NRA President Julie Joeckel - Nebraska REALTORS® Association


NRA President Julie Joeckel - Nebraska REALTORS® Association
Volume IV
Nebraska REALTORS®
Photo provided by Steve Heironymus.
Inside this issue:
NREC Update
NRA BOD Mtg. Highlights
NAR BOD Mtg. Highlights
REALTOR® Code of Ethics
Home Buyer’s Asst Foundation
2015 Leadership Nominations
2013 RPAC Figures
Call for Action
Fall Meetings Recap
NRA Caravan Recap
2014 Legislative Days
2014 ROTY Application
NRA Committee Updates
Pride in Community Winners
Ask the Legal Hotline
.Realtor Domains
2014 Education Schedule
Sales Statistics
Calendar of Events
Legislative Days
January 28-29, 2014
See Inside: Pages 8-9
News & Notes
send your photos for publication to
NRA President Julie Joeckel: 2013 in Review
As the year 2013 comes to
a close, so does my role as
your President. It has been
an honor to serve you in this
capacity and I thank you for
the opportunity. There has
been, as usual, much work
done by the State
Association and here is a
recap of the year 2013:
Legislative initiatives: We introduced
legislation allowing for commercial brokers to
be able to file a lien on a property for which
they were procuring cause. This was passed
and went into effect on May 17th, 2013.
Another significant win for us was the $2.5
million that was put back into the Affordable
Housing Trust Fund. We have worked with
Senator Mello in crafting the Land Bank bill
and continue to work with Senator Howard on
a bill that will be a compromise on the addition
of carbon monoxide detectors as a requirement.
We also have initiated a task force to meet with
the NREC to address agency disclosures and
how we can improve on the current policy and
interpretation in the interest of agents and the
consumers alike. This will be carried over into
2014. Legal counsel is also drafting a proposal
for the removal of the requirement of
notarizing seller’s signatures on the purchase
Pride in Community: This program was an
opportunity for the Local Boards/Associations,
large and small, across the state to show how
we, as REALTORS®, work with many
different volunteer organizations to improve
our communities. We gave out $1000 to four
Boards/Associations for the terrific work that
they did in their community. They were the
Omaha Area Board of REALTORS®,
REALTORS® Association of Lincoln,
Hastings Board of REALTORS® and Dakota
County Board of REALTORS®. They were
each given a check to give back to a charity of
their choice. Congratulations once again, job
well done!
Home Buyer’s Assistance Foundation:
This was an initiative started in 2010 with a
$50,000 grant from NAR. We have legislation
in place to allow Brokers to have an interestbearing trust account that directs the interest
back into the funding for this program, and the
foundation is allowed to accept donations. We
have given out 10 $250 grants this year to first
time home buyers that qualify. Please check
out the program to see if one of your buyers
qualifies to get a $250 grant after closing! What
a great gift to your clients!
RPAC: We had some fun this year in trying
to drive RPAC to a new level and we
succeeded. We established a REALTORS®
Got Travel initiative and gave out two trips,
expenses paid, for the lucky winners Judy Sasek,
of Lincoln and Joan Perlinger, of North Platte.
We saw them both at many events in San
Francisco! We also set our goals high on raising
$150,000 for RPAC and exceeded this lofty goal
by $3000. Our participation level also rose to
an all-time high of 42%. For these
achievements we will receive the Triple Crown
trophy this year from NAR. Keep up the great
work in this area, it is extremely important that
we understand RPAC and what it means to us
here in Nebraska.
National Association of REALTORS®:
There have been many changes in the last few
years at the national level and it looks to
continue at a rapid pace. One of the changes is
to that we will continue to see
develop as the year ends. The Board of
Directors voted in July to allow more flexibility
with the website to allow it to compete in the
marketplace. It is our duty to get the word out
to consumers that the most accurate
information in the marketplace is because it comes direct from
the MLS, not other data sources. As you are
aware, the flood insurance was extended for 5
years, but with that came a cost increase that is
very different than in the past. At the National
level, we have two bills introduced, one in the
Continued on Page 13
Page 2
Nebraska REALTOR® News & Notes
an official publication of the
Nebraska REALTORS® Association
800 S. 13th St., Suite 200,
Lincoln, NE 68508-3240
Phone: 402-323-6500
Fax: 402-323-6501
Julie Joeckel
Matt Meister
Lisa Ritter
Joe Gehrki
Immediate Past President
Board of Directors:
Central Regional Director:
Steve Coram
Eastern Regional Director:
Rob Dover
Lincoln Regional Directors:
Darlene Fletcher, Marcia Weddle
Omaha Area Regional Directors:
Jo Ann Grennan, Mark Leaders, Sharon Rich,
Gary Stoneburg, Robert Wiebusch
Western Regional Director:
Darlene Kovarik
Large Company Directors:
Andy Alloway, Gene Brake,
Herb Freeman, Vince Leisey, Larry Melichar,
Joe Valenti
NAR Directors:
Rita Griess, Mike Riedmann
Local Board NAR Director:
Deda Myhre, Omaha
Past Presidents’ Director:
Henry Kammandel, Jr.
Association Staff:
Tamela A. Brookhouser,
Chief Executive Officer and Editor
Kristen Anderson, Governmental Affairs
Christie Bevington, Professional Development
Makenzie Brookhouser, Admin. Assistant
Dani Jennings, Events and Services
Tyler Richardson, Admin. Services
Char Weatherford, Controller
Vision: The Nebraska REALTORS® Association is the leading voice for real estate in
Nebraska providing a professional environment for all its members.
REALTOR® is a registered collective
membership mark which may be used only by
real estate professionals who are members of
and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.
Nebraska REALTOR® News & Notes is an
official publication of the Nebraska
REALTORS® Association (NRA). Nebraska
REALTOR® News & Notes is published
monthly by NRA and every member of the
Association is mailed a copy. The annual
subscription rate which is included in the
dues of the members of the Association is $9
per year. Statements of fact and opinion
made are the responsibility of the authors
alone and do not imply an opinion on the part
of the officers or members of NRA. While this
magazine makes a reasonable effort to
establish the integrity of its advertisers, it
does not endorse advertised products or
services unless specifically stated.
