Hoot May 28th Week 7 T2 - Montmorency South Primary School


Hoot May 28th Week 7 T2 - Montmorency South Primary School
TERM 2– Week 7
May 28th 2015
What’s Coming Up?
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents, Students and Friends
Wed 3
Fri 5
Tues 9
Year 4 to Arrabri Camp
House Captain & JSC Badge
Presentation at assembly
(Year 4 JSC the following
Happy Campers return
Curriculum Day
No Students
First Aid and Anaphylaxis
Wed 10
Wed 17
Division Cross Country
Bundoora Park
Region Cross Country
Bundoora Park
Thurs 18 JSC-Footy Colours Day RCH
Wed 24
Our Place in the World Expo
11.00-6 pm
Fri 26
Term 2 finishes 2.30pm
Mon 13 Term 3 commences 9.00am
Wed 29 Parent-Student Reporting
Sun 30
Fri 18
Mon 5
Mon 2
Thur 17
Fri 18
School Working Bee
Term 3 finishes
Term 4 commences 9.00am
Report Writing Day
Last day of school year for
2015 Evaluation & 2016
Planning Day for Staff
Working Bee
What a difference a weekend can make. Students left school last Friday, and
on their return on Monday, they found a whole new playground area made
out of colourful tyres. There was a play dome structure, a tyre caterpillar and
a tyre mound. They even found a down ball wall. So out of the dirt that was
there on Friday was a brand new playground area on Monday.
It was a very busy group here on Saturday who swept paths, cleaned and
stained the railings up near the gymnasium, pumped SAKG wheelbarrows’
tyres, dug holes, back filled and lugged tyres, bolted tyres together, scraped
plastic, painted playground platforms, de-cobwebbed buildings, cleaned
drains, painted tyres and tunnels, constructed tunnels, assembled sleeper
barriers, painted seats, dug trenches, constructed down ball walls, created
tyre domes, made an emergency dash to collect more tyres, donated
paint or weeded gardens.
The SAKG shed was cleaned out and garden beds weeded and sinks cleaned
out. Overall it was a sensational working bee and we are extremely thankful
for all the wonderful help we received.
A special thank you to Mel Mc Murtie and Ange Dewdney for ordering and
arranging all the equipment and supplies we needed on the day. To Cathryn
Hulme for preparing and cooking the lunch that was supplied and to the
Facilities Committee led by Phil Jones and including Ange, Mel and Sharon
Leahy and Kate Little, thank you for all your time and effort.
Of course, to the many, many parents/students who attended we cannot
thank you enough. It was a true team effort.
May 29 – June 5
Maisie Walsh
Poppy Roberts
Oliver Winnell
Liam Winnell
Emma Cartlidge
Max Bennett
Mani Backer
Ruby Simon
Tyler Allen
Jade Pirie
Rowan McIntosh
Fiona, Steve and Naomi Bruinsma
Ward Family (Lucy)
Poynter Family
Niblett/Gleeson Family (Jonah)
Christophidis Family (Eleni)
Kellow Family (Ben)
Jordon Risstrom
Lloyd Family (Hayden & Lloyd)
Barker Family (Tommy & Joe)
Ruth Wiltshire & Oscar
James Cooper, Billy & Emma
Lisa, Jake & Mia Zapulla
Sharon Hatton
Mc Murtrie Family
Tran Family (Gabriel)
Jenna Farrington
Ryan, Luke and Jarrod Leaper
Sara and James Egan
Jonathon Mitchell
Johnson-Coad Family
Adam & Sophie Bird
Tanya Weddle
Mick Smith & Callum
Tracey Cole
Heley-Leahy Family
Dique/Motschall family (Rainer & Naomi)
Owen Family (Angus & Maggie)
Leanne Sheean
John Alberti & Zac
Mark, Kate, Max and Amelia Little
Gavin Bennette and Maya
Phil Jones
Tippett Family (Hannah & Miriam)
Neil Walsh
The Dewdney Family
And to anyone else who did not get around to signing the sign in sheet
Your efforts have resulted in us building a beautiful and well-loved play space for our
students. I just wish you could have all heard the cries of delight from the children on
Monday morning.
Best Birthday Wishes
to all of the above
This week is Reconciliation Week across Australia and an important part of the annual
calendar of special weeks. To mark the occasion, we held a special Culture and
Country Day with many visiting indigenous educators and volunteers to support us.
