National Board of Directors National Staff Karen Heslep, Chair Kelly Wilkerson FBLA Adviser Warren Township High School kwilkerson@wths.net North Central Region ADMINISTRATION Jean M. Buckley President and CEO ceo@fbla.org Lisa Weeks, Chair-elect FBLA-PBL Division Presidents Elena R. Daly Executive Assistant to President eassistant@fbla.org PBL Adviser Arkansas State University Mountain Home kheslep@asumh.edu Southern Region FBLA-PBL State Adviser Alabama State Department of Education lweeks@alsde.edu Southern Region Elizabeth A. Garofalo FBLA Adviser Canastota High School egarofalo@canastotacsd.org Eastern Region Lee C. Marcoux FBLA State Director Connecticut State Department of Education lee.marcoux@ct.gov Eastern Region Shea Padilla FBLA-PBL State Chair Arizona Department of Education shea.padilla@azed.gov Western Region Piera Palazzolo Dale Carnegie Training piera.palazzolo@dalecarnegie.com Business & Industry Representative José Espinel FBLA National President fblapres@fbla.org Georgia Becky Grant, CMP Programs Coordinator programscoordinator@fbla.org Karthik Krishnan Mary Ait Staff Accountant finance@fbla.org PBL National President pblpres@fbla.org Maryland Blake Reynolds Colin Murphy Customer Service Associate general@fbla.org Ex-Officio Members MEMBERSHIP Troy D. White Director, Marketing & Membership marketing@fbla.org Professional Division National President pdpres@fbla.org Massachusetts Ted L. Harshbarger, Past Chair PBL Adviser Peru State College tharshbarger@peru.edu Mountain Plains Region Jean M. Buckley FBLA-PBL President and CEO ceo@fbla.org PBL Adviser Colorado Mesa University dparman@coloradomesa.edu Mountain Plains Region Josie Luptak FBLA National Secretary Harrison High School (IN) fblasec@fbla.org Ashtyn Rottinghaus FBLA National Treasurer Wellsville High School (KS) fblatres@fbla.org Vanessa Ting FBLA National Parliamentarian Parsippany Hills High School (NJ) fblaparl@fbla.org Ashley Witherspoon Customer Service/Database Associate custserv@fbla.org Robert Smothers Conference Manager conferencemgr@fbla.org 2015–16 FBLA National Officer Team FBLA National President Pope High School (GA) fblapres@fbla.org Tom Payne, CPA Director, PBL College/University Relations phibetalambda@fbla.org CONFERENCE Richard Bowen Conference Director conferencedir@fbla.org Deb Parman José Espinel Lisa Smothers Membership Director membershipdir@fbla.org Hirsh Sisodia FBLA Eastern Region Vice President Souderton Area High School (PA) fblaervp@fbla.org Keaton Erickson FBLA Mountain Plains Region Vice President Carrington Area High School (ND) fblampvp@fbla.org Nicolas Ferguson FBLA North Central Region Vice President Turpin High School (OH) fblancvp@fbla.org Alexis Crane FBLA Southern Region Vice President Saraland High School (AL) fblasrvp@fbla.org EDUCATION Carla Boulton Education Director education@fbla.org Stephen Lock Education Associate education2@fbla.org COMMUNICATIONS Laura Morgan Communications Manager communications@fbla.org FBLA-PBL 1912 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1591 P 703.860.3334 F 866.500.5610 fbla-pbl.org Grace Ramstad FBLA Western Region Vice President Centennial High School (OR) fblawrvp@fbla.org Tomorrow’s Business Leader Summer 2015 Volume 46, Issue 1 (ISSN 0279-9685). Published quarterly (summer, fall, winter, and spring) by Future Business Leaders of AmericaPhi Beta Lambda, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Herndon, VA and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.25 of the national dues pays for a one-year subscription. Editorial and advertising sales offices at FBLA-PBL, 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591 703.860.3334. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tomorrow’s Business Leader, 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591. Materials may be reprinted with prior permission of the editor. Editorial submissions are encouraged and should be addressed to the editor. All FBLA-PBL publications use the Chicago Manual of Style. Publisher: Jean M. Buckley. Editor: Laura Morgan A2 Calendar of Events OCTOBER 5 HowTheMarketWorks, free Stock Market Challenge begins 7 Webinar: CONNECT at the NFLCs 9 NFLC—Omaha, NE early bird registration deadline 16 NFLC—Charleston, SC early bird registration deadline 19 LifeSmarts competition begins #NLC2015 Winners 3 FBLA-Middle Level Winners 13 Virtual Business Finance Challenge begins (10 a.m. ET) Virtual Business Management Competition begins (10 a.m. ET) 20 Membership deadline for fall publications and chapter/state membership awards at NFLCs 20 Super Sweeps ends 23 NFLC—Baltimore, MD early bird registration deadline Business Achievement Awards NOVEMBER 1–30 Prematurity Awareness Month 1 Non-stop November begins 6–7 NFLC—Omaha, NE 13 Tomorrow’s Business Leader—Winter issue copy deadline LifeSmarts competition ends Virtual Business Finance Challenge ends (5 p.m. ET) Virtual Business Management Competition ends (5 p.m. ET) 13–14 NFLC—Charleston, SC 15 American Enterprise Day 17 March of Dimes World Prematurity Day 19–22 ACTE Convention—New Orleans, LA 20 HowTheMarketWorks, free Stock Market Challenge ends 20–21 NFLC—Baltimore, MD @FBLA_National 19 1 President’s Message 2 Meet Your 2015–16 National Officers 3–11 FBLA NLC Competitive Event Winners Thank You, National Sponsors! 12 13–14 FBLA-Middle Level Competitive Event Winners 15 National Recognition 16 National Fundraisers 17 Use BAA to Earn Member Recognition 18 BAA America Level Recipients 19–20 National Sponsors & Partners Back CONNECT at the NFLCs FutureBusinessLeaders fbla_pbl youtube.com/fblapblinc President’s Message by FBLA National President José Espinel Members and advisers, I precede my first message to you with some well-deserved praise. Congratulations to all of our national winners and competitors at the 2015 National Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois! Your personal endeavors and the support of our wonderful advisers, resulted in our highest attendance at an NLC yet: a number upwards of 11,000. This is not just a statistic, this is a momentous accomplishment for our organization, and for business education in the United States and abroad. Each member who endeavors to compete and achieve; who expands his or her education in the hopes of a prosperous future; who sacrifices time, talent, and energy to teach business skills to others, is directly contributing to the continuance of the economic liberties and stability that allow FBLA to exist today. I am a first-generation American, a believer in the marriage of business and education, and, most importantly, a member of FBLA, who like many of you, has reaped the immense benefits of the programs we provide. To build upon the successes of our past programs and expand in exciting new directions, your national officer team has developed an ambitious program of work that offers unique opportunities for you to advance your education and network with our 250,000+ members. I urge you to take advantage of all programs we offer (competitive events, BAA, and CSA to name a few), and I challenge you to invite your friends to join us as we begin this new year. Together, we can connect to provide all who seek to advance their business education a means by which to do so. José Espinel FBLA National President fblapres@fbla.org FBLANatPres @FBLAPresident 1 Tomorrow’s Business Leader MEET YOUR 2015–16 FBLA NATIONAL OFFICERS FBLA National President José Espinel FBLA National Secretary Josie Luptak FBLA National Treasurer Ashtyn Rottinghaus Pope H.S. (GA) Harrison H.S. (IN) Wellsville H.S. (KS) FBLA Involvement: 4 yrs FBLA Involvement: 4 yrs FBLA Involvement: 5 yrs Hobbies: Civil Air Patrol & entrepreneurial activities Hobbies: acting & playing clarinet Hobbies: sports & community service fblapres@fbla.org fblasec@fbla.org fblatres@fbla.org FBLA National Parliamentarian Vanessa Ting FBLA Eastern Region Vice President Hirsh Sisodia FBLA Mountain Plains Region Vice President Keaton Erickson Parsippany Hills H.S. (NJ) Souderton Area H.S. (PA) Carrington H.S. (ND) FBLA Involvement: 3 yrs FBLA Involvement: 4 yrs FBLA Involvement: 3 yrs Hobbies: volunteering at local nonprofit Hobbies: a capella singing, golfing, & learning about business Hobbies: community service, speech, & theatre fblaparl@fbla.org fblampvp@fbla.org fblaervp@fbla.org FBLA North Central Region Vice President Nicolas Ferguson FBLA Southern Region Vice President Alexis Crane FBLA Western Region Vice President Grace Ramstad Turpin H.S. (OH) Saraland H.S. (AL) Centennial H.S. (OR) FBLA Involvement: 3 yrs FBLA Involvement: 4 yrs FBLA Involvement: 3 yrs Hobbies: playing bassoon & conducting marching band Hobbies: swimming, soccer, & LEO Club Hobbies: traveling, playing sports, & robotics fblancvp@fbla.org fblasrvp@fbla.org fblawrvp@fbla.org Summer 2015 2 FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS 3-D Animation American Enterprise Project sponsored by Champlain College sponsored by Praxis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Elizabeth Bryant, Mark Cooper, & Rileigh Grunden—Cole Camp H.S. (MO) Kevin Chang & Rojan Rijal—Valencia H.S. (CA) Chris Lucas & Erin O’Neal—Milton H.S. (GA) Afreen Madhani & Armeen Pirali—Hightower H.S. (TX) Shiv Patel & Drake Tylka—Wauconda H.S. (IL) Tom Fadelsak—Abington Senior H.S. (PA) Evan Karabas—Big Foot H.S. (WI) Shveta Thakkar & Sneha Thakkar—Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy (IL) 9. Micah Madison—Tuscaloosa Career & Technology Academy (AL) 10. Jacob Hoppe & Adam Opichka—Hartford Union H.S. (WI) Accounting I sponsored by KPMG LLP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Abbey Murphy—Crestwood H.S. (PA) Alan Shenkerman—Marlboro H.S. (NJ) Glen Mills—Denham Springs H.S. (LA) Kevin You—Adlai E. Stevenson H.S. (IL) Sophie Hur—Chattahoochee H.S. (GA) Alex Chen—Valley Center H.S. (KS) Jolana Chan—Westmoor H.S. (CA) Caitlyn Aune—Columbia-Burbank H.S. (WA) Peter Jang—Chattahoochee H.S. (GA) Nicholas Roby—Madison Memorial H.S. (WI) AccountingII sponsored by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Banking and Financial Systems sponsored by Visa Inc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Trevor Koger, Catie Theiler, & Kami Timm—Arlington H.S. (NE) Heechan (Harry) Han & Jaehyun Han—Hillcrest H.S. (UT) Eric Le & Jacob Shiers—Lincoln Southwest H.S. (NE) Robert Marchibroda, Nicholas