All correspondence regarding this publication
should be directed to:
Nebraska REALTORS® Association
800 S. 13th St., Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68508-3240
Phone 402/323-6500 or 800/777-5231
Fax 402/323-6501
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Nebraska Real Estate Commission Update
The Nebraska Real
Estate Commission
(NREC) met in Lincoln on
November 21st at the
Staybridge Suites in Lincoln.
The Receipts and
Expenditure report
continues to be positive. The Receipts continue to
track higher than expected due to increased
number of applicants and license applications. The
Expenditures continue to track lower than
projected by 5%.
In October, 10 people sat for the Broker exam
with 7 passing for a 70% pass rate. For that same
month, 66 people sat for the salespersons license
with 30 passing for a 45% pass rate. There were
slightly more people failing the national portion of
the test than the state.
The Pending Complaints remain fairly
unchanged. There are two Hearings scheduled for
January but one has already been concluded with a
Stipulation and Consent Order. There have been
32 complaints filed in 2013 with an equal number
being filed by the public and Commission. The
Commission approved the one special informal
appearance they heard. The applicant may now sit
for the salesperson exam.
after being convicted of a multitude of financial
crimes. The Commission charged Mr. Pelshaw
with breach of fiduciary duty and negligence,
incompetency, and unworthiness to act as a
Broker. The NREC found him in violation of all
counts and revoked his license. This is the sixth
license revocation this year, a record. All
revocations have been due to felony convictions.
NRA President Julie Joeckel and NRA Legal
Counsel Fred Hoppe testified regarding the
Homestead Notary Bill. The Commission voted
not to object to this legislation. Also discussed
was an administrative bill the Commission was
planning to introduce this session. President
Joeckel asked for further clarification and
reiterated NRA's support of this legislation.
The January and April meeting dates were
changed to one day meetings: Friday, January
17th, and Friday, April 18th.
Deputy Director for Enforcement Terry
Mayrose is retiring on December 31st after 31
years of service to the Commission. A national
search has begun to find his replacement. This
was the last NREC meeting for Terry. The
Commissioners honored him with a Resolution
and thanked him for his 31 years of service.
There was one hearing, Commission V. Robert
Lee Pelshaw. He is currently in federal prison
Omaha REALTOR® Andy Alloway Appointed
to the NREC
Governor Dave Heineman has appointed Andy
Alloway of Omaha to the Nebraska Real Estate
Commission as the Broker Member-at-Large, replacing
Rob Dover whose term expired in September. Andy is
owner of DEEB Realty Real Estate in Omaha and has
been a broker since 2005. Andy has been very active with
the Omaha Area Board of REALTORS® as well as the
Nebraska REALTORS® Association where he currently
serves on the following committees: Regional Professional
Standards, License Law, Nominating, and Governmental
Affairs. Andy also serves on the Board of Directors and
Secretary of State Advisory Group.
The NREC Commissioners:
(back row, from left) Herb Freeman, Drew
Stange, David Ptak, and Andy Alloway;
(front row, from left) Kathryn Rouch, Secretary
of State John Gale, and Al Avery
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Page 3
NRA Board of Directors Meeting Highlights - September 17, 2013 - Lincoln, NE
Approved retaining Radcliffe & Associates as Lobbyist for the
Association, Rick Boucher as Legal Counsel for Professional
Standards, and Hoppe Law Firm as General Counsel for the
Association and Legal Counsel for the Legal Hotline.
Approved making a $75,000 principal payment on the NRA
building loan.
Approved the 2014 Final Budget and 2014 Capital Budget.
Approved travel compensation at the same level as the Federal
Coordinators and National Directors for Pat Ohmberger in her
position as Vice Chair of the NAR Residential Economic Issues
and Trends Forum.
Authorized legal counsel to draft language that would exempt
purchase contracts from Homestead Law.
Approved forming a task force to work with the NREC to review
and rethink the current agency brochure and agency law.
Approved changing the License Law Committee Chair to a threeyear term with the Chair serving as liaison to the Secretary of State.
Approved the following appointments to the RPAC Trustees: Rob
Dover as Member-at-Large Trustee, Joe Gehrki as Omaha Region
Trustee, and Jeff Searcy as Lincoln Region Trustee.
NAR Board of Directors Meeting Highlights - November 11, 2013, San Francisco, CA
Eminent Domain
The Board adopted a policy position
opposing the use of eminent domain by
localities to take mortgages of home owners
facing hardship so they can be modified.
Under the policy statement, NAR says it
understands the need to help struggling
home owners, but taking mortgages hurts
the availability and affordability of financing
for borrowers because of the uncertainty it
creates for lenders and investors.
In a related matter, the Board authorized
the distribution of $485,000 in funds from
NAR's Issues Mobilization program to the
West Contra Costa, Calif., Association of
REALTORS® to help it fight the use of
eminent domain to seize mortgages in
Richmond, Calif.
discriminatory intent.
Discrimination, disparate impact
The Delegate Body, approving a Board of
Director’s action from earlier this year,
added a policy opposing gender-identity
discrimination to its statement of Fair
Housing Policy.
In addition, the Board adopted a new
policy on disparate impact. The new policy
makes clear NAR’s support for Fair
Housing but also takes the position that
REALTORS® shouldn't be penalized when
practices with a legitimate business intent
unintentionally have a disparate impact on a
protected class. An example would be an
owner’s policy to screen out drug criminals
from a rental property. Under the policy, the
burden should fall on organizations alleging
disparate impact to show the owner had a
discriminatory intent. Neither should the
owner be required to make unreasonable
and burdensome changes in practice to
reduce the disparate impact if there was no
In several changes to the association’s
dues, the Board created an exception to how
dues are calculated for members who engage
exclusively in mortgage loan origination, an
exception that applies exclusively to
California because of a unique licensing
requirement there. The exception will be
tracked and administered in similar fashion
to referral licensees.
