2004 Annual Report - The College of New Rochelle
2004 Annual Report - The College of New Rochelle
UARTERLY Volume 76 | No. 3 The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine 29 CASTLE PLACE NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10805-2339 THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE ■ 2004 ANNUAL REPORT It doesn’t take a millionaire… …to make a difference for future generations. Bequests, as well as other forms of life income and planned giving arrangements, have provided a financial lifeline to the future of The College of New Rochelle. T The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. he College of New Rochelle was founded in 1904 by the Ursuline Order as the first Catholic college for women in New York State. Today, the College serves a student population of more than 7,000 students. In addition to the School of Arts and Sciences, which remains all-women, the College has three co-educational schools: the Graduate School, established in 1969; the School of New Resources, in 1972; and the School of Nursing, in 1976. The College’s main campus is in New Rochelle, with six branch campuses of the School of New Resources located throughout the New York metropolitan area. The College offers strong reasons for seeking private support. The importance of the life of the spirit and a reverence for the individual are hallmarks of an Ursuline value- based education. These characteristics are manifest in a College of New Rochelle education today. The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. From this tradition, the College derives its dedication to the education of women and men in the liberal arts and in professional studies. The College reaches out to those who have not previously had access to higher education and places particular emphasis on the concept of lifelong learning. Private support allows the College to build upon its commitment and mission as an educational institution by providing academic scholarships, grants, financial aid, and technology enhancements. Similarly, funding is needed for physical plant renovations, special programs, and curriculum development. Gifts to the College include cash, appreciated securities, capital donations, real estate, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, endowed funds, and bequests. When The College of New Rochelle is included in estate plans through a planned gift or a bequest, thoughtful donors reduce their taxes, protect their assets, and generate income. By reaching beyond their own lives to assure opportunities for future generations, generous donors shape the future and make a critical difference in the College’s ability to fulfill its mission. For additional information about making a gift to The College of New Rochelle, please call the Office of College Advancement at (914) 654-5917. O WT HO E A K MA THAT L L WI RKS WO GIVING H H T ROUG GIFT S ANNUITIE GIVING SECURIT IES REF LEC TIN G TOM ON OR RO W Over the last decade, bequests and planned gifts totaling more than $8 million have been given to The College of New Rochelle. This vital source of support provides revenue for scholarships and the enhancement of academic programs. Gifts of all sizes ($3,000 to more than $2 million) comprise this significant source of revenue, making a lasting difference in the lives of CNR students and providing a legacy of loyalty and devotion to the College. Won’t you join the hundreds of alumnae/i and friends who have already included The College of New Rochelle in their estate planning through bequests, annuities, and trusts? Remember… no matter what the size of your gift, you can make a difference. Dr. Carole Weaver, Major Gifts Officer, will be glad to send you one of these easy-to-understand brochures. Carole is also available to talk to you about our gift annuity program and how it can benefit you as well as future CNR students. Call 9l4-654-5914, or e-mail cweaver@cnr.edu. UARTERLY EDITORIAL STAFF Executive Editor Deborah W. Thomas GS’04 Managing Editor Lenore Boytim Carpinelli SAS’89 UARTERLY The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine Volume 76 | No. 3 Associate Editor 2004 Annual Report Irene Villaverde SNR’04 Graphic Design Kim Barron PAGE 3 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Contributing Writer John Coyne THE YEAR IN REVIEW Photographs Peter Finger 12 July/August John Vecchiolla 13 September EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 14 October Eileen Gallagher Harrington ’62, Chair Judith Balfe SNR’89, GS’91 & ’97 15 November/December Renee Blackwell SAS’95 16 January/February 17 March 18 April 19 May/June G. Steve Jordan Julie Connelly ’65 Eileen Denver ’64 Dr. Mimi Donius Kathleen Fredrick ’59 Mary Plitsas Hesdorffer SN’95 Camille Marchetta ’62 Maria Mercader SAS’88 FINANCIALS Martha Reddington SAS’76 Mary Whalen SNR’99, GS’01 20 OFFICE OF COLLEGE ADVANCEMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT ■ Summary Statement of Changes in Net Assets ■ Analysis of Net Assets 2000-2004 ■ 2004 Unrestricted Revenues ■ 2004 Expenses Brenna Sheenan Mayer Vice President for College Advancement Linda David Executive Director of Development Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki SAS ’72 Director of Alumnae/i Relations Dorothy Biscornet Secretary Monique Caubere Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Louise Dunbar Assistant Director of Annual Giving Linda Grande Assistant to the Vice President for College Advancement Claire Colangelo Manto SAS ’69 Director of Donor Relations Cornelia Northway Secretary Jennifer Padilla Secretary 21 23 LETTER FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 24 2004 ANNUAL GIVING 26 WAYS OF GIVING 27 EXTRAORDINARY GIVING 28 ANNUAL FUND GIFT CLUBS 43 ALUMNAE/I ANNUAL FUND GIFTS 71 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS 81 PLANNED GIVING 83 TRUSTEES, ADMINISTRATION, VOLUNTARY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 84 CLASS OFFICERS Barbara Russell Secretary Marilyn Saulle Director of Annual Giving Ann Summo Mailing and Records Coordinator Nicole Totans SAS’99 Assistant to the Director of Alumnae/i Relations Angela Valitutto SAS’00 Assistant Director of Annual Giving Carole Weaver Director of Gift Planning Cover: (clockwise from top left) The Centennial year opened with a liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Pittau, SJ; Dr. Cornel West was one of several intellectuals who spoke at the College throughout the year on topics essential to its mission; reflecting the College’s commitment to service, Donna Tyler and Corrine Olensky from the School of New Resources were among the more than 100 faculty, staff, and students who participated in Community Service Day; recognizing a great woman of wisdom, CNR President Stephen Sweeny unveiled a statue honoring Ursuline foundress St. Angela Merici on campus; Mary Sommer Sandak SAS’71 and her husband Jay were just two of the many alumnae/i and friends who celebrated the College and a century of great achievement at the Trustee Gala. QUARTERLY (ISSN 1550-8153) Volume 76, No. 3 is published quarterly by the Office of Communications, The College of New Rochelle, 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY, 10805-2339. Periodicals postage at New Rochelle, NY, mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to QUARTERLY, The College of New Rochelle, 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 10805-2339. PRESIDENT’S LETTER New York State Health Commissioner, and Mary E. Lyons, President of the University of San Diego. In planning for o u r C e n t e n n i a l Ye a r, it was my desire to invite to The College of New Rochelle distinguished leaders from the academic, religious, and business worlds for a series of extraordinary convocations that would focus on the significant elements of CNR. Speaking to faculty, staff, and students, President Lyons drew us back to our roots, to the sixteenth century saint, Angela Merici, who as Mary Lyons phrased it, “influenced directly the educational philosophy of this… institution.” What Mary Lyons was referring to was the salient fact that “the Ursulines, daughters of Angela, brought with them to the new world an educational orientation that yielded a plan of studies recognizing the multiple dimensions of human development, not least of which is the spiritual. So the preservation of the liberal arts, as foundational for this College, should be no surprise. The courage and determination of Angela to create a company of women committed to prayer and works of charity also reveal much about the College’s continuing contribution to the educational needs of women.” My expectation was that these convocations would give us the time and opportunity to engage in serious discussions on the elements that make this university community unique in the world of higher education. We were gifted in having our Centennial year begin in Holy Family Chapel last September. We were honored to have presiding at this opening Centennial Mass our dear friend Archbishop Joseph Pittau of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. We are all the benefactors of this educational philosophy here on the hallowed grounds of our College, but what also forcefully struck me was another of President Lyons insights, and that was an exhortation of Saint Angela to her community expressed nearly 500 years ago. Angela told the women, “Have confidence and strong faith that God will assist you in everything. Act. Bestir yourselves… You will certainly see wonders if you direct everything to the praise of the divine majesty and the great good of souls.” Archbishop Pittau conveyed to the Community Pope John Paul II’s blessings and felicitations and drew attention to the meaning and mission of a Catholic college like our own. The Archbishop pointed out that while we cannot reduce the Gospel message to the “merely socio-political dimension,” we also cannot live the faith if we do not live it with a sense of responsibility and of social commitment. Such a saintly attitude, Mary Lyons reminded us, revealed “a flexibility and adaptability so characteristic of those who are liberally educated.” And that means—as all of us at CNR know so well!— continuing our commitment to assist our students to “gain a greater understanding of human reality in its social, political, economic and global complexity.” It also means, as Archbishop Pittau emphasized, “holding out a hand to those who are marginalized and oppressed, and forming young men and women to integrate into their lives the Gospel values of authentic service to others.” And so we are, here at CNR! T H E P R I M AC Y O F T H E L I B E R A L A R TS Therefore, a couple months later, we focused on the primacy of the liberal arts over a two-day period on the Main Campus. To address this preeminent topic, we invited Indra K. Nooyi, President and Chief Financial Officer, PepsiCo, to join us for a convocation in early December, 2003, to speak on what she saw as the true value of a liberal arts education. B EST I R YO U R S E LV ES The next day, Monday, September 15, we presented honorary degrees to Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ, the Laurence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society at Fordham University; Antonia Coello Novello, our 3 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PRESIDENT’S LETTER are the risk-takers, she discovered, the most adventurous of people. “I believe,” she concluded, “that liberal arts candidates are far from any road to starvation, and no death knell has been sounded… To the contrary, the only bell tolling is for a celebration of the humanities.” Continuing our discussion the next day, we welcomed to our Main Campus four outstanding educators for a special colloquy on the liberal arts. How true to our mission, how special to this year, was the opportunity for the College Community to gather in the Student Campus Center and hear the thoughtful remarks of these distinguished academics as they addressed this issue in this age of technology, an age when many see education just as career preparation and all knowledge divorced from spirituality and religious tradition. Archbishop Joseph Pittau celebrates mass to open the Centennial year celebration. Ms. Nooyi has been ranked by Fortune magazine as “one of the most powerful women in American business” and has over the last decade transformed PepsiCo for the twenty-first century. The qualities which distinguish her successful leadership are qualities clearly central to and cultivated by a liberal arts education such as ours. Moderator for the afternoon colloquy was our own Sr. Bridget Puzon, OSU, ’57, Editor of Liberal Education, published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, who began the discussion by asking two core questions: How do we educate civilized human beings? And what is the state of liberal education at this time? Yet when she spoke to us late that afternoon, she declared, “Being a science major myself, having majored in chemistry and physics as an undergraduate and then going on to my master’s in business, I wondered if I could honestly speak to you about the ‘value of a liberal arts degree’.” For the next two hours, responding to these questions was the challenge and the opportunity for three panelists who approached the many facets of a liberal education at the college level with historical references and new insights. Indeed Ms. Nooyi could speak luminously of what is at the core of our academic program at CNR. What she has noticed in her long and brilliant career is that it is the “liberal arts” graduates who have been the most successful in life. “I began to look at my successful colleagues at work,” she told the crowded Holy Family Chapel, “my more interesting and well-rounded friends, and some of the more brilliant political leaders of the world. I realized quickly that all of them shared one thing in common—they were all schooled in the liberal arts.” In commenting on the significance of the liberal arts, University Professor of Faith and Culture and Chancellor of the University of Dayton, Reverend James L. Heft, SM, focused on the common misunderstandings of Catholic colleges and the liberal arts and clarified the distinctiveness of Catholic intellectual traditions in America. He detailed the “intimate and distinctive relationship” that exists between liberal education and our Catholic intellectual traditions, saying, “Liberal education in a Catholic college is not about deciding who you want to be but rather discovering whom we have been called to be.” She continued by making the salient point that pursuing a liberal arts education required that a student have “a greater sense of risk and adventure than pursuing an education in the sciences.” Liberal arts graduates 4 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Dr. Dorothy Brown, Professor of History Emerita of Georgetown University, centered her remarks on three Catholic institutions, including The College of New Rochelle, in the evolution of American Catholic higher education. In her presentation, Dr. Brown also recalled visiting CNR two decades ago as a member of a special Middle States Commission on Higher Education team. Charged with reviewing the innovative program of our School of New Resources, she vividly remembered our model program as embodying “the essence of a liberal arts curriculum.” Dr. West has made it his life’s work to prod and provoke the conscience of America on such fundamental questions as race, religion, ethnicity, gender and class identification. His message is one that celebrates diversity which enlarges and expands the world of human possibility and reaches a common ground respecting and embracing but never fearing or denying the infinite variety of human life. On a wintry afternoon in Holy Family Chapel, Dr. West focused his intellect and his gift for language—a gift inherited from his Baptist minister grandfather and honed during years of study at the Yale Divinity School —on an overflow crowd of several hundred faculty and students, alumnae/i, family and friends of CNR. Our final presenter at the Colloquy was Executive Director of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Jean Morse. Ms. Morse approached the questions proposed by Sr. Bridget from the vantage point of our accreditation authority, pointing out the challenges we all experience because of the “public unrest for higher education.” Ms. Morse outlined the history of higher education in America and the issues facing all colleges today. “Colleges,” she said, “not only have to define and assess liberal arts student learning and other types of learning but they also need to define and clarify their institutional goals and get those across to the public.” Seamlessly weaving the wisdom of Socrates through the lives of such present day heroes and heroines as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, Dr. West explained how Mother Irene Gill and the Ursulines were all part of the same tradition, and that by opening the doors to higher education to long-excluded populations, they made moral and prophetic choices that made a difference in the world. “A century ago, they had the audacity to say that the Christian gospel has something to do with forms of unjustified suffering, unnecessary social misery, unmerited pain and unwarranted grief.” AT O U R H E A R T : D I V E R S I T Y In February, we returned for the second semester of our academic year to hear the words of one of America’s most important public intellectuals, Cornel West, Class of 1943 University Professor of Religion at Princeton University. Dr. West is an old friend of The College of New Rochelle. We were gifted with his presence at my presidential inauguration in 1997 when he reminded us all, “Education is not a shield just to get a job. It’s a quest for wisdom and a passion of the mind to know and to explore. Education is not just a process for becoming sophisticated. It is the cultivation of virtue, especially courage. Both religion and education are the shaping and holding of hearts, minds and souls.” It was deeply moving for us that this man of wisdom returned to the College to address another of the basic elements that constitute the bedrock of CNR, and that is our commitment to diversity. Gathered for the opening convocation are New Rochelle Mayor Timothy Idoni, New York State Lieutenant Governor Mary O’Connor Donohue ’68, CNR President Stephen Sweeny, honorary degree recipients Avery Cardinal Dulles, Mary Lyons and Antonio Coello Novello, and CNR Board Chair Jean Baptiste Nicholson, OSU ’60. 5 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PRESIDENT’S LETTER As enlightened Christians, West declared, “we cannot overlook poor people, gay brothers, lesbian sisters and the physically challenged.” In this electrifying presentation that was both passionate and perceptive, Dr. West ranged widely in his images and metaphors but continually returned to the touchstone of CNR, praising the College for our “very special” mission of providing educational advancement to generations of women and men forgotten by society but given the opportunity to advance because of the Ursulines and CNR’s profound commitment to its original goals. University Law Center, is the distinguished president of an historic Catholic college, Trinity College, founded in 1897 by the Sisters of Notre Dame. I N C E L E B R AT I O N O F WO M E N ’ S CO L L EG ES In this convocation address, President McGuire went on to ask us all to “imagine” a world where women were denied the opportunity to learn, where there were no female role models to “inspire the rising generations,” a world that would be, as she so aptly phrased it, “quite simply, unimaginable.” President McGuire reminded us that our celebration was a “triumph of vision, persistence and creativity” and that long before women’s liberation, before women could vote, before women could hold property or most positions of authority, Mother Irene Gill and her Ursuline Sisters of The College of New Rochelle were “powerful leaders in both the spiritual and temporal realms.” It was fitting, then, that as College we would turn next to what the Ursulines have accomplished in their special commitment to the education of women. In March, we invited to our Main Campus Patricia A. McGuire, President of Trinity College in Washington, D.C., who addressed the topic of the future of women’s colleges in America. What happened instead, said President McGuire, was that women’s colleges were so successful in changing the perceptions of the elite ruling classes about women’s capacity for education and work and leadership that they were nearly put out of business as male-only colleges like Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame and Georgetown finally threw open their iron gates and welcomed onto their campuses women undergraduates. Patricia McGuire, who attended Trinity College as an undergraduate and earned her law degree from Georgetown This, however, was not the death knell for women’s colleges. As I have pointed out previously about our 100th year anniversary: this is not a museum, but rather, as President McGuire said in her address, one of the first women’s colleges to recognize that our historic mission could only make sense “as a gateway for the transformation of entire families through the education of people from all social classes and life conditions.” The future for “women’s colleges” lies along the path that CNR has already cut through a forest of doubts and resistance within the higher education community. And as President McGuire summed up, CNR took a page from the instructions of St. Angela Merici written in Renaissance Italy when she founded her Company of Women: “If with change of times and circumstances, it becomes necessary to make fresh rules, or to alter anything, then do it with prudence, after taking good advice.” PepsiCo CFO Indra Nooyi (right) converses with Dr. Graziella Saccon during the reception in the Castle Parlors following the convocation. 6 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Daniel Cheever Jr., President of Simmons College, our final panelist, agreed that we had to connect the education of women with the working world, saying “the investment needed to be measured by more than statements of good intention… We need to prove that our graduates get good jobs at good salaries, that they have successful careers and rise over time to leadership roles in their professions, that they become contributing, respected members of their communities, and that they believe they have received tangible benefits as a result of having invested in a women’s college.” Dr. Cornel West poses with students following the convocation. Throughout these 100 years all of us associated with the College, past and present, have done just that—we have “made fresh rules” while holding true to the basic elements that make CNR so unique and so significant within the world of higher education. Success for The College of New Rochelle has always been measured in the successful lives and careers of our graduates. One example of how a CNR education empowers women was given by the moderator of our March colloquy, Barbara Wismer McManus. Dr. McManus first came to the College in 1960, and, as she told the audience, she was so timid she rarely spoke up in class. By the time she graduated in 1964, encouraged by a curriculum and faculty “engineered for a woman’s success,” she had developed a tremendous sense of competence and confidence. This sense of competence and confidence gave Barbara the determination and solid classic foundation to go on to earn her Ph.D. at Harvard University. In continuing our focus on the education of women we invited to campus three distinguished presidents of women’s colleges for an afternoon colloquy on the value of woman-centered education. Our panel of outstanding leaders included Mary Pat Seurkamp, President of the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of Wells College, and Daniel Cheever Jr., President of Simmons College. Focusing on the role of Catholic colleges, Mary Pat Seurkamp outlined what she viewed as the four essential elements of Catholic women’s colleges: access, academic quality, serving the underserved populations and the role of faith and service. She then went on to credit the women religious who founded many of the Catholic women’s colleges saying, “Their commitment to the education of women at a time when this held little value represented a tremendous act of courage, vision and risk taking.” For over 30 years, Dr. McManus taught classics at The College of New Rochelle while publishing several books and “rising over time to leadership roles” in a variety of professional classical associations, proving by her life and career that a woman-centered education, is wisdom for life. Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of Wells College, brought the value of women’s colleges up-to-date by pointing out that “women’s colleges have always taken the lead in what I call experimental learning, connecting classroom learning with the world of work… At a women’s college, you know that you’re attending a place that by total design has been engineered for a woman’s success.” E D U C AT I O N F O R S E R V I C E We turned next to another integral element of our College, the question of what it means to be an Ursuline college, recalling the Ursuline motto, Serviam, and the goal of being of service to others. 7 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PRESIDENT’S LETTER dren on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota the real meaning of service through engagement. When asked shortly after she arrived in South Dakota, far from her family and friends and the Sisters of Charity Convent in Cincinnati, Ohio, how she was doing, Sister Tricia replied that there wasn’t much to do in South Dakota, and the single mother replied, “Well, if you would take the time to drive over the cattle gate, you might find something to do.” As Sister Tricia told us, “I didn’t even know what a cattle gate was, never mind feeling courageous enough to visit families on the Reservation. I thought I had all the answers in my head from CNR President Stephen Sweeny presents Patricia McGuire with the College’s Centennial reading books, looking at pictures and listening Medal. to stories, that life was hard… I am not sure that To speak on service to others, we were honored with I really wanted to see the reality of where our the presence of Patricia A. Cruise, SC, President of school children lived or how they lived nor what the 16 Covenant House. Covenant House is the largest privatelyLakota women that I worked with every day went home funded child care agency in the United States, caring to every evening. I think out of sheer loneliness I began yearly for over 76,000 homeless and abused young to venture out.” people at 21 sites in the United States, Canada and Latin America, overseeing a staff of several hundred and a And from her loneliness, Sister Tricia found hope. “I saw development program that raises over 120 million families that in hard times pulled together with whatever dollars a year. they had, which was little, and they were there for each other. I saw hope, and that is what I realized I needed to For Sister Tricia, as she prefers to be called, hers has been see in all people and continue to ask the question, how a lifetime of service as a woman of faith and commitment, can I work to keep hope alive with all those I would serve.” a distinguished leader, educator and advocate for the poor and needy, especially the homeless and runaway Sister Tricia’s message to all of us in Holy Family Chapel youths. Before coming to New York and Covenant last April was to “drive over a cattle gate,” to use that House, Patricia Cruise worked for nearly a decade at the metaphor as our way to become engaged in the lives of Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, others, to “take the knowledge and experience that The where she oversaw two elementary schools, one high College of New Rochelle affords you and use it to bring school, sixteen parishes and the Heritage Center hope into the lives of those who need us.” Museum, a museum dedicated to honoring the traditions and cultural heritage of the Lakota people. Here her To promote such service, in our Centennial year, we set responsibilities focused on institutional strategic planning, aside a day where more than 130 faculty, staff and students fundraising and forging deeper bonds with the Lakota, from CNR performed community service at 17 organiwho are among the poorest people in the United States. zations throughout New Rochelle and New York City. The volunteers represented 38 departments at the She told us at our convocation on Education for Service College, all six campuses, and students from the School how she was taught by a single mother with seven chilof Arts & Sciences, School of Nursing, School of New 8 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Resources and Graduate School. Some of the ways in which CNR faculty, staff and students served the community were by building affordable housing; tutoring ESL students; collecting and distributing toys and books to needy children; entertaining nursing/retirement home residents; preparing sandwiches, soup and coffee for distribution to the homeless; and doing gardening and spring cleanup chores. “A Catholic college is a place where the Catholic heritage shapes the institution’s culture and philosophy of governance. It is an academic institution where people see the Catholic tradition as good, where they cherish and nurture it, where they take it seriously as an intelligent and morally responsible option for contemporary people. In fact, it is a place of higher learning where the Catholic heritage is publicly acknowledged, discussed, studied, taught and learned. This requires more than courses in Religious Studies, valuable as they are to show the intellectual seriousness of faith, both Catholic and the heritage of the world’s other great religious traditions. And this requires more than the liturgies, retreats and peace and justice outreach provided by campus ministry, irreplaceable as these are for personal spiritual growth. The distinct groups that make up a College are the board of trustees, administrators, staff, faculty, students, alumnae and benefactors. All are responsible. F O R T H E S ECO N D C E N T U RY, W H Y C AT H O L I C ? In June, at our annual Alumnae College, we were honored with the presence of Dr. Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ, Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University and America’s preeminent feminist theologian, who came to the New Rochelle campus to speak on the vitally important topic, “For the Second Century, Why Catholic?” Elizabeth Johnson is the former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, has served on the editorial boards of several theological journals, and as a theologian serves on the national Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue, as well as being a consultant to the Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Women in Church and Society. Most significantly, she was a core member of the committee of the Common Ground Initiative started by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin and a leader of the local Common Ground Initiative dialogue hosted by The College of New Rochelle and later was editor of the subsequent book The Church Women Want. “A Catholic college is a place where leaders among trustees and administrators are personally committed to the Catholic tradition, recognize in particular their responsibility to the educational mission of the founding religious order and feel a moral obligation to carry on this work. The College of New Rochelle’s endorsement of the guiding principles of the Ursuline heritage is an At this, our final academic convocation of our Centennial year, Dr. Johnson titled her talk, “Making a Way for the Catholic College” and concisely placed the Church and Catholic colleges at the threshold of the new century, as we digest and understand the recent seismic shifts in our Church and our colleges and chart a further course, as Dr. Johnson informed us, where the leadership of the Church is passing from clergy to laity. “The age of the laity has indeed begun.” Dr. Johnson affirmed. And which way goes our Catholic colleges? In clear and concise language, Dr. Johnson focused on the questions of what now, in the twentieth-first century, is a Catholic college: Sr. Patricia Cruise, SC, receives an honorary degree from the College during the convocation. 9 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E PRESIDENT’S LETTER excellent example. In terms of faculty, a Catholic college is a place where there is a critical mass of professors who have reflexive familiarity with the intellectual habits of the Catholic tradition, in order to provide a matrix for debates and teaching. But because there is much to be learned from sources outside the tradition, it is also a place that welcomes faculty of other faiths, and even of no faiths. They raise questions and find solutions differently, and the synergy enriches the whole college community, provided the conversation takes place with mutual respect. In terms of students, a Catholic college is a place that offers young and not so young students of the greatest diversity the opportunity to grow intellectually, morally and socially in the context of a community whose fundamental values are those of Catholic Christianity. Its course of study encourages them to appreciate the life of the mind, gain competency in knowledge and skills, form convictions, seek truth and meaning for their own lives, develop ethical values, grow in sense of service and find friends for the journey ... all of which implicitly expresses the power of the Gospel to transform society.” Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, spoke on the role of the Catholic college at the start of the twenty-first century. And bold we continue to be, adapting the words and message of St. Angela Merici: “If with change of times and circumstances, it becomes necessary to make fresh rules, or to alter anything, then do it with prudence, after taking good advice.” All of this, Dr. Johnson cautioned, will not be easy nor can success be taken for granted. However, it is clear that what emerges for the Church and for Catholic higher education is in the hands of the laity. But Dr. Johnson has great faith in us. Of our work here at CNR, she said, “For 100 years, The College of New Rochelle has been a purposeful community, rooted in the core values of the Catholic tradition filtered through the Ursuline heritage, and strikingly devoted to education and the promotion of human good.” We have together experienced a historic year, sharing in celebration, spiritual renewal and serious contemplation of our responsibilities and duties as stewards of this venerable College. How blessed we are to have such a calling. As the stewards of this heritage, Dr. Johnson reminded us that we need to envision “new possibilities.” May God, who in 1535, in 1904, and now in 2004, continue this good work in us, and bring it to its fullness! As I said at my inauguration on October 18, 1997, and as I say every fall at the beginning of the new year: this is hallowed territory and ours is a sacred calling. I believe this profoundly and that is why I treasure the opportunity to be the president of this university community. What a wonderful opportunity! What a wonderful gift to be given! We are not, as I said earlier, caretakers of a museum. We are in every sense of the word the laity that Dr. Johnson seeks to carry forward the Gospel, the Church, as well as the College for “the benefit of the next generation.” And Dr. Johnson concluded by advising us, “You aren’t yet able to see it, but you are constructing it out of your own lives. Be bold!” Stephen J. Sweeny, Ph.D. President, The College of New Rochelle 10 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E RECIPIENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE CENTENNIAL MEDAL Struck to commemorate the College’s 100th anniversary, the medal is intended to symbolize a special association between the recipient and the College. Patricia Keegan Abels ’73 His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan Patricia A. McGuire Mauro C. Romita Warren M. Anderson John D. Feerick Rev. Bernard McMahon Kathleen Ross, SNJM Colette Avital Mary Flannery Barbara Wismer McManus ’64 Lisa Marsh Ryerson Jorge Batista William Flynn Gertrude G. Michelson Most Rev. Michel Sabbah Margaret Beaudette, SC John Hope Franklin Rev. Smangaliso Mkhatshwa Lee Saunders, Sr. Barbara A. Black Ellen V. Futter Jean Morse Mary Pat Seurkamp Barbara B. Blum Victor Gotbaum Sidney P. Mudd Donna E. Shalala Corinne Claiborne Boggs Angela Grassi, OSU Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, OSU ’60 Rev. Vernon A. Shannon Sig.na Valentina Borboni Denyce Graves Indra K. Nooyi Muriel Siebert Yvelise Bosch Earl G. Graves Antonia C. Novello Lowery Stokes Sims Ruby Bridges-Hall Rosario Green Elizabeth O’Brien, OSU ’34 Mart Susi Dorothy Brown Joseph Hankin Rev. Joseph O’Hare, SJ Thomas Taaffe Roscoe C. Brown Virginia Hanrahan, OP Dianna Ortiz, OSU Robin Toner Beverlee Bruce Carol Harris Richard L. Ottinger Cristina Toosie Brigitte Brunet, OSU Kitty Carlisle Hart Gordon Parks Alair Townsend Roberta Cade Reverend James L. Heft, SM Rosa Parks Most Rev. Desmond M. Tutu, Patricia Cahill Rev. J. Bryan Hehir Roberta Peters Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC Sig.na Maria Teresa Pezzotti Lillian Vernon Mary Schmidt Campbell Charlayne Hunter-Gault Most Rev. Joseph Pittau, SJ Thomas Von Essen Hugh L. Carey Timothy C. Idoni Yvonne Powell George W. Webber Frances Sternhagen Carlin Laura James Bridget Puzon, OSU ’57 Cornel West Lauro F. Cavazos Carol Jenkins Ogden R. Reid Elie Wiesel Daniel S. Cheever, Jr. Thomas W. Jones Gail B. Rice Betty Williams Jewell P. Cobb Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ Loretta Theresa Richards, FHM Rabbi Emeritus Amiel Wohl Saul B. Cohen Nancy Quirk Keefe ’56 Lillian Roberts Johnnetta B. Cole Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU ’51 Robert Coles Bernard B. Kerik Dorothy Cotton C. Samuel Kissinger Patricia A. Cruise, SC Eugene M. Lang Joseph Cunneen Sarah Niles Leonard ’51 Sally Cunneen Anne Leroy, OSU Anne Curry, OSU ’48 John Lewis Jacques D’Amboise Mother Colette Lignon, OSU Brother Tyrone Davis, CFC Mary Linehan, SC Ruby Dee Ruth W. Lubic Mary O’Connor Donohue ’68 Mary E. Lyons Eugenie F. Doyle Mairead C. Maguire Brigid Driscoll, RSHM Rosario G. Manalo Brother John Driscoll, CFC Audrey Forbes Manley Kevin T. Duffy Walter McCarthy Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ Sr. Mary Rose McGeady M. Patricia Durrant John McGillicuddy Marian Wright Edelman Eugene R. McGrath 11 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E OMSG,DD,FKC JULY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 / T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW Four new members are named to the Board of Trustees – Sr. Jeanne Brennan, OSU ’45, John Killian, Elizabeth LeVaca, and Rev. Leo O’Donovan, SJ. Each will serve a three-year term. Sixty high school students from Ursuline schools across the country spend a week living at CNR while participating in the Ursuline Order’s global initiative, Ursuline Schools Unite for Service: Our Call is Peace, Our Path is Justice. Heading out each day from their “home base” at the College to service sites throughout Westchester and New York City, they deliver food and clothing to the homeless, pack computer supplies for shipment to Nicaragua, do yard work, clean, and paint at several churches and community centers. Romita Auditorium comes alive with the laughter of local children and their parents, as CNR Drama presents a special summer production of the musical comedy, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, based on the legendary Peanuts comic strip. AUGUST 12 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E SEPTEMBER T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW The College announces the Centennial Service Project, a college-wide initiative to bring much needed assistance to the impoverished immigrant populations living along the border in Matamoros, Mexico and Brownsville, Texas. During the course of the year, members of the College Community collect books, toys, and health supplies for donation to the Ursuline Missions, and fervent efforts result in generous contributions from two major organizations – a water filtration prototype from the Davnor Corporation and sewing machines from the Singer Sewing Company. Over 1,100 visit the Castle Gallery to view “Ursuline Artists: Expressing the Creative Vision,” an exhibit celebrating the unique voices and visions of 30 Ursuline artists, including Sr. Mary Frances Judge, seen here discussing her mixed media work “Europa” with Jennifer Zazo, acting director of the Gallery. Truly reflecting the College’s spiritual foundation, the Centennial year opens with a liturgy in Holy Family Chapel celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Pittau, SJ, Secretary of the Congregation of Catholic Education. The following day, a formal academic convocation is held, during which several special guests are awarded honorary degrees from the College, including Avery Cardinal Dulles pictured here with Sr. Jeanne Brennan, OSU ’45 (right). Recognizing their abiding commitment to the College and their generous contributions — which represented 75 percent of the gifts and totaled $1.1 million during the 2003 fiscal year, President’s Circle donors are honored at a dinner at Glen Island Harbour Club, overlooking Long Island Sound. Among the guests are (above): Jane Cooney Dowling ‘56 and her husband Vincent and Claire Waterbury Philips ‘54 and (right): Sr. Regina Kehoe, OSU’56, Mary McEntegart Welch ’49, and Katy McEntegart ’56. 