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TechZoneTM MICROCONTROLLER LIGHTING SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS TZTL101.US M112.US Microcontroller Solutions Look Inside Today’s Connectivity Protocols! TZM112.US Page 22 M IC R in C O clu d R OM CO ing E a F P NT nn G ER ON R ual U E E O ID N N L L E C T E E R www.digikey.com/microcontroller uIP TCP/IP Protocol Stack Demonstration Leading-Edge Suppliers for Your Leading-Edge Designs TZM112.US MICROCONTROLLER SOLUTIONS Digi-Key Corporation brings you TechZonesSM featuring suppliers, products and resources for Lighting, Microcontroller, Power, Sensor, and Wireless technologies, with more sites to come. Resources include application notes, reference designs, white papers, links to product training modules, and more! uIP TCP/IP Protocol Stack Demonstration contributed by Renesas Corporation The popular open source uIP TCP/IP stack is widely used in embedded designs. This demo provides both hands on experience and insights into its use. 22 Quick Way to Find Digi-Key’s TechZonesSM: • • • • Links located on our homepage Links located in our header under Resources Links located in our toolbar www.digikey.com/techzones MICROCONTROLLER COMPONENT REFERENCE GUIDE This issue of TechZone™ Microcontroller Solutions includes our annual Microcontroller Component Reference Guide, which lists Digi-Key’s comprehensive selection of more than 10,000 quality microcontroller products from over 40 suppliers of microcontroller components and solutions. 67 2011 DIGI-KEY CATALOG AVAILABLE NOW! View our environmentally-friendly interactive and PDF catalogs online or request your annual Digi-Key print catalog today! www.digikey.com/catalog www.digikey.com/microcontroller 3 Table of Contents Digi-Key Features Editorial Comment ................................................... 5 Microcontroller TechZoneSM Q & A ............................ 6 Trivia Contest ......................................................... 39 Innovations in Connectivity: a look inside Digi-Key’s state-of-the-art Weather Center ............................. 47 The Ultra-Low-Power USB Revolution ......................... 7 by Bhargavi Nisarga, Keith Quiring, and Les Taylor, Texas Instruments USB is a fast, convenient connectivity interface, but until recently it hasn’t been associated with low-power. New MCUs have made it an attractive choice for ultra-low-power embedded applications. USB-Based Temperature Monitor .............................. 12 contributed by Analog Devices If you need to be able to detect small variations in temperature, an RTD or thermocouple won’t do it. Using a thermocouple, an analog MCU, an LDO and a few discretes, you can construct a highly accurate temperature sensing application. Introducing a Second MCU to Embedded Designs ................................................. 15 by Nicholas Cravotta Adding a second MCU to your embedded design addresses a number of design issues, but not without adding some complex new ones. This article focuses on inter-processor communications and how to both avoid and/or solve the issues that arise. Eliminating the Parallel/Serial Tradeoff in Embedded Systems with SPIFI-Equipped Cortex-M3 ......................................... 19 by Rob Cosaro and Gene Carter, NXP Semiconductors The SPIFI peripheral creates a way for designers to use a small, inexpensive serial flash where they might previously have needed to use a larger, more expensive parallel flash to meet the system’s performance requirements. ColdFire Ethernet for Diverse Applications................ 26 by Eric Gregori, Freescale Semiconductor Adding Ethernet to embedded products provides a level of connectivity never before available in the embedded space. This article provides a detailed tutorial, an example application and XML code to quickly get you comfortable with embedded Ethernet. 4 Your MCU is Just Starting to be Connected ............... 36 by Tom Starnes, Industry Analyst, Objective Analysis Embedded applications, like individual PCs, become more useful when they can communicate with other devices. A wide range of protocols has been developed to enable such communication, but that work is far from over. Deeply Embedded Devices: The “Internet of Things”............................................. 40 by Mark Wright and Rodger Richey, Microchip Technology Inc. Wi-Fi has long worked well to connect PCs and embedded devices. However, it’s not known for being low-power and is hardly an obvious choice for deeply embedded devices. That’s about to change. Peripheral Reflex System Avoids MCU Overload ................................................. 44 contributed by Energy Micro Energy Micro’s Peripheral Reflex System minimizes MCU loading by enabling peripheral modules to communicate with each other without processor intervention. This article details how it works and why. CAN Primer: Creating Your Own Network .................. 48 by Bob Boys, ARM CAN is a sophisticated network well suited to any number of automotive, industrial and consumer applications. This article takes an in-depth look at the protocol, its implementations and implications for embedded designs. Power Debugging ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Applications ...................................... 58 by Lotta Frimanson and Anders Lundgren, IAR Systems Power debugging is based on the ability to sample the power consumption of a system and correlate each sample with the source code. ARM Cortex-M3 and –M4 cores provide the architectural hooks and IAR provides the software to make this possible. The Heartbeat Behind Portable Medical Devices: Ultra-Low-Power Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers .................................. 61 by Shahram Tadayon, Silicon Laboratories In the medical device market, products must combine accurate analog measurements with high reliability and ultra-low-power consumption. Fortunately, there are some integrated mixed-signal MCUs that can deliver on all three requirements. USB 3.0—Are We There Yet? ...................................... 64 by John Donovan, Low-Power Design SuperSpeed USB promises a 10x speed improvement over USB 2.0 while maintaining compatibility with legacy devices. If your next application involves streaming video, take a look at what it has to offer. Editorial Comment About Digi-Key Corporation The Energy Management, Lighting, Medical, and Hybrid/Electric Auto markets are quickly gaining scale and are directly driving an explosion of microcontroller usage. As microcontroller designs expand into new areas, so do the connectivity requirements, which is the theme of this issue of TechZone™ Magazine. In this issue, we explore all facets of Microcontroller connectivity protocols and how to overcome typical technical roadblocks. You will find a strong selection of articles to support your connectivity protocol design decisions including: • “uIP TCP/IP Protocol Stack Demonstration” – a step by step guide using Ethernet connectivity with the titled protocol stack contributed by Renesas (page 22) Mark Zack Vice President, Semiconductor • “Introducing a Second MCU to Embedded Designs” – an article on overcoming the common pitfalls of adding a second MCU to your design written by Nicholas Cravotta (page 15) • “The Ultra-Low-Power USB Revolution” – an article on integrated USB connectivity written by a trio of authors from Texas Instruments (page 7) This issue includes a Component Reference Guide featuring a number of recent and exciting new product introductions including NXP’s latest LPC family of Cortex and ARM products. For details on these and other new product releases, please visit our Microcontroller Solutions technology zone, www.digikey.com/microcontrollers. If your design is integrated into a Lighting, Wireless or Sensor solution, see our recent TechZone™ magazines focusing on those areas at www.digikey.com/magazine. When the design is complete and it’s time to build your product, remember that Digi-Key: • Stocks over 565,000 components available for off-the-shelf delivery anywhere in the world • Ships 99% of orders received by 8pm central time the same day • Offers world-class supply chain support and customer service While it’s unclear how the political uncertainty in the Middle East will affect the global economy; it is very clear that microcontrollers will continue to pervasively expand into products that touch our everyday lives. We believe that the information and insights in this issue of TechZone™ Magazine will support your next generation product ideas and solutions. As one of the world’s fastest growing distributors of electronic components, Digi-Key Corporation has earned its reputation as an industry leader through its total commitment to service and performance. As a full-service provider of both prototype/design and production quantities of electronic components, Digi-Key has been ranked #1 for Overall Performance for 19 consecutive years from among the nation’s more than 200 distributors (EE Times Distribution Study/October 2010). Offering more than 2 million products from more than 470 quality name-brand manufacturers, Digi-Key’s commitment to inventory is unparalleled. Access to the company’s broad product offering is available 24/7 at Digi-Key’s top-rated website. www.digikey.com Digi-Key’s TechZone™ Magazine is a monthly series of technology-specific publications featuring information and resources for Lighting, Microcontrollers, Wireless, and Sensors, with more technologies to come. TechZone™ Magazine provides the engineering community, from students to professional design engineers, with information about supplier innovations, quality in-depth solutions, and a selection of application-specific considerations focused on advancing technology. Contact Information For questions, comments, or to submit an article: tzcontent@digikey.com For information about advertising oppotunities: techzoneadvertising@digikey.com To be added to the mailing list: www.digikey.com/request Sincerely, Copyrights: The masthead, logo, design, articles, content and format of TechZone are Copyright 2011, Digi-Key Corporation. All rights are reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in part or in whole without express permission, in writing, from Digi-Key. Trademarks: DIGI-KEY, the Digi-Key logo, TECHZONE, and the TechZone logo are trademarks of Digi-Key Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks or product names are the property of their respective holders. Mark Zack Vice President, Semiconductor Product Digi-Key Corporation All product names, descriptions, specifications, prices and other information are subject to change without notice. While the information contained in this magazine is believed to be accurate, Digi-Key takes no responsibility for incorrect, false or misleading information, errors or omissions. Your use of the information in this magazine is at your own risk. Some portions of the magazine may offer information regarding a particular design or application of a product from a variety of sources; such information is intended only as a starting point for further investigation by you as to its suitability and availability for your particular circumstances and should not be relied upon in the absence of your own independent investigation and review. Everything in this magazine is provided to you “AS IS.” Digi-Key expressly disclaim any express or implied warranty, including any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement. Digi-Key cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of any information contained in this magazine. Any comments may be addressed to techzone@digikey.com. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 5 Microcontroller TechZoneSM Q & A In the rapidly evolving microcontroller market, it seems as if there is something new every day – technologies, products, consumer trends, or regulations. Time-to-market demands have never been greater with the design of many of today’s new microcontroller products requiring expertise in more than one discipline. You have questions. We have answers. On target to field more than 260,000 calls this year, our technical support specialists are available 24/7/365 to answer your questions and assist you with your microcontroller needs. If you have a question, we invite you to contact our technical staff via telephone, live web chat, or by emailing your question to techzone@digikey.com. How does USB 3.0 differ from USB 2.0? USB 3.0 offers a “SuperSpeed” bus feature. USB 3.0 cables have two wires for power and ground, two wires for “non-SuperSpeed” data, four additional wires for the “SuperSpeed” data, and a shield which was not needed in other USB versions. The “SuperSpeed” bus offers a forth transfer mode at 5.0 Gbits/s. The physical form factor has changed for the USB 3.0 plugs and receptacles to accommodate the additional pins for the “SuperSpeed” mode. The standard-A plugs are extended as well as the receptacles are deeper. For the Standard-B connectors, the “SuperSpeed” contacts are placed on top of the existing connector. A legacy standard A to B cable will work normally in these connectors as the legacy connectors will not make contact with the new contacts for the “SuperSpeed.” This ensures backwards compatibility. On the flip side, though, the USB 3.0 connector will not mate to the legacy receptacles. What are the common applications for CAN (Controller Area Network)? CAN was first developed with automotive applications in mind. An example of this is in-vehicle electronic networking. However, since its development CAN has been utilized in medical, industrial and commercial applications. Examples of medical applications include operating room components such as lights, tables, cameras, patient beds and X-ray machines. Industrial application examples include motor control and robotics. Finally, commercial application examples include lab equipment, telescopes, and automatic doors. How is an SPI master/slave connection set up? SPI is a protocol on four signal lines. A clock signal (SCLK) is sent from the bus master to all slaves. A slave select signal for each slave, SSn, is used to select the slave the master communicates with. A data line from the master to the slaves called MOSI (Master Out-Slave In) and a final data line from the slaves to the master called MISO (Master In-Slave Out) comprise the other two signal lines. What is the difference between a UART and USART? A UART is a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter where a USART can communicate synchronously as well as asynchronously. 6 Does the operating ambient temperature include the selfheating of the MCU? The operating ambient temperature is the ambient temperature in a state without MCU self-heating. More specifically, consider it to be the temperature of the surroundings infinitely close to the package surface when the MCU is not powered on. What does it mean if a microcontroller supports big endian or little endian, what does endian mean? The term “endian” refers to how individually addressable subcomponents are ordered within a longer data item stored in memory. Let’s say we had a block of memory that had ABCD stored, four bytes. For the big-endian method, the most significant byte value, which is A in our example, is stored at the memory location with the lowest address, 0x00, the next byte value, B, would be stored at the following memory location, 0x01, and so on. For the little-endian method, the least significant byte value, D, is stored at the lowest address, 0x00, the next significant byte, C, in the following memory location, 0x01, and so on. What is the difference between SPI and I2C? SPI uses four logic signals commonly called: SCLK (Serial Clock), MOSI (Master Output, Slave Input), MISO (Master Input, Slave Output) and SS (Slave Select). While I2C uses only two bi-directional open-drain lines commonly called: SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock). Additionally, to add additional slaves, SPI will end up being more than four signal lines, where I2C will stay with the same two lines. In relation to speed, SPI is a higher speed protocol, over 10 Mbps. I2C is limited to data rates that are chosen between 100 kbps, 400 kbps or 3.4 Mbps. Do you have a question about microcontroller solutions? Digi-Key has more than 130 technical support specialists, product managers, and applications engineers who are eager to answer your questions and assist you with your microcontroller projects. Send your questions to techzone@digikey.com. The Ultra-Low-Power USB Revolution by Bhargavi Nisarga, Keith Quiring, and Les Taylor, Texas Instruments New MCUs bring power efficiency and simplicity to USB for portable embedded applications. The ubiquity of USB makes it an extremely attractive interface for applications requiring connectivity to a PC or other host device for configuration, periodic downloading of data, or firmware updates. Often these devices are portable, such as medical or industrial tools which remotely collect data that needs to be uploaded at a later time. As these devices are portable, the final USB implementation must be both cost-effective and power efficient. One of the main reasons for USB’s success is its unparalleled ease of use. But under the surface, USB is a complicated technology that artfully masks the user from the complexity. As a result, developers new to USB often underestimate the effort involved. Many new terms and procedures are also encountered, and things often do not “just work” the way they should. Hidden challenges may result in unexpected delays for the developer, and delays are expensive. To developers trying to focus on differentiating their products and offering the best value to their customers, these challenges are an unwelcome burden. For this reason, TI has committed to delivering USB technology as an integrated, simplified solution that enables developers to focus on using USB in their application rather than learning USB as a technology. Introducing the MSP430TM USB microcontroller To meet the needs of developers, TI has introduced full-speed USB to the F5xx series of MSP430 microcontrollers (MCU). By integrating USB with powerful performance (up to 25 MHz), large memory (both Flash and RAM), integrated intelligent peripherals (including an on-chip ADC, comparator, hardware multiplier, DMA controller, temperature sensor and other peripherals), and superior power management, the MSP430 is the ideal MCU for implementing USB in embedded applications (see Figure 1). With the simple addition of a USB connector and a few discretes, MSP430 USB MCUs are a complete solution for applications that require USB connectivity and analog peripherals, while being ultra-low-power. From a software standpoint, TI provides API stacks supporting three of the most common device classes. Figure 1: Integrating USB with the powerful performance and high integration of the MSP430 architecture creates the ideal microcontroller for implementing USB in embedded applications. The new MSP430 USB MCUs are based on TI’s newest and most advanced MSP430 architecture, the F5xx. Each supports 1.8 to 3.6 V operation, with clock speeds up to 25 MHz and integrated, programmable power supervision on the order of 200 nA. New clock sources further maximize tradeoffs between power, speed, precision and cost. Flash writes/erases can be performed across the full range of Vcc. In addition to offering a wide range of flash memory sizes (64 to 128 KB and 16 to 256 KB), USB-enabled MSP430 devices also have 2 KB RAM dedicated to USB that, when USB is disabled, is available for general purpose use. Accelerated development and ease of use TI recognizes that consumers – and engineers – have come to expect that USB “just works.” In truth, while USB looks as simple as a UART or SPI port, the protocol is not trivial to implement. And unlike the UART or SPI interfaces, compliance is a primary USB design consideration, even in the simplest applications. For example, a host can suspend an attached device at any time. Devices must also be able to handle “surprise removals.” For developers who have not been through this process before, such unexpected considerations can require extra development time and lead to unexpected delays. Part of the value-add of the MSP430’s USB support is that much of the underlying complexity of implementing USB is managed through an intuitive API stack. The API stacks are designed for fast absorption by the developer. Like USB itself, they contain much of the complexity “under the hood,” masking the developer from unnecessary hassle to help speed development time. The stack www.digikey.com/microcontroller 7 source code is open for those developers wishing for complete control. For each stack, a complete Programmer’s Guide is provided that serves as a reference for the API function calls and also describes the underlying concepts with clarity. Further, TI provides the MSP430 USB Descriptor Tool. This tool serves as a “control panel” for the API stacks, allowing for quick configuration. It automatically creates the descriptors that every USB device must report to the host, based on user input. This saves the developer considerable time and provides peace of mind that the descriptors are done correctly. Stacks are available for the most common device classes and are supplied without additional charge. While developers should not underestimate what is required to create a robust USB interface, TI has significantly shortened the USB learning curve. In this way, developers are freed of much of the burden of learning the intimate details of USB as a technology and instead are able to focus on using USB to increase the value and usability of their applications. Multiple device classes Part of the simplicity offered by the MSP430 USB API Stack is support for three device classes: Communications Device Class (CDC): The CDC presents the USB port to the PC application as a standard COM port. COM ports are popular interfaces that are flexible, fast, and simple to use. Because it uses bulk transfers, the CDC provides high bandwidth with a reasonable amount of simplicity. The chief disadvantage of using the CDC is that developers must distribute a simple file to end users that allows it to be associated with the CDC driver built into Windows. Fortunately, the “new device detected” installation in Windows is fairly straightforward and a minor step already wellaccepted by end-users. Human Interface Device (HID): While HID is commonly thought of as primarily for mice and keyboards, it is a flexible device class suitable for a wide variety of applications. TI’s HID API efficiently generalizes HID capabilities, thereby eliminating the complexity associated with HID reports by allowing developers to access the interface in the exact same way they would a CDC device/COM port. While it has limited bandwidth (up to 64 KB/s), it requires no file to be distributed as CDC does, and it loads silently in Windows with no installation process required. Mass Storage Class (MSC): MSC is the device class used to implement the highly successful USB “flash drives,” as well as digital cameras and flash card readers. Since it is designed for moving large amounts of data, it provides higher bandwidth, similar to that of CDC. The tradeoff is more complexity – for example, developers will need to implement a file system – and the use of more code space. Like HID, MSC devices load silently in Windows without the need of an installation process. TI offers the MSC API layer at no cost. Given the wide variety of configuration possibilities for software handling file systems, the different media types, and Flash management (i.e., through wear-leveling and other techniques), developers have the flexibility of buying a commercial implementation or using one of the many open-source systems available for the MSP430. 8 Of the three device classes, developers should begin by considering HID. If an application can work within the available 64 KB/s bandwidth, HID will often be the most cost-effective choice given that users can plug it in and use it without the need of an installation. Since the Windows installation process can sometimes lead to problems for the user, avoiding it can lead to a reduction of support calls and returns from customers. The TI USB API stacks support three data transfer types: control for USB-level control/status data, interrupt for low bandwidth, fixed latency data, and bulk for high bandwidth, variable latency data. Usage of these data types is determined by the device class; developers need not concern themselves with most of the details associated with the different types. With these data types, the MSP430’s USB can support any application requiring control/configuration, firmware updating, or that needs to transfer bulk data (as opposed to streaming data). The MSP430 does not support isochronous (high-bandwidth, fixed latency) data, so it is not appropriate for streaming audio/video applications. Just as the MSP430 is flexible, so is its USB functionality. Any USB device contains a certain number of what are called endpoints. Support for multiple endpoints allows for composite USB devices which can have more flexible communication with hosts. For example, a device that uses the MSC for bulk data transfers and HID to manage control and status is comprised of three input and three output endpoints. The MSP430 architecture supports up to eight input and eight output endpoints, which provides sufficient capacity for most applications without overburdening cost. Ultra-low-power efficiency By its nature, the MSP430 architecture has been optimized for low- power operation, both when USB is in use and when it is not. For example, MSP430 devices have five low-power modes that enable designers to extend battery life in portable applications. The MSP430 delivers high performance at the lowest power consumption with an active power consumption as low as 160 µA/MHz and 1.5 µA in standby mode coupled with fast wakeup from standby (less than 5 microseconds) and a supply voltage as low as 1.8 V operation. The onboard DMA controller can also save significant power when communicating with a battery-powered host. One of the advantages of USB in embedded applications is the ability to power devices over the interface. Ideally, battery-powered devices can maximize operating life by powering the device over the bus when attached to a host. As USB hosts source 5 V over the bus, an LDO is required to drop the voltage to the 3.3 V typical of ICs. MSP430 devices simplify power design and conserve board space by integrating an efficient LDO as well as associated pull-up functionality. In addition to allowing MSP430s to operate directly from 5 V, integrating the LDO and pull-up resistors reduces component count and eliminates $.15 to $.20 relative to discrete implementations. By keeping the USB power and other MSP430 modules’ power management separate, the USB module can always be powered as long as the USB device is connected to the host. This also enables the USB module to auto-powerup the MSP430 via USB power even if the device battery is dead or non-existent. The low-speed USB used in mice and keyboards, for example, in general is not appropriate for any application processing enough data that it requires a modern, general-purpose MCU. Specifically, transmitting at a slower data rate wastes bus bandwidth and consumes more power by requiring the MCU to stay active for significantly longer transmission periods. Likewise, high-speed USB supplies too much bandwidth unless an application needs to support large audio or video transfers. Full-speed USB is a much better fit for most embedded applications. Figure 2: MSP430 USB microcontrollers can source power off the USB bus to power the entire system with 12 mA. MSP430s are designed to operate within the power limits of the LDO and can even source power off the USB bus to power the entire system. By driving the 3.3 V output externally (VUSB), the MSP430 can supply the system with up to 12 mA (see Figure 2), and eliminate the need for a system LDO as well. For high-current systems (requiring more than 12 mA of current) or for applications where it makes sense to power a device from battery even when connected via USB, the MSP430 offers the flexibility of bypassing the integrated LDO and driving DVcc from an external supply or regulator (see Figure 3). TI offers a variety of external LDOs well-suited for low-cost (TPS73033), low-power (TPS67233), low-noise (TPS1733), and low-noise, highercurrent (TPS73433/735) applications. Figure 3: For high-current systems or for applications where it makes sense to power a device from battery even when connected via USB, the MSP430 offers the flexibility of bypassing the integrated 3.3 V LDO and driving DVcc from an external supply. The 5 V USB bus power can also be used as a primary source to charge batteries (see Figure 4). In this configuration, DVcc is always sourced from the battery whether the USB port is plugged into a host or not. When the port is plugged in, the charger receives power via USB to recharge the battery. TI’s BQ2407x/3x family of chargers have been specifically designed for USB battery charging applications. Figure 4: Power over USB can also be used as a primary source to charge batteries. TI’s BQ2407x/3x family of chargers has been specifically designed for USB battery charging applications. While being an OTG appears to be an appealing option, it is not appropriate for many applications. Embedded hosts must be able to source 8 mA to attached devices. This requirement has led many companies to reconsider their intention to support OTG host capability, especially in applications where long operation life is required from a single-cell battery. For applications that do require OTG support, TI offers solutions within its Stellaris MCU portfolio. In general, USB devices are less expensive, simpler, and faster to develop than embedded hosts. The MSP430 family with USB was optimized to meet the needs of USB devices without burdening these applications with the added complexity, additional memory, integrated peripherals and larger power supplies required to implement USB hosts. Taking care of details In order to deliver on its promise to simplify USB, TI provides a wide range of tools and software to assist developers in quickly coming up to speed on using and implementing robust USB solutions. In addition to its API stack, TI also offers: • USB Descriptor Tool: The USB Descriptor Tool plays a key role in simplifying USB design and implementation. This GUI-based tool automatically configures the USB stack to reflect the specific requirements of a particular application, handling the management of descriptor fields including VID, PID, strings, how much power to draw from the host, and so on. Rather than require developers to delve into the details behind the various USB descriptor fields by breaking into the USB stack and writing code to support their application, the Descriptor Tool gathers the required information from developers and automatically generates the appropriate software modifications to the API stacks, requiring no further work from developers. In addition, the USB Descriptor Tool is intended to make the high-level stack configuration of composite devices much simpler. • Bootstrap Loader (BSL): TI’s BSL is another important tool offered to developers who require field firmware update capability. One of the common uses of USB is to push updates to deployed devices. For example, a doctor could plug a medical instrument into a PC and have it quickly and automatically update itself with new features or bug fixes. The BSL tool simplifies the updating process for developers by converting a firmware image file into a self-contained PC executable that can be delivered to end customers. All MSP430 devices are BSL-equipped and when implemented over USB, updates can be made securely even when the device is not powered (i.e., the MSP430 is powered via USB), enabling fast and efficient production-line programming without having to install batteries. For developers, the most complex part of the bootstrapping process will be to customize the BSL executable with their own logo. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 9 • TI also offers developers the opportunity to participate in its VID Sharing Program. Every USB device requires a Vendor_ID (VID) and Product_ID (PID). For companies making only a few devices, TI can provide a VID and a unique PID to bypass the investment of time and money required to register a VID with the USB consortium. By taking care of the “odds and ends” of implementing USB through the USB Descriptor Tool, Bootstrap Loader, API stack, and other support software from its extensive third party network, TI has simplified the process of working with USB. By providing most of the underlying foundation required for USB, TI’s MSP430 enables developers to focus on the value-added components of their application without having to concern themselves with the myriad implementation issues involved with a complex interface like USB. In addition to integrating USB, these new controllers also integrate a number of other features and peripherals beyond the standard MSP430 architecture that further simplify development, including: • • • • 10 This flexible, programmable PLL can adapt to a wide range of crystal frequencies, enabling developers to choose a frequency based on applicationrelevant criteria such as cost, other components within the system, or whether that frequency is needed elsewhere in the system for another purpose. The VLO enables developers to keep the USB module running when the host is suspended. This is important because the USB module must be able to recognize when the host wants to wake it. Current drawn by the VLO in this manner is in the sub-µA range. MSP430 USB microcontrollers also offer a new comparator for the generation of hysteresis without the need for external components. Many applications require the ability to monitor an input against two thresholds, such as for battery charging and capacitive touch interfaces. Typical comparators can only monitor one threshold and must be configured to watch for the rising or falling threshold and switch to the other threshold when it is crossed. Known as Comparator_B, the new comparator is a versatile reference generator using R-ladders capable of generating 32 different voltage reference levels. This approach avoids the need for external components as well as the constant power drain when external resistors are used. Comparator_B operates in three modes, ultra-low-power (0.1 µA typical to 0.5 µA max.), normal (10 µA typical to 30 µA max.), and high-speed (40 µA typical to 65 µA max.) for optimizing power consumption to the application. A unique feature of USB-based MSP430 microcontrollers is the port mapping controller. With port mapping, developers can dynamically reconfigure digital outputs such as Timer PWMs or SPI/I2C interfaces across a specific range of pins. Such mapping enables flexibility of signal routing during board design, allowing designers to move signals to the other side of the IC as required. Each digital output can be mapped to multiple output pins, which can be useful in cases, for example, where the same Timer PWM is required on multiple pins. Port mapping also eases the challenges associated with migrating from one family of devices to another in terms of pin-to-pin compatibility. Getting started MSP430 USB microcontrollers is very easy. The MSP430F552x Sample Kit includes the 80-pin MSP-TS430 target board (#MSP-TS430PN80-USB) complete with USB support as well as sample silicon. With the proven tool chain of the MSP430 and the comprehensive USB support package, developers already familiar with the MSP430 can introduce USB to their applications with little effort. In addition, TI’s many third parties supply a wide range of software and hardware to speed development and accelerate time-to-market. Developers can choose from three families of USB-enabled MSP430 microcontrollers, each with a flexible roadmap and options that scale to meet a variety of embedded application requirements: • The F552x / F551x supplies 64 to 128 KB Flash and 4 to 8 KB (+2 KB) RAM, as well as Comparator_B functionality. F552x \ F551x devices are sampling now. • The F563x/F663x is perhaps the most feature-rich, integrated MSP430 device ever produced. With 128 to 256 KB Flash and 16 KB (+2 KB) RAM, this device has six DMA channels, an RTC backup mode (enabling the RTC to operate at less than 1 µA even when Vcc is lost), and many other integrated peripherals. • The F550x provides cost-effective USB with 16 to 32 KB Flash and 4 KB + 2KB RAM as well as a 10-bit ADC and Comparator_B functionality. TI’s new MSP430 USB microcontrollers reduce system cost, offer superior power efficiency to improve battery life, facilitate fast implementation, and are easy to use. In addition to allowing developers to focus on their application rather than USB as an enabling technology, these new controllers also lower system BOM by integrating several advanced peripherals and modules that increase performance and improve power consumption while reducing component count. With its comprehensive supporting software and hardware, TI reduces the USB learning curve from weeks to hours, making it cost-effective – and simple – to introduce USB into a wide range of embedded applications. http://www.ti.com/msp430tools http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/msp430f5529.html Device class tradeoffs. Simplicity on host Yes Yes No Simplicity on MSP430 Yes Yes No Avoids user install process No Yes Yes High bandwidth Yes No, 64 KB/s Yes Code size 4 KB 4 KB 10 to 20 KB MSP430x5xx Overivew Texas Instruments The MSP430x5xx MCU from Texas Instruments is the next generation technology platform for the MSP430 series of MCUs. The device features advanced ultra-low-power technology, significantly higher levels of integration, and is designed for customer ease-of-use. The product training module for this product allows viewers to learn more about the product line’s features and the device’s capability for easy migration. Direction to TI’s collection of over 1,000 code examples and more than 100 application reports is included in this product training module. www.digikey.com/ptm MSP-EXP430F5438 Experimenter Board (MSP-EXP430F5438) The MSP430F5438 Experimenter Board (MSP-EXP430F5438) is a development platform for the latest generation of MSP430 MCUs. It features a 100-pin socket that supports the MSP430F5438 and other devices with similar pinout. The socket allows for quick upgrades to newer devices or quick applications changes. It is compatible with many TI low-power RF wireless evaluation modules such as the CC2520EMK. The Experimenter Board helps designers quickly learn and develop using the new F5xx MCUs, which provide the industry’s lowest active power consumption, more memory and leading integration for applications such as energy harvesting, wireless sensing and automatic metering infrastructure (AMI). www.devtoolsxpress.com www.digikey.com/texasinstruments-mcu www.digikey.com/microcontroller 11 USB-Based Temperature Monitor contributed by Analog Devices Using an analog MCU, an LDO, an external thermistor, and a few discretes, you can construct a highly accurate temperature sensing application. and measuring the external temperature sensor, the entire circuit typically consumes 7 mA. Between temperature measurements, the ADC and/ or the microcontroller can be switched off to further minimize power consumption. Circuit description The circuit shown in Figure 1 is powered entirely from the USB interface. The 5 V supply from the USB is regulated to 3.3 V using the ADP3333 (3.3V) low-dropout Figure 1: ADuC7122 used as a temperature monitor interfaced to a thermistor (simplified schematic, all connections not shown). linear regulator. The regulated The circuit in Figure 1 shows how the ADuC7122 precision analog 3.3 V supplies the DVDD voltage to the ADuC7122. The AVDD supply to microcontroller can be used in an accurate thermistor temperature the ADuC7122 has additional filtering as shown. A filter is also placed monitoring application. The ADuC7122 integrates a multichannel on the USB supply at the input of the linear regulator. 12-bit SAR ADC, twelve 12-bit DACs, a 1.2 V internal reference, The following features of the ADuC7122 are used in this application: as well as an ARM7 core, 126 kB flash, 8 kB SRAM, and various digital peripherals, such as UART, timers, SPI, and two I2C • 12-bit SAR ADC. interfaces. The ADuC7122 is connected to a 4.7 kΩ thermistor. • ARM7TDMI core: The powerful 16-/32-bit ARM7 core with Due to the small form factor of the ADuC7122 (7 mm × 7 mm, integrated 126 kB flash and SRAM memory, runs the user 108-ball BGA package) the entire circuit will fit on an extremely code that configures and controls the ADC, processes the small PCB, thus further reducing cost. ADC conversions from the thermistor sensor, and controls the communications over the UART/USB interface. Similar in function to an RTD, thermistors are low-cost, temperature-sensitive resistors and are constructed of solid semiconductor materials, which exhibit a positive or negative temperature coefficient. Thermistors are inexpensive and have high sensitivity. They detect small variations in temperature, which could not be observed with an RTD or a thermocouple. However, thermistors are highly nonlinear; thus, they are limited to applications with very narrow temperature ranges if linearization techniques are not applied. Circuit linearization techniques can be accomplished in software. Despite the powerful ARM7 core and high-speed SAR ADCs, the ADuC7122 still provides a low-power solution. With the ARM7 core running at 326.4 kHz and the primary ADC active 12 • UART: The UART is used as the communication interface to the host PC. • Two external switches/buttons (not shown) are used to force the part into its flash boot mode. By holding DOWNLOAD low and toggling the RESET switch, the ADuC7122 will enter boot mode instead of normal user mode. In boot mode, the internal flash may be reprogrammed through the I2CWSD tool utilizing the USB interface. • BUF_VREF: The band gap reference also connects through buffers to the BUF_VREF1 and the BUF_VREF2 pins, which can be used as a reference for other circuits in the system. A minimum of 0.1 µF capacitor should be connected to these pins to reduce noise. The thermistor used in the circuit is a 4.7 kΩ resistor, model number NCP18XM472. It is available in a 0603 surface-mount package. The thermistor used in the circuit in Figure 2 has the following specifications at 25°C: ß = 3500 (the ß parameter describes resistance as a function of temperature) and resistance (R25) = 4.7 kΩ. The USB interface to the ADuC7122 is implemented with an FT232R UART to USB transceiver, which converts USB signals directly to the UART protocol. In addition to the decoupling shown in Figure 1, the USB cable itself should have a ferrite for added EMI/RFI protection. The ferrite beads used in the circuit are Taiyo Yuden, BK2125HS102-T, which have an impedance of 1,000 Ω at 100 MHz. The circuit must be constructed on a multilayer PC board with a large area ground plane. Proper layout, grounding, and decoupling techniques must be used to achieve optimum performance. The input thermistor circuit in Figure 2 is designed to produce accurate temperature measurements from 0°C to 90°C. Note that this system contains no temperature calibration. This circuit contains a simple thermistor circuit that does not contain Figure 2: A simple temperature sensor circuit linearization. If this circuit implemented with the ADuC7122. circuit employed linearization techniques, it could function over a broader range of temperatures; however, this would decrease the resolution of the sensor. Figure 3: ADuC7122 thermistor sensor measured output (converted to volts) with ADC0 versus temperature. Figure 3 plots the response of the ADuC7122 to the thermistor sensor detailed in Figure 2 over temperature. Code description The source code and a HyperTerminal configuration file used to test the attached circuit can be downloaded as a zip file at www.analog. com/CN0153_Source_Code. The UART is configured for a baud rate of 9600, 8 data bits, no parity and no flow control. If the circuit is connected directly to a PC, a communication port viewing application such as HyperTerminal can be used to view the results sent by the program to the UART (Figure 4). The source code is commented to make it easier to understand and manipulate. The code was compiled and tested using the Keil µVision 3 application. The circuit in Figure 2 is set up in a voltage divider configuration. This will allow us to transform the ADC result, D, into a measurement of the resistance of RTH (thermistor) using the following formulas: = = ∗( ( + =2 ∗( = ) ) ) ∗ (2 ) ∗ ( ( + 1)) ) = 2 ∗is( calculated, Once the resistance of the thermistor the Steinhart-Hart equation can be used to determine the temperature of the sensor. ∗ ) ( 12current 1) ∗ ( 25 ) is ( formula, the ADuC7122 2 = = Using the following sensor temperature: 2 where: T2 V1 ß R25 RTH = = = = = = ( ( ( ( 25 1 ∗ ) able to determine the ) 25 ) 25 ) unknown temperature 298K ß parameter of the thermistor @ 298K or 25°C. ß = 3500 resistance of thermistor @ 298K or 25°C. R25 = 4.7 kΩ resistance of thermistor @ unknown temperature as calculated by formula above Figure 4: Output of HyperTerminal communication port viewing application. Common variations The ADP3333 (3.3 V) can be replaced with the ADP120 (2.5 V), which has a wider operating temperature range (−40°C to +125°C) and consumes less power (typically 20 μA versus 70 μA) but has a lower maximum input voltage range (5.5 V versus 12 V). Note that the ADuC7122 can be programmed or debugged using a standard JTAG interface. For a standard UART to RS-232 interface, the FT232R transceiver can be replaced with a device such as the ADM3202, which requires a 3 V power supply. The thermistor circuit described here can be adapted to operate with other precision analog microcontrollers, such as the ADuC7020 series, the ADuC7023, and the ADuC7061 series. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 13 ARM7 Core MicroConverter Applications and Tools Analog Devices, Inc. Analog Devices’ ARM7 series integrates high-precision analog with an ARM7TDMI core. The small size and integration of these devices makes them particularly useful in a wide range of applications. Experiencing the product training module regarding the ARM7 series will provide insight into the industrial and medical applications of which the device is often utilized, along with example MicroConverter reference design examples for the benefit of any purchaser. www.digikey.com/ptm USB-Based Emulator (ADZS-USB-ICE-ND) Analog Devices’ cost-effective Universal Serial Bus (USB)based emulator provides an easy, portable, non-intrusive, target-based debugging solution for Analog Devices JTAG processors and DSPs. This powerful USB-based emulator performs a wide range of emulation functions, including single-step and full speed execution with pre-defined breakpoints, and viewing and/or altering of register and memory contents. With the ability to automatically detect and support multiple I/O voltages, the USB emulator enables users to communicate with all of the Analog Devices JTAG processors and DSPs using a full speed USB 1.1 on the host PC. Applications and data can easily and rapidly be tested and transferred between the emulators and the separately available VisualDSP++ development and debugging environment (sold separately). www.devtoolsxpress.com ADuC7122: Precision Analog Microcontroller, 12-Bit Analog I/O, ARM7TDMI™ MCU The ADuC7122 is a fully integrated, 1 MSPS, 12-bit data acquisition system, incorporating high performance multichannel ADCs, 12 voltage output DACs, 16-bit/32-bit MCUs, and Flash/EE memory on a single chip. The ADC consists of up to 13 inputs. Four of these inputs can be configured as differential pairs with a Programmable Gain Amplifier on their front end providing a gain between 1 and 5. The ADC can operate in single-ended or differential input modes. The ADC input voltage is 0 V to VREF. A low drift band gap reference, temperature sensor, and supply voltage monitor complete the ADC peripheral set. • 13 external channel, 12-bit, 1 MSPS ADC • 11 general-purpose inputs • 0 V to VREF analog input range • 12 × 12-bit voltage output DACs • ARM7TDMI™ core, 16-bit/32bit RISC architecture • JTAG port supports code download and debug • 41.78 MHz PLL with programmable divider • 126 kB Flash/EE memory, 8 kB SRAM • UART, 2 × I2C® and SPI™ serial I/O • Wake-up and watchdog timers (WDT) • Specified for 3 V operation • Active mode: 11 mA at 5 MHz, 40 mA at 41.78 MHz Analog Devices and Digi-Key present New Product Express – a fast, easy way to get ADI’s newest products. These products are in full production, having passed ADI’s quality and reliability testing, and are available from Digi-Key to order today! See New Product Express at www.digikey.com/newproductexpress www.digikey.com/analogdevices-mcu 14 Introducing a Second MCU to Embedded Designs by Nicholas Cravotta There are numerous reasons to add a second MCU to your design and numerous errors to avoid once you do. This article considers the arguments and options while pointing out the pitfalls along the way. With the wide variety of processors available today, there are a great many reasons why you may find it to be a more cost-effective choice to add new features to an application by introducing a second microcontroller (MCU) or microprocessor (MPU) to your design rather than trying to perform every task on a single, higher performance processor: • Cost: Migrating to a higher performance system MPU can have a higher cost differential than adding an 8- or 16-bit MCU to take on the added load. • Power: Rather than expend the power to have the main application processor continuously turn itself on to perform a relatively simple operation such as monitoring a sensor bank or checking if a key has been pressed, an 8-bit processor can be introduced to perform these tasks. In essence, the 8-bit processor serves as a “power gate” by letting the main processor sleep and waking it only when an event occurs that requires its attention. This is especially effective with resistive and surface capacitive touchscreens. • Determinism: User interface (UI) functions involving compute intensive tasks such as animation or audio can stress the real-time deterministic behavior of a system. Rather than risk the reliability of critical tasks such as motor control, a second MCU can assume all “real-time” UI responsibilities. • Diversity: Many systems can benefit from a modular design. For example, a display module can be implemented with a different processor to provide additional graphics, or streaming video capabilities. By taking a modular approach, the main application code does not need to be changed to add new features to the system or to support different models. • Simplicity: A product line may offer a wide variety of options. For example, a product may have four screens, three keyboards, and three connectivity options. When a single processor is used, the design team has to maintain, test, and verify a separate code version for each possible variant (4x3x3=36 distinct variants). When a secondary processor is used to implement a new function, maintenance is required only for each option (4+3+3=10). Note that with the first option, the entire system needs to be tested and verified with every variant, a complex and time-consuming process. When using the second option, the main application code only needs to be verified once. Each of the options can be verified separately and with significantly less complexity. • Conservation of I/O: An MCU can appear to be several devices over an interface by responding to several addresses. For example, the main application processor could issue a command to turn on a fan which is intercepted by an MCU serving as a virtual hub. This is an effective way to conserve I/O on the main application processor since only one communication peripheral is required to read and control multiple devices. • Certification: Changing the user interface or introducing a new interface like Wi-Fi to the main system requires the entire design to be recertified for some markets. Implementing these functions as an add-on module with a separate processor simplifies the recertification process, significantly accelerating both development and time-to-market. UART, I2C, and SPI There are many options available for interconnecting processors. The most basic interfaces used for this purpose are Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART), Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). Today, many processors offer hardware and software support for one or more of these interfaces. For example, STMicroelectronicss’ STM32 Cortex-M3 32bit processors and 8-bit STM8L MCUs support all three. Alternatively, Cypress’ PSoC family of programmable system-on-chip processors have analog and digital blocks which can be configured to provide multiple instances of each of these interfaces, allowing the interface mix to be altered as required for different target markets. The question becomes how many interfaces you’re going to need. A UART operates up to 250 kbps, compared to 100 to 400 kbps for I2C. SPI, which supplies its own clock, can operate at speeds over 1 Mbps. A UART link can typically be implemented in software using an interrupt-based driver, so long as the driver doesn’t place too much load or latency on the processor based on the application’s needs. An I2C master can often be implemented in software, but a slave needs to www.digikey.com/microcontroller 15 be implemented in hardware because of the data rates involved. SPI also needs to be hardware-based. Multi-master systems will need to be hardware-based as well. Beyond data rate, each interface offers specific features that may make it more appropriate for a specific application. UART is extremely simple to implement and is full-duplex. I2C is popular because it requires only two wires, can have a simple master, and offers a variety of advanced options including support for addressing, multiple masters, broadcasting, and clock stretching. Clock stretching, for example, allows an I2C slave to hold the clock and halt the flow of data while it processes the data it has received, thus preventing potential overrun issues. In contrast, a SPI slave is at the mercy of the SPI master. With all of the various options available for I2C and SPI, many silicon vendors supply example code which you’ll need to use as a model for creating your own code. Fortunately drivers for these interfaces can be fairly simple – an I2C driver can be 15 lines of code, allowing you to implement an interface in a short period of time. However, it is important that you determine which features you need to support, that you’ve implemented them correctly, and that the master and slave implement the same features. For example, there are a number of parameters you’ll need to decide upon when creating an I2C driver, such as 7- or 11-bit addressing, single or multi-master (with collision detection and recovery), data rate, whether to use ACK/NAK protocols, support for address holding, and a slew of other options. As a result, any two particular I2C interfaces can be very different. For example, one common problem developers run into is mistaking the System Management Bus (SMBus) used in laptops as a simple I2C bus. Even though the SMBus runs over an I2C interface, it usually uses fixed voltages for high and low values whereas a generic I2C interface uses threshold values which are typically based on a percentage of the MCU power supply, thus representing a potential discrepancy between the two which can create difficult-to-debug intermittent errors. i.e., switching from a soft to loud stream can result in a loud “Pop!” Additionally, command latency may affect the transition. Ideally, you’ll want to run the audio down, switch streams, and then run the audio back up. However, this may not always be convenient for your application. The same difficulties apply if you are working with multiple power supplies at the same time. To facilitate initial driver design and verification, many vendors offer powerful development tools for implementing and verifying interface functionality. For example, Microchip offers the PICkit Serial Analyzer which connects to your system and to a PC which you use to configure the link as a master or slave with any of the standard interface options for UART, I2C, and SPI. A classic problem in interface design is the need for a pre-existing master to design a slave or a pre-existing slave to design a master. The PICkit eliminates this problem by providing a reliable other half of the link to design against with visibility into what’s being sent over both sides of the link. The PICkit also has the capable of emulating a variety of I2C peripherals like ADCs and fan controllers. Many MCU vendors also offer a variety of full-featured development kits and libraries to facilitate the introduction of subsystems such as an LCD display, touchscreen, or other peripheral to a system. For example, TI offers the RDKIDML-35 Intelligent Display module reference design kit which makes it relatively easy to add a 3.5” QVGA touchscreen to a system connected over either an I2C or SPI link. The kit also includes a software library with various GUI functions to speed user interface design. Note too, that UART, I2C, and SPI are just physical interfaces. You’ll still need to supply a logical protocol that operates on top of the physical layer. If the interface is between two MCUs under your design, this protocol can be whatever you want it to be. If the MCU is talking to a device like a serial EEPROM, then the protocol is already defined for you. As a consequence, a driver for a master is likely to be more complex than a slave given the number of different devices and their protocols it may communicate with. In addition, if your master doesn’t support all of the protocols features a slave does (or, conversely, tries to use a feature a slave does not support), compatibility problems will eventually surface. The simplicity of each of these interfaces is both its advantage and curse. You can implement intricate protocols, which makes the interface more efficient and powerful, but this can also make it more difficult to debug. The simplicity gives you all the rope you need to hang the system up if you aren’t careful. For example, consider an application where the interface is controlling an analog multiplexer which needs to smoothly transition between two audio streams. Depending upon how the transition is implemented, there can be undesirable – and audible – side effects; 16 Figure 1: PICKit™ Serial Analyzer. Avoiding common pitfalls In the end, the best way to learn to implement a UART, I2C, or SPI link is to do it yourself. The following list of tips and tricks has been suggested by experts from a variety of MCU manufacturers to help you avoid some of the more common mistakes, misconceptions, and missteps developers often take when implementing their first processor-to-processor interface. Introduce complexity in stages: Do not try to implement the entire system from the start. Begin with the basic driver and verify its operation. Then add the protocol layer and verify again. Introduce the application layer. Finally, operate the entire system with all of its various concurrent tasks and interdependencies. Design your system to abstract functionality: For example, using a generic UI interface allows the main system to connect to mechanical buttons, a keypad, or a touchscreen without having to know which is actually connected. This approach also allows you to fundamentally modify how a function is performed without requiring any code changes to the main system. Consider a vending machine with a separate processor handling coin and bill collection. If a security problem arises (i.e., customers have figured out a way to cheat the machine), only the hardware and software used to monitor collection need to be redesigned to prevent this; the rest of the system remains unchanged. Account for overruns: Getting an I2C or SPI link up and going is fairly straightforward. Where you are likely to encounter difficulties is at the corner cases. For example, the interface may operate properly up to a certain frequency, at which point it begins to fail. The problem could either be from too much noise in the system or a data overrun. A data overrun may be a local problem; a series of a particular type of packet may require more processing time, resulting in the processor not emptying the buffer fast enough. More often, overruns are caused by system-level issues. For example, the DMA or FIFO used by the interface may be a shared resource. Depending upon what else is being processed by the system (i.e., the real-time operating system is managing several real-time tasks simultaneously), latencies may be greater than estimated, causing an overrun. Verify the driver first: When a problem arises, it can be difficult to determine the cause of the error. This is especially true in systems managing multiple interfaces or real-time tasks where errors can arise because of what else is happening in the system. Get the systems talking reliably first by verifying your drivers before introducing application-level functionality. This allows you to more confidently eliminate the driver as the source of the problem during later debugging. Debug using code instrumentation: Debugging both sides of an interface can be tricky because you are working with multiple processors. While there are tools for debugging multiprocessor systems, they often allow you to halt only one side of the link, making it difficult to utilize traditional debugging techniques. If you are using the same type of processor on both sides of the link, you have the option of having the one processor send and then receive its own signal; this allows you to watch both sides of the link and halt them simultaneously. If you are debugging over JTAG, you may be able to connect both processors to the same JTAG chain. Figure 2: RDK_IDM L35. Recognize that peripherals are different than processors: Connecting to a peripheral is different than connecting to another processor. When you control the software on both sides of the interface, you define the interface specifics and protocol on both sides and can therefore guarantee compatibility. When you only design one side of the interface, you need to design your interface to match the requirements of the peripheral to which you are connecting. This can give rise to many potential problems. The most common is the datasheet for the peripheral inaccurately describing how the interface has been implemented. To avoid this problem, verify how the interface has been implemented. Also be aware that various interface options such as 11-bit addressing, clock stretching, or multi-master support may not be supported by a peripheral and that if you try to implement a feature that the peripheral did not implement, the results will be unpredictable. Specify a sufficient data rate: Confirm that the data rate of the interface will meet both your current and future data needs. For example, a small display requires a lower data rate than a larger display or equivalent touchscreen. If you plan to support larger displays in next-generation designs, keep your interface options open. Once you mix architectures, however, you may find yourself forced to debug one side of the link at a time. To simplify debugging, limit the complexity of the other side of the link by creating a simple stub driver that allows you to test basic functionality in stages. As you begin to work with live systems on both sides of the link, you can use the debugger on one side of the link and use code instrumentation techniques on the other side of the link to facilitate debugging. The instrumented side of the link can use the link itself to send status information such as variable values, data received, and other important information back to the processor being debugged. Exploit your debugger: Some engineers try to solve programming issues without a debugger. When they encounter an error, they try something different in the code. Many interface issues, however, are caused at the system level and rewriting interface driver code is not the solution. Observing these system-level interactions may require a debugger. Check your connections: Triple-check your connections before debugging a problem. For example, an easy error to make is to hook up the control signals of the interface but fail to have a common ground. Do this and you may find yourself spending hours trying to resolve a non-existent problem. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 17 Document your code: Take the time to write clean code with complete comments. A simple I2C driver might only run 15 lines and not seem to require documentation. However, if you are new to I2C, you may have missed a critical parameter that you come to understand more about at a later time. Complete documentation gives you a reliable path for tracking your changes in thinking and not getting lost as the complexity of the application increases. Question the spec sheet: Because of its greater flexibility, developers typically encounter more issues with I2C than with SPI. For example, the slave can adversely affect the master by holding the clock down, using a different addressing mode, or implementing start/stop sequences differently. Be wary even if you are connecting to a peripheral like a sensor with a detailed data sheet. The peripheral may not follow the spec, so don’t immediately assume your driver or the MCU is at fault if you can’t get an interface working. It is times like these that you may need a logic analyzer to locate the true source of the problem. Have access to a logic analyzer: This tool is especially useful when you have to connect to another device with an existing interface and protocol. It can also accelerate development when connecting to peripherals with a parallel interface like a display. Be sure to check if your logic analyzer supports the appropriate decode for the interface you are using. Automatic decoding can substantially simplify debugging by allowing you to observe the interface as a logical signal rather than having to convert the physical signal to a logical signal yourself. Design for coexistence: In a multi-master system, sometimes you will need to make sure to send data to multiple destinations without risking giving up the bus to another master. To achieve this, you can use a restart condition between each transmission to keep control of the bus. Similarly, you can use a restart to change the direction of data to receive data from a slave (i.e., EEPROM) without letting go of the bus. A master that locks the bus in this way, however, can create latency issues for other masters performing tasks that are also time-critical. Use such techniques sparingly and thoroughly test the interplay between masters to ensure that they operate well with each other. Design slave/master-capable drivers: Consider giving your slaves the ability to become a master. This can be useful in the case of system failure, allowing a slave to take over the bus and initiate recovery mechanisms with significantly less latency than if the slave has to wait until it is addressed before it can signal an alert. Separate data processing from data transmission: Often, the data collected (i.e., a voltage from a temperature sensor) is very different from the data that needs to be transferred (i.e., whether a temperature threshold has been crossed). Consider an interface to a touchscreen module where the main system, acting as the master, asks for the current finger position data. The module collects the raw data and stores it until position data is requested by the master. At this time, the module retrieves the raw data, processes it, and then transmits it. This particular architecture can innocently create an overrun condition. Consider that to maintain responsiveness, the main system may ask for information at a higher frequency than at which the raw 18 data actually changes. This means that with each request, the module has to recompute the position data using data-intensive algorithms, even if the data has not changed. Because the raw data is being computed multiple times, the result is tremendous overhead that can affect the responsiveness of the module. There are several ways to eliminate such overhead. For example, a check could be made before the position data is computed as to whether the raw data has changed sufficiently or not. If the raw data has not changed, the previous calculation is used. Another approach would be to have the touchscreen module serve as the master over the link and send an update whenever the position has changed. Keep the interface simple: If you only have one master and one slave, there is no need to implement address collision. Of course, take into consideration future expansion and whether a deployed device may need to support such a feature to be compatible with future generations of devices. With today’s integrated MCUs and MPUs, coupled with powerful development tools, designing your first processor-to-processor interface can be a simple process that allows you to quickly introduce a second processor to your existing design. By taking care in your design, you can avoid many common pitfalls to create a reliable and efficient interface that will meet the performance needs of your application today and into the future. ATmega128RFA1 Wireless MCU Atmel The ATmega128RFA1 wireless MCU is a single-chip microcontroller that is known as the world’s first wireless AVR. This device consists of a unique Atmel microcontroller and an RF transceiver and offers the highest system integration and best cost-efficiency. Digi-Key’s product training module for this product features information regarding the integration of the AVR MCU with the RF module, reviews the power specifications offered with this series, and provides in-depth application examples. www.digikey.com/ptm Eliminating the Parallel/Serial Tradeoff in Embedded Systems with SPIFI-Equipped Cortex-M3 by Rob Cosaro and Gene Carter, NXP Semiconductors Choosing parallel versus serial flash has traditionally meant gaining speed at the cost of complexity. This no longer needs to be the case. The SPI Flash Interface (SPIFI), a patent-pending feature initially available on NXP’s latest ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers, lets designers of 32-bit embedded systems use a small, inexpensive serial flash in place of a larger, more expensive parallel flash. With SPIFI (“spiffy”), the external serial flash appears in the microcontroller’s memory map and can be read like other on-chip memory. This essentially eliminates the traditional tradeoff associated with choosing the type of external flash to be used in an embedded system, and gives designers a new way to minimize size and cost while delivering the required system performance. NXP has developed a peripheral function, initially available on its new ARM-based LPC1800 Cortex-M3 microcontrollers, that lets designers of embedded systems use external serial flash memory in place of larger, more expensive parallel flash. The patent-pending peripheral, called the SPI Flash Interface (SPIFI), lets external serial flash memory appear in the microcontroller’s memory map, so it can be read like an on-chip memory. This gives designers a new way to meet performance demands while creating a system that is easier to configure, uses smaller packages, requires less board space, and is less expensive to build. The need for external flash Embedded applications that use a 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) are increasingly tasked with offering a range of sophisticated features for managing multimedia, photos, and other data-intensive content. This is particularly true of systems that present a human interface, since today’s users have come to expect a graphical display that lets them interact with window boxes, photos, animations, sound files, and more. As products become increasingly international, they have to operate in different languages and may need to support several sets of alphabets and non-Roman characters. All these requirements place extra demands on the system’s memory resources. Most 32-bit microcontrollers are equipped with on-chip flash memory that can be used to support data-intensive features, but it’s often not enough to support the entire application. The on-chip flash is typically limited to 1 Megabyte or less. That may be enough to house the bulk of the critical application code, but it may fall short when it comes to storing all the other things the application needs, such as look-up tables, images, photos, sound files, multiple languages, and so on. For these items, designers often turn to external flash memory. External flash memory is significantly cheaper than on-chip flash and is readily available in sizes in excess of 8 Megabytes. Flash memory can also add an extra level of flexibility to the system, since it can be used to patch or upgrade software once the system is in the field. The parallel/serial tradeoff When choosing what kind of external flash to use, parallel or serial, designers have traditionally had to balance several tradeoffs. Parallel flash is often faster than serial flash, but requires more pins, more PCB traces, and more board space. Figure 1 shows data transfer rates for typical parallel and serial flash devices. For the parallel flash, the graph assumes a fixed access time of roughly 90 ns without buffering. With these conditions the maximum transfer rate for a 16-bit-wide parallel flash is 22 Mbytes/ sec. For the serial flash the maximum clock frequency is 80 MHz giving a per-bit transfer rate of 80 Mbits/sec. For a quad device this means a maximum transfer rate of 40 Mbytes/second. This calculation ignores any control bits but quad SPI devices support bursting which is used by the SPIFI interface This allows the SPIFI interface to approach these transfer rates. Figure 1: Typical transfer rates of serial and parallel flash memories. Table 1: Parallel verus Serial Flash Performance. Interface Parallel Mode Access Time (nS) Effective Throughput (MB/S) 8 Bits 90 11 16 Bits 90 22 Single 12.5* 10 Dual 12.5* 20 Quad 12.5* 40 Serial *Effective access time. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 19 As shown in Figure 1, a typical 16-bit parallel flash memory delivers a data transfer rate of 20 Megabytes per second. In systems that use a 32-bit microcontroller with a 32-bit bus for the external memory (like those from NXP), the designer can opt to use two 16-bit parallel devices in combination for a rate of 40 Megabytes per second. However, the added speed comes at a cost. The configuration uses two separate parallel flash memories, each housed in a package with dozens of pins, and that may be more, in terms of package size, pin count, and PCB space, than the designer can afford. Serial flash, which typically uses the simple four-pin Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), can be a good alternative to parallel flash when space, power, and cost are concerns, but it’s much slower. Figure 1 shows that a typical SPI flash operating at 50 MHz transfers data at roughly 5 Megabytes per second (eight times slower than a configuration that uses two 16-bit parallel devices). Another consideration is that the SPI interface on most microcontrollers is connected to the MCU’s peripheral matrix, where data has to be received by driver code and put into on-board RAM before the processor can access it. This can slow things down, since each read from serial flash has to go through an SPI software layer. Depending on the application, using the standard SPI interface for external memory may not be fast enough. The SPIFI peripheral is a dedicated function that will initially be available on the NXP LPC1800 series of ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers. It will also be available on upcoming product lines, including the low-cost Cortex-M0 series and the Cortex M4 line of digital serial controllers (DSCs). SPIFI supports most serial flash devices on the market today (including those with quad read/write capability) and is designed for easy configuration and programming. It uses four or six pins (depending on the type of serial flash used), works with a small register set, is optimized for efficient memory transactions, and uses software commands that reduce CPU overhead and streamline memory interactions. How SPIFI works Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the SPIFI peripheral. The SPIFI function is connected to the microcontroller’s Application Highspeed Bus (AHB) matrix, which is used for the processor core and the on-chip memories. The SPIFI peripheral presents the contents of the external SPI flash in the microcontroller’s memory map. Once the boot code in the on-chip ROM initializes the SPIFI interface, the external SPI memory looks just like an on-chip memory to the core processing unit. The new Quad SPI flash format, which uses a modified, six-pin SPI configuration, is much faster than traditional SPI formats. As shown in Figure 1, Quad SPI delivers a transfer rate of 40 Megabytes per second, which is the same as using two 16-bit parallel devices. Using Quad SPI is often much less expensive than the parallel approach, since it uses far fewer pins and a much smaller package. It would seem that Quad SPI flash would be a good replacement for parallel flash in embedded systems, but the reality is that today’s 32-bit microcontrollers aren’t designed to support Quad SPI flash at its maximum speeds. This is because the Quad SPI interface, like the traditional SPI interface, is connected to the microcontroller’s peripheral matrix. Eliminating the tradeoff NXP has developed a new peripheral function, called the SPI Flash Interface (SPIFI) that essentially eliminates the parallel/ serial tradeoff. The patent-pending SPIFI (“spiffy”) peripheral lets low-cost SPI and new Quad SPI flash memories appear in the memory map of an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller, so the MCU can use external SPI flash with only a minimal performance penalty compared to external parallel flash memories. The complete memory space of the external SPI flash appears in the MCU’s memory map, so the microcontroller can access the external memory directly, without a software API or library. When used with a Quad SPI flash, for example, the SPIFI peripheral supports a data transfer rate of up to 40 Megabytes per second. The designer can choose a less expensive SPI flash device, with its compact footprint and simple configuration, but doesn’t have to sacrifice performance. The designer may also be able to choose a smaller, less costly microcontroller, because the system won’t need a bulky interface for external parallel memory. The SPIFI peripheral enables an embedded system that makes better use of memory resources yet remains compact and efficient while lowering overall cost. 20 Figure 2: Block diagram of the SPIFI peripheral. Initialization sequence All of the drivers required for the SPIFI interface are available in ROM. For reading, only one call to a routine is made to initialize the SPIFI peripheral. After the initialization sequence, the entire SPI flash content is accessible as normal memory using byte, half word, and word accesses by the processor and/or the DMA channels. Erasure and programming are handled by a simple API call, which accesses commands in ROM, so using the external SPI memory is as easy as using on-chip flash memory. Booting from SPIFI For systems that need the microcontroller to boot from external serial flash, the NXP LPC1800 microcontroller has been equipped with a mechanism that includes SPIFI as a boot source. There are two ways to select the boot source. The first uses the microcontroller pins to determine which interface to boot from, and the second relies on the user to program a non-volatile location to choose the interface. Using the non-volatile location saves the pins from having dual-use functions. Physical interface Figure 3 shows the physical interface of the SPIFI peripheral. It uses the standard four pins for traditional SPI devices; when configured with Quad SPI memory it uses an additional two pins to support the quad capability. Figure 3: Physical interface of the SPIFI peripheral. Direct execution From a software point of view, the microcontroller can execute code directly from the external SPI memory. Direct execution can be helpful when using in-field upgrades or when replacing functions originally shipped in on-chip flash. Validated upgrade code can be placed in the external flash. If, for example, the system’s function addresses are in a table stored in on-chip flash, the table can be reprogrammed with the address of the routine now housed in external flash. Alternatively, if the page containing the start of the original routine is stored in on-chip flash, the page can be updated with a branch long jump to the new routine in external flash. In either case, the new code doesn’t need to be loaded into the on-chip RAM to execute, because the SPIFI peripheral allows direct execution from the external memory. Different serial flash vendors and devices accept or require different commands and command formats. The SPIFI peripheral provides sufficient flexibility to be compatible with most common SPI flash and includes extensions to help insure compatibility with future devices. Executing code from an external memory is never as fast as using on-chip memory. The SPIFI peripheral isn’t intended for use with real-time functions that require peak performance but, for less critical code sequences, SPIFI can be a very attractive option. Reduced register set A compact register set gives the SPIFI peripheral a considerable amount of intelligence while keeping it simple to use. It takes just eight registers to control the SPIFI function, interface with the external SPI memory, store and retrieve data, and monitor operation. Since the built-in ROM API governs setup, programming, and erasure, handling the external SPI memory in an application is a matter of a few calls. As a result, the SPIFI peripheral is simple to configure and easy to support in the application. Write-while-execute functions The SPIFI supports write-while-execute functionality, which means it can program or erase the external memory simply and quickly, even when the processor is executing code from on-chip flash. Since the SPIFI peripheral can run on its own, without interaction from the CPU, the system can perform its functions without interruption while the serial flash is being reprogrammed. Software commands The external memory responds to commands sent by the microcontroller software and to commands automatically sent by the SPIFI peripheral when its software reads the serial flash region of the memory map. Commands are divided into fields called opcode, address, intermediate, and data. The address, intermediate, and data fields are optional depending on the opcode. Some memory devices include a mode in which the opcode can be implied in Read commands for higher performance. Data fields are further divided into input and output data fields depending on the opcode. All commands to the external SPI memory can be handled by calls to the ROM API. The SPIFI ROM API driver lets the contents of the external SPI memory be accessed using simple load commands, so the application code remains compact and easy to write. CPU-independent operation The SPIFI software can read data from the external memory and write it to RAM or a peripheral without involving the CPU. With microcontrollers that have an integrated LCD controller, for example, this feature can be used to enhance performance and save power. Images can be stored in the external memory and fetched by the LCD controller. Since the LCD controller reads most of its data from sequential addresses, the SPIFI peripheral can pre-fetch the addresses so they’re ready when needed, with essentially no wait states. The entire operation can happen without getting the CPU involved, and there’s no need to load the images into on-chip RAM before the LCD controller fetches them. That means the system can use a microcontroller with less on-chip RAM, or can free up its existing RAM for other tasks. Also, since the images are fetched directly by the LCD controller, the LCD display can refresh graphics faster, so simple operations like opening and closing windows appear smoother. Also, to save power, the system can use a slower clock speed without having a noticeable impact on the display’s performance. This feature can be used to perform software upgrades in the field, because the system can write to the external memory without interrupting critical application code. In a smart meter, for example, the metering function needs to operate continuously, even during a software upgrade. With SPIFI, the utility company can configure the system to write any new code to external flash, without interrupting the active metering function, and can then integrate the new code into the system. Similarly, in a system that has a USB port, new code can be placed on a portable USB drive and transferred to the external flash without interrupting critical operations. Conclusions NXP’s new SPI Flash Interface (SPIFI), a patent-pending feature initially available on its new ARM-based LPC1800 Cortex-M3 microcontrollers, lets external serial flash memory appear in the microcontroller’s memory map, so it can be read like on-chip memory. This gives designers access to a large amount of external flash memory while reducing system costs and minimizing the design footprint. The SPIFI peripheral creates a way for designers to use a small, inexpensive serial flash where they might previously have needed to use a larger, more expensive parallel flash to meet the system’s performance requirements. Designers can take advantage of the many benefits of serial flash — low-cost, small size, simple configuration — without making large sacrifices in performance. SPIFI also lets designers opt for a microcontroller without a parallel interface, for a smaller, less expensive design that still delivers the required performance. The NXP roadmap for SPIFI includes migration to other Cortex-M families, including the low-cost Cortex-M0 series and the upcoming Cortex-M4 series of Digital Signal Controllers. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 21 uIP TCP/IP Protocol Stack Demonstration contributed by Renesas Corporation The popular open source uIP TCP/IP stack is widely used in embedded designs. This demo provides both hands-on experience and insights into its use. This article demonstrates the features and capabilities of the RX62N Renesas Ethernet connectivity target devices with the open source uIP TCP/IP protocol stack. It assumes some experience with Ethernet, TCP/IP, and HTML. For more introductory material on these subjects please see the references at the end of this article. The uIP TCP/IP stack demonstration project provides an example of Ethernet connectivity and a sample web server application that controls LEDs on the Renesas Starter Kit (RSK) boards. Overview The procedure below provides step by step instructions for how to setup the demonstration project and run it. Setup Set up a demonstration environment as shown in Figure 1. In this setup, a router is used as a DHCP server and a PC as a web client. Several RSK boards can be connected to the multiport router. Use straight RJ-45 Ethernet cables to make the connections. Depending on the RSK board used there may be other settings to be configured before running the demonstration project. These may include instructions for connecting a debugger to the RSK board. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide (QSG) of the RSK board for more information. Figure 1: Demonstration setup. 22 Figure 2: Test setup. The demonstration project by default is configured to run in little endian mode. Please make sure RSK board is configured for the same endian mode. Refer to your QSG how to change endian mode of operation. For a simpler setup, an RSK board can be directly connected to a PC. In this setup, the router is not used and the demonstration project is designed to fall back to a static IP address if a DHCP server is not found in about ten seconds. In this case, the RSK board assumes the default IP address of Figure 2 shows a more detailed test setup environment as an alternative. In this setup all devices are on the same collision domain and all network activity can be monitored and analyzed on the PC. If this setup is used, make sure the center connectivity device is a true hub rather than a switch. The router can be disconnected and connected back to the network independent of the connections between the PC and the RSK boards. This allows monitoring of RSK board behavior with or without a DHCP server on the network. Figure 3: Router network configuration. Configure the IP address of the router to This is usually the default IP address for most home or office routers. Configure the DHCP start IP address to with two maximum DHCP users. A snapshot of the router configuration is shown in Figure 3. Configure the Ethernet port of the PC with a static IP address of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties of the PC are shown in Figure 4. Make sure that this Ethernet port is not used to access a corporate network or a workgroup. If there is not a spare Ethernet port available, it is recommended to use an USB to an Ethernet adaptor. Please follow the adaptor manufacturer manual for installation instructions. Figure 5: Directory structure of uIP demonstration project. What to do with the demo The demonstration project displays “uIP Demo” on the RSK board LCD on power up. The IP address used is displayed on the LCD. The RSK board either receives its IP address from a DHCP server or uses its default setting of For the test setup in this article, the DHCP server can assign IP addresses of and Make sure the Ethernet cables are connected and devices are powered up if no IP address is displayed after ten seconds. Some of the possible LCD settings are shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: LCD settings. Figure 4: PC network configuration. Sample project directory structure Figure 5 shows the demonstration project directory structure. The \src folder contains the source code and has four subfolders: bsp, driver uip, and user-app. The \src\bsp and \src\driver folders have Renesas board specific source code and the Ethernet drivers for the RSK board. The uIP stack is in the \src\uip folder. The open source uIP TCP\IP stack comes with its own documentation. It is in the \src\uip\doc folder. The main.c file is in \src\uip\uip and the example web pages are in src\uip\apps\ webserver\httpd-fs folders. The router’s status page can also be used to find which IP address is assigned to the RSK board as shown in Figure 7. Another way is simply to ping IP addresses and use the IP address with the reply. Ping messages can be generated by the following DOS Shell commands: C:\>ping192.168.1.10 C:\>ping192.168.1.100 C:\>ping192.168.1.101 The demonstration project includes a simple user application that controls the LEDs on the RSK board. This application is in the \src\ user-application folder. Figure 7: DHCP client information. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 23 Launch a web browser and use the IP address of the RSK board in the URL field. After a successful connection, the user will see the welcome page shown in Figure 8. This is also the front page. Note that the Renesas logo is linked to http://am.renesas.com/. By activating this link the user can easily access the Renesas Electronics America internet site. The other external link on this page is http:// www.sics.se/~adam/uip. It is the main page for the uIP TCP/IP protocol stack. Figure 10: LED control web application page. Figure 8: uIP welcome page. All other pages can be accessed by links provided in the top banner. The file statistics page shows the number of times a specific page is accessed. The network statistics page displays the number of IP, ICMP, and TCP packet reception and transmission information. The network connections page shows the current status of established TCP connections within the uIP stack. These pages are dynamic and recreated every time they are accessed. Two custom pages are created and included within the demonstration project. First is the RSK board specific page. An example of this page is shown in Figure 9. In this case it is an RX62N custom page. The demonstration project is personalized for different target devices and target specific images are shown on this page. This is to show that creating custom web pages can be easily achieved and integrated with the uIP TCP/IP stack. The next section describes step by step instructions for creating a new web page. The second custom page is the simple user application that controls the LEDs on the RSK board. One of the LEDs on the RSK board is used to indicate system timer activity. The other three are used by the LED control web page as shown in Figure 10. From this web page, the user can turn the LEDs on and off on the RSK board. The reset button selects the off setting for all LEDs. Note that the LED names in Figure 10 are generic and labeled as A, B, and C to allow portability between different RSK boards. They are usually grouped together on the target board. Steps to create a new web page A new web page can be easily created and added to the demonstration project by following the following steps. With a little HTML language knowledge, the user can create custom web page applications. All the tools and information needed are provided with the demonstration project and in this article. 1. Write a new web page application. See the led.shtml example in src\uip\apps\webserver\httpd-fs. 2. Copy it to src\uip\apps\webserver\httpd-fs directory. 3. Run makefsdata.exe from src\uip\apps\webserver directory to generate the new fttpd-fsdat.c file. 4. Rebuild the project. The makefsdata.exe is a Renesas add-on program created from makefsdata Perl script. This executable is included into the demonstration project located in apps\webserver\ directory to make it easier for the user to generate the httpd-fsdata.c file without the need to find and install a Perl interpreter. More on uIP TCP/IP stack uIP TCP/IP stack was originally developed by Adam Dunkels of the Networked Embedded Systems Group at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science. Currently, is it part of the open source community and can be obtained freely from http://www.sics. se/~adam/uip. uIP TCP/IP stack includes some higher layer example applications such as web server, web client, Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), and DNS hostname server. uIP TCP/IP stack does not require a real-time operating system. However, there are versions of it ported to an open source FreeRTOS operating system and are available on the Internet. It is also ported to several other Renesas MCU devices. Sample code can be downloaded from the uIP web site. Figure 9: RSK custom page. 24 Usage considerations with uIP TCP/IP stack One consideration when using a uIP TCP/IP stack is that it supports only one TCP segment in transit. If uIP TCP/IP stack is used with a TCP receiver using a delayed acknowledgment algorithm, throughput performance can be poor. You can modify TCP acknowledgment behavior of your PC if you experience this condition with your default PC setup. More information can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/ kb/328890. This situation is also discussed in the uIP TCP/IP reference manual. Another consideration is that the uIP TCP/IP stack supports one TCP and one UDP application at a given time. In this demonstration project, the HTTP web server application uses TCP and DHCP client runs on UDP. An application multiplexer layer based on connection port number can be added to the uIP TCP/IP stack to support multiple TCP or UDP applications. More on DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol used by networked devices to obtain IP addresses and other parameters such as default gateway, subnet mask, and an IP address of the Domain Name Server (DNS) from a DHCP server. The protocol is defined by RFC 2131. DHCP eases the management of the above tasks and ensures that all IP addresses on the network are unique and unused IP addresses are returned back to the IP address poll for reassignment for other devices joining the network. The demonstration project makes use of the dynamic mode of DHCP. In dynamic mode, a client is provided with an IP address and time duration in which this IP address is valid. This time duration is called lease time. DHCP operation There are four main messages exchanged between a DHCP client and a DHCP server during dynamic IP address assignment. They are shown in Table 1. RSK board with MAC address 00:11:22:33:44:55 is assigned to an IP address of On the other hand, the RSK board with MAC address 00:11:22:33:44:56 is given an IP address of Figure 11: DHCP client status information on the DHCP server. Debugging a system with a DHCP server can be tricky. Here are some recommendations. First, use of a network analyzer is a great help. Wireshark has been used throughout the development of this project. It is a PC-based network analyzer software. For more information on Wireshark, see http://www.wireshark.org. Second, the IP address of the PC Ethernet port used by the network analyzer must be on the same network and subnet with the DHCP server and its clients, e.g. the Renesas target board(s). This can be achieved by assigning a static IP address to the PC Ethernet port that is outside the IP addresses that can be given out by the DHCP server, but still making sure that network and subnet requirements are met. For example, in Figure 3 the DHCP server is configured with a start IP address of Figure 4 shows that the PC Ethernet port is configured to use the192.168.1.2 and it is outside the range of the IP addresses that can be given to its clients by the server. References 1. Group Hardware Manuals for the Renesas device on the RSK board. 2. The uIP Embedded TCP/IP Stack, The uIP 1.0 Reference Manual, June 2006, Adam Dunkels, Swedish Institute of Computer Science 3. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, IEEE Standards Association, http://standards.ieee.org/ getieee802/802.3.html 4. HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol. World Wide Web Consortium, http://www. w3.org/Protocols 5. RFC 2131 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, IETF, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/ rfc2131.txt 6. RFC 2132 DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions, IETF, http://www.ietf.org/ rfc/rfc2132.txt Website and Support Renesas Electronics Website: http://www.renesas.com/ Inquiries: http://www.renesas.com/inquiry Table 1: DHCP messages. Message From To Details DHCP Discovery Client Server Client discovers DHCP servers and asks for an IP address. DHCP Offer Server Client Server reserves and IP address and offers it to the client. DHCP Request Client Server Client tells all DHCP servers that it accepted the offer. DHCP Acknowledge Server Client Server initiates final phase of the configuration. This message includes the lease time and other option parameters. How to use DHCP client There are certain things to consider while using a DHCP client. The most important consideration is to ensure that each device on the network has a unique MAC address. DHCP servers assign IP addresses based on client MAC addresses. For end customer production devices the MAC address can be purchased from IEEE. Quick HEW Demonstration Renesas Electronics America Renesas’ HEW demonstration product training module narrates the use of the High-performance Embedded Workshop (HEW), a key tool for developing software for embedded systems. Another consideration is how to know what IP address is assigned to a device. One way to find this information is to query the DHCP server through its management interface. Figure 11 shows that the www.digikey.com/microcontroller www.digikey.com/ptm 25 ColdFire Ethernet for Diverse Applications by Eric Gregori, Freescale Semiconductor Ethernet has migrated from PCs to embedded systems, a much more constrained environment. It can bring a lot of capabilities if you’re careful about its implementation Embedded Ethernet Ethernet has become a reality for low-cost embedded systems. The Ethernet standard (IEEE 802.3) was originally designed for networking computers over local area networks (LAN), but it has since been adapted for other purposes. Today it has become so popular that it is hard to find a PC or laptop without an Ethernet port. Now this capability is migrating to the embedded world, where the ColdFire® family excels. The IEEE 802.3 specification defines a mechanical/ electrical connection between devices (physical layer) and a multinode addressable communications protocol (Media Access Control — MAC — layer). Ethernet physical layer The Ethernet physical layer (PHY) defines the physical connections between nodes. The 802.3 standard defines many physical layers, including everything from coaxial cable to fiber optics. Through the years, the most common choice for this purpose has changed drastically from thick multi-strand cables with large connectors (called thicknet) to the small RJ-45 8-pin connector we use today. The common modern copper physical layer is referred to as 100Base-TX (a type of 100Base-T). This copper-based twistedpair medium contains eight wires grouped in four twisted pairs. Two twisted pairs are used for communication in each direction. The cable is referred to as a category 5 (cat 5 for short). The RJ45 Jack category 5 standard defines a cable consisting of four twisted pairs capable of carrying frequencies up to 100 MHz. Most Ethernet embedded devices have integrated MACs (discussed in the next section) with external PHY. ColdFire offers a sevenmember family of microcontroller units (MCU) with integrated MAC/ PHY called MCF5223x. 26 Pin 8 Pin 1 Figure 1: The Modern Ethernet Jack. Most modern buildings and residences are wired using category 5 cables for their PC networks and broadband, making this an ideal medium for distributed processing/sensing in a building or residential environment. Ethernet MAC layer The MAC protocol layer defines the communication that occurs over the physical layer. Ethernet is a multi-node protocol, so each node has a unique address. This address is defined in the MAC layer. In Ethernet communication, MAC addresses are 48 bits long (six bytes, or octets). The device’s MAC address never changes — usually it is programmed at the factory. The MAC address must be unique, so MAC addresses are managed and distributed by the IEEE. The MAC address, along with various other fields, is contained in the Ethernet MAC header. As the name implies, the header sits in front of the Ethernet packet. It contains the MAC address of the source node, the MAC address of the destination node, and a type field. Preamble Destination Address Source Address Frame Type Frame User Data FCS Checksum 8 Bytes 6 Bytes 6 Bytes 2 Bytes 46 - 1500 Bytes 4 Bytes Figure 2: Ethernet MAC header. Ethernet can be used directly without any additional layers. It provides a simple point-to-point communication mechanism, with some error checking (FCS checksum). Ethernet by itself does not provide the high degree of communications robustness of which we have become accustomed. Additional layers are required to add features such as multiple ports, packet re-transmission, packet timeouts, and connections. These additional layers are defined by the seven-layer OSI model. Seven-Layer OSI model The seven-layer OSI model defines the functions of the various layers in a communication stack. The lowest layers (physical and MAC/data link layers) are traditionally implemented in hardware. The five layers above the MAC/DDL are usually implemented in software. The network or IP layer (for a TCP/IP stack) provides an additional layer of addressing (IP addresses in the hexadecimal format of xx.xx. xx.xx) and multiplexing. Multiplexing splits a single communications channel into multiple time-divided communications channels (ports, in TCP/IP terminology). The transport layer adds the most critical feature to the communication stack. TCP (transmission control protocol) is one of the transport layers in TCP/IP. This layer is responsible for creating a virtual connection between two logical points (not nodes). The logical points are referred to as sockets. The socket’s API is actually defined by the session layer. Movement up and down the stack is an area of inherent inefficiency in a communication stack. To improve efficiency, higher-performance stacks use pointers instead of copying the data multiple times (this is sometimes referred to as zero copy). Pointer arithmetic is significantly more efficient with a 32-bit core using true 32-bit registers. This is a big advantage for the ColdFire 32-bit architecture. Last, at the highest level, is the application layer. This application defines the common protocols used on the Internet: HTTP, SMTP, and TFTP. This layer can also be used for custom protocols. In addition, extracting data from individual fields in a header can become a single-instruction operation by using advanced addressing modes with offset capability. Figure 3: Seven-layer OSI model. ColdFire family of microcontrollers The ColdFire family of microcontrollers is based on the 32-bit ColdFire cores. The ColdFire core is available in four varieties, each a superset of the core below it. The cores are completely scalable, with the differences consisting of additional instructions or add-on modules (for instance, MMU) and longer pipelines to increase frequency and performance for demanding applications. The current V1 core contains the base register and instruction set. The V2 core adds additional instructions and addressing modes to the V1 core, along with an optional eMAC (Enhanced Multiply/Accumulate unit). Figure 5: Seven-layer OSI model with communication stack overlaid on top. ColdFire Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) The FEC module is the ColdFire interface to the Ethernet world. The FEC module is consistent from the highest-performance V4-corebased part all the way down to the V1 core. This consistency means that drivers written for one Ethernet-enabled ColdFire processor will work on any Ethernet-enabled ColdFire processor (memory allocation would be the biggest difference). The FEC module is a high-performance Ethernet engine with a very rich heritage. The FEC module started out in the MPC860T. This highperformance, Power Architecture-based processor quickly became a powerhouse in the Ethernet world, going into high-performance routers and telecommunication equipment. The MPC860T was so popular in the Ethernet world that if you make a call today, chances are that somewhere along the way the voice data of your call will pass through an MPC860T. Figure 4: ColdFire cores: scalable instruction sets, features and performance. Advantage of a 32-bit architecture The true 32-bit architecture of ColdFire microcontrollers lends itself well to efficient communication stack data movement. In a communication stack such as TCP/IP, the packet comes in at the bottom of the stack and propagates up. Data to be sent starts at the top of the stack as a buffer, and then works its way to the bottom of the stack to be sent out as a packet. The MPC860T came out in the mid-1990s. The FEC module has been tested and improved upon for over ten years in some of the highest performance Ethernet environments. The FEC module from the MPC860T is now in the ColdFire line of processors. ColdFire FEC features • Ethernet MAC is designed to support 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 networks • IEEE 802.3 full-duplex flow control • Support for full-duplex operation (200 Mbps throughput) www.digikey.com/microcontroller 27 • ColdFire TCP/UDP/IP stack features • • • • • • • • • Figure 6: • • • • • • • • ColdFire TCP/IP stack Figure 7: 28 DHCP client The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to acquire network parameters at runtime. The DHCP protocol is defined in RFC 2131 and RFC 2132. The stack runs a DHCP client which searches for a DHCP server (this is referred to as discovery). Packets are transferred using the UDP layer and BOOTP ports (67 and 68). Because the IP stack does not have an IP address yet, discovery is done using strictly broadcast addresses. Included in the discovery packet is a unique transaction ID (xid). A listening DHCP server sends an offer message containing the xid sent by the client and the suggested network parameters, again using broadcast addressing. Encoded in the offer is a unique server ID. The client will use this server ID when sending a request packet back to the server, indicating that it accepts the network parameters that were offered. Finally the server ACK’s the client using its new IP address. DNS client The DNS client is used to communicate with the DNS (Domain Name Server). The purpose of the DNS system is to translate domain names into IP addresses. The DNS protocol is described in RFC 1035. DNS can use UDP or TCP, with port 53. The DNS protocol is stateless — all the information is contained in a single message. This message is fully documented in RFC 1035. Available examples and application notes All application notes mentioned in this article are available at www. freescale.com. HTTP web server and flash file system The HTTP web server and flash file system are described in detail in application note AN3455, ColdFire Lite HTTP Server. The features are: • HTTP 1.0 compliant server with connection persistence and multiple sessions • Multiple HTTP connections supported • Flash file system which supports both ColdFire internal flash and external SPI flash • Web pages can be updated in flash over Ethernet or built in at compile time UDP/TCP clients and servers — Example source code The ColdFire Lite stack project includes almost a dozen built-in usage examples. These examples are designed to highlight various features in the stack and demonstrate how to use them. The TCP/IP stack and RTOS, along with all the sample applications listed below, are discussed in AN3470, ColdFire TCP/UDP/IP Stack and RTOS. Code examples include: • ColdFire_Lite Barebones TCP/IP stack • ColdFire_Lite_RTOS How to use the RTOS application • ColdFire_Lite_TFTP TFTP server application • ColdFire_Lite_UDP_client UDP client application for UDP performance testing • ColdFire_Lite_UDP_server UDP server application for UDP performance testing • ColdFire_Lite_TCP_client TCP client application for TCP performance testing • ColdFire_Lite_TCP_server TCP server application for TCP performance testing • ColdFire_Lite_TCP_serial_client TCP to serial/serial to TCP client • ColdFire_Lite_TCP_serial_server TCP to serial/serial to TCP server • ColdFire_Lite_TCP_with_Web_Server Web (HTTP) server with dynamic HTML ColdFire_Lite_TCP_alarm The alarm demo application includes both PC-side and ColdFireside firmware. This code is an example of a remote sensor application, where a remote sensor periodically sends data over TCP to a host server. • HTTP GET method supported, with a simple mechanism for adding other methods • Dynamic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) support with replace and conditional tokens • Serial interface support for Dynamic HTML variables • Run-time and compile-time flash file systems • Long filename support with subdirectories • “DIR” command supported on serial interface • PC utilities for compressing compile-time and run-time downloadable images of multi-page web pages • PC utility for downloading run-time downloadable web page image through port 80 (to get through firewalls) Figure 8: ColdFire TCP alarm. • 32-byte ASCII key for web page download security www.digikey.com/microcontroller 29 HTTP client firmware The HTTP client provides the ability to read web pages and XML data from the Internet using a ColdFire processor. The HTTP client uses the DHCP client to automatically acquire an IP address and other TCP/ IP information, including the IP address of any DNS server. Then the HTTP client uses the DNS client to translate any user-provided URLs into IP addresses. The HTTP client uses the GET method to request a page from the server. Along with the GET request is the HTTP header. The HTTP header is hard-coded in the HTTP client via constant strings declared in the file emg_http_client.c. Wget command – An example of using the HTTP client The Wget command is a command often found in Linux distributions that transfer files using the HTTP protocol. The Wget command is a consolebased HTTP client. Using the menuing system provided by the ColdFire TCP/IP stack (explained in application note AN3470) and the HTTP client, Wget functionality can be added to the ColdFire TCP/IP stack. RSS/XML character data filter To extract the character data (the information you actually want to read) from the RSS stream, all the meta-text must be filtered out. Any valid HTML must be translated and processed. For instance, the HTML tag that causes a line break is <br>. This would appear as <br> in the RSS stream. The filter must correctly translate <br> into a carriage return and line feed. Other HTML tags that are routinely embedded in character data include paragraph tags <p> and image tags <img>. In the stream these tags appear as <p> and <img> respectively. The paragraph tab can be translated to a carriage return and line feed, but the image tag must be ignored unless the embedded system can process images. The filter takes in an XML or RSS data stream and a list of tags. It outputs only the character data from the selected tags. The tag list is an array of pointers to those tag strings that need to be filtered. Normally the filter returns 0. When the filter processes the “>” in a tag in the list, it returns to the filter array the index + 1 for the tag that it found. Example: after detecting a <title> tag in an RSS or XML stream the filter will return 1. After detecting a <description> tag in a stream the filter will return 2. Normally the filter returns 0. Example embedded appliance — RSS/XML feed reader The RSS/XML feed reader is an embedded appliance that allows users to display and even hear real-time content from the World Wide Web. The purpose of the embedded appliance is to provide instant real-time information without booting a PC. There are many types of real-time data available on the web; weather data (current and forecast), online DVD queue data, online auction data, sports score data, real-time news data, real-time stock data, medical and health data, and much more. All this data is available on the web as either an XML feed or an RSS feed. This appliance connects to the web, gets the desired feed, and parses the text information or character data from the feed. That data is displayed on the LCD, sent to the serial port, and spoken through the speech processor. For complete details on the RSS feed reader, please see AN3518, Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP Clients. 30 Figure 9: The RSS/XML feed reader. M52233DEMO board from Freescale Semiconductor The M52233DEMO board is a reference board used to evaluate Freescale’s ColdFire MC52233 processor. The inexpensive board includes a serial port, USB BDM debug port, and Ethernet port. The board along with the free CodeWarrior tools (up to 128K of flash) are all you need to get up and running on your Ethernet projects. Freescale provides a free public source TCP/IP stack on their website. This TCP/IP stack is what the application in this article runs on. The ColdFire TCP/IP stack is documented thoroughly in application note AN3470. The demo board includes a 40-pin header fiving the use access to most of the Coldfire signals, a 3-axis accelerometer, a potentiometer, and two user buttons. LCD The parallel LCD is a 4 × 20 character display that uses the standard Hitachi instruction set. The LCD is used in its 4-bit mode, requiring only six connections to the micro, the 4-bit data bus, a clock signal (E), and a register select line (RS). The firmware also includes a library to drive the LCD. Voice synthesizer The RC Systems V-Stamp voice synthesizer is an easy-to-use, textto-speech processor. The V-Stamp is a fully self-contained module, requiring only power, a speaker, a resistor, two capacitors, and a serial connection to an embedded system. The V-Stamp communicates with the embedded system using a UART. The module automatically sets its baud rate to that of the embedded system. From both a hardware and firmware point of view, there is very little work required to add the V-Stamp module to the RSS feed reader. Firmware Figure 11: HTTP communication protocol. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) RSS feeds are available everywhere on the Internet. The idea behind the RSS feed is to convey dynamic textual information in a simple standard format. Figure 10: Firmware block diagram. HTTP HTTP is the communication protocol of the World Wide Web. HTTP is used to transfer web pages (hypertext documents) across the Internet. An HTTP connection has two parts, the HTTP client (web browser) and the HTTP server. The HTTP client is used to receive and view the web pages. The HTTP server is used to store, organize, and transfer the web pages. RSS originated in 1999 with the idea of providing content in a simple easy-to-understand format. Instead of describing a complete document in the way that HTML does, RSS feeds use XML to describe data. An RSS feed is simply an XML document containing data. The methods used to convey the data within the XML document are described in the RSS 2.0 specification. All RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification. RSS feeds generally use HTTP as the transport mechanism. Extensible Markup Language (XML) The XML 1.0 specification can be found at www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/. XML is a language used to describe and parse information. It is very similar to structures in C. HTTP is defined by RFC 1945 and RFC 2616. RFC 1945 defines HTTP 1.0, and RFC 2616 defines the latest version, HTTP 1.1. HTTP is a request-response protocol. The client requests a web page from the server and the server responds with the web page contents. HTTP can be used to send any type of data, including binary data. The client requests a file using the GET method (HTTP is an ASCII protocol). The server responds with an HTTP header followed by the file contents. Within the request, the version number of the HTTP is also embedded in ASCII. This tells the server the limitations of the client. Data is organized into elements, with each element assigned to a tag. The data in the element is surrounded by a start tag and an end tag. The name in the start and end tags defines the element’s type. The end tag name must be the same as the start tag name, except the end tag is identified by the addition of a “/” before the tag name. Tags Here is an example of an XML tag: <TITLE>Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP Clients</TITLE> TITLE is the type, <TITLE> is the start tag, and </TITLE> is the end tag. The data is between the tags. Just like a C data structure, the data is associated with the type. The data between the start and end tags is referred to as the element’s content. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 31 Elements can contain other elements, which provide a method of grouping data of different types under a single name. Just like a C structure, the particular piece of data is referenced by specifying a path to the data. a single name. Just like a C structure, the particular piece of data is referenced by specifying a path to the data. <APPNOTES> <BYEG> <AN3455>ColdFire HTTP Server</AN3455> <AN3470>ColdFire TCP/IP Stack</AN3470> <AN3492>ColdFire USB Stack</AN3492> </BYEG> </APPNOTES> Special characters and escape sequences The “&”, “<”, and “>” characters are special XML characters. They are used as indicated above, to define XML tags and escape sequences. Escape sequences are a method of specifying a character using a code, as opposed to using a single symbol. Escape sequences start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon(;). Because XML ordinarily uses these characters for special functions, here is how to have them appear in XML data: • “<” is indicated using the escape sequence < • “>” is indicated using the escape sequence > • “&” is indicated using the escape sequence & CDATA sections: the exception to the rule All rules have exceptions, and in XML it’s the CDATA section. Any text specified in a CDATA section is ignored by the XML parser, allowing the use of special characters without the need for escape sequences. A CDATA section starts with a “<!CDATA[” string, and is terminated with a “]]>” string. Anything between the brackets is ignored by the XML parser. • <![CDATA[ character data here is ignored by the XML parser ]]> • <![CDATA[ <THIS_IS_NOT_A_TAG> < ]]> • Because the text between the brackets is ignored by the XML parser, both the tag and the escape sequence are not parsed, but instead are interpreted as text or character data. Finding text or character data in an XML document From the XML 1.0 specification: “all text that is not markup constitutes the character data of the document.” That would include all the text between the brackets in a CDATA section, and any text not between “<” and “>” brackets in the main body. Escape sequences in the main body represent a single piece of character data. To filter out the character data from an XML document, simply remove all tags as well as “<” and “>” brackets. Then translate the escape sequences into actual characters. Sample XML file In the sample XML document below, notice how data is encapsulated by tags, and how the tag names describe the data. It even looks like a C structure. To find the desired data in an XML document, simply look for the start and end tags with the name of the type of data you are looking for. The actual data associated with the desired type is between the tags. 32 http://www.weather.gov/data/current_obs/KUGN.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <current_observation version="1.0" xmlns:xsd="http://www. w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.weather.gov/data/ current_obs/current_observation.xsd"> <credit>NOAA’s National Weather Service</credit> <credit_URL>http://weather.gov/ </credit_URL> - <image> <url>http://weather.gov/images/xml_logo.gif</url> <title>NOAA’s National Weather Service</title> <link>http://weather.gov</link> </image> <suggested_pickup>15 minutes after the hour</suggested_pickup> <suggested_pickup_period>60</suggested_pickup_period> <location>Chicago / Waukegan, Waukegan Regional Airport, IL </location> <station_id>KUGN</station_id> <latitude>42.420</latitude> <longitude>-87.870</longitude> <observation_time>Last Updated on Jul 28, 10:52 am CDT </observation_time> <observation_time_rfc822>Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:52:00 -0500 CDT </observation_time_rfc822> <weather>Overcast</weather> <temperature_string>73 F (23 C)</temperature_string> <temp_f>73</temp_f> <temp_c>23</temp_c> <relative_humidity>81</relative_humidity> <wind_string>From the Northeast at 13 Gusting to 21 MPH </wind_string> <wind_dir>Northeast</wind_dir> <wind_degrees>30</wind_degrees> <wind_mph>12.65</wind_mph> <wind_gust_mph>21</wind_gust_mph> <pressure_string>29.98” (1014.1 mb)</pressure_string> <pressure_mb>1014.1</pressure_mb> <pressure_in>29.98</pressure_in> <dewpoint_string>67 F (19 C)</dewpoint_string> <dewpoint_f>67</dewpoint_f> <dewpoint_c>19</dewpoint_c> <heat_index_string>73 F (23 C)</heat_index_string> <heat_index_f>73</heat_index_f> <heat_index_c>23</heat_index_c> <windchill_string>NA</windchill_string> <windchill_f>NA</windchill_f> <windchill_c>NA</windchill_c> <visibility_mi>10.00</visibility_mi> <icon_url_base>http://weather.gov/weather/images/fcicons/ </icon_url_base> <icon_url_name>ovc.jpg</icon_url_name> <two_day_history_url>http://www.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KUGN.html </two_day_history_url> <ob_url>http://www.nws.noaa.gov/data/METAR/KUGN.1.txt</ob_url> <disclaimer_url>http://weather.gov/disclaimer.html</disclaimer_url> <copyright_url>http://weather.gov/disclaimer.html</copyright_url> <privacy_policy_url>http://weather.gov/notice.html</privacy_policy_ url> </current_observation> Drawback of XML documents The problem with XML documents is the flexibility of the tag names. The creator of the XML document can use any name to describe the data. To avoid confusion, a standard is required to standardize the tag names, and the way that data is associated with a specific type. That standard exists and is called the RSS specification. The RSS specification RSS is a dialect of XML — it embeds HTML constructs into the XML architecture. RSS also defines a set group of elements and a general template using those elements. There are many elements defined in the specification, but here we will concentrate on the elements of interest for the RSS appliance. Typical RSS file <channel> <title>The name of the channel</title> <link>URL to the HTML website corresponding to this channel</link> <description>Text describing the channel</description> <item> < title>Item1 Title</title> <link>URL of item 1</link> <description>Text for item 1</description> </item> <item> <title>Item2 Title</title> <link>URL of item 2</link> <description>Text for item 2</description> </item> </channel> The organization of the RSS file can be compared to a newspaper. The channel is the name of the paper, the items are the articles in the paper, the titles are the titles of the articles, and the descriptions are the text of the articles. Sample RSS file The sample RSS file given here contains the same data as the sample XML file above. Notice the structure and tag names. The RSS standard defines the title and description tag names, and those tags contain the data we want. All RSS 2.0 compliant feeds will contain title and description tags. http://www.weather.gov/data/current_obs/KUGN.rss <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> - <channel> <title>Weather at Chicago / Waukegan, Waukegan Regional Airport, IL - via NOAA’s National Weather Service</title> <link>http://www.weather.gov/data/current_obs/</link> <lastBuildDate>Sat, 28 Jul 2007 16:32:11 UT</lastBuildDate> <ttl>60</ttl> <description>Weather conditions from NOAA’s National Weather Service.</description> <language>en-us</language> <managingEditor>robert.bunge@noaa.gov</managingEditor> <webMaster>w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov</webMaster> - <image> <url>http://www.weather.gov/images/xml_logo.gif</url> <title>NOAA - National Weather Service</title> <link>http://www.weather.gov/data/current_obs/</link> </image> - <image> <title>Overcast and 73 degrees F at Chicago / Waukegan, Waukegan Regional Airport,IL</title> <link>http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/current/KUGN.html</link> - <description> - <![CDATA[ <img src=”http://weather.gov/weather/images/ fcicons/ovc.jpg” class=”noaaWeatherIcon” width=”55” height=”58” alt=”Overcast” style=”float:left;”/><br /> ]]> Winds are Northeast at 13 Gusting to 21 MPH. The pressure is 29.98” (1014.1 mb) and the humidity is 81%. The heat index is 73. Last Updated on Jul 28, 10:52 am CDT. </description> <guid isPermaLink="false">Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:52:00 -0500 CDT</guid> </item> </channel> </rss> RSS/XML character data filter To extract the character data (the information you actually want to read) from the RSS stream, all the meta-text must be filtered out. See the previous section, “RSS/XML Character Data Filter,” for more information. RSS/XML character data filter state machine The character data filter is implemented as a finite state machine. The state machine uses only two global variables, a state variable and a FILO. The purpose of the FILO is to store characters. Each byte entered into the filter is shifted left into the FILO. Therefore the most recent character is at location filo_buff[FILO_BUFF_SIZE–1]. The FILO buffer size must be larger than the largest tag name expected. The FILO buffer size is set with the FILO_BUFF_SIZE macro. #define FILO_BUFF_SIZE 32 States: STATE_ZERO STATE_TAGSEARCH STATE_INTAG STATE_PRINT STATE_SKIP STATE_SKIP_NON_ASCII STATE_SKIP_SPACE STATE_CDATA STATE_CDATA_PRINT STATE_CDATA_SKIP_AMP STATE_SKIP_INTAG STATE_IN_AMPERSAND Global Variables: unsigned char filo_buff[FILO_BUFF_SIZE]; unsigned char state; unsigned char EMG_rss_text_filter(unsigned char data, unsigned char **tag_filter) www.digikey.com/microcontroller 33 Figure 14: Character data filter usage. Using the RSS/XML feed reader Using the RSS/XML feed reader firmware is easy: 1. Set the variable url to the URL or to the desired RSS or XML server. static const unsigned char url[] = “http://www.weather.gov/data/current_ obs/KUGN.rss”; 2. Set the tag_filter[] to the type of data you want to display. For RSS feeds, <title> and <description> would be a first choice. For XML feeds, this could be any tag name depending on the information. Figure 12: RSS/XML dataflow diagram. The filter takes in an XML or RSS data stream and a list of tags. It outputs only the character data from the selected tags. The tag list is an array of pointers to those tag strings that need to be filtered. Normally the filter returns 0. When the filter processes the “>” in a tag in the list, it returns into the filter array the index+1 for the tag that it found. Example: after detecting a <title> tag in an RSS or XML stream the filter will return 1. After detecting a <description> tag in a stream the filter will return 2. The filter returns 0 if a tag is not found. Const unsigned char *tag_filter[] = { {(const unsigned char *)”title”}, {(const unsigned char *)”description”}, {(const unsigned char *)””} }; Figure 13: Sample tag_filter pointer array. 34 const unsigned char *tag_filter[] = { {(const unsigned char *)”title”}, {(const unsigned char *)”description”}, {(const unsigned char *)””} }; 3. Set the character buffer size large enough to collect your filtered data. #define RSS_CHARACTER_BUFF_SIZE2048 4. Compile the project and flash it to the board. After the TCP/IP stack comes up, these actions occur: 1. The DHCP client automatically acquires an IP address and DNS IP address. 2. It displays and speaks a title screen. 3. It connects to the server specified in the URL. 4. The status of the connection is displayed and spoken. 5. The file is downloaded from the server using the HTTP client. 6. After the connection closes, the file is displayed and spoken. 7. The RSS/XML feed reader sleeps, waiting for either SW1 or SW2 to be pushed. When that happens, a connection is initiated to the server specified in the URL that starts the download/display/ speak process all over again. XML Streams For XML streams, the EMG_rss_text_filter() return value is used to determine which tag is applied to the data that comes after the tag. This allows another const array containing more descriptive names to be used to describe the data from the tag. Simply use the EMG_rss_text_filter() return value–1 to index into a descriptive name array, then send the indexed string into the character buffer before leaving the RSS callback function. The XML filter will then place the data from the tag in the character filter directly after the descriptive name. Conclusion Adding Ethernet to embedded products provides a level of connectivity never before available in the embedded space. Embedded devices can be networked together using the same cables and hardware used by the industry to connect PCs together. The embedded device can become part of the PC network. Ethernet and TCP/IP enable the embedded device to connect to the ultimate network, the Internet. After the embedded device is connected to the Internet it is available to the world, and controllable or viewable from anywhere. The possibilities are endless, from remote monitoring and control to distributed control, and even real-time, world-wide data presentation through the RSS feed reader. i.MX35 Processor Freescale Semiconductor The i.MX35 processor is the latest series from Freescale. This chip includes an increased level of integration and support, while maintaining low-power requirements. Digi-Key’s product training module featuring the i.MX35 processor aids purchasers in understanding the many benefits of integrating this device into designs and projects. Applications for this processor include portable navigation devices, printers, and eBooks to name a few. www.digikey.com/ptm Kinetis Microcontrollers Design Potential. Realized. • The first broad-market mixed signal MCU family based on the ARM® Cortex™-M4 core • One of the most comprehensive ARM enablement portfolios in the industry • Over 200 pin-, peripheral- and software-compatible MCUs with exceptional performance, memory and feature scalability • Innovative 90 nm thin-film-storage flash technology with FlexMemory delivering high-endurance EEPROM • Ultra-low-power performance and rich mixedsignal integration Kinetis Family Positioning K10 Family: 32 KB to 1 MB, ultra-low power, advanced mixed signal, touch sensing, CAN K20 Family: 32 KB to 1 MB, ultra-low power, advanced mixed signal, touch sensing, CAN, USB OTG K30 Family: 32 KB to 512 KB, ultra-low power, advanced mixed signal, touch sensing, CAN, segment LCD K40 Family: 32 KB to 512 KB, ultra-low power, advanced mixed signal, touch sensing, CAN, USB OTG, segment LCD K60 Family: 256 KB to 1 MB, ultra-low power www.digikey.com/freescale-mcu www.digikey.com/microcontroller 35 Your MCU is Just Starting to be Connected by Tom Starnes, Industry Analyst, Objective Analysis If “the network is the computer,” then connectivity is what empowers—or limits— your MCU application. This is an area that continues to evolve rapidly. Microcontrollers (MCUs) have utilized serial transmissions practically from the onset, but the purpose and elegance of those channels have evolved greatly over the last 30 years. The word “connectivity” has taken on new prominence in most applications in the new century, driving on-chip support for networking and even wireless communications from the microcontroller. The advantages of more advanced connectivity and the ease with which it can be obtained make it well worthwhile to take a renewed look at how your end-application can make use of broader communications capabilities. Begin with the basics In the 1970s, as MCUs were first emerging, UARTs (universal asynchronous receiver-transmitters) first brought a pre-configured serial port to microprocessors and microcontrollers. UARTs and synchronous-capable USARTs were largely used to perform simple data communications. UARTs and USARTs were added to the MCU as the transistor budget allowed, and serial communication became more attractive. Soon, the need was determined to more tightly connect the central brain of the MCU with nearby peripherals that remained separate from the MCU due to their complexity, uniqueness, or electrical characteristics that made them less practical to integrate on-chip. A serial connection may have been slower than transmitting over the parallel bus, but it conserved valuable pins (even in the 8 bit era) and made it easier to use peripherals from a different, perhaps more specialized, vendor than the controller manufacturer. This gave rise to the various standard serial modules found in great numbers on today’s MCUs: • Philips’ I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) • Motorola’s faster SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) • Philips’ fairlyspecific I2S (Inter-IC Sound) • Motorola’s SCI (Serial Communications Interface) 36 Tradeoffs between speed and complexity may take a back seat to how many devices are on the channel and exactly which interface the desired peripheral supports. Generally, such serial interfaces are intended to connect only with other chips on the circuit board, often in a master-slave relationship. The SCI, often bundled with these serial ports, is really just a UART and more likely to provide a little longer reach. Buses like the I2C, SPI, and I2S are used to connect with nearby peripherals such as E2PROMs, real-time clocks, memory cards interfaces, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, sensors, camera interfaces, and audio codecs. For most of today’s MCUs, the existence of SCI, SPI, I2C, and similar serial ports are more of a requirement than a differentiating feature. Automotive drivers More sophisticated, frame-based serial communications were first driven onto MCUs with the advent of CAN (Controller-Area Network). In the 1980s, Robert Bosch GmbH initiated CAN as a means for microcontrollers to communicate among themselves in an automobile, a platform where numerous MCUs were used. This harsh environment required robustness and a strict protocol. Since the number of potential network end-points was growing quickly, the need for a specific host or master could be limiting. Yet, reliable communications between disparate and optional controllers in the vehicle have greatly improved the operating conditions of the vehicle and have become a necessity for engine control, safety systems, and diagnostics. With the automotive industry’s support, the CAN network and CAN peripheral chips took hold. In the 1990s, CAN peripherals started appearing on-chip in MCUs destined for automotive applications, about the time the protocol started evolving. While other networks have also found some places in the automobile for specific applications, CAN still forms the backbone of most automotive systems. CAN has also found a home in industrial applications, with their similarly harsh environments and noisy conditions and in medical instruments where special integrity requirements are highly valued. CAN and MCUs were mad for each other. CAN was developed to let the systems that MCUs comprised communicate with each others. Since automotive applications are the inspiration for much of the design of MCUs, CAN modules are a natural circuit to include in MCUs. Computer connectivity The tremendous growth of the personal computer (PC), accompanied by Ethernet (see Figure 1) and the Internet, took place somewhat outside of the microcontroller industry but is having a heavy influence on it. The PC made de facto standards of TCP/IP, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi for long distance data communications with servers, email, the Internet, databases, and other systems. The need for system inter-activity drove TCP/IP and Ethernet to be the backbone of data communications, even supplanting the circuit-switched telephone network to a large degree, and attracting creative minds to make the protocol work for nearly every application. The utility of TCP/IP made it quite popular and the protocol stack became a well-honed standard, economies of scale dramatically drive down the prices of chips and software down. The ubiquity of the protocol and some confluence of Metcalfe’s Law and Moore’s Law, has opened untold opportunities for electronic system connectivity. Whether it is refrigerators reporting food shortages to the grocery store or air conditioning systems taking a break during peak electricity rate periods, networks, Ethernet, and TCP/IP are being employed in every conceivable application for machines to communicate with hosts, servers, directly to other machines, hubs, remote monitors, and to control centers manned or unmanned. Microcontroller vendors have responded by providing Ethernet controllers on their MCUs (although it took some time for the transistor budget to free up) and for OEMs to give serious consideration to Ethernet as a connectivity option on traditional MCU-based systems. Today the benefits are difficult to ignore. From software updates to remote monitoring to long-term customer services, when TCP/IP brings the Internet to the edge of the board for a small price adder, the option can be very attractive. If nothing else, access to the Internet gives essentially unlimited range to the control or management of the system. Figure 1: Ethernet cable. The ubiquitous USB The PC is also responsible for the great popularity of the USB (Universal Serial Bus). There used to be discussions of whether USB (Figure 2) would supplant other local connectivity ports on the PC, especially the spaceconstrained laptop, but it did not take very long for the discussion to turn to “how many USB ports can we put on this?” Once USB ports and drivers became integral to the PC and a few devices converted over to the convenient standard, USB caught on like wildfire. Soon, MCU-controlled devices such as the mouse, keyboard, and similar input devices, switched over to USB connections. Printers, modems, and other output devices made the change, abandoning interfaces with origins in the mainframe era. USB evolved to be faster (Table 1), making it more practical for hard drive interfaces. New form factors put flash memory on a thumb-sized portable storage device that easily plugs into many hosts. USB also became an intermediary and a “dongle” port where other connectivity devices can plug in, such as Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and memory card adapters. At some point, the convenience of the USB port drew MCU vendors to put their own MCU evaluation boards and debugging ports on USB-enabled cards. Table 1: USB versions. Version Mbps Grade Comment USB 1.1 1.5 low-speed mice, keyboards 12 full-speed printers USB 2.0 480 high-speed hard drives USB 3.0 5000 super-speed new connector, emerging USB gained additional popularity as its facility for supplying current to attached devices started to be exploited. It is possible to draw 100 mA at 5 V (up to 500 mA also accommodated), which is more than enough to power numerous applications without an additional power source. With the slightest effort, this current can recharge the battery of a truly portable handheld device. This allows USB to perform the dual functions of transmitting data as well as supplying power – all with a single cord and connector. MCUs are convenient for operating the USB port for transmitting data and even for managing a recharging circuit. While the latter is usually left to the system engineer to design, integrating a USB controller onto the MCU eliminates an additional chip in the system. The cost is minimal and most of the software is readily available and prepackaged. The distinction between host (master), device (slave), and the swings-both-ways, On-The-Go (OTG) varieties of USB controllers must be considered when picking an MCU with USB capability, but more USB modules and stacks can support any role the controller must play. It’s another dimension of USB that should be narrowed down (along with speed grade and, eventually, physical connector style) when evaluating how the technology can expand an application’s utility. Less wire The ultimate in connectivity and communication would require no physical contact. Wireless communications, be it using Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, near-field communications (NFC), or similar technologies, are robust enough to link up between devices or with a network or the Internet without much trouble. Breaking the tether avoids certain hassles but also removes the benefit of getting electricity to the device, so there are some tradeoffs in going wireless. Also, the nature of radio circuits limits just how much Figure 2: USB connector. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 37 these can be integrated onto the mostly-digital MCUs, but the vendors are still working to get closer to more compact and well-blended with wireless systems. Range, EMI, and security are other issues to consider in selecting the radio air interface. In industrial applications, for instance, having wireless controllers, especially in a mesh network, means that to move some equipment or add a sensor on a factory floor may mean just placing the equipment where it is needed. With a wireless network, no new cables need to be laid out or routers reconfigured. The network self-discovers the new equipment (and probably doesn’t care if it was only moved). If a unit fails, it simply falls off the grid and the rest of the network continues without it, though hopefully a flag is raised. Consumer explosion As mentioned, many forms of communications have become stand-outs and true standards in recent years. The high volume of digital consumer electronics has become a significant factor in establishing such standards. While CAN is more under-the-hood, USB and Ethernet are far more visible. The phenomenal boom – and churn – in digital still cameras, MP3 players and cellular phones—in tandem with the desire to transfer large amounts of data between PCs, TVs, printers, and the Internet—has caused an explosion in the need for universal connectivity. This explosion of consumer electronics needing connectivity opened huge opportunities for chip vendors to supply vast quantities of chips and programmers to write the protocol stacks to support the standards. Lower costs and off-the-shelf software made it even easier to connect consumer devices in more ways. Microcontrollers will hook you up Microcontroller vendors have been taking care of your connectivity and communications needs. More and more serial channels, communications methods, and networking peripherals have been brought into the MCU as the market has called for it. Along with the hardware implementation, the chip vendors have been assembling the software that makes it work. Third-party software vendors step up to the plate to offer improved, more universal, customizable, and specialized communications software and protocol stacks. The result is a relatively easy and cost-effective means of adding greater connectivity to MCU-based equipment. The more advanced communications protocols require more horsepower from the processor than a little bit-banging does or a UART. Some can take advantage of additional RAM for buffering and forming packets. Some can use Direct Memory Access (DMA) techniques to block-transfer strings of data to other parts of the system. The more advanced MCUs typically have more advanced communications capabilities. However, some advanced connectivity is available on 16-bit and 8-bit MCUs, as well. Most vendors have evolved with their markets, so your favorite architecture probably has a selection of MCUs with a peripheral on board to implement the technology of your choice. In my opinion, the best bet for exotic network and communications will be with 32-bit MCUs. They have the performance, the flexibility, and the memory space to handle the code, and they are more likely to be in markets where overall performance is important, and where connectivity is a must rather than a luxury. This also means the 32-bit 38 MCUs will keep up with heavy communications traffic. However, 32-bit MCUs are not as expensive as one might believe. The price difference from a comparably-equipped 8-bit MCU is hardly noticeable. The established architectures have a good range of MCUs with CAN peripherals. Namely Renesas, Freescale, Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, and Microchip all have suitable solutions for this market. When it comes to USB, almost any vendor has a good range of MCUs with USB connectivity. USB does not weigh down 8-bit MCUs, and 16-bit controllers should handle USB well. Ethernet has been appearing on MCUs more frequently the last few years, and has increasing promise as the Internet becomes a backbone for all things electronic. We are consistently seeing suppliers provide solutions with both MAC and PHY integrated on chip. There are a few MCUs containing an array of communications facilities. To highlight one solution, ARM-based Stellaris line from Texas Instruments has MCUs with several serial peripherals all on-chip including: two CAN 2.0 A/B controllers, a USB 2.0 FullSpeed Host/Device/OTG module, a 10/100 Ethernet MAC/PHY with hardware-assist to synchronize industrial networks via the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol, two SSI/SPI controllers, two I2C interfaces, an I2S interface, and three UARTs. Is your application sufficiently connected for tomorrow? Technical and Design Support Services Digi-Key offers live technical support 24/7 via telephone, e-mail and live web chat. Digi-Key’s 130 technicians on staff are trained by manufacturers to answer product-specific questions. Additionally, these technicians cross-reference part numbers, assist customers in choosing products, research and aid in selecting new product, and provide access to in-depth productspecific information as well as specifications and performance data on new products. Digi-Key’s Design Support Services (DSS) team of application engineers and technicians provides general information and complimentary project-specific assistance. DSS provides service to engineers ranging from one-time contacts regarding product recommendations to ongoing prototype-to-production design support. DSS strives to guide the customer through the design process while achieving the best solutions and, ultimately, streamlining the design cycle. The DSS team provides support and advice on system design, aids with product selection and development tools, and provides assistance with other applicable design issues. Additionally, members of the DSS team produce application notes, webinars and instructional videos. The DSS team is available from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CST via telephone, e-mail and web-conferencing software. 1. Name the only 8-bit MCU provider that offers integrated USB, CAN, Ethernet, and LCD. A: Your next door neighbor C: Amazon.com B: Microchip Technology, Inc. D: Walmart 2. Are you a Microcontroller Solution Expert? Submit your answers to find out and automatically be entered for a chance to win a Microchip PIC18 Starter Kit or an F1 Evaluation Platform! The MPLAB® Starter Kit for PIC18F MCU functions as a USB mouse, joystick or mass storage device all using the on-board capacitive touch sense pads. It includes a MicroSD™ memory card, potentiometer, acceleration sensor, and an OLED display. It is completely USB-powered. The F1 Evaluation Platform is a simple development tool for Enhanced Mid-range PIC microcontrollers (PIC12F1xxx/ PIC16F1xxx) and demonstrates the capabilities & low power enhancements of these new PIC microcontrollers. Included with a PICkit3 for quick programming, this kit provides a platform for general purpose development and gives you the ability to develop code for any PIC12F1xxx/PIC16F1xxx microcontroller. With XLP technology, Microchip is the world-wide leader in low power. How low is eXtreme Low Power “SLEEP” on the latest PIC microcontrollers? A: 5 A B: 100 nA 3. C: 9 nA D: 10 uA With the HiTech C compiler, how much does it cost to start developing code on PIC microcontrollers? A: About the cost of your college degree B: $5,000 C: Free D: Less than the cost of “short-selling” your house 4. Beyond low power “SLEEP” currents, PIC microcontrollers provide world-class low power “DYNAMIC” currents. How low can we go? A: <50 µA/MHZ B: 10 A/MHZ C: So low – it’s actually creating energy D: Lower than you with a Limbo stick 5. Which of the following describes Microchip’s mTouch sensing technology for replacing mechanical buttons & sliders? A: Robust technology, immune noise & emissions B: Works through metal and plastics C: Free of royalty charges D: All of the above 6. How many different development platforms are necessary to support 8b, 16b, & 32b PIC microcontrollers? A: Too many to count B: 1 – unified MPLAB IDE supported with low cost development boards to increase time to market C: 3 – one for each D: None – you’re on your own Submit your answers to www.digikey.com/trivia-mcu for your chance to win! 7. Which of the following protocol stacks would take you the longest to develop? A: USB B: TCP/IP C: ZigBee D: Trick question! All the above are already created for you and available for free download Sponsored By: Official Rules: No purchase necessary to enter or claim prize. A purchase will not improve an individual’s chances of winning with such entry. Employees of Digi-Key (the “sponsor”), business partners, members of immediate families are not eligible. Void where prohibited by law or internal company policy. Valid entries contingent upon participation in the trivia contest and providing name and e-mail address. Prizes will be randomly drawn among eligible entries on or about May 7, 2011. One Microchip PIC18 Starter Kit and one Microchip F1 Evaluation Platform will be awarded. Total value of all prizes will not exceed $500.00. Contest rules declare only One Microchip PIC18 Starter Kit or Microchip F1 Evaluation Platform will be awarded per winner . Winners will be contacted via e-mail. If a winner cannot be reached within 7 days of initial attempt, winner will be disqualified and an alternate winner selected. Odds of winning will be determined by the number of eligible entries received. Taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of winners. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel or suspend the promotion or any portion thereof should viruses, bugs, or other causes beyond control of Sponsor corrupt the administration, security or proper play of the promotion, in which case the prizes will be awarded via a random drawing from among all eligible entries received prior to cancellation. Sponsor is not responsible or liable for late, lost, damaged or misdirected entries. Any attempts to deliberately damage any web site or undermine the legitimate operation of the promotion may be subject to prosecution of criminal and civil law. If due to a printing, production or other error, more prizes are claimed than are intended to be awarded, the intended prizes will be awarded in a random drawing from among all verified and validated prize claims received. In no event will more than the stated number of prizes be awarded. Entries become the property of Sponsor and will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s privacy policy, available at: http://digikey.com/privacy. For a list of winners, mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to be received by June 1, 2011 to: Digi-Key Corporation, TechZone Trivia, 701 Brooks Ave South, Thief River Falls, MN 56701. If you do not want to receive any future mailings for contests of this nature, you can remove your name by calling 800-344-4539. 8. With more than 500 PIC microcontrollers to choose from, why does Microchip continue to develop new and innovative 8 bit PIC microcontrollers? A: To ensure you select the best product for you application with easy migration B: Applications are demanding increased performance, lower power, & more integration C: Continual innovation to create products that are small, inexpensive, and easy to program D: All of the above www.digikey.com/microcontroller 39 Deeply Embedded Devices: The “Internet of Things” by Mark Wright and Rodger Richey, Microchip Technology Inc. The “Internet of Things” consists of interconnected, deeply embedded devices that need to communicate while maintaining extremely long battery life. Fortunately there are some low-power RF solutions that address both halves of the problem. The “Internet of Things” is about connecting products that create, store, and consume data via the Internet. This allows processing to provide results that can be more easily used by people. The basic technical requirements to enable this are vastly different from the current treadmill of mainstream Internet-connectivity technology. Mainstream connectivity strives to constantly increase bandwidth, range and features to counter dwindling margins and prepare for the next “killer” application. Whether this is HD media serving, on-demand TV, 4-play (voice, data, Internet and multimedia), Network Attached Storage (NAS), or the next thing you absolutely must have, mainstream connectivity requires a wider, faster-pipe mentality. Mainstream provisioning, however, is fundamentally disjointed from the requirements of the “Internet of Things.” While an Internet gamer will pay $150 to replace his 802.11b/g access point with the latest 802.11a/b/g/n access point, in order to reduce game “latency” or increase their virtual “survivability,” this is not a price option for adding connectivity to a thermostat, temperature sensor, garagedoor opener, coffee maker, or lawn sprinkler. In short, the “Internet of Things” dictates a significantly different adoption model than mainstream broadband support. Applications can be categorized as open, embedded, and deeply embedded. Open systems are compute-based products with purpose-loaded functions. Open systems may change their nature from one use to another. A laptop that is configured to be a word processor in one setting and an Internet-connected media player in another is an example of this. Due to the varying uses of open systems, the capabilities must be flexible yet high-performance in nature, with the limitations usually driven by cost. Embedded systems are fixed function. They may be very high- or lowperformance, with a limited energy footprint. Deeply embedded systems are single-purpose devices that are used to detect something in the environment, perform a basic level of processing and then do something with the results. 40 Table 1: Comparison of device categories. Categories Product Examples Battery Life Data Rate Range PC 4 - 8 hours High Max. Embedded Access Point, iReader, Pocket Dictionary AC Powered or up to 2 years High 30 m - Max. Deeply Embedded Sprinkler Valve, Locks, Power Monitor 2 years + Low - Med. 30 m Open The “Internet of Things” is primarily driven by deeply embedded devices. These devices are low- bandwidth, low-repetition data capture, and low-bandwidth data usage “appliances” that communicate with each other and provide data via user interfaces. There are embedded appliances, such as high-resolution video security cameras, video VOIP phones, and a handful of others that require high-bandwidth streaming capabilities. This article instead targets the countless products that simply require packets of data to be intermittently delivered. Figure 1: Device categories. Data-rate requirements and the corresponding power consumption vary significantly between the different device categories. Open-type devices utilize Pentium class or similar processing, and run complex OS-based protocols for communication. Such devices require mains power, or utilize large batteries and have battery life measured in hours. Battery-operated embedded devices are products for which it is critical to reduce power consumption, design complexity, and cost through the optimization of computation occurring in the device. This is done through the use of specialized hardware, or less flexible purpose-driven software. Deeply embedded devices build upon this optimization and often require battery operation, which creates a critical need for low power consumption. These products utilize low-power microcontrollers such as the 16-bit PIC24F family from Microchip, which features low-power sleep currents down to 20 nA and allows the use of AA or coin-cell batteries for up to 20 years of operational life. Examples of deeply embedded, Internet-connected devices include information displays for the home that can integrate heating and cooling control with lighting, music, and information displays (e.g. a web browser); security still cameras that provide an extra level of coverage for monitored services; appliances that allow time-of-start control from utilities for smart-energy control, to reduce consumers’ electricity bills; heavy equipment with sensors that can provide remote indication when in need of pending service; and toys or multimedia handsets that could be configured for subscription services, allowing updates during off periods. The 802.11 protocol provides two basic methods of connectivity. The primary method is called infrastructure, or basic service set, and is implemented as a structured network with at least one central point that routes traffic among the devices and onto other networks. In this method, the central point is commonly called an access point, and all communications occur through the access point. The second method allows “unrelated” devices to connect temporarily. This mode is called ad hoc, or independent basic service set. Ad hoc communication occurs from device to device, but allows many devices to share the common network. A primary advantage of 802.11 over other wireless protocols is its intrinsic ability to connect devices to the Internet. However, this functionality is provided primarily through the infrastructure mode of operation. The Microchip TCP/IP stack and Microchip 802.11 radio combination supports both infrastructure and ad hoc modes of operation. Figure 2: Basic methods of connectivity. One example of a use for a deeply embedded Wi-Fi solution is for vehicle diagnostics. Considerable effort is spent designing the hardware and software for user interfaces in these types of applications. However, PDAs such as the iPod Touch or cellular phones such as the iPhone are perfectly designed for user interfaces with a rich and intuitive feature set. Most include Wi-Fi connectivity, which allows the use of infrastructure or ad hoc modes in the Microchip Wi-Fi module. As shown in Figure 3, the PDA or phone can connect to the Microchip Wi-Fi module, and the PIC24F 16-bit microcontroller runs the Microchip TCP/ IP stack for ad hoc mode. The PIC24F microcontroller connects to the vehicle using any of the standard On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) interfaces, such as J1850, J1939, ISO 15765-4, etc. Vehicle status, such as RPM, MPH, and battery voltage, can be displayed in a variety of forms such as raw values, graphs, or gauges. Once disconnected, the PIC24F can connect to a central server using infrastructure mode to upload data, or download new firmware or parameters. Figure 3: Application example. Latency is not a critical factor for data transfers in most deeply embedded devices. This means the data transfer has so little latency that a user does not discern a delay from an action to the corresponding reaction. Latency is often critical for handheld remotecontrol devices, because users get frustrated and consider it a poor user experience if the time for a local reaction to a button push on the device is discernable (more than 250 ms). The 802.11 specification has a mode called “power-save poll” within the infrastructure service. It allows a device to go to sleep while maintaining a connection to the access point. A device can wake immediately and begin communication. Latency can be a little more than 100 ms for an external client to begin transferring data to a sleeping device. This is an ideal mode for remote controls using infrastructure mode, as it provides the ability to power down without a user-perceived reduction in latency. Battery life is only days with this mode if the unit is frequently used, so this usage model should be considered with a charging station. This scenario makes the usage model for such a device similar to that of a cellular phone. “Power-save poll” mode is also an efficient way to reduce power consumption in devices where latency is not an important issue, such as those that transfer data more than four times a minute. In such cases, the act of reconnecting to the network consumes more energy than keeping the device connected via power-save poll. For example, the Microchip Wi-Fi radio provides the “power-save poll” mode autonomously to the microcontroller. An added advantage of this is that the entire client system can shut down during the sleep periods. An interrupt from the radio will provide the wake indication, in case there is data waiting on the AP. Additionally, for remote-control applications, a wake-on-button-press or wake-on-motion can be provided via the microcontroller, to maintain the illusion of always being on for the user. For deeply embedded devices where latency is not critical, the best methodology for increasing battery life is to turn off the radio. The off state with leakage is the hibernate mode on the Microchip Wi-Fi radio. Once outstanding traffic is resolved via the TCP/IP stack, a single GPIO pin is used to deselect the device. This operation automatically disconnects power from the Wi-Fi radio. This mechanism allows the microcontroller and Wi-Fi radio combination to utilize about 120 nA in power-down mode. Such a combination is ideal for deeply embedded devices, because their low active power consumption stretches the system’s battery life. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 41 In all of the aforementioned deeply embedded devices, latency is not critical. Other applications where latency is not critical include security or environmental sensors, data-upload services for medical monitoring, and consumer news devices, as well as information servers. Deeply embedded devices don’t need 300 Mbps, 54 Mbps or often even 11 Mbps of throughput. A majority of deeply embedded devices use a low amount of bandwidth. They have data for transmission a few times a day, or expect to receive data possibly once a day. The amount of data they deal with is on the order of 100 bytes. By keeping external memory minimized or not using it at all, the overall system cost and power consumption remain low. to a network that already has an 802.11g-connected laptop on it will reduce the available bandwidth by 50 percent. The hibernate mode described earlier for power savings also serves, in this case, to minimize the effect on the network of embedded devices. Embedded devices should be configured to buffer their information and burst as required. Such usage will allow the devices to get on the network, transfer their data, and then get off the network. The effect of this will be maximum power savings and minimal impact on network-bandwidth capabilities. A normal infrastructure connection provides about a 5-10 second reconnect period from the hibernation stage. The connect processing between the Wi-Fi radio and an access point takes about 176 ms. Connecting takes longer than this, so the majority of the time is spent in the delays associated with the access point dealing with the connection. This can be easily seen by virtue of the time it takes a standard laptop (a high-end open system) to connect to a network. This time can be reduced by using the static addressing feature of the Microchip TCP/IP stack. With such an operation, the connect time with security can be reduced to less than a second. Ad hoc connection from a power up can take less than 200 ms. For point-to-point-only remote-control devices, ad hoc operation is suitable because the achievable connection times are short. This method of operation is not often used for remotes because while it does resolve the connection-time problem, the limited use of the wireless technology for simple point–to-point only communications without LAN or internet connectivity can be better served by other wireless technologies, such as basic RF transceivers or the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. A very good application of the ad hoc mode of operation is as a default mechanism to enable easy configuration of the device onto the network of interest. Deeply embedded products that do not have a screen/keyboard to enter data need a method for the end user to configure the network, as well as the security parameters of their network. In this case, the codes can be entered using a temporary network. To use a temporary network, the product must be preconfigured to start either searching for a pre-determined infrastructure network, or by creating a pre-determined ad hoc network. In either case, another computer or Wi-Fi-enabled device (e.g. iPhone, Smartphone, etc.) connects to the product using the pre-determined network, and then configures the product to the final desired network. Once the appropriate network information is entered, a command can be sent to the product to restart in the desired network. One advantage of 802.11 for deeply embedded devices is the ability to use pre-existing networks and the Internet. There is some concern regarding the impact to performance for other computers that use the network, when a low-bandwidth, deeply embedded device is also attached to that network. Wireless communication is a shared-bandwidth, media-access mechanism. There is a finite amount of bandwidth available for all to use before the airwaves get saturated with signals. The biggest impact is from clients utilizing the available bandwidth. Thus, adding a second 802.11g laptop 42 Figure 4: Example of mixed devices in a network. A critical need of deeply embedded systems is to keep the communication system easy to implement and use. While the 802.11 protocol makes an ideal candidate for communication for these devices, many manufacturers are specialized in the art of their own product, and not in wireless IP communications. There is often no room in a critically costed product for more memory to run an operating system, in order to use an off-the-shelf driver that traditional 802.11 solutions offer. These drivers are created for complex operating systems, such as Windows, Windows Embedded CE, or Linux. A significant benefit of a solution like the Microchip 802.11 one is the ease of implementation to the developer. Along with the basic networking features of security, infrastructure, and ad hoc; the stack supports various services that a deeply embedded product developer would require. Some of the services supported are ICMP, HTTP, SSL, DHCP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP, TFTP, DNS, and Telnet. These are sufficient for serving Web pages, sending and receiving data files, and handling e-mail services. The value to the customer is the ability to minimize code-space requirements by selecting only the services they require, accelerated time-to-market, and allowing concentration on device application and user interface, rather than on the underlying communications protocol. The “Internet of Things” is about connecting a diverse set of simple, deeply embedded devices to the tools we already use. It allows servers and other instruments that can work in the background to provide a clearer understanding of what is happening—whether the interest is in energy conservation, product maintenance, health and safety, or just information retrieval. The Microchip 802.11 solution has been designed with the mindset for deeply embedded devices. This solution takes into consideration the speed, bandwidth, and latency needs of embedded devices—these being much less than what most people demand for their day-to-day Internet connectivity experience. This makes the solution much lower in power and easier to use than standard IP-connection alternatives. The solution is also compatible with the cost constraints of deeply embedded devices. These characteristics allow the system developer to concentrate on application development rather than on networking knowledge. While it is said that the “Internet of Things” will progress to a billion new connected things by 2011, the majority of these will be in embedded and deeply embedded devices. The unique characteristic of IP connectivity is that having devices connected and providing improved efficiency is not the only benefit. The real return is the progression of benefits that will result from the interconnecting of devices to a wider and automated information database. This can include better performance through longer operation within optimal ranges, new revenue streams that will give users simplicity in dealing with things that otherwise go into disrepair, and also increased sales pull-through via product and information co-marketing. Intro to PIC24FJDA Family Microchip Technology The PIC24FJDA family from Microchip features graphic acceleration and direct interface to STN, TFT, and OLED displays. The series comes with 64-pin QFN, TQFN, and for the first time BGA packages. The product training module for this series provides in-depth lists of the products’ many features, explains the properties of Power Consumption, and a cost comparison chart for budget planning. This module can be experienced with or without audio in approximately 15 minutes and is 24 pages in length. www.digikey.com/ptm PIC24F04KA201 Family As more electronic applications require low power or battery power, energy conservation becomes paramount. Products with Microchip’s nanoWatt XLP Technology offer the industry’s lowest currents for Run and Sleep modes. The PIC24F04KA201 family is ideal for low cost, low pin-count applications (14-20 pins) which require up to 4 KB Flash that also need 16-bit performance (16 MIPS). This family includes a range of peripherals including timers, UART, SPI, I2C, ADC, comparators and CTMU for precise time measurement or touch sensing. With full analog and self write capability down to 1.8 V, the PIC24 “KA” family will extend the battery life in your next design. Use the free Microchip XLP Battery Life Estimator to select the target MCU, battery type, and energy profile to get an estimate of battery life for your application. It’s easy to get started with the XLP MCUs, using the XLP 16-bit Development Board (DM240311), which includes current measurement terminals and flexible power sources (AAA, coin cells or energy harvesting modules). Example applications for the new PIC24F04KA microcontrollers include: • Medical (portable and home medical devices, oxygen flow meters, lifestyle/fitness monitors) • Industrial (energy harvesting/scavenging, water/gas/heat meters, portable gas sensors, remote sensor networks, asset tracking, sealed/harsh environment sensors) • Consumer (security-system dongles, sealed disposable electronics, portable electronics, smart cards) www.digikey.com/microchip-mcu www.digikey.com/microcontroller 43 Peripheral Reflex System Avoids MCU Overload contributed by Energy Micro Normally, MCUs spend much of their time passing information between peripherals. That doesn’t have to be the case. The Peripheral Reflex System (PRS) is a network which lets the different peripheral modules communicate directly with each other without involving the CPU. Peripheral modules which send out Reflex signals are called producers. The PRS routes these reflex signals to consumer peripherals which apply actions depending on the Reflex signals received. The format for the Reflex signals is not given, but edge triggers and other functionality can be applied by the PRS. Overview An overview of one channel and how four different peripherals can be connected using PRS is given in Figure 1. The PRS contains eight interconnect channels, and each of these can select between all of the output Reflex signals offered by the producers. The consumers can then choose which PRS channel to listen to and perform actions based on the Reflex signals routed through that channel. The Reflex signals can be both pulse signals and level signals. Synchronous PRS pulses are one HFPERCLK cycle long, and can either be sent out by a producer (e.g. ADC conversion complete) or be generated from the edge detector in the PRS channel. Level signals can have an arbitrary waveform, but will be synchronized with the HFPERCLK. Channel 0 SIGSEL[2:0] SOURCESEL[5:0] APB bus EDSEL[1:0] SWPULSE[0] SWLEVEL[0] Reg Signals from producer peripherals . . . . . TIMER0 Overflow Pulse Producer Side Figure 1: PRS overview. 44 ACMP Output Level PRS Signals to consumer perpherals x8 ADC0 Start single conv. TIME1 CC1 Input Consumer Side Figure 1 shows four peripherals connected to two PRS channels. On one channel is TIMER0 and ADC0 and the ACMP and TIMER1 are connected to a second channel. An overflow from TIMER0 can start an ADC single conversion and an ACMP output can be used as input for a Compare/Capture channel on TIMER1. General operation Channel functions Different functions can be applied to a Reflex signal within the PRS. Each channel includes an edge detector to enable generation of pulse signals from level signals. It is also possible to generate output Reflex signals by software writing to PRS_SWPULSE and PRS_SWLEVEL registers. PRS_SWLEVEL is a programmable level for each channel and holds the value it is programmed to. The PRS_SWPULSE will give out a one-cycle high pulse if it is written to 1, otherwise a 0 is asserted. The SWLEVEL and SWPULSE signals are then XOR’ed with the selected input from the producers to form the output signal sent to the consumers listening to the channel. This is illustrated in Figure 1. The efm32lib function void PRS_ SourceSignalSet(unsigned int ch, uint32_t source, uint32_t signal, PRS_Edge_TypeDef edge) can be used to easily configure the PRS channels. By specifying the PRS channel producing peripheral signal from the peripheral and the edge for pulse generation, the function configures the PRS accordingly. Producers Each PRS channel can choose between signals from several producers, which is configured in SOURCESEL in PRS_CHx_CTRL. Each of these producers outputs one or more signals which can be selected by setting the SIGSEL field in PRS_CHx_CTRL. Setting the SOURCESEL bits to 0 (Off) leads to a constant 0 output from the input mux. An overview of the available producers is given in Table 1. Consumers Consumer peripherals (Table 2) can be set to listen to a PRS channel and perform an action based on the signal received on that channel. Most consumers expect pulse input, while some can handle level inputs as well. Table 1: Reflex producers. Module Reflex Output Output Format ACMP Comparator Output Level ADC Single Conversion Done Pulse Scan Conversion Done Pulse DAC GPIO RTC TIMER UART USART VCMP Channel 0 Conversion Done Pulse Channel 0 Conversion Done Pulse • TIMER triggered ADC conversion • Pulse Width Measurement with the ACMP and TIMER • GPIO triggered UART transmission • Software triggered DAC conversion Pin 0 Input Level Pin 1 Input Level Pin 2 Input Level Pin 3 Input Level Pin 4 Input Level Pin 5 Input Level Pin 6 Input Level Pin 7 Input Level Pin 8 Input Level Pin 9 Input Level Pin 10 Input Level Pin 11 Input Level SOURCESEL[5:0] Pin 12 Input Level EDSEL[1:0] Pin 13 Input Level SWPULSE[5] Pin 14 Input Level SWLEVEL[5] Pin 15 Input Level Overflow Pulse Compare Match 0 Pulse Compare Match 1 Pulse Underflow Pulse Overflow Pulse CC0 Output Level CC1 Ouput Level CC2 Output Level TX Complete Pulse RX Data Received Pulse TX Complete Pulse RX Data Received Pulse IrDA Decoder Output Level Comparator Output Level TIMER triggered ADC conversion Figure 2 shows how to set up ADC0 to start a single conversion every time that TIMER0 overflows. TIMER0 sends a one HFPERCLK cycle high pulse sent from TIMER0 to the ADC0 through the PRS on each overflow, and the ADC does a single conversion which is displayed on the LCD of the STK/DK development boards. The ADC consumes pulse signals, which are the same signals produced by the TIMER. In this case there is no edge detection needed, so the PRS leaves the incoming signal unchanged. Channel 5 SIGSEL[2:0] ADC TIMER0 Overflow Pulse DAC TIMER Pulse Pulse Channel 0 Trigger Pulse Channel 1 Trigger Pulse Signals to consumer perpherals ADC0 Start single conv. Consumer Side 1 HFPERCLK Pulse 1 HFPERCLK Pulse Figure 2: TIMER0 overflow starting ADC0 single conversions using the PRS. Input Format Single Mode Trigger PRS Producer Side Reflex Input Scan Mode Trigger APB bus Reg Signals from producer peripherals Table 2: Reflex consumers. Module Software examples This section describes four software examples that explore possible interactions between peripherals using the PRS: CC0 Input Pulse/Level CC1 Input Pulse/Level CC2 Input Pulse/Level DTI Fault Source 0 (TIMER0 only) Pulse DTI Fault Source 1 (TIMER0 only) Pulse DTI Input (TIMER0 only) Pulse/Level UART TX/RX Enable Pulse USART TX/RX Enable Pulse IrDA Encoder Input (USART0 only) Level The ADC is configured with 8-bit resolution and Vdd as both reference and input. When the ADC finishes the conversion it generates a single conversion complete interrupt. The CPU will then fetch the result and display it on the LCD. The displayed result is a direct reading from the ADC0_SINGLEDATA register which is always 255, given that the input is the same as the reference. The DMA can also be used to fetch the conversion result and that is covered by the AN0021 Analog to Digital Converter. The software project prs_timer_adc implements this example and can be used on both STK and DK development boards. Pulse width measurement with ACMP and TIMER Figure 3 illustrates how to measure the pulse width or period of an arbitrary waveform. The ACMP is used to send a level signal through the PRS. TIMER0 consumes both pulse and level signals so the PRS leaves the incoming signal unchanged. On TIMER0 the PRS signal is used as input for CC0 channel. TIMER0 starts counting on a positive edge and captures the counter value on a negative edge. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 45 Channel 5 SIGSEL[2:0] SOURCESEL[5:0] APB bus EDSEL[1:0] SWPULSE[5] SWLEVEL[5] Reg Signals from producer peripherals ACMP Output Level PRS Signals to consumer perpherals TIMER0 Reload&Start + Capture&Stop Producer Side Consumer Side must be used to generate a pulse signal on a GPIO positive edge transition. The clock pulse enables the USART TX and transmits the data that was placed in the TX buffer. For the GPIO to generate PRS signals, the PRS Sense must be enabled in the GPIO_INSENSE register. The software project prs_gpio_uart implements this example and is intended for the DK only. To enable the USART TX, pin PD0 must be connected to VMCU to generate a positive edge. The EFM32 will then send the character ‘X’ through SERIAL A with a 57600 baud rate, no parity and one stop bit. Software generated PRS pulse triggers DAC conversion Figure 5 shows how to generate a PRS pulse by software. The PRS pulse will trigger a DAC conversion which outputs a 0.5 V signal on pin PB11. It is possible to generate both pulse and level signals by software. In this case a pulse signal is generated because it is the type of signal consumed by the DAC. DAC conversions can also be started by software in the DAC itself. This example only shows how this can be done through the PRS as well. Level Level Channel 5 Figure 3: ACMP level output used as PRS signal for TIMER0 CC0 channel input. SIGSEL[2:0] Figure 3 also shows the level output from the ACMP sent through the PRS to the TIMER which measures the pulse width using the capture feature. SOURCESEL[5:0] The software project prs_pulse_width implements this example and can be used on both STK and DK. To trigger the pulse width measurement, pin PC4 (P4.7 on the DK protoboard) must be connected to VMCU to generate a high level that will trigger the ACMP and start the TIMER. When the connection is released, the output of the ACMP will be low again and the TIMER captures the counter value and displays it on the LCD. SWLEVEL[5] GPIO triggered USART transmission Figure 4 illustrates how to use an external signal coming through the GPIO to enable the USART transmitter. It shows a positive edge from a GPIO pin sent on the producer side through the PRS edge detector to create a one HFPERCLK cycle pulse on the consumer side. The GPIO produces level signals which are not consumed by the UART so the edge detector APB bus EDSEL[1:0] SWPULSE[5] Reg Signals from producer peripherals PRS Signals to consumer perpherals DAC0 Start conv. Producer Side Consumer Side 1 HFPERCLK Pulse Figure 5: Software triggered PRS signal. Channel 5 SIGSEL[2:0] SOURCESEL[5:0] APB bus EDSEL[1:0] SWPULSE[5] SWLEVEL[5] Reg Signals from producer peripherals Signals to consumer perpherals Figure 5 shows a one HFPERCLK cycle pulse triggered from software. Pulse and level signals can be generated by software by writing directly to the PRS_SWPULSE and PRS_SWLEVEL registers respectively. They can also be generated using functions from the efm32lib: • void PRS_PulseTrigger(uint32_t channels) generates pulse signals • void PRS_LevelSet(uint32_t level, uint32_t mask) generates level signals The software project prs_soft_dac implements this example and can be used on both STK and DK. GPIO Output Level PRS UART Enable TX Producer Side Consumer Side Positive Edge 1 HFPERCLK Pulse Figure 4: USART TX enabled by GPIO signal using the PRS. 46 Monitoring of PRS signals The PRS channels can be monitored using peripherals that consume PRS signals. One example is using a TIMER to make a capture when there is activity on the PRS channel it is connected to. The software project main_prs_channel_scan exemplifies how this can be accomplished and can be used on both STK and DK. The function PRS_ScanChannel(TIMER_TypeDef *timer, TIMER_PRSSEL_TypeDef prsCh, TIMER_Edge_TypeDef edgeType) in the main_ prs_channel_scan project can be used to monitor activity on a specific PRS channel. It sets the CC0 channel on the chosen TIMER to capture a selected signal edge. The project can be used on both STK and DK and the parameters are as follows: • timer: pointer to the TIMER peripheral register c\block • prsCh: PRS channel to be monitored This function will hang on a while loop waiting for activity in the PRS channel. When such activity occurs, it writes PRS and the channel number on the LCD. To generate activity on this line, the user must connect PC4 to VMCU to generate a rising edge transition on the PRS channel using the ACMP. Another option is to have a capture interrupt instead of polling. That way the program will not hang and the processor will be available to execute other tasks. When a capture is triggered, the user knows that there was activity on the selected PRS channel. • edgeType: signal edge to be monitored/captured Innovations in Connectivity: a look inside Digi-Key’s state-of-the-art Weather Center Computer iDigi Server Node (Wired/Wireless) Drivers Gateway (Cellular, WiFi, Ethernet, Satellite) Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular HTML, Gadgets, Widgets Internet Drivers (Cloud) Cell Phone Digi-Key Server Weather Center Structure 12VDC Power Rail solar panels and the electronic box are attached. The Weather Center is supported by a square plate, measuring two feet across. Inside the Weather Center The heart of the Weather Center, the main box located in the middle of the Weather Center’s trunk, is from BUD’s NBA series, Digi-Key part number 377-1139-ND. This box is rated at IP65 of IEC 529 and NEMA 1, 2, 4 and 4x specifications with temperature ranges from -40°C to over 70°C. While the Digi-Key Weather Center has seen nearly 100°F of heat in the summer and has been exposed to -38°F temperatures in the winter, the center has remained resilient. In a wireless world, devices like the Digi-Key Weather Center utilize the best in electronic components to test conditions in an environment where temperatures range from sizzling to subzero. Above is a diagram depicting the process by which Digi-Key’s Weather Center conveys the To provide venting for the center’s box, Bud’s data collected to computers and mobile devices. NBX-10910-ND and the NBX-10911-ND moisture vents were installed. Although the center has This connectivity is achieved by Digi-Key’s experienced harsh weather conditions, no moisture custom-made weather tracking system— or debris has been detected within the box. composed of the best in wireless, sensor, microcontroller, and lighting technology. WiFi, Cellular Android, iPhone, Blackberry Apps To interface the box to the sensors, Switchcraft’s SC1390-ND Jack and the SC1381-ND Plug were utilized. These connectors are rated at IP68 when properly mated. On the inside of the box, Injectorall Electrics’ FR4 unclad board material (PC8-UNCLAD-ND) was installed to create a proper back panel. On the panel the primary circuit board and two power distribution strips by Molex (WM5737-ND) were applied. This inside look at the mechanics behind DigiKey’s Weather Center is the second in a series of articles that will explore the development of the Weather Center’s technology and the innovations of connectivity. Additional articles will appear in upcoming issues of TechZone magazines. For more information about the Digi-Key Weather Center, visit connectivity.digikey.com. Outer Design The Digi-Key Weather Center was constructed in a simple “T” shaped design. Measuring three feet across, the top beam is made of three-inch “C” channel. This provides a place for sensor modules, an anemometer, and any future additions. The trunk of Digi-Key’s Weather Center is approximately seven feet tall and composed of three-inch square tubing. Mounting brackets for The top beam is made of “C” channel, which provides a place for sensor modules, an anemometer, and any future additions. www.digikey.com/microcontroller An update was made in November 2010 to include three solar panels in order to collect as much solar energy as possible. 47 CAN Primer: Creating Your Own Network by Bob Boys, ARM CAN is a flexible network that is easy to implement. If you are considering networking topologies for your next embedded design, this article will set you on the right path. CAN is extensively used in automobiles and trucks and can be found in multiple applications. There are many “application” layers available for CAN, such as ISO 15765 (cars), J1939 (trucks), and CANopen (factory automation), but it is very easy to develop your own protocol to fit and simplify your needs. Modern CAN transceivers provide a stable and reliable CAN physical environment without the need for expensive coaxial cables. Most of the mystery of CAN has dissipated over the years. There is plenty of example CAN software available to help you quickly develop your own network. A CAN controller is a sophisticated device. Nearly all the features of the CAN protocol described below are automatically handled by the controller with almost no intervention by the host processor. All you need to do is configure the controller by writing to its registers, write data to the controller, and the controller then does all the housekeeping work to get your message on the bus. The controller will also read any frames found on the bus and hold them in a small FIFO memory. It will notify the host processor that this data is available, which is then read from the controller. The controller also contains a hardware filter mechanism that can be programmed to ignore the CAN frames you do not want passed to the processor. For the purposes of this article; we will assume a CAN network consists of the physical layer (the voltages and the wires) and a frame consisting of an ID and a varying number of data bytes. CAN has the following general attributes: 1. 11- or 29-bit ID and from zero to eight data bytes. These can be dynamically changed “on the fly.” 2. Peer-to-Peer network. Every node can see all messages from all other nodes. A node cannot read its own messages. 3. Nodes are easy to add. Attach one to the network with two wires plus a ground. 4. Higher priority messages are sent first depending on the value of the ID. A lower ID has the highest priority. 48 5. Automatic retransmission of defective frames. A node will “busoff” if it causes too many errors. 6. Speeds from approximately 10 Kbps to 1 Mbps. All nodes must operate at the same frequency. 7. The twisted differential pair provides excellent noise immunity and some decent bus fault protection. 8. The CAN system will work with the ground connection at different DC levels or no ground at all. The CAN system layout A CAN network consists of at least two nodes connected together with a pair of twisted wires, as shown in Figure 1. A ground wire can be included with the twisted pair or separately as part of the chassis. One twist per inch (or more) will suffice, and the integrity of the ground is not necessary for normal operation. As in any differential systems, the voltage levels between the wire pair are important, and not their values to ground. CAN is completely described in ISO 11898. The maximum length of the network is dependent on the frequency, number of nodes and propagation speed of the wire. It is relatively easy to have a 20 node (or more), 500 Kbps system running 30 or 40 feet (or more). The drops should be less than three feet and randomly spaced to reduce standing waves. These issues all become more important at higher bus speeds. Figure 1: A CAN network. Since the twisted pair is a transmission line, 120 ohm termination resistors are needed at both ends of the backbone. Do not put any resistors at the nodes. Your total resistance value as measured between the two twisted wires will be 60 ohms. CAN is a broadcast system. Any node can “broadcast” a message using a CAN frame on a bus that is in idle mode. Every node will see this message. A “message” can be considered the same as a CAN frame until you need to use more than one frame to send a long message. It is up to the individual node if it must react to a CAN frame or just ignore it. Figure 2: Schematic diagram from the Keil MCBSTM32E evaluation board. A node schematic Figure 2 shows the schematic diagram from the Keil MCBSTM32E™ evaluation board. IC1 is a Texas Instruments CAN transceiver that performs the conversion between the single-ended CAN controller CAN Tx and CAN Rx signals to the bidirectional differential pair of the CAN bus called CANH and CANL (High and Low). This schematic is complete. The STM32 CAN I/O is TTL, CMOS and 5 V tolerant, making it exceptionally easy to design the interface. This transceiver IC1 connects to the STM32 microprocessor IC2, which contains an integral CAN controller via two pins: D (Driver input) and R (Receiver output). The corresponding nomenclature on the STM32 is CAN Rx and CAN Tx. CAN Tx connects to D. CAN Rx connects to R. Some processors have multiple CAN controllers. These are usually used in routers, gateways or to create more receiver FIFO memory for intentionally slowed down CPUs (for EMI reasons). For general use, a node normally needs only one controller. If it had at least two, it could talk to itself. The Hi-Speed CAN physical layer is a pair of twisted wires with a 120 ohm termination resistor at each end and twisted wire drops to the individual CAN nodes. A node can be directly connected to the bus. CAN Hi voltage, with respect to ground, changes between 2.5 to 4 volts nominal. CAN Lo changes from 2.5 to 1 volt. Therefore, the difference between the two is either 0 volts (is logical “1”) or 3 volts (logical “0”). 0 is known as the “dominant” state and 3 volts is the “recessive” state. These two signals, CAN Hi and CAN Lo, are 180 degrees out of phase. Bus idle is when the voltage difference is zero. The CAN frame The CAN frame has many fields but can be simplified to a Programming Model as shown in Figure 3. These fields must be written by software or read from the CAN controller registers. The CAN configuration registers are not included. RS on IC1 (slope control) is used to adjust the rise and fall times of the output edges to limit EMI from the twisted pair. Note R4 is a 120 ohm termination resistor. This evaluation board is meant to be used with one other board as a small test network. If this board is used as a node, and is not at one of the ends, this resistor should be removed and external resistors used. P17 corresponds to a generally accepted standard for CAN on DB9 connectors. P17 Pin 7 is the CAN Hi bus line and pin 6 is CAN Lo. If CAN Hi and CAN Lo are reversed, the network will not operate properly. It might not work at all. There are three physical layers used in CAN: Hi-Speed, Fault Tolerant and Single Wire. Hi-Speed is the most common and is the one we will use in this article. Fault Tolerant offers more robustness as its name implies and is used more often in European autos. Single Wire is used by General Motors as a low-speed body network along with Hi-Speed main network. Figure 3: CAN Frame Programming Model. • IDE: Identifier Extension: 1-bit - specifies if the ID field is 11 or 29 bits. If IDE = 0, then the ID is 11 bits. If IDE = 1, then the ID is 29 bits. Hi-Speed in cars has a speed of 500 Kbps, trucks are 250 kbps. CANopen runs up to 1 Mbps. Fault Tolerant is usually 125 kbps, and GM Single Wire is normally 33.33 kbps. One Mbps in a large system is difficult to handle. 500 kbps is easier. • DLC: Data Length Code: 4 bits - specifies number of data bytes in frame from 0 through 8. To change from one to the other requires only the transceiver chip to be exchanged and probably changing the speed. These three layers cannot be physically connected to each other as the voltage levels are different. Use a router or gateway to join different CAN networks together. Any CAN controller will properly service all three layers of CAN. • Data Bytes: 0 through 8 bytes. A CAN frame with only an ID field and no data bytes is valid and useful. • ID: Identifier: 11 or 29 bits as set by IDE. This part of the CAN frame sets the priority. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 49 ID: Identifier: 11 or 29 bits The Identifier can be used for any purpose. It is often used as a node address or to identify requests and responses. CAN does not specify what the ID should be.11-bit is sometimes called Standard CAN and 29-bit is called Extended CAN. 1. If two or more CAN messages are put on the bus at the same time; the one with the highest priority (the lowest value) ID will immediately get through. The others will be delayed and will be resent as soon as possible. 2. An ID of 0 has the highest priority and will always get through. An 11-bit ID has priority over any 29-bit ID. 3. The ID size can be changed at any time for a mix of 11- and 29-bit IDs. The controller can easily sort this out. 4. Messages tend to start transmitting at the same time. It is not permissible for a CAN node to start transmitting if another is already transmitting. This will cause a bus error. 5. Note that a CAN controller can be configured to pass only certain messages to its host processor. Choose ID values carefully to take advantage of this, if needed. This can take a large work load off of a node’s processor. 6. Use the ID for data, node addressing, commands and request/ response sequences. Commercial protocols use these in practice. Choose any method or create your own to best suit your purpose. 7. Make sure two nodes will never send the same ID value at the same time. It is illegal but possible to do this. If two messages sent at the same time are identical, they will be seen as one. If the data bytes are different, this will result in a bus error and the frames will be resent continuously, creating havoc on the bus until bus-off occurs. Data bytes Select from zero to eight data bytes using the 4-bit DLC field. 1. Any number of data bytes can be mixed on the CAN bus. The controller can easily sort this out. 2. By always using only one number of data bytes, software will be much simpler to write and maintain. Bus loading Many CAN networks work on a bus loading from 15 to 35 percent and this is increasing. A higher bus loading can cause lower priority messages to be delayed, but these messages will still get through in a timely fashion. It is quite difficult to achieve 100 percent bus loading although one can come quite close. Overall system performance does not drop greatly at high bus loading. It is possible to get very high bus loads for a very short period of time in any CAN network. CAN does not automatically space out messages. It is possible to get a series of back-to-back messages that will equal nearly 100 percent bus loading. One solution is to select only those messages needed by a node by programming its acceptance filter. Another is to have your software space out the messages. This problem is difficult to diagnose. Bus speed Bus speed in a system is a balancing act between things such as propagation delays (from bus length) and EMI emissions versus necessary data throughput. Run the network as fast as possible for stable operation and with enough throughput. Do not run it faster than necessary, but make some room for later expansion. If the network is not stable, make sure there are two good termination resistors at each end of the network. Try slowing the CAN speed down to see if this helps. Resistors can be ordinary 120 ohm 1/2 watt carbon type. This is not critical. TIP: How to determine the frequency of a CAN signal: (This is the best and sometimes only way to determine this.) 1. Connect an oscilloscope hot lead to CAN Hi and its ground to CAN Lo. The scope ground must be isolated from the CAN ground. You can go from ground to one of the CAN leads, but the signals will be lower and noisier. 2. Display a trace. A storage scope may be needed to see just one trace due to the non-repetitive nature of CAN. 3. Pick the smallest width signal pulse and measure its time period in seconds as accurately as possible. 4. Invert this value (divide into 1)to obtain the CAN speed in bits per second. 3. The data bytes can contain anything. It will not be prioritized like the ID. CAN does not specify data contents. Bus errors Recall that all the nodes (including the transmitting node) check each CAN frame for errors. If an error is detected, the following occurs: 4. Commercial protocols such as J1939 use these for data as well as control bits for multi-frame transmission schemes. 1. Any or all of the nodes will signify this fact by driving the bus to logical 0 (dominant state) for at least six CAN bits. Remote frames Though not used often, a remote frame is a quick method of getting a response from another node(s). It is a request for data. The requesting node sends out a shortened CAN frame with only a user specified ID number and the number of data bytes it expects to receive (the DLC is set). No data field is sent. The responding node(s) sees this ID and DLC, recognizes that it has the desired information and sends back a standard CAN frame with the same ID, DLC and with its data bytes attached. All of this (except that the response node recognizes the ID and DLC) is implemented in the CAN controller hardware. Everything else must be configured by the user software. 2. This violates the Bit Stuffing rule (never greater than 5 bits the same polarity), so every node sees this as an error. 50 3. This so called “Error Frame” signals to all nodes a serious error has occurred. 4. The transmitting bus abandons the current frame and adds four to its 8-bit TEC (Transmit Error counter) register. 5. If this TEC equals 0xFF, the transmitting node goes BUS OFF and takes itself off the bus (it is zero at RESET). 6. If not, it attempts to retransmit its message. It will still have to go through the priority process with other messages. 7. All other nodes also abandon reading the current frame, and adds four to each REC (Receive Error Counter) register. 8. Any nodes that have messages queued up for transmission will transmit now. All others start listening to the bus. 9. Hopefully, this time the message(s) will be broadcast and received error free. Each time a frame is transmitted and/or received successfully, the corresponding TEC and REC registers are decremented (usually by only one). TIP: Error counters? These are two 8-bit registers in every CAN controller and you can read these with your software. This is a good idea because it gives some indication of general bus health and stability. In a good CAN network, TEC and REC will equal zero. If it starts having higher values, something has happened to your network. The usual suspect is bad hardware. The problem is usually in either the wires or the transceiver chip. Don’t forget that if something happens to the integrity of the twisted pair, such as CAN Lo disconnected; it might still work but with greatly reduced noise immunity (that is what differential signals do best). If the network is in a very noisy environment, there might be a lot more transient bus errors. This is very tricky to debug without knowledge of the REC and TEC register contents. Put this in the software and report it to the diagnostic routines. In a general sense, TEC represents a given node’s errors and REC indicates the other nodes’ errors. Bus off: As mentioned, if a transmitting node detects it has put too many bad frames on the bus, it will disconnect itself. It will assume that there is something very wrong with itself. To get back on the bus depends on how the controller is configured. It can take a controller RESET or a certain number of good frames received or what is configured to get back on. TIP: How can you create a Bus Error for testing? Have a node send a message at the wrong frequency. When this frame tries to get on the bus, this is certain to create a bus error condition. Some CAN controllers can send a one-shot frame. BUS faults This is different from a bus error. We normally think of a bus fault as something that has happened to the “wires” or the output transistors of the transceiver chip. Not all bus faults will result in a bus error. A bus error can be thought of as the CAN controllers’ reaction to a problem on the bus such as noise, faulty node that includes a bus fault. What happens if one of the twisted pair opens or is shorted out? CAN has an automatic mechanism for this. Not all transceiver chips implement all of them. You can usually short CAN Lo to ground (ISO 11898 says CAN short Hi also) or open one CAN line. The ground needs to be connected for these to function. You cannot short both Hi and Lo together (Fault Tolerant will work) or open both up. You can cut the ground or have a large ground loop present and CAN will still work. These will be detected as a bus error as described above. At least one node must try to transmit a frame in a bus fault condition to trigger a bus error. A bus in idle mode cannot trigger a bus error. When the bus fault is removed, in many systems the network will come back alive, if so configured. CAN has excellent noise immunity because of the twisted pair. The common mode noise gets cancelled out and the CAN signal is not affected (because it is 180 degrees out of phase). The ground: The ground is not needed for CAN operation if the twisted pair is intact. This is readily shown with simple experiments. One experiment showed a small network still worked properly with two nodes having a 40 volts DC ground difference. However, it is a good idea to include a good ground in the system design. Some bus faults need the ground to allow the transceiver to compensate. Here are some bonus items that are not part of the CAN specification that might prove helpful in your system: 1) Transmitting data sets greater than 8 bytes: Clearly, transmitting a data set greater than 8 bytes will take multiple frames and this will require some planning. Such schemes can become very complicated as they have to deal with a wide-ranging set of contingencies. By focusing on a narrow requirement set, design of a simpler protocol is possible. Most current schemes use the first data byte to contain the number of total data bytes to follow plus a counter to help determine which data byte is which. The ID usually identifies the node plus whether it is a request or response message. To use an existing protocol, see ISO 15765. This is what automobiles use. This includes OBDII diagnostics which is public information. This is a good example where one message can be comprised of many CAN frames. 2) Periodic, Request/Response and Command Frames: Periodic: This technique sends a frame out periodically – several times a second is typical. This frame will contain data that any node can use and is identified by its ID. Examples are speed, position, pressure and events. Request/Response: A node sends out a frame requesting certain specified information. Any other nodes that have the requested information then put it on the bus. The ID identifies the Request frame and the Response by changing one bit of the Request ID. ID 0x248 is a Request frame and 0x648 is its Response. The Request frame data bytes will specify what information is requested. The Response frame will contain the requested information or an error message. Command: A frame commanding some event is performed. The ID usually contains the address of the commanded node and the data bytes the actual command(s). Sometimes an acknowledge frame is returned. TIP: Consider a blend of these three types of traffic depending on your system’s needs. 3) Time-outs: Automotive CAN networks use time-outs. This concept is easily and effectively transferred to systems in other fields. A time-out occurs when a node fails to respond to a request in a timely fashion. Timeouts are handled completely by software. The CAN specification does not provide this mechanism. A time-out is helpful to recover from problems with the network such as severe bus errors, catastrophic bus faults, faulty nodes or intermittent connections. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 51 The result is usually a limp-home mode in which a node will attempt to run itself without information from the rest of the network. In some cases, a punitive limp-home mode is entered that forces the user to perform repairs. A good example is if the transmission fails and proper shifting becomes impossible. In this case, the module will go into limp-home mode and the transmission might be put into one gear, such as second, to allow the vehicle to still be driven. This can be for safety reasons or to prevent further damage to the power train. Heart-beats and Address Claiming: The other side to a time-out is a heartbeat. Periodic messages can be sent out to determine that all nodes are on the bus and active. CANopen uses such heartbeats. J1939 has a software mechanism in which each node can declare itself to be on the bus and be recognized by the other nodes. This is called “Address Claiming” and occurs during the system startup. These mechanisms are provided by your software. Sequence of transmitting data on the CAN bus: 1. Any node(s), seeing the bus idle for the required minimum time, can start sending a CAN frame. 2. All other nodes start receiving it except those also starting to transmit a message. (They all start at the same time.) 3. If any other node starts transmitting, the priority process starts. The node with the highest priority continues on and those with a lesser priority stop sending, immediately turn into a receiver and receive the higher priority message. 