schofield spotlight - City of Schofield, Wisconsin
schofield spotlight - City of Schofield, Wisconsin
SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT WINTER, 2011 PAGE ISSUE 35 SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT Dates to Remember... Citizens of Schofield: No Overnight Parking November 1 - March 31 Welcome New Businesses We're happy you are in Schofield!!! BRRS Distributing Riverside Canoe Rental Regular City Council Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Schofield City Hall in the Council Chambers. You probably have been wondering why you did not receive this newsletter earlier. We decided to delay the fall newsletter so we could explain some major issues that impacted the City budget for 2012. That budget was finalized in a special City Council meeting on November 10th following a public hearing. As I’m sure you are aware, the City was faced with significant cuts in State aids. Those cuts obviously had to be dealt with in formulating the 2012 budget. I am pleased to be able to tell you that through the diligent work of the City Council, Lisa Reeves the Clerk/Treasurer and Kevin King the Public Works Director, we were able to adopt a budget that actually slightly reduces your City tax rate. Unfortunately your overall tax rate will show an increase due to D.C Everest School District and North Central Technical College tax levy increases. A major issue that was dealt with in the budget process that I would like to further clarify is that of bus service. If you recall, I initiated a process last spring in which the City Council, with your input, ranked all services that are provided to you by the City. In that ranking, bus service was near the bottom of all services ranked. Based on that, I asked Greg Seubert, transit director for Metro Ride, to come up with a lower cost alternative for Schofield. His initial proposal formed a route which would run hourly with the route running every other hour through Schofield and Rothschild and every other hour through the north side of Schofield and the Village of Weston. When the Village of Weston opted not to provide bus service at all this option was out of consideration. The next option Greg offered was a route which would be the same as it is now but with the number of daily trips reduced from 13 to 7. Your City Council felt that this was a viable alternative which both continued to provide bus service to residents and reduced our cost to about half of what it had been. The City Council approved that option and included funding for it in the 2012 budget. Unfortunately at this time, Rothschild has decided not to fund even this reduced route. Although the funding for this route remains in our budget, unless Rothschild changes its position, Metro Ride cannot provide a route for the City of Schofield alone. Therefore it appears at this time that there will be no bus service for the City of Schofield in 2012. As we move into the holiday season I truly hope that all of you have a happy, safe and enjoyable time during this festive period. Thank you for your support in the past year. Please remember that I am available to meet with you on short notice by appointment which you can set up with me or through Lisa Reeves. You can also contact me on my cell phone (715-573-1410) or by e-mail ( Sincerely, Ken Fabel, Mayor City of Schofield SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Butterfly Garden I hope everyone got a chance to see Mother Nature in action this summer at the Mayoral Park. The total butterflies released this year was 56. We got off to a very slow start with the bad weather this spring. I was hoping for about double the butterflies, but it was a good first year. I would like to thank all the helping hands I had this year. Emily Sherfinski was a major help. She used this project for her Girl Scout badge and was a big reason we had the success we did. I would also like to thank Austin Pelot for his help. Everyone knows I need as much help as I can get. There was a nicely written article by Amy Ryan and some great pictures in the Everest Herald also this past summer. We could always use help on projects like this, so if anyone would like to volunteer, contact City Hall at 715359-5230 ext. 1. Kregg Hoehn Parks & Recreation Chairperson, 4th Ward Alderperson Welcome Ward 3 Alderperson I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the residents of Schofield who do not know me. My name is Scott Dunst and I have filled the 3rd Ward Alderperson position in May which was vacant when Mayor Fabel was elected. I have been a resident of Schofield for over 25 years and am looking forward to meeting the residents in the 3rd Ward whom I have not yet met. The Health and Sanitation Committee successfully secured a five year contract with Veolia for our trash removal. This contract goes into effect January 1, 2012. With this new contract residents will have the option to have your 45 gallon curbside container upgraded to a 90 gallon container free of charge. If you are interested in this option please contact Veolia at 715-359-6637 after January 1, 2012 and place an order with them. I encourage you to read the article in the newsletter from Veolia to see what services they have available to our Schofield residents. Currently I am the chair of the Health and Sanitation Committee along with serving on the Public Safety and Public Works Committees. If you see me out and about, I welcome you to introduce yourself or contact me with any questions or concerns that you might have. Scott Dunst Health and Sanitation Chairperson 3rd Ward Alderperson Recipe Corner Meet Charlotte Seefeldt, City of Schofield