1941-1942 (Oneonta Directory, pages 33
PHOTOGRAPHERS 32 1942- 0NEONTA DIRECTORY 1942 THE WARNKEN STUDIO WILLIAM WARNKEN, Prop. 81 CHESTNUT ST. Phone 205 ONEONTA, N. Y. MANNING'S ONEONTA INCLUDING ONEONTA PLAINS, EAST END SOUTH SIDE AND WEST ONEONTA AND SIDNEY BAINBRIDGE UNADILLA (NEW YORK) DIRECTOR Y f FOR THE YEAR L BEGINNING} NOVEMBER 1941 1941-1942 CONTAINING A General Directory of the Citizens, Classified Business Directory, Street Directory and House Guides, and Map, a Record of the City, County, State and United States Governments, Societies, Churches, Etc. VOLUME XXIX ESTABLISHED 1892 ~ortraits At the Studio or at Home Price $9.00 (!Commercial ~botogr apbs That Tell the Story ~icture jframing Easel Frames and Frames Made to Order From Choice Mouldings COMPILW ~D PUBUSHED BY H. A. MANNING COMPANY 514 WEDGEWAY BUILDING SCHENECTADY, N. Y. ".mber North American DIrectory Publleh. . AHodation Associate Member Adl'ertfalng Federation of America OOPYRIGHT 1942, BY H. A. MANNING 00. 1942- 39 229 35 36 39 229 281 298 37 227 184 37 ~38 161 271 183 272 183 272 54 179 253 Clas~~edetlu:~i~e"s~· Di;~io;.y; O~~o~~ ... ',: :: : : . 157 269 Sidney . .. ... , ................... , ... , 184 Clubs, Oneonta ... , ... , ... . Courts, Oneonta . ...... , , .. , , .. ,' .......... . 180 37 Descriptive Section, Oneonta, ... " . . • .... 227 Sidney . .. . .... , .. " .......... . ...... , . Directory Library., ... , . . .. .." ... • . , ..... . 61 37 Distance to Cities, Oneonta, .. , . , ...•. , .. , .. . 227 . .... , ... • ' • .. , Sidney...... 38 Educational, Oneonta. . . . , ...•.•... 228 Sidney .. ,...... .. .. .,.,. , • .. . 37 Facilities, Oneonta.. . . , ' •. • .... , ... Sidney ... , ... , ... , ............ • , •...... , 227 Financial, Oneonta, ... , , ... , .. , ...•.•.. , .. 38 Fire Departments, Oneonta . , ... , ..• ' •... , .... . 227 Sidney ..,. . ... . • . ... " .. . 180 Fraternal Organizations .. , ........ • , .. 253 37 Historical. Oneonta .. , , 227 Sidney." ...... .... " .. . 185 Hospitals. Oneonta .. , ....... . Sidney. . .. , . . . . . .. 275 I ncorporated Companies. see Alpha section 185 Independent Order Odd Fellows, Oneonta ... 37 Industrial Statistics. Oneonta Sidney .. , ... , . : .... , ......... , , .. , , .... . 227 Knights of Columbus, Oneonta. , ......... . , .. . 185 Labor Organizations, Oneonta ..... . 186 Sidney., . . . ,. . ..... , .... , ... ". 244 Libraries. Oneonta ... , ............... , • .•. , .• Sidney . ............. , .... .. " ....••...... Location, Oneonta., ...... , ... , ... , . , Sidney ............ , .. , ... " .... , .•. • , .. . Masonic Organizations, Oneonta .. " .... . .. • ' , .. Sidney .... ... ............ " .. " . ...•. , .. Mercantile Statistics, Oneonta, ..... , ..... •. .. , Sidney ....... , ... " .. , .........•. , .• , . , . Military Organizations, Oneonta .. " .... , ..... . Sidney .. , ...... . . .. , .... . .... , ... , ..... . Miscellaneous Directory, Oneonta. , .. ..... . " .. New York State Government ..... , ... , ... ... ,' Numerical Street Directory, Oneonta .. , .. " .. , . Sidney, .. , .. ", .. " ... , . . ...... . Oneonta Plains (See Oneonta Alpha) Otsego County Government ... ... , ...... , .... . Parks and POlOts of Interest, Oneonta .. ....... . Sidney . ,., ..... , ... , ... , ... , ... "." ... . . ... , .. , .. "., Police Department, Oneonta. Sidney ,. . ... , .. , . . , .. ,' Population, Oneonta. ., ..... •. •... . Sidney., .... , , Post Office, Oneonta ....... , ........ , .. • ' • . , .. Sidney ... .... , ......... , .. , ....• . •.•. " • Public Schools, Oneonta ........ , , . . , .•. • .•. , .. Sidney, ........ , ... , ... . .. , ............ . Religious Institu tions, Oneonta ............... . Schools. Oneonta ......... , ........ , .. , .. , ... , Sidney ....... , ... , .. ...... , . .. , .. Societies. Associations, etc., Oneonta.... . Sidney .. .. ,., .... .... , ..•........ South Side (See Oneonta Alpha) Slogan of City, Oneonta. ,:, ... , .... , .. Slogan of City, Sidney. . ......... , .. , State Government., . . ........... , ..... ,.,.,., Statistics, Oneonta .. . , ... .. , ... , ... . Sidney ., ........ ; .................. , .... . Street and H ouse Directory, Oneonta .. , , ., .. ' , , Sidney ......... , ......... , . .. , .. , .. , .. , Topography, Oneonta ........ . . , ......... , .. S·idney . ............... .. ,',." . . ,.,., .. Town Government, Sidney ..... ..•. • ' .. , ••... , Transportation, Oneonta. . " , .. • ,., .. , . Sidney ... . .......... , ...... " .. , ..• ,., .. Unadilla... .., .. , .. ,., . ,." . United States Government. United States Representatives., .. . , .. , .. ,., . .. United States Senators ..•......... . . .. •... , .. Veteran Military Organizations, Oneonta. West Oneonta (See Oneonta Alpha.) 183 37 227 185 246 37 227 186 179 ISO 131 261 179 173 277 180 253 38 227 181 256 181 253 183 181 253 184 229 37 227 180 37 227 131 261 37 227 253 38 228 310 180 130 130 186 RECAPITULATION ONEONTA New names added. . . . . . . ..... , ... , .. , , . . , .. , ..... . Old names discontinued ,,... . " .. Changes made in names retained from old Directory , ... Total number of changes. 35 ADVERTISERS INDEX TO CONTENTS Abbreviations, Oneonta .................•....• Sidney .... , .................... . Advertisers, Oneonta ....................•..... Sidney ..... . ................... . Alphabetica.l Directory, Oneonta .............. . Sidney ................................. . Bainbridge .. . Unadilla ......... . Altitude, Oneonta .................... • ....... Sidner······.· · · .................. . American Red Cross, Oneonta ......... • .. Sidney .. " ...................... • ••....• Area, Oneonta .............................. . Banking.!~.esources, Oneonta ....... , .......... . Blocks, Halls, Buildings. Oneonta . ............ . Sidney ................................. . Branded Goods(See Classified Business Directory) Cemeteries, Oneonta.. . ........... . Sidney .. ... ,.,' . Churches Oneonta .. . Sidney ........ ..... ... " ... , ... , .... , City Directory Library. , . City Government, Oneonta ...... , ........... . 0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 1,425 1,045 3.040 5,510 UNITED STATES COPYRIGIIT LAW In Force on and after July 1st, 1909 Section 28, That any penon 1Ii'ho wiliully and for profit shall infringe any copyright ~red by thia act, or ...ko IhaU knowingly or wiliuUy aid or abet such infringement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con"tiction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not e.xceeding one year, or by a fine of not lell thanlone. handred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court. ONEONTA Academy St Junior High School 21 Aetna Life Ins Co . 26 Automobiles and Agencies 7 Bagnardi Otto J front cover back bone Bard H M & Sons Becker & Lent Inc front cover Board of Education 20 and 2 1 Briggs Lumber Co Inc 16 Butts L P Inc 16 Ceperley & Ceperley 26 Chamber of Commerce 2 front cover Christman Flint Corp 23 Citizens National Bank & Trust Co Close Sheldon H 28 Colwell & Mitchell 26 Contractors and Builders 15 Corner Bookstore The 31 Courts 27 Daylight Laundry front cove r 28 DeAngelo Anthony Diana Restaurant & Grill 25 Drake Clothing Co 61 East End Coal & Appliance Co 17 East End Lumber Co top lines Farrington Warren G 28 Fieg Lothar 17 First Presbyterian Church 12 Fox Aurelia Osborn Memorial Hosp 3D Franklin Motor Sales 8 Gardner's back cover General Ice Cream Corp back cover 10 Goodrich Silvertown Store Grant Donald H 28 Hamlin Park 9 Harrington & Leamy 29 Hartwick College 22 HooksAC&Co 7 Hotel Oneonta 5 Hughson T P back cove r 28 Huntington & Farrington Johnston Public Address Service 31 Kalamazoo Stove & Furnace Co 81 Kandyland 25 Linn Corp 9 8 Louden Battery & Ignition Service 10 Ludlam Electrical Service Manning H A Co 14 Market St Body Shop top lines Mathews Stores Inc 14 Meagley Studio 31 top lines Meridale Jersey Farms Inc More Herbert R Co Inc 17 Molinari & Deery 29 10 Mountain Oil Co Munson Bros 95 back cover Musson Bros 3 New York State Electric & Gas Corp 28 Niles Francis A Oliver Robert A 8 front cover Oneonta Body Co 15 Oneonta Builders Trades Oneonta Chamber of Commerce 2 Oneonta Coal & Supply Co back bone Oneonta Dairy Co 98 13 Oneonta Department Store Inc Oneonta Herald insert 5 Oneonta Hotel Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co back cover Oneonta Paint & Wallpaper Co 99 Oneonta Public Schools 20 and 21 Oneonta Sales Co front cover Oneonta Senior High School 20 Oneonta Star insert 0PP name Otsego Laundry Co front cover Otsego Publishing Co insert Pierce H E Roofing & Supply Co front cover and 18 Preston Motor Sales 8 front cover Public Loan Co Inc Publishers' Notice 6 Rainey W H 26 R eynolds Greenhouses 25 Robertson J M bottom edge 9 Rowe's Auto Service Sears Roebuck & Co 4 Seward W H & Son 16 29 Smith Claude V Estate Smith Paul J 29 State Nonnal School 19 Stewart Ice Inc back cover St Mary's Catholic Church 11 Swoboda Charles 14 Townsend Hardware Co back cover 31 Union Bus Terminal Ward Eugene Leigh Inc 26 Warnken Studio The 32 Whitney's Greenhouses front cover 24 Wilber National Bank Wilson Jerry B Co 18 Windsor Hotel back cover Wyckoff's Flower Shop back cover BAINBR IDGE Bainbridge News insert opp~name Casein Co of America Bainbridge tabbed insert back cover Eldred Chas H & Co Inc Lewis Frank & Sons Inc front cover Nat Bank & Trust Co of Norwich The Bainbridge tabbed insert 36 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 GILBERTSVILLE Musson Bros back cover SIDNEY Arvin Radio & Sporting Goods 221 Baker & Moskowitz 230 Bates W W back cover Bob & Gor Super Service 217 Bonnie Ayr Fanns 212 Brown J H & Son 206 Buddenhagen F E back cover Carr Edwin J 211 Carr & Landers 215 Central Service Station 206 Chamber of Corrunerce 202 Cole H C back cover DeCumber Beauty Shop 207 DeCumber Hotel 216 Eldred Cannan 214 front cover Evergreen Nurseries Fairbanks Pharmacy 219 Fawn Distributing Co 218 Hazel's Diner front cover Hillcrest RoUer Rink. 205 Home Restaurant 217 Hotel DeCumber 216 Hunt's Auto Body Works back cover 217 Kelley's Restaurant & Coffee Shop Keystone Tree Surgeons 220 Kipp M J 213 Laraway L C . 210 Lewis Electric Store 207 Macs' Drug Store 219 MacLaury & MacGregor 219 McClelland A H Dr 221 Methodist Church 209 Mirabito James 214 Moore Joseph M 247 N Y State Electric & Gas Corp Oles Fann Agency Pardee Insurance Agency Perry Guy E River Meadows Rosalyn Specialty Shoppe Royal Scarlet Stores Scintilla Magneto Division Sidney Chamber of Commerce Sodney Co-op GLF Service Sidney Favorite Printing Co Sidney Home Laundry Sidney Sales Corp Sisson L F & Son Spencer M ilk Co St Paul's Episcopal Church Teed Studio Triangle Garage Van Cott T W & Son Inc Wadsworth Electric Wheeler & Clements Wheeler & Mabey Whitaker & Son UNADILLA Fisk D E & Son Unadilla Joyce Stores The Unadilla Joyce FlUleral Home Inc Unadilla Sherman Funeral Chapel Unadilla Unadilla Silo Co Inc Unadilla Van Cott J W & Son Inc 218 . front cover 249 top lines 211 210 213 203 202 front cover 253 221 front cover front cover back cover 208 222 206 front cover back cover front cover back cover front cover tabbed insert tabbed insert tabbed insert tabbed insert tabbed insert front cover WALTON Huyck F L Memorial Works Mountain Oil Co 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 37 ONEONTA An Industrial and Educational Center, Also a City of Homes The publishers of this Directory consider it advisable and desirable to set forth the following paragraphs, in as simple and attractive a manner as pos~ible, to enable the readers o~ tl?-ese descriptive pages to comprehand as many of the outstanding feature of Oneonta as limited space perm~ts. Tl?-e local resident, the visitor, and the distant r~d~r about Oneonta ~sh to gain an unpresslon of Oneonta as well as to have at hand a statistIcal reference regarding the city and its people. It is the publisher's aim to portray as much of Oneonta's charm and greatness as is consistent with facts. We believe with John Cotton Dana, the great librarian, that "Good citizenship springs from a knowledge about one's own community." The teachings of the City Map and the City Directory about localities, districts, street locations, street changes, growth of sections and general city changes are of great importance to property owners old residents, new residents and school children. Racial characteristics of names in the Direct~ry enable the consultant to gain a very comprehensive knowledge of the inhabitants of the city and many other educational facts. Notable men all through history have contributed their philosophy as to the value of knowledge about the home town. Here is one from Abraham Lincoln: "I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place ,,:ill br .proud of .h.iJ:n." In ~tudying the f~l1owing, rem~be.r that the Oneonta City Directory dissenunates this mformation far and wtde where this Directory represents Oneonta in the Free Directory Library Exchange System of North America. The Oneonta City Directory, with over 200 closely printed pa~es, is the City of Oneonta in book form; its family and social life, business and industrial life, is portrayed in great detail. The pub· lishers invite and accept constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of the Directory for the benefit of Oneonta and all interested. For further information regarding Oneonta, address Oneonta Chamber of Commerce, or H. A. Manning Company, Publishers of this Directory. 15 10 LOCATION-Oneonta, sometimes called the "City of the Hills," is located a little south of the geographical center of New York State, also in the center of the richest agricultural section of the State, one of the best dairy sections of the country. About 80 miles from Albany, 66 miles from Schenectady, 65 miles from Utica and 62 miles from Binghamton, on the beautiful Schohanna Trail, N. Y. Route No.7, also Route No. 28. The approach to Oneonta from all directions is beautiful and interesting. Oneonta is beautifully situated among the foothills at the Western Gateway to the Catskill Mountains. State and F ederal highways radiate in all directions. The surrounding country is rich in historical and literary traditions. The area of the city is 2,388 acres. Altidute, 1,323 feet above sea level. INDUSTRIA~neonta is a manufacturing city. The shops of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad are located here. The Company distributes to 1,750 employees resident in Oneonta $350,000.00. There are 33 industries in the tenitory covered by this directory and employing 1,218 men and 434 women, with annual payroll of $2,083,655, and products valued at $5,628,739. Within 20 miles radius there are 45 industries making various products as follows: Silk, gloves, dresses, automobile bodies, trucks and trailers, cement blocks, soft drinks, grain and dairy products, ice cream, lumber, barrels, underwear, machine shops, printing, rubber stamps, etc. Such a list of varied products establishes Oneonta as a stable manufacturing center. The New York State Hospital for tuberculosis patients is located here and employs many persons. Three educational institutions are located here. The Dairy Industry is of a statistical interest in the counties of Otsego and Delaware. Otsego has 47,700 cows with an average production of 4,840 po_u nds of milk per cow and a total money value of $5, 182,128. Delaware county has 72,200 cows producing 4,650 pounds of milk per cow, and having a money value of $7,520,000, all this furnishes the background for Oneonta industrially. The Only True Representative of a City is the CITY DIRECTORY It proves the statement of the Business Men's Associations, Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade, etc. Information about Oneonta is diffused all over the country by this directory-it occupies a place in all the large directory libraries. H. A. MANNING CO., Publishers , MERCANTll.E-Oneonta and the territory contiguous has a population of about 20,000 Within the retail trade zone 75,000, wholesale zone 150,000. Much of this surrounding t erritory is devoted to agriculture, which assists in the stabilization of business. Oneonta has a modem business section with fine stores capable of supplying a community much larger in population. There are approximately 305 retail stores serving 50,000 population and 14 wholesale establishments serving 100,000 population, paying wages to employees of $1,100, 000 annually. Oneonta is the most important commercial center between Albany, Schenectady and Blllghamton, a distance of 140 miles, financial sales $10,950,000. 38 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 . FINANCIAl:-There are three financial institutions giving excellent banking facilities' Wlth total deposits of $10,000,000 and resources of $12,000,000. The city's bonded debt is $704,785.50. TRANSPORTATION-0neonta is served by the Delaware and H udson Railroad and New Y~rk Ce~tral Rait:oad and by the Southern New York (Electric) Railway. These roads, Wlth their connections, afford excellent shipping facilities, for both freight and express. Oneonta takes the Albany rate from the West, which is less than the rate to New York or Bostot;t. . Bus ~ce in all directions. There are excellent highways with auto truck service. Oneonta IS an lIDportant s~p on the famous Appalachian Highway between Miami, Florida, and Quebec, Canada. This route follo!"'5 large~y the crest of the Appalachian Mountains, ~ordmg some of the grandest scenery ll1 ~enca. It penetrates reglOns of oldest historic mterest and famous for natural beauty. . ~ITY FACll.ITIES-Oneonta has a fine municipal building. There are 45 miles of streets. Pnncl,pal streets are well paved;,other st:eets har? surfaced, The city water works has a capacity ~f 522,000,000 gallons, Wlth combmed gravity and pumping system and daily average consumption of 1,7~,000. Its water system furnishes an ample supply of water from a lake among the mountams. , The property of ,the fire department is valued at $100,000. There are four hose. and chemical wagons, 1 engme and 1 hook and ladder truck and the city ambulance: Tb4s department employs 30 men. The police department has twelve men and two radio crUtSeI' cars. EDUCA~ION~The educational system is among the best. New York State Nonnal School estab!lshed m 188~, one of the largest in the State, has 700 yearly students and 500 at summ~r 5ess10~. HartWIck College, Oneonta's newest educational enterprise, outgrowth of Ha:r~Wlck; ~y, formerly of Hartwick Seminary, N. y" which was organized in 1797; two religto~s lDstitutions make Oneonta an educational center. Oneonta is also a musical center. One High School, seven grade schools, one parochial school a total of 3 100 pupils and 100 teachc~. In the public library there are nearly 30,000 volur'nes. ' P~S AND PLA'~G~OUNDS-:-There are 4 parks containing 150 acres. Public playm, a:ll parks, SWUlUD.l.Ilg pools m Wilbur Park, baseball diamonds. In Neahwa Park IS the muruclpal b~ball field ranking with major league fields in size. The Oneonta. Country Club has a most picturesque golf course. ~rounds POPULATI~N-The population of Oneonta is 12,971 and with contiguous territory ~akes a commu~lty of 20,000, 93% native born; population of town, 2,314, number of fam~ illes, 3,568; dwellmgs, 2,888; home owners, 1,871. Personal income tax returns exceed 2 500 in Oneont~ and contiguous territory, Within ten miles from the heart of Oneonta the~e is a populatIon of 40,000. Within 300 miles of Oneonta there is a population of 30,000,000. MISCELLA~EOUS-Post Office receipts annually $100,000; 17 churches, 2 theatres, '4 hotels, 4 parks ~th 150 acres, 3,500 teleph?nes, 4,932 electric consumers, 2,963 gas conswners, 21,387 automobiles (Otsego County), 22 llldustrial plants, $2,896,000 total wages paid an· nual~y. , Farm crops marketed Oneonta area $8,745,080, Dairy products $15,000,000. A tounsts center, per capita retail sales $873.48 against average New York State of $514.01. Copies of this DIRECTORY For Sale by the Publishers H. A. MANNING COMPANY PUBLISHERS 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 GUY E. PERRY USED CARS USED CARLOT 25 UNION ST. 39 DeSoto & Plymouth Sales & Service Phone 263 27 SMITH ST. SIDNEY,N. Y. MANNING'S Oneonta Alphabetical Diredory 1942 Copyright 1942, by H. A. Manning Co. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE The information in this directory is obtained as far as possible by actual canvass, compiled in a way to insure maximum accuracy While the publishers will in no way be held responsible for any errors that may occur, they will be pleased to have any inaccuracies called to their attentlon, for correction in succeeding editions TO FIND A NAME YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO SPElL IT There are tnany ways of speUiOi some names with practically the same pronunciation Abbreviations-In the following pages: adv, advertisement; agt, agent: Am, American; asst, assistant; AG&ECo, Associated Gas & Electric Co; av, avenue; byd, beyond; bkpr, bookkeeper; bldg, building; blk, block; blvd, boulevard; B&MRR, Boston & Maine Railroad ; carp, carpenter; elk, clerk; Co, Company; com tray, commercial traveler; cond, conductor; cont, contractor: c, comer: corp, corporation; ct, court; D&H, Deleware & Hudson Railroad Corp; dept, department; do, ditto; E, East; elec, electrician: emp, employed: eng, engineer; est, estate; exp, express; h, house; hskpr, housekeeper; HFT Hosp, Homer Folks Tuberculosis Hospital: Inc, Incorporated; ins, insurance; insp, inspector, Jr, junior ; lab, laborer; mach, machinist; mdse, merchandise; mech, mechanic; MET Life Ins Co, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co; mfr, manufacturer; mfg, manufacturing: mgr, manager; mIcr, maker; N, North; NSCorp, Normandy Slipper Corp; NYCRR, New York Central Railroad; NYSE&GCorp; NY State Electric & Gas Corp; NY Tel Co, New York Telephone Co; n, near; 0, Oneonta: OMfg Co, Oneonta Manufacturing Co; 0 c, outside city limits; opp, opposite; opr, operator; phone, telephone; pI, ~lace; PO Post Office; pres, president; ~rof, professo,r; prop, proprietor; r, rooms; RD, Rural Dehvery; rd, road; rern, removed; res, restdes; RR, railroad; ry, ratlway; S, South; sec, secretary; SNS, State Normal School; sq, square; sta, station; SVOCo, Socony Vacuum Oil Co; sten, stenographer; supt, superintendent; tel opr, telegraph opr; ter, terrace; treas, treasurer ; v·pres, vice-president; W, West; WO, West Oneonta; wid, widow; Wks, Works; WUTCo, Western Union Telegraph Co ABBOTT ARTHUR lab h41 Burnside av " Bessie E wid Judson h455 Main " Emma M wid William P h43 Hudson " Emma M r6 River " J esse slsm res Binghamton n John h 6 River " Justin G cond D&H h248 Chestnut " Kathleen emp Coyle Mfg Co r43~ Burn· side av " La Verne J emp Hotel Oneonta r6 River " Leona H r6 River " Raymond C USA r455 Main " William P cashier D&H frt office r43 Hud· son Abell Julia L h63 Elm , Abenanty Arthur mgr Endicott·Johnson Shoe Store r23 Hudson Abrams Egbert J custodian Hartwick College rdo ACADEMY STREET JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Isa- belle M Birdsall prin 21 Academy see p 21 Accurso Peter truck driver h350 Main " Sadie waitress Elks Club r350 Main Ackart Howard E elec cont 9 Oneida h do " Mabel L nurse 13 Central av I' do " Orville E retired h13 Central av " Thuma J student r9 Oneida Acker Adaline wid Washington B r33 Cedar " Ellen G wid Asa E r256 Main " Harry B plumber Townsend Hardware Co r12 State " Howard W plumber Townsend Hardware Co r12 State " Rhoda A wid William H r4 Grant Ackerly G D h5 Elm Ackley Carl chef Weir & Weir res Mt Vision " George W retired r47 Center " Sarah J wid Benjamin G h Ostawa av WO " 'W arren I h234 Main Acme Markets W Clayton Force mgr grocery dept, Leslie EVan Zandt mgr meat dept meats and provisions 5 Ford av Adair Charles G slsm h5 Normal av " Gordon (Reta) emp Davenport Ctr haa High .. Reta (Mrs Gordon) emp HFT Hosp haa High 40 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Adamovitch Alexander E eng NY Tel Co h64 East Adams Allie W Mrs h40 Wilcox av " Charles Rev pastor Methodist Church Oneonta Plains res Otego " D Sylvester emp D&H h22 Fair " George F Rev ins agt halO Chestnut " Roy J canst wkr h176 Main " Stevens B retired r77 River Adee DeForest grocer Main WO and carp cont West WO h do " Elmer emp 29 Chestnut r do " Leta H tchr 0 J r HS res W Davenport " Palmer fanner Mrs Mary E Lewis h do " Walter R section hand D&H h32Yz Miller Adult Education Program Mrs Vallie- L Finigan supv elk 43 Walnut Aesman Martin emp state highway h73 W Broadway AETNA AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES Harold S Smith agt 168 Main AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO Williaro H Rainey supv 46 Church tel 360 see p 26 Aggelakos Nicholas prop Diamond Hatters hl58 Main Agne Hilda L (Mrs Kenneth F) prop Hilda's Beauty Shop h611Yz Elm " Kenneth F bus driver Oneonta Bus Lines h61Yi! Elm Agnew Br~s Lloyd !i~ew prop 'plumbing heafmg and tLfUlmg 4 LeWls RD3 n Harry J plumbers helper Agnew Bros res RD3 " Lloyd prop Agnew Bros h55 Hudson " Mary wid Ernest F r289 Main Agonian Sorority 25 East Aheam Mary C sten HFT Hosp r do Ahlstedt A Elizabeth student r8 Pleasant av' " Henry K fireman D&H h8 Pleasant av " Vivian A student r8 Pleasant av Aikens Elizabeth E Mrs prop Elm Beauty Shop h323 Main AI's Grocery Albert P Lough prop 14 Kearney Albert Bertha P h5 High Alberti Margaret R wid Edwin A h16 Draper " Paul R rI6 Draper Alden Homer D retired hlO Fifth " J essica C librarian SNS rIO Fifth Aldrich Donald truck driver h Baker row South Side RD3 " Lester J retired r256 Main Alexander Edward P prof Hartwick College res Cooperstown " Frank 0 truck driver 19 Prospect h8 Depew " Nellie M Mrs rI7 Church Alford Fred B carp S J Bennett hlO Shepherd av Alger Anita S wid N elsan E r Mrs Roby Lord " Charles lab r Thornton Marble RD2 " Clinton lab Mrs M T Morgan h Main byd limits RD3 " Eugene C elk R E Brigham h5 Grand " Harold E slsm Hoffman's Cleaning Wks h13 Woodside av " Harry J trainman D&H h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Irwin D yd cond D&H h372 Chestnut " Jesse D h429 Main " Joseph S farmhand r36 End av " Letitia wid Alonzo h106 River Alger Madeline C cashier Capitol Finance Corp rl55 River " Paul D mach D&H roundhouse r106 River " Ralph L emp Schdy r106 River " Russell K auto mech h38 Burnside av " Virginia B (Mrs Ralph L) dom 421 Main r106 River Algonquin Apartments 107 Spruce All Isabel D dom 167 Chestnut r do " Sherman farmer h off Otego rd RD2 Allegretti Jerome F car insp D&H h14 Hudson " Rose M singer r14 Hudson " Victoria D r14 Hudson Allen Carrie R wid Ira A h30 Ford av (3) " Elmer C emp D&HRR h23 Luther " Emma J Mrs r2 Division " Henrie M elk N Y State Emp Service h3 Chester "Howard L train dispatcher D&H h15 West End av " J ane A raO Ford av (3) " Jennie wid Frank h20 Valleyview n Mabel Mrs elk Matthews Stores r7 Eighth n Ralph N trainman D&H h15 Ceperley Alley Margaret M clk 203 Main rl Scrambling av n Palma wid Antonio hI Scrambling av Allidi Julia (Mrs Louis) emp W T Grant Co r3 Factory " Louis h3 Factory . Allmendinger Frederick W lab h WO RD2 Allsop Grace W prof Hartwick College h30 Ford av (4) Allston Nathaniel lab r Mrs Ella S Vining River Oneonta Plains RD2 Almy Ada waitress Jack's R estaurant r127 Main Alpha Delta 97 Elm n Delta Omega Fraternity rooms 69 Ford av " Kappa Pi 69 Spruce " Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Mrs Agnes M Howe matron 77 Dietz ALT JEROME J (Dolly K) mgr Capitol Finance Corp h12 Maple (1) Altier Alleta (Mrs Gene) clk 174 Main h29 Dietz " Gene bar tender 121 Main h29 Dietz Amatuccio Angelo emp D&H h9 Meckley av " Angelo Jr USA r9 Meckley av n Theresa D emp Poughkeepsie r9 Meckley av American Automobile Assn Byron H Chesbro field sec branch office 11 West n Legion Rooms 177 Main AMERICAN OIL CO Park Haro1in agt gasoline· and oils 64 Oneida see p 9 " Red Cross headquarters 17 Ford av n Red Cross production rooms 1 Elm " Womens Volunteer Service Mrs Frances Greenough chairman meeting on call 236 Main Ames Earl W asst mgr Met Life Ins Co h85 Chestnut Amitrano Anthony USA r41 Grand " Jane wid Michael h41 Grand " Ralph emp D&H r41 Grand " Samuel mech r41 Grand " Virginia A glover r41 Grand Amorose Andrew emp D&H h13 Depew " Rose emp 0 Mfg Co rIa Depew 1942- 0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 EA.ST END LUMBER CO J TEL. 2 WELLS AVE. Amos Arthur B Jr USA r5 Pearl Anderson Basil R trainman D&H hlO Telford " Bertha M r28 Franklin " Clifford G chauf 29 Ford av h12 Otsego " Derwin emp Mayers Bakery rIO Telford "Dorothy emp Ballard & Ballard r49 Academy n E arl W retired r554- Main RD3 " Edward lab r57 S Main " Ella wid Charles r22 Ford a v " Elmer farmer h Stamford rd at bridge South Side RD3 " Homer P clk Townsend Hardware Co haa Pine " Luman G retired r1 Mickle pI " Marion E Mrs r92 Center " Marjorie emp OMfgCo r19 Church " Martin r13 Fairview ,. Nellie emp Otsego Laundry Co res WO " Nonnan H bakery slsm rIO Belford " Shirley E student rI2 Otsego " Thorn B painter h28 Franklin Andress Sheridan L lab rI9 Railroad av Andrus Donald H (George S Andrus & Sons) r82 West " Emma wid Stephen Adorn h25 Butler " Emmon W gas and oils 39 Main h27 Cepedeyav .. George S (George S Andrus & Sons) h82 West " George S & Sons (George S, Donald H and Nonnan G Andrus) plumbing 82 West, show room rear 233 Main " Harry painter h15 Grand " Irene (Mrs Harry) teacher hI5 Grand " Leonard S slsm Kallfelz Bakery r25 Butler " Norman G (George S Andrus & Sons) r82 West " Pauline G emp W T Grant Co r82 West " Vernon E slsm Kallfelz Bakery hI6 Hazel ANDRUS W GRANDIN (Ethel B) res mgr Mid State Fuel Corp h6 West End av Angelillo Antonio restaurant 22 W Broadway r24 do Angellotti Frank J truck driver r30 Reynolds .. J ames T mech h32 Otsego " Joseph elk 11 Fair r do " Maria T (Mrs Joseph) grocer 11 Fair h do " Milena A mgr 11 Fair r do " William USA r 11 Fair Anna Memorial African Methodist Church 14 Hunt ext Anne's Beauty Shoppe Mrs Anne P Bartow prop 109 Chestnut Antry Adele M (Mrs Warren A Pratt) osteo· patbic physician 26 Church h do Applebaugh Richard T h48 Union Apthorpe Edna M (Mrs William) osteopath 30 Wilkins av h do " William osteopath 30 Watkins av h do Arbuckle Clarence H retired h6 Norton av " Goldie B (Mrs Harry D) teacher Center St School hl2 East " Harry D slsm h12 East " Jeannette r7 Watkins av " Phyllis J inst NWCA r12 East 41 LOGAN-LONG ROOFING • BUILDER'S SUPPLIES ONEONTA, N. Y. 24 Arbuckle Ruth E student r12 East Arethusa Sorority Fannie Bagg hostess 67 East Annory Company G 1st Regiment NYG Capt D anforth D Bolton, Addison E Jenks armorer Academy c Fairview Annstrong Elizabeth J dental hygienist 192 Main rl22 Chestnut " Lyle emp state highway r67 Gilbert " Marion clk J J Newberry Co r274 River " Minnie B wid George P h28 State ARNIO ERIC music teacher 498 Main r do ARNIO GEORGE E (Ida M) prop Oneonta Bodyo Co h498 Main Arnold Alice wid Darwin F h Main WO " Ford W poultryman h WOneonta PO RD2 ARNOLD HENRY J (Hannah) pres Hartwick College h428 Main " Leslie S truck driver h6 Shepherd av " Harriet I Mrs h373 Main " Lulu B r12 Spring ARNOLD VERNA teacher Bingharoton r428 Main Arthur Herbert B retired h16 Seventh Ashbrook Irwin lineman hI3 Fra nklin Ashley J ames G supt Southern N Y Ry hI6 Pleasant av Asping Laurits Kemp city street dept h6 Lewis Aspinwall Paul D emp D&H shops h73 Center ASSOCIATED GAS " ELECTRIC CO see New York State Electric & Gas Corp Atchinson Ethel S (Mrs William K) buyer o Dept Store h36 Gedar " William K emp Sidney h26 Cedar Atherton Robert W attd HFTHosp r do Atkins Mary G wid Elroy P emp HFTHosp hl5 Myrtle av " Ruth M student r15 Myrtle av Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co The Great Walter S Baran mgr grocers 8·12 Dietz ATWELL LEWIS H (Martha V) asst cashier Wilber National Bank h37 East .. Mildred V (Mrs Shermao W) emp HFT Hosp r do " Shennan W emp X·ray dept HFTHosp res Coopersto'NIl Atwood Elizaheth wid Seneca J h3l Franklin " Mary wid Samuel J res East RDI Auburn Larry E slsm Singer Sewing Machine Co r J E Martin Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 Auerbach Simon C merchandise mgr Sears, Roebuck & Co hI Reynolds a v Aunchman Willis L trainman D&H h136 Chestnut Austin Alta C hskpr 117'2 Hazel r do " Charles J boiler mkr D&H h52 Clinton " Estella G Mrs cook 0 Country Club r do " Francis E com trav h412 Chestnut " Genevieve wid Frank h13 Hickory " Gertrude wid George r145 River " Harry K clk 216 Main r13 Hickory " Hattie (Mrs Charles J) dom h52 Clinton 42 1942 ONEO NTA DIRECTORY-1942 Automobile Bureau Oneonta Branch Ostego County clerk's office 16 Dietz Avery Alice C wid George F b330 Chestnut Ayers George H elec insp h64 Ford av Arlsworth L Franklin jan SNS h39 Maple , Margaret wid James A h22 Center . Azzoli Angelina M wid Anthony h170 Mam " Celia r170 Main " Edward lab r170 Main " .Tohn F painter r170 Main n Letha B Mrs h34 Monroe av B-LINE TAXI & DELIVERY Raymond J Hayes prop 42 Chestnut Babbitt Charles H elk: WPA h4Y2 Fair " Donald L emp Sidney r4Yz Fair "Helen C Mrs sten NYSEGCorp b33 Burnside av " J ames L painter and paperhanger 17 Broad r do " Otis E emp Watervliet h6Yz Columbia Babcock Clayton prop Orchard Inn h Morris rd WO " Jennie E wid Willett C r173 West Bacheller H - J eanette costume designer r Emmons PO 0 RD3 " Herbert F treas Nearby Egg & Poultry Producers Co~op Assn Inc h Emmons PO ORD3 Bacon Grant A emp Sidney h15 Butler Bagg C Stewart jan Center St Sch h22 Watkins av "Fannie hostess Arethusa Sorority and office sec SNS r67 East " Halsey P clk Sears Roebuck Co h14 Center " Robert D meter reader NYSE&GCorp r14 Center " Rosanna C libr Huntington Mem Library r81 Maple " Rudolph C clk 0 Dept Store h6 Valleyview Bagley Thomas retired r Morris rd WO RD2 Bagnardi Angelo L (Minnie M) bIdr and cont 317 Main h do " Anthony prop Bagnardi's Shoe Rebuilding Shop h207 Main " J ohn T carp hlB S Belmont Circle BAGNARDI OTTO J (Therese J) contractor and builder 16 Maple h do see front cover " Shoe Rebuilding Shop Anthony Bagnardi prop 208 Main Bailey Douglas E slsm h9 Fourth " Florence H Mrs emp Binghamton rI29 East " Florence H (Mrs Douglas E) library asst Huntington Mem Library h9 Fourth " Frederick F slsm Meridale Jersey Farm r 193 River " George W cond D&HRR h17 Pleasant av " Jerome R h504 Main " Joseph W clock repairing 24 Dietz ~ ~~ " LaVere L trackman D&H h20Y2 DiViSion " William E retired h193 River Baird Arthur K shipping clk 6 Market h16 Spring " Donald R deputy city elk rl05 East " Duane driver Sun Oil Co res Davenport Center " Edward J emp Spauldings Bakery rI35 River " Eli emp 37 Chestnut r96 Oneida Baird Etta J emp Spauldings Bakery r135 River " Etta M wid William J hI35 River " Florine E (Mrs Donald R) nurse 105 East r do " Jane E emp Otsego Lndry Co r Karnes R Niles " Richard pres·treas Morris Bros Feed Co h105 East " Robert B slsm rI05 E ast Baker Aaron lab hl5 Pearl " Andrew U driver 0 Contracting Co r20 Rose av " Aut ho W r20 Academy " Cecil M carp h6 N Fifth " Charles A emp D&H r6 Miller " Daniel I farmer h Hartwick rd RD2 BAKER EDITH office sec H E Pierce Roofing & Supply Co r Daniel I Baker RD2 " Fannie (Mrs Kenneth) emp 47 Broad h14 Fonda av " Floyd B emp D&H h4 Moffatt tJ Francis W mach r38 W Broadway " Fred M h47 Center " H Lee emp Elmore Milling Co h27 Prospect " Hardware The Louis M Baker prop 120122 Main It Harry W eng D&H h102 River II Harvey S contractor and builder 9 Neahwa pI h do " J Calvin retired h18 Church " James retired r Clifford Worden " Jane E emp Sidney r250 Main " Jesse G boiler mkr D&H hI27 River " John 1 Rev pastor W 0 BaptistChJ,1rch h Church WO . " l ohn M clkprof Hartwick Coll h56 Ford av " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~hn S emp D&H r38 W Broad.way osephine wid Samuel r444 Matn enneth emp Sidney h14 Fonda av Leona hskpr 530 Main r20 Rose av Lorenw D retir~ r9 N eahwa pI Louis emp D elhi h23 Cedar Louis M (Grace R) prop Baker Hardware h63 Ford av , Lucretia L wid Arthur emp 13 Pleasant av r& M. Marion waitress HFTHosp r250 am Marion fanner h Hartwick rd RD2 Mary Mrs emp 0 Mfg Co r5 Gault av Merton H farmer res South Side RD3 Pa ul D emp Ilion h250 Main Ralph E r Ralph M Baker RD2 . R~~ M mail carrier PO h HartWlck rd " Raymond C clk NYSE&GCorp h63 Ford av " Susan D (Mrs John M) emp Welfare office h56 Ford av " Wallace L slsm r102 River " William cond D &H h20 Academy Baldo Anthony J gas sta 318 Main hI Academy pI " Donato A erop D&H and guns and ammunition 28 Academy h do " Harry J emp 82 Main h25 Pine " J Anthony turntable opr D&H h4 Potter av " Jennie A. r28 Academy 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 / Baldo Louise J student r4 Potter av " Pasquale A USA r4 Potter av " Patrie P clk Circle Supply Corp r28 Academy " Patsy Paul clk r28 Academy " Salvatore G student r4 Potter av Baldwin Adee V retired h14 Fair " Dorothea B therapist HFTHosp r do " Edward J lab r7 Gault av " Effie E Mrs bskpr 8 Y2 Brook r do " Ethel B Mrs b83 Center " Flora S wid Dorman b57 Dietz " Harry W lab r21 Broad " J Floyd asst yd master D&H h62 W Broadway " Jessie K (Mrs Kenneth) opr NYTelCo res Davenport Center " Leon emp HFTHosp hl03 Chestnut " Lynn J mech HFT Hosp res Upper East " Maurice Blab r83 Center " Paul E (Dauley & Wright) and (Oneonta Bowling Center) h34 E ast " Raymond S cond NYCRR h7 VaUeyview Balfoort Abraham J r emp D&H r343>-2 Broad Ball Albert V V (Mary Sisson) gen ins 143 Main r36 do " Mary Sisson (Mrs Albert V V) mgr B F Sisson r36 Main Ballantine Cora A wid Arthur E h50 Spruce " Gordon A emp Ry Exp Agcy r50 Spruce Ballard & Ballard Martin Bedrosian prop dry clnrs 10 B road plant 2 Schaffer av Balnis Dorothy emp Coyle Mfg Co r24 Gilbert Balnis John emp D&H h24 Gilbert " Joseph emp D&H h26 Gilbert Bams Stephen emp D&H h233 Chestnut Banks Dana W USN r32 Luther " M Beal (Gladys K) athletic dir Hartwick College h ll Weidman pi " Minard M janitor Elmore Milling Co h32 Luther Bankston Clifford J student r5 Knapp a v " Thomas E cook Hatel Oneonta h5 Knapp av 43 BARD TRACY S (Emily M ) (H M Bard & Sons) h60 Center Barker Raymond M truck driver 19 Prospect h46Y2 Valleyview Barley Asa Scarp h6% Hunt ext Barlow Adda (Mrs William) emp 47 Broad r28 River " Charles C driver 0 Bus Lines h5 Center " Dan C truck driver Reynolds Coal h28 R iver " J Mae wid William A emp Otsego Lndry Co h Main ext RD3 " Lewis A mach D&H h23 Orchard " William M emp 0 Star r28 River " William R truck driver hI8 P leasant av Barnard Bakeshop Inc Warren C Shaver branch mgr 148 River Barnes Alma .T Mrs h402 Main II Charles H b18 Pine " Donald E r369 Chestnut " Donald J gas sta attd r34 Monroe av " Elizabeth M Mrs emp 0 Glove Co r45 Academy " Fannie M wid Arthur W r84 Chestnut " G Estella wid Edward R h20 Fifth " Gordon D emp Sidney h45 Main " Howard E fireman D&H h369 Chestnut " Marshall B slsm h7 Pleasant av " Merritt S emp Sidney hI Lawn av " M yrtle (Mrs Gordon D) waitress Couse's h45 Main " Raymond LaVerne fireman D&H h251 Chestnut " R obert J emp sewage disposal r20 Fifth Barnett Felix L bkpr Wilber Nat Bank res RD3 " Solomon prop New York Bakery h115 R iver Barney Austin C carp h Main WO " E arl farmhand h41 Wilcox av " Erma D tchr r Main WO " Harold A USA r Main WO " Helena E nurse Main WO r do " J ames W trainman D&H h5 Division " J ay R truck driver 0 Fruit Co r5 Oneida " Lynn R tel opr D&H h17 Shepberd av B arnhill Eva M (Mrs Kader B) actress r44 Academy " Kader B showman r44 Academy Barnum Anna E wid Curtis A r32 Cliff " J Whitney retired hID 1 Elm Barrager Janette A wid Clifton hl5 Duane Barrett Harold E emp Kandyland bl% Lewis " Mildred 0 sten 158 Main h420 Main " Walter 0 cont and·bldr 540 Main b do Barrott Marilda A tchr SNS hl21 East Barsness Arthur emp D &H h8 Reynolds av Barthelmess Robert elk 127 Main r do Bartholomew Charles D retired h5 Stapleton Banner Arthur C radiographer HFT Hosp h Country Club ,d RD2 " Lester com trav 0 Grocery Co h52 Union " William E retired. r5 Taft av Baran Walter S mgr A&P T ea Co h8 Reynolds Baranowski Anna sten J L Van Woert r49 Miller " John emp D&H h49 Miller " Nicholas emp D&H h56 River Barber Julius C retired r177 West " Rufus L em.p D&H h33 Brook " Ruth N emp Sidney r33 Brook " Stanley R raa Brook Barbin Raymond painter b272 Harmon a v Bard Elizabeth M tchr Dolgeville r60 Center av BARD ELLA N elk H M Bard & Sons h68 " " J ennie W Mrs opr NYTelCo r38 High Center Bartilotti Rosario emp D&H roundhouse h33 BARD H M " SONS (Harry C and Tracy S Bard) Main insurance and real estate 8 Broad see Barton Elger M asst mgr J J Newberry Co back bone h8 Ford. av BARD HARRY C (Mabel C) (H M Bard & Sons) " Fred E plumber D&H hI3 Otsego h77 Elm " Harry E attd Taylor's Service Sta r134 " Harry C Jr student r77 Elm Chestnut " Lafayette farmer b Main WO " James chef r65 Center " Malcolm M emp Schenectady r60 Center " La Vem H emp NYSE&GCorp h29 Dietz 44 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Barton Lewelyn W emp J ohn M Robertson h130 Chestnut " Marion E bkpr Linn Corp res Hartwick " Truman P emp West Nesbitt Inc h514 Main Bartow Anne P Mrs prop Anne's Beauty Shoppe h109 Chestnut " George W lumber dlr 83 Elm r do " Homer lab r40 Elm " Stanley E retired hIS Otsego " Stella M wid Willis nurse h6 Youngman av " WalterAtruckmanhOstawaav WO Basins Ruby nurse HFTHosp r do Bassity Matthew A mgr Binghamton Press News Bureau r5 Church Bastedo Alice (Mrs Len J) bkpr 45 Market h45 Grove " Len J wholesale beer 35 Market h45 Grove Bastow Emma B Mrs rl8 Otsego Bateman Lillian L wid Joseph h16% Broad Bates B Roy chef h3 Spruce a v " Clarence A com tra v h374 Main tI Edith E wid Earl emp 0 Glove Corp h15 Church " Imogene G wid Grant C h352 Chestnut " Kendall E carrier PO r15 Church " Lucinda emp OMfgCo hS}2 Columbia " Mae B (Mrs B Roy) emp Townsend Printing Co h3 Spruce av " Wiley R slsm Crouch Radio Co h7 Lawn av Battista Benedetto emp D&H h30 Division Bauerle Anna M Mrs hskpr 3 Church r do " Leon L eng D&H h45 Dietz Baumann Fred J hl15 E ast Baumgardt Dorothy C student r8 Center " Ralph W trainman D&H h8 Center Baurose Ernest second hand goods 108 Main and pntr and decorator 17 Watkins av h do Baylis Lillian M wid Charles F hlO Lawn av Beach Alice h on island off 4 Railroad av " Clifford D (Grace S) dist repr Mut Life Ins Co of NY h398 Main " Ethel M bkpr Stevens Hardware Co r270 Chestnut " Eva E wid Willard 0 rooms 270 Chestnut h do " Floyd J emp NYSE&GCorp h Main byd RD3 " Fred E retired r5 High " Grace S (Mrs Clifford D) chief elk Elmore Milling Co h398 Main " Guy S h Elmore's Island ft Water " Hazel F elk 0 Dept Store h66 Maple " Jesse H h431 Chestnut " Naomi Mrs counselor freshman women Bresee Hall r7 Weidman pI BEACH URSIL E (Margaret L) v-pres-treas Linn Corp b10 Wailing av " William r TFrederick Marithew BEADNELL JOHN J mgr South Side Service Station h Baker row South Side RD3 Beagle Howard E slsm 0 Sales Co h12 Watkins av Beals Antoinette H Mrs r41 Walnut Beam Mildred B wid Oscar M 1129 Center Beams Addie (Mrs Enos) nurse R L Johnson Main byd limits RD3 r do " Beulah (Mrs Gordon H) emp 203 Main h48)4 Church Beams Charles J ins and real est 241 Main (5) h39 Church " Clara Adorn 11 Walnut r36 East End av " Clifford G trainman D&H h Lower River rd RD2 " Enos retired r Robert L Johnson " George W emp D&H shops h36 East End av " Gordon H USA h48% Church " Helen T clk W T Grant Co r51 Valleyview " Howard L student r51 Valleyview " Ida V wid Adelbert h76 Ford av " Kenneth L emp Sidney r51 Valleyview " Lawrence K attd 425 Chestnut r Lower River rd RD2 " Lorena Mrs h30 Chester " .Mary L Mrs h51 Valleyview " Nellie C wid Irving h Main ext RD3 " Wendell D gas sta attd 544-546 Main h8 Park Beang Anthony B truck driver Frank LaMonica Inc . h7 Pine " Joseph A Jr truck driver h6 Fairview " Rose Mrs hS Fairview " -see Bianca Beaulieu Bernard S mgr F W Woolworth Co h95 East " Jean emp Wilbur Nat Bank r50 Fairview " Joseph D slsm 0 Fruit Co h50 Fairview Beaupre Albert pntr and paperhanger h33 yz. Fairview "Eva (Mrs Albert) forelady 0 Mfg Co h33 % Fairview . Beavan Charles F slsm 0 Sales Co h7 Fifth " Gerald student r7 Fifth Beb Cleanser Co Bert E Bresee prop cleanser rnfr and whsle paper supplies office 8 Taft av , warehouse 13-19 S Main Brechtold Charles H display mgr 155 Main h66)4 Ehn BECKER ALVA J pres Betker & Lent rea Cobleskill " Block 190 Main " Carol student r42 Elm " Charles J mgr 66 Church r62 do " Claude S emp High Sch h2 Ivy ct· " David E mgr Harris Army and Navy Store h20 Reynolds av " Fred J eng D&H h16 J ackson av " Lucille r42 Ehn " Maggie H sten r20 Jackson av BECKER OWEN C (Vera F) lawyer 198 Main (Becker & Plowden~Ward1aw) v~pres Citizens National Bank & Trust Co pres Ceperley & Morgan Real Estate Co, sec Otsego Laundry Co and pres Board of Education h42 Elm BECKER .. LENT INC (Inc 1927) Oldsmobile sales and service and GMC Trucks 18 Market pres Alva J Becker, L M Loomis mgr see front cover BECKER .. PLOWDEN-WARDLAW (Owen C Becker and Thomas C Plowden-Wardlaw) lawyers 198 Main , Beckler Philip A dist milk sanitarian h85 Spruce Beckley Effie Mr~ 1126 Columbia " Irving retired r105 West Beckwith Henry emp 183 Main r15 Broad Bedford Fred L trainman D&H h39 Valleyview 45 Bedford Fred L Jr truck driver h34 River Bennett James G emp D&H h218 Chestnut Bedient Harold linotype opr Oneonta News " John C emp Sidney r9 Fairviewav r43 Maple " Judy (Mrs Charles) elk 196 Main h35 Bedrossian Martin (Victoria M) prop BallH igh ard & Ballard h8 Richards av " Kenneth A yd foreman 0 Coal & Supply " Ogaper D wid Robert r8 Richards av Co h14 Hickory Beecher Raymond V tchr OHS h71 Spruce " Leslie D mech Sydney h11 Hill pI Beers Clara M wid Derrick H h87 Ford av ,. Lewis D trav acct D&H h9 Tilton av " Edith F student r87 Ford av " Louise wid William r90 River " Lulu E tchr Davenport r87 Ford av " Marjorie A t chr h12 Maple (2) Beeton Orville retired 1'9 Division " Martin J slsm Syracuse h11 Reynolds av Beggs John H (Minnie) retired r7 Lawn av " Mary wid John E emp Hotel Wilson h46 Beisel] anette M wid William h27 Cedar Main Belden Charles tchr Jr H S res inq do Norman E emp Every Exp h86 East Belknap Elbert A cbauf Otsego Lndry Corp Richard E mech 0 Sales Co res Maryland h2 ValIeyview RD1 " Eva M wid Willis J r2 Valleyview ,. Robert E elk Asco Market rl Pearl Bell Clothing Co Morris L Pineas mgr 138 " Ray 0 t rainman D&H b87 Spruce Main " Ruth (Mrs Hubert J) opr WUTelCo h2 " Edward B emp Sidney h9 Tilton av Cleveland " Frank emp seo hI3 Fair " Simmons J cont and bldr shop Clover office " George emp Sidney hlO Academy 411 Chestnut h do " John retired hI7 Franklin Stuart slsm J ewel Tea Co res RDI " John Merville pres Oneonta Grocery Co " Thelma B Mrs h8 Huntington av h29 Walnut Bensley Margaret A wid G Judd r8 Morgan " Wright H eng D&H ha5I Chestnut av Bellew Donald L phannacist Schtdy r42 Benton Dorothy A librarian Academy St Sch Cedar . r3 Cherry " Elizabeth M (Mrs Vernon M) sten 18 Wilhelmina E OR emp HFSTHosp r do , Market h22 Maple (1) " William E sign pntr h Emmons PO 0 RD3 " Harold J elk 291 Main h42 Cedar Berezansky John emp D&H Shops h63 Gil" Vernon M (Elizabeth) pharmacist City bert Drug Store h22 Maple (1) Berger Harry emp Mayer's Bakery h18~ Beltrame Joseph carp r32 Chestnut Division Bender Elbina L dean of women Hartwick: ,. John retired r79 Main College r34 Church BERN FURNITURE INC mgr H Sanford Haines Benedict Harriet T wid Louis G h35 Walnut furniture 252-256 Main " Leland S slsm 120 Cliff Berner Alice F wid Clarence U r73 Spruce " Raie F driver Gulf Ref Co h151 Main " Samuel E cond D&H h81 East " Walter L veterinary surgeon 427 Chestnut Bert John emp West End Diner h433 Chesth do nut (3) Benjamin Everett W com tray 0 Grocery Co Bertuzzi Fannie M wid John h3 Factory h80 Ehn " Louis J USA r3 Factory " Floyd M brakeman D&H h5 Blanchard av " Samuel USA r3 Factory " Harold L service mgr Christman Flint Betts Elsie M Mrs emp 0 Glove Co hl1Y2 Corp h2 Morgan av Washington " Orlo retired r256 Main " Herbert M eng D&H h30 Cliff " Philo retired r17 Broad Beverly's Herman L Ellenbogen prop ready " Walter E mech 0 Sales Co res 0 RDI to wear 173 Main Bennett Albert J novelty vendor r26 Union Bevins Frank bartender h 123 Main " Alfred E CMuf r5 Lyman av " Fred F layout NYSE&GCorp h121 Main. " Arthur H emp Ford Sales & Service r90 Bianca---see Beang River Bibby Aletta F Mrs house bead 1 Center r do " Arthur W trackman D&H h90 River Bibeau Daniel V student r16 Washington " Carma S wid Lavern A h5 Lyman av " Katherine M r16 Washington " Charles L (Julia L) clk Wilber Nat Bank " Victor E eng D&H h16 Washington h35 High Bick Beatrice Mrs nurse Fox Mem Hosp r5 " Emily 0 (Mrs Martin J) sten NYSE&G Draper Corp h 11 Reynolds av Bice Catherine wid Samuel hI West end av " Effie Mrs dom r90 River Bida Stella nurse HFHosp r do " E~hel Mrs rll Elm Bidwell I nez Mrs dom h11 Harrison av " G Palmer USA r1 Pearl Biederman Charles I optometrist 404 Main " George t retired h62 Dietz h do " George W r46 Main Bigelow Robert J emp Sidney r3 Lawn av " Gerald A emp Sidney h68 Church " Susan C wid J erome h3 Lawn av " Gertrude E wid Martin r11 Franklin Biggio John Flab h61 Main " Giles W emp D&H hI Pearl BILDERBECK ROCKWELL C (Mary) sec-Ireas " Henry J C retired h115 Chestnut Oneonta Dairy Co h Country Club rd " Henry k lab r5 Pearl RD2 " Hubert J emp 48 Market h2 Cleveland Billie's Beauty Parlor Billie Miller prop 26 " Ida (Mrs Leslie) elk 155 Main hll Hill pi Dietz J) J) J) J) 46 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Bill's Restaurant William F Malloy prop 57 Blanc~ard Lillian A wid Elmer S haD Valley. vtew Broad U Merton A pntT and paperhanger 49 LonBingham Chailes N farmer h285 River don av h do " Richard chauf Emmons Fanns r do U Merton A Jr USA r49 wndoD av Binghamton Press News Bureau Matthew A " Ralph L emp Nelson Used Car Mart h275 Bassity mgr newspaper 16 Dietz Main " Press Chester A Rote agt 15 Prospect " Robert R (Dorothy) emp PO h21 East Bird Mary M Mrs nurse HFHosp r do End av Birdsall