Study at PJ Šafárik University


Study at PJ Šafárik University
a member of the European University Association
This information booklet was published with support of the
SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme for incoming students by the
International Relations Office and the Publishing House of Pavol
Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.
Editor in Chief:
Eva Čellárová
Renáta Laurichová, Lenka Čengeriová
Leonard Siegfried, Eva Čičváková,
Dagmar Fillová, Zuzana Gdovinová,
Aurel Hricov, Juraj Jankův,
Kvetoslava Maťašovská, Eva Tkáčová
Second edition
A message from the Rector
History of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Honorary doctors (Dr.h.c.) of P. J. Šafárik University
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice at present
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Public Administration
Research and Educational Units and other University
Kosice − past and present
Surroundings of Košice and interesting tourist sites in the
region of Eastern Slovakia
Slovakia − basic information
Before your visit of Slovakia
Faculties of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
Pavol Jozef Šafárik
1795 − 1861
This prospectus attempts to introduce Pavol Jozef Šafárik
University in Košice to you, to provide information on courses
and interdisciplinary programmes and research activities
providing by the departments and institutes and to give you
a flavour of the beautiful city Košice in a small country in the
heart of Europe.
We look forward to welcoming you in person at our
Professor Vladimír Babčák
Rector of the University
Choosing what you want to study in higher education and
where, can be a difficult decision for many students. You may
be thinking about the people you will meet and about the
cultural tradition of a foreign country, but also about a lot of
subjects such as facilities for academic, sporting and social
life, the environment in which you will be living and many
others. You will be thinking ahead to the time you will
graduate and considering the qualifications which will help
you to move on to a rewarding career.
More infomation about university you can get contacting
International Relations Office of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University:
Ing. Renáta Laurichová
Mgr. Lenka Čengeriová
Web site:
Šrobárova 2, 04180 Košice, Slovakia
(+421 55) 622 44 17
Institutional coordinator of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS
Professor Eva Čellárová
The tradition of higher education in
Košice goes back to the year 1657,
when the bishop Benedict Kishdy found−
ed an Academy by the Memorandum of
”Studium Universale” and presented it
with 40 000 tallers (by way of a dot).
The Academy or the University start−
ed up managed by the Jesus’ Community
Jesuits. The University of Košice Golden
Bull issued on the 6th of August 1660 by
the Roman emperor Leopold I. granted
the University the same privileges as to
all the other universities of the Habsburg Monarchy in Vienna,
Prague, Köln, Graz, Trnava,
Olomouc e.g. The Bull in−
cluded a provision of high
significance stating the aca−
demic degrees to be recog−
nized as they were granted at
any of the oldest and most
famous universities.
The structure of the ”Aca−
demia Cassoviensis” was similar to that of other universities
managed by Jesuits, determined by the Study Rules −”Ratio
Studiorum”. Rector, Vice−rector and Chancellor stood at the
head of the University, Faculties were represented by Deans.
Alongside the Philosophical and the Law Faculties, the
Theological Faculty was the strongest.
Study at the Philosophical Faculty was dedicated first of
all to Philosophy, History and Languages, but the lectures
included also natural sciences, e.g. Physics, Mathematics,
Geography and Botany.
The Košice University was well known for its excellent
professors Martin Palkovič, Samuel Timon, Štefan Kaprinai,
Karol Wágner, Juraj Sklenár, Michal Lipšic, distinguished for
dissemination of the new Physics in the Monarchy, and others.
Regular and extraordinary professors were giving lectures to
the students of all the Hungary nationalities. The lectures were
given in Latin.
The University had its own library, church, printing station
and it was also connected to other institutions, a high school,
seminary and convict or to vassal villages and other estate
administration, for instance.
The University was in possession of more villages in Spiš
County, at Abov and Zemplín See; it owned also one of the
Gemer county towns, Jelšava. The university significantly
influenced the advancement of science, educational attain−
ment and spiritual culture in the 17th and 18th century.
In 1773 the University felt out of conduct of Jesuits and
became a public institution − Academia Regia. Following a
provision of a government − Ratio Educationis − it lost its
sovereignty and remained just a subsidiary of the only
Hungarian University in Buda while keeping the right to grant
a degree. In 1850 Academia Regia transformed into the Law
Academy, which existed till the year 1921.
Predecessors of P. J. Šafárik University
1657 – beginning of university education in Košice –
foundation of Academia Cassoviensis by Benedikt Kishdy –
bishop of Eger.
1660 – Golden Bull awarded by Leopold I, which gave the
University and the city the same privileges as for instance,
Cologne, Vienna, Graz and others.
1777 – the bishop’s Alma Mater Universalis Episcopalis was
transformed to Academia regia Cassoviensis as two−year Law
Faculty with philosophical orientation.
1921 – the University completed its existence for 38 years.
Founding the Dr. Milan Rastislav Štefánik Technical
University made Košice a seat of university, again, though it
was cancelled by the law in 1939.
After the Second World War, in successive steps, following
universities were established: University of Agriculture and
Horticulture, subsidiary of the Pedagogical Faculty of the
Slovak University in 1947, in 1948 it was a subsidiary of the
Medical Faculty of Comenius University, University of
Veterinary Medicine in 1949 and in 1952 Technical University.
By joining the subsidiary of the Medical Faculty of Comenius
University with the Philosophical Faculty accrued from the
Philosophical Faculty of the Pedagogical College in Prešov, Pavol
Jozef Šafárik University in Košice was established, which fastened
on to the tradition of the historical Jesuitical Košice University.
In 1964 the Pedagogical Faculty with a seat in Prešov was
established and became a part of P. J. Šafárik University, as well
as the Faculty of Science in 1963 and the Faculty of Law in 1973.
The number of faculties increased by the Faculty of Orthodox
Theology and the Faculty of Greek−Catholic Theology ; on the
1st of January 1997 the P. J. Šafárik University was divided
into two independent Universities, P. J. Šafárik University in
Košice and University of Prešov in Prešov. So, the number of
faculties was reduced to 3, which were the Faculty of Medicine,
the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Law. From the year
1998 the University has also a new Faculty of Public
P. J. Šafárik University in the years 1959 − 1999
1959 – old University traditions were renewed by foundation
of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice which consisted of
Faculty of Medicine in Košice Faculty of Philosophy in Prešov
(Faculty of Medicine existed since 1949 as a part of Comenius
University in Bratislava).
The new University has enlarged by new faculties:
1963 – Faculty of Science in Košice
1964 – Faculty of Education in Prešov
1973 – Faculty of Law in Košice
In 1990 two new faculties were established: Faculty of Greek−
Catholic Theology in Prešov and Faculty of Orthodox Theology
in Prešov.
In 1997 after difficult discussions at the University and in the
Parliament of the Slovak Republic the University split into two
independent Universities: P. J. Šafárik University in Košice and
University of Prešov in Prešov.
P. J. Šafárik University in Košice consisted of three faculties:
Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Law.
In 1998 a new Faculty of Public Administration was founded
as a part of P. J. Šafárik University.
In 1999 Faculty of Science opened an educational unit in the
city of Rožňava, in the mine region near the birthplace of P. J.
The University is managed by Rector of the University and
four vice−rectors responsible for the following affairs: research
and information technology, academic affairs, international
relations and development.
Vojtech Krička − Budinský, History, Slovak Republic
Emanuel Vlček, Biology, Czech Republic
Shane G. Massry, Medicine, United States
Ján Horecký, Linguistics, Slovak Republic
Klaus Dieter Wolff, Law, Germany
Joel D. Kopple, Medicine, United States
František Miko, Arts, Slovak Republic
Oleg Trubačov, Philology, Russia
Viktor Knapp, Law, Czech Republic
Theodor Hellbrugge, Pediatrics, Germany
Mathias Sprinzl, Biochemistry, Germany
Cezare Kosikowský, Law, Poland
Primo Nebiolo, Law, Spain
František Kokot, Medicine, Poland
Horst Klinkmann, Medicine, Germany
David E. Gagnon, Medicine, USA
Natale G. De Santo, Medicine, Italy
Michael Berger, Internal medicine, Germany
Hansjoachim Walther, Mathematics, Germany
Milan Čič, Law, Slovak Republic
Milan Pospíšil, Biology, Czech Republic
Guido Bellinghieri, Internal medicine, Italy
Yurij Bunkov, Physics, Russia
Mons. Jozef Cardinal Tomko, Slovak Republic
Jozef Sopko, Othorhinolaryngology, Slovak Republic
Patrik W. Hitchon, Neurosurgery, United States
Pavol Pafko, Surgery, Czech Republic
Jean Claude Etienne, Internal medicine, France
Web site:
Šrobárova 2
041 80 Košice
(+421 55) 622 26 08
(+421 55) 622 81 09
Membership of Pavol Jozef Šafárik
University in international organisations
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University is a member of
European University Association (EUA)
Danube Rector’s Conference (DRC)
Association of Carpathian Region Universities (ACRU)
Association Region Carpathians − Carpathian Euro region
P. J. Šafárik University has bilateral agreements with fol−
lowing universities (1999 / 2006 in alphabetical order)
· Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Tirol, Innsbruck
· Universität in Wien
· Universiteit Gent
· Université Libre de Bruxelles
Czech republic
· Univerzita Karlova v Praze
· Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
· Kuopion Yliopisto
· Turun Yliopisto
· Oulun Yliopisto
Université Paris−Sud
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Université de Nice−Sophia Antipolis
Université de Marne−la Vallee
Université de Poitiers
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Université de Marseille
Université Catholique de Lille
Université de Rouen
Université Victor Seganel, Bordeaux
Université de Versailles Saint Quentin
Université de Nantes
Université d´ Orleans
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Die Universität Duisburg−Essen
Die Justus−Liebig−Universität Giessen
Heinrich − Heine Universität Dűsseldorf
Rheinisch−Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Universität Bielefeld
Universität Bayreuth
Universität zu Köln
Phillips Universität Marburg
Technische Universität Carolo−Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
Martin Luther Universität Halle − Wittenberg
Westfalische Wilhelms Universität, Műnster
Technische Universität Hamburg − Harburg
· Panteion University of Athens
· University of Athens
· Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
· Budapesti Muszaki És Gazdaságtudomány Egyetem
Universita degli studi di Bari
Universita degli studi di Padova
Universita degli studi di Parma
Universita degli studi di Catania
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma
Universita degli studi di Pavia
Universita degli studi di Roma
Universita degli studi di Torino
· Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
· Rijks Universiteit, Groningen
· Universiteit Utrecht
· Akademia Medyczna we Wroclawiu
· Uniwersitet Rzeszow
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Malaga
Universidad Computense de Madrid
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad del Pais Vasco
Universidad de Alicante
· Universität Zürich
· Stockholms Universitet
· Istanbul University
Institutional contractual collaboration
Czech Republic
· Faculty of Education, University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně,
Ústí nad Labem
· Charles University, Prague
· Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences
of Czech Republic, Prague
· Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of Czech
Republic, Brno
· University of Nice − Sophia Antipolis
· Lille Catholic University
· University of Bayreuth
· Technical University of Ilmenau
· Corvinus University of Budapest
· University of Miskolc
· University of Siena
University of Bialymstok
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
University of Lodz
Kazimierz Pulaski Technical University of Radom
University of Rzeszow
Jagiellon University in Krakow
Russian Federation
· Volga−Region Academy for Civil Service in Saratov
South Korea
· Agreement on academic collaboration between Associa−
tion of Carpathian Region Universities and National
University in Chungnam
· V. Karazin Kharkov National University
· Uzhgorod National University
· Transcarpathian State University of Economic, Informatics
and Law
· B.I. Verkin Physical Insitute of Under Low Temperatures and
Engineering, National Academy of Science in Kharkov
European Commission
· Co−operation agreement between European Commission
and Pavol Jozef Šafárik University about establishment of
European Documentary Centre
· University of Beograd
Study at P. J. Šafárik University
According to the Higher Education Act of the Slovak Republic
there are three levels of study at the university:
1. Bachelor (Bc.) Programme that lasts three to four years,
2. Magister (Mgr.) − equivalent to Master (MS.) Programme that
lasts one or two years, Doctor‘s (MUDr.) Programme in gener−
al medicine and dentistry (six years),
3. PhD. Programme (full−time form lasting three or four years,
part−time form in duration of five years).