Election Worker Charlotte Seefeldt has been a resident of Schofield for 18 years and an election worker for 14 years. Charlotte enjoys helping voters and is glad to see so many people come out to vote. In 1955, Charlotte attended a cooking class and made this recipe. It has been a favorite of family and friends ever since. It is easy to make ahead of time and easy to double. Riced Pork Chops 6 pork chops Horseradish Flour 1 can chicken rice soup or wild rice soup Trim fat off chops if needed. Spread horseradish on both sides of chops. Roll in flour. Put on cookie sheet and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Brown chops in oil and put in casserole dish. Wipe oil in pan and warm soup. Pour soup over chops and bake 1 hour at 350 until tender. Recipe can be doubled by adding more chops and 2 cans of soup in a roaster. If you want to visit with family and friends longer just turn down the heat to 325 degrees and cook a littler longer. Serve with baked potatoes, vegetables or salad. A very good left over meal. Add sliced baked potatoes and heat. SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Street Crossing Safety The D.C. Everest School District is asking that those Schofield residents who are attending Rothschild Elementary and are walking or biking, use the sidewalk along the west side of Bus 51/Grand Avenue crossing at the south side of the intersection at the Progressive/Buska & Buska Insurance building, being sure to activate the crosswalk lights. Tips for Safe Crossing: Pedestrian ALWAYS cross at marked crosswalks. Look left-right-left & obey any pedestrian signals. Do NOT cross just because a driver waves you on. Make sure all lanes are clear. If a vehicle approaches you make eye contact with the driver to be sure he or she sees you before entering the crosswalk. Bicyclist Yield to pedestrians. Remember bicycles are not pedestrians unless they are being walked. Use marked bike paths or multi-use paths when available. Obey vehicular traffic signals and laws. Use extra caution as you transition between bike paths, roads and sidewalks. Your actions are unpredictable to drivers and pedestrians. Parents, please practice the route with your child in attempt to reduce the fear of not only attending a new school, but also making the trek there as safe and stress free as possible. Officer Leah Long #1273 Everest Metro Police Dept Weston Aquatic Center Aerobic Classes SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Report from the Office of the Fire Chief I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself to you, the residents of the City of Schofield, as I am the new Fire Chief. I was appointed to the Chief position on May 10th, 2011 to replace Tracy Fremming who has retired. I have been a member of the Fire Department for 12 years, many of those as an Officer under four different Fire Chiefs. I have taken on this role to continue the great work of leading the City of Schofield Fire Department that the prior Chiefs have done before me. I will also make sure that we continue to provide the best possible Fire/EMS service to you, the residents and taxpayers. If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to e-mail me at or call 715-359-3500. As winter approaches and the snow starts to fall and pile up, I kindly ask that you adopt a fire hydrant and keep it clear of snow throughout the winter. This will greatly assist us in finding the closest hydrant to a fire and minimize the amount of time it takes to extinguish it. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this. In closing, I and the members of the Schofield Fire Department want to wish you and your families a Happy and Safe Holiday Fire Department’s newest vehicle Season. Chief Rob Bowen City Employees City of Schofield employees work hard everyday to make our city a great place to live and work. Employees are (left to right): Kevin King, Public Works/Zoning Administrator Jarrod Zilisch, Public Works Virgil Wenzel, Public Works Mark Thuot, Public Works Lori Hauswirth, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Lisa Reeves, Clerk/Treasurer Rick Stoviak, Public Works County Board Update On November 10th the County Board approved the 2012 County budget. The approved budget keeps the County tax rate the same as it has been for the Ken Fabel last four years. County Board Supervisor The budget District 16 and 3rd Ward Alderman also includes no service reductions and no layoffs of County employees. Although the County was faced with millions of dollars in State aid reductions, it was able to balance its budget with the help of several provisions provided by Governor Walker’s backed Act 10 budget bill. The main provisions in Act 10 which provided relief to the County were that employees must now contribute 5.8% of their wages to their retirement fund (this is one half of the total contribution), and their health insurance contribution will go up to 12.6% of the premium. If you have any questions or comments on the County budget or any other issues please contact me. Ken Fabel County Board Supervisor District 16 Email Addresses at City Hall Mayor Ken Fabel Public Works/Kevin King Clerk/Treasurer/Lisa Reeves Deputy Clerk/Treas/Lori Hauswirth Building Inspector/Dan Dziadosz Website The City of Schofield’s website has all the latest calendar of events, agendas, minutes and much, much more. You can view the website at Senator Ron Johnson and Mayor Ken Fabel SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Public Works News Christmas Tree Safety A dry cut evergreen tree can become a raging inferno in seconds. Follow these safety precautions to ensure that the only thing burning