Fundraiser! - Bethel Community Church


Fundraiser! - Bethel Community Church
the buzz
Pastor Andrew’s Bit
of you.
Psalm 68:15
It’s Christmas again! Where has this
year gone?
Time seems to fly by, but what a great year it has been
again - We’ve seen more people come to know Jesus, we
have celebrated more baptisms and the presence of God’s
Holy Spirit continues to be heavy when we meet together
as a church. All our outreach programmes are also
growing, but please pray for funding and volunteers for
these ministries, especially the Sanctuary and the Olive
Branch. I always say that as a church we should be like
both Mary and Martha - spending time at Jesus’ feet
like Mary but also serving like Martha, and I think that
we have got the balance just about right.
Every God
looks after
2 Thessalonians 3:3
cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
Because Every second
he loves you.
Jeremiah 31:3
I want to thank everyone for their help and faithfulness
over the last year with everything that we do, we are a very
busy church and it takes an army of volunteers and
resources to accomplish everything that we do.
Let’s look forward to another exciting year, it’s going to be
fantastic to read the Word of God together and to see what
amazing things He has in store for us.
So, for now, I want to wish you all a very restful and
blessed Christmas, and an exciting and prosperous New
Pastor Andrew
Christmas & New Year Dates
for your diary;
Saturday 13th December; Fundraiser | 11am-2pm | BCC
Sunday 14th December; Children’s Christmas Production | 10.30am
Sunday 14th December; Carol Singing | 5pm | St Mary’s Court
Friday 19th December; Israel Forum Prayer Group | 7pm | The GAP Centre
Friday 19th December; Unite Youth Christmas Party | 7pm
Sunday 21st December; Candlelit Carol Concert | 5pm | BCC
Thursday 25th December; Christmas Morning Service | 11am | BCC
Tuesday 30th December; Bethel Christmas Party | 6-9pm | BCC
Saturday 10th January; Beloved Social | 7pm | BCC
Sunday 15th February; Water Baptism Service | 10.30am | BCC
See inside for future Beloved dates!
Please note there is NO church service on 21st and 28th December
dec 2014 Issue 21
// bethel community church
Face painting henna
Visit from santa
Craft store Tombola
Second hand stalls
Coffee & Mince Pies
Human fruit machine
World foods Games
Raising money for the Bethel Roof Fund
13th December
Bethel Church
Our Vision:To be a church that is Seen, Heard & Felt in Our City:To Reach our city, community and surrounding areas with The Gospel:To See a Worshipping Church, Active in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Book Review //By Leonie Riley
“God’s War on Terror” by Walid Shoebat
When I first looked at the size of this text
and the amount of information in it, I was
slightly concerned that I would be
overwhelmed - but - it has been one of
the most informative and interesting
books I’ve ever read.
Ex PLO terrorist and activist, Walid Shoebat, is now a
believer and follower of Jesus Christ. He lives with many
a death threat against his life by terror groups, due to his
work of exposing the truth on terror. In this book, he
explains and unravels the Biblical prophecies that are
relevant to past and current political and religious terror
activity. He has the ability to dig deeply into the Bible and
deliver insights, revelation and much needed information.
It’s an exciting and eye opening read as you literally
watch prophecy unfold before your very eyes in the world
today, at an alarming rate; it not only explains its
relevance but prepares you for it too. I’ve found this
book invaluable and I plan on revisiting it time and again.
It is honestly one of the most important things I’ve ever
read in terms of unfolding and explaining the world
around me in factual and biblical context. If you’ve got a
hunger for ‘answers,’ and an appetite for prophecy,
then I can’t recommend this book enough!
Sanctuary; Men’s //By Mark Seymour
The Dave Burton Trophy //By Lawrence
The annual DBT Golf Tournament, held in memory of
my father, was held at Dewstow Golf Club on Friday
10th October. Thankfully, conditions remained dry
and fairly bright (except for the last two groups who
were caught in the rain on the last hole!)
The event was attended by 19 golfers, including a few
new faces. Everyone seemed to have fun, enjoying time
out on the course in the great wide open.
After the players completed their rounds, the scores
were collated and a presentation was held in the
Clubhouse. The overall winner of the event was Alex
Burton who scored a credible 35 points, second was
Nigel Thompson with 32 points and third place was
awarded to Paul Griffiths with 31 points (Several
players scored 31 points but Paul won the count-back
scoring system).
There were another 2 awards up for grabs. Firstly, the
short Par 3, 12th hole, hosted the ‘Nearest the Pin’
competition, which Alex Burton won with a great low
iron shot which nestled about 10ft from the pin.
Secondly, the ‘Longest Drive’ competition was won by
Andrew Cleverly with a good solid drive down the
middle of the fairway on the Par 5, 13th hole.
I would like to thank all those who supported the
event and helped to raise money towards the
Dementia UK charity. The 2015 DBT event will be
held on Friday 9th October but the venue has not yet
been confirmed. I will post further details regarding
this event early next year. Thank you!
