If you take a few minutes to look around this community, you will
If you take a few minutes to look around this community, you will
If you take a few minutes to look around this community, you will quickly recognize that Luverne’s success from “TEAMWORK.” There are so many amazing things that have happened, are happening and will happen because of the commitment of individuals, businesses and government joining together to make a difference. Just think of some amazing examples: Check out how great things look in Luverne. Businesses, government and residents throughout the city have added beautiful plantings and outdoor seating. Working together makes a greater impact. Have you driven down to “The Lake” lately? It doesn’t look anything like it did! Private and public partners have joined together to make it an inviting place to go? Isn’t it exciting to see the progress on the first phase of the Luverne LOOP? The trail is really coming together and it won’t be long until we can walk or ride our bikes on the new construction for Phase One! Have you seen the great things going on for Buffalo Days? Check out the poster for the events which is included. Buffalo Days is truly a community event. We have new vendors at the park. There are new entries in the parade. New organizations and businesses have stepped up to sponsor and/or participate in the Cruise In. We had a concern when the Fire Department couldn’t do fire truck ladder rides any more—but behold—ReMax Land & Home and Sanford Luverne stepped up to the plate to bring Hot Air Balloon Rides for Friday night. Dave Duffy created a triathlon to “spice up” Saturday programming. You can have a lot of fun on Saturday night because there are races at the Rock County Speedway. Buffalo Days is truly a community event...it takes a village of committed and concerned people to put all the pieces together and make it happen. Luverne is going to have a terrific 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION thanks to a “boatload” of volunteers, many generous sponsors and a terrific City Government. Mark your calendars and make sure you plan to attend. The Chamber takes this opportunity to say a special thank you for every person who works to make Luverne a great place to live! You truly are the LUVERNE TEAM...who continues to “win!” Wonder what the 4th Thursday on Main, Chamber After Hours and “The Dog Days of Summer” have to do with each other? That means that we are putting everything together for a great night in downtown Luverne. On Thursday, June 23rd—there will be two live musical performances on Main Street. Herb N’Legend is hosting two great bands and Sterling’s is hosting Luverne grad Jim Groth. Stores will be open late and there are special events happening in and around the shops. The Luverne Area Chamber Board of Directors invites all our members to congregate downtown for a casual Chamber After Hours. Take this opportunity to visit with other Chamber members...share some exciting news from your business including new staff, new product lines and etc. Bring your family with you so we have a chance to meet and greet. Last but not least—bring down your best friend! The Luverne Retail Marketing Group is encouraging people to bring your dog downtown on a leash. The retailers are encouraged to have water & doggie treats outside. Let people check out your best friend! Strategically stationed at each corner (north and south corners of Freeman and Main) & north and south corners of McKenzie and Main—the Chamber will have volunteers strategically posted. Each of these volunteers will have $50—to hand out to who they think is the cutest dog. Looks don’t necessarily count—it is personality that wins. All in all...this means that you should come down and join us for a wonderful night of adventure in downtown Luverne! SEE YOU ON JUNE 23RD! The Luverne Area Chamber is honored to welcome Remember Rally, Inc. to our family of Chamber members. Diane Sherwood organized this 501C3 non-profit organization after 9-11. The purpose of Remember Rally is to host events and fundraisers to honor military and first responders. All of us remember the devastating results of that horrible day—September 11, 2001. The youngest person to die on September 11th was 2 years old. Two thousand children lost a parent on 9-11. The World Trade Center that took 6 years and 8 months to build and was destroyed in 102 minutes. At Ground Zero, 16 acres were destroyed and approximately 1.8 million tons of debris were removed from the site. The world lost approximately 3000 people on the fateful morning at Ground Zero, the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA. People who were stripped of the opportunity to fulfill the dreams of their lives. The tragic and heroic deaths of these people can never be fully understood or appreciated. Approximately 250,000-400,000 people were working, living or attending school near the towers on 9-11 and were exposed to a toxic mix of dust, debris, smoke and chemicals. The response by US first responders, fire and law enforcement personnel was extraordinary. Thousands of people came to