brightly is your spirits: • Water, water, water. Never let a cut tree dry out. Check the tree stand’s water reservoir frequently, particularly when you first bring the tree into your home. If the water does fall below the bottom of the tree, even for a few minutes, recut the trunk about an inch up. •Location, location, location. Place the tree well away from heat sources like radiators, fireplaces, wood stoves, and hot air vents. • Recheck for dryness. On a daily basis, check for excessive needle drop or dry, brittle needles. (Needles should bend easily without breaking.) If your tree fails these tests, it is dry and has become a fire hazard. • Use only approved lights. Look for the UL seal on all Christmas lights. Never allow candles near a tree. • Keep cords at bay. To avoid a tripping hazard, stow extension cords out of traffic lanes near the tree. Christmas Tree Pickup Snowmobile Regulation The City of Schofield Public Works Department will pick up your Christmas tree curbside during the month of January. Remember to remove all ornaments and lights. It is unlawful for anyone to operate a snowmobile upon any public right of way, in any public park, sidewalk pedestrian way, or on any other public municipal property in the City of Schofield. Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal Winter Parking The owner, occupant or person in charge of any building fronting upon or adjoining any street, and the owner, or person in charge of any unoccupied dwelling or lot fronting any street, is required to remove snow and ice from your sidewalk within 24 hours after a snowfall. Please do not throw snow or ice in the streets. The City would like to thank residents who shovel out around fire hydrants. With winter around the corner, issues arise regarding parking on City streets. The City has an ordinance which goes into effect from November 1st to March 31st stating that “no person shall park any vehicle on any public street or highway in the City of Schofield between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.” This allows the City crew a clear road for snow removal. Random Acts of Being Neighborly Please be sure to help your elderly neighbors with their leaf raking and snow shoveling. We all could use some extra help from time to time and this is a great opportunity to show our neighbors we care! WPS Light Poles If you notice a WPS light that is burned out, jot down the pole number (example: 17ac76) and call WPS at 1-800-450-7260 to make them aware of the outage. Community Service Projects If your organization needs a service project, we have some to choose from. Please call my office at 241-8863. Kevin King Public Works Zoning Administrator Troop Number 7342 Emily Sherfinski of Schofield held a bake sale raising $87 to benefit the Butterfly Garden at the Mayoral Park on Spring Street. She was working for her Silver Award. SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Water & Sewer News Winterize Your Water Pipes Sewer Rate Increase Prepare your plumbing (outside and inside) for freezing weather. Know what to do during freezing weather and if your pipes freeze or break. OUTSIDE PLUMBING • Caulk around pipes where they enter the house. Close all foundation vents. Cut wood or styrofoam blocks to fit vent openings, then slide them into the vents. Open the vents again in the spring to prevent dry rot. • Protect outside pipes and faucets. In some homes, the outside faucet has a separate shut-off in the basement. If you have a separate valve, shut if off. Then go outside and turn on all the faucets to drain water in the lines. Leave the outside faucets on while you go back and check your outside shut-off valve for a small brass plug or cap on the valve. Turn this plug far enough that water drains from the valve. Then, tighten the plug back and turn off all the outside faucets. • Wrap outside faucets or hose bibs. Do this if you don’t have a separate valve to turn off outside faucets. (Also remember to disconnect garden hoses.) Use newspaper or rags covered with plastic, fiberglass or molded foam insulating covers to wrap the faucet. (Molded foam insulating covers are available at plumbing and hardware stores.) • Drain in-ground sprinkler systems. Check manufacturer’s instructions for the best way to do this. INSIDE PLUMBING • Insulate pipes in unheated areas such as the crawl space, attic, garage or basement. Use insulating tape or molded pipe sleeve and wrap it over the entire length of exposed pipe. Cover all valves, pipe fittings, etc. with insulating tape or fiberglass. (Check hardware store for supplies.) • Shut off and drain your water system if you are leaving home for several days. (Turn off the water heater before draining the system.) Leaving your furnace on a low setting while you’re gone helps, but may not prevent freezing. Turn off the main shut-off valve, then go through the house and turn on all faucets, sinks, tubs, showers, etc., and flush the toilets. Go back to the valve and remove the plug so that it can drain completely. Follow-up by re-tightening the valve and turning off the open faucets. • Open cupboard doors in the kitchen and bathrooms. Water lines supplying the kitchen or bathrooms are frequently located in inside walls. Any air leaks in siding or insulation can cause these pipes to freeze. Leaving the cupboard doors open when the temperature is below freezing allows pipes behind the cupboards to get more heat. • Let the water run if the temperature dips below freezing. (A stream slightly smaller than a pencil width should be sufficient.) Faucets farthest from the street should be the ones left running. Using cold water will save on your gas or