
way to go!
Give. Volunteer. Act.
Addington November
Month _,28,
This is it
In less than 24 hours, Campaign 2012 will officially be over. It’s been two and a half months
of non-stop action as thousands of dedicated volunteers and donors from hundreds of
KFL&A workplaces gave everything they had to raise money for important social programs
and services for the people of our community.
Give. Volunteer. Act.
At this point, there’s only one number on everyone’s mind. Unfortunately, we’re not going to
tell you what it is. As all of KFL&A speculates on how much money you raised, we’re going
to keep our mouths shut until 7:30 tomorrow morning, when Campaign 2012 Chair Lloyd
Fleming steps up to the microphone at the Ambassador and breaks the suspense.
We hope to see you there!
Last Call
(For Real This Time)
We said it last week, but it’ll be a
whole year until we get to say it again:
If you’re holding onto your envelope,
hoping it’s going to be the one to push
us over the top, today is your absolute
last chance to get it into us. Call your
staff partner and we’ll drop everything
and rush over to pick it up.
What’s Next?
You’d think that once Campaign 2012
is in the books, things are going to get
quiet at our Bagot Street offices. Well,
you’d be wrong.
Supporting the Campaign is just part
of our work. Once the fundraising is
over, we’ll be keeping busy collecting
the outstanding envelopes, issuing
receipts, getting ready for our annual
audit, distributing the money you raise
through our volunteer review process,
looking back on the Campaign and
seeing what we can learn from it and
then planning ahead for Campaign
We’re also working with the City and
partners on a community wide Poverty
Reduction Plan and have just started
working on a pilot project to develop
strategies to end youth homelessness.
Somewhere in the middle of all that, we
might even take a few days off for the
Aren’t you glad you asked?
For the Person Who
Has Everything
What do you get the person who has
everything? How about a little Spirit
of Community? This year, why not
surprise the special people in your life
by making a donation to the United
Way in their name? They’ll get an
attractive greeting card indicating that
you’ve given a gift in their name, and
you’ll get to show how much you care
about them – and your community. Call
613-542-2674 to find out more.
Oh, Christmas Tree
Campaign 2012 may officially be
coming to an end tomorrow, but the
campaign isn’t really over until the
Mounties have sold their last tree.
The final big event of Campaign 2012
is set for Saturday, December 8th as
the Kingston RCMP detachment takes
over the 1000 Gardiners Road parking
lot for its annual Christmas tree sale.
Drop by between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
and take home a tree for the holidays
with all proceeds going to United Way.
Issue #_
#21– –Month
28, 2012
_, 2012
Join our team!
Director, Resource Development
Reporting to the CEO, and working
closely with the Vice President
Operations, the RD Director is
a member of the management
team responsible for resource
fundraising campaign and planned
The RD Director provides knowledge
and expertise in fundraising and
successful candidate will be required
to develop strategic relationships,
maintain and grow workplace
campaigns and manage events.
The role also involves analyzing,
success, identifying opportunities,
motivating and supporting our valued
To learn more about this rewarding
career opportunity, please visit the
Palmer &Associates website or contact
Brenda Palmer at 613-389-1108 or
Campaign News
The Main Events
Just because it’s the last week of
Campaign doesn’t mean you’ve been
taking it easy.
Here’s a look at some of the workplace
events going on this week – and
• March of Dimes staff members are
having a United Way pizza party at
lunchtime November 28th.
• It may be quiet over at the Ministry
of the Environment, but that doesn’t
mean they’re through fundraising.
Ministry employees started their
annual silent auction on November
• Friday is your last chance to Buy
the Bills. CKWS-TV personalities
Bill Hall and Bill Welychka are on
the auction block. Visit the CKWS
website before 12 a.m. on Friday,
November 30th and bid on a chance
to have lunch with the Bills at Olivea,
plus a special appearance on Live @
5 and lots of cool swag.
• The Kingston Frontenacs play host
to the Oshawa Generals this Friday
at the K-ROCK Centre, and once
again, Campaign 2012 will come
away the winner. The Fronts will
use the game to present us with a
cheque for $4,620, as they hand over
the proceeds from the October 19th
NextGen Score 4 United Way event
that took place on October 19th.