Phan, & Austin Southern—Robinson Secondary School (VA) Arvin Ng, Prashant Pokhriyal, & Ronald Zhang—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Emily Cai, Emily Gao, & Jonathan Mendelson—Homestead H.S. (CA) Jorge Halvas & Daivi Patel—Cherokee Trail H.S. (CO) Willy Arnold, Joe Austin, & Nathan Markwood—Lake George Junior-Senior H.S. (NY) Geneva Oke & Sam McVay—Alpharetta H.S. & Chattahoochee H.S. (GA) Megan Oliver & Dhruv Patel—Tattnall Co. H.S. (GA) Business Calculations sponsored by Friends of the Association 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Andrew Fu—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Dane Mauland—West Bend-East/West H.S. (WI) Nityam Rathi—Hillcrest H.S. (UT) Cooper Lair—Little Rock Christian Academy (AR) Travis Liu—Unionville H.S. (PA) Gunnar Fredrickson—Marathon H.S. (WI) Frank Wang—Fremont H.S. (CA) Andrew Meadows—Clay County H.S. (TN) Michael Enright—Lincoln-Way East H.S. (IL) Joseph Schulte—Mehlville Senior H.S. (MO) Agribusiness Business Communication sponsored by Friends of the Association sponsored by SunTrust Bank, Inc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3 Ty Brdar—South Park H.S. (PA) Devon Meyer—Alamosa H.S. (CO) Colton Siebert—Heartland Community School (NE) Neil Sharma—Homestead H.S. (CA) Daniel Weiland—Coral Reef Senior H.S. (FL) Tristan Porter—Canton R-V H.S. (MO) Tyler Baker—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Melissa Nguyen—Chattahoochee H.S. (GA) Luke Jaffe—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Ellen Lettenberger—Waukesha South H.S. (WI) 1. Nidhi Bangari, Jehannaz Dastoor, & Isabel Lin—Cupertino H.S. (CA) 2. Melody Lindorf, Christopher Pearson, & Nicholas Stark—Hidden Valley H.S. (OR) 3. Davis Heck, Emily Holmes, & Lexi Meyer—Wauconda H.S. (IL) 4. Sabina Anand, Brandon Chen, & Andrew Li—Homestead H.S. (CA) 5. Elanny Lago—Mater Academy Charter H.S. (FL) 6. Aliyah Davis, Sierra Jackson, & Breanna Richardson—Shaw H.S. (GA) 7. Zachary Bell, Mei Brennan, & Zachary McGarry—Northridge H.S. (UT) 8. Emily Baker & Savannah Roberson—Castlewood H.S. (VA) 9. Pranav Ganapathy & Kunal Pathade—Centennial H.S. (MD) 10. Kyle Adams & Andrew Carroll—Pompton Lakes H.S. (NJ) Jeremy Xue—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Olivia Richart—North East H.S. (MD) Flint Corliss—Stratton H.S. (CO) Stevie Duncan—Waldron H.S. (AR) David Gallagher—Homestead H.S. (CA) Johannes Lee—Homestead H.S. (CA) Melanie Meyers—Eau Claire Memorial H.S. (WI) Rebecca Rodell—Francis Howell H.S. (MO) Sean Gohlke—Milton H.S. (WI) Cole Madray—Wayne County H.S. (GA) Tomorrow’s Business Leader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Holly Stallard—Richland County H.S. (IL) Orunima Chakraborti—Blue Valley North H.S. (KS) Elysia Ouyang—University H.S. (CA) Vinitra Swamy—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Moriah Longhurst—Freeman H.S. (WA) Caanan Harris—Belmont School (MS) Crystalina Guo—Montgomery H.S. (NJ) Matt Feggeler—Christiansburg H.S. (VA) Kathleen Capella—Notre Dame H.S. (PA) Kaitlyn Holzer—Green Bay East H.S. (WI) FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Business Ethics Business Math sponsored by Tom-Wat Fundraising sponsored by Ozark Delight Candy Company 1. Paige Alloway, Rebecca Fortner, & Colton Hunt—Odessa H.S. (WA) 2. Aparajitha Adiraju, Ashwini Deshpande, & Pavani Pandravada—Vernon Hills H.S. (IL) 3. Ryan Chae & Anna Matsubara—International Community School (WA) 4. Alana Fierce & Caroline Riedl—Blessed Trinity Catholic (GA) 5. Lauren Gaudet, Avery Porrier, & Ceili Rassier—Sacred Heart Catholic H.S. (MS) 6. Jessica Devitt & Kennedy Pawell—Lemont H.S. (IL) 7. Timber Erisman, Whitney Hutcherson, & Kaylee Schmidli—Crest Ridge H.S. (MO) 8. Dev Thakkar & Tej Thakkar—Livingston H.S. (NJ) 9. Jonas Beachy & Christopher Pearson—Hidden Valley H.S. (OR) 10. Omkar Konaraddi & Rishub Nahar—Urbana H.S. (MD) Business Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Divya Bade—Phillips Exeter Academy (NH) Kevin Xiang—Livingston H.S. (NJ) Richard Colwell—Medford Senior H.S. (WI) Thomas Kolman—Columbus H.S. (WI) Derek Boekelheide—Northwestern School District (SD) Malcolm Byron—Fuquay-Varina H.S. (NC) Brian Hu—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Bryce Tayengco—Mason County Career Center (WV) Joey VonFeldt—Rocky Ford H.S. (CO) Linda Mao—Freedom H.S. (PA) sponsored by Wesleyan College 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Business Financial Plan sponsored by H&R Block Mikayla Ciesil, Dom Mues, & Catherine Petralia—Wauconda H.S. (IL) Olivia Gartz & Leila Terzic—Marvin Ridge H.S. (NC) Katie DeWulf, Stacia Lesser, & Tyler Paris—Odessa H.S. (WA) Sarah Dilorio & Yuji Sugimoto—Union County Vocational (NJ) Reece Block, Colton Persha, & Matthew Sukovich—Oconomowoc Senior H.S. (WI) Hewlett Cody & Hewlett Tyson—Bear River H.S. (UT) Erika Arce & Grace Ramstad—Centennial H.S. (OR) Andie Mali & Jeremy Pelligrino—Toms River H.S.-South (NJ) Reagan Brakebush, Emily Narel, & Cecilia Shortreed—Portage H.S. (WI) Quincy Dougherty, Deborah Mendez, & Tina Nguyen—Palm Beach Gardens Community H.S. (FL) Business Presentation 1. Andy Alfonso & Julissa Ortega—Mater Academy Charter H.S. (FL) 2. Aarti Shah, Kai Kan, & Japheth Yeung—Homestead H.S. (CA) 3. Matthew Calligaro, William Chae, & Avi Soval—International Community School (WA) 4. Rani Mavram & Kenny Yuan—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) 5. Alexis Burdick, Zoe Clark, & Jenna Shafer—Odessa H.S. (WA) 6. Jaylee Baker, Aubrey Burns, & Madison Rounkles—Gallatin H.S. (MO) 7. Bret Pinter & Cara Shipley—Southside H.S. (AR) 8. Arjun Lahoti & Nisarg Shah—Johns Creek H.S. (GA) 9. Lauryn Masters—Platte County H.S. (MO) 10. Pranav Ranganathan, Shubhankar Sachdev, & Chanpreet Singh— Downingtown STEM Academy (PA) sponsored by The Howe School at Stevens Institute of Technology Business Law Business Procedures sponsored by Cornell University sponsored by Northwood University 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Irene Fu—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Shaunak Modak—Homestead H.S. (CA) Eric Wang—Great Valley H.S. (PA) Andrew Ge—Wissahickon H.S. (PA) Joshua Craven—Central H.S.-Phenix City (AL) Linnea Zintman—Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Yixuan Jiu—Marriotts Ridge H.S. (MD) Evan Mastes—Platte County H.S. (MO) Albert Yu—Montgomery H.S. (NJ) Cheyenne Powell—Marshall County H.S. (KY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jeremiah Adeola, Arsheen Hamirani, & D’nai Thomas—Brookwood H.S. (GA) Julie Kasunic—Knoch H.S. (PA) Rebecca Cockroft, Danielle Genovese, & Angela Wang—Homestead H.S. (CA) Tori Clausen, Sam Hennings, & Claire Vanness—Wausa H.S. (NE) Kendra Alberts—Johnson-Brock H.S. (NE) Aaron Abai & Eyob Abai—Chatfield Senior H.S. (CO) Maggie Green & Jared Sexton—Hart County H.S. (KY) Keith Hudock, Benjamin Oswald, & Regan Plaza—Hazleton Area H.S. (PA) Yuti Gandhi & Sana Malik—Pompton Lakes H.S. (NJ) Dundrik Davis, Jasmine McGaughy, & Celisha Rollen—Hamilton H.S. (TN) Nicole Smina—Westhill H.S. (CT) Annabelle Williams—Downingtown STEM Academy (PA) Hong Nguyen—Alief Kerr H.S. (TX) Connor Leden—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Gary Wang—Inglemoor H.S. (WA) Daniel Boaitey—Brookwood H.S. (GA) Joseph Ng—Henry M. Gunn H.S. (CA) Clio Sun—Seven Lakes H.S. (TX) Dalton Chu—Minisink Valley Central High (NY) Darshan Kalola—Deptford Township H.S. (NJ) Summer 2015 4 FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Client Service Computer Problem Solving sponsored by KPMG LLP sponsored by Junior Tours 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Kierra Grayson—Battery Creek H.S. (SC) Mia Manto—Towns County H.S. (GA) Leah Kemple—Crest Ridge H.S. (MO) Hannah McNeal—La Center H.S. (WA) Karisa Caraballo—Fife H.S. (WA) Emily Seratch—MMI Preparatory School (PA) Xin Yi Chen—Inglemoor H.S. (WA) Cana Curtis—Sherando H.S. (VA) Jasmine Till—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Sarah Ryan—Chestnut Ridge H.S. (PA) Community Service Project sponsored by Ms. Corporate American Organization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Gavin Ng & Josh Seides—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Dom Mues & Chris Nachman—Wauconda H.S. (IL) Hannah Goh, Jacob Jiao, & Edward Li—Homestead H.S. (CA) Brittany Fulmer & Emily Richey—Paris H.S. (AR) Jaya Black-Lazo, Katherine Haley, & Sylvia Marr—Hidden Valley H.S. (OR) Evan Boutelle & Dhara Shukla—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Carlie Kilcup & Addy Paris—Fife H.S. (WA) Chloe Meyers, Kelly Minard, & Lauren Sanford—Pompton Lakes H.S. (NJ) Erin Calloway, Miles Lloyd, & Jacqueline Phillips—North Augusta H.S. (SC) Cassidy Cook, Morgan Donnohue, & Taylor Fischer—Appleton City R-II H.S. (MO) Computer Applications sponsored by PITSCO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jerry Zhao—North Penn H.S. (PA) Hunter Mason—Saratoga H.S. (WY) Nikhil Sethi—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Rachel Tomas—Fossil Ridge H.S. (CO) Ashley Abrahamson—Towns County H.S. (GA) Brandon Baumer—Briar Woods H.S. (VA) Justin VanEssendelft—Evans H.S. (GA) Robert Nay—Maple Mountain H.S. (UT) Danielle Williams—Craigmont H.S. (TN) Nathan Cain—Bauxite H.S. (AR) Computer Game & Simulation Programming sponsored by The Arts Institutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5 Rohan Raina, Jeffrey Zhang, & Bennett Zhu—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Brian Strobel—Asotin H.S. (WA) Affan Hussain, Peter Sergyeyenko, & Josh Talley—Dulaney Senior H.S. (MD) Vinay Janardhanam, John Revels, & Jordan Tollefson—Portage H.S. (WI) Dustin Halsey, Bryce Rochester, & Colin Van Winkle—John Pitman H.S. (CA) Jacob Beesecker, Brandon NeCollins, & Clayton Vesperman—Lancaster H.S. (WI) Hao Chen, Alyssa Deng, & Kyle Wong—Troy H.S. (CA) Harsh Choudhary—Downingtown H.S. East Campus (PA) Ricky Cushing, Chris Cygnus, & Raphael Rouvinov—Mundelein H.S. (IL) Thien Le & Steven Patrick—McAuley Catholic H.S. (MO) Tomorrow’s Business Leader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Benjamin Simon—Middleton H.S. (FL) Ryan Baker—Central Valley H.S. (WA) Gregory Schloemer—Berea Community H.S. (KY) Austin Wall—Twin Rivers R-10 H.S. (MO) Erik Ellison—Forest Park Senior H.S. (VA) Philip Vitus—American Heritage H.S. (FL) Richard