Newsletter February 10th - Moonee Ponds Primary School
Newsletter February 10th - Moonee Ponds Primary School
NEWSLETTER 87 Wilson Street From the Principal….. Moonee Ponds 3039 Out of Hours School Care: 0459 988 001 2016 Term Dates: Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: FEBRUARY 10th, 2016 Jan 28th-March 24th April 11th-June 24th July 11th-September 18th Oct. 3rd-Dec. 20th Our first full week of school provided some interesting challenges for our school community with a large food (packed salad) recall due to salmonella and the well published school hoax phone calls. Information on salmonella is available on the Department of Health and Human Services' Better Health Channel (https:// gastroenteritis-salmonellosis ). While our school wasn’t affected by the phone call hoax it was an opportunity to ensure that we have all our emergency procedures in place in case of emergency. We practise all the different evacuation and lock down procedures every year with staff and students to ensure we are prepared for an emergency. One area that we can get better at is communicating to parents when an emergency occurs and this is done through the school app and contacting parents via phone. I urge all families to download the school application from your relevant application store to ensure you remain informed (especially in an emergency). Dates to Note: Feb 11: Foundation Info Night—6pm Feb. 15: Curriculum Day—No students Feb. 17: Yr. 1-6 Information Night Feb. 23: Parent/Teacher Interviews Mar. 20th—School Fair (Sunday) July 25 to August 5th—Intensive Swimming Program (F to Year 4) Download our FREE Moonee Ponds Primary School App now! or Register to receive the newsletter via : newsletters/ Limited hard copies of newsletter available at the office and OHSC Respect Information Nights (all year levels) The Foundation (Prep) Information night (starting at 6pm) will be held tomorrow night along with our ‘Welcome to new families supper’ at 7pm. We look forward to meeting all the new families to MPPS. We will also hold an information evening for years 1- 6 the following week on Wednesday 17th February. 6pm: Year 5/ 6- Library 6.30pm: Year 3/ 4 – Room 6 & 8 7pm: Year 1/ 2- Library During these sessions teachers will be presenting information on classroom structures & processes, curriculum, homework and other important information. We encourage parents to attend to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of the year ahead. Optimism Care Collaboration Newsletter How to access the school newsletter: Visit the school website: 1. 2.. 3. Download the Moonee Ponds Primary School application from your relevant smart phone app store (search for: Moonee Ponds Primary School) Sign up for it to be sent to your email address on the school website: Sign up for it to be sent to your email address on the school website: Swimming Sports Our 2016 school swimming sports carnival for year 1-6 students was held today. All results and information regarding the day will be included in next week’s newsletter. All the students looked to be having lots of fun participating in the events and spending the day at the pool. Parent Teacher Exchange Our parent teacher exchange will be held on Tuesday 23rd February. Information regarding this will be sent home this Friday. Please make sure you read the note as parent teacher interview times will be made through . The note will have all the information for you to log on and book times with teachers. Anyone without internet access will be able to come into school to complete the booking or leave a note indicating a time for the teacher. Please note: that with the last option we cannot guarantee your exact time request will be accommodated. This 10 minute session is the best opportunity for you to inform your child’s teacher about their learning style, strengths or weaknesses and a great opportunity to meet the teacher and discuss the year ahead. A couple of reminders again A reminder for everyone that school starts at 9am and finishes at 3.20pm. Parents please ensure your child arrives at school before 9am to maximise the beginning of the school day; this is when the day of learning is outlined and activities begin. Students can often become anxious if they are late, even on one occasion, as entering the classroom when the students and teachers have begun the day can be difficult and often interrupts the learning of others. We have a yard duty teacher on duty from 8.45am before school and from 3.20- 3.35pm in the afternoon. Again this year the teachers will be in classrooms from 8.50am if parents and/or students need to quickly clarify or discuss their child’s learning. I encourage parents to take this opportunity in the classrooms. This will ensure that traffic in and around the staffroom/office area is minimised and provides a window of opportunity for parents to see teachers. For longer discussions, teachers may recommend an appointment to discuss your child’s learning at another more suitable time. Please note that when the music plays/bell rings staff are required to begin teaching. Family Handbook The 2016 Family Handbook is now available for all parents on the parent download section of the website ( , remember the password is: mpps). This document has everything from term dates, to policies and programs, Parents Association, Code of Conduct, and other important information. I encourage you to please check it out. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Sun Smart With the hot weather nearly upon us it is important for us all to be wary of the sun and the UV rays. All students must wear hats during break times up until the end of April. We have a school sun smart policy which can be found at uploads/2013/05/MPPS-Sun-Smart-policy-2013.pdf School Council The first school council meeting of 2016 will be held on Wednesday 24th February. This is also the final meeting for our school council year (Mar- Feb). I would like to take this opportunity to thank the current council for their tireless work over the past year. All council members give up their time, to work as a cohesive group to improve the school for all our students and families. Much of this work goes unnoticed during the after school hours. On behalf of the whole school community I thank you! The new council will be welcomed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for Wednesday 24th March 2016. All council members stand for a two year period and then need to re-nominate to be eligible for another two year period if they intend to continue on school council. This means we have a nomination process and possible election to conduct over the next few weeks. There are four parent and two teacher (DET employee) vacancies that have occurred due to two year tenure periods finishing. Council Elections Message from the President "I'd like to welcome everyone back to the 2016 school year and also welcome our new students, parents, carers and teachers. There are many ways to be involved in your child's education be it volunteering with reading in class, being active in the Parents Association (PA) or becoming involved in school council. Each year members of council retire and new members are elected so there is always an opportunity to become involved. I'd encourage you to read the information below and think about nominating for school council as it is a rewarding experience." On a personal note I have been on school council for the last six years, five as President, so it’s time for me to step aside and encourage other parents to become involved in school council. I’d like to thank everyone that has been a part of school council for making it such a functional group where people have been able to provide their valuable input into the decision making process. I would also like to thank everyone that volunteers their time to the school which includes the Parents Association that has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars (yes it is that much and that’s just in the six years that I have been aware of the good work they do) through fundraising, it’s a credit to everyone involved and the school environment has significantly improved due to their substantial contribution. I look forward to my family’s last year at Moonee Ponds Primary and will miss working bees, end of year picnics, art shows, performing art concerts, fetes and council meetings. You make a new set of friends during this time in your kids life so get involved and become part of the school community”. Cheers, Sean Byrne (father of Sasha Yr. 6) Respect Optimism Care Collaboration It is now time to begin the process for filling positions on School Council for 2016. Included below is information regarding: The role of council 2016 MPPS School Council vacancies Elections What is School council and what does it do? All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within state-wide guidelines. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students. What is the function of school council? Establish the broad direction and vision of the school within the school's community Participate in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan Develop, review and update school policies Develop, review and monitor the Student Engagement Policy and the School Dress Code Raise funds for school-related purposes Approve the annual budget and monitor expenditure Maintain the school’s grounds and facilities Enter into contracts (e.g. cleaning, construction work) Report annually to the school community and to DET Generally stimulate interest in the school in the wider community Who is on the school council? For most school councils, there are three possible categories of membership: A mandated elected Parent category – more than one-third of the total members must be from this category. Department of Education and Training (DET) employees can be Parent members at their child’s school as long as they are not engaged in work at the school. A mandated elected DET employee category – members of this category may make up no more than one-third of the total membership of school council. The principal of the school is automatically one of these members. An optional Community member category – members are co-opted by a decision of the council because of their special skills, interests or experiences. DET employees are not eligible to be Community members. Generally, the term of office for all members is two years. The term of office of half the members expires each year, creating vacancies for the annual school council elections. Why is Parent membership so important? Parents on school councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. Those parents who become active on a school council find their involvement satisfying in itself and may also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging. How can you become involved? The most obvious way is to vote in the elections, which are held in Term 1 each year. However, ballots are only held if more people nominate as candidates than there are positions vacant. In view of this, you might seriously consider standing for election as a member of the school council encouraging another person to stand for election. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Do I need special experience to be on school council? No. What you do need is an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future. Council will meet a minimum of eight times a year, once of the month in the evening from 7.009.00 pm. In the past this has been the third Wednesday of each month, however this may change. Councillors are expected also to sit on one of the following committees: Finance Education Facilities Out of Hours School Care (OHSC) The Finance, Education and Facilities sub committees have a monthly meeting schedule (if necessary) and the OHSC is scheduled for one meeting per term. Further information about School Councils can be found at: 2016 MPPS School Council vacancies This year council has the following vacancies: Parent Members: 4 vacancies for a two year term DET members: 2 vacancies for a two year term Two Parents Association Community members also sit on School Council, these positions will be finalised at the Parents Association Annual General Meeting on Thursday 10th March. These are classed as ‘Community’ positions. More information regarding membership and leadership positions for our school Parents Association is included in the following pages of this newsletter. Council is calling for nominations to fill the vacancies listed above. The election timeline/process: 10th Feb: Nominations open 17th Feb: Nominations close If an election is required: 24th Feb: Ballot will be declared 3rd Mar: Voting will close at 4 p.m. 9th Mar: Election results published in newsletter 25th Mar: New Council attends the Annual General Meeting Nominations for election to the MPPS School Council are officially called today - 10th February 2016 and will close on Wednesday 17th February 4pm. Nomination forms will be available at the front office. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration General School Information Dropping off and picking up Please Note: Students may not be in the school grounds before 8:45am or after 3:35pm unless they are attending Before or After School Care. Any students in the yard beyond these times MUST be supervised by their parents. Developing resilience and independence supports student learning. To assist in this we ask parents to ensure that their child carry their own bags to and from the classroom. Students beyond prep should take their own bags to the bag rack or locker provided before school and be lined up at the designated places on the bell. Absences As attendance is compulsory, each absence must be accounted for by a phone call or note, signed by the parents, addressed to the home group teacher and sent on the first school day following the absence. For the benefit of academic and social development we encourage minimal absences. Please notify the school if your child is going to be absent. Early Leave Prep to Year 6 Students are expected to attend for the full day unless permission to leave early is requested. A “Permission to Leave Early Form” must be filled in at the General Office and taken to the class teacher. This is a safety precaution for your child/ren. Late Arrival Please ensure the teacher knows if students are late. The roll is marked electronically by the teachers each day, therefore the office doesn’t need to be notified. Bikes Students may ride bikes and scooters only to school. A bike shed is provided and locked from 9.00 – 3.20 pm each day. Rollerblades and skateboards are not permitted. Bikes and scooters must not be ridden in the school or on pedestrian crossings to ensure safety. Riding bikes/scooters in the school yard before and after school is not permitted for safety reasons. Insurance of bikes and scooters is the responsibility of parents. We strongly encourage insurance in the light of a number of schools reporting thefts. Helmets are compulsory by law of the State of Victoria. Children will not be permitted to ride bikes if they do not have helmets. Money and other Valuables Please encourage your children to leave treasured possessions at home. Teachers may look after money if requested but are not responsible for valuables which students bring to school. Care of Others Personal Belongings Students who damage or take others property or belongings will be required to repair or replace the damaged or lost article. Personal property is often brought to school by students, staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones, electronic games, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. The Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration PARENT’S ASSOCIATION MOONEE PONDS PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENT’S ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY, 10th MARCH, 2016 – 7.00 PM TO BE HELD IN THE SPORTS AND PERFORMANCE CENTRE ALL WELCOME The Parents Association consists solely of parents from the school. Its members work in partnership with the school leadership team, staff and school council to help build a strong relationship between the families and the school. The PA undertakes numerous social and fundraising events during the year and relies on the generosity of all families to make these happen. Funds raised are used for the educational and recreational needs as identified on a year-to-year basis. All positions are declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting and shall be open to any financial members of the Association. President: Co-ordinates, delegates, is the representative of the group at various functions, has experience in the school, chairs meetings, lets other opinions be heard, ready point of reference for all parents, to be accessible, to liaise with Principal and School Council President. Vice President: Supports the President, steps into Chair meetings as needed. Organises guest speakers etc, ensures room availability for each meeting, and also records information regarding meetings, after minutes have been distributed. Maintains the database of volunteers. Treasurer: Receives and receipts all money. Reconciles bank statements to income and expenditure each month, has a written report at all monthly meetings, ensures auditing is carried out, seeks approval for all expenditure at meetings, organises floats for activities run by the association, with an assistant counts and records all money from activities. Secretary: Receives and records all incoming mail, writes and records all outgoing mail. In consultation with President writes agenda for meetings and distributes to all members one week before the meeting. Records into the minute book all information that transpires from meetings. Types and distributes min-utes to all members within 2 weeks of meeting. Keeps records of action points. Advertises the AGM as necessary and ensures all information is forwarded to the Department and School Principal in relation to the Annual General Meeting. Maintain a register of financial members and their addresses, and provides an attendance book for members to sign at each meeting. Representative on School Council: School Council invites the Parent Association to nominate a member to fill a position on the School Council. The Parents Association shall elect a member, other than an employee of the Department of Education and Training at the school as the Parent Association nominees. They will be responsible for furnishing the Association with a report of School Council proceedings and for conveying decisions of the Association meetings to School Council. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration PARENT’S ASSOCIATION A strong PA is an important avenue for promoting a welcoming and community minded school and we ask that you become involved by volunteering for a committee position to enable MPPS to further improve and grow with your child. Please take the time to think about becoming part of the Parents Association. This is a wonderful opportunity to make a positive and rewarding contribution to your child’s school experience. Contact the PA: Please note that the current parents in the roles of President, Vice President and Secretary will be stepping down . ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please fill in the form below and return it to the office in an envelope marked : Parents’ Association AGM by Friday 4th of March. PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION OFFICE BEARERS – SELF NOMINATION FORM 2016 I wish to nominate for the position of: (please circle) President / Vice-President / Secretary / Treasurer / Representative on School Council Name: …………………..……………….………………………..… Phone: ……….……..………….. Signature: …………………..……………….…………………….. Date: ……….…………..……….. Email…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Fundraising schedule 2016 TERM 1 (9 WEEKS) JANUARY 28TH – MARCH 24 TH EVENT Icy poles Fun fair NO END OF TERM LUNCH DATE ALL TERM Sunday March 20th TERM 2 (11 WEEKS) APRIL 11TH –JUNE 24TH EVENT 3/4 cake stall Mother’s day stall 5/6 cake stall Whole School kids disco DATE Thursday April 28th Friday May 6th Wednesday May 25th Friday June 17th End of term lunch Friday June 24th TERM 3 (10 WEEKS) JULY 11TH – SEPTEMBER 16TH EVENT 1/2 cake stall (1/2 A, C, D) Trivia night Father’s day stall End of term lunch DATE Thursday August 18th Date TBC Friday September 2nd Friday September 16th TERM 4 (12 WEEKS) OCTOBER 3RD- DECEMBER 20TH EVENT Icy poles Prep cake stall 1/2 cake stall (1/2 B, E, F) Snow cone day End of Year celebration DATE ALL TERM Thursday October 27th Thursday November 10th Wednesday November 23rd Thursday December 8th Email * Dates are subject to change depending on other school events Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Parent Information Evening Wednesday 17th February Year 5/6 – 6:00pm in the Library Year 3/4 – 6:30pm in Rooms 6-8 (Candice’s and Dave’s rooms) Year 1/2 – 7:00pm in the Library Congratulations to you and your child on a wonderful start to school! An information night will be held next week to give you some more information and answer any questions that you may have about the year ahead at Moonee Ponds Primary School. Items discussed include communication between home and school, organisational details, camps and excursions, key dates, teaching and learning, the use of blogs and ICT, and for years 5/6 students, the transition process to high school. Teachers and parents will meet as stated above. We encourage all parents to attend. Please fill out the form below if you plan to come along and return it to your child’s classroom teacher. In preparation for the night, classroom teachers have placed a course handbook onto each of their classroom/year level blogs. This may answer many of your questions. Links to the class blog can be found on the school website in communication: http:// Handbooks will also be saved on the school website in parent downloads. MPPS Teaching Team I/we ____________________________________ will be attending the Parent Information Night on Wednesday 17th February : Year 5/6 – 6:00pm in the Library Year 3/4 – 6:30pm in Rooms 6-8 (Candice’s and Dave’s rooms) Year 1/2 – 7:00pm in the Library (Please tick) My child’s name is ___________________________________ and their class is ___________ Number of people attending _____________ Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration NEWS FROM THE ART DEPARTMENT VISUAL ARTS Hello and welcome to The Arts Department for 2016. The years 3-6 students have been busy getting started on some fantastic art projects in the visual arts room focusing on Visual Diaries and what these are. We have discussed how artists use them as well as begun working on some personalised front covers. Interactive Art Station An interactive art station is being set up at the top of the stairs next to the library door. This art station is going to show case artwork by artists from our school, famous artist displays as well as take home art and craft activities for the students to complete. These displays will change frequently so pop over and have a look. The first activity is a Valentines Day card making craft. The instructions can be collected from the table on Friday of this week. Art Smocks This term year 3-6 students have begun to work on a range of art pieces that are a bit on the messy side. We do have a class set of art smocks in the artroom but most of these are very small and have seen better days. I have been encouraging students to bring in an old shirt or smock from home that they can use each week. Please assist your child to find a smock to use in art. Junk Collection Thanks you to all parents and students who have donated to the art department. I am always on the look out for unwanted junk that can be turned into art or any wanted craft items that are not being used. PERFORMING ARTS The year foundation to year 2 students have enjoyed playing with a range of performing arts tools like instruments, costumes and dancing implements as we have working on categorising items under different performing arts topics and playing a range of fun drama games. Blog Site Follow along with The Arts Department on our blog spot to be kept up to date with everything that is happening in the classroom. The Arts Department blog site: Respect Optimism Care Collaboration ROCC STAR 04/02/2016 CLASS ROCC STAR REASON Foundation A Melanie Foundation B Nicole Foundation C Leigh 1/2 A Madelyn 1/2 B Isabel 1/2 C Senada 1/2 D Jenny 1/2 E Jess Maeve Darwin Holthu- For showing respect to her teacher and classmates by beyzen ing an outstanding listener. Luke Leventis For showing respect when listening on the floor quietly. Matilda Therhaag For collaborating extremely well with students he does not know. For being a caring friends in the classroom. 1/2F Alice Giorgio Roubos For being a team player in the classroom, helping others. 3/4 A Andrea 3/4 B David 3/4 C Candice Flynn Alphey For competently leading an amazingly corroborative group For being a caring and kind classmate. Heidi Golden For setting into the school year well and demonstrating respect in the classroom to other students and teachers. 5/6A Jude Lara Inanir For showing optimism in a new school setting. 5/6 B Lee 5/6 C Antony Sasha Byrne Italian Nancy Aaliyah Malik 3/4B For her optimistic and supportive approach to the start of the year. For your enthusiastic and optimistic attitude you have brought to your new start at MPPS. For her positive attitude to learning. Brava! PE Jodi Hannah Ristig 00B Rhys Valentine For showing ‘a have a go’ attitude Liv Talko For being a respectful and caring member of the classroom. For showing respectful listening and helping others to listen. For his respectful attitude towards his peers and teachers. Thomas Murton Aman Gulam Noah Hogan Nikita Bartol Carah Long Respect For being a ROCC star in PE! Optimism Care Collaboration LEARNING STAR 04/02/2016 CLASS LEARNING STAR REASON Foundation A Melanie Foundation B Nicole Foundation C Leigh 1/2 A Madelyn 1/2 B Isabel 1/2 C Senada 1/2 D Jenny 1/2E Jess 1/2F Alice 3/4 A Andrea 3/4 C Candice Nicholas Fagliarone Theo Wu For stretching out words and having a go at writing. Well done! For having a go at writing, thinking about the sounds and letters she knows. For showing great counting skills Gianni Vittorino For completing his work to the best of his ability. Michaela Xenoyiannakis Isla Smith For concentrating very well during learning activities and for making interesting word choices in her writing. For showing interest and enthusiasm when learning new skills. For working hard to complete all her activities and taking care to do her best at all times. For having a go when trying to spell tricky words. 