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FEBRUARY 2015 INTRODUCTION D e a r Va l u e d C u s t o m e r : L i b r e t t D u r a b l e s i s r e s p o n d i n g t o t o d a y s c o n s u m e r s n e e d s b y o ff e r i n g t h e f i n e s t a n d m o s t c o m p r e h e n s i v e s e l e c t i o n o f h i g h q u a l i t y i n d o o r a n d o u td o o r floor fashions. We a r e a n i n n o v a t i v e c o m pa n y c o n t i n u a l l y d e v e l o p i n g a n d l o o k i n g f o r u n i q u e p r o d u c ts t o o ff e r o u r c u s t o m e r s . M a n y o f o u r m a ts w e r e d e s i g n e d a n d d e v e l o p e d b y o u r c o m pa n y, t h e y a r e a l s o 1 0 0 % b i o d e g r a d a b l e a n d h a n d m a d e b y h i g h l y t r a i n e d c r a fts m e n . We a l w a y s w e l c o m e c u s t o m s i z e a n d s p e c i a l o r d e r s f r o m o u r i n d e p t h i n v e n t o r y. All our products are unconditionally guaranteed. We i n v i t e y o u r i n q u i r i e s . TABLE OF CONTENTS N a t u r a l F i b e r M a ts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 8 Ta h i t i A r e a R u g s a n d R u n n e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 11 R u b b e r M a ts & C a r p e t E n t r a n c e M a ts : . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 20 W i r e S h o e S c r a p e r s & M a ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13- 14 N a n t u c k e t R o p e M a ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 - 2 1 Matting & Runners: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 25 New Rochelle, NY 10801 Email: Premium Fiber Mat Superb quality mat. Dense construction, extremely durable 1” thick coconut fiber mat for household or commercial application. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE NF1627 16” x 27” 6 EA. 023316 - 501108 NF2236 22” x 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 501139 NF1830 NF2439 NF2642 NF2845 NF3048 NF3648 NF3660 NF3672 NF4872 18” x 30” 24” x 39” 26” x 42” 28” x 45” 30” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 60” 36” x 72” 48” x 72” 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 3 EA. 3 EA. 3 EA. 3 EA. 3 EA. 023316 - 501115 023316 - 501146 023316 - 501153 023316 - 501160 023316 - 501177 023316 - 501184 023316 - 501191 023316 - 501207 023316 - 501214 Premium Half Round Fiber Mat Same construction and quality as our premium cocoa mat. This mat is an attractive alternative to our rectangular fiber mats. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE HR1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 500958 HR2236 HR2642 22” x 36” 26” x 42” 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 500965 023316 - 500972 1 Premium Thin Multi-Purpose Mat This 1/2 inch thick mat offers the same durability as our thicker mats without the bulk. Also, available in half round. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE ID1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 501030 ID2642 26” x 42” 6 EA. 023316 - 000922 ID2236 IDH1830 22” x 36” 18” x 30” 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 501047 023316 - 007648 Open Weave Fiber Mat This unique decorative mat is hand made with an open design that is not only pleasant to the eye but easy to maintain. Also, available in half round shape. HO2236 ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE OP1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 501412 OP2236 OP2642 HO2236 22” x 36” 26” x 42” 22” x 36” 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 501429 023316 - 000731 023316 - 001301 2 Loop Pile Mat A top quality cocoa mat with a unique construction that creates a highly abrasive surface which is extremely tough and durable. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE LP1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 501078 LP2642 26” x 42” 6 EA. 023316 - 000748 LP2236 22” x 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 501085 Lover’s Knot Mat One of our uniquely shaped designs hailed by sailors and landlubbers alike. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE LO1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 501054 Nantucket Natural Fiber Mat Handsome, interwoven pattern from a classic nautical design. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE CA1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 500538 CA2236 CA2642 22” x 36” 26” x 42” 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 500569 023316 - 001318 3 “Welcome” and “ Go Away” Cocoa Mat This Mat features non-fading acrylic lettering with a natural coco fiber background. It makes a great gift item. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE WE1830B 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 182932 GO1830B 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 183038 WB1830 18” x 30” 6 EA 023316 - 007969 Natural Cocoa Grass Mat Hand Knotted intricate honeycomb design. Long wearing and reversible. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE DG1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 500590 DG2236 DG2642 22” x 36” 26” x 42” 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 500613 023316 - 500606 4 Greek Key Imperial Mat Our Greek Key Mat is a classic and one of our original mats. Long lasting and extremely durable. The pattern is woven not stenciled. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE GK1830B 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 500903 GK2642 26” x 42” 6 EA. 023316 - 500910 GK2236B 22” x 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 002339 Imperial Stenciled Cocoa Mats One of our customers’ favorite! Our Labrador mat makes a great gift for dog lovers. Along with our “Welcome” bordered with grapes making any home more inviting. Both are printed with non-fading acrylic paint. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE LA1830B 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 002452 GRW1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 006412 5 Sisal Bleached Cocoa Mat Attractive two-tone design! A decorative style of bleached sisal fibers mixed with a natural cocoa material. The abrasive sisal fiber is great for scraping debris off. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE SB1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316-007587 SB2642 26” x 42” 6 EA. 023316-008256 SB2236 22” x 36” 6 EA. 023316-007631 Wood Mat with Rubber Links Ideal for entryways, patios and gardens. Made from a recycled rubber tree wood with rubber links. Available with blue rubber links. ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. UPC CODE WL1830BL 18” x 30” BLUE 5 EA. 023316-007907 6 Premium Cocoa Tuff Mat These unique mats are made from the finest coco-fiber available. The 5/8” fiber is permanently bonded to a solid vinyl backing and the corners are rounded. The backing protects your floors and prevents the fibers from shedding. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE CT1524 15” x 24” 6 EA. 023316 - 152423 CT2033 20” x 33” 6 EA. 023316 - 203323 CT1830 CT3660 18” x 30” 6 EA. 36” x 60” 6 EA. 023316 - 003039 023316 - 003022 Custom Sizes We will cut to your specifications, 5/8”, 3/4”, 1” thick, up to 78” wide. CORNERS WILL BE SQUARE NOT ROUNDED. ITEM NO. THICKNESS VB.SPEC34 3/4” VB.SPEC58 VB.SPEC1 5/8” 1” 7 Stenciled Vinyl Back Cocoa Mats Low pile 5/8” stenciled mats will bring color to any home. Printed with non fading acrylic paint. Great gift item! ST1830 AN1830 FV1830 HS1830R RO1830 BV1830 ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE ST1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 006405 HS1830R 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 008645 AN1830 FV1830 RO1830 BV1830 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 008669 023316 - 008672 023316 - 008683 023316 - 008652 8 Cocoa Fiber Area Rugs & Runners This 1/4” thick cocoa fiber area rug is woven to a latex non-slip back. Great for indoor and outdoor use. Colored borders may be combined to meet standard packaging requirement. ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. NFP2436 24” x 36” NATURAL 6 EA. *NFP.SPEC CUT SIZE NATURAL UPC CODE 023316 - 000557 023316 - 006290 We welcome custom size orders on all solid borders. We will cut to your specifications up to 96” wide. Knotted Jute & Bleached Jute Mats 100% Jute fiber mat is durable with a unique knotted jute design. This is 100% Jute fiber with no latex backing. Great for indoor and outdoor use. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. KJ2032 20” x 32” 6 EA. JW2032B JL2032B 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 6 EA. 6 EA. UPC CODE 023316 - 008263 023316 - 008584 023316 - 008638 9 Jute Fiber Area Rugs This 1/4” jute fiber is woven to a latex non-slip back. Great for indoor and outdoor use in a protected area. All area rugs can be combined to meet standard packaging requirement. We welcome custom size orders on all solid and pattern borders up to 96” wide. ITEM NO. COLOR SIZE PKG. COLOR RETAIL PKG. UPC NJP3648 36” x 48” NATURAL 4 EA. NJP2436 NJP3660 NJP3096 NJP3672 NJP4872 24” x 36” 36” x 60” 30” x 96” 36” x 72” 48” x 72” NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL 6 EA. 6 EA. 4 EA. 4 EA. 4 EA. UPC CODE 023316 - 005842 023316 - 006108 023316 - 008416 023316 - 006382 023316 - 006450 023316 - 006467 NBJ2436 24” x 36” NAT./BEIGE 6 EA 023316 - 006436 NJG2436 24” x 36” GREEN 6 EA 023316 - 006429 NJ24361 24” x 36” CRANBERRY 6 EA. 023316 - 007532 NJ24363 24” x 36” BLACK 6 EA. 023316 - 007471 NJ24365 24” x 36” POWDER BLUE 6 EA. 023316 - 008300 NBJ3648 NJG3648 NJ36481 NJ36483 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” NAT./BEIGE GREEN 4 EA. 4 EA. CRANBERRY BLACK 4 EA 4 EA. 10 023316 - 006719 023316 - 006726 023316 - 007549 023316 - 007428 PKG. ITEM NO. SIZE RETAIL COLOR UPC CODE PKG. UPC CODE NJ24366 24” x 36” NAVY BLUE 6 EA. 023316 - 007495 NJ24367 24” x 36” TURQUOISE 6 EA. 023316 - 008294 NJ24369 24” x 36” BROWN 6 EA. 023316 - 007204 NJ243610 24” x 36” AVOCADO 6 EA. 023316 - 008287 NJ243616 24” x 36” GRAY 6 EA. 023316 - 007228 FJ24361 24” x 36” FANCY(bl.wht) 6 EA. 023316 - 007303 NJP.SPEC CUT SIZE NATURAL 1 EA. 6.99sq.ft NJ36486 NJ36489 NJ364816 FJ36481 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” NAVY BLUE BROWN GRAY FANCY(bl.wht) 6 EA. 4 EA. 4 EA. 4 EA. 023316 - 007501 023316 - 007211 023316 - 007235 023316 - 007372 ***ALL PATTERNS CAN BE CUT TO SIZE, PLEASE ALLOW 3-4 MONTHS FOR DELIVERY! 11 tar PATTERN BORDER ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. LS36481 36” x 48” ROUGE 4 EA. LS24361 Star Border 24” x 36” ROUGE 6 EA. Taupe Green Trim UPC CODE 023316 - 004968 023316 - 005057 Floral LS24362 24” x 36” GRAY LS24363 24” x 36” BLACK 6 EA. 023316 - 004951 LB24364 24” x 36” SKY BLUE 6 EA. 023316 - 003787 LS24366 24” x 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 004494 LB24369 24” x 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 003794 LS36483 LB36484 LS36486 LB36489 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 6 EA. BLACK 4 EA. SKY BLUE NAVY BLUE NAVY BLUE BROWN BROWN 4 EA. 4 EA. 4 EA. 12 023316 - 008690 023316 - 005040 023316 - 003800 023316 - 006092 023316 - 003817 ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. UPC CODE LS243611 24” x 36” GREEN 6 EA. 023316 - 004975 LS243615 24” x 36” BEIGE-WHITE 6 EA. 023316 - 006481 LSB2436 24” x 36” STAR LS24365 24” x 36” TAUPE LS243613 24” x 36” FLORAL 6 EA 023316 - 006276 LS364813 36” x 48” FLORAL 4 EA. 023316 - 006283 LS364811 LS364815 LSB3648 LS36485 LS309613 LS367213 LS487213 LS24367 LS36487 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 30” x 96” 36” x 72” 48” x 72” 24” x 36” 36” x 48” GREEN 4 EA. 023316 - 005064 BEIGE-WHITE 4 EA. 6 EA. STAR TAUPE 4 EA. 6 EA. FLORAL FLORAL BK.STITCH BK.STITCH 13 023316 - 003770 023316 - 003824 023316 - 004470 4 EA. FLORAL 023316 - 006528 023316 - 004487 3 EA. 3 EA. 3 EA. 6 EA. 4 EA. 023316 - 006542 023316 - 006559 023316 - 006566 023316 - 006177 023316 - 006269 Basket Weave Wire Fiber Mat This unique design is made from natural coconut fiber reinforced with a rust resistant wire frame. It is sturdy and easy to clean. RBW1830 ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE BW1830 18” x 30” 5 EA. 023316 - 001745 RBW1830 18” x 30” 5 EA. 023316 - 003749 BW2236 22” x 36” 5 EA. 023316 - 001752 Fish Mat Our unique design is made from natural coconut fiber reinforced with a rust resistant wire frame. It is sturdy and easy to clean. ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. UPC CODE FW2032B 20” x 32” BLUE 5 EA. 023316 - 005835 14 Estate Shoe/Boot Scraper Our shoe scraper is made from natural coconut fiber reinforced with a rust resistant wire frame. It is sturdy and easy to clean. Great gift! All shoe scrapers can be combined to meet standard package requirement of 6 ea. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE EBS14 14” 6 EA. 023316 - 003756 Frog or Turtle Shoe Scrapers ITEM NO. FBS1 TBS1 DESCRIPTION FROG COIR/WIRE TURTLE COIR/WIRE PKG UPC CODE 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 004531 023316 - 004548 Eye-Link Scraper Mat This fine quality extra heavy weight rubber mat has exceptional dirt trapping properties and allows debris to fall through. ITEM NO. EL1830 EL2236 SIZE 18” X 30” 22” X 36” PKG. UPC CODE 6 EA. 6 EA. 023316 - 007679 023316 - 008560 15 Rubber Scraper Mat This fine quality extra heavy weight rubber mat has exceptional dirt trapping properties. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE RS18303 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 183007 RS32393 32” x 39” 1 EA. 071300 - 039007 RS22363 RS36723 22” x 36” 36” x 72” 6 EA. 1 EA. 023316 - 122365 071300 - 072004 Cushion Step Rubber Mat Excellent anti-fatigue mat , holes allow dirt and debris to fall through. The large sizes 40” x 40” and 40” x 60” are not available with the beveled border. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE CS1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 000151 CS4040 40” x 40” 1 EA. 023316 - 004210 CS2236 CS4060 22” x 36” 40” x 60” 6 EA. 1 EA. 023316 - 223611 023316 - 004227 Plush Scraper Mat Excellent scraping properties that allows dirt & debris to fall through. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE PS1826B 18” x 26” 5 EA. 023316 - 008379 16 Filigree Rubber Mat This open design scrapes mud, dirt and snow from shoes allowing it to fall through. It is extremely long lasting. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE FM1830 18” x 30” 6 EA. 023316 - 006214 FM2236 22” x 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 007051 Rubber Boot Mat This extra wide design is ideal for boots and shoes. Protects floors and carpet from seasonal weather. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE BT1732B 17” x 32” 5 EA. 023316 - 006184 Herringbone Weave Mat This mat is made from rubber, reinforced with a resistant wire frame. It allows dirt and debris to fall through. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE RL1627 16” x 27” 5 EA. 023316 - 002001 17 Classic Dutch Rib Mat This indoor/outdoor mat features a deep rib surface made from a heavy weight stain resistant polyolefin fiber with a unique non-slip back. Ideal for heavy traffic areas. Colors may be combined to meet standard packaging requirement. ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. UPC CODE CR16271 16” x 27” BURGUNDY 12 EA. 023316 - 004890 CR16274 16” x 27” BLUE 12 EA. 023316 - 004906 CR16272 CR16279 CR162711 CR162713 CR162716 16” x 27” 16” x 27” 16” x 27” 16” x 27” 16” x 27” PEPPER BROWN GREEN CAMEL GRAY 12 EA 023316 - 003435 12 EA. 023316 - 004913 12 EA. 023316 - 003411 12 EA. 023316 - 003459 12 EA. 023316 - 003466 CR18301 18” x 30” BURGUNDY 12 EA. 023316 - 172919 CR18304 18” x 30” BLUE 12 EA. 023316 - 172940 CR18302 CR18309 CR183011 CR183013 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” PEPPER BROWN GREEN