work through the search, recovery, demolition and reconstruction. Today, thousands of people are still suffering from health effects from the disaster and recovery. Funds raised through REMEMBER RALLY are dedicated to physical, emotional and psychological support for people affected by this tragedy. For more than a decade, this great organization has dedicated their work to make sure that none of us will forget the courage and sacrifice by so many of our fellow Americans. REMEMBER RALLY has plans for a special events commemorating the 15th anniversary on September 11, 2016. This is the day that all of us need to take a few minutes to honor and support those brave men, women and children! Chamber members—join together to welcome and support REMEMBER RALLY as part of the CHAMBER TEAM! Diane Sherwood—404 East Oakland Avenue—Luverne MN 56156 507 283-4194—promos@iw.net Thunder & Rumble made their grand debut in Luverne at the Luverne Retail Marketing Group’s first THROWBACK THURSDAY! Our mascots enjoyed some steps in front of Sterling’s with the live music. They also had their photos taken with scores of people downtown like this one with the staff from City Hall. Fit and trim with great outfits designed by Quality Printing and made by Print Express—there is no stopping this dynamic duo! The Chamber/CVB also had the pleasure of giving away 4-$50 bills to people who had their photos taken. Winners included: City Hall Girls, Charissa Lehman, Robin Metzger and Zoey & Claire Mikkelsen. Watch for them at their next appearance at Buffalo Days! THE SEWING BASKET…IS PART OF THE 2016 ROW BY ROW EXPERIENCE! Barb Bork and her team at THE SEWING BASKET are bringing quilters to Luverne this summer to be part of the 2016 ROW BY ROW EXPERIENCE. The program began in 2011 with 20 quilt shops across New York State. In 2012, the event grew to 62 participating shops. The next year (2013) Pennsylvania came on board for a total of 138 shops throughout two states. In 2014 over 1250 quilt shops participated in 34 states and Ontario. 2655 shops across the US and Canada made 2015 the biggest year and 2016 is even bigger. What is it? it's like a shop hop, but it's not... no fees, no cards to stamp, and all summer to play! Quilters simply visit any of the participating shops and receive a free pattern for a row in a quilt. They combine those rows in any way to create a unique quilt that represents the fun they had traveling throughout the summer. Travel with friends, discover new quilt shops and have fun collecting rows! Quilters are given the opportunity to create a quilt using at least 8 different 2016 rows from 8 different 2016 participating ROW BY ROW shops and be the first to bring it into a participating shop to win a stack of 25 fat quarters (6-1/4 yards of fabric!). Use that shop’s row in your quilt and win a bonus prize! Exclusive Fabric Plates™ by Zebra Patterns will be available in many Row by Row quilt shops. Each one is unique! Collect a bunch to create fun projects, sewing studio wall art or even a fun backing for your quilt. Each area has it's own Facebook page. Like the page from the areas you visit to see pics of the rows, shop displays, winning quilts and fabric plate projects. Why is this worth mentioning? Quilters need food, gas, some lodging and others will take some time to shop at other stores while they are downtown at THE SEWING BASKET. This is what business synergy is. As one business grows their customer base through a special project for their business—the complimentary result is that other businesses can financially benefit. This is an important summer opportunity to bring more traffic to town. Each time a retailer offers a special sale, feature or program—they bring in “their customers” who also spend money at our other Luverne businesses. As each business builds and draws their own customer base— great retailers will find a creative way to benefit from their neighbors business by doing complimenting and not competing. Growth comes through opportunity and let’s thank THE SEWING BASKET this summer for giving our community the opportunity to welcome strangers from across the globe! Check out this great ROW BY ROW quilt block designed by our friends at THE SEWING BASKET. Let’s welcome Barb’s visitors with open arms! JUNE 2016 Verne Drive-in Theater Open nightly. Double feature at dusk. Check www.vernedriveintheater.com for listings of movies June 2-9-16-23-30 – Luverne Farmers Market – 4 to 7 pm June 2 – Community Education “School of Fish for Kids” with Mike Frisch from 1 to 4 pm – “Walleye School” with Mike Frisch from 6 to 9 pmCall 283-4724 to register June 2 – Bank Nite FREE FAMILY MOVIE at Historic Palace Theatre, 6 pm Sponsored by Papik Motors and First Farmers and Merchants June 2 – Luverne Redbirds All Skills Baseball Camp – 5 to 8 pm – Redbird field June 3 –4–5 – 32nd Annual Buffalo Days. Friday—Cruise-In from 6 to 10:30 pm. Enjoy the “Starfires” from 6:30 to 10:30 pm. Saturday— Dad’s Belgian Wafflews from 7:30 to 10 am at the Legion Bldg. Arts in the Park from 9 am to 4 pm. Buffalo Days Parade at 10 am. Sunday—Tales from the Graves from 