DYNAG: Centrifuge - Block Scientific
DYNAG: Centrifuge - Block Scientific
Instructions, f,oti GLAYADA'M,S'Brand DYNAG:Centrifuge Moti,elNost j 420101 ' ,,, 420102 Tlmer Brake Panel Llght SpeedConlrol ADAMSBrand ' CLAY DYNACCentlfuge i,fodele420101and 4fr102 CLAYADAMSO Erand, DYNACCentrlfuge Models420101 and 42A102 ELECTRICALPRECAUTIONS r Fleadthis manualbeloreoperatingths CLAY ADAMStsrandDYNACCentrtfuga. r THIS CENTBIFUGE Is FoR UsE oN A.c. (Alternating Current|ONty. r Chockthe datffplateon the baekof th€ control panol.forthe requiredvoltageandfrequency. GAUTION To avoldoloctrlcalshook,connectpowercord only to an approvedpowersoure6buchas a 3-wlregroundedrec€ptacle. Wherea A-wire rs.oeptgcle is encountored, havelt replaiod wlth a properlygrounded3-wlrereceoibcle tn accordailce wlth the NationalElectrlialCode. Do not, underanyclrcumstanceS, removethe groundprongfromthe powerplug. jhe.Fowercordand ptugbocomecrackod, f-!.glLd rraygo,brokenor otherwlsedamaged, theyshould be replacedimrnedlately Ova servjc"manl Urylu.S the power oord before eervlclng.The :Plll9.l,rhould not .nefgrmanysorvicingoxcept stafedInthlernanual, Referfrrvtctns fro :"??_"11"1ily ratnsd personnel or returntho instrumgnt,to th6 racrorytor repair. $PECIMEN,PRECAUTIONS WARNING AND BODY FLUTDS MAYCONTATN FfooD INFECTIOUS ORGANISMSUCi NS HEPATITIS B VIRUSAND HIV rr.rNi CAru }F tMpRopenlvHarv_ PF_TRANSM|TTED q!ED.ALWAYS pRorEcTavtr_nBoWEAR RAfoRy clovEs WHENcor_ledlifto, HANDLINO AND PFOCESSINGALOOO AND tsODYFLUIDS. r Observegood laboratoryproc€duros when han_ dling blood specimens. I Alwqys use protecilvs laboratory gloves when workingwlth blood. r lf a tube breaksIn the shletd, carefullyremove broken glass wlth a hemostat or oth* device, using puncture-reslstant ulllity glovos. . In additlonto wearlnggloves, the us€ of dlspos_ able lab.coats or gowns and protecilveglasses or gogglesare recommonded. OPERATING INSTRUCTICINS Atlachlng Rotor Head a, Romove knurlod hoad*retainlngscrew from rnotorshaft. b. Place rotor head on shaft so that tho pin In the Totgr shaft engag€sth€ slot in the bottom of tho head, c. Push headdown until lt ssatsovorthe shaft pln. d. Replace knurled screw on motor shaft and tightensnugly, BalancingLoad For smooth operation and extonded life of thls centrifugoloads must be batancedas oqualtyas posslble,The use of a balancels recomrneriOeO when loads are unevenlydlstrlbuted. Fememberthat the dfstrlbutionof materlal.tobe centrifugodis as lmportantto batanclnSas the wolght.lf the amountsof ftuid In opposiietubes cannot.be equailzed,fill the shiotd iaround the llghtertube)with wateruntiltheloadsai.enalanced. lmportant: Never balance by adding weights, fiercury, or shot to tho bottom of a tube onsh-ield. Uge of Gonlrolg PEFOREOPERATINGTHE CENTRIFUGE, MAKE 9!RE THATTHEspEEDcoNrRoi liirtoe rs sETATZERO(0). tr Tlmer Tho DYNACCentrifugels controltedby a BO-mlnute