The Johnsonian November 20, 1926
The Johnsonian November 20, 1926
Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The Johnsonian 11-20-1926 The Johnsonian November 20, 1926 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The Johnsonian November 20, 1926" (1926). The Johnsonian. Book 112. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Johnsonian by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact The Johnsonian JU THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENT BODY OF WINTHROP COLLEGE SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 A YEAR IM)CK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 11 SENO I R MN I STREL SCORESG ! REAT HIT WN I THROP RECEV I ES HG I HESTAPPROVAL PAY DAY TUESDAY Pay Day will be held l ues Payment dav, November "'t of student dues fi r studentwide activities will be made in tho lobby of Mail Hit Iding, and by classes. \ talili will be provided f o r ach class, thus obviating the •ng wait in line h e r e t o f o r e noi essar Dues by classes ire a fallows: $3.85 Seniors :t.f& Juniors 2-8T! Sophomores 3.50 Specials Freshmen Items included i Ihe i b n v i amounts arc: Student Governme it As $1.75 sociation (This includes Johnson o ian subscripllo I 8125.) Athletic Associate I Class Dues: I.7S Seniors 1.75 Juniors Sophomores —! Specials — 1.00. Freshmen All members of .iterary Soo the ties must adil s amounts specified ahov o for the various classi Students are requestei to I" prompt a t the p ytilg desks Tuesday morning. be no delinquentELIZA de SAt SSI'HE, Presiden . S. 1. A. SOPHOMORE PI AYS Beautiful Rendition of Famous TO BE GV I EN DECOratorio , 11 by the Choral Society i 1 1 "Masquers," With Sophomore Sponi sorship, to Stage T h r e e Onc-Aet Plays | T h e Sophomores and the Masquers | will present three one-act plays, "Mis' Mercy," "Echo and Narcissus" and "Tho Bear," in the W i n t h r o p Auditorium Saturday night, Decern her It, at 8 o'clock, with Miss Florence A. Minis, director. "Mis' Mercy," by Louise. Whitfield Uray, is a story of the whale-flshing days, with tho scene at Cape Cod, on the coast of New England, in 1870. T h e cast includes: Mis' Mercy (wire of Captain Hom e r ) - F l o r e n c e A. Minis. Hannah—Ruth Hare. —&inlflin Homer (of the bark, "Mary L.")— S a r a h Boland. J o h n (his soni—Lucille W h a r t o n . Benjamin (the younger son) — Mayme Ballentine. "Echo ami Narcissus" is a d r a matization of the Greek myth of that name, by Margaret Douglas Rogers. Echo—Florence Eppes. | Hero—Catherine Morgan. Nymphs—Aegele, Polly Dei'ass; Daphne, Ilallie Carson; lole, Bertha I Oliver. Lotis—Annette Eppes. Alaetlija—Jessie Taylor. Pan—Bonita Atkinson. Narcissus—Mary Marvin. Zephyr (the South Wind)—. m;t McCollum. Oilier Nymphs—Eulalie Carnpi, Agnes Ric Maytlehl. Sarah Brya \ n n i e Wallace Ma shall, Louise Givens, Rosalie Ague and Betty Jackson. Undefeated Team or Gurnet "The Bear," by Anton Tchekhor, Gray to Rattle Sophs for Till is a brilliant anil fiery comedy or Monday, November 22 Russian life. T h e G a r n e t and Gray team s\ Helena Ivanovna I'apova (a landon to victory and champion: owning little willow with dimples games in t h e hockey prclimiiiii in her checks)—Thelma llodge. of this and last week with the Gari>|>aiin rnov net and Black tfeam running a close lieutenant in the artillery)— second. ' \|., •ret Jackson. Friday's games saw the Freshmen i. ca (l'apova's servant)—Margo down before the Senior onslaught Knight. m a score of -i-0 and the Juniors «; icon ( S m i r n u v s coachman)— humble the Specials with a 3 o | | : i i , de Saussure. score. Every player was an iniii n flu Stackhou vidua! star, each one playing a su- j \< Ag perior brand of hockey. lies r i s o n . Only the first halves of the Senior-Special and Sophomore-Freshman games was completed Monday before a steady downpour or rain drove otficials, spectators and players under shelter. T h e games w e r e finished Tuesday in a victory for tin; Trained Animals and Attractions of Seniors, the score standing 5 0. and Alt Kinds Are Promised At in a victory f o r the Sophomores, Unique Entertainment with a 3-1 score. "This way to the big lent! Ladies In the hard fought Senior-Suphu more game of Tuesday, the si-ore oi and gents, get y o u r tickets h e r e ! 2-2 h u n g in the balance until I-"sec- See Hliiny, the rhinoceros; Eleanor, onds b e f o r e the whistle, when the the elephant, and Mam'sclle Ednah, Seniors shot the winning goal. T h e the rat, who dances and speaks!" J u n i o r s defeated their little sister• i All these attractions and many more will be on exhibit a l the Jolly w i t h ( a score of 4-1. Equally matched and equally de- Junior Circus this afternoon in the termined, the Juniors and Sopho- I gymnasium at 4:30. mores met Wednesday afternoon to I T h e Jolly J u n i o r Circus will give play off a tic score. Roth teams | its first p e r f o r m a n c e a t Winthrop, playing under a strain of excite- {ami it is believed that a t l c r one m e n t and nervousness, battled to a pcrrormance the request for a secscore of l-o for the Sopho- ond will be so great that Hie college will* be included in its yearly mores. Intrriuitloiiul Recognition Given ColProfessor Walter Ruchanan Roberts Clever Jokes and Grotesque S i t u a lege by AdnUssion to Association Directs Great Production— tions Characterize "Anuilga- of American Universities Miss Snook Assists niated Express" resident D. B. Johnson r e T h e Senioi Minstrel, presented by j NEW YORK SOLOISTS ceived d u r i n g the week a letter t h e Senior class, on Saturday, N o - i f r o m Dr. Adam Leroy Jones, of CoFEATURE PRESENTATION vember 13, was a g r e a t success. lumbia University, New York city, T h e audience was out f o r a jolly, j l^airman of the committee on classTho W i n l h r o p Choral Society good time, and they got it. ification of colleges' and universities made its first appearance of the seaT h e minstrel, though worked up of the Association of American UniI son on Friday evening, November 19, in a very s h o r t time, was a finished versities, informing him t h a t W i n | in a brilliant p e r f o r m a n c e of Rosproduction. I t was divided into t h r o p College had been placed upon j sini's "Stabat Mater," under the dithree scenes. T h e first, sccne, set the approved list of the Association | rcction of W a l t e r Buchanan Robin an old v a c a n t lot, a t the edge of American Universities at its j erls, who heads the Music Departa forest, was composed of jokes, meeting held last week in Evanston, ment of the college. As usual, the choruses, solos and the presentation t n d , ttius giving the college intersociety presented distinguished vis•of Eliza de Saussure as "Blondex." national recognition. I iling artists a s soloists. This year MISS ELSIE McINTOSH the belle of the village, w h o was l> Mr. Edwin Swain, baritone, and Mr. T h i s action of the Association of Who is supported by the local Y. " t r y - T j u t - a s - a B - o p e r a - singer, A r t h u r Kraft, tenor, were the New —Wr-fir-A. in missionary w f l f k - t o AnH'iirun I 'niversities means t h a t The outstanding events of t h e secYork addi'ions, while Mrs. Barron Winthrop's diploma will be accept Japan. ond sccne were the Roinco-Juliei T^fTviT-jmtt-M iss Mary Ellis, sopraed for post-graduate work in can scene between Maud WofTord as j nos, with Miss Pauiine Oakes, mezdidacy f o r advanced degrees by the zo-soprano, were the local singers "Rastus Beauty Cream" and B e r t h a V IA/ P A M I Q ^ I R N A R Y universities of England and on tho ARTHUR KRAI" Oliver as "Dinah Dingleberry," and l i VTi U i H i l i l l O O i U I ' H n I EuropeAu continent without any en appearing. the "family tree" of "Fuzzy" Knight i lent I liatei trance examination. Winthrop' This is the second season that Mr. as "Sam—W. D. Magginis." j Mr. La Forge iit his famous New Roberts has guided the musical desdiploma had already been accepted York studio. He also gives a teach tiny of this organization and T h e third scene and grand finale f o r post-graduate work by the ers' course each year at Columbia through his energies the scope of of the minstrel was a typical negro Miss Elsie Mcintosh Addresses S t u - versities of this country—by v i r t u e College, Chicago. wedding in which "Ethel McSwain,' of its membership in the Associathe work h a s been widened and the dents at Chapel on Japanese as the preacher, joined in holy wed • tion of Colleges and Secondary compositions given have been of a Conditions lock ' Blondex," Eliza de Saussure, Schools of the Southern States. I very high order. T h e Stabat MaMiss Elsie