electric bill. The City of Schofield Water and Sewer has approved a 3.5% sewer rate increase that will take effect on January 1, 2012. If you have any questions or concerns, please join the Water and Sewer Commission at the monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. Retrieved on 10/06/10 from ( Sewer Backups Schofield residents and businesses having sewer backup problems should call the Schofield Water/Sewer Department Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM for a complete assessment before calling any sewer cleaning service. After 4:30 PM and on weekends, call the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department at 715-261-1200 (DO NOT call 911). They will contact a City Utility Worker after normal working hours. A City Utility Worker will respond to all sewer backup requests for assistance. The Schofield Utility will not provide any compensation to property owners or renters for damage done by sudden and accidental sewer backups. We recommend that you add this coverage to your homeowner’s insurance policy. Reminder: Do not place items such as personal hygiene products, clothing, diapers and small toys in the sewer lines. These items will plug your sewer lateral, City sewer mains and could result in unnecessary expense for you and the City. Water Usage The most common reasons for high water usage are excessive irrigation and leaky plumbing fixtures. Following are some conservation tips and possible causes of excessive water usage. Every water-using appliance or activity in your home/business can make a difference. • You can install faucet aerators and restrictors - inexpensive inserts that can help reduce water use. They’re easy to install by yourself. • Periodically check throughout the house for leaky faucets and valves. Leaks waste water 24 hours a day, seven days a week. An inexpensive washer is usually enough to stop them. • Have you had extra guests? Remember, extra people means more water usage. • Check your toilet for leaks. Add a few drops of food coloring to water in tank. If coloring appears in toilet bowl without flushing, there is a leak. Also, listen for the sound of running water. • Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash down and rinse off. Any longer comes under the heading of recreation. Five-minute showers use less water than baths, and tub bathers should keep in mind that a half-full tub cleans just as well as a full tub. SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Rental Facilities The City has several facilities available at City Hall for large gatherings. Banquet Hall (inside City Hall) This facility can accommodate a standing crowd of up to 360, or 257 people if chairs are set up; or 120 occupants if both tables and chairs are used. The hall features a full serving kitchen with appliances (stove/refrig/large coffee maker), bathroom facilities and a large blacktopped parking area. Chairs and tables are provided and must be set up and taken down by those using the facility. Outdoor Shelter Located on the grounds of City Hall at Schofield Park and directly in back of Schofield Elementary School, this facility is a rustic, roofed shelter with a cement floor. Sixteen large picnic tables in the shelter can accommodate large gatherings. The Shelter has kitchen facilities with appliances, indoor bathroom facilities and features a large stone fireplace. The area around the shelter has a sand-based volleyball court with net and a scenic view of Lake Wausau (a chain-link fence separates the lake/embankment from the shelter property). The softball diamond and playground area/ equipment adjoin the shelter property. Paved parking is plentiful. Reservations In person only at City Hall. Open dates can be checked by calling City Hall at 715-359-5230. Resident Non Resident Indoor Hall $100 $125 Park Shelter $75 $100 Security Deposit Required Reservations for both the Hall and Shelter require a non-refundable deposit of 20% of the rent fee. This must be paid at the time of making the reservation and is in addition to the refundable key deposit of $50. Unused & Unwanted Medication Drop-Box Program Drop Box Rules • YES drop off over-the-counter or prescription drugs • YES drop off medications in original containers • YES remove personal information by either tearing off or marking out • YES leave on medicine name and dosage • NO radioactive chemo drugs or IV bags • No needles or syringes • No garbage or trash Location & Times Everest Metro Police Dept – 5303 Mesker Street, Weston Drop Box in Public Lobby Area – M-F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No holiday drop off Rothschild Police Dept – 211 Grand Avenue, Rothschild Drop Box in Public Entrance Area – 24/7-365 days a year Wausau Police Dept. – 515 Grand Avenue, Wausau Drop Slot in Public Lobby Area – M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m No holiday drop off Kronenwetter Police Dept. - 1582 Kronenwetter Drive, Kronenwetter Drop Box in Lobby of Kronenwetter Municipal Center – 24/7-365 days a year Dennis Richmond Public Property Chairperson 3rd Ward Alderperson SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Building Inspection News NEWS! – CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED – All one- and two-family dwellings are now required to install carbon monoxide (CO) alarms to comply with changed state law. “According to the American Medical Association, CO poisoning is the leading cause of accidental poisoning in the US, CO alarms have shown their effectiveness in alerting occupants to the presence of this poisonous gas.” New one-and two-family dwellings require carbon monoxide alarms that are