• Managers at the Corporation of the
Township of South Frontenac will
serve up breakfast for the staff next
Friday and turn the proceeds over to
Campaign 2012.
The Results Are In
As the clock ticks down to the final few
hours, United Way staff members are
hard at work counting the money that
keeps coming into our Bagot Street
Here’s a look at some of the campaigns
that have been moving us closer and
closer to the magic number:
• KFL&A Public Health employees
set an ambitious $14,000 goal this
year. Not only did they reach it, they
went over the top by $1,518, bringing
them to 108% of their goal and 162%
of last year’s total. Way to go, ECC
Katie Chan and everyone at Public
• The NPIF Kingston CoGen plant
raised a whopping $11,704, which
doubles, thanks to a generous
corporate match, bringing the total
all the way up to $23,408. Way to go,
ECC Julie Madigan, who led her team
to an amazing 95% participation rate!
• The Lafarge Bath Plant campaign
has raised $5,000 with more on the
way. Way to go, ECC Kelly Hurley!
• Employees at the Ministry of
Community Safety and Correctional
Services raised $1,025. Way to go!
• Ministry
employees raised $910. Way to go!
• RBC employees ran a short but
sweet campaign. In just three days,
employees at all local branches
raised $23,331. That total goes up
to $34,331, thanks to an $11,000
corporate gift. Way to go!
• The TD Giving Campaign has
raised $13,070 with more on the way.
• The Kingston Financial Centre
came through with a $250 corporate
gift and $250 in employee giving.
Way to go, ECC Tom Dorrance!
More Support from
the Labour Movement
Our United Way has always been
fortunate to have the support of our
friends in the Labour movement, and
this year is no exception. Kingston and
District Labour Council president Lisa
Marion wrote this letter that appeared
recently in the Kingston Whig Standard:
“The Kingston and District Labour
Council is once again very proud
to support the 2012 United Way
Campaign. We are pleased to be able
to continue working in partnership with
the United Way to build a strong, caring
and vibrant community.
We in the Labour community have
a tradition of working to improve our
society. It was Labour that fought for
such things as Pensions, Medicare and
Employment Insurance benefits. This
tradition of building better societies
extends to labour’s long partnership
with the United Way as more and
more of us are turning to United Way
agencies as we struggle through
difficult times.
The annual United Way Campaign
is doing well with almost $2.8 million
raised, about 83% of their goal of
$3,350,000. Your contribution will be
the key to their success.
Issue #21 – November 28, 2012
RMC staff and cadets brought their
campaign in for a landing over
breakfast in Yeo Hall on november
27th. They raised a record $105,645
this year. Way To Go!
The organized labour community has
come out strong with already $18,026
for the campaign and many countless
hours of union members donating their
time to help on events or to canvass in
their workplaces. Union locals such as
CUPE 1974 and 1302, ETFO, OPSEU
483,443,465 and 432 and USW 343
have already demonstrated their
participation and commitment to this
year’s United Way annual campaign
and they are to be commended for
their efforts.
The United Way is one of the most
efficient and effective ways to support
our community. Each dollar we
contribute helps sustain a network
of vital services right here in our own
area. I urge all affiliates, union locals
and community members to support
this year’s campaign. It will mean
that when you or a family member, a
neighbour, a friend or someone you
may never know finds themselves in
need of help, a United Way agency or
program will be able to respond.
Your gift is more than a donation – it is
an investment in the community we all
call home.
We in the labour movement speak of
solidarity and the strength of many,
and I am sure that this principle can
serve the United Way well if our whole
community pulls together to raise the
$3,350,000 that it needs to continue its
good work.
Thank you all for your past support and
let us work now to raise that money. As
the United Way says, “Change starts
You Ought to Be in Pictures
When was the last time you checked out our Facebook page? If it’s been more than a couple of days, you
might want to visit us again. In the last few days we’ve posted lots of new photos from workplace events
from one end of KFL&A to the other. Visit us on Facebook to have a look at our latest uploads and look back
on Campaign 2012.
