaso-Divorce Zaplishny Laura V Jones Neil S-Divorce Fjeld Charlene M V Fjeld Peter R-Divorce Lear Patrick V Lear Melissa-Divorce SUPPORT Hendricks Cicely V Tobert Charles-Support Nedd Sharon V Paul Kevin-Support Cruz Josefina A V Maldonado Joel-Support Monroe County Children & Youth Services V Eisenhardt Renee-Support Monroe County Children & Youth Services V Turner Zachary-Support Woodling Cynthia A V Woodling James D-Support Paotella-Hochfeld Caroline V Hochfeld Alan-Support Adams Odessa V Adams Dwayne-Support Mclean Lakisha T V Mosely Divine L-Support Dwyer Anna M V Kinneysteven H Jr-Support Tedesco-Wray Cindy V Dawson Justin-Support Monroe County Children & Youth Services V Elwine Erica-Support Monroe County Children & Youth Services V Mendelsohn Nicholas Sr-Support McPherson Lynnelle V Dawkins Daryl Lloyd-Support Beck Jessica L V Beck Jason M-Support Newell Janell E V Wright Andrew J-Support Zaman Monika V Khalid Zaman-Support Paust Jennifer V Paust Nicholas-Support Babcock Gina M V Babcock Steven J-Support CUSTODY and VISITATION Schwenk Samantha V Andrews Brandon-Custody and Visitation Dejesus Roberto V Santana Jessica Y-Custody and Visitation Myers Mavis V Martin Mandisa-Custody and Visitation Barragan Juan V Kuelyshie Krystal-Custody and Visitation Gonzalez Leslie M V Martinez Christopher J-Custody and Visitation Young Monica D V Fritz Nicholas S Labar Ashley SCustody and Visitation Garcia John-Jay V Rodriguez Tanya MartinezCustody and Visitation PLAINTIFF V DEFENDANT JUDGEMENTS DEFAULT JUDGEMENT PRAECIPE FOR JUDGEMENT JUDGMENT ON TRANSCRIPT CIVIL APPEALS: ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES CIVIL APPEALS: JUDICIAL APPEALS WRIT of REVIVAL 84 Lumber Company LP V Crestwood Homes & Restoration LLC Hartshorn Gary A as Personal Guarantor-Writ of Revival-$71,122.29 2015-06337-Peralta Francis V Kromer Joseph T/A Price Lawncare & Landscaping-Writ of Revival 1- p g MONROE LEGAL REPORTER y $61,536.01 CERTIFIED COPY LIENS Commonwealth of PA Dept of Labor & Industry V Mt Pocono Transportation Inc-Cert Copy of Lien$2,936.32 Commonwealth of PA Dept of Revenue V Reilly Shayna L-Cert Copy of Lien-$1,277.76 Commonwealth of PA Dept of Revenue V Dougher Victor J-Cert Copy of Lien-$1,252.17 Commonwealth of PA Dept of Labor & Industry V Gomez Miguel-Cert Copy of Lien-$1,201.70 Commonwealth of PA Dept of Labor & Industry V Friends Food Service LLC Trading as Bonos PizzaCert Copy of Lien FEDERAL TAX LIENS IRS Dept of the Treasury V Eight Wonder of the Poconos Inc A Corporation-Federal Tax Lien$3,159.43 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Lambert Michael J-Federal Tax Lien-$24,276.11 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Bailey Shawn Romey Tiffanie-Federal Tax Lien-$30,523.07 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Iwanowski John JrFederal Tax Lien-$1,069.96 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Bower Christie E-Federal Tax Lien-$5,109.55 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Gschwend Paul A-Federal Tax Lien-$8,214.07 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Gschwend Paul A Gschwend Kristen R-Federal Tax Lien-$23,959.78 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Pocono Brewing Co Inc A Corporation-Federal Tax Lien-$24,506.26 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Seese Jay H-Federal Tax Lien-$3,332.14 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Romano Kevin Romano Kara-Federal Tax Lien-$56,723.05 IRS Dept of the Treasury V Woodley Carolyn-Federal Tax Lien-$63,198.46 MUNICIPAL LIENS Tobyhanna Township V Fiergang Arnold JeanMunicipal Lien-$1,362.19 LIEN FOR FINE MECHANIC LIEN CLAIM WAIVER of LIENS MISCELLANEOUS GRANTOR/GRANTEE Sox, George Maturin/No Name Listed/Excopies Citizens Bank N A/Gitch, Josephine V/Sat Mount Airy #1 L L C/Wilmington Trust National Association/Arnt Mount Airy #1 L L C/Wilmington Trust National Association/Ucc1 JPMorgan Chase Bank N A/Curry, Patrick/Sat Russin, Gary/United States Bankruptcy Court For the Middle District of Pennsylvania/Ccorder Rusk, Jonathan M/No Name Listed/Certn First Niagara Bank N A/George, Richard/Sat Widdoss, Todd B/No Name Listed/Inhtax Andrews, Mary E/No Name Listed/Certn Smith, Charles/No Name Listed/Inhtax TD Bank N A/Leonard, Frances E III/Sat Barbaro, Pamela J/No Name Listed/Will Mount Airy #1 L L C/Wilmington Trust National Association/Amen First Northern Bank and Trust Co/Pavese Realty LLC/Agre Lapin, Suzanne C/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania/Notr 43 Ritter, Alice Burrowes/No Name Listed/Inhtax Parker, John H Jr/Parker, John H Jr/Maps Petracca, Joseph/No Name Listed/Excopies Heid, Robert T/No Name Listed/Will Ziegler, Tressa W/No Name Listed/Certn Vosper, Warren H/No Name Listed/Stato Dellaria, James/ESSA Bank & Trust/Arnt Citimortgage Inc/Bridges, Monica D/Sat Campeotto, William Richard/No Name Listed/Inhtax PNC Bank National Association/Montz, William C/Sat Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/Cutaia, Nina/Sat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Drennan, Robert/Sat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Holmes, Kevin T/Sat Wells Fargo Bank N A/Jones, Harold E/Sat Posluszny, Eileen C/No Name Listed/Statf Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Rajwa, Mohandas/Sat Bank of America N A/Thompson, Nigel/Sat Sappington, Elspeth M/No Name Listed/Statf Bank of America N A/Papa, Gerald F/Sat Bank of America N A/Geis, Matthew C/Sat Hardy, Dwight/Hardy, Makeeda/Powr Borger, Helen M/No Name Listed/Addpro Murray, John B/No Name Listed/Addpro Shiley, Ralph A/No Name Listed/Will Mullikin, Elaine M/No Name Listed/Inhtax Bank of America N A/Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC/Powr National Penn Bank/Thorpe, Stephen J/Sat Suntrust Mortgage Inc/Nonnemacher, Matthew S/Sat Vroom, Barbara A/Vroom, Warren R/Powr Bryn Mawr Trust Company/Sherbinko, Thomas J Jr/Sat Cohen, Gerald/No Name Listed/Invent DG Strategic II LLC/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania/Misc DG Strategic II LLC/DG Strategic II LLC/Dec Zaremba Group/Zaremba Group/Maps Zaremba Group/Zaremba Group/Maps Zaremba Group/Zaremba Group/Maps Midatlantic Farm Credit Aca/Kramer, Christine L/Powr 505 Holdings LP/Wilmington Trust National Association/Ucc3amnd Springer, Jeffrey V/Springer, Katherine E/Powr National Penn Bank/Paleno, Francis T Jr/Sat National Penn Bank/Olsen, David A/Sat Springleaf Financial Services of Pennsylvania Inc/Anglero, Peter J R/Sat Williams, Robert L/No Name Listed/Nwdc Ponte, Joseph/No Name Listed/Statf Mullen, Jeffrey Reed/No Name Listed/Inhtax Head, Ronald R Sr/Head, Ronald R Jr/Rvoc Bombaggio, Lynne M/No Name Listed/Notcert Bresset, James J/No Name Listed/Notcert Nulty, Nancy G/No Name Listed/Notcert Anderson, Diane/No Name Listed/Notcert Jolly, Michael Allan/No Name Listed/Notcert Murphy, Rosemarie A/No Name Listed/Notcert Bridge, Steven F/No Name Listed/Notcert Keiper, Francis