schedule of events - Owen Sound Fall fair
schedule of events - Owen Sound Fall fair
164th Owen Sound FALL FAIR Owen Sound Fairgrounds • Victoria Park September 8th, 9th & 10th, 2016 REGIONAL 4-H SHOW MIDWAY • TRUCK PULL QUILT COMPETITION HOMECRAFT DEMOLITION DERBY ENTERTAINMENT TENT CATTLEMEN’S BEEF BBQ FUN FOR ALL AGES! w w w. o w e n s o u n d f a l l f a i r. c o m HOMECRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS Demonstrations will be ongoing in the Rec Centre on Saturday. Srapbooking Crop Saturday September 10, 2016 - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm In the Julie McAuthur Rec Centre. Fund Raiser for the Owen Sound Fall Fair. $20.00 for the day - Bring your own lunch. Gift Bag, drinks and snacks provided. If you have not Scrapbooked before and would like to see what it’s all about bring some photos of your family, wedding, trip or special moment and we will help you get started. For more information, please call Penny at 519 371 2070 or email Quilting Flowers Spinners & Weavers Bobbin Lace Rug Hooking Family Movie Night in the Barn Friday September 9th, 6:30pm All children must be accompanied by a parent. Don’t forget to visit the “Fruits of Our Labour” Quilt Show in the Rec Centre Thursday, Friday & Saturday. SCHEDULE O F EVENTS Owen Sound Fall Fair (Times Subj ect to Change v isit w w w .ow to confirm times) th THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 , 2016 9:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 7:00 7:00 A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P.M. P.M. P.M. Judging of Dom es tic Exhibits Old MacDonald’s Farm Midway Starts Quilt Show & Dom es tic Exhibits open (Julie McArthur Regional Rec Centre) Beer Tent Opens Local Truck Pull Owen Sound 4-H Calf Club Show FRIDAY, Se pte mbe r 9th, 2016 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 4:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 A.M. A.M. A.M A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Old MacDonald’s Farm Regional 4-H Show - Beef, Dairy Dom es tic Exhibits & Quilt Show Open (Julie McArthur Regional Rec Centre) Regional 4-H Show - Sheep Midway Starts Entertainm ent/Beer Tent Opens Beef Farm ers of Grey Bar-b-que Opening Cerem onies (in beer tent) Fam ily Movie Night in the Barn ONTARIO TRACTOR PULLERS ASSOCIATION – SANCTIONED MODIFIED TRACTOR & TRUCK PULL & Local Non-Circuit 4X4 Trucks & Highway Tractors SATURDAY, Se pte mbe r 10th, 2016 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M 10:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. Old MacDonald’s Farm Dom es tic Exhibits & Quilt Show Open (Julie McArthur Regional Rec Centre) Scrapbooking Crop - Details Page 39 (Julie McArthur Regional Rec Centre) Hom ecraft Dem ons trations (Julie McArthur Regional Rec Centre) Miniature Hors e Show (In Barns) Antique Tractor Pull Entertainm ent/Beer Tent Opens Midway Starts (approxim ate tim e) Kids Pedal Tractor Pull (In Old MacDonald’s Farm) DEMOLITION D E R B Y / FIGURE 8 (Hosted By Thrill Show Productions) Sim m ental Show / Charolais Show / Lim ous in Sh ow Draw for Quilt Suprem e Cham pion Beef Anim al Selection Entertainm ent in Beer Tent Quilt Show & Dom es tic Exhibits clos ed P re s id e n t’s Me s s a g e On behalf of the Owen Sound Agricultural Society, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 164th Owen Sound Fall Fair. Our volunteers, sponsors, and board of directors have put in countless hours to bring a little "country to the city." The hard work contributed by all is greatly appre ciated and will be noticed at the fair by those in attendance. A few new events and some o f t h e old favorites are included once again for the enjoyment of all. I look forward to seeing everyone at the fair and anticipate the looks of enjoyment on each face I see!! Je ff Gilkinson President OWEN SOUND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY–164th YEAR NEW PRESIDENT 1st VICE-PRESI DENT 2nd VICE-PRESI DENT SECRETARY/ TREASURER PAST PRESIDENT Jeff Gilkinson Darren King Hiliary Breadner LeeAnne Bell Rob Lipsett 519-372-9829 519-376-1656 519-374-9215 519-371-1720 Box 1136, Owe n Sound, ON, N4K 6K6 Phone 519-371-1720 Fax 519-371-6489 Email: info@owe We bsite : www.owe Hiliary Breadner Karl Henry DIRECTORS - 3 YEAR TERM Darren King Crystal Ramage DIRECTORS - 2 YEAR TERM Aunalea Cruickshank Ross Laycock Phil Bye Justin King Stephen Long Larry Parkin DIRECTOR S - 1 YEAR TERM Jeff Gilkinson Greg Hutchinson Matt Stewart Greg Wilkins Lorenda Pringle Kevin Reid Jason Crone HOMECRAFT DI VI SI ON DI RECT ORS Karen Duggan, Chair Leanne Long Penny Fenwick Nathalie Reid Faye Dawe Alicia Abel Lorenda Pringle Aunalea Cruickshank Isabel Hewitson Diane McLean Shirley Lyons Marg Husband Majorie Angell QUI LT COMMI T T EE Diane McLean, Chair Sue Benjamin Chris Jessop Judy Chalmers Karen Duggan Marjory Byers FAI R VOLUNT EERS Marina Ablett Ann Algera Adele Armstrong Diane Bye Carol Cowtan Colleen Danard Emily Danard Kurt Danard Tim Danard Mary Dixon Joan Delorme Alexa Frank Doug Gilkinson Laurie Gilkinson Sharon Johnston Don Husband Louise Lipsett Ron Lipsett Evelyn Long Louise Long Michelle Long Jim Lyons Jan Middleton Pat Mitchell Glen Morrison Helen Morrison Larry Ramage Scott Ramage Shane Ramage Elinor Reid Fred Scott Eileen Sommerville June Sparling Gae Trinkwood Joan Webb Joan Vanderschans Hank Vanderschans Austin Davenport Stacy Fenwick Rob Lipsett Honourary Directors M ae Ange los, Kurt Danard, Don Duggan, Ev e re tt Hall, Harold Johnston, He athe r Parkin 3 RULES & REGULATIONS The directors of the Ow en Sound Agricultural Society w ish to extend the serv ice of the Society by asking the members to co-operate and send in entries in adv ance, thereby making it possible for the Directors to prepare an Official Program and make better prov ision for the different classes . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Admi ssi on to the grounds as adverti sed. T he Di rectors wi l l take every precauti on possi bl e, under the ci rcumstances, to i nsure the safety of arti cl es sent to exhi bi ti on, the owners must take upon themsel ves the whol e ri sk, and shoul d any arti cl e be i nj ured, l ost or stol en, whi l e the Di rectors wi l l gi ve every assi stance i n thei r power for the restorati on thereof, they wi l l not make any payment for the val ue thereof, or for the i nj ury or l oss, and further the Soci ety wi l l n ot be responsi bl e for any bei ng i nj ured i n any way on the grounds. T he Di rectorate, or a Commi ttee appoi nted by them shal l have power to exami ne upon oath, any member of the Soci ety agai nst whom a protest has been entered, and i f same i s found gui l ty of fraud i n connecti on therewi th, he shal l forfei t the ri ght of membershi p, as wel l as any pri zes that may have been awarded hi m, and hi s name shal l be publ i shed in the publ i c press. It i s absol utel y necessary that no arti cl es on exhi bi ti on be touc hed by vi si tors, as the Di rectors wi sh to del i ver thei r speci mens to thei r respecti ve owners i n the best possi bl e condi ti on. Exhi bi tors MUST be associ ate members of the Soci ety. Associ ate membershi p ti ckets are avai l abl e for $10 .00 Al l entri es i n al l cl asses must be submi tted on entry forms and gi ven to the secretary. Pri zes cannot be awarded unl ess entry forms are ful l y compl eted and submi tted. Each Li vestock exhi bi tor wi l l be permi tted to make up to two entri es i n any thre e cl asses, and i n remai nder of cl asses they wi l l be l i mi ted to one entry, unl ess otherwi se stated i n Pri ze Li st. T he exhi bi tors are parti cul arl y requested to have arti cl es entered for competi ti on i n thei r cl asses properl y marked and descri bed, so a s to correspond wi th the Pri ze Li st, i n order that no mi stake may be made i n thei r arrangement. No person wi l l be al l owed to i nterfere wi th the Judge whi l e i n di scharge of thei r duti es. Shoul d an exhi bi tor i nterfere, he wi l l forfei t al l cl ai m of any premi um or award to whi ch he mi ght otherwi se be enti tl ed. Shoul d there be onl y one exhi bi tor i n any Cl ass, or Secti on of a Cl ass, the j udge, i n making awards are to use thei r own di screti on as to awardi ng a premi um and i n al l cases they must refrai n from maki ng any award where they do no t thi nk the ani mal s or arti cl es are worthy. Shoul d any fraud, decepti on or di shonest practi ce on the part of any exhi bi tor, or hi s agent, be di scovered, the Board of Di rectors may wi thhol d any pri ze awarded and may prohi bi t any exhi bi tor from exhi bi ti ng for such ti me as they determi ne and may publ i sh the names of such exhi bi tors i f they deem i t proper to do so. T he Associ ati on reserves the ri ght to amend, take from, or add to these rul es as i n thei r j udgement may be deemed best for the i nterest of the Soci ety, and i n case of any di spute the Di rectors' rul i ng must be adhered to. Not more than one entry can be made by any one exhi bi tor i n any one cl ass i n the Homecraft Cl asses unl ess speci fi ed i n the Pri ze Li st. Roots, garden products and frui ts must have been grown duri ng the present year by the exhi bi tor. Al l arti cl es entered for exhi bi ti on shal l compri se nei ther more or l ess than the number, nor l ess than the quant i ti es named i n the Pri ze Li st as to be shown and there must be no names, l etters or marks on any bag or vessel contai ni ng arti cl es entered for exhi bi ti on by whi ch the ownershi p thereof can be ascertai ned. Cul i nary Arts and Homecraft Work must have been made duri ng the present year by the exhi bi tor. Factory made arti cl es wi l l not be al l owed to compete i n the cl ass of domesti c manufactures. Any exhi bi tor who i s di ssati sfi ed wi th the Judge's awards may make wri tten protest at the secretary's offi ce by deposi ti ng a fee of $2.00 wi th each protest, and i f sustai ned the $2.00 deposi t wi l l be returned to the Exhi bi tor; i f the protest i s not sustai ned, the exhi bi tor l oses hi s deposi t. 4 18. Each ani mal b r o u g h t to the show grounds must be pro vi ded wi th means of secure fasteni ng and must be pl aced on the grounds where di rected. Parti es not provi di ng proper fasteni ng wi l l be refused admi ssi on and ani mal s found l oose on the grounds wi l l be i mpounded. Al l bul l s - 12 months and ol der must be handl ed wi th a humbug or nose ri ng in addi ti on to a secure rope hal ter. Space for crates wi l l be avai l abl e outsi de as NO CRAT ES wi l l be al l owed i nsi de the barn. 19. No ani mal or arti cl e wi l l be admi tted to compete whi ch does not have an entry tag previ ousl y obtai ned from the Secretary to attach to i t. No photocopi es al l owed. 20. Cows and ewes must have born young duri ng the present year and cows must be gi vi ng mi l k at the ti me of exhi bi ti on, or i n cal f. 21. In the case of purebred stock, al l breeds must be regi stered i n thei r respecti ve Herd Books & Certi fi cates of Regi strati on avai l abl e to Di rectors. T hi s rul e wi l l be stri ctl y enforced. 22. Stock shown must be the Bona Fi de property of the exhi bi tor before the show day, and every ani mal must be shown i n the cl ass to whi ch i t bel on gs, and i n that one onl y, except as to speci al s. 23. ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS 24. Barn accommodati on wi l l be al l otted as l i vestock comes i n. NO RESERVED ST ALLS. 25. Straw wi l l no l onger be provi ded by the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. 