Liu—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Simon Deng—Homestead H.S. (CA) Douglas Schumacher—Medford Senior H.S. (WI) Christopher Droney—Lehigh Career & Technical Inst. (PA) Cyber Security sponsored by CareerSafe® Online 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Anthony Olive—Palm Beach Central H.S. (FL) Samuel Godfrey Hendrix—Oconee County H.S. (GA) Xufei Tan—Unionville H.S. (PA) Emily Cai—Mira Loma H.S. (CA) Jordan Hart—Middleton H.S. (FL) Joe Grassl—East Valley H.S. (WA) Noah Harris—Advanced Technology Center H.S. (VA) Jakub Kupsik—Upland H.S. (CA) Christopher Nolan—Rome H.S. (GA) Erik Zhao—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Database Design & Applications sponsored by Oracle Academy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nicholas McConnell—Towns County H.S. (GA) Elizabeth Cox—Hilmar H.S. (CA) Caprial Grow—Centennial H.S. (AZ) Chelsea Powell—Crowley County H.S. (CO) Joe Riddle—Cheney H.S. (WA) Neyasa King—Mary Persons H.S. (GA) Mac Frederick—Cheney H.S. (WA) Arnab Dey—John P. Stevens H.S. (NJ) Terri Pickering—Riverbend H.S. (VA) Prateek Mahajan—Seven Lakes H.S. (TX) Desktop Application Programming sponsored by Country Meats 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. David Berdik—Shaler Area H.S. (PA) Manu Poruthoor—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Avinash Perera—Lakewood Senior H.S. (FL) Sudarshan Gopalakrishnan—Obra D. Tompkins H.S. (TX) Aditya Patibandla—Northview H.S. (GA) Anuj Bhravabhotla—Northview H.S. (GA) Paul Kuntz—Cumberland Regional H.S. (NJ) Ryan Vandersmith—Rock Canyon H.S. (CO) Garrett Luskey—Ripon Senior H.S. (WI) Dean Justiniano—Lakewood Senior H.S. (FL) FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Desktop Publishing Economics sponsored by DormCo.com sponsored by MBA Research and Curriculum Center Digital Design & Promotion Electronic Career Portfolio sponsored by Krispy Kreme Fundraising sponsored by Chegg Inc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Eileen Gao & David Truong—Homestead H.S. (CA) Kayla Combs & Khris Snowden—Lee County Area Technology Center (KY) Alison Mahoney & Wendy Zheng—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Mark Morud—Scappoose H.S. (OR) Brooke Collier & Kyle White—Salisbury H.S. (MO) Avni Ahuja & Cecilia Gonzalez—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Valeria Aguilar & Jacqueline Rodriguez—Canutillo H.S. (TX) Brady Hartog—Hillcrest H.S. (UT) Claire Kuenne & Makenna Wallin—Chase County H.S. (NE) McKenna Fosdick & Vanessa Freeman—Centennial H.S. (AZ) Michelle Su & Eric Wong—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Leah Lock, Nancy Zhou, & James Zhuang—Homestead H.S. (CA) Connor Hill & Kailey White—Osceola Fundamental H.S. (FL) Carly DeLucia & Yufei Nie—Woodinville H.S. (WA) Madeline Grunin & Sophia Gruninv—Valley Stream Central High (NY) Chase Cabre, Jay Hirapara, & Kate Villanueva—Armwood H.S. (FL) Wade Hodges & Chase Lyons—Beech Senior H.S. (TN) Jahnea Pressley—Central Dauphin East H.S. (PA) Carli King & Torie Shultz—Sullivan County H.S. (PA) Hannah Frier & Madeline Ruotsi—Warren Township H.S. (IL) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vivian Li—Mira Loma H.S. (CA) James Wang—South County Secondary School (VA) Asad Hussain—Troy H.S. (CA) Andrew Uderian—Victoria Park Collegiate Institute (ON) Vikas Rajasekaran—Briar Woods H.S. (VA) Mitchell Murphy—St. Joseph’s H.S. (IN) Maaz Muhammad—Victoria Park Collegiate Institute (ON) Olivia Watkins—Upland H.S. (CA) Charles Ely—Oldham County Senior High (KY) Serena Jiang—North Penn H.S. (PA) Austin Chow—Westmoor H.S. (CA) Pamela Zarybnicky—Hanover H.S. (KS) Teresa Xiao—Carbondale Community H.S. (IL) Anne Monte—Wallenpaupack Area H.S. (PA) Lauren James—Buckeye H.S. (LA) Chelsea Cowart—Herington H.S. (KS) Lydia Zhong—Los Osos H.S. (CA) Deanna Upchurch—Watertown H.S. (TN) Kayla Steffens—Englewood Senior H.S. (CO) Kaylee Sheppard—Pangburn H.S. (AR) Digital Video Production Emerging Business Issues sponsored by PDC Productions sponsored by American Management Association 1. Isabel Arias & Alyanna Felix—Monroe-Woodbury Senior H.S. (NY) 2. Aarthi Ganapathi, Alina Liokumovich, & Isha Saraf—International Community School (WA) 3. Vinh Dang & Ninh Lam—Egg Harbor Township H.S. (NJ) 4. Deepak Daroch & Austin Noffke—Peshtigo H.S. (WI) 5. Aron Jones, Zachary Mills, & David Young—Southwestern H.S. (KY) 6. Zach Bias & Sydney Ford—Creekside H.S. (FL) 7. Ryan Bowman, Brianna Koener, & Jacob Lee—Centennial H.S. (AZ) 8. Mia Vereb—Knoch H.S. (PA) 9. Savannah Bedillion, Furkan Memon, & Jonathan Moreno—Osceola Fundamental H.S. (FL) 10. Edwin Eliosa & Daniel Gomez—Metro Tech H.S.-VIP (AZ) E-business sponsored by STEM Premier 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Micala Nitz—Fife H.S. (WA) Lashawn Couey—Polk County H.S. (TN) Alexandra Harrington—Huntingtown H.S. (MD) Julie Liu & Vennela Pothugunta—Cinco Ranch H.S. (TX) Andrew Huag, Derek Wei, & Kiana Wong—Hazen H.S. (WA) Harrison Gibbs, Justin Kwak, & Ethan Pope—McIntosh H.S. (GA) Sherry Luo, Varun Tandon, & Eun Se Yim—Homestead H.S. (CA) Sameer Ahmed, Kiran Kunigiri, & Bhaveshkumar Manivannan—Cupertino H.S. (CA) 9. Ellen Pao, Adarsh Patel, & Rodrigo Toledo—Meadowcreek H.S. (GA) 10. Ramya Gopalakrishnan & Monik Walters—Valley Stream Central High (NY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Michael Kokkines, Oliver Leung, & Derek Zhang—Vernon Hills H.S. (IL) Dominic Bozzo & Jordan Luntz—Knoch H.S. (PA) Krissy Bell, Allison Penner, & Alex Schneider—Aurora H.S. (NE) Bryan Plowdrey & Alex Warner—Larry A. Ryle H.S. (KY) Justin Gaither & Aakash Malhotra—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Megan Diehl, Hannah Miller, & Toshia Rush—Chestnut Ridge H.S. (PA) Daphne Cheung & Jacqueline Dang—Gabrielino H.S. (CA) Gabby Ator, Kyra Schell, & Ali Stahr—Hazleton Area H.S. (PA) Natalie Elwood, Marissa Scholting, & Naomi Snyder—Elmwood-Murdock H.S. (NE) 10. Austin Jang, Stephanie Jansson, & Amanda McDermott—Union H.S. (WA) Entrepreneurship sponsored by NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nathan Lee, Michael McDonald, & Cedric Nixon—Homestead H.S. (CA) Connor McGill, Joshua Turano, & Carter White—Westerly H.S. (RI) Grant Dean, Samuel Gold, & Francis Kratcoski—Libertyville H.S. (IL) Divyesh Gutta, Charlie Comea, & Jeff Hooks—Alpharetta H.S., Johns Creek H.S., & Riverwood International Charter School (GA) Evan Chuss & Nathaniel Treichler—Northampton Area Senior H.S. (PA) Syed Mehdi Husaini & Jay Vaingankar—Hightstown H.S. (NJ) Adam Gergetz, Maria Jasen, & Elizabeth Williams—West Bend-East/West H.S. (WI) Matthew Pulcine, Zach Reader, & Ryan Zile—Francis Howell H.S. (MO) Dharma Naidu, Andrew Sun, & Brian Zhong—Cupertino H.S. (CA) William Campbell, Elias Jardell, & Taylor Walenczyk—Kickapoo H.S. (MO) Summer 2015 6 FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS FBLA Principles & Procedures Help Desk sponsored by Friends of the Association sponsored by Alabama FBLA & Illinois FBLA Future Business Leader Hospitality Management sponsored by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-College of Business sponsored by Johnson & Wales University 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Munkh-Orgil Munkhbaatar—Mira Loma H.S. (CA) Yousuf Husain—Centennial H.S. (CA) Marina Chan—C. Leon King H.S. (FL) Andy Pogue—Clinton H.S. (MO) Aliya Shabbir—International Community School (WA) Marin Murdock—Herriman H.S. (UT) Kirthi Dronamraju—Seven Lakes H.S. (TX) Meghana Pothugunta—Cinco Ranch H.S. (TX) Memory Light—Hoxie H.S. (AR) Tyler Wong—Walnut H.S. (CA) Apurva Gundaria—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Brenna Backemeyer—Elmwood-Murdock H.S. (NE) Vamshi Adimulam—Monroe-Woodbury Senior H.S. (NY) Kathy Liu—West H.S. (UT) Jacqueline Phillips—North Augusta H.S. (SC) Bethany Williams—Freeman H.S. (WA) Cameron Leahy—Fort Zumwalt South H.S. (MO) Samantha Teten—Johnson-Brock H.S. (NE) Ariel Carr—Centennial H.S. (AZ) Taylor Thomas—Indiana Area Senior H.S. (PA) Global Business sponsored by University of Utah - Eccles Business Scholars 1. Hana Kim, Sophia Meng, & Amit Pasupathy—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) 2. Jessica Chen, Rie Ohta, & Yannik Omictin—Homestead H.S. (CA) 3. Kaylen Dailey, Joshua Granaada, & Jordan Todhunter—Woodinville H.S. (WA) 4. Topher Ahrens, Patrick Tan, & Chase Youngman—Douglas County H.S. (CO) 5. Nikolas Lazar, Bhavik Nagda, & James Rao—Newton South H.S. (MA) 6. Chelsea Johnson, Mayank Makwana, & Robert Pirovitz—Wissahickon H.S. (PA) 7. Amol Patadia, Neel Shah, & Allen Oommen—Bartow Senior H.S. & Lakeland Collegiate H.S. (FL) 8. Seth Gunnelson, Justin Luo, & Matthew Murray—Germantown H.S. (WI) 9. Jay Lee, Pranav Parthasarathy, & Anish Sangari—Monta Vista H.S. (CA) 10. Yasheen Gao, Shelley Ling, & Mira Uchil—Johns Creek H.S. (GA) Health Care Administration sponsored by Life University 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7 Steven Li—Mira Loma H.S. (CA) Nick Santangelo—Marriotts Ridge H.S. (MD) Samuel Cai—Northview H.S. (GA) Alice Tang—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Layton Webber—Tualatin H.S. (OR) Simran Rahman—Hightower H.S. (TX) Pranitha Pothuri—Stroudsburg H.S. (PA) Keshav Shah—C. Leon King H.S. (FL) Julia Wang—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Jacob McCormack—Conway H.S. (AR) Tomorrow’s Business Leader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. James Lu—Hershey H.S. (PA) Christopher Kites—Heritage H.S. (WA) Oz Bejerano—Union County Vocational (NJ) Liam Spencer—Eastern H.S. (KY) Ryan Donatacci—Pequannock Township High (NJ) Jack McCarthy—Francis Howell H.S. (MO) Matthew VerVelde—Oconto Falls H.S. (WI) Nicole Bridges—Thomson H.S. (GA) Kyle Taylor—Mid Ohio Valley Technical Institute (WV) Alex Ramirez—Centennial H.S. (CA) Joanna Guo & Lisa Ha—Bayview Secondary School (ON) Ann Chen & Angel Huang—Victoria Park Collegiate Institute (ON) Alison Ng, Kimberly Perdue—Woodinville H.S. (WA) Ellie Klarl & Jacob Reynolds—Sandy Creek H.S. (GA) Yoohyun Choi, Naomi Jung, & Austin Song—Homestead H.S. (CA) Zachary Durden, Robert Lalo, & Nasier Vazquez—Metter H.S., North Springs Charter H.S., & Valdosta H.S. (GA) Justin Eckes, Nick Favre, & Ethan Rathbun—Southside H.S. (AR) Jessica Fuchs, Emily Jiang, & Alexandra Sasse—Reno H.S. (NV) Nisha Kashyap, Amanda Yang, & Roxanne Farhan—Brookwood H.S. & Johns