May - Faubourg Marigny Improvement Association


May - Faubourg Marigny Improvement Association
Volume 44, No 4
May 2015
Les Amis de Marigny
Helping to make Marigny a better place to live, work and play
A Month in the Life
By Lisa Suarez, President FMIA
This was not wri en
n to
scare any future Board
Members. FMIA is
under extraordinaryy
circumstances, with
developers and
apparently the
Mayor, figh ng
the people on
what has stood the test of
me: the Historic Integrity
ntegrity of our
In case you haven’t no ced,
d there’s
h ’ an
explosion of development in Marigny. It wasn’t like this
when I was president in 2004. I wish I had be er skills for
delega ng some tasks to others, but I’m learning.
Here’s what’s been going on since the middle
of March, when we were enjoying NickelA-Dance, and s ll figh ng Cafe Habana,
now the subject of a lawsuit, as the neighbors
will not bow down to unreasonable development,
A Month in the Life continues on page 3
43rd Annual Home Tour
The 43rd Annual Faubourg Marigny Improvement
Associa on Home Tour on Sunday, May 17, from Noon
to 4 p.m., beginning in Washington Square Park, features
homes and buildings of architectural heritage in the
Marigny Triangle, on Rampart Street and St. Claude
The 2015
Tour has been
organized to
celebrate the
career of Dr.
Eugene Cizek,
who founded
FMIA 43 years
ago, and has
recently re red
from Tulane
University as
Professor of
Preserva on
For fi y years
Dr. Cizek, and
his partner
(now deceased)
Lloyd Sensat,
advocated the
Ecole Polaire Masonic Temple
at 1433 N. Rampart
Home Tour continues on page 2
What’s Inside this edition of
Les Amis de Marigny
Spring Home Tour
Marigny Green
Residential Parking
Upcoming Meetings
and More!
We need YOUR Help!
Thanks to Home Tour Commi ee members Carolyn
Sinclair, Ma Easley, Allen Johnson, Bobby Moffe ,
Jim Farr, Gene Cizek, as well as all those allowing their
buildings to be shown.
We s ll need more volunteer docents to help home sit
our volunteered buildings. If you home-sit for a twohour shi , you get a free cket.
Email Carolyn:
Home Tour from page 1
Commercial Advertising
historic value of our world famous neighborhoods, and
ini a ng a modern era of desirability of place, through an
evolving philosophy of environmental conserva on which
includes architecture, urban design, landscaping, City
Planning, community renewal, and environmental social
psychology. Our neighborhoods are our culture.
Winston Churchill said, “We shape our buildings and
a erwards they shape us.”
The Tour includes:
1. 1445 Pauger St.
2. 1801 Dauphine St. (originally Marie Laveau’s father’s
place of business)
3. 1433 N. Rampart (Ecole Polaire Masonic Temple)
4. 1815 St. Claude Ave. (McDonough 16)
5. 1604-06 Pauger St.
Per-month Rates (1-2 times/year)
Per-month Rates (3 or more times/year)
Ads should be photo ready, or in jpg, f or pdf format.
6. 1838 Burgundy St.
7. 2000 Burgundy, corner Touro (under reconstruc on)
8. 2020 Burgundy St.
Pastries and Cookies and Cakes, Oh MY!
Something new for this year: A Bake Sale. Please donate
light refreshment for tour goers, to raise more funds for
FMIA ac vi es.
All adver sing must be received by the 15th of each month for
publica on in the next month’s issue. For informa on regarding
adver sing, contact the business manager at
Classifieds Now Available
The newsle er is now accep ng classified ads. Personals, however,
are not being accepted. Contact Classified
Rates: $5.00 per each 25 words.
About the Newsletter
Les Amis de Marigny is the newsle er of the Faubourg Marigny
Improvement Associa on, a 501(c) non-profit, all-volunteer organiza on
commi ed to the preserva on of the unique architectural and cultural
heritage of our historic district, and to improving the quality of life in
our diverse community.
