Thursday March 13, 2014 - South Belt
Thursday March 13, 2014 - South Belt
Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 March 13, 2014 Cookoff spots available The annual South Belt Spectacular Cookoff will take place Thursday, May 1, through Saturday, May 3. Approximately 90 spots are already accounted for from more than 50 cooking teams. A few spots still remain. For information, call Linda Arnone at 281-484-4325. Perez benefit set A barbecue fundraiser for Sebastian Perez will be held Saturday, March 15, at Scooters Ice House, 1134 N. Main in Pearland, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. A 1998 Dobie graduate, Perez suffered a stroke Feb. 10. Plates will be $8. Whole briskets will be available for $50. For more information, call Mario Alcorta at 832289-9025. Email: Harris County Justice of the Peace Jo Ann Delgado ruled Wednesday, March 12, that the two pit bulls responsible for attacking a jogger on the South Belt hike and bike trail last week be euthanized. The judge approved the euthanization of the dog whose owner is known. The other dog, whose owner is unknown, will be euthanized by the county animal control. Monica Garza, 34, was severely injured Wednesday, March 5, around 9:30 a.m. when she was mauled by the animals near Sagecountry and Blackhawk. Garza, who suffered 52 lac- Mack thanks hero Jordan SBAST seeks coaches The filing deadline to run for a position on the Clear Creek Independent School District board or a local municipal utility district board has passed, with only a few of the races headed to a May election. In the CCISD election, District 2 incumbent Win Weber will be challenged by Nicholas Long. A consultant by profession, Long ran unsuccessfully for an at-large position this past May but was defeated by Ann Hammond. District 3 incumbent Ken Baliker is running unopposed. In the Clear Brook City Municipal Utility District election, Position 4 incumbent Bill Morgan is being challenged by James Towey. Position 5 incumbent Jim Bishop is running Genealogy group meets Sageglen meets March 17 The Sageglen Community Association will meet Monday, March 17, at 7 p.m. at the Sageglen Community Building, 11610 Sageyork. PIP meeting March 18 Frazier Elementary will host a blood drive in honor of Clarissa Hernandez Wednesday March 19. The mobile unit will be at school, 10503 Hughes, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hernandez is a third-grade student at Frazier who is currently being treated for leukemia. She has already received multiple transfusions as part of her medical treatment. All community members are welcome. Knights sell fish dinners The Knights of Columbus will serve fish dinners each Friday of the Lenten season from 5 to 7 p.m. at St. Luke’s Catholic Church Parish Hall through April 11. St. Luke’s Catholic Church is located at 11011 Hall Road. Proceeds benefit the Knights of Columbus 2014 Scholarship Fund Program. Scholarships offered Frazier Elementary Frazier Elementary will offer scholarships to seven graduating Dobie High School seniors who attended Frazier in third and fourth grades. Applications and information are available from the Dobie senior counselor. Applications must be submitted Friday, March 21. Moore Elementary The Moore Elementary Student Council will offer scholarships to four graduating seniors at Dobie High School who attended Moore in the fourth grade. Applications are available through the Dobie senior counselor’s office and must be returned by March 25 to be considered. NARFE meets March 18 The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Gulf Freeway Chapter 941 meets the third Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. at the El Franco Lee Senior Community Center, 9500 Hall Road. This month’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18. Visitors are welcome. For information, call 713-734-1461. Dobie offers credit-by-exam Dobie High School will offer free credit-byexams for Spanish Level I and II on Saturday, March 22. Only one exam can be taken. Applications can be picked up from the counseling office or any foreign language teacher. Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 21. The Level I test will start at 8:45 a.m., and the Spanish II exam will start at 10:15 a.m. Dobie JROTC sets car wash Dobie’s Air Force JROTC unit will host a car wash Saturday, April 5, at Snowie’s, Beamer and Scarsdale, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Funds will help cadets with costs of attending JROTC Leadership School and the military ball. Donations will be accepted the day of the car wash for a minimum of $5 per vehicle. Tickets will also be pre-sold by cadets. No rain checks for pre-sold tickets. erations and now has 350 staples, has undergone multiple surgeries and remains in critical condition at press time. She was in surgery while the court case was underway and is scheduled for an additional surgery Friday. Garza’s father, Jeff Mack, believes his daughter is alive only due to the brave actions of Sagemeadow resident Charles Jordan, who selflessly threw his body on top of the woman to shield her from further attack. One of the dogs was tracked to Fabiola Villanueva (erroneously reported as Fabiola Villareal in the March 6 Leader), who was ticketed for allowing an aggressive dog to run at large. The owner of the second dog has not been determined. The incident is being investigated by the Harris County District Attorney’s office to see if additional charges will be filed. The same day of the attack, a Harris County Precinct 2 deputy was forced to shoot a third pit bull after being attacked by the dog while responding to a call in the 10700 block of Sageglow. Deputy Clarence Erickson was responding to multiple calls of a loose dog threatening utility workers and residents, including a child around 4 p.m. Upon making contact with the animal, Erickson tried to keep him at bay by spraying it with a water hose. The maneuver failed, however, and the dog attempted to attack the deputy, prompting him to fire his duty weapon, striking the animal in the back hip. The pit bull was not killed and remained at the scene. The dog’s owner, Juan Hernandez, was also cited for allowing an aggressive dog to run at large. Filing ends for local elections The Parker Williams Genealogy Group will meet March 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the library at Beamer and Scarsdale. This group meets the first and third Mondays to discuss genealogy research. Meetings are free and open to anyone interested in tracing family history. Frazier holds blood drive Vol. 39, No. 6 Dangerous pit bulls to be euthanized The South Belt Area Swim Team is looking for a few great coaches. Anyone interested in applying should email wisfamily@sbcglobal. net before March 15, 2014. Applicants must have previous swim and/or coaching experience, be at least 18 years old, and have certification in lifeguard/CPR and water safety training. They must also be available to work Monday, April 21, through July 7, 2014. The Houston Police Department’s Positive Interaction Program will meet Tuesday, March 18, at 7 p.m. at Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital, 11800 Astoria in the staff meeting room on the first floor. Guest speaker will be HPD victim liaison Brittany Dancer. PIP consists of police and citizens working for safer neighborhoods. For information, call Officer Richard Buitron at 281-218-3900. unopposed. In the Kirkmont Municipal Utility District election, incumbents Mike Grizzaffi, Debbie Carroll and Gordan Bevill have all filed for reelection. Challengers include Martha SalazarGraham and Bonnie Dimicelli. In this contest, candidates do not run for a specific position. Rather, the three candidates who receive the most votes will fill the three open positions. In the Sagemeadow Municipal Utility District election, no one filed to challenge incumbents John Elam, Ted Heinrich and Tim Byers. Therefore, the election has been canceled. The elections are scheduled to take place Saturday, May 10. See future editions of the Leader for additional information. S. University Place to hold election Jeff Mack (right) credits Charles Jordan (center) for saving the life of his daughter, Monica Garza, on March 5. Garza was being attacked by two pit bulls when Jordan jumped on top of her to protect her. The pair are shown above with Jordan’s wife, Sharon, at a court hearing Wednesday, March 12, where Judge Jo Ann Delgado ruled that the dog, whose owner has been identified, be put down. (See related story this page.) Photo by Marie Flickinger City to collect hazardous waste Houston City Council Member David Martin, along with the Solid Waste Management Department, will hold a batteries, oil, paint and antifreeze (BOPA) mobile collection event Saturday, March 29, at the Ellington Airport Neighborhood Recycling Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is free, open to all city of Houston residents and will be held rain or shine. A valid Texas driver’s license or other proof of residency will be required. Business waste will not be accepted. In addition to BOPA, residents may drop off scrap metal and large appliances. Large appliances include stoves, refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners. Many common household materials are considered hazardous and need special disposal. When Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is disposed of in the trash, it can contaminate landfills and subsequently groundwater. This event provides a free and safe alternative for residents to rid their homes of potentially dangerous mate- rials. Accepted items include household and automobile batteries, motor oil and filters, latex paint, antifreeze, large appliances and scrap metal. Used motor oil will be limited to 15 gallons. All liquids are required to be in sealed, nonleaking containers that are labeled as to contents. Items not accepted include business, medical and agricultural waste; oil-based paints, solvents, flammables, pesticides, herbicides and other similar hazardous materials. To get to the Ellington site from the Gulf Freeway and Beltway 8, drivers should take I-45 south toward Galveston and turn left onto FM 1959/Dixie Farm Road; go to Highway 3/Old Galveston Road and turn right; drive two blocks and turn left onto Brantly; go past a dock with signs to the right and turn left onto Loop Road/ Broussard. The recycling center will be on the left-hand side. For more information, visit www.houston or call 3-1-1. Clear Creek ISD students honored Two Clear Brook students and four Clear Horizons students were among the 38 Clear Creek Independent School District seniors to be selected as National Merit Scholarship finalists. Brett C. Jackson and Cooper D. Raterink were selected from Clear Brook High School, while Corinne M. Lane, Angel S. Maredia, Michelle Paulsel and Nicholas Troutman were selected from Clear Horizons Early College High School. These academically talented students will have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million. More than half of the finalists nationwide will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar title. Three types of National Merit Scholarships will be offered in the spring of 2014. Every finalist will compete for one of 2,500 National Merit $2500 Scholarships that will be awarded on a state representational basis. About 1,000 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards will be provided by approximately 240 corporations and business organizations for finalists who meet their specified criteria, such as children of the grantor’s employees or residents of communities where sponsor plants or offices are located. In addition, about 200 colleges and universities are expected to finance some 4,500 collegesponsored Merit Scholarship awards for finalists who will attend the sponsor institution. National Merit Scholarship winners of 2014 will be announced in four nationwide news releases beginning in April and concluding in July. These scholarship recipients will join more than 300,000 other distinguished young people who have earned the Merit Scholar title. See related photo on Page 2A. An election to choose officers for the new South University Place homeowners association will take place Saturday, April 5, at the subdivision’s park. The last election the HOA held was roughly three to four years ago, according to the sole remaining board member and acting president Eric Ruiz. Residents said the formation of a new HOA is necessary because they have been unable to contact Haywood Management, the company responsible for operating the existing homeowners group, for several months. Residents further said they had been denied access to the HOA’s financial records and that they’ve yet to receive a bill for this year’s services. At a meeting held Tuesday, March 4, Leader publisher Marie Flickinger stressed to residents in attendance the need to obtain a copy of the HOA’s bylaws and to familiarize themselves with the state’s laws regulating homeowner organizations. A group of five South University Place residents have created an advisory group to help with the transition. Abandoned baby’s mom arrested The 16-year-old mother accused of placing her newborn baby in a Windmill Lakes dumpster last month has been arrested. The unnamed juvenile was charged Thursday, March 6, with abandoning her child without intent to return, a second-degree felony under Texas law. The teenager told Child Protective Services caseworkers she did not know she was pregnant when she gave birth to the child in her aunt’s bathtub Tuesday, Feb. 25. She reportedly thought the baby was born dead, prompting her to dispose of him in the dumpster at The Reserve at Windmill Lakes apartments, located in the 9900 block of Windmill Lakes Boulevard. The mother further told CPS workers she has not spoken to the 22-year-old man she said is the father in about six months. The infant has now been dubbed “Baby Carlos” after the maintenance worker who discovered the child wrapped up in a garbage bag inside the dumpster. A judge ruled Friday, March 8, the baby is to remain in CPS care until he can be placed in a foster home. Leader correction The article titled Dobie student fatally shot contained an inaccuracy. The story stated that the victim, Chazz Jenkins, was a Dobie student, and the shooter, Jeremiah James Pipkins, was a former Dobie student. According to Dobie Principal Franklin Moses, this was reversed. Pipkins is a current student, and Jenkins is a former student. The Leader staff apologizes for any confusion. Spring finally arrives? Sagemont water repairs continue Ongoing construction to replace City of Houston water lines in the Sagemont subdivision is roughly three-quarters complete, officials said. According to Public Works and Engineering Spokesman Alvin Wright, the work was 77 percent complete at press time. Originally scheduled to be complete by March 3, the project’s completion date has now been pushed back until the end of May. Wright said the $2.2 million endeavor involves replacing existing galvanized water lines with PVC pipe. The project has drawn the ire of many in the community who complain the work has taken too long to complete and has left the subdivision in a state of disarray. Several residents have also complained that construction crews have caused extensive property damage. Affected Sagemont streets include the Beltway 8 feeder from Sagewood to Hughes; Sagearbor from Beltway 8 feeder to Sagedowne; Sagecreek from Hughes to Sagedowne; Sagedowne from Sagecreek to Sagewood, Sageglen from Hughes to Sagedowne; Sagegrove from Sagearbor to dead-end; Sagehaven from Beltway 8 feeder to Sagedowne; Sagehollow from Sagearbor to dead-end; Sagehurst from Sagearbor to dead-end; Sageland from Beltway 8 feeder to Sagedowne; Sageoak from Beltway 8 feeder to Sagedowne; Sageville from Beltway 8 feeder to Sagedowne; Sagewood from Beltway 8 feeder to Sagedowne; and Sageway from Sagedowne to Sageville. While South Belt students are currently enjoying spring break, the local weather has fluctuated drastically this month, with temperatures dropping from the 80s to the 20s in less than a week. According to, the low on March 1 was 82 degrees, while the high on March 3 was 28 degrees. Above a crape myrtle is shown blooming at a Kirkmont residence. Photo by Marie Flickinger Page 2 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, March 13, 2014 In My Opinion Matthews shares veteran advice serious issues facing families in the Bay Area, one being the skyrocketing cost of homeowners insurance. In 2003 the Texas Legislature deBy the end of 2014, there are to be regulated the insurance industry in 49,000 to 69,000 veterans returning exchange for promises of lower rates, from overseas. A majority of them will better protection, and lower deductbe coming right out of combat zones. ibles. After 10 full years Texas continThose combat veterans’ loved ones need ues to have the highest premiums in to help those men and women veterans the nation with the Bay Area leading seek immediate psychological or psychithe way. Policy increases of 15% or atric help. The key here is, immediate. higher have become common. ProtecI know. If only – IF ONLY – I had tion for water, foundation and sewer sought immediate, professional, psyare now optional, yet premiums were chological or psychiatric help when I renot reduced when these important turned from the Koran War! How different safeguards were removed from polimy life would have been. Continually, my cies. Deductibles have been raised to a thinking then was, “What is wrong with all percentage of the home value costing these crazy people. They don’t make a homeowners thousands instead of a lick of sense.” Guess who “didn’t make a reasonable fixed amount. lick of sense?” ME. Homeowners along the Bay Area That’s why I want to help the loved coast have found windstorm insurance ones of those returning combat veterhard to find with insurance companies ans. For whatever reason, there will be fleeing the area for safer parts of the those veterans who are so resistant. The state. Prior to 2003 the Texas Windwives, husbands, mothers and fathers, storm Insurance Association (TWIA, brothers and sisters must figure out ways pronounced twee-uh), the “insurer of to persuade those good men and women last resort”, covered only 6% of homes to immediately go to a mental health proon the coast. Today they cover over fessional. 