P. J. Šafárik University follows first of all the guiding principles
of the Sorbonne Declaration in 1998 in order to encourage chang−
es in the architecture of higher education system. Then World
Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st century of October
9th, 1998, the Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Edu−
cation convened in Bologna, 1999 and other documents.
Since the beginning of the academic year 1998/1999, the cred−
it system has been introduced at the university. The credit sys−
tem, compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS),
facilitates the exchange of students in the framework of the Soc−
rates/Erasmus programme.
University has a democratic system of management, based
on mutual cooperation of academic decision−making bodies
and academic representatives. The university is headed by
the Rector, who directs, represents and acts on its behalf. The
vice−rectors substitute him in respective areas.
Basic Statistical Data (2004/2005)
Number of all students:
Number of foreign students:
Number of doctoral students:
Number of professors:
Number of associate professors:
Number of assistant professors:
5 598
Admission and application
The applicants are required to have completed secondary
education. In order to verify the abilities of candidates, they
have to take an admission examination which consists of a
written test. However, in substantial cases, the faculty may
waive the requirement of the admission exam. Students are
expected to possess a sufficient level of English. The subject
of study must be chosen from an approved list of accredited
study programmes.
The applicants for doctoral studies must possess a Magis−
ter degree or equivalent of this or another university. In addi−
tion, they may be required to pass qualifying examination in
order to determine their suitability to undertake the pro−
gramme for which they apply.
Beginning the academic year 1998/1999, credit−based
system in line with the European standard ECTS has been im−
plemented. This activity was supported by Tempus University
Management Joint European project “Credit based system at
Faculties of Science in Slovakia”. All this was done in order to
provide flexibility of a study and mobility of students. The flexi−
bility is embodied in making study more flexible, providing
available choices, promoting interdisciplinary study and de−
velopment of students’ professional career according to their
needs and preferences. The latter mentioned enables mobili−
ty not only within Slovakia, but also promoting East−West and
West−East student flows, notably within the Socrates/Erasmus
Faculty of Medicine of P. J. Šafárik University
Tr. SNP 1, 040 66 Košice, Slovak Republic
Phone: (+421 55) 642 81 51
(+421 55) 642 81 51
International Relations Office:
Mgr. Kvetoslava Maťašovská
Phone: (+421 55) 640 4613
(+421 55) 642 81 51 or 642 02 53
The origin of the Medical
faculty is connected with the
state hospital. This hospital
was officially opened on June
24th, 1924 and was made up
of fourteen buildings, some
with up to 600 beds.
The Faculty of Medicine
was established in 1948 as a
branch of the Faculty of Medi−
cine of the Slovak University,
later Comenius University in
In 1973, a new modern
complex of the of the Faculty
of Medicine and the University hospital was located in one
The functional connection of the University hospital, the
outpatient hospital, and the theoretical institutes of the Fac−
ulty gives optimal conditions for modernisation of medical
study, as well as for raising the level of research with the
resulting rapid application in practice.
The organisation structure of the Faculty comprises
Institutes and Clinics.
Institute of
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Medical Biophysics,
Medical Informatics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Medical Bi−
ology, Physiology, Medical Microbiology, Epidemiology, Fam−
ily Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Hygiene, Pathology, Patho−
logical Physiology, Pharmacology, Social Medicine, Nursing,
Experimental Medicine.
Organisation structure of the faculty
Clinic of
Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, Burns and Reconstruc−
tive Surgery, Dentistry I, Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Dermatovenerology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics I, Gynae−
cology and Obstetrics II, Haematology, Infectious Diseases,
Internal Medicine I, Internal Medicine II, Internal Medicine III,
Internal Medicine IV, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,
Occupational Diseases, Ophtalmology, Orthopaedics, Otori−
nolaryngology and Phoniatry, Paediatrics, Plastic and Recon−
structive Surgery, Psychiatry, Radiodiagnostic, Radiodiagnos−
tic and Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Sur−
gery I, Surgery II, Trauma Surgery, Tuberculosis and Respirato−
ry Diseases, Urology, Geriontology, and Tissue bank.
Fields of study
Bachelor’s study
Laboratory investigative methods in medicine
Public health
Obstetric assistance
Master’s study
Laboratory investigative methods in medicine
Public health
Doctor’s studies
– General medicine
– Dental medicine
Doctoral studies
Clinical biochemistry
Normal and pathological physiology
Internal diseases
Clinical pharmacology
Graduate’s profile
Bachelor’s and Master’s Study
The graduates – bachelors and masters in Nursing will gain
all needed knowledge necessary for providing public medical
services of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention as well
as a medical care. The graduates will gain university education
asked by Slovak government and European Committee for
providing medical nursing.
The graduate of Physiotherapy is prepared for work at
departments of physiotherapy, at institutes of rehabilitation,
in hospitals, in spa, in medical institutions, and in the others.
The graduate is expert in physiotherapy, he cooperates with
doctor in coordination and execution of diagnostic and
therapeutic methods in occupational therapy. The graduates
are able to assess all basic diagnostic and as follow propose
the others treatment methods of the occupational therapy.
They gain knowledge about re−socialization, retraining of
permanently disadvantaged patients.
The graduates of Laboratory investigative methods in
medicine gain general knowledge about all laboratory
methods and they are able to analyse, synthesize gained
information in order to help patient at clinical and curative
activities. The graduate is well informed about the documen−
tation, gains practical experience in work with laboratory
information system, ets. The graduates of bachelor‘s and
master‘s studies can work in health service at the departments
of biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, pathology,
hematology, toxicology, immunology, alergology, etc., as well
as in scientific laboratories established by Ministry of
Education or at laboratories of Ministry of Economy.
The graduate of bachelor‘s and master‘s studies in Public
health is ready to manage high specialized preventive and
diagnostic methods of work in health service, as well as to
provide health supervision in the area of working and leaving
environment, work security, etc.
The graduates of study programme in Obstetric assistance
gain high specialized knowledge about preventive and
therapeutic nursing activities focused on woman, especially
on women in pregnancy in primary, secondary and in following
health care. The graduate is able to provide information in
area of family planning, in diagnostics and monitoring of
pregnancy. He is also an expert in recommending of necessary
medical examinations in the case of the risk pregnancy and in
providing programme for future parents, etc.
Doctor’s Study
The graduate of joint first and second level of studies in
General medicine gains theoretical information from all the
preclinical and clinical subjects.
Concerning practical knowledge, he learns about therapeu−
tics and clinics methods. He gains preconditions (after
obligatory practise, postgraduate studies and exams) for the
specialization in respective
branches or in medical re−
The graduate of Dental
medicine gains knowledge in
theoretical plane about all
preclinical and clinical medi−
cal branches.
Concerning dental medici−
ne, the graduate learns basic
therapeutics and preventive methods and he is able to provide
basic practical treatments. The graduate is able, on the base
of anamnesis and of complex extra−oral examination, to
analyse the origin of the diseases, to apply methods of
primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, to treat the
diseases concerning dental diseases.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
field of Clinical biochemistry gains knowledge of scientific
methods of biochemistry which is able to use in creative way
in different interdisciplinary branches (medical chemistry,
biochemistry, pharmacology, theoretical medicine, and clinical
biochemistry). He is able to use theories and practical
application of the newest interdisciplinary sciences in the field
of medical chemistry, biochemistry and clinical biochemistry.
The graduate gains knowledge in research, he is actively using
methods of scientific research, he is able to publish and to
present the results of his research. During the studies, the
Doctoral Study
graduate gains also social, ethical, environmental and legal
aspects of research work.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
field of Normal and pathological physiology gains
information about methodology of experimental medicine and
of evidence based medicine. He knows to assess critically the
knowledge gained from the literature and on the based of
studying material propose his own solution of the problem.
During the doctoral studies, the graduate gains the basic
knowledge of didactics in normal and pathological physiology,
of modern ways in teaching of pre− and postgraduate
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
field of Internal diseases gains information about scientific
methods and research in the field of internal diseases or in
the fields related to the internal diseases including cardiology,
angiology, gastroenterology, hepathology, nephrology,
endocrinology, diabetology, pneumonology, reumatology,
hemathology, infectology, medical genetics, clinical oncolo−
gy, etc. The graduate can provide independent research work
and he is proposing his own solution of problems in the field
of internal diseases. The graduate gains knowledge in
research, he is actively using
methods of scientific research,
he is able to publish and to
present the results of his
The graduate of the third
level of studies in the field of
Epidemiology gains knowl−
edge about scientific meth−
ods of research in the realm
of epidemiology and he is
able to name and to analyze
actual epidemiological prob−
lems related with infectious
and chronic diseases. The
graduate gains knowledge of
basic research work, of work
with scientific literature. He is able to formulate and to verify
working hypothesis using mathematical and statistical
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
field of Hygiene gains knowledge of scientific methods which
is able to apply for solving of wide spectrum of problems in
the field of following medical branches: physiology, patho−
logical anatomy and physiology, immunology, epidemiology,
social medicine and bioinformatics. He knows methods and
practical application of the newest interdisciplinary sciences
in the branch of preventive medicine. The graduate gains
knowledge in research, he is actively using methods of
scientific research, he is able to publish and to present the
results of his research. He can also actively participate in
research programs in the frame of European research program.
During the studies, the graduate gains also social, ethical,
environmental and legal aspects of research work.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in
Surgery gains basic knowledge in the respective field of study.
He is able to formulate the scientific problem, to judge the
ethic side of his research as well as to plan and realize his
project. The graduate knows the scientific methods of
experimental and clinical research, he is solving the scientific
problems. He is able to interpret correctly the gained data
and use them in the practice. He can also actively participate
in research programs in the frame of European research
program. Together with his supervisor, he should participate
actively in development of the department.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in
Pediatrics is able to work independently and to propose his
own solutions of problems in the field of pediatrics. He knows
scientific methods of research and development in pediatrics.
The graduate takes part in multidisciplinary scientific
activities. He is able to identify the main problems in the
context of dynamics of demo−
grafical, social, economical
and environmental conditions
in the population. With his
scientific, pedagogical and
publishing activities the grad−
uate is able to attribute to the
development of pediatrics.
The graduate of pediatrics
· to acquire the basic knowledge about changes in growth
and development and their clinical application from the birth
to puberty;
· to develop the competencies in medical examination
of nursling, children and adolescents;
· to gain necessary information on diagnostic and
treatment of the most frequent acute and chronic diseases;
· to understand influence of the family and community to
the children;
· to develop strategy for supporting the health as well
as prevention of diseases and accidents;
· to develop communicative skills to improve clinical
interaction with children, adolescents and their parents as well
as to ameliorate pedagogical work with students of medicine;
· to develop his capacity to identify and to solve various
clinical problems.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in
Psychiatrics is able, in the context of actual problems in his
field of study, to formulate hypothesis, to find out scientifically
relevant methods of testing
and he is able to publish the
results of his work. He can
appropriately consider the
results of his research in the
context of his field of study.
