Poster - Terra Search Pty Ltd
Poster - Terra Search Pty Ltd
BRILLIANT BRUMBY PROJECT Jodo Gold Pty Ltd LOLWORTH RANGE, QLD. R J Morrison Brilliant Brumby looking east to Townsville Drilling BBRC037, Silica Ridge. (Qld-Globe GoogleEarth). Introduction Jodo Gold and InterGroup Mining Ltd hold three EPMs in the Lolworth Range 95 km WSW of Charters Towers. The main group of prospects lie over 2km strike on the Brilliant Brumby Line on MLa 100008. Other prospects include the Brandy Creek, Newcrest Anomaly 1, Golden Ridge and others. The Brilliant Brumby was a very late gold discovery, not found until 1937, five years after Brandy Creek. Geological setting The Project is dominated by Middle Palaeozoic granites which intruded earlier metamorphics and volcanics. In the eastern sub-blocks the older lithologies were intruded by Permian stocks and subsequently by NW striking andesitic and NE striking dacitic dykes. Dissected Tertiary fluvial sediments and residual deposits lie on the eroded intrusive rocks both on the Lolworth Range plateau and the plains below. Ore controls Gold at the Brilliant Brumby Line and Brandy Creek is found in mesothermal quartz veins within sericitic alteration cutting the Devonian Amarra Granite. If the 382 Ma dating of the Granite is correct, the lodes are younger than at the 410 Ma Charters Towers Goldfield. The steeply dipping en-echelon structural style, and less sulphide content is also different to Charters Towers. On the Brilliant Brumby Line the lodes occur in a northerly trending sinistral shear system over 2 km long. The orientation of the lodes changes along strike highlighting the varying stress regime, with the best mineralization occurring in North and NNW striking lodes, a favourable dilational orientation at the time of mineralisation, Further north, the shear zone swings north, providing a favourable structure for the lodes at Silica Ridge. North of Silica Ridge the controlling structures separate further and the NW trending Loafer lodes were deposited. In the far northeast the Surprise lode strikes northerly. Contract Geologist Brilliant Brumby Line RC gold intersections (D Morrison). Successful exploration methods Exploration methods have included detailed geological mapping, mullock and rock chip sampling, ground magnetic surveys, stream sediment sampling, soil sampling, auger drilling and 4,633m of reverse circulation drilling. Reverse Circulation Drilling RC drilling of sub-cropping lodes was the most successful method providing intersections of potential economic interest including: Brilliant Brumby North BBRC_039 1m @ 2.2 g/t Au BBRC_039 1m @ 3.2 g/t Au BBRC_039A 1 m @ 74.9 g/t Au Silica Ridge BBRC_037 6m @ 4.6 g/t Au Mystery Lodes BBRC_036 1m @ 4.5 g/t Au BBRC_036A 2 m @ 2.7 g/t Au Brilliant Brumby: BBRC_041 1m @ 3.0 g/t Au. The work identified open pit potential at the Brilliant Brumby North, Silica Ridge confirmed that high gold grades are open at depth. Logprobability plots of estimated true width gold intersections show a log-normal distribution which enabled estimates of the mean grade of richer ore to be made. At a 1 m x g/t Au cut-off the mean gold “accumulation” is ~3.9 m x g/t Au. The potentially ore grade intersections resulted in the application for ML 100008 over the 2.4km strike length of the Brilliant Brumby Line. “Niche” rock chip sampling To identify zones of better gold mineralization along the Brilliant Brumby Line, closely spaced “niche” style rock chip samples of quartz mullock and outcrop quartz were assayed. These found high values at Brilliant Brumby North with scattered high gold also at Mystery and Silica Ridge. The other prospects were generally lower grade and less consistent. Assay results from Brandy Creek mullock show a clear Au-Ag-Pb association with the maximum assay being 15 g/t Au / 1.4% Pb. Rock chip assays from the Golden Ridge area in the east showed low gold but anomalous Ag, Bi, Mo & W indicative of possible Permo-Carboniferous mineralization. In the south, Newcrest Anomaly 1 quartz veins rock chip samples near a 60ppb Au BCL stream sediment anomaly assayed 0.7 g/t Au. Western Brumby Project EPMs & prospects (Mines Online Maps). Brilliant Brumby Line lodes looking NNE. (Digital Reflections). Map to Mine Pty Ltd Mapping and sampling at Brandy Creek. 1:1,000 Geological Fact Mapping Detailed fact mapping proved quick, cheap and effective in areas of reasonable outcrop. Along the Brilliant Brumby Line it was undertaken to assist the evaluation and resource estimation of the lodes. Mapping was also undertaken at the Worm and Brandy Creek. A standard Garmin GPS was used for survey control. Where GPS readings were not sufficiently accurate, laser rangefinder and compass survey was used from GPS fixed positions. At Brilliant Brumby the results enabled correlation of drilling results to be made on individual ore shoots establishing the northerly plunge of the Brilliant Brumby lodes. The mapping also: • defined the en-echelon lode geometry, • located the extent of previously unmapped Loafer prospects and other 1930s “lost” lodes, • established the pre-ore age of crosscutting pegmatites