Walter/No Name Listed/Notcert Wright, James M/No Name Listed/Notcert Ebright, Harold/No Name Listed/Notcert Katz, Florence/No Name Listed/Notcert Brugler, Oliver Stanley/No Name Listed/Notcert Lapoint, David B/First Keystone Community Bank/Ucc3cont Shiley, Ralph A/No Name Listed/Certn Kron, Jeanne/Kron, John S/Powr Wilmington Trust National Association/Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Powr Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Carpio, Francisco A/Sat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Mckeown, Charles F/Sat Lurch, John W/No Name Listed/Will Deihl, David C/No Name Listed/Will Sanderson, Carol A/Holtel, Brad/Powr 44 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER , , Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Martin, PNC Mortgage/Fardella, Blaine/Sat Hugh/Rele First Niagara Bank N A/Zacharias, Nevin/Sat Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Lamprey, Wells Fargo Bank N A/Marques, Antonio/Sat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Robert/Rele Inc/Talipov, Shukri T/Sat Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Church, Buffone, Luigi/No Name Listed/Will George A Jr/Rele Boyer, Lois M/No Name Listed/Will Smith, Mary V/No Name Listed/Invoice Heck, Jeffrey W/No Name Listed/Will Catalano, Salvatore J/CXA-1 6 Corporation/Asig Fisher, Sr., Paul M/No Name Listed/Will Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Perez, First Keystone Community Bank/Peterson, Scott Ramon A/Sat F/Sat Zabriskie, John Edward/No Name Listed/Will First Keystone Community Bank/Krieger, Roger P/Sat PNC Bank National Association/Jennings, Leroy/Sat First Keystone Community Bank/Peterson, Scott Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems F/Sat Inc/ORourke, Laurie M/Sat First Keystone Community Bank/Beers, Wayne A/Sat Pocono Community Bank/Macwilliams, Wayne/Sat Nicoletti, Frank/Borzio, Angelo F Jr/Sat MORTGAGE Laguardia, James V/No Name Listed/Notcert GRANTOR/GRANTEE Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Mount Airy #1 L L C/Wilmington Trust National AssoInc/Gorman, James/Sat ciation Aichele, Robert K Jr/Diamond Resorts Internatinal Mount Airy #1 L L C/Wilmington Trust National Association/Amor Marketing Inc/Powr Ramdeo, Premraj D/Mortgage Electronic Registration LaGuardia, James V/No Name Listed/Notstat Systems Inc PNC Mortgage/Zimmer, Greta L/Sat Wilmington Trust Company/Select Portfolio Servicing Yampolsky, Igor/Pentagon Federal Credit Union Baroudi, Antoine/Td Bank N A Inc/Powr Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Hunter, James/ESSA Bank & Trust Nunez, Alexander Sr/Mortgage Electronic RegistraInc/Adams, Tammy A/Sat tion Systems Inc Christiana Trust/OCWEN Loan Servicing LLC/Powr Powell, Glenn M/Mortgage Electronic Registration Katz, Florence/No Name Listed/Certn Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Systems Inc Hardy, Pamela/Wells Fargo Bank N A Inc/Cuevas, Heriberto E/Sat Whyte, Willet W/Bethpage Federal Credit Union Marchese, Janet S/No Name Listed/Affidav Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Keen, Mian, Zeeshan K/Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc Cynthia A/Sat Normando, Raffaele/Mortgage Electronic Registration Larsh, Jeanette/No Name Listed/Inhtax Systems Inc/Modm Lossmann, Frank J/No Name Listed/Inhtax Nasca, Gary S Jr/Mortgage Electronic Registration Gelien, Nancy Alice/No Name Listed/Inhtax Systems Inc JPMorgan Chase Bank N A/Rivera, Rodrigo/Sat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Camporeale, Robert J/Mortgage America Inc Klinger, Robert Thomas Jr/Cole, Horace S Inc/Sanders, James L/Sat Diaz, Julio A/Peoples Security Bank and Trust ComSydelnik, Gregor/No Name Listed/Statf pany Minchilli, Louise D/No Name Listed/Certn Meizanis, Christine L/Commonwealth of Dellaria, James/ESSA Bank & Trust Cole, Robert A/Home Loan Investment Bank F S B Pennsylvania/Notr Pavone, Eugene A/Mortgage Electronic Registration JPMorgan Chase Bank N A/Henderson, Geraldine/Sat Peoples Security Bank and Trust Systems Inc Pavone, Eugene A/Green Tree Servicing LLC/Subm Company/Delgrosso, Michael S/Sat Lesniewski, Thomas A/PSECU Peoples Security Bank and Trust Company/Hund, Latshaw, Jane L/Branch Banking and Trust Company William/Sat Dunning, Richard E/Cole, Horace S Peoples Security Bank and Trust Company/Wilusz, Doci, Zhaneta/Mortgage Electronic Registration SysRichard F/Sat tems Inc Peoples Security Bank and Trust Company/Potcher, Mitchell, Esther C/American Financial Resources Brian/Sat Inc/Modm Peoples Security Bank and Trust Company/Potcher, Mitchell, Esther C/Secretary of Housing and Urban Brian/Trms Development Gilman, Steve/No Name Listed/Will U S Bank Trust National Association/Sn Servicing Kaye, Christopher C/Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc Corporation/Powr Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Wolf, Robert A II/ESSA Bank & Trust Knecht, Donna M/ESSA Bank & Trust Inc/Rothweiler, Lawrence N Jr/Sat Catanzaro, Donald/Mortgage Electronic Registration PNC Bank National Association/Neifert, William G/Sat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Systems Inc Hardy, Dwight/Oliver, Joseph Inc/McGovern, Michael F/Sat Fernandez, Elias J/Mortgage Electronic Registration Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company/Trapani, Systems Inc Louis/Sat Hunt, Regina A/Mortgage Electronic Registration SysHome Loan Investment Bank/Cole, Robert A/Sat tems Inc Smith, Mary V/No Name Listed/Inhtax Hilsky, Louis A Jr/Mortgage Electronic Registration Wexelblatt, Henry Craig/No Name Listed/Inhtax Systems Inc 581 Associates LLC/First Bank/Arnt Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Hueth, Den- Albelli Properties LLC/Lopatovsky, Karen A Rivera, Michelle/Mortgage Electronic Registration nis W/Rele Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Kea, Sybil Systems Inc Kuehn, Michael/Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania K/Rele Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Borys, Dan- Varricchio, Joseph J/Wells Fargo Bank N A Bowman, Robert J/Keystone Nazareth Bank and iel F/Rele Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Guillory, Trust Company/Modm Chun, Yoon-Taek/National Penn Bank Brenda/Rele Woodbridge Mortgage Investment 1 LLC/Felcher, Vicari, Christopher M/Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc Dennis/Rele MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 45 p y, y Springer, Jeffrey V/Mortgage Electronic Registration Rivera, Ana G/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company/Asgn Systems Inc Ivelissa/Federal National Mortgage Palazzo, James J/Mortgage Electronic Registration Abreu, Association/Asgn Systems Inc Matos, Angel/Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Gabbidon, Michael/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn tems Inc Zalek, Dawn Kowalchuk/Residential Credit Solutions Telalyan, Tina/JPMorgan Chase Bank