The graduate of the third
cycle of higher education in
Otorhinolaryngology gains
deep theoretical knowledge
about temporary state in otorhinolaryngology and in the
related branches. The graduate knows the methods of clinical
work, of the scientific research, of data collection, of data
analysis and their following interpretation. With the results
of his work he contributes to development of otorhino−
laryngology. He is able to transpose his scientific results to
the clinical application, to the lectures and to his publishing
work. The graduate contributes with his own solutions of
problems in otorhinolaryngology.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in
Pharmacology gains knowledge about scientific methods of
pharmacology, which is able to apply with creativity for solving
wide spectrum of problems related to the sciences about man
as a part of the nature (physiology, patophysiology, molecular
biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, and
pathology). He knows the newest methods and their practical
application in the branches mentioned above. He is able to
transpose his scientific results to the clinical application, to
the lectures and to his publishing work. He can also actively
participate in research programs in the frame of European
research program.
Research activities
The faculty is highly active in research both in theoretical
and clinical subjects. The research is concentrated mainly on
the oncological and cardiovascular diseases, as well as on
microbiology, infectious diseases and biomedical engineer−
ing. Now the program of preventive medicine is developed.
In the oncological program the study is concentrated on
the analysis of the mutation changes of the genes in cancer,
investigation of the relationship between gene polymorphism
and individual susceptibility to cancer, testing the sensitivity
of tumour cells to chemotherapeutic drugs and study of the
resistance mechanism, etc. In the field of cardiovascular dis−
eases the aim is focused on prevention.
The other topics include study of: relationship between
gene polymorphisms and atherosclerotic risk factor levels in
type 2 diabetes mellitus, examining the relationship between
gene polymorphism and both macrovascular and microvascular
complications of diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias, prevention
and treatment as well as the effect of hyperaldosteronism on
myocardial function. Furthermore, in infectious diseases and
microbiology, the goals are: to study mechanisms of resistance
and virulence in selected microorganisms in imunocom−
promised patients, to study an incidence of human pa−
pillomaviruses. Biomedical engineering is concentrated on the
program of transplantation, mainly in the field of autologue
chondrocyte implantation, large scale cultivation of human
autologue osteoblasts for
therapeutical application.
Student’s organisations
The Slovak Medical Student’s Association (SloMSA) is a
non−profit organisation and since 1993, SloMSA has existed
as a voluntary organisation with the overall objective of
improving public health in Slovakia and to serve as a forum for
sharing ideas and expertise among medical student organi−
sations. SloMSA has three member organisations – in Bra−
tislava, Košice and Martin. SloMSA is a member of the Inter−
national Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA).
SloMSA consists of 5 Committees: Professional Exchange,
Research Exchange, Medical Education, Public Health,
Reproductive Health including AIDS. The Slovak National
Exchange Committee deals with the exchange of medical
students at pre−clinical and clinical levels (clerkship) between
SLOMSA and other members of IFMSA.
Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University
Moyzesova 16, 041 54 Košice, Slovak Republic
Phone: (+421 55) 622 76 65
(+421 55) 622 21 24
International Relations Office:
Ing. Zuzana Martinová
Phone: (+421 55) 622 21 21, ext. 153
The Faculty of Science was established in 1963. During its
history it has become an important institution of higher edu−
cation and research activities which are realized on the basis
of an intensive international collaboration with many relevant
institutions throughout the world.
The Faculty priorities are as following: autonomy and high
academic standards, high level of education in line with Euro−
pean principles, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary ap−
proach, high quality research in connection with effective re−
search organisations and institutions, and service to the
community. Talking about
missions and actions of the
Faculty, the most significant
are international dimension,
exchange of knowledge, in−
teractive networking, mobility
of teachers and students, and
international research projects.
Institute of Biology and Ecology
Department of Cell Biology, Department of Animal Physiol−
ogy, Department of Genetics, Department of Zoology, Depart−
ment of Botany, Division of Biology Didactics, Laboratory of
Molecular Diagnostics
Institute of Chemistry
Department of Biochemistry, Department of Inorganic
Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Department of
Physical and Analytical Chemistry
Institute of Physics
Department of Biophysics, Department of Physics of
Condensed Matters, Department of Nuclear and Subnuclear
Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
Institute of Mathematics
Institute of Informatics
Institute of Geography
Institute of Social Sciences
Organisation structure of the faculty
Fields of study
Faculty of Science provides higher education in three main
– three years Bachelor’s study,
– two years Master’s study (equivalent to Master of
Science). Study programmes include compulsory, compul−
sory elective and elective courses,
– Doctoral study (PhD.).
Bachelor’s study
General Ecology and Ecology of an Individual and
– Information Technologies for Healthy and Socially Dis−
advantaged People
Master’s study
One subject study:
– Botany and Plant Physiology
– Zoology and Animal Physiology
– Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics
– Chemistry
– Biochemistry
– Organic Chemistry
– Inorganic Chemistry
– Informatics
– Physics
– Biophysics
– Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
Physics of Condensed Matter
Mathematical Informatics
Managerial Mathematics
Economic and Financial Mathematics
General Ecology and Ecology of an Individual and
Two subject study:
The study is organised like a combination of two equiva−
lent subjects from the following set of disciplines:
– Biology
– Physics
– Geography
– Chemistry
– Informatics
– Mathematics
– Psychology
– Philosophy
Doctoral studies
Physiology of Animals
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Discrete Mathematics
General and Mathemati−
cal Physics
Theory of Teaching in
Physics of Condensed Matter
Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
Theory of Teaching in Physics
Graduate’s profile
Bachelor’s Study
The graduate of the bachelor study programme in Biology,
gains basic knowledge in biological disciplines. The graduate
is able to work as a biologist in the workplace focused on
biology or at the universities as a member of the research
groups, as well as in Institutes of the Slovak Academy of
Sciences or in the other sectors, such as health service,
agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industry, or in environ−
mental area. The graduate gains the basic knowledge
concerning methods used in biological laboratories. The
graduate is also able to analyse gained information and to
propose its solution. The quality of graduate is assessed by
the gained number of credits, evaluation scale gained during
the studies as well as by passing successfully the final
The graduate of the bachelor‘s studies in Physics is able to
work as physicist as well as
to realise different types of
experiments, work indepen−
dently and solve basic physi−
cal tasks and apply the physi−
cal models in the practise. The
graduate gains basic knowl−
edge concerning the mea−
suring and technological in−
struments. The graduate gains
the wide spectrum of knowledge in physical, mathematical and
information technology.
The graduate of the bachelor‘s studies in chemistry gains
basic knowledge in the following fields: Inorganic Chemistry,
The graduate of the first cycle of higher education in the
field of Informatics gains theoretical and methodological
knowledge about the key branches of informatics. The
graduate is able to imple−
ment, install and provide
complex systems as well as to
work in implementation team
under master/engineer of
informatics supervision as
well as to extend, adapt and
localise the systems of infor−
mation technologies. The
graduates are prepared for
master‘s studies in informa−
tics focused on knowledge
systems, security of computer
networks and neurone networks and stringology. The graduate
can work in the various areas using information technologies,
as follows: industry, private sector, banking sector, transport
and health care.
The graduate of the bachelor‘s studies in Geography in
study programme ” Structure of the country and its transforma−
tion” should gain basic knowledge from the following fields:
geology, meteorology, climatology, hydrology and pedology.
The graduate gains basic knowledge about methods of
cartography, about geography of population and urban areas,
Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry,
Organic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Ecology,
Pharmaceutical Chemistry. The graduate is able to solve the
problems concerning chemical research and practical tasks of
applied chemistry, as well as to analyse chemical substances,
drugs and materials. The graduate can work in chemical, food
and pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, health care, as well
as a member of the research groups and also in Institutes of
the Slovak Academy of Sciences or in other sectors.
geography of production sphere, geography of transport and
tourism and is able to use this knowledge in the regional
geography of Slovakia. The graduate can work in various
areas, for example: in tourism, in state administration and in
the institutions of environment protection.
The graduate in the field of Mathematics gains an overview
about the most important mathematical terms and basic work
methods in mathematics. The graduate gains knowledge
about discrete mathematics, logic, probability and statistics,
numeric mathematics and other fields, which help to develop
his mathematical thinking. The graduate of this field of a study
should be able to work in−
dependently with scientific
literature and use gained
theoretical knowledge for
solving various mathematical
General Ecology and
Ecology of an Individual
and Population
The graduate in the field of General Ecology and Ecology
of an Individual and Population understands the basic
problems of reciprocal relations between abiotic and biotic
components of ecosystems based on biological, chemical and
geographical aspects of environment. The graduate is able
to identify anthropogenic influences on the environment and
propose its protection. The graduate is able to solve various
tasks related to protection and formation of environment.
Master’s studies – one subject study
The graduate of the second level of studies in Biology, in
study programme of Botany and Plant Physiology gains wide
theoretical knowledge concerning biology of plants and
methodical skills for research work. The graduate is able to
present the results of research at conferences as well as by
publishing. The graduate is able to continue in the third level
of education in the following fields: Botany, Plants physiology
and in the related fields. The graduate is able to work at the
universities, academic and other research departments,
laboratories of agricultural companies.
The graduate of the second level of studies in Biology, in
study programme Zoology and Animal Physiology is able to
work and solve independently the problems of biological
research as well as the practical tasks of applied biology. The
graduate gains information about the methods used in
research of living systems concerning different levels of their
organisation (molecule, cell, organism, population). The
graduates gain basic knowledge in biological fields: genetics,
molecular biology, plant and animal physiology, cytology,
immunology, microbiology, botany, zoology and ecology as
well as basic knowledge in the field of chemistry and relative
fields: biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics. The graduate
of this field of a study is able to work independently with
scientific literature and use gained theoretical and scientific
knowledge for solving various tasks. The graduate can work
at universities, at research laboratories and Institutes of the
Slovak Academy of Sciences and foreign pharmaceutical
The graduate of the second level of studies in Biology, in
study programme Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics
is able to work and solve independently the problems of
biological research as well as the practical tasks of applied
biology. The graduate gains information about the methods
used in research of living systems concerning different levels
of their organisation (mole−
cule, cell, organism, ecosys−
tem). The graduates gain
basic knowledge of biological
fields: genetics, molecular
biology, plants and animal
physiology, cytology, immunolo−
gy, microbiology, biotechnol−
ogy, botany, zoology, human
biology and ecology as well as basic knowledge in the field
of chemistry and related fields. The graduate can work as a
member of research group or as independent researcher.
The graduate of the second cycle in the field of General
Ecology and Ecology of an Individual and Population can
be focused on one of the three following specialisations:
biology, chemistry and geography. The graduate is able to
identify and interpret the interactions in the environment
according to his specialisation. The graduate is able to solve
independently some tasks concerning protection and creation
of environment. The graduate can work as a researcher, in the
organisations of environment protection, etc.
The graduate in the field of Inorganic Chemistry is able to
work both as a member of a research group and independently.
The graduate is able to apply gained theoretical knowledge
in technical practise and in research. The graduate gains deep
experience in the field of inorganic chemistry as well as in
practical research experience with inorganic chemical
compounds and matters using progressive methods of
research. The graduate gains basic knowledge concerning the
measuring and technological instruments. The graduate is
prepared to work with scientific literature especially in English
language, to formulate the scientific problems, to propose new
research methods, to choose appropriate experimental
techniques for solving scientific problems. The graduate is able
to work as a researcher at universities, academic and other
research departments, or in private sector. The study is focused
on the preparation for the third level of education.