timer, wtth HOID posiilon for continuousopera_ 1, t]on:,,gperatlng the tim6r automaticalty turnb the cgnrr|tugeon. yLel.s?lthg.the.ljrner, turnthefirmer knobontyln I clockf,rlsedlrecllon. a, 7..o get nre slln ilme, turn the tlrner knob elockwise-to the fime sotting desired. For Interyab bl tess than.E mlnutei tuin ino rrnou pas! q, then s€t back to the time desirod. Tho centrlfuge wiil operate to the end of the ilmed cycte,and wlll then shut itsetfoff. b. For o.ontlnuousopelallon, turn the knob clockwtsoto th6'HOLD' poslilon.The centrffugewlll op€ralo continuouslyuntil it ls manualt! shut off. To rhut olf, retdrn the knob counierbtock_ wim to the'0'poslilon unillths bell iounds, c. A bell will s.lgnalthe end of everycentrlfugafion cycle, whetherfimer or manual.- tl SpeedConlrol a solid-statespeed The Centrifugeincorporates controf,providlngthe ultimalein smoolhcontrol ovora widerangeof headsPeeds. a, Ghoosethe speed setting desired.from'the speed and force tables in this booklot (gee riorons AND SPEED tables). USE THE TABLE.The speedof the cen' APPLICABLE trifugowlll varyfor anygivensettingdependlng on the headandshieldused, Note: An ADAM$ PhotoelectricTachometer '(Cat. can be usedto determlnethe No, 425205) speedsettingdesiredae well as perlodiccenhas trlfugespoedmonitorlng.The Tachometer four epeedranges,up to 30,000RPM,for use with vlrtuallyall table top and floor model centrifugne. movetho b. Oncethe machlnohasbeenturnedon,'0' to the speed-controlknob clockwiselrom settingdoslred. cycle,returnthe c. At theendof thoc€ntrlfugation knobto zero. spesd-control MAINTENANCE Lubrlcatlon Bearingsin th6 motor of the DYNAb Centrituge are sgaledand requireno lubrlcatlon. Molor Brushea Every slx months the motor brushee shoutd be inspected lor wear. Brushes ehould be replaced when they are less than 1/4 of an Inch (0.63crn) long, Use only the roplacementbruehsespecified ln the PAHT9 LIST sectlon, Referringto ttre explodedvlew on page 4, replace the brusheeas follows; a. REMOVE THE LINE CORD PLUG FROTII THE ELECTRICALOUTLET. . cAt T|on TO AVOID ELECTRICAL 8HOEK, BE SURE THE LINE QORD IS DISCONNECTED BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY REPAIRS. b" Turnthe Centrifugeon ita side. tl Brake$wltch holdingthothreerubberfeet, c, Remove thescro\it,s TheCentiilugeis equlppedwith an electrlcbrake' geillo stop.in a rotors to to most deslgned brlng d, Remove the rubberfeet andthe bottoh plate. aboutone"quarterof the normaltim.e.Unlessthe reniloveth€ two e. Uelng a slottad,screwdrlver, tlmerhasrun'outor beenturnadoff,the headwill brushoape,oneon slthelsldeof theCentrifuge regainspeedwhenthe brakoswitchis released. motor. a. To operate,prossdownthe brakethumbswltch from l. Removethe springand brushasqembly The brake and hotd lt down duringbreaklng, thg motor. will ibe actlvatedas long ae the swltchis held down. g, - Brushorlentatlon- ll