3ummer - Durham
3ummer - Durham
, Laurie s Learn to Skate 3ERVING$URHAM3INCE s0RESCHOOL3CHOOL!GE s2EAL)CE0ROGRAMS s"IRTHDAY0ARTIES s&IGURE3KATING3KILL $EVELOPMENTOF(OCKEY s&ALL0ROGRAMS 3UMMER0ROGRAMS#AMPS )SYOURCHILDPLAYING(OCKEYOR2INGETTETHISFALL 3PACESSTILLAVAILABLE -INI2INK #LASSES 2ENTALS 15 MONTHS TO SENIOR KINDERGARTEN 3YNTHETIC )CE#LASSES ,IMITED3PACE#ALL.OW LICENSED DAY CARE WEBSITEWWWLAURIESLEARNTOSKATECOM 279 King Ave East Newcastle 905-987-5700 PERFORMING /PXSFHJTUFSJOHGPS 4VNNFS$BNQ'BMM4DIPPM1SPHSBNT ARTS Join Us ANDWITH SUMM 5IFIJHIOPUFJONVTJDMFBSOJOH5. PRESENT Music Summer Camps 2011 -Y9OUNG2OCK3TARS AMPM 3TRAUSS3NEAKY3AM AMPM "UGS"UGSY4HE0IZZICATO0OLKA AMPM "UGS"UGSY4HE0IZZICATO0OLKA AMPMORAMPM !GES July 5th To August 11th From Beginner to Advanced Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Ballet, HipHop !GES *ULY WEEK LONG INTENSIVE CAMPS Mini Movers, Tweens & Elite Athletes Jazz, Tap, Acro, HipHop, Ballet, Lyrical !GES !UGUST 4OREGISTERORFORMOREINFORMATIONCONTACT$ENISE"URNETT sWWWMYMUSICCENTRECAsINFO MYMUSICCENTRECA $UNDAS3T%2EAR5NIT"7HITBYENTRANCEATREAR the ER WEEKLY CLASSES *ULY !GES !UGUST 4 .OPREVIOUSMUSICKNOWLEDGEISNECESSARYJUSTWILLINGNESSTOHAVEFUN 2EGISTRATIONSAREALSOAVAILABLEFOR&ALL OOM RESOURCES BABIES & TODDLERS Ontario Early Years Centre Contact your local centre for programs and times. See category ‘Family Support’. Clarington Public Libraries 905 623-7322 ext. 725 Baby on Board, Tales for Twos, Musical Infants and Musical Toddlers. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Clarington Clarington Recreation and Leisure 905 623-3379 Contact for details on Aquatics, Recreational and partnered programs with Ontario Early Years and the YMCA. Clarington City of Oshawa Recreation 905 436-3311 or 800-667-4292 Contact for details on program times and locations. Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries Books and Bounces, Tales for Twos and Cozy Time. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Oshawa Scugog Memorial Public Library 905 985-7686 231 Water St. Parent ‘n’ Tot. Port Perry Durham Region Health Department 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Babyville - a support and discussion series for parents of infants 0-12mths. Whitby Durham Region Health Department 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Infant Development Program. Visiting children whom are delayed or are at risk of delay ages 0-2yrs. 605 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby Mom and Baby Depot 905 666-2229 207 Dundas St. W. Free breastfeeding drop-in. Whitby Town of Whitby 905 666-1991 Contact for details on times and locations. Whitby Whitby Public Libraries Babytime, and Tales for Twos. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Whitby FAMILY DROP-IN PROGRAMS Ontario Early Years Centre Contact your local centre for programs and times. See category ‘Family Support’. Bowmanville Public Library 905 623-7322 163 Church St. Programs offered by the OEYC. Bowmanville Oshawa Public Libraries Family Storytime. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Oshawa Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources 905 862-2750, ext 310 Centres located in Beaverton, Cannington, Sunderland and Uxbridge. Uxbridge Whitby Public Libraries Family Storytime. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Whitby FAMILY SUPPORT !T3ARAH*ANE 7ILLIAMS (ERITAGE#ENTRE 4EMPERANCE3T "OWMANVILLE 3UMMER#AMPS 4IME4RAVELLING &ULL$AYCAMP !-n0- "EFOREAND!FTER #AREAVAILABLE 0REREGISTRATIONREQUIRED ,AKERIDGE+IDS (ISTORYS-YSTERIES *ULY !UGUST %XPLORE 6IKINGS 3AMURAI !NCIENT%GYPT ANDMORE &ACTORlCTION $IGINTOHISTORY INCLUDINGDINOSAURS ANDARCHEOLOGICAL WONDERS WWWCLARINGTONMUSEUMSCOM WithoutaFather.com For teens growing up without a father. Offers advice on health, relationships, education, careers and money. Ajax-Pickering One Parent Family Association 905 831-7098 For single parents to provide support and fun with others sharing the same experiences. Wednesdays at 8 pm at the Ajax Cricket Club, corner of Clements and Monarch Avenue except for the first Wednesday in every month when the meeting starts at 8:30. Ajax Big Sisters of Ajax-Pickering 905 428-8111 398 Bayly St. W., Unit 1 Ajax Family and Community Action Program ‘Helping Children Grow in Durham’ 905 686-6466 230 Westney Rd. S. Provides resources, activities and workshops to promote the health and well being of children 6 and under, for parents and caregivers. Ajax Grandview Children’s Centre - West 800 304-6180 570 Westney Rd. S. Ajax John Howard Society of Durham Region 905 427-8165 136 Commercial Ave. Family counseling, DADS support group for separated and divorced fathers, parenting programs. Ajax Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region 905 427-8862 865 Westney Rd. S. Supports integration of children with special needs into the community. Ajax John Howard Society of Durham Region 905 623-6814 132 Church St. Family counseling, DADS support group for separated and divorced fathers, parenting programs. Bowmanville Ontario Early Years Centre 905 697-3171 45 Westside Dr. (located inside Dr. Ross Tilley School) Bowmanville The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough - Clarington Services 905 623-1852 or 866 503-3303 93 King St. W. Suite 205. Bowmanville Autism Ontario Durham Region 905 432-5092 or 866 495-4680 Supports and resources to families living with Autism. Durham Denise House 905 728-7311 or 1-800-263-3725 Supports women and their children in abusive relationships. Durham Durham Child & Youth Crisis Line 888 337-0841 Durham Family Services Durham 905 666-6240 Grief Workshops. Durham WiseParent 888 619-1232 Coalition of parents, individuals and organizations assisting in the development of families. Durham Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 987-6914 20 King St. Newcastle Catholic Family Services of Durham 905 725-3513 115 Simcoe St. S. 3rd Floor. Oshawa Distress Centre 905 433-1121 or 800 452-0688 Call anytime to talk about personal problems or crisis situations. Oshawa Durham Association for Family Respite Services 905 436-2500 or 800 500-2850 20-850 King St. W. Assistance for families caring for children with disabilities. Oshawa Durham Children’s Aid Society 905 433-1551 1320 Airport Blvd. corner of Taunton Rd. and Airport Blvd. Oshawa Durham Deaf Services 905 579-3328 750 King St. E. Oshawa Durham Lupus Support Group Child &Youth Chapter 877 240-1099 For children under the age of 18 facing the challenges of living with lupus and other chronic illnesses like MS, Crohn’s Disease, Juvenile Diabetes etc.. Oshawa Frontenac Youth Services 905 579-1551 1160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre 905 579-4833 86 Colborne St. W. Providing community support for patients and their families dealing with cancer through peer support, information, a resource centre, wellness programs and an ongoing lecture and discussion series. Oshawa John Howard Society of Durham Region 905 579-8482 75 Richmond St. W. Family counseling, DADS support group COMMUNITY RESOURCES for separated and divorced fathers, parenting programs. Oshawa Kerry’s Place Autism Services 905 579-2720 ext 25 Boundary Mall, 1077 Boundary Rd, Unit 208. Oshawa Ontario Early Years Centre 905 723-9922 1 McGrigor St. Oshawa Ontario Early Years Centre North Oshawa 905 434-3831 500 Mayfair Ave. Oshawa Oshawa YWCA - Housing Department 905 576-8880 Emergency hostel for women 16 years and over and for mothers with children. 