The graduate of the second cycle of higher education in
the field of Organic Chemistry deeply understands the studied
theories, methods and procedures used in chemistry. The
graduate is specialised in the
field of organic chemistry. The
graduate is able to realise
research independently as
well as to use chemical terms
and methods. The graduate
gains the basis of chemical
informatics and can work with
organic database. The graduate is also able to teach some
specialised subjects of chemistry at University as well as to
lead scientific team and to plan research work independently.
The study is focused on the preparation for the third level of
education in the field of organic chemistry.
The graduate of the second cycle of higher education in
the field of Biochemistry gains knowledge of scientific
methods of biochemistry and is able to use them in creative
way in different interdisciplinary fields. The graduate is also
able to teach some specialised subjects at University as well
as to lead scientific team and to plan research work
independently. The graduate can work in various spheres, as
follows: pharmaceutical chemistry, molecular biology,
molecular medicine, biotechnologies, etc.
The interdisciplinary character of Chemistry opens the way
for graduate of master study to find the work all over the world.
The graduate can work in chemical, food and pharmaceutical
industry, agriculture, health care, as well as a member of the
research groups or in the other sectors. The graduate during
the preparation of master thesis can focus on the following
fields: analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, environmental
chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and bioorganic chemistry.
The graduate of the second cycle of higher education in
the branch of Informatics gains deep theoretical and
methodological knowledge about the key fields of in−
formatics. During the studies he can choose from the
following specialisations: neurone networks, theoretical
informatics, logic of information systems, information safety.
The graduate is able to use the knowledge in practical life in
solving difficult problems; he is able to propose appropriate
solutions for critical components. The graduate gains
knowledge in research, he is actively using methods of
scientific research, and work as a member of a research group,
he is able to publish and to present the results of his research.
After finishing the study, the graduate can work as a computer
programmer, systems analyst or as a leader of a research team
in the private and public sectors. The study is focused on the
preparation for the third level of education in the field of
The graduate of master
studies in the field of Bio−
physics gains experience in
scientific methods of bio−
physics and ability to use
them in creative way in dif−
ferent interdisciplinary fields.
He is able to use theories and
practical application of the
interdisciplinary sciences. The
graduate is actively using
methods of scientific research. The graduate is able to
communicate with specialists from following scientific fields:
genetics, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, pharma−
cology, immunology and bioinformatics.
The graduate of the second cycle of higher education in
the branch of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics gains
fundamental knowledge in the field of nuclear and subnuclear
physics about the basic structure of matter and the basic
interactions. He is able to use scientific methods of research
and development in subnuclear physics. He knows actual
programming languages and mathematical bases of statistical
and analytical programmes. The graduate gains knowledge
in research, he is actively using methods of scientific research,
and he can actively participate in research programs. The
graduate can work in the following areas: medicine, biology,
environment protection or like programmer or manager.
The graduate in the field of Physics is prepared for solving
independently research tasks at the departments of basic and
applied research. The graduate gains theoretical and
experimental knowledge of classical and quantum physics,
computer and mathematical physics, astronomy and astro−
physics. The graduate knows actual computing systems, bases
of programming, and he is able to use computers in research
experiments. The graduate can actively use experimental
methods, mathematical and physical models. The graduate
can work as a system analyst or like programmer or manager.
The study is focused on the preparation for the third level of
education in the field of physics.
The graduate of master studies in the field of Physics of
Condensed Matter gains knowledge in the field of physics of
condensed matter that are at the level of contemporary state
of research in the world. The studies are profiled by different
disciplines: structure of solid matter, quantum theory of solid
matter, physics of low temperatures, physics of metals,
electronics and magnetism of solid matters. The graduate
gains knowledge in research, using methods of scientific
research. The graduate can work as a system analyst or like
programmer or manager. The study is focused on the
preparation for the third level of education in the field of
The graduate in the field of Mathematical Informatics
gains basic knowledge in the field of informatics and deep
knowledge in mathematics, which helps to develop the field
of informatics. The graduate is able to work as a member of
research group. The graduate is able to use independently
scientific literature and communicate in English language. The
scientifically orientated graduate can continue in the third
level of education.
The graduate of the second cycle of higher education in
the field of Mathematics should by able to study inde−
pendently from the theoretical and practical point of view
scientific literature as well as to use effectively gained
information. He gains knowledge about the newest trends in
the respective field of a study. He can apply gained
information in solving the problems in the social practise. The
graduate can work all over the world as a university teacher
or researcher. The study is focused on the preparation for the
third level of education in the field of mathematics.
The graduate in the field of Managerial Mathematics gains
basic theoretical training, knowledge and experience from
operating system, and from numerical and statistical methods.
The graduates can work individually or in team with experts
from another fields. They can work as researchers, at the
management departments, in management teams in private
and public sectors and also as teachers and members of
university staff. The graduate is prepared for the third level of
higher education.
The graduate of the second cycle in the field of Economic
and Financial Mathematics gains knowledge in the field of
mathematical methods used in economy, finance and
insurance sector. The graduate is able to use computing
systems as well as existing programmes of financial and
statistic packages. The graduates is able to create his own
programmes and to work with scientific literature in foreign
language. The graduate is able to work in banks, insurance
agencies, consulting and investment companies, also in state
administration area.
Master’s studies – two subject study
The study is organised like a combination of two equivalent
subjects from the following set of disciplines:
· Biology
· Physics
· Geography
· Chemistry
· Informatics
· Mathematics
· Psychology
· Philosophy
The graduate of two subject study can work in different
fields of research, business and public administation. The
students willing to be secondary school teachers may also
choose pedagogical specialisation comprising pedagogy,
psychology and didactics.
Doctoral Studies
The graduate of doctoral studies in the field of Genetics is
able to use scientific methods in the field of experimental
genetics working with different genetic objects (micro−
organisms, plants and animals) as well as in solving the
problems in human genetics. He is focused on gaining the
newest theoretical information in the field of genetics based
on the contemporary state of scientific knowledge in genetics
and molecular biology. He is analysing the genetic systems
and genetic processes in the cells of a model genetic organism
by the most progressive experimental procedures. The
scientific results of a graduate should contribute to develop−
ment of science and/or they should be used in other spheres
of the community.
The graduate of doctoral studies in the branch of Physiology
of Animals is able to use scientific methods of research in the
field of experimental physiology, which are applied on the
model objects. He is focused on gaining the newest theoretical
knowledge based on contemporary level of scientific research
in physiology, ethology, biochemistry, molecular biology and
cytology. With the results of his research work, he contributes
not only to development of science, but he realises their
application in the human and veterinary medicine, agriculture,
pharmacology and biotechnology. The graduate gains
knowledge in research, he is actively using methods of
scientific research, he is able to publish and to present the
results of his research.
The graduate of doctoral studies in the field of Inorganic
Chemistry is able to work both in research centres and in
educational institutions in Slovakia as well as in the foreign
countries. The graduate gains deep theoretical knowledge in
the field of inorganic chemistry as well as practical research
experience with inorganic chemical compounds and matters
using progressive methods of research. The graduate is able
to work with scientific literature, to formulate the scientific
problems, to prepare research project, to choose appropriate
experimental techniques for resolving scientific problems as
well as to lead the team of researchers.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
field of Organic Chemistry is able to work independently in
this field of study. He gains the knowledge about the methods
of research as well as about development in organic chemistry
focused on multilevel synthesis of organic compounds,
stereoselective synthesis, photochemistry, etc. The graduate
is also able to teach some specialised subjects of chemistry
at University. He is able to lead scientific team as well as to
plan research work independently.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
field of Biochemistry gains knowledge of scientific methods
in biochemistry and is able to use them in a creative way in
different interdisciplinary branches. He is able to use chemical,
biological and biomedical methods of research focused on
investigation of chemical composition of matters and on basic
processes which are taking place in the living organisms under
physiological and pathological conditions. The graduate can
use the experience in different fields as follows: biochemical
and biomedical research, clinical practise, in the pharma−
ceutical and veterinary laboratories. As to interdisciplinary
character of the biochemistry, the graduate can work in the
chemistry, biology and is qualified for research in biochemistry,
biotechnology and in biomedical research as clinical
biochemist or biochemist in the laboratories and companies.
The graduate of doctoral studies in the branch of Discrete
Mathematics gains deep theoretical and methodological
knowledge in discrete mathematics as well as the knowledge
about scientific methods in the respective field of study. The
graduate is able to discover rules in discrete structures and to
propose discrete mathematics models of the tasks from
different scientific branches and to solve them using computer.
He is able to publish the results in the scientific journals and
participate actively at international conferences.
The graduate of doctoral studies in the branch of General
and Mathematical Physics gains wide knowledge about
mathematical apparatus, theoretical and physical as well as
computer skills for solving complex problem. The knowledge
is not limited only to the area of the physical systems but can
also be used in different areas of human activities. The
graduate gains knowledge in research, he is actively using
methods of scientific research, he is able to publish and to
present the results of research. The graduate is able to apply
the knowledge in the practical life and in technology. The
graduate gains also basic knowledge and skills of managerial
The graduate of doctoral studies in the branch of Biophysics
gains experience in scientific methods of biophysics and
ability to use them in creative way in different interdisciplinary
branches (physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry,
pharmacology and theoretical
medicine, theoretical biology
and medicine, immunology and
bioinformatics). He is able to
use theories and practical ap−
plication of the newest inter−
disciplinary sciences in the field
of biology, nanotechnologies
and bioinformatic technologies. The graduate is actively using
methods of scientific research, he is able to publish and to
present the results of his research. He can also actively
participate in research programmes in the frame of the
European research program. Together with his supervisor, he
should participate actively in development of the department.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
branch of Informatics gains deep theoretical and methodo−
logical knowledge about the key branches of informatics at
the level of contemporary world research. During his studies
he can choose from the following specialisations: artificial
intelligence with application of neurone networks, deductive
and abdeductive systems and their application in flexible poll,
probabilistic algorithms, cryptography and informational
safety, theory of robots and computational complexity. After
finishing the studies, the graduate is able to use his
knowledge in the practical life in solving difficult problems;
he is able to propose appropriate algorithm solutions for
critical components. The graduate gains knowledge in
research, he is actively using methods of scientific research,
he is able to publish and to present the results of his research.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
branch of Theory of Teaching in Mathematics should by able
to study independently from the theoretical and practical point
of view different publications as well as to use effectively
gained information. The graduate extends his knowledge in
mathematical, pedagogical and psychological disciplines. He
gains knowledge about the newest trends in the respective
field of study. He can apply gained information in solving the
problems in the social practise. He is able to present the
results of his work at the conferences in Slovakia and also
abroad, as well as to formulate mathematical problems and
to prepare projects.
The graduate of doctoral studies in the branch of Physics
of Condensed Matter gains deep knowledge in the branch
of physics of condensed matters that is at the level of
contemporary state of research in the world. The graduate
gains knowledge about research methods concerning the
physics of condensed matters focused on the wide interval of
temperatures, on spectroscopic methods under normal and
critical conditions mainly in the high magnetic fields and in
using very low temperatures. The graduate is able to prepare
different types of nanostructures as well as their microscopic
diagnostics. The graduate gains knowledge in research, using
methods of scientific research, publishing and to present the
results of research, and he can actively participate in research
programmes as well as teaching at the institutions of higher
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
branch of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics gains deep
knowledge in the field of nuclear and subnuclear physics
according the newest knowledge in this field in the world as
well as fundamental knowledge about the basic structure of
matter and the basic interactions. He is able to use scientific
methods of research and development in subnuclear physics.