76%. TWIA is slowly becoming the Those good service men and women only resort. TWIA has since been taken deserve to have a good life, and I am conover by the State and it is questionable vinced the only path to be taken for that if they can cover claims in case of a good life is through professional counselmajor storm in the Bay Area. ing. The reason I know that to be true? Homeowners in the Tier II areas are I have such a great life today because I not eligible for TWIA but are having diffinally sought professional, mental health ficulty in finding insurance companies counseling. willing to sell windstorm protection. For me, there is absolutely nothing They have not been spared from the as important as my mental health. My skyrocketing rate hikes and many have counseling saved my life and my second few, if any, insurance options available. marriage. The empty promises of less regulation The stigma against those seeking help creating more competition have failed has all but vanished. Therefore, there’s homeowners in the Bay Area. no reason not to seek the help needed. If With a pocket full of broken promisyou cut your finger, you immediately treat es the insurance industry has resorted it. Right? However, if statements made to blaming their failures on the weathabout you, scar your mind, why shouldn’t er, as if weather was a new, never you do as you would do with a physical seen before, unnatural occurrence in injury, and seek help? the Bay Area. The insurance reforms The point being that your loved ones of 2003 have been an incredible failcoming back to civilian life need to seek ure affecting the pocketbook of many immediate psychological and psychiatric homeowners. It is time to face it, dehelp. Simple but not easy. bate it, and fix it. In working with those men and womLet’s talk about that instead. en returning, keep trying, please. For the John R. Cobarruvias sake of your beloved veteran, do all you can, He or she deserves the best. Everyone knows that no one can be forced to see a mental health professional. I’m not asking you to be insensitive about your loved one’s resistance to Re: “Can Boys Succeed With Comseeking help, but as best you can, keep mon Core?,” March 6, 2014: trying; don’t give up. PLEASE. Dr. Edmond Dixon’s letter on the How different my life would have been measured differential in educational if someone had tried to help me seek growth observed between the sexes mental health counseling that I so des- was both concerning and insightful. perately needed. Therefore, to the loved That said, I was terribly confused ones waiting for their combat veterans to by the connection Dr. Dixon appeared return, I say to you, it might not be easy to draw between this deficit amongst for your veteran to seek professional young males and the Common Core. help, but you must try fail, try fail, try sucTexas has never subscribed to this ceed. You’ll never regret your efforts. Common Core, and has no short, or Hardie Matthews long-range plan to subscribe to the Common Core. I join Dr. Dixon in his hope that we continue to work, both creatively and innovatively, to address the needs of Now that the primaries are over can- all of our learners. didates in the Bay Area should discuss Joseph R. Naughton, M.A. issues other than God, guns, gays and Social Studies Teacher, how much they hate Obama. There are Fort Bend ISD Naughton responds to Dixon’s letter Cobarruvias: Now that the primaries are over Jackson, Raterink National Merit Scholarship Finalists Clear Brook High School National Merit Semifinalists are, left to right, Brett C. Jackson and Cooper D. Raterink. (See related story Page 1A.) Photo submitted FotoFest 2014 coming to San Jacinto College The San Jacinto College South campus will be a participating space for the FotoFest 2014 Biennial, the fifteenth International Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art opening March 17. Houston residents Chadwick Gray and Laura Spector will exhibit their series, Museum Anatomy, which is a collection of documentary photographs of works from museums around the world that have been recreated onto the human body. The artwork goes through a significant process until reaching the final outcome, a photograph of Chadwick, sometimes unrecognizable as a human form, with an elaborate, detailed painting covering a portion of his body. The recreated paintings of these historic portraits recapture the subjects in their own moment in history. The resulting photographs reveal a unification of art combining antiquity, history, and technology in a contem- porary context. Gray and Spector are both recipients of the prestigious New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship Award (2001), and they have been included as finalists for the Sovereign Asian Art Award in both 2006 and 2008 where Museum Anatomy photographs were auctioned at Sotheby’s Hong Kong. Their work has been published in The Harvard Review, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! and in the book, The Real Real Thing: The Model in the Mirror of Art by Wendy Steiner. Museum Anatomy artwork can be seen in exhibitions and collections around the world. More than 100 participating spaces will exhibit a variety of photography and related art for this year’s event. Some of the spaces include museums, commercial art galleries, nonprofit art spaces, local artists spaces, educational organizations, corporate spaces, and retail and restaurant spaces. This year, FotoFest’s own exhibitions will focus on contemporary Arab video, photography, and multimedia art. The Biennial will showcase 48 contemporary Arab artists using photography and related visual media to address a broad range of aesthetic and cultural values impacting Arab culture. Museum Anatomy will be on display beginning Monday, March 17, in Gallery Room S15.112. Gallery hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, until April 10. An opening reception will be held on Monday, March 17, at 1:30 p.m. in Room S15.112. For more information on Museum Anatomy and Chadwick Gray and Laura Spector, visit www.ChadwickAnd For more information on FotoFest 2014 Biennial, the fifteenth International Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art, visit Business Review Sicily has new owners Scarsdale Civic Association will hold board member elections on Monday, March 31, at 6 p.m. at the clubhouse in the community park, 12127 Teaneck. Plan to attend so as to have a quorum of homeowners as needed to elect the officers of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and all directors. Those who want to run for an office should let it be known at the meeting. Parker Williams Library cussions around sensitive topics and best practices to connect student veterans exhibiting signs of psychological distress with the proper support network. Lunch will be served. Register for this event by emailing Veteran Services Office Assistant Heather Scott at or call 281-283-3071 before March 17. Social justice comedian Negin Farsad to visit San Jacinto College Get ready for a real world activist comedic experience combining a dash of comedy philosophy and a touch of public policy, for an engaging and hilarious look at today’s social issues – TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Fellow Negin Farsad is bringing her brand of comedy to San Jacinto College on April 7. Sponsored by the San Jacinto College South Campus Lyceum Committee, Farsad is one of a few IranianAmerican Muslim female comedian/filmmakers that uses humor to bridge the racial, religious, social, and immigrant gap. “Comedians are like a subversive-soothsayer-critic-tastemaker sandwich with a bartender-psychologist dipping sauce,” said Farsad, who was recently named one of the 50 Funniest Women by the Huffington Post. “They are going to help us figure it out. They’re not only going to find the delicious social justice-y core of the social justice, they’re going to (maybe hopefully probably definitely) get our behinds in working order so that we can do something about it.” For Farsad, the social justice aspect to her comedy was no accident. She has a dual master’s in African-American studies and public policy from Columbia University’s School of International & Public Affairs, and used to work as a policy advisor for the city of New York. Farsad has also written and developed series for MTV, PBS, and Nickelodeon. As a standup comedian, Farsad has performed far and wide, from the Laugh Factory in New York to the Comedy Store in Los Angeles. Her other shows include The Dirty Immigrant Collective, Bootleg Islam, and The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Romantic Comedy. Queen Rania of Jordan commissioned Farsad to make a video as part of a series to combat Middle Eastern stereotypes – a series that won the first ever YouTube Visionary Award. Last year, Farsad released her feature film, The Muslims Are Coming! where she took a group of Muslim-American comedians on the road in Middle America to do comedy shows, meet the locals, and counter Islamophobia through jokes. The film also features renowned comedians such as Jon Stewart, Janeane Garofalo, David Cross, Rachel Maddow and others, and has already won a humanitarian award from the ArabAmerican Institute. Farsad will give a special presentation at the San Jacinto College South campus on Monday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m., in the Proscenium Theatre inside the Marie Spence Flickinger Auditorium. The South campus is located at 13735 Beamer Road in Houston. The event is free and open to all San Jacinto College students, staff, faculty, and the public. Care Partners meet March 21 Interfaith Care Partners Ministry group at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, 10727 Hartsook Street (near Almeda Mall), a gathering for persons with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes and similar disabilities and their caretakers, meets the third Friday of each month from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Gatherings consist of a continental breakfast, arts and crafts, exercises, entertainment, a singalong, a devotional break, lunch, and ends with a bingo game. Those who have a family member or know of someone with these challenges, are welcome to attend. The next gathering will be held in the Mother Cabrini Center at the church on Friday, March 21, with a theme of Apple-a-Day. For more information or to register, call Interfaith Care Partners at 713-682-5995, or visit the Interfaith Care Partners website at 11555 Beamer 281-481-5656 E-mail: Davy & Marie Flickinger, owners Presents 18th Annual Bracewell Neighborhood Library a.m. to 1 p.m. in the university’s Student Services and Classroom Building, Lecture Hall, 2700 Bay Area Blvd. Presented by John Roberts, Wounded Warrior Project’s executive vice president of Warrior Relations, participants will learn and discuss obstacles that veterans may face while in pursuit of their degree, effective techniques for managing classroom dis- Trent Paul Sims, 43, formerly of South Belt, died on Thursday, March 6, 2013. Sims graduated from J. Frank Dobie High School and attended Navarro Junior College and Trinity Valley Community College. He is survived by his spouse, Shannon Chatagnier-Bowser Sims; stepson Cameron Bowser; stepdaughters Kimberly and Kayla Schuchard; parents Gene and Pat Sims; sister Tanya AnCary Duane Cornatzer, kenbruck and husband Steve; 56, a lifelong South Belt resnieces Ashley, Bailie and ident, died March 11, 2014, Megan; nephews Jonathan surrounded by his family. He was born on Jan. 1, 1958, in Houston to Charles D. Cornatzer and Katy Cornatzer. He is survived by his mother, Katy, daughter Candice Cornatzer, brother Jay Farrell, sister Kellie Cornatzer, niece Jaylynn Tippey, and nephew Jimmy Farrell. Cornatzer spent his childhood in the South Belt area. He attended Dobie High School and the University of Houston. He joined the U.S. Navy in 1974, where he served on the U.S.S. Kittyhawk. After returning from the Navy, he pursued a career in mechanical engineering. In 1986, he accepted a position with Revak Turbomachinery in La Porte where he dedicated 16 years of his career. For the next seven years he continued working as an engineer with various companies. Throughout his life his beloved hobby was music. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014, at Forest Park Cemetery on Lawndale. Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Forest Park Cemetery. Interment will follow. The Voice of Community-Minded People The following events are scheduled for the Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd., March 13 through March 19. Volunteers from AARP Tax-Aide will be in the library meeting room to assist with tax questions and filing a tax return. Tax assistance will be available Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through April 14. Call the library for more information. Movie Madness is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, at 4 p.m. Call the library for title. On Wednesday, March 19, Internet Security Essentials will be presented at 3 p.m., and a teen movie is scheduled for 4 p.m. Call the library for movie title. Preschool storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, and toddler storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Vietnamese storytime is held every Saturday at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon and 2:30 p.m. For more information on these programs, call the library at 281-484-2036. Family and friends, as well as educators, can learn how to help active-duty military members transition to school when University of Houston-Clear Lake’s Office of Veteran Services teams up with the Wounded Warrior Project to present the Working with Wounded Warriors Workshop. The workshop will be offered March 26 from 11 and Mason; great-nephew Tyler; and all his dogs, both Gingers, Sadie, Simba and Puppy. The service celebrating Sims’ life was held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 11, 2014, at Niday Funeral Home – Beamer Chapel. Interment followed at Forest Park East Cemetery. South Belt-Ellington Leader Local library events set UHCL pairs with Wounded Warrior Project to assist student veterans Trent Paul Sims Cary Duane Cornatzer Scarsdale Civic Club holds elections The Bracewell Neighborhood Library, 9002 Kings-point Drive, recently announced its programs for March 13 through March 19. On Thursday, March 13, Computer Basics is scheduled at 2 p.m., Internet Basics at 3:30 p.m., and Intro to MS Powerpoint at 5 p.m. To help with Affordable Care Act signups, first assisters will be at the library on Saturday, March 15, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Family storytime will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 18, and at 11 a.m., a family craft is scheduled. Baby/toddler storytime will be at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 19, with a baby/toddler playgroup at 11 a.m. Also on Wednesday, March 19, Computer Basics is scheduled for 3:15 p.m., and Internet Basics is at 4:30 p.m. For information about any of these programs, call the Bracewell Neighborhood Library at 832-393-2580. Deaths South Belt Cookoff Sicily Pizza, 12373 Scarsdale, recently reopened under new ownership. Owner Chris Ranck is shown above at the location. With 20+ years of culinary experience, Ranck hopes to bring authentic Italian cuisine to the South Belt community. Ranck has thoroughly renovated the establishment, replacing all equipment and completely remodeling the interior. Photo by Marie Flickinger South Belt Graphics & Printing One stop for all your wedding needs: • Invitations • Reception Cards • Response Cards • Thank You Notes • Matchbooks • Scrolls • Napkins 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 El Franco Lee Park Thursday, May 1 to Saturday, May 3, 2014 $5 Admission at the gate until 6 p.m. – $10 after 6 p.m. Free admission for ages 12 & under Proceeds fund South Belt Fireworks Games G am & Rides for Kids Family Attractions Great Food & Good Fun Golf Carts, Kids Activities, Sno Cones and Banner sponsorship opportunities available. For information, call 281-481-5656 or email Thursday, March 13, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 3 Dobie High School fourth 6-weeks honor roll students announced J. Frank Dobie High School recently released its honor roll students for the fourth six-weeks grading period. Students earning status are: Ninth grade Honor roll Robin Emmanuel Acac, Mishelle L. Acosta, Adeana Nathalie Aguilar, Janeth Silvia Amador, Jennifer Adali Amaya Argueta, Ciriah Lashell Amerson, Isaac Arango, Antonio Armenta, Lizbet Armenta, Oscar Armenta, Jacob Tyler Arnesen, Natalie Celline Balle and Kevin M. Bariya. Brianna Alexis Barrientos, Austin Joseph Biondo, Kiara Lynn Blandon, Allison Marie Bravo, Joseph D. Broussard, Gissel Buenrostro, Tierney Lashay Bullock, Joseph G. Bustamante, Ashley Monet Butler, Marissa Chanel Butler, Alayna Noelle Cano and Jennifer Noemi Cantarero. Patricia Ann Capelo, Nanci Carrera, Anthony Laurence Carrico, Delana Nicole Carrillo, Nyomi Marie Carrington, Sarai Guadalupe Casas, Kristy G. Castellon, Michael Lee Castillo, Andrea Guerra Cavazos, Jordan Emmanuel Cervantes, Andrea Chapa and Diana Sarahi Chapa. Jarely Floreli Claros, Alexander Cornejo, Alyssa Victoria Corpus, Erick Omar Covarrubias, Nathan Andrew Covarrubias, Renee Elyse Coy, Alia Nichelle Crawford, Alyssa Arianna Cruz, Belen Areli Cruz, Elissa Garza Cruz, John Leonard Cruz and Chealse Allison Cubos. Trinity Alexus Curry, Rickey Tyrone Curtis, Christopher Jaime Cuya, Teresa Sindy Chobi D’costa, Jimmy Tuan Dang, Lananh Thi Dang, Courtney Hang-Nga Dao, Amanda M. Davila, Ajah Desiree Davis, Dominick Leavie Davis, Jacoby Gerard Davis and Jeremy Gerard Davis. Miranda Nicole Dehoyos, Samantha Delgado, Ivan Mauricio Diaz, Vu Huy Dinh, Jay Do, Mary Mytam Doan, Joshua Israel Dolmos, Jazmyn Arisa Drumgo, An Gia Duong, Jordan Matthew Efird, Lauren Taylor Escobar, Ethan Connor Preston Feeley and Alejandro Flores Parra. Janneth Flores, Javier Raul Flores, Karen Flores, Monserrat Flores, Katherine Anne Gangestad, Bryana Kristine Garcia, Cassandra Alysia Garcia, Hayley Renee Garcia, Kayla Nichole Garcia, Miguel Ray Garcia, Nadia Lynn Garcia, Kevin Michael Gartner and Raquel Alicia Garza. Jacob Paden Gilbreath, Crystal Renee Glover, Brittany Amber Gonzales, Leandra Gabriela Gonzales, Esbeidy Aracely Gonzalez, Shelby Nicole Gonzalez, Emily Vanessa Granadoscarranza, Liliana R. Guevara, Lluvia Amalinally Guillen Rocha and Chris- topher Anthony Gutierrez. Karina Lyzette Gutierrez, Idania Guzman, Michael Cory Guzman, Nia Marcia Herman, Beatriz Hernandez, Emily Ann Hernandez, Gidaldhy Juleisy Hernandez, Edna F. Herrera, Chelsea Christine Hickman, Michael Anthony Hinojosa, Eric Vie Hoang and Jazmine Marie Howard. Joe Angel Huerta, Nicole Thuy Duong Ngoc Huynh, Thanh Cong Huynh, Mykaela Flor Jacksis, Rebekah Rochelle Rane Jagdeo, Jasmine Monae James, Jeantrel Dsean Jolivette, Amyn Tresa Joseph, Esther Yoomi Kim, Stanley Richard Krivik and Marissa Nichole Krustchinsky. Danny Lam, Robert Anthony Lazo, Hellen Thu Le, Michelle Le, Sean Dang Le, Steven Le, Tai Thai Le, Mauro Lerma, Valeria Lomas, Amanda M. Lopas, Nicole Rachel Lopez, Steven Khang Ly, Jesus Alexandro Macedo, Alanis Lindsay Macias and Nikolas Vincent Maffei. Ebony Celeste Manzano, Patrick Jonathan Marsh, Marissa Martinez, Sara Noemi Martinez, Katherine Joyce Maslonka, Shamira Shanae McCruse, Brooke E. McGrath, Shelby Nicole Melendez, Deandre M. Moore, Jesus Alberto Morales Esquivel and Angela Jazmin Morales. Oren Frank Moreno, Gabriela Nichole Munoz, Aimy Nguyen, Antony Anhkhoa Nguyen, Bao Triet Nguyen, Catherine Ngoc Nguyen, Dat Tien Nguyen, Derek Nguyen, Huong Diem Nguyen, Johnathan Long Viet Nguyen, Nathan Truong Nguyen and Phuc Minh Nguyen. Phuong Quynh Diep Nguyen, Quyen Tranthuy Nguyen, Steven Nguyen, Taylor Quang Nguyen, Thao Thi-Phuong Nguyen, Christiana Chikaodinaka Nnabuife, Erinn Sidney O’Brien, Donatus Chukwuka Oguamanam, Nathaniel Zephin Ontiveros and Adam Antonio Padilla. Saugat Pandit, Krishna Patel, Tirth Patel, Ashley Elizabeth Patterson, Alexus Ophelia Perea, Maria Guadalupe Perez, Natali Elisse Perez, Natalie Elissa Perez, Elena Tien Pham, Rich Pham, Thanh-Nguyet Trinh Pham, Vy Le Nhat Pham and Alice Hong Phan. Evelyn Quynh Nhu Phan, Kevin Bui Phan, Steven Phi Phan, Jaysha Octavia Ploucha, Brandon A. Ponce, Diego Alejandro Quintanilla Tovar, Erika Ogoy Ragasa, Tyran Deion Rainey, Josue Ramirez, Edwing Yohalmo Reyes, Ariana Yasmine Rodriguez and Christian