brushesare atill usable, A$ YOUFOUNDTllElllt' orientandroplacsthem b. Beleasethe brakeswltch aBsoon aBthe h€ad oomesto'a stop. For delicatesedlmsntations' h. To replace, insertiheeprlngandbrushassembly releasetho switchlust belorethe headcomos THA'T into the motor. lT l$ VERYIMPOHTANT to a atop,'andlet ths headcoastgently. THE CURVEDFBONT SURFACEOF THE BEFOREINSERTION BEUSHBE ORIENTED c. DO NOT HOLDTHE BRAKESWITCHDOWN OF THE CURVED SURFACE TO switeh MATCH THE brake lf the 8TopS. THE'llEAD AFTEF caps MOTORHOUSING.Beplacethe'brush ls holddowntoo long,theheadwilllmmedlately '.' tightly. opposlte down and screw In the begln acoeleratlng reverseand directlon. Properperformance i. Alwaysrun-lnnewbrusfies, may not occur untll alter severalhours of operationwith the rotorheadln place, tr PanelLlght Cleanlng llluminationof the red p.anellight indicatesthat the Centrlfugeis in operation,either tlmed or Periodlcally wlpe the lnteriorand exterlorof the continuous. Contrifugebowl and plastlccovsr with a daryp cloth.Usea mlld deteiqentto rsrnovest'alns'DO NOT USE STRONGSOIVENTSOH ALKALIS par6. whichcandamage'thes€ El CoverandLatch lrlote:Tho tran$parontplastlccovorcfln'also be The ccntrifugecover ls closed and locked by damaged by car6ontefrichlorlde,chlorotorm,and cover, the latch. To open levor-type mean$of a lid aromatlc hydrocarbons. most pressihe lld latohDOWN, r' tt ROTORS AND SPEED $ETTINGS 120Volt Comblnaflons Ths tableebelowhavebeenpreparedto Indicats speeds and fdrcde for comptere l?Rl?{npte DYNACContrifuge Comblnallons. The Comnina_ ttonsbetowconslstof a.Model420101(120vott) DYNAc Centritugeequippedwitn ttr*'inbicate+ roror head and shie.lds,ln each case, speed settlngshave been detormlned for tno'specitic head and shietdesuqpligd.Speed'seiilng, uru approxlmate. (t:e,, tib%) ani wrlr--varywith voltago,load,slzeof tubs and ageof cenirituge. Tho tablos have been_praparedfor centffu-ge operatlonat 120volts,80 hz,'wlththecoverdo$d, and thecenterholeuncovored, Operafing thecentrlfugewlth the coveropanwill i.educsjtsspeeO considerably. l_f-tfesneodeetilngls criilcatin q laboratorypro_ ceours,ueea non-contact tachometer to cailbrate speed,suchastheADAMSphotoslectric Tachom_ oter{Cat,No. 425205} Cat.No.420ffi9 4-place50 mL Horlzontal Head P/N 420'108 wlth 4 p/N 420900shtetds. $PEEDSETTING RPM RCF 24 1000 180 63 2000 730 1,00 2799 1425 Cat.No.42006s 8-place15mL Horizontal Head P/N 420t09with I p/N 4A0901 shletds. SPEEDSETTING RPM 36 1000 7B 2000 100 2300 RCF 200 800 1060 Cat No.4200OZ 4-place100 mL HorlzohtalHead P/hl 420110with 4 pn{ 4A0S0S shletds. SPEED$ETTING 35 RPt\/| 75 2000 100 2886 11.50 Cal: No.420tlSs 12-place15 mL Anglo"Head P/N 420113wtth t2 p/N 420002shtetds. v SPEEDSETTING RPM 26 1000 2000 2890 60 100 Cat. No,420089 Z4-place15 mL Angle-Head P/N 420114with 24 p/N 4A0g0Ashietds. SPEEDSETTING RPM 30 63 1000 2000 100 2755 RCF 165 655 124A Cat. No.4.20091 Z4-flace 15 rnl Angle-Head PlN 42Afi4 with 24 p/N 420901shtetds, SPEEDSETTING FPM 33 73 100 1000 2000 RCF 180 725 2400 1040 Gat. No.4200SS 24-placeAngle-Head P/N 420114with 24 p/N 420904shietds for 10 X 75 mm and 12 x ZSmrnfuUbs. SPEED SETTING RPM RCF 1S 50 1000 2000 7s 3000 140 570 1280 100 HCF 200 810 1000 Cat. No.42008? 