11 East Broadway, Red Lion, PA 17356
11 East Broadway, Red Lion, PA 17356
RED LION BOROU GH Pre-Sort Standard U.S. Postage PAID York, PA PERMIT No. 764 11 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 190 Red Lion, PA 17356 POSTAL CUSTOMER MESSAGE FROM BOROUGH COUNCIL PRESIDENT WALT HUGHES: Greetings to everyone! I hope all of you had a wonderful and happy summer. A new season of the year will soon be upon us, and with the colors of the fall foliage, the new harvest time and the blessings of the holidays, I can only wish that everyone will enjoy this time of year as well. Mayor • Steven E. Kopp This Community Newsletter is produced for Red Lion Borough by Hometown Press • 215.257.1500 • All rights reserved® To Place An Ad Call Sara At Hometown Press • 717-395-1634 The Tradition Continues... Celebrating 30 Years in Business! NOW OPEN! Borough Manager • Dianne Price Public Works Supervisor • Brett Patterson Tax Collector • Mike Zelger The Borough is also in labor negotiations with Teamsters Local 776, the bargaining agent for our Public Works employees. We Accept Water Authority • Eric Immel, Chairman • Carroll Missimer III, Vice-Chairman • Jeffrey P. Herrman • Michael Poff • Bradley Smith Water & Sewer Superintendent • Keith Kahwajy York Area Police Chief • Thomas Gross The Well Red Red Lion Lion Psychology Psychology David Haynes-Weller, PsyD Licensed Clinical Psychologist 30 East Broadway • Red Lion, PA 17356 Tel: 717.244.1082 Fax: 717.244.1064 Red LionPsychology.com Another challenge Council faces is to attempt to negotiate a contract with York Area Regional Police Department which is set to expire at the end of this year. The police department has given us notice that they no longer will provide police services to Red Lion Borough beginning in 2015. Borough Council is of the opinion that they do a great job for us; however, the ever-increasing cost has become a problem for the Borough. The Borough is currently paying the police department about $600,000 per year, and that is for 15 PPU’s (Police Protection Units). The police want us to increase that number to between 26 PPU’s and 36.5 PPU’s per year. That increased cost could be $1 million to $1.5 million per year. Meeting that cost increase could mean a 100% increase in your real estate property tax per property owner, unless Council can find another or additional means to fund the police. And that’s just for calendar year 2015. Another option is to stay at 15 PPU’s and be charged for anything in excess of the 15 PPU’s. The police department has informed us that they will evaluate their service to the Borough every six months, and should they find it necessary to increase that amount, the Borough will have to agree or they will drop their services to Red Lion Borough after giving a 45-day notice. Borough Council is working very hard to settle this matter and has been working on this for some time for the betterment of all of Red Lion. Codes/Zoning Officer • Dan Shaw 717-246-2773 59 East Broadway Check Out Our Unique Craft Beer Selections South 74 • Red Lion ORDER ONLINE: We Fill GROWLERS! www.gcpizzaonline.com Borough Council • Walter Hughes, President • Dennis Klinedinst, Vice-President • Kelly Henshaw • Christina Frutiger • Cynthia Barley • Tony Musso • Danielle Kabacinski Borough Council has been very busy this year with many provoking issues challenging them. Last winter took its toll on our streets and alleys as everyone could see. Borough Council has begun the task of moving ahead with repairing our streets and trafficways. To repair ALL of the streets this year, the cost was estimated to be $4.5 million. After review, Council has scheduled about a half-dozen of those roadways for repair this year, 2014. Borough Council has many more important issues we are addressing beyond those mentioned here. Your input is very important to us, as well as helpful. So please feel free to come to Borough Council meetings or contact any Council member with your concerns so we can see if those concerns can be addressed. Please have a great year as we on Borough Council attempt to get the business of government done for you. Most respectfully yours, Walt Hughes President, Red Lion Borough Council Inside This Issue: Message from the Mayor.....................................1 Information to Help You.....................................1 York Area Regional Police Department ...............2 Red Lion Emergency Management......................2 Leo Fire Company..............................................2 Red Lion Area Ambulance Association ...............3 Red Lion Historical Society.................................4 Red Lion Municipal Water & Sewer Authority ...4 York County Area Agency on Aging ...................5 Red Lion Area Senior Center ..............................5 Commuter Services of PA ...................................5 Green Thumb Garden Club................................5 Red Lion Borough Events................................6-7 Red Lion Recreation and Activities .....................7 Red Lion Community Preschool.........................8 Red Lion Youth Center .......................................8 Message from State Rep Stan Saylor....................8 Storm Water Information....................................9 Recycling Information .................................10-11 Red Lion Borough Information.........................11 Zoning & Code Enforcement ...........................12 Red Lion Community Services .........................12 Kaltreider-Benfer Library ..................................12 Municipal Office Information ...........................13 Tax Collector ....................................................13 11 East Broadway, Red Lion, PA 17356 • (717) 244-3475 www.redlionpa.org Municipal Office 11 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 190, Red Lion, PA 17356 717-244-3475 Borough Manager Dianne Price 717-244-3475 dprice@redlionpa.org www.redlionpa.org • rlboro@redlionpa.org Tax Collector Mike Zelger 451 Highland Rd., R.L. 717-417-6311 MikeZelgerTaxCollector@comcast.net Zoning & Codes Enforcement Dan Shaw 717-244-3475 dshaw@redlionpa.org Mayor Steven E. Kopp 717-487-9208 skopp@redlionpa.org Red Lion Youth Center 190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L. Jenna Koslosky, Director 717-244-6493 JennaLHubler@yahoo.com Complimentary: Hot Stones and Sauna with Every Massage Session Red Lion Recreation 190 S. Charles St., upper level, R.L. Eric Rabenstein, Recreation Director 717-244-6896 rlrec@redlionpa.org Swedish Deep Tissue Myofascial Release Pregnancy Massage & Couples Massage Red Lion Community Preschool 190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L. 717-244-6493 Sauna 717-244-1464 29 South Main St. Red Lion, PA 17356 Police Department York Area Regional Police 33 Oak St., York, PA 17402 Thomas Gross, Chief 717-741-1259 www.yapd.org Call for Your Appointment Today! Magistrate John H. Fishel Magisterial District Judge District 19-3-01 2997 Cape Horn Rd., R.L. 717-244-4002 www.districtcourt19301.org Ambulance Red Lion Area Ambulance Assn. 312 Horace Mann Ave., R.L. 717-244-0983 Ron Harlacker, Director of Operations, rharlacker37@hotmail.com Garbage & Recycling Fire Department Penn Waste Leo Fire Company No. 1 717-767-4456 201 W. Broadway, R.L. Joseph Yahnke, Fire Chief www.pennwaste.com 717-244-8811 www.redlionfire.org Kaltreider-Benfer Library Red Lion Area Historical Society 147 S. Charles St., R.L. P.O. Box 94, R.L. 717-244-2032 717-244-1912 Jan Barnhart, President www.kaltreider-benfer.org kalib@yorklibraries.org www.redlionareahistoricalsociety.org jbarn71947@aol.com Red Lion Area Business Association 651 Lombard Rd., Suite 122, R.L. Red Lion Area Community Services 717-244-0886 15 First Ave., R.L. www.rlaba.com 717-244-6934 redlionareabusiness@gmail.com Muriel Slenker, Director Red Lion Area Senior Center 20-C Gotham Place, R.L. Heather Goebeler, Executive Director 717-244-7229 www.redlionseniorcenter.com redlionseniorctr@yahoo.com www.rlacspantry.net RLACS@Pantry.comcastbiz.net Red Lion Borough Tax Collector, Mike Zelger 451 Highland Rd., R.L. Phone: 717-417-6311 • Fax: 717-417-5119 Email: MikeZelgerTaxCollector@comcast.net Dr. Douglas Schmidt, D.V.M. Dr. Kevin Schmidt, D.V.M. Dr. Sabrina Walters, V.M.D. Dr. Kathleen Spencer, D.V.M. Dr. Stephanie Edwards, D.V.M. Property Maintenance Experts Noah Mundis 717-968-4990 noah4allseason@comcast.net Fully Bonded & Insured A Special Thank You To The Businesses 425 East Broadway Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-3611 www.pattonvethospital.com Office hours by appointment MEMBER HOSPITAL This publication is made available through the generous advertising sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout our newsletter. Red Lion Borough appreciates their support as the ads provide the revenue that make it possible to produce this newsletter at no cost to our residents. The Borough does not endorse any product or organization that advertises in this newsletter. All in-person tax payments will be made at Mike’s home office located at 451 Highland Rd. He will not be collecting taxes at the Red Lion Borough Office. His office hours are as follows: Mondays and Wednesdays: 9 AM until noon Additional hours are available by appointment. Please call him at 717-417-6311. Special Hours: Thursday, 9/4 Friday, 9/5 6 PM – 8PM 9 AM – Noon Thursday, 9/11 6 PM – 8 PM Friday, 9/12 9 AM – Noon Thursday, 11/6 6 PM – 8 PM Friday, 11/7 9 AM – Noon Thursday, 11/13 6 PM – 8 PM Friday, 11/14 9 AM - Noon Receipts: Send both copies of your tax notices and a self-addressed envelope when receipts are requested. Make checks payable to: Michael Zelger, Tax Collector. A $40 fee will be charged for all returned checks. Postmark, NOT date of check, determines when tax is paid. PLEASE ISSUE SEPARATE CHECKS FOR SCHOOL AND BOROUGH/COUNTY TAXES. Those persons paying real estate taxes in escrow to a mortgage company will be required to forward the current real estate bill to their lender unless notified otherwise. Please contact the tax collector’s office if any of the following apply to you: • If you rent your property or have tenants living in your home • If you, or anyone in your home who is 18 years of age or older, did not receive a per capita bill • If you are selling or moving a mobile home • If you are moving from Red Lion Borough All 2014 taxes must be paid by December 31, 2014. 13 FROM THE ZONING & CODES ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DAN SHAW By now, the grass has quit growing, and our thoughts are turning toward cold, snow-filled days. Here is some important ordinance information to remember for the fall and winter months. GARBAGE COLLECTION: Do not place garbage at the point of collection in excess of 12 hours before your collection day, which is Friday for all residential customers. UNENCLOSED STORAGE: Do not let inoperable, unlicensed and/or uninspected vehicles sit outside. They must be stored in a fully enclosed building. SNOW & ICE REMOVAL: Snow and ice on sidewalks are to be cleared within 12 hours after the snow or sleet stops falling or ice ceases forming. The path must be at least 36” wide. If snow or ice ceases to fall or form after 6 PM, the time deadline for removal then is 6 PM of the following day. It is also unlawful to place any snow or ice into a public street or alley. SNOW EMERGENCIES: In the event of a severe winter storm, the Mayor will declare a SNOW EMERGENCY which will then be announced on local radio and television stations and also on our website. No motor vehicles are permitted to remain parked on the following streets after a snow emergency is declared: ➢ North and South Main Streets ➢ East and West High Streets ➢ East and West Broadway Fines start at $75.00 and may be assessed every eight hours. HOUSING: No owner or occupant shall install, operate or use an unvented space heater employing a flame. This includes unvented portable gas and kerosene heaters. PARKING: Citations will be issued for any motor vehicle that is parked on any Borough highway, street or alley for a period longer than 72 consecutive hours. TREE TRIMMING: To avoid damage to borough equipment, personal vehicles and for the safety of everyone, trees must be kept trimmed to a height of 14 feet above and along the edge of the roadway and 9 feet above sidewalks. MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR: To the Citizens of Red Lion Borough. I hope each of you has enjoyed your summer vacation. We all know that the beauty of autumn in Red Lion is right around the corner. We have many challenges ahead of us this year, and the main issue I am referring to is the police contract which will expire on December 31st. The Council is researching different options. If you have any opinions to share on this matter, now is the time. I am confident they will make the right decision. My position as your Mayor is to retain the services of the York Area Regional Police Department by negotiating a contract that is fair to the police at a reasonable cost to the taxpayers of Red Lion Borough. Once a year, the Mayor has the privilege of recognizing a person or persons who have made a positive contribution to our community. This year I have chosen Joseph and Julie Yahnke of the Leo Independent Fire Company as co-recipients of the Red Lion Community Service Award for 2014. They will be recognized at the November 10th Red Lion Borough Council meeting which will be held at the Community Building at 7:00 PM. Now may I close by wishing you and your family all of God's Blessings! Sincerely, Steven E. Kopp Mayor, Red Lion RED LION AREA COMMUNITY SERVICES 15 First Avenue, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-6934 Fax: 717-244-6911 • Muriel Slenker, Executive Director www.rlacspantry.net • RLACS@Pantry.comcastbiz.net • Office hours: Mon., Tues. & Wed. 9AM - 1PM • Thurs. 