4. At this point, only one node is transmitting a message and no other nodes will start at this time. 5. When the transmitting node has completed sending its message, it waits one bit time for the 1-bit ACK field to be pulled to a logic 0 by any other node (or usually all of them) to signify the frame was received without errors. 6. If this happens, the transmitting node assumes the message reached its recipient, sends the end-of-frame bits and goes into receive mode or starts to send its next message if it has one. The receiving nodes pass the received message to their host processors for processing unless the acceptance filtering prevents this action. of sending all frame bits. Until the controller signals otherwise to the processor, you can assume the message was sent. • What if there is an error? All nodes, including the transmitting node, monitor the bus for any errors. If an error condition is detected, a node (or nodes) signify to the other nodes there is an error by holding the bus at logical 0 for at least 6 bus cycles. At this point, all nodes take appropriate action. The message being sent (and now aborted) will be resent but only a certain number of times. • What if no node wants or uses the message? Nothing. The ACK bit only says that the CAN frame was transmitted without errors and at least one node saw this frame error free. Remember the transmitting frame cannot ACK itself. CAN does not provide any acknowledgment mechanism that a frame was used or not received by its intended recipient. If needed, you will have to provide this in your software as many systems do. TIP: In a periodic system, if a node misses a message, it does not matter much as another copy will be along shortly. Sequence of receiving data from the CAN bus: 1. All nodes except those currently transmitting frames are in listening mode. 2. A CAN frame is sent using the procedure as described previously in “Sequence of Transmitting data on the CAN Bus.” 3. This frame is received by all listening nodes. If deemed to be a valid CAN message with no errors, the ACK bit is set. In CAN terminology, the bus is set to the “dominant” state as opposed to the “recessive” state. 4. The frame is sent through the controller’s acceptance filter mechanism. If this frame is rejected, it is discarded. If accepted, it is sent to the controller FIFO memory. If the FIFO is full, the oldest frame is lost. 5. The host processor is alerted when a valid frame is ready to be read from the FIFO. This is done either by an interrupt or a bit set in a controller register. This frame must be read as soon as possible. 6. The host processor decides what to do with this message as determined by your software. 8. If this does not happen (ACK bit not set), then the transmitting node retransmits the message at the earliest time allowed. If the ACK bit is never set, the transmitting node will send this message forever. Receiving notes: • is available. Polling is where the host processor “polls” or continuously tests the bit mentioned in sequence 5. Polling runs the risk of losing or “dropping” a frame but is sometimes easier to implement and debug. Interrupts cause the processor to jump to an interrupt handler in which the frame is read from the controller. Using interrupts is the recommended method. Transmitting notes: • How does a node know when it should transmit a message? Create the CAN frame you want to send by loading up the IDE, ID, DLC. Any data byte registers in the CAN controller and then, in most controllers, you set a bit that triggers sending the frame as soon as legally possible. After this, the controller takes care • What happens if a message is “dropped?” This can cause some problems as CAN itself does not have a mechanism for acknowledging a CAN frame. If desired, this must be added to your software. In the case of Periodic Messages, it doesn’t normally matter as a replacement message will be along shortly. 7. At this time, any node can start sending any messages or the bus goes into the idle state. Go to 1. 52 • How fast do I have to read the FIFO to not drop messages? Bit stuffing CAN controllers and their errata sheets Conclusion Test tools CAN demonstration software ® www.digikey.com/microcontroller 53 STMicroelectronics CAN controller for Cortex-M3 processors Shown is a block diagram of the CAN controller. Here are the main points of all CAN controllers: Keil example CAN program 1. Start μVision by clicking on its icon on your Desktop. 1. I/O Pins: These connect to the CAN transceiver chip pins R and D as previously described. 2. Select Project/Open Project. Open the file C:\Keil\ARM\Boards\ Keil\MCBSTM32\CAN\CAN.Uv2. 2. Parallel-Serial Converters: CAN is a serial bus while the processor is parallel. Conversion happens here. 3. Make sure “Simulator” is selected in the Target window. 3. Tx mailbox: The messages to be transmitted are written here. ID, data (if any) and the DLC go here. 4. Acceptance Filter: This passes only specified messages to the processor via the FIFOs. By default at RESET, these filters pass all messages to the FIFOs. Your software must configure them to filter messages. 5. FIFO 0 & 1: Each Receive FIFO can hold three CAN messages. They provide a buffering system to the processor. 6. Control, Status, Configuration registers: Your software must configure these registers, usually at initialization. Various flags and switches are found here. Examples are set CAN speed, request transmission, manage receive messages, enable interrupts and obtain diagnostic information. Keil provides examples on how to set and use these registers. All CAN controllers have the same basic architecture. Different controllers will have differences in the number of receive FIFO buffers, transmit buffers, size of acceptance filters and the bit mapping, addresses and definitions of the various configuration registers. All CAN controllers are licensed by Robert Bosch GmbH in Germany and therefore they are able to exert considerable control over basic CAN attributes to make them consistent with various manufacturers. This means that all CAN controllers can communicate with other brands in a reliable and predictable manner. 4. There is a typo in a source file. In the file CanDemo.c, go to line 126. It will probably be: delay (45000000); // Wait for initial display (~5s) This delay will be too long. Please change this to a lower value. 45000 works well. 5. Compile the source files by clicking on the Build icon. They will compile with no errors or warnings. 6. Click on the Options for Target icon. Then, select the Debug tab and confirm “Use Simulator” is checked. 7. Enter the Debug mode by clicking on the debug icon. Select OK when the Evaluation Mode box appears. 8. Position the Toolbox, CAN: Communication and CAN: Controller windows as appropriate. 9. Click on the RUN icon. Note: Stop the program with the STOP icon. 10. Note CAN messages with an ID of 0x21 will appear in the CAN: Communications window. You can see both the transmit and receive frames. The CAN controller is in a special Test Mode that allows it to see its own messages. 11. In the Toolbox window, click on the “Analog Sweep 0…3.3 V” button. 12. Changing data values representing output from the A/D convertor will now appear in the CAN messages. The Keil CAN demonstration software: How it works… Keil provides a working CAN example with their development tools. You have already compiled and run this example. You can view and edit the C source files whether in debug mode or not, but to compile them you must not be in debug mode. This example uses almost no assembly code as it is (nearly) entirely written in C. Any source file can be opened in μVision, if not already visible, by clicking on File/ Open and selecting it. There are three source files we will look at: Can.h: This file defines a structure to contain the information used to construct the CAN frame and create two instances of it. Can.c: This C code initializes the CAN controller, writes and transmits a message, receives a message, configures the Acceptance Filters and provides the transmit and receive interrupt handlers. Figure 4: STMicroelectronics CAN controller for Cortex-M3 processors. 54 CanDemo.c: The main function is located in this file. CanDemo.c is the heart of the demonstration program and calls the functions in Can.C. 1) Can.h The CAN structure CAN_Msg: (lines 23-29, 42 & 43) The structure declaration in Can.h is shown. You should now be able to recognize each of these elements. You can enter either an 11- or 29-bit identifier. Two instances of CAN.msg are invoked and are shown below: CAN_TxMsg and CAN_RxMsg. CanDemo.c writes to these to create the CAN messages with data. The prototypes for functions used in Can.c are listed in Can.h in lines 32 to 40. These are visible in μVision. 23 typedef struct { 24 unsigned int id; // 25 unsigned char data[8]; // 26 unsigned char len; // 27 unsigned char format; // IDENTIFIER 28 unsigned char type; // 29 } CAN_msg; 29 bit identifier Data field Length of data field in bytes 0 - STANDARD, 1- EXTENDED 0 - DATA FRAME, 1 - REMOTE FRAME 42 extern CAN_msg CAN_TxMsg; // CAN message for sending 43 extern CAN_msg CAN_RxMsg; // CAN message for receiving 2) Can.c Configuring the CAN controller (Can.C) There are several things that must be done to properly configure the CAN controller. These are done in Can.C by functions that are called by CanDemo.c. Examples are found in the function CAN_setup as shown in μVision: 1. Enable and set the clock for the CAN controller. The clock must be stable for CAN. No R-C oscillators here. 2. Configure GPIO ports PB8 and PB9 for the transmit and receive lines to the transceiver chip. 3. Enable the interrupts for the transmit and receive functions. 4. Set CAN_BTR: This is a 32 CAN controller register in which things such as bit timing, bus frequency, sample point and silent and loop back modes are set. In the Keil example, the baud rate is set to 500 Kbps. All CAN controllers on a network should have consistent BTR values for stable operation. Sometimes timing settings can cause strange problems. If you experience some unusual problems, you might want to study CAN timing in greater detail. For small systems, the default settings or those suggested by the processor manufacturer will work satisfactorily. You can adjust these settings for the most robust bus performance. All CAN controllers have the same general settings for bit timing because of the licensing agreements with Robert Bosch GmbH. For a detailed explanation of CAN bit timing, see www.port.de/pdf/ CAN_Bit_Timing.pdf, and for the calculations, see page 505 of the ST Reference Manual RM0008. Other functions in Can.c • CAN_start: Starts the CAN controller by ending the initialization sequence. • CAN_waitReady: Waits until transmit mailbox is ready – then can add another message to be transmitted. • CAN_wrMsg: Writes a message to the CAN controller and transmit it. • CAN_rdMsg: Reads a message from the CAN controller and releases it to be sent to the STM32 processor. • CAN_wrFilter: Configures the acceptance filter. This is not discussed in this article. • USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler: The transmit interrupt handler. • USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler: The receive interrupt handler. These functions are called by CanDemo.c and in the main function. 3) CanDemo.c This contains the main function and contains the example program that reads the voltage on the A/D converter and sends its value as a CAN data byte with an 11-bit ID of 0x21. CanDemo.c contains functions to configure and read the A/D converter, display the A/D values on the LCD and call the functions that initialize the CAN controller. Transmitting a CAN Message: Lines 131 to 135 put the frame values into the structure CAN_TxMsg. (Except for the data byte from the A/D converter.) 131 CAN_TxMsg.id = 33; // initialise message to send 132 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) CAN_TxMsg.data[i] = 0; 133 CAN_TxMsg.len = 1; 134 CAN_TxMsg.format = STANDARD_FORMAT; 135 CAN_TxMsg.type = DATA_FRAME; This CAN message will send one data byte. For example, if you change the value in the member CAN_TxMsg.len to “3,” three data bytes will be sent on the bus. What data will be in them depends on the contents of the array CAN_TxMsg.data. If you send more data bytes than you have data, it is a good idea to fill the empty data bytes with either 0 or 0xFF. 141 CAN_TxMsg.data[0]= adc_Get ();// data[0] field = ADC value 142 CAN_wrMsg (&CAN_TxMsg); // transmit message 143 val_Tx= CAN_TxMsg.data[0]; // send to LCD screen Line 141 puts the A/D value into the data member CAN_TxMsg.data in data byte 0 and line 142 transmits it. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 55 Receiving a CAN Message: Lines 148 to 151 indicate when a CAN message is received, but something more must be going on here. Line 151 shows that the data byte received and inserted in the array[0] is sent to be displayed on the LCD. How exactly does the CAN data byte get into the member array CAN_RxMsg.data[0]? If you right click on line 210 and select Show Source at Current Line, this will be displayed in the source file. 148 if (CAN_RxRdy) { 149 CAN_RxRdy = 0; 151 val_Rx = CAN_RxMsg.data[0]; It was stated earlier in this article that the function to read the CAN data was located in Can.c. If we look in Can.c, we find the function CAN_rdMsg at lines 130 to 159. Examining it, clearly it is here that the array[0] is loaded at line 148. How does this function get called? It is not called from CanDemo.c. If we set a breakpoint on Can.c line 132 (the first assembly instruction of the function CAN_rdMsg) by double-clicking on the left side of Line 132, we can check the Call Stack window to see from where it was called. This is shown in the screen shot below. This would indicate line 148 in the main function called CAN_rdMsg. Examining the assembly code at line 148 shows this cannot be true. We can use the Trace function of μVision that is available in Simulator mode to figure out how CAN_rdMsg is called. Figure 6: Trace Window showing source code behind current instruction. If you have more than one CAN controller in your processor, you can operate these as parallel receivers. Divide the messages with the Acceptance Filters. This will help capture all the messages on a very busy bus without losing any. Each CAN controller will handle its share of the messages. This effectively multiplies the number of FIFO buffer memories and is an excellent method of getting all the CAN frames. Exception, PC and data tracing The ST Cortex-M3 processor possesses significant debugging capabilities. These features are grouped under the Serial Wire Viewer and are supported by Keil μVision and the USB-JTAG adapter ULINK2 and ULINK-ME. Recall that Can.c contains two interrupt handlers: for transmit and receive. These can be displayed in real-time (no CPU cycles are stolen) in the Trace Records window as shown below. This works only with a real target Cortex-M3 connected to μVision with a ULINK2 or ULINLK-ME USB to JTAG adapter. The Serial Wire Viewer can be used to display PC samples, data read and write cycles, exceptions and other events. The ITM is a print type instrumentation output. To show our example using the Serial Wire Viewer and a STM32 chip: 1. Connect an STM32 processor to μVision and run the same CAN program using the ULINK Cortex debugger. Figure 5: CAN Call Stack window. 1. Click on Enable Trace Recording icon. 2. Run the program to the breakpoint set previously at line 132. 3. Click on View Trace Records. View the Disassembly window that opens up as shown in next window. The yellow arrow points to the start of the function CAN_rdMsg. The arrow represents the program counter. The grey area shows a recording of the instructions that were executed. The white area displays unexecuted instructions. 2. Activate the Serial Wire Viewer as described in the appendix of www.keil.com/download/files/labst.pdf. 3. Configure the Logic Analyzer to display CAN_RxMsg.data[0]. This will also display it in the Trace Records. 4. Set a breakpoint at the instruction at line 148in Can.c. This is the first instruction after the write to the array CAN_RxMsg. data[0]. This is needed because the instruction the breakpoint is set on is not executed. We want to see and record this write, so we must execute this source line. 5. Run the program to the breakpoint. The resulting Exception Trace window is displayed in Figure 7. Just before line 132 is the source line 213: that calls CAN_rdMsg. This is actually the assembly instruction at addresses 0x8000A10 BL.W CAN_rdMsg. Reading higher to 210, we can see this source line comes from the function USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler, which is the Receive Interrupt Handler in Can.c. So, this interrupt handler called the function that reads the CAN frame from the CAN controller and inserts it into the structure. Figure 7: Exception Trace window. 56 Two IRQ events are shown. Note an IRQ is a subset of Exceptions. Referring to the ST RM0008 reference manual, IRQ 19 is the CAN Transmit IRQ and IRQ 20 is the Receive IRQ. The Trace Records window will also be displayed (Figure 8). Figure 8: Trace Records window. We can see the following lines: • 3rd and 4th Line: Exception Entry and Exit: 35: This is the transmit IRQ. Translate the 35 into IRQ19 in the Exception Trace window (Figure 6). • 5th Line: Exception Entry: 36: This is the entry of the receive IRQ 20 – this is the Receive IRQ Handler. • 6th Line: Data Write: The value 0x8F is written to address 0c2000004C by the instruction at 0x8004910. You can confirm that these values represent an assembly instruction that is part of source line 148 and that the address written to is CAN_RxMsg.data[0]. That finishes a partial demonstration of the Serial Wire Viewer trace feature of the Cortex-M3 processor. Visit www.keil.com for more information concerning the Serial Wire Viewer interface in Cortex-M3 processors. An example CAN network Figure 9 shows a real two-node CAN network using Keil MCBSTM32 (right) and the MCBSTM32E evaluation boards using the same example code discussed in this article. The Tx of one node is transmitted to the Rx of the other node and this is clearly seen on the LCDs. How can I learn more about these CAN examples? With a hardware board, you can generate and receive real CAN messages and connect to other nodes or a CAN test analyzer. The lab for the Keil MCBSTM32™ board has instructions on how to do this. This document has some interesting CAN examples. For instance, you can use the Cortex-M3 Serial Wire Viewer to see the CAN messages and interrupts displayed in real-time. You can compile these examples with the evaluation version of the software. Please see www.keil.com/ download/files/labst.pdf. STMicroelectronics supplies a complete software library for all their peripherals in the STM32 family using the Cortex-M3 processor. This includes CAN support. Search www.st.com/stm32 for STM32F10xFWLib. A zip file, UM0427.zip, and an application note, UM0427.pdf, are available. Keil μVision project and source files are included. There is no charge for these libraries. Keil uses portions of these libraries in their own examples programs. These are identified by the letters STLIB in the Keil μVision project filename. Keil makes NXP evaluation boards with CAN examples. Luminary Micro also offers some with CAN controllers that are supported by Keil examples. You now know how CAN works and are familiar with the Keil software and will have no problem getting a real CAN system operating. You have already run an accurate simulation of a CAN network. If you obtain real target hardware, such as the MCBSTM32, you can also connect up to any CAN network and communicate with it. Keil offers a complete CAN stack for all ARM7™, ARM9™ and Cortex-M3/M1 processors. This comes as part of RL-ARM™. (Please visit www.keil.com/rl-arm/ for more information.) This comprehensive package contains the RTX™ RTOS source (the actual RTOS is already included free with the MDK toolset), USB, TCP/IP networking and the CAN interface. Note the twisted differential pair of wires CAN Hi and CAN Lo. Note that no ground wire is used in this small network. This setup is part of the Keil lab available for the STM32: www.keil.com/download/files/labst.pdf. Full details are in the lab. MCBSTM32E Evaluation Board (MCBSTM32EXL-ND) The Keil MCBSTM32E Evaluation Board introduces you to the STMicroelectronics Cortex-M3 family of ARM devices and allows you to create and test working programs for this advanced architecture. Featuring a QVGA LCD display plus a wide range of interfaces such as USB, CAN, MicroSD Card and UART, the MCBSTM32E is a great starting point for your Cortex-M3 project. Figure 9: A two node CAN network using Keil MCBSTM32 and the MCBSTM32E evaluation boards. www.devtoolsxpress.com www.digikey.com/microcontroller 57 Power Debugging ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Applications by Lotta Frimanson and Anders Lundgren, IAR Systems Your application is now working properly, but you’re still over your power budget. This article shows you how to debug that problem, too. Power debugging is a recent innovation that provides software developers with information about how the software implementation in an embedded system affects system-level power consumption. By coupling source code to power consumption, testing and tuning for power optimization is enabled. Long battery lifetime is a very important factor for many embedded systems in almost any market segment--medical, consumer electronics, home automation, and many more. Power consumption has traditionally been a design goal that only the hardware developers have been able to influence. But in an active system, power consumption depends not only on the design of the hardware but also how it is used, which in turn is controlled by the system software. The technology for power debugging is based on the ability to sample power consumption and correlate each sample with the program’s instruction sequence and hence with the source code. One difficulty is achieving high precision sampling. It would be ideal to be able to sample power consumption with the same frequency the system clock uses, but power system capacitances reduce the reliability of such measurements. Usually this is not a problem since from the software developer’s perspective, it is more interesting to correlate the power consumption with the source code and various events in the program execution rather than with individual instructions, so the resolution needed is much lower than one sample per instruction. Typically within the debug probe, a resistor is connected in series with the supply to the development board. The voltage drop across this resistor is measured, fed to a differential amplifier and then sampled by an A/D converter. Figure 1: The debug module on Cortex-M3/M4. Less accurate but still giving good correlation is to use the PC (Program Counter) sampling facility available in the ARM Cortex-M3/M4 cores (Figure 1). The DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) module implements the PC sampler; it samples the PC periodically around 10,000 times per second and triggers an ITM (Instrumentation Trace Macrocell) packet for each sample taken. The ITM is the formatter for events originating from the DWT. It packetizes the events and timestamps them. The debug probe (J-Link Ultra) samples the power consumption of the device using an A/D converter. By time stamping the sampled power values and the PC samples, the debugger is able to present power data on the same time axis as graphs like the interrupt log and variable plots as well as to correlate power data with the source code. As stated before, power debugging is based on the ability to sample the power consumption and correlate each sample with the source code. For example, in IAR Embedded Workbench the power samples can be displayed in different formats. The Power Log window (Figure 2) is a log of all collected power samples. This window can be useful to find peaks in the power sampling, and since the power samples are correlated with the executed code it is possible to double-click on a value in the Power Log window and get to the corresponding code. The key to accurate power debugging is a good correlation between the instruction trace and the power samples. The best correlation can be achieved if a complete instruction trace is available, as is the case for ARM MCUs with ETM (Embedded Trace Macrocell) support. The drawback with using ETM is that it requires a special debug probe and ETM support in the device itself. Figure 2: Power Log window. 58 Even though system performance might be good, more optimizations can still be made in the power domain. Power debugging will make it easier to discover the extraordinary increase in power consumption that occurs when an interrupt hits and identifies it as abnormal. A closer examination of the Timeline window could have shown that unused peripheral devices were activated and consuming power for a longer period than necessary. Figure 3: Timeline window. Another way of viewing the power samples is via the Timeline window (Figure 3). In the Timeline window, the power samples are displayed on a time scale together with the call stack and up to four application variables that you can select. Power profiling On a Cortex-M3 device the debugger can utilize the PC sampling possibility in the DWT module. This allows the debugger to sample the PC and provide statistical profiling. The profiler finds the function that correlates with the sampled PC value and builds an internal database of how often the functions are executed to generate function profiling information. The profiling information for each function in an application will be displayed in a debugger while the application is running. Low-power mode diagnostics Many embedded applications spend most of their time waiting for something to happen: receiving data on a serial port, watching an I/O pin change state, or waiting for a time delay to expire. If the processor is still running at full speed when it is idle, battery life is being consumed while very little is being accomplished. So in many applications, the microprocessor is only active during a very small amount of the total time and by placing it in a low-power mode during the idle time the battery life can be extended by orders of magnitude. One approach is to have a task-oriented design and to use an RTOS; in a task-oriented design a task can be defined with the lowest priority and it will only run when there is no other task that needs to run. This idle task is the perfect place to implement power management. In practice every time the idle task is activated it puts the processor into a low-power mode. Many microprocessors and other silicon devices have a number of different low-power modes in which different parts of the processor can be turned off when they are not needed. The oscillator can, for example, be turned off or switched to a lower frequency; peripheral units and timers can be turned off; and the CPU then stops executing instructions. The different low-power modes have different power consumption rates based on which peripherals are left on. Interrupt handling In an event-driven system, for example, when the system is activated the power consumption increases as the MCU comes into active mode along with any peripheral devices. Once execution is suspended by an interrupt with a higher priority, any peripheral devices that were already active are not turned off, even though the thread with the higher priority is not using them. Instead more peripheral devices may be activated by the new thread, further pushing up consumption. DMA versus polled I/O DMA has traditionally been used to increase transfer speed. In the MCU world chip vendors have invented a plethora of DMA techniques to increase flexibility and speed and to lower power consumption. In some architectures the CPU can even be put into sleep mode during the DMA transfer. Power debugging allows the developer to experiment and see directly in the debugger what effects these DMA techniques will have compared to a traditional CPU-driven polled approach. Finding conflicting hardware setups To avoid floating inputs it is a common design practice to tie unused MCU I/O pins to ground. If the software by mistake configures one of the grounded I/O pins as a logical ‘1’ output, a current as high as 25 mA may be drained on that pin. This high unexpected current is easily observed by reading the current value from the power graph; it is also possible to find the corresponding erratic initialization code by looking at the power graph at application startup. A similar situation will arise if an I/O pin is designed to be an input and is driven by an external circuit, but the software incorrectly configures the input pin as output. Waiting for device status One common mistake that could cause unnecessary power to be consumed is to use a poll loop to wait for a status change of, for example, a peripheral device. While code constructions execute without interruption until the status value changes into the expected state. Another related code construction is the implementation of a software delay as a for or while loop. In both of these situations the code could be changed to minimize the power consumption. Time delays are better implemented by using a hardware timer. The timer interrupt is set up and after that the CPU goes into a low-power mode until it is awakened by the interrupt. Also a polling of a device status change should be solved with interrupts if possible or by using a timer interrupt so that the CPU can sleep between the polls. Depending on the characteristics of the embedded system it could be difficult to find these situations using power debugging. One way forward is to use the different power debugging windows to get to know the power profile of the application so that abnormal behavior can more easily be identified. Finally, power debugging allows the developer to verify the power consumption as a factor of the clock frequency. A system that spends very little time in sleep mode at 50 MHz is expected to spend 50 percent of the time in sleep mode when running at 100 MHz. The power data in the debugger will allow the developer to verify expected behavior and if nonlinear dependency on the clock frequency exists, to choose the operating frequency that gives the lowest power consumption. Power consumption in a CMOS MCU is theoretically given by the formula: 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 = 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 ∗ 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈2 ∗ 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 where f is the clock frequency, U is the supply voltage and k is a constant. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 59 Analog interference Mixing analog and digital circuits on the same board has its own challenges. Board layout and routing become important in order to keep the analog noise levels at a low level in order to ensure accurate sampling of low-level analog signals. Doing a good mixed-signal design requires careful hardware considerations and skills. Software design can also affect the quality of the analog measurements. Performing a lot of I/O activity at the same time as sampling analog signals will cause many digital lines to toggle state at the same time – a candidate for introducing extra noise into the A/D converter. Power debugging will help to identify interference from digital and power supply lines affecting the analog parts. Interrupt activity can easily be displayed in the Timeline window together with power data. Be sure to study the power graph right before the A/D converter interrupts. Power spikes in the vicinity of A/D conversions could be the source of noise and must be investigated. All data presented in the timeline window is correlated to the executed code; simply double-clicking on a suspicious power sample will bring up the corresponding C source code. Conclusion Power debugging techniques provide embedded developers the ability to understand the effect of source code on their application’s power consumption. By careful analysis of power “hot spots” and the review of programming methods used, engineers can make significant battery lifetime savings even during the early stages of project development. Figure 4: Power spike due to stepper motor interfering with A/D-sampling. We’re changing how engineers think about design using Cortex-M0™ solutions with: Lowest active power – as low as 130 μA/MHz Superior Code Density – 50% less code for most tasks Higher performance – LPC1100 runs at over 45 DMIPS Smallest size – the LPC1102 has a footprint of 5 mm2 Low-cost toolchain – LPCXpresso for less than $30 Cortex-M0: a simple choice www.digikey.com/nxp-mcu 60 The Heartbeat Behind Portable Medical Devices: Ultra-Low-Power Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers by Shahram Tadayon, Silicon Laboratories Low-power, low-noise, low-cost MCUs are powering the next generation of portable medical devices. The proliferation of sophisticated yet affordable personal medical devices is transforming the health care industry, enabling consumers to monitor vital signs and other key aspects of their health at home and on the go without costly and inconvenient visits to the doctor’s office. According to Gartner, Inc., portable consumer medical devices such as blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, insulin pumps, and heart rate monitors, represent the fastest-growing segment in the medical equipment market. A recent medical semiconductor report by Databeans projects that the home medical device segment will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nine percent over the next five years. The explosive growth of the personal medical device market stems from a variety of factors: a steadily “graying” (aging) population requiring more frequent health monitoring; skyrocketing costs of traditional physician-directed medical care; growing consumer awareness of the benefits of wellness products; widespread availability of personal medical devices, both online and in retail outlets; and the increasing sophistication, ease of use and affordability of consumer health care products enabled by continuing advances in semiconductor technology. While consumer products are generally price sensitive, the consumer portable health market adds other stringent requirements in order for devices to be successful in the market. Above all, they must be highly reliable and accurate in order to detect and help prevent health problems. These requirements are regulated by government entities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. In order to succeed in the increasingly competitive home health care market, portable medical devices should offer the following features: • • • • • • • • Ease of use Highly reliable and safe (government-regulated) operation Easy, secure connectivity Low-power operation (long battery life) Support for a wide range of voltages (especially lower voltages) High measurement accuracy Small form factors Affordable cost To be able to deliver this array of product features to consumers at economical prices, medical device developers must reduce system cost by limiting the number of discrete components within the design. Semiconductor suppliers also are tasked with supplying highly integrated embedded control solutions that enable increased performance and reliability within strict power and cost budgets. At the heart of these portable device designs are highly integrated mixed-signal microcontrollers (MCUs) designed to deliver exceptional processing performance at the lowest supply currents. Ease of use is essential for all portable medical products because it reduces errors in measurement resulting from operator error. Such devices should require minimal user interaction for proper operation, simple user input (for example, fewer buttons and simpler software menus) and large, backlit easy-to-read displays. To support these features, MCUs must provide field-programmable, non-volatile memory storage (typically in-system programmable flash memory), as well as flexible I/O configurations to make the best use of a limited number of pins. While many portable medical devices today simply display health monitoring results and leave the interpretation and logging to end users and their physicians, newer devices feature simple connectivity to log and transmit results automatically. Typically, these more sophisticated products will connect to personal computers or mobile health appliances with software that can track results, or they will securely transmit information wirelessly to medical professionals, caretakers or web-based applications – a practice known as telemedicine. The health care equipment market has adopted an optimized USB device standard, the Personal Health Care Device (PHCD) Class (Figure 1), which leverages the ubiquitous USB interface to enable standardized transmission of data and messages regardless of device manufacturer. Moving forward, wireless transmission of data Figure 1: USB personal healthcare device class supports easy connectivity. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 61 will make connectivity even easier with simple, yet reliable wireless connections for even greater convenience. MCUs will need to provide a variety of integrated connectivity interface methods, such as integrated USB controllers with precision oscillators. with an ADC requires a voltage reference. Such voltage references typically require tens of milliseconds to turn on and stabilize before a measurement can be made. During this time the MCU is on and draining the battery. RF transmitters and transceivers working in concert with MCUs can enable wireless connectivity for telemedicine applications. In addition, wireless MCUs – highly integrated devices that combine a low-power MCU core with a high-performance RF transceiver in the same package – are now widely available. Silicon Labs’ Si10xx wireless MCUs, for example, provide the ultra-low-power operation required by battery-powered portable medical applications, coupled with extended range and exceptional RF sensitivity enabled by an integrated sub-GHz transceiver. Silicon Labs’ ultra-low-power C8051F9xx MCUs (Figure 2) wake up in microseconds like many power-efficient MCUs, but the on-chip voltage reference is designed to also wake within 2 microseconds, allowing accurate ADC measurements to begin quickly. The ADC is also designed to rapidly accumulate many measurements without CPU intervention for improved results while further minimizing time awake. The less time awake, the less current is drawn from the battery while giving good results. Whatever the connectivity method or system architecture used, communication protocol stacks will require more code space in the MCU. As a result, more memory in smaller footprint devices will be in greater demand. While choices in high-performance, low-power MCUs and communications options will be important, all medical devices will need to accurately and consistently measure and some aspect of a person’s health, be it light (for blood oxygen), conductivity (for blood glucose), pressure (for blood pressure), or temperature. In the health care market, there is simply no room for errors in measurement. Mixed-signal MCUs must give superior analog voltage measurement results in the presence of noisy digital processor and communications signals in small spaces. This is one of the most challenging engineering problems faced by semiconductor suppliers, and such specifications will be scrutinized by product engineers, especially when faced with low battery voltages for the IC. Measurements must be low in noise and distortion (good signal-to-noise and distortion ratios) and highly linear. Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) operation must be allowed even when the MCU is in operation; the end user will expect to observe functions during measurement, and it is likely that the MCU will interpret results in real time. Furthermore, all chip features should be permitted even at the lowest battery voltages; what good is the MCU if you cannot make a measurement over the full battery life? In short, MCU suppliers in this market must integrate accurate analog measurements without compromise. The next design challenge for the MCU supplier is the demand for long battery life in the end product. “Portable” generally means that the device is battery powered. Typically, added features result in greater power consumption, but developers will not design a portable medical product that requires end users to use large, heavy batteries or to change them frequently. Figure 2: Fast wake times and short operation intervals will extend battery life. Another important trend in MCU design involves supporting new battery use configurations and technologies (Figure 3). Rechargeable batteries are popular and typically need higher voltage support, so integrated on-chip voltage regulators are mandatory. An emerging trend is to use only one alkaline battery to reduce product size or to save cost when the end user expects the supplier to ship an installed battery. Until recently, this approach required the added cost and space of a discrete DC-DC switching regulator to boost the alkaline battery voltage for proper MCU operation (alkaline batteries have a useful life to 0.9 V). Not only do these switching regulators create a large amount of noise in voltage measurements, they must remain on at all times to allow the MCU to wake from sleep mode, thereby draining power and reducing battery life. Sophisticated low-power MCUs such as Silicon Labs F9xx devices include an integrated DC-DC regulator that addresses these issues. The result is lower noise, less cost, reduced footprint, and better control, allowing the DC-DC regulator to be off while the MCU is in its low-power state, thus extending battery life. Even though this DC-DC regulator is integrated, it should still output the boosted voltage supply externally to the rest of the system for a true low-power, single-battery solution. MCUs must support three parts of a low-power strategy: low-power while in active mode, low-power while in standby mode and reduced time in an active state. The portable device, and thus the MCU, will be in an off or lower power state most of the time; however, it will often maintain some sort of function such as a clock/calendar or alarm when not in use. While active power consumption is important, minimizing the time awake is the key to extending battery life. MCU designers must engineer ways to wake the MCU clock and analog circuits for fast measurements and then allow the MCU to settle back to a low-power state. For example, making a voltage measurement Figure 3: MCUs should support a wide range of voltages supplied by batteries. 62 While MCU suppliers continue to innovate and integrate powerand battery-saving features, the trend toward energy efficiency would not be fully advantageous if the cost and footprint of the MCU grew substantially. The goal is to help the embedded developer deliver a lower cost, smaller end product as well as reduce power consumption. Such solutions must reduce the bill of materials and device size. The best MCUs will deliver plenty of performance, integrated connectivity, memory and superior analog peripherals in the smallest form factors. In other words, semiconductor suppliers must provide increased functional density without compromise. Note the ultra-low-power MCU example in Figure 4 – 64 kB of flash code storage, 4 kB of data RAM, an ADC, and two voltage regulators (LDO and DC-DC boost convertor) within a 4 mm x 4 mm footprint (in some cases even smaller). This compact mixed-signal MCU design allows a complete measurement and interface system on a single chip without sacrificing performance or battery life. Product designers will be careful to choose MCUs like this with the right set of peripherals to obtain the optimal cost/performance benefit. Embedded developers and product managers are under continuous pressure to push the envelope of reduced cost, size, power consumption, and increased performance in their portable medical device designs. The answer is to use highly integrated mixed-signal MCUs to deliver products to a market that demands the very best in performance and affordability in the smallest form factors. Functionally dense mixed-signal MCUs will provide the heartbeat for the next generation of portable medical devices, and health care equipment makers that deliver optimized products that meet consumer needs will enjoy the benefits of this fast-growing market segment. Figure 4: F9xx ultra-low-power MCU architecture. megaAVR: The Next Step in Capacity and Performance When your designs need some extra muscle, you need the megaAVR. Ideal for Key Features applications requiring large amounts of code, the megaAVR offers substantial • Broad family — megaAVR offers our widest selection of devices in program and data memories with performance up to 20 MIPS. Innovative terms of memories, pin counts and peripherals, enabling reuse of code picoPower technology minimizes power consumption. All megaAVRs offer and knowledge across projects. self-programmability for fast, secure, cost-effective in-circuit upgrades. You • picoPower technology — Selected megaAVR features ultra-lowcan even upgrade the flash while running your application. power consumption and individually selectable low-power sleep modes Based on industry-leading, proven technology, the megaAVR family offers our that make it ideal for battery-powered applications. widest selection of devices in terms of memories, pin counts and peripherals. • High integration — The megaAVR features on-chip flash, SRAM, Choose from general-purpose devices to models with specialized peripherals internal EEPROM, SPI, TWI, and USART, USB, CAN, and LIN, watchdog like USB, or LCD controllers, or CAN, LIN and Power Stage Controllers. It’s timer, a choice of internal or external precision oscillator, and general easy to find the perfect fit for your project in the megaAVR product family. purpose I/O pins, simplifying your design and reducing bill-of-materials. • Analog functions — Advanced analog capabilities, such as ADC, DAC, built-in temperature sensor and internal voltage reference, brown out detector, a fast analog comparator and a programmable analog gain amplifier. The high level of integration allows designs with fewer external analog components. • Rapid development — megaAVR microcontrollers speed development with powerful in-system programming and on-chip debug. In addition, in-system programming simplifies production line programming and field upgrades www.digikey.com/atmel-mcu www.digikey.com/microcontroller 63 USB 3.0— Are We There Yet? by John Donovan, Low-Power Design SuperSpeed USB may be slow out of the blocks, but with a 10x speed advantage and lower power profile than its predecessors, its compelling advantages make it look like a sure winner. If there was a universal serial bus in 1995, it was RS-232. Every PC in the world had one, although you could connect only one device to it at a time. Reconfiguring the port for new devices and/or applications required you to either be a “power user” or have an engineering degree. In January 1996, Intel introduced the Universal Serial Bus (USB), a bidirectional, low-cost, low- to mid-speed peripheral bus that could support as many as 127 devices, all of which could be added to the bus in “plug-and-play” (initially “plug-and-pray”) fashion. USB 1.0 supported a data transfer rate of 12 Mb/s, which worked well for disk drives. In 1998, USB 1.1 added a slower (1.5 Mb/s) rate to support keyboards, mice, and other human-interface devices (HID). Addressing the need for speed, the USB 2.0 specification was released in 2000 and standardized in 2001, promising a data rate of 480 Mb/s. However, because of the overhead involved in the protocol and USB’s heavy reliance on the processor for transaction arbitration and scheduling, speeds closer to half that rate were more typical. Still, a theoretical 40x increase in bus speed in four years was pretty impressive. USB has since become the most successful PC peripheral interconnect ever defined, with over 10 billion USB 2.0 products installed today, a number that is rising rapidly. In-Stat predicts that nearly 4.5 billion USB ports will ship in 2014, of which 1.7 billion will support the new “SuperSpeed” USB 3.0 spec. Facing competition from other high-speed interconnect protocols (Figure 1), like 400 and 800 Mbps IEEE-1394 (FireWire) and HDMI (both of which targeted high-data rate streaming of video), the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) formalized the specification for USB 3.0 in 2008, which promises a “SuperSpeed” data rate of 5 Gb/sec, a 10x improvement over USB 2.0. Design goals With USB 2.0 having become universal, the key goal was to make it faster. Since smart phone users can now sideload video files ten times faster, this will supposedly keep HDMI or FireWire sockets from proliferating on these devices. 64 0.2 49.6 Firewire 800 0.2 Firewire 400 73.6 74.5 75.8 31.6 39.3 39.9 40 0.1 99.6 SATA 3Gbps (direct) 0.1 69.8 eSATA 0.2 USB 2.0 Access Time (ms) Average Read (MB/s) Read Burst (MB/s) USB 3.0 Max Read (MB/s) Min Read (MB/s) 119.8 120 121.1 29.8 36.3 36.8 36.8 0.1 0 194.5 227.9 216.3 91.7 50 100 184.4 196.8 213.1 150 200 250 Figure 1: Communications protocols speed comparison. The primary goals for USB 3.0 are to: • Preserve the USB model of smart host and simple device. • Leverage the existing USB infrastructure. This means maintaining the same software architecture and easing the migration from legacy products. • Improve power management. • Maintain ease-of-use. • Preserve users’ investment in USB 2.0 devices. With minor modifications, USB software stacks will continue to recognize the following three device classes: • Communications Device Class (CDC), which presents the USB port to an application as a standard COM port. Supporting bulk transfers, the CDC provides high-bandwidth with a reasonable amount of simplicity. • Human Interface Device (HID) Class, which supports mice, keyboards, touchscreens and other input devices. Bandwidth is limited to 64 kb/s. • Mass Storage Class (MSC), which supports moving large amounts of data to and from flash drives, digital cameras, and flash card readers. FullSpeed HighSpeed LowSpeed USB 3.0 Host Extended Connector(s) SuperSpeed Extended Connector(s) Non-SuperSpeed (USB 2.0) Composite Cable SuperSpeed Hub SuperSpeed Function USB 2.0 Hub NonSuperSpeed Function USB 3.0 Hub USB 3.0 Peripheral Device Note: Simultaneous operation of SuperSpeed and non-SuperSpeed modes is not allowed for peripheral devices Figure 2: USB 3.0 dual-bus architecture. (Used with permission from USB-IF). Polling is also eliminated. A USB 2.0 host continuously polls all peripheral devices to see if they have data to send to the host controller. All devices must therefore be on at all times, which not only wastes power but adds unnecessary traffic to the bus. In USB 3.0, polling is replaced by asynchronous notification. The host waits until an application tells it that there is a peripheral with data it needs to send to the host. The host then contacts that peripheral and requests that it send the data. When both are ready, the data is transferred. USB 2.0 is inherently a broadcast protocol. USB 3.0 uses directed data transfer to and from the host and only the target peripheral. Only that peripheral turns on its transceiver, while others on the bus remain in powered-down mode. Numerous innovations in the USB 3.0 architecture set it apart from its predecessors (Figure 3). End-to-End Device Driver/Application Pipe Bundle (per Function Interface) Function USB System Software Default Control Pipe Device Notifications Transaction Packets Notifications Transactions Transaction Packets Data Packets Port-to-Port Chip to Chip Link Control/Mgmt 8b/10b encode/ decode Spread Clock CDR Link Cmds Scramble/ descramble LFPS Elasticity Buffer/Skips Transactions Data Packets USB Device Power Management (Suspend) Link Management Packets Link Management Packets Pkt Delims USB Function Power Management Pkt Delims Link Control/Mgmt 8b/10b encode/ decode Spread Clock CDR Link Cmds Scramble/ descramble LFPS Elasticity Buffer/Skips Pkt Delims Link Control/Mgmt 8b/10b encode/ decode Spread Clock CDR Link Cmds Scramble/ descramble Localized Link Power Management LFPS Elasticity Buffer/Skips PHYSICAL Non-SuperSpeed Super Speed Device LINK For starters, USB 3.0 maintains the same tiered star topology as USB 2.0, maintaining compatibility by adding two more twisted pairs to the cable to supplement the USB 2.0 data pair, which is left untouched. The two additional signal pairs create a dual simplex SuperSpeed data path, with one pair for transmit and one for receive. This enables backward compatibility by including both SuperSpeed and nonSuperSpeed bus interfaces. Hub PROTOCOL Architectural innovations Achieving a 10x speed improvement while reducing power consumption involved making serious architectural changes to both the protocol and associated hardware. At the same time, some tradeoffs (and clever workarounds) were necessary to maintain backward compatibility with legacy USB 2.0 products. Host Device or Host USB 3.0 is clearly overkill for HID applications, but it’s definitely a new contender for embedded CDC and MSC applications, particularly those involving streaming high-definition video. Its power advantage over legacy USB makes it a serious consideration for portable devices. Figure 3: USB 3.0 logical architecture. (Used with permission from USB-IF). PHY The SuperSpeed USB physical connection is comprised of two differential data pairs: one transmit path and one receive path, both operating at 5 GB/s. Each differential link is initialized by enabling its receiver termination. In the absence of signaling, low frequency periodic signaling (LFPS) is used to signal initialization and power management information. Data is packetized and passed directly to the intended receiver. Since USB 3.0 does not include a reference clock, each PHY has its own clock domain with spread spectrum clocking (SSC) modulation. The transmitter encodes data and control characters into symbols using an 8b/10b code, ensuring enough transitions that the receiver can accurately recover clock and data. Link layer SuperSpeed USB moves firmly into the realm of high-speed packet processing. The link layer handles link initialization and flow control, packet framing, link power management and error detection, and recovery. There are separate Link Management Packets (LMP), Transaction Packets (TP), Isochronous Timestamp Packets (ITP) and Data Packets (DP); all start with a distinct 14 byte header packet, consisting of 12 bytes of header information and a two byte CRC-16 code. This is not your dad’s USB. Protocol layer SuperSpeed USB is not a polled protocol, as devices may asynchronously transmit notifications to the host. Host-transmitted protocol packets are routed through intervening hubs, taking a direct path to a peripheral device. The transmitter can transmit multiple bursts of back-to-back sequences of data packets, while the receiver can simultaneously transmit data acknowledgements without interrupting the burst of data packets. This is a far more efficient use of bus bandwidth than the half-duplex, non-bursting nature of traffic on earlier USB buses. Table 1 summarizes the main differences between high-speed USB 2.0 and SuperSpeed 3.0. Power management First, SuperSpeed makes more power available to connected devices. The amount of power available on the USB bus (for recharging cell phones and other portable devices, for example) is increased from 5 V @ 500 mA in USB 2.0 to 5 V @ 900 mA for USB 3.0. This is a distinct advantage as more portable devices have come to rely on the USB bus not just for data transfer but also for battery recharging. www.digikey.com/microcontroller 65 Table 1: USB 2.0 versus 3.0. (Used with permission from USB-IF). Table 2: Logical link states. (Used with permission from USB-IF). Characteristic USB 2.0 USB 3.0 Link State Data rate Low-speed (1.5 Mbps), full-speed (12 Mbps), and high-speed (480 Mbps). SuperSpeed (5.0 Gpbs). U0 Link active U1 Link idle, fast exit Data interface Half-duplex, two-wire differential signaling. Unidirectional data flow with negotiated directional bus transitions. Dual-simplex, four-wire differential signaling separate from USB 2.0 signaling. Simultaneous bi-directional data flows. U2 U3 Cable signal count Two: two for low-/full-/high- speed data path. Six: four for SuperSpeed data path. Two for non-SuperSpeed data path. Bus transaction protocol Host directed, polled traffic flow. Packet traffic is broadcast to all devices. Host directed, asynchronous traffic flow. Packet traffic is explicitly routed. Power management Port-level suspend with tow levels of entry/exit latency. Device-level power management. Multi-level link power management supporting idle, sleep, and suspend states. Link-, Device-, and Functionlevel power management. Bus power Support for low/high bus-powered devices with lower power limits for unconfigured and suspended devices. Same as for USB 2.0 with a 50% increase for unconfigured power and an 80% increase for configured power. Port state Port hardware detects connect events. System software uses port command to transitions the port into an enabled state (USB data communication flows). Port hardware detects connect events and brings the port into operational state ready for SuperSpeed data communication. Data transfer types Four data transfer types: control, bulk, Interrupt, and Isochronous. USB 2.0 types with SuperSpeed constraints. Bulk has streams capability. More importantly, SuperSpeed USB enables considerable power savings by enabling both upstream and downstream ports to initiate lower power states on the link. In addition, multiple link power states are defined, enabling local power management control and, therefore, improved power usage efficiency. Eliminating polling and broadcasting also went a long way toward reducing power requirements. Finally, the increased speed and efficiency of USB 3.0 bus, combined with the ability to use data streaming for bulk transfers, further reduces the power profile of these devices. Typically, the faster a data transfer completes, the faster system components can return to a low-power state. The USB-IF estimates the system power necessary to complete a 20 MB SuperSpeed data transfer will be 25 percent lower than is possible using USB 2.0. The SuperSpeed specification brings over Link Power Management (LPM) from USB 2.0. LPM was first introduced in the Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) to accommodate high-speed, PCI-based USB interfaces. Because of the difficulty of implementing it, LPM was slow to appear in USB 2.0 devices. It is now required in USB 3.0 and for SuperSpeed devices supporting legacy high-speed peripherals. LPM is an adaptive power management model that uses link-state awareness to reduce power usage. LPM defines a fast host transition from an enabled state to L1 Sleep (~10 µs) or L2 Suspend (after 3 ms of inactivity). Return from L1 sleep varies from ~70 µs to 1 ms; return from L2 Suspend mode is OS dependent. The fast transitions and close control of power at the link level enables LPM to manage power consumption in SuperSpeed systems with greater precision than was previously possible. Link power management enables a link to be placed into a lower power state when the link partners are idle. The longer a pair of link partners remain idle, the deeper the power savings that can be achieved by progressing from UO (link active) to Ul (link standby with fast exit) to U2 (link standby with slower exit), and finally to U3 (suspend). Table 2 summarizes the logical link states. 66 Description Key Characteristics - Device Clock Exit Latency On N/A RX & TX quiesced On or off µs Link idle, slow exit Clock gen circuit also quiesced On or off µs-ms Suspend Portions of device power removed Off ms Most SuperSpeed devices, sensing inactivity on the link, will automatically reduce power to the PHY and transition from U0 to U1. Further inactivity will cause these devices to progressively lower power. The host or devices may further idle the link (U2), or the host may even suspend it (U3). Both devices and downstream ports can initiate Ul and U2 entry. Downstream ports have inactivity timers used to initiate Ul and U2 entry. Downstream port inactivity timeouts are programmed by system software. Devices may have additional information available that they can use to decide to initiate Ul or U2 entry more aggressively than inactivity timers. Devices can save significant power by initiating Ul or U2 more aggressively rather than waiting for downstream port inactivity timeouts. While the advantages of SuperSpeed USB are impressive, these devices are just beginning to appear in a world dominated by USB 2.0. For backward, compatibility SuperSpeed devices must support both USB 2.0 and 3.0 link speeds, maintaining separate controllers and PHYs for full-speed, high-speed and SuperSpeed links. By maintaining a parallel system to support legacy devices, SuperSpeed’s designers accepted higher cost and complexity as a price worth paying to avoid compromising the speed advantage of their new architecture. Adoption ramp No new standard, whatever its technical advantages, is adopted overnight. That is certainly true with USB 3.0, which needs to see a critical mass of devices in the field before it will take off. Since consumers have long been content with USB 2.0, and since SuperSpeed devices will initially be more expensive, consumers will need to be convinced of compelling application benefits before it is likely to see broad adoption. Streaming multimedia is almost undoubtedly the killer app that will make this happen. One of the major things holding back USB 3.0 is the lack of support for it in core logic chipsets. Intel made much of its support for the standard at IDF 2009, and there was plenty of talk about it at the USB pavilion. However, at IDF 2010 Intel made no production silicon announcements—reportedly because of the difficulty of developing bug-free silicon—and there does not appear to be any plan to include it in either Sandy Bridge or Atom processors for the next year or so. Intel’s apparent hesitation about supporting the standard will clearly stall its adoption in the marketplace and give Intel-based embedded developers pause about including it in their designs. Despite its recent hesitation, Intel will almost undoubtedly support USB 3.0 by next year. Meanwhile, the USB-IF announced more than 100 SuperSpeedcertified products at IDF 2010, so this train, while still getting up to speed, has clearly left the station. It is now up to embedded developers to determine whether USB 3.0 is appropriate for their applications, and if so, to get on board. ANNUAL YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO MICROCONTROLLER SOLUTIONS 2011 COMPONENT REFERENCE GUIDE COMPONENT REFERENCE GUIDE K Cypress Semiconductor Analog Devices, Inc. DSP Emulators/Programmers........201-203 ICs/Semiconductors Microcontrollers ......................... 202-203 MicroConverters™..................... 202-203 Development Kits.......................... 149-152 Accessories ................................151-152 Programmers ...................... 149, 151-152 Software .....................................151-152 IC/Semiconductors Microcontrollers .........................150, 152 Mixed Signal .................................. 150 PSoC® .......................................... 150 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Development Tools Development Kits ......................188, 195 Evaluation Boards/Kits .............180, 186, .......................................188, 195, 197 Programmers .....................189, 195, 197 Software ........................................... 197 ICs/Semiconductors Digital Signal Processors.................. 197 Microcontrollers ......................... 179-195 Microprocessors .................189-194, 196 Keil C-Compiler Evaluation Boards ............................ 200 L D Atmel Development Tools and Kits 8051 Architecture................................ 93 Adapters ............................................. 89 ARM® Thumb® .................................. 84 AVR®....................................... 85, 89-90 USB .................................................... 90 FPSLIC.................................................. 85 Microcontrollers ARM® Thumb® .................................. 84 AVR®............................................. 85-90 Battery Management ....................... 85 CAN ................................................. 86 LCD ................................................. 85 Lighting and Motor Control .............. 86 USB ................................................. 85 CAN .................................................... 91 Flash.........................................89, 91-92 Smart Card ......................................... 91 USB .................................................... 91 Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc. Digi International Development Kits Programmable Boards ........................ 94 Logic Microcontroller Development Kits ........ 108 Evaluation Board ...........................177-178 Kits.................................................177-178 Microcontrollers Graphics Display .............................. 178 Low Pin Count ............................177-178 Logical Systems Programming/Prototyping Adapters ....... 82 Future Designs, Inc. (FDI) Digi-Key Evaluation Boards ............................... 135 M Development Tools and Kits Demo Boards and Kits...................... 158 Programmer Kits............................... 158 E I B Maxim Integrated Products Integrated Circuits Microcontrollers ................................ 153 Evaluation Kits............................... 153 MAXQ™ ........................................ 153 Energy Micro Development Kits............................. 84, 93 Microcontrollers Flash................................................... 93 BNS Solutions Development Kits and Tools ................ 219 IAR Systems Software, Inc. C-Compiler .......................................... 200 Evaluation Boards and Kits ................. 200 C Equinox Technologies Programmers ......................................... 82 F Cirrus Logic, Inc. Development Tools and Kits ................ 219 Microcontrollers, ARM® ....................... 219 Infineon Technologies Development Kits/Tools Development Starter Kits........... 198-199 Microcontrollers 8051 ......................................... 198, 200 C116SV1.................................... 198-199 C116SV2.................................... 198-199 TriCore™ .......................................... 199 FlexiPanel Custom Computer Services (CCS) C-Compiler .......................................... 135 Microcontrollers PIC ................................................... 135 Programmers ...................................... 82 Intel MCS® 51 Microcontrollers................... 220 MCS® 96 Microcontrollers................... 220 www.digikey.com/microcontroller Microchip Technology, Inc. Development Tools ....................... 134-135 Debuggers ........................................ 134 Demo Kits......................................... 135 Device Adapters................................ 134 Emulators ......................................... 134 Processor Modules ........................... 134 Programmers .................................... 134 Socket Modules ................................ 134 Software ........................................... 135 Transition Sockets ............................ 134 Microcontrollers Application Specific ....................121-123 CAN .........................................121-122 Ethernet......................................... 121 LCD ............................................... 123 Motor Control................................. 121 USB ............................................... 122 dsPIC......................................... 126-130 16-Bit ...................................... 126-130 Extreme Low Power....................131-133 PIC 16-Bit ...................................... 123-125 32-Bit ...................................... 125-126 PIC10..............................................113 PIC12..............................................113 PIC16..........................111-112, 114-117 PIC18................................112, 117-120 (TZM112.US) 69 SUPPLIERINDEX INDEX SUPPLIER A SUPPLIER SUPPLIERINDEX INDEX R microEngineering Labs, Inc. Sharp Microelectronics Compiler, PicBasic............................... 136 N Microcontrollers ................................... 108 Rabbit Semiconductor Development Kits and Tools .............95-97, .................................................... 99-100 TCP/IP ........................................... 96-97 Microprocessors ................................97-99 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. Texas Instruments Development Tools and Kits Demo Boards and Evaluation Kits ...............................................159, 170 Evaluation Kits .................................. 169 Programmers .................................... 159 Digital Signal Processors .............. 165-169 Microcontrollers .............. 137-139, 159-164 ARM® .........................................137-139 Cortex™ ..................................137-139 Development Kits ............................. 139 Motor Control ....................................... 139 Modular Boards ................................ 139 Development Kits................................. 107 Microcontrollers, C8051 ................. 101-106 National Semiconductor ICs/Semiconductors Microcontrollers ................................ 220 Renesas Electronics America, Inc. NetBurner, Inc. Development Kits................................. 178 Microprocessor Modules ..................... 178 NXP Semiconductors Development Tools and Kits ..........157-158 Evaluation Boards/Kits ...............157-158 Microcontrollers ............................ 154-156 Development Tools .............................. 219 Accessories ...................................... 219 Adapters ........................................... 219 Demo Kits ......................................... 219 Emulators ......................................... 219 Evaluation Kits .................................. 219 Software ........................................... 219 Microcontrollers/Microprocessors .................................................. 204-219 740 .................................................... 217 H8 .............................................. 204-206 H8S ........................................... 206-209 H8SX ................................................ 209 M16C ......................................... 210-212 M32C ......................................... 212-213 R8C ........................................... 214-216 Super H™ ...................................217-219 Tiny ............... 204-205, 211-212, 214-216 P SofTec Microsystems SRL Development Tools .............................. 178 Evaluation Kits ..................................... 178 Spectrum Digital, Inc. Toshiba America Electronic Components Development Tools Evaluation and Starter Kits ............... 152 Microcontroller, Flash .......................... 152 X Xeltek Programmers, Universal ........................ 83 Socket Adapters..................................... 83 Development Kits and Tools Evaluation Boards and Kits .............. 170 DSP ............................................... 170 XMOS Development Kits................................. 196 Microprocessors .................................. 196 RF Solutions Panasonic Microcontrollers, Flash......................... 198 PIC Emulators...................................... 136 Adapters ........................................... 136 Daughter Boards............................... 136 STMicroelectronics Development Tools and Kits ......... 175-177, ......................................................... 219 Evaluation Boards .............. 175-177, 219 Programmers ............................. 175-177 Microcontrollers ............................. 171-174 Parallax, Inc. BASIC Stamp Accessories ...................................... 109 Books ............................................... 109 Carrier Boards .................................. 109 Kits ................................................... 109 Modules ............................................ 109 “Board of Education” Kit ....................... 109 BASIC Stamp ................................... 109 Propeller ...............................................110 RPM Systems Corporation T Programmers Universal In-System Programming ..................... 83 S TechTools Phyton, Inc. Adapters ................................................ 83 Programmers ......................................... 83 70 70 Segger Microcontroller Systems Evaluation Boards and Kits ..................201 Emulator, ClearView ............................ 136 Emulator, EPROM/PIC ........................ 136 Logic Analyzer ..................................... 136 Programmer, PIC ................................. 136 QuickWriter .......................................... 136 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Z Zilog Development Tools ....................... 146-148 Accessory Kits .................................. 146 Adapters .................................... 146-148 Development Kits ............................. 146 Emulators ......................................... 146 ePIR™ .............................................. 146 IR ...................................................... 148 Modules ............................................ 146 Programmers .................................... 146 Microcontrollers/Microprocessors .................................................. 140-149 Application Specific ............140, 145-146 Ethernet ......................................... 146 Motor Control ................................. 145 Remote Control ............................. 140 Crimzon™ ........................................ 140 eZ80 Acclaim!™ ............................... 146 eZ80 AcclaimPlus!™ ........................ 146 Z8 Encore!® .............................. 140-142 Z8 Encore!® MC ............................... 145 Z8 Encore! XP® ........................ 143-145 ZNEO™ ............................................ 140 ARM® ............84, 156, 173-174, 177, 219 Propeller ............................................110 ..................... 93, 135, 150-153, 157-159, Cortex™ ................... 137-139, 154-155 PSoC® ............................................. 150 ...................169-170, 175-178, 180, 186, AVR®............................................. 85-90 Smart Card ......................................... 91 ...................................188, 195-203, 219 Battery Management ....................... 85 USB .....................................91, 102, 152 Programming/Prototyping ........ 82-83, 136, DSP ....................................170, 201-203 LCD ................................................. 85 Microprocessors .....................97-100, 149, ........................................... 146-147, 219 Programmers ............................. 82-83, 85, Lighting and Motor Control .............. 86 ...........................................189-194, 196 ......................89-90, 109, 134, 136, 146, BASIC Stamp ................................... 109 Modules ........................................97-100 ...................148-149, 151, 158, 175-178, BlueStreak ........................................ 108 Mixed Signal Product ........................... 150 ............................189, 197, 201-202, 219 C166S V1 .................................. 198-199 Programmable Logic Adapters D Reference Design Kits ......................... 107 C166S V2 .................................. 198-199 FPSLIC ............................................... 85 Accessories ..................134, 146, 152, 158 Remote Control Design ....................... 148 CAN ............................................ 91, 103 TriCore™ ............................................. 199 Adapters .................... 82-83, 89, 134, 136, Software ....................... 134-136, 169-170, EFM32 Gecko..................................... 84 ..........................................146, 148, 219 .......................................... 197, 200, 219 Extreme Low Power ....................131-133 BASIC Stamp Kits ............................... 109 C-Compiler .................135-136, 200, 219 Daughter Boards.......................... 136, 203 Web Server Kit .................................... 148 Development Kits and Tools Debug Tools ...........134-135, 158, 189, 198 Demo Kits ...... 135, 152, 158-159, 186, 188 Development/Starter Kits ......85, 90, 93-97, ...... 99-100, 108, 139, 151-152, 175-176, ........................150, 152-153, 159-161, BASIC Stamp Kits ............................... 109 Low Pin Count ............................177-178 DSP (Digital Signal Processor) .... 165-169, MCS® 51 .......................................... 220 ...................148, 152, 189, 202-203, 219 ............................................197, 201-203 MCS® 96 .......................................... 220 Microcontrollers M Graphics Display .............................. 178 Emulators.................90, 93, 134, 136, 146, EPROM .....................................136, 152 Kits ............................... 195, 198, 202-220 Integrated Circuits/Semiconductors ....................188, 195-196, 198-199, 219 ................. 104-106, 113-130, 140-146, ................. 163-164, 171-174, 179-188, I K Flash................................89, 91-93, 102, MP3 .................................................... 93 PIC ................................................... 136 8051 Architecture......... 93, 101-106, 153, OTP ........ 111-112, 140, 147-148, 161-163 ePIR™ ................................................. 146 ................................ 155-157, 198, 200 PIC ......................................111-130, 135 Memory Cards ..................................................... 89 Motor Control Modular Boards ................................... 139 Additional Information PROGRAMMING: DIGI-REEL®: Digi-Key has the capability to program a wide variety of devices. For more information regarding programming, contact the Custom Department at 1-800-344-4539 (ext. 5725) or email: custom.orders@digikey.com. A Digi-Reel is a custom quantity reel of continuous cut-tape made from a manufacturer’s reel. A 15-inch leader and trailer, complete with sprocket drive holes, are attached so that the sprocket holes are aligned enabling direct and flawless feeding into automated board assembly equipment. It is then rewound on a plastic reel according to Electronics Industries Alliance (EIA) standards. In most instances, we can assemble this item specifically for your order and ship it the same day. If you place this item on your order, it will show up backordered. We will contact you if we are unable to fulfill your order. Equipment: • BP Microsystems Models BP-2600 and BP-3710 MK II • Capability to support over 21,000 devices ranging from something as small as a SOT23-6 up to a 144-TQFP New Packaging and Feeding Options: Any of the following combinations available: • Tube-In, Tube-Out • Tray-In, Tray-Out • Tape-In, Tape-Out Labeling: Hover Davis Print-On-Demand Labeler and various labeling sizes available. DESIGN SUPPORT SERVICES: Design Support Services is the latest addition to Digi-Key’s three-tier technical support group. DSS is capable of providing engineering assistance at any given point within your product development cycle. Services provided by these engineers include: In-Depth Application Assistance: • Assists with application questions on products from our 350+ manufacturers • Provides development tool selection and support • Facilitates manufacturer’s support to provide solutions for unusually complex problems • Provides component recommendations for the functional blocks of your design concept Component Selection Advice: • Recommends components throughout your product development cycle • Consolidates information on new products, end-of-life components, and product availability to one source Our Application Engineers are specialized to provide design assistance in (not limited to) the following product areas: Microcontrollers, ARM Processors, RF Modules — RFiD, Blue Tooth and Zigbee, FPGAs, DSPs, Audio, Power and Lighting designs. ® A $7.00 “reeling fee” will be charged for each reel and will be included in the cost of your reel. Digi-Reels are a custom product and are non-cancelable and non-returnable. RoHS COMPLIANT PRODUCT: Digi-Key continues to work with its more than 350+ supplier partners to provide customers with RoHS compliant product. Symbols are used to identify compliant product in the catalog. When an entire page or series of product is compliant, a symbol appears at the top of the page or section. In situations where a series of product is not all compliant, the compliant product is identified by a symbol beside the DigiKey part number. Our Integrated Circuits section will identify compliant product with an asterisk (*) beside the part number description. Please note that due to inventory turns, fluctuations, and catalog cycle times, the most current and accurate information is available at digikey.com/environment or by calling 1-800-344-4539. Product that is available in cut tape and/or full reels should be reviewed prior to ordering to ensure that you receive your preference. STATIC PROTECTION: Protection of static sensitive parts is a MUST in today’s semiconductor market. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Among the more than 100 individuals who comprise Digi-Key’s technical support group are our Technical Support Specialists and Product Managers. These individuals field the hundreds of thousands of telephone calls and inquiries Digi-Key receives each year regarding product specifications and applications. Technical Support Specialists are available to answer questions and offer product suggestions from 6 p.m. CT Sunday through 6 a.m. CT Saturday via telephone, email, and live web chat. Digi-Key’s factorytrained Product Managers work directly with our supplier partners and provide expertise in specific product areas. To ensure the quality that Digi-Key customers have come to expect, the Digi-Key Static Control Program includes proper static safety protection in the following areas: Receiving, Incoming Inspection, and C roduct Storage Order ic ing inal Inspection ac aging and Shipping Shielded metallized bags are used in order picking and any time static sensitive product is being handled within the building. 100% recyclable paper packaging (low static generating) is used in packaging and shipping. As our program is continuously updated with the latest static control technology, you can be reassured that Digi-Key’s static sensitive parts are quality safe, all the way to your door step! More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (TZM112.US) 71 71 PRODUCTINDEX INDEX PRODUCT Evaluation Boards and Kits ............ 84, 90, A Digi-Key Terms and Conditions All orders placed with Digi-Key Corporation (“Digi-Key”) for products available from Digi-Key (the “Products”) are subject to these terms and conditions (the “Agreement”). Any purported change to the terms of this Agreement that is submitted by a purchaser in any additional documentation is hereby expressly rejected. Orders placed on forms deviating from the order form provided in this catalog (the “Order Form”) may be accepted, but solely on the basis that the terms of such Order Form and this Agreement will prevail. 1. Order Validation and Acceptance When you place an order, we may verify your method of payment, shipping address and/or tax exempt identification number, if any, before processing your order. Your placement of an order with Digi-Key is an offer to purchase our Products. Digi-Key may accept your order by processing your payment and shipping the Product, or may, for any reason, decline to accept your order or any part of your order. No order shall be considered to be accepted by Digi-Key until the Product has been shipped. If we decline to accept your order, we will attempt to notify you using the email address or other contact information you have provided with your order. Delivery dates provided in connection with any order are estimates only and do not represent fixed or guaranteed delivery dates. 2. Quantity Limitations Digi-Key may limit or cancel quantities available for purchase on any order on any basis, and to alter the availability or duration of any special offers at any time. Digi-Key may reject any order, or any part of an order. 3. 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In the event we discover a material error in the description or availability of a Product that affects your outstanding order with Digi-Key, or an error in pricing, we will notify you of the corrected version, and you may choose to accept the corrected version, or cancel the order. If you choose to cancel the order, and your credit card has already been charged for a purchase, Digi-Key will issue a credit to your credit card in the amount of the charge. 5. Late Payments; Dishonored Checks You shall pay Digi-Key all costs incurred by Digi-Key in collecting any past due amount from you, including all court costs, collection costs, and attorney's fees. If a check you give us for payment is dishonored for any reason by the bank or other institution on which it is drawn, you agree to pay us $20.00 as a service charge (if the check cannot be redeposited) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 604.113. 6. 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You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Digi-Key Parties and Digi-Key’s joint venturers, business partners, licensors, employees, and agents from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages and costs (including, but not limited to, direct, incidental, consequential, exemplary and indirect damages), and reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from or arising out of your use, misuse, or inability to use the Products and any service of Digi-Key, your reliance upon any information or recommendation provided by Digi-Key Technical Assistance and Design Support Services Personnel, or any violation by you of this Agreement. 13. Force Majeure Digi-Key will not be liable for delays in delivery or for failure to perform its obligations due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, product allocations, material shortages, labor disputes, transportation delays, unforeseen circumstances, acts of God, acts or omissions of other parties, acts or omissions of civil or military authorities, Government priorities, fires, strikes, floods, severe weather conditions, computer interruptions, terrorism, 9. Disclaimer of Warranties Digi-Key agrees to transfer to you, at the time of sale, to the extent transferable, whatever epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots or war. Digi-Key's time for delivery or performance warranties Digi-Key receives from manufacturers with respect to the Products sold by Digi- will be extended by the period of such delay or Digi-Key may, at its option, cancel any order Key to you. COPIES OF SUCH MANUFACTURERS' WARRANTIES ARE AVAILABLE or remaining part thereof, without liability by giving notice to you. PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS BY CONTACTING DIGI-KEY. DIGI-KEY, 14. General Provisions AND ITS AFFILIATES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIGI-KEY INTERNATIONAL This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject SALES CORPORATION (THE “DIGI-KEY PARTIES”), MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED matter hereof. No waiver by Digi-Key of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCT AND THE be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. 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For Other International customers: We offer MasterCard, VISA, American Express, prepaid by wire transfer, cashier's check in U.S. funds, as well as open account credit to qualified institutions and businesses. We cannot accept personal checks or certified personal checks. Money orders can result in significant delays. Use of Letters of Credit must be approved in advance by Digi-Key's Accounting Department. Credit Application: To obtain a credit application for open account credit, contact any sales representative by: for .S. and Canadian customers, calling 8 - 44-45 or 218-681-66 4, for all other customers, calling 218-681, or for all customers, faxing your re uest to 218-681- 8 . Or, you may download a credit application from our website, www.digikey.com (click on “Contact Us”, then click on “Net 30 Term Credit Application” in the “Accounting” box). Please allow sufficient time for the credit application process. To avoid delay on your initial order you may elect an alternative payment method. See the International Shipping Rates set forth on www.digikey.com (click on “Site Map”, then click on “Shipping Rates/Options” under “Shipping Information”, then click on “International Shipping Rates”). 18. Handling Charge There is no minimum order or handling fee. 19. Taxes Prices shown do not include any federal, state or local taxes, or any other taxes imposed by any government authority, including, without limitation, sales, use, excise, value-added or similar taxes. Where applicable, such taxes and charges shall be billed as a separate item and paid by you. Orders are accepted with the understanding that such taxes and charges shall be added, as required by law. Digi-Key charges sales tax unless you have a valid sales tax exemption certificate on file with Digi-Key. Digi-Key will not refund tax amounts collected in the event a valid sales tax certificate is not provided. If you provide a certificate that is not accepted for any reason by any governmental or regulatory authority, and DigiKey is required to pay tax on your purchase, you will reimburse Digi-Key for the amount of such tax, and Digi-Key's reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the payment and collection of such tax. Fax your resale certificate and your customer number to 218-681-7931, Attention: Sales Tax. 20. Return Policy In most cases, Digi-Key will accept merchandise returns subject to the terms outlined in this Section and will replace the Product or refund your money at your option. To facilitate processing of returned merchandise: lease contact a Customer Service representative to obtain an RM Returned Merchandise Authorization) number prior to returning product. or all returns not relating to manufacturers’ warranties, returns must be made within days of date of invoice, be accompanied by the original invoice number and a brief explanation of the reason for the return, and be in original packaging and in resalable condition. Return freight charge must be prepaid. Sorry, C.O. . returns cannot be accepted. roducts returned solely due to customer error may be sub ect to a restoc ing charge. 17. Shipping Charges To the extent that igi-Key purchases a roduct from a manufacturer speci cally for you, Except as otherwise provided, (1) shipping or freight charges and insurance will be paid by such Products may be Non-Cancelable/Non-Returnable. the customer*, (2) all sales are made FOB Digi-Key’s warehouse in Thief River Falls, MN, ot-In Catalog Items and parts speci ed as on-Cancelable/ on-Returnable at time of USA, and (3) shipping or freight charges from Digi-Key's warehouse in Thief River Falls, MN, quote or sale are not returnable. USA are prepaid and added to the invoice, billed collect or billed to a third party. Returns relating to manufacturers’ warranties are sub ect to the terms and conditions of the * When a check or money order accompanies your order, Digi-Key pays all shipping and applicable manufacturer’s warranty and the applicable manufacturer’s return policies for insurance (our choice for method of shipping) to all addresses in the U.S. and Canada. the Product (e.g., some Products may require return directly to the manufacturer). Please Shipments of excessive weight or size, or with otherwise unique circumstances, may require contact a Digi-Key Customer Service representative for details. additional charges. Digi-Key will notify you prior to shipment if these conditions exist. By returning a Product to Digi-Key, you represent and warrant that the returned Product was For International Shipments: Availability of ship methods is dependent on the destination purchased from Digi-Key. country. The shipping costs will be prepaid and added to your order. Except as otherwise agreed by Digi-Key, all duties, tariffs, taxes and brokerage fees will be your responsibility. © 2010, Digi-Key Corporation. All rights reserved. Ordering / Contact Information How to Order: elephone: 800-344-4 39 S Cana a o 218-681-6674 ❒ Our friendly sales representatives are ready to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For most efficient service, please have ready a list of quantities and part numbers and, if paying by credit card, your MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover card. Note: Calls may be recorded or monitored for quality and training purposes. ❒ Fax: 218-681-3380 Digi-Key Fax lines can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Depending on the shipping method; fax orders will be processed and shipped according to the “Orders entered by times” listed under Shipment. Orders received after these cutoff times will be processed and shipped the next business day. Please include your daytime telephone number and/or email address in case we have any questions about your order. ❒ By Internet: www.digikey.com Order on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Digi-Key’s Top Rated website receives hundreds-of-thousands of orders each year. Internet orders entered after normal business hours are promptly processed and shipped the next business day. ❒ ail: Simpl ail o e o: Digi-Key Corporation 701 Brooks Avenue South PO Box 677 Thief River Falls, MN 56701-0677 International customers please see “Currency Information” in the Digi-Key Terms and Conditions for more information. Shipment: Digi-Key’s warehouse is open and staffed Monday through Friday, 7:30am-9:00pm Central Time (subject to holidays). Orders are shipped only on these business days. Orders and correspondence received on Saturday and Sunday will be addressed/shipped on the following Monday and included in that day’s business. Digi-Key’s cut-off times for Same-Day Shipment Monday-Friday are as follows: Orders entered by 6 pm CT – ll S S Options Express Mail delayed 1 day . Orders entered by pm CT – edEx ground. Orders entered by 8 pm CT – ll S air and surface options ll edEx air options. Customer Service: Voice: 800-858-3616 in (US & Canada) or 218-681-6674 Fax: 218-681-3380 Internet: www.digikey.com (click “Contact Us”) Mail: Digi-Key Corporation Attn: Customer Service PO Box 677 Thief River Falls, MN 56701-0677 A friendly, competent staff of customer service representatives is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to assist you. Please have your sales order or invoice number available when you call. Additional Information Duplicate Mailings: Email Addresses: Email addresses may be used to communicate information of interest If you receive more than one catalog with the same name and address, please return the to you about Digi-Key. This includes Order Shipment/Tracking Information, Obsolete Part labels to Digi-Key and pass the catalog along to a friend. Also, if you do not require multiple Bulletins, Service Change Information or other Digi-Key promotional emails. Emails may be copies to the same company address, contact a sales representative to verify your mailing sent by Digi-Key or an authorized agent working for Digi-Key. All authorized agents operate information. A forms based communications method for catalog issues (Receive, Remove, with a confidentiality agreement. Information sent in this manner will always include “opt Change of Address) can be accessed at www.digikey.com by clicking “Contact Us”. out” options. Email addresses are never rented, sold or traded to third parties. Alternatively, you may mail, telephone or fax Digi-Key your request. Opt Out: You may elect to opt out of any of the above uses of your customer information by Recycling And The Environment: completing the “Opt Out” form in our privacy statement on our website or by contacting us Digi-Key is committed to the environment and you, our valued customer. We use Geämi, by telephone, fax or mail. a 100% recyclable packaging product. Both the outer and inner tissue can be put in your Other Uses Of Customer Information: Digi-Key is under contract to provide point of newspaper bin for recycling. This catalog was produced with paper containing 33% post sale information to many of its product suppliers for market research and payment of consumer fiber and may be recycled through a paper board recycling program. commission to the supplier’s agents. If you have an open account with Digi-Key, credit and payment history will periodically be shared with credit reporting agencies. Customer Privacy Policy: Your privacy as a customer is very important to us. We want you to know how your information is also used for marketing and market research for Digi-Key Corporation. Digicustomer information is used. Once you make a purchase, request a catalog or other Key or an authorized agent working for Digi-Key may complete these activities. All customer information from Digi-Key, your name, shipping/mailing address, telephone number, email information is kept confidential. Digi-Key will share customer information with government address and fax number are included in our customer file. This information is used to agencies if required by law. ensure a quick, efficient flow of products and services to you. This information may also be Note: We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy at any time without prior used for other purposes as outlined below. notification. Postal Addresses: Digi-Key may use your mailing address to send the Digi-Key catalog to keep you updated on our most current products and services. Occasionally, Digi-Key ISO 9001:2000 Certified: may make the names and addresses of our customer list available to carefully screened Digi-Key’s operations from order entry through shipping have been certified since March 17, 1994. A copy of Digi-Key Corporation’s current ISO Certificate is available by request. companies that offer products and/or services that may be of interest to you. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 73 73 What’s What’sNew! New! ATAVRXPLAIN Evaluation and Demonstration Kit Atmel’s easy-to-use evaluation and demonstration kit for ATxmega128A1 Atmel’s Xplain is an easy-to-use evaluation and demonstration kit for ATxmega128A1, offering complete hardware for evaluating the highly accurate analog functionality of the device. The ADC can be used to read a temperature sensor and a potentiometer, and the DAC can be used to generate sound on a mono speaker. Xplain also demonstrates how to interface external memories; the kit features 8MB SDRAM and 8MB data flash connected to the ATxmega128A1. Eight push buttons and eight LEDs are available for user interaction. The USB interface is a communication gateway between the ATxmega128A1 and a USB COM port. Features: ATxme a128A1 microcontroller External memory - 8MB SDRAM - 8MB serial data flash AT90USB1287 - Communication gateway - Programmer for Atmel® AVR® XMEGA™ Analo input to ADC - Temperature sensor - Potentiometer Analo output rom DAC - Mono speaker via audio amplifier Di ital IO - UART communication through USB gateway - 8 micro switch buttons - 8 LEDs - 8 spare analog pins - 8 spare digital pins See www.digikey.com/new See www.digikey.com/new SAM3U Series Microcontroller Atmel’s SAM3U series is the first 32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 micrococontroller with high-speed 480 Mbps USB + Phy With today’s exponential growth in data rates, system designers demand solutions capable of moving more data faster and more efficiently than ever before. Atmel’s Cortex® M3-based SAM3U delivers high-speed interfaces combined with an innovative high data bandwidth architecture that make it the ideal device for applications with intensive communication requirements. The 96MHz SAM3U inte rates multiple hi h-speed peripherals, includin an on-chip hi h-speed USB device and Phy at 480M ps. A com ination o a 5-layer system bus matrix, 23 DMA channels and distributed memory prevents bottlenecks with minimum processor overhead. With sophisticated power management techniques and an operatin volta e down to 1.62V, the SAM3U maximizes attery usa e and provides true 1.8V operation. The SAM3U is availa le in Flash memory densities o 64K, 128K and 256K ytes with 100- and 144-pin QFP and BGA pac a e options. Features: High-Speed Bridging: The SAM3U is desi ned to sustain 100 Mp s data rates etween multiple hi h-speed peripherals, includin HS USB 2.0, SDIO/SDCard 2.0, MMC 4.3, External Bus Inter ace and SPI. Data Speedway: To exploit the SAM3U’s high-speed communications peripherals fully, the device is built around a high data-bandwidth architecture that enables one to run tasks in parallel and ensures uninterrupted internal and external data flows with minimum processor overhead. The device can be put in backup mode with the core and peripherals powered down, in which power consumption is only 2.5 A. Safety and Security: The SAM3U ensures robust operation thanks to multiple system functions, including a Memory Protection Unit, dual- an Flash and ac up cloc mechanism. A 128- it uni ue ID ena les traceability or seed for encryption. Low Power Consumption: The SAM3U incorporates power mana ement techni ues that minimize power consumption under all conditions of use, whether in active mode or low-power modes. SAM3U Ecosystem: Atmel’s SAM3U Flash MCU is supported by a rapidly growing number of development tools, real-time operatin systems RTOS , middleware products and technical support services rom industryleading third parties. Atmel provides a dedicated software package for the SAM3U with register descriptions and device drivers for all peripherals, along with project examples that ease the use of the microcontroller. SAM3U-EK Development Board The Atmel SAM3U-EK toolkit contains the following items: Atmel and Digi-Key introduce the SAM3U-EK Development Board Atmel’s SAM3U series is a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 Flash microcontroller with high-speed 480M ps USB Phy. The SAM3U-EK Evaluation Kit SAM3U-EK allows the evaluation o the SAM3U series devices. With enough features to demonstrate most of the product’s capabilities to the users, the SAM3U-EK eatures extension connectors to allow the users to add new interfaces that they are not on-board. Welcome letter SAM3U-EK oard Power supply Universal input AC/DC power supply with US, Europe and UK plu adapters One 3V lithium attery type CR1225 One USB ca le One serial RS232 ca le AVR32 32-bit MCU - UC3 MCU’s and Evaluation Kits The Atmel AVR32 UC3 product family is built on the new AVR32 UC core optimized or hi hly inte rated em edded applications requiring microcontrollers with on-chip Flash program memory, high computation throughput, real-time behavior and low power consumption. Hi h computation throu hputs The AVR32 UC core is sin le cycle operation and has a tightly coupled SRAM Deterministic and real-time control The Atomic read-modi ywrite it andin and ast interrupt response provide ine event control Low power AVR32 UC core wor s smart. It re uires lower us activity and lower operating frequency than other architectures Low system cost The Instruction set ives hi h code density resulting in smaller memory usage Hi h relia ility The AVR32 UC sa ely oots rom the RC-oscillator. - The NMI ensures critical event processin and the MPU secures memory accesses Easy to use Hi h per ormance and code density allows so tware designers to use high level programming methodologies without execution speed or cost penalty 74 74 ATEVK1100 Evaluation Board The ATEVK1100 is an evaluation it and development system or the AVR32 AT32UC3A microcontroller. It is e uipped with a rich set o peripherals, memory, and ma es it easy to try the ull potential of the AVR32 devices. Supports the AT32UC3A Ethernet port Sensors Li ht, Temperature, Potentiometer 4x20 Blue LCD PWM Ad usta le ac li ht Connectors or JTAG, Nexus, USART, USB 2.0, TWI, SPI SD and MMC Card Reader For Evaluation / Development o AT32UC3A128, 256, 512, 1128, 1256, 1512 ATEVK1101 Evaluation Board The ATEVK1101 is an evaluation it and development system or the AVR32 AT32UC3B microcontroller. It is e uipped with a rich set o peripherals, memory, and ma es it easy to try the full potential of the AVR32 devices. Supports the AT32UC3B Sensors Li ht, Temperature Connectors or JTAG, Nexus, USART, USB 2.0, TWI, SPI SD and MMC Card Reader For Evaluation / Development o AT32UC3B064, 0128, 0256, 164, 1128, 1256 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 What’sNew! New! What’s Microcontrollers and Peripherals Hubs, Hosts, and Hi-Speed USB EZ-USB™ HX2: Cypress TetraHu is a hi h per ormance multiple Transaction Translator TT USB2.0 hu controller. Each downstream port o the TetraHu has its own TT to provide the est USB per ormance no matter what class o USB device is connected to it. TetraHu is ideal or applications that need guaranteed performance on each downstream port. EZ-Host Overview: E -Host is an automotive uali ed multiport ull-speed USB host/peripheral controller. E -Host is desi ned to easily inter ace to most hi h per ormance CPUs to add USB host unctionality. A 16- it RISC processor ena les E -Host to act as a coprocessor or operate in standalone mode. Two uilt in host/peripheral Serial Inter ace En ines SIEs and our USB transceivers ena le up to our downstream ports in host mode and two peripheral ports in peripheral mode. PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip From Cypress Semiconductor, CY8CKIT PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 Development Kits PSoC® from Cypress Semiconductor is a true programmable embedded system-on-chip integrating configurable analog and digital peripheral functions, memory and a microcontroller on a single chip. With an extremely flexible visual embedded design methodology that includes preconfigured, user-defined peripherals and hierarchical schematic entry, a design can be changed multiple times and the project can still stay on schedule. The PSoC3 and PSoC5 amilies extend this pro ramma le em edded system desi n plat orm, shatterin desi n limitations. The system contains hi h-precision pro ramma le analo includin 12- it to 20- it delta-si ma ADCs, a di ital lo ic li rary with dozens o drop-in peripherals, est-in-class power mana ement and rich connectivity resources. 