Contents, editorials and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
the official views of the FMIA, its Board or its members. The FMIA does
not warrant the legality of any business adver sed in its newsle er.
Contents of Les Amis de Marigny are copyrighted. Permission to reprint
any of the newsle er, including photographs and original artwork, must
be obtained from the editor and/or byline columnist.
Manuscripts, photographs and ar cles dealing with topics of interest
to the Marigny neighborhood are encouraged. The editor reserves the
right to reject submissions including editorial and adver sing content.
Submissions must be received by the 7th of the month for inclusion in
the next month’s issue. Send contribu ons to:
FMIA Newsle er
2401 Burgundy St., Box 10
NOLA 70117
1604-06 Pauger
The newsle er is published each month except August and January.
Back issues are available online at
Design & Layout by GK Produc ons, Inc.
Prin ng by Safeguard Business Systems
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
May 2015
A Month in the Life from page 1
especially when the process was sketchy
at best in terms of proper input from the
ci zens most affected. As Tony Johnson
said, “If they had reduced the amount of sea ng,
without tables and chairs on the roof, and privacy
fenced off the sidewalks, we’d all be ea ng Cuban food by
In case you haven’t noticed, there’s an
explosion of development in Marigny.
Then there was the visit from our District “C”
Councilmember Ramsey at the General Mee ng, where we
once again felt disappointed that our most difficult land use
problems, were not being addressed in a spirit of willingness
to work with cons tuents, and “balancing” Historic integrity
with development in favor of 98 percent of residents.
Frenchmen Street Politics
I Was finally able to meet on March 23rd with
members of the Frenchmen Marigny Triangle
Business Associa on (FMTBA), through the
hospitality of Sylvia Pa erson. Folks from
Praline Connec on, Three Muses, Vaso, Bicycle
Michael’s, Rose Nicaud, Snug Harbor, and our 8th District
liaison Ken Caron, were present.
We discussed support for FMTBA’s le er, wri en by
President Jan Ramsey, to Councilmember Nadine Ramsey,
addressing issues of how to expand the Frenchmen Street
Arts and Cultural Overlay District, as well as problems
of enforcement. Those present assured me April is their
biggest money-making month, and they would not have
me to discuss poli cs while running their respec ve
businesses during the busiest part of the year.
However, Frenchmen Street business owners are disgusted
with the lack of enforcement, especially illegal food
vendors, who without licenses or even a place to wash their
hands, are flourishing.
Quality of Life
I A ended the March NONPACC and had a
conversa on with the 8th District Officers
who assured us they would be “cleaning up”
the illegal businesses on Frenchmen on the next two
successive Friday evenings. Allen Johnson and I watched as
the officers arrived at 8 p.m. the next Friday. They cleaned
up the jewelry sellers in the street pre y well, but were not
out in the later hours when the food vendors are in force.
Praline Connec on says one vendor, with charcoal in a
wheel barrow, sets up in front of their door as soon as they
FMIA will be sure to point out we appreciate any and all
efforts put into enforcing the law, and trying to protect us
while so short-handed.
Home Tour
There was a Home Tour Commi ee mee ng.
For details see the ar cle on page two and
note new-this-year BAKE SALE on page two.
Construction Noise
Neighbors on Marigny and Royal emailed me
about the construc on on the corner that’s
been going on for the last two years. The workmen
work seven days, o en making all kinds of loud noise, well
into late hours of 10 and 11 p.m. They were able to work it
out with the owner of the building.
Please be aware that ordinance #19420 of the City Code
Sec on 66-138(7), concerning construc on and/or demoli on
start-stop mes are 7 am to 6 pm in Residen al Districts. Code
does not name any day of the week as a non-construc on
day, only the hours are regulated. (But if you have a
conversa on with Neighborhood Engagement, they might be
able to nego ate a “closed to loud equipment” day.)
A Month in the Life continues on page 4
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
A Month in the Life from page 3
the balance to be accommodated by the French Market
Parking Deck, to be built on the French Market parking lot.