Agatha Mrs emp Dreamland Gardens " William J asst undertaker Lewis Funeral r7 Chester Home TaO Valleyview BIRDSALL ISABELLE M prinCipal Academy BLANDING BEATRICE W MRS (Oneonta Sales Street Junior High School h17 Spruce Co) r12 Walnut . " N ila C nurse 25 Elm r do Blann Melvin R pastor Pilgrim Holiness " Susan M sec to supt schools r17 Spruce Church h60 Valleyview Bisbee Florence L tchr NY r433 Main " Melvin R Jr r60 Valleyview " Helen A wid Adelbert h433 Main " Troy R sten Square D eal Agency rOo Val. Bishop Alice L wid Harry h7Y2 Center leyview " Allan D prop Bishop's Drug Store h18 Blasetti Enrico J emp D&H rI5 l?arish av Hudson " Fred emp D&H rI5 Paris av " Ernest S carp h7 Center " Serafino emp D&H shops hIS Parish av " F Aurill registrar Hartwick College r7l Blaze Arnold S emp Windham r34 Academy West " Floyd E fireman D&H h34 Academy " George W retired h20 High Bleecker Dorothy P emp OMfgCo r4 Lewis " M Edna h78 Ford av " William A prop Rock's Body Works h4 " Perry clk 0 Tire & Auto Parts rIO Ford av Lewis Bishop's Drug Store Allan D Bishop prop Blencoe Blanche A waitress The Rex rl50 269 Main Main Bissell Grace A wid Frank h Otego rd RD3 U Isabelle P elk Sears Roebuck & Co hl50 " Harriet M h84 Chestnut Main " Lee const wkr h66 East Bissett Helen H wid George maid A M Skin- Blend Block 148 Main " Edith F hI50 Main ner r do " Grace K wid Carey S h71 West Bivack Dominick J car repr D&H h12 Boyl" Walter J carp foreman D&H h67 West ston Biviano Joseph B sIsm W T Raleigh Co r96 Blish Augusta wid Orlando r4 Lev.ris Bliss Mary E wid Frederick M r Horace S Chestnut Bizzarro Joseph emp D&H r4 W Broadway Kerr " Raymond A policeman b166 West Bjork John elk PO h17 Reynolds av " Walter A (Louise) (Walter A Bliss Agency Black Atwell D emp D&H h2 James h3 Walling av " Frances L (Mrs Maurice W) elk 155 Main " Walter A Agency (Walter A Bliss and h17 Jefferson av Hazel M Wright) gen insurance 186 Main " Helene elk Ballard & Ballard r2 James It Kenneth L elk D&H b43 Church Blizard Charles J emp NYTelCo h77 Clinton " Phyllis M student r77 Clinton " Maurice W t ruck driver h17 Jefferson av Block Mary L (Mrs Sidney S) nurse 36 Hud" Russell D emp D&H h8Y2 Cliff sonbdo ' Blackall Elizabeth W Mrs T438 Main " Sidney S pharmacist City Drug Store h36 Blackmon Ida M wid Abel C h44 Academy Blake Edna M wid Robert E beautician h192 Hudson Blom Charles A retired hll Otsego Main " Emma (Mrs Harry C) emp OMfgCo h42 Bloodgood Samuel T carp h7 Monroe av Blythe Margaret glove opr h34 Maple Grove Bob and Dan's Restaurant Daniel Krothe " Frances W nurse HFTHosp r do " Harry C (Emma) emp Elmore Milling prop 218 Chestnut Co h42 Grove Bob'.s Restaurant Robert Stevenson prop 279 " Martha M student r7 Oneida Chestnut " Wallace D trainman D&H hil Kearney Bockes Caroline wid George L h81 Elm Blakely Elizabeth M h38 Elm " Charlotte Hemp Sidney r81 Elm l' Edgar D tchr Haverstraw r81 Elm " Susan E h38 Grove Blakeman Lyman B retired b3 West End av " Samuel C emp Schtdy r81 Elm Bodie Arden C emp West-Nesbitt h100 River Blakeslee L John emp Sidney r9 Franklin Blanchard Adrian G clk PO h17 Morgan av Bodiot Naomi N sten Paul J Smith ):184 Center " Alice E tchr Binghamton r7 Normal av Boenig Robert W instr Hartwick College r26 " Caroline M wid Fred D r7 Watkins av " Charles F dec D&H h3 Mickle pI Franklin " Gordon R carrier PO hlO Brook Bogart Vida J wid Vemon forelady 0 Glove " Howard C emp Ritter Dental Lab r3 Corp r88 Maple Mickle pI Bogg Mary M Mrs r438 Main " Ida M wid Ezra h7 Normal av " J ennie M (Mrs William J) phone opr NY Bohm Dorothy wid J ohn E h49 London av Boland Ambrose J crew dispatcher D&H h8 SE&GCorp h30 Valleyview Central av " Leon M caller D&H h South Side RD3 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 47 Bostwick Norman (Rea)const wkr h467 Main Botch Alfred mgr Empire Market r Windsor Hotel Bouboulis Angela emp Kandyland r213 Main BOUCHARD A E REY asst pastor St Mary's Church hl Grand Bourgeois Frances T student r 1 Washington " Napoleon D linotype opr 0 Daily Star hI Washington Bouton Arthur R meat ctr Hendy's Mkt h7 Cherry " George W fanner h Stamford rd RD3 " H arry D emp 18 Oneida r 170 Chestnut " Irene F r170 Chestnut " Jessie wid Frank ril Hazel BOULTON L BRUCE (Kathryn) asst cashier Citizens National Bank & Trost Co and treas Chamber of Commerce b392 Main " Pauline F waitress 10 Maple r170 Chestnut " R Frank carp h170 Chestnut Bovia Augustus J mach D&H roundhouse h138.., River Bovit Adam J emp D&H hI76 Main " Alexander P cond D&H h3 Columbia II Frank J fireman D&H h9 Tilley av Bowdish Charles H (Carrie M) h39 Ford av Bowen Charles W prop Bowen Signs b Water c Chestnut " Clarence D lab r40 Wilcox av " Dorothy M reporter 0 Daily Star r5 Church II Frank H h56 East " Hazel B (Mrs Frank H) private nursing home 56 East h do ,. Leon L retired h2 Pearl " Lide wid George r26 W Broadway " Signs CharlesW Bowen prop Water c Chestnut Bowes Alberta A stud ent rlO Hazel II Thomas C dispatcher D&H hlO Hazel Bowrnaker Mary wid John r272 Chestnut Boy Scouts of America Otschodela Council John W Northup scout executive 170 Main Boyd Earl S prop Boyd's Alignment Service h3 Gardner pI " E va F Mrs waitress 279 Chestnut h Chestnut " Frank H service mgr Phillip Buick Co hI7 Roosevelt av " Harriet J Mrs h17 Watkins av n Louie R fireman PO h6 Pearl Boyd's Alignment Service Earl S Boyd prop 1 Gardnerpl Boyea Ozias J trainman D&H h98 River " Russell USA r98 River Boyle Mary r8 Fair 10 Thomas H car rep D&H h6 Columbia Boynton Claude E emp HFT Hosp h513 Main " Leroy E elk Grad Union r513 Main " Mabelle M h6 Tilton av BRACKETT CALEB P (Helen) prop The CorneT Bookstore r76 Elm Brackmann Anna M wid Frederick H r81 Chestnut Bradford Orrin C pntr r Mrs V E Vogt Bradley Edward J retired h73 Clinton BRADLEY FRANKLIN V asst mgr Capitol Finance Corp r73 Clinton " Gladys V elk Sidney r30 Center Bolles Hartwell J truck driver Oneonta Coal & Supply Co r32 Chestnut " John C truck driver h Stamford rd RD3 " Michael H C emp Sidney h88 Maple Bolton Betty S (Mrs Theodore S) bkpr 437 Chestnut h7 Shepherd av " Danforth D (Marguerite C) asst sec and treas Oneonta Bldg & Loan Assn and capt Co G 1st Regiment NYG h14 Hazel " Ernest W v-pres Nearby Egg & Poultry Producers Co-op Assn Inc h Main byd limitsRD3 n Theodore S (Betty) (Bolton & Thorn's Radio Store) h7 Sbepherd av II W Irving sec-trea.s 0 Bldg & Loan Assn and attorney 54 Chestnut b24 West Bomhower Moses D retired h14 West Bond Dorothy A sten r14 Columbia " Frank retired h42 W Broadway " George E retired h14 Columbia n William retired r42 W Broadway Booan Bach J lab r 12 Liberty " Dominick emp D&H h12 Liberty " James J r12 Liberty . BDOKHOUT ISAAC JAY prop Bookhout Funeral Home and pres Chamber of Commerce h367 Main " John A emp Bookhout Funeral Home h5 Walling blvd " Funeral Home Isaac J Bookhout prop 357 Main " Robert M student r357 Main Boomhower J essie E nurser22 Central av " William G Rev DD pastor Lutheran Church of Atonement h22 Central av Boone Harry D emp Elmore Milling Co r17 Main " Harry V pntr D&H hlO Seventh " Ralph E emp Sidney rIO Seventh Boom A Bertrand emp Sidney r259 Chestnut Booth Charles H collector and nurse r2 West End av Borden Duane lab hI Lewis " Floyd R driver Meridale Jersey Fanns Inc h547'2 Church " Frank H watchman h7 Susquehanna " Harold R bus driver 0 Bus Lines r72 Hudson n Henry A retired h72 Hudson n Ruth D Mrs r49 Maple Bordinger Clifford C driver Shears Express h450 Main " Frank sign painter h2 Miles av RD2 " Frank Jr emp D&H shops h82 Ford av " Glenn W carp D&H h7 Spring Borggreen William C emp Sidney h46 Wilcox av Borodin Peter car repairer D&H r4 Parish av Borst Addie W wid Samuel h19 Maple n Apartments 22 Maple " Mary J wid Schuyler B h27 East Bossard Daniel E emp Fanner's Mkt h Lower River RD2 Bossio Salvatore (Lucy) agt Met Life Ins Co h5 Spring Bostwick Catherine G wid Edgar J r467 Main " Charles retired h175 Chestnut " Cornelia G emp Unadilla r467 Main " Grover emp Sidney h24 Broad " Martin D emp D&H store room r175 Chestnut 48 - 1942- 0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Bresee Robert F student r343 Main BRESEE WILMER E (Esther B) v-pres .nd .dvertising mgr Oneonta Department Store h3 Pine Brewer Minnie M wid Jogn W b55 Center Brewster Leo H gdnr r22 Oneida Breze Blanche M (Mrs Charles A) dom 27 Elm h9 S Main U Charles A lab h9 S Main Brezee Anna Mrs waitress 44 Broad r do " Carl J prop Wilson Cleaning r45 Chestnut " Ella Mrs h45 Chestnut " Howard W clk D&H shops 1127 Rose av Brickley Harry retired rl89 River Bridger Albert V emp Spauldings Bakery res inq .do " Helen Mrs h 34 Pine U Leonard W emp 6 Market h2 Lincoln " Marion L nurse r2 Lincoln Briele Philip C retired rI3 Spruce Main " Ella wid Christian L elk 532 Main h530 Brienza. Daniel emp Sidney r99 Chestnut Main " Giacomo emp Sidney h 10 Ann Brand Charles R veterinary surgeon 19 Tilton " Jennie wid Frank: J hI Mitchell av h do . " John emp R eynold's Greenhouses rl " Edward A bursar bus mgr asso prof H artMitchell wick College h4 Spring " Louis driver City Drug Store rlO Ann " Thomas r79 Main " Robert USA rIO Ann Brandow Charles watch mkr hl Jackson av " Rose hskpr rlO Ann " John M retired h Main byd limits RD3 Briggs Arthur C attd 337-339 Main h174 East " Libbie M wid Egbert h Stamford rd South BRIGGS DUNCAN S (Charlotte) sec-Ire.s Briggs Lumber Co 2nd v-pres Chamber of comSide RD3 Brandt Adelaide E (Mrs George S) inv 0 merce b23 Union Credit Bureau h5Y2 Pine " Lena (Dutch Mill Restaurant & Barbecue) " George S emp NYS&GCorp h5Y2 Pine res Herkimer BRIGGS LUMBER CO INC lumber dealers 18-20 " Mary M widJohnr94Elm Branigan Anna R wid James h35 Cherry Lewis pres-mgr Roscoe C Briggs, sectreas Duncan S Briggs see p 16 " Joseph J r35 Cherry " Margaret A emp HFT Hosp r35 Cherry . " Luthera. S Mrs hskpr 47 Church r do " Mary H tchr Amsterdam r35 Cherry " Mary h93 Elm Brault Frank: G clk supt office D&H h33 Elm BRIGGS ROSCOE C (Katherine S) pres-gen-mgr Brayman Harvey H emp Star Laundry h rear Briggs Lumber Co h376 Main 28 Country Club rd RD2 Brigham Russell E jeweler and radios 141 Brazie Mabel A r8 Myrtle av Main h67 Elm Brazier Myron B piece work insp D&H h24 Brightman Elizabeth L bkpr 7 Neahwa. pi res Chester Upper East RDI BREE RONALD (Den.) pres-tre.s Meridale " Fayette L town assessor res Upper East Jersey Farms Inc res inq 76 River RDI Breese Cora M student r12 Hunt ext " Kendall E emp Sidney r26 Franklin " Henry T lab hI2 Hunt ext Briguglio Frank emp 0 Junk Shop r13 Depew " Mabel M Mrs rooms 19 Broad h do Brink G Albert (Helen M) slsm hI Roosevelt " Mary E cook r12 Hunt ext " Thomas H USA r12 Hunt ext " Helen M (Mrs G Albert) tcbr OHS hI BreffieAmy wid William M h228 Main (11) Roosevelt av " Charles L landscape gdnr hIS Cedar " Warren K ins 164 Main (201) res Laurens " Louise A (Mrs Walter R) elk Mathews Brinkman Caroline A wid George H h3 Grand Stores (Inc) r15 Cedar Briscoll Floyd r34 Reynolds " Mabel M ernp 0 Glove Corp ri5 Cedar " George L prop The Ideal hI2 Columbia " Walter R sheet mtl wkr 15 Cedar rI5 " Jerusha C wid Thomas C r34 Reynolds Bristol Clifton A emp Sidney h19Y2 Duane Brook Bremson Paul lab hI8 Rose av Britton Henry F emp D&H h7 J ackson av Bresee Bert E prop Beb Cleanser Co hS Taft Broadfoot Robert Cook lawyer Sidney r IS av Elm " Building 155-165 Main " Vida S wid B Cook rlS Elm BRESEE CLYDE F (Cora W ) sec Oneonta De- Broadhead Algernon P consulting eng Elmore partment Store h341 Main Milling Co h Main byd limits RD3 BRESEE FRED H (M.ry) Ire.s Oneonta De- Broadwell Ada M wid Levi W h4 Forest av partment Store h343 Main ,. Carl D mech Linn Corp h21 Butlers " Hall Mrs Naomi Beach matron donnitory " Ernest D painter h 19 Church (Hartwick College) 7 Weidman pI BRESEE LYNN H (M Temple) pres Oneonta " Harry A millwright WeSt-Nesbitt Inc h18 Department Store h8 Maple Yager av Bradley Jesse L real est 30 Center h do " Otho D prop The Rock Gas Sta h379 Chestnut Bradt J ames K emp D&H h75 Center " J eanne K student r75 Center Brady Harold M prop Brady's Shoe Store h47 Cedar " Katherine M Mrs h3 Elm " Marion J wid Charles W r47 Cedar " T Glenn emp Sears Roebuck Co f3 Elm " William F dentist 3 Dietz r do Brady's Shoe Store Harold M Brady propl68 Main .Brainard E Gertrude bkpr 0 Credit Bur r40 Londonav " Lillie P wid Eugene G h40 London av " Mary E bU5 Spruce - Bramley Shirley I hskpr 25 Elm r do Bramsen Charles F emp NYSE&G Corp r530 .v 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 <[f)PDtID .......-- PAINTS & VARNISHEs 49 EAST END LUMBER CO. 2 WELLS AVE • Broas Harry F elk Grand Union Tea Co h 65 Spruce " Mary (Mrs Harry F) dressmaker 65 Spruce h do .. Co ~ Brodie William Kemp D&H h". UiJifC' Broe Gertrude nurse HFT Hosp r do " Jerry emp Sidney r73 Genter Bronk Blanche wid Edwin asst forelady 0 Mig Co h25 Woodside av Bronson Clifford L printer 0 News h12 Luther Brooke Mary E wid Hial C r354 Main Brooks Everett D emp Sidney r59 Miller " Lois E Mrs h59 Miller " Lucille dietitian HFT Hosp r do " Marion L tchr Stamford r72 East " Rexford C teacher r72 East " Warren H elk SUPO h72 East Brophy John J jan St Mary's Sch h30 Grand " Julie E nurse Kingston r30 Grand " William B tchr r30 Grand Brosmer Charles F retired hll Franklin Broughton William B slsm 416 Chestnut r George Kershaw Brower Earl emp Farmers Mkt rI27 Main Brown Alta L (Mrs Robert) (Brown's Antiques) hll Gault av " Bernice (Mrs Rowland W) clk J C Penney Co h8 Gardner pi " Daniel D emp D&HRR police dept h5 Chester " Dorothy D penmanship inst pub schools " Elisha retired r21 Broad " Elizabeth wid Abijah D h32 VaUeyview " Elmer (Marion) emp D&H b98 Center " Emma A Mrs h6 N Sixth " Erwin emp Sidney h Morris rd " Frank J fanner h Water WO " Harry 13 Jr bkpr Munson B ros rS Gardner pi " Harry H mach oiler D&H roundhouse h327 Chestnut " Howard E mgr Tri County Motor Club and ins 11 West " John S caretaker E P Elmore hI7 Gardner pl. • " Mary F Wid George F r79 Spruce " Mary S wid Walter L h97 Main " Minnie M ?tid Harry erop Bill's Lunch h60 Broad " Milton emp 0 Sales Co r327 Chestnut " Prudence dom 81 Ford av rS Neahwa pi " R Lowell elec Gibson Engineering Co r 11 Gault av " Ralph S pntr D&H h25 Cedar " Richard C r5 Chester " Robert carp D&H and (Brown's Antiques) hll Gault av " Rowland W driver Chemin Furn Co hS Gardner pi " Sterling W truck driver r3 Oneida " William M carp b3 Oneida " Winfred E chief elk D&H h347 Chestnut " Zilpha A nurse HFT Hosp r do Brown's Antiques (Mrs Alta L and Robert Brown) 11 Gault av IJ Park 9-2100 Main TEL. 24 ONEONTA Brownell Arthur H physician 325 Main h do " Bernice E wid Frank L cook h66 Church " Bessie W wid John T h2 Weidman pI " Bryce W caretaker city park h89 Chestnut " Charles G town clk and gen merchandise Main WO hdo " Clara L r66 Church " Elsie (Mrs Fred B) hskpr 21 F ord av h9 Walnut " Fred B car insp D&H h9 Walnut . " Harland S emp Hornell r2 Weidman pI " Harry J painting cont 44 Orchard h do " Kenneth C emp C G Brownell r Main WO " Lola J dom r44 Orchard " Mildred wid Frederick M r3 Draper " Nelson J spec agt Conn General Life Ins Co h713irch " Philip L emp Sidney hlO;!4 Birch " Vivian 0 r89 Chestnut " Ward E emp county h Main WO " Winifred W (Mrs Carl) bkpr Citizens Nat Bank: & Trust Co res Worcester Browner Elizabeth E student rll Franklin Brownson Luman E retired h Center WO Bruce Genevieve M nurse r47 Clinton " Gerald W r47 Clinton " Gertrude M Mrs hairdresser rll Irving pI " Henry retired h B aker row South Side RD3 " John F emp HFT Hosp h47 Clinton " John F emp Syracuse r47 Clinton " Joseph R emp Cobleskill r47 Clinton " William F tchr SNS h152 East . Brucker Anthony mach D&H r265 Chestnut " Eugene lab h Center WO Brundage Grant U system dispatcher NYSE &GCorp res Colliersville Brush Clarence A eng D&H b5 Harri~n av " Edgar L emp NYCity r5 Harrison av " Fleeta V wid Perry waitress 195 Main h24 Broad " Percy L emp D&H hlOi River " Virginia R emp Johnson City r5 Harrison av Brott Magda wid Claus hlO N Fifth Bryant Edith B tchr OHS res inq do n Lee J slsm h70 East Buck Dewey Gins agt Met Life Ins Co r22 Valleyview " Florence H r 129 East Frank M carp hI2 Brook " Jane C wid Charles H r58 West , BUCK ORSON J (Helen) .gt Cenlr.l Greyhound Lines and mgr Union Bus Terminal h129 East Buckingbam Harold C Rev pastor First Methodist Church h64 Chestnut " James retired b54 Elm Buckley Henry H prop Cathedral Farms sum res Morris rd RD2 " Myrtle I dir Gir Scouts h28 Cedar Buell Kittie B wid William h164 Main Buerger Catherine C wid William H dom HFT Hosp h49 Spruce " Edward C steward Eagles Club h3 East )J 50 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy- 1942 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Buerger Harry F baker Mayer's Bakery r8Yz Burke Christopher J emp 0 Daily Star h25 Division Burnside av " Joseph F student r49 Spruce " John r97 Chestnut .. "Marvine emp Coyle Mfg Co r18% " John J elothing 234 Main and chairman Division Otsego Co ABC Bd h43 Fairview Bugbee Bertha E wid Elmer A h42 Oneida " Madelyn sten D&H r43 Fairview " Nellie G Mrs prin Chestnut St Sch res Burland Edward retired h28>4 Gilbert Winney Hill rd RD2 Burlingame Ethye nurse HFT Hosp r do Bulkley Bertha E r81 Main Burlingham Hopkins J retired r82 Clinton Bull Anna M (Mrs Stephen D) tchr O]HS h9 " Mary F tchr Yonkers r82 Clinton Walling av Burnett John R fireman D&H h22 Miller " Clarence N emp HFT Hasp r do Burno John Hemp 6 Hickory h 5 do " Douglas N r9 Walling a v Burns Anne F elk State h44 East " Edith L music tchr Main WO r do Burnside I May wid Charles W h314 Chestnut " Emerson H retired h Country Club rd " . James C baggage agt D&H h9 Fair RD2 " Samuel F lineman NYSE&GCorp h20 " F Elizabeth h Country Club rd RD2 Jackson av " Marshall H USA r9 Walling av Burr Edna R wid Elmer D r2 Luther " Stephen D elk D&H h9 Walling av " I va A wid Edward R student rooms 63 " Stephen D Jr ernp Albany r9 Walling av East h do Bullock Stanley emp Sidney r65 Center " Raymond L deputy col US Int Revenue Bunn Anna D r28 Walnut res Cooperstown " Clara P r28 Walnut " William F emp Hoffman's Cleaning Wks " Henry A teller Wilber Nat Bank h7 Cen· h116 Main tral av Burrell Douglas V emp Sidney h19 East End Bunnell Beatrice P emp Diana Restaurant av r Baker row South Side RD3 " Fenimore A retired h Ostawa av·WO " Grace A elk 218 Main r26 Walnut . Burrows Ernest L carrier PO h9 Park " Lester taxi driver 3Yz Broad r1 Mickle pI " Francis G clk 186 Main res Laurens " Lyman 0 emp D&H h Baker row South " Stuart S mech 0 Bus Lines h4 Kearney Side RD3 Burt Howard h27 Walnut . " M Lewis real est broker 26 Walnut h do Burtis Caroline (Mrs Charles T) dom h15 " Paul bkpr Wilber Nat Bank 112 WashWall ington " Charles T emp 0 Sales Co h15 Wall " Ralph C draftsman and surveyor NY " Harry W Jr emp 0 Dairy Co Inc h18 Gault SE&G Corp h22 Otsego av " Sarah E emp Binghamton r26 Walnut " Olive L Mrs hskpr 330 Main r do " William J emp Bob's Rest hI Mickle pI Burton Ernest K emp A 0 Ingerham h rear Burbank Emmett G emp Otsego Iron & 5 Hubbell av Metal Corp 1122 Rose av " Howard L florist Reynolds Greenhouses Burehan Walter J emp 0 Gloss Co h4 Riehh88 Center mond av " Leland Fear repr D&H h20 Brook " Willis J retired h86 Hudson " William emp ParshalI Private HosphI40 Burchhardt John M USA r320 Chestnut Main " Otto painting cont 320 Chestnut h do Busfield Fred W trainmn D&H h126 Chestnut " Otto R USA r320 Chestnut " Norman M truck driver 21 Spruce r126 . "Sybil S nurse NY City r320 Chestnut Chestnut Burd Edith L wid G Howard elk Citizens Nat Bush Albert L emp NYTelCo h17 Richmond Bank h363 Main (4) av Burdick Abram train dispatcher D&H h90 " Alice E (Mrs Everett) emp 0 Family Elm Lndry h49 Fairview " C Ward driver Ry Exp Agcy h4>4 High " Andrew J pres 0 Bldg & Loan Assn h33 " Charles W truck driver SVOCo h2 Chester Ford av " Edna V (Mrs Roscoe) emp 0 Dept Store " Everett emp Elmore Milling Co h49 Fairh2 W Court view " Karn T (Mrs C Ward) elk 218 Main h47'2 " Florence A wid William D h61 Ford av High " Harriet K wid George F hIl6 Main " Lillian V wid William dom h198 Main " Ivan D elec cont shop h7 Walling blvd " Louise J wid J Wesley h87 Main " jamesEjanHighSchrMrsLMPeckham " Luther P lab h85 River " Julia M (Mrs Ivan D) music tchr 7 Wall" Rebecca B Mrs hskpr 33 Rose av r do ing blvd h do " Roscoe W yd elk D&H h2 West ct " Kenneth A tchr Annapolis Md r7 Walling " Sadie E dom hl54 Main blvd Burgett Raymond K s1sm h26 Luther Bushnell Ethel E wid Shennan B house " Stewart r156 River mother Sigma Delta Mu Sorority h26 Burgher Edward E r Morris rd RD2 Brook " Walter D slsm h Winney Hill rd RD2 " Eli h Morris rd RD2 Busteed Mary wid James T h40 Riv~r " George H lab h37 Rose a v " Thomas F yd master D&H h36 West " Ira r37 Rose av Butler Arthur G emp Spaulding Bakery h48 " Willard emp Wall St Garage r37 Rose av Spruce • 51 MERIDALE "DAIRY PRODUCTS" - Milk, Cream Cottage Cheese • Butter Jersey Farms,lnc. PHONE 1260 ONEONTA,NEWYORK Butler Fanny N Mrs ·emp Otsego Lndry Co res Mt Vision " Harris A emp 0 Fruit Co h275Yz Chestnut " Helen Mrs h9>4 Eighth " John B (0 Contracting Co) h18 Cherry " Leon E (Laura) bkpr B F Sisson h22 Brook " Mildred E dom 30 Dietz r do " Stuart C emp Sidney h39 Cliff " Willis D carp cont 9 Harrison av h do Butts Alverda M emp 0 Glove Corp r27 Fairview l ' Arthur M retired h35 Ford av " Block 250-256 Main " Clifford E printer 0 Daily Star h13 Birch . . . " Earl D emp D&H h4 High " Edith M emp 0 Glove Corp r27 FaIrvlew " Edward L retired hI Brook " Fannie E wid Howard L hI Tilton av " Gladys A (Mrs Earl D) sten Conservation Dept h4 High " Harry J window washer r89 Main BUTTS HARRY J coal and trucking 66 Broad h21 Grand " Helen (Mrs Clifford E) nurse 13 Birch h do " Ida M wid William E r34 Valleyview " Kenneth G printer 0 Daily Star h49 Spruce BUnS l P INC wholesale and retail building supplies, road construction materials, fertilizer etc 66 Broad pres LaVerne P Butts, v·pres L P Butts Jr, treas-sales mgr Mason T Haines, sec Helen F Van Dyke, asst treas John S Thompson see p 16 BUTTS LA VERNE P (Alta D) pres L P Butts Inc h41 Elm BUTTS LA VERNE P JR v-pres L P Butts Inc . r41 Elm " Lois A (Mrs Harry J) prop Fashion Row Yam Shop h21 Grand " Mamie wid James E h27 Fairview " Marion C r41 Elm " Oscar W city plumbing insp h94 Elm " Ralph W lino opr 0 Daily Star h133 East " Stuart driver 3Yz Broad h228 Main (13) Buzalewicz Adelia E emp Fox Mem Hosp r60 Miller " Adolph P emp Sidney r60 Miller . Buzie George emp Buffalo h34 London av Byam Claude G mach D&H h23 Cherry " Dorothy dom 497 Main rl6 Gilbert " Floyd W lab r16 Gilbert " Katherine wid Clarence A h17 Oneida " Marion (Mrs Claude G) nurse 23. Cherry h do " Walter W emp Albany rIB Gilbert " William C barber shop 26 Fonda av h16 Gilbert Byard Ann T wid Delos H h Country Club rd RD2 " Block 204-208 Main " J;l'rances B phys ed inst pub sch r19 Grand " Frances G tchr Jr HS res inq do " James J III lawyer 135 Main h do Bykeefer Helen A Mrs waitress HFT Hosp r177 West CADY HENRIETTA C wid George dom 47 Center r do " Maude E hskpr 1 Irving pI r do Caffrey Rose H Mrs hskpr 37 Prospect rl do Cain Evelyn M teacher Albany r81 Spruce " Mildred E teacher Albany r81 Spruce " Walter W retired h81 Spruce Calkins Barney grocer 412 Main h93 East " Francis projectionist Palace Theatre r2 Shepherd av " Grover emp C J Petersen & Son r34 Maple " lone B (Mrs Bamey) elk 412 Main h93 East " Kenneth L slsm Spaulding Bakery h95>4 Main " Mary A wid Samuel r8 Columbia " Pearl (Mrs Willis) elk 0 Dept Store h25 Central av " Ruth A (Mrs Kenneth L) elk 0 Dept Store h95Y2 Main " Willis D janitor OHS h25 Central av " -see Caulkins Callender George B Rev supt 0 Dist Methodist Church h3 West " George B J r USA r3 West Calvey Daniel hl35 Main Camp George retired h1l9>4 River "Marie (Mrs Ray) elk 119 River h60 Gilbert " Ray emp Sidney h60 Gilbert Campbell Alice F wid Clarence V r73 Spruce " Buchanan H road foreman of engines D&H h20 Union " Carl emp Sidney h4 Murdick " Francis B musician r25 Grand " Francis M real est 25 Grand h do " George lab rI6Y2 Broad . " John S emp Penn r20 Umon " Madge E wid LaVerne D emp Fox Mem Hosp r4 Gault av " Marguerite M (Mrs Robert J) sten 24 London av hl3 Lawn av " Mary E wid Walter emp Otsego Laundry r47 River " Robert J emp Sidney hI3 Lawn av " W Bruce cond D&H h73 Spruce Canellis Athan P cook Wagon Wheel Grill r36 Maple " Laureta L (Mrs Athan P) prop Wagon Wheel Grill r36 Maple Canfield Howard C patrolman OPD rIO Grand " Sadie E Mrs hskpr 25 Franklin r do Canning George C lino opr 0 Daily Star h62 Maple . " John A prop Lewis Jewelry Store h45 Ford av " Luella R wid John A h29 Dietz " Lulu W (Mrs John A) nurse Physicians Bldg h45 Ford av ,. Cannistra Fred emp Samuel Rinella h41 Prospect " Michael J slsm Spaulding's Bakery h Main byd limits RD3 " Nellie (Mrs Michael J) laundry wkr HFT Hosp h Main byd hmits RD3 to; • 52 1942~ONEONTA DIRECTORY~1942 Cannistra Thomas USA r4 Rose av Cantoni Samuel emp Palm Restaurant r127 Main Cantwell Carson carp h2 Thorn CAPITOL FINANCE CORP Jerome J AI! mgr 179 Main Card Charlotte (Mrs Roland B) phys training tchr pub sch hl71 West " Gerald lab r Water WO " Luther 0 lab h Main WO " Roland B mech Ohmcis Chevrolet Co Inc hI71 West " Russell emp town road h Water WO Cargill Harry lab h Winney Hill fd RD2 " James I h82 River " Kathryn M maid 26 West r82 River " William D emp 73 River h64 Miller Carless Charles H retired r34 High " Mary wid Patrick h34 High Carlin William J ticket agt D&H r Hotel Oneonta Carline Celia K nurse r75 Gilbert " Joseph trucking 34 Gilbert h do " Julia elk NYCity r75 Gilbert Carlisle Robert L pipe fitter D&H shops h4 Brook Carlson Kathryn L rep NY T et Co h88 Chestnut " Louise student r88 Chestnut " Mildred E acct Hartwick College r88 Chestnut Carlton Harold 0 tchr ORS h3 Normal av Carnes Mildred V cashier NYSE&GCorp r13 Division Carpenter Edith I dom 29 Walnut r do " Frank G emp Sidney h Oneida " Fred A gasoline and oils 476 Main h3 Reynolds av " Leon G brakeman D&R h75 Gilbert Carr Clothing Co Inc 175 Main pres~treas Ralph W Henderson " Earl F emp HFTHosp res RD2 " Henry r18 Fonda av " Iris L wid Frederick B h119 Spruce " John retired h36 Cliff " Kenneth E dry cleaner 0 Family Laundry h84 Ford av " Mary A r36 Cliff " Raymond E emp D&H roundhouse h187 Chestnut " Sarah A wid Edwin h8Yz Richards av " William E fireman D&H h15 Shepherd av Carrington Sarah J wid Charles E h20 Wat. kins av Carroll Jennie M wid Arthur W h8 Watkins av Carson Alexander F physician 76 Chestnut h28 Watkins av " Ernest elec D&H h246 River " Mildred E bkpr 0 Tire & Aut o Parts r246 River " Oliver F retired r28 'Watkins av Cartaginese Angelo emp D&HRR rl Scram. ' bling av Carter Bertram H editor and publisher The Oneonta News and owner The Oneonta News Publishing Co res Lexington Cary Harold H h3 Forest av " Leona B Mrs hskpr 2J~ Cliff r do " Theresa B Mrs laundress HFTHosp r175 Chestnut Casterline Charlotte C wid Charles M caterer h20 Luther Castle James H lab r35 Gilbert Castleman David J res mgr Oneonta Hotel r do Caswell Adelaide.oM r43 :Fair:.v:iew /J~a' " Annobel r43 Fairview " Thomas B retired h43 Fairview Catella CAlbert emp D&H Store Dept h34 Reynolds " James emp city h77 Hudson ' " John D gas sta attd 544 Main h19 Jack~ son av Cathedral Farms Henry H Buckley prop Morris rd RD2 Cator Sarah Mrs hskpr 27 Watkins av r do Caulkins Francis moving picture opr Palace Theatre r2 Shepherd av " Helen E emp W T Grant Co r68 Maple " Kearney A lab h44 Railroad av " -see Calkins Cawley Elmer E emp D&H h280 Chestnut Cazza Anna emp Star Laundry r42 Grand " Carmen chef Laurens h43 Grand Centner Carl R USA r26 Division " Hazel M st udent r26 Division " Rudolph D plant opr NYSE&GCorp h26 Division CENTRAL GREYHOUND LINES Orson J Buck agt Interstate and local1ines 38 Chestnut Cenzant Henry J emp Sidney h77 River CEPERLEY CLARENCE Y (Nathalie B) (Ceperley & Ceperley) and sec-treas Ceperley & Morgan Real Estate Co h79 Spruce " Frank teaming 18 Riverview a:v h do " Gordon G student r79 Spruce CEPERLEY LCEPERLEY (Clarence V Ceperley) insurance 198 Main see p 26 CEPERLEY " MORGAN REAL ESTATE CO (me 1923 capital stock $10,000) real estate 198 Main pres Owen C Becker, v-pres Mrs Mabel B Morgan, sec-treas Clarence V Ceperley Cerosaletti Victor emp 0 Daily Star res Laurens RDI Cerra Frances wid Pasquale h79 River " Louis J truck driver 0 Oil & Fuel Co h79 River " Pasquale truck driver 75 Gilbert r79 River CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 16 Dietz see Oneonta Chamber of Commerce !iee p 2 Chamberlain Anna M wid Morgan dom h151 Main " Burr elec cont Franklin rd South Side RD3 h do " Clara M dom r131 River " David W emp Fort Plain r2 East " Erma H Mrs sten HFTHosp h5 N Bel· mont circle " George slsm h5 Belmont circle North " Glenn farm hand h15 Luther " Hazel W (Mrs Glenn) emp Ostego Laundry h15 Luther " Ira C emp Fort Plain r2 East 1> John M physician HFBHosp r do " Leonard farmer h131 River " Margaret M elk 203 Main h35 Fair " Robert emp D&H h35 Fair Chamberlin Harry emp Hamilton's r131 River " J Rex (Mary E ) prop Rex Weld & Ma~ chine Shop h12 Irving pI 1942~ONEONTA DIRECTORY~1942 53 Market Street Body Shop an~o~!'~d~~ Body Repair 19 MARKET STREET Chambers Charles E slsm r6 Mosher av " Walter emp Elmore Milling Co h3 W Ann Champlin Cecil A emp 0 Bus Lines h5 Ivy ct U Claude L elk 102 Center h6 Gault av " Eleanor S student r29 Otsego " James W emp Sidney r34 Ford av " Louis L retired r270 Chestnut "Mahlon N field supv Children's Aid Society h123 Spruce " Marion F (Mrs Cecil A) clk 0 Dept Store h5 Ivy ct " Mildred W (Mrs Ray D) prof Hartwick ColI h34 Ford av " Ray Douglas phys and dist state health officer h34 Ford av " Ruth (Mrs Claude L) tchr h6 Gault av '1 William A foreman D&H h29 Otsego Chandler George driver 44 Chestnut r9 W Ann " Gertrude emp 0 Mfg Co r9 W Ann " Harris N emp D&H shops h30 Clinton " Henry emp Mayer's Bakery r9 W Ann " Nora wid Henry h9 W Ann Chapadeau Elaine M office asst Clifford C Gregory r424 Chestnut " Ethel (Mrs Louis N) emp 0 Dept Store hI East End av " Joseph E meats and provisions 13 Columbia h424 Chestnut " Louis N emp Swift & Co hI East End av Chapin Glenn W clk G C Chapin h Ostawa av WO " Grover C flour feed coal Main WO h do " Memorial Universalist Church 12 Ford av CHAPMAN HOMER H (Katharine L) dist mgr New York State Electric & Gas Corp h49 Elm " Victor clk 61 Spencer and musician r25 Grand Chappell Harriet B dom h18 High " Luella wid Hiram h6 Main " Walter N emp 18 Main h15 do (1) Charland Florence M Mrs hskpr 108 Clinton r do Charles Hair Stylist Charles L Wheeler prop "150 Main Charlotte's Beauty Shoppe (Mrs Charlotte M Hanvey and Dorothy E Young) 11 Elm Chase C Ramon tank truck opr The Texas Co h62 Hudson " Eva E Mrs h9 Frederick " Fay milk dealer West RD2 h do " John retired h3687'2 Main CHASE JOHN J (Elizabeth) asst cashier Citizens' National Bank & Trust Co h89 East " Leon A emp WPA h19 Frederick " Morris G section hand NYCRR r9 Fred· erick " Nora P wid Fred L f3 NEller " William clk 153 Main r13 Xivision Chateauvert Ethel Mrs r44 Broad Checkerboard Feed Store Nathan H Spurr mgr feed and grain 19 Carbon Chelekis Peter J cigars and tobacco 19 Chestnut h6 Dietz Cherniak Stephen car repair D&H r49 Miller ONEONTA,NEW YORK Chernin Benjamin prop Chernin Furniture Co hl1 Fine '1 Furniture Co Benjamin Chernin prop 15 Dietz Chesbro Byron H field sec AAA real est 11 Ivy ct h do " Jean L cashier Public Loan Co rIl Ivy ct " Mary E hairdresser 143 Main r11 Ivy ct Chesbro Charles N retired r32 Academy " Margaret Mrs h8 Hazel Chester Stewart emp South Side Dairy Farm r Stamford rd RD3 Chestney Charles W cont and builder 91 Maple h do " Della M h20 Otsego " Perry E emp PO h15 Church Chestnut St Greenhouse Sidney J Sutch prop 313 Chestnut Chickere1l Anna emp 32 Main r34 do " Anthony prop Dreamland Garden and supt Elmore Milling Co Inc h34 Main " Genevieve (Mrs Louis) waitress 32 Main r34 do " Louis r34 Main '1 Nicholas emp 32 Main r34 do Chickering Fred B plumber D&H h31 Linden av " George W emp Sidney h48 Cedar " Inez (Mrs George W) emp Sidney b48 Cedar Chicorelli Alexander emp D&H r14 Ann 'J Anthony barber shop 1 S Main h3 do " Anthony P emp Sidney r14 Ann " Dominic musician r43 S Main " Florence M sten Ceperley & Ceperley r24 Fair " J ohn emp D&H h14 Ann " Mary emp 0 Mfg Co r43 S Main " Mary wid Domenico r3 S Main " Michael h43 S Main " Nicholas (Mary) shoe repair 1 Broad h24 Fair Children's Aid Society of NYCity Mahlon N Champlin :field supt 123 Spruce Chittenden Pauline A hskpr 408 Chestnut r do Choate Charles E taxi driver 37'2 Broad r217 River Chonok Frances dom 22 Waln1.Jt r do Chouffi-see Cioffi Christensen Mads C chiropractor 20 Otse<Yo h do '" Christian Calvin T sta eng D&H h17 Coun· try Club ,d RD2 " Capitola wid Emory F r17 Country Club rd RD2 " Howard plant opr NYSE&GCorp h12 Chester " Mabel H Mrs nurse 7 Orchard b do Christiana Earl foreman D&H roundhouse h63 Church " Laura G (Mrs Earl) elk 0 Dept Store h63 Church CHRISTMAN FLINT CORP distributors Dodge and Plymouth sales and service 10 Main pres Richard Christman, sec-treas Ray L Flint see front cover 1942-0NEONTA D,RECTORy-1942 54 CHRISTMAN RICHARD pres Christman Flint Corp res Ninevah N Y Christoffel Walter watch mkr Oneont a Dept Store h26 Belmont circle Chrones Constantine J mgr John G Laskaris r29 Clinton Chryste Norman mgr Social Security Bd res Binghamton Clubb C Edgar comm agt Sinclair Ref Co h125 East Church Bessie L (Mrs Homer 0) hskpr 434 Chestnut h433 do (4) " Edward L student r3S Butler " Emma E wid Hamilton B h39 Academy " Fred R carp h17 Pearl " Gladys E tchr 0 Plains &h raB Butler " Homer 0 farm lab h433 Chestnut (4) " Ivan F radiotrician r17 Pearl " Lynn E carp h38 Butler " Ralph G emp Coyle Mfg Co r39 Academy " Ray C sten D&H office r39 Academy " Raymond M auto mech h15Yz Butler Churchill Fannie (Mrs Stephen E) emp 0 Family Laundry h South Side RDa " Stephen E carp h Stamford rd South Side RD3 Ciesielski Jay retired h14 Oneida " Julia E rI7 Cherry " Mary A TaO Dietz Cinderella Beauty Salon L Bertia Ring prop 19 Broad Cioffi Thomas car repr D&H h31 Burnside av Cipriano Peter retired h37 Prospect Circle Supply Corp Joseph Martini mgr a uto accessories 244 M ain Citizens' National Bank Building 189 Main CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK" TRUST CD pres Bertus C Lauren, cashier C Nathan Pendleton 189 Main see p 23 City Bar ber Shop Frank J Conigliaro prop 123 Main " Beauty ~arlor Pearl B M cLaughlin prop 151 Mam 7) Billiard Parlor Chris C Kleeman J r prop 38 Broad CITY DIRECTORY LIBRARY maintained by H A Manning Co at Chamber of Commerce Rooms " Drug St ore Fenton B N eal and E E Scatehard E st 149 Main 7 ) Offic es Municipal Bldg 240 M ain see M iscellaneous Dir Clancy Harold J emp D&H h 185 Chestnut Clapp Earle R prop Clapp's Barber Shop h 16 Fourth " Percy W plant apr NYSE&GCorp h26 M organ av " R aymond emp Goodrich Bros h516 Main Clapp's Barber Shop Earle R Clapp prop 4 Broad Clapper Blanche Mrs dom h234 Main " Gladys B beautician Schdy r98 Cent er 7' Lucille F Mrs r 17 Jefferson av " Virgil car -fpr D&H shops h98 Center Clark Agnes S wid W Reford dom 28 Morgan av r do " Alex H slsm r117 Ehn " Anna E wid Frank h151 Chestnut " Bryant H meeh 0 Sales Co h Ostawa av " Dewey trairunan D&H h42 Cliff " Dewey Jr emp Sidney h107 Spruce (5) Clark Emily nurse Fox M em Hosp r378 Main " Florence M slsm r16 Draper " Floyd B store kpr NYSE&GCorp h19 Brook " Frank F USA r518 Main " Fred N supt WPA hIS Valleyview " Harry D USA r44 Wilcox av " Helen B tchr River St Seh r151 Chestnut " John V restaurant 121 Main h48 Hudson " Jeanette (Mrs Wilbur E) emp 0 Glove Co h247il Ford av " L Mrs h399 Main " LaVerne D carp h17 Telford " Lennie M wid Marvin E h399 Main " Lloyd M mgr 145 Main h518 do " Louise Hanlon (Mrs John V) art tchr h48 Hudson " Myron J h41 Academy " Myrtle A nurse HFBHosp r do " Russell F elec welding 393 Main h do , " Wilbur E slsm h24.Yz Ford av Clarke Fred J emp D&H depot r 17 Spring " Iva E M rs r16 Wa shington " J Howard car insp D&H h14 Otsego " Rea B maid 75 Elm r do " Theodore L Jr meter man NYSE&GCorp h67 Hudson Classen Fritz L petroleum mgr GLF h101 Center Cleary JamesH emp Bern Furnitureh9 Birch Cleaveland Harold B slsm SpaUlding's Bakery b23 S Belmont cirele Cleaver Malinda wid George H h340 Chestnut Cleeland Samuel J retired h27 Ford av Clement Harry N mech Ilion h100 Center " Howard B emp Sidney r100 Center Clements Dan iel student r24 Pine " Daniel J sales mgr NYSE&GCorp h24 Pine _ Clemons Charles R clk D&H h4 Roosevelt av " Robert N asst trainmaster D&H h21 Central av Cleveland M aurice bkpr Empire State Oil Co hI Harrison av Cleverley M orris L mgr Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co h4 Bronk Clifford William mach r228 Main Clint J ames T t rainman D&H h136 River Clinton Nellie M r246 Chestnut Chonian Sorority 91 Maple Close Donald E farm hand r Stamford rd R D3 " " " " E dwin J far mer h Stamford rd RD3 E llen M dom r Stamford r d RD3 Martha E st udent r57 Center M ary G student r57 Center CLOSE SHELDON H (Gertrude H ) attorney 206 Main h57 Center see p 28 Clough Helen C wid Henr y H r4 Fifth " Walter W fireman D&H h2 Parish av Clune Catherine B bkpr Frank LaMonica Inc r71 Dietz 7' Daniel J emp NY Tel Co h Upper East RD " J Arthur emp 0 Grocery Co h3 Reynolds av " Patrick J retired h71 Dietz Clute Elvin L emp WUTCo r2 Richards av " Norton A ser man NYSE&GCorp h350 Main " Owen L emp Sidney r2 Richards av " Robert L musician h29 Gault av 55 1942- 0NEONTA D,RECTORy-1942 DeSoto GUY E. PERRY Used Cars Sales USED CAR LOT 25 UNION STREET Plymouth Service SIDNEY,N. Y. Phone 263 Collins Elice M (Mrs Bernard) elk 0 Dept Coady Lawrence B yard master D&H h6 Store h21 Ceperley av Hill pI . " Ernest M clk NYSE&GCorp r5 Birch Coates Truman R emp NY Tel Co h179 " J esse F yd elk D&H h5 Woodside av West byd limits " Lynn emp 0 Dept Store h349 Chestnut Coats Jennie M wid William W r2 River " Ralph B emp D&H rl85 Chestnut " Pauline D student r432 Main " Robert J elk 30 River r5 Woodside av Cobb Harriette L clk 180 Main r74 Ford av " Theresa R Mrs r140 River " John M emp Sidney h7 Baker " Vernon R slsm C J Petersen & Son h469 " _Lena M sten Keenan's r1731 Elm Main Cobbe Mary J hskpr 22 Church r do Colone Adelia C clk 0 Dept Store r61 River " Millard J emp Sidney h18 Jefferson av " Ani elk 0 Dept Store h61 River Cobine Arthur E loco insp h20 Reynolds av " Berardini lab h11 Baker " Vivian E phone opr NY Tel Co h20 Rey" Dominick emp D&H h9 Baker nolds av " Ethel M emp 0 Dept Store r61 River Coburn Olive B wid Lewis G h22 Ford av " Eva J (Mrs Ani P) sten 5 Myrtle av h61 Coddington Charles W slsm h31 East River " Hector S retired h47 West " Frank car repairer D&H shops h61 River Coe Wilson E retired. h Stamford rd RD3 " Louis emp D&H shops 1"9 Baker Cohoon St anley E prop Cohoon's Barber " Philip emp D&H h63 River Shop h42 Main Cohoon's Barber Shop Stanley E Cohoon Colonial Beacon Oil Co (Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co) distributors Cecil E Laraway sales prop 42 Main agt Railroad av Colburn Ada B hlO Irving pI " Bruce elk Sears Roebuck & Co rIO Irving Colvin Frank A developing boiler mkr D&H roundhouse h to Grove pI Colwell Ella L Mrs h484 Main " Catherine B Mrs hskpr 12 Fifth r do " M ary T Mrs tehr Center St School h9 COLWELL ROBERT W (Walt & Bod' s Body Works) and (Colwell & Mitchell) and Myrtle av (Market St Body Shop) hlOl Elm " Robert B Jr student r9 M yrtle av " Virginia T tchr Baldwin L I r9 M yrtle av COLWELL" MITCHELL (Robert W Colwell and Howard Mitchell) complete sign service Cole Anna S Mrs h87 Hudson and Neon sales and service 47 S Maio " Arlene E elk S S Kresge Co r2 Murdock av see p 26 " Arthur emp Elmore Milling Co r158 Main ." Beatrice C (Mrs Julian A) emp Fox Mem Colyer Carl N USA r306 Chestnut Helen M wid Ernest P h255 Chestnut Hosp h4 Gault av " Kenneth W state t rooper r255 Chestnut " Burton emp Sidney r87 Hudson " Mabel M Mrs h306 Chest n ut " E J ayne elk 0 Dep t Store r4 Ceperley av " M argaret G asst 192 Main r306 Chest nut " Emma M rs r12 Pine " Robert E r255 Chestnut " Frank P trainman D&H h2 Murdock av " Wesley A emp Sidney r306 Chestn ut " Howard C emp West Nesbitt Inc h15 Comiskey J ames fireman D&H h44 Ford av K earney " Julia wid Stanley r44 Ford av " Julian A emp 0 Dairy Co h4 Gault av " M M argaret n urse r44 Ford av " Newton J repairman 0 Bheatre h18 High Community House 17 Ford av " Richard E emp Schdy r4 Ceperley av " R ut h- (Mrs Howard C ) cook 8 Tilton av Companie F rank (Roberta) (Companie's Grill) USA h25 Pine h 15 Kearney " Joseph (Companie's Grill) h 2131 Grand " Walt er farm lad r180 River " Roberta (Mrs Frank) emp 218 Chestnut " Zeph E eng D&H h141 River h25 Pine Colegrove E lizabeth wid John C r22 River Companie' s Grill (Joseph and Frank Com Coleman Ellen S wid J ames W r36 Academy panie) restaurant 5-7 S Main " J essie J wid Lucien dom 40 Walnut r do Compton J ames L lino opr 0 Daily Star h 104 Coller Jennie wid George W r4 Cozy av E lm " Realty Agency . Richard M Coller prop " Oren h39 Cliff real est 4 Cozy a v " Ralph A emp Oneonta Grocery h252 " Richard M prop Coller Realty Agency Chestnut h4 Cozyav "Viola (Mrs W Newton) cook Parshall " Willis R emp Sidney r4 Cozy av PriS Hosp h97 Clinton Collier Arthur.B lab h East End RD3 " W Newton retired h97 Clinton " Jacob L farmer h East End RD3 " Marion E r Jacob L Collier Comstock Ross J foreman D&H shops h " Velma (Mrs William) emp 47 Broad h South WO East End RD3 'concoviteh Nicon emp D&H r162 River Collins Bernard dept mgr 0 Dept Store h21 Congdon Dorothy M sec Jr H Sch r5 East Ceperleyav End av " Charles W retired h36 Elm " Julia E r5 East End av Clara Mrs waitress h15 S Main (2) 27 SMITH STREET l) l) 56 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY- 1942 Congdon Leland J elk East End Grocery h5 Cooley Elmer steam fitter r256 Main East End av .. Eloise E student r5 James " Mae L r5 East End av Helen R tchr Jr HS h9 Potter av " Tyler prop East End Grocery h508 Main " Henry W student r5 James Conigliaro Frank C barber Hollywood Bar" Lillian emp Sidney r8 Grove ber Shop h159 Main " Millard W emp 15 Broad r176 Main " Frank J prop City Barber Shop hlO River " Wesley retired r44 Broad " Samuel J prop Hollywood Barber Shop Coons Howard J painter and paperhanger 72 h75 Main . MapJe h do Conklin John A road foreman Otsego County " Jane R wid Jacob I h353 Main Highway Dept h Otego rd RD3 " Marion I emp 0 Glove Co r79 Elm " Lester G lab h9 Grace pI . Cooper Frank J carp h Main WO Connally Joseph emp D&H h53 Church " Orrin W emp county h Main WO Conner Agnes M wid George H 1'97 East Cop Albert A emp Spaulding's Bakery r9 " Donald W student r97 East Reynolds av " Joseph J slsm West-Nesbit t b97 E ast " Anton emp Elmore Milling Co h9 ReyConners Mmnie E wid William W hagS Main nolds av Connor William J emp Sidney h48 East " Galey E tchr r9 Reynolds a v Conny Catherine M emp S M Sidney r4 East " Margaret A nurse Buffalo r9 Reynolds av Conrad Robert E lab h15 S Main Cope Andrew H retired hI76 Main Conrow Alma emp Sidney r Stamford rd RD3 "Clarence H slsrn Barnard Bakeshops n Carl car insp D&H h67 River Inc h45 London av " Clara elk 0 Dept Store r62 River " Stuart S emp Ballard & Ballard 112 Clark " Clyde fanner h Stamford rd RD3 Circilius Alex B lighting eng NYSE&GCorp " Earl M slsm 82 Main bll River h19 Draper " Erskine r Oneida RD3 Cordary Henry dist mgr Cobakco h9 Hickory " Flora H wid Charles E h62 River Cornell Blanche M wid Frederick M dom " Harold canst wkr r62 River r433 Chestnut (1) " Rufus A mech Ohmeis Chevrolet Co h " Chatham B emp D&H 1123 West Oneida RD3 " Fannie E dam Mrs Nettie T a ber r Ma in Constable James H groundman HFTHosp WO res RD3 " Lafayette D elec cont 16 Cliff h do " Paul emp Elmore Milling Co r9 W Ann " Melinda wid Verner L hskpr Mrs Hettie Conte Anna elk S S Kresge Co r30 W Broad· Rous South WO r do way CORNER BOOK STORE THE Caleb P Brackett " Edith r30 W Broadway prop books, stationery and office supplies " Frank slsm 112 Cliff 204 Main c Broad see p 31 " Teresa wid John h30 W Broadway " Store Mrs J essie B Matthews prop varieConti Ralph R emp Sidney r4 River ties 2 Center Converse Celia A wid Albert r64 East Corr Anna T wid James J h39 Fairview .. Eugene H emp Sidney 11275 M ain Corraro R alph t rackman D&H r8 Washington " Vera E (Mrs Eugene H) dam h275 Main Cortland·Norwich·Oneonta Bus Line L D Conway Donald P lab rI4 Morgan av McKee prop 38 Chest nut " Lawrence A emp Tommy's Place hI9 Corwin Margaret A r74 E lm River Coulter Edith M emp Sidney r3772 Grand ). Michael B emp D&H h 14 Morgan av " H Gladys emp Sidney r37% Grand " Nona 0 (Mrs Lawrence A) emp Otsego " Julia S wid Herman h37J-2 Grand Laundry Co bIg River " Pauline (Mrs William H) emp 22 Main Cook Carl H chef Weir & Weir r 53 Broad hI8 Pine " Clifford J taxi driver 3)1 Broad h292 " William H asst sec YMCA h18 Pine Chestnut Countr yman Catherine M tchr Albany r26 " Elizabeth Mrs r4 East end av Morgan av " Elmer E floor finishing West RD2 h do " Oleta C wid P earl M r26 Morgan av " Harry L poultryman h Country Club rd COURTS see p 27 RD2 Couse Charles retired h53 River " Irvin J emp D&H shops hI3 Richmond av " Cora H (Mrs Stanley) nurse HFTHosp " J H arry prop Cook's Auto & Supply Co r Old Otego rd South Side RD3 res Cooperstown " Edger farmer h off Old Otego rd South " James taxi driver 3% Broad r21 do Side RD3 " Leon M emp Sidney rI73 West Emma L Mrs r30 Otsego .. Luther G h36 Dietz I " Frank retired h Old Otego rd South Side " Maurice M eng Fox Mem Hosp h173 West RD3 " Mortimer emp Preston Motor Sales r25 " Jennie wid Clark r E mery Dimmock Main Woodside sv byd limits RD3 " Shirley farmer h Lav.rrence rd WO " Leland J prop Couse's h Otego lod RD3 " Stanley H farmer h Center WO " Lester H steam fitter h7 Park " Winfield C lab hI Clover " Paul lab h228 Main (4) Cook's Auto & Supply Co J Harry Cook prop " Ralph bell boy Hotel Oneonta res inq do Steven H Moffitt mgr 35 Broad " Stanley emp 26 Main r Old Otego rd Cooke Kenneth E emp S M Sidney h19 South Side RD3 Cherry " Wendell F automech 9 Elm h402Chestnut I) )I 0 1942- 0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 57 ROOFING BUILDER'S SUPPLIES EAST END LUMBER CO• LOGAN-LONG TEL. 2 WELLS AVE. Couse's Leland J Couse prop restaurapt Otego rd RD3 Coutant Charles D retired h61 Church " Charles Z agt Met Life Ins Co·h47 Church " Madeleine F Mrs (Mrs Charles Z) tchr OHS h47 Church Covell Claude B emp 112 Main plumbing 17 Valleyview h do " Reginald A prop Oneonta Dental Lab h44 Dietz Covenhoven Clara B Mrs h219 Main " Ellison student r219 Main Covey Effie E wid Sydney h55 Spruce Cower Leland E truck driver rIO Gilbert " Raymond J prop South Main St Machine Shop h168 Chestnut Cowl Maude B emp Western Diner r40 Burn· side av Cowles William H emp 0 Sales Co r323 Main Cox Charles L baker 0 Hotel Co r5 Knapp " Hilda (Mrs Charles) dam r5 Knapp av " Ida M wid Jacob A rl East End av Coy Louise A student r39 Center " Marjorie waitress 179 Main r38 Academy " Merton D h39 Center Coyle Manufacturing Co MrsTravilla T Coyle prop mfrs and dealers in lingerie 3 Wall " Travilla T wid Roger T prop Coyle Mfg Co hI Irving pI Cozik Ephraim emp D&H h10 Parish av " - see Kosak and Kozaik Craft Alta M emp 47 Broad r65 W Broadway " E va M wid Frank M h43 Woodside av " James S slsm h42272 Main " Lulu B dom r16Y2 Broad " Mae wid James r422;1 Main " Norman B car repr D&H h39 Woodside av Craig Seward emp Albany Packing Co h9 Belmont circle North Cramer Robert F sub elk PO h52 Fairview CrandallARaymond dr SVOCo r Mrs Sigsbee " Carlton C emp Sidney h6 Park " Clara B (Mrs FJoyd A) emp Beb Cleanser Co h5 Taft av " Emmett D fireman D&H h4 Hubbell av " Floyd A emp D&H h5 T aft av " Floyd S trainman D&H h8 Oneida " Fred S retired h256 Chestnut " Fred hostler D&H h46 West " George M retired h296 Chestnut " Guy R emp Fox Memo Hosp h57 S Main " Harry emp Sidney r125 River " Lena B (Mrs Mettress) emp Twentieth Century Lunch h6 Brook " LeRoy G emp D&H shops hI6 Cherry " Louis emp Gus Rinella h308 Chestnut " Lowell retired r7 Watkins a v .. Mabel C dam r3 Harvey " Mettress prop Twentieth Century Lunch " and parking and gas 25 Broad h6 Brook " Raymond lab r39 River " William D emp city h3 Cozy av Crandell Charles emp Elmour Milling Co h22 Eighth Crane Charles W canst wkT r36 Country Club rd RD2 " E lizabeth Mrs h41 Hudson ONEONTA, N. Y. 42 Crane Leonard G blacksmith 36 Country Club rd RD2 h do " Raymond N emp Sidney r36 Country Club rd RD2 Crannell Paul rep lnt Carr Schools 1125 Wa tkins av Crapser Floyd chauf Gen Ice Cream Corp rIO Bronk Crimm Frances E wid Lloyd R r25 Myrtle av CRIPPEN EOWARD (Grace M ) pres Wilber National Bank and pres Fox Memorial Hospital h21 Union " Edward B bkpr Wilber Nat Bank r21 Union " Florence wid Fred h5 Valleyview Cronin George J elec H L Stiles h54 River " Helen M nurse Fox Mem Hasp r50 River Cronkhite Ann W Mrs r40 Spruce Cronkite Howard J lineman NY Tel Co r28 Linden av " J esse J carp cant and real est broker 1 East End av h do Crosby Melvin R emp Sidney h44 Gilbert " Ruth E Mrs r54 Gilbert Cross Evelyn L student h1l6 Spruce " George emp Mrs Mary E Lewis h228 Main (9·10) " George B watch mkr h228 Main " George W retired h8J;2 Brook " Harry M sgt OPD h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 "Madeline (Mrs Willard I) bkpr 416 Chestnut h do " Warren C trainman D&H h8 Brook " Willard I whl automotive supplies 416 · Chestnut h do Crotty Adah I Mrs h46 Dietz " Pa ul B emp W Brookfield Mass r46 Dietz Crouch Fred L patrolman OPD h256 Main " Lee D prop Crouch Radio Co h Main byd limits RD3 " Radio Co Lee D Crouch prop radio and supplies 202 Main CroWlse Charles S supt sch bldgs h33 High " Gilbert carp r65 W Broadway " Margaret 0 (Mrs Thurston) X·ray supvr Fox Mem Hasp h8 Third " Maynard H auditor Old Age Pension Cooperstown h57 Union " NettiewidArthur clk 0 Dept Store r8 T hird " Thurston A sIsm h8 Third " Vinnie (Mrs Gilbert) r65 W Broadway Crowe Joseph M elk A&P hI9 Center " Martin J cond D&H h130 Main Crowl ey Beulah J wid William T Jr hskpr 49 Ford av r69 Dietz " William A retired h3C West Crydenwise Fred M barber