13 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 / T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW OCTOBER The highly successful Golf & Tennis Outing draws more than 100 alumnae and corporate friends to support the College for a beautiful day at Wykagyl Country Club in New Rochelle. Continuing its partnership with the New Rochelle School District and American Lung Association, the School of Nursing again participates in the Open Airways for Schools Program. During the fall, several nursing students use group discussion, stories, games, and role playing to teach children to manage their chronic asthma. Over 30 members of the College Community—students, faculty and staff—spend the night sleeping in “homeless” boxes on Maura Lawn in an effort to draw attention to the issues surrounding homelessness and to experience themselves what many homeless experience every night as part of the “Sleep Out,” a night of “consciousness-raising and advocacy,” sponsored by the Office of Campus Ministry and the CNR chapter of Pax Christi. As a tribute to the Ursuline foundress Saint Angela Merici, a seven-foot high bronze statue is dedicated on campus on Founder’s Day. An exciting exhibit of multimedia work by Gilberto Wilson, which integrates media, collage, paintings, textiles, and family photographs, opens at the Gordon Parks Gallery at the School of New Resources’ John Cardinal O’Connor Campus. 14 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW NOVEMBER DECEMBER As a testament to its quality degree programs, the School of Nursing attains the maximum 10-year accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, an autonomous arm of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Just in time for the holidays, “Return of the Creche: Nativity Scenes from Around the World” opens at the Castle Gallery. Featuring more than 100 creches donated to the College by Eileen Maxwell Canty ’55 and her husband Jim to form the beginning of the College’s Kate Canty Creche Collection, the exhibit includes creches collected by the Cantys during their world travels over the past two decades. CNR President Stephen Sweeny is honored by the New Rochelle Police Foundation for his leadership in the community and by the New York Women’s Agenda for his long advocacy of the importance of the role of women in leadership positions. Created to offer aspiring young female artists the opportunity to showcase their work, this year’s High School Women Artists Exhibition draws 102 entries from high school juniors and seniors in 27 schools in Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and New York. Part of the Centennial celebration, an academic convocation and colloquy focusing on the “Primacy of the Liberal Arts” are held. During the convocation, Pepsi President and CFO Indra K. Nooyi (pictured here left with Brenna Mayer, Vice President for College Advancement, center, and SNR Dean Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd, right) shares her reflections on the place of the liberal arts in today’s world of global commerce, and the following day at the colloquy, a panel of distinguished educators converse on the future direction of the liberal arts. Holy Family Chapel is the setting for a fully-costumed performance of the one-act opera Amahl and the Night Visitors, which features a 17-piece orchestra and solos by members and friends of the College Community. 15 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E JANUARY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 / T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW Members of the College Community once again gather to mark the Feast of the Epiphany with a mass celebrated by Father Joe Flynn, OFM Cap., CNR Chaplain, in Holy Family Chapel. Prominent intellectual Dr. Cornel West of Princeton University electrifies the overflowing crowd in Holy Family Chapel with an address that combines theology, scholarship, and activism during “At Our Heart: Diversity,” the third in a series of academic convocations held as part of the Centennial celebration. FEBRUARY Representing a key component in the strategic initiative to enhance technological resources and services at the College, plans are announced to provide all incoming freshmen in the School of Arts & Sciences and School of Nursing with laptop computers, beginning in September 2004. “CNR: Love One Another,” a visible symbol of the College’s long-standing imperative to build community out of diversity, is unveiled in Gill Library Alumnae/i Room. The painting, by Laura James, features 400 diverse men and women in a brightly colored and beautifully intricate pattern. 16 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW In recognition of her great leadership and vision to found the first Catholic college for women in New York State at a time when women didn’t yet have the right to vote, Mother Irene Gill is inducted into the Westchester Women’s Hall of Fame. Focusing on another of the core elements essential to the College today – an unwavering commitment to women – Trinity College President Patricia McGuire is the featured speaker at a Centennial convocation celebrating women’s colleges. During the convocation, President McGuire advocates strongly for the value of a woman-centered education, a message that is echoed the next day during a colloquy that brings a panel of outstanding leaders of women’s colleges to campus. MARCH Activist, teacher, lecturer, and artist Sonia Sanchez holds her audience at the Co-op City Campus spellbound for more than two hours as she speaks of both issues important to the African American experience and those that cross the color line during an event sponsored by the School of New Resources to mark the Centennial. “Building Resilience Through the Life Cycle” is the focus of a conference sponsored by the Graduate School, which features addresses by GS faculty Drs. Claire Lavin and Sue Baum and workshops offered by faculty and staff from across the College. Citing his demonstrated leadership and vision that has well positioned the College for growth and expansion in the twenty-first century, the Board of Trustees votes unanimously to renew Dr. Stephen J. Sweeny’s contract as President through 2009. For this year’s Community Service Plunge, 20 students from the Schools of Arts & Sciences and Nursing travel to Matamoros, Mexico and Brownsville, Texas, the focus of the College’s Centennial Service Project, to witness first-hand the struggles of the poor and of the sisters of the Ursuline Missions who have for years served those communities. While there, the students bring smiles to the faces of many, helping to educate residents on pertinent health care issues, interacting with local school children, and working to improve existing housing. 17 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 / T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW APRIL In a heart-wrenching address, SAS alumna and Deputy Executive Director of Joint UN Programs HIV/AIDS Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson (pictured here with a student) outlines the extent of the crisis for the members of the College Community during the Human Rights Symposium, hosted by the School of Arts & Sciences, to spotlight the impact of HIV/AIDS on children worldwide. Nearly 500 alumnae/i, friends, faculty, and staff of the College gather at Cipriani 42nd Street for the Centennial Trustee Gala, co-chaired by Anne Sweeney SAS'79 (left) and Valerie Salembier SNR'73 (right). Alumna and award-winning actress Mercedes Ruehl (second from right) serves as mistress of ceremonies as the College honors Sandra Priest Rose GS'77 of the Reading Reform Foundation of New York (third from right) and Indra Nooyi, President and CFO, PepsiCo (second from left) at the elegant black-tie affair, which raises more than $600,000 to benefit the College's educational programs. Exploring the topic of “End of Life Expressions,” during the course of the often emotionally wrenching program sponsored by the School of Nursing to mark the Centennial, faculty, staff, and students from across the College use art, music, poetry, and personal narrative to illustrate more than merely the pain and sadness associated with the end of life but also to celebrate the concept of caring. During the first annual “Begin with Books” Student-Athlete Luncheon, awards are given to 38 outstanding students athletes enrolled in the Schools of Arts & Sciences and Nursing for maintaining 3.0 academic average while participating in college athletics. The same day, CNR’s Blue Angels conduct a book drive for new pre-school and primary school books, which are then donated to the Adult Learning Center of New Rochelle, an Ursuline Social Outreach Program which conducts ESL classes. Helping to construct affordable housing in Harlem, playing bingo with senior citizens, tutoring Spanish-speaking adults and children learning English, making sandwiches and soup for the homeless, and delivering toys and clothes they had collected to needy children are just a few of the activities that nearly 150 faculty, staff, and students from across the College Community participate in as part of Centennial Community Service Day. 18 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Reflecting the College’s long recognition of the importance of serving others, the fifth in a series of Centennial convocations focuses on Education for Service. During the convocation, an acknowledged and respected practitioner of service, Sr. Patricia Cruise, SC, President and CEO of Covenant House, urges members of the College Community to seek ways to bring hope to all people. T H E Y E A R I N R EV I EW MAY Michael N. Ambler is named Chair and Dr. Joan Freilich is named Vice Chair of the College’s Board of Trustees, while Dolores A. Battalia SNR ’75, Lillian Brennan Carney ’69, Joseph Farina, and Sr. Regina Kehoe, OSU ’56, are appointed as trustees. The College graduates the largest class in its history – more than 1,600 – during Centennial Commencement held at Radio City Music Hall. During the ceremony, honorary degrees are awarded to Sr. Jean Baptiste-Nicholson, OSU ’60, immediate past chair of the College’s Board of Trustees and Principal of The Ursuline School in New Rochelle, Earl G. Graves, Founder and Publisher of Black Enterprise magazine, and Sr. Dianna Ortiz, OSU, Founder and Director of the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International. The Castle Gallery spotlights the outstanding work of ten local artists during the fourth annual Westchester Biennial. Rain fails to dampen the jubilant atmosphere at the College during the annual Strawberry Festival, where members of both the College Community and the local community enjoy good food, entertainment by the Blue Angel Cheerleaders, and a reenactment of the traditional Daisy Chain. Following in the footsteps of St. Angela Merici, a group of administrators, trustees, and Ursulines travel to Italy to spend five days touring sites in Desenzano and Brescia central to St. Angela’s life, including the farmhouse where she grew up and the church where she founded the Order of St. Ursula in 1535. JUNE Alumnae/i from classes ending in 4s and 9s return to CNR to renew old friendships while participating in a host of activities ranging from an academic convocation, to a trivia competition, to an awards ceremony, to a fun run/walk to a host of opportunities to gather for good food and conversation. Among those in attendance are members of the Class of 1979 Christine Nguyen Tang-Tran, Ruth Doherty Mohr, Veronica Frazier, Maria White, Susan Sniegon Frazier, and Gerri Noble Martocci. During the final Centennial convocation, Sr. Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ, Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University and one of the most preeminent female theologians in the country addresses what it means to be a Catholic college in the twenty-first century before an audience of faculty, staff, students and alumnae/i. CNR President Stephen Sweeny officially dedicates the Con Edison Access Center at the School of New Resources Rosa Parks Campus in Harlem in recognition of a $100,000 grant from Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. The funds will be used to enhance technology infrastructure, purchase new equipment and software, and provide ongoing maintenance and training for faculty and staff in the Access Center, which supports 600 enrolled and 200 prospective students. 19 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E FINANCIAL STATEMENT Th e f i n a n c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n b e l o w s u m m a r i z e s t h e c h a n g e s i n n e t a s s e t s a s o f a n d f o r t h e y e a r e n d e d J u n e 30 , 20 0 4 w i t h c o m p a r a t i v e a m o u n t s f o r f i s c a l 20 0 3 . S U M M A RY STAT E M E N T O F C H A N G ES I N N ET ASS ETS (in thousands) Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support: Expenses: 2004 2003 $41,334 $39,665 Contributions 2,939 2,619 Grants and Contracts 2,096 2,310 Investment Return 2,961 297 Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 3,633 3,606 Total Unrestricted Revenues and Gains $52,963 $48,497 Tuition and Fees, net of scholarships Net Assets Released from Restriction Total Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support 1,176 $54,139 2004 2003 $15,690 $14,937 Academic Support 15,013 14,130 Student Services 4,285 4,166 Institutional Support 13,575 11,213 Auxiliary Enterprises 4,689 3,982 $53,252 $48,428 Increase (Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets 887 864 Increase (Decrease) in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 139 26 Increase in Permanently Restricted Net Assets 978 152 $2,004 $1,042 Instruction Total Expenses 796 $49,293 Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets A N A LYS I S O F N ET ASS ETS 20 0 0 - 20 0 4 (in thousands) 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 $15,148 11,247 $15,124 10,383 $14,378 10,264 $12,267 12,687 $11,586 13,936 $26,395 $25,507 $24,642 $24,954 $25,522 Temporarily Restricted 1,002 863 837 2,022 975 Permanently Restricted 3,488 2,511 2,359 2,095 1,855 $30,885 $28,881 $27,838 $29,071 $28,352 Unrestricted: Operations Capital Total Unrestricted Total Net Assets 20 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2004 Unrestricted Revenues Tuition and Fees, net of scholarships Contributions 5% Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 7% Grants and Contracts 4% Net Assets Released from Restrictions 2% Investment Return 6% 2004 Expenses Instruction 30% Academic Support 28% Institutional Support 25% Auxiliary Enterprises 9% Student Services 8% 21 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF 76% N EW RO C H E L L E L E T T E R F RO M B OA R D O F T RU S T E E S D EV E LO P M E N T CO M M I T T E E D E A R G R A D UAT ES A N D F R I E N D S , On behalf of the Development Committee of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to report that The College of New Rochelle had an especially successful Centennial fund-raising year. Thank you for helping the College to celebrate its 100th birthday in this important way. Through the generosity of more than 4,900 graduates, faculty, staff, and friends of the College, a record high $4.8 million was contributed to CNR’s Annual Fund, and $6.5 million was donated to all funds. Vital to these successes were: 493 President’s Circle donors, a record result; a successful Centennial Trustee Gala that raised over $600,000; a record response to our planned giving initiatives; and more donors at all gift levels from all four Schools. To our 342 graduates who gave to the Annual Fund for the first time, a special thank you for joining us as partners in ensuring CNR’s future. The College of New Rochelle moves confidently forward into its next century of service to students, and relies on your continued participation in order to fulfill its mission of transformative education. Sincerely, Christine LaSala SAS’72 Chair, Development Committee Board of Trustees 23 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 2004 ANNUAL GIVING A N N UA L G I V I N G G R OW T H I N D O L L A R S 20 0 0 - 20 0 4 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 $1,934,000 $825,000 $626,000 $1,128,000 $4,513,000 $1,275,000 $251,000 $240,000 $514,000 $2,280,000 $1,630,000 $293,000 $70,000 $822,000 $2,815,000 $1,884,000 $318,000 $134,000 $858,000 $3,194,000 $1,453,000 $237,000 $50,000 $868,000 $2,608,000 Dollars Donors $1,730,000 $25,000 $387,000 $2,142,000 4,254 27 278 4,559 Golf and Gala Corporations and Foundations Bequests Government TOTAL OTHER GIFTS $684,000 $559,000 $1,128,000 $314,000 $2,685,000 354 21 20 6 395 TOTAL ANNUAL GIVING $4,827,000 4,954 D O L L A R S A N D D O N O R S G I F TS F R O M I N D I V I D UA LS Gift Dollars Donors $3,641,000 $120,000 $96,000 $171,000 $65,000 $4,093,000 493 223 340 1,454 2,105 4,615 Alumnae/i Parents & Friends Corporations & Foundations Bequests TOTAL DOLLARS 20 0 4 A N N UA L G I V I N G S U M M A RY G I F TS F R O M I N D I V I D UA LS Alumnae/i Parents Friends TOTAL FROM INDIVIDUALS OT H E R G I F TS ALL FUNDS President’s Circle Founder’s Society Chidwick Associates Century Club Contributors TOTAL $1000+ $500+ $250+ $100+ $1-99 D O L L A R S A N D D O N O R S BY SC H O O L 2004 School of Arts & Sciences Graduate School School of New Resources School of Nursing 2003 Dollars Donors Dollars Donors $2,890,000 $85,000 $572,000 $20,000 3,074 421 550 232 $1,595,000 $36,000 $40,000 $13,000 2,859 377 444 119 24 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E T H E CO L L E G E O F N EW RO C H E L L E / 2 0 0 4 A N N UA L R E P O RT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 26 I. WAYS OF GIVING 27 II. EXTRAORDINARY GIVING 28 III. ANNUAL FUND GIFT CLUBS The President’s Circle The President’s Circle Associates The Founder’s Society The Chidwick Associates The Century Club 43 IV. ALUMNAE/I ANNUAL FUND GIFTS School of Arts & Sciences School of Arts & Sciences/School of Nursing Graduate School School of New Resources 71 V. ANNUAL FUND GIFTS Parents Friends Faculty and Staff Corporations, Foundations and Organization Gifts Matching Gift Companies Other Gifts 81 VI. PLANNED GIVING The Heritage Society 83 VII. TRUSTEES, ADMINISTRATION, VOLUNTARY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 84 VIII. CLASS OFFICERS 1 WAYS OF GIVING Private support from graduates and friends has allowed The College of New Rochelle to build upon its commitment as an educational corporation, providing academic and scholarship programs to a diverse student body. The generosity of those who give to the College each year makes a crucial difference in CNR's ability to fulfill its mission. R e a l E s t a te T Y P ES O F G I F TS In some cases, property can be given outright to support CNR, and you receive a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the property. Gifts of real estate can also be used to fund a life income gift. A n n u a l Fu n d U n r e s t r i c te d Your unrestricted gift, given directly to the Annual Fund, is directed by the College’s Trustees to those areas where the need is most pressing (scholarships and student financial aid, faculty salaries, facilities and programs at all campuses). L I F E I N CO M E G I F TS A n n u a l Fu n d R e s t r i c te d Life income arrangements vary, but most options offer the following financial benefits: You can make a donation to a particular department or program at the College which supports your personal interest. C o r p o r a te M a t c h i n g G i f t s Many corporations and organizations match employee contributions to CNR, doubling or even tripling the gift. The College benefits significantly from this source of revenue. Contact your department of Human Resources or check our matching gift link at www.cnr.edu gift giving. ■ income for life to you and a second beneficiary; ■ charitable income tax deduction; ■ higher rate of return than many current investments; ■ reduction or avoidance of capital gains taxes; and ■ savings on estate and gift taxes; and professional investment management. Some life income methods of giving are: Endowed Gifts A minimum contribution of $100,000 made through either an outright gift or by bequest may be used to establish an endowed named fund. The principal is preserved and the income supports the activities of the fund. Charitable Gift Annuities Capital Donations C h a r i t a b l e R e m a i n d e r Tr u s t s Charitable gift annuities provide you with a fixed rate of income return. Rates are highest for older donors. Gift annuities at CNR begin at $10,000 and 65 years of age. Capital gifts for building renovation or construction continue to provide students and faculty with efficient facilities to support their educational goals. Charitable remainder trusts are personalized management plans that pay income for life to you and a second beneficiary. Bequests Naming Opportunities A gift made through a will may be the best way for you to make a substantial contribution to the College. You can leave a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. Through a bequest, you can make a gift without depleting current assets, and possibly eliminate or reduce federal estate taxes. The College encourages you to consider recognition through a commemorative gift. Naming opportunities for new construction or for existing facilities are available and negotiable. ASS ETS TO G I V E Cash/Credit Card F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A gift of cash is the simplest and most immediate way to give to The College of New Rochelle. Cash gifts may be pledged over the course of one or more years. Monthly or quarterly pledge payments may enable you to make a larger gift to CNR. For additional information about making a gift to The College of New Rochelle, please call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 or Dr. Carole Weaver, Director of Gift Planning, at 914-654-5914. You can also visit our website and make a gift online at www.cnr.edu. A p p r e c i a te d S e c u r i t i e s Giving appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds that you have owned longer than one year can allow you to bypass capital gains tax that would be due on a sale of the assets. This can reduce the after-tax cost of your gift by as much as 40%. Of course, your tax rate determines how much you save – the higher your rate, the more you save from each dollar donated. Please contact the Director of Annual Giving at 914-654-5917 for securities transfer instructions. The purpose of this information is to provide accurate information of a general nature only. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of an attorney or other professional advisor should be obtained. Watch for tax revisions. State laws govern wills, trusts, and charitable gifts made in a contractual agreement. Advice from legal counsel should be sought when considering these types of gifts. 26 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 11 EXTRAORDINARY GIVING We proudly list those individuals, corporations and foundations who have made cumulative gifts of $100,000 or more to The College of New Rochelle. It is with gratitude that we acknowledge this distinguished group of graduates and friends. This public expression of admiration is a small token of our deepest appreciation for the exceptional gifts they have shared with the College throughout the years. The Aaron Diamond Foundation Anne Ahern SAS ’38* Altman Foundation Marsha & Michael Ambler Marion* and George J.* Ames AT&T Foundation Kathleen & Edward Baran (Kathleen Foley SAS ’60) Jean & James Barrow (Jean Shanaphy SAS ’68) Mary* & Ralph* Bell (Mary Fischer SAS ’34) Constance & Maurice Bissonnette (Constance Doorley SAS ’49) Genevieve Voss Bossard SAS ’29* Emily P. Brazell SAS ’25* Hugh L. Carey Margaret J. Carey SAS ’30* Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS ’69) Camille & Albert Casling (Camille Andrea SAS ’42) The Castle Foundation Chevron Texaco Joan & Joseph Chisholm (Joan Rombach SAS ’59) Colburn Home Marguerite Collins SAS ’14* Mary J. Comyns SAS ’43* Connelly Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of NY Joan & James* Cook (Joan Henderson SAS ’51) Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS ’41 Marion Hagerty Covolo SAS ’30* Ngaire O’Connell Cuneo SAS ’72 Amelia Currie SAS ’23* Mary Supple Dailey SAS ’66 Thomas Denaouley* Patricia & Daniel Derbes (Patricia Maloney SAS ’52) Elizabeth & Tom Donovan (Elizabeth Sculley SAS ’56) Patricia & Frank* Dunn (Patricia McGinnis SAS ’60) Eugene M. Lang Foundation Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS ’50 Tina and William Flaherty The Flaherty Family Foundation William J. Flynn Ann & Patrick Foley (Ann Tubman SAS ’55) General Electric Company Georgina & Luis Gonzalez (Georgina Suarez SAS ’53) Madeline L. Grogan SAS ’42* Ellen & Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS ’65) Marylou & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS ’52) Rita Buckley Higgins SAS ’39 Joan Heverin MacNaughten SAS ’49* Margaret McNamara Hill SAS ’27 Virginia A. Hughes SAS ’35 IBM Corporation Independent College Fund of NY Joan Canfield Kennedy SAS ’53* Judith & Dennis Kenny (Judith Kenny SNR ’82) Rosemary & N. Robert* Klemann (Rosemary Gerard SAS ’39) Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Lang Christine LaSala SAS ’72 & Ellen Lipschitz The Leeds Foundation Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Elizabeth & Joseph LeVaca Rita* & Milton* Lewis (Rita McAuliffe SAS ’36) Jean Little SAS ’50 Los Angeles Dodgers, Inc. Margaret & Edward* Lyons (Margaret Whyte SAS ’59) Josephine Mandeville GS ’76 McCann-Erickson Worldwide Mr. & Mrs. Robert* McCooey Eileen McEntegart SAS ’51 Irene & Denis McInerney (Irene Murphy SAS ’45) Maria Luisa* & Charles* Meares (Maria Luisa Cisneros SAS ’39) Mobil Foundation Marie Tracy Murphy SAS ’17* NAPA Trust The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Peggy and James* Nicholson NYNEX Corporation Muriel Paige SAS ’36* Patrick Carney Foundation Pepsi-Co Inc. Eileen Marion Hevey Petersen* Ina & Warner* Pyne Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Margaret M. Reilly SAS ’33* Marguerite Reinhardt SAS ’28* Doris & Daniel Robinson Camille & Mauro C. Romita (Camille Romita SNR ’75, GS ’88) Edith V. Rooney SAS ’21* Betty & Michael Romita Sandra Priest Rose GRS ’77 Rhea F. Schreier SAS ’24* * Deceased 27 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Terry & Roland Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS ’54) William Sharwell* Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS ’62) Josephine Roccuglia Spence SAS ’35 Frances & John Strachan (Frances Weir SAS ’45) Debbie & Russel Taylor Margo & Lee Terwilliger (Margo Marabon SAS ’68) Texaco Foundation Mary Reardon Tuttle SAS ’34* Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Ursuline Provincialate Verizon, Inc. Mary Lou* & Peter Vogt (Mary Lou Koessler SAS ’53) Edwina Weisheit SAS ’46 Myles Whalen, Jr. Agnes & Edward Bennett* Williams (Agnes Neill SAS ’51) Helen V. Zaremba SAS ’17* Edith Zierer* Anonymous (3) 111 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE 493 DON CON ORS TRIB UTE $3,6 D 41 , 0 00! The President’s Circle recognizes those alumnae/i, parents, faculty and friends of The College of New Rochelle whose exceptional leadership giving provides almost 90% of the total funds raised from individuals, reflecting their deep understanding of the College and its mission. For the fiscal year just ended, President’s Circle membership is extended to those individuals whose combined giving totaled $1,000 or more. Six levels of distinction exist within The President’s Circle. The College extends profound thanks to the following members for their leadership and extraordinary generosity. C E N T E N N I A L CO U N C I L MEMBERS ( $ 25 , 0 0 0 A N D A B OV E ) Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend Jean & James Barrow (Jean Shanaphy SAS ’68) Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS ’69) Anne Giesler Chappell SAS ’48 Joan & Sanford Freilich Friend Marylou & Warren Hayford (Marylou Meyer SAS ’52) Judith & Dennis Kenny (Judith Preble Kenny SNR ’82) Christine LaSala SAS ’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Elizabeth & Joseph LeVaca Friend Jean Little SAS ’50 Claire Waterbury Philips SAS ’54 Sandra Priest Rose GRS ’77 Camille & Mauro C. Romita Friend (Camille Romita SNR’75, GS’88) Frances & John Strachan (Frances Weir SAS ’45) Peter Vogt Friend Edwina Weisheit SAS ’46 Agnes Neill Williams SAS’51 U R S U L I N E H E R I TAG E SO C I ET Y M E M B E R S ( $ 10 , 0 0 0 TO $ 24 , 9 9 9 ) Rosa & Leroy Barksdale Friend (Rosa Davis SNR ’75) Mary MacDonagh Berberich SAS ’35 John H. Bermingham Friend Barbara & John J. Bresnan Friend Eileen Egan Burke SAS ’59 Eileen Maxwell Canty SAS ’55 Hugh L. Carey Friend Lorraine Paoli Colangelo SAS ’49 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS ’41 John & Cindy Dooner, Jr. Friend Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS ’60 Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS ’60 Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS ’43 David & Stephanie Eisenberg Friend George Gero Friend Maurice & Anne Hartigan Friend Susan Duggan Kane SAS ’54 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS ’59 Dorothy Meeker Mela SAS ’51 Joan Grattan Nestor SAS ’47 Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS ’59) Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Mary Supple Dailey SAS ’66 Anne Sweeney SAS ’79 Barbara & Stephen J. Sweeny Friend Marcelle Willock SAS ’58 Anonymous Rosemary Vavasour Richards SAS ’74 Anne Wedlock Robbins SAS ’45 Michael and Betty Romita Friend Allison Rubeli SAS ’67 Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS ’62) Rose & Vincenzo Sperandio Friend Oona Burke Sullivan SAS ’51 J. Marcus Swan Friend Margo & Lee Terwilliger (Margo Marabon SAS ’68) Sheila Vavasour U’Ren SAS ’73 Joellen Vavasour SAS ’76 Mary Kathrynn Vavasour SAS ’72 Jane D’Apice Vergari SAS ’71 Dorothy Walsh SAS ’76 Patricia Barnum Williams SAS ’56 Anonymous D I ST I N G U I S H E D MEMBERS ( $ 5 , 0 0 0 TO $ 9 , 9 9 9 ) Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS ’88 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Joan & Joseph Chisholm (Joan Rombach SAS ’59) Victor Cimino Friend Elizabeth & Thomas Donovan (Elizabeth Sculley SAS ’56) Mary Mosser Falvo SAS ’54 Eileen & Martin Ford (Eileen Casey SAS ’66) Virginia Conway Fredricks SAS ’42 Pat Quattrochi Gorman SAS ’64 Ellen & Jason Hancock (Ellen Mooney SAS ’65) Kathleen Duffy Henry SAS ’54 Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 Ann Pfohl Kirby SAS ’49 Jean Wilson Kirby SAS ’61 Rosemary Gerard Klemann SAS ’39 Christina Hoffman Lucey SAS ’70 Al & Gail Maiolo Friend Brenna Sheenan & George Mayer C AST L E ASSO C I AT E MEMBERS FOUNDING MEMBERS ( $ 3 , 0 0 0 TO $ 4 , 9 9 9 ) ( $ 1 , 9 0 4 TO $ 2 , 9 9 9 ) Archie M. Bankston Friend Elaine Donovan Blair SAS ’64 Barbara & Jack Bresnan Friend Andrea & Dick Cain (Andrea Gallagher SAS ’55) Nancy Carey Cassidy SAS ’79 Barbara Wise Chapin SAS ’50 Margaret Reynolds Charles SAS ’51 Thomas & Margaret Conniff Friend Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS ’65 June Langran Crabtree SAS ’49 Joseph & Margaret Crimmins Maureen Clifford Albers SAS ’60 Kelley Allen SAS ’98 Dorothea Baiocchi SAS ’50 Dolores Battalia SNR ’75 Patricia Charles Begley SAS ’48 Diane Guest Biondi SAS ’60 James K. Bishop Friend Constance & Maurice Bissonnette (Constance Doorley SAS ’49) Ann Black SAS ’55 Joan Fiori Blanchfield SAS ’64 Virginia Mitchell Blissert SAS ’41 Mary Joan Bodensteiner SAS ’73 Harriette & Martin Chelnik (Harriette Chelnik SNR ’73) Maria Esther Davila Cintron-Rivera SAS ’45 Carolyn Grant Clarke SAS ’51 Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64 Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS ’72 Theresa Davis SAS ’73 Patricia & Daniel Derbes (Pat Maloney SAS ’52) Gloria Canal Doino SAS ’60 Janet Donnelly SAS ’44 Claire Donohue Friend Margaret Slattery Dowd SAS ’61 Past Parent Joan Campana Diaferia SAS ’55 Mary Ann Dolan SAS ’56 Georgina & William Ennis (Georgina Ennis SAS ’82) Joan Kelly Enright SAS ’50 Louise Orto Famighetti SAS ’52 John Ferguson Friend Sarah O’Hagan Fisher SAS ’43 Bridget Foley SAS ’78 Florence Covino Friedlander SAS ’48 Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS ’37 Alice Duffy Grant SAS ’63 Margaret Kirk Harrison SAS ’39 Katherine Hart SAS ’70 Friend Eileen McEntegart SAS ’51 Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SON ’83 Jane Murphy McGrath SAS ’64 Mary McNamara SAS ’77 Miriam Stapleton Moynihan SAS ’71 George & Mary Jane Neumann Friend Marge O’Connor SAS ’66 Frederic Powers, Jr. Friend Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS ’59 Kathrene Blish Houlihan Friend Donna McAuley Kelly SAS ’58 Christine Piliponis Lenehan SAS ’72 Kristin Krause McDonough SAS ’68 Margaret Mary McQuillan SAS ’45 Eileen & Michael Niedzwiecki (Eileen Stavinsky SAS ’72) Marcia Moynihan Norton SAS ’59 Aulana Pharis Peters SAS ’63 Margaret & Joseph Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS ’59) Isabel Reithebuch SAS ’46 Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS ’73 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 Patricia Rosenkranz-Levins SAS ’73 Marianne Saccardi GRS ’92 Betty Rose Sweeney SAS ’50 Donna Matthews Walcott SAS ’52 * Deceased 28 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Alexandra Normile Driscoll SAS ’64 Linda and William Ebinger Past Parent Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS ’57) Ann & Patrick Foley (Ann Tubman SAS ’55) Margaret Fonzo SAS ’42 M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS ’40 Jane Roberts Garvey SAS ’38 Leonard & Geraldine Genovese Past Parent Carol Gourlie SAS ’55 Stephen W. Green Friend Audrey Pistilli Grieco SAS ’61 Marianne Birch Gumbs SAS ’63 Nancy Harkins SAS ’75 Lillian Kroepke Healy SAS ’46 Margaret Pasquariello Holtman SAS ’69 Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS ’71 Marguerite Jasper SNR ’77 Michele Marotta Jaworski SAS ’76 Marie Karl SAS ’75 Mary Costello Karl SAS ’45 Christiane Keck SAS ’61 Nancy* & Kevin Keefe (Nancy Quirk SAS ’56) Mary McAniff Kresky SAS ’58 Anne Stenach Lopatto SAS ’50 Mary Grace DelTorto Ludwig SAS ’47 Ellen Mannix Lynch SAS ’71 James & Anne Magee Past Parent Nina Iannotti Maguire SAS ’55 Mary Ann Geraci Marriott SAS ’59 Mary Massimo SAS ’67 Dian Jennings Mayo SAS ’53 Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS ’39 Irene & Denis McInerney (Irene Murphy SAS ’45) Margaret Hugger McMahon SAS ’52 Joyce Celentano Moran SAS ’61 Ann Frank Morison SAS ’60 Christine Morrison SAS ’72 Judy Mauser Morriss SAS ’59 Cecelia Mruk SNR ’78 Julia McKeon Murphy SAS ’65 Catherine Tyburski Nagy SAS ’62 Rosa Puleo Napoleone SAS ’75 Margaret & James J.* Nicholson Friend Florence O’Donovan SAS ’39 Mary O’Hagan SAS ’43 B. Nelson Ong Friend Jeannette Carry Parshall SAS ’55 Louise Rottmund Pashcow SAS ’79 Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni SAS ’69 Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Barbara Koeppen Reilly SAS ’65 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS ’51 Noel Petri Robinson SAS ’69 Ruth Daley Sharkey SAS ’55 Nancy Miller Skibbie SAS ’54 * Deceased Cynthia Hull Smith Friend * Ginger & Leon Smith (Virginia Smith SNR ’83) Mary & Jay Sandak (Mary Sommer SAS ’71) Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz SAS ’67 Ruth Gilmartin Sweeney SAS ’39 Marcella Belanger Violette SAS ’43 Anne Marie Weiler SAS ’52 Bonny Willett GRS ’92 Geraldine Young SAS ’42 Gilda Zalaznick Friend Elizabeth Dacey SAS ’52 Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio SAS ’64 Elizabeth Daly Past Parent Ellen Curry Damato & William Damato Friend Jeanne Romano D’Apice SAS ’45 Linda David Friend Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge SAS ’67 Donna Demarest SAS ’71 Kenneth Doka Friend Kathleen Dolan SAS ’72 Mary Ann Zeender Donovan SAS ’71 Maureen Driscoll Donovan SAS ’62 Jeanne Bouchard Dorian SAS ’50 Wallace & Jean Doud Friend Jane Cooney Dowling SAS ’56 Lucille Gauthier Dubois SAS ’47 Regina Duffy SAS ’41 Mary Dugan SAS ’74 Sheila Walsh Durgin SAS ’51 Maureen Costello Durkin SAS ’52 Timothy Ebsworth Friend Mary Egan Swartz SAS ’69 Laura & Richard Ellis Friend Kathryn Erat SAS ’56 Agatha Kelly Fay SAS ’44 Mary Brown Fee SAS ’73 Audrey Field Galligan SAS ’55 Carol Jacunski Fiore SAS ’64 Margaret Fischer SAS ’53 MEMBERS ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 TO $ 1 , 9 0 3 ) Frances McKillop Ambrose SAS ’59 Bruce Angiolillo Friend Angela Loveman Armitage SAS ’66 Joan Arnold Friend Margaret Giegengack Ayling SAS ’47 Isabelle Healey Bacon SAS ’53 Joan Bailey Friend Marie Reisert Bailey SAS ’36 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS ’65 Kay & Ed Baran (Kathleen Foley SAS ’60) Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS ’50 Jane Batkin GRS ’80 Alan M. Berman Friend David Black Friend Rosemary Miles Blair SAS ’51 Blanche Blank Friend* Mary Donnellon Blohm SAS ’41 Stanley M. Bogen Friend Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS ’51 Maureen Donelan Boyle SAS ’56 Mig Boyle SAS ’61 Lynn O’Rourke Bride SAS ’69 Mary Quinn Bright SAS ’52 Joan Bristol Past Parent Fran & Ray Broderick (Frances Choquette SAS ’57) Marilyn Mullins Brunkhorst SAS ’49 Mary Ellen Burns SAS ’74 Helen Fitzgerald Butler SAS ’40 Anne Shea Cagnina SAS ’52 Mr. & Mrs. John Callagy Friend Barbara McGrath Candee SAS ’49 Joan Carson SAS ’43 Diane Ceruzzi-Lenda SAS ’86 Ann Bergassi Chiodini SAS ’69 Rose Mary Seifert Clair SAS ’50 Terry Clark SAS ’72 Mary Congelo Cleary SAS ’50* Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS ’50 Margaret Comaskey SAS ’61 Julie Cushing Connelly SAS ’65 Ellen Courtien SAS ’69 Charles H. Critchlow Friend Joanne Colavita Cuoco SAS ’60 Joan Curtin SAS ’72 Kathleen Meyer Curtin SAS ’70 29 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary FitzMaurice SAS ’43 Anne Thoet Fleming SAS ’44 Emily St. Clair Fogarty SAS ’59 Jacqueline Fontinell Friend Keith Francis SNR ’87 Jean Protzmann Frese SAS ’43 Rosemary Gallagher SAS ’47 Patricia Reilly Gamache SAS ’65 Ann Erisman Garrahan SAS ’49 Alice Murphy Gillespie SAS ’37 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS ’52 Maximilian Goepp Friend Catherine Graham SON ’96 Lillian Dordan Gray SAS ’44 Gloria Greco SAS ’52 Dana Greene SAS ’63 Mary & Roger Grimm Friend Lucille Grow SAS ’43 Eleanor Donlon Hannigan SAS ’54 Eileen Gallagher Harrington SAS ’62 Margaret Sweeney Hartnett SAS ’67 Kathleen Hanley Healy SAS ’51 Mary & Douglas Hearle (Mary Hogan SAS ’56) Ann Gartland Higdon SAS ’68 Rita Buckley Higgins SAS ’39 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS ’63 Stephen & Margot Holland Friend Carolyn Miller Howard SAS ’55 Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes SAS ’52 Judith & Bradley Huntington Friend A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Rose Marie Hurrell Friend Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS ’53 Sue Borncamp Jayes SAS ’49 Mary Corcoran Jigarjian SAS ’69 Mary Kane SAS ’41 Mary Bryde Kelberg SAS ’69 Patricia Byrne Kelleher SAS ’46 Joan Fee Kelly SAS ’59 Joan Cunniff Kennedy SAS ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kiernan Friend John & Laura Killian Friend Katherine Turner Kirby SAS ’42 Henry Kissinger Friend Kathleen Rees Klein SAS ’51 Nancy Kloczko SAS ’73 Mary Adikes Kortvelesy SAS ’59 Nancy Kotonias SAS ’76 K. Jane Seidel Kresser SAS ’59 Alys Savage Krisman SAS ’36 Helen Collins Krumsiek SAS ’57 Margaret Kelly Kummerer SAS ’60 Barbara Kunkel SAS ’45 Elizabeth Barry Lange SAS ’65 Patricia Lanza Friend Susan Ball Larson SAS ’65 Claire Lavin Friend Alain & Leah Lebec Friend Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS ’59) Eileen Leonard SAS ’72 & Dale Hagstrom Kathleen LeVache Friend Geri & Charles Lizzo Friend Diana Fava Lucca SAS ’48 Joan Meister Luecke SAS ’56 Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS ’52 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS ’69 Anne Hunter MacArtney SAS ’76 Cecelia Stevens Mackey SAS ’64 Maryann Padula Mading SAS ’65 Paul L. Magnano Friend Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern SAS ’47 Cornelia Mahon SAS ’54 Helen Martin Maloney SAS ’51 Josephine Mandeville GRS ’76 Elizabeth Daley Mannle SAS ’46 Claire & Tony Manto (Claire Colangelo SAS ’69) Christine Marino SAS ’75 Gail Cooper Marrin SAS ’68 Diana & Roland Marshall (Diana Ruffolo SAS ’47) * Deceased Patricia Martin SAS ’45 Mary Ellen Masterson-McGary SAS ’70 Margaret Senger May SAS ’47* Kathryn McDonald McArdle SAS ’69 Mary Jane McPartland McCann SAS ’68 Walter & Pat McCarthy Friend Alicia Murphy McCormick SAS ’61 Leah Brooks McDonough SAS ’44 William McElhenny Friend Dorothy McElroy SAS ’55 Kathleen McEntegart SAS ’56 Valerie McEwen SAS ’73 Anne Peters McGeady SAS ’43 Marilyn Dempsey McGill SAS ’68 Carol deSantis McGough SAS ’51 Mary Ellen McGovern Friend Geraldine Larkin McGrath SAS ’50 Mary McGrath SAS ’66 James & Jayne McKee Friend Nancy Collins McKenna SAS ’51 Elizabeth McMahon SAS ’40 Julie McMahon SON ’88 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS ’60 Rowena Larkin Morris SAS ’59 Susan Morrison Friend Charlotte Moslander SAS ’64 Sidney & Ada Mudd Friend Terry & Bob Mulcahy (Marie Therese McGrath SAS ’59) Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS ’59 Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane SAS ’69 Jan VanValkenburgh Murphy SAS ’58 Mary Sue Murphy SAS ’73 Lela Keough Negri SAS ’56 Margaret Nolan SAS ’71 Kathleen Quinlan Norman SAS ’64 Marion Cotter O’Brien SAS ’40 Mary McKiernan O’Brien SAS ’47 Kathleen O’Connor SAS ’64 Leo O’Donovan, S.J. Friend Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd SAS ’51 Justine Burns Ogden SAS ’39 June Swantko Olszewski SAS ’52 Maureen O’Rourke SAS ’51 Norma Dubey O’Shea SAS ’47 Electa Bachmann O’Toole SAS ’46 Nancy Paniagua SAS ’91 Anne Pelak SNR ’90 Mary Pepe SAS ’71 Jane Perkinson SAS ’63 Kathryn Peterson SAS ’61 Louis Pfeifer SNR ’76 Nancy Philie SAS ’58 Julie Pifer SAS ’60 Anne Meyer Pollard SAS ’59 C. Suzanne Smith Poppe SAS ’64 Gloria Burke Putnam SAS ’48 Madeline Weldon Rea SAS ’37 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS ’45 Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy SAS ’49 Janice Dickerson Reilly SAS ’69 Patricia McLaughlin Reilly SAS ’54 Susan Brown Reitz SAS ’72 Marguerite Sisca Riposanu SAS ’40 Joan Connors Roberts SAS ’64 Cecelia Dunn Roche SAS ’52 Claire Schnell Rooney SAS ’51 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 John & Josee Rostenberg Friend Gertrude Quinlan Ryan SAS ’50 Catherine Perkinson Sabol SAS ’59 Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS ’59 Mary Colleen Scanlon GRS ’84 Elizabeth Manske Schneider SAS ’44 Marie Sayegh Shack SAS ’68 Ethel Ankner Shafter SAS ’56 Mary Sheahan SAS ’31 Dorann O’Brien Sheehan SAS ’78 Eileen Short SNR ’97 Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 Margaret Malloy Slyngstad SAS ’53 Ann Cuomo Smith SAS ’47 Carolyn Murphy Smith SAS ’73 Kathleen Smith SAS ’71 Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SON ’83 Ruth Budlong Sothern SAS ’75 Josephine Roccuglia Spence SAS ’35 Jane Crabtree Stark SAS ’51 Judith Casey Stephenson SAS ’71 Margaret Lawler Stott SAS ’57 Ann Fenlon Strauss SAS ’59 Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS ’68 Jean Doherty Sullivan SAS ’58 Marianne Smith Sullivan SAS ’80 Marilouise Sullivan SAS ’62 Elizabeth Sweney SAS ’76 Amie Taney Friend Candace & Frank Taubner (Candace Taubner GRS ’74) Val & Joan Taubner Friend Alice Timothy SAS ’52 Therese Tormey Todd SAS ’48 Walter & Joan Tolley Past Parent Germaine Keogh Trabert SAS ’58 Barbara Sisk Troxell SAS ’69 Mary Dehn Van Dessel SAS ’56 Mildred Middlemiss Veltri SAS ’49 Rose Marie Murray Verrilli SAS ’52 Lillian Viacava SAS ’51 Marue English Walizer SAS ’59 Ann Farley Walsh SAS ’59 Susan Grant Walsh SAS ’72 Dolores McKeon Weber SAS ’49 Eric Webster Friend Mary McEntegart Welch SAS ’49 Jacqueline Berean Westa SAS ’57 Barbara D’Arcy White SAS ’49 Madeline White SAS ’65 Maria White SAS ’79 Patricia Wiley SAS ’72 Elizabeth Mylod Wolf SAS ’56 Evelyn Yenson SAS ’67 Catherine Young SAS ’61 Ruth Young SAS ’37* PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ASSOCIATE MEMBER Special recognition as a President’s Circle Associate Member is extended to any recent graduate (1 to 9 years since graduation) whose total unrestricted Annual Fund giving, including corporate matches, meets the following criteria: for graduates 1-4 years, a total gift of $250+; for P R ESI DENT’S CI RCLE graduates 5-9 from graduation, a total ASSOCIATE M EM B ER gift of $500+. Upon their 10th reunion, (for recent graduates) these donors are invited to continue their leadership giving by joining The PresiYears from graduation: $250+ dent’s Circle with a gift of $1,000 or more. 1-4 Special thanks are extended to these recent graduates who are our charter members – Angela Valitutto SAS ’00, Bonnie Vandeyar GRS ’00, Lisa Mecca SAS ’01, Kenneth Lemon SNR ’02! 