Board Meeting
The agenda of the FMIA Board Mee ng, on
April 1, included the confirma on of Allen
Johnson as Vice President; a discussion
concerning non-conforming proper es in
Triangle; more comments for our favorite CZO; and
discussion on the Hubig’s Pie property; with developers
and neighbors.
A le er went to City Planning detailing: “A
simple majority of five members of the Board
voted to approve the project with eight
units. The primary reason for approval is that
the en re construc on will occupy only forty-five
percent of the land area, and each of the eight units will
have one off-street parking space.
We also comprehend that although the immediate,
and vocal, neighbors perceive the project as too dense,
the intensity of the previous use of the property as a
commercial bakery (before it burned down), with 14
delivery trucks on the street, as well as the developer’s
promise to include a prohibi on of use as short-term
rentals in a Condominium Associa on covenant, will
provide comfort that the project will be a good neighbor
and an asset to the community.
Trash Palace,
Parking and Art Market
Next on the Agenda was the Trash Palace
developer Jennifer Taylor and Ar sts from
the Frenchmen Art Market, with whom we
wanted to nego ate an agreement that if an Art
Market remained, we could support a parking variance
of 78 spaces, s ll keeping 30 inside the building, with
This was pre-dated by a conversa on with the Execu ve
Director of the French Market, Jon Smith, who detailed the
process of the parking deck, which he expected would be
built in the next two years, as feasibility studies have just
concluded, and the construc on could be concurrent with
Trash Palace construc on.
Controversy s ll exists with the ar sts concerning their
legal standing as tenants, though not able to nego ate a
lease with Mr. Fox, as he will not con nue to do business
with the legal owner of the Art Market. More to come on
this issue.
Cafe Istanbul
Then there was the mee ng with the City
A orney concerning the con nuous
problems with partying in the parking lot
of Cafe Istanbul. Progress is being made
by Recording Secretary Ma Del Vecchio with
coopera on from the immediate neighbors.
More Politics
There were three mee ngs of the Riverfront
Alliance these past weeks, to write and
discuss all the comments made by our
members. Brian Lucke constructed our
neighborhood alterna ve to the height and density
bonuses of the Riverfront Overlay, we are con nuously
being force-fed. Presenta ons were made at the General
Mee ng and the Board Level.
City Council received emailed and
hand-delivered packages, but seemed
too busy to read and consider our
proposal we put six months of sweat
and blood into.
City Council received emailed and hand-delivered
packages, but seemed too busy to read and consider our
proposal we put six months of sweat and blood into. FMIA
followed up by sending our own emails to CM Ramsey,
whose staff always acknowledges our communica on, and
CM-at-Large Jason Williams, who did not have the courtesy
to respond, even with a form le er. And we had such high
hopes for Mr. Williams.
A Month in the Life continues on page 5
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
May 2015
A Month in the Life from page 4
State Politics,
not to be confused with City Politics
Then there was the public mee ng with
State Senator J. B. Morrell in advance of
the State Legislature Session. Mr. Morrell
is a likable guy who aims to communicate
with his cons tuents in an open and welcoming
way, with the facility to interpret legisla ve bills so even
those who have a difficult me separa ng Senators from
Representa ves can get a sense of what’s going on.
What’s going on is the State has a budget gap of 1.6
BBBillion dollars, but you knew that. Most importantly
to members of FMIA, Mr. Morrell can give us access to
departments of the State of Louisiana, such as Economic
Development, Dept. of Revenue and the Dept. of
Environmental Quality (in case you’re worried about the
lead in soil levels, or what happens when those out-ofscale buildings on our Riverfront have to have 150 foot
pylons driven into alluvial mud right next to the levees that
didn’t fail, etc.) These Departments will even travel all the
way from Baton Rouge to answer our ques ons.
Mr. Morrell asked when he should come to visit us, as
it has been awhile. I asked him to please come when
he is running again in the Fall. Before then, we will ask
for certain departments to visit, though I believe it is
considerate to wait un l the legisla ve session is over.