shop and conf store Main WO h do Cuck Ella C hI5 Ford av Louise H wid Abram D h5 Watkins av Cullen-BrookeMargaret R wid Dana r21 Cedar Culliton Anne C nurse HFTHosp r do Culver Earl emp Elmore Milling Co rll Fairview " Grace E wid Curtis emp Fox M em Hosp h41 Valleyview " Harold L emp Schdy r41 Valleyview )I 58 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Cummings Floyd clk D&H frt depot and ins 15 Eighth h do " Hazel agt h30 Dietz " LeGrand R emp J S Bache & Co r15 Eighth " Marian L elk City Drug Store r15 Eighth " Thomas J prop Klipnockie R estaurant b58 West Cundy Gladys waitress r89 Ford av " Roland S emp Schdy h89 Ford av CUNNINGHAM ARTHUR E VERY REV pastor St Mary's Roman Catholic Church and director and prinCipal St Mary's Parochial School hl Grand " J esse lab h12Y2 Mosher Cunnins James B physician HFTHosp r do Curran Beatrice D (Mrs George) hskpr 95 Ford av hl54 River " George emp P G Decker hl54 River Currie Clifford M const wkr h43 Wilcox av " Ralph H lab h15 Luther . Curry Geraldine E elk 116 Main r7 Ford av " Roland emp Sidney r117>1 East Cursiter George prop 0 Glove Co h22 Spruce Curtin John J emp D&H r50 Church Curtis Arthur M retired h84 Maple " Ca therine tchr Chatham Va r84 Maple " E Lewis B history tchr SNS h95 Ford av " Elizabeth tchr Newark NJ r84 Maple " Harry I auto mcch r6 High " Lloyd E (Marion) mgr Holland Furnace Co h243 Chestnut " Nettie wid Fred r11 Kearney Curtiss DeVere M (Beatrice) slsm Holland Furnace Co h12 Neawha pI Cutter Alfred piano tuner r11 Morgan av Cymko Anna emp Watervliet r81 W Broadway " John cec r81 W Broadway " Mary emp North Troy r81 W Broadway " Michael emp D&H h81 W Broadway DADDIO PANCRAZIO J janitor PO h22 Luther ' Dailey Stephen M fireman D&H h5 Park Daily Thomas retired h48 Miller Dales Miles C real est 198 Main h28 Union " Roger C st udent r28 Union Daley James pntr h234 Main " J ohn T emp D&H h414 Main " Laura (Mrs J ohn T) prop Jeanne Beauty Shop h414 Main " Leo slsm 437 Chestnut h9 Schaffer av " R Burdella r9 Schaffer av " Robert F (Elizabeth) plumbing heating 1 Hamilton av h 12 Fair " William L USA r9 Schaffer av Dalley Kenneth Y emp Sun Oil Co rlO Forest av " Robert P emp D&H hlO Forest av Damaschke Arthur W elk signal dept D&H h1 J efferson av " Ernest C chief elk signal dept D&H r 14 Center Dana Ernest G msngr Ry Exp Agcy h8 Gault av " Floyd A elk NYSE&GCorp r8 Gault av " Ruth C Mrs elk 0 Dept Store h6 Cliff Daniels F B Mrs h9 Potter av " Harold L prop Daniel's Richfield Service Station ha18 Chestnut Daniels John J emp Sidney h175 Chestnut " Percy emp Stewart Ice (Inc) h Gifford Hill RD2 , " William H steel wkr hlO}1; Baker Daniel's Richfield Service Station Harold L Daniels prop 318 Chestnut Dann Elmer U retired r22 Academy DANN GEORGE J (Lillian P) supt Oneonts schools office 21 Academy h2 Watkins av Dan's Shoe R epair Dominick Ranieri prop 17 Wall Danzi Antonio lab h25 Brookside av 11 Carl elk r25 Brookside av " Emanuel R elk Palace Cigar Store r25 Brookside a v " J osepb Temp Swift & Co h95 Chestnut " Kenneth J em:!? USA r25 Brookside av " Mary C erop SIdney r25 Brookside av " Michael emp Albany r25 Brookside av Darlin Frances B wid Hobart h5kpr 8 Cleveland r do " Minnie P Wid Newton d8 Union Darling L Stanley mach D&H h11 Gardner pI " Lucile H (Mrs L Stanley) office sec Boy Scouts of America h11 Gardner pI " May B wid Leon S I'll Gardner pI " Theris Mrs emp Sidney r47 Fairview " Vincent elec H E Kloster h488 Main Darr Harry emp Sidney h7 Fairview Dart Mildred C phone apr NYTelCo r26 Otsego " Robert W emp D&H h5 Grand " William S eng Stewart Ice Inc h26 Otsego IJ William S (Edith L) physician and surgeon 7 Grand h do Dratt Clifford C emp Sidney r19 Pleasant av " Clifford F mach D&H hI9 Pleasant av Daube J osephine K r29 Chestnut Dauley & Wright (Paul E Baldwin. and Emerson A Goodrich) marble and granite wo'rks 43-45 Broad Davenport Arnold E barber 2 Ann r do " Harry L emp WPA h76 River " Herman B prop Barber Shop 2 Ann h do Davidson Albert J emp Gibson Engineering Co h44 East " H enry slsm 19 Susquehanna h304 Chestnut " Ian K loco fireman D&H hlO Murdock av " Mary B wid J oseph r8 Draper " William A mason 19 Prospect r65 W Bway Davie Raymond G elk Market Basket Super Market h3 Oneida . D avies Lena E wid George h73 Elm " Lillian wid James dQm Winney's Hotel r do " Mina R tchr Home Economics r73 Elm Davis A Bertram reporter Oneonta D aily Star h33 Spruce " Albert B R ev pastor Milford Center Baptist Ch urch h29 Spruce " ,Carl E emp D&H and rooms 15 Broad r5 Morgan av " Eleanor E student r16 Harrison ,av " Elizabeth M wid Benj B rIO Watkins av " Emma sten D&H h8 Lawn av " Francis W driver B Line Taxi r5 Huntington av " Franklin C capt USA r9 Fifth " George emp D&H h14 Center ,. Gus emp Wilson Hotel r do 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTOR Y-1942 59 Davis Hattie wid Harvey r29 Fairview Decker Firman Hemp R J Torrey & Son res Laurens ".Hayden W emp D&H h9 Watkins av " H eIne S (Mrs Hayden W) tchr 0 Jr HS " Gilbert G emp Sidney r17 Jackson av h9 Watkins av " Howard R prop Mayer's Bakery h33 East " Isabelle 0 (Mrs John) bkpr Citizens' Nat " Kenneth postmaster H F Hosp r C L Bank & Trust Co res Laurens Whitaker " J Harvey emp NYT elCo h33 Grove " Leo taxi driver 3Y2 Broad r11 Neahwa pI " John R mach D&H h16 Harrison av " Louise R clk MW&Co r37 Spruce " Josephine L wid William r383 Chestnut " Lulu elk MW&Co r37 Spruce " Ma ry L dom 30 Walnut r15 Grand " Lulu hskpr 407 Main r do " Naomi nurse HFT Hosp r do " M~tor Sales Percy G Decker prop 156 Rlver " Olin L canst wkr r34 Monroe av " Robert R emp Sidney hI6 Thorn " Percy G prop Decker Motor Sales and " Seymour E trainman D&H h2I5 River prop Decker's Express hl56 River " Rose S wid Jay M h37 Spruce . " Verna emp Hamilton Fanns No 1 r Old Otego rd RD3 " Sherman L dept mgr Oneonta Dept Store h42 Union " W Glenn driver Independent Gas Co res " Walter E yard mgr East End Lumber Co Otego h25 Rose av " Willard retired h Main WO " William H student r33 East " William H pntr D&H h5 Huntington av Dawson H arold R (Lola F) Illgr WUTCo h6 " William J glove mfr h20 Eighth DeckC!'s Express Percy G Decker prop 156 Franklin Day Sara wid Howard private nurse 31 WatRiver kins av r do Dedrick Hobert C fanner h Stamford rd RD3 DAYLI GHT LAUNDRY see Otsego Laundry Co " La vinda 0 tchr r Stamford rd RD3 see front cover . Deery Delores C supv NYA rl64 Chestnut Dayton Arthur W car insp D&H bll Colum" Edward F ret ired h164 Chestnut " Edward J slsm Christman Flint Corp r164 bia D ean Alice M wid Merton h35 Fairview Chestnut " Carol M emp Troy r35 Fairview " John retired r79 Main " Edward S asst mgr J C Penney Co h14 DEERY JOSEPH S (Molinari & Deery) r164 Chestnut Linden av DeFiore Pasquale h3D Reynolds " Floyd L USA r2 Telford n James R hl29 River DeForest Irvin L retired h Ci)stawa av WO DeGasta Anthony lab h8 Wells av " Lulu I Mrs r2 T elford " Phipps Auto Stores Howard L Dyer mgr " Anthony Jr r8 Wells av " Joseph attd 318 Main r8 Wells av 153 Main . Degnan Marie E phone opr H F Hosp r do " Viola :f3 dom r2 Telford " Willard C stoves 191 Chestnut h do DeGraw Harold mgr Oneonta Theatre h65 Maple Deane Arthur C retired h431 Chestnut " Beaute Salon The Mrs Grace E Deane DeGroat Anna Mrs emp Star Lndry h5 Washington prop 143 Main " Grace E (Mrs Arthur C) prop Deane n Henry M truck driver r5 Washington Beaute Salon h431 Chestnut " Louisa M wid George A h5 Spruce a v DeANGELO ANTHONY lawyer 136 Main r13 " Marguerite wid Charles W h8 Hill pi Walling blvd see p 28 Deighton Richard L prop Karmelkom Shop " Benedict R case wkr County Welfare h32 East DeIoannon Amedeo emp D&H shops h22 D e~t h27 Clinton Lonergan av " Bettma S wid Fred h14 Academy " Charles presser Wilson Cleaning r13 Wan" Carmen USA r22 Lonergan av ing blvd ' " Dominic USA r22 Lonergan a v " Fortune F student r14 Academy " Mary R emp OMfgCo r22 Lonergan av Dietz Laura. nurse H College r1 Center " Marion student r14 Academy " Rachel Wingfield (Mrs Benedict) librarian D eLaMater Barbara Mrs emp OMfgCo h12 Division Hartwick College h27 Clinton " Rose Marie wid Antonio r 13 Walling blvd " George B student r5 Reynolds av " Samuel barber shop 25 Chestnut h 13 " Kathleen E tchr &henevus 1"9 Division Walling blvd " Lyman S dentist 143 Main h5 R eynolds av " -see Vangel " Mary E wid Walter J h4 Fifth Dearborn DeWitt C signal foreman D&H " Stanley M emp Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co h9 h2 Reynolds av Division Deary John A r7 Watkins Debonair Beaute Salon Mrs Ethel F Reeser DeLaney Albina wid Timothy S h38 Valleyview prop 19 Eighth Decker Claude S elk D&H frt office h22 Pine Delaney Elsie (Mrs Raymond F) elk 180 Main h18 Shepherd av " Donald D emp 218 Chestnu.t r 17 Jackson " Francis J h18 Rose av av " John R emp Stewart Ice Co h24 Grand " Etta J wid Frank H rl54 River DECKER EVELYN B sec H E Pierce Rooting & " Raymond F asst formn D&H hl8 Shepherd av Supply Co r438 Main 60 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Delaware & Hudson RR Corp The Susquehanna Division offices 16-26 Prosp ect William Wallace supt " & Hudson RR Corp freight house Wm J Carlin frt agt 16-26 Prospect " & Hudson RR Corp passenger station William J Carlin ticket agt ft of Broad " & Hudson RR Corp Police office J ames Fox sgt in charge in yd Fonda av " & Hudson RR Corp repair shops Chestnut and Fonda av DeLawter George Wasst dean Hartwick College h3l Pine Delberta Angeline r7 Depew " Carl pugilist r7 Depew " Carmella student r7 Depew " Grace F wid Joseph C dom h308 Chestnut " Joseph section man D&H h7 Depew DeLello Joseph slsm h46 Valleyview " Marion L (Mrs J oseph) h46 Valleyview Dele1lo Martin J r 13 East End av " Patsy gen formn D&H h13 East End av Delhi·Oneonta Bus Line Glenn H Green prop 38 Chestnut DeLong Charles chauf City Bus r30 Pine " Charles Sr lab h36 Maple " Charles A emp CCC r18 Reynolds av " E lizabeth S wid Charles R nurse 18 Reynolds av h do " Howard A trainman D&H h12 Spring " Otis C optometrist 207 Main h do Dematteo Andrew emp Kandyland r41 Miller Deming Walton F (Beatrice S) local ad v mgr o D aily Star hI9 Woodside av Demos Gus emp Norwich r277 Chestnut " Gus emp Kandyland r213 Main " Helen J (Mrs Peter) elk 277 Chestnut r do " Peter elk 277 Chestnut r do Dengee Myrtle D drsmkr 53Y2 Market h do DenneyANewtonRev supplypastor h40 Cedar Dennison Carrie E wid Lindley h5 Gardner pI " Irene M nurse Fox Mem Hosp h406 Main Derhammer Grace Mrs dom 95 Chestnut r do " Milton E trainman D&H r110 River DeRonde Mary E wid I Stewart r7 Walnut DeRossi PasquaJe emp D&H rI2 Parish av Desch Harold D carp r237 Chestnut Desnoyers Edward E (Sadie C) retired h4 Third DE SOTO SALES ANO SERVICE preston Motor Sales Broad c Prospect Detjen Herman emp Elmore Milling Co h Stamford rd S Side RD3 Deuel Fred E h U Cozyav ., Harry J trainman D&H h3 ~ill pl DeVine David A trainman D&H h34 Grand " Margaret P clk 215 Main r34 Grand Devine Horace mach Linn Corp res Maryland DeVito Joseph J emp 77 Main h41 London av Devitt Frederick B pbys 16 Ford av h do Devlin Frances V (Mrs James V) phone opr NYTelCo h23 Butler " James V mach D&H h23 Butler Dewan-see Deloannon Dewar James A retired h49 Ford av Dewey 'Ella U Mrs r25 High " Harold A h2 Third » R Beatrice (Mrs Harold A) clk S S Kresge Co h2 Third 71 William W elk City Drug Store bOO Church Deyo Andrew asst formn D&H h41 Fairview - D eyo Ruth E(Mrs Andrew)prop Your Shoppe h4I Fairview Diamond Harold C mgr Grand Union Co 336 Main h14 Cozy av " Hatters Nicholas Aggelakos prop 137MMain " Hugh J chief clk to supt D&H h20 Cherry " Hugh J Jr USA r20 Cherry " Katherine wid John r45 Church " Ruth opr NYTelCo r20 Cherry DIANA RESTAURANT" GRILL Harry G Lambros prop 166 and 160 Main see p 26 Dibble Bue! D emp Morris hlO Richmond av " Clarence A lab hI67 Chestnut " David S caretkr First Baptist Church h45 Academy " Hazel L Mrs bkpr Reynold's Greenhouse hl09 River " Ira E emp D&H h2 Morse " Irwin F prop Oneonta Nursery Gardens h32 Oneida " James C vulcanizing 18 Main and prop Dibble's Service Sta hiO Luther " Kenneth B driver 0 Bus Lines r IO R ichmond av " Laura E wid Melvin r32 Oneida " Ruby H Mrs dam 8 Maple r do Dibble's Service Station James C Dibble prop gas and oils 18 Main DiBello Leonard emp D&H h315 Chestnut Dice Walter Q r42 Academy D ickman Grace M nurse HFT Hosp r do Dickson Fannie M (Mrs Thomas H) artist h105 Elm " George L lawyer 177 Main r105 "Ehn " Lavina Mrs nurse 13 Otsego r do " Mortis emp Syracuse rl05 Elm " Thomas H retired hl05 Elm Diedcel Alice J wid .C harles r6 Parish av Diefendorf David A treas Glenwood Cemetery Asso and ins 241 Main (5) h34 Elm Diener Leon elk r147 East " Winifred Mrs emp HFT Hasp h147 East Dietz Elsie C r493 M ain " Grace M elk Sidney r99 E ast " Hazel B r493 Main " Helen S sten 17 Prospect r493 Main " Street Family Wine and Liquor Store Ernest C Taylor prop 4 Dietz " William L retired h493 Main DiFiore Anthony bartender Riviera H otel r50 W Broadway " Emilio emp Elmore Milling Co h25 Maple " J ennie r25 Maple " Louise emp OMfgCo r25 Maple " DiLello Albert emp D&H hI6 ValleYVlew " Constantino grocer 31 P;ospect ~ do . " John E driver Hoffman s Cleanmg 'Wks r31 Prospect ') Josephcarrpr D&H h 231 Chestnut Dileso Dominick emp D&~ h2 Washburn. Dillaway Marion B emp Sldney r116 Mam Dilworth Elsie (Mrs Paul H) nurse Fox Mem Hasp hll Orchard » Paul H slsm hll Orchard DiMartin Don bricklyr hI4 Jefferson DiMattaeo Andrew em£ D&H r41 Miller Dime Delivery Ernest J Gaffney prop p~ck· age delivery 38 Chestnut and 13 D]e~z Dimmick Emerv trainman !\TYCRR h Mam byd limits RD3 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Dimon Florence B nurse Fox Mem Hasp h415 Main Dimorier Belle wid Devillo r8 Winney H all I'd Dingman Claud emp Elmore Milling Co h4 Wells av " Jay P pntI' and paperhanger East End b do RD3 " LaVerne emp Coyle Mfg Co r East End RDa 61 Dopp Mary G dom 2 Pearl r do Dom Charles J supvr Spaulding Bakery (Inc) h Main byd limits RD3 DORR JAMES M (Elsie K ) mgr Kalamazoo Stove & Fwnace Co b17 Eighth DORR RAYMOND J (Margaret) mgr Mathews Stores Inc h26 West Dorsey HallaI'd R slsm blOI East Dosik Bernice wid M ichael h8 Baker Dinsmore Bertha M r380 Main Doster Cora M Mrs emp Otsego Laundry Co " Carola H wid George W h3 King r I 61 East Diossy Georgianna P wid Sidney W h300 Doud Joseph grocer 143 River h do Main Dougher Ronald tchr Troy r 11 Dietz DIRECTORY LIBRARY maintained by H A Man- Dougherty Bene T wid William H h9 WEnd ning Co at Chamber of Commerce Rooms av DIRVIN VINCENT AJR (Mary R) hkpr Meridale " -see D augherty Jersey Farms Inc h4 Fair Douglas Harriet S wid Irving A r40 Walnut DISBROW CARL E (Frances E) v-pres-treas " William retired r30 Dietz Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co h Country Club Douglass Jennie M r15 Tilton av rd RD2 Dow George E engr 141 Main h12 Taft av " Elizabeth A sten Sidney r82 Clinton Down Grace E wid Fred J A h32 Cepedey av "Florence T (Mrs Harold W) bkpr 0 " Muriel E wid Joseph J drsmkr 5 Ceperley Sales Co h 48 Elm av r do " Frances E (Mrs Carl E ) tchr OHS h Downie T Gordon bkpr 0 Bldg & Loan Assn Country Club rd RD2 res RDI " Harold W slsm h48 Elm Doyle Carolyn E r47 Elm " Henry J com tray h8 D raRer " Fayette truck driver h43 Main " John If student r8 Draper " Henry farmer h W Davenport rd RD3 " Martha H elk NYT elCo r82 Clinton " Irwin USA r W D avenport rd RD3 " Robert E emp NYSE&GCorp b30 Maple " Isabella A wid Bedford L hlO Bronk " Sanford A ~p D&H shops b82 Clinton "John A bridge and bldg mstr D&H h75 Ditmore Archie G lab h132 Chestnut Ford av " Charles M emp D&H h3ll Chestnut " Sarah M r41 Elm " Dix Jane Yerby wid J Morgan r46 Center Drago Charles grocer 44 Mam h 75 ~o Dixon Thomas E clk NYSE&GCorp ra68" ( " Phyllis M(Mrs Charles)clk 44 Mam h75 do Chestnut ~ 'lo- ~ Bragone Salvatore retired h7 Susquehanna Dlabal Ruth L Mrs sec 5 Dietz" Country DRAKE CLOTHING CO George A Drake prop Club rd RD2 men's clothing & furnishings 148 Main Dockstader A prop see under cery h27Glenn Central av D ockstader Gro· _...:...:...: _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dockstader's Grocery Glenn A Dockstader 61 Spruce Dodd Eula L tchr household arts SNS r64 Elm Dodge Gertrude B drawing supv pub schools h30 Ford av (1) DODGE SALES" SERVICE Christman FUnt Corp 10 Main see front cover Doig John T elk YMCA r Wilson Hotel Dokutchitz Peter sta eng D&H h19 Miller DOLE LESll E C v-pres Otsego Laundry.co res East Orange N J Dommermuth Frederick W fireman D&H n13 Miller " Norman R meter reader NYSE&GCorp h15 Gilbert Donahoe Guy F !133 Walnut Donahue Edward J emp 18 Main r6 do Donaldson Minnie E wid Bowne C h38 Academy Donlin Catherine H wid Martin S h I Potter av " Martin S erop Sidney r1 Potter av Donnelly William A rnech insp Burroughs Adding Machine Co h 3 Pearl Dooley Timothy J eng D&H h6 Central av Doolittle Cecile emp Sidney h166 Chestnut " Ethelwyn lecturer domestic science h8 Irving pI " Helen r22 West " Joyce nurse H FHosp r do DRAKf ~lOlHING ~O. 148 Main St. ONEONTA, N. Y. Tel. 1573 CLIPPER-CRAFT and HART -SCHAFFNER & MARl Clothes Interwoven Socks, Duofold Underwear, Adam Hats $3.25 Lee Water-Bloc Hats $5.00 Adam Shirts $1.65, Tru-Val Shirts $1.35 62 I ' 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Drake Dorothy E emp Sidney r9Y2 Center Dwyer Peter emp D&H h175 Chestnut DRAKE GEORGE A (Myrtle S) prop Drake Dyer George A retired h34 Center Clothing Co h19 Center . " Howard L mgr Dean Phipps Auto Stores " John M emp D&H h8 Boylston h19 Grand " Madge C Mrs elk 0 Dept Store r62 River Dykeman Arthur W airbrake insp D&H h24 " Samuel E blacksmith D&H hI Van -Woert Riverview av Drapalski Michael emp D&H r34Y2 Broad " Charles emp Dockstader's Garage r238 Dreamland Garden Anthony Chickerell prop Main restaurant 32 Main " Edward C emp D&H r87 Hudson Dreibelbis Laura M wid Jacob h513 Main " George E retired h6 Ann Dresser Lee Hemp Albany h7 Taft av Dyle Kittie M (Mrs Sidney L) dom 18 Grand Drew Walter J prop Ideal Oil Co h16 Oneida hl90 Main Driggs Francis B USA r271 Main " Sidney L painter h190 Main " Gilbert E emp D&H shops h148 River " Louis Hemp City hID Gilbert EAGAN JOSEPH T physician HFT Hosp r " Ruth J emp 0 Glove Co h189 River do Droploskl Michael emp D&H r34Y2 Broad Eakeley Barbara L tchr 0 Plains Sch rIO Dubois Harold E mech Christman FlintCorp Madison av h116 Main " HarTY M trainman D&H hlO Madison av " Philip retired h6 Fonda av " Scott student rIO Madison av Dubreuil Elizabeth C tchr SNS r22 Elm ~s1ey Charles' E pntr h18 Woodside av " Sophie wid Louis h22 Elm " Iona D emp Stamford Conn rIO YoungDuddy T Jeremiah elk D&H h12 Center man av Dudley Arthur M janitor SNS h do " Ward L emp Elmore Milling Co hlO " Arthur M Jr r State Normal School Youngman av " Irene E Mrs r State Normal School EAST END COAL" APPLIANCE CD Nicholas A Duesler Clark Kemp Elmore Milling Co res Rizzo prop coal and appliances 37 ChestRDI nut coal yard 19 Susquehanna see p 17 " Winfield S pntr and decorator :11 Fifth h " End Fruit Market James J Noonan prop do • 532 Main Duffy Henry E tel opr D&H h7 Division " End Grocery Tyler Congdon prop 511 . Duggleby Francis A barber shop 110 Main Main h do EAST END LUMBER CO William F Sutter prop Donald M Sutter mgr, builders' supplies Dunbar Howard F mech Oneonta Sales Co h Otego rd RD3 2 Wells av see top lines " Maude wid Earl glove wkr h4 Cherry EAST END SERVICE STATION Empire State Oil " Walter E pntg cont 127 East h do Co Atlantic gas & oils Robert L Johnson " Wesley R div car formn D&H h8 Morga n res mgr Main East End RD3 Dundam Gladys (Mrs John) rooms 127 Main EAST END ESSO SERVICE STATION Albert C h do Hooks mgr 646 Main " John prop Fanner's Market h127 Main " End Upholstering Co Ward B Kilmer prop Dunham Florence ernp 5 Myrtle r3 Harvey 26 Union " Melvin emp NYCRR h22 Division Eastern Greyhound Lines now Central Grey" Samuel E h52 Spruce hound Service Dunn Clarence A elk PO r41 Cedar Eastman Edward L supv gas dept NYSE&G " Everett K optician Smith & M errill r41 Corp h19 Roosevelt av Cedar Easton Olin D teaming 23 Elmwood av h do " Helen K wid Augustus T h41 Cedar Eaton Bernard E USN r5 Bronk " Jennie B r41 Cedar " Mahlon USN h5 Bronk " John K r338 Main " Ora C wid Dwight h Main byd limits RD3 " Mary h7 Otsego " Robert M elk 230 Main r5 Bronk " P Kendall auto meeh h388 Main " Samuel R farmer h Franklin rd RD3 Dunn Paul A mgr 230 Main h11 Linden av Eckerson Gerald B slsm Spaulding's Bakery Dunning Harold institution steward HFT h7 Gardner pI Hosp h do "Rebecca Mrs emp Hoffman's Cleaning Works h3 Forest av Dunshee Warner B loco fireman D&H h38 CherTY Eckert Cleveland trainman D&H h3 Oneida Durgee Christine R emp HFTHosp r do " Leota K sten 1'3 Oneida Durgin Chancy R cheese mkr South Side " Lester C emp 0 Paint & Wallpaper Co r3 Dairy Farm hlO Meckley av Oneida Durkin Helen M cashier Market Basket r4 " Lewis G trainman D&H r36 West Harvey " Marie r6 Parish av " Mary L cashier Empire Grocery Co r4 " Richard E eng D&H h6 Parish av Harvey Eckler M Louise Mrs apr NYTelCo res Mil" Richard F trainman D&H h4 Harvey ford Dutch Mill Restaurant and Barbecue (Wil" Mattie S Mrs nurse h526 Main liam H Williams and Lena Briggs) Em" Milton M USA r526 Main mons PO RD3 D utcher Clifford G clk J C Penney Coh377 Eddy Horace E musician h3 Birch Main Edick Kathleen H (Mrs Vincent F) bkpr 0 Feed and Grain Exchange h39 Fair " J ennie L wid William h151 Main 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 63 ElDREO CLIFFORD J (Emilyn B) prop Packard Edick Vincent F (Kathleen H) dist mgr Hospital Plan Inc h39 Fair Edmunds Arthur M mgr Standard Brands Inc h84 East " Arthur N emp Otsego Publishing Co h143 Main " Bros Reuben M Edmunds prop automobile rpg 354 Main " Ellen L student r6 Gardner pI " Harry L h169 Main " Howard W plumber Stamford rd RD3 h do " Marvin W (Della M) retired h145 River " Reuben M (Edmunds & Bros) h6 Gardner pl " Edna's Beauty Shop Mrs Edna M Halter prop 223 Chestnut Edson Clifford L mgr meat dept 145-147 Main res Mt Vision I Edwards Alyce M hairdrsr The Dean Beaute Salon r21 Otsego " Earle A pntr and paperhngr 31 Brook h do " Eleanor emp HFT Hosp r30 East End av " Eugene G pntr D&H res RD2 " Florence A wid Burton L h9 Fifth " Harold pntr and cant 9 Fifth r do " J Lee (Lee's Lunch) h28 Chestnut " John emp Sidney h Main WO " John Hemp D&H r21 Otsego " Madeline M sten 0 Credit Bureau r28 Chestnut " Mary W (Mrs J Lee) (Lee's Lunch) h28 Chestnut " Maude E wid Sherrill h21 Otsego " Ora M (Mrs Earle A) phone opr NYTel Co h3l Brook " Perry B emp Sch~ectady h24 M~~gan av " J H Galinn mgr Jewelers and opticIan 195 Main Effner Harold J emp 0 Iron & Metal Co h7 Frederick Egan Thomas F state motor vehicle insp h11 Walling blvd Egbert Edith E music t chr pub schools h30 Ford av (2) E¥gleston August emp city r80 River , Laurens J retired h16 Pine Eglestein Alfred prop Stone Front Restaurant res Morris rd Eglestine Charles P bartender 54 Market h30 Ceperley av Ehrmann Fred ironwkr r18 Riverview av " Hazel I Mrs sten Beb Cleanser Co h12 Cliff " May Mrs r18 Riverview av Eichenberger Irma tcbr Loudonville r43 Union " Menga wid Karl J r43 Union Eichler Elmer truck driver HFT Hasp hI Chester Eignor Edith M wid Frank hskpr 6 Central av r do Eisinb Theodore trainmn D&H h3 Mosher av Elbeift;on Florence L tchr Bainbridge r122 Chestnut " Helen L Mrs prin Laurens Central HS h122 Chestnut Elderkin Leslie A prop West End Diner h13 Pleasant av " Lucille (Mrs Leslie A) waitress West End Diner h13 Pleasant av Eldred Blanche tchr River St &h res Otego Sales and Service White Trucks and Buses h10 Raymond av " Fred A clk D&H shops h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Gertrude M prin East End Sch res Laurens " Mortimer J clk D&H shops h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Nathan retired r81-83 Main " Oren J emp 0 Glove Co r46 Main " Walter L emp South Side Dairy h Baker rowRD3 " Walter W plmbr H L Stilesh14 Neahwa pi Eldredge Charles G real est 21 Cedar h do " Edith M (Mrs Charles G) house mother Theta Phi Sorority h21 Cedar " Nathan retired r81 Main " Ruth M tchr Franklin Square LI r21 Cedar Elegy Frank G emp 82 Main h363 Main (6) " Helen C (Mrs Frank) nurse H F T Hosp 1363 Main Eliason Fred emp 0 Body Co h32 Ford av Elks' Club Earl A Smith sec 99-101 Main Ellenbogen Hennan L prop Beverley's h92 Elm Ellet Karl E carp D&H hll Shepherd av " William J retired h35 Grand . Elliot Nettie wid John h22 Valleyvtew Elliott Ella E wid James E h62 Church " Florence E wid David h13 Silver av " George prop Elliott's Garage hl54 River " Harold R carp h18 Columbia " Minnie emp South Side Dairy h Stamford rd RD3 " Raymond M car rpr D&H h48 Clinton " Verda waitress r21 Broad " William H retired h4 Pleasant av Elliott's Garage George Elliott prop rear 154 River Ellis Charles lab h12 Luther " Gladys C wid Ralph J bkpr The Baker Hardware h Otego rd RD3 " J Lyle emp D&H shops h8 Cozy av " Ruth E sten Sidney rS Cozy av Ellmauer Anna M hskpr 14 Grand r do " Henry A emp West-Nesbitt h Stamford rd RD3 Ellsworth Frank E prop Ellsworth Wallpaper & Paint Co r36 Luther " Henry A tel opr D&H h27 Morgan " Howard M state trooper r23 Myrtle av " Twila V wid Thomas phone opr NYTel Co h30 Fair " Wallpaper & Paint Co Frank E Ellsworth prop 3 Elm Elm Beauty Shop Mrs Elizabeth E Aikens prop 323 Main . " Park Methodist Church 401 Chestnut c Ceperleyav Elmandorf Irene D Mrs h3 Grace pI " John R emp Sidney h12Y2 Mosher " Marshall mach r5 Grace pI Elmore Earle P v-pres-treas Elmore Milling Co (Inc) h Thornwood end Draper Milling Co Inc whol and retail feed and grain 50-78 Main pres Harry M Goldsmith, v-pres-treas Earle P Elmore, sec Gussie T Lawson Elwood William R beer distributor 39 East End av h do )f 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 64 1942-oNEONTA DIRECTORy - 1942 Ely Lois E supr Farm Sec Adm r7 Tilton av Eize Charles r22 Central av Emerick Allie J Mrs elk Oneonta Dept Store h53 Cedar " Blaine W emp Ilion h50 Elm " John W emp Syracuse rOO Elm Emerson Charles E emp Fox Mem Hosp h8 Hanison av " Ernest P emp HFT Hosp r do " Eva M Mrs emp Fox Mem Hosp ,r3 E Center " Hattie L wid Charles dam r196 River Emery Loren (Mary E) h58 Union Emmett John J emp D&H hlO Tilton av Emmons Farms Mrs Amanda E Morgan prop Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 " Methodist Church Emmons " Emory Allen poultryman h Stamford ra RD3 Empie Katherine B emp 0 Mfg Co r229 Main Empire Community Market Ira C Chamberlain mgr 2-4 Market EMPIRE STATE OIL CO (Thoma. M and DarT S Hickey) operators (wholesale and retail) stations: West End Service Station Earl Yager mgr, office 436 Chestnut; East End Station Robert L Johnson mgrj South Side Station John B BeadneU mgt; and props Oneonta City Parking Space Enderlin Laura C wid Fred W h ll Brook Enders J acob H prop Ender's Furniture Store h554 Main ,. William D mgr Enders' Furniture Store h554 Main Enders' Furniture Store William D Enders mgr 30 Broad Endicott·Johnson Shoe Store Arthur Aben· anty mgr 209 M ain Engels Marion G nume HFT Hosp r do English Stella P Mrs h92 Chestnut ' ~ William G emp D&H roundhouse h32 River Ennamorato Vito fire c1nr D&H h15 Susquehanna Enos Susie A h Main byd limits RD3 Enver-so Anthony retired r48 Richards av Epps Allen mech Public Ser Garage res Oule- Estabrook Blanche R (Mrs Robert E) sec to pres Hartwick College h6 Morgan av " Donald E elk NYSE&GCorp h19 Morgan av " Rol?ert E retired h6 Morgan av Estes Anna E wid David h Stamford rd RD3 " Doris M elk Albany r15 Cherry U Samuel D cond D&H h15 Cherry Estle Anna E (Mrs Russell 0) elk 0 Dept Store h21 Franklin " Henry emp Sidney r21 Franklin " Russell 0 vacuum clnr serv 21 Franklin h do Eustace George H trainmn D&H b Main byd limits RD3 " Katherine M (Mrs George H ) dom HFT Hasp h Main byd limits RD3 Eustice Robert loco firemn D&H h51 Church " Robert Ir USA r51 Church Eutemark Ellsworth retired r29 Fairview Evans Arthur plumber h4}'2 Mickle pI " David T emp F M Baker h95 Clinton U Glenn H slsm .Meridale Dairy hl60 Cbestnut " J Frederick student r31 Valleyview " Jack F plumbing and heating 28 East h do " Lina A wid Ira D h 16 Rose av Evehi.nd Ida L tehr SNS rIO Maple Everett Emeric D CPR dir NYSE&GCorp h31 VaUeyview " Louella T (Mrs Emeric D) h31 Valleyview Every Allan truck driver Every's Express hl16 Spruce " Anna K dom HFT Hasp r90 River " Annie B wid Stephen nurse Emmons PO o RD3 h do " Cornelius W prop Every's Express and Garage Emmons PO 0 RD3 h do " Florence elk Sidney r12 Central av 'J Moms chauf r Emmons PO 0 RD3 " Ralph S v·pres Ohmeis Chevrolet Co Inc res Davenport Center Every's Express Cornelius W Every prop Emmons PO 0 RD3 Edwing Homer H acct Sidney h63 Center U Mary A r63 Center out " Charlotte wid Orlor r42 Ford av " Clarence H prop Public Ser Garage hll Main " Lena S (Mrs Clarence H) clk J C Penney Co h ll Main " Lincoln 0 retired h2 Division E pstein David student r6 Neahwa pi, " J acob mgr 0 Iron & Metal Co h6 Neahwa pI " Leonard student r6 Neahwa pI " Minnie (Mrs Jacob) prop 0 Iron & Metal Co h6 Neahwa pI " Sarah tchr Whitney Point r6 Neahwa pI Ercoline Hazel R Mrs hostess 0 Hotel r do Erickson Leonard A bkpr J M Robertson res Morris Ernest Carl J (Grace) asst mgr NYTelCo h84 Spruce " Ruth tchr r84 Spruce E scher Charles W emp Schenectady rIO Draper " Herbert clk NYSE&GCorp rlO Draper " Mae H Mrs hlO Draper F & R SPORTING GOODS CO (Paul Heavner and John S Reynolds) Oneida c River RD2 Faber Robert E mgr Cathedral Farms h Morris rd RD2 " R ussell emp Cathedral Farms res West Laurens Face Bert T patrolman h57 Hudson " Catherine B wid Orval A r5 Ivy ct " Juanita P emp Ballard & Ballard r8 High Fader Wilfred G emp Spaulding's Bakery h7 Gardner pi Fagan William H sexton S Mary sch and church r16 Academy Fairchild I ennie E h South Side RD3 " Mary L wid William E dressmlcr 71 Ford av h do Fairfield Carlt on W emp 0 Dairy Co r Ostawa av WO " J ennie wid Arthur h Ostawa av WO Falk Sylvester I lab h26 Chester Fallon Andrea E cashier NYTelCo r2I Church Falls Agnes M h35 River <OUPON» .......... . ,,,,'" PAINTS & VARNISHES 65 EAST END LUMBER CO. 2 WELLS AVE. Falls & Gardner (James A Falls Est and Mrs Daurice Gardner Nelson) real est 234 Main (1) Family Welfare Assn Mrs Hazel F Sherman exec sec 17 Ford av Fancher Luella M wid George H dressmkr 407 Main h do Fankhauser Rose hskpr 37 Grove r do Farley Katherine H v.:i4 Eds<;m J 1127 Cet?-ter Farm Security Admmlstration see Umted States Dept of Agriculture Farmakis Madeline T r20 Watkins av " Nicholas chef 183 Main h20 Watkins av Farmer Albion C h15 East End av Farmers' Market J ohn Dundam prop 125 Main FARONE ALBERT E lawyer 198 Main sec Stewart Ice Inc r62 Elm " Amelio J pat rolman D&H h72 Dietz " Anthony eng D&H r92 Chestnut " Arthur E pntr h47 S Main " Eda H r52 Elm " Helene M r72 Dietz " Hope wid J oseph h52 Elm " Hope E tchr r72 Dietz " .Toseph E r72 Dietz " Magdeline C acct Alb~y r52 J?lm " Marion M tehr Fort Plam r72 D1etz " Nicholas J r52 Elm Farr Elmer A emp HFT Hosp res Davenport " Florence L Mrs h48Y2 River " Leon emp D&H r24 Dietz Farrier J ohn E emp Sidney h 14 High FARRINGTON WARREN G (Lucy) (Hnntington & Farrington) 241 Main (1-4) h79 Maple see p 28 Farro Augustine formn D&H h28 Gilbert Fasano Angelo emp D&H h16 Cedar " Donald USA r16 Cedar Fashion Row Yarn Shop Lois A Butts prop 21 Grand Fassett Janette I waitress Bob & Dan Rest r I6 West Fatta Frank real est h2 E ighth " Joseph mech D&H h12 Fairview Faulkner .Tames N sta eng HFT Hosp h Baker row South Side Fawcett Dorothy (Mrs James A) emp S S Kresge Co hl5 Birch " J ames A policeman h 15 Birch Fay Bertha L wid Howard h30 Linden av " Edward R pntr h17 Division " Guy B pntr and decorator 37 Fairview h do " William H r37 Fairview faye Roger D driver Shearer's Express h6 Kearney av Federal Internal Revenue Deputy Collector Raymond L Burr 258 Main " Surplus Commodities William Roseboom. relief comm in charge store room 51 Market Feeney J ames L asst supt Prud Ins Co h15 Taft av Fellows Kenneth F emp Park Hamlin h14 Pearl T EL. 24 ONEONTA Felter Charla student r37 Franklin " Ella May (Mrs Lawrence) nurse HFT Hosp r do " Frances M Mrs music tchr 31 Franklin r do Fenton Floyd E blacksmith 368Y2 Main hI Knapp av " Helen Mrs h12 Central av " Marie H wid Oakley L r225 Main Ferguson Cyrus W D emp Holland Furnace Co h21 Cherry " George W gen forron NYSE&GCorp h42 West End av " Gilbert carp h Main WO " Glenn A roundhouse formn D&H h14 Fourth " H azel G (Mrs Cyrus) phone opr NYTelCo h21 Cherry " Howard R lab h433 Chestnut (2) " J esse gas and oils 437 Main h447 do " Julia A (Mrs George W) bkpr Otsego Lndry Co h42 West End av . " Luther gas and oil South Side RD3 res Richfield Springs " Marie bkpr r447 Main " Mary tcbr OHS h9 Harmon " Nettie (Mrs Glenn A) elk Bell Clothing Co h14 Fourth " Ursil A ins agt b406 Main Ferris Cecil C Mrs asst clk Sel Ser Bd h31 East End av " H Noble sign painting 77"2 E lm h13 Di· vision " Harold F cashier 0 Dept Store r363 Main " J oseph slsm hll Hunt ext " Lucy V (Mrs H Noble) corsetiere 13 Division h do " Michael emp Aberdeen Md rll Hunt ext Fesler Darwin R farmer r33 E ast " Doris E emp Scbdy r33 East " Earl W emp 0 Coca·Cola Bottling Co h16 Reynolds av " Lydia wid Robert E h33 E ast " Marie L (Mrs Earl W) phone opr NYTel Co h16 Reynolds av Fey Pearl E wid Clarence C emp 0 Glove Corp h84 Ford av Fidell Frederick r279 Chestnut Fieg Franklin W USA rlO N Sixth FIEG LDTHAR (Florence M) carpenter contractor and builder 3 Lewis hlD N Sixth see p 17 " Lethar Jr st udent rlO N Sixth Field David A USA r340 Chestnut Fields Harry emp Sidney h175 River " Howard L (Evelyn G) brakeman D&H h17 Columbia Fieldson Lyndon waiter Molinaris Rest r15 Grand Fiester Luther L elk HFT Hasp r1 Cherry Finch Charles E chauf Mrs M ary F Brown hI Draper " Arlea.n emp Coyle Mfg Co r29 D ietz " H L Mrs h29 Dietz " Kenneth D emp R J Torrey & Son hI Wall " Mark W firemn D&H h83 Ford av 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 66 Fingando Edwin R fanner h Old Otego South Side RD3 Finigan Benedict M com tray 0 Grocery Co h Country Club dr RD2 " Charles T distr 132 Main h20 Gault av " Vallie L (Mrs Charles T) supv elk Adult Education Program h20 Gault av " William S slsm h26 Spruce Fink Ralph E emp D&H h8 Murdock av Finley John G (Alma G) journalist h107 Spruce (6) Fino James J hairdresser h45 Main " Juanita L (Mrs James J) waitress 0 Hotel h45 Main Finocchiaro Anthony peddler h49 Main " Anthony R ins agt Prudential Ins Co b34 Academy FIRESTONE TIRES-Oneonta Sales Co 27-33 Market Firman Don F retired h25 Myrtle av " Lee L elk D&H h36 Academy " Lois M tchr Coeyman's r36 Academy First Baptist Church Rev Garth C Koch pastor 67-69 Chestnut " Church of Christ Scientist Mrs Blanche Nye first reader 61 Chestnut " Methodist Church Rev Harold C Buckingham pastor 64-66 Chestnut FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Boyd Mc- Cleary pastor 296 Main see p 12 " United Presbyterian Church Rev James M Guthr:ie pastor Main c Walling av Fischer Jean H nurse HFT Hosp r do Fish Alice J wid Levi r2 Richard av " Claude D plmbr H L Stiles h86 Clinton " Clifford corp r433 Chestnut (9) " Gaius A chauf h22 Myrtle av " George B retired h95 Elm " Stanley B chauf h40 Burnside av Fisher Albert M fonnn D&H shops h39 Spruce " Alice Mrs clk W T Grant Co res Maryland RDI " " " " " " Anna wid Henry r17 Division Arthur J lab h29 Prospect Edwin G landscape gdnr h371 Main Floyd M vending machines 289 Main h do George retired r81 Main George J bkpr Wilber Nat Bank res Laurens " Georgianna wid Henry r29 Prospect " Harriet L wid Willis H r Mrs Pearl Locke Main WO " Harry J emp D&H h18Y2 Division " Hattie Mrs r69 Hudson " Helen A (Mrs Floyd M) prop Power Puff Beauty Salon h289 Main " LeRoy E emp 0 Body Co r33 Pine " Marjorie Hemp 0 Daily Star r39 Spruce " Merritt C sub formn D&H frt depot h9 Brook " William F tchr Jonesville 1"9 Brook Fisk Daniel J mech Christman-Flint Corp h15 Woodside av " David retired r Mrs Pearl Locke Main WO " Ethel Jean Mrs h8 Cozy av " Eugene C lino apr 0 Daily Star h36 State " Lila Mrs hskpr 428 Main r do " Marie F wid Millard h9 Irving pI " Ralph D student r15 Woodside av " Robert W USA r36 State Fiske John emp D&H h4 Draper Fistick Alexander L mech Preston Motor Sales h37 River Fitch Lyle E ins agt Met Life Ins Co h2 Norton av Fitzelle Albert E dir of training SNS h3 Irving pI " Albert E Jr emp Hartford Conn r3 Irving ' pI Fitzgerald Ada M Mrs h22S Main (15) 11 Harry J pipeftr r251 Main " Julia M dom 20 Walnut r85 River " Mary M floor lady F W Woolworth Co r251 Main " William H trainmn D&H h346 Chestnut Fitzpatrick Daniel J tchr Oxford r George A Kershaw " William D r George A Kershaw Fixit Shop Leland D Palmer prop 336 Che,stnut Flack Abraham retired h39 Grove " Charles elk 179 Main h4 Reynolds " Jules prop Flack's Cut Rate Drugs r39 Grove Flack's Cut Rate Drugs J ules Flack prop 179 Main Flagg Ella emp Sears Roebuck & Co r19 Walling av Fleming Austin B retired h421 Main " Ora M wid Lee H h22 State Fletcher Amelia W wid Daniel A h60 East " Clarence D com tray h9 Hill pI " Clarence E emp Sidney r9 Hill pI " G Timothy retired r Main WO FLINT RAY L sec-treas Christman Flint Corp h102 East Flogaus Bertha M wid Floyd h27 Cherry Fluhrer Helen B wid Howard W h75 Elm Foland Emily M wid Jay H r438 Main " R Max clk Sears Roebuck & Co r378 Main Foley Adolph agent Albany News Co h64 Dietz , " Alice J clk S S Kresge Co r25 Cherry " Frances T (Mrs Robert P) nurse 4 Grand h do " George M mgr Dietz St Family Wine & Liquor Store h25 Cherry " Joan L emp NYA r25 Cherry " 'Robert F emp HFT Hasp h4 Grand Follett Harold W com tray r8 Watkins av " Harold W Jr photo engraver 0 Daily Star ' r8 Watkins av Follette Granville E retired h12 Madison av " John J emp Ilion r12 Madison av Fonda Gertrude waitress Hotel Oneonta r169 Main " Ida B Mrs h169 Main Fong Yee cook Klipnockie Restaurant r3 Broad Foord William S retired h29 Main Foote Agnes E Mrs h23Yz Columbia Forbes Mildred Mrs emp Fox: Mem Hasp h312 Chestnut " Laura wid Clayton J h36 Spruce Force W Clayton mgr American Stores Co Inc hl64 Main Ford A E & Son Harold R Ford prop flour feed seed and grain 36-38 Market FORD CARS AND TRUCKS Oneonta Siles Co 27-33 Market 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 67 MERIDALE Distri!~tors Jersey Creamline Milk JerseyFarms,lnc. Ford E Harriet psychologist Bedford Hills • r34 Watkins av " Edward J formn NYCRR hlO Eighth " Ella M wid Arthur E h31 Watkins av " Harold R prop A E Ford & Son h34 Watkins av " Harry J (Independent Gas Co) h Oneida rd RD2 . " Margaret D emp Wilbur Nat Bank r34 Watkins av " Merton L retired h86 Chestnut " Ruth wid William E h28 Ford av " S Catherine dom :r Oneida " & Stewart Block 196-202 Main Fonnan Arthur A real est Main byd limits RD3 h do " Ferris baker Spaulding's Bakery r A A Forman " Ransom farm lab r46 Main Forrest Joseph roofer Jerry B Wilson Roofing Co h39 Cedar Forsythe Walton G emp Sidney h16 Richmond av " Wayne eng D&H h22 Franklin Foster C Aaron linemn NYSE&GCorp h17 Cedar " Charles A retired h58 Church " Eldeen nurse HFT Hasp r do " Frances' M clk Elmore Milling Co Inc r23 S Belmont circle " Grace L wid Hennan H hl58 Main " Lee R chef West End Diner h50 Academy " M Lillian wid Irving F h59 Elm " Robert C emp Htfd Ct r58 Church Foti John bakery 42 River h do Foutch Charles E boiler insp D&H hlO J efferson av " Dorothy M bkpr Citizens Nat Bank & Trust Co r5 Harmon av " Margaret E wid John W h5 Harmon av , " Oscar L boiler mkr D&H shops r5 Harmon Fowler Charles S service clk New York State Electric & Gas Corp hl0 Tilley av " Edward L emp NYTelCo h2 Belmont Circle " Gordon A sta eng D&H h15 Jackson av Fowlston George H farmer h335 Chestnut FOX AURELIA OSBORN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (Inc 1900) Mrs Genevieve N Lechevet administrator, pres Edward Crippen, vprests Merton L Ford, Orlando BRowe, Lewis F Rose, sec-treas Robert Hall 1-7 Norton av see p 30 " Doris J (Mrs Harold) emp Sidney h58 Spruce " Esther H wid Walter D typist h5Draper " Harold student h58 Spruce " James sgt D&H police dept h9 High " Margaret F waitress HFT Hosp r14 Grand " Orville C mail carrier PO h4 N Fifth " Richard 0 USA r4 N Fifth Fraats Cassie emp Quality Glove Corp r19 Walling av " Esther L tchr Oneonta Plains Sch rlO East End av France Catherine J student r278 Chestnut PHONE 1260 ONEONTA, NEW YORK France Ethel emp HFT Hosp r179 West " Harold R train dispatcher D&H h278 Chestnut Francis Alice M wid Lee A h3 S Sand " Carlton A rlO Morgan av " Earl P supervisor Town of Oneonta h46 Maple " Gerard S emp NYSE&GCorp r Winney Hill rd RD2 " Henry W milk dlr Center WO h do " J Leslie pntr h408 Chestnut " Jessie M (Mrs Earl P) tchr SNS h46 Maple " Mary E wid Charles A h150 Main " William A coach pntr D&H h10 Morgan av Francisco Rhoda A wid Frank F hlO Watkins av Frankel Eleanor Mrs emp OMfgCo r61 Miller " & Smith Beauty Departments Vema A White mgr 155 Main FRANKLIN CLinON S (Dalla A) service mgr Becker & Lent (Inc) h18 Franklin " Daniel mayor and milk products 43 Wal"nut h do FRANKLIN MOTOR SALES Arden M Jones prop Pontiac & Cadillac Sales & Service 80 Main see p 8 Franks Dolores A r28 Cliff " Helen r28 Cliff " John L emp OMfgCo r28 Cliff " Peter J trainmn D&H h28 Cliff " Vivian (Mrs John L) emp OMfgCo r28 Cliff Frary Ray E emp D&H h65 W Broadway Fratello Angelo watchmn D&H r52 W Broadway Fraternal Order of Eagles 55 Market Fratts Cassie glove wkr r19 Walling av Frayer Emmett emp D&H hll Ann Frederick Anna student r13 Forest av " John E h13 Forest av " Walter R emp Washington DC r13 Forest av Fredericks Harvey H (Fredericks)h19Ford av " Katherine R (Mrs Harvey H) (Fredericks) h19 Ford av Fredericks (Harvey H & Mrs Katherine R Fredericks) stationery & gift shop 281 Main Freeborn Grace K sec SNS h6 Grand " Lena 0 r6 Grand Freedman Robert emp 0 Iron & Metal Co r6 Neahwa pI Freeman Earl D emp Royal Grill h3 Liberty French Carrie I tchr SNS r88 Elm Frensdorf Saul F slsm h6Yz Cliff Friedel Louis A air brake insp D&H h South WO Friery Elizabeth M student r162 Chestnut " John E gas & oils 14 Main h162 Chestnut Frink Madeline wid Theodore W h45 Spruce Frisbee Clark feed dlr Hobart h37 Center " Frances C emp NYCity r37 Center " John L ins agt r21 Brook 68 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Fritts Myron C sec-treas 0 Grocery Co h21 Brook " Philip L elk East End Lumber Co h497 Main Fritts Etha (Mrs Seymour B) emp OMfgCo hlO Birch " Helen M wid Michael H r12 RichaI'ds av " Seymour B putI' and paperhanger 10 Birch h do " Walter M mgr 395 Main h6 Country Club dr RD2 Fritz Frank T refrigeration service 558 Main RD3 h do " John A Mrs h48 Cedar Frohrib Arthur G truck driver h6 Cozy a v FRO-JOY ICE CREAM General Ice Cream Corp 16 Lewis Frydendall Ray R firemn OFD h100 Spruce Fryober Burton mech 80 Main h do Fuller Ahna wid George hskpr 40 Main hl Harrison av " Ida L hl2 Maple (5) " James C mach D&H b Water WO " Kenneth L trainmn D&H hl50 Main " Leslie H poultryman hl06 Morris rd WO " Paul T grocer 96 East h98 do " Robert I carp 19 Prospect h12 Jefferson av Fullington Anna wid Adelbert h3 Frederick " Douglas truck driver r3 Frederick " Elmer retired r279 Main Fulton Reno J loco eng D&H h24 Ceperley av Gallucci Julia r58 River " Patrick h11 Depew Gallup Frank H carp h West WO " Georgianna L bkpr Coyle Mfg Co r93 Center " Tobias emp Sidney h24 Cedar Gallups LeRoy retired. h Water WO Gallusser Albert R mach D&H shops hIS Forest av Gamma Phi Delta Sorority 54 Maple Ganley F Darwin USA ra80 Main " Frank S foreman D&H shops ha80 Main Gardella Agostino carp D&H hl9 Duane " Agostino Jr USA r19 Duane " Edward USA rI9 Duane ' " Emma r61 Main " Frank slsm and city blacksmith h12 State " Virginia M (Mrs Frank) elk Top-Hatters h12 State Gardner Adabelle (Mrs J Nelson) h105 West " Clarence J emp city water dept h12 Tilton av " Daniel B slsm h4 Gardner pI " Frank. W prop Gardner's Socony Service Sta 337-339 Main h34 Valleyview " George A retired h48 Burnside av " Harriet V tchr Huntington L I r13 Brook " J Nelson fireman OFD hI05 West " Kenneth L elk Drake Clothing Co r105 West GARDNER LESLIE (Ora J) (Gardner's) h7 Wal- GABRIEL JULIUS A prop Gab,;el Paint & Wallpaper Co h25 S Belmont Circle " Paint & Wallpaper Co Julius A Gabriel prop 340 Main Gadsby Edna A tchr Hobart r24 Spruce " George A foreman car dept D&H h28 Spruce Gaffney David E emp Dime Delivery hI5 West " Ernest J prop Dime Deliver and prop Gaffney's Taxi h15% West " Sadie A rI5 West " Verna A r61 Elm Gaffney's Taxi Ernest J Gaffney prop 15% West Gage Charles M cond D&H h242 Chestnut " Ernest D mech 0 Sales Co h Cove av RD2 " Raymond E emp WPA h40 West Gager Burnice H retired r20 West End av Gale Clinton M tank truck opr The Texas Co h2 Fifth " George M milk peddler South Side Dairy Fann h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Stella E wid Charles h11 Lawn av " Ralph farm hand h Stamford rd RD3 Galer Claude retired h Ostawa av WO Galinn Jacob H (Martha R) mgr Edward's h406 Main . Gallagher Charles clk Karmelkorn Shop r72 Elm " Elizabeth student ra Olin a v " John H cond D&H h72 Elm " John J r72 Elm "p James (Bertha) ins 158 Main haS Church " Ruby Mrs emp HF Hosp h3 Olin av Galletti Charles shoe repairer 208 Main r207 do Gallucci John emp D&H h58 River " Luke painter r16 Broad " Margaret M (Mrs Robert E) sec 198 Main hi West " Paul J prop Gardner's Hotel h do " Robert E credit mgr 0 Dept Store r13 Brook " Robert E tchr 0 City Schools and violin inst 1 West h do " William grocer 102 Center h13 Telford GARDNER'S (Leslie Gardner and Lloyd J Lawson) shoes 184 Main see back cover " Hotel Paul J Gardner prop hotel and restaurant 56 Broad " Socony Service Sta Frank W Gardner prop 337-339 Main Garnsey Benjamin R car repr · D&H h34 Cherry Garrison Gerow slsm r 17 Center " Linn S emp D&H roundhouse r43 Cliff " Lyle F asst pressman 0 Daily Star h4 Draper " Mary R (Mrs Ralph) adj 0 Credit Bureau res Colliers " Ralph A (Mary) blacksmith res Colliers Gates Burton L grocer 119 River h27 Burnside av " Catherine M tchr Tarrytown r27 Burnsideav Gaug~an Philip tinner Lothar Fieg r39 FairVIew " William emp D&H shops h136 Main Gault John H elec D&H h4 Irving pI Gavit William carp rI5 Grand Gay Elizabeth A dressmkr 120 Chestnut h do " Esther E emp HFTHosp h25Y2 Columbia " Inez I r120 Chestnut . " Ira W antiques 365 Main h do " Stewart emp R J Torrey & Son h144 Chestnut nut < 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Market Street B0 dy ShOp 69 Complete Body and Fender Repair ONEONTA, NEW YORK 19 MARKET STREET Germond Charles W emp 0 Iron & Metal Gaylord Clarence D r92 Chestnut Co r4 Grant " Maude T dom h22Y2 Ford av " Ethel T Mrs rol Maple Geckle George L emp 218 Chestnut r Windsor " Iretus D clk D&H frt offlce h20 Pine Hotel " J ohrt·S retired h4 Grant Geer Calla Belle elk S S Kresge Co r37 West " Mary E tchr r61 Maple " Charles E mach D&H shops h37 West " Russell C emp 0 Sales Co r7 Jefferson av " Charles E Jr USA r37 West Gerowe Chantry asst displayman 0 Dept " E Belle wid Emmett r37 West Store r95 % Main " M Dau~hn student r3? West ' " Irene E (Mrs Chantry) emp 0 Dept Store Gehring Minerva H r7 BIrch r95% Main Genberg Ella M emp Sidney r17 Main " Lillian C Mrs cook Hogan's Lunch h95Y2 " JohnB.firemanD&H h17 Main Main " John B Jr insp Sidney r17 Main GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS New York Gersch Alfred W emp Nat Bread Co h37 Burnside av State Electric & Gas Corp . 