Rodriguez. Jerson Manuel Rodriguez, Joshua Christian Rodriguez, Xena Aylene Rodriguez, Erika Beatriz Rojas Ramirez, Hector Daniel Rojas, Yahby Gabriel South Belt Graphics & Printing One stop for all your printing needs • Business Forms • Business Cards • Custom Letterheads & Envelopes • Wedding Invitations • Thank You Notes • Menus • Directories and much more! 11555 Beamer 281-484-4337 Romero, Ashley Margarita Ruiz, Yasmine Maria SaenzMyers, Edwin Alan Saldivar, Kaylan Desiree Salinas and Arlene Briauna Salisbury. Devin Nicholas Sanchez, Vianney Hope Sanchez, Alfredo Santoscoy, Sean Michael Saperstein, Steven Serrano, Yenifer Serrano, Rebecca Lynn Shaffer, Mireya Renae Sifuentes, Astrid Ayana Silva, Camille Deon Singleton, Michael Lawrence Slaten and Kishina Sherrie Smith. Kayla Soraiz, Areli Soto, Estephanie Karina Soto, Lillian Morgan Spigner, David Richard Strout, Emily Rose Symeonidis, Leanna Loan Ta, Debora Tabarez, Torrey George Tapper, Abigail Louise Taylor, Nathanael Christopher Taylor, Taja Imani Tillman and Katherin Damari Torres. Brianna Cherron Townes, Danny Diep Tran, Jacklyn Cattien Tran, Johnny Tran, Kelly Mai-Tram Tran, Tracy Truc-Mai Tran, Tyler D. Tran, Jennifer Truong, Ni Thai Truong, Jocelyn Mariah Ulloa, Gabriel Tristan Arcalas Unica, Vanessa Vargas and Julio Enrique Vela. Diamonndlee A. Velez, Diana Laura Vidal, Kathrina Perez Villanueva, Abigail Villasenor, Janet Diem Vo, Lam D. Vo, Justin W Vu, Khoa Manh Vu, Tam Vu, Audreycarelle Nkeiya Wandji, Kiara Julia Wells, Grant Alexander Wilhelm, Daniel L. Williams, Macy Kate Williams, Vanessa Wanjiku Williams, Jamisson E. Wilson, Samaria S. Wilson and Natalie Michelle Zaragoza. Tenth grade Honor roll Eman M.H. Abed Rabbo, Ahmad H. Abusaif, Maite Albarran, Aliana Cristina Aleman, Daniel Alvarez, Delia G. Amador, Sara Ester Amaya, Marissa Isabel Amezcua, Gennevive Uzoamaka Anagbogu, Edgar Arzate, Cristian Ernesto Ascencio, Lidia Avitia and Ahmed Maytham Badr. Keauhna Jhonea Bailey, Dante Latroy Baines, Jennifer Michelle Banda Covarrubias, Eduardo Leonel Bautista, Jaylon Deon Bolden, Adam Quinton Boswell, Reality Ragine Boutte, Hannah Marie Brady, Robert Erving Brown, Khoa Dang Bui and Jessica Yvette Bustamante. Takira Nailah Butler, Andrea Montserrat Cahue, Daniela Campo, Alan Steve Campos, Mandy Thuy Cao, Kristy Jeanette Christmas, Brandon Van Chung, Megan Nicole Cook, David Alejandro Cruz, Lisbed Leisly Cruz, Melissa Sarahi Cruz and Caitlin Marie Real Cunanan. Allison Marie Dasilva, Alexandra Rocio De Alejandro, Angelica Cuaping Dejesus, Ashley Ann Deveza, Hodda Arsan Diab, Hung Tony Dinh, Joshuah Arthur Dobbs, Jose Narciso Duarte, Ryan Vaughn Ehlinger, Cristobal Flores, Daisy Guadalupe Fuentes and Yohana Galvan. Alexis Gamez, Brianna Elizabeth Garcia, Hugo Garcia, Leslie Alejandra Garcia, Crystal Garza, Ivonne Monsterrat Gauna Montalvo, Andrew Davendra Ghansyam, Cody Ray Giles, Francesca Gomez, David Lee Gonzalez, Sandra Luz Gonzalez and Vanessa Alexandra Gonzalez. Vanessa Alejandra Guerra, Vincent Michael Gutierrez, Sarah Crystal Guzman, Myles Avery Harris, Chantelle Marie Hatchet, Shelby Ann Henderer, Justice Kerissa Henderson, Ariana Lenae Henry, Joselyn Hernandez Valle, Erika Lisett Hernandez and Selena Marie Hernandez. Ashley Javonn Hicks, Howard Dewayne Hilliard, Victor Hinojosa, David Vinh Ho, Hainhu Ho, Michelle Ngoc Thao Hoang, Dechanelle Nickay Howell, Darius Larenz Hypolite, Aryn Danielle Ibarra, Jacob Ryan Izaguirre, Brady Houston Jacobs and Marisol Jasso Huerta. Alexis Celeste Jimenez, La’claudia Ty Kee Anna Labarrera, Anna Nguyen Le, Bobby Nhiyen Le, Emily Ngoc Le, Jenny Thu Le, Phuong-Thy Mai Le, Quynh Nguyen Hai Le, Tommy Le, Autumn Lynn Lefever, Kacie Lyn Little, Deiny Brizeida Loeza and Sarah Ruth Loftin. Orlando Nigel Logan, Julia Michelle Lohse, Alyssa Leann Lopez, Arthur Anthony Lopez, Cecilia Judith Lopez, Denis Eusebio Lopez, Miguel Alexis Lopez, Albert Luu, Randall Andrew Cole MacNeil-Haberman, Anh Hoang Lan Mai, Oscar Maldonado and Crishly Veronica Marcos. Valeria Martinez Perez, Ana Martinez, Briana Alexis Martinez, Mariana Alejandra Martinez, Nathalie Martinez, Samantha Marie Martinez, Vanessa Alejandra Martinez, Evan Thomas Mauk, Aileen Elsbeth Mazariego, Armand Sebastian Mendoza and Melany Joanna Menjivar. Francelli Galilea Monreal, Jonathon Ryan Montalvo, Armando Montelongo, Denisse Moreno Acosta, Alyssa Pearl Moreno, Juan Pablo Moreno, Jade Thi Mottu, Tyler Matthew Myers, Yusra Naeem, Summer Kamleh Naser, Karen Neira, Anh Ngoc Truc Nguyen and Diana Thanh Nguyen. Elton Duy Long Nguyen, Linda Ngoc Nguyen, Martin Anh Vu Nguyen, Mi Hieu Nguyen, Ngoc Bao Nguyen, Phuong Hong Thi Nguyen, Tin Nhan Nguyen, Tina Mongduytien Nguyen, Vicky My Nguyen, Thanh Van Nguyenvo, Vanessa Nicaragua and Michael A. Noschese. Iyesogie Stephanie Ogbonmwan, Noah Dominic Ortega, Giselle Ailyn Oviedo, Alexis Padilla, Jesus Manuel Paredes, Amy Hasmukh Patel, Michael Leroy Peavy, Yessika Lizeth Pena, Jennifer Stephanie Penate, Andrea Gisel Perez, Ashley Christine Perez and Gabriel Ameriko Perez. Samuel George Peters, Jack Pham, Kevin Khang Ba Pham, Thi Ngoc Quynh Phan, Vy Hong Phan, Herberth Alejandro Polio Argueta, Vivian Arlen Prado, Gabrielle Michelle Pringle, Austin J. Pritchett, Faridhe Yamelli Puente, Anthony Quiroz and Luis Rodolpho Ramirez. Sara Eliza Ramirez, Jose Maria Reyes Rivera, Cesar Ivan Reyes, Anfernee Jay Reyna, Dereck Jay Rivera, Lesdy Iveth Rivera, Hilda Paola Rodriguez Garza, Adrian Alejandro Rodriguez, Bailey R. Rodriguez, Crystal Alexis Rodriguez and Jailyn Ovalle Rodriguez. Victoria Rosenda Rodriguez, Aylin Daiana Rojas, Lorissa Victoria Saiz, Ernesto Salas, Ashley Nicole Salinas, Cameron N. Salley, Victoria Guadalupe Sanchez, Megan Nicole Schuetz, Naseem Mahrokh Shafaei, Ashley Yvette Shepherd and Mohammad Maher Shobaki. Dedrick Davaughn Simpson, Alaina Nicole Sitka, Davonte Moshe Smith, Roberto Solis, Neida Nayelli Soto, Laura Katherine Stephens, Mayalen Suarez, Ikea Marie Taylor, Catherine Thanh Thai, Crischelle Ranae Thompson, Dariun Cornelius Thorn and Jesus M. Tijerina. Jazlyn Marie Evora Tobias, Diana Nicole Torres, Laura Aidee Torres-Gomez, Anna Ha-My Tran, Daniel HoaiNam Tran, Elizabeth Baotran Tran, Heidi Dung Tran, Joanne Tran, Vinh Qang Tran, Mariana Chavez Triana and Diana Pamela Tufino. Nancy Ezinne Udunka, Jaqueline Vazquez, Hugo Gilberto Velarde, Nicklaus Noel Velasquez, Ashley Delcarmen Veratudela, Josue Jeremis Villalta, Phuc Tran Ngoc Vo, Rachel Nhi Vu, Rebecca Kim Anh Vu, Van Vu and Georgette Vanelle Nzouatchoua Wandji. Destiny Lynn Williams, John Eric Williams, Skylar Elise Williams, Raven Anjell Wilson, Kaelon Jamaul Woods, Agnes Nicole Yanney, Autum Ladell Yates, Oscar Zachary Zarate and Roberto Rafael Zavaleta. Eleventh grade Honor roll Gerardo Acevedo, Juan Jose Almanza, Jackelin Andrade, Sarah Abigail Anleu, Justyn Andrew Arnesen-Gonzalez, Priscilla N. Arteaga, Christopher Aaron Ayala, Janai Nicholle Baerga, Nereida Yamilet Balderas, Yenlynn Hoang Banh, Simon Barisch and Gabriela Renee Barragan. Jose Carlos Benavides Sanchez, Gabriela Benavides, Eduardo Berumen, Victoria Alexis Blackmon, Carli Elizabeth Blue, A’Yuana K’Iar Bradford, Celeste M. Briones, Kiyah S. Brooks, Thao Thi Thanh Bui, Bryan Bustos, Genovy Lisette Cabrera and Mayra Lucia Caisedo Bustillo. Gilberto Hernan Campa, Tommy N. Cao, Nely Jasmine Carbajal, Alyssa Castillo, Flavio Gabriel Castillo, Cybelle Gonzalez Cerda, Sonia Yanira Chaires, Danielle Ann Cisneros, Valerie Jane Colunga, Alexis Marie Corpus, Alejandro Cortez, Ariana L. Croes and Jacquimar Dejesus. Samantha Jade Delacruz, John Matthew Delarosa, Karen Deleon, Racquel Marie Delgadillo, Andres Delgado, Damian Eliazar Depaz, Jason Alec Diaz, Phung Bao Dinh, Tina Duong, Michael Anthony Duron, Cristal Elizondochavez, Jesse Escalante and Angela Marie Escamilla. Abdon Jose Ferreira, Kenia Mabel Garza, Patrice Elaine Gilbert, Jay Edward Gish, Rachel Taylor Glass, Jesse Tovar Gonzales, Vincent A. Gonzales, Suzette Gonzalez, Anna Mae Goodman, Adolfo Javier Gracia, Kiara Doneisha Hart, Salina Hay and Carolina Alejandra Herrera. Kiandre Jacole Hicks, Briah Nyjhai Hightower, Tanya Tho Ho, David Matthew Holcomb, Jessie Ngoc Huynh, Ryan Duc Huynh, Prince Ikenna Ibe, Brittney Nicole Johnson, Desiree Shantal Johnson, Rhehana D. Johnson, Vontonio Rico Jones and Tia Jasmine Joseph. Daniel Jungmo Kim, Krista Lyn Kindred, Alex Sam Kwok, Thu Anh Le, Angelica Antonia Lee, Nicollette Marguerite Lopez, Victor Lozano, Alfred Ashton Luna, Jessena Innacence Luna, Linda Ly, Rodrigo Macedo De Almeida, Ryan Alexander Mahler and Andres Eduardo Marin. Carlos Martinez, Deanna Gabrielle Martinez, Isaac Bradlee Martinez, Marcos Martinez, Xena Matamoros, Luke Allen McDonald, Alyssa Michelle Medrano, Maria Lidia Mejia Ortiz, Juan Luis Melesio, Victoria Yamileth Mendoza, Isaac Conrad Mills and Madisen Paige Minter. Maria Del Pilar Mireles, Shalina Fiona Mohammed, George Anthony Molina, Michael Anthony Mora, Jimmy Adrian Nevarez, Betram Truong Nguyen, Catherine Nguyen, Dona Ngoc Nguyen, Elissa Huong Nguyen, Elizabeth Nguyen and Giaan Khuong Nguyen. Hiep Phu Nguyen, Hung Thai Nguyen, Jimmy Hoan Nguyen, Julie Nguyen, Lisa Nguyen, Michelle Huyen Nguyen, Ngoc Mai Nguyen, Nhubinh Liza Nguyen, Tina Hoai Nguyen, Tran Bao Nguyen, Zaed Dac Nguyen, Andrea Nicaragua and Gerardo Angel Nunez. Malyn Lassette Nunez, Dominique Veronica Obregon, Augustine Anamelechi Oguamanam, Ana Maria Ortiz, Shiv Nirmal Patel, Arthur Estrada Pedraza, Gage D’angelo Chilon Peete Meyers, Jocelyn Pena, Marcus Anthony Perez and Amalia Paulette Perla. Caxton Santos Petri, Amy Pham, Hoaiphuong Tran Pham, Linh Phuong Pham, Nhi Thuc Pham, Triet Minh Pham, Uyen Nhat Nguyen Pham, My Kieu Phan, Roberto Simon Pineda, Monica Rashaad Ploucha, Christopher D. Powell, Diego Ramirez, Francisco Rangel and Adriana Araceli Resendez. Gladys Reyes Rivera, Glenda Reyes Rivera, Jailene Reyes, Juan M. Reyes, Sidaria N. Robertson, Athena Skye Robles, Mauro Alberto Rodriguez, Vanessa Rojas, Alexis Romero, Erica Mary Romero, Ray Angel Romero, Angela Grace Geopano Rosales and Lauren Sophia Rothacher. Juan Manuel Ruiz, Jennifer Stephanie Salamanca, Alejandra Salinas Salazar, Reginald Tyson Salinas, Michelle Brenda San Miguel, Alvaro Sanchez, Lauren Patricia Sanchez, Denise Saravia, Quentin Emmett Sessor, Jonathan Adam Shaw and Mikaila Trena Singleton. Shawn Andrew Small, Karaanne MacKenzie Snyder, Chelsea Tajonera, Andrea Thu Tran, Anh Nam Tran, Hieu Vo Tran, Jenny Thi Tran, Lauren Tuy Thao Vo Tran, Nikki Tinhdan Tran, Theresa Tran, Triny Ynhi Tran and Tu Anh Nguyen Tran. Kevin Truong, Laura Van Barneveld, Ruben Kalani Vargas, Angelica Faith Vasquez, Joshua Xavier Vasquez, Rosa Alicia Velazquez, Princess O. Villanueva, Jacquelyn Simone Villarreal, Kevin Minhvuong Vo and Valerie Thanh Thy Vo. Khanh Quoc Vu, Carly Ann Weidemann, Emily Elizabeth Wolfe, Jonathan Avery Woodall, Timothy Aidan Wright, Shelby Allison Yocum, Kianna Yvonne Zermeno and Angelica Rosario Zuniga. Twelfth grade Honor roll Bayan Marwan Abedrabbo, Jannessa R. Ackman, Faria Akhter, Deanna Marie Alanis, Daniel Eduardo Alarcon, Eliza Selena Alvarado, Heidi Christine Applegate, Taylor Nichol Ard, Erika Thalia Ascencio, Carolina Sanmiguel Avila, Valerie Alena Baez and Zechariah Isaac Bailey. Destinye Ayesha BarnesHall, Amanda Catherine Bates, Haitem Benachour, Alex Enrique Benitez, Dessarae Rose Blackwell, Joseph Robert Boutwell, Briana Yolanda Brown, Danielle Alyse Buckholt, Duc Anh Bui, Peter Dinh Bui, Kevin Ruiz Caballero and Tyundre Lavonta Caple. Victor Manuel Castillo, Darien Anthony Childs, Alexandra Guadalupe Cirlos, Miguel Angel Contreras, Eric Daniel Cortes, Martin Cruz, Anthony Dang, Johnbenedict Cuaping Dejesus, Jeremiah R. Deleon, Brandon Dimas, David Dinh, Hoang Kim Dinh and Sergio Diosdado. Nicholas P. Engle, Angelica Vanessa Enriquez, Laura Elena Flores, Nazeiby Sarahi Flores, Jaelyn Breon Fox, Desire Marie Gabino, Stephanie Alicia Galaviz, Angel Macario Garcia, Athziri Yanely Garcia, Cassandra Marie Garcia, Efren Garcia and Jesus Garcia. Karen Banessa Garcia, Rommel Rudy Garcia, Kamaran Rhynae Gardner, Craig Allen Gentry, Nicholas Rohan Ghansyam, Hannah Celeste Graham, Sofia Alejandra Guerrero, Brianna Guevara, Mikaela Guevara, Daisha M. Hagan, Christopher Dejuan Harris and Paulina Hay. Audrey Alexandra Hernandez, Alexis Nicholle Hicks, Dominique Deion Hunter, Diana Nelly Ibarra, Megan Jagdeo, Greissy Carolina Jerezano, Marquette La’rue Dale Johnson, Jayla Dionne Joulevette, Matthew Alan Kahanek, Emmi Trang Kieu and Madeline Renee Lacamu. Amari Brianna Lavergne, Tiffany Kim Trang Le, Tu Anh Le, Wilson Lee, Davion Dontrae Lewis, Karina Guadalupe Lopez, Lauren Alexis Lozano, Ivan Xavier Luna, Jenny Ly, Tony Ly, Aimee Celeste Mar, Sara Alexandra Martinez and Dominique Trevette McCray. Joshua Andrew MendiolaGarcia, Joslyn Lourdes Mendoza, Riley Ann Miller, Mohamad Osama Mohamad, Kimberly Edith Molina, Elizabeth Ashley Montemayor, Chanse M. Morris, Geraldine Navarrete, Carmen Nering, Amber Autumn Nguyen and Anh Thu Cindy Nguyen. Annie Lam Nguyen, Billy Nguyen, Jennifer Nguyen, Kimberly Truong Nguyen, Mailynn Nguyen, Tai Ngoc Nguyen, Thao Mai Nguyen, Thien Luong Van Nguyen, Vivian Oanhhoang Nguyen, Shelby Keith Nunez, Aliyah Cierra Ortega, Jasmine Osorio and Monica Patel. Aimee Gabriela Perez, Alexia Aundrea Perez, Burgandy Rose Petri, Lauren Ashley Pettey, Hong Thixuan Pham, Khanh Minh Pham, Tuan Manh Phan, Anthony Gilbert Ramirez, Karina Nichole Ramirez, Ayeshum Rasool, Jesus Enrique Rios and Jonathan Isaac Rivera. Mauricio Alexander Rivera, Ivan Rocha, Breanna Ashley Roddy, Octavio Alexander Rodriguez, Gabriela Jazmin Romero, Christian Vianney Rosales, Yadira Ruiz, Erik Francisco Salazar, Emily Nicole Sargent, Bethany Marrie Sauseda, Douchane Michael Sells and Marisol Serrano. Alexius Victoria Shea, Waylon Ryan Shofner, Clarissa Diane Smith, Layton Robert Wayne Smith, Meghan Nichole Smith, Rosalva Elizabeth Solis, Bandur Tessa Somdah, Daniel Dat Trung Ta, Nicholas Kelly Taylor, Brian P. To, Anh Tran and Brian Anh-Khoa Tran. Bryan Huy Phong Tran, Emily Phuong Tran, Luan Thanh Tran, Karen Fabiola Trevino Villalobos, Jennifer Gia Buu Trinh, Khoa Xuan Truong, Quachtinh Le Truong, Bianca Michelle Valerio, James Varghese, Jancy Varghese, Joshua Varghese and Savana Terra Velasquez. Ilse Alejandra Vielma, Miranda Alexis Villanueva, Quyen Hoang Vu, Mariah Grace Waters, Alexis West, Alyssa Grace Williams, Brian Mbugua Williams, Alysa Wright, Ytzel Yzaguirre, Cynthia Yanira Zarate-Moreno and Lourdes Dora Zavaleta. Looking for a Primary Care Doctor? Enayet Rahim, MD • Accepting New Patients • Same Day Appointments Available • Open During Lunch Time • We take Medicaid, Medicare & most private insurance. Discounts for patients without insurance. Se Habla Español Call 281-481-8500 Presents 18th Annual South Belt Cookoff El Franco Lee Park Thursday, May 1 to Saturday, May 3, 2014 $5 Admission at the gate until 6 p.m. – $10 after 6 p.m. Free admission for ages 12 & under Proceeds fund South Belt Fireworks Games & Rides for Kids Family Attractions Great Food & Good Fun Golf Carts, Kids Activities, Sno Cones and Banner sponsorship opportunities available. For information, call 281-481-5656 or email Page 4, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, March 13, 2014 Country western, ballroom dance lessons offered at SJC San Jacinto College is bringing in the experts to make sure everyone is ready for the party this summer. The college’s Continuing and Professional Development division will offer classes in country western and ballroom dancing from March 27 through April 17. The public is invited to pre-register for the special rate of $49 for four dance classes, to be held on Thursday evenings inside Anders Gymnasium at the Central campus, located at 8060 Spencer Highway in Pasadena. The country western class will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m., and the ballroom dance class will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Dance instructors are Gordon and Gail Smith, a master dance duo with experience teaching aboard ship for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and are now teaching within the local community. Beginners, as well as experienced dancers, are invited to sign up for a class by the March 20 registration deadline. A dance partner is recommended for classes but not required. Find the course online at tinuing-professional-devel opment/lifelong-learning/ dance, or call 281-476-1838. Master gardener events set Open Garden Day The Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2 will host Open Garden Day on Monday, March 17, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at the Genoa Friendship Garden, 1202 Genoa Red Bluff Road. At 9:30 a.m., a program on pruning and garden cleanup will be presented. The event is free and open to the public. Children are welcome. Lecture series: Landscape Pruning The Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct 2’s third Wednesday Lecture Series will continue on Wednesday, March 19. Gene Spiller, Galveston City Master Over The Back Fence WELCOME TO THE WORLD, EVIE! Congratulations are sent to Stacey and Stephen Flowers of Dickinson on the birth of their daughter, Evelyn Faith Flowers. Evie was born on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, weighing 7 lbs., 5 oz. and stretching 20 inches. Proud grandparents are Jannie and Robert Scarberry of South Belt and Karen and Mike Flowers of Dickinson. Also welcoming Evie were big sister Kennedy and big brother Owen. Stacey is a 2005 Dobie High School graduate. SCHOOL DAZE The following personnel and staff members of the Pasadena Independent School District celebrate birthdays March 13 through March 19. Atkinson Elementary Special birthday greetings are sent to Maria Zavala March 15. The day for a birthday cake for Jennifer Garcia is March 19. Burnett Elementary Hong Doan and Maria Ruiz share a birthday March 15. Blow out the candles on March 19 for Mary Alvarez. Frazier Elementary On March 16, Christine Roberts celebrates a birthday. Light the birthday candles on March 17 for Barbara Hicks. Meador Elementary March 13 is the day for a cake for Maria Noyola. Celebrating a birthday March 16 is Gardener, will speak on How to Grow Peppers in the Southeast Region. The lecture will be in the Clear Lake Park meeting room, (on the lakeside), 5001 NASA Parkway in Seabrook. The event is free and open to the public. For more The J. Frank Dobie Lariaettes attended the CrowdPleaser’s South Houston Regional Competition on Saturday, Feb. 22. This was their first team competition of the year, and they walked away with numerous awards on overall honors. Mililtary Officers – (This is the first time military officers have been in Showcase Elite) Super Sweepstakes Award earning a score of 90 or above from all judges in all routines; Winner Best in Class Officer Hip Hop; Winner Best in Class Officer Jazz; Winner Best in Class Officer Lyrical; Outstanding Choreography Officer Jazz; Outstanding Choreography Officer Lyrical; Overall Grand Champion Officers in the XL Team Division; Named to Showcase Elite for Officers - which means across all divisions and all team sizes, they were one of the top five officer groups of the day. Awards earned at the competi- Pasadena Little Theatre 4318 Allen-Genoa Road Performances: Mar. 14 - Mar. 30, 2014 A Farce By Jack Sharkey Hobby Airport Lions Club will meet Wednesday, March 19, at noon at the Golden Corral at Fuqua and I-45. For more information, email HobbyAirportLions@ The Leader sends happy birthday wishes to its Facebook friends who celebrate a birthday this week: Thursday, March 13: Matthew Hanks, Heidi Delk, Shane Terry, Samuel Pitts, Sharon Jobe, Max Hernande and Becky Gilley; Friday, March 14: Allison Weatherly, Chris Williams, Curtis Scope, Ron Shafer and Angelique Garcia; Saturday, March 15: Teri Posey, John Dies, Renee GuillotRodriguez, Jeanne Cook, Christopher Lozano and Melissa Robinson; Sunday, March 16: Brandy Pimental, Kelly Cobble, Nathan Lewis and Nikki Pullin; Monday, March 17: Nickole Chapman, Yvonne Russell, Sherri Golightly and Larry Morgan; Tuesday, March 18: Derek Jones, Orenia Craven, Gina Rodriguez, Meredity Jones, Jodi Johnston, Charlene Hardin, Alicia Rodriguez, Josh Nance, Tristan Soria, Andre Rohrman, Daniel Goeman and Andrea Charles; and Wednesday, March 19: Tammie Littlel, Tonyka Smith, Cindy Dominguez, Shanna Young and Keith Pinchbec. LEADER WANTS YOU IN THE NEWS E-mail birthday, anniversary, vacation, congratulations, etc., to mynews@south with OTBF in the subject line. Items must be submitted by Friday noon for the next week’s publication. Singles dance March 15 The Bay Area Singles Club will hold its monthly dance on Saturday, March 15, from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the VFW Lodge Post 6378, 5204 Highway 3 in Dickinson. Bring party snacks to share. Cost is $7 for members and $9 for nonmembers. For more information, call 409948-1156 or 281-484-4762. Cultural extravaganza highlights diversity Celebrate cultural diversity during University of Houston-Clear Lake’s cultural extravaganza held March 22 at 7 p.m. in the university’s Bayou Theater, Bayou Building, 2700 Bay Area Blvd. Hosted by the UH-Clear Lake’s Office of Intercultural Student Services, the event allows students to showcase their cultures through dancing, poetry readings, dramatic performances and samples from foods from around the world. The evening concludes with the traditional cultural walk, a parade across the stage that allows each group to make a final presentation of their culture. Last year, more than 20 countries were represented in the extravaganza. Although groups must be registered to host a booth, anyone may perform in the cultural walk. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information on this extravaganza, visit http:// or call the Office of Intercultural Student Services at 281-2832575. Lariaettes excel at regional competition information on events, visit How Green Was My Brownie Veronica Grimaldo. Moore Elementary The day for a birthday cake for Esmerelda Munoz is March 15. Blow out the candles for Maria DeLeon on March 17. Stuchbery Elementary Special birthday wishes are sent to Linda Escamilla on March 18. Melillo Middle School The day for a birthday celebration for Elizabeth Provost is March 13. The day for a double layer cake for Troy Ralls and Crystal Polo is March 14. Light the birthday candles on March 17 for Jennie McBunch. It’s a double celebration March 18 for Mallory Parker and Kara Stroud. Thompson Intermediate Celebrating a birthday on March 19 is Nita Boehm. Dobie High Light the birthday candles March 14 for Elizabeth Cross. On March 15, double birthday wishes are sent to Harry Barrett and Adriana Enriquez. Clara Ullman and Martha Vega enjoy a birthday March 16. On March 17, double birthday wishes are sent to Nancy Schwab and Karrie Valerio. Blow out the birthday candles for Cirila Isidro March 18. Warm birthday greetings are sent to Jennifer Johnson on March 19. FACEBOOK FRIENDS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS Hobby Lions Club to meet by Alexis Thurs., March 27 & Fri/Sat @ 8 p.m. & Sat/Sun @ 3 p.m. Reservations: online at or call 713-941-1PLT(1758) Idalia R. Rivera-Matos, MD, FAAP Board-Certified Pediatrician – Accepting New Patients – 10851 Scarsdale Blvd., Ste. 160 Houston, TX 77089 tion include: Ensembles – Lyrical Ensemble was named first runner-up Medium Ensemble; Hip Hop Ensemble was named second runner-up Large Ensemble Team – Super Sweepstakes Award earning a score of 90 or above from all judges in all routines; Winner Best In Class Team Jazz; Winner Best in Class Team Pom; Winner Best in Class Team Modern; Winner Best in Class Team Kick; Outstanding Choreography Team Pom; CrowdPleaser Award for most entertaining and crowd appealing routine for Team Jazz and Team Modern; First Runner-Up Grand Champion Team in the XL Team Division; named to Showcase Elite for Teams - which means across all divisions and all team sizes, they were one of the top teams of the day; and named Second Runner-Up Overall Grand Champion Team across all divisions and team sizes. The 2013-2014 Dobie Lariaette Military Officers pictured with their awards are, left to right, Lt. Karla Reyna, Maj. Geraldine Navarrete, Lt. Col. Abby Pedroza, Col. Emmi Kieu, Capt. Elizabeth Montemayor, and Lt. Marlene Martinez. 281-464-3780 M-Th 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., F 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Walk-in Visits Available! Most Insurance and Medicaid accepted. Hablamos Español. ORTHODONTIST John E. Freeman, D.D.S., M.S. ✰ No Down Payment with Verified Insurance ✰ Payment Plan Available Lariaette team members shown with their awards are, left to right, (front row) Lt. Karla Reyna, Maj. Geraldine Navarrete, Lt. Col. Abby Pedroza, Capt. Elizabeth Montemayor, Lt. Marlene Martinez, Lauren Pettey, (second row) Becky Villegas, Denise Banda, Isabel Tabarez, Vice President Christian Rosales, Col. Emmi Kieu, Executive Cybelle Cerda, President Taylor Ard, Damaris Sidrian, Dani Buckhot, Destinye Barnes-Hall, (third row) Mayalen Suarez, Keauhna Bailey, Valerie Mendoza, Jade Mottu, Savannah Oropeza, Victoria Maldonado, Exec- ✰ Insurance Assignment ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ Accepted No Referral Needed Video Game Room Quality and Caring Office Certified Specialist Remember When 35 years ago (1979) Two South Belt area youths survived a harrowing speeding and shooting incident which resulted in the firing of one Harris County Sheriff’s officer and the suspension of another. The J. Frank Dobie tracksters set two records and placed at least one athlete in the top four in all but three of 18 events at the Brown Relays. Member American Association of Orthodontists 281-481-9575 13310 Beamer WALKER LAW OFFICES Milton Walker, J.D. 281-481-0909 WILLS & PROBATE INJURY CASES BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL OIL & GAS LICENSED BY TEXAS SUPREME COURT 10909 Sabo, Suite 120, Houston, Texas 281-481-0909 FURNITURE RE-DO • Re-Pair • Re-Finish • Re-Glue • Re-Screw ‘We Re-Do For You’ For Free Estimates Call: Jeff Davis utive Jannessa Ackman, Sara Martinez, Dominique Jimenez, Christina Oliveira, Jackie Bischof, Sophia Sarabia, Desiree Johnson, (fourth row) Reagan Saxton, Emily Le, Kellie Tyer, Holly Gonzales, Christina Saavedra, Laura Torres, Francelli Monreal, Dulce Morales, Marissa Flores, Amalia Perla, Joanna Espinoza, Helle Zuniga, Laura Stephens, Crystal Garza, Alyssa Lopez, Naseem Shafaei, Alexis Woodruffe, Charish Williams, Rachel Vu, (back row) Macalyn Castro, Megan Schuetz, Ikea Taylor, Deseray Cabrales and Leslie Garcia. Photos submitted 281-481-3216 30 years ago (1984) Clear Creek Independent School District trustees approved a recommendation to revise the grading system so that no grade below 70 would be passing. The new officers of the Scarsdale Civic Association cracked down on deed restriction violations. 25 years ago (1989) Six law enforcement agencies chased a suspect from South Belt to Texas City to Dickinson, traveling much of the way on the wrong side of the I-45 feeder road. Dobie High School’s Academic Decathlon team finished 14th of 40 schools at the state competition in Austin. 20 years ago (1994) A year of controversy surrounding the activities of Dobie High School baseball coach Bruce Marshall came to an abrupt end when Marshall was relieved of his coaching duties by principal Jerry Speer. San Jacinto College South’s debate team came away from the 17th annual Barbara Jordan Invitational Tournament with several awards, including a sweepstakes trophy and the thirdplace debate trophy. 15 years ago (1999) Officer David Criswell of South Belt received the Houston Police Department’s Meritorious Service Award. Dr. Joseph Kirkland joined San Jacinto College South as dean of instruction. 10 years ago (2004) City Councilmember Addie Wiseman made some complimentary comments about Mayor Bill White during her speech at a Sagemont Civic Club meeting. Service was restored to about 500 local homes and businesses which were without phone lines for at least a day because a contractor working to repair a water leak cut an SBC cable. Pasadena Independent School District’s wetlands mitigation project for the new Dobie High School was creating tension between PISD and Harris County Precinct 1. In the Democratic Party primary election, incumbent Judge Jo Ann Delgado received 59 percent of the votes for justice of the peace Precinct 2, place 1, beating Sandra Woodard. 5 years ago (2009) The body of former South Belt resident Susana De Jesus was found in the early morning in a tractor trailer near Reliant Stadium. Police were led to the body after questioning Nicholas-Michael Edwin Jean, who was arrested by authorities following a daylong manhunt after an attempted carjacking in Pearland that forced the closure of Magnolia Elementary and the lockdown of two other schools in the area. State Sen. Mike Jackson introduced a bill that, if approved, would make Pearland part of San Jacinto College’s service area. The action took place just hours after the Pearland Independent School District board unanimously passed a resolution in favor of the proposal. City of Houston officials cut off all utilities at the Almeda Chateau apartments, located at 10802 Kingspoint, due to unsafe living conditions at the complex. The Public Works Department had recently disconnected the water at the complex because the owner, David Wise of San Diego, owed more than $80,000 in back water bills. Wise later paid the majority of the delinquent bills, but other conditions, such as faulty electrical wiring, mold and structural problems made the complex uninhabitable. 1 year ago (2013) Dobie High School finished in eighth place in the Texas Academic Decathlon held in El Paso. The Longhorns took third in the Super Quiz and garnered two individual first places. Tuan Phan took top honors for Dobie in honors science, while teammate Angel Garcia took first in varsity science. Garcia also took second in varsity economics. Dobie students winning third-place awards were Sonia Bonavita, in varsity interview; Daniel Ta, in scholastic art; and Maria Ferreira, in scholastic social science. 2014 Summer Program Registration has now begun and Fall 2014-2015 Community Registration begins on Monday, March 24, 2014. Presents 18th Annual South Belt Cookoff El Franco Lee Park Thursday, May 1 to Saturday, May 3, 2014 $5 Admission at the gate until 6 p.m. – $10 after 6 p.m. Free admission for ages 12 & under Proceeds fund South Belt Fireworks Games & Rides for Kids Family Attractions Great Food & Good Fun Golf Carts, Kids Activities, Sno Cones and Banner sponsorship opportunities available. For information, call 281-481-5656 or email Thursday, March 13, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 5 Beverly Hills Intermediate releases 4th 6-weeks honor rolls Colmenares wins 1st place Beverly Hills Intemerdiate School recently announced its honor roll students for the fourth six-weeks grading period. Students earning status are: Seventh grade Honor roll Alondra Acevedo, Erik Aguirre, Hector Ulises Anaya, Adrius Sincere Anderson, Itzel Sarai Arango, Josiah Elias Constante Arenas, Arismendy Aristy, Javier Armenta, Natalie Armenta, Monica Raquel Borri, Ramiro Buentello, Roberto Elias Campa and Gabriel Campos. Alyssa Lauren Carrico, Iasis Lachelle Carrington, Gerrard Walter Carson, Mark Anthony Castillo, Preston Van Chung, Jovaan Xavier Cisneros, Cynthia Angel Cotton, Giselle Andrea Cuellar, Raul Delgado, Yousef Arsan Diab, Kevin Dinh, Lauren Quynh Dinh and Jose R. Diosdado. Joseph Anthony Dove, Jacklynn Le Duong, Katelynn Nguyen Duong, Maritza Elizalde, Leah Graciela Escobar, Eric Escobedo, Destiny Ciara Estes, Alyssa M. Estrada, Hiram Isaias Flores, Katherine Flores, Veronica Flores, Rich- Hoang, Bao Thanh Huynh, Trina Huynh, Victoria Havy Huynh, Lacie Elizabeth Johnson and Nhicatherine T. Le. Thompson Le, Humberto Leal, Angela Jasmin Lechado, Nicholas Dustrius Lewis, Samantha Lyn Leyva, Ricardo Ivan Lima, Lauryn Michelle Locksey, Erick Mauricio Lopez, Sierra Michelle Love, Nicolas Miguel Luna, Austin Luu, Nairda Nico Macedo, Kathy Mai and Alejandro Marquez. Ezekial Martinez, Kayla Nicole Martinez, Alondra Montelongo, Adrian Cristobal Montez, Steven Alexander Moreno, Jade Janae Nanez, Anh Thu Ngoc Ngo, Judy Ngo, Bao Tran Nguyen, Elena Tran Nguyen, Jennifer Ngoc Nguyen, Khanh Mai Nguyen and Michelle Kim Nguyen. Gabriela Olvera, Katherine Valeria Orta, Fernando Ortega, Joseph Anthony Ortega, Wendy Marie Pantoja, Rachel Pham, Khoi Kevin Phan, De’Ovionne Makenzie Platt, Darin Manny Pulido, Lindzey Marie Rapalo, Natalie Rodriguez, Jaime Rubio and Daniel Ladon Alexzander Saiz. Valeria Berenice Salazar, Kareem Andres Salomon, Gabriel Alfonso Sanchez, Heidi Sabrina Sauceda, Patrick Dawanye Sears, Neema Mohamad Shafaei, Kyana Raegan Shannon, Kalista Lanae Smith, Jocelyn Solis and Michaela Cora Taylor. Christian Andres Tijerina, Fernanda Torres, Thomas Edward Torres, Dinh Phu Tran, Lily Ann Tran, Taylor Tran, Yesenia Valdez, Clare Aine Vanpelt, Melissa Vidal, Alyssa Walker, Jack Henry Yu, Unity Anastasia Yvanez and Marcus Ray Zepeda. Eighth grade Honor roll Abraham Alanis, Pedro Alba, Anthony AndersonJohnson, Bailie McKenna Ankenbruck, Luis Omar Arellano, Mirodello Ashford, Denise Rose Avalos, Garrett Raul Barrientos, Cynthia Alexandra Bautista, Daniel Ivan Benavides, Reena Leticia Benitez and Justin Bimel. Daniel Giovanni Botello, Chandler Tien Thai Bui, Kimberly Nhu Bui, Ramon ard Adrian Fructus-Castro and Ana Isabel Gallardo. Kevin Emilio Galvan, Omar Galvan, Natasha Rae Gangestad, Jeimmy Estephania Garcia Salinas, David Arturo Garcia, Jael Anahi Garcia, Krystalyn Rae Garcia, Destinee Rai Gonzales, Abel Alijah Gonzalez, Daniela Lizeeth Gonzalez and Gabriel Gonzalez. Jocelyn Amalia Granados, Daija Danielle Green, Karen Anh Green, Tyler Jeffry Guzman, Megan Tien Harris, Sofia Raquel Hernandez, Brian Khang Hoang, John Dobie graduate earns Excellence Award San Jacinto College biology professor and Dobie High School graduate Stephan Lorenz (right) recently earned the 2013-2014 Excellence Award based on dedication in service and involvement with the college community, role model characteristics, collaboration, and other exemplary attributes. Lorenz has served as leader of the North campus science club, and leads presentations about birding and ecology. He is the son of South Belt residents Bernd and Heidi Lorenz, a former ESL and German teacher at Dobie. Dr. Bill Raffetto (left), San Jacinto College North Campus interim provost, presented the award to Lorenz. Photo by Rob Vanya Christopher Diaz Constable Precinct 2 Golf Shoot-Out Monday, March 31st, 2014 Glenbrook Golf Course 8205 North Bayou Drive Registration: 7:00-7:45a.m. Tee off: 8:00 a.m. Entry Fee: $125.00 per player. Entry fee includes green fee, cart and Texas-style Fajita Dinner. Door prizes will be given away during the awards presentation. Donations: Constable Diaz would like to have everyone bring a package of athletic socks. These socks will be donated to area school athletic departments. Many of our children are playing school sports with extremely worn or no socks. Please feel free to wear and display your own crazy socks. Best Socks Award will be given!! For more information, contact: Kim 713-851-8850 ______________________________________________________________________________ Make checks to Chris Diaz Campaign, PO Box 172, Galena Park, TX 77547. No Corporate Checks, Please. Player 1: __________________________ Player 2: ________________________ Address: __________________________ Address: ________________________ Phone: __________________________ Phone: ________________________ Player 3: __________________________ Player 4: ________________________ Address: __________________________ Address: ________________________ Phone: __________________________ Phone: ________________________ ________ Entry Fee $125.00 per player _____ Check # ________ Cash Hole Sponsorship Hole Sponsorship sign should read: _______________________________________ Name __________________________ Company_________________________________ Address_________________________ City_________________ State___ Zip_________ Phone___________________________ E-mail___________________________________ ______ Hole Sponsor Fee $100.00 per hole _____Check # ________Cash Pol. Ad Paid for by Diaz Campaign, Ana Diaz Treasurer, PO Box 172, Galena Park, Texas 77547:713-451-5778 Cahue, Alexis Campos, Christian Mike Cano, Pricilla Cardiel, Erasmo Osvaldo Carlos, Javier Fernando Castillo, Robert Joseph Castillo, Tatiana Jesse Chacon and Kimberly Ruby Chew. Christian Ruben Cirlos, Lizett Contreras, Cuauhtemoc Cornejo, David Fernando Cortes, Zachary Paul Couchman, Celeste Marie Covarrubias, Alexander Gabriel Cuaping, Maia Chardae Davenport, Deishawn Davis, Daniel M. Delarosa, Allyson Adriana Diaz and Clarissa Diaz. Thuy Thi Dinh, Natalie Michelle Diosdado, Rodrigo Diosdado, Carlos Xavier Dominguez Reyes, Miguel Anjel Elizarraras, Joel Alfredo Erazo, Alex Jacob Estala, Alfredo Estrada, Maria Jose Figueroa, Adriana Mone Fisher, Eduardo F. Flores and Melina Lesette Flores. Robert Garcia Flores, Karina Frias, Catherine Mia Fuentes, Michelle Fuentes, Francisco Garcia, Gisselle Garcia, Klarissa Heidy Garza, Jasslyn Gomez Portillo, Edgar Gonzalez, Ana Sofia Gracia, Diana Carolina Guerrero, Jazmin Alanna Guerrero and Cassandra America Guevara. Tina Kim-Thanh Ha, Xavier Shamoh Henry, Amanda Nicole Hernandez, Michael Ismael Hernandez, Ysabela Nicole Hinojosa, Alice Gia Ho, Lynn Tuyet Ho, Travis Thien Ho, Carolyn Huerta, Ja’lon Duval Hunt, An Thien Huynh and Kamsiyochukwu Canice Ik-Ejiofor. Kimberli Izaguirre, Elizabeth Brittney Jasso, Joshua Allen Johnson, Douglas Joseph Jones, Jakob Brandon Jones, Issac James KamaszSantos, Lily Lan Kieu, Josiah Michael Knight, Kevin Wayats Lara, Britney Taylor Lariviere, Matthew Grant Leon and Jerianne Kenniya Limtom. Natalie Rebecca Longoria, Alexis Liselda Lopez, Lauren Thi Ly, Lillian Ngoc Ly, Sophia Victoria Marin, Hugo Ulises Martinez Garcia, Kathleen MacKenzie Masterson, Brittney Marisela Mejia, Victoria Alexus Mendoza, Samantha Nicole Merrill and Emily Marie Mesa. Juan Manuel Miller, Hana Osama Mohamad, Rachel Elidem Mondragon, Darianne Montserrat Monreal, Mallerim Morales, Matthew Angel Morales, Krystal Moreno, Kevin Jerrod Morrison, Andrew Ngoc Nguyen, Angela Quynh TramAnh Nguyen, Cinthia Nguyen and Emily Quynh Nguyen. Jenny Ngoc Nguyen, Justin Hoang Nguyen, Nam The Nguyen, Tan Nguyen, Tina Nguyen, Trinh Nguyen, Vincent Thanh Trung Nguyen, Ayanna Lysette NguyenEcheverry, Thanhlong Nguy- envo, Paul Anthony Ontiveros, Natalie Elizabeth Orta and Alexis Rae Oses. Ryan Edward Pair, Jazmin Rain Palm, Kristen Dung Patton, Jacquelyn Pena, Andrea Carolina Perez, Victor Alejandro Perez, Jasmine V. Pham, Noelle Ngoc Phan, Tam Thanh Phan, Uyen Tran Khanh Phan, Jewel Alexis Pinales, Lisette Adamaris