CAMEL 12 EA. 023316 - 172926 12 EA. 023316 - 172995 12 EA. 023316 - 172933 12 EA. 023316 - 172957 CR183016 18” x 30” GREY 12 EA. 023316 - 172964 CR24361 24” x 36” BURGUNDY 6 EA. 023316 - 233511 CR24362 CR24364 CR24369 CR243611 CR243613 CR243616 24” x 36” 24” x 36” 24” x 36” 24” x 36” 24” x 36” 24” x 36” PEPPER BLUE BROWN GREEN CAMEL GREY 6 EA. 023316 - 233528 6 EA. 023316 - 233542 6 EA. 023316 - 233597 6 EA. 023316 - 233535 6 EA. 023316 - 233559 6 EA. 023316 - 233566 18 Classic Dutch Rib Mat With Border This heavy weight indoor/outdoor mat features a deep rib surface made from a stain resistant polyolefin fiber with a 1” vinyl border and backing. Ideal for heavy traffic areas. Colors may be combined to meet standard packaging requirement. * We welcome custom size orders up to 72” wide. ITEM NO. CR36481 CR36482 CR36484 CR36489 CR364811 CR364816 CR36601 CR36602 CR36604 CR36609 CR366011 CR366016 CR36721 CR36722 CR36724 CR36729 CR367211 CR367216 CR48721 CR48722 CR48724 CR48729 CR487211 CR487216 CR48961 CR48962 CR48964 CR48969 CR489611 CR489616 *CR.SPEC SIZE 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 48” 36” x 60” 36” x 60” 36” x 60” 36” x 60” 36” x 60” 36” x 60” 36” x 72” 36” x 72” 36” x 72” 36” x 72” 36” x 72” 36” x 72” 48” x 72” 48” x 72” 48” x 72” 48” x 72” 48” x 72” 48” x 72” 48” x 96” 48” x 96” 48” x 96” 48” x 96” 48” x 96” 48” x 96” TO ORDER COLOR RED PEPPER BLUE BROWN GREEN GREY RED PEPPER BLUE BROWN GREEN GREY RED PEPPER BLUE BROWN GREEN GREY RED PEPPER BLUE BROWN GREEN GREY RED PEPPER BLUE BROWN GREEN GREY ALL COLORS PKG. UPC CODE 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 2 EA. 023316 - 003930 023316 - 003947 023316 - 003954 023316 - 003961 023316 - 003978 023316 - 003992 023316 - 004005 023316 - 004012 023316 - 004029 023316 - 004036 023316 - 004043 023316 - 004067 023316 - 004364 023316 - 004371 023316 - 004388 023316 - 004395 023316 - 004401 023316 - 004425 023316 - 004074 023316 - 004081 023316 - 004098 023316 - 004104 023316 - 004111 023316 - 004135 023316 - 004142 023316 - 004159 023316 - 004166 023316 - 004173 023316 - 004180 023316 - 004203 023316 - 006320 19 Dutch Berber Mat This indoor/outdoor mat features a deep berber surface, plus a unique non-slip back. Colors may be combined to meet standard packaging requirement. ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. UPC CODE DB20321 20” x 32” GARNET 12 EA. 023316 - 001615 DB20324 20” x 32” BLUE 12 EA. 023316 - 001608 DB20322 DB20325 DB20326 DB20328 DB20329 DB203211 DB203213 DB203216 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 20” x 32” 20” x 32” PEPPER TAUPE ROYAL BLUE TOAST BROWN GREEN CAMEL GREY 12 EA. 023316 - 001592 12 EA. 023316 - 004920 12 EA. 023316 - 004937 12 EA. 023316 - 004944 12 EA. 023316 - 001622 12 EA. 023316 - 001578 12 EA. 023316 - 001837 12 EA. 023316 - 001585 DB26421 25” x 37” GARNET 6 EA. 023316 - 002193 DB26424 25” x 37” BLUE 6 EA. 023316 - 002216 DB26422 DB26425 DB26426 DB26428 DB26429 DB264211 DB264213 DB264216 25” x 37” 25” x 37” 25” x 37” 25” x 37” 25” x 37” 25” x 37” 25” x 37” 25” x 37” PEPPER TAUPE ROYAL BLUE TOAST BROWN GREEN CAMEL GREY 6 EA. 023316 - 002209 6 EA. 023316 - 005095 6 EA. 023316 - 005118 6 EA. 023316 - 005101 6 EA. 023316 - 002223 6 EA. 023316 - 002230 6 EA. 023316 - 002254 6 EA. 023316 - 002261 20 18” x 30” 22” x 36” 26” x 42” Nantucket Mat This Poly Rope Mat is a classic nautical design. Resistant to salt water, colorfast, washable, reversible and it floats! Colors may be combined to meet standard packaging requirement. ITEM NO. SIZE COLOR PKG. UPC CODE CP18303 18” x 30” BLACK 12 EA. 023316 - 002520 CP18302 CP18304 CP18308 CP18309 CP183011 CP183042 CP183015 CP183018 CP183040 CP22362 CP22363 CP22364 CP22368 CP22369 CP223611 CP223642 CP223615 CP223618 CP223640 CP26422 CP26423 CP26424 CP26428 CP264211 CP264242 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 18” x 30” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 22” x 36” 26” x 42” 26” x 42” 26” x 42” 