1 to 4 pm at the Maplewood Cemetery. Check out the full listing at www.luvernechamber.com June 8 - Thinking about a Baby? Take a walking tour of our birthing suites, and learn about what to expect during your hospital stay. 8:30 am – 11 am June 9 – St. Catherine’s Salad Luncheon – 11 am to 1 pm June 9 – Take 16 Block Party on Main - Downtown Luverne – 5 to 10 pm – Cold Beer – Hot Food – Live Music – Free Games June 10- 4-H Day Camp for Students who completed Grades 1-4 from 9 am to noon June 10 – 16th Annual Relay for Life - Community Supper - 6 pm – Opening Ceremony – 7 pm June 11 - Understanding Childbirth. (Lunch is provided) 8:30 am – 2 pm June 11- BRIAN PETERSON’S— MINNESOTA STATE OF WONDERS. PRAIRIE PHOTO PROGRAM—3:30 PM— HISTORIC PALACE THEATRE PRAIRIE PHOTOGRAPHY WALK—6:30PM— Limited to 30. Advance registration required - $25/person/dinner included Call 507 283-4061 June 12 - HUGH GLASS—THE STORY OF LORD GRIZZLY - 1:30 PM— BLUE MOUNDS STATE PARK INTERPRETIVE CENTER (rain location: Brandenburg Gallery). Join Frederick Manfred’s daughter Freya and son Fred as they share memories of their father’s work in writing the novel, LORD GRIZZLY. Son-in-law and screenwriter Tom Pope will provide a comparative analysis of Manfred’s book with the Academy Award winning movie, “Revenant.” Enjoy hearing excerpts from letters and manuscripts Manfred compiled as he studied the story of Hugh Glass. June 12 - Your invited to and exclusive Rock County “Farm to Table” event at 5:30 at the BlueStem. Skyler Hoiland will create a 4 course meal featuring local grown food. Hosted by the Luverne Area Community Foundation and the Rock County Corn and Soybean Growers. For tickets call 283-4339. . June 13 – Good Samaritan Society Luverne Mystery Supper hosted at the American Reformed Church – 6 pm –serving a three course meal June 13 - Understanding Newborns Classes. This FREE class will help you prepare for caring for your newborn at home. 6:30 pm June 14 - Senior Dining Fundraiser 1/4 pound Hamburger Feed – Senior Citizens – 4 to 7 pm June 16 – American Reformed Church Salad Luncheon – 11 am to 1 pm June 16- 4-H New Family Fair Information Night - 7pm at the Fairgrounds June 18 - I CAN CLIMB—WITH VERTICAL ENDEAVORS. Vertical Endeavors offers beginner’s classes on rock climbing at Blue Mounds State Park. Classes run 9 to 10:30 am; 11 am to 12:30 pm; 1:30 to 3 pm; 3:30 to 5 pm on scheduled dates. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED—AVAILABLE AT: www.mndnr.gov/reservations. June 19 - I CAN CLIMB—WITH VERTICAL ENDEAVORS. Vertical Endeavors offers beginner’s classes on rock climbing at Blue Mounds State Park. . Classes run 9 to 10:30 am; 11 am to 12:30 pm; 1:30 to 3 pm; 3:30 to 5 pm on scheduled dates. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED—AVAILABLE AT: www.mndnr.gov/reservations. June 20 – Chamber Golf Scrambler - Shotgun start at 5:30 pm - Luverne Country Club June 20 – Rock County Master Gardeners Annual Garden Tour – 6 pm load the bus CE Parking Lot – Fee $10 – Pre-registration is necessary by calling 507-283-4724 June 22-24 - 4-H Camp at Lake Shetek - Members and Non-members 3rd-6th Graders invited June 22 – 4th Wednesday Free Community Meal – 5:30 pm – United Methodist Church June 23-26 – HGS Art Fair – HGS Gallery – Thurs. & Fri: noon to 8 pm; Sat: 10 am to 4 pm; Sun: noon to 4 pm June 23 – Afternoon Escape Movie– 2 pm – Historic Palace Theatre June 23 – 4th Thursday on Main – Live Music Night – 5 to 9 pm – Downtown Luverne. Come and catch your favorite bands live! June 25 - TEDDY ROOSEVELT— AMERICA’S GREAT CONSERVATIONIST. Re-enactor Adam Lindquist brings Teddy Roosevelt to life at his “Teddy Campsite” and see how this great American President lived in the North Dakota Badlands and how he became America’s conservation President. Join Adam at 7 pm as he brings “Teddy” to life in his one -man stage show! At Blue Mounds Park Main Gate & Amphitheater. TEDDY CAMP—10 AM TO 4 PM. TEDDY LIVE—7 PM June 25 – Hardwick Jubilee Days – Co-ed Slow-pitch Tournament – Community Meal from 5 to 7 - Parade 7 pm – Pedal Pull following the parade - Street Dance with “Driven” from 9 pm to 1 am – Sponsored by the Green Lantern Bar June 25 - THE STORY OF BLUE MOUNDS STATE PARK BISON - Blue Mounds State Park Amphitheater - 9 pm. Learn about Blue Mounds bison herd from Park Manager Chris Ingebretsen. June 26 – Jubilee Days Outdoor Community Worship Service – 10:30 am - Zion Lutheran Church Hardwick parking lot Lunch served by Zion Youth group - free will offering – Bring your lawn chair June 26 – RON AND JANE COTE – SING “THE REAL WEST” – 4 pm - Blue Mounds State Park Interpretive Center - Enjoy the music of Ron and Jane Cote as they share the stories told in the real west! June 26 – Community Education Trip to Guthrie Theatre for “South Pacific” – Call 283-4724 to register June 27- 4-H Project Day-Extension Office - for more information 283-1302 June 28 – Rock/Nobles Cattlemen’s Association and the Nobles County Corn and Soybean Growers will be hosting a Golf Outing - 2 pm – Adrian Golf Course
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