Creek H.S. (GA) Devon Hoyle & Christian Mallatere—Mitchell H.S. (NC) Impromptu Speaking sponsored by Dardis Academy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Diana Kruzman—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Parth Patel—Huntley H.S. (IL) Katherine Renick—Murray H.S. (KY) Kailey Nieman—Seymour H.S. (TN) Ankita Shroff—Northview H.S. (GA) Cidney Fisk—Delta H.S. (CO) Maggie Poost—Wyalusing Valley H.S. (PA) Tania Contreras—Monett H.S. (MO) Raven Apigo—Inglemoor H.S. (WA) Frankie Seratch—Hazleton Area H.S. (PA) FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Insurance & Risk Management Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure sponsored by The Griffith Insurance Education Foundation sponsored by Tennessee FBLA Introduction to Business Job Interview sponsored by KPMG LLP sponsored by Long Island University (LIU) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Andy Jin—Westlake H.S. (CA) Eric Wolf—Stroudsburg H.S. (PA) Joey Hwang—Homestead H.S. (CA) Tian Ye—Westlake H.S. (CA) Samuel Rosales—Combs H.S. (AZ) Junhyung Shim—Cherry Creek H.S. (CO) Thorne Lindsey—Allegany H.S. (MD) Ann Postolowski—Larry A. Ryle H.S. (KY) Jason Hu—Livingston H.S. (MN) Ciara Gibbs—Zachary H.S. (LA) Kyongyun Chung—Northview H.S. (GA) Rachel Hildebrand—Homestead H.S. (CA) Siddhartha Vemuri—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) William Howlett—John Burroughs School (MO) Rohan Chalasani—Fox Chapel Area H.S. (PA) Carson Hamel—Lakewood Senior H.S. (FL) Brian Chen—Walnut H.S. (CA) Samyukt Kannurpatti—Garnet Valley H.S. (PA) Benjamin Anderson-Krim—Newton South H.S. (MA) Walker Orr—Prosser H.S. (WA) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jeffery Gao—Athens H.S. (PA) Sally Kim—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Adam Ng—Walnut H.S. (CA) Vineeth Voruganti—Downingtown STEM Academy (PA) Shruthi Kondinv—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Keerthana Mohan—South Forsyth H.S. (GA) Mohan Dodda—Bentonville H.S. (AR) Aaron Thompson—Hart County H.S. (KY) Tyler Hess—Broad Run H.S. (VA) Allan Wu—Troy H.S. (CA) Simi Shah—Peachtree Ridge H.S. (GA) Jamar McCain—Strom Thurmond Career Center (SC) Nathan Linklater—Okanogan H.S. (WA) Ryan Truitt—Lexington School (AL) Maya Patel—Freedom H.S. (FL) Elisabeth Doody—Moorpark H.S. (CA) Heidi Tremaine—Oconomowoc Senior H.S. (WI) David Flores—Thomas W. Harvey H.S. (OH) Shelby Howard—Thomas County Central High (GA) Caitlyn Hartung—Chapman H.S. (KS) Introduction to Business Communication LifeSmarts sponsored by API sponsored by National Consumers League 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cherie Chu—Walnut H.S. (CA) Anastasia Dmitrienko—Blue Valley North H.S. (KS) Sakshi Sehgal—Chamblee H.S. (GA) Cynthia Lu—Walnut H.S. (CA) Daniel Egitto—Vanguard H.S. (FL) Elizabeth Weiland—Claysburg-Kimmel H.S. (PA) Neha Chauhan—Rock Canyon H.S. (CO) Sadie VanderWal—Northwestern School District (SD) Tommy O’Brien—Wauconda H.S. (IL) Denisse Cordova—MacArthur H.S. (TX) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Allen Luo & Shoya Yoshida—Cranbrook Kingswood Schools (MI) Joshua Hollis & Michael Seaman—Simsbury H.S. (CT) Graydon Brewer & Micah Pacot—Ellicott H.S. (CO) Scott Hornung & Jean-Claire Perini—Fort Zumwalt South H.S. (MO) Peggy Xu & Adela Yang—Homestead H.S. (CA) Steven Pham & Jason Tedjakusnadi—Los Osos H.S. (CA) Sophia Lee & Yelim Lee—Fox Chapel Area H.S. (PA) Evan Lewis & Aaron Pennock—West Carteret H.S. (NC) Ian McKee & Scott Trull—Brookwood H.S. (AL) Leanna Eik & Kendra Kendall—Cheney H.S. (WA) Introduction to Information Technology Local Chapter Annual Business Report sponsored by National Technical Honor Society sponsored by Men’s Wearhouse Group 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Shawn Simon—Strawberry Crest H.S. (FL) Sairanjith Thalanki—Westlake H.S. (CA) Nathan Leung—Wissahickon H.S. (PA) Vidish Gupta—Calabasas H.S. (CA) Trey Shaw—Crystal City H.S. (MO) Carter Ross—Hoover H.S. (AL) Kian Attari—South Lakes H.S. (VA) Michael Koohang—Houston County H.S. (GA) Elizabeth Shelton—Virginia H.S. (VA) Jonathan Meade—Rock Canyon H.S. (CO) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wellsville H.S. (KS) Mater Academy Charter H.S. (FL) Westmoor H.S. (CA) Elmwood-Murdock H.S. (NE) Odessa H.S. (WA) Sylacauga H.S. (AL) Rock Hills H.S.-Mankato (KS) Robinson Secondary School (VA) Clymer Central H.S. (NY) Live Oak H.S. (CA) Summer 2015 8 FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Management Decision Making Microsoft Office Excel Certification sponsored by Better World Collective sponsored by Certiport 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Matt Lupo & Matt Thurman—Pewaukee H.S. (WI) Aurum Kathuria, Sunaya Krishnapura, & Gloria Zhao—Monta Vista H.S. (CA) Johnny Kohlbeck, Jason Leurquin, & Diane Xue—Germantown H.S. (WI) Devin McMahon & Courtney Newcomb—Pinkerton Academy (NH) Will Gross, Jagar Haack, & Braden Hollinger—Pleasant Ridge H.S. (KS) Edward Li, Odette Wang, & Erik Yang—Homestead H.S. (CA) Anne Coyne, Cathy Lucchi, & Maria Lucchi—Selinsgrove Area H.S. (PA) Adam Averell, Kyle McHugh, & Nicholas Osmond—North Hills H.S. (PA) Ojus Jain & Alicia Zeng—Lincoln East H.S. (NE) Blake Bracht, Bradie Schmidt, & Natalie Schmidt—Arlington H.S. (NE) Management Information Systems sponsored by Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM) 1. Mason Blanke, Trent Morgan, & Wyatt Weston—Robinson Secondary School (VA) 2. Smeet Madhani & Avi Minocha—Texas FBLA Virtual Chapter (TX) 3. Daniel Li, Marcus Plutowski, & Abhishek Sharma—Monta Vista H.S. (CA) 4. Joy Hsu, Brian Japari, & Aayush Patel—Oxford Academy (CA) 5. Xianghe Li, Cyrus Miremadi, & Alexander Yang—Homestead H.S. (CA) 6. Brandon Chung & Matthew Monjarrez—Coral Gables H.S. (FL) 7. Trevor Bates & Dylan Zumar—Cherokee Trail H.S. (CO) 8. Garrison Castor, Levi Dial, & Cameron Hoelscher—Blair Oaks H.S. (MO) 9. Rachel Rooks & Christina Smith—Carrollton H.S. & Westside H.S. (GA) 10. Sean Li, Anuj Modi, & Mykhalo Petrovskyy—Union County Vocational (NJ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Kassi Edwards—Chapel Hill H.S. (TX) Thomas Lin—Shaw H.S. (GA) Colton Dotson—Cheney H.S. (WA) Dalton Stephany—Bellevue H.S. (IA) Yamini Bangarusamy—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Travis Dean—Stanley H.S. (ND) Joe Najar—Canutillo H.S. (TX) Natalie Cervantes-Navarrete—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Thomaneka Redd—S. S. Murphy H.S. (AL) Noah Burns—Hoover H.S. (AL) Microsoft Word Certification sponsored by Certiport 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ashley Masters—Kalama H.S. (WA) Morgan VanRiper—Kalama H.S. (WA) Jordan Renner—Bellevue H.S. (IA) Mitch Lawrence—Cheney H.S. (WA) Zeke Sweeney—Kingman H.S. (AZ) Madison McCellon—Breckinridge County Area Technology Center (KY) Joanna Song—Buchholz H.S. (FL) Dhruv Singh—Hoover H.S. (AL) Kathryn Radaj—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Marketing Network Design sponsored by Mercer University Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics sponsored by College Works Painting 1. Brad Jamiolkowski, Chris Selwood, & Andrew Wissinger—Fox Chapel Area H.S. (PA) 2. Jasmine Liu & Linda Zhang—Paul Laurence Dunbar High (KY) 3. Angelina Choi, Claudia Gaither, & Trisha Hariani—Cedar Shoals H.S. (GA) 4. Hannah Kruse, Lindsey Nixon, & Kayla Watson—New Haven H.S. (MO) 5. Kristin Graves, Mariana Matias, & Kevin Tian—Alpharetta H.S. & Brookwood H.S. (GA) 6. Shrey Agarwal, Evan Ellis, & Keerthi Premkanth—Strawberry Crest H.S. (FL) 7. Kate Francois, Grant Neighbor, & Ethan Sperfslage—Alburnett H.S. (IA) 8. Kevin Chen, Mindy Huang, & Alvin Li—Walnut H.S. (CA) 9. Donnielle Gray, John Graves, & Sahas Mehta—Milton H.S., Sonoraville H.S., & South Forsyth H.S. (GA) 10. Wes Ong & Talha Tahir—Victoria Park Collegiate Institute (ON) Mobile Application Development sponsored by Popcorn Palace 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Alex Santarelli—Central York H.S. (PA) Andrew Katz—Mamaroneck H.S. (NY) Nick Luebbering & Colin Stimson—Green Forest H.S. (AR) Saran Mumick & Tyler Wu—Union County Vocational (NJ) Ritwik Dixit, Soham Pardeshi, & Joshua Zhou—Homestead H.S. (CA) Suraj Masand & Katherine Nelson—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Michael Deng, Lexi Schneider, & Martin Schneider—Upper Dublin Senior High (PA) 8. Edmon Adams—Westside H.S. (NE) 9. Eddie Atter & Bryce Michaud—Big Horn H.S. (WY) 10. Gregory Cheng & Ishan Narula—International Community School (WA) 9 Tomorrow’s Business Leader 1. Nate Brown, Zach Brown, & Josh Jones—Bellevue East H.S. (NE) 2. Kevin Goff & Christian Guerrero—Alpharetta H.S. (GA) 3. Dennis Bleier & Kyle Carretto—Batavia Information Technology Academy (NY) 4. Tyler Birn, Zach Carrano, & Louis Diorio—Red Bank Regional H.S. (NJ) 5. Zachary Adams & Jason Wu—Peachtree Ridge H.S. (GA) 6. Scott Cahill, Derek Yang, & Robert Zhang—Homestead H.S. (CA) 7. Eric Lee, Bryce Rockwell, & John Tuley—Advanced Technology Center H.S. (VA) 8. Joe Tortorello & Mark Young—Lutheran H.S. South (MO) 9. Handa Chun & Shayan Siahpoushan—Mount Hebron H.S. (MD) 10. Devin Duren, Thomas Kinman, & Austin Shroder—Grand Island Senior High (NE) Networking Concepts sponsored by Conover Company 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Hunter Jozwiak—Advanced Technology Center H.S. (VA) Brandon Walter—Hanks H.S. (TX) Justin Becker—Cherokee H.S. (NJ) Stephen Polcyn—Fox Chapel Area H.S. (PA) Neal Metcalf—North Technical H.S. (MO) Brian Hurst—Greenway H.S. (AZ) Scott Plunkett—Montrose R-XIV School (MO) Andrew Afflitto—Pequannock Township High (NJ) Kyler Nelson—Manti H.S. (UT) Ben Praeger—Dacula H.S. (GA) FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Parliamentary Procedure Public Service Announcement sponsored by Schermer Pecans sponsored by My College Options 1. Heather Bentley, Mia Kegley, Riley Knust, & Cody McCain—Amherst Public School, Kearney H.S., & Tri-County H.S. (NE) 2. Megan Anderson, Kianna Claar, Rachel Dikum, Skylee Palicka, & Austin Taylor—Chestnut Ridge H.S. (PA) 3. Megan Dukes, Gabriel Herbst, Kirsten Orshal, & Brooke Rees—Athens H.S. (PA) 4. Kaylie Butler, Amy Pence, Whitley Puckett, Gavin Terry, & Robin Wilson— Hart County H.S. (KY) 5. Ha Eun Kim, Erin Liu, Helen Rhee, Natalie Tarn, & Yvonne Yang—Homestead H.S. (CA) 6. Kayla Bolduc, Joseph Clauss, Alaina