3/4 B David 5/6 A Jude 5/6 B Lee 5/6C Antony Italian Nancy James Barnard PE Jodi Brooklyn Crook 1/2D Avery Hutchinson Anna Dona-Doni Cleo GJurovski Jennifer Haydon Estella Richardson Hamish Cutler For showing enthusiasm throughout the week and working hard in reading sessions to understand different reading strategies. For working hard on developing his writers heart. Trent Lovatt Brynn Valentine Tiana Sasik Thanishq Parachuri 1/2A Respect For a great start to the year, fabulous listening and hard work. For outstanding work showing her knowledge of time. For using mathematical language when explaining and describing mathematical equipment. For her courage in overcoming her reluctance towards presenting her work in front of the class. For the mature and hardworking attitude you have brought to your new start at MPPS. For his attentive listening in Italian. Bravo! For being a learning star in PE! Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration ****Craft Stall **** More items are needed for our craft stall! We welcome ANY handmade item and encourage everyone to have a go at putting something together for the stall. Don’t leave it to the “crafty” types, have a go yourself! The more we receive, the more money we’ll make for the school. You may have something in mind or perhaps you need some inspiration? Here are some ideas: Women’s or girls’ jewellery, Easter baskets, Easter hats, pencil cases, kids’ dress ups items, keyrings, hair ties, art/craft kits for kids, handmade toys, magnets, playdoh kits, handmade cards, candles, soap, clothes, bookmarks, pencil toppers, finger puppets, bath salts/ bombs, wizard/fairy wands, knitted items, headbands, other Easter-related items, badges, or do an online search for ideas! Please pass on your items to Tracey Talko ( or 0417340179), or place in them in the tubs outside the Multi-Purpose Room. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Do you have a fruit tree in your backyard or know someone who does? It’s not too late to donate some preserves to the Preserve Stall. Contact Linda Bradac at Respect Optimism Care Collaboration SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS—FUN FAIR 2016 The silent auction team has started contacting businesses and we have already secured some prizes for the fun fair. But we need your help if you have a business, know a business or have a friend with a business that may be interested in donating to our fun fair we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at Re-gift!! Think about unopened Christmas or birthday presents that are currently taking up space in your cupboards. Items that you know you will never use, or perhaps you have one already. You could donate them to the Silent Auction. Some examples – digital photo frames, DVDs, kitchen appliances, toys, books, giftcards to shops you don’t visit, jewellery, cookbooks, handbags..... anything! Again, even if the item is small, we can combine it with other items and create a great prize or hamper. DONATIONS CAN BE LEFT IN THE DESIGNATED BOX IN THE OFFICE FOYER. Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Raffle Tickets Dear Parents / Caregivers In only 5 weeks’ time, Sunday 20th March, our fun Fair will be upon us. For this day we have an exciting and fantastic Raffle to be drawn on the day at 2:30pm. On Friday, each family will be sent home one book of Raffle Tickets to sell. Each book consists of 25 tickets. The tickets are only $2.00 each, which will make them very easy to sell! The total value of the raffle book is $50.00. The Raffle Tickets will go home with the eldest child of each family. The prizes are sensational: 1st prize: 2 Nights’ Accommodation at your choice of Art Series Hotel's – The Olsen, The Cullen, The Blackman, The Schaller, The Watson, The Larwill in a Deluxe Suite. Includes Daily Breakfast for 2 people and car parking. Valued at $1100 2nd prize: Go Pro Hero4 Silver Valued at $600 3rd prize: Valued at $180 Fit Bit Charge Ticket stubs and money are due back no later than Monday 14th March 2016 *Need to be in it to win it, so don’t forget to get them in Please return the ticket stubs and money in the envelope provided so we are able to cross you off against our records as paid and/or returned. Feel free to grab additional books from the office to sell. If you have any queries, please contact Heidi Griggs ph: 0407 528 477 Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Blind Wine All families are asked to donate a bottle of wine for the Blind Wine Stall at the upcoming fete. Bottles will be wrapped and sold for $10 as an adult “lucky dip”. Please make your donations directly to the office. Thank you! Spanakopita Stall Evelyn Kosmas, mum of Mietta Vampatella in Grade 5, will be running the Spanakopita stall this year. If you’d like to donate a tray of fresh baked spanakopita to the stall she’d love to hear from you. Contact Evelyn at FETE NEWSLETTER A detailed new sletter regarding all that you need to know about the Fete will be handed out to students later this w eek —keep an eye out for it! Respect Optimism Care Collaboration Chess-Ed. Chess Education Manager: Nick Speck Email: ABN: 45 801 319 770 Tel/Fax: (03) 9387 4503 Website: Moonee Ponds Primary School Chess Club – Term 1, 2016 Chess is one of the most powerful educational tools available to strengthen a child’s mind. Most 6-7 year olds can follow the basic rules and some children as young as 4 or 5 can play. Whatever a child’s age, chess can enhance concentration, patience and perseverance as well as develop creativity, intuition and memory. Most importantly, children can develop the ability to analyse and deduce from a set of general principles, to make tough decisions and to solve problems flexibly. The chess classes will continue to take the children through a structured chess course with the dual aim of achieving the maximal educational benefits the game offers and providing an enjoyable learning environment. If your child would like to participate in the Chess Club during Term 1 please fill out the form below and return it to the office before the end of Week 2. Class numbers are limited to 25. Enrolments will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. When: Thursday Lunchtimes 1:30 – 2:20pm There will be 7 classes in Term 1. Chess club will be on Feb 11th, Feb 18th, Feb 25th, Mar 3rd, Mar 10th, Mar 17th and Mar 24th. Where: Library Cost: $56.00 (includes chess materials) per child for Term 1. Please make any cheques payable to ‘Moonee Ponds Primary School’ and give to the office. Enquiries: Please feel free to contact Nick on (03) 9387 4503, 0402 33 9600, or via email at MPPS contact: Rebecca McMahon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moonee Ponds Primary School: Chess Club Enrolment Form – Term 1, 2016 Name:____________________________________________________ Grade:____________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ Postcode:_________________________ Phone:__________________________ Email: ________________________________________________ PLEASE USE THE OPTIONS BELOW TO INDICATE YOUR METHOD OF PAYMENT: I enclose CASH o or CHEQUE o to the value of $ for MPPS CHESS CLUB NAME OF STUDENT/S: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALTERNATIVELY: PLEASE CHARGE THE AMOUNT OF $ TO MY: MASTERCARD My full card number is: VISA FOR THE: MPPS CHESS CLUB (Name of Excursion/Camp) (Please circle one option and provide details below) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Valid from: _ _ _ _ (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Expiry date: Cardholder’s Name: Address: Postcode: Daytime Telephone Number: ( ) Cardholders Signature___________________________________________________________________________ Respect Optimism Care Collaboration WALKING SCHOOL BUS NEWS The Walking School Bus™ is a fun, safe and active way for primary school children to travel to and from school. The bus operates with a volunteer ‘driver’ at the front of the group and a volunteer ‘conductor’ who supervises from the rear. The bus travels along a set route, which is safety-audited by council and picks up passenger along the way. The passengers are the children. Each WSB Driver undergoes a police check, short training session and will be registered as a Moonee Valley Council volunteer. The success of the program relies on the assistance of volunteers, so if you have a free hour one morning or afternoon a week to walk with a group of children to or from school we would like to hear from you!! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or would like your child(ren) to become a WSB “passenger”… Contact WSB Coordinators: Holly Vitale, on 0424 256 239 or Sarah Jeremiah, on 0418 524 126 Info packs available at the school office window (and will also be available on the school website shortly) ! Respect Optimism Care Collaboration TERM 1, 2016 CALENDAR MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 Newsletter School Swim Sports Foundation Info Night—6pm Welcome Evening February 17 February 18 Assembly 3pm—SPC February 19 February 25 February 26 February 15 February 16 Newsletter Information Night Year 1-6 Curriculum Day Student Free February 23 February 24 Parent / Teacher Interviews School Council February 29 March 1 March 2 March 3 March 4 Assembly 3pm—SPC Summer Sports Gala March 7 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 11 Divisional Swim Trials Summer Sports Gala March 14 March 15 March 16 February 22 District Tennis Trials March 17 March 18 Assembly 3pm—SPC Student Photos March 21 March 22 March 23 March 24 School X Country School Council Assembly 3pm—SPC AGM End of Term 1 Students dismissed at 2.20pm March 25 Good Friday A reminder that next Monday, 15th February is a Curriculum Day and it is a Student Free Day Respect Optimism Care Collaboration