8- it, 16- it, or 32- it desi ns can e implemented with the advanced ARM Cortex -M3 or hi h-per ormance 8051 processors. EFM®32 Gecko Development Kit Supporting Energy Micro’s energyfriendly microcontrollers Energy Micro’s EFM32 Gecko Development Kit is a plat orm for rapid prototyping of ultra low power microcontroller applications. It consists o a mother oard, replacea le MCU oard, and prototyping board along with a comprehensive software development environment. The development kit features a unique Advanced Energy Monitorin AEM system, which allows desi ners to have ull control over their applications’ energy consumption. This, along with the ability to isolate the motherboard’s components not relevant to the end application, allows designers to make their applications as energy efficient as possible. Two versions, one with an MCU plug-in board and the other with the MCU plu -in oard with a 160-se ment LCD, are availa le. Features: Advanced Ener y Monitorin includes precise measurement o current and volta e, 0.1 A to 50 mA measurement ran e, on oard logging and display features, and continuous availability at the push of a button So tware includes 32KB evaluation versions o KEIL MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit and IAR Em edded Wor ench User Inter ace includes a 320x240 TFT display, 16 user LEDs, 8 roc er-style miniature DIP switches, 4 push utton switches, miniature joystick, 1 pushbutton system reset button, and potmeter Analo Features include am ient li ht sensor/photo resistor, 3-axis accelerometer, and line-in / line-out analo inter ace Communication eatures include two RS232 serial ports, I C inter ace, and in rared transceiver De u in includin on oard SEGGER J-Lin USB emulator and ARM 20-pin JTAG/SWD standard de u in/out connector Memory eatures include 4 M it ast-access SRAM, 32 M it NOR lash. 2 it I C us EEPROM, and 16 M it SPI Flash Power includes two separate power domains allowin or accurate current and volta e measurements o the application ener y consumption, external 5V supply, and 5V/500mA USB supply Prototype Board includes availa ility o all EFM32 GPIO pins, 3 power domains 5V unre ulated, AEM measured VDDm and VDD, user LEDs MCU Board eatures LCD EFM32-G8XX-DK only , 32.768 Hz crystal, 32 MHz crystal, and LEDs indicatin power and reset Setup Control includes FPGA controllin switches and connections as well as I C EEPROM or identi ication o prototype and MCU boards Kinetis ARM Cortex™-M4 Microcontrollers 32- it Kinetis MCUs represent the most scala le port olio o ARM Cortex -M4 MCUs in the industry. The irst phase o the port olio consists o ive MCU amilies with over 200 pin-, peripheral- and so tware compati le devices with outstandin per ormance, memory and eature scala ility. Ena led y innovative 90nm Thin Film Stora e TFS lash technolo y with uni ue FlexMemory con i ura le em edded EEPROM , Kinetis eatures the latest low-power innovations and hi h per ormance, hi h precision mixed-si nal capa ility. Kinetis MCUs are supported y a mar et-leadin ena lement undle rom Freescale and ARM 3rd party ecosystem partners. The Tower System Development Kits are development tools or the K- amilies o Kinetis microcontrollers. These its are part o the Freescale Tower System, a modular, reusa le development plat orm that allows desi ners to et to mar et aster with pac a ed evaluation oards, tools and runtime so tware. The K- amily microcontrollers module can operate as standalone debug tools and can be purchased separately from the kits. MPC5121e 32-bit Power Architecture Microcontrollers Freescale Semiconductor and Digi-Key introduce MPC5121e 32-bit Power Architecture Microcontrollers Freescale Semiconductor s MPC5121e and MPC5123 32- it embedded processors provide an exceptional computing platform for OEM, aftermarket, commercial telematics, and consumer applications, including embedded solutions re uirin networ connectivity, raphics and a raphical user inter ace. Based on the e300 core uilt on Power Architecture technolo y, the MPC5121e and MPC5123 em edded processors will deliver quality, reliability and high performance for years to come. Features: e300 core uilt on power architecture technolo y Up to 400 MHz per ormance and 760 MIPS AXE, a 32- it RISC audio accelerator en ine PowerVR MBX Lite 2D/3D Graphics En ine Not included in the MPC5123 DIU Inte rated display controller supports up to XGA resolution 12 pro ramma le serial controllers PSC More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 75 75 www.digikey.com/new SeeSee www.digikey.com/new EZ-USB FX2LP™ Overview: Cypress’ FX2LP is a programmable high-speed USB controller. The low power and ultra flexibility of Cypress’ FX2 family of controllers enables them to be used in a wide range of applications ranging from PCTV dongles to low power printers. For bus powered applications, Cypress o ers the FX2LP USB controller. The FX2LP comes in di erent versions, dependin on desi n re uirements. Cypress o ers the FX2LP with 24, 26 or 40 pro ramma le I/O pins tailored to suit many applications. What’s What’sNew! New! HC08AS/AZ 8-bit Microcontrollers Low-cost, high-performance MCUs from Freescale Freescale Semiconductor’s HC08AS/A amily is part o its low-cost, high-performance M68HC08 amily o 8- it microcontroller units MCUs . All MCUs in this family use the enhanced M68HC08 central processor unit CPU08 and are availa le with a variety o modules, memory sizes and types, and pac a e types. Features : Hi h-per ormance M68HC08 architecture Fully upward-compati le o ect code with M6805, M146805, and M68HC05 amilies Up to 1 B o on-chip electrically erasa le programmable read-only memory with security option 60 B o lash electrically erasa le read-only memory 16- it, 6-channel timer inter ace module TIMA-6 Cloc enerator module CGM Serial peripheral inter ace module SPI Serial communications inter ace module SCI 8- it, 15-channel analo -to-di ital converter ADC Flash data security Up to 2 B o on-chip RAM 8.4MHz internal us re uency See www.digikey.com/new See www.digikey.com/new Low Pin Count MCUs Fujitsu and Digi-Key introduce Fujitsu’s broadened family of compact, flexible, and low pin count MCUs Fujitsu broadens its 8-bit MCU family with the introduction of a comprehensive ran e o low-pin-count LPC products. Fu itsu s LPC MCUs feature high-performance, low-voltage, embedded flash, a precision on-chip RC oscillator, and an on-chip de u eature. The MB95200 series includes a complete range of single-chip standard microcontrollers with between 8 and 24 pins, powered y an optimized core and eaturin low-lea a e technolo y and embedded flash. With fast processing capabilities and low power consumption position, the MB95200 series is an ideal desi n choice or appliances such as washin machines, refrigerators, ovens, smoke detectors, vacuum cleaners and air conditioning units. The MCUs are also ideal for cordless phones, remote controls, shavers and other handheld consumer products, as well as aftermarket automotive accessories. Features: 100K erase cycles 20-year data retention -40 C to 85 C Built-in EEPROM Emulation with dual Flash memory Flash content protection Low volta e reset Cloc supervisor /- 3 On-chip RC oscillator Sin le-wire de u inter ace Low-cost development environment Applications: Low cost applications Home appliances Electrical tools Consumer healthcare products A termar et car accessories XE164F Microcontroller 16-Bit Single-Chip Real Time Signal Controller The XE164 Series is a new 100-pin device amily o the popular C166 microcontroller architecture. Based on the enhanced C166S V2 architecture, it outper orms existin 16- it solutions. The XE164 is an improved and next eneration representation o the ull eatured 16- it sin le-chip CMOS Real Time Si nal Controller with 32- it performance. Hi h CPU per ormance com ined with enhanced IO capa ilities, exi le power mana ement and new impressive peripherals such as Universal Serial Inter ace USIC ma e the XE164 the instrument o choice or demandin industrial applications such as Motor Control, Power Supplies, Transportation and Communication. Inte ration o external components such as integrated voltage regulator, EEPROM emulation with additional flash modules and various clock sources optimize system cost. The XE164 series is part o a amily with 4 di erent PG-LQFP pac a es ena lin hi h levels of system integration and scalability with a rich choice of devices. Applications: Servo drives Appliance motors HVAC compressors and lowers Stepper motors Industrial pumps Transportation Power supplies SMPS and Digital Power Conversion Solutions Microchip has the benefits of digital power conversion, including higher power density, lower system cost, and accelerated innovation Sel contained SMPS solutions and rich peripherals o Microchip s dsPIC di ital power devices enable engineers to design solutions that do not require much in the way of external support chips. Thus, when usin the dsPIC DSC SMPS solution, developers can o tain a 20 reduction in component count over other solutions. In addition to space and cost-savin eatures, the dsPIC DSC SMPS solution has special eatures that ena le advanced power conversion. Included amon these eatures is an intelli ent power peripheral. Independent PWM, ADC, and analo comparator peripherals form the intelligent power peripheral via an internal configurable control fabric that enables them to interact directly with one another. Specifications: Configurable Control Fabric Controls coordination etween comparators, PWM, and ADC Set-up via so tware / operates independently o so tware Precisely times ADC conversions Controls PWM response to aults Benefits of Configurable Control Fabric Provides real-time response without irmware intervention Expands control ran e o options Adapta le or a wide variety o control methodolo ies Provides ail-sa e control Evaluation Boards: DM300023 This development board provides an easy and economical way to evaluate the dsPIC30F202x/1010 SMPS and Di ital Power Conversion amily o components and provides an educational and prototyping platform to investigate digital power conversion and digital Switch Mode Power Supply SMPS desi n. A prototypin tool or all 28-pin, SDIP dsPIC30F, dsPIC33F and PIC24 devices. DM300027 This low-cost, 16- it, 28-pin Starter Development Board supports 28-dsPIC Di ital Si nal Controller DSC devices or pin PIC24 microcontrollers. This oard is an ideal prototypin tool to help validate key design requirements using these DSCs and microcontrollers. 76 76 AC164133 Buc /Boost Converter PICtail Plus Dau hter Board provides an easy and economical development plat orm or dsPIC SMPS and di ital power conversion amily DSCs which are desi ned to provide low-cost and e cient control or wide ran e o power supply topolo ies. DM240001 The Explorer 16 is a low cost, e cient development oard to evaluate the eatures and per ormance o Microchip s new PIC24 Microcontroller, the dsPIC33 Di ital Si nal Controller DSC amilies, and the new 32- it PIC32MX devices. Coupled with the MPLAB ICD 2 In Circuit De u er or MPLAB REAL ICE, real-time emulation and de u acilities speed evaluation and prototypin o application circuitry. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 What’sNew! New! What’s Features: USB powered Free demo code 0.025 pin headers Inte rated USB pro rammer/de u er Easy access to all device si nals or pro in Easily porta le Soc eted dsPIC/PIC24 Flexi le, easy device replacement On oard de u LED, utility LED, and reset switch Only 20x76mm in size - smaller than a stic o um Microchip Technology’s development platform for 16-bit digital signal controllers and microcontrollers Microchip s Microstic or dsPIC33F and PIC24H devices is desi ned to provide an easy-to-use, economical development environment or 16- it di ital si nal controllers and microcontrollers. The oard includes an inte rated de u er/ programmer and a socket for the device under test and pins that facilitates insertion into a prototyping board for extremely flexible development. The device under test is socketed for easy change-out. Additionally, the Microstick is supported by Microchip’s MPLAB integrated development environment. PIC18F47J53 8-Bit USB Microcontrollers Microchip’s 28/44-pin, high performance USB microcontrollers with nanoWatt XLP technology Microchip Technolo y s PIC18F47J53 eatures XLP technolo y or extreme low power consumption. This new MCU provides up to 128KB lash pro ram memory and 4KB RAM. This o ers plenty o code space for Microchip’s free USB stack and for application code. The MCU eatures ull-speed USB 2.0 capa ility, which ena les applications that can perform remote field upgrades, download usage data, and connect to diagnostic equipment. These performance factors result in lower costs and more flexibility for the end user. The integrated mTouch™ sensing capability enables easy implementation of capacitive touch sensing user interfaces, while XLP technology drastically reduces the amount of power consumed and helps extend battery life. By having USB integrated on this XLP family of MCUs, there is no need to sacrifice power consumption just to have USB. Many portable applications, such as smart card readers, occasionally need to connect to a PC or another porta le device via USB. The ull-speed USB 2.0 capa ility o the PIC18F47J53 MCU ena les this, and Microchip offers a free smart card library within its free USB stack. An on-chip, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter delivers the accuracy required for many advanced sensor, instrumentation, and measurement applications. With multiple PWMs, timers, and SPI channels with DMA, the PIC18F47J53 MCU is well suited for portable consumer devices, medical devices, and other applications that require low power consumption and USB connectivity. Features: Peripheral pin select or mappin di ital peripherals to various I/O or desi n lexi ility Sel -pro rammin lash supports 10 erase/write cycles and 20 years retention Char e time measurement unit CTMU supports capacitive touch screens 700nA real time cloc and calendar operation in sleep modes Hardware RTCC provides cloc , calendar, and alarm unctions Operatin volta e 2.0 - 3.6V, 5.5V tolerant di ital inputs 2 MSSP serial ports or SPI or I C™ communication 330nA watch do timer operation in Sleep modes Deep sleep mode ideal or attery applications 3 enhanced Capture / Compare / PWM modules 200nA sleep mode RAM retention Inte rated ull speed USB 2.0 2 enhanced USART modules Three analo comparators 9nA deep sleep mode 8- it parallel port 13 channel, 12- it ADC DM320005 Multimedia Expansion Board Microchip’s flexible solution for development of high impact user interfaces Microchip’s Multimedia Expansion Board is an integrated yet flexible solution for the development of high impact user interfaces. The oard comes with a 3.2 color TFT touch-screen display and inter aces to any PIC32 starter it, allowin you to choose the device family that works best for you. Many industrial and consumer applications have a need for remote controls. The Multimedia Expansion Board comes with an onboard FCC-certified WiFi module and can accommodate eneral purpose, Ethernet, and USB PIC32 starter its. Other eatures include a 24- it stereo audio codec, three-axis accelerometer, joystick, and microSD memory card slot. Simply connect any PIC32 starter it to the Multimedia Expansion Board, and you re ready to develop, pro ram, and debug. Software for the Multimedia Expansion Board is contained within the Microchip Application Library, which includes libraries for the joystick, accelerometer, CPLD, and more. Features: Attach any PIC32 starter it re uired Power via USB throu h the starter it or external 9V supply Fast, hi h color ima es Localized onts Visual prompts and uttons 24- it stereo audio Speex voice play ac MP3 music Touch screen uttons 8-position oystic with ire utton 3-axis orientation / acceleration FCC certi ied Wi-Fi 10/100 Ethernet via PIC32 Ethernet starter kit Contents: (Note: Software is not provided in the box) Multimedia Expansion Board In ormation sheet with lin s to et started Start card that directs user to we - ased instructions for software download and installation PIC24F Microcontrollers with Integrated Graphics Microchip’s family of low cost, high performance PIC24F MCUs with a fully integrated and advanced graphics subsystems Graphics Controller Features: The use of graphical menus with advanced touch buttons or touch screens is becoming the preferred method for implementing modern user interfaces. A graphical user interface offers greater flexibility for customization, etter access to context sensitive menus, and the capa ility to accommodate a vast number of use cases. Microchip delivers a family of low cost, hi h per ormance PIC24FJ DA microcontrollers that eature ully integrated and advanced graphics subsystems. A microcontroller in this family integrates three dedicated graphic acceleration engines. These engines support a DMA interface to the frame buffer memory, effectively driving graphics performance in processing and rendering graphics objects, providing easy switching between fonts and languages, and fast data or image decompression. Three raphics hardware accelerators to acilitate rendering of block copying, text, and unpacking of compressed data Color Loo -Up Ta le CLUT with maximum o 256 entries 1/2/4/8/16 its-per-pixel pp color depth set at run time Display resolution pro ramma le accordin to rame u er -Supports direct access to external memory on devices with EPMP -Resolution supported is up to 480x272 60Hz, 16 pp 640x480 30Hz, 16 pp or 640x480 60Hz, 8 pp Supports various display inter aces -4/8/16- it monochrome STN -4/8/16- it color STN -9/12/18/24- it color TFT 18- and 24- it displays are connected as 16- it 5-6-5 RGB color ormat Applications: Consumer devices, includin thermostats, cordless phones, remote controls, and gaming accessories Home appliances, includin co ee ma ers and other counter-top appliances, ovens, refrigerators, and washing machines Industrial devices, includin point o sale e uipment and remote terminals Porta le medical devices, includin lucometers, loodpressure monitors, and portable ECGs More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 77 77 www.digikey.com/new SeeSee www.digikey.com/new Microstick for dsPIC33F/PIC24H Devices What’s What’sNew! New! PIC18F K90 Family Microcontrollers Microchip Technology’s PIC18F K90 family microcontrollers enable higher system integration Microchip Technolo y s PIC18F K90 amily 8- it microcontrollers are low-power, 5V, 8- it MCUs that include on-chip LCD driver modules and 12- it analo -to-di ital converters. These MCUs are availa le in 64- and 80-pin pac a es with memory options that ran e rom 32 KB to 128 KB o lash memory, up to 4 KB o RAM, and 1 KB o on-chip EEPROM. With 24 channels of mTouch™ capacitive touch sensing, these MCUs enable higher system integration. They combine the capability to sense a large number of cap-touch sliders, buttons, and keys with the ability to drive large, segmented LCDs. mTouch™ Development Kit and 8-Bit MCU Microchip’s mTouch technology for flexible, royal-free solutions with GUI-based tools Microchip’s mTouch™ projected capacitive touch-screen sensing See www.digikey.com/new See www.digikey.com/new technology is the first in a series of patent-pending releases supporting projected capacitive touch-screen solutions. Microchip has also added the mTouch projected capacitive development kit, as well as the PIC16F707 8- it microcontroller MCU , which eatures two 16-channel capacitive sensin modules CSMs that can run in parallel for increased sampling speed. mTouch projected capacitive touch-screen technology enables designers to quickly develop and implement robust glass-front user interfaces that simplify user interaction via features such as gestures. Typical applications include global positioning systems, thermostats, mobile handheld units, and other devices that use smaller displays with a finger input. Building upon the mTouch capacitive touch-sensing technology, this royalty-free, robust technology now wor s throu h loves and on sur aces that contain li uids. It also ena les Braille to e used on capacitive touch-sensing interfaces. Designers can integrate mTouch capacitive touch-sensing functionality with their existin application code in an 8, 16 or 32- it PIC MCU, thus reducin total system costs. Features: mTouch™ Projected Capacitive Development Kit The mTouch pro ected capacitive development it includes a 3.5-inch sensor mounted on a sensor oard, a pro ected-capacitive oard with the PIC16F707 MCU, and ully unctional firmware. The kit enables users to connect sensors to up to 24 channels without modifying the firmware. The open source code supports sensors with up to 32 channels, and the kit includes a raphical user inter ace GUI tool that ena les users to easily ad ust ey parameters that are important to their designs. PIC16F707 Microcontroller In addition to two CSMs, the low-power PIC16F707 8- it MCU has a wide operatin volta e ran e o 1.8 5.5V with a typical pro ected-capacitive sensor application operatin current o approximately 1.5mA at 5V. XLP 16-bit Energy Harvesting Development Board (DV164133) The XLP 16- it Ener y Harvestin Development Kit is a true development plat orm or realizin ener y harvestin applications. The Microchip nanoWatt XLP PIC MCUs are ideal or these low power applications with sleep currents down to 20nA, active mode currents down to 50uA/ MHz, code execution e iciency, and multiple wa e-up sources. Powered only y li ht, the XLP it ena les rapid prototypin o low power applications such as RF sensors, temperature/environmental sensors, utility meters, remote controls, and security sensors to name just a few. For software development and pro rammin , the it includes the PIC it 3 pro rammer/de u er or use with the Microchip s ree MPLAB Inte rated Development Environment. The development oard portion o the it eatures the PIC24F16KA102 XLP MCU, on- oard temperature sensors, data EEPROM, potentiometer, watch crystal, LEDs, and expansion connector or PICtail modules. Supported PICtails include RF, SD/MMC Cards, Speech Play ac , and more. The power or the it is supplied y Cym et s EVAL-08 Solar Ener y Harvester. The harvester eatures a high-efficiency solar panel suitable for use with indoor or outdoor light. The harvester captures, manages, and stores energy in two Cymbet EnerChip™ thin-film rechargeable energy storage devices. The EnerChips supply energy to the XLP development board when light is not available. Power condition and capacity are monitored y the PIC24F usin Ener y Aware so tware al orithms developed by Microchip and Cymbet. The monitored information can be reported to the PC user interface via a USB connection. This allows for experimentation and balancing of energy collection vs. energy use, maximizin the ene its o the harvested ener y. Features: Solar Ener y Harvester with EnerChip stora e devices providin ac up power Individual disa le umpers or oard components such as temperature sensors, LEDs, EEPROM, and potentiometer thereby removing unwanted standby current. Expansion PICtail connector with MCU controlled power supply Prototypin area or addin additional sensors and circuits PIC it 3 Pro rammer/De u development er and oard level connector or application so tware PIC24F16KA102 eXtreme Low Power MCU with 20nA sleep currents Can also e used with PIC24FJ64GA102 UART to USB rid e or use in prototypin and PC communication Ener y Aware so tware reports char e status as a percenta e and char e state Char in or Dischar in EnerChips What’s Included: Cym et Eval-08 Solar Ener y Harvestin Board and Ca le XLP 16- it Development Board PIC24F16KA102 Microcontroller PIC it 3 Pro rammer/De u er USB Ca le XLP 16- it Ener y Harvestin Development Kit user uide PIC24F16KA 16-Bit Flash Microcontrollers Microchip’s PIC24F16KA with nanoWatt XLP™ Microchip Technolo y s PIC24F16KA 16- it microcontroller is desi ned or power constrained and battery-powered applications. This device features unique peripherals such as DSBOR, DSWDT and RTCC, which run in deep sleep mode for excellent low power performance. The PIC24F16KA102 amily includes the new Char e Time Measurement Unit CTMU interface module, which can be used for capacitive touch sensing, proximity sensing, and also for precision time measurement. 78 78 Features: Internal oscillator support 31 Hz to 8 MHz, up to 32 MHz with 4X PLL Fail-sa e cloc monitor allows sa e shutdown i cloc ails System supervisors low power BOR, WDT, INT0, and RTCC Power modes run, doze, idle, sleep, deep sleep 1uS wa e-up rom sleep 50nA I/O port lea a e 195 A at 1MHz run mode More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 What’sNew! New! What’s NXP’s LPC1102 brings unprecedented performance, low power, and simplicity NXP Semiconductors LPC1102 is tar eted at applications re uirin an ultra-miniature oard ootprint. As the newest mem er o the hi hly success ul LPC11xx microcontroller amily, the LPC1102 delivers the same ey eatures o low power, hi h per ormance, and hi h value while addin the new dimension o miniaturization. The LPC1102, with 32KB o lash and 8KB o RAM on-chip, is availa le in wa er level chip scale pac a in WL-CSP with dimensions o 2.17mm x 2.32mm, a thic ness o 0.65mm, and a pitch o 0.5mm. Applications: Mo ile devices Consumer peripherals Li htin Key product eatures include a 5-channel 10- it ADC, one UART, one SPI, two 32- it and two 16- it timers, and one 24- it system timer. SWD de u in and pro rammin with our rea points and two watch points are also included. Eleven I/O unctions also dou le as eneral-purpose input and output GPIO or maximum lexi ility. O erin very low power consumption with active mode current as low as 130 A/MHz, the LPC1102 eatures an internal IRC oscillator that is accurate to 1 over the industrial temperature and volta e ran e. It can also e cloc ed with an external source. 8/16- it applications Porta le devices LPC1100 Series 50-MHz, 32-bit Cortex-M0™ Microcontrollers NXP Semiconductors and Digi-Key introduce the LPC11C00 Cortex-M0 CAN microcontrollers NXP Semiconductors’ LPC1111/12/13/14 is one o the world s irst Cortex-M0 ased microcontroller series offering users a cost effective, very easy to use 32-bit MCU that is code and tool compatible with other NXP ARM-based MCU products. With 32-bit performance combined with multiple power modes and very low deep-sleep power, the LPC11xx offers industry leading energy efficiency greatly extending battery life. The LPC11xx sets new benchmarks in performance efficiency with dramatically improved code density enabling longer battery life and lower system costs. Features: Serial wire de u and serial wire trace port Hi h-current output driver 20 mA on one pin Hi h-current sin drivers 20 mA on two pins Power-On Reset POR Sin le 3.3 V power supply 1.8 V to 3.6 V Crystal oscillator with an operatin ran e o 1 MHz to 25 MHz Availa le as 48-pin LQFP pac a e and 33-pin HVQFN pac a e 15 GPIO pins can e used as ed e and level sensitive interrupt sources Processor wa e-up rom deep-sleep mode via interrupts rom various peripherals Brownout detect with our separate thresholds or interrupt and forced reset 12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1 accuracy that can optionally be used as a system clock PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without the need for a high-frequency crystal May e run rom the main oscillator, the internal RC oscillator, or the watchdog oscillator Inte rated PMU Power Mana ement Unit to minimize power consumption during sleep, deep-sleep, and deep power-down modes Cloc eneration unit with divider that can re lect the main oscillator cloc , IRC cloc , CPU cloc , and watchdo cloc . Applications: Battery-powered systems e-Meterin Consumer peripherals Remote sensors 16- it applications LPC1100L 32-Bit MCU NXP’s LPC1100L MCU offers superior performance at low cost NXP s LPC1100L is a low priced 32- it MCU solution. This particular MCU is hi her value and easier to use than existin 8-/16- it microcontrollers y its unprecedented performance, simplicity, low power, and more importantly, dramatic reductions in code size or all 8-/16- it applications. The LPC1100L series o ers a seamless entry point or any 8-/16- it customers loo in to start with the scalable ARM architecture throughout their entire range o product development. Built around the new Cortex-M0 architecture-the smallest, lowest-power, and most energy-efficient ARM core ever developedthese MCUs are ideally-equipped for use in battery-powered consumer devices, smart meters, motor control, and more. Features: Applications: Sin le power supply 1.8 V to 3.6 V eMeterin Crystal oscillator with an operatin ran e o 1 MHz to 25 MHz Alarm systems Uni ue device serial num er or identification White oods Li htin Availa le as 48-pin LQFP pac a e, 33-pin HVQFN pac a e, and 44-pin PLCC package LPC122x Cortex-M0™ Microcontrollers NXP’s LPC122x Cortex-M0 microcontrollers add up to 128 kB flash, more analog and peripherals for customers’ applications NXP expands its award-winnin and low-power Cortex-M0 microcontroller offerings with the LPC122x series. The LPC122x series adds more features and performances to customers’ applications, including up to 128 kB of flash, DMA, CRC, 4 timers, RTC, comparators, ADC, Fast-Mode-Plus I C, SPI and a Windowed Watch-dog timer. The LPC122x’s 128 kB flash supports an erase sector as small as 512 ytes. Its 12 MHz internal oscillator with 1 percent accuracy can optionally be used as a system clock output. The LPC122x series also eatures the industry s irst division API unction desi ned or the ARM Cortex-M0 Core. This eliminates the need o writin division codes in the so tware and improves the speed of a division by up to four times and greatly improves the system’s processin per ormance and saves code space. The LPC122x series is availa le in 48-LQFP and 64-LQFP pac a es. In addition, the LPC122x series has an optional inte rated 40x4 se ment display driver, the LPC12D2x. This is the industry s irst Cortex-M0 microcontroller with an inte rated display driver, allowing customers to further integrate their systems’ components with smaller ootprint and lower cost. LPC12D2x is availa le in 100-LQFP pac a e. Features: Processor core - ARM Cortex-M0 processor, runnin at re uencies o up to 30 MHz with zero wait state from Flash - ARM Cortex-M0 uilt-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller NVIC - Serial Wire Debug - System tick timer Memory - Up to 8 kB SRAM - Up to 128 kB on-chip flash programming memory - In-System Pro rammin ISP and In-Application Pro rammin IAP via on-chip bootloader software Cloc eneration unit - Crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz - 12 MHz Internal RC IRC oscillator trimmed to 1 accuracy that can optionally e used as a system clock - PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without the need for a high-frequency crystal. May be run from the system oscillator or the internal RC oscillator - Clock output function with divider that can re lect the system oscillator cloc , IRC cloc , main clock, and Watchdog clock - Real-Time Cloc RTC Power - Three reduced power modes Sleep, Deepsleep, and Deep power-down - Processor wake-up from Deep-sleep mode via start logic using 12 port pins - Brownout detect with three separate thresholds each for interrupt and forced reset - Power-On Reset POR - Inte rated PMU Power Mana ement Unit Applications eMeterin Li htin Industrial networ in Alarm systems White oods More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 79 79 www.digikey.com/new SeeSee www.digikey.com/new LPC1102 32-Bit ARM Microcontroller What’s What’sNew! New! RX600 Series Microcontrollers Renesas’ RX600 series provides MCU performance and powerful signal processing capabilities Renesas RX600 series microcontrollers deliver the very latest technolo y. The RX600 chips are microcontroller/di ital si nal controller hy rids that provide oth super MCU per ormance and power ul si nal processin capa ilities olstered y the industry s astest em edded lash memory all while achievin very low power consumption. These versatile and economical MCUs are scalable for many applications. They are supported by a rich ecosystem that offers development tools and middleware. See www.digikey.com/new See www.digikey.com/new SH7216 MCU Series Development Boards Renesas’ SH7216 features 200MHz superscalar core and 10ns read flash memory Applications: Features: Industrial E uipment Up to 400 MIPS per ormance Renesas SH7216 series o MCUs PLC DSP Instructions and FPU to accelerate and enhance real-time al orithms employs a uni ue 10ns lash General-purpose inverters 10ns read access lash eliminates need to execute out o RAM technology with ample performance AC servos Medical Applications to combine real-time control, Up to 1MB on-chip lash, 32KB data lash and 128KB RAM connectivity, and digital signal External memory controller supports SDRAM, SRAM, NOR, and EPROM processing in one cost-effective AED Sleep screenin Two power ul motor timers to control two rushless motors simultaneously solution. The on-chip 1MB flash and 128KB RAM provides additional lexi ility in selectin the appropriate 10/100M ps Ethernet with dedicated DMA and 2KB transmit and receive FIFO Telemetry Building Automation Commercial uildin access systems so tware or an application, reducin time to mar et. The SH7216 series USB FS 2.0 device and CAN incorporates a PWM timer, 12-bit ADC, LAN controller, USB, and CAN as Two 12- it ADC modules, 8 DMA channels, 5x UART, SPI, and I C Commercial HVAC Hi h-end ire panels peripheral unctions. The SH7216 series lineup consists o the SH7216 roup with loatin -point unit FPU . C8051F98x and C8051F99x Low-Power MCU’s Silicon Labs and Digi-Key introduce the C8051F9xx family of low power MCU’s Silicon La s C8051F9xx MCU amily is desi ned or low power applications includin wireless devices or home automation, RFID ta s, pedometers, heat/ as meters and lighting controllers as well as sensor equipment such as alarms, game controllers, and smoke and fire detectors. They provide one of the lowest current consumptions in oth sleep and active modes ma in this an optimal choice or small Flash size and low power applications. The C8051F9xx amily has more MIPS, a hi her resolution ADC, smaller form factor and operates fully down to 1.8 V. The C8051F98x devices urther expand Silicon La s low power C8051F9xx product amily to address smaller memory, lower power, and more cost-sensitive microcontroller applications. The C8051F99x MCUs com ine the low power technolo y o the C8051F9xx amily with the ast and accurate capacitive sensin C8051F7xx/8xx amilies to address the ast- rowin capacitive touch application mar et. C8051F98x C8051F99x Features: Features: eatures o the Quic Sense Ultra Low power in active and sleep modes Ultra Low power in active and sleep modes Hi hly inte rated - 12- it ADC, VREF, oscillators, our timers, 25 MIPS CPU all in 3x3 mm pac a e Ultra Low power 1 A wa e-on-touch Fully compati le amily 2-64 B Flash MCU s Hi h SNR capacitance-to-di ital converter with ultra- ast 40 s scan time Benefits: Hi hly inte rated Ena les si ni icant attery li e savin s Saves BOM cost and ena les a small orm actor o ten necessary in attery powered applications Allows or cost, memory size optimization 12- it ADC, VREF, oscillators, 4 timers, 25 MIPS CPU all in 3x3 mm pac a e Proven al orithms provided in Quic Sense Studio Benefits: Ena les si ni icant attery li e savin s Hi hly responsive uttons, sliders, and wheels Saves BOM cost and ena les a complete system solution applications in a small orm actor Quic Sense Studio provides a rapid and trustworthy path to development success Sin le environment or all human inter ace unctions 80 80 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 What’sNew! New! What’s Stellaris® Robotic Evaluation Board Stellaris EVALBOT from Texas Instruments makes experimenting with microcontrollers Features: fun and easy Ro otic capa ilities ro otic evaluation oard EVALBOT is an evaluation Wireless communication expansion port plat orm or the Stellaris LM3S9B92 microcontroller. The oard also uses a ran e o Texas Instruments analo Stellaris LM3S9B92 microcontroller components or motor drive, power supply, and MicroSD card connector communications functions. After a few minutes of assembly, the EVALBOT’s electronics are ready to run. I2S audio codec with spea er USB host and device connectors When roaming, three AA batteries supply power to the EVALBOT. The EVALBOT automatically selects USB power when tethered to a PC as a USB device or when debugging. Test points are provided to all key RJ45 Ethernet connector EVALBOT si nals. Two 20-pin headers ena le uture wireless communications usin standardized Texas Instruments low-power Ro ot eatures em edded radio modules EM oards . Additional microcontroller si nals are availa le on rea out pads arran ed in rows ad acent to the microcontroller. Bri ht 96 x 16 lue OLED display www.digikey.com/new SeeSee www.digikey.com/new Texas Instruments Stellaris - Two DC gear motors provide drive and steering - Opto sensors detect wheel rotation with 45 resolution The EVALBOT has factory-installed quick start software resident in on-chip flash memory. For software debugging and flash - Sensors or ump detection pro rammin , an inte rated in-circuit de u inter ace ICDI re uires only a sin le USB ca le or de u and serial port unctions. On- oard in-circuit de u inter ace ICDI The EVALBOT is availa le with a Stellaris-speci ic version o C/OS-III, The Real-Time Kernel y Jean J. La rosse. This oo reveals how a real-time ernel wor s usin Micrium s C/OS-III and the Stellaris EVALBOT as re erences. For those who already have the book, the board is available separately. Battery powered y three AA atteries or powered throu h USB Mechanical components assem led y user MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad Development Board Texas Instruments’ MSP-EXP430G2 with the IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart for MSP430 Texas Instruments MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad is an easy-to-use lash pro rammer and de u in tool that provides everythin needed to start developin on MSP430 Value Line devices. It includes a 14-/20-pin DIP soc eted tar et oard with inte rated emulation to uic ly pro ram and de u MSP430 Value Line devices in-system throu h the Spy Bi-Wire 2-wire JTAG protocol. The lash memory can e erased and pro rammed in seconds with no external power supply re uired due to the MSP430 s ultra-low power lash. Features: New data models or MSP430X small, medium, lar e DIP tar et soc et supportin up to 20 pins ena les development on any MSP430 Value Line Improved callin convention device in a DIP pac a e N Support or 32- it hardware multiplier in C-SP simulator and C li rary Built-in lash emulator connects lash- ased MSP430 Value Line devices to a PC or real-time, TimerA1 and TimerB1 are now simulated when the C-SP simulator is used in-system programming and debugging via the included mini USB cable Support or multiple MSP-FET430UIF TI USB FET modules 2 pro ramma le LEDs, 1 power LED Static watch window 1 pro ramma le uttons, 1 reset utton Sym olic memory window Free and unrestricted compiler/de u er IDEs Improved rea point display - IAR Em edded Wor ench Kic Start and Code Composer Studio oth have ree, downloada le versions, which can run unrestricted on any MSP430 Value Line device Memory save/restore also in TI-TXT ormat New eneric header iles Multi- ile compilation, resultin in a sin le compiler output ile uC/OS-II Kernel Awareness Plu -in in C-SP VisualSTATE uild inte ration Support or de u modules rom Elprotronic, Olimex and So t au h Support or MSP435F5xx amily ootstrap loader environment F2806x Floating-Point Piccolo™ Texas Instruments Piccolo MCUs offer floating-point precision and increased math capabilities Texas Instruments F2806x series expands Piccolo low-cost, hi h integration 32-bit microcontrollers to include floating-point ease of use along with increased communication capabilities. The math computing capabilities are reatly increased not only y a speed ump to 80MHz, ut also y the addition o the new VCU complex math unit. Flash and RAM size have een increased, and Piccolo sees new peripherals such as USB with host , DMA, and HiRes capture. These advances open the door to a wide array o new application possibilities. For example, the engineers can easily add any variant of power line communication to their applications without the need for an additional MCU. There is now a low-cost controlSTICK or instant plu -and-play with your computer. The F28069 controlSTICK includes on- oard emulation, so it s a complete development it, alon with TI s Code Composer Studio v4 IDE and raphical pro rammin . There is also an Experimenter s Kit with the F28069 controlCARD. The controlCARD will also e sold individually and can e plu ed into all existin evaluation and application its. The F28069 Piccolo Experimenter Kit is an ideal product or OEMs to use or initial device exploration and testin . Features: Up to 80MHz, 32- it C28x Applications: CPU Solar inverters 16 B to 256 B em edded lash LED li htin 12- it ADC, up to 4.6 MSPS Electric vehicles 150ps hi h-resolution ePWM Appliances Control law accelerator Di ital power Pac a e options startin at 38-pin Motor control TSSOP Renewa le ener y Inte rated oscillator, volta e re ulator, PLC BOR/POR Sin le-rail 3.3V device Floatin -point and ixed-point options More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 81 81 TeaClippers™ MCU Programmers The TeaClippers are portable, target-powered firmware programmers for Microchip’s PIC Microcontrollers. Limited Firmware uploads can be enabled for firmware resale. Encrypted versions are available to protect content and device verification prior to and during programming. The Crypto version supports any microcontroller that can self-write to its own memory. Unique serial numbers and license codes can be written to each PIC Programmed. The TeaClipper USB Adapter is required to load the TeaClipper’s with Firmware. LED Dim. in mm LED Price Each Flexipanel Part No. TeaClipper PIC 658-1019-5-ND Digi-Key Part No. 37.80 TEACL-PIC-HV Evaluation Kits / Accessories 658-1026-5-ND 40.50 TEACL-USB Description 1 2345 High or Low Voltage Programming Clip Ø .64 USB Adapter for TeaClipper 2.54 Programming and Prototyping Adapters Digi-Key Price Part No. Each SOIC to DIP Prototyping Adapters 8-Pin SOIC .150 Wide Soc et to 8-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1045-ND 60.00 8-Pin SOIC .150 Wide Soc et to 8-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1046-ND 60.00 8-Pin SOIC .210 Wide Soc et to 8-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1047-ND 70.00 8-Pin SOIC .210 Wide Soc et to 8-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1048-ND 70.00 8-Pin SOIC 300 MIL Wide Soc et to 8-Pin 300 MIL Wide 309-1098-ND 7.50 DIP Plu 14-Pin SOIC .150 Wide Soc et to 14-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1000-ND 60.00 14-Pin SOIC .150 Wide Soc et to 14-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1001-ND 60.00 18-Pin SOIC .300 Wide Soc et to 18-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1010-ND 70.00 18-Pin SOIC .300 Wide Soc et to 18-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1011-ND 70.00 20-Pin SOIC .300 Wide Soc et to 20-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1012-ND 70.00 20-Pin SOIC .300 Wide Soc et to 20-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1013-ND 70.00 28-Pin SOIC .300 Wide Soc et to 28-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1023-ND 70.00 28-Pin SOIC .300 Wide Soc et to 28-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1024-ND 70.00 28-Pin SOIC 300 MIL Wide Soc et to 28-Pin 300 MIL Wide 309-1097-ND 14.00 DIP Plu SSOP to DIP Prototyping Adapters 20-Pin SSOP Soc et to 20-Pin .300 Wide DIP Plu 309-1014-ND 80.00 20-Pin SSOP Soc et to 18-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1016-ND 80.00 28-Pin SSOP Soc et to 28-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1025-ND 80.00 28-Pin SSOP Soc et to 28-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1026-ND 80.00 PLCC to DIP Prototyping Adapter 32-Pin PLCC Auto-E ect Soc et to 28-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1089-ND 70.00 32-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 28-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1090-ND 90.00 32-Pin PLCC Auto-E ect Soc et to 32-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1091-ND 100.00 32-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 32-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1092-ND 90.00 44-Pin PLCC Auto-E ect Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1093-ND 115.00 44-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1094-ND 135.00 44-Pin PLCC Auto-E ect Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1095-ND 115.00 44-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1096-ND 135.00 44-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1007-ND 135.00 Description PA8SO1-03-3 PA8SO1-03-6 PA8SO1-2006-3 PA8SO1-2006-6 PA-SOD3SM18-08 PA14SO1-03-3 PA14SO1-03-6 PA18SO1-08H-3 PA18SO1-08H-6 PA20SO1-08H-3 PA20SO1-08H-6 PA28SO1-08H-3 PA28SO1-08H-6 PA-SOD3SM18-28 PA20SS-OT-3 PA20SS-P54 PA28SS-OT-6 PA28SS-P55 PA32-28 PA32-28Z PA32-32 PA32-32Z PA51-44 PA51-44 PA280-44 PA280-44 PA17C42-PD 20 00 © (0) (0) 44 ox-tech.com oxtech. com ht 5 Co py rig .e qu in sa 120 le 4 535555 s@ w w eq w uin or + Equ es e ht r inox ll r i g Techn ologies UK Limited. A ct ne on C +4 4 P IS : x Fa ail: : E-m site eb et : one rg 1204 529000 rve d EPSILON5 — Portable ISP Programmer h Tele p W 32 -2 S T R OR P EPSILON5 — Portable ISP Programmer: Features: Supports C Controlled and Standalone rogramming evelopment Mode - Using Equinox Development Suite E S under C control Standalone Mode - Ideal for field or small-scale production use no C re uired astest programming times possible due to on-board data, high-speed S I and T port Supports programming of SH, EE ROM, SE bits, Security bits and RC Oscillator Calibration bytes 2Mbits of on-board non-volatile SH memory for user pro ect storage Stand alone Mode T ort - ST IS using T algorithm E uinox evelopment Suite E S ro ect uilder - To create/ edit rogramming ro ects ro ect Manager - To create and maintain ro ect Collec tions ro ect pload/ Download Utility - To upload projects to the programmer for use in Standalone Mode ATmega AVR JTAG Upgrade Bundle: The “ATmega AVR JTAG” License Upgrade for Equinox ISP Programmers supports high-speed In-System Programming (ISP) of Atmel ATmega AVR Microcontrollers via their on-chip JTAG port. The JTAG algorithm yields much faster programming times (3-4 times faster) than the traditional SPI algorithm due to an enhanced protocol and higher bus speed. It is also possible to program multiple AVR Microcontrollers which are part of a JTAG Chain on the same Target System using JTAG algorithm. Note: For more information, please see Digi-Key web site. R E W ) O V P .0 C -5 D .1 (3 483-1000-ND 483-1014-ND 483-1015-ND 483-1008-ND 483-1016-ND 483-1017-ND 483-1005-ND 483-1007-ND 483-1013-ND 82 82 EPSILON5-A1 EPSILON5 — Portable USB ISP Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPSILON5(AVR-JTAG) EPSILON5 — Portable USB ISP Programmer for AVR-JTAG — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . EPSILON5(SAM7) EPSILON5 — Portable USB ISP Programmer for SAM7 — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPSILON5-UPG3 EPSILON5 — Portable USB ISP Programmer Upgrade JTAG ISP AVR MCU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPS-AVRJTAG-BUNDLE Programmer/Device Library Included RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPS-AT91SAM7JTAG-BUNDLE Includes Device Library RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQ-IOCON-3 I/O Connector Module 3 for Atmel ATmega JTAG ISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PPM3A1-UPG7 Atmel ATmega AVR - JTAG ISP Upgrade License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQ-SFM-MAX-V1.3 Production ISP Programming Module RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (TZM112.US) PA16C64-QD-16 PA16C64-QD-03 PA17C42-QD-03 PA40-44-P64-DP PA40-44-P64-DP-PP PA44-PP PA44-PZP PA44QF03-44QF PADSO-0803-D250-08/2 PADSO-0803-D310-08/2 PADSO1803 -D420-18/2 PADSO-2803-D420-28/2 PA-SOD-2808-18 PA-SOD-2808-28 PA-DSO-2803 PA-SOF-D420-18/6 PA-SOF-D420-28/6 $259.95 $259.95 $299.95 $164.95 $329.95 $379.95 $129.95 $775.50 $299.95 The FS2009 is a portable programmer ideal for Development, Field-Service and Production. It supports high-speed In-System Programming (ISP) of the on-chip FLASH/EEPROM memory of many FLASH Microcontroller devices including 8051, Atmel AVR, NXP, and Zensys Microcontrollers. Support for the programming of many 24xxx Serial EEPROM Memories via I2C is also offered along with Atmel AT91SAM7 support. In Standalone Mode (without a PC) the operator can select from any 1 of 64 pre-loaded “Programming Projects” using the keypad and Display and then simply presses the key to program the Target Device. Features: Supports IS of T 1S M devices chargeable upgrade Supports programming via S I and RT protocols as standard Chargeable upgrade available for programming via T and I2C Supports Standalone operation i.e. no C re uired after programmer has been con gured ery fast programming speeds suitable for high-throughput production environments p to 64 individual rogramming ro ects can be uploaded to the non-volatile On-board SH Store 4Mbytes Robust I/O driver stage 483-1018-ND 483-1019-ND 483-1020-ND FS2009(AVR-JTAG) FS2009(SAM7) FS2009(UN) Portable Programmer for AVR-JTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.95 Portable Programmer for SAM7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.95 Portable Programmer for UN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.95 PPM4-MK1 — High Speed Production ISP Programmer Module The PPM4-MK1 is a state-of-the-art Production ISP Programmer designed for high-speed In-System Programming (ISP) of FLASH Microcontrollers and Serial Memory devices. It supports programming of devices by most interfaces including SPI, JTAG, JTAG chain, SCI, I2C (2-wire) and UART Boot Loader. Capable of operating in “Standalone Mode” where any one of 64 independent “Programming Projects” can be recalled and executed via the programmer keypad/display interface. Features a 4-wire TTL Remote Control interface making it ideal for interfacing to any ATE or In-Circuit Tester (ICT). A special Start Signal can be used to detect when a Test Fixture lid has been closed and thereby automatically start a programming operation. 483-1021-ND PPM4-MK1(UN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $999.95 FS2003 — Portable High-Speed ISP Programmer for 8051 and AVR Microcontrollers The FS2003 Programmer supports high-speed In-System Programming (ISP) of many 8051 and Atmel AVR Microcontrollers. It can be utilized in standard “Standalone Mode” without a PC, making it ideally suited for field-service and/or production ISP environments. The operator simply selects one of the 64 “Programming Projects” held locally on the programmer and then presses the “Auto-Program” key to program the target device. The FS2003 supports SPI and Boot loader UART ISP as standard and can be upgraded to support JTAG ISP. Programming Modes: Standalone Mode Keypad C no C evelopment Mode Controlled via E uinox evelopment Suite E S running on C Script Mode Chargeable upgrade In-System Programming Headers: or S I E uinox 1 -way, tmel 1 -way, tmel 6-way I C Headers or RT E uinox 1 -way Header or T tmel 1 -way I C Header 483-1009-ND FS2003-UPG7 (Upgrade FS2003 JTAG ISP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $249.95 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) Logical Systems Part No. PA44-40-P64-PD PA44-40-P64-PD FS2009 — Portable High-Speed Multi-Project USB ISP Programmer Ta The EPSILON5 Portable USB ISP Programmer is a high-speed development/field/production pro grammer supporting most In-System Programmable (ISP) Micro controllers from Atmel, Philips and Zensys. The programmer can be operated under PC control during develop ment and for project configuration/up loading using the EQTools Toolsuite. The EPSILON5(AVR-JTAG) supports high-speed In-System Programming (ISP) of Atmel AVR Microcontrollers via the JTAG interface. Digi-Key Price Description Part No. Each 44-Pin PLCC Auto-E ect Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1039-ND 115.00 44-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1040-ND 135.00 QFP to DIP Prototyping Adapters 44-Pin PQFP Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1002-ND 165.00 44-Pin TQFP Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1003-ND 165.00 44-Pin TQFP Soc et to 40-Pin .600 Wide DIP Plu 309-1008-ND 165.00 DIP to PLCC Prototyping Adapters Emulator Adapter, 40-Pin DIP IF Soc et to 44-Pin PLCC Plu 309-1031-ND 145.00 Emulator Adapter, 40-Pin DIP Soc et to 44-Pin PLCC Plu 309-1032-ND 125.00 PLCC to PLCC Prototyping Adapter 44-Pin PLCC Auto-eject Socket to 44-Pin PLCC Plug 309-1041-ND 145.00 1 1 Pinout 44-Pin PLCC Lidded IF Soc et to 44-Pin PLCC Plu 309-1042-ND 165.00 1 1 Pinout QFP to QFP Prototyping Adapters 44-Pin TQFP Soc et to 44-Pin Solder Down QFP Plu 309-1043-ND 360.00 1 1 Pinout DIP to SO-Plug Prototyping Adapter Kits 8-Pin .300 DIP Board, Two 8-Pin .250 SOIC Plu s 309-1050-ND 20.90 8-Pin .300 DIP Board, Two 8-Pin .310 SOIC Plu s 309-1051-ND 20.90 18-Pin .300 DIP Board with IF Soc et. Two 18-Pin .420 309-1059-ND 50.90 SOIC Plu s 28-Pin .300 DIP Board, Two 28-Pin .420 SOIC Plu s 309-1065-ND 36.90 SOIC to SOIC Prototyping Adapters 18-Pin SOIC .300 Soc et to 18-Pin SOIC Connector 309-1075-ND† 70.00 28-Pin SOIC .300 Soc et to 28-Pin SOIC Connector 309-1073-ND† 70.00 Additional DIP Boards 28-Pin .300 DIP Board 309-1064-ND 24.00 Additional SO-Plugs 18-Pin .420 Plu s 6 pieces 309-1081-ND 29.70 28-Pin .420 Plu s 6 pieces 309-1083-ND 38.70 † Require SO-Plugs which must be ordered separately. EPSILON5 — Portable ISP Programmer E D qu & ev in T P elo ox E oo rod p M mb ls uc me ic e fo ti n ro dd r o t n co e n d tr o lle rs C Logical Systems Part No. Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 MPQ Series In-System Programmers for Manufacturing A C 1 3 2 4 IL RPM Systems Part No. MPQ-PSOC MPQ-Z8 MPQ-AVR MPQ-AVR32 FA Description Four port, for CypressPSoC™ Four port, for ZiLOG Z8-Encore!™ Four port, for Atmel AVR (SPI and JTAG) Four port, for Atmel AVR32 Microcontrollers Price Each 499.00 499.00 548.00 569.00 PA S S Digi-Key Part No. 770-1000-ND 770-1002-ND 770-1007-ND 770-1008-ND T IV E Features: rograms 4 devices simultaneously rray M s to program up to 64 devices simultaneously Stores up to 4 program images in internal lash Stand alone, C or TE controlled Supports target device voltages from 1.8 ~ 5.5 Software upgradeable to support future devices uilt to survive in manufacturing One year warranty SUPERPRO® Universal Programmers Features: Two programmers in one ltra-high speed universal programmer Soc et adapters to support all ranges of pac age types RM RISC processor Fig. 1 Fig. 2 SU PE RP RO Fig. 3 ® C Fig. 4 SU PE RP RO 50 ® 04 500 GP 0 W O P R E PAS S RUN ERR OR ® EX IT EN TE R ® Fig. Digi-Key Part No. Description Price Each Xeltek Part No. SUPERPRO 500x — Supports Over 58,000 Devices — RoHS Compliant 1 Universal Gang Programmer, 144-Pin, Concurrent and Independant 4 Sockets 415-1035-ND 6295.01 SUPERPRO5004GP 2 Universal Programmer, 144-Pin, Supports Stand-Alone and PC Mode 415-1036-ND 1995.00 SUPERPRO5000 995.00 SUPERPRO501S 195.00 SUPERPROZ 845.00 SUPERPRO500P SUPERPRO 501S — Supports Over 24,000 Devices 2 Economic Universal Programmer, 48-Pin, Supports Stand-Alone and PC Mode 415-1046-ND SUPERPRO Z — Supports Over 3,469 Devices 3 Universal Programmer, 40-Pin 415-1000-ND SUPERPRO 500P — Supports 24,000 Devices 4 Economic Universal Programmer, 48-Pin, PC Mode Only 415-1047-ND Eprom Eraser — Eprom Eraser with Electronic Starter, 24-Pin, 12 Pieces 415-1048-ND 125.00 LER121A-110V Eprom Eraser with Electronic Starter, 24-Pin, 64 Pieces 415-1049-ND 195.00 LER123A-110V Socket Adapters Digi-Key Price Part No. Each For SP 3000U/9000U/580U/280U/Z 415-1013-ND 105.00 415-1014-ND 105.00 415-1015-ND 105.00 415-1017-ND 110.00 415-1018-ND 115.00 415-1023-ND 185.00 415-1024-ND 185.00 415-1027-ND 225.00 415-1028-ND 185.00 415-1029-ND 195.00 Description PLCC32-DIP32 PLCC20-DIP20 PLCC28-DIP28 PLCC44-DIP24 SOIC28-DIP28 PSOP44-DIP44 TSOP40-DIP40 TSOP56-DIP48 TQFP32-DIP32 SDIP42-DIP42 Description SA015A1T SA001A SA008A SA244 SA404 SA638 SA409T SA628-B011 SA636 SA028 PLCC32-D32 PLCC44-D44 TSOP48-D48 SOP16-D16 TSOP40-D40 TSOP56-D56 SSOP28-D28 SOIC28-D28 Digi-Key Part No. For SP 5000/5004GP 415-1037-ND 415-1038-ND 415-1039-ND 415-1040-ND 415-1041-ND 415-1042-ND 415-1043-ND 415-1044-ND Programmers and Adapters Price Each Xeltek Part No. 185.00 185.00 235.00 175.00 260.00 300.00 205.00 185.00 CX2032 CX2044 CX1004 CX1016 CX1006 CX1011 CX1025 CX1033 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 48 Phyton ChipProg economical and professional quality programmer line spans the range from inexpensive engineering programmers, to low-cost in-system programmers, as well as gang programmers for low-volume and mid-volume manufacturing. All tools are USB hosted, have a friendly user interface, scripts for automating common programming tasks, and provide very fast programming. A variety of programming adapters for chip packages and cables for in-system programming are available. OD GO SY R BU RO ER OD GO SY R BU RO ER NEW! Xeltek Part No. 40 4840 42 42 32 32 28 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 24 20 24 T AR ST 28 T AR ST 8 8 Programmers Fig. 3 1 Stand-a-lone Programmer, 40-DIP CHIPPROG-40-ND 445.00 CHIPPROG-40 2 Stand-a-lone Programmer, 48-DIP CHIPPROG-48-ND 545.00 CHIPPROG-48 3 4-Socket Gang Programmer CHIPPROG-G4-ND 2450.00 CHIPPROG-G4 4 In-System Universal Programmer CHIPPROG-ISP-ND 395.00 CHIPPROG-ISP 40 Phyton Part No. 42 Price Each 48 Digi-Key Part No. OD GO SY R BU RO ER Description Fig. 32 28 T AR ST 20 24 18 16 8 OD GO SY R BU RO ER 14 48 42 40 32 28 T AR ST 20 24 18 16 8 OD GO SY R BU RO ER 14 CHIPPROG-ISP-ND 48 42 40 32 28 T AR ST 20 24 18 16 8 OD GO SY R BU RO ER 14 Adapters 48 42 40 32 28 T AR ST 20 24 18 16 14 8 Phyton Part No. AE-Q48U AE-P44U Fig. 4 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller T AR ST AE-T44-I51 AE-TS32W AE-TS40W AE-TS48-16AM AE-TS48-NAND-2 AE-TS48U AE-TS56-16AM AE-TS56-16I AE-SO44U D Digi-Key Price Description Part No. Each 48-QFP to 48-DIP AE-Q48U-ND 170.00 44-PLCC to 44-DIP AE-P44U-ND 120.00 Adapter Sockets 44-TQFP to 40-DIP AE-T44-I51-ND 165.00 32-TSOP to 32-DIP AE-TS32W-ND 105.00 40-TSOP to 40-DIP AE-TS40W-ND 140.00 48-TSOP to 40-DIP AE-TS48-16AM-ND 150.00 48-TSOP to 40-DIP AE-TS48-NAND-2-ND 150.00 48-TSOP to 48-DIP AE-TS48U-ND 150.00 56-TSOP to 40-DIP AE-TS56-16AM-ND 160.00 56-TSOP to 40-DIP AE-TS56-16I-ND 160.00 44-SOIC to 44-DIP AE-SO44U-ND 115.00 SY R BU RO ER Phyton Part No. AE-ISP-MSP430 AE-ISP-U1 AE-P32-28 AE-P28U AE-P32U AE-P44-I51 AE-SC8/16UM AE-SC18/28U AE-Q32-AV1 AE-SO44-16 AE-SC8/16UN O Price Each 80.00 80.00 80.00 85.00 80.00 120.00 70.00 80.00 145.00 115.00 70.00 O Digi-Key Part No. AE-ISP-MSP430-ND AE-ISP-U1-ND AE-P32-28-ND AE-P28U-ND AE-P32U-ND AE-P44-I51-ND AE-SC8/16UM-ND AE-SC18/28U-ND AE-Q32-AV1-ND AE-SO44-16-ND AE-SC8/16UN-ND G Description BH-16 to 28-DIP BH-10 to 28-DIP 32-PLCC to 28-DIP 28-PLCC to 28-DIP 32-PLCC to 32-DIP 44-PLCC to 40-DIP 16-SOIC to 16-DIP 28-SOIC to 28-DIP 32-QFP to 28-DIP 44-SO to 40-DIP 16-SOIC to 16-DIP In-S yste m Pro gramm er (US2011) (TZM112.US) 83 83 NEW! EFM32® Gecko Microcontroller Family EFM32 Gecko Microcontroller Family: Features: 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 running up to 32 MHz 1.25 DMIPS/MHz Superior Math Capability Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Single 1.8 to 3.8 volt power supply -40° to 85°C operation range Up to 128 KB Flash and 16 KB RAM memory Up to 90 GPIO with 20 mA drive strength 16 External Interrupts External Bus Interface (EBI) Direct memory access Controller (DMA) Peripheral Reflex System for autonomous operation Hardware AES with 128/256-bit encryption and decryption Integrated high and low frequency oscillators USARTs with UART and SPI modes up 16 Mbit/s Low Energy UART with 100 nA receive mode 16-bit Timer/Counters with Compare/Capture Low Energy TIMER with optional Flash (KB) C RAM (KB) LCD 16 4x40 16 4x40 16 4x24 128 16 — 16 — 16 — 16 — EFM Gecko Starter Kit Prototype Board for EFM32-G8XXX-STK ADC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AES Y Y Y Y Y Y — GPIO 90 85 56 90 85 56 24 Package Type 112-BGA 100-QFP 64-QFN 112-BGA 100-QFP 64-QFN 32-QFN pulse outputs Flexible 24-bit Real Time Counter Pulse Counter Configurable LCD Controller driving up to 4x40 segments 12-bit ADC, 1 M samples/s, 8 channels 12-bit DAC, 500 ksamples/s, 2 channels Analog Comparators with 8 input mux and capacitive sensing capability On-chip Power-on Reset and Brown-out Detector EFM32 Gecko Starter Kit: User Kit Summary: Advanced Energy Monitoring Real-time, accurate energy and power profiling interface with touch slider and switches 4x40 LCD SEGGER J-Link debugger Free evaluation compiler versions energyAware™ software support Digi-Key Part No. 914-1004-ND 914-1005-ND 914-1006-ND 914-1007-ND 914-1008-ND 914-1009-ND 914-1010-ND 914-1003-ND 914-1002-ND 1 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.10 74.25 108.00 Price Each 10 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 — — 25 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 — — Energy Micro Part No. EFM32-G890F128-SK EFM32-G880F128-SK EFM32-G840F128-SK EFM32-G290F128-SK EFM32-G280F128-SK EFM32-G230F128-SK EFM32-G210F128-SK EFM32-G8XX-STK EFM32-GXXX-PTB AT91 ARM® Thumb® Microcontrollers The est com ination o low-power consumption, 32- it per ormance and 16- it system cost. The AT91 series provides the optimal combination of processing power, peripherals and memory blocks for demanding real-time applications that re uire hi h per ormance on a ti ht power ud et. Its wide ran e o Real Time Operatin Systems and sophisticated application development tools minimize the ris and time ta en to rin new applications to the mar et. Program Memory Type — — — — ROM ROM Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash ROM Memory Size Program RAM Boot ROM Bytes Bytes Bytes — 8K — — 8K — — 8K — — 256K — 32K 16K 128K 32K 16K 128K 256K 32K — 64K 6K — 64K 6K — 128K 6K — 128K 6K — 16K 4K — 32K 8K — 32K 8K — 512K 64K — 512K 64K — 32K 8K — 32K 8K — 64K 16K — 64K 16K — 128K 32K — 128K 32K — 256K 64K — 256K 64K — 256K 32K — 256K 32K — 512K 32K — 512K 32K — 128K 32K — 256K 64K — 256K 64K — 512K 128K — 512K 128K — 128K 32K — 128K 32K — 256K 64K — 256K 64K — 512K 128K — 16K 8K 32K 16K 8K 32K — 160K — 96K 16 32K 64K 32K — — 64K — 32K 64K — 32K 64K — 128K 16K 32K 128K 16K 32K 256K 32K 32K 256K 32K 32K 512K 32K 32K 512K 32K 32K — 64K 64K AT91 ARM® Thumb® Evaluation Kits AT91EB40A-ND AT91EB55-ND AT91RM3400-DK-ND AT91SAM7A1-EK-ND AT91SAM7A3-EK-ND AT91SAM7L-STK-ND AT91SAM7SE-EK-ND AT91SAM7S-EK-ND AT91SAM7X-EK-ND AT91SAM9G20-EK-ND AT91SAM9RL-EK-ND 84 84 I/O Pins 32 54 58 32 122 122 62 80 80 80 80 21 32 32 32 32 88 88 32 32 32 32 32 32 88 88 88 88 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 96 96 96 160 96 160 118 118 96 96 96 96 96 96 160 USART TWI 2 — 2 — 3 — 2 — 4 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 SPI — 2 1 — 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Timer/ Counters (16-bit) 3 6 6 3 6 6 9 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 6 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 ADC — — 8-ch/10- it — — — 16-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it — — 4-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it 6-ch/10- it 6-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 4-ch/10- it 8-ch/10- it DAC — — 2-ch/10- it — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Features: 3-sta e instruction execution pipeline or hi h instruction throu hout Sin le-cycle memory access throu h EBI Hardware multiplier-plus- arrel shi ter ives DSP capa ility PDC channels on-chip DMA ree the processor or the application Advanced power mana ement provides idle mode and disa les unused peripherals Low-latency Advanced Interrupt Controller Operatin Temperature Industrial -40 C 85 C Watchdo Timer Clock Speed (MHz) 40 33 33 75 180 180 60 36 36 36 36 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 48 48 48 48 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 210 210 240 240 400 400 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 400 VCC 1.8 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 3.0 3.6V 1.8 3.6V 1.8 3.6V 1.8 3.6V 1.8 3.6V 1.8 3.3V 3.0 3.6V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 3.0 3.6V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 1.8 3.3V 1.8 3.3V 3.0 3.6V 1.8 3.3V 3.0 3.6V 3.0 3.6V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 1.65 1.95V 1.8 3.3V These kits are complete low-cost evaluation platforms, which enable real-time code development and exploration o the AT91 ARM Thum microcontrollers. The its include Sample microcontroller Evaluation Board with the An el de u monitor AT91 Gettin Started CD-ROM with data sheets and examples DB9 serial ca le 2.1mm power ac power supply not included Evalu- Evaluation Kit or the AT91R40008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $208.00 Evaluation Kit or the AT91M55800A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $260.00 Development Kit or the AT91RM3400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1950.00 Evaluation Board or AT91SAM7A1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600.00 Evaluation Board or AT91SAM7A3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $208.00 Evaluation Kit or ART91SAM7L — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $104.00 Evaluation Board or the AT91SAM7SE RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $208.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM7S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $104.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM7X256/128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $208.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9G20 — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $520.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9RL — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $780.00 Package 100-TQFP 144-LQFP 176-LQFP 100-LQFP 256-BGA 208-PQFP 100-LQFP 128-LQFP 144-LFBGA 128-LQFP 144-LFBGA 48-QFN 64-LQFP 64-QFN 64-LQFP 64-QFN 128-LQFP 144-LFBGA 64-LQFP 64-QFN 64-LQFP 64-QFN 64-LQFP 64-QFN 128-LQFP 144-BGA 128-LQFP 144-BGA 100-LQFP 100-LQFP 100-TFBGA 100-LQFP 100-TFBGA 100-LQFP 100-TFBGA 100-LQFP 100-TFBGA 100-TFBGA 217-LFBGA 208-PQFP 217-LFBGA 324-TFBGA 217-LFBGA 324-TFBGA 144-LFBGA 217-LFBGA 217-BGA 208-PQFP 217-BGA 208-PQFP 217-BGA 208-PQFP 324-TFBGA Digi-Key Part No. AT91M40800-33AU-ND AT91M42800A-33AU-ND AT91M55800A-33AU-ND AT91R40008-66AU-ND AT91RM9200-CJ-002-ND AT91RM9200-QU-002-ND AT91SAM7A3-AU-ND AT91SAM7L64-AU-ND AT91SAM7L64-CU-ND AT91SAM7L128-AU-ND AT91SAM7L128-CU-ND AT91SAM7S16-MU-ND AT91SAM7S321-AU-ND AT91SAM7S321-MU-ND AT91SAM7S512-AU-ND AT91SAM7S512-MU-ND AT91SAM7SE32-AU-ND AT91SAM7SE32-CU-ND AT91SAM7S64B-AU-ND AT91SAM7S64B-MU-ND AT91SAM7S128AU001-ND AT91SAM7S128-MU-ND AT91SAM7S256AU001-ND AT91SAM7S256-MU-ND AT91SAM7SE256-AU-ND AT91SAM7SE256-CU-ND AT91SAM7SE512-AU-ND AT91SAM7SE512-CU-ND AT91SAM7X128B-AU-ND NEW! AT91SAM7X256B-AU-ND NEW! AT91SAM7X256B-CU-ND NEW! AT91SAM7X512-AU-ND AT91SAM7X512-CU-ND AT91SAM7XC128-AU-ND AT91SAM7XC128B-CU-ND NEW! AT91SAM7XC256B-AU-ND NEW! AT91SAM7XC256B-CU-ND NEW! AT91SAM7XC512-CU-ND AT91SAM9260B-CU-ND AT91SAM9260B-QU-ND AT91SAM9261B-CU-ND NEW! AT91SAM9263B-CU-ND AT91SAM9G20B-CU-ND AT91SAM9G45-CU-ND NEW! AT91SAM9R64-CU-ND AT91SAM9RL64-CU-ND AT91SAM9XE128-CU-ND AT91SAM9XE128-QU-ND AT91SAM9XE256-CU-ND AT91SAM9XE256-QU-ND AT91SAM9XE512-CU-ND AT91SAM9XE512-QU-ND AT91SAM9M10-CU-ND NEW! (TZM112.US) Price Each 25 5.57 8.46 10.29 9.24 19.31 18.16 10.32 6.66 6.55 7.89 9.16 3.74 4.05 4.26 10.16 10.40 6.26 7.43 5.23 5.43 6.36 6.55 7.83 8.05 9.33 10.32 11.71 12.59 7.00 8.63 9.50 12.56 13.50 6.00 8.46 9.28 10.14 14.22 10.90 10.90 14.11 18.39 12.34 15.73 10.26 11.97 12.48 12.48 13.98 13.98 16.95 16.95 19.96 100 5.10 7.74 9.43 8.46 17.68 16.62 9.45 6.09 6.01 7.22 8.39 3.43 3.72 3.89 9.30 9.52 5.72 6.81 4.79 4.98 5.83 6.01 7.18 7.38 8.55 9.45 10.72 11.52 6.40 7.90 8.70 11.50 12.36 5.76 7.74 8.50 9.29 13.02 9.98 9.98 12.92 16.84 11.31 14.40 9.41 10.96 11.42 11.42 12.79 12.79 15.51 15.51 18.28 ation copies o compilers and de u ers rom Green Hills and ARM SRAM Flash 2 Serial ports Reset utton and controller Push uttons LEDs 20-pin JTAG ICE inter ace connector Volta e re ulation Cloc enerator Board sel -test pro ram Current consumption measurement capa ility Expansion slots or add-on cards with user speci ic memories and peripherals AT91SAM9XE-EK-ND AT91SAM9260-EK-ND AT91SAM9261-EK-ND AT91SAM-ICE-ND AT91SAM9263-EK-ND ATSAM3U-EK-ND AT91SAM9G10-EK-ND AT91SAM9G45-EKES-ND AT91SAM9M10-G45-EK-ND Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9XE — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $520.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9260 RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $520.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM926EJ-S — RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $780.00 Emulator or AT91 ARM7 / ARM9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $104.00 Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9263 RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $884.00 NEW! Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM3U RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $206.96 NEW! Evaluation Kit or SAM9G10 RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $780.00 NEW! Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9G45 RoHS Compliant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $780.00 NEW! Evaluation Kit or AT91SAM9M10 / 9G45 RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . $780.00 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) 1 8.86 13.46 16.38 14.71 30.75 28.92 16.43 10.60 10.43 12.56 14.58 5.96 6.45 6.77 16.17 16.56 9.95 11.83 8.32 8.64 10.13 10.43 12.47 12.81 14.86 16.43 18.64 20.04 11.14 13.74 15.11 20.00 21.50 6.24 13.46 14.77 16.15 22.64 17.35 17.35 22.47 29.28 19.65 25.05 16.34 19.05 19.87 19.87 22.25 22.25 26.98 26.98 31.78 Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 FPSLIC® — Field Programmable System Level Integrated Circuit FPSLIC — PGA + AVR in one Package! The AT94K Series FPSLIC amily is a com ination o the popular Atmel AT40K Series SRAM FPGAs and the hi h-per ormance Atmel AVR 8- it RISC microcontroller with standard peripherals. 2K 18.4K its o Distri uted Sin le/Dual Port FPGA User SRAM Hi h-per ormance DSP Optimized FPGA Core Cell Dynamically Recon i ura le In-System FPGA Con i uration Access FPGA Macro Li rary o Custom Peripherals 16 Gates 5K 10K 40K FPGA SRAM Bytes 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 18432 18432 18432 Core Cells 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 2304 2304 2304 Registers 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 846 846 846 846 846 846 846 2862 2862 2862 AVR Memory Size RAM EEPROM Bytes Bytes 20K — 20K — 20K — 20K — 20K — 20K — 20K 256K 36K — 36K — 36K — 36K — 36K — 36K 512K 36K 512K 36K — 36K 1024K 36K 1024K AVR Program Memory Type ROMless ROMless ROMless ROMless ROMless ROMless EEPROM ROMless ROMless ROMless ROMless ROMless EEPROM EEPROM ROMless EEPROM EEPROM I/O 46 46 82 82 96 96 — 46 46 58 58 84 84 137 84 162 162 AVR I/O Pins 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 FPGA Supplied Internal Interrupts to AVR Up to Four External Interrupts to AVR Cloc s Driven rom AVR Lo ic FPGA Glo al Cloc Access Availa le rom FPGA Core Features: Timer/Counters 8/16- it 2/1 Watchdo Timer UART 2 TWI I2C 25MHz Vcc 3.0V 3.6V ISP — — — — — — es — — — — — es es — es es Operating Temperature 0 70°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C Package 84-PLCC 84-PLCC 144-LQFP 144-LQFP 208-PQFP 208-PQFP 144-LQFP 84-PLCC 84-PLCC 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 144-LQFP 144-LQFP 256-CABGA 144-LQFP 256-CABGA 256-CABGA Digi-Key Part No. AT94K05AL-25AJC-ND AT94K05AL-25AJI-ND AT94K05AL-25BQC-ND AT94K05AL-25BQI-ND AT94K05AL-25DQC-ND AT94K05AL-25DQI-ND AT94S05AL-25BQU-ND AT94K10AL-25AJC-ND AT94K10AL-25AJI-ND AT94K10AL-25AQC-ND AT94K10AL-25AQI-ND AT94K10AL-25BQU-ND AT94S10AL-25BQU-ND AT94S10AL-25DGC-ND AT94K40AL-25BQU-ND AT94S40AL-25DGC-ND AT94S40AL-25DGI-ND 2 FPGA 8 Glo al FPGA Cloc s PWM 3 Cloc Speed JTAG Price Each 25 11.25 12.94 11.82 14.32 13.75 15.75 12.07 18.75 21.57 19.69 22.69 22.62 31.05 14.50 30.16 47.44 54.57 1 11.70 13.46 12.29 14.89 14.30 16.38 17.20 19.50 22.43 20.48 23.60 32.25 44.29 15.08 43.00 49.34 56.75 100 10.80 12.42 11.34 13.74 13.20 15.12 11.24 18.00 20.70 18.90 21.78 21.06 28.92 13.92 28.08 45.54 52.38 ◆ RoHS Compliant AVR® for USB ® USB USB USB Timers ADC Flash EEPROM SRAM Host/ DRAM USB Full Low 16-Bit/8- PWM TWI 10-Bit Int. (KBytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O OTG (Bytes) Speed Speed Bit Channel SPI USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) BOD WDT RC Clock Speed Temperature Digi-Key (MHz) Package Range Part No. VCC 1 Price Each 25 100 8 512 512 22 — 176 — 1/1 5 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 16 32-QFN -40 85°C AT90USB82-16MU-ND 3.70 2.33 2.13 16 512 512 22 — 176 — 1/1 5 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 16 32-QFN -40 85°C AT90USB162-16MURCT-ND‡ 3.66 2.48 2.24 128 4K 8K 48 1 832 2/2 8 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 16 64-TQFP -40 85°C AT90USB1287-AU-ND 12.92 8.12 7.42 128 4K 8K 48 1 832 2/2 8 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 16 64-QFN -40 85°C AT90USB1287-MU-ND 12.92 8.12 7.42 ‡ Cut Tape Kits ATAVRUSBRF01-ND AT90USBKEY2-ND ATSTK526-ND ATEVK525-ND ATAVRUSBRF01 Quick Start Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $71.76 Evaluation Kit for AT90USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31.19 Starter Kit for AT90USB82/162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $206.96 Extension Board Kit for STK525 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $156.00 AVR® Battery Management Li-ion Cells 2 Flash (KBytes) EEPROM (Bytes) SRAM I/O FET Type 40 512 2K 18 P-Ch. 4 Battery Protection ADC 12-Bit (Channels) CC-ADC 10 18-Bit JTAG VCC Clock Speed (MHz) Package 4.0 25V 1 48-LQFP Temperature Digi-Key Range Part No. -30 85°C ATMEGA406-1AAU-ND 1 Price Each 25 100 9.79 6.15 5.62 AVR® for LCD Flash EEPROM (KBytes) (Bytes) SRAM I/O 512 16 32 64 1K LCD 54 4x25 se . Timers 16-Bit/ PWM 8-Bit (Ch.) RTC 1/2 4 ADC TWI 10-Bit Int. HW USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) BOD WDT RC MULT SPI 1 USI 1 USI 8 VCC Clock Speed (MHz) Package 1.8 5.5V 1 64-QFN Temperature Digi-Key Range Part No. -40 85°C ATMEGA169V-1MC-ND 1 Price Each 25 100 6.24 6.00 5.76 512 1K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 16 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA169P-16AU-ND 7.12 4.48 4.09 512 1K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA169PV-8AU-ND 7.12 4.48 4.09 512 1K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA169PV-8MCU-ND 6.21 3.91 3.47 512 1K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA169PV-8MU-ND 7.12 4.48 4.09 1K 2K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 16 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA329-16AU-ND 7.61 4.78 4.35 1K 2K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA329V-8AU-ND 7.61 4.78 4.35 1K 2K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 20 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA329P-20AU-ND 7.61 4.78 4.35 1K 2K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 20 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA329P-20MU-ND 7.61 4.78 4.35 1K 2K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 10 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA329PV-10AU-ND 7.61 4.78 4.35 1K 2K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 10 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA329PV-10MU-ND 7.61 4.78 4.35 1K 2K 69 4x40 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 16 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA3290-16AU-ND 8.64 5.43 4.94 1K 2K 69 4x40 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA3290V-8AU-ND 8.64 5.43 4.94 1K 2K 69 4x40 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 10 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA3290PV-10AU-ND 2K 4K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 16 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA649-16AU-ND 8.64 5.43 4.94 10.99 6.90 6.27 2K 4K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 16 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA649-16MU-ND 10.99 6.90 6.27 2K 4K 54 4x25 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA649V-8MU-ND 10.99 6.90 6.27 2K 4K 69 4x40 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 2K 4K 69 4x40 se . 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 16 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA6490-16AU-ND 12.60 7.92 7.57 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA6490V-8AU-ND 12.60 7.92 7.57 1 ◆ RoHS Compliant Kit ATAVRDB101-ND ® ATAVRDB101 Display Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $82.16 For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 85 85 C AVR® for CAN Flash EEPROM SRAM (KBytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O CAN 32 1K 2K 53 15 32 1K 2K 53 15 64 2K 4K 53 15 64 2K 4K 53 15 128 4K 4K 53 15 128 4K 4K 53 15 Timers 16-Bit/ 8-Bit 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 ADC PWM TWI 10-Bit (Ch.) RTC SPI USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) BOD WDT Int. RC 6 2 1 2 8 6 2 1 2 8 6 2 1 2 8 6 2 1 2 8 6 2 1 2 8 6 2 1 2 8 VCC 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V Clock Speed (MHz) 16 16 16 16 16 16 Package 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 64-QFN Temperature Range -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C Digi-Key Part No. AT90CAN32-16AU-ND AT90CAN32-16MU-ND AT90CAN64-16AU-ND AT90CAN64-16MU-ND AT90CAN128-16AU-ND AT90CAN128-16MU-ND 1 6.97 6.97 8.80 8.80 11.07 11.07 Price Each 25 4.38 4.38 5.53 5.53 6.96 6.96 100 3.98 3.98 5.05 5.05 6.36 6.36 Kit ATDVK90CAN1-ND C Development Kit for AT90CAN128 MCU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.60 AVR® for Lighting and Motor Control Flash EEPROM SRAM (KBytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) 8 512 512 8 512 512 8 512 512 16 512 1024 16 512 1024 I/O 27 27 27 19 27 DALI Timers ADC 16-Bit/ PWM 10-Bit 8-Bit (Ch.) SPI USART ISP (Ch.) BOD 1/1 10 1 1 11 1/1 10 1 1 11 1/1 10 1 1 11 1/1 7 1 1 8 1/1 10 1 1 11 WDT Int. RC VCC 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V Clock Speed (MHz) 16 16 16 16 16 Package 32-QFN 32-QFN 32-SOIC 24-SOIC 32-SOIC Temperature Range -40 105°C -40 105°C -40 105°C -40 105°C -40 105°C Digi-Key Part No. AT90PWM3-16MQ-ND AT90PWM3B-16MU-ND AT90PWM3B-16SU-ND AT90PWM216-16SU-ND AT90PWM316-16SU-ND 1 3.87 3.70 3.70 3.54 3.71 Price Each 25 2.43 2.33 2.33 2.23 2.33 100 2.21 2.13 2.13 2.04 2.21 Kits ATAVRFBKIT-ND ATAVRMC200-ND ATAVRMC303-ND NEW! ATAVRMC323-ND NEW! 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ISP (Ch.) Comp. BOD WDT Int. RC — 8 — — 8 — — 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — — — — — — 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Clock Speed 12MHz 12MHz 1.2MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 16MHz 16MHz 16MHz 16MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 1.2MHz 1.2MHz 1.2MHz VCC 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 4.5 5.5V 4.5 5.5V 4.5 5.5V 4.5 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 2.7 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V 1.8 5.5V Package 23-SOT 23-SOT 8-SOIC 20-MLF® 20-MLF® 10-QFN 8-Dip 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 10-QFN 20-QFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 20-MLF® 20-Dip 20-SOIC 30-QFN 20-Dip 20-SOIC 20-QFN 14-Dip 14-SOIC 20-QFN 14-Dip 14-SOIC 20-QFN 8-Dip 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 20-QFN 8-Dip 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 20-QFN 32-QFN 20-Dip 20-SOIC 32-QFN 20-Dip 20-SOIC 32-QFN 20-Dip 20-SOIC 32-QFN 20-Dip 20-SOIC 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-Dip 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-Dip Temperature Range -40 85°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C 0 70°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C -40 85°C Digi-Key Part No. ATTIN 10-TSHRCT-ND◆‡ NEW! ATTIN 10-TSHRTR-ND◆† NEW! ATTIN 12V-1SC-ND ATTIN 13-20MU-ND ATTIN 13V-10MU-ND ATTIN 13V-10MMU-ND ATTIN 13V-10PU-ND ATTIN 13V-10SU-ND ATTIN 13V-10SSU-ND ATTIN 13-20SU-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-MMU-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-MU-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-PU-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-SH-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-SSH-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-SSU-ND◆ ATTIN 13A-SU-ND◆ ATTIN 2313-20MU-ND ATTIN 2313-20PU-ND ATTIN 2313-20SU-ND ATTIN 2313V-10MU-ND ATTIN 2313V-10PU-ND ATTIN 2313V-10SU-ND ATTIN 24-20MU-ND ATTIN 24-20PU-ND ATTIN 24-20SSU-ND ATTIN 24V-10MU-ND ATTIN 24V-10PU-ND ATTIN 24V-10SSU-ND ATTIN 25-20MU-ND ATTIN 25-20PU-ND ATTIN 25-20SU-ND ATTIN 25-20SSU-ND ATTIN 25V-10MU-ND ATTIN 25V-10PU-ND ATTIN 25V-10SU-ND ATTIN 25V-10SSU-ND ATTIN 26-16MC-ND ATTIN 26-16MU-ND ATTIN 26-16PU-ND ATTIN 26-16SU-ND ATTIN 26L-8MU-ND ATTIN 26L-8PU-ND ATTIN 26L-8SU-ND ATTIN 261-20MU-ND ATTIN 261-20PU-ND ATTIN 261-20SU-ND ATTIN 261V-10MU-ND ATTIN 261V-10PU-ND ATTIN 261V-10SU-ND ATTIN 28L-4AU-ND ATTIN 28L-4MU-ND ATTIN 28L-4PU-ND ATTIN 28V-1AU-ND ATTIN 28V-1MU-ND ATTIN 28V-1PU-ND † Tape and Reel For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 1 1.08 1.04 1.89 1.89 1.96 1.91 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.95 1.88 1.90 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 2.65 2.67 2.56 2.65 2.67 2.56 2.50 2.52 2.42 2.50 2.52 2.42 1.98 2.00 1.89 1.89 1.98 2.00 1.89 1.89 1.50 2.95 3.06 2.95 2.95 3.06 2.95 2.80 2.90 2.80 2.80 2.90 2.80 2.90 2.90 3.01 2.90 2.90 3.01 Price Each 25 .68 2733.12/4,500 1.00 1.19 1.19 1.23 1.21 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.23 1.19 1.20 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.58 1.59 1.52 1.58 1.59 1.52 1.25 1.26 1.19 1.19 1.25 1.26 1.19 1.19 1.44 1.86 1.92 1.86 1.86 1.92 1.86 1.76 1.83 1.76 1.76 1.83 1.76 1.83 1.83 1.89 1.83 1.83 1.89 100 .62 .96 1.08 1.08 1.11 1.09 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.11 1.08 1.09 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.52 1.53 1.48 1.52 1.53 1.48 1.43 1.44 1.39 1.43 1.44 1.39 1.13 1.14 1.09 1.09 1.13 1.14 1.09 1.09 1.38 1.70 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.70 1.58 1.63 1.58 1.58 1.63 1.58 1.66 1.66 1.71 1.66 1.66 1.71 (Continued) tinyAVR® Flash EEPROM (KBytes) (Bytes) 4 8 64 64 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 64 64 64 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 64 64 64 ◆ RoHS Compliant ® (Cont.) SRAM (Bytes) I/O Pins Timers 16-Bit/ 8-Bit PWM Channels 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 16 16 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 16 16 28 28 24 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 16 16 16 16 16 24 28 28 /2 /2 1/1 1/1 1/1 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 ‡ Cut Tape SPI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI ADC TWI 10-Bit Ana. Clock USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) Comp. BOD WDT Int. RC Speed — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 11 11 8 8 8 8MHz 8MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 12MHz 12MHz 12MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 20MHz 20MHz 10MHz 10MHz 10MHz 12MHz 12MHz 12MHz VCC 0.7 0.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Package 1.8V 20-QFN 1.8V 20-SOIC 5.5V 20-QFN 5.5V 14-PDIP 5.5V 14-SOIC 5.5V 20-MLF® 5.5V 8-Dip 5.5V 8-SOIC 5.5V 8-TSSOP 5.5V 20-MLF® 5.5V 8-Dip 5.5V 8-SOIC 5.5V 8-TSSOP 5.5V 32-QFN 5.5V 20-SOIC 5.5V 20-SOIC 5.5V 32-TQFP 5.5V 32-QFN 5.5V 28-Dip 5.5V 20-QFN 5.5V 14-Dip 5.5V 14-SOIC 5.5V 20-QFN 5.5V 14-SOIC 5.5V 20-QFN 5.5V 8-Dip 5.5V 8-SOIC 5.5V 8-Dip 5.5V 8-SOIC 5.5V 32-QFN 5.5V 20-SOIC 5.5V 32-QFN 5.5V 20-Dip 5.5V 20-SOIC 5.5V 28-Dip 5.5V 32-TQFP 5.5V 32-QFN Temperature Digi-Key Range Part No. -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85°C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C 85 C ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN ATTIN 43U-MU-ND NEW! 43U-SU-ND NEW! 44A-MU-ND◆ 44A-PU-ND◆ 44A-SSU-ND◆ 45-20MU-ND 45-20PU-ND 45-20SU-ND 45-20XU-ND 45V-10MU-ND 45V-10PU-ND 45V-10SU-ND 45V-10XU-ND 461-20MU-ND 461-20SU-ND 461V-10SU-ND 48-AU-ND 48-MU-ND 48-PU-ND 84-20MU-ND 84-20PU-ND 84-20SSU-ND 84V-10MU-ND 84V-10SSU-ND 85-20MU-ND 85-20PU-ND 85-20SU-ND 85V-10PU-ND 85V-10SU-ND 861-20MU-ND 861-20SU-ND 861V-10MU-ND 861V-10PU-ND 861V-10SU-ND 88-PU-ND 88-AU-ND 88-MU-ND 1 Price Each 25 100 2.93 2.84 2.49 2.52 2.41 2.29 2.31 2.20 2.20 2.29 2.31 2.20 2.20 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.57 2.57 2.67 2.99 3.01 2.90 2.99 2.90 2.24 2.26 2.15 2.26 2.15 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.14 3.03 2.96 2.86 2.86 1.84 1.79 1.57 1.58 1.52 1.44 1.46 1.39 1.39 1.44 1.46 1.39 1.39 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.62 1.62 1.68 1.88 1.89 1.83 1.88 1.83 1.41 1.42 1.35 1.42 1.35 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.98 1.91 1.87 1.80 1.80 1.68 1.64 1.43 1.44 1.39 1.31 1.32 1.27 1.27 1.31 1.32 1.27 1.27 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.48 1.48 1.53 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.67 1.62 1.33 1.34 1.29 1.34 1.29 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.76 1.70 1.70 1.64 1.64 † Tape and Reel megaAVR® Flash EEPROM SRAM (KBytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 4 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 256 512 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 8 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 Timers PWM I/O 16/8-bit Channels RTC 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 3 23 1/2 3 23 1/2 3 23 1/2 3 23 1/2 3 23 1/2 3 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 23 1/2 6 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 35 1/1 3 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 32 1/2 4 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADC TWI 10-Bit Ana. Int. HW Clock SPI USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) Comp. BOD WDT RC MULT VCC Speed USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 1 1 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 1 1 — — 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 — — 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 — — 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 — — 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 1 1 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz Package 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-QFN 28-Dip 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-Dip 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-Dip 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-Dip 28-Dip 28-Dip 32-TQFP 32-QFN 32-TQFP 32-QFN 32-TQFP 32-QFN 28-Dip 44-TQFP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-Dip 44-TQFP 44-QFN 44-QFN 40-Dip 44-PLCC 44-TQFP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-Dip 44-TQFP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-Dip Temperature Range -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C 0 70 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C -40 85 C Digi-Key Part No. ATMEGA48-20AU-ND ATMEGA48-20MU-ND ATMEGA48-20MMU-ND ATMEGA48-20PU-ND ATMEGA48V-10AU-ND ATMEGA48V-10MU-ND ATMEGA48V-10PU-ND ATMEGA48P-20AU-ND ATMEGA48P-20MU-ND ATMEGA48P-20PU-ND ATMEGA48PV-10AU-ND ATMEGA48PV-10MU-ND ATMEGA48PV-10PU-ND ATMEGA8-16PU-ND ATMEGA8L-8PU-ND ATMEGA8-16AU-ND ATMEGA8-16MU-ND ATMEGA8L-8AU-ND ATMEGA8L-8MU-ND ATMEGA88PA-AU-ND ATMEGA88PA-MU-ND ATMEGA88PA-PU-ND ATMEGA8515-16AU-ND ATMEGA8515-16JU-ND ATMEGA8515-16MU-ND ATMEGA8515-16PU-ND ATMEGA8515L-8AU-ND ATMEGA8515L-8MC-ND ATMEGA8515L-8MU-ND ATMEGA8515L-8PU-ND ATMEGA8515L-8JU-ND ATMEGA8535-16AU-ND ATMEGA8535-16JU-ND ATMEGA8535-16MI-ND ATMEGA8535-16PU-ND ATMEGA8535L-8AU-ND ATMEGA8535L-8JU-ND ATMEGA8535L-8MU-ND ATMEGA8535L-8PU-ND 100 1.60 1.60 1.66 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.75 1.81 1.75 1.75 1.81 2.14 2.14 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.05 2.05 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.16 2.21 2.16 2.94 2.16 2.21 2.21 2.32 2.38 3.18 2.38 2.32 2.38 2.32 2.38 (Continued) ◆ RoHS Compliant ® Price Each 1 25 2.73 1.72 2.73 1.72 2.86 1.80 2.84 1.79 2.73 1.72 2.73 1.72 2.84 1.79 3.05 1.92 3.05 1.92 3.15 1.99 3.05 1.92 3.05 1.92 3.15 1.99 3.66 2.30 3.66 2.30 3.55 2.23 3.55 2.23 3.55 2.23 3.55 2.23 3.57 2.25 3.57 2.25 3.68 2.31 3.76 2.36 3.87 2.43 3.76 2.36 3.87 2.43 3.76 2.36 3.19 3.07 3.76 2.36 3.87 2.43 3.87 2.43 4.04 2.54 4.15 2.61 3.45 3.32 4.15 2.61 4.04 2.54 4.15 2.61 4.04 2.54 4.15 2.61 For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 87 87 C megaAVR® C Flash EEPROM SRAM (KBytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 16 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 512 1K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 1K 1K 2.5K 1K 2.5K 32 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 1K 2K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 64 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 2K 4K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 16K 4K 16K 128 4K 16K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 256 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K 4K 8K (Cont.) ADC Timers PWM TWI 10-Bit Ana. Int. HW Clock I/O 16/8-bit Channels RTC SPI USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) Comp. BOD WDT RC MULT VCC Speed Package 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 44-TQFP 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 44-QFN 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 40-Dip 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-TQFP 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-QFN 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-QFN 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-QFN 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 40-Dip 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 44-TQFP 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 44-QFN 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 40-Dip 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-TQFP 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-QFN 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 44-QFN 35 2/2 6 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 40-Dip 23 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 20MHz 32-TQFP 23 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 20MHz 32-QFN 23 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 20MHz 28-Dip 23 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 32-TQFP 23 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 32-QFN 23 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 28-Dip 54 1/2 4 1 2 — — 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 64-QFN 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 4.0 5.5V 16MHz 44-TQFP 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 4.0 5.5V 16MHz 44-QFN 32 1/2 4 1 1 8 4.0 5.5V 16MHz 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1.8 5.5V 10MHz 40-Dip 32 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-TQFP 32 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-QFN 32 1/2 6 1 USART 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 40-Dip 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 20MHz 44-TQFP 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 20MHz 44-VQFN 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 20MHz 40-PDIP 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 16MHz 64-TQFP 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8MHz 64-TQFP 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8MHz 64-QFN 69 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 16MHz 100-TQFP 69 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8MHz 100-TQFP 86 4/2 16 1 USART 4 16 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 100-TQFP 86 4/2 16 1 USART 4 16 1.8 5.5V 8MHz 100-TQFP 86 4/2 16 1 USART 4 16 1.8 5.5V 8MHz 100-CBGA 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 64-QFN 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 64-TQFP 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 4.5 5.5V 16MHz 64-QFN 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 64-TQFP 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 64-QFN 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 64-TQFP 53 2/2 8 1 2 8 2.7 5.5V 8MHz 64-QFN 32 2/2 6 1 2 8 1.8 5.5V 16MHz 44-TQFP 32 2/2 6 1 2 8 1.8 5.5V 16MHz 44-QFN 32 2/2 6 1 2 8 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ATMEGA32L-8MU-ND ATMEGA32L-8PU-ND ATMEGA32U2-AU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA32U4-AU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA32U4-MU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA325-16AU-ND ATMEGA325-16MU-ND ATMEGA325V-8AU-ND ATMEGA325V-8MU-ND ATMEGA3250-16AU-ND ATMEGA3250V-8AU-ND ATMEGA328P-AU-ND◆ ATMEGA328P-MU-ND◆ ATMEGA328P-PU-ND◆ ATMEGA64A-AU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA64-16AU-ND ATMEGA64-16MI-ND ATMEGA64-16MU-ND ATMEGA64L-8AU-ND ATMEGA64L-8MC-ND ATMEGA64L-8MU-ND ATMEGA644V-10AU-ND ATMEGA644V-10MU-ND ATMEGA644V-10PU-ND ATMEGA644-20AU-ND ATMEGA644-20MU-ND ATMEGA644-20PU-ND ATMEGA644PA-AU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA644PA-MU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA644PA-PU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA645-16AU-ND ATMEGA645V-8AU-ND ATMEGA645V-8MU-ND ATMEGA6450-16AU-ND ATMEGA6450V-8AU-ND ATMEGA640-16AU-ND ATMEGA640V-8AU-ND ATMEGA640V-8CU-ND ATMEGA128-16MC-ND ATMEGA128-16AU-ND ATMEGA128-16MU-ND ATMEGA128A-AU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA128A-MU-ND◆ NEW! ATMEGA128L-8AU-ND ATMEGA128L-8MU-ND ATMEGA1284P-AU-ND◆ ATMEGA1284P-MU-ND◆ ATMEGA1284P-PU-ND◆ ATMEGA1280-16AU-ND ATMEGA1280-16CU-ND ATMEGA1280V-8AU-ND ATMEGA1280V-8CU-ND ATMEGA1281-16AU-ND ATMEGA1281-16MU-ND ATMEGA1281V-8AU-ND ATMEGA1281V-8MU-ND ATMEGA2560-16AU-ND ATMEGA2560V-8AU-ND ATMEGA2560V-8CU-ND ATMEGA2561-16AU-ND ATMEGA2561-16MU-ND ATMEGA2561V-8AU-ND ATMEGA2561V-8MU-ND ◆ RoHS Compliant ® 88 88 For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 1 25 100 6.73 4.23 3.84 6.73 4.23 3.84 6.84 4.30 3.90 6.73 4.23 3.84 3.97 3.82 3.66 3.97 3.82 3.66 6.73 4.23 3.84 6.84 4.30 3.90 6.67 4.19 3.78 6.67 4.19 3.78 6.77 4.26 3.83 6.67 4.19 3.78 4.10 3.94 3.78 6.67 4.19 3.78 4.26 3.83 6.77 4.32 2.72 2.48 4.32 2.72 2.48 4.43 2.79 2.53 4.32 2.72 2.48 4.32 2.72 2.48 4.43 2.79 2.53 6.67 6.42 6.16 8.17 5.13 4.66 8.17 5.13 4.66 8.28 5.20 4.71 8.17 5.13 4.66 8.17 5.13 4.66 8.28 5.20 4.71 4.40 2.77 2.64 6.04 3.79 3.47 6.04 3.79 3.47 6.88 4.32 3.93 6.88 4.32 3.93 6.88 4.32 3.93 6.88 4.32 3.93 7.25 4.55 4.14 7.25 4.55 4.14 4.87 3.06 2.80 4.87 3.06 2.80 4.98 3.13 2.85 7.33 4.61 4.21 11.83 7.43 7.00 7.22 6.94 6.66 11.83 7.43 7.00 11.83 7.43 7.00 7.22 6.94 6.66 11.83 7.43 7.00 7.87 4.95 4.49 7.87 4.95 4.49 7.98 5.01 4.55 7.87 4.95 4.49 7.87 4.95 4.49 7.98 5.01 4.55 7.39 4.65 4.25 7.39 4.65 4.25 7.50 4.71 4.30 9.01 5.66 5.14 9.01 5.66 5.14 9.01 5.66 5.14 10.36 6.51 5.92 10.36 6.51 5.92 11.80 7.42 6.81 11.80 7.42 6.81 12.88 8.09 7.33 9.10 8.75 8.40 17.21 10.81 9.88 17.21 10.81 9.88 9.23 5.80 5.30 9.23 5.80 5.30 17.21 10.81 9.88 17.21 10.81 9.88 8.03 5.04 4.61 8.03 5.04 4.61 8.13 5.11 4.66 16.13 10.13 9.26 17.20 10.81 9.78 16.13 10.13 9.26 17.20 10.81 9.78 13.12 8.24 7.32 13.12 8.24 7.32 13.12 8.24 7.32 13.12 8.24 7.32 17.97 11.29 10.22 17.97 11.29 10.22 19.05 11.97 10.74 17.79 11.17 10.21 17.79 11.17 10.21 17.79 11.17 10.21 17.79 11.17 10.21 picoPower™ AVR® Timer 16-Bit/ 8-Bit Flash EEPROM SRAM I/O (KBytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) Pins 16 32 64 PWM Ch. RTC ADC TWI 10-Bit Ana. Int. HW USART (I2C) ISP (Ch.) Comp. BOD WDT RC MULT SPI VCC Clock Speed Package Temp. Range 1 Price Each 25 100 5.49 3.45 3.16 3.16 Digi-Key Part No. 512 1K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA164P-20AU-ND 512 1K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA164P-20MU-ND 5.49 3.45 512 1K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 40-Dip -40 85°C ATMEGA164P-20PU-ND 5.60 3.52 3.21 512 1K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 44-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA164PV-10AU-ND 5.49 3.45 3.16 3.16 512 1K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 44-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA164PV-10MU-ND 5.49 3.45 512 1K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 40-Dip -40 85°C ATMEGA164PV-10PU-ND 5.60 3.52 3.21 512 1K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA165P-16AU-ND 6.41 4.03 3.68 USI 512 1K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 16MHz 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA165P-16MU-ND 6.41 4.03 3.68 512 1K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 8MHz 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA165PV-8AU-ND 6.41 4.03 3.68 USI 64-QFN 512 1K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 8 1.8 5.5V 8MHz -40 85°C ATMEGA165PV-8MU-ND 6.41 4.03 3.68 1K 2K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA324P-20AU-ND 7.05 4.43 4.05 1K 2K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA324P-20MU-ND 7.05 4.43 4.05 40-Dip -40 85°C ATMEGA324P-20PU-ND 4.10 1K 2K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 7.16 4.50 1K 2K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 44-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA324PV-10AU-ND 7.05 4.43 4.05 1K 2K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 44-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA324PV-10MU-ND 7.05 4.43 4.05 1K 2K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 40-Dip -40 85°C ATMEGA324PV-10PU-ND 1K 2K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA325P-20AU-ND USI 1K 2K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 1K 2K 54 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 64-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA325PV-10AU-ND 64-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA325P-20MU-ND 7.16 4.50 4.10 6.99 4.39 3.99 6.99 4.39 3.99 6.99 4.39 3.99 1K 2K 69 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA3250P-20AU-ND 7.25 4.55 4.14 1K 2K 69 1/2 4 1 USI 1 USI 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 100-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA3250PV-10AU-ND 7.25 4.55 4.14 2K 4K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA644P-20AU-ND 8.08 5.08 4.69 2K 4K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 44-QFN -40 85°C ATMEGA644P-20MU-ND 8.08 5.08 4.69 40-Dip -40 85°C ATMEGA644P-20PU-ND 2K 4K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 2.7 5.5V 20MHz 8.19 5.15 4.74 2K 4K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 44-TQFP -40 85°C ATMEGA644PV-10AU-ND 8.08 5.08 4.69 2K 4K 32 1/2 6 1 USART 2 8 1.8 5.5V 10MHz 8.19 5.15 4.74 40-Dip -40 85°C ATMEGA644PV-10PU-ND AVR® XMEGA High Performance Low Power Flash Microcontrollers Operating Temperature: Industrial -4 C ~ 85 C Memory Size (Bytes) Flash EEPROM SRAM DMA Channels I/O Pins Frequency Max. (MHz) 1K 2K 4 36 32 1.6 1K 2K 4 36 32 1.6 16K 32K 64K 128K 192K 256K VCC (V) 12-bit 12-bit A/D D/A Channels Channels 16-bit Timers PWM Channels SPI TWI USART 3.6 5 16 2 2 5 12 3.6 5 16 2 2 5 1 Price Each 25 100 ATXMEGA16A4-AU-ND 5.20 3.27 2.99 ATXMEGA16A4-MH-ND 5.20 3.27 2.99 Package Digi-Key Part No. 2 44-TQFP 12 2 44-QFN 2K 4K 4 36 32 1.6 3.6 5 16 2 2 5 12 2 44-TQFP ATXMEGA32A4-AU-ND 5.88 3.70 3.38 2K 4K 4 36 32 1.6 3.6 5 16 2 2 5 12 2 44-QFN ATXMEGA32A4-MH-ND 5.88 3.70 3.38 2K 4K 4 78 32 1.6 3.6 8 24 4 4 8 16 4 100-TQFP ATXMEGA64A1-AU-ND 8.06 5.07 4.51 2K 4K 4 78 32 1.6 3.6 8 24 4 4 8 16 4 100-CBGA ATXMEGA64A1-CU-ND 9.14 5.74 5.10 2K 4K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-TQFP ATXMEGA64A3-AU-ND 8.21 5.16 4.72 2K 4K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-QFN ATXMEGA64A3-MH-ND 8.21 5.16 4.72 5.86 2K 8K 4 78 32 1.6 3.6 8 24 4 4 8 16 4 100-TQFP ATXMEGA128A1-AU-ND 10.20 6.41 2K 8K 4 78 32 1.6 3.6 8 24 4 4 8 16 4 100-CBGA ATXMEGA128A1-CU-ND 11.27 7.08 6.38 2K 8K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 10.43 6.56 5.99 5.99 64-TQFP ATXMEGA128A3-AU-ND 2K 8K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-QFN ATXMEGA128A3-MH-ND 10.43 6.56 4K 16K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-TQFP ATXMEGA192A3-AU-ND 11.52 7.24 6.62 4K 16K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-QFN ATXMEGA192A3-MH-ND 11.52 7.24 6.62 4K 16K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-TQFP ATXMEGA256A3-AU-ND 13.55 8.51 7.78 4K 16K 4 50 32 1.8 3.6 7 22 4 4 7 16 2 64-QFN ATXMEGA256A3-MH-ND 13.55 8.51 7.78 Adapters The AVR® ICE50 is a top-of-the-line development tool for complete in-circuit emulation of most AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers. The ICE50 and the AVR Studio4 user interface give the user complete control of the internal resources of the microcontroller, helping to reduce development time by making debugging easier. Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Description Digi-Key Part No. ICE50 Extension Memory Card ATICE50MEM-ND 240.50 Personality Adapter for ATmega162 ATADAPMEGA162-ND 40.30 Replacement POD for ICE40, ICE50 ATICE50POD-ND 455.00 Probe with Flex Cables ATICE50PROBE-ND Personality Adapter for ATtiny2313 ATADAPT2313-ND 40.30 Personality Adapter for ATmega169 ATADAP169_TOP-ND Personality Adapter for ATtiny13 ATADAPTINY13-ND 40.30 Personality Adapter for ATmega8 ATADAPMEGA8-ND 40.30 Personality Adapter for ATtiny26 ATADAPTINY26-ND 40.30 Personality Adapter for ATmega32 ATADAPMEGA32-ND 40.30 ICE50 Adapter Test ATADAPTEST-ND 40.30 79.30 195.00 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller Price Each (US2011) (TZM112.US) 89 89 C USB Development Kit Description USB Host/Function Development Kit or AT43USB380 OTG/Host FunctionProcessor ATSTK500 Starter Kit The ATSTK500 is a starter it and development system or Atmel s AVR lash microcontrollers. The ATSTK500 ives designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR combined with features for using the starter kit to develop prototypes and test new desi ns. The ATSTK500 inter aces with AVR Studio®, Atmel s Inte rated Development Environment IDE for code writing and debugging. ATSTK500-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $82.16 C Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Module or STK520 ATSTK520-ND CAN Extension or STK500/501 ATADAPCAN01-ND Starter Kit or AT90USB ATSTK525-ND 206.96 Starter Kit or AT90USB82/162 ATSTK526-ND 206.96 Extension Board Kit or STK525 ATEVK525-ND 156.00 82.16 19.76 BC100 Development Kit The BC100 is a re erence desi n/development it that tar ets attery char in . The it can e used to char e various attery types, as lon as the re uirements to char in volta e and currents are within the output ran e that the it o ers 1.2V 38V, 5A Max. The it can e used to develop applications such as attery char ers, attery ac up, un-interrupta le power supply and switch mode power supply. ATAVRBC100-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $206.96 AVR®32 32-Bit Microcontrollers MIPS 210 80 72 SRAM (KBytes) 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Flash (KBytes) — — 128 128 256 256 256 256 512 512 512 512 64 64 128 128 128 256 256 256 256 Cache (Inst/Data) 16KB/16KB 16KB/16KB — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I/O Pins 160 85 109 69 109 69 109 109 109 109 69 69 44 28 44 44 28 44 44 28 28 USB Hi h-Speed Hi h-Speed Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed OTG Full-Speed Full-Speed Ext. Bus Interface es es es No es No No No es es No No — — — — — — — — — Price Each AT43DK380-PDC2-ND 1298.70 Evaluation Kits Digi-Key Part No. ATAVRBFL -ND Description Butter y Evaluation Kit Price Each 20.79 Programmer/Emulator Description ISP In-System Pro rammer JTAGICE Emulator or AVR 2/OCD Pro e JTAGICE with Flex Ca les ATAVRONEKIT De u er/Pro rammer Digi-Key Part No. ATAVRISP2-ND ATJTAGICE2-ND ATJTAGPROBE-ND ATAVRONEKIT-ND Price Each 35.36 310.96 40.56 622.96 AVR® Dragon™ The AVR Dragon supports all programming modes for the AVR device family. The Dragon is also capable of full emulation support or devices with 32KB or less lash memory. Firmware or the device is easily up raded usin AVR Studio® to support new devices. ATAVRDRAGON-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.96 Features: Core Power Supply Volta e 1.65V Operatin Temperature -40 C 85 C Ethernet MAC 10/100 2 — 1 1 1 1 — — 1 1 1 1 — — — — — — — — — Digi-Key Part No. UART 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 Frequency Max. (MHz) 150 150 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 1.95V Package 256-CTBGA 196-CBGA 144-LQFP 100-TQFP 144-LQFP 100-TQFP 144-LQFP 144-TBGA 144-LQFP 144-LQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-TQFP 48-QFN 64-TQFP 64-QFN 48-QFN 64-TQFP 64-QFN 48-TQFP 48-QFN I/O Power Supply Volta e 3.0V Digi-Key Part No. AT32AP7000-CTUT-ND AT32AP7002-CTUT-ND AT32UC3A0128-ALUT-ND AT32UC3A1128-AUT-ND AT32UC3A0256-ALUT-ND AT32UC3A1256-AUT-ND AT32UC3A3256-ALUT-ND AT32UC3A3256-CTUT-ND AT32UC3A0512-ALUT-ND AT32UC3A0512-ALUR-ND AT32UC3A1512-AUT-ND AT32UC3A1512-AUR-ND AT32UC3B064-A2UT-ND AT32UC3B164- 1UT-ND AT32UC3B0128-A2UT-ND AT32UC3B0128- 2UT-ND AT32UC3B1128-Z1UT-ND AT32UC3B0256-A2UT-ND AT32UC3B0256- 2UT-ND AT32UC3B1256-AUT-ND AT32UC3B1256- 1UT-ND 3.6V 1 21.82 18.49 12.32 11.05 15.13 13.57 17.74 17.96 17.86 16.02 8.44 7.87 10.20 10.20 9.63 12.52 12.52 10.74 10.74 Price Each 25 14.56 12.34 7.74 6.94 9.51 8.52 11.15 11.28 11.22 8286.70/800 10.06 9218.55/1,000 5.30 4.95 6.41 6.41 6.05 7.87 7.87 6.75 6.75 100 13.41 11.37 7.08 6.35 8.69 7.79 10.19 10.29 10.26 9.20 4.85 4.52 5.86 5.86 5.53 7.19 7.19 6.17 6.17 ATEVK1100 Evaluation Kit NEW! ATEXTWIFI Evaluation Kit The ATEVK1100 is an evaluation it and development system or the AVR32 AT32UC3A microcontroller. It is e uipped with a rich set of peripherals, memory, and makes it easy to try the full potential of the AVR32 devices. The Wi-Fi Extension Board has an SD card form factor, and connects easily to any 32-bit AVR UC3 evaluation kit with an SD card soc et. The Wi-Fi TCP/IP stac is included in the AVR UC3 So tware Framewor , and supports oth SPI and SDIO communications with the Wi-Fi Extension Board. For use with EVK11xx series development oards ATEVK1100-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175.76 ATEVK1101 Evaluation Kit The ATEVK1101 is an evaluation it and development system or the AVR32 AT32UC3B microcontroller. It is e uipped with a rich set of peripherals, memory, and makes it easy to try the full potential of the AVR32 devices. ATEVK1101-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $123.76 ATEVK1104 Evaluation Kit The ATEVK1104 is an evaluation it or the AT32UC3A3256 which com ines Atmel s state-o -the-art AVR32 microcontroller with an unrivalled selection of communication interface like USB device including On-The-Go functionality, SDcard, NAND lash with ECC and stereo 16- it DAC. ATEVK1104-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175.76 ATEVK1105 Evaluation Kit The ATEVK1105 is an evaluation it or the AT32UC3A0512 which demonstrates Atmel s state-o -the-art AVR32 microcontroller in Hi-Fi audio decodin and streamin applications. The it contains re erence hardware and so tware or generic MP3 player docking stations. ATEVK1105-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $186.16 ATNGW100 Network Gateway Kit The ATNGW100 is an ideal development oard or the AT32AP7000. The ATNGW100 has two Ethernet ports, SD and MMC card reader and connectors or USB and JTAG. The oard is preloaded with Linux® and shipped with I/O inter ace drivers that can be called from your own code. ATNGW100-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $134.16 90 90 ATEXTWIFI-ND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $206.96 NEW! ATAVRXPLAIN Evaluation Kit Xplain is an easy to use evaluation and demonstration kit for ATxmega128A1, offering complete hardware for evaluating the highly accurate analog functionality of the device. The ADC can be used to read a temperature sensor and a potentiometer, and the DAC can be used to generate sound on a mono speaker. Xplain also demonstrates how to interface external memories; the kit features 8MB SDRAM and 8MB DataFlash connected to the ATxmega128A1. Eight push buttons and eight LEDs are available for user interaction. ATAVRXPLAIN-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.16 ATSTK600 Starter Kit The Atmel AVR® STK600 is a complete starter it and development system or the AVR and AVR32 lash microcontrollers. It is desi ned to ive desi ners a uic start to develop code on the AVR, com ined with advanced eatures or usin the starter it to prototype and test new desi ns. The STK600 is shipped with a ATme a2560 device oard. ATSTK600-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $206.96 Digi-Key Part No. ATSTK600 Socket and Adapter Boards Soc et and Adapter Board, 40-PDIP Devices ATSTK600-DIP40-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, 44-TQFP Devices ATSTK600-TQFP44-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, 100-TQFP Devices ATSTK600-TQFP100-ND Socket and Adapter Board, TinyX3U Devices ATSTK600-TIN X3U-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, TQFP32 Devices ATSTK600-TQFP32-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, SOIC Devices ATSTK600-SOIC-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, 64-TQFP Devices ATSTK600-TQFP64-2-ND Soc et Board and Expansion Module, 144-TQFP Devices ATSTK600-UC3A0X-144-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, 48-TQFP Devices ATSTK600-TQFP48-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, 64-TQFP Devices, 0.8mm Pitch ATSTK600-TQFP64-ND Soc et and Adapter Board, Tiny 4/5/9/10 Devices ATSTK600-ATTIN 10-ND NEW! Description More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 102.96 102.70 102.96 102.96 102.96 102.96 102.96 102.96 102.96 102.96 50.96 Microcontrollers Operating Temperature: Industrial -4 C ~ 85 C, Commercial C ~ C CAN ® Memory Size (Bytes) Program Ram EEprom 4K 16K 32K 64K Serial Communication UART SPI CAN I/O Pins 256 2K 36 1 es 256 2K 36 1 es 256 2K 36 1 es 256 2K 20 1 — 256 2K 20 1 — 256 2K 20 1 — 256 2K 20 1 — 256 2K 20 1 — 2.0 A&B WDT Timer Counter 16-Bits No 3 es 3 No 3 es 3 2.0 A&B es 3 es 3 es 3 es 3 A/D Clock Speed MHz VCC (V) Operating Temperature Package Digi-Key Part No. 1 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-VQFP AT89C51CC03URLRCT-ND† 8.93 8.59 8.25 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 64-VQFP AT89C51CC03URDRCT-ND† 9.06 8.72 8.37 8-ch/ 10- it 8-ch/ 10- it Price Each 25 100 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-PLCC AT89C51CC03USLRCT-ND† 8.74 8.40 8.07 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 32-VQFP T89C51CC02UARATIM-ND 5.77 5.55 5.33 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 64-BGA T89C51CC01CA7CTIM-ND 6.08 5.85 5.62 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 28-SOIC AT89C51CC02UA-TISUM-ND 8.60 6.66 6.24 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 28-PLCC AT89C51CC02UA-SISUM-ND 8.60 6.66 6.24 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 32-VQFP AT89C51CC02CA-RATUM-ND 8.60 6.66 6.24 256 2K 20 1 — es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 32-VQFP AT89C51CC02UA-RATUM-ND 8.60 6.66 6.24 256 2K 34 1 — es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-VQFP AT89C51CC01UARLTUM-ND 9.57 7.41 6.95 256 2K 34 1 — es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-VQFP AT89C51CC01CA-RLTUM-ND 9.57 7.41 6.95 2.0 A&B 256 2K 34 1 — 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 es 3 8-ch/ 10- it 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-PLCC AT89C51CC01CA-SLSUM-ND 9.57 7.41 6.95 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 64-VQFP AT89C51CC03CRDTIM-ND 7.02 6.75 6.48 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 64-VQFP AT89C51CC03URDTIM-ND 11.61 8.10 7.13 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 64-VQFP AT89C51CC03UA-RDTUM-ND 11.61 8.99 8.43 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-PLCC AT89C51CC03UASLSUM-ND 11.61 8.99 8.43 256 2K 36 1 es No 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-PLCC AT89C51CC03CSLRCT-ND† 8.74 8.40 8.07 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 2.0 A&B 8-ch/ 10- it 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 52-PLCC AT89C51CC03CS3RCT-ND† 8.87 8.53 8.19 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 64-VQFP AT89C51CC03CRDRCT-ND† 9.06 8.72 8.37 256 2K 36 1 — es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-VQFP AT89C51CC03CA-RLTUM-ND 11.61 8.99 8.43 256 2K 36 1 — es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 44-VQFP AT89C51CC03UA-RLTUM-ND 11.61 8.99 8.43 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 52-PLCC AT89C51CC03UA-S3SUM-ND 11.61 8.99 8.43 256 2K 36 1 es es 3 40 3.0 5.5 Industrial 52-PLCC AT89C51CC03CA-S3SUM-ND 11.61 8.99 8.43 ◆ RoHS Compliant † Cut Tape Smart Card ® 1 Price Each 25 100 AT83C22OK103RDTIM-ND 7.28 7.00 6.72 64-VQFP AT89C5122D-RDTUM-ND 11.18 8.44 7.04 es 64-VQFP AT89C5122D-RDRUMCT-ND † 11.40 8.61 7.17 5.5 es 64-VQFP AT89C5122D-RDRUMTR-ND § 3.0 5.5 es 64-VQFP AT89C5122DRDRIMCT-ND† 7.48 7.19 6.90 3.0 5.5 es 64-QFN AT89C5122D-PSTUM-ND 5.85 5.63 5.40 16 2.85 5.5 — 52-PLCC T85C5121-S3SIL-ND 5.36 5.15 4.95 — 16 2.85 5.5 — 24-SSOP T89C5121-ICUIL-ND 5.30 5.10 4.90 — 48 3.0 — 48-VQFP AT83C26-RKTUL-ND 4.13 3.12 2.60 Interface Type Flash (Kbytes) Mask ROM (Kbytes) F.max. (MHz) ISP Package Digi-Key Part No. USB — — — 3.6 5.5 — 64-VQFP USB 32 — 16 3.0 5.5 es USB 32 — 16 3.0 5.5 USB 32 — 16 3.0 USB USB 32 — 16 32 — 16 Serial — — Serial — — — ◆ RoHS Compliant C † Cut Tape VCC (V) 5.5 9540.00/1,500 § Tape and Reel Lighting Memory Size (Bytes) Program Ram EEprom 4K 256 I/O Pins 256 Serial Communication UART SPI TWI 2 — — WDT Timer Counter 16-Bits A/D Clock Speed MHz VCC (V) Operating Temperature Package Digi-Key Part No. es -/2 6-ch/ 24 3.0 3.6 Ind. 20-SOIC AT89EB5114-TGSIL-ND — 1 Price Each 25 100 4.45 4.28 4.11 USB Memory Size (Bytes) Program Ram EEprom I/O Pins 32K 34 16K 32K 64K — Serial Communication UART SPI TWI 1 32K — 34 1 32K — 34 1 256 4K 34 1 256 4K 34 1 2304 — 44 1 Master/ Slave — WDT Timer Counter 16-Bits A/D Clock Speed MHz VCC (V) Operating Temperature Package Digi-Key Part No. es -/2 — 16 3.6 5.5 Ind. 32-QFN 1 Price Each 25 100 AT89C5130A-PUTUM-ND 6.45 5.00 4.68 — es -/2 — 16 3.6 5.5 Ind. 64-VQFP AT89C5130A-RDTUM-ND 7.10 5.50 5.15 — es -/2 — 16 3.6 5.5 Ind. 52-PLCC AT89C5130A-S3SUM-ND 8.39 6.49 6.09 — es -/3 — 24 2.7 5.5 Ind. 52-PLCC AT89C5131A-S3SUM-ND 8.60 6.66 6.24 — es -/3 — 24 2.7 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC AT89C5131A-TISIL-ND 10.11 7.05 6.20 — es -/2 8-bit 20 3.0 Ind. 80-TQFP AT89C5132-ROTUL-ND 13.55 10.49 9.83 Serial Communication UART SPI TWI WDT Master/ Slave Master/ Slave ◆ RoHS Compliant Single Cycle Core Memory Size (Bytes) Program Ram EEprom I/O Pins 256 — 15 256 — 15 256 — 15 256 — 15 256 — 15 2K 4K 1 EUART 1 EUART Timer Counter 16-Bits A/D Clock Speed MHz VCC (V) Operating Temperature Package Digi-Key Part No. 1 Price Each 25 100 1 — es -/2 — 20 2.4 5.5 Ind 20-Dip AT89LP2052-20PU-ND 2.37 1.95 1.84 1 — es -/2 — 20 2.4 5.5 Ind. 20-SOIC AT89LP2052-20SU-ND 2.37 1.95 1.84 1 — es -/2 — 20 2.4 5.5 Ind 20-Dip AT89LP4052-20PU-ND 2.58 2.13 2.00 1 — es -/2 — 20 2.4 5.5 Ind. 20-SOIC AT89LP4052-20SU-ND 2.58 2.13 2.00 1 — es -/2 — 20 2.4 5.5 Ind 20-TSSOP AT89LP4052-20XU-ND 2.58 2.13 2.00 (Continued) ® For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 91 91 Microcontrollers (Cont.) ® General Purpose Timer Counter 16-Bits 10 Bit A/D Clock Speed MHz VCC (V) Operating Temperature Package — — -/2 — 24 4.0 6.0 Ind. 20-Dip — — — -/2 — 24 4.0 6.0 Ind. 1 — — — -/2 — 24 4.0 6.0 1 — — es -/2 — 24 I/O Pins 128 — 15 1 — 128 — 15 1 128 — 15 128 — 32 2K 4K C WDT Memory Size (Bytes) Program Ram EEprom 8K 12K 16K 20K 32K 64K 1 Price Each 25 100 AT89C2051-24PU-ND 1.68 1.60 1.50 20-SOIC AT89C2051-24SU-ND 1.68 1.60 1.50 Ind. 20-SOIC AT89C4051-24SU-ND 1.87 1.77 1.67 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP AT89S51-24AU-ND 1.87 1.77 1.67 Digi-Key Part No. 128 — 32 1 — — es -/2 — 24 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89S51-24JU-ND 1.87 1.77 1.67 128 — 32 1 — es -/2 — 24 4.0 5.5 Ind. 40-Dip AT89S51-24PU-ND 1.87 1.77 1.67 128 — 34 2 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RE2-SLSUM-ND 11.18 8.66 8.12 256 — 32 1 — Master/ Slave — — es -/3 — 24 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP AT89S52-24AU-ND 2.06 1.95 1.84 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 24 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89S52-24JU-ND 2.06 1.95 1.84 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 24 4.0 5.5 Ind. 40-Dip AT89S52-24PU-ND 2.06 1.95 1.84 256 2K 32 1 Master/ — es -/3 — 24 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP AT89S8253-24AU-ND 4.31 4.07 3.83 256 2K 32 1 Slave — es -/3 — 24 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89S8253-24JU-ND 4.31 4.07 3.83 256 2K 20 1 — — es -/3 40 3.0 5.5 Ind. 32-VQFP AT89C5115-RATUM-ND 9.68 7.49 7.02 256 2K 20 1 — — es -/3 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 10- it 40 3.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 40-Dip T89C5115-TISUM-ND 4.94 4.75 4.56 AT89C51RB2-3CSUM-ND 7.53 5.83 5.46 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RB2-RLTIL-ND 4.37 4.20 4.04 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RB2-RLTUL-ND 8.17 6.33 5.93 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RB2-RLTUM-ND 7.53 5.83 5.46 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 60 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RB2-SLSIM-ND 7.22 5.04 4.44 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 60 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RB2-SLSUM-ND 7.53 5.83 5.46 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RB2RLRIMCT-ND† 4.62 4.44 4.26 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RB2RLRILCT-ND† 8.40 7.03 5.86 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 12 2.7 6.0 Com. 44-TQFP AT89LV55-12AC-ND 4.09 3.02 2.70 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 12 2.7 6.0 Ind. 44-TQFP AT89LV55-12AI-ND 2.47 2.38 2.28 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 12 2.7 6.0 Com. 44-PLCC AT89LV55-12JC-ND 4.09 3.02 2.70 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 12 2.7 6.0 Com. 40-Dip AT89LV55-12PC-ND 4.09 3.02 2.70 256 — 32 1 — — es -/3 — 12 2.7 6.0 Ind. 40-Dip AT89LV55-12PI-ND 4.09 3.02 2.70 Master/ Slave 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 3.5 Com. 44-VQFP AT89C51IC2-RLTIL-ND 5.30 5.10 4.90 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 3.5 Com. 44-VQFP AT89C51IC2-RLTUL-ND 9.03 6.99 6.56 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51IC2-RLTUM-ND 8.82 6.83 6.40 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 3.6 Com. 44-PLCC AT89C51IC2-SLSUL-ND 9.03 6.99 6.56 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51IC2SLRIMCT-ND† 5.66 5.44 5.22 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 3.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51IC2SLRILCT-ND† 10.29 8.62 7.18 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51IC2-SLRULTR-ND § 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51IC2-RLRULCT-ND † 5.59 5.38 5.16 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51IC2RLRIMCT-ND† 5.79 5.57 5.34 Master/ Slave 3354.00/500 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 3.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51IC2RLRILCT-ND† 6.36 6.12 5.88 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP AT89C51RC2-3CSUM-ND 9.46 7.33 6.87 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 48 2.7 3.6 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RC2-RLTUL-ND 9.68 7.49 7.02 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 48 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RC2-RLTUM-ND 8.60 6.66 6.24 1024 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 48 2.7 3.6 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RC2-SLSIM-ND 7.74 5.40 4.75 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RC2RLRILCT-ND† 5.93 5.71 5.48 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RC2SLRILCT-ND† 5.72 5.50 5.28 1280 — 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51RC2RLRIMCT-ND† 5.40 5.19 4.98 256 2K 34 1 — es -/3 — 40 3.0 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51AC2-RLTUM-ND 10.32 7.99 7.49 2048 2K 32 1 — es -/3 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51ID2-RLTUM-ND 12.69 9.82 9.21 2K 32 1 — es -/3 8-ch/ 10-Bit 40 2048 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51ID2-SLSUM-ND 12.69 9.82 9.21 2048 2K 32 1 es es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51ID2RLRIMCT-ND† 6.83 6.57 6.30 2048 2K 32 1 es es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51ID2-RLRUMCT-ND † 7.80 7.50 7.20 2048 2K 32 1 es es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51ID2-SLRUMTR-ND § 1792 2048 34 1 1792 2048 34 1 1792 2048 34 2304 2K 2304 2K 2304 — Master/ Slave 4680.00/500 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RD2-SLSUM-ND 9.03 6.99 6.56 — es -3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RD2-SLRUMCT-ND † 9.25 7.16 — 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51RD2-SLRUMTR-ND § 32 1 — es -/3 60 3.0 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51AC3-SLSUM-ND 10.75 8.32 7.80 32 1 — es -/3 60 3.0 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51AC3-RLTUM-ND 10.75 8.32 7.80 2K 32 1 — es -/3 60 3.0 5.5 Ind. 52-PLCC AT89C51AC3-S3SUM-ND 10.75 8.32 7.80 2304 2K 32 1 — es -/3 60 3.0 5.5 Ind. 64-VQFP AT89C51AC3-RDTUM-ND 10.75 8.32 7.80 1792 2048 32 1 — es -/3 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-VQFP AT89C51ED2-RLTUM-ND 10.32 7.99 7.49 Slave Master/ Slave 8-ch/ 10- it — 3354.00/500 1792 2048 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 64-VQFP AT89C51ED2-RDTUM-ND 10.97 8.49 7.96 1792 2048 32 1 — es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 44-PLCC AT89C51ED2-SLSUM-ND 10.32 7.99 7.49 1792 2048 48 es -/3 — 40 2.7 5.5 Ind. 68-PLCC AT89C51ED2-SMSUM-ND 10.97 8.49 7.96 2K 48 1 1 EUART — 256 — es -/3 — 60 2.7 5.5 Ind. 68-PLCC T89C51RD2-SMSIM-ND 6.76 6.50 6.24 ◆ RoHS Compliant ® 92 92 Serial Communication UART SPI TWI † Cut Tape § Tape and Reel For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 AT89C5131 MCU/USB Starter Kit 8051 Microcontroller Kits This starter kit is designed to help developers using AT89C5131 USB Flash microcontroller. The kit comprises an evaluation board, the In-System Programming Tool (FLIP), and a HID (Human Interface Device) keyboard demonstration program. AT89STK-05-ND Starter Kit for AT89C5131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $187.20 AT89STK-06 Starter Kit The AT89STK-06 Starter Kit is dedicated to the T89C51CC01/CC02 and AT89C51CC03 CAN microcontrollers. The AT89STK-06 can also be used for AT89C51AC3, T89C51AC2 and T89C5115 (Flash microcontroller with ADC). For T89C51CC02 CAN and T89C5115, optional adaptor is required: CANADAPT28. The board is designed to allow an easy evaluation of the product using demonstration software. AT89STK-06-ND AT89STK-10 Quick Start Kit This kit includes an evaluation board dedicated to the AT89C5130/31A and AT8xC5122D microcontrollers, enabling you to run an application based on the Mass Storage Package. Kit Includes: Flash Evaluation Board and lash memory ata lash Card S products C -ROM AT89STK-10-ND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $187.20 Starter Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $187.20 ATWEBEVK-01 Evaluation Kit AT89STK-11 Starter Kit The @Web Evaluation Kit allows the user to evaluate the full range of options available in integrating TCP/IP software into Atmel C51 Flash MCUs. Once the user has completed the demo he will be able to Read and Write information to and from the Flash memory of the microcontroller through the Internet. The AT89STK-11 Starter Kit is dedicated to the In-System Programmable Flash C51 microcontrollers. The board is designed to allow an easy evaluation of the product using demonstration software. AT89STK-11-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $187.20 Moreover, the user will see how all of the information recorded on the microcontroller is available using standard PC tools such as a Web browser, Hyperterminal, and Dial-up Networking. C ATOCD51 Emulator System Kit Includes: The AT890CD emulator system is designed to allow an easy connection to Atmel AT8xC51 microcontrollers and uses the USB interface (standard USB B plug to A plug cable) connection to PC platforms. The Software package is fully integrated into Keil® µvision IDE.A AT89OCD-01-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $187.20 Evaluation oard with T8 C51 C2 Controller Ex ternal spea er Se rial RS-2 2 ull Modem Cable 9V battery and cable C -ROM including documentation and software ATWEBEVK-01-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $260.00 89C51SND1 MP3 Player Emulator The AT89EMK-01 Development System for Atmel 89C51SND1 Microcontrollers derivatives with 6/12 clocks/cycle is very effective in meeting the diverse demands of emulation operations. Features: Emulates 8 C51S 1 erivatives with 6/12 Cloc s/Cycle 62K Code Memory Real-Time Emulation re uency up to 2 MHz/ IS and 2 Mode Support MS- indows ebugger for C and ssembler Keil ision2 ebugger Compatible and CC Emulation Headers IS rogrammer Included Serially in ed to C at 115Kbaud AT89EMK-01-ND Emulator for MP3 SND1 MCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1592.50 NEW! EFM®32 Gecko Development Kits The EFM32 Gecko Development Kit is a platform for rapid prototyping of ultra low power microcontroller applications. It consists of a mother board, a replaceable MCU-board and a prototyping-board, along with a comprehensive software development environment. Communication: 2 RS2 2 serial ports I2C interface Infrared transceiver Debugging: Onboard SE ER - in S emulator RM 2 pin T /S standard ebug in/out connector Advanced Energy Monitor (AEM): Precise measurement of current and voltage 0.1µ ~ 5 m Memory: 4 Mbit fast access SR M 2 Mbit OR lash 2 bit I2C bus EE ROM 16 Mbit S I lash measurement range Onboard logging and display features lways available by pushing a button Software: Comprehensive set of board support functions 2K evaluation versions of KEI ™ MDK-ARM Power: Two separate power domains allowing for accurate current and voltage measurements of the application energy consumption External 5 supply 5 / 5 m S supply Microcontroller Development Kit and IAR Embedded Workbench® User Interface: 2 x24 T T display 16 ser E s 8 roc er style miniature I switches 4 MCU Board: C E M 2- 8 and reset pushbutton switches Miniature oystic 1 system reset pushbutton switch otmeter - K only 2. 68 Hz crystal 2 MHz crystal E s indicating power 914-1000-ND (EFM32-G2XX-DK) EFM32 Gecko Development Kit with EFM32G290F128 MCU Plug-in Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $324.00 914-1001-ND (EFM32-G8XX-DK) EFM32 Gecko Development Kit with EFM32G890F128 MCU Plug-in Board with 160 Segment LCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $324.00 EFM®32 Flash Microcontrollers Memory Size (Bytes) Flash Ram 128K 16K ® I/O Pins I2C Timer (PWM) RTC WDT ADC (Pins) DAC (Pins) ACMP (Pins) Package Digi-Key Part No. 24 1 2 (6) 1 1 1 (4) 1 (1) 2 (4) 32-QFN 914-1011-1-ND 24 1 2 (6) 1 1 1 (4) 1 (1) 2 (4) 32-QFN 914-1011-2-ND† 56 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 64-QFN 914-1012-1-ND 56 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 64-QFN 914-1012-2-ND† 85 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 100-QFP 914-1013-1-ND 85 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 100-QFP 914-1013-2-ND† 90 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 112-BGA 914-1014-1-ND 90 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 112-BGA 914-1014-2-ND† 56 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (8) 64-QFN 914-1015-1-ND 56 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (8) 64-QFN 914-1015-2-ND† 85 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 100-QFP 914-1016-1-ND 85 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 100-QFP 914-1016-2-ND† 90 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 112-BGA 914-1017-1-ND 90 1 3 (9) 1 1 1 (8) 2 (2) 2 (16) 112-BGA 914-1017-2-ND† Cut Tape Price Each 1 25 100 6.70 5.57 Energy Micro Part No. 5.06 EFM32G210F128 3415.50/1,000 7.55 6.27 EFM32G210F128 5.70 EFM32G230F128 3847.50/1,000 8.08 6.71 EFM32G230F128 6.10 EFM32G280F128 4117.50/1,000 8.24 6.85 EFM32G280F128 6.22 4198.50/1,000 9.43 7.84 EFM32G290F128 7.12 4806.00/1,000 10.12 8.41 8.56 5251.50/1,000 EFM32G840F128 EFM32G840F128 7.64 5157.00/1,000 10.31 EFM32G290F128 EFM32G880F128 EFM32G880F128 7.78 EFM32G890F128 EFM32G890F128 † Tape and Reel ® For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 93 93 ConnectCore™ 9C ® Digi Connect SP Family The Digi Connect SP device server delivers a powerful, compact and cost-effective off-the-shelf hardware platform for embedded networking solutions. The device server is the ideal platform for your custom web and network enabled embedded applications. Combining Digi and NetSilicon® technology, it eliminates the hardware design effort and delivers a true device networking solution that is powerful enough to meet your future performance requirements. Features: 2-bit ET RM high-performance RISC processor S 52 55MHz 4M lash and 16M R M integrated Switch-selectable RS-2 2/422/485 interface - M Throughput up to 2 ,4 bps , 8 data bits; 1, 1.5, 2 stop bits; Mark/space/even/odd parity; Full signal support with software/hardware flow control uto-sensing 1 /1 Mbit Ethernet interface and networ lin C Description Device Server Adapter Adapter Development Kit Adapter Development Kit (No Raven Debugger) Adapter Customizable model with JTAG interface Digi-Key Part No. 602-1035-ND 602-1013-ND 602-1014-ND 602-1015-ND Price Each 189.00 1495.00 738.00 249.00 Digi-International Part No. DC-SP-01-C DC-SP-01-GN DC-SP-01-GN-NR DC-SP-01-JT The Digi Connect ME is a connector-style embedded module that enables manufacturers to keep pace with ever-evolving networking technology by easily adding secure web-enabled network connectivity to their products. The Digi Connect ME com ines true plu -and-play unctionality with the reedom and lexi ility o complete product customization options. Features: 32- it NET ARM hi h-per ormance RISC processor NS7520 55MHz Wired 10/100Base-T networ inter ace 1 hi h-speed TTL serial inter ace Five shared General Purpose Input/Output GPIO ports Data rate 10/100 M ps autosensin 3.3VDC 250mA typical 825mW Digi-Key Part No. 602-1053-ND 602-1029-ND 602-1054-ND 602-1030-ND 602-1055-ND 602-1031-ND 602-1057-ND 602-1086-ND 602-1058-ND 602-1059-ND 602-1088-ND 602-1134-ND 602-1135-ND 602-1136-ND 602-1137-ND 602-1138-ND 602-1139-ND Features: 2-bit S 6 high performance RISC processor 155MHz with MM p to 4 high-speed TT serial ports p to 4 S I ports I2C v1. bus interface S 2. Host/ evice Interface C Controller eneral urpose Timers/Counters/ M 4 programmable external interrupts p to 55 shared eneral urpose Input/Output IO ports Real-time cloc Description Module with 16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Ethernet Dual Stacked USB Connectors JumpStart Kit for 9C with NET+OS JumpStart Kit for 9C with Windows CE JumpStart Kit for 9C with Embedded Linux Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Digi-International Part No. 602-1093-ND◆ 602-1079-ND◆ 602-1080-ND◆ 602-1081-ND 139.00 CC-9C-V212-Z6 499.00 CC-9C-NET 499.00 CC-9C-CE6 499.00 CC-9C-LX ◆ RoHS Compliant Digi Connect® ME Family Description 8MB SDRAM, 2MB Flash, Standard Firmware 8MB SDRAM, 2MB Flash, Standard Firmware, 10-pieces 8MB SDRAM, 2MB Flash, Customiza le 8MB SDRAM, 2MB Flash, Customiza le, 10-pieces 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Customiza le 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Customiza le, 10-pieces Inte ration Kit or use with S models JumpStart Kit or ME with NET OS Customiza le with JTAG Inter ace, 8MB SDRAM, 2MB Flash Customiza le with JTAG Inter ace, 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash JumpStart Kit or Microso t .NET Micro Framewor 8MB SDRAM, 2MB Flash, Module ME 9210 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Module ME 9210 JumpStart Kit or ME 9210 with NET OS7 JumpStart Kit or ME 9210 or Em edded Linux 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, ME 9210 sin le-unit pac Encryption Engine A powerful ARM9-based core module that enables OEMs to design in core processing functionality and networking capabilities with a single, high-performance solution. It delivers complete embedded network connectivity along with additional bandwidth to handle sophisticated embedded applications including building automation systems, POS systems, RFID readers, instrumentation, networked displays, transportation systems, industrial automation systems and many more. Price Each 49.00 450.00 49.00 450.00 55.00 500.00 249.00 499.00 99.00 99.00 299.00 99.00 99.00 299.00 249.00 60.00 55.00 Digi-International Part No. DC-ME-01T-S DC-ME-01T-S-10 DC-ME-01T-C DC-ME-01T-C-10 DC-ME4-01T-C DC-ME4-01T-C-10 DC-ME-01T-KT DC-ME-NET DC-ME-01T-JT DC-ME4-01T-JT DC-ME-MF DC-ME- 401-JT DC-ME- 402-JT DC-ME-9210-NET DC-ME-9210-LX DC-ME- 402-C DC-ME- 401-C ConnectCore™ 9P Compact high-performance 32-bit NET+ARM processor module family combines superior performance and design integration flexibility with complete embedded software platform support. ConnectCore 9P modules are a complete set of integrated peripherals and component connectivity options in a compact and versatile form factor. Features: ConnectCore9P 9750: 2-bit ET RM RM 26E -S high-performance RISC processor S 5 2 MHz p to 128M lash and 64M S R M Standard population 2M lash and 16M R M Integrated 2-bit CI v2.2/Cardbus ridge MHz 16 eneral urpose Timers/Counters p to 5 GPIO port options ConnectCore9P 9360: 2-bit ET RM RM 26E -S high-performance RISC processor S 6 1 MHz p to 128M lash and 128M S R M Standard population 2M lash and 2M R M 8 eneral urpose Timers/Counters or 4 M functions p to IO port options ConnectCore 9P Family: Integrated 1 /1 Mbps Ethernet M C/ H p to four serial interfaces w/ RT and S I mode Integrated S 2. compliant host/device interface On-chip I2C bus interface (100/400 Hz lexible C controller with support for T T/ST displays External memory bus interface RealTime Cloc RTC with support for external battery bac up 8K serial EE ROM for con guration storage On-board T interface Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Digi-International Part No. 16MB SDRAM, 32MB Flash with NS9750 602-1062-ND 195.60 FS-364 64MB SDRAM, 32MB Flash with NS9750 602-1043-ND◆ 320.00 FS-380 ◆ RoHS Compliant 32MB SDRAM, 32MB Flash with NS9360 602-1063-ND◆ 178.80 FS-382 Digi Connect® EM Family (9360) Development Kit for LxNETES - Linux 602-1026-ND◆ 2495.01 FS-9064 (9750) Development Kit for LxNETES - Linux 602-1025-ND 2111.56 FS-9053 (9750) Development Kit of NET+OS 602-1024-ND 2111.56 FS-9032 (9360) JumpStart Kit for 9P with 2.5NET+OS 602-1082-ND 499.00 CC-9P-NET (9360) JumpStart Kit for 9P with Windows CE 602-1083-ND◆ 518.75 CC-9P-CE6 The Digi Connect EM board-mount embedded module delivers true web-enabled and secure device networking that is easy and cost-effective to implement, while being powerful enough to meet future performance needs. Features: 2-bit ET RM high-performance RISC processor S 52 55MHz ired 1 /1 ase-T networ interface 2 high-speed TT serial interfaces 4M lash memory, 8M R M 2-bit ET RM high-performance RISC processor S 52 55MHz Serial eripheral Interface S I shared eneral urpose Input/Output IO ports ata rate 1 /1 Mbps auto-sensing . C 2 m max 8 1m Description Digi-Key Part No. 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Std. Firmware 602-1039-ND◆ 8MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash, Customizable 602-1040-ND◆ JumpStart Kit for EM with NET+OS 602-1087-ND Price Each Digi-International Part No. 79.00 DC-EM-02T-S 79.00 DC-EM-02T-C 499.00 DC-EM-NET ◆ RoHS Compliant ConnectCore™ 7U First member of the ConnectCore embedded core processor module family utilizing the high performance NS7520 processor with ARM7TDMI core. Built on leading Digi 32-bit NET+ARM technology, it provides the ideal base core processor platform for products in a wide variety of applications that demand an additional level of performance and connectivity. Features: 2-bit RM and 16-bit Thumb instruction sets which can be mixed for performance/code density tradeoffs 15 general purpose 2-bit registers 1 /1 Mbps MII H interface 2 channels support Ethernet module 4 channels support 2 serial modules Description Digi-Key Part No. Module with 2MB Flash and 16MB SDRAM 602-1094-ND◆ Module with 8MB Flash and 16MB SDRAM 602-1060-ND 119.00 FS-352 Module with 8MB Flash and 16MB SDRAM FS Forth UNC90 with 32MB SDRAM, 16MB Flash, (Atmel AT91RM9200 MCU @ 180MHz) Development Kit for NET+OS 602-1095-ND◆ 119.00 CC-7U-Z113-Z1 602-1046-ND 602-1018-ND 159.00 1495.00 FS-373 FS-998 Biometric Design Kit - IKENDI Fingerprint 602-1019-ND 720.00 FS-9007 Compact Flash Design Kit with 802.1b wireless 602-1020-ND 720.00 FS-9021 Java Design Kit - Java (Mika) JTAG SuperBooster for programming flash memories with software - 3 volt. JTAG SuperBooster for programming flash memories with software - 5 volt. 602-1021-ND 720.00 FS-9022 602-1036-ND◆ 714.00 FS-985 602-1028-ND 714.00 FS-984 ◆ RoHS Compliant 94 94 Price Each 99.00 Digi-International Part No. CC-7U-Z111-Z1 ◆ RoHS Compliant Embedded Core Modules These high performance, Samsung processor based, modules are members of FS Forth-System’s ModARM9 family of modular solutions for embedded systems. These modules include SDRAM, flash and control logic in a compact 60x44mm form factor. Low power consumption allows for battery powered applications. Other typical applications include those in Industrial Automation, Retail Point-Of-Sale, Medical Instrumentation and Data Acquisition. Features: C Controller ST and T T Touch screen interface S 1.1 Host and evice Controller 2/64/128 M ytes lash 16/ 2/64/128M ytes S R M RT channels A9M2410: Samsung’s S C241 microcontroller RM 2 T core 2 Description FS Forth A9M2410 Module with 32MB SDRAM, 32MB Flash with 10Mbps Ethernet Price Each Digi-International Part No. 602-1048-ND 215.00 FS-362 Digi One™ SP The Digi One SP delivers efficient serial-to-Ethernet connectivity and is ideal for applications where TCP Socket, UDP Socket or UDP multicast functionality is needed. Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Digi-International Part No. Device Server 1-port Serial to Ethernet 602-1075-ND 182.00 70001851 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) MHz with MM Digi-Key Part No. Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Jackrabbit™ Low-Cost Single-Board Computer Model BL1800: Board Size: 2.5 x .5 x . 4 64mm x 8 mm x 24mm Input Voltage: 8 C ~ 4 C, switching regulator, 4 m typical 24 C General Purpose I/O: 14 bidirectional, 6 inputs, 4 outputs CMOS compatible High Power Outputs: sin ing 1 mp and 1 sourcing 5 m 1 Analog Input: 9-bit resolution, 8-bit accuracy, .1 ~ 2.8 input range, 5ms typical ac uisition time 2 Analog Outputs: Filtered/ buffered M outputs Processor: Rabbit 2 , cloc , 2 .5MHz Memory: SR M 128K, flash 256K Timers: ive 8-bit cascadable timers, one 1 -bit timer with 2 match registers Serial Ports: (2) RS-232 (or one with CTS/ RTS) rated @ 1KV ESD, (1) RS-485 rated @ 15kV ESD, (1) 5V CMOS compatible (programming port), 2 serial ports can be cloc ed Serial Rate: Selectable baud rates up to 115,200 bps (RS-232), 230,400 bps (RS-485). 5 Volt CMOS compatible port up to 7.37Mbps Additional Features: watchdog/supervisor, time/date clock, and backup battery Model BL1810: Same as 18 , except with 14. MHz cloc , 128K flash, linear regulator (200mA) and 1 sourcing (100mA) high-voltage outputs, and CMOS port baud rate of 3.69Mbps. .5~25 , sin ing Model BL1820: Same as BL1810, except with no battery backup, (2) RS-232 and (2) 5V CMOS compatible (programming port) Jackrabbit™ Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1000-ND (101-0363) Only $139.00 Includes Jackrabbit BL1810, manual, schematics, AC adapter, prototyping board, programming cable, documentation on CD ROM, additional parts, and complete Dynamic C ® SE software development system (not a trial version). Description Model BL1800 Model BL1810 Model BL1820 Digi-Key Part No. 316-1079-ND 316-1080-ND 316-1081-ND Price Each 99.00 69.00 49.00 Rabbit Part No. 20-101-0356 20-101-0357 20-101-0358 Price Each 200.00 199.00 Rabbit Part No. 101-0529 20-101-0525 C Low-Cost Single-Board Computer Features: Rabbit microprocessor operating at up to .4MHz 512K SR M and 512K flash memory options 26 igital I/O 16 protected digital inputs and 1 high-current digital outputs 8 Single-ended or 4 differential analog Description channels with cc monitoring option 11-bit single-ended or 12-bit differential channels M outputs Six serial Fox Tool Kit for 3500 LP3500 Fox ports attery-bac ed real-time cloc atchdog supervisor ◆ RoHS Compliant The LP3500 can be mounted to a panel or on a plastic-enclosure base. Digi-Key Part No. 316-1056-ND 316-1115-ND◆ Coyote™ BL2500 Ethernet-Enabled Single-Board Computer Features: Rabbit size of . 5 x . 5 1 ports at 2 .4 MHz 1 ase-T, R -45 256K lash Memory 128K SR M Compact board x 1 mm 24 digital I/O plus 1 / input and 2 / outputs along with 4 E s Six serial Description Model BL2500 Digi-Key Part No. 316-1179-ND Price Each 189.00 Rabbit Part No. 20-101-0575 BL4S100 Single-Board Computer The BL4S100 delivers an integrated hardware and software platform to easily implement a ZigBee enabled Ethernet gateway ideal for monitoring and control. The series is designed to support the rapidly-increasing use of ZigBee connectivity for companies looking to deploy wireless networking. Starter Package Kit: Affordable package includes all the tools needed to develop and debug a design Plastic Enclosure: Consisting of a base and a cover, provides a secure way to protect a BL4S100 singleboard computer. Model BL4S100: ig ee RO eature Set 1M lash Memory 512K SR M Features: Rabbit 4 running at 4 MHz On-board Rabbit RIO® device for exceptional I/O functionality Model BL4S110: 1M lash Memory 512K SR M and flexibility eb Server functionality Easy implementation of mesh networ ing with nown good Model BL4S150: ig ee RO eature Set 2M lash Memory 1M SR M Model BL4S160: 2M lash Memory 1M SR M hardware ynamic C® software environment to reduce development time Digi-Key Part No. 316-1157-ND 316-1159-ND 316-1168-ND◆ 316-1169-ND◆ 316-1170-ND◆ 316-1171-ND◆ Description Starter Package Kit Plastic Enclosure Model BL4S100 Model BL4S110 Model BL4S150 Model BL4S160 Price Each 111.25 29.00 149.00 129.00 159.00 139.00 Rabbit Part No. 101-1268 101-1279 20-101-1255 20-101-1256 20-101-1257 20-101-1258 ◆ RoHS Compliant BL4S200 Single-Board Computer Rabbit’s BL4S200 series of single-board computers deliver the features and wireless connectivity to support networking for industrial control applications. The series offers a full-featured control and communications solution for industrial applications. It is designed to provide the microprocessor control and I/O used for reading instruments, timing events precisely, controlling motors, relays and solenoids. Model BL4S200: ses RCM4 1 RabbitCore module 1 /1 ase-T Ethernet connectivity Soc et for up to 1 GB miniSD memory card Model BL4S210: ses RCM4 1 RabbitCore module 1 ase-T Ethernet connectivity Model BL4S230: ses RCM451 RabbitCore module ig ee enabled connectivity Model BL5S220: ses RCM54 RabbitCore module IEEE 8 2.11b/g i- i connectivity BL4S200 Tool Kit Contents: ynamic C® C -ROM, with complete product documentation rinted getting Features: ses Rabbit 4 and Rabbit 5 microprocessors Choice of i- i, ig ee or Ethernet started manual and Rabbit 4 /5 posters emonstration board with pushbutton switches and E s to connectivity 4 digital I/O and up to 5 serial ports 8 input and 2 output analog channels dvanced I/O demonstrate the I/O capabilities of the 4S2 S programming cable to connect the 4S2 to your subsystem is software configurable reducing the load on the processor I/O features include event/capture C’s S port niversal C adapter, 12 C, 1 includes Canada/ apan/ nited States, ustralia/ ew counting, quadrature decoders, PWMs and PPMs Zealand, United Kingdom, and European style plugs Description Model BL4S200 Model BL4S210 Model BL4S230 Modle BL5S220 BL4S200 Tool Kit (RCM5400-Based) ◆ RoHS Compliant Digi-Key Part No. 316-1164-ND◆ 316-1172-ND◆ 316-1173-ND◆ 316-1177-ND◆ 316-1176-ND Price Each 269.00 229.00 249.00 279.00 111.25 Rabbit Part No. 20-101-1220 20-101-1259 20-101-1261 20-101-1260 101-1270 Smart Screen OP7100 with Touchscreen The Smart Screen’s C-programmability provides the flexibility required for almost any display application. The Smart Screen is ideal for remote terminals, automated machinery, and control systems Features: 1/4 display 2 x 24 pixels Touchscreen matrix ertical or horizontal orientation ide viewing angle 16 digital I/O Meets EM 4 water resistance Interface OP7200 with Touchscreen Description Digi-Key Part No. Smartscreen OP7100 with Touchscreen 316-1175-ND Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. 316-1154-ND◆ 449.00 20-101-0535 Features: Small Size 4.4 x 5. x 1. 112mm x 144mm x 4 mm 1/4 CM display 2 x 24 pixels Intelligent Operator Interface with white E bac light - ey eypad C controller and SR M compatible with O 1 4 Status E ’s 24 igital I/O Rabbit 2 microprocessor operating 22.1MHz udible alarm buzzer 128K SR M 20” Cable for Panel Mount Keyboard/display and 256K flash memory standard One R -45 Ethernet port our serial ports On-board bac up battery ◆ RoHS Compliant atchdog External reset input Meets EM 4 watertightness speci cations when front-panel mounted 316-1052-ND Price Each 549.00 15.00 Rabbit Part No. 20-101-0303 540-0066 Interface OP6800 with Ethernet Port Features: 122 x 2 raphic display - ey eypad E s 24 igital I/O Rabbit 2 micro proces sor at 22.1MHz 128K static R M and 256K flash memory One R -45 Ethernet port our serial ports attery-bac able real-time cloc , battery in cluded atchdog Reset generator Meets EM 4 water tight ness specifications when front-panel mounted Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. Model OP6800 with Ethernet Port 316-1060-ND 249.00 101-0492 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 95 95 RabbitCore™ Application Development Kits Bluetooth Application/Add-On Kits Wi-Fi Application Kit Jumpstart your wireless application design with a complete application kit. Integrating Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) with a RabbitCore™ Development Kit, embedded system integrators can now enable a wireless embedded system. Wireless connectivity eliminates Ethernet cables allowing for greater flexibility and mobility of wireless embedded Networks. Includes: in sys i- i card RCM 1 microprocessor core module rototyping board ynamic C ® development system and complete documentation on C -ROM Serial cable for programming and debugging 1 -pin 15 Conversion Cable Manuals C adapter .S./Canada only 316-1039-ND C (101-0911) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $359.40 Serial to Ethernet Kit Designers now have a Serial-to-Ethernet Application Kit that is easy to use. The simple 3-Step Setup for transmitting data from a digital volt meter via a serial port to a TCP/IP stream enables even the newest user to quickly develop a Serial-to-Ethernet application. The kit features digital volt meter software libraries, sample programs and a menuing system, in addition to the Dynamic C® integrated development environment. Includes: RCM 1 micro processor core module roto typing board ynamic C development system and complete documentation on C -ROM Serial cable for programming and debugging ull Modem Cable 1 -pin Conversion Cable Ether net Crossover Cable etting Started manual Keypad/ display unit C adapter .S./Canada only 316-1042-ND (101-0689) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349.00 This kit enables a Rabbit 3000 based single-board computer to be programmed using a standard software environment that is commonly used to program PLC’s (Programmable Logic Controllers). Features: Communication parameters are con gurable using the Embedded C tility for the Rabbit rocessor Rabbit 44.2MHz 1 ase-T, R -45 standard lash Memory 512K SR M 256K 512K igital Inputs 16 igital Outputs 8 nalog Inputs One 1 -bit resolution nalog Outputs Two -bit M 6 serial ports (101-1108) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $599.00 Color Touchscreen Application Kit The Reach Technology Color Touchscreen with a RabbitCore creates an application kit that provides embedded systems integrators the ability to add advanced interface functionality to embedded systems. Color touchscreens provide real-time feedback, allowing for better control in industrial-automation applications. Includes: RCM 2 RabbitCore with rototyping oard Reach Technology S C raphics Touch Terminal with EM 4 steel enclosure Supplemental C ’s ynamic C® development system and complete documentation on C-ROM ser manuals, sample programs and libraries 5 serial and conversion cables Two C adapters .S./Canada only 316-1075-ND Features: Rabbit processor at 22.1MHz 1 ase-T interface, R -45, 2 E s lash Memory 512K SR M 256K MaxStream ee ISM 2.4 Hz 8 2.15.4 standard ig ee compliant Transmit ower Output 1m d m Receiver Sensitivity - 2 d m 1 ER Supported etwor Topologies oint-to-point, Point-to-multipoint, Peer-to-peer, Mesh (101-1137) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $399.00 Camera Interface Application Kit This kit combines a VGA camera with a popular RabbitCore module that has removable memory to provide an event-capture application. Features: RabbitCore module 44MHz, and 1 /1 ase-T Ethernet 512K lash/512K SR M, 16M and soc et for removable memory camera module, servo motors and IR motion sensor Time stamped photos and event noti cation options such as email noti cation and T upload Image Resolution 64 x 48 / 2 x 24 / 16 x 128 / 8 x 64 Color p to 8-bit gray, 16-bit R or standard E preview images Sensor Type assive infrared sensor Motor Type Micro-servo The Wireless control Application Kit provides a reference to interface a license-free 900MHz or 2.4GHz wireless data module to a new or existing Rabbit-based embedded system. Features: ow power 5 with low-EMI Rabbit® microprocessor p to 512K each of lash and SR M 26 industrialized digital I/O / inputs and M outputs 6 serial ports, one relay 2 dedicated function ports for easy connection to Serial Flash, keypad/display and other devices ® Two MaxStream license-free R Modules, CC approved Complete software libraries and samples 96 96 (101-1040) Application Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $399.00 (101-1042) Add-On Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99.00 RCM4010 RabbitCore SMB Network Storage Application Kit This kit enables a RabbitCore module to use the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, more commonly known as Windows File Sharing, for a high-capacity storage space over a network connection. Features: Core Module RabbitCore RCM4 1 I E Hard rive 25 Hard rive Chassis Eagle Consus with power supply ower Supply 12 C 12 /24 C Rabbit S programming cable 316-1156-ND S (101-1218) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349.00 The kit includes a RCM4300 core module with a miniSD™ card, a prototyping board, accessories, and development tools to get you up and running quickly. Along with our industry-proven Dynamic C® integrated development software — incorporating an editor, compiler, and in-circuit debugger — there is also the FAT file system familiar to many programmers, RabbitWeb for creating HTML web pages, and Rabbit’s Secure Socket Layer (SSL) utility. 316-1134-ND 316-1141-ND 316-1142-ND (101-1177) Development Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299.00 (20-101-1138) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $114.00 (20-101-1139) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99.00 RCM4300 RabbitCore Simple Sensor Application Kit The Simple Sensor Application Kit provides sample applications based on 1-Wire devices to help users better understand and implement the 1-Wire communications bus using a prototyping board and a RabbitCore module Kit Contents: RCM4 RabbitCore evelopment Kit Simple Sensor rotoype oard with 1- ire devices S24 6 S ST addressable switch, S18 2 temperature sensor, S245 / converter, S248 driver Complete ynamic C software C with several sample programs niversal ower Supply 316-1178-ND line (101-1288) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349.00 Jumpstart your evaluation and design efforts with a complete Rabbit 4000 development kit, which includes a microprocessor core module, development board with prototyping area, Dynamic C® 10 development system and complete documentation on CD-ROM, serial cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual, and AC adapter (U.S./Canada only). 316-1133-ND 316-1143-ND 316-1147-ND (101-1173) Development Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299.00 (20-101-1202) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.00 (20-101-1221) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.00 RCM4510W RabbitCore Development/Add-On Kits The RCM4510W RabbitCore module mounts directly on a user-designed motherboard and acts as the controlling microprocessor for the embedded system. The motherboard supplies power to the RCM4510W and allows many different CMOS-compatible devices to interface with the core module. Integrated on the RCM4510W is a Digi® XBee™ ZNet 2.5 RF module for ZigBee/802-15-4 embedded implementation. Features: RabbitCore module running 2 .4 MHz esigned for ig ee®/8 2.15.4 wireless connectivity 512K flash memory, 512K data SR M p to 4 general-purpose I/O lines con gurable p to additional general-purpose I/O lines (up to 4 of which may be set up as analog inputs) available through the on-board ig ee compliant R module Small size 1.84 x 2.85 x .54 4 mm x 2mm x 14mm 316-1158-ND 316-1144-ND (101-1272) Mesh Network Add-On Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299.00 (20-101-1207) RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.00 (101-1121) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.00 Wireless Control Application Kit 316-1132-ND 316-1072-ND 316-1073-ND RCM4400W Wi-Fi Development Kit This kit combines MaxStream®’s XBee™ RF modem with the popular RCM3720 RabbitCore module along with and easy-to-use interface to help customers build a practical ZigBee wireless control network. 316-1119-ND RT luetooth radio modules plug directly into supported RCMs and S Cs Simple serial communications and control Seamless connectivity with any luetooth device 2.4 Hz HSS re uency Hopping Spread Spectrum technology ensures high reliability and is robust to interference ow current consumption for long battery life Complete with sample applications and source code Internal Surfacemount antenna (101-1062) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $999.00 ZigBee™ Application Kit 316-1118-ND Features: RCM4300 RabbitCore Development Kit Embedded PLC Application Kit 316-1120-ND This kit provides all of the hardware and software necessary to develop a Bluetooth application. It includes an RCM3100, Embedded Blue eb506-AHC-IN Bluetooth Radio Module, prototyping board and miscellaneous cables and hardware. This kit also includes the Dynamic C® Integrated Development Environment, Bluetooth drivers, libraries, sample programs and manuals. (101-1165) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $472.88 RCM5400W RabbitCore Development Kit The RCM5400W RabbitCore module series provides Wi-Fi/802.11b/g functionality, enabling you to create low-cost, embedded wireless control and communications solutions for embedded control applications. Features: Rabbit® 5 running . MHz p to 2M of serial flash lines of digital I/O Integrated IEEE 8 2.11b/g i- i p to 6 serial ports Small size 1.84 x 2.85 x .5 4 mm x 2mm x 13mm) 316-1138-ND 316-1148-ND 316-1149-ND (101-1262) Development Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299.00 (20-101-1246) RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.00 (20-101-1247) RoHS Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $134.00 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Rabbit Cloning Board, Power Supply and Converter Cable Rabbit Cloning Board: Copies designated portions of flash memory from one Rabbit-based controller (the master) to another (the clone). Dynamic C® version 6.50 or later is needed to use the cloning board. Benefits: The Rabbit Cloning oard replaces a C or E ROM burner as the primary tool to load programs, thus reducing costs and wor space rograms may be loaded uic ly onto blan , soldered on flash devices High-speed transfers at 5 ,6 bps or 115,2 bps Higher-speed data transfer of up to 21,6 bps starting with ynamic C version . 5 Ideal for low-volume cloning production Universal Power Supply: 110/240 VAC, 12VDC RS-232-to-USB Converter Cable: Required for USB only PCs Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. Cloning Board 316-1101-ND 89.00 20-101-0589 Universal Power Supply 316-1162-ND 35.00 101-1291 RS-232 to USB Converter Cable 316-1181-ND 39.00 20-151-0178 Rabbit 3000A™ Microprocessor RabbitCore™ RCM3100 Core Module Programming the Rabbit 3000A: Microprocessor hardware and software development is easy for Rabbit users. The Rabbit 3000A is programmed using the industry-proven Dynamic C® software development system from sister division Z-World. The RCM3100 features a battery-backable real-time clock, glueless memory and I/O interfacing, and ultra-low power “sleepy” modes. A fully enabled 8-bit slave port permits easy master-slave interfacing with another processor-based system, and an alternate I/O bus can be configured for 8 data lines and 6 address lines (shared with parallel I/O). Key Features: Features: ow-EMI typically 1 d /m m ltra-low power modes 1.8 ~ .6 5 tolerant I/O 55.5MHz cloc speed 56 digital I/O 6 serial ports supporting Ir and Sync 4 of which support S I 2 support S ulse capture and measurement uadrature encoder inputs M outputs C/H • ctual Size 1.85 x 1.65 x .55 4 mm x 42mm x 14mm 2 .4MHz cloc speed . operation owerful Rabbit microprocessor ow-EMI typically 1 d /m m RCM 1 512K lash/512K SR M RCM 11 256K lash/128K SR M 54 digital I/O 6 serial ports Ir , S C/ H C, sync, S I uxiliary I/O bus ltra-low power sleepy modes ulse capture and measurement uadrature encoder inputs M outputs C Design Advantages: Ready-made platform for fast time-to-mar et Compact size simpli es integration in compatible with Ethernet RCM for parallel product development ynamic C development environment for real-time development and debugging Exceptionally fast performance for math, logic, and I/O Standard Features: lueless memory and I/O interface irect support for 1M code/data space up to 6M with glueless interface attery-bac able real-time cloc atchdog timer Remote boot/program Slave port interface Rabbit RCM3100 RabbitCore Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1020-ND (101-0533) Only Design Advantages: Extensive Ethernet/Internet support and royalty-free TC /I stac with source and sample programs ynamic C development environment for real-time development and debugging Exceptionally fast performance for math, logic and I/O Description Digi-Key Part No. Rabbit 3000A, 55.5MHz, 128LQFP 316-1061-ND $239.00 The RCM3100 Development Kit includes an RCM3110 core module (with Rabbit 3000 microprocessor, Flash, SRAM, serial ports, and I/O ports), a prototyping board, complete Dynamic C SE software development system (not a trial version) with documentation on CD-ROM, AC adapter (U.S. only) and serial cable for programming and debugging. 2 Price Each 10 100 Rabbit Part No. Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. 14.50 13.13 12.50 20-668-0011 RCM3100 316-1095-ND 65.00 20-101-0517 RCM3110 316-1096-ND 45.00 20-101-0518 RabbitCore™ RCM3400 Analog Core Module Features: • . operation owerful Rabbit microprocessor ow-EMI typically 1 d /m m RCM 4 512K lash/512K SR M, RCM 41 256K lash/256K SR M 8 channel 12-bit / with program mable gain 4 digital I/O, uxiliary I/O bus 5 serial ports Ir , S C/H C, synch, S I M C ID installed Design Advantages: Ready-made platform for fast time-to-mar et Compact size simpli es integration ynamic C® development environment for real-time development and debugging Exceptionally fast performance for math, logic, and I/O ctual Size 2. x 1.85 x . 86 6 mm x 4 mm x 22mm 2 .4MHz cloc speed 1 ase-T owerful Rabbit microprocessor ow-EMI typically 1 d /m m uilt-in Ethernet for simpli ed connectivity . operation RCM p to 512K lash/512K SR M RCM 1 256K lash/128K SR M 52 digital I/O 6 serial ports Ir , S C/H C, sync, S I uxiliary I/O bus ltra-low power sleepy modes ulse capture and measurement uadrature encoder inputs M outputs Ready-made platform for fast time-to-mar et ynamic C development environment for real-time development and debugging $399.00 The RCM3400 Development Kit includes an RCM3400 core module, a prototyping board, AC adapter (U.S. only), 10-pin header to DE9 programming cable with integrated level-matching circuitry, complete Dynamic C® SE software development system (not a trial version) with documentation on CD-ROM and a bag of accessory parts for use on the Prototyping Board. RabbitCore Wi-Fi Add On Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1067-ND (101-0998) Only Features: Design Advantage: Rabbit RCM3400 RabbitCore Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1027-ND (101-0587) Only RabbitCore™ RCM3000 Core Module $199.00 The Wi-Fi Add On Kit includes Interposer Board (boards are not interchangeable between RCMs with different footprints, CompactFlash Wi-Fi Board, LinkSys Wi-Fi CompactFlash Card, 20-pin to 20-pin IDC header connection ribbon cable, 10-pin IDC header to DE9F serial cable, Sample Programs and software related specifically to the Wi-Fi Add on Kits on CD, Dynamic C® upgrade to 9.21 or higher on CD, Getting Started instruction and Miscellaneous connection and mounting hardware including standoffs, if necessary Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3400 316-1099-ND 69.00 20-101-0561 RCM3410 316-1100-ND 59.00 20-101-0562 Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3000 316-1093-ND 79.00 20-101-0507 RCM3010 316-1094-ND 59.00 20-101-0508 Rabbit 2000™ 8-Bit Microprocessor Rabbit 2000 Advantages: rchitecture for enhanced math performance lueless memory and I/O interface Remote cold boot Slave interface 4 serial ports 4 -plus multifunctional I/O pins attery-bac able real-time cloc atchdog timer ive 8-bit cascadable timers and one 1 -bit timer with match registers 488 microsecond periodic interrupt Cloc ing options for low power applications Description Digi-Key Part No. Rabbit 2000 316-1062-ND 2 Price Each 10 100 12.34 11.38 10.41 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller Rabbit Part No. 20-668-0003 (US2011) (TZM112.US) 97 97 C RabbitCore 2000™ Microprocessor Core Module C Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM2020 316-1082-ND 39.00 20-101-0383 RCM2000 316-1083-ND 69.00 20-101-0404 RCM2010 316-1084-ND 49.00 20-101-0405 RABBITCORE 2000 Board Size: 1.90” x 2.30” x 0.55” (48.3mm x 58.4mm x 14.0mm) Input Voltage: 4. 5 ~ 5.25 C Current: 98mA @ 18.432MHz, 5VDC (130mA @ 25.8MHz, 5VDC) Processor: Rabbit 2000 @ 25.8MHz (18.432MHz for 2010 and 2020) General Purpose I/O: 40 parallel I/O lines grouped in five 8-bit ports (shared with serial ports) Memory, I/O Interface: 13 Address lines, 8 data lines, I/0 read/write, buffer enable, status, clock Additional Digital Inputs: (2), start up mode (for master/slave), reset in Additional Digital Outputs: Watchdog output, reset out Clock: 25.8MHz SRAM: 512K (128K for 2010 and 2020) Flash: 256K Timers: Five 8-bit cascadable timers, one 10-bit timers with 2 match registers Serial Ports: 4 CMOS-compatible ports. Max asynchronous baud rate is 806,400bps, maximum synchronous is 6.45Mbps. Two ports are configurable as clocked ports Slave Interface: Allows the RabbitCore 2000 to be used as an intelligent peripheral device slaved to a master processor Additional Features: Watchdog supervisor, time/ date clock, backup battery circuitry and connections for user-supplied battery. Mates to your board via dual 40-pin male connectors. RabbitCore™ RCM2100 Series Microprocessor Core Module Features: Ethernet Port for 2100 and 2110 series only 512K SR M 128K for 211 and 21 512K lash 256K for 211 and 21 Specifications: Microprocessor: Rabbit 2000 @ 22.1MHz • eneral urpose I : 34 parallel I/O (20 configurable I/O, 8 fixed inputs, and 6 fixed outputs) (40 parallel I/O with 26 configurable I/O for 2120 and 2130) • dditional Inputs: 2 Startup Mode, Reset in • dditional utputs: Status, Clock, Watchdog Out, Reset out • Memory I : 13 buffered address, 8 buffered data, plus I/O Read-Write and Buffer Enable • Serial orts: Four 5V CMOS-compatible; 2 con- figurable as clocked ports • Serial Rate: Maximum burst rate C K/ 2 Maximum sustained rate urst/2 • Con nectors: Two 2 x 20, 2mm IDC headers • Sla e Interface: Allows use as master or intelligent peripheral with Rabbit-based or other master controller • Real ime Cloc : Yes • imers: Five 8-bit timers (4 cascadable from the first) and one 10-bit timer with 2 match registers • atc do Super isor: Yes • o er: 4. 5 ~ 5.25 C, 14 m • per atin emperature: -4 C ~ C -4 C ~ 85°C for 2120 and 2130) • umidity: 5 ~ 5 , non-conden sing • oard Si e: 3.5” x 2.0” x 0.86” (89mm x 51mm x 22mm); 3.5” x 2.0” x 0.5” (89mm x 51mm x 13mm) for 2120 and 2130 RabbitCore 2000/RCM2100 Low-Cost Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1028-ND (101-0451) Only $279.00 Jumpstart your evaluation and design efforts with a complete development kit, which includes RCM2100 microprocessor core module, prototyping board, Dynamic C SE software development system (not a trial version) and complete documentation on CD-ROM, serial cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual, and AC adapter (U.S./Canada only). Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM2110 316-1086-ND 59.00 20-101-0435 RCM2120 316-1087-ND 69.00 20-101-0436 RCM2130 316-1088-ND 49.00 20-101-0446 RabbitCore™ RCM2200 Microprocessor Core Module • oard Si e: 1.6 x 2. x .86 41mm x 5 mm x 22mm) • Input olta e: 4. 5 ~ 5.25 C • Current: 134mA @ 5VDC • rocessor: Rabbit 2000 General Purpose I/O: 26 parallel I/O lines grouped in five 8-bit ports (shared with serial ports) • Memory I Interface: 4 address lines, 8 data lines, I/O Read-Write • dditional i ital Inputs: Startup mode, reset • dditional i ital utputs: Status, reset • Cloc : 22.1MHz • SR M: 128K (512K for 2250) • Flas : 256K (512K for 2250) • imers: Five 8-bit timers, one 10-bit timer. Five timers are cascadable in pairs • Serial orts: 4 CMOS-compatible ports. Maximum asynchronous baud rate is 691,000 bps, maximum synchronous is 5.53 Mbps. Two ports are configurable as clocked ports • Sla e Interface: Allows the RCM2200 to be used as an intelligent peripheral device slaved to a master processor Ethernet ort 1 ase-T, R -45, 2 LEDs (10Base-T, No RJ-45 for 2210) • dditional Features: Watchdog/supervisor, time/ date clock, backup battery circuitry, and connection for user-supplied battery RabbitCore RCM2200 Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1012-ND (101-0475) Only $239.00 Kit includes RCM2200 core module (Ethernet, 256K Flash, 128K SRAM), Getting Started manual with schematics, DC power supply (U.S. only), prototyping board, PC serial cable, and complete Dynamic C SE software development system (not a trial version) and complete documentation on CD-ROM. Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM2200 RCM2210 RCM2250 316-1090-ND 316-1091-ND 316-1092-ND 55.00 59.00 79.00 20-101-0454 20-101-0488 20-101-0494 MiniCore™ RCM5700 Microprocessor Core Module The MiniCore RCM5700 family offers an intergrated software and hardware platform that can shorten your design cycle from years to months. RCM5750 and RCM5760 allow datalogging capabilities with increased memory options. With six serial ports, four configurable as SPI, the RCM5700 can easily embed into any existing or new design Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM5700 Module 316-1153-ND 35.00 20-101-1235 RCM5750 Module 316-1183-ND◆ NEW! 45.00 20-101-1306 RCM5760 Module 316-1182-ND◆ NEW! 55.00 20-101-1307 Prototyping Board 316-1165-ND◆ 35.00 20-101-1252 Serial Communication Board 316-1166-ND◆ 40.00 20-101-1253 Digital I/O Board 316-1167-ND◆ 37.00 20-101-1254 and is pin-compatible with current and future MiniCore products, such as MiniCores offering Wi-Fi 802.11b/g. The embedded web server offers an added level of control and monitoring for today’s intensive applications. Features: Rabbit 5 microprocessor 5 MHz Small, low-pro le board 1.186 x 2. 1 /1 ase-T Ethernet CI Express form factor 6 x .11 RCM5700 Standard or Deluxe Development Kit Digi-Key Part Number 316-1151-ND (101-1274) Only Digi-Key Part Number 316-1152-ND (101-1275) Only $99.00 $198.57 Jumpstart your evaluation and design efforts with either a standard or deluxe development kit. Both kits includes RCM5700 microprocessor core module, development board with prototyping area, Dynamic C 10 development system and complete documentation on CD-ROM, USB cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual. The deluxe kit will include power supplies and additional prototyping board for specific sample programs. ◆ RoHS Compliant RabbitCore™ RCM2300 Microprocessor Core Module RabbitCore RCM2300: • oard Si e: 1.15 x 1.6 x .55 2 mm x 41mm x 14mm) • Input olta e: 4. 5 ~ 5.25 C • Current: 108mA @ 5VDC • rocessor: Rabbit 2000 • eneral urpose I : 29 parallel I/O lines grouped in five 8-bit ports (shared with serial ports) • Memory I Interface: 4 address lines, 8 data lines, I/O Read-Write (extra address line and Buffer Enable via separate connections) Additional Digital Inputs: Startup mode, reset • ddi tional i ital utputs: Status, reset • Cloc : 22.1MHz 98 98 • SR M: 128K • Flas : 256K • imers: Five 8-bit timers, one 10-bit timer. Five timers are cascadable in pairs • Serial orts: 4 CMOS-compatible ports. Max asynchronous baud rate is 691,000 bps, maximum synchronous is 5.53Mbps. Two ports are configurable as clocked ports Slave Interface: Allows the RCM2300 to be used as an intelligent peripheral device slaved to a master processor Additional Features: Watchdog/supervisor, time/ date clock, backup battery circuitry, and connection for user-supplied battery RabbitCore RCM2300 Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1015-ND (101-0480) Only Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM2300 316-1089-ND 42.00 20-101-0453 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) $199.00 Kit includes RCM2300 core module (256K Flash, 128K SRAM), Getting Started manual with schematics, DC power supply (U.S. only), prototyping board, PC serial cable, and complete Dynamic C SE software development system (not a trial version) and complete documentation on CD-ROM. Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 RabbitCore™ RCM3700 Core Module RabbitCore™ RCM3200 Microprocessor Core Module Features: 512K lash 256K for 1 512K SR M 128K for Rabbit processor digital I/O 4 Serial orts Designing with RabbitCores: RabbitCores are powered by high-performance 8-bit Rabbit microprocessors with extensive integrated features and a C-friendly instruction set designed for use with the Dynamics C® development system. Embedded systems using the Ethernet RabbitCore module can be controlled and monitored (as well as programmed and debugged when using appropriate accessory hardware) across any network or the Internet. operation owerful RabbitCore RCM3700 Development Kit Programs are developed using our industry-proven Dynamics C software development system (SE version included in low-cost development kits). An extensive library of drivers and sample programs is provided, along with royalty-free TCP/IP stack with source. RabbitCore RCM3200: • oard Si e: 2. x 1.85 x .86 6 mm x 4 mm x 22mm 2. for 3220) • o er: .15 ~ .45 C x 1.85 x .48 6 mm x 4 mm x 12mm Digi-Key Part Number 316-1038-ND (101-0680) Only $299.00 The RCM3700 Development Kit includes RCM3700 core module, proto board, AC Adapter (U.S. Only), Programming Cable, Complete Dynamic C software development system (not a trial version) with documentation on CD-ROM and a bag of accessory parts for use on the proto board. • Current: 255 mA @ 3.3V • rocessor: Rabbit 3000 @ 44.2MHz RabbitCore RCM3720 Development Kit • eneral urpose I : 52 digital I/O (44 configurable I/O, 4 fixed inputs, and 4 fixed outputs) • d ditional i ital Inputs: 2 Startup Mode, Reset in • dditional i ital utputs: Status, Reset out • Real ime Cloc : Yes • SR M: 512K program + 256K data • Flas : 512K • imers: Ten 8-bit timers (6 cascadable from the first) and one 10-bit timer with 2 match registers • Serial orts: 6 CMOS-compatible: 6 configurable as asynchronous (with IrDA), 4 as clocked serial (SPI), and 2 as SDLC/HDLC (with IrDA), 1 asynchronous clocked serial port dedicated for programming, Support for MIR/SIR IrDA transceiver • Sla e Interface: Allows use as master or intelligent peripheral with Rabbit-based or other master controller Additional Features: Ethernet Port for 3200 series only, Watchdog/Supervisor, Pulse-Width Modulators, Quadrature Decoder and Backup Battery RabbitCore RCM3200 Low-Cost Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1023-ND (101-0552) Only $349.00 Kit includes RCM3200 RabbitCore, Getting Started manual, DC power supply (U.S. only), prototyping board, Serial Cable for Programming and debugging, and complete Dynamic C SE software development system (not a trial version) and complete documentation on CD-ROM. Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3200 316-1097-ND 89.00 20-101-0520 RCM3220 316-1098-ND 79.00 20-101-0522 RCM3209 316-1150-ND 89.00 20-101-1179 RCM3229 316-1146-ND 79.00 20-101-1217 1.27mm Programming Cable 316-1180-ND 25.00 20-101-0542 Digi-Key Part Number 316-1065-ND (101-0963) Only $199.00 The RCM3720 Development Kit includes RCM3720 core module, proto board, AC Adapter (U.S. Only), Programming Cable, Complete Dynamic C software development system (not a trial version) with documentation on CD-ROM and a bag of accessory parts for use on the proto board. Digi-Key Part No. Description Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3700 316-1104-ND 59.00 20-101-0674 RCM3710 316-1105-ND 57.00 20-101-0675 RCM3720 316-1107-ND 55.00 20-101-0961 PowerCore Flex™ 3800/3810 With available on-board power supply, analog features, and the fastest Rabbit 3000 microprocessor the PowerCore bridges the gap between microcontrollers and single board computers. With the introduction of the PowerCore, Rabbit Semiconductor has added over 1000 new core modules to its product line through FLEXible manufacturing. Featuring customizable options such as microprocessor speed, power supply, memory, analog features and Ethernet capability, PowerCore Rabbit Core Modules can be customized at the Rabbit Semiconductor website via the user-friendly On-Line Flex Configurator Tool. Features: Cloc speed up to 51.6MHz On-board ower Supply 1 C ~ 6 C, 8 C ~ 4 C On-board analog C Crossover, ramp generator, temperature sensor 512K lash Maximum 1M SR M 512K code/512K data Maximum 1M Serial lash general-purpose I/O 1 /1 Compatible Ethernet RabbitCore™ RCM3600 Core Module PowerCore RCM3800 Development Kit Digi-Key Part Number 316-1070-ND (101-1016) Features: Only operation $169.00 Jumpstart your evaluation and design efforts with a development kit. The kit includes a PowerCore, prototyping board, serial cable for programming and debugging, Dynamic C with royalty-free TCP/IP stack and source, Getting Started Manual, AC Transformer and miscellaneous parts and connectors. owerful Rabbit processor 256K 61 ~ 512K 6 lash Memory 128K 61 ~ 512K 6 SR M 2 . Design Advantages: ow Cost Solution Ready Made platform for easy design implementation Com pact Size ynamic C® development environment for real-time developing and debugging ast performance for math, ogic, and I/O Programming the RCM3200: . 1 and 256K for digital I/O 4 Serial orts PowerCore RCM3810 Development Kit Size 2.11 x 1.2 54mm x 1mm Digi-Key Part Number 316-1071-ND (101-1018) Design Advantages: Only ow Cost Solution Ready made platform for easy design implementation Compact Size ynamic C development environment for real-time developing and debugging ast performance for math, ogic, and I/O PowerCore Flex Kit RabbitCore RCM3600 Development Kit Digi-Key Part Number 316-1037-ND (101-0678) Only $138.00 Jumpstart your evaluation and design efforts with a development kit. The kit includes a PowerCore, prototyping board, serial cable for programming and debugging, Dynamic C with royalty-free TCP/IP stack and source, Getting Started Manual, AC Transformer and miscellaneous parts and connectors. Digi-Key Part Number 316-1064-ND (101-0956) $299.00 The RCM3600 Development Kit includes RCM3600 core module, proto board, AC Adapter (U.S. Only), Programming Cable, Complete Dynamic C software development system (not a trial version) with documentation on CD-ROM and a bag of accessory parts for use on the proto board. Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3600 316-1102-ND 49.00 20-101-0672 RCM3610 316-1103-ND 45.00 20-101-0673 Only $99.00 Includes our Dynamic C development system and complete documentation on CD-ROM, a demo board with 4 LEDs, 4 switches and buzzer, serial cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual and AC adapter Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. LCD/Keypad Panel Mount 316-1116-ND 99.00 20-101-0541 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 99 99 C RabbitCore™ 3305/3315 Series Features: . Operation owerful Rabbit microprocessor 512K lash/512K SR M 8M Serial lash for 5 and 4M for 15 4 digital I/O 5 Serial orts Design Advantages: Ready-Made latforms for uic design to mar et Compact size ynamic C® development environment for real-time developing and debugging ast performance for math, logic and I/O RabbitCore™ 4000/4100/4200/4300 Series RabbitCore RCM3305 Development Kit The Rabbit 4000 is fast, running at up to 60MHz, with compact code and direct software support for 16-bit memory devices. It operates at 3.3V I/O standard or can be set to 1.8V for lower power. The Rabbit 4000 boasts 6 serial ports with IrDA, 40+ digital I/O, quadrature decoder, PWM outputs, pulse capture and measurement capabilities, battery-backable real-time clock, glueless memory and I/O interfacing and ultralow power modes. The RCM4000 microprocessor core module is a powerful embedded Ethernet control device that has the intelligence and internet connectivity that allows your devices to be remotely monitored and controlled from anywhere in the world. RCM4000 Features: Rabbit 4 microprocessor 58. 8MHz 512K lash 1M for 4 5 512K data SR M 1M for 4 5 22 parallel digital I/O lines 4 shared high-speed CMOS-compatible ports Ten 8-bit timers, one 1 -bit timer and one 16-bit timer ower . oard Size 1.84 x 2.42 x . 4 mm x 61mm x 20mm) C The RCM4100 series is the first of the next generation core modules to take advantage of the new Rabbit 4000 microprocessor. RCM4100 Features: Rabbit 4 microprocessor 58. 8MHz 2 .4 MHz for 411 512K lash 512K data SR M 256K for 411 rogram-Execution ast SR M 512K one for 411 4 parallel I/O 2 for 41 6 high-speed, CMOS-compatible orts Ten 8-bit timers, one 1 -bit timer and one 16-bit timer ower 125m typical . 65m typical . for 411 oard Size 1.41 x 1.88 x .4 (36mm x 48mm x 12mm) The RCM4200 RabbitCore modules are equipped with 10/100 Ethernet connectivity, combined with 4Mbytes or 8Mbytes serial flash memory storage for intensive communication and data logging applications. At the heart of the RCM4200 is the Rabbit 4000 microprocessor which features a clock speed of up to 58.98MHz. The rabbit 4000 boasts and additional 500+ new operational code instructions that increases the processing efficiency, from its predecessor the Rabbit 3000. The RCM4200 RabbitCore modules are easily interchangeable with other RCm4xxx based products due to electrical and functional compatibility. RCM4200 Features: Rabbit 4 microprocessor 58. 8MHz 2 .4 MHz for 421 Spectrum spreader for reduced EMI Ethernet ort 1 /1 ase-T, R -45, E s 512K 8-bit SR M and lash Serial lash Memory 8M 4M for 421 25 paralleled digital I/O 5 paralleled digital for 421 / 12 bits p to 4 serial ports up to 5 for 421 Real Time Cloc Ten 8-bit timers, one 1 -bit timer and one 16-bit timer atchdog/Supervisor ower 24 m typical . 2 m . for 421 oard Size 1.84” x 2.42” x 0.84” (47mm x 61mm x 21mm) Digi-Key Part No. 316-1129-ND (101-1069) Only $399.00 The RCM3305 Development Kit includes RCM3305 microprocessor core module, development board with prototyping area, Dynamic C development system and complete documentation on CD-ROM, serial cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual and AC adapter (U.S./Canada only). Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3305 316-1113-ND 119.00 20-101-1067 RCM3315 316-1114-ND 99.00 20-101-1068 RabbitCore™ 3750 Series The RCM3750 RabbitCore mounts directly onto a user-designed motherboard using a single dual-row IDC header and can interface with all CMOS-compatible digital devices. Digital I/O (shared with serial ports), power and other signals are directly routed to the motherboard. Built-In low EMI features, including a clock spectrum spreader, practically eliminate EMI problems, which helps OEMs pass European CE and other regulatory RF emissions tests. Features: Rabbit microprocessor at 22.1MHz 512K lash and SR M 1M Serial lash digital I/O 1 con gurable I/O and 2 xed outputs our . CMOS-compatible Serial orts Real-Time Cloc Ten 8-bit timers atchdog/Supervisor 4 M output channels Input 4. 5 ~ 5.25 C, 1 5m 22.1MHz 15 m 11. 5MHz oard Size 2. 5 x 1.2 x .8 5mm x mm x 2 mm RabbitCore RCM3750 Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1117-ND (101-1050) Only $329.00 The RCM3750 Development Kit includes RCM3750 microprocessor core module, development board with prototyping area, Dynamic C development system and complete documentation on CD-ROM, serial cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual and AC adapter (U.S./Canada only). Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3750 316-1110-ND 74.00 20-101-1028 Secure Embedded Web Application Kit 2.0 Digi-Key Part No. 316-1136-ND (101-1243) $349.00 The kit is a complete out-of-the box solution that enables you to develop secure data transmission for your embedded application. Application code runs on the RCM4300 RabbitCore® module, powered by the Rabbit® 4000 microprocessor that offers a low-cost solution with the performance to run algorithmicintensive encryption code. The RCM4300 module mounts directly onto a user-designed motherboard and acts as the controlling microprocessor for the system. The kit includes a prototyping board, power supply, and accessories that allow you to build a prototype system and debug your code directly on to the target hardware. Once your design is complete, you are ready to go into production with the RCM4300 module and your fully-debugged design. All Development Kits include a core module, a development board with prototyping are, Dynamic C 10 development system and complete documentation on CD-ROM, serial cable for programming and debugging, Getting Started manual and AC adapter (U.S./Canada only). Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. CPU RABBIT 4000 316-1078-ND 12.50 20-668-0024 RCM4000 316-1139-ND 89.00 20-101-1094 RCM4050 316-1145-ND 105.00 20-101-1215 RCM4100 316-1121-ND 75.00 20-101-1105 RCM4110 316-1140-ND 45.00 20-101-1093 RCM4120 316-1122-ND 64.00 20-101-1154 RCM4200 316-1124-ND 109.00 20-101-1131 RCM4210 316-1125-ND 99.00 20-101-1132 RCM4110 Development Kit 316-1076-ND 199.00 101-1101 RabbitCore™ RCM3900 Series - Ethernet and Extended Temperature The RCM3900 RabbitCore modules are compact devices that incorporate the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor, memory and removable memory. Both of the RCM3900 modules have an integrated 10/100Base-T Ethernet port which allows you to build LAN and Internet-enabled systems as easily as building any serial communications system. RabbitCore RCM3900 Development Kit Digi-Key Part No. 316-1137-ND (101-1226) Only Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM3900 316-1155-ND 91.88 20-101-1196 MiniCore™ RCM5600W Series The MiniCore RCM5600W module offers 802.11b/g Wi-Fi connectivity which includes WPA2, WPA and WEP security standards, allowing easy integration and interoperability within Wi-Fi networks. With six serial ports, four configurable as SPI, the RCM5600W can easily embed into any existing or new design and is pin compatible with current and future MiniCore products. Features: Rabbit 5000 running at 74MHz On-board single-chip 802.11b/g transceiver Up to 35 GP I/O lines and six serial ports 1MB SRAM and 1MB serial flash memory Built-in web server Certified to meet FCC and other international regulatory requirements Easy-to-use integrated design environment RabbitCore™ 3365/3375 Series The RCM3365/RCM3375 modules present a new form of embedded flexibility with removable xD-Picture Cards™. Supporting on-board 16MB NAND Flash as well as memory cards of up to 128MB, this RabbitCore is ideal for large data applications requiring low-power operation. (xD-picture card socket only for 3375 Series) Features: owerful Rabbit Ethernet ort 1 /1 . operation Digi-Key Part No. 316-1160-ND (101-1284) Only Digi-Key Part No. 316-1161-ND (101-1285) Only Digi-Key Part No. Price Each RCM3365 316-1111-ND RCM3375 316-1112-ND Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Rabbit Part No. RCM5600W Module 316-1174-ND 69.00 20-101-1265 Antenna Cable Assembly 316-1163-ND 15.97 101-1292 Rabbit Part No. Description 105.00 20-101-1051 98.00 20-101-1055 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (TZM112.US) $249.00 Includes everything in the Standard Development Kit plus a power adapter, digital I/O and serial communications accessory boards, and a DB9 to 10-pin header serial cable. 52 digital I/O and 6 serial ports oard Size 1.85 x 2. x .86 4 mm x 6 mm x 22mm (US2011) $149.00 Contains RCM5600W module and antenna, interface board, prototyping board, USB cable, and Dynamic C IDE. (Note: may require the addition of power adapter to support the interface board, part number 101-1273) MiniCore RCM5600W Deluxe Development Kit 512K lash/512K rogram 512K data SR M 4 digital I/O and 5 serial ports 100 100 MiniCore RCM5600W Standard Development Kit microprocessor 44.2MHz ase-T, R -45, E s Description $399.00 The Development Kit provides the essentials that you need to design your own microprocessor-based system, and includes a complete Dynamic C® software development system. The Development Kit also contains a Prototyping Board that will allow you to evaluate the RCM3900 module and to prototype circuits that interface to the module. Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 C8051F High Performance Mixed-Signal MCUs - 7V+ ON 9V LY DC sil Aus ico www tin n .silic TX om on.c Pro Em Ca ul rtr at id io EC ge n -1 JT AG Int eg rat ed du cts RU TO N/S R WE PO P Flash Digital PCA Memory RAM Port Timers Chan(Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins (16-Bit) nels * 128K 8448 64 5 6 128K 8448 32 5 6 64K 4352 59 5 6 64K 4352 32 5 5 32K 2304 8 4 5 32K 256 16 4 5 16K 1280 16 4 5 8K 768 17 4 3 8K 768 17 4 3 128K 8448 64 5 6 128K 8448 64 5 6 128K 8448 64 5 6 128K 8448 64 5 6 128K 8448 64 5 6 128K 8448 32 5 6 128K 8448 32 5 6 128K 8448 32 5 6 128K 8448 32 5 6 128K 8448 32 5 6 64K 8448 64 5 6 64K 8448 32 5 6 64K 4352 64 5 5 64K 4352 64 5 5 64K 4352 59 5 6 64K 4352 32 5 5 64K 4352 32 5 5 64K 4352 25 4 5 64K 4352 24 5 6 32K 4352 59 5 6 32K 4352 24 5 6 32K 2304 32 4 5 32K 2304 32 4 5 32K 2304 25 4 5 32K 2304 16 4 5 32K 2304 16 4 5 32K 2304 8 4 5 32K 256 32 4 5 32K 256 32 4 5 32K 256 16 4 5 32K 256 8 4 5 16K 1536 15 2 — 16K 1536 15 2 — 16K 1280 32 4 5 16K 1280 21 4 5 16K 1280 21 4 5 16K 1280 16 4 5 8K 768 17 4 3 Serial Buses 2 UARTs, SMBus™, SPI1™ 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SPI, SMBus UART, SPI, SMBus 2 UARTs, SMBus™, SPI1™ 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI USB 2.0, UART USB 2.0, UART UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI ADC1 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch., 1Msps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 4-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 24-Bit, 8-Ch., 1ksps 16-Bit, 8-Ch., 1ksps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch., 1Msps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 200 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch., 1Msps 16-Bit, 2-Ch., 1Msps 16-Bit, 2-Ch., 1Msps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 4-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 12-Bit, 4-Ch., 100 sps ADC2 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps DAC 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. — — 8-Bit, 8-Ch.,500 sps 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. — — — — — 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — — 8-Bit, 2-Ch. 8-Bit, 2-Ch. Comparators 2 2 2 100 100-TQFP 336-1081-1-ND* 34.01 25.20 20.32 C8051F122R C8051F120DK 100 64-TQFP 336-1082-1-ND* 32.88 24.36 19.64 C8051F123R C8051F120DK 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1089-1-ND* 16.29 12.54 10.45 C8051F064 C8051F064EK 25 64-TQFP 336-1035-1-ND* 23.16 16.67 13.23 C8051F023R C8051F020DK 1 — 20 25 32-LQFP 336-1042-1-ND* 21.84 15.71 12.47 C8051F017R C8051F005DK 2 — 20 20 48-TQFP 336-1006-1-ND* 20.37 14.66 11.63 C8051F011R C8051F005DK 2 — 20 25 48-TQFP 336-1049-1-ND* 17.46 12.56 9.97 C8051F019R C8051F005DK 1 — 2 50 28-QFN 336-1085-1-ND* 7.12 5.75 4.76 C8051F351R C8051F350DK 1 — 2 50 28-QFN 336-1087-1-ND* 5.38 4.34 3.59 C8051F353R C8051F350DK — — 2 — — 2 — — — 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. Development Kit Part No. 20 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. Silicon Labs Part No. — 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — Price Each 25 100 2 RoHS Compliant 12-Bit, 16x16 2 2 2-Ch. MAC 12-Bit, 16x16 2 2 2-Ch. MAC 12-Bit, 2 — 2 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2 — 2 2-Ch. 16x16 2 — 2 MAC 16x16 12-Bit, 2 2 2-Ch. MAC 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps 1 DMA 2 16x16 MAC 2 100 100-TQFP 336-1223-ND 21.81 20.53 19.25 C8051F120-GQ C8051F120DK 100 100-TQFP 336-1226-ND 20.20 19.01 17.82 C8051F122-GQ C8051F120DK 50 100-TQFP 336-1228-ND 19.13 18.00 16.88 C8051F124-GQ C8051F120DK 50 100-TQFP 336-1230-ND 17.53 16.50 15.47 C8051F126-GQ C8051F120DK 100 100-TQFP 336-1232-ND 15.61 14.69 13.77 C8051F130-GQ C8051F120DK 100 64-TQFP 336-1225-ND 21.11 19.88 18.63 C8051F121-GQ C8051F120DK 100 64-TQFP 336-1227-ND 19.55 18.40 17.25 C8051F123-GQ C8051F120DK 2 — 2 50 64-TQFP 336-1229-ND 18.41 17.33 16.25 C8051F125-GQ C8051F120DK 2 — 2 50 64-TQFP 336-1231-ND 16.86 15.88 14.88 C8051F127-GQ C8051F120DK 16x16 MAC 16x16 MAC 16x16 MAC 2 100 64-TQFP 336-1233-ND 14.98 14.10 13.22 C8051F131-GQ C8051F120DK 2 100 100-TQFP 336-1234-ND 13.07 12.31 11.54 C8051F132-GQ C8051F120DK 2 2 100 64-TQFP 336-1235-ND 12.43 11.70 10.97 C8051F133-GQ C8051F120DK — 20 25 100-TQFP 336-1199-ND 17.80 16.76 15.71 C8051F020-GQ C8051F020DK 2 — 20 25 100-TQFP 336-1202-ND 14.16 13.33 12.50 C8051F022-GQ C8051F020DK 3 DMA 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1218-ND 12.55 11.81 11.07 C8051F064-GQ C8051F060DK 2 2 — 20 25 64-TQFP 336-1201-ND 17.17 16.16 15.15 C8051F021-GQ C8051F020DK 2 — 20 25 64-TQFP 336-1203-ND 13.14 12.37 11.60 C8051F023-GQ C8051F020DK — — 2 — 0.25 48 32-LQFP 336-1533-ND 8.40 7.91 7.41 C8051F34A-GQ C8051F340DK — — 3 DMA 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1220-ND 12.17 11.46 10.74 C8051F065-GQ C8051F060DK — — 3 DMA 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1221-ND 11.85 11.16 10.46 C8051F066-GQ C8051F060DK — — 3 DMA 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1222-ND 11.37 10.71 10.04 C8051F067-GQ C8051F060DK — — — — — — — — — — 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. — 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 2 — 20 25 64-TQFP 336-1187-ND 13.26 12.48 11.70 C8051F005-GQ C8051F005DK 2 — 20 25 64-TQFP 336-1194-ND 12.53 11.80 11.06 C8051F015-GQ C8051F005DK 2 — 0.25 48 32-LQFP 336-1534-ND 7.29 6.87 6.44 C8051F34B-GQ C8051F340DK 2 — 20 25 48-TQFP 336-1189-ND 12.92 12.16 11.40 C8051F006-GQ C8051F005DK 2 — 20 25 48-TQFP 336-1195-ND 12.33 11.60 10.88 C8051F016-GQ C8051F005DK 1 — 20 25 32-LQFP 336-1190-ND 12.61 11.88 11.13 C8051F007-GQ C8051F005DK 2 — 20 20 64-TQFP 336-1184-ND 12.38 11.65 10.92 C8051F000-GQ C8051F005DK 2 — 20 20 64-TQFP 336-1191-ND 11.59 10.92 10.23 C8051F010-GQ C8051F005DK 2 — 20 20 48-TQFP 336-1192-ND 11.37 10.71 10.04 C8051F011-GQ C8051F005DK 1 — 20 20 32-LQFP 336-1186-ND 11.99 11.28 10.58 C8051F002-GQ C8051F005DK — — — — — — — Internal Oscil- MIPS Digi-Key lator (Peak) Package Part No. 3 — 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 24-Bit, 8-Ch., 1ksps Other 16x16 MAC 16x16 MAC 2 — 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 100 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch.,200 sps 0 00 F I 51 0C 80 1 C 00 EP 0 T 24 00 Precision Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers Full-Featured MCUs with a Supercharged 8051 CPU Separate I/O Fixed I/O 1.5 25 28-QFN 336-1296-5-ND 3.37 3.17 2.97 C8051F326-GM C8051F326DK 1.5 25 28-QFN 336-1297-5-ND 3.37 3.17 2.97 C8051F327-GM C8051F326DK — — 2 — 20 25 64-TQFP 336-1197-ND — — 2 — 2 25 24-QFN 336-1281-5-ND 336-1282-5-ND 10.12 9.52 8.93 C8051F018-GQ C8051F005DK 3.91 3.68 3.45 C8051F316-GM C8051F310DK — — 2 — 2 25 24-QFN 3.47 3.27 3.06 C8051F317-GM C8051F310DK — — 2 — 20 25 48-TQFP 336-1198-ND 9.76 9.19 8.61 C8051F019-GQ C8051F005DK — 8-Bit, 2-Ch. 1 — 2 50 32-LQFP 336-1270-ND 6.82 6.42 6.02 C8051F350-GQ C8051F350DK Cut Tape (Continued) ® For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 101 101 C C8051F High Performance Mixed-Signal MCU Precision Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers; Full-Featured MCUs with a Supercharged 8051 CPU (Cont.) Flash Digital PCA Memory RAM Port Timers Chan(Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins (16-Bit) nels C 8K 768 17 4 3 8K 768 17 4 3 8K 256 17 4 3 8K 256 8 3 3 8K 256 8 3 3 8K 256 8 3 3 2K 256 8 3 3 Serial Buses UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus Comparators DAC 8-Bit, 2-Ch. 8-Bit, 2-Ch. 8-Bit, 2-Ch. Price Each 25 100 Development Kit Part No. — — 1 — 2 25 14-SOIC 336-1536-5-ND 2.41 2.28 2.13 C8051F301-GS C8051F300DK — — 1 — 2 25 14-SOIC 336-1537-5-ND 2.36 2.23 2.09 C8051F302-GS C8051F300DK — — — 1 — 2 25 14-SOIC 336-1540-5-ND 1.97 1.86 1.74 C8051F305-GS C8051F300DK Internal Oscillator 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 MIPS (peak) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 — — — 8-Bit 1 Silicon Labs Part No. ADC2 — Other Internal Oscil- MIPS Digi-Key lator (Peak) Package Part No. ADC1 24-Bit, 8-Ch., 1ksps 16-Bit, 8-Ch., 1ksps 16-Bit, 8-Ch., 1ksps 8-Bit, 11-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 11-Ch., 500 sps 8-Bit, 11-Ch., 500 sps 1 — 2 50 28-QFN 336-1271-ND 5.59 5.27 4.94 C8051F351-GM C8051F350DK 1 — 2 50 32-LQFP 336-1272-ND 5.05 4.76 4.46 C8051F352-GQ C8051F350DK 1 — 2 50 28-QFN 1 — 2 25 14-SOIC 336-1535-5-ND 336-1273-ND 4.23 3.99 3.74 C8051F353-GM C8051F350DK 2.53 2.39 2.24 C8051F300-GS C8051F300DK * Cut Tape 8kB ISP Flash MCU Family Flash Memory RAM (Bytes) (Bytes) 8K 256 8K 256 8K 256 8K 256 4K 256 2K 256 8K 256 8K 256 4K 256 4K 256 2K 256 2K 256 Digital Port Timers I/O Pins (16-Bit) 6 3 16 3 16 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 PCA Channels 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Serial Buses LIN 2.0, SPI™, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART LIN 2.0, SPI, UART ADC1 12-Bit, 6-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 6-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 6-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 6-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps Comparators 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG VREG Package 10-DFN 20-QFN 20-TSSOP 10-DFN 10-DFN 10-DFN 20-QFN 20-TSSOP 20-QFN 20-TSSOP 20-QFN 20-TSSOP Digi-Key Part No. 336-1484-5-ND 336-1485-5-ND 336-1486-5-ND 336-1490-5-ND 336-1492-5-ND 336-1494-5-ND 336-1495-5-ND 336-1496-5-ND 336-1497-5-ND 336-1500-5-ND 336-1503-5-ND 336-1504-5-ND Price Each 2.55 2.60 2.91 2.50 2.35 2.14 2.55 2.86 2.45 2.67 2.19 2.45 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F520A-IM C8051F530A-IM C8051F530A-IT C8051F521A-IM C8051F524A-IM C8051F527A-IM C8051F531A-IM C8051F531A-IT C8051F533A-IM C8051F534A-IT C8051F537A-IM C8051F537A-IT Development Kit Part No. C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK C8051F530ADK General Purpose Microcontrollers Outstanding Value for Comprehensive MCUs Flash Digital Mem. RAM Port (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins 8K 256 22 8K 256 22 32K 256 25 32K 256 40 Timers (16-Bit) 3 3 4 4 Serial Buses UART, SPI™ UART, SPI SMBus , SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART ADC1 8-Bit, 32-Ch. 100 sps — — — Internal Oscillator 20 20 25 25 Comparators 2 2 2 2 MIPS (peak) 25 25 25 25 Package 32-LQFP 32-LQFP 32-LQFP 48-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. 336-1009-1-ND* 336-1012-1-ND* 336-1509-ND◆ 336-1508-ND◆ 1 5.03 4.80 6.12 6.66 Price Each 25 3.62 3.46 5.76 6.28 100 2.87 2.74 5.40 5.88 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F221R C8051F231R C8051F349-GQ C8051F348-GQ Development Kit Part No. C8051F226DK C8051F226DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK * Cut Tape ◆ RoHS Compliant USB Microcontrollers Integrated USB 2.0 Function Controller Flash Memory (Bytes) 64K 64K 64K 64K 64K 64K 64K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 16K 16K RAM (Bytes) 5376 5376 5376 5376 4352 4352 4352 3328 3328 3328 3328 2304 2304 2304 2304 2304 2304 Digital PCA Port Timers ChanI/O Pins (16-Bit) nels 40 4 5 25 4 5 40 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 40 4 5 25 4 5 40 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 25 4 5 Serial Buses USB 2.0, SPI™, 2UART, SMBus™ USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, 2UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, 2UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, 2UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, 2UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, UART, SMBus USB 2.0, SPI, 2UART, SMBus USB 2.0, UART, SMBus, SPI USB 2.0, UART, SMBus, SPI ADC1 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 — 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 10-Bit, 13-Ch., 200 sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps Comparators 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Internal Oscillator 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .25 .25 .25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .25 .25 .25 .25 1.5 1.5 MIPS (peak) 48 48 25 25 48 25 48 48 48 25 25 48 25 25 48 25 25 Package 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 32-QFN 32-QFN 32-QFN 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 32-QFN 32-QFN 32-QFN 32-QFN 32-LQFP 28-QFN Digi-Key Part No. 336-1298-ND 336-1300-ND 336-1302-ND 336-1304-ND 336-1345-5-ND 336-1347-5-ND 336-1350-5-ND 336-1299-ND 336-1301-ND 336-1303-ND 336-1305-ND 336-1346-5-ND 336-1348-5-ND 336-1349-5-ND 336-1351-5-ND 336-1259-ND 336-1261-ND Price Each 8.48 8.23 8.23 7.80 8.23 7.80 8.40 7.57 7.16 7.16 6.58 7.16 6.58 6.12 7.29 5.90 5.03 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F340-GQ C8051F342-GQ C8051F344-GQ C8051F346-GQ C8051F342-GM C8051F346-GM C8051F34A-GM C8051F341-GQ C8051F343-GQ C8051F345-GQ C8051F347-GQ C8051F343-GM C8051F347-GM C8051F349-GM C8051F34B-GM C8051F320-GQ C8051F321-GM Development Kit Part No. C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F340DK C8051F320DK C8051F320DK Development Kit Part No. C8051F300DK C8051F300DK C8051F300DK Small Form Factor Microcontrollers High-Performance MCU in a Tiny Package Flash Digital Memory RAM Port (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins 8K 256 8 4K 256 8 2K 256 8 32K 32K 32K 2368 2368 1K 24 20 39 Timers (16-Bit) 3 3 3 PCA Channels 3 3 3 Serial Buses UART, SMBus™ UART, SMBus UART, SMBus 4 4 4 6 6 6 UART, SPI™ SMBus UART, SPI, SMBus UART, SMBus, SPI Internal Compar- OscilMIPS ators lator (peak) 1 20 25 1 20 25 1 20 25 RoHS Compliant 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 2 2 50 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 2 2 50 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 1-Ch. 2 2 100 ADC1 — — — DAC — — — Package 11-QFN 11-QFN 11-QFN Digi-Key Part No. 336-1046-1-ND* 336-1063-1-ND* 336-1064-1-ND* 1 3.37 3.01 2.91 Price Each 25 2.41 2.15 2.08 100 1.93 1.72 1.67 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F303R C8051F304R C8051F305R 32-LQFP 28-QFN 48-TQFP 336-1318-ND 336-1309-ND 336-1407-ND 6.58 5.29 7.38 6.20 4.98 6.95 5.81 4.67 6.51 C8051F410-GQ C8051F410DK C8051F411-GM C8051F410DK C8051F360-GQ C8051F360DK * Cut Tape (Continued) ® 102 102 For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 C8051F High Performance Mixed-Signal MCUs Small Form Factor Microcontrollers High-Performance MCU in a Tiny Package (Cont.) Flash Digital Memory RAM Port (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins 32K 1K 27 32K 1K 24 32K 1280 39 32K 1280 27 32K 1280 24 32K 1280 29 32K 1280 25 16K 1280 29 16K 1280 25 16K 2368 24 16K 2368 20 16K 1280 29 16K 1280 25 8K 1280 32 8K 1280 32 8K 1280 32 8K 1280 29 8K 1280 29 8K 1280 25 8K 1280 25 8K 768 17 8K 768 17 8K 256 32 8K 256 22 8K 256 8 8K 256 8 8K 256 8 8K 256 8 4K 768 17 4K 768 17 4K 256 8 2K 768 17 2K 256 8 PCA Channels 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 — — — 5 5 5 5 3 3 — — 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Timers (16-Bit) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 Serial Buses UART, SMBus™, SPI™ UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SPI SMBus UART, SPI SMBus UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SPI UART, SPI UART, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SPI UART, SPI UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus ADC1 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps — — — 10-Bit, 21-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 21-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 8-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 21-Ch., 200 sps 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 sps 12-Bit, 32-Ch., 100 sps 8-Bit, 32-Ch., 100 sps — 10-Bit, 21-Ch., 200 sps — 10-Bit, 17-Ch., 200 sps — 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps — — — 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 8-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 200 sps — — — — DAC 10-Bit, 1-Ch. 10-Bit, 1-Ch. — — — 10-Bit 10-Bit 10-Bit 10-Bit 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. — — — — — — — — — 10-Bit, 1-Ch. — — — — — — — — — — — — Comparators 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Internal OscilMIPS lator (peak) 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 25 2 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 20 25 20 25 2 25 2 25 20 25 20 25 2 25 2 25 20 25 2 25 20 25 Package 32-LQFP 28-QFN 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 28-QFN 32-LQFP 28-QFN 32-LQFP 28-QFN 32-LQFP 28-QFN 32-LQFP 28-QFN 48-TQFP 48-TQFP 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 32-LQFP 28-QFN 28-QFN 20-MLP 20-QFN 48-TQFP 32-LQFP 11-QFN 11-QFN 11-QFN 11-QFN 20-MLP 20-MLP 11-QFN 20-MLP 11-QFN Digi-Key Part No. 336-1408-ND 336-1409-5-ND 336-1645-ND 336-1646-ND 336-1647-ND 336-1648-ND 336-1649-ND 336-1650-ND 336-1651-ND 336-1310-ND 336-1311-ND 336-1252-ND 336-1254-ND 336-1236-ND 336-1240-ND 336-1244-ND 336-1255-ND 336-1257-ND 336-1256-ND 336-1258-ND 336-1262-ND 336-1265-ND 336-1242-ND 336-1243-ND 336-1245-ND 336-1247-ND 336-1248-ND 336-1249-ND 336-1266-ND 336-1267-ND 336-1250-ND 336-1269-ND 336-1251-ND 1 6.85 5.78 6.31 6.00 5.20 5.75 4.96 5.47 4.74 5.95 4.91 4.85 4.34 4.49 3.91 3.64 3.77 3.18 3.50 2.96 3.60 3.23 3.49 3.15 2.53 2.41 2.36 2.28 2.69 2.47 2.02 2.04 1.97 Price Each 25 6.45 5.44 5.94 5.65 4.90 5.41 4.68 5.16 4.47 5.60 4.63 4.56 4.08 4.23 3.68 3.43 3.56 3.00 3.30 2.79 3.40 3.04 3.28 2.96 2.39 2.28 2.23 2.15 2.53 2.32 1.91 1.92 1.86 100 6.05 5.10 5.57 5.30 4.59 5.07 4.38 4.83 4.19 5.25 4.34 4.28 3.83 3.96 3.45 3.21 3.33 2.81 3.09 2.61 3.18 2.85 3.08 2.78 2.24 2.13 2.09 2.01 2.37 2.18 1.79 1.80 1.74 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F361-GQ C8051F362-GM C8051F363-GQ C8051F364-GQ C8051F365-GM C8051F366-GQ C8051F367-GM C8051F368-GQ C8051F369-GM C8051F412-GQ C8051F413-GM C8051F310-GQ C8051F311-GM C8051F206-GQ C8051F226-GQ C8051F236-GQ C8051F312-GQ C8051F314-GQ C8051F313-GM C8051F315-GM C8051F330-GM C8051F331-GM C8051F230-GQ C8051F231-GQ C8051F300-GM C8051F301-GM C8051F302-GM C8051F303-GM C8051F332-GM C8051F333-GM C8051F304-GM C8051F335-GM C8051F305-GM Development Kit Part No. C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F360DK C8051F410DK C8051F410DK C8051F310DK C8051F310DK C8051F206DK C8051F226DK C8051F226DK C8051F310DK C8051F310DK C8051F310DK C8051F310DK C8051F330DK C8051F330DK C8051F226DK C8051F226DK C8051F300DK C8051F300DK C8051F300DK C8051F300DK C8051F330DK C8051F330DK C8051F300DK C8051F330DK C8051F300DK * Cut Tape CAN Interface Microcontrollers — MCUs with Integrated CAN 2.0B Controller Flash Digital PCA Memory RAM Port I/O Timers Chan(Bytes) (Bytes) Pins (16-Bit) nels 64K 4352 64 5 6 64K 4352 59 5 6 64K 4352 24 5 6 64K 4352 24 5 6 64K 4352 64 5 6 64K 4352 64 5 6 Serial Buses CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus™, SPI™ CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CompADC1 ADC2 DAC arators 10-Bit, 13-Ch. — — 3 100 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch. 10-Bit, 8-Ch. 12-Bit, 3 1Msps 200 sps 2-Ch. 16-Bit, 2-Ch. 10-Bit, 8-Ch. 12-Bit, 3 1Msps 200 sps 2-Ch. 16-Bit, 2-Ch. 10-Bit, 8-Ch. 12-Bit, 3 1Msps 200 sps 2-Ch. CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI CAN2.0B, 2 UARTs, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI UART, SMBus, SPI 12-Bit, 13-Ch. 8-Bit, 8-Ch. 100 sps 500 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch. 8-Bit, 8-Ch. 100 sps 500 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch. — 100 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch. 10-Bit, 8-Ch. 1Msps 200 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch. 10-Bit, 8-Ch. 1Msps 200 sps 12-Bit, 13-Ch. 8-Bit, 8-Ch. 100 sps 500 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch. 8-Bit, 8-Ch. 100 sps 500 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch. — 100 sps 16-Bit, 2-Ch. 10-Bit, 8-Ch. 1Msps 200 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch. — 100 sps 10-Bit, 13-Ch. — 100 sps 10-Bit, 16-Ch. — 200 sps Other 60V PGA DMA Internal OscilMIPS lators (Peak) Package Digi-Key Part No. 