Reconciliation literally means ‘re-establishing friendly relations’ or ‘healing old
wounds’. In practical terms, it’s about acknowledging the indigenous cultural history
and the devastating and complex relationship Indigenous Australians have had with
colonial Australia, but ultimately learning from that past as a way of reshaping the
present and making a better future for all Australians.
The children will report on it in our next newsletter but I know from walking around, feeling the excitement and overhearing
conversations, a great deal of awareness and understanding and thus learning came from the day.
Congratulations to Tara De Bondi for all her hard work, commitment and passion in organising such a successful event-our first.
And thank you to all the staff, volunteers and visitors. In 10 to 20 years’ time when the current students recall their primary
school days, it will be the events like Friday that will spring to mind. It is real learning.
Curriculum Day - Tuesday 9 June
Just a reminder, that on Tuesday 9 June, after the Queen’s birthday weekend, MSPS students are not required at school on this
Teachers will use this time for a First Aid update on CPR and anaphylaxis as well as more on the ‘Theories of Action’ good
teaching practices.
Camp Australia will run an OHSC whole day program for those students needing care. If you wish to book a place please
contact CAMP Australia offices or speak to Janelle in OHSC, prior to the day.
Microsoft Office
We have decided to participate in the Education Department’s pilot of Office 365 for the remainder of this year. The aim of the
trial is to provide evidence based research on the effectiveness, and potential benefits (and disadvantages) of cloud based ICT
systems in schools. This includes exploration of:
Effectiveness of the Office 365 services in assisting teachers and students to share content, connect, collaborate and
create with each other;
Issues related to the use of internet based cloud services, including privacy and information security; and
Potential for schools to avoid future costs of providing dedicated ICT infrastructure for curriculum use, by leveraging cloud
based services.
An evaluation report will be delivered at the conclusion of the trial, including recommended next steps. If you have any
questions relating to this matter, please contact Matt Atkins our ICT Manager.
Prep Enrolments 2016
Interest in our school is overwhelmingly strong again this year with 115 applications from parents, with the great majority in
our area or have siblings at the school. We will be contacting all applicants next week to inform them if they have been
successful or not. As stated previously, enrolment levels for 2016 will be highly sought after and in turn I encourage all families
with Preps for next year to complete enrolment procedures as soon as possible, if they have not done so.
MSPS Achievers
Congratulations to our team of cross country runners who competed in the
district cross country event last week. All of our runners performed grandly and were wonderful
ambassadors for our school.
Congratulations to Ella Skerritt, Tiah Mercuri, Cailey Noons, Indy Newey and Harry Curtis for
leading the school in singing the National Anthem at assembly on Wednesday.
Eamon Heley proudly
wears his sporting medal.
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Leanne Sheean
Getting to Know Our Year 6 Team
Hi my name is Laura Corrigan and I have been teaching at Montmorency South P.S. since 2012. I came to Australia on
a round the world trip seven and half years ago. I fell in love with all Australia has to offer, in particular Australian
Rules Football. This year I jumped from Year 2 up to Year 6 and as luck would have
it, one of the perks of that move allows me to coach the school footy team. I play
footy for Diamond Creek and Gaelic football for a St. Kilda based team along with a
few of my club mates from back home. Over the past seven years I have been lucky
enough to play in six premiership grand finals and represented Ireland on four
occasions. My proudest sporting achievement would have to be when I received the
player of the tournament award last year in the AFL International Cup. This year I
have really enjoyed getting to know the older students and the more mature
conversations we can have. I am also looking forward to our camp to Sovereign Hill
in Term 4 and of course graduation. Another bonus of moving into the senior school
is that I get to take part in the SAKG Program! On my recent Christmas trip back to
Ireland I got engaged to partner Richard (past MSPS pupil) and we have planned to
get married in Australia next March. I am really looking forward to my family and
friends coming to Australia.
Go Pies ☺
My name is Neil and I have been teaching here at MSPS since 2008. This is my third year
teaching the year 6’s in the classroom and I love getting active and heading outside to
take year 5’s and 6’s for PE. A highlight this year has been moving into the fantastic new
portable with its modern design, brand new everything and that ‘new portable’ smell.
At home I live with my partner Rebecca, my 6 year old son Zac and my gorgeous 2 year
old daughter, Princess Charlotte.
In my previous life I was a judo competitor in the Australian Team, I was a coach of a
very successful judo club in Thomastown and I also coached the Victorian Judo Team for
many years. I am delighted that Zac has taken an interest in judo and I try to find time
to get on the mat to help out at his judo club.