9AM - 2PM • Fri. 9AM - Noon • Food Pantry: by appt. • Pantry donations accepted weekday mornings (You can also drop your pantry donations off in the lobby of the Red Lion Municipal Office.) If you are not familiar with who we are and what we do, please read this brief summary of some of our programs and services. The staff, volunteers and board members extend their appreciation for the continued support of the agency as we reach out to those families who find themselves struggling for various reasons to cope with the hardships they experience. Financial donations can be sent to the 15 First Avenue address. The service area for the agency includes the communities surrounding Red Lion and Dallastown, Yoe, Windsor, East Prospect, Yorkana, Winterstown, Felton, Brogue, New Bridgeville, Craley and Collinsville. Kids’ Kafe Summer Lunch Program provides extra nutrition for at least 100 youngsters during ten weeks of summer recess. School supplies are available from July through the first week of September. Christmas gifts and holiday meal extras give support to nearly 200 households each December, and the Warm Program distributes blankets, hats, gloves and scarves during the fall and winter months each year. The Fuel Fund helps to ease the stress of the high cost of heating for several families, many of which are senior citizens. Client households must renew their information at the office each July for food pantry appointments. Please contact the office for more information or to register for any of the programs. Our Gift Baskets are an on-going fundraiser. We offer baskets that are suitable for that favorite senior or for anyone who is homebound or in the hospital or rehab, etc. Each basket is filled with small personal toiletries, word games, note pad, a bit of candy or snacks, a small stuffed animal, and various other fun items. Baskets are wrapped with a seasonal flare and can be designated for a man or woman. All this for the suggested donation of $16! Our second annual Empty Bowls Fall Event is scheduled for Saturday, November 8th at in the parish hall of Chapel UMC, 3050 Cape Horn Road. Seating for the meal will be at 5 PM, with door prizes, agency information, as well as information about other local resources, and a Silent Auction as part of the evening program. Doors will open at 4:30 PM. Ticket prices are $17 for adults; $7 for children ages 6 – 17 (Children 5 years and under are Free). Ticket holders have an opportunity to choose an empty bowl as a thank you for attending and to remind each one of the food insecurity issues in our communities. Supper will include Salad, Ham & Bean Soup, Beef Vegetable Soup, Meatless Chili, Fruit and Breads, Desserts and Beverages. This event is presented by the agency staff, volunteers, and board of directors. Tickets will be available in September by calling us at 717-244-6934. There are two seats opening on the Board of Directors for the coming year. Inquiries may be addressed to the executive director. The capital improvements to our building, the 1904 original Red Lion firehouse, continue as donations and support become available. Tours and information are available during regular office hours or by arrangement with the director. Non-skilled and skilled work teams are often needed for general clean-up and maintenance tasks. Youth groups and scout groups, with appropriate supervision, are welcome to sign up for certain tasks. KALTREIDER-BENFER LIBRARY 147 South Charles Street, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-2032 • www.kaltreider-benfer.org • Email: kalib@yorklibraries.org 3 Story times & children’s programming 3 Computers with blazing fast internet speeds 3 Great books & trusted research materials 3 Lifelong learning seminars 3 Book clubs for various interests 3 Kindles pre-loaded with bestsellers Friends of Kaltreider Library Friends of Kaltreider Library will be holding their BIG Book Sale at 12 the Red Lion Community Building, 190 S. Charles St. in Red Lion, on the following dates: Saturday, September 13th from 9 AM to 3 PM and Sunday, September 14th from 11 AM to 2 PM Sunday only will be Fill-A-Bag for $5.00. Bags provided. Thousands of books at bargain prices! We continue to accept book donations at the library on S. Charles St. These donations make our book sale possible. INFORMATION TO HELP YOU! www.redlionpa.org How should I report a street light that is not working properly? Our office receives many inquiries from residents wanting to report a malfunctioning street light. First Energy Corp. owns the street lights in Red Lion Borough and is therefore responsible for their maintenance. If you see a street light that is not working properly, you can report that directly to First Energy Corp. online. We have provided a link to their website in the “Reporting Problems” on the FAQ’s page of our website. Having the pole number will be very helpful to First Energy. The 10-digit pole number is printed in black on a yellow tag. If you do not have internet access, you can call their Customer Contact Center at 1-800-545-7741. Thank you for helping to keep our streets and public areas safe. BOROUGH EVENTS EVENT DATE 2014 Fall Branch & Limb Collection Oct. 6 – 10 Leaf Collection Oct. 13 – Dec. 5 Halloween Happenings Oct. 25 Red Lion Haunted Mile Oct. 25 Halloween Parade (bad weather date Oct. 28) Oct. 27 Trick or Treat Oct. 31 Red Lion Borough Weeks Nov. 28 – Dec. 11 at Christmas Magic & Dec. 26 – 31 Lighting of the Christmas Tree Nov. 30 Breakfast with Santa Dec. 6 New Year’s Eve Celebration Dec. 31 Christmas Tree Collection Jan. 5 – 23 Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 28 2015 Spring Branch & Limb Collection May 4 – 8 PAGE 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 6 11 www.rabbittransit.org Email: info@rabbittransit.org 717-846-7433 For Fall 2014, rabbittransit will launch an upgrade to InfoPoint, its real-time bus tracking system. Powered by GPS technology, InfoPoint is accessible by smartphone, tablet or computer. InfoPoint will allow riders to plan a trip, find their bus including its exact location, stop locations, set an email alert for bus arrivals/departures and retrieve up-to-the minute inbound/outbound schedules. The upgrade will offer a more user-friendly interface with advanced features, including the ability to set reoccurring rider alerts to specific routes. For more information, please visit www.rabittransit.org, email info@rabbittransit.org or call 717-846-7433. 1 YORK AREA REGIONAL POLICE DEPARTMENT RECYCLING INFORMATION 33 Oak Street, York, PA 17402 • www.yapd.org • 717-741-1259 Even though you cannot recycle your plastic bags and common films and wraps that are used in our everyday lives through Penn Waste, they can still be recycled. Just remember the three R’s as they relate to these items: AN ACCREDITED LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT Reduce The York Area Regional Police Department has released the annual report of activities for the year 2013. Included below are some of the highlights of the police department work for 2013. Overall, there was a slight decrease in crime from 504 total crimes in 2012 to 474 in 2013 in the Borough. The crimes are broken down into Part I and Part II crimes. There was a decrease in traffic accidents for the year. The complete report for the department can be located on the police department website at www.yapd.org. RED LION PART I PART II MISC. ACCIDENTS TOTAL CALLS TRAFFIC ARRESTS 2009 2010 2011 216 369 1911 112 3702 790 454 228 374 2215 88 3808 475 501 174 287 2138 107 3728 728 349 2012 197 307 2082 102 3636 466 377 2013 208 266 1474 82 3336 379 300 RE-ACCREDITATION In June of this year, the department conducted the second Re-Assessment with the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission. The department was first accredited in 2008 and must undergo a re-assessment every three years. The assessment included a two-day review of files, facilities, personnel interviews, and inspections in order to determine that the department was in compliance with the Commission standards. The assessors included the Chief of Police in Upper Moreland Township, a sergeant from the Allentown Police Department and the Accreditation Manager from the Derry Township Police Department. Fewer than 100 police departments in Pennsylvania, or less than 10%, have been able to complete the rigorous requirements for accreditation. The personnel of the department have this seal of professionalism and best practices that cannot be claimed for most police agencies. Sergeant Jeffry Dunbar was the manager of this process and completing the many preparations required for accreditation. A Message from Red Lion Borough Emergency Management Coordinator, Scott Kopp: P • Get out your snow blower and make sure it is ready. • Prepare an emergency kit for your home. LEO FIRE COMPANY • 201 W. Broadway, Red Lion, PA UPCOMING EVENTS Crab Feed The annual Crab Feed will be held on Saturday, September 20 at 4 PM. A DJ will be on hand to play tunes and plenty of food to eat! Tickets are $35 in advance or $40 at the door and include steamed crabs, MD & Cream of Crab soup, corn on the cob, salads, snacks, baked beans and more. Pit Beef The last Pit Beef & Turkey Sale of the season will be Saturday, October 18th from 10 AM – 2 PM. Eat in or carry out for $5. Snacks and drinks are also available for purchase. Valor Pro Wrestling Valor Pro Wrestling returns to Red Lion on the following dates: Saturday, October 18 • Saturday, December 13 Doors open at 6 PM; show begins at 7 PM. Tickets are $12 and can be picked up at the station Wednesdays from 6 PM–8 PM or call 717-244-8811 to schedule a time. Halloween Parade Come out early the night of the Red Lion Halloween Parade for 2 17356 • 717-244-8811 • www.redlionfire.org dinner at Red Lion Fire Co. Food is served beginning at 5:30 PM including burgers in sauce, hot dogs, nachos, soft pretzels, drinks, snacks and more. Parade begins at 7 PM. Annual Christmas Craft Show The Annual Christmas Craft Show returns again to Red Lion Fire Co. on Saturday, November 29th from 9 AM – 3 PM. Free admission to see over 25 vendors for great holiday gifts! Food also available for purchase throughout the day including a soup sale of Ham & Bean or Chicken Corn Soup for $5 a quart, or buy just a bowl! Whiskey River Band & Wing Buffet Got plans for New Year’s Eve yet? Come to Red Lion Fire Co. for a live band and wing buffet! Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door, which includes wing buffet, drinks and snacks beginning at 8 PM. Band will play from 9 PM – 1 AM with a break to go see the fireworks in the square. Call 717-244-8811 for tickets. Hall Rentals Come see our newly upgraded social hall with new entrance, sound boards, paint and sound system. Need a place for a reception, bingo or party? Contact us! Seating up to 200. Call 717-244-8811 for additional information. Reuse Reduce: BYOB (bring your own bags) to the store when you shop! Recycle: The next time you go shopping, take your old plastic bags and wraps along to be recycled. You can help to give them a new life as splinter-resistant decking, crates and containers, or even new bags! Many local retailers now have collection bins where you can deposit these items for recycling. Items that can be included are: • Plastic store bags • Dry-cleaning bags • Bread bags • Wraps from paper towels, bathroom tissue, napkins, diapers and newspaper bags • Cereal box liners (If it tears like paper, don’t include it; otherwise, if it’s clean, you can recycle it! These items are fully recyclable, but require a different type of recycling than plastic bottles and containers. That's why your bags cannot be included with your curbside recycling. Reuse: More than 90 percent of plastic bag owners reuse plastic grocery bags at home for things like lining bathroom wastebaskets, as filler in plant containers or cleaning up pet poop. Visit www.abagslife.com for interesting information on plastic bag recycling. NOTICE TO All COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN RED LION BOROUGH: Recycling is MANDATORY for everyone in Red Lion Borough. If your commercial establishment does not recycle, take the necessary steps NOW to implement a recycling program. Visit the Commercial Recycling section of our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/recycling-garbage/commercial-recycling, which contains valuable information on recycling in commercial establishments. CFL Bulbs… Just a reminder that compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL's) are considered hazardous waste and cannot be disposed of in your regular garbage. You can dispose of them through the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection, OR as part of Lowes’ and Home Depot’s commitment to the environment, they will recycle them for free at all of their stores, as long as they are unbroken. Call them for more information. RED LION BOROUGH INFORMATION lease make sure to check the following in order to be prepared for the upcoming cold weather: • Check your furnace and filters. • Get your car ready for a winter breakdown or accident. Scott S. Kopp, EMC Red Lion Emergency Management, KC3BKY Recycle Branch & Limb Collections: Fall Leaf Collection: Oct. 13 - Dec. 5 Fall 2014: October 6 – 10 • Spring 2015: May 4 - 8 Branches and limbs should be placed at your garbage collection site. The chipper/shredder will make a daily circuit around the Borough to pick them up. Limbs may be up to 6” in diameter and 4’ to 6’ in length. Do not bundle. Yard waste such as ornamental grass, garden residue, etc., will not be picked up. If you have material to be picked up and it has not been collected by Thursday during the collection week, please call the office at 717-244-3475. The Borough reserves the right to refuse items that do not meet the requirements and is not responsible for cleanup. Please call the Public Works Facility if you are interested in the mulch that results from these collections. Should you have branches and limbs for disposal at any other time, you can either properly store them until the next scheduled collection or call the Public Works Facility at 717-244-2567 and schedule a time to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for RED LION BOROUGH RESIDENTS ONLY. Yard waste items such as garden residue, ornamental grass, tree stumps and similar matter will NOT be accepted at our Public Works Facility. One option is to compost these items at home. OR you can take them to the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Resource Recovery Center on Blackbridge Rd. in Manchester Township. NOTE: Before doing this, visit their website at www.ycswa.com, or call them at 717-845-1066, for requirements and restrictions you will need to be aware of. Leaf collection for 2014 will begin on Monday, October 13 and will continue through Friday, December 5. Place leaves at the curb. They will not be picked up if they are placed elsewhere. Do not mix any other items with the leaves. The pickup schedule is variable depending on weather conditions. We will get to your leaves as soon as we can. We appreciate your understanding that this schedule must be flexible. There will be no collection on Borough holidays. Leaves in plastic trash bags will not be picked up. If you have leaves that you wish to dispose of before or after these dates, you can call the Public Works Facility at 717-244-2567 and make arrangements to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for RED LION BOROUGH RESIDENTS ONLY. DO NOT place your leaves at the curb before our collection begins. Doing this causes leaves to clog our storm drains, and they MUST remain clear of debris. Christmas Tree Collection: January 5 – 23, 2015 The Borough will pick up discarded Christmas trees beginning Monday, January 5th through Friday, January 23rd. Trees should be placed at your usual trash pickup site and MUST NOT be in a bag. All decorations and tinsel must be removed. The trees will be shredded and turned into mulch which will be available to Borough residents at the Public Works Facility on Vulcan Rd. 11 RED LION AREA AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION RECYCLING INFORMATION ELECTRONICS RECYCLING: Pennsylvania’s “Covered Device Recycling Act” (Act 108) prohibits the acceptance of certain electronic materials at all Pennsylvania solid waste disposal facilities and also prohibits residents from placing them at the curb for waste pick-up. Under the Act, waste haulers will NOT pick up “covered devices”. Waste haulers should place a sticker on covered devices that provides directions for where to go to properly manage them. Covered devices include televisions, desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors and computer peripherals (anything that connects to a computer such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.). Residents must now manage these covered devices by recycling them. Red Lion Borough residents can drop unwanted electronics off at our Public Works Facility on Vulcan Road during their work hours. You MUST first call them at 717-244-2567 to make sure someone will be available. IMPORTANT: No disassembled electronics can be accepted. All collected items will be taken to the York County Solid Waste Authority’s facility to be recycled. Examples of accepted items include answering machines, compact disc players, electric typewriters, fax machines, hard drives, laptops, mobile phones, modems, microwave ovens, pagers, personal computers (CPU, monitors, keyboards, mouse, and peripherals), printers, printed circuit boards, radios, remote controls, stereos, tape players, telephones/telephone equipment, televisions, and VCR’s. Residents are responsible for removal of any personal data contained on electronic devices and computer hard drives. Residents should NOT bring construction demolition, furniture, appliances, white goods, appliances containing Freon (air conditioners, dehumidifiers, refrigerators) or household hazardous waste. The York County Solid Waste Authority also offers their ongoing Electronics Recycling Program that is held the third Saturday of every month from 9AM to 1PM at their Yard Waste Transfer Facility located off of Flour Mill Road in Manchester Township. Residents and businesses with large quantities of electronics (i.e. more than a pickup truck load) should call the YCSWA before the collection date to make arrangements for delivery. There is no fee to participate. Visit their website at www.ycswa.com or call them at 717-845-1066 for more information. Recycle Today To Save Tomorrow! Here’s how you can help: Penn Waste, www.pennwaste.com, accepts single stream recycling. This means that all recyclables can be combined in your recycling bin. Even if you have been recycling for a long time, please read over the following guidelines. Penn Waste now accepts items that were not acceptable in the past. ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: • #1-#7 plastic containers and bottles, regardless of neck size - This means you should now include plastic clamshells (baked goods and produce containers), butter dishes, yogurt containers, Cool Whip containers, etc. in your recycling bin, as long as they are thoroughly rinsed out.) Remove caps/lids and place in regular garbage Rinse thoroughly It is okay to leave on labels and neck rings • glass food and beverage containers (clear, brown and green) • metal cans (aluminum beverage cans, steel food and beverage cans, aerosol cans and paint cans) • paper, paperboard and cardboard - EX: ALL SIZES of cardboard boxes, food boxes, EMPTY paper towel and toilet paper rolls, paperboard packaging (i.e. tissue boxes), office paper, newspapers & inserts, magazines, phone books, soft cover books, shredded paper (in clear plastic bags, please) Recycle any size; any quantity of UNACCEPTABLE ITEMS: • NEEDLES! (Do not place used needles with recycling! This is a serious health hazard to everyone!) • Broken glass • Windows, mirrors, ceramics • Aluminum foil • Plastic grocery bags (they can be taken to your grocery store to be recycled) • Food-soiled material • Paperboard juice and milk containers • Packing peanuts • Plastic bubble wrap Here are a few friendly reminders from Penn Waste: Look for 2015 RLAAA subscriptions to arrive in the mail in October this year. Red Lion Area Ambulance Association offers a rewrite of “I Wish You Could”. This article by an unknown author expresses experiences shared by all who are involved in Public Safety. Public safety is indeed a team concept, an expected service and one that comes at a high financial cost to the residents of any community. What kind of a community would it be if we did not have these men and women to provide these services 24 x7? Please support PUBLIC SAFETY. Comments are welcome: rharlacker37@hotmail.com. I Wish You Could... I wish you could comprehend a wife’s horror at 6 in the morning as I check her husband of 40 years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping to bring him back, knowing intuitively it is too late. But wanting his wife and family to know everything possible was done to try and save his life. I wish you could know the unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, the sound of flames crackling, the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke, sensations that I’ve become too familiar with. I wish you could read my mind as I respond to a call. Is this a false alarm or a working fire? How is the building constructed? What hazards await me? Is anyone trapped? I wish you could read my mind as I respond to an EMS call. What is wrong with the patient? Is it minor or life-threatening? Is the caller really in distress, or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun? I wish you could be in the emergency room, as a doctor pronounces dead, the beautiful five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past 25 minutes, knowing she will never go on her first date or say the words, “I love you Mommy”, ever again. I wish you could know the frustration I feel in the cab of the ambulance or engine or cruiser, the driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain, as you fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, “It took you forever to get here!” I wish you could know my thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the remains of her automobile. What if this was my daughter, sister, my girlfriend or a friend? What is her parents’ reaction going to be when they open the door to find a police officer with hat in hand? I wish you could know how it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents and family, not having the heart to tell them that I nearly did not come back from the last call. I