Calendar of Events
May 2015
Board MeeƟng
May 6, 7:15 pm,
2509 Burgundy St.
Meet the Neighbors
May 13, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Palladar 511
General MeeƟng
May 18, 6:30 Pot Luck, 7:15 Mee ng
St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2624 Burgundy Street
June 2015
Board MeeƟng
June 3, 7:15 pm,
2509 Burgundy St.
Meet the Neighbors
June 10, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Venue TBD
General MeeƟng
June 15, 6:30 Pot Luck, 7:15 Mee ng
St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2624 Burgundy Street
Sorry, Even More Politics
Report on “A Commi ee of the Whole.” The whole City
Council that is, took place on Friday, April 17. In case you
didn’t see the Eblast of 4-19-15:
5th District — 2nd Wednesday
6 pm, 3900 N. Claiborne
8th District — 2nd Thursday
6 pm, loca on varies between 334 Royal
and the Healing Center
There were 25 people present wearing
“Size Matters” t-shirts, speaking out
about why 75 foot buildings are wrong
in Historic Districts on our Riverfront.
There were 25 people present wearing “Size Ma ers”
t-shirts, speaking out about why 75 foot buildings are
wrong in Historic Districts on our Riverfront. CM Ramsey
asked a ques on of the Mayor’s amendment in support
out-of-scale development, and was told yes, moneys from
these developments would accrue to the City’s General
Fund. (There seems to be some debate as to whether the
Rice Mill or 511 Marigny have actually generated a dime,
let alone a profit.)
A Month in the Life continues on page 6
May 2015
St Claude Arts District
2nd Saturday: see
If you have an event for the calendar
please send it to John Gutekunst at
Not sure when your FMIA dues were paid? The date
you paid is conveniently located on the mailing label
of your newsle er. Just one more service from your
friendly neighborhood neighborhood associa on.
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
A Month in the Life from page 5
From the Kitchen of the
S ll, our elected officials gave us NO indica on whether
they will support us against the Mayor, and City Planning
Commission Execu ve Director Robert Rivers, his hired gun
to “turbocharge” the Riverfront.
CM Ramsey made clear she compromised in Bywater by
amending Minimum Lot Area in Residen al District HMR3 for Mul -family units of 3 and 4, to 1000 sq. feet. This
represents a compromise between 1200 and 800 sq. .
CM Ramsey also spoke about Frenchmen Street because
she is eager to work with the community, residents and
businesses, to increase the intensity.
CM Latoya Cantrell spoke eloquently about Ci zen and
Neighborhood Par cipa on. Her door is always open to
ci zens and developers to meet together, because she
desires to work out win-win decisions.
Pita Sandwiches
2 pitas
¼ cucumber, diced
½ cup grape tomatoes,
½ bell pepper, diced
¼ cup red onion, diced
½ cup cooked chickpeas
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cumin
Yogurt sauce:
½ cup plain greek yogurt
juice of 1 lemon
1 clove garlic, minced
pinch of salt and pepper
Dice cucumber, tomatoes, pepper, and onion. Mix
together and set aside.
In a separate bowl combine ½ cup plain greek yogurt,
juice of 1 lemon, 1 clove garlic minced, a dash of salt
and pepper.
Famous developer Pres Kabacoff addressed the Riverfront
Overlay by saying that while a 55 foot height limit would
work, the developer couldn’t make money without 75
feet. Long me FMIA member and former officer, Gary
Deleaumont said he thought it was interes ng Pres had
no trouble making money on St. Aloysius Apartments
(Esplanade and Rampart), which has peaks at 60 feet, very
similar to the “Lucke Plan.” Mr. Kabacoff responded, later,
that Aloysius would not make a profit without the proper
tax credits.
We will probably have been handed down a vote from the
Council by the me you read this*, and I can’t help but
wonder, will our Council show real leadership and support
democra c process, protec ng us from the 2% who want
to mow our historic integrity down, or will the general
membership have predicted correctly some months ago
(remember? we had a show of hands), only a lawsuit will
be able to protect our interests fairly.
*Editor’s Note: The vote on the CZO has been postponed
to May14.