30 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 5-9 $500+ President’s Circle Associate Members are invited to special CNR donor recognition events and are given special recognition in the Annual Report. A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE FOUNDER’S SOCIETY The Founder’s Society recognizes donors who contribute $500 to $999 to the Annual Fund. The 223 members listed below represent alumnae/i, parents and friends who contributed $120,000 in 2004. The entire College community is grateful for the difference these donors make to our financial well-being. F O U N D E R ’ S SO C I ET Y ( $ 50 0 TO $ 9 9 9 ) Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS ’65 Anna Ambriola Ajemian SAS ’45 Anne Spernow Allbrooks SAS ’54 Ellen Riccobono Anderson SAS ’58 Carol Nelson Andrews SAS ’62 Madeleine Martyn Anglim SAS ’52 Ann Kennally Armater SAS ’79 Sara Arthur SAS ’59 Joellyn Ausanka SAS ’65 Maureen Smet Baltay SAS ’67 Josephine Sheehan Barry SAS ’49 Joan Peerenboom Bartosic SAS ’45 Pat & Fred Bass Friend Ann Marie McGovern Beal SAS ’53 Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS ’80 Mary Jane Hutchinson Benson SAS ’53 Marie Nigro Berggren SAS ’67 Lorraine Ouellette Berner SAS ’67 Richard Brady Friend Doris Daily Brough SAS ’63 Louise M. Bryson Friend Maria-Teresa Butler SAS ’74 Noel Caraccio SAS ’73 Thomas A. Carlin Friend Madelyn Cassidy SAS ’37 Mary Lavery Cavanagh SAS ’44 Linda Zuffelato Chakar SAS ’69 Catherine Christoff SAS ’63 Mary Close-Oppenheimer SAS ’73 Diane Lee Conner SAS ’56 Janet Maroney Connolly SAS ’61 Joan M. Cornell Friend Lisa Cribari SAS ’76 Harold Crocker GRS ’78 Margaret Garvey Crook SAS ’45 Patricia Colahan Cunningham SAS ’59 Jane McKeon Dalton SAS ’89 Joan Crawford Daly SAS ’52 Louise Danylevich SAS ’72 Sanders Davis Friend Eleanor Hyland Deblois SAS ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Farrokh M. DeBoo Friend Mary DelMonte SAS ’63 Magaly Denis-Roman SAS ’80 Joan Dennean SAS ’47 M. Elinor Devanney SAS ’44 Alice Costigan Diamond SAS ’44 Anne Therese Dillen, O.S.U. SAS 58 Margaret Dodds-Schumacher SAS ’72 * Deceased Barbara Rice Doggett SAS ’49 Eileen Bertsch Donahue SAS ’75 Mary Beth Wagner Dougherty SAS ’62 Mary Eckert SAS ’72 Margaret Edmonston SNR ’82 Susan Weigele Fagan SAS ’79 Elizabeth Dubois Faricy SAS ’69 Joseph M. Farrell Friend Alphonsus L. Farry Friend Marie-Therese Fennell SAS ’47 Mary Kieran Fitzgerald SAS ’59 Joan Jacquart Fleming SAS ’50 Rose Anne Fogarty SAS ’68 Elizabeth Dugan Fritz SAS ’43 Susan Karutis Gaffney SAS ’64 Teri Gamble Friend Sally Fernet Geloso SAS ’68 Anne Gevlin SAS ’66 Madeleine Giguere SAS ’47* Mary Louise Mona Gillis SAS ’68 Clara Lou Malone Gould SAS ’48 Margaret Walsh Grant SAS ’47 Claire Habib SAS ’50 Marion Halbritter SAS ’39 Clara Halloran SAS ’57 Joan McInerney Hallowell SAS ’61 Gertrude Kelly Hamilton SAS ’57 Martha Dymkoski Haney SAS ’65 Madonna Wells Hart SAS ’68 Dorothy Sullivan Heitz SAS ’52 Victor Henningsen Friend John C. Howe Friend Marianne Cunilio Jackson SAS ’64 Samuel Jegede SNR ’89 Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen SAS ’65 Eileen McGirr Johnston SAS ’44 Vera Lally Jordan SAS ’43 Betty Ann Kelly Keane SAS ’52 Kevin B. Keefe Friend Patricia Keegan Abels SAS ’73 Mary Keegan SAS ’69 Janet Keenan SAS ’61 Joan Kelley SAS ’47 Carol Mele Kennedy SAS ’68 Wendy Ilett Keryk SAS ’75 Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield SAS ’43 Constance Partridge Knoebel SAS ’60 Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger SAS ’64 Theresa Kubis SAS ’61 Maureen Baldwin Lambert SAS ’51 Marlene Lamont SAS ’53 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS ’48 Dolores Lauritano SAS ’52 Margaret Doyle Lawler SAS ’63 Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee SAS ’74 Barbara Kong Lee SAS ’57 Catherine Butler Leitao SAS ’86 Christine Van Ullen Lemberg SAS ’69 Kenneth Lemon SNR ’02 Margaret Kuntz Lessing SAS ’62 Frances Purcell Liddy SAS ’54 Ann Dully Luby SAS ’56 Ellen Lunny-Olenick SAS ’65 Beatrice Mackenzie SAS ’53 Janet Rossi Maffucci SAS ’68 Lynda Magrath SAS ’74 Carol Mahoney SAS ’61 Joan Hannon Maloney SAS ’55 Joan Kuchta Maloney SAS ’62 Susan Regan Maloney SAS ’69 Kathleen Ryan Mangan SAS ’61 Natalie Marshall Friend Joan Coyne Martin SAS ’44 Catherine May SAS ’46 George Mayer Friend Marilyn Maynard GRS ’86 Marianne Carrig Mazan SAS ’52 A.J. Mc Elhinney Friend Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey SAS ’72 Edna McCallion Friend Nancy Babacz McCloskey SAS ’68 Gloria Gregory McDermott SAS ’48 Michele McMahon SAS ’76 Natalie Hastings McMahon SAS ’54 Anne Mead SAS ’45 Patricia Nagle Meagher SAS ’41 Elizabeth Dowling Meehan SAS ’69 Charles P. Menges, Jr. Friend Mary Meyer SAS ’70 Celeste Dowicz Miller SAS ’78 Mary Mills SAS ’56 Jeanne Walsh Mitchell SAS ’47 Betsy Jones Molloy SAS ’54 Suzanne Groark Morgan SAS ’57 Patricia Welch Moriarty SAS ’54 Jane Rako Morrissey SAS ’59 Olga Antignani Nespole SAS ’59 Maryse Kowack Newton SAS ’94 N. J. Nicholas, Jr. Friend Mary Santangelo Nocero SAS ’65 Nina O’Connor SAS ’73 Teresita Dwyer O’Leary SAS ’63 Patricia O’Connor O’Malley SAS ’54 31 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Marilyn A. Osweiler Friend Anne Owens SAS ’56 Barbara Sansone Peterson SAS ’64 Maureen Riley Piccoli SAS ’52 Martha Miles Plamp SAS ’50 Anne Pooler SAS ’64 Therese A FitzMaurice Powderly SAS ’83 Constance Mastin-O’Hearne Prud’homme SAS ’53 Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli SAS ’56 Laura Reden SAS ’80 Sheila Reilly SAS ’62 Marion Reiss Friend Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS ’86 Cynthia Urcuilo Rimpo SAS ’69 Dorothy Zwier Rockett SAS ’41 Marie Rofhok SNR ’84 Graziella Saccon Friend Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS ’58 Eileen Scanlan Tidd SAS ’81 Barbara Schmitt SAS ’70 Rita Hertzog Schultze SAS ’46 Elizabeth Bosco Serra SAS ’55 Nancy Packert Shashaty SAS ’63 Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley SAS ’55 Mary Moran Shoffner SAS ’49 Helen Shubik SAS ’47 Kathy Westelinck Silver SAS ’70 Irene Fee Smiley SAS ’44 Anna Smyke SAS ’75 Katherine Ronan Soohoo SAS ’74 Mary Martin Stump SAS ’66 Raquel Suarez SAS ’73 Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan SAS ’40 Maria Phillips Sullivan SAS ’61 Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS ’42 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS ’56 Ann TenEyck SAS ’57 Jean Wilson Tharp SAS ’51 Barbara Thebaut SAS ’48 Patricia Beliveau Thomas SAS ’62 Errol Thompson Friend Diane Thornewell SAS ’73 Celestine Quinn Trainor SAS ’49 Audrey Mahler Urban SAS ’31 Jaqueline Butler Vacheron SAS ’59 Angela Valitutto SAS ’00 Ann Vance SAS ’72 Faith Rieg Victory SAS ’56 Catherine Langellotti Vigilante SAS ’52 Angelina Vitali SAS ’37 Susan Shulga Waas SAS ’63 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE FOUNDER’S SOCIETY Ellen Moriarty Walsdorf SAS ’71 Henry Walsh Friend Nancy Shannon Walsh SAS ’62 Patricia Morrisey Walsh SAS ’50 Margaret Casey Walz SAS ’56 Veronica Kunkel Warren SAS ’43 Susan Waszkiewicz SAS ’69 Judith Hughes Watson SAS ’65 Ann Tutrinoli Weber SAS ’56 Gladys Haile Weinberg SAS ’49 Mary Western SON ’82 Julia Whalen SAS ’55 Madeline Hamilton Whalen SAS ’62 Frederick J. Whelan, Jr. Friend Mary Endrich Whelan SAS ’38 Patricia Connelly Wilson SAS ’68 Joan Gavenda Zummo SAS ’63 Anonymous (3) THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at msaulle@cnr.edu. 32 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CHIDWICK ASSOCIATES Chidwick Associates members contribute between $250 and $499 to the Annual Fund. The 340 members listed below represent alumnae/i, parents and friends who contributed $96,000 in 2004. Thank you for your support. T H E C H I DW I C K ASSO C I AT ES ( $ 250 TO $ 4 9 9 ) Antoinette Abraham SAS ’57 Valentina Flynn Abrahams SAS ’56 Maureen Hanley Abrahamson SAS ’70 Richard Abramson Friend Joshua Adler Friend Theresa Agliardo SAS ’77 Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Cecilia Falcone Andretta SAS ’56 Kathryn Gambino Arntzen SAS ’77 Anne Serzan Babineau SAS ’73 Randy Goguen Balano SAS ’81 Penny Bamford Friend Cathleen Cahill Barber SAS ’57 Nancy Glennan Barry SAS ’58 Catherine Bartholomew SAS ’79 Donna Silvia Batch SAS ’65 Amy Buckingham Bates SAS ’86 Susan Baum Friend Doreene Berger SAS ’81 Mary Digiusto Bertolini SAS ’69 Madeleine Blais SAS ’69 Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley SAS ’53 Rosemary Kirby Bloem SAS ’64 Georgette Rosenberg Bloom SAS ’48 Mary Maloney Bonney SAS ’52 Keith R. Borge Friend Dolores Bost Friend Maureen Boyland SAS ’48 Eleanor Davidson Boyle SAS ’58 Terri & Michael Boyle Friend Cecily Piderit Brancaccio SAS ’69 Jean Stevens Brennan SAS ’77 Maree Brennan Friend Gerald Briggs Friend Mary Mylod Brockway SAS ’57 Ada Brown SNR ’84 Mary Louise Healey Brown SAS ’50 Catherine Buckley SAS ’33 Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS ’60 Mary Rita Gilligan Burke SAS ’45 Harriet Burton Friend Helen Weber Buzaid SAS ’50 Jane Canner SAS ’72 Maryanne Carney SAS ’74 Elizabeth Griffin Casarino SAS ’64 Michael & Helen Caulfield Friend Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS ’49 Patricia Looby Clary SAS ’59 Joan Close SAS ’69 Ellen Brady Colasurdo SAS ’65 Pamela Flaherty Colavecchio SAS ’73 Robert and Carolyn Coleman Friend Alisann Alexander Collins SAS ’63 Mary Connelly SAS ’72 Ann Dowd Connolly SAS ’52 Catherine Corgan SAS ’57 Carol Bodensteiner Corliss SAS ’75 Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan SAS ’43 Mary Rucker Coughlin SAS ’48 Mary Enders Courtney SAS ’49 Anna Pecoraro Cowin SAS ’68 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS ’63 Martha Creamer SAS ’40 Rosita Creamer SAS ’65 JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS ’61 Marion Purdy Crombie SAS ’71 Emily Callahan Cronin SAS ’45 Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine SAS ’62 Ellen Kochan Cuddy SAS ’63 Anna Hansek Cyr SAS ’47 Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo SAS ’50 Maura Dausey SAS ’59 Norma LaFontaine de St. Aubin SAS ’58 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS ’64 Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS ’47 Helen Clegg Delaney SAS ’49 Connie & C.J. Denne Friend Eileen Denver SAS ’64 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS ’73 Margaret Walsh Digan SAS ’48 Dolores Morris Donnelly SAS ’45 Elizabeth Donovan-Nolan SAS ’79 Mary Clare Freaney Dooley SAS ’64 Margaret Dore SAS ’45 Candice Mero Dorsch SAS ’68 Susan Fauerbach Downes SAS ’67 Irene Krumeich Duffy SAS ’54 James H. Duffy Friend Joan Scully Duffy SAS ’51 Carol Carnes Dwyer SAS ’57 Jeanne Lewis Erb SAS ’44 Mary Ellen Roche Fagan SAS ’52 Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks SAS ’38 Mary Ellen Nugent Falk SAS ’59 Anne Bright Farnsworth SAS ’50 Martha Coleman Farquhar SAS ’58 Catherine Glassing Farrell SAS ’43 Mary Jane Grimes Farrell SAS ’56 Muriel Sullivan Farrell SAS ’58 Katherine Johnston Ferrari SAS ’59 Joan Curley Ferry SAS ’44 Mary Alyce Farrell Fields SAS ’54 Louise Fischer SAS ’47 Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Friend Helen Higgins Fitzgerald SAS ’50 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS ’61 Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick SAS ’62 Mary Kehoe Flannery SAS ’64 Joan Morgan Flatley SAS ’64 Loretta Corcoran Flynn SAS ’42 Joan Foley SAS ’51 Edith Jameson Forbes SAS ’42 Claire Fordrung SAS ’55 Cornelia Gaspari SAS ’42 Mary Dugan Gast SAS ’41 Rosemary Swords Gatti SAS ’64 Marianne Bachand Geiger SAS ’55 Margaret George SAS ’72 Marybeth Gerrity SAS ’74 Marie Trombacco Gianzero SAS ’59 Marilyn Picardi Giglia SAS ’61 Irene Murphy Gilles SAS ’48 Patricia Giorgio-Hebrank SON ’85 Mary Graeber Friend Anne Canevari Green SAS ’65 Virginia Donahue Griffin SAS ’45 Patrice McAllister Guiney SAS ’47 Virginia Hackett Burns SAS ’64 Marjorie Stone Hagenah SAS ’66 Patricia Haggerty SAS ’54 Barbara Nugent Hahn SAS ’49 Joan Haley SAS ’56 Nancy MacNeil Hall SAS ’61 Joanne Kuhl Halscheid SAS ’69 Katherine Cavanaugh Hamilton SAS ’39 Mary Bania Hanczor SAS ’43 JoAnne Doyle Hanlon SAS ’57 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS ’55 Mary Johnston Hansen SAS ’67 Linda C. Hartley Friend Martha Hartmann-Harlan SAS ’71 Maura Nestor Haverly SAS ’72 Clare Dowd Hayes SAS ’44 Mary Carney Healey SAS ’50 Patricia Scully Henry SAS ’59 M. Paula Holdman, S.C. SAS ’42 T. Mildred Kampf Homburger SAS ’29 Sandra Thomas Horsman SNR ’82 Donna Balducci Hughes SAS ’74 Jacqueline Quinones Hughes SAS ’72 Rosemarie Hurley SAS ’74 John F. Hyland Friend Timothy C. Idoni Friend 33 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Ada Isasi-Diaz SAS ’71 Theresa Cardinale Johnson SAS ’61 Carolyn Miller Jordan SAS ’64 Margaret Russell Keefe SAS ’69 Jane Moynihan Kelley SAS ’45 Deborah Kelly Friend Virginia Curren Kenney SAS ’47 Nancy Cusick Kesseli SAS ’50 Alisa Kesten GRS ’90 Patricia Brunetto Kiernan SAS ’54 Dorothy Sweeney Kleinknecht SAS ’44 Clara Stanfield Kolarsick SAS ’44 Joan Foley Kreimer SAS ’67 Patricia Sullivan Kreiner SAS ’80 Nieli Langer GRS ’85 Anne Schreck LaRoche SAS ’74 Kim Lombard Lasko SAS ’75 Anne Durner Lauenstein SAS ’60 Janet Loughran Lawson SAS ’34 Caryl Doherty Lennon SAS ’54 Diana Lesser Friend Isabel Torras Loader SAS ’61 Maura Lockwood SAS ’74 Christine Loomie SAS ’73 Nancy Collins Lord SAS ’58 Ann Hines LoVoi SAS ’55 Barbara Lutz SAS ’73 Linda Ryan Lynch SAS ’71 Susan Lynskey SAS ’87 Ann Maloney Lyons SAS ’51 Mary White Lyons SAS ’46 Ursula Ahmuty Maher SAS ’71 Katherine Mylod Mainzer SAS ’56 Gina Carmignani Malin SAS ’82 Therese Cardinal Mallon SAS ’47 Grace Napolitano Mangano SAS ’46 Christine Marbach Kellett SAS ’70 Theresa Mary Fazioli Marino SAS ’49 Anne Dorr Markowski SAS ’67 Marjorie Magan Marshall SAS ’32 Rosemary Reen Martell SAS ’40 Theresa Martin Mattina SAS ’78 Dorothy Paretti McCarthy SAS ’42 Katherine McCoppin-Cygan SAS ’67 George J. McGahren Friend Joan Whalen McGauley SAS ’59 Constance & John McGillicuddy Friend Rita Howard McGoldrick SAS ’57 Mary Ann Walker McGrath SAS ’57 Marie Lombard McGraw SAS ’63 * Deceased A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CHIDWICK ASSOCIATES Eva Ormon McKay SAS ’54 John McKean GRS ’94 Kay O’Connor McKenna SAS ’59 Jeanne Davey McMahon SAS ’57 Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon SAS ’54 Dorothy McManus SAS ’64 Lisa M. Mecca SAS ’01 Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa SAS ’56 Lorraine Riley Meenan SAS ’59 Margaret Badum Melady SAS ’61 Ana D’Andrade Mernick SAS ’70 Celeste Messina-Dominioni SAS ’74 Joanne Zeiner Millerick SAS ’59 Marianne Milzoff SON ’97 Mary K. Mitchell Friend Filomena Russo Mohr SAS ’61 Betty Sasseen Mongeon SAS ’49 Julia Looser O’Grady SAS ’64 Anne Emmerson Oller SAS ’50 Mary Dillon O’Neil SAS ’58 Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill SAS ’64 Marie O’Neill SAS ’82 Tara O’Neill O’Neill-Brant SAS ’98 Gladys Osborne SNR ’92 Judith Perry SAS ’64 Roberta Arrigoni Pickett SAS ’58 Anthony Pietroburgo SNR ’95 Mary Purcell SAS ’63 Sallee McNamara Purcell SAS ’63 Lucy Cuomo Rafferty SAS ’39 Mary Stevens Rafferty SAS ’75 Pilar Ramirez SAS ’72 Mary Reardon GRS ’83 Anne Donohue Reid SAS ’53 Joanne Remy-Maldacker SAS ’80 Frankie Revells SNR ’95 Rebecca Rhinehart SAS ’70 Theresa Riccio SAS ’60 Vera Moriarty Riley SAS ’44 Mary Creeden Risio SAS ’68 Joanne Smith Romalewski SAS ’69 Grace Miller Rosettie SAS ’48 Ann Magrum Rowland SAS ’58 Margaret Mietzelfeld Rowlenson SAS ’44 Patricia Ruddy SAS ’48 Mercedes Ruehl SAS ’69 E. Sheila Murray Russo SAS ’44 Joan Gaynor Ryan SAS ’50 Maureen Holland Ryan SAS ’39 Marilyn Saulle Friend Muriel Thompson Schaad SAS ’45 Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS ’45 Margaret Seifert Schiffer SAS ’52 Mary Frances Schnorr SAS ’79 Kathleen Burke Schohl SAS ’69 Thomas Seery Friend Mary Semple SAS ’61 Paula Farrell Shea SAS ’59 Patricia Ahearn Sheerin SAS ’61 Pearl Tong Shum SAS ’67 Margaret Savage Siewert SAS ’64 Jane C. Slagle Friend Joanne Hartnett Smith SAS ’49 Marilyn Roth Smith SAS ’59 Lucille Cacioppo Somma SAS ’60 Lambros G. Stamoulis Friend Margaret Stanislaus SAS ’57 Angela Cadigan Mooney SAS ’55 Lois Moore SAS ’47 Loretta Gaffney Moore SAS ’41 Patricia Moran SAS ’64 William Morca Friend Noranne Mulcahy SAS ’66 Jean Mulhern Mulhern SAS ’48 Mary Ann & David Munroe Past Parent Carolyn Noble Friend Geraldine Noble-Martocci SAS ’79 Mary Carpenter Nunz SAS ’54 Jean Closter O’Brien SAS ’48 Sheila Madigan O’Connell SAS ’54 Margaret McEvoy O’Connor SAS ’41 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS ’62 Mary Killian O’Donnell SAS ’55 Eleanor Barber O’Gara SAS ’32 34 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Carmen Trueba Stanley SAS ’56 Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS ’48 Lillian Stewart SNR ’78 Mary Ellen Mangeot Stewart SAS ’49 Jean Stoddart SAS ’65 Jeanne Gagnier Stone SAS ’47 Patricia Quinn Straub SAS ’44 Mary McGarry Stuart SAS ’63 Constance Turner Sullivan SAS ’58 Marlene Lauria Sullivan SAS ’54 Patricia Sullivan SAS ’48 Rosanne Firlit Sullivan SAS ’70 Elinor Tanck SAS ’57 Denise Taylor GRS ’81 Mary Emmons Tergesen SAS ’59 Ann Marie Parrillo Thomas SON ’85 Deborah Thomas Friend Margaret Lannon Thorne SAS ’67 Elaine Tolley-Andrews SAS ’90 Clary Toro SAS ’57 Lynn Travers SAS ’76 Vicki V. Truxton Friend Donna VanAlst SAS ’85 Jean McEvoy VanDelft SAS ’38 Bonnie Vandeyar GRS ’00 Patricia Vergara SAS ’49 Marguerite Marino VillaSanta SAS ’51 Susannah Violino SAS ’79 Joan Virgin SNR ’76 Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS ’67 Helen Lott Walsh SAS ’49 Rita Newell Walsh SAS ’47 Maureen Mendres Ward SAS ’69 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS ’51 Mary Watson-Stribula SAS ’68 Carole Weaver Friend Judith Murray Webdale SAS ’65 Rosemarie Affatato Wenick SAS ’65 Elizabeth Whalen SAS ’78 Catherine White SAS ’45 Tawn Arcuri Whittemore SAS ’75 Susan Reid Wilke SAS ’66 Julia Lawrence Willemin SAS ’28 Marteve Trivett Williamson SAS ’54 Suzanne Siegert Williamson SAS ’74 Sherrill R. Wilson Friend Maura Meehan Winkler SAS ’61 Frances Gardner Youssef SAS ’69 Sue Ann Oetting Zaccagnino SAS ’68 Dale Zola SAS ’71 Anonymous A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB The Century Club is open to donors who contribute between $100 and $249 to the Annual Fund by June 30 each year. The 1,454 members listed below represent alumnae/i, parents and friends who contributed $171,000 in 2004. The College appreciates your abiding support. T H E C E N T U RY C LU B ( $ 10 0 TO $ 24 9 ) Selma White Abdelahad SON ’85 Joan Adams SNR ’91 Romayne Parlanti Agliotta SAS ’53 Juliette Ahearn SAS ’59 Seton Caulfield Ahearn SAS ’79 Cathleen Callan Alban SAS ’47 Mary Alfinito SAS ’82 Mary Allen SAS ’38 Ania Chelchowski Allwarden SAS ’74 Carol Alterman SNR ’79 Joyce Trainor Altieri SAS ’63 Michelle Altilio GRS ’95 Frances Battaglia Altman SAS ’58 Christina Leary Amabile SAS ’60 Lorraine Hoskins Amberg SAS ’48 Adelaide Amend SAS ’58 Marc Anders SNR ’76 Lucille Nicolais Andersen SAS ’62 Lisa McCrann Anderson SAS ’82 Marie Donahue Anderson SAS ’75 Mary Boyce Anderson SAS ’49 Doreen McDermott Andriola SAS ’65 Denise Sweeney Angelini SAS ’72 Carole Fabrizzi Angelino SAS ’62 Dolores Liggero Anostario SAS ’54 Lorraine Liebler Anson SAS ’43 Glen Applebaum, D.D.S. Friend Roberta Apuzzo SNR ’92 Imogene Simmons Archibald SAS ’45* Rita Hamm Arnstein SAS ’37 Helen Curtin Ashe SAS ’56 Heather Ashfield SON ’96 Mary Heising Ausman SAS ’48 Patricia Murphy Ayres SAS ’51 J. Joyce Zehner Bab SAS ’53 Dorothy Lynch Babis SAS ’51 Eileen Bagge GRS ’91 Helen McCarty Bagley SAS ’34 Terri Riley Bagnulo SAS ’64 Jeanne Ryan Baio SAS ’02 Rosemary Bair GRS ’95 Mary Lou Norton Baker SAS ’57 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 Susan Ball SAS ’80 Mary Ann Bock Balze SAS ’56 Agnes Carrozzella Barba SAS ’57 Patricia Abbott Barden SAS ’60 Janet Connelly Barnett SAS ’49 Jessica Wassmer Barrett SAS ’49 * Deceased Eleanor Sullivan Barry SAS ’60 Carolyn Chadbourne Barton SAS ’38 Marianne Barton SAS ’78 Margaret Scholz Bartsch SAS ’52 Marita Rinaldi Bashor SAS ’64 Joan Molanphy Bassett SAS ’50* Joan Lange Bausch SAS ’61 Nilda Bayron-Resnick SAS ’77 Helene Beauchemin SAS ’41 Margaret Gleeson Becker SAS ’56 Janet Beckerman GRS ’92 Maryann Becraft GRS ’94 Alma Beer GRS ’74 Valerie Burke Beeson SAS ’62 Irene Obolensky Beggs SAS ’55 Kathryn Heck Begley SAS ’55 Rita Beglin SAS ’44 Veronica Loar Beirne SAS ’64 Cynthia Bell SNR ’76 Anne Fahrenkopf Bellos SAS ’43 Ann-Marie Bendor SON ’97 Julie Bennett SAS ’52 Margaret Bennett GRS ’84 Marianne Bennett SAS ’70 Patricia Taber Bennett SON ’84 Peggy Judge Berger SAS ’47 Barbara Canavan Berkowitz SAS ’69 Mary-Elaine Cash Bernard SAS ’68 Lynn Tasco Bertsch SAS ’78 Ann Koenig Biancheri SAS ’52 Frances Delisle Bianculli SAS ’50 Mary Jane Wilson Bilik SAS ’71 Patricia Bilow SAS ’73 Joseph Biscoglio Friend Vivian Farley Black SAS ’47 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS ’74 Susan Moran Blair SAS ’67 Mary Kay Blanco SON ’87 Julita Blasi SAS ’61 Patricia Murray Blessington SAS ’56 James Bliss Friend Patricia Real Bobbin SAS ’49 Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura SAS ’49 Darcy Boyan SON ’82 Mary Lynne Rie Bonforte SAS ’90 Sheila Lane Booth SAS ’69 Margaret Meskill Borchert SAS ’76 Ethlyn Boreland SON ’99 Ellen Greene Borzelli SAS ’68 Kathleen Kay Bosco SAS ’61 Lois Forster Boston SAS ’60 Yolanda Lacagnina Bouffard SAS ’50 Mary McDonald Boulin SAS ’51 Maureen McCann Boulton SAS ’70 Elizabeth Bourgeois SAS ’67 Edna Bourne SNR ’82 Anne Boyce SAS ’54 Ina Creagh Boyd SAS ’57 Maura McTague Boyle SAS ’71 Virginia Davis Boyle SAS ’49 Susan Bradlau SNR ’77 Betty Fortune Bradley SAS ’49 Rosalie Lenahan Bradley SAS ’45 Mary Baldwin Brady SAS ’48 Alma Branche SNR ’82 Dianne Brandi SAS ’79 Anne Brassel Brassel SAS ’68 Patricia Kelly Bratches SAS ’51 Jeanne Brennan, O.S.U. SAS ’45 Monica Brennan SAS ’84 Kathleen Breslin SNR ’93 Daniel Bresnahan Friend Elizabeth Breton SAS ’39 Virginia Breton SAS ’41 Elsa Brett SAS ’75 Linda Liotti Breving SAS ’58 Geraldine Larkin Brick SAS ’67 Catherine Savarese Brinker SAS ’56 Kathleen Bristol SAS ’96 Vera Broderick Friend Duffy Brodsky SNR ’76 Ellen Brooks-Kelly SAS ’82 Arlene Brown SNR ’82 Felicia Dalia Prekeris Brown SAS ’58 Florence Brown SAS ’72 Joan McAndrews Brown SAS ’53 Mary Geaney Brown SAS ’54 Mary McShane Brown SAS ’37 Nancy Brown Friend Nancy Bragger Brown SAS ’53 Phyllis McCullough Brown SAS ’52 Teresa Creagh Brown SAS ’60 Eileen Maher Browning SAS ’64 Beverlee Bruce Friend Francoise Lajoie Brunette SAS ’66 Joanne Harmon Bryant SAS ’78 Marlene Buckingham SNR ’82 Elizabeth Sexton Buckley SAS ’44 Lynn Liptak Budd SAS ’67 Maura Nestor Bullock SAS ’61 Rita Murphy Bundschuh SAS ’39 Elaine Dehan Burger SAS ’55 Mark Burigo GRS ’78 Barbara Alliegro Burke SAS ’50 35 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan Bray Burke SAS ’57 Mary Hennelly Burke SAS ’69 Regina Burke GRS ’81 Claire Carolan Burnell SAS ’52 Clare McDonnell Burnett SAS ’77 Jean Foley Burtis SAS ’58 Nancy Lynch Busch SAS ’59 Mary Tartaglione Butler SAS ’62 Veronica Butler SAS ’68 Teresa Byrne, O.S.U. SAS ’52 Kathleen McTighe Cahill SAS ’72 Mary Ruth Ahearn Cahill SAS ’41 Kathleen Kelley Caldara SAS ’75 Nydia Calderon-Gazard GRS ’95 Kathryn McMahon Campbell SAS ’43 Susan Canada SNR ’89 Terri Ryba Cannell SAS ’52 Elizabeth Trach Capurso SAS ’74 Carol Miele Caragine SAS ’62 Joan Ruddy Carberry SAS ’46* Eileen Titterton Carbery SAS ’53 Judith Mallegol Cardanha SAS ’63 June Cardinali GRS ’76 Dawn Camadella Cardone SAS ’54 Angelina Carforo SNR ’90 Marilyn Meyer Carmody SAS ’61 Ellen Carney SNR ’85 Julie Davis Carran SNR ’81 Mary Kiley Carroll SAS ’59 Mary Eddy Carroll SAS ’59 Mary Ellen Carty SAS ’80 Mary Carvalho SAS ’42 Helen Casey SAS ’61 Marie Coogan Casey SAS ’38 Nancy Casey GRS ’89 Tara Wood Casey SAS ’80 Jeanne Cashman, O.S.U. SAS ’64 Joan Galletta Casler SAS ’65 Elizabeth Vaglio Cassero SAS ’61 Joan Sullivan Cassidy SAS ’62* Patricia Halligan Castaldo SAS ’47 Joyce Leon Castaldy SAS ’70 Elizabeth Castillo SAS ’75 Wanda Castner GRS ’76 Marilyn Catania-Bello SON ’81 Monique Caubere Friend Rita Cave SAS ’34 Babette Caraccio Centofanti SAS ’78 Lisa Cesare SAS ’81 Amporn Tantuvanich Chakkaphak SAS ’73 Gail Brough Chapman SAS ’57 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Jacquelyn Sullivan Chapman SAS ’49 Elizabeth Kelley Chapple SAS ’44 Cathleen Charles SAS ’44 Francine Gallello Chattin SAS ’79 Aida Cheema SNR ’96 Sheila McCrudden Cherico SAS ’63 Joan Epifano Chiota SAS ’40 Patricia Connelly Chirles SAS ’69 Marcella Chodaczek SAS ’52 Virginia Fontana Cimini SAS ’57 Angelina Grimaldi Cioffari SAS ’35 Dorothy Clark SNR ’85 Nancy Allain Clark SAS ’69 Eunice Claire Clarke SNR ’93 Alexandra Clarke Melograno SAS ’81 Eleanor Clary SAS ’54 Loretta Claye SON ’83 Kathleen Clement SAS ’66 Beverly Clendening SAS ’74 Mary Ann Lynch Clune SAS ’57 Dorothy Schrieber Codd SAS ’61 Anita Cohen SON ’82 Barbara Cohen GRS ’77 Jean Cohen SNR ’78 Sanda Cohen SNR ’84 Rosemarie Martocci Cohn SAS ’37 Marguerite Coke-Maxwell Friend Nancy Cole Friend Cecilia Maguire Coleman SAS ’44* Melinda Secchiaroli Coletti SAS ’64 Jean Barrett Colligan SAS ’50 Betty Fagan Collins SAS ’39 Marie Possidente Collins SAS ’69 Louise Lyons Colton SAS ’44 Joan Herald Comey SAS ’54 Ruthann Comstock GRS ’00 Diane Davidson Conklin SAS ’77 Virginia Burgette Conlin SAS ’44 Barbara Connelly SNR ’86 Mary Jane Hanley Connelly SAS ’43 Margaret Mary Connevey SAS ’51 Marie Fitzsimmons Connors SAS ’35 Maureen Connors SAS ’80 Christine Zywiak Conroy SAS ’69 Joan Conti Conti-Lonergan SAS ’76 Marie Valluzzo Convertito SAS ’57 Kathleen McDonough Conway SAS ’71 Mary Hubbard Coogan SAS ’56 Roseclare Coombs SNR ’99 Monica Cooney SAS ’91 Peggy Coppola SAS ’71 Stephanie Syze Cordes SAS ’60 Barbara Parker Corr SAS ’57 Winifred Corrigan SAS ’34 Helen Haye Cort SAS ’43 Barbara Costello GRS ’83 Frances Leinen Costello SAS ’44 Sara Preston Costello SAS ’67 Helen Trelewicz Costigan SAS ’61 Ann Gilligan Cotter SAS ’41 Teresa Cotterall-Lagana SNR ’89 Joan Montgomery Coughlin SAS ’53 Martha Counihan, O.S.U. SAS ’67 Jane Spillane Courtney SAS ’62 Patricia O’Connor Cowan SAS ’62 Moira Lynch Crabtree SAS ’60 Margaret Crahan SAS ’60 Rita Creagh SAS ’55 Audrey Roberts Creary SAS ’52 Anne Moynihan Creedon SAS ’48 Marcia Humphrey Creighton SAS ’42 Patricia Braun Crinigan SAS ’47 Anne Crowe GRS ’74 Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS ’49 Marilyn Curry SAS ’57 Maura Curry GRS ’98 Nancy Carolan Cusack SAS ’50 Margaret & William Cuttle Friend Mary Jo Jordan Cutty SAS ’69 Barbara Hadlock Dacey SAS ’52 Christina Daly Chatroo SAS ’77 Christine Broderick Daly SAS ’86 Eleanor Flynn Daly SAS ’56 Marcelle McCormack Daly SAS ’44 Muriel Buhrig D’Amico SAS ’35 Charlie Daniel SNR ’83 Marguerite d’Aprile-Smith SAS ’80 Charlotte Neilan Darling SAS ’61 Cynthia Hricko David SAS ’65 Diane Heine Davis SAS ’71 John W. Davis Friend Nancy Gould Davis SAS ’54 Norman Davis SNR ’75 Dale Tristany Davis Starenko SAS ’63 Suzette McKiernan Davis SAS ’61 Suzanne Dawson-Zinkand SAS ’74 Virginia de Wolf SAS ’68 Mary Olin Deambrosis SAS ’66 Margaret Baylock Dean SAS ’67 Roberta Tolle DeBaldo SAS ’58 Ann Gruendl Decker SAS ’71 Barbara Decker SNR ’75 Alice Russell Deegan SAS ’38 Dorothea Schatzlein DeLannoy SAS ’49 Barbara Delany GRS ’81 Rita Cardone Delaurier SAS ’42 Rosalie Procaccino Delillo SAS ’61 Saadia Del-Llano SAS ’88 Jeanne Whelan Demarzo SON ’83 Anne Beaver Dempsey SAS ’64 Noreen Keily DeNatale SAS ’47 Mikell Gallagher Deptula SAS ’64 Marie Derenzis SON ’98 Carol Cooke Derrenbacher SAS ’65 Carol Hopkins DeRuggiero SAS ’58 Anne Peel DeShields SAS ’69 Justine Brophy Desmond SAS ’49 Richard R. Desmond Friend Margaret Gormley Detko SAS ’55 Jane Detweiler SAS ’75 Mary Pat Whalen Devane SAS ’53 Marjorie Devery SAS ’64 Danielle Devine SAS ’94 Leslie Diaz SNR ’00 Michele DiCarlo SAS ’88 Bonnie Dickey GRS ’98 Ann Gilligan DiDiego SAS ’51 Regina Killeen Dietz SAS ’64 Frank DiMarco Parent Louise DiModica SAS ’56 Barbara Farrell Dingee SAS ’69 Dora Dion SAS ’47 Marianne Dipalermo-McCauley Friend Margaret McGrath DiScipio SAS ’87 Mary Cuff Dittrich SAS ’46 Barbara Dodds SAS ’86 Marilyn Grimm Doherty SAS ’51 Doris Fingerhut Dolan SAS ’46 Jean McKiernan Dolan SAS ’43 Muriel Bachmann Dolan SAS ’46 Kathleen Donahue SAS ’68 Mary Alice Donius Friend Marie Busch Donnelly SAS ’44 Tesse Hartigan Donnelly SAS ’54 Catherine Collins Donohoe SON ’84 Isabelle Ludes Donohue SAS ’53 Julia Spalt Donohue SAS ’29 Frances Quilter Donovan SAS ’41 Joan Donovan SAS ’62 Nancy Donworth SNR ’98 Melanie Ivancho Dooley SAS ’72 Patricia Craig Dorsey SAS ’49 * Deceased 36 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Julia Dougherty GRS ’91 Margaret Klinkhammer Douglas SAS ’33 Carol Beebe Dowley SAS ’66 Ann Grady Doyle SAS ’59 Anne Crapser Doyle SAS ’52 Carole Saunders Doyle SAS ’54 Eugenie Doyle Friend Frances Mehl Doyle SAS ’47 Joellen Doyle GRS ’90 Mary Harvey Doyle SAS ’57 Patricia Doyle Friend Suzanne Draghi SAS ’62 Kathleen Dragone Wick SAS ’74 Patricia Gafney Draper SAS ’49 Bonnie Driscoll SAS ’61 Maryanne Driscoll SAS ’68 Doris Sieck Dubac SAS ’62 Anne Dubois SAS ’74 Margaret Ducey SAS ’38 Colleen Duffy SAS ’81 Nelson Dukes SNR ’88 Mary Ahern Dunn SAS ’50 Lois Stone Dwyer SAS ’50 Ann Marie Eagan SAS ’68 Beatrice Cunningham Easton SAS ’58 Rudolph Eckhardt Friend Sondra Edouards SNR ’77 Francine Corcoran Edwards SAS ’57 Lucy DiSanto Egan SAS ’55 Jane McClelland Ekkers SAS ’62 Susan Tucker Elcock SAS ’83 Isaac Elegbe Friend Teresa Graumann Elliott SAS ’49 Kathryn English SAS ’51 M. Lois Esmay GRS ’82 Maureen Reynolds Estes SAS ’61 Grace Eubanks SNR ’86 Phyllis Andrea Falino SAS ’44 Eleanor & Bernard Fallon Past Parent Phebe Fallon SAS ’89 Catherine Gardner Falvey SAS ’48 JoAnn Schilling Fannon SAS ’72 Hilda Farmer Past Parent Mary Comella Farnsworth SAS ’72 Winifred Sieger Farrell SAS ’47 Ann Savino Farrelly SAS ’60 Gertrude Hanley Farrington SAS ’35 Coula Farris SNR ’77 Ellen Kiernan Fauerbach SAS ’67 Mark Fauntleroy SNR ’99 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Ann Battaglia Feldman SAS ’65 Helen Felitto SAS ’38 Mary Selby Ferrari SAS ’50 Aileen Ferrick SON Barbara Mullin Fettig SAS ’55 Elizabeth Marra Feuerstein SAS ’58 Linda Ambrosiano Finelli SAS ’50 Ruth O’Connor Finn SAS ’41 Betty Ann Wymbs Finneran SAS ’52 Kathleen Finnerty, O.S.U. SAS Noel Keyser Fischer SAS ’49 Anita LaLancette Fish SAS ’37 Andrea Fitzgerald SON ’88 Anne Fitzgerald SAS ’45 Florence Doyle Fitzgerald SAS ’50 Mildred O’Grady Fitzgerald SAS ’49 Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS ’50 Marylou Mele Fitzpatrick SAS ’54 Eva Flamm SNR ’93 Marie Flanagan SAS ’64 Karen Flanagan-Crowley SAS ’82 Mary Jane Hepinstall Flanigan SAS ’63 Ellen Clifford Flatley SON ’86 Margaret Slagsvol Flavia SAS ’54 Ellen Murphy Flood SAS ’52 Elizabeth Lydon Flynn SAS ’82 Kathleen Mannix Flynn SAS ’70 Mary Ruth Willmann Foglino SAS ’56 Agnes Sheridan Foley SAS ’34 Anne M. Foley Friend John Foley Friend Mary Ahearn Foley SAS ’56 Glenna Faller Follmer SAS ’59 Naomi Roche Fonseca SAS ’56 Antonia Callo Fontana SAS ’47 Mary Ann Foohey SAS ’58 Jacqueline Forbes Friend Eileen Foster SAS ’65 Jane Walsh Foster SAS ’57 Janice Francis SNR ’84 Rose Franco SAS ’49 Roberta Filippo Frank SAS ’78 Debbie Michalec Frantzen SON ’88 Pamela C. Frasca SAS ’67 Constance Oehrlein Frederick SAS ’43 Kathleen Fredrick SAS ’59 Frances Shaner Freeman SAS ’58 Jacqueline French SAS ’50 Mary Frey SAS ’70 Jane Mahoney Fritz SAS ’41 Monica Dumser Frizzell SAS ’63 Maryjane Hurley Fromm SAS ’66 Mary Burger Frost SAS ’64 Emma Fulwood SNR ’78 Joseph Furgiuele SNR ’75 Virginia Furman SNR ’78 Virginia Walsh Furtwangler SAS ’54 Alem Gabre-Sellassie SNR ’97 Jeanne French Gabriel SAS ’42 Gloria Angello Gallagher SAS ’51 Mary Ann Clines Gallagher SAS ’47 Anna Del Gardo Gallo SAS ’47 Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume SAS ’73 Janet Galvin GRS ’74 Marguerite McNamara Galvin SAS ’58 Mary Tracy Gamble SAS ’71 Sandra S. Gangle, Esq. SAS ’64 Ann Broady Gardiner SAS ’71 Michaela Bartley Gardiner SAS ’57 Meg Gardinier Lawder SAS ’81 Frances Torpy Gardner SAS ’44 Marie Zoller Gardner SAS ’67 Patricia Carey Gareri SAS ’48 Particia Erwin Garrity SAS ’70 Mary Gillen Gatter SAS ’40 Alice O’Grady Gauriloff SAS ’41 Barbara Loperfido Gavosto SAS ’74 J. Gayle Gaymon SNR ’91 Sheila Fitzpatrick Geoghegan SAS ’61 Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS ’60 Linda Georgianna SAS ’69 Sandra Forbes Gerhard SAS ’62 Helen Simons Gettings SAS ’42 Virginia Hanrahan Gettler SAS ’44 Alicia Quinn Geye SAS ’42 Antonia Giangrande SAS ’62 Mary Finnegan Gibbons SAS ’54 M. Joan Callahan Gilbert SAS ’55 Eileen Gilbride Friend Michelle Wheeler Gill SAS ’71 Mary Walsh Gilligan SAS ’45 Mary Gibson Gilmartin SAS ’43 Linda Reichman Gilmartin SAS ’69 Barbara Farley Gilroy SAS ’49 Isabella Demasi Giordano SAS ’62 Linda Girardi Friend Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS ’80 Anne McSheehy Giroux SAS ’55 Katharine Egan Gleason SAS ’59 Kathryn Gleeson SAS ’61 Linda Herriott Gniazdowski SAS ’69 * Deceased 37 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Catherine Kelly Goegel SAS ’69 Margaret Mihalik Gogolak SAS ’38 Kathryn Gallagher Golden SAS ’63 Anne Golub SNR ’74 Marguerite Gormley Gomes SAS ’61 Mary Nichols Goodenow SAS ’47 L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman SAS ’58 Constance O’Connor Gooley SAS ’61 Claudia Barnett Gordon SAS ’61 Erin Gorman SAS ’97 Margaret Nugent Gorman SAS ’49* Gretchen Staff Goethner SAS ’56 Rita Moriarty Gorman SAS ’62 Catherine Gotti SAS ’51 Patricia Maloney Grace SAS ’56 Elizabeth Leslie Grady SAS ’46 Linda Grande Past Parent Mary Virginia Donnelly Gray SAS ’57 Cecelia Hanley Greco SAS ’55 Lorraine Greene-Elshot GRS ’92 Louise DiSanto Greer SAS ’53 Robert Gregory GRS ’88 Ruth Edelmann Grein SAS ’42 Ida Grieco SNR ’82 Bernice Keller Griffin SAS ’55 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Jill Griffin SAS ’78 Mary Lou Zanca Griffin SAS ’63 Noel McNamara Grimm SAS ’68 Madeline Leahy Groark SAS ’55 Barbara Grodd SNR ’75 Elaine Cukras Grogan SAS ’56 Mary Domingue Guerin SAS ’60 Mary Houlihan Guilfoyle SAS ’46 Sylvia Barzak Gunderson SAS ’59 Teresa Gunther SAS ’48 Mary Norton Guterl SAS ’36 June Carey Haberbusch SAS ’69 Jenny Goris Hackett SAS ’43 Margaret Green Hackett SAS ’42 Mary Hagerty GRS ’79 Mary O’Connor Haggerty SAS ’46 Mildred Haipt, O.S.U. Friend M. Andree Byrne Halcott SAS ’69 Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Haley SAS ’39 Mary Lou Bartholomew Hallatt SAS ’54 Mary Meany Hallinan SAS ’42 Marie Cudicello Halloran SAS ’59 Barbara Klein Hamill SAS ’57 Hilda Hamlett SNR ’89 Job Hamlett SNR ’83 Suzanne McCormick Hampton SAS ’69 Catherine Kilian Haney SAS ’66 Joan Fleming Hanifin SAS ’52 Joan Marschall Hanley SAS ’55 Mary Jane Walsh Hanlon SAS ’72 Gloria Lucchesi Hanson SAS ’59 Melanie Harasym Friend Margaret McGonegal Harbin SAS ’65 Maryann Daroska Hardwicke SAS ’71 Margery Hunter Hardy SAS ’46 Maria Garofalo Hargus SAS ’69 Ellen Erisman Harrington SAS ’55 Sarah Harris SNR ’92 Mary Keenan Hart SAS ’58 Margaret Hartman SNR ’79 Joan Hartmann SAS ’74 Maeve Carmody Hartmann SAS ’46 Doris Rehm Hartnett SAS ’48 Claire Thompson Harty SAS ’50 Isabel Nahan Harvey SAS ’48 Jeanne Torpey Hassett SAS ’50 Marie deWolfe Hawthorne SAS ’39 Anne Power Hayden SAS ’71 Angela Bannan Healey SAS ’59 Margaret Lohan Healy SAS ’64 Adelaide Heckler SAS ’47 Elizabeth McGowan Hegarty SAS ’57 Carol O’Connell Heinze SAS ’60 Jane Delaney Hellberg SAS ’77 Thea Kittinger Helmberg SAS ’54 Patricia Hoch Hendricks SAS ’59 Eileen Kelly Henning SAS ’69 Dolores C. Henry SNR ’01 Letitia Hepburn SNR ’99 Marie DePan Herlihy SAS ’41 Consolacion & Gilbert Hernandez S. Stephanie Peterman Iachetta SAS ’59 Mary & Frank Iaquinta Past Parent Constance Iervolino GRS ’88 Florence Mullen Indiveri SAS ’46 Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez SON ’87 Maureen Innes SON ’92 Anne-Marie Wilchek Iozzo SAS ’67 Letizia Isaia SAS ’75 Patricia Lamb Isgro SAS ’73 Margaret Cleary Jackson SAS ’47 Mary Jane Bergeron Janick SAS ’53 Catherine O’Reilly Jaundrill SAS ’71 Carole Schmidt Jennings SAS ’62 Mary Jeram SAS ’50 Grace Johnson GRS ’75 Susan Johnson SAS ’69 Victoria Fontana Johnson SAS ’74 Jacquelene Butler Johnston SAS ’75 Brenda Jones SNR ’02 Evelyn I. Jones GRS ’00 Natalie O’Brien Jones SAS ’39 Geraldine Curtin Jordan SAS ’74 Robin Jordan Marshall Friend Jacqueline Josephs-Haughton SON ’98 The Journal News Carol Bertani Joyce SAS ’64 Rosemary Joyce-Petrovich SAS ’75 Kathleen Juan SAS ’61 Arceil Amodio Juranty SAS ’68 Mary Giegengack Jureller SAS ’61 Jane Grzymski Kahl SAS ’71 Winifred Kahl SNR ’89 Janet Houlihan Kain SAS ’49 Mary Martin Kaletta SAS ’53 Barbara-Jo Kandybowicz SAS ’71 Mary Lavelle Kane SAS ’38 Linda Kapurch SAS ’72 Georgia Smith Keefe SAS ’50 Jane Keegan, R.D.C. Friend Barbara Colwell Keenan SAS ’66 Anne Gilmartin Kelleher SAS ’71 Margaret Mary Kelleher, O.S.U. Friend Kathleen Keller SAS ’93 Katherine McGrath Kelley SAS ’51 Nancy McAuliffe Kelley SAS ’84 Roberta Kelley SAS ’70 Sandra Kelley SAS ’61 Catherine Elder Kelly SAS ’61 Gail Manss Kelly SAS ’61 Joan Kelly SAS ’76 Theresa Kelly SNR ’92 Parent Vivian Ferracci Hernon SAS ’52 Fran Hertzberg GRS ’00 Mary Hesdorffer SON ’95 Winifred Hajla Hespe SAS ’54 Grace Bader Heydet SAS ’40 Santa Bonsignore Hickey SAS ’44 Trudy Triolo Higgins SAS ’71 Margaret Lewis Hilton SAS ’59 Sarah White Hoblitzell SAS ’56 Carole Ricci Hodges SAS ’68 Susan Rutecki Hoehler SAS ’67 Mary Jane Clary Hoffman SAS ’45 Elizabeth Farrell Hogan SAS ’49 Susan Alexander Hogan SAS ’63 Mary O’Donnell Holden SAS ’48 Petronella Holm SNR ’76 Elizabeth Happy Homa SAS ’50 Shirley Homes SNR ’79 Alexander Hood Friend Margaret Sullivan Hooley SAS ’57 Cecile-Marie Daoust Hoover SAS ’52 Anne Burns Horgan SAS ’40 Patricia Goonan Horgan SAS ’69 Liz Horvitz SNR ’89 Helen Hoskins Friend Helen Phelan Howe SAS ’52 M. Benjamin Howe Friend Alana Howell SNR ’87 Matilde Huertas Huertas SAS ’57 Kathleen Desmond Hughes SAS ’54 Mary Coughlin Hughes SAS ’42 Russell Hullstrung SON ’99 Margaret Parmelee Hummel SAS ’62 Lola Hunter SNR ’74 Eileen McNiff Hussey SAS ’62 Nora Hutchinson SNR ’78 Joan Gaine Hutchison SAS ’55 Florence Huth GRS ’72 Susan Huvane SAS ’59 Ann Gavigan Huzinec SON ’83 38 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Eileen Crawford Kelmer SAS ’43 Estelle Kennedy SAS ’33 Ruth Kennedy SAS ’53 Patricia Reilly Kenney SAS ’65 Cecilia Corcoran Kenny SAS ’49 Beatrice Close Kerr SAS ’66 Norma Gleeson Kerr SAS ’45 Marie Kilbourn SAS ’50 Barbara Kiley SAS ’65 Barbara Ramsey Kiley SAS ’68 Joan Kiley SAS ’79 Elizabeth Carraher Kilsheimer SAS ’46 Dorothy King SAS ’48 Claire Senger Kingsley SAS ’56 Nancy Duffy Kirkpatrick SAS ’43 Barbara Kisken GRS ’81 Sheila Knapp SAS ’80 Grace Barnett Knechtel