Pitty and Victoria Alayna Postel. Michelle Monique Pozo, Kyrah Allise Prince, Brittany Janell Puente, Fabiola Quezada, Desiree Angelica Quijas, Anthony Nelson Ramirez, Maria Evelyn Rangel, Mia Alexandra Reyna, Gardenia Esmeralda Rivas, Beatriz Anne Rivera and Dwayne Paul Robinson. Jazmin Nicolle Rodriguez, Jose Alejandro Rodriguez, Karen Renee Rodriguez, Xochitl Kimberly Romero, Malorie Jolynn Rosas, Erika Rubio, Melissa Ruiz, Jason Matthew Napoles Sabal, Stephanie Saldivar, Kazzandra Rico Sanchez and Monica Lizette Santana. Joseph Emil Sargent, Montrai La Darryl Scott, Amentanese Jashae Simien, Victoria Ta, Adrian Tamez, Samuel Feleke Taye, Amber Nicole Terrell, Laquavious Demar Thomas, Annie Ngoc Tran and Jimmy Quoc Tran. Son Hong Tran, Tony Duc Tran, Vicente Trevino, Donald Trinh, Marcely Jean Tsikis, Veronica Aubrey Arcalas Unica, Joanna Theresa Urrutia, Leilani Isabel Vargas, Fernando Vega, Annette Vela and Ayline Vela. Nguyen Thanh Vo, Dmitri Minh Vu, Holly Thao Vu, Natasha Miranda Walters, Earnest Lee Webb, Karyn Geralynn Williams, Sami Lin Yu, Monica Aidee Zabala, Stephanie Zarate, David Gregory Zermeno and Perla Guadalupe Zuniga. Melillo Middle School sixth-grader Sophia Colmenares won first place at the Pasadena Independent School District Science Fair in the Health and Human Studies category with a project about the pH in human saliva. Colmenares also won the trophy as the most original project at the fair. This is her second year in a row to win this event. Last year, she took first place with a project comparing the fuel efficiency of two gasoline brands. Photo submitted Contest for young musicians at SJC The San Jacinto College Central music department will host the Young Artist Competition for Piano and Voice on Saturday, March 22, an event open to any piano students in grades 7 through 12 and voice students in grades 8 through 12. Winners will be presented cash prizes, and will also be considered for scholarships from San Jacinto College. Music faculty from the college will judge the competition. Participation in the competition is open to anyone who is studying piano or voice and can perform the required level of literature. Business women to meet April 3 South East Express Network of the American Business Women’s Association will welcome Wendy Wilker, 2013 ABWA American Business Woman, on Thursday, April 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Golden Corral (private meeting room) at 9115 Broadway (FM-518) in Pearland. Wilker was honored as the 2010 Chapter Woman of the Year and 2012 National Top Ten. She has also held various roles in ABWA on a local and national level. By profession, Wilker is a plant manager for the leading international supplier and licensor for the petroleum refining, gas processing, petrochemical production and major manufacturing industries. She leads a team of more than 225 employees and 200 contractors. She also has proved to at district science fair significantly impact the community as she participated in several fundraising projects, backpack drives as well as put together emergency packs for individuals to protect themselves from domestic abuse. Wikler’s corporate and civic experience has definitely helped her to identify and capitalize on her strengths. In her message, Put Your Strengths to Work, she will share her wisdom on how to apply six powerful steps to every area of life in order to achieve outstanding performance. Business women and men throughout the community are invited to attend. Twenty dollars covers the meal and meeting fee. For reservations, contact Bryan Davis at 979-2979922 or bdavis3731@sbc For more information about SEEN, visit www. Entrance fee for the contest is $35 and is limited to the first 40 entrants. Vocalists who need to have an accompanist provided are charged an extra fee of $25. “In the past, we have had participants from as far away as Beaumont,” commented Dr. Martha Braswell, San Jacinto College music professor and coordinator of the event. “The public cannot attend the competition, but are invited to attend the awards ceremony and concert at the conclusion of the contest where the top performers play or sing their choice of compositions for the public. The concert will occur around 2 p.m. on the day of the competition.” The contest and subsequent ceremony will be held in the Jan Corbin Recital Hall of the Monte Blue Music Building on the Central campus, 8060 Spencer Highway in Pasadena. There is no admission charge for the awards ceremony or the concert that follow the restricted competition. The competition will include two categories based on the age of the students. “We average about 25 students in the competition with a winner and one runner-up in each category,” remarked Braswell. “In addition, stu- dents who have a high recommendation but do not place in the top two categories in their age group are also recognized and perform in the concert.” To register for the event, call 281-476-1501, extension 1603, or send an email to San Jacinto College offers music degrees and courses, as well as private music lessons at all three campuses. Largest selection of wigs in Texas! FEATURING ESTETICA DESIGNS WIGS & EXTENSIONS The Right BRA, The Right Form! by JODEE Caring Fitters Trained & Certified to Help With All Your After Breast Surgery Needs. Great selection of Mastectomy Swimsuits RAQUEL WELCH™ SIGNATURE COLLECTION OF WIGS & HAIR ADDITIONS Becky’s 125 E. Galveston Street League City 281-332-6407 Graduation ANNOUNCEMENTS • Top Quality • Reasonable Prices • Excellent Service South Belt Graphics & Printing 11555 Beamer • 281-484-4337 FREE REGISTRATION - Good Thru March 27 New enrollments only • This ad must be presented at time of enrollment & is not redeemable for cash Ms. Janetʻs Children of the Future, Inc. Child Care & Learning Center • Mon.-Fri. 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Ages served 6 weeks - 11 years Large Play Room, Breakfast/Snack, Hot Lunches, Dance, Library & Computer Room LOW PRICES Ms. Janetʼs is providing pick-up service from WEBER & PASADENA SCHOOLS, including MELILLO & MORRIS Middle Schools and SOUTH BELT Elementary. 281-484-2376 11590 Hughes Rd. @ BW8 281-538-5310 3007 Invincible Dr. League City 281-464-2366 12490 Scarsdale Blvd. CHURCH DIRECTORY New Covenant Christian Church Bill & Cheryl Hines This Sunday with Rev. Joni Sutton: Rev. James Burkart, Pastor Rev. Desmond Daniels, Parochial Vicar “Hard Teachings” 11011 Hall Rd. Houston, TX 77089 John 6: 47-60 10603 Blackhawk 281-484-4230 Kirkwood South Christian Church Bill & Cheryl Hines, Pastors (Disciples of Christ) We’ve Enlarged Our Day Care Facilities Register Now! 281-481-2003 WEEKLY SERVICE TIMES Sunday The Catholic Community of ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST Wednesday Early Service • 7:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting • 7:00 p.m. Sunday School • 9:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service • 7:45 p.m. Worship Service • 10:45 a.m. Nursery Available at all Services Where God Makes Lives Better 10811 Kirkfair (At Beamer) 281-481-0004 Sunday School - 9 a.m. Worship for Everyone - 10 a.m. (between Beamer & Blackhawk) LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:15, 11:15 a.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. Misa en Espanol Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated Thursday 6 to 7 p.m Saturday 4 to 5 p.m. Parish Office 281-481-6816 Faith Formation 281-481-4251 Youth Ministry 281-481-4735 St. Luke’s offers ministries for ALL-families, men, women, youth, children, young adults, single, divorced, separated, widowed. Attend the Church of Your Choice Traditional Worship 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. The Fountain (Contemporary) 5 p.m. Cokesbury United Methodist Church 281-484-9243 • 10030 Scarsdale Blvd. Page 6, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, March 13, 2014 BellaVita holds Mardi Gras Parade Frazier celebrates Dr. Seuss’ birthday Frazier Elementary students celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Monday, March 3, with a multitude of activities. The day’s events included wearing Dr. Seuss shirts/hats, eating green eggs and toast, enjoying guest readers, and participating in a read-a-thon. Frazier students read a total of 21,642 minutes which greatly surpassed the schoolwide goal of 10,000 minutes. The pictures at right showcase Maria Jarazo’s morning Pre-K class, Josh Guerrero-Ortiz (near right) eating green eggs and ham, and Anayah Jarmillo with Frazier’s librarian Christine Roberts (far right) showcasing achievement of the reading goal. Above, Krewe of Tuschman took part in the Mardi Gras parade in the gated senior community of Bella Vita. Shown with the float are, left to right, Arvis Williams, Kathy Wright, Charlotte Goza, Robyn Williams, Dee Donaldson, Onetia Morgan, Ken Wright, Edna DeKunder, Joe DeKunder, Sue Kauffman, Claire Zimmerman, Tom Zimmerman, Emily Marshburn, Laura Dudley, Jeannie Rieke, Carolyn Jones, Dale Dudley and Ken Gates. Guild sets spring sale The Salt Grass Potters Guild will hold its annual spring sale of original handmade pottery on Saturday, April 26, and Sunday, April 27. Sale hours are Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sale will be held in the Clear Lake Park meeting room at 5001 NASA Parkway in Clear Lake. The park is one stoplight east of the Hilton on the Lake. About 20 artists will be on hand to answer questions about their work, and there will be a variety of items from functional dishware to purely decorative clay pieces and also sculpture. Many items are suitable for decoration or as presents. For more information, contact Eleanor at 713-8514012 or see the website at SCOOTER’S ICE HOUSE 1134 N Main St., Pearland – NOW SERVING – CRAWFISH FRI - SAT - SUN Best Tail in Town! WE’RE STILL THE SAME GREAT CAFE & BAKERY Call and ask about our COOKIE DECORATING PARTIES VISIT US OR CALL US FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS 14020 Galveston Road Suite 180 Webster, Texas 77598 281-218-6744 Catering - 713-412-8807 5968 Fairmont Parkway Suite F Pasadena, Texas 77505 281-487-1400 Catering - 281-979-6846 Also taking part in the parade was Tony Del Sardo, shown at left, who was part of the fun activities for the Bella Vita Photos submitted Ibarra wins gold at PISD Challenge Day Jonathan Ibarra, second-grader at Moore Elementary, won a gold medal at the Pasadena Independent School District Adapted P. E. 5th Annual Challenge Day on Feb. 28. Challenge Day included opening ceremonies, various athletic events, and a closing ceremony. Ibarra took part in several of the events including, teeter-totter plinko, tire roll, soccer, tunnels, and the ball roll. He is the son of Mallory Garza and Robert Ortega. Photos submitted Maria Jarazo’s morning Pre-K students pictured are, left to right, (front row) Steven Aguilar, Monserrat Marqueze, Melissa Gallo, (middle row) Krystal Silva, Dayana Aguilar, Karen Mier, Jona- than Bustos, Jetziel Velasquez, Genesis Leal, (back row) Rodrigo Martinez, Leonardo Rodriguez-Rangel, librarian Christine Roberts, Carlos Sanchez, Julian Ricks and Suri Valles. Photos submitted Clear Creek ISD names stadium Pham awarded for artwork in honor of NASA shuttle Legacy The Clear Creek Independent School District is home to a community unified by the spirit of exploration, so when it was time to determine the name of the district’s second stadium, the board of trustees voted for Challenger Columbia Stadium in honor of the space shuttle program legacy and the astronauts who perished aboard both flights. “NASA is honored that our community recognizes the tremendous commitment that accompanies human spaceflight. We are proud that the stadium name will serve as a lasting memorial of our teamwork and dedication,” said JSC Center Director, Dr. Ellen Ochoa. The name was one of three recommendations brought forward to the board of trustees by a CCISD naming committee. “The history and the future of NASA are important to all of us, especially our students,” said Dr. Greg Smith, superintendent of schools. “Whether it is graduation, a robotics competition, a fine arts or athletic achievement, our students will be reminded to always be bold in their aspirations and reach for the stars.” When making the recommendation, the CCISD naming committee said Chal- lenger Columbia Stadium was strongly reflected in community suggestions. The name also honors two major historical events that impacted CCISD and the community. It also signifies the deep history of the space program within CCISD boundaries. The stadium will be constructed near Challenger Seven Park. The district will break ground on Challenger Columbia Stadium on Wednesday, March 26, at 5:30 p.m. at the stadium site, which is located near 2145 West NASA Blvd. Clear Creek ISD’s Challenger Columbia Stadium is scheduled to open in August 2015. It is funded through the 2013 CCISD Bond. UH-Clear Lake artist creates bowls, holds Bowl-A-Thon Karen Fiscus, University of Houston-Clear Lake Art Gallery assistant, is using her artistic talent to support the Houston Food Bank in its annual Empty Bowls Houston campaign. The ceramist has created 75 bowls so far for the campaign, with at least 25 more planned in order to fulfill the 100 bowl challenge . “I call it a win-win-win situation,” Fiscus says. “I win because I can share what I love with others, the people buying the bowls win by owning a beautiful handmade bowl and supporting those who are less fortunate, and the hungry win with full stomachs.” Fiscus has donated handmade bowls for Empty Bowls since its first year – making this her 10th year. In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, Empty Bowls Houston has challenged Fiscus, as well as other area artists, with creating a more detailed collector bowl to be displayed in a monthlong exhibit at the Archway Gallery, and then sold to benefit Empty Bowls and the Houston Food Bank. On March 22, Fiscus will host the Bowl-A-Thon in the university’s Arbor Building, giving UHCL students the chance to make a difference in the community through the Empty Bowls initiative by creating their own bowls to donate. The bowls will be displayed for purchase during the 10th annual Empty Bowls Houston on Saturday, May 17, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, 4848 Main Street in Houston. For more information about the Bowl-A-Thon, or getting involved in the Empty Bowls project, contact Karen Fiscus, gallery assistant, by emailing or calling 281-283-3311. Students capture 11 medals at Kume Int’l. Championship Tournament Ten San Jacinto College students captured medals in their divisions at the recent Kume International Championship Tournament. Sanctioned by the USA National Karate-do Federation (USA-NKF), the tournament hosted events in kata and kumite (sparring) for approximately 200 athletes at the college’s central campus. The San Jacinto College team took home a total of 11 medals. Students who placed within the top three in their tournament categories included Chalsey Morrow, silver in kata and gold in kumite; Ali Khan, two silver in kata and bronze in kumite; Francisco Aguirre, silver in kumite; Jason Hartenstein, bronze in kata and bronze in kumite; Eric Wenner, bronze in kata; and Teresa Hart, bronze in kata and bronze in kumite. Student competitors Joel Cervallos, James Mowell, Andy Martinez, and Sarah Elam also competed. During the event’s opening ceremonies, San Jacinto College karate student Amanda Martinez was announced as this year’s recipient of a $500 San Jacinto College Foundation scholarship, donated by the Texas USA-NKF. COUPON $ 200 FOUNDATION REPAIR OFF OR (on jobs $2,500 & up) SEWER REPAIR Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per house. FOUNDATION REPAIR UNDER SLAB SEWER REPAIR HOUSE LEVELING Allied Foundations 281-479-5247 FREE ESTIMATES On Saturday, March 8, 11th-grade Dobie student Linh Pham received a Special Merit Award from the Rodeo School Art Program at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo in Reliant Center. Winning artwork submitted by students in the Pasadena Independent School District was displayed at the PISD Administration Building. Pictured at the display are, left to right, Dai Pham (dad), Xuan Pham (mom), Linh Pham and Dobie art teacher Stephanie Abert. Photo submitted “Taste The True Meaning of N.Y. Style Pizza & Authentic Italian Food” Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 11:00 am to 10:00 pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11:00 am to 11:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 am to 9:00 pm (Monday CLOSED) UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Catering For All Occasions No Job Too Big – No Job Too Small! 