Superyacht - slam
Superyacht - slam
TECHNICAL&SUPERYACHTCOLLECTION Advanced Technology Sportswear Sailing Gear nde Technical Off Shore Skiff Skiff Superyacht On Shore Accessories Shoes and Accessories 3 32 60 116 echnolog Impermeabilità - Water Repellent Materiale che, grazie alla sua costruzione o trattamento, impedisce alle gocce d’acqua di penetrare all’interno del tessuto. Thanks to their composition or treatment, these fabrics do not absorb water. Traspirabilità - Breathability La traspirabilità è la capacità di un tessuto di condurre all’esterno il sudore prodotto dall’attività fisica. La traspirazione dei tessuti favorisce la traspirazione biologica facendo sì che l’umidità del corpo umano venga allontanata facilmente, diminuendo la condensazione del sudore e aumentando il comfort. La traspirabilità misura il vapore acqueo, espresso in grammi, che attraversa una superficie di 1 metro quadrato in 24 ore (g/m2-die). A breathable fabric efficiently wicks away sweat produced by physical exertion. When fabric is breathable, the body breathes naturally because the moisture caused by perspiration is quickly removed for added comfort. Breathability is usually indicated in terms of how many grams of moisture can pass through a square metre of fabric in a 24-hour period (g/m²/d). Antivento - Windproof Per antivento si intende la capacità di un tessuto di non essere attraversato dall’aria in velocità. La caratteristica antivento favorisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo evitando sbalzi di temperatura e aumentandone il comfort. Fabric that is wind-resistant does not allow air to penetrate through the core; this keeps the body temperature stable and enhances comfort. Termonastratura - Thermo-taping La termonastratura consiste nell’applicazione a caldo di uno speciale nastro sul retro del tessuto, per impedire all’acqua di entrare attraverso i microfori delle cuciture. L’impermeabilizzazione totale di un capo è garantita dall’utilizzo di un tessuto impermeabile e dalla termonastrature delle cuciture. In thermo-taping, heat is used to apply a special strip to the back of the fabric to prevent water seeping through the seams. A garment is made fully waterproof by using waterproof fabric and by thermo-taping the seams. Lavorazione 3-Layer - 3-Layer Construction La lavorazione 3-layer è composta da una struttura trilaminata formata da 3 strati sovrapposti. Per realizzare un laminato si accoppia la membrana, traspirante ed impermeabile, ad un tessuto tecnico ad alte prestazioni. Three layers of fabric are joined together to form 3-layer construction. The breathable, waterproof shell is bonded to a high-performance technical fabric to construct a laminate. Lavorazione 2-Layer - 2-Layer Construction La lavorazione 2-layer è composta da una struttura bilaminata formata da 2 diversi strati sovrapposti. Two different layers of fabric are joined together to form 2-layer construction. Ergonomico - Ergonomic Taglio e struttura appositamente concepiti per seguire e facilitare i movimenti del corpo. These garments have a special cut and shape to follow and facilitate body movements. Protezione raggi UV - UV Protection Un tessuto è UV PROTECTION quando il suo grado di protezione contro gli effetti dannosi dei raggi solari ultravioletti è maggiore a 30 UPF. Questa protezione UV si ottiene grazie alla speciale costruzione del tessuto o all’utilizzo di microfibre superopache oppure con l’inserimento nel filato di un filtro UV a base di Titanio A fabric provides UV PROTECTION when it has UPF30+ rating, which means it effectively blocks solar ultraviolet radiation from reaching the skin. This UV protection is obtained thanks to the special construction of the fabric or to the use of very tight weaves (microfiber) or by finishing the fabric with a titanium-based UV filter. Confortevole - Comfortable Capo realizzato rispettando i principali canoni di comfort: dalla scelta del tessuto allo studio dell’ergonomia del corpo umano. A garment made to comply with the principal standards of comfort, from the choice of fabric to the study of the human body’s ergonomics. Anti Pilling - Anti Pilling Trattamento che conferisce al tessuto una protezione al pilling. Pilling protection treatment. Termoregolazione - Thermo-regulation La termoregolazione è la capacità di isolamento di un capo, cioè la proprietà di mantenere costante la temperature del corpo in condizioni esterne di alta o bassa temperatura. L’elevato grado di termoregolazione permette di limitare il numero dei capi da indossare, migliorando la libertà di movimento. Thermoregulation is the ability to maintain a constant temperature irrespective of changing environmental conditions. The high thermoregulation effect means you can keep down the number of garments to wear, which gives you more freedom of movement. Legenda Technology 2 Impermeabilità - Waterproof L’impermeabilità è la capacità di un tessuto di resistere all’acqua e al vento. Queste proprietà possono essere ottenute tramite un trattamento con sostanze idrorepellenti o grazie all’utilizzo di membrane idrofiliche/microporose ad azione meccanica.L’impermeabilità viene espressa in millimetri, che rappresentano l’altezza della colonna d'acqua cui il tessuto è in grado di resistere prima di lasciar passare il liquido. Technical fabrics water and wind resistant.These characteristics can be obtained by treating the fabric with waterrepellent substances or hydrophilic or microporous membrane with mechanical action.The waterproof rating is expressed in millimetres (mm) and refers to the amount of water a garment will hold before it leaks. Technology Batteriostaticità - Bacteriostatic Il tessuto batteriostatico serve ad impedire il proliferare dei batteri mantenendo inalterato il ph fisiologico della pelle, evitando la formazione di allergie, dermatiti ed altri disturbi cutanei. Si ottiene attraverso il trattamento sanitized oppure con l’inserimento di ioni di argento nel filato. Bacteriostatic fabric acts as a barrier to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria; it also maintains the skin’s natural PH balance, providing protection from allergies, dermatitis and other skin complaints. It is obtained through sanitizing treatment or by adding silver ions to the yarn Ultraleggero - Ultralight Capo leggero e confortevole ma al contempo estremamente caldo Lightweight and comfortable yet extremely warm garment Leggero - Lightweight Tessuto estremamente leggero che permette la massima traspirazione corporea An extremely lightweight fabric which allows maximum transpiration from the body Ripiegabile - Packable Pratico sistema per richiudere il capo su stesso in una tasca. Packable system for easy item storage. Stampe riflettenti - Reflective Le stampe riflettenti facilitano la localizzazione di chi lo indossa soprattutto nelle ore notturne o in condizioni meteo di scarsa visibilità Reflective prints help to locate wearers, especially at night or when visibility is poor Cuciture Piatte - Flatlock Stitching Facile manutenzione - Easy Care Antisdrucciolo - Anti-slip Ipoallergenico - Hypoallergenic Rapida Asciugatura - Fast Dry Tessuto Ecologico - Ecological fabric Elasticizzato - Stretch Reflexite Le etichette e bande riflettenti in Reflexite® facilitano la localizzazione di chi lo indossa soprattutto nelle ore notturne o in condizioni meteo di scarsa visibilità Reflexite® reflective bands and labels help to locate wearers, especially at night or when visibility is poor Dryarn® Dryarn è una fibra traspirante, batteriostatica e termoregolante. Sicura perché dermatologicamente testata, mantiene il colore inalterato nel tempo, non è soggetta a restringimenti e non si stira. E’ ecosostenibile e 100% riciclabile. Dryarn is a breathable, bacteriostatic, thermo-regulating fibre. Dermatological testing results show that it is safe, it is also colourfast, shrink-proof and no ironing is required. It is eco-sustainable and 100% recyclable. Tessuto Trimmer - Trimmer Fabric Il tessuto Trimmer High Performance con Carbonio è stato studiato e sviluppato da SLAM. Il carbonio, presente in percentuale ottimale, conferisce al tessuto alte prestazioni che impattano positivamente sul benessere dell’organismo, riducendo lo stress cardio-circolatorio. Test scientifici dimostrano che utilizzando sotto sforzo questi capi diminuiscono la necessità di ossigeno, la frequenza cardiaca e il livello di acido lattico Trimmer High-Performance fabric with Carbon, especially engineered and developed by SLAM. The percentage of carbon in the fabric is just right to make it high-performance; it also impacts positively on the body’s wellbeing by reducing cardio-circulatory stress. Scientific tests show that the use of this fabric during training reduces the need for oxygen and decreases the heart rate and the level of lactic acid. Cordura Il tessuto Cordura è una fibra di nylon ad alta tenacità, con i vantaggi di leggerezza, facile manutenzione e colore stabile. La particolare struttura del tessuto gli conferisce ottima resistenza all'abrasione e allo strappo ed elevata durata nel tempo. Cordura fabric is a high-performance nylon. It is light, easy to care for and colour-fast. The special construction of the fabric makes it long-lasting and resistant to abrasions and tears. Primaloft® Le fibre ultra fini di Primaloft® sono sottoposte a un trattamento speciale nell'ambito di un processo brevettato e poi combinate in un'imbottitura isolante, soffice e leggera ed al contempo incredibilmente calda, resistente all'acqua e al vento. Ultra fine Primaloft® fibers are specially treated in a patented process and then combined into an insulating padding that is soft and lightweight yet incredibly warm, water repellent and windproof. 3 BOR OCEAN WAVES Code: S170010S00 Size: S – 4XL Colour: Collection 4 echnica Oilskin Technical Details Doppio collo. Collo esterno foderato in rete di pile Double collar. Fleece lined external collar Zip frontale resistente all’acqua con doppio cursore Water-resistant front zip and two way slider Lamina rinforzante resistente alle abrasioni su gomiti e al fondo sul retro Abrasion resistant reinforced elbow and seat patches ACTIVITY Racing Off Shore Grip interno al fondo in silicone Interior anti-ride silicone grip on trim TECHNOLOGY Vita, fianchi e polsi regolabili 5 Adjustable waist, hip and cuffs Waterproof Cappuccio a scomparsa ad alta visibilità con inserto reflex Ergonomic 20000mm Highly visible roll-away hood with reflective patch 5 inserti reflex ad alta visibilità su cappuccio spalle e polsi Breathable 3-Layer Construction 16000gm/m2/24h 5 highly visible reflective patches on hood, shoulders and wrists Tasche esterne foderate in micropile, una tasca interna Thermo-Taped Windproof Stretch Reflexite Micro fleece lined external pockets, internal pocket Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON STRETCH 186 gr 100% NYLON 766 SLAM RED/ LIGHT GREY 3-LAYER Code: Size: S – 4XL Colour: 766 SLAM RED/ LIGHT GREY Adjustable stretch polyurethane collar Doppi polsi regolabili Adjustable double cuffs 3-LAYER Fondo giacca regolabile in neoprene sigillante ACTIVITY Anti-ride neoprene trim Racing Torace regolabile Oilskin Collo stretch poliuretanico regolabile In Shore Adjustable chest straps Lamina rinforzante resistente alle abrasioni su gomiti e al fondo sul retro TECHNOLOGY Abrasion resistant reinforced elbow and seat patches Inserti in reflex ad alta visibilità sulle spalle Waterproof Ergonomic 20000mm Highly visible reflective patches on shoulders Breathable Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON STRETCH 186 gr 3-Layer Construction 16000gm/m2/24h 100% NYLON BOR LONG JOHN Code: S171008S00 Size: S – 4XL Colour: Thermo-Taped Windproof Stretch Reflexite 766 SLAM RED/ LIGHT GREY Collection S170011S00 Technical Details echnica BOR SPRAY TOP Collection 6 echnica Oilskin Technical Details Zip frontale resistente all’acqua Water-resistant front zip Tasca resistente all’acqua su gamba destra Water-resistant pocket on right leg Rinforzi in nylon canvas su fondoschiena e ginocchia Reinforced nylon canvas seat and knee patches 3-LAYER ACTIVITY Racing Off/In Shore Fondo gamba regolabile in neoprene Adjustable neoprene ankles TECHNOLOGY