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
May 2015
Meet the Neighbors
Board Members
Lisa Suarez, President
Allen Johnson, Vice-President
Saving the Best for Last (minute)
Gene Cizek, Past President
Thanks go out to Mags 940 for stepping in at the last
minute to host our April MTN. Guests enjoyed pizza, pasta
salad and other yummy food at this comfy corner bar on
the corner of Elysian Fields and North Rampart.
On May 13, we’ll be at Paladar 511 in the 511 Marigny
Condo Building. If you have a sugges on for a future
Meet the Neighbors venue, email us at secretary@
Alex Vialou, Treasurer
Ma Del Vecchio, Recording Secretary
Gretchen Bomboy, Corresponding Secretary
Jeff Bromberger
Carolyn Sinclair
Miles Swanson
Adver sing:
Marigny Green:
Newsle er:
Community Outreach
Crime Preven on
Educa on
Home Tour
Special Projects
Walking Tour
Square Park
Web Site
For comments — email
Do You Receive
Our Weekly E-Blast?
FMIA sends out an email blast every Sunday with
important news about what’s happening in the
Faubourg Marigny and surrounding area — news that
you need to know! To sign up for this service, email to be put on the list.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You may need to change your email
se ngs to allow as an
approved sender or add it to your contact list.
Did you ever
wonder who these people are?
Find out at the next Meet your Neighbors!
And if you have a favorite place in the neighborhood
that you think would be interested in hos ng an
upcoming event, let us know by emailing
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Quality work by Qualified people
“Local People Serving Local Needs”
Marigny Green News:
Leave Nothing But Dance Steps!
By Deborah Oppenheim
It is fes val season in New Orleans. As you go to the
various fes vals this season, think of this slogan:
Leave Nothing But Dance Steps!
Take to the fes val a reusable bo le for water, tea and/
or lemonade. There are many styles available that is
func onal for you to use.
Don’t forget to bring with to the fes val
1. Reusable bo le
2. Sunscreen
3. Your cket
4. Rain gear if needed
5. Miscellaneous items
PARKING is always a problem during fes val. Parking
enforcement people are definitely searching the area
for illegal parked cars. The law is 20 . from a crosswalk,
intersec on or stop sign in residen al neighborhood. Park
in the same direc on of the one-way street. Be aware of
driveways and blocking sidewalks is prohibited.
Marigny Green
There are many ways of thinking about “green” issues.
I know this might be a stretch but I want to think about
libraries as an ongoing sustainable en ty.
Libraries recycles ideas. Libraries have a large impact
on the workforce and local economy through a variety
of resources. Libraries are free and open to all and
the center of our communi es. Libraries are safe and
friendly environmental place. The educa onal role
of libraries have made a drama c shi to technology
services offered. Libraries embodies the words life-long
Support our public libraries!
Early voƟng April 18 – 25 and
ElecƟon Day is May 2, 2015.
There are many alterna ves to the parking problem such
• Shu les are some mes available. Free parking for Jazz
Fes val is available at City Park only with round-trip
shu le ckets.
• Public Transporta on will provide addi onal service
during Jazz Fes val. They offer Jazzy Passes, one to
three day passes. For details, visit
• A great way to get to a fes val is riding a bicycle. If
you go to Jazz Fest, parking is available at Gen lly
Blvd. and Sauvage Street pedestrian gates. Check to
see if Bike Easy has their Bicycle Valet Service. It is a
safe and easy way to secure one’s bike.
Mark Brink
(504) 944-7733
Specializing in Exhaust Systems
Mark’s Muffler Shop
Authorized FLOWMASTER & DYNOMAX Dealer
Since 1984
Same Location
5229 St. Claude Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70117
• Pedi cab is a fun way to get to a fes val. There are
many companies that offer this service.
• Regular cab service, Uber X and Be My Designated
Driver offer alterna ves to parking.
• Parking lots – cheaper than a cket.
• Of course, you can use the cheapest way to get to a
fes val – WALK.
Laissez le bon ton roulet!
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Important Notice
The vote on the CZO by City Council scheduled for
April 23 has been postponed to Thursday, May 14.