He knows actual programming languages and mathematical
bases of statistical and analytical programmes. The graduate
gains knowledge in research, he is actively using methods of
scientific research, he is able to publish and to present the
results of the research, and he can actively participate in
research programs as well as to teach at the institutions of
higher education.
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in the
branch of Theory of Teaching in Physics should be able to
provide independently his scientific work in the respective
field of a study. He can work as a teacher of physics, staff
member in methodical centre, staff member of state institution
focused on research in the field of education, author of didactic
materials for teaching physics. He can apply gained
information in resolving the problems in the social practise.
He is able to present the results of his work at the conferences
in Slovakia and also abroad, as well as to formulate
mathematical problems and to prepare projects.
The faculty is highly active in all parts of natural sciences,
mathematics and informatics. In biology and ecology research
activities are aimed at experimental carcinogenesis in vitro
and in vivo, biodiversity of plants and animals, biotechnology
of medicinal plants and landscape architecture. Research in
chemistry is aimed at complex study of structure, properties
and synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and their precursors.
In physics, new materials, magnetism at low and ultra−low
temperatures, and recently, a new direction of biophysics
studying interaction between nucleic acids and pharma−
ceuticals started to develop. In mathematics and informatics
graph theory, cycles and colourings, algebraic structures,
differential equations, topology and thin sets, fuzzy
techniques, neural networks and logical programming, are
studied. Research in social sciences is focused to creative
teaching, prevention of drug dependence, theory of teaching
in natural sciences and the ways of reintegration of socially
and healthy disadvantaged people in society.
Research activities
Faculty of Law of P. J. Šafárik University
Kováčska 26, 041 80 Košice, Slovak Republic
Phone: (+421 55) 622 71 04
(+421 55) 622 53 65
International Relations Office:
Mgr.Eva Tkáčová
Phone: (+421 55) 727 12 08
The beginning of the law study in Košice dates back to
1657 when Benedictus Kisdi, the bishop of Jager’s Diocese,
established the Academia Cassoviensis for “studium univer−
sale seu academiam”. In 1712 the Department of Ecclesiasti−
cal Law was established at the University and it became the
basis for the future Law Faculty transformed into the Royal
Academy in 1777. In 1850 the Royal Academy was renamed
to the Imperial Royal Law Academy. This Law Academy exist−
ed up to 1921 when it was formally abolished. The law study
in Košice was reopened in 1970 as a subsidiary of the Faculty
of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. In 1973 the
Faculty of Law was established as a part of the Pavol Jozef
Šafárik University in Košice on the basis of the above men−
tioned subsidiary.
Organisation structure of the faculty
Department of History of the State and Law
Department of Theory of the State and Law
Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law
Department of State Law and Administrative Law
Department of Criminal Law
Department of Civil Law
Department of International Law
Department of Financial Law and Tax Law
Department of Business Law and Economic Law
European Documentation Centre
Fields of study
The profile of graduate in bachelor and master studies at
the Faculty of Law provides higher education in three main
– four years Bachelor’s study,
– one year Master’s study
Study programmes include compulsory, compulsory elective
and elective courses,
– Doctoral study (PhD.).
Bachelor’s study
– Law
Master’s study
– Law
Doctoral study (PhD.)
Civil law
Criminal law
Theory and History of the State and of the law
Constitutional law
Commercial and Financial law
Graduate’s profile
Bachelor’s and Master’s Study
The profile of graduate in bachelor and master studies at
the Faculty of law is formed continuously during all the studying
period. The preparation of the graduates aims at their
professional specialization especially in the following fields:
· judges, procurators, advocates, investigators,
executives, notaries;
· state administration, public administration;
· diplomatic representatives abroad;
· representatives in the various organs of the EU.
The teaching at the Faculty is focused on the preparation
of the optimal conditions for realization of the education and
for scientific and research work which is necessary for
preparation of graduates for their global as well as pro−
fessional profile. Faculty of Law put emphasis on the moral
aspects of graduates as well as on their theoretical
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in Civil
law gains general knowledge in respective field of study as
well as in private law based on the contemporary state of
scientific knowledge. The graduate is
able to formulate scientific conclusions
on the base of his own creative work and
followed by his own propositions in the
concrete and specific branch of civil law.
The graduate is able to provide by
himself the scientific research and he is
able to solve theoretical as well as
practical problems relative to civil law.
The graduate of the third cycle of
higher education in Criminal law gains general knowledge
about criminal law as well as about complex criminal law
science, which are based on the newest scientific knowledge.
The graduate should have capacity to formulate his own
scientific conclusions, which are based on his scientific
research. He should be able to present his opinion concerning
contemporary law state ”de lata” as well as to comment
eventual future modification of “de lége referanda” in the field
of material and procedural criminal law. The graduate gains
Doctoral Studies
also general information about branches related to criminal
law as for example the criminalist, the criminology, the
financial and fiscal law as well as administrative law.
The graduate of the third level in Theory and History of
the State and of the Law gains complex knowledge about
theoretical and historical problems of state theory, science of
state, national and world history, ecclesiastical history and
history of political and legal teaching. The main goal of the
doctoral studies is to provide homogenous, methodological
and analytical knowledge of general and theoretical base of
law concerning the theory of state formation, specific
attributes of state, organization forms of modern state, etc.
The graduate can all gained knowledge use in his high
specialized law practice in Slovakia as well as in all EU
The main goal of doctoral studies in the field of Commercial
and Financial law is to improve theoretical and scientific
knowledge in commercial law, the principles of business
bodies focused on their creation and running, concerning
obligational relations in international trade.
The graduate in financial law will develop theoretical
knowledge in law aspects of financial policy of Slovak republic
and also in tax law (material and procedural).
The graduate of the third cycle of higher education in
Constitutional law gains general knowledge in respective
field of study based on the contemporary state of knowledge.
The study is focused on the development of basic legal
knowledge and directed towards further development of the
constitutional law in wide international context.
Research activities
Research activities of the
Faculty create prerequisites
for first−rate educational pro−
cess and publication of the ac−
complishments representing
the Faculty in public. Excellent
results achieved in the research field condition the growth of
research−academic and research−educational qualifications of
our pedagogues, which consequently entitles the Faculty to
expand the scope of its competence.
The Faculty takes part in research by acquiring and elabo−
ration of grant projects as well as by individual research work.
The Faculty presents results of research activities by issuing
its own research periodical called “ACTA IURIDICA CASSO−
European Documentation Centre
The Faculty of Law creates a proper environment for the
seat of the European Documentation Centre established on
the basis of the contract between the European Commission
and the University.
The Faculty of Law hosts the Local Group of the European
Law Student’s Association (ELSA). This is an independent,
apolitical and profitless organisation. It associates law stu−
dents and junior lawyers. Activities of this organization include
organization of seminars,
lectures,exchange programs
and sporting activities for the
students of the faculty. The
Leadership of the Faculty
communicates with the Presi−
dent of the ELSA Local Group
on the regular basis.
Student’s organisation at the Faculty
Faculty of Public Administration of P. J. Šafárik University
Popradská 66, 041 32 Košice, Slovak Republic
Phone: (+421 55) 788 36 11
(+421 55) 788 36 65
The faculty was founded in 1998 and it pursued the activi−
ty of the Institute for Public Administration established at the
Faculty of Law in 1994.
The mission of the faculty is to prepare specialists for the
career in public administration and to contribute to develop−
ment of the public administration as academic discipline. The
work in the public sphere includes knowledge in broad area
of disciplines. For this reason the educational approach has
interdisciplinary character.
Organisation structure of the faculty
Department of Law
Department of Economy
Department of Social Sciences
The Public Administration study at P. J. Šafárik University
offers a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral study programmes
from public administration. There is a possibility to attend the
courses either in:
− full−time or
− part−time form.
Fields of study
Bachelor’s and Master’s Study
– Psychology
– Social work
– Public administration
Doctoral studies
– Social and work psychology
Graduate’s profile
Bachelor’s and Master’s Study
The graduate of bachelor´s and master´s studies in
Psychology gains homogenous idea of a system and of
contemporary state of psychological disciplines in the context
of social, biological and homonistic sciences. He is succesful
as assistant of a psychologist as well as in professions
required competent work with people (different social
institutions, different civil services, etc.)
The graduate of bachelor´s and master´s studies in Social
work can work like caseworker who gains theoretical and
practical knowledge of social work. He gains basic knowledge
about public administration, autonomous organs in the field
of social and criminal state politics, labour law, administrative
law, institutional law so he can work as caseworker focused
on persons who commited delicts. The graduates is able to
analyze problems and possibilities, which are actual in the
other socials realms. He gains also knowledge in institutional,
criminal and familly law.
The graduate of bachelor´s and master´s studies in Public
administration is prepared to work as specialist in all the
branches of public administration and public sector. The
graduates are able to solve the problems and to take
decisions in the basic fields and in all levels of state
administration. The graduates gain basic knowledge in the
following fields: law, economical sciences, political science
and sociology, basic knowledge about the EU.
Doctoral Study
The graduates of the third cycle of higher education in
Social and work psychology gain the newest knowledge
related to the scientific research and practice in psychology.
He is able to judge these information as well as to project
and realize his own research work. He knows the methods of
psychological research as well as the newest methods of
analyzing and evaluation of research conclusions. Their
knowledge and skills represents the European standard.
The University Library
Garbiarska 14, 042 07 Košice, Slovakia
The University Library consists of one central and three fac−
ulty libraries: The Medical Library, The Library of Natural Sci−
ences, The Law Library, and
27 department libraries. In
addition, the European Docu−
mentation Centre and the
Austrian Library for the East−
ern Slovakia region operate
there, as well.
The University Library is a
member of the Slovak Librar−
ies Association, KOLIN − Košice Library and Information Net−
work consortium and ProScientia consortium. The University
Library's entire collection comprises about 263 000 units,
especially monographs, periodicals, electronic and audiovis−
ual documents.
The University Library builds up the databases of docu−
ments published by university teachers, scientists and re−
searchers. It provides acquisition, cataloguing, lending serv−
ices including ILL and document delivery services, reference,
information services, photocopying etc.
The Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden in Košice was founded in 1950 and
nowadays it covers the area of about 30 hectares. The Gar−
den's pride is a large greenhouse of over 2700 m2 with its
breathtaking collection of orchids, succulents and plants of the
Araceae, Cactaceae and Bromeliaceae family. Extensive mu−
tual cooperation with about 600 botanical gardens from all
over the world played an im−
portant role in its develop−
ment. The Botanical Garden
attracts interest of visitors
not only from Slovakia but
also from the surrounding
The main task of the Bo−
tanical Garden, however, is
to conduct research in different fields of botany and
environmental science focused on the study of phytogeno−
phond and biological diversity in the wider environmental
context. It also provides an environment for theoretical and
practical education
of the University
students special−
ized especially in
plant sciences, such
as botany, plant
taxonomy, plant
physiology, phy−
topatology and
plant protection of
endangered plant
Mánesova 23, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Institute of Philology and Social Sciences
Moyzesova 50, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
The Institute supports the teaching of 5 languages –
English, French, German, Russian and Latin for all four faculties
of the University (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science,
Faculty of Law and Faculty of Public Administration).
The educational process is focused on special terminology
in the field of a study in question. Specialized and highly
skilled staff apply the latest teaching methods and help
students develop their language skills.
The Institute is also engaged in linguistic research and in
the methodology of teaching foreign languages.
Recently, it is developing new study programmes, such as
English and American philology, Slovak language and
literature, etc. The Institute provides also an environment for
realization of doctoral study in Psychology.