26. Li vestock exhi bi tors whom are showi ng on (2) separate days may i nqui re, at the Fai r Offi ce, for rei mbursement upon regi steri ng for 2 nd show. 27. Exhi bi tors wi l l be requi red to remove any ani mal found t o have ri ngworm. We strongl y recommend that al l ani mal s be i nspected by the exhi bi tor and i f unsure of the ani mal s condi ti on, obtai n veteri nari an approval before transporti ng the ani mal to the fai r. 28. Each l i vestock exhi bi tor wi l l be i ssued a c ard wi th exhi bi tor number on i t and requi red to have i t VISIBLE i n show ri ng for accurate resul ts. 29. Al l cal ves wi l l be exhi bi ted ei ther on i ts own or wi th i ts mothe r, but may not be shown i n both cl asses. T HIS RULE WILL BE ST RICT LY ENFORCED. 30. Produce and manufactures of al l ki nds must be del i vered to the person havi ng charge of Col i seum and Grandstand Bui l di ng or pl ace i n thei r respecti ve cl asses under thei r di recti on. 31. Amounts and terms for space for the exhi bi t of manufactures, etc., can be obta i ned from the secretary. 32. In case of bad or unfavourabl e weather, or other reasons causi ng the recei pts to fal l short of payi ng the expenses, and al l pri zes i n ful l , after payi ng the expenses, a proporti onate amount, excl usi ve of membershi p wi l l be deducted from such pri zes to enabl e the Di rectors to balance the accounts wi thout l oss. T he Di rectors feel that thi s course i s the most equi tabl e and fai r one that can be adopted, as any ded ucti on wi l l fal l proporti onatel y on al l those parti ci pating in the amounts col l ected and not l eave the whol e sum to be debt to bear heavi l y on the Soci ety and thus i mpai r i ts useful ness. 33. T he Di rectors wi l l pay to pri ze-wi nners of the amounts of $10 .00 or over, the amount of thei r premi um, l ess $10 .00 retai ned for membershi p fee, i f mi ni mum of $10.00 pri ze money has been earned. Provi ded, however that shoul d t here not be suffi ci ent funds for payment of premi ums i n ful l , the percentage wi l l be p ai d whi ch i n the opi nion of the Di rectorate, the funds wi l l al l ow. 34. Al l these rul es wi l l be stri ctl y enforced. ENTRY TAGS May be picked up at the Fair Office on Monday, September 5 th Between 10 am - 2:00 pm *All Homecraft Exhibits MUST be picked up on Sunday, September 11th or item s will be discarded at the dis cretion of the Owen Sound Agricultural Society, unles s prior arrangem ents have been m ade* 5 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR 2015 SPONSORS R.F King Excavating Huron Tractor Earth Power Tractor The Sun Tim es Bayshore Broadcasting Beef Farm ers of Grey Earth Power CRS Contractors Rental Supply Thom boys Les lie Hawken & Son Trillium Insurance Huron Bay Co-op Neveres t Auto Kubota Canada Robert’s Farm Equipment Masterfeeds Hutton & Co. Disposal Services McKinnon Trans port Oak Manor Angus Todd Campbell, RBA Financial Royal Bank Bluewater Feeds Co. Ltd. MacDonnell Fuels Ltd. Grey County Hols tein Club Miller Photoplaques Miller Insurance Brokers Inc. Collins Barrow Bayshore Country Feeds Miller Vet Service Cones toga Agri Sys tem s Bird Fuels Dr. D. Moore Veterinary Service Everett & Marylon Hall Brian E. Wood Funeral Home Bayview Water Supply Jim Snider’s Sydenham Auction C&H Snow Removal Ltd. Wallens tein Feed & Supply Ltd. HOMECRAFT SPONSORS 2015 No Frills Fabric Land Bella's Pizza Kettles Restaurant Mackall Mobility Grandm a Lam bes Joe Tomato Restaurant Rockford Family Restaurant Little Caesars Pizza Country Charm Rockford Gas Bar Chef Wok Galaxy Cinemas Phil & Bill Video Rental Subway Taco Bell Debbie Kennedy Home Life Georgian Bay Garden Club Don & Marg Hus band Awesome Blossoms Tenneco Ellen Muir. Hom elife Bayside Realty Ltd Dr. Ros s Chiaram onte Dentis try John Tam m ing Law Stephen Long Electrical Heart Wood Pet Feed Mill McDonald's Restaurant Bare Birch Water Depot Giant Tiger CAA M & M Meats Ideal Supply Fam ily Affair Hair Salon Shear Experience Hair design Dulux Paints Staples Painted Wardrobe VanVugt Greenhouses Verona & Ovid Jackson Robin Hood Flour w w w Cris co w w w 6 QUILT SHOW SPONSORS 2015 Bruce Price, Accountant, Owen Sound Marylon & Everett Hall Sprucedale Agrom art Owen Sound Subaru Fran Caple Diane McLean, Annan Cafram o Ltd., Wiarton VanDolder’s Kitchen & Bath Gladys Pennacchietti Kathryn Jarabek, Wiarton Fabric Centre Quilting For You, Markdale D.C. Taylor Jewellers Cobwebs & Caviar, Shelburne The Quilt Place, Shakes peare Quilter’s Line, Markdale M Guns on’s Long Arm Machine Quilting Owen Sound DIA Northcott Fabric, Woodbridge Bluewater Quilters Guild H.A. Kidd. Dr, Robert Dors ,Owen Sound Joanne Miller, Tara Threads that Bind Karen Duggan, Owen Sound Brian & Betty Wood Jus t Becaus e Ann Sanders Anne Allens en Fabricland Cotton-by-Pos t Tri-Therapeutic Mas s age Therapy The Fabric Shoppe, Meaford Brad Benjam in Trucking Inc. City of Owen Sound Larry & Heather Parkin, In Mem ory of Gordon & Fern Parkin BARN DANCE SPONSORS 2015 C & H Snow Removal Ltd Pizza Hut, Owen Sound RF King Excavating Bays hore Country Feeds Nicol Ins urance Skylight Roofing Lakes hore Lawn Care By The Hill Graphics Beef Farm ers of Grey Stryker Energy Sys tem s Foodland, Owen Sound Sharedon Farm s Barnards Truck & Trailer Service Walker Bum s tead Insurance Hutchcon Carpentry & Lands caping Mulch It – Greg Wilkens Thank You for your Generous Donations of … TIME, MONEY, EQUIPMENT & AWARDS And to everyone that attended in 2015, Thank you! 7 INDEX Rules and Regulations (page 4-5) Sponsors of Fall Fair, Homecraft, Quilt & Barn dance (page 6-7) Class 1 - Owen Sound 4-H Calf Club Achievem ent Night (page 9) Class 2 - Regional 4-H Show (pages 10-13) Class 3 - Open Miniature Hors e Show (page 14) Class 4 - Lim ousin Show (page 15) Class 5 - Sim m ental Show (page 16) Class 6 - Charolais Show (page 17) How to complete Exhibitors Form & tick ets (page 18) Class 7 - Hay and Grain (page 19) Class 8 - Roots ,Vegetables & Fruits (pages 20 -21) Class 9 - Flowers (pages 22-25) Class 10 - Culinary Art (pages 26-27) Class 11 - Pickles & Pres erves (pages 28 -29) Class 12 - Needlecraft (pages 30-32) Class 13 - Drawings & Paintings (page 33) Class 14 - Arts & Crafts (pages 34-35) Class 15 - Senior Citizens (pages 36-37) Class 16 - Photography (page 38-39) Class 17 - Specialty (s tained glas s , bobbin & jewellery) (page 40) Class 18 - Fall / Halloween (page 41) Class 19 - Junior Work (pages 42-45) Class 20 - “Ye Old Farm ” Com petition (page 46) Class 21 – Thurs day & Friday Nights Truck & Tractor Pull (page 47) Class 22 - Antique Tractor Pull (page 48) 8 CLASS 1 OWEN SOUND 4-H CALF CLUB ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT THURSDAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 th , 2016 7:00 P.M. Owen Sound 4-H Calf Club Show CLUB LEADERS: Joni Turner & Crystal Ramage DAIRY CLASSES Judge – To be announced 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Junior Heifer (March 1 - May 31/16) Intermediate Heifer (Dec. 1/14 - Feb. 28/16) Senior Heifer (Sept. 1 - Nov . 30/15) Summer Yearling (June 1 - Aug. 31/15) Junior Yearling (Mar. 1 - May 31/15) Champion Heifer Show manship - Will be split according to ages of members BEEF CLASSES Judge - To be announced 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Senior Yearling Heifer (Jan. 1 - Mar. 30/15) Junior Yearling Heifer (Apr. 1 - July 31/15) Intermediate Heifer (Aug. 1 - Dec. 31/15) Junior Heifer (after Jan. 1/16) Champion Heifer Steer Show manship - Wi l l be spl i t accordi ng to ages of members OWEN SOUND 4-H CALF CLUB SPONSORED BY OWEN SOUND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Not all classes listed will be presented 9 OWEN SOUND 4-H REGIONAL SHOW FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 - 10:00 A.M. OWEN SOUND FAIRGROUNDS Announcer: Ev erett Hall SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES IN MORNING 12:30 P.M. - CHAMPION SHOWMANSHI P GREY COUNTY 4-H AMBASSADOR COMPETITION CONFIRMATION CLASSES FOLLOWING CHAMPION SHOWMANSHIP PLEASE READ ALL T HE INFORMAT ION CAREFULLY, ESPECIALLY T HE RULES REGARDING PROFESSIONALISM, POLICY AND DRESS CODE. Members showing more than one project must make a decision as to which to show, if there is a conflict in timing. The shows cannot be held up to accommodate these members. REGISTRATIO N Pre-regi strati on, on a cl ub basi s, i s requi red pri or to the show. Regi strati on form s m ust be com pl eted i n ful l . On show day, al l contestants must regi ster at ri ngsi de and recei ve a numbered card. If you are i n several cl asses, y o u wi l l sti l l onl y have one number. REGISTRA TION FORMS ARE TO BE SENT TO MARY LYNN LAWRENCE turkeybird3@hot or FAX 519-323-3438 and MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 19 th , 2016. SECTION A: SHEEP COMMITTEE: Kevi n Rei d, Robert Brown JUDGE: T o Be Announced ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS. SHOWM ANSHI P - Age as of January 1st, 2016 Class Sponsors 1. Seni or (Age 18 - 21) D & R Ag Servi ces, Adam O’Nei l l & El i zabeth Perkes & Fami l y 2. Intermedi ate (Age 15 -17) Stonehouse North Country Chevi ots, Crai g & Mel i ssa Emke 3. Juni or (Age 12 - 14) Robert Gunn, Bob -Lo Farm, Corry & Li ndsey T eekens 4. Novi ce (Age 9 - 11) Everett Hal l , Murray & Nancy Emke 5. Champi on & Reserve Jordan Morri son Memori al Award, Bai nton’s O l d Mi l l CLASS A - EXHIBIT Breeding Class Si ngl e 6. Jr. 7. Sr. 8. Champi on Breedi ng Lamb Growers Sponsors Market Class Si ngl e 9. Jr. 10. Sr. 11. Champi on Market Lamb 12. Intercl ub Competi ti on: 3 sheep from 1 cl ub Sponsors . Bayshore Country Feeds, Canadi an Co-operati ve Wool Forsyth Farm, Earth Power T ractors & Equi pment Bayshore Country Feeds MAY SHOW IN ONLY ONE CATEGORY - EITHER BREEDING OR MARKET - NOT BOTH 10 SECTION B: DAIRY COMMITTEE: Bri an & Shel l ey O’Nei l l , Kurt Danard, Crystal Ramage, Larry & Heather Parki n ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS. JUDGE: Wi l l Pul fer, Hasti ngs RINGMAN: T o Be Announced SHOWM ANSHI P - Age as of January 1st, 2016 Class Sponsors 1. Novi ce (Age 9 - 11) Parki n Hol stei ns, Bri l yn Hol stei ns 2. Juni or (Age 12 - 14) Bri stal Hol stei ns, Vi ckhaven Hol stei ns 3. Intermedi ate (Age 15 - 17) Gambl ane Farms Ltd., Kenarbara Farms 4. Seni or (Age 18 - 21) LorrMar Lea Hol stei ns Rockl yn 4-H Cal f Cl ub 5. Champi on & Reserve Bencrest Hol stei ns, Wi ndsong Hol stei ns Class 6. Jr. Hei fer (March 1 - May 31/16) 7. Intermedi ate Hei fer (Dec. 1/15 -Feb. 28/16) 8. Seni or Hei fer (Sept. 1/15- Nov. 30/15) 9. Summer Yearl i ng (June 1/15 - Aug. 31/15) 10. Juni or Yearl i ng (Mar. 1/15 - May 31/15) 11. Grand Champi on Hei fer Reserve Champi on Hei fer 12. Champ. Group of 3 (from any one cl ub) Reserve Group of 3 Sponsors Di emertdal e Hol stei ns, Sunspark Hol stei ns Boj udabrook Hol stei ns, Loyal yn Hol stei ns Ramage Fami l y, Val l ey Ri ver Hol stei ns Mapl e Li ne Farms Inc., Bl anhaven Hol stei ns Don & Susan Di etri ch , Bl ayj oy Hol stei ns Grey County Hol stei n Cl ub Ral ph & Hel en O’Del l Secure Insurance Sol uti ons Luckhol m Farms The Grey County Holstein Club w ill donate $1 5 to each 4-H member show ing a dairy heifer at the show in addition to their prize money. SECTION C: BEEF Commi ttee: Phi l Bye, Gayl e & Davi d Mi l l i ner, Aunal ea Crui ckshank, Rob & Ri ta O’Nei l l , Bi l l i e Jo Saunders, Li sa Squi re, Jaci Shaw, Mary Lynn Lawrence, Cl ai re Breadner, Natal i e Mathers ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS. JUDGE: T o Be Announced SHOWM ANSHI P - Age as of January 1st, 2016 Class Sponsors 1. Novi ce (9 - 11) Kent & Aunal ea Crui ckshank, Pai sl ey Vet Servi ces 2. Juni or (12 - 14) Sam & Mari l yn Lemon, After Hours Li mousi n 3. Intermedi ate (15 - 17) Bruce Patchel l , Wayne Shi er 4. Seni or (18 - 21) Bye Vi sta Farms, Bl uewater Angus Cl ub Champi on Showperson Waydamar Si mmental s Reserve Showperson Muran Farms, Anne & Murray Kerr Class 5. Market Ani mal (Market wei ght at show ti me) 6. Group of 3 Market Ani mal s (from any one cl ub) 7. Juni or (Jan. 1 - May 31/16) 8. Intermedi ate (Aug. 1 - Dec. 31/15) 9. Jr. Yearl i ng (Apri l 1 - Jul y 31/15) 10. Sr. Yearl i ng (Jan. 1 - Mar. 30/15) 11. Champi on Hei fer Reserve Hei fer 12. Group of 3 Hei fers (from any one cl ub) Sponsors Hal l ri dge Si mmental s, Chri s & Natal i e Mathers Mi l l er Insurance Brokers Inc. Smart Li mousi n, North Wel l i ngton Co -op Saunders Charol ai s, North Wel l i ngton Co -op Lakesi de Farm s, Wayne Shi er Oak Manor Angus (Memory Ji m Wi l ki ns) Keady Li vestock Chatsworth Insurance Brokers Ltd. Rob & Ri ta O’Nei l l Mi l l er Insurance Brokers Inc. 11 Incenti ve to Beef 4 -H Members. Bri ng your 4-H hei fer back on Saturday, Sept. 10 th at 6:00 p.m. to show i n the breed shows and you w ill recei ve a $10.00 bo nus on your pri ze money. Regi strati on number of damand si re to be provi ded. Ani mal must be characteri stic of breed. The Grey County Beef Farmers w ill donate $15.00 to each 4 -H member show ing a beef calf at the show today in addition to their prize mone y. SECTION D: GRAND CHAMPION/RESERV E SHOW MANSHIP Champi on & Reserve from each of the beef, dai ry & sheep competi t i ons are el i gi bl e to compete. Wi l l take pl ace i n show ri ng fol l owi ng showmanshi p cl asses at approxi matel y 12:30 p.m. Grand Cham pion Show pe rs o n - Sponsored By The Coulter Family Grand Champi on Show person w i l l recei ve a $250.00 Mutual Fund from Todd Campbel l , R.B.A. Fi nanci al Group Reserv e Champion Show person- Ll oyd Laycock Memori al , Donated by Bayshore Country Feeds Inte rclub Group Compe titions: Dairy Champi on $15 Reserve $12 3 rd $9 No l i mi t to number of groups per cl ub. Beef - Steers & Heifers Champi on $15 Reserve $12 Our Thanks to 3rd $9 “Sent Wi th Indiv idual Prize Monies - Dairy, Beef & Sheep Each participant w ill receiv e $20. HERDSMAN COMPETITION Sponsored by Bl uewater Feeds Co. Ltd. Set up of di spl ays wi l l be al l owed after 9:30 p.m. T hursday. No ani mal s al l owed unti l Fri day a.m. Li vestock Cl ubs - cl ub "barn area" i denti fi ed - area kept neat & ti dy - 4-H exhi bi t si gn used - 4-H members on duty - hospi tal i ty (meet and greet publ i c) Love”, of Shal l ow Lake, for donati ng the fl ow ers for the Ambassador Competi tors today. CLUBS WILL BE ASSIGNED THEIR PLACES TO TIE; BEEF OUTSIDE, DAIRY INSIDE . Cl ubs wi l l have to have separate di spl ays for thei r cl ubs, rather than a combi ned dai ry & beef effort. T hi s wi l l be spl i t i nto three di fferent cl asses. Beef, Dai ry and Sheep cl ubs wi l l be j udged separatel y. 1 st and 2 nd pri zes wi l l be awarded to Beef Cl ubs, Dai ry Cl ubs and Sheep Cl ubs. Pri ze Money - donated by Bl uewater Feeds Co. Ltd. 1st - $50 2nd - $25 Judgi ng wi l l take pl ace (i nconspi cuousl y) duri ng the course of the day. ALL ANIM ALS ARE TO BE ON THE GROUNDS BY 9 A.M . PARTICIPA N TS SHOULD BE REGISTERED BY 9 A.M . HERDSM AN JUDGING TO START AT 10 A.M . LIVESTOCK M UST STAY UNTIL 2:30 P.M . Competi tors are remi nded thi s i s a 4 -H sancti oned event and thei r conduct must compl y wi th the gui del i nes establ i shed by the Ontari o 4 -H Counci l and the pol i cy and procedure of the Grey County 4 -H Leaders Counci l . ADMISSION: Your 4-H card will allow you free admission to the grounds on Friday until 3 p.m. Please have on hand to show gate attendants. POLICY: If i t has been determined that a 4 -H member has not successful l y compl eted their l ocal 4-H cal f cl ub proj ect for the current year, the member i s not el i gi ble to partici pate at the 4-H Regi onal Show. T hi s wi l l be determined by the County 4 -H Leaders Associ ati on. 12 PROFESSIONALISM : Onl y 4-H m em bers wi l l be al lowed to prepare th ei r animals at the show. Any cl i pping, condi ti oning or groom ing m ust be done by the 4 -H m em ber. If you, as a com petitor, feel unable to honour thi s request, we suggest you refrai n from com peting at this show. T he Show com m ittee has the ri ght to di squal ify exhibi tors from the show. In keepi ng wi th the 4 -H phi losophy “LEARN T O DO BY DOING”, we woul d appreci ate co -operation from everyone. T hese rul es wi l l be stri ctl y enforced and anyone excl uded from the show wi l l be autom atically di squal ified from the sel ecti on process for the Royal Cl assi c and T he Juni or Beef Hei fer Show at the RAWF. DRESS CODE: T he Owen Sound 4 -H Regi onal Show requires ALL contestants to wear a whi te shi rt (pol o or T shi rt) wi th a 4-H crest, sui tabl y attached, and proper 4 -H atti re before they wi ll be al lowed to enter the ri ng. Shi rts, crests, etc. are avai l able for purchasi ng at the registrati on desk at the show. No bl ue j eans al lowed. Al l exhibi tors wi l l wear show harness, whi ch wi l l be available for l oan for those who do not have a harness. Note **Policy for Ringw orm ** Exhibitors w ill be required to remov e any animal found to hav e ringw orm. We strongly recommend that all animals be inspected by the exhibitor and if unsure of the animals condition, obtain v eterinarian approv al befo re transporting the animal to the fair. ***For Your Information*** Selection of Competitors for Royal Junior Show s take place at this show . For Jr. Beef Heifer Show , participants must be 10 as of January 1 st, 2016. For Dairy Classic, st participants must be 12 as of January 1 , 2016. 4-H AMBASSADOR 2016 COMMIT T EE: Li sa Squi re, Natal i e Mathers, Cl ai re Breadner Rules: 1. Each Grey County 4 -H Cl ub i s el i gi bl e to nomi nate one mal e and femal e candi date. 2. Entry forms wi l l be sent to cl ubs. Leaders sho ul d have recei ved them at ori entati on. 3. Entry forms are to be recei ved by August 19 th, 2016. 4. Crowni ng ceremony at approxi matel y 12:30 p.m., Show Ri ng (Owen Sound) COMMITTEES REGISTRA TIO N: Mary Lynn Lawrence OFFICIAL RECORDER: Catheri ne Campbel l , Na tal i e Mathers, Jaci Shaw HERDSMAN COMPETITION: O.S.A.S. Li vestock commi ttee, Bl uewater Feeds Co. Ltd. TREASURER : Harol d Johnston *Pa rticipa nts must pre se nt the ir 4-H Me mbe rship Ca rd a t the Ga te * Special thanks to Earth Power Tractor & Equipment, Huron Tractor and Wallenstein Feed & Supply for their generous sponsorship of this show!! SUPPORTING OUR FUTURE FARMERS! 13 CLASS 3 OPEN MINIATURE HORSE SHOW SATURDAY, September 10th, 2016 *10:00 A.M Start.* Entry fees & Registration: Annual Fair Membership must be paid pri or to show ing. Entry fee of $5.00 per class. (Registration is in office under grandstand.) *Classes are subj ect to change. Check w ebsite for any updates* PRIZE MONEY: 1 st - $20; 2 nd - $15; 3 rd - $12; 4 th - $10 CLASSES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Mi ni ature costume cl ass Mi ni ature Foal (born 2015 ) Mi ni ature Mare (open) Mi ni ature Stal l i on (open) Mi ni ature Gel di ng (open) Open Showmanshi p Mi ni ature Novi ce Showmanshi p (open to al l ages of exhi bi tors who have never won a 1 st pri ze ri bbon i n a showmanshi p cl ass) Mi ni ature Sol i d Col our (open to horses NOT i n Mul ti -Col our cl ass) Mi ni ature Mul ti -Col our (pi nto & appal oosas, open to horses not i n sol i d col our cl ass) Mi ni ature Obstacl e on hal ter Mi ni ature Jumper (wi l l i ncl ude a ti med j ump off) Mi ni ature Youth Pl easure Dri vi ng (18 years & under on fai r day; may be accompani ed by a seni or dri ver) M i ni ature Open Pl easure Dri vi ng – Worki ng Mi ni ature Ladi es Pl easure Dri vi ng Mi ni ature Dri vi ng – Cones Course (T i med) (A map of the course wi l l be presented on fai r day) Thank you to the following sponsors of our Miniature Horse Show... Skinner-Brow n Farms Dakota Wind Farms D.R. Ag Serv ices Bayshore Country Feeds CLASS 3 14 CLASS 4 LIMOUSIN SHOW SATURDAY, September 10th, 2016 6:00 P.M. JUDGE: T o Be Announced Welcome to the 2016 Beef Show for the Ow en Sound Fall Fair. The Prize money is listed below . Please encourage fellow breeders to attend the show and keep our numbers strong. ** ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS ** Al l breeds wi l l be shown i ndi vi dual l y. We woul d ask that al l exhi bi tors move thei r ani mal s outin a reasonabl e ti me fol l owi ng the shows. For safety & l egal reasons, gl ass bottl es are not allowed i n l i vestock areas. ENTRY FEES: 20% of Winning (plus HST) PRIZE MONEY TO CLASSES 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 1 st - $35, 2 nd - $25, 3 rd - $20, 4 th - $15 ALL REMAINING ENT RIES $10 CLASSES *1. Bul l cal f born after March 1, 2016 *2. Bul l cal f born Jan. 1 - Feb. 28/16 3. Champi on Bul l Cal f *4. Bul l Yearl i ng born Apr. 1 - Dec. 31/15 *5. Bul l Yearl i ng born Jan. 1 - Mar. 31/15 6. Champi on Yearl i n g Bul l *7. Bul l born Jan. 1/14 - Dec. 31/14 8. Grand Champi on Bul l *9. Femal e Cal f born after Mar. 1/16 *10. Fem al e Cal f born Jan. 1 - Feb. 28/16 11. Champi on Femal e Cal f *12. Femal e Hei fer born Apr. 1 - Dec. 31/15 *13. Femal e Hei fer born Jan. 1 - Mar. 31/15 14. Champi on Yearl i ng Hei fer *15. Femal e (Jan.1 - Dec.31/14) wi th her own 2016 natural purebred tattooed cal f at foot *16. Femal e (pri or to Jan.1/14) wi th her own 2016 natural purebred tattooed cal f at foot 17. Seni or Champi on Fem al e *18. Grand Champi on Femal e 19. Breeders Herd - A group of (4) ani mal s bred by exhi bi tor, both sexes represented and must be exhi bi ted i n previ ous cl asses. At l east (1) ani mal must be owned by the exhi bi tor. Li mi ted to (1) exhi bi t per exhi bi tor. NOTE: MAY ONLY SHOW CALF IN CALF CLASS OR WITH MOTHER, NOT BOTH. Due to the l arge number of ani mal s, there wi l l be NO CRATES ALLOWED IN THE BARN. Provi si ons wi l l be made to have an area outsi de for them. T here wi l l be a Supreme Champi on Bee f Mal e and Femal e chosen after the shows on Saturday eveni ng. If you have the Champi on Mal e or Femal e i n your breed show, you are enti tl ed to compete i n thi s cl ass. 15 CLASS 5 SIMMENTAL SHOW SATURDAY, September 10th, 2016 6:00 P.M. JUDGE: T o Be Announced Welcome to the 2016 Beef Show for the Ow en Sound Fall Fair. The Prize money is listed below . Please encourage fellow breeders to attend the show and keep our numbers strong. ** ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS ** Al l breeds wi l l be shown i ndi vi dual l y. We woul d ask that al l exhi bi tors move thei r ani mal s outin a reasonabl e ti me fol l owi ng the shows. For safety & l egal reasons, gl ass bottl es are not allowed i n l i vestock areas. ENTRY FEES: 20% of Winning (plus HST) PRIZE MONEY TO CLASSES 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 1 st - $35, 2 nd - $25, 3 rd - $20, 4 th - $15 ALL REMAINING ENT RIES $10 CLASSES 1. Bul l cal f born after March 1, 2016 2. Bul l cal f born Jan. 1 - Feb. 28/16 3. Champi on Bul l Cal f 4. Bul l Yearl