Please keep making your comments
by going to this link:
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Summer Reading at the Library
By Adele Marrs, Assistant Manager, Alvar Branch, New Orleans Public Library
Summer Reading Program is right around the corner! Here
at Alvar, the kick-off party will be held on the a ernoon of
Saturday, May 30, from 2 pm un l 4 pm. You will have an
to sign up for
SRP, get your
reading logs,
play games,
and take
home bookish
Program isn’t
just for kids
and teens,
either! Adults
can sign up
to receive
prizes for
reading and
par cipate in
book groups.
All of this will be available to you in addi on to our regular
Thursday morning computer tutoring from 11 am un l 1
am, our Saturday morning story me at 10:30 am, and our
Saturday a ernoon teen ac vity and snack at 2 pm.
The first is a visit from the Audubon Ins tute’s
Wetlands Express, in which we will get to meet
and learn about all sorts of animals that thrive in
swamplands. This will occur at 2 pm on Thursday,
June 11th.
Next, on Wednesday, June 24th, at 2 pm, we are
happy to be hos ng the wonderful Mr. Irwin Royes,
the World’s Smallest Magician.
Then, on Monday, July 6th, at 11 am, we will be
hos ng the Audubon Ins tute’s Zoomobile, which will
be teaching us about animals from all over the world.
Finally, on Thursday, July 30th, at 2 pm, we have a
visit from the Audubon Ins tute’s Bugmobile, which
is exactly as it sounds!
These are just a few of our upcoming events. Please stay
tuned for more and we look forward to seeing you soon!
A Summer Reading Program schedule of events with
system-wide informa on is forthcoming. However, we
want to share with you now just a few of the events that
you can look forward to this summer at Alvar.
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
May 2015
Pop Up Today, Stay for Tomorrow
St. Anna’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry
By Jonathan Rhodes, St. Claude Main Street
Last year, St. Claude Main Street (SCMS) launched the
PopUp Retail program. The idea was simple: bring more
goods and services to the community by providing space
and resources for aspiring new businesses to help them
gain a foothold on the corridor. Last year, SCMS helped
more than 10 retailers open their doors along St. Claude.
So, we are proud to see that already two of those
businesses have set up permanent shop on the corridor.
The newest addi on is Dynamo: A Roman c Bou que.
Their unique shop opened as part of the PopUp program
inside LA46, and they are now open at 2706 St. Claude
We are looking for donations of food for St. Anna’s Food Pantry.
Donations are distributed to those in need on a monthly basis.
Canned fruit & vegetables, peanut butter, small bags of rice are
just a few suggested items. A convenient drop off point is at the
address noted below.
The Friendly Bar
2301 Chartres
Contact: Don Dubay 504-458-0510
Stop by and check them out Monday through Friday from
noon - 6 pm. Just down the avenue at the reopened
St. Roch Market is Koreole, the Korean-Creole soul food
restaurant that got its start at the St. Claude Food Truck
Park. They’ll be open during the market hours for lunch
and dinner.
St. Claude Main Street is excited for these businesses, and
for the many others that have made St. Claude their home.
Here’s to their prosperity for years to come, and success
for the whole community.
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Residential Permit Parking Program
The Department of Public Works is considering changes to
the Residen al Permit Parking program. According to DPP
the proposed changes to the RPP program are designed to
be er serve you.
Proposed changes include:
• Ability to enroll/renew permits online in addi on to
enrolling or renewing in-person at the Parking Office
which is now located at 1300 Perdido St., Room
2W89, New Orleans, LA 70112
• Be er defini ons of who is eligible to par cipate in
the program including issuance of property owner
The process in which a RPP zone is established or
dissolved would remain the same and the types of
acceptable documents, which are required to prove
eligibility to par cipate in
the program, will remain
the same.
For ques ons about the
proposed changes contact :
Cheryn Robles at the
DPW at 504-658-8046 or
• Issuance of virtual permits
• Ability to print visitor passes from home
• Establish a limit on the number of permits that may
be issued for one property
• Updated fee structure. For the majority of residents
the annual RPP fee would increase from $55 to $100.