and andesitic dykes. • showed magnetic lows to be partly related to close-jointed granite (deeper weathering?), • verified the under-cover lode potential of the system north of Surprise, 1:1,000 fact mapping around the >1 g/t Au soil gold at the Worm located promising quartz float. The quartz however is mostly lag on the granite beneath the flat lying Tertiary cover sediments. RC drilling will be required to establish whether the gold has a local or a distal source. Unsubstantiated reports of old mines WNW of Brilliant Brumby were followed up leading to the location of the 1932 Brandy Creek workings. Geological mapping established five lodes similar to Brilliant Brumby containing six significant workings over a strike length of >400m. Brilliant Brumby Line mapped lodes on ground magnetics (Terra Search). Ground Magnetics Detailed ground magnetic surveys over the Brilliant Brumby Line and the Worm undertaken by Terra Search in 2013 targeting gold-related magnetite destruction zones defined linear magnetic lows within the granite. Overlaying the 2014 mapping on the magnetics shows that although there is some correlation with the linears, the majority are not mineralized. Some drill holes also tested magnetic lows without intersecting sericitic alteration. It is concluded that the sericitic alteration event locally reactivated older magnetite depletion structures, but elsewhere cross-cuts them. Auger drilling. Experimental shallow auger drilling at Surprise to check the potential for extensions to the lode beneath the Tertiary cover. Anomalous gold was detected on the projection of the Surprise lodes. High Pb in Ionic Leach assays suggests a masked lode to the east. Pattern (25m x 100m) shallow auger holes drilled along 400m strike of the main Worm soil gold area found that gold above detection was mainly in the vicinity of the high soil gold. The maximum assay was 0.16 g/t Au. Stream sediment sampling Conventional BCL gold stream sediment sampling was undertaken in conjunction with orientation Ionic Leach partial leach geochemistry to also obtain "pathfinder" geochemistry. BCL results gave mixed results with assays not always consistent with historical results. “New” anomalous Au was found at Anomaly 1 and upstream from Brandy Creek. Auger drilling Tertiary cover, Surprise North. Exploration Strategy The strategy is to delineate adequate gold resources at several localities sufficient to enable early commencement of profitable mining operations. Additional drilling programs are required to delineate resources at the open pit targets defined at Brilliant Brumby North and Silica Ridge. The down plunge underground mineable potential of these and the Brilliant Brumby and Surprise lodes warrant testing. Drilling to assess other targets at Brandy Creek, Pactolus, Loafer , Loafer South and beneath the Tertiary cover north of Surprise and the Worm are also required. Geological assessment, mapping and sampling of the other prospects should continue particularly at Newcest Anomaly 1, Metana Reef, Golden Spur, GSQ 386575, Worm North, Early Bird, Surprise North, Newcrest West Brumby, Python / Adder, and GSQ 320562. Undiscovered gold lodes beneath the Tertiary cover should be explored with partial leach soil geochemical surveys and auger drill geochemical assisted by resistivity surveys and ground magnetics where appropriate. References Beams S, Bates T, Markey P, & Beams T, 2014. Drilling Report, Brilliant Brumby Prospect, EPM 18419, 36 RC Drilling Program, Dec. 2013 – Jan. 2014. Terra Search Pty Ltd Document # JODO2014001, Townsville. Campbell M D, King J D, 2011. Brilliant Brumby Project: Northeast Queensland, Australia. Competent Persons Report for Brumby Group Pty Ltd. 138p. Unpublished Internal Report, 12M Associates, Houston, Texas. Duckworth R, 2014. EPM 18419 North Queensland, Annual Report for 12 Months to 9th May 2014. Map to Mine Report MTM2014-15 (Unpubl.). Morrison D, 2015. EPM 25299 ‘Spear’ North Queensland, Annual Report for 12 Months to 7th April 2015. Map to Mine Report MTM2015-14 (Unpubl.). Morrison D, 2014. Brilliant Brumby Open File Data Assessment Report. Map to Mine Report MTM2014-07 (Unpubl.). Morrison G W and Beams S D, 1995. Geological Setting and Mineralization Style of Ore Deposits of Northeast Queensland: In: Mineral Deposits of North east Queensland Geology and Geochemistry. (Ed. S D Beams), pp1-32. 17th International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, EGRU contribution 52. Purcell P W, 1988. A-P 4669M, Lolworth, Six monthly report for the period ending 26 March 1988. Elliott Exploration Co Pty Ltd for Bruce Resources. Unpublished company report CR 18243. Acknowledgements Thanks to Jodo Gold Pty Ltd and InterGroup Mining Pty Ltd Directors Walter Doyle, Kev Doyle and Steve White for permission to participate. Acknowledgements Thanks to Jodo Gold Pty Ltd InterGroup Mining Ltd and Directors Walter Doyle, Kev Doyle and Steve White for permission to participate. Contact Jim Morrison, 0438 404 886 Map to Mine Pty Ltd 22 Bell Street SOUTH TOWNSVILLE, Qld, 4810. Brilliant Brumby 1:1,000 fact mapping. Stream sediment sampling EPM25299.