Morbida rete elasticizzata sulle spalle 7 Comfortable, stretch mesh at shoulders Waterproof Ergonomic 20000mm Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON STRETCH 186 gr 100% NYLON Breathable 3-Layer Construction 16000gm/m2/24h Thermo-Taped Stretch Windproof The Skipper Franck Cammas 8 Franck Cammas, a French sailor and professional racer with a series of outstanding achievements, has worked with SLAM since 2007. Franck received the "Sports Academy Grand Prix' in 2010, an award that has been given to champions like Eric Tabarly, Roger Federer, Usain Bolt and Michael Schumacher. Franck Cammas, winner of the 2010 “Route du Rhum”, also beat the “around the world sailing with crew” record, the Jules Verne Trophy, without touching land or assistance and all done in SLAM clothing. In 2011 he has a new challenge alongside SLAM: the Volvo Ocean Race. "SLAM and I have had a fruitful and productive relationship. After every sea outing the crew of Groupama and I brainstorm with SLAM, allowing the brand to improve the performance of its products. The ocean is not forgiving and the certainty of having the appropriate clothing for the most extreme situations allows me to focus exclusively on the evolution of Groupama 4 and goals to reach: new victories to be won. " 9 @Yvan Zedda @Yvan Zedda Franck Cammas, che collabora con SLAM dal 2007, è un velista d’altura francese e anche un professionista del settore regate che ha conosciuto una serie di successi eccezionali. Nel 2010 ha ricevuto il «Gran Premio dell’Accademia Sportiva», un riconoscimento già conferito a campioni del livello di Eric Tabarly, Roger Federer, Usain Bolt e Michael Schumacher. Franck Cammas, vincitore della Route du Rhum 2010, ha altresì battuto il record del giro del mondo a vela con equipaggio senza scali né assistenza, il Trofeo Jules Verne, dotato di abbigliamento SLAM. Nel 2011 lo attende una nuova sfida a fianco di SLAM: la Volvo Ocean Race. “Tra SLAM e me è nata una collaborazione proficua e fruttuosa; dopo ogni uscita in mare, i membri dell’equipaggio di Groupama ed io ci confrontiamo con SLAM, consentendo così al marchio di migliorare le prestazioni dei suoi prodotti. L’oceano non perdona e la certezza di avere l’abbigliamento adatto alle situazioni più estreme mi permette di concentrarmi esclusivamente sull’evoluzione di Groupama 4 e sugli obiettivi da raggiungere: nuove vittorie da conquistare.” SLAM AND GROUPAMA TOGETHER IN THE VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2011-2012 Galway Lorient Alicante Lisbon Miami Abu Dhabi Sanya Jacques Caraës Charles Caudrelier Thomas Coville Damian Foxall Philip Harmer Media Crew Member Helmsman/Trimmer/Navigator Helmsman/Trimmer Helmsman/Trimmer Helmsman/Trimmer/Pitman THE RACE 10 Franck Cammas Erwan Israël Martin Krite Skipper Helmsman/Trimmer Bowman/Boat Captain 11 Martin Strömberg Auckland Pitman/Trimmer Itajai Cape Town 9 MONT H S AROU ND TH E G LOB E 39. 270 N AUTICAL M IL ES Brad Marsh Sébastien Marsset Jean-Luc Nélias Yann Riou Bruno Jeanjean Bowman/Rigger Pitman/Trimmer Navigator Media Crew Member Navigateur remplaçant / N°1 GRO U PAM A S a i l i n g Te am The Volvo Ocean Race is an exceptional test of sailing prowess and human endeavour which has been built on the spirit of great seafarers - fearless men who sailed the world’s oceans aboard square rigged clipper ships more than a century ago. Their challenge back then was not a race as such, but recording the fastest time between ports. It became a reality in 1973 with The Whitbread round the World Race, the longest, most demanding and perilous sporting contest the world had known. The re-badged Volvo Ocean Race was run for the first time in 2001-2002. Today it is, quite simply, the ‘Everest of Sailing’. During the nine months of the Volvo Ocean Race, which starts in Alicante, Spain in October 2011 and concludes in Galway, Ireland, during early July 2012, the teams will sail over 39,000 nautical miles of the world’s most treacherous seas via Cape Town, Abu Dhabi, Sanya, Auckland, around Cape Horn to Itajaí, Miami, Lisbon, and Lorient. The race requires to the sailors their utmost skills, physical endurance and competitive spirit as they race day and night for more than 20 days at a time on some of the legs. The race is the ultimate mix of world class sporting competition and on the edge adventure, a unique blend of onshore glamour with offshore drama and endurance. La Volvo Ocean Race è un eccezionale test di prodezza dell’andare per mare e della resistenza fisica che è stato costruito sullo spirito dei grandi e coraggiosi navigatori che avevano solcato i mari di tutti gli oceani a bordo dei meravigliosi clipper più di un secolo fa. La loro sfida allora era quella di stabilire record di velocità tra un porto e l’altro. Nel 1973 fu corsa la prima “Whitbread Round the World Race”, la competizione sportiva più lunga, audace e pericolosa che non fosse mai stata organizzata. Nel 2001-2002 fu poi rinominata Volvo Ocean Race. Oggi è semplicemente considerata “l’Everest della Vela”. Durante i 9 mesi della Volvo Ocean race, che partirà ad Ottobre 2011 da Alicante, in Spagna e si concluderà a Galway, in Irlanda all’inizio del Luglio 2012. I team navigheranno per oltre 39000 miglia nautiche attraversando i mari più pericolosi, passando da Cape Town, Abu Dhabi, Sanya, Auckland, per poi circumnavigare Cape Horn e toccare Itajaí, Miami, Lisbon, and Lorient. I velisti devono dimostrare grinta, resistenza e spirito di competizione perché regatano nelle condizioni più estreme, giorno e notte, per oltre 20 giorni consecutivi, tra una tappa e l’altra. Questa regata rappresenta un perfetto mix tra competizione, avventura estrema e glamour delle località ospitanti. S120906S00 Size: S – 3XL Colour: Ergonomic neon yellow tuckaway hood. Polyester fleece lining. Thermo-laminated visor support Chiusura frontale priva di flap con cerniera lampo stagna e cursore a due vie Front fastening without flap with waterproof zipper and 2-way slider Coulisse termo-laminata a regolazione rapida in vita ACTIVITY Ocean Off Shore Easy adjust - thermo-laminated drawcord at waist Fischietto di emergenza dentro la tasca TECHNOLOGY Emergency whistle inside right pocket Tasche esterne frontali a doppia entrata. Interno in fleece estraibile. Foro predisposto per fuoriuscita acqua Dual entry front external pockets. Removable fleece pocket lining, with small hole for water drainage Waterproof Ergonomic 20000mm Doppie chiusure sui polsi regolabili con Velcro Adjustable, double cuff fastening with Velcro OCEAN WAVES SB PANTS Breathable Thermo-laminated drawcord and flap at bottom of jacket. 500D Cordura reinforcements with double PU coating in the back Gomiti con taglio ergonomico Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON OXFORD 220 gr 100% NYLON 3-Layer Construction 5000gm/m2/24h Fondo giacca con coulisse regolabile e flap termolaminati. Rinforzi 500D Cordura con doppia spalmatura in PU sul fondo Ergonomically designed elbow area 300 ROYAL/ BLACK 3-LAYER Oilskin Cappuccio ergonomico a scomparsa colore giallo neon. Interno in poliestere fleece. Supporto per visiera termo-laminato Code: S120907S00 Size: S – 3XL Colour: Thermo-Taped Windproof Reflexite 500D Cordura® Reinforcement 300 ROYAL/ BLACK 625 RED/ BLACK Collection Code: Technical Details echnica OCEAN WAVES SB JACKET Collection 12 echnica Oilskin Technical Details Bretelle elastiche a sgancio rapido Quick release elastic braces Ginocchia e posteriore rinforzati (500D Cordura) 500D Cordura reinforcements on back and knee 3-LAYER ACTIVITY Fondo gamba regolabile in neoprene Adjustable neoprene ankles Ocean Off Shore Chiusura frontale priva di flap con cerniera lampo stagna Front fastening without flap with waterproof zipper TECHNOLOGY 13 Waterproof Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON OXFORD 220 gr Ergonomic 20000mm 100% NYLON Breathable 3-Layer Construction 5000gm/m2/24h Thermo-Taped 500D Cordura® Reinforcement Windproof @Yann Riou 14 15 X-PAD , realizzato in Poron® XRD, assorbe e disperde l'effetto dell'impatto, protegge da lesioni, è resistente all'usura ed è trattato antimicrobico X-PAD, made with Poron® XRD, absorbs and disperses shock, protects from injuries, is scratchresistant and has an anti-microbial treatment 16 FORCE 4 JACKET Code: S170025S00 Size: S – 3XL Colour: Technical Details Cappuccio a scomparsa ad alta visibilita' con inserto in reflex Highly-visible roll-away hood with reflective patch Doppio collo con doppia chiusura Double collar with double closure 3-LAYER ACTIVITY Apertura frontale con doppia chiusura Racing Front double closure In Shore Fori di drenaggio su petto, retro collo e tasche frontali Draining holes on chest, back of collar and front pockets TECHNOLOGY Size: XS – M Colour: 018 ONE COLOR L-3XL X-PAD , realizzato in Poron® XRD, assorbe e disperde l'effetto dell'impatto, protegge da lesioni, è resistente all'usura ed è trattato antimicrobico X-PAD, made with Poron® XRD, absorbs and disperses shock, protects from injuries, is scratchresistant and has an anti-microbial treatment Fondo e polsi regolabili in neoprene Neoprene adjustable trim and cuffs Waterproof Ergonomic 25000mm Inserti reflex ad alta visibilita' sulle spalle Highly-visible reflective patches on shoulders Breathable Tasche interne, a livello dei gomiti, in rete elastica per inserimento delle protezioni Windproof 8000gm/m2/24h Elastic mesh inner elbow pockets for removable protection pads Tasca su manica sinistra con chiusura in velcro e scomparto rinforzato all'interno per coltello Pocket on left sleeve with velcro closure and knife pocket reinforced inside FORCE 4 SPRAY TOP Code: S170024S00 Size: XS – 3XL Colour: Thermo-Taped 3-Layer Construction Reflexite 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 100% NYLON Cappuccio a scomparsa ad alta visibilita' con inserto in reflex Highly-visible roll-away hood with reflective patch Doppio collo con doppia chiusura Double collar with double closure 160 GREY inserts STEEL 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 3-LAYER ACTIVITY Grande tasca frontale al centro con chiusura velcro Big front central pocket with velcro closure Fori di drenaggio su petto, retro collo e tasca frontale Racing In Shore TECHNOLOGY Draining holes on chest, back of collar and front pockets 17 Fondo e polsi regolabili in neoprene Adjustable neoprene trim and cuffs Waterproof Ergonomic 25000mm Tasche interne, a livello dei gomiti, in rete elastica per inserimento delle protezioni Elastic mesh inner elbow pockets for removable protection pads Breathable Windproof 8000gm/m2/24h Inserti reflex ad alta visibilita' sulle spalle Highly-visible reflective patches on shoulders Tasca su manica sinistra con chiusura in velcro e scomparto rinforzato all'interno per coltello Pocket on left sleeve with velcro closure and knife pocket reinforced inside Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON RIPSTOP 130 gr Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON RIPSTOP 130 gr 160 GREY inserts STEEL Technical Details Collection L-3XL echnica 018 ONE COLOR ELBOW X-PAD PROTECTION Code: S474001S00 Oilskin XS – M Colour: Collection Size: echnica Oilskin ELBOW X-PAD PROTECTION Code: S474001S00 100% NYLON Thermo-Taped Reflexite 3-Layer Construction S474002S00 Size: XS – M L-3XL Colour: 018 ONE COLOR X-PAD , realizzato in Poron® XRD, assorbe e disperde l'effetto dell'impatto, protegge da lesioni, è resistente all'usura ed è trattato antimicrobico X-PAD, made with Poron® XRD, absorbs and disperses shock, protects from injuries, is scratch-resistant and has an antimicrobial treatment 18 FORCE 4 LONG JOHN Code: S171017S00 Size: XS – 3XL Colour: Collection Code: Technical Details echnica Morbida rete elasticizzata sulle spalle Mesh stretch fabric on the shoulders Regolazione in vita Adjustable waist 3-LAYER Rinforzi in nylon canvas su fondoschiena e ginocchia ACTIVITY Reinforced nylon canvas seat and knee patches In Shore Racing Fondo gamba regolabile Adjustable ankles TECHNOLOGY Tasche interne a livello delle ginocchia in rete elastica per inserimento delle protezioni Elastic mesh inner knee pockets for removable protection pads 19 Waterproof Ergonomic 25000mm Tasca gamba destra rinforzata