Mcintosh, of Osaki, and "Ezekiel Nezckiah," 'l'otsie j l e r is the best choral work the soAnnouncement o f ' t h i s latest honBuchanan. T h e marriage was the Japan, who is partially supported or to W i n t h r o p was made by Presiity has achieved, the entire p e r rniance being of a very high o r social event of the y e a r in the by the Winthrop Y. W . C. A , spoke dent Johnson in chapel Wednesday to the W i n t h r o p student body and Amalgamated Express community, morning, and was greeted with faculty in chapel on Monday. Sti.; and was performed with g r e a t pomp 11 is only right and proper lo thusiastie applause by the student also speaks every afternoon this and ceremony. tress the work of the c horus of body and faculty. I t is the highc.v week on the general subject of "OriT h e church was attractively a r •ver 20|| voices, which showed the recognition that can come to ai ental W o m e n in Industry." ranged, even to the stained glass ine training given tfie singers; their American educational i n s t i t u t i o n Miss Mcintosh said, she wished to rasp or the Rossini work proved windows. Tliu bride wore a beautithank W i n t h r o p College in behalf of a l ! W i n t h r o p is naturally pleased iinst enjoyable and acceptable to ful dress of w h i l e cheesecloth and that the highest accrediting agen •tie Japanese girls and to give their lie enthusiastic audience. a bride's veil of mosquito netting. greetings to the girls of Winthrop. in America has passed upon its Her train was supported by h e r two vork and given it official approval T h e orchestral prelude, well a r From h e r work with the girls in little sialics. T h e bride carried a W i n t h r o p College h a s now met anged rnr the organ, led to the industry, she was able to eive stalovely b o u q u e t of daffodils. Tho •uccessiveiy and successfully all lb* •••niiiK tliorus, "Stabat Mater dotistics of tho" n u m b e r of women em maid of honor, Lula Stovonson, was irosa," whose broad melodious ployed. T h e women dentists arc as equiremeiils of the various accretibedecked to s u i t the occasion. ng agencies in America, and by vircontrasts were delightful. T h e fan u m e r o u s in J a p a n as are the men. Preceding the ceremony, "I Love T h e r e a r c one thousand women doc • ile of its membership in the Asso miliar tenor solo. "Cujus Animain," followed. You T r u l y " was sung by Righton tors and women of* different pro- ciation of American Universities takes its place with all the leading Richards, the belladonna of the eve- fessions. Mr. Kraft, who has already won colleges and universities on the ning. I lie approval of the highest critics, "Tho Y. W .C. A. is accomplishAt the conclusion of the ceremony ing good in the problems of indus- American Continent. • if New York. Huston and Chicago, EDWIN SWAIN the tiny groom was told to "Salute try concerning the thousands of >Miig the tenor solo, with distinction Maritime, w h o recently appeared ii of style and voice. This number, your bride and kiss h e r sweet.' girls w h o a r c submerged in Japan, T h e bride waited no second bidthe Maine Festival, will sing in Hi- which is jubilant in character, conhe Federation of Women's Board opera, "Aida," in Syracuse, N. Y sidering the n a t u r e or the text,was ding and lifted the groom ott the f Churches of the United States floor and the "salute" proved to bo met in council recently, and (lis next week. -•i\en a sincere and beautiful i n t e r lack. pretation. All the p a r t s sung by ussed this problem both interna the tenor were handled by Mr. K r a U tionally and locally," the speaker Local Solicitors f o r "Greatest Moth"Fuzzy" Knight and Maud WofTord in a musieianly and masterly f a s h declared. e r ' ' Entertained With Others t h e end women, Leize Scott and "Japan, India and China are not a t Campaign Dinner Elizabeth Livingston. Mispllpl The Theu came the equally familiar really remote," Miss Mcintosh said, T h e minstrel owed a large part gave a recital Monday, November 15. duel r r two sopranos, sung by Miss Tho Rock llill Chapter of I lie nd explained f u r t h e r that people of its success to the beautiful everywhere, despite a difference in American Red Cross began its a n in Winthrop Literary Society Hall. Ellis and Mi.-.-- Oakes. These coldances rendered by tiie well '....ned such' things as dress and customs nual Roll Call drive f o r 1920-27 this T h e following was the p r o g r a m : lege J u n i o r s carried Ihe lovely chorus. T h e chorus was trained by are fundamentally the same. T h e y week. Monday evening in the Cham Love W a s Willi Me Yesterday, themes through measure a l t e r Helen Rogers. Goldc—Pauline Brock. measure or vocal embroidery, closall have the same psychological re- ber of Commerce llall a t a banquet The Seniors rejoice in the ap- lictions, and tho more you see or given by the members of the Red T a k e the Laughter, Marl-'adyen; ing with a brilliant cadenza in true proval of the faculty, for m a n y have people the more you realize this. 'Tis Spring. Ware—Lydia McCoy. Cross, Mr. Jeter, w h o is c h a i r m a n operatic style, worthy ot more e x expressed their hearty congratulaTo You, Speaks—Mary James. For twenty-five centuries," the of the organization, laid the plans of tions. V- II. W. A Pastoral, T u r n e y - M a b y : MothT h c bass aria ("Propeccalis") is speaker said, "Japan h a s been a the campaign before the solicitors er's Cookie Jar, Manning—France* mure serious and comes nearer During the evening an interesting s country." In Japanese temUNUSUAL PROGRAM AT skit entitled, "A Red 'Cross Cliildcrs. church style lhan any o t h e r n u m THURSDAY CHAPEL HOUR ples you usually find a god on each little T h e Big B l o w n Bear. Ziicea — side o f . t h o doorway as you enter. Salmagundi," was enacted by Mr. Mary Dorn. Mr. Swain's singing or this n u m T h e usual music program which These gods represent the two scxe3, Morris, Mioses K a t h e r i n e Woodrow Violet, Woodman; In the Wild- ber gave very deep satisfaction to is given every T h u r s d a y at chapel male and female. The male ha his and Sarah Jones. This, in an e n wood this Morning. Clarkson--Eve In* hearers. He kept faith with the Jiour took a most unusual turn this mouth open, and the female has h e r i terlaining manner, presented the Sue Ethcredge. composer in this interpretation a s •week. T o better acquaint students mouth closed. Here you have thfl | kinds of work being carried on by I I Wl irate l ) n well a* ir the " Eia Mater." His very •with the oratorio that was present- story briefly—man h a s done all the : t h e organization locally. Holmes Davis. beautiful voice was at no lime e d Friday night, Professor Roberts talking in past years, while woman Winthrop College has organized a The Morning is Callin: forced and the sotto voce effects g a v e a brief, b u t interesting talk oa h a s been silent. group of 20 solicitors, with Rachel Prayer, Gwin—Mary E. I TheJapanese women of today were exquisite and very finished. t h e oratorio itself and on its author. Stevenson as chairman. Tho drive l.ittle Azure Rings, C 'I'llis display of good taste on the Rossini, whoso oratorio, "Stabat .Ma- however, a r e different f r o m their is to last during this week and every better, bigger student and member of the faculty singer's part was especially noticeMarianna Canak. ter," was presented Friday evening. Love and Infinity, l>; able. as Mr. Swain's voice lias dis, in mind and body, than w i | | j,,, g j v e n a n opportunity to Following Professor Roberts on tinctly dramatic qualities. Dorn. tlie program, Mrs. J o h n Raincy Saye those who came before them contribution to the Red When Love is Kind, ol II was followed by a bass rccilagave a reading of an imaginary in- lveragc Japanese girl of today I'he price of maintaining a P. L. A clown orchestra will be a f e a —Elizabeth Ilines. Iive, with chorus, which was s u n g two inches taller than her mother, membership in the Red Cross for a t e r v i e w with Rossini. This was ver;' PLEDGES AT WANU t u r e of the circus. You inuslu'! Once On a Day, IV Km with the beautiful tone and fine r e physical education department j y e a r j s - $ | . Every girl w h o is a a m u s i n g and depicted several point.' miss the clowns, long ones and short 'strain! which the work demands. Rivers. T h e members of the P. I.. K. Club has been p u t in the schools by the member of the Red Cross Life-Savof his character. ones, and "57" varieties I Song is so Old, Terry T h e climax was nearly reached in T h e T h u r s d a y chapel programs apanese government. T h o girls are i n g ^ o r p S j s expected Ui keep up h c r were hostesses a l an unusually de"Feed the monkey peanuts! Watch 1 I ihe evquisite "Intlainiualns." a b r i l lightful banquet, given Saturday the tight rope walker walk' the ropes a r e always looked f o r w a r d to by- ixtremely interested in athletics, ny>mbership each year. I limit soprano obhliu-alo. with p o w evening a t the Rose -Anne Tea Room, ime have taken world records students and faculty alike, and have T | | C g o l i c i l o r s f r o m w i n t h r o p Coland see the Japanese girl swing by erful chor us ipaniment. T h e li broad jumping and vaulting. Golf, in honor o i their new members: prvoed to be a popular innovation go who w e r e invited to attend III h e r teeth I" > evicting requirements or this n u m tennis, swimming and horsebackinqucL Monday evening a r e : Ra Anna Hyde, Anmry Moore and Anna I You have the opportunity of seeber were well met by Mrs. Barron STUDENT POETRY SOCIETY llanna. riding a r e popular sports there. •el Stevenson, Eliza do Saussure Clark. ing the best one-ring circus a t WinSteele. T h e range, sweetness and MET THURSDAY AFTERNOON ay the tho Japanese woman iss nui | | | ( . i a N o r r j g > A n n j e M a b l . y _ D Debjr Beloved, It Today An attractive c l o r scheme or or- llirop. Come prepared to laugh, eh, ttexibility or her voice were well represented with h e r mouth closed. Q Elizabeth Early, Marie Par ange and black was used in dec | hold your breath, get jostled in the Ilallie Carson. Tho r e g u l a r meeting of the Stu displayed. However, the real cliA year ago they w e r e granted the roll, Maud Wofford, Totsic Buch- orating the rooms and llie table. Daffodils C crowd and drink pink lemonade! dent Poetry Society, was held max was reached in the final chorus, right to attend political meetings anan, Elizabeth Carroll, Harriet A toast t o Dr. Martin, the chaperon, "Hurley, Burley, Roasted PeaT h u r s d a y afternoon in Johnson Boat Song. Itli ilie showy, fugued "Amen." Here mil make speeches. Daniel, Frances Carroll, Cooper Da- was proposed by Genevieve Scot! nuts! Five cents a bag! Forget y o u r Hall. T h e program included read the society showed the marked " T h e Women's Club of ComradeJessie Taylor gave a toast to the troubles, ladies and gents! Come to ings f r o m the peems ot John Mase ship in J a p a n has as its purpose to vis, Katherine Hilliard. Helen Duckprogress il has made ir. the time new members, to which Ainorv worth, Elizabeth Daniel, Inez Yates, tin: circus! There's room f o r all!" field, by Mary. Alexander. Lila At- make political ideas popular. T h e Mr. Roberts has had H in charge. .lanle Du Rant, Eleanor Parrotl. Moore responded. B.- A. kinson also read several of Kip I'iie pure, clear s aging of the d i f Katli women want suffrage, the right ••> aimie Mae Tcague, Mary Sue McTho members ling's poems, including the wellficult n u m b e r s displayed their a d 1 Mar M a i n divorces, to own property, C u , c h c o n i a n d M a r i o McMillan erino McKcown, President I). It. known "Road to Mandalay." Origvanced technique, while the brilg a r e t Stovensn Greenville Thursih inal contributions by the member b 0 ' o J of" 1 t h e ' ' t w e n t y - f l v e million ' ' " • e r e will be one girl in complete liant and powerful climaxes w e r e a Annie Eraser, vof the society were read by Katli women in Japan ten million of them charge of each dormitory, and about ight L'ffec T h e Winthrop Junior Music Club lending the Stall Eraser, Harrieli mrinc McGee, and these were vote, - - . d i n some r e m u n e r a t i v . 15 girls whose d u l y it will be t:> , |.lifting troin a musical view and will hold a meeting in the audito- Parent T e a c h e r -' Scott, Kathorin o n . T h e honor poem of the meet business. Women of all classes, [ s o l i d t the faculty. tne society has surely contributed a rium or Music llall at 5 o'clock address before tin nctta Mcllugh. one of the distini ing was "Gypsy Heart." by Eliza- ricli ami poor, titled and unknown. ; most worthy effort toward the c u l Wednesday afternoon. Mlss Hudson Returns to Work b e t h Miller. Second place was given l u r a l development of Ihe college - A- very interesting program on the the meeting. T h e " e n t e r business and like it. T h e y Miss Loulie Lane Hudson, s o p e r to a translation, "In Winter," by have tried almost every field exc»i< | life anil works of the composer, of the organization | and community. visor in the Training School, h a s r e Grace Blackwell. Mr. Roberts' had the hearty coGeorge McDowell, has been planned Other W i n t h r o p i T h e r e are no women lawyers, i turned to h e r duties a f t e r an exMr. Edwin Swain, one of the o p e r a t i o n of his colleagues, who all I by Helen Swygert, w h o is in charge in J a p a n at present. 1 e r , , ! , »' s ! (ended absence due to illness. Her ists who was here to take part ii carried out their s h a r e in the p r o 'of the program. fact t h a t t here are no co-education-, f r j c n ( | g j n ( h p c o l l ( l g e a r c dc_ oratorio, was present al the las j a r a m in a convincing and profesEvery new member is urged to be al schools in J a p a n explains " " f ' lighted t h a t Miss Hudson h a s r e sional manner. Miss Roth displayed [present. E. B. One of the most entertaining but some day the women will em. , c o v c r c d a n d w e l c o m c h c r | i a c k t 0 hearsal on T h u r s d a y even ins m o r e t h a n delighted the cli the great organ to the best advanuniversities and become lawyer. . . h c r w o r k _ chapel speakers of this term with his generosity. He very T h e regular meeting of the Busi tage. Miss Willfong and Miss SanMiss Mcintosh said she wished t » I Mrs. H. L. Cockerham, of Quid; JU.N-YA CIRCUS oxpeclcdly.sang to them three s ncss Administration Club will bi ders were very efficient at the piSand, JCy. Mrs. Cockerham is : reel that she was an adopted daugh which were received with trei hold Tuesday evening, November v:i home mission teacher, who is mak ter or W i n t h r o p to aid in tssocia dous applause and enthusiast! Come to the gym and see the Mis- : Snook, herself an experiin Room 22. ing a lour of South Carolina. Sim tion work. Dr. Johnson immediatetho society. His genial person showconductor and a thorough has been conducting a course in ly adopted hcr, which was heartily William McFec, noted Engwon many friends far him at ' . j «... l l . » ' I i i / l n n l l i i l f l v Tigers and elephants and ian, assisted Mr. Roberts in the Among Ihe visitors al home missions a t tho two Presby- approved by the student body. lish au t h o r and lecturer, will throp. clowns galore •at ion of Ihe chorus. lasl week-end w e r e Mrs. I". L. Howterian Churches of the city. Mrs. appear under tho auspices of Will carry you away from this :ing by the enthusiasm of a ard, Amelia and Rosaline Howar. Cockerham is the wife of a m o u n - Butesburg Girls Are"Entertained the Winthrop Artist Course toAmong the visitors al Winthrop land nf woo. d i l a t i v e and brilliant a u d i Miss Eva Ilite, or Balesburg, de of r . j r e n c e , and Mrs. O. W . Doug tain evangelist, and together they night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Mcthe past week-end w e r e ^ severa' There'll he tight-rope walkers liis is the best work yet put las and Miss Louise Douglas, o have dons much for the mountain lightfully entertained about 20 Fee's novels and stories of sea members of the class of '2G. T h e y and rats trained lo dance. Darlington, who wi re guests of Eliz. I forth i>y Hie society, and their n e x t people. Straight f r o m h e r home in Butesburg girls a' dinner on S u n life have gained him an interincluded Annie Laurie Jeffcries, o. -ance in concert will be looked day. November II, at the Aragon Come one. come all, and see abeth Howard and Jacqueline an. t h i h e a r t of the Kentucky mounnational audience and his lecCharlotte, Martha Allen, of Lexingthem prance I i forwa i i to with interest. Betty Douglas. tains, M/s. Cockerham brought ar Community House. t u r e a t Winthrop tonight is | ton, Lurline Porter, of Charlotte. appeal for h e r folk. Her talk wai November 20—i p. m. awaited with keen interest. Miss Ruby Templelon visited h e r I and Mabel Lee, of Summerfleld, Mr. Benton W h i l e spent Sunday Mrs. Sara Mann visited h e r famfresh and stimulating, charming: t!i« family at Laurens last week-end. IN. C. witu his sisler, Annie White. ily in MsCormick tho past wcek-ci:d. ventiro s t u d e n t body. ADOPTED BY WN I THROP .!