14~146 Main GENERAL ICE CREAM CORP Oneonta Div Gessner John J retired h375 Main Charles F Murray mgr 16 Lewis pres Getman Charles C student r50 Center Vernon F Hovey, Schenectady; sec L C GETMAN DAMON L (Julia W) v-pres-sec Oneonta Coal & Supply Co h2 Union Anderson, Schenectady; treas RJ Nugent GETMAN HERBERT C (Genevieve W) presSchenectady see back cover treas Oneonta Coal & Supply Co h20 Gennari Albert B slsm Holland Furnace Co Clinton h95 Center " Marie E Mrs hskpr 11 Myrtle av h38 East Genung Harold emp Sears Roebuck & Co h43 " Martha W wid Herbert A r50 Center Elm (3) " Nonnan W (Ethel C) physician Physicians George Bryson M cond D&H h14 Birch Bldg h50 Center " Edward C emp D&H h25 Franklin Getter Walter L trainman D&H h32% West " Ferris Fergelo r11 Grace pI " Walter L Jr emp Sidney r32% West " Hazel M Mrs waitress Colliers r29 FrankGiacobbe Hector B emp Albany Times Union lin h48 Church " Irma (Mrs Bryson M) clk. Sidney hI4 Gibbs Cortlan P fireman D&H r19 West End Birch av " Margaret E tchr r26 Cherry " Fannie wid Frank dressmkr 24 Dietz h do " Margaret E r53 VaUeyview " George L (Belle E) atty 16 Dietz and act" Paul J emp Sidney r26 Cherry ing city judge h15 Maple " Robert D insp 0 Dairy Co h26 Cherry " Howard W emp Sidney hll Franklin Georgeson Christopher emp Wheeling W Va " Merrill A com trav h8 Woodside av r159 Main " 0 Marie student r22 Ford av " Harry USA r159 Main Gibson Ada r352 Chestnut " James emp Diana Rest r159 Main " Engineering Co George R Gibson prop " James N student r73 Dietz gas ranges 400 Chestnut " John Wemp Diana Rest r159 Main " Estella L wid James h5 Spruce av "Nicholas (Christina N) prop Oyeron " George E jan Wilber Nat Bank r23 High Coffee Shoppe h73 Dietz " George R prop Gibson Engineering Coh " William emp Norwich h 159 Main Country Club rd RD2 Georgia Beatrice (Mrs Charles A) clk 0 Dept " Grace E r3 Valleyview . Store h42 East End av " Hazel E bkpr 0 Family Lndry rI06 " Brenda L (Mrs Raymond D) sten Smith & Quaker WO Merrill h8 Thorn " Herbert fanner h Old Otego rd South " Carson D emp Elmore Milling Co h36% Side RD3 . Cherry " Howard E truck driver h8 Seventh " Charles A truck driver Every's Express " Howard J carp HFTHosp h13 Monroe av h42 East End av " Lawrence N truck driver h379 Chestnut " Earl L slsm r Windsor Hotel " Leslie L slsm h317 Chestnut " Fred D driver Sinclair Refining Co r3 " Mabel R emp Fox Mem Hosp h3 ValleySpruce view " R Curtis emp Sidney h29 Y2 Dietz " Marian B (Mrs George B) bkpr 400 " Raymond D emp Woolheater's Ser Sta h8 Chestnut h Country Club rd RD2 Thorn Gerling James R res sec YMCA h35 Burnside Gifford Elvin E retired h56 Maple " Jennie R dom h81 West av " Leda R (Mrs Leland D) tchr Laurens h14 German Edith F emp HFTHosp r11 Walling Forest av av " Leland D chauf Mead's Mkt h14 Forest av " Margaret E wid Fred E hll Walling av " Nellie J r138 East Germond Andrew Temp Schdy r6l Maple Giglio Joseph lab h14 Wells av " Ann3, B ;wid Andrew F r38 Elm " Rose L wid Nicola h14 Susquehanna " Arthur E cant and bldr 7 Jefferson av h do 70 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY Gilbert Clemma V rl50 Main " Ed ward E carp h27 Country Club I'd RD2 " Gladys M tchr SNS h21 Ford av " Josephine Mrs elk h234 Main " Lewis A mason r Cent er WO " Mary (Mrs Lewis A) COlT 0 Daily Star res W Oneonta " Mary E r27 Country Club I'd RD2 " Wilham J emp D&H shops hI2 Fifth Gilchrist Finley 'tlntr r18% Ford av " George J retIred baS Maple " J Harold gen mech h18% Ford av " Lulu G r18% Ford av Gildersleeve Jane B asst libr Huntington M~m Library r42 Ford av " Maude B wid Hery B h45 Ford av Gile Caroline J wid Edward 1"196 River " Orton D poultryman 196 River h do Gill Howard J trainmn NYCRR h346 Main " Vincent L mgr Oneonta Electrical Supply Co h229 Main Gillaspie William A elk NYSE&GCorp h16 Shepherd av Gillespie Rae driver United Baking Co h6 Wells av Gillette Daisy B cmp Vogue Beauty Shoppe h177 Main " Emma J wid James J Sr r39}-2 Fairview " J ames H trainman D&H h39% Fairview Gilpin Heber J eng D&H h13 West End av Ginther Alma J (Mrs LaVern A) prop South Side Service Station h Stamford rdRD3 LaVernA slsm h Stamford rd South Side RD3 Gioia Jenny r46 Miller . " -see Joy Girard Verna I r21 Spruce Girl Scout Headquarters 17 Ford av Gixon William emp NYSE&GCorp h258 Chestnut Glantz Solomon tailor 228 Main (2) h do Glazier Roger B Rev pastor Elm Park Methodist Church h2 Cepedey av Gleason Donald J emp Albany r45 Church " J ane E waitress 155 Main r45 Church " William J mach D&H h45 Church Glenn Kathleen (Mrs J Maurice) elk 0 Dept Store h 16 Gault av " J Maurice agt Met LifeInsCoh16 Gault av John J miller Elmore Milling Co h369 Main " L Earl elk D&H r369 Main Glenwood Cemetery Main c Herkimer Glowka Sidney A (Ken's Grocery) h356 Chestnut Gobel Ada N I'll West End av " AndrewG sanitaryinspcityhll West End av " Dorothy M rll West End av " Gladys E phone opr NYTelCo I'll West End av " Harold T emp D&H roundhouse h6Y2 Luther Millicent Eclk 0 Dept StoreI'll West End av " Nedra A elk W T Grant Co I'll West End· av Goddard Clyde E eng D&H h30Y, West Goggin Gerald A foreman D&H roundhouse h63 Union " Gerald A Jr student r63 Union, J) J) J) 1942 Golden Slipper Antique Shop The Mrs Blanche F Larter prop 38 Center Golding Frank W policeman OPD h7 James Goldsmith Harry M pres-gen mgr Elmore ' Milling Co (Inc) h83 Chestnut " Walter M mgr retail dept Elmore Milling Co h7 Union Gonyo Charles B retail liquor 40 Broad res . Elk Creek Gonser Clarence car insp D&H h Country Clubrd RD2 " Herman L poultryman h E End RD3 " J acob quarryman I' C J Ryndes " John S air brake h Main ext RD3 Lee H fanner h Stamford I'd S Side RD3 Gonyea Clayton E truck driver h507 Main Goodchild Henry E mach D&H roundhouse h186 River " Howard USA r186 River Goodenough Jesse W mason h6 Youngman a v " Louis V carp D&H h40 Butler Goodrich Alice B wid Ebenezer r24 Cedar " Alice E 124 Cedar " Bernice L hskpr 30 Rose av I' do IJ Bros (Ceylon V and Dewey H Goodrich) Poultry dlrs 30 Rose av " Ceylon V (Goodrich Bros) h30 Rose av " Charles 0 r30 Rose av " Dean L student rl Walling blvd " Dewey H (Goodrich Bros) res Wells Bridge "Emerson A (Dauley & Wright) and (Oneonta Bowling Center) hI Walling hlvd " John E r1 Walling blvd " Juanita P Mrs emp Ballard & Ballard r8 High " Minnie R hI Ivy ct GOODRICH SILVERTOWN STORE Grant L Hamm prop Alhert M Kothe budget mgr 300 Main see p 10 " Vera r90 Hudson IJ William D mason h9D Hudson Goodspeed Clark N r7 Watkins av Gordon Bruce R teacher SNS r65 Ford av " Herbert I asst mgr Oneonta Theatre r5 Church .. " Samuel emp D&H shopsr26 W Broadway Gorham Emma D wid Howard E r1 Ivy ct " Kiefer R wid Stephen V r42 West End av " M E sther emp Warnken Studio r42 West End av Gorsch Marvin J furniture repairing 1 Rose av h17 do _ Goulette Albert J emp city h23 Church Govern Kenneth cl.k WGY Store h35 Maple " William clk D&H dept stores hl00 E ast GRACE ALBERT j (Elizabeth T) mgr Public Loan Co h64 Union Graham Clarence J car insp D&H h7 Morgan av " Clifford M prod mgr Spaulding's Bakery h92 Elm " Fred B emp NYCity h6 Gardner pI " J erry retired r16 Ann . Grand Beauty Shop Mrs Mertle Healey prop 11 Church " Union Co Clifford L Edson meat mgr, Lloyd M Clark groc mgr 145-147 Main, Norman A Quackenbush mgr 398 Chestnut, Harold C Diamond mgr 336 Main J) 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy- 1942 GUY E. PERRY 71 DeSO\~e~&P2~~outh USED CAR LOT Phone 263 25 UNION ST. 27 SMITH ST. SIDNEY, N. y, Gt-een Clark farmer h Hartwick rd RD2 Gland Union Tea Co Clare W Riddell mgr " Cora sten Thomas P Hughson r Morris rd 24 Broad WO Granite Isabelle Mrs glove wkr r12 W Broad" Dora sten Cathedral Farms r Hartwick way rd RD2 n Mary L r12 W Broadway " Elizabeth (Mrs Carl) sten 136 Main h " Theresa R r12 W Broadway South WO Gransbury Fred cook r38 East " F Secord watchrnkr 141 Main h15 Linden GRANT DONALD H (Marion) attorney 241 Main av and county judge and children's court " Glenn H prop Delhi-Oneonta Bus Line judge h19 Elm see p 28 _prop Utica-Oneonta Bus Line res Delhi " E Donald emp 18 Main h3S Grove " Grant farmer h Morris rd WO " Edwin emp Spaulding's Bakery h Winney " J ames elk Carr Clothing Co r3 Lewis av Hill rd RD2 " J esse painter h Morris I'd WO " Frank emp 112 Main h46 do " Joseph cook Hotel Oneonta r5 Knapp av " George B emp Elmore Milling Co r46 " Luman B real est 57 Elm h do Main " Octa elk MW&Co r3 Lewis av " Gordon B emp Kniffen Tire Service res " Ruth student I' Morris I'd WO RD2 " Thaddeus USA r Morris rd WO " Ida H wid R Hume r19 Elm " Velma t chr Laurens I' Morris I'd WO " I van C emp Star Laundry h43 % Academy " Walter USA r43 River .. Kenneth A lineman NYSE&GCorp h6 " William R caI' insp D&H h3 Lewis av Linden " Wilma R emp Sidney 1'3 Lewis av " Kurt K sheet metal wkr D&H h3 Telford Gt-eenberg A L phy 53 Chestnut res inq do " Margaret A r3 Telford " Leonard S law student Paul Smith r49 " Nellie J hskpr 19 Elm I' do Church " P auline M Mrs h6 Dietz " Max h49 Church " Quentin E studentr19 Elm " W T Co Willard Hunter mgr variety 239- Greene C Stuart emp D&H h14 Ceperley av " Mary I nurse 32.Center r do 243 Main " May wid John H rSl East " Warren S em.p D&H h24 Miller " Thomas J slsm L P Butts Inc h436 Main Gratopp ChIoie wid William L hskpr 5 West Greenough James physician and surgeon 2 r do . Walnut h do and sum res Cooperstown Graul Ann L Mrs dist state supvr nurse h " Katherine student r2 Walnut 3972 Fair Gregory Anna M wid Mortimer r6 Oneonta Gravelin Mary L student r28 Maple " Claude E foreman D&H shops h75 Clinton " Walter G slsm Northrup Supply Co r19 " Clifford C (Virginia) dentist 53 Chestnut Park av h153 E ast " Wilburt G blockman farm implements " George A clk 10 Market h46 Church h28 Maple " Grace wid Melvin h5 Grand " William P clk Sears Roebuck & Co h14 " Harold S emp 73 River h Center WO Neawba pI " Raymond H (Cora S) clk 231 Main h2 Graves A Miles (Ruth) slsm Graves Nash Co Cliff h475 Main " Seley U retired h130 Main " Edna M (Mrs Verner E) chief opr NY " Seselia M (Mrs Harold S) postmistress TelCo b40 Center WO h Center WO " Harry C carp Sidney 1'44 River Gridley Lou Ella E tchr 0 Plains Sch r39 " Hattie L wid George W r3 Draper Cedar " Margaret M emp Otsego Laundry r44 Griffin Coral L shoe rpg 22 Chestnut h River Emmons Main ext RD3 " Marion S clk 293 Main r475 do " Edith wid Bruce r9 Gardner pI " Nash Co Verner E Graves prop garage " Edward J elec HFTHosp h37 Monroe av 16·20 S Main " E tta B wid Thomas M h9 Gardner pI " Verner E (Edna M) prop Graves Nash Co " Grace L (Mrs Edward J) emp HFTHosp h40 Center b37 Monroe av " William E plumber 1 Hamilton av r475 " Howard M cond NYCRR h19 Valleyview Main " Mae H wid Charles E hskpr 31 Watkins Gt-ay Basil C physician 76 Chestnut h9 Linavrdo denav Griffing Howard F emp Swift & Co r53 Dietz Graydon J Arthur Rev hlO Washington Gt-eeley James S car rpr D&H h12 Morgan av Griggs peWitt C chiropractor 150 Main h38 Umon Green Bernard emp town hwy r Hartwick I'd " Stewart L student r38 Union RD2 " Byron emp Wilber Nat Bank r Morris I'd Grippen Douglas M emp Sidney h21 Myrtle av WO " Carl G (Elizabeth) truckdriver h Ostawa Grisby Basil 0 pres Nearby Egg & Poultry Producers Co-op Assn Inc res Mt Vision av WO USE D C AR S 72 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 HAINES H SANFORD (Edith A) mgr Bern Furni- Groat Ella M r309 Main " Loren E plmbr D&H h48 River Grochow Abraham junk dlr r44 Chestnut Groesbeck John L Station repr Socony Vacuum Oil Co hlO Harrison av Groff Alice E phone opr NYTe1Co r9 Gault av " Irene M (Mrs Kenneth C) nurse Fox Mem Hosp h6 Richmond av " Kenneth C janitor State Armory h6 Richmond av " Maynard A elec suppplies 27 Main h do " N Irving car insp D&H h9 Gault av Grogan Esther L sten D&H Div offices r63 Spruce " N eliie wid J ahn h63 Spruce Grommisch Ella (Mrs Franz P) emp Silver Grill h31 Luther " Franz P prop Silver Grill h31 Luther Grommon Frank W retired r3g Chestnut Grosfant Christine M wid Orin B T71 Clinton Grosse Charles P elk Palace Cigar Store rI6 Factory " Clement emp D&H r15 River " George USN rI6 Factory " Josepb J emp D&H shops h37 Grand " Paul retired. h16 Factory Groves Robert emp Wyckoff's h Otego rd RD Gruby Roland B emp 30 Rose av r do Gruver Allen 0 h15 V\Talling blvd " Charles B clk NYSE&GCorp r15 Walling blvd Grygiel Frank golf pro Oneonta Country Club h Country Club rd RD2 Guernsey Bertha dom 39 Academy r do Guilkey Jacob retired h334 Main " James R truck driver r46 Main " Jerry retired h14 Washburn GULF Oil CORP George Spoolstra distributor bulk plant Carbon Guntert Max ernp Sidney r30 Dietz Gunthrup Ann L (Mrs J Gerald) cashier 203 Main h27 Pine " J Gerald reporter Oneonta Daily Star h27 Pine Gurney Florence M wid Louis C h55 Dietz GURNEY FRA NK M (Elizabeth T) city engineer and civil engineer and surveyor City Hall h2 Irving pI " Mary B student r2 Irving pl "Robert L cable splicer NYTelCo h7 Hudson Gutelius Robert S emp D&H h22 Union Guthrie James M Rev pastor First United Presbyterian Church h2 Walling av HAAS JOSEPH M retired h17 H arrison HACKEMANN LOUIS F dean Hartwick College h26 West Hackett Elizabeth M wid Fields h37 Dietz " Jennie S wid Carl W nurse 78 Ford av r do Hadley Eva M wid John r73 Elm Hadsell Raymond R lineman NYSE&GCorp h186 Main Haffner Howard J bus driver h66 Elm Hague Bessie wid George h5.72 Brook " Robert A kitchen hlpr HFTHosp r5Yz Brook Haight Elizabeth J Mrs rooms 39 Chestnut h do Haines Arthur M USA r65 Clinton " Carl retired h Emmons rd RD3 ture Inc h16 Walling blvd Jennie L wid Milo h15 High John L r1 Normal av Lester fireman OFD h12 Valleyview Mabel M wid Makely W r507 Main Marian E r65 Clinton HAINES MASON T (Nellie B) Ireas-sales mgr L P Butts Inc h1 Walling av " Milton L USA r65 Clinton " Orrin eng D&H h65 Clinton " Robert 0 (Ruby) emp ' Bem Fumiture h2 Highland " Rosaline wid Stephen hI Normal av " Ruby (Mrs Robert) elk Matthews Stores h2 Highland Hakanson Frank E prof Hartwick College h2 Brook . Halavitch Louis tchr r162 River " Nicholas emp D&H h162 River " Nicholas Jr student r162 River Halcott Charles W guard S Co Sidney hS7 Clinton Hale Elizabeth B wid Orville M rS Bronk " Gilbert cook r6 Grove " Norman B brakeman D&H hS Bronk Hall Ava M prin- Center St Sch r3 Cherry " Bertha wid W Robert r219 Main " Charles emp D&H r276 Chestnut " Charles B emp Sidney h9 Grace " Edwin Perry (Eva) physician 76 Chest~ nut h51 Center HALL EARL L (Clara F) farmer and pres Oneonta Dairy Co h Kingston rd South Side RD3 " Franklin P usher Palace Theatre r12 Pearl " Harold G city marshall 297 Main h107 West " Henry L const wkr rIO Cliff " Lyman S hlO Cliff " Lynn C emp WPA h W Davenportrd RD3 " Manton A barber 26S Chestnut h229 Main " Margaret H (Mrs Manton A) emp Coyle Mfg Co h229 Main " Mary B student r51 Center " Mary F (Mrs Lyman) clk 0 Dept Store' hID Cliff " Melissie Mrs h69 W Broadway " Melrose A (Margaret) elk lS4 Main r20 Pleasant av " Morey J retired r Robert E Hall N Franklin emp D&H shops h12 Pearl HALL ROBERT (Bessie R) v-pres Wilber National Bank, sec-treas Fox Memorial Hospital h62 Center " Robert E emp Oneonta Dairy Co h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Roger B attd HFHosp h West RD2 " Ronald F lieut USA r3 Olin av " Sperry W supt of mails USPO h8 Myrtle av " Stanley bkpr Jerry B Wilson Roofing Co h335 Chestnut . " William B clk D&H frt depot h3 Olin av " William B J r bkpr Wilber National Bank 1'3 Olin av " William W foreman NYTelCo h2 Oak Hallenbeck Charles retired h22 Morgan av " Emma L wid Joseph h457 Main " ., " " " J) 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 TEL. 2 WELLS AVE. Hallenbeck Fred L foreman store dept D&H h22 Cherry " Helen E student r22 Cherry Hallock David M retired h31 Main Halstead Evelyn M laundry w1cr HFTHosp r30 Pine " Harold truck driver 1'30 Pine " J ahn A retired r503 Main " Rayillond W r30 Pine " Robert W lab h30 Pine Halsey Lawrence mgr Market Basket h4 Chester Halter Anna M wid Jacob h235 Chestnut " Harry J r235 Chestnut · " Jacob Hemp Mechanicsville r235 Chestnut . " Martin cook Winney's h19 Mairi " -see Haulter Hamilton Dorothy E tchr Albany r17 Center " Isabelle nurse A F Carson h15 Grove " J Emmett h117 East " Katherine M wid Melancthon h19 Watkins av HAMILTON LELAND P . (Della D) pres-Ireas Otsego Laundry Co haO Spruce " Leland R student rSO Spruce " Lois D student rSO Spruce 7t Maude H wid Willis H h17 Center HAMLIN PARK (Katherine G) U S Tires and batteries and service station 48 Market and mgr Oneonta Truck Tenninal and agt American Oil Co h2 Bronk see p 9 " Lindley C wrapper Spaulding's Bakery (Inc) hlO Ivy ct Hamm Belle M wid Lavern. D h5 Belmont Circle North " Elwood attd 300 Main h4 East End av " Grace P nurse 24 Center r do HAMM GRANT l prop Goodrich Silvertown Store h300 Main " Lee L retired h24 Center " Minnie B wid Minard h85 Ford av Hammon Harold H const w1cr h3 Hamilton Hammond Eloise H (Mrs James R) bkpr 15 Dietz h6% Walnut " James R emp Sidney h6% Walnut " Kenneth F elk D&H h141 East " Willard F emp Sidney h372 Main Hamey Charles J (Virginia R) real est 93 Chestnut h do " John prop Maple Shade Dairy h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Lincoln farmer r Stamford rd RD3 " Washington farmer r Stamford rd RD3 Hancock Harold F emp Sidney h14 Pleasant av " Imelda G r Country Club rd RD2 Hand Eloise E emp Otsego Laundry Co r65 Church " Herbert W lab r65 Church " Mina E dom H;FT Hosp h65 Church Haner Avis H (Mrs R Paul) elk 30Cherry h28 West " Ina M wid Eugene W h30 Maple " R Paul grocer 30 Cherry h28 West 73 ONEONTA, N. Y. 24 Hanes Carl D poultryman h Main ext RD3 " Charles C farmer h Main byd limits RD3: Hank's Service Station Henry M Lewis prop 234 Chestnut Hanley Kate h207 Main Hanlon P erley r24 Broad " William L yd elk D&H h5 Walling a v Hannay Ralph D elk PO h39 Grove Hannon James V barber Reynold's Barber Shop r164 Main Hanor Charles J elk Acme Mkt r84 Elm " Earl J trucking 84 Elm h do " Julia M 'Wid Charles r84 Elm Hansen Elsie L emp Fox Mem Hosp r37 Grand " John K retired h Morris rd RD2 " Peter A driver B Line Taxi Co h37 Grand " R Peter creamery mgr Cathedral Farms. h Morris rd RD2 " Wilbur L col 0 Daily Star r Morris rd RD2 Hanson Elbert H retired h Stamford rd RD3 " Hardy E prop 0 Tractor Sales hl80 East " Jason mach D&H hID Fonda av " Vernon L emp HFTHosp r do " Willard G agt Prod Ins Co h3 Taft av Hanvey Charlotte M Mrs (Charlotte's Beauty Shoppe) res Delhi ... Hanzalik Albert W foreman h18Yz DIVlSlOU Happenny Leo emp SR&Co h22 Maple (6) Harding Harold M supt of dlstr NYSE&G Corp h14 Franklin Hardy Charles M r etired h66 Dietz " Robert T slsm NYSE&GCorp h56 Hl.\dson Harkness Glenn T lab 1'12 Mosher av " James Hemp Sidney r12 Mosher av " Nellie E wid George B h12 Mosher a v Harley Joseph R barber Clapp's Barber Shop r15 Grand Harlow Homer D (Lulu) salesman Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co h6 Franklin Hannon Elizabeth wid OrIon B h9 Harmon av " Milton chauffeur h3 Stapleton av Harp Blanche T wid Charles R h47 Academy Harper Richard mgr J J Newberry Co h427 Main Harrington Emma L wid J Potter hS6 Elm " Floyd M mach D~H shops h3 Morga~ av " Harriet M (Mrs SImeon E) prop Harrmgton Convalescent Home h7 Watkins av Huron B carp h34 Fair . " Simeon E carp h7 Watkins av HARRINGTON STERLING P (Dorothy) (Harrington & Leamy) city judge and lawyer 297 Main h73 Maple " Stewart lab r5 Chester HARRINGTON" LEAMY (Sterling P Harrington and Robert J Leamy) attorneys at law 297 Main tel 731 see p 29 Harris Albert A eng D&H hlO Baker " Alfred B emp 0 Grocery Co r22 Valleyview " Alva M h16 Fonda av 74 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Harris Anny & Navy Store David E Becker mgr sporting goods 162 Main " David const wkr h15 Ann " Dorothy tchr SNS r57 Elm " Dorothy Hemp Sidney r42 Dietz " George emp HFTHosp h71 W Broadway " Joseph J Salvation Anny wkr h42 Dietz " Luella M bkpr 0 Tire & Auto Park h42 Dietz " Mary B wid Benjamin D r22 Valleyview " Minnie hskpr 135 Main r do " Robert J emp PO h27 Hudson " Vincent prin and mgr Progressive Business Academy h53 Dietz Rarrison Beverley R retired r62 East " Carter H civil eng h62 East " Dorothy F bkpr 10 Broad r49 Academy " Harriett nurse Fox Mem Hosp r406 Main " Lee emp HFT Hasp h East End RD3 " Ross A tchr r East End RD3 " Sybil elk 0 Dept Store 1'12 Grand " William J emp D&H roundhouse 1252 Chestnut IlARTMAN CHARLES L (Nina) asst mgr Public Loan Co h46 Maple " Charles L emp D&H shops h17 Parish av " Irvin B emp Spaulding's Bakery r14 West " Nina J (Mrs Charles L) hairdresser 0 Dept Store h46 Maple Bartranft Merton G slsm h157 East Hartshorne Edna R (Mrs John J) tCM Mitchell St Sch h69 Elm " John J pressman 0 Daily Star h69 Elm " Margaret M r69 Elm "Hartt Dress Shop (Henry G) and Mrs Grace V Hartt) 41 Center " Grace V (Mrs Henry G) (Hartt Dress Shop) h41 Center " Henry A (Hartt Dress Shop) h41 Center Hartwell Carl mach Ilion h32 Luther " Dora A student r32 Luther " Dorothy Mrs r rear 6 Main " Harold A emp Unadilla r32 Luther " Ray erop D&H h135 Main " Wanda E student r32 Luther HARTWICK COLLEGE pres Henry J Arnold Ph D, dean Louis F Hackemann Ph D West see p 22 " College Donnitory Mrs Aletta F Bibby hostess 1 Center " College Dormitory 51 Clinton Harvey Kenneth C steeplejack h33 Riverside av " Velmore L painter and decora-tor 15 Pleasant av h do Hasbrouck Elberon Hemp NYSE&GCorp hll Hermon av Haskin Beatrice I dam r138 Chestnut " Charles R eng D&H h138 Chestnut " Gordon E USA h27 Gault av " Vera E (Mrs Gordon E) emp 0 Country Club h27 Gault av Baskins Earl A terminal foreman NYCRR h7 Eighth " Marian G (Mrs Earl A) nurse 7 Eighth h do Hastie William B elec h5 Grand Hatcher Addie C wid William R h20 East " Edna L student r20 East " Marvin M emp D&H h20 East " Marvin M J r elk Sidney r20 East Hatcher Robert L Sidney r20 East Hathaway Donna C student r32 Grove " Laura W tchr Schtdy r32 Grove " Lynn V,r (Alma E) lawyer 186 Main h32 Grove ., Margaret M h4 Madison av " Minola J wid LeRoy h Morris rd WO " Ruth L student r32 Grove " Ward L student r32 Grove Hauber Evelyn E elk 0 Dept Store r417 Main Haulter Charles J emp Sidney h18 Academy " Edna Mrs prop Edna's Beauty Shop 11223 Chestnut " Frances V phone apr NYTelCo r235 Chestnut " -see Halter Haupt Alden M r Dr Mary A M Lee Hauschild Frederick J prop F J Hauschild MIg Co h68 Spruce Havourd Mildred wid Irvin B h82 Spruce Hawkins Florence E Mrs h338 Main )' LaVern E emp Kingston r13 Pearl " Nelson L emp WPA hI3 Pearl " Robert E emp div pub works r338 Main Hawley Alice Mrs emp Sidney h9 Tilton av Hawver Charles B emp D&H r499 Main " Dewitt B emp D&H h4 Highland " Martha S wid Ames B h499 Main Hay Helen C (Mrs J Edward) elk 0 Dept Store h20 Walling a v " J Earl real est 10 Normal av h do . " J Edward bkpr Morris h20 Walling av " Kendall E slsm 10 Normal av r do Hayes Caroline E wid James h29 Church " Doris (Mrs Earl) emp 0 Mfg Co h Morris rd " Earl car rpr hlpr D&H h Morris rd WO " Gerald emp Palace Theatre h90 Ford av " Irene C piano instr 29 Church r do " Raymond J prop B-Line Taxi & Delivery h29 Church " Susan D (Mrs Raymond J) sec B-Line Taxi & Delivery h29 Church Hayhoe Ernest R retired h59 Church Hayner Paul D ins adjuster h33],1 Grove " Paul D Jr emp Sidney r33],1 Grove Haynes Theo B r56 Miller Haynor Myrtle B wid Walter R emp L S DeMater h285 Main Healey Ellen wid Thomas -h 14 Cliff " Mary waitress Diana Sweets r14 Cliff " Mertle Mrs prop Grand Beauty Shop hll Church Heavner Paul E treas Schohanna Trail Golf " Club and (F&R Sporting Good Co) and insp Sidney r69 Spruce Hebbard Maretti wid Merton r93 Center H"eberling Lewis C eng D&H hl42 River Hebert Agnes A wid Fred h6 Center ' " George E wrecker D&H h15 Washington Heck Amand retired h14 Telford " Amandus F emp Sidney h37 London av " Charles J emp D&H h39 Burnside av " Frederick R USA rl4 Telford Hecox George W slsm Spaulding's Bakery h41 Church " Walter J emp Sidney h28 London av " Wilber eng D&H hll Pearl " Wilber Jr elk 30 River r41 Church 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Hedges Grover C sta agt NYCRR hl9 Bel· mont Cirele South HEINER NEIL D (Mildred) salesman H E Pierce Roofing & Supply Co h College ter Heinricks Anthony Mrs emp Sidney r14 Washington Heller Seldon L canst wkr h5 East Helwig John E _gen foreman WPAhl1 Roseav " Raymond C emp D&H h37 Union Heisinger Charles emp NET&TCorp r Fire Station Hemstreet Florence B wid Marcus C h19 Walnut " Maude wid Irwin r33 Central av Hendee Ruth C elk SNS h62 Maple Henderson Agnes Mr434 Main " Alma A sten 54 Chestnut r434 Main " Elizabeth hskpr 447 Main r do II Ethel E nurse 10 Cherry r do " Florence E wid James M h434 Main " Freeman brakeman D&H hI8 Park av " Harriet B (Mrs Ransom M) tel opr WU TCo h434 Main " Margaret dom HFTHosp r do HENDERSON MARION W (Myrtle) pres Oneonta Hotel Co r Hotel Oneonta " Myrtle G (Mrs Marion) v-pres Oneonta Hotel r do " Ralph W (Jean) pres-treas Carr Clothing Co h4 Ivy ct " Ransom M policeman OPD h434 Main " Richard W elk Hotel Oneonta res inq do " Rutson R teller Citizens Nat Bank & Trust Co h6 Hazel Hendrick Stanton physician 50 Dietz h do Hendricks Addie A wid Ezra h7 Spring Hendrix J Claudine hasp supt Delhi r6 Oneida " William T retired h6 Oneida Hendy Joseph S prop Hendy's Market r521 Main " Thirza C wid Joseph h521 Main " William L (Leona) acct Bureau Pub Wks h459 Main Hendy's Market Joseph S Hendy prop meats and provisions 35 Chestnut . Hennessey Betty C nurse HFT Hosp r do " John J mach D&H hIS Fair " Marguerite H sten Citizens Nat Bank & Trust Co r18 Fair " Robert K clk state highway dept rI8 Fair Henry Clara W wid S Townsend r214 Chestnut " Paul T emp NYTelCo r214 Chestnut " Vivian E emp D&H h26 Ceperley av Herdman Harry W agt Railway Express Agcy h66 Ford av Herrick Ethel nurse HFTHosp r do " Frank A retired h40 Valleyview " Harold S trucker D&H frt depot r40 Valleyview " Lillian F wid William H r91 Main HERRIEFF FRANK A prop Herriefl's Clothes Shop h22 Walnut HERRIEFF'S BOYS' SHOP Lewis D Smitb mgr 200 Main HERRIEFF'S CLOTHES SHOP Frank A Herriefl prop 200 Main Hershowitz Jacob (Master Tailors and Clean· ers) rl% Washington " Robert elk 162 Main rI],1 Washington 75 Hershowitz Simon (Master Tailors and Cleaners) hl% Washington Hess Lawrence W truck drvr West End Mkt hI Orchard ,, "Bessie ernp Coyle Mfg Co rl River " Peleg lab rl River " William lab hI River Hesse Stanley prof Hartwick College rll West Hessler Henry retired r24 Luther Hetherington George T h99 Spruce " Henry E (Hetherington & Tinker Co) h15 Tilton av " & Tinker Co (Henry E Hetherington and Edward D Tinker) wholesale distributors 17-19 Prospect Hewell Howard L USA r29 Dietz " Madeline L wid Adolphus E artist 29 Dietz h do Hick R Milton (Marion) dist forester office 140 Main h151 East Hickein Beulah E wid Fred W nurse Main ext RD3 r do " John retired r2 Harrison av Hickens Elnora waitress h Emmons rd 3 Hickey Arthur USA r1 Grace HICKEY DORR S (Lois E) (Empire State Oil Co) h18 Ford av HICKEY DORR S AND THOMAS M HICKEY operators Empire State Oil Co 436 Chestnut " Mary A h31 Fairview " Mary C wid Arthur F h5 Irving pI HICKEY THOMAS M (May S) (Empire State Oil Co) res Milford Hickok Sarah P wid William H h88 Elm Higgins Leland emp D&H h9 Fonda av " Mary E wid Charles S rl4 Elm Higgs Alta (Mrs Walter P) emp 0 Glove Corp hll Washington " Barbara E student r19 Myrtle av " Herbert I slsm 18 Dietz h19 Myrtle av " Walter P carp hll Washington Higman Edward eng D&H h27 Luther Hilborn William A retired h27 Church Hilda's Beauty Shop Mrs Hilda L Agne prop 61Yz Elm Hill Clarence B prop Hill's Music Store h285 Main " Donald L tchr Champaign III r25 East " " Dora Z wid Ellsworth rll],1 Washington " Dorothy H tchr Baldwin L I r25 East " Edith K Mrs r558 Main RD3 " Emmett A dist mgr Farm J oumal hI Cherry " Ina N (Mrs John T) house mother Agonian Sorority h25 East " John T bkpr West-Nesbitt Inc h25 East " Walter 0 retired h18 East Hill's Music Store Clarence B Hill prop 287 Main Hiller Edna T wid Alfred A h61 Maple Hillicke Helene Mrs r Herman Detjen Hilliker Augustus W trucking Otego rd RD3 r do " Bertha wid George W f1 Otego rd RD3 " Henry R driver Independent Gas & Oil h3 Oneida Hillis Grace wid Earl J h35 Grove Hilsinger Charles E emp NYSE&GCorp r242 Main 71 Erastus retired h Water WO 76 1942-0NEONTA'DIRECTORy-1942 Hilsinger Ethel E r Mrs J M Barlow Hoffman Fred J upholsterer 48 Market h do " Leon fireman 0 Family Lndry .21 Broad " Harry J emp HFTHosp h41 Spruce " Lester fannhand h Main ext RDa " Merlin R lab h13 Prospect " Lulu L (Mrs Ralph E) tcbr h Center W 0 " Sanford retired r334 Main HOFFMAN WESLEY S (Ellen) mgr Hoffman'. " Mae J r8 Harvey " Ralph E car insp D&H h Center WO Cleaning Works h36 Union " William "L (Elizabeth) emp Hoffman1s Hilton Charles emp SRPCo hI8 Church HILTON EDWARD W elk Gulf Oil Corp h7 Pine Cleaning Wks h43 Elm (4) Hilts Millard poultryman h Otego rd RDa HOFFMAN WILLIAM H (Anna) prop Hoffman'. Himes Andrew J lab hI5 Rose av Cleaning Works res RD1 " Andrew J Jr emp Otsego Iron & Metal Co HOFFMAN'S CLEANING WORKS William H Hoffr15 Rose av man prop, Wesley S Hoffman mgr clean" l ennie G T15 Rose av ing pressing repairing 16 East End av " Wilbur J emp Otsego Iron & Metal Co r 15 and store 210 Main Rose av Hogao Anthony F rotr tstr NYSE&GCorp Hines Minnie L Mrs r31 Gilbert r97 Spruce Hinman Lillian E (Mrs Orrin T) cashier Acme " Catherine A asst bkpr 12-14 Market r97 Mkt h95 Main Spruce " Lucius H retired h343 Chestnut " Catherine A wid Michael J elk 0 Distribu" Orrin Temp D&H shops h95 Main tors h97 Spruce HIRSHEY BELLE (Mrs Edward D ) prop Hir" J ames A emp Sidney r80 River shey's Millinery h14 Reynolds av " James A prop Hogan'S Lunch, prop HoHIRSHEY EDWARD 0 (BeUe) tailor 130 Main gan's Gulf Co Service Sta and prop h14 Reynolds av Oneonta Amusement Co h12 Miller HIRSHEY'S MILLINERY Mrs BeUe Hirsbey prop " Michael A emp J A Hogan r97 Spruce 130 Main " Raymond F h80 River Hitchcock Asa T retired hlY2 River " Raymond F Jr emp Hogan's Lunch r80 " Charles emp NYCRR h26 Forest av River " Clayton emp Fox Hosp h44 Valleyview Hogan's Gulf Co Service Station James A " Donald E lab h59 Valleyview Hogan prop 109 Main " Lunch James A Hogan prop 14 Main " Ellen E r45 Elm " Emma emp Wilson House h20Y2 Ford av Holbrook Blanche r Water WO " Harry lab hll Liberty " Ceylon R slsm Utter's Elec Shop hI9 Luther " Jessica M h45 Elm " Pearl Mrs ernp 47 Broad r55 Main " Charles fanner h Water WO " Ralph D emp 0 Contracting Co h20 Rose " Loretta K (Mrs Ceylon R) sec to prin High Seh h19 Luther av Hitt Melvin E mail camer PO h18 Watkins av " Mason L attd E D R einhardt res Ostawa Hix Carolineclk 8 Broad r22 West " Robert emp 171 Main r Water WO Holcomb C Byron fann lab r17 River " Eber B slsm 252 Main h22 West " Lillian M (Mrs Eber B) social editor The " Cecil N emp Elmore Milling Co r17 River Oneonta News h22 West " Claude L lab r17 River Hoag Amelia P wid Morrell h Main byd " Donald emp 0 Sales Co r17 River limits RD3 " Homer C emp Elmore Milling Co hI7 " Nettie E nurse 150 Main (3) h do River Hobbie Richard H Jr tchr 0 Tr HS r8 Ivy ct " Walter F farm lab r17 River Hobbs Leon B fireroan NYSE&GCorp b26 Holdredge Beulah W h27 -Ford av . Lonergan av Holdridge Cora A wid Nelson F r9 Hill pI " William E trainman D&H h409 Main Holland Furnace Co Lloyd E Curt,is mgr 246 Hodgdon Evelyn R tchr SNS h46 East Chestnut Holley Floyd W auto meeh 516 Main h398 Hodge Millie Mrs dom r219 Main Chestnut Hodges Allie M wid Cecil W tchr Otego r Morris rd WO " Leigh ' R (Julia) lumber insp D&H hll Watkins av " Carl A clk D&H r7 Prospect " D William USA r12 Cliff " W Arthur city clk rll Watkins av " Fred D USA r64 River Hollingworth Arthur L asso supv R R Farm " Howard B emp Sidney r11 Fairview Sec Adm r7 Tilton av " Lena M Mrs hll Fairview Hollister David E cultural foreman CCC h9 " Lewis W trairunan D&H h64 River Rose av " Mary M emp Sidney r64 River " John W student r9 Rose av Hollywood Barber Shop Samuel Conigliaro " Norbert J emp NYA r64 River " Robert C gas sta attd r 12 Cliff prop 43 Chestnut Holmes A J Inc Arthur J Holmes pres A " Robert I USA r64 River Kevida Holmes v-pres props Holmes " Thomas W emp 51 Market h7 Prospect Funeral Home and prop Holmes Wayside Hofer Barbara (Mrs David S) emp 0 Diner hI Hannon av Furniture Mart 70 Oneida " David S prop 0 Diner hI Harmon av " A Keveda mgr Holmes Funeral Ho~e and v-pres A J Holmes Inc h70 Oneida Hoffman Charles H trainman D&H h34 River " Charlotte C (Mrs Clayton J) emp Oneonta " Clifford Blab h14 Baker " Elizabeth (Mrs William L) emp 15 East Mfg Co h16 Columbia End av h43 Elm " Clayton E trucker 26 Miller h do 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 77 HOSPITALS-Aurelia Osborn Fox Memorial Hospital 1-6 Norton see p 30 Hot Dog Bungalow Mrs Mary Conigliaro prop 8 River Hotalen Jennie E Mrs h89 Main " Mary E waitress r89 Main Hotaling Bessie M Mrs dam h199 Chestnut " Brenda 0 tehr Poughkeepsie r65 Dietz " Carr L elk 102 Center hl20 do " Charles L yd foreman 0 Coal & Supply Co h65 Dietz oJ Frank C emp 0 Fruit Co h90 Clinton " Frank L eng Jr High and OHS h40 Aca· demy " Fred B eng insp 'D &H h160 Chestnut " Harmon emp D&H shop h rear 329 Chest· nut " Harold B student r160 Chestnut " Hazel E (Mrs Fred B) tchr Chestnut St School h160 Chestnut " John M lawyer 297 Main and elk city court b46 Maple " Marion E r40 Academy " Marjorie A waitress 77 Main rIO Cozy a v " Martha J bkpr Townsend Hardware Co r46 Maple . " Morris C farmer r Moms rd W Oneont " Raymond D farmer h Main W On.eonta Hotchkiss Bertha L Mrs hs¥.pr 28 Watkrns av r do " Frank poultryman h Morris rd HOTEL ONEONTA Oneonta Hotel Co lessees 196-197 Main see p 5 Houck Clifton F ernp 0 Sales Co r6 Winney Hill rd " Elva A dam r6 Winney Hill rd RD2 " Emery D painter h70 Gilbert " John L tra.inman D&H h28 Cherry " June Mrs emp Quintonn Studio h16~ Columbia " Lucile C tchr Center St School r55 Dietz " Meander K carp h6 Winney Hill rd RD2 " Olen S supt of highways h Ote~o rd RD3 Hough Albert W USA r11 ExtenSIOn " Mary E student r 11 Exten~on " Pauline H dom rl1 ExtenSIon Houghton Ranslar J eng D&H hl54 Chestnut Houlihan Francis M dispatcher NYSE&G Corp h29 Ceperley a v House Chauncey C (House Plumbing & Heat· ing Co) h14 Roosevelt av " Chauncey C Jr emp PO r14 Roosevelt av " Edward retired r53 Broad " Edward J (House Plumbing & Heating Co) r9 Lawn av " Emory D retired. h29 Watkins av " Fred E mech 10 Market h48 Fairview " Harold G agt Prud Life Ins Co h32 Church " John M emp city r14 Roosevelt av " LeRoy S physician and surgeon 29 Watkins av h27 do " Plumbing & Heating Co (Edward J and Chauncey CHouse) 7Yz Elm " Sumner USN r9 Lawn av " William retired. h16 High Howard Christine r21 Union " Dorothy M Mrs clk 180 Main r74 Ford av "E Kent slsm Spaulding's Bakery r7 Gardner pI " Eva D wid George A h337 Chestnut Holmes Clayton J jan First Presbyterian Church hI6 Columbia " David retired h214 Chestnut " Edwin emp NYCity r26 Miller " Emory J pntr D&H shops h17 Gault av " Funeral Home A J Holmes Inc props A K evida Holmes mgr 70 Oneida " Genevieve wid J ames M r6 Oneonta " George H lab h8 Mosher av " Pearl E Mrs h6 Mosher av " Quinten J lab r8 Mosher av " Wayside Furniture Mart A J Holmes Inc props 70 Oneida Holowacz Amelia phone apr NYTelCo r16 Parish av " Andrew coach rep D&H h16 Parish av " Anna hairdresser 90 Center r 16 Parish a v Holstead Henry G emp Sidney h102 Center Homer Folks ,T uberculosis Hospital Dr Ralph Horton supt West RD2 Homovich Ann K nurse HFTHosp r do Hone Robert J emp Sidney r71 Ford av Hontz George L asst road foreman D&H h60 Elm Hooker Cora E wid Leslie E h61 Center HOOKS A C " CO (Albert C Hooks and GRoss Patrick) dist Goodyear tires, gasoline and oil 544-646 Main see p 7 HOOKS ALBERT C (Ethel F) (A C Hooks & Co) h642 Main " Kenneth emp OFD h4 Park . Hoose Williston retired r47 S Marn Hoosier Lettie Mrs r52 Hudson HopkinS Arnold E emp USPO h23 Central a v .. Ina I tchr Hartsdale r32 Center " Maebelle J wid Lester A dressmkr 225 Main h do ." Mary M wid Solon E h32 Center Hopper Matilda Mrs waitress Green Lantern Restaurant h116 Ma.in " Richard C mgr J J Newberry Co r427 Main Horan Agnes Mrs hskpr 225 Ches~nut r do " Daniel emp D&H shops hI73 River " Edward C retired b7 Parish av " Rita A hairdrsr 155 Main r225 Chestnut " William E emp 0 Iron & Metal Co r7 Parish av Hom Alfred T emp Hartford r1~0 Ches~ut "William T prop Oneonta SIgn SeIVlce b130 Chestnut Hornshu Edward G retired r38 High ·Horth Gerald N lab h11 Wells av " J esse H painter and decorator 228 Main (15) r do " K enneth W truck driver East End Lumber Co r28 Division " Milan E yard foreman Briggs Lumber Co h31 Reynolds " Willis C student r9 Fifth Horton Addie Mrs r457 Main " Alice K wid Lynn C office mgr Dennis J Kilkenny h13 Tilton av " Harriet M wid Edgar G h Country Club rd RD2 " Lynn C student r13 Tilton av " Ralph supt HFT Hasp h do " Wilbur A retired h45 Cedar Hospital Plan Inc The Vincent F Edick mgr group insurance 241 Main (1) 78 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Howard Fred E retired ha l Gilbert " Glenn W pntT 60 Ceperley av h do " Mildred h40 S Main " Vena M Mrs elk 0 Dept Store h229 Main " Virginia A elk Elmore Milling Co r60 Ceperley av Howe A~es M Mrs matron 77 D ietz b do " Austm retired h I Brookside " George pastor Enunons Methodist Church res Portlandville Howland David emp Swift & Co r4 Buena Hungerford Elmer N truck driver W H Seward & Son h44 Valleyview " Ernest fanner h Gifford Hill rd RD 1 " I na E (Mrs Ernest) emp 0 Dept Store h43 _ Maple " John truck driver hI2 Lewis II Kat herine r East End RD3 " William A mach D&H roundhouse hiB High . " William F gaso1ine and oil E ast End RD3 h do Vista av Hunt Carl G counterman Hogan's Lunch " Natae1ee G elk J C Penney Co r363 Main h9 Cozyav (3) HUNT CHARLES W (Edna K ) prin State Normal " Ruth G wid Ray M emp HFT Hasp h34 School h68 Elm M apJe " Elizabeth M student r48 Maple Hoye Susan C wid Bernard W hU6 Chestnut " Emlius retired r79 Main Hoyle Ada wid Samuel K r108 River " Gordon E r58 E lm " Rudolph K plumber 28 East hlOB Rivet " Harold M tchr OHS h College ter Hoyt Doris J student r9 Pine " Hattie M wid Archie r81 Main " Fred L ernp 0 Grocery Co h5 Kearney " Hazel M r7 E lm " Frederick trainman D&H h9 Grove " Jeanne Mrs waitress HFTHosp r22 Center " George D grocery h139 River " Karen B wid George r9 Cozy a v " J ackson M elk 8 Dietz h4J.1i Washington " Kenneth D installer Holland Furnace Co " Robert lab r139 River h9I Elm Hubbard Arcltibald (Laura) emp 0 Sales Co " John D student r58 EJm hill-> Hazel " Louis C emp SNS h97 Spruce " Blanche A elk J J Newberry Co f8 East " M Katherine student r58 Ehn " Charles A line opr 0 Daily Star h8 East " Margaret K r58 Elm " Edward M emp Ilion f8 East " Martba W wid J ay R h22 Church " Edwin A PO elk h7 Pearl " Martin J retired hI Watkins av " Emma B wid Frank J h66 Ford a v " Maurice E retired h Morris rd WO " John elk a Tire & Auto Parts r8 East " Nora L r56 Maple " Laura (Mrs Archibald) nurse Fox Mem " Ray W train dispatcher D&H h48 Maple Hosp hill-> Hazel Hunter George USA r Stamford rd South II Paul G emp 12 Rose r94 Center Side RD " Ruth C elk J J Newberry Co r94 Center " Harry tel clk D&H h Stamford rd South " Scott Temp 0 Dairy h94 Center Side RD3 Hubbell Frank J retired h53 Clinton " Willard mgr W T Grant Co hlO Belmont " Frank J J r emp D&R r53 Clinton Circle South l!}1dd~e~ton Julia M tchr ORS r9 Walling blvd Huntington Dora B wid Charles F r28 State Wllbam G com tray h9 Walling blvd " Eleanor student r36 E ast Huesgen Felix W linoleum layer h17 Otsego " Ethel H wid Frank C h36 East n Neva J waitress r17 Otsego " Memorial Library Rosanna C Bagg 1ibraHufford Susan F wid H arry P h48 Chestnut rian 62 Chestnut Hughes Archie L linotype opr 0 Daily Star " Memorial park 4-12 Church and 17-27 hilS Chestnut Dietz " Ardis W artist New York rI5 Spruce " N eHie E wid Shirley L h46 East . " Ethel P dom HFT Hasp res inq do HUNTINGTON" FARRINGTON (Warren G Far" Henry L emp 195 Main r1831 Ford av rington) lawyers 241 Main see p 28 " Roger G lawyer 1 Oak h do Hurdruan W Henry emp D&H fgt depot r66 I I Sylvester lab h1831 Ford av Ford av n William H mach D&H h38 Cliff H urlbutt George E retired hI8 West " William W retired h I5 Spruce " Lulu A h62 Dietz HUGHSON THOMAS P (Doris) insurance 190 H urley Betty nurse h5 Walling av Main h26 State see back cover " J ames J retired h4 Lawn av HULBERT BURTON (Henrietta) trust officer " Leo J insp D&H h43 Church Wilber National Bank and Chairman " Michael A emp Watervliet h 16 Academy Republican City Committee h12 Walling Hurst Clara D Mrs r41 Elm blvd Hurwitz Theodore M elec h9 Chester " Clifford emp Sidney rl Lewis av Husak Keprian h48 W Broadway ~' Donald emp Sidney h Morris rd WO Husted Eric C h403 Main , Harry mech 0 Sales Co res Maryland Hutchinson Albert J chief clk master mech " Mary E wid Lauren h Main byd Limits D&H h5 West End av RD3 " John S asst store elk HFT Hosp h5 % Hull Lee S r ural rep NYSE&GCorp h15 Miller Center Hungerford Daniel J fanner h Hartwick rd " Marshall H (Katherine) teller Citizen's RD2 ' Nat Bank & Trust Co h69 Maple . " Edward farmer h Gifford Hill rd RDI Hutson Albert h57 Spruce 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 79 J ackson Elbert J emp Sidney r 13 P ine Hutson Ethel (Mrs Goorge J) emp Real Silk • "Elnora W wid Romaine r4 West End a v Hosiery Co h7 Birch " Ernest fireman 0 Hotel r5 Knapp av " George I carp h7 Birch " Evelyn clk NYSE&GCorp r7 Walling blvd " l ane E tchr Baldwin LI r57 Spruce " Lela P (Mrs Albert) production chairman " Florence M 'w aitress Diana R estaurant bI6 West ' , Am Red Cross h57 Spruce Hutton Leroy eng NYCRR h36 Academy JACKSON FREO M H bus mgr The Oneonta Star and sec-ueas Otsego Publishing Huyck R obert M h22 Ford av H vde Howard C slsm 0 Dairy Co h62l-> Dietz Co h47 Ford av "William C emp Retail Credit Co h51 Hud" George W retired r14 Brook _ " Georgianna wid A Earl dom h18 HarrI~ son all' Hyland Rita pub health nurse r14 W mg son av JACKSON JULIAN B (Gertrude E ) lawyer 198 blvd Hyney Anna M wid Ward J h42 Wilcox av Main and city attorney h46 Ford av " G lenn A emp Elmore Milling Co r42 " Leonta sten 0 Grocery Co h35 Dietz Wilcox av " Margaret J r47 Ford av " Minard J t ruck driver Cobleskill r42 Wil" Mary A wid Dwight B h417 Main cox av " Milan H crew disp D&H h13 Pine " Norman L lab r42 Wilcox av " Milan W emp NYCity rI3 Pine " Raymond lab r61 Hudson IDEAL OIL CO Walter J Drew prop range " Walter painter and decorator r Windsor Olls 16 OnClda Hotel " The George L Briscoll prop bilhard parlor Jacobs Charles M (Catherine) foreman florist 31 Chestnut Wyckoff's h I Spring Imhoff Cecile M wid Frederick W r27 Brooks " Frederick W retired r433 Chestnut (2) " J ames W USA r27 Brooks " Rose L wid Charles A h18 Brook I ndependent Gas Co (H arry J Ford and John " Shennan R (Helen E ) physician and sur· C Reynolds) Oneida c Riv:er geon 327 Main h do Indian Alice P waitress 179 Mam r9 Murdock " Vianna wid Andrew h Water WO av " William E carp r 18 Brook " Cletus R slsro r9 Murdock av Jacobson Evelyn M cashier elk NYSE&G " Helen C wid Thomas nurse Fox Mem Corp r7 Walling blvd Hosp h9 Murdock av " I ngvar F carp h7 Highland " John foreman D&H h9 Murdock av J acobus Clifford W clk Bishop's Drug Store Ingalls Brenda B deputy city clk r159 Main r4 Brook " Clara G r 159 Main " Harold E truck driver city r2 Cherry " Eva L emp Star Laundry h8 Cliff J ames Christina wid David r432 Main " Gertrude M wid John B h159 Main " Evelyn H sec S H Close r17Yz Ehn _ " Robert r8 Cliff " Willard H yardmaster D&H h432 Mam Ingerham Alfred 0 cigars and tobacco 70 Jansen Donald L emp Sheffield Fanns Co Spruce h do ri Union " J eanne E emp Albany r70 Spruce " J C retired r i Union Ingersoll Irma J tchr OHS h2 Lawn av " John F veterinarian Sheffield Farms Co " Katherine P tchr OHS r2 Lawn av hi Union Inglar Susie wid John h123 Main J aquish Ben J retired h18 Hazel Ingoldsby Harold slsm 10 Main res Milford " J ane E rI8 Hazel __ _ Ingram Dorothy C Mrs tchr Johnson City J ardineaux Hoik Q tchr r13 DIVISion r52 Spruce J eanne Beauty Shop The Mrs Laura Daley " James F (Ken's Grocery) r356 Chestnut prop 414 Main Ireland Leo A mech Sidney hI W Ann J effrey Howard E emp Sidney h44 Clinton Irish Arthur L foreman 0 Da ily Star hZI " Howard J rural carrier US PO h Winney Walling av Hill rd RD2 '! Claude T test boardman NY Tel Co r24 J enkins Caroline r59 Ford av . Otsego " C larence blacksmith D&H h165 Chestnut " Estella A wid Henry J h24 Otsego _ _ _ " Viola nurse HFTHosp r do I sabella Philomena wid Genaro hI6 DIVISion Jenks Addison E armorer State Armory h " Placida r16 Division South Side RD3 Isaman Claude R (Lucille E) emp GLF " Ava sten Mayor Franklin b8 Roosevelt av Petroleum Co h33 Hudson " Elmore student I' Addison E Jenks I yes Franklin J optometrist 177 Main 1'29 " Frank E h43 Orchard Walling av " George F tchr Bloomville r South Side " Frederick N emp D&H h3 Spruce RD3 t" " Leonard P Rev chaplain CCC Camp h54 " J Fred farmer h South Side RD3 , East " J essie E house mother Gamma Phi Del Sorority 1'54 Maple JACK'S RESTAURANT Harry V Root prop " Katherine (Mrs Frank E) dom h43 Or29 Chestnut chard Jackson Byon lab r61 Hudson " Lena S r8 Roosevelt av " Charles emp D&H h16 Liberty JENKS MARION stenDonald H Grant r South " Charles I fire cleaner D&H h3 Liberty . Side RD3 " Earl lab h61 Hudson 80 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Jenks Stanton F student r Addison E Jenks " Stella J wid Alton C h Center WO J ennarino John derrick eng D&H h29 Grand " Ralph student r29 Grand Jennings Leila M r396 Ma~." Jensen Agnes E (Mrs Ralph If) elk 0 Dept Store r14 N Sixth " Emil W slsm C J Petersen & Son r96 Spruce " Jens carp h7 Hickory " Loreen M (Mrs Niels H) sten HFTHosp h West RD2 " Niels H fireman HFTHosp h West RD2 " Ralph H emp 0 Daily Star h14 N Sixth Jester E Frederick car insp D&H h20 Madison av " Jennie hI Van Woert " Stewart fann hand h Stamford cd RD3 Jewell Charles T emp D&H h9 Division " Eugene 0 retired. r9 Division jioia Antonio USA r46 Miller " Cannen junk dealer 46 Miller h do " Emillio emp 46 Miller h do " Jennie emp 0 Mfg Co r46 Miller " Michael emp Sidney r46 Miller Joe's Fruit Store Inc 299 Main sec-treas Robert E Miller Johansen Helge carp Linn Corp res Goodyear Lake J chnson Ancel M splicer NYBelCo r6 Eighth " Delia wid Harley T h9 Fairview " Edward A lab h Winney Hill rd RD2 " Elizabeth E wid John G h15 Myrtle av " Ernest W emp Sidney r43 Spruce " Frances C tchr OHS r55 Dietz "Frederick M (Adelaide) physician 76 Chestnut h37 Elm "Genevieve (Mrs Edward) waitress 0 Dept Store h Winney Hill rd RD2 " H Benjamin opr filtering plant h15 East " Helen D (Mrs Harry) emp HFTHosp res RDI " J Douglas elk D&H h19 Spruce " James S emp NY Tel Co r43 Academy " John V emp Binghamton rI5 Myrtle av " Lewis W eng D&H h46 Riverview " M Estelle interviewer NY State Employment Serv r15 Myrtle av " Margaret M wid Cyrus r2 Ivy ct " Mary r7 Walnut " Maude E wid Royal C emp 55-59 S Main h43 Academy ., Merton D taxi driver Shennan's Taxi h18 Academy " Robert A tchr SNS hl50 East JOHNSON ROBERT L (Lucy M) mgr East End Service Station h Main East End RD3 " Samuel fruit peddler h15 Grove " Sarah L invest Old Age Assistance office res Laurens " Sidney E lab h25 Pine " Wallace retired h5 Youngman av Johnston Arthur brakeman D&H h12 Maple (3) " Arthur B emp D&H h3 Maple Arms " Bertha wid Alexander h234 Main JOHNSTON CLARENCE L prop Johnston Public Address Service, prop Johnston's Service and radio repair work 378 Chestnut r do Johnston Dorothy E emp Sidney r Winney Hill rd RD2 " E Bernice (Mrs Edward R) tchr OJRS h3 Grand " Edward A emp Sidney r Winney Hill rd RD2 - " " " " " Edward R slsm 27 Main h3 Grand Francis E USA r Winney Hill rd RD2 George P slsm h41 Union Ida M wid John G hI3 Draper M Rosa (Mrs Thomas M) bkpr Johnston's Service h378 Chestnut " Mary B wid Alexander A h Winney Hill rd RD2 " Meribah sten Albany r378 Chestnut JOHNSTON PUBLIC ADDRESS SERVICE · Clarence L Johnston prop loud speaker systems 378 Chestnut see p 31 " Sarah E emp 47 Broad r234 Main " Thomas M emp Johnston's Service h378 Chestnut II William J clk Hotel Oneonta res inq do JOHNSTON'S SERVICE Clarence L Johnston prop radio repairing and news dealers 378 Chestnut see p 31 Joles Cora wid Mahlon G h8 N eahwa pI. Jolley Bertha C wid Robert r17 Ann Jones A Guy elk D&H h29 Pine " Alson B driver Railway Exp Agency r15 Grand " Anson R mgr Oneonta Co.operative G LF Service h31 Ceperley av JONES ARDEN M (Ruth H) prop Franklin . Motor Sales h33 West End av " Arthur E lab hll Lewis " Audrey M wid Louis R prop Jones Perennial Gardens and prop Jones Beauty Shop hI55 River . " Beauty Shop Mrs Audrey M Jones -prop 155 River " Carl B emp Elmore Milling Co r4 River " Carle~e A tchr 0 Plains Sch r3l Ceperley av . " Clyde A emp Guilderland Center r3l Ceperley av ., E Jacqueline tchr r29 Pine ,. Ella Jane elk 0 Dept Store r52 Burnsideav II Ernest L r22 State " Ethel Mrs r 15 Grand " Hattie wid Reuben B h7 Telford " Helen C wid William G dom h52 Burnside av " Ida B wid Asa M r84 Spruce II Libbie wid Marshall emp Oneonta Laundry Co rI21 Main " Luther G elk Hammond Ind r52 Burnside av . " M Charrie r29 Pine " Marian K nurse 7 Telford r do II Perennial Gardens Mrs Audrey M Jones prop cut flowers, rock plants, bulbs .and annuals 155 River " Ruth E emp HFTHosp r52 Burnside av " Walter E (Elsie) ernp HFTHosp h67 Church II Warren B fireman D&H h5 Parish av Jordan Eugene A slsm h11 Pine " John C attd Rotary Ga,s -Gardens hlO Pearl Jorgensen Amanda ·wid Christian h300 Main 81 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 <®PONJ) -...._- PAINTS & VARNISHEs EAST END LUMBER CO. 2 WELLS AVE. Jorgensen Erin K music asst SNS r300 Main " Kerstine H r514 Main Joseph Elias h178 River Joslin .Raymond V lab h433 Chestnut (5) Joslyn Claude M mech 0 Sales Co hlOU Cliff " Elmer E eng D&H h42 Ford av " Orson h89 West " Rice loco insp D&H h9 Richmond av joy Emma r15 Broad " Michael C' emp Sidney h13 Gardner pI Joyce Thomas painter r195 River " William emp D&H r66 River J ubar Carl R lab r28 Valleyview " -Charles W lab r28 Valleyview " Frederick J lab hI31 Main ,. Herman 0 janitor-54 Chestnut r47 Burnside av ,. Oliver H lab h28 Valleyview " William emp Elmore Milling Co r87 Main Judd Anderson retired r28 Franklin ,. Bernice (Mrs Miles) phone opr NYTelCo h1% Hannon av " Claude B emp 1 Hamilton av h90 Chestnut " Elizabeth A waitress r30 Oneida " Flurrie A eng D&H hl9 High " Ida E (Mrs Claude B) phone opr NYTel Co h90 Chestnut . " Miles H emp Elmore Milling Co hl7!i Harmon av Judge Charles H trainman D&H h358 Chest· nut Jud's Shop E Judson Lutsey prop upholstering I Wall Juleman Elsie C sten 0 Dept Store h5 Pine June Edward retired hIl8 Main Justice Lawrence A bar tender 18 Broad rI5 Grand Justin Vernon I mech D&H h3 Cove av KALAMAZOO STOVE" FURNACE CO James M Dorr mgr 18 Dietz see top next column Kallenberger John retired h5 W Ann Kall£elz Bakery Max E Taylor local mgr distributing office 36 W Broadway KANDYLAND James N Koken prop confectionery and restaurant 211 Main see p 26 Kane Alice Ruth bkpr Oneonta Dept Store rll Morgan av " Charles J chef Royal Restaurant h Main byd limits RD3 " Grace C wid James E h11 Morgan av ,. Mary E Mrs h Main by limits RD3 " Paul H meter tester NYSE&GCorp h South Side RD3 Karlewitz Edward farmer Old Otego rd South Side RD3 ,. Pius farmer h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 Kannelkom Shop The Richard L Deighton prop conf 293 Main Karnes Lowry B tchr SNS rIO Tilton av Kary Marie wid Leo h89 Center Kaske Ema M child study tchr SNS h95 Spruce TEL. :14 ONEONTA KALAMAZOO STOVE" FURNACE CO James M Dorr mgr 18 Dietz see under name A KalamaZQQ Direct to You" Ranges - Furnaces Heaters Range and Power Oil Burners AIR CONDITIONING Free Furnace HeatiDI Estimate We Inspect, Clean and Repair All Makes of Furnaces KALAMAZOO STOVE &FURNACE CO. 18 Dietz St. ONEONTA, N. Y. Phone 1683 Kattancsik Fortunatur emp D&H hlD W Broadway " Joseph emp Sidney r20 W Broadway " Vincent lab r20 W Broadway Keable William J emp The Rex h8 Grove Kearney Robert E cond D&H h9 Taft av Keator Raymond L crane fireman D&H h2 Lewis Keegan Anna L wid Peter H h4 Watkins av " Edward J 'p hysician 330 Main h do " M Elizabeth tchr Center St School r4 Watkins av Keeler Alice nurse HFTHosp r do " Ianthie A wid Ethelbert rI Union Keen Arthur E eng D&H h15 Division " Harold L emp Coyle Mfg Co r15 Division Keenan Stuart M (Helen) prop Keenan's h50 Ford av Keenan's, Stuart M Keenan prop ins and real estate 206 Main Keeton Charles X clk PO r16 Walling av " James music tchr 16 Walling av h do Keiper Calvin A yardman 6 Grove hoo Church " Ida A (Mrs Calvin A) emp 47 Broad h60 Church Keister Harold P auto mech 11 Main h Lower River rd RD2 1942-0NEONTA D,RECTORY-1942 82 Keiter Herman S assoc prof HartwiCk College hl70 West Keith Hartford N meat mgT A&P