Rescue Tails - Paws Across Oswego County


Rescue Tails - Paws Across Oswego County
Volume 2 Issue 6
June 2013
Rescue Tails
Inside this issue:
PAOC Update...
Many things are brewing
this summer for P.A.O.C.
members! We’ve been doing end of the year visiting
at local schools and getting
ready to tee up at our annual PAOC Golf Tournament on July 20th (see inside for more details).
We are so elated with all
the adoptions this past
month and keep pressing
on to rescue more pups in
need. We are already at 9
adoptions and counting!
PAOC has been doing well
with our Thrift Shop sales,
but we’d like to do more!
We have been tinkering with
the store hours and trying to
find a schedule that works
best for sales and with our
volunteer’s schedules. With
the busy summer ahead,
here’s what we’ve decided to
do. The second weekend of
the month we will be doing a
“Yard Sale”. It will run Thursday through Sunday (check
the website or Facebook for
hours). The next weekend
being July 11-14th. We are
still taking donations at any
time, but just ask that you
give a call to let us know
you’re coming.
Call Paws at (315)343-0001
We are still in need of volunteers for many things! If you
can spare even an hour,
please let us know! You will
meet some great people and
help out our foster kids at the
same time!
We hope everyone has had a
fantastic start to their summer
and remember, safety first
out there for you and your
pets! Please don’t leave your
pet in hot cars, be wary of
plants and mulches that may
be dangerous, check fur for
ticks, and careful of hot pavement! Make this a fun summer for you and your pets!
We’re Adopted!
Current Fosters
Current Fosters
Happy Tales
Breed All About It
Summertime Tips
Foster Spotlight of
the Month
Breed: Pom/Pug/
Shih Tzu Mix
Weight: 15 lbs.
Age: 5-6 yrs.
Loves: Walks,
playing fetch and
tug o’war, snuggling, and treats
Meet Spunky our All American
Good Guy! Spunky just loves
everybody and everything and
has even made friends with our
tough girl, Sandra! Give him a
minute and he will win your
heart, too! Spunky loves other
dogs and gets along well with
cats and children. Spunky has
also become our evening store
greeter at Paws & Effect.
Spunky is a fun loving 5-6 year
old who just adores being with
his human friends. He is always
waiting with a happy tail wag
and friendly little kisses for everyone he meets! Spunky was
given up by his family because
they were moving, but he is
resilient and looking for a family that will love him forever.
Come meet our Spunk-man!
Page 2
Rescue Tails Tribune T
HOT DIGGITY DOG…We Got A Fur-ever Home!
These fur-kids were helped by the generosity of our followers and strangers alike! If you would
like to make a donation, please send it to:
Paws Across Oswego County, 2035 County Route 1, Oswego, NY 13126.
We are also always in need of towels, blankets, toys, and volunteers!! If you have spare time or
have donations for us, stop out to Paws & Effect or call (315) 343-0001! All your help is greatly
appreciated by our volunteers And, of course, our furry fosters!
Volume 2 Issue 6
Current Fur-Kids Looking For A Family
Tiger Lilly or “Lill”, as we
call her is the sweetest girl
you’d ever want! She is a 11
month old Pit Bull mix who
just loves, loves, loves people
and any attention she can get!
Lilly came to us from the local shelter and was a little shy
at first, but now, Lill is the
bravest girl and we are convinced she was put on earth to
make us smile...and lick our
faces off. Ha! She is a very
gentle girl and wants to be
friends with everyone she
meets. She loves her
toys,adores playing fetch, and
is a natural at agility class.
She is already spayed and
ready for her new family to
find her. She would love a
new family to have some fun
with! Come give Lill a kiss
Page 3
Spunky is a Pug/Shih-Tzu
Pomeranian mix who is about
five-six years old. He was relinquished from his owners
because they were moving
and “couldn’t take him”. He is
a very mellow fellow. He is
great with other dogs, cats,
and kids. He is loving his
walks in the dog park with our
volunteers and his newfound
friend, Sandra! He adores
playing tug o’war and is an
excellent fetcher! He’s a very
sweet boy and a very low
Update: To our dismay, Sandy
maintenace kinda guy. He rehas cancer. We had a lump replaces Mona as our store
moved and it was malignant. It will
greeter when she leaves to go
most likely return. Our poor girl
home. He loves keeping the
has been through so much and
night shift company! Won’t
would really love a lap to sit on!