Campaign Spotlight:
Municipal Government
A couple of weeks ago we told you about the City of Kingston’s record-smashing campaign. This week we’re shining
the spotlight on the other municipalities that make up our amazing region. Here’s a look at some of the incredible
fundraising work they’ve done for our community this year:
Former United Way team member Angelique Tamblyn is heading
up the campaign at the Corporation of the County of Frontenac.
They’ll wrap up their campaign tomorrow. So far they’ve raised $321.
Way to go!
The Township of South Frontenac has raised $1,578 and counting.
Way to go, ECCs Mark Segsworth and Suzanne Rummell!
The County of Lennox & Addington has raised $4,250 so far. Way
to go, ECC Buffy Maureen!!
KEDCO employees have raised $990 from their event and
awareness-filled campaign. Way to go, ECC Rebecca Darling!
The Kingston Frontenac Public Library campaign raised $1,594.
Way to go, ECC Shelagh Quigley!
Township of Loyalist employees raised $3,158. Way to go, ECC Brenda Martineau!
New ECC Richard Rodrigue has brought some new energy to the Utilities Kingston campaign. Under Richard’s
leadership, the participation rate at Kingston & Area plants has more than doubled, from 18% to 38%, and they’ve
raised an impressive $17,033 with more on the way. Way to go!
The Kingston Police Department also has a couple of new ECCs. Greg Sands and Jody Armstrong have helped
their colleagues raise $1,300 so far, and that doesn’t count the proceeds from their special events, including a chili
cook-off and a turkey shoot. Way to go!
The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority has raised $1,143 and counting. Way to go, ECC Donna Campbell!
Issue #21 – November 28, 2012
Save the Dates
We’ve booked the venues and set the dates. The only thing that’s missing is you. Mark your calendars and make sure
you’re there.
Campaign Touchdown Breakfast:
thursday, November 29th, 2012
Ambassador Conference Resort
Prepare to be inspired! We have a fantastic line up of speakers including John Dickson and Daren Dougall. You may
even get to hear a live song performed by a familiar face. Find out how much money you raised as we wrap up Campaign
2012 the same way we started it – with another delicious hot buffet breakfast at the Ambassador Conference Resort.
Sponsored by Assurant Solutions.
Saturday, February 9th, 2012
renaissance event venue
United Way Next Gen presents Masquerade: A Black & White Affair at the Renaissance Event Venue. This semi-formal
social soirée gives United Way Next Genners the chance to slip into black-and-white attire and masks (optional) for an
intimate evening of intrigue, cocktails and dancing. All proceeds will go to United Way serving KFL&A. Tickets are $30
each, plus applicable taxes and fees and are available through the Grand Theatre Box Office.
Volunteer Corner
How much of a difference do volunteers make? We wouldn’t be exaggerating if we said not-for-profits couldn’t do it
without you. Without the help of hundreds of volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to support the community and social
programs and services throughout KFL&A. Are you ready to make a difference for your community this year? Below
are a few opportunities to keep in mind.
community volunteer Opportunities:
Marine Museum
Volunteer Opportunity: Front Desk, Greeter (10 positions)
To receive the public, sell tickets, offer information and help as needed. This position is the “face” of the Museum. Volunteers
represent the organization as friendly, helpful, and informed. This position may evolve over the season to include guiding informal
tours, telling stories etc.
Volunteer Opportunity: Curatorial Assistant (10 positions)
To assist the Curator as assigned in various aspects of collections and archival management including data entry, artifact research,
filing, etc.
Contact: Ned Dickens 613-541-7239
Arthritis Society
Volunteer Opportunity: Display Volunteer (5 positions)
To attend display booths at health fairs and other community events, distribute information and act as an information source and
ambassador of The Arthritis Society.
Volunteer Opportunity: Presentation Volunteer (5 positions)
Deliver a standardized presentation about arthritis to various groups and organizations and be a key representative of The Arthritis
Contact: Sarah Culley 613-723-1083 x 1516 For more information on these or other volunteer opportunities,
contact Volunteer Centre at 613-542-2674 ext. 5,
You can also visit our website and search our database of volunteer opportunities posted by our member organizations:
Issue #21 – November 28, 2012