26” x 42” 26” x 42” 26” x 42” GRAY BLUE BEIGE BROWN GREEN BURGUNDY GRAY/WHITE BLUE/WHITE BEIGE/BROWN GRAY BLACK BLUE BEIGE BROWN GREEN BURGUNDY GRAY/WHITE BLUE/WHITE BEIGE/BROWN GRAY BLACK BLUE BEIGE GREEN BURGUNDY 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 12 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 6 EA. 22 023316 - 002490 023316 - 002506 023316 - 002483 023316 - 007556 023316 - 002513 023316 - 002537 023316 - 002551 023316 - 002759 023316 - 002544 023316 - 002582 023316 - 002643 023316 - 002636 023316 - 002575 023316 - 007594 023316 - 002599 023316 - 002650 023316 - 002612 023316 - 002769 023316 - 002605 023316 - 002674 023316 - 002841 023316 - 002834 023316 - 002667 023316 - 002681 023316 - 002858 Natural Cocoa or Jute Fiber Non Slip Runner 1/4” thick cocoa or jute fiber woven to a latex non-slip back. Great for hallways and stairs. Can be cut without unraveling. ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH NFP27 UPC CODE NFP27 27” 30 FEET 023316 - 003619 NJP27 27” 30 FEET 023316- 006221 NFP36 NJP36 NJP27BR 36” 36” 27” 30 FEET 30 FEET 30 FEET 023316 - 003626 023316- 006238 023316 - 007709 Corrugated Rubber Matting 1/8” Non-Slip rubber matting closely ribbed for maximum service and safety. For home and industrial use. Available in black only. ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH UPC CODE RBL24BK 24” 25 YARDS 070011 - 301006 RBL48BK 48” 25 YARDS 070011 - 505009 RBL36BK 36” 25 YARDS 070011 - 503005 Clear Vinyl with or without cleats Practical floor hugger made of 8 oz. vinyl. With cleats or without cleats.Excellent for protecting carpets or hardwood floors . ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH UPC CODE TVM27FH 27” 100 FEET 068301 - 200994 TVM27 27” 100 FEET 068301 - 100805 23 NJP27 NJP27BR Rib Poly Clear Matting Light weight, economical clear polyethylene with many household uses: counters tops, shelf lining and floors. ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH UPC CODE WA30100 30” 100 FEET 042351- 417205 Non - Slip Rug Underlay First quality sponge rubber padding prevents area rugs from sliding. ITEM NO. SIZE PKG. UPC CODE NS24 24” X 36” 6 EA. 023316 - 003398 NS72 24” X 72” 1 EA. 023316 - 007365 NS32 NS124 NS132 36” X 54” 24” 32” 6 EA. 40 YDS. 40 YDS 023316 - 003404 023316 - 004241 023316 - 004258 This heavy weight indoor/outdoor runner features a deep berber surface made from a stain resistant polyolefin with a unique non-slip back. ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH COLOR UPC CODE C2713 27” 82 FEET CAMEL 023316 - 008706 24 Classic Rib Runner This heavy weight indoor/outdoor runner features a deep rib surface made from a stain resistant polyolefin with a unique non-slip back. ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH COLOR UPC CODE R2702 27” 82 FEET PEPPER 023316 - 004432 R2711 27” 82 FEET GREEN 023316 - 004456 R2709 R2716 27” 27” 82 FEET 82 FEET BROWN GREY 023316 - 004449 023316 - 004463 Prisma Floor Covering This unique supernop construction allows surface moisture to evaporate quickly and offers a non-slip back. Perfect for outside decks, pools and patio areas. ITEM NO. SIZE LENGTH COLOR P3602 36” 82 FEET PEPPER P3613 36” P3611 P7211 P7213 36” 72” 72” 82 FEET 82 FEET 82 FEET 82 FEET GREEN CAMEL GREEN CAMEL supernop back UPC CODE 023316 - 007525 023316 - 004296 023316 - 004302 023316 - 004340 023316 - 004357 25 M AXIMUM P ROFIT ! M INIMUM S ELLING S PACE ! . . . . CHOOSE YOUR SELECTION! Height: 72” Width: 42” Depth: 30” Maximize your profits per square foot Custom Displays can be built to your specifications. Fill each MAT HUTCH with our quality mats to satisfy your customers. In a space 42” wide by 30” deep, we offer a unique selection of 12 different mats. 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Products, Inc., will be free from defects in materials and workmanship other than normal wear and tear for the lifetime of the
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