She has plenty more love to give. Is you please come and help
there someone out there willing to Spunky, he has much more
give back to her?
love to give!
is quite
available Dee
for adoption
tle, little girl and is a little shy at
first, but with a yummy treat and
a nice chin scratch, she will be
your BFF in no time flat! Sandra
came to us from the shelter and
we believe is a Chihuahua/
Dachshund mix, about 5 years
old. This sweetie pie has made
friends with our foster cats, but
isn’t so keen on large dogs or inyour-face kind of dogs. Sandra
loves walks in the park with her
friend Spunky and just being
with her human friends. Come
meet our lovely lady!
Page 4
Current Fur-Kids Looking For A Family
Sage came to us from local dog
control. She was found wandering the streets, poor girl. She is
about 30 lbs. And a 10 month
old Shepherd/Beagle mix who
just loves attention and giving
kisses. Sage has done great with
our foster cats and wants to play
with them. She would do great
in a home with another dog to
keep her company! She kicks up
her heels with her many doggie
friends here at Paws. She is a
very smart girl, learning things
at the drop of a hat! Sage loves
to run with a toy in her mouth,
get treats, and scratchies. Be prepared for lots of puppy energy.
She is a natural at agility class
and needs a family who will be
very active with her. Lots of
walks and running is a must.
Stop in and say a big “woof” to
Miss Sage! That cute face is
waiting to be loved and cherished!
Rooney is a domestic longhair
who is about a year old now.
It didn’t work out with his
previous adopters as Rooney
is sometimes a very rough
player. He would do better in
a home with another cat to
play with and older children.
He has a bit of silly kitty in
him and is full of personality.
He gets along great with his
friend, Jezzi! Rooney is a very
loving kitten and, in the right
home, will do fantastic.
Rooney was stranded in a tree
and rescued from the cold by
one of our volunteers. Look at
those gray eyebrows!! That’s
how he got his name, he bears
a resemblance to Andy
Rooney! Ha! Ha! Come out
and see our meow-tastic
friend, Rooney.
Jezzibel came from the city
shelter and is the prettiest girl
on earth! Jezzibel is an 8
month old Calico and just
loves, loves, loves to be loved!
She’d be purr-fect for your
home! She loves her friend
Rooney and she has also done
well with a few of the foster
dogs. She’s a pretty laid back
kitty who likes to explore and
snuggle. Jezzi can most often
be found sunning herself in the
window, lounging on the
couch, or keeping us company
while we are doing laundry.
She loves to chase Rooney and
play with her mouse toy. Her
beautiful coloring is not to be
missed. She is a gorgeous gal
looking for a new family to
love. Come see our Jezzibel!
She is one kitty you will want
to scratch forever!
2 Issue
5 6
Don’t Shop! Adopt!
Mickey is a sweet, one year
old Puggle/Lab mix who came
to us from dog control.
Mickey is always in search of
someone to give him a thorough scratching on the behind.Mickey loves to run and
play with his BFF, Sage, and
sniff around outside! He’s a
gentle boy who enjoys giving
kisses. He has does well with
other dogs and has the temperament of a Lab but the size
of a Puggle. Mickey has lots
of energy and is an awesome
jumper! He is learning to walk
better on leash as he gets so
excited to get wherever he’s
going. He would love a home
with a playmate to keep him
busy.Mickey is hoping he
will...M..I..C...see you real
soon...K? Ha!
Jade is back with us as her new
family at Dogs To Vets did not
work out. Not her fault, things
happen out of our control
sometimes. We are happy to
have her return to Paws as she
is a sweet, 2 year old, Black
Lab. Jade is a loving girl who
just loves belly rubs and attention from her “people friends.”
She does well with other dogs,
but is a little too interested in
cats. She should probably be in
a home without them. Jade enjoys playing around with toys
but just mostly wants her human attention. Jade was surrendered by her family, along with
her brother, because they no
longer had time for them. Jade
is a happy girl who is very food
motivated, which is great for
training! Come say hi to Miss
Page 5
Tasha, a.k.a. Little Miss, is our
other new chickie in the PAOC
family. She is a 1 year old
Lhasa mix and is every humans
adoring fan! She loves everyone and everyone loves her!
She thrives on attention and
loves to give hugs and kisses.