20+ Years Culinary Experience 1 LARGE 16” PIZZA & 2 LITER SODA $ 13.95 Topping Extra Not to be Combined with any other Coupon or Special 281-484-5555 12373 Scarsdale Blvd., Suite C • Houston, TX 77089 Thursday, March 13, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 1 SECTION B SPORTS & CLASSIFIED March 10 results *Dobie girls 1, Pasadena 1 (Dobie wins shootout 4-2) *Pasadena boys 2, Dobie 1 DIXIE DELI 364A FM 1959 (between I-45 & Hwy 3) 281-484-3083 Hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. DAILY SPECIAL – $4.99 6” PO-BOY, CHIPS & DRINK USA KARATE Karate for the Whole Family! Four Lessons & Uniform Only $25 Call USA KARATE for details USA KARATE - 11101 RESOURCE PARKWAY (Behind Sonic) 281-484-9006 Simon O’Rourke, PC PRACTICE AREAS: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Workers Comp Refinery/Offshore DWI Criminal FREE CONSULTATION Let us fight for you! 11550 Fuqua, Suite 360 In the Chase building on Fuqua 281-667-4081 Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. -11 p.m. $5 OFF Buy one Entree at regular price and get $5.00 off second entree Sat. - Thur. only not valid with any other offer or discount. Limit 1 per table. Dine in Only after 4 p.m. Not valid with Lunch Specials. Expires 3-30-14 Lunch Specials from $4.99 HAPPY HOUR 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. FREE Mini Buffet 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Daily Specials • Catering • Gift Cards Party and Meeting Rooms Available at all Locations South Belt • 281-484-6888 League City • 281-334-2175 12933 Gulf Freeway 2951 Marina Bay Dr. Ste. 150 Stafford • 281-240-3060 12821 SOUTHWEST FRWY. Nasa • 281-557-3500 1020 NASA ROAD 1 @ 45 Sandra & Laura Yandell, LLC “The Sold Team” Houston Business Journal Top 50 Multi-Million Dollar Producers Remax Hall of Fame JFD soccer teams make playoffs; fourth seeds likely The varsity soccer season has included its share of bumpy rides for the Dobie boys’ and girls’ teams, yet the respective squads are still on the road to the playoffs. Two games remain in both District 22-5A races, and Dobie’s two teams have officially qualified for the playoffs. Unless something drastic happens over the next week or so, the Dobie boys’ and girls’ teams will land in the No. 4 spot out of District 22-5A and will therefore face the District 21-5A champions in the bidistrict round when the time comes. The Dobie varsity girls’ team defeated Pasadena in a shootout March 10 and will now play Sam Rayburn and 21-5A leader Pearland to close out the regular season. Dobie, therefore, is likely to face Deer Park or North Shore in the first round (see more on Page 6B). As for the Dobie boys, the team missed out on a chance to surpass Pasadena for third place and is all but locked into the No. 4 slot. “It is what it is,” said Dobie head coach Justo Manrique, who is in his first season at Dobie. “I had a third-place team at (Houston) MacArthur and we went four rounds deep. I had a district championship team that had one loss and one tie, and we lost in the sec- Deer will be looking not only to pay Dobie back for that loss but to continue its recent playoff success. In 2013, Deer Park reached the Region III title match. “Deer Park is big and physical, and they come out hard at you in the first 15 minutes or so. We’ll just have to be ready.” In determining the best route to go down the stretch, the Longhorns Perhaps it was a different week at two different locations, but the Dobie and Clear Brook varsity girls’ track and field teams delivered the same outstanding results. At the Bayshore Olympics hosted by La Porte High School March 6, the Lady Longhorns swept the relays en route to a thirdplace overall team finish. Clear Brook, competing at the Clear Creek Lady Wildcats Invitational March 7, also placed first as Brook junior Raygen Smith again starred. JFD girls show speed Dobie once again flashed its prominence in the relay events at La Porte, winning each of the sprint events. Camille Singleton, Justice Henderson and Stella Somdah also won individual events as Dobie tallied 102 points, trailing only meet champion Houston Memorial (161) and host La Porte (108). “LOOKING FOR A HOME? WE SELL THOSE!” IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING A HOME…CALL: 281-464-SOLD (7653) ★CLEAR BROOK MEADOWS - Beautiful 3-2-2, formal dining, split bedrooms, island kitchen, wood laminate floors! #KVL ★Coming Soon IN GREEN TEE! - Outstanding executive home, 5-3.5-3 det., updates galore, huge lot, swimming pool! ★SAGEMEADOW - NEW - Beautiful 4-4-2, both formals, LD cul-de-sac lot, looks like SO kitchen overlooks spacious den w/fireplace, new! #LIN ★SAGEMEADOW - Lovely 3-2-2, den with vaulted celing and fireplace, spacious master bedroom, backyard with deck! #ROY ★SABO TOWNHOME - NEW - Great 3-2-2 det., formal dinOL ing, ceramic tile, great patio, S close to D pool! #STH the chance to go out there against Deer Park or whoever we play.” Manrique has expressed the importance of playing solid soccer and playing with a sense of nothing to lose as the playoffs approach. Deer Park, for instance, has big plans for the playoffs after going very far in 2013. That same Deer Park team is senior-laden, while Dobie features just a handful of seniors. What a season it would become if Dobie could get on a roll come playoff time. “The first step is closing the regular season with some momentum,” Manrique said. “Then, we’ll go from there.” Continued on Page 6B Quickstart tennis signs up March 29 The Pasadena Independent School District’s Quickstart youth tennis program is now enrolling second- through sixth-grade students to take part in the annual program. In-person registration will be held Saturday, March 29, at the Pasadena Memorial High School tennis courts from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The registration fee is $35, which includes a racket, T-shirt and four introductory tennis lessons. The Quickstart tennis program is designed to be a great way to promote fun and fitness while exposing youths to tennis. For further information, call program coordinator Joey Pena at 832-788-4040. HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY COMBINATION Dobie forward Alejandro Flores (26) plays a ball in the air against Pasadena during the team’s eventual shootout loss. At right is Longhorn teammate Josue Villalta (11). Zaria Thomas was joined by Jade Giron, Jayla Joulevette and Henderson in the 4x100-meter relay as Dobie cruised to the win in a time of 49.39 seconds for a quick 20 team points. In the 4x200-meter relay, Dobie head coach Tina Knight-Gray grouped Daisia Morris with Henderson, Giron and Joulevette as Dobie was first to the tape in a time of 1 minute, 44.93 seconds. The Lady Longhorns eventually completed the sweep, taking the 4x400-meter relay at 4:06.80 with Joulevette, Singleton, Giron and Morris forming for Dobie. Henderson scored 10 points for her 100-meter dash victory, posting a time of 12.76. Singleton clocked in at 59.88 for first place in the 400-meter dash, and Somdah’s best throw of 35 feet, 10 inches was good for first place in the shot put. Morris was third in the 200-meter dash at 27.58, and Henderson registered a leap of 16’4 3/4” in the long jump for third place. Marquette Johnson also continued a fine season for the team, running well at the Bayshore Olympics. At press time, Dobie was busy competing at the Dawson High School Games in Pearland. Raygen S. leads CB Arguably the top female track and field athlete within Region III to this point in the season, Clear Brook junior Raygen Smith dominated at Clear Creek, winning three events. Ultimately, Smith helped lead Clear Brook to a third-place team finish with 85 points. Seven Lakes won the meet with 101 points, followed by North Shore’s 99 points. Focused on getting back to the state meet in the hurdles, Smith doubled up in the two events at Clear Creek. Her time of 14.638 was tops in the 100-meter hurdles, and she won at the 300-meter distance with a time of 45.113. Smith’s other individual win came in the long jump after she made her way to the 18-7 1/2” mark. The Lady Wolverines scored 20 team points by winning the 4x200-meter relay as Maygen Smith was joined by Kalia Hendrix, Tiara Castille and Breanna Byrd for the victory. Brook’s Hannah Schillaci wound up second in the pole vault after clearing 10’0”, and Brook’s sprint medley relay unit consisting of Maygen Smith, Castille, Shakiaya Strong and Jamaris Stephen was third at 4:19.264. Hendrix, Castille, Byrd and Strong also combined in the 4x100-meter relay as the Lady Wolverines were fourth at 48.926. JFD baseball smacks South Houston Dobie sophomore righthander Jesse Paredes came up with his second straight strong outing, leading the Longhorns to a 7-1 victory over South Houston March 11 to open District have been trying a set that includes just three defenders in combination with four midfielders and three forwards. Manrique admits the arrangement is risky on the back end, but the Longhorns simply need more scoring chances to conclude with goals. Jonathan Palma and Carlos Ibarra, two of the greatest scorers the Dobie program has ever had, were seniors a year ago. They are gone, and this season the Longhorns have had their struggles in one-on-one situations against opposing keepers. “You have to score goals to win games,” Manrique said. “We have struggled at times with that. Marvin Solis has given us some solid play, and others have stepped up. “Right now over these last two regular season games, we are going to come together as a group and decide what is best for us. Guys will have to earn Business Hours Sun - Thurs 11 am - 9 pm Fri & Sat 11 am - 10:30 pm Lunch Menu Monday - Friday 11 am - 3 pm Girls’ tracksters continue stellar run “THE SOLD TEAM!” Re/Max Top Realty ond round.” Dobie came up with one of its finest wins of the season in nondistrict play, handing Deer Park a 4-2 loss. Come playoff time, Manrique knows the 22-5A play. Paredes pitched his way out of a first-inning jam and eventually allowed just one run over six in- play with five wins in 12 rors. Against South Housgames. Over that span, the ton, that wasn’t the case. Longhorns simply walked “Paredes walked two, far too many batters and but to be honest, one of committed too many erContinued on Page 6B Dobie at Memorial Brook rally falls shy, Springs escapes 11-10 March 13, 2 p.m. nings. Offensively, shortstop Tyler Myers led the way with a 4 for 4 day. Michael Munoz, hitting lead-off for the Longhorns, had three hits in four at bats. Travarus Ansley, also beginning to heat up with the bat, had a pair of hits. Having lost two of three games at the Boerne varsity tournament March 6-7, Dobie finished nondistrict Clear Brook’s seventh-inning rally fell just short in the team’s 245A opener against Clear Springs March 11 as the Chargers escaped with an 11-10 victory. Making six errors along the way, the Wolverines watched as Springs eventually ran out to an 11-5 lead through six innings. Tywon Mackey Jr. singled in a pair of runs in the bottom of the seventh to get Clear Brook within 11-10 before the Chargers finally ended the game on a high chopper back to the mound. The spring break portion of the District 24-5A schedule continues Thursday, March 13, as the Wolverines travel to Clear Lake High School for a 1 p.m. game against the Falcons. Clear Brook will then host Clear Falls Saturday, March 15. That game also starts at 1 p.m. San Jacinto College softball splits Heading into conference action after press time March 12, the San Jacinto College softball team had split four Region XIV games. The locals won their conference opener March 7, 9-1, over Lone Star-Port Arthur as Carah Nunez went 4 for 4 with a pair of doubles and two runs driven in. Unfortunately, LSPA came back for a 2-0 victory in the nightcap. Also in San Jacinto’s opening win, Lauren Von Boeckmann homered and drove in three runs. Karri Smith, the team’s top returning pitcher, earned the win as she allowed just four hits and no earned runs. San Jacinto played at Alvin March 8, with both teams taking separate 3-2 wins. Smith improved to 2-0 with a win over Alvin. Despite the loss in the second game at Alvin, Nunez continued her strong week at the plate, going 3 for 3 with two doubles. FAJITAS FOR T WO $ 18.99 3-7 PM Weekends only. Dine in only. Please no substitutions. COME WATCH THE HOU UST TON N ROC CKE ETS S PLAY ON OUR TVs 99¢ ENJOY REAL APPETIZERS Daily 3 - 7 pm Bar Area ONLY TEX MEX FOOD AT ITS FINEST! Take out orders & catering for any event. 10943 Scarsdale Blvd., Houston, TX 77089 • (281) 922-1477 • fax (281) 922-1225 w w w. p a p a g ayo s g r i l l . c o m CLEAR BROOK REALTORS FULL SERVICE Real Estate Insurance “FULL SERVICE Makes Your Investment EASIER” 11555 Beamer Rd., Ste. 100 Houston, TX 77089 Eli Tanksley Broker/Owner 281-450-3305 PASADENA - 3/2, Duplex. Competely Remodeled. Very Pretty. PASADENA - 3/2, Competely Remodeled, $98,950. KIRKWOOD SOUTH - 4/2.5/2, Seller/Owner. Did a Complete MakeLDIn. Very Pretty, $143,500. OMove over, Including New Kitchen.S Just GARDEN VILLAS - 4 BR, Large Lot. PEARLAND - 3/2/2, Hardwood Floors, OLDCorian Countertops, New Roof. S Clear Brook Promises to Provide Professional, Ethical & Informed Services to Our New & Existing Clients – We Have The Answer To Your Real Estate Needs – Kwik Kar ® Mon-Sat 8am-7pm Sun 9am-5pm FREE Full Service Car Wash Car Wash Club $2 OFF Unlimited Package Wash With Full Service Oil Change Washes for $12 Value! 39 99 per vehicle 30 Days (Ocean Wash Package) Includes vacuum & wash Receive $2 Off Any One of the Following Package Wash! Choose From: •Ocean Breeze reg $16.99 •Blue Ocean reg $21.99 •Ocean Signature reg $26.99 “24 Hour Rain Check” Add $1 for Trucks, Vans, SUVs & Limos Expires 3/23/14 Not valid with any other offer SENIOR SPECIAL TUES. $3 OFF* LADIES SPECIAL WED. $3 OFF* Not valid with any other offer Page 2, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, March 13, 2014 Lajaunie memorial tennis to be held April 25-27 The Darren Lajaunie Tennis Scholarship Fund along with the Bay Area Racquet Club in Houston will host the third annual Darren Lajaunie Memorial Tennis Tournament Friday, April 25 through Sunday, April 27. Board members and volunteers are busy preparing for the tournament, which will award members of the Bay Area Racquet Club junior tennis players camp and Dobie High School senior players college scholarships. For the second straight year, college scholarships will be awarded to two tennis-playing seniors (one boy and one girl) at Dobie High School. Members of the Dobie varsity tennis team will also be allowed to play in the tournament free of charge. Lajaunie, who lost his battle with melanoma May 3, 2011, began his tennis career at Dobie High School and graduated as the co-valedictorian in 1984. The Lajaunie family have been members of BARC since 2009. This scholarship fund and tournament is intended to honor Lajaunie’s memory by helping junior tennis players enjoy tennis and assist with their education in college. He was an electrical engineer graduate from the University of Texas in Austin and was dedicated and passionate for his favorite pastime of playing tennis. Fund volunteers are seeking donors for the camp and college scholarships. All registered players will receive a tournament T-shirt, goody bag and Saturday morning breakfast snack. A complimentary lunch, donated by the Lajaunie family, will also be available for players and spectators. There will also be a clinic and racket demon- strations held during the tournament for a $5 fee, with all proceeds going to the fund. This year, the fund and tournament have seen several changes, starting with the official website and kickoff party April 25 at the Racquet Club. Dinner tickets will go on sale April 1. The evening dinner will include musical entertainment as well as a silent auction, including an autographed hat donated by Clear Brook High School graduate and current Kansas City Chiefs’ football player Thomas Gafford. After dinner, the camp and college scholarships will be awarded to the BARC junior tennis players. The Dobie recipients will be awarded their scholarships in May at the school. Tournament festivities will begin the evening of April 25 and continue with match play April 2627. For tournament details, visit the Lajaunie website at The Darren Lajaunie Tennis Scholarship Fund is a nonprofit corporation, and all donations are tax deductible. Donation may now be made via the website with a credit card or by check or money order via mail at Darren Lajaunie Tennis Scholarship Fund, 3106 Mossy Elm Court, Houston, Texas, 77059. Direct any questions or donation requests to Camille Lajaunie, committee chairperson, at cjlajau The Bay Area Racquet Club (281-488-7026) is located on Kings Park Lane, off NASA Road 1 in Houston. Local sports news, notes Dobie Diamond Club to meet The Dobie Diamond Club, the official booster club of the school’s baseball progam, will host its monthly meeting Wednesday, March 26, at 7 p.m., in the school’s annex near the weight room facility. All parents of Longhorn baseball players are encouraged to attend, and players are also welcome. For additional information, direct email to Sharks seek swimming coaches The South Belt Area Swim Team is looking for coaches to assist during the 2014 season. Anyone interested in applying is asked to direct email to wisfa before March 15. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have previous swim and/or coaching experience and have certification in lifeguard/CPR and water safety training. Candidates also be available to work April 21 through July 7 during practices, meets and other team activities. Ballers repeat as hoops champions Minor Rays claim SBHLL preseason tourney crown The South Belt-based Ballers repeated as division champions in the City of Pasadena youth basketball league. The team has now gone a combined 16-0 while winning championships in the 7-8 and 9-10-year-old age divisions. Members of the team are, left to right, (front row) Ryan Saxon, Jared Tate, Zaire Walker, Charvis Jones, (middle row) Kyan Schwerdtfeger, Alexander Garcia, Darius Hale, Brandon Gant, Kenyan Bernard, Kelby Williams, (back row) head coach Donald Walker and assistant coach Jessie Tate. Lady Rockets win Pasadena hoops title The Rays of the Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League’s minor division, started the season with a bang, winning the SBHLL preseason tournament. Members of the team are, left to right, (front row) Nick David, Cole Palermo, Ethan Hernandez, Jose Tolentino, Tre Villanueva, Fabian Rodriguez, Noah Gaytan, (middle row) Aaron Rodriguez, Trent Jarvis, Michael May, Miguel Diosdado, Isaias Lira, Alejandro Hernandez, (back row) manager Mario Rodriguez and assistant coaches Joey Palermo and Rick Villanueva. Not pictured is Christian Mize. Lady Longhorns blanked twice; San Jac soccer to play softball team now stands at 2-2 Dobie varsity softball head coach Robin Rackley has stated on mutliple occassions this season that her team possessed potentially its strongest offense in several years. Rackley had to feel really good about things as the Lady Longhorns strummed South Houston 20-0 in the District 22-5A opener Feb. 25. Since that time, not so much. Dobie trailied Memorial 5-0 March 4 before rallying for a 6-5 victory over the the final two innings. At 2-0, the Lady Longhorns had survived, but then came back-to-back shutout losses to Alvin and Manvel. Stephanie Buenrostro pitched well for Dobie but took losses as the Lady Longhorns fell to Manvel 2-0 and then lost 6-0 to Alvin, both at home on the Pasadena ISD complex fields. Dobie faces Pasadena March 18. At right, Dobie senior pitcher Stephanie Bueonrostro has pitched through some tough luck thus far in District 22-5A play. Since beating South Houston 20-0 in the league opener, the Lady Longhorns have scored runs in just two of 21 innings while going 1-2. Dobie escaped with a 6-5 win over Memorial but then lost 2-0 to Alvin and 6-0 to Manvel to move to 2-2 in league play. Dobie returns to action March 18 against Sam Rayburn and will also play games against Pasadena and Pearland to wrap up the first half of league play. Photo by John Bechtle The San Jacinto College men’s soccer team will host spring exhibition matches on March 22 and 29. On Saturday, March 22, San Jacinto College will face the University of St. Thomas at 6 p.m. Former San Jac defender Rodrigo Holden will also be on the field, now a defender for UST. On Saturday, March 29, San Jac will take on University of the Incarnate Word at 2 p.m. Current San Jacinto College midfielder Alonso Gallegos has signed a letter of intent to continue playing soccer at UIW this fall. All soccer games are played at the San Jacinto College South campus soc- cer field located at 13735 Beamer Road and are free and open to the public. The San Jacinto College men’s soccer team will also hold open tryouts for the 2014 season on Friday, March 21, at the South campus soccer field. Tryouts are open to high school seniors, recent high school graduates, current San Jacinto College students and college transfers. Participants are required to bring their own shin guards and water. Tryouts will be from 5:30 to 8 p.m. For more information about open tryouts and the soccer program, call soccer head coach Ian Spooner at 281-922-3475 or email him at The Lady Rockets 9-10-year-old team from the South Belt area capped a terrific youth basketball season by winning the City of Pasadena divisional championship game at Phillips Field House. Members of the team are, left to right, (front row) Maya Scott , Krystal Benitez, Vanessa Lam, Alyssa Garza, (back row) head coach David Lam, Zamira Lewis, Alise Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Kayla Prince, Alyssa Garza and assistant coach Rodrigo Benitez. South Belt Lakers reach youth basketball championship game Lunar Rendezvous tennis April 25 The 2014 Lunar Rendezvous Festival committee has set the date for its tennis tournament. The Astronomic Aces Tennis Tournament will pit some of the area’s top tennis players when tournament play begins Friday, April 25, at 6 p.m., at the Fitness Center at South Shore Harbour, 3000 Invincible Drive in League City. Play continues through the weekend. The divisions