Separately, the Board approved dues
amounts of $500 for the National Affiliate
member category (which applies to
members of affiliated organizations), $200
for the Academic Category, and $105 for the
Institute Affiliate category, up from $75,
with $35 each going to the national, state,
and local levels.
Membership issues
Emeritus status
On membership issues, the Board
modified a policy change approved earlier
this year that required one year of national
service as a condition of becoming a
REALTOR® Emeritus member. Under the
modification, the Board is phasing in the
requirement, allowing candidates for
emeritus status to meet their requirement
with a year of service on a state or local
committee or other specified role. The
modification is scheduled to sunset in five
years, after which the one-year of service
will have to be in a national role.
Lockbox services
The Board amended Interpretation No.
32 of Article I, Section 2, of the NAR
Bylaws to clarify that the cost of lockbox
services, where it is a service of the local
association, may, at the association’s
discretion, be included in association dues.
Professional Standards
The Board took a number of actions to
enhance professional standards.
To ensure practitioners are qualified and
have access to the information needed to do
broker price opinions (BPO) properly and to
require disclosures when they’re doing them
for others, the Board made changes to
Standard of Practice 11-1, including
requiring REALTORS® doing a BPO to be
knowledgeable about the property type and
Ethics complaints
To ensure that only individuals and not
companies, associations, or other entities
can file ethics complaints, the Board
clarified that “person” in the Code of Ethics
means “natural person.”
Disciplinary actions
The Board amended Section 22(a),
Decision of Hearing Panel, in the Code of
Ethics and Arbitration Manual to direct
hearing panels to consider a respondent’s
prior violations, among other things, when
determining how to discipline a member.
To help advance the industry’s interests in
the legal arena, the Board allocated
$363,667.55 to help with legal costs in six
cases, including Minnesota and Florida cases
involving copyright infringement by website
Continued on Page 13
Page 4
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Governor Heineman Commemorates the Code of Ethics Centennial
On October 16th, Governor Dave
and sellers,” Thane said, “and after 100 years the Code of Ethics
Heineman presided over the Proclamation
continues to set REALTORS® apart.”
signing ceremony at the State Capitol officially
Thanks to all of you who have helped us throughout the year to
commemorating the Centennial of the
celebrate the Centennial of the Code of Ethics.
REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
Statewide Professional Standards Review
Committee Chair Thane Jensen and Vice
Chair Connie Burleigh attended the
ceremony, along with Lincoln REALTOR®
Kim Zwiener and NRA CEO Tammy
Thane spoke at the event, and reminded
us that the willingness to accept and abide by
the Code of Ethics is the single most
outstanding characteristic that distinguishes REALTORS® from
(from left) NRA CEO Tammy Brookhouser, Statewide Professional
other real estate practitioners.
Standards Review Committee Vice Chair Connie Burleigh, Lincoln
“The Code of Ethics was founded with the goal of uniting the
REALTOR® Kim Zwiener, Governor Dave Heineman, and Statewide
real estate profession through high standards to protect buyers
Professional Standards Review Committee Chair Thane Jensen.
Home Buyer’s Assistance Foundation Success Stories
In an effort to enhance the
success of Nebraska homebuyers in
maintaining homeownership, the
Nebraska REALTORS®
Association’s Home Buyer’s
Assistance Foundation has been
awarding grants of $250.00 to firsttime homebuyers for working with a
REALTOR® and completing
Mary Kircher (center) of
homebuyer education. The Home
Welcome Home Realty in
McCook presents two clients Buyer’s Assistance Foundation is a
with their grant checks.
nonprofit organization with a
mission to increase affordable,
adequate, safe, and decent housing in Nebraska.
The grants are giving new homeowners
some extra money to purchase household
necessities, and the program is giving
REALTORS® an opportunity to
strengthen their bond with their clients
beyond the conclusion of the transaction.
Please consider contributing to the sustainability of this program
by donating to the foundation. It is money that goes right back into
efforts to further Nebraska housing. For more information, contact
Tyler Richardson at the Nebraska REALTORS® Association at
(402) 323-6504, toll-free at (800) 777-5231, or by email at And you can find more information
online at
NRA Requests 2015 Leadership Nominations
The Nebraska REALTORS® Association Nominating
Committee is seeking qualified individuals for the position of
Treasurer and NAR Director.
Information and nomination packets have been sent to the
board presidents and executive officers.
The term of office for the Treasurer position is January 1, 2015
through December 31, 2015. The term of office for the NAR
Director position is 12/1/2014-11/30/2017.
Please be advised that the NRA Board of Directors at its
September 20, 2011, meeting approved the following standards for
applying for, and remaining on, the Board of Directors:
1. REALTOR® status;
2. NRA membership for the past five consecutive years;
3. Active service on an NRA committee for a minimum of
one year, attending at least 50 percent of the meetings;
4. Appointed or elected at the local association level;
5. Application submitted to NRA by the January deadline;
6. Completion of the Chair/Vice Chair and Leadership
Essentials Training by the second year of appointment;
7. Continuous membership on at least one committee during
the course of their directorship, attending at least 50
percent of the committee meetings;
-or8. A past president of Nebraska REALTORS® Association
Applications must be received by January 10, 2014, at the NRA
office (800 South 13th Street, Suite 200; Lincoln, NE 68508). Please
direct inquiries to Tyler Richardson, Administrative Services
Director, at 402-323-6504 or 800-777-5231, or
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Page 5
2013 FINAL RPAC Figures based on $97,475 State Goal
Local Board
Blue River Area
Buffalo County Columbus
Dakota County Dawson County
Fremont Tri County Grand Island - Sheila
Hastings Lincoln - Connie Burleigh
Lincoln County Karen Stephens
NAR Goal
(min. cont.)