SAS ’56 Adrienne Lachapelle Kohlstrom SAS ’50 Isola Kokumo Friend Alcia Kong SNR ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Korntheuer Friend Virginia Maffia Kortz SAS ’64 Sheila A. Koscher Friend Dorothy Boyce Koster SAS ’35 Mary Kraetzer SAS ’65 Janet Howe Kraskouskas SAS ’68 Michaelene Robinson Krey SAS ’68 Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson SAS ’76 Eileen Mahoney Kristofik SAS ’43 JoAnn Krupa SAS ’77 Margaret Durner Kubasiak SAS ’62 Elizabeth Bonauto Kuhns SAS ’69 Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr SAS ’63 Barbara Mackinnon Kuttner SAS ’58 Elizabeth Feiner LaCasse SAS ’81 Elizabeth Borden Lalor SAS ’52 Patricia Byrnes Lammers SAS ’53 Vincentia Corbetta Landolfe SAS ’48 Sheila Desmond Landon SAS ’53 Frances Doyle Lane SAS ’41 Lorraine Newbrand Lange SAS ’39 Danielle DunLany Langford SAS ’67 Claire Langie SAS ’53 Joan Moynihan Langlais SAS ’71 Joann Hawkes Langston SAS ’53 Lucille DeGuilio LaPerch SAS ’81 Deirdre LaPorte SAS ’63 Cecile Lasis SNR ’80 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Wadiyah A. Latif Friend Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager SAS ’57 Elizabeth Jones Lavelle SAS ’78 Margaret Lawrence SAS ’44 Grace Lawton GRS ’79 Mary Doherty Layden SAS ’60 Mary Hagen Leahy-Schrann SAS ’47 Julia Donahue Learnard SAS ’42 Eleanore Leary SAS ’55 Nancy Bisio Leary SAS ’55 Kathleen Ritchie Lee SAS ’35 Mary Jo Casson Lee SAS ’50 Linda Lefkowitz SNR ’75 Lucille Legrand-Smith SON ’92 Rose Scoca Leon SAS ’43 Marjorie Zecher Lepore SAS ’49 Charles Lercara SNR ’91 Patricia Gill Leveque SAS ’71 Maria Gross Liedlich SAS ’86 Patricia McCaffrey Linn SAS ’46 Mary Alice Boyle Lipski SAS ’58 Elizabeth Birgel Lisella SAS ’42 Ethelbert Livingstone Friend Margo McNeill Locaputo SAS ’59 Marie Visnauskas Loehmann SAS ’77 Anne Koening Loesch SAS ’58 Kathleen Arbuckle Logan-Prince SAS ’54 Teresa Lomonte SON ’83 Ms. Julianne K. Long Friend Roseann Diliberto Lorefice SAS ’71 Marilyn Puchli Lorenz SAS ’66 Christopher Lovergine Friend Hastie Lowther SNR ’76 Audrey Leahy Lundquist SAS ’40 Teresa Luraschi Friend Umu Luseni SON ’03 Helene Lutz SAS ’70 Margaret Houlihan Lynch SAS ’57 Mary Corinne Herk Lynch SAS ’53 Patricia Lynch SAS ’59 Rosemary Gotsch Lynch SAS ’59* Jean-Marie LaPlant Lyne SAS ’60 Christine Skelly Lynskey SAS ’87 Claire Lebel Lyons SAS ’52 Susan Miner Lyons SAS ’66 Elizabeth Farrell MacBlane SAS ’52 Andrea Eomme MacBurney SAS ’51 Robert MacDonald Friend Josephine Macek SAS ’44 Elaine Mack SON ’93 Joanne Lusk MacKay SAS ’74 Catherine Lowney Mackey SAS ’32 Eileen Gaughan Madden SAS ’42 Kathleen Sanner Madden SAS ’61 Anne Magee GRS ’79 Maureen Frayne Magee SAS ’57 Carolyn Aloisi Magro SAS ’49 Patricia Glocheski Maguire SAS ’72 Meghan Mahon SAS ’90 Maureen Mahoney-Josiah SAS ’86 Valerie Maitland-Smith Friend Jane McBurney Maloney SAS ’72 Aaron Manley SNR ’86 Catherine Manley-Cullen SON ’82 Theresa Manuel SNR ’97 Helen Marble SNR ’87 Carole James Marbury SAS ’56 Ann Marie Rees Marcellino SAS ’59 Camille Marchetta SAS ’62 Olive Traynor Marcinkowski SAS ’49 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS ’58 Bonnie Kerner Markunas SAS ’84 Victoria Rossetto Marmora SAS ’56 Mary Marquis GRS ’75 Rosemary Keenan Marra SAS ’45 Joseph E. Marsh, Past Parent Merna Marshall-Bailey SON ’99 Astrid Martin SNR ’81 Dolores Duffy Martin SAS ’52 Mary Beth Martin SAS ’74 Mary Braca Martocci SAS ’44 Marilyn Masiero GRS ’90 Katia Mason SAS ’91 Patricia Oakley Mathieu SAS ’77 E. Irene Herald Matthews SAS ’53 Marie Mascali Mauriello SAS ’49 Mary Baker Maus SAS ’58 Catherine Rance May SAS ’59 Dorothy Fitzgerald Mazaitis SAS ’66 Jane Reiss McAniff SAS ’58 Ruth McLaughlin McBride SAS ’54 Catherine Henry McCabe SAS ’47 Ellen McCabe GRS ’85 Mary Daly McCabe SAS ’57 Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey SAS ’44 June Evangelist McCann SAS ’60 Aurelie Minikine McCarthy SAS ’58 Barbara McCarthy Friend Eileen & Dan McCarthy (Eileen Songer SAS ’91) Jean Mahoney McCarthy SAS ’43 Rosemary Parker McCloskey SAS ’64 Kathleen McCloskey Zanger SAS ’78 Irene McConnell SNR ’86 Regina McCormack SAS ’49 Coleen McCoy SON ’92 Claire McCrudden SAS ’56 Genevieve Maher McCullough SAS ’63 Elizabeth Shea McDermott SAS ’60 Joan Lucas McDermott SAS ’64 Madeleine Bourre McDermott SAS ’57 Margaret M. Liddy McDermott SAS ’54 Marilyn DiMeola McDonald SAS ’65 Virginia Leary McElroy SAS ’51 Joanne Palisi McEniry SAS ’85 Mary Ellen & Tom McEvily (Mary Ellen Foster SAS ’65) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEvoy Friend Virginia Malankowski McFadden SAS ’58 Anne Carroll McGann SAS ’46 Marilyn Ross McGirr SAS ’53 Mary Cuddy McGlinn SAS ’65 Rose Raziano McGough SAS ’57 Ann Goodwin McGovern SAS ’46 Carol McGowan Friend Genellen McGrath SAS ’76 Kathleen Scott McGrath SAS ’72 Ruth Murphy McGuire SAS ’42 Mildred Guilfoyle McGuirl SAS ’39 Una Hinchcliffe McHugh SAS ’87 Claire McIntee SAS ’61 Kathleen Sullivan McKenna SAS ’64 Nancy Duncanson McKenna SAS ’46 Ann Donovan McKeon SAS ’48 Marie Murphy McKeon SAS ’64 Catherine Ryan McKiernan SAS ’41 Nancy Padlon McKinley SAS ’69 Juliana Kelley Mclaughlin SAS ’88 Carolyn Mclean SON ’03 Ellen McLean SAS ’78 Mary Krackeler McLean SAS ’61 Theresa O’Connor McLean SAS ’69 Patricia McNally McLoughlin SAS ’50 Ursula Kehoe McMahon SAS ’60 Mary Lawrence McManus SAS ’65 Allison McMillan-Lee SAS ’81 Mary Alice McQuade SAS ’70 Cathleen McQuillen SAS ’78 Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae SAS ’65 Christine Geiger McRedmond SAS ’74 Jean Kilcoyne McSharry SAS ’50 * Deceased 39 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mary Ann Johnston McSparran SAS ’69 Evelyn Mechler SAS ’54 Marianna Medeiros GRS ’99 Alice Dooling Mellen SAS ’50 Jill Herndon Merrick SAS ’64 Kathleen Hooks Merrifield SAS ’63 Jane Comisky Mesereau SAS ’49 Donna Messina SNR ’81 Elizabeth Meyer SAS ’47 Lois Caposella Meyer SAS ’61 Mary Ann Cecarelli Meyer SAS ’75 Frances Miceli SNR ’81, GRS ‘84 Denise Michaelis SON ’82 Cecilia McGowan Michalak SAS ’51 Marie Ullrich Michels SAS ’57 Mary Fernandes Michunovich SAS ’77 Tammy Mickoliger SAS ’91 Ann Borstelmann Miele SAS ’53 Inez DeLucia Migliore SAS ’54 Clare Hogan Miller SAS ’60 Joanne McCarthy Miller SAS ’47 Kathleen O’Connor Miller SAS ’59 Mary Cronin Miller SAS ’60 Robert S. Miller Friend Debra Miller-Saultz SON ’96 Alice Milot SAS ’56 Elaine Holland Milton SAS ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Minkler Friend Kathleen Daly Mirabile SAS ’61 Paula Alice Mitchell SAS ’70 Christa Niklasch Mitscha-Marheim SAS ’54 Rhonetta Mobley SNR ’95 Mary Donovan Moeller SAS ’61 Ruth Doherty Mohr SAS ’79 Regina Zajkowski Montagna SAS ’43 Rosemary Moore SAS ’57 Virginia Broderick Moore SAS ’44 Margaret Rauner Moran SAS ’40 Patricia Carey Moran SAS ’44 Jean Davenport Moretti SAS ’49 Margaret Moroney SAS ’53 Jane Mackenzie Morosky SAS ’53 Barbara Guilfoyle Morpurgo SAS ’53 Stephanie Weston Morris SAS ’74 Barbara Clemens Morrison SAS ’52 Susan Morrison SAS ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morrissey Friend Jean Gibney Morrissey SAS ’55 Jennifer Morrow SAS ’95 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Christina Morzello SNR ’90 Melanie Moser SAS ’72 Joan Roxby Mostica SAS ’60 Constance Wong Mow SAS ’54 Anne Gallagher Moynihan SAS ’53 Beatrice O’Connell Mraz SAS ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muccino Friend Carol Fabiani Mueller SAS ’58 Juliann Heye Mueller SAS ’59 Kathleen Muentener SNR ’92 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Muller Friend Marianne Meyer Mundy SAS ’63 Elizabeth Konvalinka Murphy SAS ’43 Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy SAS ’43 Mark Murphy GRS ’79 Rita Murphy SAS ’51 Ann Marie Johnson Murray SON ’82 Kay C. Murray Friend Catherine Frank Murtha SAS ’68 Joan D’Angelo Musci SAS ’53 Carol Kennedy Mylod SAS ’60 Joan Alpi Napolitano SAS ’57 Carol Donlon Nealon SAS ’56 Frances Bossuet Neary SAS ’36 Joan Neary SNR ’92 Ann Neidhart SAS ’69 Joan Mosher Nelligan SAS ’45 Elizabeth Coyle Nelson SAS ’39 Daryl Thompson Neubecker SAS ’63 Agnes Gregory Nevin SAS ’47 Elizabeth Kempany Newman SAS ’33 Nancy Peavy O’Neil SAS ’65 Patricia O’Neil SAS ’52 Jane O’Neill SAS ’71 Ruth McCooey O’Neill SAS ’42 Eileen O’Connell O’Reilly SAS ’38 Patricia O’Brien O’Reilly SAS ’46 Patricia Pond O’Reilly SAS ’49 Elisabeth Quirk Orford SAS ’78 Lori Brooks O’Rourke SAS ’79 Therese Martino Orzano SAS ’42 Frances Burns Oseth SAS ’41 Susan O’Shea GRS ’81 Susan Tierney Oslin SAS ’71 Maureen Jennings Oster SAS ’69 Keelin O’Sullivan SAS ’80 Mary Pigott Ottavino SAS ’45 Ruth Stahl Outwater SAS ’67 Celestine Siconolfi Padilla SAS ’49 Kathleen Cunningham Paige SAS ’51 Rosalina Palladino SNR ’82 Lucy Schubmehl Palme SAS ’47 Ann Hald Palmer SAS ’53 Roberta Glowacki Palmisano SAS ’69 Mildred Aiello Panny SAS ’49 Angela Parker SAS ’74 Dorothy Harlan Parlatore SAS ’51 Margaret Pascale-Veziris SAS ’80 Carol Pulcini Paskiewicz SAS ’67 Carol Whelan Pasquantonio SAS ’58 Judith Patti GRS ’83 Irene Treffeisen Payne SAS ’44 Fred Peck GRS ’93 Barbara Adams Pedulla SAS ’70 Virginia Hyland Peel SAS ’41 Patricia Moore Peirano SAS ’69 Patricia Grumblatt Pelle SAS ’76 Geraldine Pelliccio SNR ’93 Elizabeth Byrne Peloso SAS ’61 Mary Jane Lane Pennington SAS ’57 Vera Farmer Penrod SAS ’52 Rita Perna SAS ’38 Mariann Perseo SAS ’65 Marilyn Clarke Peterson SON ’89 Patricia Phelan SAS ’69 Barbara Cassidy Phillips SAS ’70 Martha Kane Phillips SAS ’41 Maureen Patton Phillips SAS ’87 Jean Kennedy Philo SAS ’46 Sandra Phipps SAS ’82 Marguerite Rucquoi Picard SAS ’57 Virginia Kind Piccininni SAS ’51 Barbara Haas Niemira SAS ’76 Mary Fitzgerald Nieto SAS ’48 Helen Donovan Nightingale SAS ’52 Valerie Niosi SAS ’65 Barbara St. Mary Niss SAS ’80 Valerie Facey Noel SON ’81 Maeve Nolan SAS ’82 Sheila Smith Noll SAS ’57 Joanne Hall Norbert SAS ’54 Denise Rocheleau Nordberg SAS ’67 Margaret Smith Norris SAS ’67 Dorothy Noto SNR ’75 Catherine Novak-Viviano SAS ’70 Christine Deegan Noya SAS ’71 Mary Walsh Nunes SAS ’53 Cynthia O’Banks SON ’91 Anne Sheil O’Brien SAS ’56 Dorothea Henderer O’Brien SAS ’60 Ellen Norton O’Brien SAS ’68 Marion Reardon O’Brien SAS ’45 Marion Neumann O’Brien SAS ’37 Mary Flynn O’Brien SAS ’48 Patricia Gould O’Brien SAS ’56 Janet Griffin O’Connell SAS ’41 Mary Ringkamp O’Connell SON ’80 Dorcas Fraser O’Connor SAS ’53 Elaina Odermatt SON ’97 Elizabeth Shalloe O’Gorman SAS ’54 Judith O’Neill O’Gorman SAS ’61 Lois Olden GRS ’80 Rosemary Lingvall O’Malley SAS ’49 Jacquelyn Burns O’Neil SAS ’55 40 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Margaret Maher Pierce SAS ’68 Rosalie Moscarillo Piontkowski SAS ’49 Alexis Leitch Plaener SAS ’72 Patricia Dacey Plotkin SAS ’64 Mary Birch Plummer SAS ’41 Elizabeth Costello Poggiali SAS ’69 Marguerite VanArsdale Pohlmann SAS ’47 Deirdre Polow GRS ’91 Eleanor Hickey Pomeroy SAS ’72 Jeanne Price Potts SAS ’50 Janice Powalski SAS ’69 Virginia Cox Power SAS ’39 Cornelia DeSantis Pratt SAS ’60 Norma Pratt SAS ’45 Phyllis Simchak Pregiato SAS ’65 Dominic Procopio Friend Anthony Pucillo Friend Ruth Ann Fitch Quah SAS ’74 Diane Quandt Friend Mary Beth Meaney Quigley SAS ’60 Joan Quilty SAS ’74 Eleanor Byrne Quinlan SAS ’38 Lesley Quinlan SAS ’72 Carole Quinn SAS ’53 Eleanor Kenneke Quinn SAS ’62 Elizabeth Quinn SAS ’62 Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn SAS ’37 Mary Quinn SAS ’42 Patricia Quinn GRS ’89 Rachel Gillen Quinn SAS ’46 Margaret O’Hara Quirin SAS ’49 Marilyn Raad SAS ’44 Esther Schoffelen Rada SAS ’75 Annalinda Pandolfi Ragazzo SAS ’74 Pierrette Rameau SNR ’00 Janice Ramsey SAS ’74 Amy Keefe Randall SAS ’47 Anne McCarthy Randall SAS ’45 Deborah Randall SNR ’88 Catherine Foa Rankel SAS ’72 Roblyn Rawlins Friend Margaret Mitchell Reaves SAS ’43 Kathleen Kellet Rechis SAS ’71 Margaret Kennedy Redden SAS ’54 Claire Hannaford Rees SAS ’64 Lorraine Egan Reff SAS ’47 Joan Swallow Regan SAS ’50 Laurette O’Connor Regan SAS ’47 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S Violet Regina SAS ’68 Carroll Reid SAS ’68 Eileen Reilley SAS ’49 Kathleen Reilly Fallon SAS ’90 Nancy King Reilly SAS ’53 Mary Crawford Reining SAS ’62 Margaret Moore Rendich SAS ’44 Patricia Morrissey Repko SAS ’78 Charles F. Reusch Friend Flora Reyes SNR ’86 Elinor Joyce Reynolds SAS ’52 Helen Brennan Reynolds SAS ’36 Mary Feehan Ribaudo SAS ’55 Elizabeth Crombie Ricci SAS ’34 Lenore Cronin Riccio SAS ’65 Lisa Riccio SAS ’82 Alice Kane Rice SAS ’66 Sharon Converse Rice SAS ’64 Gloria Richards SNR ’77 Arkless Richardson SNR ’87 Patricia Maher Rickman SAS ’63 Elizabeth Riddle SAS ’72 Mary Robinson Ridgway SAS ’70 Penelope Moscoe Risher SAS ’68 Frank Rizza Friend Catherine Thomas Robertson SAS ’78 Joan Manuszak Robertson SAS ’57 Myrtle D. Robertson SON ’00 Harriette Gillem Robinet SAS ’53 Ruth McCollester Robins SNR ’83 Dolores Robinson SNR ’86 Kathleen Sullivan Robinson SAS ’50 Margaret Sorieri Robinson SAS ’60 Rose Robinson SNR ’76 Kathleen Bieger Roche SAS ’67 Irmina Bestard Rodriguez SAS ’67 Dorothy Ryan Roe SAS ’54 Mary McGrath Rogler SAS ’59 Margaret Lacey Rohan SAS ’48 M. Dorothy Gossard Rolincik SAS ’54 Mary Hayes Rollauer SAS ’69 Christine Romanowski SAS ’83 Barbara Nicholson Romeo SAS ’72 Jane Luzzi Romps SAS ’67 Josephine Montanile Ronan SAS ’56 Patricia Devanny Ronan SAS ’56 Theresa Higgins Rooney SAS ’51 Cecilia Torres Roos SAS ’85 Jane Mayo Roos SAS ’64 Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose SAS ’41 JoAnn Brown Rosenow SAS ’66 Elizabeth Keane Rossbaum SAS ’51 Mary Frances Gambino Rotondi SAS ’79 Maureen Cassidy Rounds SAS ’61 Aline Harwood Rubin SAS ’60 Clare Piderit Rubin SAS ’78 Michelle Laub Rubin SAS ’83 Mary Price Ruland SAS ’56 Patricia Russell, O.S.U. SAS ’64 Carol Sogno Russo SAS ’50 Mary Russo, O.S.U. SAS ‘35 Marianne Palme Rutan SAS ’50 Gloria Ruzzo SAS ’44 Blanche Dickinson Ryan SAS ’48 Frances Fitzgerald Ryan SAS ’55 Margaret Ryan SNR ’83 Patricia Ryan SAS ’85 Sarah Ryan SAS ’52 Claudia Sacino SNR ’80 Barbara Salahuddin-Grant SNR ’98 Janice Roes Salter SAS ’54 Mary Ellen Saltsman-Brous SON ’86 Theresa Moylan Samot SON ’80 Marion Shaw Sanger SAS ’46 Anne Murdoch Sanguinetti SAS ’60 Joan Conneally SanNicola SAS ’55 Claire Pacia Santoro SAS ’60 Jule Cunningham Saracco SAS ’57 Diane Polchlopek Sarna SAS ’84 Kathleen Shea Sarosy SAS ’69 Regina Sasseen SAS ’60 Harriet & Arthur V. Savage Friend Angela Rose Savino SAS ’42 Mary Sayers SAS ’57 Teresa Ferrara Scandore SAS ’42 Sharon Scanlan SAS ’83 Eleanor Cerbone Scarcella SAS ’72 Charlotte Molleur Schaefer SAS ’59 Maureen Duffy Schaffer SAS ’51 Ellen Gromer Schiavone SNR ’00 Caryl Corbetta Schiess SAS ’52 Patricia Schifini, O.S.U. SAS ’82 David C. Schimansky Friend Mary Elizabeth O’Shea Schippereit SAS ’45 Joanne Guido Schirone SAS ’76 Claire D’Apice Schirtzer SAS ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Konrad Schlatter Friend James Schleifer Friend Virginia Blewitt Schlotman SAS ’40 Loretta D’Agostino Schmitz SAS ’57 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Schoff Friend Jane May Schonfeld SAS ’71 Joan Ireland Schubert SAS ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Schuchinski Friend Mary Mullen Schuellein SAS ’77 JoAnn Purpi Schueller SAS ’68 Bernadette Trosset Schultz SAS ’42 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Schwarzmann Friend Kathleen McGrath Scott SAS ’75 Kathleen Brod Scully SAS ’49 Carol Senfield SAS ’58 Elizabeth Wasilik Sereni SAS ’48 Marie Serpe Friend Claudia Maher Serviss SAS ’69 Sally Schiesser Sessler SAS ’63 Nancy Sforza GRS ’98* Carol Naumann Shallenberger SAS ’50 Linda Shand Friend Helen Doherty Shannahan SAS ’52 Barbara Gillman Shannon SON ’84 Teresa FitzGerald Shannon SAS ’45 Diane Siegert Sharp SAS ’74 Mr. & Mrs. David Shatz Friend Catherine Whittle Shaw SAS ’62 Jacqueline Russillo Shea SAS ’63 Joan Bergener Shea SAS ’60 Mary Shea, O.S.U. SAS ’64 Valerie Sheafe SNR ’98 Barbara Sheehan SON ’86 Eileen O’Donnell Sheehan SAS ’58 Margaret Hogan Sheehan SAS ’69 Maryclaire Boyce Sherwin SAS ’41 Loretta Mengel Shirey SAS ’68 Mary Rycenga Shukie SAS ’71 Bernice Falatyn Sickles SAS ’48 Margo Siegel GRS ’89 Henrietta McDermott Simeone SAS ’43 Audrey Simmonds SNR ’95 Beverly Simmons GRS ’81 Sheila Smith Simollardes SAS ’65 Helene Moore Sinclair SAS ’52 Paul Siragusa GRS ’80 Barbara Skokos GRS ’99 Joan Meeker Skrobala SAS ’57 Julie Skurdenis SAS ’64 Maureen Ferry Slattery SAS ’44 Lynn Murray Slonaker SAS ’75 Deborah Smith SAS ’85 Denise Delaney Smith SAS ’58 Dorothy Costello Smith SAS ’52 * Deceased 41 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Gabrielle Ceriale Smith SAS ’58 Jean Smith SON ’91 Mary Smith SAS ’75 Patricia Smith SAS ’57 Sally Smith SAS ’65 Sara Freni Smith SAS ’29 Jane Snerson GRS ’76 Cornelia Siano Snidero SAS ’55 Therese Elliot Snow SAS ’50 Margaret Snyder SAS ’50 Josephine Soen-Setyadi SAS ’73 Teresa Sorrentino SAS ’53 Joanne Spitaliere SNR ’83 Carolyn Spitz SAS ’64 Patricia Mertelus St. Germain SNR ’9 Patricia St. John Friend Noreen Stack GRS ’91 Carol Finamore Stanley SAS ’61 Diana Stano, O.S.U. Friend Carole Stathis SON ’93 Jane Condon Stebbins SAS ’67 Joan Steinbrecher SAS ’58 Robin Burks Steiniger SAS ’80 Dorothy Hall Stewart SAS ’33 Barbara Hawthorne Stiles SAS ’58 Grace Miller Stillwell SAS ’57 Carol Ferland Stimmel SAS ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. Storms Friend Nina Sheehan Strattner SAS ’55 Patricia Straus GRS ’73 Barbara Stronczer SAS ’64 Claire McCarthy Strouse SAS ’54 Donna Strudwick SAS ’79 Katherine Studwell GRS ’82 Agnes Fitzgerald Sullivan SAS ’40 Claudia Sullivan GRS ’97 Flavia Kinney Sullivan SAS ’56 Jeanne Leddy Sullivan SAS ’51 Jill Ganey Sullivan SAS ’59 Marie-Christine Blanco Sullivan SAS ’71 Mary Conlon Sullivan SAS ’56 Muriel Paulhus Sullivan SAS ’58 Ann Summo Past Parent Mary Sorrentino Summo SAS ’50 Kathryn Stirn Supple SAS ’51 Mary Jane Cogan Suttle SAS ’49 Audrey Sutton SAS ’60 Margaret Rabbitt Swearingen SAS ’55 Alice Walsh Sweeney SAS ’62 Jean Lilly Sweeney SAS ’59 A N N UA L F U N D G I F T C LU B S THE CENTURY CLUB Margaret Toohy Sweeney SAS ’55 Helen Boyce Sweeters SAS ’44 Geraldine Smith Swiney SAS ’40 Yolanda Fargnoli Talamo SAS ’47 Ann Marie Taliercio SAS ’75 Georgia Smith Tanner SAS ’52 Louise Molinelli Tayar SAS ’79 Alice Taylor GRS ’86 Denise Gleason Taylor SAS ’74 Louise Taylor SAS ’69 Yvonne Abraham Taylor SAS ’55 Lynda Tepperman SNR ’78 Nancy Terico-Nestola SON ’80 Anne Mitchell Thiel SAS ’52 Beverly Thomas GRS ’85 Suzanne Sayegh Thomas SAS ’62 Dorothy Thompson SNR ’92 Lois Thompson SNR ’80 Maryann Ryan Thompson SAS ’64 Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson SAS ’54 Joan Ryan Thowsen SAS ’67 Anne Tierney Thureson SAS ’60 Joan Storin Thurston SAS ’56 Frances Tiernan SNR ’86 Suzanne Stanley Tierney SAS ’59 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS ’71 Beverly Cipollo Tobin SAS ’59 Rose Tomlin SNR ’76 Kathleen Smith Toner SAS ’79 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS ’48 E. Theora Knoop Toole SAS ’36 Enid Topchik GRS ’88 Emma Toppin SNR ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Torres Past Parent June Cerchiara Torrisi SAS ’48 Alice Elizabeth Carroll Tortora SAS ’45 John C. Totten Friend Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Tozzi Friend Betty Sliney Trapasso SAS ’48 Elizabeth Tucker Treacy SAS ’52 Helen Kelleher Treml SAS ’48 Estelle Ducharme Troj SAS ’50 Mr. & Mrs. William Tucker, Jr. Friend Patricia Ryan Tully SAS ’50 Margaret Valentine Turano SAS ’69 Marlene Melone Tutera SAS ’71 Donna Tyler SNR ’89 Ann McDonald Tyra SAS ’71 Susan Ugliarolo GRS ’96 Beatrice Ott Ukraincik SAS ’68 June Guncheon Vajda SAS ’35 Marjorie Hunt Van Dyke SAS ’78 Barbara Brennan Van Hook SAS ’62 Teresa Van Slyck GRS ’82 Wilhelmina Varner SNR ’85 Kathryn Shanley Vavasour SAS ’44 Bernice Maynard Veckerelli SAS ’58 Mary Ellen Verrusio-Ekonomo SAS ’80 Jayne Wilson Vespa SAS ’76 Karen O’Brien Vetrone SAS ’62 Mary Alice Hitzelberger Vienneau SAS ’48 Ann Krecek Vier SAS ’56 Elizabeth Videtto Viola SAS ’94 Alice McCarthy Vogt SAS ’54 Mary P. Vogt SAS ’73 Cecilia Grebenstein Volpati SAS ’54 Lillian Koenig von Brockdorff SAS ’5 Anne Traynor Vonick SAS ’49 Anne Selby VonOehsen SAS ’54 Dorothy & HM Baird Voorhis Friend Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas SAS ’58 Judith Heffernan Wack SAS ’50 Dorothy Wade GRS ’84 Hermina Waithe SNR ’87 Mary Nolan Wakeford SAS ’65 Mary O’Connor Wald SAS ’53 Anne Hannaway Walker SAS ’69 Mary Stutz Walker SAS ’41 Doreen Wall SON ’99 Irene Martin Wall SAS ’55 Mary Burke Wall SAS ’58 Ms. Margaret Wallace Friend Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf SAS ’66 Ann Walsh SAS ’66 Anne Cullinan Walsh SAS ’62 Clare Keefe Walsh SAS ’56 Isabel Basanta Walsh SAS ’36 Sylvia Walsh GRS ’97 Kathryn Bell Walter SAS ’63 Ann Foley Walters SAS ’55 Betty Ward SAS ’55 Jane Quinlan Watson SAS ’56 Theodore Weaver Friend Mary Lou Foradora Webber SAS ’56 Gloria Malankowski Weisz SAS ’61 Ellen Sculley Welch SAS ’47 Mary Newell Welch SAS ’61 Mary Tracy Welch SAS ’38 Marion O’Reilly Weldon SAS ’38 Marianne Slysz Welna SAS ’55 Janice Wernock GRS ’97 Michele Wesson SON ’85 Genevieve Madison West SAS ’51 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Weston Past Parent Joan Wezel GRS ’83 Adele Costa Whalen SAS ’67 Mary Whalen SNR ’99 Lee Ann Theriault Whitaker SAS ’70 M. Patricia Braun White SAS ’47 Margaret Flynn White SAS ’46 Willie White SNR ’03 Mary Whitehead SAS ’75 Jacqueline Osborne Wicha SAS ’46 Marilyn McCormack Wickel SAS ’57 Mary Ann Nicolais Wiedmont SAS ’68 Evelyn Wigfall SNR ’89 Miriam Sweeney Wilcox SAS ’40 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Williams Parent Mary Malone Williams SAS ’43 Susan Stansfield Williams SAS ’82 Denis Williamson Friend Margaret Reese Williamson SAS ’75 Marian Meyer Wilpers SAS ’41 Lori Wilson SNR ’96 Sally Doran Wilson SAS ’48 Stephanie Wilson, O.S.U. SAS ’54 Guye E. Wiltshire SNR ’01 42 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Carol Mungan Wingertzahn SAS ’53 Deirdre Dunne Winters SAS ’59 Elizabeth Bues Wittemann SAS ’63 Loraine Ciardullo Wolynic SAS ’72 Barbara Chang Wong SAS ’49 Joan Woodcome, O.S.U. SAS ’62 Brenda Sullivan Wooding SAS ’71 Diana Ramasco Woods SAS ’60 Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS ’82 Catherine McKenna Wooters SAS ’50 Karen Walker Wright SAS ’67 Ellen Toal Wry SAS ’64 Melany Carballeira Wuersig SAS ’69 Anne Murphy Yankoupe SAS ’63 Anne Yedowitz SAS ’34 Gail Stalter Yesul SAS ’64 Sharon Zaffino SNR ’86 Joan Zagrobelny SAS ’68 Joan Godfrey Zaleski SAS ’68 Robin Zaleski SAS ’89 Marlyn Kilgannon Zalud SAS ’52 Beryl Zawatsky SNR ’91 Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak SAS ’48 Nancy Humphreys Zelem SAS ’79 Mary Ann Zimmermann McKinney SAS ’64 Joan Jenkins Zlotkowski SAS ’70 Mariann LaRocca Zukowski SON ’81 Anonymous (4) THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at msaulle@cnr.edu. 1V A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 19 30 19 28 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 250 10 % $ 250 10 % 19 32 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 25 6% $ 25 6% TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 70 0 17 % $ 70 0 17 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Heritage Society Members: 2 Heritage Society Members: 3 Julia Lawrence Willemin Louise Eckels Keily Catherine Lowney Mackey Marjorie Magan Marshall Eleanor Barber O’Gara 19 31 19 29 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 525 25 % $ 525 25 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Julia Spalt Donohue T. Mildred Kampf Homburger Edith Barbara Petricone Sara Freni Smith F U N D AG E N T : Mary Hollister Redgate TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : Mary Sheahan Audrey Mahler Urban Catherine Buckley Margaret Klinkhammer Douglas Pauline Buckley Hurley Estelle Kennedy Berenice Kennelly Maguire Alice McCollester Elizabeth Kempany Newman Dorothy Hall Stewart CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes Top Ten Classes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 101,187 67,853 63,531 52,068 46,565 40,287 40,129 39,523 36,290 32,794 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S 1 2 3 4 5 1954 1952 1957 1944 1959 1943 1941 1942 1940 1939 1945 1959 1951 1952 1972 1954 1946 1969 1948 1950 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 1,025,375 $ 374,626 $ 368,906 $ 162,490 $ 157,478 $ 119,373 $ 101,187 $ 94,163 $ 93,828 $ 54,643 1 2 3 4 5 1954 1957 1952 1944 1959 Helen McCarty Bagley Dorothy Gerety Byrne Rita Cave Winifred Corrigan Teresa Armeny Fiorenza* Agnes Sheridan Foley Janet Loughran Lawson Elizabeth O’Brien, O.S.U. Elizabeth Crombie Ricci Marjorie Stiehl Tonsmeire Anne Yedowitz 69% 58% 58% 57% 55% 19 35 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 1 2 3 4 5 1943 1941 1942 1939 1940 $ 11 ,710 26 % $ 10 , 610 21% Heritage Society Members: 4 100 members or less 49% 47% 45% 38% 37% $ 1 , 355 28 % $ 8 20 21% Heritage Society Members: 5 More than 100 members 66% 57% 57% 54% 52% 100 members or less 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 34 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S More than 100 members $ 710 32 % $ 710 32 % Heritage Society Members: 3 TOP CL ASSES FOR ALL GIVI NG 2004 1929-1979 1946 1954 1951 1959 1968 1960 1956 1964 1952 1965 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : Heritage Society Members: 2 TOP CL ASSES FOR AN N UAL F U N D 2004 1929-1979 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 33 $ 1 , 50 0 10 % $ 1 , 50 0 10 % Mary MacDonagh Berberich Angelina Grimaldi Cioffari Marie Fitzsimmons Connors Muriel Buhrig D’Amico Virginia Mezzullo DelBello 53% 48% 47% 40% 38% Gertrude Hanley Farrington Dorothy Boyce Koster Kathleen Ritchie Lee Mary Russo, O.S.U. Josephine Roccuglia Spence June Guncheon Vajda 19 36 F U N D AG E N T : Constance Markey Sweeney TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : Heritage Society Members: 2 Marie Reisert Bailey Mary Norton Guterl Alys Savage Krisman Frances Bossuet Neary Helen Brennan Reynolds E. Theora Knoop Toole Isabel Basanta Walsh 19 37 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 43 OF N EW RO C H E L L E $ 6 , 975 38 % $ 6 , 875 33 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Elsie Frost Aleck Rita Hamm Arnstein Mary McShane Brown Madelyn Cassidy Rosemarie Martocci Cohn Anita LaLancette Fish Miriam Treffeisen Friend Alice Murphy Gillespie Marion Price Hunt Marion Neumann O’Brien Margaret Mary Corcoran Quinn Madeline Weldon Rea Angelina Vitali Vitali Kathleen Copp Wallace Ruth Young* 19 38 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 5 , 170 27 % $5,045 26 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Mary Allen Carolyn Chadbourne Barton * Deceased 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E $ 2 , 6 50 20 % $ 2 , 6 50 20 % A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Marie Coogan Casey Alice Russell Deegan Margaret Ducey Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks Helen Felitto Jane Roberts Garvey Margaret Mihalik Gogolak Mary Lavelle Kane Marie Anne Kergaravat Eileen O’Connell O’Reilly Rita Perna Perna Eleanor Byrne Quinlan Jean McEvoy VanDelft Mary Tracy Welch Marion O’Reilly Weldon Mary Endrich Whelan 19 39 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 19 ,728 40% $ 16 , 978 37 % Heritage Society Members: 7 Elizabeth Breton Rita Murphy Bundschuh Betty Fagan Collins Margaret Madden Granger Marion Halbritter Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Haley Katherine Cavanaugh Hamilton Margaret Kirk Harrison Marie deWolfe Hawthorne Rita Buckley Higgins Natalie O’Brien Jones Rosemary Gerard Klemann Alice Wintrich Klingsberg Lorraine Newbrand Lange Helen Wasson Lofaro Helen Leddy Mayer Muriel Flaherty McGinnis Mildred Guilfoyle McGuirl Elizabeth Coyle Nelson Florence O’Donovan Justine Burns Ogden Virginia Cox Power Lucy Cuomo Rafferty Maureen Holland Ryan Ruth Gilmartin Sweeney 19 4 0 Mary Dugan Gast Alice O’Grady Gauriloff Marie DePan Herlihy Nora Higgins Alice Dorethy Joyce Mary Kane Frances Mehr Kelleher Catherine Rickert Killian Frances Doyle Lane Margaret Quinlan McElroy Catherine Ryan McKiernan Patricia Nagle Meagher Loretta Gaffney Moore Janet Griffin O’Connell Margaret McEvoy O’Connor Ruth Littlewood Olsen Frances Burns Oseth Virginia Hyland Peel Martha Kane Phillips Mary Birch Plummer Maryhelen Sweeney Potanas Dorothy Zwier Rockett Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose Maryclaire Boyce Sherwin Ann Britton Sweeney Mary Stutz Walker Mary Murphy Whalen Marian Meyer Wilpers F U N D AG E N T : Elizabeth McMahon TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 9 , 175 38 % $ 9 , 175 38 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Lena DiVincenzo Abruzzi Marion O’Keeffe Bowles Helen Fitzgerald Butler Joan Epifano Chiota Martha Creamer Frances Storino DeGeorge M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney Mary Gillen Gatter Grace Bader Heydet Anne Burns Horgan Audrey Leahy Lundquist Rosemary Reen Martell Elizabeth McMahon Alice O’Donnell Melcher Margaret Rauner Moran Marion Cotter O’Brien Marguerite Sisca Riposanu Virginia Blewitt Schlotman June Carey Shaw Agnes Fitzgerald Sullivan Elizabeth Lynch Sullivan Geraldine Smith Swiney Miriam Sweeney Wilcox 19 4 2 F U N D AG E N T : K a t h e r i n e Tu r n e r K i r b y 19 41 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : F U N D AG E N T : Rose Cuomo Coviello TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 19 , 9 4 6 48% $ 19 , 8 4 6 47 % $ 15 , 54 5 47 % $ 15 , 24 5 45% Heritage Society Members: 6 Rosetta Russo Burla Mary Carvalho Marcia Humphrey Creighton Rita Cardone Delaurier Loretta Corcoran Flynn Margaret Fonzo Edith Jameson Forbes Virginia Conway Fredricks Jeanne French Gabriel Cornelia Gaspari Helen Simons Gettings Alicia Quinn Geye Ruth Edelmann Grein Margaret Green Hackett Mary Meany Hallinan Heritage Society Members: 4 Helene Beauchemin Virginia Mitchell Blissert Mary Donnellon Blohm Virginia Breton Breton Mary Ruth Ahearn Cahill Kathleen Sanford Cedilotte Ann Gilligan Cotter Rose Cuomo Coviello Frances Quilter Donovan Regina Duffy Ruth O’Connor Finn Marie Frank Friend Jane Mahoney Fritz 44 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E M. Paula Holdman, S.C. Mary Coughlin Hughes Katherine Turner Kirby Julia Donahue Learnard Elizabeth Birgel Lisella Eileen Gaughan Madden Dorothy Paretti McCarthy Frances Black McGilloway Ruth Murphy McGuire Ruth McCooey O’Neill Therese Martino Orzano Mary Quinn Angela Rose Savino Teresa Ferrara Scandore Helen Durand Schiess Carmela Lalli Schmitt Bernadette Trosset Schultz Celeste Boland Sundermann Bernadette Scully Weir Geraldine Young 19 4 3 F U N D AG E N T : Mary C. FitzMaurice Mere words are not enough to express our gratitude to Mary FitzMaurice for her many years of devoted service to her classmates and Alma Mater. Mary did her usual cheerful and thorough job of fund raising until she was taken ill last spring. We congratulate her on her class gift of $16,445 and look forward to her return to “active duty”! TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 38 , 4 4 5 53 % $ 16 , 4 4 5 49% Heritage Society Members: 9 Lorraine Liebler Anson Anne Fahrenkopf Bellos Mary Ayres Boyer Kathryn McMahon Campbell Joan Carson Mary Jane Hanley Connelly Elizabeth Vincent Corrigan Helen Haye Cort Maureen Didier Jean McKiernan Dolan Marie-Louise Mitchell Duffy Margaret Svack Dyroff Katherine Tucksmith Fallon Catherine Glassing Farrell GS’73 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS AN D SCI ENCES AN D SCHOOL OF N U RSI NG REUNION CLASS GIVING Margaret Mitchell Reaves Henrietta McDermott Simeone Marcella Belanger Violette Veronica Kunkel Warren Mary Malone Williams Josephine Macek Elizabeth Behan Marcy Joan Coyne Martin Mary Braca Martocci Lucille Fisher Masters Margaret Courtney McCaffrey Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey Leah Brooks McDonough Virginia Broderick Moore Patricia Carey Moran Peg Hessler Morris Dorothy Lynch O’Brien Irene Treffeisen Payne Marjorie Stempel Politoske Eileen Tuite Quinlan Marilyn Raad Margaret Moore Rendich Vera Moriarty Riley Margaret Mietzelfeld Rowlenson E. Sheila Murray Russo Gloria Ruzzo Maryrose Baechle Scheutzow Elizabeth Manske Schneider Maureen Ferry Slattery Irene Fee Smiley Patricia Quinn Straub Helen Boyce Sweeters Louise Mazzuchelli Vaccaro Kathryn Shanley Vavasour Claire Walsh Walsh, O.S.U. Marie Albert Walsh Walsh, O.S.U. Madeline Baumann Weldon Maria Angello Zambelli 19 4 4 Ten Year History Year Donors 1995 774 Dollars $380,032 F U N D AG E N T : Marcelle McCormack Daly TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 16 , 520 57 % $ 15 , 8 35 54 % 1996 723 $345,355 1997 699 $326,986 1998 785 $374,784 Heritage Society Members: 4 Rita Beglin Elizabeth Sexton Buckley Rosemary Duggan Burke Mary Lavery Cavanagh Elizabeth Kelley Chapple Cathleen Charles Ednajane Reilly Checca Frances Chirico Chisena Muriel McGough Cole Cecilia Maguire Coleman* Elinor Collins Louise Lyons Colton Virginia Burgette Conlin Frances Leinen Costello Marcelle McCormack Daly M. Elinor Devanney Alice Costigan Diamond Kathleen Donnelly Marie Busch Donnelly Jeanne Lewis Erb Phyllis Andrea Falino Agatha Kelly Fay Joan Curley Ferry Alyce Frattarola Fisher Anne Thoet Fleming Helen Mullady Flood Frances Torpy Gardner Mary Gardner Virginia Hanrahan Gettler Lillian Dordan Gray Catherine Minnock Hanlon Kathleen O’Hare Havens Clare Dowd Hayes Santa Bonsignore Hickey Rita Anne Houlihan R.C. Eileen McGirr Johnston Dorothy Sweeney Kleinknecht Clara Stanfield Kolarsick Margaret Lawrence 1999 767 $328,208 2000 712 $590,965 2001 709 $788,548 2002 783 $473,715 2003 692 $301,458 2004 694 $280,709 Sarah O’Hagan Fisher Mary FitzMaurice Constance Oehrlein Frederick Jean Protzmann Frese Elizabeth Dugan Fritz Shirley FitzGerald Gilloon Carmen Gibson Gilmartin Margaret Mulhearn Grenga Lucille Grow Jenny Goris Hackett Mary Bania Hanczor Mary Scully Hiltz Rose Mary Abel Horn Vera Lally Jordan Eileen Crawford Kelmer Rita Cuzzi Kenedy Nancy Duffy Kirkpatrick Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield Eileen Mahoney Kristofik Yolanda Lancelot Rose Scoca Leon Mary Donohue McCarren Jean Mahoney McCarthy Anne Peters McGeady Regina Zajkowski Montagna Elizabeth Konvalinka Murphy Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy Mary O’Hagan Elizabeth Ann Hesburgh O’Neill Victoria Onorato * Deceased 19 4 5 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Anne Mead Irene Murphy McInerney TOTAL 2004 GIVI NG: % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $1,025,375 50 % $ 22 , 375 47 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Anna Ambriola Ajemian Jane Michel Alwais Helen Behan Anderson Imogene Simmons Archibald* Joan Peerenboom Bartosic Rosalie Lenahan Bradley Jeanne Brennan, O.S.U. Mary Rita Gilligan Burke Clare Walsh Cary Maria Esther Davila Cintron-Rivera 45 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Emily Callahan Cronin Margaret Garvey Crook Jeanne Romano D’Apice Elizabeth Cuff Dalzell Dolores Morris Donnelly Margaret Dore Eligia DelGuercio Dundee Anne Fitzgerald Catherine Gadarowski Mary Fitzpatrick Gaynor Mary Walsh Gilligan Beryl Farley Graham Virginia Donahue Griffin Ann Marie Keleghan Hight Mary Jane Clary Hoffman Mary Costello Karl Eileen Kelleher, O.S.U. Jane Moynihan Kelley Eileen Lawlor Kennedy Madelene Costin Kenny Norma Gleeson Kerr Lillian Wass Koegler Barbara Kunkel Gloria D’Addio Marotta Rosemary Keenan Marra Patricia Martin Irene Murphy McInerney Lillie Smith McKenna Margaret Mary McQuillan Anne Mead Claire Cudmore Mileto Joan Mosher Nelligan Marion Reardon O’Brien Claire O’Mara, O.S.U. Mary Pigott Ottavino Norma Pratt Pratt Anne McCarthy Randall Mary Jane Kann Reddington Anne Wedlock Robbins Muriel Thompson Schaad Jane Gallagher Schaefer Mary Elizabeth O’Shea Schippereit Teresa FitzGerald Shannon Nancy Gorman Sisto Frances Weir Strachan Alice Elizabeth Carroll Tortora Catherine White Joan Roland White Rita Scott Willard A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 19 4 6 F U N D AG E N T : Elizabeth Daley Mannle TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 101 , 187 42% $ 101 , 187 42% Heritage Society Members: 2 Mary Boyan, O.S.U. Angela Swenson Burke Joan Ruddy Carberry* Elizabeth Edwards Crawford Roselyn Kelly Dearing Eleanor Hyland Deblois Mary Cuff Dittrich Doris Fingerhut Dolan Muriel Bachmann Dolan Mary Tirrell Freije Elizabeth Leslie Grady Mary Houlihan Guilfoyle Mary O’Connor Haggerty Margery Hunter Hardy Sally Scholl Hartman Maeve Carmody Hartmann Lillian Kroepke Healy Mary Alice Sheehy Herbert Florence Mullen Indiveri Patricia Byrne Kelleher Elizabeth Carraher Kilsheimer Florence Goldberg Lieberman Patricia McCaffrey Linn Frances Lyle, O.S.U. Mary White Lyons Grace Napolitano Mangano Elizabeth Daley Mannle Columbia Pica Marcantonio Carlota Trueba Marraro Catherine May Anne Carroll McGann Ann Goodwin McGovern Nancy Duncanson McKenna Lorraine Ducharme Noone Patricia O’Brien O’Reilly Electa Bachmann O’Toole Rita Muelbauer Palumbo Cecilia Donohue Paulmann Mary Toomey Philipp Jean Kennedy Philo Rachel Gillen Quinn Isabel Reithebuch Marion Shaw Sanger Rita Hertzog Schultze Paula Giunta Sclafani Rita Orr Seasly Ruth Gertz Shopmyer Jane McMahon Staff Edwina Weisheit Margaret Flynn White Jacqueline Osborne Wicha Maura Brophy Kelly Virginia Curren Kenney Mary Hagen Leahy-Schrann Mary Grace DelTorto Ludwig Margaret Ann Walsh Magovern Therese Cardinal Mallon Irene Crimmins Marsh Diana Ruffolo Marshall Margaret Senger May* Catherine Henry McCabe Joan McCarthy, O.S.U. Jane Hyde McLean Elizabeth Meyer GS’76 Joanne McCarthy Miller Jeanne Walsh Mitchell Lois Moore Joan Grattan Nestor Agnes Gregory Nevin Mary McKiernan O’Brien Norma Dubey O’Shea Lucy Schubmehl Palme Maria Ambrosiano Petretti Corinne Sloane Philbin Marguerite VanArsdale Pohlmann Amy Keefe Randall Lorraine Egan Reff Laurette O’Connor Regan 19 47 F U N D AG E N T : Pa t r i c i a H a l l i g a n C a s t a l d o TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 29 ,735 55 % $ 26 , 6 8 5 52 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 10 Cathleen Callan Alban Margaret Giegengack Ayling Peggy Judge Berger Vivian Farley Black Patricia Halligan Castaldo Miriam Cleary, O.S.U. Kathleen Collins Patricia Braun Crinigan Betty Collins Cummings Anna Hansek Cyr Dorothy Gromann Delaney Noreen Keily DeNatale Joan Dennean Dora Dion Frances Mehl Doyle Lucille Gauthier Dubois Winifred Sieger Farrell Marie-Therese Fennell Louise Fischer Josephine Campbell Fitzgerald Regina McCrimlisk Fitzgerald Antonia Callo Fontana Rosemary Ford, O.S.B. Marie Pulda Fox Elizabeth Haug French Mary Ann Clines Gallagher Rosemary Gallagher Anna Del Gardo Gallo Madeleine Giguere* Mary Nichols Goodenow Margaret Walsh Grant Patrice McAllister Guiney Margaret Herbert Adelaide Heckler Margaret Cleary Jackson Joan Kelley Mary Riley Joan Sweeney Ruffing Helen Shubik Ann Cuomo Smith Rita Horan Specht Jeanne Gagnier Stone Mary McOwen Sweeney Yolanda Fargnoli Talamo Rita Newell Walsh Teresa Weed, O.S.U. Ellen Sculley Welch M. Patricia Braun White 19 4 8 F U N D AG E N T : D i a n a Fa v a L u c c a With a beautifully written class letter, Diana Fava Lucca raised a class gift of $19,838 during a nonreunion year. Way to go, Diana! TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 9 3 , 8 28 48% $ 19 , 8 38 47 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Leatrice Carr Allen Lorraine Hoskins Amberg Mary Heising Ausman SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES A N D SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G GIFTS FROM 2004 REUNION CLASSES / ANNUAL FUND Class 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 TOTAL Donors 4 8 23 66 79 78 84 74 88 59 30 31 20 23 27 694 * Deceased 46 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Participation 25% 21% 37% 54% 49% 66% 52% 37% 41% 36% 20% 18% 16% 12% 14% Dollars $525 $820 $16,978 $15,835 $28,740 $67,853 $52,068 $39,523 $30,390 $14,795 $8,245 $1,690 $940 $1,370 $937 $280,709 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Marian Pinto Barnette Patricia Charles Begley Antoinette Slone Biggert Georgette Rosenberg Bloom Yvelise Molina Bosch Maureen Boyland Mary Baldwin Brady Anne Giesler Chappell Aveline Dillon Christie Mary Rucker Coughlin Anne Moynihan Creedon Margaret Walsh Digan JoAnn McCarthy Donnelly Gloria Kohl Dougherty Margaret Keane Fagan Catherine Gardner Falvey Sheila Charles Floyd Florence Covino Friedlander Patricia Carey Gareri Irene Murphy Gilles Clara Lou Malone Gould Mary Alice Guinee Teresa Higgins Gunther Theresa Maher Harris Doris Rehm Hartnett Isabel Nahan Harvey Nancy Finan Hogan Mary O’Donnell Holden Mary Betz Humphrey Dorothy King Vincentia Corbetta Landolfe Joan Connolly Laporte GS’87 Therese Scott Leonard Diana Fava Lucca Dorothy Muller Matase Gloria Gregory McDermott Betty Estlinbaum McInerney Ann Donovan McKeon Joan Bottelli Mersch Theresa Molphy, C.S.J. Ann Moore, C.N.D. Jean Mulhern Barbara Roddy Murphy Mary Fitzgerald Nieto Jean Closter O’Brien Mary Flynn O’Brien Elizabeth Blake O’Connell Mary Ricketson Payson Gloria Burke Putnam Rosemary O’Brien Richards Margaret Lacey Rohan * Deceased Grace Miller Rosettie Anne Marie Smith Ruddy* Patricia Ruddy Blanche Dickinson Ryan Jane Hanlon Schell Elizabeth Wasilik Sereni Bernice Falatyn Sickles Gertrude Brodine Spence Louise McDonnell Stevens Patricia Sullivan Barbara Thebaut Anne Barry Tillotson Therese Tormey Todd Marjorie McAllister Toner June Cerchiara Torrisi Betty Sliney Trapasso Helen Kelleher Treml Mary Alice Hitzelberger Vienneau Carol Holton Welk Sally Doran Wilson Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak Barbara Rice Doggett Patricia Craig Dorsey Mary Dowd, O.S.U. Patricia Gafney Draper Teresa Graumann Elliott Noel Keyser Fischer Mildred O’Grady Fitzgerald Rose Franco Ann Erisman Garrahan Mary McCarthy Gataletto Barbara Farley Gilroy Margaret Nugent Gorman* Jean Smith Hackett Barbara Nugent Hahn Phyllis Hinchcliffe, O.S.U. Elizabeth Farrell Hogan