Institute of Physical Education
Medická 6, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Institute of Phys−
ical Education pro−
vides physical train−
ing for University
students and staff.
The students may
choose from several
sport activities (ski,
aerobic, martial arts,
athletic, volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, bedminton,
swimming).The Institute provides physical training in 4
gymnasiums, a fitness suite, in 4 tennis courts and a swim−
ming pool. Moreover, the Institute organises winter and
summer sport courses.
Centre of Information and
Communication Technologies
Moyzesova 50, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Main tasks:
· to solve the problems of development of information
technologies and communication systems;
· to provide the new trends of computer networks for
academic community;
Centre of Information and Communication Technologies of
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University is the university information
facility and also the junction of SANET.
· to provide the consultancy, training and different
· to co−operate with all departments of computer
technologies of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in solving
complex problems of information technologies and
communication systems;
· to operate the different programme products in our
The University Publishing House
Mánesova 23, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
The publishing house of our university was established in
1969 and located in Botanical garden of Pavol Jozef Šafárik
The main activities are: printing textbooks for our students,
study programmes, teaching tools, magazine and book
binding, copying of final autoreports for students, teaching
staff and scientists; printing
leaflets, advertising boards,
information booklets, posters,
billboards; preparation of
university exhibition; presen−
tation of our University and
other activities.
You can find there also the
book store, which offers several publications published by
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University.
The University Halls of Residence
P. J. Šafárik University provides accommodation in the
several halls of residence in Medická 4, 6 (4 blocks) and
Popradská Street 66, which are available for the students of
our University. The Halls consist of units of bedrooms with
shared bathroom facilities and a kitchen. Every unit consists
of 2 rooms. There is possibility to choose between two or three
bed rooms. The equipment of rooms is standard. The social
centres with television, game rooms, computers, etc. are freely
accessible. The Halls
of Residence are
situated near to the
University and Košice
city centre. The
buses and trams
connect the Halls to
the University and
the city centre every
day and night.
Medická Street 4 and 6, 040 11 Košice
Phone: (+421 55) 643 38 73 − 74, 643 37 18
Popradská Street 66, 040 11 Košice
Phone: (+421 55) 643 51 14
Erasmus students apply
for accommodation via Inter−
national Relations Office,
fax: (+421 55) 622 44 17.
The capacity of student rooms
for Erasmus students is
limited and therefore it is
advised to apply as soon as
Some students may prefer to live in rented apartments,
which are also available. For plenty of hotels in the area of
the city, approximately 20, with reasonable prices providing
rooms ranging from single to apartments, please browse on
one of the following web page:
Christian Academy
Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice, Slovakia
The Christian Academy of Pavol Jozef Safarik University was
established the 28th of October 1990. The Christian Academy
is responsible for education of several social science
disciplines for the University students.
Nowadays the Christian Academy provides education of
four subjects :
· Medical ethic and bioethics
· Ethics problems in nursing
· The basis of ethic I. and II.
· Cultural anthropology
The study and trainning facilities
Opátka is 25 km westwards from Košice in the hills of
Slovenské rudohorie, surrounded by forests. Opátka offers
excellent conditions for relaxation all the year and it´s suitable
for small meetings and workshops.The recreation opportu−
nities comprise different water sports, hiking, cycling and
Danišovce is situated 70 km westwards from Košice near
the town Spišská Nová Ves, the centre of the Slovak Para−
dise. Excellent conditions for relaxation all the year, skiing and
hiking. Accommodation for 60 persons in 28 two−bedrooms
and 2 apartments.
The facility is very suitable for organising workshops and
conferences. It provides all necessery facilities including wire−
free technology. This place is situated close to the Gothic
road and several historical cul−
tural sights from the medieval
age (kindly see Spiš county in
the chapter surroundings of
Košice and interesting tourist
sites in the region of Eastern
Košice, the second largest city in Slovakia, has been the natural
metropolis of Eastern Slovakia ever since the time of its foundation.
It is situated in the valley of the Hornád River and the Košice Hollow.
Košice has the warm, rather dry climate typical of hollows; the
average January temperature ranges from −2 °C to −4 °C; average July
temperature ranges from 18.5 °C to 20 °C; the average annual pre−
cipitation is 600 – 700 mm. The average wind speed is 12 miles per
hour (20 kilometers).
The settlements in the valley of the Hornád River belong to the
oldest on the Slovakian territory. Archaeological findings date them
as far back as the Older Stone Age, e. g. about 100 000 B. C. The
oldest Palaeolithic settlement in Europe, more than 80 000 years old,
was discovered in Barca near Košice. There is no historical document
referring to the origin of the settlement of Košice. But it is evident
that the territory was settled much earlier than it is mentioned in the
first written document dated from 1230 when the Hungarian King
Andrew reigned. Košice is mentioned in this document as Villa Cassa.
Since 1342 the town had privileges,
which increased its importance. On 28th July
1347 Košice was granted further privileges
by the King Louis the Great, which enjoyed
till then only the inhabitants of Buda, so that
Košice became the second most important
town in Hungary. The same king in 1369
granted the town its coat of arms. It was for
the first time in the European history that a
town was granted coat of arms based on a
royal decree. It consisted of a shield with four
silver and white stripes running horizontally
on a red background with three lilies in the upper part. Košice
remained an important name in long−distance trade throughout the
whole of the 14th and 15th centuries. It was at this time that town
gained the privileges of a free royal city, one of the largest and
richest in the whole of Hungary. This was also period when the city’s
most beautiful historic buldings were erected.
From the beginning of the 16th century, however, Košice’s mer−
cantile fame went into decline. After this period of economic bloom
and relative peace, in the 16th and 17th centuries Košice went through
some more eventful times as the country came under constant threat
of turkish invasion, and was then rocked by series of social uprisings
during which control of the city changed hands many times from one
side in the struggles to the oth−
er. In addition, there was then
extra upheaval of the reformation
and subsequently the counter−
reformation. As a result of these
frequent wars, Košice was trans−
formed into the strongest city
fortress in Hungary and became
the head−quarters of the Captain−
general. At that time, in 1657,
due to the economical, adminis−
trative, and political importance
the city became a seat of uni−
versity and secondary schooling
in connection with the re−Cathol−
icization movement.
The development of industry gave Košice a new impulse, espe−
cially in a form of arising of manufactories and later industrial plants,
accelerated mainly by the building of the East Slovak Iron and Steel
Works. The city increased in beauty as well as in size, and took on
the character of an ethnic melting−pot containing Germans, Hungarians,
Slovaks and Jews, all with their
various regions and cultures.
Košice maintained its cultural
and ethnic variety up until
present. At the Nowadays the
city has a well developed met−
allurgical, engineering, food and
clothing industry, building trade,
and is a centre of transport and information technology.
The history is closely tied up with the beautifully reconstructed
buildings in the downtown core of Košice
that make this eastern Slovak regional
capital a truly memorable destination. The
most valuable part of the town of Košice,
which attracts practically all visitors, is the
historical core with a spindle−shaped square
and pedestrian zone along the Main street
(Hlavná ulica) proclaimed a historical town
reserve. Visitors of Košice can admire very
different architectonic styles documenting
the famous and rich history of the town.
St. Elisabeth’s Cathedral, built between
1378 and 1508 and a Gothic masterpiece, is the city’s oldest archi−
tectural landmark. It is the most beautiful Gothic church in Slovakia.
Particularly imposing is the winged main altar with its three oversize
statues and forty−eight panel paintings, while the lateral altars, Gothic
wall paintings and sculptures add to the charm. The building was
seriously damaged for several times by elemental catastrophes. The
current full renovation began in 1985 and lasts up to recent days.
The tympanum above the en−
trance displays a relief depicting
the Last Judgement. The other
five reliefs display scenes from
the life of St. Elisabeth, The Vir−
gin Mary with attendants. The
excellent acoustics is exploited
for organizing of organ concerts,
and in September International
Organ Festival. You can ask the
church keeper to take you to the
tomb of František Rakoczi, a fa−
mous Hungarian noble, who led
one of the revolts against the
Habsburgs in the early 18th cen−
tury. After dying in exile in Tur−
key was later brought to Košice with great fanfare in 1906 and buried
in St. Elizabeth’s. There is a possibility to
go up to the tower for additional fee.
St. Michael’s Chapel located to the south
of the Cathedral, is a single−nave Gothic edi−
fice from the 14th century. It was built on the
southern side of the Cathedral, it is the sec−
ond sacral monument of Košice. Till the end of
the 18th century it served as a chapel of the
cemetery formerly situated around. The chap−
el is dedicated to St. Michael who leads souls
to the next world. On a gable above the en−
trance there is a relief of St. Michael weighing
souls of the deceased. It is the
city’s second oldest building.
St. Urbain’s Tower, a de−
tached medieval bell−tower from
14th century also belongs to the
cathedral complex, all of which
was originally surrounded by a
churchyard wall until 19th centu−
ry. The Bell of St. Urban is cast
from the former one which was
damaged by fire. The originally
gothic tower was rebuilt in the
Renaissance style. The tower is
dedicated to St. Urban, the pa−
tron of wine−growers, because
exactly the wine−trade was a very
important part of the medieval
town economy. St. Urbans Bell
was destroyed by fire in 1966.
At the present time the tower is
fully renovated.
The State Theatre, built in the
middle of square in a park accord−
ing to the design in the histori−
cizing style by A. A. Lang and
Steinhardt at the end of 19th cen−
tury. The interior of the theatre is
richly decorated with plaster
ornaments, the ceiling with paint−
ings by the Viennese painter with
scenes from Shakespeare’s trag−
edies Romeo and Juliet, A Mid−
summer Night’s Dream, Othelo and King Lear.
Immaculata Statue “The Plague Col−
umn”, this sculptural group is situated on the
former scaffold site in the square; it was
erected by builder Tornyossy and sculptor
Grimming in 1720 – 1723. The monument
was restored several times, and several
statues were replaced by copies. The square
is built up with palaces, burghers’ houses
and sacral buildings.
Jakab Palace, located next
to a former mill−race, the palace
was built by Jakab, the architect
of many Art Nouveau and Roman−
tic buildings. He used rejected
stone elements from renovated
St. Elisabeth for the construction
of this palace at the end of 19th
The Forgach Palace, an elev−
en axial two storey palace of the
nobility built in Empire style in
the early 19th century, now houses the State Science Library.
The oldest and most treasured building lies in the heart of Košice.
This famous building is the District House which was built in 1779
by Viennese J. Langer in the Baroque Classical style.
To the recreational area belongs the park at the Immaculata
and the park of the Singing fountain – both popular places for
inhabitants and visitors alike. Especially the later takes pride in its
The Singing fountain and the chimes are a real attraction: The
fountain is able simultaneously to react to its own music, to the
sound of the chimes and to the music transmitted from the nearby
theatre. This musical play makes a stay in the park truly rewarding
and also accompanies a walk around the
Urban tower, the cathedral St. Elisabeth –
with the chapel St. Michael – and the streets
around the Golden Cross in downtown.
The city has also wonderful museums to
visit including the Jakoby’s Gallery, the East
Slovakian Museum, The Slovak Technical
Museum, The Loffler’s Museum, and an Ar−
chaeological Museum.
On the 7th May 1369 the armorial warrant
was granted to Košice by Louis the Great.
To remind this important date a new tradition was created − Days of
Košice. During the first May week, Košice changes to a celebrating
city with a lot of cultural and sport events.