all'interno con scomparto per coltello Pocket on left sleeve with velcro closure and knife pocket reinforced inside Breathable Windproof 8000gm/m2/24h Stampe riflettenti in vita, tasca e fondo gamba Reflective print on waist, pocket and pant leg bottom Thermo-Taped 3-Layer Construction Fabric: 3-LAYER NYLON RIPSTOP 130 gr 160 GREY inserts STEEL 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 100% NYLON @Yann Riou Oilskin KNEE X-PAD PROTECTION S170017S00 Size: XS – 3XL Colour: Highly visible roll-away hood with reflective patch Doppi polsi regolabili Adjustable double cuffs Tasche esterne foderate in micro pile, due tasche interne Micro fleece lined external pockets, two internal pockets 2-LAYER ACTIVITY Oilskin Cappuccio a scomparsa ad alta visibilità con inserto in reflex Coastal Off Shore Grip interno al fondo in gomma Interior anti-ride silicone grip on trim Inserto in stampa riflettente su maniche e polsi TECHNOLOGY Reflective print on arms and wrists Fischietto d'emergenza all'interno della tasca Emergency whistle in internal pocket Waterproof Ergonomic 20000mm Inserti in reflex su spalle e polsi Reflective patches on shoulders and cuffs Rinforzo in nylon canvas in fondo sul retro FORCE 3 LONG JOHN Breathable Windproof Code: Reinforced nylon canvas patch on the seat S171012S00 Size: XS – 3XL Interno collo in pile traforato Colour: Perforated fleece collar lined 8000gm/m2/24h Thermo-Taped 2-Layer Construction Reflexite Fabric: 2-LAYER LAMINATED NYLON TUSSOR 160 gr 160 GREY inserts STEEL 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY 100% NYLON 160 GREY inserts STEEL Morbida rete elasticizzata sulle spalle Mesh stretch fabric on the shoulders Rinforzo posteriore e su ginocchia in nylon canvas Reinforced nylon canvas seat and knee patches 2-LAYER Vita e fondo gamba regolabili ACTIVITY Adjustable waist and ankles closures Coastal Stampe riflettenti in vita, tasca e fondo gamba Reflective print on waist, pocket and pant leg bottoms Off Shore TECHNOLOGY Tasca resistente all’acqua su gamba destra 21 Water-resistant pocket on right leg Tasca sul petto Waterproof Ergonomic 20000mm Chest pocket Fodera in rete e taffetà Mesh and taffeta lining Breathable Windproof 8000gm/m2/24h Fabric: 2-LAYER LAMINATED Fodera in rete per il corpo e in taffetà per le maniche Body mesh lining, sleeves nylon taffeta lining Collection Code: Technical Details echnica FORCE 3 JACKET Collection 20 echnica Oilskin Technical Details 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY NYLON TUSSOR 160 gr 100% NYLON Thermo-Taped 2-Layer Construction Reflective @Giovanni De Sandre 22 22 23 Code: Size: XXS – 3XL Colour: Highly visible roll-away hood with reflective patch Doppi polsi regolabili Adjustable double cuffs Tasche esterne foderate in micro pile, due tasche interne Micro fleece lined external pockets, two internal pockets 2-LAYER ACTIVITY Oilskin Cappuccio a scomparsa ad alta visibilità con inserto in reflex In Shore Grip interno al fondo in gomma Interior anti-ride silicone grip on trim TECHNOLOGY Inserto in stampa riflettente su maniche e polsi Reflective print on arms and wrists Fischietto d'emergenza all'interno della tasca Waterproof Ergonomic 15000mm Emergency whistle in internal pocket Interno collo in pile traforato Perforated fleece collar lined Breathable Windproof 4000gm/m2/24h Fodera in rete per il corpo e in taffetà per le maniche Body mesh lining, sleeves nylon taffeta lining FORCE 2 SPRAY TOP Code: S170023S00 Size: 3XS – 3XL (JUNIOR/MAN) Colour: Thermo-Taped Reflective Scalarino taglie a partire dalla XXS per vestire anche la donna Sizes from XXS suitable for woman 2-Layer Construction Fabric: 2-LAYER LAMINATED NYLON TASLON 155 gr 160 GREY inserts STEEL 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY 100% NYLON 160 GREY inserts STEEL 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY Collection S170016S00 Technical Details echnica FORCE 2 JACKET Collection 24 echnica Oilskin Technical Details Collo e polsi regolabili in morbido PU Adjustable soft PU collar and cuffs Fondo giacca regolabile in neoprene sigillante Sealing neoprene adjustable trim 2-LAYER Nessuna fodera interna ACTIVITY Unlined In Shore Tasca su manica sinistra con chiusura in velcro e scomparto rinforzato all'interno per coltello TECHNOLOGY Pocket on left sleeve with velcro closure and knife pocket reinforced inside Scalarino taglie a partire dalla 3XS per vestire i bambini dagli 8 anni in su Sizes from 3XS suitable for 8 age kids Fabric: 2-LAYER LAMINATED NYLON TASLON 155 gr 25 Waterproof Ergonomic 15000mm Breathable Windproof 4000gm/m2/24h 100% NYLON Thermo-Taped 2-Layer Construction Reflective S171011S01 Size: XXS – 3XL Colour: Stretch shoulders for extra confort Rinforzo posteriore e su ginocchia in nylon canvas Reinforced nylon canvas seat and knee patches Vita e fondo gamba regolabili Adjustable waist and ankles closures Stampe riflettenti in vita, tasca e fondo gamba 2-LAYER ACTIVITY Oilskin Morbido tessuto elasticizzato sulle spalle In Shore TECHNOLOGY Reflective print on waist, pocket and pant leg bottoms Tasca resistente all’acqua su gamba destra Waterproof Water-resistant pocket on right leg 15000mm Ergonomic Fodera in rete e taffetà Mesh and taffetà lining Breathable Scalarino taglie a partire dalla XXS per vestire anche la donna Windproof 4000gm/m2/24h Sizes from XXS suitable for woman FORCE 2 TROUSERS Code: S171016S00 Size: XS – 3XL Reflective Fabric: 2-LAYER LAMINATED 160 GREY inserts STEEL 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY NYLON TASLON 155 gr 100% NYLON 2-Layer Construction 160 GREY inserts STEEL Cintura regolabile Adjustable belt Rinforzi in nylon canvas su fondoschiena e ginocchia Reinforced nylon canvas seat and knees patches Tasche frontali con pattina e zip Front pockets with flap and zipper Tasca su gamba destra con chiusura in velcro e scomparto rinforzato all'interno per coltello 2-LAYER ACTIVITY In Shore TECHNOLOGY Pocket on right leg with velcro closure and knife pocket reinforced inside 27 Fondo gamba regolabile Adjustable ankles Waterproof Ergonomic 3000mm Fodera in rete e taffetà Mesh and taffeta lining Breathable Windproof 3000gm/m2/24h Fabric: 2-LAYER LAMINATED Colour: Thermo-Taped Collection Code: Technical Details echnica FORCE 2 LONG JOHN Collection 26 echnica Oilskin Technical Details 500 BLACK 739 STEEL inserts GREY NYLON TASLON 138 gr 100% NYLON Thermo-Taped 2-Layer Construction @Yacht Club Costa Smeralda Porto Cervo 28 acht Cl OFFICIAL SUPPLIER YCCS Rolex Swan Cup Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup Sardinia Rolex Cup Rolex Settimana delle Bocche Rolex Veteran Boat Rally FORCE 1 JACKET Code: S170022S00 Size: XS – 3XL Colour: 150 NAVY 160 GREY inserts STEEL 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY Highly-visible roll-away hood with reflective patch Collo foderato in pile traforato Perforated fleece collar lining 2-LAYER Apertura frontale con doppia chiusura ACTIVITY Front double closure In Shore Oilskin Cappuccio a scomparsa ad alta visibilita' con inserto reflex Polsi regolabili Adjustable cuffs TECHNOLOGY Collection 30 Technical Details echnica Collection Oilskin echnica Technical Details Fondo giacca con fascia elastica sul retro Elastic band on back trim Fodera in rete e taffetà Mesh and taffeta lining Waterproof 10000mm Breathable Fabric: 2-LAYER NYLON RIPSTOP 165 gr Ergonomic Windproof FORCE 1 BIBS 4000gm/m2/24h 100% NYLON Thermo-Taped Reflective Code: S171015S00 Size: XS – 3XL Colour: 2-Layer Construction 150 NAVY 160 GREY inserts STEEL 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED inserts WHITE 739 STEEL inserts GREY Rinforzi in nylon canvas su fondoschiena e ginocchia Reinforced nylon canvas seat and knees patches Bretelle elastiche regolabili 2-LAYER Adjustable elasticized shoulder straps ACTIVITY Fondo gamba regolabile In Shore Adjustable ankles Fodera in rete e taffetà Mesh and taffeta lining TECHNOLOGY 31 Waterproof Ergonomic 10000mm Fabric: 2-LAYER NYLON RIPSTOP 165 gr 100% NYLON Breathable Windproof 4000gm/m2/24h Thermo-Taped 2-Layer Construction @Giovanni De Sandre 32 33 Size: XS – XL COLDY SKIFF L/S THERMALITE TOP KID Code: D312008S00 Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 500 BLACK stitches LIGHT GREY Can be worn as a base layer or in combination with Titanium Top TECHNOLOGY Pile termico che garantisce una maggiore tenuta del calore Thermo fleece fabric for extra heat retaining properties Ergonomic Comfortable Materiale elastico a 360° COLD WATER CONDITION Può essere indossato da solo come primo strato o in combinazione con il Titanium Top Thermal Top 5 Anatomic and ergonomic fit 360° stretch material Interno collo in spandex per maggiore comfort Stretch Thermo-Regulation Spandex neckopening for maximum comfort COLDY SKIFF L/S TITANIUM TOP Grip interno in silicone al fondo Internal anti-ride silicon grip on trim Flatlock Stitching 2-Layer Construction Code: D112011S00 Size: XS – XL Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold UV Protection Fabric: SUPERFLEECE 3mm FRONT/BACK/SIDE PANEL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: POLYESTER AND SPANDEX THERMAL BRUSH; SLEEVE/UNDERARM/COLLAR FABRICS OUTSIDE: 87% POLYESTER 13% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% NYLON COLDY SKIFF L/S TITANIUM TOP KID Code: D312009S00 Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 500 BLACK stitches GREY kiff skif D112010S00 10 Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Technical Details 15 Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit 10 5 Collection Code: 15 Collection COLDY SKIFF L/S THERMALITE TOP kiff skif COLD WATER CONDITION Thermal Top 34 Technical Details Può essere indossato da solo come primo strato o in combinazione con il Thermalite Top Can be worn as a first or second layer in combination with Thermalite Top TECHNOLOGY Protegge dal vento e mantiene il comfort termico Wind-resistant and retains body heat UV Protection Ergonomic Thermo-Regulation Windproof Flatlock Stitching Stretch Comfortable 2-Layer Construction Materiale elastico a 360° 360° stretch material Interno collo in spandex per maggiore comfort Spandex neckopening for maximum comfort Grip interno in silicone al fondo Internal anti-ride silicon grip on trim Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE WITH SILVER INNER COATING 3mm PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% SILVER COATING INNER COLLAR FABRIC: 82% NYLON 18% SPANDEX 35 Size: XS – XL SKIFF L/S THERMALITE TOP KID Code: D312007S00 Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 500 BLACK stitches LIGHT GREY TECHNOLOGY Tessuto tecnologico che trasporta velocemente l'umidità verso l'esterno mantenendo il comfort termico Fast wicking material quickly moves moisture towards exterior maintaining comfort and body Ergonomic Comfortable WARM WATER CONDITION Can be worn as a first or second layer in combination with Titanium Top Thermal Top 15 Può essere indossato da solo come primo strato o in combinazione con il Titanium Top Termoregolante Thermal regulated Stretch Thermo-Regulation Batteriostatico Bacteriostatic Grip interno in silicone al fondo Flatlock Stitching Bacteriostatic Internal anti-ride silicon grip on trim Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: POLYPROPYLENE 200 gr kiff skif D112008S00 Anatomic and ergonomic fit Technical Details 25 SKIFF L/S TITANIUM TOP UV Protection Code: D112009S00 Size: XS – XL Colour: 95%POLYPROPYLENE 5%SPANDEX 500 BLACK stitches LIGHT GREY Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit 20 15 Collection Code: Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica 20 Collection SKIFF L/S THERMALITE TOP kiff skif WARM WATER CONDITION Thermal Top 36 Technical Details 25 Può essere indossato da solo come primo strato o in combinazione con il Thermalite Top Can be worn as a first or second layer in combination with Thermalite Top TECHNOLOGY Neoprene mm 1,5 al petto, mm 0,5 per il resto del capo 1,5 mm Neoprene on chest, 0,5 mm neoprene for rest of garment Ergonomic Comfortable Inserti laterali in lycra Lateral lycra inserts Protegge dal vento e garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo UV Protection 2-Layer Construction Thermo-Regulation