•> SENO I RS ARE AGES IN HOCKEY TOURNEY S : RED CROSS BEGN IS ANNUAL ROLL CALL JOLLY JUNO I RCR I CUS SATURDAY AFTERNOON THE J O H N S O N I A N THE JOHNSONIAN •• m •5, • WN I THROP WN I S IN •' LT IERARY CONTESTS; Rambling With the Featurists— Hod il ay Footwear^ j ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY During the Regular Session T h e Offlclal Organ of t h e Student Hody of Winthrop College, The South Carolina College f o r Women B During Summer Session the Official Publication of t h e College T h e Philosophy of Humor | But something is always taking One First Place and Two Second ; j j Places Won in Press Assoa If there is anybody in the world the real joy out of life, and the Subscription ledce (Regular Session) 11.50 Per Year t h a t I a m truly sorry for, it is the Sophomore who sees far, f a r into ciution Contests j JJ Advertising Rates on Application With the rJitor's t r u e instinct f o r • In bright new styles that will please. Made • Entered M tecond claw matter November 21. 1923. at the Poitoffice at Rock Hill, person without a sense of h u m o r ! i j the f u t u r e of all tilings gives a lilcannot imagine life without laugh- ; tlo sigh and says: "Gee, how home- copy, Miss Julia Hosa phoned T h e • South Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879 over snappy, correctly designed lasts that B ter—such a life must be a dreary sick I'll be a f t e r Chrislmas! How Johnsonian olllco last night f r o m J THE STAFF existence. Someone lias said, can we ever stand itl" E. 8. will fit. Cuban box heel, high "spike heel, • Charleston giving the result of the a "Laughter is a sudden sense of W i n t h r o p contestants in the various • stepin pumps, all types of straps, in velvet, jj Gelling a Haircut Feature Editor glory I" and that "a sense of humorliterary contests fostered by the • HALLIE Mc.VAIR i,lwa L > ' 3 , I U V I ; a f u n n > - ' s h a k y l'ress Association. The copy was | Business Manager is the kiss of a fairy at birth." patent, satin and tan. T h e quality of our>. • ALMA DAVIS B 10 h a v e m Assistant Business Manager Many people think of wit and ! f c e l ' " 8 w l , c n 1 y l , a i r too late f o r inclusion on thp front ' — NELLS JAMES u, f r 1 k n o w i l w l e , t h e r b e c u l Dress Shoes ranks high. T h e y are reliable • Circulation Manager humor as being synonimous; they ® » ° LUC1LE HEWLETT " too short, or will not be even, or page of this issue, which was a ! REPORTERS are not! W i t is an intellectual shoes, that will wear, yet our prices are far B ready printed when the news came. Helen China. Deborah Owen. Sara White, Elirabeth Daniel. Aniie Kirven. h u m o r a u emotional quality; wit is s o "> o t l>' n ff. According to the message of the Anne Wallace Marshall. Frances Farrelly, Frances Carroll. Emmy Lou Connor, Elizbelow that usually charged for these grades. B wllh last m,nul,! abeth Miller, Josephine Scott, Ruth Littlejohn, Wilma Hudgens, Marie McMillan, found in resemblance, h u m o r in I. *** *"• editor, W i n t h r o p won one first placi contrast; wit deals with ideas and j '"^uclious to the barber (usually Bonita Atkinson, Virginia Kelley. Grace Hughei, Elizabeth Watson. $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.50 S and two second places. T h e flrsl is social, h u m o r deals with persons ° n e ° f l h o R i r l s up at the college), place was i n . t h e one act p l a y conSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 and is individualistic; wit is l a u g h - ! ' « l down and resign myself to fate, test, on a play written by Carolyn College Oxfords, black calf, patent and ® ing at the o t h e r fellow, humor is 1 p ? " l l l e l o w c l c l o s o up around my Parker, present editor of The J o u r TO T H E GOLD T E A M S ! IF WINTER COMES laughing with him. ! n c c k - a n d t h e n b e 8 i n s ">e "cuttingtan calf, » nal. The two second places w e r e in •i . . . . J "l» affair. G l o r y t o t h e Gold T e a m s ! Y o u Humor is such an elemental and | T | | C r o a r o u g u a l | y a b # u l g e v e „ the essay and shorl story contests, Examinations are almost here. $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 • h a v e p u t u p s p l e n d i d fights a n d ' fundamental thing that U. is ditli- i r , g 3 i t ( i n g j n U i e r o o n ) > a n ( ] a|". with contributions of Margaret T h e y a r e those annoying neces11 i s c u. l. t. t o a n a .l y .z c. infinite in v a - j o f ( h c m generous about Duckelt, '26, winning in both consities t h a t a r e daily looming have shown a wonderful spirit rieties and is inborn One f o r m of i v i n g suggestions, such a 8 : tests. The winning essay was "Stars Kid, Satin and Felt Bedroom Slippers, J n e a r e r a n d n e a r e r ; t h a t a r e t h r o u g h o u t t h e h o c k e y s e a s o n , humor, however, is the "practical ..|)on,( „ t as Seen F r o m the Gutter," and the t H [0Q s h o r t Qn 69c, 75c, 95c, $1.75 S h o u r l y g r o w i n g m o r e a n d m o r e a n d t h e G a r n e t T e a m s b o w in joke - s o popular in the nineteenth I i ( | c „ „ W a R a m i n u t story, " T o . Sleep, Perchance t > ^ , « r its place nmoiin 0 ff t h a t curl." "I wouldn't shingle Dream." h o r r i b l e ; t h a t a r e m i n u t e l y in- r e c o g n i t i o n of t h i s f a c t . ^ on Rjd fo[, i n | Although you didnt w i n certam clas cs of people, and espe- L c r e a s i n g t h e b l u e n e 3 3 of t h e a t Beautiful Satin Mules and DeOrseys. • c,ally so with young boys. No f u n h a v o o w l t | , | h n l .. ^ > "What's the matter, little boy?" m o s p h e r e w i t h f o r e b o d i n g s , a n d t h r o u g h t o finalsr y o u c e r t a i n l y ,s equal to that which a m i s c h i e v o u ^ ^ n n i e c a r „ ^ asked the kindhearted m a n . "Are b l u e b o o k s t h a t a r e s e c o n d l y a s - m a d e t h e n o i s e on t h e field a n d lad derives from drawing a chair Let us show you our new footwear. We fit • .ye t R lofl 3 h o r t n o w l „ you lost?" t h r e w a s c a r e i n t o y o u r oppoaway f r o m a person who is about , And lhe |jme fc tlin, suming such gigantic propor"Mo," was the m a n f u l answer; "I you properly, save you money and appre- • m o r B s c a r e d , " b u t 1 ain't lost—I'm here. But I'd like to t i o n s t h a t all e l s e s u b s i d e s i n t o n e n t s . W e c a n w i s h y o u b e t t e r to be seated; or to embarrass 'sis U c a r e d e i . m ciate vour patronage. 5 by telling everything he knows and 'cause I'm not know where f a t h e r and mother have p i t i f u l microscopity beside t h e m . luck f o r t h e n e x t h o c k e y season, then some to h e r best beau. „ a v o >nny , . s a y _ s 0 , , r m Q n | y ^ wandered to." but we cannot wish t h a t you T h e y a r e all t h a t . Humor becomes more refined as | victim of this serious operation. But h a v e a finer s p i r i t o r a k e e n e r the world goes on, and this is why j | j, l s i v o w i„ revenge a t iny first "The Lord made us beautiful and But, never mind—there is s e n s e of f a i r p l a y . Y o u h a v e the "practical joke" has gradually opportunity, f o r I know my hair is dumb." Christmas. f o u g h t , w o n a n d l o s t in a t r u l y given place to p u n s and cho.ce bits ruined. I know it is all c u t off; it "How's t h a t ? " E a c h d a y we realize t h a t w e golden f a s h i o n . D. 0 . of humor, or "verbal jokes." Ilea feels so f u n n y . If my beauteous "Beautiful so the men would love Home of Better Values • ought to have studied more ofhumor in puns is m o r e of an ex countenance is marred for life, (as us, d u m b so t h a t we could love ception t h a n the rule, liowover, as if a n y t h i n g could make me look them." t e n ; t h a t we should have read the point is usually too obvious. worse t h a n I do!) our parallel weeks b e f o r e ; t h a t Everyone lias his own p ar t i cu l ar "Piease don't c u l it too short," I She tightly clings about him, w e s h o u l d n o t h a v e p u t off g e t The dainty, slender thing— taste in jokes, b u t situations that say f o r the tenth or eleventh time. t i n g u p o u r notebooks until thi3 arc most familiar usually present a A few minutes later domes t h a t For he is jusl a wuudeu lop, late d a t e ; t h a t we have left unmore humorous ii.;pect t h a n those finishing touch of clipping the hair And she a long, slender string. Have You Tried Our Delicious Sodas? —Nebraska Awgwan. done a thousand things which | (Edited by Grace Hughes.) . which are not, as it is alwirys nec- off the necki F u n n y little chills essary to project yourself into the cliiiso each o t h e r up affit down my we o u g h t to h a v e d o n e ; t h a t we "My vocal education has been a We serve the best that can be made. T r y Y. W . C. A. Observes W o r l d Week I situation, spine as the cold steel scissors do h a v e done a n o t h e r thousand g r e a t expense!" of P r a y e r Ihoir work. And a f t e r I've emitted a Honey Boy Sundae. You will like it. t h i n g s w h i c h w e o u g h t n o t to Indeed! Some one sued you, I The Y. W. C. A. observed the several "ohs" and a couple of World W e e k of Prnvpr. November lecturo on some vita! subject, only "ouches" a s a result of the barber's suppose." have done. Whitman-Candies 14 to 20. to have the whole thing fall Hal determination to have a f e w pieces W e r e a l i z e all t h a t . 