Sue Borncamp Jayes Janet Houlihan Kain Cecilia Corcoran Kenny Ann Pfohl Kirby Patricia Morgan Landy Marjorie Zecher Lepore Mary Burr Leslie Mary Jane Perry Loughman Carolyn Aloisi Magro Eleanor Maloney, O.S.U. Rosemarie Mole Mangan Olive Traynor Marcinkowski Theresa Mary Fazioli Marino Marie Mascali Mauriello Regina McCormack Jane Comisky Mesereau Elaine Holland Milton Betty Sasseen Mongeon Jean Davenport Moretti Marion Cashion Moriarty Patricia Loughman O’Brien Ruth Wallace O’Connor Rosemary Lingvall O’Malley Patricia Pond O’Reilly Celestine Siconolfi Padilla Mildred Aiello Panny Irene Stern Pastarnack Rosalie Moscarillo Piontkowski Margaret O’Hara Quirin Elizabeth Rohrer Reddy Eileen Reilley Reilley Sheila Kelly Ring Kathleen Brod Scully Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace Mary Moran Shoffner Joanne Hartnett Smith 19 4 9 F U N D AG E N T : Regina McCormack TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 34 , 19 0 54 % $ 28 ,74 0 49% Heritage Society Members: 8 Mary Boyce Anderson Janet Connelly Barnett Jessica Wassmer Barrett Josephine Sheehan Barry Patricia Real Bobbin Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura Virginia Davis Boyle Betty Fortune Bradley Estelle Harper Brocks Marilyn Mullins Brunkhorst Anne Bunting Bunting, O.S.U. Barbara McGrath Candee Jacquelyn Sullivan Chapman Marie Linehan Chiappetta Lorraine Paoli Colangelo Eileen Kuss Collier Mary Enders Courtney June Langran Crabtree Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah Maria Rosa Deiso, O.S.U. Helen Clegg Delaney Dorothea Schatzlein DeLannoy Justine Brophy Desmond 47 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan Steans, C.S.J.P. Mary Ellen Mangeot Stewart Mary Jane Cogan Suttle Bernadine Prinzivalli Townsend Celestine Quinn Trainor Patricia Hyland Uhl Mildred Middlemiss Veltri Patricia Vergara Anne Traynor Vonick GS’84 Helen Lott Walsh Dolores McKeon Weber Gladys Haile Weinberg Mary McEntegart Welch Barbara D’Arcy White Barbara Chang Wong Katherine Kling Wyllie 19 50 F U N D AG E N T : Jean Barrett Colligan TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 54 , 6 4 3 51% $ 30 , 0 4 3 49% Heritage Society Members: 9 Dorothea Baiocchi Claire Kennedy Bartlett Marie Dunn Bartnett GS’73 Joan Molanphy Bassett* Frances Delisle Bianculli Yolanda Lacagnina Bouffard Suzanne Bennett Bradley Mary Louise Healey Brown Mary Digby Brussell Barbara Alliegro Burke Helen Weber Buzaid Margaret Hilly Byrnes Barbara Wise Chapin Rose Mary Seifert Clair Mary Congelo Cleary* Elizabeth Stanton Colleran Jean Barrett Colligan Mary Fleming Collins Joan Baily Coughlan Nancy Carolan Cusack Elizabeth Bonavita D’Angelo Helen Burchetta Davis Jeanne Bouchard Dorian Mary Ahern Dunn Lois Stone Dwyer Joan Kelly Enright Joan Marie FitzGibbon Fanelli Anne Bright Farnsworth A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Mary Selby Ferrari Linda Ambrosiano Finelli Madeleine Rice Finnerty Florence Doyle Fitzgerald Helen Higgins Fitzgerald Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick Joan Jacquart Fleming Jacqueline French M. Joan Fraser Gately Margaret Phelan Gavin Carol Markle Grabko Eileen Walsh Grennan Claire Habib Mary Kervick Hammond Claire Thompson Harty Jeanne Torpey Hassett Mary Carney Healey Elizabeth Happy Homa Rosalie Pedalino Jacobs Mary Jeram Joan McGowan Keating Georgia Smith Keefe Nancy Cusick Kesseli Marie Kilbourn Adrienne Lachapelle Kohlstrom Mary Jo Casson Lee Jean Little Mary Bryant Loonsk Anne Stenach Lopatto Mary Kearns McCarthy Jacqueline Busch McCracken Geraldine Larkin McGrath Marian Maney McLellan Patricia McNally McLoughlin Jean Kilcoyne McSharry Alice Dooling Mellen Elaine O’Keefe Morrissey Marjorie Harnisch Nesbitt Anne Emmerson Oller Annette Drago Penhallurick Martha Miles Plamp Jeanne Price Potts Joan Swallow Regan Kathleen Sullivan Robinson Carol Sogno Russo Marianne Palme Rutan Gertrude Quinlan Ryan Joan Gaynor Ryan Joan Ireland Schubert Carol Naumann Shallenberger Elvira Leggiadro Sisca Therese Elliot Snow Catherine Cleary Snyder Margaret Snyder Angela Hayes Sullivan Mary Sorrentino Summo Betty Rose Sweeney Maureen Mathews Tremblay Estelle Ducharme Troj Patricia Ryan Tully Judith Heffernan Wack Patricia Morrisey Walsh Catherine McKenna Wooters Catherine Leone Zambernardi Carol deSantis McGough Nancy Collins McKenna Dorothy Meeker Mela Cecilia McGowan Michalak Rita Murphy Agnes Neville, O.S.U. Ruth Holthouse O’Dowd Maureen O’Rourke Kathleen Cunningham Paige Dorothy Harlan Parlatore Ann Hoeffer Pax Annie Noyes Phillips Virginia Kind Piccininni Agnes Claire Reithebuch Mary Jane Robertshaw, O.S.U. Claire Schnell Rooney Theresa Higgins Rooney Elizabeth Keane Rossbaum Maureen Duffy Schaffer Jane Crabtree Stark Jeanne Leddy Sullivan Oona Burke Sullivan Kathryn Stirn Supple Jean Wilson Tharp Lillian Viacava Marguerite Marino VillaSanta Patricia Lace Voorhees Elizabeth Ashley Watson Genevieve Madison West Agnes Neill Williams Dolores Yanshak, O.S.U. 19 51 F U N D AG E N T : Agnes Claire Reithebuch TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 36 8 , 9 0 6 47 % $ 6 3 , 531 46% Heritage Society Members: 9 Patricia Murphy Ayres Dorothy Lynch Babis Rosemary Miles Blair Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti Mary McDonald Boulin Patricia Kelly Bratches Margaret Reynolds Charles Carolyn Grant Clarke Margaret Mary Connevey Ann Gilligan DiDiego Marilyn Grimm Doherty Joan Scully Duffy Sheila Walsh Durgin Kathryn English Joan Foley Foley Gloria Angello Gallagher Catherine Gotti Elizabeth Broe Green Kathleen Hanley Healy Dolores DePalmer Karl Katherine McGrath Kelley Dorothy Ann Kelly, O.S.U. Kathleen Rees Klein Maureen Baldwin Lambert Sarah Niles Leonard Ann Maloney Lyons Andrea Eomme MacBurney Helen Martin Maloney Nancy Ford McDermott Virginia Leary McElroy Eileen McEntegart 19 52 F U N D AG E N T : Gloria Greco TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 16 2 , 4 9 0 58 % $ 36 , 29 0 57 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Madeleine Martyn Anglim Frances Palisi Bargamian-McCourt Margaret Scholz Bartsch Julie Bennett Ann Koenig Biancheri Eleanor Lynch Blowe Mary Maloney Bonney Mary Quinn Bright Phyllis McCullough Brown Claire Carolan Burnell Teresa Byrne, O.S.U. Anne Shea Cagnina 48 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Theresa Ryba Cannell AnnMarie Del Bello Carlo Alice Chase Rosemary Murphy Chesterman Marcella Chodaczek Louise Riley Cicero Ann Dowd Connolly Audrey Roberts Creary Jane Dasey Curlee Barbara Hadlock Dacey Elizabeth Dacey Joan Crawford Daly Jean Kelly Delaney Mary Shreve Dennen Patricia Maloney Derbes Anne Crapser Doyle Maureen Costello Durkin Elizabeth Madden Dybas Nancy Tector Emmerich Mary Ellen Roche Fagan Louise Orto Famighetti Betty Ann Wymbs Finneran Ellen Murphy Flood Theresa Loddo Forbes Patricia Ahearn Gillin Gloria Greco Joan Fleming Hanifin Marylou Hayford Dorothy Sullivan Heitz Vivian Ferracci Hernon Cecile-Marie Daoust Hoover Florence Horgan Kathleen Neary Howard Helen Phelan Howe Mary Lu Sullivan Hughes Claire Sweeney Igoe Betty Ann Kelly Keane Claire Kenny Marcia Kimball, O.S.U. Ellen Wigle Krause Elizabeth Borden Lalor Maureen Finnegan Landrigan Patricia Mead Lang Dolores Lauritano Joan Hembrooke Livornese Margaret Alberti Lynch Claire Lebel Lyons Elizabeth Farrell MacBlane Mary Ann Ebeling MacPherson Dolores Duffy Martin Joan Hennessey Matulis Marianne Carrig Mazan A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Alice Chenal Joan Sheil Clarke Joan Montgomery Coughlin Jean Carmel Daley Joan Breitenbach Delz Mary Pat Whalen Devane Isabelle Ludes Donohue Margaret Fischer Diane Buschen Golden Louise DiSanto Greer Marie Hanache Patricia Peterson Hoffmann Marion Hogan Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson Mary Jane Bergeron Janick Mary Martin Kaletta Barbara Haerer Kane Julia Broderick Keane Ruth Kennedy Patricia Byrnes Lammers Marlene Lamont Sheila Desmond Landon Claire Langie Joann Hawkes Langston Grace Carmody Loesel Mary Corinne Herk Lynch Beatrice MacKenzie E. Irene Herald Matthews Dian Jennings Mayo Barbara Stone McDuff Marilyn Ross McGirr Barbara Ryan Meara Ann Borstelmann Miele Madeleine Barry Mitchell Margaret Moroney Jane Mackenzie Morosky Barbara Guilfoyle Morpurgo Anne Gallagher Moynihan Angela Murray Joan D’Angelo Musci Mary Walsh Nunes Dorcas Fraser O’Connor Mary Mitchell O’Sullivan Ann Hald Palmer Constance Mastin-O’Hearne Prud’homme Carole Quinn Anne Donohue Reid Nancy King Reilly Harriette Gillem Robinet Barbara Hilton Rogers Elsa Boger Rogers SC H O O L O F A R TS A N D SC I E N C ES A N D SC H O O L O F N U R S I N G GIFTS FROM 2004 REUNION CLASSES / ALL GIVING Class 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 TOTAL Donors 4 11 25 69 87 82 89 78 94 60 36 31 22 23 28 739 Margaret Schmit McChesney Lucille Cioffi McLeod Margaret Hugger McMahon Jane Mennis, O.S.U. Caroline Pagnucco Meskers Barbara Clemens Morrison Helen Donovan Nightingale Jacqueline Franciscus O’Grady Patricia O’Neil June Swantko Olszewski Vera Farmer Penrod Maureen Riley Piccoli Ramona LeClaire Pressley Janie Crawford Prue Virginia Gorman Raship Elinor Joyce Reynolds Cecelia Dunn Roche Sarah Ryan Caryl Corbetta Schiess Margaret Seifert Schiffer Helen Doherty Shannahan Helene Moore Sinclair Virginia Sloyan Dorothy Costello Smith Marjorie Stumpf, O.S.U. Georgia Smith Tanner Anne Mitchell Thiel Participation 25% 28% 40% 57% 54% 69% 55% 39% 44% 37% 24% 18% 18% 12% 14% Dollars $525 $1,355 $19,728 $16,520 $34,190 $119,373 $374,626 $40,848 $94,163 $14,820 $21,945 $1,690 $1,465 $1,370 $957 $743,575 Alice Timothy Elizabeth Tucker Treacy Rose Marie Murray Verrilli Catherine Langellotti Vigilante Donna Matthews Walcott Anne Marie Weiler Marlyn Kilgannon Zalud 19 53 F U N D AG E N T : Joann Hawkes Langston TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 14 , 30 0 48% $ 12 , 0 50 47 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Romayne Parlanti Agliotta J. Joyce Zehner Bab Isabelle Healey Bacon Ann Marie McGovern Beal Vincentia Belbruno Mary Jane Hutchinson Benson Mary Virginia Kelley Bliley Frances Higgins Brett Joan McAndrews Brown Nancy Bragger Brown Claire Garvey Butler Eileen Titterton Carbery 49 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Joan Horgan Rogers Mary Lou Janick Siard Margaret Malloy Slyngstad Rosemary Marrone Smith Teresa Sorrentino Mary O’Connor Wald Carol Mungan Wingertzahn Joan Rossy Wood 19 54 F U N D AG E N T : Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Congratulations to our 50th anniversary class! Ably led by fund agent “Mac” McGowan Byrnes, this class had a whopping 69% participation rate! And, with another year left to complete their 50th anniversary pledges, we’re still counting! The Office of Annual Giving would like to thank Mary Alice for her hard work and the Class of 1954 for its generous donations. TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 119 , 373 69% $ 67, 8 53 66% Heritage Society Members: 3 Anne Spernow Allbrooks Dolores Liggero Anostario Florence Bell Anne Boyce Madeleine Quenneville Brooks Mary Geaney Brown Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Dawn Camadella Cardone Elizabeth Carpentier, O.S.U. Julia Chen Chen, O.S.U. Marie Pisano Chiarella Eleanor Clary Joan Herald Comey Nancy Gould Davis Marianne DeMott Tesse Hartigan Donnelly Carole Saunders Doyle Marlene Rossbach Dube Irene Krumeich Duffy Mary Mosser Falvo Mary Alyce Farrell Fields Marylou Mele Fitzpatrick Margaret Slagsvol Flavia Virginia Walsh Furtwangler Alice Garvey Gallivan A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Mary Finnegan Gibbons Patricia Haggerty Mary Lou Bartholomew Hallatt Eleanor Donlon Hannigan Thea Kittinger Helmberg Kathleen Duffy Henry Winifred Hajla Hespe Catherine Schott Hoffman Kathleen Desmond Hughes Susan Duggan Kane Joan Cunniff Kennedy Patricia Brunetto Kiernan Maureen Healy Landry Caryl Doherty Lennon Frances Purcell Liddy Kathleen Arbuckle Logan-Prince Cornelia Mahon Ruth McLaughlin McBride Margaret M. Liddy McDermott Eva Ormon McKay Natalie Hastings McMahon Suzanne Lukaswitz McMahon Evelyn Mechler Inez DeLucia Migliore Mary Miller, O.S.U. Christa Niklasch Mitscha-Marheim Betsy Jones Molloy Jean Glokner Moran Patricia Welch Moriarty Constance Wong Mow Joanne Hall Norbert Mary Carpenter Nunz Sheila Madigan O’Connell Elizabeth Shalloe O’Gorman Patricia O’Connor O’Malley Claire Waterbury Philips Margaret Kennedy Redden Patricia McLaughlin Reilly Dorothy Ryan Roe M. Dorothy Gossard Rolincik Janice Roes Salter Margaret Peer Schilling Iva Short Schulz Terry O’Malley Seidler Nancy Miller Skibbie Claire McCarthy Strouse Marlene Lauria Sullivan Maureen Cunningham Tensfeldt Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Alice McCarthy Vogt Cecilia Grebenstein Volpati Anne Selby VonOehsen Doris Walbridge Walbridge, O.S.U. Mary Helen Wang, O.C.D. Barbara Colbert Warren GS’80 Marteve Trivett Williamson Stephanie Wilson, O.S.U. Patricia Beal Kelleher Frances E. Bohmert Kelly Eleanore Leary Nancy Bisio Leary Ann Hines LoVoi Nina Iannotti Maguire Joan Hannon Maloney Dorothy McElroy Angela Cadigan Mooney Jean Gibney Morrissey Ann Waters Murphy Claire Sorieri Nappi Mary Killian O’Donnell Jacquelyn Burns O’Neil Ann Martin Olson Marietta Giuffrida Opisso Jeannette Carry Parshall Kathleen Donnellon Pierpont Mary Feehan Ribaudo Mary Sullivan Roge Frances Fitzgerald Ryan Joan Conneally SanNicola Elizabeth Bosco Serra Ruth Daley Sharkey Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley Cornelia Siano Snidero Nina Sheehan Strattner Margaret Rabbitt Swearingen Margaret Toohy Sweeney Yvonne Abraham Taylor Doris Gardella Toohill Mary Jane Kenny Truckenbrodt Kathleen Dawkins Volkmann Irene Martin Wall Ann Foley Walters Betty Ward Ward Marianne Slysz Welna Julia Whalen Elizabeth Barnes Zahn 19 55 F U N D AG E N T : Audrey Field Galligan TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 27, 539 46% $ 20 , 9 35 44% Heritage Society Members: 5 Irene Obolensky Beggs Kathryn Heck Begley Cynthia Kenna Bielling Ann Black GS’90 Ingrid Schubert Bolke Elaine Dehan Burger Andrea Gallagher Cain Eileen Maxwell Canty Virginia Hameline Clough Rita Creagh Ann Dalphin Margaret Gormley Detko Joan Campana Diaferia Joan McGrath Donahue Judith McEnroe Dorgan Lucy DiSanto Egan Barbara Mullin Fettig Audrey Field Galligan Ann Tubman Foley Claire Fordrung Marianne Bachand Geiger M. Joan Callahan Gilbert Anne McSheehy Giroux Carol Gourlie Joanne Masterson Gray Cecelia Hanley Greco Bernice Keller Griffin Madeline Leahy Groark Janine Vier Grogan Mary Shaughnessy Haney Joan Marschall Hanley Florence Congiolosi Hansen Ellen Erisman Harrington Carolyn Miller Howard Joan Gaine Hutchison Margaret Moran Jordan Ellen Hogan Kallfelz 19 56 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Joanne Griffin* Pa t r i c i a B a r n u m Wi l l i a m s TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $40,495 50 % $ 4 0 , 129 46% Heritage Society Members: 2 Valentina Flynn Abrahams Cecilia Falcone Andretta GS’86 Helen Curtin Ashe Mary Ann Bock Balze * Deceased 50 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Margaret Gleeson Becker Patricia Murray Blessington Constance Fischer Boschetto Maureen Donelan Boyle Catherine Savarese Brinker Diane Lee Conner Mary Hubbard Coogan Eleanor Flynn Daly Louise DiModica Ann Schork Doherty Mary Ann Carroll Dolan Elizabeth Sculley Donovan Jane Cooney Dowling Cecilia Stahl Eberle Mary Doyle Eglin Kathryn Erat Mary Jane Grimes Farrell Mary Ruth Willmann Foglino Mary Ahearn Foley Naomi Roche Fonseca Gretchen Staff Goethner Patricia Maloney Grace Elaine Cukras Grogan Carrol Varley Gutta Joan Haley Mary Hogan Hearle GS’87 Marguerite Raia Henigman Sarah White Hoblitzell Sara Carey Hull Nancy Quirk Keefe* Claire Senger Kingsley Grace Barnett Knechtel Mary Ellen Flynn Loveless Ann Dully Luby Joan Meister Luecke Katherine Mylod Mainzer Carole James Marbury Victoria Rossetto Marmora Claire McCrudden Kathleen McEntegart Dorothy Elling Meehan-Ripa Mary Mills Donna Walsh Milne Alice Milot Helen Arrigoni Mooz Carol Donlon Nealon Lela Keough Negri Anne Sheil O’Brien Patricia Gould O’Brien Mary Casey O’Grady Anne Owens Owens Lorraine Esposito Petricone A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli Josephine Montanile Ronan Patricia Devanny Ronan Mary Price Ruland Claudia Chiappano Sangiuolo Kathryn Swift Sarrides Ethel Ankner Shafter Carmen Trueba Stanley Marta Uriarte Steffan Anne Crawford Storz Ann Marie Kenny Sullivan Flavia Kinney Sullivan Mary Conlon Sullivan Mary Greer Sweeney Patricia McGovern Sweeting Joan Storin Thurston Mary Dehn Van Dessel Faith Rieg Victory Ann Krecek Vier Clare Keefe Walsh Margaret Casey Walz Jane Quinlan Watson Mary Lou Foradora Webber Ann Tutrinoli Weber Kathryn Sansone Wells Patricia Barnum Williams Elizabeth Mylod Wolf 19 57 F U N D AG E N T : Florence Lang Erbe TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 18 , 28 9 58 % $ 17, 28 9 57 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Antoinette Abraham Virginia Ketterson Aller Lois Scarpino Amend Katherine Kane Anderson Mary Lou Norton Baker Agnes Carrozzella Barba Cathleen Cahill Barber Mary Barnes Margaret Pruner Boehling Ina Creagh Boyd Mary Mylod Brockway Frances Choquette Broderick Ann O’Shaughnessy Burke Joan Bray Burke Alice Marie Connors Callo Gail Brough Chapman Virginia Fontana Cimini Patricia Doherty Clancy Mary Ann Lynch Clune Joan Familetti Connor Marie Valluzzo Convertito Catherine Corgan Barbara Parker Corr Gretchen Russell Craffey Marie Masi Cuomo Marilyn Curry Dolores Rizzo Delbello Mary Harvey Doyle Carol Carnes Dwyer Francine Corcoran Edwards Florence Lang Erbe Jane Walsh Foster Michaela Bartley Gardiner Jacqueline Vitucci Gfeller Joan Palmera Giordano Mary Virginia Donnelly Gray Clara Halloran Barbara Klein Hamill Gertrude Kelly Hamilton JoAnne Doyle Hanlon Catherine Murray Harrington Elizabeth McGowan Hegarty Margaret Sullivan Hooley Matilde Huertas Joanne Incerto Mary Gavan Kouba Helen Collins Krumsiek Cynthia Edwards Kusa Barbara Kearns Lautenschlager Barbara Kong Lee Margaret Houlihan Lynch Maureen Frayne Magee Mary Daly McCabe Madeleine Bourre McDermott Rita Howard McGoldrick Rose Raziano McGough Mary Ann Walker McGrath Jeanne Davey McMahon Mary Denise Hynes McMahon Elizabeth Seidel Messler Marie Ullrich Michels Roberta Miller Rosemary Moore Suzanne Groark Morgan Beatrice O’Connell Mraz Joan Alpi Napolitano 51 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Sheila Smith Noll Adrienne O’Brien Mary Jane Lane Pennington Marguerite Rucquoi Picard Marie-Louise Mauch Prainito Virginia Brady Rhodes Joan Manuszak Robertson Jule Cunningham Saracco Mary Sayers Loretta D’Agostino Schmitz Rosanne Riordon Seitz Barbara Weis Sheehan Joan Meeker Skrobala Patricia Smith Margaret Stanislaus Grace Miller Stillwell Margaret Lawler Stott Phyllis Kiely Sullivan Elinor Tanck Ann TenEyck Clary Toro Cynthia Scaiano Walsh Jacqueline Berean Westa Marilyn McCormack Wickel A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES 19 58 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Fr a n c e s S h a n e r Fr e e m a n Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso Many thanks to Fran for applying her professional knowledge to her volunteer fundraising duties. She was able to build her class up to a participation rate of 43% and raise an Annual Fund class gift of $27,225. TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 28 , 0 6 3 44% $ 27, 225 43% Heritage Society Members: 5 Frances Battaglia Altman Adelaide Amend Ellen Riccobono Anderson Nancy Glennan Barry Eleanor Davidson Boyle Linda Liotti Breving Felicia Prekeris Brown Jean Foley Burtis Barbara Calamari, O.S.U. Margaret Horrigan Connolly Mary Ann Carson Coyle Norma La Fontaine de St. Aubin Nancy King Dean Roberta Tolle DeBaldo Carol Hopkins DeRuggiero Anne Therese Dillen, O.S.U. Helen Doherty Beatrice Cunningham Easton Martha Coleman Farquhar Muriel Sullivan Farrell Pauline Blank Fearn Elizabeth Marra Feuerstein Mary Ann Foohey Frances Shaner Freeman Marguerite McNamara Galvin L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman GS’62 Jeanne Hamilton, O.S.U. Rosanne Hoffmann Hanrahan Mary Keenan Hart Donna McAuley Kelly Mary McAniff Kresky Barbara Mackinnon Kuttner Mary Alice Boyle Lipski Anne Koening Loesch Nancy Collins Lord Eileen Roche Loughran Katherine McHugh Maria GS’72 Mary Baker Maus Wilma Cook Maus Jane Reiss McAniff Aurelie Minikine McCarthy Eileen Ferren McCulley Virginia Malankowski McFadden Janet Hendrick Megna Carol Fabiani Mueller Ann Brough Mullin Jan Van Valkenburgh Murphy Martha Callaghan Neiro Ellen Welch O’Bryan Mary Dillon O’Neil Alexandra Moore Ossi Carol Whelan Pasquantonio Nancy Philie Barbara Gibney Phillips Roberta Arrigoni Pickett Henrietta Raymond Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso Ann Magrum Rowland Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier Carol Senfield Eileen O’Donnell Sheehan Denise Delaney Smith Gabrielle Ceriale Smith Joan Steinbrecher Barbara Hawthorne Stiles Constance Turner Sullivan Jean Doherty Sullivan Muriel Paulhus Sullivan Germaine Keogh Trabert Bernice Maynard Veckerelli Lillian Koenig von Brockdorff Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas Mary Burke Wall Georgiana Donase White Marcelle Willock 52 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 19 59 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Sara Arthur Eileen Egan Burke Eileen Mylod Hayden Rowena Larkin Morris The ’Fab Four’ were hard at work again this year and raised $52,068 for the Annual Fund from the class of 1959. Thank you, ladies! TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 374 , 6 26 55 % $ 52 , 0 6 8 52 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 12 Juliette Ahearn Frances McKillop Ambrose Sara Arthur Margaret Fay Baird Mary Rendich Behringer Eileen Egan Burke Marianne Trijonis Burke Nancy Lynch Busch Mary Kiley Carroll Mary Eddy Carroll Joan Rombach Chisholm Patricia Looby Clary Margaret Vogel Consiglio Patricia Colahan Cunningham Maura Dausey Ann Grady Doyle Mary Ellen Nugent Falk Katherine Johnston Ferrari Mary Kieran Fitzgerald GS’82 Emily St. Clair Fogarty Glenna Faller Follmer Kathleen Fredrick Marie Trombacco Gianzero Francesca Marshall Giegengack Katharine Egan Gleason Marie Gormley Gormley-Tarleton Sylvia Barzak Gunderson Marie Cudicello Halloran Gloria Lucchesi Hanson Eileen Mylod Hayden Angela Bannan Healey Patricia Hoch Hendricks Patricia Scully Henry Margaret Lewis Hilton Susan Huvane S. Stephanie Peterman Iachetta GS’94 Joan Fee Kelly Judith Lawrence Knecht Mary Adikes Kortvelesy A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Marilyn Kowalcyk K. Jane Seidel Kresser Marion Carbery Lechowicz Deanna Domiziano LeRose Margo McNeill Locaputo Barbara Escott Locke Janet Spence Lowery Patricia Lynch Rosemary Gotsch Lynch* Margaret Whyte Lyons Ann Marie Rees Marcellino GS’86 Mary Ann Geraci Marriott Catherine Rance May Susan McCallum Joan Whalen McGauley Kay O’Connor McKenna Carolyn Quinn McNamara Lorraine Riley Meenan Kathleen O’Connor Miller Joanne Zeiner Millerick Rowena Larkin Morris Judy Mauser Morriss Jane Rako Morrissey Juliann Heye Mueller Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy Grace Tubman Mullaney Olga Antignani Nespole Carole McCarthy Nicholson Marcia Moynihan Norton Mary-Ellen Murray Christiansen Photiades Anne Meyer Pollard Margaret Reilly-Antalec Mary McGrath Rogler Justine Nerrow Ryan Catherine Perkinson Sabol Mary Ann Runkle Savard Charlotte Molleur Schaefer Paula Farrell Shea Marilyn Roth Smith Ann Fenlon Strauss Jill Ganey Sullivan Jean Lilly Sweeney Lucie Giegengack Teegarden Mary Emmons Tergesen Suzanne Stanley Tierney Beverly Cipollo Tobin Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marue English Walizer Ann Farley Walsh Elizabeth Bennett Weizenecker Deirdre Dunne Winters * Deceased Jean-Marie LaPlant Lyne June Evangelist McCann Elizabeth Shea McDermott Therese McMahon, O.S.U. SON’93 Ursula Kehoe McMahon Anne Butkovsky Messina Clare Hogan Miller Mary Cronin Miller Mary Ellen Moynihan Morin Ann Frank Morison Joan Roxby Mostica Carol Kennedy Mylod Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, O.S.U. Patricia Noone, S.C. Dorothea Henderer O’Brien Julie Pifer Cornelia DeSantis Pratt Mary Beth Meaney Quigley Theresa Riccio GS’75 Rose Ann Rizzo Keane Margaret Sorieri Robinson Ann Tucker Rogers Marie Porco Rossi GS’71 Betty Hall Roveda Aline Harwood Rubin Anne Murdoch Sanguinetti Claire Pacia Santoro Eileen Sanzo Regina Sasseen Joan Bergener Shea Eileen Case Sibson Lucille Cacioppo Somma Margaret Stearns Audrey Sutton Kathryn Ziegler Tatlow Anne Tierney Thureson Diana Ramasco Woods Anne Klueber Yorke 19 6 0 F U N D AG E N T : Eileen Case Sibson TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 4 2 , 9 87 50 % $ 4 0 , 287 47 % H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 14 Mary Donegan Acunto Maureen Clifford Albers Christina Leary Amabile Kathleen Foley Baran Patricia Abbott Barden Eleanor Sullivan Barry Diane Guest Biondi Lois Forster Boston Kathleen Sweeney Brady Teresa Creagh Brown Eleanor Shea Buckley Regina Roche Butt Lillian Tocci Candreva Shirley Smith Conway Stephanie Syze Cordes Moira Lynch Crabtree Margaret Crahan Joanne Colavita Cuoco Rochelle Moccio De Angelis-Kilmart Clare Rooney Decker Gloria Canal Doino Marya Dull Dull Patricia McGinnis Dunn Susan Yaeger Dyke Rosemary Cummins Edwards Ann Savino Farrelly Margaret Zampino Feddish Kathleen Finnerty, O.S.U. Mary Fogarty Flad Sarah Hubbell Flynn June Toretta Fuentes Mary Barry Gallagher Angela Dawn Mestier George Mary Domingue Guerin Brenda Brosnan Heffernan GS’84 Carol O’Connell Heinze Elizabeth Murphy Joseph Elaine Schramm Kenyon Constance Partridge Knoebel Margaret Kelly Kummerer Anne Durner Lauenstein Mary Doherty Layden Linda Trambley Levine Alice Faughnan Lowe 19 61 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Th e r e s a C a r d i n a l e J o h n s o n Judith O’Neill O’Gorman TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 38 , 58 5 46% $ 32 , 510 44% H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 10 Eileen Murray Arens Barbara Faltz Barbieri Joan Lange Bausch Julita Carrione Blasi Kathleen Kay Bosco 53 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Mig Boyle Maura Nestor Bullock Marilyn Meyer Carmody Maureen Carr Helen Casey Elizabeth Vaglio Cassero Jean Gallagher Chen Dorothy Schrieber Codd Eileen Murphy Collins Margaret Comaskey Janet Maroney Connolly Helen Trelewicz Costigan JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri Charlotte Neilan Darling Suzette McKiernan Davis Rosalie Procaccino Delillo Mary Alice McMahon Disalvo Margaret Slattery Dowd Bonnie Driscoll Maureen Reynolds Estes Mary-Alice Fitzgerald GS’80 Joan Pagano Formisano Sheila Fitzpatrick Geoghegan Marilyn Picardi Giglia Catherine Yodice Giles Kathryn Gleeson Marguerite Gormley Gomes Constance O’Connor Gooley Claudia Barnett Gordon Audrey Pistilli Grieco Nancy MacNeil Hall Joan McInerney Hallowell Constance Bury Hegarty Sheila Leary Herman Letitia Fagan Holleran Diane Delaney Houston Carole Robinson Ireland Lauretta Sotak Jenkins Theresa Cardinale Johnson Kathleen Juan Mary Giegengack Jureller Christiane Keck Janet Keenan Sandra Kelley Catherine Elder Kelly Gail Manss Kelly Dolores Castellano King Jean Wilson Kirby Theresa Kubis Isabel Torras Loader Pauline Lorch, O.S.U. Kathleen Sanner Madden A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Carol Mahoney Kathleen Ryan Mangan Jane Garbarino Manning Catherine Kacmarynski Mastny-Fox Alicia Murphy McCormick Susan Spencer McElroy Claire McIntee Mary Krackeler McLean Margaret Badum Melady Lois Caposella Meyer Barbara Simon Mills Kathleen Daly Mirabile Margaret Shalloe Mitchell Mary Donovan Moeller Filomena Russo Mohr Joyce Celentano Moran Valerie Trivisonno Moreno Dorothea Maiuzzo Muccigrosso Judith O’Neill O’Gorman Elizabeth Byrne Peloso Kathryn Peterson Mary O’Connell Regan Maureen Cassidy Rounds Marie Williams Scalia Mary Semple Patricia Ahearn Sheerin Loretta Mello Simon Carol Finamore Stanley Maria Phillips Sullivan Alycia O’Brien Vivona Gloria Malankowski Weisz Mary Newell Welch Maura Meehan Winkler Catherine Young Marcia Young 19 6 2 F U N D AG E N T : C a t h e r i n e Ty b u r s k i N a g y TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : $ 16 , 8 20 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 16 , 29 5 % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 2 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Lucille Nicolais Andersen Carol Nelson Andrews Carole Fabrizzi Angelino Marie Barletta Valerie Burke Beeson Mary Tartaglione Butler Carol Miele Caragine GS’84 Joan Sullivan Cassidy* * Deceased Susan Herald Clarke Sandra Cisco Colangelo Rae Condon Kathleen Corrigan Fuhs Jane Spillane Courtney Patricia O’Connor Cowan Mollie McLaughlin Crumrine Christine Hoefer Diehlmann Joan Donovan Maureen Driscoll Donovan Mary Beth Wagner Dougherty Suzanne Draghi Doris Sieck Dubac Jane McClelland Ekkers Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick Barbara Gorr Foley Sandra Forbes Gerhard Susan Hurzeler Gerosa Antonia Giangrande M. Veronica Gilligan Isabella Demasi Giordano Rita Moriarty Gorman Patricia McKeown Graham Janice Barry Grzesinski Eileen Gallagher Harrington Agnes Gennatasio Harris GS’79 Mattia Musci Healy Eileen Albanese Hickey Mary Beth Mackin Hudak Margaret Parmelee Hummel Eileen McNiff Hussey Carole Schmidt Jennings Adrienne Kanach, S.H.C.J. Mary Lou Smith Kanach Rita Govoni Keane Ann Keegan, R.G.S. Marcia Goffa Ketchum Margaret Durner Kubasiak Grace Hourigan Lattanzio Margaret Kuntz Lessing Joan Kuchta Maloney Camille Marchetta Mary Ann McGrath Martin Elizabeth Lombardi McCullough Agnes McNamee Judith Allen Mugovero Catherine Tyburski Nagy Joanne Megivern Nelson Elizabeth O’Donnell Ann Peterson, O.S.U. Ellen Belcher Petrisko Eleanor Kenneke Quinn Elizabeth Quinn Sheila Reilly Mary Crawford Reining Carolyn Buck Ritzinger Noreen Siragusa Ryan Paula Sayers Catherine Whittle Shaw Sabina Sprague Slavin Marilouise Sullivan Mary Sullivan, O.S.U. Alice Walsh Sweeney Patricia Beliveau Thomas Suzanne Sayegh Thomas Barbara Brennan Van Hook Karen O’Brien Vetrone Anne Cullinan Walsh Nancy Shannon Walsh Madeline Hamilton Whalen Joan Woodcome, O.S.U. Marianna Brown Young 19 6 3 F U N D AG E N T : Pa t r i c i a S o b i e r a j s k i Ku h r TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 22 , 0 32 35 % $ 20 , 507 34 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Joyce Trainor Altieri Marie O’Malley Armstrong Anna Mancino Ascione Jane Barbiasz Anne Doherty Bottner Doris Daily Brough Darby Callahan Judith Mallegol Cardanha Sheila McCrudden Cherico Carol Meighan Chiappa Catherine Christoff Alisann Alexander Collins Carol Jennings Collins Elizabeth Greaves Crawford Ellen Kochan Cuddy Virginia Murphy D’isidori Dale Tristany Davis Starenko Mary DelMonte Joan Rost Figlozzi Mary Jane Hepinstall Flanigan Kathleen Jones Foley Monica Dumser Frizzell Theresa Gaube, C.S.J. 54 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Kathryn Gallagher Golden Alice Duffy Grant Dana Greene Mary Lou Zanca Griffin Marianne Birch Gumbs Ruth Brown Hamilton Mary Ball Hofstetter GS’81 Susan Alexander Hogan Helene Douglas Holohan Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr Deirdre LaPorte Margaret Doyle Lawler Marion Lynch, O.S.U. Genevieve Maher McCullough Marie Lombard McGraw Kathleen Kiely McLaughlin Barbara Runkle McNamara Kathleen Hooks Merrifield Michelle Curry Minogue Marianne Meyer Mundy Daryl Thompson Neubecker Teresita Dwyer O’Leary Jane Perkinson Aulana Pharis Peters Mary Purcell Sallee McNamara Purcell Patricia Maher Rickman Marcia Tierney Salko Janet Kearns Scavo Sally Schiesser Sessler Nancy Packert Shashaty Jacqueline Russillo Shea Mary McGarry Stuart Susan Shulga Waas Kathryn Bell Walter Elizabeth Bues Wittemann Anne Murphy Yankoupe Joan Gavenda Zummo 19 6 4 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Joan Fiori Blanchfield Rosemary Kirby Bloem Pa t Q u a t t r o c h i G o r m a n Jane Murphy McGrath The fund agents in 1964 recruited others in the class to help with fundraising. This committee approach was very effective in spreading the effort made over more classmates. The Class of 1964 tried an innovative and successful fundraising technique by holding a lottery, courtesy of Jane Murphy A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS McGrath and her home on Daufuskie Island. TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n $40,848 39 % $ 39 , 523 37 % Heritage Society Members: 8 Mary Riley Bagnulo Marita Rinaldi Bashor Veronica Loar Beirne Elaine Donovan Blair GS’92 Joan Fiori Blanchfield Rosemary Kirby Bloem Lynn Strassburger Brady Eileen Maher Browning Elizabeth Griffin Casarino Jeanne Cashman, O.S.U. Melinda Secchiaroli Coletti Joy Kober Cowan Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio Mary Gibbons Deegan Anne Beaver Dempsey Eileen Denver Mikell Gallagher Deptula Marjorie Devery Regina Killeen Dietz Mary Clare Freaney Dooley Alexandra Normile Driscoll Carol Jacunski Fiore Marie Flanagan Mary Kehoe Flannery Joan Morgan Flatley Mary Burger Frost Susan Karutis Gaffney Sandra Smith Gangle Rosemary Swords Gatti Pat Quattrochi Gorman Paula Guerin Virginia Hackett Burns Margaret Lohan Healy Marjorie Meszaros Hendrickson GS’89 Barbara Hornsleth-Croizat Marianne Cunilio Jackson Carolyn Miller Jordan Carol Bertani Joyce Virginia Maffia Kortz Mary Jane McGovern Kreiger Cecelia Stevens Mackey Cicily Sorbello McCarthy Rosemary Parker McCloskey Joan Lucas McDermott * Deceased Jane Murphy McGrath Kathleen Sullivan McKenna Marie Murphy McKeon Dorothy McManus Jill Herndon Merrick Patricia Moran Charlotte Moslander Melody Pontell Nista Kathleen Quinlan Norman Kathleen O’Connor Julia Looser O’Grady Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill Judith Perry Barbara Sansone Peterson Patricia Dacey Plotkin Anne Pooler C. Suzanne Smith Poppe Claire Hannaford Rees Sharon Converse Rice Joan Connors Roberts Jane Mayo Roos Patricia Russell, O.S.U. Judith Shannon Mary Shea, O.S.U. Margaret Savage Siewert Julie Skurdenis Carolyn Harnett Spitz Barbara Stronczer Dolores Ianniruberto Testa Maryann Ryan Thompson Patricia Smith Treanor Ellen Toal Wry Gail Stalter Yesul Mary Ann Zimmermann McKinney Maria Marchand Coffey Ellen Brady Colasurdo Julie Connelly Mary Ellen Morin Cox Rosita Creamer Cynthia Hricko David Helene Sayre Dennerlein Carol Cooke Derrenbacher Mary Donahue-Aveni Teresa Zakrzewski Duggan Karen Fairbrother MaryKate Riordan Federman Ann Battaglia Feldman Kathleen Thomas Fitzgerald Susan Maguire Fogarty Nancy Tomedy Forsberg Eileen Foster Patricia Reilly Gamache Geraldine White Gildea Anne Canevari Green Carol Burke Hamilton Ellen Mooney Hancock Martha Dymkoski Haney Margaret McGonegal Harbin JoAnn Harper Hardy Barbara Higgins Lucia Dunn Hill Jamie Flavia Iorio Barbara Bachstetter Johnsen Patricia Reilly Kenney Barbara Kiley Barbara Koeppen Reilly Mary Kraetzer Francine Napoliello Lampidis Judith Zailckas Lancioni Elizabeth Barry Lange Susan Ball Larson Kathleen Buchler Lund Ellen Lunny-Olenick Maryann Padula Mading Marilyn DiMeola McDonald Mary Ellen Foster McEvily Mary Cuddy McGlinn Mary Lawrence McManus Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae Janet Barelli Murphy Julia McKeon Murphy Janet Hayduk Musho Patricia Lechner Nahas Valerie Niosi Mary Santangelo Nocero Margaret Reilly O’Connell 19 6 5 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Mary Ellen Morin Cox Elizabeth Barry Lange TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 33 , 0 4 4 43% $ 32 ,79 4 42% Heritage Society Members: 7 Rosemary Vasas Abbott Doreen McDermott Andriola Joellyn Ausanka Frances LoCicero Bailie Donna Silvia Batch Ellen Rooney Breslin Margaret Buckley Ann Carew Cahill Joan Galletta Casler 55 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Nancy Peavy O’Neil Mariann Perseo Phyllis Simchak Pregiato Carol O’Brien Reed Lenore Cronin Riccio Angela Camporeale Schirizzo Arleen Jacaruso Sheridan Sheila Smith Simollardes Sally Smith Paulette Sorg Carol Ferland Stimmel Jean Stoddart Ann Dowling Stohrer Judith Sheehan Tully Joan Burke Turner Jo-Ann Keller Ullrich Elizabeth VanderPutten Mary Nolan Wakeford Judith Hughes Watson Judith Murray Webdale Rosemarie Affatato Wenick Madeline White Angela Martin Wilkens Elizabeth Holzer Zoeller 19 6 6 F U N D AG E N T : Joan Donovan Caldwell TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 29 , 329 35 % $ 29 , 379 35 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Marguerite Sabato Amann Regina Feeks Anderson Angela Loveman Armitage Margaret O’Connor Ball* Nancy Minnick Boerum Dorothy Maun Boodaghian Francoise Lajoie Brunette Theresa Auletta Bucci Kathleen Campbell Clement Margaret Kammerer Cruise Virginia Brennan Czerny* Mary Olin Deambrosis Carol Beebe Dowley Kathleen Reid Fino Eileen Casey Ford Maryjane Hurley Fromm Anne Gevlin Linda Maheu Gilberto Marjorie Stone Hagenah Catherine Kilian Haney A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Jill Jaeb, O.S.U. Margaret Brennan Keating Barbara Colwell Keenan Beatrice Close Kerr Margaret Murray Kiernan Patricia Lawler Marilyn Puchli Lorenz Susan Miner Lyons Dorothy Fitzgerald Mazaitis Mary McGrath McGrath Gene Meyer Meyer Noranne Mulcahy Marge O’Connor Kathleen Roche O’Donnell Ingrid Poschmann O’Grady Alice Kane Rice JoAnn Brown Rosenow Dianne Cronin Ryan Juanita Torres Saco Carolyn Donohue Schuchardt Linda Brunner Shanley Mary Martin Stump Mary Supple Dailey Jeanne Urciolo Ellen McGoey Viggiano Mary Anne Finnerty Walldorf Ann Walsh Susan Reid Wilke Maureen Phelan Youngs 19 67 F U N D AG E N T : Sandra Ann Bartik (acting) TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : $ 41 , 355 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 37 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 30 , 230 % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 35 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Maureen Smet Baltay Marie Nigro Berggren Lorraine Ouellette Berner Susan Moran Blair Elizabeth Bourgeois Geraldine Larkin Brick Lynn Liptak Budd Elizabeth Griffiths Capuano Joyce Rondino Clark Sara Preston Costello Martha Counihan, O.S.U. Margaret Baylock Dean Mary Jayne Hernandez Delbridge Susan Fauerbach Downes * Deceased Ann Dwyer Ellen Dwyer Ellen Kiernan Fauerbach Joanne Fortune Pamela Frasca Audrey Gaquin Buck Marie Zoller Gardner Joan Hobson Ginnetti Clara Interlandi Grande Gail O’Neill Gunther Virginia Carioscia Hanbridge Mary Johnston Hansen Dorothy Podesta Harris Margaret Sweeney Hartnett Maureen Sullivan Hawkins Susan Rutecki Hoehler Anne-Marie Wilchek Iozzo Linda Mastrangelo Kennedy Jolanta Rajewska Kerschhagel Joan Foley Kreimer Danielle DunLany Langford GS’84 Jane Vought Lascala Judith Petricone Lynch Anne Dorr Markowski Susan Grein Maroney Mary Massimo Katherine McCoppin-Cygan Eleanor Morretta Stephanie Fueg Nitschke Denise Rocheleau Nordberg Margaret Smith Norris Maureen Maher O’Brien Eileen Potkay Olynciw Ruth Stahl Outwater Carol Pulcini Paskiewicz Jane Scully Reichle Kathleen Bieger Roche Irmina Bestard Rodriguez Jane Luzzi Romps Allison Rubeli Patricia Giebelhouse Savage Pearl Tong Shum Jane Condon Stebbins Ann Kasprzak Sterbenz Marilyn Dudik Swift Margaret Lannon Thorne Joan Ryan Thowsen Eileen Kennedy Tonsmeire Claudia DiRosa Turner Sandra Giannoni Wainman Marlene Lieblein Westhus Adele Costa Whalen Karen Walker Wright Evelyn Yenson Suzanne Bouthillier Zarcaro 19 6 8 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Kristin Krause McDonough Mary Creeden Risio Thank you to Mary and Kristin who shared the job of writing personal notes to the class of 1968. Their consistent efforts and unflagging energy paid off in a class gift to the Annual Fund of $46,565. Special thanks to Kristin for being a downto-the-wire woman. She called and cajoled her classmates right up until June 30th! TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 51 , 970 52 % $ 4 6 , 56 5 50 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Mary Ellen Crowley Aldrich Jean Shanaphy Barrow Joan Flynn Beesley Mary-Elaine Cash Bernard Ellen Greene Borzelli Anne Brassel Veronica Butler Karen Matula Carney Nannette Rundle Carroll Mary Jane Von Dell Chambers Susan Consoimagno Cianflone Kathleen Conroy Anna Pecoraro Cowin Catherine Riley Daignault Virginia deWolf Alice Casey Dilis Loretta Gleeson Dilorenzo Kathleen Donahue Mary O’Connor Donohue Candice Mero Dorsch Maryanne Driscoll Ann Marie Eagan Mary Anne Sadowski Ericson Mary Anne Evangelist Patricia DeAngelis Fife Juleen Piderit Flanigan Rose Anne Fogarty Sally Fernet Geloso Mary Louise Mona Gillis Margaret Gavin Gilmartin 56 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Irene Dunphy Goldberg Johana Doyle Griffith Noel McNamara Grimm Madonna Wells Hart Ann Gartland Higdon Carole Ricci Hodges Arceil Amodio Juranty Carol Kane Virginia Quinn Kearns Carol Mele Kennedy Barbara Ramsey Kiley Janet Howe Kraskouskas Michaelene Robinson Krey Adrienne Larkin Karen Latka Janet Rossi Maffucci Gail Cooper Marrin Mary Jane McPartland McCann Nancy Babacz McCloskey Kristin Krause McDonough Marilyn Dempsey McGill Catherine Mulligan McManus Ann Peach Miscio Catherine Frank Murtha Ellen Norton O’Brien Maura McCauley O’Brien Madalienne Peters Margaret Maher Pierce Barbara Murphy Piontkowski Mary Beth Read, O.S.U. Kathleen Colangelo Record Ethel McKeon Reese Violet Regina Carroll Reid Mary Kirby Rhodes Penelope Moscoe Risher Mary Creeden Risio Barbara Schlapp JoAnn Purpi Schueller Marie Sayegh Shack Loretta Mengel Shirey J. Cheryl Hostig Slattery Margaret Kenny Southwell Rosemary Tomczak Strekel Carol Diamond Taney GS’78 Margo Marabon Terwilliger Barbara Hunihan Tully Beatrice Ott Ukraincik Christina Moran VanRiper* Mary Watson Watson-Stribula Marguerite Crowley Weibel Mary Ann Nicolais Wiedmont A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Patricia Connelly Wilson Sue Ann Oetting Zaccagnino Joan Zagrobelny Joan Godfrey Zaleski Grace Raziano Zychal 19 6 9 F U