N A Inc/Asgn Kron, John S/ESSA Bank & Trust Linda/Federal National Mortgage Ames, Rebecca L/Pennsylvania State Employees Stanton, Association/Asgn Credit Union Trani, Vincent Jr/Secretary of Housing and Urban De- Williams, Robert L/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn velopment Ford, H Vincent/American Contractors Indemnity Tirado, Eddie Jr/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn Company Erwin/Federal National Mortgage Henion, Albert W/Mortgage Electronic Registration Patterson, Association/Asgn Systems Inc Gifford, Christopher/Mortgage Electronic Registration U S Bank N A/Hammonds, Shalana/Relm Fanelli, Daniel G/Federal National Mortgage Systems Inc Defazio, Stephanie/Mortgage Electronic Registration Association/Asgn Systems Inc Pinto, Nicole/Quicken Loans Inc/Asgn Lewis, Jerome J/First Keystone Community Bank Gjonbaliq, Faruk/Wilmington Trust National Kossin, Nan S/Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Association/Asgn Hagerty, Terry A/NNPL Trust Series 2012-1 /Asgn tems Inc Vanhorn, Robert S/Residential Credit Solutions Stack, Patricia/One Reverse Mortgage LLC Inc/Asgn Zamoshets, Yevgenia/JPMorgan Chase Bank N A Layne, Joseph H/Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Asgn Conforto, Richard M/Wells Fargo Bank N A Molhoop, Melvin/Mortgage Electronic Registration Champion, Eric/Wells Fargo Bank NA/Asgn Krajewski, Joseph W/U S Bank National Systems Inc Healy, Matthew Sean/Mortgage Electronic Registra- Association/Asgn Daggett, Christopher J/JPMorgan Chase Bank Nation Systems Inc tional Association/Asgn Camus, Sergio/Wells Fargo Bank N A Selby, Tami/Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Huma, Baboucarr/JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association/Asgn tems Inc Hammond, Richard/Mortgage Electronic Registration Sawyer, Robert S/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company/Asgn Systems Inc Kresge, Eric R/Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Pindor, Robert/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company/Asgn tems Inc Guerin, David P/Mortgage Electronic Registration Soto, Angel L/Deutsche Bank National Trust Company/Asgn Systems Inc Drury, Jere/Federal National Mortgage Hinton, Timothy/National Penn Bank Association/Asgn Stanhope, Dennis/Huntington National Bank Rayford, George Sr/Mortgage Electronic Registration Frawley, Sandra C K/Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Asgn Systems Inc Vansant, John David Jr/Housing Opportunity Partners Jeffries, Gerald/Pennymac Loan Services LLC/Subm Newallo, Duane E/Mortgage Electronic Registration Reo LLC/Asgn Catalano, Salvatore J/CXA-16 Corporation/Asgn Systems Inc Pichardo, Sonero/Mortgage Electronic Registration Hoover, Steven/Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency/Asgn Systems Inc Guilmette, Peter M/First Northern Bank and Trust Co Zigman, Steven A/PNC Bank National Association Hatfield, David R/Wells Fargo Bank N A 581 Associates LLC/First Bank Miller, Robert E Jr/Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc Miller, Robert E Jr/Wells Fargo Bank NA/Subm McGraw, Ryan R/Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc Mountjoy, Patricia A/Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Asgn Hendershot, Dale E/Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Asgn Stout, Joseph R/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn Brzostowski, Martin/Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC/Asgn Scalice, Richard J/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc/Wollett, John/Relm Soto, Rosa N/Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Asgn Curry, Patrick/Chase Manhattan Bank/Asgn Griffin, James A/GCAT 2014-4 LLC/Asgn Morales, Rodrigo/GCAT 2014-4 LLC/Asgn Sanders, Lisa/GCAT 2014-4 LLC/Asgn Pinghero, Christopher H/GCAT 2014-4 LLC/Asgn Lagos, Guillermo/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn Saied, Jihad/OCWEN Loan Servicing LLC/Asgn Leonard, Marvin O Jr/Federal National Mortgage Association/Asgn Dawkins, Brenda M/Citimortgage Inc/Asgn Tengco, Myrna C/Citimortgage Inc/Asgn Philadelphia Federal Credit Union/Kelley, Robin/Relm 46 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER , p PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Joan Frances Bendel , late of East Stroudsburg, PA. Nichole Bendel and David Bendel, c/o George V. Troilo, Esq., Law Offices of Gregory J. Pagano, LLC, 1315 Walnut St., 12th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107, co-administrators. Law Office of Gregory J. Pagano, LLC 1315 Walnut St., 12th floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 PR - Sept. 4, Sept. 11, Sept. 18 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Jonathan M. Rusk, a/k/a Jonathan Matthew Rusk, a/k/a John Rusk , late of East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, deceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION in the abovenamed estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or her attorney within four (4) months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Orphans’ Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the county where notice may be given to claimant. Linda M. Rusk, Administratrix 221 Analomink St. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Newman, Williams, Mishkin, Corveleyn, Wolfe & Fareri, P.C. By: David L. Horvath, Esq. 712 Monroe St. P.O. Box 511 Stroudsburg, PA 18360-0511 PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF JOSEPH J. BACHSTATTER, late of Brodheadsville, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above-named Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or her attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Forty-third Judicial District, a particular statement of claim duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the County where notice may be given to claimant. Shana Hopeck, Executrix 96 Wentworth Dr. Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 Lori J. Cerato, Esq. 729 Sarah Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-3506 PR - Sept. 4, Sept. 11, Sept. 18 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Kathleen E. Bryant , Late of Stroud Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased July 11, 2015. Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate having been granted to the undersigned coexecutrices, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or their attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans’ Court Division, a particular , p statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimants. Kathleen Henderson 554 Main Street Landing, NJ 07850 Susan Jameson 16 Indian Lane Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Or to: Janet Jackson JacksonLaw, LLC 607 Monroe St. Stroudsburg, PA 18360 PR - Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Kathleen Ruth Sisco , late of 376 HTY Rd, Kunkletown, Polk Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or their attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans’ Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. Charlayne Ohland Sisco 74 Mark Dylan Drive Bangor, PA 18013 Norman Sisco 7645 Woodworth Road Seeley Lake, MT 59868 PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF LEE AURAND a/k/a LEEANN LYONS AURAND a/k/a LEEANN AURAND a/k/a LEEANN LYONS-AURAND , deceased Aug. 12, 2015, late of Effort, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or their attorney within four (4) months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe Cuonty, Orphans’ Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the county where notice may be given to claimant. Brian Waters and Carissa K. Wrightson, Co-Executors 1112 Red Pine Road Effort, PA 18330 JOHN J. McGEE, Esq. 400 Spruce St., Suite 302 Scranton, PA 18503 PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF MONIQUE WOLLYUNG , late of 47 Grandview Street, East Stroudsburg Borough, Monroe County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above-named Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims are directed to present the same, without delay, to the undersigned within four (4) months from the date hereof, and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Monroe County, Orphan’s Court Division, a particular state- 47 y, p , p MONROE LEGAL REPORTER ment of claim duly verified by an affidavit, setting 2564 Meadowlake Road forth an address within the County where notice may Sciota, PA 18354 be given to claimant. Robert M. Maskrey Jr., Esquire Patrick Richard Henley, Executor 27 North Sixth St. 1132 Cornwell Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Attorney for Estate LAW OFFICES OF PR - Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2 JAMES F. MARSH, ESQUIRE PUBLIC NOTICE 5333 Hickory Circle ESTATE NOTICE Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Estate of TRESSA W. ZEIGLER , late of Hamilton PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Whereas, Letters Testamentary in the above-named PUBLIC NOTICE Estate have been granted to JANET E. MAGROSKY ESTATE NOTICE a/k/a JANET MASON. All persons indebted to the Estate of PHYLLIS L. GOLDBERG, a/k/a Phyllis Lillian Goldberg , late of Albrightsville, Carbon Coun- said Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands to present ty, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above named estate them without delay to: having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Janet E. Magrosky indebted to the estate are requested to make immedi- a/k/a Janet Mason, Executrix ate payment, and those having claims are directed to 537 McIlhaney Road present the same without delay to the undersigned Stroudsburg, PA 18360 George W. Westervelt Jr., Esquire within four months from the date hereof and to file 706 Monroe Street with the Carbon County Court House, Jim Thorpe, PA P.O. Box 549 18229 a particular statement of claim, duly verified by Stroudsburg, PA 18360 an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County PR - Sept. 4, Sept. 11, Sept. 18 where notice may be given to Claimant. Lori S. Findley PUBLIC NOTICE 685 County Road 579 ESTATE NOTICE Pittstown, NJ 08867 IN RE: Joseph Heppa , late of Smithfield Township, PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 Monroe County, PA PUBLIC NOTICE Date of Death: June 4, 2015 ESTATE NOTICE Letters Testamentary have been granted to the unEstate of Raymond A. Francis Jr., deceased, late dersigned and request all persons having claims or of East Stroudburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. demands against the estate of said decedent to make Letters Testamentary have been granted to the un- known the same and all persons indebted to the dedersigned, who requests all persons having claims or cedent to make payment without delay to those demands against the Estate of the Decedent to make named below: known the same, and all persons indebted to the De- Carol Heppa cedent to make payments without delay to: 1109 Interchange Road Raymond A. Francis III, Administrator P.O. Box 640 or to his attorney: Kresgeville, PA 18333 Richard D. James, Esquire or her attorney 39 North Seventh St. Michael J. Garfield Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Route 903 Professional Bldg. 570-421-0860 P.O. Box 609 PR - Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2 Albrightsville, PA 18210 PR Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE OF Richard L. Hallett a/k/a Richard L. FICTITIOUS NAME Hallett Sr. , late of Paradise Township, PA (died June NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DUTCH CON20, 2013). Letters Testamentary of the Estate having STRUCTION, LLC with its principal place of business been granted to Susan Cofield. All persons knowing at East Stroudsburg, PA, has filed with the Departthemselves to be indebted to said Estate will make ment of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania payment immediately, and those having claims will at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as of Aug. 27, 2015, an present them for settlement to Susan Cofield, Execu- application for a certificate to do business under the trix, or to: assumed or fictitious name of RAINBOW INTERNATullio DeLuca, Attorney for Estate TIONAL OF EAST STROUDSBURG , said business 381 N. Ninth St. to be carried on at 333 Mt. Nebo Road, East StroudsScranton, PA 18504 burg, PA 18301. PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 Timothy B. Fisher II, Esq. Fisher & Fisher Law Offices, LLC PUBLIC NOTICE 3041 Route 940, Suite 107 ESTATE NOTICE Mt. Pocono, PA 18344 ESTATE OF ROBERT T. HEID , of Smithfield Town570-839-8690 ship, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY in the above-named Es- PR - Sept. 18 tate having been granted to the undersigned, filed at PUBLIC NOTICE No. 45-15-0448, all persons indebted to the estate are IN THE COURT OF directed to make immediate payment and those havCOMMON PLEAS OF ing claims are directed to present the same without MONROE COUNTY delay to the undersigned or her attorney within four FORTY THIRD (4) months from the date hereof and to file with the JUDICIAL DISTRICT Clerk of Courts of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Judicial District, Orphans’ Court Division, Monroe CIVIL ACTION County, Pennsylvania, a particular statement of claim NO. 8181-CIVIL-2014 duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address within the county where notice may be given to PNC Bank, National Association, Plaintiff vs. Edgar Collazo and Lisandra Collazo, Defendants Claimant. Christine M. Himler 48 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER , NOTICE OF SALE OF PUBLIC NOTICE REAL PROPERTY NAME CHANGE To: Lisandra Collazo , Defendant, whose last known Petitions were filed on Aug. 27, 2015 requesting an addresses are 176 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY order to change the last names of Julia Webster11215 and Lot 84, Fall Creek n/k/a 116 Michael Lane, Flatley and Alexander Webster-Flatley to WebJackson Township, Stroudsburg, PA 18360. ster. The court has ordered a hearing on this petition Your house (real estate) at Lot 84, Fall Creek n/k/a for Oct. 2, 2015 at 2 p.m. in Courtroom 6, Monroe 116 Michael Lane, Jackson Township, Stroudsburg, County Courthouse, Stroudsburg, PA. PA 18360, is scheduled to be sold at the Sheriff’s Sale All interested parties may appear and show cause, if on January 28, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Monroe any, why the request should not be granted. County Courthouse, Stroudsburg, PA, to enforce the Connie J. Merwine, Esquire court judgment of $160,342.20, obtained by Plaintiff 501 New Brodheadsville Blvd. N. above (the mortgagee) against you. If the sale is Brodheadsville, PA 18322 postponed, the property will be relisted for the Next PR - Sept. 18 Available Sale. Property Description: MONROE PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA: BEING KNOWN AS Lot 84 NOTICE OF ACTION IN Fall Creek n/k/a 116 Michael Lane, Jackson TownMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ship, Stroudsburg, PA 18360. PARCEL NUMBER: IN THE COURT OF 8/7B/1/84. PIN NUMBER: 08635203106978. IMCOMMON PLEAS OF PROVEMENTS: Residential Property. TITLE TO SAID MONROE COUNTY, PA PREMISES IS VESTED IN EDGAR COLLAZO AND CIVIL ACTION - LAW LISANDRA COLLAZO, HUSBAND AND WIFE BY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DEED FROM MARTIN BERLINSKI AND MARGARET CIVIL DIVISION BERLINSKI, HUSBAND AND WIFE AND MARK MONROE COUNTY WARGO AND DARA A. WARGO, HUSBAND AND No. 1049-CV-2015 WIFE DATED 09/03/2001 RECORDED 09/11/2011 IN DEED BOOK 2104 PAGE 2296. HAVING BEEN OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC ERECTED THEREON A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING. Plaintiff Udren Law Offices, P.C., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 111 vs. Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003; RAISA SCHILLING SCOTT GOLDSWORTHY 856.669.5400. Defendants PR - Sept. 18 NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE To RAISA SCHILLING and In the Court of Common Pleas SCOTT GOLDSWORTHY of Monroe County, PA You are hereby notified that on February 12, 2015, Civil Division Plaintiff, OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, filed a No. 6226 CIVIL 2014 Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a Yellow Jasmine Investment Partners, LLC, Plaintiff Notice to Defend, against you in the Court of Comv. mon Pleas of MONROE County Pennsylvania, Gregory P. Thomas, Defendant docketed to No. 1049-CV-2015. Wherein Plaintiff NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your OF REAL ESTATE property located at 6286 PARK PLACE, TOBYHANNA, To: Gregory P. Thomas PA 18466-3228 whereupon your property would be TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a Writ of Execution sold by the Sheriff of MONROE County. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe You are hereby notified to plead to the above referCounty, Pennsylvania, and to the Sheriff of Monroe enced Complaint on or before 20 days from the date County, directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale of this publication or a Judgment will be entered at the Monroe County Courthouse, Stroudsburg, PA against you. 18360 on Thursday, October 29, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., NOTICE the real estate known as 2626 Foxledge Drive, If you wish to defend, you must enter a written apTobyhanna, PA 18466, Tax Parcel No. 03/9D/1/203 pearance personally or by attorney and file your deand PIN No. 03635916933986, of which Defendant, fenses or objections in writing with the court. You are Gregory P. Thomas, is the owner or reputed owner. warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed The said Writ of Execution has been issued on a without you and a judgment may be entered against judgment in the above-captioned mortgage foreclo- you without further notice for the relief requested by sure action at Execution Number 6226 CIVIL 2014, in the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other the amount of $126,256.80. A copy of the Writ of Exe- rights important to you. cution is located in the Prothonotary’s Office. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS NOTICE TO YOUR LAWYOU MAY BE ABLE TO PREVENT THIS SHERYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER, GO IFF’S SALE TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BETo prevent this Sheriff’s Sale, you must take immedi- LOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORate action. The sale will be cancelled if you pay to the MATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. mortgagee the back payments, late charges, costs IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, and reasonable attorneys’ fees due. THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH To find out how much you must pay, you may call: INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER (412) 281-4333. You may be able to stop the sale by LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REfiling a petition asking the Court to strike or open the DUCED FEE OR NO FEE. judgment, if the judgment was improperly entered. Find a Lawyer Program: You may also ask the Court to postpone the sale for Monroe County Bar Association good cause. You may also be able to stop the sale 913 Main Street through other legal proceedings. You may need an at- P.O. Box 786 torney to assert your rights. The sooner you contact Stroudsburg, PA 18360 one, the more chance you will have of stopping the Telephone (570) 424-7288 sale. Fax (570) 424-8234 Matthew R. Lubniewski, Esquire PR - Sept. 18 McGrath McCall, P.C. Telephone: (412) 281-4333 Attorneys for Plaintiff PR - Sept. 18 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY, PA CIVIL ACTION - LAW NO. 3212-CV-2012 Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania, Plaintiff vs. Zeenule Baksh, Defendant NOTICE TO: Zeenule Baksh , Defendant, whose last known addresses are 1424 Mountain Road a/k/a 613 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, PA 18210 and 4101 Gardner Ridge Drive, Apt. C, Gastonia, NC 28056. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TAKE NOTICE that the real estate located at 1424 Mountain Road a/k/a 613 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, PA 18210, is scheduled to be sold at Sheriff’s Sale on OCTOBER 29, 2015 at 10:00 A.M., in the Monroe County Courthouse, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania to enforce the court judgment of $161,649.83, obtained by Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania (the mortgagee). Property Description: Prop. sit in the Township of Tunkhannock, Monroe County, PA. Front: 125 ft., Depth: 195 ft. BEING prem.: 1424 Mountain Road a/k/a 613 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, PA. Tax Parcel: #20/8E/1/162; Pin #20632103443150. Improvements consist of residential property. Sold as the property of Zeenule Baksh. TERMS OF SALE: The purchaser at sale must pay the full amount of his/her bid by two o’clock P.M. on the day of the sale, and if complied with, a deed will be tendered by the Sheriff at the next Court of Common Pleas for Monroe County conveying to the purchaser all the right, title, interest and claim which the said defendant has in and to the said property at the time of levying the same. If the above conditions are not complied with on the part of the purchaser, the property will again be offered for sale by the Sheriff at three o’clock P.M., on the same day. The said purchaser will be held liable for the deficiencies and additional costs of said sale. TAKE NOTICE that a Schedule of Distribution will be filed by the Sheriff on a date specified by the Sheriff not later than thirty (30) days after sale. Distribution will be made in accordance with the schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within 10 days after the filing of the schedule. Gregory Javardian, Atty. for Plaintiff 1310 Industrial Blvd. 1st Fl., Ste. 101 Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 942-9690 PR - Sept. 18 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that J P Business Consulting Inc. , a Pennsylvania corporation having its principal office at 8608 Twin Lake Drive, Kunkletown, PA 18058 intends to file Articles of Dissolution with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of 1988, Act of December 21, 1988, P.L. 1444, No. 177, as amended, and that the said corporation is winding up its affairs in the manner prescribed by said law, so that its corporate existence shall be terminated upon the filing of the Articles of Dissolution with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C. 4001 Schoolhouse Lane P.O. Box 219 Center Valley, PA 18034-0219 PR - Sept. 18 49 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY, PA NO. 2451 CV-2014 PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC Vs. GERALD FUSNER, SR and JOYCE FUSNER NOTICE TO: GERALD FUSNER, SR a/k/a GERALD W. FUSNER, SR. and JOYCE FUSNER a/k/a JOYCE M. FUSNER NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Being Premises: 36 WOOD VIEW ROAD, A/K/A 1256 WOOD VIEW ROAD, KUNKLETOWN, PA 180587326 Being in ELDRED TOWNSHIP, County of MONROE, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 06/6/2/4 TAX PIN: 06623502584711 Improvements consist of residential property. Sold as the property of GERALD FUSNER, SR and JOYCE FUSNER Your house (real estate) at 36 WOOD VIEW ROAD, A/K/A 1256 WOOD VIEW ROAD, KUNKLETOWN, PA 18058-7326 is scheduled to be sold at the Sheriff’s Sale on 10/29/2015 at 10:00 AM, at the MONROE County Courthouse, 610 Monroe Street, #303, Stroudsburg, PA 18360-2115, to enforce the Court Judgment of $206,673.00 obtained by, PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC (the mortgagee), against the above premises. PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, LLP Attorney for Plaintiff PR - Sept. 18 PUBLIC NOTICE TRUST NOTICE MARY M. KOSMERL, Grantor and Trustee of the Mary M. Kosmerl Revocable Living Trust , late of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Charles D. Kosmerl, the undersigned, is Successor Trustee. All persons indebted to the Trust are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Forty-third Judicial District, a particular statement of claim duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the County where notice may be given to claimant. Charles D. Kosmerl 43 Regatta Way Napa, CA 94559 Lori J. Cerato, Esq. 729 Sarah Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-3506 PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 50 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY FORTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA CARMEN ECHEVARRIA, Plaintiff VS RAMON ECHEVARRIA, Defendant NO. 381 DR 2006 NO. 2004 CIVIL 2006 DIVORCE-POST NUPTIAL AGREEMENT-SPECIAL RELIEF-MODIFICATIONCONSIDERATION 1. Postnuptial agreements are considered as contracts, and as such, are governed by contract laws. 2. Spouses should be bound by the terms of their agreement unless there is a finding of fraud, misrepresentation or duress. 3. A contract can be modified with the assent of both contracting parties if the modification is supported by consideration. 4. A written agreement which provides that parties intend to be legally bound by its terms is enforceable even without consideration. Aaron M. DeAngelo, Esquire Erik J. Conrad, Esquire Jennifer Harlacher Sibum, J., January 26, 2015 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 51 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY FORTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA CARMEN ECHEVARRIA, Plaintiff vs. RAMON ECHEVARRIA, Defendant : : : : : : : : : No. 318 DR 2006 No. 2004 Civil 2006 IN DIVORCE PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AND SECOND PETITION FOR SPECIAL RELIEF OPINION This matter comes before us on Plaintiff’s first and second Petition for Special Relief. Plaintiff filed her first Petition for Special Relief on April 21, 2014 and her second Petition for Special Relief on September 23, 2014. Since both petitions involve the same facts and issues, we will address them collectively. The relevant facts concerning this case can be summarized as follows. Carmen and Ramon Echevarria were married on July 31, 1981 and divorced on August 25, 2006. On March 11, 2006, the parties entered into a Post-Nuptial Agreement (hereinafter “2006 Agreement”) outlining the rights and obligations incident to the divorce. The parties owned three properties which were distributed under the 2006 Agreement: (1) the marital residence; (2) the business premises located at 606-610 Jackson Avenue, Bronx, New York; and (3) a building located at 1001 Findlay Avenue, Bronx, New York. With respect to the division of the foregoing, the 2006 Agreement provides that Plaintiff will relinquish her interest in the marital residence and the business premises “contingent upon” Defendant’s cash payments of 1 52 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER $37,500 and $25,000 subject to a payment scheme outlined in Paragraph 16 of the 2006 Agreement, which provides: 16. Cash Payments. Wife relinquishes her interest in the marital premises and other assets distributed to Husband in consideration of a cash payment of $37,500.00 to be made within twenty-four (24) hours of unrestricted delivery of the deed. (a) if Husband sells house or refinances mortgage, payment is to be made immediately following closing. (b) if Husband retains house [,] payment is to be made within two (2) years of date of execution of this Agreement. Wife relinquishes her interest in the business premises and other assets distributed to Husband in