Windproof Flatlock Stitching Stretch Wind-resistant and retains body heat Materiale elastico a 360° 360° stretch material Grip interno in silicone al fondo Internal anti-ride silicon grip on trim Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE WITH SILVER INNER COATING 1,5mm PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% SILVER COATING UNDER ARM AND SIDE PANEL FABRICS: 82% NYLON - 18% LYCRA 37 38 Skiff Collection kiff sk @Giovanni De Sandre OFFICIAL SUPPLIER 40 COLDY SKIFF LONG JOHN Code: D171006S00 Size: XS - XL Colour: 500 BLACK stitches DARK GREY Materiale ad alta flessibilità accoppiato con morbido jersey Highly flexible material combined with soft jersey fabric Inserti laterali e fascia lombare in neoprene Apex Lateral inserts and neoprene Apex lumber band Applicazione in PU al ginocchio anti abrasioni PU resistant anti-abrasive fabric on knees TECHNOLOGY UV Protection Elastic Membrane Taschina interna porta chiave Internal pocket with key holder Seduta e fondo gamba anteriore con texture ripstop per maggior resistenza all'usura Seat and front of legs have rip-stop material for added durability Nastro di rinforzo sulle cuciture esterne posteriori e le aree ad alta usura Thermo-Regulation Flatlock Stitching Windproof Stretch Anti chaffing mauser tape on all seat seams and high wear area Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE 3mm UPPER FRONT/UPPER BACK FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% NYLON - MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: POLYESTER AND SPANDEX THERMAL BRUSH BACKCALF/CROTCH/LOWER SIDE PANEL/ WAIST/LEG CUFF FABRICS OUTSIDE: 87% POLYESTER 13% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER - INSIDE: 100% NYLON NECK/SLEEVES BINDING FABRICS 82% NYLON 18% SPANDEX SEAT/ FRONT LEGS FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% ARMOTEX 2mm MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE - INSIDE: 100% NYLON Ergonomic kiff skif Collection 5 Tessuto garzato che garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo Thermo Brush fabric for extra heat retaining properties Technical Details 15 10 5 Collection 10 Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit COLD WATER CONDITION 15 Bottom kiff skif COLD WATER CONDITION Bottom Technical Details COLDY SKIFF PANTS COLDY SKIFF PANTS KID Code: D104003S00 Code: D304003S00 Size: XS – XL Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 500 BLACK stitches DARK GREY Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit Vita regolabile Adjustable waistband Tessuto garzato che garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo Thermo Brush fabric for extra heat retaining properties Materiale ad alta flessibilità accoppiato con morbido jersey Highly flexible material combined with soft jersey fabric Inserti laterali e fascia lombare in neoprene Apex Lateral inserts and neoprene Apex lumber band TECHNOLOGY UV Protection Elastic Membrane Thermo-Regulation Windproof Flatlock Stitching Stretch Applicazione in PU al ginocchio anti abrasioni PU resistant anti-abrasive fabric on knees Taschina interna porta chiave 41 Internal pocket with key holder Seduta e fondo gamba anteriore con texture ripstop per maggior resistenza all'usura Seat and front of legs have rip-stop material for added durability Nastro di rinforzo sulle cuciture esterne posteriori e le aree ad alta usura Anti chaffing mauser tape on all seat seams and high wear area Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE 3mm PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 87% POLYESTER 13% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% NYLON SIDE PANEL FABRICS 82% NYLON 18% SPANDEX SEAT/FRONT LEGS FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% ARMOTEX MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% NYLON Ergonomic SKIFF LONG JOHN Code: D171004S00 Size: XS – XL Materiale ad alta flessibilità accoppiato con morbido jersey Highly flexible material combined with soft jersey fabric 500 BLACK stitches DARK GREY TECHNOLOGY Inserti laterali e fascia lombare in neoprene Apex Lateral inserts and neoprene Apex lumber band UV Protection Elastic Membrane Applicazione in PU al ginocchio anti abrasioni PU resistant anti-abrasive fabric on knees Taschina interna porta chiave Internal pocket with key holder Seduta e fondo gamba anteriore con texture ripstop per maggior resistenza all'usura Thermo-Regulation Windproof Seat and front of legs have rip-stop material for added durability Nastro di rinforzo sulle cuciture esterne posteriori e le aree ad alta usura Flatlock Stitching Anti chaffing mauser tape on all seat seams and high wear area Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE 0,5mm Colour: 166 WHITE/GREY/DARK GREY stitches DARK GREY Mantains thermal heat PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 0,5 mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SIDE PANEL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 85% NYLON 15% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 0,5mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SEAT/FRONT OF LEGS FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% ARMOTEX 2mm MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE - INSIDE: 100% NYLON kiff skif 42 Tessuto che garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo Technical Details 25 20 15 Collection Collection 15 Anatomic and ergonomic fit WARM WATER CONDITION 20 Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Bottom kiff skif WARM WATER CONDITION Bottom Technical Details 25 Stretch SKIFF PANTS Ergonomic Code: Size: SKIFF PANTS KID D104002S00 Code: D304002S00 XS – XL Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 166 WHITE/GREY/DARK GREY stitches DARK GREY 500 BLACK stitches DARK GREY Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit Vita regolabile Adjustable waistband Tessuto che garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo Maintains thermal heat Materiale ad alta flessibilità accoppiato con morbido jersey Highly flexible material combined with soft jersey fabric Inserti laterali e fascia lombare in neoprene Apex Lateral inserts and neoprene Apex lumber band TECHNOLOGY UV Protection Elastic Membrane Thermo-Regulation Windproof Flatlock Stitching Stretch Applicazione in PU al ginocchio anti abrasioni PU resistant anti-abrasive fabric on knees 43 Taschina interna porta chiave Internal pocket with key holder Seduta e fondo gamba anteriore con texture ripstop per maggior resistenza all'usura Seat and front of legs have rip-stop material for added durability Nastro di rinforzo sulle cuciture esterne posteriori e le aree ad alta usura Anti chaffing mauser tape on all seat seams and high wear area Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE 0,5mm PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE:100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 0,5 mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SIDE PANEL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 85% NYLON 15% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 0,5mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SEAT/FRONT LEGS FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% ARMOTEX 2mm MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE - INSIDE: 100% NYLON Ergonomic 20 Collection 15 44 SKIFF 3/4 HIKERS Code: D171005S00 Size: XS – XL Colour: 500 BLACK stitches DARK GREY Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit Doppie bretelle regolabili Adjustable double suspenders Tessuto che garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo Mantains thermal heat Materiale ad alta flessibilità accoppiato con morbido jersey Highly flexible material combined with soft jersey fabric TECHNOLOGY Inserti laterali in neoprene Apex Neoprene Apex lateral inserts UV Protection Elastic Membrane Thermo-Regulation Windproof Flatlock Stitching Stretch Seduta e ginocchia con texture ripstop per maggior resistenza all'usura Seat and knees made with rip-stop material for added durability Scocche rigide per la protezione posteriore delle cosce 45 Rigid protection for backs of tights Zona dorsale rinforzata (per la protezione delle sollecitazioni sulla schiena) Reinforced dorsal area (for added back protection) Nastro di rinforzo sulle cuciture esterne posteriori e le aree ad alta usura Anti chaffing mauser tape on all seat seams and high wear area Ergonomic Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE 2mm PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE:100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 2mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SIDE PANEL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 85% NYLON 15% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 2mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SEAT/KNEE FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% ARMOTEX 2mm MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE - INSIDE: 100% NYLON @Margje Tempelaars kiff skif WARM WATER CONDITION Bottom Technical Details 25 kiff skif WARM WATER CONDITION 20 15 Collection Bottom 46 SKIFF SHORTS Code: Size: SKIFF SHORT KID D140003S00 Code: D340002S00 XS – XL Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: @O'Hagan Technical Details 25 166 WHITE/GREY/DARK GREY stitches DARK GREY 500 BLACK stitches DARK GREY Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit Vita regolabile Adjustable waistband Tessuto che garantisce il mantenimento del calore corporeo Maintains thermal heat Materiale ad alta flessibilità accoppiato con morbido jersey Highly flexible material combined with soft jersey fabric TECHNOLOGY Taschina interna porta chiave Internal pocket with key holder UV Protection Elastic Membrane Thermo-Regulation Windproof Flatlock Stitching Stretch Inserti laterali e fascia lombare in neoprene Apex Lateral inserts and neoprene Apex lumber band Seduta con texture ripstop per maggior resistenza all'usura Reinforced rip-stop material on seat Nastro di rinforzo sulle cuciture esterne posteriori e le aree ad alta usura Anti chaffing mauser tape on all seat seams and high wear area Grip interno in silicone al ginocchio Internal silicon grip on knee Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flat stitching with double hold Fabric: NEOPRENE 0,5mm PRINCIPAL FABRICS OUTSIDE:100% NYLON MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 0,5 mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SIDE PANEL FABRICS OUTSIDE: 85% NYLON 15% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE 0,5mm INSIDE: 100% NYLON SEAT FABRICS OUTSIDE: 100% ARMOTEX 2mm MIDDLE: 100% NEOPRENE - INSIDE: 100% NYLON Ergonomic 47 JUNIOR - XS/M - L/XXL 48 SKIFF POWER HIKERS Code: D473001S00 Size: JUNIOR - XS/S - M/L - XL/XXL Colour: 500 BLACK Materiale elastico a 360° 360° stretch Neoprene with spandex Banda anti-scivolo in silicone per maggiore aderenza TECHNOLOGY Silicon anti-ride tape to hold position on tight Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Flatlock Stitching Stretch Collection Size: Anatomic and ergonomic fit Technical Details Flat stitching with double hold Scocche rigide per la protezione delle cosce Ergonomic Rigid protection for backs of tights Fabric: NEOPRENE 2mm OUTSIDE: 85% NYLON 15% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% NYLON kiff skif D473003S00 Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Accessories Code: kiff skif SKIFF HIKER PAD Collection Accessories Technical Details SKIFF KNEE PAD Code: D473002S00 Size: XS/M - L/2XL Colour: 500 BLACK Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit Rinforzo ginocchio imbottito in poliestere per maggiore resistenza al'usura Polyester knee patch for extra durability Applicazione in PU al ginocchio anti abrasioni TECHNOLOGY PU resistant anti-abrasive fabric on knees Banda anti-scivolo in silicone per maggiore aderenza Ergonomic Stretch Silicon anti-ride tape to hold position on tight Speciale cucitura per maggiore elasticità Contour stitching for flexability Fabric: NEOPRENE 2mm/FOAM 5mm OUTSIDE: 85% NYLON 15% SPANDEX MIDDLE: 100% RUBBER INSIDE: 100% NYLON 49 D112007S00 Size: XS – XL SKIFF L/S RASH TOP KID Code: D312006S00 Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 166 WHITE/GREY/DARK