Lengner, Timothy Lescinski, & Matthew Russo—Western Wayne H.S. (PA) 7. Robin Marshall, Shubhangi Mehra, Keelan Sinha, & Brian Suk—Williamsville East H.S. (NY) 8. Seonghyun Cho, Dhruvi Patel, Himani Patel, Jasmine Trinh, & Brandon Byrd—Brunswick H.S., Metter H.S. (GA) 9. Bhushan Balagar, Seko Li, Priyanka Sujan, & Mingjie Zhong—Monta Vista H.S. (CA) 10. Ben Baker, Matthew Runyon, Faith Stallard, & Molly Walker—Richland County H.S. (IL) Partnership with Business Project sponsored by Friends of the Association 1. Katie Andrews, Jesanna Williams, & Charlotte Yates—Pompton Lakes H.S. (NJ) 2. Tori Broers, Ashtyn Rottinghaus, & Hailey Watson—Wellsville H.S. (KS) 3. Madeline Hall, Paige Nelson, & Cristian Perdomo—Bellevue West H.S. (NE) 4. Brad Johnston, Elizabeth Larson, & Chance Messer—Odessa H.S. (WA) 5. Madison Hale & Tara Hansen—Platte County H.S. (MO) 6. Danielle Collett, Shaunak Modak, & Venkata Muriki—Homestead H.S. (CA) 7. Matt Mindrup, Dan O’Connor, & Justin Pfeifer—Thomas More Prep – Marian (KS) 8. Eleanor Bethea & Rebecca Olsen—Fuquay-Varina H.S. (NC) 9. Alisa Butler, Anaya Manley, & Ivory Thomas—Philadelphia High School for the Performing Arts (PA) 10. Chris Lancaster & Allie Millay—Meade County H.S. (KY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jeremy Herzog & Cameron Kern—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Claude Parola & Paola Parola—Valley Stream Central High (NY) Ziyyan Ali, Shayan Charolila, & Sinaan Momin—Hightower H.S. (TX) Jessica Chamorro & Naati Hamda—Egg Harbor Township H.S. (NJ) Nikki Datta & Kristin Li—River Hill H.S. (MD) Antonio Salas & Michael Thorn—Damonte Ranch H.S. (NV) JJ Abtamovich, Bill Babyar, & Michael Santos—Estrella Foothills H.S. (AZ) Haley Homan & Nick Vang—Otterville R-VI H.S. (MO) Hannah Blazon & Connor Gerstenkorn—Cheney H.S. (WA) Olivia Gibson & Elliot Sailes—Lakewood Senior H.S. (FL) Public Speaking I sponsored by Dale Carnegie Training 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Kelsey Coffey—Camden County H.S. (GA) Leilani Lewis—San Tan Foothills H.S. (AZ) Rebecca May—Lassen H.S. (CA) Olu Adeleye—South Gwinnett H.S. (GA) Elise Yamen—Tri-Valley Central School (NY) Aislynn Fehlberg—Silver Creek H.S.(CO) Kaitlyn Kang—Phillips Exeter Acdemy (NH) Vin Somasundaram—Olympia H.S. (WA) Vamshi Eppanapally—Livingston H.S. (NJ) Stephanie Burchell—Valley Stream Central High (NY) Public SpeakingII sponsored by Balfour 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Samantha Sadoff—Live Oak H.S. (CA) Olivia Matthews—Lemont H.S. (IL) Sruthi Palaniappan—Linn-Mar H.S. (IA) Akshani Patel—Monroe-Woodbury Senior H.S. (NY) Brittany Russell—Oconto Falls H.S. (WI) Kameesha Morris—Buffalo H.S. (WY) Amy Zhou—Mountain Vista H.S. (CO) Andrew Jackson—Brooks County H.S. (GA) Clayton Potter—Niobrara County H.S. (WY) Kylie Jeffers—Gallatin H.S. (MO) Personal Finance Sales Presentation sponsored by Stock-Trak, Inc. d/b/a HowTheMarketWorks.com sponsored by Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Peter Wang—South County Secondary School (VA) Jonathan Kung—Mira Loma H.S. (CA) Michael Pearson—duPont Manual H.S. (KY) Autumn Hall—Montoursville Area H.S. (PA) Dhruv Kathuria—Bridgewater-Raritan H.S. (NJ) Shawn George—Hightower H.S. (TX) Spenser Bailey—Lemont H.S. (IL) Lia Yeh—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Mitchell Porter—Rossville H.S. (KS) Garrett Hosticka—West Chicago Community H.S. (IL) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Isaac Cruz—Valley Stream Central High (NY) Zoe Cykosky—Wallenpaupack Area H.S. (PA) Alex Naymick—Sonoraville H.S. (GA) Alyssa Faber—Aurora H.S. (NE) Elizabeth Cook—Homestead H.S. (CA) Neelan Veloo—Warren Township H.S. (IL) Jackson Spencer—Cheney H.S. (WA) Laura Hernandez—Riverside H.S. (TX) Luma Murib—Douglas County H.S. (CO) Parker Steen—Legacy H.S. (CO) Summer 2015 10 FBLA NLC COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Securities and Investments Virtual Business Management Challenge sponsored by Next Gen Personal Finance sponsored by Knowledge Matters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Matt Herzog—Jericho H.S. (NY) Sheldon McMeans—Warren County Career Center (PA) Kyle Wang—Central Valley H.S. (WA) Naveen Chokkar—Seven Lakes H.S. (TX) Salvador Robles—Buchholz H.S. (FL) Po-Yu (Bryan) Peng—Homestead H.S. (CA) Allen Wang—Adlai E. Stevenson H.S. (IL) Ethan Smith—Lakewood Senior H.S. (FL) Lucas Liu—Blue Valley North H.S. (KS) Srikar Boinapally—Cupertino H.S. (CA) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Justin Arzt—Alma Center Lincoln H.S. (WI) Basel Al-Johani—Pensacola H.S. (FL) Kyle Lee, Dennis Li, & Dustin Zhang—Upper Dublin Senior High (PA) Raman Kathuria & Darren Lee—Cupertino H.S. (CA) Nina Cheng, Shizhuo Duan, & Jennifer Xiao—Upper Dublin Senior High (PA) Anderson Duong—Savannah Arts Academy (GA) Christian Barrera Matias, Daisy Garay, & Jesus Lozano Ramirez—Metro Tech H.S.-VIP (AZ) 8. Nakai Lake & Dylan Zawicki—Prescott H.S. (AZ) 9. Adam Duvall, Alex Fermin, & Jacob Nichols—Harker Heights H.S. (TX) 10. Tyler Sankel & Vikash Singh—Lakewood Senior H.S. (FL) Social Media Campaign sponsored by Lead2Feed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nicole Dixon & Alexis Jackson—Nixa H.S. (MO) Lauren Mauer, Madison Mauer, & Kaitlyn Stone—Wasatch County H.S. (UT) Julia Dietrich, Justin Klein, & Jeff Moorhead—Wauconda H.S. (IL) Alina Raetz & Olivia Treece—Fife H.S. (WA) Anne He, Tiffany Yeung, & Raymond Zhuang—Homestead H.S. (CA) Tapan Desai & Shrikar Patel—Franklin H.S. (NJ) Natalyn Bachemin & Charrel Hunter—North Springs Charter H.S. (GA) Noor Ali, Sylvia Justice, & Braden Kendall—Pikeville H.S. (KY) Riley Hyatt & Breanna Sanchez—Roosevelt H.S. (TX) Anjani Maher & Eileen Wang—Monroe-Woodbury Senior H.S. (NY) Sports & Entertainment Management sponsored by Education and Non-Profit Insurance Company of America (formerly the Ruboyianes Company) 1. Connor Kickhoefer, Victor Pires, & Ean Shwartz—American Heritage H.S. (FL) 2. Matt Gruenig, Cameron Sheele, & Kara Wise—Riverwood International Charter School (GA) 3. Zion Young & Thomas Wingate—Carver H.S., Chattahoochee County H.S. (GA) 4. Matthew Fairman & Kade Toledo—North Valley H.S. (OR) 5. Austin Scholes & Mikayla Van Wagoner—Copper Hills H.S. (UT) 6. Rajiv Reddy & Daniel Glodener—Alpharetta H.S. & Cambridge H.S. (GA) 7. Matt Jensen & Brandon Keffer—Arlington H.S. (NE) 8. Siddharth Girkar, Rohan Mathur, & Nicholas Yee—Monta Vista H.S. (CA) 9. Sally Brechbill, Tommie Brechbill, & Ashley Colwell—Stanton H.S. (NE) 10. Rahul Iyer, Gregory Lerner, & Kevin Lin—Lynbrook H.S. (CA) Spreadsheet Applications Website Design sponsored by GEICO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Daniel Kim, Leighton Koldyke, & Sriram Nalla—Rock Canyon H.S. (CO) Sheena Cherukara, Megan Joseph, & Stacy Kandathil—Hightower H.S. (TX) Patrick Adams, Matt Bulgarelli, & Meagan Kehr—Wauconda H.S. (IL) Thomas Chen & Albert Tung—University H.S. (CA) Kimberly Whelan—Woodinville H.S. (WA) Madison LaFond, Jessica Quay, & Harriet Thomas—Lake George JuniorSenior H.S. (NY) Sam Good—Weber H.S. (UT) Ronald Pritipaul—Valley Stream Central High (NY) Carissa Langenhuizen & Megan Morris—Green Bay East H.S. (WI) Autumn Ritter & Emily Swenson—Cashton H.S. (WI) Word Processing sponsored by Keyboarding Online 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Chris Gibson—Knox Central H.S. (KY) Kaitlyn Quiring—Heartland Community School (NE) Alana Calhoun—Towns County H.S. (GA) Sam Smith—Christiansburg H.S. (VA) Grace McClain—North Augusta H.S. (SC) Miranda Mielczarek—Bruton H.S. (VA) Mallory Stump—Keystone Oaks H.S. (PA) Katherine Hofman—Worcester Technical H.S. (MD) Victoria Erickson—Divide County H.S. (ND) Paola Robles—North Beach H.S. (WA) sponsored by School Spirit Coffee Fundraising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 Alyson Nelson—Towns County H.S. (GA) Faythe Maston—Ripley H.S. (WV) Taylor Harris—O’Fallon Township H.S. (IL) Cassy Miller—Vista Peak Preparatory (CO) Cade Haynie—Prescott H.S. (AR) Austin Joel—Cass H.S. (GA) Allison Holt—West Johnston H.S. (NC) Cole Tillett—D. H. Conley H.S. (NC) Mohit Singh—Ward Melville H.S. (NY) Cameron Harrison—Ocean Lakes H.S. (VA) Tomorrow’s Business Leader FBLA Open Event Winners Advertising Sydney Burke (WA) Leadership Pranay Tamminayana (TX) Computer Operating Systems Richard Liu (CA) Nonprofit Management Steven Li (CA) HTML/CSS Robert Nay (UT) Social Media Isaiah King (VA) THANK YOU TO OUR NATIONAL SPONSORS! FBLA-PBL expresses appreciation to our new and returning 2015 NLC competitive event sponsors. With their support, all of our FBLA national competitive events were sponsored again this year. For more information on our partners, visit the scholarship, fundraising, and educational programs pages on fbla-pbl.org. NEW SPONSORS Better World Collective Champlain College College Works Painting Conover Company Cornell University Dardis Academy Education and Non-Profit Insurance Company of America (formerly the Ruboyianes Company) Life University Long Island University Ms. Corporate America Organization Next Gen Personal Finance Popcorn Palace STEM Premier RETURNING SPONSORS AICPA Alabama FBLA American Management Association API-MarketPlace The Art Institutes Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM) Balfour CareerSafe® Online Certiport Chegg Inc. (formerly Zinch) Country Meats Dale Carnegie Training DormCo.com Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – College of Business GEICO The Griffith Insurance Education Foundation H&R Block The Howe School at Stevens Institute of Technology Illinois FBLA Johnson & Wales University Junior Tours Keyboarding Online Knowledge Matters KPMG LLP Krispy Kreme Fundraising Lead2Feed MBA Research and Curriculum Center Men’s Wearhouse Group Mercer University Eugene W. Stetson SOB & Economics My College Options National Consumers League National Technical Honor Society NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation Northwood University Oracle Academy Ozark Delight Candy Company PDC Productions PITSCO Praxis Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. Schermer Pecans School Spirit Coffee Fundraising Stock-Trak, Inc. d/b/a HowTheMarketWorks.com SunTrust Bank Tennessee FBLA Tom-Wat Fundraising University of Utah - Eccles Business Scholars Visa Inc. Wesleyan College Summer 2015 12 FBLA-Middle