i ng born Apr. 1 - Dec. 31/15 5. Bul l Yearl i ng born Jan. 1 - Mar. 31/15 6. Champi on Yearl i ng Bul l 7. Bul l born Jan. 1 - Dec. 31/14 8. Grand Champi on Bul l 9. Femal e Cal f born after March 1/16 10. Fem al e Cal f born Jan. 1 - Feb. 28/16 11. Champi on Femal e Cal f 12. Femal e Hei fer born Apr. 1 - Dec. 31/15 13. Femal e Hei fer born Jan. 1 - Mar. 31/15 14. Champi on Yearl i ng Hei fer *15. Femal e (Jan.1 - Dec.31/14) wi th her own 2016 natural purebred tattooed cal f at foot *16. Femal e (pri or to Jan.1/14) wi th her own 2016 natural purebred tattooed cal f at foot 17. Seni or Champi on Femal e 18. Grand Champi on Femal e 19. Breeders Herd - A group of (4) ani mal s bred by exhi bi tor, both sexes represented and must be exhi bi ted i n previ ous cl asses. At l east (1) ani mal must be owned by the exhi bi tor. Li mi ted to (1) exhi bi t per exhi bi tor. SIM M ENTAL SHOW AWARDS Grand Champi on Mal e BDO Dunwoody Chartered Accountants, Owen Sound Grand Champi on Femal e Everett Hal l , Owen Sound NOTE: MAY ONLY SHOW CALF IN CALF CLASS OR WITH MOTHER, NOT BOTH. Due to the l arge number of ani mal s, there wi l l be NO CRATES ALLOWED IN THE BARN. Provi si ons wi l l be made to have an area outsi de for them. T here wi l l be a Supreme Champi on Bee f Mal e and Femal e chosen after the shows on Saturday eveni ng. If you have the Champi on Mal e or Femal e i n your breed show, you are enti tl ed to compete i n thi s cl ass. 16 CLASS 6 CHAROLAIS SHOW SATURDAY, September 10th, 2016 6:00 p.m. JUDGE: T o Be Announced Welcome to the 2016 Beef Show for the Ow en Sound Fall Fair. The Prize money is listed below . Please encourage fellow breeders to attend the show and keep our numbers strong. ** ALL ANIMALS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL CCIA OR NLID EAR TAGS ** Al l breeds wi l l be shown i ndi vi dual l y. We woul d ask that al l exhi bi tors move thei r ani mal s outin a reasonabl e ti me fol l owi ng the shows. For safety & l egal reasons, gl ass bottl es are not allowed i n l i vestock areas. ENTRY FEES: 20% of Winning (plus HST) PRIZE MONEY TO CLASSES 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 1 st - $35, 2 nd - $25, 3 rd - $20, 4 th - $15 ALL REMAINING ENT RIES $10 CLASSES 1. Bul l cal f born after March 1, 2016 2. Bul l cal f born Jan. 1 - Feb. 28/16 3. Champi on Bul l Cal f 4. Bul l Yearl i ng born Apr. 1 - Dec. 31/15 5. Bul l Yearl i ng born Jan. 1 - Mar. 31/15 6. Champi on Yearl i ng Bul l 7. Bul l born Jan. 1 - Dec. 31/14 8. Grand Champi on Bul l 9. Femal e Cal f born after March 1, 2016 10. Fem al e Cal f born Jan. 1 - Feb. 28/16 11. Champi on Femal e Cal f 12. Femal e Hei fer born Apr. 1 - Dec. 31/15 13. Femal e Hei fer born Jan. 1 - Mar. 31/15 14. Champi on Yearl i ng Hei fer *15. Femal e (Jan.1 - Dec.31/14) wi th her own 2016 natural purebred tattooed cal f at foot *16. Femal e (pri or to Jan.1/14 ) wi th her own 2016 natural purebred tattooed cal f at foot 17. Seni or Champi on Femal e 18. Grand Champi on Femal e 19. Breeders Herd - A group of (4) ani mal s bred by exhi bi tor, both sexes represented and must be exhi bi ted i n previ ous cl asses. At l east (1) ani mal must be owned by the exhi bi tor. Li mi ted to (1) exhi bi t per exhi bi tor. NOTE: MAY ONLY SHOW CALF IN CALF CLASS OR WITH MOTHER, NOT BOTH. Due to the l arge number of ani mal s, there wi l l be NO CRATES ALLOWED IN THE BARN. Provi si ons wi l l be made to have an area outsi de for them. T here wi l l be a Supreme Champi on Beef Mal e and Femal e chosen after the shows on Saturday eveni ng. If you have the Champi on Mal e or Femal e i n your breed show, you are enti tl ed to compete i n thi s cl ass. 17 HOMECRAFT Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New this year, prize money w ill be av ailable Sunday during pickup hours at the office w ith v alid ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l work must have be en made duri ng the present year by the exhi bi tor. Directors of the Society are authorized to disqualify all old, soiled, or defaced w ork. Entry Ta g - Ex a mple Class 16 - Photography Section 1 - Adult Article 4 - Sunset/Sunrise Exhibitor No. Fair Membership # YR 2016 Name Jane Doe Address Owen Sound 18 CLASS 7 HAY & GRAIN . Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l exhi bi ts must be grown i n the 2016 season. COMMITTEE: Jeff Gilkinson (519-378-6705) & Kevin Reid (519-375-0955) PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 SECTION 1 1. 1 Quart Barl ey, shown i n cl osed pl asti c bag 2. 1 Quart Whi te Oats, shown i n cl osed pl asti c bag 3. 1 Quart Mi xed Grai n, shown i n cl osed pl asti c bag 4. 6 Ears Fi el d Corn 5. ¼ Bal e Fi rst Cut Hay, shown i n a box 6. ¼ Bal e Second Cut Hay, shown i n a box 7. 3 Stal ks Fi el d Corn (parti al l y husked) 8. ¼ Bal e Straw, shown i n a box 9. T al l est Sunfl ower (i n pai l of water) 10. Bi ggest Sunfl ower Head (on stal k, i n pai l of water) 11. 1 Quart of Spri ng Wheat 12. 1 Quart of Fal l Wheat 19 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Cabbage, 2 red Caul i fl ower, 2 heads Broccol i , 2 heads Rhubarb, 3 stal ks, wi th l eaves, do not cut Sunfl ower, 1 l arge head Sunfl ower, 1 stal k, mul ti pl e heads Vegetabl e, most unusual l y shaped Vegetabl e, l ongest Vegetabl e, l argest SECTION 2: SPECIALS PRIZES: 1st - $8, 2nd - $5, 3rd - $4 47. A col l ecti on of l ocal l y grown herbs, l abel ed and di spl ayed, not i n contai ner 48. A col l ecti on of vegetabl es, no more than 6 ki nds, 2 of each ki nd, on tray or basket Highest Points for Class 8 Gift Certificate COFFEE SHO P Come grab a coffee and a cookie at the Fairs Coffee Shop, located within our Homecraft display inside the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre while you’re checking out all of the great entries!!! CLASS 9 21 FLOWERS Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. If unsure of terms, pl ease refer to Gl ossary on page 2 5. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Entry tags: T i e tags to each contai ner, no tape pl ease. Exhi bi tors are requested to pl ease use sui tabl e contai ners. Al l exhi bi ts to be grown by exhi bi tors i n pl ant and cut fl ower cl asses. *Some fl owers may be purchased for use i n Desi gns. Pl ants must be wel l establ i shed i n pots a nd wel l groomed. T hose l i fted from the garden and potted j ust before the show wi l l be di squal i fi ed . * Exception – class 85. Exhi bi tors may enter as many cl asses as they wi sh but may onl y have one entry per class . COMMITTEE: Penny Fenwi ck 371 -2070, Marg Husband 372 -3452 SECTION 1: POTTED PLANTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Afri can Vi ol et any vari ety – 1 crown per pot Most unusual pl ant - must be named Baby T ears – 1 pl ant Begoni a – fi brous – i n fl ower – 1 pl ant Begoni a – tuberous – i n fl ower – 1 pl ant Begoni a – grown for fol i age – 1 pl ant Cactus – any vari ety – 1 pl ant Col eus – grown for fol i age – 1 pl ant Fern - any vari ety – named - 1 pl ant Gerani um – new thi s year – 1 pl ant Hangi ng pot – i n bl oom grown outsi de – 1 pot Hangi ng pot – grown for fol i age – grown outsi de – 1 pot Housepl ant – i n bl oom – not l i sted – 1 pl ant named Housepl ant – grown for fol i age – not l i sted – 1 pl ant named Impati ens - new thi s year – 1 pl ant Ivy – any vari ety – 1 pl ant Succul ents – 1 or more pl ants i n 1 pot/shal l ow contai ner Potted fl owers and/or fol i age - pl anted i n an unusual contai ner grown outsi de SECTION 2: CUT FLOWERS PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 If a secti on cal l s for a speci fi c number of bl ooms that i s al l there shoul d be. Sni p off bu ds. 19. Aster – needl e or spi der – 3 bl ooms 20. Aster – any other vari ety not l i sted – 3 bl ooms 21. Begoni a – tuberous – 1 bl oom fl oati ng i n a cl ear gl ass bowl (no fol i age) *TIP: Cut begonia j ust before bringing to fair. Place on damp cotton/paper tow el, place in bow l. Remov e cotton and place flow er in bow l w ith w ater to float 22. Cal endul a - 3 stems 23. Canna Li l y Leaves 1 cul ti var - 3 l eaves 24. Chrysanthemum - any cul ti var - 3 sprays 25. Cosmos - 5 bl ooms 22 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Dahl i a - cactus - 1 bl oom Dahl i a – any other not l i sted – 1 bl oom Dahl i a – 5 di fferent bl ooms Fl oweri ng Branch – not to exceed 24” i n total l ength. Gerani um – 1 cut bl oom wi th attached fol i age Gl adi ol us - si ngl e – whi te or cream -1 spi ke Gl adi ol us - si ngl e – pi nk -1 spi ke Gl adi ol us - si ngl e – yel l ow -1 spi ke Gl adi ol us - si ngl e – red - 1 spi ke Gl adi ol us – any other not l i sted above – 1 spi ke Gl adi ol us – any vari ety, any col our – 3 spi kes Grasses – T al l (growth habi t i s over 15”) - 1 vari ety, 3 stems Grasses – Short (growth habi t does not exceed 12”) - 1 vari ety, 3 stems Hosta – Vari egated (l eaves onl y) – 3 l eaves Hosta – any other not l i sted (l eaves onl y) – 3 l eaves Li l y – any vari ety – 1 stem Mari gol d – l arge – over 3” – 3 bl ooms wi th attached fol i age Mari gol d – medi um – over 1 ½” to 3” – 3 bl ooms wi th attached fol i age Mari gol d – smal l up to 1 ½” – 3 bl ooms wi th attached fol i age Nasturti um – i ncl udes fol i age – 5 stems Pansy – 5 or more bl ooms Petuni a – doubl e – 3 stems Petuni a – si ngl e – 3 stems Rudbecki a (bl ack-eyed Susan) – 3 bl ooms Sedum – any vari ety – 3 stems Snapdragon - 3 spi kes Sweet Pea – 5 stems Zi nni a – Li l l i put or smal l po mpon – 3 bl ooms Zi nni a – Dahl i a l i ke – 3 bl ooms Annual – vari ety not l i sted above – 1 stem or spray - pl ant name on entry card Perenni al – vari ety not l i sted above – 1 stem or spray – pl ant name on entry card SECTION 3: ROSES 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Ful l y opened rose fl oati ng i n a gl ass bowl (no fol i age) 1 bl oom Whi te, Off Whi te or Cream 1 bl oom Yel l ow 1 bl oom Orange 1 bl oom Pi nk 1 bl oom Red or Dark Red Rose - any other col our not l i sted above – 1 bl oom Fl ori bunda – 1 spray Col l ecti on of roses and buds –more than one vari ety- 5 or more bl ooms Mi ni ature Rose- any vari ety- 1 spray or bl oom 67. Judge’s Fav ourite Rose Exhibit $ 5 Prize Chosen from Section 3 Donated by Aw esome Blossoms SECTION 4: COLLECTIONS PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 68. Fl owers – a col l ecti on of 5 or more di fferent cut fl owers, grown by the exhi bi tor and show n i n cl ear gl ass contai ner suppl i ed by the exhi bi tor. Fl owers to be named on a separate card. 69. Potted Pl ants – a col l ecti on of 3 di fferent pl ants growi ng i n separate contai ners. Pl ants to be di spl ayed on exhi bi tor`s tray. Pl ants to be named. 