consideration of a second cash payment of $25,000 to be made within twenty-four (24) hours of either: (a) the Husband’s sale, distribution, assignment, or transfer by any means of any significant part of the business known as Echevarria General Contracting Corp.; (b) If Husband retains the business premises, payment is to be made within five (5) years of the date of execution of this Agreement. $15,000 is to be paid to Carmen Echevarria, in trust for Maria Valasquez; and $10,000 to be paid directly to Carmen Echevarria for a total of $25,000. Plaintiff argues that Defendant has not complied with the terms of the 2006 Agreement. In her first petition for special relief, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant has failed to make timely payments of the $37,500 owed to her under the 2006 Agreement. While Plaintiff acknowledges that Defendant has paid the principal sum in full over time, Plaintiff contends that she is entitled to interest at the legal rate of 6% on the unpaid balance from date of execution of the 2006 Agreement. Taking into account the payments Defendant has made to her throughout the years, Plaintiff argues that Defendant owes her $16,002.50 in interest. In her second Petition, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant has similarly failed to make timely payments towards the $25,000 owed to her under the 2006 Agreement. Plaintiff alleges that the $25,000 became due on 2 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 53 March 11, 2011 and that Plaintiff has failed to pay the amount in full. As such, Plaintiff argues that she is entitled to the unpaid principal, interest, attorney fees and costs. Defendant, on the other hand, argues that the 2006 Agreement was later modified on September 18, 2013. According to Defendant’s testimony, the parties went to a local notary public to finalize a letter agreement (“Letter Agreement”) modifying the terms of the original post-nuptial agreement. Defendant asserts that under the Letter Agreement, his obligations with respect to alimony, child support, legal fees, the 1999 Buick Century, and the property located at 242 Rhapsody Run, East Stroudsburg, PA were fully satisfied following Defendant’s no-interest payment of $10,000 paid in 32 monthly installments beginning on October 1, 2013 to May 1, 2016. [Defendant’s Exhibit 1]. Additionally, the parties agree that Defendant also provided a vehicle to Plaintiff valued at $4000 for which Defendant shall receive credit against his obligations under the agreement. Upon review of all pleadings, evidence and testimony presented at the hearing, we are now prepared to decide the matter. DISCUSSION It is well-established that agreements between married parties are presumed to be valid. See In Re Ratoney’s Estate, 277 A.2d 791 (1971). “The determination of marital property rights through prenuptial, postnuptial and settlement agreements has long been permitted, and even encouraged.” Laudig v. Laudig, 425 Pa.Super. 228, 624 A.2d 651, 653 (1993). Postnuptial agreements are considered as contracts, and as such, are governed by contract law. Simeone v. Simeone, 525 Pa. 392, 400, 581 A.2d 162, 165 (1990). Generally, the principles that govern antenuptial agreements are also applicable to postnuptial agreements. Lugg v. Lugg, 64 A.3d 3 54 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 1109 (Pa. Super. 2013). Spouses should be bound by the terms of their agreement unless there is a finding of fraud, misrepresentation, or duress. See McMahon v. McMahon, 612 A.2d 1360, 1363 (1992). It is the intent of the parties that governs the interpretation of the agreement. Zlotziver v. Zlotziver, 49 A.2d 779 (1946). To accomplish this goal, “each and every party of [the contract] must be taken into consideration and given effect, if possible, and the intention of the parties must be ascertained from the entire instrument.” In order to ascertain the intention of the parties, “the court may take into consideration the surrounding circumstances, the situation of the parties, the objects they apparently have in view, and the nature of the subjectmatter of the agreement.” The court will adopt an interpretation that is most reasonable and probable bearing in mind the objects which the parties intended to accomplish through the agreement. Laudig v. Laudig, 624 A.2d 651, 653 (1993) (internal citations omitted). Here, the intent of the parties expressed in the 2006 Agreement is clear and unequivocal. In dividing their financial obligations and property rights, the parties intended that Defendant would retain the parties’ marital premises, the business premises, and the building property located in Bronx, New York. In consideration for Plaintiff’s relinquishment of her rights with respect to the marital and business properties, Plaintiff is entitled to two payments of $37,500 and $25,000 respectively. However, Defendant argues that the 2006 Agreement was later modified by the September 18, 2013 Letter Agreement and that he has satisfied his obligations to Plaintiff under the terms of that Agreement. As such, we must determine whether the 2013 Letter Agreement modified the parties’ 2006 Agreement. A contract can be modified with the assent of both contracting parties if the modification is supported by consideration. Wilcox v. Regester, 207 A.2d 817, 821 (1965). It is a 4 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 55 well-settled principle of contract law that an agreement unsupported by consideration is nudum pactum and void. Under Pennsylvania law, however, a written agreement which provides that parties “intend to be legally bound” by its terms is enforceable even without consideration. 33 P.S. § 6. The Uniform Written Obligations Act provides – [a] written release or promise, hereafter made and signed by the person releasing or promising, shall not be invalid or unenforceable for lack of consideration, if the writing also contains an additional express statement, in any form of language, that the signer intends to be legally bound. 33 P.S. § 6. Thus, in Kay v. Kay, 334 A.2d 585 (1975), the court held that even though no consideration passed to the husband in exchange for his promise to pay his wife support payments pursuant to a separation agreement, the agreement was enforceable because it included a clause stating that husband intended to be legally bound by its terms. After careful review of the Letter Agreement, we conclude that it is unenforceable for lack of consideration. The Letter Agreement modifies Defendant’s payment obligations under the 2006 Post-Nuptial Agreement by lowering the balance to $10,000. In addition, the Letter Agreement includes a payment scheme requiring Defendant to pay in monthly installments of $312.50 for 32 months. It does not, however, contain a provision pertaining to any consideration passing to Plaintiff in exchange for the modification. Defendant receives the benefit of a reduced obligation and a payment plan, while Plaintiff does not receive anything in return. Plaintiff testified that she received a phone call from Defendant telling her to meet with him at the notary public’s office and once there, she was told to sign the documents. While the presence of counsel would have greatly benefitted Plaintiff that afternoon, we nevertheless find that the Letter Agreement was unsupported by consideration and therefore unenforceable. 