Level COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Congratulations to all of the 2014–15 FBLA‑Middle Level competitive event winners! Outstanding Middle Level Member • Kimmie Colyer—Greenwood Junior High School (AR) • Ciara Christopher—Jasper County Middle School (GA) American Enterprise Project • Beebe Junior High School (AR) • Ozark Junior High School (AR) • Liberty Middle School (FL) • Webb Middle School (FL) • Long County Middle School (GA) • Brantley County Middle School (GA) • Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Honaker High School-Middle Level (VA) • West Point Middle School (VA) Career Exploration • Hannah Merrit—Dardanelle Middle School (AR) • Shelby Johnson—Beebe Junior High School (AR) • Dylan Radley—Williams IB Middle School (FL) • Jennifer English—Grand Ridge Middle School (FL) • Dabney Earnhart—Malcom Bridge Middle School (GA) • Teagan Walsh—Creekland Middle School (GA) • Sophia Maring—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Dax Frey—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Emily Christian—Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Brooke Luebbert—Blair Oaks Middle School (MO) • Sasha Gibson—Hemingway Middle School (SC) • Chelsie Edwards—C. E. Murray Middle Level School (SC) • Sierra Conrad—Lehi Junior High School (UT) • Liam Hoyle—Box Elder Middle School (UT) • Maddie Britt—West Point Middle School (VA) • Talisen Swearingen—Norfolk Christian Middle School (VA) • Nayeli O’Shaughnessy—John H. Woodson Junior High (VI) Community Service Project • Beebe Junior High School (AR) • Harmony Grove Middle School (AR) • Liberty Middle School (FL) • Mater Academy Middle School (FL) • Brantley County Middle School (GA) • Long County Middle School (GA) • Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Box Elder Middle School (UT) • West Point Middle School (VA) 13 Tomorrow’s Business Leader Computer Slide Show Presentation • Zack Birge, Landon Reed, & Greyson Stevens—Pottsville Junior High (AR) • Riley Barker, Kimmie Colyer, & Kelly Khampane—Greenwood Junior High School (AR) • Laura Acosta & Elizabeth Carmanate—Mater Academy Middle School (FL) • Hailee Nigro & Gabriella Perkins—Randall Middle School (FL) • Alexandra Ford & Yarielis Rodriguez—Mossy Creek Middle School (GA) • Harley Craig & Spencer Trawick—Red Bud Middle School (GA) • Ashley Fifer & Maddie Nolph—Blair Oaks Middle School (MO) • Faith Francka, Abby Henson, & Katelyn Stewart—Pleasant Hope Middle School (MO) • Raesha Thompson—C. E. Murray Middle Level School (SC) • Deondre Brown & De’Aree Ravenell—Cross High School-Middle Level (SC) • Sierra Conrad—Lehi Junior High School (UT) • Emily Galavan & Trinity Linford—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Chandler Hubbard, Chase Miller, & Levi Miller—Honaker High School-Middle Level (VA) • Jonathan Broadnax, Nehemiah Hill, & Jordan Savage— Norfolk Christian Middle School (VA) • Mojania Denis & David Encarnacion—Arthur A. Richards Jr. High (VI) • Darren Hodge—St. Thomas/St. John SDA-Middle School (VI) Desktop Publishing Applications • Xavier Efird, Steel Johnson, & Tandem Young—Dover Middle School (AR) • Adrianna Malone & Lauren Walls—Henderson Middle School (AR) • Kensie Alexander & Rachel Kosan—Williams IB Middle School (FL) • Laura Neylan, Emily Philpott, & Olivia Schwatz—Williams IB Middle School (FL) • Salah Cheema & Brittany Goss—Crisp County Middle School (GA) • Taylor Haney & Takyra Johnson—Villa Rica Middle School (GA) • Ellie Hankins, Reese Herrin, & Ashlyn Mavigliano—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Neha Arun—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Emily Christian & Abby Irek—Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Katie Brooks & Mahalia Burks—Fordland Middle School (MO) • Shatyra Moree—Cross High School-Middle Level (SC) • Reka Graves & Kquadasia Rollison—Cross High School-Middle Level (SC) • Britton Grange, Aaron McDonald, & Fergus Tam—Pleasant Grove Junior High School (UT) • Josh Rose—Box Elder Middle School (UT) • India Bazemore, Jordan Gilliam, & Kathlene Rose—Benjamin Syms Middle School (VA) • Naomi Ashebir, Jailene Camacho, & Jaylah Mensah—Beville Middle School (VA) FBLA-Middle Level COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS Introduction to Business Communication • Brittany Cook—Buffalo Island Central Jr High School (AR) • Emily Pearson—Beebe Junior High School (AR) • Nicole Lago—W. R. Thomas Middle School (FL) • Jonathan Guerrero—Williams IB Middle School (FL) • Eli Pyrz—Washington Middle School (GA) • Joyce Liu—Hahira Middle School (GA) • Brennen Thomas—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Morgan Bueza—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Ashley Freiburger—Verona Middle Level (MO) • Zachary Short—Spokane Middle School (MO) • Ashantia Thompson—Cross High School-Middle Level (SC) • Jamaya Leggette—Carvers Bay Middle School (SC) • Josh Rose—Box Elder Middle School (UT) • Andrew Wang—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Ashley Austin—Christiansburg Middle School (VA) • Makayla Tatum—Norfolk Christian Middle School (VA) Keyboarding Applications I • Cheyenne Gibson—Beebe Junior High School (AR) • Layla Bouzihay—Nettleton Junior High School (AR) • Harold Hernandez—Shenandoah Middle School (FL) • Rachel Williams—Eustis Middle School (FL) • Rebecca Blackman—Brantley County Middle School (GA) • Chandler Watson—Pierce County Middle School (GA) • Christina Overturf—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Anna Ginnings—Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Janae Shirk—Pleasant Hope Middle School (MO) • Laurny Moss—Bates Middle School (SC) • Ja’niya Singleton—Bates Middle School (SC) • Brelynn Beckstead—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Andrew Wang—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Abby Caudle—Christiansburg Middle School (VA) • Antonia Cheatham—Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School (VA) Keyboarding ApplicationsII • Shayla Miller—Nashville Junior High School (AR) • Moisses Arellano—Buffalo Island Central Jr High School (AR) • Emily Harrell—Washington Middle School (GA) • Hannah Mattson—Harris County Carver Middle School (GA) • Abby Irek—Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Zachary Short—Spokane Middle School (MO) • Jada Reed—Carvers Bay Middle School (SC) • Michaela Hudson—Hillcrest Middle School (SC) • Josh Rose—Box Elder Middle School (UT) • Andrew Wang—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Emily Salyers—Christiansburg Middle School (VA) • Caroline Jones—Norfolk Christian Middle School (VA) Local Chapter Activities Report • Beebe Junior High School (AR) • Armorel Junior High School (AR) • Liberty Middle School (FL) • Independence Middle School (FL) • Brantley County Middle School (GA) • Malcom Bridge Middle School (GA) Local Chapter Activities Report (continued) • Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Ebenezer Middle School (SC) • Hillcrest Middle School (SC) • Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Lehi Junior High School (UT) • Arthur A. Richards Jr. High (VI) Spreadsheet • Kristie Glass—Spring Hill School-Middle (AR) • Madison Rust—Pottsville Junior High (AR) • Erick Rodriguez—Shenandoah Middle School (FL) • Kaitlyn Kaser—Carlos E Haile Middle School (FL) • Aiden Jennings—Brantley County Middle School (GA) • Cameron Parker—Brantley County Middle School (GA) • Eric Epplin—Carterville Junior High School (IL) • Gracie Peterson—Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Nicole Meier—Clever Middle School (MO) • Matthew Hudson—Hillcrest Middle School (SC) • Alexis Needleman—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Walker Smith—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Carrie Moore—Beville Middle School (VA) • Makenzi Kool—Norfolk Christian Middle School (VA) Web Page Creation • Faith Preston & Brianna Smith—Booneville Junior High (AR) • Tanya Gonzalez, Emily Lawrence, & Zoe Towell—Manila Middle School (AR) • Marbely Portocarrero & Rachel Valdez—Shenandoah Middle School (FL) • Christian Leavins & Alejandro Teck—Ponce de Leon (FL) • Mykala Jackson & Mackenzie Pattison—Long County Middle School (GA) • Gabrielle Edwards & Chloe Wilson—Ringgold Middle School (GA) • Ashley Bechtel, Anna Ginnings, & Clayton Harris—Hermitage Middle School (MO) • Eliza Francka—Pleasant Hope Middle School (MO) • Tahje Prioleau—Cross High School-Middle Level (SC) • Versell Burgess—Carvers Bay Middle School (SC) • Breann Erickson—Lehi Junior High School (UT) • Payten Jensen, Jack Miskin, & Andrew Wang—Willowcreek Middle School (UT) • Jenna Kirkland—West Point Middle School (VA) • Zachary Hess, Tyler Stafford, & Connor Wallace—Honaker High School-Middle Level (VA) • Ron Duncan, Joshua Francis, & Darren Paul—Arthur A. Richards Jr. High (VI) NLC FBLA-Middle Level Open Event Winners Computer Concepts Andrew Wang (UT) Financial Literacy Alyssa Peterson (WI) Middle Level Facts Sierra Conrad (UT) Social Media Connor Iverson (WI) Summer 2015 14 National RECOGNITION MOST BAA CHAPTER ENTRIES Local Chapter Eastern Region: Dr. Jose N. Gandara H.S. (PR) Mountain Plains Region: Divide County H.S. (ND) North Central Region: Herrin H.S. (IL) Southern Region: Robinson Secondary School (VA) Western Region: Buckeye Union H.S. (AZ) State Chapter Eastern Region: Pennsylvania Mountain Plains Region: North Dakota North Central Region: Missouri Southern Region: Georgia Western Region: Arizona MARCH OF DIMES Congratulations to the Grand Prize Top March of Dimes state Alabama FBLA! 2014–15 Top March for Babies States Puerto Rico New Jersey ArkansasGeorgia 2014–15 Top March for Babies Chapters 1st Place: Wallkill Valley High School (NJ) 2nd Place: Nettleton High School (AR) 3rd Place: Crosby High School (ND) 4th Place: Charles R. Drew Middle School (AL) 5th Place: Franklin Simpson High School (KY) Grants Wallkill Valley Regional High School (NJ) Centennial High School (OR) Bothell High School (WA) Nevada FBLA Oregon FBLA FBLA MEMBERSHIP AWARDS Largest Local Chapter—FBLA Larry A. Ryle High School (KY)—580 members Largest Local Chapter—FBLA-Middle Level Godley Station Middle School (GA)—274 members Marketshare Award Southside Baptist Christian School (VA)—100% Largest State Chapter—FBLA Georgia—19,022 members Largest State Chapter—FBLA-Middle Level Arkansas—4,573 members 15 