State Goal
Members 2013 Amount
Investing Contributed Participation of Goal
Nemaha Valley
Norfolk Omaha Area -
Scotts Bluff Cty Individuals
Based on 11/1/12 NAR Membership Report; Goal = $25 per member / 50% Participation; NAR 2013 Goal: 3,899 members / $17,564 / $15 per member
CALL FOR ACTION: Flood Insurance Issues
Could Sink Your Sales
The Problem: Congress provided a 5-year
reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP), but severe implementation
problems threaten to undermine real estate
transactions where flood insurance is required to
obtain a mortgage.
 New NFIP rate structures have caused
serious confusion and hardship for property
 The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) continues to delay and miss
 The legally required transition to true risk
rates has plagued consumers with increases in
rates beyond what anyone imagined possible.
The Solution: A four-year time-out. Congress
has legislation in the House, H.R. 3370 and
Senate, S. 1610, to delay changes to the NFIP.
These bills would:
 prudently defer rate increases until FEMA
completes the affordability study mandated
by law
 create a system for targeted rate relief
 establish an office of the Advocate for flood
insurance rate and mapping concerns.
Please Take Action today and tell your
Member of Congress and Senators that NAR
supports the “Homeowner Flood Insurance
Affordability Act.”
Page 6
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Fall Meetings
September 16-18, 2013
Embassy Suites Hotel
Lincoln, NE
Over 260 attendees came to the
Nebraska REALTORS®
Association’s Annual Fall
Meetings, held September 16-18
in Lincoln.
This year’s Fall Meetings included
20 continuing education credit
hours covering listing and selling,
property management,
negotiating and ethics.
Additionally, 3 hours of brokerapproved training credits were
offered covering Professional
Standards training. Committee
Matt Meister installed as the
work is an essential part of Fall
2014 State Association
Meetings and many productive
meetings were held. Additionally,
Region 8 Vice President Daryl Braham spoke at the Membership
Luncheon and State Association President, Julie Joeckel, hosted a
hospitality reception at the Pinnacle Bank Arena for Fall Meetings
Matt Meister, CRS, GRI, with Coldwell Banker Town & Country in
Kearney, Nebraska, was installed as the 2014 President of the
Nebraska REALTORS® Association at the Inaugural Gala on
September 17, 2013.
The Nebraska REALTORS® Association Officers and Board of
Directors for 2014 were also installed at the Inaugural Gala. They
President-Elect: Lisa Ritter, AHWD, CRS - Omaha
Treasurer: Kent Thompson - Lincoln
Immediate Past President: Julie Joeckel, CRB, CRS, GRI Lincoln
Central Region Director: Steve Coram, CRS, GRI - Kearney
Eastern Region Director: Rob Dover, GRI, AHWD - Norfolk
Western Region Director: Darlene Kovarik, CRS, GRI Scottsbluff
Lincoln Region Directors: Darlene Fletcher, GRI; Drew Stange
Omaha Area Region Directors: Cathy Blackman, CRS; Monica
Humpal, GRI; Mark Leaders, CRS; David Matney, AHWD, CRS,
GRI; Robert Wiebusch, CRB
Large Company Directors: Andy Alloway - Omaha; Gene Brake,
CRB, CRS, GRI - Lincoln; Herb Freeman, CRB, GRI - Omaha;
Vince Leisey - Omaha; Larry Melichar, GRI - Lincoln; Joe Valenti,
CRS - Omaha
National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Directors: Rita
Griess, AHWD, CRB, CRS, GRI - Lincoln; Mike Riedmann,
AHWD, CRB, GRI - Omaha
Omaha Area NAR Director: Mark Wehner, CRB, GRI - Omaha
Past Presidents’ Director: Henry Kammandel, Jr. - Omaha
Region 8 Vice President: Henry Kammandel, Jr. - Omaha
A special thanks to our
Inaugural Gala sponsors
for their generous support!
Incoming NRA President Matt Meister (far left) with
Nebraska REALTORS® Past Presidents at the
Inaugural Gala.
Coldwell Banker of Kearney
Buffalo County Board
Barney Title & Escrow
Ganz Title & Escrow
Vintage Title & Escrow
From left: Bev Mauch, David Mauch and
NRA President Julie Joeckel enjoying
President Joeckel’s hospitality reception at
the Pinnacle Bank Arena.
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Page 7
Nebraska REALTORS® Caravan - October 7 - 11
2013 NRA President Julie Joeckel swears in the
Dawson County Board of REALTORS® 2014
2013 NRA President Joeckel and
Steve Coram, 2013 President of
the Buffalo County Board of
2013 NRA President Joeckel and 2013 NRA PresidentElect Matt Meister enjoying dinner with members of the
Lincoln County Board of REALTORS®.
2013 NRA President Joeckel and
Alison Graham, 2013 President
of the Blue River Board of
2013 NRA President Joeckel presents
the REALTOR® Emeritus Award to
Kathy Means of the Norfolk Board of
2013 NRA President Joeckel and
Matt Andersen, 2013 President of
the Fremont Board of REALTORS®.
The NRA Leadership Caravan
traveled approximately 1,400
miles and visited 14 cities!
2013 NRA President Joeckel
Island Board of REALTORS®.
speaks to the Grand
2013 NRA President Joeckel and 2013 NRA President-Elect Meister
speaking with members of the Dakota Co. Board of REALTORS®.
2013 NRA President Joeckel and Bret
Kumpf, 2013 President of the
Columbus Board of REALTORS®.
2013 NRA President Joeckel swears in the Hastings Board of
REALTORS® 2014 officers.