'How is it I never see you in T h e World Fellowship Committee as the result of a ridiculous remark of m y era, she pronounces the. job B u t , n e v e r m i n d — t h e r e i s has charge of this phase of Y. W . church a n y m o r e ? " S T A N D A R D DRUG COMPANY by the youthful hearer—thus, i finished. Removing the towel and "Maybe it's because I ain't there." C. A. work, and made plans for the world of moralizing is easily ex • getting hairs all over myself, I gei home. W e a r e a w a r e t h a t e x a m i n a - entire week. P r a y e r meetings were ploded by one joke. It is the sens" out of the "trial chair." My heart held at 9:50 o'clock each night on of contrast t h a t causes this. begins a slow, sinking journey to- Of course it is loo s h o r t ; I feel like t i o n s a r e g o o d f o r o u r m i n d s ; every hall. Superiority of a mental kind ward the region of m y feet and 1 a bald-headed man. t h a t we have a last chance t o T h e committee also arranged to lends humor—that is, the discovery feel like a plucked chicken. I know I stumble over to the m i r r o r and m a k e a s p u r t of e f f o r t ; t h a t w e have Miss Mcintosh, indus'rial sec- of a new aspect in a situation tlia 1 it is too short. I'll wear a h a t all look— n e e d t o o r g a n i z e t h e t e r m ' s w o r k retary to Japan, with us during the is revealed to us sooner than to the time—to classes and everywhere. Aw shucks! SHE DIDN'T CUT IT Week of Prayer. Miss Mcintosh was our friends. The victim, f o r there Oh, why did I let her cut my hair? a n d w r i t e i t d o w n in c o m p a c t SHORT ENOUGH! M. P. present at vesper services held in is always a victim, may be y o u r f o r m f o r our teachers; t h a t exJohnson Hall Sunday afternoon, and self as well as the o t h e r fellow, but —You're fed up with everything and everybody—bored and disa m i n a t i o n s s h o u l d b e r e g a r d e d spoke to the association at the Regif y o u r sense of h u m o r is well detracted with daily duties. W h a t you need is a gentle sneak to in t h e l i g h t of c h a l l e n g e r s , op- ular Wednesday night prayer m'eet • veloped you will laugh at yourself. p o r t u n i t i e s , f r i e n d s ; t h a t n e v e r - ing. some sequestered nook, with a GOOD BOOK—a r e s t f u l respite T h e contrast between a state of SANDWICHES? mind and an actual situation is t h e l e s w e will r e g a r d t h e m a s f r o m routine. On o u r bookshelves you will find tales of r o Miss Mcintosh Talks on Japanese usually ludicrous—for instance, to terrible b u r d e n s upon ourselves Customs W h o said sandwiches? T h e best chicken mance and adventures—colorful description and collected see a pompous gentleman walking a n d t h e a l a r m clocks. Last Sunday night in the bacl; along a wet sidewalk making t h e poems. T h e right book to m a t c h y o u r fickle mood. O u r CIRCUsalad ones you ever ate, plain or toasted, at parlo of Nance Hall, Miss Mcintosh, atrical gestures, slip and fall, is W e a r e a w a r e of all t h a t . who is an industrial secretary of LATING LIBRARY offers many new books at a nominal fee. B u t , n e v e r m i n d — t h e r e a r e Osaka Y. W. C. A , spoke to the mem certainly a humorous situation, provided he is uninjured, f o r the bor Ask us about it. Join today I glowing, open fires, r o a s t i n g be. , of the Studen Volunteers and [ d e r , j n e 1 ) C t w e e n s y i n p a U l y a I l d h u . T H E P E R I W I N K L E T E A ROOM na in f a c l rca! n u t s , f r i e n d l y f a c e s , a s m a l l the members of the Home Field | m o r j s (This applies to all other kinds, too) Miss Mcintosh talked h u l l l 0 P h a s - jn j t a n c l e m e n l o f C h r i s t m a s t r e e in ' t h e b a c k - Workersabout the work that was done j „ a t h A.\lso, | iincongruity n c o n g r u i l y in a stallJ ground— Japan. She also told some of the inent or situation makes us laugh i. • YOUNG & HULL Z P. S. Homesick ? customs «and characteristics of the A newspaper one day carried th? Japanese. H. McN. banner headline: "Man's L a u g h t e r • • STATIONERS • Don't Fail to T r y Our In Japan Miss Mcintosh says there Serious Charge"—this was f u n n y : are very few chairs, but thick cush- hu I. "Manslaugh ter—Serious Charge" • ]5 Kodak Developing and Printing • T O A S T E D BREAD SANDWICHES ions a r e used as a substitute. These was tragic. LET'S BE T H A N K F U L ! cushions are used in theatres and "Humor is a philosophical m at t er H a m , cheese,, chicken salad, deviled egg. To a great many p e o p l e other public places as well as in the in its way—the art of yielding to Fresh every minute—you don't have to wait! T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y m e a n s a d a y home. T h e cushions in the t h e - nature and its gaiety." of f e a s t i n g a n d r e v e l r y , a h o l i - a t r e s are arranged in rows o n ' a n "A man without a sense of h u We also serve coffee with cream. e|evated place. mor," an anonymous writer said, "is d a y — f r e e f r o m work and care. Before a person enters the theaT h a n k s g i v i n g D a y i s all of t h i s , re. lie removes his shoes a t the occasionally to be respected, often • B to be feared and nearly always in p l u s a d e e p s i g n i f i c a n c e — t h e e x - door, where the shoes are checked, 3 Main Street Phone 79 " J We carry in stock all sizes, also develop be avoided." M. McM. p r e s s i o n of g r a t i t u d e . E v e r y - so the owner may secure the right them. E n l a r g m e n t , oil painted and framed pair when the program is finished. Exams vs. Chrislmas one has something to be thankMiss Mcintosh says the Japanese At present it is hard to tell jusl 2 a B B B B B B a a B B B a a a B a a H B a B a a a a B a B a B a a B B B B a s B f u l f o r , w h e t h e r it is s o m e t h i n g for $1.48, 11 inches by 8l/2. never extend their feet in f r o n t of what is the favored topic of conh e h a s o r h a s n o t , f o r G o d i s a them while they are at the theater versation among the 1,800, whether g e n e r o u s g i v e r a n d a w i s e r e - . b u t they sit on them because it is it is exams or Christmas holidays. We aro always glad to see Winthrop Sludents and Teachers tainer! I immodest f o r the feet to be seen Funny as it may seem, we certainly B * in our store—and extend a cordial invitation to each one of while a person is sitting. have the two, amusingly interfused. T h e first T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y them to become our customers. ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOne outstanding characteristic of I am simply petrified. w a s f a r b a c k in t h e e a r l y a n n a l s the Japanese is their power to s u p - I will be forced to 'automatically IJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBIBIBBBJ Cokes! of o u r c o u n t r y , w h e n t h e Pil- press their emotions, the speaker withdraw' and I can't bear the Fruits! g r i m F a t h e r s g a t h e r e d t o g i v e said. 