Tomorrow’s Business Leader SCHOLARSHIPS Distinguished Business Leader ($500 at NLC & $500 upon joining PBL) Kristen English—Swainsboro H.S. (GA) Kacie Kieffer—Calvin H.S. (LA) Caitlin Schafer—Blair Oaks H.S. (MO) Trevor Koger—Arlington H.S. (NE) Hannah Mette—Spring Creek H.S. (NV) National Technical Honor Society ($1,000) Alexander Everett—Buchholz H.S. (FL) Johnson & Wales (Full Tuition) Savannah Bucher—Grand Junction H.S. (CO) Largest Increase in State Chapter Membership— FBLA Arizona—476 members Largest Increase in State Chapter Membership— FBLA-Middle Level Georgia—447 members State Recruitment of Chapters California—40 chapters Largest Local Chapter—Professional Division Divide County High School (ND)—88 members Largest State Chapter—Professional Division Georgia—343 members National FUNDRAISERS Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM) offers a roadside assistance program that earns profit now and on renewals. Email fbla@amcm-online.com, call 605.254.8876, or visit amcmfbla.com. Better World Collective provides a brand new and easy-to-use online auction platform called Auction360. Visit betterworldcollective.com/fbla for more information. Chegg.com connects you with scholarships and best-fit colleges. Chegg will donate $1 to your chapter for every member who signs up! Country Meats features fresh, smoked snack sticks that everyone loves! Sell for $1 and receive 45% profit! For FREE SAMPLES call 800.277.8989 or visit countrymeats.com/samplepack. DormCo.com guarantees $200 for distributing FREE $5 gift cards for graduating seniors along with posting an online link to DormCo.com and also offers custom T-shirts (non-FBLA). Contact Jeff@DormCo.com. Krispy Kreme Fundraising offers doughnuts, BOGO cards, certificates, and coffee to help your chapter raise some dough! Visit krispykreme.com/fundraising, email fundraising@krispykreme.com, or call 800.4KRISPY. Ozark Delight lollipops are only available for fundraising. They do not sell to stores or other retail markets. Call 800.334.8991 or visit ozarkdelight.com. Popcorn Palace offers premium popcorn in lots of flavors guaranteed to be fresh and delectable. Keep 50% profit upfront. To get your free information kit, call 800.873.2686 or visit popcornpalace.com/Home/Fundraising. Schermer Pecans offers a delicious and healthy fundraising product. Call 800.841.3403, email schermerpecans@yahoo.com, or visit pecantreats.com. School Spirit Coffee provides personalized packaging for their coffee fundraiser. Call 800.570.1443, email Debbie@schoolspiritcoffee.com, or visit schoolspiritcoffee.com. Tom-Wat Fundraising features multiple fundraisers from catalog sales to cookie dough and much more. Call 800.243.9250, email sales@tomwat.com, or visit tomwat.com. Summer 2015 16 Use BAA to Earn Member Recognition by FBLA National Treasurer Ashtyn Rottinghaus Are you looking for ways to get recognized for the many local, state, and national FBLA activities for which chapter members participate? Or are you looking for a way for chapter members to highlight their FBLA involvement? Try the Business Achievement Awards (BAA)! By completing the four levels of BAA, you can incorporate the words from the FBLA crest— Service, Education, and Progress—to highlight your achievements. The BAA levels are: Future, Business, Leader, and America. You must complete each one before you advance to the next. Each level requires an increasing amount of time, commitment, and experience. Certain activities are required for you to complete each level, while other activities are optional. Finding information on BAA is not difficult. Visit go.fbla.org/BAA for the online BAA program. Your local chapter adviser will need to set up a password for you and provide your chapter number so you can log in and start your quest to achieve the Future Level. The four levels help members broaden their knowledge of FBLA, their community, and personal business skills. Help yourself and more of your members get recognized for FBLA involvement by participating and spreading the word about the BAA. 17 Tomorrow’s Business Leader The Future Level focuses on local chapter involvement and introduction to community service activities. You will receive a black and gold pin from your FBLA adviser at a local ceremony or event once your Future Level has been completed, submitted, and approved. The Business Level focuses on local and state participation within your chapter, you as an individual member, and your community involvement. Once you complete the Business Level, you will be awarded a white and gold pin from your FBLA adviser. The Leader Level goes more in depth with advanced business skills and your involvement at local, state, and national levels. Once you complete the Leader Level, you will be awarded a blue and gold pin at the state level. The America Level is the highest BAA level that can be achieved. This prestigious award is given to dedicated members who complete the requirements focusing on total association leadership, business skills, and involvement in the community. Although this level takes a great deal of time to complete, you will be awarded a red and gold pin at the National Leadership Conference. If you enjoy participating and would like to get involved with more national programs, check out the FBLA-PBL website and see what else your chapter can do to get recognized! Congratulations to the 2014–15 Business Achievement Awards (BAA) America Level recipients! Damian Hernandez: Elgin H.S. (OR) Satchel Purvis: Camden County H.S. (GA) Drake Walters: Fort Zumwalt South H.S. (MO) Kristin Garrett: Brooks H.S. (AL) Hannah Kimbel: Elgin H.S. (OR) Meagan Albritten: Coffee H.S. (GA) Justin Dungan: Fulton H.S. (MO) Austin Knight: Brooks H.S. (AL) Katlyn Witherspoon: Elgin H.S. (OR) Cierra Fountain: Coffee H.S. (GA) Conner Foote: Fulton H.S. (MO) Nikolas Smith: Lincoln H.S. (AL) Melody Lindorf: Hidden Valley H.S. (OR) Chandler Mullis: Coffee H.S. (GA) Ryan McLachlan: Fulton H.S. (MO) Alexis Crane: Saraland H.S. (AL) Erin Brohoski: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Kajal Patel: Coffee H.S. (GA) Ryder Russell: Fulton H.S. (MO) Kaitlyn Dewey: Cotter H.S. (AR) Samuel Kirby: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Mehfuza Patel: Coffee H.S. (GA) Maria Bickford: Gallatin H.S. (MO) Paige Roberts: Omaha H.S. (AR) Mackenzie Morrow: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Shray Patel: Coffee H.S. (GA) Klark Critten: Gallatin H.S. (MO) Bridget Sciarra: Omaha H.S. (AR) Anthony Nguyen: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Lori Smith: Coffee H.S. (GA) Andrew Michael: Gallatin H.S. (MO) Isiah Villareal: Omaha H.S. (AR) Collette Petersen: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Deja Jackson: Collins Hill H.S. (GA) Aubrey Nelson: Gallatin H.S. (MO) Grant Hutson: Paris H.S. (AR) Elijah Raffo: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Martha Cervantes: Dalton H.S. (GA) Tannah Terry: Gallatin H.S. (MO) Alicia Boyd: Saint Paul H.S. (AR) Mallory Reser: Tualatin H.S. (OR) Dania Posada: Dalton H.S. (GA) Savannah Sturguess: Grand River Technical School Kenzie George: Boulder Creek H.S. (AZ) (MO) Kelly Heitz: Union H.S. (OR) Jared Sawyer, Jr.: Druid Hills H.S. (GA) Micayla King: Boulder Creek H.S. (AZ) Rilee Hardcastle: Hartville R-II School (MO) Cheyenne Pulsipher: Union H.S. (OR) Hannah Edwards: East Laurens H.S. (GA) Nicholas Livengood: Boulder Creek H.S. (AZ) Abigail English: Knox County H.S. (MO) Kiana Waltermeyer: Cedar Crest H.S. (PA) Jarrod Merriman: Houston County H.S. (GA) Jazney Moss: Boulder Creek H.S. (AZ) Krista Casey: Lakeland R-III H.S. (MO) Alison Moore: Central Columbia H.S. (PA) Justin Saetia: Houston County H.S. (GA) Jasmin Aranda: Buckeye Union H.S. (AZ) Emma Cooper: Poplar Bluff H.S. (MO) Hannah Miller: Chestnut Ridge H.S. (PA) Nivedha Soundappan: Houston County H.S. (GA) Jordan Gladden: Buckeye Union H.S. (AZ) Lydia Keller: Poplar Bluff H.S. (MO) Christie Birchall: Souderton Area H.S. (PA) Marquavious King: Mary Persons H.S. (GA) Brianna Quintero: Buckeye Union H.S. (AZ) Kaetlin Lamberson: Poplar Bluff H.S. (MO) Michael Bonaventure: Souderton Area H.S. (PA) Abbey Parlier: Mary Persons H.S. (GA) Seth Cole: Kingman Academy of Learning H.S. (AZ) Jillian Potts: South Callaway R-II H.S. (MO) Tyler Rock: Waynesboro Area Sr. H.S. (PA) Ellen Pao: Meadowcreek H.S. (GA) Carlos A Cabrera: Nogales H.S. (AZ) Shelby Weathers: South Callaway R-II H.S. (MO) Ricardo Ortiz-Rodriguez: Dr. Jose N. Gandara School Brandon Byrd: Metter H.S. (GA) Abby Claridge: Pima H.S. (AZ) (PR) Alpine Brooks: South Iron H.S. (MO) Bryce Carpenter: Metter H.S. (GA) Lindy Lunt: Pima H.S. (AZ) Kenneth Colon: Fernando Callejo H.S. (PR) Erica Dixon: South Shelby (MO) Zachary Durden: Metter H.S. (GA) Shelby Shupe: Pima H.S. (AZ) Janna Yousef: Warrensburg Area Career Center (MO) Ashley Rodriguez: Fernando Callejo H.S. (PR) Clayton Callaway: Monroe Area H.S. (GA) Anastasia Fuller: San Tan Foothills H.S. (AZ) Eduardo Rivera: Ines Maria Mendoza H.S. (PR) Michelle Le: St. Martin H.S. (MS) Andrea Galeano: Monroe Area H.S. (GA) Nicholas Mercurio-Sawka: Vail Academy & H.S. (AZ) Sadyel Colon-Garcia: Juan Ponce De Leon H.S. (PR) Lateasha Lechler: Beach H.S. (ND) Brynne Peters: Vail Academy and H.S. (AZ) Natalyn Bachemin: North Springs Charter H.S. (GA) Dollymar Crespo-Melendez: Juan Ponce De Leon Travis Binde: Divide County H.S. (ND) Bryce Johnson: Northside H.S. (GA) Shea Turner: Youngker H.S. (AZ) H.S. (PR) Andrea Haugland: Divide County H.S. (ND) Jordan Long: Northside H.S. (GA) Nidhi Bangari: Cupertino H.S. (CA) Milton Diaz-Ramirez: Juan Ponce De Leon H.S. (PR) Jarret Obenchain: Divide County H.S. (ND) Kyree Smith: Northside H.S. (GA) Daphne Cheung: Gabrielino H.S. (CA) Spencer Gillund: Enderlin Public School (ND) Yairaliz Gonzalez-Maldonado: Juan Ponce De Leon Raahul Acharya: Northview H.S. (GA) Shirley M Han: Gabrielino H.S. (CA) H.S. (PR) Katie Wolff: Hettinger H.S. (ND) Kenny Zhou: Northview H.S. (GA) Sharon Khoo: Gabrielino H.S. (CA) Nashaly Laureano-Torres: Juan Ponce De Leon Jacob Peterson: Larimore H.S. (ND) Harrison McQuaig: Pierce County H.S. (GA) Jim (Zi Jing) Xu: Los Osos H.S. (CA) H.S. (PR) Emily Pulford: Larimore H.S. (ND) José Espinel: Pope H.S. (GA) Nathan Wong: Walnut H.S. (CA) Omaris Melendez: Juan Ponce De Leon H.S. (PR) Jacob Tupa: Larimore H.S. (ND) Maddie Hollifield: Ringgold H.S. (GA) Dosbal Aibyek: Westmoor H.S. (CA) Drachire Menendez, Novoa: Juan Ponce De Leon Royce Verkuehlen: Larimore H.S. (ND) Tessa McCorkle: Thomas County Central High (GA) Eric Jian: Westmoor H.S. (CA) H.S. (PR) Trevor Verkuehlen: Larimore H.S. (ND) Cheyenne Jackson: Toombs County H.S.