Study on Sandstorm`s Impact on Environment


Study on Sandstorm`s Impact on Environment
TPM 5 - Session 4 Review of TPM Activities and Collaboration in the Future
The Fifth Tripartite Presidents Meeting among NIES,NIER and CRAES
Study on Sandstorm’s
Impact on Environment
Prof.Yunjiang Yu
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
The existing DSS research of China
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Project Implementation Schedule
Cooperative ways
Research on the sandstorm’s source, transportation, deposition,
metamorphose and transformation
Establish early-alarm system of sandstorm’s impact on environment
Study on sandstorm source’s impact on human health under uncertain factors,
Improve China-Japan-Korea communication in the field of sandstorm’s impact
on environment , setting up long-term effective cooperative system
The existing DSS research of China
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of sandstorm,China(1954-2000)
Fig2. The total number of sandstorm days from 1954 to 2000
in China
During the passed 47 years, the emergence of
sandstorms showed a descending trend , which is better
than that during the 1950s-1960s. In 1970s the declining
situation reached its lowest point in 1997. After 1997,dust
storms showed an increasing trend again.
From National tenth five-year plan science and technology key project , Project Number:2001-BA608B-09
The existing DSS research of China
Monitoring and forecasting/early warning
The situation in China is complicated as many different agencies and institutions
maintain monitoring networks within the nation. Most of them were not specifically
set up to monitor DSS but many stations collect data that is relevant to forecasting
and early warning. Access to the data within the time frame required by modellers
and forecasters is not always possible.
In China there are at least four institutions at the central governmental or
institutional level directly responsible for the prevention and control of DSS,
especially for the monitoring, forecasting and early warning.
------The Ministy of Environment Protection (MEP)
------The Central Meteorological Agency (CMA)
------ The State Forestry Agency (SFA)
------ The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), each having its own network.
The existing DSS research of China
The National Project of DSS and Desertification prevention and Control from 2000 to 2010 :
about 22 projects, the total budget----4080 billion¥; project areas----16697 billion ha.
Sand dust monitoring—SampleⅠ
Monitoring sites and affected areas
- Mini-volume-sampler
- 200 l/h
- QF filter
- weekly samples
- day/night sampling
PM 2.5 + TSP sampling sites
Sand dust monitoring —SampleⅡ
★ Project Name:
Geochemical Analysis of Aerosol in Beijing
★ Cooperative Institution
1、Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
2、Research Academy of Mineralogy and Geochemical,
★ Starting time: July,2005
Lasting time : two years
Sand dust monitoring —SampleⅡ
experimental site
PM1 day
PM1 night
PM2.5 day
PM2.5 night
After finishing the project, we continue to monitor the aerosol on the top of our
building in CRAES.
At the same time, we monitor correlative atmosphere pollutant in CRAES,
including SO2, NOx, CO, O3 and PM and so on.
The existing DSS research of China
The research projects on DSS of China
¾ Finished research projects
1. Study on the control technology of wind erosion desertification of grassland in
north China, State 10th five years key project, 2001-2004.
2. Study on rapid vegetation restoration technology in the large range of sandy land,
State 10th five years key project, 2004-2006.
The existing DSS research of China
’08 Working Group: the research projects on DSS of China
¾ Present Research Projects
1. Study on Technical Methods and Application Demonstration of Eco-Asset
Assessment, Director of the project, funded by ministry of science and technology,
China. 2007-2009.
2. Study on the integrated control model and the technical countermeasures of
degraded ecosystem in Southwest Mountain Region of China, State 11th five years
key project, Director of the project, 2007-2010.
3. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable management on Hulunbeir grassland,
ECBP/06/051, Director of the project, UNDP-COSU, 2008~2010.
4. Study on control technology and demonstration of wind erosion desertification of
grassland in east China. State 11th five years key project, 2006-2010.
The existing DSS research of China
Sand dust control model
One- year
Straw checkerboard barriers of shifting sand land in Hulunbeir grassland
From biodiversity conservation and sustainable management on Hulunbeir grassland, ECBP
The project researches integrated control model with engineering and biological models based on
shifting and semi-fixed sandy land, in which the total area is 7500ha.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Establishmentofof sandstorms
movement model
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
The source,
source, transportation
transportation and
and the
the impact
impact on
on the
the environment
1. Pollution characterization of dust sand aerosol
Choose representative monitoring spots in countries and regions (Korea and Japan) at
leeward direction of sandstorm source area, sandstorm occurring region and sandstorm
to conduct monitoring of aerosol pollution characterization with simultaneous
monitoring scheme.
2.Physical chemical characterization of dust sand aerosol
Conduct monitoring of aerosol size and concentration spectrum distributions to obtain
continuous results of multi-stations, analyzing comprehensively the micro-topography,
inorganic chemical components, organic components (including spore and pollen
element), mineral element, particle topography and component of collected particulate
filter sample.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
3. Deposition mechanism and rule of dust sand aerosol during its transportation
Monitor the deposition character and velocity of dust sand aerosol during transportation
in different regions, simulating and studying deposition velocity of dust sand aerosol of
different sizes under different meteorological conditions.