Košice is also well known because of its regular sport and cultural
International Peace Marathon was established in 1924 as the
Marathon of Košice. Its tradition has been lasting to the present,
so that this is the oldest European marathon, which each year in
October hosts the best runners from all around the world.
Košice Music Spring in April,
International Organ Festival in
September in St. Elizabeth’s Ca−
thedral, Festival of Spiritual Arts,
International Folk Festival, Inter−
national Water Skiing competi−
tion, tennis tournament Exim AG
media Open in June are just to
be mentioned.
At the end of the year, the
wonderful decoration of the
town during the Košice Christmas
has become already a legend:
there is a Christmas market at
the main road with an almost
three weeks lasting cultural
program, creating a fantastic
Christmas atmosphere!
In Košice supermarkets like
VA, KAUFLAND opperate. Shop−
ping hours start at 8.00 and
close at 21.00.
In Košice the following uni−
versities, attended by about
20 000 students together, are
situated: P. J. Šafárik University,
Technical University, University
of Veterinary Medicine and Econ−
omy University.
The Slovak Academy of Scienc−
es in Košice comprises the follow−
ing 9 institutes (Experimental
Physics, Materials Research, Geotechnics, Neurobiology, Para−
sitological, Animal Physiology, Mathematical, Zoology and Social
City transport
The system of public transportation in Košice is quite compre−
hensive and reliable. There are a number of tram, bus and trolley−
bus lines that allow you to get practically to any part of the city
during the day and in the evening. Several tram, trolley−bus and
bus lines operate at night too, usually at one−hour intervals.
Price for tickets in SKK
Basic ticket
Reduced − fare ticket
Supplementary ticket sell
(055) 622 59 25, 640 74 31
Košice airport
Košice International Airport is the second largest airport in
Slovakia. The airport is located about 6 km south of the Košice city
center. Presently the airport is capable of serving small „business“
aircraft to large Boeing 767 or Airbus 300. Presently the travelers
can reach almost any destination in the world, thanks to the carriers
providing daily connection to Vienna, Prague and Bratislava. Regular
carriers operating from/to Košice Airport include Czech Airlines,
Tyrolean Airways, Slovak Airlines, SkyEurope Airlines.
(055) 622 10 93, 683 21 00
Long−distance transport (SAD Košice)
The bus transport network is also considerably developed.
Detailed information about bus routes is given in the timetables of
individual regions. International bus links are available from Košice
and other towns situated along the main roads to particular cities,
e.g.: Prague, Munich, Paris, Venice, Vienna, London etc.
(055) 625 16 19
Railway trasport (ŽSR)
Bratislava − Zvolen − Kosice and in a south−north direction: Bratislava
− Vrutky− Poprad − the Tatras − Kosice. The main tracks are joined by
important additional tracks.
(055) 613 21 75
The railway network is 3,662 km long. Geographically, the
railway tracks in Slovakia mostly lead in a west−east direction:
Taxis are plentiful, although cruising taxis are seldom available.
Taxi stands are located throughout the town. When taking a taxi,
look for those with company name listed on the car. Taxis ordered
by phone have cheaper fares.
CTC Taxi
City Taxi
Elán Taxi
Europa Taxi
Lucky Taxi
Maxi Taxi
Rádio Taxi
Slovan Taxi
Yellow Taxi
(055) 16 666, 16 161, 633 33 33
(055) 16 222, 642 22 22, 642 42 42
(055) 16 116, 674 74 74, 678 86 86
(055) 642 44 44, 642 44 38
(055) 633 00 00, 625 25 41
(055) 16 555, 625 55 55 − 56, 622 55 55
(055) 16 333, 633 52 52, 633 25 25
(055) 622 11 11 − 12, 644 44 44
(055) 16 000, 16 111, 643 43 43
Important web sites about Košice and
services in the city Košice
Československá Obchodná Banka, a. s.
Dexia banka Slovensko, a. s.
HVB Bank Slovakia, a. s.
ING Bank, n.v.
Istrobanka, a. s.
OTP Banka Slovensko, a.s.
Poštová banka, a. s.
Slovenská sporiteľňa, a. s.
Tatra banka, a. s.
UniBanka, a. s.
Volksbank, a. s.
Všeobecná úverová banka, a. s.
Accomodation in Košice
Restaurants, bars, pubs
Museums and galleries
Libraries in Košice
The State Scientific Library
Library of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Library of the Technical University in Košice
Ján Bocatius Public Library
Košice Youth Library
Culture in Košice
Theatres Košice State Theatre
The Old Town Theatre − Small Scene
State Theatre − Small Scene
Puppet Theatre
Thalia Hungarian Theatre
Marai Stage
Romathan Theatre
The most important phone numbers
Mobile phones
Network providers include T−Mobile (www.t− and
Orange (
The Fire Department
The Ambulance
The Police Department
SOS, emergency call
Getting to Košice
Košice is easily reached by plane, train, and bus as well as by
car. The city lies on main roads running from the north (Poland) to
the south (Hungary) and from the west (Bratislava, capital of
Slovakia) to the east (Ukraine).
International trains connect the city with a number of major cities
in neighbouring countries, including Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, Kiev
and Moscow. Commonly used domestic route Bratislava−Žilina−Po−
prad−Košice by IC takes about 5 hours. For detailed information,
please see the web site
The best bus direct service from all over the Europe to Bus Station
is offered by Eurolines, see
There is an international airport in Košice, located 6 km south
from the city centre, which is the destination of daily regular flights
from Prague, Vienna, and Bratislava.
Košice airport flight information:
(+421 55) 683 22 06
Bratislava airport flight information:
(+421 2) 433 388 40 / 485 733 53 / 434 200 36
Vienna airport information:
(+43 1) 700 70
Prague airport flight information:
(+420 2) 201 111 11
Budapest airport information:
(+36 1) 296 96 96 / 296 62 00
The rich cultural, social and sport life and the famous hospitali−
ty, the religious and ethnic tolerance of the Košičans receive from
visitors positive response. The city has become a favourite
destination for statesmen, diplomates and other important persons,
their names are immortalized on the pavement of the historic
Košice is a booming tourist town. It is said to be the most
beautiful town of Slovakia. Come, and find out for yourself!
Excellent conditions for the relaxation can be found in Košice sub−
urbs and surroundings.
Attractive skiing centres like Kavečany, Jahodná and Kojšov pro−
vide good conditions for downhill and cross−country skiing. Bankov
and Alpinka are popular centres of tourism and hiking.
Bukovec (10 km from Košice) and Ružín (25 km from Košice) are
popular centres of swimming and water sports.
Geyser in Herľany
27 km from Košice, the only cold geyser on the European conti−
nent, found in 1875 during boring works to gain sources of mineral
water for a spa. At present once every 32 – 34 hours the geyser
spurts water. Each eruption lasts about 25 minutes and water squirts
up to 15 m.
Zádiel Valley
The deepest canyon with the
depth of 300 m and length of 2.2
km. The unique area with inci−
dence of rare species of fauna
and flora. It offers an 3 hours
walk through untouched nature.
466 m above sea level, situ−
ated northerly of Košice be−
tween the valley of the brook
Črmeľ and river Hornád. To the
top of the hill Hradová with
ruines of a medieval castle runs
a marked track. The first written
documents concerning the castle
are very brief and since 1995 an archeological research has been
realized here. At present there is a tower, which afford a good view
of the city and its surroundigs, nice place for having a barbeque.
Krásna Hôrka Castle and Betliar House
are further tips for weekend.
ZOO of Košice
The ZOO of Košice is one of the biggest zoos in Slovakia. It is
very popular because of its location. The Košice ZOO is listed in the
European Association of ZOOs which monitors activity in zoos in
Europe. One of the activities is
inspecting the breeding activity
of rare animals. The Košice Zoo
has been successful breeding
many animals, especially the
Hucul Horse. Near ZOO a bob−
sleigh track is located and easily
accessible by local city busses.
High Tatra Mountains
The High Tatra mountains are located in the region of Eastern
Slovakia, 100 km from Košice.
The High Tatras – Vysoké Tatry, an area whose natural beauty
makes it one of the most remarkable recreation areas not only in
Slovakia but in all of Europe. Among other things, the High Tatras
offer exceptionally clean air and a unique climate, leaving every visi−
tor feeling better, especially those who take advantage of the many
health spa treatments available. Hiking paths, ranging from gentle
to highly demanding, wind among spectacular peaks and rock walls.
The mountain range is divided into eastern and western sec−
tions. The West Tatras consist of six geomorphic units (Osobita,
Sivý vrch, Roháče, Liptovské hole, Červené vrchy and Liptovské kopy).
The East Tatras include the High Tatras and Belianske Tatras.
The tallest peak being Gerlach, spiking to a summit at 2655
meters above sea level (m a. s. l.). These mountains, the only of
alpine character in Slovakia, stretch their 32 valleys over a mere 26
kilometers, making the range one of the smallest of its kind. The
sharp, stony peaks owe their shape to glaciers, which shaped the
High Tatras many thousands of years ago.
Having fulfilled their task, the glaciers then disappeared; and
therefore glaciers do not present barriers here, as they sometimes
do in the Alps or the Caucasus. Nature’s work has been supplement−
ed by man’s, rendering the area uniquely accessible — well−main−
tained trails lead through valleys and passes, and even to the sum−
mits of 10 mountains.
Transportation and building has also attained remarkable
– the settlement of Štrbské ple−
so (1 355 m a. s. l.) is easily
accessible by road or rail
– an inclined plane reaches the
Hrebienok ridge (1 285 m)
– Skalnaté pleso (1 751 m) is
attainable via cable cars
– and from there another cable
car will take you to the peak
of Lomnický štít (2 632 m)
– other aerial trams go to
Solisko (1 815 m) and up to
the col Lomnické sedlo
(2 200 m)
– a mountain hotel sits next to the tarn Velické pleso (1 670 m)
– a hiker’s chalet, Chata pod Rysmi (2 250 m), offers the highest
lodgings in the Tatras
Only a short distance separates these points from the High Tat−
ras summits, often stretching to heights above 2 500 m. This puts
even an average hiker within reach of many spectacular sights.
Tatras National Park
Is the oldest national park in Slovakia. It was founded in
1949 and covers a 741−square−kilometer area of the Slovak part
of the West and High Tatras, also including the entire Belianske
The boundaries of the Tatras
National Park (TANAP), clearly
marked on all approach routes,
are: the Slovak−Polish border to
the north, the Ždiar−Tatranská
Kotlina road to the east, a line
approximating the forest line to
the south, and to the west
through the valley Suchá dolina to Biela skala, towards Oravice and
through the valley Tichá dolina up to the Polish border.
TANAP’s charge is to preserve the original condition of the natu−
ral environment through compre−
hensive protection and guidance
for the mountains’ usage for rec−
reation, therapy and sport.
TANAP’s administration, the
state forestry offices, the Tatras
botanical exhibition, research
institute and TANAP museum are
located in Tatranská Lomnica.
The Tatras Mountain Rescue
Service, a branch of the state forestry administration, is based in
Starý Smokovec.
More information about sport and recreation facilities, including
accommodation in the High Tatras can be found on http:// or
Spiš is one of the most beautiful and distinctive of Slovak regions
90 km apart from Košice. Thanks to its magnificent scenery and an
abundance of cultural and historical sights it is also one of the most
attractive for tourists. It is bordered to the west by the High Tatras
and the Belianske Tatras, to the south by the Low Tatras and the
Spiš County
Slovenské rudohorie (Slovak Ore
Mountains), and to the north by
Spišská Magura.