33 McGrigor St. Oshawa PWP A Single Parent Support Group 905 697-0279 Oshawa Rose of Durham, Ontario Early Years and Young Parents Resource Centre 905 432-3622 200 Bond St. W. Oshawa Simcoe Hall Settlement House 905 728-7525 387 Simcoe Street South. Programs for less advantaged children/families. Oshawa Learning Disabilities Association Durham Region 905 426-1442 Monthly meetings/”Share & Learn” support group sessions, advocacy workshops, advocacy support for parents, resource library with books & videos, awareness day events. Pickering Footprints 905 420-0388 Respite services for families with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Pickering, Whitby Community Living Durham North 905 985-8511 60 Vanedward Dr., Unit #2. Providing supports and services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Port Perry Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 985-2824 158 Casimir St. Port Perry Precious Minds 905 982-0882 21980 Hwy 12 Support to families with children who have barriers to learning. Sunderland Durham Farm & Rural Family Resources 905 852-4791 Program to provide care to farm families so children do not have to spend the day in the work place. Uxbridge Durham Farm and Rural Resources 905 862-2750, ext 310 141 Reach St, Unit #8. Centres located in Beaverton, Cannington, Sunderland and Uxbridge. Uxbridge Department of Social Services (Children’s Services) 905 666-6238 or 800-387-0642 Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby Durham Hospice 905 430-4522 or 888 790-9414 209 Dundas St. E., Lower Unit #1. Providing hospice palliative care and bereavement support to children and their families. Whitby Durham Region Health Department 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby Family Counselling Division 905 666-6240 Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Rd. E. Individual, marital and family therapy. Whitby Kinark Child & Family Services 888 454-6275 1916 Dundas St. E. #2. Full range of free and confidential programs and services to children up to age 12 with mental health issues, as well as support to their families and caregivers. Whitby Ministry of Community, Family & Children’s Services 905 665-1030 1400 Hopkins St. Legislative body responsible for the Day Nurseries Act. Whitby North Durham Teen Parent Services 905 852-5310 Volunteers, churches and agencies supporting teen parents and their children. Whitby Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 666-4794 250 Michael Blvd. (located inside St. Marguerite d’Youville School). Whitby Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 447-8787 1850 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby FATHERING Ontario Early Years Centre Contact your local centre for programs and times. See category ‘Family Support’. WithoutaFather.com For teens growing up without a father. Offers advice on health, relationships, education, careers and money. John Howard Society of Durham Region 905 427-8165 136 Commercial Ave. DADS support group for separated and divorced fathers. Ajax John Howard Society of Durham Region 905 623-6814 132 Church St. DADS support group for separated and divorced fathers. Bowmanville John Howard Society of Durham Region 905 579-8482 75 Richmond St. W. DADS support group for separated and divorced fathers. Oshawa Rose of Durham, Ontario Early Years and Young Parents Resource Centre 905 432-3622 200 Bond St. W. Parenting program just for dads in 10 week sessions. Oshawa FOOD PROGRAMS Salvation Army 905 623-2185 Mon. and Thurs. from 10am-12pm and 1-3pm. Bowmanville Clarington East Food Bank 905 987-1418 87 Mill St. N. #2 Clarington Adventist Community Services Centre 905 433-8800 1170 King St. E. Wed. 12:30-2:45pm, Thurs. 9am-2:45pm. Oshawa Simcoe Hall Settlement House 905 728-7525 387 Simcoe Street South. Oshawa St. Peter’s Food Bank 905 728-8080 Tuesdays 6-7pm. Oshawa The Eating Well Ministries 905 579-1706 73-1 Celina St. Oshawa Operation Scugog Food Bank 905 985-3087 593 Alma St. Port Perry HEALTH “Find a Doctor Service” College of Physicians and Surgeons 800 268-7096 xt. 626 Connect with a doctor in your area who is accepting new patients. Telehealth Ontario 866 797-0000 Speak to a registered nurse for health related concerns. 24hrs, 7 days a week Your Health Care Options 866 330-6206 To help you find local health care options when you need help but it is not an emergency. Lakeridge Health Bowmanville 905 623-3331 47 Liberty St. S Bowmanville Scugog Professional Building 905 623-2533 98 King St. W. Bowmanville Clarington Medical Centre 905 432-7777 2727 Courtice Rd. Courtice Courtice Health Centre 905 723-8551 1450 Hwy 2 Courtice Canadian Mental Health Association 905 436-8760 60 Bond St. W. Oshawa First Step Medical Clinic 905 720-0506 32 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Glazier Medical Centre 905 579-1212 11 Gibb St. Oshawa King St. Medical Clinic 905 432-1017 600 King St. E. Unit #17 Oshawa Lakeridge Health Oshawa 905 576-8711 1 Hospital Crt. Oshawa Oshawa Community Health Centre 905 723-0036 115 Grassmere Ave. Oshawa Oshawa East Urgent Care 905 433-8011 675 King St. E. Oshawa Oshawa Nuclear Medicine Clinic 905 723-1653 300 King St. W. #201 Oshawa Pinewood Centre of Oshawa 905 723-8195 300 Centre St. S. Oshawa South Oshawa Medical Centre 905 433-5001 199 Wentworth St. W. Oshawa Taunton Health Centre 905 723-8551 1290 Keith Ross Court Oshawa Taunton Urgent Care 905 721-6890 1290 Keith Ross Court. Mon.-Fri. 9am 8pm, Sat. 9am - 5pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm. Oshawa Oshawa Clinic 905 723-8551 117 King St. Oshawa Lakeridge Health Port Perry 905 985-7321 451 Paxton St. Port Perry Pinewood Centre-Lakeridge Health 905 985-4721 180 Mary St. Port Perry Brooklin Medical Centre 905 655-3321 5959 Anderson St. Whitby Durham Region Health Department 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Rd. E. Speak with a public health nurse, Mon. - Fri. 9am - 6pm. Whitby Family Care Medical Centre 905 430-5305 3050 Garden St. #104 Whitby Kids’ Clinic 905 242-7965 220 Dundas St. W. #205 Whitby Lakeridge Health Whitby 905 668-6831 300 Gordon St. Whitby MDM Medical Clinic 905 668-6448 80 Thickson Rd. S. Whitby Mom and Baby Depot 905 666-2229 207 Dundas St. W. Free breastfeeding drop-in. Whitby Rossland Medical Centre 905 666-5412 701 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby Whitby Clinic 905 668-3378 200 Brock St. N. Whitby Whitby Medical Centre 905 668-5835 619 Brock St. S. Whitby Whitby Specialist Clinic 905 668-5404 220 Dundas St. W. #301 Whitby Whitby Urgent Care 905 668-7899 220 Dundas St. W. #104 Whitby HELP LINES Assaulted Women’s Helpline 866 863-0511 “Find a Doctor Service” College of Physicians and Surgeons 800 268-7096 xt. 626 Connect with a doctor in your area who is accepting new patients. Kids’ Help Phone 800 668-6868 Parent Help Line 888 603-9100 Poison Information Centre 800 268-9017 Telehealth Ontario 866 797-0000 Speak to a registered nurse for health related concerns. 24hrs, 7 days a week Community Services Information Line 211 Information about social services in Durham region. Durham Durham Health Connection Line 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm. Speak with a public health nurse, about parenting concerns, infant and child development, breastfeeding support and services, infant and child nutrition, prenatal resources and information, teen, adult and senior issues, healthy eating, healthy living and injury prevention, immunization and travel health, smoking cessation, community resources. Durham Durham Rape Crisis Centre (905) 668-9200 24 hour a day, 7 day a week crisis and support line for recent or past survivors of sexual abuse and assault. Durham Environmental Help Line 905 723-3818 ext. 2188 or 888 777-9613 Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm. Speak with a public health inspector about DineSafe Durham and food safety, drinking water quality, public pools and beaches, animal bites, rabies and West Nile virus, health hazards and other environmental health issues, emergency preparedness and management, pandemic planning, infectious diseases prevention and control, beauty and body art safety (ie. tattooing and body piercing), day nursery issues and playground safety, Smoke-Free Ontario Act enforcement and private sewage systems. Durham Waterfront Trail - Clarington 416 943-8080 Access at Darlington Provincial Park, OPG, Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area, Bond Head Park. Clarington Waterfront Trail - Wilmot Creek 416 943-8080 Clarington Courtice Millennium Trail 905 623-3379 Behind Courtice Community Complex. Courtice Oak Ridges Moraine Entrance at Purple Woods Conservation Area and Crow’s Pass Conservation Area. Durham Enniskillen Conservation Area 905 579-0411 Exit 401 at Waverly Rd. Travel North on Regional Rd. #57. Turn Left at Concession Rd. 7. Turn Right on Holt Road and follow the signs. Enniskillen Newcastle Lions Trail Edwards St. Newcastle Oak Ridges Trail 877-319-0285 Darlington/Clarke Townline Rd. Orono Orono Crown Lands 905 983-9785 Access at Ochonski Rd. at Station St. and Concession 5 east of Ochonski Rd. Orono Sydney B. Rutherford Woods Walk Park Main St. beside CIBC bank. Orono Harmony Creek Trail 905 436-5621 Farewell Park Oshawa Michael Starr Trail 905 436-5621 City of Oshawa Information Centre, Bloor St. Oshawa Oshawa Creek Trail 905 436-5621 Access at Lakeview Park, Children’s Arena, Bloor & Simcoe Streets. Oshawa Rotary Environment Park Shoreline trail adjoining municipal boat launch and rowing clubhouse, 1 Old Rail Lane. Port Perry Scugog Shores Millennium Trail Port Perry waterfront from beach area to Curts St. along shoreline. Port Perry Canterbury Common Trail East end of Coulter St. along shoreline to Simcoe St. Scugog Heber Down Conservation Area 905 579-0411 Country Lane Rd. via Taunton Rd. Whitby Lynde Shores Conservation Area 905 579-0411 Victoria St. W. Whitby Waterfront Trail - Whitby 416 943-8080 Access at Port Whitby Harbour, Rotary Sunrise Lake Park, Kiwanis Heydenshore Park & Pavilion. Whitby INFORMATION CENTRES Ajax/Pickering Information Service 905 686-2661 132A Commercial Ave. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Ajax HIKING Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek Valley Trails 905 623-3379 Bowmanville - King St. and Baseline Rd., Soper - King St. and Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area 905 623-3379 West Beach Rd. Bowmanville Bowmanville/Westside Marshes Conservation Area 905 579-0411 West Beach Rd. Bowmanville OPG Darlington Waterfront Trails 905 623-7122 South Service Rd. Bowmanville Brooklin Lions Trail Access at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena. Brooklin Ganaraska Forest Centre 905 797-2721 Cold Springs Camp Rd, north of Cty Rd. 9. Campbellcroft Darlington Provincial Park 905 436-2036 Clarington Samuel Wilmot Nature Area 905 623-3379 Cobbledick Rd. & Toronto St. Clarington Ph. 1 800-593-3194 Fax 905-372-5792 Email listings@lakeridekids.com *UNE*ULY COMMUNITY RESOURCES Information Newcastle 905 623-7322 Newcastle Public Library, 62 Temperance St. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Bowmanville Brock Information Centre 705 432-2636 30 Allan St. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Cannington Information Oshawa 905 434-4636 Community Information Centre, 419 King St. W., Suite 175. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Oshawa Information Scugog 905 985-8461 Scugog Community Care, 175 North St. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Port Perry Information Uxbridge 905 852-7445 Uxbridge Community Care, 75 Marietta St., Unit 1. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Uxbridge Whitby Information Centre 905 668-0552 900 Brock St. S. Providing information about a wide range of community and government services. Whitby LANGUAGE Durham Preschool Speech and Language Program 905 728-1673 or 800 304-6180 Grandview Children’s Centre 600 Townline Rd. S. Oshawa Oshawa Speech and Language Centre 905 432-9100 21 Gladstone Ave. Suite 207 Oshawa LIBRARIES Clarington Public Library - Bowmanville Branch 905 623-7322 163 Church St. Mon. - Fri. 10am - 9pm, Sat. 10am - 5pm, Sun. 12pm - 5pm. Bowmanville Whitby Public Library - Brooklin Branch 905 655-3191 Brooklin Community Centre, 8 Vipond Rd. Mon.-Thurs. 10am–9pm, Fri. 10am-6pm, Sat. 9am-5pm. Brooklin Clarington Public Library - Courtice Branch 905 404-0707 2950 Courtice Rd. Mon. 1 - 8pm, Tues. - Thurs. 10am 8pm, Fri. 10am - 6pm, Sat. 10am - 5pm, Sun. 12pm - 5pm. Courtice Clarington Public Library - Newcastle Branch 905 987-4844 150 King Ave. E. Mon. 1 - 8pm, Tues. 10am - 6pm, Wed. 1 - 8pm, Thurs. 10am - 6pm, Fri. 1 - 6pm, Sat. 10am - 5pm, Sun. 12 - 5pm. Newcastle Clarington Public Library - Orono Branch 905 983-5507 127 Church St. Mon. 1 - 6pm, Tues. 1 - 6pm, Wed. 1 - 8pm, Thurs. 1 - 6pm, Fri. 1 - 6pm, Sat. 10am - 2pm, Sun. closed. Orono Oshawa Public Libraries 905 579-6111 Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries 905 579-6111 ext. 5200 McLaughlin branch, 65 Bagot St.. Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries 905 579-6111 ext. 5871 Northview Branch, 250 Beatrice St. E. Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries 905 579-6111 ext. 5860 Jess Hann Branch, 199 Wentworth St. W. Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries 905 579-6111 ext. 5803 Legends Centre Branch, 1661 Harmony Rd. N. Oshawa Scugog Memorial Public Library 905 985-7686 231 Water St. Mon. 10am - 6pm, Tues. 10am - 9pm, Wed. 10am - 6pm, Thurs. 10am - 9pm, Fri. 10am - 6pm, Sat. 10am - 5pm, Sun. 1 - 5pm. Port Perry Whitby Central Library 905 668-6531 405 Dundas St. W. Mon. - Fri. 9:30am - 9pm, Sat. 9am - 5pm, Sun. 1 - 5pm. Whitby Whitby Public Library - Rossland Branch 905 668-1886 701 Rossland Rd. E. Mon. and Fri. closed, Tues. - Wed. 10am - 6pm, Thurs. 12 - 8pm, Sat. 10am - 2pm. Whitby MUSEUMS Bowmanville Museum 905 623-2734 37 Silver St. Bowmanville Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 905 623-2734 62 Temperance St. Bowmanville Clarke Museum and Archives 905 623-2734 7086 Old Kirby School Rd. Kirby Canadian Automotive Museum 905 576-1222 99 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Ontario Military and Industrial Museum 905 728-6199 1450 Stevenson Rd. N. Oshawa Oshawa Community Museum and Archives 905 436-7624 1450 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Parkwood - The R.S. McLaughlin Estate 905 433-4311 270 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Robert Stuart Aeronautical Museum 905 436-6325 Stevenson Rd. N. Oshawa The Robert McLaughlin Gallery 905 576-3000 72 Queen St., Civic Centre Oshawa Scugog Shores Historical Museum 905 985-3589 16210 Island Rd. Port Perry Station Gallery 905 668-4185 1450 Henry St. Whitby Whitby Historical Museum 905 556-9822 123 Brock St. S Whitby PARENTING SUPPORT Ajax-Pickering One Parent Family Association 905 831-7098 For single parents to provide support and fun with others sharing the same experiences. Ajax Exceptional Learning Centre 905 686-4800 570 Westney Rd. S. Workshops for parents/caregivers/teachers of children with special needs. Ajax Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region 905 427-8862 865 Westney Rd. S. Supports integration of children with special needs into the community. Ajax Ontario Early Years Centre 905 697-3171 45 Westside Dr. (located inside Dr. Ross Tilley School) Bowmanville The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough - Clarington Services 905 623-1852 or 866 503-3303 93 King St. W. Suite 205. Bowmanville Autism Ontario Durham Region 905 432-5092 or 866 495-4680 Supports and resources to families living with Autism. Durham Family Services Durham 905 666-6240 Series of workshops - Growing Great Kids! Growing as Parents! and Parenting Teens and Preteens. Durham WiseParent 888 619-1232 Coalition of parents, individuals and organizations assisting in the development of families. Offering free workshops. Durham Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 987-6914 20 King St. Newcastle Catholic Family Services of Durham 905 725-3513 115 Simcoe St. S. 3rd Floor. Oshawa Durham Children’s Aid Society 905 433-1551 1320 Airport Blvd. corner of Taunton Rd. and Airport Blvd. Oshawa H.O.P.E. – Helping Other Parents Everywhere (905) 239-3577 or 866 492-1299 Community Support Group for parents of acting out teenagers. Oshawa Kerry’s Place Autism Services 905 579-2720 ext 25 Boundary Mall, 1077 Boundary Rd, Unit 208. Oshawa Leap - Learning, Earning and Parenting 905 432-2929 xt. 0 200 John St. W. 2nd Floor. For custodial parents 16 to 21. Oshawa Ontario Early Years Centre 905 723-9922 1 McGrigor St. Oshawa Ontario Early Years Centre North Oshawa 905 434-3831 500 Mayfair Ave. Oshawa Oshawa Community Health Centre 905 723-0036 115 Grassmere Ave. Oshawa PWP A Single Parent Support Group 905 697-0279 Oshawa Rose of Durham, Ontario Early Years and Young Parents Resource Centre 905 432-3622 200 Bond St. W. Oshawa The Family Resource Centre 905 728-1673 or 800-304-6180 Grandview Children’s Centre 600 Townline Rd. S. Wide range of information/resources on general health, parenting, parenting children with special needs, and family life. Oshawa Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario 800 488-5666 For parents of disruptive youth. Weekly meetings, workshops and resources. Oshawa, Whitby Pregnancy Support Team Durham Alternative Secondary Education (DASE) 905 579-1990 Helping pregnant and parenting teens continue their education. Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Cannington Learning Disabilities Association Durham Region 905 426-1442 Monthly meetings/”Share & Learn” support group sessions, advocacy workshops, advocacy support for parents, resource library with books & videos, awareness day events. Pickering Footprints 905 420-0388 Respite services for families with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Pickering, Whitby Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 985-2824 158 Casimir St. Port Perry Precious Minds 905 982-0882 21980 Hwy 12 support to families with children who have barriers to learning. Sunderland Durham Farm & Rural Family Resources 905 852-4791 Program to provide care to farm families so children do not have to spend the day in the work place. Uxbridge Durham Farm & Rural Family Resources 905 862-2750, ext 310 141 Reach St, Unit #8. Centres located in Beaverton, Cannington, Sunderland and Uxbridge. Uxbridge Sunrise: Support for Young Moms 905 852-4192 A service of The Uxbridge Pregnancy Centre. Uxbridge Durham Behaviour Management Services 905 666-6238 Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Rd. E. Consultation and workshops to parents, day care, who care for kids ages 2-12yrs. Whitby Durham Region Health Department 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby North Durham Teen Parent Services 905 852-5310 Volunteers, churches and agencies supporting teen parents and their children. Whitby Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 447-8787 1850 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby Ontario Early Years Centre Satellite 905 666-4794 250 Michael Blvd. (located inside St. Marguerite d’Youville School) Whitby PRE/POSTNATAL Motherisk 416 813-6780 Information about the use of different products when thinking of having a baby, when pregnant or when breastfeeding. Pre & Post Natal Nutrition Project “Food ‘4’ Thought Program” 905 428-8111 or 877-GIRLS-XL The Youth Centre, 360 Bayly St. W., Unit 5. Drop-in program for pregnant young women up to 26 years of age. Ajax Let us know what is going on in your community. ,AKERIDGE+IDS The Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham 905 619-9878 572 Kingston Rd. W.. Support for pregnant and parenting individuals and families. Infant supplies available. Prenatal and parenting classes. Ajax Infant Massage 905 697-3171 Ontario Early Years Centre 45 Westside Dr. (located inside Dr. Ross Tilley School) Bowmanville Birthing Circle and ICAN of Ontario (International Caesarian Awareness Network) 905 428-1766 Parent-run childbirth support group. Durham Durham Region Parents of Multiple Births Association 888 358-5145 Support for those expecting twins or multiple births. Durham La Leche League 905 723-0542 or 800 525-3243 Free telephone help, monthly meetings, lending library, membership available. Durham Lamaze Prepared Childbirth of Durham Region 905 723-7373 Lamaze childbirth preparation, early preganancy classes and caesarian workshops. Durham WiseParent 888 619-1232 Coalition of parents, individuals and organizations assisting in the development of families. Durham Breastfeeding Buddies 905 723-0036 xt. 241 Oshawa Community Health Centre, 115 Grassmere Avenue, program room 1A and 1B. Oshawa Community Care Midwives 905 723-6088 Privileges in Lakeridge Health in Oshawa and at Northumberland Hills Hospital in Cobourg. Oshawa Lakeridge Health Oshawa Birthing Classes 905 576-8711 xt 4116 1 Hospital Crt. Oshawa Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Clinic 905 576-8711 ext. 4559 Lakeridge Health Oshawa, 1 Hospital Court. Oshawa The Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham 905 720-3252 29 Drew St. Support for pregnant and parenting individuals and families. Oshawa Lakeridge Health Port Perry Prenatal Classes 905 985-7321 xt. 5525 451 Paxton St. Lamaze childbirth preparation taught by a certified Lamaze instructor and hospital tour. Port Perry Durham Region Health Department 905 666-6241 or 800 841-2729 Just in Time Prenatal Classes, Food 4 Thought, Healthy Babies/Healthy Children, Breastfeeding Support, Post Partum Depression Support Groups, S.M.I.L.E. (Supporting Mothers and Infants Learning Experience) Whitby Mom and Baby Depot 905 666-2229 207 Dundas St. W. Free breastfeeding drop-in. Whitby Pre & Post Natal Nutrition Project “Food ‘4’ Thought 905 428-8111 or 877-GIRLS-XL Marigold Co-Op, 121 Ash St. Drop-in program for pregnant young women up to 26 years of age. Whitby PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Ontario Early Years Centre Contact your local centre for programs and times. See category ‘Family Support’. Clarington Public Libraries 905 623-7322 ext. 725 Preschool Storytime ages 3-5yrs. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Clarington Clarington Recreation and Leisure 905 623-3379 Contact for details on Aquatics, COMMUNITY RESOURCES Recreational and partnered programs with Ontario Early Years and the YMCA. Clarington City of Oshawa Recreation 905 436-3311 or 800-667-4292 Contact for details on program times and locations. Oshawa Oshawa Community Health Centre 905 723-0036 115 Grassmere Ave. Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries Tales for Twos and Preschool Story Time. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Oshawa Scugog Memorial Public Library 905 985-7686 231 Water St. Parent ‘n’ Tot, Preschool Storytime and Tech for Tots. Port Perry Scugog Recreation Complex 905 985-8698 1655 Reach St. Port Perry Town of Whitby 905 666-1991 Contact for details on times and locations. Whitby Whitby Public Libraries Stories for 3s & 4s. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Whitby RECREATION CENTRES Clarington Fitness Centre 905 623-3392 49 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville Garnett B. Rickard Recreation Complex 905 623-5728 2440 King St. W. Bowmanville Courtice Community Complex 905 404-1525 2950 Courtice Rd. Courtice South Courtice Arena 905 435-1061 1595 Prestonvale Rd. Courtice Newcastle and District Recreation Complex 905 623-3379 1780 Rudell Rd. Newcastle Bathe Community Centre 905 571-2658 298 Eulalie Ave. Oshawa Boys and Girls Club of Durham 905 728-5121 433 Eulalie Ave. Leadership development, arts and crafts, games room, swimming. Oshawa Columbus Community Centre 905 436-3888 3265 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Connaught Community Centre 905 725-4702 435 Jarvis St. Oshawa Donevan Recreation Complex 905 725-3536 171 Harmony Rd. S. Oshawa Durham Family YMCA 905 438-9622 (YMCA) 99 Mary St. N. Oshawa General Motors Centre 905 438-8881 99 Athol St. E. Oshawa Legends Centre 905 436-5455 1661 Harmony Rd. N. Oshawa Northview Community Centre 905 432-1984 150 Beatrice St. E Oshawa Oshawa Civic Auditorium Complex 905 436-5454 99 Thornton Rd. S. Oshawa Oshawa YWCA 905 723-9922 1 McGrigor St. Oshawa South Oshawa Community Centre 905 436-5474 1455 Cedar St. Oshawa Whitby Civic Recreation Complex 905 666-1991 555 Rossland Rd. E. Oshawa Scugog Recreation Complex 905 985-8698 1655 Reach St. Port Perry Blackstock Recreation Centre 905 986-5177 3440 Church St. W. Scugog SCHOOL BOARDS The Durham Catholic District School Board 905 576-6707 or 877 482-0722 xt. 2253 Durham The Durham District School Board 905 666-6434 Durham Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board 705 748-4861 Peterborough The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board 877 741-4577 1994 Fisher Dr. Peterborough SPECIAL NEEDS Exceptional Learning Centre 905 686-4800 570 Westney Rd. S. Workshops for parents/caregivers/teachers of children with special needs. Ajax Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region 905 427-8862 865 Westney Rd. S. Supports integration of children with special needs into the community. Ajax The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough - Clarington Services 905 623-1852 or 866 503-3303 93 King St. W. Suite 205. Parenting a child with learning disabilities or ADHD. Bowmanville Autism Ontario Durham Region 905 432-5092 or 866 495-4680 Supports and resources to families living with Autism. Durham Durham Association for Family Respite Services 905 436-2500 or 800 500-2850 20-850 King St. W. Assistance for families caring for children with disabilities. Oshawa Durham Family YMCA 905 438-9622 (YMCA) Y Knot Abilities Program. 