Page 8
News & Notes
2013 Volume IV
Schedule of Events
Saturday, January 25, 2014
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Bill Review Session This session is open to all Governmental Affairs Commi ee members. Join the Associa on lobbyists and Governmental Affairs Director, Kristen Anderson, as they review every bill introduced this session that pertains to real estate. You will par cipate in deciding which bills will be discussed further at the Governmental Affairs Commi ee (to be held Wednesday, January 29, 2014) and decide what posi on the Associa on should take. Join us in person or through our webinar ‐ registra on required. This session will be held at the Nebraska REALTORS® Associa on office ‐ 800 S 13th Street, Lincoln. Tuesday, January 28, 2014
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM 2:30 PM – 3:30PM 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Registra on Open Execu ve Commi ee RPAC Trustees Agency Task Force mee ng Federal Coordinators mee ng 2014 Commi ee Chair, Vice Chair & Board of Directors Training REALTOR® Party Apprecia on Celebra on Join us from 4:00‐5:30 PM for a social hour with drinks and hors d’oeuvres as we celebrate a successful 2013 for RPAC. Following the social hour we will con nue the celebra on with the presenta on of the 2013 RPAC awards. This celebra on is open to all Legisla ve Days a endees. 7:00 PM Dinner on your own Wednesday, January 29, 2014
8:30 AM – 1:30 PM Registra on Open 9:00 AM – 11:45 AM Governmental Affairs Commi ee & Legisla ve Bill Review Session (9999T) The Legisla ve Bill Review Session por on of the Governmental Affairs Commi ee has been approved for 1 hour of Broker Training educa on credit (9:15‐10:15 AM). To receive the Broker Training credit, your Broker must sign and complete the approval form prior to the start of the session. The approval form can be found at 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM Lunch with our State Senators Ticketed event 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Board of Directors All events will take place at the Holiday Inn Downtown, Lincoln unless otherwise denoted. Visit for the most recent schedule, hotel & registra on informa on. News & Notes
2013 Volume IV
Page 9
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Downtown 141 N 9th Street Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone Reservations
For sleeping room reserva ons call 402‐475‐4011 (hotel direct), or 1‐800‐465‐4329 (Holiday Inn Central). Indicate you are a ending the Nebraska REALTORS® Associa on Legisla ve Days to receive our rate. $99 single/double occupancy. (Our rate includes parking and breakfast!) Internet Reservations
To make your sleeping room reserva on online:‐ Enter REA in the “Group Code” box to receive our group rate. Check In / Out
Hotel check in 3:00 PM Hotel check out 11:00 AM Reservation Deadline
The sleeping room reserva on deadline is January 10, 2014. A er this date, sleeping room rates are not guaranteed. Hotel Parking
Overnight hotel guests park for free as part of our rate. Visitors not staying at the hotel may park in the hotel garage for $1 per hour, up to $7 per day. Save the Date!
Plan to attend the 97th Annual
Convention & Exhibition.
Network with your peers from
across the state and take part in
lunches, social events, continuing
education and more!
97th Annual
Convention & Exhibition
April 7-9, 2014
Embassy Suites Hotel
La Vista, NE
Page 10
News & Notes
2013 Volume IV
NRA Committee Updates
The Nebraska REALTORS® Association’s committees met on Monday, September 16th, during the Annual Fall Meetings. Here are a
few of the things the committees are working on:
Association Executives Work Group
Scheduling training for February 2014 in
Kearney. Discussed preparations for
REALTOR® Ring Day and current
projects, programs and services.
begins in January. The committee met at
the Fall Meetings to discuss the upcoming
session and to be briefed on federal issues.
The committee approved introducing
legislation to remove the notary requirement
from homestead purchase agreements. The
committee next meets during Legislative
Working on items for the 2014 Convention, Days in January in Lincoln.
including Convention theme, education
topic and speaker ideas, Motivational Lunch GRI Board of Governors
speaker, and Grand Luncheon emcee.
A GRI tri-fold brochure and 2014 education
schedule was mailed out to the 2013 new
Equal Opportunity Cultural Diversity
licensees, Board Presidents and managing
Reviewed the At Home with Diversity
Brokers. The winners of the $60.00 GRI gift
course being held during the 2014
certificates were Connie Burleigh, John
Convention; reviewed a committee memo to Dennison and Kim Zwiener. NAR has
be sent to Boards in 2014 regarding Fair
reduced the numbers of hours for the GRI
Housing; reviewed the possibility of
program from 90 hours to 60 hours. The
developing CE to target local discrimination Board of Governors made a motion to keep
issues; discussed the status of LB485
the GRI program hours at 90.
(Nebraska workplace anti-discrimination bill
for marital status and sexual orientation);
License Law
discussed proposed changes to Article 10 of The committee voted to have President Julie
the Code of Ethics regarding gender
Joeckel establish a task force to examine
identity; recommended to the President
Agency law and the Agency Disclosure
Wendy Francis as Chair and Linda Majerus brochure in greater detail. The committee
as Vice Chair for 2014
also voted to allow more time to review the
issue of allowing CMA’s and BPO’s for tax
purposes. The committee also approved
Approved the final draft of the Commercial moving forward with legislation to remove
Purchase Agreement scheduled for
the notary requirement from homestead
publication January 1, 2014. Reported Form purchase agreements.
Simplicity now has expandable fields within
the Listing and Purchase agreements.
Participation Task Force
Revised the Residential Purchase
Discussed follow-up calls to 2013
Agreement, moving the Wood Destroying
Convention committee guests; reviewed
Insect section into the Inspections section
2013 Convention attendance; reviewed the
and adding the VA loan exception to the
Home Buyer’s Assistance Foundation grant
Wood Destroying Insect paragraph.
program; strategized a new broker call
campaign for next year; brainstormed ideas
Revisions to the Residential Purchase
to generate member involvement
Agreement listed above to be published
January 1, 2014. Approved the elimination
Pathways to Professionalism
of EZ Contracts as a form vendor as of
January 1, 2014. Subscribers to be notified The Pathways to Professionalism
prior to the end of 2013. Approved adding Committee reviewed the REALTOR® Mark
two new forms to the library as of January 1, of Excellence application and voted to add a
box for visiting a committee that you are not
2014 as follows: Property Inspection
Notification Addendum and Amendment to a member of and another box for bringing
someone new to a committee. The
Purchase Agreement Seller Holdover
committee also decided to add a sentence at
Possession Agreement “Rent Back.”
the end of the application so if an agent had
an exceptional experience with another
Governmental Affairs
REALTOR® they can go to the
The committee is preparing for the
Association’s website and give kudos to that
upcoming 2014 Legislative Session which
agent. Then those remarks could be put in
the News and Notes. $5.00 will be given
out to agents wearing their Mark of
Excellence pin during the 2014 Convention.