include men’s and women’s doubles 4.5, 4.0 and 3.5 and juniors as well as mixed doubles 4.5, 4.0 and 3.5 and juniors. A player can participate in only two divisions. The fee is $30 per person. All matches will be best two out of three. For more information about the tournament or sponsorships, contact Kevin Duke or Curtis Chen at 281-334-2560 or kevinduke@southshorefit Entries also are available at www.southshore There will be details of the Lunar Rendezvous golf event in May. The South Belt Lakers’ 11-12-year-old basketball team reached the champi- Colton Miller, Alec Monroe, (back row) Kobe Estrada-Ruiz, head coach Joe onship game in the City of Pasadena league game. Members of the team are, Estrada, Marquice Scott, Oscar Guevara, Ethan Ponce, Matthew Villanueva, left to right, (front row) Christian Cleckley, Zion Crawford, Deon Blacknell, Austin Flynt and assistant coach Byron Scott. Thursday, March 13, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 3 Lady Longhorns’ Christmas, Giron honored by 22-5A 22-5A Varsity Girls’ Basketball Most Valuable Player Brianna Turner, Manvel, Sr. Defensive Most Valuable Player LaNeetra Guillory, Pearland, Sr. Offensive Most Valuable Player Brianna Turner, Manvel, Sr. Clear Brook’s Yancy named Offensive MVP At right, Clear Brook senior Jovan Yancy was recognized as the Offensive Most Valuable Player as selected by the respective varsity boys’ basketball coaches in District 245A. Yancy averaged 19 points per game to lead the way this season for the Wolverines, who were 14-17 overall. There were no Brook players named to the 24-5A first team, but Shedrick Lewis and Ceasar Calimeno landed on the second team. Dobie freshman point guard Jade Giron (shooting the basketball) made an instant impact on the Lady Longhorns’ varsity basketball team during the 2013-2014 season. After earning the starting spot in the preseason, Giron helped lead the team back to the playoffs and was named the District 22-5A Newcomer of the Year by the league’s respective coaches. Newcomer of the Year Jade Giron, Dobie, Fr. Coach of the Year Shane Brown, Dobie First Team Selections Brianna Turner, Manvel, Sr. Rangie Bessard, Manvel, Sr. Jonee Jones, Manvel, Sr. Jordan Hosey, Manvel, Jr. LaNeetra Guillory, Pearland, Sr. Keara Hudnall, Pearland, Sr. Miranda LeJune, Pearland, Sr. Jade Giron, Dobie, Fr. Kristy Christmas, Dobie, Soph. Mariah Armelin, Sam Rayburn, Sr. Carolina Cisneros, Memorial, Jr. Akia Taplin, Alvin, Sr. Kierra Irvin, Pasadena, Sr. 24-5A Varsity Boys Basketball All-District Most Valuable Player – Will West, Clear Lake Sr. Defensive Most Valuable Player – Je’coby Bush, Clear Springs Sr. Offensive Most Valuable Player – Jovan Yancy, Clear Brook Sr. Newcomer of the Year – Rashadre Wilson, Clear Creek Soph. Coach of the Year – Tommy Penders, Clear Lake First Team Selections Second Team – Dobie Jordan Tolbert, Brazoswood, Jr. Drake Green, Clear Lake, Sr. Tyquon Jordan, Clear Creek, Sr. Payton Barnes, Clear Falls, Jr. Mikela Scott, Sr. All-Academic – Dobie Kristy Christmas, Soph. Kiara Hart, Jr. Georgette Wandji, Soph. K.J. Boyd, Clear Springs, Sr. Jordan Davis, Clear Lake, Jr. Bradley George, Clear Lake, Jr. Nik Kelly, Clear Falls, Sr. Dobie’s Turner makes 22-5A second team At right, Dobie sophomore forward Kristy Christmas (22) guards a Chanelview player during the Lady Longhorns’ bidistrict playoff loss last month. Following the season, Christmas was both a 22-5A first team and all-academic honoree. Photos by John Bechtle All-District 22-5A Varsity Boys Basketball Most Valuable Player Leon Gilmore, Manvel, Sr. Lady Wolverines earn 24-5A hoops respect What a memorable sea- ors. Hilton was the 24-5A Clear Brook player, Alex Ryane Adams was a sec- ic picks, and Mackey was son for the Clear Brook Coach of the Year. A third Box, was a first team pick. ond team and all-academ- all-academic as well. varsity girls’ basketball team and head coach GarOffensive Most Valuable Player rett Hilton! Hilton, formerly a varBrooke McCarty, Clear Springs, Sr. Chassidy Harris, Clear Brook, Sr. sity boys’ basketball assistant coach at the school, came back home last Defensive Most Valuable Player spring to provide some stability within the Lady Twon Mackey, Clear Brook, Sr. Garrett Hilton, Clear Brook Wolverines’ program. The team’s third head coach in as many years, Hilton did just that. The team got off to a Brooke McCarty, Clear Springs, Sr. Mia Hayes, Clear Creek, Jr. fast start in nondistrict play and eventually adMelody Horton, Clear Creek, Jr. Paige Tippet, Clear Springs, Sr. vanced to the playoffs again. Ashlynn Dunbar, Clear Falls, Soph. Chassidy Harris, Clear Brook, Sr. In recognition of their play, the Lady Wolverines Destiny Navarro, Clear Falls, Soph. Twon Mackey, Clear Brook, Sr. and Hilton got plenty of respect from the district’s Torrie Thompson, Clear Lake, Jr. Alex Box, Clear Brook, Sr. head coaches. Dasia Cooper, Dickinson, Sr. Jada Woodard, Dickinson, Sr. Senior Chassidy Harris, who will play volleyball collegiately, was named the district’s Offensive Player of the Year, while Lady Wolverine Twon Ryane Adams, Sr. Twon Mackey, Jr. Mackey takes Defensive Most Valuable Player hon- Defensive Most Valuable Player Jeremy Sneed, Pearland, Sr. Offensive Most Valuable Player Elton Dyer, South Houston, Sr. Most Valuable Player Newcomer of the Year Savion Flagg, Alvin, Fr. Coach of the Year Coaches of the Year Patrick McCoy, South Houston First Team Selections All-Academic Selections – Brook Greg Devers, Manvel First Team Selections Dobie junior guard Justin Turner was named to the District 22-5A second team after being one of the Longhorns’ top players this varsity basketball season. Photo by John Bechtle Anthony Almodovar, Memorial, Jr. Devon Begley, Pearland, Sr. Avery Jordan, Pearland, Sr. Eric Cabrera, South Houston, Sr. Nick Hernandez, South Houston, Soph. Michael Cutler, Sam Rayburn, Sr. Kelton Houston, Manvel, Sr. Ahamad Huff, Manvel, Sr. Dexter Williams, Manvel, Sr. Corey Martin, Pasadena, Sr. CALENDAR THURSDAY, MARCH 13 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 9:30 a.m. NASA Aglow Community Lighthouse – meets the second Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Lighthouse Fellowship of Friends, 144 Park Avenue in League City. The public is welcome and encouraged to bring others to the interdenominational meeting. 11:30 a.m. ABWA - Southeast Express Network – American Business Women’s Association-South meets on the second Thursday of each month at MiMi’s Cafe in the Pearland Town Center, 11200 Broadway Street, #1600. Lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $20 and includes networking with professional business women, lunch and guest speaker. Women of all ages and occupations are invited. Bring plenty of business cards. Reservations are appreciated. Contact Monica Perez at for reservations, or visit the Web site at Noon Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit www.hapson for a complete list of services offered. 7 p.m. Al-Anon (English Speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 215. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. Alateen – Provides support for teenage children, friends and family members of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 212. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. FRIDAY, MARCH 14 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. Noon Moving Forward Women’s Adult Children Anonymous – The ACA group meets Fridays at noon at the Up The Street Club in Webster, 508 Nasa Parkway, in room 4. ACA is a 12-step program of hope, healing and recovery for people who grew up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes. For more information, call 281-286-1431. 6 p.m. Un Dia a la Vez Alanon Group (Spanish speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics or addicts. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. in Room 215 at the First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 8 p.m. Pasadena Little Theatre – Opening night for Pasadena Little Theatre’s How Green Was My Brownie, a farce by Jack Sharkey, at 8 p.m., 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. Performances are weekends through March 30. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. One special-priced Admit Two for $14 is Thursday, March 27, at 8 p.m. Director is Gregory R. Brown. For reservations, call 713-941-1758 or visit www.pasadenalittletheatre. org. Credit cards accepted. SATURDAY, MARCH 15 7:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – “Breakfast with Bill” each Saturday at 7:30 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 10 a.m Pasadena Little Theatre – Donations accepted 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for Pasadena Little Theatre’s first annual garage sale fundraiser benefitting Pasadena Little Theatre. For more information, contact Craig Trauschke at mendicant@ or visit 11 a.m. Al-Anon Meeting (Women Only, English) – For persons whose lives are affected by someone who is addicted. Each Saturday morning at 11 a.m. at First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Cornell Conference Room #111. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 6 p.m. Frontier Squares – Meets to square dance at the Westminster Academy at 670 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Refreshments provided. For more information, contact Gina Sherman at 281-554-5675 or visit www.fron 7 p.m. Bay Area Bluegrass Association – Produces a bluegrass music show and jam session the third Saturday of each month, May and December are exceptions. The stage show begins at 7 p.m., but pickers are welcome to bring their instruments and come earlier. Admission is free. The show is held at the Johnny Arolfo Civic Center, 300 Walker in League City. For more information, visit http://www. 7:30 p.m. Pearland Overeaters Anonymous HOW Meeting – Saturdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Open discussion. Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery PARC, 2245 N. Main St., Suite 2, Pearland 77581. (Located on Hwy 35, just north of Broadway). The group’s primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive overeating and to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer. Call 713 8651611 for information, or just drop in. 8 p.m. Pasadena Little Theatre – How Green Was My Brownie, a farce by Jack Sharkey, at 8 p.m., 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. Performances are weekends through March 30. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. One special-priced Admit Two for $14 is Thursday, March 27, at 8 p.m. Director is Gregory R. Brown. For reservations, call 713-941-1758 or visit www.pasadenalittletheatre. org. Credit cards accepted. SUNDAY, MARCH 16 10 a.m Pasadena Little Theatre – Donations accepted 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for Pasadena Little Theatre’s first annual garage sale fundraiser benefitting Pasadena Little Theatre. For more information, contact Craig Trauschke at mendicant@ or visit 2 p.m. Grief Support Group – For any adult who has lost a loved one. Meets every Sunday, except Mother’s Day, Easter and Christmas from 2 to 3:15 p.m. at First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. For more information, call 281-487-8787. 3 p.m. Pasadena Little Theatre – How Green Was My Brownie, a farce by Jack Sharkey, at 3 p.m., 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. Performances are weekends through March 30. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. One special-priced Admit Two for $14 is Thursday, March 27, at 8 p.m. Director is Gregory R. Brown. For reservations, call 713-941-1758 or visit www.pasadenalittletheatre. org. Credit cards accepted. 5:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery – A faith-based 12-Step Program meets every Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Educational Building at Life Church in Houston at 9900 Almeda Genoa. Call 713-419-2635 for more information or to RSVP for child care. 6:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – For persons who are trying to overcome drug addiction. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Fellowship Hall 4. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. Continued on Page 4B Let the Leader help with your advertising. 281481-5656 Page 4, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, March 13, 2014 HELP WANTED Ms. Janetʻs Children of the Future Childcare and Learning Center is NOW H I R I N G ! Join the Employer of Choice on the Inland Waterways. Ingram Barge Company has a proven track record of developing future leaders. #2 Scarsdale - 12490 Scarsdale 281-464-2366 • Full Time Floater - No experience necessary We are currently seeking: Deckhands Culinary Cooks Vessel Engineers Towboat Pilots (Fleet & Line Haul) Candidates must possess a minimum of a valid driver’s license and high school diploma/GED. Excellent wages, bonus plan and advancement opportunities, along with a comprehensive benefit package, (paid retirement, 401K, medical, life & AD&D, etc.) Interested candidates must apply online at EOE, M/F/V/D #3 League City - 3007 Invincible Dr. 281-538-5310 • Infant Toddler Floater NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY – WILL TRAIN –– Please Apply in Person –– Sicily Pizza UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Looking for a hand-tossed Pizza Maker. Must have experience. Top pay for the right person. Also looking for Delivery Drivers. Call Chris @ 352-457-6586 or 832-289-5105 12373 Scarsdale Blvd., Suite C Houston, Texas 77089 We are seeking a qualified, motivated individual who enjoys working with customers and managing staff to run an established retail store. Candidate must be willing to work a varied work schedule (we are open 7 days a week). Position Rewards: • Competitive Salary • Paid Vacation • Medical Benefits • Associate Discount Position Requirements: • Retail Sales/Management experience desired • High School diploma required - associate or bachelors degree preferred • Must be motivated professional who is able to work with little supervision and enjoys interacting with co-workers and customers • Ability to meet and exceed sales goals • Exceptional customer service • Ability to multi-task • MS Word, Excel and computer literate • Drug Screening and background check will be performed Please send your resume, salary requirements & availability to: 281-484-5555 A-BETTER PLUMBING is NOW HIRING DRIVER NEEDED URGENTLY Administrative work is also involved such as shopping, pickup and delivery of items, taking and setting up promotional banners, generating invoices, and settling cash charges. Might also be needed to evaluate stores. Paid $600 weekly. Send resumes to: DAN’S TREE SERVICE NEEDED Experienced BARTENDER & WAITSTAFF 832-875-5022 DON’S MOWING & LANDSCAPE WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS Residential, Commercial TREE REMOVAL • STUMP REMOVAL • FIRE WOOD/ BARBEQUE WOOD •TREE TRIMMING • TOPPING • HAUL OFF • PRUNING • SHAPING SERVICES.COM TREE 713-501-0184 Landscape Your New Home or Give Your Home a New Look 713-298-9267 LICENSED, INSURED, AFFORDABLE Pressure Washing • Fertilize Lawn Trim Trees • Complete Lawn Service • FREE ESTIMATES • DEPENDABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - FREE ESTIMATES Professional Trimming, Shaping, Removal Call Don ADRIANS 281-484-5516 Visit us online at South Belt-Ellington Leader Leader Reader Ads Personal: 25 Words - $8 • 3 Weeks $22 Business: 25 Words - $10 • 3 Weeks $27 Deadline: Noon Tuesday Ads Are Not Taken Over The Phone no changes, no refunds ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Make checks payable to: South Belt-Ellington Leader 11555 Beamer Road, Houston, TX 77089 After Hours: Use mail slot in front of building facing Beamer. FOUND SMALL DOG: She is a black and white terrier mix, very sweet and friendly. Call Sue at 281-481-0057 or Ed at 281-923-9650. 3-13 HEALTH HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED on the job or in an automobile accident? The company doctor or insurance company doctor is not your doctor. He works for the company. In Texas you get to choose your doctor. Call me, Dr. Michael Stokes for your free consultation - 281-481-1623. I WILL WORK for you. I have been relieving back and neck pain for South Belt families for over 30 years. I want to be your chiropractor. TF HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR LEASE: 3-4/2/2, Nice FULL-TIME MAIDS. Alvin,Tx. house, clean, red brick floor. M - F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Drug & Sagemont area. Close to Background screen required. I-45 & Beltway 8. $975 mo. + Call 281-338-1990 3-20 $750 dep. 11031 SageWOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE orchard. Call 281-579-3504 3-20 $500 or more per month working part-time? This is a great SERVICE opportunity! Call Gary at 832- MALVEAUX’S POWER 477-7085 3-27 WASHING: Driveways, patios, houses and commercial! INSTRUCTIONS TUTORING AVAILABLE! All Call or email for free quote! ages, many subjects, flexible 281-796-9952 or regdric_ schedule, reasonable rates. 3-20 Tutor holds A.A., B.A., M.A. COLEMAN’S LOVING PET Call or email: 281-309-7375, CARE - Let us put your mind karma@karmalennon. com. at ease while you are vacaTF tioning or out of town. Reasonable pricing. Call MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OFFICE FUR- 281-481-5226 or 281-6353-27 NITURE: Desks, book- 9055. shelves, credenza, pictures, SEWING & ALTERATIONS chairs, small tables, file cabi- for men, women & home net, steel storage cabinet. In fashions. Experienced seamstorage in Pearland. Call stress. Call Karen at 713TF 713-252-8990 3-13 943-7935 +YP]LYZ!,HYU4VYL.YLLUPU ,_JLSSLU[7H`)LULÄ[Z2 LULÄ[Z2 :PNUVU)VU\ZMVY,_WLYPLUJLK+YP]LYZ \ZMVY,_WLYPLUJ HUK:HML[`)VU\ZLZ HUK:HML[`) 5V6]LY[OL9VHK`V\»YLOVTLKHPSy 6]LY[OL9VH Dri Opening Driver ngs in Hobby Airport area Both D Day/Night Positions CDL-A w w/ “X” Endorsement and 1 year 18 Wheeler or Tanker Exp xperience needed EOE Apply Online att Call: 800–577–8853 REAL ESTATE WE BUY HOUSES: 832-209-2298 LAWN & GARDEN or FOUND DOG Bar Manager Improve your yard the easy way! Call the Leader advertisers for your Lawn & Garden 832-768-6292 COMPUTER SOUTHBELT - Data-Systems - Hard Drive Data Recovery - Linux Installation. 10909 Sabo, Suite 120, 281922-4160. E-mail: sds@ TF COMPUTER REPAIR. Brand new Windows 7 or 8 Desktop & Laptop Computers for sale. Deal with a technician, not a salesman. Call Harry at 713-991-1355. 3-27 Experienced Please Call 281-692-1684 CALL TODAY ! CHAIR FOR LEASE. MW Exclusive Hair Salon, 9967 Fuqua. 713-910-0089. Ask for Marika TF GARAGE SALE 9723 TILTREE / ALDIS Sat., March 15, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Childrens / teens clothes, furniture, electronics, toys, trampoline. 3-13 10617 FUQUA ST, FUQUA SELF STORAGE. Office located across from Sabo Village Apar tments. Saturday, March 15, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3-13 Bar-X Ranch Eagle Lake LOTS FOR SALE Selling 2 lots together $11,500 ea. Call Ann at LOCAL AND REGIONAL DRIVERS WANTED! E.W.Wylie Offers • $2,000 Sign On Bonus • $50 Tarp Pay - Great Benefits! • % Pay for Local Drivers • Home Daily (Local), Home Weekly (Regional); Great Benefits! *Req’d: CDL-A, 1 yr exp, 23 yrs old Call 855-826-6593 713-269-5262 E-mail Experienced Plumbers FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Cash! Close fast! Any condition! WANTED LEADER READERS 25 Words - $8 for 1 week - 3 Weeks - $22; Business: 25 Words - $10 for 1 week • 3 Weeks - $27 281-481-5656 Advertise in the Leader! CALENDAR Continued from Page 3B SUNDAY, MARCH 16 7 p.m Pasadena Little Theatre – Auditions for Pasadena Little Theatre’s A Few Good Men, a drama by Aaron Sorkin, at 7 p.m., 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. 