interconnected and directly wired to the dwelling’s electrical service, with a backup battery supply. Existing dwellings may use batterypowered, stand-alone alarms. The alarms must be installed in the basement and on each floor level except the attic or garage. The law applies only to dwellings that contain CO sources. CO sources may include, but Dan Dziadosz are not limited to, garages, heaters, fireplaces, furnaces, appliances or cooking sources using coal, wood, Building Inspector petroleum products, or other fuels emitting CO as a by-product of combustion. The rules are available at DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE REPLACED – Governor Walker’s 2011-13 state budget marks the start of the new Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) – formed by combining the Department of Regulation and Licensing and parts of the Department of Commerce. The new agency completes the Governor’s plan to re-craft the Department of Commerce into the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) with a singular focus on job creation. The Department of Safety and Professional Services should enhance the focus on job creation while bringing greater efficiencies to the way our state regulates individuals and businesses that hold licenses. The new web site address is: BUILDING CODE – State building codes online may be found at: IS THERE A GENERAL GUIDELINE FOR WHEN A PERMIT IS NEEDED? Yes, generally speaking, if the work that you plan on doing is an alteration, that might affect light, ventilation, structural elements, or exiting, a building permit is required. GETTING A PERMIT – Applications for a permit may be picked up at the municipal center, filled out, and returned for the zoning administrator’s review. Applications are then passed on to Building Inspector Dan Dziadosz for code compliance review. You may call Kevin King at the municipal building, 715-359-5230, or the public works garage, with your zoning questions. You may also call the Municipal building and leave a message. Either Kevin or Dan will return your call. Starting this year, the Building Inspector is available by appointment only. You may call the Municipal building, or you may call the Inspector directly, at 715-297-7115. For more information, contact the City of Schofield Municipal building, at 715-359-5230. Dog and Cat Licenses The City would like to remind you that dog and cat tag licenses are required each calendar year for your pet. The tag licenses for 2012 will begin mid December to be processed at the Schofield City Hall. The license application will be mailed in your tax statement or can be filled out at City Hall. A current copy of your pet’s rabies vaccination is required. Fee: Dogs – Male/Female-$10 Spayed/Neutered-$5 Cats-$5 Pet Reminders • No more than 2 dogs and/or 2 cats allowed in one residential unit. • Pets shall be vaccinated against rabies within 30 days after the pet reaches 4 months of age and revaccinated within 1 year after initial vaccination. • No dog or cat shall run at large in the City. • No person shall exercise or walk a dog on a leash more than 6 feet in length. • No person shall own any animal which by frequent or habitual howling, yelping, barking, or wailing shall disturb other persons. SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE Building Permits IS THERE A GENERAL GUIDELINE FOR WHEN A PERMIT IS NEEDED? Yes, generally speaking, if the work that you plan on doing is an alteration, that might affect light, ventilation, structural elements, or exiting, a building permit is required. GETTING A PERMIT - All permit requests will be routed through the Zoning Administrator for review, prior to referring them to the Building Inspector for review. Applications for a permit may be picked up at the Municipal Center, filled out, and returned for review. Applications are then passed on to Building Inspector Dan Dziadosz for code compliance review. You may call Kevin King at 715-241-8863, with your zoning questions. The Building Inspector is available by appointment. You may call the Municipal Building at 715-359-5230, or call the Inspector directly, at 715-297-7115. IS A PERMIT NEEDED FOR – • New construction or an addition to a building? YES • Remodeling of a house? YES • Construction of detached garages and storage buildings? YES • Construction of decks and porches? YES • Residing or repairing a building with the SAME materials? NO • Replacement of shingles? NO (one overlay only – however, if a structural repair is needed – a building permit is needed) • Replacement of windows in the same openings? NO • Installation of new windows? YES, if changing the opening size. • Replacement of heating units, water heaters or air conditioners? NO • Replacement of light fixtures, switches or plumbing fixtures? NO • Installation of a satellite dish? YES • Demolition or moving of a building? YES • Construction of a fence? NO WHAT IS THE COST OF A PERMIT? Permit fees vary depending on the work that you will be doing. Always check if there is a question, as failure to get a required permit is a DOUBLE FEE. CHANGES OF USE – Did you know that the change of use in a building requires that building to be reviewed for changes in the code? Recent examples might include a cold storage warehouse that is now being used to store something hazardous; or an office building being converted to a restaurant. Several important code issues may need to be addressed, such as exiting, toilet rooms and sprinkler systems. Another type of change in use, involves the zoning and building code. As an example, if you have a single-family residence in a commercial zoning district, the use of the building