'They are taught this from thought of going home and telling Pride to the Wearer, Comfort to the Feet t h a n k s f o r t h e r e t u r n of t h e i r childhood. T h e only time a p e r - inamma." This from one of ou>' son is f r e e to reveal his feelings is many adorable little Freshmen sisfirst h a r v e s t i n g . T h e i r s w a s al the theater. There, if he wishes ters. And we needs must suppress a North T r a d e Street m m B B d e e p a n d g e n u i n e g r a t i t u d e ; to cry or if he wishes to laugh, h e a giggle, so much does this sound a Increased wear and enhanced appearance BHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB B touched, a s all sincere g r a t i t u d e like the modified wail of a baby. to your S H O E S is the result of bestowing "Gee, I can hardly wail for Christ- B a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a f l a a a a a a a a a a a a a is, w i t h humility. From this a little care upon your F O O T W E A R . Here t i m e d o w n t o t h e p r e s e n t d a y , "Bridges of L'nderstanolng" Subject mas and home! Mamma needn't j a think she's gonna keep closet doors B t h e l a s t T h u r s d a y of t h e l a s t of Vespers Talk you will find the most complete line of pollocked on me. I'd simply die of cu • J m o n t h of a u t u m n h a s b e e n o b Prayer meeting was very appro- •iosity and consequently be ton m ishes, cleaners and dyes in the^city.' s e r v e d a s a d a y of t h a n k s g i v i n g . priately opened Wednesday nigh', j weak to withstand the family's tri with the Scripture quotation, "The annual disapproval 'Debe's' P r o s p e r i t y h a s b r o u g h t c o m - , .ord is in His Holy Temple, let all Christmas present. At least, .hey i f o r t a n d p l e n t y t o u s , a n d in the Earth keep silent before him," might congratulate me pn u n i f o r m - j BELL'S S H O E S H O P o u r e n j o y m e n t of t h e s e , o u r immediately a f t e r which Miss Lan- ily. Not everybody can stick to den rendered a violin solo. Miss D's and C's." T h u s we h e a r o u r ! s e n s e of g r a t i t u d e h a s o f t e n Phone 227 No. 1 Record Place Elsie Mcintosh, who was dressed in worldly wise Sophomore rave and j b e e n lulled t o s l e e p . W e f o r g e t her beautiful Japanese costume, was talk "applesauce," as usually. B j BBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI t h a t t h e s a m e H a n d t h a t b e - then introduced as the speaker. She "Exams!" exclaims t h e Jolly Ju- ! s t o w s b o u n t i f u l b l e s s i n g s m a y chose as h e r subject lhe term. nior. "Well, gee, I hope you're not j l i k e w i s e w i t h d r a w t h e m ; a n d , "bridges," showing that j u s t as ma- letting t h a t i n t e r f e r e with y o u r j Bjfl • a l t h o u g h w e f o r g e t t o g i v e terial bridges serve to join com- thoughts of Christmas." We always | munities together, so visionary a a Dry clean once; ^ t h a n k s f o r t h e m a n y t h i n g s w e bridges serve to hold religious assume that indifferent air, regard- ; less. h a v e , w e a r e q u i c k t o m u r m u r groups together. Some bridges a r c " W h a t a blow 'twould be if I Dry clean twice; n built by the sacrificial lives of peo- should 'Hunk out' h e r e in my Senior when they are taken f r o m us. "AS GOOD AS ANY A N D B E T T E R T H A N MANY ple of vision, and many people— T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y b r i n g s t o women and girls—have passed over year. T h e family tree would cer- i Dry clean forever, a lainly have cause to w i t h e r away u s h e r e a t W i n t h r o p : t u r k e y , into f u l l e r lives. , J u s t as lhe build- then. But, oh, Doris, j u s t wonder c r a n b e r r y s a u c e , p u m p k i n p i e s ing of materia! bridges has cost where we'll be this time next y e a r ! | And always look nice. lives, so the building of Y. W. C. A and mellow f r u i t s ; and a l t h o u g h It's r a t h e r thrilling, don't you or association bridges, has cost life lljink?" Our Seniors have never j i t b r i n g s e x a m i n a t i o n s in i t s —a great toll of workers and sect r a i n , l e t ' s n o t m o u r n o v e r t h i s , retaries. But these bridges, toe yet failed to be perfectly adorable j in their incoherence. b u t w h i l e g i v i n g t h a n k s f o r t h e have served to cause communities Such is the Irend of conversation j m a n y t h i n g s w e e n j o y , l e t ' s b e to prosper end people w h o have used among various little groups; happy, j t'tem to have richer and fuller lives. " T h e O n l y D r y C l e a n i n g P l a n t in R o c k H i l l " t h a n k f u l t h a t t h e y will s o o n be joyously looking forward to t h o f u - j There aro international friendship lure, which is b r i g h t and rosy, in 126 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t o v e r , a n d t h a t C h r i s t m a s wi l l R o c k H ill, S . C . West Main Street P h o n e 755 bridges in 40 countries, .and in the spit's of exams looming up in their socn be here. M . McM. (Continued on 1 -e three) terrorizing fashion". B e l k ' s D e p t . S t o r e jj Y. W. C. A. News Column PERADVENTURE m• WINTHROP CANDY COMPANY 9BH1I H • • • • • • • • • • l l l l l • •5 KODAK FILMS J _• WALK RIGHT IN! • CAROLINA GROCERY •I S CALHOUN DRUG COMPANY •• Merti Shoe k, Inc. Style ! 5* Quality Service 8 5 • I ••••••••••••• B ••••• i! S • 5 Rock Hil Dry Cleaning Co. THE J O H N S O N I A N W e Are Offering Many New Attend Press Meet V. \V. C. A. NEWS tOLUMN Misses Julia Rosa and Carolyn (Continued from page two.) Parker, editors, respectively, of The voyage from San Francisco to Ja- Johnsonian and The Winthrop Jourpan, one encounters one of the most nal, are in Charleston PERSONAL flourishing associations in Honolulu. ance upon the sessions ofintheattend South | The Japanese were afraid for their bridge to America, because of the Carolina Press Association. They I "exclusion storm," but the bridgo*s were accompanied by Misses Bostill in good condition, and the Jap- nita Atkinson and Ansie Kirven, who represent the respective lanese and foreign secretaries dill likewise publications. They returned to the | work side by side in carrying on the college tiiis morning. Mrs. E. E. Carnes, of HarUville. sreat associational work, in spile of spent Sunday with her daughter, the overcrowded conditions of the Elizabeth. buildings in which the work is car- The College Girl's Vocabulary Glad to meet you. Betty Arnold and Frances Jen- | ried on. Tomorrow night—I guess so. See nings have returned from a week- { Recently there lias been built a you at nine. end visit to their homes in Green- {bridge between China and Japan, Let's go dance. land also one between Japan and Iiowood. I must go straight home. I roa. Mr. Frank George, of Lexington, | Miss Mcintosh closed wilh llie ap- . Well, just a little ride. Please, let's go home. was the guest of his daughter, Ruth, jpeal that all students pray for the last Sunday at the college. i strengthening of Iho AmericanNo—I'm not that kind of girl. Good-night! j.Japanese Bridge through underMrs. T. A. Murrah, of Union, vis- | standing. ited her daughter, Dorothy, on SuitIrate Father: "Young man, have day. Talks In Cabinet you ever kissed my daughter?" The regular meeting of the Y. W. Eddie: "I really couldn't say, sir." C. A. Cabinet was postponed from Irate Father: "What! you can'! Tuesday until Thursday because of say?" the talks whi-h Miss Mcintosh was Kddie: "No, sir, you see, sir, I giving. On Tuesday afternoon, her promised her I wouldn't tell." subject was 'Conditions in the Cot ton and Siik Factories of Japan," "And so you want ten cents' worth Helen GrilTln went to Chester Sun- and she gave a very vivid and in of dog bones, sonny?" remarked the day. lo visit her sister, Mrs. Claude leresting picture of the industrial butcher. Clutz. girls, which led to a more complete "Yes, sir, and please givo me some Mrs. J. V. DodenholT, of Green- understanding of their problems. with more meat on 'em this time. ville, spent Sunday with her daugh - On Thursday afternon.i Miss Mc- Pop couldn't git a good mouthful off intosh talked to the Cabinet, after the last bunch." ter, Adeline. which a social hour was eujoyed. j On Sunday Adelaide Fewell was Diner—Two eggs poached medium i [the guest of her aunl, Mrs. Strick- Her father owns the service sta- 'oft. buttered toast not too hard.! land, in Chester. tion, and she sure knows her oil.