Self Guided Tour - Stanford Summer
Self Guided Tour - Stanford Summer
Li Ka Academic Center Building Shing Fairchild Lorry Lokey Center Center Stem Cell Residential Building Research James H. Building Athletics Building Clark (SIM1) Center Construction Z ST MUS EUM WY GALVE Stadium Fieldhouse Galvez Lot NE LSO NR Bing Concert Hall ON CD M D M SA Ticket Office Hammer Throw ST School of Medicine To Downtown Palo Alto / El Camino Real (82) UEN Roth Way Garage McMurtry Building Rodin ROT HW Sculpture Y Lorry Garden Lokey Labs Keck Science Mudd Organic Chemistry Chemistry Stauffer I To Stanford Shopping Center PAL MD R Cantor Arts Center R Anderson Collection ITA D S Foster Field Malon Field Varsity Lot R TE AS M H h ch cy ol g. QUA KAPLA Stanford Clinic Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid Office Scully Photo Ctr. for Location Clinical Visitor Parking Sciences Research (CCSR) Public Restroom Beckman CA MP U RRY N DR PAS TEU R DR PAS Legend TEU Visitor Center R DR WEST DR LOM ENS I EXT Emergency Cobb L AL LAS AXIS NOR TH-S OUT H VIA P ALO U GAL A MAL L AM PAN VEZ ST ST EA A M DR VI N O LS NE S PU M CA ORT EGA PAC 12 Plaza Bud Klein 1 Clubhouse LChuck Field AL Taylor Avery Klein Field M Frost ROT Grove Plaza HW LD Sunken Amphitheater A Y Visitor Music N Diamond O Rehearsal Avery Center MCD Facility Aquatic Arrillaga Bio Stauffer II Old M Quad Center Alumni Chemistry SA Taube Koret CorduraBirch Poplar N SVLoading Center Building C RDDock Plaza Hall Family Arrillaga Athletics Gates Littlefield Tennis 2 Ventura Paul Allen Ctr. Computer Dan Elliott Under 3 Herrin Stadium Family Arrillaga Center Gilbert Hall for Integ. Sys. Science Sports Ctr L Practice Field Construction Knight Labs Center for Biological Annex L A Building Sciences Herrin and The Oval M MEM 4 Sports Paul G. David Y Siebel Field R Recreation O R Allen Hall Jordan Taube Packard IAL W Maples VE 11 A Y Building Elect. William R. Quad Lathrop SER Ford South Pavilion 34 RA M Montag Plaza Parking & Eng. 14 Hewlett Serra Library Shriram Center VIA ALL Teaching Grove Sand PUE 7 Gunn Transportation Bioengineering & BLO Center Sequoia Hall 13 Volleyball Chemical Engineering Spilker e Memorial (SIEPR) Ford Zambrano Arrillaga Services 15 Hall Math 12 Margaret Engineering Hall & Aud. on Gymnasium 10 Hall/North CEMEX Bass Center Science & and Applied Jordan Varian Jacks Corner Landau Bldg Auditorium Center and Weight Faculty Engineering Sciences Physics (380) (420) (460) McClatchy 9 Gunn Oberndorf Economics G 327 Building Room Event Center Burnham Building Quad Dohrmann (120) IN Memorial Physics and 8 West Wallenberg Jen-Hsun ID Via Ortega Astrophysics 19 Pavilion Grove School Graduate S E RD Court Y2E2 (160) History EAST Huang Garage 100 110 333 16 IR -WES of Business; 370 90 T 5 Art Gallery Engineering Ctr. 170 Corner 21 NA Moore AXIS (200) Management Knight O Lou Henry 1 Faculty B 6 Materials 20 S SV Rec 17 Under 10 CenterMBA Building Knight Hoover Bldg. C RD Rsrch. McClelland C Construction Hoover 360 80 Building Class of 1968 East Management McCullough 70 Building PattersonCenter Garage 20 240 S Herbert E Tower R Bambi RA S Building Gas HEPL 23 Main Quad Skilling Hoover CRO Encina Hall T THE Station Police 60 Geology South Green Durand Bing RS W Mem. Bldg. GSB Highland Hall, Arrillaga Outdoor 30 Corner Y Under 22 50 40 250 Dept. Earth Wing 24 Education Encina Construction Green Mitchell (320) 310Women Sciences Memorial and Recreation Commons Earth P Schwab Library ANA 25 East Roble Field Garage, Center MA M Sciences Peterson ESCO Church Men Language Residential Koret 1 ALL A LN Under Construction (550) 530NDIDO M 300 Corner School of Park Wing 18 Center Manzanita Education ALL Terman Roble Gym QUIL (260) John Gardner Field L EN C M Renovation Site Toyon ClockCourtyard 540 520 T Galvez Crothers 500 Tower26 Gibbons 560 EAST Hall Lagunita New Modular S Mech. Hall A Under Grove (Treat) Residence - West, NTA Quillen 11 Eng. 570 Stanford CTR Thornton Construction TER Under Construction Barnum Branner Arrillaga Res. Lab ESA Center 112 Daily Lagunita New 590 Center Family ST Manzanita Hall Press (MERL) 610 Residence - East Old Nitery Murray Dining Bldg. Park Sweet Under Windhover 113 Fire PRL Commons Union Lagunita Construction Residences 28 Truck Hall Papua Hse. Canfield Studio 