Bea Co h58 West . " J Kenneth fanner h Country Club rd RD2 Kellam Ray H prop Kellam's Market b56D Main byd limits RDa Kellam's Market Ray H Kellam prop groceries 82 Center Kelley Charles H plumber's helper 28 East h40 do " Elizabeth K wid William A h9 Third " Fay E mason h54Y2 W Broadway " Frank S emp Meridale Jersey Farm r6 Youngman av " ~ennie wid Glenn h3 Forest av " oseph E emp Albany r21 Division " homas F emp D&H h21 Division Kellogg Abraham L official referee Supreme Court 159 Main h29 Ford av " Orville H retired h4 Central av " William F emp Sidney haO Hunt Kellum Howard L lab T36 W Broadway " William H air brake insp D&H ha6 W Broadway Kelly Alice E (Mrs George L) prop Park Inn and rooming house 8 High h6 do " Clarence A emp Richfield ~P'rings b7 Kelly " Frank B section hand NYCRR h24 Forest av " George L bkpr r6 High " James L lab r Morris rd WO " Joan D wid James r L J Couse Otego rd RD3 " " " " " " " " ghn J emp Couse's r Leland J Couse oseph M trainman D&H h4 Cliff oseph M Jr USA r4 Cliff ichael M painter D&H btl Lewis Paul M emp Ilion b Morris rd Philip J slsm 10 Market h Morris rd WO Salvatore B retired b17 Susquehanna William J branch sales mgr Sun Oil Co h72 Center Kelsey Allen Schaul hll Hazel » Cecil emp Sidoey h30 Gilbert " Fred fann hand h Pierce av " Harry B truck driver rll Hazel Kennedy William Lloyd dept mgr Sears Roebuck & Co h77 Spruce Kenney Carri~ E wid David r218 Chestnut " Gertrude E supr NYTelCo h20 Grand " Gurdon J emp Schdy r20 Grand ~ " Horace F painter and paperhanger 20 Grand r do " John A r20 Grand " Lawrence L slsm r20 Grand Ken's Grocery (Kennard D Nichols, Sidney Glowka and James F Ingram) 314 Chestnut Kenyon Dorothy M (Mrs Elman T) elk Samilson's b32 State " Elman T (Dorothy M) dept mgr 0 Dept Store h32 State " Lettie H h92 Center " Lulu B wid Frank H r34Y2 Broad Keogh Luella Mrs hskpr 22 Miller r do Kerley Stephen J emp NYTelCo hl6 Jefferson av Kern Rufus E inst Hartwick College h6 Spring Kerper Edmund H Sr tuberculosis roentgenologist HFTHosp h74 East av Kerr Horace S retired h Stamford rd RDa Kershaw Edna (Mrs George A) tchr 0 Jr HS h South Side RD3 " George A tchr OHS h South Side RDa Kerwood Philip cond D&H h124 Chestnut Kesluk Andrew car repr D&H h94 River " Mary A emp Sidney r94 River Keto Onni 0 gardener Emmons Farms Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 h do " Raymond emp Endicott r Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 " Waldemar r Emmons PO 0 RD3 Keyes Block 152 Main " DeForest (Sarah) office 198 Main and pres Oneonta Fiekd Inc h104 Chestnut " Oneonta Field Inc DeForest Keyes pres, James A Morey mgr Country Club rd Kidd Breta S Mrs tchr Center St Sch r18 Reynolds av Kidder Emeline student r1 Yag~r av " Harry M sum res Baker rl Yager av " Marion musician rl Yager av Keil Harry S milk slsm Meridale Jersey Farms Inc h6 Murdock av KifI Walter painter r169 Main Kilbourne Louis L painter h50 River KilO)' Walter P h21 Church KILKENNY DENNIS J (Fannie L) county attorney and lawyer 143 Main h434 Chestnut " Dennis J Jr r434 Chestnut Kilmer Edwin E mason h3 E Center " Ward B 'prop East End Upholstering Co h26 Umon Kilpatrick Della B wid Edward J h45 Chestnut " Frank A mp Hiram W Sheldon Estate h91 Center " Grace H Mrs prop Vogue Beauty Shoppe res Laurens ." Ira C emp Laskan's h85 Main " Marion C (Mrs Ira C) bkpr J J Newberry Co h85 Main " Mildred L (Mrs Frank A) sten NYSE&G Corp h91 Center " Myrtle E seamstress 150 Main r45 Chestnut " Richard W student r271 Chestnut "Wright R barber and hairdresser 19 Broad r85 Main KImbrell Fravor 0 field mgr SVOCo hIS Roosevelt av Kinch George B cmp Sidney h7 Ceperley av King Bertha Mrn hskpr 11 Church r do " Clyde E lab r Mrs Libbie M Brandow "F Myron elec eng AG&ECo _ Brewster h43 Union " Harry J lineman NYTelCo h25 West End av " Helen E r41 Ford av " James B eng D&H h off Old OtegO' rd South Side RD3 " Mariam nurse Fox Mem Hosp r7 Walling blvd " Menga E (Mrs F Myron) prof Hartwick College h43 Union Kinne C Ralph lumber cont 107 Elm h do " Emily N tchr Mt Kisco r107 Elm" Kirchhoff M Elizabeth wid William F h5 Walling as 1942~ONEONTA DIRECTORY- 1942 MERIDALEMllk P~~ucer8The New 83 York W.rld's Fair PHONE 1260 ONEONTA, NEW YORK 1939 - 1940 Kirchner John baker HFTHosp rOO West Kolboszewski Walter guard State Annory Kirk Nyles F emp state highway h4 Baker r176 River " Olive L Mrs rIO Gilbert Konochowicz John emp D&H r49 Miller " Richard J lab h15 S Main . .. Koolgaards Ivan emp Sidney h Oneonta Kleeman Christopher C prop Clty Billiard Kopf Henry emp Sidney r3 Rose av " Maud S wid Henry N h3 Rose av Parlor hI 1 ~ Grand " William W emp Sidney h46 Dietz Korzick John emp Elmore Milling Co r127 Klein Edward emp 10 Main res Worcester RD Main Klingman George D mach D&H h14 Gilbert Kosaik Mary wid Samuel h44 W Broadway " Warren G emp Sidney r14 Gilbert Kosak Egnatz emp D&H roundhouse h8 Klipnockie R~staurant Thomas J Cummings Parish prop 18 Broad " Elizabeth elk Elmore Milling Co r8 Parish Kloster Harold E elec cont 84 Center h do " -see Cozik Klubko Alexander car repr D&H h45 Miller KOTHE ALBERT (Virginia D) budget mg< " Anna J nurse r45 Miller Goodrich Silvertown Store h41 W ood" William tcbr Elmira r45 Miller side av Kludas Fred H air brake insp D&H h20 Fair Kotsobos James chef Kandyland r213 Main Knapp Albert D lab r4 Depew Koury Carlisle h90 River " Clara wid Lloyd h140 Chestnut " Ernest retired r27 W Broadway " Fred patrolman state highway h Main " George lab r90 Rivet eet RD3 " Jemme1y student r27 W Broadway " Harriet A wid John T h5 Church " Sadie retired h27 W Broadway " Harriet ' M wid Edward r246 Main " Susie rfJ:! W Broadway " Harry C emp D&H hl2 Gilbert , Kouse Frank mach D&H h378K Chestnut " Hazel E wid Cleveland h4 Depew Kramer Ernest C emp NY Tel Co h49 Union " Louis emp D&H shops h W DavenpoJ:t " Margaret M emp OMfgCo r22 Columbia rd RD3 ' Kraus J acob retired r29 Central av " Mary wid Charles r7 High Kreger Alexander carp h63 Gilbert " Norman emp D&H r12 Gilbert " Anthony J car repairer D&H h2 Clark " Ruth nurse Fox Mem Hosp r8 Third " Fred emp D&H r63 Gilbert " Sidney farm lab r46 M:cin. . " John W emp D&H h511 Main Kniffen Frank prop Kniffen TIre Service " Stanley elk Sears Roebuck & Co h21 Main hlO8 Chestnut . " Theodore emp D&H r63 Gilbert " Hazel E (Mrs Frank) bkpr Kniffen Tire Kresge S S Co variety store Thomas L Shea Service hlO8 Chestnut mgr 199-201 Main "Tire Service Frank Kniffen prop 105 Krichbaum Henry Jr trainman D&H hl44 Chestnut River Knights 01 Columbus Hall 181 Main Kristofik Frank emp NYSE&GCorp r3 Kniskern Elmer D elk D&H h3 Cherry Boylston JI Etta B wid William M h19 West " John USA r3 Boylston " Everett S (Sally S) chiel elk D&H h4 " Mabel G Mrs rl3 Washington Hazel Krohn Benj·amin pres Oneonta Tire & Auto " Kenneth elk Mead's Market rIg West Parts nc h4 Morgan av KNISKERN SALLY S (Mrs Everett S) sec-treas" Ellis sec-treas Oneonta Tire & Auto Parts mg< Eugene Leigh Ward Inc h4 Hazel Inc hl5 Main (2) , " William K emp D&H r19 West " Hannah M (Mrs Benjamin) v-pres 0 Ttre Koch Garth C R ev pastor First Baptist & Auto Parts Inc h4 Morgan av Church h73 Chestnut Krom Earl S emp NYCRR h13 Chester " William H roadmaster D&H h31 Cedar Kronenberg Kate A wid Charles A h23~ Koebler George F monument dealer 6 HuntOtsego ington av h do Kroon J Henry carp h Franklin rd South Koerner Cora M Mrs emp 0 MIg Co h63 W Side RD3 Broadway Krothe Daniel prop Bob & Dan's Restaurant " Frederick emp Sidney r63 W Broadway h19 Ceperley av " Maybelle F mgr N Y Bakery r6a W " Edna J (Mrs Daniel) cook 279 Chestnut Broadway h19 Ceperley av Kogan Jerome physician 53 Chestnut res " Gwendolyn M waitress 279 Chestnut r19 Stamford Ceperley av Kohinke Theodore eng D&H h410 Chestnut " Minnie h228 Main (12) Rohland Harry elk A&P Tea Co r22 Brook Kunert John cook D&H r off Gas av Kohler Barbara E tehr SNS rIO Irving pI Kusko Alexander emp D&H h14 Parish av Koken Cleopatra wid John r213 Main " Andrew USA r14 Parish av KOKEN .lAMES N prop Kandyland h213 Main " Anna emp Sidney r14 Parish av " Peter slsm r.213 Main " Catherine student r14 Parish av Kolboszewski Frank cmp D&H h176 River Kutchis Margaret waitress Hotel Oneonta " John USA r176 River r148 Main 84 1942-ONEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Kyker Harry L ernp A&P Super Market h5 Van Woen av Kyle George retired h210 Main " Natalie C elk 0 Dept Store r21 Butler LA BARR CLYDE K emp D&H roundhouse h484 Main "Joseph chiropodist and podiatrist 53 Chestnut r7 Church Labnski Stanley carp r7 Spring LaBombard Sarah r98 River Labor Temple 234 Main Laccaria George emp D&H r96 River LaClair Ernest E foreman D&H 11207'2 Grand LaGrange Alden ] prop Riviera Hotel h41 Dietz " Arthur W eng D&H h8 Kearney " Helen A elk 0 Dept Store r21 Butler " Heman retired r21 Jackson av " Martha L student r8 Kearney Laidlaw Lavena B wid Grant W boarding and rooms 52 Maple h do " Milton 815m r95 Center Lalor Francis B funeral diT 317 Main h do " Richard W tchr r317 Main Lamartina Anthony ri9 Fonda av " Leonardo emp Sidney r19 Fonda av " Mary emp 0 Mfg Shop r19 Fonda av " Santo retired h19 Fonda av Lamb Rosamond C Mrs dom H F Hosp res W Oneonta Lambert Leon J D&H h262 River Lambrecht Jessie A (Mrs John A) ernp NYS Emp ha64 Chestnut " .Tohn A h364 Chestnut UMBROS HARRY G (Mary) prop Diana Restaurant and Grill h12 Roosevelt av LaMonica Anna wid Frank h21 Watkins av " Carl J v-pres Frank LaMonica Inc r21 Watkins av " Frank A prop Oneonta Recreation Academy and pres Frank LaMonica Inc r21 Watkins av " Frank Inc whsle banana dealers office 21 Watkins av, warehouse 12-14 Market, pres Frank A L~Monica, v-pres Carl J LaMonica, sec-treas Sylvia V LaMonica " Marian T nurse Fox Mem HQsp r21 Watkins av " Samuel B mgr 0 Recreation Academy h4 East " Sylvia V tchr Laurens and sec Frank LaMonica Inc r2I Watkins av LaMont Hazel M Mrs cook h60 Center " Howard mech h57 S Main LalI!phere Elizabeth tchr r9 Center " Grover C carp 9 Center h do " Lucy (Mrs Grover) emp HFT Hasp h9 Center Lance Florence M wid John h17 Cherry Landlord's Service Bureau N Kenneth MacEwen mgr 319 Main ' Landry Horace G elec weIder D&H shops hI6 Tilton av " Pau1e H (Mrs Horace G) dressmkr 16 Tilton av h do Lane Cyrus retired hI5 Baker " Fred D retired h17 Ann " J Barton (Myrtle S) referee NYS Emp Service h6 Myrtle av " Kittie.B wid Gilbert A r6 Myrtle av ern" Lane Orville D usher 0 Theatre rI9 Ann " & Scatchard .Block 244-248 Main Lane's Barber Shop Cletus J Rogan mgr 248 Main Lang Angie wid Lester S h6 Ford av Langdon Nellie B Mrs h36 Luthers Lange Andrew C (Anna V) gen sec YMCA h19 Linden av " Robert V student rI9 Linden av Langelotti Domenico emp Oneonta Coal & Supply Co h9 Liberty Langer Henry C Jr asst prof Hartwick College h22 Myrtle Lansing Chester H asst cashier Oneonta Dept Store r330 Chestnut " Roland C emp White Plains r330 Chestnut " Thomas S h330 Chestnut _~ Lape. Mabel E; wid Arthur opr Oneonta Mfg Co h23 Pme LaPonte Gene slsm r5 Park Laramie Nonnan P steam fitter D&H h13 Neahwa :el Laraway Cecll E sales agt Colonial Beacon Oil Co res Cliffside Goodyear Lake " John W trainman D&H h40 Cliff '.' W Clifford clk D&H h8l Clinton Lare Edson J emp Weir & Weir r14 Eighth " ' Frederick M tchr r14 Eighth " Harrison N emp Otsego Laundry Co h8 Columbia "Kenneth L dist mgr Syracuse Herald Journal rI4 Eighth " Mary F wid Wilbur H h14 Eighth Lannore Louis retired h33 Gilbert Larrabee Anna B tchr Mitchell St School h40 Main " Bruce L mach D&H h371 Chestnut LArro Anthony emp D&H roundhouse h86Y2 River Larson Fred W pntr h44 West " Gertrude L emp 0 Mfg Co r44 West Larter Blanche F wid Walter prop The Golden Slipper Antique Shop h38 Center Lasell C Chester emp 0 Daily Star h7 Bronk Lasher Robert J emp West-Nesbitt r76 Dietz Laskaris Antoinette J cook 41 Ehn r114 Spruce " George Hemp 183 Main h6 Dietz " Harry G r114 Spruce " John G conf 183 Main h77 Dietz " John L emp Diana Restaurant & Grill h114 Spruce , Latcher Edith S nurse 3 Church r · do " John W (Rachel V) surgeon 76 Chestnut h44 Center " Marshall (Elizabeth) surgeon 76 Chestnut h3 Church Laterra Angelo lab h5 Susquehanna av " Josephine R dom r5 Susquehanna av Latham Carl E attd HFT Hosp h44 Elm " Pauline (Mrs Carl E) emp Sears Roebuck & Co h44 Ehn Lathan Harry USA r32 Valleyview Lathrop Rhoba B Mrs r549 Main Lattocco Dominick r33 Maple " Frank emp roundhouse D&H h33 Maple Laue Edith A tchr SNS r9 Grand Launt Alex P emp Sidney r16 West " Doris E emp Sidney r16 West " Isabelle W Mrs h16 West Lauer Jacob eng D&H h140 River 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Market Street B0 dy ShOp 19 MARKET STREET Lauer Lalpb J emp D&H freight house r140 LAUR~~"BERTUS C (Marie) pres Citizens Na- tional Bank & Trust Co and v-pres Oneonta Feed & Grain Exchange h30 Wal- nut . " Mary A tcbr White PlaIDS NY r30 Walnut " Neva B Mrs dressmkr 378 Main h do Lavendusky Evelyn M emp Binghamton rIl Gilbert . h Gilbert '-' Stanley trainman D&H 11 LaVenture Henry S h10S Clinton . , Lavio Peter emp D&H h31Yz S MaIn Law Donald J agt Prod Ins Co .res Frankl~ Lawler Charles J transport dnver Darcy s Pies b4 Rose av " John T tchr OHS h44 Maple Lawrence Edna M v-pres OHS h43 Elm (2) Lawrie David D retired h3 Park av Laws Charles emp Sidney h113 East Lawson Barbara P r72 Spruc~ . " Gussie T sec Elmore Mllhng Co h7.2 Spruce . " Jay S (Blanche B) bkpr 0 Daily Star hl8 Spruce LAWSON LLOYD J (Barbara G) (Gardner's) h87 East " Robert J USA r20 Forest av " William J drvr Sun Oil Co h20 Forest av Lawton George E weIder h6 Orchard " Robert B weIder D&H h4 WEnd av Lavryer David retired h87 Center " Gertrude r87 Center Layman Claude G mach h67 Gilbert " Delbert F locomotive fireman D&H h2 Harrison av " Eleanor (Mrs William T) emp 47 Broad hI9 River . " Fanny H (Mrs Delbert F) tcbr M,tchell St' School h2 Harnson av " Franklin H lab h23 Church " Glenn P mach D&H h65 Center " Hattie Mrs r271 Chestnut . " Katherine M wid George B r67 Gllbert " William S retired h2'l1 Chestnut " William T plumber The Baker Hardware hI9 River . Leach Florence M wid Myron ~ h12 Pme " Richard emp 0 Feed & Gram Exchange hl2 Pine . S r72 F d Leal Jesse L mech supt 0 Daily tar or ~; Frances R elk D&H rI6 Grand " Michael F Uane L) re~ired h16 Grand " Robert J (Marion) (Harnngton & Leamy) lawyer 297 Main h39Yz Maple . LEARNED A MILTON (Claire F) city editor Oneonta Daily Star h8 Ivy ct " Claire F (Mrs A Milton) nurse 8 Ivy ct h LeaU;~sich Glenn J tchr OHS h35 East Lechevet Astrid D (Mrs Burnett N) sec to prin HS' h29 Watkins av . " Burnett N com trav h29 Watkin.s!lv LECHEVET GENEVIEVE N MRS admini~trator Fox Memorial Hospital h401l MI\1D 85 Complete Body and Fender Repair ONEONTA,NEW YORK Lee Arthur J boiler mkr hlpr D&H h74 Gilbert . " Clifford J emp cqunty highway r43 River " Edward J crossing tender D&H h43 River " Floyd W emp South Side Dairy Fann h Stamford rd RD3 LEE FRANCIS A (M Gladys) pies Otsego Publishing Co and editpr Oneonta Star and 1st v-pres Chamber of Commerce hIT Maple " Francis J emp State h55 Parish LEE HELEN M K wid Harry W v-pres Otsego Publishing Co h60 Dietz " Mary A M Dr wid W George h Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 " Ruth emp Star Laundry r26 Otsego " Selma wid William hl56 Main Lee's Lunch (J Lee and Mrs Mary Edwards) 28 Chestnut Leech Elfred L physician HFT Hosp r do Leggett Elmer E driver Railway Express Agency h25 Main " Frank E h32 Academy Leib Ben fireman D&H hll Neabwa pI " Louise L clk 128 Main rIl Neahwa pI Leibolt David lab h2 Academy pi Leitzell Charles W retired h18 Walnut " Madalyn L rI3 Walnut Lennon Nellie E (Mrs Wilson E) emp 0 Mfg Co h24t Chestnut " Wilson E emp 0 Mfg Co r24 Chestnut Lent Charles lab h Ostawa av WO " Claude emp Sidney h23 Burnside av " Frank L mgr Rotary Gas Gardens h34 Cedar " Ramona L bkpr 37 Chestnut res Otego RDI Leonard Donald lab h6 D~ew " Frederick G asst mgr Liggett Drug Co h4 , Cleveland " Harry emp Jack's Rest r16Y2 Broad " Stanley auto polishing 11 East h do " Stephen trainman D&H h300 Chestnut LePine Lena J bkpr 0 Grocery Co h6 Draper Lerner Harry retired h7 Franklin " Jennie dom 64 Chestnut r do Lerro Jeannette emp 0 Mfg Co r86Yz River " Theresa D emp Unemployment Office r86 River LeRoy Floyd asst mgr F W Woolworth Co r8 Myrtle av " Lester J emp Independent Gas Co h279 Chestnut . . '~ Myrtle A Mrs waitress 11217 Mam Lester J Anna wid William C rl7 Fifth " George h Giffo:d Hi~l :d RD3 LeSuer Bernice wld Wilham J h8 ~ord av Lethersich Glenn J tchr OHS res mq do Lettis Charlotte H asst supt nurses Fox Mem Hosp r27 Pine . Levee Matilda tchr of piano and accordion 3 Spring h do . " Robert R .(Matilda S) prop Roberts CredIt Jewelers and prop Roberts Loan Brokers h3 Spring 86 1942-DNEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Leveille James emp D&H r37 Academy Livingston Ella A wid Tunis h7 Oneida " Joseph E USA r37 Academy " Kenneth C r7 Oneida " M~y I wid Joseph J ha7 Academy Livingstone Thomas S slsm H A Manning Co Levine Jack N mason h53 Cedar Schenectady r6 High " Jacab B slsm b99 Center Llewellyn Menetta clk 0 Dept Store rI5 LEVINE SIDNEY 81sm Oneonta Sales Co dO Division Grand Lobdell Ha ttie M wid Charles T h125 River Levay Edward E grader East End Lumber Locke Floyd M r James C Fuller Co h Otego rd RD3 " Harold emp D&H h Morris rd WO Lewis A C & C R (Abram C and Clyde R "Pearl V (Mrs Harold) nursing home Lewis) real estate and ins 313 Main Morris rd WO h do " Abram C (A C & C R Lewis) haI3 Main Lockwood Clifford Flab hl28 Chestnut LEWIS CAMPBEU E ass! mg!' Hotel Oneonta " Daryl emp Sidney h71 Hudson r do n Etta M wid Edwin h13 Pearl " Clyde R (A C & C R Lewis) r313 Main " Floyd lab h29 Rose av " Craig C cook Hotel Oneonta hI3 Meckley " George W emp E End Lumber Co r29 Rose av av " Dean emp D&H h81 River " Harry G USN r34 Riverside av " E Eggleston Mrs v-pres Oneonta Grocery " James W landscape gardener and tree sur. Co res Geneva geon 19 S Sand h do " Elsie M (Mrs Abram C) slsm A C & C R " Julian E cond D&H h22 Academy Lewis ha13 Main " Lodovico L yd elk D&H h34 Riverside av " Evelyn M (Mrs Raymond 1) office asst " Mary F wid William h48 Spruce J Greenough hI2 Maple (4) " Robert ~ USA r34 Riverside av " Funeral Home Herbert A Lewis prop 214 Loeb Carl M Rhoades & Co L Coville Winsor Main mgr investments brokers 195 Main " Harry D train master D&H hIS Tilton av Loesch John physician HFT Hosp r do " Henry M prop Hank's Service 8m h47 Loft Sarah E Mrs h15 River Fonda av Logan Arthur F emp Sidt;ley r16 Spruce " Herbert A (Edna C} prop Lewis Funeral " Kenneth J emp Sidney r16 Spruce .Home h5 Central av Lone Star Service Station Perry F Secor mgr 18 Oneida " Mary E wid Edward D h Franklin rd S Long Charles W slsm riB Miller Side RD3 " Myrza J tchr Albany r313 Main " John J elec r18 Miller " Oscar L cond D&H hI7 Draper " Joseph G ~arts mgr Ohmeis Chevrolet Co . h16 Madison av " Raymond J emp Sidney hI2 Maple (4) " Rose C wid George J hlB Miller " Robert J elk Acme Mkt r Baker row RD3 " W Edwin inst physical education public " Rose B wid Marion ha66 Main schools h43 Cedar " Wirt L (Alice D) funeral dir Lewis Funeral " William A cmp Utter's Electric h45 Maple Home h14 Walling av Lewis' Jewelry Store John A Canning prop LOOMIS LEBBEUS M (Minni~ E) mg!' Becker & Lent Inc h12 Woodside av 202 Main LIBRARIES: CITY DIRECTORY maintained by Lord Augustus D trucking Winney Hill rd RD2 r do H A Manning Co at Chamber of Com.. Edith L prop Lord's Grocery r77 E':"t merce Rooms " Grace L sten Bcb Cleanser Co r46 Main Liggett Drug Co Inc Harry J McClellan mg!' " Harold W printer Elmore Milling Co h2 drugs 227 Main Taft av Lindberg James I mason D&H hlB Park av " Hazel G wid Alfred h46 Main Linden Agnes M sten NYS Emp Service rOO " Marie L waitress h130 Main Church I t Morrell A jan 0 Recreation Academy r46 Lindsay Minnie S emp HFT Hosp r do Main " Thomas carp r39 Chestnut " Roby wid H Eugene h Winney ' Hill rd Lindsley Gerald H lineman NYSE&GCorp RD2 h5 Hubbell av Lingner Bertha M wid Joseph r Morris rd. Lorraine Frances D emp Fox Mem Hoop r5 Fourth " Donald F US Air Corps r Morris rd " Grace wid Frank H cook Fox Mem Hosp " Harry A slsm 0 Fruit Co h Morris rd WO h5 Fourth " Joseph J air brake insp h14 Shepherd av Link George J car repr D&H h3D Woodside av Losee Clifford F elk Eagles Club r3B Academy " Maynard r21 Broad " Mildred R Mrs waitress Binghamton r17 Loucks Adelbert C retired h32 Miller Broad " Arthur W emp 0 Sales Co h Otego rd RD3 LINN CORP trailer mfr. and powered front " Blanche Mrs tchr 0 Plains Sch res Davendrive units 443 Chestnut pres Arthur R port Cent er Perkins, v-pres-treas Ursil E Beacht " Calvin D jan Chestnut St Sch h46 Oneida treas-sec Marie A Straw see p 9 " Clayton M carp D&H and pres, SchoLinnabery Archie wreck master D&H h35 hanna Trail Golf Club r46 Oneida London av " Esther (Mrs Newell M) emp Hoffman's Lippincott Phenie C wid Thompson B r37 Cleaning Wks h2 Rose Monroe av " Fred fanner h Old Otego rd South Side Littlejohn Robert r45 Chestnut RD3 DeSoto GUY E. PERRY Used Cars 87 Plymouth Sales USED CAR LOT 15 UNION STREET Service Phone 163 SIDNEY,N, Y. 17 SMITH STREET Loucks Gordon jan Coyle Mig Co r442 Main Lunn Minnie W wid Joseph S h2 Lawn av " Hubert truck driver h23 Rose av " N Grace Mrs emp The Kannelkorn Shop " Jeanette B (Mrs Ward B) nurse h442 h33 Chestnut " Orvis G opr 0 Theatre r6 Harvey Main " Kenneth R emp D&H h6 Schaffer av LUNN WILLIAM H (Dorothy H) pres Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co h6 Walnut " Leta emp Coyle Mfg Co r46 Oneida " Newell M garage wkr 490 Main h2 Rose av Luther Elizabeth wid Allison E r97 Chestnut " Ward B mech Ohmeis Chevrolet Co r442 Lutheran Church of the Atonement 12 Grove Main Lutsey E Judson prop Jud's Shop hI5 Wail LOUDEN BATTERY" IGNITION SERVICE Daniel " Ida Mae (Mrs E Judson) emp Jud's Shop D Smallin prop authorized service Delco hI5 Wall Remy North East and Auto-Lite tiS Mar- Luzzi Josephine maid E P Elmore r do Lyke Parks A opr D&H h422 Chestnut ket see p 8 Lyman Conrad P emp Sidney hlO Chester Loudon Adelmer J retired h92 West " Arthur W painter and paperhanger 15 " Fanny H tchr Mitchell St School res inq do Broad r do " Gertrude S (Mrs Conrad P) bkpr Public " Clifford-R (Ruth S) invest Public Loan Co Service Garage hl0 Chester h49 Hudson Lynch Clayton P hotel St Petersburg Fla h307 Chestnut " Earl J slsm h32 Cliff " Eugene R emp D&H h Morris rd WO " George S mgr Oneonta Outdoor Advertis· ing Co hi Birch " Iva L Mrs dressmkr 192 Main h do " Nelson D slsm r192 Main " J Joseph plant opr NYSE&GCorp rl " Paul E prop Loudon's Second Hand Store Liberty hi Rose av " James B trucking 12 Huntington av hdo " Ruth S (Mrs Clifford R) sten 246 Main " John retired r12 Huntington av h49 Hudson " John lab hi Liberty " Stuart C pntr r192 Main " John S r24 Union " Verna A wid Adelbert r15 Irving pI " Joseph W truck drvr r12 Huntington av Loudon's Second Hand Store Paul E Loudon " Julia A emp HFT Hosp r12 Huntington av " M Louise tchr r24 Union prop 1 Rose av Lough Albert P prop Ai's Grocery h3 Cleve· " Richard L emp NYSE&GCorp r24 Union land " Robert J USA r12 Huntington av Lougheede John A emp D&H h77 River " Robert J carrier PO h24 Union Loushay David E cheif elk Sel Ser Bd h " Thomas D sub elk PO baO London av Franklin rd RD3 " Thomas J area mgr Shell Oil Co Inc h80 Loveland Gertrude E Mrs r12 Central av Center " Truman M retired ha6 High " Vera cashier 37 Broad res Otego Lovell Ralph K local mg!' Northrup Supply Lyon Archie J car rpr D&H h13 West Corp h45 Center " Homer E trucking h71 Center Lown Elbert Hemp West-Nesbitt Inc h458 " Howard M truck driver 71 Center r210 Main Main Loykatas Augustus car insp D&H r162 River " Jennie Mrs hskpr 26 Elm r do Lucaskevge Frank em~ D&H hlO Boylston " Kenneth B elk 175 Main res Goodyear Lucian Fonda emp Sldney r16 Valleyview Lake " Mary emp Sidney r16 VaUeyview " Mary E waitress Bob & Dan's Restaurant LUDLAM DORR S (Dora B) prop Ludlam Elecr71 Center trical Service h1 Ceperley av " Minnie M Mrs h71 Center LUDLAM ELECTRICAL SERVICE Dorr S Ludlam " Ray G cond D&H h7 Otsego prop motor and armature rewinding and " Warren H shop foreman Ohmeis Chevrolet automotive electricians '13 River see p 10 Co h13 K earney's Ludlow Milton emp Hogan's Lunch r95 MABEL ALVIN mus tchr 124 Chestnut h do Center Ludwig Alex R retired 1'6 North " Mabel R (Mrs Alvin) mgr Top Hatters " Alex W janitor 0 Plains School h6 North hl24 Chestnut " Elva (Mrs Alex) clk Wilber Nat Bank h6 " Stephen retired rOO Spruce Mabie Ruth L phone opr NYTelCo r422 North Lull Don G optometrist 164 Main h14 Church Main " Laura E wid William r14 Church Mabon John P farmer h Otego rd RD3 Macaluso Catherine D elk J J Newberry Co " Louella J wid Alfred r95>1 Main " Ruth emp 0 Glove Co r248 Chestnut r19 Fonda av Lunn nora M (Mrs Howard C) elk J J New· MacDonald Harold emp D&H r19 Church " Laura emp J C Penney Co r19 Church berry Co h6 Harvey .. Helen M (Mrs J Edward) elk Oneonta " William gas and oils 47B Main h46 Valley· view Dept Store h39 West MacEwan Arthur A emp HFT Hosp h45 " Howard. C care h6 Harvey Spruce .. j Edward jan JHS h39 West 88 ,,- 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 MACEWEN N KENNETH (Mabel B) pr~p Oneonta Credit Bureau and mgr Oneonta Discount Co h3l9 Main MaGee Eleanor r Church WO " John A emp D&H h Church WO " Richard W USA r Church WO MAC INNIS JACK W (Opal) mgr Sears Roebuck & CoM6 Elm MacIntyre Donald E emp Sidney h36 East End av " Karl G truckdriver h17 Jackson av " Walter J painter and decorator 433 Chestnut (9) h do Mack Alonzo B loco insp D&H shops h353 Chestnut " Gordon B trainman NYCRR ra53 Chestnut Mackey Alice E wid Claude S hOO Clinton " Bertha (Mrs Robert F) emp HFTHosp h356 Main " Ferris D retired h3 Maple " Frank C mason r6 Winney Hill rd " Robert F painter h356 Main " Ward C elk Sherman's Pharmacy r90" Clinton MacKillip Anna C wid Elwin r8 Academy " Benjamin C slsm 0 Tire & Auto Parts Inc hl3 Washington " Edna A (Mrs Benjamin C) phone opr NYTelCo hl3 Washington " Melvin J h8 Academy " Nina A (Mrs Melvin J) waitress Wilson Hotel h8 Academy MacLeay Luena B Mrs sten City Engineer h5 Columbia " Ruth E tchr Bainbridge r5 Columbia MacLellan John J slsm h7 Belmont Cirle North " Robert emp Cathedral Fanns h30 Otsego MacManus Florence J r84 Ford av MacMudy Benjamin retired r79 Main MacNaught John C emp 0 Oil & Fuel Co h2 Railroad av " Marion G tchr Chestnut St Sch r2 Railroad av Maddalone Frank lab D&H h14 Fairview " Joseph P emp D&H h12 Jackson av " Louis emp D&H roundhouse h12 W Broadway " Peter emp D&H h19 Columbia " Ralph retired h8 Washington Maffett Chastina R tchr r420 Chestnut " Earl V trainman D&H h420 Chestnut Maginley Thomas J air brake foreman D&H h9 Huntington av ·Magonos Peter retired h5 Lewis av Mahady Daniel A elk Sears Roebuck Co r50 Church Mahaffy Samuel retired h53 Maple Maher Francis J USA r2 Gardner pI " Frank J eng D&H h2 Gardner pI " .Teanne E r2 Gardner pI Mahon Charles H retired h283 Main " Elizabeth M social wkr NYCity r5 Jackson av " Hazel B wid Wallace A tchr Jr High Sch h5 Jackson av Maibaum Fred J prop May-Born Apparel Co h27 SMain Main Clifford gas and oil 425 Chestnut h13 Jackson av 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Main St Baptist Church 333 Main c Maple Maine George C carp h52Yz River Mair Marion W tchr SNS h63 Maple Makowiecki Theophile emp D&H h14 Park av Malady Joho J night elk YMCA hl4 Valleyview Mallory Martin truck driver r19 Broad Malloy Grace M tchr 0 Jr HS r39 Ford av " Katherine (Mrs William F) emp Bill's Lunch 120 Otsego " William F prop Bill's Lunch h20 Otsego Malone Iva emp Hotel Oneonta r do " Shirley emp Hotel Oneonta r do Maloney Elizabeth E wid John emp Star Laundry r32 State " Joseph F emp Albany rl Cherry Manchester Emma E wid George E apts 15 Main and rooms 50 Maple h do Mancuso Frank retired r4 Fairview " John prop Pioner Grill h4 Fairview Manion Celia V nurse Fox· Mem Hosp r 11 Gardner pI Manning Anna J r50 Spruce " Charles H retired r49 Maple MANNING H A CO directory and map publishers 614 Wedge way Bldg Schenectady see p EAST END LUMBER CO. L~g~D~~,~c;~~~~:G 14 " William J roofer hI5 Fair · Manti Cannella emp Puritan Clothing r4 W Broadway " Matteo (Lena) car rpr D&H h4 W Broadway " Pasquale lab r4 W Broadway Mantica Robert J emp Elmira r501 ~ain Maple Anns Apartments 12 Maple " Shade Dairy John Hamwey prop Starn. ford rd South Side RD3 Maples D Edward student r7 Third " David slsm Spaulding's Bakery h7 Third " Margaret W student r7 Third Mappus Rudolph L emp 47 Broad h8 Pine Marble Claude E h7 Liberty " John orderly ·Fox Hosp hI6 Otsego " John L emp Fox Mem Hosp h16 Otsego " Laura (Mrs John L) emp 0 Hotel h16 Otsego " Thornton emp town h Hartwick rd RD2 " William farmhand r R M Baker Marc1ey Alice M wid Logan J laundress Fox ' Mem Hosp h 501 Main " Winifred C nurse Am Red Cross r501 Main Marenus-see Moreness Marino Anna V sten 16 Dietz r14 Liberty " Carl emp Recreation Bldg r14 Liberty " Frank lab h14 Liberty " Paul r14 Liberty " Ralph A USA r14 Liberty Market Basket Corp (Super Market) Law. rence A Halsey mgr 37-39 Broad MARKET STREET BODY SHOP (Robert ColweU and Walter Schnack) complete body and fender repairing and painting 19 Market see top Jines " Street Garage Selime J Monser prop 15 Market Markle Byron M silk wkr h36 Valleyview " Charles lab h29 Chestnut " H Elton USA r2 Maple " Luella C 12 Maple " William C r2 Maple Markley Andrew P USA rOO West 89 I I 1 WELLS AVE. ·TEL.41 ONEONTA, N . Y. Markley Joseph J foreman D&H hoo West Mastro Dominic emp D&H r14 W Broadway " Teresa V rOO West " Theodore emp D&H h12 Cherry Marotta Ida M diet HFTHosp r do Mastronarde Alice R (Mrs Nicholas A) nurse Marq~art Charles F emp Mkt Basket h18 8 Norton av h do . Cliff " Nicholas A (Alice R) physician 53 Chest" Frederick F meat mgr Mkt Basket h72 nut h8 Norton av Maple Mathews Joseph A slsm Ohmeis Chevrolet Marrone Philomena nurse HFT Hosp r do Co h Stanford rd RDa Mars Rose (Mrs Samuel) bkpr 0 News Co " Joseph L retired 120 Cherry h107 Spruce (1) MATHEWS STORES INC Raymond J Dorr mgr " Samuel mgr 0 News Co h107 Spruce (1) clothing and ready to wear 167 Main see Mar~do Ida wid George hskpr 191 Chestnut MatEe!'!on Barbara L (Mrs Gordon R) emp Marsh Jessie T wid Charle.s R h7 Church. NYTelCo h14% Reynolds av Marshall Elizabeth A musIc tchr 309 Mam h "Gordon (Barbara L) emp D&H h14Yf do . . Reynolds av " George B emp Elmore Milhng Co r158 Matice Bessie Y wid Carl B hskpr 24 London Main ur& Marston Ida M wid George hskpr 191 Chest- Matteson Elizabeth E wid Adelbert r19 Cennut r do tral av Martial Henry retired r38 High . . " Estella M h19 Central av Martin Bernice (Mrs Harry L) milhner " Florence M h65 Ford av Hirshey's Millinery r2 Draper Matthews Cecil W mech 0 Tire & Auto Parts in elk 116 Main h15 Grand " Bert Gemp NYTe1Co h6 Watkins av " Dh5 Frankl G stock "Charles L mgr Charles B Gonyo h2 u a ne Draper " Eleanor student r6 Cozy av " Craig T tchr OHS r46 Academy " Jessie B wid Charles prop Corner Store " Daniel E emp East End Lumber Co 1259 h2 Center Chestnut " Leo F emp HFT Hosp h Otego rd RD3 " Edith Mrs seamstress Parshall Private Mattice Mamie E wid Guy B h3 Hickory Hosp r7 Myrtle av " Ophelia rOO East . " Eva M student r J E Martin Mattison Ethel sten SNS h7 Wallme- av " Harry L slsm 9 Elm r2 Draper " Nellie L widCharles h17 West - -Maudsley Henry J chief clk D&H frt depot " Jay W student r49 :Union " Jean dom 27 Watkms r do h12 Reynolds av " Jesse E Hostler D&H h Emmons PO 0 Mauer Augusta S Mrs h74 Dietz RD3 " Harold S USA r74 Dietz " Robert E emp Sidney h4 Butler Mauro Alphonso retired h47 S Main " William D lab r259 Chestnut Maxwell Burton retired r256 Main Martindale Rena wid Charles h78 Center " Harry C emp Sidney h13 Prospect Martini Joseph mgr Circle Supply Corp r13 " Leola M student r28 High Division " Lewis J lab h28 High . Martucci Amelia F (Mrs Thomas J) phone opr May-Born Apparel Co Fred J Maibaum prop h35 Fair tailors 27 S Main " Nettie Mrs h23 Brookside av May Chester H mach D&H h4 Pearl " Rose V r23 Brookside av " James W retired h19 Walling av " Thomas J bkpr NYSE&GCorp h35 Fair " Ruth L (Mrs Chester H) sten Danley & Marx Doris M emp NYSE&GCorp r35 Elm Wright h4 Pearl " Francis H physician and surgeon 33 Elm Maybie LeRoy L slsm Drake Clothing Co h35 do h75 Center " Kenneth L clk: Windsor Hotel r59 Center " Mellicent U (Mrs Leroy L) asst libr Hunt" OJivia M wid Martin A h59 Center ington Mem Library h75 Center Masker Harry L lab h334 Main Mayer Jacob retired h56 Center . Mason Bradford 0 foreign adv mgr 0 Daily " Marguerite F emp Motor Velucle Bureau Star h14 Watkins av r56 Center " William. B (Annie W) night editor 0 Daily Mayers Bakery Howard R Decker prop 291 Star h67 Spruce Main Masonic Temple Edgar J Radley caretkr 318 Mayes James E bar tender Oneonta Hotel r6 Main High Master Tailors & Cleaners (Simon and Jacob " Otto M emp Charles N Murdock h145 Hershowitz) 119 Main East Masters Bertha A Mrs r66 Dietz Mayflower Inn Mrs Eva L Morris prop tea Mastto Angelina drsmkr OMfgCo r14 W room 10 Maple Broadway Maynard Eva B wid William H h304 Chest" Carmen emp D&H h14 W Broadway nut 90 1942-0NEONTA DlRECTORY-1942 McAdams Lucy F ' wid Zaccharius h1772 Depew McCabe Julia M wid Frank emp Palace Theatre 11251 Main McCall Carrie L wid John H r David E Loushay " William H plmbr 39~ Chestnut h do . McCarnan William E truck driver Munson Bros r2 Pleasant av McCarthy Barbara A emp Sidney r86 Maple " Charles R (Ella) slsm NYSE&GCorp h86 Maple " Frances D (Mrs Joseph A) emp 196 Main 1125 High . " Jane E tchr Baldwin rS6 Maple " Joseph A (Frances A) jewelry 196 Main h25 High " Margaret M wid John J nurse 495 Main h do McCauley Anne T waitress HFT Hosp r48 West MC CLEARY BOYD REV (Mabel) pastor First Presbyterian Church h298 Main " M Eleanor student r298 Main " Ruth student r298 Main " William A asst m.gr J J Newberry Co (Carbondale Pa) r298 Main McClellan Dorothy F sten r17 Ehn " Harry J mgr Liggett Drug Co Inc hl08 East " John M slsm h17 Ehn McClelland Anna H bkpr Citizens Nat Bank . & Trust Co rlO Grand _ " Jean T tchr r83 Spruce $':) " Wilham B H corom Public We1fare ~b8(f' ..Spruceco ....... " William H retired hlO Grand McClure Charles Raymond asso prof Hartwick College res Colliers McCole MaryE Mrs domh12 Park av McComas William R emp Sidney h20 Reynolds McCoy Paul J chauf East End Lumber Co h274 River " Marion L (Mrs Paul J) nurse 274 River h do McDonald Agnes nurse Parshall Private Hosp r2 East " Ray slsm Grand Union Tea Co h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 McDonnell Thomas r15 Broad McDonough Edward J (Leona) supt fire alann OFD h96 Spruce McDougall Grace S wid Frank J hl12 Spruce McDowell Mary J wid George r65 Dietz McEwan Arthur groundsman HFT Hosp r45 Spruce McFarlane E Stanley mason h25 Watkins av " Flora L emp Elmore Milling Co r25 Watkins av " Walter S USA r25 Watkins av McFee Frank J (Nellie) (McFee Parking Lot) h6 Draper " Frank Estate Mrs Juliette McFee executrix 39-55 Market " Juliette wid Frank executrix Frank McFee Estate h6 Roosevelt av "Parking Lot (Frank J and Ward McFee) 45-47 Market r McFee Ward (Marion) (McFee Parking Lot) r6 Roosevelt av . McGafiln Joseph automobile license eXaminer h97 Center McGillJohnTcarformnD&HhllCentralav · McGinley Ethel M Mrs mgr Phyllis Anne Hat Shop 1124 Division McGonigal James J -janitor East End Sch ahd city truant officer 1127 East End av " James] Jr depot agt Shell Union Oil Corp h14 Thorn McGo~harles 0 emp Rowe's Auto Ser h t t..-(... '!Iff McGorlick Alice wid Patrick r30U West McGowan Dean W emp Illion h8 Grove " E,d ward T prop Reynolds Barber Shop r48 . Elm " Hettie L wid William r53 West " " Juanita (Mrs Dean W) waitressJack's Restaurant h8 Grove " Kenneth C US Army r53 West .. Kenneth M com trav h53 West " Malcolm R clk 117 Main r53 West " Raymond H trainman D&H r62 Church " Willard H retired r14 Birch " William lieut Salvation Army rll3 Main McGuinness Anna G tchr Endjcott r3l Cherry ~' Dorothy M tchr Endicott r3l Cherry " Edward H elk D&H h6 Moffatt " Mary E h31 Cherry, "Raymond L investment ::;ecurities 40 Main r do " Robert J clk D&H h31 Cherry McGurl Mary A r52 West "Patrick J emp WPA b52 West McHale Doris Mrs emp Sidney r43 Cliff " John A retired r4 Cliff " Richard J emp Oneonta Glove Co r26 Union McHugh Nellie emp OMfgCo h17 SSand McIlwain Lena M Mrs h24 Broad " Maurice J mgr stock dept Oneonta Sales Co h8 Forest av " Myron E emp Elmore Milling Co r24 Broad " William D carp r8 Forest av McIntosh Fannie M wid Edward L r40 Center McKay Charles slsm r259 Chestnut McKean J Donald (Anne) slsm Townsend Hardware Co h43 East MC KEAN SAMUEL EDWARD (Mildred) sec Townsend Hardware Co r3l Elm McKee Lynn D prop Cortland-Norwich-Oneonta Bus Lines res Cortland " Martina N cook Country Club r do McKenna Mary C wid Ephraim D r364 Chestnut McKinney Cleveland S fireman D&H h6 Bronk " Marion E student r6 Bronk McKnight Hugh J retired h Ostawa av WO MC LAIN JOSEPH C (Mabel M) prin Oneonta Senior High School h18 Walnut McLaughlin James lab h342 Main " Margaret B r276 Chestnut " PM~~ B prop City Beauty Parlor h15l McLaury Annetta r17 Spring "ArlemiouswidEugener7Watkinsav " Henry D lawyer 17 Spring h do , 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 McLennan William gdnr Cathedral Farms h Morris rd RD2 McLock Thomas C h9 Fifth . McManus Florence r84 Ford av " Harold W prop McManus Market h80 Ford av " Isabelle B (Mrs Harold W) elk McManus Market hBO Ford av " Market Harold W McManus prop meats and provisions 23 Linden av McMenamin Francis J physician 64 Elm h62 do McMoon Ruth (Mrs Thomas M) sten Corner . Bookstore h20 Reynolds av " Thomas M h20 Reynolds av McMorris JosePh S insp D&H hll Telford .. Ralph W bkpr City Drug Store h21 Linden av . 'J Richard E emp Oneonta Glove Co rI2 Cozyav ' " Robert A slsm Cobleskill h377 Main " Wellington B retired h332 Main " William J com trav Hetherington & Tinker Co h12 Cozy av McMullen Lavern J lab h13 Liberty " Marion L emp 5 Dietz h15 Liberty McMyne Helen rll Otsego ' McNally Ann waitress r195 River " Edward gas and oil East End rd,RD3 h do " Walter J retired h195 River " -W alter J Jr fann hand rI95 River McNamara Sadie' Mrs asst hskpr HFT Hosp , r2l Walling av McNaught Andrew J Jr (Margaret F) lawyer 225 Main h35 Cedar McNeal Anna (Mrs Hugh) emp 15 East End av h24Y, High " Hugh (Anna) slsm h24Yz High McNeely James H slsm Becker & Lent Inc h15 Telford McNeill Annabel J (Mrs John J) bkpr 0 Glass Co hll Dietz " John J (Annabel) prop 0 Glass Co hll Dietz McNeilly Clyde E mach D&H h2 Pleasant av " Mildred R emp 0 Mig Co r26 Franklin McNitt Elizabeth Mrs hskpr 401 Main r do McNulty James A elk D&HRR h12 S Bel. mont Circle McPhail George E steel wkr D&H h16 Park av McQueen Jane r49 'Fonda av " Maude R Mrs h93 Clinton " Virginia R r93 Clinton " William E eng D&H h49 Fonda av Mead Charles H boilermkr D&H h48 Miller " Edmund H trainman D&H h49 Academy " James R prop Mead's Mkt hI04 Spruce " Marion A dom 16 Ford av r48 Miller " Nellie M wid Ralph A r49 Academy " Walter J retired r79 Main Mead's ~~ket James R Mead prop meat and provislons 104 Spruce Meagley Donald B bkpr Oneonta Building & Loan Asso r369 Main " M Irene (Mrs Donald B) nurse 369 Main r do . MEAGLEY NORMAN C (Dorothea) prop The Meagley Studio h20 S Belmont circle 91 MEAGLEY STUDIO THE Norman C Meogle, prop 169 Main see_p 31 Medved Anne M maid 32 River r do Meek Beryl tchr SNS h64 Elm . Melandrino Frank emp Ehnore Milling Co r30 W Broadway , Melhorn Anna L Mrs r20 Forest av Melick Fred emp Oneonta Sales Co h58 Gil. bert Melius Judson A yd formn D&H h264 Chest. nut Mellott Ellis L emp Rochester h9 Park av " Myrtle B (Mrs Ellis L) tchr River St Sch h9 Park av Melnick David. prop Rosalyn" Specialty Shoppe res Stdney , Merchant Alonzo B retired h22 Draper " D Virginia student r49 Valleyview "Kenneth P emp NYSE&GCorp hI7 Luther " Lynn A (Genevieve) elk Townsend Hard4 ware Co h96 Center " Martin L V prop Merchant's Radio Service h49 Valleyview " Martin L V Jr student r49 Valleyview Merchant's Radio Service Martin L V Merchant prop radio service 49 Valleyyiew Merena Alick C gang leader D&H h47 River Mereness Irene L tchr SNS r62 Maple ,. Seth A retired h2 Hubbell av Merna Joseph emp D&H h63 River MERIDALE JERSEY FARMS INC Ronald Bre. pres-treas milk dealers 73-75 River see top lines Merithew Charles H retired hI6 Church " J Frederick bridge carp D&H h on the island off 4 Railroad av " Reuben carp h20% Division Merk Stuart D emp NYA h6 Lewis av " Theora M r6 Lewis av Merriam George W elk PO h6 Normal av Merrill Catherine M wid William C ra6 Academy " Clyde L emp D&H h13B River " Earl W prop Smith & Merrill hla Brook " Eva M Mrs dom h4l Academy " Genevieve wid William h29 Chestnut " Helen A r36 Luther " Jack E USA r15 River Merwin Lauren D firemn HFT Hosp h8 N Sixth Mesite Guiseppe emp D&H h3l Grand Messana Joseph emp 0 Junk Shop h 45 Main Mestler Van slsm hll Eighth Methodist Church Lower River 0 Plains Metropolitan Life Insurance Co Earl W Ames asst mgr 241 Main (9) Mewhorter John lab r59 Miller Meyer Anthony E e1ec Harrison L Stiles r265 Chestnut " Emil caretkr Huntington Park and Li" brary h9 Wall Micco Gaetano painter and decorator rear 233 Main h65 East Michael Lizzie Mrs r90Yz River Michaels Clarence B emp Sidney h68 Gilbert " Esther B bkpr Gen Ice Cream Co r2 Ford av " Herbert J h57 Gilbert " Howard ernp Sidney r57 Gilbert 92 Cedar " Frances A (Mrs Orson C) nurse 446 Main rdo " Frances V emp Sidney r4 Luther " Fred D lab h4 Fonda av " Gertrude Mrs exec sec 0 County Board Child Welfare h105 Spruce " Gladys hskpr Hotel Oneonta r do " Grace P h19 Union " Hazel A wid John A emp Albany h4 Luther " Hugh E jan Physicians Bldg h7 Fonda av " Ida M wid Wesley J hskpr 24 Cherry r do " John (Billie) h28 Dietz " John A (Olive) supt Bureau P W h126 Center " John A USA r4 Luther " John R lab h4 Ann " Katherine H (Mrs Cbester A) prop Susquehanna Shur Line Co h62 Ford av " Leland emp Sidney r4 Luther " Leo P asst stores kpr D&H h102 Elm IJ Leta M wid Howard elk 0 Dept Store hl92 Main " Lewis W (Ruth) optometrist 181 Main h Country Club rd RD2 " Luther E USA r7 Fonda av " Mabel E emp Sidney r4 Luther Mattie A Mrs nurse 3 West"End av r do " Orson C collector Mathews Stores r446 Msin " Raymond F teller Wilber Nat Bank h376 Chestnut " Reginald D mecb NYSE&GCorp h8 Pleasant av )I 1942-oNEONTA D'RECTORy-1942 . 1942-0NEONTA D,RECTORY-1942 Michaels Loretta wid Howard M rOO East II Marguerite E forelady OMfgCo r57 Gilbert " Michaletz Orrin W F elk Mead's Market bl02 Spruce " Michaud George A mgr meat dept 230 Main h26 Myrtle av Michell Lillian emp White Plains r43 Grove " William H mach D&H h34 Grove Mickle Hilton T (Frances) teller Citizens Nat Bank & Trust Co hlO Orchard Microni Frank barber 195 Main r15~ East MID-STATE FUEL CORP W Grandin Andrus mgr coal dealers office 38 Chestnut and yard 450 Chestnut tel 372 Millard Melvin F emp NYSE&GCorp h444 Msin Millen Horace C adv mgr The Oneonta News h47 East Miller Alice wid Onslow C h446 Msin " Allie sten HFT Hosp r9 Grand . " Anna M emp Kandyland h9~ Center " Anna E wid Charles P r16 Morgan av " Billie (Mrs John) prop Billie's Beauty Parlor h28 :Dietz " Burton J emp Sidney r8 Mosher av " Carrie B wid Charles R hlO Neahwa pI " Chester A postmaster h62 Ford av " Clair feed and grain Morris rd WO and town supv h Main WO " Donald C com tray h62 Ford av . " Elmer 0 plant opr NYSE&GCorp h Main byd limits RD3 " Elsie A Mrs elk 0 Dept Store h8 Highland av " Forrest W prof Hartwick College h54 Mitchell Luella emp HFT Hasp res inq do .. Mabel A wid Fred H hskpr 36 Elm r30 Linden av ,. Mary wid George E rlS Eighth " Mary A h51 Spruce " Milton D plumber 120 Main h Franklin rd RD3 .. Sophia J r23 Cedar Mitson Alfred B (Ada M) major Salvation Army hll3 Main Mittag Walter H dept mgr 0 Dept Store r66 Ford av Moak James D retired h414 Chestnut Moffatt Burton R pntr and paperhanger 7 Clinton h do " Murle E baFber shop 268 Chestnut h do Moffitt Joseph S landscape gdnr h25 Watkins " Steven H mgr Cooks Auto & Supply Co ha04 Chestnut Moffre Dommich emp Sidney r14 Susquehanna " Etta (Mrs Nicholas) emp 0 Dress Factory r44 River " Nicholas carp r44 River Mohawk Limestone Sales Co Lynn A Wy~ sckofI prop hydrated and pulverized limestone 53 Chestnut Molinari Ann V clk F W Woolworth Co rl6 Fair " Aruia D wid Joseph r34 Union " Anthony A (Josephine) pmtr 0 Daily Star hI6 Farr " Anthony C retired h449 Main " Carl A (Molinari's Grill) res inq do " Carl A Mrs h425 Main MOLINARI CHRISTINE V office sec Harold 5 Smith r34 Union " Eugene J USA r16 Fair " Gerald R emp Sidney r34 Union " John J Jr emp 0 Dept Store r5 Fair .. John J (Molmari's Grill) h5 Fair MOLINARI JOSEPH P (Mabel) (Molinari & Deery) lawyer 16 Dietz h24 East phone 568 " Julian F emp Sidney r32 Maple " Peter P (Frances) prop Palace Cigar Store hOO Union " Rocco J retail liquor store 134 Main h32 Maple " Russell F clk 134 Main r32 Maple " Vito N surveyor D&H h34 Union MOLINARI .. DEERY Goseph P Molinari and Joseph S Deery) lawyers 16 Dietz see Miller Robert E USA r7 Fonda av " Robert E sec-treas Joe's Fruit Store h7 Hazel " Ruth D (Mrs Lewis W) sten 0 Oil & Fuel Co h Country Club rd RD2 " Ruth M asst librarian Huntington Mem Library h30 Maple " S Case caretkr Oneonta Club h37 _Maple " Samuel C emp Elmore Milling Co hQuaker WO " Stanley S salesman Grand Union Tea Co h37 Ceperley av " Vivian M (Mrs Donald C) bkpr Z/3 Msin h62 Ford av " Walter A lab h13 Baker " Walter D car tpr D&H h40 Fair " Walter J emp Hart?lick Seminary r13 Baker " Walter S salesman Ohmeis Ch~vrolet Co b27 West End av " Wesson retired h Morris " William D salesman Elmore Milling Co h74 Center. " William H retired h12 Central av Mills Albert P inst SNS h49 Center " Edward F asst to chief elk supt office D&H hll Hickory " Ethel Rowe wid David H h21 Elm " George R agt USA h256 Main " Julia A wid Charles C hI East " Laura emp Schdy 193 River r do " Leo P truck driver r16 Rose av " Louis S gas sta attd h13 Rose " Robert W salesman Cobakco h22 Forest av Milton James R emp D&H r44 River MINEHAN JAMES REV asst pastor St Mary's Church h1 Grand Miner Erma K clk The Beverly's rIO Normal av " Theodore W emp Sidney hU4 Chestnut Minerosa Anthony emp D&H h28 Luther " Carlo emp Elmore Milling Co r15 Depew " Joseph retired h15 Depew " Mary erop 0 Mfg Co r15 Depew Minor Eva B wid Francis dom Mrs Mary E Lewis r do Minster Carl lab r16~ Ann " Donald emp Binghamton r16.!;2 Ann " Nellie V wid Fenton h1631 Ann " Walter lab r57'2 Ann Miseria Natale prop 0 Junk Shop h49 Mrun Miskell John H janitor River St Sch h46 Main Misner Alvin Hemp D&H h34,!;2 Broad " Earle C appr D&H r34J.1! Broad " Floyd E h9 7'2 Washington " Philip carp hI West ct Mitchell Archie C teller Wilber Nat Bank h322 Chestnut " Bert D carp h37 Maple " Edith S wid Claude J h4 Franklin " Evelyn M Mrs emp Sidney r24 Academy " George D mach rI8 Eighth _ " Geor~e E retired rIB Eighth " Hamet E (Mrs Joseph F) nurse Fox Mem Hosp ·h16 Ceperley MITCHELL HOWARD (Colwell & Mitchell) r Upper East " John Hemp 0 Dept Store r4 Franklin n Joseph F emp D&H b16 Ceperley n Lauren C _emp 300 Main h15 Irving pI p 29 Molinari's Grill (Carl A and John J Molinari) 25 S Main Molineaux Edward J truck driver 12 Market hlO High Monahan John F retired h24 High " Stanley R patrolman OPD rl32 Chestnut " Thomas Jr emp 3~ Broad rl5 do Mondillo Ann M emp Fox Mem Hosp r12 Division, " Anthony emp Elmore Milling Co h8 Schaffer av " John C emp D&H rI2 Division " Nicholas lab h12 Division " Rose E r12 Division " Vincent J emp 208 Main rl2 Division Mondore Lena F dom rI4 Fonda av " Leonard farmhand r14 Fonda av 1 93 Mondore Margaret M dam rI4 Fooda av " Ransom farmer hI4 Fonda av Mongillo Pasquale section foreman D&H h2 W Broadway Monington Lynn H locomotive fireman D&H h3 Highland " Merlin A emp NYSE&GCorp r3 Highland Monroe Almond emp Sidney r9 Grace pI " Billie Mrs emp 0 M(g Co h19 Franklin " Frank H retired h13 Wall Monser Ferris (Parkview Restaurant) hlOO Main " Francis pntr D&H h39 N Broadway " Illius emp D&H hl66 River " Joseph fruit slsm h17 Market " Madolyn C emp NYS Emp Ser r39 W Broadway " Marion F bkpr 132 Main r39 W Broadway " Rose (Mrs F erris) cook Parkview Res~ taurant hlOO Main " Samuel F USA rlOO Main " Shane M (MarkefSt Garage) and (Wall St Garage) rl7 Market .. Selime J (Market St Garage) and (WaU St Garage) rl7 Market " Thomas lab r39 West Broadway Montayne Herbert S emp Royal Restaurant h228 Main (16) " John S emp 51 S Main h207'2 Grand " Marie emp Sanitary Pack rl5 Luther " Paul I USN rl5 Luther " Virginia M Mrs glove insp h228 Main (20) Montemurro Anthony pntT 23 Otsego h do Montgomery Alden r 12 High " Pearl Mrs h12 High " Ward & Co Mrs Emily F Stapleton mgt order dept 20 Broad Moody Charlea 0 slsm h24 Elm Moon Abraham L lab h11 Jefferson av " Harriet S Mrs bI05 Spruce " Lucy M wid Wallace h159 Main Moorby Alfred A emp Oneonta Tire & Auto Parts r19 Pearl " Arthur R watch rpr h7 Kearney av " Edgar Wemp Oneonta Tire & Auto Parts h44 Spruce " LeRoy G emp 0 Coca Cola Bottling Co r7 Kearney av Moore Betty dom r309 Chestnut " Carolyn wid Leon S hI Eighth " Carolyn dom rl Eighth " Charles A emp D&H hl50 Main " Chauncey B protr 0 Daily Star h135 Main " Edwin R slsm Comer Book Store r4 Divi~ sion " Elizabeth P wid Clarence D h422 Main " Flora M (Mrs Walter H) emp Fox Mem Hosp bll Draper " Florence Mrs h11 Baker " George E retired h4 Division " George E emp Sidney r309 Chestnut " George F emp Albany h3 Reynolds av " Isabelle J Mrs h22 High " Kathryn I hskpr 18 Elm r do " Leona M r4 Division " Ray janitor Oneonta Daily Star h8 Har~ mon av " Walter H pntr and decorator 11 Draper h do " William Hemp 2 Wells av h309 Chestnut " -see More 94 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Moran Francis P barber 248 Main 1" 17 ,Broad More Glenn E roofing cont 12 Tilley av h do " Harry G emp Palace Theatre r12 Tilley av MORE HERBERT R (Marjorie M) mgr-Ireas The Herbert R More Co Inc h22 Chester MORE HERBERT R CO THE (Inc) Herbert R More mgr-treas paints and wallpapers dealers 133 Main see p 17 " James E emp D&H r16 High " Virginia R dietitian r12 Tilley av Morehouse Charles R emp power house HFT Hosp T do " G.