On the weekends I often bump into Monty South Black and White Army members at
the MCG. Perhaps I will see you there, either cheering on the Pies with me or when your
team is taking a hiding from the Mighty Maggies!
Student of the Week
Joshua Allison
Kallen Walsh
Ava Nicolson
Ashley White
Harry Doody
Amelia Little
Cailin Pritchard
Lincoln Novak
Annalies Veldman
Cameron Percy
Jake Morrow
Wilf O'Neill
Jacob Chianta
Brayden Kellam
Ben Kellow
Savannah Risstrom
Jasmine Donnini
Billy Cooper
Anthony Vadala
Ruby Alexander
Sean Mac Manus
Victoria Perizzolo
Hayley Brown
Will Routledge
Micah White
Monet Newey
For showing hope in the face of failure when doing Lego Robotics.
For working hard to complete a wonderful mini beast habitat.
For concentrating hard in class and helping friends.
For being respectful and helpful class member.
For playing fairly and completing tasks thoroughly in class.
For fantastic improvement in writing.
For excellent ideas in the daily 5.
For staying calm when trying to work out a problem and bouncing back.
For being a fantastic classroom helper
For having greater concentration in class and for improvements made in writing.
For trying his best with his writing and taking risks.
For trying his best with his writing and taking risks.
For showing an improvement in making 'good choices'. Keep it up!
For encouraging a friend to step outside his comfort zone
For writing and presenting a wonderful Mr Men story as a model for the class.
For her increased maturity, compassion and kindness shown to her friends
For being kind and helping others.
For making valuable contributions to class discussions.
For his great effort when completing addition equations and for helping a classmate with his work.
For always being generous and kind in class.
For his outstanding improvement in his reading and writing. Well done Sean!
For her hard work during reading this week. Keep up the great work!
For being a wonderful class member and always doing her Personal Best
For always trying his Personal Best and being a great class member
For putting in a great effort in reading.
For her excellent introduction in her letter to Leanne.
Val and James collect the
weekly Sports Award for Otus.
Deakin University Study (REVAMP)
Attention All Families
Earlier this term, all families should have received a survey from Deakin University asking about your
views of your local neighbourhood and your use of local parks.
If you have already completed this survey and returned it to us we thank you for your time.
If you have not completed this survey, this is a reminder to complete it as soon as possible.
We would like you to complete the survey even if you or your child do not currently visit parks or are not
highly active. You will still provide us with valuable information about your neighbourhood.
All families who complete the survey and return it to us using the reply paid envelope by 27 June will go
into a draw to win a $500 voucher.
If you have misplaced your survey, please contact Dr Jenny Veitch: revamp@deakin.edu.au or call Kate
Dullaghan on 9244 5688 and we will send you one in the mail.
We greatly appreciate your input to this important study.
Sports Colours Fundraiser
for the Royal Children's Hospital
Thursday the 18th of June
Gold coin donation
If you are having any difficulty with your Compass login please contact the office on 9439 6201.
We still have several Laptop bags to give away. If anyone is interested you
can email our ICT Technician - Matt Atkins at tech@montysouth.vic.edu.au
for information on how to get them.
Some of our very
talented year 4
students entertained
everyone at the
school assembly.
YEAR 1 Classroom Clippings
This term the Year 1 teachers have planned for their students to work on a variety of different text types. We have
worked on recounts and narratives in the first 6 weeks of term. One of our goals is to encourage the children to
publish their work to share with the rest of the class.
In the next fortnight students will be focussing on writing Procedures. Each class will write a procedure together
and then have a go at composing and writing their own. This will lead on to being a portfolio writing task before
the end of term.
To write procedures the children will learn about the elements that make up a procedure. They will need a title,
goal, list of ingredients or materials and the steps they need to make their chosen item. Year 1 has been working
on action verbs this week as this is an important part of writing a procedure.
Each week this year we have been working through our 70 written and oral codes and applying these codes to our
spelling words. To help your child with spelling here are some useful apps that can be downloaded for iPad use.
Most of them are free. They are A+ Spelling Test, Phonics Farm, Tic Tac Toe Phonics and Reading Eggs.
YEAR 2 Classroom Clippings
The students in 2C had to think of a change they would make to improve our school if there were given an
unlimited amount of money. Here are some of their ideas.
I believe we should use the money on building a playground in the bush block because we don’t have enough
room in this school for all 511 children.
Firstly we could bump into other kids and feel squashed.
Secondly it is a different environment to play in. It is also fun and interesting.