wish you could know how it feels dispatching officers, firefighters and EMTs/Paramedics out, and when we call for them, our heart drops because no one answers back, or to hear a bone-chilling 911 call of a child or wife needing assistance. • Break down your cardboard boxes as flat as possible. This includes your pizza boxes, cereal boxes, shoe boxes, etc. I wish you could feel the hurt as people verbally and sometimes physically abuse us or belittle what I do, or as they express their attitudes of “It will never happen to me”. I wish you could realize the physical, emotional and mental drain of missed meals, lost sleep and forgone social activities, in addition to all the tragedy my eyes have seen. • Crush your aluminum cans and all plastics. I wish you could know the brotherhood and self-satisfaction of helping save a life or preserving someone’s property, or being able to be there in time of crisis, or creating order from total chaos. • Bundle all cardboard that does not fit into the recycling bin. • If the weather forecast calls for high winds or wet weather, if possible, keep your paper recyclables until the next week. Wet paper products are difficult to process. • Cover loose paper with heavier items to prevent it from blowing away. CARDBOARD! Please visit the Recycling and Garbage page on our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/recycling-garbage for additional information. Remember... Recycling is MANDATORY in Red Lion Borough! Thank you to all of you who have picked up one of our new larger recycling containers which were obtained by us through a grant from the York County Solid Waste Authority. We truly appreciate your recycling efforts. Unfortunately, we have no more of these containers at the present time. We plan to apply for this grant again if and when it is available. If your current container isn’t large enough, you can stop by our office to pick up an additional smaller recycling bin, OR feel free to use your own container. If you choose to use your own container, please make sure to clearly mark that it contains recyclables. Recycling stickers are available at our office for you to place on your container. 10 312 Horace Mann Ave., Red Lion, PA 17356 717-244-0983 Ron Harlacker, Director of Operations, rharlacker37@hotmail.com I wish you could understand what it feels like to have a little boy tugging at your arm and asking, "Is my Mommy okay?", not even being able to look in his eyes without tears from your own and not knowing what to say. Or to have to hold back a long time friend who watches his buddy having CPR done on him as they take him away. You know all along he did not have his seat belt on. A sensation that I have become too familiar with. Unless you have lived with this kind of life, you will never truly understand or appreciate who I am, we are, or what our job really means to us...I wish you could though. APPRECIATE AND SUPPORT THE LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS, EMS EMT/ PARAMEDICS, 911 DISPATCHERS, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN YOUR AREA. ONE DAY THEY'LL PROBABLY BE SAVING YOUR LIFE. WHEN YOU SEE THEM COMING WITH LIGHTS FLASHING, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY QUICKLY, AND THEN PRAY FOR THEM. Author unknown “EMERGENCIES ARE NOT PLANNED BUT WE PLAN FOR THE EMERGENCY” 3 Red Lion Area Historical Society P.O. Box 94, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-1912 www.redlionareahistoricalsociety.org Jan Barnhart, President: jbarn71947@aol.com Center Square Museum Hours: Sundays from 2 PM – 4 PM Fall 2014 Monthly Membership Meetings Meetings are held at St. John’s UCC Church on North Main Street in Red Lion, beginning at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise stated. In case of bad weather, meetings will be cancelled if the Red Lion Area School District cancels or dismisses school early on the day of the meeting. If school is only delayed, we will meet as scheduled. Parking is available off the alley behind the church. The lot can be accessed via E. Gay St. September 25: Gadgets – Dennis Kunkle, the Facilities Manager of the York County Heritage Trust, brings a collection of unusual or unique gadgets. Can you determine their functions? October 23: Canals – Hollis Bedell, an active member of the Lower Windsor Area Historical Society, will tell us about the history of canals along the Susquehanna River, a little known feature of the 19th century landscape. These manmade waterways were key transportation routes for commerce during that time. November 20: Lewis Miller’s Civil War – York County’s folk artist Lewis Miller is nationally known for his chronicling of 19th century life. In this program, June Lloyd uses his drawings to interpret his views of the Civil War and its effects on his home county. Many of these striking illustrations have never been published, so they are little known. Red Lion Municipal Water and Sewer Authority If in doubt, ask for ID! Red Lion Municipal Authority employees will have photo identification and a vehicle that is identifiable if maintenance is needed at your home. Please call our office immediately if you need to verify the identity of someone or if you experience any suspicious activity. We would like to ask your assistance in notifying our office immediately if you see someone (other than a representative of Red Lion Municipal Authority or a local fire department) connected to a fire hydrant. This may include tankers, landscapers, hydro-seeders, pool filling companies, etc. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM – 4:30 PM, and the telephone number is 717-244-3475. After hours, please contact York Area Regional Police Department by dialing 911. Red Lion Municipal Authority would like to extend our gratitude to Scott Hess, owner of Hess Ornamental Iron, www.hessiron.com, for donating and installing hand railings at the side entrance of the Municipal Office. Hess Ornamental Iron recently opened a facility on East Lancaster Street in Red Lion. Looks great, and thanks again, Scott! 4 IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT STORMWATER FROM RED LION BOROUGH AND RED LION MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY When it Rains, It Drains… Understanding storm water and how it can affect your money, safety, health and the environment: What is Storm Water? Storm water is… water from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water seeps into the ground or drains into what we call storm sewers. These are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of streets. Collectively, the draining water is called storm water runoff. Rain is an important part of nature’s water cycle, but there are times it can do more damage than good. Problems related to storm water runoff can include: • Flooding caused by too much storm water flowing over hardened surfaces such as roads and parking lots, instead of soaking into the ground. • Increases in spending on maintaining storm drains and the storm sewer system that become clogged with excessive amounts of dirt and debris. • Decreases in sport fish populations because storm water carries sediment and pollutants that degrade important fish habitat. • More expensive treatment technologies to remove harmful pollutants carried by storm water into our drinking water supplies. • Closed beaches due to high levels of bacteria carried by storm water that make swimming unsafe. We can help rain restore its good reputation while protecting our health and environment while saving money for ourselves and our community. Keep reading to find out how… Restoring Rain’s Reputation… What Everyone Can Do To Help: Rain by nature is important for replenishing drinking water supplies, recreation and healthy wildlife habitats. It only becomes a problem when pollutants from our activities like car maintenance, lawn care and dog walking are left on the ground for rain to wash away. Here are some of the most important ways to prevent storm water pollution: L Properly dispose of hazardous substances such as used oil, cleaning supplies and paint – NEVER pour them down any part of the storm sewer system, and report anyone who does! L Use pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff. L Look for signs of soil and other pollutants, such as debris and chemicals, leaving construction sites in storm water runoff or tracked into roads by construction vehicles. Report poorly managed construction sites that could impact storm water runoff to us. L Install innovative storm water practices on residential property, such as rain barrels or rain gardens, which capture storm water and keep it on site instead of letting it drain away into the storm sewer system. L Report any discharges from storm water outfalls during times of dry weather – a sign that there could be a problem with the storm sewer system. L Pick up after pets and dispose of their waste properly. No matter where pets make a mess – in a back yard or at the park – storm water runoff can carry pet waste from the land to the storm sewer system to a stream. Store materials that could pollute storm water indoors, and use L containers for outdoor storage that do not rust or leak to eliminate exposure of materials to storm water. Why is Storm Water “Good Rain Gone Wrong”? Storm water becomes a problem when it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt and other pollutants as it flows or when it causes flooding and erosion of stream banks. Storm water travels through a system of pipes and roadside ditches that make up storm sewer systems. It eventually flows directly to a lake, river, stream, wetland or coastal water. All of the pollutants storm water carries along the way empty into our waters, too, because storm water does not get treated! f Pet wastes left on the ground get carried away by storm water, contributing harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses to our water. f Vehicles drip fluids (oil, grease, gasoline, antifreeze, brake fluids, etc.) onto paved areas where storm water runoff carries them through our storm drains and into our water. f Chemicals used to grow and maintain beautiful lawns and gardens, if not used properly, can run off into the storm drains when it rains or when we water our lawns and gardens. f Waste from chemicals and materials used in construction can wash into the storm sewer system when it rains. Soil that erodes from construction sites causes environmental degradation, including harming fish and shellfish populations that are important for recreation and our economy. Where to Go to Continue the Information Flow: Red Lion Borough and Red Lion Municipal Authority are preventing storm water pollution through a storm water management program. This program addresses storm water pollution from construction, illegal dumping to the storm sewer system, pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices in municipal operations. We will also continue to educate the community and get everyone involved in making sure the only thing that storm water contributes to our water is… water! Visit our website, www.redlionpa.org, where you can find more information on storm water and also report any problems that you witness in Red Lion Borough. A Special Thank You To The Businesses This publication is made available through the generous advertising sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout our newsletter. Red Lion Borough appreciates their support as the ads provide the revenue that make it possible to produce this newsletter at no cost to our residents. The Borough does not endorse any product or organization that advertises in this newsletter. 