11 Court 30 New 29 Yost Guest LAN Guinea 2 Clubhouse Bookstore Court EL Black Stanford Arguello SculptureCommunity ESC Humanities Cottages Garden Services Center OND 31 White 27 Roble CERAS Park 116 Stern IDO Post Center Elliott Plaza LA Hall RD Hall HarmonyKennedyTresidder Blackw NE Office Program BLAC Dinkelspiel House TH L Grove KWE Union 125 Center Law School LDE Auditorium Faculty RC Kingscote Wilbur Hall T Braun Music William H. 34 Y Gardens Club BOW Hous DOIN Neukom Main TW LAGUNITA DR 32 Center LN Graduate Anne Muwekma- Building BBOT Community A Tah-Ruk E Munger N Bechtel Center SC A TH Mirrielees Storey International O NA Rehnquist Graduate Center Wilbur Field Columbae Residence Studio 1 Courtyard Garage Sigma Stanford Track & Athletics Angell Shop WY CAM PUS DR WILB UR W Y LN FA RM RU NN IN G CO WE LL LN ITA CT ARGUELLO MAL L LOMITA D R GALV DUE EZ M NA S T ALL SAMU RO BL ED R KINS CT LN Delta Delta Delta RM Pi Beta Phi FA Vaden Health Center B L Bolivar House Hammarskjöld Scale = 0 RE Gould Center 142 South 135 134 143 141 236 Distance in Miles 136 233 144 Bu 234 1371/4 1/8 232Fairclough Baile 229 228 138 207 140 227 Timoshenko 139 206 226 225 223 224 209 HI 576 Escondido RS Faisan Xanadu Sigma Nu Koret La Casa Pavilion Italiana Hillel-Ziff (Robert Moore N) Center BOB 579 W Gavilan DR Levin Field LANE Lake House IT A L OM Produced by Maps and Records, 9/2015 Florence Moore Hall Owen Mars Drell AY 33 VE N RL NO ON O’C CAPISTRANO WY Chi MAYFIELD A JEN EAS T EL MO RRIS W LAS Y UEN MAL ARG UEL LO L SEQU OIA W Y LOM GOVERNOR'S AVE ITA ST Lagunita 1. Stanford Visitor Center 2. Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center 3. Arrillaga Center for Sports & Recreation The Center is a 75,000-square-foot rec reation fac ility for students, fac ulty, and staff. 4. Montag Hall Montag houses the Offic es of Undergraduate Admission and Financ ial Aid. 5. Knight Management Center (Graduate School of Business) 6. Hoover Tower Completed in 1941, Hoover Tower is part of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peac e. It is named for Herbert Hoover, the 31st president of the United S tates, who graduated in S tanford’s Pioneer Class of 1895. The first nine floors of the 285-foot (87-meter) building house over 1.6 million volumes on soc ial, politic al, and ec onomic c hange in the 20th and 21st c enturies. The Observation Platform on the 14th floor is open to visitors and offers an aerial view of the c ampus and muc h of the Bay Area. 7. Memorial Hall and Memorial Auditorium Memorial Hall was dedic ated in 1937 to honor those S tanford students and fac ulty who died in World War I. The lobby inc ludes plaques insc ribed with their names as well as the names of those who died in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, and the Afghanistan War. Memorial Hall houses the Department of Theater and Performanc e S tudies (TAPS ) and KZS U, a student-operated radio station. 8. Lane History Corner Lane houses the departments of History, Philosophy of S c ienc e, and S c ienc e, Tec hnology, & S ociety. 9. Wallenberg Hall Wallenberg Hall is S tanford’s home for researc h in university-level c lassroom learning. Its Advanc ed Resourc e Classrooms are available for use by S tanford fac ulty to experiment with new ways of teac hing and learning. 10. McClatchy Hall Mc Clatc hy Hall houses the departments of S oc iology, Communic ation, and Urban S tudies departments. 11. The Oval and Palm Drive The Oval and Palm Drive mark the gateway to the University. The Oval serves as a relaxing spot for students, fac ulty, and c ommunity members to have pic nic s, play volleyball, and enjoy the California weather. Palm Drive, lined with roughly 150 Canary Island palm trees, leads to University Avenue and downtown Palo Alto. 12. Jordan Hall Jordan Hall is home to the departments of Psyc hology and Linguistic s. 13. Sloan Mathematics Corner 14. David Packard Electrical Engineering The David Pac kard Elec tric al Engineering Building houses the administrative offic es of the Department of Elec tric al Engineering, undergraduate instruc tional laboratories, and Bytes Café. David Pac kard and William Hewlett met as elec tric al engineering students at S tanford in the 1930s. They went on to found Hewlett-Pac kard (HP) in Pac kard’s garage in Palo Alto. 15. Nanoscale Science and Engineering This c utting-edge fac ility inc ludes some of the world’s most advanc ed nanosc ale patterning and c harac terization equipment. 