The committee is working on a special
recognition for agents that have received the
Mark of Excellence award 5 consecutive
RPAC Trustees
The 2013 RPAC fundraising year has
concluded and was a major success. The
Trustees have voted to contribute RPAC
money to several legislative candidates as
well as multiple incumbents.
Statewide Professional Standards Review
Discussed the 2013 Centennial of the Code
of Ethics celebrations and Proclamation
signing on October 16th; reviewed the
Regional Grievance and Professional
Standards Committees rosters; reviewed the
number of NRA ethics and arbitration
inquiries and complaints/requests; reviewed
communications sent to the membership
concerning the NRA Professional Standards
process; reviewed upcoming issues in 2014;
reviewed the 2013 NAR Professional
Standards Seminar; reviewed the benefits of
developing an ombudsman program;
recommended to the President Connie
Burleigh as Chair and Dixie TenEyck as
Vice Chair for 2014
Enroll in online continuing education now
through December and save 20% off your order!
Go to and
enter GIVE10 at checkout to receive your
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Page 11
In 2013, the Nebraska REALTORS® Association sponsored the Pride in Community contest. The purpose was to encourage local
Boards/Associations to organize and participate in community improvement projects to raise awareness of REALTOR® support of
community success in communities across Nebraska. One Board/Association from each of four categories, based on Board/Association
size, had their project judged and was awarded $1,000 to be given to a foundation or charity of their choosing. Thank you to everyone
who worked hard to show Nebraska that REALTORS® are a vital part of their communities, and congratulations to all of the winners!
The Dakota County Board
The Hastings
of REALTORS® distributed
Board of
reusable fabric bags to local
grocery stores to ease litter
held a community
problems in the area that existed
food drive with the
with plastic grocery bags.
donations given to
Residents were encouraged to
the Hastings Food
bring plastic bags with them to
Pantry. They have
recycle. They have chosen
chosen both
(from left) Alicia Larson, Vice
Cardinal Christmas Baskets, an
Crossroads, a
(from left) Hastings REALTORS® Darla Bruna,
President of the Dakota County
organization that gives less
Connie Hansen, Peg Oswald, Brent Parker, and facility dedicated to
Board of REALTORS®; Tom
Kristin Pavelka collecting donations for the
Luxford and Bill Garvey, Sr., Co- fortunate families a free meal for
helping individuals
Hastings Food Pantry.
Chairs of Cardinal Christmas
the holidays, as the recipient of
striving to become
Baskets; and Dawn Bousquet and their award.
provides meals
Gina Anderson, President and
for low income families, as recipients of their award.
Association Executive of the Dakota
County Board of REALTORS®. The REALTORS®
Association of Lincoln
The Omaha
submitted activities conducted under their
Area Board of
“Lincoln REALTORS® Do More than Sell
Real Estate” mission, serving the Lincoln
organized 60
community through meeting the basic
volunteers to work
needs of all people. Activities included
with Rebuilding
sponsorship of Matt Talbot’s Huskers
Together Omaha
Helping the Homeless, REALTOR® Ring
to renovate two
Day for the Salvation Army, raising money
homes. They have
for the LPS Foundation’s Homeless Fund,
chosen Rebuilding
the Lincoln Food Bank’s BackPack
Members of the Omaha Area Board of
Together Omaha,
REALTORS® working with Rebuilding Together to
Program and Habitat for Humanity, and
an organization
Brad Hulse of the
renovate two homes.
conducting a sock drive for the People’s
bringing together
City Mission. They used their award to do
Association of Lincoln
volunteers and communities to improve the homes and lives of lowa Blackshirt Sponsorship for Matt Talbot
with his donation box for income homeowners, as the recipient of their award.
Matt Talbot’s Huskers
Kitchen’s Huskers Helping the Homeless.
Helping the Homeless.
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Page 12
Ask the Legal Hotline: Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act
Written by Fred Hoppe of the Hoppe Law Firm, LLC.
The name of any person obligated to pay
the broker’s commission under the
commission agreement
The legal description of the commercial
real estate
The amount of the lien claimed
Recital: “the information contained in
the notice is true and accurate to the
knowledge of the signatories.”
The notice of lien must also be signed by
the broker and notarized.
Recently approved by the Governor,
Nebraska LB 3 created the Nebraska
Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act (the
“Act”). The Act codifies the process for Real
Estate Brokers to obtain liens on property in 
the amount of commissions that the broker is
Prerequisites for Commercial Liens
Commercial Real Estate
Commercial liens are limited to
“commercial real estate.” Commercial real
estate is broadly defined in the Act and
includes all real estate other than:
1. Real estate containing four or fewer
residential units
2. Vacant real estate that is zoned for single
family residential use
3. Single family residential units such as
condominiums, townhomes, or
subdivision homes which are sold on a
unit-by-unit basis
Brokers Only
Additionally, commercial liens are limited
to commercial real estate brokers only. They
are not available to employees, agents,
subagents, or independent contractors of
commercial real estate brokers.
Timing Restrictions
Traditional Sale Transaction: If the
broker is entitled to a commission in a
traditional sale transaction, the broker must
record a notice of lien after the commission
agreement is signed but before the actual
conveyance or transfer of the commercial
real estate. Therefore, the broker must
record the notice prior to closing on a sale.
Commissions on Future Contingency:
In a transaction where the broker is due an
Finally, the Act requires a binding
additional commission from a future
commission agreement signed by the owner, contingency (i.e. exercise of an option,
buyer or their respective authorized agents.
renew/extend lease) the broker must record
This is the same commission agreement that the notice of lien after the execution of the
is already required by the Nebraska real estate lease or commission agreement but no later
agency statutes (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76-2422).
than 90 days after the contingency event.