9 RED LION COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL Red Lion Community Preschool 190 S. Charles St., lower level • Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493 Red Lion Community Preschool is currently offering a Three Year Old Class that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, and a Four/Five Year Old Class that meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 AM to 11:15 AM. In addition to our regular preschool program, we offer a Lunch Bunch Program to children 2½ to 6 years of age. Lunch Bunch extends the hours and ages of children who can be in our preschool program. Lunch Bunch meets every day following our preschool day for two hours. Parents can bring their child to spend just the two hours with us, or extend their child’s preschool day… to eat lunch, enjoy social interaction with other children their ages, play games, do crafts from time to time, play and have FUN!!! Each child brings their own lunch and drink. Call 717-244-6493 for more information and costs of both programs. YORK COUNTY AREA AGENCY ON AGING Hey Senior Citizens… HELP IS AVAILABLE WITH CHORES The Rent-A-Kid Program, sponsored by the York County Area Agency on Aging (YCAAA), provides an opportunity for middle and high school students, in grades 7 through 12, to assist older adults in completing routine light-duty household chores, yard work, mowing lawns and shoveling snow. The goal of the Rent-A-Kid program is not only to get an important job done, but also to foster friendships between older adults and youth. Adults, age 60 and older, in need of assistance with chores can call the Rent-A-Kid coordinator who will provide names and phone numbers for youth in their area. It is the responsibility of the older adult to contact the youth and discuss the job to be done, when it is to be done, the rate of pay for the job, and any other arrangements that need to be made. Recommended pay rate is $5 per hour. However, depending on the type of work and the ability of the older adult to pay, the youth may negotiate a more satisfactory rate of pay. Youth interested in the Rent-A-Kid program should contact their school guidance counselor or call the Coordinator at YCAAA for an application at 717-771-9103. Applications can also be downloaded at http://yorkcountypa.gov/health-human-services/agency-on-aging/programs-and-services/intergenerational-programs.html . Don’t wait - arrange for help with your chores BEFORE you need it. Red Lion Youth Center Commuter Services of Pennsylvania 190 S. Charles St., Lower Level • Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493 Jenna Koslosky, Director • jennalhubler@yahoo.com Are your teens looking for something to do on Saturday nights? Bring them out to the Red Lion Youth Center! We are located on the lower level of the Red Lion Community Building, and we are open from 7 PM to 10 PM every Saturday night. We feature pool tables, air hockey, ping pong, computers with internet, Xbox, snack bar and more! Admission is only $1.00! Monthly special events include pizza parties, ice cream socials, tournaments, holiday parties and more! Bring in this newsletter to receive one free admission! For more information, email jennalhubler@yahoo.com. www.PaCommuterServices.com Email: Customer.Service@PaCommuterServices.org 717-718-0015 OR 1-866-579-RIDE Commuter Services of Pennsylvania is a non-profit organization that offers free services to commuters about their options for getting to and from work. Our Rideshare and Emergency Ride Home programs provide necessary tools to commuters in order for them to successfully switch from driving alone to a commuting alternative… such as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking or riding transit. Using a green commute mode is a great way to save money and help improve air quality. For more information, visit www.PaCommuterServices.org or call 1-866-579-RIDE. Red Lion Area Senior Center 20-C Gotham Place • Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-7229 A MESSAGE FROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE STAN SAYLOR 94th Legislative District • 15 S. Main St., Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-9232 or 717-382-4595 Education Funding The 2014 budget has once again been passed on time with no new taxes and responsible fiscal control to help Pennsylvania live within its means. This year’s budget showed a record high investment of $10.5 billion in education which means a 5.2% increase for our Red Lion School District. Veterans Outreach On Thursday, June 12, from 2 – 6 PM, my office began partnering with the American Legion to offer veterans outreach and assistance in the Red Lion District office on the second floor of 15 S. Main St. (elevator accessible). These outreach hours will continue to be held at the same times on the second Thursday of each month. Please call my office to set up an appointment. Terry Gendron of the American Legion will be in the office to offer assistance to veterans, their spouses or their families with: • Compensation and pension claims • Burial and survivor benefits • Education benefits • State benefits • VA health care enrollment • Obtaining military personnel and medical records Those who have served our country deserve the very best services we can offer them, and my office is committeed to delivering on that goal. Tax Rebate Applications PA State Tax/Rent Rebate Program The deadline to apply for the state’s 2013 Property Tax/Rent Rebate program has been extended from June 30 to December 31. As of May 30, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue had received 463,672 rebate applications. Eligible participants can receive a rebate based on their rent or property taxes paid in 2013. The program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians who are 65 years or older, widows and widowers 50 years or older, and those 18 years or older with disabilities. Property Tax/Rent Rebate claim forms are available by contacting my office or by visiting my website at www.RepSaylor.com. Assistance in completing the application is available at no cost to residents at my elevator-accessible Red Lion office. Rebate checks are scheduled to be mailed out starting July 1 to those who have already submitted applications. Claims sent in after June 30 will be distributed as they are received and processed. Other Services and Website My office provides many state-related services. If you need additional assistance with state-related issues, please visit my website, www.RepSaylor.com, or call my office. Also, if you are interested in staying up to date on district or state matters, please sign up for the weekly email newsletter at www.repsaylor.com/enewssignup.aspx or visit my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/repsaylor. As always, it is an honor and pleasure to serve as your Representative in the 94th legislative district. 8 Heather Goebler, Executive Director • Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator • www.redlionseniorcenter.com The Red Lion Area Senior Center is free to join, and that even includes free lunches. We offer many programs at no cost to you. We are open from 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM Monday - Friday. You must be 60 years or older to join. Please call us for more information. We are dedicated to make your experience the best it can be, so come make new friends! The Red Lion Area Senior Center is funded in part by the York County Area Agency on Aging. AARP Safe Driving Course: The Red Lion Area Senior Center has scheduled our annual AARP Safe Driving Courses. A Refresher course will be held on Monday, October 20th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The cost of the course for AARP Members will be $15 and for Non-Members $20. You may make your payment the day you come in for the course. If you are interested in signing up, please contact Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.. Rite Aid Gives Back to Local Senior Center Rite Aid is one of the Red Lion Area Senior Center’s newest sponsors. They have so much to offer our seniors. Rite Aid has been working closely with the senior center to plan out events to benefit our local seniors. The Haven at Springwood Offers Learning Opportunities to Seniors The Haven at Springwood is one of the Red Lion Area Senior Center’s Sponsors, and they have been working with us to plan a series of seminars and/or presentations to be offered to our seniors. Fine Jewelry, Appraisal and Watch Repair Clinic: Thursday, September 25 from 9 AM – 2:30 PM at the Red Lion Area Senior Center - Presented by I.G.C. For more information about these events, please contact Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator, 717-244-7229. The Green Thumb Garden Club T he Green Thumb Garden Club of the Red Lion/East York Area is affiliated with Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania & Central Atlantic Region and the National Garden Club, Inc. Currently we are in our 53rd year of gardening and community service offering entertaining programs, workshops and lectures. On our future agenda is an open house at Rudy Park, Shrewsbury Flower Show, programs on Sharing Your Garden, and Everything You Want to Know about Garlic. Our Objective To stimulate and develop the spirit of gardening, encourage interest in decorative flower and plant arranging, promote interest in home and civic gardening and to aid in the protection of native plants. Bringing together gardeners who share an interest and want to improve the world in which they live. We meet the first Monday of every month at 9:30 AM from April through December and at 11 AM from January through March. Meetings are held at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, 2650 Freysville Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356. Contact information: Patricia Sweetman, President 717-235-2823 • sweetman@stonehausfarm.net Fanilya Gueno, Membership Chairman • F_gueno@yahoo.com 5 RED LION BOROUGH EVENTS Halloween Events: Prayer In The Park presents For more information regarding our Halloween Events, “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page, visit www.redlionpa.org, or contact the Recreation Office. An Ole-Fashioned Christmas Saturday, December 6 • 2 PM Fall Fest: Halloween Happenings Saturday, October 25 • 4 PM – 8:30 PM Vulcan Field next to Mastercraft Industries Free fun event for children! Food and refreshments will be available throughout the evening for purchase. Decorate your own cookie and pumpkin. Games for children. Story time. Music, and a costume contest with prizes. The Red Lion Haunted Mile Saturday, October 25 • 8:30 PM – 10 PM The Haunted Mile will follow the Halloween Happenings. The Haunted Mile will be for adults and children ages 10 and up. The mile will consist of various thrills and screams that are sure to liven up the night. The Haunted Mile will run from N. Franklin St. to The Public Works Facility on Vulcan Road. We would like extend an invitation to families and organizations who would like to take a section of The Mile to decorate and dress up to scare those in attendance. Contact the Recreation Office with questions regarding either event or if interested in being part of the terror in the night at 717-244-6896 or email: rlrec@redlionpa.org or dkabacinski@redlionpa.org. Also, “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page for up-to-date information. Halloween Parade Monday, October 27 • beginning at 7 PM (Bad weather date: Tuesday, October 28th) The parade will begin at the Red Lion Senior High School at 7 PM. To register for the parade, visit www.redlionpa.org where you can download both the Registration Form and an Informational Page. Trick or Treat Friday, October 31 • 6 PM - 8 PM Hey Kids… Have a great time, and be safe! The bells will be ringing, the people will be singing, the Christmas Story will be told, the Wise men and women will still be seeking Him. So bundle up and come to the park for an Ole-Fashioned Christmas that will touch and stir your spirit for the Christmas Season. Refreshments, Christmas punch & Christmas cookies will be served following the celebration. Prayer-In-The-Park meets the first Saturday of every other month in Fairmont Park in Red Lion (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) at 2 PM for people from all different congreagations to gather together to worship and pray. Everyone is Welcome! Our purpose is to build community by coming together. We are under the authority of the City on a Hill - The Red Lion Minister’s Alliance. Red Lion Borough Weeks of Christmas Magic – A Festival of Lights November 28 – December 11 & December 26 - 31 York County Department of Parks and Recreation Proudly Presents… Christmas Magic – A Festival of Lights at Rocky Ridge County Park November 28 – December 31 (closed Dec. 24 & 25) Hours: Mon. – Fri.: 6 PM – 9 PM • Sat. & Sun.: 5 PM – 9 PM Admission Rates: Adults: $8 • Children (4 – 12): $6 • Under 4: Free Seniors (over 59 ): $7 • Adult Group (11+): $7 Children Group (11+): $5 600,000 lights, Trains & Holiday Displays, Entertainment & Food For more information and trail updates, call 717-840-7443 or visit www.yorkcountyparks.org. RED LION BOROUGH WEEKS at the 31st edition of Christmas Magic A Festival of Lights November 28–December 11 and December 26-31 Rocky Ridge County Park Coupon is redeemable for Christmas Happenings (Sponsored by Members 1st Federal Credit Union, Red Lion Borough & Red Lion Recreation) For more information regarding our Christmas Happenings, “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page, visit www.redlionpa.org, or contact the Recreation Office. Lighting of the Christmas Tree Sunday, November 30 • 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Join us at the Red Lion Community Building for Red Lion’s official opening of the Christmas Season! Music, carols, free coffee and hot chocolate! Santa will arrive with gifts for the kids! Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 6 • 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Join us at the Red Lion Community Building for pancakes, sausage, coffee and refreshments. Adults $4; Children (7-17) $2; 6 & under Free. 6 Buy One Get One Free Admission Maximum is 2 free regular admissions This coupon is valid only for 2014 program. Coupon is good for a one-time use. New Year’s Eve Celebration Wednesday, December 31 Many free events around the town with a free bus shuttle throughout the evening. Fireworks at midnight. Sponsored by many local businesses. If interested in joining the New Year’s Eve Committee, please call Bob Frutiger at 717-578-4409, Sue Obloy at 717-246-2211 or Joann Zimmerman at 717-244-0484. Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Saturday, March 28, 2015 Join us at the Red Lion Community Building and Fairmount Park for the 2015 Easter Happenings. Additional information will be provided in the Spring 2015 newsletter. Thank You Thank you to the following businesses, organizations and individuals who donated to the July 2014 Red Lion Fireworks display, as well as the countless individuals who made donations during the various collection efforts leading up to the fireworks. It is because of the numerous donations that the fireworks display is able to be held within the Red Lion Community. • Apples of Our Eye, Inc. • Andy’s Automotive Services • Yoe Borough • Burg Funeral Home • Century 21 Dale Realty • Custom Molds & Plastics • All Medical & Equipment Supplies • Baughman Memorial Works, Inc. • N.N. Fishel Associates • Jeff Frey, M.D. • Musso’s Pizza • Penn Waste • Gary & Jo Anna Shovlin • Precision Carbide Tooling • North End Service • Isett & Chronister Dental • Red Lion VFW • The Mill of Bel Air • Golden Crust Pizza • MACE Mixed Martial Arts Academy • Larry’s Skid Service • First Avenue Laundromat • Marlin Bollinger, State Farm Insurance • Windsor Township • Red Lion Tavern • Stray Kats Salon • Bees Knees • Red Lion Fraternity Home • Walt Hughes • Kirkwood Doors • Jubilee Outreach Ministries • Patton Veterinary Hospital • Stan Saylor • Eastern Atlantic Holdings • Red Lion American Legion Post RED LION RECREATION & ACTIVITIES Red Lion Community Building, 190 South Charles St., Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6896 rlrec@redlionpa.org • Eric Rabenstein • Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 1 PM - 4 PM Please be sure to “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page. This is an easy way to receive updates about events and programs. Also, please sign up for Red Lion Borough’s email list by visiting www.redlionpa.org and submitting your information under “Join our Mailing List” on the home page. This is another great and easy way to receive updates about our events and programs. Bus Trips: Red Lion Recreation offered three bus trips this summer ... Troegs Brewery Tour, Hauser Estate Winery Tour and Harpers Ferry Adventure Center. Keep an eye on our Bus Trips page at www.redlionpa.org. FALL PROGRAMS (Currently in progress): Boys Baseball • Youth Flag Football • Girls Softball Girls Field Hockey WINTER PROGRAMS: Boys Basketball (junior high & high school) Girls Basketball (junior high & high school) Elementary Basketball (K-2) Information regarding signups will be distributed through the schools, our Facebook page (Red Lion Recreation), our email list, and the Red Lion Borough website, www.redlionpa.org Saturday Morning Theatre Program: Have Fun, Build Confidence, and Learn Skills. Multiple classes for multiple ages. All levels, including beginners, are welcomed. Instructed by Christina Myers, an established professional in Theatre Art. Visit www.redlionpa.org for more need-to-know information. Kids Karate: Boys and girls ages 5 – 13 will have fun learning awesome karate tricks, cook kicks, sweet punches and lightning fast blocks. You will be taught by multiple levels of black belt instructors. Visit www.redlionpa.org for more need-to-know information. Lacrosse: Lacrosse is fast growing in York County. Our youth lacrosse program, The Red Lion Lacrosse Club, has grown from 4 teams to 7 in four short years. Visit the Youth Programs page on the Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, where you will find a link to our Lacrosse page with information regarding the program. Make sure to check out the Red Lion Lacrosse Facebook page! Lacrosse is “The Fastest game on Two Feet”. Thanks for supporting our Red Lion youth! Thank you to Wally Brenneman for his generous donation of baseball equipment to Red Lion Recreation. Thank you to the family of Alejandro Wine who donated a number of baseball equipment items to Red Lion Recreation in Alejandro’s memory. If you have an interest in starting a new program, please contact the Red Lion Recreation Office. We always like new ideas, and we are willing to help get programs started. 7 RED LION BOROUGH EVENTS Halloween Events: Prayer In The Park presents For more information regarding our Halloween Events, “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page, visit www.redlionpa.org, or contact the Recreation Office. An Ole-Fashioned Christmas Saturday, December 6 • 2 PM Fall Fest: Halloween Happenings Saturday, October 25 • 4 PM – 8:30 PM Vulcan Field next to Mastercraft Industries Free fun event for children! Food and refreshments will be available throughout the evening for purchase. Decorate your own cookie and pumpkin. Games for children. Story time. Music, and a costume contest with prizes. The Red Lion Haunted Mile Saturday, October 25 • 8:30 PM – 10 PM The Haunted Mile will follow the Halloween Happenings. The Haunted Mile will be for adults and children ages 10 and up. The mile will consist of various thrills and screams that are sure to liven up the night. The Haunted Mile will run from N. Franklin St. to The Public Works Facility on Vulcan Road. We would like extend an invitation to families and organizations who would like to take a section of The Mile to decorate and dress up to scare those in attendance. Contact the Recreation Office with questions regarding either event or if interested in being part of the terror in the night at 717-244-6896 or email: rlrec@redlionpa.org or dkabacinski@redlionpa.org. Also, “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page for up-to-date information. Halloween Parade Monday, October 27 • beginning at 7 PM (Bad weather date: Tuesday, October 28th) The parade will begin at the Red Lion Senior High School at 7 PM. To register for the parade, visit www.redlionpa.org where you can download both the Registration Form and an Informational Page. Trick or Treat Friday, October 31 • 6 PM - 8 PM Hey Kids… Have a great time, and be safe! The bells will be ringing, the people will be singing, the Christmas Story will be told, the Wise men and women will still be seeking Him. So bundle up and come to the park for an Ole-Fashioned Christmas that will touch and stir your spirit for the Christmas Season. Refreshments, Christmas punch & Christmas cookies will be served following the celebration. Prayer-In-The-Park meets the first Saturday of every other month in Fairmont Park in Red Lion (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) at 2 PM for people from all different congreagations to gather together to worship and pray. Everyone is Welcome! Our purpose is to build community by coming together. We are under the authority of the City on a Hill - The Red Lion Minister’s Alliance. Red Lion Borough Weeks of Christmas Magic – A Festival of Lights November 28 – December 11 & December 26 - 31 York County Department of Parks and Recreation Proudly Presents… Christmas Magic – A Festival of Lights at Rocky Ridge County Park November 28 – December 31 (closed Dec. 24 & 25) Hours: Mon. – Fri.: 6 PM – 9 PM • Sat. & Sun.: 5 PM – 9 PM Admission Rates: Adults: $8 • Children (4 – 12): $6 • Under 4: Free Seniors (over 59 ): $7 • Adult Group (11+): $7 Children Group (11+): $5 600,000 lights, Trains & Holiday Displays, Entertainment & Food For more information and trail updates, call 717-840-7443 or visit www.yorkcountyparks.org. RED LION BOROUGH WEEKS at the 31st edition of Christmas Magic A Festival of Lights November 28–December 11 and December 26-31 Rocky Ridge County Park Coupon is redeemable for Christmas Happenings (Sponsored by Members 1st Federal Credit Union, Red Lion Borough & Red Lion Recreation) For more information regarding our Christmas Happenings, “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page, visit www.redlionpa.org, or contact the Recreation Office. Lighting of the Christmas Tree Sunday, November 30 • 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Join us at the Red Lion Community Building for Red Lion’s official opening of the Christmas Season! Music, carols, free coffee and hot chocolate! Santa will arrive with gifts for the kids! Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 6 • 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Join us at the Red Lion Community Building for pancakes, sausage, coffee and refreshments. Adults $4; Children (7-17) $2; 6 & under Free. 6 Buy One Get One Free Admission Maximum is 2 free regular admissions This coupon is valid only for 2014 program. Coupon is good for a one-time use. New Year’s Eve Celebration Wednesday, December 31 Many free events around the town with a free bus shuttle throughout the evening. Fireworks at midnight. Sponsored by many local businesses. If interested in joining the New Year’s Eve Committee, please call Bob Frutiger at 717-578-4409, Sue Obloy at 717-246-2211 or Joann Zimmerman at 717-244-0484. Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Saturday, March 28, 2015 Join us at the Red Lion Community Building and Fairmount Park for the 2015 Easter Happenings. Additional information will be provided in the Spring 2015 newsletter. Thank You Thank you to the following businesses, organizations and individuals who donated to the July 2014 Red Lion Fireworks display, as well as the countless individuals who made donations during the various collection efforts leading up to the fireworks. It is because of the numerous donations that the fireworks display is able to be held within the Red Lion Community. • Apples of Our Eye, Inc. • Andy’s Automotive Services • Yoe Borough • Burg Funeral Home • Century 21 Dale Realty • Custom Molds & Plastics • All Medical & Equipment Supplies • Baughman Memorial Works, Inc. • N.N. Fishel Associates • Jeff Frey, M.D. • Musso’s Pizza • Penn Waste • Gary & Jo Anna Shovlin • Precision Carbide Tooling • North End Service • Isett & Chronister Dental • Red Lion VFW • The Mill of Bel Air • Golden Crust Pizza • MACE Mixed Martial Arts Academy • Larry’s Skid Service • First Avenue Laundromat • Marlin Bollinger, State Farm Insurance • Windsor Township • Red Lion Tavern • Stray Kats Salon • Bees Knees • Red Lion Fraternity Home • Walt Hughes • Kirkwood Doors • Jubilee Outreach Ministries • Patton Veterinary Hospital • Stan Saylor • Eastern Atlantic Holdings • Red Lion American Legion Post RED LION RECREATION & ACTIVITIES Red Lion Community Building, 190 South Charles St., Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6896 rlrec@redlionpa.org • Eric Rabenstein • Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 1 PM - 4 PM Please be sure to “Like” our Red Lion Recreation Facebook page. This is an easy way to receive updates about events and programs. Also, please sign up for Red Lion Borough’s email list by visiting www.redlionpa.org and submitting your information under “Join our Mailing List” on the home page. This is another great and easy way to receive updates about our events and programs. Bus Trips: Red Lion Recreation offered three bus trips this summer ... Troegs Brewery Tour, Hauser Estate Winery Tour and Harpers Ferry Adventure Center. Keep an eye on our Bus Trips page at www.redlionpa.org. FALL PROGRAMS (Currently in progress): Boys Baseball • Youth Flag Football • Girls Softball Girls Field Hockey WINTER PROGRAMS: Boys Basketball (junior high & high school) Girls Basketball (junior high & high school) Elementary Basketball (K-2) Information regarding signups will be distributed through the schools, our Facebook page (Red Lion Recreation), our email list, and the Red Lion Borough website, www.redlionpa.org Saturday Morning Theatre Program: Have Fun, Build Confidence, and Learn Skills. Multiple classes for multiple ages. All levels, including beginners, are welcomed. Instructed by Christina Myers, an established professional in Theatre Art. Visit www.redlionpa.org for more need-to-know information. Kids Karate: Boys and girls ages 5 – 13 will have fun learning awesome karate tricks, cook kicks, sweet punches and lightning fast blocks. You will be taught by multiple levels of black belt instructors. Visit www.redlionpa.org for more need-to-know information. Lacrosse: Lacrosse is fast growing in York County. Our youth lacrosse program, The Red Lion Lacrosse Club, has grown from 4 teams to 7 in four short years. Visit the Youth Programs page on the Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, where you will find a link to our Lacrosse page with information regarding the program. Make sure to check out the Red Lion Lacrosse Facebook page! Lacrosse is “The Fastest game on Two Feet”. Thanks for supporting our Red Lion youth! Thank you to Wally Brenneman for his generous donation of baseball equipment to Red Lion Recreation. Thank you to the family of Alejandro Wine who donated a number of baseball equipment items to Red Lion Recreation in Alejandro’s memory. If you have an interest in starting a new program, please contact the Red Lion Recreation Office. We always like new ideas, and we are willing to help get programs started. 7 RED LION COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL Red Lion Community Preschool 190 S. Charles St., lower level • Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493 Red Lion Community Preschool is currently offering a Three Year Old Class that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, and a Four/Five Year Old Class that meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 AM to 11:15 AM. In addition to our regular preschool program, we offer a Lunch Bunch Program to children 2½ to 6 years of age. Lunch Bunch extends the hours and ages of children who can be in our preschool program. Lunch Bunch meets every day following our preschool day for two hours. Parents can bring their child to spend just the two hours with us, or extend their child’s preschool day… to eat lunch, enjoy social interaction with other children their ages, play games, do crafts from time to time, play and have FUN!!! Each child brings their own lunch and drink. Call 717-244-6493 for more information and costs of both programs. YORK COUNTY AREA AGENCY ON AGING Hey Senior Citizens… HELP IS AVAILABLE WITH CHORES The Rent-A-Kid Program, sponsored by the York County Area Agency on Aging (YCAAA), provides an opportunity for middle and high school students, in grades 7 through 12, to assist older adults in completing routine light-duty household chores, yard work, mowing lawns and shoveling snow. The goal of the Rent-A-Kid program is not only to get an important job done, but also to foster friendships between older adults and youth. Adults, age 60 and older, in need of assistance with chores can call the Rent-A-Kid coordinator who will provide names and phone numbers for youth in their area. It is the responsibility of the older adult to contact the youth and discuss the job to be done, when it is to be done, the rate of pay for the job, and any other arrangements that need to be made. Recommended pay rate is $5 per hour. However, depending on the type of work and the ability of the older adult to pay, the youth may negotiate a more satisfactory rate of pay. Youth interested in the Rent-A-Kid program should contact their school guidance counselor or call the Coordinator at YCAAA for an application at 717-771-9103. Applications can also be downloaded at http://yorkcountypa.gov/health-human-services/agency-on-aging/programs-and-services/intergenerational-programs.html . Don’t wait - arrange for help with your chores BEFORE you need it. Red Lion Youth Center Commuter Services of Pennsylvania 190 S. Charles St., Lower Level • Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493 Jenna Koslosky, Director • jennalhubler@yahoo.com Are your teens looking for something to do on Saturday nights? Bring them out to the Red Lion Youth Center! We are located on the lower level of the Red Lion Community Building, and we are open from 7 PM to 10 PM every Saturday night. We feature pool tables, air hockey, ping pong, computers with internet, Xbox, snack bar and more! Admission is only $1.00! Monthly special events include pizza parties, ice cream socials, tournaments, holiday parties and more! Bring in this newsletter to receive one free admission! For more information, email jennalhubler@yahoo.com. www.PaCommuterServices.com Email: Customer.Service@PaCommuterServices.org 717-718-0015 OR 1-866-579-RIDE Commuter Services of Pennsylvania is a non-profit organization that offers free services to commuters about their options for getting to and from work. Our Rideshare and Emergency Ride Home programs provide necessary tools to commuters in order for them to successfully switch from driving alone to a commuting alternative… such as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking or riding transit. Using a green commute mode is a great way to save money and help improve air quality. For more information, visit www.PaCommuterServices.org or call 1-866-579-RIDE. Red Lion Area Senior Center 20-C Gotham Place • Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-7229 A MESSAGE FROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE STAN SAYLOR 94th Legislative District • 15 S. Main St., Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-9232 or 717-382-4595 Education Funding The 2014 budget has once again been passed on time with no new taxes and responsible fiscal control to help Pennsylvania live within its means. This year’s budget showed a record high investment of $10.5 billion in education which means a 5.2% increase for our Red Lion School District. Veterans Outreach On Thursday, June 12, from 2 – 6 PM, my office began partnering with the American Legion to offer veterans outreach and assistance in the Red Lion District office on the second floor of 15 S. Main St. (elevator accessible). These outreach hours will continue to be held at the same times on the second Thursday of each month. Please call my office to set up an appointment. Terry Gendron of the American Legion will be in the office to offer assistance to veterans, their spouses or their families with: • Compensation and pension claims • Burial and survivor benefits • Education benefits • State benefits • VA health care enrollment • Obtaining military personnel and medical records Those who have served our country deserve the very best services we can offer them, and my office is committeed to delivering on that goal. Tax Rebate Applications PA State Tax/Rent Rebate Program The deadline to apply for the state’s 2013 Property Tax/Rent Rebate program has been extended from June 30 to December 31. As of May 30, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue had received 463,672 rebate applications. Eligible participants can receive a rebate based on their rent or property taxes paid in 2013. The program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians who are 65 years or older, widows and widowers 50 years or older, and those 18 years or older with disabilities. Property Tax/Rent Rebate claim forms are available by contacting my office or by visiting my website at www.RepSaylor.com. Assistance in completing the application is available at no cost to residents at my elevator-accessible Red Lion office. Rebate checks are scheduled to be mailed out starting July 1 to those who have already submitted applications. Claims sent in after June 30 will be distributed as they are received and processed. Other Services and Website My office provides many state-related services. If you need additional assistance with state-related issues, please visit my website, www.RepSaylor.com, or call my office. Also, if you are interested in staying up to date on district or state matters, please sign up for the weekly email newsletter at www.repsaylor.com/enewssignup.aspx or visit my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/repsaylor. As always, it is an honor and pleasure to serve as your Representative in the 94th legislative district. 8 Heather Goebler, Executive Director • Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator • www.redlionseniorcenter.com The Red Lion Area Senior Center is free to join, and that even includes free lunches. We offer many programs at no cost to you. We are open from 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM Monday - Friday. You must be 60 years or older to join. Please call us for more information. We are dedicated to make your experience the best it can be, so come make new friends! The Red Lion Area Senior Center is funded in part by the York County Area Agency on Aging. AARP Safe Driving Course: The Red Lion Area Senior Center has scheduled our annual AARP Safe Driving Courses. A Refresher course will be held on Monday, October 20th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The cost of the course for AARP Members will be $15 and for Non-Members $20. You may make your payment the day you come in for the course. If you are interested in signing up, please contact Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.. Rite Aid Gives Back to Local Senior Center Rite Aid is one of the Red Lion Area Senior Center’s newest sponsors. They have so much to offer our seniors. Rite Aid has been working closely with the senior center to plan out events to benefit our local seniors. The Haven at Springwood Offers Learning Opportunities to Seniors The Haven at Springwood is one of the Red Lion Area Senior Center’s Sponsors, and they have been working with us to plan a series of seminars and/or presentations to be offered to our seniors. Fine Jewelry, Appraisal and Watch Repair Clinic: Thursday, September 25 from 9 AM – 2:30 PM at the Red Lion Area Senior Center - Presented by I.G.C. For more information about these events, please contact Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator, 717-244-7229. The Green Thumb Garden Club T he Green Thumb Garden Club of the Red Lion/East York Area is affiliated with Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania & Central Atlantic Region and the National Garden Club, Inc. Currently we are in our 53rd year of gardening and community service offering entertaining programs, workshops and lectures. On our future agenda is an open house at Rudy Park, Shrewsbury Flower Show, programs on Sharing Your Garden, and Everything You Want to Know about Garlic. Our Objective To stimulate and develop the spirit of gardening, encourage interest in decorative flower and plant arranging, promote interest in home and civic gardening and to aid in