• Updated non-compliance parking cita on fee
KīĞƌŝŶŐhope and providing opportunity
Project Lazarus helps heal and empower people living with HIV/AIDS by focusing on
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Megabus: What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been
And continues to be.
By John Gutekunst
Since the closing of Robért’s parking lot (see story page 11) the conges on caused by the
“temporary” Megabus stop on Elysian fields Avenue is ge ng worse. Recently I returned home to
find one bus at it’s usual loca on on the 1000 block of Elysian Fields, and was overjoyed to find
another idling in front of residences
on the 900 block. The driver was
apparently camera-shy, however,
when I started taking pictures he
moved down the street to assist the
first bus in blocking traffic on the 1000
Further Developments:
According to the City:
“This week Megabus agreed to execute a lease with
the City to locate its opera ons out of Union Passenger
Terminal. The City is prepared to li gate should Megabus
decide to not enter into this agreement, or find an
appropriate legal site for its opera ons.”
This was from an email received April 1, 2015.
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
The following is a synopsis of informa on provided by
the New Orleans Department of Public Works concerning
Bikeways in the City.
Bike Lane
A por on of the roadway that has been designated for
preferen al or exclusive use by bicyclists with pavement
markings and possibly, signs. A Bike Lane is intended for
one-way travel in the same direc on as the adjacent travel
Shared Lane
A lane of a traveled
roadway that is open
to both bicycle
and motor vehicle
travel. Shared-lane
markings typically
include pavement
marking symbols
that indicate an
appropriate posi oning
in a shared lane.
Shared Lanes
es are
typically applied in situa ons where it is desirable
to provide a higher level of guidance to bicyclists
and motorists.
Shared Use Path
A bikeway physically separated from motor
vehicle traffic by an open space or barrier. Shared
use paths may be used by pedestrians, skaters,
wheelchair users, joggers, and other nonmotorized vehicle users.
Buffered Bike Lane
Conven onal bicycle lanes paired with a
designated buffer space separa ng the bicycle
lane from the adjacent motor vehicle lane and/or
parking lane. The buffer generally consists of white
pavement stripes.
Cycle Track
An exclusive bike facility that combines the user
experience of a separated path with the on-street
infrastructure of a conven onal bike lane. A Cycle
Track is physically separated from motor vehicle
traffic and dis nct from the sidewalk.
For more information go to
To download a PDF of the City of New
Orleans Bicycle Network map go to:
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Celebrating Music
St. Paul Lutheran in the Marigny will con nue its 175th
anniversary by “Celebra ng Music,” on May 16-17. The
event will reflect the rich musical heritage of St. Paul,
incorpora ng past and present church musicians, as well
as guest performers from the community. Please join them
as they celebrate this special gi that has been an integral
part of the worship experience and community outreach at
St. Paul for many years.
On March 26 New O rleans City Council denied Bamboula's
request for a change from a restaurant designation
to a cocktail lounge, citing concerns about noise.
Councilmember Nadine Ramsey said she was vo ng
against the request because she feared that as a full
fledged music venue it would nega vely impact residents
in the surrounding area. The FMIA has expresesed
apprecia on for her support as this was certainly not an
easy decision.
Saturday, May 16, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. – a fes ve
celebra on in the church courtyard featuring the jazz
ensemble from the New Orleans Center for Crea ve Arts
(NOCCA), catered food and drink, and displays from the
church’s 175 years of music.
Sunday, May 17, at 10:30
a.m. – a tradi onal church
service featuring the St.
Paul choir and bell choir,
guest instrumentalists from
the New Orleans Volunteer
Orchestra and the Sam Kohler
New Music Ensemble, and
special music from previous
St. Paul organist Tom Mi s
and interna onally renowned
soprano Phyllis Treigle.
Councilmember Ramsey did say that it was me to
rethink the restric ons and look more closely at licensed
restaurants that are in fact opera ng as nightclubs. This
will not be the end as the money hungry developers are
descending on Marigny in force.