99 Mary St. N. Oshawa Epilepsy Durham Region 905 571-2099 850 King Street West, Unit 20 Oshawa Grandview Children’s Centre 905 728-1673 or 800-304-6180 600 Townline Rd. S. Oshawa Kerry’s Place Autism Services 905 579-2720 ext 25 Boundary Mall, 1077 Boundary Rd, Unit 208. Oshawa Learning Disabilities Association Durham Region 905 426-1442 “Share & Learn” support group sessions, advocacy workshops, advocacy support for parents, resource library with books & videos, awareness day events. Pickering Footprints 905 420-0388 Respite services for families with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Pickering, Whitby Grandview Children’s Centre 905 985-7321 451 Paxton St. Outpatient services to children and young adults with physical and communication disabilities. Port Perry Precious Minds 905 982-0882 21980 Hwy 12 support to families with children who have barriers to learning. Sunderland Durham Down Syndrome Association 905 433-4100 Whitby Sunrise Youth Group 905 438-9910 1621 McEwen Drive, Unit 6. Whitby STORYTIME Ontario Early Years Centre Contact your local centre for programs and times. See category ‘Family Support’. Clarington Public Libraries 905 623-7322 ext. 725 Ready to Read - Raising Readers: Baby and Toddler Storytime (0-2), Preschool Storytime (3-5). Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Clarington Oshawa Public Libraries Books and Bounces (0-24mths), Cozy Time (0-35mths), Tales for Twos (2yrs), Preschool Story Time 3-5yrs. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Oshawa Scugog Memorial Public Library 905 985-7686 231 Water St. Parent ‘n’ Tot and Preschool Storytime. Port Perry Town of Whitby 905 666-1991 Contact for details on times and locations. Whitby Whitby Public Libraries Tales for Twos, Stories for 3s & 4s and Family Storytime. Contact your local branch for times and dates. See category ‘Libraries’. Whitby SWIMMING Clarington Fitness Centre 905 623-3392 49 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville Courtice Community Complex 905 404-1525 2950 Courtice Rd. Courtice Newcastle and District Recreation Complex 905 623-3379 1780 Rudell Rd. Newcastle Orono Park Pool (Outdoor) 905 983-9448 Orono Boys and Girls Club of Durham 905 728-5121 433 Eulalie Ave. Oshawa Camp Samac Outdoor Pool 905 725-8383 Entrance on Conlin Rd. E. Oshawa Donevan Recreation Complex 905 725-3536 171 Harmony Rd. S. Oshawa Durham Family YMCA 905 438-9622 (YMCA) 99 Mary St. N. Oshawa Lake Vista Outdoor Pool 905 728-2561 Lake Vista Park, Emerald Avenue. Oshawa Legends Centre 905 436-5455 1661 Harmony Rd. N. Oshawa Oshawa Civic Auditorium Complex 905 436-5454 99 Thornton Rd. S. Oshawa Rotary Outdoor Pool 905 723-1214 Rotary Park, Centre St. S. Oshawa South Oshawa Community Centre 905 436-5474 1455 Cedar St. Oshawa Birdseye Aquatic Centre 905 982-0830 258 Water St. Port Perry Anne Ottenbrite at Iroquois Parks Sports Centre 905 688-7765 500 Victoria St. W. Whitby Whitby Civic Recreation Complex 905 666-1991 555 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby TUTORING AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Computers for Literacy Development Program 905 623-1852 or 866 503-3303 The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough - Clarington Services, 93 King St. W. Suite 205 Bowmanville SoAR: Some Assembly Required 905 623-1852 or 866 503-3303 The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough - Clarington Services, 93 King St. W. Suite 205. Bowmanville Frontenac Youth Services 905 579-1551 1160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Whitby Central Library 905 668-6531 405 Dundas St. W. Reading Buddies. Whitby WALK-IN CLINIC Bowmanville Urgent Care Clinic 905 623-6458 222 King St. E. Mon. - Fri. 1 - 8pm, Sat., Sun. 10am - 4pm. Bowmanville Courtice Urgent Care 905 721-4304 1450 Hwy 2. Mon. - Fri. 9am - 8pm, Sat. 9am - 5pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm. Courtice Glazier Medical Centre 905 579-1212 11 Gibb Street. Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 8pm, Sat. 9am - 12:30pm, 1:30 - 5pm, Sun. 1 - 5pm. Oshawa Kinderclinic 905 444-9636 200 Taunton Road West. Mon. - Fri. 5:30 - 8:30pm. Oshawa Oshawa Health Centre 905 728-7915 247 Simcoe Street North. Mon. - Fri., 8:30am - 7:15pm, Sat. 9am - 1pm. Oshawa Taunton Urgent Care 1290 Keith Ross Court. Mon.- Fri. 9am 8pm, Sat. 9am - 5pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm. Oshawa Oshawa Urgent Care 905 721-3548 117 King St. E. Mon. - Fri. 9am - 8pm, Sat. 9am - 5pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm. Oshawa Doctors Office Wellness Centre 905 436-6868 1801 Dundas St. E. Whitby Family Care Medical Clinic 905 430-5305 3050 Garden St. Mon. - Fri. 8am - 8pm, Sat., Sun. 9am - 4pm. Whitby Kendalwood Clinic 905 404-9191 1801 Dundas Street East. Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5pm, Fri. 9am-1:30pm, Sat. 10am -12:30pm. Whitby North Whitby Medical Centre 905 430-2400 3975 Garden Street. Mon. - Fri. 8am - 7:30pm, Sat., Sun. 10am - 3pm. Whitby The Doctor’s Office 905 668-6448 80 Thickson Road South. Mon. - Thurs. 9am -8pm, Fri. - Sun. 9am - 3pm. Whitby Whitby Clinic 905 668-3378 200 Brock St. N. Mon. - Fri. 5-8pm, Sat. 9am - 12pm, Sun. 10am - 1pm. Whitby Whitby Medical Arts Urgent Care 905 436-2273 1615 Dundas Street East, Suite 201. Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm, Sat., Sun.10am -3pm. Whitby Whitby Medical Walk-In Clinic 905 444-9493 3910 Brock N (at Taunton). Mon. - Thurs. 8:30am - 8:30pm, Fri. 8:30 - 3pm, Sat. & Sun. 9am - 1pm. Whitby Whitby Urgent Care 905 668-7899 220 Dundas Street West. Mon. - Thurs. 10am - 7pm, Sat. 9am - 1pm. Whitby YOUTH & TEENS KPRD School Board Report Bullying website Submit an anonymous report, including school location and details of the bullying incident. www.kprschools. ca/students/report_bullying.php WithoutaFather.com For teens growing up without a father. Offers advice on health, relationships, education, careers and money. SoAR: Some Assembly Required 905 623-1852 or 866 503-3303 EVENTS The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough - Clarington Services, 93 King St. W. Suite 205. Bowmanville The Firehouse Youth Centre 905 623-6814 132 Church St. Bowmanville Clarington Public Libraries Contact your local branch for teen programs and their times and locations. See category ‘Libraries’. Clarington Clarington Recreation and Leisure 905 623-3379 Contact for details on Aquatics and Recreational programs for Youth and Teens. Clarington Girls Incorporated of Durham 905 428-8111 Mentoring program for girls ages 6-16 yrs and pregnant teens. Durham City of Oshawa Recreation 905 436-3311 or 800-667-4292 Contact for details on program times and locations. Oshawa Friday Night Lights Youth Program 647 999-1919 Glen St. Public School. 8 week sessions designed to keep youths busy. Oshawa Frontenac Youth Services 905 579-1551 1160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Oshawa Public Libraries Contact your local branch for teen programs and their times and locations. See category ‘Libraries’. Oshawa Rose of Durham, Ontario Early Years and Young Parents Resource Centre 905 432-3622 200 Bond St. W. Oshawa T.A.B. Teen Advisory Board Oshawa Public Libraries. Contact your local branch for times and dates of meetings. See category ‘Libraries’. Oshawa Pregnancy Support Team Durham Alternative Secondary Education (DASE) 905 579-1990 Helping pregnant and parenting teens continue their education. Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Cannington Leadership in Training Program (L.I.T.) 905 985-8698 Scugog Recreation Complex 1655 Reach St. Port Perry Scugog Recreation Complex 905 985-8698 1655 Reach St. Port Perry BCCL Youth Room 905 655-2010 Brooklin Community Centre and Library, 8 Vipond Rd. Mon.-Fri. 4-8pm, Sat. 1-8pm. Whitby Brock St. Activity Centre 900 Brock St. S. School Year Hrs. Mon. - Fri. 4 - 8pm, Sat. 1 - 8pm, Summer Hrs. Mon. - Fri. 1 - 8pm. Whitby Career Strategies for Youth 905 571-3811 15 Thickson Rd. N. Unit #1 Whitby Meridian Youth Room 222 McKinney Dr. School Year Hrs. Mon. - Fri. 4 - 8pm, Sat. 1 - 8pm, Summer Hrs. Mon. - Fri. 1 - 8pm. Whitby North Durham Teen Parent Services 905 852-5310 Volunteers, churches and agencies supporting teen parents and their children. Whitby Sunrise Youth Group 905 438-9910 1621 McEwen Drive, Unit 6. For young adults with special needs. Whitby T.A.G. Teen Advisory Board Whitby Public Libraries. Contact your local branch for times and dates of meetings. See category ‘Libraries’. Whitby Town of Whitby 905 666-1991 Contact for a variety of programs for youth and teens and on times and locations. Whitby Whitby Public Libraries Contact your local branch for teen programs and their times and locations. See category ‘Libraries’. Whitby June - July Music in the Park 905 430-4310 Rotary Centennial Park Wed. evenings or at Grass Park in Brooklin Thurs. 