GREY stitches DARK GREY 167 WHITE/GREY/RED stitches dark gREY Anatomic and ergonomic fit Tessuto UV protection UV protective material 15 Rapida asciugatura TECHNOLOGY Quick-drying fabric Grip interno in silicone al fondo UV Protection Internal anti-ride silicone grip on trim Comfortable Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Reinforced flat stitch for double hold Fabric: STRETCH FABRIC 200 gr 82%NYLON 18%SPANDEX Lightweight Fast Dry Flatlock Stitching Stretch 51 Ergonomic @Giovanni De Sandre Code: Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica 20 Collection SKIFF L/S RASH TOP kiff skif WARM WATER CONDITION Rash Top 50 Technical Details 25 Size: XS – XL SKIFF S/S RASH TOP KID Code: D312005S00 Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 166 WHITE/GREY/DARK GREY stitches DARK GREY 167 WHITE/GREY/RED stitches dark gREY Rapida asciugatura TECHNOLOGY Quick-drying fabric WARM WATER CONDITION UV protective material 15 Rash Top Tessuto UV protection Grip interno in silicone al fondo Internal anti-ride silicone grip on trim UV Protection Comfortable Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Reinforced flat stitch for double hold Lightweight Fast Dry SKIFF SLEEVELESS RASH TOP Fabric: STRETCH FABRIC 200 gr 82%NYLON 18%SPANDEX Flatlock Stitching Stretch Code: D112005S00 Size: XS – XL SKIFF SLEEVELESS RASH TOP KID Ergonomic Code: D312004S00 Size: 136 - 166 cm height Colour: 166 WHITE/GREY/DARK GREY stitches DARK GREY 167 WHITE/GREY/RED stitches dark gREY kiff skif D112006S00 Anatomic and ergonomic fit Technical Details 25 Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Anatomic and ergonomic fit 20 Tessuto UV protection UV protective material 15 Collection Code: Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica 20 Collection SKIFF S/S RASH TOP kiff skif WARM WATER CONDITION Rash Top 52 Technical Details 25 Rapida asciugatura TECHNOLOGY Quick-drying fabric Grip interno in silicone al fondo Internal anti-ride silicone grip on trim UV Protection Comfortable Cuciture piatte a doppia tenuta Reinforced flat stitch for double hold Fabric: STRETCH FABRIC 200 gr 82%NYLON 18%SPANDEX Lightweight Flatlock Stitching Ergonomic Fast Dry Stretch 53 D472002S00 Size: JUNIOR - XS/S - M/L - XL/XXL Colour: Anatomic and ergonomic fit Tessuto Armotex (spessore 2mm) nelle aree di maggior usura 2mm Armotex fabric in high wear area Imbottitura in schiuma poliuretanica a celle chiuse certificata Closed cell certified Buoyancy Foam TECHNOLOGY Shoes Vestibilità anatomica ed ergonomica Cinghie laterali regolabili Adjustable side straps Apertura con zip laterale e protezione cursore Comfortable Ergonomic Lateral zipper opening with slider protection Doppie tasche frontali con zip impermeabili SCARPA SCIROCCO twin pockets with leak-prof zipper Code: S473001S00 Size: 36 - 47 Fabric: NYLON/NYLON WEBBING/2mm ARMOTEX BODY PANELS OUTSIDE: 100% NYLON INSIDE: 21 MM FLOATING RUBBER SIDE PANELS 100% NYLON ARMOTEX WEBBING FOR ALL STRAPS 100 % NYLON SCARPA SCIROCCO KID Code: S373001S00 Size: 30 - 35 Colour: 500 BLACK 166 WHITE/GREY/ DARK GREY 500 BLACK kiff skif Code: Technical Details Collection SKIFF BOUYANCY VEST kiff skif 54 Collection Accessories Technical Details Scarpa da deriva Sea hiker shoes Lavorazione vulcanizzata Vulcanised construction Tomaia in neoprene e gomma TECHNOLOGY neoprene/rubber upper Suola in gomma Sole in rubber Fabric: NEOPRENE/RUBBER Anti-slip Comfortable 55 Ergonomic Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation 56 Dryarn® MEZZA ZIP STOCKTON Code: S119016S00 Size: S/M – L/XL - 2XL/3XL Primo strato anatomico, batteriostatico e termoregolante, grazie alla presenza di carbonio struttura diversificata per un ottimale contenimento muscolare - comfort e tecnicità grazie alla microfibra Polipropilene Dryarn Collection Easy Care echnica Underwear Breathable Breathable Easy Care Ergonomic Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation 57 Dryarn® PANTALONE STOCKTON Code: S119017S00 Size: S/M – L/XL - 2XL/3XL Primo strato anatomico, batteriostatico e termoregolante, grazie alla presenza di carbonio struttura diversificata per un ottimale contenimento muscolare - comfort e tecnicità grazie alla microfibra Polipropilene Dryarn Inner layer is anatomical, bacteriostatic, and thermo regulating, thanks to the presence of carbonium - diversified structure for optimal body containment - comfort and technical properties are provided by the Polypropylene Dryarn microfiber Inner layer is anatomical, bacteriostatic, and thermo regulating, thanks to the presence of carbonium - diversified structure for optimal body containment - comfort and technical properties are provided by the Polypropylene Dryarn microfiber Fabric: POLYPROPILENE DRYARN WITH CARBON 275 gr Fabric: POLYPROPILENE DRYARN WITH CARBON 275 gr 65% POLYAMIDE 25% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 5% CARBON 5% ELASTAN Colour: Colour: 160 GREY 65% POLYAMIDE 25% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 5% CARBON 5% ELASTAN 500 BLACK 160 GREY 500 BLACK Hypoallergenic 58 Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation Ecological Fabric Dryarn® T-SHIRT CHESTER Code: S119018S00 Size: S/M – L/XL - 2XL/3XL Primo strato anatomico, batteriostatico e termoregolante - struttura diversificata per consentire una migliore traspirazione - comfort e tecnicità grazie alla microfibra Polipropilene Dryarn Collection Thermo-Regulation Ergonomic Hypoallergenic Ecological Fabric Dryarn® CICLISTA CHESTER Code: S119019S00 Size: S/M – L/XL - 2XL/3XL Primo strato anatomico, batteriostatico e termoregolante - struttura diversificata per consentire una migliore traspirazione - comfort e tecnicità grazie alla microfibra Polipropilene Dryarn Inner layer is anatomical, bacteriostatic and thermo regulating - diversified structure for better transpiration - comfort and technical properties are provided by the Polypropylene Dryarn microfiber Inner layer is anatomical, bacteriostatic and thermo regulating - diversified structure for better transpiration - comfort and technical properties are provided by the Polypropylene Dryarn microfiber Fabric: POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 155 gr Fabric: POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 155 gr 85% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 15% POLYESTER Colour: 160 GREY Colour: 160 GREY 85% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 15% POLYESTER Collection Bacteriostatic Easy Care echnica Ergonomic Breathable Underwear Easy Care echnica Underwear Breathable 59 uperyacht 60 JACKSLACKS NEW Cod: S110807S00 Size: XS – 3XL Colour: Collection Jackets Technical Details Giacca in nylon Rip-stop, completamente waterproof e windproof Nylon ripstop jacket is fully waterproof and windproof Pantaloni impermeabili che si estraggono direttamente dalle tasche interne; indossabili in pochi secondi, anche stando seduti, sono ideali per i motociclisti The waterproof trousers concealed in the pockets, which can be pulled on in just a few seconds, even sitting down. Ideal for motorcyclists 500 BLACK Waterproof Windproof 2000mm Pratica busta in nylon e rete traspirante per riporre la giacca Breathable nylon carry bagfor easy jacket storage Fabric: LAMINATED NYLON RIPSTOP 95 gr 150 NAVY TECHNOLOGY 100% NYLON Thermo-Taped 61 62 Packable Primaloft® 64 Code: S123095S00 Size: S – 3XL GIUBBOTTO BLOW MAN Soffice e leggera ed al contempo incredibilmente calda, resistente all'acqua e al vento traspirante e di rapida asciugatura - imbottitura in PrimaLoft® One 60 gr Windproof Ultralight Water Repellent Windproof Ultralight Packable Packable Primaloft® Primaloft® Code: S123096S00 Size: S – 3XL GILET BLOW Junior Water Repellent Code: S923034S00 Size: XS – XL GIUBBOTTO BLOW LADY Collection Ultralight Collection Water Repellent Windproof uperyach Jackets uperyach Jackets Water Repellent Woman Windproof Ultralight Packable Primaloft® 65 Code: S323008S00 Size: 102 - 158 GIUBBOTTO BLOW JUNIOR Soffice e leggera ed al contempo incredibilmente calda, resistente all'acqua e al vento traspirante e di rapida asciugatura - imbottitura in PrimaLoft® One 60 gr Soffice e leggera ed al contempo incredibilmente calda, resistente all'acqua e al vento traspirante e di rapida asciugatura - imbottitura in PrimaLoft® One 60 gr Soft and lightweight yet incredibly warm, water repellent and windproof - breathable and quick-drying - PrimaLoft® One 60 gr padding Soft and lightweight yet incredibly warm, water repellent and windproof - breathable and quick-drying - PrimaLoft® One 60 gr padding Soft and lightweight yet incredibly warm, water repellent and windproof - breathable and quick-drying - PrimaLoft® One 60 gr padding Soft and lightweight yet incredibly warm, water repellent and windproof - breathable and quick-drying - PrimaLoft® One 60 gr padding Fabric: SUPER LIGHT NYLON RIPSTOP 37 gr Fabric: SUPER LIGHT NYLON RIPSTOP 37 gr Fabric: SUPER LIGHT NYLON RIPSTOP 37 gr Fabric: SUPER LIGHT NYLON RIPSTOP 37 gr 100% NYLON 100% NYLON 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: 004 STUCCO 150 NAVY 500 BLACK inner lining/zip ORANGE inner lining/zip LIGHT GREY inner lining/zip LIGHT GREY Soffice e leggera ed al contempo incredibilmente calda, resistente all'acqua e al vento traspirante e di rapida asciugatura - imbottitura in PrimaLoft® One 60 gr 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: 004 STUCCO 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 004 STUCCO 150 NAVY 500 BLACK inner lining/zip ORANGE inner lining/zip ACID GREEN inner lining/zip CREAM inner lining/zip PINK inner lining/zip FANDANGO PINK inner lining/zip CREAM 004 STUCCO 150 NAVY 900 PINK inner lining/zip NAVY inner lining/zip ACID GREEN inner lining/zip FANDANGO PINK GIACCA PUFF Code: S101147S00 Size: S - 3XL Colour: kiff skif 66 Collection Jackets Technical Details Soffice e leggera ed al contempo incredibilmente calda, resistente all'acqua e al vento Soft and lightweight yet incredibly warm, water repellent and windproof traspirante e di rapida asciugatura breathable and quick-drying @Yann Riou 500 BLACK TECHNOLOGY vestibilità ergonomica ergonomic fit Water Repellent Windproof Ultralight Primaloft® cappuccio estraibile roll-away hood coulisse al fondo e al collo drawstring trim and collar interno collo foderato in microfleece microfleece lined inner collar imbottitura in PrimaLoft® One 100 gr Primaloft® One 100 gr padding Fabric: 150 NAVY PRIMALOFT FULL DULL NYLON RIPSTOP 62 gr 100% NYLON 67 Waterproof 3000mm Windproof Thermo-Taped 68 Code: S123081S00 Size: S – 3XL GIUBBOTTO BRANDON Giubbotto foderato in rete con polsi a costine Mesh lined jacket with cuffs in rib Fabric: SATIN 120 gr Collection Breathable 3000gm/m2/24h Breathable 3000gm/m2/24h Windproof Thermo-Taped 69 Code: S923030S00 Size: XS – XL GIUBBOTTO BELLVIEW Giubbotto foderato in rete con polsi a costine Mesh lined jacket with cuffs in rib Fabric: SATIN 120 gr 100% POLYESTER Colour: 100 WHITE uperyach Jackets Waterproof 3000mm Woman 100% POLYESTER Colour: 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 70 Code: S110762S00 Size: XS – 3XL SUMMER SAILING JACKET Giubbotto foderato con rete in poliestere - polso regolabile - due tasche interne - grip interno al fondo in gomma Windproof Code: S910102S00 Size: XS – XXL SUMMER SAILING JACKET WOMAN Water Repellent 600 mm Woman Water Repellent 600 mm Windproof Code: S110769S00 Size: XS – 3XL SUMMER SAILING VEST Collection Windproof Collection Water Repellent 600 mm uperyach Jackets uperyach Jackets Water Repellent 600 mm Woman Windproof 71 Code: S910099S00 Size: XS – XXL SUMMER SAILING VEST WOMAN Giacca foderata con rete in poliestere - fondo e collo regolabili - tre tasche interne Gilet foderato con rete in poliestere - grip interno al fondo in gomma - due tasche interne Polyester mesh lined jacket – adjustable cuffs – two internal pockets - interior rubber grip on waistband Polyester mesh lined jacket – adjustable waist and collar - three internal pockets Polyester mesh lined vest – internal rubber grip on waistband - two internal pockets Polyester mesh lined jacket – two internal pockets - adjustable waistband, collar and sleeves Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr 100% NYLON Colour: 100 WHITE 100% NYLON 100% NYLON Colour: 150 NAVY 210 ICE 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED 739 STEEL 100 WHITE Colour: 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED 739 STEEL 100 WHITE Gilet foderato con rete in poliestere - due tasche interne - fondo, collo e giromanica regolabili 100% NYLON Colour: 150 NAVY 210 ICE 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 625 SLAM RED Code: S110817S00 Size: XXS – 4XL WINTER SAILING JACKET NEW Water Repellent 600 mm Windproof Code: S110819C00 Size: XS – 3XL FLYING WINTER JACKET Giubbotto foderato in pile 330 gr con imbottitura interna 60 gr - polso regolabile - tasche foderate in pile - tasca interna - cappuccio anti acqua a scomparsa nel collo - grip interno al fondo in gomma Giubbotto foderato in pile 420 gr - tasche foderate in pile - tasca interna Jacket lined with 330g fleece plus additional 60g internal padding – adjustable cuffs – fleece lined pockets - internal pocket - waterproof roll-away hood - internal rubber grip on waistband Jacket lined with 420g fleece – fleece lined pockets - internal pocket Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr 100% NYLON 150 NAVY inner GREY 500 BLACK inner inner DARK GREY MEL DARK GREY MEL 73 Code: S110793S00 Size: XS – 3XL WINTER SAILING VEST NEW Gilet foderato in pile 330 gr - grip interno al fondo in gomma - tasche foderate in pile - tasca interna Vest lined with 330g fleece – rubber grip on interior waistband - fleece lined pockets - internal pocket 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: 210 ICE Windproof Fabric: NYLON TASLON 120 gr 100% NYLON Colour: Collection Collection Windproof Water Repellent 600 mm uperyach Jackets uperyach Jacket 72 Water Repellent 600 mm 625 SLAM RED 739 STEEL 310 BEIGE 437 DARK NAVY 625 SLAM RED 937 BLACK/ LIGHT GREY inner GREY inner GREY MEL inner GREY inner LIGHT GREY inner DARK GREY MEL inner LIGHT GREY 150 NAVY 739 STEEL inner DARK GREY MEL inner GREY MEL Ergonomic 74 Code: S101172S00 Size: XS – 3XL SOFTSHELL REDONDO Softshell accoppiato con pile ad orsetto - ergonomico, antivento e antipioggia - polso in tessuto elasticizzato - coulisse al fondo Windproof Ergonomic Waterproof 3000mm Breathable 3000gm/m2/24h Windproof Ergonomic Code: S101169S00 Size: S – 3XL Light Fleece Waterproof 3000mm SOFTSHELL MEEKS Code: S901140S00 Size: XS – XXL SOFTSHELL OXBOW Collection Windproof uperyach Softshell Woman Breathable 3000gm/m2/24h Collection Breathable 3000gm/m2/24h uperyach Softshell Waterproof 3000mm Jacket Fast Dry Breathable Ergonomic Anti Pilling Comfortable 75 Code: S170015S00 Size: S – 3XL T-SHIRT BASCOM Softshell accoppiato con pile leggero - ergonomico, antivento e antipioggia - polso in tessuto elasticizzato - coulisse al fondo Softshell accoppiato con pile leggero - ergonomico, antivento e antipioggia - polso in tessuto elasticizzato - coulisse al fondo Combinatation of softshell and furry fleece - ergonomic, windproof, waterproof - stretch fabric cuff - drawstring hem Combination of softshell and lightweight fleece - ergonomic, windproof, waterproof stretch fabric cuff - drawstring hem Combination of softshell and lightweight fleece - ergonomic, windproof, waterproof stretch fabric cuff - drawstring hem Elasticised thermal top which can be used as a mid layer – reflective inserts Fabric: SOFTSHELL 350 gr Fabric: SOFTSHELL 270 g Fabric: SOFTSHELL 270 g Fabric: STRETCH POLYESTER 260 gr. OUTSIDE: 94% POLYESTER 6% ELASTAN INSIDE: 100% POLYESTER TPU MEMBRANE Colour: 150 NAVY OUTSIDE: 100% POLYESTER INSIDE: 100% POLYESTER TPU MEMBRANE Colour: 739 STEEL OUTSIDE: 100% POLYESTER INSIDE: 100% POLYESTER TPU MEMBRANE Colour: Capo elasticizzato utilizzabile come secondo strato - inserti in stampa riflettenti 84% POLYESTER 16% ELASTAN Colour: 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 150 NAVY 500 BLACK contrasts STEEL contrasts STEEL contrasts STEEL contrasts STEEL 500 BLACK Anti Pilling 76 Code: S107028S00 Size: XS – 3XL HAMPTON JACKET Petto in softshell tecnico antivento e antiacqua - schiena in caldo pile antigoccia e antipilling due tasche frontali Breathable Windproof Anti Pilling 77 Code: S107029S00 Size: XS – 3XL INWOOD VEST Petto in softshell tecnico antivento e antiacqua - schiena in caldo pile antigoccia e antipilling due tasche frontali High-performance windproof and waterproof softshell - water-resistant and anti-pilling fleece on back - two front pockets High-performance windproof and waterproof softshell - water-resistant and anti-pilling fleece on back - two front pockets Fabric: SOFTSHELL/FLEECE 250 gr WITH ANTIPILLING TREATMENT Fabric: SOFTSHELL/FLEECE 250 gr WITH ANTIPILLING TREATMENT FRONT: 92% POLYESTER 8% SPANDEX BACK: 100% POLYESTER JERSEY @Giovanni De Sandre Collection Windproof uperyach Fleece Breathable Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE FRONT: 92% POLYESTER 8% SPANDEX BACK: 100% POLYESTER JERSEY 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK Code: S107027S01 Size: S – 3XL PILE BAL HARBOUR NEW Pile mezza zip con spalloni e collo doppiati in microfibra - due tasche frontali Collection 78 uperyach Fleece Anti Pilling Woman Anti Pilling 79 Code: S907018S01 Size: XS – XXL PILE BAY HILL NEW Pile a zip intera con due tasche frontali Half zip fleece with double padded microfibre at shoulders and collar - two front pockets Fleece with full length zip and two front pockets Fabric: BONDED FLEECE 360 gr WITH ANTIPILLING TREATMENT Fabric: BONDED FLEECE 360 gr WITH ANTIPILLING TREATMENT 100% POLYESTER Colour: Colour: 150 NAVY 100% POLYESTER 160 GREY 739 STEEL 150 NAVY 160 GREY 739 STEEL page 83 page 103 page 110 page 57 page 58 page 117 MEZZA ZIP ALFORD Code: S102177S00 Size: S – 3XL Colour: Collection 82 uperyach Knits Technical Details Mezza zip a costa inglese Half zip pullover Galleggia sull'acqua grazie all'estrema leggerezza del filato Dryarn It floats thanks to the ultralight weight of Dryarn fiber 150 NAVY contrast SILVER GREY contrast SILVER GREY ISOLATION GRADE DRYARN 10 WOOL 9,4 8,5 POLYESTER POLYAMIDE VISCOUS COTTON 6,6 5,6 3,6 TECHNOLOGY Resistente Durable Colore ad alta solidità Breathable UV Protection Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation Hypoallergenic Easy Care Ecological Lightweight Long lasting color Antimacchia Stain proof Di facile manutenzione, non deve essere stirato Easy care - no iron Riciclabile al 100% 100% recyclable Fabric: POLYPROPILENE DRYARN fin 14 100 WHITE DRYARN 100% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN Dryarn® 83 Code: S106058S00 Size: S – 3XL FELPA BARTOW Felpa mezza zip adatta a tutte le stagioni Half zip sweatshirt suitable for all seasons Fabric: ENZYME WASH BABY TERRY PLUSH 335 gr 100% COTTON 85 Code: S906056S00 Size: XS – XXL 150 NAVY FELPA KATHLEEN Felpa a zip intera adatta a tutte le stagioni Sweatshirt with full length zip suitable for all seasons Fabric: ENZYME WASH BABY TERRY PLUSH 335 gr 100% COTTON Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE Collection Code: uperyach Sweats 84 Woman 100 WHITE 150 NAVY S105138S00 Size: S – 3XL CAMICIA LAUREL SS Camicia in popeline con mostrine removibili Poplin blouse with removable shoulder pads Fabric: NO IRON POPLIN 115 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 100 WHITE Shirts No Iron Code: S105137S00 Size: S – 3XL CAMICIA DORAL LS Camicia in popeline con mostrine removibili Poplin blouse with removable shoulder pads Fabric: NO IRON POPLIN 115 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 100 WHITE Collection Code: Easy Care uperyach 86 Collection No Iron uperyach Shirts Easy Care 87 Code: S105153S00 Size: S – 3XL Camicia oxford Oxford cloth shirt Fabric: OXFORD 114 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 100 WHITE 257 LIGHT BLUE CAMICIA BRONSON LS uperyach 88 Code: S905058S00 Size: S – XXL CAMICIA BELL SS Camicia in popeline stretch con mostrine removibili Stretch poplin blouse with removable shoulder pads Fabric: STRETCH POPLIN 110 gr 97% COTTON 3% ELASTAN Colour: 100 WHITE Collection Shirts Woman Woman 89 Code: S905059S00 Size: S – XXL CAMICIA CHEVAL LS Camicia in popeline stretch Stretch poplin blouse Fabric: STRETCH POPLIN 110 gr 97% COTTON 3% ELASTAN Colour: 100 WHITE Polos Collection uperyach 90 91 S – 3XL Polo manica corta a due bottoni - tessuto prelavato Short sleeve polo with two button closure - prewashed fabric Fabric: ENZYME WASH PIQUET 220 gr 100% COTTON S908082S00 Size: S – XXL POLO ROSELAND SS 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED Polos Code: S110114S00 Size: XS – 3XL POLO REGATA NEW SS Polo manica corta con abbottonatura profonda - tessuto prelavato - vestibilità aderente Polo a manica corta a due bottoni - righe a contrasto al collo e bordo manica Short sleeve polo with deep button closure - prewashed fabric - fitted Short sleeve polo with two button closure - color contrast stripes on collar and sleeves Fabric: ENZYME WASH PIQUET 220 gr Fabric: PIQUET 230 gr 100% COTTON 100 WHITE 625 SLAM RED 93 Code: S910112S00 Size: XS – XXL POLO REGATA WOMAN SS Polo a manica corta a due bottoni - righe a contrasto al collo e bordo manica Short sleeve polo with two button closure - color contrast stripes on collar and sleeves 100% COTTON Colour: Colour: 150 NAVY Woman Fabric: PIQUET 230 gr 100% COTTON Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE Code: Collection Size: POLO COLEMAN SS uperyach S108415S00 Collection Code: uperyach Polos 92 Woman 100 WHITE 150 NAVY stripes NAVY stripes WHITE 166 LIGHT GREY MEL stripes NAVY 626 RED SLAM stripes WHITE 100 WHITE 150 NAVY stripes NAVY stripes WHITE 166 LIGHT GREY MEL stripes NAVY 626 RED SLAM stripes WHITE S – 3XL Polo manica corta a tre bottoni - tessuto prelavato - sotto collo grigio chiaro melange Short sleeve polo with three button closure - prewashed fabric - light grey neckline Fabric: ENZYME WASH PIQUET 220 gr 100% COTTON Polos S108417S00 Size: S – 3XL POLO HUDSON LS Polo manica lunga a due bottoni - tessuto prelavato Long sleeve polo with three button closure - prewashed fabric 150 NAVY 95 Code: S908141S00 Size: XS – XXL POLO BODEGA LS Polo manica lunga con abbottonatura profonda - tessuto prelavato - vestibilità aderente Long-sleeve polo with deep button closure - prewashed fabric - fitted Fabric: ENZYME WASH PIQUET 220 gr Fabric: ENZYME WASH PIQUET 220 gr 100% COTTON Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE Code: Collection Size: POLO DUNDEE SS uperyach S108416S00 Collection Code: uperyach Polos 94 Woman 100 WHITE 100% COTTON Colour: 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK Fast Dry Bacteriostatic UV protection 96 Lightweight Code: S108420S00 Size: S – XXL POLO CONWAY SS Polo manica corta in tessuto tecnico che trasporta velocemente l’umidità verso l’esterno asciugatura rapida Collection Breathable uperyach Polos Easy Care Woman Easy Care Breathable Fast Dry Bacteriostatic UV protection 97 Lightweight Code: S908083S00 Size: S – XXL POLO KEYSTONE SS Polo manica corta in tessuto tecnico che trasporta velocemente l’umidità verso l’esterno asciugatura rapida Short-sleeve polo made from technical fabric which quickly moves moisture towards exterior - quick dry Short-sleeve polo made from technical fabric which quickly moves moisture towards exterior - quick dry Fabric: TECHNO PIQUET 150 gr Fabric: TECHNO PIQUET 150 gr 92% POLYAMIDE 8% LYCRA Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE 92% POLYAMIDE 8% LYCRA 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED Code: S108625S00 Size: S - 3XL Colour: 100 WHITE 160 GREY contrast GREY contrast WHITE Collection POLO PELHAM SS uperyach Polos Technical Details Polo manica corta in tessuto trimmer con inserti in colore a contrasto Short-sleeve men's polo shirt made from trimmer fabric; inserts in contrasting color Il tessuto Trimmer High Performance è stato studiato e sviluppato appositamente da SLAM e rappresenta un’assoluta innovazione in termini di tecnicità e funzionalità Trimmer High-Performance fabric, especially engineered and developed by SLAM, is absolutely innovative in terms of technology and performance TRIMMER TECHNOLOGY Breathable UV Protection Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation Fabric: TRIMMER 145 gr 97% POLYESTER 2% POLYAMIDE 