She would make someone a
very nice lap warmer. She is
shy of larger dogs but did well
with our foster kitties. Tasha
loves her walks with our volunteers and loves making new
friends. She will be spayed this
week and ready for her new
home. Tasha does have a tear
in her tongue, but is none the
worse for wear. It does not impede her eating or giving
kisses! Ha! She is quite the little ham and would make a
wonderful addition to anyone’s
family! Stop in for a snuggle
Page 6
Looking For A Family
Ollie is back with us after his
new home not working out.
Ollie is a big galoot now weighing in at a whopping 155 lbs!
Much better than when we found
him at a mere 130. Ollie is a 1-2
year old Bull Mastiff and is a
happy and loving boy. He will
need someone who is familiar
with the breed and all the slobber that comes with it. Ollie was
on the run as a stray for a long
time when one of our members
was finally able to gain his trust
and catch him. After eating garbage and surviving the cold, he
deserves a nice family to love
and love him in return. He is
great with kids and adults alike,
a real family man. Ollie loves to
play ball and romp around and
especially loves being with people and getting those much deserved belly rubs! Stop out and
say a big hello to Ollie! He’s
waiting for a forever home!
Blanche is our newest addition
to the PAOC family. She is an 8
year old long haired Chihuahua.
She is a bear weighing in at a
heart stopping 5 pounds!! Ha!
But this little bit will steal your
heart. She came to us from the
shelter and she is missing many
teeth. This makes her tongue
hang out when she gets excited,
but it adds to her charm! She is a
sweet girl who loves attention
and scampering around. She reminds us so much of our little
friend, Pixie, who passed away
not too long ago. Blanche is
happy to snuggle up and give
lots of love. She is always ready
with a tail wag and that smile!
Won’t you help and old girl out
and give her a loving home?
She’s waited long enough for
someone to take good care of
her! She has much more love to
give! Come and meet our little
At Emerald Crest
Golf Course
1pm Shotgun Start
$300 Captain &
18 holes/cart
Hotdogs/drinks at
the turn
Deadline 7/6/13
Take a look at what some of our
former fosters are up to in
their new homes!
Aren’t they a lucky bunch o’ pups?
Miss Callie (formerly Polly) is just
chillin’ for the summer in her new
home. Doesn’t she look comfy cozy?
Her new family loves her very much
and we love all the cute pictures
they send us! Keep them comin’,
Delilah looks to be sittin’ pretty in
her new home! Look at that giant
bone she has! She must be truly loved
and that’s what we like to see. You loving them as much as we do, that’s the
goal! Keep being a good girl, Delilah!
Recently, Hobo came to visit us for some
spa treatment and we couldn’t resist taking a picture of him! Doesn’t he look
fabulous? Hobo came to us severely underweight and look at him now! Chunky
as a monkey! His family did a great job
getting him to where he needs to be!
Keep going Hobo!
For those who don’t remember
Doris, she was out 10 year old beagle mix who now adores her new family! She enjoys her time with kids of
her own who love her. She looks like
she fits right in and that bed was
made for her! Congrats, Doris!
Nolan looks like he’s enjoying his favorite pastime...snuggling up with his
new family! They just adore him and
he is loved beyond words. It was like
he was meant to be there all along.
Just what we love to see! He’s got
three kids to play and cuddle with
and it looks like his new Dad and
Mom join in the fun, too! Good boy,
Page 9
Huskies are working dogs, period. A well-exercised Siberian
Husky will be content hanging out on the couch or playing
with a toy on the carpet, but they also have a mischievous
side. They can become bored and destructive when left alone
for too long or not exercised enough. These dogs are devoted
to their families, theyrarely bark or act territorial; however,
they do have an interesting wolf-like howl. Overall, what
they say is true: Huskies are everybody’s friend. Because of
this, they don’t make the best guard dogs.
They should not be overworked in warm weather. If you live
in a warm area you might want to consider another breed. If
you have a warm season, exercise your them in the early
hours and keep them cool in the house.
Siberian Huskies can be a little willful, but they are definitely trainable.
Use a firm but friendly hand and train
them consistently. These are Arctic
dogs—tough, determined and selfsufficient. They love to roam and wander, dig holes and chase/capture small Weight: 35-70 lbs.
animals. Fenced in yards would be great and Height: 20-23”
Most Common Colors: Mostly
always walk them on a leash.
Shedding is an issue with these dogs. Dur- white with gray, black, or red
ing normal times, their coats need only oc- markings
casional grooming. But during their shedExtremely Intelligent
ding seasons (spring and fall) they need
daily brushing with a metal comb to prevent Loyal
hair from getting all over everything...and it Active and sporty
will get all over everything.