To initiate the commercial lien process,
the broker must record a notice of lien. The
notice of lien is recorded in the office of the
register of deeds of the county in which the
commercial real estate is located.
mailbox with paid postage.
Enforcing the Lien
Judicial Proceeding
A valid commercial lien will be
enforceable for 2 years after recording of
the notice of lien. The broker must initiate
a judicial proceeding to enforce the lien
within this 2 year time limit.
Additionally, other people having an
interest in the property (owner, mortgage
company, trust deed, etc.) may force a
Lease Transaction: In a lease, sublease,
judicial proceeding. The interested third
or assignment of lease transaction, the
party will first serve a written demand to
broker must record the notice of lien no later
the broker. The broker then must institute
than 90 days after the tenant takes possession
a judicial proceeding within 30 days or the
of the real estate.
lien will lapse and become unenforceable.
Commission Agreements
Notice of Lien
The Nebraska REALTORS® Legal Hotline is a
free member benefit. It is available 10a.m. to
12p.m. and 2p.m. to 4p.m., Monday through Friday.
Please note: Broker sign-up for the service is required.
Service of Copy of Notice of Lien
The broker is additionally required to
send a copy of the notice of lien to the
owner of the commercial real estate within 10
days after recording the notice of lien;
otherwise, the broker’s lien will not be
enforceable. The broker must send the copy
Contents of the Notice of Lien
to the address of the owner stated in the
The new statutes require that the notice of commission agreement. If the commission
lien contain specific information. A notice of agreement does not contain the address of
lien must contain:
the owner, the broker must send the copy to
 The name of the broker
the commercial real estate address. The copy
 The name of the commercial real estate is considered sent when deposited in a US
Commercial Lien Priority
All recorded liens, mortgages, trust
deeds, and other encumbrances on the
commercial property recorded prior to the
commercial lien will have priority over the
commercial lien. The priority date of the
commercial lien is the date the lien was
recorded. The lien priority date does not
“relate back” to the date of the commission
agreement date.
Extinguishing the Lien
Once there is an enforceable commercial
lien on a piece of commercial real estate,
the owner of the real estate can extinguish
the lien by depositing funds in an escrow
account. The owner must deposit 115% of
the lien amount in the escrow account. The
terms of the escrow account will be
determined by the commission agreement
or separate agreement between the broker
and owner.
Page 13
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
President Julie Joeckel - Continued from Page 1
house and one in the senate to delay the cost increases as written
until it can be reviewed. There were also changes voted on
concerning the National Emeritus status. We voted against the
proposed change but lost to 67% in favor of the change. There may
be a new building for the REALTORS® Association on Michigan
Avenue in Chicago! There are negotiations ongoing for a new
building that is being proposed and a decision should be made within
the next six months on whether to move forward with proposals.
The year 2014 finds you in very capable hands. Matt Meister from
Kearney, Lisa Ritter from Omaha, and Kent Thompson from
Lincoln are your State representatives. Henry Kammandel Jr. was
installed as the 2014 RVP for Region 8 for NAR and will do a
fabulous job representing Nebraska on a National level, with his
knowledge and expertise.
Thank you once again for the honor of representing Nebraska,
locally, statewide and on the National level. It has been a very
rewarding experience, I have learned much, have traveled many
miles, and have truly enjoyed getting to know each and every
distinction of each board throughout the great state of Nebraska.
We have a lot to be thankful for and much to be proud of.
NAR Board of Directors Meeting - Continued from Page 3
operators using MLS data without
authorization, a trademark dispute in
California, and an issue involving the duty to
arbitrate in New York, among others. and Consumer Advertising
Campaign Reports
Directors heard a report from® President Errol Samuelson on
its success in boosting traffic since a special
The Nebraska REALTORS® Association meeting this summer in which the Board
gave increased flexibility to the website to
was recognized for achieving the Triple
feature more new-home, rental, and nonCrown Award. The Triple Crown Award
MLS listings. Among other things, the site
goals for Nebraska were 29 major
now has some 250,000 rental listings and is
contributors, 3 President’s Circle members,
on track to increase that to 450,000 early next
meeting our fair share goal of $15 per
year, making it the leader in rental listings
member, and exceeding the RPAC
among national listing aggregation sites.
participation goal of 37%.
The Board also heard a report on the
success of NAR’s consumer advertising
REALTORS® Relief Foundation
campaign, now in its 15th year. Just under 70
The REALTORS® Relief Foundation
percent of consumers now recognize NAR as
generated more than $55,000 in proceeds
from its first online auction, which attracted the sponsor of the campaign ads, the highest
degree of recognition since the program
bids, both on-site and online, from 1,000
started, and 92 percent say REALTORS®
participants. Nebraska donated 2 $500 gift
certificates to Omaha Steaks. Since 2001, the can help consumers find a home that’s right
for them, another high.
Foundation has distributed $22 million to
REALTORS® and others hit by disasters.
Board OKs Exploration of World-Class
The NAR Board of Directors at its
meeting in San Francisco unanimously
approved an ambitious project to be
undertaken with a major partner that would
turn the association’s headquarters into a
world-class property that is intended to
become the next destination building in the
iconic Chicago skyline.
While details of the project remain to be
worked out and the decision to carry out the
development is not final, the board vote
enables exploration to move forward. The
property would replace NAR's 50-year-old,
class B+ property with a significant
REALTOR®-branded, 1-2-million-squarefoot Class A+ building and plaza that would
include a 5-star hotel, condominiums, office
space, and ground-level retail. Under
preliminary plans subject to final agreement
with the partner, REALTORS® would own
a planned 180,000 square feet of the building
plus a percentage of the overall project.