is only approved as a single-family dwelling. It may not be converted to a commercial use, even though the underlying land is zoned commercial. Changing a residence to a commercial use usually involves having a registered architect, engineer or designer review the building for commercial code compliance, and then submitting it to the State of Wisconsin for their approval. Tax Collection Information REAL ESTATE • At least 50% per parcel must be paid at City Hall or through Official Payments by January 31, 2012. • After January 31, 2012 payments must be made to the Marathon County Treasurer. • If at least 50% of each parcel’s tax is paid by January 31st, the balance due, without interest and penalty, at the County Treasurer’s office by July 31st. After that date, the bal- ance remaining is subject to a 1.5% interest and penalty per month from February 1st. • If no tax payments, or less than 50% of each parcel’s tax payment is made to City Hall or through Official Payments by January 31st, any balance remaining is payable at the County Treasurer and sub- ject to a 1.5% interest and penalty per month from February 1st. PERSONAL PROPERTY • Entire tax is due at City Hall or through Official Payments by Janu- ary 31, 2012. • Amounts not paid by January 31, 2012 are delinquent and bear inter- est and penalty at 1.5% per month from February 1st. You can use Official Payments by going to: www.official or calling 1-800-272-9829 (Jurisdiction code 6777). Official Payments charges a 2.75% convenience fee. Discover, Mastercard, Visa and American Express are accepted. City Council Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Schofield City Hall in the Council Chambers. PAGE 10 SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT Starting in 2012, voters will be required to show a photo ID such as a driver license or state-issued ID in order to receive a ballot and vote. Photo identification used for the purpose of voting is not required to have a current address. Acceptable forms of photo identification if the expiration date is after the November 2, 2010 election: • Driver license issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, even if driving privileges are revoked or suspended • Identification card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation • Military identification card issued by a United States uniformed service • United States passport Additional acceptable forms of photo identification: • A certificate of naturalization that was issued within two years of the election for which it is used as ID • Unexpired driving receipt issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation • Unexpired identification card receipt issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation • Identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin • Unexpired identification card issued by a Wisconsin-accredited university or college that contains a date of issuance, signature of the student, and expiration date no later than two years after the date of issuance (must also prove current enrollment). HOW TO GET A PHOTO ID TO VOTE If you are eligible to vote in Wisconsin and do not currently hold a Wisconsin driver’s license or Wisconsin identification card, you may obtain a free identification card from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). You will need to check a box on the application form indicating that the identification card is needed for voting. The DMV will require you to present the following documents in order to obtain the Wisconsin identification card required for voting: • Proof of name and date of birth (a certified United States birth certificate*, valid passport, or certificate of naturalization) • Proof of identity (Social Security card, military papers, marriage papers) • Proof of Wisconsin residency (utility bill, paystub, mortgage) • Proof of United States citizenship • Social Security number For more information on how to obtain a photo ID please visit the DOT’s website at: VOTER REGISTRATION CHANGES - Under the new law, you may no longer register to vote the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before an election. However, you may still register to vote at your polling place on Election Day. - Voters may no longer use a corroborating witness as proof of residence when registering to vote. - The residency requirement has changed from 10 days to 28 consecutive days. SIGNING THE POLL BOOK Voters are now required to sign or make their mark on the poll book before receiving a ballot. There is an exemption for voters who are unable to sign the poll book due to a disability. ABSENTEE VOTING CHANGES - Photo ID must accompany absentee ballot requests. Voters will be required to send a photocopy of an acceptable form of photo identification with their absentee requests. There are exemptions for indefinitely confined voters on the perma- nent absentee list, military voters, voters who are permanently overseas, and voters in nursing homes who are receiving their ballots from special voting deputies. - Absentee voting in the Clerk’s Office ends the Friday before the election. VOTERS WITHOUT PHOTO IDENTIFICATION Beginning in 2012, voters who do not present an acceptable form of photo identification will be given a provisional ballot. This ballot will not be counted unless the voter returns to the Clerk’s Office with acceptable photo identification by 4 p.m. the Friday after the election. SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE 11 City of Schofield Important Phone Numbers Title Name Committees Phone Number Mayor Ken Fabel Alderperson, Ward 1 Kevin Fabel Planning Commission Everest Metro Joint Finance