~orge B carp cont 416 Main h do " Perry L supvr Victory Chain Inc hll Taft av " Perry L Jr student I'll Taft av Morey Betsy A wid Warren 1"'98 Center " Elbert S letter carrier PO h7 Elmwood av " James A mgr Oneonta Field (Inc) h Country Club rd " Julia M tchr SNS res Muord Morfia Joseph emp D&H r63% River Morgan Amanda E wid Kenneth E prop Emmons Farms h Emmons PO 0 RD3 " Anna F wid Oscar A r17 Ann MORGAN MABEL B wid Wendell R v-pres Coperley & Morgan Real Estate Co h23 Watkins av " Stanley G elk HFT Hosp hI03 Spruce " William mgr Triangle Shoe Store r31 West End av Morrell Ethloin W wid Isaac J h390 Main " Margaret mgr Phillis Anne Hat Shop r39 Cherry Morris Belle E h5 Maple " Clark W emp Cathedral Farms h8 Tilley av ." Clifford R elk Tannersville h5 Maple " Eva L wid A ~tanley prop Mayflower Inn hlO Maple " Gordon C bottlers 82 Main rS Tilleyav " J Reid emp 35 Broad h24 Fordav " Mary Mrs emp HFTHosp r do " Mary rl5 Broad " Mary Vail wid Berton H h41 Walnut " William S mgr Spaulding's Bakery Inc hl5 Hudson Morrison Bettye J tchr Bainbridge r6 Division " James E hostler D&H h3D River " John M retired h32 Fair " Walter L foreman D&H h6 Division Morse Bernadetta nurse 5 Draper r do " Cecil G tchr NYCity r50 Burnside av " Ella B emp Otsego Laundry Co r50 Burnside av " Mary E r116 Chestnut " Mary E wid Myron S h50 Burnside av Morton Ida M wid Robert h36 Maple Mosca Vincent A clk A&P Tea Co h25 Otsego Moscrip Essie wid Hilton r38 Cliff Moseman E Blanche wid Raymond hskpr 47 . Ford av r41 Church Moses Owen T slsm h26 Fair Moshier Ida instr Hartwick College res inq do Mosier Cora Mrs h62 Main " Donald truck driver 0 Grocery Co rI5 Broad Mott Claude F emp Glenwood Cemetery r Mrs Mary E Hulbert RDa MOUNTAIN OIL CO George Spoolslra distributor GuU Oil Corp Delaware and Otsego Counties, plants Oneonta (tel 1194), Walton (tel 424), Margaretville-Fleischmann's (tel 208) Hancock see p 10 Mouyos George P bill poster r9 Hazel . Mowbray Bert town commissioner public welfare and sec-treas Oneonta Plains Cemetery Assn h394 Chestnut Moxley Alice G wid Emory J hI4 Fifth " Lucy E nurse HFT Hosp r do " Willard E tinsmith D&H hI6 Fifth Moyer Hannah A wid Eugene h62 Maple Moylan Benjamin B retired rIO Taft av Moynihan Patrick emp HFT Hosp h9 Gault av Mt Calvary Catholic Cemetery located Emmons Muckle Henry F asst foreman D&H h3 Fair Muderick Paul emp Chernin Furniture h39 Fair Mudge Dawn emp Sidney r8 Grove Mueller Augusta supt health nurserI22Chest- 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 IIUNSON BROS Clarence W Monson prop trucking and coal .Rose av see under Dame / MURRAY ELIZABETH M asst sec Oneonta COAL - WOOD GENERAL TRUCKING All Our Coal Shipped By Railroad hl4 Seventh " Frank B attd 425 Chestnut r5 Raymond " Harold C emp WUTelCo r5 Raymond Mull Myron L retired h29 Elm Mulligan Agnes F . waitress 190 Main hI35 Main Mumford Agnes M student r16 Tilton av " Emmer P (Mrs Herbert P) elk 0 Dept Store hI6 Country Club rd RD2 " George prop Windsor Barber Shop h30 Phone 1220 MUNSON BROS. ROSE AVE. ONEONTA, N. Y. Cedar " Herbert P slsm hI6 Country Club rd RD2 " Jean P tchr rI6 Tilton av Mumma Charles rI8 Walnut Munding Bernard L (Elain J) com tray hI07 Spruce Municipal Building 238-242 Main Munson Audrey G phone opr NYTelCo r344 Main MUNSON BROS Clarence W Monson prop trucking and coal Rose av see top next column Munson Catherine J Mrs emp 289 Main h92 Center " Charles retired r79 Main MUNSON CLARENCE W (Helen L) prop Munson Bros h9 Walnut " Cora Mrs rIO Draper . " Elizabeth r303 Chestnut " Eva A h303 Chestnut " Frederick L lab r77 Maple " G Audrey Mrs h344 Main " Harlow mach hlpr D&H hI9 Pearl " Louis C driver Munson Bros h77 Map e " Maurice r37 Dietz " Sarah E wid Giles A r344 Main Murdock A H Implement Co Leigh W Murdock prop farm machinery and hardware 10 Market " Albert H retired h Main ext RD3 " Edward R emp D&H h32 W Broadway " Flora A rl Woodside av " Fred A farmer and justice of peace h Main ext RD3 Chamber of Commerce r82 Elm " Frances W bkpr Briggs Lumber Co r82 Elm " Gerald meter foreman NYSE&GCorp hI Cove av RD2 " Harold W slsm r82 Elm " Ica wid William rl Cove av RD2 MURRAY J (Goldie) mgr Puritan Clothing Stores h16 Franklin " Joseph P cook h350 Main " Thomas E cook D&H r2 Park av " William H (Florence M) plumbing and heating 82 Elm h do Museux Gaston retired rI6 Tilton av "We Handle Only First Grade . MUSSON A B (Musson Bros) res Gilbertsville MUSSON D B (Musson Bros) res Gilbertsville Coal" MUSSON BROS (A B and D B Musson) Ire. nut Mulford Fred retired hI9 Rose av Mulkins DeForest B emp C J Petersen & Son 95 Murray Catherine M Mrs rlO Columbia IIURRAY CHARLES F (Amanda H) mgr General Ice Cream Corp h16 Hudson Murdock Harvey K fanner h Main ext RD3 " Howard L poultryman r Main ext RD3 " James B slsm Gen Ice Cream Corp h7 Walling av " Leigh W prop A H Murdock Implement Co r Oneonta Hotel " Lela Mrs bkpr Franklin Motor Sales h5 Walling av " Lester F protr 0 Daily Star hI4 Wood~ side av " Loui.s G trairunan D&H hI Woodside av " Melissa M wid Fred G h41 Ford av " Nellie wid Lynn B bkpr Oneonta Family Laundry h494 Main " Nettie M r7 Ford av " Ralph W real est broker 16 My~e av h do " Sarah H wid Charles N music tchr 7 Ford avhdo " Willard R farmer h Emmons Main ext PO Oneonta RD3 Murin Boris emp D&H r4 Scrambling av Murphy Arthur J painter h44 Clinton " Glen farm hand Elmer Anderson r do " Leonard h Emmons PO RD3 " Leroy M retired h20 Columbia " Louis P shoe rprg 2 Dietz h86 Ford av " Marie clk W T Grant Co r86 Ford av " Ralph A kitchen blpr HFTHosp h Gifford Hill rd RDI " Samuel fanner h Emmons PO Oneonta RDa " Tressa clk r86 ·Ford av " Walter R truck driver r8M Cliff surgeons and landscape architects Gilbertsville see back cover Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York The Clifford D Beach dist representative 241 Main (2) Myers Elma Mrs r39 Chestnut " Harry C emp Sidney h33 Dietz " Howard C pastor River Street Baptist Church ha3 Miller " Jessie wid Ward h69 Y2 Dietz " Leighton C emp D&H hI3 Parish av " Lester mach D&H roundhouse res RD3 " Roswell E emp power plant HFT Hasp h92 West Mynarczyk Stephen N emp 0 Hotel h39 Lon~ don av Myrodes M emp Sanitary Pack Co r15 Grand " Spyros prop Sanitary Pack Ice Cream Plant h30 Academy Myrus Adolphe A (Marjorie) fin sec Mrs D F Wilber h81 Ford av NAATZ DORA emp Sidney r26 London av " William M emp Sidney r26 London av . " William F fireman D&H h26 London av Nadeau Frank. Wear rpr D&H h7 Reynolds av " Louis J emp D&H r7 Reynolds av Nader Albert S emp Sidney rI07 River " Andrew M emp Sidney h45 Main " David prop Otsego Social Club r39 W Broadway " Elias emp D&H hI07 River " Ferris P USA r22 Fonda av " Julia D emp Parkview Restaurant rI07 River ." Michael emp D&H h22 Fonda av " Nausif emp Sidney rI07 River Nakamura Samuel furrier 8 Fifth h do Naples Frank M section foreman D&HRR h36 Otsego Napper Charles A sta eng D&H h8 Luther " Ruth bkpr 0 D ept Store 1"8 Luther N aragon Francis E emp D&H frt house r 7 East " Inez B wid Frank h7 East " Paul R elk Schenevus r7 East National Youth Administration Dolores C Deery supr PO Bldg (227) Natoli Thomas] elk res Upper West RD3 96 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Nay,on James E emp Oneonta Field (Inc) 1"3 Wisteria av RD2 . Neahwa Park end Neahwa pI Neal Everett R erop 23 Chestnut h22>1 Fonda av " Fenton B (City Drug Store) ha5 Clinton . " Frank E emp 0 Sales Co h47 Spruce " Janice C tchr r47 Spruce " Mae (Mrs Everett R) cook 100 Main h22% Fonda av Nearby Egg & Poultry Producers Co-op Assn Inc egg dealers (wbsle and retail) 7 Nea~ hwa pI pres Basil 0 Grisby, v~pres Ernest W Bolton, sec Mrs Isabelle B Palmer, treas Herbert F Bacheller Neer Marie M Mrs cook 58 Maple ba5~ Otsego Neff Edward H tray auditor hi7 East End av Nellis Edna Mrs 201 Chestnut " Howard 815m h4 Pleasant av Nelson Agnes tchr SNS res RD2 " Daurice Gardner (Mrs Olof N) (Falls & Gardner) h234 Main (I) " Esther Marion tchr SNS 1"57 Elm " Harold cont 10 Ford av h do " Mary C Mrs rooms 17 Broad h do " Olga tchr SNS res Hartwick I'd RD2 " 010f N prop Nelson Used Car Mart h234 Main (I) " Used Car Mart Olof N Nelson prop 7 Hamilton av Nesbitt Clarence M traffic mgr 26 Market h384 Main " Harriet J student r61 Dietz " J Clark v~pres West·Nesbitt Inc h61 Dietz " James C elk West~Nesbitt Inc h36 Church " Marjorie E student r61 Dietz Nevin G Maude Mrs h91~ Center " Robert S Jr emp Sidney r9l~ Center New York Bakery Solomon Barnett prop 115 River and 137 Main " York Central Railroad Station Grover C Hedges passenger and freight agt Rail· road av " York State Annory Addison E J eub annorer 2-4 Academy " York Conservation Dept see State of New York NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC. GAS CORP H H Chapman div mgr 140-14"-146 Main see p 3 " York State EmploymentServiceKatherine Woodruff mgr 250 Main " York Fire Insurance Rating Organization George H Ayers insp 64 Ford av " York State Highway Dept storehouse Otega rd RD3 " York Telephone Co DeForest F Parce mgr 1 Dietz, garage Broad Newberry J J Co Richard CHopper mgr variety store 221~223 Main Newby Emery emp D&H r34 Cliff Newcomb Clista M wid Cornelius hskpr 60 Ford av r do " Hughberta H tchr Albany r5 Birch " Marie B elk D&H roundhouse r5 Birch " Mary C wid Hugh h5 Birch Newell Edwin Temp E End Lumber Co h43 Valleyview " La Vantia M wid William r402 Main Newell Marletta S bkpr Fox Mem Hasp r402 Main " Wilbur R truck driver E End Lumber Co h43 Valleyview Newkirk Jesse M floor sander h519 Main Newman Eli retired r L Hilsinger " Fred peddler rl7~ Depew Newport Ruth J glove wkr 26~ Pine r48 Academy Newton Abba V prop Hartwick College h22 Maple (5) Nichols Agnes T wid Emery hskpr 10 Park r do " Ann M (Mrs Charles) sten 76 Chestnut r3 Madison av " Catherine R tchr 0 Jr HS r450 Main " Charles emp Linn Corp h13 Madison a v " Charles G USA h177 West " Donald E emp Sidney r Morris WO " Everett A emp IntI Harv Co h61 Center " Helen B (Mrs Charles G) cashier W T Grant Co hl77 West " Henry W emp D&H shops h24 Luther ') Kennard D (Ken's Grocery) h406 Chest· nut " Leland G slsm h13 Morgan av " Lena F (Mrs Tauvle G) elk Bell Clothing Co h6 Telford " Mae wid Samuel r8 Cozy av " Maurice S elk D&H round house r4 East " Milton M emp Sidney h47 Hudson " Sidney N mech NYSE&GCorp r22 Academy " Tauvle G emp D&H h6 Telford " Vernon W prop West End Market h6 Pleasant av Nicholson Harold L emp City Water Dept h39 Prospect Nickerson Verge G plumber h29 East Nicklin William power eng NYSE&GCorp h6l East Nielsen Adolph H hair stylist 0 Dept Store hl4 Gardner pi 1.} f'; " Neil plasterer r22 West Nigro Albert pwjectionist r18 Academy Niles Allyn P emp NYCity r2 East " Arthur J retired h2 Ea.s.t " Darwin A emp power house HFT Hosp hl75 West " Earl lineman NYP&LCorp h4 Fairview " Emma Mrs hskpr 16 Luther r do NILES FRANCIS A lawyer asso Donald H Grant r2 East see p 28 " Karnes R attd 436 Chestnut h Baker row RD3 Nilo Alphonse r6 Washington " Anthony USA r6 Washington " Michael lab h6 Washington " Robert USN r6 Washington Nilson Anna H chaperon Alpha Delta h97 Elm . Niver Florence J Mrs sten Molinari & Deery h8 Lawn av Noble Doris M bkpr 0 Bus Line r274 Chestnut " Fred retired r13 Fairview " W Clinton foreman car repairs D&H h27 4 Chestnut " William A gardener h5 Morgan av Nolan Frank J elk D&H h30 Church \ 1942.,-ONEO.NTA- DIRECTORy-1942 ([UPON» -.. ..-- PAINTS & VARNISHES 97 EAST END LUMBER CO. 2 WELLS AVE. / Nolan Ruth L wid Michael sten Oneonta Bldg & Loan Assn rlO Reynolds av Nolda Matthew B C carp h Main ext RD3 Noonan James J emp D&H and prop East End Fruit Market r530 Main Nordberg Gustav S prof Hartwick College h11 Irving pI " Ralph A slsm 41 Cliff r40 Grove " Thonnan E tchr JHS r 11 Irving pI Norris LaVern M car insp D&H h1 James " Melville J carp D&H h35 Center Northrop Elmer D air brake insp D&H h2 Buena Vista av " Floyd E student r2 Buena Vista av " Gordon D student r2 Buena Vista av Northrup Donald C ernp Oneonta Dairy h1S Jackson av " Dorothy C sten Elmore Milling Co r42 Cliff " " " " James C truck driver h15 Hickory John elk WGY Grocery r488 Main Leona B wid Frank r42 Cliff Martin druggist City Drug Store h15 Gault av " Nellie G Mrs h2 Cherry " Squire M auto mech h42 Cliff .. Supply Cc,\, Ralph K Lovell local mgr whl plumbmg and heating supplies 213217 Chestnut Northup Jolm J chau! Briggs Lumber Co h5 Center " John W (Lucia) scout exec Boy Scouts of America h90 East NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO T P Hughson special agt 190 Main Norton Earl A emp D&H r15 River " Florence K wid George W h78 Dietz " Laura E wid J ames M nurse New York hlO Division " Loretta E Mrs dom hl}2 Brookside av " Menzo R emp D&H h360 Main NosIer Don S (Florence Y) personnel director NYSE&GCcrp h5 Maple Nle Grace F elk 2 East h43 Cliff , Phyllis B r3 Tilton av " W Stuart (Thelma) emp editorial dept The Oneonta News h3 Tilton av " Walter S grocer 2 East h3 Tilton av Nye's Grocery Walter S Nye prop 2 East O'BRIEN BERTHA L dom hl31 Main " Mary M elk Bell Clothing Co r3 Fourth " Robert H clk Oneonta Grocery Co res RD ,. Walter J carp h336 Chestnut O'Connor V George asst formn D&H h3 Tilley av Odd Fellows Temple 36 Chestnut Odell Charles H optometrist Edwards h29 Linden av " Donald emp Sidney h3 Van Woert av " Edward H fireman D&H h44 Butler " Mary L wid Amos E r29 Linden av " Royce elk 162 Main r1 Brook " William R lab ba5 Otsego TEL. 24 ONEONTA O'Donnell Edna C elk 221 Main hiS Country Club rd RD2 " Francis trainman D&H r37 Grand " John J USA r37 Grand " William J trainman D&H h37 Grand Oftadahl Lloyd V herdsman Cathedra Fanns h Morris rd RD2 i Ogborn Raymond Hemp Sidney h37 Burn· side av Ogden Esther M Mrs asst 'mgr Union Bus Terminal r36 Maple " Norris D retired rlO Walling av Obmeis Chevrolet Company John M Ohmeis owner 359·363 Chestnut " John M (Helen B) owner Ohmeis Chevrolet Company hlO Walnut O'Kelly James P yd cood D&H h2l Jackson av " Robert G ernp D&H h14 Washington O'Keefe Patrick retired r50 River Oldes Stanley P plumber 6 Depew h do " Westey M painter h Orchard ext Olds Charles 0 clk Acme Mkts h409 Main " George W retired h35 Dietz " Harley G mgr rug and wall paper dept o Dept Store h27 Brook " Lucinda F wid Ford r5 W Ann " Ossie M emp HFT Hosp r do " Stanley plumber h6 Depew Olendorf Sarah L wid Delancey r519 Main Oles Blanche M r158 Chestnut " Eleanor M nurse HFT Hosp r do " Glenn A mach h158 Chestnut " Madolyne E phone opr NYTe1Co r158 Chestnut " Rosena wid Orin r3 Hickory " Tracy R retired h24 Division Olive Donald B phannacist Flack's Cut Rate Drug hiS Center Oliver Agnes H Mrs h 130 Main " Albert E emp Plains Cemetery h109 West " Anna M Mrs h 138 East " Clara B (Mrs Albert E) dom h109 West " Edna (Mrs James H) emp Oneonta Daily Star h497 Main " Harold G slsm Swift & Co h Stamford r RD3 " Harry J shop foreman Oneonta Sales Co h1 Wisteria av RD2 " Helen A Mrs h21 Depew JI J ames emp D&H r53 Broad OLIVER JAMES H (Edna) prop Oliver's Garage h497 Main " Josephine (Mrs Robert) rooms 29 Fairview and 79·81 ~83 Main h do " Melvin lab h40~ Wilcox av OLIVER ROBERT A (Susan E) studebaker distributor 614 Main h19 West End av see p 8 " Robert E loco fireman D&H h79 Main " Susan E (Mrs Robert A) bkpr Robert A Oliver h19 West End av " Vivian A r21 Walling av " Walter E eng D&H h6 Lewis av 98 1942-0NEONTA D,RECTORY-1942 OLIVER'S GARAGE James H Oliver prop Studebaker service 616 Main Olmstead Arthur V emp 160 Main r Scott A Olmstead " Dale K emp D&H h279 Main Howard meat cutter S Main " Scott A H h Emmons PO h57 Oneonta RDa O'Malley Lillian M wid William J h53 Union " Mary A elk 0 Dept Store r53 Union " William J J r ins agt 53 U nien r do O'Neil David emp Sidney h23' Linden av " Elizabeth C dressmkr 82 Dietz r do Oneonta Agency Inc ins 229 Main pres-treas Raymond M Tucker, sec Carolyn S Tucker "Amusement Co James A Hogan prop novelties 108 Main ONEONTA 'BODY CO George E Amio prop automobile body building, painting and replacement glass and repairing 23 Reynolds see front cover " Bowling Center (Paul E Baldwin and Emerson A Goodrich) 43-45 Broad " Building & Loan Assn 54 Chestnut pres Andrew J Bush, v-pres Lineon E Wilder, sec-treas W Irving Bolton, asst sec and treas Danforth D Bolton " Bulletin The DOff B Warner prop, Charles H Stevener adv mgr weekly paper 33% Deitz " Bus Lines John H Woodward prop garage 318 Main " Business Women's Club 54- Chestnut ONEONTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE pres I Jay Bookhout, 1st v-pres Francis A Lee, 2nd v-pres Duncan S Briggs, treas L Bruce Bouton, sec Kenneth Yager, asst sec Elizabeth M Murray 16 Dietz see p2 ONEONTA CITY PARKING SPACE Empire State Oil Co props, George E Pattengill mgr rear 233 Main " Club 45 Dietz ONEONTA COAL" SUPPLY CO INC (Inc 1903) 196 Main yards 20 Liberty aod 10 Carbon pres-treas Herbert C Getman, v-pres-sec Damon L Getman see back bone "Coca-Cola Bottling Co Inc Joseph L Tuepah mgr 82 Main " Community Association Mrs Mildred B Shaddock sec 17 Ford av " Contracting Co (Jobn B Butler and Millard B Weeks) 19 Prospect " Co-operative G L F Service Inc Anson R Jones mgr feed and fertilizer Lower River " -Cooperstown-Utica Bus Line Glenn H Green prop 38 Chestnut "Country Club Country Club dr RD2 office 229 Main ONEONTA CREDI T BUREAU N Kenneth MacEwen prop credit reports and collections 319 Main ONEONTA DAIRY CO INC dairy products S6 Main pres Earl L Hall, sec-treas Rock.. well C Bilderbeck see under name ON[ONIA DAIR! CO '" &: 1 / • II Aduerlisinq Is Easl:J in Oneonta • • • • • • r Leading Distributors of ,I Rich Milk and 22 * * 45,000 Dall-ll Readers Ii Phone 244 26 Main St. 45,000 Dail~ Readers In Oneonta, advertising is a surprisingly easy proposition. You can make just one simple job of it because THE STAR, Oneonta's newspaper, offers everything you need. All Dairy Products 'i$ * 45,000 Dail~ Readen ONEONTA, N. Y. Oneonta Laboratory Reginald A Covell owner 44 Dietz ONEONTA DEPARTMENT STORE INC (Inc 1903) pres Lynn H Bresee, v-pres Wilmer E Bresee, sec Clyde F Bresee, treas Fred H Bresee 166-166 Main see p 13 " Diner The David Hofer prop 9 Broad ONEONTA DISCOUNT CO N Kenneth MacEwen mgr 319 Main " Distributors Inc beer 12-14 Market pres- . treas Samuel Rinella " Electrical Supply Co Inc Vincent Gill mgr wbl electrical supplies 17 Broad ONEONTA FAMILY LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS David H Woodward Jr prop laundry and dry cleaners 22 Main " Feed & Grain Exchange (Inc) (wholesalers) flour, feed, grain .53 Chestnut pres-treas Lynn A Wyckoff, v-pres Bertus C Lauren; t:ec Mrs J osephine L Ray " Fruit Co Inc Austin Rinella pres 12-14 Market " Glass Co John J MeN eill prop 11 Dietz " Glove Co George Cursiter prop glove mirs 40-42 Market " Gospel Tabernacle Rev Russell L Plants pastor 32 Broad " Grocery Co The (inc 1902) pres John Merville Bell, v-pres Mrs E Eggleston Lewis, sec-treas Myron C Frisbee 50-52 Broad THE STAR will do it all for you. Set your advertisement, provide the necessary cuts, print the advertisement, and deliver it to almost everybody in Oneonta and the many other thousands of the trading popUlation outside the city-all at the \eery lowest rate per thousand of circulation. Concentrate your advertising in THE STAR. Don't waste your money in dodgers and throw-away sheets because they are cheap. r-hat's money thrown away. I 1\ The Oneonta Star It's Read Euer~bod~ 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 MERIDALE Dairy Products . _ Cream, Chocolate Milk, Buttermilk PHONE 1260 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 * 45,000 Dailq Readers * 45,000 Dailq Readers I In Oneonta, advertising is a surprisingly easy proposition. You can make just one simple job of it because THE STAR, Oneonta's newspaper, offers everything you need. THE STAR will do it all for you. Set your advertisement, provide the necessary cuts, print the advertisement, and deliver it to almost everybody in Oneonta and the many other thousands of · the trading population outside the city-all at the very lowest rate per thousand of circulation. * I 45,000 DaHl:) Readers Concentrate your advertising in THE STAR. Don't waste your money in dodgers and throw-away sheets because they are cheap. That's money thrown a way. The Oneonta Star It's Read I .:.;.;.L • Grade Aand Jersey Creamhne Milk ONEONTA, NEW YORK ONEONTA HERALD (Otsego Publishing Co) / weekly newspaper and job printing shop 12 Broad see insert ONEONTA HIGH SCHOOL Joseph C McLain prin 21-36 Academy see p 20 ONEONTA HOTEL CO INC 195 Main lessees Hotel Oneonta pres Marion W Henderson, C E Lewis asst mgr see p 5 Aduel'iisinq Is Eas1:J in Oneonta DISTRIBUTORS O~ 99 " Iron & Metal Co Mrs Minnie Epstein prop 6 Neahwa pI " Junk Shop Natale Miseria prop 49-53 Main ., " Kingston Bus Line Glenn H Green prop 38 Chestnut " Manufacturing Co dress contractors 213 217 Chestnut pres Charles Unger, v-prestreas Meyer Unger "News Co Abraham M Pierson prop Samuel Mars mgr newspaper distributors 75 Main "News Publishing Co publishers The Oheonta News Bertram H Carter editor and publisher 9 River " News The (The Oneonta News Publishing Co) Bertram H Carter editor and publisher weekly newspaper 9 River " Nursery Gardens Irwin F Dibble prop 32 Oneida ONEONTA OIL" FUEL CO (Inc 1903) office 5 Dietz, coal yard 28 Prospect, city storehouse Railroad av pres William H Lunn, v-pres lames D Van Woert, v-pr.es-treas Carl E Disbrow, sec lohn L Van Woert see back cover " Outdoor Advertising Co George S Lynch mgr 1 Birch ONEONTA PAINT " WALLPAPER CO (wholesale and retail) Wilfred L Sheehan mgt 34 Chestnut see top next column Oneonta Plains Cemetery Assn pres-supt Charles H Parish, sec-treas Bert Mowbray Oneida St Oneonta Plains " Plains School Mrs Ruth T St John prin 440 Chestnut ONEONTA PUBLIC SCHOOLS office High School George 1 Dann supt Academy see pp 20 and 21 " Recreation Academy Frank A LaMonica Jr prop 2-4 Market " Roofers Arthur J Vosburgh mgr 121 Main ONEONTA SALES CO (Mrs Beatrice W Blanding and Mrs Lillian N Warren) Ford and Mercury automobiles, Ford tractors, sales and service, distributors for Firestone tires and batteries, radios, greasing and Socony Gasoline and Mobiloil27-33 Market and 24Yz Market see front cover " Sign Service William T Horn prop 19 Prospect and 1 Broad " Shoe Repairing Frank Pizza prop 295 Main ONEONTA STAR (Otsego Publishing Co) daily newspaper Francis A Lee editor 14 Broad see insert opp name " Super Market Sam W Salamone prop meats and provisions 45-47 Main ONEONTA PAINT" WALLPAPER CO (wholesale and retail) Wilfred L Sheehan mgr 34 Chestnut see under name Oneonta Paint & Wall Paper Company Acme Quality Paints & Varnishes MAYFlOWER &BIRGE WALLPAPERS Oneonta's Leading Paint and Wall Paper Shop Phone 104 34 Chestnut St. ONEONTA, N. Y. Oneonta Theatre Harold DeGraw mgr 47 Chestnut " Tire & Auto Parts Inc pres Benjamin Krohn, v-pres Mrs Hannah M Krohn, sec-treas Ellis Krohn 116-118 Main " Tractor Sales Hardy E Hanson prop 180 East ONEONTA TRUCK TERMINAL Park Hamlin mgr 48 Market " Walter Filtration William W Watkins supt plant and office 130 East ONEONTA WINDSOR HOTEL CORP props Windsor Hotel 44-48 Chestnut pres loseph W Sweet, sec-treas Robert Warburton Opel John A gas and oils 534 Main h45 Maple Orchard Inn Clyde Babcock prop Morris rd Orcutt Daniel W printer hll Birch " William F mech rll Birch Orlandi 0 James welder D&H h3D Gilbert " Thelma D (Mrs 0 James) clk MW&Co h30 Gilbert Onniston Keith E eng D&H h45 Fairview " Mary J tchr 0 Jr HS h107 East Orr Frederick D mach D&H h Franklin rd South Side RD3 Osborn Julia F emp Sidney r6 Roosevelt av Osborne Justine r15 Meckley av 100 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Osier H elen emp Elmore Milling Co r26 High n John B slsm hlO Gardner pi Ostaszewski Tek1a wid Adam h5 Van Woert av Osterhoudt Abram J retired r East End RDa " Floyd cook blO Factory " Millard J fanner h East End RD3 " Napoleon pipe itr D&H r304 Chestnut " Paul emp D&H Shops ha04 Chestnut " Thelma J student r M J Osterhoudt " Vanila h East End RDa Osterhout Louis retired h45 Center " Samuel painter r3 Mitchell " Wesley retired h Main ext RD3 Ostrander Addie wid Tohn J r 1331 Grand " Alexander emp D&H h275 Main " George J mach D&H h9 Lawn av OSTRANDER HELEN J sec to prin Stste Normal School h13 }-2 Grsnd " Roger E emp Sidney r137'2 Grand " William] janitor Montgomery Ward & Co h16 }-2 Broad Ostrom Eida M wid Robert E b 10 Ceperley av " Mary E sten D&H rlO Ceperley av Otello Angelina wid John h15 Fonda av " Antonio barber r15 Fonda av " J oseph L T15 Fonda av " Louisa emp OMfgCo r15 Fonda av " Ralph S brakeman D&H hl5 Fonda av " Rose A emp OMfgCo r15 Fonda av Ott Clyde E emp 221 Main r16 Forest av " Clyde S emp Sears Roebuck Co h16 Forest av O~o County Alcoholic Beverage Cont rol 130ard J J Burke and Benjamin F Van Zandt members J Curtis Stewart exec officer 234 Main " County Tuberculosis and Public Health Association The Inc Emily A Spraker exec sec 17 Ford av " Iron & Metal Corp junk etc ft Rose av pres Mrs Lena Rosen, v-pres Jack Rosen, treas William Rosen, sec Sam Rosen OTSEGO LAUNDRY CO (Inc 1926) 47-49 Broad at Market pres-treas Leland P Hamilton, v-pres Leslie C Dole, sec Owen C Becker see front cover OTSEGO PUBLISHING CO INC publishers Oneonta Daily Star and The Herald; and job printing 12-14 Broad pres Francis A Lee, v-pres Mrs Helen Lee, sec-tceas Fred M H Jackson see insert " Social Club David Nader prop 210 Main " Typewriter Co Walter B Tallmadge mgr 128 Main Ottavio Peter h75 Gilbert Ottaway Carl R carp r East byd limits " Clara E wid Stephen h East byd limits Otten Catherine Mrs nurse 13 Otsego r do Ottman Louis B mech HFT Hasp h473 Main " Pearl (Mrs Louis B) elk Russell's h473 Main Otto George 0 yd elk D&H h74 Elm " John C retired h3 Shepherd av " Margaret M Mrs nurse HFT Hasp h do " Mildred D nurse HFT Hosp r306 Chestnut Ouimet George A emp D&H h7 Gault av Ouimette C Kenneth emp Albany r62 Maple " J ames (Margaret W) asst mgr 0 Dept Store h lOl Spruce 1942 Ouimette Theodore elec fonnn D&H h51 11aple I' " Theodore N J r emp NYTel Co h7 Otsego " Wilfred T student r51 Maple OVERGAARD HANS H sales mgr East End Lumber Co res Laurens Owen 11abe1 C 11rs r23 Cherry Owens Elfreds B 11rs h22 Cliff " Hazel E emp 0 Glove Corp r22 Cliff " Leon W boiler mkr D&H shops r22 Cliff " Margaret h22 Grand " Mary A r22 Grand " Sunny elk 293 Main r13Y2 West Oyeron Coffee Shoppe Nicholas Georgeson prop 142 Main PABST GEORGE C trainman D&H h32 Ford av PACKARD SALES II SERVICE Clifford J Eldred prop 9 Elm Packer Alford S ernp HFT Hasp h8 Rose av " Eleanor R wid Cyrus r6 East End av " Elmer C r6 East End a v " George R protr Oneonta Daily Star h6 East End av " Gordon M USA r38 Pine " Harold J baker Mayer's Bakery f3 " Harry J meatctr HFT Hosp h38 Pine Paeplow Bruno W ernp NYSE&GCorp h7 Murdock av Page Alvin R r24 Broad " Lowell I carp East End Lumber Co h25 Forest av " William G cha uf Elmore Milling Co h19 River P aine Frederick R yd cond D&H h355 Chestnut " George C cond D&H h3 Draper " Sidney C emp The Rex h24 Broad Palace Cigar Store Peter P Molinari prop 251 Main " Theatre Spencer Steenhurst mgr 251 Main Palladino Dominic barber 8 Broad r43 Maple Palm Restaurant The (Michael Rizzo and Michael Piz:r.a) 77 Main Palmater Oakley B emp D&HRR h byd limits RD3 " Percy 0 section formn D&H b8 Cherry P almer Allie J r58 Ford av " Charles H elec eng h254 Chestnut " Clarence W lab h3 Hamilton " Cleo T retired h58 Ford av " Clyde E USA r32 London av " Effie E wid Leo h20 Myrtle av " George C hostler D&H h32 London av " Grace Coutant Mrs hl42 Chestnut " Harry C emp D&H h12 Forest av " H elen dam 40 River r32 London av " Isabelle B Mrs sec Nearby Egg & Poultry Producers Co·op Assn Inc res Otega " J ohn E USN r l42 Chestnut " Lavern retired r77 Spruce " Leland D prop Fixit Shop haa6 Chestnut " Margaret S wid Richard r 1 Franklin " Mary E Mrs emp HFT Hasp r52 Burnside av " Mina r12 Division " M urvel lab r East End a v " Nellie Mrs h298 Chestnut " R Carver lab 0 J unk Shop r32 London av ONEONTA DIRECTORY 1942 101 Market Street Body ShOPan~o~d~~ B~~~air • 19 MARKET STREET Palmer Rose wid Orrin emp OllilfgCo h30 11i1ler " Ruth L (11rs Harry C) emp 0 Glover Co h12 Forest av " Thurman W truck driver 35 Market h43 Grove " William E retired h12 Washington Punk Florence M Mrs emp Weir & Weir ha9 Grand " Matthew phone opr Sherman's Taxi r39 Grand Panko Boris student r192 River " Logan E retired h1'92 Ri~er " Olga emp Sidney rl92 RIver Paolone Gaetano emp D&H shops hS Ann Paparteys Frances (Mrs William A) dam h24 Broad " Margaret F Mrs :r17 Ann " Stephen pntr r17 Ann . " William A music tchr h24 Broad Paree Arthur 11 Rev Th D (Ethel D) pastor Main St Baptist Church h3a1 Main " DeForest F (11arion) mgr NYTe1Co hS Walling blvd Parish Beatrice J tchr Hobart r75 Chestnut ." Cliarles H (Minnie) pres-supt Oneonta PI Cemetery Asso h344 Chestnut " Edward J (Lurene A) physician 75 Chestnut h do " Elida Mrs r29 Fairview " Fred retired r67 Gilbert " J ean E tchr Delmar r3 Union " Lee G farmer h Otego rd RD3 " Lester R farmer r H H Potter " Martha E wid LeGrand r Otego I'd RDa " Mary L wid John E h43 Pros.pect " Maude wid Henry R h2l7 MalO " Minnie E 'wid Welcome H r32 Oneida " Robert E emp Newport News Va r3 Union " Ruth A elk 209 Main r217 do Park Albert (Amy) monuments 2 Shepherd av h do " Alex F A asst mr Oneonta Theatre r2 Shepherd av " Inn Mrs Alice E Kelly prop 6 High Parker Fred J pntr and paperbngr 4 Maple h do " Henry R protr Oneonta Daily Star h Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 " Kenneth E gas sta attd 337 Main r4 Maple " Percy emp Elmore Milling Co h2 River Parks Edwards cutter OMfgCo rOO Cp.estnut " Fannie E wid Sumner W h16 Uruon Parkview Restaurant (Ferris and Mrs Rose Monser) prop 100-102 Main Parmalee Mildred dam r50 Elm Parnell Walter H civ eng D&H h17 Linden av Parrish Hammond B yd clk D&H hlO Hill pi Parshall Adelbert retired hlD9 East _ " Carl .F emp Parshall Priv Hosp r7 Myrtle av " Catherine wid Alphonse C h3l Wood'd 51 e av . " Daisy T wid Charles cook h33 Y2 S MalO " Mary MacHenry wid Cassius C prop Parshall Priv Hosp b5 Myrtle av ONEONTA, NEW YORK Parshall Private Hospital Mary MacHenry Parahall prop 5-7 11yrtle av " Thirza rl09 East P"""ns Charles E (Fannie) elk Townsend Hardware Co h9}-2 Otsego " Delbert J truck driver 2 Wells av h9 Fifth " John H lab b24 Gault av Pasko Mary emp 90 Center rI8 W Broadway " Philip hIS W Broadway PATCHIN HANNAH S wid Leon A sec Huntington & Farrington r66 Church " Leon A student r55 Church P atnode Carl r2l3 Main " Earl W emp D&H b6 Chester " Inez J (Mrs Earl W) inv Oneonta Credit Bureau h6 Chester Patrick Clara B (11rs Lu D) ins agt h86 Ford " Cora J wid Clarence W h8 Otsego " Daniel L retired h2 Lawn av " Doris L rS Otsego PATRICK GROSS (Georgisnna) (A C Hooks & Co) h424 Main " Georgianna (Mrs GRoss) prin River St School h424 11ain " Lu D ins agt h86 Ford " Orin W janitor First ME Church h64 Chestnut " Robert J patrolman b5 Lawn av Patten Barbara student r Mrs N ettie J Taber " George W emp Grover C Chapin r Mrs Nettie Taber "Harold bartender h14% Ann " Thomas L emp Tommy's Grill r14Yz Ann PATIENGILL GEORGE E mgr Oneonta City Parking Space res Laurens " Harold R emp Sidney rIO West End av " Julius E retired h10 West End av Patton Donald F elk 299 Main h70 Maple " Harold emp Gardner's Hotel r14 Ann " Leona waitress Windsor Hotel r8 High " Robert B cond D&H h9 Hazel " Robert B Jr emp Otsego Laundry Co h20 Forest av Paul Martha A wid Charles h51 River Pawelebak E lizabeth J emp Fox 11ern Hosp roo 11il1er " Paul car repr D&H h60 M iller P ayne Earl P const wkr :r63 Miller " Edward 0 farmer r63 Miller " Ella T wid Walter h63 Miller " George lab h13 Gardner pI " H erbert L chauf 11 Myrtle av hlO Elmwood av Peach Ralph E mecb Sidney h35 Gilbert " Wanda (11rs Ralph E) opr 011fgCo h35 Gilbert P earce J ack H emp Ballard & Ballard 1'39 Chestnut Pearl Alice A h26 Elm Pearsol Katherine M dam :r2 Fonda av Pearson Carl D emp Otsego Laundry Co h Franklin rd South Side RD3 " Charles mach apr D&H h4 Thorn " Douglas C USN r4 Thorn " Glenice M elk S S Kresge Co r4 Thoro P ease Jul ~ H emp Linn Co h13 Harrison av 1 102 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Peaslee Charles H retired hI86 Main IJ D Herman (Mildred) cir agt 0 Daily Star h37 Valleyview " Mildred C (Mrs D Herman) sten 0 Daily Star ha7 Valleyview " Myrtle B wid Howard C h37 Church Peaster Alice A wid Augustus r6 Country Club rd RD2 " H Raymond foreman Mid State Fuel Corp h6 Country Club rd RD2 Peck Lulu E Mrs waitress Hotel Oneonta h32 Chestnut IJ Roger A emp Linn Corp h8 Shepherd av Peckham Laney M Mrs h Stamford RD3 Pecora Joseph emp Sidney r21 Fonda av Pedene Verne W farmer h20 Shepherd a v Pedrone Anthony J teller Wilber Nat Bank h1l7 Spruce Peebles Anna F wid Henry W emp Otsego Laundry Co h15 Luther " Frances E elk 203 Main rl5 Luther Peet Edwin emp Bob & Dan's Rest r15 Broad " George E trairunan h38 Broad " Harry p lumber rI9 Broad Pelham Albert J eng NYCRR h20% Fair PENDLETON C NATHAN (Vivian S) cashier Citizens' National Bank and Trust Co h419 Main " Charles S Rev retired h382 Main Penney J C Co (Inc) F Joseph Rhodes mgr dept store 261-267 Main Penxa Anna wid Joseph r3l West End av Pepsi Cola Bottling Co Frank G Souders mgr 41 Cliff PERKINS ARTHUR R (Esther) pres Linn Corp hUS Chestnut " Ray B carp h26 Franklin Perrin Maude wid Anthony 1 r24 Columbia Perrine Dever W mgr furniture dept 0 Dept Store h33 Cherry " Harry A clk A&P Tea Co r33 Cherry " Sarah W wid Arthur 1 h9 Potter av Perry Armenia wid Andrew rl84 River " Arthur L farmer h Main WO " Beulah E wid Alton F dom h2 Columbia " Carlos V retired h51O ' Main " Dorothy nurse HFT Hosp r do " Edgar lab h17 Liberty " Edna F elk Rosalyn Shoppe r510 Main " Elisha P music tchr 103 Elm h do " Hilda V wid Donald M h36 Burnside av " James W r20 Luther " 1esse V poultryman h Emmons PO One~ onta RDa " Marie C wid Beryl L h34 Spruce " Mary Mrs r29 Fairview " Mary Mrs emp Fox Mem Hosp h25 Linden av " Nora wid James H r20 Luther " Ralph E bkpr Stewart Ice Co h6 Irving pi " Ray H mach D&H h14 Madison " Samuel Hemp Sidney r13 Liberty " Squire F emp D&H roundhouse h17 Pine " Walter W yd elk D&H h20 Reynolds Perulli Stephen lab hl4 Water Petchtle Caryl C truck driver h3 Rayn10nd " Virginia (Mrs Caryl C) elk 155 Main h3 Raymond Peters Wilson H lab h Main WO Petersen Andrew erop Sidney hso Ford av / Petersen Helen D (Mrs Andrew) bkpr 6 Market hBO Ford av " C J & Son Kenneth Petersen prop whole. sale fruit and produce 5&-59 S Main " Kenneth (C 1 Petersen & Son) h96 Spruce " Mary (Mrs Kenneth) emp 55 Main hOO Spruce ' " Ross A slsm h5 Shepherd av Peterson Beatrice M r5 Otsego " Charles emp HFT Hasp r17 Broad " Oliver mach D&H h5 Otsego Petrik Frank G lab technician HFT Hosp b55 Spruce Petti Nicholas V clk 145 Main h2 Fair Pettril Walter emp 82 Main h32 Oneida Phelps Catherine L wid Edward r23 Cedar " Lottie wid Louis h78 River " Paul emp WPA r78 River Pherreigo Benjamin emp Sidney h65 Center Phi Lambda Chi Mrs Wallace E Jackson 95 Maple " Sigma Phi 61 Elm Phillips Allen C locomotive fireman D&H h2% Cliff " Arthur R emp D&H hl20 Spruce " Bruce E carp h3 Ceperley av " Buick Co Theodore Phillips prop 387 Main " Charles R mgr 392 Chestnut h5 Cepedey av '-' Charlotte E tchr HFHos\> r5 Ceperley av " Edna M (Mrs Charles R) elk 392 Chest. nut h5 Ceperley av " J ack B emp Sidney r5 Stapleton -av " Paul emp D&H h3 Boylston " Ruth H Mrs r5 Park " Theodore prop Phillips Buick Co h395 Main " Virda r21 Broad Phoenix Zane F emp 357 Main h149 East Phyllis Anne Hat Shop Edward L Weinstein prop Margaret T Morrell mgr' 297 Main Physicians Building 76 Chestnut Pickard Ernest E trainman D&H h4 Gardner Pickens Ernest C emp D&H h47 Burnside av Pickett Bertus A ernp West·Nesbitt (Inc) b21 Columbia " Clara Mrs nurse 35 Dietz h do Pidgeon Charles V truck driver 21 Spruce hI Linden av . " Donald F USA r1 Linden av ," E Geraldine bkpr Prud Ins Co hll Gardner pI " Edward F trucking 21 Spruce h do " Elwood F USA r21 Spruce " Grover B yd cond D&H r1 Linden av Pierce Alpbeus B farmer h243 River " Frank H eng D&H b59 Gilbert PIERCE H E ROOFING" SUPPLY CO H E Pierce prop '7-9 Lewis see front cover and p 18 PIERCE HARTFORD E (Helen M) prop H E Pierce ROOfing & Supply Co h16 Forest av " Joseph A carrier PO h12 Ei~hth LaVerne F asst mgr Singer Sewmg Mach Co h5 Forest av " Leud E farmer hU3 River " Lorraine L student r243 River " Myrtle E waitress 156 Main h7 Elm " Paul B emp Sears Roebuck & Co h24 S Belmont Circle " Stewart E r59 Gilbert " Weller E erop D&H h5 Oak 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy- 1942 GUY E. PERRY DeSoto & Plymouth Sales & Service Phone 263 USED CAR LOT 27 SMITH ST. SIDNEY,N. Y. l5 UNION ST. LaVerne William P draftsman Sidney r5 Oak Polo John emp D&H h233 Chestnut " Margaret (Mrs John) emp Oneonta Mfg Pierson Abraham M prop 0 News Co res Co h233 Chestnut Binghamton " Thomas L mgr Singer Sewing Machine Co Poneroy Fitch W retired h Stamford rd South Side RD3 h116 Main Pondolfino Catherine M (Mrs Frank) elk Pignatelli Clarence N mason r7 Wells av Childrens Court h99 East " Donald A paint foreman D&H h23 Grand " Frank L distributor Seven Up Co h99 East " lohn USA r23 Grand " Joseph T dentist 192 Main h39 Dietz , Pilgrim Holiness Church 60 Valleyview JI Louis tchr Mineville r32 W Broadway Pincus Louise nurse rll Myrtle av " Rosaria wid Anthony b32 W Broadway " Moms L (Maud) mgr Bell Clothing Co " Rose J emp Sidney r32 W Broadway hll Myrtle av " Samuel student r32 W Broadway Pindar Estella B wid Wendell H h228 Main " Thomas A prop Tommy's Place h12 (14) Academy Pinder Ethel L nurse 51 Chestnut h do Pope Ella A h53 Spruce Pinna John emp state hwy r127 Main " Flora M Mrs h131 Main Pioneer Grill John Mancuso prop 60 Broad Piper Marcella E wid James emp 0 Family Porter Bernice C tchr SNS r56 Ford Post Harold E clk Mead's Market h8 Young· Laundry r Baker row RDa man av " Robert lab h Moms rd WO .. John B emp 218 Main h34 Cherry Pirone William L emp Sidney h46 Union " Lillian C (Mrs Harold E) nurse Fox Mem Piscitelli Joseph erop HFT Hosp r25 Maple Hosp h8 Youngman av Pitts John L h W Davenport rd RD3 " Lucilla P sec to dean Hartwick College Pizanello Dominic J driver Munson Bros r16 Birch . h21% Mam " Office Chester A Miller postmstr 258 Main " Marco h3 Depew , " Sara A Mrs nursing home 16 Birch h do Pizza Alphonse emp 42 River rlO W BroadPostal Telegraph·Cable Co Mrs Helen Gaff· R . . 0 way ney mgr 38 Chestnut " Frank prop Oneonta Shoe eparnng r1 Posthill Irene G tchr SNS r33 Ford av W Broadway " Gaetano section hand D&H hlO W Broad- Potis Lena K (Mrs Nicholas W) clk The Surprise Store h12 Wells av way " Nicholas W h12 Wells av " Michael (The Palm Restaurant) hlO Cozy Potter Arthur F emp D&H h5 Madison av av " B Evelyn Mrs bskpr 343 Main r do Place Clarence E emp D&H h228 Main (18) " Charles A emp Sheffield Dairy Co h2 " Herbert A emp D&H h54 Church Miles av RD2 " Howard J r228 Main (18) " Clark A camer PO h10 Watkins av " Merton emp Cathedral Farms h Hartwick " Daniel E retired r Morris av WO rd RD2 " Daniel V carp h Center WO Plains Gas Station Leander J Strail prop " .Elsie E r51 Ford av Oneida c Country Club rd RD2 " Frank D state apprasier condemned ani· Plants R ussell L Rev pastor 0 Gospel Tab.: mals h Morris av WO ernac1e h25 Luther " Gladys P (Mrs Harry E) tchr Center St Platt Byron L r127 East School h4 Fourth " Clarence 0 emp D&H b299' Chestnut " Harry' E supvr D&H shops h4 Fourth " Earl L barber 25 Chestnut res RD1 " Homer E supvr D&H shops h4 Fourth " Marguerite Y Mrs sten 0 Tire & Auto " Homer H farmer h off Otego rd Parts h57 Church " Howard emp town h Country Club rd "Newton A prop Platt's Garage h181 RD2 Chestnut " J Henry retired h271 Main Platt's Garage Newton A Platt prop 189 " L Agnes music tchr Morns rd WO r do Chestnut " Leila T wid Samuel H h51 Ford av PLOWDEN·WARDUW THOMAS C (Eleanor) " Marguerite W nurse NY r4 West End av lawyer (Becker & Plowden-Wardlaw) " Pierce line foreman NYSE&GCorp b10 h47 Elm Woodside av ' Plummer Blanche Parish wid Cecil H h415 " Richard S trainman D&H h35 West Main " Ronald S USA rlO Watkins av " Charles truck driver res RD1 " Tina R wid Leon J h \Otego rd RD3 PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE Preston Motor Powder Puff Beauty Salon Mrs Helen A Sales Broad c Prospect Fisher prop 289 Main PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE Christman Powell Angelo retired h18 Maple Flint Corp 10 Main se~ ~nt cover " Claude A h5 River Police Headquarters Muructpal Bldg 240 "Elizabeth M wid William r251 Main , Main " Fred N r1S Maple Polley Frank W erop Cathedrni Farms h48 " H Thomas trainman D&H b382 Chestnut Ford av USED C A R S , 103 104 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Powell Harry T student r382 Chestnut " James emp Sidney hl42.Y2 Chestnut " James R emp city water dept h Center WO Powers David M gas and oils 43 Main h365 do " George M student r6 Lawn av " Harry R mech h48 Richards av " John A USA r6 Lawn av " John J emp Elks Club h5 Hll! pI " Pearl F WId Mark W emp 47 Broad r8 Harvey " Rudolph D retired r48 Richards av " William J eng D&H h6 Lawn av " William J JT fireman D&H r6 Lawn av Powlesland Elizabeth nurse H F Hosp r do Pratt Ben,nie '0 pntr h224 Chestnut " Dewey fanner h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 " Eleanor R sten Sidney r396 Main " Elizabeth D wid Eugene E r2 Ford av " Ferrand hIB Eighth " Florace B loco fireman D&H hlO Franklin " Grace S Mrs tourists 396 Main h do " Hilton G mach D&H roundhouse h2 telford " John S emp Albany r2 Buena Vista av " Lewis H emp D&;H r Mrs Nellie Sigsbee " Louis A retired r246 Main " Marcus J lab h244 Chestnut " Walter L cond D&H h26 Clinton " Warren A (Adele M ) ·osteopathic physician 26 Church h do Preman Axel E retired h6 Thorn Preston Belle S wid Adelbert h94 Chestnut PRESTON CLARENCE E (Leora A) prop Preston Motor Sales r110 Chestnut " Leora A (Mrs Clarence E ) tchr Glens Falls rll0 Chestnut PRESTON MOTOR SALES Clarence E Preston prop DeSoto and Plymouth Sales and Service Broad c Prospect, International Trucks sales and service 110 Chestnut and Broad c Prospect see p 8 Price Beat rice M emp Sidney r4 Boylston " Ernest retired r44 Broad Ernest S USA r4 Boylston " George A pipe fit ter D&H h4 Boylston " Harold E emp Hartwick Seminary ri7 Liberty IJ James fireman D&H h8 Moffatt " Wesley .T carp cant 22 Oneida h do Pride Ada It wid George A b 131 Main Raymond H driver 0 Bus Lines r289 Main Prindle Burt C asst yardmaster D&H h15 Richmond av IJ Clifford V emp Sidney h433 Chestnut (8) " Fred W emp D&H roundhouse h23 Gilbert " George A eng D&H h57 Main " Roy W emp state hwy dept r62 Valleyview " Wendell const wkr r62 VaUeyview Proctor Albert D lab r17 Broad " Arthur J fireman D&H h56 Gilbert Progressive Business Academy Vincent Harris prin-mgr 58 Dietz Proper Anna K sten Citizens Na t Bank & Trust Co r6 Bronk " Florence M office sec 0 Glove Co r6 Bronk Prudential Insurance Co James L Feeney asst supt 229 Main f) f) I 1942-0NRONTA DIRECTQRY-1942 puillic LOAN CO INC Albert] Grace mgrloans EAST END LUMBER CO $300 or less. on your own signature 246 Main (203) see front cover IJ Service Garage Clarence H Epps prop 11 Main Puccio David r21 Rose av " Mary student r21 Rose av " Nicola shoe repr 2 Dietz r21 Rose av " Salvatore G gen cant 21 Rose av h do Pudney Cecil L poultry dlr Stamford rd RD3 h do Pugliss-see Murphy Purcell A Kathryn tchr State Normal &h h43 Elm (I) " .Emma A wid Thomas H h41 Fairview Purchell Eleanor Mrs h19 Hudson Purdy Beatrice H Mrs ernp 155 Main h22 Maple (4) " Francis emp Sidney hS Ford av PURITAN CLOTHING STORES ] Murray mgr men's and women's clothing 172 Main Purvis Aristo D elk Liggett Drug Co h48 Cedar " Marion N (Mrs Aristo D) phone opr NY TelCo h48 Cedar \ Putman James com traV' h5 Shepherd av Putnam Helene M nurse 556 Main RD3 r do " .Tames H slsm h88 Chestnut " William M plant opr NYSE&GCorp h556 Main RD3 Puylara Alfred G emp 2-4 Market r210 Chestnut " John A 'USA r210 Chestnut " John G mach OMfgCo h210 Chestnut QUACKENBUSH ARTHUR L painter and paperhanger 27 Woodside av h do "Emmett L (Royal R estaurant) b121 Spruce " Everett clk 111 River res Colliers " Ford. E fireman OFD hI2 Birch " Harvey I foreman D&H h87 Elm " Henry L emp D&H h29 Gilbert " Lee W r eal estate broker 79 Ford a v h do " Leslie F mgr Victory Chain r I5 River " Norman A mgr 398 Chestnut res Goodyear Lake and h503 Main " Paul L (Royal R estaurant) h7 Linden av Quick Elizabeth M r294 Chestnut " Glenn H carp D&H h217 R iver " Gordon R USA r294 Chestnut " Mervinton E emp Bob & Dan's Restaurant rI97 Chestnut " Oran fireman D&H h294 Chestnut Quigley Ot is L tailor hI98 Main Quintonn Studio Quinton L Simonsen prop photographers 150 Main RABIDOUE MILFORD T cook r21 Broad R ad cliffe J ennie A wid C Mortimer h7 Hill pI R adley Edgar J caretaker Masonic Temple h318 Main " Leora L Mrs r507 Main R ailway Express Agency Inc H W Herdman agt 7 Prospect, E Emmons Waite agt Main WO RAINEY WILLIAM H (Edith C) supervisor Aetna Lite Insurance Co lt4s--chfI'f"Ch tel 360 see p 26 J: J:t'i il1 ~\.. Rake Arthur A car repatr D&H h71 Gilbert " George emp Walton r71 Gilbert , I 2 WELLS AVE. TEL. Ramsey Evelyn elk Acme Mkt 1"95 M8.1n Randall Charles R mech h Baker row South Side RD3 U Everett A h17 Belmont 1J. Emma J wid H erbert V h5 Frederick " John A emp Otsego Iron and Metal Corp r5 Frederick: Ran~el Allonse Z carp D&H h53 Miller Rarueri Dominick: prop Dan's Shoe Repair h4 River Ransom William D emp D&H hI6 Morgan av Rarick: Donald J emp 49 Chestnut res Fire Sta Rathbun Clarence L elk Windosr Hotel: b19 Clinton " Ella M r1 Draper n Mary E student r19 Clinton Rawlings Ella emp 0 Mfg Co h16 West Ray Josephine L sec 0 Feed and Grain Eechange res Saraotga Springs Raymond Evelyn] Mrs rOO Main Raynsford Edward J teacher 0 Jr HS h CoIlege ter Razzo Anthony emp 0 Junk Shop hl27 Main Reardon Frank M dis store kpr D&H hl2 . . Grand " L Murray emp Sidney r12 Grand Rector Rita wid Eugene r2 Parish av R edfield Elizabeth G wid John H hl4 Luther R edington M Alice Mrs hskpr 102 River r do R edmond Alba M Preston (Mrs Joseph) ins 110 Chestnut h do " B Katherine wid R emu.s h46% West " Gerald R emp Schenectady rHO Chestnut " J oseph cond NYCRR hll0 Chest n ut R eed Clifford W sprayer h West WO " Edwin W whitewasher Clifford W Reed h Franklin rd Sout h Side RD3 " Margaret E Mrs librarian HFTHQsp r do R eede Florence G (Mrs Noyes P) apr NY T el Co hI! Kearney " Noyes P emp 0 Sales Co hll Kearney R eents Arthur H prof Hartwick College h20 West End av R eeser Ethel F (Mrs Robert W) prop D ebonair Beaute Salon h19 Eighth " R obert W teacher hl9 Eighth R eeve Charles F farm hand h Winney Hill rd RD2 " Charles W emp D&H h18 Roosevelt av " Cora E wid Martin J r Winney Hill rd RD2 R eich Edwin S mgr Samilson's r Hotel Oneonta R eid M Hunter druggist Milford h5 J ames R eilly Alla A rZ"l R ailroad av " J ames stone mason r3 Potter av " Mary ·M r27 R ailroad av " Thomas.T retired h27 Railroad av R einhardt Earl D gas sta Main WO b37 Church " Percy parts mgr Christman Flint Corp res Delhi Reller Donald F prop Reller's T exaco Service Station h36 Lmdon av ., Fred C mech D&H b4 Liberty 105 LOGAN-LONG ROOFING • BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 24 ONEONTA, N. Y. Reller's Texaco SerVice Station Donard F Reller prop 107 Main R elph Carl A eng D&H MO Dietz Relyea Alice D stc.n Sidney r105 Clinton " Arthur J farmer hI05 Clinton " David H trainman D&H h24 Cliff " Winifred H cashier Palace Theatre r24 Cliff R enwick Homer prop WGY Food Store h488 Main " Walter B ewp 0 Dept Store h440 Main Reusch Rose M r30 High R ex The James Steppello prop restaurant 11 Prospect " Weld & Machine Shop J Rex Chamberlin prop 2 Benton av R eynolds Adelaide Mrs emp Hartwick CoIlege h49 Clinton REYNOLDS AlONlO B (Mamie E H ) prop Reynolds Greenhouses h113 River " Ann G wid George W hl5 Reynolds av " Arthur J car checker D&H h39 Cherry " Barber Shop Edward T McGowan prop 19 Broad " Cecil L USA M8% Church " Charles E picture framing 64 Maple h do " Coal Thomas E Reynolds mgr 6 Grove " Clara (Mrs Cecil L ) emp Otsego Laundry M8% Church " Edgar X retired rS1·83 Main " Edward P emp D&H r17 Watkins a v " George F t eacher 0 Jr HS hIS Central av " George I retired b9 Grand " George I Jr aviator r9 Grand ,. Grace A Mrs r12 Ma dison av REYNOLDS GREENHOUSES Alonzo B Reynolds prop 111 River see p 26 " J ames D retired 19 High .. James V emp Hotel Oneonta r17 Watkins av " John C (Independent Gas Co) h2 Mad i· son av "John M student r9 Grand " John S emp Independent Gas Co and (F & R Sporting Goods Co) M OO Chestnut REYNOLDS MAMIE E H (Mrs Alonzo B) office mgr Reynolds Greenhouses h13 River " NeUa E emp 0 Glove Corp r89 Chestnut .. Phil ip A chief elk div eng D&H hi7 Wat· kins av .. Phyllis V r17 Watkins av " R obert A USA r64 M aple .. R obert J student r49 Clinton " Thomas E mgr R eynolds Coal h6 Grove Rhodes Cecil F cook h7 W Ann ., E va M sten D J Kilkenny rIO E ast End av " F Joseph mgr J C P enney Co hIM East " Fred J barber shop 5 Broad hIO East End av Ricco Salvatore emp D&H r8 Baker Rice' Charles H emp 0 Dairy Co h Stamford rd RD3 " Harry H emp HFTHosp r19 Main ,. H elen R h12 Central av 106 1942 ONEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Riva William emp D&H roundhouse r197' Chestnut Riviera Hotel Alden J LaGrange prop 256 River Riverside Cemetery 294 Main ' Rivino Peter A emp D&H h43 East End av Rizzo Michael (The Pahn Restaurant) r213 Main RIUO NICHOLAS A (Anna) prop Ea.t End Coal & Appliance Co h60 Ea.t Robbins Alberta student r6 Third " Clarence H mech 0 Contracting ,Co h127 Main ~~ " Judd W foreman water dept h131 East " Mildred A Mrs h98 East Roberts Carl driver 30 Broad h5 Gardner pI " Clemance Mrs h9 Gault av It Clemence wid William H r9 Gault av n Credit Jeweler Robert R Levee prop 117 Main " George I slsm Mead's Market h5\ Hazel " Gerald W emp D&H h5 Gardner pi " Harvey G lab h18 Division n Hazel Mrs emp Otsego Laundry hOO Miller " John H h50 Clinton " Loan Brokers Robert R Levee mgr money to loan 117 Main " Mary (Mrs Carl) nurse