70. Karen Duggan Aw ard - Best in Show for HorticultureChosen from Section 1, 2 & 4 Donated by VanVugt Greenhouses $25 Gift Certificate 24 & w inner`s name on a plaque 71. Judge’s Choice for Horticulture Chosen from Section 1, 2, 4 Donated by Don Husband $15 Prize SECTION 5: DESIGN (Soil not permitted in any design in Dept. 5) A desi gn i s a combi nati on of fresh and/or dri ed pl ant materi al s arranged to create an arti sti c unit. It i ncl udes space, l i ne, form, col our, texture, pattern, bal ance, rhythm (fl ow), proporti on, scal e, contrast and domi nance (focal poi nt). Al l desi gns must have fresh pl ant materi al unl ess otherwi se stated i n the sch edul e. (No arti fi ci al fl owers or soi l ) Al l desi gns must be a bl e to stand al one and easi l y moved. Al l desi gns open to both m al e and fem al e desi gners. Theme – ``Pot-Pourri`` 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. PRIZES: 1st - $6, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3 Sum m er Gam es – an arrangement i ncorporati ng an accessory depi cti ng a summer sport Wi nni ng Gol d – an arrangement i ncorporati ng somethi ng gol d, may contai n some dri ed (may be pai nted) pl ant materi al “Eggs”cepti onal l y Beauti ful – an arrangement i n an egg cup T wo at a T i m e – an arrangement usi ng (2) contai ners T hi nk Sm al l – a smal l arrangement (5 -1/2 to 10”) not to exceed 10” i n any di recti on M ug Shot – An arrangement i n a mug usi ng onl y foliage “Wood”n i t be Lovel y – an arrangement i ncorporati ng decorati ve wood Fi el d of Dream s – a waysi de arrangement Bounti ful Harvest – an arrangement usi ng fl owers, frui t and vegetabl es M usi c, M usi c, M usi c – an arrangement 82. Marci Fenw ick Memorial Aw ard - Best in Show for Design Chosen from Section 5 $25 Gift Certificate Donated By Marg Husband & Friends & w inner`s name on a plaque. 83. Judge`s Choice in Design Chosen from Section 5 Donated by Aw esome Blossoms $15 Prize 84. Best use of Colour in Design Chosen from Section 5 Donated by Aw esome Blossoms $ 5 Prize PRIZES: 1 st - $6 2 nd - $4 3 rd - $3 SECTION 6: SPECIAL EXHIBITS 85. Pot-et-Fl eur – Exhi bi t of growi ng pl ants, i n or out of pots packed ti ghtl y wi th moi sture retai ni ng materi al , pl us cut fl owers i n tubes of water, oasi s or other materi al , al l assembl ed i n one contai ner. Moss, decorati ve wood and rock, cut fl oweri ng and/or frui ted branches, newl y purchased or newl y potted pl ant materi al may be used. Pl ant materi al shoul d have si mi l ar cul tural requi rements. No cut fol i age i s permi tted. Judged for horti cul tural perfection and overal l exhi bi t desi gn (contai ner not to exceed 20” i n any di recti on). 86. Pati o Urn/Wi ndow Box – 3 or more vari eti es per urn, l arge pot, wi ndow box 87. Judge’s Choice in Section 6 Special Exhibits Classes (8 5 & 86) Donated by VanVugt Greenhouses $10 Gift 25 Certificate Highest Points Class 9 $25.00 Donated by Verona & Ovid Jackson GLOSSARY - from Ontari o Judgi ng and Exhi bi ti ng Standards Pub 34/03 Collection- a speci fi ed number of cut fl owers, potted pl ants, branches, frui ts, vegetabl es or nuts exhi bi ted for cul tural perfecti on. Container - Any receptacl e fo r pl ant materi al . In desi gn cl asses i t i s an i ntegral part of the desi gn. Decorativ e Wood - T erm used to encompass al l types of wood that have been waxed, varni shed, pai nted or treated i n such a way that the surface qual i ty and/or col our has been changed. Wood whose surface has been al tered by the el ements i n col our, form and/or texture; dri ed branches; Secti ons of tree l i mbs or trunks; burl s; cypress knees; pal m spathes; roots and even some woody seed pods (usual l y tropi cal ). Accessory – An i norgani c obj ect(s) used i n a manner to enhance the pl ant materi al . A desi gn i ncorporati ng an accessory shoul d appear i ncompl ete i f the accessory i s removed. Wayside Design (from the country si de) A desi gn composed of common and pl enti ful fl owers, fol i age, fungus & weeds of roadsi des and meadows. T HE USE OF SCARCE, PROT ECT ED OR ENDANGERED NAT IVE PLANT S SUCH AS WILD ORCHIDS, T RILLIUMS ET C. REQUIRES T HAT T HE EXHIBIT BE DISQUALIFIED BY T HE SHOW COMMIT T EE. Al though gardeners may cul ti vate scarce, protected or endangered nati ve pl ants, the use of them i s forbi dden i n show work to di scourage thei r pi cki ng from the wi l d. Featuring – When a desi gn schedul e states featuri ng a speci fi c thi ng (i e. dahl i as), other thi ngs may be i ncl uded to create i nterest but the speci fi c thi ng asked for must be domi nant. Stem A mai n pl ant structure whi ch supports fl owers, buds, l eaves or f rui t. Spray A spray i s the termi nal fl oweri ng growth of a herbaceous or woody pl ant carri ed on one stem. Ideal l y i t woul d show al l forms e.g. fl owers i n bl oom, buds showi ng col ours, green buds and l eaves. Display A speci fi c number of cut fl owers, potted p l ants, branches, frui ts, vegetabl es or nuts, exhi bi ted for arti sti c effect as wel l as cul tural perfecti on. CONDITIONING TIPS Conditioning: We condi ti on pl ant materi al to prol ong i ts l i fe and to ensure that maxi mum uptake of water by stems, fl owers and fol i age i s achi eved. Cutting Flow ers: Cut on a di agonal wi th cl ean sharp sci ssors or kni fe. Cut fl owers i n earl y morni ng or eveni ng when i t’s cool est. Leave fl owers i n a bucket of water i n a cool pl ace for several hours. Hollow stemmed flow ers: Invert and fi l l stem wi th water. Pl ug hol e wi th abso rbent cotton orwet fl oral foam and i mmerse i n water. Milky substance Flow ers: Bl acken the cut stem wi th a fl ame and i mmerse i n water. Woody stems: Peel an i nch of bark and sl i t ends. Pl ace stems i nto deep, qui te warm water. Foliage: Fol i age can be submerged for several hours. Remove fol i age that woul d be under water because decayi ng l eaves promotes bacteri al growth. Do not submerge Grey l eaves. Young fol i age wi l l become water l ogged i f l eft too l ong. 25 CLASS 10 CULINARY ARTS SPECIAL Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th v al i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l entri es must be exhi bi ted on di sposabl e pl ates and i n pl asti c bags. No muffi n wrappers. COMMITTEE: Nathal i e Rei d (519) 379-0912 Bread Score: Fl avour 35%, Crumb 30%, Li ghtness 15%, Crust 10%, Appearance 10%; Standard Si ze Pans. Breads must be 24 hours ol d. SECTION 1: BREAD & MUFFINS PRIZES 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 1. 3 scones 2. 1 l oaf of whi te bread 3. Best l oaf of 60% whol e wheat bread (4x8x3 approx.) 4. 3 tea bi scui ts 5. 3 carrot muffi ns 6. 3 bran muffi ns wi th rai si ns 7. 3 banana muffi ns wi th chocol ate chi ps 8. Pumpki n l oaf 9. Bread machi ne l oaf - whi te 10. Bread machi ne l oaf - whol e wheat 11. Bread machi ne l oaf – rai si n bread st nd PRIZES 1 - $5 2 SECTION 3: CAKES 15. Carrot Cake, 3" pi ece, i ced 16. Coffee Cake, 3" pi ece PRIZES 1 st - $5 2 nd - $3 3 rd - $2 SECTION 4: COOKIES & TARTS 17. 3 Peanut Butter cooki es 18. 3 Oatmeal cooki es wi th rai si ns 19. 2 Pi eces of Chocol ate Browni e, i ced 20. 3 Chocol ate chi p cooki es 21. 3 Butter tarts wi th nuts PRIZES 1 - $5 2 st nd - $3 3 rd SECTION 2: PIES (Slice of Pie) 12. Sl i ce of Bl ueberry pi e 13. Sl i ce of Dutch Appl e pi e 14. Sl i ce of Cherry pi e wi th l atti ce - $3 3 rd - $2 - $2 SECTION 5: Cake & Loaf Specials PRIZES 1 st - $10 2 nd - $7 3 rd - $5 25. Decorated Bi rthday cake - j udgi ng on decorati on onl y 26. Gumdrop l oaf 26 SECTION 6: LUNCHES & CANDIES 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Farmer’s Lunch for the Fi el d Lunch for el ementary chi l d i n envi ro safe contai ner Homemade chocol ate fudge, 6 pi eces Mapl e Cream candy, 6 pi eces Peanut Bri ttl e, 6 pi eces T urtl es, 6 pi eces st 1 - $4, 2 nd rd - $3, 3 - $2 ***CULINARY ARTS SPECIAL*** 33 . Cookie mix in a jar Dry ingredients only – layered for a gift. Please include recipe. Will be judged on appearance and creativity. st 1 - Gift Ce rtificate , 2 nd - Gift Ce rtificate , 3 rd - Gift Ce rtificate COUNTRY FAIR BAKING SPECIALS 1 st – $25 product gift certificate, 2 nd - $10 product gift certificate Entri es must be made usi ng the sponsor’s product. Product l abel must accompany each entry, as proof of purchase. Reci pes must accompany the wi nni ng entri es. Wi nners i n each category are to have thei r pi cture taken by the S oci ety and si gn a rel ease form to be submi tted for rei mbursement of pri ze money. NO PICTURE, NO MONEY. 34. Robin Hood Flour Contest – 5 Banana Muffi ns - j udgi ng on appearance, taste, texture, and reci pe creati vi ty. Recipe and proof of purchase must accompany your entry. Wi nner’s name wi l l be submi tted to Nati onal Contest. 35. Crisco Baking Contest- 5 Butter T arts wi th Nuts, usi ng Cri sco Shorteni ng - j udgi ng on appearance, taste, texture and reci pe creati vi ty. Recipe and proof of purchase must accompany your entry. Wi nner’s name wi l l be submi tted to Nati onal Contest . Highest Points in Class 10 Gift Certificate 27 CLASS 11 PICKLES & PRESERVES Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Entry tags: T i e tags to each contai ner, no tape pl ease. Exhi bi tors are requested t o pl ease use sui tabl e cl ean j ars, seal ed and i n appropri ate condi ti on for showi ng. Li ds i n new or l i ke -new condi ti on. No Wax! Frozen Jam need not be i n canni ng j ars. Jam & Pi ckl es may be i n pi nt or ½ pi nt si zes. Onl y pi nt or ½ pi nt to be used i n Bernardi n speci al s. COMMITTEE: Faye Dawe 519-986-3430 SECTION 1: JAMS & JELLIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SECTION 2: PRESERVES 15. 16. 17. 18. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Peaches Pears Pl ums Canned T omatoe SECTION 3: PICKLES 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Crabappl e Jel l y Cranberry Jel l y Grape Jel l y Bl ueberry Jam Carrot Rhubarb Jam Cherry Jam Marmal ade Peach Jam Peach Conserve Raspberry Jam Rhubarb Strawberry Jam Frozen Raspberry Jam Frozen Strawberry Jam Any other ki nd of Jam or Jel l y not l i sted i e. Peach Conserve, Crab appl e Jam PRIZES: 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd - $2 Bread and Butter Pi ckl e Beet Pi ckl es Di l l Beans Di l l Cucumbers Pol i sh Di l l s Ici cl e Pi ckl es Mustard Bean Pi ckl e Any other pi ckl e not l i sted 28 SECTION 4: CONDIMENTS 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Appl e Sauce Chi l i Sauce Chutney – any type Cranberry Sauce Hot Dog Rel i sh Red Pepper Rel i sh Sal sa Sal ad Dressi ng SECTION 5: SPECIALS 35. “Welcome to the Neighbourhoo d” an assortment of 5 j arred pi ckl es, preserves or j ams i n a decorati ve basket. Pl ease l abel j ars. Prizes 1st - $10, 2nd - $7, 3rd - $5 36. BERNARDIN GIFT PACK COMPETITIO N Prize - Gift Certificate Entri es must i ncl ude no l ess than (3) fi l l ed Mason Jars - seal ed wi th Bernardi n snap l i ds and be submi tted i n an appropri ate contai ner, not necessari l y a basket. Gi ft Packs may i ncl ude addi ti onal appropri ate components, i e. Non -peri shabl e foods, snacks, candy or homemade craft i tems (candl es, b ath sal ts, spi ce mi xtures). Entry must be decorated for any theme. Maxi mum cost of the gi ft pack (contai ner & contents) components i s to be $20 -$30. Please include a tag w ith the description of contents . T hi s i s forwarded to Nati onal Competi ti on. 37. BERNARDIN SNAP LID MASON JAR CRAFT AWARD Prize - Gift Certificate Decorati ve or functi onal homemade craft made usi ng Bernardi n Mason Jar and/or a two pi ece Snap l i d. 38. BERNARDIN JAM SPECIAL Prize – Gift Certificate Raspberry Jam made wi th Bernardi n Frui t Pecti n (dry or l i qui d). Reci pe must be hand wri tten and proof of purchase must accompany your entry. **NOTE: CERTO IS NOT A BERNARDIN PRODUCT. 