Hard Working
Huskies can live as long as 15 years and
common health issues include hip dysplasia Friendly
Loves Kids/Family
and eye problems.
Volume 2 Issue 6
Page 10
Though very loyal to their owners, Dachshunds can take time to warm up to
other people. The benefit, however, is that their (sometimes) relentless barking at the sign of strangers makes them an extremely handy—and compact—guard dog.
Weight: 16-30 lbs.
Height: 7-8”
Dachshunds, true to their hunting lineage, love the outdoors. With a decentMost Common Colors: Black
& Tan, Chocolate, Black, Tan, sized yard to run around, they will frolic: chasing small animals, fervently
bly digGreat Players
ging a
High Spirited
also be
happy in an apartment (they are among
the most popular city dogs), but require lots of play, interaction and
regular walks to stay in physical and
mental shape.
Dachshunds are proud and bold. With
proper attention, positive reinforcement and training, they will surprise
you with a lovable and dependable temperament. They
thrive with single people or families with older children. Very young children could lack the necessary
patience and maturity required with Dachshunds.
Dachshunds are prone to back problems, due to their
long spine and short rib cage. If allowed to jump down
from a bed or couch, they can easily slip a disk. For
this reason, it is also important to hold them properly, supporting their full frame. (Warning: You’ll find most Dachshunds
will resist being picked up).
Also, be sure to ration their food appropriately: Dachshunds
can gain weight quickly, causing more back problems and
other issues.
A healthy Dachshund can live as long as 16 years, providing
years of fun and companionship.
Camping can be lots of fun with your dog
there to keep you company...the fresh air
and new smells can be a great time for him/
her, but be prepared and respect your surroundings! Here’s some tips...
In an outdoor environment, your dog will most likely experience an increase in his physical activity. The terrain may be
dramatically different from what he's used to (steep hills,
rocky paths, etc.) Also, while you might not be bothered by
your dog's early morning barking, your fellow campers might
be and make sure your dogs vaccinations are all up to date, for
his safety and other’s!
~Make sure they have their identification tags and bring a leash!
~ Be on the lookout for toxic plants and other animals. Snakes, rodents, and insects that may have
bitten your dog. Depending on the area bears, coyotes, etc. can be an issue, too!
~ Bring along a first aid kit! A clean tube sock for wrapping around the head to secure a lacerated
ear. A bandana for a makeshift muzzle. Flat-bladed tweezers and a small container of mineral oil
for tick removal. An emergency fold-up blanket (space blanket) for treating shock, cold or, for
smaller dogs, even carriage. A folding tool that has needle-nosed pliers for extracting a large thorn
or a porcupine quill or two. A small container of hydrogen peroxide, which, mixed with baking
soda, water and liquid soap, will cut the aroma of skunk perfume. Keep the mix away from the
dog’s eyes. Booties for protecting injured paws.
~Pack drinking water, plastic bags, and your grooming brush.
~ Make sure to put away uneaten food as not to draw unwanted critters.
~ Never leave your dog outside alone and make sure there is adequate shade to keep cool.
Do NOT leave animals in hot cars, even 70 degrees can do
damage. It only takes minutes!, even with windows open!
Below is a list of some plants
that are poisonous to dogs and
cats...for a complete list consult
the ASPCA’s website at:
Cocoa Mulch
Sweet William
Castor bean
Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)
Thorn apple or Jimsonweed
Unidentified Mushrooms
Dogs DO give warning signs! Be aware of a
dog’s body language, it speaks volumes!
Please, always ask the owner before petting an
Paws Across Oswego County
is a non-profit animal rescue organization
based in Upstate NY. PAOC fosters and
2035 County Route 1
Oswego, NY 13126
2035 CR-1, Oswego, NY
Phone: 315-343-0001
Fax: 315-342-0001
adopts pets in need to loving homes. In addition, we also lend support to spay/neuter
programs in area shelters, educate children
and adults in promoting pet health and
proper pet care. Through generous monetary
donations, resource donations (toys, blankets, etc.), and volunteer services, our group
hopes to continue to give a voice to animals
that cannot speak for themselves.
Find Us On
Much “appaws” to all of our supporters!
We thank you and are fortunate to have a community that cares
about animals. When a foster is in need, we have always been able
to care for it. We would not be able to without your help!
A big thank you and many
slobbery kisses from all of our fur-kids to you!
You help us to help them!

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