Lastly me and some of my friends are getting a bit bored of this school and want a place so much more fun.
Grace 2C
Dear Leanne,
I believe we should have a swimming pool at school. We would not have to go in the bus. If we had a pool we
could use it at lunchtime and PE lessons. Also if you finish your work early you could go for a swim. In conclusion I
believe we should have a swimming pool because we would not have to go on the bus. We could use it as a
reward at lunchtime and PE.
Your friend,
Tim 2C
This piece is so impressive; we just had to include it.
I believe the military forces save people’s lives and help damaged countries. In my opinion the military is a useful
area to help people. Do you want to feel safe?
Firstly, military forces work with the federal police to make sure earth is safe and happy.
Secondly, the military are useful for ANZAC ceremonies and presentations.
Thirdly, I think that the military is also useful for directing traffic and are fabulous in cardiac arrests.
In conclusion, the military forces are great. Let’s say that again.
Ashley 2C
YEAR 3 Classroom Clippings
3R wrote imaginative recounts about their ideal weekend. Some of the places the students went to and what they
experienced were AMAZING!
What would you do if you could do ANYTHING on the weekend? Here is what Ben Kellow and Phoenix Jewell did!
Imaginative Recount
On the weekend I flew to Brazil. My mum, my dad and my sister and I drove to the airport in a taxi. It took so long to
get to the airport, I went to sleep! We got to the airport. I woke up. I asked my mum, "How long have I been asleep?"
"47 minutes, Ben," she answered. The plane was ready to board. I was really nervous. I could already imagine what I
was going to eat, how long it would take and what I was going to do. We stood up and started to walk towards the
plane. We got on and it made a loud noise. Brrrrrrrrrrr! The plane took off and I saw buildings and amazing structures
for hours. The next day all I saw was just the plain old sea. Just 10 hours to go! We landed at Brazil. I saw people
playing volleyball on the beach, sun baking and playing beach soccer. We arrived at our hotel and it was really fancy.
It had flowers and beautiful decorations. My dad was on his computer and I decided to get my iPad out to play a
game. I played Minecraft for twenty minutes then it was 9 o'clock and time for bed. My dad woke me up in the
morning and he said we were going to the soccer. We left for the stadium at 1 o'clock and we got there at 3 o'clock.
The game started and Brazil kicked four goals in a row. Then Chile came back by kicking three goals. Then Brazil led
Chile 4-3 with 1 second to go. Brazil won! I cheered! “Woo- hoo!” I said. We went to the airport and caught a plane
home. "Wow, what a trip!" I said.
Imaginative Recount
On the weekend I went to the Gold Coast. I went to the Gold Coast on the weekend to go to the theme parks.
I got there on a plane in first class. In first class you got bunk beds, neck pillows, Coke Zero and ice cream
whenever you wanted. You also got chips and nachos with tomato sauce, sour cream and salsa whenever you
wanted too. They gave it to us on a tray with a wet towel or a hot towel if it was cold. You also got a sleeping
eye patch so you can sleep. And instead of windows and putting down the blind, you had curtains and one big
window on each side of the plane.
It took 3 hours to get there. We went straight to the theme park and realised that we had forgotten to book
a hotel. But someone overheard our conversation and said, "You can stay here for free because there is only
you and your Mum". It was the VIP person. I said to Mum, "We're lucky today aren't we".
"Yeah we are," said my Mum.
So we went to the elevator to get to our room, we went to the 16th floor and turned to the right twice, once
to the left, once to the right and then straight ahead until we got to 5 rooms. We went into the room that was
straight ahead, we opened the door and I had my eyes closed so I would be surprised at what the room would
look like. So I opened my eyes and there was a double bed, a balcony and a desk. After we unpacked we went
straight back to Wet-n-Wild and had the best holiday ever.
YEAR 4 Classroom Clippings
This week the Year 4 students have been very excited because next week we go on our camp at Arrabri
Lodge in Warburton! In class, we have been talking about what to bring and what activities we will be
doing. We've also been talking about some of the activities –the rope course, rock climbing, the flying fox,
the big swing and the yummy food. It will also be exciting to finding out who will be in each cabin and using
our torches on the night walk! We are excited to try all the activities and looking forward to watching other
people have their turn. It will be a lot of fun and it will help face your fears. We will be gone for three days
and two nights- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We have been given a note of what to bring and all the
activities we’re going to do.