12-place15 mL Rngle-Ffea* P/N 4€0113wlth 12,p/N420301shietcts. SPEEDSETTING RPM BCr 30 1.000 180 71 2000 726 100 2515 11 4 5 1680 220Volt/S0Hz Combtnailons RCF 160 650 1360 a Modet4z01oz (za0v150Hz) P:ll|lL*l"f: lsi'lg uenrntugeoase will provide dlfferent ipeedsthan rnoseIn the previous tablesusingequivalent head At 5o hz oporarlon, ill_:llslg.conflgurarions, speeoswiltlncroassapproximatety .-- -'v rpmat ' 400_6d0 the maximum ssttingi'i00). PART$.LIST n umbercoppoelte. vlewwlthreference $eeexploded 12OVCENTRIFUGE 1. i,IOTOF& HARDWARE 421110101, AO$Ef{BIY: Nui, FlexLoc,No, 8-32{3) Seql.Motor SpringPin,3/32Dia. x 7110Lg, (GollarClamp) HeadFtetalnor. Ssl Sorotv,Sockol(All€n)(2) HoadScrewAecembly Wirjnglnstructlong 2. MOTORBRUSHKIT (for1C0V I l20V-Holorrlr 420mt0e Bru8hABsembly,(21 OutorCaps(21 tl2010tos 3. TIIIER WITHKilOS: Knob Tlmgr Look$raohor, lnt Tooth WlrlngInottustlono '[2010104 4. KNOI OI{LY,TIMER: 5. 8W|TCH'BFAKET $witch & locknut Rln0Nut WlringInotruotlons 4t0r0t0e 6. CORD$ETASEEMFLYT 42054109 Gord$6t Wlrlnglndtruotlons 7, GOVERASSEMBLY: 8. IATCfI ASSEUBLY 9. SPEED.cOl,lfAOtLER ASSEiIBLY: Wrlng lrlgtructions 10.KITOBONLY,SPEED 'OQNTnOL: 42010S{'0 4201fi109 42010108 42010109 & 11,LIGHTASSEHELY 42010110 coililECTOh3 Llghtwlth SprlngFastcner Pueh-OnGonnEolor WlreBlack18qA. 4" L9. Wrlng lrBlruotlons Connoctor(2) 12.I{EADECREW ASgEilBLY& RErfinEnr fi010111 Hoad$cr€wAssortbly H6adRotalnar(Oollatclamp) Set Scrs{r,Socksl(Allen) No.6-3ON.C,x 1/4O.P.{2) 13.RUBaERBUMPER: 42OlOl12 3 pst Packago !4. RUSBER FOOTE 4it0t0t13 HARDWARE: Foolu"lthWashsr{4} R.ubber $crew,Phll.Hd. No. 1S.99x 5/8 tg, (4) 15. LID CUSHIONT 16, LATCH PLATE! 42010310 'fl0t03t2 ExplodadVlaw, OYNACCentrifuga Models420t01 and 420102 22OVCENTRIFUGE . 17,MOTORfr HAFOWARE 4?01(n01 A99EfrilBLY: Motor Nut,Fle&Loc.No.8-92{31 Ssal,Motor . $pringFln.3/32Dla,x 7/16Lg. Lg; ScotchFoam,11" HeadFotalnar'(CollarClamp) Set Scre,'ff, Sockot(Allen)(2) fload ScrswA8ssmbly Wlrlnglnetructione 18.9PEEDCONTBOLLER 420t0902 ASSEMBLY: Wirlr|gInstruclions '19a,$cr.o$r, Pan,Head No.6-"32x 3/8 Lg. '20a.Scrow,FlatH€sd No.F32 x 5fi6 Ls, .21a.Nut,HexNo.&32 Lockwasher Spllt No.6 $pEclFrcATloHs (both models) '10In,(26.4 am) tlelght BowlDlamoter: 15In,(38.1crn) 18.5ln. {47om} OverallWidlh: N€llivoighttbasoonlyl; 27lb$.(12.25kg) 'Atlnching hadwaro not tnchdod. puroheGo locolly. ACCESSORIESFOR CLAY ADAMS BRAND DYHACCENTRIFUGE Rolor$electlont .\ a$. h [.uhei ftr u|crilr 8il1[l 4e0ril 4iln0 !9l1g,Illlqry rl?01il lloflrofltal"0 Dl&i 1?01 t0 Horlrojllal.id[ci 4mill An0le0 placo 1?