German Air Force Headquarters


German Air Force Headquarters
Vice Chief of
German Air Force
Chief of
German Air Force
Chief of Staff
GAF Headquarters
Directorate 1
Concept Development,
Plans & Policy
Division 1 I
Air Force Principles /
Future Development
Division 1 II
Air Force Capability
Directorate 2
Division 2 I
Division 3 I
Air Force Operations
/ Air Force Operational-Level
Personnel Management of
Bundeswehr Joint Services
Air Force Personnel
Division 2 II
Air Force Command
and Operations
Organisation /
Stationing / Infrastructure
Division 1 III
Financial Requirements
Analysis / Resource Planning /
Air Force Operational Budget /
Federal Court of Audit Affairs
Directorate 3
Personnel, Organisation
Division 2 III
Command, Control,
Communications, Computers
and Information Systems
Division 3 II
Division 3 III
Air Force SASPF
Customer Competence
Occup. Safety /
Gender Equality
Legal Advisor
Admin Office
Directorate 4
Logistics &
Division 4 I
Air Force Logistics
Planning and Polic
Division 4 II
Materiel Readiness /
Operational Readiness of
Air Force Weapon Systems
Central Tasks Division
Support Unit
Central Tasks and
Project Management
Process Management
and Controlling Branch
Air Force
Press and
Information Centre
Division 3 IV
Air Force Training
Directorate 4 – Support
Kommando Luftwaffe
Unterabteilung Zentrale Aufgaben
Presse- und Informationszentrum der Luftwaffe
+49 30 3687 3931
Directorate 4 is responsible for the development and integration of Air
Force logistics into the Bundeswehr logistics system (capabilities, structures,
service provision) and represents it in international bodies. In addition, it
ensures participation in the procurement and in-service process for weapon
systems that determine the capabilities and structure of the German Air
Force. Thus, it supports the Chief of the Air Force in exercising his in-service
and supply responsibility for maintaining the operational and materiel readiness of the German Air Force. Directorate 4 staff advise the Chief of the
Air Force on logistical aspects and issues of materiel/operational readiness
for routine duties and operations.
The Deputy Chief of Staff of Directorate 4 has functional control over the
provision of services in the integrated network of Air Force logistics and is
thus the chief logistician of the German Air Force.
Directorate 4 comprises two divisions with a total of six branches and is
headed by a Brigadier General.
Central Tasks Division
The Central Tasks Division covers the functional areas of project/event management, communication and information activities as well as process
management and controlling.
anning and conduct of visits by members of the Federal Ministry of Defense,
politicians and parliamentarians as well as military and civilian visitors. This
includes meetings, ceremonies and information events conducted under
the auspices of the Chief of German Air Force.
The German Air Force Public Affairs Office is responsible for the information
activities of the Air Force. It cooperates closely with the Press and Information Office of the Federal Ministry of Defense. The Branch Head is the
assigned spokesperson to the Chief of the German Air Force. The Public
Affairs Office develops communication strategies and ensures crisis communication at all times, in particular in the event of air accidents. It responds
to press inquiries and ensures the presence of the German Air Force in the
The Process Management & Controlling Branch deals with basic air forcespecific controlling matters and is involved in all efficiency analyses that
may be relevant to the Air Force. Furthermore, it controls all measures for
establishing process management in the German Air Force and makes contributions to the process landscape of the Bundeswehr.
In addition, the Branch supports the Commissioner for Air Force Change
Management in all phases of the change process in the German Air Force.
The Chief of the Division is a Colonel (General Staff Service).
German Air Force Headquarters
Kladower Damm 182
14089 Berlin
The Central Tasks and Project Management Branch is responsible for the pl-
German Air Force
Commander’s view – From The Cockpit
The German Air Force Headquarters
Dear readers,
The German Air Force (GAF) Headquarters is the staff of the Chief of Air
Force who is the highest superior in the German Air Force. It comprises
more than 600 military and civilian personnel who directly support the Chief
in his daily work.
The German Air Force Headquarters (Kommando Luftwaffe) was
newly formed on 1 October 2012 in Berlin-Gatow.
As the highest command and control authority of the German Air
Force it is directly subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Defence
and based presently in both Berlin-Gatow and Cologne-Wahn.
Since 1 July 2015 the new and current structure of the Air Force two
commands are assigned to the German Air Force Headquarters – the
Air Operations Command and the Air Forces Command are now
forming the two pillars of the Luftwaffe.
Thus, decision processes were shortened and competences were
concentrated in order to fulfill our task in an efficient manner.
These structural changes will be durable and a worthwhile investment
into the future. With its new command structure the Luftwaffe will
be positioned in the best possible way towards upcoming challenges.