By Jessica Stuart, Lachlan Macintosh and Austin Chapman
YEAR 5 Classroom Clippings
The Year 5’s look totally engaged in the
Lego Robotics activities at Quantum.
Performing Arts News
Alice in Operaland Excursion
Last Thursday on the 21st of May members of the Vocal Ensemble and 2 choir
students were given the fantastic opportunity to attend a performance of Alice in
Operaland at the Arts Centre in Melbourne. We arrived by train and all enjoyed the
ride. Once at Flinders Street Station we walked to the Arts Centre where we
walked down the red and gold stairs till we were 3 levels underground and in the
Playhouse Theatre. We were lucky enough to have seats where we could see the
amazing orchestra that played live throughout the performance.
Suddenly the show started. The lights dimmed and the room went silent, suddenly
a blue polka dotted dress emerged from the red velvet curtain accompanied by a
ginormous white rabbit. They sat themselves down on some rusty chairs with a
rusty table and drank tea from their willow-patterned teacups (yes our seats were
so good we could see the pattern on the cups). Alice exclaimed that she was bored
so the White Rabbit pulled out some magic bells from his front pocket and with the help of their imagination
transported them to Egypt. They sang a German opera song and a story was told. They travelled to many different
countries and sang songs in many different languages. They had many adventures, including having coffee with
crazy Algerians, a pond gazing session with an Indian princess, an Eiffel Tower climb with 2 Parisian lovers, danced
with Cinderella, had their hair done by a money obsessed Italian barber and helped sort out an argument between
a king with a confused heart and his Queen.
Along with the singers’ voices, we really loved the costumes, especially Cinderella's squared corset that was at
least a metre wide! Not only were the costumes fantastic, but the hand-painted backdrops were amazing too.
The music played by the orchestra fitted the scenes perfectly and the
opera alone was incredible. If there was one thing we could change about
Alice's Adventures in Operaland, it would be to lower some of the high
notes because they were so ear piercing! After the show we were able to
ask two of the opera singers questions. Sienna Fernandez from 5H asked
how long it took the performers to learn everything and they said, “Not
too long, because it gets easier the more you practise”.
After some lunch Penne gave us a tour of the Arts Centre and we saw an
eye-opening exhibition, called Theatres of War – Wartime Entertainment
and the Australian Experience. This was all about how theatre has
changed and how it has helped people get through wartime. It included
props, voice recordings, pictures, costumes and disguises, scripts, and a
TINY dress worn by Kylie Minogue at her performance in East Timor. It
was a great day!
Here are some comments from the Vocal Ensemble:
“This performance was great for both the young and old!”
Bec Brancaleone (5N)
“It was very educational because the songs were sung in lots of different
Poppy Roberts (6W)
“It was good to experience a different style of performance.”
Elana Krousoratis (6C)
Thomas Kemp (5T)
By Edie and Rosie
Performing Arts Captains, 2015
Sports news
Good luck to the following 7 students who are off to compete at the
Division Cross Country on Wednesday 10th June at Bundoora Park:1. Aaron Doyle
2. Josh Weddle
3. Callum White
4. Cailey Noons
5. Tanaya Boyne
6. Ruby Alexander
7. Adam Crick
Thank you to Mel Noons, Judith Walsh and Belinda Jones for their assistance on the day with
marshalling. Thanks also to Neil Whitehead for his tireless work on the day and to Rigby Cotterill for his
assistance on the finishing table.
We wish all students the very best for their Division event.
Last Friday we played Sherbourne Primary at Interschool Sport.
The scores are as follows:1. Football
99 - 9 a win to MSPS
2. Soccer
6 – 0 a win to MSPS
3. Girls Netball
6 - 16 a win to Sherbourne
4. Mixed netball
17-1 a win to MSPS
5. Teeball
7-14 a win to Sherbourne
6. Rounders
19 – 17 a win to MSPS
This week we are due to play Briar Hill Primary.
Soccer, netball & rounders are being played at Briar Hill Primary. Football is being played at Petrie Park
and teeball are playing a practice match against Sherbourne Primary.
6C photo bombing a
picture with the pumpkin
and chickpea salad
Have you forgotten to order your paver?
Don’t panic – the Parents and Friends Group are still accepting orders.
The pavers are not only a great way to acknowledge your presence at the school but they will make our
boat area look absolutely FANTASTIC.
Parents and Friends – Movie Night – Thursday 23rd July
Come and watch a movie in the hall with your
friends and family!
Put the date in your diaries – Thursday 23rd July Keep checking the
Hoot each week for more information…