Fox Mem Hosp h5 Gardner pi . " Pearle E teacher Hartford rOO Clinton " Richard driver P Decker r120 Center " Richard M insp US Civil Ser Corum h12 Hazel " Walter J sawyer htl Wells av ROBERTSON JOHN M (Veda E) concrete block mfr, washed sand and gravel 69-61 Ceperley av h6 do see bottom edg~ Robinson Arland emp US govt r14 Hamson av . " Christine B hskpr 95 Elm r do . " Dorothy J cashier Acme Mkt r3 Frankhn " Earle J emp Sidney h17 Otsego . ' " Frank C trainman D&H h14 Harnson av " Herbert slsm raa Dietz " James clk 147 Main r17 Otsego . " L Kenneth collector h3D Belmont CIrcle North " Laura M milliner Hirshey's Millinery hI7 ' ;Tilton av . " Seward D trainman D&H h3 Franklin Roche Henry B painter h3? Main , Rock Bessie M sten DelhI r27 Mam " Harold F state sanitary eng b22 Maple (3) " Jasper plumber D&H r31 Linden av It Station The Otho D Bradley prop gas sta 128 Chestnut Rock's Body Works William A ~leecker prop auto repairing rear 350 Mam Rocke Carlyle H driver Mid-State Fuel Corp h421 Chestnut . Rockefeller George M emp Sidney h30 DIetz Rodryguez Amparo writer f30 Academy " Julia r30 Academy Roe Charles R carp h off Stamford rd 'RD3 " David farmer h Otego rd Oneonta RD3 Rogan Cletus J mgr Lane's Barber Shop hlO Columbia Rogers Burr emp D&H h12 Ceperley av " Earl D chauf 30 Walnut r53 Hudson Riclyu"ds Bertha wid Edward elk J C Penney Co h406 Main " Burton H signal supr D&H h45 Ford av " Carl A e1ec D&H r63 Maple " Edward Hemp Spaulding's Bakery r406 Main " Edward Hemp D&H roundhouse h9 Parish av " Edward J fann hand r9 Parish av " Fred R mech r409 Chestnut " Harold S emp Sidney r63 Maple " Lyman H retired h63 Maple " Samuel J mason h358 Chestnut " Warren W emp Sidney r63 Maple " Wendell L s15m r Lower River RD2 " William H chauf town h409 Chestnut Richardson Bemard mail carrier US PO h27 Spruce " Dora S ladies' furnishings 3 Hubbell av h.do " Harper J ernp D&H h184 River " Ida E wid James A ra Hubbell av Richason Ethel M Mr.; emp 155 Main h29Ji Dietz; " Frances B (Mrs Owen E) sten 0 Mfg Co h5)1 Ivy ct " Owen E emp Sidney h5>1 Ivy ct Rickard N aIley: wid Dmar r29 East Rickey Eileen elk State Dept Health r72 Ford av Riddell Clare W mgr Grand Union Tea Co h6 Taft av Rider Alverda M wid Ralph B h8D Dietz " Fred J retired h52 Dietz Riesen Gottfried G emp Sidney r13 West End av Rifenburg Gladys teacher OHS h19 Grand " Romaine emp Coyle Mfg Co r8 HIgh Riley Arthur r169 Main " Catherine L optician 164 Main hll Otsego " Emma R hskpr 195 River r do " Thomas G emp South Side Dairy Farm r Windsor Hotel Rinella Austin pres 0 Fruit Co r66 East " Mary r66 E ast " Rose bkpr 12 Market r66 East " Samuel pres·treas 0 Distributors h66 East Ring L Bertin prop Cinderella Beauty Salon res Colliers RINSMA ARTHUR D (Hermanna) mgr Merridale Jersey Farms h78Y2 River Risley Edwin E (Marion E) h24 London av Ritchko Harry teacher Waterloo r56 W Broadway " Katherine r56 W Broadway " Mary (Mrs Peter) grocer 58 W Broadway h56 db " Paul wines and liquor 58 W Broadway r56 do " Peter car insp D&H h56 W Broadway Riter Howard C r7}-2 Hickory It Lester H emp Coca-Cola Bottling Co h9 Fifth " Lula E Mrs h7Y2 Hickory Ritter Dental Labortaory James M Ritter prop 181 Main " James M prop Ritter Dental Laboratory h12 Oneida " Nellie H wid George hskpr 7% Hickory r do 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 lO7 Rogers Etta M (Mrs Harold) enfp 0 Dept Rosen William (Lena) treas Otsego Iron & Store h246Y2 Chestnut Metal Corp h2 Walling blvd " Evelyn physician and dist state health ROSENBLATT MORRIS ~ (Goldie) mgr Puritan officer h5 Maple ' Clothing Stores h16 Franklin " Frances (Mrs Burr) nurse 12 Ceperley av Rosenheim Frederic S ins agt h9 Union h do Rosher Anthony F USA r8 Liberty " Frank F meat cutter 0 Super Market r19 " Barbara J maid Fox Mem Hosp r8 Liberty . Pearl " Frank USA r8 Liberty " Frederick C retired h21 Morgan av " Mary (Mrs Michael B) nurse Fox Mem " Garrie D asst postmaster US PO r45 East Hosp h40 Otsego " Harold L mgr Sheffield Farms Co h24672 " Michael B caretaker F J McMenamin Chestnut MO Otsego " J:lIe.rriet clk Citizens Nat Bank r53 Hudson " Nicholas emp D&H h8 Liberty " Hazel R Mrs waitress Weir & Weir r20 " Nicholas Jr USA r8 Liberty Fonda Rosicl0lm driver Sun Oil Co r9 Oneida " Ivan G USA r12 Ceperley Ross lbert W attd 300 Main h71 Center Rohacevitch Alexander emp Spaulding Bak· " Aldivine A USA r24 River ery r54 W Broadway " Americo J barber shop 75 Main h5 Fair" Wasil emp D&H h54 W Broadway view Roketa Charles L emp Sidney h51 Gilbert " Anthony car repairer D&H h24 River Roloson Aaron E auto mech h Ostawa av WO " Anthony Jr emp Elmore Milling Co r24 Roman Frank mech Becker & Lent h4 HuntRiver ington av " Block 73·77 Main " Jolm emp Sidney h12 Baker " Charles emp Munson Bros h59 River " JohnP car repr D&H hlO Huntington av " Dorothy J sten Sears, Roebuck & Co h415 " John retired h48}-2 W Broadway Main " John Jr emp Sidney rIO Huntington av " Edna emp 0 Mfg Co r59 River " Paul billiards 129 Main r213 do " John hostler D&H h Delhi Stage Romanelli Angelo lab h8Y!i W Broadway " Joseph (Mary M) teacher r18 Maple Romiti Joseph mach D&H r6 Ann It Mary elk 73 Main r75 do Ronovech Anthony emp D&H roundhouse " Mary M (Mrs Joseph) sec Physicians Bldg h53 Gilbert r18 Maple " William emp Sidney h65Y!i Gilbert " Michael A grocer 73 Main h75 do Rood Archie A mason h334 Main " Milo J car repr D&H h231 Chestnut Root Glenn T eng D&H h225 Chestnut " Rachel waitress 156 Main r8 Grove " H arry V prop Jack's Restaurant h40 " Sebastiano C tel opr D&H h31 Linden av Cherry " Thomasine M elk 75 Main r do " Orris P L barber h8 McR ugh pI " Viola r24 River Roper Norman E asst bus mgr Hartwick " William bus Norwich r24 River College r5l Clinton Rossi Emilio grocer 36 River h3 HuntingRorer Paul E slsm Swift & Co r2 Eighth ton av Rorick Arthur J steward Elks Club h52 Cedar Rotary Gas Gardens Frank L Lent mgr 2.4 " JoSeph R student r52 Cedar Main It Mary E tchr Pittstown r52 Cedar Rote Chester A agt Binghamton Press h14 " Paul L student r52 Cedar Walling blvd Rosalyn Specialty Shoppe David Melnick Roth Ernest N mach D&H h32 Morgan av prop 166 Main " Ernest R ernp Sidney r32 Morgan av Rose Carrie M wid Jay C h72 Ciinton Rothery George emp Oneonta Park Comm " Celina wid Robert r William McLennan h32 West " Charles J slsm h240 Chestnut " Helen H (Mrs Walter F) sten HFTHosp " Coralyn W (Mrs Russell E) teacher h14 Grand Mitchell St School h43 Dietz " John retired r14 Grand " Daniel E student rIO Miles av RD2 " Walter F funeral home 14 Grand h do " Daniel M eng D&H hlO Miles av RD2 Round Robert E dentist 8 Lawn av h123 East " Doris V rIO Miles av RD2 Rous Earl F fireman r Morris rd WO ROSE LEWIS F (Susan W) cashier Wilber " George W saw and planing mill Morris rd National Bank and v-pres Fox Memorial W Oneonta r do Hospital h3G Center Rowe Albert A emp Rowe's Auto Service " Lewis H civil eng h42 Maple r352 Main It Russell E elk Endicott-Johnson Shoe " Arthur K mgt new car dept 0 Sales Co Store h43 Dietz h2 FemRD2 Roseboom Peter D h31 Church ROWE CLAUDE W (Marjorie) (Rowe's Auto Rosekrans Edward H r20 Center Service) h63 Clinton " Henry D truckman 20 Center h do " Delia wid William W h79 Ford av Rosen Ida r2 Walling blvd " Dorothy H teacher Pelham r27 Elm " Jack emp Sidney r2 Walling blvd ROWE EARLE H (Helen C) (Rowe'. Auto Ser" Lena (Mrs William) pres Otsego Iron & vice) hlJi Gault a. Metal Corp h2 Walling blvd " Eva N wid Irving H h27 Elm " Morris gas sta attd r2 Walling blvd " Frances E r3l Maple " Sam sec Otsego Iron & Metal Co r2 " Grace L nurse Fox Mem Hosp r406 Main Walling blvd 1942- 0NEONTA D,RECTORy- !942 108 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-!942 ROWE HELEN C (Mrs Earle H) bookkeeper Ryan Cornelius F physician HFBHosp r do Rowe's Auto Service hlY2 Gault av ROWE JAY C (Edna) (Rowe's Auto Service) h Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 Katherine E wid William h352 Main Marion B cashier 2 Market r352 Main Maude E wid H Spencer hal Maple Orlando B h7 West Sarah B wid George A boarding 29 Franklin h do " Wm J carp Briggs Lumber Co h6 Fair ROWE'S AUTO SERVICE (Earle H, Jay C and Claude W Rowe) auto washing~ greasing and repairing and Firestone tires and tubes, electric and arc welding and " " " " " vulcanizing and key making 26 Market see p 9 Rowell Laura A wid George W h12 Otsego Rowland Earl 0 emp Rotary Gas Gardens r22 Eighth " Fred gas sta attd h inq PO " Joseph F retired r15 Broad " W Irving agt Mutua! Life Ins Co h44 Church Roy Jack r25 Watkins av Royal Restaurant (Paul L and Emmett L Quackenbush) 22 Bread " Sales and Service typewriters and office machines 181 Main Royal Restaurant (Paul L and Emmett L Quackenbush) 22 Broad " Sales and Service typewriters and office machines 181 Main Ruane Joseph J printer Oneonta Daily Star r52 West Rubberdt Louise (Mrs William) emp 47 Broad h35 River " William emp 0 Family Laundry h35 River Ruby Samuel S emp D&H h Baker row Scuth Side RD3 Ruland Harry E emp D&H M9 Gilbert Rumenapp Frank E emp West~Nesbitt h38 London av " Henry W emp D&H r38 London av Rundle Maude P r9 Park Rupp Michael J trainman D&H h72 Gilbert Russell C Allyn st udent r379 Main " Charles J (Hildret h R) prop Russell's Apparel Shop h379 Main " Eda S wid James C h4 Union " Elsie M r4 Ann " Ernest W carp h16 Luther " Henry Sins 190 Main r4 Union " J Vaughn painter h7 Harrison " Jennette A h32 Linden av " Luverne W painter D&H h19 Otsego " Marjorie S interior decorator r4 Union " Minnie B h57 Ford av " Stanley A ernp Sidney h16 Cedar · Russell's Apparel Shop Charles J Russell prop 174 Main Russo Ralph car rpr D&H hl05 River Rutan Donald C emp Sidney r35. Grove " Ernest B emp Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co r35 Grove "Henry N painter and paperhanger 35 Grove h do . " Irene E elk Oneonta Mfg Co r35 Grove Rutherford N Jane wid Watson rQuackerWO " -see Retherford " Lawrence J optometrist 164 Main h350 Chestnut " Margaret (Mrs Lawrence J) office asst Holland Furnace Co h350 Chestnut " Margaret h33 Fairview "William emp Spaulding's Bakery h12 Pleasant av Rydberg Sarah)i wid John A dom h46 Clinton Ryndes Charles retired h Old Otego rd Scuth Side RD3 " Charles J teamster h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 " Dorothy G (Mrs Leonard J) asst lib SNS h39 Maple " Herbert A (Ryndes' Grocery) h72 Ford av " Leal elk Washington D C r72 Ford· av " Leonard J music dir and (Ryndes' Groeery) h39 Maple Ryndes' Grocery (Herbert A and\Leonard J Ryudes) 436 Chestnut . SABATINI ANDREW lab h9 Depew Sackett Belle C wid Charles H h55 Church ., Charrie E nurse 55 Church r do Sackrider Bertha E wid Harry E h438 Main Sadlow Thomas emp D&H h63 Gilbert Saehrig Fred emp D&H shops r Milton D Mitchell Franklin rd RD3 ' Safford Augusta 0 Mrs r213 Main " Claude B emp WPA h14 River " Helen A emp Otsego Laundry r37 London I av " Walter B emp Waterveliet h170 Main Safko Joseph A foreman D&H h6 Luther " Sarah S wid Frank E emp 0 Glov~ Co r9 T elford Saggese Alta M Mrs waitress r15 Broad . " Ernest USA r45 S Main " Frank truck driver 0 News Co r45 S Main " Michael trackman D&H h45 S Main " Ralph USA r45 S Main Salamone Angela E (Mrs Sam W) cashier 0 Super Mkt h47 M ain " Sam W (Angela E) p'top O,Super Mkt h47 Main Salisbury Benjamin P refrigeration service 11 Wall h 3 Linden av " Clyde L. elk Cit y Drug Stqre h34~ N Belmont crrc1e " D Harold emp D&H frt house h5.Jefferson av " Elizabeth Q Mrs elk Oneonta Oil & Fuel CorS7 Elm " Ida B Mrs elk J J Newberry Co h54 Academy " Lois E teacher Cobleskill r54 Academy / " Paul B clk Wilber Nat Bank r3 Linden;:lov Salsbury Floyd lab h118 Spruce " John 0 retired r118 Spruce " John H student rU8 Spruce Salvation Anny Major Alfred B Mitson in charge 113 Main Samilson's Edwin S Reich mgr womens ready to wear clothing 194 Main Samler Alice Mrs h255 Chestnut Sampson Rupert M emp Sidney h396 Chest. nut Sandell Cynthia I Mrs elk 0 Dept Store h15 Irving pi . Sandell Frank N carp h27 Columbia " Ralph A floor surfacing -107 Spruce h do Sandernon Walter L pharmacist HFTHosp h 12 Tilton av ~ Sandoli Thomas emp D&H h19 Susquehanna Sanford Edgar L retired h89 Maple " Vera teacher SNS r89 Maple Sanitary Pack Ice Cream Co Spyros Myrodes prop ice cream mfrs 51~53 S Main Santy George L car repairer D&H h18 West End av Santora Bert S teacher Hudson r5 State " Mary Mrs h5 State " Olga M teacher Barnet Vt r5 State Santos Ernest P emp Sidney h272 Fonda av Sardella Sisto A emp D&H h15 Brookside av Sargent Irene G student r28 Watkins av " J Frederick emp West End Mkt r22 C eperley av " John H yd clk D&H h22 Ceperley av " Lois A r33 Dietz " Mildred M ri2 Fonda av Sarrge Antonio lab b8 Meckley av " Fred A slsm Barnard Bakeshop Inc h8 Huntington av " Leslie B cook Weir & Weir h37}.1 Grand Saunders Dimmarious G (Mrs Walker A) supr NYTelCo h9 Washington " Howard H machine shop 40 Walnut h do " Walker A emp Albany h9 Washington Sawchak Ahna emp Librarian Fox Mem Hosp h9 Third Sawyer Blanche L Mrs nurse r6 Grove " Emory C emp Hoffman's Cleaning Wks rlI Telford ~ , George W retired h403 Chestnut " Grace wid Shennan h9 Telford U John retired h Stamford rd RD3 Saxton Bernice teacher E End Sch h11 Third " Charles L retired h9 Forest av " Lulu P (Mrs Wilbur) nurse Fos Mem Hosp h363 Main (7) U Wilbur emp Fox Mem Hosp h363 Main (7) Sayko Pa ul emp D&H h69 Gilbert Scanlon Joseph M asst chief OFD hlO Division " Kenneth driver Shearer's Express h112 Spruce Scatchard Laura B wid Elmer E h18 Myrtle av Scavo Angelo emp Linn Corp h86 Ford av " Antonio emp D&H h43 Miller " Bruno J asst m.gr 0 City Parking Space , h14 Draper "Clara B (Mrs Bruno J) emp Billie's Beaut y Parlor h14 Draper " Louis emp D&H h103 River Schaar Edith B r22 West End av U Frederick W mach D&H 1122 West End av Schaeffer William F caretaker 0 Country Club h Country Club dr RD2 Schaffer ·Cora Mrs h135 Main U Frances checker 0 Family Laundry r57 West " John painter h57 West " Robert USA r57 West Schairer Clara E t eacher OHS h3 Cherry Schatsky Dorothy N student r52 Academy " Harry M emp Rochester r52 Academy " I Anita emp NYCity r52 Academy 109 Schatsky Jacob D prop Schatzky's Clothes Shop and rooms 21 Broad h52 Academy " Leo r52 Academy . Schatzky's Clothes Shop Jacob D Schatzky prop 21 Broad Schell Leroy S ins agt 94 East h do " Lillian S (Mrs Leroy S) ins agt 94 East h do Schelleng Clarence D teacher OJHS h18 Draper " Elizabeth L student r18 Draper Schenk Grace E r66 Clinton " James S student r66 Clinton " Mary E wid William T h66 Clinton " William A slsm Holland Furnace Co r66 Clinton Schermerhorn Frances wid Claude H T Water WO " George J eng NYCRR h13 Eighth " Harrison J claim agt D&H h73 East " Henrietta wid Charles r19 Elm " Louise A student rIO Rose av " Robert L truck driver W H Seward & Son h34 Spruce . " Victdria Mrs h229 Main Schifauer Louis L emp Sidney h269 Chestnut Schivitz John emp D&H h Otsego rd RD3 " Yetta (Mrs John) ernp 0 Family Laun dry h Otsego rd RD3 ScWaepfer Hattie R r9 Wall Schloupt Clement A eng D&H h12 Valleyview Schmidt Alveretta A wid Bernard r93 Elm Schmitt Mildred B (Mrs Ludwig) bkpr 6 Market h13 Silver av " Ludwig A foreman h13 Silver av SCHNACK WA LTER (Market St Body Shop) res Laurens Schoeller Donald W slsm 82 Main h26 High " Margaret E emp Sidney r Main byd limits 4 RD3 Scholl Charles E foreman D&H res Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Helen (Mrs Robert J) nurse Fox Mem Hosp h80Yz Ford av " Robert J emp Sidney h80Y2 Ford av Schoonmaker Herbert W yard elk D&H h9 Madisonav Schrader Henry emp D&H h12 Morgan av Schraft Dorothy bkpr h164 Main " William H foreman D&H shops h6 Jacksonav Schrull Rudolph lab h2 Rose av Schultz Alexander K foreman city parks h55 Maple " Harry J r55 Maple " Marjorie S (Mrs Alexander K) rooms 55 Maple:p. do Schumacher Charles A retired h39 Walnut Schumann Kenneth L coal and trucking 21 West End av h do " Louis W trainman D&H h24 West End av Schuster Kate R wid Adam rIO Center " Raymond C gen foreman car dept D&H hlO Center Schwab Harold L aute mech C J Eldred h Stamford rd RD3 Schwaninger Fred h12 Fonda av " Gordon L r12 Fonda av " Maurice B asst postmaster h16 Spruce 110 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Scorzafava Anthony barber City Barber . Shop h17 Park av " Francis R emp D&H h39 Miller " Marino J barber City Barber Shop r39 Miller Scott Albion B janitor 234 Main h do " Alice wid Oscar h1572 Washington " Anne E h59 Ford av " Anthony (Caroline) (Scott & Son) h45 River " Bertha L h91 Chestnut " Caroline A emp F W Woolworth Co r45 River " Eva M emp Beb Cleaner Co r Franklin South Side RD3 " Francis r Country Club I'd RD2 " George E retired r Harry J Alger " Harry L truck driver Gen Ice Cream Corp h Country Club rd RD2 . " Helena R teacher 1'45 River " Izetta A wid Charles A r59 Ford av " James A retired r444 Main " James E emp Co~Bak-Co h360 Chestnut " James T truck driver r20 Luther " Joseph A civil eng Binghamton r45 River " Laurence P 1'45 River " Lucille F emp 53 Chestnut r9 Myrtle av " Marion dam r Country Club rd RD2 WO " Marshall farmer h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 " Martha dom 86 Chesinut r do " Mary A wid Mansfield i-50 Spruce " Samuel E (Scott & Son) r45 River " W Nella r91 Chestnut " William retired r20 Luther " William B emp Spaulding's Bakery and radios 9 Broad h79 Elm " & Son (Anthony and Samuel EScott) shoe repairing 184 Main Scrafford Irving H maint foreman D&H h3 Hazel Scramling Robert D mach D&H h Country Club rd RD2 Serum Myrtle I emp HFTHosp r Merton Place RD2 " Stanley A emp Harrison L Stiles r Merton Place RD2 Scudder Arthur B emp Rochester h24 Draper " Bruce H emp D&H round house h21 Forest av " Donald farmer h5 Gault av " Donald Jr driver 0 Grocery Co h5 Gault av " Edward R slsm Crouch Radio Co h4 Forest av "William F (Eloise) emp Sidney h107 Spruce Sculley Francis L fireman D&HRR h49 River " Thomas S USA r49 River Scutt Burdette I fireman HFTHosp and rooms 30 Dietz h do . " Henry 0 retired r3ll Chestnut " Laura F sten F J Hauschild Mfg Co r311 Chestnut " Winfield G retired h311 Chestnut Seaman Frank C retired h30 Hig~ " Harvey C retired h rear 246Yz Chestnut Searles Ralph K trainman D&H r9 West End av " Robert R tropical fish dealer 9 'West end av rdo 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 SEARS ROEBUCK" CO Jack W MacInnis mgr dept store 220-224 Main see p 4 Seaver Anna B h81 Maple Secord Clarence J emp 0 Daily Star r26 Riverviewav " Edna M wid Edward h26 Riverview av " Edward J emp Sidney r Winney Hill rd " Virginia F emp Binghamton r26 RivervieW""'av Secrest Clara nurse HFTHosp r do See George E emp D&H h38 Otsego Seegar Marie milliner Hirshey's Millinery r14 Reynolds av Seeger Rose M wid Levant W hskpr 35 River r~ • Seeley Ella F (Mrs Edmund) nurse Fox Mem Hasp h5 Walling av " Frank retired r267 Chestnut " Harold T fireman D&H h267 - Chestnut Seely Lulu M 1128 Fair Selberis William H emp Ilion r1 Park av Selective Service System Loca1,./ Board 404Albert B Webster chairman, ' Federal Bldg 228 Main (226-227) Selesky Margaret waitress H H Buckley'r do " Mary cook H H Buckley r do Selkirk Catherine K nurse HFTHosp r do Selleck Ida H wid Pratt A h20Y2 Ford av Sellers Edward L emp NYCity hI Taft av Sessions Esther L sten Boy Scouts .. raO Chestnut " Hugh I (Inez R) installer NYTelCo h21 Ford av " Jane M -wid Frank h12 Franklin " Minnie E wih William H h305 Chestnut Setford Robert A mech r12 Meckley av Settle M Caskey dir physical education SNS h45 Union , Severance Clayton M slsm h75 East ' Seward Alice M sten r2 Roosevelt a v SEWARO CLIFFORO P (Rachael P) (WH Seward & Son) h411 Main . SEWARO W H " SON (William H and Clifford P Seward) sand and gravel 411 Main see p 16 SEWARO WILLIAM H (W H Seward & Son) h2 Roosevelt av Sewell Edson B carp repr D&H h4 Washington Sexsmith George A emp D&H h6 Jefferson av Sexton Elbert H towennan D&H h8 Ceperley av " Margaret J wid S Howard h8 Lawn av Seybolt Alva (Seybolt & Seybolt) h18 Elm " Arthur (Seybolt & Seybolt) h26 Maple " Arthur E student r26 Maple " Jean C teacher Huntington r26 Maple " John W USA r26 Maple " & Seybolt (Alva and Arthur Seybolt) attorneys 229 Main Seymour Edmund C farmer h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Ferman Hemp D&H h197 Chestnut " George G plumbing 62}2 Dietz h do " Margaret wid Charles H h438 Main " Mary A (Mrs George C) phone opr NY TelCo h62>1 Dietz " Maude E wid Lewis h19 Gault av Shaddock Charles H welder D&H h430 Chestnut " Howard L insp D&H h432 Chestnut Shaddock Lulu Hill (Mrs Charles H) teacher Chestnut St School h430 Chestnut " Mary J wid William R h7 Cleveland " Mildred B (Mrs Howard L) sec Community Assn h432 Chestnut Shafer Catherine R teacher r Main byd limits RD3 " Charles Hemp Sidney hlO Park " Guy L (Susan M) prop Shafer's Service Sta Main byd limits RD3 h do " Joseph A retired h59 Elm Shafer's Service Station Guy L Shafer prop gasoline and oils Main (East End) byd limits Shaffer Anna E Mrs h3 Fourth " Catherine M teacher Sr High Sch r17 Church " Charlotte L wid Erwin E h30 Linden av " Clyde E emp Bob & Dan's Rest r30 Linden av " Estella Mrs h35 Dietz " Leroy V trainman D&H h93 Main " Ora D Mrs h17 Church Shalor Frank W farmer h West WO Shalos Martha maid 18 Ford r do Shand Robert mech NYSE&GCorp h >0 Tilton av Shannon Ida C wid William G h34 Church . Shapley Kermit G emp Weir & Weir h4% Cliff Share Inez V wid James E h217 Main Sharts Frank L barber shop 195 Main 1122 East " Grace T wid George tailoress r7 Ford av Shaul David L retired r256 Main " Ethel M elk W T Grant Co r64 Church " Frank R line foreman NYSE&GCorp h5 Eighth " Robert J line foreman NYSE&GCorp h64 Church " Russell emp D&H shops h8}2 Cliff Shaver Harley G lab h5 Brook " John W (Frances) prop Wilson Hotel rdo " Mary G wid Henry W r8 Ford av " Virginia H teacher Davenport r2 Chestnut " Warren C branch mgr Barnard Bakeshops ~ Inc h59 Union Shaw Alfred G retired h22 River " Arleigh L train dispatcher D&H h49 Maple " Arthur H emp Sears Roebuck & Co h7 Fair . . " Catherine bkpr A H Murdock Implement Co r40 Grove " Charles L emp Dairymen's League h5 Cozyav " Charlotte I Mrs dom Earl P Elmore r do " Douglas student r86 Spruce " Earl T farmer 1126>1 W Broadway " Elizabeth A Mrs emp 115 Main r33 Maple " Ella M asst Dr L H Wayman rl58 Main " Emma R Mrs cook h53>1 Market " Florence (Mrs Charles L) emp 0 Glove Co r196 River " Grace L (Mrs Arthur H) elk Sears Roebuck & Co h7 Fair " Harry L elk: 0 Dept Store h86 Spruce " Hellen Gray (Mrs William A) elk Sears Roebuck & Co h49 Maple " Ida Mrs h40 Grove 111 Shaw Jeanne (Mrs Louis E) waitress Diana Restaurant & Grill hl53 Main " Kenneth D yd elk D&H h18 Union " Leo D material man D&H hll Youngman av " Louis E elk 0 Dept Store hl58 Main " William A emp Preston's Motor Sales h49 Maple Shea Thomas L mgr SS Kresge Co rlJl!.\tdson Shear Earl H cont and builder 71 East h do Shearer A Clayton elk 416 Chestnut h9 Gault av " Bruce C student rl06 Spruce " Carl L hotel mgr Cooperstown h43 Dietz " David Clark prop Shearer's Exp and prop Shearer's Garage hlO6 Spruce " Flora I nurse 43 Dietz r do " Harry D radio repairing 65 Gilbert h do " Mina E r57 Dietz "S Morrison elk Mark's Market r106 Spruce " Seymour B retired r57 Dietz Shearer's Express David Clark Shearer prop 6 Hickory Sheehan Laney L wid Fred F hskpr res RD3 SHEEHAN WILFRED L mgr Oneonta Paint & Wallpaper Co r421 Main • Sheehy Arthur J asst trainmaster D&H r19 Broad Sheeley Lena H wid Fred hskpr 79 Chestnut r do Sheetz William B elk Brady's Shoe Store res Goodyear Lake Sheffield Farms Co Harold L Rogers supt milk dealers Lower River 0 Plains RD2 Sheldon Claude N emp D&H shops h Water WO " George USA r110 River " John W emp Water dept h110 River " Louise Mrs h41 Hudson " Mary E wid Hiram W h368 Main Shell Oil Co Inc bulk plant Miles av Thomas Lynch mgr " Oil Co Inc Thomas Lynch area mgr, James J McGonigal Jr depot agt Miles av c CotUltry Club rd Shellman Hazel M bkpr Hoffman's Cleaning Works r9 Grand Shemet J obn h4 Scrambling av Shepard Jesse C slsm 0 Dairy Co h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Robert E emp Albany h4Y2 Potter av Shepherd Marion sten Wilber Nat Bank res Otego Sherman Apartments 15 Main " Charles H eng D&H h9 Eighth " Clarence J prop Sherman's Taxi h38 Dietz. " Gertrude M clk 139 Main r44 Cedar " Hazel F wid Frank G exec sec Family Welfare Assn h41 Grove " Henry C prop Sherman's Pharmacy h44Cedar " Ira rural carrier PO h Franklin rd South Side RD3 " John F USA r44 Cedar Sherman's Pharmacy Henry C Shennan prop 139 Main " Taxi Clarence J Sherman prop 6 Broad Shields Andrew M emp Elmore Milling Co h23 Main " Ellen tchr Brooklyn r8 Division 112 ·1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Shields Helena M emp Albany r8 Division " J Kenneth musician r23 Main " Margaret(Mrs J Kenneth) emp HFTHosp r23 Main " Margaret I (Mrs Andrew M) emp 0 Hotel h23 Main " Pierre h48 Cedar " William M emp Albany h8 Division " William P truck driver r23 Main Shillito Nellie L wid William J h24 Dietz Shimer Edward J emp Gen Ice Cream Corp h5 E Center 11 Sophie W wid Lazell R hskpr 17 Grand r5 East Center Shipe Robert L emp Sidney r5 Pearl Shippey Frank M circulation mgr 0 Daily Star h6 Madison av " G Paul news depot 59 Broad h15 High " Leora B (Mrs Frank M) elk 0 Daily Star h6 Madison av Shofkom Grover C emp NYSE&GCorp hlO Gault av Shorock Arseni J emp D&H r1B W Broadway Short Arthur J jan City Hall h27f Washington " Edward H fireman D&H h52 Church " Fred C meat cutter 119 River hI9 Park av " Lester C chauf Stewart Ice Inc hI5 E1m~ wood av " Lynn emp Cobleskill rI9 Park av " Raphael W h17 Depew " Theodore R retired r17Y2 Depew Shout A Earl bus driver Oneonta-Marke"tville h14 East End av Shove Edward H mgr 7 N eahwa pI res Milford Center " Mary A wid Melville K r3 Brook " William H agt Prud Ins Co h3 Brook Shultis Edmund F emp city h83 Hudson " Otis retired h Baker row RD3 Shumway Dorothy V Mrs emp 100 Main r8 Harvey " Lynn H town constable and emp Gibson Engineering Co h Cove av RD2 Shutters Clifford J truck driver r6 Miller " Laverne emp 2v4 Market r46 Main " Manville J emp Elmore Milling Co h9 Miller . " William Hemp East End Lumber Co h46 Main Shutts Frank. J trainman D&H h32 Cherry " Frank. J Jr student r32 Cherry " Harriett L r32 Cherry " Iva S (Mrs Frank J) prin Mitchell St Sch h32 Cherry Sickler Bertha M sten Elmore Milling r3 Mitchell " Cora D Mrs h34 State " Jennie E (Mrs Kenneth B) dressmkr 54 Spruce h do " Kenneth R musician h54 SpruCe " Lee A emp a Fruit Co h3 Mitchell " Lynp. M slsm h5 Grant " William H retired h4 Grant Sieger Arthur r South Side RD3 Sigma Delta Mu Sorority Mrs Ethel E Bush~ nell house mother 26 Brook Signor Leo F trainman D&H h18 Telford " Revilo R prop WaltonvOneonta Bus Line . res Delhi ignorino Caroline wid Anthony h37 Main Signorina Joseph emp Sidney r3"7 Main " Rose M emp 0 Mfg Co r37 Main Sigsbee Charles W truckman h2 River " Eva (Mrs Charles W) dom h2 River " Nellie wid Arthur E h South Side RD3 " Nora M emp Albany r2 River Silliman Albert R (Mary) prop Square Deal ,.::Farm Agency 143 Maln M08 do " C Roger USA r448 Main " Clifford W auto repairing 448 Main h do " Darr E bus driver hll Tilton av " George B elk Wilber Nat Bank r448 Main " George W retired h448 Main " Gertrude E (Mrs Morlon L) nurs~ 29 Brook h do " Harold T elk 11 River res Maryland " Jennie W wid Charles r29 Brook " Morton L div dispatcher NYSE&G Corp h29 Brook . Silver Grill Franz P Gronunisch prop ref:itaurant 15 Broad Silvernail Dana H emp D&H M7 Hudson " John W fann lab h24 Academy Silvernell Charles emp NYSE&GCorp r87 Main " Elma E Mrs hskpr 36 Union r do Sim Elizabeth R wid William C ch21 7f Columbia " Robert C student r2172 Columbia Sime Eleanor nurse HFTHosp r do Simmons Almeda wid George .Mr · Harold Lock WO " Anna Mrs emp Spaulding's Bakery h8 Harvey " Earl W emp 10 Market r23 Miller " Donald F emp 0 Sales r9 Meckley av " Ella B wid George W h87 Chestnut " Elnora M wid Irving .T r8 Forest av . " Floyd bar tender 0 Hotel h16 ·Watkins av " Frederick J USA r7 Huntington av . " George M carp h23 Miller . " Glenn L baker Spauldings h84 Clinton " John L truck driver h7 Huntington av " Kenneth J USA r7 Huntington av " Laura B wid Ralph H h363 Main (3) " Leon emp Schdy h2 Harmon av " Lois B wid George H h58 Spruce " Mary Mrs r2 Ford av " Maude M Mrs h30 River " Omar retired r2 Hannon av " Paul E emp 6 Market h5 Telford " Ralph emp Clair Miller h13 Parish av " Robert J (Beatrice J) chief of police OPD h7 Forest av " Sherman gas sta attd468 Main r158 do !' Tarisa C wid John K ernp 0 Family Laundry h11 Huntington av " William emp NYCRR h75 Hudson Simms Loleta M Mrs emp 0 Dept Store r23 Ehn Simonds Charles W car insp D&H h98 Clinton " Francis M ernp D&H h2 S Sand Simonsen Quinton L prop Quintonn Studio h150 Main Simonson Marion R emp Sidney r Stamford rdRD3 . " R Bruce prop South Side Dairy Fann h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Richard L asst mgr South Side DairyFarrn r Stamford rd RD3 Simpkins G Clifford painter r42 West 1942-ONEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 <[UPON}> -....-- • I I i S I 1 PAINTS & VARNISHES 113 EAST END LUMBER CO. 2 WELLS AVE _ Simp!'ins George A retired h42 West " Wilbur L installer NYTelCo h403 Main Simpson Ernest emp 7 Neawha pI h25 Otsego " Irving G car insp D&H h13 Church Sinclair Refining Co bulk plant agt Edgar Chubb off Country Club rd RD2 Singer Sewing Machine Co Thomas L Pierson mgr 132 Main Sinninger August retired r23 Burnside av " Harry R emp Ehnore Milling Co h Otego rd RD3 Sinstack Fred R elk 55 Broad h8 Elmwood av Si~n B F Maiy Sisson Ball mgr dry goods 180-182 Main " Block 180v181 Main " Harriet W wid Benjamin F h36 Main Sister Mary LaSalle sister superior St Mary's Convent and prin St Mary's Parochial School r37 Walnut Sisum Carrie F wid Oliver D h8 Fair Sitts Charles Howard USA r1 Tilton SITTS' EARL D (Ellzabeth M) elk 34 Chestnut h1 Tilton . " Edward barber shop 393 Main hlO Valley~ view " Elizabeth elk 130 Main r1 Tilton av " John A bus E Worcester h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Vesta (Mrs John A) elk NYSE&GCorp h Stamford rd South Side RD3 Skawinski Stanislaus ernp D&H r63 Gilbert Skellie David W jan Bugbee Sch h121 Elm Skidmore Edwin h2 East Skinner Alexander M physician HFT Hosp r do " George W brick layer h43Y2 Spruce " James H dentist 80 Chestnut h do " Leslie I eng D&H hl56 Chestnut " Marion J teller 0 Bldg & Loan Assn rl56 Chestnut Skogland Victoria Mrs emp HFTHosp r27 Linden av Slade Blanche I (Mrs Herbert H) rooms 2 Ford av h do " Clarence L tel editor 0 Daily Star res W Oneonta " Co"Ql Mrs r29 East " Elizabeth W wid James R h427 Main " George S state insp of phannacies h427 Main " Herbert R retired h2 Ford av " Lillian A h4 Tilley av Slater Martin F plumbing heating and oil burners 10 Reynolds av h do Slattery John retired h317 Main Slavin James E emp Sidney r45 Prospect " Leslie H canst wkr h25 Pine " Lois A (Mrs Leslie H) bkpr R J Torrey & Son h25 Pine " M Jane h7 Columbia " Robert A retired h45Prospect " William E laundry supv HFTHosp r45 Prospect Slawson Albert F emp 0 Dairy Co h261 Chestnut " _Forrest M emp 0 Dairy Co h41 Maple TEL_ 24 ONEONTA Slawson Hattie A (Mrs Samuel F) bkpr 0 Dairy Co hl2 Richmond " Margaret wid Emmett lndry wkr h96 Chestnut " Samuel F forenm D&H roundhouse h12 Richmond " Virginia R student r41 Maple " Wilbur S landscape gdnr 11 Ford av r96 Chestnut " William F pntr city bd of education h203 River Sliter Logan fann lab r89 West Sloan Henry J emp Sidney r Lower River rd RD2 Sloat Cora wid Van D h36 Pine Slocurp. Forrest A ernp Watervliet h9 Pine " Grace E teacher M t Kisco r5 Pearl " Mary A wid Arthur E rlO Hill, p!! " R Lena wid Raymond G h5 Pearl Smallin Archie E watchmkr 378 Chestnut h6 James . SMAlLIN DANIEL D (Rosamond E) prop Louden Battery & Ignition Service h36Y2 River " Esther L wid William A h338 Main " Mildred L (Mrs Archie E) tchr Mitchell St Sc!, h6 James " Paul T ernp Sidney r338 Main " Percy B n.rernn D&H h85 Elm " Ruth E student r85 Ehn Smith Ada K h48 Cedar " Alfred ernp D F Keyes r9 S Main " Alfred emp D&H h3 Hannon av " Alfred A car bIdr D&H h33 Ceperley " Alvira S wid Julia C 1121 Ford av " Ambrose A miller Elmore Milling Co h7 Brook " Andrew B fanner h Morris rd WO " Anna G (Mrs Ernest H) waitress Emmons RD3 h23 Ceperley av " Anna L (Mrs Clyde E) bkpr 450 Chestnut res Maryland RD1 " Anna M r5 Liberty " Avis tchr r Ostawa av WO Bramley emp Sidney r South Side RD3 " Carroll S Mrs h7 Oak " Cecil sec West~Nesbitt Inc h25 Fair SMITH CHARLES chairman of board Citizens National Bank & Trust Co h26 Elm " Charlotte M student r105 Spruce " Charlotte (Mrs Mathais) sten Wilber Nat Bank. res Worcester " Chloe Mrs h429 Main " Chloe B emp Coyle Mfg Co r429 Main SMlTH CLAUDE V ESTATE lawyers 136 Maln " Clyde E gasoline 468 Main res RD3 " Cora B Mrs dom h59 Yz Spruce " Donald W dentist 53 Chestnut r9 Myrtle av " Doris student r Morris rd WO " Dorothy M clk 6 Market r9 Ivy Court " Douris L r36 Luther " Earl A sec Elks Club h9 Draper " Earl C trainman D&H h58 Maple " Edward A emp Wash D C r3 Gault av " Edwin H retired hl3 Valleyview 114 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY Smith Effie J wid Arthur D hskpr Thomas Thorp r do " Elizabeth M r Mrs M Hathaway " Elsie M sten NYSE& Corp r6 N Sixth " Emma (Mrs Joseph J) emp 0 Glove Co h23 Brook " Ernest E justice of peace and emp G C Chapin b Main WO JJ Ernest H countennan 44 Broad h23 Cep-erleyav " Fannie wid Willard r323 Main " Ferieda F (Mrs Howard R) prop Smith's Beauty Shoppe h7 High " Ford M office mgr A E Ford & Son b46 Spruce " Frank C ernp D&H h297 Chestnut " Frank hl04 River " Frank A cook Jack's Restaurant h21 High " George emp HFTHosp r do " George A retired h66 Maple " George Flab h23 Columbia " George F mach D&H h7 West End av d " George H r etired rI5 River " George T emp Elmore Milling Co h55 Main " Gerald F musician h26 Otsego " Gertrude E r237 Chestnut " Grace M wid Dennis h46 Main " H Irving emp Sidney h29 Dietz SMITH HAROLD S (Florence M) reO! esta Ie and insurance 158 Main h44 Union . " Harry J trainman D&H b5 Liberty " Harvey lab hl03Yz Chestnut " Helen tchr Hartwick College r7 Weidman pI " Herbert M slsm h Ostawa av WO " Howard R elec D&H h7 High " Ida V wid William C h3 Gault av " Iren~ H emp Sears Roebuck & Co rII8 Mam " Inna: night supv Fox Mem Hosp r429 Mam " Irving G lather r6 High " Ivan E emp NYSE&GCorp r46 Spruce " James L farmer r Lynn A Smith " Janet P Mrs hairdresser Charles h29 Dietz " Jennie E wid Garret K r32 Cherry " John painter r36 Luther " John J retired hl3 Franklin " John J emp Fox Mem Hasp r4 Columbia " Jonas slsm h6 Third " Joseph F boiler mkr D&H h4 Railroad av " Joseph J emp Wilber Park h23 Brook " Julia. (Mrs Allred) emp D F Keyes 1"9 S Mam " Julia G r44 Railroad a v " Julia L wid Ira r35 Luther " Lawrence A fountain mgr Flack's Cut Rate Drugs h7 Harvey " Leo W r19 Cherry " Leon G emp 0 Coca-Cola Co h9 Ivy ct SMITH LEWIS D (ADos L) mgr Hemelf's Boys' Shop h2 West End av " Lewis W farmer h Main WO " Lillian A wid Richard A hl18 Main ' " Lyno A col NYSE&GCorp h Stamford rd RD3 " M Lunma wid Delbert A h237 Chestnut " Mabel wid John B r6 River " Marguerite emp Sidney rI3 Franklin " Marie tchr Johnstown r Morris rd WO 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 1942 Smith Mary wid Christopher H h4 Columbia " Mary A wid Delbert M r9 Watkins av " Mary E wid Alfred J rI5 River " Merlin R slsm Standard Brands hI Hill pI " Muriel nurse HFTHosp r do " Osbomette B tchr River St Sch res Davenport Ceoter SMITH PAUL J attorney 136 Main r do see p 29 " R~a E tchr Oriskany r Main WO " RIchard C emp South End Dairy Co r Stamford rd RD3 " Richard G clk 293 Main rI9 Church " Rilla E (Mrs Gerald F) phone opr NY Tel Co h26 o.tsego " Samuel P asst signal maintainer D&H h26 Cedar " Sarah E tchr and nurse SNS r81 Maple " Silas D meat ctr R J Torrey & Son h Emmons PO 0 RD3 . " Stewart (Eleanor) emp Sidney h95 Center " Thelma clk NYTelCo r87 Spruce " Thurlow A watchman 0 Dept Store hI59 Main " Timothy retired r9 Gardner pI _. .. W Sheffield mech 0 Iron & Metal Co h Stamford rd South Side RD3 " Walter A rooms 46 Cedar h do _ " Walter J sten D&H r7 West End av " Wilbur F carp r6 River " & Merrill Earl W Merrill prop mfr optical goods 283 Main Smith's Beauty Shoppe Mrs Ferieda F Smith prop 7 High Smithburg Charles ViI eng D&H hID Roosevelt av Snavely Harry F supt Swift & Co h42 Academy .. Kathryn E (Mrs Harry F) clk Sears Roebuck Co h42 Academy Snee Alice (Mrs Patrick F) nurse 5 Myrtle av hI9 Shepherd av " Patrick F steel wkr D&H h23 Shepherd av Snell Louise tchr 0 Jr HS r37 Grove Snow George C emp D&H h23 Clinton Snyder Alfred r73 Gilbert " Alton G student rBO East " Carl W driver U Baking Co h73 Gilbert " ,Esther A wid Walter J h44 Oneida " Howard S emp D&H hI3 Roosevelt av " Kenneth farm mgr South Side Dairy Co r Stamford rd RD3 " Reid E ins agt hW East " Rowena E beautician The Deane Beaute Salon r13 Roosevelt av " S Guy emp 0 Bowling Center h78 Center " Walter M elk Circle Supply Corp r44 Oneida Sobers Alfred P emp Sidney h32 Grand " Florinda A clk Farmer's Mkt rI27 Main " James B emp Sidney r43 Burnside av " J ames E car insp D&H h43 Burnside av " lohn A fireman D&H h341 Chestnut " Peter S coach repr D&H has East Soble Alexander physician and surgeon 9 West h do Sobol Leonard r41 WaInut Social Security Board Norman Chryste mgT 258 Main (227) Socony Vacuwn Oil Co John L Groesbeck sta repr 34 Rose av 115 "DAIRY PRODUCTS" - Milk, Cream MERIDALE . Cottage Cheese - Butter Jersey Farms,lne. PHONE 1260 ONEONTA,NEWYORK •f Solloway Emily A wid J William r2 Huntington av " Gilbert T fireman D&H h31 Miller Solo Angelo R prop Solo's Ice Cream Parlor h34 Pine " Joseph F USA r34 Pine Solo's Ice Cream Parlor Angelo R Solo prop 321 Main Solovitch Ina wid Ignatz h12 Parish av Soloweigh Lloyd student r83 River " Mary sten 229 Main r83 River " Michael ernp D&H h83 River . Solowitch Joseph emp D&H h83 River Songdale Peter fireman D&H h298 Chestnut Sons George retired h68 River Sorge Charles mgr Empire Community Mkt res inq do Souders Frank G mgr Tri-County Beverage Co MD Grove Soule Marion E emp Utica r44 Elm " Rose M Mrs h44 Elm Soules Dever W farmer h East End R D3 Sousa Herbert emp NYTel Co r62 Miller " Rafka Mrs h62 Miller n Robert USA r62 Miller South Main St Machine Shop Raymond J Cower prop electric welding 2 Brookside av (rear 55 S Main) " Side Dairy Farm R Bruce Simonson prop Stamiord rd South Side RD3 Southard Charles H lab r72 Clinton Southern Carlton J driver Ry Exp Agency r1 East End av " Donald L USA r49 Maple " Elizabeth A sten 116 Main r Country Club rd RD2 " Herbert L farmer h Country Club rd RD2 n New York Railway Inc E Emmons Waite chief clk 450 Chestnut and Main WO Sowle Lida H Mrs r16 Walling blvd Spanos James emp 156 Main r do Sparaco Andrew emp D&H roundhouse h5 Park av " Aniello emp D&H hll Park av " Anthony cook Molinaris' Grill r48 Burnside av " Florence M (Mrs Anthony) phone opr NYTelCo r48 Burnside av " Marie wid Michael r11 Park av " Samuel emp WPA hI Depew Spaulding Bernard A undertaker 315 Main b do " Eva A (Mrs Bernard A) nurse 315 Main h do " John A slsm h166 Chestnut SpauJding's Bakery Inc William S Morris mgr 6-8 Market Spaziani Angelo lab r59Yz River " Paul emp D&H h51 Miller Spear Carl osteopathic physician 22 Dietz h do Speh Joseph E emp D&H hIS Harrison Spence Iva B (Mrs John W) emp 0 Mig Co hS Winney Hill rd Spence James A emp 0 Coal & Supply Co r14 Hickory " John W emp Meridale Jersey Farms h8 Winney Hill rd RD2 Sp,encer Albert USN r57 W Broadway . , Arthur E meat ctr Hendy's Mkt r7 Cherry " Bradford J dentist 246 Main h23 Myrtle av " Edith W wid Ellery W h59 Spruce " Esther A emp 0 , Mfg Co r Country Club rd RD2 " Floyd T slsm The Texas Co hI7 Ceperley av " George emp Sidney r57 W 1,3roadway " George F student r345 Chestnut " George W eng D&H h345 Chestnut " Horace emp D&H h57 W Broadway " J erome R fanner h Winney Hill rd RD2 " Mary r57 W Broadway SPENCER ROLAND W asst mgr Sears Roebuck & Co hll Grand " Thomas W student r345 Chestnut " Ursula wid Channing H h3 Country Club rdRD2 Speranzi Andrew emp Sidney rl7 Brookside av " Anthony USA r17 Brookside av " Caroline M clk 18 Dietz r17 Brookside av " Joseph USA r 17 Brookside a v " Julius lab hl7 Brookside av Sperbeck C Ellsworth emp D&H hl7 Fifth " Dorothy nurse Fox Mem Hosp r406 Main " Dorothy M cashier 239 Main rl7 Fifth Sperry Arthur L lineman NYSE&GCorp r27 Cherry Soinola Carlo fruit peddler h1l2 Main h Sebastiano mech Ohmeis Chevrolet Co hllO)1 Main " Thomasine A emp 0 Mfg Co r112 Main Spirson Gladys B (Mrs John) asst supt HFT Hosp r7 Walnut Sponburg Frank emp 0 !Glove Co h17 Wall. ing av " Minnie (Mrs Frank) waitress 183 Mam h17 Walling av SPOOLSTRA GEORGE distributor Gull Oil Corp res Walton Spoor Nora E wid Floyd r496 Main Sprague Albert J Swedish masseur 311 Main h do " Alva C retired h19172 'Chestnut .. Blanch E (Mrs Alva q emp '0 Mig Co h191)1 Chestnut " Clayton W USA r8 Grand " Glenford coal dealer 3 Wells av h do " Mae E (Mrs Walter 'R ) 'elk Sprague's Bakery h8 Grand ' " Walter A junk dlr Lower River rd RD2 h do "Walter R prop Sprague's Bakery h8 Grand " William E mason HFT Hosp h45 West Sprague's Bakery Walter R Sprague prop 10 Dietz l16 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Spraker Emily A exec sec Otsego County Tuberculosis & Public Health Assn r2 Lawn av Sprecco Frank trackman D&H h44 Miller Springer Jessie mgr Samilson's res inq do Springsteen Marion E rehr 0 Plains Sch h422 Chestnut " Pauline F tchr Laurens r422 Chestnut Sprong Gertrude M wid Frank] ra West Spurr Nathan H mgr Checkerboard Feed Store hI5l Main . Square Deal Agency Albert R Silliman prop real estate 143 Main S~uires Ada B wid Eldoras r50 Spruce J Edna elk 0 Dept store r417 Main " Maynard P (Ruth W) emp Binghamton 112 East " Ruth E (Mrs Maynard) priv sec H C Vrooman 112 East Stack Alice M wid Karl F hI5 Franklin " Edward J yd master D&H h4 Hill pI Stafford Ellen M sten Carl M Loeb, Rhoades & Co r Morris rd RD2 Stallone Michael emp NYSE&GCorp rI5 Grand Stanbridge Grover C emp NYCRR hI9 Forest av " Harriet L wid William E h23 Y2 Otsego Standard Brands (Inc) Arthur M Edmunds mgr 14 Dietz . Stanhouse James R slsm r59 East " Jennie M (Mrs Perry L) student rooms 59 East h do " Marjorie E tchr Jefferson r59 East ." Perry L ins agt h59 East " Rosslyn J USA r59 East Stanley Anna M r77 W Broadway " John emp D&H h77 W Broadway " Joseph J mach foreman D&H roundhouse h50 Union " Myron E clk A&P Tea Co 8 Dietz r77 W Broadway Stanton Carrie M wid Emory Adorn r37 Main . " Horace W retired h420 Main " Lafayette F granite and marble dlr raO Church h do " Leonard J emp 35 Market h13 Gilbert " Minnie M wid Rexford L r5 High " Robert L truck driver 35 Market h48 Maple " Virginia M Mrs tchr Pelham rIO Maple Stapleton Dorothy G phone apr Fox Mem Hosp r12 Hickory . " Elizabeth R elk rI7 Watkins av " Emily F wid Edmund P mgr Montgomery Ward Co h289 Main " George A painter and paperhanger 24 High h do " Laura C r24 High " Margaret wid John r24 High " Mary C wid James H hI Walnut " Mary E elk 0 Daily Star r289 Main " Michael H (Laura B) chief fire dept h12 Hickory " Wallace cond D&H hI7 Watkins av " William L bkpr Wilber Nat Bank res Worcester Star Laundry Laurence H Tower prop 8 Hunt Starbird Elmer J fireman D~H hI Miller " Joseph emp Sidney r1 Miller Stare Madeline A r4 Walling blvd .. Wilson E maintenance supt NYTelCo h4 WaIling blvd Stark Raymond G emp Elmore Milling Co h19 Railroad av Starkweather David E real est 33 Grand h do " Donald E opr WUTelCo r33 Grand " Irving B emp D&H h South WO Starr Fred D elec Utter's Electric Shop r40 Academy " George L USA r30 Chestnut " H Elizabeth wid George A r Center WO " Lenora wid George r7 Watkins av " Rose M Mrs saleslady 138 Main haD Chestnut " Vivian E student r30 Chestnut ., State Dept of Health Dr Ray D Champlin dist state health officer 16 Dietz " Highway Dept James H Thomas county asst eng 16 Dietz STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Charles Hunt prin State head of Maple see p 19 "of New York Conservation Dept rust ranger Harry A Williams, dist forester R Milton Hick office 140 Main _ St Clair John M painter h22% Brook " Josephine (Mrs John M) elk 180 Main h224 Brook Stearns Cecil A emp Sidney h445 Main " Ruth W nurse HFT Hosp r do " Stedman Harriet e.mp Coyle Mfg Co r45 Chestnut . Steele Philip S trucking 30 Linden av h do " Tillie (Mrs Philip S) elk MW&Co r30 Linden av Steenrod Helen nurse HFT Hosp r do Steere Mollie G wid Carl E r65 Ford av Steidle John J eng D&H h353 Main " John J Jr student r353 Main Steigelman Louis H trainman D&H h3 Wal~ nut Steinbach Otto F prof Hartwick College r33 Walnut Steinhurst W Spencer mgr Palace Theatre h3S East . Stensland Karl emp Elmore Milling Co r12 Fairview Stenson William lab h Franklin rd South Side RD3 Stephens Clude emp Linn Corp h Ostawa av . WO Stepp Charles L lab rU6 Main Steppello James prop The Rex r169 Main Sterlington James Rev pastor Anna Memorial A Methodist Church h14 Hunt ext Sternberg Edward N trainman D&H hI Morgan av Stevener Charles H (The Oneonta Bulletin) h275 Main Stevens Allen A retired r85% Church " C Franklin (Marion 0) pres-treas Stevens Hardware Co res Goodyear Lake " Hardware Co (Inc) pres-treas C Franklin Stevens, v-pres Mrs Marion 0 Stevens hardware paints etc 2 Wall " John 0 emp Stevens Hardware Co res Goodyear Lake " Marion 0 (Mrs C Franklin) v-pres Stevens. Hardware Co res Goodyear Lake " William B r U7 East 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Market Street Body Shop an~OW!'~~~~ :w I 117 Body Repair ONEONTA, NEW YORK 19 MARKET STREET Stevenson Iva (Mrs Robert) emp Bob's Res- Stimpson Rose E wid Charles H h201 Chest taurant r57 Main nut " Virgil L R emp B-Line Taxi r6 High " Leslie H emp HFT Hosp res Schenevus " Robert prop Bob's Restaurant r57 Main St James Episcopal Church Main c Ehn Stever Nina I wid Edward F dom r6 East . St John Benjamin B h5 Gault " Benjamin H .(Mary E) emp NYSE&G End av Corp hl0 Gardner pI Stewart Frances r41 Miller " James G USA r5 Gault av " Helen M Mrs h61 Union " Linus retired r Upper East STEWART ICE INC ice dealers (wholesale lind retail) 46-47 Valleyview c Seventh ·pres " Lynn farmer h Main WO " Mary E (Mrs Benjamin H) sten Public James W Stewart, v-pres-treas Willis D Loan Co hlO Gardner _pI Sweet Jr, sec Albert E Farone see back " Orlo emp D&H h15% Columbia cover " Ruth T (Mrs Lynn) prin Oneonta. Plains " J Curtis exec officer Otsego County ABC School h Main WO Board h88 East ST MARY'S CEMETERY Rev Arthur A CunningSTEWART JAMES W pres Stewart Ice Inc r21 ham Fourth near Main Woodside av ST MARY'S CONVENT Sisters of Mercy, Sister " Mildred P (Mrs Ralph C) tchr OHS h3 Superior Mary LaSalle 37 Walnut Watkins av ST MARY'S PAROCH lAL SCHOOL Rev Arthur A " Paul retired r95% Main Cunningham director and principal, " Ralph C cond D&H h3 Watkins av Sister Mary LaSalle asst principal S8 ." Robert L jan Oneonta Hotel h9 Spring Walnut . " Thomas emp D&H h41 Miller " Wallace C emp Gibson Engineering Co ST MARY'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 328 Main Very Rev Arthur A Cunningham rUO Chestnut pastor, Rev A E Bouchard and Rev " Ward emp Grand Union Tea Co h15 James J Minehan asst pastors see p 11 Morgan av Stockholm Harris L jan Main St Baptist " William h170 Main Chu..ch h62 Valleyview Stewell George lab h14 Factory Stokes Arthur M MD assoc Tuberculosis Stickles Edwin L auto slsm r399 Main Hosp physician HFTHosp h do " Grace Mrs mgr Rosalyn Specialty Shoppe " George W printer 0 Daily Star h4 Lincoln rJ:] Di·y-lsion .. Stone Edith M sten Dairymen's League CoStiles B Pearl clk 0 Dept Store hS Ford av operative Assn rIO Norton av " Bernice W wid Fred M dressmkr 0 Dept " Front Restaurant Alfred Eglestein prop Store r72 Maple 54 Market " Harrison L elec and plumbing cont 20 " Jasper N chair repairing 398 Main r do Chestnut h13 Spruce " Lillian G student r22 Dietz . " Ida Mrs wid Marcus r46 Main " Shem'i.an J com trav Oneonta Grocer Co " Raymond A painter HFT Hosp hI03 hID Norton av Center Storck Frederick W (Lydia) slsm 0 Sales Co Still Fred E retired h54 Hudson h268 Chestnut " Revera F policeman OPD rM .Hudson " Lydia L (Mrs Frederick) cashier S S Stillfors Edward K carp Lothar Fleg h9 East Kresge Co h268 Chestnut End av Storer Edith A (Mrs William B) nurse 97 Stillson Winfield S carp h93 Center Chestnut h do Stillwell Beulah R laundry wkr HFTHosp " William B h97 Chestnut res inq do " DeVere M emp South Side Dairy Farm Storm Nelson car repairer D&H r53 Broad Storms Robert chauf hOtego RD3 h Stamford rd South Side RD3 Stoutenburg Kenneth J milk insp Sheffield Stilson George S fann hand h22 Fair Farms Co h30 East " Ruth r22 Fair Stilwell George G holsler NYCRR res inq do Stoutenburgh Theron T watch repairing 6 Hunt ext h do " Hazel E (Mrs Ray W) sten 0 Grocery Co Strail Byron E fireman 0 Theatre h Lower r78 Hudson River RD2 " Ray W bus driver Mohican Coach Line " Leander J prop Plains Gas Station h r78 Hudson Oneida c Country Club rd RD2 " Vyrle E truck driver r14 Factory " W Van Dorn woodsman r Baker row Strait Alice M wid Bert h Main WO " C Bernard sten Birighamton r3S7 ChestSouth Side RD3 nut " William h Emmons rd RD3 " Clarence N barber shop 387 Chestnut h do " William V 0 retired h Baker row South " Edith D beauty parlor 387 Chestnut r8 Side RD3 Oneida Stimpson Amos W painter r201 Chestnut " Harlan truck driver Spaulding's Bakery " Erne.st N emP 7 Nea.hwa pI h33 O.tsego hl50 Main " Leon H painting and paperhangmg 2,01 " James T carp h383 Chestnut Chestnut r do 118 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 1942- 0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Straw Henry L prop Straw's Sinclair Sta h20 Richards av STRAW MARIE A sec-Ireas Linn Corp r20 Richards av Straw's Sinclair Station Henry L Straw prop 416 Chestnut Strenk Frank emp Elmore Milling Co h88% Ford av Stringer Edward D pntI' h64 Gilbert " Julia (Mrs Edward D) emp 0 Mig Co h64 Gilbert " Lynn W emp Sidney hlO~ Ann Stringham Mane L fur remodeler 22 Grove r do " Maude M fur remodeler 22 Grove h do Strong Blanche tCM 0 JrHS h21 Elm " Delia M wid Frank M h9 Harrison av " Ethel S Mrs elk 0 Dept Store h17 Watkins av " Lewis R mech D&H h3 Ivy ct " Mary wid John h38 W Broadway " Richard r etired 1'85.