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1156-ND 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1074-1-ND* 1 Price Each 25 100 8.75 7.66 6.46 19.24 14.80 12.33 Silicon Labs Part No. Development Kit Part No. C8051F044 C8051F040DK C8051F062R C8051F060DK DMA 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1073-1-ND* 20.60 15.85 13.21 C8051F061R C8051F060DK DMA 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1075-1-ND* 18.72 14.41 12.01 C8051F063R C8051F060DK RoHS Compliant 64K 4352 64 5 6 64K 4352 59 5 6 64K 4352 59 5 6 64K 4352 32 5 6 64K 4352 32 5 6 64K 4352 32 5 6 64K 4352 24 5 6 32K 4352 64 5 6 32K 4352 32 5 6 16KB 768 17 4 3 16KB 768 17 4 3 16KB 768 21 4 3 16KB 768 21 4 3 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. — 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 12-Bit, 2-Ch. — 60V PGA 60V PGA 60V PGA 3 3 3 3 DMA 3 DMA 60V PGA 60V PGA 60V PGA 3 3 3 12-Bit, 2-Ch. 3 — 3 — 3 10-Bit, 1-Ch. 1 DMA 60V PGA 60V PGA — — — — 1 — 10-Bit, 16-Ch. 200 sps — 10-Bit, 1-Ch. 1 — — — — 1 — 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1204-ND 12.68 11.94 11.19 C8051F040-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1207-ND 10.88 10.24 9.60 C8051F042-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1209-ND 8.84 8.32 7.80 C8051F044-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1213-ND 17.44 16.42 15.39 C8051F060-GQ C8051F060DK 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1216-ND 14.82 13.96 13.08 C8051F062-GQ C8051F060DK 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1206-ND 12.19 11.48 10.76 C8051F041-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1208-ND 10.44 9.83 9.21 C8051F043-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1210-ND 8.36 7.88 7.38 C8051F045-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1215-ND 15.86 14.93 14.00 C8051F061-GQ C8051F060DK 2 25 100-TQFP 336-1211-ND 8.30 7.81 7.32 C8051F046-GQ C8051F040DK 2 25 64-TQFP 336-1212-ND 7.77 7.32 6.86 C8051F047-GQ C8051F040DK 25 20-QFN 336-1429-5-ND 3.96 3.73 3.50 C8051F336-GM C8051F336DK 2 LFO 2 LFO 2 LFO 2 LFO 25 20-QFN 336-1428-5-ND 3.37 3.17 2.97 C8051F337-GM C8051F336DK 25 24-QFN 336-1427-5-ND 4.03 3.80 3.56 C8051F338-GM C8051F336DK 25 24-QFN 336-1426-5-ND 3.40 3.20 3.00 C8051F339-GM C8051F336DK * Cut Tape Automotive Flash Digital Port Timers Memory RAM (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins (16-Bit) 64K 256 40 4 64K 256 40 4 64K 256 40 4 64K 256 40 4 64K 256 25 4 64K 256 25 4 64K 256 25 4 32K 256 40 4 32K 256 40 4 ® PCA Channels 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Serial Buses SMBus™, SPI™, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART SMBus, SPI, UART ADC 12-Bit, 32-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 32-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 28-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 28-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 28-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 28-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 28-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 25-Ch., 200 12-Bit, 25-Ch., 200 sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps sps Comparators 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Temperature Range -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C -40 C 125 C Internal OscilMIPS Digi-Key lator (Peak) Package Part No. 0.5 50 48-QFP 336-1510-ND 0.5 50 48-QFN 336-1511-5-ND 0.5 50 48-QFP 336-1512-ND 0.5 50 48-QFN 336-1513-5-ND 0.5 50 32-QFP 336-1514-ND 0.5 50 32-QFN 336-1515-5-ND 0.5 50 32-QFN 336-1517-5-ND 0.5 50 48-QFP 336-1518-ND 0.5 50 48-QFN 336-1519-5-ND Price Each 5.56 5.51 5.29 5.22 5.39 4.95 4.71 5.24 5.17 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F500-IQ C8051F500-IM C8051F501-IQ C8051F501-IM C8051F502-IQ C8051F502-IM C8051F503-IM C8051F504-IQ C8051F504-IM Development Kit Part No. C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 103 103 C C8051F High Performance Mixed-Signal MCUs Automotive (Cont.) C Flash Digital Port Timers Memory RAM (Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins (16-Bit) 32K 256 40 4 32K 256 40 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 64K 4K 33 4 64K 4K 33 4 32K 4K 33 4 32K 4K 33 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 18 4 16 256 18 4 8K 256 25 4 8K 256 25 4 8K 256 25 4 8K 256 25 4 8K 256 18 4 8K 256 18 4 32K 256 18 4 32K 256 18 4 32K 256 18 4 32K 256 18 4 16K 256 18 4 16K 256 18 4 16K 256 18 4 16K 256 18 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 32K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 16K 256 25 4 32K 256 33 4 32K 256 33 4 32K 256 33 4 32K 256 33 4 16K 256 33 4 16K 256 33 4 16K 256 33 4 16K 256 33 4 128K 8K 40 6 128K 8K 40 6 128K 8K 40 6 128K 8K 40 6 128K 8K 25 6 128K 8K 25 6 128K 8K 25 6 128K 8K 25 6 96K 8K 40 6 96K 8K 40 6 96K 8K 40 6 96K 8K 40 6 96K 8K 25 6 96K 8K 25 6 96K 8K 25 6 96K 8K 25 6 128K 8K 33 6 128K 8K 33 6 96K 8K 33 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Price Each 4.95 4.90 5.07 4.66 4.79 4.40 5.36 5.08 5.03 4.76 3.13 3.52 3.08 3.45 2.98 2.92 2.94 3.32 2.89 3.23 2.81 2.74 3.57 3.50 3.47 3.40 3.37 3.30 3.26 3.18 3.74 4.13 3.66 4.05 3.62 4.00 3.55 3.91 3.52 3.88 3.43 3.79 3.40 3.76 3.33 3.67 4.18 4.10 4.06 3.98 3.93 3.84 3.81 3.67 7.57 7.50 7.19 7.12 7.38 6.92 7.00 6.58 7.11 7.06 6.73 6.68 6.94 6.51 6.56 6.17 7.34 6.97 6.90 6.53 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F505-IQ C8051F505-IM C8051F506-IQ C8051F506-IM C8051F507-IQ C8051F507-IM C8051F508-IM C8051F509-IM C8051F510-IM C8051F511-IM C8051F540-IM C8051F540-IQ C8051F541-IM C8051F541-IQ C8051F542-IM C8051F543-IM C8051F544-IM C8051F544-IQ C8051F545-IM C8051F545-IQ C8051F546-IM C8051F547-IM C8051F550-IM C8051F551-IM C8051F552-IM C8051F553-IM C8051F554-IM C8051F555-IM C8051F556-IM C8051F557-IM C8051F560-IM C8051F560-IQ C8051F561-IM C8051F561-IQ C8051F562-IM C8051F562-IQ C8051F563-IM C8051F563-IQ C8051F564-IM C8051F564-IQ C8051F565-IM C8051F565-IQ C8051F566-IM C8051F566-IQ C8051F567-IM C8051F567-IQ C8051F568-IM C8051F569-IM C8051F570-IM C8051F571-IM C8051F572-IM C8051F573-IM C8051F574-IM C8051F575-IM C8051F580-IQ C8051F580-IM C8051F581-IQ C8051F581-IM C8051F582-IQ C8051F582-IM C8051F583-IQ C8051F583-IM C8051F584-IQ C8051F584-IM C8051F585-IQ C8051F585-IM C8051F586-IQ C8051F586-IM C8051F587-IQ C8051F587-IM C8051F588-IM C8051F589-IM C8051F590-IM C8051F591-IM Development Kit Part No. C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F500DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F540DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F560DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK C8051F580DK NEW! Mixed Signal ISP Flash MCU Family Flash Memory (kB) 15 15 16 16 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 RAM (Bytes) 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 Digital Port I/O Pins 54 54 54 54 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 54 54 54 54 39 39 Timers (16-Bit) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PCA Channels 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Serial Buses UART, I2C, SPI™ UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI ADC 10-Bit — 10-Bit — 10-Bit — — 10-Bit 10-Bit — — 10-Bit — 10-Bit — 10-Bit 10-Bit Comparators 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Temperature Range -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C -40 C 85 C Internal Oscillator 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 MIPS (Peak) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Package 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 48-QFN 48-QFN 48-TQFP 48-QFN 48-TQFP 48-QFN 48-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 48-QFN 48-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. 336-1605-ND 336-1607-ND 336-1608-ND 336-1609-ND 336-1610-5-ND 336-1612-5-ND 336-1613-ND 336-1604-5-ND 336-1636-ND 336-1606-5-ND 336-1638-ND 336-1639-ND 336-1640-ND 336-1641-ND 336-1642-ND 336-1643-5-ND 336-1644-ND Price Each 6.32 5.80 6.32 5.80 5.85 5.34 5.07 5.85 5.53 5.34 5.07 5.27 4.74 5.02 4.49 4.85 4.59 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051F700-GQ C8051F701-GQ C8051F702-GQ C8051F703-GQ C8051F704-GM C8051F705-GM C8051F705-GQ C8051F706-GM C8051F706-GQ C8051F707-GM C8051F707-GQ C8051F708-GQ C8051F709-GQ C8051F710-GQ C8051F711-GQ C8051F712-GM C8051F712-GQ Development Kit Part No. C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK C8051F700DK (Continued) ® 104 104 For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 C8051F High Performance Mixed-Signal MCUs NEW! Mixed Signal ISP Flash MCU Family (Cont.) Flash Memory (kB) 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 RAM (Bytes) 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 Digital Port I/O Pins 39 39 39 39 39 39 29 20 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Timers (16-Bit) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PCA Channels 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Serial Buses UART, I2C, SPI™ UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, SPI UART, I2C, 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Power MCUs Flash Memory RAM (Bytes) (Bytes) Digital Port I/O Pins PCA Timers Chan(16-Bit) nels 64K 4352 24 4 6 64K 4352 24 4 6 64K 4352 16 4 6 32K 4352 24 4 6 32K 4352 24 4 6 32K 4352 16 4 6 16K 768 16 4 6 Serial Buses UART, EMIF, SMBus™, 2SPI™ UART, EMIF, SMBus, 2SPI UART, SMBus, 2SPI UART, EMIF, SMBus, 2SPI UART, EMIF SMBus, 2SPI UART, SMBus, 2SPI UART, I2C, 2SPI 16K 768 16 4 6 UART, I2C, 2SPI 16K 768 16 4 6 UART, I2C, 2SPI 8K 768 16 4 6 UART, I2C, 2SPI 8K 768 16 4 6 UART, I2C, 2SPI 8K 768 16 4 6 UART, I2C, 2SPI 8K 768 16 4 6 UART, I2C, 2SPI ADC1 10-Bit, 23-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 23-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 23-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 23-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 12-Bit, 15-Ch., 75 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 12-Bit, 15-Ch., 75 sps 12-Bit, 15-Ch., 75 sps Comparators 2 2 2 2 2 2 Other SmaRTClock; up to 23 touch sense inputs SmaRTClock; up to 23 touch sense inputs SmaRTCloc up to 15 touch sense inputs SmaRTClock; up to 23 touch sense inputs SmaRTClock; up to 23 touch sense inputs SmaRTCloc up to 15 touch sense inputs Internal Oscillator MIPS (peak) Package Digi-Key Part No. 2 25 32-LQFP 336-1466-ND 2 25 32-QFN 336-1467-ND 2 25 24-QFN 2 25 2 2 Price Each Silicon Labs Part No. Development Kit Part No. 5.73 C8051F930-GQ C8051F930DK 4.83 C8051F930-GM C8051F930DK 336-1468-ND 4.32 C8051F931-GM C8051F930DK 32-LQFP 336-1469-ND 5.08 C8051F920-GQ C8051F930DK 25 32-QFN 336-1470-ND 4.30 C8051F920-GM C8051F930DK 25 24-QFN 336-1471-ND 3.88 C8051F921-GM C8051F930DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-QFN 336-1850-5-ND NEW! 3.25 C8051F911-GM C8051F912DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-SOIC 336-1851-5-ND NEW! 3.40 C8051F911-GU C8051F912DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-SOIC 336-1852-5-ND NEW! 3.67 C8051F912-GU C8051F912DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-QFN 336-1846-5-ND NEW! 2.92 C8051F901-GM C8051F912DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-SOIC 336-1847-5-ND NEW! 3.08 C8051F901-GU C8051F912DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-QFN 336-1848-5-ND NEW! 3.20 C8051F902-GM C8051F912DK 2 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-SOIC 336-1849-5-ND NEW! 3.35 C8051F902-GU C8051F912DK (Continued) ® For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 105 105 C C8051F High Performance Mixed-Signal MCUs Low Power MCUs (Cont.) Flash Memory RAM (Bytes) (Bytes) C Digital Port I/O Pins PCA Timers Chan(16-Bit) nels Serial Buses ADC1 Comparators Other Internal Oscillator MIPS (peak) Package Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Silicon Labs Part No. Development Kit Part No. 8K 512 16 4 3 I2C, SPI™, UART 10/12-Bit 1 SmaRTClock 2 25 20-QFN 336-1941-5-ND NEW! 2.96 C8051F990-GM C8051F996DK 8K 512 16 4 3 I2C, SPI, UART 10/12-Bit 1 SmaRTClock 2 25 20-QFN 336-1942-5-ND NEW! 2.67 C8051F991-GM C8051F996DK 8K 512 17 4 3 I2C, SPI, UART 10/12-Bit 1 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-QFN 336-1943-5-ND NEW! 3.11 C8051F996-GM C8051F996DK 8K 512 17 4 3 I2C, SPI, UART 10/12-Bit 1 SmaRTClock 2 25 24-QSOP 336-1944-5-ND NEW! 3.11 C8051F996-GU C8051F996DK 8K 512 17 4 3 I2C, SPI, UART 10/12-Bit 1 SmaRTClock 2 25 8K 512 17 4 3 I2C, SPI, UART 10/12-Bit 1 SmaRTClock 2 25 336-1945-5-ND NEW! 2.83 C8051F997-GM C8051F996DK 24-QSOP 336-1946-5-ND NEW! 2.83 C8051F997-GU C8051F996DK 24-QFN 8K 512 16 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 20-QFN 336-1947-5-ND NEW! 2.00 C8051F981-GM C8051F996DK 8K 512 16 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI 12-Bit 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 20-QFN 336-1948-5-ND NEW! 2.28 C8051F980-GM C8051F996DK 8K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI 12-Bit 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 24-QFN 336-1952-5-ND NEW! 2.39 C8051F986-GM C8051F996DK 8K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI 12-Bit 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 24-QSOP 336-1953-5-ND NEW! 2.39 C8051F986-GU C8051F996DK 8K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 8K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 4K 512 16 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI 10-Bit 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 4K 512 16 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 4K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI 10-Bit 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 24-QFN 4K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI 10-Bit 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 4K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 4K 512 17 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 2K 512 16 4 3 UART, I2C, SPI — 1 150µA/MH active, 10nA sleep 2 25 336-1954-5-ND NEW! 2.10 C8051F987-GM C8051F996DK 24-QSOP 336-1955-5-ND NEW! 2.10 C8051F987-GU C8051F996DK 20-QFN 336-1949-5-ND NEW! 2.05 C8051F982-GM C8051F996DK 20-QFN 336-1950-5-ND NEW! 1.87 C8051F983-GM C8051F996DK 336-1959-5-ND NEW! 2.15 C8051F988-GM C8051F996DK 24-QSOP 336-1956-5-ND NEW! 2.15 C8051F988-GU C8051F996DK 24-QFN 336-1957-5-ND NEW! 1.95 C8051F989-GM C8051F996DK 24-QSOP 336-1958-5-ND NEW! 1.95 C8051F989-GU C8051F996DK 336-1951-5-ND NEW! 1.79 C8051F985-GM C8051F996DK Price Each Silicon Labs Part No. 24-QFN 20-QFN NEW! Wireless MCUs Flash Memory RAM (Bytes) (Bytes) Digital Port I/O Pins PCA Timers Chan(16-Bit) nels Serial Buses UART, I2C, SPI 64 4352 22 4 6 64 4352 22 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 64 4352 19 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 32 4352 22 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 32 4352 22 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 32 4352 19 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 16 768 15 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 16 768 15 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI I2C, SPI 16 768 15 4 6 UART, 8 768 15 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 8 768 15 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI 8 768 15 4 6 UART, I2C, SPI ADC1 10-Bit, 18-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 18-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 18-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 18-Ch., 300 sps 10-Bit, 15-Ch., 300 sps 12-Bit, 11-Ch., 75 sps 12-Bit, 11-Ch., 75 sps 12-Bit, 11-Ch., 75 sps 12-Bit, 11-Ch., 75 sps 12-Bit, 11-Ch., 75 sps 12-Bit, 11-Ch., 75 sps Comparators Other Frequency Range (MHz) FSK/GFS K (kbps) Internal Oscillator MIPS (peak) Digi-Key Package Part No. 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1881-5-ND 8.18 SI1000-C-GM SI1000DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1878-5-ND 7.72 SI1002-C-GM SI1000DK 2 RTC, CRC, DC-DC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1876-5-ND 7.84 SI1004-C-GM SI1000DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1877-5-ND 7.29 SI1003-C-GM SI1000DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1879-5-ND 7.75 SI1001-C-GM SI1000DK 2 RTC, CRC, DC-DC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1875-5-ND 7.38 SI1005-C-GM SI1000DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1874-5-ND 6.72 SI1010-A-GM SI1010DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1871-5-ND 6.31 SI1012-A-GM SI1010DK 2 RTC, CRC, DC-DC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1869-5-ND 6.43 SI1014-A-GM SI1010DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1872-5-ND 6.34 SI1011-A-GM SI1010DK 2 RTC, CRC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1870-5-ND 5.97 SI1013-A-GM SI1010DK 2 RTC, CRC, DC-DC 240 960 256 2 25 42-QFN 336-1868-5-ND 6.07 SI1015-A-GM SI1010DK C8051T High Performance Mixed-Signal MCUs OTP Flash Digital PCA Memory RAM Port Timers Chan(Bytes) (Bytes) I/O Pins (16-Bit) nels 16K 1280 29 4 5 8K 768 17 4 3 8K 768 17 4 3 8K 256 8 3 3 8K 256 8 3 3 8K 256 8 3 3 4K 768 17 4 3 4K 768 17 4 3 4K 256 8 3 3 4K 256 8 3 3 4K 256 8 3 3 4K 256 8 3 3 2K 768 17 4 3 2K 256 8 3 3 2K 256 8 3 3 2K 256 8 3 3 2K 256 8 3 3 1.5K 128 6 3 3 1.5K 128 6 3 3 1.5K 128 6 3 3 1.5K 128 6 3 3 * Cut Tape CompADC1 DAC arators Other 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 2 — 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 500 sps 10-Bit, 1-Ch. 1 VREG, LFO — — 1 VREG, LFO 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 1 VREG — — 1 — — — 1 — 10-Bit, 16-Ch., 500 sps 10-Bit, 1-Ch. 1 VREG, LFO — — 1 VREG, LFO 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 1 — 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 VREG, LFO 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 1 — 10-Bit, 8-Ch., 500 sps — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 — Internal OscilMIPS lators (Peak) 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 ® Package 32-LQFP 20-QFN 20-QFN 14-SOIC 11-QFN 14-SOIC 20-QFN 20-QFN 11-QFN 14-SOIC 11-QFN 14-SOIC 20-QFN 11-QFN 14-SOIC 11-QFN 14-SOIC 11-QFN 10-QFN 10-QFN 10-MSOP Digi-Key Part No. 336-1435-ND 336-1458-5-ND 336-1459-5-ND 336-1403-5-ND 336-1652-5-ND 336-1653-5-ND 336-1460-5-ND 336-1461-5-ND 336-1654-5-ND 336-1655-5-ND 336-1656-5-ND 336-1657-5-ND 336-1463-5-ND 336-1658-5-ND 336-1659-5-ND 336-1660-5-ND 336-1661-5-ND 336-1662-5-ND 336-1663-1-ND* 336-1663-2-ND‡ 336-1664-5-ND ‡ Tape and Reel ® 106 106 Serial Buses UART, SMBus™ UART, SPI , SMBus UART, SPI, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SPI, SMBus UART, SPI, SMBus UART, SMBus UART SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SPI, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus UART, SMBus For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Development Kit Part No. Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 3.49 1.82 1.75 1.24 1.17 1.17 1.45 1.39 1.12 1.12 1.07 1.07 1.28 1.02 1.02 .99 .99 .90 1.19 1150.20/1,500 .87 Silicon Labs Part No. C8051T610-GQ C8051T630-GM C8051T631-GM C8051T600-GS C8051T601-GM C8051T601-GS C8051T632-GM C8051T633-GM C8051T602-GM C8051T602-GS C8051T603-GM C8051T603-GS C8051T635-GM C8051T604-GM C8051T604-GS C8051T605-GM C8051T605-GS C8051T606-GM C8051T606- M C8051T606- M C8051T606-GT Development Kit Part No. C8051T610DK C8051T630DK C8051T630DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T630DK C8051T630DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T630DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T600DK C8051T606DK C8051T606DK C8051T606DK C8051T606DK Microcontroller Development Tools Description Development Kit or F005/006/007 Development Kit or F020/F021/F022/F023 Development Kit or F040/F041/F042/F043 Development Kit or F060/F062/F063 Evaluation Kit or C8051F064 Development Kit or-F120/21/22/23/24/25/26/27 Development Kit or C8051F206 Development Kit or F220/221/226/230/231/236 Development Kit or F300/301/302/303/304/305 Development Kit or C8051F310/F311 Development Kit or C8051F320/F321 Development Kit or C8051F326/7 Development Kit or C8051F330/F331 Development Kit or C8051F336 Development Kit or C8051F34X Development Kit or F350/351/352/353 Development Kit or C8051F360 Family Development Kit or C8051F700 Family Board Tar et/Proto with C8051F360 Development Kit or C8051F41X Evaluation Kit or C8051F411 Board Prototype with C8051F500 Board Prototype with C8051F700 Development Kit or C8051F50X Development Kit or C8051F53XA, C8051F52XA Board Tar et/Proto with C8051F530A Development Kit or C8051F540 Board Prototype with C8051F540 Development Kit or C8051F560 Board Prototype with C8051F560 Board Prototype with C8051F930 Development Kit or C8051F91X, C8051F90X Development Kit or C8051T60X MCU S Board Dau hter For C8051T600E Development Kit or C8051T606 Development Kit or C8051T61X MCU S Evaluation Board or C8051F800 Development Kit or C8051F800 Development Kit or C8051F996 Dau hter Board T610 24QFN Soc et Dau hter Board T610 28QFN Soc et Dau hter Board T610 32TQFP Soc et Development Kit or C8051T630 Family Board Socket Daughter 20-QFN Development Kit or C8051F920,F921,F930,F931 Board Tar et/Proto with C8051F930 USB Debug Adapter ToolStic C8051F300 Evaluation Board ToolStick Base Adapter ToolStic C8051F320/321 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F326/327 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F330 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F34x Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F362 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F336 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F500 Dau hter Card F500 ToolStic C8051F530 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F540 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F560 Dau hter Card Dau hter Card ToolStic or F582 Dau hter Card ToolStic or F912 Plat orm Pro ram ToolStic or F588 Dau hter Card C8051F8XX ToolStic C8051F931 Dau hter Card ToolStic C8051F990 Dau hter Card University Starter Kit and Boo University ToolStic Starter Kit Digi-Key Part No. 336-1188-ND 336-1200-ND 336-1205-ND 336-1214-ND 336-1219-ND 336-1224-ND 336-1237-ND 336-1241-ND 336-1246-ND 336-1253-ND 336-1260-ND 336-1306-ND 336-1264-ND 336-1430-ND 336-1307-ND 336-1083-ND 336-1410-ND 336-1635-ND◆ NEW! 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336-1748-ND◆ NEW! 336-1529-ND 336-1531-ND 336-1966-ND NEW! 336-1967-ND NEW! 336-1824-ND NEW! 336-1825-ND NEW! 336-1477-ND 336-1478-ND 336-1479-ND 336-1965-ND NEW! 336-1475-ND 336-1476-ND 336-1667-ND 336-1668-ND 336-1620-ND NEW! 336-1816-ND NEW! 336-1817-ND NEW! 336-1818-ND NEW! 336-1819-5-ND◆ NEW! 336-1820-5-ND◆ NEW! 336-1880-ND◆ NEW! 336-1873-ND◆ NEW! 336-1821-ND NEW! 336-1826-ND NEW! 336-1892-ND◆ NEW! 336-1893-ND◆ NEW! 336-1890-ND◆ NEW! 336-1891-ND◆ NEW! 336-1888-ND◆ NEW! 336-1889-ND◆ NEW! 336-1886-ND◆ NEW! 336-1887-ND◆ NEW! 336-1884-ND◆ NEW! 336-1885-ND◆ NEW! 336-1882-ND◆ NEW! 336-1883-ND◆ NEW! 336-1845-ND NEW! 336-1962-ND◆ NEW! 336-1896-ND NEW! Price Each 25.00 15.00 20.00 9.50 26.56 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 35.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 10.50 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 36.90 20.00 19.00 29.00 52.50 39.99 49.99 79.99 2.38 2.64 99.00 99.00 199.99 39.99 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 39.99 29.99 99.00 Silicon Labs Part No. TOOLSTICKUNIDC UNIPROTOBOARD ABO TOOLSTICKDA TOOLSTICKSK TOOLSTICK300PP TOOLSTICK310PP TOOLSTICK311PP TOOLSTICK316PP TOOLSTICK320PP TOOLSTICK321PP TOOLSTICK326PP TOOLSTICK330PP TOOLSTICK330DPP TOOLSTICK340PP TOOLSTICK360PP TOOLSTICK410PP TOOLSTICK411PP TOOLSTICK500MPP TOOLSTICK502MPP TOOLSTICK520PP TOOLSTICK530MPP TOOLSTICK530TPP TOOLSTICK542PP TOOLSTICK912UPP TOOLSTICK342MPP TOOLSTICK500QPP TOOLSTICK502QPP TOOLSTICK716MPP TOOLSTICK717MPP TOOLSTICK800QPP TOOLSTICK800SPP TOOLSTICK930QPP TOOLSTICK930MPP TOOLSTICK931PP TOOLSTICK990MPP CAPTOUCHSENSESK CAPTOUCHSENSEDC C8051T606TDB C8051T606 DB KE BOARDEK FRONTPANEL2EK IRSLIDEREK KE MATEK SI1102-A-GM SI1120-A-GM SI1000DK SI1010DK SI1120EK SI1102EK 1000-TCB1C915 1000-TCB1C470 1002-TCB1D868 1002-TCB1D434 1004-TCB1D868 1004-TCB1D434 1010-TAB1C915 1010-TAB1C470 1012-TAB1D868 1012-TAB1D434 1014-TAB1D868 1014-TAB1D434 FRONTPANEL1EB F990SLIDEREK WIRELESSMBUSEK ◆ RoHS Compliant Microcontroller Reference Designs Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Silicon Labs Part No. Stepper Motor Reference Design 336-1319-ND 119.00 USB Mass Storage Reference Design 336-1320-ND 99.00 USB-MSD-RD Temperature Compensated RTC Reference Design 336-1351-ND 99.00 TEMPCOMPRTC-RD Multi-Phase POL Reference Design 336-1323-ND 199.00 PoE with Voice Transmission Reference Design 336-1326-ND 69.00 Sensorless BLDC Motor Reference Design 336-1329-ND 119.00 CAN On-Board Diagnostic Reference Design 336-1559-ND 69.00 CAN-OBD-RD Voice Recorder Reference Design Kit 336-1315-ND 49.00 VOICE-RECORD-RD Reference Design Wireless to USB 336-1865-ND NEW! 49.00 RF-TO-USB-RD STEPPER-MTR-RD MULTIPHSPOL-RD POE-VOICE-RD SLBLDC-MTR-RD More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 107 107 C Zoom™ Starter Development Kits NEW! Zoom™ OMAP36x Mobile Development Platforms Sharp Zoom Starter Development Kit Includes The oom OMAP36X Mo ile Development Plat orm MDP is a ully- eatured evaluation plat orm uilt around the Texas Instruments TI OMAP3630 applications processor. Enclosed within a ull- ody case, the oom OMAP36x MDP addresses essential needs o the open-source community and hi h-level operatin system HLOS developers. A 4.1 WVGA capacitive touch screen and ull QWERT eypad allow or easy inter acin . Wireless 802.00, Bluetooth, and FM networ s create numerous opportunities or connectivity. Expansion slots or MMC/SD and SIM cards provide access to additional stora e and eatures. An external de u oard puts ull development control within reach. At the heart o the oom OMAP36x MDP is the Texas Instruments OMAP3630 applications processor that inte rates power ul 720p multimedia, 3D raphics, and 8MP ima in capabilities with the high-performance ARM® Cortex™-A8 core. Low Cost Development System Q Card En ine LH79520, LH79524, LH7A400, LH7A404, SH7727, SH7760 Application oard Standard peripheral connectors supportin Ethernet, LCD, Audio In/ Out, Serial, Compact Flash Re er to Card En ine or support o peripherals Power supply and adapters or UK, US, EU, Japan Serial ca le Lo icLoader™ ootloader/ monitor in executa le ormat BSPs availa le dependin on Card En ine purchased GNU cross-development tools compiler, lin er, assem ler, de u er are included or Linux development systems ! A > O 2 R 4 D > > K T 5 F 7 X $ + Y 6 G 8 C F1 3 % U ? H 9 V 0 J # B : I & N K / O “ M F2 [ , L P ‘ ] F3 . ; T EXI CAP 460-3490-ND SOMXOMAP3630-10-1980AFCR-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $383.40 460-3491-ND MDP-XOMAP3630-10-1024512R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1625.63 NEW! Zoom™ Development Kits The oom OMAP35x Torpedo Development Kit Includes touchscreen Ready to run Board Support Pac a es BSPs 457.65 SDK-LH7404-12-6432R-A oom Starter Kit or LH79524 460-3474-ND 445.50 SDK-LH79524-10-3216R-A 460-3472-ND 572.40 SDK-PXA270-520-10-6432R 460-3479-ND 289.67 CENGPXA270-520-10-504HCR Product-ready Torpedo SOM 4.3 WQVGA LCD with Features: Inte rated LCD, touch, and ac li ht connector or optional oom Display Kits 4-wire resistive touchscreen Stereo input and output jacks One RJ45 Ethernet ac connector with ma netics application/de u Two MC/SD card slots One USB 2.0 hi h-speed On-the-Go device Three USB 2.0 hi h-speed host ports 115.2 ps RS-232 de u serial port Connectors or JTAG and ETM inter aces LogicLoader™ ootloader/monitor Windows® Em edded CE 6.0 BSP Open source Linux BSPs. Sharp Marvell The OMAP35x System on Module SOM is a compact, product-ready hardware and so tware solution that ast orwards embedded designs. Features: Product-ready System on Module with a TI OMAP 3 processor runnin up to 600MHz SOM-LV Type III 31.2 x 76.5 x 7.4mm Zoom™ Display Kits The oom Display Kits are ready-to-use LCDs that can e immediately connected to the oom Application Development Kits. The display its includes Bezel Bac li ht 4 Wire Resistive Touch Panel Ri on Ca le The 4.3 display it also includes 4-wire resistive touch panel and an LCD connector built into the PCB Sharp LCD Part No. Digi-Key Part No. 4.3 WQVGA 480 x 272 , Widescreen Color TFT LQ043T1DG01 460-3485-ND NEW! 282.75 LCD-4.3-WQVGA-10R 6.4 VGA 640 x 480 , Color TFT LQ64D343 460-3471-ND 882.70 LCD-6.4-VGA-10R Description > Z Logic Part No. 460-3480-ND oom Starter Kit or PXA270 1 Price Each oom Starter Kit or LH7A404 Card En ine or PXA270 E Digi-Key Part No. = S Standard peripheral connectors supportin Ethernet, LCD, Audio In/Out, Serial, Compact Flash, USB Host, USB device Power supply and adapters or UK, US, EU, Japan, serial ca le Lo icLoader ootloader/monitor in executa le ormat GNU cross-development tools compiler, lin er, assem ler, de u er are included. Kit contents Card En ine, Application Board, Ethernet cross-over ca le, Serial ca le, Power supply/adapter Europe, Japan, UK, and US , Quic Start Guide, Logic Starter CD, EULA • The PXA270 Card En ine is a complete System on Module SOM that o ers essential eatures or handheld and em edded networ in applications Use o custom ase oards ma es the Card En ine the ideal oundation or OEMs developin handheld and compact products Provides a common re erence pin-out on its expansion connectors, which enables easy scalability to next generation microprocessor Card Engines when new functionality or performance is required. Description @ C W - Marvell Zoom Starter Kit: Price Each Logic Part No. Price Each Compact form factor Description Digi-Key Part No. Logic Part No. Zoom™ OMAP35x™ Torpedo Development Kit 460-1033-ND 1105.00 SDK-OMAP3530-20-128256R System on Module LV OMAP3530 460-3484-ND 441.45 SOMOMAP3530-10-1672IFCR NEW! Zoom™ OMAP-L138 System on Module (SOM) The OMAP-L128 SOM-M1 is ideal for applications that require high-speed data transfer and high-capacity storage, such as test and measurement, public safety radios, music effects and intelligent occupancy sensors. The OMAP-L138 offers a universal parallel port uPP and is the irst TI device with an inte rated Serial Advanced Technolo y Attachment SATA interface. For medical, industrial, audio, and communications products, the OMAP-L138 SOM-M1 allows for powerful versatility, lon -li e, and reener products. The OMAP-L138 System on Module SOM is a compact, product-ready hardware and software solution that fast forwards embedded designs while reducing risk and controlling cost. DLP® LightCommander™ NEW! Development Kits DLP LightCommander is a highly versatile and easy-to-use development kit for incorporating DLP technology into light processing applications. The modular architecture includes an optical light engine, industry standard interfaces, and application software to expedite system development requiring high-speed spatial light modulation. Features: XGA 1024 x 768 resolution DMD Core DLP optical module Solid state illumination module RGB LED and IR LED DLP micromirror control inary patterns, 8- it ray scale, and video pro ection mode Controller Board External Interfaces: Three user sync ports HDMI input USB control input Controller Board Internal Interfaces: Parallel RGB 8-bit interface SPI serial inter ace LED control interface Optical Interfaces and Mounts: Interchan ea le lens mount Ni on F-Mount Defined illumination interface Flexible optical mount options Lens: Ni on AF NIKKOR 50mm /1.8D lens Power: Three internal power supplies Cables: USB A to mini-B cable DVI to HDMI ca le Power cables Software: PC-based control software 460-3488-ND SOMXC6748-10-1602AHCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $218.95 460-3492-ND SOMXOMAPL138-10-1602AHCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $229.10 NEW! Zoom™ AM3517 eXperimenter Kit 460-3493-ND DLP-LC-DLP5500-10R DLP Li htCommander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2867.48 This oom Development Kit provides a product-ready hardware and so tware plat orm or evaluatin the unctionality o the Texas Instruments™ TI AM3517 processor and the Lo ic System on Module SOM . oom Am3517 eXperimenter Kit contains AM3517 SOM-M2 eXperimenter ase oard 5V power supply with US, UK, Japan, and Europe power adapters Serial ca le null-modem USB A to mini-B ca le 460-3494-ND DLP-CB-DLPC200-10R Controller Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1903.58 460-3486-ND The DLP LightCommander includes both the DMD Board and Controller Board. The Controller Board is available for purchase in production volumes. SDK-AM3517-10-256512R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $332.05 BlueStreak MCU/SoC The 16/32 it BlueStrea MCU/SoCs o er hi her per ormance than ordinary 16- it MCU utilizin the ARM7TDMI core with 32KB o on-chip SRAM, color and rayscale LCD controller, plus three UARTs, SPI, CAN 2.0B, three 16- it Counter/Timers, A/D Converter, Watchdo Timer and Low Volta e Detector, they are an excellent solution to speed-versus-cost concerns. Applications include GPS, PDA, Printers/Copiers, Security Control Panels, and White Goods. The 32- it series o BlueStrea MCU/SoCs e ins with the LH795x and LH754xx, which com ine a 32- it ARM7TDMI RISC core with 8KB Cache, MMU, color LCD controller, and 32KB SRAM. Also included are a num er o essential peripherals such as a DMA Controller, Serial Memory Size RAM Bytes GP I/O Pins UART CAN DMA USB Microwire Timer/ Counters 16-bit PWM and Parallel Inter aces, In rared Support, Counter/Timers, Real Time Cloc , Watchdo Timer, Pulse Width Modulators and an on-chip Phase Loc Loop. For more power, the LH7A40x SoCs uild on this asic eature set with 80KB o SRAM, ARM9 cores and add hi hly-desired unctionality li e USB and MMC. With their hi h per ormance and inte ration, the 32-bit BlueStreak devices are a great choice as a basis for handheld devices like GPS, Games, PDAs, Pocket PCs, and Media Players. Features: Operating Temperature Industrial -40 C 85 C VCC 1.8V SPI es WDT es JTAG es ADC LCD Controller Clock Speed (MHz) Package Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Sharp Part No. 76 3 2.0B 4-Channel — es 3 3 8-Ch, 10-Bit Gray 70 144-TQFP 425-1860-ND 12.10 LH75400N0M100C0 86 3 w/IrDA — 4-Channel v2.0 es 3 3 10-Ch, 10-Bit Color 77.4 176-LQFP 425-1866-ND 20.38 LH79525N0M100A0 60 3 w/IrDA — 10-Channel v2.0 es 3 2 — Color 200 256-CABGA 425-1867-ND 24.95 LH7A400N0E000B3A 64 3 w/IrDA — 12-Channel v2.0 es 3 2 10-Ch, 10-Bit Color 200 324-CABGA 425-1868-ND 35.15 LH7A404N0E000B0A 32K 80K 108 108 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 BASIC Stamp® Microcontrollers More advanced commands let the BASIC Stamp module inter ace with other inte rated circuits, communicate with each other, and operate in networks. The BASIC Stamp microcontroller has prospered in ho y, lower-volume en ineerin pro ects and education due to ease o use and a wide support base of free application resources. Javelin Stamp™ Module BS2px-IC Package PCB with Proto/ 14-pin SIP 24-pin DIP 24-pin DIP 24-pin DIP 24-pin DIP 40-pin DIP 24-pin DIP 24-pin DIP 24-pin DIP Package Size (L x W x H) 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 / 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.1 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.4 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.4 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.4 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.4 2.1 x 0.6 x 0.4 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.4 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.4 1.24 x 0.6 x 0.45 Environment◊ 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F ‡ 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F ‡ 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C 32 F 158 F Microcontroller Microchip PIC16C56a Microchip PIC16C57c Ubicom SX28AC Ubicom SX28AC Ubicom SX48AC Ubicom SX48AC Ubicom SX48AC Ubicom SX48AC Ubicom SX48AC Processor Speed 4 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz 50 MHz 20MHz Tur o 20 MHz Tur o 8 MHz Tur o 32 MHz Tur o 25 MHz Tur o 4,000 Instructions/ sec. 4,000 Instructions/ sec. 10,000 Instructions/ sec. 12,000 Instructions/ sec. 38 Bytes 12 I/O, 26 Varia le 12,000 Instructions/ sec. 38 Bytes 12 I/O, 26 Varia le 6,000 Instructions/ sec. 38 Bytes 12 I/O, 26 Varia le 19,000 Instructions/ sec. 38 Bytes 12 I/O, 26 Varia le 8,500 Instructions/ sec. Program 2,000 Execution Speed Instructions/sec. RAM Size 16 Bytes 2 I/O, 14 Varia le 0C 32 F 70 C 158 F 32 Bytes 6 I/O, 32 Bytes 6 I/O, 32 Bytes 6 I/O, 26 Varia le 26 Varia le 26 Varia le 128 Bytes 128 Bytes 128 Bytes EEPROM (Program) Size 8 x 2K Bytes, 4,000 Instructions 32 2 Dedicated Serial 16 x 2K Bytes 16K or source 16 2 Dedicated Serial 8 x 2K Bytes, 4000 Instructions 16 2 Dedicated Serial 5 12VDC 5 12VDC 5 12VDC 5 24VDC 32,768 Bytes 16 Voltage Requirements 5 Current Draw @ 5V 1mA Run / 25 A Sleep 3mA Run / 50 A Sleep 20mA Run / 200 A Sleep 60mA Run / 500 A Sleep 40mA Run / 350 A Sleep 40mA Run / 350 A Sleep 15mA Run / 36 A Sleep 55mA Run / 450 A Sleep 80mA Run / No Sleep Source / Sink Current per I/O 20mA / 25mA 20mA / 25mA 30mA / 30mA 30mA / 30mA 30mA / 30mA 30mA / 30mA 30mA / 30mA 30mA / 30mA 30mA / 30mA Source / Sink Current per unit 40mA / 50mA PBASIC Commands▲ 32 40mA / 50mA per 8 I/O pins PC Programming Serial with BS1 Interface Serial Adapter Windows Text Editor ◊ 70 Stampw.exe v2.1 and up Non-condensin Humidity 12VDC 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 5 12VDC 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 12VDC 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 60mA / 60mA per 8 I/O pins 42 45 45 61 61 61 63 0 Java Serial Port 9600 aud Serial Port 9600 aud Serial Port 9600 aud Serial Port 9600 aud Serial Port 9600 aud Serial Port 9600 aud Serial Port 19200 aud Serial Port 28800 aud Stampw.exe v1.04 and up Stampw.exe v1.096 and up Stampw.exe v1.091 and up Stampw.exe v1.1 and up Stampw.exe v1.1 and up Stampw.exe v1.33 and up Stampw.exe v2.2 and up Javelin Stamp IDE ‡ Industrial Models Availa le, -40 C 85 C -40 F Digi-Key Part No. Description 5 185 F . 1 ATN 3 22 RES 21 VDD 20 P15 19 P14 18 P13 17 P12 16 P11 15 P10 14 P9 13 P8 6 128 Bytes 8 x 2K Bytes, 4,000 Instructions 16 2 Dedicated Serial 5 VSS P1 64 Bytes 8 x 2K Bytes, 4,000 Instructions 16 2 Dedicated Serial 15VDC 23 N/A 64 Bytes 8 x 2K Bytes, 4,000 Instructions 16 2 Dedicated Serial 5 2 5 N/A 15VDC SIN 4 2K Bytes, 500 Instructions 2 Dedicated Serial VIN P0 N/A 16 24 VSS 256 Bytes, 80 Instructions 8 1 32,768 Bytes Scratch Pad RAM Number of I/O pins SOUT P2 7 P3 8 P4 9 P5 10 P6 11 P7 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 VSS VSS VDD VDD SDA SCL RX TX P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 VSS LM2936 5V Reg. BS2pe-IC IN GND GND NC BS2p40-IC OUT GND GND NC BS2p24-IC 15µF, 16V 10kΩ BS2sx-IC 24LC16B/ISN EEPROM BS2e-IC 20-MHz Res. BS2-IC PBASIC 2CI/SS Interpreter Chip Parallax custom PIC16F57-I/SS Rev.D / BS1-IC VDD WP SCL SDA Released Products NC NC NC VSS Features: A BASIC Stamp is a sin le- oard computer that runs the Parallax PBASIC lan ua e interpreter in its microcontroller. The developer’s code is stored in an EEPROM, which can also be used for data storage. The PBASIC lan ua e has easy-to-use commands or asic I/O, li e turnin devices on or o , inter acin with sensors, etc. GND VDD OUT RES 28 XI 27 XO 26 P15 25 P14 24 P13 23 P12 22 P11 21 P10 20 P9 19 P8 18 P7 17 P6 16 P5 15 Usin PBASIC 2.5 or BS2-type models. Price Each 5 10 25 Digi-Key Part No. Description BASIC Stamp Modules Price Each 5 10 1 25 Stamps in Class Educational Kits † BS1-IC BASIC Stamp Module STAMP1-ND 29.00 27.55 26.10 24.65 Understandin Si nals Kit BS2-IC BASIC Stamp Module STAMP2-ND 49.00 46.55 44.10 41.65 What s a Microcontroller BASIC Stamp 2e Module BS2E-IC-ND 54.00 51.30 48.60 45.90 Ro otics Parts Kit and Text Parts Kit and Text 28119-ND 159.99 151.99 144.00 28152-ND 69.99 66.49 63.00 139.99 59.50 28154-ND 89.99 85.49 81.00 76.50 BASIC Stamp 2sx Module BS2SX-IC-ND 59.00 56.05 53.10 50.15 Boe-Bot Full Kit 28132-ND 159.99 151.99 144.00 136.00 BASIC Stamp 2p24 pin Module BS2P24-IC-ND 79.00 75.05 71.10 67.15 Boe-Bot Ro ot Kit, USB Version 28832-ND NEW! 159.99 151.99 144.00 136.00 BASIC Stamp 2p40 pin Module BS2P40-IC-ND BASIC Stamp 2pe Module BS2PE-IC-ND NEW! BASIC Stamp 2px Module BS2PX24-ND NEW! BASIC Stamp Javelin Module JS1-IC-ND 89.00 84.55 80.10 75.66 49.99 47.49 45.00 42.50 75.00 71.25 67.50 63.75 Parallax USB Oscilloscope 28014-ND NEW! 139.99 132.99 126.00 119.00 Board o Education USB , Full Kit (No power supply is included) 28803-ND NEW! 99.99 94.99 90.00 85.00 79.00 75.05 71.10 67.15 89.99 85.49 81.00 76.50 BASIC Stamp Starter Kits BASIC Stamp 1 Starter Kit 27205-ND 59.99 56.99 54.00 51.00 BASIC Stamp 2OEM Module Kit 27291-ND 30.99 29.44 27.90 — BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit 27207-ND NEW! 159.99 151.99 144.00 136.00 Professional Development Board 28138-ND NEW! 159.99 151.99 144.00 136.00 Prototype and Development Boards BASIC Stamp Super Carrier Board 27130-ND 19.99 18.99 18.00 17.00 Board of Education 28150-ND 69.99 66.49 63.00 59.50 BS1-IC Carrier Board STAMP1C-ND 4.99 4.74 4.63 4.37 STAMP2C-ND 15.99 15.19 14.40 13.60 BS2-IC Carrier Board BASIC Stamp Accessory Modules BASIC Stamp 1 Serial Adapter 27111-ND 4.99 — — — Motor Mind B 27961-ND 29.99 — — — PWMPAL 4 Output Channels 28020-ND 29.99 — — — DS2760 Thermocouple Kit 28022-ND 34.99 — — — Application Kits Parallax Standard Servo Motor 900-00005-ND 12.99 — — — Little Step U-Stepper Motor Controller 27938-ND 69.99 66.49 63.00 61.24 Books Basic Analo and Di ital Parts Kit and Text 28155-ND NEW! Sensors and Accessories NEW! Serial LCD, 2 Rows X 16 Characters Bac lit 27977-ND 29.99 28.49 27.00 26.24 Serial LCD, 4 Rows X 20 Characters Bac lit 27979-ND 39.99 37.91 36.00 34.99 25.50 28015-ND 29.99 28.49 27.00 Sensirion Temperature/Humidity Sensor PING 28018-ND 35.99 34.19 33.74 — RFID Reader Module 28140-ND 39.99 — — — RFID 54mm X 85mm Rectan le Ta 28141-ND .99 .94 .90 .85 Hitachi® HM55B Compass Module 29123-ND 29.99 28.49 27.00 25.50 FlexiForce Sensor Kit, 25l s. 30056-ND 25.99 — — — PIR Passive In ra-Red Sensor 555-28027-ND 9.99 9.49 9.00 8.50 PING Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Brac et Kit 2X16 Parallel LCD 570-28015-ND 19.99 — — — 603-00006-ND 29.99 28.49 27.00 26.24 Piezo Film Vi ra Ta Mass 605-00004-ND 2.01 — — — Solderless Breadboard 700-00012-ND 3.99 3.79 3.60 3.49 9VDC 300mA Power Supply 750-00008-ND 5.99 5.69 5.62 — 7.5V 1A Power Supply 750-00009-ND 10.99 10.44 10.30 — USB A to Mini B Retractable Cable 805-00010-ND 4.99 4.74 4.50 4.25 14 inch LCD Extension Cable 805-00012-ND 2.79 2.65 2.51 2.44 Continuous Rotation Servo 900-00008-ND 12.99 12.34 11.70 11.37 NEW! Programmable Logic Controller — RoHS Compliant NEW! BASIC Stamp Manual Version 2.0 27218-ND 25.99 24.69 23.40 22.10 Parallax CD-ROM 27000-ND 1.99 1.89 1.80 1.70 BASIC Stamp PLC Pac a e RoHS Compliant 30064-ND 199.99 — — — † Re uires the Board o Education Full Kit or BASIC Stamp II Starter Kit More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 109 109 C Propeller™ and SX Chips Propeller Chip: The Propeller Chip makes it easy to rapidly develop embedded applications. Its eight processors (cogs) can operate simultaneously, either independently or cooperatively, sharing common resources through a central hub. The developer has full control over how and when each cog is employed; there is no compiler-driven or operating system-driven splitting of tasks among multiple cogs. A shared system clock keeps each cog on the same time reference, allowing for true deterministic timing and synchronization. Two programming languages are available: the easy-to-learn high-level Spin, and Propeller Assembly which can execute at up to 160 MIPS (20 MIPS per cog). Cog 0 Cog 1 Cog 2 Cog 3 SX Chip: The Parallax SX Chip is a RISC architecture, high-speed microcontroller with expanded flash program memory, in-system programming and debugging capability. Operating at frequencies up to 75 MHz with an optimized single-cycle instruction set, developers can implement real-time functions as software modules. Common examples include communication interfaces (I2C, SPI, UARTs), frequency generation and measurement, PWM, and sigma-delta A/D. Cog 4 Cog 5 Cog 7 Cog 6 Pin Directions Pin Outputs I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter B + PLL Counter A + PLL I/O Output Reg. I/O Direction Reg. Video Generator Counter A + PLL C Counter B + PLL 32 32 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM 512 X 32 RAM Processor Processor Processor Processor Processor Processor Processor Processor P31 P30 P29 P15 P28 P12 P11 P14 P13 P27 P26 P25 P24 P23 P22 P10 P9 P8 P7 I/O Pins P6 P5 P4 P21 P20 P19 P3 P2 P1 P18 P17 P16 P0 32 32 Pin Inputs 32 System Counter 32 Data Bus 16 Address Bus P29 P28 P27 34 P31 P30 VDD VSS 40 39 38 37 36 35 P3 P2 P1 P0 44 44 42 41 VSS P4 1 33 P5 P6 P7 VSS BOEn 2 3 32 29 28 27 26 25 21 22 17 18 19 20 11 15 16 P8X32A-Q44 AYWWXZZ 9 10 12 P9 P10 4 5 6 7 8 13 14 RESn VDD P8 31 30 P26 P25 P24 VDD XO RESET CLKSEL RESn RC Oscillator 12 MHz/ 20 KHz SOFTRES 5 P23 P22 24 P21 23 P20 PLLENA XI OSCENA OSCMODE 2 Crystal Oscillator DC - 80 MHz (4 - 8 MHz with Clock PLL) Clock Selector (MUX) Bus Sequencer Cog 1 Hub Cog Enables CLOCK Cog 6 Lock Bits (8) Clock PLL 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x (16x must be 64 - 128 MHz) Cog 0 Cog 7 8192 X 32 ROM 3 Systems Counter CLOCK 8192 X 32 RAM 3 XI VSS P17 P18 P19 VDD P16 P15 VSS P14 P12 P13 Reset Delay (~50 ms) Brown Out Detector BOEn XO P11 Hub Power Up Detector (~10 ms) VDD Cog 2 RAM, ROM, Configuration, Control. SOFTRES PLLENA OSCENA OSCMODE CLKSEL Configuration Register 2 Cog 5 System Counter Cog 3 Cog 4 3 I/O Pins Hub and Cog Interaction Price Each Digi-Key Part No. Description 1 5 10 25 Propeller Processors — RoHS Compliant IC, 8 32-bit COGs, 40-DIP P8X32A-D40-ND 7.99 7.59 7.49 — IC, 8 32-bit COGs, 44-LQFP (10mm x 10mm) P8X32A-Q44-ND 7.99 7.59 7.49 — IC, 8 32-bit COGs, 44-QFN (10mm x 10mm) P8X32A-M44-ND 7.99 7.59 7.49 — Propeller Kits Demo Board Kit 32100PAR-ND 79.99 75.99 — 69.99 Propeller Starter Kit 32300-ND 99.99 94.99 — 87.49 Propeller Accessories Kit 32311-ND 124.99 — — — Propeller Education Kit 32305-ND 99.99 — — — Propeller Proto Board 32212PAR-ND◆ HYDRA Game Development Kit 32360-ND NEW! Propeller Development Board NEW! 24.99 23.74 22.50 21.87 199.99 189.99 187.49 — NEW! Propeller Accessories NEW! Prop Plug, USB to Serial Adapter for Propeller Circuits 32201-ND◆ Parallax PS/2 Optical Mouse 32350-ND Mini LCD A/V Color Display 603-32000-ND 15.93 — — — 6.74 — — — 112.49 — — — 3.76 3.70 — 85.49 81.00 78.74 NEW! SX Chip — RoHS Compliant NEW! Configurable Communication Controller, 20 I/O, 2K EE/Flash, 50MHz, 28-SSOP SX28AC/SS-G-ND 3.95 NEW! SX Starter Kit — RoHS Compliant NEW! SX Tech Tool Kit 45180-ND 89.99 ◆ RoHS Compliant 110 110 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 OTP 8-Bit Microcontrollers Operatin Temperature Ran e Memory Size Program RAM Words Bytes 25 x 8 512 x 14 512 x 14 1K x 14 2K x 14 Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C Commercial 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C I/O Lines ADC Timers/ WDT Interface 12 — 1-8 it / es — Int. Oscillator Max. Speed (MHz) (MHz) — 4 Operating Temperature Package Commercial 18-DIP Digi-Key Part No. 1 PIC16HV540-04/P-ND 2.02 Price Each 10 25 1.48 1.44 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16HV540-04/SO-ND 2.04 1.51 1.47 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16HV540-20/P-ND 2.16 1.57 1.53 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16HV540-20/SO-ND 2.18 1.61 1.57 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16HV540-04I/P-ND 2.02 1.48 1.44 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-SOIC PIC16HV540-04I/SO-ND 2.04 1.51 1.47 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 28-DIP PIC16C55A-04/P-ND 2.46 1.81 1.77 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C55A-04/SO-ND◆ 2.56 1.88 1.83 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C55A-04/SP-ND◆ 2.46 1.81 1.77 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 28-DIP PIC16C55A-04I/P-ND◆ 2.70 1.99 1.94 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 28-SOIC PIC16C55A-04I/SO-ND◆ 2.82 2.07 2.02 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 28-DIP PIC16C55A-20/P-ND◆ 2.74 2.02 1.97 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C55A-20/SO-ND◆ 2.86 2.10 2.05 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 28-DIP .3 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 28-DIP PIC16C55A-20/SP-ND◆ 2.74 2.02 1.97 PIC16LC55A-04/P-ND 2.58 1.89 1.84 25 x 8 20 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16LC55A-04/SO-ND 2.68 1.97 1.92 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C554-04/P-ND◆ 3.24 2.70 2.60 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C554-04/SO-ND◆ 3.32 2.76 2.66 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C620A-04/P-ND◆ 1.96 1.44 1.41 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C620A-04/SO-ND◆ 2.02 1.48 1.44 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C620A-04I/P-ND◆ 1.96 1.44 1.41 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C620A-20/P-ND◆ 2.08 1.54 1.50 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C620A-20/SO-ND◆ 2.16 1.57 1.53 12.68 10.15 8.52 2.28 1.67 1.63 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-CDIP PIC16C56A/JW-ND† 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C56A-04/P-ND◆ 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C56A-04/SO-ND◆ 2.32 1.70 1.66 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C56A-04I/P-ND◆ 2.48 1.83 1.78 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-SOIC PIC16C56A-04I/SO-ND◆ 2.54 1.86 1.81 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C56A-20/P-ND◆ 2.42 1.78 1.74 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C56A-20/SO-ND◆ 2.46 1.81 1.77 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C56A-20I/P-ND◆ 2.68 1.96 1.91 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Industrial 18-SOIC PIC16C56A-20I/SO-ND 2.72 2.01 1.96 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16LC56A-04/P-ND 2.36 1.75 1.71 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16LC56A-04/SO-ND 2.42 1.78 1.74 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16LC56A-04I/P-ND 2.62 1.93 1.88 25 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-SOIC PIC16LC56A-04I/SO-ND 2.68 1.96 1.91 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C621A-04/P-ND◆ 2.20 1.62 1.58 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C621A-04/SO-ND◆ 2.24 1.65 1.61 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C621A-04I/P-ND◆ 2.42 1.78 1.74 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C621A-20/P-ND◆ 2.36 1.73 1.69 80 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C621A-20/SO-ND◆ 2.40 1.77 1.72 11.77 128 x 16 16 8-ch. 8-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es — 4 20 Commercial 20-CDIP PIC16C781/JW-ND 17.52 13.14 128 x 16 16 8-ch. 8-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es — 4 20 Industrial 20-DIP PIC16C781-I/P-ND 4.84 3.14 3.03 128 x 16 16 8-ch. 8-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es — 4 20 Industrial 20-SOIC PIC16C781-I/SO-ND 4.92 3.21 3.10 10.22 128 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 20-CDIP PIC16C432/JW-ND† 15.20 12.16 128 x 8 12 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Industrial 20-SSOP PIC16C432-I/SS-ND 4.56 2.97 2.87 128 x 8 6 4-ch. 8-Bit 1-8 it / es — 4 10 Commercial 18-CDIP PIC16C433/JW-ND† 11.57 11.15 10.93 128 x 8 6 4-ch. 8-Bit 1-8 it / es — 4 10 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C433-I/P-ND 4.26 3.20 2.69 128 x 8 6 4-ch. 8-Bit 1-8 it / es — 4 10 Industrial 18-SOIC PIC16C433-I/SO-ND 4.26 3.20 2.69 128 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C62B-04/SP-ND◆ 3.84 2.82 2.75 128 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C62B-04/SO-ND◆ 3.84 2.82 2.75 128 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 28-SSOP PIC16C62B-04/SS-ND◆ 4.06 2.99 2.91 128 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Industrial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C62B-04I/SP-ND◆ 4.24 3.11 3.03 128 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C62B-20/SP-ND◆ 4.10 3.02 2.94 128 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C62B-20/SO-ND◆ 4.10 3.02 2.94 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-SSOP PIC16C62B-20/SS-ND◆ 4.34 3.18 128 x 8 ◆ RoHS Compliant † UVEPROM 3.10 (Continued) More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 111 111 C OTP 8-Bit Microcontrollers Operatin Temperature Ran e Memory Size Program RAM Words Bytes 128 x 8 2K x 14 C 4K x 14 8K x 14 Industrial -40 F (Cont.) 185 F -40 C 85 C Commercial 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C Int. Oscillator Max. Speed (MHz) (MHz) I/O Lines ADC Timers/ WDT Interface 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Operating Temperature Package Industrial 28-DIP .3 Digi-Key Part No. 1 PIC16C62B-20I/SP-ND◆ 4.52 Price Each 10 25 3.32 3.24 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C622A-04/P-ND◆ 2.48 1.83 1.78 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C622A-04/SO-ND◆ 2.54 1.86 1.81 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C622A-04I/P-ND◆ 2.72 2.01 1.96 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C622A-20/P-ND◆ 2.68 1.96 1.91 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C622A-20/SO-ND◆ 2.70 1.99 1.94 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Industrial 18-DIP PIC16C622A-20I/P-ND◆ 2.92 2.15 2.10 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Industrial 18-SOIC PIC16C622A-20I/SO-ND◆ 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 20 Commercial 18-CDip PIC16C558/JW-ND† 2.98 2.18 2.13 14.14 10.61 9.50 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-DIP PIC16C558-04/P-ND 4.26 3.54 3.41 128 x 8 13 — 1-8 it / es — — 4 Commercial 18-SOIC PIC16C558-04/SO-ND 4.36 3.61 3.48 256 x 8 15 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI 4 20 Industrial 20-SOIC 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C770-I/SO-ND 3.84 2.50 2.41 PIC16C63A-04/SP-ND◆ 4.68 3.45 3.36 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C63A-04/SO-ND◆ 4.68 3.45 3.36 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 28-SSOP PIC16C63A-04/SS-ND◆ 4.90 3.61 3.52 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Industrial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C63A-04I/SP-ND◆ 5.18 3.80 3.70 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Industrial 28-SOIC PIC16C63A-04I/SO-ND◆ 5.18 3.80 3.70 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Industrial 28-SSOP PIC16C63A-04I/SS-ND◆ 5.40 3.98 3.88 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C63A-20/SP-ND◆ 5.04 3.71 3.61 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C63A-20/SO-ND◆ 5.04 3.71 3.61 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-SSOP PIC16C63A-20/SS-ND◆ 5.26 3.87 3.77 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C63A-20I/SP-ND◆ 5.54 4.08 3.97 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 28-SOIC PIC16C63A-20I/SO-ND◆ 5.54 4.08 3.97 192 x 8 22 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 28-SSOP 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 40-DIP PIC16C63A-20I/SS-ND◆ 5.78 4.25 4.14 PIC16C65B-04/P-ND◆ 5.26 3.87 3.77 5.30 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Commercial 44-PLCC PIC16C65B-04/L-ND◆ 6.79 5.66 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 4 Industrial 40-DIP PIC16C65B-04I/P-ND◆ 5.82 4.27 4.16 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 40-DIP PIC16C65B-20/P-ND◆ 5.64 4.14 4.03 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 44-PLCC PIC16C65B-20/L-ND◆ 7.20 6.00 5.62 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 40-DIP PIC16C65B-20I/P-ND◆ 6.20 4.56 4.44 192 x 8 33 — 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART, SSP 2MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 44-PLCC PIC16C65B-20I/L-ND◆ 256 x 8 15 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es SSP MI2C, SPI 4 20 Commercial 20-CDIP PIC16C771/JW-ND† 7.06 6.53 6.11 14.84 11.13 9.97 256 x 8 22 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C773/SP-ND 5.90 4.33 4.22 256 x 8 22 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16C773/SO-ND 5.90 4.33 4.22 256 x 8 22 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 28-DIP .3 PIC16C773-I/SP-ND 6.48 4.77 4.64 256 x 8 22 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 28-SOIC PIC16C773-I/SO-ND 6.48 4.77 4.64 256 x 8 22 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-DIP .3 PIC16LC773/SP-ND 6.20 4.56 4.44 256 x 8 22 6-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 28-SOIC PIC16LC773/SO-ND 6.20 4.56 4.44 256 x 8 33 10-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 40-DIP PIC16C774/P-ND 7.16 5.25 5.11 256 x 8 33 10-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 40-DIP PIC16C774-I/P-ND 7.88 5.79 5.64 256 x 8 33 10-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Industrial 44-PLCC PIC16C774-I/L-ND 8.42 7.01 6.75 256 x 8 33 10-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 40-DIP PIC16LC774/P-ND 7.50 5.52 5.38 256 x 8 33 10-ch. 12-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es AUSART, SSP MI2C, SPI — 20 Commercial 44-PLCC 256 x 8 22 5-ch. 8-Bit 1-16 it / es USART — 20 Industrial 28-DIP .3 PIC16LC774/L-ND 8.10 6.73 6.48 PIC16C745-I/SP-ND 4.74 3.08 2.97 256 x 8 22 5-ch. 8-Bit 1-16 it / es USART — 20 Industrial 28-SOIC PIC16C745-I/SO-ND 4.74 3.08 2.97 256 x 8 33 8-ch. 8-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART — 20 Industrial 44-PLCC PIC16C765-I/L-ND 5.94 4.37 4.25 256 x 8 33 8-ch. 8-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART — 20 Industrial 40-DIP PIC16C765-I/P-ND 5.66 3.68 3.55 256 x 8 33 8-ch. 8-Bit 2-8 it, 1-16 it / es USART — 20 Industrial 44-TQFP PIC16C765-I/PT-ND 6.52 4.23 4.08 ◆ RoHS Compliant † UVEPROM Microcontrollers PIC18Cs Program Memory Type ROMless PROM 112 112 Program Bytes Memory Size RAM EEPROM Bytes Bytes Timer/ I/O Counters Pins 8/16-bit UART — 1536 — 26 1/3 1 USART — 1536 — 37 1/3 1 USART — 1536 — 37 1/3 1 USART 16K x 16 1536 — 52 1/3 1 USART 16K x 16 1536 — 52 1/3 1 USART I2C 1 Master/ Slave 1 Master/ Slave SPI CAN PWM A/D Analog Comp. Int Osc Clock Speed (MHz) VCC (V) Operating Temp. Digi-Key Package Part No. 1 — 2 8-ch. 10- it — — 25 4.2 5.5 Industrial 1 — 2 12-ch. 10- it — — 25 4.2 5.5 1 — 2 12-ch. 10- it — — 25 4.2 5.5 1 CAN 2.0B 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 — 40 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 — 40 1 10 25 68-PLCC PIC18C601-I/L-ND 5.30 4.41 4.25 Industrial 84-PLCC PIC18C801-I/L-ND 6.52 5.41 5.21 Industrial 80-TQFP PIC18C801-I/PT-ND 5.88 4.88 4.70 4.2 5.5 Industrial 68-PLCC PIC18C658-I/L-ND 12.66 9.31 9.07 4.2 5.5 Industrial 64-TQFP PIC18C658-I/PT-ND 12.12 8.92 8.69 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Price Each 1 Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 General Purpose 8-bit PIC Flash Microcontrollers ® PIC10F Devices Memory Size Program RAM EEPROM Words Bytes Bytes 16 — 16 — 16 — 16 — 16 — 256 x 12 16 — 16 — 16 — 16 — 16 — 24 — 24 — 24 — 24 — 24 — 512 x 12 24 — 23 — 23 — 23 — † Cut Tape Timer/ I/O Counters Pins 8-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — 4 1 — — — A/D — — — — — — — 2-ch. 8-bit 2-ch. 8-bit 2-ch. 8-bit — — — — — — 2-ch. 8-bit 2-ch. 8-bit 2-ch. 8-bit ‡ For Tape and Reel part number, change CT-ND to TR-ND. Analog Comp. — — — — 1 1 1 — — — 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — — Int. Osc. 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz Clock Speed (MHz) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 VCC (V) 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Package 8-DFN 8-DIP SOT23-6 SOT23-6 8-DFN 8-DIP SOT23-6 8-DFN 8-DIP SOT23-6 8-DFN 8-DIP SOT23-6 8-DFN 8-DIP SOT23-6 8-DFN 8-DIP SOT23-6 Digi-Key Part No. PIC10F200-I/MC-ND PIC10F200-I/P-ND PIC10F200T-E/OTCT-ND† NEW! PIC10F200T-I/OTCT-ND† PIC10F204-I/MC-ND PIC10F204-I/P-ND PIC10F204T-I/OTCT-ND† PIC10F220-I/MC-ND PIC10F220-I/P-ND PIC10F220T-I/OTCT-ND† PIC10F202-I/MC-ND PIC10F202-I/P-ND PIC10F202T-I/OTCT-ND† PIC10F206-I/MC-ND PIC10F206-I/P-ND PIC10F206T-I/OTCT-ND† PIC10F222-I/MC-ND PIC10F222-I/P-ND PIC10F222T-I/OTCT-ND† Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C 1 .56 .58 .92 .59 .62 .64 .65 .66 .68 .70 .62 .64 .65 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .77 Price Each 10 .44 .46 .54 .41 .48 .50 .45 .52 .54 .49 .48 .50 .45 .52 .54 .49 .56 .58 .53 25 .41 .42 .52 .38 .44 .46 .42 .48 .49 .45 .44 .46 .42 .48 .49 .45 .51 .53 .49 Tape and Reel Pricing‡ 3,000 — — 510.00/M 340.00/M — — 380.00/M — — 410.00/M — — 380.00/M — — 410.00/M — — 440.00/M Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C PIC12F Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Analog Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Comp. 25 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 25 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 512 x 12 25 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 25 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 — 5 1/ — — — — — — 38 — 5 1/ — — — — 3-ch. 8-bit 1 38 — 5 1/ — — — — 3-ch. 8-bit 1 1K x 12 38 — 5 1/ — — — — 3-ch. 8-bit 1 41 64 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 64 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 64 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 64 5 1/ — — — — — — 41 64 5 1/ — — — — — — 38 — 5 1/ — — — — 3-ch. 8-bit 1 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — — 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — — 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — — 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — — 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — — 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 — 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — 1 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — 1 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — 1 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 — 5 2/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 1K x 14 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — — 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 64 128 5 1/1 — — — — 4-ch. 10- it 1 † Cut Tape ‡ Tape and Reel Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 185 F -40 C 85 C Int. Osc. 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz, 8MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz Clock Speed (MHz) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Commercial 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C VCC (V) 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 User De ned User De ned User De ned 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 User De ned User De ned User De ned 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Hi h Hi h Hi h Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ext. Ext. Package 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-MSOP 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIJ 8-SOIC 8-MSOP 8-MSOP 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-MSOP 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-MSOP 8-DFN 8-DFN 8-DFN 8-MSOP 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-MSOP 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-MSOP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DFN 8-MSOP 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC 8-SOIC 8-DFN 8-DIP 8-SOIC Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Digi-Key Part No. PIC12F508-I/MC-ND PIC12F508-I/P-ND PIC12F508-I/SN-ND PIC12F508-I/MS-ND PIC12F509-I/MC-ND PIC12F509-I/P-ND PIC12F509-I/SM-ND PIC12F509-I/SN-ND PIC12F509-I/MS-ND PIC12F510-I/MS-ND PIC12F510-I/P-ND PIC12F510-I/SN-ND PIC12F519-I/MC-ND PIC12F519-I/MS-ND PIC12F519-I/P-ND PIC12F519-I/SN-ND PIC12F519-E/MS-ND PIC12F510-I/MC-ND PIC12F609-I/MD-ND PIC12F609-I/MF-ND PIC12F609-I/MS-ND PIC12F609-I/P-ND PIC12F609-I/SN-ND PIC12F609T-I/SNTR-ND‡ NEW! PIC12HV609-I/MS-ND PIC12HV609-I/P-ND PIC12HV609-I/SN-ND PIC12F615-H/MD-ND NEW! PIC12F615-H/MS-ND NEW! PIC12F615-H/SN-ND NEW! PIC12F615-I/MD-ND PIC12F615-I/MF-ND PIC12F615-I/MS-ND PIC12F615-I/P-ND PIC12F615-I/SN-ND PIC12HV615-I/MF-ND PIC12HV615-I/P-ND PIC12HV615-I/SN-ND PIC12F629-I/MD-ND PIC12F629-I/MF-ND PIC12F629-I/P-ND PIC12F629-I/SN-ND PIC12F629-E/MF-ND PIC12F629-E/P-ND PIC12F629-E/SN-ND PIC12F629T-E/SNCT-ND† PIC12F629T-E/SNTR-ND‡ PIC12F635-I/MD-ND PIC12F635-I/MF-ND PIC12F635-I/P-ND PIC12F635-I/SN-ND PIC12F675-I/MD-ND PIC12F675-I/MF-ND PIC12F675-I/P-ND PIC12F675-I/SN-ND PIC12F675T-I/SNTR-ND‡ PIC12F675-E/MF-ND PIC12F675-E/P-ND PIC12F675-E/SN-ND Hi h -40 F 302 F -40 C 150 C 1 .82 .84 .72 .78 .88 .90 .90 .78 .86 .94 .98 .86 .96 .94 .98 .86 1.02 .96 1.04 1.04 .98 1.04 .90 1.06 1.10 .98 1.38 1.34 1.26 1.08 1.08 1.04 1.08 .96 1.16 1.16 1.04 1.64 1.46 1.40 1.28 1.60 1.54 1.40 1.64 1.72 1.72 1.66 1.54 2.02 1.60 1.54 1.40 1.74 1.68 1.54 Price Each 10 .64 .66 .56 .62 .69 .71 .71 .62 .67 .73 .77 .67 .75 .73 .77 .67 .80 .75 .81 .81 .77 .81 .71 2079.00/3,300 .83 .87 .77 1.09 1.05 .99 .85 .85 .81 .85 .75 .91 .91 .81 1.36 .97 .92 .84 1.05 1.01 .92 .97 3035.99/3,300 1.13 1.13 1.09 1.01 1.67 1.05 1.01 .92 3035.99/3,300 1.14 1.10 1.02 25 .58 .60 .51 .57 .64 .65 .65 .57 .62 .67 .71 .62 .69 .67 .71 .62 .73 .69 .74 .74 .71 .74 .65 .76 .80 .71 1.00 .96 .91 .78 .78 .74 .78 .69 .83 .83 .74 1.33 .94 .90 .82 1.03 .98 .90 .94 1.11 1.11 1.07 .98 1.63 1.03 .98 .90 1.12 1.07 .99 (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 113 113 C General Purpose 8-bit PIC Flash Microcontrollers (Cont.) PIC16F Devices C Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 25 — 12 1/ 512 x 12 25 — 12 1/ 25 — 12 1/ 36 64 13 1/ 512 x 14 36 64 13 1/ 36 64 13 1/ 72 — 11 1/ 72 — 11 1/ 72 — 11 1/ 72 — 11 1/— 67 — 11 1/— 1K x 12 67 — 11 1/ 67 — 11 1/ 67 — 11 1/ 67 64 11 1/— 72 — 12 1/ 67 64 12 1/ 67 64 12 1/ 67 64 12 1/ 64 — 12 1/1 64 — 12 1/1 64 — 12 1/1 64 — 12 1/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 18 1/1 64 128 18 1/1 64 128 18 1/1 64 128 18 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 64 128 12 1/1 128 16 2/1 1K x 14 128 128 128 16 2/1 128 128 16 2/1 128 128 16 2/1 128 128 16 2/1 128 128 16 2/1 128 128 16 2/1 128 128 16 2/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 68 64 13 1/1 64 — 11 1/1 64 — 11 1/1 72 — 20 1/ 72 — 20 1/ 72 — 20 1/ 2K x 12 72 — 20 1/ 134 — 32 1/ 134 — 32 1/ 128 — 12 2/1 128 — 12 2/1 128 — 12 2/1 128 — 12 2/1 128 — 12 2/1 128 — 12 2/1 128 — 12 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 2K x 14 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 224 128 16 2/1 128 256 11 1/1 128 256 11 1/1 128 256 11 1/1 128 256 11 1/1 128 256 11 1/1 128 256 18 1/1 128 256 18 1/1 128 256 18 1/1 128 256 18 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ◆ RoHS Compliant ‡ Tape and Reel Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 114 114 I2C™ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 1 1 1 — — — — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UART — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART — — — — — — — — — 185 F -40 C 85 C Analog Int. SPI™ PWM A/D Comp. Osc. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4MHz — — — — 4MHz — — — — 4MHz — — — — 4MHZ — — 3 — 4MHZ, 8MHZ — — 3-ch. 8-bit 2 8MHz — — 3-ch. 8-bit 2 8MHz — — 3-ch. 8-bit 2 8MHz — — 3 — 4MHZ, 8MHZ — — — — 4MHz — — 3-ch. 8-bit 2 8MHz — — 3-ch. 8-bit 2 8MHz — — 3-ch. 8-bit 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — — — 1 4MHz — — — 1 4MHz — — — 1 4MHz — — — 1 4MHz 1 — — 2 8MHz 1 — — 2 8MHz 1 — — 2 8MHz 1 — — 2 8MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 1 4MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 1 4MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 1 4MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 1 4MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz 1 1 5-ch. 10- it — 8MHz — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 8-ch. 10- it 2 4MHz, 8MHz — 1 8-ch. 10- it 2 4MHz, 8MHz — 1 8-ch. 10- it 2 4MHz, 8MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — — 8-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — 1 — 2 4MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz — — — 2 8MHz, 32 Hz — — 12-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — — 12-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — — 12-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz — — 12-ch. 10- it 2 8MHz Commercial 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C Clock Speed VCC (MHz) (V) 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 6.0 4 2.0 6.0 4 2.0 6.0 20 4.5 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 2.0 ~ 5.5 20 2.0 ~ 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 ~ 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 4.5 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 4.0 5.5 20 4.0 5.5 20 4.0 5.5 20 4.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 4 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 User De ned 20 User De ned 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 3.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 20 2.0 5.5 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Com. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Hi h Hi h Hi h Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Package 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 18-DIP 18-DIP 18-SOIC 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 16-QFN 16-QFN 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 16-QFN 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 14-DIP 14-QFN 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 14-QFN 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 20-QFN 20-DIP 20-SOIC 20-SSOP 16-QFN 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 18-DIP 18-DIP 18-SOIC 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 20-SSOP 18-DIP 18-DIP 18-SOIC 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 20-SSOP 18-DIP 18-DIP 18-SOIC 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 20-SSOP 14-DIP 14-SOIC 28-DIP 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 40-Dip 44-TQFP 16-QFN 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 16-QFN 14-DIP 14-TSSOP 14-SOIC 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 20-SSOP 16-QFN 14-DIP 14-SOIC 14-TSSOP 20-SSOP 20-QFN 20-DIP 20-SOIC 20-SOIC Digi-Key Part No. PIC16F54-I/P-ND◆ PIC16F54-I/SO-ND◆ PIC16F54-I/SS-ND◆ PIC16LF83-04/P-ND◆ PIC16LF83-04I/P-ND◆ PIC16LF83-04/SO-ND◆ PIC16F505-I/P-ND◆ PIC16F505-I/SL-ND◆ PIC16F505-I/ST-ND◆ PIC16F505-I/MG-ND◆ NEW! PIC16F506-I/MG-ND◆ NEW! PIC16F506-I/P-ND◆ PIC16F506-I/SL-ND◆ PIC16F506-I/ST-ND◆ PIC16F526-I/MG-ND◆ NEW! 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More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 115 115 C General Purpose 8-bit PIC Flash Microcontrollers PIC16F Devices (Cont.) C Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 192 — 25 2/1 192 — 25 2/1 192 — 25 2/1 192 — 25 2/1 192 — 25 2/1 192 — 25 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 36 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 192 — 22 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 192 — 33 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 4K x 14 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 22 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 192 128 33 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 368 256 16 2/1 256 256 25 2/1 256 256 25 2/1 256 256 25 2/1 256 256 25 2/1 256 256 36 2/1 256 256 36 2/1 256 256 36 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 128 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 1/2 8K x 14 368 — 25 1/2 368 — 25 1/2 368 — 25 1/2 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 128 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 128 — 36 2/1 UART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART ◆ RoHS Compliant ‡ Tape and Reel Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 116 116 185 F -40 C Analog I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Comp. 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 — — 1 — 2 1 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 — 1 1 7-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 11-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit 2 85 C Commercial 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C Int. 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More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 1 2.40 2.12 2.28 1.96 2.20 1.92 3.02 2.76 2.82 2.58 2.70 2.44 3.14 2.94 2.82 2.88 2.68 2.56 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.84 4.92 4.92 4.92 5.06 5.74 5.30 5.20 5.46 6.02 5.82 5.72 5.90 6.38 7.10 5.70 6.84 6.70 7.44 7.20 6.40 5.98 6.08 6.56 6.70 4.20 3.72 3.84 4.10 4.38 3.92 4.00 4.34 6.08 5.72 5.72 5.84 6.38 6.02 6.02 6.32 7.00 7.20 6.24 7.20 7.36 6.56 7.56 4.46 4.00 4.08 4.38 4.68 4.20 4.26 4.60 2.60 2.18 2.42 2.12 2.82 2.56 2.58 2.74 2.52 2.42 2.20 2.66 2.44 2.38 2.16 2.52 2.20 2.46 2.16 3.28 3.02 3.08 2.82 2.96 2.70 Price Each 10 1.89 1.66 1.79 1.54 1.73 1.50 2.37 2.18 2.22 2.02 2.12 1.93 2.06 1.93 1.85 1.89 1.76 1.68 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.55 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.72 3.83 3.54 3.47 3.64 4.01 3.89 3.82 3.93 4.83 5.23 4.19 5.02 5.08 5.47 5.28 4.27 3.99 4.06 4.38 4.47 2.73 2.43 2.49 2.67 2.86 2.56 2.60 2.81 4.48 4.21 4.21 4.30 4.69 4.41 4.41 4.64 5.31 5.28 4.59 5.28 5.57 4.83 5.55 3.27 2.60 2.66 2.86 3.43 2.73 2.78 3.00 2.04 1.74 1.90 1.70 2.20 2.01 2.03 2.16 1.99 1.91 1.73 2.10 1.93 1.87 1.70 1.99 1.73 1.93 1.70 2.58 2.37 2.43 2.22 2.33 2.12 25 1.73 1.52 1.64 1.41 1.59 1.38 2.17 2.00 2.03 1.86 1.94 1.77 2.01 1.89 1.80 1.85 1.72 1.64 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.46 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.63 3.77 3.48 3.41 3.58 3.94 3.82 3.75 3.87 4.75 5.10 4.08 4.89 4.99 5.33 5.14 4.20 3.92 3.99 4.31 4.40 2.63 2.35 2.40 2.58 2.76 2.47 2.51 2.71 4.36 4.10 4.10 4.19 4.57 4.30 4.30 4.52 5.22 5.14 4.47 5.14 5.48 4.71 5.41 3.19 2.51 2.57 2.76 3.34 2.63 2.69 2.89 1.98 1.69 1.85 1.66 2.14 1.96 1.98 1.98 1.82 1.75 1.59 1.93 1.77 1.71 1.55 1.82 1.59 1.77 1.55 2.37 2.17 2.23 2.03 2.14 1.94 (Continued) General Purpose 8-bit PIC Flash Microcontrollers PIC16F Devices (Cont.) Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 368 — 36 1/2 368 — 36 1/2 368 — 36 1/2 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 22 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 25 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 33 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 — 36 2/1 8K x 14 368 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 — 36 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 22 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 33 2/1 368 256 25 2/1 368 256 25 2/1 368 256 25 2/1 368 256 25 2/1 368 256 36 2/1 368 256 36 2/1 368 256 36 2/1 UART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 USART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 AUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART 1 EUSART ◆ RoHS Compliant ‡ Tape and Reel Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C Analog I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Comp. 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 14-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 1 2 5-ch. 8- it — 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 1 2 8-ch. 8-bit — 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 2 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 MI C 1 MI2C 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 2 5-ch. 8- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 11-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 14-ch. 10- it 2 85 C Int. Osc. 16MHz 16MHz 16MHz — — — — — — — — 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz 4MHz — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz Commercial 32 F 158 F 0 C 70 C Clock Speed (MHz) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 VCC (V) 1.8 5.5 1.8 5.5 1.8 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Package 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-PLCC 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SSOP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC16LF727-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16LF727-I/P-ND◆ PIC16LF727-I/PT-ND◆ PIC16F76-I/ML-ND PIC16F76-I/SO-ND PIC16F76-I/SP-ND PIC16F76-I/SS-ND PIC16LF76-I/ML-ND PIC16LF76-I/SO-ND PIC16LF76-I/SP-ND PIC16LF76-I/SS-ND PIC16F767-I/ML-ND PIC16F767-I/SO-ND PIC16F767-I/SP-ND PIC16F767-I/SS-ND PIC16LF767-I/ML-ND PIC16LF767-I/SO-ND PIC16LF767-I/SP-ND PIC16LF767-I/SS-ND PIC16F77-I/L-ND PIC16F77-I/ML-ND PIC16F77-I/P-ND PIC16LF77-I/L-ND PIC16LF77-I/ML-ND PIC16LF77-I/P-ND PIC16LF77-I/PT-ND PIC16F777-I/ML-ND PIC16F777-I/P-ND PIC16F777-I/PT-ND PIC16LF777-I/ML-ND PIC16LF777-I/P-ND◆ PIC16LF777-I/PT-ND◆ PIC16F876A-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16F876A-I/SO-ND◆ PIC16F876A-I/SP-ND◆ PIC16F876A-I/SS-ND◆ PIC16LF876A-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16LF876A-I/SO-ND◆ PIC16LF876A-I/SP-ND◆ PIC16LF876A-I/SS-ND◆ PIC16F877A-I/L-ND◆ PIC16F877A-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16F877A-I/P-ND◆ PIC16F877A-I/PT-ND◆ PIC16LF877A-I/L-ND◆ PIC16LF877A-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16LF877A-I/P-ND◆ PIC16LF877A-I/PT-ND◆ PIC16F886-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16F886-I/SO-ND◆ PIC16F886-I/SP-ND◆ PIC16F886-I/SS-ND◆ PIC16F887-I/ML-ND◆ PIC16F887-I/P-ND◆ PIC16F887-I/PT-ND◆ 1 3.02 2.82 2.70 5.90 5.90 5.90 6.04 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.34 6.66 6.16 6.04 6.36 7.26 6.70 6.66 6.92 7.30 8.10 6.52 7.68 8.46 6.84 8.22 7.08 6.66 6.76 7.82 7.30 7.44 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.28 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.58 7.52 7.74 6.72 7.74 7.92 8.12 7.08 8.12 2.78 2.38 2.60 2.32 3.04 2.80 2.84 Price Each 10 2.37 2.22 2.12 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.43 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.65 4.44 4.11 4.03 4.24 4.85 4.47 4.43 4.62 5.52 5.95 4.78 5.80 6.23 5.02 6.03 4.73 4.43 4.51 5.21 4.86 4.97 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.62 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.85 5.70 5.70 4.94 5.70 6.00 5.97 5.20 5.97 2.19 1.88 2.05 1.85 2.38 2.20 2.21 25 2.17 2.03 1.94 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.32 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.53 4.37 4.04 3.96 4.17 4.77 4.40 4.35 4.54 5.43 5.80 4.66 5.70 6.07 4.89 5.88 4.65 4.35 4.44 5.12 4.78 4.88 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.50 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.72 5.61 5.55 4.81 5.55 5.90 5.81 5.06 5.81 2.13 1.83 2.00 1.80 2.32 2.14 2.15 1 4.04 3.72 3.58 3.58 4.22 3.90 3.76 3.76 4.16 3.84 3.72 3.72 4.34 4.02 3.90 3.88 4.54 4.22 4.08 4.08 6.40 6.40 6.70 6.70 3.90 3.58 3.84 3.54 4.08 3.76 4.02 3.72 8.40 7.06 8.14 8.84 7.40 8.56 4.28 Price Each 10 2.65 2.44 2.35 2.35 2.76 2.55 2.47 2.47 3.14 2.89 2.79 2.79 3.28 3.03 2.93 2.79 3.41 3.18 3.08 3.08 4.70 4.70 4.93 4.93 2.95 2.70 2.89 2.66 3.08 2.83 3.03 2.79 6.18 5.18 5.99 6.48 5.44 6.29 3.24 25 2.58 2.38 2.30 2.30 2.70 2.49 2.41 2.41 2.88 2.65 2.56 2.56 3.00 2.77 2.69 2.56 3.13 2.92 2.83 2.83 4.58 4.58 4.80 4.80 2.70 2.47 2.65 2.44 2.83 2.60 2.77 2.56 6.02 5.05 5.83 6.31 5.30 6.13 2.97 Hi h -40 F 302 F -40 C 150 C PIC18F Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit UART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 EUSART 128 16 /2 1 EUSART 2K x 16 256 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART ◆ RoHS Compliant ® ‡ Tape and Reel Analog A/D Comp. I2C™ SPI™ PWM — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 1 7-ch. 10- it — — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 — — 6 4-ch. 10- it 3 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 2 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 10-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 2 13-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C Int. Osc. 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz,32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 31 Hz 8MHz, 31 Hz 8MHz, 31 Hz 8MHz, 31 Hz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 Hz Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C Clock Speed (MHz) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 OperVCC ating (V) Temp. Package 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 2.5 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.5 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 2.5 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 2.5 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 2.0 5.5 Ext. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ext. 18-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ext. 18-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ext. 20-SSOP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN Digi-Key Part No. PIC18F1220-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F1220-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F1220-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F1220-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF1220-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF1220-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF1220-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF1220-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18F1230-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F1230-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F1230-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F1230-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF1230-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF1230-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF1230-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF1230-I/SS-ND PIC18F1230-E/ML-ND◆ PIC18F1230-E/P-ND◆ PIC18F1230-E/SO-ND◆ PIC18F1230-E/SS-ND◆ PIC18F2220-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2220-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2220-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2220-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F2221-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F2221-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2221-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F2221-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF2221-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF2221-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2221-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2221-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18F4220-I/ML-ND PIC18F4220-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4220-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4220-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF4220-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4220-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F4221-I/ML-ND◆ Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 117 117 C General Purpose 8-bit PIC Flash Microcontrollers PIC18F Devices (Cont.) C Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit UART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 2K x 16 512 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 17 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 17 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 17 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 17 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 15 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 15 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 512 256 15 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 256 16 1/3 1 EUSART 256 128 13 /2 1 EUSART 256 128 13 /2 1 EUSART 256 128 13 /2 1 EUSART 256 128 13 /2 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 256 128 16 /2 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 4K x 16 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 256 24 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 AUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 512 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 54 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 54 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 1024 — 54 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 1024 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 70 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 70 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 66 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 66 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 1024 — 70 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 1024 — 66 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 21 1/2 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 8K x 16 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 256 25 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 34 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 34 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 34 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 34 1/3 1 EUSART 768 — 34 1/3 1 EUSART 1024 — 32 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 32 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 32 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 32 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 32 1/2 1 EUSART 1024 — 32 1/2 1 EUSART 768 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART ◆ RoHS Compliant ® 118 118 ‡ Tape and Reel Analog A/D Comp. 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Speed VCC ating Osc. (MHz) (V) Temp. Package 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 16MHz, 32 Hz 64 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-QFN 16MHz, 32 Hz 64 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-DIP 16MHz, 32 Hz 64 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-SOIC 16MHz, 32 Hz 64 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 16MHz, 32 Hz 48 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-DIP 16MHz, 32 Hz 48 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 16MHz, 32 Hz 48 1.8 5.5 Ind. 20-DIP 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 18-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 18-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 20-SSOP 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 32 Hz 40 4.2 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 8MHz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 8MHz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 32 Hz 40 4.2 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 32 Hz 40 4.2 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP — 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN — 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC — 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 — 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN — 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC — 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 8MHz, 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 32 Hz 40 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 32 Hz 40 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 8MHz, 32 Hz 64 1.8 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C Digi-Key Part No. PIC18F4221-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4221-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4221-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF4221-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4221-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F13K22-I/ML-ND◆ NEW! PIC18F13K22-I/P-ND◆ NEW! PIC18F13K22-I/SO-ND◆ NEW! PIC18F13K22-I/SS-ND◆ NEW! PIC18F13K50-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F13K50-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF13K50-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F1320-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F1320-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F1320-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F1320-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF1320-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF1320-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF1320-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF1320-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18F1330-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F1330-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F1330-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F1330-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF1330-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF1330-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF1330-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF1330-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18F2320-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2320-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2320-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2320-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F2321-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F2321-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2321-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F2321-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF2321-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF2321-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2321-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2321-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18F2331-I/MM-ND◆ PIC18F4320-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F4320-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4320-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4320-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF4320-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4320-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F4321-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F4321-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4321-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4321-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF4321-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4321-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F6310-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF6310-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F6393-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF6393-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F63J11-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F63J90-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F8310-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF8310-I/PT-ND PIC18F8393-I/PT-ND PIC18LF8393-I/PT-ND PIC18F83J11-I/PT-ND PIC18F83J90-I/PT-ND PIC18F2410-I/ML-ND PIC18F2410-I/SO-ND PIC18F2410-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2410-I/ML-ND PIC18LF2410-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2410-I/SP-ND PIC18F24J10-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F24J10-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F24J10-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F24J10-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18LF24J10-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF24J10-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF24J10-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF24J10-I/SS-ND◆ PIC18F2420-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F2420-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2420-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2420-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF2420-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2420-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F2423-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F2423-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2423-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2423-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF2423-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2423-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F4410-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F4410-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4410-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4410-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4410-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F44J10-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F44J10-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F44J10-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF44J10-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF44J10-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF44J10-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F44K20-E/ML-ND Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 1 4.10 3.96 4.48 4.30 4.16 2.54 2.76 2.58 2.34 2.80 2.42 2.92 4.42 4.10 3.96 3.96 4.62 4.30 4.16 4.16 4.54 4.22 4.10 4.10 4.74 4.42 4.30 4.40 6.92 6.92 7.26 7.26 4.14 3.82 4.08 3.76 4.32 4.00 4.26 3.96 6.02 8.94 7.60 8.66 9.40 7.96 9.12 4.52 4.32 4.20 4.72 4.54 4.40 4.60 4.84 5.38 3.81 3.24 3.52 5.50 5.78 6.28 4.44 3.70 3.98 4.92 4.60 4.86 5.16 4.84 5.10 2.30 2.16 2.40 2.12 2.42 2.26 2.52 2.22 5.32 5.00 5.24 5.56 5.24 5.50 5.84 5.52 5.78 6.12 5.80 6.06 5.32 5.12 5.00 5.36 5.24 2.78 2.68 2.52 2.80 2.90 2.66 3.12 Price Each 10 3.08 2.99 3.37 3.24 3.14 2.00 2.17 2.02 1.83 2.20 1.91 1.92 2.90 2.69 2.60 2.60 3.03 2.82 2.73 2.73 3.43 3.18 3.08 3.08 3.58 3.33 3.24 3.45 5.09 5.09 5.34 5.34 3.12 2.87 3.06 2.83 3.26 3.01 3.20 2.97 3.95 6.58 5.59 6.37 6.90 5.86 6.71 3.41 3.26 3.16 3.57 3.41 3.32 3.02 3.18 4.05 3.67 2.54 2.76 3.61 3.79 4.72 4.28 2.91 3.12 3.23 3.02 3.19 3.39 3.18 3.34 1.81 1.70 1.89 1.66 1.90 1.78 1.97 1.74 3.49 3.28 3.44 3.65 3.44 3.61 4.41 4.16 4.36 4.61 4.38 4.57 3.49 3.36 3.28 3.52 3.44 2.18 2.10 1.99 2.20 2.28 2.08 2.45 25 2.83 2.74 3.09 2.97 2.88 1.83 1.99 1.86 1.68 2.01 1.75 1.87 2.83 2.62 2.54 2.54 2.96 2.75 2.67 2.67 3.14 2.92 2.83 2.83 3.29 3.06 2.97 3.16 4.96 4.96 5.20 5.20 2.86 2.63 2.81 2.60 2.99 2.76 2.93 2.72 3.85 6.41 5.44 6.20 6.72 5.71 6.53 3.13 2.99 2.90 3.27 3.13 3.04 2.95 3.10 3.71 3.60 2.33 2.53 3.53 3.70 4.33 4.20 2.67 2.86 3.16 2.95 3.12 3.30 3.10 3.26 1.66 1.55 1.73 1.52 1.74 1.63 1.81 1.60 3.40 3.20 3.36 3.56 3.36 3.52 4.05 3.82 3.99 4.22 4.01 4.19 3.40 3.28 3.20 3.44 3.36 2.00 1.93 1.82 2.02 2.09 1.91 2.24 (Continued) General Purpose 8-bit PIC Flash Microcontrollers PIC18F Devices (Cont.) 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C Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit UART 2048 1024 68 2/3 2 AUSART 16K x 16 2048 1024 68 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 24K x 16 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 2048 — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 32K x 16 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3936 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3936 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 49 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3938 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3938 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 48K x 16 3936 3904 — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 66 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3938 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3938 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3968 — 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 — 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3968 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 2048 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 49 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3900 — 51 1/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3900 — 51 1/3 1 EUSART, 1 AUSART 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 64K x 16 3938 3938 1024 54 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 50 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 49 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3900 — 51 1/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3936 1024 54 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 2048 — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 65 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3900 — 67 1/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3900 — 67 1/3 1 EUSART, 1 AUSART 3938 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3938 1024 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3936 1024 70 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3936 — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 66 2/3 2 EUSART 3904 — 65 2/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3900 — 67 1/3 2 AUSART , 2 EUSART 3808 — 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3808 — 70 2/3 2 EUSART 3900 — 51 1/3 1 EUSART, 1 AUSART 128K x 16 3900 — 67 1/3 1 EUSART, 1 AUSART ◆ RoHS Compliant ® 120 120 ‡ Tape and Reel Analog A/D Comp. 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Package 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 80-TQFP 44-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC18LF8520-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F8520T-I/PTTR-ND ‡ PIC18F2515-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2515-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2515-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2515-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F2525-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18F2525-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18LF2525-I/SO-ND◆ PIC18LF2525-I/SP-ND◆ PIC18F4515-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F4515-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4515-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4515-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4515-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F4525-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18F4525-I/P-ND◆ PIC18F4525-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF4525-I/ML-ND◆ PIC18LF4525-I/P-ND◆ PIC18LF4525-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F65J15-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18F6527-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF6527-I/PT-ND◆ PIC18LF6527T-I/PTTR-ND◆‡ NEW! 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More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 1 10 25 10.34 7.61 7.41 8412.01/1,200 6.22 4.08 3.99 6.48 4.25 4.15 6.54 4.29 4.18 6.78 4.45 4.35 6.60 4.33 4.23 6.86 4.50 4.40 6.94 4.55 4.44 7.20 4.72 4.61 6.92 4.54 4.44 6.74 4.42 4.31 6.60 4.33 4.23 7.06 4.64 4.52 6.94 4.55 4.44 7.30 4.80 4.68 7.12 4.67 4.56 6.98 4.59 4.48 7.66 5.03 4.91 7.46 4.90 4.78 7.34 4.82 4.70 3.44 2.70 2.47 8.44 6.36 5.83 8.88 6.69 6.13 6695.99/1,200 3.86 3.03 2.77 9.22 6.94 6.36 9.68 7.29 6.68 7.04 4.62 4.51 7.30 4.79 4.67 7632.01/1,200 3.52 2.76 2.53 3.86 3.03 2.77 4.08 3.37 2.93 4.76 3.74 3.43 11.00 7.22 7.05 11.56 7.59 7.40 13.62 10.25 9.40 12.98 9.77 8.96 4.28 3.35 3.07 4.74 3.72 3.41 5.22 4.11 3.76 11.78 7.73 7.54 8880.00/1,200 12.36 8.11 7.92 14.48 10.91 10.00 13.80 10.39 9.52 7.64 5.02 4.90 7.42 4.87 4.76 7.68 5.04 4.92 7.80 5.12 4.99 8.06 5.28 5.16 7.74 5.08 4.96 7.56 4.96 4.84 7.42 4.87 4.76 8.12 5.33 5.20 7.92 5.20 5.08 7.80 5.12 4.99 8.12 5.33 5.21 7.94 5.21 5.08 7.80 5.12 5.00 8.52 5.59 5.46 8.32 5.46 5.33 8.20 5.38 5.25 9.34 7.03 6.45 9.82 7.38 6.77 3.68 2.89 2.65 4.08 3.20 2.93 4.54 3.57 3.27 4.34 3.41 3.13 4.60 3.60 3.30 12.54 8.23 8.04 13.18 8.64 8.44 4.06 3.18 2.92 4.50 3.53 3.23 4.96 3.89 3.57 4.76 3.74 3.43 14.62 11.00 10.09 15.34 11.56 10.60 10.12 7.61 6.98 10.62 8.00 7.33 4.08 3.20 2.93 4.54 3.57 3.27 5.00 3.93 3.60 4.78 3.76 3.45 5.06 3.97 3.64 13.32 8.74 8.53 13.98 9.17 8.95 15.44 11.62 10.65 16.20 12.20 11.18 4.46 3.51 3.22 4.96 3.89 3.57 5.42 4.26 3.90 5.22 4.11 3.76 6.18 4.86 4.45 6.80 5.34 4.89 5.00 3.93 3.60 5.48 4.30 3.94 Application Specific Flash Microcontrollers Ethernet PIC18F Devices Memory Size Program RAM EEPROM Words Bytes Bytes 3808 — 32K x 16 3808 — 3808 — 3808 — 48K x 16 3808 — 3808 — 3808 — 3808 — 64K x 16 3808 — 3808 — I/O Pins 39 55 39 55 70 70 39 55 70 70 Timer/ Counters 8/16-bit 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 UART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F I2C™ 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 185 F -40 C SPI™ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Analog Comp. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ethernet PWM A/D 10 ase T 5 11-ch 10- it 10 ase T 5 15-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 11-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 15-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 16-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 16-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 11-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 15-ch 10- it 10 ase T 5 16-ch. 10- it 10 ase T 5 16-ch. 10- it Int. Osc. 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz 32 Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 VCC Operating Digi-Key (V) Temp. Package Part No. 2.35 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18F66J60-I/PT-ND 2.35 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18F86J60-I/PT-ND 2.35 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18F66J65-I/PT-ND 2.35 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18F86J65-I/PT-ND 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP PIC18F96J65-I/PT-ND 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP PIC18F96J65-I/PF-ND 2.35 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18F67J60-I/PT-ND 2.35 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18F87J60-I/PT-ND 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP PIC18F97J60-I/PF-ND 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP PIC18F97J60-I/PT-ND 1 5.38 5.82 5.60 6.04 6.40 7.02 5.80 6.24 7.22 6.60 Price Each 10 4.22 4.57 4.39 4.74 5.03 5.51 4.55 4.90 5.67 5.18 25 3.87 4.19 4.03 4.35 4.61 5.05 4.17 4.49 5.19 4.75 85 C C Motor Control PIC12F Devices Memory Size Program RAM EEPROM Words Bytes Bytes 128 256 128 256 2K x 14 128 256 128 256 128 256 I/O Pins 6 6 6 6 6 Timer/ Counters 8/16-bit 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1 UART — — — — — I2C™ — — — — — SPI™ — — — — — PWM 1 1 1 1 1 SPI™ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PWM 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 A/D 4-ch. 104-ch. 104-ch. 104-ch. 104-ch. 10- it it it it it Analog Comp. 1 1 1 1 1 Clock Speed (MHz) 20 20 20 20 20 Int. Osc. 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz VCC (V) 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 Operating Digi-Key Temp. Package Part No. Ind. 8-DFN PIC12F683-I/MD-ND Ind. 8-DFN PIC12F683-I/MF-ND Ind. 8-DIP PIC12F683-I/P-ND Ind. 8-SOIC PIC12F683-I/SN-ND Ind. 8-SOIC PIC12F683T-I/SNTR-ND‡ 1 2.26 1.86 1.78 1.66 Price Each 10 1.87 1.22 1.18 1.09 3563.99/3,300 25 1.82 1.19 1.15 1.07 ‡ Tape and Reel PIC18F Devices Memory Size Program RAM EEPROM Words Bytes Bytes 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 4K x 16 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 8K x 16 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 768 256 I/O Pins 22 22 24 24 24 34 34 34 34 34 34 22 22 24 24 34 34 34 34 34 34 Timer/ Counters 8/16-bit 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART ◆ RoHS Compliant Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F I2C™ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 185 F -40 C A/D 5-ch. 105-ch. 105-ch. 105-ch. 105-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 105-ch. 105-ch. 105-ch. 105-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 109-ch. 10- it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it Analog Comp. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Int. Osc. 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz Clock Speed (MHz) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 VCC (V) 4.2 5.5 4.2 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.2 5.5 4.2 5.5 4.2 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.2 5.5 4.2 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 4.2 5.5 4.2 5.5 4.2 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Package 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC18F2331-I/SO-ND PIC18F2331-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2331-I/MM-ND PIC18LF2331-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2331-I/SP-ND PIC18F4331-I/ML-ND PIC18F4331-I/P-ND PIC18F4331-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4331-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4331-I/P-ND PIC18LF4331-I/PT-ND PIC18F2431-I/SO-ND PIC18F2431-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2431-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2431-I/SP-ND PIC18F4431-I/ML-ND PIC18F4431-I/P-ND PIC18F4431-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4431-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4431-I/P-ND PIC18LF4431-I/PT-ND 1 5.64 5.88 6.30 5.92 6.16 6.64 6.38 6.32 6.96 6.70 6.64 5.88 6.14 6.18 6.44 6.92 6.66 6.60 7.26 7.00 6.94 Price Each 10 3.70 3.86 4.13 3.88 4.05 4.36 4.19 4.15 4.57 4.40 4.36 3.86 4.03 4.06 4.23 4.54 4.38 4.33 4.76 4.59 4.55 25 3.61 3.77 4.03 3.79 3.95 4.26 4.09 4.05 4.46 4.29 4.25 3.77 3.94 3.96 4.12 4.44 4.27 4.23 4.65 4.48 4.44 85 C CAN (Controller Area Network) PIC18F Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters UART I2C™ SPI™ Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 8K x 16 1 768 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 2 1 768 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 768 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1536 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 2 1 1536 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI C 1 1536 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1536 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1536 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 16K x 16 1536 1 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1536 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1536 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 2 1 1536 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI C 1 1536 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1536 256 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 3328 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 1 3328 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 3328 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 3328 1024 25 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 2 1 3328 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI C 24K x 16 3328 1 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 3328 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 3328 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 1 3328 1024 36 1/3 1 EUSART 1 MI2C 2 1 3328 1024 53 2/3 1 AUSART 1 MI C 1 3328 1024 52 2/3 1 AUSART 1 MI2C Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C ® CAN CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN PWM 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A/D 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it Analog Comp. — — — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 — — — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Int. Osc. 