Committee/Board of Review Personnel Public Safety/Judiciary Alderperson, Ward 1 Bob Szekeress Judiciary/Public Works Finance 715-359-2642 Alderperson, Ward 2 Joan Joss Health & Sanitation/Judiciary Parks & Recreation 715-359-3524 Alderperson, Ward 2 Fred Will Public Safety/Public Property Public Works 715-573-7071 Alderperson, Ward 3 Dennis Richmond Public Property Parks & Recreation/Public Safety 715-359-7575 Alderperson, Ward 3 Scott Dunst Health & Sanitation/Public Safety Public Works 715-359-3594 Alderperson, Ward 4 Jim DeBauche Finance/Health & Sanitation Personnel 715-359-6704 Alderperson, Ward 4 Kregg Hoehn 715-581-0924 Public Works/Zoning Admin. Kevin King Parks & Recreation Personnel/Health & Sanitation Water-Sewer Commission Planning Commission Water/Sewer Commission Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Lori Hauswirth N/A 715-359-5230 Ext. 2 Clerk/Treasurer Lisa Reeves N/A 715-359-5230 Ext. 1 Building Inspector Dan Dziadosz N/A 715-297-7115 715-573-1410 715-581-3478 715-241-8863 715-571-8436 SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE 12 Who to Call When You Have Questions/Problems Related to Schofield Services ISSUE CONTACT Trash not picked up Veolia Grass not being mowed City Hall 715-359-5230 Ext. 2 Sidewalks not being shoveled City Hall 715-359-5230 Ext. 2 Sewer Backups City Hall or Sheriff's Dept. 715-359-5230 Ext. 2 715-261-1200 Building Permits Dan Dziadosz 715-297-7115 Zoning Issues Kevin King 715-241-8863 Questions/Concerns/Suggestions Your Alderperson or Mayor Water Bill Questions City Hall Property Tax Questions County Treasurer's Office Property Tax Questions City Hall (after January 31) (until January 31) How to contact the Schofield Post Office PHONE NUMBER 715-359-6637 715-359-5230 Ext. 2 715-261-1150 715-359-5230 Ext. 1 715-359-3464 SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE 13 Electronics Banned from Landfills Wisconsin’s electronics recycling law, 2009 Wisconsin Act 50, was signed into law by Governor Doyle in October 2009. The law established a collection and recycling system in Wisconsin for certain consumer electronic devices discarded by households, K-12 public schools and Milwaukee Parental Choice Program schools. This is now called the E-Cycle Wisconsin program. The law also enacted a disposal ban that restricts landfilling or incineration of these devices as of September 1, 2010. The following electronics are covered in the ban: • Televisions • Computers (including desktop, laptop, netbook and tablet computers) • Desktop printers (including those that scan, fax, or copy) • Computer monitors • Other computer accessories including keyboards, mice, speakers, external hard drives and flash drives • DVD players, DVRs, VCRs and other video players • Fax machines • Cell phones This ban covers everyone in the state, and applies no matter where a device was purchased or who used it. Households, schools, businesses, governments and institutions are all covered under the ban. Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste can be dropped off at Marathon County Solid Waste Department R18500 E. Hwy. 29 – Ringle, WI Materials Accepted Degreasers – Cleaning Solvents Drain Cleaners – Dry Cleaning Fluid Floor/Furniture Polish Mildew Cleaners Herbicides – Insecticides Metal Cleaners – Oven Cleaners Oil-based Paints – Solvents Strippers – Thinners Turpentine – Varnish Creosote – Fuel – Ether Questions? Call 715-446-3101 Ext. 2 5509 Fuller Street – Weston 90 Gallon Trash Container City of Schofield residents will have the option to have your 45 gallon curbside container upgraded to a 90 gallon container free of charge. If you are interested in this option please contact Veolia at 715-359-6637 after January 1, 2012 and place an order with them. The City of Schofield and Veolia Environmental Services recently agreed to a contract extension that will continue the present level of service. Garbage pick-up North of the Eau Claire River bridge is weekly on Tuesdays and garbage pick-up South of the Eau Claire River bridge is weekly on Wednesdays. Recycling pick-up north of the Eau Claire River bridge is the 1st Tuesday of each month and recycling service South of the Eau Claire River bridge is the 1st Wednesday of each month. Please have your items out by 6:00 a.m. In addition to the curbside service, Schofield residents may drop off recyclables at the Veolia transfer station free of charge. The site is at 5508 Fuller Street in Weston and is open from 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. M-F and 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Veolia offers temporary containers for remodeling or general cleanup. Containers are available in 4, 6, 8 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 cubic yard sizes. Shingle recycling is available for roofing projects and at the Veolia transfer station located at 5508 Fuller Street. Veolia also provides yard waste pickup to its Schofield residents. This is a curbside collection using 95 gallon carts and is available for a fee. Please contact Veolia directly for options and pricing. Trash and bulky items can also be disposed of at the transfer station for a fee (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). The transfer station also accepts used motor oil and lead acid batteries for recycling free of charge. Wisconsin state law prohibits residents from placing electronics such as televisions, computers, cellular phones and similar devices in the trash. Veolia offers recycling service for those items at the Fuller Street location for a fee. Residents may also recycle fluorescent lamps and other light bulbs for a fee. For questions about City of