7pm. Brooklin, Whitby June 1 Parent Engagement: A Celebration of School, Family and Community Partnership Durham District School Board 400 Taunton Road E., 6-8pm. Whitby June 2-5 Brooklin Spring Fair 905 655-7093 Brooklin Fairgrounds. Brooklin June 3 Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Maxwell Heights Secondary School. Oshawa June 3-5 4th Annual Pickering Ribfest 800 661-0243 ext. 4146 Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade. Pickering June 4 3rd Annual Community Block Party 603 Church Street, N., 11am-2pm. Ajax June 4 Beaverton Lioness Club Dog Walk - Fundraiser for Guide Dogs 705-426-4072 Lions Park - Simcoe Street, 9:30am. Beaverton June 4,5 The Art of Country Living in Clarington Family Adventure Tour 905 263-8889 Showcasing Clarington tourism. Clarington June 4 Courtice Lions Club Dog Walk Fundraiser for Guide Dogs 905 438-0436 Courtice Community Centre, 9am. Courtice June 4 Annual Canoe the Nonquon 905 985-8698 xt. 103 Race down the Nonquon River into Lake Scugog, 7-9am. Port Perry Jun. 4, Jul 2 Tank Days 905-723-9930 Ontario Regiment Museum Whitby June 4 Bicycle Fun and Safety Day 905 668-7711 x3271 Kids Safety Village of Durham, 1129 Athol St., 12-3pm. Whitby June 5 Colon Cancer Walk of Durham Region 905 409-8188 Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School, 80 Mandrake Street. Ajax June 5 Intact Insurance Furry Friends 5k Heydenshore Pavilion, 8am-12pm. Whitby June - July Concerts in the Park 905 623-7142 Rotary Park, Queen St., Thurs.7pm. Bowmanville June 10-12 Rockin’ Rotary Ribfest Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. Bowmanville June 10-12 Rockin’ Rotary Ribfest Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. Courtice June 10 Pre-Teen Dance at Northview C.C. 905 432-1984 Northview Community Centre, 150 Beatrice St. E, 7-10pm. Oshawa June 10 Pre-teen Dance 905 420-4620 ext. 2096 Pickering Recreation Complex Pickering June 11 Doors Open Clarington 905 623-2734 Clarington June 11,12 7th Annual Peony Festival Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens. Oshawa June 11 Oshawa Children’s Community Fair 905 725-7351 Memorial Park. Information,activities and entertainment. Oshawa Continued on page 28 Ph. 1 800-593-3194 Let us know Fax what 905-372-5792 is going on Email in your listings@lakeridekids.com community. *UNE*ULY ADVERTISERS’ MARKETPLACE EVENTS June 11 Oshawa Young Eagles Day 905 697-2577 Terminal Building, Oshawa Airport, 1200 Airport Blvd. Oshawa June 12 Union Cemetery Tours 905 623-2734 Oshawa Community Museum, 2pm. Oshawa June 12 Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-thon for Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada 800 387-1479 xt.235 Rotary Sunrise Lake Park, 269 Water St. Whitby June - July Newcastle Village Concerts 905 987-3795 Newcastle Memorial Park, 7pm. Newcastle June 14 11th Annual Girls Inc. Charity Golf Tournament 905 428-8111 Whitevale Golf and Country Club. Whitevale June 17-19 32nd Annual International Vintage Racing Festival 800 866-1072 Mosport International Speedway. Bowmanville June 18 7th Annual Dragon Boat Festival 705 932-2078 Shores of Lake Scugog. Port Perry June 18 Toy Testing & Fun Day Uxbridge Arena, 10am - 4pm. Uxbridge June 19 Fiesta Parade and Concert 905-725-7351 Memorial Park. Multicultural parade and concert. Oshawa June 19-25 Fiesta Week 905 725-7351 Oshawa June 25 Summerfest 9am - 5pm. Bowmanville June 25,26 Métis Heritage Celebration 905 725-1635 Oshawa June 25 Oshawa Airport Open House 905 576-8146 1200 Airport Blvd., 10am - 3pm. Oshawa July 1 Ajax Canada Day Celebration Rotary Park, 177 Lake Driveway W, Ajax July 1 Canada Day Celebration 705 426-9641 Beaver River Museum. Beaverton July 1 Canada Day Celebration 905 623-2734 Clarington Museums. Bowmanville July 1 Canada Day Celebrations 905 987-5251 Port of Newcastle Marina. Newcastle July 1 Canada, Past & Present Newcastle Town Hall, 20 King Ave. W. Newcastle July 1 Canada Day 905 725-7351 Lakeview Park. Oshawa July 1 Canada Day 905 420-4660 Kinsmen Park, 12-11pm. Pickering July 1 Canada Day Celebrations 905 985-4971 Palmer Park Port Perry July 1 Whitby County Town Carnival Celebrates Canada Day 905 430-4310 Whitby July 3 Treble in the Park Concert Series 905 420-4620 ext. 2060 Esplanade Park Gazebo, 2-4pm. Pickering Continued on page 30 ,AKERIDGE+IDS 100 MILE DIET Cricklewood Farm 613-475-4293 www.cricklewood.ca 3km West of Brighton Hwy 2 Brighton Van Dorp Farms 905-885-0207 3260 County Rd 28 Port Hope ART PROGRAMS City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Artsy Bee 905-985-6051 www.elizabethmichel.com Port Perry BABIES & TODDLERS Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Anti-Gravity Trampoline 905-728-0751 www.anti-gravity.ca Whitby Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby My Music Centre 905-444-9490 www.mymusiccentre.ca 1121 Dundas St., East, Unit 1B Whitby Whitby Montessori School 905-430-8201 95 Taunton Rd. East Whitby BABYSITTING COURSES St. John Ambulance 905-434-7800 www.sja.ca Oshawa BASEBALL / SOFTBALL City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE Kawartha Child Care 705-749-3488 www.kawarthachildcare.com Courtice, Bowmanville Kawartha Child Care www.kawarthachildcare.com Peterborough BIRTHDAY PARTIES Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville Clarington Gymnastics www.clargym.com Bowmanville Clarington Museum and Archives 905-623-2734 www.claringtonmuseums.com Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville Theatre Dance Academy 905-435-0762 www.theatredanceacademy.com Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa Laurie’s Learn to Skate Durham 905-831-7111 www.laurieslearntoskate.com Brooklin Gerri Photography 905-355-1011 www.gerriphotography.com 15 King Street East Colborne Ceramics Canada 905-728-6939 www.ceramicscanada.com 385 Bloor Street West, Unit 4B Oshawa Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa Harmony Creek Golf 905-433-0211 www.harmonycreekgolf.com 1000 Bloor St. East Oshawa Oshawa Community Museum 905-436-7624 x 106 www.oshawamuseum.org Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Anti-Gravity Trampoline 905-728-0751 www.anti-gravity.ca Whitby Creative Math & Music 905-665-2100 www.creativemathandmusic.com 10 Meadowglen Drive Whitby Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby Hoofers Performing Arts 905-404-1779 www.hoofersperformingarts.com North Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby DIAPERING SERVICE Easy to Bum Diapering Service 905-922-2336 www.easytobum.com Whitby DRAMA City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Great Big Theatre Company 1-866-864-4282 www.gbtc.com Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax FAMILY FUN FINANCIAL ADVISORS Investors Group 905-434-8400 corrine.st.croix@investorsgroup.com 111-1614 Dundas Street East Whitby FIRST AID / CPR St. John Ambulance 905-434-7800 www.sja.ca Oshawa Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby FITNESS Clarington Gymnastics www.clargym.com Bowmanville City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby Ishi Gogyou Martial Arts Education 905-441-2256 www.ishigogyoudojo.com 1450 Hopkins Street, Unit 2-2A Whitby Clarington Museum and Archives 905-623-2734 www.claringtonmuseums.com Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby Cricklewood Farm 613-475-4293 www.cricklewood.ca 3km West of Brighton Hwy 2 Brighton Greater Durham Jiu-Jitsu 905-666-9392 www.greaterdurhamjiu-jitsu.com Whitby CHILD CARE Kawartha Child Care 705-749-3488 www.kawarthachildcare.com Courtice, Bowmanville Wee Watch Enriched Home Child Care 905-433-0558, 905-686-3995 www.weewatch.com Courtice, Whitby SchoolHouse Playcare Centers 905-666-5500 ext 5193 Durham Summit Montessori School 905-987-5700 279 King Avenue East Newcastle Kawartha Child Care www.kawarthachildcare.com Peterborough CONTINUING EDUCATION University Of Ontario Institute Of Technology 905-721-8668 ext 3050 www.science.uoit.ca/csscamp 2000 Simcoe Street North Oshawa DANCE Theatre Dance Academy 905-435-0762 www.theatredanceacademy.com Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa Prima Dance Academy 905-425-2828 www.primadanceacademy.ca 58 Baldwin Street North Brooklin PKS Dance Elite Ltd. 905-579-3548 www.dance-elite.ca Courtice