NAR Launches Priority Registration for .Realtor Top-Level Domain
During the 2013 REALTORS®
Conference & Expo in San Francisco, the
National Association of REALTORS®
launched a member awareness campaign and
priority registration for the .Realtor top-level
domain, as an alternative to the familiar and
commonly used .com or .org domains.
Most buyers begin their real estate search
online looking for properties and reliable
information sources, and someday soon
when a consumer visits a .Realtor domain,
NAR wants them to understand that they
have located just that, a source of specialized
expertise and unparalleled local market
“As the leading advocate for home and
property ownership, REALTORS® are
creating a namespace where buyers, sellers
and investors will go online to find the most
credible, trusted real estate information,
resources and professional services,” said
NAR President Gary Thomas, broker-owner
of Evergreen Realty in Villa Park, California.
“In the future, when consumers visit a
.Realtor site they can be assured they are
working with a REALTOR®, a real estate
professional who subscribes to a strict Code
of Ethics.”
From now until December 31, 2013,
REALTORS® have the opportunity to be
included on a priority registration list to
secure their own .Realtor top-level domain
names by visiting
Participating members will receive advance
notification to register their own .Realtor
domain(s) one day before general release.
NAR will provide the first 500,000 members
who register for a .Realtor domain with a free
one-year license.
NAR applied for the branded .Realtor toplevel domain in 2011 through its wholly
owned subsidiary, the REALTORS®
Information Network. Only real estate
professionals who are members of NAR and
the Canadian Real Estate Association will be
allowed to use the .Realtor domain in
connection with their names. Domains will
also be made available to state and local
REALTOR® associations; association
multiple listing services; affiliated institutes,
societies and councils; and NAR strategic
business partners.
Final approval and launch of the
.Realtor domain is anticipated in 2014. For
more information, visit
Page 14
News & Notes
2013 Volume IV
Nebraska REALTORS® Association
2014 Education Schedule
Visit our website at:
*GRI 106: Taxation & Technology (0434) 9 CE Credits-Omaha
April 7-9 *State Convention, 3 CE credits each: Embassy Suites, LaVista
April 7-8 *Rookie Training/GRI 101 (0596) 9 CE credits- LaVista
April 7 *CRS 103 :Mastering Positive Change (9999T) 6 Broker Training Credits~ LaVista
April 9 *At Home With Diversity (0415) 6 CE credits~ LaVista
Sept. 8-10 *Fall Business Meetings ~ LaVista
Sept. 9-10 *GRI 103: Ethics & Legal Issues (0203R) 12 “R” CE Credits ~ LaVista
Sept. 10 *The Code of Ethics: Our Promise to Professionalism (0497R)~ LaVista
Sept. 10 * Professional Standards Training (9999T) 3 Broker Training Hours ~ LaVista
Oct 15-16 *GRI 104: Financing (0543) 12 CE Credits~ Lincoln
Call 800.777.5231 To Register
Visit our website
for online/distance learning credit courses!
Schedule is tentative & subject to change
Designations MAKE a Difference
REALTORS® who pursue professional designations have a distinct competitive edge as a result
of their increased expertise and marketability. Based on 2012 NAR Member Profile survey data,
the median income of REALTORS® without a designation was $28,900 and the median income
of those with at least one designation was $50,000
*Classes that count towards the REALTOR® Mark of Excellence Award
2013 Volume IV
News & Notes
Board Name
Page 15
2013 Average # 2012 Average
# sales Sale Price sales
Sale Price
Dakota County
Grand Island
Lincoln County
Board Name
2013 Average # 2012 Average
# sales Sale Price sales
Sale Price
Dakota County
Grand Island
Lincoln County
Omaha Area
Scotts Bluff Co.
Scotts Bluff Co.
Omaha Area
Board Name
2013 Average # 2012 Average
# sales Sale Price sales
Sale Price
Dakota County
Grand Island
Lincoln County
Scotts Bluff Co.
Omaha Area
Nebraska REALTORS®
Legal Hotline
Mon—Fri: 10 a.m. - noon & 2 - 4 p.m.,
402 /328—8375
**Broker sign-up for the service is required.
Nebraska REALTORS® Association
800 South 13th Street, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68508-3240
Calendar of Events
January 2014
Nebraska Real Estate Commission Meeting - Lincoln
Bill Review Session - NRA Office, Lincoln
Leadership Essentials - Holiday Inn, Lincoln
28-29 Legislative Days - Holiday Inn, Lincoln
Permit No. 67
Lincoln, NE
Mark Your Calendars
Legislative Days
February 2014
20-21 Nebraska Real Estate Commission Meeting - Lincoln
March 2014
21-25 Association Executives Institute - Baltimore, MD
20-21 Nebraska Real Estate Commission Meeting - Lincoln
April 2014
CRS 103: Mastering Positive Change (9999T) 6 Broker Training
Credits - La Vista
Rookie Training/GRI 101 (0596) 9 CE credits - La Vista
97th Annual NRA Convention & Exhibition - La Vista
At Home With Diversity (0415) 6 CE credits - La Vista
Nebraska Real Estate Commission Meeting - Lincoln
May 2014
12-17 NAR Midyear Legislative Meetings - Washington, D.C.
22-23 Nebraska Real Estate Commission Meeting - Lincoln
June 2013
19-20 Nebraska Real Estate Commission Meeting - Lincoln
View the most updated and comprehensive calendar of
REALTOR® events across the state on our Web site.
January 28-29, 2014
Saturday, January 25
Bill Review Session
Tuesday, January 28
Holiday Inn Downtown
Lincoln, Nebraska
Executive Committee Meeting
RPAC Trustees Meeting
Agency Task Force Meeting
Federal Coordinators Meeting
2014 Committee Chair & Vice Chair Training
REALTOR Party Appreciation Celebration
Wednesday, January 29
Governmental Affairs Committee / Bill Review Session
Lunch with State Senators
Board of Directors Meeting
Registration begins December 16th.
View our comprehensive education calendar of classroom,
online, designation, and pre-license courses on our Web site.