39. *SPECIAL* Bernardin “Best of Show” Hi ghest over-al l wi nni ng poi nts for hi s/her accumul ated home canni ng entri es Prize Gift Certificate 40. *PICKLES & PRESERVES SPECIAL* A Basket Decorated for Chri stmas, the col l ecti on not more than 9 i te ms for Chri stmas, 3 of whi ch wi l l be Preserves – Pi ckl es or Jams. Prizes 1 st- - Gift Certificate , 2 nd - Gift Certificate, 3 rd - Gift Certificate NOTE: Winners of #3 6,37, 38, 39 & 40 are to hav e their picture taken by the Society and sign a release form to be submitted for reimbursement of Prize money. No Picture, No money. Proof of Purchase must be submitted to Society w ith release form. Thank you v e ry much for the support and donations from our local busine sse s to our Homecraft Show. 29 CLASS 12 NEEDLECRAFT Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l arti cl es must be the work of the exhi bi tor except where stated . Al l work must have been made recentl y. Di rectors of the Agri cul tural Soci ety are authori zed to di squal i fy al l ol d, soi l ed or defaced work. COMMITTEE: Karen Duggan (519) 376-9258, Di ane McLean (519) 376-0648 SECTION 1: HOUSEHOLD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Pl acemats, two, fabri c Pl acemats, two, crochet Centerpi ece, crochet, 13" or over, mounted securel y on cardboard Oven cl i p-on towel , wi th kni t or crochet top , al so coul d be 2 pi eces, towel pl us topp er Oven cl i p-on towel , fabri c top Pi l l owcase, one, for a chi l d’s bedroom Pi l l ow sui tabl e for chi l d’s room Pi l l ow, qui l ted on one si de Pi l l ow, any other ki nd Hand embroi dered tea towel Any arti cl e of counted cross sti tch Crewel work, any arti cl e Any arti cl e done wi th cross sti tch – not counted cross sti tch Crocheted hol i day i tem Ki tchen bi b apron One pai r Pot Hol ders – qui l ted cotton T abl e Runner CHILDREN’S WEAR SECTION 2: New born TO SIZE 6 PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 19. Fl annel ette Baby Bl anket wi th fi ni shed edgi ng 20. Dress, sewn 21. Hat & Mi tts set 22. Sweater, pul l over, one col our 23. Sweater, cardi gan, one col our 24. 2 Pai rs of Mi tts (to fi t a 2 year ol d and a 4 year ol d) 25. Baby Sweater & Bonnet, kni t 26. Baby Sweater & Bonnet, crochet 27. 2 Pai rs of Baby Booti es (to fi t a baby) SECTION 3: SIZE 7 TO 12 28. 29. 30. 31. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Jacket or T op made from Fl eece fabri c Sweater, pul l over, one col our Sweater, cardi gan Hat & Mi tts set 30 SECTION 4: M EN AND/OR LADIES WEAR PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Sweater, Fai r Isl e Kni t Sweater, cardi gan Man’s mi tts Man’s socks, fi ne Man’s socks, heavy Infi ni ty Scarf SECTION 5: M ISCELLANEOUS 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Decorati ve stuffed ani mal , NOT a bear Stuffed T eddy Bear Best Dressed Barbi e, handmade cl othi ng Casserol e Carri er Bobbi n Lace, an arti cl e mounted i n sui tabl e frame SECTION 6: CHRISTM AS 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Chri stmas T ree Ski rt Wal l decorati on, fabri c or yarn Stocki ng, fabri c or yarn Pl acemats, pai r Apron, any si ze T abl e runner Highest Points - Class 12 Gift Certificate Sponsored By Fabricland SECTION 7: QUILTS PRIZES: 1st - $15, 2nd - $10, 3rd - $8 All should be minimum perimeter of 324”. Quilts can be made by exhibitor and quilted by others or made by other and quilted by the exhibitor, but all names must be included on entry form. How ev er, to be eligible for the District Competition, only quilts made and quilted by the exhibitor are eligible. As well, Class 48 & 49, must be made and hand quilted by the exhibitor to be eligible for the District Competition. 49. 50. 51. 52. Appl i quéd qui l t Pi eced qui l t Lap Qui l t – mi ni mum si ze 40 x 50. Hand or Machi ne qui l ted. Machi ne Qui l ted Qui l t. ** Wi nni ng entry wi l l proceed to Di stri ct Competi ti on i f made & qui l ted by exhi bi tor. 53. Qui l t – Any other ki nd and any si ze (Hand or Machi ne) 54. *SPECIAL* GRAND CHAMPION QUILT -. Donated by the Bluewater Quilters’ Guild $25 Prize Winning entry w ill proceed to District Competition if made and quilted by exhibitor SECTION 8: QUILTED ITEM S & AFGHANS 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. PRIZES: 1st - $10, 2nd - $6, 3rd - $4 Cri b Qui l t – pre-pri nted panel , hand or machi ne qui l ted, 36 x 40 or l arger Cri b Qui l t – pi eced, hand or machi ne qui l ted, 36 x 40 or l arger Wal l -hangi ng - machi ne qui l ted – total peri meter max. 192`` Four (4) Qui l t Blocks – paper pi eced, max. 4 ½”, mounted on cardboard (12 x 12”sq) Qui l ted Vest Crocheted Afghan, mi n. 40 x 60” max. 48” x 72” Kni tted Afghan, mi n. 40 x 60” max. 48” x 72” Baby Afghan, 36” x 45” approx. st SECTION 9: SPECIALS PRIZES: 1 - $6, 2 nd rd - $4, 3 - $3 63. Chi l d’s Mi tts - 1 pai r, Entries w ill be donated to the Women’s Centre, Ow en Sound 31 64. Preemi e Baby Set – one pai r of booti es and hat. PRIZES 1 st - $6, 2 nd - $4, 3 rd - $3 Pl ease no ri bbons, buttons, or l oose decorati ons. M UST use pattern below and baby yarn. Al l preem i e baby sets wi l l be don ated to the Grey Bruce Regi onal Hospi tal i n Owen Sound. PREEMIE BABY SET PATTERN Materials (1) Bal l (50g) Baby Yarn or 3 -Pl y Fi ngeri ng Yarn, 3.00 mm & 3.25 mm needl es (2) Smal l sti tch hol ders or safety pi ns and T apestry needl e Tension 32 sts = 10 cm (4 i nches) i n stocki ng sti tch usi ng 3.25 mm needl es. ** T O SAVE T IME, T AKE T IME T O CHECK T ENSION TOQUE INSTRUC TIO NS Wi th 3mm needl es, cast on 80 sts. Work i n (Kb1.P1) ri bbi ng for 8 cm (3 ¼ i ns.) Change to 3.25 mm needl es and work on St st for 5 cm (2 i ns), endi ng wi th ri ght si de faci ng for next row. To shape top: Row 1: Row 2 Row 3: Row 5: Row 7: (K8.K2tog) 8 ti mes. and al l even rows: Purl . (K7.K2tog) 8 ti mes (K6.K2tog) 8 ti mes (K5.K2tog) 8 ti mes Conti nue decreasi ng i n thi s manner unti l you have compl eted the row (K2tog) 8 ti mes. Break yarn and thread end through rem ai ni ng 8 sts. Finishing: Sew back seam edge to edge. Weave i n yarn end on wrong si de of work. T urn or rol l up cuff. BOOTEES INSTRUC TIO NS (Makes 2) Wi th 3.00 mm needl es, cast on 46 sts. Work i n (Kb1.P1) ri bbi ng for 7.5 cm (3 i n.), endi ng wi th wrong si ze faci ng for next row. Next row: Purl , dec 14 sts evenl y across row. 32 sts now on needl e. Change to 3.25 mm needl es and beg wi th a K row, work 4 rows i n St st. Do not break yarn. Sl i p fi rst 10 sts from l eft-hand needl e onto st hol der or safety pi n. Wi nd and j oi n a smal l bal l of yarn and K across center 12 sts. Pl ace l ast 10 sts on st hol der or safety pi n. Conti nue worki ng center sts i n St st for 15 more rows. Break yarn. Wi th ri ght si ze of work faci ng, return the 10 sts on ri ght -hand st hol der to l eft needl e. K across sts, pi ck up and K 12 sts al ong ri ght edge of foot K across center 12 sts, pi ck up and K12 sts al ong l eft edge of foot then work across rem 10 sts from l eft -hand st hol der. 56 sts now on needl e. Change back to 3.00 mm needl es and work 1 row (Kb1.P1) ri bbi ng. Next row: Ri b 20 sts, work 3tog, ri b 10, work 3 tog, ri b 20. 52 sts remai n on needl e. Work 5 more rows i n ri bbi ng. To Shape Sole: Next row (ri ght si de): Ri b 30, work 2 tog, turn. Next row: * Ri b 9, work 2 tog, turn* Repeat from *to* unti l 20 sts remai n, turn. Next row: (ri ght si ze): (K2tog) 5 ti mes, ri b to end of row. 15 sts now on needl e. Next row: (P3tog) 5 ti mes. Cast off. Finishing: Sew back seam edge to edge. Weave i n yarn ends on wrong si de of work. T urn down cuff. If desi red, embroi der smal l moti f on top of each bootee. 65. *Needlecraft Special* - Pieced Quilt “TOP” single bed size or larger Pi eced and/or appl i quéd. Hand or machi ne qui l ted 1st – Gift Certificate 2nd – Gift Certificate 32 3rd – Gift Certificate CLASS 13 DRAWINGS & PAINTINGS Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l entri es can onl y be shown (1) year. Pai nti ngs & drawi ngs must be framed or mounted and ready to hang. Judges reserve the ri ght to remove and di squal i fy anythi ng of poor taste. Onl y (1) entry per cl ass. COMMITTEE: Leanne Long (519) 374 -5123 PRIZES: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $10.00 Section 1 – Acrylic Section 2 – Oil Paint Section 3 – Water Colour Section 4 – Drawing (any media) Special - FAIR BOOK COVER The cover must be 8 x 11” to 11 x 14” in dimension, mounted on bristol board (max 1” matte), be camera ready and include the following details: 165th Owen Sound Fall Fair Book 150 Anniversary of Canada’s Confederation 20th Quilt Show th Grand Prize: Family Pass to the 2017 – 165th Owen Sound Fall Fair, Bragging rights and a mint copy of the Fair Book. 33 CLASS 14 ARTS & CRAFTS Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tura l Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l pi ctures must be framed and ready to hang wi th wi re. No gl ass on oi l pai nti ngs. Al l work must have been made duri ng the present year by the exhi bi tor. Directors of the Society are authorized to disqualify all old, soiled, or defaced w ork. COMMITTEE: Shi rl ey Lyons (519) 371-3224 SECTION 1: ARTS 1. 2. 3. PRIZES: 1st - $10, 2nd - $7, 3rd - $5 Pai nti ng done wi th acryl i cs – any subj ect Ori gi nal Oi l pai nti ng - any subj ect Watercol ours - any subj ect SECTION 2: CRAFTS PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 4. A stai ned gl ass i tem 5. A handmade gi ft for Grandpa 6. T hree homemade arti cl es for a Bri dal Shower 7. Any creati vel y decorated arti cl e of cl othi ng 8. Door stop, any medi um 9. An arti cl e made compl etel y of thi ngs from nature 10. Pl asti c canvas arti cl e for baby’s room 11. Pl asti c canvas, any other arti cl e 12. Door wreath, NOT Chri stmas 13. Ri bbon Em broi dered i tem 14. Rug, homemade, any styl e 15. Woodcraft i tem 16. Pai nted Gl ass Arti cl e 17. Handmade pi ece of j ewel ry 18. NEW & CREAT IVE craft, not l i sted i n thi s Cl ass 19. Rural T heme, any arti cl e, any medi um 20. Homemade potpourri i n a contai ner 21. Homemade teddy bear or dol l 22. A woven arti cl e of cl othi ng 23. A bookmark made of bobbi n l ace 24. A woven arti cl e of cl othi ng SECTION 3: CHRISTMAS CORNER PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 22. 23. 27. 28. Chri stmas Door Decorati on Father Chri stmas, or Santa, any styl e Angel , sui tabl e for di spl ay (3) Chri stmas tree ornaments - al l di fferent (i e. qui l ted, cross-sti tch, cerami c, needl epoi nt) 29. Handmade Chri stmas Card 30. T wo (2) Bazaar i tems retai l val ue of both not over $10 - di spl ay i n pl asti c bags, NOT KNIT OR CROCHET 31. T wo (2) Bazaar i tems retai l val ue of both not over $10 – di spl ay i n pl asti c bag, KNIT OR CROCHET ONLY 34 SECTION 4: DECORATIVE HANDICRAF TS 32. 33. 34. 35. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Handmade gi ft for Grandma ($10.00 val ue) Arti cl e made from scraps Scrapbook- one page – “fami l y theme” mounted wi th 1” whi te Bri stol board border SPECIAL - Gi ft basket decorated for baby, contai ni ng 4 handmade i tems – note booti es or mi ttens are to be counted as one i tem. Prizes- 1st - $10, 2nd - $7, 3rd - $5 36. *ARTS & CRAFTS SPECIAL* Hostess Gift Basket – min. of 6 homemade items 1st – Gift Certificate 2nd – Gift Certificate 3rd – Gift Certificate Highest Points for Class 13 Gift Certificate 35 CLASS 15 SENIOR CITIZENS (Age 60 & Over) Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l able Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e tothe Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l work must have been made duri ng the present year by the exhi bi tor. Directors of the Society are authorized to disqualify all old, soiled, or defaced w ork. COMMITTEE: Isabel Hewi tson (519) 376-9589 SECTION 1: NEEDLECRAF T 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PRIZES: 1st - $15, 2nd - $10, 3rd - $8 Qui l t - Pi eced, Cotton (any si ze – hand qui l ted) Cri b Qui l t – any ki nd (hand or machi ne qui l ted 36’ x 40’ or l arger) Mi ni ature Qui l t or Wal l -hangi ng (max. peri meter 96”) Crochet Afghan Kni t Afghan Fabri c Cushi on Latch Hooked i tem SECTION 2: WEARABLES 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. PRIZES: 1st - $8, 2nd - $5, 3rd - $3 Kni tted Socks – chi l d or adul t Ladi es Scarf, Kni t Adul t Sl i ppers Chi l d’s Sweater, Kni t Baby Set, Kni t, set of 2 or 3 pi eces (mu st have a sweater) SECTION 3: AROUND THE HOUSE 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Handbag, any medi um Ki tchen Apron T wo Pl acemats, any medi um Pi l l ow Case Ladi es Vest, Sewn, any desi gn Casserol e Cover Carri er Pai r of Pothol ders SECTION 4: CRAFTS PRIZES: 1st - $5,. 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 20. Embroi dery Arti cl e 21. A Chi l d’s T oy, any medi um 22. Seasonal Wal l Decorati on 23. Arti cl e of Counted Cross-sti tch 24. Item from recycl ed j eans 25. (3) Smal l Chri stmas Decorati ons, al l di fferent 26. Wood Carved i tem 27. Arti cl e of stai ned gl ass SECTION 5: PHOTOS & PAINTINGS 28. 29. 30. 31. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Oi l Pai nti ng, any theme A penci l sketch Water col our, any subj ect Bookmark, any medi um 36 32. Four Seasonal Photos, mounted 33. “Pi oneer Days” scrapbook page or col l age 34. T hree Photos of Wi nter Events wi th capti ons and mounted Highest Points Class 15 Gift Certificate SECTION 6: FLOWERS & VEGETABLES **ALL ARRANGEMENT S T O USE FRESH FLOWERS UNLESS OT HERWISE ST AT ED ARRANGEMEN TS 35. 36. 37. 38. PRIZES: 1st - $6, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3 Sui tabl e arrangement for a coffee mug Arrangement to i l l ustrate “Pi oneer Days” wi th common fl owers and anti que contai ner Arrangement to recogni ze a seasonal cel ebrati on, Chri stmas or T hanksgi vi ng Bouquet of fl owers i n vase FLOWERS & PLANTS 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Petuni as - 3 stems, any col our Mari gol ds - 3 stems, under 3" Asters, 3 bl ooms, any vari ety Gl adi ol us - 1 spi ke Dahl i a – 1 bl oom, 4” - 6” Fl oati ng Rose Afri can Vi ol et, si ngl e crown Begoni a, tuberous, 1 bl oom wi th fol i age and fl oati ng Gerani um, i n bl oom, any vari ety 3 Cucumbers 3 T omatoes 3 Carrots 3 Beets 3 Oni ons – any ki nd SECTION 5: BAKING & PRESERVES 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. PRIZES: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Chocol ate Chi p Cooki es (3) Oatmeal Cooki es - pl ai n (3) Butter tarts, wi th rai si ns (3) Zucchi ni Bread (3 sl i ces) Date Squares, (3) Appl e pi e, (1) pi ece Cherry pi e, (1) pi ece Bl ueberry Pi e, (1) pi ece Homemade chocol ate fudge (6) Browni es, no nuts, i ced (3) Bran Muffi ns, pl ai n (3) Smal l j ar grape j el l y Smal l j ar freeze raspberry j am Smal l j ar of hotdog rel i sh 67.**SENIOR’S SPECIAL** An i tem that i l l ustrates theme: “Pioneer Days” (s crapbook page, photograph collage, quilted item , etc.) st 1 Gift Certificate, nd 2 Gift Cetificate, rd 3 Gift Certificate NOTE: ANY ARTICLES REMOVED BEFORE TIME WILL FO RFEIT PRIZE MONEY 37 CLASS 16 PHOTOGRAPHY Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l abl e Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Al l photos must have been taken by the exhi bi tor and onl y exhi bi ted duri ng the present year. All pi ctures to be standard 4 x 6” pri nted on photo paper and mounted on whi te Bri stol board; wi th a 1” border used for mounti ng . Entry tag i n bottom ri ght hand corner onl y. Onl y (1) entry per cl ass. No gl ass mounts. No professi onal photographers. Fai l ure to compl y wi th the rul es wi l l resul t i n di squal i fi cati on. Committee: Leanne Long (519) 374 -5123 SECTION 1: ADULTS PRIZES – 1st - $5, 2nd -$3, 3rd - $2 1. Stormy Sky 2. Fog or M i st 3. Wi l dl i fe Ani mal or Bi rd (not caged or contai ned) 4. Scenery, Sunset or Sunri se 5. Waterfal l 6. Best Catch of the Day 7. A Speci al Day 8. “Atti tude” 9. Bee, Butterfl y or Moth 10. Barn 11. “A pi cture says a thousand words” 12. Garden 13. Frui t T ree or T ree 14. Carved Pumpki n(s) 15. Photographer Choi ce 16. Vi ew from Above 17. Fami l y Photo 18. Favori te Rural or Farm shot 19. Hand(s) 20. Vegetabl e i n a garden growi ng 21. Ni ght shot (i e. Moon, stars, fi reworks) 22. Scenery 23. Water Refl ecti ons 24. Wi nter Wonderl and Prize – Gift Bag 25. Nature 26. Fl ower(s) 27. Favori te Hobby 28. Fal l Col ours Prize – Gift Bag 29. Vacati on Shot 30. My Best Fri end 31. Cl ose-up Sponsored By 32. Scrapbooki ng Creative Memories, Consultant 33. Portrai t Penny Fenwick 34. What i s i t 519-371-2070 35. Somethi ng growi ng (up cl ose) 36. Young and Ol d 37. “Sel fi e” – pi cture of yoursel f or a group Class 16 Highest Points Best in Show 38 38. Where i s your favouri te pl ace? Name i t 39. What were you thi nki ng? SECTION 2: COMPUTERS 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. PRIZES – 1st - $5; 2nd -$3; 3rd - $2 Scrapbooki ng Page Edi t a Pi cture – before and after (2 photos) T ake a photo and turn i t i nto a homemade card wi th envel ope Create a cartoon from a photo Create a cal endar 45. ***PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL*** 5x7 Photo ``Photobomb” (A spoiled photo when an unexpected person, animal or item enters a photo before shutter capture) Mounted on bristol board w ith a 1” border st nd rd 1 - Gift Certificate, 2 - Gift Certificate, 3 - Gift Certificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Srapbooking Crop Saturday September 10, 2016 - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm In the Julie McAuthur Rec Centre. Fund Rais er for the Owen Sound Fall Fair. $20.00 for the day - Bring your own lunch. Gift Bag, drinks and s nacks provided. If you have not Scrapbooked before and would like to s ee what it’s all about bring s om e photos of your fam ily, wedding, trip or s pecial m om ent and we will help you get s tarted. For m ore inform ation pleas e call Penny at 519-371-2070 or em ail pennyfenwick@hotm 39 CLASS 17 SPECIALTIES Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l abl e Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. Stai ned Gl ass must be ready to be hung by fi sh eyes or chai n. COMMITTEE: Alicia Abel (639) 471 -1115 SECTION 1 – ADULT COLOURING BOOK 1. 2. 3. 4. Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Fl owers Ani mal s (fi sh, bi rds) Geometri c Art (patterns) Open SECTION 2 – JEWELRY 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 Bracel et Brooch Pai r of Earri ngs Neckl ace Jewel ry box or hol der Anythi ng not l i sted SECTION 3 – BOBBIN LACE 11. 12. 13. 14. Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 A sampl e of bobbi n l ace, 2 or more col ours A sampl e of bobbi n l ace, 1 col our, mounted Frame pi ece of bobbi n l ace, 1 col our Book mark, 2 or more col ours, mounted SECTION 4 – PENM ANSHIP Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 15. My Old Jeans My Ol d Jeans Poem These are my blue jeans I cherish so dearly You may look at me funny You may think I’m silly Highest Points - Class 18 1st – Gift Certificate Thank goodness their mine Don’t ask to borrow Sealed with my touch Think I’ll wear them tomorrow They’ve been many places Near and far Tethered and worn Just like an old car. 40 CLASS 18 FALL/HALLOWEEN Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l abl e Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” me mber to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t thei r pri ze money. COMMITTEE: Alicia Abel (639) 471 -1115 Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2 SECTION 1 1. Costume 2. Carved Jack-o-lantern 3. Fal l harvest tabl e centerpi ece 4. Decorated (Pumpki n un-carved) 5. Decorated Hal l oween cupcakes (pl ate of 3) 6. Decorated Halloween Cake Prizes 1st – Gift Certificate , 2nd – Gift Certificate , 3rd – Gift Certificate Highest Points Class 18 Gift Certificate 41 CLASS 19 JUNIOR WORK GRADE AS OF JUNE 2016 - NO ENTRY FEE Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l abl e Sunday duri ng pi ckup hoursat the offi ce wi th val i d ID. Schools entering articles, please be sure that you hav e registered, hav e been giv en an exhibitor’s number and that it is on all articles being show n by students from your school. Please make arrangements for a staff member to pick up entries on Sunday. Students entering under school number note prize money will go directly to school. Prizes 1st - $3, 2nd - $2, 3rd - $1 COMMITTEE: Aunal ea Crui ckshank (519) 371-6539, Lorenda Pri ngl e (519) 270-8667 SECTION 1: PRESCHOOL & JUNIOR KINDERGAR TEN 1. Draw and col our yourself on a pi ece of paper. 2. Create somethi ng usi ng a coffee fi l ter. 3. Col our a pi cture taken from a favouri te col ouri ng book. 4. Create a farm ani mal from pl asti ci ne or pl ay dough. 5. Make a pi cture wi th your fi ngers usi ng fi nger pai nt. 6. Pri nt your name wi th crayons. SECTION 2: KINDERGAR TE N & GRADE 1 7. Create any pi cture usi ng constructi on paper. 8. Draw and col our a pi cture of your fami l y, pri nt the names bel ow. 9. Create an ani mal face made from a paper pl ate. 10. Create a paper bag puppet. 11. Create somethi ng usi ng a ti n can. 12. Col our a pi cture from a col ouri ng book. SECTION 3: GRADE 2 13. Draw, col our and l abel a farm ani mal and i t’s baby (eg. a mare and foal ) 14. Create a bookmark out of anythi ng 15. Usi ng a Venn Di agram compare 2 seasons. 16. Draw a l i fecycl e of a farm ani mal and col our i t. 17. Bui l d a boat usi ng materi al s from around your home. 18. Decorate/Pai nt a rock bi g enough for a door stop. SECTION 4: GRADE 3 19. Draw a pi cture of a pi oneer vi l l age. 20. Draw a cover for the non-fi cti on book ti tl ed “Soi l ” 21. Create a pl asti ci ne pi cture on a fl at pi ece of card or bri stol board of a farm si mi l ar to i l l ustrator Barbara Rei d’s i l l ustrati ons. 22. Draw a tree house you woul d want to have i n your bac k yard. 23. Create a farm safety poster i l l ustrati ng and l abel i ng 3 farm safety rul es on i t. SECTION 5: GRADE 4 24. Create an ani mal i n i ts natural habi tat out of pl asti ci ne pl ay dough 25. Draw a Medi eval castl e on 11x17 paper. 26. Make a fami l y shi el d or a coat of arms. 27. Di spl ay at l east 5 pi ctures cut out from a ne wspaper that show “agri cul ture today” 28. Draw a cover for the non -fi cti on book “Rocks and Mi neral s” 29. Create a dream catcher out of any materi al s you woul d l i ke. 42 SECTION 6: GRADE 5 30. Create a steppi ng stone for a garden. 31. Create a comi c stri p of at l east 6 -10 frames on a farm theme 32. Draw a cover for a pi cture book ti tl ed “Me to We” 33. Make a poster usi ng the ti tl e “Farmers Feed Ci ti es” 34. Desi gn a l arge scal e postage stamp usi ng a cue card that depi cts a famous Canadi an person (l abel i t and col our i t) 35. Draw a detai l ed & l abel ed drawi ng of one of the systems of the body e.g. di gesti ve system SECTION 7: GRADE 6 36. Create a travel brochure on a country of your choi ce. 37. Create a carvi ng usi ng a bar of soap. 38. Make a decorated ai rpl ane, hot ai r bal l oon or other fl yi ng devi ce. 39. Create a cover for a novel “Honest i s the Best Pol i cy.” 40. Create a poster i l l ustrati ng 4 of your favouri te sports. 