5 56 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER We further find that the Letter Agreement does not meet the requirements under the Uniform Written Obligations Act to rectify the lack of consideration. Prior to the parties’ signature, the Letter Agreement states “[i]f the above correctly expresses your understanding of the terms reached during our negotiations, please sign and date this Letter of Agreement.” While the Uniform Written Obligations Act does not require an exact phrasing, it does require words sufficient enough to show that the signatory did in fact intend to be legally bound. See Premium Management, Inc. v. Contakos, 55 Wes.C.L.J. 183 (1973). Here, the phrase “correctly expresses your understanding of the terms reached during our negotiations” does not sufficiently convey the parties’ intent to be legally bound by the agreement. Simply “understanding the terms” of the agreement does not mean that one agrees to be legally bound by it. Therefore, we find that the Letter Agreement does not comply with the requirements of the Uniform Written Obligations Act, thereby rendering the Letter Agreement void for lack of consideration. Thus, we conclude that the 2006 Agreement remains unmodified and enforceable. Having found that the 2006 Agreement stands unmodified, we must now determine the amount owed by Defendant. Under paragraph 16 of the 2006 Agreement, Defendant was to make two payments in consideration for Plaintiff’s relinquishment of her interest in the marital and business properties. First, Defendant must make a $37,500 payment to Plaintiff in exchange for Plaintiff’s interest in the marital residence within “twenty-four (24) hours of unrestricted delivery of the deed.” That paragraph further provides that payment was due immediately if Defendant sold the home or within two (2) years of the date of execution of the Agreement if Defendant retained the home. Upon review of these provisions, we find that 6 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 57 Defendant, having retained the marital residence, was obligated to pay the $37,500 on or before March 11, 2008, two years after the execution of the 2006 Agreement. Having determined the date by which Defendant was required to pay Plaintiff the $37,500, we must next determine what interest, if any, is due to Plaintiff on account of untimely payment. Plaintiff testified that Defendant paid the $37,500 in payments made over time. In Plaintiff’s Exhibit 2, Plaintiff appears to concede that she received $38,628.00 from Defendant on or before April 4, 2014. However, in reviewing the evidence of record, we find that Plaintiff has failed to present sufficient evidence of the dates and amounts of the periodic payments made to her by Defendant. As such, we are unable to calculate what interest would be due to Plaintiff under the terms of the 2006 Agreement with respect to the $37,500. Accordingly, Plaintiff’s first Petition for Special Relief will be denied. Turning to Plaintiff’s Second Petition for Special Relief, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant has failed to timely pay the $25,000 owed to her under the 2006 Agreement. Under that Agreement, Defendant was required to make a $10,000 cash payment to Plaintiff and a $15,000 payment in trust for Plaintiff’s mother in consideration for Plaintiff’s relinquishment of her rights with respect to the other business properties. Under paragraph 16, if Defendant retains the business, the amount owed would be due five years from the date of the Agreement. However, Defendant’s company has since been dissolved and the 2006 Agreement fails to address what happens upon the company’s dissolution. Thus, we find that the total payment of $25,000 was due on March 11, 2011, five years after the date of execution of the 2006 Agreement. To date, Defendant has not made any payments toward the $15,000 in trust for Plaintiff’s mother. We find that Defendant is obligated to pay the principal amount of $15,000 to 7 58 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER be held in trust for Maria Valasquez, and interest at the legal rate from March 11, 2011. Defendant, however, has made several payments totaling $8,823.98 towards the $10,000 amount due to Plaintiff.1 Defendant is thus obligated to pay the remaining balance of $1,176.02, plus interest at the legal rate from March 11, 2011. Accordingly, we enter the following Order. 1 Defendant has made a $1,500 payment on 12/1/2013 and 11 payments of $302.18 thereafter. Defendant has also provided a $4000 vehicle to Plaintiff, which is also being credited towards the $10,000 amount due. [Plaintiff’s Exh. 2]. 8 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER 59 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY FORTY-THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA CARMEN ECHEVARRIA, Plaintiff vs. RAMON ECHEVARRIA, Defendant : : : : : : : : : No. 318 DR 2006 No. 2004 Civil 2006 IN DIVORCE PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AND SECOND PETITION FOR SPECIAL RELIEF ORDER AND NOW, this _____ day of January, 2015, upon consideration of Plaintiff’s first and second Petition for Special Relief, evidence and testimony presented in this matter, it is Ordered as follows: 1. Plaintiff’s first Petition for Special Relief is DENIED. 2. Plaintiff’s second Petition for Special Relief is GRANTED. Defendant is directed to pay $15,000 to Plaintiff in trust for Maria Valasquez, plus interest at the legal rate of six percent (6%) from March 11, 2011. Defendant is further directed to pay the remaining balance of $1,176.02 to Plaintiff, plus interest at the legal rate from March 11, 2011, plus attorney fees in the amount of $500 and costs. 3. The Letter Agreement dated September 18, 2013 is declared void for lack of consideration. BY THE COURT: 9 Jennifer Harlacher Sibum ___________________________________ JENNIFER HARLACHER SIBUM, J. cc: Aaron M. DeAngelo, Esq. Erik J. Conrad, Esq. JHS2015.003 60 MONROE LEGAL REPORTER Do you need to Find A Lawyer? Log on to: Click on "Find A Lawyer" $25 for up to 30 minute consultation (*Contact information must be entered when prompted to obtain this reduced fee consultation) Or Call us at 570.424.7288 Provided by the Monroe County Bar Association 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 The Monroe County Bar Association 913 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA will be CLOSED on Monday Oct. 12,th 2015 In observance of Columbus Day