17 men and one woman are needed. Auditions will consist of cold reading from the script. Show dates are weekends, May 2 - 18, 2014. Contact the director, Jeff Coletta, at with questions or visit for more information. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Candlelight Meeting Sunday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. MONDAY, MARCH 17 9 a.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech therapy from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd., Webster. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 10 a.m. Al-Anon Deer Park – Mondays 10 to 11 a.m. Literature Study. In His Presence Fellowship Church, 1202 East P Street, Deer Park. Enter through Fellowship Hall in back of church. Call 409 454-5720 for information, or just drop in. 10:30 a.m. Seniors and Law Enforcement Together – SALT holds monthly meetings at 10:30 a.m. at Madison Jobe Senior Citizens Center, 1700 East Thomas St. in Pasadena, on the third Monday of each month except December. The meetings teach seniors how to avoid identity theft, scams, fraud, etc. Police officers and sheriffs are normally in attendance. There is no charge to attend, and refreshments are served. Meetings start on time and last one hour or less. For more information, call the center at 713-477-0175. 11:30 a.m. Overeaters Anonymous Deer Park – 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Literature Study. In His Presence Fellowship Church, 1202 East P Street, Deer Park. Enter through Fellowship Hall in back of church. Call 409 454-5720 for information, or just drop in. 6 p.m. Scrabble Club #511 – Meets every Monday at IHOP at 11222 Fuqua at 6 p.m. Come and improve crossword game playing skills. Call 281-488-2923 for more information. 7 p.m Pasadena Little Theatre – Auditions for Pasadena Little Theatre’s A Few Good Men, a drama by Aaron Sorkin, at 7 p.m., 4318 Allen-Genoa Road. 17 men and one woman are needed. Auditions will consist of cold reading from the script. Show dates are weekends, May 2 - 18, 2014. Contact the director, Jeff Coletta, at with questions or visit for more information. 7 p.m. Friends Helping Friends Grief Support Group – The grief support group “Friends Helping Friends” meets every Monday at Kindred Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Time is 7 - 8:15 p.m. in the staff meeting room. Anyone who has lost a loved one is welcome to attend. The meetings are free. For information, call Betty Bielat at 281-4743430 or Diana Kawalec at 281-334-1033. 7:30 p.m. The Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Society – Meets the third week of each month at the Clear Lake Park Building, 5001 NASA Parkway in Seabrook. Guests are welcome. Presenters for the educational program explore a variety of subjects such as fossils, planetary geology, mineralogy, lapidary, jewelry making, rock, fossil and mineral collecting, and field trips to various collecting sites throughout Texas and surrounding states. All persons with an interest in these topics are welcome to attend. Door prizes. Free parking. For more information, visit TUESDAY, MARCH 18 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 11 a.m. The Bay Area Military Officers’ Wives – hold monthly luncheon meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at Bay Oaks Country Club from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Active duty or retired officers’ wives are eligible. For information, call Wendy Peters at 281-333-3115. 1 p.m. Pasadena Heritage Park and Museum – Exhibits include dioramas, an old-time kitchen and a turn-of-the-century doctor’s office. Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. 204 S. Main, Pasadena. For information, call 713472-0565. 1:30 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – TOPS #1530 meets at the Sagemont Park Community Center, 11507 Hughes Road, at 1:30 p.m. For information, call Jeanette Sumrall at 713-946-3713. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech therapy from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bayshore Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, 4021 Brookhaven, Pasadena. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 2 p.m. The National Active and Retired Federal Employees – NARFE Chapter 941 meets the third Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. at the El Franco Lee Park Community Center, 9500 Hall Road, in Houston. Visitors are welcome. For additional information, call Roy at 713-734-1461. 6 p.m. Un Dia a la Vez Alanon Group (Spanish speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics or addicts. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. in Room 215 at the First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 6:30 p.m. Breast Cancer Support Group – Meets the third Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the lobby of the Clear Lake Regional Breast Diagnostic Center, 200 Medical Center Blvd., Suite 106, in Webster. For more information call 281-526-6840. Pearland Area Republican’s Club – meets the third Tuesday of the month at the Pearland Church of Christ Annex, 2217 N. Grand Blvd. in Pearland. For more information, call 281-485-4140 or 281-485-1431. 7 p.m. Positive Interaction Program – meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital, 11800 Astoria, in the staff meeting room 1st floor. Bring a friend or neighbor and work together to make PIP the best in the city. PIP consists of police and citizens working together to help make neighborhoods safer. For more information, call Officer Richard Buitron at 281-218-3900. Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Weekly sexual assault support group offers a confidential self-help support group for victim/survivors of rape and sexual abuse. To attend or for more information, call 281-286-2525. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Tuesday and Sunday from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. 11:30 a.m. Houston Hobby Airport Lions Club – meets at 11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Freeway (Fuqua and I-45). For information, call Monica Montoya at 281-794-5531. 4 p.m. Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise held from 4 to 5 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Pearland, 3005 Pearland Parkway, Pearland. Visit for a complete list of services offered. 6 p.m. Un Dia a la Vez Alanon Group (Spanish speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics or addicts. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. in Room 215 at the First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway. Call 281-487-8787, or just drop in. 6:30 p.m. Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Domestic violence support group for male survivors meets each Wednesday at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway. Call 281-338-7600 for information. Participants may join at any time as this is an open group. 7 p.m. Survivors of Suicide Support Group – The Southeast Houston group meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. The group offers support and coping skills in a non-threatening environment to adult individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide. For information on registration or to obtain a physical address for a location, call 713-533-4500 or visit www. Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Confidential domestic violence support group for women meets every week. For information, call 281-338-7600 or visit BATP is located at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway between Interstate 45 South and Highway 3. The 24-hour crisis hotline is 281-286-2525. THURSDAY, MARCH 20 7 a.m. AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Tuesday through Friday at 7 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, in the Cornell Conference Room. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in. Noon Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit www.hapson for a complete list of services offered. 5:30 p.m. Texas German Society, South Belt (Southeast) Chapter – A social group interested in the culture, music, heritage and language of the immigrants in early German settlements in Texas. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 10310 Scarsdale Blvd. Visitors are welcome. Call 281481-1238 for more information. 7 p.m. Al-Anon (English Speaking) – Provides support for family and friends of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 215. Call 281-4878787, or just drop in. Alateen – Provides support for teenage children, friends and family members of alcoholics and addicts. Thursday at 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Room 212. Call 281-4878787, or just drop in. 8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street. For information, call 713-204-2481. Thursday, March 13, 2014, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 5 SERVICE HAYDEN AIR & HEAT (Former WARDS employee) Ask About Centerpoint Energy All Major Brands 25 Years Experience Now is the time to take advantage of reduced prices! OUT ASK AB ATIoN SUL ATTIC IN RTIME NO OVE E! CHARG BIG SAV INGS! REBATES Up to $1200 Factory Rebate (Ask for Details) or 12 Months Interest-Free Financing INTERES TFINANC FREE AVAILAB ING LE WAC South Belt AIR & HEAT INC. Serving your neighborhood since 1982. Call for Heating Inspection 281-585-5693 ★★★★★★ Free Estimates on New Equipment ELECTRIC with Approved Credit, with Coupon, Limit One Coupon Per Customer. Exp. 03-27-14 • • • • • • • 281-481-3914 REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Free Estimates Senior Citizen Disc. No Service Charge Res./Comm. Master Electrician Insured TECL#21246 100% FINANCING TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 281-484-8542 LOW PRICES HIGH QUALITY We accept most major credit cards. License #TACLB4351C TACLB1954E SAGEMONT ELECTRIC SVCS. $ GET IT TODAY! End of Hurricane Season Prices! 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Get local news and updates between issues! Advertise in the Leader! Complete Building Maintenance Floor Stripping & Waxing One Time Jobs or Contracts Insured and Bonded 281/481-1850 or 281/485-4341 Member South Belt-Ellington Chamber Graduation Get your ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCAL NEWS • Top Quality • Reasonable Prices • Excellent Service FIRST! South Belt Graphics & Printing Visit us online at: 11555 Beamer • 281-484-4337 Page 6, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, March 13, 2014 Brook softball now 0-2 Dobie baseball heads to District 22-5A play full time now Continued from Page 1B those was me,” Dobie head coach Miguel Torres said. “South Houston had a runner on second base with their four-hole hitter at the plate in the first inning. “I just didn’t want to give him much to hit. Jesse got out of the inning fine after that.” Paredes threw strikes and allowed his defense to make plays, which it did. Myers, aside from his four hits, was also terrific at shortstop. But the Longhorns had several chances to perhaps run-rule South Houston and could not get the big hit. Twice, the locals had the bases loaded with one out but could not break the game open. “We left too many guys on base, but that’s baseball,” Torres said. “We talk about the same things every day. Right now, a win is a win.” Next up, the Longhorns will face fellow Pasadena ISD foe Memorial on Thursday, March 13, at 2 p.m. The game will be played at Memorial High School. Dobie helped itself to the playoffs last season largely based on a strong record against PISD competition. With big games against Manvel and Alvin following Dobie’s game at Memorial, Torres will turn to Munoz to pitch against the Mavericks. “If you beat the PISD schools, you’re going to the playoffs,” Torres said. “Obviously, we want to do better than that, but taking care of the South Houstons and Memorials is a start. It’s a big game for us (March 13). Senior Michael Munoz was stellar in pitching the Longhorns past San Antonio Madison 7-2. But errors and walks plagued the Longhorns in two other losses at the Boerne varsity tournament, leaving the locals at 5-7 through nondistrict play. Walks were the culprit in an 8-1 loss to San Antonio Reagan in Dobie’s tournament opener. Munoz followed with a solid performance against Madison for the win. In a 10-6 loss to San Antonio Steele, Dobie out-hit Steele at the plate but had six errors. Dobie pitchers walked five Steele hitters. Dobie had games scheduled against Smithson Valley as well as host Boerne for March 8, but those games were rained out. Because of weather, the Longhorns missed out on the chance to play at least three tourney games. LSA’s Freeman picks North Central College football Clear Brook varsity softball head coach Noah Cardenas and his team will likely play catch-up through the early part of the District 24-5A race after falling to 0-2 with a crazy 9-8 loss to Clear Springs March 10. Brook also lost its district opener March 7 to state-ranked Brazoswood by a 7-0 tally. The Lady Wolverines played Clear Lake March 12, after press time. Dobie, including third baseman Marcelo Martinez, had little trouble with South Houston. Now comes a big game against Memorial March 13, at Memorial High School. Game time is 2 p.m. In playoffs, Dobie girls seem destined for fourth seed Continued from Page 1B Also sitting in fourth place with just two games to go, the Lady Longhorns appear destined to face the No. 1 seed out of District 21-5A in the playoffs. Things could change, of course, but Dobie will likely see either Deer Park or North Shore in the bidistrict playoffs. “That race (District 21-5A) is probably going to come down to the last game,” Dobie head coach Bryan McDonald said. “We probably need some help from another team to beat Alvin in order for us to move up, so we’ll just have to see how it plays out.” After winning the district championship a season ago, Dobie simply hasn’t had much luck against Pearland, Memorial or Alvin, the other three playoff representatives, this season. Although Andrea Galvan’s goal gave the Lady Longhorns a 1-0 win over Alvin in the second round of district play, Dobie lost a shootout to Alvin in the first half of district play. The locals also lost first-round games to Memorial and Pearland that have proved to be costly in the standings. And, after beating Alvin in the second half, Dobie turned around and played Pasadena to a 1-1 tie before winning in a shootout. It’s simply been hard to gain momentum. “We didn’t play very well in the first game against Memorial, and we feel like we should have beaten Alvin the first time instead of dropping the shootout,” McDonald said. “It’s just been one of those seasons where you’re battling your way up hill. “I’m not going to blame injuries, but we’ve had at least three starters missing from every game this year. That’s no excuse, but we have had to turn to younger, less experienced players. “In this district, it’s harder to win consistently. The whole season has been a grind for us.” Nevertheless, McDonald feels good about not only the rest of this season but also 2015 and beyond. Currently, every player seeing the majority of starting time will return in 2015. As for the stretch run, which includes a regular-season finale against Pearland before the playoffs, Dobie will take its chances. “I hope so,” McDonald said when asked of 22-5A’s ability to win big in the playoffs. Last season, Memorial beat North Shore before losing to (Region III finalist) Clear Falls. We lost to Beaumont West Brook in “Our district is very the first round, and West talented. And Pasadena Brook ended up playing has gotten pretty good as three rounds. well. “We have four or five teams that can match up pretty well with a lot of teams. We just have to go out there and be at our best and see where things fall.” Lutheran South Academy High School senior football player Brent Freeman (seated center) will continue his education and playing career with North Central College in Naperville, Ill., after signing with the Cardinals. Those with him at the signing included, left to right, (seated) Chris Cockrell-Freeman (mother), Brent Freeman (father), (standing) Rob Psencik (LSA athletic director) and Stephen Robbins (LSA varsity football head coach). Brent Freeman was a standout on both sides of the ball for the Pioneers, leading the defense from his middle linebacking spot with more than 80 tackles, including 13 tackles for loss and eight sacks. He also had two interceptions and three fumble recoveries. On offense, he averaged seven yards a carry and scored five touchdowns with more than 500 all-purpose yards. Freeman was an all-district linebacker for LSA and was selected to the Lone Star 2013 Greater Houston Area all-star team. Pioneers’ Ellington to Merchant Marine Academy baseball Dobie’s Briana Garcia pushes the ball upfield during the team’s win over Manvel. With two games remaining in the regular season, the Lady Longhorns are sitting in the fourth playoff seed out of District 22-5A, with a playoff matchup against Deer Park or North Shore likely. Photo by Gary Williams 22-5A Varsity Boys’ Soccer Standings Teams Sam Rayburn Memorial Pasadena Dobie South Houston Alvin Pearland Manvel W 9 8 9 5 4 3 1 1 L 0 0 3 4 7 9 7 10 T 3 4 0 3 1 0 4 1 Lutheran South Academy High School senior baseball player Joshua Ellington (seated second from right) signed a letter of intent with the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, N.Y., to continue his education and playing career. Ellington received a senatorial nomination to attend USMMA from U.S. Sen. John Cornyn and was granted early acceptance last December. The United States Merchant Marine Academy, one of the five United States service academies. is charged with training officers for the United States Merchant Marine, branches of the military or the transportation industry. Those with Ellington at the signing included, left to right, (seated) Craig Ellington (father), Kings Point alumni and representative John Peterlin, Tracy Ellington (mother), (standing) Rob Psencik (LSA athletic director and Aaron Schneider (LSA varsity baseball head coach). Clear Brook’s Lopez selects St. Thomas University soccer Pts. 31 30 27 21 13 9 9 4 22-5A Varsity Girls’ Soccer Standings Teams Pearland Memorial Alvin Dobie Pasadena South Houston Sam Rayburn Manvel W 11 10 8 7 3 1 1 1 L 1 2 3 3 6 8 8 10 T 0 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 Pts. 33 30 26 24 13 8 6 4 Clear Brook High School varsity girls’ soccer player Melanie Lopez (seated) has chosen to continue her education and playing career at the University of St. Thomas in Houston after signing a letter of intent. Those with her at the signing included, (front row) Molly Gomez (friend), (second row) Luis Gomez (club coach), Jason Lopez (brother), Jake Lopez (broth- er), (back row) Sharon Lopez (Clear Brook associate principal), Joseph Mobley (friend), Nik Barjaktarevic (St. Thomas women’s soccer head coach), Chris Robinson (Challenge soccer club head coach), Juan Cervantes (uncle), Veronica Lopez (mother), Phil Lopez (father) and Jeff Brewer (Clear Brook varsity girls’ soccer head coach).
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