City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Cobourg Tourism 1-888-262-6874 www.cobourgtourism.ca Cobourg Harmony Creek Golf 905-433-0211 www.harmonycreekgolf.com 1000 Bloor St. East Oshawa Oshawa Community Museum 905-436-7624 x 106 www.oshawamuseum.org Oshawa Lang Pioneer Village 1-866-289-5264 www.langpioneervillage.ca just 10 minutes east of Peterborough Peterborough Van Dorp Farms 905-885-0207 3260 County Rd 28 Port Hope FAMILY SUPPORT Durham Region Health Department 905-666-6241, 1-800-841-2729 www.durham.ca Durham Health Line Connection and Car Seat Safety. Oshawa Psychological & Counselling Services 905-721-7723 www.oshawapsychologist.com 117 King Street East, 2nd floor, East Wing Oshawa Clinic Oshawa St. John Ambulance 905-434-7800 www.sja.ca Oshawa FERTILITY CONSULTANT Canadian Fertility Consulting 613-439-8701 www.fertilityconsultants.ca 40 Main Street Brighton Ishi Gogyou Martial Arts Education 905-441-2256 www.ishigogyoudojo.com 1450 Hopkins Street, Unit 2-2A Whitby FRENCH IMMERSION Oxford Learning Center 905-723-6999 www.oxfordlearning.com 1414 King Street East, Unit #6 Courtice Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board www.kprschools.ca Peterborough PVNCCD School Board 705-748-4861 ext 350, 1-800-461-8009 ext 350 www.pvnccdsb.on.ca/schools/summerschool.asp Peterborough Scugog Christian School 905-985-3741 www.scugogchristianschool.com 14480 Old Simcoe Road Prince Albert GOLF Harmony Creek Golf 905-433-0211 www.harmonycreekgolf.com 1000 Bloor St. East Oshawa GYMNASTICS Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville Clarington Gymnastics www.clargym.com Bowmanville Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa HAIR SALON Elegance Salon & Spa 905-666-2311 www.elegancesalonspa.com 123 Athol Street Whitby HEALTH Durham Region Health Department 905-666-6241, 1-800-841-2729 www.durham.ca Durham Health Line Connection, Car Seat Safety Nature’s Sunshine 1-800-265-9163 www.naturessunshine.ca Brampton Harmony Health & Well Being 905-432-9828 ext. 25 www.harmonyhealthyoga.com 231 King Street East Oshawa HOCKEY Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby HOUSE & HOME Indulgence Specialty Items 905-373-4080 www.indulgencespecialty.ca 22 King Street West Cobourg Indulgence Specialty Items 905-885-0912 www.indulgencespecialty.ca 48 Walton Street Port Hope LAWYERS Mark Borden & Associates 905-576-6090 www.bordenfamilylaw.com 152 Simcoe Street North Oshawa MARTIAL ARTS Greater Durham Jiu-Jitsu 905-666-9392 www.greaterdurhamjiu-jitsu.com Whitby Ishi Gogyou Martial Arts Education 905-441-2256 www.ishigogyoudojo.com 1450 Hopkins Street, Unit 2-2A Whitby MINI PUTT Harmony Creek Golf 905-433-0211 www.harmonycreekgolf.com 1000 Bloor St. East Oshawa MUSEUMS Clarington Museum and Archives 905-623-2734 www.claringtonmuseums.com Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville Oshawa Community Museum 905-436-7624 x 106 www.oshawamuseum.org Oshawa MUSIC City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Creative Math & Music 905-665-2100 www.creativemathandmusic.com 10 Meadowglen Drive Whitby ADVERTISERS’ MARKETPLACE My Music Centre 905-444-9490 www.mymusiccentre.ca 1121 Dundas St. East, Unit 1B Whitby The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby NURSERY SCHOOL SchoolHouse Playcare Centers 905-666-5500 ext 5193 Durham Summit Montessori School 905-987-5700 279 King Avenue East Newcastle The Apple Tree Preschool 905-655-7205 www.theappletreepreschool.com 900 Bonacond Avenue Whitby ONLINE SHOPPING Nature’s Sunshine 1-800-265-9163 www.naturessunshine.ca Brampton Wee Watch Enriched Home Child Care 905-433-0558, 905-686-3995 www.weewatch.com Courtice, Whitby Summit Montessori School 905-987-5700 279 King Avenue East Newcastle City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa Hoofers Performing Arts 905-404-1779 www.hoofersperformingarts.com North Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Anti-Gravity Trampoline 905-728-0751 www.anti-gravity.ca Whitby Indulgence Specialty Items 905-373-4080 www.indulgencespecialty.ca 22 King Street West Cobourg Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby Indulgence Specialty Items 905-885-0912 www.indulgencespecialty.ca 48 Walton Street Port Hope Greater Durham Jiu-Jitsu 905-666-9392 www.greaterdurhamjiu-jitsu.com Whitby OUTDOOR EDUCATION Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby P.A. DAYS Ceramics Canada 905-728-6939 www.ceramicscanada.com 385 Bloor Street West, Unit 4B Oshawa Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby PHOTOGRAPHY phopho Gerri Photography 905-355-1011 www.gerriphotography.com 15 King Street East Colborne PRE/POSTNATAL Harmony Health & Well Being 905-432-9828 ext. 25 www.harmonyhealthyoga.com 231 King Street East Oshawa PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville Theatre Dance Academy 905-435-0762 www.theatredanceacademy.com Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa Laurie’s Learn to Skate Durham 905-831-7111 www.laurieslearntoskate.com Brooklin Prima Dance Academy 905-425-2828 www.primadanceacademy.ca 58 Baldwin Street North Brooklin Oxford Learning Center 905-723-6999 www.oxfordlearning.com 1414 King Street East, Unit #6 Courtice PKS Dance Elite Ltd. 905-579-3548 www.dance-elite.ca Courtice Ishi Gogyou Martial Arts Education 905-441-2256 www.ishigogyoudojo.com 1450 Hopkins Street, Unit 2-2A Whitby My Music Centre 905-444-9490 www.mymusiccentre.ca 1121 Dundas St., East, Unit 1B Whitby The Apple Tree Preschool 905-655-7205 www.theappletreepreschool.com 900 Bonacond Avenue Whitby The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby Whitby Montessori School 905-430-8201 95 Taunton Rd. East Whitby PRIVATE SCHOOLS Lakefield College School www.lcs.on.ca Lakefield Summit Montessori School 905-987-5700 279 King Avenue East Newcastle Immanuel Christian School - Oshawa 905-728-9071 www.immanuelschool.ca 849 Rossland Road West Oshawa Trinity College 905-885-3209 www.tcs.on.ca Port Hope Scugog Christian School 905-985-3741 www.scugogchristianschool.com 14480 Old Simcoe Road Prince Albert The Apple Tree Preschool 905-655-7205 www.theappletreepreschool.com 900 Bonacond Avenue Whitby Trafalgar Castle 905-668-3358 www.castle-ed.com/kids Whitby Whitby Montessori School 905-430-8201 95 Taunton Rd. East Whitby RETAIL Indulgence Specialty Items 905-373-4080 www.indulgencespecialty.ca 22 King Street West Cobourg Ceramics Canada 905-728-6939 www.ceramicscanada.com 385 Bloor Street West, Unit 4B Oshawa Indulgence Specialty Items 905-885-0912 www.indulgencespecialty.ca 48 Walton Street Port Hope Easy to Bum Diapering Service 905-922-2336 www.easytobum.com Whitby Elegance Salon & Spa 905-666-2311 www.elegancesalonspa.com 123 Athol Street Whitby My Music Centre 905-444-9490 www.mymusiccentre.ca 1121 Dundas St. East, Unit 1B Whitby The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby SCHOOL BOARDS Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board www.kprschools.ca Peterborough PVNCCD School Board 705-748-4861 ext 350, 1-800-461-8009 ext 350 www.pvnccdsb.on.ca/schools/summerschool.asp Peterborough SEASONAL Cricklewood Farm 613-475-4293 www.cricklewood.ca 3km West of Brighton Hwy 2 Brighton Cobourg Tourism 1-888-262-6874 www.cobourgtourism.ca Cobourg Lang Pioneer Village 1-866-289-5264 www.langpioneervillage.ca just 10 minutes east of Peterborough Peterborough Van Dorp Farms 905-885-0207 3260 County Rd 28 Port Hope SKATING Laurie’s Learn to Skate Durham 905-831-7111 www.laurieslearntoskate.com Brooklin City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby SOCCER Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby SPECIAL EVENTS Cobourg Highland Games 1-888-262-6874 www.cobourghighlandgames.ca Donegan Park see ad page 12. Cobourg Cobourg Tourism Summer Events 1-888-262-6874 www.cobourgtourism.ca see ad page 31. Cobourg Cobourg Water Front Festival 1-888- Cobourg www.waterfrontfestival.ca see ad page 12. Cobourg Oshawa Folk Arts Festival - Fiesta Week 905-725-1624 www.fiestaweek.ca see ad page 5. Oshawa Father’s Day Smoke & Steam Show, Historic Dominion Day Celebrations and 15th Annual Antique and Classic Car Show 1-866-289-5264 www.langpioneervillage.ca Lang Pioneer Village, just 10 minutes east of Peterborough see ad page 12. Peterborough Scugog First Nations 15th Annual Powwow 905-985-3337 www.scugogfirstnation.com 22521 Island Road see ad page 12. Port Perry SPECIAL NEEDS Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa SUMMER CAMPS AND ACTIVITIES Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville www.oshawamuseum.org Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa University Of Ontario Institute Of Technology 905-721-8668 ext 3050 www.science.uoit.ca/csscamp 2000 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Great Big Theatre Company 1-866-864-4282 www.gbtc.com Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax Harmony Health & Well Being 905-432-9828 ext. 25 www.harmonyhealthyoga.com 231 King Street East Oshawa Anti-Gravity Trampoline 905-728-0751 www.anti-gravity.ca Whitby Creative Math & Music 905-665-2100 www.creativemathandmusic.com 10 Meadowglen Drive Whitby Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby My Music Centre 905-444-9490 www.mymusiccentre.ca 1121 Dundas St., East, Unit 1B Whitby Theatre Dance Academy 905-435-0762 www.theatredanceacademy.com Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa The Apple Tree Preschool 905-655-7205 www.theappletreepreschool.com 900 Bonacond Avenue Whitby Kawartha Child Care 705-749-3488 www.kawarthachildcare.com Courtice, Bowmanville SchoolHouse Playcare Centers 905-666-5500 ext 5193 Durham Summit Montessori School 905-987-5700 279 King Avenue East Newcastle Ceramics Canada 905-728-6939 www.ceramicscanada.com 385 Bloor Street West, Unit 4B Oshawa City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa Harmony Creek Golf 905-433-0211 www.harmonycreekgolf.com 1000 Bloor St. East Oshawa Hoofers Performing Arts 905-404-1779 www.hoofersperformingarts.com North Oshawa Immanuel Christian School - Oshawa 905-728-9071 www.immanuelschool.ca 849 Rossland Road West Oshawa Oshawa Community Museum 905-436-7624 x 106 YOGA Artsy Bee 905-985-6051 www.elizabethmichel.com Port Perry Clarington Museum and Archives 905-623-2734 www.claringtonmuseums.com Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville PKS Dance Elite Ltd. 905-579-3548 www.dance-elite.ca Courtice Creative Math & Music 905-665-2100 www.creativemathandmusic.com 10 Meadowglen Drive Whitby Kawartha Child Care www.kawarthachildcare.com Peterborough Ishi Gogyou Martial Arts Education 905-441-2256 www.ishigogyoudojo.com 1450 Hopkins Street, Unit 2-2A Whitby Prima Dance Academy 905-425-2828 www.primadanceacademy.ca 58 Baldwin Street North Brooklin Oxford Learning Center 905-723-6999 www.oxfordlearning.com 1414 King Street East, Unit #6 Courtice City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa Clarington Gymnastics www.clargym.com Bowmanville Laurie’s Learn to Skate Durham 905-831-7111 www.laurieslearntoskate.com Brooklin TUTORING & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby Trafalgar Castle 905-668-3358 www.castle-ed.com/kids Whitby Whitby Montessori School 905-430-8201 95 Taunton Rd. East Whitby SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS PVNCCD School Board 705-748-4861 ext 350, 1-800-461-8009 ext 350 www.pvnccdsb.on.ca/schools/summerschool.asp Peterborough Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board www.kprschools.ca Peterborough SWIMMING City of Oshawa www.oshawa.ca/lol Oshawa TRAMPOLINE Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville Gemini Gymnastics 905-576-2164 www.geminigymnastics.com 1000 Stevenson Road North Oshawa Airport Hangar 3 Oshawa Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Anti-Gravity Trampoline 905-728-0751 www.anti-gravity.ca Whitby Stars Fitness & Gymnastics 905-576-9517 www.starsfitgym.com 340 Marwood Drive Oshawa Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby Expressions Dance Centre 905-666-0111 www.expressionsdance.com 900 Hopkins Street, Unit 3 Whitby Greater Durham Jiu-Jitsu 905-666-9392 www.greaterdurhamjiu-jitsu.com Whitby YOUTH & TEENS Bowmanville Gymnastics Club 905-623-4999 www.bowmanvillegymnastics.com 2365 South Service Road, Unit 1 Bowmanville Theatre Dance Academy 905-435-0762 www.theatredanceacademy.com Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa Prima Dance Academy 905-425-2828 www.primadanceacademy.ca 58 Baldwin Street North Brooklin Oxford Learning Center 905-723-6999 www.oxfordlearning.com 1414 King Street East, Unit #6 Courtice PKS Dance Elite Ltd. 905-579-3548 www.dance-elite.ca Courtice Ceramics Canada 905-728-6939 www.ceramicscanada.com 385 Bloor Street West, Unit 4B Oshawa Hoofers Performing Arts 905-404-1779 www.hoofersperformingarts.com North Oshawa Anti-Gravity Trampoline 905-728-0751 www.anti-gravity.ca Whitby Creative Math & Music 905-665-2100 www.creativemathandmusic.com 10 Meadowglen Drive Whitby Dry Ice Sports Performance 905-668-8788 www.dryicesports.com 1450 Hopkins Street Whitby Greater Durham Jiu-Jitsu 905-666-9392 www.greaterdurhamjiu-jitsu.com Whitby Ishi Gogyou Martial Arts Education 905-441-2256 www.ishigogyoudojo.com 1450 Hopkins Street, Unit 2-2A Whitby My Music Centre 905-444-9490 www.mymusiccentre.ca 1121 Dundas St., East, Unit 1B Whitby The Music Scene Inc 905-430-0043 www.themusicscene.ca 1150 Champlain Court Whitby *UNE*ULY SEASONAL EVENTS, WORKSHOPS, REGISTRATION 4DVHPH$ISJTUJBO4DIPPM "1PTJUJWF1MBDFUP(SPX 4NBMMFSDMBTTTJ[FT 3FHJTUFSJOH/PXGPS ,JOEFSHBSUFO 'VMM%BZ&WFSZ%BZ ,JOEFSHBSUFO0QUJPOBWBJMBCMF "ĒPSEBCMF1SJWBUF&EVDBUJPO +,_(S 2VBMJêFEDBSJOHTUBĒ 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOBOEBQFSTPOBMUPVS DBMMVTBU XXXTDVHPHDISJTUJBOTDIPPMDPN 0ME4JNDPF3PBE10#PY1SJODF"MCFSU0/--$ July Celebration Square Events 905 430-4310 Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W., 7pm. Whitby July Summer in the Square Town Hall’s Heritage Square, every Wednesday, 7pm. Ajax July 7-9, 14-17, 21-23 Cadenza Productions: Oklahoma! 905 985-8181 Town Hall 1873 Centre for the Performing Arts. Port Perry July 7,21 Whitby Brass Band Concerts at the Lake 905 655-5992 Heydenshore Pavilion, south side. Whitby July 8,9 Blackstock Truck & Tractor Pull Blackstock Fairgrounds. Blackstock July 9 Oshawa International Festival 905 723-7351 Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens. Oshawa July 9 Sports Festival 905 985-4971 Downtown Port Perry. Port Perry July 12 Driftwood Theatre presents Shakespeare In The Park - “Macbeth” 905 576-2396 Parkwood Estate, 7:30pm. Oshawa July 13 Driftwood Theatre presents Shakespeare In The Park - “Macbeth” 905 576-2396 Esplanade Park, 7:30 pm. Pickering July 14 Driftwood Theatre - Shakespeare In The Park - “Macbeth” 905 576-2396 Rotary Park, 177 Lake Driveway W., 7:30pm. Live, outdoor theatre. Ajax July 15-17 Durham International Festival 905 725-7351 Lakeview Park. International foods and entertainers. Oshawa July 15,17 Uxbridge Legion Annual Ribfest 647 220-8012 Elgin Park Uxbridge July 16 Marsh Awareness Weekend 905 436-2036 xt. 31 Bowmanville July 16,17 Dog Days of Scugog 905 985-8698 ext. 103 Scugog Shores Museum, 16210 Island Rd. Port Perry July 16,17 Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation Pow Wow 905 985-3337 22521 Island Rd. Port Perry July 18 Canada Park’s Day 905 436-2036 xt. 31 Darlington Provincial Park. Bowmanville July 21 Movies in the Park 905 619-2529 ext. 7243 Ajax Sportplex Ajax July 21-24 The Grand Prix of Mosport 800 866-1072 Mosport International Raceway. Bowmanville July 21 Shrine Circus 800 268-7371 General Motors Centre Oshawa July 21 Teen Skateboard Competition 905 420-6588 Diana, Princess of Wales Park. Pickering July 22-24 The Highlands of Durham Games Elgin Park Uxbridge Let us know what is going on in your community. ,AKERIDGE+IDS July 23 16th Annual Wooden Boat Festival 905 987-5251 Port of Newcastle. Newcastle July 23 Whitby Harbour Day 905 430-4310 Port Whitby Marina Whitby July 24 Driftwood Theatre presents Shakespeare In The Park - “Macbeth” Palmer Park, 7:30 pm. Port Perry August 7 Rag Dolls & Ragtime (Formerly known as Kids’ Day) 905 683-8401 Pickering Museum Village. Pickering August 7 Brits on the Lake 905 985-4971 Downtown Port Perry. Port Perry PARENTING WORKSHOPS June 1 Family Services Durham presents: Grief Workshop 905-666-6240 The Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters, 605 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby June 16 Helping Children Cope with Separation and Divorce 905 666-6240 The Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters, 6-8pm. Whitby REGISTRATION June 9-11 La Jeunesse Youth Orchestra Auditions 866 460-5596 Port Hope June 20 TD Summer Reading Club - Splash! 905 623-7322 ext 2708 Clarington Public Library. Clarington
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