N D AG E N T : E l i z a b e t h B o n a u t o Ku h n s Betsy was successful through her own outstanding efforts and also by involving others in the class to help with fundraising. This group effort was very effective in spreading the effort over more classmates to produce these results. TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 9 4 , 16 3 44% $ 30 , 39 0 41% H e r i t a g e S o c i e t y M e m b e r s : 10 Sharon Hughes Ball Diane Bente Barbara Canavan Berkowitz Mary Digiusto Bertolini Madeleine Blais Sheila Lane Booth Cecily Piderit Brancaccio Lynn O’Rourke Bride Mary Hennelly Burke Edwina Parsons Carcerano Lillian Brennan Carney Linda Zuffelato Chakar Ann Bergassi Chiodini Patricia Connelly Chirles Nancy Allain Clark Joan Close Marie Possidente Collins Christine Zywiak Conroy Ellen Courtien Joan DeLalio Creely Mary Jo Jordan Cutty Anne Peel DeShields Barbara Farrell Dingee Kathleen Downey Mary Egan Swartz Elizabeth Dubois Faricy Barbara Cort Gaerlan Linda Georgianna Linda Reichman Gilmartin Linda Herriott Gniazdowski Catherine Kelly Goegel Carmen Margherita Greico June Carey Haberbusch M. Andree Byrne Halcott Joanne Kuhl Halscheid Suzanne McCormick Hampton Maria Garofalo Hargus Eileen Kelly Henning Margaret Pasquariello Holtman Patricia Goonan Horgan M. Patricia Diesing Hurleigh Mary Corcoran Jigarjian Susan Johnson Roselle Acerno Kalosieh Margaret Russell Keefe Mary Keegan Mary Bryde Kelberg Elizabeth Bonauto Kuhns Christine Van Ullen Lemberg Margaret Mount Lynn Susan Regan Maloney Claire Colangelo Manto Kathryn McDonald McArdle Nancy Padlon McKinley Theresa O’Connor McLean Mary Ann Johnston McSparran Elizabeth Dowling Meehan Mary Jo Dwyer Murnane Nan Nally-Seif Ann Neidhart Maureen Jennings Oster Jeanne Rocheleau Palermo Roberta Glowacki Palmisano Patricia Moore Peirano Patricia Phelan Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni Elizabeth Costello Poggiali Caroline Fagan Postel Janice Powalski Janice Dickerson Reilly Cynthia Urcuilo Rimpo Faith Ritchie Noel Petri Robinson Mary Hayes Rollauer Joanne Smith Romalewski Mercedes Ruehl Kathleen Shea Sarosy Kathleen Burke Schohl Claudia Maher Serviss Margaret Hogan Sheehan Mary Studeny GS’82 Louise Taylor Doreen Cassidy Thibadeau Barbara Sisk Troxell Margaret Valentine Turano Christine Caprio Vaccarella Aida Badran Wakefield Anne Hannaway Walker Maureen Mendres Ward Susan Waszkiewicz Jean Looney Wikstrom Melany Carballeira Wuersig Meredith Magenis Young Frances Gardner Youssef Anonymous 1970 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 17, 814 33 % $ 17, 56 4 32 % Heritage Society Members: 6 Maureen Hanley Abrahamson Marianne Bennett 57 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Elizabeth Beves Maureen McCann Boulton Marie Melton Brett Jean Foley Campbell Joyce Leon Castaldy Suzanne Flak Crisman Kathleen Meyer Curtin Mary Jane Lynch Etter Kathleen Mannix Flynn Margaret VonDell Franklin Mary Frey Particia Erwin Garrity Christine Dillon Gaynor Nan Baycich Gollogly GS’79 Marion Bodkin Hansen Katherine Hart Ann Foley Hoban Jane Bride Johnson Jane Joyce A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Patricia Bennett Kahl Roberta Kelley Francine Grimaldi Koskinas Margaret Rohn Lazlo Christina Hoffman Lucey Helene Lutz Christine Marbach Kellett Mary Ellen Masterson-McGary Carol Ann Miranda McDonald Madeleen Scordato McKenna Mary Alice McQuade Ana D’Andrade Mernick Mary Meyer Margaret O’Neil Midgley Paula Alice Mitchell Charlotte Murphy Catherine Novak-Viviano Carol Bonacci O’Brien Maryliz Volin O’Brien Mary-Anne Cotterall Partridge GS’75 Barbara Adams Pedulla Barbara Cassidy Phillips Celine Matula Phillips Rebecca Rhinehart Mary Robinson Ridgway Barbara Schmitt Kathy Stackhouse Sibley GS’72 Kathy Westelinck Silver Barbara Burke Smith Marilyn Krug Snyder Ruth Ellen Radics St. Clair Rosanne Firlit Sullivan Kathryn Sclafani Travis Nancy Davidson Urell Lee Ann Theriault Whitaker Norma Rhodes White Marian Yarmas Joan Jenkins Zlotkowski 1971 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Mary Sommer Sandak J a n e D ’A p i c e Ve r g a r i TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : $ 32 , 9 28 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 40% TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 13 ,78 3 % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 36 % Heritage Society Members: 4 Mary Jane Wilson Bilik Maura McTague Boyle Nancy Capacci Buchholz Mary Lou Cassotto Patricia Borgognoni Catchpole Jane Petronella Conway Kathleen McDonough Conway Peggy Coppola Marion Purdy Crombie Linda Yando Cunningham Diane Heine Davis GS’76 Ann Gruendl Decker Donna Demarest Mary Ann Zeender Donovan Joanne Santamaria Freihaut Mary Tracy Gamble Ann Broady Gardiner Nancy Eagan Gennaro Michelle Wheeler Gill Maryann Daroska Hardwicke Martha Hartmann-Harlan Anne Power Hayden Trudy Triolo Higgins Anne Marie Nichol Hynes Ada Isasi-Diaz Catherine O’Reilly Jaundrill Jane Grzymski Kahl Barbara-Jo Kandybowicz Anne Gilmartin Kelleher Joan Moynihan Langlais Donna Drews Laszewski Mary-Elizabeth Learnard Carriuolo Patricia Gill Leveque Roseann Diliberto Lorefice Ellen Mannix Lynch Linda Ryan Lynch Ursula Ahmuty Maher Patricia Morgan McNally Anne McGlinchy Merrick Karin Shales Miltsch Miriam Stapleton Moynihan Margaret Nolan Christine Deegan Noya Loretta Seery Nugent Ellen Bingo O’Malley Jane O’Neill Susan Tierney Oslin Mary Pepe Kathleen Kellet Rechis Kathryn Ruback-Sponseller Jane May Schonfeld Mary Rycenga Shukie Kathleen Smith Mary Sommer Sandak Judith Casey Stephenson Sheila Hayes Strother Marie-Christine Blanco Sullivan Linda O’Leary Titterington Alexandra McHale Tumarkin Marlene Melone Tutera Ann McDonald Tyra Christine Calandra Varian Jane D’Apice Vergari Ellen Moriarty Walsdorf Brenda Sullivan Wooding Dale Zola 1972 F U N D AG E N T : Rosalie Duffy Crabbe TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 157, 478 39 % $ 31 , 6 9 5 38 % H E R I TAG E SO C I ET Y M E M B E R S : 5 Denise Sweeney Angelini Frances deGrandpre Baroody Stefanie Beninato Florence Brown GS’76 Kathleen McTighe Cahill Angela O’Loughlin Calabrese Jane Canner Barbara Sweeney Carey GS’93 Terry Clark Christine Collins Mary Creedon Connelly Trudy Conway Margaret Coughlin Rosalie Duffy Crabbe Joan Curtin Louise Feldhaus Danylevich Margaret Dodds-Schumacher Kathleen Dolan Mary Dolan, O.S.U. Melanie Ivancho Dooley Mary Eckert JoAnn Schilling Fannon Mary Comella Farnsworth Christine Starr Fetzer Margaret George Barbara Grcevic Mary Jane Walsh Hanlon Adelaide-Sharnee Harris Maura Nestor Haverly Jacqueline Quinones Hughes Linda Kapurch Ellen Burke Lake Christine LaSala Christine Piliponis Lenehan Eileen Leonard 58 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Rosanne Claps Lombardo Pauline Lytle Patricia Glocheski Maguire Margo Maine Jane McBurney Maloney Moira McCue Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey Patricia Rowe McCarthy Kathleen Scott McGrath Josephine Milani Milano Christine Morrison Melanie Moser Eileen Stavinsky Niedzwiecki Francine Nolin-Rogers Linda Pescarmona Alexis Leitch Plaener Eleanor Hickey Pomeroy Lesley Quinlan Pilar Ramirez Catherine Foa Rankel Susan Brown Reitz Elizabeth Riddle Donna Quattrocchi Roberts Catherine Rollman GS’76 Barbara Nicholson Romeo Eleanor Cerbone Scarcella Mary Beth Seminario Mary Serbacki, O.S.F. Kathleen Sheehan Virginia Shuford-Brown Clare Cashman Silvernail Ann Vance Mary Kathrynn Vavasour Penelope White Ventura Susan Grant Walsh Patricia Wiley Mary Kotsenas Williams Loraine Ciardullo Wolynic 1973 F U N D AG E N T : Christine Loomie TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 26 , 20 0 27 % $ 18 , 675 23 % Heritage Society Members: 5 Patricia Keegan Abels Anne Serzan Babineau Patricia Bilow Mary Joan Bodensteiner Noel Caraccio Amporn Tantuvanich Chakkaphak A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Mary Close-Oppenheimer Pamela Flaherty Colavecchio Margaret Lucey Coughlin Theresa Davis Virginia Leyden deWolf Lois May Dieter Mary Brown Fee Kathleen Gallogly-Rheaume Carol Brady Gaylord Patricia Fordham Greedan Elaine Stall Habernig Patricia Lamb Isgro Nancy Kloczko Christine Loomie Barbara Lutz Valerie McEwen Mary Sue Murphy Nina Boyd O’Connor Susan Blanchette Oleson Christine Heffernan Page Maryjo McDonald Patrucco Betty Ann Power GS’81 Margaret Lew Gogol Prokurat Christianne Russo Ricchi Patricia Rosenkranz-Levins Claire D’Apice Schirtzer Carolyn Murphy Smith Marguerite Lynch Smith Josephine Soen-Setyadi Raquel Suarez Mary-Anne Mahoney Sullivan Diane Thornewell Eleanor Fyall Turner Sheila Vavasour U’Ren Mary Lawler Vogt 1974 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Mary Ellen Burns TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 14 , 8 20 37 % $ 14 ,79 5 36 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Ania Chelchowski Allwarden Janet Sarrantonio Blair GS’77 Madeline Flood Brown Mary Ellen Burns Kathleen McGuirl Burrell Maria-Teresa Butler Elizabeth Trach Capurso Maryanne Carney Beverly Clendening Karen Sell Cornetz Victoria Neuhart Cunneen Irene Dabrowski Dabrowski Guadalupe Isidro Dauplaise Suzanne Dawson-Zinkand Laura Biggeln Diehl Nancy Dillon Kathleen Dragone Wick Anne Dubois Mary Dugan Barbara Loperfido Gavosto Marybeth Gerrity Joy Galella Goldowsky Joan Hartmann Donna Balducci Hughes Rosemarie Hurley Alexandra Forgiel Jasinski Victoria Fontana Johnson Geraldine Curtin Jordan Donna Kelly Gail Kelmer-Ramirez Marilyn Erwin Kerns Jennifer Fox Krup Anne Schreck LaRoche Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee GS’76 Maryann O’Boyle Leonard Maura Lockwood Joanne Lusk MacKay Lynda Magrath Mary Beth Martin Mary Christine McGahan Christine Geiger McRedmond Celeste Messina-Dominioni Deborah Laurence Milne Stephanie Weston Morris Angela Parker Ruth Ann Fitch Quah Joan Quilty Annalinda Pandolfi Ragazzo Janice Ramsey Marjorie Rende Rosemary Vavasour Richards Janice Toterhi Ritter Bartlene Sages Cynthia Willemain Salvesen Diane Siegert Sharp Alouise Doern Skehan GS’80 Katherine Ronan Soohoo Kathleen Bush St. Jean Denise Gleason Taylor Suzanne Siegert Williamson 1975 F U N D AG E N T : Rosa Puleo Napoleone TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 14 , 0 4 0 30 % $ 14 , 0 4 0 30 % Laura Tasheiko Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot GS’79 Mary Brennan White Mary Whitehead GS’82 Tawn Arcuri Whittemore Margaret Reese Williamson Heritage Society Members: 0 Marie Donahue Anderson Maureen Brady Elsa Brett Kathleen Kelley Caldara Elizabeth Barker Castillo Marianna Pagnani Cobin Carol Bodensteiner Corliss Wendy Rome Courtney Jane Detweiler Eileen Bertsch Donahue Gayle Kingsbury Ferencz Karen Taylor Fletcher Nancy Harkins Letizia Isaia GS’92 Lorrin Levine Johnson Jacquelene Butler Johnston Rosemary Joyce-Petrovich Marie Karl Linda Orloski Kerrick Wendy Ilett Keryk Kim Lombard Lasko Alice Luzzi Christine Marino Veronica Buhl Masterson Mary Ann Cecarelli Meyer Susan Munroe Milne Rosa Puleo Napoleone Jill O’Brien Carla Oleska Aida Karabatzakian Pisani Esther Schoffelen Rada Mary Stevens Rafferty Lea Ann Szurek Rosenthal Elizabeth Reynolds Ruggiero Mary Ann Davila Scotese Kathleen McGrath Scott Kathleen Kelleher Shea Lynn Murray Slonaker Mary Smith Anna Smyke Ruth Budlong Sothern Veronica Misa Stevenson Joan Schneider Tait GS’83 Ann Marie Taliercio 59 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1976 F U N D AG E N T : Michele Marotta Jaworski TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 23 , 110 26 % $ 16 , 0 8 5 25 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Greta Amundsen Adams Jacqueline Gura Alferman Margaret Meskill Borchert Joan Conti Conti-Lonergan Lisa Cribari Mary Patricia Daniels Dunbar Michele Marotta Jaworski Joan Kelly Margaret Scully Kennedy Karen Kolomechuk Nancy Kotonias Kathleen Cravero Kristoffersson Anne Hunter MacArtney Genellen McGrath Virginia Alcide McKeon Michele McMahon Ingrid Vogt Nardoni Barbara Haas Niemira Patricia Grumblatt Pelle Martha Reddington Laraine Runci Joanne Guido Schirone GS’81 Janet Deleo Smith Julie Grun Smith Sally Smith Suzanne Smith Catherine Carino Stube Elizabeth Hebb Sweney Lynn Travers GS’83 Katharine Trach Trongone Joellen Vavasour Carol Tirpak Vergara Jayne Wilson Vespa Helene Medwid Volpe Dorothy Walsh A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING 1977 F U N D AG E N T : M a r y Fe r n a n d e s M i c h u n o v i c h TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 10 , 4 30 25 % $ 7, 330 24 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Theresa Agliardo GS’97 Kathryn Gambino Arntzen Nilda Bayron Bayron-Resnick Jean Stevens Brennan Clare McDonnell Burnett Elizabeth Daly Callahan Diane Davidson Conklin Maureen Mistretta Dahinten Christina Daly Chatroo GS’90 Rosemarie Arzonetti Farina Sharon Fornaciari Jeanne Rafferty Franz Deborah Greene Karen Sorci Hahn Jane Delaney Hellberg Ann Vogt Kopczynski JoAnn Krupa Marie Visnauskas Loehmann GS’81 Patricia Oakley Mathieu Mary McNamara Mary Fernandes Michunovich Mary Unrugh Randall Marie Ouchakof Ringquist Mary Mullen Schuellein Angela Torlone Sedlmeyer Maria Sedotti Judith Cash Sgammato Barbara Barnes Weinbaum GS’80 Sandra Camishion Carella Nancy Orsatti Carroll Babette Caraccio Centofanti Jane Morgan Cerone Patricia Gilbride Davey Suanne Peterson DeNunzio GS’80 Suzanne Devlin Anne Lagani Druckman Bridget Foley Roberta Filippo Frank Jill Griffin Anne Monahan Griffiths Diane Spinale Horner Julie Carey Jackson Elizabeth Jones Lavelle GS’83 Mary LiPuma-Hojell Theresa Martin Mattina Kathleen McCloskey Zanger Nancy McCormick Nancy McDevitt McGoldrick Ellen McLean Cathleen McQuillen Celeste Dowicz Miller Deborah Gillies O’Malley Elisabeth Quirk Orford Patricia Morrissey Repko Catherine Thomas Robertson Clare Piderit Rubin Dorann O’Brien Sheehan Marjorie Hunt Van Dyke Elizabeth Whalen TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : Heritage Society Members: 2 Seton Caulfield Ahearn Ann Kennally Armater Catherine Bartholomew Dianne Brandi Nancy Carey Cassidy Francine Gallello Chattin Debra Spitz Colucco GS’82 Meighan Waterbury Corbett Elizabeth Donovan-Nolan Carol Esposito Susan Weigele Fagan Mary MacPherson Fama Janice Di Paola Friend Sheryll Grady GS’80 Debra Ingrando-DeEntremo GS’80 Heritage Society Members: 0 Mary Riddle Armiento Michelle Watson Ashby Marianne Barton Theresa Annibale Bellavia GS’82 Lynn Tasco Bertsch Carol Harrison Brady Joanne Harmon Bryant Alison Miller Burke CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S CO N T R I B U T I O N S BY C L A S S Top Ten Classes Top Ten Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1983 1988 1980 1986 1998 1982 1981 1985 1984 1987 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,040 6,991 5,009 3,890 3,113 3,010 2,595 2,055 1,690 1,670 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S More than 150 members 1 1981 2 1984 3 1986 4 1980 5 1982 150 members or less 1 1987 2 1989 3 1998 4 1990 5 1988 $ 21 , 9 4 5 24 % $ 8 , 24 5 20 % F U N D AG E N T : E l i z a b e t h Wh a l e n $ 7, 6 8 5 35 % $ 6 , 9 35 35 % TOP CL ASSES FOR ALL GIVI NG 2004 1980-2004 60 OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1983 1988 1982 1980 1986 1981 1998 1985 1987 1984 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,040 6,991 6,435 5,009 4,150 3,195 3,113 2,080 1,720 1,690 More than 100 members 21% 18% 18% 17.5% 16% 1 2 3 4 5 1981 1986 1982 1984 1980 22% 19% 18.5% 18% 17.5% 100 members or less 18% 16% 14% 13% 10% Joan Kiley Nancy Laterza Manganiello Barbara Taylor Misicka Ruth Doherty Mohr Geraldine Noble-Martocci Lori Brooks O’Rourke Barbara Reed Papalexis Louise Rottmund Pashcow Nora Rudden Pontacolone Mary Frances Gambino Rotondi Mary Frances Schnorr Edith Solomon Donna Strudwick Anne Sweeney Louise Molinelli Tayar Regina McCormack Tomlinson Kathleen Smith Toner 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PA RT I C I PAT I O N BY C L A S S 1979 1978 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOP CL ASSES FOR AN N UAL F U N D 2004 1980-2004 1 2 3 4 5 1987 1989 1998 1990 1988 19% 18% 14% 13% 10% Susannah Crego Violino Megan Anglim Wares Maria White Nancy Humphreys Zelem 19 8 0 F U N D AG E N T : Marianne Smith Sullivan TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $5,009 18 % $5,009 18 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Susan Ball SAS Betty Anne Burns Bancroft SON Theresa Behrle-Mohs SAS Noreen O’Donnell Carroll SAS Mary Ellen Carty SAS A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Tara Wood Casey SAS Noreen Clarke-Sheehan SON Maureen Connors SAS Marguerite d’Aprile-Smith SAS Linda Serino DeBourbon SAS Magaly Denis-Roman SAS Leslie Hunter Farina SAS Mary Gorman Geraci SAS Kimberly Gilmour SAS Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS Donna Reid Grady SAS GS’83 Jean DeFeo Herman SON Karin Ehrlich Kimiecik SON Sheila Knapp SAS Patricia Sullivan Kreiner SAS LuAnn Garvey McCormick SON Jo Deanne Groth Mitchell SAS Barbara St. Mary Niss SAS Mary Ringkamp O’Connell SON Keelin O’Sullivan SAS GS’85 Margaret Pascale-Veziris SAS Laura Reden SAS Joanne Remy-Maldacker SAS Theresa Moylan Samot SON Angela Stanco SAS Robin Burks Steiniger SAS Marianne Smith Sullivan SAS Nancy Terico-Nestola SON Mary Ellen Verrusio-Ekonomou SAS Karen Alenius Wyld SAS Mary Judith Tierney Grazioli SAS Janet Graham Holton SAS Tracey McGlinchey Huttick SON Elayne Woodridge Jackson SAS Diane Johnson Jason SAS Elizabeth Feiner LaCasse SAS Anne Digan Lanning SAS Lucille DeGuilio LaPerch SAS Cynthia Bucci Lyons SAS GS’00 Annette Marsella SAS Joan Lamberti McGrath SAS Allison McMillan-Lee SAS Donna Morin-Doyle SON Valerie Facey Noel SON Wendy Griffin O’Keefe SAS Gabrielle Woh Pastores SAS Katherine Weber Purtzer SAS Andrea Girardi Rogati SAS Marjorie Schmidt Russo SON Eileen Scanlan Tidd SAS Susan Sedor Sliwinski SAS Delia Passi Smalter SAS Donna Smith SAS Antoinette Sorbello SON Sherri Spalter SON Karen Johnson Steele SAS Joan Cleary Valenti SAS Aileen Walsh SAS Mariann LaRocca Zukowski SON Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS Nancy Gioia Claire SAS Anita Stanziale Cohen SON Ana Riera Dale SAS Patricia Ayan DeMarinis SAS Georgina Ennis SAS GS’85 Ann Marie Fulvio Fiscella SON Karen Flanagan-Crowley SAS Elizabeth Lydon Flynn SAS Elizabeth Roche Hatcher SAS Annmarie Stenderhoff Hawkins SAS GS’84 Claudia Besser Hierro SAS Donna Henry Hunter SAS Leslie Maisano-Flynn SON Gina Carmignani Malin SAS Catherine Manley-Cullen SON Denise Zito Michaelis SON Ann Marie Johnson Murray SON Stephanie Musso SON Maeve Nolan SAS Marie O’Neill SAS Sandra Phipps SAS Lisa Riccio SAS Lisa Rose SAS Patricia Schifini SAS GS’94 Martha Hancock Schultz SAS Barbara Miller Schulz SAS Lori Bianchini Sparano SAS Mary Donovan Western SON Victoria Booth Whitaker SAS Susan Stansfield Williams SAS Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS GS’85 Dawn Carroll Worobel SAS 19 8 2 F U N D AG E N T : Donna Marie Miranda Anjos 19 81 F U N D AG E N T : Vi r g i n i a C u r r y TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 3 , 19 5 22 % $ 2 , 59 5 21% Heritage Society Members: 1 Randy Goguen Balano SAS Doreene Berger SAS Roberta Brinkman Billington SAS Marilyn Catania-Bello SON Lisa Cesare SAS Alexandra Clarke Melograno SAS Mary Ellen Colangelo SAS Mary Anne Borrego Danguillecourt SAS Colleen Duffy SAS Danuta Anikin Fein SON Theresa Johnson Gallin SAS Meg Gardinier Lawder SAS Alice Canner Garnanez SON Miriam Delgado Girata SAS Kudos to Donna Marie Miranda Anjos on a job well done. By sending a personally-signed class letter and handwritten thank-you notes to her donors, Donna helped her classmates raise $3,010 this year. Thank you, Donna. TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 8 3 F U N D AG E N T : Th e r e s e F i t z M a u r i c e Po w d e r l y Thank you, Therese, for being a ‘chip off the old block’! Like your cousin, Mary FitzMaurice ’43, you are a stalwart. The Office of Annual Giving is always able to count on you to get the job done. This year was no exception with a fine class gift of $8,040. $ 6 , 4 35 19 % $ 3 , 010 16 % Heritage Society Members: 2 Deborah Moore Abner SAS Mary Alfinito SAS Lisa McCrann Anderson SAS Theresa Arturi SAS GS’85 Jean Marie Jordan Bancher SON Darcy Boyan Bonaviso SON Ida Magnifico Brizek SAS Ellen Brooks-Kelly SAS TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $8,040 13 % $8,040 13 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Nancy Horan Adams SAS Loretta Covington Claye SON 61 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Gwendolyn Schiavone Cristiano SON Patricia Riccio Czako SAS Jeanne Whelan Demarzo SON Susan Tucker Elcock SAS Kimberly Farnsworth SAS Rosemarie Fazio-Parisi SAS Patricia Gast SAS Linda Ribeiro Grippo SAS Ann Gavigan Huzinec SON Teresa Mahoney Lomonte SON Mary O’Kelly McDaniel SON Rachel Gambardello McGonigle SON Elizabeth Green Nunez SAS Eileen McKeon Obeid SAS Katherine Raczko Porpora SON Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS Diane Patierno Powell SON Janet Kendall Rogers SON Christine Romanowski SAS Michelle Laub Rubin SAS Sharon Scanlan SAS Deborah Hardick Sheehan SAS Eleanor Fitzpatrick Smollen SON Linda Leong Sutter SAS Ellen McElduff Versprille SAS Elaine Rice Watts SON 19 8 4 F U N D AG E N T : Sharon Regan Masciovecchio TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $1,690 18 % $1,690 18 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Angela Occhiuto Ballantyne SAS Patricia Taber Bennett SON Monica Brennan SAS Jacqueline Morin Caffrey SAS Frances Bendernagel Caliendo SAS Joan McMahon Clifford SON Susan Herman De Alejos SAS Catherine Collins Donohoe SON Carolyn Beaulieu Dunn SAS Joan Escoffery-Rattray SAS MaryJo Morpurgo Gavigan SAS Katie Gohde-Haase SAS Laura Martelle Gucwa SAS Shelly Hervieux Hardy SAS Elizabeth Lofink Harrington SAS Nancy McAuliffe Kelley SAS Audrey Kovacic SON Bonnie Kerner Markunas SAS A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Nancy Walsh McCormack SON Barbara O’Hara McNamara SAS Maria Cavallo McQuillan SON Catherine Morris Mittelstadt SON Patricia Paul Morgana SAS Susan Morrison SAS Kathleen Fitzgerald Murphy SON GraceAnn Rella SON Diane Polchlopek Sarna SAS Barbara Gillman Shannon SON Ruzha Krasnici Skoblar SON Eileen Turner Warner SAS Marianne Sica Wekerle SON 19 8 5 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Pa u l a C a p u t o C u r t i s s Maureen Jones Mandarano TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $2,080 11% $ 2 , 0 55 11% Heritage Society Members: 0 Selma White Abdelahad SON Linda Cote Bates SON Michele Brooks Carr SON Deborah Giandana Chalifoux SAS Maureen Glynn Crowley SAS Patricia Giorgio-Hebrank SON Maria Gomez SAS Kathleen Kamocsai SAS Katrina Hayward Kummer SAS Joanne Palisi McEniry SAS Susan Lane McLaughlin SAS Lisa Ferrante Rattenni SON Cecilia Torres Roos SAS Patricia Fagan Ryan SAS Deborah Smith SAS Marguerita Dashiell Sneddon SAS Genene Troiano Sullivan SAS Maura Hunter Templeton SAS Ann Marie Parrillo Thomas SON Maureen Clifford Tuohy SAS Donna VanAlst SAS Michele Boucher Wesson SON 19 8 6 19 87 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : L i s a B e s s e g h i n i - Wi n j u m Nancy Colihan Edwards C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : A n n e Ke e f e C a r u c c i S A S H o l l y I n g e l f i n g e r - L o p ez SO N TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : The Office of Annual Giving would like to thank Anne Keefe Carucci and Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez for raising more money this year than they did last. $ 4 , 150 19 % $3,890 18 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Amy Buckingham Bates SAS Lisa Besseghini-Winjum SAS Wendy Meyn Brady SAS Diane Ceruzzi-Lenda SAS Susan Stosch Cohen SON Alice D’Orazi SON Christine Broderick Daly SAS Veronica Devoy Denzler SON Barbara Dodds SAS Meredith Molloy Englebert SAS GS’91 Ellen Esslinger SAS Ellen Clifford Flatley SON Ann Marie Gallacher Foley SON Kriste Forte SON Mary Frances Zankl Grasso SAS Janet Guptill SAS GS’94 Elizabeth Hickey-Johnson SON Lizabeth Carvalho Holt SAS Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS GS’89 Grace Gannon Jackson SAS Catherine Butler Leitao SAS Maria Gross Liedlich SAS Maureen Mahoney-Josiah SAS Carol Sullivan Martino SAS Christine Englot Mash SAS Janet Massio SAS GS’88 Elizabeth Martocci McMahon SAS Diana Minotti-Mitrano SAS Regina Nardone SON Gina D’Aprile Riberi SAS Mary Ellen Saltsman-Brous SON Andrea Perlin Savino SAS Patricia Hogan Scatenato SON Barbara Sheehan SON Ellen Rafferty Sorge SAS Margaret Reynolds Stapleton SON Sophia Valilis Vazac SAS Jane Stephens Weckesser SON TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 1 ,720 19 % $ 1 , 670 18 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Julie Siard McMahon SON Armanda Pinto SAS Rosemarie Rodriguez-Yanes SAS Suzanne Kehn Turner SAS 19 8 9 F U N D AG E N T : Ta r a A m b e r y Pa t t e r s o n TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $1,465 18 % $940 16 % Heritage Society Members: 1 Kathryn Kerrigan A’Hearn SON Mary Kay McSweeney Blanco SON Anne Keefe Carucci SAS Dawn Cillo SAS Frances Gallagher Danaher SAS Margaret McGrath DiScipio SAS Brigidanne Flynn SAS Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez SON Marnie Green Keller SAS Christine Skelly Lynskey SAS Susan Lynskey SAS Eileen Stahl MacDonald SON Una Hinchcliffe McHugh SAS Margaret Reilly Murtagh SON Karen Williams Nichols SAS Laura Dooley Perry SAS Maryann Damiani Petix SON Maureen Patton Phillips SAS Regina Collins Thomson SON Kimberly Majewski Tyrrell SAS Jean Gallagher Vollmer SON Leonilda Iaconangelo Bara SAS Helen Funck Bueti SON Jane McKeon Dalton SAS Shernett Nosworthy DeMarco SON Phebe Flaherty Fallon SAS Maureen Fay SAS Donna Kucka Kelly SON Marion Cassidy Lucarelli SAS Eileen Sutton Malin SAS Jane Wiedenhoft McGrath SAS GS’93 Susan Lindquist Miller SAS Debra Hayes Murphy SON Cristina Simoes Oliveira SAS Tara Ambery Patterson SAS Marilyn Clarke Peterson SON Margaret Schoenemann Ribaudo SON Joanne Rooney SON Mary Ann Saladino SAS Lisa Hodge Scelsa SON Elizabeth Zackey Sipera SAS Valerie Sopher SON Robin Zaleski SAS 19 8 8 19 9 0 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 6 , 9 91 10 % $ 6 , 9 91 10 % TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 9 30 13 % $ 9 30 13 % Heritage Society Members: 3 Heritage Society Members: 0 Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS Lois Carnochan SON Saadia Del-Llano SAS Michele Kress DiCarlo SAS Andrea Dolan Fitzgerald SON Holly McMahon Frankel SON Deborah Michalec Frantzen SON Alison Frede SAS Sharon Gooden-Harrell SON Pamela Gorman Mannion SAS Juliana Kelley Mclaughlin SAS Regina Ambery Beechert SAS Edwardyne Cowan Bennett SAS Mary Lynne Rie Bonforte SAS GS’94 Victoria Cassara SAS Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago SAS Ana Maria Eugenio Fontoura SAS Rosalyne Harold SON Tracey Hinds SAS Teresa Howard SON Eileen Byrne Kennedy SON Rosemarie Lifrieri SON 62 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Meghan Mastellon Mahon SAS Catherine Abate Palumbo SAS Kathleen Reilly Fallon SAS Carmen Rodriguez SON Linda Smith SAS Elaine Tolley-Andrews SAS 19 91 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 325 3% $ 325 3% Heritage Society Members: 1 Claudine Camalich-Messenger SAS GS’94 Monica Cooney SAS Noel DuPlessis SAS Zoila Figueroa SAS Joan Griffith SON Marianne LaBella-Lajos SAS Karen Toni Lacerra SON Danielle Banovic Lafayette SAS Karen Olney Maidenbaum SAS Katia Hale Mason SAS Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS Virginia McMath SON Tammy Mickoliger SAS Cynthia Skea O’Banks SON Colleen O’Friel SON Jody Ouellette SAS Nancy Paniagua SAS Ida Vega Rivera SON Audrey Schechter SON Jean Smith SON Kathryn Jackson Van Buren SON 19 9 2 F U N D AG E N T : Abigail Beal TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 525 7% $ 525 7% Heritage Society Members: 0 Marilyn Bell SON ’92 Antoinette Cantone-Denning SAS GS’96 Deborah Correnti SON Lorraine Groses Daddario SAS Maureen Innes SON Jennie Jaklitsch SAS Lucille Legrand-Smith SON Debora McCarthy SON Coleen McCoy SON 19 9 3 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $695 10 % $695 10 % 19 9 8 F U N D AG E N T : Jennifer Oetzel F U N D AG E N T : Heidi Muhleman TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : Heritage Society Members: 0 Susan Clark Amlicke SON Catharine Case Austin SAS Carole Boucher SON Eileen Buckley SON Yvette Carp SON Victoria Coudray SAS Michele Wasko Hlewicki SAS Laura Hudson SAS Kathleen Keller SAS GS’95 Elaine Ellis Mack SON Maura McCance SON Herminia McKernan SAS GS’98 Sonja Ramirez-Nahass SAS Mary Jo Sanguily SON Carole Stathis SON Rachel Peck Szalkowski SAS $ 320 4% $ 320 4% Wendie Clarke SON Mary Plitsas Hesdorffer SON Tawanna Jones SON Jennifer Smith Morrow SAS Colette Prophete SAS Veronica Thompson SON Kelley Allen SAS Meagan Batchelder-Tovar SAS Patricia Bennett SON Marie Derenzis SON Sue-Ann Hufnagel Doebler SON Folsada Dunbar SON Juanita Fryar SON Colleen Hargraves SON Paulette Haynes SON Shirley Henry SON Jacqueline Josephs-Haughton SON Arda Kardjian SON Sheila Kaufman SON Gail Kozlowski SON Tia Lanier SAS Nellerine Daniel Lloyd SON Tara O’Neill-Brant SAS Joellen Revell SAS Christina Hamilton Shustock SAS Michelle Tabi SAS Stephanie Turcic SAS $ 1 , 59 0 8% $ 1 , 59 0 8% Heritage Society Members: 0 Heather Ashfield SON Andrea Baskinger SAS Kathleen Bristol SAS GS’01 Etta Gillespie SAS Catherine Graham SON Rosemarie Gustafson SON Mearleen Harding SON Altrude Lewis-Thorpe SON Debra Miller-Saultz SON Dina Mule SAS Joan Patterson SON Valerie Rhoden SON Andrea Seltzer SON Brenda Youmans SON $ 1 , 370 12 % $ 1 , 370 12 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Saranda Berisa SAS Anne Brennan SON Susan Cavalieri SON Annamarie Conte SAS GS’96 Mary Josephine Dennis-Lee SAS Danielle Devine SAS Bernadette Enright Huvane SON Jacqueline DeCarvalho Jahosky SAS Janis Knorr SON Marianne O’Rourke Kurtz SON Yvonne Mason SON Eva Hill Moore SON Maryse Kowack Newton SAS Everet Daley Owens SON Angela Pagano SAS Elaine Podszus SON Alice Pountney-Dei SON Errol Smith SON Claribel Torres Tejada SAS Suzanne McGauley Vide SON Elizabeth Videtto Viola SAS Cynthia Wade SON Mary Hodge Williams SON $ 3 , 113 14 % $ 3 , 113 14 % Heritage Society Members: 0 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : F U N D AG E N T : Jennifer Reynolds TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : Heritage Society Members: 0 19 9 6 19 9 4 TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 19 9 5 19 97 F U N D AG E N T : Pa m e l a M a n t a l v a n o s TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : $ 770 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 770 % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 4 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Ann-Marie Bendor SON Marcie Cobelli SON Erin Gorman SAS GS’99 Pamela Mantalvanos SAS Marybeth McGuire SAS Marianne Milzoff SON Elaina Odermatt SON Teresa Okolo SON Christine Sumner SAS 63 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 19 9 9 F U N D AG E N T : Reshma Sinanan Reshma, what would we do without you? Because of your efforts, the Class of ’99 has gone from a 2% rate of participation in AF ’03 to a whopping 14% in AF ’04! Thank you, class of ’99, and thank you, Reshma. TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : $ 9 57 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 9 37 % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 14 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Roxanne Liverpool Alexander SAS Janet Aquilio SAS Sandra Aufiero SON Linda Barclay-Dey SON Jenna Sunderland Barresi SAS Ethlyn Boreland SON Durline Brown-Manhertz SON Waleeda Daniel SAS A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES/ SCHOOL OF NURSING Annette Demaio SAS GS’02 Lorraine Ernst SON Grace Gould SON Christine Grande SAS GS’02 Deborah Guglielmo SON Russell Hullstrung SON Kelly Vogt Leftwich SAS Jacqueline Levin SON Christina Longo SAS Merna Marshall-Bailey SON Tara Pasciucco SAS Georgeta Rinck SON Reshma Sinanan SAS Lavern Smith-Gladstone SON Michelle Swaby SAS Nicole Totans SAS Anna-Maria Fejer Toth SAS GS’01 Doreen Gallagher Wall SON Ryan Wright SAS Jennifer Wynter-Leslie SON 20 0 0 C L A S S F U N D AG E N T S : Griselda Kim SAS D i a n a Va l d e s SO N TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 1 , 152 13 % $600 11% Heritage Society Members: 0 Denise Adme SAS Kerida Barnes SAS Erin Carmichael Conner SAS Agata Drzewicki SON Isabel Figueiredo-Garcia SAS GS’03 Barbara Imbasciani SON Danielle Keane SAS GS’03 Jennifer Liuzza SAS Carol Luperon SAS Jaclyn Martinez SAS Mishem Mcdowell SON Christina Mirra SON Catherine Nettey SAS Renuka Rajani SAS Jesenia Rios SON Myrtle Robertson SON Marlene Robinson SON Gloria Romero SAS Ute Schneider SAS Ram Sethi SON Lisa Sansotta Silva SAS Veronica Solomon SON Lissette Torres SAS Angela Valitutto SAS Alexa Willingham SAS Vivienne Foster SON Christine Harnischfeger SAS Mary Job SAS Mariete Koottapillil SON Veronica Lawrence SON Magali Londono SON Jenee McNeil-Richardson SON Lisa Mecca SAS Ruth Micari SON Meghan O’Connor SAS Lauren Bishop O’Keefe SON Susan Okiro SON Faye Pachonas SAS Claudette Pryce-McKie SON Hafeeza Rahman SON Lauren Sichler SAS GS’02 Patricia Griffin Thakkar SON Lisa Valitutto SAS Marianne Weston SAS Hilliary Zakorchevnoy SAS 20 01 F U N D AG E N T : M a r i a n n e We s t o n Marianne Weston gave it the old college try by putting her personal spin on her class letter. She came in second in our ‘recent graduates’** competition, hot on Reshma Sinanan’s trail with a class participation rate of 13%. We look forward to the Weston v. Sinanan rematch in AF ’05! TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 20 0 2 F U N D AG E N T : Dawn Bridges TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : $ 8 25 13 % $ 8 25 13 % $ 56 5 12 % $ 6 30 11% Evelyn Haughton SON Debra Hedrick SAS Beverley Henry SON Herma Pallard SON Julie Rivera SON Virginia Saccone SON Krystal Sanchez SAS Jessenia Sepulveda SON Alicia Sorensen SON Valsamma Thomas SON 20 0 3 F U N D AG E N T : Ay a n a M i t c h e l l TOTA L 20 0 4 G I V I N G : $ 370 % Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % TOTA L A N N UA L F U N D : $ 370 % A F Pa r t i c i p a t i o n : 8 % Heritage Society Members: 0 Candice Cmar SAS Anna Davis SON Edmund Donovan SON Carmy Cartagena Guangalli SON Umu Luseni SON Carolyn Mclean SON Caiocimara Cau Mcphee SON Ria Morrison SAS Beryl Wright SON Heritage Society Members: 0 Brenda Badolato SON Jeanne Ryan Baio SAS Lanise Ballard SAS Martine Beaubrun SAS Susan Blacksburg SON Mary Bradshaw SON GS’03 Joan Clark SAS Michael Colley SON Ivet Davis-Hall SON Elsa Marie Delille SON Zona Dyer SON Jane Graver SAS Heritage Society Members: 0 Tracy Arce SAS Eva Asante SAS Irena Astriab SON Ilana Benet SON Carly Borenkind SAS Tenaya Carter SON Elaine Cooper SON Orlean Dixon SON Marylin Donaldson SON ** The ‘recent graduates’ competition was limited to the classes of 1998 through 2002. 64 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at msaulle@cnr.edu. A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS GRADUATE SCHOOL Sharon Adler ’93 Theresa Agliardo SAS ’77 GS’97 Kathryn Almquist ’85 Nadine Alperin ’90 Michelle Altilio ’95 Mark Anderson ’88 Cecilia Falcone Andretta SAS ’56 GS’86 Mary Angelucci ’86 Jean Anthony ’91 Felicia Anzel ’97 Theresa Arturi SAS ’82 GS’85 Marie Attinello ’85 Peggy Austin ’83 Ida Ayres ’72 Peggy Badran SNR ’95 GS’00 Eileen Bagge ’91 Rosemary Bair ’95 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 GS’91,’97 Elena Barnabei ’96 Elvira Barone ’74 Cynthia Barr-Pfeffer SNR ’80 GS’83 Marie Dunn Bartnett SAS ’50 GS’73 Judy Bartunek ’76 Jane Batkin ’80 Susan Bauman ’86 Victoria Bea ’88 Janet Beckerman ’92 Maryann Becraft ’94 Alma Beer ’74 Theresa Annibale Bellavia SAS ’78 GS’82 Doris Benjamin SNR ’75 GS’79 Margaret Bennett ’84 Helen Bergin SNR ’80 GS’89 Theresa Berkowitz ’77 Judy Betz ’91 Mark Betz ’88 Julia Bianchi SNR ’86 GS’88 Beverly Bierman ’85 Ann Black SAS ’55 GS’90 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS ’64 GS’92 Janet Sarrantonio Blair SAS ’74 GS’77 Trudee Blank ’83 Carolyn Blatt ’86 Helen Blood ’89 Phyllis Bocian ’84 Mary Lynne Rie Bonforte SAS ’90 GS’94 Irene Bonino ’79 Linda Botton ’75 * Deceased Claire Bradner ’88 Mary Bradshaw SON ’02 Beth Brandes ’82 Kathleen Breslin SNR ’93 GS’99 Kathleen Bright ’90 Kathleen Bristol SAS ’96 GS’01 Geraldine Brooks ’87 Amy Brown ’85 Florence Brown SAS ’72 GS’76 Joseph Brunner ’78 Ernestine Bryant ’78 Joan Burbage, S.C. ’96 Mark Burigo ’78 Helen Burke ’93 Regina Burke ’81 Nydia Calderon-Gazard ’95 Rose Callaghan ’77 Claudine Camalich-Messenger SAS ’91 GS’94 Sandra Campione ’85 Lorraine Canny ’93 Antoinette Cantone-Denning SAS ’92 GS’96 Diane Capasso SNR ’83 GS’86,’01 Barbara Caplan ’88 Joan Caputo ’74 Carol Miele Caragine SAS ’62 GS’84 June Cardinali ’76 Barbara Sweeney Carey SAS ’72 GS’93 Ms. Jean Carlson ’98 Suzanne Carpiniello ’83 Nancy Casey ’89 Margaret Cashman ’89 Carolann Castellano ’78 GS’01 Nancy Castelli ’97 Louise Castelluccio ’89 Wanda Castner ’76 JoAnne Catalanotte-Braem SNR ’84 GS’90 Carolinda Cavalluzzo ’79 Louise Challop ’75 Audrey Chatzky ’77 Catherine Chomiak ’96 Linda Christiansen ’83 Cheryl Cisse ’91 Monique Citron ’02 Mavis Coalmon ’96 Donna Coffin ’78 Barbara Cohen ’77 Carroll Cole ’81 Rita Coleman ’84 Linda Collins ’76 Debra Spitz Colucco SAS ’79 GS’82 Ruthann Comstock ’00 Eileen Connelly ’91 Annamarie Conte SAS ’94 GS’96 Barbara Costello ’83 Cheryl Croce ’88 Harold Crocker ’78 Anne Crowe ’74 Sarah Vincent Crum SNR ’81 GS’89 Maura Curry ’98 Denise D’Andrea ’80 Naomi Dacosta SNR ’85 GS’87 Mary Jo Dalbey ’79 Lynda Dalgish ’94 Suzanne Daly ’89 Annemarie Damiani ’98 Margaret Daronco ’77 Diane Heine Davis SAS ’71 GS’76 Ida Davis SNR ’93 GS’95 Ann De Freitas ’86 Janice De Nave ’81 Lucia De Rosa ’94 Irma Dean SNR ’93 GS’95 Barbara Delany ’81 Annette Demaio SAS ’99 GS’02 Patricia Demeo SNR ’85 GS’90 Suanne Peterson DeNunzio SAS ’78 GS’80 Dana Deravin-Carr ’86 Gayle DeSimone-Wyckoff ’86 Sherry Dey ’99 Eileen Diano ’87 GS’81 Bonnie Dickey ’98 Kimberly Diggs ’98 Maureen DiLello ’76 Fortunata Dimarco ’99 Catherine Dougherty ’85 Julia Dougherty ’91 Joellen Doyle ’90 Anne Marie Duignan ’95 Carol Eber ’94 Carol Eisner ’76 Veronica Elliott SNR ’81 GS’93 John Engels SNR ’93 GS’96 Meredith Englebert SAS ’86 GS’91 Georgina Ennis SAS ’82 GS’85 Johanna Erickson ’72 M. Lois Esmay ’82 Bennetta Fajardo ’85* Arlene Falk ’85 Dennis Fallo ’85 Catherine Glassing Farrell SAS ’43 65 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E GS’73 Carol Fata ’79 Donna Fazio ’97 Antoinette Febbraio SNR ’81 GS’85 Janette Fenton ’94 Mary Fergus ’89 Eulalie Fernando ’93 Ms. Cynthia Ferraro ’94 Isabel Figueiredo-Garcia SAS ’00 Cassandra Fiore ’79 Gail Fiorelli ’76 Susan Fisher-Nannig ’88 Mary Kieran Fitzgerald SAS ’59 GS’82 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS ’61 GS’80 Suzanne Fleischer ’90 Catherine Fleming ’75 Susan Flower ’80 Valerie Foster ’99 Brenda Fox ’90 Kimberly Fraioli ’91 Maria Francella ’97 Charlotte Frede SNR ’80 GS’91 Nancy Fremont ’90 Sheila Gabrielli ’83 Janet Galvin ’74 Adrienne Garnett ’84* Mildred Gersh ’73 Kathleen Gil-Zuzulo ’87 Gertrude Gilham ’84 M. Dorcas Goddard ’73 Marjorie Gold ’93 Nan Baycich Gollogly SAS ’70 GS’79 Susan Goodman ’84 Erin Gorman SAS ’97 GS’99 Ethel Gorman SNR ’85 GS’89 Donna Reid Grady SAS ’80 GS’83 Sheryll Grady SAS ’79 GS’80 Christine Grande SAS ’99 GS’02 Diane Grannum SNR ’81 GS’88 Marie Grassi ’80 Libby Grasso ’72 Jane Grauer ’00 Lorraine Greene-Elshot ’92 Evelyn Greengross SNR ’79 GS’83 Robert Gregory ’88 Angela Grille ’79 Andrea Grumbine ’00 Janet Guptill SAS ’86 GS’94 Maria Guzman ’96 Susan Hackel ’97 Mary Hagerty ’79 Karen Hahn SAS ’77 GS’79 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS GRADUATE SCHOOL Maxine Handel ’76 Robert Hanley ’91 Adrienne Harris ’89 Agnes Gennatasio Harris SAS ’62 GS’79 Clement Hastie ’89 Barbara Hatcher ’88 Ellen Hauben ’92 Annmarie Stenderhoff Hawkins SAS ’82 GS’84 Mary Hogan Hearle SAS ’56 GS’87 Ellen Hebard SNR ’94 GS’99 Brenda Brosnan Heffernan SAS ’60 GS’84 Laura Heiss ’81 Deborah Hellman ’74 Marjorie Meszaros Hendrickson SAS ’64 GS’89 M. Eileen Herbster ’75 Cynthia Hertz ’82 Fran Hertzberg ’00 Jill Hickey ’77 Rachel Hill ’00 Elyse Hintzen ’81 Linda Hoffman ’93 Mary Ball Hofstetter SAS ’63 GS’81 Petronella Holm SNR ’76 GS’87 Norma Holzer ’84 Teresa Feil Hoppe SAS ’86 GS’89 Janie Horowitz ’79 Miriam Horowitz ’83 Ellen Horsting ’87 Janet Hotchkiss ’88 Douglas Houghton ’84 Alana Howell SNR ’87 GS’99 Ms. Mary Ellen Hufnagel ’94 Florence Huth ’72 S. Stephanie Peterman Iachetta SAS ’59 GS’94 Constance Iervolino ’88 Debra Ingrando-DeEntremo SAS ’79 GS’80 Marianne Irwin SNR ’77 GS’84 Letizia Isaia SAS ’75 GS’92 Mimi Ivy ’87 Dawn Jackson ’96 Joan Jacobson ’85 Sandra Jeanette ’89 Ms. Geraldine Johnson ’94 Grace Johnson ’75 Cynthia Jones ’77 Evelyn I. Jones ’00 Renee Jones ’75 Judith Joynt ’86 Harriet Kale ’88 Joyce Kanyuk ’78 Marilyn Katz ’72 Helen Kaufman ’85 Olivia Kaufman ’88 Jocelyn Kaye ’97 Danielle Keane SAS ’00 Don Keene ’99 Ruth Keindl ’00 Diane Keller ’94 Kathleen Keller SAS ’93 Ellen Kelly SNR ’80 GS’85 Catherine Kenneally SNR ’83 GS’89 Jeanne Kennedy ’76 Alisa Kesten ’90 Gail Kestenbaum ’92 Lucille King ’93 Ruth Kirk ’84 Barbara Kisken ’81 Fern Kossak ’89 Jane Kowaleski ’96 Barbara Krajewski ’98 Ms. Geraldine Kreppel ’94 Julie Kubaska SNR ’79 GS’82 Ms. Pamala Kuch SNR ’99 GS’02 Walter Kumpf ’84 Judith Kurzawa ’96 Deborah Kydon ’83 Colleen Labianco ’84 Judith Lambertson ’82 Nieli Langer ’85 Danielle DunLany Langford SAS ’67 GS’84 Joan Connolly Laporte SAS ’48 GS’87 Ellen Lauter ’90 Elizabeth Jones Lavelle SAS ’78 GS’83 Grace Lawton ’79 Juliana Leach ’91 Ann Yu-Li Chiu Lee SAS ’74 GS’76 Arlene Leitner ’88 Helene Lennon ’79 Steven Leunig ’88 Martha Levites ’78 Alves Lewis ’96 Ruth Lichter ’91 Jennifer Lipins ’99 Olga Lisica ’96 Frances Litvin ’83 