41. Create a computer generated col l age of pi ctures on an 8x10 pi ece of paper. SECTION 8: PHOTOGRAPHY (open to any j unior age) 42. Sel fy – you or you and a fri end/fami l y/pet 43. Col l ecti on of snapshots of a school tri p or cl ub tri p. 44. Favouri te pet i n moti on 45. Make a col l ecti on of pi ctures- any theme 46. Pi cture that fi ts the ti tl e “At the Beach” 47. Pi cture of favouri te farm scene 48. Somethi ng growi ng i n a garden SECTION 10: 8 YEARS OF AGE & UNDER Vegetables: 49. Create somethi ng usi ng mi ni potatoes (potatoes purchased or grown by the exhi bi tor.) 50. Create a creature out of broccol i 51. Di spl ay 3 vegetabl es of the same col our. 52. Make an ani mal out of vegetabl es and or frui ts. 53. Vegetabl es from your g arden. Baking and Creating: 54. Be creati ve wi th up to (4) Oreo Cooki es (chocol ate and/or vani l l a) (di spl ay on a pl ate) 55. Make and decorate (2) cupcakes for a bi rthday party. 56. Decorate 6 cooki es. 57. Create a truck usi ng candi es, cooki es and i ci ng 58. Make a neckl ace out of any edi bl e materi al . 59. Wri te out your favouri te yummy reci pe. Flow ers: 60. A bouquet of wi l d fl owers. 61. Create an arrangement for a vi si t to “Grandma’s” 62. A bouquet of fl owers i n an ol d shoe. 63. A corsage for you r fri end. Arts & 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Crafts: A scrapbook (any theme) Make a col l age about the thi ngs you l i ke. Create an ani mal fri dge magnet. Decorate a garden gl ove. Create somethi ng made of “Duck-tape” – approx 12” Create a pi cture/mosai c usi ng al l types of cereal s. Decorate a l arge Mi racl e Whi p j ar for a pi ggy bank. Any arti cl e sewn by a sewi ng machi ne. An ori gi nal Lego creati on. Decorate a t-shi rt wi th fabri c pai nt (any si ze of shi rt) Make a wi nd chi me out of recycl ed materi al s Make a decorati on for a hol i day. A col l ecti on of 6 i tems from a nature wal k – NO l i ve cri tters Decorate a fl ower pot. 43 78. Make a bracel et out of any materi al - (bri ng i t di spl ayed i n a Zi pl oc sandwi ch bag) 79. Create a pi cture usi ng at l east (4) di fferent seeds on cardboard and di spl ayed i nsi de a l arge zi p l ock type bag. 80. Draw and col our a di nosaur, and name i t (use any medi a ) 81. Draw an ani mal (use any medi a.) 82. Create somethi ng from an ol d sock. 83. Make a cartoon character from pl ay dough or pl asti ci ne. 84. Somethi ng made from ol d puzzl e pi eces. 85. Create an award for yoursel f and why you woul d get i t. SECTION 11: 9 YEARS OF AGE & OVER Vegetables: 86. Create an ani mal from a corn stock – approx 12” 87. Make a Mr. Potato Head usi ng a real potato. 88. Create a Robot usi ng candi es, cooki es and i ci ng 89. Make an ani mal out of vegetab l es and or frui ts. 90. Make a man/woman out of vegetabl es. 91. Four vegetabl es from your garden. 92. Your favouri te vegetabl es for homemade soup. Baking: 93. Be creati ve wi th up to (4) Oreo Cooki es (chocol ate and/or vani l l a) (di spl ay on a pl ate.) 94. Bake and decorate (4) cupcakes. 95. Decorate (6) cooki es. 96. Create a tractor usi ng cooki es, candy an i ci ng 97. Create two l oot bags for a bi rthday party for smal l chi l dren. 98. Wri te/Pri nt out your favouri te reci pe. Flow ers: 99. A bouquet of wi l d fl owers. 100. Create an arrangement for a vi si t to “Grandma’s” 101. A bouquet of fl owers i n an ol d shoe. 102. A corsage made of any fl owers for graduati on. Arts & 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. Crafts: A scrapbook (any theme.) Create somethi ng made of “Duck-tape” – approx 12” Make a fri endshi p bracel et out of “Rai nbow Loom” Create a col l ecti on of 6 i tems from a nature wal k – NO l i ve cri tters Sew a bag that you woul d use. M ake a handpri nt wreath usi ng any type of materi al , trace your hand, cut and paste to form a wreath 109. Create somethi ng from an ol d rag. 110.. Decorate a pi l l ow case 111 Decorate a t-shi rt wi th fabri c pai nt (any si ze of shi rt.) 112. Make a wi nd chi me out of recycl ed materi al s 113. Make a decorati on for a hol i day. 114. Create a mi ni greenhouse out of recycl ed materi al s 115. Create an ori gi nal pai nti ng 116. Any arti cl e sewn by a sewi ng machi ne. 117. Make a bi rdfeeder out of recycl ed materi al s 118. Create a pi cture usi ng at l east four di fferent seeds on cardboard and di spl ayed i nsi de a l arge zi p l ock type bag. 119. T i n Can Candl e – usi ng a soup can, hammer and nai l , create a desi gn and di spl a y wi th a battery operated candl e 120. Create an ani mal usi ng any shape of l i ghtbul b 121. Make a Fl owerpot Scarecrow, usi ng a 4” fl owerpot decorate i nto a scarecrow’ s head 122. Somethi ng made from ol d puzzl e pi eces. 123. Hand sew an arti cl e. 44 SPECIALS: All baking special w inners must hav e a photo taken by The Society in order to receiv e prizes. 124. Youth 12 and under: Robi n Hood Fl our Begi nners Baki ng Cont est A homemade snack – (5) pi eces of chocol ate browni es, proof of purchase and reci pe must be attached. Prize $15 125. Youth 10 – 15 years: Chocol ate Chi p Cooki es on a fi rm, di sposabl e pl ate. Cooki es no l arger than 3 i nch and no smal l er than 2 i nch di ameter. Wi nner may go on to c ompete at di stri ct competi ti on. Prizes 1st - $5, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3 126. Youth Poster Competi ti on – ori gi nal handmade desi gn. T heme “Promoting Your Fair”. Mi ni mum 8 ½” x 11” Maxi mum 12” x 18” Must be mounted on bl ack to gi ve a 2” bord er. M ust be hand drawn. Open to Youth up to and i ncl udi ng Grade 6. Wi nner may go on to compete at di stri ct competi ti on. Prizes 1st - $5, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3 127. Youth Poster Competi ti on – ori gi nal handmade desi gn. T heme “Promoting Your Fair”. Mi ni mum 8 ½” x 11” Maxi mum 12” x 18” Must be mounted on bl ack to gi ve a 2” border. Must be hand drawn. Open to Youth Grade 7 to Grad e 12 i ncl usi ve. Wi nner may go on to compete at di stri ct com peti ti on. Prizes 1st - $5, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3 128. Juni or Qui l t – Exhi bi tor may be up to 18 years ol d. Qui l ted entry must be at l east 24” x 36” – al l pri zes donated: Gl adys Pennacchi etti Prizes 1st - $15, 2nd - $10, 3rd - $5 45 CLASS 20 ‘YE OLD FARM Entri es are to be recei ved Wednesday, September 7th 2016 betw een 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m and Picked up on Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m. New thi s year, pri ze money wi l l be avai l abl e Sunday duri ng pi ckup hours at the offi ce wi th val i d ID. You must be an “Associ ate” member to exhi bi t. Associ ate member fee i s $10 and payabl e to the Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety. Any arti cl es removed before pi ck up ti me wi l l forfei t th ei r pri ze money. Committee: Aunal ea Crui ckshank (519) 371-6539 Pri ze money wi l l be awarded to the top three entri es i n each cl ass. Ri bbons onl y beyond thi rd pl ace wi l l be awarded. T hese cl asses are open to adul ts, chi l dren, fami l y or group. If less than 10 entries in a class, prize money w ill be reduc ed by half st 1 Prize $20.00, nd 2 rd Prize $15.00, 3 Prize $10.00 Section 1: A Scarecrow - T he entri es i n thi s cl ass are to be fun and ori gi nal . T he pl aci ngs wi l l be based on the j udge’s choi ce. Section 2: Best Decorated M ailbox – Can you create i t? T he j udge i s l ooki ng for the most creati ve mai l box. Section 3: Take Something Old & M ake It New ! – T hi s i s your chance! We want to see you make the most of the ol d stuff si tti ng around . Let your i magi nati on run wi l d! No pi ece too l arge no i magi nati on too smal l ! What can you create? 46 CLASS 21 THURSDAY NIGHT LOCAL TRUCK PULL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 th , 2016 @ 7:00 P.M. on the TRACK 2000 + older truck Clas s (gas) Dies el Clas s Dually Clas s 2001-2016 truck Clas s (gas ) Modified Dies el Class T here i s no pre-regi strati on thi s year. Pl ease arri ve before 6:30 pm to al l ow for organi zation of the cl asses. Registration fee for participation & insurance is $15.00. No l ate entri es accepted. * Note: 1st & 2nd place finis hers in each clas s will be invited back for the Friday Night Truck & Tractor Pull (Clas s 22) being held Friday Septem ber 9th at 6:30pm. Pleas e m ake s ure to check the s pecific regis tration tim es for this date. * All Local trucks must be licensed and hav e a current safety. * All Pullers M UST w ear a 2000 SNELL Helmet CLASS 22 OWEN SOUND FALL FAIR TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL FRIDAY, September 9th, 2016 @ 6:30 P.M. Pre-regi ster any ti me from Wednesday September 9 unti l Fri day. Driv er Waiv ers must be compl eted by the Southwestern Ontari o T ractor Pul l ers Associ ati on between 4 - 6 p.m. on Fri day, i n addi ti on to the regi strati on requi rements & vehi cl es on track. No late entries, after 6 p.m. accepted. Pul l to start at 6:30 p.m. Regi strati on fee for parti ci pati on and i nsurance $10 . ***Please note – Highw ay Tractors w ill pull first*** All Vintage Tractors w ill compete in our “Antique Tractor Pull” see Class 23 All local trucks must be licensed and hav e a current safety. Cla sse s 1. Highway Tractors 2. Dies el Trucks – local 3. Dually Trucks – local 4. Local 4 wheel drive – newer m odel 5. Local 4 wheel drive – older m odel 6. Open Tractor Clas s Sp o nso re d b y N e v e re st A ut o *All Pullers MUST w ear a 2000 SNELL Helmet (Maximum 15 Trucks per class)* 47 CLASS 23 OWEN SOUND FALL FAIR “ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL” 30 YEARS OR OLDER SATURDAY, September 10th, 2016 @ 10:30 a.m. Best Restored Tractor on Grounds Aw ard - Presented i n Memory of Wayne West, presented by hi s son, Joe West. Donated by Karen Ki ng. Best Show – “Crow d Pleaser” Aw ard - Presented & Donated by Owen Sound Agri cul tural Soci ety i n Memory of Leonard Cahoon. Entries do not necessarily need to pull to participate in this, but must be registered Entry Fee- $10.00 per pull Cla sse s – No Modified Tractors or 4 Wheel Drive Tractors 1. 2. 3. 4. Under 4501 – 5501 – 6501 – 4500 5500 6500 7500 lb. lb. lb. lb. 5. 6. 7. 8. Please note: Al l pul l ers wi l l be requi red to wei g h i n di rectl y after their pull. T ractors can not leave the pit until they are wei ghed i n fol l owi ng thei r cl ass. Al l tractors must be on the grounds (1) hour pri or to regi ster and wei gh i n. Informati on and rul es wi l l be sent to al l previ ous parti ci pants OR cal l 371-1720 after August 1 st 48 7501 8501 9501 Over – 8500 lb. – 9500 lb. – 10,500 lb. 10,500 lb. FALL FAIR ADMISSION PRICES Children 4 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. Thursday Adults $8.00; Children (5 - 13) $2.00 Friday Adults $10.00; Children (5 -13) $5.00 Saturday Adults $10.00; Children (5-13) $5.00 Free Admission to Homecraft & Quilt Displays! at the Julie McAr thur Regional Recreation Centre Weekend Passes available this year!!!! Passes can be purchased after August 1st from Bayshore Feeds - 1304 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound. September 8th to September 10th from the Fair Of fice, Victoria Park, between 10:00am to 2 pm daily. 1 - Adult 3 Day Pass - $25.00 1 - Family 3 Day Pass - $60.00 (2 Adults, 3 Children) For more information call (519) 371-1720 or email FREE PARKING WITH ADMISSION!!