16. Yang and Yamazaki Environmental and Energy Building (“Y2E2”) Y2E2 reflec ts S tanford’s c ommitment to solving global environmental problems by bringing together experts from many disc iplines—biologists, earth sc ientists, ec ologists, ec onomists, engineers, legal sc holars, and polic y analysts. 17. Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center The Huang Center is home to the S c hool of Engineering and is designed to inspire invention in an environment of c reativity and c ollaboration. It houses the Terman Engineering Library, named for Frederic k Terman, the dean of the S c hool of Engineering in the 1950s. He is widely c redited with the c reation of the c ulture and ac ademic -industry c ollaborations that c reated S ilic on Valley. Huang also houses Google’s first server and a rec reation of the famed HP garage. 18. Ruth Wattis Mitchell Earth Sciences Building 19. G ay L ibe ratio n Sculpture, George Segal, 1981 20. The Main Quad Frederic k Law Olmsted planned and designed the Quad in Ric hardson Romanesque and Mission Revival arc hitec tural style. The Quad holds S tanford’s 12 original c lassrooms from its opening in 1891. Today it houses the S c hool of Humanities & S c ienc es and is home to many S tanford traditions, suc h as S enior Dinner on the Quad for graduating seniors. 21. B u rgh e rs o f Calais , Auguste Rodin, 1889 The Burghers of Ca la is c ommemorates the personal sac rific e of six prominent Frenc hmen who offered their lives for their fellow townsmen in the English siege of Calais during the Hundred Years War. S tanford holds one of the world’s largest c ollec tions of Rodin sc ulptures. You c an find additional Rodin works in the Cantor Arts Center and the Rodin S c ulpture Garden. 22. Memorial Church Jane S tanford designed the c hurc h as a memorial to her husband, Leland S tanford S r., who died in 1893. Dedic ated in 1903, the Churc h is Christian-c entered by design, but non-denominational and inter-faith in prac tic e. 23. Class Plaques & Time Capsules Commemorative c lass plaques line the walkway of the Inner Quad, marking the year of eac h graduating c lass. Eac h c lass installs its plaque at a spec ial c eremony during Commenc ement Weekend. Most plaques also c ontain time c apsules, whic h hold memorabilia representing eac h c lass and the year they graduated. 24. Cecil H. Green Library Green Library's two wings house researc h c ollec tions for the soc ial sc iences and humanities, in addition to general c ollec tion materials not housed in the smaller researc h branc hes. Green houses about one third of the University’s 9.3 million physic al volumes. 25. School of Education 26. Clock Tower Built in 1983, the Cloc k Tower houses a set of c loc kworks and bells that were originally plac ed in a tower atop Memorial Churc h. The tower fell from the Churc h during the 1906 Earthquake. 27. White Plaza White Plaza is the 200,000 square-foot landsc aped area c onnec ting the Main Quad to Tresidder Memorial Union. From rallies to demonstrations, c areer fairs to c onc erts, White Plaza is the hub of student ac tivity. 28. Wh ite M e m o rial F o u n tain (“T h e Claw ”), Aristides Demetrios, 1964 29. Old Union Old Union is home to the Assoc iated S tudents of S tanford University (AS S U), the Offic e of S tudent Affairs, the Offic e for Religious Life, The Axe & Palm Café, and various student servic es organizations inc luding El Centro Chic ano, the Native Americ an Cultural Center, and the Asian Americ an Ac tivities Center. 30. Stanford Bookstore The Bookstore is the largest supplier of books and S tanford apparel on c ampus. 31. Tresidder Memorial Union Tresidder is S tanford's student union. It boasts a wide variety of servic es inc luding a c onvenienc e store, eateries, c onferenc e rooms, a bike shop, two bank branc hes, and a hair salon. 32. Braun Music Center 33. The Row (Mayfield Avenue) The Row offers several options for upper-c lass housing, inc luding ac ademic , c ross-c ultural, and language theme houses, as well as c ooperative, selfoperated, and Greek houses. 34. Stanford Law School