Sr. Ai Yueh Christine Liu ’89 Elissa Locatelli ’01 Barbara Locitzer ’79 Marie Visnauskas Loehmann SAS ’77 GS’81 Mary Ann Longo ’93 Deborah Lopez ’82 Nancy Lotrionte ’96 Peter Loughran ’84 Elaine Ludwig ’73 Marguerite Lynk ’84 Cynthia Bucci Lyons SAS ’81 GS’00 Josephine Machera ’72 Marie Mackey ’78 Alma Maffucci SNR ’82 GS’84 Anne Magee ’79 Pamela Magelowitz ’94 Margaret Mahoney ’77 Cheryl Malcolm-Borrelli ’76 Suzanne Malloy ’99 Mary Ellen Taggart Malone ’88 Josephine Mandeville ’76 Juliana Mansfield ’92 Patricia Manuel ’87 Theresa Manuel SNR ’97 GS’01 Ann Marie Rees Marcellino SAS ’59 GS’86 Barbara Marchewka ’78 Katherine McHugh Maria SAS ’58 GS’72 Linda Marino ’83 Mary Marquis ’75 Maria Marrero SNR ’93 GS’97 Lisa Marshall ’96 Astrid Martin SNR ’81 GS’87 Gail Martin ’92 Marilyn Masiero ’90 Carol K. Masone ’94 Janet Massio SAS ’86 GS’88 Gina Mastrogiovanni ’98 Marilyn Maynard ’86 Marie Mays-Gee ’75 Marie Mazzone ’01 Mary Mcallister ’00 Ellen McCabe ’85 Liane McCarthy ’89 Tara Mccarthy ’97 Catherine McElroy SNR ’92 GS’94 Jane Wiedenhoft McGrath SAS ’89 GS’93 Patricia McGuire ’97 Mr. John McKean ’94 Herminia McKernan SAS ’93 GS’98 66 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Kathleen McKnight ’96 Ellen McLean SAS ’78 GS’79 Edith McMann ’89 Caiocimara Cau Mcphee SON ’03 Barbara McPhillips ’79 Virginia McSpedon ’78 Marianna Medeiros ’99 Dale Meier ’81 Elizabeth Meyer SAS ’47 GS’76 Frances Miceli SNR ’81 GS’84 Angelica Milas ’74 Alicia Militano ’83 Barbara Milon ’78 Ronald Mineo ’94 RoseAnn Minnerly SNR ’90 GS’93 Deborah Mizrahi ’80 Dorothy Moore ’87 Virginia Moore ’91 Susan Morgenstern 81 Lorraine Morlok ’82 Marjorie Moshon ’96 Kathleen Muentener SNR ’92 GS’96 Arlene Mullusky ’81 Mark Murphy ’79 Francis X. Murphy ’00 Miriam Murray ’83 Shirley Murray-Govia ’85 Mary Naclerio ’00 Joan Napoli ’82 Philip Navarrete ’77 Arthur Nechamkin ’99 Elaine Nichols ’92 Elise N. Nichols-Powell ’77 Sylvia Nissen ’84 Anne Nozzolio ’80 Jo-Ann O’Brien ’75 Joseph O’Mara ’77 Christine O’Rourke ’00 Susan O’Shea ’81 Keelin O’Sullivan SAS ’80 GS’85 Theda Okun ’76 Lois Olden ’80 Sr. Anna Oncia, OP ’75 Mary Jane Oria ’72 Gladys Osborne SNR ’92 GS’95 Susan Palmer ’74 Mary-Anne Cotterall Partridge SAS ’70 GS’75 James Pasternak ’91 Judith Patti ’83 Fred Peck ’93 Anne Pelak SNR ’90 GS’96 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Maria Pellegrino ’77 Gail Perkin ’92 Gail Perlow ’77 Barbara Campagna Pettersen ’76 Gail Pezzimenti ’00 Harold Phillips SNR ’85 GS’87 Reginald Pierre-Louis ’00 Renee Pitchon ’93 Adriana Podesta ’99 Lori Ann Polidoro ’95 Deirdre Polow ’91 Betty Ann Power SAS ’73 GS’81 Sandra Priest Rose ’77 GS’73 Hope Quinlan ’87 Patricia Quinn ’89 Marie-Helene Raho ’77 Sylvia Ramos-Gonzalez ’88 Judith Ratner ’99 Mary Reardon ’83 Mary Recene ’86 Sylvia Reid ’77 Jeanne Reilly ’86 Deborah Renna ’87 Frankie Revells SNR ’95 Theresa Riccio SAS ’60 GS’75 Bernadette Ricco ’88 Maria Riccobono ’73 Carole Risi ’93 Janice Toterhi Ritter SAS ’74 GS’81 Dawn Rivellini ’85 Barbara Robinson SNR ’83 GS’87 Marie Rofhok SNR ’84 GS’87 Cathy Rogers-Ganns ’82 Catherine Rollman SAS ’72 GS’76 Annemarie Romagnoli ’76 Camille Romita SNR ’75 GS ’88 Jane Rose ’78 Joan Rosen ’91 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 GS’71 Barbara Rothschild-Simon SNR ’74 GS’78 Augustine Russo ’74 Dennis R. Ryan ’94 Carlene Sabb SNR ’85 GS’93 Marianne Saccardi ’92 Gloria Saed ’80 Adair Santoro ’86 Marie Saunders ’82 Sharon Sawler ’84 Mary Colleen Scanlon ’84 Kenneth Schaaf ’81 Monica Schaefer ’81 Anne Schick ’75 Patricia Schifini, O.S.U. SAS ’82 GS’94 Joanne Guido Schirone SAS ’76 GS’81 Barbara Schmitt ’75 Marjorie Scholnick ’76 Linda Schuch ’85 Carol Lynn Schulman ’91 Holly Schulze ’80 Rosemarie Scutero ’75 Linda Seekatz ’74 Stephanie Senulis ’97 Regina Setikas ’76 Nancy Sforza ’98* Patricia Sheeran ’77 Margaret Sheridan ’88 Kathy Stackhouse Sibley SAS ’70 GS’72 Lauren A. Sichler SAS ’01 Margo Siegel ’89 Lee Anne Siegfried ’90 Beverly Simmons ’81 Gloria Simmons ’85 Sylvia Simon ’79 Paul Siragusa ’80 Alouise Doern Skehan SAS ’74 GS’80 Barbara Skokos ’99 Ellen Small ’80 Ellen Small ’78 Arlene Smethurst ’93 Virginia Smith ’78 Jane Snerson ’76 Peter Soans ’79 Carol Solanto ’88 Maureen Spinozza ’95 Noreen Stack ’91 Katherine Stanley ’77 Susan Stanton ’97 Carol Stark ’77 Nancy Steng ’72 Lisbeth L. Stern ’77 Laverne Stevens SNR ’92 GS’96 Lillian Stewart SNR ’78 GS’83 Lorraine Stratis ’84 Patricia Straus ’73 Jane Strobel ’82 Mary Studeny SAS ’69 GS’82 Katherine Studwell ’82 Karen Sturzenbecker ’90 Claudia Sullivan ’97 Deborah Sutherland ’91 Kathleen Tafur ’75 Joan Tait SAS ’75 GS’83 Junko Takeda ’86 Carol Diamond Taney SAS ’68 GS’78 Phyllis Tarlow ’79 Candace Taubner ’74 Alice Taylor ’86 Denise Taylor ’81 Diana Taylor ’75 Marguerite Testa ’75 Suzanne Tether ’99 Nancy Thevenet ’80 Beverly Thomas ’85 Clara Thomas SNR ’00 Janet Thompson ’89 Sylvia Thorn SNR ’95 GS’00 Ann Timmons ’86 Enid Topchik ’88 Anna-Maria Fejer Toth SAS ’99 GS’01 Margaret Trahar ’83 Theresa Travalino ’75 Lynn Travers SAS ’76 GS’83 Elizabeth Tremberger ’95 Diane Tucker ’94 Donna Tyler SNR ’89 GS’93 Susan Ugliarolo ’96 Eileen Vail ’86 Angela Valitutto SAS ’00 Lisa Valitutto SAS ’01 Teresa Van Slyck ’82 Bonnie Vandeyar ’00 Helen Verdicchio ’76 Joan Virgin SNR ’76 GS’77 Mitchell Visoky ’86 * Deceased 67 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Anne Traynor Vonick SAS ’49 GS’84 Brian Vorwald ’99 Dorothy Wade ’84 Christine Walker ’84 Leslea Walker ’87 Carolyn Walsh SNR ’82 GS’85 Sylvia Walsh ’97 George Walters SNR ’90 GS’92 Lori Walzer ’95 Jeanne Ward ’83 Lorraine Ward ’75 Barbara Colbert Warren SAS ’54 GS’80 Harriet Watsky ’76 Barbara Barnes Weinbaum SAS ’77 GS’80 Laura Weinstein ’79 Marilyn Ginsberg Weisbrot SAS ’75 GS’79 Ellen Wentworth ’85 Janice Wernock ’97 Diana Westbrook ’85 Joan Wezel ’83 Mary Whalen SNR ’99 GS’01 Silvia White ’81 Mary Whitehead SAS ’75 GS’82 Bonny Willett ’92 Ruth Wolff ’97 Beth Falvey Woodtli SAS ’82 GS’85 Grace Young ’77 Hope Young ’89 Nancy Zadravec ’94 Mary Zini ’89 Dana Pierce Zottoli ’00 Susan Zucchero ’95 THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at msaulle@cnr.edu. A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF NEW RESOURCES B R O O K LY N C A M P U S Belinda Bristow ’93 Geraldine Hailey ’93 Ida Hinton ’94 Veronica Johnson ’98 Brenda Jones ’02 Ronnie Legette ’95 Robert Lewis ’95 Judith Lewis Mars ’97 Dolores Lofton ’90 Mildred Malik ’89 Jessie Martin ’91 Glenda Merrill ’98 Janice Moscoso ’00 Ruby Oliver ’94 Catherine Owens ’02 Delores A. Phillips ’97 Diane Plant ’92 Laura Randolph ’95 Jean Samad ’95 Lydine Satterwhite ’89 Cheryl Williams ’99 Guye E. Wiltshire ’01 JOHN CARDINAL O ’ CO N N O R C A M P U S Gloria Aloise ’83 Peggy Badran ’95 GS’00 Eunice Claire Clarke ’93 Dorothea Cochran ’88 Amelia Cooper ’82 Dorothy Coppin ’82 Eugenia Di Pietro ’83 Louise Dixon ’84 Ewana Cardoza Elmore ’97 Denise Forde ’88 Noemi Forty ’92 Mary Fullerton ’94 Lorene Gray ’86 Saikou Jagana ’99 Catherine Johnson ’83 Joyce Johnson ’85 Vivian Johnson ’84 Delores Kelly ’93 Francene Miller ’87 Jane Mitchell ’85 Ruth Paredes ’84 Linda Paul Coe ’83 Deborah Randall ’88 Flora Reyes ’86 Carlene Sabb ’85 GS’93 Constance Scarlett ’85 Deborah Terrell ’96 Lillian Velez ’98 Vivian Wallace ’85 Patricia Wanzer ’83 Leona Washington ’84 Willie White ’03 Georgia Williams ’84 Hazel Rivers ’86 Dorothy Robinson ’77 Angelica Rodriguez ’86 Margie Rogers ’81 Christine Roman ’00 Sadie Sadler ’77 Barbara Salahuddin-Grant ’98 Pearl Sullivan ’03 Estelle Tapper ’83 Jessie Thomas ’87 Elena Thomas-Hall ’77 Wilhelmina Varner ’85 Judith Wexler ’75 Lorraine White ’90 Judy Whitley ’80 CO - O P C I T Y C A M P U S Millicent Bolling ’83 Raphine Carr ’77 Audrey Chambers ’85 Mae Christopher-Boodie ’90 Dorothy Clark ’85 Aida Claudio ’92 Eloise A. Coleman ’76 Elsie Colon ’83 Ann Corley ’77 Vincent Crum ’81 GS’89 Leslie Diaz ’00 Clara George ’77 Herbert George ’76 Lorraine Gillum ’86 Monica Golding ’93 Fredrica Greene ’88 Hilda Hernandez ’83 Kenyatta Hollingsworth ’97 Campus Alana Howell ’87 GS’99 Carole Wooten Hysmith ’81 Delores Jacobs ’87 Marilyn Lamarr ’83 Aaron Manley ’86 Irving Margulies ’76 Maria Marrero ’93 GS’97 Judith Martin ’88 Barbara A. Mason ’01 Joan Mitchell ’91 Barbara Mont ’77 Barbara Morgan ’96 Dorothy Nicholson-Brown ’77 Soeurette Obas ’86 Osborne ’92 GS’95 Marion Pembleton ’82 Jenita Pollock ’96 Miguel Prince ’92 Sarah Pulliam ’90 Pierrette Rameau ’00 Judith Reed ’80 Gail Respress ’03 Delorise Reuben ’90 Rachel F. Rivera ’01 D C - 37 C A M P U S Terry Alexander ’97 Ada Alexis ’77 Rose Alvarez ’89 Frances Amorosa ’98 Lauren Antoine ’00 Maria Arcila-Howeil ’92 Jimmy Arnold ’87 Jason Arrington ’81 Karen Bagdonas ’98 Sandra Bilbo-Dent ’95 Paul Blair ’90 Pansy Blake ’78 Deta Bogle ’95 Maria Bosa ’78 Jacqueline Boyce ’81 Carolyn Brady ’78 Ada Brown ’84 Francina Bullock ’91 Deborah Butler ’93 Bernice Cabey ’85 Josephine Campanella ’88 Flossie Canada ’92 Gladys Clark ’85 Aldith Clarke ’83 Roberta Collier ’86 Vennie Cox-Samuel ’99 Mrs. Javon Matos Cuomo ’99 James Davidson ’77 Norman Davis ’75 Genevieve Dechalus ’00 Dwain DePaul ’80 Lisa Donovan ’99 Viola Fisher Dyce ’75 Theresa Eckstein ’82 Sondra Edouards ’77 68 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Grace Eubanks ’86 Dora Evans ’92 Coula Farris ’77 Dorothy Ferguson ’89 Helen Fonos ’78 Carlene Fowler ’87 Doris Francis ’92 Doris Fraser ’88 Emma Fulwood ’78 Norma Gallman-Collazo ’90 Amparo Garcia ’86 Diane Giorgi ’87 Ruth Gonnello ’86 Sylvia Gore ’85 Diane Grannum ’81 GS’88 Edith Grant ’81 Kathryn Gruby ’80 Yetta Guy ’82 Arthur Haddock ’76 Lorraine Handal ’79 Margaret Hartman ’79 Dolores C. Henry ’01 Letitia Hepburn ’99 Jacqueline Hewitt ’90 Laura Hill ’80 Jeanette Hoff ’86 Rose Hoffmann ’86 Therese Holder ’85 Petronella Holm ’76 GS’87 Nora Hutchinson ’78 Nubia Imani-Beazer ’86 Daria Jackson ’94 Doris Jackson ’77 Edna Jenkins ’81 Yvette Jenkins ’86 Gladys Jones ’93 Mary Jones ’95 Ruth Keisner ’80 Jean Marie Kelly ’97 Theresa Kelly ’92 Agatha Kropp ’88 Rose Marie Lalanne ’92 Mary Leacock ’76 Charles Lercara ’91 Isaac Levine ’73 Joan Lewin ’93 Hastie Lowther ’76 Dorothy Lundy ’78 Raymond Marrero ’87 Astrid Martin ’81 GS’87 Vida McGlone ’88 Juana McKelvey ’79 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Veronica Mew Armenti ’97 Walter Morris ’96 Audrey Morton-Walker ’87 Annette Munz ’78 Alvin Murrell ’79 Rosa Myrick ’80 Jon Ng ’97 Barbara Perkins ’91 Louis Pfeifer ’76 Josephine Pittari ’00 James Power ’94 Ann Progler ’79 Gloria Richards ’77 Barbara Robinson ’83 GS’87 Dolores Robinson ’86 Rose Robinson ’76 Iraida Rodriguez ’95 Ramona Rodriguez ’79 Allan Rose ’76 Walter Salomone ’78 Juanita Santiago ’78 Vincenza Scaduto ’91 Harriet Scott ’80 Valerie Sheafe Sheafe ’98 Sharon Shepard ’99 Dorothy Siegel ’79 Lillian Stewart ’78 GS’83 Mary Strawter-Merritt ’92 Jewell Sutler ’85 Jean Taranto ’82 Gilda Thomas ’89 Dorothy Thompson ’92 Frances Tiernan ’86 Sandra Tobin ’81 Emma Toppin ’91 John Toto ’78 Wendy Watson ’95 Lucy West ’81 Betty White ’86 Diane Williams ’96 Wilma Williams ’86 Etheline Wilson ’88 Evelyn Witt ’79 NEW ROCHELLE CAMPUS Marie Abel ’76 Joan Adams ’91 Norma Adler ’78 Michelina Almstead ’83 Carol Alterman ’79 * Deceased Peggy Althoff ’84 Clare Amabile ’78 Marc Anders ’76 Roberta Apuzzo ’92 Herlinda Aquino ’91 Mary Ann Haigh Austin ’93 Judith O’Hara Balfe ’89 GS’91 GS’97 Rosa Davis Barksdale ’75 Cynthia Barr-Pfeffer ’80 GS’83 Dolores Battalia ’75 Cynthia Bell ’76 Barbara Bellamy ’87 Doris Benjamin ’75 GS’79 Helen Bergin ’80 GS’89 Julia Bianchi ’86 GS’88 Gloria Bisaccia ’90 Thomas Blake ’83* Ophelia Blanchard ’96 Karen Bonaparte ’79 Edna Bourne ’82 Susan Bradlau ’77 Alma Branche ’82 Norvell Brandon ’91 Kathleen Breslin ’93 GS’99 Duffy Brodsky ’76 Barbara Brown ’81 Marlene Buckingham ’82 Gertrude Bunke ’82 Susan Canada ’89 Diane Capasso ’83 GS’86 Lillian Carew ’73 Angelina Carforo ’90 Ellen Carney ’85 Julie Davis Carran ’81 Evelyn Castellano ’98 JoAnne Catalanotte-Braem ’84 GS’90 Jacquelyn Cauthen Hamer ’91 Esther Champion ’82 Harriette Chelnik ’73 Jean Cohen ’78 Joan Cohen ’85 Sanda Cohen ’84 Barbara Connelly ’86 Teresa Cotterall-Lagana ’89 Helen Curran ’96 Naomi Dacosta ’85 GS’87 Barbara Datino ’85 Charlesanna Davis ’83 Ida Davis ’93 GS’95 Alexander Daza ’00 Irma Dean ’93 GS’95 Judith Dean ’76 Barbara Decker ’75 Patricia Demeo ’85 GS’90 George Dennerlein ’76 J. Patricia Deur ’80 Eileen DiNiscia ’86 Donna Dirusso ’96 Lafayette Dixon ’76 Sarah Dodd ’83 Nancy Donworth ’98 Norma Downer ’82 Suzanne Drachman ’86 Margaret Edmonston ’82 Veronica Elliott ’81 GS’93 John Engels ’93 GS’96 Gale Etra ’83 Alice Fairstein ’76 Antoinette Febbraio ’81 GS’85 Denise Feighery ’79 Anthony Ferrara ’76 Rosemarie Flamio ’94 Eva Flamm ’93 Doris Fleishman ’80 Janice Francis ’84 Charlotte Frede ’80 GS’91 Toby Friedlander ’77 Joseph Furgiuele ’75 Virginia Furman ’78 Alem Gabre-Sellassie ’97 Doreen Gallagher ’78 Priscilla Goldberg ’82 Virginia Tormey Golliher ’87 Anne Golub ’74 Ethel Gorman ’85 GS’89 Charlotte Grady ’97 Evelyn Greengross ’79 GS’83 Ida Grieco ’82 Ann Marie Grillo ’96 Marygrace Grisanti ’00 Barbara Grodd ’75 Linda Gromadzki ’84 Sarah Harris ’92 Ellen Hebard ’94 GS’99 Joan Henry ’90 Fannie Hill-King ’81 Shirley Homes ’79 Sandra Thomas Horsman ’82 Liz Horvitz ’89 Maureen Humphry ’78 Lola Hunter ’74 Naomi Ingram ’78 Marianne Irwin ’77 GS’84 Audrey Isaacs ’92 69 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Marguerite Jasper ’77 Samuel Jegede ’89 Janice Johnson ’75 Jill Johnston ’93 Winifred Kahl ’89 Marcia Kawer ’76 Ellen Kelly ’80 GS’85 Judith Preble Kenny ’82 William Kirtsos ’78 Edwin Krumeich ’85 Julie Kubaska ’79 GS’82 Pamala Kuch ’99 Dolores Lancelot ’81 Barbara Lane ’94 Cecile Lasis ’80 Mary Ann Lebron ’03 Geraldine Lee ’93 Linda Lefkowitz ’75 Rosemary Lent ’85 Gloria Levine ’83 Susan Levitt ’97 Celestine Lloyd ’80 Maria Bottone Lombardozzi ’98 Judith LoSecco ’91 Vivyette Loving ’86 Inge Lowenstein ’94 Elease Lyde ’95 Michael Lynch ’77 Betty Lyon ’74 Doreen Macri ’99 Alma Maffucci ’82 GS’84 Helen Marble ’87 Virginia Martin ’82 Corinne Mastruzzi ’74 Irene McConnell ’86 Catherine McElroy ’92 GS’94 Anna McGuire ’78 Kathleen McHugh, S.C. ’75 Anne McKenna ’82 Donna Messina ’81 Frances Miceli ’81 GS’84 Joann Mincello ’85 Arlene Minella ’84 RoseAnn Minnerly ’90 GS’93 Barry Moravec ’96 Christina Morzello ’90 Cecelia Mruk ’78 Kathleen Muentener ’92 GS’96 Norma Myers ’80 Rosa Nash ’86 Joan Neary ’92 Dorothy Noto ’75 A LU M N A E / I A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS SCHOOL OF NEW RESOURCES Sheila O’Connor ’94 Rosalina Palladino ’82 Anne Pelak ’90 GS’96 Geraldine Pelliccio ’93 Jeanne Perlman ’87 Ann Perna ’93 Theresia Perna ’76 Mary Pfeiffer ’83 Harold Phillips ’85 GS’87 Jo Ann Piazza ’89 Anthony Pietroburgo ’95 Gerda Pintauro ’76 Margaret Pisani ’75 Louise Pomerantz ’75 Karen Propper ’79 Betty Quimby ’83 Donna Reitano ’93 Louise Rella ’86 Regina Repenning ’00 Alphonse Restivo ’84 Frankie Revells ’95 Ruth McCollester Robins ’83 Irene Roemer ’77 Marie Rofhok ’84 GS’87 Ralph Rogers ’81 Lynn Rohlf ’85 Camille Romita ’75 GS ’88 Ruth Rosen ’78 Barbara Rothschild-Simon ’74 GS’78 Ann Rothstein ’76 Claudia Sacino ’80 Valerie Salembier ’73 Julie Sandberg ’76 Joanne Santangelo ’83 Stephanie Schaeffer ’97 Ellen Gromer Schiavone ’00 Doris Schneible ’86 Deanna Schwam ’99 Madeline Schwartz ’86 Concetta Secchiano ’98 Jacqualine Seip ’83 Linda Shapiro ’82 Eileen Short ’97 Joanne Sierad ’79 Audrey Simmonds ’95 Teresa Slakas ’74 Virginia Smith ’83 Cynthia Smith-Teiko ’86 Ruth Soloway ’92 Joanne Spitaliere ’83 Patricia Mertelus St. Germain ’97 Judith Sternberg ’81 Holly Stewart ’90 Rita Stewart ’74 Sarah Newcombe Sullo ’97 Anna Swanston ’80 Carol Sweeney ’93 Ruth Tarvor ’85 Lynda Tepperman ’78 Clara Thomas ’00 Daphne Thomas ’89 Lois Thompson ’80 Sylvia Thorn ’95 GS’00 Rose Tomlin ’76 Marie Tormey ’82 Donna Tyler ’89 GS’93 Elizabeth Tyropolis ’83 Joan Virgin ’76 GS’77 Eloise Wallace ’96 Carolyn Walsh ’82 GS’85 George Walters ’90 GS’92 Danielle Wattel ’78 Judith Wellins ’90 Mary Whalen ’99 GS’01 Charlene Whitmore ’96 Helen Williams ’86 Ida Williams ’81 Rachel Williams ’77 Anne Wilson ’97 Lori Wilson ’96 Frances Wood ’83 Audrey Woods ’96 Lenora Wright-Kearney ’77 Adrienne Young ’89 Sharon Zaffino ’86 Beryl Zawatsky ’91 Madeline Zevon ’78 Louise Glover Zollicoffer ’89 Charlotte Driver ’95 Nelson Dukes ’88 Ruthie Fowler ’88 Henry Garcia ’00 J. Gayle Gaymon ’91 Antonia Green ’88 Mae Gunn ’93 Hilda Hamlett ’89 Job Hamlett ’83 Chynita Hickman ’97 Gussie Hicks ’00 Ethel Jones ’91 Eleonora Joseph ’85 Doris Joubert ’92 Alcia Kong ’02 Mabel Lewis ’84 Theresa Manuel ’97 GS’01 Adelina Mingo ’84 Rhonetta Mobley ’95 Elizabeth Perez ’95 Oscar Roberts ’86 Kim Singletary ’86 Hermina Waithe ’87 Joseph Walston ’91 Gwendolyn White ’95 N E W YO R K T H EO LO G I C A L S E M I N A RY C A M P U S Lemaire Alerte ’84 John Baisden ’89 Ronald Bascombe ’93 Arlene Brown ’82 Lyinka Brown ’94 Michael Brown ’03 Sharon Browne-Burrell ’02 AnneMarie Coffey ’86 Roseclare Coombs ’99 Charlie Daniel ’83 Andrew Dasilva ’93 Gail Davis ’97 70 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E R O SA PA R KS C A M P U S Dan Boampong ’87 Aida Cheema ’96 Helen Downing ’98 Mark Fauntleroy ’99 Keith Francis ’87 Joan Gardner ’84 Patricia Moore Foster ’95 Rebecca Page ’88 Kay Peck-Maxwell ’93 Melissa Reed ’99 Arkless Richardson ’87 Sheila Sessoms ’99 Sarah Smith ’90 THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at msaulle@cnr.edu. V CURRENT & PAST PARENTS A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS / FRIENDS CURRENT AND PAST PA R E N TS John Ambery Joan Molanphy Bassett* SAS ’50 Joan Bristol Hugh L.Carey Ellen Carney SNR ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chisholm (Joan Rombach SAS ’59 ) Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64 Mr. & Mrs Joseph Crimmins Mrs. Elizabeth Daly Mr. Frank DiMarco Mr. & Mrs. William Ebinger Timothy Ebsworth Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Fallon Hilda Farmer Anita LaLancette Fish SAS ’37 Florence Doyle Fitzgerald SAS ’50 Charlotte Frede SNR ’80 GS ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Genovese Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grande Virginia Donahue Griffin SAS ’45 Suzanne McCormick Hampton SAS ’69 Gilbert Hernandez Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Iaquinta Frances Mehr Kelleher SAS ’41 Margaret Doyle Lawler SAS ’63 Ed & Mary Jane Perry (SAS ’49) Loughman Dr. & Mrs. James Magee Victoria Rossetto Marmora SAS ’56 Joseph E. Marsh, Sr. Marie Mascali Mauriello SAS ’49 Virginia Leary McElroy SAS ’51 Marie Murphy McKeon SAS ’64 Barbara Clemens Morrison SAS ’52 Mr. & Mrs. David Munroe Mr. & Mrs. Frank Parisi Marie-Louise Mauch Prainito SAS ’57 Mary Feehan Ribaudo SAS ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Roberge Dennis R. Ryan GS ’94 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS ’58 Eileen Short SNR ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Louise McDonnell Stevens SAS ’48 Robert J. Streger Ann & Donald Summo * Deceased Fern Teetsel Stephen A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tolley Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Torres Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas SAS ’58 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Weston Mark J. Williams Patricia Barnum Williams SAS ’56 Anonymous Margaret & Thomas Conniff Judy & Leonard Cooper Joan M. Cornell Virginia M. Cragin Charles H. Critchlow Alice M. Curtin Margaret & William Cuttle Lisa Maiolo Daley William Damato John W. Davis Sanders Davis Farrokh M. DeBoo Richard R. Desmond Marianne Dipalermo-McCauley John J. Dooner, Jr. Jean & Wallace Doud Lorraine Dowdey Eugenie Doyle Patricia Doyle James H. Duffy Stephanie & David Eisenberg Virginia Esposito Joseph M. Farrell Alphonsus L. Farry Damiano Fazio John Ferguson Anne C. Foley Anne M. Foley John Foley Jacqueline Fontinell Jacqueline Forbes George Gero Linda Girardi Maximilian Goepp Ruth Goldberg Mary & Eugene Gormley Ida Granata Michael P. Granata Stephen W. Green Leonora Gregory Mary & Roger Grimm Anne & Maurice Hartigan Linda C. Hartley Warren Hayford Victor Henningsen Margot & Stephen Holland Katherine & Alexander Hood Helen Hoskins Kathrene Blish Houlihan Chester Howe John C. Howe M. Benjamin Howe FRIENDS Richard Abramson Joshua Adler Marsha & Michael Ambler Bruce Angiolillo Poppy W. Anthony Glen M. Applebaum Mary S. Bahnsen Rita J. Baker Patricia P. Barber Leroy Barksdale Fred Bass William F. Bell Alan M. Berman John H. Bermingham James K. Bishop Maurice Bissonnette David Black Blanche* & Joseph Blank James Bliss Stanley M. Bogen Michael Boyle Richard Brady Maree Brennan Barbara & John Bresnan Gerald Briggs Vera Broderick Melba Brodie Beverlee Bruce Carol E. Bryce Louise M. Bryson Harriet Burton John M. Callagy Frances Sternhagen Carlin Patrick Carney Elizabeth Casey E. Michael Caulfield Ida Cesario Charles M. Chinzi Victor Cimino Yolanda Cimino Robert L. Coleman 71 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Rachel S. Howe Mary Hyde John F. Hyland Timothy C. Idoni Linda Jenkins Margo R. Jones Marsha Kaminsky Kevin B. Keefe Jane Keegan, R.D.C. Margaret Mary Kelleher, O.S.U. Chever L. Kellogg Linda Kelly Ellen T. Kennedy Gregory Kiernan Laura & John F. Killian Mary M. Kirby Henry Kissinger Walter G. Korntheuer Sheila A. Koscher Sarah Howe Kussin Patricia Lanza Janet Lassaw Wadiyah A. Latif Leah & Alain Lebec Diana Lesser Elizabeth & Joseph LeVaca Ellen Lipschitz Gerri & Charles Lizzo Julianne K. Long Edward Loughman Teresa Luraschi Ian K. MacDonald Robert MacDonald Paul L. Magnano Al & Gail Maiolo Guido Maiolo John Maiolo Patricia Maiolo Hinkley Deborah J. Maiolo-Pojednic Louis Mangano Natalie Marshall & Phillip Shatz George Mayer Mary F. Mc Elhinney Edna McCallion Barbara McCarthy Frank McCarthy Karen M. McCarthy Meredith L. McCormick William McElhenny Thomas McEvoy George J. McGahren Constance & John McGillicuddy A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS CURRENT & PAST PARENTS / FRIENDS Carol McGowan Jayne & James McKee Charles P. Menges Robert S. Miller Timothy Minkler Mary K. Mitchell Mary Monteleoni William Morca Susan Morrison Jack Morrissey Nancy A. Moynihan Rita & Robert Muccino Ada & Sidney Mudd William C. Muller Kay C. Murray Frank Nelson Mary Jane & George Neumann N. J. Nicholas Peggy & James* Nicholson John & Lesley Nicholson Nelson Nicholson Carolyn Noble Ellen O'Connell Leo O'Donovan, S.J. Bruce W. Oliver Gail Orfei Erin Nicholson-Ortiz Marilyn A. Osweiler Frederic Powers, Jr. Bernadina & Raffaele Preiato Dominic Procopio Kathryn A. Prokop Anthony Pucillo Eugene L. Quirk Clare Regan, S.C. Marion Reiss Charles F. Reusch Mauro C. Romita Betty & Michael Romita Josee & John Rostenberg Richard J. Rudman Katherine Rutsch Harriet H. Savage David C. Schimansky Konrad Schlatter James S. Schoff Luis Schuchinski Mark E. Schwarzmann Thomas Seery Roland Seidler Marie Serpe Gloria Sesso David Shatz Diane M. Shields Walter Slavin Cynthia Hull Smith* Bernice F. Solomon Rose Ann & Vincenzo Sperandio Helen Spillane Betty C. Srere Diana Stano, O.S.U. Clifford B. Storms J. Marcus Swan Barbara Sweeny Amie Taney Val & Joan Taubner Gail H. Thompkins John C. Totten Eugene Tozzi John C. Trimble Vicki V. Truxton James R. Tucker Mary Elizabeth & William Tucker Peter Vogt * Deceased 72 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Dorothy B. Voorhis Margaret Wallace Henry Walsh Patricia Walsh, S.C. Eric Webster Frederick J. Whelan Paula Wiest Denis Williamson Sherrill R. Wilson Amiel Wohl Deborah Wolfe Gilda Zalaznick Carl J. Zuanelli Carl L. Zuanelli Marjorie Zychowski Anonymous A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS CURRENT AND FORMER FACULTY & STAFF C U R R E N T FAC U LT Y & STA F F Nibaldo Aguilera Joan Arnold Joan Bailey Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 GS’91,’97 Archie Bankston Susan Baum Linda Bellmare Joseph Biscoglio Dorothy Biscornet Keith Borge Dolores Bost Woodrow Bovell Daniel Bresnahan Elisabeth Brinkmann Joan Bristol Nancy Brown David Brunt Ellen Carney SNR ’85 Monique Caubere Louise Challop GRS ’75 Kathleen Cino Marguerite Coke Nancy Cole Roseclare Coombs SNR ’99 Martha Counihan, O.S.U. SAS ’67 Emory Craig Harold Crocker GRS ’78 Ellen Curry Damato Linda David Donna Demarest SAS ’71 Margot DeSevo Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Kenneth Doka Mary Alice Donius Louise Dunbar Terri Eberle Boyle Linda Ebinger Timothy Ebsworth Margaret Edmonston SNR ’82 Isaac Elegbe Angela Davis-Farrish Mark Fauntleroy SNR ’99 Wiston Ferreira Nancy Elizabeth Fitch Ana Maria Fontoura SAS ’90 Anne Frost Teri Gamble Nancy Maxwell Girling SAS ’80 Nancy Gonchar Judith Gordon Charlotte Grady SNR ’97 Linda Grande Melanie Harasym Nilda Hernandez Marya Howell-Carter Russell Hullstrung SON ’99 Judith Huntington Rose Marie Hurrell Theodora Ierides Constance Iervolino GRS ’88 Robin Jordan Marshall Deborah Kelly Isola Kokumo Faith Kostel-Hughes John Koster Pamala Kuch SNR ’99 GS’02 Nieli Langer GRS ’85 Patricia Laporte Dorothy Larkin Claire Lavin Kenneth Lemon SNR ’02 Ethelbert Livingstone Christopher Lovergine Frances Lyle, O.S.U. SAS ’46 Marion Lynch, O.S.U. SAS ’63 Margaret Mount Lynn SAS ’69 Lynda Magrath SAS ’74 Kathy Mannino Claire Colangelo Manto SAS ’69 Brenna Sheenan Mayer Mary Ellen McGovern Lisa Mecca SAS ’01 Marianne Milzoff SON ’97 Grace Tubman Mullaney SAS ’59 Christopher Muller Margie Neuhaus Eileen Stavinski Niedzwiecki SAS ’72 Cornelia Northway B. Nelson Ong Albina Passanante Anne Pelak SNR ’90 GS’96 Dorothy Perri Anthony Pietroburgo SNR ’95 Diane Quandt Pierrette Rameau SNR ’00 Roblyn Rawlins Frankie Revells SNR ’95 GS’99 Rachel Rivera SNR ’01 Frank Rizza Marie Rofhok SNR ’84 GS’87 Hyla Rubin Dennis Ryan GRS’94 Graziella Saccon Marie Santiago Marilyn Saulle James Schleifer Marjorie Scholnick GRS ’76 Edward Schroeder Norma Seabury Lynda Shand Jane Slagle Stephanie Squires Patricia St. John Lambros Stamoulis Pearl Sullivan SNR ’03 Ann Summo Stephen Sweeny Robert Tate Deborah Thomas Errol Thompson Nicole Totans SAS ’99 Donna Tyler SNR ’89 GS’93 Paul Tyrl Angela Valitutto SAS ’00 Dorothy Valle JoEllen Vavasour SAS ’76 Carole M. Weaver Theodore Weaver Mary Whalen SNR ’99 GS’01 Guye Wiltshire SNR ’01 Robert Wolf F O R M E R FAC U LT Y & STA F F Michelina Almstead SNR ’83 Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Penny Bamford Mary Boyan, O.S.U. SAS ’46 Alice Branagan Jeanne Brennan, O.S.U. SAS ’45 Anne Bunting, O.S.U. SAS ’49 Barbara Calamari, O.S.U. SAS ’58 Eileen Maxwell Canty SAS ’55 Jean Carlson GRS ’98 Joan Carson SAS ’43 Karenann Gilbride Carty SAS ’82 Lawrence Cohen Meighan Waterbury Corbett SAS ’79 Saadia Del-Llano SAS ’88 Connie & C. J. Denne, Jr. Joan Campana Diaferia SAS ’55 Claire Donohue 73 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Rudolph Eckhardt Laura Ellis John Engels SNR ’93 GS ’96 Mary Jane Grimes Farrell SAS ’56 Loretta Corcoran Flynn SAS ’42 Janice Francis SNR ’84 Charlotte Frede SNR ’80 GS ’91 Joan Freilich Angela Dawn D. George SAS ’60 Eileen Gilbride Catherine Giles SAS ’61 Mary Graeber Gloria Greco SAS ’52 Mildred Haipt, O.S.U. Phyllis Hinchcliffe, O.S.U. SAS ’49 Wennie Huang Mary Job SAS ’01 Judith Kenny SNR ’82 Nancy Kotonias SAS ’76 Dolores Lancelot SNR ’81 Joan Connelly Laporte SAS ’48 GS ’87 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Kathleen LeVache Nancy & James Magee Past Parent Katherine McHugh Maria SAS ’58 GS ’72 Walter McCarthy Donna Messina SNR ’81 Frances Miceli SNR ’81 GS ’84 Charlotte Moslander SAS ’64 Jo-Ann O’Brien GRS ’75 Gladys Osborne SNR ’92 GS ’95 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS ’51 Mary Jane Robertshaw, O.S.U. SAS ’51 Gloria Romero SAS ’00 Marie Rossi SAS ’60 SAS GS ’71 Concetta Secchiano SNR ’98 Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 S Virginia Smith SNR ’83 Russel Taylor Lucie Giegengack Teegarden SAS ’59 Marie Tormey SNR ’82 Marlene Tutera SAS ’71 Anne Vonick SAS ’49 GS ’84 Sandra Giannoni Wainman SAS ’67 A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS CENTENNIAL TRUSTEE GALA The Centennial Trustee Gala generated more than $600,000 in revenue to assist students and faculty at CNR. Special thanks to the Honorees, Trustees, vendors, corporations, graduates and friends, faculty and staff who made this event such a magnificent success. A Plus Recording & Transcribing A. B. Dick Company Richard Abramson Friend Absolute Dry Cleaning, Inc. Academic Federal Credit Union Academy of Mount Saint Ursula Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel Ace Party and Tent Rental Adam Wichern Consulting Joshua Adler Friend The Adult Learning Center Aetna US Healthcare Al Rovins Locksmith, Inc. Alumnae/i Chapter, Brooklyn Campus Alumnae/i Chapter, Co-op City Campus Alumnae/i Chapter, DC 37 Campus Alumnae/i Chapter, John Cardinal O’Connor Campus Alumnae/i Chapter, New Rochelle Campus Ambassador Book Service Inc. Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend American Express Company Angela House Bruce Angiolillo Friend Annemarie’s Feast Anthony F. Sutton Anthony Marciano Real Estate Glen M. Applebaum Friend Applebees Archdiocese of New York Arias Landscaping Art & Blueprint Association For A Better New York, Inc. Archie M. Bankston, Esq. Friend Barksdale Home Care Co., Inc. (Rosa Davis Barksdale SNR’75) Ball Chain Manufacturing Company, Inc. (Valentine Taubner, Jr.) Jane Batkin GRS’80 The Bank of New York BDO Seidman Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp. BeneCom Associates, LLC Benenati Coffee Company, Inc. Alan M. Berman Friend Blessed Sacrament Church Blessed Sacrament-St. Gabriel H.S. Stanley M. Bogen Friend Terri Boyle & The Honorable Michael E. Boyle Jr. Friend The Bread Factory Frances Choquette Broderick SAS’57 Louise M. Bryson Friend Burke Supply Systems C & C Catering Service, Ltd. Calgi Construction Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Callagy Friend Canon Business Solutions Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS’69) Joan Carson SAS’43 Cason Nightingale Advertising Cassidy & Associates Castle Oil Corporation Cathedral High School Catholic Charities Archdiocese of NY Catholic New York Catholic University of America Center for Montessori Education Corporation/Organization Central Lewmar Fine Papers Newark Division Linda Zuffelato Chakar SAS’69 Francine Gallello Chattin SAS’79 Harriette Chelnik SNR’73 Joan Rombach SAS’59 & Joseph Chisholm Past Parent Christian Brothers Institute Church of the Annunciation Church of the Resurrection City & Suburban FSB CJ Alberico, Inc. Clancy-Cullen Moving & Storage Mary Close-Oppenheimer SAS’73 Coalition for Mutual Respect College of Mount Saint Vincent College of St. Elizabeth Commercial Kitchens Consolidated Edison Company (Joan Freilich) Convent of the Sacred Heart Corporate Express Cosmos Communications, Inc. Council for Adult & Experiential Learning County Chair Renting Company CRI, Inc. (Christianne Russo Ricchi SAS’73) Cusack & Stiles, LLP (Thomas Conniff) Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Jeanne Romano D’Apice SAS’45 Sanders Davis Friend DB Systems Farrokh M. DeBoo Friend Dee’s Linen Service Barbara Delany GRS’81 Dennis Rowan Services Inc. Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. District Council 37 Dominican College Elizabeth Sculley Donovan SAS’56 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS’60 Durst Organization, L.P. E. J. Pest Control East End Flower Shop Mary Eckert SAS’72 ECSI Margaret Edmonston SNR’82 Stephanie & David Eisenberg Friend Environmental Control FD Security Systems John Ferguson Friend Fire Systems Inc. Joan McConnell Fitzpatrick SAS’50 Fleet National Bank Bridget Foley SAS’78 Follett Higher Education Group Fordham University The George Link Foundation George J. Mottarella, P.E., P.L.S. Gerard B. Tracy Assoc. Glen Island Harbor Club Gold Shield Training Center Granby’s Funeral Service, Inc. Graphic Management Partners Greentree Country Club H & R Bialy Corp. Harper’s Bazaar Magazine Harrington Music Inc. HARRIS-Directory, Internet, Data Maurice Hartigan Friend Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York Mary Hogan Hearle SAS’56, GS’87 Hearst The Roger and Susan Hertog Charitable Fund Hillman & Miley Consulting Engineers Margot & Stephen Holland Friend Holy Family Church Holy Name of Jesus Church Honeywell, Inc HOPE Community Services, Inc. Hudson City Paper Co., Inc. Hudson Valley Bank 74 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Huguenot Historical Society Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS’71 The Honorable Timothy C. Idoni Friend ikon.5 Architects Immediate Credit Recovery, Inc. Independence Community Bank Industrial Burner Service Iona College The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Jeraci Food Distributors Jerome Haims Realty, Inc. The Jewish Communal Fund Joey’s Deli & Pizzeria John Vecchiolla Photography Joseph Tetro Inc. Jostens, Inc. The Journal News Mary Keegan SAS’69 Judy & Dennis Kenny (Judith Kenny SNR ’82) Gregory Kiernan Friend Henry Kissinger Friend KPMG LLP Margaret Kelly Kummerer SAS’60 Judith Kurzawa GRS’96 La Salle Academy Patricia Lanza Friend Christine LaSala SAS ’72 & Ellen Lipschitz Claire Lavin Friend Mr. and Mrs. Alain Lebec Friend Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS ’59 ) Sarah Niles Leonard SAS’51 Elizabeth and Joseph LeVaca Friend Kathleen LeVache Friend Lifetime Entertainment Services Jean Little SAS’50 Lloyd Maxcy & Sons Longview Associates, Inc. Love Catering Paul L. Magnano Friend The Honorable James Maisano Mamma Francesca’s Manhattan College Gail Cooper Marrin SAS’68 Mary Ann Geraci Marriott SAS’59 Maximum Combustion Corp. Dian Jennings Mayo SAS’53 Kristin Krause McDonough SAS’68 Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Irene & Denis McInerney (Irene Murphy SAS ’45 ) A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS Mary McNamara SAS’77 Charles P. Menges Friend Mercy College Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Metro Telecom, Inc. Michael Bolnik Construction Midlantic Restoration, LLC Robert S. Miller Friend Monroe College Mount Saint Mary College Miriam Stapleton Moynihan SAS’71 Mr. Noveltee Muccia Family Fund Mary Sue Murphy SAS’73 N.Y. Institute for Special Education Nabel’s Nurseries, Inc. NCO Financial Systems The Network Journal Mary Jane & George Neumann Friend New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce The New York Times Eileen & Michael Niedzwiecki (Eileen Stavinsky SAS’72) North American Ursuline Educational Services Rev. Leo O’Donovan, S.J. Friend Maureen O’Rourke SAS’51 Office of Black Ministry, Archdiocese of NY Omega Lithographers Omnicom Group Inc. The Honorable Suzi Oppenheimer Marilyn A. Osweiler Friend Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Our Lady of Victory Academy Oxford Health Plans Pace University Park Avenue Charitable Fund Louise Rottmund Pashcow SAS’79 Pelham Cleaners Inc. PepsiCo., Inc. Mary Jo Rocque Pittoni SAS’69 Plastic Works Posner Advertising Sandra Priest Rose GRS’77 Dominic Procopio Friend Professional Mail PS Marcato Elevator Co, Inc. Anthony Pucillo Friend R&M Vending Rah-Rah Inc. Razamataz Events Unlimited Jane Scully Reichle SAS’67 Margaret & Joseph Antalec (Margaret Reilly SAS’59) Marion Reiss Friend Residence Park Neighborhood Association Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 & Richard Menaker Robert D. Anderson Company Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corp. Roelynn Litho, Inc. Rohlf’s Stained & Leaded Glass, Inc. Camille & Mauro Romita Friend (Camille Romita SNR ’75, GS ’88) Rose Press Royall & Company Rudin Foundation Rye Country Store Rye Ford & Subaru Graziella Saccon Friend Saints Peter and Paul Church Valerie Salembier SNR’73 Salon Antonio School Guide Publications SCI Business Consulting (Valerie Maitland-Smith) Seasons Too Terry & Roland Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS ’54) Service Directions Inc. Ethel & Robert L. Shafter (Ethel Ankner’56) Shannon Beverages Showtime Networks, Inc. Sabina & Walter Slavin (Sabina Sprague SAS ’62 ) Sodexho, Inc. & Affiliates Sound Shore Medical Center St. Angela’s Ursuline Community Celebrating at the Gala are (from left): Marion Carbery Lechowicz ’59, Mary Hogan Hearle ’56, Doug Hearle, Tom Donovan, and Fran Sculli Donovan ’56. 75 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E St. Gabriel’s Church St. Joseph’s College St. Joseph’s Seminary St. Luke’s Community Church Stiefvater Real Estate, Inc. Sts. John & Paul Church Raquel Suarez SAS’73 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS’51 Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS’42 Stephen J. Sweeny Anne Sweeney SAS’79 Talner Jewelers/Roadside China Debbie & Russel Taylor Friend Teltronics Tempaire, Inc. Margo & Lee Terwilliger (Margo Marabon SAS’68 ) Title Resource Agency, Inc. Tomart USA, Inc. Toyota City Tri-County Office Furniture, Inc. Tri-State Engineering, PC Triangle Equities Management Company, LLC Tuition Management Systems United Hebrew Geriatrics Unum Ursuline Community at James Street Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Ursuline Convent (Wilmington, DE) Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s Ursuline Provincialate The Ursuline School of New Rochelle (Jean-Baptiste Nicholson, O.S.U. SAS’60) Jane D’Apice Vergari SAS’71 Verizon (John Killian) Vinny Luca Provisions Wager Contracting Company, Inc. Waldorf & Associates Watsky Associates Werner E. Tietjen P.E. The Westchester County Association Westchester Library System Westfair Communications, Inc. Maria White SAS’79 Whitewood Liquors Wide Area Communication Services Yippee, Inc. YMCA of Greater New York Geraldine Young SAS’42 A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS CENTENNIAL GOLF and TENNIS OUTING More than $85,000 was raised during this event to benefit The College of New Rochelle. Many thanks to Dolores King, Beau Erbe, Camille Romita, and the Golf Committee, vendors, faculty and staff for keeping the fun in fund-raising! Adam Wichern Consulting Advest, Inc. Aetna US Healthcare AIM Investments Al Rovins Locksmith, Inc. Ambassador Book Service Inc. Marsha & Michael Ambler Friend Robert Anderson Inc. Rosa Davis Barksdale SNR ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bass Friend Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation Joan Bristol Past Parent Calgi Construction Company, Inc. Noel Caraccio SAS ’73 Cathedral High School Victor Cimino Friend City & Suburban Federal Bank Coker Electric Collection Company of America Commercial Kitchens County Chair Renting Company June Langran Crabtree SAS ’49 Cusack & Stiles LLP (Thomas Conniff) DB Systems Corporation Dennis Rowan Services Inc. Barbara Dodds SAS ’86 Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS ’57) F.M. Specht Associates, Inc. FD Security Systems John Ferguson Friend Gerard B. Tracy Associates Graphic Management Partners Patrice McAllister Guiney SAS ’47 Joan McInerney Hallowell SAS ’61 Handler & Goodman LLP Linda C. Hartley Friend Anne Marie Nichol Hynes SAS ’71 IKON.5 Architects Immediate Credit Recovery, Inc. Independence Community Bank Joseph Tetro Inc. JP Morgan Chase Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 KPMG LLP Wadiyah A. Latif Friend Marion & Joseph Lechowicz (Marion Carbery SAS ’59) Diana Lesser Friend Levine Bros, Iron Works Corporation Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS ’59 Brenna Sheenan & George Mayer Friend Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McEvoy Friend Carol McGowan Friend Midlantic Restoration Corporation William Morca Friend Muccia Family Fund Omega Lithographers Oxford Health Plans Nancy Paniagua SAS ’91 Ann Peterson, O.S.U. SAS ’62 Philip J. Benenati, Inc. Power Communication Services, Inc. PS Marcato Elevator Co, Inc. Anthony Pucillo Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Rohlf’s Stained & Leaded Glass Studio, Inc. Camille & Mauro Romita (Camille Romita SNR ’75, GRS ’88) David C. Schimansky Friend SCI Business Consulting Service Directions Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace SAS ’49 Sodexho, Inc. & Affiliates Sound Shore Medical Center Stadele’s-Allen Organs Statewide Abstract Corporation Oona Burke Sullivan SAS ’51 Candace & Frank Taubner (Candace Taubner GRS ’74) Temple Israel of New Rochelle Thyssenkrupp Elevator Tri-State Engineering, PC Tri-State Office Products of New Rochelle Tyre & DeThomas Counselors At Law United Hebrew Geriatric Center *Deceased 76 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E The Ursuline School of New Rochelle Verizon Wager Contracting Company, Inc. Patricia Morrisey Walsh SAS ’50 Watsky Associates Werner E. Tietjen P.E. Frederick J. Whelan Friend A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS OTHER GIFTS M E M O R I A L G I F TS I N M E M O R Y O F. . . Roland Alfano Past Parent Angela Valitutto SAS ’00 Elizabeth Wheeler Ashley SAS ’17 Elizabeth Ashley Watson SAS ’51 Blanche Blank Friend Florence Lang SAS ’57 & George Erbe Mary Ronan Bliss SAS ’47 Mr. James Bliss Friend Helen Cunningham Blubaugh SAS ’59 Maureen Cunningham Tensfeldt SAS ’54 Mary Ellen Donnelly Critchlow SAS ’69 Charles H. Critchlow Friend Geraldine Daly SAS ’78 Elizabeth Daly Past Parent Dorann O’Brien Sheehan SAS ’78 Virginia Carter Desmond SAS ’42 Richard R. Desmond Friend Alice Grattan Duffy SAS ’37 Rosalie Duffy Crabbe SAS ’72 Alice M. Curtin Friend James H. Duffy Friend Alice Duffy Grant SAS ’63 Alice Dorethy Joyce SAS ’41 Gloria Sesso Friend Margaret Kirk Edwards SAS ’32 Margaret Wallace Friend Bernadette Clarkin Farry SAS ’54 Alphonsus L. Farry Friend Janet Lassaw Friend The Wyndcroft School, Inc. Mrs. Charles T. Frohne Carol Burke Hamilton SAS ’65 May and Francis Gallagher Friend Rosemary Gallagher SAS ’47 Sarah Landrigan Gamble SAS ’71 Ellen Mannix Lynch SAS ’71 Mary Hassett Gilligan SAS ’40 Berkshire Alumnae Club Carla Goepp SAS ’60 Maximilian Goepp Friend Sally Maher Gordon SAS ’68 Ellen Norton O’Brien SAS ’68 Rita Ward Green SAS ’49 Marian Maney McLellan SAS ’50 Thomas Harrison Friend Rita J. Baker Friend Margaret Kirk Harrison SAS ’39 Mary M. Kirby Friend Nancy A. Moynihan Friend Anne Houle SAS ’02 Patricia P. Barber Friend Anna Iannacone Friend Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Nancy Quirk Keefe SAS ’56 Patricia Keegan Abels SAS ’73 American Jewish Committee Dolores Battalia SNR ’75 William F. Bell Friend Gerald Briggs Friend E. Michael Caulfield Friend Eleanor Flynn Daly SAS ’56 Mary Doyle Eglin SAS ’56 Linda Georgianna SAS ’69 The Journal News Friend Kevin B. Keefe Friend Chever L. Kellogg Friend Sheila A. Koscher Friend Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Kathleen LeVache Friend Julianne K. Long Friend Edward Loughman Friend Katherine Mylod Mainzer SAS ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Frank McCarthy Friend Meredith L. McCormick Friend Timothy Minkler Friend Elisabeth Quirk Orford SAS ’78 Eugene L. Quirk Friend Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Mark E. Schwarzmann Friend Alice Taylor GRS ’86 Joan Storin Thurston SAS ’56 John C. Totten Friend Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Clare Keefe Walsh SAS ’56 Jean Kennedy SAS ’39 Ellen T. Kennedy Friend Anne Dehn MacDonald SAS ’54 Robert MacDonald Friend Celia Nangle Massman SAS ’27 The Massman Foundation Frank McDermott Friend Walter G. Korntheuer Friend Marita Bowers McElhenny SAS ’50 William McElhenny Friend Dorothy Brosmith McEvoy SAS ’11 Carolyn Spitz SAS ’64 Dorothy Bergen McGrath SAS ’29 Alexandra Clarke Melograno SAS ’81 Mary McGrath Rogler SAS ’59 Margaret Jaynes Morrison SAS ’29 Susan Morrison Friend James J Nicholson Friend Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bass Friend Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP Castle Oil Corporation Virginia M. Cragin Friend Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS ’57) The Gellin Foundation Inc. Victor Henningsen Friend Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Hood Friend Mr. & Mrs. Chester Howe Friend John C. Howe Friend M. Benjamin Howe Friend Rachel S. Howe Friend Sarah Howe Kussin Friend Mary F. Mc Elhinney Friend Edna McCallion Friend Mr. & Mrs. James McKee Friend Jack Morrissey Friend Mr. & Mrs. William C. Muller Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Nicholson Friend Erin Nicholson-Ortiz Friend Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Charles F. Reusch Friend Camille & Mauro C. Romita Friend (Camille Romita SNR ’75 GS ’88) Betty & Michael Romita Friend Harriet H. Savage Friend Konrad Schlatter Friend Mr. & Mrs. James S. Schoff Friend Mr. & Mrs. Luis Schuchinski Friend David Shatz Friend Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley SAS ’55 Betty C. Srere Friend Clifford B. Storms Friend Strand Book Store Mr. & Mrs. Valentine Taubner Friend Mr. & Mrs. John C. Trimble Friend James R. Tucker Friend Mr. and Mrs. Voorhis Friend Mrs. Charles Zalaznick Friend Marjorie Zychowski Friend John J. Nolan Friend JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri SAS ’61 Joanne Ong Friend B. Nelson Ong Friend Taddeo and Charles W. Pond Al J. Maiolo Carl J. Zuanelli Jean Brady Ringel SAS ’45 Richard Brady Friend Joan Robertson SAS ’70 Immanuel Presbyterian Church M A K I N G A CO M M E M O R AT I V E G I F T To make a commemorative gift, send your check to: The College of New Rochelle / Annual Fund / 29 Castle Place, New Rochelle, NY 10805 For a memorial gift, include the name(s) of the person(s) being remembered and the name(s) of the person(s), if any, who should be notified of the gift. For an honor gift, include the name(s) of the person(s) honored; if appropriate, the occasion upon which they are honored and their address(es). The College of New Rochelle sends an attractive card to those honored, or to the families of those memorialized, informing them of your gift. 77 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS OTHER GIFTS Grace Dietz Romer SAS ’36 Patricia Doyle Friend Loretta Brophy Seery SAS ’44 Thomas Seery Friend Christopher P. Sperandio Friend Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Sperandio Friend Elizabeth Sullivan SAS ’48 Margaret C. Snyder SAS ’50 Eldon M. Talley Friend Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 Alice Thorn SAS ’33 Harriet Burton Friend Albert J. Tuttle and Mary Reardon Tuttle SAS ’34 Estate of Mary Reardon Tuttle ’34 Jean McEvoy VanDelft Carolyn Harnett Spitz SAS ’64 Cloatta Farrell Vesely SAS ’69 Mary Digiusto Bertolini SAS ’69 Joseph M. Farrell Friend Mary Lou Koessler Vogt SAS ’53 Peter Vogt Friend The Vogt Family Foundation Inc. Mary Connolly Vonglahn SAS ’39 Vicki V. Truxton Friend Helen Hanson Walsh SAS ’32 Henry Walsh Friend Ruth Shaffer Whalen SAS ’31 Poppy W. Anthony Friend Carol E. Bryce Friend Virginia Esposito Friend Anne C. Foley Friend Anne M. Foley Friend Lynch Toyota Pontiac Buick Friend Frank Nelson Friend N. J. Nicholas Friend Ruth Wallace O’Connor SAS ’49 Diane M. Shields Friend Paula Wiest Friend Evelyn McAniff Williamson SAS’35 Denis E. Williamson Friend Miss Patricia L. Wismer Valerie McEwen SAS ’73 Alfred Yaeger Friend Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS ’60 Mary Lou Maiolo Zuanelli SAS ’62 Aero Hardware and Parts Co. Inc. Ida Cesario Friend Lisa Maiolo Daley Friend Mr. & Mrs. Damiano Fazio Friend Ida Granata Friend Michael P. Granata Friend Linda Jenkins Friend Mr. & Mrs. Al J. Maiolo Friend Guido Maiolo Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Maiolo Friend Patricia Maiolo Hinkley Friend Deborah J. Maiolo-Pojednic Friend Karen M. McCarthy Friend Mary Monteleoni Friend Nuovo Pasta Productions, LTD. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Oliver Friend Mr. and Mrs. Preiato Friend Kathryn A. Prokop Friend Carl L. Zuanelli Friend ESTAT E G I F TS Estate of Alice Grattan Duffy SAS’37 Estate of Anne Ahern SAS’38 Estate of Anne Peters SAS’49 Estate of Consetta Ciliberti SAS’31 Estate of Dorothy Niles Friend Estate of Eileen Fitzpatrick SAS’47 Estate of Eileen Marion Hevey Petersen Friend Estate of Elizabeth Bragg Spears SAS’40 Estate of Gloria R. Russell SAS’43 Estate of Jeanne Monaghan Mousaw SAS’33 Estate of Margaret J. Carey SAS’30 Estate of Marguerite Reinhardt SAS’28 Estate of Marian Kerin SAS’36 Estate of Mary Mulcahy Walsh SAS’30 Estate of Mary Reardon Tuttle SAS’34 Estate of Nancy Quirk Keefe SAS’56 Estate of Rita McBride SAS’46 Estate of Ruth Shaffer Whalen SAS’31 Estate of Ruth Young SAS’37 Estate of William Maloney Friend Estate of William Sharwell Friend CO M M E M O R AT I V E G I F TS I N H O N O R O F. . . Mary FitzMaurice SAS ’43 Jane Slagle Friend Dorothy Ann Kelly, O.S.U. SAS ’51 Wallace Doud Friend Kathleen A. LeVache Florence Huth GRS ’72 Marie-Celine Miranda, O.S.U. Mary-Alicia Lawler McRae SAS ’65 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS ’45 Florence Lang Erbe SAS ’57 Linda Kelly Friend Deirdre G. Polow GRS ’91 Karen Propper SNR ’79 Joan Primiano Torrisi SAS ’49 Bernice F. Solomon Friend Kathryn Shanley Vavasour SAS ’44 Rosemary Vavasour Richards SAS ’74 Sheila Vavasour U’Ren SAS ’73 Joellen Vavasour SAS ’76 Mary Kathrynn Vavasour SAS ’72 E N D OW E D G I F TS Aero Hardware and Parts Co. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bass Friend Brooklyn Benevolent Society Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP Lillian & Patrick Carney (Lillian Brennan SAS ’69) Castle Oil Corporation Ida Cesario Friend Joan & Joseph Chisholm (Joan Rombach SAS ’59) Colburn Home Virginia M. Cragin Friend Lisa Maiolo Daley Friend Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS’43 Beau & George Erbe (Florence Lang SAS ’57) Mr. & Mrs. Damiano Fazio Friend The Gellin Foundation Inc. Ida Granata Friend Michael P. Granata Friend Victor Henningsen Friend Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Hood Friend Mr. & Mrs. Chester Howe Friend John C. Howe Friend M. Benjamin Howe Friend G I F TS I N K I N D Margaret Snyder SAS ’50 Joseph Tetro Inc. Eileen Maxwell Canty SAS ’55 Christianne Russo Ricci SAS ’73 Betty Rose Sweeney SAS ’50 78 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Rachel S. Howe Friend Linda Jenkins Friend Sarah Howe Kussin Friend Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Maiolo Friend Guido Maiolo Friend Mr. & Mrs. John Maiolo Friend Patricia Maiolo Hinkley Friend Deborah J. Maiolo-Pojednic Friend Mary F. Mc Elhinney Friend Edna McCallion Friend Karen M. McCarthy Friend Eileen McEntegart SAS’51 Kathleen McEntegart SAS’56 James & Jayne McKee Friend Mary Monteleoni Friend Jack Morrissey Friend Mr. & Mrs. William C. Muller Friend Carole & Nelson Nicholson (Carole McCarthy SAS ’59) Nuovo Pasta Productions, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Oliver Friend Erin Nicholson-Ortiz Friend Mr. and Mrs. Preiato Friend Kathryn A. Prokop Friend Martha Reddington SAS’76 Charles F. Reusch Friend Camille & Mauro Romita (Camille Romita SNR ’75, GS ’88) Betty & Michael Romita Friend Harriet H. Savage Friend Konrad Schlatter Friend Mr. & Mrs. James S. Schoff Friend Mr. & Mrs. Luis Schuchinski Friend Terry & Roland Seidler (Terry O’Malley SAS ’54) David Shatz Friend Mary Agnes Fitzgerald Shelley SAS’55 Betty C. Srere Friend Clifford B. Storms Friend Strand Book Store Friend Dr. & Mrs. J. Marcus Swan Friend Mr. & Mrs. Valentine Taubner Friend Mr. & Mrs. John C. Trimble Friend James R. Tucker Friend Mr. and Mrs. Voorhis Friend Mary McEntegart Welch SAS’49 Gilda Zalaznick Friend Carl J. Zuanelli Friend Carl L. Zuanelli Friend Marjorie Zychowski Friend A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS and ORGANIZATION GIFTS Corporate, foundation and organization contributions enable CNR to fulfill its mission. These donations support educational and scholarship programs. The Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa’s continues to generously support The College of New Rochelle, as it has since 1904. Aero Hardware and Parts Co. Inc. The Richard and Angela Armitage Family Foundation BASF Corporation Brooklyn Benevolent Society Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP Stephen R. Casey & Carlotta Casey Coyne Fund Castle Oil Corporation Center for Montessori Education Colburn Home Collins Electric Company Community Foundation of Western Mass. The Delaney Memorial Foundation, Inc. The Donohue Family Foundation Fairfield County Foundation The Freedom Forum The Gellin Foundation Inc. Handy & Harman Foundation Holland Family Philanthropic Fund The Howard Foundation, Inc. Antoinette & Lawrence Iannotti Foundation Immanuel Presbyterian Church Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation The Massman Foundation Mathis Pfohl Foundation The Minneapolis Foundation Novus Visual Communications, Inc. Nuovo Pasta Productions, Ltd. Russel and Deborah Taylor Foundation Strand Book Store Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Ursuline Community, Marion Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa's Ursuline Provincialate The Vogt Family Foundation Inc Eric T. Webster Foundation The Wyndcroft School, Inc. Anonymous MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Over 500 alumnae/i, parents and friends magnified the impact of their gifts to the Annual Fund this year by applying for their company’s matching gift on behalf of CNR. Everyone is encouraged to check with their place of employment to see if this benefit is available to them or their spouse. 234 Moonachie Corporation 3M AAA Aetna Foundation Inc. Altria Group, Inc. American Electric Power American Express American Home Products Corporation American International Group AON Foundation AT&T Foundation Avery Avery Dennison Company AXA Foundation Bank of America The Bank of New York Foundation The Boeing Company Bristol-Myers Fund Chevron Texaco CIGNA Citigroup Foundation CNA Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company ConAgra Foundation Connelly Foundation Consolidated Edison Company of NY Cytec Industries Inc. Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Edison Capital Eli Lilly and Company Ernst & Young Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Fair Isaac Corporation Federated Department Stores Fleet Bank Fleet Bank of Massachusetts General Electric Company Guardian Life Insurance Company Harbor Capital Management Company The Hartford Houghton Mifflin Company HSBC Bank USA IBM Corporation IMS Health Intel Foundation Interpublic Group of Companies ITT Corporation The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Johnson Controls Foundation The Kellwood Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Mastercard International The May Stores Foundation MBIA Insurance Corporation The McGraw-Hill Companies The Merck Company Foundation The Meredith Corporation Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. MetLife Foundation Mobil Foundation, Inc. Motorola Foundation Mutual of America Foundation Mutual of Omaha Companies The Napier Foundation NCR Corporation New York Life Foundation New York Times Company Foundation Northwestern Mutual Life Oracle Corporation Pearson Education PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Philip Morris, Inc./JK Group Philips Electronics NA Corp. Pitney Bowes Inc. Polaroid Foundation, Inc. The Procter & Gamble Fund The Prudential Foundation 79 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Reader’s Digest Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Saint Gobain Corporation SBC Communications Inc. SmithKline Beecham Foundation Sony Electronics Inc. Stone & Webster, Inc. Telcordia Technologies Tenet Healthcare Time Warner Inc. Towers, Perrin, Forster, Crosby Toys “R” Us UBS Services (New York) Inc. Unilever United States, Inc. United Technologies USAA Insurance USG Foundation The Vanguard Group, Inc. Verizon Foundation W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. The Wachovia Foundation Wellington Management Company, LLP Wells Fargo Educational Wyeth Xerox Foundation A N N UA L F U N D G I F TS 2003-2004 SCHOLARSHIPS The College of New Rochelle recognizes academic achievement through a variety of scholarships. The College also offers awards to students who have contributed their time and energy to community and volunteer services. SC H O L A R S H I P S A N D AWA R D S Ahern Family Mary C. Baine Ralph and Mary Fischer Bell ’34 Class of 1925 Lillian P. Conway Class of 1950 Cook Family James & Joan Henderson Cook ’51 Suzanne Danahar ’60 George and Marge Svack Dyroff ’43 Ann Tubman Foley ’55 William & Christine Henderson Sister Dorothy Ann Kelly, O.S.U. Eugene M. Lang Foundation McEntegart Sisters Robert A. Murphy Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation James J. Nicholson Katherine Hanson O’Malley ’28 Martin M. Spiaggia Ursuline John F. Ward Mary Lou Maiolo Zuanelli ’62 80 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 1 V THE HERITAGE SOCIETY PLANNED GIVING The College of New Rochelle is deeply grateful to the following graduates and friends who have made plans to enhance opportunities for future generations of students. As members of The Heritage Society, they have thoughtfully included the College in their estate plans through a planned gift or bequest. Rosemary Vasas Abbott SAS ’65 Ann Andreykovic SAS ’61 Donna Marie Miranda Anjos SAS ’82 Rita Hamm Arnstein SAS ’37 Sara Arthur SAS ’59 Frances LoCicero Bailie SAS ’65 Jean Shanaphy Barrow SAS ’68 Claire Kennedy Bartlett SAS ’50 Joan Peerenboom Bartosic SAS ’45 Dolores Battalia SNR ’75 Patricia Beers SAS ’69 Mary MacDonagh Berberich SAS ’35 Mr. Jason Berger Friend Marjorie McCausland Beyersdorf SAS ’88 Mr. James Bishop Friend Constance Doorley Bissonnette SAS ’49 Elaine Donovan Blair SAS ’64 GS’92 Virginia Mitchell Blissert SAS ’41 Jean Bodkin SAS ’31 Barbara Sullivan Bonaventura SAS ’49 Catherine Degen Bond SAS ’60 Pamela Borowiec SAS ’80 GS’88 Elizabeth Boehling Bosetti SAS ’51 Anne Boyce SAS ’54 Mary Quinn Bright SAS ’52 Rhonda Brunson SAS ’88 Catherine Buckley SAS ’33 Eleanor Shea Buckley SAS ’60 Mary Ellen Burns SAS ’74 Marie Cafferty SAS ’58 Rory Carroll Canellis SAS ’70 The Honorable Hugh L. Carey Past Parent Lillian Brennan Carney SAS ’69 Joan Carson SAS ’43 Margaret Casey SAS ’60 Madelyn Cassidy SAS ’37 Mary Lou Cassotto SAS ’71 Lisa Cesare SAS ’81 Harriette Chelnik SNR ’73 Marie Linehan Chiappetta SAS ’49 Joan Close SAS ’69 Jane Close-Conoley SAS ’69 Rosemarie Martocci Cohn SAS ’37 Elizabeth Stanton Colleran SAS ’50 Alice McGuane Collins SAS ’47 Claire Keane Collins SAS ’34 Rae Condon SAS ’62 Mary Jane Hanley Connelly SAS ’43 Janet Maroney Connolly SAS ’61 Marion Connor SAS ’36 Marilyn Conway SAS ’51 Meighan Waterbury Corbett SAS ’79 Rose Cuomo Coviello SAS ’41 Joy Kober Cowan SAS ’64 Mary Ellen Morin Cox SAS ’65 Moira Lynch Crabtree SAS ’60 Elizabeth Greaves Crawford SAS ’63 Eileen Toohey Crowley-Reed SAS ’67 Sheila MacMahon Currington Darrah SAS ’49 Maura Dausey SAS ’59 Suzette McKiernan Davis SAS ’61 Clare Rooney Decker SAS ’60 Mary Gibbons Deegan SAS ’64 Dorothy Gromann Delaney SAS ’47 Kathryn Delaney SAS ’30 Patricia Maloney Derbes SAS ’52 Joan Bryson Devin SAS ’43 Mary O’Connell Devine SAS ’34 Virginia Leyden deWolf SAS ’73 Maureen C. Didier, Ph.D. SAS ’43 Ellen Dolan SAS ’48 Katherine Donley SAS ’31 Catherine Donnelly SAS ’38 Mary Donnelly SAS ’61 Miriam Burns Donnelly SAS ’35 Elizabeth Sculley Donovan SAS ’56 Margaret Slattery Dowd SAS ’61 Ann Marie Drescher SAS ’50 Marie Duffin SAS ’39 Regina Duffy SAS ’41 Patricia O’Connor Duncan SAS ’64 Patricia McGinnis Dunn SAS ’60 Susan Yaeger Dyke SAS ’60 Margaret Svack Dyroff SAS ’43 Lee Elliott Brown SNR ’73 Florence Lang Erbe SAS ’57 Beatrice Putnam Fairbanks SAS ’38 Margaret Fallon SAS ’60 Louise Orto Famighetti SAS ’52 Mary Comella Farnsworth SAS ’72 Margaret Fischer SAS ’53 Jeanne Harder Fitzgerald SAS ’70 GS’74 Mary-Alice Fitzgerald SAS ’61 GS’80 Mary FitzMaurice SAS ’43 Maureen O’Connor Fitzpatrick SAS ’62 Eleanor Fischer Flannery SAS ’33 Mr. William Flynn Friend Phyllis Foisy SAS ’51 Anne Foley SAS ’40 Beatrice DiFazio Foley SAS ’63 Joan Foley SAS ’51 Margaret Fonzo SAS ’42 Claire Fordrung SAS ’55 M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney SAS ’40 Jane Walsh Foster SAS ’57 Clare Barrett Freaney SAS ’38 Virginia Conway Fredricks SAS ’42 Jacqueline French SAS ’50 Loretta Donovan French SAS ’30 Anamarie Ferry Friberg SAS ’47 Miriam Treffeisen Friend SAS ’37 Maureen Furlong SAS ’62 Catherine Gadarowski SAS ’45 Linda Gademan SAS ’70 Rosemary Gallagher SAS ’47 Jane Roberts Garvey SAS ’38 Lubomira Rydl Gary SAS ’73 Eleanor Halacy Gentry SAS ’39 Angela Dawn Mestier George SAS ’60 Patricia Ahearn Gillin SAS ’52 Mary Louise Mona Gillis SAS ’68 Georgina Suarez Gonzalez SAS ’53 Carol Gourlie SAS ’55 Lucille Grow SAS ’43 Paula Guerin SAS ’64 Linda Barbero Guiod SAS ’68 Mary Norton Guterl SAS ’36 Mary Lou Bartholomew Hallatt SAS ’54 Ellen Mooney Hancock SAS ’65 Florence Congiolosi Hansen SAS ’55 Maryann Daroska Hardwicke SAS ’71 Margaret Kirk Harrison SAS ’39 Eileen Mylod Hayden SAS ’59 Clare Dowd Hayes SAS ’44 Victoria Richardson Heland SAS ’69 Anne Rogan Herndon SAS ’32 Mary Heveran SAS ’49 Rita Buckley Higgins SAS ’39 Margaret McNamara Hill SAS 1927 Rita Honerkamp SAS ’34 Carol Ann Howe SAS ’82 Donna Balducci Hughes SAS ’74 Virginia Hughes SAS ’35 Maureen Cooper Hurlbut SAS ’52 GS’73 Dorothy Hyde SAS ’37 81 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Josephine DiFrancesco Jacobson SAS ’53 Anne Kane SAS ’64 Mary Costello Karl SAS ’45 Barbara Paino Keber SAS ’76 Catherine Kenneally SNR ’83 GS’89 Dolores Castellano King SAS ’61 Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield SAS ’43 Jasperdean Kobes SAS ’61 Audrey Kovacic SON ’84 K. Jane Seidel Kresser SAS ’59 Theresa Kubis SAS ’61 Elizabeth Borden Lalor SAS ’52 Deirdre LaPorte SAS ’63 Janet Loughran Lawson SAS ’34 Ann Hayes Leheny SAS ’60 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Jean Little SAS ’50 Jacqueline Moore Lloyd SAS ’50 Eileen Chew Logan SAS ’88 Christine Loomie SAS ’73 Mary Grace DelTorto Ludwig SAS ’47 Margaret Alberti Lynch SAS ’52 Patricia Lynch SAS ’59 Aileen Hanlon Lyons SAS ’44 Margaret Whyte Lyons SAS ’59 Catherine Lowney Mackey SAS ’32 Ursula Magagna SAS ’32 Mary Manifold SAS ’27 Diana Ruffolo Marshall SAS ’47 Frances Katy Connors McCaffrey SAS ’72 Ruth Dobbins McCaffrey SAS ’44 Eileen Songer McCarthy SAS ’91 Margaret O’Connor McConnell SAS ’27 Dorothy McElroy SAS ’55 Eileen McEntegart SAS ’51 Muriel Flaherty McGinnis SAS ’39 Regina Hearn McGuire SAS ’69 Ruth Murphy McGuire SAS ’42 Barbara McMahon SAS ’54 Anne Mead SAS ’45 Anne Butkovsky Messina SAS ’60 Patricia Mooney SAS ’70 GS’75 Loretta Gaffney Moore SAS ’41 Jane Rako Morrissey SAS ’59 Cecelia Mruk SNR ’78 Marie Therese McGrath Mulcahy SAS ’59 Noranne Mulcahy SAS ’66 PLANNED GIVING THE HERITAGE SOCIETY Catherine Tyburski Nagy SAS ’62 Patricia Lechner Nahas SAS ’65 Elizabeth Kempany Newman SAS ’33 Dr. James O’Brien Friend Maryliz Volin O’Brien SAS ’70 Elizabeth O’Donnell SAS ’62 Florence O’Donovan SAS ’39 Ruth McCooey O’Neill SAS ’42 Norma Dubey O’Shea SAS ’47 Electa Bachmann O’Toole SAS ’46 Gladys Osborne SNR ’92 GS’95 Lucy Schubmehl Palme SAS ’47 Jane Perkinson SAS ’63 Rita Perna SAS ’38 Dr. Antonino Pesce Friend Marilyn Clarke Peterson SON ’89 Dr. Jane Phelps Friend Julie Pifer SAS ’60 Edward Poccia GRS ’94 Therese A FitzMaurice Powderly SAS ’83 Barbara Borra Pudlinski SAS ’55 Henrietta Raymond SAS ’58 Martha Reddington SAS ’76 Mary Jane Kann Reddington SAS ’45 Mary O’Connell Regan SAS ’61 Therese Carusone Reichert SAS ’57 Jane Scully Reichle SAS ’67 Margaret Reilly-Antalec SAS ’59 Mary Reynolds SAS ’47 Mary Creeden Risio SAS ’68 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 Patricia Rosenkranz-Levins SAS ’73 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 GS’71 Jane Rundle SAS ’73 Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier SAS ’58 Mary Linda Sara SAS ’70 Mary Ann Runkle Savard SAS ’59 Vincenza Scaduto SNR ’91 Jane Gallagher Schaefer SAS ’45 Janet Schneider SNR ’83 Phyllis Schreiber SNR ’74 Anne Schultz SAS ’38 Kathleen Brod Scully SAS ’49 Sr. Mary Serbacki, OSF SAS ’72 Helen Shubik SAS ’47 Gaetana Sibilio SAS ’69 Eileen Case Sibson SAS ’60 Henrietta McDermott Simeone SAS ’43 Sabina Sprague Slavin SAS ’62 Jeanne Malley Smith SAS ’50 Margaret Snyder SAS ’50 Barbara Reish Spangler SAS ’64 Josephine Roccuglia Spence SAS ’35 Joan Stapleton-Dwyer SAS ’72 Joan Steinbrecher SAS ’58 Judith Casey Stephenson SAS ’71 Rosemary Tomczak Strekel SAS ’68 Oona Burke Sullivan SAS ’51 Patricia Sullivan SAS ’48 Celeste Boland Sundermann SAS ’42 Anne Sweeney SAS ’79 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS ’56 Geraldine Smith Swiney SAS ’40 Marcella Pfeiffer Syracuse SAS ’50 Dr. Thomas Taaffe, Ph.D. Friend Dr. Russel R. Taylor Friend Margo Marabon Terwilliger SAS ’68 Jean Wilson Tharp SAS ’51 Doreen Cassidy Thibadeau SAS ’69 Mary Jane Thompson SAS ’59 Alice Timothy SAS ’52 Linda O’Leary Titterington SAS ’71 Marjorie McAllister Toner SAS ’48 Barbara Sisk Troxell SAS ’69 Joan Spitaleri Tykot SAS ’57 Mary Dehn Van Dessel SAS ’56 Kathryn Shanley Vavasour SAS ’44 Patricia Vergara SAS ’49 82 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Lillian Viacava SAS ’51 Mary Nolan Wakeford SAS ’65 Marue English Walizer SAS ’59 Edwina Weisheit SAS ’46 Barbara D’Arcy White SAS ’49 Madeline White SAS ’65 Miriam Sweeney Wilcox SAS ’40 Valerie Roberts Wilcox SAS ’57 Susan Reid Wilke SAS ’66 Marcelle Willock SAS ’58 Bridget Roach Wilson SAS ’72 Ellen Toal Wry SAS ’64 Anne Yedowitz SAS ’34 Evelyn Yenson SAS ’67 Geraldine Young SAS ’42 THANK YOU! The College of New Rochelle thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted, please accept our apologies and call Marilyn Saulle, Director of Annual Giving, at 914-654-5917 so the correction can be made to our records. Or you can email us at msaulle@cnr.edu. 11 V T RU S T E E S , A D M I N I S T R AT I O N , VO LU N TA RY B OA R D S , CO M M I T T E E S A N D C L A S S O F F I C E R S 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 B OA R D O F T R U ST E ES 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 A D M I N I ST R AT I O N Jean Baptiste Nicholson, O.S.U. SAS ’60 Stephen J. Sweeny Chair President Michael Ambler Rosa Barksdale Jeanne Brennan, O.S.U. SAS ’45 Beverlee Bruce Robert L. Coleman Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. David Eisenberg Kathleen Finnerty, O.S.U. Joan Freilich Maurice H. Hartigan II Margaret Mary Kelleher, O.S.U. John F. Killian Christine LaSala SAS ’72 Marion Carbery Lechowicz SAS ’59 Elizabeth LeVaca George Neumann Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J. Ann Peterson, O.S.U. Christianne Ricchi SAS ’73 Mauro C. Romita Diana Stano, O.S.U. Stephen J. Sweeny Margo Marabon Terwilliger SAS ’68 Joan Bailey B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Roberta Apuzzo SNR ’92 Erin Devaney Baker SAS ’95, GRS ’00 Judith O’Hara Balfe SNR ’89 GRS ’91, GRS ’97 Renee Blackwell SAS ’95 Norvell Brandon SNR ’91 Sharon Browne-Burrell SNR ’02 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS ’55 Mary Ellen Carty SAS ’80, GRS ’94 Martha Counihan, O.S.U. SAS ’67 Julie Cyr SAS ’88 Catherine Collins Donohoe SON ’84 Margaret Slattery Dowd SAS ’61 Brigidanne Flynn SAS ’87 Alice Duffy Grant SAS ’63 Mary Hesdorffer SON ’95 Barbara Krajewski GRS ’98 Susan Ball Larson SAS ’65 Anne Hunter MacArtney SAS ’76 Gail Cooper Marrin SAS ’68, SNR ’73 Rodney Samuels SNR ’95 George Walters SNR ’90 Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Graziella Saccon Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Ellen R. Curry Damato Executive Vice President Judith Huntington Vice President for Financial Affairs Joan E. Bristol Vice President for Student Services Brenna Sheenan Mayer Vice President for College Advancement Rose Marie Hurrell Dean, School of Arts & Sciences Nancy Brown Dean, Graduate School A L U M N A E / I T R U ST E E Elza Dinwiddie-Boyd Marion Carbery Lechowicz SAS ’59 Dean, School of New Resources 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S , C AST L E G A L L E RY Donna Demarest SAS ’71 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 B OA R D O F T R U ST E ES D E V E LO P M E N T CO M M I T T E E Christine LaSala SAS ’72 Chair David Eisenberg Elizabeth LeVaca George Neumann Jean Baptiste Nicholson, O.S.U. SAS ’60 Mauro C. Romita Stephen J. Sweeny Margo Terwilliger, SAS ’68 Dean, School of Nursing James T. Schleifer Robert Antonik, Friend, Acting Chair Dean, Gill Library Alice Blank Friend Joan Boccardi Friend Nancy Brown Friend Noel DeGaetano Friend Lorraine Dowdey Friend Kathleen Fredrick SAS ’59 Patricia Furman SNR ’82 GS ’84 Adrienne Garnett GRS ’84* Rose Marie Hurrell Friend Marion Lynch, O.S.U. SAS ’63 Diana Minotti-Mitrano SAS ’86 Gail Orfei Friend Marie Rofhok SNR ’84 GS ’87 Kathy Rutsch Friend Robert Streger Past Parent Candy Taubner GRS ’74 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S , A LU M N A E / I ASSO C I AT I O N OFFICERS Judith Kenny SNR ’82 President Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Vice President Kelley Allen SAS ’98 Secretary Meg Gardinier SAS ’81 Treasurer Jennifer Zazo, Friend, Director (continued above) * Deceased 83 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 C L ASS PLANNED GIVING C H A I R P E R SO N S Sara Arthur SAS ’59 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Margaret Casey SAS ’60 Rae Condon SAS ’62 Meighan Waterbury Corbett SAS ’79 Joan Campana Diaferia SAS ’55 Kathleen Janet Donnelly SAS ’44 Florence Lang Erbe SAS ’57 Louise Orto Famighetti SAS ’52 Mary FitzMaurice SAS ’43 Margaret Fonzo SAS ’42 Theresa Maher Harris SAS ’48 Virginia Hughes SAS ’35 Anne Kane SAS ’64 Sarah Niles Leonard SAS ’51 Jean Little SAS ’50 Pat Deignan McElroy SAS ’48 Regina Hearn McGuire SAS ’69 Irene Murphy McInerney SAS ’45 Elizabeth McMahon SAS ’40 Madeleine Barry Mitchell SAS ’53 Loretta Gaffney Moore SAS ’41 Mary O’Hagan SAS ’43 Norma Dubey O’Shea SAS ’47 Therese FitzMaurice Powderly SAS ’83 Agnes Claire Reithebuch SAS ’51 Isabel Reithebuch SAS ’46 Mary Reynolds SAS ’47 Anne Wedlock Robbins SAS ’45 Constance Markey Sweeney SAS ’36 Patricia McGovern Sweeting SAS ’56 Marcelle Willock SAS ’58 20 0 3 - 20 0 4 A N N UA L G I V I N G CO M M I T T E E Chair Joan Campana Diaferia SAS ’55 Members Lois Scarpino Amend SAS ’57 Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes SAS ’54 Mary FitzMaurice SAS ’43 Judith Preble Kenny SNR ’82 Lela Keough Negri SAS ’56 Tara O’Neill-Brant SAS ’98 Norma Dubey O’Shea SAS ’47 Gladys Osborne SNR ’92 Faith Ritchie SAS ’69 Patricia Rosenkranz-Levins SAS ’73 Marie Porco Rossi SAS ’60 111 V CLASS OFFICERS CLASS CLASS PRESIDENT REUNION CHAIRPERSON 1927 Jean Marie Casey, O.S.U. Mary O’Donnell Finnegan Jean Marie Casey, O.S.U. 1929 1930 1931 1934 1935 1936 1938 1939 1940 1941 Lucie Dowling Giegengack Anne Yedowitz Mary MacDonagh Berberich Muriel Flaherty McGinnis Martha Creamer 1942 1943 Margaret Mary Goodwin Murphy 1944 Kathleen Janet Donnelly 1945 Mary Jane Kann Reddington 1946 1947 1948 Ann Goodwin McGovern Alice Bouchard, O.S.U. Mary Patricia Deignan McElroy Blanche Dickinson Ryan Patricia O’Keeffe Shea-Wallace 1950 1951 Barbara Wise Chapin Elinor Shea O.S.U. Oona Burke Sullivan Margaret Brennan Moore Marie deWolf Hawthorne Rosemary Reen Martell Marguerite Sisca Riposanu Margaret Fonzo Camille Andrea-Casling Rose Scoca Leon Jean Mahoney McCarthy Patricia Quinn Straub Kathryn Shanley Vavasour Frances Weir Strachan Electa Bachmann O’Toole Mary McKiernan O’Brien Rosemary Smith Burke Mary Jean Donovan Zdinak Mary McEntegart Welch Mary McCarthy Rynn Gataletto Mary Louise Healey Brown Kathryn English Sarah Niles Leonard Jean Tharp Louise Riley Cicero Alice Timothy Margaret Croake Cherico Dolores Searles Roy Norma Fazia Elser Patricia Tarantino Passaro Marie Hanache Carole Quinn Anita Esler Tuoti Isabelle Healey Bacon Ruth Anne Cronin Thompson Ann Black Ann Hines LoVoi Mary Jane Grimes Farrell Clare Keefe Walsh Marcella Chodaczek 1953 Mary Jane Hutchinson Benson 1954 1955 Irene Krumeich Duffy Joan Campana Diaferia 1956 Katherine Mylod Mainzer 1957 Frances Choquette Broderick Marie-Louise Mauch Prainito L. Joan Mehltretter Goodman Mary Keenan Hart Jaqueline Butler Vacheron Marcia Moynihan Norton Jean Lilly Sweeney Lois Scarpino Amend Rita Howard McGoldrick Beatrice Fisher Voutsinas Maryellen Keefe, O.S.U. Marcia Moynihan Norton Jean Lilly Sweeney 1960 Patricia McGinnis Dunn 1961 Kathryn Gleeson Janet Keenan Sr. Ann Keegan, RGS Stephanie Syze Cordes Anne Butkovsky Messina Mary Alice McMahon Disalvo Marilyn Picardi Giglia Margaret Mylod Farabaugh Marguerite Fredrick Lynn McCaffrey Concetta Sorrentino Partridge Mary E. Hofstetter Daryl Thompson Neubecker Jacqueline Compton D’Alessio 1959 1962 1963 1964 Alice Duffy Grant Teresita Dwyer O’Leary Joan Morgan Flatley Mary Hollister Redgate Marie Howe Iaconetti 1952 1958 CLASS FUND AGENT Marie Quinn Connelly Mary Buscher Elizabeth Maher Griffiths Virginia Hyland Peel Eleanore Boettigheimer Rose Alice Gallin, O.S.U. 1949 CLASS NEWS AGENT Helen Brennan Reynolds Constance Markey Sweeney Justine Burns Ogden M. Virginia Hartcorn Fortney Elizabeth McMahon Eugenia Mortlock Flatow Rose Cuomo Coviello Geraldine Young Katherine Turner Kirby Jeanne Welcher Kleinfield Joan Carson Cecilia Maguire Coleman Lucille Fisher Masters Mary Govers Mary FitzMaurice Mary Boyan O.S.U. Mary Ann Clines Gallagher Marjorie McAllister Toner Marcelle McCormack Daly Anne Mead Irene Murphy McInerney Elizabeth Daley Mannle Patricia Halligan Castaldo Diana Fava Lucca Barbara Nugent Hahn Barbara McGrath Candee Helen Higgins Fitzgerald Mildred Middlemiss Veltri Patricia Lace Voorhees Agnes Claire Reithebuch Mary Lee Jones Waldron Gloria Greco Mary Martin Kaletta Joann Hawkes Langston Janice Roes Salter Elizabeth Bosco Serra Mary Alice McGowan Byrnes Audrey Field Galligan Sara Carey Hull Barbara Malley Catherine Leddy Pucciarelli Maureen Frayne Magee Patricia Barnum Williams Florence Lang Erbe Frances Sculli Salone-Pelletier Rosanne Lammers Rodilosso Kathleen Fredrick Sara Arthur Eileen Egan Burke Eileen Mylod Hayden Rowena Larkin Morris Eileen Case Sibson Moira Lynch Crabtree Maura Meehan Winkler Carole Schmidt Jennings Noreen Deane Moran Jane Perkinson Elizabeth Gendron O’Neill Patricia Smith Treanor 84 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Judith O’Neill O’Gorman Theresa Cardinale Johnson Catherine Tyburski Nagy Patricia Sobierajski Kuhr Joan Fiori Blanchfield Jane Murphy McGrath Pat Quattrochi Gorman Rosemary Kirby Bloem CLASS OFFICERS CLASS CLASS PRESIDENT REUNION CHAIRPERSON CLASS NEWS AGENT CLASS FUND AGENT 1965 Martha Dymkoski Haney Joellyn Ausanka Mary Curran Folsom 1966 Susan Miner Lyons Jean Reardon Kellogg 1967 Joan Foley Kreimer 1968 Sally Fernet Geloso 1969 Margaret Pasquariello Holtman 1970 1971 1972 Maryliz Volin O’Brien Rachael Orsatti Hart Margaret Nolan Patricia O’Connell Pearson 1973 Valerie McEwen Sandra Bartik Mary Johnston Hansen Janet Rossi Maffucci Marie Sayegh Shack Barbara Sisk Troxell Joanne Smith Romalewski Jacqueline Billings Briganti Marie Turley Marlene Melone Tutera Barbara Cunniffe Hornig Susan Brown Reitz Kathleen Scott McGrath Patricia Lamb Isgro Ada Steinmetz-Duffin Susan Reid Wilke Marjorie Stone Hagenah Ann Dwyer Mary Ellen Morin Cox Elizabeth Barry Lange Joan Donovan Caldwell 1974 Anne Schreck LaRoche 1975 Marie Donahue Anderson 1976 Michele McMahon 1977 Jeanne Rafferty Franz 1978 Sandra Camishion Carella 1979 1980 1981 Barbara St. Mary Niss Christine Meehan 1982 1983 1984 Patricia Schifini, O.S.U. Catherine Hyland Zavorskas Maureen Hanley Abrahamson Susan Kelley Maureen Connors Anne Yorke Cannon Wendy Griffin-O’Keefe Sandra Phipps 1985 1986 Diana Minotti-Mitrano 1987 Christine Skelly Lynskey 1988 Elizabeth Conwy Mazzola 1989 Carolyn Simmonds 1990 Elaine Tolley Andrews 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Katia Mason 1996 Lillian deCarvalho Rodrigues Miller Jacqueline Maxwell 1997 Brenda Kibler Aversano Christine Sumner 1998 Kelley Allen Tara O’Neill Brant Kelley Allen 1999 2000 Selena Wright Angela Valitutto 2001 2002 2003 Anne E. Rapalje Melissa Martyn Jessica Hamilton Monroe Jennifer Oetzel Gaetana Sibilio Esther Schoffelen Rada Susan Shepherd Rochette Genellen McGrath Rosemary Gorman McLaughlin Elizabeth Daly Callahan Julia Vargas Larino Andrea Nevin Lynch Lillian Mitchell Kathleen McCloskey Zanger Kathleen Mahoney Ferrari Maria Prainito Pedersen Lauren Chisholm Patricia Devlin Roberta Walsh Zardecki Jacqueline Caffrey MaryJo Morpurgo Gavigan Silvana Bajana Paula Zisko Musselman Patricia Pickering Margaret Prebish-Sciommeri Kathleen Dolan Mary Sommer Sandak Jane D’Apice Vergari Rosalie Duffy Crabbe Ann Tenore Carroll Christine Loomie Mary Dugan Janice Ramsey Anne-Marie Nolin Mary Ellen Burns Joyce Campman-Keegan Michele Marotta Jaworski Constance Hom Balint Mary Fernandes Michunovich Sadie Sadler Catherine Russell Wright Elizabeth Whalen Theresa Moylan Samot Randy Goguen Balano Marianne Smith Sullivan Virginia Curry Elizabeth Lydon Flynn Ida Grieco Anne Kinney O’Donnell Donna Marie Miranda Anjos Nancy McCarthy-Mangels Deborah Michalsky Mugridge Patricia Giorgio Hebrank Patricia Crichton Harris Linda Creighton Wulforst Frances Danaher Andrea Pakonen Rasmussen Janette Wilson Michele DiCarlo Theresa McEvoy-Colgan Lisa Vesperman Still Mary Grimes Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago Kristin Krause McDonough Mary Creeden Risio Elizabeth Bonauto Kuhns Rosa Puleo Napoleone Therese FitzMaurice Powderly Sharon Regan Masciovecchio Diane Polchlopek Sarna Paula Caputo Curtiss Maureen Mandarano Lisa Besseghini-Winjum Nancy Colihan Edwards Anne Carucci Holly Ingelfinger-Lopez Theresa Feinberg Doreen Delage Napoli Jennie Jaklitsch Michele Accardo Sofo Heather Archibald Hope Richards Jane McKeon Dalton Tara Ambery Patterson Colleen Fitzgerald DiRago Meghan Mastellon Mahon Edwardyne Cowan Bennett Jennifer Yearwood Ginn Antoinette Cantone-Denning Noreen Mastellon Kathleen Rooney Paprota Renee Blackwell Melissa Varnavas Tania Quinn Carlye Calo Cynthia Romualdo Valerie Gaglione Schott Debra Kirouac Michelle Tabi Suzette Walker Dawn Phillips Guiltner Cora Santaguida Mary Job Tara Alfano Gina Jones 85 2004 A N N U A L R E P O RT / T H E C O L L E G E OF N EW RO C H E L L E Abigail Beal Gina Kirchner Jennifer Oetzel Joanna Tierney Pamela Mantalvanos Heidi Muhleman Diana Valdes Griselda Kim Marianne Weston Dawn Bridges Ayana Mitchell YOUR GIFT TO THE ANNUAL FUND SUPPORTS NEW TECHNOLOGY ON CAMPUS “By providing students in the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Nursing with a standardized set of hardware and software tools, we are creating an academic environment where technology is ubiquitous and easy to use. We are also providing enhanced technology resources in the Graduate School and the School of New Resources for adult students.” EMORY CRAIG Director of Academic Computing The College of New Rochelle The new laptop program will make the teaching of writing, research, and collaborative learning more seamless for all CNR students. A major focus is to work with the students who spend a significant amount of time on campus and give them access to a full range of technology resources. By providing students in the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Nursing with a standardized set of hardware and software tools, we are essentially creating an academic environment where technology is ubiquitous and easy to use. We are also providing enhanced technology resources in the Graduate School and the School of New Resources for adult students. While they spend less time on campus and many already have access to technology at home, we are making laptops available for on-campus use. Thus, the libraries at each campus now have laptops that students can borrow and we will place them in the lounges, the libraries, and the classrooms in the adult programs. To make a gift: On-Line: www.cnr.edu and click Gift Giving for secure on-line giving. By credit card: call Louise Dunbar, Assistant Director of Annual Fund, at 914-654-5905. By mail: Use the enclosed gift envelope or mail a check payable to The College of New Rochelle. The College of New Rochelle Annual Fund 29 Castle Place New Rochelle, NY 10805 It doesn’t take a millionaire… …to make a difference for future generations. Bequests, as well as other forms of life income and planned giving arrangements, have provided a financial lifeline to the future of The College of New Rochelle. T The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. he College of New Rochelle was founded in 1904 by the Ursuline Order as the first Catholic college for women in New York State. Today, the College serves a student population of more than 7,000 students. In addition to the School of Arts and Sciences, which remains all-women, the College has three co-educational schools: the Graduate School, established in 1969; the School of New Resources, in 1972; and the School of Nursing, in 1976. The College’s main campus is in New Rochelle, with six branch campuses of the School of New Resources located throughout the New York metropolitan area. The College offers strong reasons for seeking private support. The importance of the life of the spirit and a reverence for the individual are hallmarks of an Ursuline value- based education. These characteristics are manifest in a College of New Rochelle education today. The College’s primary purpose is the intellectual development of persons through the maintenance of the highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. From this tradition, the College derives its dedication to the education of women and men in the liberal arts and in professional studies. The College reaches out to those who have not previously had access to higher education and places particular emphasis on the concept of lifelong learning. Private support allows the College to build upon its commitment and mission as an educational institution by providing academic scholarships, grants, financial aid, and technology enhancements. Similarly, funding is needed for physical plant renovations, special programs, and curriculum development. Gifts to the College include cash, appreciated securities, capital donations, real estate, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, endowed funds, and bequests. When The College of New Rochelle is included in estate plans through a planned gift or a bequest, thoughtful donors reduce their taxes, protect their assets, and generate income. By reaching beyond their own lives to assure opportunities for future generations, generous donors shape the future and make a critical difference in the College’s ability to fulfill its mission. For additional information about making a gift to The College of New Rochelle, please call the Office of College Advancement at (914) 654-5917. O WT HO E A K MA THAT L L WI RKS WO GIVING H H T ROUG GIFT S ANNUITIE GIVING SECURIT IES REF LEC TIN G TOM ON OR RO W Over the last decade, bequests and planned gifts totaling more than $8 million have been given to The College of New Rochelle. This vital source of support provides revenue for scholarships and the enhancement of academic programs. Gifts of all sizes ($3,000 to more than $2 million) comprise this significant source of revenue, making a lasting difference in the lives of CNR students and providing a legacy of loyalty and devotion to the College. Won’t you join the hundreds of alumnae/i and friends who have already included The College of New Rochelle in their estate planning through bequests, annuities, and trusts? Remember… no matter what the size of your gift, you can make a difference. Dr. Carole Weaver, Major Gifts Officer, will be glad to send you one of these easy-to-understand brochures. Carole is also available to talk to you about our gift annuity program and how it can benefit you as well as future CNR students. Call 9l4-654-5914, or e-mail cweaver@cnr.edu. UARTERLY Volume 76 | No. 3 The College of New Rochelle Alumnae/i Magazine 29 CASTLE PLACE NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10805-2339 THE COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE ■ 2004 ANNUAL REPORT