Karl Müllner
Lieutenant General and Chief of German Air Force
One third of the personnel are already stationed in Berlin-Gatow while approx. 400 staff are still based at the Luftwaffenkaserne in Cologne-Wahn.
Once further infrastructural requirements are met, the German Air Force
Headquarters will be successively merged together at the General-Steinhoff-Kaserne in Berlin-Gatow.
In addition to his function as highest administrative superior within the German Air Force, the Chief of the Air Force is the advisor to the military and
political decision makers when it comes to the employment of air forces.
This applies, in particular, to airspace security over the Federal Republic of
Germany, air transportation, missile defense, remote-controlled unmanned
aerial vehicles or the cooperation between land, air and naval forces.
The German Air Force Headquarters is the central point of contact for questions related to air force matters and directly supports the Federal Ministry
of Defense. For operations with German Air Force participation, an additional liaison element has been established at the Bundeswehr Joint Forces
Operations Command in Potsdam.
The Vice Chief of German Air Force supports the Chief in the performance
of his tasks. He is also Commissioner for Air Force Change Management
and Commissioner for Air Force Reserve Affairs.
The Chief is furthermore assisted and advised by a Legal Adviser, a Senior
Military Psychologist, an Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
Branch and a Commissioner for Gender Equality.
The Chief of Staff coordinates the staff work and the preparatory work
done by the four directorates of the Headquarters, the Central Tasks Division as well as other staff elements for the Chief of German Air Force. The
support unit of the German Air Force Headquarters assists the Chief of Staff
in the command, control and support of the staff of the GAF Headquarters.
Directorate 1 – Air Force Future Development/Plans and Policy
Directorate 1 is responsible for maintaining and optimizing the future viability of the German Air Force. In addition to exercising overall control this
includes the conceptual development of the Air Force as well as a comprehensive capability management in close coordination with budgeting and
funds management. At the same time, it coordinates the representation of
national interests in multinational cooperation projects in order to be able
to use resulting synergy effects in the best possible way.
For this purpose, specific target figures are included into or derived from
conceptual Bundeswehr documents. These provide the basis for a continuous capability analysis and capability situation, from which recommendations for action are developed covering all planning categories (personnel,
organization, operation, infrastructure and armament) in order to set the
course for the further development of Air Force capabilities in a timely manner.
The respective requirements of the German Air Force must eventually be
embedded in the plans and in the budget.
Directorate 1 comprises three divisions and a total of nine branches. The
Directorate is headed by a Brigadier General.
Directorate 2 – Operations
The task of Directorate 2 is the training, preparation and provision of air
forces for a broad spectrum of operations, standby commitments and
standing operational tasks of the Bundeswehr. For this purpose, it provides
advice to the Chief of German Air Force on all operational matters, implements his decisions within the Air Force and supports the Federal Ministry
of Defense.
For current operations this includes not only the composition of the force
contribution by the German Air Force but also all air force-specific aspects
of mission and operational doctrine matters and of operations and exercise
analysis. To this end, Directorate 2 coordinates closely with all organizational areas and the Bundeswehr Joint Forces Operations Command which is
responsible for the command and control of operations.
In particular, Directorate 2 is responsible for all operational aspects relevant
to the readiness of all operational flying units and ground-based units of
the German Air Force. This includes not only monitoring the command and
control and combat capability of the units but also the further development
of tactical operational doctrines and defining the contents of specialist military training of, among others, aircrews, air traffic control personnel, force
protection forces as well as command support and IT personnel.
In addition, Directorate 2 is responsible for all operational aspects of the
command and control capability of the German Air Force.
To accomplish these tasks, Directorate 2 comprises three divisions with a
total of nine branches and is headed by a Brigadier General.
Directorate 3 – Personnel/Organization/
Directorate 3 covers all tasks related to personnel, organization, infrastructure, training and the standard software of the Bundeswehr (SASPF).
The personnel branch deals with policy and structural matters. This is where
all issues relating to the quantitative and qualitative management of Air
Force personnel are assessed, controlled and coordinated with external
agencies and the Federal Ministry of Defense. It also works on guidelines
concerning leadership development and civic education, issues of participation and allowances as well as personnel reserve matters. Directorate 3
processes all administrative and civilian personnel matters for German Air
Force Headquarters personnel as well as for personnel within the area of
responsibility of the Chief of the Air Force for the organizational area of the
German Air Force.
Furthermore, it assists the Chief of the Air Force in all matters and requirements concerning the German Air Force structure, implementation planning, force management and the related infrastructure and stationing
In addition, Directorate 3 is responsible for all matters of policy regarding
general military training and the quality management of training in the German Air Force as a whole.
The task area of SASPF in the German Air Force covers the SASPF implementation responsibility and in-service support management in the Air Force.
For the performance of its tasks, Directorate 3 comprises four divisions with
a total of fourteen branches. The Directorate is headed by a Brigadier General.