— jnlTee not too much cream in it. Spartan Spanker. Waiter—Yes, sir. Would you like I Mrs. Whelsell has relurned toiler my special design on the dishes? , home in St. George, after spending a few days wilji her daughter, Eli? - There is only one man more annoying than the person who I in ns A revue producer recently tiled abelli Whelsell. off the lights at a party, and thai petition for bankruptcy. It appears is the one who turns them on again. that lie hadn't a leg lo stand on. • Styles and Splendid Values in Our Shoe Department This Week A n e w P a t e n t O x f o r d with spike heel, plain toe, g u n m e t a l t r i m m i n g a n d three-eyelet tie, f o r $4.95 P a t e n t L e a t h e r O x f o r d , m e d i u m heel, w i t h g u n m e t a l t r i m m i n g a n d six nifty-looking shoe, for cut-outs; a $3.95 Patent Leather and Satin One-Strap P u m p s . w i t h spike heel, f o r $4.95 EFIRD'S Department Store £Hr-l•••MB •]•«••*•«••••••••••••••••••••• : That Something More Marguerite Gates had as her guasi • Sunday her mother and brother rom Elloree. • Myrtie itcrcks, who graduated from • Wintjirop last year, was a visitor on J l the campus Sunday. Ono day I * * * * Something Perfectly For supper, Handsome man And all m y In (be d r u g Store, and A t i e r another Good look a t His Apollo-like B Countenance, I decided that f'd go in, and When I : Got in, I . of Mamie Brown last week-end. W a s so ** ***** * * ***** *• * Gladys Luther has returned froin her homo in Greenville, where she ***** * * was called on account of the illness of her mother. ***** Katharine Hendrix had as her ***** guest last week her mother from Greer. ***** ***** ***** Nell: Does Harold know how lo ***** drive? Moll: Docs he? Say, he hit a deputy sheriff this morning that every- ***** Flustrated "I Sell It ' Mrs. Bishop, of Laurens, visited Harriet Bishop at the college Sunday. "I Apply It" That I Pointed to A magazine C. L. W I L L I A M S And blurted THE PAINT MAN Out "I want Paints, Oils-, Varnishes Record Place Phone 221 Rock Hill, S. C. Can You Keep a Secret? Fine! B u t T h i s Is N o Secret Beginning Friday, we are featuring a special stock r e d u c t i o n sale. T h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y price revisions engendered by this sale will affect not only the staple merchandise, but a l s o i t e m s w h i c h s h o u l d b e of g r e a t i n t e r e s t to you, n a m e l y : body else has been trying lo hit for monllis without succeeding. — Scream. ** * * ** * * Dreams went that give to the s m a r t w o m a n the correct • foundation for the new-fall silhouettes. Skillf u l l y f a s h i o n e d of t h e finest q u a l i t y , h e a v y , • J c l o s e l y w o v e n s i l k — t h e q u a l i t y t h a t is u s u - S a l l y f o u n d o n l y in t h e m o s t : e x p e n s i v e u n - 5 dergarments. Daintily trimmed with edges of filet, t o u c h e s of e m b r o i d e r y , a n d h e m - " 5 • B s t i t c h i n g — i n all the d a i n t y pastel shades. , 5 T h i s collection includes vests, step-ins, night g o w n s , chemises and brassieres. • SMASH L e t 'is s u g g e s t t o • t h o s e a t W i n t h r o p t h a t t h e i r s e l e c t i o n s of C h r i s m a s e i f t s b e m a d e in R o c k H i l l a n d • a ! Against the • purchased progressive • t Hocks as ! 1 hurried 1* * * * • Rock Hill merchants. • Y o u w i l l find m a n y u s e f u l a r t i c l e s i n o u r • ! * * ** * ! * * ** * * O u t ; but • I consoled a a local s t o r e s t h a t will m a k e a p r o p r i a t e Christmas gifts, which m a y be mailed home • • either by parcel post or expressed. ® B B Myself W i l l s o o n be u p o n us. . from our various B u y i n R o c k H i l l . Y o u m a y n o t find w h a t * * * * *** ; * * ** * * *** *** ** ! Had a you want elsewhere. • Magazine, And j u s t THE PEOPLES NATO I NAL BANK \ Wondered j * * * * W h e t h e r it vas i* * * * "Snappy Stories" Or "College Humor I And I Looked at it to T h e n a young See, and guess Lady rushed W h a t it was— * * jit was And said, ("Popular Mechanics." a • " A G o o d B a n k in a G o o d T o w n " • Give Us Your Orders J u s t guess, girls— Drug store Under c'liited Slates Government Supervision B B B B B B B B B B B I I I I I I S 3 I I I 3 I I I IBBBBIIIIBBB * * * a 9 W e have t h e m fresh a n y time. Chrysanthemums CLOUD "CUTS LOOSE" j B B'B S B tree L u g g a g e , Christmas Novelties, Come D o w n a n d Supply Yourself With Fitted Cases Kotex, at 25 Cents Give U s a Chance to Surprise Y o u I f n o t h i n g e l s e is n e e d e d Phone 259 131 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t R o c k H i l l , S. C. B • IBBBBIBBBflBSBBBaiifEflB-riBBBflBKllBBBBai B B • a l\ }. L, Phillips I ji Drug Company jj B a • BBBBBBHBBBBBi1BnBBBBBBUZ]9H3BBU59BflflBBBBaB Q u e e n Quality Shoes, Silk H o s i e r y , R o u n d - B 5 B B ° B B • B Pink Killarnev and Richmond Red Roses B'B B . • • \ • For Flowers [ "MICKEY" POLIAKOFF. O U R BIG S A L E IS S T I L L R U N N I N G Moore-Sykoc Co. • £ That I B | • • FRIEDHEIM'S I a•a !* * * * ,* * * * T h a t one." Into the Silk Underthings i CHRISTMAS i ijj HOLIDAYS =f j tiring home • ***** J ! Mrs. Parlcr, of St. George, came ***** • to see her daughter, Edith Parler. • last week. ***** • Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove, of Dillon, We provide more than just money and credit for our J spent Sunday with their daughter, ***** customers— ***** For they find our counsel on business, banking and ai Dr. J. N. Ltitlejohn, of Gaffney. • ! visited his daughters, Mary and ***** credit problems is based on a wide and comprehensive Ruth, Sunday. experience. . 1 • i Ida Jane Mace spent last weck- ***** i end wilh Mary Perkins, at her hornfl And in addition, there is the personal attention of our ***** officers who are interested in promoting the growth of • | in Chester. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Forrest and ***** each customer's business. Oscar Forrest, of Saluda, were guests of Annice Forrest Sunday. ***** * A hearty welcome awaits you here at all times. Zackie Suber, of Charlotte, one of ** last year's graduates, was a visitor at the college Sunday. ** Dill and Susie Winnsboro, were guesU ***** * * CITIZENS BANK & TRUST GOBrown, .Missesof Eloise Form-Fitting, Glove IIBBBBBI That Certain Feeling Saw a Dainty Wearabe ls CLOUD DRY GOODS CO. • 5 • B i IBBKBBBBBBBBBBBHIItlBaBBaEIBiaBBaBHUBBaBBBflB a B a Toilet Articles Sodas a a a a B Ba aja Gg a Q • B Qs Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Novelty Box Paper Compacts, Perfumes Bath Powder, Bath Salts F a c e P o w d e r s , etc. ROCK HILL DRUG COMPANY aJ •|5 ^ ^ ?~ :7 3 :: 2 B Stationery Kodaks B IBDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIlTiBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBKBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBIi! •••••••• 1 •••• • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • •• ,• •• • • • • • • • • • • • ! ••• • • > ••• • • ••••••••••a 5 5 2 B u y Christmas Presents N o w • O u r s t o c k is c o m - 5 • p l e t e in e v e r y d e p a r t - • • m e n t , a n d i t is c o n - • • ceded to be the best • J 5 " • w e have ever shown. That's s a y i n g a w h o l e lot. Avoid the usual holiday rush. Furf S • • • • • • • A small down pay- J • m e n t and. t h e n b y t h e " • week. You'll hardly • THE J O H N S O N I A N Rejected Suitor (despondenl'y): ] CAN YOU IMAGINE— "Brilliant fellow, isn't he?" Yes, sho gave me the air and since | "Yes, ho's got a bright head. Won- then I've been going straight to hell! in knickers? Tom' der what he uses on it?" Aliss Malchus riding a bicycle? Kind Friend: Tough, old man I 1 j Maggie" sleeping in chapel? Crack: There goes one of those wish that I might help you. Mrs. Bartlett in high heels? crowbar girls. What is this car Cognito, mat the ! Dean Scudder with a boyish bob? Pot: Whatcha mean, crowbar prince travels in? Why the Battle of Brandywine was j girls? fought, since Prohibition was not Crack: Her face is nothing lo 'Isn't it dangerous to be a night I then in effect? I crow about, and she won't bar any- policeman?" \nybody being foolish enough to ; thing. Fundi"—"Oh, no. When I see read this junk? Disgruntled Customer: "Say, wait - "Does she believe in advertising?" anybody who looks like a criminal I I CAN'T I pretend to be asleep." r, this steak tasted like leather.'-' MICKEY POLIAKOFF. "Why, she's oven got a label on Brilliant Waiter: "Gee, that's ; her ccat—'guaranteed fast'." She: Give a sentence with the tough." He Was So Dumb H e word justice. Bought life savers for the sinking "Only the brave deserve the fair," Jack: Have you heard the new : I'd justice soon kiss you a.i :Swan Song? fund. not. remarked the school boy as he Bought wooden legs for the table of played hookey to attend the county , Will: Why, no! Jack: Ha, that's swan on you.