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 — — — 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz — — Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 VCC Operating (V) Temp. Package 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 68-PLCC Digi-Key Part No. PIC18F2480-I/ML-ND PIC18F2480-I/SO-ND PIC18F2480-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2480-I/ML-ND PIC18LF2480-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2480-I/SP-ND PIC18F4480-I/ML-ND PIC18F4480-I/P-ND PIC18F4480-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4480-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4480-I/P-ND PIC18LF4480-I/PT-ND PIC18F2580-I/ML-ND PIC18F2580-I/SO-ND PIC18F2580-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2580-I/ML-ND PIC18LF2580-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2580-I/SP-ND PIC18F4580-I/ML-ND PIC18F4580-I/P-ND PIC18F4580-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4580-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4580-I/PT-ND PIC18F2585-I/SO-ND PIC18F2585-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2585-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2585-I/SP-ND PIC18F4585-I/ML-ND PIC18F4585-I/P-ND PIC18F4585-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4585-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4585-I/PT-ND PIC18F6585-I/PT-ND PIC18LF6585-I/L-ND 1 7.12 6.80 7.06 7.12 6.80 7.06 7.52 7.32 7.20 7.88 7.68 7.56 7.94 7.62 7.88 8.34 8.02 8.26 8.34 8.14 8.02 8.74 8.42 8.72 8.98 9.16 9.42 9.44 9.24 9.12 9.88 9.56 11.30 12.22 Price Each 10 25 4.68 4.57 4.47 4.36 4.64 4.53 4.90 4.57 4.69 4.36 4.86 4.53 4.93 4.81 4.80 4.69 4.72 4.61 5.17 5.04 5.04 4.92 4.96 4.84 5.22 5.09 5.01 4.89 5.17 5.05 5.47 5.34 5.26 5.13 5.42 5.30 5.47 5.34 5.34 5.22 5.26 5.13 5.73 5.59 5.52 5.39 5.73 5.59 5.90 5.76 6.02 5.87 6.18 6.04 6.19 6.04 6.06 5.92 5.98 5.84 6.49 6.34 6.28 6.13 8.31 8.09 11.30 10.57 (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 121 121 Application Specific Flash Microcontrollers CAN (Controller Area Network) PIC18F Devices (Cont.) C Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 3328 1024 52 2/3 1024 68 2/3 24K x 16 3328 3328 1024 68 2/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 1024 36 1/3 32K x 16 3328 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 52 2/3 3328 1024 52 2/3 3328 1024 52 2/3 3328 1024 68 2/3 3328 1024 68 2/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 40K x 16 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 25 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 48K x 16 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 3328 1024 36 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I2C™ 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 MI2C UART AUSART AUSART AUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART AUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART EUSART Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C SPI™ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN ECAN CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B CAN 2.0B PWM 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 A/D 12-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it 11-ch. 10- it Analog Comp. 2 2 2 — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 Int. Osc. — — — 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz — — — — — 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 VCC Operating (V) Temp. Package 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 68-PLCC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC18LF6585-I/PT-ND PIC18F8585-I/PT-ND PIC18LF8585-I/PT-ND PIC18F2680-I/SO-ND PIC18F2680-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2680-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2680-I/SP-ND PIC18F4680-I/ML-ND PIC18F4680-I/P-ND PIC18F4680-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4680-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4680-I/P-ND PIC18LF4680-I/PT-ND PIC18F6680-I/PT-ND PIC18LF6680-I/L-ND PIC18LF6680-I/PT-ND PIC18F8680-I/PT-ND PIC18LF8680-I/PT-ND PIC18F2682-I/SO-ND PIC18F2682-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2682-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2682-I/SP-ND PIC18F4682-I/ML-ND PIC18F4682-I/P-ND PIC18F4682-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4682-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4682-I/P-ND PIC18LF4682-I/PT-ND PIC18F2685-I/SO-ND PIC18F2685-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2685-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2685-I/SP-ND PIC18F4685-I/ML-ND PIC18F4685-I/P-ND PIC18F4685-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4685-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4685-I/P-ND PIC18LF4685-I/PT-ND Clock Speed (MHz) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 VCC Operating (V) Temp. Package 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 4.2 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 4.2 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 4.2 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP 2.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC18F2450-I/ML-ND PIC18F2450-I/SO-ND PIC18F2450-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2450-I/ML-ND PIC18LF2450-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2450-I/SP-ND PIC18F4450-I/ML-ND PIC18F4450-I/P-ND PIC18F4450-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4450-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4450-I/P-ND PIC18LF4450-I/PT-ND PIC18F2455-I/SO-ND PIC18F2455-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2455-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2455-I/SP-ND PIC18F4455-I/ML-ND PIC18F4455-I/P-ND PIC18F4455-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4455-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4455-I/P-ND PIC18LF4455-I/PT-ND PIC18F2550-I/SO-ND PIC18F2550-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2550-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2550-I/SP-ND PIC18F2553-I/SP-ND PIC18LF2553-I/SO-ND PIC18LF2553-I/SP-ND PIC18F4550-I/ML-ND PIC18F4550-I/P-ND PIC18F4550-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4550-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4550-I/P-ND PIC18LF4550-I/PT-ND PIC18F4553-I/ML-ND PIC18F4553-I/P-ND PIC18F4553-I/PT-ND PIC18LF4553-I/ML-ND PIC18LF4553-I/P-ND PIC18LF4553-I/PT-ND 1 11.88 11.86 12.44 9.24 9.50 9.70 9.96 9.94 9.76 9.62 10.42 10.24 10.10 12.12 12.86 12.74 12.64 13.28 10.06 10.32 10.56 10.82 10.76 10.58 10.44 11.28 11.10 10.96 10.72 10.98 11.26 11.52 11.44 11.24 11.12 11.98 11.80 11.66 Price Each 10 8.73 8.71 9.15 6.06 6.23 6.37 6.54 6.53 6.40 6.32 6.84 6.72 6.63 8.91 9.45 9.36 9.29 9.76 7.57 7.77 7.96 8.15 8.11 7.96 7.86 8.50 8.35 8.25 8.08 8.27 8.48 8.67 8.62 8.46 8.36 9.02 8.88 8.79 25 8.50 8.48 8.91 5.92 6.08 6.22 6.38 6.37 6.25 6.17 6.68 6.56 6.47 8.68 9.20 9.11 9.05 9.50 6.94 7.12 7.30 7.47 7.44 7.30 7.21 7.79 7.65 7.56 7.40 7.58 7.77 7.95 7.90 7.76 7.67 8.27 8.14 8.06 85 C USB (Universal Serial Bus) PIC18F Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters UART Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 768 — 23 1/2 1 EUSART 768 — 23 1/2 1 EUSART 768 — 23 1/2 1 EUSART 768 — 23 1/2 1 EUSART 768 — 23 1/2 1 EUSART 768 — 23 1/2 1 EUSART 8K x 16 768 — 34 1/2 1 AUSART 768 — 34 1/2 1 AUSART 768 — 34 1/2 1 AUSART 768 — 34 1/2 1 AUSART 768 — 34 1/2 1 AUSART 768 — 34 1/2 1 AUSART 2048 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 25 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 35 1/3 1 EUSART 12K x 16 2048 256 35 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 35 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 35 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 35 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 35 1/3 1 EUSART 2048 256 24 1/3 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10- it 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 10- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 12-bit 1 MI2C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI C 2 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 13-ch. 12-bit 1 MI2C 1 V2.0 FS 12M it/S. 2 10-ch. 12- it 1 MI2C 185 F -40 C Analog Comp. — — — — — — — — — — — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Int. Osc. 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 8MHz, 32 Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz 85 C For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 1 4.40 4.08 4.32 4.60 4.28 4.54 4.70 4.50 4.38 4.92 4.72 4.60 6.04 6.30 6.34 6.60 6.74 6.56 6.42 7.06 6.88 6.74 6.30 6.56 6.62 6.86 7.78 7.90 8.16 7.00 6.80 6.68 7.34 7.14 7.02 8.24 8.04 7.92 8.62 8.44 8.30 Price Each 10 3.32 3.06 3.26 3.45 3.22 3.41 3.55 3.39 3.30 3.70 3.57 3.47 3.96 4.13 4.16 4.33 4.43 4.30 4.22 4.64 4.51 4.43 4.13 4.30 4.34 4.51 5.86 5.96 6.15 4.59 4.47 4.38 4.81 4.69 4.60 6.21 6.05 5.96 6.50 6.34 6.24 25 3.04 2.81 2.99 3.16 2.95 3.13 3.25 3.11 3.02 3.39 3.27 3.18 3.87 4.03 4.06 4.23 4.32 4.20 4.12 4.53 4.40 4.32 4.03 4.20 4.24 4.40 5.37 5.46 5.64 4.49 4.36 4.28 4.70 4.58 4.49 5.69 5.55 5.46 5.95 5.81 5.72 (Continued) Application Specific Flash Microcontrollers (Cont.) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) PIC16F Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters UART Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 256 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 256 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 256 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 256 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 4K x 14 256 256 35 2/1 1 AUSART 256 256 35 2/1 1 AUSART 256 256 35 2/1 1 AUSART 352 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 352 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 352 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 352 256 24 2/1 1 AUSART 8K x 14 352 256 35 2/1 1 AUSART 352 256 35 2/1 1 AUSART 352 256 35 2/1 1 AUSART 336 256 53 2/1 1 AUSART LCD Analog I2C™ SPI™ Segments PWM A/D Comp. 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 2 MI2C 2 2 MI C 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 2 MI2C 2 MI2C 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 96 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 2 MI2C 1 96 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 2 MI2C 1 96 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 2 MI2C 1 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 60 — 5-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 96 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 96 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 96 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 1 1 168 — 8-ch. 10- it 2 Internal Oscillator 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 VCC Operating Digi-Key (V) Temp. Package Part No. 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN PIC16F913-I/ML-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC PIC16F913-I/SO-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-DIP .3 PIC16F913-I/SP-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP PIC16F913-I/SS-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN PIC16F914-I/ML-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP PIC16F914-I/P-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP PIC16F914-I/PT-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-QFN PIC16F916-I/ML-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SOIC PIC16F916-I/SO-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SDIP .3 PIC16F916-I/SP-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 28-SSOP PIC16F916-I/SS-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-QFN PIC16F917-I/ML-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 40-DIP PIC16F917-I/P-ND 4.0 5.5 Ind. 44-TQFP PIC16F917-I/PT-ND 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC16F946-I/PT-ND 1 3.52 3.20 3.46 3.14 4.04 3.82 3.72 3.90 3.58 3.84 3.54 4.28 4.10 3.96 4.22 Price Each 10 2.66 2.41 2.60 2.37 3.05 2.89 2.79 2.95 2.70 2.89 2.66 3.24 3.08 2.99 3.18 25 2.44 2.21 2.39 2.17 2.79 2.65 2.56 2.70 2.47 2.65 2.44 2.97 2.83 2.74 2.92 PIC18F Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters UART Words Bytes Bytes Pins 8/16-bit 768 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 4K x 16 768 — 66 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 66 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 50 1/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 8K x 16 768 — 66 2/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART 768 — 66 2/3 1 AUSART , 1 EUSART Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C LCD Analog I2C™ SPI™ Segments PWM A/D Comp. 1 128 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 128 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 MI2C 1 192 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 192 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 2 1 128 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI C 1 128 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 192 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C 1 192 2 12-ch. 10- it 2 1 MI2C Int. Osc. 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz Clock Speed (MHz) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Price Each 1 10 4.86 3.19 5.10 3.35 5.76 3.78 6.04 3.97 5.50 3.61 5.78 3.79 6.40 4.20 6.72 4.41 VCC Operating Digi-Key (V) Temp. Package Part No. 4.2 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18F6390-I/PT-ND 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18LF6390-I/PT-ND 4.2 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18F8390-I/PT-ND 2.0 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18LF8390-I/PT-ND 4.2 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18F6490-I/PT-ND 2.0 5.5 Ind. 64-TQFP PIC18LF6490-I/PT-ND 4.2 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18F8490-I/PT-ND 2.0 5.5 Ind. 80-TQFP PIC18LF8490-I/PT-ND 25 3.12 3.27 3.69 3.87 3.53 3.70 4.10 4.31 85 C 16-bit PIC Microcontrollers PIC24FJ Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM Words Bytes Bytes 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 16K x 16 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 4K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 32K x 16 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 48K x 8 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 64K x 16 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 54 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 70 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 86 5/ 2 2 2 5 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 185 F -40 C 85 C A/D 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 10-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it Capture Compare 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 Internal Oscillator 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 VCC Operating (V) Temp. Package 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SDIP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SDIP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SDIP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SDIP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SSOP 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC24FJ16GA002-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-E/SO-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-E/SP-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-E/SS-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-I/SO-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-I/SP-ND PIC24FJ16GA002-I/SS-ND PIC24FJ16GA004-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ16GA004-E/PT-ND PIC24FJ16GA004-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ16GA004-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ32GB002-I/ML-ND NEW! PIC24FJ32GB002-I/SO-ND NEW! PIC24FJ32GB002-I/SP-ND NEW! PIC24FJ32GB004-I/ML-ND NEW! PIC24FJ32GB004-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24FJ32GA002-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-E/SO-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-E/SP-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-E/SS-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-I/SO-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-I/SP-ND PIC24FJ32GA002-I/SS-ND PIC24FJ32GA004-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ32GA004-E/PT-ND PIC24FJ32GA004-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ32GA004-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-E/SO-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-E/SP-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-E/SS-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-I/SO-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-I/SP-ND PIC24FJ48GA002-I/SS-ND PIC24FJ48GA004-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ48GA004-E/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-E/SO-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-E/SP-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-E/SS-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-I/SO-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-I/SP-ND PIC24FJ64GA002-I/SS-ND PIC24FJ64GA004-E/ML-ND PIC24FJ64GA004-E/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GA004-I/ML-ND PIC24FJ64GA004-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GA006-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GA008-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GA010-I/PF-ND Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C 1 3.60 3.40 3.64 3.36 3.28 3.08 3.32 3.04 3.92 3.72 3.58 3.38 4.46 4.28 4.52 4.86 4.64 4.22 4.02 4.26 3.96 3.84 3.64 3.90 3.60 4.62 4.40 4.24 4.02 4.60 4.40 4.66 4.36 4.22 4.02 4.26 3.96 5.04 4.82 5.02 4.82 5.06 4.78 4.58 4.38 4.62 4.34 5.12 4.96 4.66 4.52 4.94 5.38 6.36 Price Each 10 2.83 2.68 2.87 2.64 2.58 2.43 2.62 2.39 3.11 2.94 2.83 2.67 3.51 3.35 3.55 3.82 3.64 3.31 3.16 3.35 3.12 3.03 2.87 3.06 2.83 3.64 3.47 3.33 3.16 3.62 3.47 3.66 3.43 3.31 3.16 3.35 3.12 3.97 3.80 3.95 3.80 3.99 3.76 3.60 3.45 3.64 3.41 4.02 3.90 3.66 3.55 3.87 4.22 4.99 25 2.60 2.46 2.63 2.42 2.37 2.23 2.40 2.19 2.82 2.67 2.57 2.43 3.22 3.07 3.25 3.50 3.34 3.04 2.90 3.07 2.86 2.77 2.63 2.81 2.60 3.34 3.18 3.06 2.90 3.32 3.18 3.36 3.14 3.04 2.90 3.07 2.86 3.64 3.48 3.62 3.48 3.66 3.45 3.30 3.16 3.34 3.13 3.68 3.58 3.36 3.25 3.55 3.87 4.58 (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 123 123 C 16-bit PIC Microcontrollers PIC24FJ Devices (Cont.) C Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM Words Bytes Bytes 8K — 86 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 21 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 35 5/ 2 2 2 5 64K x 16 16K — 52 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 64 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 80 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 8K — 54 5/ 2 2 2 5 96K x 16 8K — 70 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 54 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 70 5/ 2 2 2 5 8K — 86 5/ 2 2 2 5 16K — 53 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 64 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 80 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 128K x 16 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 52 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 64 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 80 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 53 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 64 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 80 5/ 4 3 3 9 192K x 16 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 52 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 64 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 53 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 64 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 80 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 100 5/ 4 3 3 9 256K x 16 16K — 52 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 52 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 68 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 84 5/ 4 3 3 9 16K — 84 5/ 4 3 3 9 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C A/D 16-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it Capture Compare 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Internal Oscillator 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MH , 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 VCC Operating (V) Temp. Package 2.7 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.7 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN 2.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP 2.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC24FJ64GA010-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GB002-I/SP-ND NEW! PIC24FJ64GB004-I/ML-ND NEW! PIC24FJ64GB004-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24FJ64GB106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ64GB106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GB108-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ64GB110-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ96GA006-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ96GA008-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GA006-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GA008-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GA010-I/PF-ND PIC24FJ128GA106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ128GA106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GA108-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GA110-I/PF-ND PIC24FJ128GA110-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GB106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ128GB106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GB108-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ128GB110-I/PF-ND PIC24FJ128GB110-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ192GA106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ192GA106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ192GA108-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ192GA110-I/PF-ND PIC24FJ192GA110-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ192GB106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ192GB106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ256GA106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ256GA106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ256GA108-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ256GA110-I/PF-ND PIC24FJ256GA110-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ256GB106-I/MR-ND PIC24FJ256GB106-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ256GB108-I/PT-ND PIC24FJ256GB110-I/PF-ND PIC24FJ256GB110-I/PT-ND 1 5.74 5.26 5.60 5.38 6.40 6.26 6.72 7.10 5.16 5.60 5.36 5.82 6.78 6.38 6.22 6.68 8.28 7.06 6.82 6.68 7.14 8.12 7.52 6.76 6.58 7.06 8.64 7.42 7.20 7.04 7.12 6.96 7.42 9.00 7.78 7.56 7.42 7.88 8.86 8.24 Price Each 10 4.51 3.78 4.03 3.87 5.03 4.91 5.28 5.57 4.05 4.39 4.20 4.57 5.32 5.01 4.90 5.26 6.51 5.55 5.36 5.24 5.61 6.38 5.90 5.30 5.18 5.55 6.80 5.84 5.65 5.53 5.59 5.47 5.84 7.09 6.13 5.94 5.82 6.19 6.96 6.48 25 4.13 3.78 4.03 3.87 4.61 4.51 4.84 5.11 3.71 4.03 3.85 4.19 4.88 4.59 4.49 4.82 5.97 5.09 4.91 4.81 5.14 5.85 5.41 4.86 4.75 5.09 6.24 5.35 5.18 5.07 5.12 5.02 5.35 6.50 5.62 5.44 5.34 5.67 6.38 5.94 Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C PIC24HJ Devices, 40 MIPs Memory Size Timer/ Clock Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Capture Internal Speed VCC Operating Words Bytes Bytes Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Compare Oscillator (MHz) (V) Temp. 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 4 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 4 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 6-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 12K x 16 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 4 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 4 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 4 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 16K x 16 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 32 3.0 3.6 Ext. 32K x 16 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 32 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 10- it, 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 10- it, 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 10- it, 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 8K — 53 9/ 2 1 2 8 18-ch. 10- it, 18-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 8K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 10- it, 32-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 8K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 10- it, 32-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 8K — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 10- it, 18-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64K x 8 8K — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 10- it, 18-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 8K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 10- it, 32-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 8K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 10- it, 32-ch. 12- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 32 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 32 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64K x 16 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 32 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 32 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 2 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Hi h Varies See Manu acturer s data sheet ® 124 124 Digi-Key Package Part No. 18-DIP PIC24HJ12GP201-I/P-ND 18-SOIC PIC24HJ12GP201-I/SO-ND 28-SSOP PIC24HJ12GP202-I/SS-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ12GP202-I/ML-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ12GP202-I/SO-ND 28-DIP .3 PIC24HJ12GP202-I/SP-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ16GP304-I/ML-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ16GP304-I/PT-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ32GP202-I/MM-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ32GP202-I/SO-ND 28-SDIP .3 PIC24HJ32GP202-I/SP-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ32GP202-E/MM-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ32GP202-E/SO-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ32GP204-I/ML-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ32GP204-I/PT-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ32GP302-E/MM-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ32GP302-I/MM-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ32GP302-E/SO-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ32GP302-I/SO-ND 28-DIP PIC24HJ32GP302-E/SP-ND 28-DIP PIC24HJ32GP302-I/SP-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ32GP304-E/ML-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ32GP304-I/ML-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ32GP304-E/PT-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ32GP304-I/PT-ND 64-TFQFP PIC24HJ64GP206A-I/PT-ND NEW! 100-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP210A-I/PF-ND NEW! 100-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP210A-I/PT-ND NEW! 64-QFN PIC24HJ64GP506A-I/MR-ND NEW! 64-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP506A-I/PT-ND NEW! 100-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP510A-I/PF-ND NEW! 100-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP510A-I/PT-ND NEW! 28-QFN PIC24HJ64GP202-E/MM-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ64GP202-I/MM-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ64GP202-E/SO-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ64GP202-I/SO-ND 28-DIP PIC24HJ64GP202-E/SP-ND 28-DIP PIC24HJ64GP202-I/SP-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ64GP204-E/ML-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ64GP204-I/ML-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP204-E/PT-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP204-I/PT-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ64GP502-E/MM-ND 28-QFN PIC24HJ64GP502-I/MM-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ64GP502-E/SO-ND 28-SOIC PIC24HJ64GP502-I/SO-ND 28-DIP PIC24HJ64GP502-E/SP-ND 28-DIP PIC24HJ64GP502-I/SP-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ64GP504-E/ML-ND 44-QFN PIC24HJ64GP504-I/ML-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP504-E/PT-ND 44-TQFP PIC24HJ64GP504-I/PT-ND or exact speci ications For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 1 10 25 3.78 2.97 2.72 3.64 2.87 2.63 3.92 3.08 2.83 4.16 3.28 3.00 3.96 3.12 2.86 4.22 3.31 3.04 4.44 3.51 3.18 4.22 3.34 3.04 4.38 3.47 3.15 4.20 3.32 3.02 4.44 3.51 3.18 4.80 3.80 3.45 4.62 3.65 3.32 4.52 3.56 3.23 4.38 3.45 3.14 5.50 4.34 3.98 5.02 3.95 3.62 5.32 4.18 3.83 4.82 3.80 3.48 5.56 4.37 4.01 5.06 3.99 3.66 5.64 4.47 4.06 5.14 4.07 3.70 5.44 4.31 3.91 4.94 3.91 3.55 5.94 4.66 4.28 7.42 5.82 5.34 6.80 5.34 4.89 6.46 5.07 4.65 6.30 4.95 4.54 7.74 6.07 5.57 7.12 5.59 5.12 6.20 4.88 4.47 5.66 4.45 4.08 6.00 4.72 4.33 5.46 4.30 3.94 6.24 4.91 4.51 5.70 4.49 4.12 6.50 5.10 4.67 5.92 4.64 4.26 6.34 4.98 4.57 5.76 4.53 4.15 6.60 5.20 4.77 6.02 4.74 4.35 6.42 5.05 4.63 5.82 4.59 4.20 6.66 5.24 4.81 6.08 4.78 4.38 7.12 5.61 5.14 6.48 5.11 4.68 6.90 5.43 4.98 6.26 4.93 4.52 (Continued) 16-bit PIC Microcontrollers PIC24HJ Devices, 40MIPs (Cont.) Memory Size Timer/ Clock Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Capture Internal Speed Words Bytes Bytes Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Compare Oscillator (MHz) 8K — 53 9/4 2 1 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10 it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 64K x 16 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 /9 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 /9 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8k — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8k — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8k — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8k — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16 — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16 — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 128K x 8 16 — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16 — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8k — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 40 8k — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 40 8k — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8k — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10 it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 128K x 16 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 53 /9 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 /9 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 85 /9 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10 it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 10-ch. 12- it 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 13-ch. 12-bit 4 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 8K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10 it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 18-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 256K x 16 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 85 /9 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 85 /9 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 32-ch. 12-bit 8 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 40 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C VCC (V) 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ext. Ext. Ind. Ext. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Hi h Hi h Hi h Hi h Hi h Hi h Hi h Hi h Ind. Hi h Hi h Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Hi h Hi h Package 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 28-QFN 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-SOIC 28-DIP 28-DIP 44-QFN 44-QFN 44-TQFP 44-TQFP 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 28-QFN 28-QFN-S 28-DIP 28-SOIC 28-SOIC 28-DIP 44-QFN 44-QFN 44-TQFP 44-TQFP 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 28-QFN 28-SOIC 44-QFN 44-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 100-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC24HJ64GP206-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ64GP210-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ64GP210-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ64GP506-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ64GP510-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ64GP510-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP206A-I/MR-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP206A-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP210A-I/PF-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP210A-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP306A-I/MR-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP306A-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP310A-I/PF-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP310A-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP506A-I/MR-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP506A-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP510A-I/PF-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP510A-I/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP202-E/MM-ND PIC24HJ128GP202-I/MM-ND PIC24HJ128GP202-E/SO-ND PIC24HJ128GP202-I/SO-ND PIC24HJ128GP202-E/SP-ND PIC24HJ128GP202-I/SP-ND PIC24HJ128GP204-E/ML-ND PIC24HJ128GP204-I/ML-ND PIC24HJ128GP204-E/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP204-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP206-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP210-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ128GP210-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-E/MM-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-I/MM-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-I/SP-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-E/SO-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-I/SO-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-E/SP-ND PIC24HJ128GP504-E/ML-ND PIC24HJ128GP504-I/ML-ND PIC24HJ128GP504-E/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP504-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP506-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP510-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ128GP510-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP306-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP310-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ128GP310-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ128GP502-H/MM-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP502-H/SO-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP504-H/ML-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP504-H/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP506A-H/MR-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP506A-H/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP510A-H/PF-ND NEW! PIC24HJ128GP510A-H/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ256GP206-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ256GP206A-H/MR-ND NEW! PIC24HJ256GP206A-H/PT-ND NEW! PIC24HJ256GP210-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ256GP210-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ256GP610-I/PF-ND PIC24HJ256GP610-I/PT-ND PIC24HJ256GP610A-H/PF-ND NEW! PIC24HJ256GP610A-H/PT-ND NEW! Price Each 1 10 5.94 4.66 7.42 5.82 6.80 5.34 6.30 4.95 7.74 6.07 7.12 5.59 6.50 5.11 6.36 4.99 7.88 6.19 7.26 5.70 6.80 5.34 6.66 5.22 8.08 6.34 7.46 5.86 6.90 5.42 6.76 5.30 8.18 6.42 7.56 5.94 6.84 5.38 6.22 4.90 6.64 5.22 6.02 4.74 6.88 5.42 6.26 4.93 7.06 5.54 6.44 5.05 6.92 5.43 6.28 4.93 6.36 4.99 7.88 6.19 7.26 5.70 7.22 5.69 6.58 5.18 6.64 5.22 7.02 5.53 6.38 5.03 7.28 5.72 7.68 6.05 7.00 5.51 7.46 5.88 6.78 5.34 6.76 5.30 8.18 6.42 7.56 5.94 6.66 5.22 8.08 6.34 7.46 5.86 8.60 6.76 8.46 6.64 9.12 7.16 8.98 7.05 9.06 7.11 8.92 7.00 10.60 8.32 9.98 7.84 7.10 5.57 9.52 7.47 9.36 7.35 8.74 6.86 8.12 6.38 9.52 7.48 8.92 7.00 12.38 9.72 11.76 9.23 25 4.28 5.34 4.89 4.54 5.57 5.12 4.68 4.58 5.67 5.23 4.89 4.79 5.81 5.37 4.96 4.86 5.88 5.44 4.93 4.49 4.79 4.35 4.96 4.52 5.08 4.63 4.98 4.52 4.58 5.67 5.23 5.21 4.75 4.79 5.07 4.61 5.25 5.55 5.05 5.39 4.89 4.86 5.88 5.44 4.79 5.81 5.37 6.19 6.09 6.57 6.46 6.52 6.41 7.62 7.18 5.11 6.85 6.74 6.29 5.85 6.85 6.41 8.91 8.47 Hi h Varies See Manu acturer s data sheet or exact speci ications 32-bit PIC Microcontrollers PIC32MX Devices Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Capture Bytes Bytes Bytes Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Compare 8K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 8K — 53 5/1 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K 8K — 51 5 2 2 1 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 8K — 51 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 16K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 16 — 53 5/1 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 64K 16K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 16K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 16K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 16K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 16K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 16K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 128K 32K — 51 5 2 2 1 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 32K — 51 5 2 2 1 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 51 5 2 2 1 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 256K 32K — 53 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 1 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 185 F -40 C Internal Oscillator 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 40 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 VCC (V) 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Package 64-QFN 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-QFN 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 121-XBGA 64-TQFP 64-QFN 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 121-XBGA 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-QFN 121-XBGA 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC32MX320F032H-40I/MR-ND PIC32MX320F032H-40I/PT-ND PIC32MX420F032H-40I/MR-ND PIC32MX420F032H-40I/PT-ND PIC32MX320F064H-40I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX320F064H-40I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX320F064H-80I/MR-ND PIC32MX320F064H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX320F128H-80I/MR-ND PIC32MX320F128H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX320F128L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX320F128L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX340F128H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX340F128H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX440F128H-80I/MR-ND PIC32MX440F128H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX340F128L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX340F128L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX440F128L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX440F128L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX440F256H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX340F256H-80I/MR-ND PIC32MX360F256L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX340F256H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX360F256L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX440F256H-80I/PT-ND 85 C 1 5.58 5.42 6.04 5.90 5.90 6.04 6.30 6.16 6.72 6.58 7.78 8.28 6.94 7.10 7.56 7.42 7.78 8.28 8.74 8.24 8.18 7.70 8.88 7.56 8.40 8.02 Price Each 10 4.38 4.26 4.74 4.63 4.63 4.74 4.95 4.84 5.28 5.17 6.11 6.50 5.45 5.57 5.94 5.82 6.11 6.50 6.86 6.48 6.42 6.05 6.98 5.94 6.59 6.30 25 4.01 3.90 4.35 4.24 4.24 4.35 4.54 4.43 4.84 4.73 5.60 5.95 5.00 5.11 5.44 5.34 5.60 5.95 6.29 5.94 5.88 5.55 6.40 5.44 6.04 5.78 (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 125 125 C 32-bit PIC Microcontrollers PIC32MX Devices C (Cont.) Memory Size Timer/ Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Capture Bytes Bytes Bytes Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Compare 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 256K 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 32K — 51 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 32K — 51 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5/1 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 51 5 2 2 1 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 32K — 51 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 32K — 85 5 2 2 2 5 16-ch. 10- it 5 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 512K 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 64K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 53 5 6 4 3 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 128K — 85 5 6 5 4 5 16-ch. 10- it 2 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C Internal Oscillator 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz 8MHz, 32 Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 VCC (V) 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3,6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 2.3 3.6 Operating Temp. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Package 100-TQFP 121-XBGA 64-QFN 60-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XGBA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 100-TQFP 121-XBGA 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP 64-QFN 64-TQFP 121-XBGA 100-TQFP 100-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. PIC32MX460F256L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX460F256L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F256H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F256H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F256L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F256L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F256L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F256H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F256H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F256L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F256L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F256L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F256H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F256H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F256L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F256L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F256L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX340F512H-80I/MR-ND PIC32MX340F512H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX360F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX360F512L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX440F512H-80I/MR-ND PIC32MX440F512H-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX460F512L-80I/PT-ND PIC32MX460F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F512H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F512H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F512L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX575F512L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F512H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F512H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F512L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX675F512L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F512H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F512H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F512L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX775F512L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX695F512H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX695F512H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX695F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX695F512L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX695F512L-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX795F512H-80I/MR-ND NEW! PIC32MX795F512H-80I/PT-ND NEW! PIC32MX795F512L-80I/BG-ND NEW! PIC32MX795F512L-80I/PF-ND NEW! PIC32MX795F512L-80I/PT-ND NEW! 1 8.86 9.36 8.84 8.68 10.02 10.14 9.52 9.26 9.10 10.44 10.56 9.94 9.64 9.50 10.82 10.94 10.34 8.52 8.38 9.70 9.20 8.98 8.84 9.68 10.16 9.64 9.50 10.82 10.94 10.34 10.06 9.92 11.24 11.36 10.76 10.46 10.30 11.64 11.76 11.14 10.90 10.76 12.08 12.20 11.58 11.30 11.14 12.46 12.60 11.98 Price Each 10 6.96 7.34 6.94 6.82 7.86 7.96 7.48 7.27 7.15 8.19 8.29 7.81 7.57 7.46 8.50 8.60 8.11 6.69 6.57 7.61 7.23 7.05 6.94 7.59 7.98 7.57 7.46 8.50 8.60 8.11 7.90 7.79 8.83 8.92 8.44 8.21 8.09 9.14 9.23 8.75 8.56 8.44 9.48 9.58 9.10 8.87 8.75 9.79 9.89 9.41 25 6.38 6.73 6.36 6.25 7.21 7.30 6.85 6.66 6.55 7.51 7.60 7.16 6.94 6.84 7.79 7.88 7.44 6.13 6.02 6.98 6.63 6.47 6.36 6.96 7.31 6.94 6.84 7.79 7.88 7.44 7.24 7.14 8.09 8.18 7.74 7.53 7.42 8.37 8.46 8.02 7.84 7.74 8.69 8.78 8.34 8.13 8.02 8.97 9.06 8.62 85 C 16-bit dsPIC DSCs ® dsPIC30F DSCs, 30 MIPs Memory Size Program RAM EEPROM Words Bytes Bytes 256 — 256 — 256 — 256 — 256 — 256 — 12K 1024 24K 1024 512 1024 512 1024 512 1024 512 1024 512 1024 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 4K x 24 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 1024 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 512 — 1024 1024 1024 1024 8K x 24 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 Timer/ Output Motor I/O Counters Comp/Std. Control Pins 16-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM PWM 21 2 1 1 1 1 4 21 2 1 1 1 1 4 21 2 1 1 1 1 4 21 2 1 1 1 1 4 21 2 1 1 1 1 4 21 2 1 1 1 1 4 20 3 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 3 1 1 1 6 6 20 3 1 1 1 6 6 20 3 1 1 1 6 6 20 3 1 1 1 6 6 20 3 1 1 1 6 6 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 20 3 1 1 1 2 — 20 3 1 1 1 2 — 20 3 1 1 1 2 — 20 3 1 1 1 2 — 20 3 1 1 1 2 — 21 3 1 1 1 2 8 21 3 1 1 1 2 8 21 3 1 1 1 2 8 21 3 1 1 1 2 8 21 3 1 1 1 2 8 21 3 1 1 1 2 8 35 3 1 1 1 2 8 35 3 1 1 1 2 8 35 3 1 1 1 2 8 35 3 1 1 1 2 8 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 ◆ RoHS Compliant † Cut Tape § Tape and Reel Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 126 126 185 F -40 C 85 C A/D 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 12-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it Analog Comp. 2 2 2 2 2 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — — — — — Int. Osc. 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 7.37MHz, 512 Hz — — — — — 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 7.37MHz 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 14.55MHz, 9.7MHz, 512 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz 8MHz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Clock Speed (MHz) 20 20 20 30 30 30 20 30 20 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 30 30 VCC (V) 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 Operating Temp. 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Package 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-QFN 28-QFN 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 28-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-QFN 28-SOIC 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 44-TQFP 44-QFN 44-TQFP 44-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 28-SOIC Digi-Key Part No. DSPIC30F1010-20E/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F1010-20E/SO-ND◆ DSPIC30F1010-20E/SP-ND◆ DSPIC30F1010-30I/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F1010-30I/SO-ND◆ DSPIC30F1010-30I/SP-ND◆ DSPIC30F2010-20I/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F2010-30I/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F2010-20I/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F201020IS-ND◆ DSPIC30F201020ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F201030ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F201030ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F201120IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F2011-20IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F201120ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F201130IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F2011-30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F201130ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F201220ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F201220ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F201230IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F201230ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F201230ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F2020-20E/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F2020-20E/SO-ND◆ DSPIC30F2020-30I/MM-ND◆ DSPIC30F2020-30I/SO-ND◆ DSPIC30F2020T-30I/SOCT-ND † DSPIC30F2020-30I/SP-ND◆ DSPIC30F2023-20E/ML-ND◆ DSPIC30F2023-20E/PT-ND◆ DSPIC30F2023-30I/ML-ND◆ DSPIC30F2023-30I/PT-ND◆ DSPIC30F301020IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F301020ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F301020ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301030IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F301030ISO-ND◆ Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 1 5.64 5.46 5.70 5.16 4.96 5.20 4.46 4.66 4.46 4.28 4.50 6.88 4.72 4.34 4.04 3.92 4.34 4.04 3.92 4.08 4.32 4.28 4.08 4.32 7.20 7.02 6.56 6.38 7.25 6.60 7.98 7.78 7.28 7.06 6.18 5.32 5.54 6.18 5.32 Price Each 10 4.44 4.30 4.48 4.05 3.91 4.09 3.51 3.67 3.51 3.36 3.54 4.82 3.71 3.41 3.18 3.09 3.41 3.18 3.09 3.22 3.40 3.36 3.22 3.40 5.66 5.52 5.16 5.01 5.06 5.20 6.28 6.11 5.72 5.56 4.86 4.18 4.36 4.86 4.18 0.00 25 4.03 3.90 4.07 3.68 3.55 3.71 3.18 3.33 3.18 3.05 3.22 4.41 3.37 3.09 2.89 2.81 3.09 2.89 2.81 2.92 3.09 3.05 2.92 3.09 5.14 5.01 4.69 4.55 4.60 4.72 5.70 5.55 5.20 5.05 4.41 3.80 3.96 4.41 3.80 (Continued) 16-bit dsPIC DSCs dsPIC30F DSCs, 30 MIPs (Cont.) 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Control Pins 16-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM PWM 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 12 3 1 1 1 2 — 20 3 2 1 1 2 — 20 3 2 1 1 2 — 20 3 2 1 1 2 — 20 3 2 1 1 2 — 20 3 2 1 1 2 — 20 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 3 2 1 1 2 — 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 20 5 1 1 1 2 6 30 5 2 1 1 4 — 30 5 2 1 1 4 — 30 5 2 1 1 4 — 30 5 2 1 1 4 — 30 5 2 1 1 4 — 30 5 2 1 1 4 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 1 1 2 4 8 68 5 1 1 2 4 8 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 8 68 5 2 1 2 8 8 68 5 2 1 2 8 8 68 5 2 1 2 8 8 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 68 5 2 1 2 8 — 52 5 2 1 2 6 8 68 5 2 1 2 8 8 ◆ RoHS Compliant † Cut Tape § Tape and Reel Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F 185 F -40 C 85 C A/D 6-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 8-ch. 12-bit 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 10-ch. 12- it 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 9-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 13-ch. 12-bit 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 12- it 16-ch. 10- it 16-ch. 10- it ® Analog Comp. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Int. 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Package 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 44-QFN 18-DIP 18-SOIC 44-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 28-SOIC 28-DIP .3 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 44-QFN 40-DIP 44-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 80-TQFP 64-TQFP 80-TQFP Digi-Key Part No. DSPIC30F301030ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301120IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F3011-20IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301120IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F301130IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F3011-30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301130IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F301220IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F3012-20IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301220ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F301230IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F3012-30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301230ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F301320IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F301320ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F301320ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301330IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F301330ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F301330ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301420IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F3014-20IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F301420IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F301430IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F301430/P-ND◆ DSPIC30F301430IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F401120/ML-ND◆ DSPIC30F4011-20IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F401120IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F401130IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F4011-30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F401130IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F401220ISO-ND DSPIC30F401220ISP-ND DSPIC30F401230IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F401230ISO-ND◆ DSPIC30F401230ISP-ND◆ DSPIC30F401320IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F4013-20IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F401320IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F401330IML-ND◆ DSPIC30F4013-30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F401330IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F5011-20I/PT-ND◆ DSPIC30F5011-30I/PT-ND◆ DSPIC30F501320IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F501330IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F501530IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F501630IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F601120IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601130IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F6011A30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F6011A-30I/PF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601320IPF-ND DSPIC30F601330IPF-ND DSPIC30F6013A30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F6013A-30I/PF-ND◆ DSPIC30F6010A-30I/PF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601020IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601030IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F6010A30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F601220IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601230IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F6012A30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F6012A-30I/PF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601420IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601430IPF-ND◆ DSPIC30F6014A30IP-ND◆ DSPIC30F6014A-30I/PF-ND◆ DSPIC30F601530IPT-ND◆ DSPIC30F6010A-20E/PT-ND◆ NEW! 1 5.54 6.06 6.02 5.84 6.06 6.02 5.84 5.70 4.82 4.72 5.70 4.82 4.72 5.74 4.88 5.10 5.74 4.88 5.10 5.92 5.88 5.70 5.92 5.88 5.70 7.28 7.24 7.06 7.28 7.24 7.06 6.54 6.76 7.40 6.54 6.76 7.10 7.06 6.88 7.10 7.06 6.88 8.74 9.18 9.64 10.08 8.94 9.84 20.06 24.06 12.12 13.28 20.42 24.52 12.56 13.72 14.12 22.46 26.04 12.96 20.98 24.30 12.24 13.40 22.00 25.48 12.76 13.90 12.64 14.26 Price Each 10 4.36 4.76 4.73 4.60 4.76 4.73 4.60 4.48 3.80 3.71 4.48 3.80 3.71 4.51 3.83 4.01 4.51 3.83 4.01 4.65 4.62 4.49 4.65 4.62 4.49 5.72 5.70 5.56 5.72 5.70 5.56 5.14 5.32 5.82 5.14 5.32 5.58 5.55 5.41 5.58 5.55 5.41 6.87 7.21 7.58 7.92 7.03 7.74 15.71 16.50 9.54 10.45 16.06 16.87 9.88 10.80 11.10 16.40 17.22 10.19 15.88 16.67 9.63 10.54 16.40 17.22 10.03 10.94 9.94 11.21 25 3.96 4.32 4.30 4.17 4.32 4.30 4.17 4.07 3.45 3.37 4.07 3.45 3.37 4.10 3.48 3.65 4.10 3.48 3.65 4.22 4.20 4.08 4.22 4.20 4.08 5.20 5.17 5.05 5.20 5.17 5.05 4.67 4.83 5.29 4.67 4.83 5.07 5.04 4.92 5.07 5.04 4.92 6.24 6.55 6.88 7.19 6.39 7.03 15.33 16.10 8.66 9.48 15.68 16.47 8.98 9.80 10.08 16.01 16.81 9.26 15.50 16.27 8.75 9.57 16.01 16.81 9.11 9.93 9.03 10.18 0.00 Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C dsPIC33F Devices, 40 MIPs Memory Size Output Timer/ Comp/ Motor Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Std. Control Bytes Bytes Bytes Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM PWM 256 — 13 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 256 — 21 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 256 — 21 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 6K 256 — 21 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 1K — 21 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 1K — 21 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 1K — 21 2/ 1 1 1 1 4 1K — 13 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 1K — 13 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 1K — 15 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 1K — 15 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 1K — 15 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 12K 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 1K — 21 3/ 1 1 1 2 8 1K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 185 F -40 C 85 C A/D 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 10- it 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 104-ch. 12- it, 4-ch. 104-ch. 12- it, 4-ch. 104-ch. 12- it, 4-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 106-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it it it it it it it it it it it it Clock Int. Speed VCC Operating Digi-Key Osc. (MHz) (V) Temp. Package Part No. 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 18-SOIC DSPIC33FJ06GS101-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ06GS102-I/MM-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ06GS102-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ06GS102-I/SP-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ06GS202-I/MM-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ06GS202-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ06GS202-I/SP-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 18-DIP DSPIC33FJ12GP201-I/P-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 18-SOIC DSPIC33FJ12GP201-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 20-DIP DSPIC33FJ12MC201-I/P-ND 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 20-SOIC DSPIC33FJ12MC201-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 20-SSOP DSPIC33FJ12MC201-I/SS-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ12GP202-I/ML-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ12GP202-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 DSPIC33FJ12GP202-I/SP-ND 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ12MC202-I/SO-ND 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SSOP DSPIC33FJ12MC202-I/SS-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 DSPIC33FJ12MC202-I/SP-ND 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ12MC202-I/ML-ND Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Hi h Varies See Manu acturer s data sheet or exact speci ications 1 3.42 4.04 3.84 4.08 4.36 4.16 4.40 3.78 3.64 4.26 4.02 3.64 4.12 3.98 4.22 4.10 4.06 4.34 4.24 Price Each 10 2.71 3.18 3.03 3.22 3.43 3.28 3.47 2.97 2.87 3.35 3.16 2.87 3.24 3.12 3.32 3.22 3.18 3.41 3.33 25 2.46 2.92 2.77 2.95 3.14 3.00 3.18 2.72 2.63 3.07 2.90 2.63 2.97 2.86 3.04 2.95 2.92 3.13 3.06 (Continued) For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 127 127 C 16-bit dsPIC DSCs dsPIC33F Devices, 40 MIPs (Cont.) Memory Size C Output Timer/ Comp/ Motor Clock Program RAM EEPROM I/O Counters Std. Control Int. Speed VCC Operating Digi-Key Bytes Bytes Bytes Pins 16/32-bit UART I2C™ SPI™ PWM PWM A/D Osc. (MHz) (V) Temp. Package Part No. 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ16GP304-I/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ16GP304-I/PT-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ16MC304-I/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ16MC304-E/PT-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ16MC304-I/PT-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 6 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ16GS402-I/MM-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 6 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ16GS402-I/SO-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 6 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ16GS402-I/SP-ND 16K 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 6 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ16GS404-I/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 6 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ16GS404-I/PT-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ16MC304-H/ML-ND NEW! 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ16MC304-H/PT-ND NEW! 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ16GS502-I/MM-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ16GS502-I/SO-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 8-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ16GS502-I/SP-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 12-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ16GS504-I/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 12-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ16GS504-I/PT-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP202-E/MM-ND Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP202-I/MM-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32GP202-E/SO-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32GP202-I/SO-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-DIP .3 DSPIC33FJ32GP202-E/SP-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 10-ch. 12- it, 10-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 DSPIC33FJ32GP202-I/SP-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC202-E/MM-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC202-I/MM-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32MC202-E/SO-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32MC202-I/SO-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-DIP .3 DSPIC33FJ32MC202-E/SP-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 12- it, 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP .3 DSPIC33FJ32MC202-I/SP-ND 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC202-H/MM-ND NEW! 2K — 21 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32MC202-H/SO-ND NEW! 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP204-I/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32GP204-E/PT-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 — 13-ch. 12- it, 13-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32GP204-I/PT-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC204-E/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC204-I/ML-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32MC204-E/PT-ND 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 12- it, 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32MC204-I/PT-ND 32K 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC204-H/ML-ND NEW! 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32MC204-H/PT-ND NEW! 2K — 35 3/1 1 1 1 2 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP302-E/MM-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP302-I/MM-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32GP302-E/SO-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32GP302-I/SO-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SPDIP DSPIC33FJ32GP302-E/SP-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SPDIP DSPIC33FJ32GP302-I/SP-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC302-E/MM-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.5 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC302-I/MM-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32MC302-E/SO-ND 4K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ32MC302-I/SO-ND 4K — 21 3/1 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SPDIP DSPIC33FJ32MC302-E/SP-ND 4K — 21 3/1 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SPDIP DSPIC33FJ32MC302-I/SP-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP304-E/ML-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32GP304-I/ML-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32GP304-E/PT-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32GP304-I/PT-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC304-E/ML-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ32MC304-I/ML-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32MC304-E/PT-ND 4K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ32MC304-I/PT-ND 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ64GP202-E/MM-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ64GP202-I/MM-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SPDIP DSPIC33FJ64GP202-E/SP-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SPDIP DSPIC33FJ64GP202-I/SP-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ64GP202-E/SO-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ64GP202-I/SO-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 8 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ64MC202-E/MM-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 8 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ64MC202-I/MM-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ64MC202-E/SP-ND 64K 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ64MC202-I/SP-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ64MC202-E/SO-ND 8K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ64MC202-I/SO-ND 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ64GP204-E/ML-ND 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ64GP204-I/ML-ND 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ64GP204-E/PT-ND 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ64GP204-I/PT-ND 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ64MC204-E/ML-ND 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ64MC204-I/ML-ND Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 128 128 185 F -40 C 85 C Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Hi h Varies See Manu acturer s data sheet or exact speci ications For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 1 4.66 4.52 4.78 5.10 4.64 4.60 4.40 4.66 5.06 4.84 6.28 6.12 5.50 5.32 5.56 6.20 5.98 5.26 4.80 4.94 4.50 5.18 4.74 5.18 4.72 5.08 4.62 5.32 4.86 6.24 6.10 4.82 5.14 4.66 5.46 4.98 5.32 4.84 6.54 6.38 5.46 4.98 5.32 4.84 5.56 5.08 5.68 5.18 5.54 5.04 5.78 5.28 5.96 5.42 5.80 5.28 6.16 5.62 6.02 5.48 6.16 5.62 6.26 5.72 6.02 5.48 6.50 5.92 6.60 6.02 6.34 5.76 6.50 5.92 6.34 5.76 6.68 6.08 Price Each 10 3.66 3.55 3.76 4.01 3.64 3.62 3.47 3.66 3.99 3.82 4.92 4.81 4.34 4.18 4.37 4.88 4.70 4.14 3.78 3.88 3.53 4.07 3.72 4.09 3.72 3.99 3.62 4.18 3.82 4.90 4.78 3.78 4.03 3.66 4.29 3.91 4.18 3.80 5.13 5.01 4.29 3.91 4.18 3.80 4.37 3.99 4.46 4.07 4.35 3.95 4.54 4.14 4.67 4.26 4.56 4.14 4.84 4.41 4.73 4.30 4.84 4.41 4.92 4.49 4.73 4.30 5.10 4.64 5.17 4.72 4.98 4.53 5.10 4.64 4.98 4.53 5.25 4.78 25 3.36 3.25 3.45 3.67 3.34 3.32 3.18 3.36 3.66 3.50 4.51 4.41 3.98 3.83 4.01 4.47 4.31 3.80 3.46 3.56 3.23 3.73 3.41 3.75 3.41 3.65 3.32 3.83 3.50 4.49 4.38 3.46 3.69 3.36 3.93 3.59 3.83 3.48 4.70 4.59 3.93 3.59 3.83 3.48 4.01 3.66 4.09 3.73 3.98 3.62 4.16 3.80 4.28 3.90 4.18 3.80 4.44 4.05 4.33 3.94 4.44 4.05 4.51 4.12 4.33 3.94 4.67 4.26 4.74 4.33 4.57 4.15 4.67 4.26 4.57 4.15 4.81 4.38 (Continued) 16-bit dsPIC DSCs dsPIC33F Devices, 40 MIPs (Cont.) 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Digi-Key Package Part No. 1 Price Each 10 25 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC204-E/PT-ND 7.10 5.58 5.11 8K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC204-I/PT-ND 6.46 5.07 4.65 8K — 53 9/4 2 1 2 8 — 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP206-I/PT-ND 8K — 53 9/4 2 1 2 8 — 18-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN DSPIC33FJ128GP206A-I/MR-ND NEW! 8K — 53 9/4 2 1 2 8 — 18-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP206A-I/PT-ND NEW! 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 64-QFN DSPIC33FJ128MC506A-H/MR-ND NEW! 6.36 4.99 4.58 6.50 5.11 4.68 6.36 4.99 4.58 9.64 7.57 6.94 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC506A-H/PT-ND NEW! 9.50 7.45 6.83 8K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN DSPIC33FJ128MC506A-I/MR-ND NEW! 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6.66 5.22 4.79 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP310-I/PF-ND 8.08 6.34 5.81 DSPIC33FJ128GP306A-I/MR-ND NEW! 6.66 5.22 4.79 6.80 5.34 4.89 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP310A-I/PF-ND NEW! 8.08 6.34 5.81 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP310A-I/PT-ND NEW! 7.46 5.86 5.37 16K — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 18-ch. 12- it, 18-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP706-I/PT-ND 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 18-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-QFN DSPIC33FJ128GP706A-I/MR-ND NEW! 7.70 6.05 5.55 7.86 6.17 5.65 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 18-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP706A-I/PT-ND NEW! 7.70 6.05 5.55 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 12- it, 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC706-I/PT-ND 7.88 6.19 5.67 DSPIC33FJ128MC706A-I/MR-ND NEW! 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.3 Ind. 64-QFN 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.3 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC706A-I/PT-ND NEW! 8.02 6.30 5.78 7.88 6.19 5.67 16K — 69 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP708-I/PT-ND 8.22 6.46 5.92 16K — 69 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP708A-I/PT-ND NEW! 8.22 6.46 5.92 16K — 69 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC708-I/PT-ND 8.76 6.88 6.31 16K — 69 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 18-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 80-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC708A-I/PT-ND NEW! 8.76 6.88 6.31 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP710-I/PF-ND 9.14 7.17 6.57 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP710-I/PT-ND 8.52 6.69 6.13 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP710A-I/PF-ND NEW! 9.14 7.17 6.57 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP710A-I/PT-ND NEW! 8.52 6.69 6.13 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC710-I/PF-ND 9.70 7.61 6.98 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-I/PF-ND NEW! 9.70 7.61 6.98 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-I/PT-ND NEW! 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ128GP802-E/MM-ND 9.08 7.13 6.54 7.32 5.75 5.28 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ128GP802-I/MM-ND 6.68 5.24 4.81 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ128GP802-E/SO-ND 7.18 5.64 5.17 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ128GP802-I/SO-ND 6.52 5.13 4.70 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ128GP802-E/SP-ND 7.42 5.83 5.35 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 10-ch. 12- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ128GP802-I/SP-ND 6.78 5.32 4.88 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ128MC802-E/MM-ND 7.52 5.90 5.41 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-QFN DSPIC33FJ128MC802-I/MM-ND 6.84 5.38 4.93 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ128MC802-E/SO-ND 7.38 5.79 5.31 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-SOIC DSPIC33FJ128MC802-I/SO-ND 6.70 5.26 4.82 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ128MC802-E/SP-ND 7.62 5.98 5.48 16K — 21 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 6-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 28-DIP DSPIC33FJ128MC802-I/SP-ND 6.94 5.45 5.00 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ128GP804-E/ML-ND 7.78 6.12 5.61 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ128GP804-I/ML-ND 7.10 5.57 5.11 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP804-E/PT-ND 7.64 6.00 5.50 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 — 13-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128GP804-I/PT-ND 6.94 5.45 5.00 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ128MC804-E/ML-ND 8.30 6.52 5.98 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-QFN DSPIC33FJ128MC804-I/ML-ND 7.56 5.94 5.44 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ext. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC804-E/PT-ND 8.16 6.40 5.87 5.34 16K — 35 5/2 2 1 2 4 8 9-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 44-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC804-I/PT-ND 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.3 Hi h 64-QFN 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 16-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.3 Hi h 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC706A-H/PT-ND NEW! DSPIC33FJ128MC706A-H/MR-ND NEW! 7.42 5.82 10.54 8.28 7.59 10.40 8.17 7.49 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-H/PF-ND NEW! 12.60 9.89 9.07 16K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-H/PT-ND NEW! 11.98 9.41 8.63 16K — 53 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256GP506-I/PT-ND 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 18-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 64-QFN DSPIC33FJ256GP506A-H/MR-ND NEW! 7.36 5.78 5.30 9.86 7.75 7.10 16K — 53 9/4 2 2 2 8 — 18-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 64-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256GP506A-H/PT-ND NEW! 9.72 7.63 7.00 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256GP510-I/PF-ND 8.78 6.90 6.32 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256GP510-I/PT-ND 8.18 6.42 5.88 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256MC510-I/PF-ND 9.32 7.32 6.71 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 32-ch. 12- it, 32-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256MC510-I/PT-ND 8.72 6.84 6.27 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256GP710-I/PF-ND 9.94 7.81 7.16 16K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256GP710-I/PT-ND 9.32 7.32 6.71 30K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256MC710-I/PF-ND 10.56 8.29 7.60 30K — 85 9/ 2 2 2 8 — 24-ch. 12- it, 24-ch. 10- it 7.37MHz, 32 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Ind. 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256MC710-I/PT-ND 9.94 7.81 7.16 30K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 8 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256MC710A-H/PF-ND NEW! 13.74 10.79 9.89 30K — 85 9/4 2 2 2 8 24-ch. 12-bit 7.37MHz, 512 Hz 64 3.0 3.6 Hi h 100-TQFP DSPIC33FJ256MC710A-H/PT-ND NEW! 13.12 10.30 9.44 Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 130 130 (Cont.) 185 F -40 C 8 85 C Extended -40 F 257 F -40 C 125 C Hi h Varies See Manu acturer s data sheet or exact speci ications For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. 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More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 131 131 C Extreme Low Power Microcontrollers (Cont.) 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Note: Operating Temperature Range: Industrial -40 F ® 132 132 185 F -40 C Analog Int. I2C™ SPI™ PWM A/D Comp. 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More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Digi-Key Part No. PIC24F08KA101-I/MQ-ND✔ PIC24F08KA102-I/ML-ND PIC24F08KA102-I/SO-ND PIC24F08KA102-I/SP-ND PIC24F08KA102-I/SS-ND PIC18F14K50-I/P-ND PIC18F14K50-I/SO-ND PIC18F14K50-I/SS-ND PIC18F14K50-I/MQ-ND✔ PIC18LF14K50-I/P-ND PIC18LF14K50-I/SO-ND PIC18LF14K50-I/SS-ND PIC18LF14K50-I/MQ-ND✔ PIC18F24J11-I/SP-ND PIC18F24K20-E/ML-ND PIC18F24K20-I/ML-ND PIC18F24K20-E/SO-ND PIC18F24K20-I/SO-ND PIC18F24K20-E/SP-ND PIC18F24K20-I/SP-ND PIC18F24K20-E/SS-ND PIC18F24K20-I/SS-ND PIC18F25K22-I/ML-ND✔ PIC18F25K22-I/SO-ND✔ PIC18F25K22-I/SP-ND✔ PIC18F25K22-I/SS-ND✔ PIC18LF25K22-I/ML-ND✔ PIC18LF25K22-I/SO-ND✔ PIC18LF25K22-I/SP-ND✔ PIC18LF25K22-I/SS-ND✔ PIC18F45K22-I/ML-ND✔ PIC18F45K22-I/P-ND✔ PIC18F45K22-I/PT-ND✔ PIC18LF45K22-I/ML-ND✔ PIC18LF45K22-I/P-ND✔ PIC18LF45K22-I/PT-ND✔ PIC24F16KA101-I/P-ND PIC24F16KA101-I/SO-ND PIC24F16KA101-I/SS-ND PIC24F16KA101-I/MQ-ND✔ PIC24F16KA102-I/ML-ND PIC24F16KA102-I/SO-ND PIC24F16KA102-I/SP-ND PIC24F16KA102-I/SS-ND PIC24HJ16GP304-H/ML-ND✔ PIC24HJ16GP304-H/PT-ND✔ PIC18F24J11-I/ML-ND PIC18F24J11-I/SO-ND PIC18F24J11-I/SS-ND PIC18LF24J11-I/ML-ND PIC18LF24J11-I/SO-ND PIC18LF24J11-I/SP-ND PIC18LF24J11-I/SS-ND PIC18F24J50-I/ML-ND PIC18F24J50-I/SO-ND PIC18F24J50-I/SP-ND PIC18F24J50-I/SS-ND PIC18LF24J50-I/ML-ND PIC18LF24J50-I/SO-ND PIC18LF24J50-I/SP-ND PIC18LF24J50-I/SS-ND PIC18F44J11-I/ML-ND PIC18F44J11-I/PT-ND PIC18LF44J11-I/ML-ND PIC18LF44J11-I/PT-ND PIC18F44J50-I/ML-ND PIC18F44J50-I/PT-ND PIC18LF44J50-I/ML-ND PIC18LF44J50-I/PT-ND PIC18F25K20-E/ML-ND PIC18F25K20-I/ML-ND PIC18F25K20-E/SO-ND PIC18F25K20-I/SO-ND PIC18F25K20-E/SP-ND PIC18F25K20-I/SP-ND PIC18F25K20-E/SS-ND PIC18F25K20-I/SS-ND PIC18F25K20T-I/SSCT-ND† PIC18F25K20T-I/SSTR-ND‡ PIC18F45K20-E/ML-ND PIC18F45K20-I/ML-ND PIC18F45K20-E/P-ND PIC18F45K20-I/P-ND PIC18F45K20-E/PT-ND Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 1 10 25 2.74 2.16 1.96 2.88 2.27 2.06 2.70 2.13 1.93 2.94 2.31 2.10 2.66 2.09 1.90 3.04 2.39 2.19 2.98 2.35 2.16 2.66 2.10 1.93 2.82 2.04 1.94 3.18 2.08 2.03 3.12 2.04 1.99 2.80 1.83 1.79 2.82 2.04 1.94 3.18 2.51 2.30 2.72 2.13 1.95 2.48 1.95 1.78 2.56 2.01 1.85 2.34 1.83 1.68 2.82 2.21 2.02 2.58 2.02 1.86 2.52 1.98 1.81 2.28 1.79 1.64 3.04 2.39 2.19 2.90 2.27 2.08 3.14 2.47 2.26 2.84 2.24 2.05 3.04 2.39 2.19 2.90 2.27 2.08 3.14 2.47 2.26 2.84 2.24 2.05 3.46 2.72 2.49 3.56 2.79 2.56 3.32 2.60 2.39 3.46 2.72 2.49 3.56 2.79 2.56 3.32 2.60 2.39 3.06 2.41 2.19 2.88 2.27 2.06 2.66 2.09 1.90 2.86 2.25 2.04 3.00 2.36 2.15 2.82 2.22 2.01 3.04 2.40 2.18 2.78 2.18 1.98 5.74 4.52 4.11 5.62 4.41 4.01 3.14 2.47 2.26 2.94 2.31 2.12 2.88 2.27 2.08 3.14 2.47 2.26 2.94 2.31 2.12 3.18 2.51 2.30 2.88 2.27 2.08 3.50 2.76 2.53 3.30 2.60 2.39 3.54 2.79 2.56 3.26 2.56 2.35 3.50 2.76 2.53 3.30 2.60 2.39 3.54 2.79 2.56 3.26 2.56 2.35 3.62 2.85 2.61 3.40 2.68 2.46 3.62 2.85 2.61 3.40 2.68 2.46 4.00 3.14 2.88 3.78 2.97 2.72 4.00 3.14 2.88 3.78 2.97 2.72 2.84 2.24 2.05 2.60 2.04 1.87 2.70 2.12 1.94 2.46 1.93 1.77 2.94 2.31 2.12 2.70 2.12 1.94 2.66 2.08 1.91 2.40 1.89 1.73 2.77 1.94 1.78 3380.99/2,100 3.26 2.55 2.34 2.98 2.33 2.14 3.36 2.63 2.41 3.06 2.41 2.21 3.10 2.44 2.23 (Continued) Extreme Low Power Microcontrollers (Cont.) 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More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 133 133 C Programmers, In-Circuit Debuggers, and In-Circuit Emulators Digi-Key Part No. DV164035-ND DV164120-ND DV164121-ND DV164131-ND DV164132-ND◆✔ DV003001-ND DV007004-ND PG164120-ND PG164130-ND◆✔ ICE2000-ND Accessories PIC10F Cap Touch Demo Board AC103003-ND PIC10F Ho y Kit AC163021-ND SOT23-6 Adapter AC163020-ND ICSP Ca le or MPLAB PM3 AC002021-ND Power Supply AC162039-ND Power Supply with Cable AC162048-ND SOT23-6 to 8-DIP Adapter AC163020-2-ND PICDEM 2.46GHz Dau hter Card AC163027-4-ND Jumper Wire Kit Multi Color 5 AC163029-ND RJ-11 to ICSP Adapter AC164110-ND PM3 ICSP to RJ-11 Adapter AC164111-ND ENA Networ Analyzer DM183023-ND PIC16F/PIC24F Evaluation Kit DM183026-ND PICDEM Inductive Touch DM183027-ND◆✔ Development Kit Price Each 189.99 49.99 49.99 69.99 69.99 199.99 895.00 34.99 44.95 1000.00 Description ICD3 In-Circuit De u er PIC it 2 Starter Kit PIC it 2 De u Express PIC it 3 De u Express F1 Evaluation Kit PICSTART PLUS PM3 PIC it 2 MCU Pro rammer PIC it 3 In-Circuit De u er ICE 2000 POD C KEELOQ 3 Development Kit Demo Board LCD GPIO PIC16F1937 Plu -in Module PIC18F25J1028L PIC18LF25J1028L PIC18F45J10 44L PIC18LF45J10 44L PIC18F87J10 PICDEM HPC Blan PIC18F85J11 PIM or HPC PICDEM LCD 2 PIM Pac PIC18F87J50 Full Speed USB PIC18F85J90 PIM PIC18F46J11 PIM PIC18F46J50 Full Speed USB PIM PIC18F87J90 PIM PIC18F45K20 Module Plu -in 44-pin TQFP PIC24F 100P to 100P TQFP Plug-in Module PIC24H 100P PIC24 44P PIM PIC24 100P PIM - OTG General Purpose PIM or 24F256GA PIC24HJ128GP504 100 PIN PIM PIC24HJ Graphics Plu -in Module PIC24F16KA102 PIM dsPIC30F 80L dsPIC30F 80L dsPICDEM 80-PIN 134 134 69.99 DM303007-ND GPIODM-KPLCD-ND MA160012-ND◆✔ MA180011-ND MA180012-ND MA180013-ND MA180014-ND MA180015-ND MA180016-ND MA180018-ND MA180019-ND MA180021-ND MA180022-ND MA180023-ND MA180024-ND MA180025-ND MA180026-ND◆✔ 159.99 55.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 18.00 25.00 40.00 40.00 25.00 25.00 45.00 25.00 25.00 MA240011-ND◆✔ 25.00 MA240012-ND MA240013-ND MA240014-ND MA240015-ND MA240016-ND MA240016-2-ND◆✔ MA240017-ND MA300014-ND MA300015-ND MA300016-ND 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Processor Modules Digi-Key Part No. PCM12XA0-ND PCM12XC0-ND◆ PCM16XA0-ND PCM16XB1-ND PCM16XC0-ND PCM16XD0-ND PCM16XF0-ND PCM16XG0-ND PCM16XH1-ND◆ PCM16XH2-ND◆ PCM16XJ0-ND PCM16XK1-ND◆ PCM16XL0-ND PCM16XN0-ND PCM16XP1-ND◆ PCM16XQ1-ND PCM16XR0-ND PCM16XR1-ND PCM16XT0-ND PCM16XV0-ND PCM16XW0-ND PCM16YB0-ND PCM16YC0-ND PCM16YD0-ND PCM16YE0-ND PCM16YF0-ND PCM16YG0-ND PCM16YH0-ND PCM16YJ0-ND PCM16YK0-ND PCM16YM0-ND PCM16YN0-ND PCM16YP0-ND PCM16YQ0-ND PCM16YR0-ND◆ PCM18XD1-ND PCM18XJ1-ND PCM18XK1-ND PCM18XN1-ND◆ PCM18XP1-ND◆ PCM18XQ0-ND PCM18XQ1-ND◆ 11.00 12.00 45.00 21.00 24.00 29.99 60.00 39.99 8.99 9.99 18.00 129.99 84.95 Price Each 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 Digi-Key Price Description Part No. Each PIC32 100P PIM MA320001-ND 25.00 PIC32 100P PIM - 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Transition Sockets Digi-Key Part No. XLT06SOT-ND◆ XLT08DFN2-ND XLT08SN-1-ND XLT08SO-1-ND XLT14SO-1-ND XLT14SS-1-ND XLT16QFN1-ND XLT18SO-1-ND XLT20QFN-1-ND◆ XLT20SO1-1-ND◆ XLT20SS-1-ND XLT20SS1-1-ND◆ XLT28QFN3-ND XLT28QFN4-ND XLT28SO-1-ND XLT28SS2-1-ND◆ XLT44L2-ND XLT44PT3-ND◆ XLT44QFN2-ND XLT44QFN3-ND XLT44QFN4-ND XLT44QFN5-ND XLT64PT3-ND XLT64PT5-ND◆ XLT80PT3-ND◆ Price Each 18.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 125.00 125.00 40.00 125.00 175.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 175.00 40.00 125.00 125.00 175.00 225.00 175.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 225.00 250.00 ◆ RoHS Compliant Socket Modules Digi-Key Part No. AC002012-ND AC002013-ND◆ AC163022-ND AC164014-ND AC164022-ND AC164023-ND AC164028-ND AC164029-ND AC164030-ND AC164035-ND◆ Price Each 33.00 50.00 60.00 159.99 159.99 159.99 159.99 159.99 159.99 159.99 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Digi-Key Part No. AC164036-ND AC164038-ND AC164301-ND◆ AC164302-ND◆ AC164303-ND◆ AC164305-ND◆ AC164306-ND◆ AC164307-ND◆ AC164308-ND AC164309-ND◆ AC164310-ND AC164311-ND AC164312-ND◆ AC164313-ND AC164317-ND AC164321-ND◆ AC164322-ND◆ AC164323-ND AC164324-ND◆ AC164325-ND AC164326-ND◆ AC164327-ND◆ AC164328-ND AC164329-ND◆ AC164331-ND◆ AC164332-ND AC164333-ND◆ AC164338-ND◆ AC164339-ND◆ AC164335-ND AC164336-ND AC164337-ND AC164340-ND◆ AC164341-ND◆ AC164350-ND◆ AC30F001-ND AC30F002-ND AC30F003-ND AC30F004-ND AC30F005-ND AC164334-ND◆ NEW! 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AC164349-ND◆ NEW! ◆ RoHS Compliant Price Each 159.99 159.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 289.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 289.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 129.99 159.99 159.99 159.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 209.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 Price Each 40.00 30.00 55.00 99.99 20.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 159.99 159.99 159.99 29.99 5.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 39.99 37.99 39.99 25.00 45.00 20.00 154.99 99.99 69.99 125.00 60.00 89.99 24.99 49.99 35.00 25.00 35.00 70.00 159.98 9.99 299.99 429.99 499.98 79.99 50.00 50.00 50.00 Demo Kits Description PICDEM CAN-LIN 2 PICDEM 4 PICDEM CAN-LIN 3 PICDEM 2 Plus PICDEM 2 Demo Board PICDEM FS USB Demo Board Low-Power Solutions Demo Board PICDEM 2.4GHz PICDEM Mechatronics Demo Kit PICDEM LCD 2 Demo Board PICDEM La Development Kit PICDEM LCD Dau hter Board Expl 18F87J11 Plu -In Module PIC it 2, Starter Kit PIC it 2, 44-Pin Demo Board PIC it 2, 28-Pin Demo Board PIC it 2, 18-Pin Demo Board PIC it 2, 64/80-Pin Demo Board PICDEM System Mana ement PICDEM Touch Sense 1 Kit USB Development Kit PICDEM MC LV Dev. Board PIC18FXX22 64/80-Pin TQFP Demo Board Explorer 16 Development Board Explorer 16 Development Board dsPICDEM™ Development Board dsPICDEM 2 Development Board dsPICDEM™ MCSM Dev. Board dsPICDEM 80P Starter dsPICDEM MC1 dsPICDEM 1.1 Plus GP Demo Board 16-Bit, 28-Pin Demo Board PIC32MX Starter Kit dsPICDEM SMPS BUCK Demo Board PIC it 1 Digi-Key Part No. DM163011-ND DM163014-ND DM163015-ND DM163022-ND DM163024-ND DM163025-ND DM163026-ND DM163027-5-ND DM163029-ND DM163030-ND DM163035-ND MA160011-ND MA180020-ND DM164120-1-ND DM164120-2-ND DM164120-3-ND DM164120-4-ND DM164120-5-ND DM164123-ND DM164125-ND DM164127-ND DM183021-ND Price Each 199.99 129.99 199.99 99.99 165.00 59.99 129.99 269.99 149.99 125.00 124.99 29.99 25.00 23.99 23.99 24.99 23.99 35.00 110.00 139.99 39.99 99.99 DM183022-ND DM240001-ND DM240002-ND DM330022-ND◆✔ DM300018-ND DV330021-ND◆✔ DM300019-ND DM300020-ND 59.99 129.99 129.99 129.99 99.99 150.00 79.99 300.00 DM300024-ND DM300027-ND DM320001-ND 299.99 79.99 49.99 DM300023-ND DV164101-ND 149.99 36.00 Breakout and Evaluation Boards Description r PIC Kit 1 PIC it 2, 20-Pin Demo Kit XLP 16- it Ener y Harvestin Development Kit PIC18 Development Kit PICtail Humidity Sensor Demo Board PICtail Plus Module PIC32 Demo Board Graphics Display Powertip Board PICtail Plus Dau hter Board PICtail Plus Dau hter Card PICtail Plus Dau hter Board PICtail Plus Dau hter Board PICtail Plus Card 2.4GHz eroG PICtail Plus Dau hter Board MRF49XA PICtail Plus Daughter Board MRF49XA PICtail Plus Daugher Board PIC32 Expansion Board MPLAB® Starter Kit or PIC18F MCU PIC32 USB Starter Kit II PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit dsPIC Starter Kit PIC18F4XK20 Starter Kit SRL MEM Starter Kit UNI/O Bus Parasitic Power Demo Board 24V 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor with Encoder PIC32 Starter Board to Explorer 16 PIM Adapter Ref. Design, Automotive Lighting PICDEM Touch Sense 2 Dev. Kit PICDEM 18 Explorer Demo Board Internet Radio Demo Board MPLAB Starter Kit or PIC24F MPLAB Starter Kit or PIC24H dsPICDEM MCLV Dev. Board Evaluation Board Voltage Regulator ICD3 Eval. Kit with PICDEM 2 Plus ICD3 Eval. Kit with Explorer 16 LIN Serial Analyzer PIC16LF1937 PIC it™ Eval Board Digi-Key Part No. DV164102-ND DV164126-ND Price Each 135.00 59.98 DV164133-ND◆✔ 195.00 DV164136-ND◆✔ 165.00 PIC16F690DM-PCTLHS-ND MRF24J40MA-I/RM-ND DM320003-ND AC164127-6-ND◆✔ AC164127-ND AC164129-ND AC164130-ND AC164132-ND◆✔ AC164134-ND AC164136-2-ND◆✔ 50.00 9.95 55.00 115.00 135.00 80.00 45.00 49.99 18.95 59.99 AC164137-1-ND◆✔ 39.99 AC164137-2-ND◆✔ 39.99 DM320002-ND 72.00 DM180021-ND ✔ 59.98 DM320003-2-ND◆✔ DM320004-ND◆✔ DM330011-ND DM164124-ND DV243003-ND 55.00 72.00 59.98 99.80 79.98 AC243004-ND◆✔ 20.00 AC300022-ND 160.00 AC320002-ND APGRD004-ND 30.00 30.00 DM164128-ND 99.99 DM183032-ND DM183033-ND DM240011-ND DM240021-ND DM330021-ND SOT223-5EV-VREG-ND DV164036-ND◆✔ DV164037-ND◆✔ APGDT001-ND◆✔ DM164130-1-ND◆✔ 99.99 99.99 59.98 59.98 150.00 35.00 229.99 299.99 64.95 39.99 Price Each 59.99 650.00 80.00 SC70EV-ND◆✔ 9.99 TC2030-MCP-NL-ND◆✔ TDKE 915-ND◆✔ 33.70 270.00 TO263-5EV-VREG-ND◆✔ 30.00 TSB8BITDB-ND◆✔ 16.88 TSSOP20EV-ND◆✔ 9.99 ◆ RoHS Compliant ✔NEW! Software Description C18 C Compiler C30 C Compiler MPLAB C Compiler or dsPIC DSCs MPLAB C Compiler or PIC24 MCUs C32 C Compiler XTEA Battery Authentication ENA Networ Analyzer So tware Visual FilterLab® Digital Filter Design Lite Soft Modem Speech Recognition Library Noise Suppression Library Symmetric Key Encryption Li rary Asymmetric Key Encryption Li rary Acoustic Echo Cancellation Library Speech Encodin /Decodin Li rary Line Echo Cancellation Library HI-TECH PICC STD Compiler PICC Enterprise PICC-18 PRO HI-TECH PICC-18 STD Compiler DSPIC/PIPC24 HI-TECH C PRO or PIC10/12/16 MCU Family ANSI C Compiler v9.60PL5 HI-TECH C PRO or the PIC32 MCU Family HI-TECH C Compiler or PIC32 MCUs HIDma er FS TCPmaker PRO PICtail Plus 2.4GHz RF Card Digi-Key Part No. SW006011-ND SW006012-ND SW006013-ND SW006014-ND SW006015-ND SW163051-ND SW183052-ND SW300001-ND SW300001-LT-ND SW300003-EVAL-ND SW300010-EVAL-ND SW300040-EVAL-ND SW300050-EVAL-ND SW300055-EVAL-ND SW300060-EVAL-ND SW300070-EVAL-ND SW300080-EVAL-ND SW500005-ND SW500006-ND SW500007-ND SW500008-ND SW500009-ND Price Each 495.00 895.00 495.00 495.00 895.00 5.00 5.00 249.99 29.99 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 495.00 3795.00 1195.00 495.00 895.00 SW500010-ND 1195.00 SW500011-ND SW500012-ND◆✔ SW500050-ND ✔ SW500052-ND ✔ AC164134-2-ND ✔ 1495.00 895.00 674.95 427.45 29.99 ◆ RoHS Compliant ✔NEW! Digi-Key Part No. 876-1000-ND 876-1001-ND 876-1002-ND 876-1003-ND 876-1004-ND 906-1000-ND NEW! Description PIC32 Brea out Board DSPIC33 Brea out Board ADXL335 Evaluation Board LM3406 LED Driver Evaluation Board PIC24 Brea out Board DVI/VGA L137 Adapter Board Digi-Key Part No. DM240311-ND◆✔ DM330023-ND◆✔ MCP3909EV-MCU16-ND◆✔ Description PIC24F16KA102 XLP Dev. Board DSPICDEM MCHV Dev. Board MCP3909 ADC Evaluation Board SC70-6 and SOT-23-6/8 to DIP-8 Evaluation Board MPLAB ICD 2 Bread oard Ca le EZLink™ Development Kit TO-220-5/TO263-5 Volta e Regulator Evaluation Board SchmartModule 8-bit Dev. Board 20-pin TSSOP and SSOP Evaluation Board Price Each 30.00 40.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 40.00 Mfg. Part No. DKSB1000C DKSB1001B DKSB1002A DKSB1003A DKSB1011A DKSB1007A Microcontrollers with Firmware Description TEAclipper/PIC Pro rammer, Hi h-Volta e TEAclipper/PIC Pro rammer, Low-Volta e TEAlea -USB IC Encryption Key, 28-DIL TEAlea -USB IC Encryption Key, 20-SSOP TEAlea -USB IC Encryption Key USB-232 IC USB Asynchronous Serial UART, 28-DIL USB-232 IC Asynchronous Serial UART, 20-SSOP USB-SPI IC USB Synchronous Serial SPI, 28-DIL USB-SPI IC USB Synchronous Serial SPI, 20-SSOP USB-I2C IC USB Synchronous Serial I2C, 28-DIL USB-I2C IC USB Synchronous Serial I2C, 20-SSOP Digi-Key Part No. 658-1027-5-ND 658-1028-5-ND 658-1029-5-ND 658-1030-5-ND 658-1031-5-ND 658-1032-5-ND 658-1033-5-ND 658-1034-5-ND 658-1035-5-ND 658-1036-5-ND 658-1037-5-ND Price Each 34.02 25.11 9.76 7.68 33.75 8.16 6.24 10.24 6.24 10.24 6.24 FlexiPanel Part No. TEACLIPPER-PIC-HV-PT TEACLIPPER-PIC-LV-PT TEALEAF-USB-DIL TEALEAF-USB-SS TEALEAF-USB USB-232-DIL USB-232-SS USB-SPI-DIL USB-SPI-SS USB-I2C-DIL USB-I2C-SS Description expandIO-USB IC USB I/O Expander, 28-DIL expandIO-USB IC USB I/O Expander, 44-TQFP expandIO-USB IC USB I/O Expander, 20-SSOP USB-DAQ IC System Data Lo er, 28-DIL USB-DAQ IC System Data Lo er, 20-SSOP USB-FileSys IC System USB FAT File, 28-DIL USB-FileSys IC System USB FAT File, 20-SSOP USB Evaluation Board AccessTouch Touch Sensitive Keyed Access IC Controller, 20-SSOP AccessTouch Evaluation Board C-Compilers and Debuggers C-Compiler for PICmicro® MCUs: C-Compiler or 12Bit, 14Bit and PIC18 PICmicro MCUs. This Inte rated C Development Environment ives developers the capa ility to produce e icient code rom an easily maintaina le hi h level lan ua e. With ull standard C compati ility, a ull eatured Windows IDE with uilt-in unctions and example pro rams, you will e a le to develop em edded solutions or the ull line o PICmicro MCUs. ICD-S40: This ICD unit communicates to the PC and the de u in so tware over an RS232 connection and operates at a 40MHz cloc re uency resultin in uic de u times RS232 serial ca le included . The ICD-S40 is powered rom the tar et oard. The tar et oard needs to supply 5 volts to the ICD. The ICD-U64 connects to your PC via a USB port and can power your tar et oard. The ICD is powered rom The USB Bus Power a oard at 5.0V y closin the umper near the ICD ac inside the unit The unit must e opened Description C-Compiler PCWH C-Compiler or 12 it PIC s PCB C-Compiler or 14 it PIC s PCM C-Compiler or PIC18 PCH C-Compiler or 12-14 it PIC s PCW In-Circuit De u er ICD-S40 Serial Digi-Key Part No. 429-1000-ND 429-1001-ND 429-1002-ND 429-1003-ND 429-1004-ND 429-1005-ND Price Each 500.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 350.00 75.00 Description In-Circuit De u er ICD-U64 USB C-Compiler or MCU DSPIC C-Compiler or MCU DSPIC with IDE C-Compiler PCWHD PIC Hi-Speed Mach X Pro rammer Digi-Key Part No. 429-1012-ND 429-1007-ND 429-1008-ND 429-1009-ND 429-1013-ND NEW! Price Each 75.00 250.00 350.00 600.00 199.00 CCS Wireless-Ember ZigBee™ Edition Development Kit Includes: Two sensor oards with PIC16LF886 processor chips and EM260 modules One base station oard with PIC18LF4620 processor chip and EM260 module Carrying Case Exercise Booklet and Ember Documentation In-Circuit De u er/ Programmer DC Adapters 9VDC Serial PC to Prototyping Board Cable Modular Ca le ICD to Prototypin Board USB or serial PC to ICD ca le Two 9V atteries 429-1011-ND Wireless-Ember Zigbee Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $724.00 Digi-Key Part No. 658-1038-5-ND 658-1039-5-ND 658-1040-5-ND 658-1041-5-ND 658-1042-5-ND 658-1043-5-ND 658-1044-5-ND 658-1045-5-ND Price Each 11.12 10.72 6.24 14.24 10.24 14.24 10.24 27.00 658-1046-5-ND 658-1047-5-ND 11.68 125.00 Feature Comparison Command Line Compiler Built-in Functions Example Programs Device Drivers MPLAB Inter ace Windows IDE C Aware Editor New Pro ect Wizard Debugger Device Selector/Editor Call Tree and Memory Map Statistics Special Viewers Serial Port Utility 12bit Support 14bit Support PIC18 Support More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller FlexiPanel Part No. EXPANDIO-USB-FS-DIL-28 EXPANDIO-USB-PT-FS EXPANDIO-USB-SS USB-DAQ-DIL USB-DAQ-SS USB-FILES S-DIL USB-FILES S-SS USB-EVAL ACCESS-TOUCH-SS ACCESS-TOUCH-EVAL PCB √ √ √ √ √ PCM √ √ √ √ √ PCH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PCW √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ (US2011) (TZM112.US) PCWH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 135 135 C PicBasic Pro Compiler PicBasic Pro Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $249.95 LAB-X1 Experimenter Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199.95 the latest updates our from Download Bo * Ne nu PIC tsc s ap 'C e So 'C ® ftw om Co pile mm ar r un e: DE ica MO tor 's * IN Lattice Lattice Price Each Advanced 14 Bit Family CVM04F-ND 141.60 Module with Data Breakpoints PIC16C5X Family Module CVM5XF-ND 106.20 Member Module PIC16C55X/62X/CE62X CVM001M-ND 141.60 PIC12C508/509 CVM50XM-ND 53.10 PIC16C50X/CE51X/16C505 CVM5XXM-ND 70.80 PIC12C671/672 CVM67XM-ND† 70.80 PIC16C5X CVM5XM-ND 35.40 PIC16C554/556/558 CVM55XM-ND 70.80 PIC16C61 CVM61M-ND 70.80 PIC16C62X CVM62XM-ND 70.80 PIC16C62X/61/71/84 CVM6/8M-ND 141.60 PIC16C641/642/661/662 CVM66XM-ND 141.60 PIC16C715 CVM715M-ND 70.80 PIC16C70,71,710,711 CVM711M-ND 70.80 PIC16C62-65/72-74 CVM7XM-ND 141.60 PIC16C66/67/76/77 CVM77M-ND 141.60 PIC16C773,774 CVM77XM-ND 141.60 PIC16F627/628 CVMF628M-ND 141.60 PIC16F873,874,876,877 CVM87XAM-ND 141.60 PIC16F73/F74/F76/F77 CVMF77M-ND 141.60 PIC16F870/F871 CVM871M-ND 141.60 Trace Buffer and Timing Module Mathias Timing Module CVMT1-ND 92.04 Mathias Trace Buffer CVMT2-ND 191.16 and Timing Module Kit Module Firmware/Lo ic Field CVM1-FWL-ND‡ 38.94 Up rade Kit Adapter PIC16C712C716 ADP716-ND§ 24.78 TechTools Part No. CVM04F CVM5XF CVM001M CVM50XM CVM5XXM CVM67XM CVM5XM CVM55XM CVM61M CVM62XM CVM6/8M CVM66XM CVM715M CVM711M CVM7XM CVM77M CVM77XM CVMF628M CVM87XM CVMF77M CVM871M CVMT1 CVMT2 CVM1-FWL ADP716 † Re uires the CVM03F Family Module § Re uires Mem er Module CVM77M ‡ For use with TDE 4.0 so tware eatures o Stac Viewin , Varia le Trace Size, aster Step-out unction and aster Re ister Window Updates. Contains firmware V2.2 and UC13 Ver C. Features Real-Time Emulation Device Emulated Runs Under MPLAB Source Level Debug C Source Level De u Real Time Trace Time Stamp Freeze Mode Break Points Stack Breaks WDT Breaks Stack View Custom Watch Assembler Support Communications ICEPIC ICEPIC2 32 Hz 20MHz 32 Hz 33MHz 12C, 16C 12C, 16C, 17C es es es es es es No es es es es es Unlimited Unlimited es es es es es es es es MPASM MPASM RS-232 C RS-232 C ICEPIC3 1 Hz 50MHz PIC12, 16, 18 es es es es† es† es Unlimited es es es es MPASM USB † Usin optional Modular Trace Board I3-TRACER1-ND ICEPIC, ICEPIC2, and the ICEPIC3 emulators are ully modular, ull speed, real time, in-circuit emulator systems, or use with Microchip PIC processors, usin interchan ea le personality dau hter oards which connect directly to the users target board and are sold separately. The ICEPIC3 Emulator is compact, porta le, li htwei ht and o ers exceptional per ormance and value. It uses a uic hot connection to the host computer via USB Port, with the system firmware being upgraded at any time from the internet ivin total up rade a ility. The ICEPIC3 has additional real-time analysis when using the plug-in trace board which is sold separately. All ICEPIC emulators operate within Microchip s MPLAB 32 it IDE ivin the user easy control to per orm e icient ast emulation. ICEPIC emulators are supplied as complete systems with power supply, cables, manual and a copy of Microchip’s MPASM assembler. Digi-Key Part No. ICSP Adaptor In-Circuit Serial Pro rammin Adaptor ISPICR1-ND ICEPIC Emulators ICEPIC Emulator System ICEPIC-ND ICEPIC2 Emulator System ICEPIC2-ND ICEPIC3 Emulator System ICEPIC3-US-ND ICEPIC Daughter Boards 12C671, 16C672 DB12C67X-ND 16C554, 16C556, 16C558 DB55X-ND 16C620, 16C621, 16C622 DB62X-ND 16C641/642/661/662 DB66X-ND 16C61, 16C71, 16C710, 16C711 DB711-ND Description Price Each 73.06 432.00 654.00 1050.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 372.00 312.00 set Tar ge t Re ge t Re set Tar LO W H Ac Ac HIG tive 10 01 EP EP [28 pin 1 [32 pin NC Pin 1 Pin RO M] RO M] 01 Digi-Key Part No. Family Module tive ispLSI 1016-80LJ D541801 hias is one" Mat "The family ICEPIC, ICEPIC2 and ICEPIC3 PIC Emulators System requirements: IBM PC or compati le, VGA monitor, serial port, 3.5 disk drive, and Windows™ 3.1, Win95, Win98 or NT Description www.techWeb Site: -tools.com Em Te * Flex onoRriter TM S Un RO OM TM M up iR at p OM M TM TM hia o TM s rt II II ed : Te be c dd h ch ed T To Sy o st o em o ls s ls De S ve u lo p pm p o en rt t To S ol P o s * ro ft * Clea du w * PICw rV ct Ec are * iew s So * ftw TD * PIC E TM * ar CV wri Tec * e Qu AS ter in UR ick M1 TM hTo cl ED Lo 6 TM Pro ols ud IT TMad As gra De ed er TM sem mm sig LIV n : HE E ble ing En Ed X/B r So viro itor ina ftw nm ry are en Do t wn loa de r T ispLSI 1016-80LJ D541801 ClearView † Use with 28 and 40-Pin 14 it dip parts. EconoROM III is desi ned or uic , in-circuit irmware test cycles. Eliminate the urn/insert/test/remove/erase cycle. The ER3 will speed up your irmware development by eliminating the need to remove-erase-program and re-install EPROMs each time you test a code change. These devices plug into the EPROM socket on your target board and emulate the EPROM throughout the development process. Features: Inte rated Low-Volta e Support Tar et Volta e Sense and Measurement External Power Option Jumper-less Address Con i uration Up to 8M it Emulation in a sin le unit Fast Downloads up to 2.5 M it per second Replaces standard EPROM device durin development Connects to any Parallel Port Auto/Manual Tar et Reset on download Read- ac , Veri y and Sel -test unctions Daisy-chain ca le included LPT ca le 8 wire Modular Ca le and DB25 adapter included Tar et ca les standard IDC to DIP Ri on Ca le included Includes 2 versions o so tware 16 it DOS version and 32 it Win9X/NT/2000 version Quic Loader with Full-screen editor included Batcha le loader and utilities included Accepts Intel HEX, Te tronix HEX, Motorolla S records and inary iles Free so tware updates via WEB downloads Capacity Cables Supplied 256K it/ 32K x 8 512K it/ 64K x 8 1M it/ 128K x 8 4M it/ 512K x 8 8M it/ 1M x 8 28-Pin Dip 28-Pin Dip 28 and 32-Pin Dip 28 and 32-Pin Dip 28 and 32-Pin Dip Digi-Key Speed Part No. 45ns 45ns 45ns 45ns 45ns Price Each ER3-256-ND ER3-512-ND ER3-1M-ND ER3-4M-ND ER3-8M-ND 179.00 239.00 299.00 399.00 499.00 DigiView™ Logic Analyzer Features: 18 Channels 100MHz 10ns Automatic Real time Hardware Eliminates Resolution vs. Depth tradeoffs Compression Tri-Mode Advanced Universal Match Circuits 8 Selecta le Match Types 9 Flexible Cascada le Se uencers 4x4 Se uencer Counters 16 1M each 0.5V 2.8V Adjustable Threshold Maximum continuous voltage ±20V all channels Graphical Ground current protection round lead to - volta e ±12V Tri er Layout s New So tware version 6.0.4 USB Powered USB 2.0 with USB 1.1 compatibility All ca les, clips 20 ty and so tware included DV3400-ND Lo ic Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1499.00 DV3100-ND NEW! Lo ic Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.00 CBL-DV3-ND Cable Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 CLIP3-10-ND Clip Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 Digi-Key Description Part No. 16C715 DB715-ND 16C62/63/64/65/72/73/74 DB74A-ND 16C66, 16C67, 16C76, 16C77 DB77-ND 16C772, 16C773, 16C774 DB77X-ND 16C84, 16F83, 16F84 DB84A-ND 17C42/43/44, 17C752/756 DB756-ND ICEPIC2 Only 16F73, 16F74, 16F76, 16F77 DBF77-ND 16F870/71 DBF871-ND ICEPIC3 Daughter Boards 12F675, 12F629 I3DB12F675-ND 12F683 I3-DB12F683-ND 16F684A I3-DB16F84A-ND 16F716 I3-DB16F716-ND 16F871, 16F870 I3-DB16F871-ND 18C452/442/252/242 I3DB18C452-ND 18F2220/2320/4220/4320 I3DB18F4320-ND 18F452/442/252/242 I3DB18F452-ND 18F1320, 18F1220 I3-DB18F1320-ND 18F4431/4331/2431/2331 I3-DB18F4431-ND 18F4550/2455/2550/4445 I3-DB18F4550-ND 18F4620/4525/2620/2525 I3DB18F4620-ND 18F4680/2680/2585/4685 I3-DB18F4680-ND 16F872A/873A/874A/876A/877A I3DB877A-ND 16F627A, 16F628A, 16F648A I3DBF648-ND 16F676, 16F630 I3DBF676-ND 16F72, 16F73, 16F74, 16F76, 16F77 I3DBF77-ND 16F737, 16F767, 16F747, 16F777 I3DBF777-ND 16F818, 16F819 I3DBF819-ND 16F87, 16F88 I3DBF88-ND Trace Boards ICEPIC3 Trace Board I3-TRACER1-ND More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (TZM112.US) * m OU U M VE +5 u ic kL PI XT 0 /4 VE 28 +5 D PO IN C N XX E IC A C P T R IN Digi-Key Price TechTools Part No. Each Part No. Programmer PICmicro MCU QW1-ND 199.00 QW1 Adapters 40-Pin IFX MP- IF40-ND† 49.00 MP- IF40 18/28-Pin IF MP- IF18/28-ND 69.00 MP- IF18/28 14-Pin IF MP- IF14-ND 59.00 MP- IF14 44-Pin PLCC MP-PLCC44-ND 129.00 MP-PLCC44 28-Pin SOIC MP-SOIC28-ND 129.00 MP-SOIC28 18-Pin SOIC MP-SOIC18-ND 79.00 MP-SOIC18 8/14-Pin SOIC MP-SOIC8/14-ND 89.00 MP-SOIC814 PIC14000 MP-14000-ND 59.00 MP-14000 28-Pin SSOP MP-SSOP28-ND 99.00 MP-SSOP28 18-Pin SSOPX MP-SSOP18-ND 79.00 MP-SSOP18 4 Gang Adapters for QuickWriter 40-Pin IF QW-4 IF40/28-ND† 199.00 QW-4 IF40/28 44-Pin PLCC QW-4PLCC44-ND 199.00 QW-4PLCC44 28-SOIC QW-4SOIC28-ND 249.00 QW-4SOIC28 18-Pin IF QW-4 IF18-ND 199.00 QW-4 IF18 18-Pin SOIC QW-4SOIC18-ND 249.00 QW-4SOIC18 8/14-Pin Narrow SOIC QW-4SO8/14N-ND 249.00 QW-4SO8/14N 8/14-Pin Wide SOIC QW-4SO8/14W-ND 249.00 QW-4SO8/14W Description (US2011) m P Quic Writer comes with power supply, serial ca le and in circuit pro rammin ca le. Adapter re uired when not usin ICSP ca le. One pro rammer or all o your PIC® MCU development needs In-circuit Serial Pro rammin 4 Gan Serial device pro rammin Sin le device pro rammin serial and parallel Quic Writer is a low cost pro rammer with these advanced eatures Over-sized drivers and power supply to properly support multiple device pro rammin and in-circuit pro rammin Measures pro rammin volta es and current to veri y proper tar et connections or device insertions Flash irmware updates Data ta le driven New devices are supported with ree data ta le downloads rom the TechTools we site www.tech-tools.com Pro rams ALL 12- it, 14- it and 18- it series Microchip PIC processors. This includes all 12C, 14000, 16C, 16F, 18C and 18F amilies Includes the TechTools Development Environment TDE™ , a ull eatured, Windows hosted IDE. TDE supports development with all popular PIC MCU compilers and assem lers. TDE includes a multi- ile editor, inte rated MAKE and one-clic cross referencing of compiler errors. TDE also interfaces to the TechTools ClearView™ Mathias not included or ull eatured, real-time, in-circuit emulation and source level de u in . Includes TechTools PIC MCU assem ler, CVASM16™ which supports ALL 12- it and 14- it PIC MCU processors. CVASM16 assem les Parallax source iles SPASM ormat and accepts Microchip mnemonics. Compati le with existin TechTools and Parallax pro rammin adapters Accepts HEX iles enerated y all popular PIC MCU compilers and assem lers Supports auto-incrementin serialization Runs under Win95 throu h XP as well as NT throu h XP Pro Includes serial cable, in-circuit programming cable and power supply 136 136 Q MI PI CR 96 C1 OC 09 6C SB 74 HIP T AME 40 Shown with 4 Gan Adapter not included . Pro rammin adapters must be purchased separately. C o 28P 4P -3 C F C QuickWriter™ Programmer ER3 EconoROM III Economical EPROM Emulator & ClearViewTM Mathias CVM1 supports emulation for 16C5X and 16CXX devices using Microsoft Windows™ for a complete integrated design environment. Family modules select 5X or XX device amily, while Mem er modules select speci ic device. Optional timing module shows execution time and number of processor cycles. Optional 16K trace u er module additionally provides execution history and 8 external trace inputs. Provides full emulation of pro ram and re ister memory and I/O activity with unlimited hardware breakpoints. Built-in PLL oscillator generates any frequencies from 32KHz to 33MHz. n an o x/ oR d ad N O -L T M in e /2 e r 00 III U 3 ti .0 0 & lit & F ie D lexR s O S O S M oft II w are 444-1000-ND 444-1001-ND htt FA (97 p:/ X: 20 /w (97 27 ww 2) 2-9 .te 49 39 ch 4-5 2 -to 81 ols 4 .co m PIC Emulators The LAB-X1A is an independent hardware plat orm, similar to the Microchip PICDEM . It can run pro rams written in any lan ua e, includin C, Assem ly, and PicBasic. Includes 40 Pin i Soc et, LCD display, memory, Rs232 port, Pots or ADCs and many extras W Eco in 9 PicBasic Pro converts your BASIC pro rams into iles that can e pro rammed directly into a PICmicro® MCU. Full support or 14- it and 16- it MCUs. Limited support or 12- it MCUs. The PicBasic Pro Compiler eatures BASIC commands, direct and li rary routine access to pins on PORTA, C, D, E, as well as PORTB, arrays, real IF..THEN..ELSE and interrupt processin in BASIC. Includes Code Desi ner Lite, a Windows inte rated development environment IDE that is compati le with our PicBasic Pro Compiler. Comes with Software, Manual with instruction set and explanations and directions. Works on any version o Dos or Windows with CodeDesi ner Lite. Windows95, 98, 2000, XP and ME compati le. Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Price Each 312.00 372.00 372.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 372.00 276.00 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 638.75 1312.50 ARM® Cortex™ -M3 Microcontrollers ADC Flash SRAM (KB) (KB) 8 16 32 64 64 96 128 256 GPIOs† Timers‡ Sample Per Second No. of 10-Bit Channels UARTs SSI I2C Analog Comparators 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 0 12 12 12 8 8 5 5 3 7 3 3 7 8 8 8 0 0 5 5 5 6 4 7 3 3 0 1 0 0 1 9 8 8 8 0 5 5 1 1 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 18 18 33 33 33 36 36 28 28 36 32 32 30 28 36 36 36 36 36 28 28 28 34 32 34 32 32 34 30 30 30 30 28 36 36 36 36 28 28 32 32 34 34 30 30 30 30 30 28 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 — — 250K 250K 250K — — 500K 500K — 250K 250K 250K 500K — — — — — 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 1M — — — — 500K 500K 500K 500K 250K 500K 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M — — 3 3 3 — — 8 8 — 4 4 6 8 — — — — — 8 8 8 2 4 2 4 4 2 6 6 6 6 8 — — — — 8 8 4 4 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — 1 1 1 1 — — 1 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — — — — — 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 — 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 — — 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 — 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 — 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 20 20 9 9 9 9 7 7 4 4 4 4 29 29 21 21 14 14 15 15 9 9 23 23 0 17 17 11 11 0 0 0 12 12 7 7 21 21 21 1 17 17 23 23 17 17 27 27 21 21 21 41 41 44 44 46 46 52 52 46 46 43 43 57 57 46 46 52 52 58 58 43 43 60 60 33 52 52 52 52 33 33 33 56 56 43 43 56 56 56 33 56 56 60 60 52 52 56 56 52 52 52 3 3 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 3 3 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 — 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 6 — — 250K 250K 1M 1M — — 500K 500K 500K 500K 250K 250K 500K 500K 500K 500K 250K 250K 500K 500K — — 500K 500K 500K — — 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 1M 1M 500K 500K 500K 1M — — — — 500K 500K 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M — — 2 2 8 8 — — 2 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 8 8 — — 8 8 8 — — 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 — — — — 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 — 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 — — 2 2 — 2 2 3 3 1 — — 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 — 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 — — — Speed PWM§ (Clock PWM CCP Frequency Pins Pins QEI Package in MHz) Low Pin Count Real-Time MCUs — — — 48-VQFN 20 — — — 48-VQFN 20 6 2 — 48-VQFN 20 2 2 — 48-LQFP 20 2 2 — 48-LQFP 20 6 6 — 48-VQFN 25 — 6 — 48-LQFP 25 6 — — 48-VQFN 25 — 6 — 48-LQFP 25 6 — — 48-VQFN 25 6 6 — 48-VQFN 25 6 6 — 48-VQFN 25 6 6 — 48-VQFN 25 6 — — 48-VQFN 25 6 — 1 48-VQFN 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 4 1 48-VQFN 50 6 4 1 48-LQFP 50 6 4 1 48-LQFP 50 6 2 1 48-VQFN 50 6 — 1 48-VQFN 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 — 1 48-VQFN 50 — 6 — 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 — 48-LQFP 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 1 48-VQFN 50 6 6 — 48-LQFP 50 8 4 1 48-VQFN 50 6 4 1 48-LQFP 50 6 4 1 48-LQFP 50 6 6 — 48-VQFN 50 High Pin Count Real-Time MCUs 8 2 2 108-BGA 25 — 2 — 100-LQFP 25 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 2 8 2 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 — 100-LQPF 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 6 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 4 2 108-BGA 50 2 4 — 100-LQFP 50 6 6 1 108-BGA 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 25 — 8 1 100-LQFP 25 — 8 1 100-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 64-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 4 2 108-BGA 25 6 4 1 100-LQFP 25 8 4 2 64-LQFP 50 8 4 2 64-LQFP 50 8 4 2 64-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 6 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 4 6 — 100-LQFP 50 4 6 — 100-LQFP 50 8 2 2 64-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 — 8 — 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 — 8 — 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 4 2 108-BGA 50 6 4 — 100-LQFP 50 — 8 — 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 Digi-Key Part No. 1 296-25513-ND NEW! 296-25514-ND NEW! 296-25516-ND NEW! 726-1002-ND 296-24904-ND NEW! 296-25515-5-ND NEW! 726-1088-ND 296-25517-ND NEW! 296-24905-ND NEW! 296-25518-5-ND NEW! 296-25519-5-ND NEW! 296-25520-5-ND NEW! 296-25521-5-ND NEW! 296-25522-5-ND NEW! 296-25523-5-ND NEW! 726-1090-ND 296-24909-ND NEW! 296-25524-5-ND NEW! 726-1008-ND 296-25525-5-ND NEW! 726-1091-ND 296-24910-ND NEW! 296-25526-5-ND NEW! 296-25527-5-ND NEW! 296-25528-5-ND NEW! 296-25529-5-ND NEW! 726-1012-ND NEW! 296-25530-5-ND NEW! 296-25531-5-ND NEW! 296-25551-ND NEW! 296-24911-ND NEW! 726-1015-ND 296-25552-ND NEW! 296-25532-5-ND NEW! 726-1092-ND 296-24917-ND NEW! 296-25533-5-ND NEW! 296-25534-5-ND NEW! 726-1093-ND 296-25535-5-ND NEW! 296-24918-ND NEW! 296-25536-5-ND NEW! 296-25537-5-ND NEW! 296-25538-5-ND NEW! 726-1021-ND 296-25539-5-ND NEW! 726-1022-ND 296-24919-ND NEW! 296-25540-5-ND NEW! 5.74 5.74 6.16 6.16 6.16 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 6.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 5.18 5.60 5.60 5.60 6.58 6.58 5.60 5.60 5.60 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.64 5.60 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.88 6.44 6.44 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.44 6.88 6.88 7.88 7.88 7.13 7.13 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 7.88 8.13 8.13 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.38 8.38 7.38 8.38 8.38 9.63 9.63 7.63 7.63 7.88 9.63 9.63 9.63 9.63 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.00 11.38 11.38 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.50 11.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 296-25665-ND 726-1094-ND 296-25666-ND 726-1095-ND 296-25667-ND 296-24900-ND 726-1097-ND 296-25668-ND 296-25669-ND 726-1098-ND 296-25670-ND 726-1099-ND 296-25671-ND 726-1100-ND 296-25672-ND 726-1101-ND 726-1134-ND 726-1102-ND 296-25673-ND 726-1103-ND 726-1104-ND 296-25674-ND 296-25675-ND 726-1135-ND 296-25363-ND 296-25676-ND 726-1136-ND 296-25677-ND 726-1105-ND 296-25364-ND 296-25658-ND 296-25365-ND 296-25678-ND 726-1106-ND 296-25679-ND 726-1107-ND 296-25680-ND 726-1108-ND 296-24901-ND 296-25366-ND 296-25681-ND 726-1109-ND 726-1137-ND 726-1138-ND 726-1139-ND 726-1140-ND 296-25682-ND 726-1110-ND 726-1141-ND 726-1111-ND 296-24902-ND NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! † Minimum is num er o pins dedicated to GPIO additional pins are availa le i certain peripherals are not used See data sheet or details ‡ One timer available as RTC motion control hardware usin the PWM pins or throu h the motion control eatures o the eneral-purpose timers usin CCP pins See data sheet or details Price Each 25 100 Texas Instruments Part No. 4.62 4.62 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.17 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.29 5.29 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.34 4.50 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.64 5.18 5.18 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.18 4.21 4.21 4.51 4.51 4.51 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 3.80 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.82 4.82 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.86 4.10 4.72 4.72 4.72 5.09 4.72 4.72 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 4.72 LM3S101-IG 20-C2 LM3S102-IG 20-C2 LM3S301-IG 20-C2 LM3S301-IQN20 LM3S301-IQN20-C2 LM3S300-IG 25-C2 LM3S300-IQN25-C2 LM3S308-IG 25-C2 LM3S308-IQN25-C2 LM3S310-IG 25-C2 LM3S315-IG 25-C2 LM3S316-IG 25-C2 LM3S317-IG 25-C2 LM3S328-IG 25-C2 LM3S600-IG 50-C2 LM3S600-IQN50 LM3S600-IQN50-C2 LM3S601-IG 50-C2 LM3S601-IQN50-C2 LM3S608-IG 50-C2 LM3S608-IQN50 LM3S608-IQN50-C2 LM3S610-IG 50-C2 LM3S611-IG 50-C2 LM3S612-IG 50-C2 LM3S613-IG 50-C2 LM3S613-IQN50-C2 LM3S615-IG 50-C2 LM3S617-IG 50-C2 LM3S618-IG 50-C2 LM3S618-IQN50-C2 LM3S618-IQN50 LM3S628-IG 50-C2 LM3S800-IG 50-C2 LM3S800-IQN50 LM3S800-IQN50-C2 LM3S801-IG 50-C2 LM3S808-IG 50-C2 LM3S808-IQN50-C2 LM3S811-IG 50-C2 LM3S811-IQN50-C2 LM3S812-IG 50-C2 LM3S815-IG 50-C2 LM3S817-IG 50-C2 LM3S817-IQN50-C2 LM3S818-IG 50-C2 LM3S818-IQN50 LM3S818-IQN50-C2 LM3S828-IG 50-C2 5.64 5.64 6.46 6.46 5.85 5.85 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.67 6.67 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.18 7.18 7.18 7.18 6.87 6.87 6.05 6.87 6.87 7.90 7.90 6.26 6.26 6.46 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 8.41 8.41 8.41 8.20 9.33 9.33 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.43 9.43 9.02 9.02 9.02 5.09 5.09 5.83 5.83 5.28 5.28 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 6.02 6.02 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.48 6.20 6.20 5.46 6.20 6.20 7.13 7.13 5.65 5.65 5.83 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.40 8.42 8.42 8.14 8.14 8.14 8.14 8.51 8.51 8.14 8.14 8.14 LM3S1110-IB 25-A2 LM3S1110-IQC25-A2 LM3S1133-IB 50-A2 LM3S1133-IQC50-A2 LM3S1138-IB 50-A2 LM3S1138-IQC50-A2 LM3S1150-IQC50-A2 LM3S1150-IB 50-A2 LM3S1162-IB 50-A2 LM3S1162-IQC50-A2 LM3S1165-IB 50-A2 LM3S1165-IQC50-A2 LM3S1332-IB 50-A2 LM3S1332-IQC50-A2 LM3S1435-IB 50-A2 LM3S1435-IQC50-A2 LM3S1439-IB 50-A2 LM3S1439-IQC50-A2 LM3S1512-IB 25-A2 LM3S1512-IQC25-A2 LM3S1538-IQC50-A2 LM3S1538-IB 50-A2 LM3S1601-IB 50-A2 LM3S1601-IQC50-A2 LM3S1607-IQR50-A0 LM3S1608-IB 50-A2 LM3S1608-IQC50-A2 LM3S1620-IB 25-A2 LM3S1620-IQC25-A2 LM3S1625-IQR50-A0 LM3S1626-IQR50-A0 LM3S1627-IQR50-A0 LM3S1635-IB 50-A2 LM3S1635-IQC50-A2 LM3S1637-IB 50-A2 LM3S1637-IQC50-A2 LM3S1751-IB 50-A2 LM3S1751-IQC50 LM3S1751-IQC50-A2 LM3S1776-IQR50-A0 LM3S1850-IB 50-A2 LM3S1850-IQC50-A2 LM3S1911-IB 50-A2 LM3S1911-IQC50-A2 LM3S1918-IB 50-A2 LM3S1918-IQC50-A2 LM3S1937-IB 50-A2 LM3S1937-IQC50-A2 LM3S1958-IB 50-A2 LM3S1958-IQC50-A2 LM3S1958-IQC50-A2 § PWM motion control functionality can be achieved through dedicated (Continued) More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 137 137 C ARM® Cortex™ -M3 Microcontrollers (Cont.) ADC Flash SRAM (KB) (KB) 64 64 256 64 64 GPIOs† 7 60 7 60 5 52 5 52 Timers‡ 4 4 4 4 Sample Per Second — — 1M 1M No. of 10-Bit Channels — — 8 8 UARTs SSI 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 I2C 2 2 2 2 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 64 64 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 8 10 10 23 12 14 14 6 6 5 10 10 5 5 15 11 23 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 0 0 35 30 30 46 34 43 43 41 41 46 46 46 38 38 41 41 46 41 41 46 46 46 38 38 38 38 38 46 46 46 43 42 42 42 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 6 3 4 4 6 — — — — 250K 250K 250K 500K 500K — — — 500K 500K 500K 1M — 500K 500K — — — 500K 500K 500K 1M 1M — — — 500K 1M 1M 1M — — — — 2 3 3 4 4 — — — 8 8 3 4 — 4 4 — — — 8 8 8 8 8 — — — 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 — 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 — 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 16 16 32 32 32 32 64 64 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 11 26 0 37 20 5 11 10 1 21 21 15 15 12 15 16 3 1 37 37 0 27 21 21 15 15 18 12 12 10 10 3 3 3 40 56 33 60 49 34 48 48 33 60 60 52 52 52 46 53 33 33 60 60 33 61 60 60 52 52 57 52 52 60 60 56 56 56 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 — 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — 4 3 3 3 — 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 — 250K 1M 250K 250K 250K 250K 250K 1M — — 500K 500K — 500K 500K 500K 500K — — 1M 500K — — 500K 500K 500K 1M 1M — — 1M 1M 1M — 4 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 — — 8 8 — 4 4 4 8 — — 6 8 — — 8 8 3 8 8 — — 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 — — — 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 — 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 — 2 2 — — 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 128 32 64 64 64 64 64 0 20 1 27 0 0 33 56 33 61 33 33 5 3 — — 5 5 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 500K 6 4 6 8 6 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 — — 1 — 128 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 0 1 1 14 3 3 0 12 0 0 33 33 33 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 6 3 5 — 4 6 6 6 4 6 500K 500K 500K 500K 1M 1M 1M 500K 1M 1M 4 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 — 2 2 — 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 — — 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 64 64 64 64 32 32 64 64 64 8 8 7 7 10 10 11 11 5 35 35 36 36 31 31 32 32 35 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — — 1M 1M — — — — 500K — — 8 8 — — — — 4 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 — — 3 3 — — — — — 64 96 C 128 256 64 96 128 256 96 128 Speed PWM§ (Clock PWM CCP Frequency Pins Pins QEI Package in MHz) 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 6 8 2 100-LQFP 50 6 4 2 100-LQFP 50 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 Ethernet Connected MCUs 6 4 2 108-BGA 25 6 4 2 108-BGA 25 — 4 — 100-LQFP 25 6 4 2 108-BGA 25 6 4 2 108-BGA 25 2 4 — 108-BGA 50 1 4 — 100-LQFP 50 6 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 — 100-LQFP 50 6 6 2 108-BGA 25 — 6 — 108-BGA 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 6 6 2 108-BGA 50 — 6 — 108-BGA 50 — 4 — 108-BGA 50 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 6 4 1 100-LQFP 50 — 6 — 108-BGA 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 — 6 — 108-BGA 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 — 6 — 108-BGA 50 6 6 — 100-LQFP 50 6 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 6 4 2 100-LQFP 50 6 4 2 100-LQFP 50 CAN Connected MCUs 8 4 2 108-BGA 25 8 6 2 108-BGA 25 8 1 — 64-LQPF 50 8 4 2 108-BGA 25 8 4 2 108-BGA 25 8 4 2 108-BGA 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 — 100-LQFP 50 8 — 2 64-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 8 2 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 4 6 1 108-BGA 25 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 8 2 2 64-LQFP 50 4 2 1 64-LQPF 50 — 4 — 108-BGA 50 — 4 — 100-LQFP 50 8 1 — 64-LQPF 50 8 2 2 100-LQFP 50 — 8 — 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 — 8 — 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 4 4 1 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 108-BGA 50 — 8 — 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 6 6 2 108-BGA 50 6 6 2 100-LQFP 50 6 6 2 100-LQFP 50 USB + CAN Internetworking MCUs 8 6 2 64-LQFP 50 6 6 1 108-BGA 50 8 5 2 64-LQFP 50 8 3 2 100-LQFP 50 8 6 2 64-LQFP 50 8 5 2 64-LQFP 50 USB Connected MCUs 8 8 1 64-LQFP 50 — 5 — 64-LQPF 50 — 5 — 64-LQFP 50 8 8 1 100-LQFP 50 8 8 1 100-LQPF 50 8 8 1 100-LQFP 50 8 7 1 100-LQFP 50 8 8 2 100-LQFP 50 8 5 1 100-LQPF 50 8 5 1 100-LQFP 50 Ethernet + CAN Internetworking MCUs 6 2 2 108-BGA 50 — 2 — 100-LQFP 50 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 — 4 — 100-LQFP 50 — 2 — 100-LQFP 50 6 2 2 108-BGA 50 6 2 2 108-BGA 50 — 2 — 100-LQFP 50 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 Analog Comparators 3 3 3 3 Digi-Key Part No. 296-25683-ND NEW! 726-1112-ND 726-1113-ND 726-1142-ND 296-25696-ND 296-25695-ND 726-1070-ND 296-25697-ND 296-25698-ND 726-1155-ND 296-24912-ND 296-25699-ND 726-1114-ND 296-25700-ND 726-1156-ND 726-1157-ND 296-25701-ND 726-1158-ND 296-25702-ND 726-1159-ND 726-1160-ND 296-25703-ND 726-1115-ND 726-1161-ND 726-1162-ND 296-24913-ND 726-1163-ND 726-1164-ND 296-24914-ND 726-1165-ND 296-26107-ND 296-25704-ND 726-1116-ND 296-24915-ND 296-25705-ND 726-1166-ND 726-1081-ND 296-24916-ND NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! 296-25684-ND 296-25685-ND 726-1178-ND 296-25686-ND 296-25687-ND 296-25688-ND 296-25689-ND 726-1060-ND 296-25367-ND 296-25690-ND 726-1143-ND 296-25691-ND 726-1144-ND 726-1145-ND 296-25692-ND 296-25693-ND 296-25368-ND 726-1179-ND 726-1146-ND 726-1064-ND 726-1180-ND 296-25372-ND 726-1148-ND 726-1149-ND 726-1150-ND 726-1151-ND 726-1152-ND 726-1153-ND 726-1067-ND 296-25694-ND 726-1068-ND 726-1154-ND 726-1069-ND 296-24903-ND NEW! NEW! 296-25660-ND 726-1147-ND 296-25370-ND 296-25371-ND 296-25662-ND 296-25656-ND NEW! 296-25655-ND 726-1182-ND 296-24907-ND 296-25369-ND 726-1181-ND 296-24906-ND 296-25659-ND 296-25661-ND 726-1183-ND 296-24908-ND 296-25706-ND 726-1117-ND 296-25707-ND 726-1118-ND 726-1119-ND 296-25708-ND 296-25709-ND 726-1120-ND 296-25710-ND NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! † Minimum is num er o pins dedicated to GPIO additional pins are availa le i certain peripherals are not used See data sheet or details ‡ One timer available as RTC motion control hardware usin the PWM pins or throu h the motion control eatures o the eneral-purpose timers usin CCP pins See data sheet or details 138 138 (TZM112.US) Price Each 25 9.43 9.43 9.43 9.43 100 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 Texas Instruments Part No. LM3S1960-IB 50-A2 LM3S1960-IQC50-A2 LM3S1968-IQC50-A2 LM3S1968-IB 50-A2 11.75 11.50 11.50 11.75 12.13 11.55 11.55 11.88 11.88 12.21 11.66 11.66 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.43 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.76 12.76 12.76 12.98 12.98 12.76 13.86 13.86 13.86 13.86 13.86 13.86 15.29 15.29 15.29 9.64 9.43 9.43 9.64 9.95 9.72 9.72 9.99 9.99 10.27 9.81 9.81 10.27 10.27 10.27 10.46 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.73 10.73 10.73 10.92 10.92 10.73 11.66 11.66 11.66 11.66 11.66 11.66 12.86 12.86 12.86 8.70 8.51 8.51 8.70 8.98 8.93 8.93 9.18 9.18 9.44 9.01 9.01 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.61 9.78 9.78 9.78 9.86 9.86 9.86 10.03 10.03 9.86 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.71 11.82 11.82 11.82 LM3S6110-IB 25-A2 LM3S6100-IB 25-A2 LM3S6100-IQC25-A2 LM3S6420-IB 25-A2 LM3S6422-IB 25-A2 LM3S6432-IB 50-A2 LM3S6432-IQC50-A2 LM3S6537-IB 50-A2 LM3S6537-IQC50-A2 LM3S6610-IB 25-A2 LM3S6611-IB 50-A2 LM3S6611-IQC50-A2 LM3S6618-IB 50-A2 LM3S6618-IQC50-A2 LM3S6633-IB 50-A2 LM3S6637-IB 50-A2 LM3S6730-IB 50-A2 LM3S6753-IB 50-A2 LM3S6753-IQC50-A2 LM3S6911-IB 50-A2 LM3S6911-IQC50 LM3S6911-IQC50-A2 LM3S6918-IB 50-A2 LM3S6918-IQC50 LM3S6918-IQC50-A2 LM3S6938-IB 50-A2 LM3S6938-IQC50-A2 LM3S6950-IB 50-A2 LM3S6950-IQC50 LM3S6950-IQC50-A2 LM3S6952-IB 50-A2 LM3S6965-IB 50-A2 LM3S6965-IQC50 LM3S6965-IQC50-A2 8.25 8.25 8.25 9.13 9.63 9.63 10.25 10.25 8.63 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.63 9.63 9.63 8.63 8.88 10.25 10.25 12.98 11.33 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 11.63 6.77 6.77 6.77 7.49 7.90 7.90 8.41 8.41 7.08 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.08 7.28 8.41 8.41 10.92 9.53 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.76 7.13 7.13 7.59 7.59 6.39 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.13 7.13 7.13 6.39 6.57 7.59 7.59 10.03 8.76 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 8.61 LM3S2110-IB 25-A2 LM3S2139-IB 25-A2 LM3S2678-IQR50-A0 LM3S2410-IB 25-A2 LM3S2412-IB 25-A2 LM3S2432-IB 50-A2 LM3S2533-IB 50-A2 LM3S2533-IQC50-A2 LM3S2616-IQR50-A0 LM3S2601-IB 50-A2 LM3S2601-IQC50-A2 LM3S2608-IB 50-A2 LM3S2608-IQC50-A2 LM3S2620-IB 25-A2 LM3S2637-IB 50-A2 LM3S2651-IB 50-A2 LM3S2671-IQR50-A0 LM3S2678-IQR50-A0 LM3S2730-IB 50-A2 LM3S2730-IQC50-A2 LM3S2776-IQR50-A0 LM3S5747-IQC50-A0 LM3S2911-IB 50-A2 LM3S2911-IQC50-A2 LM3S2918-IB 50-A2 LM3S2918-IQC50-A2 LM3S2939-IB 50-A2 LM3S2948-IB 50-A2 LM3S2948-IQC50-A2 LM3S2950-IB 50-A2 LM3S2950-IQC50-A2 LM3S2965-IB 50-A2 LM3S2965-IQC50 LM3S2965-IQC50-A2 11.63 10.50 12.38 11.33 12.38 12.38 9.54 8.61 10.15 9.53 10.15 10.15 8.61 7.77 9.16 8.76 9.16 9.16 LM3S5652-IQR50-A0 LM3S2739-IB 50-A2 LM3S5732-IQR50-A0 LM3S5737-IQC50-A0 LM3S5752-IQR50-A0 LM3S5762-IQR50-A0 11.25 11.38 11.38 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.33 11.33 11.33 9.23 9.33 9.33 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.53 9.53 9.53 8.33 8.42 8.42 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.76 8.76 8.76 LM3S3651-IQR50-A0 LM3S5632-IQR50 LM3S5632-IQR50-A0 LM3S3739-IQC50-A0 LM3S3748-IQC50 LM3S3748-IQC50-A0 LM3S3749-IQC50-A0 LM3S5739-IQC50-A0 LM3S5749-IQC50 LM3S5749-IQC50-A0 14.08 14.08 13.64 13.64 12.54 12.54 13.09 13.09 13.09 11.84 11.84 11.47 11.47 10.55 10.55 11.01 11.01 11.01 10.88 10.88 10.54 10.54 9.69 9.69 10.12 10.12 10.12 LM3S8530-IB 50-A2 LM3S8530-IQC50-A2 LM3S8538-IB 50-A2 LM3S8538-IQC50-A2 LM3S8630-IQC50-A2 LM3S8630-IB 50-A2 LM3S8730-IB 50-A2 LM3S8730-IQC50-A2 LM3S8733-IB 50-A2 § PWM motion control functionality can be achieved through dedicated (Continued) More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) 1 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 ARM® Cortex™ -M3 Microcontrollers (Cont.) ADC Flash SRAM (KB) (KB) 64 128 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 256 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 256 64 96 96 96 96 GPIOs† 5 35 4 38 4 38 13 34 13 34 6 36 6 36 3 38 3 38 3 38 5 42 5 42 5 42 17 46 17 46 17 46 4 38 4 38 4 38 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 65 65 65 Timers‡ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 Sample Per Second 500K 500K 500K — — 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 500K 500K 500K — — — 1M 1M 1M No. of 10-Bit Channels 4 8 8 — — 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 4 — — — 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 2 16 2 16 16 UARTs SSI 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 Speed PWM§ Analog (Clock Compar- PWM CCP Frequency Digi-Key I2C ators Pins Pins QEI Package in MHz) Part No. 1 3 — 4 — 100-LQFP 50 726-1121-ND 1 1 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 726-1122-ND 2 1 6 6 2 108-BGA 50 296-25711-ND 2 — 6 2 2 108-BGA 50 296-25712-ND 1 — — 2 — 100-LQFP 50 726-1123-ND 2 3 6 4 2 108-BGA 50 296-25713-ND 1 3 — 4 — 100-LQFP 50 726-1124-ND 2 3 6 6 2 108-BGA 50 296-25714-ND 2 3 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 726-1125-ND 2 3 — 6 — 100-LQFP 50 296-24920-ND 1 1 6 2 2 108-BGA 50 726-1167-ND 1 1 6 2 2 100-LQFP 50 726-1126-ND 1 1 6 2 2 100-LQFP 50 296-24921-ND 1 — — 2 — 108-BGA 50 726-1168-ND 1 — — 2 — 100-LQFP 50 726-1127-ND 1 — — 2 — 100-LQFP 50 296-24922-ND — 1 6 6 1 108-BGA 50 726-1169-ND — 1 6 6 1 100-LQFP 50 726-1170-ND 1 100-LQFP 50 296-24923-ND — 1 6 6 NEW! USB + Ethernet + CAN Internetworking MCUs NEW! 2 2 6 8 2 100-LQFP 80 296-25345-ND 2 3 — 8 — 100-LQFP 80 296-25346-ND 2 3 8 8 2 100-LQFP 80 296-25347-ND 2 3 8 8 2 100-LQFP 80 296-25349-ND 2 3 8 8 2 100-LQFP 100 296-25348-ND NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! † Minimum is num er o pins dedicated to GPIO additional pins are availa le i certain peripherals are not used See data sheet or details ‡ One timer available as RTC motion control hardware usin the PWM pins or throu h the motion control eatures o the eneral-purpose timers usin CCP pins See data sheet or details 1 13.09 12.98 12.98 14.30 14.30 14.08 14.08 14.08 15.95 14.08 14.19 14.19 14.19 15.07 15.07 15.07 14.08 14.08 14.08 Price Each 25 11.01 10.92 10.92 12.03 12.03 11.84 11.84 11.84 13.42 11.84 11.94 11.94 11.94 12.68 12.68 12.68 11.84 11.84 11.84 100 10.12 10.03 10.03 11.05 11.05 10.88 10.88 10.88 12.33 10.88 10.97 10.97 10.97 11.65 11.65 11.65 10.88 10.88 10.88 Texas Instruments Part No. LM3S8733-IQC50-A2 LM3S8738-IQC50-A2 LM3S8738-IB 50-A2 LM3S8930-IB 50-A2 LM3S8930-IQC50-A2 LM3S8933-IB 50-A2 LM3S8933-IQC50-A2 LM3S8938-IB 50-A2 LM3S8938-IQC50 LM3S8938-IQC50-A2 LM3S8962-IB 50-A2 LM3S8962-IQC50 LM3S8962-IQC50-A2 LM3S8970-IB 50-A2 LM3S8970-IQC50 LM3S8970-IQC50-A2 LM3S8971-IB 50-A2 LM3S8971-IQC50 LM3S8971-IQC50-A2 16.94 16.94 17.49 17.49 19.58 14.25 14.25 14.71 14.71 16.47 13.09 13.09 13.52 13.52 15.13 LM3S9997-IQC80-C1 LM3S9B90-IQC80-C1 LM3S9B92-IQC80-C1 LM3S9B95-IQC80-C1 LM3S9B95-IQC100-C0 § PWM motion control functionality can be achieved through dedicated Stellaris® Evaluation and Design Kits Digi-Key Part No. 726-1044-ND 726-1043-ND 726-1042-ND 726-1129-ND 296-25783-ND NEW! 726-1082-ND 726-1084-ND 726-1083-ND 726-1130-ND 726-1053-ND 726-1051-ND 726-1049-ND 726-1131-ND 296-25780-ND NEW! 726-1184-ND 726-1185-ND 726-1186-ND 726-1187-ND 296-25781-ND NEW! 726-1054-ND 726-1052-ND 726-1050-ND 726-1132-ND 296-25782-ND NEW! 726-1085-ND 726-1087-ND 726-1086-ND 726-1133-ND 296-25784-ND NEW! 726-1196-ND 726-1197-ND 726-1198-ND 726-1199-ND 296-25785-ND NEW! 726-1200-ND 726-1201-ND 726-1202-ND 726-1203-ND 296-25786-ND NEW! 726-1194-ND 296-27564-ND NEW! 296-25451-ND NEW! 296-25779-ND NEW! 726-1176-ND 726-1177-ND 726-1047-ND 726-1128-ND 726-1048-ND 726-1191-ND 726-1192-ND 726-1195-ND Description LM3S811 Evaluation Kit; Keil™ RealView® LM3S811 Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S811 Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S811 Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S811 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S1968 Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S2965 CAN Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S2965 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio LM3S3748 USB Host/Device Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S3748 USB Host/Device Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S3748 USB Host/Device Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S3748 USB Host/Device Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S3748 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S6965 Ethernet Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S6965 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S8962 Ethernet+CAN Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S8962 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio LM3S9B90 Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S9B90 Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S9B90 Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S9B90 Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S9B90 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio LM3S9B92 Evaluation Kit; Keil RealView LM3S9B92 Evaluation Kit; IAR Systems LM3S9B92 Evaluation Kit; CodeSourcery G++ GNU LM3S9B92 Evaluation Kit; Code Red Technologies LM3S9B92 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio DK-LM3S9B96 Development Kit; Keil, IAR, Code Sourcery, and Code Red FPGA Expansion Board for DK-LM3S9B96 Memory Expansion Board for DK-LM3S9B96 LM3S11968 Evaluation Kit with Code Composer Studio Intelligent Display Reference Design Kit Serial-to-Ethernet Reference Design Kit AC Induction Motor Reference Design Kit Brushless DC Motor Control Reference Design Kit Stepper Motor Reference Design Kit Intelligent isplay Module with .5 andscape isplay Stellaris Brushed DC Motor Control Module with CAN Stellaris Intelligent Display Module Single-Board Computer Price Each 49.10 49.10 49.10 49.10 49.10 59.15 59.15 59.15 59.15 79.20 79.20 79.20 79.20 79.20 109.25 109.25 109.25 109.25 109.25 69.15 69.15 69.15 69.15 69.15 89.20 89.20 89.20 89.20 89.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 99.20 425.85 176.12 52.22 59.15 219.45 139.30 379.80 219.45 199.40 219.45 219.00 299.60 Texas Instruments Part No. EKK-LM3S811 EKI-LM3S811 EKC-LM3S811 EKT-LM3S811 EKS-LM3S811 EKK-LM3S1968 EKI-LM3S1968 EKC-LM3S1968 EKT-LM3S1968 EKK-LM3S2965 EKI-LM3S2965 EKC-LM3S2965 EKT-LM3S2965 EKS-LM3S2965 EKK-LM3S3748 EKI-LM3S3748 EKC-LM3S3748 EKT-LM3S3748 EKS-LM3S3748 EKK-LM3S6965 EKI-LM3S6965 EKC-LM3S6965 EKT-LM3S6965 EKS-LM3S6965 EKK-LM3S8962 EKI-LM3S8962 EKC-LM3S8962 EKT-LM3S8962 EKS-LM3S8962 EKK-LM3S9B90 EKI-LM3S9B90 EKC-LM3S9B90 EKT-LM3S9B90 EKS-LM3S9B90 EKK-LM3S9B92 EKI-LM3S9B92 EKC-LM3S9B92 EKT-LM3S9B92 EKS-LM3S9B92 DK-LM3S9B96 DK-LM3S9B96-FPGA DK-LM3S9B96-FS8 EKS-LM3S1968 RDK-IDM RDK-S2E RDK-ACIM RDK-BLDC RDK-STEPPER RDK-IDM-L35 RDK-BDC RDK-IDM-SBC Production Ready Modules Description Intelli ent Display Module Serial-to-Ethernet Module Stellaris ACIM Control Board Brushless DC Motor Control Board Stellaris Stepper Motor Control Board Intelli ent Display Module with 3.5 Landscape Display Digi-Key Part No. 726-1174-ND 726-1175-ND 726-1171-ND 726-1172-ND 726-1173-ND 726-1190-ND Price Each 199.40 49.10 239.50 149.30 169.35 185.40 Texas Instruments Part No. MDL-IDM MDL-S2E MDL-ACIM MDL-BLDC MDL-STEPPER MDL-IDM-L35 Description Digi-Key Part No. Stellaris 12V Brushed DC Motor Control Board Ethernet-Ena led Intelli ent Display Module 10-Pin to 20-Pin JTAG Adapter Module Stellaris Brushed DC Motor Control Module with CAN Stellaris Brushed DC Motor Control Re erence Desi n Kit 726-1189-ND 726-1188-ND 726-1193-ND 296-25445-ND NEW! 296-25446-ND NEW! More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller Price Each 109.00 185.40 20.00 109.00 219.45 Texas Instruments Part No. MDL-BDC MDL-IDM28 MDL-ADA2 MDL-BDC24 RDK-BDC24 (US2011) (TZM112.US) 139 139 C ZNEO™ Z16F Series The NEO 16F Series o Flash microcontrollers represents ilo s evolution into 16- it processin . The NEO 16F CPU instruction set has een optimized or near sin le-cycle instructions yieldin up to 20 MIPS at 20MHz. Com ined with 128KB o zero wait state internal Flash, power ul math unctions, 32- it ALU supportin 8, 16 and 32- it operations, em edded 32 x 32 multiply/ 64 x 32 divide operations, 16- it us widths and external 16- it us or the 16F2811 s , the NEO 16F delivers a power ul, yet cost e ective microcontroller solution. A rich array of peripherals and analog features make this microcontroller suitable for a large number of applications from security panels to motor control. Features: WDT POR VBO 12-Channel, 10- it ADC Analo Comparator Operational Ampli ier C Memory Size RAM I/O (Bytes) (Bytes) Pins 4 76 32K 4 76 4 76 64K 4 76 4 46 4 46 4 46 128K 4 60 4 76 4 76 Operating Voltage 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V 2.7 3.6V Speed Timers (MHz) (16-bit) 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 Digi-Key Package Part No. 80-QFP 269-4569-ND 100-LQFP 269-4568-ND 80-QFP 269-4571-ND 100-LQFP 269-4570-ND 64-LQFP 269-4535-ND 68-PLCC 269-4536-ND 68-PLCC 269-4691-5-ND 80-QFP 269-4534-ND 80-QFP 269-4567-ND 100-LQFP 269-4533-ND Crimzon™ Z8 OTP Microcontrollers ilo s Crimzon amily o microcontrollers is ideal or use in applications requiring infrared transmission capability. Based on the famous Z8 core, this amily o microcontrollers provides up to 1KB random access memory RAM , OTP RAM I/O Digi-Key (Bytes) (Bytes) Lines Package Part No. 237 16 20-DIP 269-3854-ND 237 16 20-SOIC 269-3857-ND 237 16 20-SSOP 269-3851-ND 237 24 28-DIP 269-3855-ND 4K 237 24 28-SOIC 269-3858-ND 237 24 28-SSOP 269-3852-ND 237 32 40-DIP 269-3856-ND 237 32 48-SSOP 269-3853-ND 237 16 20-DIP 269-3422-ND 237 16 20-SOIC 269-3423-ND 237 16 20-SSOP 269-3424-ND 237 24 28-DIP 269-3425-ND 8K 237 24 28-SOIC 269-3426-ND 237 24 28-SSOP 269-3427-ND 237 32 40-DIP 269-3428-ND 237 32 48-SSOP 269-3429-ND 237 16 20-DIP 269-3406-ND 237 16 20-SOIC 269-3407-ND 237 16 20-SSOP 269-3408-ND 237 24 28-DIP 269-3409-ND 16K 237 24 28-SOIC 269-3410-ND 237 24 28-SSOP 269-3411-ND 237 32 40-DIP 269-3412-ND 237 32 48-SSOP 269-3413-ND 237 16 20-DIP 269-3414-ND 237 16 20-SOIC 269-3415-ND 32K 237 16 20-SSOP 269-3416-ND 237 24 28-DIP 269-3417-ND 1 3.96 3.76 3.66 4.29 3.75 3.75 4.65 3.78 4.20 3.90 3.90 4.56 4.02 4.02 4.92 4.02 4.74 4.17 4.44 4.80 4.26 4.26 5.16 4.29 4.98 4.44 4.44 5.07 Price Each 25 2.97 2.84 2.75 3.22 2.82 2.82 3.49 2.84 3.15 2.93 2.93 3.42 3.02 3.02 3.69 3.02 3.56 3.13 3.33 3.60 3.20 3.20 3.87 3.22 3.74 3.33 3.33 3.81 100 2.20 2.03 2.03 2.39 2.09 2.09 2.59 2.10 2.34 2.17 2.17 2.53 2.23 2.23 2.73 2.24 2.63 2.31 2.46 2.67 2.37 2.37 2.87 2.39 2.77 2.46 2.46 2.81 up to 128KB o one-time pro ramma le OTP memory or 64K read-only ROM memory, and a built-in learning amplifier all of which contribute to significant bill of material cost reductions. Zilog Part No. LP32300P2004G LP32300S2004G LP32300H2004G LP32300P2804G LP32300S2804G LP32300H2804G LP32300P4004G LP32300H4804G LP32300P2008C LP32300S2008C LP32300H2008C LP32300P2808C LP32300S2808C LP32300H2808C LP32300P4008C LP32300H4808C LP32300P2016C LP32300S2016C LP32300H2016C LP32300P2816C LP32300S2816C LP32300H2816C LP32300P4016C LP32300H4816C LP32300P2032C LP32300S2032C LP32300H2032C LP32300P2832C Development Tools 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 1 7.80 7.95 8.43 8.58 8.49 8.52 8.97 9.12 8.64 9.24 Price Each 25 5.85 5.97 6.33 6.44 6.37 6.39 6.73 6.84 6.48 6.93 100 4.33 4.41 4.69 4.76 4.71 4.73 4.99 5.06 4.80 5.14 Zilog Part No. 16F3211FI20SG 16F3211AL20SG 16F6411FI20SG 16F6411AL20SG 16F2810AG20SG 16F2810VH20SG 16F2810VH20EG 16F2811FI20SG 16F2810FI20SG 16F2811AL20SG Features: WDT LV Detect POR 2 Comparators Timers 8/16- it 1/1 Operatin Volta e 2.0V 3.6V 0°C 70°C OTP RAM I/O Digi-Key (Bytes) (Bytes) Lines Package Part No. 237 24 28-SOIC 269-3418-ND 237 24 28-SSOP 269-3419-ND 237 24 28-SSOP 269-4507-ND 237 32 40-DIP 269-3420-ND 1K 16 20-DIP 269-3839-ND 32K 1K 16 20-SOIC 269-3845-ND 1K 16 20-SSOP 269-3833-ND 1K 24 28-DIP 269-3842-ND 1K 24 28-SOIC 269-3848-ND 1K 24 28-SSOP 269-3836-ND 1K 16 20-DIP 269-3840-ND 1K 16 20-SOIC 269-3846-ND 1K 16 20-SSOP 269-3834-ND 64K 1K 24 28-DIP 269-3843-ND 1K 24 28-SOIC 269-3849-ND 1K 16 20-DIP 269-3841-ND 1K 16 20-SOIC 269-3847-ND 1K 24 28-DIP 269-3844-ND 96K 1K 24 28-SOIC 269-3850-ND 1K 24 28-SOIC 269-4667-ND 1K 24 28-SSOP 269-3838-ND 1K 16 20-DIP 269-3825-ND 1K 16 20-SOIC 269-3827-ND 1K 16 20-SSOP 269-3823-ND 128K 1K 24 28-DIP 269-3826-ND 1K 24 28-SOIC 269-3828-ND 1K 24 28-SSOP 269-3824-ND 1 4.53 4.53 4.66 5.46 5.96 5.33 5.33 6.04 5.43 5.43 6.57 5.88 5.88 6.65 5.99 7.23 6.47 7.34 6.60 7.47 6.60 7.98 7.13 7.13 8.08 7.26 7.26 Price Each 25 3.40 3.40 3.52 4.10 4.50 4.02 4.02 4.56 4.10 4.10 4.96 4.44 4.44 5.02 4.52 5.46 4.88 5.54 4.98 5.61 4.98 6.02 5.38 5.38 6.10 5.48 5.48 100 2.51 2.51 2.51 3.04 3.21 2.87 2.87 3.26 2.93 2.93 3.54 3.16 3.16 3.59 3.23 3.90 3.49 3.96 3.56 3.56 3.56 4.30 3.84 3.84 4.36 3.91 3.91 Development Tools 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND 269-4537-ND HVD Speed 8MHz Temperature Ran e Zilog Part No. LP32300S2832C LP32300H2832C LP32300H2832G LP32300P4032C LP12840P2032G LP12840S2032G LP12840H2032G LP12840P2832G LP12840S2832G LP12840H2832G LP12840P2064G LP12840S2064G LP12840H2064G LP12840P2864G LP12840S2864G LP12840P2096G LP12840S2096G LP12840P2896G LP12840S2896G LP12840H2896G LP12840H2896G LP12840P2028G LP12840S2028G LP12840H2028G LP12840P2828G LP12840S2828G LP12840H2828G Development Tools 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND 269-3398-ND ◆ RoHS Compliant Crimzon® Infrared Microcontrollers ZLF645 Series Flash MCUs Flash (Bytes) 64K RAM (Bytes) 1K I/O Lines 24 Package 28-SOIC Digi-Key Part No. 269-4707-5-ND 1 3.18 Tube Price Each 25 2.40 Zilog Part No. LF645E0S2864G 100 1.70 Development Tools 269-4685-ND Z8 Encore!® Flash Microcontrollers Zilog redefines 8-bit with the new Z8 Encore! family of flash microcontrollers. Featuring flash memory and the high-performance register-to-register architecture. Z8 Encore! MCU accelerates design development while reducing total system cost. The same CPU core and peripheral interfaces ensure code compatibility across Memory Size Program (Bytes) 1K RAM I/O (Bytes) Pins ADC VCC (V) Clock Speed (MHz) Timer/ Counters (16-bit) Operating Temp. Package Digi-Key Part No. 1 Price Each 25 100 Zilog Part No. Development Tools 256 6 UART — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 8-DIP 269-3745-ND 2.40 1.80 1.34 8F0113PB005EG 269-3389-ND 256 6 UART — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 8-DIP 269-3746-ND 2.19 1.65 1.21 8F0113PB005SG 269-3389-ND 256 6 UART — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 8-QFN 269-3747-ND 2.40 1.80 1.34 8F0113QB005EG 269-3389-ND 256 6 UART — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 8-QFN 269-3748-ND 2.19 1.65 1.21 8F0113QB005SG 269-3389-ND 256 6 UART — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 8-SOIC 269-3749-ND 2.40 1.80 1.34 8F0113SB005EG 269-3389-ND 256 6 UART — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 8-SOIC 269-3750-ND 2.19 1.65 1.21 8F0113SB005SG 269-3389-ND 256 16 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 20-SSOP 269-3430-ND 2.70 2.03 1.50 8F0113HH005EC 269-3389-ND 256 16 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 20-SSOP 269-3431-ND 2.46 1.85 1.36 8F0113HH005SC 269-3389-ND 256 16 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 20-DIP 269-3434-ND 2.82 2.12 1.57 8F0113PH005EC 269-3389-ND 256 16 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 20-DIP 269-3435-ND 2.58 1.94 1.43 8F0113PH005SC 269-3389-ND 256 16 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 20-SOIC 269-3438-ND 2.70 2.03 1.50 8F0113SH005EC 269-3389-ND 256 16 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 20-SOIC 269-3439-ND 2.46 1.85 1.36 8F0113SH005SC 269-3389-ND 256 24 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 28-SSOP 269-3432-ND 2.70 2.03 1.50 8F0113HJ005EC 269-3389-ND 256 24 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 28-SSOP 269-3433-ND 2.46 1.85 1.36 8F0113HJ005SC 269-3389-ND 256 24 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Commercial 28-DIP 269-3437-ND 2.70 2.03 1.50 8F0113PJ005SC 269-3389-ND 256 24 1 UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 5 2 Extended 28-SOIC 269-3440-ND 2.70 2.03 1.50 8F0113SJ005EC 269-3389-ND ◆ RoHS Compliant 140 140 Serial Communication the entire family. Incorporate the Z8 Encore! into new designs or upgrade from the existing Z8 architecture. Features rogram Memory Type lash and On-Chip Special eatures OR, O and T COMM In ter faces: I2C, UART and OCD † Tube Note: emperature Ran e: • Commercial: - C ~ C Extended -4 C ~ 1 5 C More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 (Continued) Z8 Encore!® Flash Microcontrollers (Cont.) 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3.13 3.13 Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 269-4540-ND Z8 Encore! XP ® Flash Microcontrollers 4K Series The 8 Encore MCU amily o products are the irst in a line o ilo microcontroller products ased upon the 8- it e 8 CPU. The 8 Encore XP 4K Series products expand upon ilo s extensive line o 8- it microcontrollers. The Flash in-circuit programming capability allows for faster development time and program changes in the field. The new eZ8 CPU is upward compati le with existin 8 instructions. The rich peripheral set o the 8 Encore amily ma es it suita le or Memory Size Program (Bytes) 1K 2K 4K RAM I/O (Bytes) Pins 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 25 256 25 256 25 256 25 256 25 256 25 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 6 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 17 256 23 256 23 256 23 256 23 256 23 256 23 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 25 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 6 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 23 512 23 512 23 512 23 512 23 512 23 1K 6 1K 6 ◆ RoHS Compliant NVDS (Bytes) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 128 128 Serial Communication UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART ADC — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 10— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 107-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 108-ch. 10— — it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it ote: emperature Ran e: • Commercial: - C ~ VCC 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.6 Clock Speed 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz Timer/ Counters (16-bit) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a variety of applications including motor control, security systems, home appliances, personal electronic devices and sensors. Features: Pro ram Memory Type Flash On-Chip Special Features POR, VBO, Temperature Sensor, Analo Comparator, Current Sense Ampli ier, up to 18 vectored interrupts WDT COMM Inter aces UART, OCD Operatin Temperature Extended -40 C 105 C, Commercial 0 C 70 C Operating Temp. 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XP ® Flash Microcontrollers 4K Series (Cont.) Memory Size Program (Bytes) 4K C 1K 2K 4K 8K RAM I/O (Bytes) Pins 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 256 256 256 256 ◆ RoHS Compliant 144 144 6 6 6 6 6 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 6 6 6 6 6 6 17 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 17 17 17 17 25 25 25 25 17 17 17 17 23 23 23 23 17 17 17 17 NVDS (Bytes) Serial Communication 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 64 64 64 64 UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART UART 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8F041AQB020EG 8F041AQB020SG 8F041ASB020EC 8F041ASB020SC 8F041ASB020SG 8F041APH020EC 8F041APH020SC 8F041ASH020EC 8F041ASH020SC 8F041AHJ020EC 8F041AHJ020SC 8F041APJ020EC 8F041APJ020SC 8F042APB020EG 8F042APB020SG 8F042AQB020SG 8F042ASB020EC 8F042ASB020EG 8F042ASB020SC 8F042AHH020EG 8F0130HH020SG 8F0130PH020SG 8F0130QH020SG 8F0130SH020SG 8F0130HJ020SG 8F0130PJ020SG 8F0130QJ020SG 8F0130SJ020SG 8F0131HH020SG 8F0131PH020SG 8F0131QH020SG 8F0131SH020SG 8F0131HJ020SG 8F0131PJ020SG 8F0131QJ020SG 8F0131SJ020SG 8F0230HH020SG 8F0230PH020SG 8F0230QH020SG 8F0230SH020SG 8F0230HJ020SG 8F0230PJ020SG 8F0230QJ020SG 8F0230SJ020SG 8F0231HH020SG 8F0231PH020SG 8F0231QH020SG 8F0231SH020SG 8F0231HJ020SG 8F0231PJ020SG 8F0231QJ020SG 8F0231SJ020SG 8F0430HH020SG 8F0430PH020SG 8F0430QH020SG 8F0430SH020SG 8F0430HJ020SG 8F0430PJ020SG 8F0430QJ020SG 8F0430SJ020SG 8F0431HH020SG 8F0431PH020SG 8F0431QH020SG 8F0431SH020SG 8F0431HJ020SG 8F0431PJ020SG 8F0431QJ020SG 8F0431SJ020SG 8F042AHH020SC 8F042AHH020SG 8F042APH020SC 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XP ® Flash Microcontrollers 4K Series (Cont.) Memory Size Program (Bytes) RAM I/O (Bytes) Pins 256 8K 12K 16K 24K 23 NVDS (Bytes) Serial Communication ADC 64 — 8-ch. 10- it VCC 2.7 3.6 Clock Speed Timer/ Counters (16-bit) Operating Temp. 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-DIP 28-SOIC 269-4531-ND Digi-Key Package Part No. 269-4532-ND 256 23 64 — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 256 25 64 — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-SSOP 269-4632-5-ND 1 2.64 Price Each 25 100 1.98 1.46 Zilog Part No. Development Tools 8F0830PJ020SG 269-4643-ND 2.37 1.78 1.31 8F0830SJ020SG 269-4643-ND 2.37 1.78 1.31 8F0830HJ020SG 269-4643-ND 256 17 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SSOP 269-4635-5-ND 2.10 1.58 1.17 8F0831HH020SG 269-4643-ND 256 17 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 2.10 1.58 1.17 8F0831PH020SG 269-4643-ND 20-DIP 269-4637-5-ND 269-4639-ND 256 17 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-QFN 256 17 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SOIC 269-4641-5-ND 2.10 1.58 1.17 8F0831QH020SG 269-4643-ND 2.10 1.58 1.17 8F0831SH020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-SSOP 269-4636-5-ND 2.10 1.58 1.17 8F0831HJ020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 2.49 1.87 1.39 8F0831PJ020SG 269-4643-ND 28-DIP 269-4638-5-ND 269-4640-ND 256 25 64 — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-QFN 256 17 100 — 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SOIC 269-4557-5-ND 2.10 1.58 1.17 8F0831QJ020SG 269-4643-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F083ASH020SG 269-4672-ND 256 17 100 — 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-PDIP 269-4549-5-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F083APH020SG 269-4672-ND 256 23 100 — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MH 2 Commercial 28-SOIC 269-4559-5-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F083ASJ020SG 269-4672-ND 256 6 — 1-UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 8-DIP 269-3797-ND 3.27 2.46 1.81 8F081APB020EG 269-3686-ND 256 6 — 1-UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 8-DIP 269-3798-ND 2.94 2.21 1.64 8F081APB020SG 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — 1-UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 8-QFN 269-3799-ND 3.27 2.46 1.81 8F081AQB020EG 269-3686-ND 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — 1-UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 8-QFN 269-3800-ND 2.94 2.21 1.64 8F081AQB020SG 1K 6 — 1-UART, IrDA — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 8-SOIC 269-3801-ND 3.27 2.46 1.81 8F081ASB020EG 269-3686-ND 1K 17 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SSOP 269-3696-ND 3.21 2.41 1.79 8F081AHH020SC 269-3686-ND 1K 17 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 20-DIP 269-3699-ND 3.54 2.66 1.97 8F081APH020EC 269-3686-ND 1K 17 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-DIP 269-3700-ND 3.21 2.41 1.79 8F081APH020SC 269-3686-ND 1K 17 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 20-SOIC 269-3703-ND 3.54 2.66 1.97 8F081ASH020EC 269-3686-ND 1K 17 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SOIC 269-3704-ND 3.21 2.41 1.79 8F081ASH020SC 269-3686-ND Commercial 28-SSOP 269-3698-ND 269-3686-ND 1K 25 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 3.21 2.41 1.79 8F081AHJ020SC 1K 25 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 28-DIP 269-3701-ND 3.84 2.88 2.13 8F081APJ020EC 269-3686-ND 1K 25 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-DIP 269-3702-ND 3.48 2.61 1.93 8F081APJ020SC 269-3686-ND 1K 25 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 28-SOIC 269-3705-ND 3.54 2.66 1.97 8F081ASJ020EC 269-3686-ND 1K 25 — UART — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-SOIC 269-3706-ND 3.21 2.41 1.79 8F081ASJ020SC 269-3686-ND 1K 17 — UART 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 20-SOIC 269-3711-ND 3.66 2.75 2.04 8F082ASH020EC 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — UART 4-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 8-DIP 269-3807-ND 3.39 2.55 1.89 8F082APB020EG 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — UART 4-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 8-DIP 269-3735-ND 3.66 3.36 2.04 8F082APB020SG 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — UART 4-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 8-QFN 269-3808-ND 3.39 2.55 1.89 8F082AQB020EG 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — UART 4-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 8-QFN 269-3809-ND 3.09 2.32 1.71 8F082AQB020SG 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — UART 4-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 8-SOIC 269-3810-ND 3.39 2.55 1.89 8F082ASB020EG 269-3686-ND 1K 6 — UART 4-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 8-SOIC 269-3736-ND 3.09 2.32 1.71 8F082ASB020SG 269-3686-ND 1K 23 — UART 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Extended 28-DIP 269-3710-ND 3.96 2.97 2.20 8F082APJ020EC 269-3686-ND 28-DIP 269-3683-ND 1K 23 — UART 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 3.60 2.70 2.00 8F082APJ020SC 269-3686-ND 256 17 — — 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SSOP 269-4644-5-ND 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232HH020SG 269-4643-ND 269-4643-ND 256 17 — — 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-DIP 269-4646-5-ND 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232PH020SG 256 17 — — 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-QFN 269-4648-ND 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232QH020SG 269-4643-ND 256 17 — — 7-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SOIC 269-4650-5-ND 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232SH020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 — — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-SSOP 269-4645-5-ND 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232HJ020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 — — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 2.88 2.16 1.60 8F1232PJ020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 — — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 256 25 — — 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 28-DIP 269-4647-5-ND Commercial 28-QFN 269-4649-ND Commercial 28-SOIC 269-4651-5-ND 256 17 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 20-SSOP 269-4652-5-ND 256 17 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 256 17 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 256 17 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232QJ020SG 269-4643-ND 2.64 1.98 1.46 8F1232SJ020SG 269-4643-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233HH020SG 269-4643-ND 20-DIP 269-4654-5-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233PH020SG 269-4643-ND Commercial 20-QFN 269-4656-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233QH020SG 269-4643-ND Commercial 20-SOIC 269-4658-5-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233SH020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 28-SSOP 269-4653-5-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233HJ020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 Commercial 2.58 1.94 1.44 8F1233PJ020SG 269-4643-ND 256 25 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 256 25 — — — 2.7 3.6 20MHz 2 28-DIP 269-4655-5-ND Commercial 28-QFN 269-4657-ND Commercial 28-SOIC 269-4659-5-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233QJ020SG 269-4643-ND 2.40 1.80 1.33 8F1233SJ020SG 269-4643-ND 1K 23 256 1-UART, IrDA 8-ch. 10- it 1.8 3.6 20MHz 3 Commercial 28-SOIC 269-4673-ND 4.44 3.33 2.46 8F1680SJ020SG 269-4664-ND 1K 37 256 2-UART, IrDA 8-ch. 10- it 1.8 3.6 20MHz 3 Commercial 44-LQFP 269-4674-ND 4.44 3.33 2.46 8F1680AN020SG 269-4664-ND 1K 23 — 1-UART, IrDA 8-ch. 10- it 1.8 3.6 20MHz 3 Commercial 28-SOIC 269-4675-ND 4.68 3.51 2.60 8F2480SJ020SG 269-4664-ND 1K 37 — 2-UART, IrDA 8-ch. 10- it 1.8 3.6 20MHz 3 Commercial 44-LQFP 269-4676-ND 4.68 3.51 2.60 8F2480AN020SG 269-4664-ND ◆ RoHS Compliant ote: emperature Ran e: • Commercial: - C ~ C Extended -4 C ~ 1 5 C Z8 Encore! ® MC (Motor Control) Flash Microcontrollers The Z8FMCxx100 Series Flash MCU is based on ZiLOG’s advanced eZ8 8-bit CPU core and is optimized for motor control applications. It supports control of single and multiphase variable speed motors. Target applications are consumer appliances, HVAC, factory automation, refrigeration, and automotive applications. Memory Size Program (Bytes) 4K 4K 8K 8K 16K RAM (Bytes) I/O Pins Serial Communication ADC 512 17 2.7 17 UART,with IrDA, I2C, SPI 8-ch. 10- it 512 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 UART,with IrDA, I2C, SPI 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 8-ch. 10- it 2.7 3.6V 20MHz 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 512 17 UART,with IrDA, I2C, SPI UART,with IrDA, I2C, SPI UART,with IrDA, I2C, SPI Note: Temperature Range: • Commercial: - C ~ Clock Speed Timer/Counters, PWM’s Operating Temp. Package 3.6V 20MHz 20MHz 1 16- it 6-ch. 12- it Extended 3.6V Extended 1 16- it 6-ch. 12- it Commercial 32-LQFP 269-3812-ND Commercial 32-QFN 269-3814-ND Extended 32-LQFP 269-3815-ND Extended 32-QFN 269-3817-ND Commercial 32-LQFP Commercial Commercial VCC 1 16- it 6-ch. 12- it 1 16- it 6-ch. 12- it 1 16- it 6-ch. 12- it Price Each 25 Digi-Key Part No. 1 32-LQFP 269-3811-ND 6.42 4.82 3.56 8FMC04100AKEG 269-3639-ND 32-QFN 269-3813-ND 6.42 4.82 3.56 8FMC04100QKEG 269-3639-ND 5.82 4.37 3.23 8FMC04100AKSG 269-3830-ND 5.82 4.37 3.23 8FMC04100QKSG 269-3830-ND 6.54 4.91 3.63 8FMC08100AKEG 269-3639-ND 6.54 4.91 3.63 8FMC08100QKEG 269-3639-ND 269-3816-ND 5.94 4.46 3.30 8FMC08100AKSG 269-3830-ND 32-LQFP 269-3819-ND 5.70 4.28 3.16 8FMC16100AKSG 269-3830-ND 32-QFN 269-3832-ND 6.81 5.11 3.79 8FMC16100QKEG 269-3830-ND 100 Zilog Part No. Development Tools C Extended -4 C ~ 1 5 C More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 145 145 C eZ80AcclaimPlus!™ Flash Microcontrollers Flash (KB) C SRAM (KB) I/O Lines DMA Controller Speed (MHz) 16-bit Timers Other Features EMAC IrDA Operating Voltage Temperature Range Digi-Key Package Part No. 1 Price Each 25 100 Zilog Part No. 256K 16K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-LQFP 269-3867-ND 12.60 9.45 7.00 E 80F91A 050EG 256K 16K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-LQFP 269-3868-ND 11.46 8.60 6.37 E 80F91A 050SG 256K 16K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-BGA 269-3250-ND 30.87 23.16 13.72 E 80F91NA050EC 256K 16K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-BGA 269-3869-ND 14.01 10.51 7.79 E 80F91NA050EG 256K 16K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-BGA 269-3870-ND 12.75 9.57 7.09 E 80F91NA050SG 256K 8K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-LQFP 269-4563-ND 12.60 9.45 7.00 E 80F91A A50EG 256K 8K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-LQFP 269-4564-ND 11.46 8.60 6.37 E 80F91A A50SG 256K 8K 32 50 4 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-BGA 269-4565-ND 14.01 10.51 7.79 E 80F91NAA50EG E 80F91NAA50SG 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, 256K 8K 32 50 4 PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 144-BGA 269-4566-ND 12.75 9.57 7.09 128K 8K 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3871-ND 8.67 6.51 4.81 E 80F92A 020EG 128K 8K 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3872-ND 7.86 5.90 4.37 E 80F92A 020SG 64K 4K 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3201-ND 7.14 5.36 3.96 E 80F93A 020EC 64K 4K 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3873-ND 7.14 5.36 3.96 E 80F93A 020EG 64K 4K 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3164-ND 6.33 4.75 3.51 E 80F93A 020SC 64K 4K 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C, PLL, RTC 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3874-ND 6.33 4.75 3.51 E 80F93A 020SG — — 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3875-ND 14.22 10.67 7.90 E 80L92A 020EG — — 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3168-ND 12.36 9.27 6.87 E 80L92A 020SC — — 24 — 20 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3876-ND 12.36 9.27 6.87 E 80L92A 020SG — — 24 — 50 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3169-ND 15.63 11.73 8.69 E 80L92A 050EC — — 24 — 50 6 — 2 UARTS, SPI, I2C 3.0 3.6 -40 C 105 C 100-LQFP 269-3878-ND 13.62 10.22 7.56 E 80L92A 050SG ◆ RoHS Compliant Emulators Adapters Digi-Key Part No. Description Price Each Zilog Part No. Digi-Key Part No. Description Z8 Encore!® 269-3395-ND 2995.00 8F6422AR00 EM 8 Encore 64K Series 68-pin PLCC Emulator Kit 269-3396-ND 2995.00 8F6422VS00 EM Z8 Encore!® MC 269-3830-ND Zilog Part No. Z8 Encore!® 8 Encore 64K Series 64-pin LQFP Emulator Kit 8 Encore MC 8FMC16100 Emulator Price Each 2000.00 8FMC161000 EM 8 Encore 64K Series 44-pin LQFP ICE Adapter 269-3400-ND 299.00 8F64210100 DA 8 Encore 64K Series 40-pin PDIP ICE Adapter 269-3401-ND 299.00 8F64210100 DP 8 Encore 64K Series 44-pin PLCC ICE Adapter 269-3402-ND 299.00 8F64210100 DV 8 Encore 64K Series 64-pin LQFP ICE Adapter 269-3403-ND 299.00 8F64220100 DA 8 Encore 64K Series 68-pin PLCC ICE Adapter 269-3404-ND 299.00 8F64220100 DV 8 Encore 64K Series 80-pin QFP ICE Adapter 269-3405-ND 299.00 8F64230100 DF Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Zilog Part No. Modules Development Kits Digi-Key Part No. Description Price Each Zilog Part No. eZ80Acclaim!™ — RoHS Compliant Description eZ80Acclaim!™ 269-3861-ND 90.00 E 80F915050MODG Development Kit or e 80F91 269-4560-ND 112.00 E 80F910200KITG Flash Module or e 80F92 269-3156-ND 63.08 E 80F920020MOD Development Kit or e 80F91 269-4561-ND 290.16 E 80F910300 COG Ethernet Module or e 80F92 269-3157-ND 81.00 E 80F920120MOD Dots SBC or 80Acclaim 269-4671-ND 90.00 E 80F917050SBCG eZ80AcclaimPlus!™ e 80AcclaimPlus Wireless ZDots® SBC Development Kit 269-4715-ND 134.34 E 80F91WF01 COG Z8 Encore!® Webserver-i Ethernet Module 269-4670-ND 68.85 E 80L925048MODG Mini Ethernet Module 269-3860-ND 52.50 E 80F915005MODG Mini Ethernet Module 269-4666-ND 75.00 E 80F916005MODG Sin le Board Computer Development Kit 269-4630-ND 47.94 8F08200100KITG 8 Encore 8F642 MCU Development Kit 269-4540-ND 47.94 8F64200100KITG 8 Encore 8F642 MCU Development Kit 28-Pin Series 8F16800128 COG 269-4677-ND 89.94 8 Encore Motor Control Development Kit 269-3639-ND 208.00 8FMC160100KIT 8 Encore Motor Control Development Kit 269-4660-ND 208.00 8FMC160100KITG Z8 Encore! XP® 8 Encore XP 4K Series, 8-pin Development Kit 269-3638-ND 56.25 8F04A08100KIT 8 Encore XP 4K Series, 8-pin Development Kit 269-4628-ND 56.25 8F04A08100KITG 8 Encore XP 4K Series, 28-pin Development Kit 269-4629-ND 47.94 8F04A28100KITG 8 Encore XP F08xA Series, 28-pin Development Kit 269-4643-ND 47.94 8F08A28100KITG 146 146 eZ80® — RoHS Compliant ePIR™ Motion Detection Zdots® 8 Encore Development Kit 8K/4K ◆ RoHS Compliant Multipurpose MCU Module 269-4711-ND 119.94 Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Accessory Kits Description (TZM112.US) Zilog Part No. eZ80Acclaim!™ USB Smart Ca le Accessory Kit 269-4539-ND 35.94 USBSC00100 ACG Ethernet Smart Ca le Accessory Kit 269-4661-ND 83.99 ENETSC0100 ACG 90.00 USBOPTSC01 ACG Z8 Encore!® MC™ Opto-isolated USB Smart Ca le Accessory Kit 269-4664-ND Crimzon™ 20-Pin Accessory Kit 269-4684-ND 195.00 CRM NICE01 ACG 40/48-Pin Accessory 269-4686-ND 572.00 CRM NICE02 ACG More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) EPIR000101 COG ◆ RoHS Compliant Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Z8® Series Microcontrollers Z8 MCU Family OVERVIEW: Zilog MCU products are targeted for cost-sensitive, high-volume applications including consumer, automotive, security, and HVAC. One-time programmable (OTPs) for prototyping as well as volume production where time to market or code flexibility is critical. A variety of pack aging options are available. The same on-chip peripherals are used across the MCU product line with the primary differences being the amount of ROM/RAM, number of I/O lines present, and packaging/temperature ranges available. This allows code written for one MCU device to be easily ported to another family member. F R S: • eneral urpose Re ister R File rc itecture: Every RAM register acts like an accumulator, speeding instruction execution and maximizing coding efficiency. Working register groups allow fast con text switching. Flexible I/O: I/O byte, nibble, and/or bit programmable as inputs or outputs. Outputs are software programmable as open-drain or push-pull on a port basis. Inputs are Schmitt-triggered with auto latches to hold unused inputs at a nown voltage state. Analog Inputs: Three input pins are software programmable as digital or analog inputs. When in the analog mode, two comparator inputs are provided with a common reference input. Timer/Counter (T/C): The T/C consists of a programmable 6-bit prescaler and Memory Size EPROM RAM 0.5K 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K † Tube I/O Lines Oscillator Type External Frequency Range Min./Max. Supply Voltage Range Operating Temperature (°C) 8-bit downcounter, with mas able interrupt upon end-of-count. Interrupts: There are six vectored interrupt sources with software-programmable enable and priority for each of the six sources. Watch-Dog Timer (WDT): An internal WDT circuit is included as a fail-safe mechanism so that if software strays outside the bounds of normal operation, the T will timeout and reset the MC . Auto Reset: All family devices have internal ower-On Reset. Low-EMI Operation: Mode is programmable via software or as a mask option. This new option provides for reduced radiated emission via cloc and output drive circuit changes. LowPower: CMOS with two standby modes STO and H T. Full Z8 Instruction Set: Forty-eight basic instructions, supported by six addressing modes with the ability to operate on bits, nibbles, bytes, and words. Accessory Kit: The Z86CCP00ZAC is the accessory kit for the Z86CCP01ZEM. The kit contains all accessories to fully populate and operate all functions of the Z86CCP01ZEM. KIT CONTENTS: 28- in I I Soc et 28- in Target Connector Cable 4 - in I I Soc et 4 - in Target Connector Cable RS-2 2 Cable ower Cable Package 61 14 XTAL/RC DC-8MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP 61 14 XTAL/RC DC-8MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-SOIC Digi-Key Part No. 1 Price Each 25 100 Zilog Part No. 269-3948-ND◆ 1.74 1.31 .96 Z86E0208PSG1925 269-1014-ND 1.74 1.31 .96 Z86E0208SSC1925 61 14 XTAL DC-8MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP 61 14 XTAL/RC DC-8MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-DIP 269-3069-ND 2.13 1.60 1.19 Z86E0208HSC1925 269-3947-ND◆ 2.40 1.80 1.33 Z86E0208PEG1925 61 14 XTAL/RC DC-8MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-SOIC 269-3949-ND◆ 2.40 1.80 1.33 Z86E0208SEG1925 61 14 XTAL DC-8MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 20-SSOP 269-3068-ND 2.34 1.76 1.30 Z86E0208HEC1925 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP 269-1096-ND 2.58 1.94 1.44 Z86E0412PSC1903 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP 269-3076-ND 3.21 2.41 1.79 Z86E0412HSC1866 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP 269-3952-ND◆ 3.60 2.70 2.00 Z86E0412HSG1866 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP 269-3077-ND 3.21 2.41 1.79 Z86E0412HSC1903 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-DIP 269-1093-ND 3.36 2.52 1.86 Z86E0412PEC 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-DIP 269-3954-ND◆ 3.75 2.82 2.08 Z86E0412PEG 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-SOIC 269-1097-ND 3.36 2.52 1.86 Z86E0412SEC 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 20-SSOP 269-3074-ND 3.54 2.66 1.97 Z86E0412HEC1866 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 20-SSOP 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-SOIC 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-DIP 269-3075-ND 3.54 2.66 1.97 Z86E0412HEC1903 269-3961-ND◆ 3.03 2.28 1.68 Z86E0812PSG1866 269-3962-ND◆ 3.03 2.28 1.68 Z86E0812PSG1903 269-3089-ND 3.90 2.93 2.16 Z86E0812HSC1903 269-1055-ND 5.46 4.10 3.04 Z86E3116SSC 269-3960-ND◆ 4.56 3.42 2.54 Z86E0812PEG 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-SOIC 269-3963-ND◆ 3.30 2.48 1.84 Z86E0812SEG 125 14 XTAL DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 20-SSOP 269-3086-ND 4.29 3.22 2.39 Z86E0812HEC1866 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 20-SSOP 269-3087-ND 4.29 3.22 2.39 Z86E0812HEC1903 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-SOIC 269-4699-5-ND†◆ 3.30 2.48 1.84 Z86E0812SEG1903 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 28-DIP 125 14 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 28-SOIC 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-DIP 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-SOIC 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-PLCC 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-DIP 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz 236 32 XTAL/RC 237 21 237 269-3966-ND◆ 6.78 5.09 3.76 Z86E3116PEG 269-1054-ND 6.06 4.55 3.36 Z86E3116SEC 269-3965-ND◆ 7.41 5.56 4.11 Z86E3016PSG 269-4539-5-ND†◆ 7.41 5.56 4.11 Z86E3016SSG 269-1045-ND 7.41 5.56 4.11 Z86E3016VSC 269-3969-ND◆ 7.68 5.76 4.26 Z86E3312PSG 28-SOIC 269-1103-ND 6.84 5.13 3.80 Z86E3312SSC 28-PLCC 269-1104-ND 6.84 5.13 3.80 Z86E3312VSC 40-DIP 269-3975-ND◆ 8.79 6.60 4.89 Z86E4016PSG ~ 44-PLCC 269-3976-ND◆ 8.79 6.60 4.89 Z86E4016VSG .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 40-DIP 269-3977-ND◆ 9.36 7.02 5.20 Z86E4312PSG DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-PQFP 269-1108-ND 10.17 7.63 4.95 Z86E4312FSC XTAL/RC DC-16MHz .5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 28-SOIC 269-4704-5-ND†◆ 10.08 7.56 5.60 Z86E8316SEG 24 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 28-DIP 269-3964-ND◆ 8.13 6.10 4.52 Z86E3016PEG 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 28-SOIC 269-4700-5-ND†◆ 8.13 6.10 4.52 Z86E3016SEG 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 40-DIP 269-3974-ND◆ 9.69 7.27 5.38 Z86E4016PEG 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 44-PLCC 269-4702-5-ND†◆ 9.69 7.27 5.38 Z86E4016VEG 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 40-DIP 269-3941-ND◆ 10.83 8.13 6.01 Z8674312PSG 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-DIP 269-3972-ND◆ 12.30 9.23 6.84 Z86E3412PSG 237 24 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 28-SOIC 269-4701-5-ND†◆ 12.30 9.23 6.84 Z86E3412SSG Z86E4412PSG 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 40-DIP 269-3980-ND◆ 13.83 10.38 7.69 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-PQFP 269-1109-ND 14.82 11.12 6.59 Z86E4412FSC 236 32 XTAL/RC DC-12MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-LQFP 269-4577-ND◆ 14.25 10.69 7.91 Z86E4412ASG 236 32 XTAL DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-LQFP 269-4578-ND◆ 22.11 16.59 12.28 Z86E6116ASG 236 32 XTAL DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-PQFP 269-1111-ND 29.22 21.92 12.99 Z86E6316FSC 236 32 XTAL DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-LQFP 269-4579-ND◆ 28.05 21.04 15.58 Z86E6316ASG 236 32 XTAL DC-16MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 ~ 44-PLCC 269-4703-5-ND†◆ 28.05 21.04 15.58 Z86E6316VSG ◆ RoHS Compliant OTP Programming Adapters Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Zilog Part No. Z8 Accessory Kit (28-DIP, 40-DIP) for Z86CCP01ZEM 269-2001-ND 48.75 Z86CCP00ZAC 44 Pin PLCC Adapter 269-2008-ND 74.83 Z86E4001ZDV 28 Pin SOIC Adapter 269-2010-ND 50.63 Z86E3400ZDS 44 Pin PQFP to 40 Dip Adapter 269-2021-ND 198.00 Z86E2101ZDF 44 Pin PQFP to 40 Dip Adapter 269-2022-ND 118.83 Z86E4001ZDF (Continued) More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 147 147 C Z8® Series Microcontrollers (Cont.) eZ80 - The Next Generation EZ80190AZ050EC AND EZ80190AZ050SC Just as the Z80 revolutionized the semiconductor industry, the next generation eZ80 is revolutionizing the way that communications are happening today. This elegant system-on-a-chip can serve web pages over a TCP/IP network, allowing easy system monitoring and control, effortless processor code updates, and system compatibility. This solution enables any browser with access to your network the ability to control and monitor a network application. The eZ80 executes Z80 code four times faster than traditional Z80s at the same clock speed, and can operate at speeds up to 50MHz. Unlike most 8-bit microprocessors, which can only address 64KB, the eZ80 can address 16MB without a Memory Management unit. The eZ80 Webserver also features an Embedded Internet Software Suite that enables the transmission and reception of HTML form data and the dynamic generation of web pages. FEATURES: 5 MHz rocessor Multiply and c cumulate Engine 16M inear ddressing . Operation 2 M Channels ni versal ilog Interface selectable RT, IIC, S I 6 RTs with rescalers 8K SR M 2- it IO with Inter rupt Support On-Chip Oscillator Op timized ipeline rchi tec ture ilog ebug Interface C Description Webserver IC, Extended Temperature Webserver IC Webserver IC Digi-Key Part No. 269-3123-ND 269-3124-ND 269-3866-ND◆ Package 100-LQFP 100-LQFP 100-LQFP I ZD M ET RES Price Each 25 15.89 13.82 13.82 1 21.18 18.42 18.42 N W PO CO RU Zilog Part No. EZ80190AZ050EC EZ80190AZ050SC EZ80190AZ050SG 100 11.76 10.23 10.23 ◆ RoHS Compliant Z8Plus™ Microcontrollers Employing the experience gained from the industry-standard Z80 and Z8 cores, the Z8Plus offers increased functionality, significantly higher performance, lower power requirements, and greater cost savings over other 8-bit microcontrollers. The Z8Plus is designed to be easy to use, even for designers who have never used a microcontroller before. With single-cycle execution, powerful I/O capabilities and register-to-register architecture, the Z8Plus offers state-of-the-art flexibility and freedom for any designer in search of a low-cost solution for a variety of microcontroller applications. The Z8Plus core offers several significant advantages compared to the current Z8 core. Foremost is performance improvement due to a reduced system clock division and a fixed instruction cycle time. The improvement is nearly 50%, depending upon instruction mix. For example, a Z8Plus-based part at 10MHz has performance comparable to a 16MHz part in production today. This, along with significant design improvements, leads to lower power and lower noise operation. The Z8PE002 and Z8PE003 microcontrollers are the newest members of the popular Z8E001 Z8 Plus 8-bit microcontroller family. New features include voltage brown-out protection and power-on reset. Additionally, the “RESET” pin has been replaced with a general purpose I/O pin and oscillator circuitry to support RC configurations. These new parts are targeted at customers who require a powerful, yet small OTP microcontroller for use in general purpose applications. Memory Size Eprom Ram I/O Lines Oscillator Type External Frequency Range Min/Max Supply Voltage Range Operating Temperature (°C) Package EMULATOR/PROGRAMMER FEATURES: In-Circuit rogram ebug Emulation Real-Time Emulation S Emulator Software indow- ased ser Interface On- ine Help One-Time rogrammable OT Support Selectable aud Rates ,6 to 5 .6 Kbps i-sync Error-Correcting Communi cations rotocol SPECIFICATIONS: Operating Temperature: 20°C ±10°C Power Requirements: 9.0VDC @ 0.5A Minimum (Typical) Dimensions: idth 6. 5 inches 1 .15 cm ength .5 inches 1 . 5 cm Height . inch (2.30 cm) Serial Interface: RS-232C @ 9,600, 19,200 (default), 28,800 or 57,600 Baud HOST COMPUTER: Minimum Requirements: I M C or 1 Compatible 86- ased Machine MHz 4M R M ideo dapter Hard is rive 2.5M ree Space .5 inch, High- ensity H loppy is rive RS-2 2C Com ort Mouse or ointing evice Microsoft indows .1 KIT CONTENTS ne o a h : 8M 1 Emulator oard Cable/Pods: 18-Pin Emulation Pod Cable; 9-Pin M-F Serial Cable (6 feet) Host Software: Z8 Graphical User Interface (GUI); Zilog Macro Cross ssembler M SM / ilog eveloper Studio S Documentation: Zilog 1999 Technical Library CD ROM, which contains Z8 device data sheets, user manuals, application notes; Z8M001 Emulator User’s Manual Required Emulator Tools Required OTP Programming Tools Digi-Key Part No. 1 Price Each 25 100 Zilog Part No. Z8E00010 Series 512 32 13 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP D D 269-1117-ND 1.80 1.35 1.00 Z8E00010PSC Z8E00110 Series 1K 64 13 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP D D 269-1121-ND 2.28 1.71 1.26 Z8E00110PSC 1K 64 13 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-SOIC ▲ D, 2 269-1123-ND 2.28 1.71 1.26 Z8E00110SSC 1K 64 13 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz .5 ~ 5.5 ~ 18-SOIC ▲ D, 2 269-3987-ND◆ 2.55 1.92 1.41 Z8E00110SSG Z8PE002 Series 512 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz . ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP ▲ D, 17 269-1132-ND 2.10 1.58 1.16 Z8PE002HZ010SC 512 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 20-SSOP ▲ D, 17 269-1135-ND 2.28 1.71 1.27 Z8PE002HZ010EC Z8PE003 Series 1K 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz . ~ 5.5 ~ 18-DIP D D 269-1136-ND 2.67 2.01 1.49 Z8PE003PZ010SC 1K 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz . ~ 5.5 ~ 18-SOIC ▲ D, 2 269-1137-ND 2.67 2.01 1.49 Z8PE003SZ010SC 1K 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz . ~ 5.5 ~ 18-SOIC ▲ D, 2 269-4295-ND◆ 3.00 2.25 1.67 Z8PE003SZ010SG 1K 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz . ~ 5.5 ~ 20-SSOP ▲ D, 17 269-1138-ND 2.82 2.12 1.57 Z8PE003HZ010SC 1K 64 14 XTAL/LC C ~ 1 MHz 4.5 ~ 5.5 -4 ~ 1 5 18-SOIC ▲ D, 2 269-1140-ND 2.94 2.21 1.63 Z8PE003SZ010EC Key Description Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Zilog Part No. 269-2033-ND 161.33 Z8ICE001ZEM Emulator/Programmer † D Z8 Plus Emulator/Programmer ◆ RoHS Compliant ▲ Zilog’s emulators support this part, but the in-circuit target cable is configured for DIP only. For designs that require a surface mount package, accommodations will have to be made to use the emulator for in-circuit DIP emulation. † For OTP programming adapters, please refer to Z8 Series. Turnkey Universal Remote Control Kit The Crimzon RC Bullet™ Reference Design Kits are ideally suited for Universal Remote Control applications. These kits feature both learning and non-learning models with both three-in-one (Cable/Satellite, DVD/VCR and TV) and six-in-one feature sets (Cable, Satellite, Audio, TV, DVD and VCR) for the North American and European marketplaces. Built on the Z8-based ZLx16300 and ZLx32300 IR MCU, and competitively priced, the kits give you everything needed to start manufacturing branded universal remote controls today. 269-3380-ND USA, 3-Function, Non-Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129.00 269-3381-ND European, 3-Function, Non-Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129.00 269-3382-ND USA, 6-Function, Non-Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129.00 269-3383-ND European, 6-Function, Non-Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129.00 269-3384-ND USA, 6-Function, Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $159.00 269-4665-ND◆ USA, 6-Function, Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $166.40 269-3385-ND European, 6-Function, Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $159.00 ◆ RoHS Compliant Thermostat Application Module Kit Thermostat Application Module provides a flexible platform for training and experimentation on a number of microcontroller and microprocessor devices. The module contains no processor. It is designed to attach to the eZ80 development platforms, which contain both the processors and the control programs that make the development function. Z86L99 with IR Solutions In-circuit emulators are interactive, Windows-oriented development tools, providing a real-time environment for emulation and debugging. Provides essential timing and I/O circuitry to simplify user emulation of prototype hardware and software products. Features: Simple bit-I/O E s, switches, lamp, and fan lphanumeric C display via the IO interface Temperature sensor via the I2C interface EE ROM data storage via the I2C interface lash program storage for eZ80 family devices • Supports up to 2K of ROM aries the operating voltage from . ~ 4. Sup ports in-cir cuit emulation on target systems that operate at . ~ 4. owers the In-Circuit Emulator ICE chip from either the emulator or target board Supports IR devices that operate at up to 8MHz Emu lates 28-pin I and 4 -pin I ro vides OT programming for 28-pin I and SOIC pac ages, 4 -pin I , 48-pin SSO Multi-tas s with other indows applications while ilog eveloper Studio S is running 269-3198-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $102.00 269-3241-ND Features: 148 148 Z86L99 In-Circuit Emulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $877.50 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 Microprocessors Speed (MHz) 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 20 20 8 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 33 33 33 † Tube Features 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs 2-UARTs, 2DMAs Timers 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Operating Voltage (V) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Operating Temperature Range C ~ C C ~ C C ~ C C ~ C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C C ~ C C ~ C -4 C ~ 1 5 C C ~ C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C C ~ C C ~ C C ~ C C ~ C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C C ~ C C ~ C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C C ~ C C ~ C -4 C ~ 1 5 C -4 C ~ 1 5 C C ~ C Package 80-QFP 80-QFP 64-Dip 64-Dip 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 80-QFP 64-Dip 64-Dip 68-PLCC 44-LQFP 40-Dip 44-PLCC 44-LQFP 40-Dip 44-PLCC 44-LQFP 40-Dip 44-PLCC 44-LQFP 44-PLCC 40-Dip 80-QFP 80-QFP 64-Dip 68-PLCC 80-QFP 80-QFP 80-QFP 64-Dip 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 68-PLCC 68-PLCC Digi-Key Part No. 269-3004-ND 269-3879-ND◆ 269-3881-ND◆ 269-3884-ND◆ 269-3012-ND 269-3885-ND◆ 269-3886-ND◆ 269-3887-ND◆ 269-3888-ND◆ 269-3889-ND◆ 269-3890-ND◆ 269-4572-ND◆ 269-3892-ND◆ 269-3893-ND◆ 269-4573-ND◆ 269-3895-ND◆ 269-3896-ND◆ 269-4574-ND◆ 269-3898-ND◆ 269-3899-ND◆ 269-4575-ND◆ 269-3902-ND◆ 269-3903-ND◆ 269-3098-ND 269-4296-ND◆ 269-4297-ND◆ 269-4298-ND◆ 269-4299-ND◆ 269-3104-ND 269-4541-5-ND†◆ 269-4301-ND◆ 269-4303-ND◆ 269-4304-ND◆ 269-4305-ND◆ 269-3863-ND◆ 269-3115-ND 269-4306-5-ND†◆ 269-4307-ND◆ 1 9.33 10.47 9.90 10.29 12.72 14.25 10.29 12.63 14.64 12.63 14.64 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 13.02 13.02 12.09 9.33 10.47 9.90 9.90 16.65 14.88 13.74 13.74 16.65 16.65 13.74 13.74 16.32 18.27 15.18 Price Each 25 7.00 7.86 7.43 7.72 9.54 10.69 7.72 9.48 10.98 9.48 10.98 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 9.77 9.77 9.07 7.00 7.86 7.43 7.43 12.49 11.16 10.31 10.31 12.49 12.49 10.31 10.31 12.24 13.71 11.39 100 5.19 5.81 5.50 5.72 7.07 7.92 5.72 7.02 8.13 7.02 8.13 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 7.24 7.24 6.72 5.19 5.81 5.50 5.50 9.25 8.26 7.63 7.63 9.25 9.25 7.63 7.63 9.06 10.15 8.43 Zilog Part No. Z8018006FSC Z8018006FSG Z8018006PSG Z8018008PSG Z8018008VEC Z8018008VEG Z8018008VSG Z8018010FSG Z8018010PEG Z8018010PSG Z8018010VEG Z84C0006AEG Z84C0006PEG Z84C0006VEG Z84C0008AEG Z84C0008PEG Z84C0008VEG Z84C0010AEG Z84C0010PEG Z84C0010VEG Z84C0020AEG Z84C0020VEG Z84C1008PEG Z8S18010FSC Z8S18010FSG Z8S18010PSG Z8S18010VSG Z8S18020FEG Z8S18020FEC1960 Z8S18020FSG Z8S18020PSG Z8S18020VEG Z8S18020VEG1960 Z8S18020VSG1960 Z8S18020VSG Z8S18033VEC Z8S18033VEG Z8S18033VSG C ◆ RoHS Compliant NEW! PSoC® 1/3/5 Evaluation Kits PSoC is a true programmable embedded system-on-chip integrating configurable analog and digital peripheral functions, memory and a microcontroller on a single chip. And now our breakthrough new PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 architectures extend the world’s only programmable embedded system design platform, shattering your design limitations. Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Cypress Part No. 428-3037-ND◆ 248.38 CY8CKIT-001A The PSoC MiniProg3 Program and Debug Kit is an all-in-one programmer for PSoC 1, PSoC 3, and PSoC 5 architectures as well as a debug tool for PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 architectures. Kit Includes: MiniProg3, Program/Debug Ribbing Cable, and USB Cable 428-2975-ND◆ 88.80 CY8CKIT-002 The PSoC FirstTouch Starter Kit is designed to introduce you to the PSoC programmable system-on-chip design methodology and Cypress’ new PSoC 3 architecture. Kit Includes: Evaluation Board, Quick Start Guide, Kit CD, Retractable USB A to Mini B cable, Proximity wire (for use as proximity detection antenna), and 9V battery 428-2977-ND 48.89 CY8CKIT-003 The CY8CKIT-006 PSoC 3 LCD Segment Drive Evaluation Kit is aimed at showcasing PSoC’s LCD segment drive system. Kit Includes: PSoC 3 LCD Segment Drive Evaluation Board, 9V Battery, 12V Wall Wart Power Supply, MiniProg3, USB Cable, Kit Stand, Quick Start Guide, and Resource CD 428-2994-ND◆ 148.96 CY8CKIT-006 The CY8CKIT-007 PSoC 3 Analog Voltmeter Demo Kit showcases PSoC’s 20-Bit Delta Sigma Analog to Digital Converter. Kit Includes: Voltmeter board (with Thermocouple), Resource CD, Mini-hook leads for Voltmeter measurement, Pack for powering the Voltmeter (includes two AA batteries and USB mini-B connector) and Quick Start Guide 428-2995-ND 105.07 CY8CKIT-007 The PSoC CY8C29 Family Processor Module is designed to evaluate and experiment with Cypress’ PSoC 1 programmable system-on-chip design methodology and architecture. Kit Includes: PSoC CY8C29 Family Processor Module and Kit CD which includes the PSoC Designer™, PSoC Programmer™, and Documentation 428-2978-ND 65.17 CY8CKIT-008 The PSoC CY8C38 Family Processor Module is designed to evaluate and experiment with Cypress’ PSoC 3 programmable design methodology and architecture. Kit Includes: PSoC CY8C38 Family Processor Module and Kit CD which includes the PSoC Creator™, PSoC Programmer, and Documentation 428-2979-ND 65.17 CY8CKIT-009 CY8CKIT-010 PSoC CY855 Family Processor Module Kit is designed to evaluate and experiment with PSoC 5 programmable system-on-chip design methodology and architecture Kit Includes: PSoC CY8C55 Family Processor Module and Kit CD which includes the PSoC Creator, PSoC programmer, and Documentation 428-3038-ND◆ 64.84 CY8CKIT-010 CY8CKIT PSoC 5 FirstTouch™ Starter Kit is designed to introduce you to the PSoC programmable system-on-chip design methodology and new PSoC 5 architecture. Kit Includes: Evaluation Board, Quick Start Guide, Kit CD, USB A to Mini B cable, Proximity Wire, and 9V battery 428-3039-ND◆ 48.88 CY8CKIT-014 The CY8C28 Family Processor Module gives you a practical understanding of PSoC technology Kit Includes: PSoC CY8C28 Family Processor Module, Quick Start, Schematic PSoC Development Board Design, and Software CD for PSoC 1 428-3036-ND◆ 65.17 CY8CKIT-020 The CY8KIT-029 PSoC LCD Segment Drive Expansion Board Kit (EBK) is based on the PSoC family of devices Kit Includes: PSoC LCD Segment Drive Expansion Board, Quick Start Guide, and Kit CD 428-2993-ND◆ 59.85 CY8CKIT-029 Description The CY8CKIT-001A PSoC Development Kit provides you a common development platform where you can prototype and evaluate different solutions using any one of the PSoC, PSoC3, or PSoC5 architectures. Kit includes: PSoC development board, PSoC3 CY8C38 Family processor module, PSoC CY8C29 Family processor module, MiniProg3 Programmer and Debug tool, USB cable, 12V power supply adapter, Wire pack, Printed documention (Quick Start, Schematic PSoC development board design), and a kit CD ◆ RoHS Compliant More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller (US2011) (TZM112.US) 149 149 PSoC® (Programmable System on Chip) Microcontrollers The Pro ramma le System-on-Chip PSoC microcontrollers inte rate a microcontroller and the analo and di ital components that typically surround it in an embedded system. Easy-to-use development tools enable designers to select the precise peripheral functionality they desire, including analog functions such as amplifiers, ADCs, DACs, filters and comparators and di ital unctions such as timers, counters, PWMs, SPI and UARTs. The PSoC amily s analo eatures C Analog Blocks Shared Shared 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 — — — — — — — — — — — Digital Blocks Shared Shared 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 — — — — — — — — — — — Flash 8K 8K 4K 4K 4K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 4K 4K 4K 4K 8K 8K 16K 16K 16K 8K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 16K 16K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K HW Comm Bus 2 I C, SPI I2C, SPI I 2C I C, SPI, UART/USART I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C UART/USART UART/USART I 2C I 2C I 2C — I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C I 2C — — — — — — — — — — — SRAM 512 512 256 256 256 512 512 512 512 512 256 256 256 256 256 256 1K 1K 1K 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K — — — — — — — — — — — I/O 27 27 6 12 16 12 16 28 24 26 6 16 24 24 — 26 50 50 56 16 6 16 16 24 24 24 44 44 44 24 24 24 40 44 64 64 — — — — — — — — — — — Vcc 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 2.4 5.25 — 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 3 5.25 — — — — — — — — — — — ® include rail-to-rail inputs, programmable gain amplifiers and up to 14-bit ADCs with exceptionally low noise, input lea a e and volta e o set. PSoC devices include up to 32KB o lash memory, 2KB o SRAM, an 8x8 multiplier with 32- it accumulator, power and sleep monitorin circuits, and hardware I2C USB and CapSense Technology communications. Specifications: Operatin Volta e Ran e 2.4V 5.25V Temperature Ran e -40 C 85 C Package 32-UQFN 32-UQFN 8-SOIC 16-UQFN 24-QFN 16-SOIC 20-SSOP 32-VQFN 28-SSOP 32-VQFN 8-DIP 20-SSOP 28-SSOP 28-SOIC 28-TSSOP 28-SSOP 56-VQFN 56-VQFN 68-VQFN 20-SSOP 8-DIP 20-SSOP 20-SOIC 28-DIP 28-SSOP 28-SOIC 48-SSOP 48-VQFN 48-VQFN 28-DIP 28-SSOP 28-SOIC 44-LQFP 28-SSOP 48-VQFN 100-LQFP 16-COL 24-UQFN 32-UQFN 48-QFN 32-UQFN 48-QFN 16-QFN 24-UQFN 32-UQFN 48-QFN 48-SSOP Digi-Key Part No. 428-2944-5-ND§ NEW! 428-2945-ND NEW! 428-1682-ND 428-2948-5-ND§ NEW! 428-1685-ND 428-1611-ND 428-1612-ND 428-2061-ND 428-1614-ND 428-2884-ND NEW! 428-1602-ND 428-1605-ND 428-1608-ND 428-1609-ND 428-2949-5-ND§ NEW! 428-2950-5-ND§ NEW! 428-2937-ND NEW! 428-2938-ND NEW! 428-2965-ND NEW! 428-1640-ND 428-1593-ND 428-1594-ND 428-1595-ND 428-1596-ND 428-1597-ND 428-1598-ND 428-1600-ND 428-1601-ND 428-2981-ND NEW! 428-1586-ND 428-1587-ND 428-1588-ND 428-1589-ND 428-1590-ND 428-2982-ND NEW! 428-1592-ND 428-2952-ND NEW! 428-2953-ND NEW! 428-2954-ND NEW! 428-2955-ND NEW! 428-2971-ND NEW! 428-2972-ND NEW! 428-2973-ND NEW! 428-2956-ND NEW! 428-2957-ND NEW! 428-2958-ND NEW! 428-2974-5-ND§ NEW! Price Each 25 3.42 3.18 1.78 2.13 2.38 3.18 3.42 3.67 3.69 3.99 2.66 3.02 3.47 3.47 3.15 3.40 5.64 5.64 7.28 4.63 4.95 5.36 5.36 5.33 5.13 5.13 5.44 6.30 6.30 7.92 6.91 6.91 7.69 7.24 8.27 8.82 7.38 7.59 7.79 8.00 7.90 8.00 3.72 3.94 4.17 4.95 4.95 1 4.26 3.95 2.20 2.64 2.95 3.95 4.26 4.56 4.59 4.96 3.30 3.75 4.31 4.31 3.92 4.23 6.88 6.88 8.88 5.75 6.16 6.66 6.66 6.50 6.25 6.25 6.63 7.68 7.68 9.65 8.43 8.43 9.38 8.83 10.08 10.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 9.63 9.75 4.62 4.90 5.18 6.16 6.16 100 3.12 2.90 1.60 1.92 2.14 2.90 3.12 3.35 3.37 3.63 2.42 2.75 3.16 3.16 2.87 3.10 5.09 5.09 6.57 4.22 4.51 4.88 4.88 4.81 4.63 4.63 4.91 5.68 5.68 7.15 6.24 6.24 6.94 6.54 7.46 7.96 6.66 6.85 7.03 7.22 7.13 7.22 3.39 3.59 3.80 4.51 4.51 Cypress Part No. C 8C20424-12LQXI C 8C20434-12LQXI C 8C21123-24SXI C 8C21223-24LGXI C 8C21323-24LFXI C 8C21234-24SXI C 8C21334-24PVXI C 8C21434-24LTXI C 8C21534-24PVXI C 8C21634-24LTXI C 8C24123A-24PXI C 8C24223A-24PVXI C 8C24423A-24PVXI C 8C24423A-24SXI C 8C24533-24PVXI C 8C24633-24PVXI C 8C24794-24LTXI C 8C24894-24LTXI C 8C24994-24LTXI C 8C26233-24PVXI C 8C27143-24PXI C 8C27243-24PVXI C 8C27243-24SXI C 8C27443-24PXI C 8C27443-24PVXI C 8C27443-24SXI C 8C27643-24PVXI C 8C27643-24LFXI C 8C27643-24LTXI C 8C29466-24PXI C 8C29466-24PVXI C 8C29466-24SXI C 8C29566-24AXI C 8C29666-24PVXI C 8C29666-24LTXI C 8C29866-24AXI C 8CTMG200-16LGXI C 8CTMG200-24LQXI C 8CTMG200-32LQXI C 8CTMG200-48LTXI C 8CTMG201-32LQXI C 8CTMG201-48LTXI C 8CTST200-16LGXI C 8CTST200-24LQXI C 8CTST200-32LQXI C 8CTST200-48LTXI C 8CTST200-48PVXI § Tube PowerPSoC® Lighting Microcontrollers and Evaluation Kits The PowerPSoC family incorporates programmable system-on-chip technology with the best in class power electronics controllers and switching devices to create easy to use power-system-on-chip solutions for lighting applications. PowerPSoC is the first device to combine the power of an embedded controller with integrated high-power peripheral Analog Blocks Digital Blocks Channels Flash SRAM HW Comm Bus 4 6 6 6 6 6 — — 4 4 8 8 8 8 — — 2 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 16K 256 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART I C, SPI, UART/USART, USB DALI, DMX512, I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART DALI, DMX512, I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART DALI, DMX512, I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART DALI, DMX512, I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART DALI, DMX512, I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART DALI, DMX512, I C, IrDA, SPI, UART/USART unctionality. This includes our internal 32V, 1A rated low-side N-channel MOSFETs, our 32V, 6MHz rated current sense ampli iers with ad usta le ain settin s, our 2MHz hysteretic controllers that can e con i ured as either buck, boost, or buck-boost, and a 32V input voltage regulator. Max. Output I/O Current (A) Vcc Package Lighting Microcontrollers 12 1 3.0 5.25 16-SOIC 56 1 3.0 5.25 68-VQFN 14 1 4.75 5.25 56-VQFN 14 1 4.75 5.25 56-VQFN 14 0.5 4.75 5.25 56-VQFN 14 1 4.75 5.25 56-VQFN 14 1 4.75 5.25 56-VQFN 14 1 4.75 5.25 56-VQFN Evaluation Kits PowerPSoC Li htin Evaluation Kit Kit Includes: C 3267 PowerPSoC Main Board, LED Dau hter Board, Wall-wart Power Supply, Optical Di user, Retracta le USB Ca le, and So tware. PowerPSoC Li htin Starter Kit Kit Includes: C 3268 PowerPSoC Board, 12V 1A Power Supply, Two Jumper Shunts, and So tware Digi-Key Part No. 428-2951-5-ND NEW! 428-2970-ND NEW! 428-2924-ND 428-2279-ND 428-2280-ND 428-2923-ND 428-2968-ND NEW! 428-2969-ND NEW! 1 Price Each 25 100 3.92 9.25 11.33 14.41 13.31 24.00 12.13 13.53 3.15 7.59 9.53 12.12 11.20 20.40 9.95 11.38 2.87 6.85 8.76 11.14 10.29 18.90 8.98 10.46 Cypress Part No. C C C C C C C C 8CLED02-16SXI 8CLED04-68LTXI 8CLED03D01-56LTXI 8CLED04D01-56LTXI 8CLED04D02-56LTXI 8CLED04DOCD1-56LTXI 8CLED03G01-56LTXI 8CLED04G01-56LTXI 428-2281-ND 199.50/1 C 3267 428-2882-ND 66.50/1 C 3268 EZ-Color™ High-Brightness LED Controllers and Development Kit Cypress E -Color amily o devices o ers the ideal control solution or Hi h Bri htness LED applications re uirin intelligent dimming control. EZ-Color devices combine the power and flexibility of PSoC® with Cypress PrISM Precise Illumination Si nal Modulation drive technolo y providin li htin desi ners a ully customiza le and inte rated li htin LED Channels Analog Blocks Flash SRAM 8 8 16 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 16K 16K 32K 32K 32K 256 256 2K 2K 2K Li htin Starter Demonstration Kit Kit Includes: C 3269N Li htin Starter Demonstration Board and 9V Battery ® 150 150 solution plat orm. E -Color devices support up to 16 independent LED channels with up to 32 its o resolution per channel, ena lin li htin desi ners the lexi ility to choose the LED array size and color uality. E -Color s virtually limitless analo and di ital customization allow or simple inte ration o eatures. Digi-Key Package Part No. High-Brightness LED Controllers 28-SSOP 428-2892-5-ND NEW! 48-VQFN 428-1948-ND 28-SSOP 428-1950-5-ND 48-VQFN 428-2983-ND NEW! 48-SSOP 428-1952-5-ND Development Kit 428-2270-ND 1 Price Each 25 10.00 11.25 11.75 11.88 12.25 8.20 9.23 9.64 9.99 10.05 100 Cypress Part No. Development Kit 7.40 8.33 8.70 9.18 9.07 C C C C C 428-2270-ND 428-2270-ND 428-2270-ND — 428-2270-ND 33.25/1 For Digi-Reel ® information, please see page 71. More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com (US2011) (TZM112.US) Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 8CLED08-28PVXI 8CLED08-48LFXI 8CLED16-28PVXI 8CLED16-48LTXI 8CLED16-48PVXI C 3269N — PSoC® Evaluation Kits PSoC is a true pro ramma le em edded system-on-chip inte ratin con ura le analo and di ital peripheral unctions, memory and a microcontroller on a sin le chip. And now our rea throu h new PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 architectures extend the world s only programmable embedded system design platform, shattering your design limitations. Digi-Key Part No. Description C 3270 PSoC FirstTouch Starter Kit Starter Kit Includes: USB FTPC Bridge, FTMF Expansion Card and Software Price Each 428-2018-ND 38.90 PIR Motion Detection Evaluation Kit Kit Includes: PIR Motion Sensor Board, Power Supply, So tware, and Desi n Files. 428-2022-ND 198.84 PSoC I2C to USB Brid e Evaluation Kit Kit Includes: I2C USB Brid e, I2C Slave Demonstration Board, USB Mini B Ca le, and So tware CD 428-1910-ND 88.78 PSoC Express II Evaluation Kit Kit Includes: Two PSoC Evaluation boards, MiniProg USB Programmer, Cables, and Software 428-2025-ND 230.81 PSoC with USB Evaluation Kit Kit Includes: PSoCEvalUSB Board, LCD Module, MiniProg1 programmer, USB mini cable, Documentation and Software The ISSP In-System Serial Pro rammin Pro rammer Kit Includes: SSP Pro rammer, ISSP So tware CD-ROM, 6-Foot USB Ca le, 2-Foot Pro rammin Ca le, and 9V Power Supply Kit Extension or C 3215-DK Kit Includes: enCoRe III Application Board Includes enCoRe III On-Chip De u er and solderless read oard, Jumper wire it, MiniPro USB Pro rammer, Standard-A to Mini-B USB ca le, 110 240V Switch Mode Power Supply and Universal power adapter, Three C 7C64215-28PVXC samples, Three C 7C64215-56LFXC samples, So tware, and Printed Documents Evaluation Kit or PSoC with MiniPro 1 Kit Includes: Evaluation oard with LCD module, MiniPro 1 Pro rammin unit, So tware, C 8C29466-24PXI Samples, and USB 2.0 Ca le Cypress Part No. C 3270 C 3236A-PIRMOTION C 3240-I2USB C 3209-EXPRESSEVK 428-1650-ND 178.35 C 3214-PSOCEVALUSB 428-1495-ND 505.24 C 3207ISSP 548.44 C 3664-EXT 428-3033-ND NEW! 428-1584-ND 138.65 C 3210-PSOCEVAL1 MiniProg1 Demo Board Kit Includes: MiniProg Programming Unit, MiniEval Socket Programming and Evaluation Board, Device Samples, Cable, and Software 428-1585-ND 68.83 C 3210-MINIPROG1 MiniProg Demo Board Kit Includes: MiniProg Programming Unit, USB Cable, and Software 428-2021-ND 28.93 C 3217 PSoC I2C Port Expander Evaluation Kit Kit Includes: I2C Port Expander Demo Board usin C 8C9520 Port Expander, USB Ca le, and Documentation 428-2023-ND 174.23 C 3242-IOXLITE In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in 44TQFP C 8C22545 PSoC Devices Kit Includes: One C 8C22545 Emulation Pod, Two 44-pin TQFP Feet, One C 3250-Flex Ca le, and Two C 8C22545-24AXI Chip Samples 428-2927-ND NEW! 386.05 C 3250-22545 Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u Kit Includes: C 8C22545 Emulation Pod 428-2926-ND NEW! 318.88 C 3250-22545-POD in 44TQFP C 8C22545 PSoC Devices Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in 28 SOIC C 8C22345/21345 PSoC Devices Kit Includes: One C 8C22345 Emulation Pod, Two 28-pin SOIC Feet, One C 3250-FlexCa le, and Two C 8C22345-24SXI Chip Samples 428-2928-ND NEW! 386.05 C 3250-22345 In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in C 8C20536/546/566A CapSense PSoC Devices Kit Includes: One C 8C20536/546/566A ICE Pod, One Flex Ca le, and Two 48-pin SSOP Pod Feet 428-3015-ND◆ NEW! 161.18 C 3250-20566 428-3016-ND◆ NEW! 210.94 C 3250-23X33QFN 428-3017-ND◆ NEW! 365.75 C 3250-24X33 428-3018-ND◆ NEW! 199.50 C 3250-24X33-POD 428-3019-ND◆ NEW! 335.16 C 3250-286XXQFN 428-3020-ND◆ NEW! 226.10 C 3250-286XXQFN-POD In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in QFN C 8C23x33 PSoC Devices Kit Includes: One QFN C 8C23533 ICE Pod, One Flex Ca le, and Two 32-pin QFN Pod Feet In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit Kit Includes: C 3253-BLDC Control Main Board, Two Lithium-II Dau hter Boards, LCD Module, DC Power Supply, 3-phase BLDC motor, C 3253-BLDC Kit CD-ROM, and Quic Start Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit Kit Includes: C 3253-BLDC Control Main Board, Two Lithium-II Dau hter Boards, LCD Module, DC Power Supply, 3-phase BLDC motor, C 3253-BLDC Kit CD-ROM, and Quic Start In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in QFN C 8C28XXX PSoC Devices Kit Includes: One QFN C 8C286xx ICE Pod, One Flex Ca le, and Two 48-pin QFN Pod Feet Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pods Kit or de u Kit Includes: Two QFN C 8C286XX ICE Pods in QFN C 8C28XXX PSoC Devices In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in Non-QFN C 8C28XXX PSoC Devices Kit Includes: One Non-QFN C 8C28XXX ICE Pod, One Flex Ca le, Two 28-pin PDIP Pod Feet, and One 28-pin Mas 428-3021-ND◆ NEW! 335.16 C 3250-28XXX Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pods or de u Kit Includes: Two Non-QFN C 8C28XXX ICE Pods 428-3022-ND◆ NEW! 226.10 C 3250-28XXX-POD 428-3023-ND◆ NEW! 335.83 C 3250-60455QFN in Non-QFN C 8C28XXX PSoC Devices In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in 48-pin QFN enCoRe V Low Volta e C 7C60455/56 Devices Kit Includes: One 60455Q Pod, One Flex Ca le, and Two 48QFN Feet In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in 16-pin QFN enCoRe V C 7C64315/16 Devices Kit Includes: One 64315Q Pod, One Flex Ca le, and Two 16QFN Feet 428-3024-ND◆ NEW! 339.15 C 3250-64315QFN In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in 48-pin QFN enCoRe V C 7C64355/56 Devices Kit Includes: One 64355Q Pod, One Flex Ca le, and Two 48QFN Feet 428-3025-ND◆ NEW! 344.98 C 3250-64355QFN Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pods or de u Kit Includes: Two 64355Q Pods 428-3026-ND◆ NEW! 256.61 C 3250-64355QFN-POD in 48-pin QFN enCoRe V C 7C64355/56 Device In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pod Kit or de u in Non-QFN C 8CLED08 E -Color HB LED Controllers Kit Includes: One C 8CLED08 ICE Pod, One Flex Ca le, Two 28-SSOP Pod Feet, Two C 8CLED08-28PVXI, and One 28-pin Mas 428-3027-ND◆ NEW! 365.75 C 3250-LED08 Replacement In-Circuit Emulation ICE Pods Kit Includes: Two 28-SSOP Pod Feet 428-3028-ND◆ NEW! 199.50 C 3250-LED08-POD Replacement Flex Ca le or C 3250 Pod Kits 428-1866-ND 165.93 C 3250-FLEXCABLE C ◆ RoHS Compliant CY3215-DK Development Kits and Accessories Description PSoC Development Kit Kit Includes: ICE-Cu e Unit, Emulation Pod or C 8C29466-24PXI, C 8C29466-24PXI Samples, ISSP Ca le, MiniEval Soc et Pro rammin and Evaluation oard, Power Supply European Plu Adapter, and USB 2.0 Ca le Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Cypress Part No. 428-1583-ND 447.88 C 3215-DK Emulation Kits For Use With C 8C24x94 QFN Pac a e Kit Includes: 1 Flex Cable, 1 Pod, and 2 Pod Feet For Use With C 8C27xxx Kit Includes: 1 Flex Cable, 1 Pod, and 2 Pod Feet For Use With C 8C29xxx Kit Includes: 1 Flex Cable, 1 Pod, and 2 Pod Feet 428-1867-ND 341.86 C 3250-24X94QFN 428-1884-ND 365.75 C 3250-27XXX 428-1885-ND 365.75 C 3250-29XXX Evaluation Pods — RoHS Compliant Family C48C20x34 Allows evaluation o a device amily usin 28-DIP connector Family C 8C24x23 Allows evaluation o a device amily usin 28-DIP connector 428-1994-ND 182.98 C 3210-20X34 428-1997-ND 133.00 C 3210-24X23 Replacement Foot Kits 28-SSOP Kit Includes: 4 Pod Feet 24-QFN Kit Includes: 4 Pod Feet 428-1896-ND 99.75 428-1873-ND 262.01 More Product Available Online: www.digikey.com Toll-Free: 1-800-344-4539 • Phone 218-681-6674 • Fax: 218-681-3380 www.digikey.com/microcontroller C 3250-28SSOP-FK C 3250-24QFN-FK (US2011) (TZM112.US) 151 151 CapSense Express™ The CapSense Express Family, supported by PSOC Express™ Visual Embedded System Design Tool and the CapSense Express Configuration Tool, is the quickest and easiest to use for touch sensing functionality. Analog Blocks 1 CapSense C Digital Blocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flash 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 8K 8K 8K 16K 8K 32K 32K SRAM 512 512 512 512 512 512 1K 512 1K 2K 1K 2K 2K HW Comm Bus I2C I2C I2C I2C I2C I2C I2C, SPI I2C, SPI I2C, SPI I2C, SPI I2C, SPI I2C, SPI I2C, SPI I/O 10 10 4 6 8 10 13 20 20 19 28 34 36 Vcc 2.4 ~ 5.25 2.4 ~ 5.25 2.4 ~ 5.25 2.4 ~ 5.25 2.4 ~ 5.25 2.4 ~ 5.25 1. ~ 5.5 2.4 ~ 5.25 1. ~ 5.5 1. ~ 5.5 1. ~ 5.5 1. ~ 5.5 1. ~ 5.5 The CapSense Express family supports up to 36 general purpose I/Os for buttons, multi-segment sliders, LEDs and other general purpose functions, all configured via I2C registers. Digi-Key Part No. 428-2046-ND 428-2047-5-ND 428-2050-5-ND 428-2052-5-ND 428-2054-5-ND 428-2056-5-ND 428-2941-ND NEW! 428-2919-ND NEW! 428-2942-ND NEW! 428-2943-ND NEW! 428-2946-ND NEW! 428-2947-ND NEW! 428-2980-ND NEW! Package 16-UQFN 16-SOIC 8-SOIC 16-SOIC 16-SOIC 16-SOIC 16-UQFN 24-UQFN 24-UQFN 24-UQFN 32-UQFN 48-SSOP 48-VQFN 1 2.70 2.76 2.29 2.48 2.60 2.91 3.72 3.81 3.86 5.71 4.00 6.47 6.83 Price Each 25 2.18 2.23 1.85 2.00 2.10 2.35 3.00 3.06 3.11 4.59 3.22 5.20 5.49 100 1.96 2.01 1.67 1.80 1.89 2.12 2.73 2.79 2.83 4.19 2.94 4.74 5.01 Cypress Part No. CY8C20110-LDX2I CY8C20110-SX2I CY8C20142-SX1I CY8C20160-SX2I CY8C20180-SX2I CY8C201A0-SX2I CY8C20236-24LKXI CY8C20334-12LQXI CY8C20336-24LQXI CY8C20396-24LQXI CY8C20436-24LQXI CY8C20566-24PVXI CY8C20666-24LTXI CapSense™ Development Kits The CapSense Family is Cypress’s market leading Capacitive Sensing solution that has replaced more than 3 Billion sensors with a Capacitive touch interface over the last many years. The CapSense Family is based on Cypress’ Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) platform that provides customers with the flexibility needed to make last minute changes and get to market before the competition. Description CapSense Proximity Detection Demonstration Kit Kit Includes: Proximity Detection Demo Board with Antenna, I2C to USB Debugging/Communication Bridge, USB Cable, Software, and Quick Start Guide PSoC CapSense Demo Kit Kit Includes: Demonstration Board, User Guide, Documentation and Software CD, and Power Supply CapSense Evaluation Board Kit Kit Includes: CapSense Evaluation Board with CY8C20110-LDX2I, CY3240-I2USB Bridge Board, USB Cable, and Battery CapSense Evaluation Board Kit Kit Includes: CapSense Evaluation Board with CY8C20142-SX2I, CY3240-I2USB Bridge Board, USB Cable, and Battery Evaluation Kit for CapSense CSA Kit Includes: Training Board (CY8C20x34), PSoC Designer and Example Project CD, CSA User Module, Mini Programmer Unit, LCD Module, and USB Cable Universal CapSense Controller Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-20x66 Universal CapSense Controller Board, CY3240-I2USB I2C Bridge Board, CY3210 PSoC MiniProg1 Programmer, CY328020x66 Quick Start, CY3280-20x66 Universal CapSense Controller Kit CD, and Retractable USB Cable (A to mini-B) Universal CapSense Radial Slider Module Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-SRM Universal CapSense Module Board, CY3280-SRM Universal CapSense Module Board CD/DVD, and CY3280-SRM Quick Start Universal CapSense Linear Slider Module Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-SLM Universal CapSense Module Board, CY3280-SLM Universal CapSense Module Board CD/DVD and CY3280-SLM Quick Start Universal CapSense Simple Button Module Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-BSM Universal CapSense Module Board, CY3280-BSM Universal CapSense Module Board CD/DVD and CY3280-BSM Quick Start Universal CapSense Matrix Button Module Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-BMM Universal CapSense Module Board, CY3280-BMM Universal CapSense Module Board CD/DVD and CY3280-BMM Quick Start Universal CapSense Prototyping Module Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-BBM Universal CapSense Prototyping Module, CY3280-BBM Universal CapSense Prototyping Module Kit CD and CY3280-BBM Quick Start Booklet Universal CapSense Controller Development Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board, CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board CD, CY3240-I2CUSB Board, CY3210-MiniProg1 Programmer, DC power supply, and printed documents Universal CapSense Controller Board Kit Includes: CY3280-24x94 Universal CapSense Controller Board, CY3240-I2USB Bridge Board, CY3210 PSoC MiniProg1 Programmer, CY3280-24x94 Quick Start, CY3280-24X94 Universal CapSense Controller CD, PSoC Designer 4.0 and PSoC Programmer CD, PSoC Express 3.0 Installation CD, and Retractable USB Cable (A to mini-B) CapSensePlus Module Development Kit Quick Start Kit Includes: CY3280-CPM1 Demo Board, Kit CD, and Kit Quick Start Digi-Key Part No. Price Each Cypress Part No. 428-1909-ND 131.67 428-1652-ND 87.78 CY3235-PROXDET CY3220-FPD 428-2043-ND 98.42 CY3218-CAPEXP1 428-2045-ND 120.10 CY3218-CAPEXP3 428-1924-ND 97.52 CY3203A-CAPSENSE 428-2987-ND◆ NEW! 253.37 428-2988-ND◆ NEW! 98.78 CY3280-SRM 428-2989-ND◆ NEW! 98.78 CY3280-SLM 428-2990-ND◆ NEW! 98.78 CY3280-BSM 428-2991-ND◆ NEW! 98.78 CY3280-BMM 428-2992-ND◆ NEW! 48.88 CY3280-BBM 428-3029-ND◆ NEW! 197.11 CY3280-22X45 428-3030-ND◆ NEW! 278.13 CY3280-24X94 428-3031-ND◆ NEW! 97.76 CY3280-CPM1 CY3280-20X66 ◆ RoHS Compliant NEW! 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