Sunday, May 17, at 4:00 p.m.
– a concert featuring Tom
Mi s and Janet Neumann on
the pipe organ and Ma
Wood on the harpsichord
and piano. The concert
will be followed by a wine
and cheese social.
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
FMIA Board Meeting Minutes: April 1, 2015
Members in aƩendance
Lisa Suarez, Alan Johnson, Gretchen Bomboy, Ma Del Vecchio,
Miles Swanson, Gene Cizek,Alex Vialou
Lisa mo ons we waive the one-year membership requirement recent board members Jeff Bromberger and Allen Johnson, seconded.
Unanimous in favor
Lisa mo ons to appoint Allen Johnson as VP, seconded. Unanimous
in favor.
Treasurer’s Report
We have $9,000 in our accounts. Has been working with GK
Produc ons to sync our books and reports, correc ng past errors
in bookkeeping. Ma to change PayPal password and let Alex know.
Bakers Row
MK Red developers Michael Bosio and Kyle Resmondo present revised plans and development costs for 4 and 8 units on their project
on Hubig’s Pie lot. Residents Eileen Day and Mark Dashawa speak
in opposi on.
Trash Palace
Jennifer Taylor and Shawn Garawin represen ng developer Gregor
Fox. Heidi Diekelman and Nurhan Gokturk represen ng Frenchmen
Street ar sts but not its business/management.
Discussion concerning the proposed theatre developer, its parking,
and the Frenchmen Street Art Market which currently rents part
of its parking lot. Trash Palace requires a parking variance, FMIA
Productions Inc
Graphic Design
Newsletters / Brochures / Rack Cards
Manuals / Directories
PowerPoint Presentations
Logo Design
Postcards / Flyers
CD / DVD Labels and Sleeves
Website Design / Maintenance
E-Mail Blasts / Direct Mail
proposes agreeing to the variance if an art market is preserved in
the Frenchmen Street lot. Lisa mo ons FMIA supports the 78-space
parking variance provided that an art market remains on Frenchmen
Street, seconded. Unanimous in favor.
Cafe Istanbul
Ma reports on mee ng between residents, city a orney Dan
Macnamara, our a orney Joe Rochelle. Macnamara’s office requires evidence to evaluate case and present to state ABO board if
they feel its in viola on. Ma mo ons that we package collected informa on and give to Macnamara, seconded. Unanimous in favor.
Riverfront Overlay
Lisa mo ons to approve the overlay plans and proposed amendments created by the Riverfront Alliance, seconded. Unanimous in
Frenchmen Street Overlay
Gene moves to have a separate mee ng on Frenchmen Street
overlay with Marigny Triangle business associa on and MACCNO,
Ma mo ons that we approve the 3/16 general mee ng’s minutes,
seconded. Unanimous in favor.
Home Tour
Experiencing problems securing desired houses on tour. Lisa to
meet with commi ee.
Mee ng adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Discounted Neighbor Rates
Come Visit!
Office Administration
Project Management
Database / Excel
Computer File Organization
Templates for Labels, Letterhead, Forms, Mail Merges
General Office Administration
John Gutekunst
Katherine Kuroczko
We get it done!
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
May 2015
Join the FMIA!
New Renewal
RESIDENTMEMBERSHIPS: Individual:$15.00 SeniorIndividual:$5.00
________________________________________ OR ______________________________________________ NONͲRESIDENTPROPERTYOWNER:OneIndividualwithvotingprivilege$15.00
__________________________________________OR_____________________________________________ NON–RESIDENTBUSINESSOWNER:OneIndividualwithvotingprivilege,$25.00
2401 Burgundy Street, Box 10 Ɣ New Orleans, LA 70117 Ɣ (888) 312-0812 Ɣ
A 501(c)(3) charitable organization
May 2015
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
Faubourg Marigny Improvement Associa on
2401 Burgundy Street Box 10
New Orleans, LA 70117
Meet the Neighbors May13
General Meeting May 18
Find us at
New Orleans, LA

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