Spiš county came into being
in the middle of the 12th century
at the time of King Gejza and of
the German colonisation which
influenced Spiš’s entire history.
Spiš was traversed by important
trade routes secured by castles,
the most important being the
Spiš Castle, the largest medieval
fortress in Slovakia and one of
the most extensive in central Eu−
rope. Together with Spišské Pod−
hradie and Spišská Kapitula it forms an architectural entity
recognised in UNESCO’s World Heritage Registry.
Also well worth a visit is the 13th−century Early Gothic church in the
nearby community of Žehra,
which boasts an attractive profile
and, particularly, an abudance of
esteemed wall paintings. Many
Spiš towns are remarkable for
their architecture.
These include Levoča, with its
Gothic St.James’s Church contain−
ing the tallest Gothic wooden al−
tar in the world by Master Pavol,
Spišská Nová Ves, the central
town of Spiš, and Stará Ľubovňa,
one of the oldest towns in Spiš
region.Dreveník is
the largest travertine
area in Slovakia.
Šariš County
Bardejov – an ancient town 80 km on the north of Košice. Included
in UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage Register, Bardejov retains a
Medieval atmosphere which attracts many visitors. The rectangular
town square is an Urban Conservation Area. A look at the renovated
burgher houses on the square, a visit to the magnificent 11th−cen−
tury Church of Saint Egidius with
its original Gothic altars, or to
the Šaris Museum in the building
of the former town hall are all
musts for tourists, while the
Museum's annex on Rhodyho
street has the only exhibition of
icons in Slovakia.
The Pieniny National Park
extends over 2125 hectares near the border
with Poland, northeast of the High Tatras
and north of Košice.
An area with a rich historical and folk ar−
tistic heritage, as well as a distinctive folk−
lore and architecture, it is also exceptional in
its memorable scenery, rocky ridges and rich
flora and fauna. For the discerning tourist the
Pieniny is synonymous with beauty, un−
spoiled scenery and repose. It is an ideal
destination for an−
glers and kayakers
alike, and a paradise
for cyclists.
The major land−
mark of the Zamagurie
landscape is the strik−
ing rock formation of
Tri koruny (Three
Crowns, 982 m).
Below this, the riv−
er Dunajec has cut
into the limestone a
narrow gorge with
high rock walls. A gentle trip along on the river on a typical “Goral”
raft makes for a memorable outing.
Well worth a visit, too, is Červený Kláštor (The Red Monastery)
dating from 1319, a National Cultural Site.
Rafter, in traditional folk costume of the “Goral” (mountain peo−
ple – see picture above).
Slovakia has twelve caves which are open to public, half of them
located in the Eastern Slovakia region. All of them are designated
National Natural Monuments and four – Ochtina Aragonite Cave and
Domica, Gombasek and Jasov Caves – appear on the UNESCO list
of the world’s natural heritage sites.
Located within the Tatra National Park (TANAP), the Belian Cave
is 1 752 m in lengh. The cave boasts calcite waterfalls, pagoda−like
stalagmites and lakes. Eight kinds of bat inhabit the cave and there
is a naturally−formed „music auditorium“ in which concerts are held.
The Dobšiná Ice Cave lies within the Slovenský raj (Slovak para−
dise) National Park and is one of the most famous ice caves in the
world. The ice has a volume of 110
132 m3. In the Great Hall its thick−
ness is as much as 26.5 metres.
Domica Cave lies in the vicin−
ity of the Slovak−Hungarian bor−
der. It is 5 080 metres in lengh
and forms a single entity with
the Baradla Cave in Hungary. A
trip along the underground river
Styx is highly recommended. The
cave is home to 11 kinds of bat.
Gombasek Cave in the Slovak Karst is exceptional in its slender
quill−like formations which can be as long as three meters. The cham−
bers are captivating in the fragility of form and coloring of the rich
The Jasov Cave near the little town of the same name offers in−
teresting „cathedrals“ and chambers and galleries deepened by
river, pagoda−shaped stalagmites, waterfalls, scallops and
Ochtina Aragonite Cave is a unique phenomenon of subterrane−
an natural beauty that never ceases to amaze visitors with the
wealth and variety of its aragonite ornamentation. In the so−called
„Deep Cathedral“ the lake has a depth of up to 3 metres.
This gorgeous region, which quite deservedly has been recog−
nised and protected as a national park, is indeed a paradise for
visitors. There can be few other places where it is possible to en−
counter within such a small area such an enchantigly varied land−
scape – meadows, chasms, canyons, gorges, plateaux, caves and
waterfalls. Slovak Paradise is an area of exceptional natural beauty,
and of rare flora and fauna. Its elevation is not particulary high (500
– 1 700 m) but negotiating the ravines along the walking trails is
relatively demanding – and a very popular tourist activity.
Among the most beautiful of the ravines are Kyseľ, Sokolia doli−
na, Veľký and Malý Sokol, Piecka and Suchá Belá. One place not to
be missed is a section of the River Hornád where it produced a
canyon known as Prielom Hornádu. The fierce current of the Hornád
is impeded by rock faces falling directly into the river itself, and
negotiating this requires great skill.
Slovak Paradise is rich in caves and chasms. The most significant
is the Stratená jaskyňa system, which in−
cludes Stratená jaskyňa itself – at 18.5 km,
the longest cave in Slovakia − the Psie diery
cave and the Dobšinská Ice Cave.
Slovak Paradise includes 177 caves and
chasms, 16 state reserves and numerous oth−
er unique natural attractions.
For more information on Slovenský Raj
Slovak Paradise
· Official name: Slovak Republic
· Date of the republic’s establishment:
· State symbols: state symbol, state flag,
state seal, national anthem
· State organisation: republic
· Political system: parliamentary democracy
· Constitutional system: constitutional and legis−
lative power (National Council of the SR), execu−
tive power (president of the SR a government of
the SR), judiciary power (constitutional court and courts)
· Territorial division:
8 Higher−Tier Territorial Units
8 regions (Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra, Trenčín, Žilina, Banská Bystri−
ca, Prešov, Košice)
79 districts
· Regional capitals: Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra, Trenčín, Žilina, Ban−
ská Bystrica, Prešov, Košice
· Official language: Slovak
· Capital city: Bratislava (population 428 672)
· Neighbouring countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hun−
gary, Austria
· Area: 48 845 km2
· Population: 5 430 000 (51.4% women)
· Population density: 109/km2
· Ethnicity of the population: Slovak (85.7%), Hungarian (10.6%),
Romany (1.6%), Czech (1%), Rusyn, Ukrainian, Russian, German,
Polish and others (2%)
· Population by religion: believers (84.1%) of which:
Roman Catholic (60%), Evangelical (6.9%), Greek Catholic
(4.1%), Reform Christian (2%), undetermined (2.2%), atheist
· Main political parties represented in the National Council: Slo−
vak Democratic and Christian Union (SDKÚ), Christian Democrat−
ic Movement (KDH), Smer, Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK/MK),
New Citizen's Alliance (ANO), Movement for a Democratic Slova−
kia (HZDS), Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS)
· Currency: Slovak crown, 1 Sk = 100 hallers
· Exchange rate (July 2005): 1 USD = 31,80 Sk, 1 EUR = 38,40 Sk
For the actual exchange rates see
Credit cards: Credit cards of different origin, like Eurocard/Mas−
terCard, VISA, Maestro, American Express and other are accept−
ed in banks, hotels, large stores, and other important points.
· Membership of international organisations: EU, NATO, UN,
1st January
6th January
1st May
8th May
5th July
29th August
1st September
15th September
1st November
17th November
24th December
25th December
26th December
Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic
Good Friday, Easter Monday, set according the
Christian Calendar,check the concrete dates of
the respective year after arrival
Labour Day
Day of Victory over Fascism
Holiday of Saints Cyril and Methodius
Anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising
Day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic
Our Lady of Sorrows
All Saints Day
Day of the Fight for Freedom and Democracy
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Christmas Day
Weather and Climate in Slovakia
Slovakia has a continental climate, with four distinct seasons.
Winters are typically cold and dry, while summers tend to be hot
and humid. The average daily temperature range in Bratislava is −3°
to 2° C (27° to 36° F) in January and 16° to 26° C (61° to 79° F) in July;
temperatures tend to be cooler in the mountains. Bratislava receives
an average of about 650 mm (about 26 in) of precipitation annually.
In areas of high altitude, snow is often present for as many as 130
days each year.
The application should include:
· documents confirming
– the goal of stay in the Slovak Republic
– financial provision of the stay
– provision of accommodation in the Slovak Republic
· excerpts from crime register
– of the home country and the Slovak Republic
· health certificate of the applicant
– a more detailed information is available at Slovak embas−
sies abroad
Please, make sure that you have all indispensable documents
before you come to Košice, i.e.
– passport or ID and visa with required validity,
– insurance certificate for all the period of stay,
– degree or diploma certificates,
– birth certificate,
– proof of financial resources,
– several passport−size photos.
Come and enjoy stay in Košice as well as study at P. J. Šafárik
According to international agreements between the Slovakia and
most of European countries and the USA students coming from these
countries do not need to obtain visas to enter the Slovak Republic.
If you are not sure whether your country has such an agreement with
the Slovak Republic, check it at the Slovak Embassy in your country.
According to the law of the Slovak Republic an international stu−
dent wishing to study in Slovakia needs a residence permit. Appli−
cations are to be submitted personally to the Slovak Embassy of
student’s home country in advance.
Common phrases and words
Good morning – Dobré ráno
Can you help me ?
Good evening – Dobrý večer (Môžete mi pomôcť ?)
Good night – Dobrú noc
Allow me to introduce myself
Goodbye – Do videnia
(Dovoľte, aby som sa predstavil)
Day / Week / Month / Year
Tram – Električka
(Deň / Týždeň / Mesiac / Rok)
Bus – Autobus
How are you ? – Ako sa máte ? Train – Vlak
My name is ... – Volám sa ...
Ticket – Lístok
Thank you – Ďakujem
Where does this bus go to?
Excuse me – Prepáčte
(Kde ide tento autobus ?)
Please – Prosím
Departure / Arrival
Morning – Ráno
(Odchod / Príchod)
Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow White – Biely
/ Dnes / Zajtra)
Black – Čierny
Monday – Pondelok
Red – Červený
Tuesday – Utorok
Green – Zelený
Wednesday – Streda
Yellow – Žltý
Thursday – Štvrtok
Blue – Modrý
Friday – Piatok
Wine / Beer / Coffee / Milk
Saturday – Sobota
(Víno / Pivo / Káva / Mlieko)
Sunday – Nedeľa
Sugar / Salt / Pepper
Yes – Áno
(Cukor / Soľ / Korenie)
No – Nie
Spoon / Knife / Fork
Here – Tu
(Lyžica / Nôž / Vidlička)
There – Tam
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Who / What / Why / When / Where (Raňajky / Obed / Večera)
(Kto / Čo / Prečo / Kedy / Kde) Of course – Samozrejme
One – Jeden
I can
/ I can not
Two – Dva
(Môžem / Nemôžem)
Three – Tri
I have / I don´t have
Four – Štyri
(Mám / Nemám)
Five – Päť
Department of study
Six – Šesť
(Študijné oddelenie)
Seven – Sedem
Library – Knižnica
Eight – Osem
Hospital – Nemocnica
Nine – Deväť
Dean / Vice−dean
/ Hundred / Thousand (Dekan / Prodekan)
(Desať / Sto
/ Tisíc)
Bank – Banka
Call the doctor
Police – Polícia
(Zavolajte lekára)
Pharmacy – Lekáreň
Help – Pomoc
Drug – Liek