1% CARBON Trimmer Fabric 99 100 Code: S112406S00 Size: XS - 3XL T-SHIRT REDWOOD SS T-shirt mezza zip manica corta in tessuto trimmer con piping e zip in colore a contrasto - il tessuto Trimmer High Performance è stato studiato e sviluppato appositamente da SLAM e rappresenta un’assoluta innovazione in termini di tecnicità e funzionalità Bacteriostatic UV protection Thermo-Regulation Breathable Bacteriostatic UV protection Thermo-Regulation Trimmer Fabric Code: S112409S00 Size: XS – 3XL T-SHIRT ORWOOD SS T-shirt manica corta in tessuto trimmer con inserti in silveraid - il tessuto Trimmer High Performance è stato studiato e sviluppato appositamente da SLAM e rappresenta un’assoluta innovazione in termini di tecnicità e funzionalità Collection Trimmer Fabric Breathable uperyach Thermo-Regulation T-Shirts UV protection Collection Bacteriostatic uperyach T-Shirts Breathable Trimmer Fabric 101 Code: S112408S00 Size: XS – 3XL T-SHIRT MOSSDALE LS T-shirt manica lunga in tessuto trimmer con inserti in silveraid - il tessuto Trimmer High Performance è stato studiato e sviluppato appositamente da SLAM e rappresenta un’assoluta innovazione in termini di tecnicità e funzionalità Half-zippered short-sleeve t-shirt made from trimmer fabric; piping and zipper in contrasting color - Trimmer HighPerformance fabric, especially engineered and developed by SLAM, is absolutely innovative in terms of technology and performance Short-sleeve t-shirt made from trimmer fabric; silveraid inserts - Trimmer High-Performance fabric, especially engineered and developed by SLAM, is absolutely innovative in terms of technology and performance Long-sleeve t-shirt made from trimmer fabric; silveraid inserts - Trimmer High-Performance fabric, especially engineered and developed by SLAM, is absolutely innovative in terms of technology and performance Fabric: TRIMMER 145 gr Fabric: TRIMMER 145 gr Fabric: TRIMMER 145 gr 97% POLYESTER 2% POLYAMIDE 1% CARBON Colour: 100 WHITE 160 GREY 739 STEEL contrast GREY contrast STEEL contrast GREY 97% POLYESTER 2% POLYAMIDE 1% CARBON 97% POLYESTER 2% POLYAMIDE 1% CARBON Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE 500 BLACK 739 STEEL contrast GREY contrast STEEL contrast GREY 100 WHITE 500 BLACK 739 STEEL contrast GREY contrast STEEL contrast GREY @Groupama Sailing Team T-SHIRT OBEXER SS Code: S112410S00 Size: S - 3XL Colour: 150 NAVY 160 GREY Collection 102 uperyach T-Shirts Technical Details T-shirt uomo manica corta in tessuto Dryarn estremamente leggero, resistente ed antimacchia Short-sleeve t-shirt made in super light-weight Dryarn fabric, sturdy and stain-proof fabric Colore ad alta solidità DRYARN ISOLATION GRADE DRYARN 10 WOOL 9,4 8,5 POLYESTER POLYAMIDE VISCOUS COTTON 6,6 5,6 3,6 TECHNOLOGY Fade-resistant color Riciclabile al 100% 100% recyclable Breathable UV Protection Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation Hypoallergenic Easy Care Ecological Lightweight Facile manutenzione, non si deve stirare Non-iron and easy to maintain Fabric: POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 110 gr 100% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN Dryarn® 103 XS – 3XL T-shirt in cotone prelavato Pre-washed cotton jersey t-shirt Fabric: ENZYME WASH JERSEY 200 gr 100% COTTON S912086S00 Size: XS –XXL 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED T-SHIRT ELLENTON SS T-Shirts Code: S112462S00 Size: XS – XXL T-SHIRT SKY LS T-shirt con scollo profondo in jersey elasticizzato prelavato T-shirt in cotone prelavato Deep round neck pre-washed stretch jersey t-shirt Pre-washed cotton jersey t-shirt Fabric: ENZYME WASH STRETCH JERSEY 180 gr Fabric: ENZYME WASH JERSEY 200 gr 95% COTTON 5% ELASTAN Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE Code: 100 WHITE 100% COTTON 065 LIGHT GREY Woman 105 Code: S912085S00 Size: XS – XXL 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK T-SHIRT LISBON LS T-shirt con scollo profondo in jersey elasticizzato prelavato Deep round neck pre-washed stretch jersey t-shirt Fabric: ENZYME WASH STRETCH JERSEY 180 gr 95% COTTON 5% ELASTAN Colour: Colour: 150 NAVY Collection Size: T-SHIRT LECANTO SS uperyach S112197S00 Collection Code: uperyach T-Shirts 104 Woman 100 WHITE 150 NAVY Fast Dry 106 Stretch Code: S104221S00 Size: 46 – 56 PANTALONE MIAMI Pantalone superleggero con trattamento UV protection e antigoccia - asciuga rapidamente Super lightweight trousers with UV protection and water repellent treatment - fast dry Fabric: NYLON STRETCH 130 gr 93% NYLON 7% ELASTAN Colour: 150 NAVY 210 ICE 500 BLACK Code: S104193S00 Size: 46 – 58 PANTALONE VELA MAN Pantalone tasconato - rinforzo posteriore in nylon Trousers with side pockets – nylon reinforced seat Fabric: ENZYME WASH CANVAS 280 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 150 NAVY Collection Lightweight uperyach UV Protection Pants Water Repellent Collection Easy Care uperyach Pants Breathable Woman 107 Code: S904572S00 Size: 38 – 50 PANTALONE VELA WOMAN NEW Pantalone tasconato - rinforzo posteriore in nylon Trousers with side pockets – nylon reinforced seat Fabric: ENZYME WASH CANVAS 280 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 160 GREY 739 STEEL 150 NAVY 160 GREY 210 ICE 739 STEEL 46 - 58 Pantalone tasconato Trousers with side pockets Fabric: GARMENT DYE TWILL 250 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 150 NAVY Pants Code: S104068S00 Size: 46 - 58 PANTALONE DELUXE 500 BLACK S904081S00 Size: 38 – 50 PANTALONE MARGATE Pantalone chino estivo Pantalone chino Summer chino pant Chino trousers Fabric: GARMENT DYE TWILL 250 gr Fabric: GARMENT DYE STRETCH SATIN 225 gr 100% COTTON 98% COTTON 2% ELASTAN Colour: Colour: 210 ICE Code: 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 210 ICE 100 WHITE Collection Size: PANTALONE GROVELAND uperyach S104224S00 Collection Code: uperyach Pants 108 Woman 109 Code: Code: S104195S00 Size: 44 – 58 Pantalone chino invernale con tessuto garzato Winter chino trousers made with brushed fabric Fabric: GARMENT DYE HEAVY TWILL 310 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 150 NAVY 210 ICE 500 BLACK PANTALONE ARCADIA 150 NAVY 210 ICE Size: 46 – 58 BERMUDA BRENT Bermuda che galleggia sull'acqua grazie alla leggerezza del filato - resistente alle abrasioni - colore con alta solidità - antimacchia - di facile manutenzione non deve essere stirato - riciclabile al 100% DRYARN 10 9,4 8,5 POLYESTER POLYAMIDE VISCOUS COTTON 6,6 5,6 3,6 TECHNOLOGY Breathable UV Ray Protection 100% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN Colour: 150 NAVY 160 GREY Easy Care Water Repellent UV Protection Lightweight Fast Dry Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation Stretch Hypoallergenic Easy Care Code: S140051S00 Size: 46 – 56 BERMUDA PARKER Bermuda superleggero Bermuda shorts that flosts thanks to the ultralight weight of Dryarn fiber - resistant to abrasions non-fading color - stain proof - easy care - do not require ironing - 100% recyclable Fabric: POLYPROPILENE 215 gr Shorts WOOL Breathable Super lightweight bermuda shorts Ecological Lightweight Fabric: NYLON STRETCH 130 gr 93% NYLON 7% ELASTAN Colour: Fast Dry 111 Code: S140075S00 Size: XS - 3XL 210 ICE 500 BLACK BERMUDA KLAMATHA Bermuda estremamente leggero in microfibra a rapida asciugatura - rinforzo posteriore in tessuto rip stop Light-weight quick-drying microfiber short - rip-stop fabric reinforced seat Fabric: MICROFIBRE TWILL 140 gr 100% POLYESTER Colour: Dryarn® 150 NAVY Collection S140052S00 ISOLATION GRADE uperyach Code: Collection 110 uperyach Shorts DRYARN 150 NAVY 500 BLACK Size: XS - 3XL HISSAR NEW Bermuda estremamente leggero in microfibra a rapida asciugatura - rinforzo posteriore in tessuto rip stop Light-weight quick-drying microfiber short - rip-stop fabric reinforced seat Fabric: MICROFIBRE TWILL 140 gr Shorts S940029S00 Size: 38 – 48 BERMUDA JAY Bermuda estremamente leggero in microfibra a rapida asciugatura - rinforzo posteriore in tessuto rip stop Light-weight quick-drying microfiber short - rip-stop fabric reinforced seat Fabric: MICROFIBRE TWILL 140 gr 100% POLYESTER 150 NAVY 160 GREY 500 BLACK 739 STEEL Code: S104950S00 Size: XXS – 4XL 100 WHITE BERMUDA ALMERIA Bermuda a sei tasche - rinforzo posteriore Six pockets shorts - back reinforcement Fabric: ENZYME WASH LIGHT CANVAS 230 gr 739 STEEL 100 WHITE 113 Code: S940025S00 Size: 38 – 50 BERMUDA HELLYE Bermuda a sei tasche - rinforzo posteriore Six pockets shorts - back reinforcement 100% COTTON Colour: Colour: 150 NAVY Woman Fabric: ENZYME WASH LIGHT CANVAS 230 gr 100% COTTON 100% POLYESTER Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE Code: Collection S140013S00 Fast Dry uperyach Code: Collection 112 uperyach Shorts Fast Dry Woman 150 NAVY 160 GREY 210 ICE 625 SLAM RED 739 STEEL 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 160 GREY 210 ICE 625 SLAM RED 44 – 58 Bermuda Bermuda shorts Fabric: GARMENT DYE TWILL 250 gr 100% COTTON Colour: 100 WHITE S940028S00 Size: 38 – 50 BERMUDA DAVIE 210 ICE S140048S00 Size: 46 – 58 BERMUDA MAYO Bermuda Bermuda tasconato Bermuda shorts Bermuda shorts with side pockets Fabric: GARMENT DYE STRETCH SATIN 225 gr Fabric: GARMENT DYE TWILL 250 gr 98% COTTON 2% ELASTAN Colour: 150 NAVY Code: 100 WHITE 100% COTTON 210 ICE 150 NAVY 115 Code: S980026S00 Size: 38 – 50 GONNA HAVANA Gonna con bermuda sotto Skirt with built in shorts Fabric: GARMENT DYE STRETCH SATIN 225 gr 98% COTTON 2% ELASTAN Colour: Colour: 150 NAVY Woman Skirts Shorts Code: Collection Size: BERMUDA NOMA uperyach S140050S00 Collection Code: uperyach Shorts 114 Woman 210 ICE 625 SLAM RED 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 210 ICE Easy Care Easy Care Ergonomic Ergonomic Bacteriostatic Bacteriostatic Thermo-Regulation Thermo-Regulation Dryarn® Dryarn® Code: S419003S00 Size: S - XL Code: ACTIVE LOW CUT SOCKS S419004S00 ACTIVE ANKLE SOCKS Size: S - XL Fantasmino anatomico realizzato in mix di filati attivi per la perfetta gestione del calore - lavorazione tridimensionale per la massima protezione del piede Calza corta anatomica realizzata in mix di filati attivi per la perfetta gestione del calore - lavorazione tridimensionale per la massima protezione del piede Anatomical inside socks made from yarns engineered to optimally manage warmth - three-dimensional weave to best protect the foot Anatomical ankle socks made from yarns engineered to optimally manage warmth - three-dimensional manufacture to best protect the foot Fabric: POLYAMIDE/POLYPROPILENE DRYARN Fabric: POLYAMIDE/POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 60% POLYAMIDE SKINLIFE 30% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 10% ELASTAN Colour: 100 WHITE Easy Care Ergonomic Bacteriostatic Dryarn® 117 S419005S00 Code: Size: ACTIVE KNEE SOCKS S - XL Calzettone anatomico realizzato in mix di filati attivi per la perfetta gestione del calore - lavorazione tridimensionale per la massima protezione del piede Anatomical knee socks made from yarns engineered to optimally manage warmth - three-dimensional manufacture to best protect the foot Fabric: POLYAMIDE/POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 60% POLYAMIDE SKINLIFE 30% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 10% ELASTAN Colour: 500 BLACK Breathable Thermo-Regulation Collection Breathable ccessorie Socks Breathable 100 WHITE 60% POLYAMIDE SKINLIFE 30% POLYPROPILENE DRYARN 10% ELASTAN Colour: 500 BLACK 100 WHITE 500 BLACK S161019S00 Size: ONE SIZE CAP TACTICIAN N Cappello con visiera - inserti laterali in nylon traforato traspirante Cap with visor - perforated breathable nylon lateral inserts Fabric: NYLON 100% NYLON Colour: 172 SILVER Accessories Code: S161020S00 Size: ONE SIZE CAPPELLO PROMO NEW Cappello con visiera; gancio di sicurezza per ancorarlo al corpo Cap with visor - security hook to latch on to the body 119 Code: S109169S00 Size: ONE SIZE BERRETTO LANA Berretto in lana idrorepellente Water-repellent wool beany Fabric: WOOL Fabric: COTTON TWILL 100% NYLON 100% WOOL Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE Collection Code: ccessorie 118 Collection Fast Dry ccessorie Accessories Breathable 150 NAVY 160 GREY 200 RED 150 NAVY 200 RED 500 BLACK 739 STEEL S M L XL 2 3 3 2 Cintura ad