Schofield service or the additional services available from Veolia, please call Veolia at (715) 359-6637. SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE 14 Garbage and Recycling Collection Garbage Pick-up Days (please have to curb by 6 a.m.) North of Eau Claire River Bridge: every Tuesday - South of Eau Claire River Bridge: every Wednesday Recycling Pick-up Days (please have to curb by 6 a.m.) North of Eau Claire River Bridge: 1st Tuesday of each month - South of Eau Claire River Bridge: 1st Wednesday of each month Veolia Waste Services Midwest Inc. Veolia ES Solid Waste LLC is the handler of waste and recycling in the City of Schofield. Our goal is to make recycling as easy as possible for you. Changes have been made in the sorting of recycling materials. The color of your bins does not matter. ** During Holiday weeks, always expect a pickup a day later, after scheduled Holiday. (ex. Memorial Day, Monday’s pickup will be Tuesday, and everything that week is a day later.) SPECIAL WASTE RECYCLING USED MOTOR OIL Motor oil should be left curbside on your recycling day in a plastic container with lid fastened. (milk jug) BATTERIES Lead acid batteries (car, lawnmower, motorcycle, etc.) CONTAINER FOR CO-MINGLE (any color bin) #1 PLASTICS These primary plastics include pop bottles. Rinse and remove caps and rings. (Look at bottom of container for number ) #2 PLASTICS These plastics include milk jugs & detergent bottles. Rinse and remove caps and rings. (Look at bottom of container for number ) GLASS Clear, Brown and Green in color. Only bottles and jars. Rinse and remove cap and metal rings. DO NOT BREAK GLASS!! NO CERAMICS, DISHES OR WINDOW GLASS!!! ALUMINUM CANS Do not crush cans. (cans only) TIN/BI-METAL CANS Rinse and remove labels from cans. (food cans only) CONTAINER FOR PAPER PRODUCTS/FIBERS CORRUGATED CARDBOARD Flatten boxes. They do not need to be tied. (All contaminated cardboard including pizza boxes should go in your regular trash.) OFFICE PAPER, NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINES Place in a paper bag and then place next to cardboard. *If you have any questions, or have to schedule large item pickups, call Veolia at: 715-359-6637. Veolia also offers a 95 gallon cart service for $6 a month. Stickers are available at Schofield City Hall for $1 each for additional bags. Veolia Waste Services Midwest Inc. - Wausau 5509 Fuller Street, Weston, WI 54476-3106 Phone 715-359-6637 Fax 715-359-2123 SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT PAGE 15 Direct Bill Payment Take advantage of the FREE DIRECT BILL PAYMENT SERVICE we are offering at the City of Schofield Utilities. You can have your utility bill electronically paid from any bank, savings & loan or credit union account. Sign up today to start enjoying these benefits: *No check to write. *No more late payment charges. *No postage to pay. *No matter where you are your bill will be paid. The due date that appears on your bill is the date the funds are withdrawn from your account. To sign up for the City of Schofield Utilities Direct Bill Payment Option service, please fill out the attached form, and along with a CHECK OR SAVINGS DEPOSIT SLIP marked “VOID”, drop off or mail it to the City of Schofield Utilities address found on the form. If you have any questions, please contact us at 715-359-5230. (Clip and return bottom half) Application for Electronic Payment Please clip out and return this electronic transfer authorization agreement. Name on City of Schofield Utilities Bill (please print) Customer Address Name of Financial Institution Account Number Telephone Number Telephone Number Address of Financial Institution Routing Number Name of Bank Account Holder Account Number I hereby authorize the financial institution named to charge my: r Checking Account Authorized Signature r Savings Account Date Mail this completed form along with a check or savings deposit slip marked “Void” to: City of Schofield Utilities 200 Park Street Schofield, WI 54476 Resident Extended Vacancy Form (**Don’t Pay Late Fees) If you leave home for any extended period of time (one month or more), complete this form and send it to City of Schofield Utilities (address above) to receive your utility bill on time. Name_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Expected Departure Date_ ________________________________________________________________________________ Expected Return Date____________________________________________________________________________________ Forwarding Address_ ____________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOFIELD SPOTLIGHT Prsrt Std PAGE 16 US Postage Paid Wausau WI Permit # 3 200 Park Street Schofield, WI 54476 Phone: 715-359-5230 Fax: 715-359-5973 ELECTED OFFICIALS CITY OF SCHOFIELD OFFICE HOURS AND PHONE NUMBERS Ken Fabel, Mayor 715-573-1410 City Clerk/Treasurer Public Works/Zoning Offices Kevin Fabel, Ward 1 Robert Szekeress, Ward 1 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 715-581-3478 715-359-2642 715-359-5230 Ext. 1 715-571-8436 Joan Joss, Ward 2 Fred Will, Ward 2 715-359-3524 715-573-7071 Building Inspector After Hours Emergencies Ken Fabel, Ward 3 Dennis Richmond, Ward 3 715-297-7115 (after 4:30 p.m. and weekends) 715-573-1410 715-359-7575 Call the Marathon County Kregg Hoehn, Ward 4 James DeBauche, Ward 4 Everest Metro Police Sheriff’s Department 715-581-0924 715-359-6704 715-359-4202 (non-emergency) 715-261-1200
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does fall below the bottom of the tree, even for a few minutes,
recut the trunk about an inch up.
• Location, location, location. Place the tree well away from heat sources like