-FB (GA) Shun Lei S Sin: Westmoor H.S. (CA) Nashaly Mercado-Pastrana: Juan Ponce De Leon Sloane Germundson: May-Port CG H.S. (ND) Amie Simmons: Toombs County H.S.-FB (GA) Kylee Wilhelm: Cherokee Trail H.S. (CO) H.S. (PR) Daniel Ogburn: May-Port CG H.S. (ND) Nicholas Van Lue: Tucker H.S. (GA) Kade Hiller: Haxtun H.S. (CO) Ohame Mercado-Pastrana: Juan Ponce De Leon Kyla Pedersen: May-Port CG H.S. (ND) Grace Crain: Ware County H.S. (GA) Kaylee Ham: Holyoke H.S. (CO) H.S. (PR) Daniel Jarski: Parshall H.S. (ND) Beenaben Patel: Ware County H.S. (GA) Denise Cano: Idalia H.S. (CO) Gionidette Miranda: Juan Ponce De Leon H.S. (PR) Kiara Packineau: Parshall H.S. (ND) D J Martin: Washington-Wilkes Comprehensive Stephanie Helling: Idalia H.S. (CO) Lianis Pagan-Pike: Juan Ponce De Leon H.S. (PR) H.S. (GA) Justin Roberts: Parshall H.S. (ND) Monee Crosswhite: Las Animas H.S. (CO) Joshua Rivera: Juan Ponce De Leon H.S. (PR) Preston McGowan: Washington-Wilkes Nevens Taft: Parshall H.S. (ND) Isaac Fernandez: Las Animas H.S. (CO) Tiffany Sanchez-Quiones: Juan Ponce De Leon Comprehensive H.S. (GA) Jordan Young: Parshall H.S. (ND) Bailey Huffman: Las Animas H.S. (CO) H.S. (PR) Ariel Murphey: Westlake H.S. (GA) Trevor Koger: Arlington H.S. (NE) Helen Duran: Sargent H.S. (CO) Vianca Colon-Burgos: Luis Munoz Marin H.S. (PR) Andrew Freeman: Winder Barrow H.S. (GA) Melanie Slama: Auburn H.S. (NE) Mary Hood: Sargent H.S. (CO) Roxana Aponte: Manuel Garcia Perez H S (PR) Tonja Howard: Worth County H.S. (GA) Lauren Wiegand: Bellevue West H.S. (NE) Samantha (Sami) Johnson: Sargent H.S. (CO) Ashlyn Cooper: North Augusta H.S. (SC) Katie Scherbring: West Delaware H.S. (IA) Whitney Aman: Blair H.S. (NE) Kaitlin Lowder: Sargent H.S. (CO) Grace McClain: North Augusta H.S. (SC) Marisa Ferguson: Du Quoin H.S. (IL) Adrienne Cavill: Kearney H.S. (NE) Darian McCarn: Sargent H.S. (CO) Jacqueline Phillips: North Augusta H.S. (SC) Tori Mattingly: Herrin H.S. (IL) Brittany Blaser: Lakeview H.S. (NE) Michael Mix: Sargent H.S. (CO) Danielle Williams: Craigmont H.S. (TN) William Liu: Warren Township H.S. (IL) Taylor McHugh: Omaha Marian H.S. (NE) Logan Sessums: Sargent H.S. (CO) Gabrielle Williams: Craigmont H.S. (TN) Davis Heck: Wauconda H.S. (IL) Cody McCain: Tri-County H.S. (NE) Shelly Steinert: Sargent H.S. (CO) Hannah Le: Cypress Creek H.S. (TX) McKayla Jude: Martin County Area Technology William Stokebrand: Tri-County H.S. (NE) Kelci Van Treese: Sargent H.S. (CO) Mohammed Ali: Mount Vernon H.S. (VA) Center (KY) Jessica Wieck: Twin River H.S. (NE) Austin Adame: Swink H.S. (CO) Karenna Oner: Robinson Secondary School (VA) Michele Boyle: Pequannock Township High (NJ) Maria Almaguer: G. Holmes Braddock Sr. H.S. (FL) Logan Donathan: Montgomery County Area Kayla Barron: Sherando H.S. (VA) Technology Center (KY) Jasmin Giere: Spring Creek H.S. (NV) Naomi Cabrera: G. Holmes Braddock Sr. H.S. (FL) Jordan Sturgill: Virginia H.S. (VA) Lauren James: Buckeye H.S. (LA) Nancy Champagne: Lakeland H.S. (NY) Margarita Del Valle: G. Holmes Braddock Sr. H.S. Jasmine Sheena: Glacier Peak H.S. (WA) Jade McEntyre: Buckeye H.S. (LA) Vamshi Adimulam: Monroe-Woodbury Sr. H.S. (FL) Alex Capi: Naches Valley H.S. (WA) Erik Rodriguez: Ruston H.S. (LA) (NY) Jonathan Lopera: G. Holmes Braddock Sr. H.S. (FL) Bethany Daigle: Cameron Sr. H.S. (WI) Cameron Kruk: North East H.S. (MD) Isabel Arias: Monroe-Woodbury Sr. H.S. (NY) Sabrina Fonseca: Hialeah Gardens H.S. (FL) Donna Bartel: Chilton H.S. (WI) Joseph Rodriguez: North East H.S. (MD) Kimberly Barrera-Estrada: Centennial H.S. (OR) Yulissa Sanchez: Hialeah Gardens H.S. (FL) Chelsa Schneider: Chilton H.S. (WI) CJ Sizemore: North East H.S. (MD) Carly Cogburn: Centennial H.S. (OR) Patricia Vega: Hialeah Gardens H.S. (FL) Amber Cafferty: Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Timothy Chen: River Hill H.S. (MD) Israel Garcia: Centennial H.S. (OR) Andy Alfonso: Mater Academy Charter H.S. (FL) Jesse Gilbertson: Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Ashley David: Branson H.S. (MO) Ellie Graham: Centennial H.S. (OR) Rogelio Dieguez: Mater Academy Charter H.S. (FL) Joseph Greshik: Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Johnny Sparks: Branson H.S. (MO) Bryan Lobato: Centennial H.S. (OR) Quincy Dougherty: Palm Beach Gardens Carley Hilt: Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Jessica Nguyen: Central H.S.-Springfield (MO) Antonio Martinez: Centennial H.S. (OR) Community H.S. (FL) Tylor Jilk: Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Austin Stanton: Centralia H.S. (MO) Gesselle Martinez: Centennial H.S. (OR) Meng Fei Shen: Robinson H.S. (FL) Elizabeth Olson: Cochrane-Fountain City H.S. (WI) Madison Chapman: Chaffee H.S. (MO) Johanna Pioquinto: Centennial H.S. (OR) Josh Seides: Alpharetta H.S. (GA) Grace Jentsch: Random Lake H.S. (WI) Leah Kemple: Crest Ridge H.S. (MO) Grace Ramstad: Centennial H.S. (OR) Lauryn Daniel: Bowdon H.S. (GA) Lauren Lyons: Grafton H.S. (WV) Ali Waites: Crystal City H.S. (MO) Alexis Smith: Centennial H.S. (OR) Seonghyun Cho: Brunswick H.S. (GA) Jean-Claire Perini: Fort Zumwalt South H.S. (MO) Summer 2015 18 National SPONSORS & PARTNERS Congratulations 2015 Spring Stock Market Game winners: FBLA WINNERS 1st Place: Hopewell Valley Central High School—Suzanne Brown, adviser 2nd Place: Bradley-Bourbonnais Com. High School—Karla Breitenbucher, adviser 3rd Place: Elmwood-Murdock High School—Kurk Shrader, adviser FBLA-ML WINNERS 1st Place: Moyock Middle School—Julie West, adviser 2nd Place: Moyock Middle School—Julie West, adviser 3rd Place: Moyock Middle School—Julie West, adviser Congratulations to the winners of the HowTheMarketWorks.com Stock Market Challenge! 1st Place ($500 Amazon gift card): 2nd Place ($250 Amazon gift card): 3rd Place ($125 Amazon gift card): 4th Place ($75 Amazon gift card): 5th Place ($50 Amazon gift card): Trinity Heller, J.W. Mitchell HS (FL) Kathryn Pursel, J.W. Mitchell HS (FL) Dayana Hess, Joelle Johnson, Trisstian Pitters, & Taylor Woodworth, Shaw HS (GA) Colton Jansen, Laurel-Concord HS (NE) Nolan Casey, Laurel-Concord HS (NE) Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) believes all young people deserve a free, quality education in personal finance to be prepared for adulthood and independent living. On our website (nextgenpersonalfinance. org), every student can access our entire library of over 1,500 resources. Our library is perfect for any student! • Want to learn everything there is to know about a topic? • Try our “Lessons,” which will guide you through a selection of articles, videos, games, and activities. • Know a little bit, but want to practice your skills? • Try our “Activities” and make real-world financial decisions to improve your skills. The best part? No signing up, no cost. Our content is totally FREE. Send us an email at info@nextgenpersonalfinance.org if you have any questions or comments. LifeSmarts is a national educational competition focused on personal finance and consumer topics. It is a free program, open to 6th–12th-grade students in the United States, quizzing students about personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities. FBLA teams of 4–5 students may compete on the LifeSmarts website where they will have the opportunity to win monthly “TeamSmarts” challenges and compete against other chapters for the right to represent FBLA at the National LifeSmarts Championship each April. LifeSmarts is a program of the National Consumers League, which was founded in 1899 and is America’s pioneer consumer organization. For more information about LifeSmarts contact Program Director Lisa Hertzberg at lisah@ nclnet.org, call 202.835.3323, or visit LifeSmarts.org. Note: This program is a separate activity from the FBLA LifeSmarts competitive event. Win money for college by competing in the H&R Block Budget Challenge! With $3 million in prizes, you can’t afford not to participate. How hard can it be to pay bills, save, and deal with life’s curve balls? Learn by doing with this online simulation Encourage advisers to register at hrbds.org. Knowledge Matters is again sponsoring their Virtual Business Finance Challenge. FBLA members will test their skills at managing their own financial lives and will compete against students across the country. Members will experience real world financial issues such as budgeting, saving, opening bank accounts, getting a credit card, monitoring credit scores, education and advancement, online banking, paying taxes, finding a job, insurance, and more. Based on our newest revision, this challenge is iPad compatible, has updated financial information, and features new variations. There will be two rounds held via the Internet during the school year. • October 19, 2015 (10:00 a.m. EST)—November 13, 2015 (5:00 p.m. EST) • February 1, 2016 (10:00 a.m. EST)—February 26, 2016 (5:00 p.m. EST) The first place individual/team from each round will be awarded $500. To register, go to KnowledgeMatters.com and click on the FBLA area. Questions may be emailed to VBCCentral@KnowledgeMatters.com. Note: This activity is not a part of the competitive events program. Participating in this activity does not preclude a student competing in the national competitive events. 19 Tomorrow’s Business Leader National SPONSORS & PARTNERS STEM Premier is the first cradle‑to‐career online solution that assists students in designing a career pathway, educators in recruiting top talent to their schools, and employers in developing a stable, continuous talent pipeline. STEM Premier creates a world of possibility by bringing students, mentors, resources, colleges, and companies together into a virtual hub. We want to bring talent out of the shadows, and level the playing field for all students—no matter who they are or where they live. It all boils down to one goal: Create prosperity and possibility for students, educational institutions, and companies—together. Go to stempremier.com and start building your free profile today. Summer 2015 20 24 Tomorrow’s Business Leader