The Sanctuary is Bethel’s project that seeks to
welcome and support asylum seekers and refugees
in Newport. It currently runs over 3 days and 1 evening
in the Gap Centre. The Bible clearly instructs us as
Christians to provide a welcome to the foreigner
and to look out for the vulnerable and marginalised
in society.
The newly launched Sanctuary Men’s English classes
and Games night continues to flourish, with new men
joining each week, either through a referral from refugee
professional agencies, or by word of mouth. The men
meet up on a Friday night for a cup of tea or coffee, a
game of pool, table tennis, Wii bowling or for a game of
cards. It’s been so great to see up to 25 men from
different cultures, who have all fled war or
persecution in their home country, meeting up,
smiling, laughing and greeting each other. There’s
always a bit of friendly competition - a visiting female
described the atmosphere as ‘very macho’ !
The Sanctuary’s funding runs out in December please pray that we find new sources of revenue
and new volunteers to continue to develop this vital
Join us next year, starting January 1st, as we embark on Lightyear 2015!
As a church we will be reading the whole Bible in one year. Follow our schedule,
stick with it and join in the discussions as we dig deeper together...
Hi everyone! We are rejoicing in the Lord, that after 6
months of ministry, we have become church without walls to
these kids! Up to 30 children flock to Pill Millennium centre every
week for fun, faith and friendship.
“What is Beloved?” you ask? Beloved is our
women’s (aged 18+) ministry here at Bethel with the
vision of - Be inspired, be changed, just be.
We recently hosted a talent show where the kids got to let their
little lights shine and held an alternative Halloween party, full of
Jesus, which over 60 children attended! Also, our hugely talented
Miroslav and 3 others auditioned for TV’s Britain’s Got Talent! We
are still waiting to hear back..
The aim is to do as it says; we want to create spaces
and opportunities for each of us women to be
transformed by the power of God and come just as
we are, just being us. Not ‘worker’, ‘sister’, ‘wife’,
‘mother’, ‘daughter’, ‘student’, ‘unemployed’ or any other
label we or others place on ourselves, but just be YOU!
We are starting to see real growth already from the seeds we
have sown and the children really know and trust us. We have
introduced our own ‘Most High 5’ Creation Club code to teach the
culture of KCC to the children, we also have a weekly missions
offering where the children are encouraged to give to other
children in need. Praise and worship is now mostly child led. It
is so wonderful to see some of the children who had never
praised God before, praising Him now! They are especially
enjoying drama as we teach them Bible stories.
This month we have been invited by Pill Primary to go into the
school and support their project which is integrating the Roma
families through learning. We sense God’s hand is over us and
we are seeking His will for the children of Pill.
We attended the Slovakian Christian conference held at the
YMCA on Friday 28th Nov and were totally blown away by their
love for us and their passion to worship God, WOW! It is an
absolute delight to see the children now settled in their own
church with their parents, hearing God’s word. We are making
friendships with the Roma church and Pastor Mikey to share
Jesus and strengthen our bonds with the children.
So what does it look like? We do events or studies on a
6 weekly rotation. Having study time, discussions or talks
over a 3-6 week block (depending on the topic/series)
and then after a 6 week gap, we have a social event
(which normally involves food or some sort!) We
welcome anyone from anywhere. If you are new to the
church it is a great place to get together and encourage
others. We are all here to help each other and journey
together, so please come along and join us!
Below are dates we have panned in up until the
summer... So why not plan in some time out for you
to ‘just be’ ?
Saturday 10th January - 7pm - Cheese Night and Clothes swap
(£3 per person to raise money for the centre roof!)
Sunday 8th March - 6-8pm - Beloved Study
Sunday 15th March - 6-8pm - Beloved Study
Sunday 22nd March - 6-8pm - Beloved Study
Saturday 2nd May - 7pm - Social - TBC
Sunday 14th June - 6-8pm - Beloved Study
Sunday 21st June - 6-8pm - Beloved Study
Sunday 28th June - 6-8pm - Beloved Study
Please pray for us as we consider planning a children’s crusade
for next summer. Our intention is to minister to the children of Pill
by day through fun, faith-filled activities and to preach the Gospel
to the adults by night.
Psalm 78 - We will not hide these truths from our children; we
will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
-Topics and Further details will be announced on a Sunday-
Lazarus Drama teaching the children that
Jesus conquers death & light conquers darkness!
Enjoy the photos and please remember to pray for the children. If
you feel called to this type of ministry and have something to
bring to the team, please speak to Alison. Thank you for your
continued prayer and support, we love you very much. The
Creation Club team xxx
Name That Christmas Movie!
A bit of festive fun :) Can you guess which Christmas movie
each of these quotes is from?
1. ‘Teacher says, every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.’
Nativity Fun & rehearsals!
2. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.’
3. ‘It’s a one year membership to the Jelly of the Month club.’
4. ‘Since the United States Government declares this man to be
Santa Claus, this court will not dispute it. Case dismissed.’
5. Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese
dinner, and the people who sold it on sale. Amen.’
7. ‘Mother always taught me: Never eat singing food.’
Kristian sizing up to Goliath
Hallelujah party in full swing - Praise God!
6. ‘We’re your worst nightmare....Elves with attitude.’
8. ‘The thing about doesn’t matter where they’re going.
What matters is deciding to get on.’
9. ‘We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy,
candy canes, candy corns and syrup.’
10. ‘And may one hundred percent of your Christmases be white!’
Answers on back page
To See lives completely changed and sold out for God:To See a Dynamic, Forward moving Church, Full of God’s people:To cultivate and atmosphere where people can develop and grow spiritually
Beloved //By Helen Gordon
Creation Club //By Alison Stuart
English classes are one of our weekly Sanctuary events.
Each Tuesday, George shares his wealth of experience
as an English teacher with up to 15 men who gather for a
two hour interactive lesson. We’ve recently had two
further teachers contact us volunteering their services and
so the Tuesday team continues to grow.
Thursday morning is the turn of the women. Thursdays
classes have been running for over two years and are
very popular in the city. We are one of only two
opportunities for women with children to learn English, as
we are able to provide creche facilities due to our
partnership with Oxfam. Each Thursday we run three
classes with thirty learners attending while the creche at
our Gap Centre is currently full with 13 children being
cared for by creche workers supplied by Newport Social
Enterprise Childcare.
All the women’s classes are taught by women from the
refugee communities. Each teacher has taken a ‘crash
course’ with Swansea University, in partnership with
Oxfam, and then returned to the project to teach. Our
ladies are taught by a great team including our very own
Amina, who is our longest serving teacher. The team
continues to grow as another two ladies recently
completed the teacher training. We are very pleased
with this wonderful initiative that is highly regarded in
the city - it is another practical way to show the love
of Jesus to those we serve, in meeting a very real
need for many as they seek to rebuild their lives in
Some of our great teachers
Getting To Know yOu...
(Husband & Father of 4)
Full Name: George William Gumisriza
Birthday: 16th November 1969
Favourite time of year: May (Summertime)
Favourite School Subject: English Language
Favourite music: Ladysmith Black Mambazo (South
Favourite Bible Verse: “But those who wait upon God
get a fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar
like eagles. They run and don’t get tired, they walk and
do not lag behind.” Isaiah 40:31 (MSG)
Inspire us: What happens when you smile at
someone? I like smiling because, “Everyone smiles in
the same language.” (Author unknown). A smile is the
most affordable attire anyone can wear to his or her
taste and style. “A smile costs nothing but gives much. It
enriches those who receive without making poorer those
who give. It takes only a moment, but the memory of it
sometimes lasts forever...A smile cannot be bought,
begged, borrowed or stolen, for it is something that is of
no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people
are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of
yours, as “no-one needs a smile so much as he who
has no more to give.” (Author unknown). I have tried it. It
works. “By the way, I am wearing the smile you gave
me,” and as such, I owe you one when we meet again,
after all, “the joy of God is your strength.” Neh. 8:10.
Full Name: Gaëlle Marie Evelyne Favre
Birthday: 20th March 1990
Favourite time of year: Winter and Christmas
time, especially because I love cold and sunny
Favourite School Subject: History. I think human
beings are fascinating :)
Favourite music: Hard to say..I generally listen to poprock music. My favourite artist is David Garrett. This
violinist plays great rock’n’roll songs fantastically. My
favourite Christian band is Cageless Birds; their lyrics
and harmonies are very powerful.
Favourite Bible Verse: All the verses of 1 John!! If I
had to choose on: 1 John 3:1 - “See what great love the
Father has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God! And that is what we are!”
Inspire us: Never think - it’s impossible. Pray for it, go
for it, work hard and fight for it! You may have to be a bit
patient but nothing is impossible because the Lord is
with us. He helps us, surrounds us with the right people
and gives us strength to achieve great things.
1. It’s a Wonderful Life 2. How the Grinch stole Christmas 3. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 4. Miracle on 34th Street 5. Home Alone 6. The Santa Claus
7. The Muppet’s Christmas Carol 8. The Polar Express 9. Elf 10. Arthur Christmas
re Info
Name that Christmas Movie!
To See a Supernatural Outpouring of God’s Power:To See people, through Christ, live Full, Free and Fun-filled Lives//We exist to worship God in the name of Jesus Christ and to serve God in the local community
Sanctuary; English classes //By Sarah Croft
The buzz is the quarterly magazine of Bethel, Newport; aiming
to keep you up to date with what’s going on and giving you
opportunities to get involved. If you have anything you wish to
be considered for future issues please email
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