anelli con nastro personalizzato Ring belt with customized band Fabric: POLYESTER 100% POLYESTER Colour: 018 ONE COLOUR Code: Accessories S460050S00 Size: S M L 3 4 3 Cintura elasticizzata Elasticized belt Fabric: POLYESTER 100% POLYESTER Thermo-Taped 121 Code: S463018S00 Size: 30x30x50 cm 150 NAVY SACCA ANEMON Sacca stagna con chiusura ad avvolgimento - capacità 36 litri Roll-up waterproof bag - 36 litres capacity Fabric: LIGHT NYLON TPU COATED 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: 100 WHITE CINTURA MILTON Pack 10 pcs Collection Size: CINTURA SAILING TEAM Pack 10 pcs ccessorie S460026S00 Collection Code: ccessorie Accessories 120 Waterproof 166 PEARL GREY Code: S463124S00 Size: 13x13x26 cm BORSA WR BAG 1 Box 10 pcs Mini borsa a tracolla resistente all'acqua - taschina esterna con zip anti goccia Small water resistant shoulder bag - small external pocket with leak-proof zipper Fabric: COATED PVC 100% NYLON Code: S463123S00 Size: 23x23x38 cm BORSA WR BAG 2 Box 6 pcs 065 LIGHT GREY 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY Water Repellent Code: S463122S00 Size: 25,5x29x49 cm BORSA WR BAG 4 Box 6 pcs 123 BORSA WR BAG 5 Box 6 pcs Code: S463121S00 Size: 29,5x34,5x60 cm Borsone resistente all'acqua - tracolla regolabile e removibile - tasca esterna con zip anti goccia Borsa resistente all'acqua - tracolla regolabile e removibile - tasca esterna con zip anti goccia Grande borsa resistente all'acqua - tracolla regolabile e removibile - tasca esterna con zip anti goccia Water resistant bag - removable and adjustable shoulder strap - external pocket with leak-proof zipper Large water resistant bag - removable and adjustable shoulder strap - external pocket leak-proof zipper Water resistant travel bag - removable and adjustable shoulder strap - external pocket with leak-proof zipper Fabric: COATED PVC Fabric: COATED PVC Fabric: COATED PVC 100% NYLON 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: Water Repellent Collection 122 Collection Water Repellent ccessorie Accessories ccessorie Accessories Water Repellent Colour: Colour: 065 LIGHT GREY 100 WHITE 147 AMERICAN BLUE contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY 100% NYLON 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 625 SLAM RED 065 LIGHT GREY 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY 065 LIGHT GREY 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY S463120S00 Code: TRACOLLINO ESS BAG 1 Box 10 pcs Size: 21,5x17x5 cm Water Repellent S463119S00 TRACOLLA ESS BAG 2 Box 6 pcs Size: 34,5x25x7 cm Collection Code: Water Repellent ccessorie Accessories 124 Water Repellent Code: Size: 125 S464045S00 PORTAFOGLIO WALLET Box 10 pcs 13,3x10 cm Tracollino resistente all'acqua - doppia chiusura con cerniera e velcro - due tasche esterne ed una interna con zip - tasca sulla pattina di chiusura con zip anti goccia Tracolla porta PC resistente all'acqua - parte esterna imbottita - doppia chiusura con cerniera e velcro - due tasche esterne ed una interna con zip - tasca sulla patta di chiusura con zip antigoccia Small water resistant shoulder bag - double closure with zipper and velcro - two external pockets and one inside zipper pocket pocket on flap closure with leak-proof zipper Water resistant laptop shoulder bag - external padding - double closure with zipper and velcro - two external pockets and one inside zipper pocket - pocket on flap closure with leak-proof zipper Water resistant wallet with velcro closure - internal card holder - coin pocket with leak-proof zipper Fabric: COATED PVC Fabric: COATED PVC Fabric: COATED PVC 100% NYLON 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: Portafoglio resistente all'acqua con chiusura a strappo porta tessere e carte di credito interno - tasca per monete chiusa con zip antigoccia 100% NYLON Colour: 065 LIGHT GREY 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 500 BLACK contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY 100 WHITE 147 AMERICAN 150 NAVY BLUE 500 BLACK contrast LIGHT GREY contrast DARK GREY contrast LIGHT GREY contrast LIGHT GREY 89x42x31 cm Container bag dotato di maniglia telescopica per trasporto con ruote - due maniglioni, tracolla e prese laterali - due spaziosi compartimenti interni separati da fodera a rete per contenimento - ulteriore compartimento con apertura dall' esterno; la sua fodera interna, in materiale impermeabile, permette di isolare questo vano dal resto della valigia - tasca esterna con zip - doppia chiusura con zip e cinghie regolabili - tacchetti di appoggio sul lato rigido inferiore Container bag with wheels and telescopic handle - two large carrying handles, a shoulder strap, and two handles on sides - two spacious inside compartments with containing mesh lining - third compartment with external entrance and waterproof lining; it allows to separate this compartment from the others - external zipper pocket double closure with zipper and adjustable straps - plastic supports on the back side to protect the bag Fabric: UPPER: COATED PVC KEVLAR FABRIC - INNER: POLYESTER 100% POLYESTER Colour: 160 GREY contrast DARK GREY Accessories Code: S463071C00 Size: 33x55x25 cm TROLLEY TRIPPING Pratico trolley con maniglia telescopica, maniglione superiore e presa laterale - due spaziosi compartimenti interni separati da fodera a rete per contenimento - due tasche esterne con chiusura zip Code: S463056C00 Size: 41x9x29 cm Cartella 24 ore con vano imbottito porta pc Briefcase with protective laptop compartment Trolley with telescopic handle, one carrying handle and one handle on side - two spacious inside compartments with containing mesh lining - two external pockets with zipper Fabric: NYLON OXFORD Fabric: 100% NYLON NYLON OXFORD 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: 160 GREY 160 GREY contrast BLACK CARTELLA 24 H FREEZE Collection Size: CONTAINER BAG NEW ccessorie S463102S00 Collection Code: ccessorie Accessories 126 127 Code: S463055C00 Size: 41x30x10 cm Tracolla porta pc Laptop bag with shoulder strap Fabric: NYLON OXFORD 100% NYLON Colour: 500 BLACK 160 GREY 500 BLACK PC BAG MAXI S463054C00 Size: 32x32x64 cm SACCA KOALA Sacca con doppio fondo e tracolla Double-bottomed bag with shoulder strap Fabric: NYLON OXFORD 100% NYLON 129 Code: S463057C00 Size: 31,5x19,5x45 cm 500 BLACK ZAINO BOWY Zaino con vano imbottito porta pc Backpack with protective laptop compartment Fabric: NYLON OXFORD 100% NYLON Colour: Colour: 160 GREY Collection Code: ccessorie Accessories 128 160 GREY 500 BLACK 130 Code: S474011S00 Size: GUANTO VELA 3/4 BOX 12 pcs XS S M L XL 1 2 3 4 2 Guanto con dita 3/4, palmo in amara, polso regolabile 3/4 finger gloves, amara palm, adjustable wristband Fabric: FOURWAY NYLON/AMARA/KEVLAR/NEOPRENE Collection Stretch ccessorie Accessories Ergonomic Ergonomic Stretch 131 Code: S474010S00 Size: XS – XL Guanto con dita intere, palmo in amara, polso regolabile Long finger gloves, amara palm, adjustable wristband Fabric: FOURWAY NYLON/AMARA/KEVLAR/NEOPRENE PALM: 65% NYLON 35% POLIURETHANE - REINFORCEMENT: 60% NYLON 40% POLIURETHANE - BACK: 98% NYLON 2% LYCRA - CUFF: 100% NEOPRENE 2,5 mm Colour: 200 RED GUANTO VELA LONG Colour: 200 RED PALM: 65% NYLON 35% POLIURETHANE - REINFORCEMENT: 60% NYLON 40% POLIURETHANE - BACK: 98% NYLON 2% LYCRA - CUFF: 100% NEOPRENE 2,5 mm Code: S473003S00 Size: 36 - 48 SCARPA CODE 1 Scarpa da vela con suola tecnica a più componenti - lavorazione strobel - tomaia in nylon mesh/PU/PA - imbottitura in gommapiuma - fodera in poliestere - sottopiede in EVA passalacci in nylon - lacci in nylon - suola in EVA/TPU/gomma con battistrada canalizzato multidirezionale e antiscivolo High-performance sailing shoe with technical three component sole - construction in strobe nylon mesh/PU/PA upper - rubber foam padding - polyester lining - EVA insole - nylon laces threaders - nylon laces - EVA/TPU/rubber sole with multi-direction channels anti-slip tread Fabric: POLYURETHANE/NYLON Colour: 032 NAVY/ SILVER Collection 132 hoes sho Shoes Anti-slip Anti-slip 133 Code: S473004S00 Size: 36 - 48 SCARPA CODE 3 Scarpa da vela con suola tecnica a più componenti - lavorazione strobel - tomaia in nylon mesh/PU/PA - imbottitura in gommapiuma - fodera in poliestere - sottopiede in EVA passalacci in nylon - lacci in nylon - suola in EVA/TPU/gomma con battistrada canalizzato multidirezionale e antiscivolo High-performance sailing shoe with technical three component sole - construction in strobe nylon mesh/PU/PA upper - rubber foam padding - polyester lining - EVA insole - nylon laces threaders - nylon laces - EVA/TPU/rubber sole with multi-direction channels anti-slip tread Fabric: POLYURETHANE/NYLON Colour: 095 WHITE/ SILVER 993 GREY/ SILVER 032 NAVY/ SILVER 162 GREY/ NAVY 993 GREY/ SILVER Size: 37 - 49 NEW MATCH RACE Scarpa da vela altezza “mid” con suola tecnica - lavorazione montato - tomaia in pelle scamosciata e tessuto tecnico - imbottitura in gommapiuma e poliuretano espanso - fodera in tessuto tecnico traspirante - soletta di montaggio in feltro idrorepellente a cellule chiuse - sottopiede estraibile in lattice a cellule aperte con carboni attivi - occhielli in ottone - passalacci in nylon/ poliestere - lacci in poliestere - suola in gomma con battistrada canalizzato antiscivolo High-performance mid sailing shoes with technical sole - assembled construction - suede and technical fabric upper - rubber foam padding with poliurethane foam - breathable technical lining - water repellent closed cell Latex midsole - removable active carbon open cell Latex insole - brass eyelet - nylon lace threaders - polyester laces - rubber sole with channels anti-slip tread Fabric: LEATHER/TECHNICAL FABRIC Colour: 150 NAVY 94I ICE/ SILVER 963 TON Shoes Code: S452031S00 Size: 36 - 46 SCARPA WIND scarpa tecnica unisex adatta per tutti gli sport acquatici - lavorazione Strobel - morbida tomaia in PU/rete di Nylon - soletta di montaggio in nylon - sottopiede estraibile in Poleva suola autodrenante in gomma con battistrada antiscivolo High-performance unisex shoes suitable for all water sports - Strobel construction - soft Pu/nylon mesh upper - nylon midsolesole - Poleva removable insole - rubber drainig sole with antislip tread Fabric: PU/NYLON/RUBBER Colour: 095 WHITE/ SILVER Collection S116771S00 Anti-slip hoes sho Code: Collection 134 hoes sho Shoes Anti-slip Anti-slip 135 Code: S116641S00 Size: 35 - 46 STIVALE OCEAN Stivale ad altezza polpaccio - fodera in poliestere - sottopiede estraibile in poliuretano - suola in gomma con intaglio lamellare antiscivolo 3/4 height boot - rubber upper - polyester lining - removable polyurethane insole - rubber sole with anti-slip groove design tread Fabric: RUBBER Colour: 150 NAVY 290 YELLOW Code: S116823S00 Size: 39 - 46 SCARPA TIDAL Code: S151038S00 Size: 39 - 46 SCARPA ACORES Scarpa da barca con prese d'aria laterali e suola tecnica - lavorazione tubolare - tomaia in pelle di vitello ingrassata - fodere in pelle – sottopiede in pelle - occhielli in ottone/nichel lacci in cuoio - suola in EVA/gomma Boating shoes with lateral vents and high-performance soles – tubular construction - oiled leather upper with hand made front stitching – leather lining - leather insole - brass/nichel eyelets – leather laces - EVA/rubber sole Mocassino in morbida pelle - lavorazione tubolare - fodera in pelle – soletta in Texton sottopiede in EVA/pelle - suola in gomma con battistrada antiscivolo Fabric: LEATHER Fabric: LEATHER Colour: Colour: 150 NAVY 380 BROWN Soft leather moccasin - tubular construction - leather lining - Texon midsole - EVA/leather insole - rubber sole with anti-slip tread 150 NAVY Collection Shoes Anti-slip hoes sho Collection hoes sho Shoes 136 Anti-slip Anti-slip 137 Code: S116504S00 Size: 35 - 46 PRINCE Scarpa da barca con occhielli - lavorazione tubolare - tomaia in pelle bovina ingrassata sottopiede in EVA/pelle - occhielli in metallo galvanizzato - lacci in cuoio - suola in gomma bianca con battistrada lamellare antiscivolo Boating shoe with two eyelet - white rubber sole - tubular construction - oiled cowhide upper - EVA/leather insole - galvanized metal eyelets - leather laces - rubber sole with anti-slip groove design tread Fabric: LEATHER Colour: 380 BROWN 100 WHITE 150 NAVY 380 BROWN