@r,{a000a, 4fiN04,,120fl6 4?01tg ,l20llt An{lo,/t plact An0li.l2 pl|co 80000 {20r0i. 4?0sc, 4280,t,{2m$ {?0| l{ AnldF24plocff 4a)001. 4e$0e4am0t;440005 11fl:-g!94e{:ifl$- tlorl:ontf,l4 0tiFo 4?0flr0 42mr. {rmt. €0&t,{a0s0[ dar00 thleld Seleetlon 0.5ffi l* f, [racdthr otn mlflri rlilhn/lrstrr ht.lrHlltll N Iollr ;[h [!l|!0mR! Clffil Ifi llra: tn0gD Slai)l€ss $t061wllh cll3hlat t,m041 i20rs01rxn l{s/*r tr/i'l LD,$ m|h 50nl {0 mlhmvy dutytuboa 41[01 Stahlo$ 8to0l yfth Custlon 110| lC mil (4itliltn 1.0,17.8mm . 16l|l1,. 15 ml V,ICUTAII{ER . 0loodCofloclln0 IUI|6s 100r 10ntm {{ r il') l,D.17,6 mn . For13,x75 Dfi hJba.rra 5 nh 16ml. ? nl, {} ml rt 12026t) t|AcuIAnEBBtood . Fg 13xr100mn lubo,ugc .Coltcllnc lrllc | 4e0261ir llunhilm. ilith cuthloo ?5xl0mm Prlll 1,0.ti.E mm 3 ml, 10.r16 nil, 1?x 76 mo, {fid5fi| V Ctlt$llttfi Blood CollocthcTubog 4fln|E Aluillfirm. *llh curllon 00x 10mrn (zqlr *|) 1,0.11.5 m[l . 13x 75,inmtnd t$ x 100fim 2rnl,I nllr.rd 'tubec 05 mllub|s, mtaonprtl6{s 10I55nm, 3 rt{ V^0UIAlt{Efl Slood 0ollecthg Tuuor fios 101 x{1.{nm lm n| Ubos. {3qrx 1*") fll nl phsllcUno6 l,D,ff3 mql {rlthmrrworps rfiea 4rm2 $lNlnhBsSteol $,llhcurhloD t 4tr81g {am0l $lolilss Slrd, tdllh ffthlon fl 42$&, supttiod ir balamodpslfs F,r 13r m fim l{io, u6o I 4am$0 {id 420152 For13x 100mmtubo.u6s | 12U51Nnd&0462 i For13x75fin rubo, us{ .t4m?$irpmr . lt x lO0imil tubonotcomootiblo Mulllple Carrier Selecton G|t.I|, iln66. Tuhttrlt F .4fllrs {tot$ {ilm i IrL fk|/r hFr Urd$li 75r t3 nu HErnoA[0r {Oljl0 76.t 13orn HBIft0AFD- {?0t10 '|00t 1e mmHtM00AR0" 420r r0 lm x fi nn HeltooRlF @oil0 {!pz0 I 10x ?5rnn 'efim {mr I l2x75mn rmn 421D110 5 4mg$ I l3 x |m mm,or ? mlVACUIII{EI l8x 100or l0 ml V CUTAIIER t?0fi0 120110 (Contlnued) FOn CLAVADAHSBFANDDYHACCENTRIFUGE ACCESSORIES thleld Gtrshton Selastlon Cl, lq {t0?49 0||fl14h {ffi{l SmflllolfirlrCustdcr f,rrhbor CurhhfiandLorttruotsc {mfl llUhlnCmhlon 4&S R||bbor otltlon {w{{ Rubhr AdeDlfi llhnlh, ll[U004fi0nd{ptil t flm60&,t2udl SlrhHt 4glB00 8lrr0[laogo thid r aaor i{effi Slrhldll 120001 Adaplersand:Spacert cil lr in0$ ' t|mtl {!@Et {t!?$ 1C001 1ileil o.|{|ll|or lll|n Urad Adrel.r slth crltlior lc ?6 x 13nn 'Httt{l0AFDCbcurcTuhor thlrl& t 110001.4{te Adsptrwfthcurhhrht lO r 13iln }HD0ARD0hun luror Sp|cortf lon0lor HHm0Ano CloorsIoD63. thhldrI {ru01,410S0 SprcorTi lo.Bfil HE|U00IRD CloruJr lub$ Bsduoh0 rdlptorlrorilsttmfh tt ml 8oduoi.r0 od.phrlromlil mtfoO nl thhE I t20g)1 $httldI4nil1 lororBt40011f,. {2011? notor,t/Polt0 For a$r|l$anceln the UnltedStatec call the TechnlcalServlceDepartmonl. of BoctonDloklnconPrlmaryCareDlagnoetlce 1-800-6tf1.8084 Beclon Dlcklmon PrlmaryCareDlagnorflcr 7 LovetonCirole,$parks,MD 21152-0370 U.S.A. CLAYADAMS;DYIIACand IIEiIOGARDsro trademarks ol BeotonDloklndonand Company. \, ffigrvfi ug$rw(m 0101-000-001 R6v.B t1/92)
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