>-2 Church Stronigan Vivian L nurse 377 Main r do STUDEBAKER SALES Rollert A Oliver distri. . butor 614 Mala Sturial-see Stewart Suffern Bertha L office sec Seybolt & Seybolt ha5 Dietz Sullivan Agnes C office sec US Dept 01 Agr ,. Farm Security Adm 1'21 Pine " Betty R dom 7 Shepherd av r do " Charles coal Otego I'd RD3 h do " Clara C wid John J 1121 Pine " Dennis J frt cond D&H h3S West " Dennis J J r USA r3S West " Francis C student r38 West " Julia M emp HFT Hosp r do " Mary C emp HFT Hosp r do "Ora greenskeeper 0 Country Club h Ostawa av WO " Ralph A emp 252 Main r21 Pine " William Hemp West Nesbitt Co h16 Division Sun Oil Co William J Kelly branch sales mgr 2 Winney Hill rd Sunser Doris dietician Fox Mem Hosp h6 Draper Super Albert F emp Irvington N J r17 Fonda av " Barbara A (Mrs Joseph J) tchr OHS r450 Main " Edward emp NYSE&GCorp r17 Fonda av " Francis appr D&H r17 Fonda av " Johanna emp Diana Rest r17 Fonda av " Joseph emp D&H Shops h17 Fonda a v " Joseph J trainman D&H h450 Main " Louis USA r17 Fonda av Supreme Court Chambers 159 Main Suprynowicz-see Super Susquehanna Shur-Line Co Mrs Katharine H Miller prop distributors automatic fire equipment 62 Ford a v Sutch Marjorie S (Mrs Sidney J) tchr East End School h313 Chestuut " Sidney J prop Chestnut St Greenhouse h313 Chestuut SUTTER DONALD M (Marion A) mgr East End Lumber Co r78 Elm SUTTER WILLIAM F prop East End Lumber Co res Nescopeck Pa Sutton Leo A mach D&H h3 Shepherd av Sutton Lloyd E slsm h386 Main Swackhamer George V emp D&H 1126 Gault av " Glen V (Edith T) emp D&H h9 Ceperley av " Jay H trainman D&H h82 Ford av Swart Charles H emp Syracuse has Main " J Loughran slsm Stamford h38 Main " Jessie E wid John L r38 Main ' Swartout George J emp Sidney h263 Chestnut " Guy P const wkr r35 Main Swartwout James T retired r35 Main Swartz Charles emp W H Seward & Son h410 Main Sweeney Leo F emp D&H hl20 Spruce Sweet Emma L wid Willis D S h21 Woodside av SWEET JOSEPH W pres Oneonta Windsor Hotel Corp. res inq do I\. " Stuart G garage foreman NYSE&GCorp r58 Maple SWEET WILLIS 0 dR (Anita) v-pres-Ire.. Stewart Ice Inc r19 Maple Swift Anna E Mrs r Lawrence Swift " Lawrence emp D&H h Emmons PO On· eonta RD3 " Mary R emp 0 Glove Co r Lawrence Swift " Raymond W truck driver h Emmons PO Oueonta RD3 " Russell emp D&H h17 West End av " & Co Inc Walter S Thompson sales mgr 54 Broad Swinyard Florence A r5 High SWOBODA CHARLES W (Grace A) custom tailor 160 Mala h67 Church see p 14 Symonds Albert L gas sta attd 14 Main r&'3 Hudson " William R brakemn NYCRR h&'3 Hudson Syracuse Herald-Journal circulation office Kenneth L Lare dist mgr 64 'B road TABER ALVIN E trainmzn D&H r228 Main (16) " Charles retired h Morris rd WO " Grace E r Morris rd WO RD2 " Harriet L tchr W Orange NJ r Morris rd WO " Harry C plumber h435 Chestnut " Harry S emp Sidney h433 Chestnut (15) " Jessica E r Morris rd WO PO 0 RD2 " Lillian C wid Henry dressmkr Morris rd WOhdo " Nettie J wid Frank h Morris rd WO " Rith I emp Sidney r435 Chestnut Tallmadge Walter B mgr Otsego Typewriter Co h26 Academy Tamsett Clifford R trainman D&H hl46 River " John T cook D&H h91 Main " Lura B (Mrs Joho T) clk Bell Clothing Co h91 Main " Walter F yd cond D&H 112 Huntington av Tanner Myrtle I wid George H r34 Monroe av Tarbox Edythe P wid Oren Cheney h382 Main " Susan W wid Willard D cook 155 Main r3 Filbert Tate Doris sten Ohmeis Chev Co 1'66 Dietz DeSoto ) I 1 GUY E. PERRY Used Cars 119 Plymouth . Sales USED GAR LOT 25 UNION STREET Service 27 SMITH STREET Phone 263 SIDNEY,N_ Y_ Tate Eudora R Mrs emp Otsego Laundry T errell Ralph L ian SNS h117 Elm Co h66 Dietz " S Elizabeth opr 0 Mfg Co r4 Center Tatlock Frank H dentist 19B Main h67 Dietz Terry Clarence A shipping clk Hetherington Taylor A Doris emp 164 Main r Stamford rd & Tinker Co res Goodyear Lake RD3 " Gladys Mrs h7M Monroe av " Claude A farmer h Stamford rd RD3 " John F emp Crowell Pub Co r14 Birch " Elizabeth tchr Germantown r12 Park " P Jeannette wid Charles I h93 Clinton " Ernest C prop Dietz St Family Wine and " Paul G clk The Baker Hardware b8 Nor. Liquor Store and elk Ry Exp Agency mal av h12 Ivy ct " Robert C truck driver h Church WO " Estella Mrs h64 Hudson " Wright carp hll Spring " Esther F Mrs elk 155 Main res Otegq Terwelp Eugene F cook Emmons RD3 r H P " Ethel (Mrs William B) clk 0 Dept Store Parker h47 Fairview Tessier Francis J emp HFTHosp r do " Frances M Mrs r4 Railroad av Tessitore Frank emp Schenevus h176 River " Harry W painter and paperhanger 56 Texas Co The Harold I Wetsel agt gas and River h do oils lO Lewis " Howard cont 36 Reynolds h do Thaler John H plumber HFTHosp b2l Myrtle " J Harry prop Taylor's Service Station av h50l Main Thayer Allen E elk City Drug Store r14 Gault " James W retired h17 Walling av av " Lottie K wid John S hlO Cherry " Clarence A chauffeur r9 Ann ." Mark A r169 Main " John G optician Smith & Merrill h14 . " Max 'E local mgr Kaafeltz Bakery h80 Gault av Hudson " Jolm W elk 0 Grocery Co h36 Fair " Rachel tchr SNS h16 Maple " Louis S trucking 9 Ann h do " Ralph H fireman D&H h12 Park " Nellie wid Taylor r7 Pleasant av " Vida Mary emp Sidney r47 Fairview " Orlo R emp Kalamazoo Stove Co r2 Van " William B (Ethel) retired h47 Fairview Woert Taylor's Service Station J Harry Taylor prop " Robert J carp cont 2 Van Woen r do gas and oil 452-454 Main " Ruis h Ostawa av WO Telford Mary M Mrs h16 Academy .. Stanley lab h Church WO Teller Clara B wid Ethamer R h8 Telford Theetge Bessie nurse 228 Main (7) h do Temple Jolm sgt USA Recruiting Service Theta Phi Sorority Mrs Edith M Eldedge house mother 21 Cedar h387 Chestnut TenBroeck Alice E wid Munson B 1123 High Thomas Alice tchr O]rHS r6 Maple " Harry L farm hand h44 Wilcox av " Amos W retired r55 River " James W retired h6% Hunt ext " Benjamin H pntr and paperhanger Walter Ten Eyck Gertrude S (Mrs Seth A) public E Dunbar h69 Dietz sten hlO Thoro " Byron P trucking 3 East End a v h do " Seth A mason hID Thom " Cannen V apr NYTelCo rI8 Walling av Tennis Norman R emp water dept rl29 East " Carrie S wid George D h Moms WO Ter Bush Sheldon carp D&H h161 East " Charles H trainman D&H h15 Draper Terpening: AI M slsm Oneonta Sales Co " Charles W mach r55 River h140)1 Chestnut . " Dewey D chief elk car dept D&H h12 Terpenning Dwight J farmer r Mam rd Hill pi , , " Fred M pub acct 18 RIchards av h do " Fred N fanner h Main rd " Gerald A r244 Chestnut " George W emp AG&ECo h16 Brook " Gilbert emp Fred M Terpenning r Main " GeorgeWJrempBaitimoreMdr16Brook WO " James H county asst eng state highway " Izetta N Mrs cook 23 Broad 1124 Broad dept 16 Dietz bll Union " James M emp NY State Conservation " Louis M identification officer OP h7 Dept h40 Spruce Franklin " Julian A emp Sidney r40 Spruce " Marjorie wid Terry emp Otsego Laundry " M Rosalie r40 Spruce Co h134 River " Myrtle M wid George H 11244 Chestnut " Muriel W (Mrs Dewey D) tchr East End .. Percy G (Dorothea C) h244% Chestnut School h12 Hill 1" Terrell Arthur C printer mob dept 0 Daily " Raymond yd elk D&H hI8 Walling av Star hlIO Spruce " Sarah wid Harold S r3B Pine " Beatrice E emp Hill's Music Store rllO " Victor S emp D&H hlO Hubbell av " F~g~~e Musson (Mrs Harold D) dental h ygienist Leon H Wayman h39 Union II Harold D elec D&H h39 Union /' Melvin M retired h4 Center " Walter S cond D&N h55 River Thomessen John emp NYSE&GCorp r87 Main Thompson Albert E elk 171 Main h53 River 120 1942-DNEoNTA DIRECTORY-1942 Thompson Almira (Mrs Charles E) emp 386 Timer Elsa maid 4 Morgan av r do Chestnut h381 do Timewell Charles G emp Sidney h15 Spring " Alta G wid Richard r12 Richards av Timko Samuel elk 58~ W Broadway r56 do " Asahe! E hlO Liberty Tinker Edward D (Hetherington & Tinker Co) hl6 East " Blanche wid J Fremont h Country Club Tinldepaugh George E r2I Fonda av dr RD2 " Charles E (Almira) prop Thompson's " Leonard E emp D&H hI5 Oneida Service Station h38I Chestnut Tinman Dorothy A tehr Oxford r20 Franklin THOMPSON EARL L (Pauline M) gen supt New " Ernest foreman D&H h20 Franklin York State Electric & Gas Corp b3 WaIl- Tipple Edith H Mrs nurse 27 Linden av h do Tisenchek Emil emp Elmore Milling Co ing blvd " Edward emp Lynn Corp h4A Cliff h43 London av Toastpern Walter slsm r Guy L Shafer " Edward H mach D&H h173 Chestnut " Emily M dom 62 Elm Tobe6'u:iarson J bar tender 121 Main- hI2)1 " Ernest const wkr r2 Luther " Frank section hand D&H hl63 River " Charles P bricklayer haS Spruce " Frank Jt trucking 167 River h do " Edna P Mrs waitress h24 Broad THOMPSON G HOWARC shop foreman C J Eldred " Elmer B bartender 18 Broad h16~ do " Forest C emp ,M:orris r16% Broad h4 Oneida " Gordon G emp Sidney r53 River " Katharine H dean SNS h79 Chestnut " Jane W (Mrs Shahan) nurse 163 River r do " Thelma F waitress r24 Broad Todd Agnes M wid Eugene N h38 High " Jay driver 3% Broad r15 Grand THOMPSON JOHN S (Carolyn) asst Ireas L P " Etta L wid Frederick S hll Spring Butts Inc and accountant 28 Cedar h do " John R prop Todd's Fruit Market h77 " Laura M (Mrs Leslie F) dressmkr 64 River " Pearl S wid Burton F rl41 East Dietz h do " Leslie F painting 64 Dietz h do Todd's Fruit Market John R Todd prop 77 River " Lillian M wid John H h20 Ford av Tomlin Peter emp Harry J Butts Inc rIS9 " Mary rl63 River River " Nellie rl63 River Tommy's Place Thomas.Pondolfino prop res" Richard H emp Walton r258 Chestnut taurant 34 W Broadway " Shahan prop Thompson's Store rl63 River Tompkins Amos P retired hUS Main " Thomas emp D&H r56 Broad .. Walter S sales mgr Swift & Co h12 Shep· " Cecil E asst mgr 0 Co-op G LF Service hlO Richards av herd av " Ward T slsm Spauldings h42 L::mdon av " Clifford R rll Lawn av " William W gas sta attd 4S Market h12 " Elmore D carp h3 Wells av " George asst cook 0 Hotel h5 Knapp av Richards av " Gertrude F bkpr 6 Market r40 Pine Thompson's Service Station Charles E Thompson prop 386 Chestnut " Myrtle (Mrs George) maid 0 Hotel h5 Knapp Thomson Mary J h7 Tilton av Tooke Emmett retired r47 Academy " Robert G r7 Tilton av Thorington Amanda wid William r28 Lin- Top-Hatters Mrs Mabel R Mabey mgr 210 Main den av " Cyril real est broker 28 Linden av h do Torrey Dewey R (Maud) prop R J Torrey & Thorn Maurice S (Florence) prop Thorn's Son h82 Maple Radio Service h7 Hubbell av " Dewey R J r clk R J Torrey & Son r82 Maple Thorn's Radio Service Maurice S Thorn prop " Earl A emp D&H h9 Pearl 437 Chestnut " Luella wid Rufus J r1 Irving pI Thorne Howard B h4 N Sixth " R J & Son Dewey R Torrey prop meats Thornton George retired r3 Irving pI Thorp Barbara (Mrs Thomas) elk J C Pen. 228 Main Tosh Thomas D r21 Broad ney Co h7 Wisteria av " Thomas elk NYSE&GCorp h7 Wisteria av Toth Steven emp Sidney h9 Youngman Tower E Vera tchr OHS r9 Cherry Thorpe Lee T slsm h22 Morgan av " Jennie wid George G h9 Cherry " William G USN h348 Chestnut " Lawrence H prop Star LaWldry res GoodThorsland Arnold A fireman Otsego Laundry year Lake h3ll Main Townsend Ada M (Mrs Clinton) emp 155 Thurber Pauline C nurse HFTHosp r do Main h112 Chestnut Thurston Ruth A wid Consanus r29 Pine " Albert R elk 0 Dept Store h5 Walling av " Una h29 Pine . Tibbets Bessie B supv nurses HFT Hosp r do TOWNSEND CHARLES C v-pres Townsend Horde ware Co h65 Elm Tice John A section hand D&H h2 Depew " Clifford E (Thelma I) (Townsend PrintTiffany Glenn 0 emp D&H h East End RD3 ing Co) h56 Church " Hiram M agt Prud Ins Co h28 Church " Hiram M Jr r28 Church "Clinton h112 Chestnut " Kenneth 0- emp D&H shops res RD2 " Club Hall 198 Main " Samuel R emp Binghamton r28 Church " Donald C elk 336 Main hU6 Main Tillson Mary F wid Albert H h28 Country " Dorothy (Mrs Donald C) emp Fox Mem Club rd RD2 Hosp r1l6 Main Tilyou Albert F slsm , h39 Ceperley av I } 1942-0NEoNTA DIRECTORY-1942 121 ROOFING EAST END LUMBER CO• LOGAN-LONG BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 1 WELLS AVE. TEL. 42 ONEONTA, N. Y. Truesdale Fred eng D&H h368 Chestnut Wilber National Bank b Main byd limits Truesdell Eva M wid Ward E hskpr 3 Linden RD3 av r do " Earl B tractor opr D&H h52 River Tucker Carolyn S (Mrs Raymond M) sec '.' Ernestine H (Mrs Albert R )""nurse Fox Oneonta. Agency hlO Union Mem Hosp h5 Walling av " Howard E elk 0 Oil & Fuel Co r74 Spruce U Frances L tehr East End Sch h7 Potter av " Maggie M wid Herman A h74 Spruce " Fred foreman D&H shops h22 Gault av " Mary E Mrs h13 Fairview " Frederick J printer 0 Daily Star h496 " Raymond M pres-trea.s 0 Agency and Main dist mgr the Maccabees hlO Union " Frederick S emp Sidney r253 Chestnut Tuepah Joseph L (Margaret) mgr 0 Coca " Gertrude T wid Elmer D r 0 Hotel Cola Bottling Co hW Oneonta " Grace K r7 Potter av Turk Addie A wid Frank r50 Spruce TOWNSEND HARDWARE CO INC hardware " Floyd H eng Stewart Ice h6 N Seventh heating and plumbing 216 Main pres" Mildred M 1"6 N Seventh treas Lucuis H Townsend, v-pres Charles Turner Charles F air brake tester D&H h3 D Townsend, sec S Edward McKean see Woodside av back cover f " Harold K elk 8 Dietz hI4}-2 Columbia " James F truck driver r314 Chestnut " LeRoy E emp D&H h46 Church " Jennie M (Mrs Earl B) bkpr 20 Chestnut " Lillian S wid Julius J h18 Grand h52 River " Rose h9 S Main n Kenneth R emp 65 Chestnut r312 do " William N car rpr D&H hll Woodside av lOWNSEND LUCIUS H pres-treas Townsend Turo George R office mgr Swift & Co bUO Chestnut . Hardware Co h3l Elm " Lura emp Sidney r112 Chestnut Turp Albert lab HFT Hosp h3 Hamilton av " Mable P Mrs elk 0 Dept Store hl07 Tuttle Bertha dom 11 West r do Spruce (3) " Earl V a ir brake insp D&H shops h14 " Morris B mech Sidney h253 Chestnut Country Club rd RD2 JI Printing Co (Ralph. L Townsend and " Edgar F carp h469 Main Clifford E Townsend) 4 Chestnut " Jesse E emp Fox Mem Hosp r Winney ,. Ral{)h L (Minnie) (Townsend Printing Hill rd Co) h6 Highland Twachtman Paul A USA r5 West Trask Eva M r7 Grand Twentieth Century Lunch Mettress Crandall Trautner Burton J carp h453 Main prop 23-25 Broad Tremelon Ami L emp D&H h38 West End av Twist Alta M hairdresser r29 Luther Trescutt Charles E ins adj state r20 Myrtle av " Chester C fireman D&H h29 Luther " H elen M (Mrs Charles E) bkpr F J Hous- TYLER FLORENCE L sec Harrington & Leamy b363 Main (2) child Mfg Co r20 Myrtle av .) Triangle Shoe Store William Morgan mgT 215 Tymeson Charles F (I Marie) prop TymeMain son's Texaco Service Station h385 ChestTri County Beverage Co Frank G Souders nut mgr 41 Cliff Tymeson's Texaco Service Station Charles F " County Motor Club Howard E Brown Tymeson 385 Chestnut local agt 11 West Trimble George F s1sm 0 Dept Store h21 UHLIG ARNO A emp Sidney h36 West End av Orchard Trinkino Daniel A real estate South Side RDa " Elizabeth M wid Arno r36 West End av h do " Harold emp Sidney h4 Harrison av " Donald C emp Sidney h411 Main Underhill John ernp Ehnore Milling Co r46 " Glenn A emp Binghamton r South Side Main RD3 Underiner Frank X eng D&H h95 Chestnut " Jasper W r South Side RD3 Uhderwood William H bridge carp D&H r25 " Tra\'illa R student r South Side RD3 Central av Tripp Bernice C Mrs waitress r164 Main Unger Charles pres 0 Mfg Co h34 West End " Dorothy (Mrs Stanley) emp 47 Broad av h25 Reynolds " Meyer v-pres-treas OMfgCo h29 West IJ Claude H carp h3 Jefferson av End av " Cora E wid Clyde S hI8 Duane UNION BUS TERMINAL Orson J Buck mgr 38 " Earl G emp 7 Elm h134 Chestnut Chestnut see p 31 " Edna M tehr .THS rI8 Duane " Blanche (Mrs Claude) elk Mathews Stores United States Army Recruiting Service John Temple sgt DEMLRS 258 Main (221) h3 Jefferson av " States Dept of Agriculture Farm Security " Eugene lab r25 Reynolds Administration Rural Rehabilitation div " Stanley emp NYCRR h25 Reynolds Truesdale Elbert M asst mgr Checkerboard J Gregory Van Buskirk supvr 258 Main (224) . Feed Store r368 Chestnut TOWNSEND E LESTER (Jennie H) asst cashier 1 122 1942 ONEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Urban Wanda C phone opr NYTelCo hagS Chestnut Ustenovitch John retired h4 Parish av Uszkurat Bernard carp 1'48 Chestnut Utica·Oneonta Bus Line Glenn H Green prop 38 Chestnut Utter Albert E trainman D&H h34 Morgan av " Allen G brakeman D&H 1'19 Franklin " Chloe J wid William M hI9 Franklin " Clifford E emp D&H h8 West End av " Clyde D -(Mildred M) (Utter's Electric Shop) hlO Taft av " Dora wid George 1'346 Chestnut " Edith M Mrs 1'1 Miller " Eleanor M (Mrs Herman L) elk W T Grant Co h43 Spruce " Gilbert J emp state highway res Colliers· ville RDa . " Herman L gas sta attd h42 Spruce " Jason W 815m h503 Main " John retired hI6 Ann " Lulu (Mrs Gilbert) emp 0 Daily Star res Colliersville RDa " Mildred M (Mrs Clyde D) (Utter's Electric.Bhop) hlO Taft av " Pearl (Mrs William) dom h9 Morgan av " Robert emp Utter's Electric Shop dO Taft av " William carp h9 Morgan av " William Lewis emp Sidney h16% Broad Utter's Electric Shop (Clyde D and Mrs Mildred M Utter) electrical cont and appliances 171 Main VAGLARDO JOSEPH emp D&H h52 W Broadway Valentine Angelyn L (Mrs Gordon C) clk o Dept Store h248 Chestnut " Gordon C clk Sidney h248 Chestnut " Letha B wid Charles G h247Ya Chestnut " Tracy H presser 224 Main h Stamford rd South Side RD3 Valentino Nicholas emp Sidney r21 Broad Vallee Henry C emp J?&H h37 Cherry Van Alstine John E pamter and paperhanger 95 Center h do Van Bramer Alonzo h78 Hudson . Van Bumble Alvin Hemp NYCRR h3 Filbert " Melvin D emp 0 Amusement Co r3 Filbert Van Buren Betty J tchr Berne r12 River IJ Bruce L com trav h28 Morgan av " Carl L (Lila) prop Van Buren's Food Store b12 River " Charles retired b12% Baker " Guy R lab h52 Wilcox av " Harvey M rooms 15 Grand h do " Howard J lab West·Nesbitt h Upper West av RD " L Pauline (Mrs Milo C) elk Main WO hlOj-f Neahwa pi _ " Landin student r12 River " Marion Mrs r92 Center " Milo C ~ocer Main WO hlO% Neahwa pI Van Buren s Food Store Carl L Van Buren prop 30 River Van Buskirk J Gregory supv US Fann Sec Adm res Franklin Van Cleve Edna H .Mrs phone opr Fox Mem Hasp r362 Mam Van Court Fred emp D&H :s hops d65 Chestnut Van Curen Charles W creamery wkr h25 River " George L emp 2 Market r25 River " Lawrence C bellhop Hotel Oneonta r25 River Van Dehurg Edward V elec h40 Broad " Ernest W retired r40 Broad Van Denburgh Edward G sta eng D&H shops r Mrs N e1lie Beams " Geneva B emp HFTHosp h30 East End av ' " Jay E eng inse D&H h23 West . " Orvetta (Mrs Jay E) laundress HFTHosp h23 West Vanderburgh Thyra. Mrs r12 Otsego _ Vandermark Leon E elk 145 Main r147 Eas~_ " Paul R trooper NYSP h _,in ~j:O.. Vandervoort Ethel F (Mrs Lynn M) beauty parlor 246 Main (6) h do " Francis G Uean) invest Pub Loan Co h443 Main " Lynn M hairdresser 246 Main (6) h do " Wilma J Mrs waitress 183 Main r34 Mon~ roe av Vanderwarker Genevieve Adorn 1 Jefferson av r15 Harrison av " Julia Mrs h15 Harrison av " Marguerite S r15 Harrison av " Paul D cond D&H haa Rose av Van Derwerker-see Van Dewerker Van Deusen Ford M taxicab ser 3 j-f Broad r40 River " Hannah D Mrs h18 Depew " Harry G h15 Watkins av " lames retired b74 Ford av " Jane M (Mrs Ford M) phone opr NYTel Co r40 River " Muriel (Mrs Roland) emp 0 Dept Store h17 Watkins av " Muriel Mrs r17 Watkins av " Paul emp 195 Main r do " Roland emp Sidney h17 Watkins av " Ruth librarian OHS h17% Elm " Ruth (Mrs Harry G) tchr OHS hl5 Watkins av " Stewart E USA r65 River . " Susie M wid William M h65 RIver " Ward C painter and paperhanger 5 Pleas~ ant av r do . , Van Derwerker Bernice L cashier SpauldlOg s . Bakery r70 Dietz " Dora wid Gilbert F h70 DIetz " Harold E chau! 42 Chestnut hl4 Cherry Van Dusen Mabel D dom h24 Broad " Donald emp Barnard Baking Co r20 Gault av . . " Lee S emp Linn Corp hSO Clinton . " Ralph emp Elmore Milling Co h3 ~'fjller Van Dycke Kate E wid Sanford r34 Cliff Van Dyke Augusta K wid Frederick C rl5 Franklin " Desiree (Mrs Glenn H) emp 47 Broad r177 "E~cl~ B beau~ician Vogue Beauty Shoppe hl77 MaUl _ " Glenn H emp Schtdy r177 Maw VAN DYKE HELEN F MRS sec L P Butts Inc res Memdale " Robert J plumbing and oil burners 40 Ma· pie h do 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 123 Vermilya Edgar B optometrist 219 Main h45 \ .' Van Ess Louis rector St lames Episcopal Church hl4 Elm Van Etten Frank F cattle appraiser NY State h5 Potter av Van Fleet Dillard emp Crescent Motor Sales ha9 Grand " John r39 Grand Van Hoesen Benjamin L fireman D&H h99 Chestnut " Clarence P retired h Stamford rd RD3 " Flora M r115 Spruce " Nettie E wid Clement D h Morris rd WO " Revillo C lab h7 Parish av Van Housen Edward 1 const wkr h1197'2 River " Frank C lab West~Nesbitt h185 River Van Nakin Gladys E wid Ward G r38 VaUeyview Van Name Norine G priv sec 159 Main rIO Maple Van Pelt Lee F emp Sidney r26 Ford av " Wilfred emp Sidney h26 Ford av Van Patten Dorothy G clk: 179 Main r257'2 Otsego " William H lab h257'2 Otsego Van Slyke Charles E emp D&H shops hl5 Columbia " James counterman 0 Diner rl43 Main " Laura S (Mrs Charles E) bkpr 10 Main hl5 Columbia Van Tassel Edith r26 Pine " Ronald B trucking 9 Grove h do Van Valkenburg Oscar lab r4 Ann Van Vechten E leanne cashier Acme Mkt r32 High " lohn W steam shovel opr h32 High Van Vorrhis Walter Lcarp cont 22Columbia h do Van Wagenen George W supt Glenwood Cem~ etery h549 Main Van Wie Lula E wid Fred N h5 West VAN WOERT JAMES C (Esther S) elk Citizen's National Bank: & Trust Co and v-pres Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co and city Chamberlain h23 Ford av VAN WOERT JOHN L (Harriet) county probation officer and lawyer 169 Main and sec Oneonta Oil & Fuel Co h20 Walnut " Leon 0 chief clk: stores dept D&H h272 Chestnut " Lucinda A wid Peter h2 Van Woert Van Zandt Amasa 1 carp h13 Cozy av " Clifford truck driver United Baking Co r13 Cozy av " :emory D cutter 0 Glove Co h26 Pine " Leslie E mgr meat dept Acme Super Mkt h85 Ford av " M Belle wid William gannent opr h135 Main " Welous B retired h24 Cherry Vargello George emp 38 Broad r210 Main Vargo John chef Bob's & Dan's Restaurant r29 Franklin " Michael mech 0 Amusement Co h70 West Vaughn T James USA r228 River " Thomas A trainman D&H h228 River , " Woodrow W emp D&H h6 Boylston Velie Mina W wid Milton H r9 Franklin Venson James emp 183 Main r do Verbeck Philip D eng D&H h8 Richmond av Vercel1i Alfred chef hI Stapleton av Ford av " Frances B (Mrs Edgar B) deputy city chamberlain h45 Ford av Verry Joseph F trainman D&H h228 Main (5) Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall 6 Dietz Vicedomino Sylvester lab D&H r34 Monroe av Victory Chain (Inc) grocers Leslie F Quacken~ hush mgr 11 River, Paul Dunne mgr 230 Main, Charles 1 Becker mgr 66 Church, Walter M Fritz mgr 395 Main, Charles R Phillips mgr 392 Chestnut Vincent George R fireman D&H h25 Ceperley av Vining Ella S wid Henry 0 laundress h River Oneonta Plains RD2 " Oliver Hemp Couse's r River Oneonta Plain RD2 Viruetti Agnes emp NYTelCo rI9 Church Vitch Anthony emp Munson Bros r30 Dietz " Anthony A r73 W Broadway Vliet Georgiana nurse · Fox Mem Hasp r6 Tilton av . Vogt Viola E wid Fred L h Stamford rd RD3 Vogue Beauty Shoppe Mrs Grace H Kil~ patrick prop 164 Main . Volk Anna wid Henry J erop 0 Glove Co h285 Main Vol wider Harold W emp 0 Glove Co r17 Monroe " John Temp Hoffman's Cleaning Wks h17 Monroe " Marion E r17 Monroe Volwieder Mary emp HFT Hosp r do Voorhees Beatrice (Mrs Harold L) phone opr NYTelCo hl8 Madison av " H arold L elk 0 Grocery Co h18 Madison av Vorder ' Mark Louis W poultryman h East av VORSE CUSTOM TAILORS Louis Vorse prop clothing, custom tailors, woolens etc 178 Main VORSE LOUIS (Carmela) prop Vorse Custom Tailors 178 Main h21 Duane Vosburg Raymond F slsm 1124 Columbia Vosburgh Addie Mrs h9j-f Spring " Arthur 1 mgr 0 Roofers h121 Main " Keith clk City Drug Store r28 Columbia Vroman Charles L fireman D&H h29 Morgan av " Cla ude lab h267'2 Division " Harold M r24 Broad " LaVerne lab h24 Rose av " Stewart J fireman D&H hU9 Chestnut Vrooman Floyd emp 73 River r34 V2 Broad VROOMAN HAROLD C (Beatrice) lawyer 140 Main h8 Tilton av " Harry emp AH Murdock Imp Co h14 Spruce U Lena C wid lohn F dressmkr 158 Main hl23 River " Mildred (Mrs Floyd) emp Otsego Laundry Co h34j-f Broad Vshtwant Elia emp D&H r96 River W G Y FOOD STORE Homer Renwick prop 488 Main Wade Bessie Mrs hskpr 153 East r27 Woodside av 124 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Wade Inez E wid William N elk Oneonta Dept Store h3S Dietz " Sterling drug slsm r53 Maple Wadsworth David B (Lurene K ) emp Sidney and Remington Portable Typewriters 4 Schaffer av h do Wagar Henry C h11 Oneida " Laura A school nurse h7 Otsego " Marion nurse HFT Hosp r do Wagner Mary L wid Frank X rl Eighth Wagon Wheels Grill Mrs Laureta Canellis prop 23 Chestnut Waite E Emmons frgt agt SNYRy and a~t Ry Exp Agency (West Oneonta) h MalO West Oneonta " Maynard E emp Albany r Main W Oneonta R" Wakin Chickary loco cleaner D&H h93 tver " David r88 River . " Marion sten State Health Office r88 RIver " Racheal dressmkr OMfgCo r86 River " Samuel emp D&H shops h86 River " Slyman emp D&H h88 River " Toofie S emp Sidney r88 River Wales Helen L (Mrs Roswell W) bkpr Herrieff's Clothes Shop r22 Walnut " Roswell W (Helen L) elk Herrieff's Clothes Shop r22 Walnut " Walter D office mgr Spaulding's Bakery h7 Irving pI Walker Charles H junk dlr 1 Grace pI h do " Ernest S carrier USPO hl0 Walling blvd " Lola C (Mrs William L) pres Otsego Co WCTU and v-pres NY State WCTU h43 Center " Lynn W pntr and paperhanger 1 Hickory h do " William L retired h43 Center Wall Emma Mrs nurse 93 Elm h do " Joseph .R cook Bob & Dan's Rest r River rd " " Street Garage (Shane and Sehne Monser) 15-17-19 Wall Wallace Benjamin A student r60 Ford av " Donald M USA r60 Ford av " Ellen C (Mrs Floyd) tchr Ghestnut St School hll Valleyview . " Floyd repnnn NYTelCo hll Valleyvlew " Richard A emp B allard & Ballard r15 Broad " Robert Q student r60 Ford a v " William C supt Susquehanna Div D&R b60 Ford av Waller Alice maid 10 Walnut r do Walley Kenneth K r30 Chestnut " M Grace Mrs h30 Chestnut " Maurice G emp Northrup Supply Corp h68 East Walling Alva E carp h4 Mickle pI " Carl E (Edith) service mgr Graves Nash Co h East End PO Oneonta RD3 " Charles H whlsl conf 401 Main h do " Clarence E mason h89 Hudson " Francis S milk peddlar r4 Mickle pI " Frank E emp I F Whitney r Susie A Enos RD3 " Howard M mason r89 Hudson Walrath George 0 h Morris rd WO " William R retired hlO Myrtle av Walsh Aleta M Mrs clk Rosalyn Specialty Shop h29 Dietz Walsh Clifford E baker Mayer's Bakery h68 East " Earl S emp Oneonta Water Dept h12 Gardner pi n Jean E emp 53 Chestnut r12 Gardner pI " Milton USA r29 Dietz II Richard J emp NYTelCo r12 Gardner pJ " R ose E (Mrs E arl S) nurse 12 Gardner pJ h do Walt & Bob's Body Works (Walter Sc4nack and Robert Colwell) rear 19 Market Walter Jacob ian Mitchell St School h84 River " Lewis A eng D&H h9 Kearney " Marion L sub tchr r9 Kearney Walters Earl J stock elk D&H h15 Valleyview " Raymond S h Otsego rd RD3 Walton~Oneonta Bus Line Revilo R Signor prop 38 Chestnut Waltz Earl emp Elmore Milling Co h44'Lon~ don av Walworth Harold L emp NYSE&GCorp h Country Club rd RD2 WARBURTON ROBERT (Maude E) sec-treas Oneonta Windsor Hotel Corp h Hotel Windsor Ward Agnes Mrs r7 Watkins av " Alvira wid Amos h21 Fonda av " Audree emp 231 Main rIO Maple " B Irene dom 19 Walnut r40 Hudson n Charles H sta eng O&H hoo Hudson " E sther J r42 W Broadway WARD EUGENE LEIGH pres Eugene Leigh Ward (Inc) res Syracuse WARD EUGENE LEIGH INC jewelers 231 Main pres Eugene Leigh Ward, sec-treas-mgr Sally E Kniskern see p 26 " Florence 0 r21 Fonda av " Leach M Mrs emp Hoffman's Cleaning ' 'Works r50 Elm ' , " Lois A elk Wilber Nat Bank r50 Hudson " Olive J r42 W Broadway " Ransom B emp D&H roundhouse h42 W Broadway " Robert D emp Sidney r28 CeperJey av " Robert G emp D&H b8 Hubbells av . " Russell S foreman roundhouse D&H h14 West End av Waring Lamont C corn tray b35 Ceperley av Warner C Fletcher cond D&H h8 Central av " DOff B (The Oneonta Bulletin) r33 Dietz " Frank E emp West~Nesbitt b54 Gilbert " H annon H pntr and paperhanger 33 Dietz r do " Harold L chauf B·Line Taxi & Delivery haa Central av " Harold M emp D&H roundhouse r54 Gil~ bert n Lula M wid Harmon B dressmkr aa Dietz h do " Perry slsm h9 Neahwa pI . Warnken Henry F student r81 Chestnut · WARNKEN STUDIO THE William Warnken prop photographers 81 Chestnut see p 32 . WARNKEN WILLIAM (Margaret A) prop, The Warnken Studio h81 Chestnut Warren Elizabeth wid George hskpr 352 Chestnut r do " J obn R trainman D&H h37 Grand WARREN LILLIAN N wid Riley J (Oneonta Sales Co) h12 Walnut 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Wart Olive W emp Elmore Milling Co h5 Oneida Washburn Alvin ernp Sidney h68 Clinton " Homer C lab r117 East " James lab h85% Church Wasson Helen wid Elmer hll Extension Waterman Doris sten HFT Hosp r do ". Elizabeth A cashier J C Penney Co r350 Chestnut " Guy plumber hlpr D&H h159 East " Jeannette I sec Welfare Dept r27 Elm " Mary M Mrs hskpr 1 Grand r do " Nellie M wid Oscar r350 Chestnut Waters Steve prop Waters Electric Co bIg Grand " Electric Co C Steve Waters prop refrigeration service 19 Grand " George student r27 Otsego " Hasson retired h41 S Main " Hazel tailoress 27 S Main r31 do " Jennie E wid George P h22 Ford av tI Marguerite M wid George emp HFT Hosp h27 Otsego " R Eli carp h off Gas av " Susan H wid Chester T tchr OHS h6 . Maple Wathier Andrew G mach D&H roundhouse h28 Otsego Watkeys Birdella M wid Frederick D h48 Dietz Watkins Caleb I lab r30 Clinton " Harry boiler insp D&H h190 River " Kate student rl3D East " Luella C wid Clinton J h7 Highland . " Marion C student r7 Highland " Merle 0 mech 0 Sales Co h5 Pleasant av " Warren emp Sidney r374 Chestnut " William W supt City Water Dept h130 East Watson LeRoy H trainman D&H hI5 Spring " Mary dom 11 Ford av r do ,Waugh Everett H dentist 8 Ford av hI3 Walling av Wayman Carl R emp HFT Hosp h177 West " George H emp Elmore Milling Co hI5 Meckleyav " Leon H dentist 169 Main h46 Center " Mary wid Eli rIO Roosevelt av Weatherly Cora wid Cecil B h Morris cd WO " -see Wetherly Weatherwax Louise M tchr h22 Maple Weaver Daniel retired roO Broad " J ames L emp 195 Main r do Webb Clara M Mrs h5 Tilton av " Royal B (Ethel M) pres-treas Webb Shoes , Inc h37 Fair ", Shoes Inc 186 Main pres-treas Royal B Webb, v-pres-sec Ethel M Webb Weber Eva L wid George hskpr 48 Dietz r do Webster Albert B retired h431 Main n Frederick V carp D&H h36 Cherry " George G painter and paperhanger Os~ tawa av West Oneonta h do " Howard R blacksmith D&H Shops r17 West " Mary r69 Hudson " Perry retired h69 Hudson Wedge Harold H insp NY State Dept Agriculture & Markets h7 Woodside av Weed Charles emp Hoffman's Cleaning Wks r12 Gault av 125 Weed Charles E retired h Stamford rd RD3 H Delia wid Arthur G r Charles E Weed " Hattie wid James L h12 Gault av Weeks Ada bkl'r 0 Sales Co h30 Maple " Millard B (Oneonta Contracting Co) hSl Union Weidman Allen 0 maintenance man Oneonta Oil and Fuel Co h329 Chestnut " Hazel M emp Kandyland r329 Chestnut " Mabel E maid 341 Main r do " -see Wiedman Weiland Arthur W emp 30 Broad h14 Pine n Virginia L (Mrs Arthur) emp HFT Hosp h14 Pine Weinstein Edward L prop Phyllis Anne Hat Shop res New York City . Weir Alfred J counterman Weir & Weir h21 Myrtle av " Alice T wid Samuel h228 Main (8) " James W (Weir & Weir) b53 Broad " John M emp Sidney r37 Grand " Mar~aret L (Mrs James W) (Weir & WelT) h53 Broad " & Weir ames Wand Mrs Margaret L Weir) hotel and restaurant 53 Broad Welch Daniel h273 River " Mabel] rll Fonda av " William C Jr truck driver 0 Coal & Supply Co h6 Rose av " William C Sf retired hll Fonda av Welker Bernice office asst to Rev Harold C Buckingham h12 Maple (6) Weller LeRoy retired h300 Main Wellman Earl fannhand Fred M Baker h41 Wilcox Wells Andrew J emp to~-n h Morris rd WO " Earl carp r21 Broad " Edward J USA r12 Tilton av " Herman L car rpr D&H h20 Church " Emma wid Hervey T r6 Irving pI " John H student r71 Maple " Leroy J?fof Hartwick College r300 Main " May Wld Frank E b3a Cedar " Olive C wid George A h9 Valleyview " Oscar J emp NYTelCo hI Fair " Ruth M tchr Sidney r71 Maple " Ward L cond D&H h71 Maple " Willard C slsm 0 Dept Store h6 Irving pi Welton Frank retired r7 Watkins av Welsh Jennie B Mrs ernp 23 Broad r21 do Wenck Edward W trackman Southern NY R y h26 River " Mary wid F William h17 Duane " Paul C USN f 17 Duane Wendell E dith G .rid Fred F hl50 Chestnut " Robert J emp NYA rl50 Chestnut West Anna wid Foster h21 Ford av " End Diner Leslie A Elderkin prop Oneida c Chestnut \ "End Market Vernon W Nichols prop . meats and provisions 396 Chestnut WEST END SERVICE STATION Earl Yager res mgt Empire State Oil Co and Atlantic Gas and Oils 436 Chestnut phone 1091 " End Station Post Office Clarence L John~ ston postal clerk 378 Chestnut " George E treas West Nesbitt (Inc) hll Walnut " Nesbitt (Inc) wholesale feed 26~34 Mar~ ket v~pres J Clark Nesbitt, treas George E West, sec Cecil Smith a 126 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORY-1942 Whitaker Clair L retired h West RD2 West Oneonta Baptist Church &>uth.c Church " Ellis H iust SNS h7 Draper " Oneonta Community House Ostawa av " John 0 dentist 169 Main h3a Union WO Whitbeck Clarence C slsm 224 Main . h14 Westcott Block 226-236 Main Spring " Charrie Jean tchr Schenevus r49 West " Lee lab h6 Harmon av WESTCOTT EARL A salesman Jerry B Wilson Whitcomb William bkpr Wilber Nat Bank Co h49 West res Worcester \ " Elizabeth M r30 Luther " Elizabeth. M (Mrs George W) prop West- White Arthur B emp L J Bastedo ra9 Grand " Belle wid Charles r12 Hickory cott Supply Co r30 Luther "Clifford J elk McManus Market hI " Eva M phone opr NYTelCo r26 Spruce Hubbell av " Evelyn (Mrs Lee E) bkpr 9 Elm 112 Rich" Delmar lab r30 Richards av mond av " E Belle wid William L nurse 30 Dietz r $10 " Everett F night elk Elk's Club r6 Fifth " Edwin 0 elk 35 Market r4 Railroad av " George W slsm r30 Luther " Emma B wid Charles H h12 Hickey " June student r49 West " Floris N fireman D&H h370 Chestnut " Lee E route mgr Otsego Laundry Corp " Floyd B fanner r Main PO WO h2 Richmond av " Glenn A ice peddler r Main PO WO " Lucius M retired h6 Fifth " Irvin E h14 Pine " Martha A wid Walter r27 Woodside av " James emp Fox Mem Hosp rl6 Otsego. " Reuben Hemp State Armory -h35 Spruce " Kay E (Mrs Irvin E) (Gertrude Insb- ' " Supply Co Mrs Elizabeth M Westcott . tute of Dancing) h14 Pine prop automatic phonographs 30 Luther " Mary B (Mrs Clifford J) bkpr Bern Furn " Walter C emp Sidney r27 Woodside av Co hI Hubbell av " Zilpha M wid George H haO Luther " Nancy A wid Joseph h Main Western Union Telegraph Co Harold R Daw" Orin E farmer h Hartwick I'd RD2 son mgr 248 Main " Ralph C emp HFTHosp h30 Richards av Westfall D Ernest emp D&H shops h30 Miller " Stanley L bkpr Sun Oil Co and gasoline " Grace Mrs r7 Liberty and oils Main h Main WO . " Jennie Mrs emp 0 Theatre h45 Chestnut WHITE TRUCKS AND BUSSES Clifford J Eldred " John W retired h1 Park av prop 9 Elm ' Weston Anna K wid Horace D h5 Walnut " Van Etta wid Charles rOE White Hart-' " Thomas emp D&H h Morris rd WO wick rd RD2 Wetch Daniel lab h273 River " Verna A mgr Frankel & Smith Beauty Wetmore C Cecil musician r7 Cozy a v Departments h44 Maple " Carrie E wid Charles h7 Cozy av " -see V\Thyte " Frances E waitress Hotel Oneonta r7 Whiteman Frank A USA r1 Tilton av Cozyav " John W farmer h Stamford rd South Side " Harry M pntr D&H r7 Cozy. av RD3 , Wetsell Harold I agt The Texas Co r62 Hud" John A emp C().{)p GLF Service r Stamson ford rd South Side RD3 Weygand .Harry J auto rnech Ohmeis Chev" Sarah A student r Stamford rd South rolet Co h Morris rd WO Side RD3 . Weymouth Cleveland C lab r40 Wilcox av Whiting Archie lab h2 Hunt ext Wheat Bradford F emp Sidney r83 Elm " Kenneth 0 truck driver 156 River h2 " Laura F wid Roscoe C h83 Elm Fonda av " Loraine M wid Seymour H h213 Main " Zeno driver 0 Bus Lines h21 Valleyview Wheeler Albert D retired h60 W Broadway " Charles L prop Charles Hair Stylist h450 . Whitman Almiron G retired h46 Academy " Charles B fireman D&H h3 Hecox av Main " John emp Sidney h240 Chestnut " David W emp Canajoharie r31 Clinton " Stephen H slsm GLF h485 Main " Eleanor I emp Canajoharie r31 Clinton Whitmarsh Edward P serviceman NYSE&G " Floyd H carp h20 Depew Corp h4I Cherry , " Herbert L trainman D&H h31 Clinton " Harry D lineman NY Tel Co h20 West " Josephine r Country Club rd End av ' " Lula Mrs hskpr 36 Riverview av r do Whitney Anna B (Mrs Fred R) sec East gnd " Ralph A elk D&H hto J ackson Lumber Co h40 Pine " Raymond cook Windsor Hotel h54 ChestWHITNEY AUSTIN F (Pearl B) prop Whitney's nut Greenhouses hlO Rose av " Russell S emp D&H h25 Gilbert " Charles H real estate 33 Luther h do " Ruth E (Mrs Raymond H) sten 198 " Dora J student r30 Oneida Main h54 Chestnut " Ethel M (Mrs Charles H) prop Whitney's Wheelock George L lab h299 Chestnut Tots and Teens Shop h33 Luther " Harold S emp D&H shops h9 Franklin " Fred R (Anna B) plumber Townsend " Mildred F (Mrs Harold S) emp Coyle Hardware Co h40 Pine Mfg Co h9 Franklin " Gwend01 M USA r13 Reynolds av Whipple Clyde R farmer h Stamford rd RD3 " Harland E plumber 2 Weidman pI r do " Daniel W lab hl28 Chestnut " Irving F gas sta Main byd limits RD3 " Fred retired h Franklin rd South Side h do RD3 " Katherine E r30 Oneida Whispell Annette C wid Robert H r217 Main I J. 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Whitney Lester B painter h433 Chestnut (1) JJ Lillian nurse HFTHosp r do " May L wid C Warren h136 Main " Milton R elk D&H h13 Reynolds av " William H hostler D&H h30 Oneida Whitney's Tots and Teens Shop Mrs Ethel M Whitney prop 32 Chestnut WHITNEY'S GREENHOUSES Austin F Whitney prop 12-14 Rose av see front cover " -see Theetge Whittaker Carrie L wid Pierce h Baker row South Side RD3 " Edna M glove wkr r Baker row South Side RD3 Whyte Ada M r39 Ford av Wickenhofer Dora S wid George emp Otsego Laundry Co h50 Miller Wickman Clara A (Mrs Raymond C) supvr NY Tel Co h20 Miller " Raymond C chief elk NYSE&GCorp h20 Miller Wicks Addie L wid Lewis r19 River Wiest Augustus L retired r6 Cleveland " Myron M emp Spaulding's Bakery h6 Cleveland Wight John R slsm mgr Grand Union Co h26 East Wikoff Leo F emp Spaulding's Bakery h57 Miller WILBER CORPORATION THE an affiliate of Wilber National Bank office 246 Main " D Forrest Jr h14 Ford av " Esther R wid David F hll Ford av ." George H elk 0 Dept Store r58 Hudson . " J Earl carp h6 Cherry " James H slsm h104 Center " Lydia C wid George H elk 0 Dept Store h58 Hodson " Margaret M student r 104 Center WILBER NATIONAL BANK pres Edward Crippen, cashier Lewis F Rose 245 Main see p 24 " National Bank Building 245 Main " Park end Spruce " Stewart A student r104 Center " William E emp NYSE&GCorp h88 Ford av Wilbur Katherine r7 Washington " Minnie h7 Washington Wilcox Alfred chauf h18 Valleyview " Bert restaurant wlcr r16Y2 Broad .. Ethel (Mrs Alfred) emp 0 Mfg Co hl8 Valleyview . " Frederick B optometrist 246 Main h12 Norton av " Fr~erick H gardener 1125 Wilcox av " Merton D gardener r25 Wilcox av " Thomas F agt Prud Ins Co h48Y2 Elm Wilder Lineon E office 54 Chestnut and vpres 0 Bldg & Loan Assn h55 Elm Wildgrube Velma M Mrs clk H M Bard & Sons h354 Main Wilk Hans E physician 23 Elm h do Wilkins Harold E mech Linn Corp h460 Chestnut Williams Anna ,(Mrs James E) sten 198 Main h3 Potter av " Barton C emp D&H h9 Otsego "c Arthur supt buildings and grounds State Normal School h29 State . " Charles B slsm h42 Spruce " Edna G elk 0 Dept Store r4 King 127 Williams Ella A wid Floyd bskpr JayP Dingman r do " Floyd E cabinet rnkr 15 Wall r219 Main " Frances E Mrs emp 210 Main rlO Fonda av " Francis J emp roundhouse D&H r50 River JJ Genevieve C Mrs emp HFTHosp res Goodyear Lake " Grace M (Mrs Barton C) clk Oneonta Dept Store h9 Otsego " Harry lab r17 Broad " Harry A (Agnes) dist forest ranger office 140 Main h23 Spruce " Helen M emp HFTHosp r do JJ Irma A Mrs r Charles E Scholl " James E h3 Potter av , Lee emp city h11 Grace pI Leon B bus driver 0 Bus Line h362 Main " Orsilia wid Samuel J rlOO East " Ray F emp 336 Main h4 Eighth . " Sadie C Mrs h53 Center " William H (Dutch Mill Restaurant and Barbecue) h Emmons PO Oneonta RD3 JJ William J janitor CitizlIDs Nat Bank & Trust Co h4 King Williamson Agnes C (Mrs George F) tchr SNS h64 Center " George F tchr SNS h64 Center " Maude E tchr SNS h75 Center Willsey Raymond lathe opr D&H h2 Kearney Willson S Mabel Mrs companion 97 Main r do Wilsbach John L dir music SNS h11 Cedar Wilsey Arthur D car insp D&H r Hotel Windsor " Charles clk r Windsor Hotel " Georgia wid Watson L r3 Cozy av " William air brake rpr D&H 1120 Ceperley av Wilson Burgess C emp D&H 1129 Burnside av " C Arthur emp Sears Roebuck & Co r61 Tilton av " Clifford A USA r29 Burnside av " Charles G h61 Miller " Cleaning Carl J Brezee prop 44 Chestnut " Clifford H retired r29 Burnside av JJ Clinton W Rev retired h435 Main " Daniel emp Sidney r2 River " Edward emp WPA h57 Valleyview " Edward E emp WPA h25 East End av " Hotel John W Shaver prop 2 ,Chestnut " Howard B dist supt American Stores h13 Taft av WILSON JERRY B (Clara E) prop Jerry B Wilson Co h8 Walling av WILSON JERRY B CO Jerry B Wilson prop roofing materials and contractors 20 Market see p 18 " Lula E h23 West " Marian G Mrs nurse 27 Maple h do " Russell C mach D&H h40 Richards av " Sarah B wid William C r29 Burnside av " William H clk Van Buren's Food Store h8 Walnut " William M retired r63 Maple Wiltsie Donald E lab D&H h43 Cliff " Edna Mrs emp Sears Roebuck & Co h28 Dietz Winans Alma B Mrs h83 East " Elmer L slsm h20 Spruce .'. 128 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 Winans Leather Co leather jobbers 140 Main pres Harold _G Winans, sec Leslie D Winans, treas Harold C Vrooman " Leslie D sec Winans Leather Co hl4 Brook Window Barber Shop George Mumford prop 40 Chestnut WINDSOR HOTEL Oneonta Windsor Hotel Corp prop rooms l restaurant and tap room 44-48 Chestnut see back cover Wing Josiah L carp h Ostawa av " Kenneth E carp h Center WO Winn J ahn carp HFTHosp res Maryland RDI Winne Russell A teller Wilber Nat Bank res Milford Winney Hannah J (Mrs Wilson S) mgr Winney's Hotel h44-46 Broad " Wilson S prop Winney's Hotel & Res~ taurant h44-46 Broad Winney's Hotel & Restaurant Wilson S Winney prop 44-46 Broad Winsor Deane G emp Sidney h61 Ford av " L Coville (Betsey) mgr Carl M Loeb, Rhoades & Co res inq do Winters Burton W elk D&H h94 Clinton " Daniel R corp USA r356 Main " John emp Sidney r65 Center " Margaret M (Mrs Robert H) dressmkr 358 Main h do " Marion E r358 Main n Robert H com'l artist h358 Main Wiscomb Harry emp city r16% Broad Wislous Frank emp D&H shops h27 Gilbert " Helen emp Binghamton r27 Gilbert Withey Dell emp public library h53 Hudson Wohlleben George lawyer 198 Main h35 Church Wolchick Dominic carp h24 W Broadway " Mary sten Meridale Jersey Farm r24 W Broadway " Michael lab D&H h26 W Broadway " Victor emp D&H h Ostawa av Wolcott Claude E welder D&H h3 Otsego " Fred slsm 0 Sales Co h370 Main " Harriet B wid George P r State Normal School " Lee A janitor D&H h17 East " Loleta N (Mrs Lee A) music tchr 17 East h do " Robert F slsm hI Otsego Woll John W retired r Stamford rd RD3 " P Mariam tchr ORS h Stamford rd RD3 Wolfe Charles Hemp D&H hl5 S Main " David C retired r44 Wilcox av " James truck driver r15 Broad Wolfendale William Blab h52 Hudson Wolford Alice wid Henry r134 River Woman's Club 54 Chestnut Wood Austin D elec D&H hlYz Spring n Clara wid Walter E elk 0 Dept Store 1'95 Center " Clarence T fireman D&H r57 W Broadway " Delia (Mrs Horace 0) bus Sidney h227 Chestnut " Elizabeth wid George r30 Dietz " Ethel L wid Worl'eY R hI Third " George H watch mler 251 Main h305 do " Horace 0 emp D&H shops h227 Chestnut " Margaret wid Joseph L 193 Center ." Margaret P clk 0 Tire & Auto Parts r76 Center Wood Pearley A eng State Armory b36 Grove ,. Richard 'D emp W U Tel CO r475 Main " Sydney mgr Empire Market h400 Chestnut " Thelma M r48 West I Woodard Alton C eng D&H h8 Franklin Woodbeck C Richard emp Sidney r Otego rd RD3 " Walter G poultryman h Otego rd RD3 Woodcock Lidell D emp W Nesbitt h25 Shepherd av Wooden Harry 0 emp Spaulding's B,akery h51 Cedar " Woodford Oakey D retired h43 Ford av Woodruff Katherine mgr NY State Emp Ser h363 Main (5) ' Woods Arthur J mach insp D&H h76 Center WOODWARD DAVID H JR (Margaret F) prop Oneonta Family Laundry and Dry Cle8.Q.... ers h27 Center " Edna M (Mrs Jobn H) house mother Phi Sig:p1a Phi Sorority h61 Elm " John C retired r95 Main " John H prop 0 Bus Lines h61 Elm ' WOODWARD MARGARET F (Mrs David H Jr) office mgr Oneonta Family Laundry and Dry Cleaners h27 Center Woodworth Barbara B (Mrs DonaldM) elk B F Sisson h243 Chestnut " Donald M (Barbara) elk Carr Clothing Co r245 Chestnut Woolheater Claude gas sta 65 Chestnut hll Grand " George S retired h39 Prospect . " Jay G combination man NY Tel Co h4 , Valleyview ) Woolhouse Augusta Mrs r416 ChestnutWoolworth F W Co Bernard S Beaulieu mgr 203-205 Main Wooten Harry C mgr Utica Dairy Supply Co Utica r6 Cliff Worden Clifford farmer h Old Otego rd South Side RD3 Worley James A elk Sears Roebuck & Co h26 Hudson Wormuth DeForest B plumber Baker Hard· ware h90 Center " Fanny L (Mrs DeForest B) beauty parlor 90 Center h do . " Marx D emp Sidney r90 Center Worthington Anna wid James T rl% Gault av Wright A Spencer auto mech h502 Main, " Alberta F tchr Prattsville r18 Fifth -, "Anna T (Mrs Hiram E) corset~ere 7 Fourth h do " Arthur retired h14 Tilton av " Clara wid Worthington D h34 Cliff " Dorothy I (Mrs Roy L) clk 0 Dept Store r13 Cozy av " Ernest slsm Spaulding's Bakery h3 Cleve· land " Esther F (Mrs Shirley· N) nurse 456 Chestnut h do " Fayette E elk D&H h27 Fair " Francis G driver Socony Vacuum Oil Co h30 Hudson " George W elk frt house D&H h18 Fifth " Gerald S mech NYSE&GCorp h8 Chester " H Keith r34 West " Harry B car insp D&H h34 West " Hattie wid Curtis h22 Academy 1942-0NEONTA DIRECTORy-1942 <@PON)) .... .... _ .or< PAINTS & VARNISHES 13 1 EAST END LUMBER CO. 1 WELLS AVE • TEL. 24 ONEONTA MANNING'S Oneonta Numerical Street Directory .J)a7es ~t"'~1-J.. 1942 \ Copyrtaht 1942, b7 H . A. Mannlnll Co. [ or t. e- /.Ii. ~ c< C"'--C _ _ _. ) I,," ' '1'''''~.t _ *indicatell heading given by special arrangement with the publisher. Containing a full list of street s and roads, with the dwel hngs and stores located thereon Resldences and place:!" of bUSiness are deSIgnated by theIr street numbers numencallyarranged Where the houses are not numbered t he householders are arranged In the order that they come on t h e street Figures In parentheses, following na mes, mdlcate number of room In butldmg. ACADEMY PLACE. K-3 F rom 30 Academy southeast 1 Anthony J Baldo 2 David Lelbolt 3 Vacant ACADEMY STREET. K~3 F ro m opp 27 Fairview north to opp 64 Chestnut Odd left 2-4 State Armory 8 Melvin J MacKil1ip 9 · 19 Academy St School 9-19 Junior High School 10 George Bcll 12 Thomas A Pondol fino 14 Mrs Bettina S DeAngel o 16 Mrs Mary M Telford 16 Michael A Hurley 18 Charles J Ha ulter 18 Merton D J ohnson 20 William Ba ker 21-3 5 High School 22 J ulia n E Lockwood 22 Mrs H at tie Wright 24 J ohn W Silvernail 26 W alter B Tallmadge 2S Donato A Bald o 28 Donato A Bald o, guns 30 Spyros Myrodes - Academy pi begins ri~h t 32 F rank E Leggett 34 Ant hon y R Finocchiaro 34 Floyd E DIazo 36 Lee L Firman l oJ' ' 36 Leroy H utton ., ,.- Grove crosses 37 Mrs May I Leveille ..dJ38 Mrs Minnie E Donaldson 1 ~"7 39 Mrs E mma E Church 40 F rank L H otaling 41 M yron J Clark 41 Mrs Eva :,1 Merrill 42 Henry F Snavel}" 43 Mrs Maude E Johnson ~Vt1:~:ald; 2:raBI~ckmon 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 52 54 56 David S Dibble Amioron G Whitma n Mrs Blanche THa rp Lula M YorK, barber Lula M York Edmund H Mead Lee R Foster J acob D Schatzkv M rs Ida B Salisbury Lawrence E Young ANN STREET. J-2 From 36 River north to D & H tracks Odd left 2 Herman B Davenport, barber 2 Herman B Daven port 4 John R Miller 6 George E Dykema n 8 Gaetano Paolone 9 Louis S Thayer 9 Louis S Thayer. trucki ng 10 Giacomo Brienza 10M" Lynn W Strainer 11 Emmctt Frayer 14 John Chicorelli 14 !4 Harold Pa tten 15 ' David Harris 16 John Utter 16 J essie Gra ham 16M" Mrs Nellie V M inster 17 Fred D Lane ARNOLD AVENU E. M-7 F rom upper Ford a v west t o Clinton No houses AURORA ST R EET . From Lewis av wes t No houses G-4 AVEN UE A . N -8 From Elm east to Lincoln No houses AVENUE B. 0·8 F rom Elm east to Sheridan No houses BAKER ROW (Sout h ~ide) Oft Franklin rd n brid ge BAKER STREET, J ~ 2 From 56 River nor t h to D l!c- Jf tracks iCtc.e../tf""C'"tOdd left 7 John M Cobb 8 M rs Bernice Dosik 9 D ominick Colone 10 Albert A Harris 10}-2 William H Daniels 11 Mrs Florence Moore 11 Bernardini Colone ]2 John P Ro man, J r 12:\4 C harles Van Buren 13 Walter D Miller 13 Vacant 14 Miles F Kirk 14 Clifford Hoffman 15 Cyrus Lane BEACON STREET. G -4 From Lewis Q\' west Louis 0 Yager BECK STREET. From Elmwood av Ceperley av No houses C-5 west to BELMONT CIRCLE NORTH . PO, Circling from Hudson n Fair north erly and easterly t o S San d Odd left 5 George C ha mberlain 7 John MacLellan 9 Seward F Craig 28 Wendell L Richards 30 L Kenneth Robinson 34 Clyde L Salisbury BELMONT CIRCLE SOUTH, P-3 Circling from H u dson n Fair southerly a nd e a sterly to S Sand 2 Edward L Fowler 10 Willard H unter 12 Ja mes A McN ulty 17 Everett A Randell 18 J ohn T Bagnardi 19 Grover C Hedges 20 No rman C Meagley 21 Louis B Young 23 H arold B Clea veland 24 P aul W Pierce 25 Julius A Gabriel 26 Walter Ch ristoffel BE NT ON AVEN UE. L - 3 From opp 22 MarketnDl:th Od d right ...... ~( • ' .. ..io 2 Re]l: Weld & Ma chi ne Shop BI RCH STREET. L · 5 From 47 Church west Odd left 1 George S Ly nch 1 Oneonta Outdoor Advertising Co 3 Horace E Eddy 5 Mrs Mary C Newcomb 7 Nelson Brownell 7 George Hutson 9 J a mes H Cleary 10 Seymour B Fritts 10M" Philip Brownell 11 Daniel W Orcutt 12 Ford E Qua ckenbush 13 Cl ifford E Butt s 14 Bryson M George 15 James A Fawcett 16 Mrs Sara B Post 16 Mrs Sara B Post, nursing home I
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