— Berry: "Back again? How did contents. exhibitions. Virginia Reel. you find the folks at home?" Got suit cases for the leaving trees. Smith: "No trouble at all; I knew Frosh: "Are they very strict at "I hear you are out for track." Got tickets for the play on words. where Ihey lived." Cornell?" Subscribed for the term paper. "Yep, getting prepared for being Bought tooth brushes for the teeth Soph: "Are they? Well, when a run out of school." She: "Do you college boys waste man dies during a lecture they prop of the gale. much time?" him up in the seat until the end of j We never yet heard of an absentGot new drawers for the bureau of He: "Oh, no; most girls are rea] minded professor who forgot to sonable." information. —Ollapod. the hour." ... — . ,T, . ., Hunk anyone. "A Definition of n Kiss The thrill of a life time: "The A kiss is a pronoun because it al- j Prof: Who invented the hole in ways stands for something. It is j the doughnut? masculine -and feminine gender," Frosh: Oh, some fresh air fiend, "How is it I never see you in church any more?" • Fresh, sweet Florida Oranges, J therefore it is common. It is a-|l suppose." "Maybe it's because I ain't there." • SI per box of three hundred, , conjunction because it connects. II ( , e o u t h 18 it around —Briscoe. * lar^e size. Sound fruit and | is a verb because it signifies an act.! l l , a t" h >s b o s s l aspreading st was so • satisfaction guaranteed or I It is plural in number because it li hl l h' a t f s a i d summer ,h ot l o w o r K "Where are you going?" > y"" « • money back. We pay express J calls for anothe- It is usually in l iR l|p h "Out." « was docked, and if he was 5 charges. A box of these makes | apposition with a hjg; or at least .1 a an appreciated Christmas gift. • is sure to follow. A kiss may be'^rly elhe had lo pay rent.-Carneg.e "With my dress?" "No, with your old man." conjugated but never declined.—The P"PP • Itemit with order. j Tiger. Father: Your new little brother He—Is Amy bashful? S ACME FARMS, • has just arrived. Ray—I'll say she is. You should Old Gentleman "What's the • GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA . Very Modern Child: Where did have seen her blush when I adter, little boy, ai you lost I might !,u>como from? mired her parasol. Little Boy: have known better'n .to come „l | Father: From a far-away coun- Nowadays a man doesn't give his always losing try. • Our store on Main Street was i V. M. C.: Another damned alien. name to the girl when he gels mar• burned Saturday night. We ried. She just borrows it for a lit| Quick and Dirty: I ordered straw- tle while. J arc temporarily located on Woodman, cut that tree; berry shortcake. Where are the Spare not a single bough. • Trade Street. Come lo see us, She—Should evening dresses lie • • ; strawberries? I carvcd a name upon it. J we have a complete new Just Dirty: Thai's what it's short worn at bridge parties? But I love another now. He—No. in playing bridge it's only i • stock. 'of. —Nebraska Agwan. necessary to show your hand. " Believe me, if all those cosmetinal ! Newly married: I'd like lo see your Jack and Jill went up the hill ! stockings— charms. At 60 miles or belter; Which I gaze on so sweetly to- | Sweet young clerk: SirA cop unkind Newly married: That are on sale. night, Was right behind— Were lo fade by tomorrow and fleo Sweet young clerk: Tainly.— They're seeking tail by letter. Colgate Banter. from my sight, S • I'd knowAnd Don't Fomel Your Tuxedo! • I "How far docs your money go in That you'd washed your face. Suggestion for any male who a college town?" would like some famous actress lo First Cat: I'd give my life for "Well, I don't know how far, but love him—call on her aud take your it certainly goes fast."—Wisconsin you, dear. pipe along. ] Seoond Cat: Cheap-skate. Nine Octopus. or nothing. j TOILET | ARTICLES! Coty's Face Powder $1.00 Coty's Lip Stick $1.00 Coty's Compacts $1.00 ••••••• a • m i s s it. C o m e t o d a y . 2 ' 5 TUCKER J E W E L R Y CO. • • • "GIFTS THAT LAST" . • : : : I TOILET REQUISITES • • • ~ • J • * • H J® • Some day someone may write a story entitled 'The Distress of an Unpowdered Nose." Now, so long as noses must be powdered, we carry in stock the most effective face powder as well as other high-grade toilet articles. Phone us for your toilet needs. We .iave your favorite brand." • • J • J • * • a • • CITY PHARMACY ! * PHONE 839 • * O n the Corner \ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! [ GILL & MOORE ji • Grocery Co. • • Chiropody and • 5 Beauty Culture • • . W e are agents for J • a 11 kinds o f hair • PARTY FAVORS I • goods. •••••& "J Corner Trade and • • Main Streets Rock Hill, s. c. 5 £ For appointments call p h o n e 636 • J • • • • 125-127 Hampton Street Hock Hill, S. C. Hershey's Kisses Milk Chocolate Bar 5o Almond Chocolate Bar 5c It's the quality of the chocolate that counts. Get them at the cafeteria. Sold by City Wholesale Grocery Cor.ipany 119 T r a d e S t r e e t P h o n e 191 he old-fashioned bandit recorded his killings by cutting notches in his gun; the modern gunman keeps a newspaper file.—Life. Yep, I've read all of this guy Milton's poelry, unless he's writ ome lately," remarked the plowhand. Why, Milton's immortal," said the farmer's daughter. "I didn't see anything bad in his works," was the reply. There was a young flapper named Jean, Whose Charleston was wicked and mean; • She could step, she could dance jj Till she'd fall in a trance, In the arms of a wicked old dean. —Goblin. •ft••• ;••••••Stop • A s p e c i a l l i n e of j Moms' 5 • Pre-Christmas Jewelry Release • • • • • • • S • ...50c Three Flowers Vanishing Cream... ...50c Three Flowers Compacts $1.50 Three Flowers Toilet Water $1.50 Three Flowers Perfume $1.00 ! •••••••••••••••••••••••aaasBH *!•»•••••* • 2 W e H a v e the M o s t C o m p l e t e S t o c k of • •I" A. B. & N T A X I CO. • Prompt and Reliable Taxi Service Phone 609 I s n o w in p r o g r e s s . Banks, Brazil & Entire stock reduced, "j" Nunn ofJering ycu savings to one-half and more. Buy n o w for months J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBII!! to come. n DIXIE OIL COMPANY Marketers of lUgh-Grade Petroleum Products MORRIS' : Operating Dixie Filling Sta- • JEWELRY STORE S lion, Black Street Filling Sta- ™ lion. Palmetto Filling Station, ; M. & K. Service Station. Your Jewelers a n d Silver- • business will be appreciated. smiths 2 100 per cent, home organiza^ tion. DIXIE OIL COMPANY I That Can Be Found Anywhere n B o u d o i r pillows, v a n i t y sets, s c a r f s a n d • m a n y o t h e r b e a u t i f u l pieces. T h e y a r e n o t printed, or stamped, but hand-painted, with 5 5 | a brush. j trimmings. All p u r e linen, w i t h beautiful lace • a These would make wonderful Christmas j presents. Y o u h a v e t o see t h e m to b e a b l e | to appreciate them. • • J .8 | Davis' Dept. Store : W h a t a vivid touch this Chair will Bring to some Room j* • O U R living-room will be pccud to award a place to thi» com' I fortable armchair and ita price will hardly tax y o u r puree. Choice of several pretty c o v e r i n g " • r • • New Victor Records Each Thursday • • •• •• •• •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •I •B •B •3 II BIII 31 HI IIII •I •1 •••• •••• IIII 1 •••••••a ••••••I RATTERREE DRUG COMPANY T h e o p e r a t i n g c a p i t a l , o r n e t w o r t h of t h e National U n i o n Bank, a n d its allied institution, the First Trust and Realty Company, At Oar VANITY FAIR Silk Underwear To Our Prices AND YOU WILL Eat with relish Sleep in peace and Be Merry indeed! Here's a wonder, Here's a bargainl "Where, where, where? The Ladies Shop, the Ladies Shop, There, there, therel •Yes—by thunder— TIs no blunder, We have the hosel Ony* Pointex— In all respects, The best the market shows. THE LADIES SHOP S. MYERSON, Proprietor • Princess P a t Rouge, Lipstick, Face P o w d e r At Oar Store Look Listen If I t ' s N e w , W e H a v e I t C o m p l e t e L i n e of \ Bass Furniture Co. : £ •* •••••••& « • China W a r e and s• ROCK HILL • S!S HARDWARE CO. • a Three Flowers Cleansing C r e a m . . . ; Visitor lo guide in an insane asylum: And who is that poor wretch who keeps moving both arms around B in a circle like a windmill? Guide: He's the absent-minded prof who tried to set his watch by = the hands of an elevator dial.— Northwestern Purple Parrot. He: I wouldn't wire home for money. Why don't you write? Oilier He: You can't send a Id• ler collect. J J J • Venetian Glass & ...25c | : S The LONDON PRINTERY S 9 ••••••••• li ••••••• HI • BROOKS' MARKET Powder... Three Flowers Talcum j Decorative Novelties j m • • New Shipment • • W . O. W r i g h t , P r o p . " • ..75c Three Flowers Face Powder I HOPE'S | • LADIES' PARLOR • 5 $1.00 Coty's Perfume | Fresh Florida Oranges • i ,50c Coty's Rouge n o w e x c e e d s $600,000.00. • WE INVITE GOOD BUSINESS S • • O n t h e b a s i s of l o w r a t e s — s u p e r i o r s e r v i c e . Friendly consideration for every client and J J : ~ E £ : S ABSOLUTE SAFETY I ° BEACH-IHRIE'S E s t a b l i s h e d 1887 S g 5 Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware, H a n d - 5 | Painted China, Watches, Clocks £ j 1 B t 5 BEACH-IHRIE JEWELRY Old Reliable Jewelers ~ CO. S 5 3 n i- I.
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The Johnsonian March 2, 1929 - Digital Commons @ Winthrop
Winthrop University, "The Johnsonian March 2, 1929" (1929). The Johnsonian. Book 190.