4. Transformation characterization of dust sand aerosol during transportation
Study the transformation and metamorphose characterization and mechanism of dust
sand aerosol during transportation, through comparison and analysis of aerosol’s physical
chemical characterization in countries and regions (Korea and Japan) at leeward direction of
sandstorm source area, sandstorm occurring region and sandstorm.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Establishment sandstorm
sandstorm forecast
forecast and
and movement
movement model
Based on various existing models, for example ‘DSS Forecasting Model
Based on SVM’ and ‘DSS Model Based on GA-neural Network’ etc,
establishing more accurate early forecast and transport model and verifying
them by the use of monitoring data.
The forecast model will provide both short-term (early warning) and longterm (seasonal) predictions. Long-term forecasting will depend heavily on data
derived from ground surface monitoring and on verification of prediction
model output.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Sandstorm’s impact
impact on
on regional
regional ecosystem
1. Sandstorm’s impact on temporal and spatial variation of land utilization type
Through analysis on the relationship between dust storm and surface (land cover and vegetables coverage
degree) in Northern China , it is revealed what relationship the land cover and vegetable coverage
degree have with the form of dust storm and change.
2. Sandstorm’s impact on land cover and vegetables coverage degree
Occurrence of sand-dust storms is a process that accelerates land desertification ,and can also be
considered as a factor of land desertification at a certain stage. Thus, it is of significance both in theory
and practice to reveal the interaction between these two phenomena. Based on mass data of temporal and
spatial variation of land utilization type from investigation, a study will be made of sand-dust storms on
land desertification.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
3. Assessment of sandstorm’s impact on regional ecosystem
Assess impact of sandstorm on regional ecosystem through time and space study on
land utilization type, soil property, surface cover and vegetation type.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Study on
on the
the preventing
preventing sandstorm
sandstorm and
and restoration
restoration technology
technology of
of vegetation
1. Assessment on ecological carrying capability of different grassland in sandstorm
source areas
The monitoring and assessment on ecological carrying capability of different kinds of
grassland will be studied in sandstorm source and route areas
2. Impact of different grassland utilization regulations and intensities on sandstorm
in source areas
The impact of grazing pattern, time and intensity on sandstorm will be studied in
sandstorm source areas in order to develop the best grassland utilization measures and
control the origin of the sandstorm.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
3. Vegetation restoration measures of degraded and sandy grassland in sandstorm
source areas
The contribution of degraded and sandy grassland soil seed storage for the natural
vegetation restoration in sandstorm source areas will be studied. The best combination of
different grass, shrub and arbor species will be chosen, the packaging technology of good
grass and shrub seed as well as the planting and management technology of comprehensive
grass, shrub and arbor vegetation will also be included.
4. Study and assessment on different control models
Appling the engineering measures, the vegetation restoration results and sand preventing
effects will be studied by the different influencing factors including vegetation structure,
seed disposal technology, planting time and pattern.
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Proposed Investigation routes
Route11 Horqin
Horqin ——
Route22 Datong——Ordos——Alax
Route33 ZhangJiakou——LanQi——Xilinhot
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
Sandstorm’s Impact
Impact on
on Human
Human Health
1.Epidemiological survey
Select survey locales according to environmental monitoring results and relevant data to study the
harm of dust sand aerosol on respiratory system, cardiovascular system and immune system etc.
Corresponding database should be established on the basis of study on groups of all ages especially
the sensitive groups (the old and the children), with appropriate environmental epidemiological
questionnaire designed through expert demonstration. After adjustment of social economical status
and hazard recognition degree, odds ratio of each effect should be calculated using statistical
methods, to find out whether there is apparent difference in each undesirable effect’s occurrence.
Then the potential hazardous factors would be analyzed with environmental monitoring data
The work plan of China for Joint Research on DSS
2. Environmental toxicological experiment
According to data and results of epidemiology and field investigation, physiological and
biochemical experiments on animal should be conducted with indoor modeling experiments
involved. Then the pathogenic mechanism would be studied further from the aspects of numerator
level and gene level to probe into the imperiling way and feature of effect of dust sand aerosol on
Project Implementation Schedule
Project Duration
June, 2007—April, 2012
Data Collection
Set up monitoring network,
Simultaneous Monitoring and
Comprehensive Analysis
Environmental Epidemiological Survey
Project Summary and Communication
Cooperative ways
Designing monitoring sites together
z Designing monitoring items
Analyze the pollution characterization of sand dust aerosol
Establish the model of sandstorm’s transportation
Assessment of sandstorm’s impact on regional ecosystem through the
investigation of the space-time change of the soil character, earth's surface layer
and vegetation
According to the result of monitoring and other concerned information, we design
the epidemiological survey locales and investigate sandstorm’s impact on health.
Meantime, we conduct researches on pathological effects and pathogenic
mechanism of atmospheric particle pollutant by means of experiments
Sample analysis
z Data sharing mechanism
z Summary and Communication of the research results
The Fifth Tripartite Presidents Meeting among NIES,NIER and CRAES
Thank you