the protection of native plants. Bringing together gardeners who share an interest and want to improve the world in which they live. We meet the first Monday of every month at 9:30 AM from April through December and at 11 AM from January through March. Meetings are held at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, 2650 Freysville Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356. Contact information: Patricia Sweetman, President 717-235-2823 • sweetman@stonehausfarm.net Fanilya Gueno, Membership Chairman • F_gueno@yahoo.com 5 Red Lion Area Historical Society P.O. Box 94, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-1912 www.redlionareahistoricalsociety.org Jan Barnhart, President: jbarn71947@aol.com Center Square Museum Hours: Sundays from 2 PM – 4 PM Fall 2014 Monthly Membership Meetings Meetings are held at St. John’s UCC Church on North Main Street in Red Lion, beginning at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise stated. In case of bad weather, meetings will be cancelled if the Red Lion Area School District cancels or dismisses school early on the day of the meeting. If school is only delayed, we will meet as scheduled. Parking is available off the alley behind the church. The lot can be accessed via E. Gay St. September 25: Gadgets – Dennis Kunkle, the Facilities Manager of the York County Heritage Trust, brings a collection of unusual or unique gadgets. Can you determine their functions? October 23: Canals – Hollis Bedell, an active member of the Lower Windsor Area Historical Society, will tell us about the history of canals along the Susquehanna River, a little known feature of the 19th century landscape. These manmade waterways were key transportation routes for commerce during that time. November 20: Lewis Miller’s Civil War – York County’s folk artist Lewis Miller is nationally known for his chronicling of 19th century life. In this program, June Lloyd uses his drawings to interpret his views of the Civil War and its effects on his home county. Many of these striking illustrations have never been published, so they are little known. Red Lion Municipal Water and Sewer Authority If in doubt, ask for ID! Red Lion Municipal Authority employees will have photo identification and a vehicle that is identifiable if maintenance is needed at your home. Please call our office immediately if you need to verify the identity of someone or if you experience any suspicious activity. We would like to ask your assistance in notifying our office immediately if you see someone (other than a representative of Red Lion Municipal Authority or a local fire department) connected to a fire hydrant. This may include tankers, landscapers, hydro-seeders, pool filling companies, etc. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM – 4:30 PM, and the telephone number is 717-244-3475. After hours, please contact York Area Regional Police Department by dialing 911. Red Lion Municipal Authority would like to extend our gratitude to Scott Hess, owner of Hess Ornamental Iron, www.hessiron.com, for donating and installing hand railings at the side entrance of the Municipal Office. Hess Ornamental Iron recently opened a facility on East Lancaster Street in Red Lion. Looks great, and thanks again, Scott! 4 IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT STORMWATER FROM RED LION BOROUGH AND RED LION MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY When it Rains, It Drains… Understanding storm water and how it can affect your money, safety, health and the environment: What is Storm Water? Storm water is… water from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water seeps into the ground or drains into what we call storm sewers. These are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of streets. Collectively, the draining water is called storm water runoff. Rain is an important part of nature’s water cycle, but there are times it can do more damage than good. Problems related to storm water runoff can include: • Flooding caused by too much storm water flowing over hardened surfaces such as roads and parking lots, instead of soaking into the ground. • Increases in spending on maintaining storm drains and the storm sewer system that become clogged with excessive amounts of dirt and debris. • Decreases in sport fish populations because storm water carries sediment and pollutants that degrade important fish habitat. • More expensive treatment technologies to remove harmful pollutants carried by storm water into our drinking water supplies. • Closed beaches due to high levels of bacteria carried by storm water that make swimming unsafe. We can help rain restore its good reputation while protecting our health and environment while saving money for ourselves and our community. Keep reading to find out how… Restoring Rain’s Reputation… What Everyone Can Do To Help: Rain by nature is important for replenishing drinking water supplies, recreation and healthy wildlife habitats. It only becomes a problem when pollutants from our activities like car maintenance, lawn care and dog walking are left on the ground for rain to wash away. Here are some of the most important ways to prevent storm water pollution: L Properly dispose of hazardous substances such as used oil, cleaning supplies and paint – NEVER pour them down any part of the storm sewer system, and report anyone who does! L Use pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff. L Look for signs of soil and other pollutants, such as debris and chemicals, leaving construction sites in storm water runoff or tracked into roads by construction vehicles. Report poorly managed construction sites that could impact storm water runoff to us. L Install innovative storm water practices on residential property, such as rain barrels or rain gardens, which capture storm water and keep it on site instead of letting it drain away into the storm sewer system. L Report any discharges from storm water outfalls during times of dry weather – a sign that there could be a problem with the storm sewer system. L Pick up after pets and dispose of their waste properly. No matter where pets make a mess – in a back yard or at the park – storm water runoff can carry pet waste from the land to the storm sewer system to a stream. Store materials that could pollute storm water indoors, and use L containers for outdoor storage that do not rust or leak to eliminate exposure of materials to storm water. Why is Storm Water “Good Rain Gone Wrong”? Storm water becomes a problem when it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt and other pollutants as it flows or when it causes flooding and erosion of stream banks. Storm water travels through a system of pipes and roadside ditches that make up storm sewer systems. It eventually flows directly to a lake, river, stream, wetland or coastal water. All of the pollutants storm water carries along the way empty into our waters, too, because storm water does not get treated! f Pet wastes left on the ground get carried away by storm water, contributing harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses to our water. f Vehicles drip fluids (oil, grease, gasoline, antifreeze, brake fluids, etc.) onto paved areas where storm water runoff carries them through our storm drains and into our water. f Chemicals used to grow and maintain beautiful lawns and gardens, if not used properly, can run off into the storm drains when it rains or when we water our lawns and gardens. f Waste from chemicals and materials used in construction can wash into the storm sewer system when it rains. Soil that erodes from construction sites causes environmental degradation, including harming fish and shellfish populations that are important for recreation and our economy. Where to Go to Continue the Information Flow: Red Lion Borough and Red Lion Municipal Authority are preventing storm water pollution through a storm water management program. This program addresses storm water pollution from construction, illegal dumping to the storm sewer system, pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices in municipal operations. We will also continue to educate the community and get everyone involved in making sure the only thing that storm water contributes to our water is… water! Visit our website, www.redlionpa.org, where you can find more information on storm water and also report any problems that you witness in Red Lion Borough. A Special Thank You To The Businesses This publication is made available through the generous advertising sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout our newsletter. Red Lion Borough appreciates their support as the ads provide the revenue that make it possible to produce this newsletter at no cost to our residents. The Borough does not endorse any product or organization that advertises in this newsletter. 9 RED LION AREA AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION RECYCLING INFORMATION ELECTRONICS RECYCLING: Pennsylvania’s “Covered Device Recycling Act” (Act 108) prohibits the acceptance of certain electronic materials at all Pennsylvania solid waste disposal facilities and also prohibits residents from placing them at the curb for waste pick-up. Under the Act, waste haulers will NOT pick up “covered devices”. Waste haulers should place a sticker on covered devices that provides directions for where to go to properly manage them. Covered devices include televisions, desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors and computer peripherals (anything that connects to a computer such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.). Residents must now manage these covered devices by recycling them. Red Lion Borough residents can drop unwanted electronics off at our Public Works Facility on Vulcan Road during their work hours. You MUST first call them at 717-244-2567 to make sure someone will be available. IMPORTANT: No disassembled electronics can be accepted. All collected items will be taken to the York County Solid Waste Authority’s facility to be recycled. Examples of accepted items include answering machines, compact disc players, electric typewriters, fax machines, hard drives, laptops, mobile phones, modems, microwave ovens, pagers, personal computers (CPU, monitors, keyboards, mouse, and peripherals), printers, printed circuit boards, radios, remote controls, stereos, tape players, telephones/telephone equipment, televisions, and VCR’s. Residents are responsible for removal of any personal data contained on electronic devices and computer hard drives. Residents should NOT bring construction demolition, furniture, appliances, white goods, appliances containing Freon (air conditioners, dehumidifiers, refrigerators) or household hazardous waste. The York County Solid Waste Authority also offers their ongoing Electronics Recycling Program that is held the third Saturday of every month from 9AM to 1PM at their Yard Waste Transfer Facility located off of Flour Mill Road in Manchester Township. Residents and businesses with large quantities of electronics (i.e. more than a pickup truck load) should call the YCSWA before the collection date to make arrangements for delivery. There is no fee to participate. Visit their website at www.ycswa.com or call them at 717-845-1066 for more information. Recycle Today To Save Tomorrow! Here’s how you can help: Penn Waste, www.pennwaste.com, accepts single stream recycling. This means that all recyclables can be combined in your recycling bin. Even if you have been recycling for a long time, please read over the following guidelines. Penn Waste now accepts items that were not acceptable in the past. ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: • #1-#7 plastic containers and bottles, regardless of neck size - This means you should now include plastic clamshells (baked goods and produce containers), butter dishes, yogurt containers, Cool Whip containers, etc. in your recycling bin, as long as they are thoroughly rinsed out.) Remove caps/lids and place in regular garbage Rinse thoroughly It is okay to leave on labels and neck rings • glass food and beverage containers (clear, brown and green) • metal cans (aluminum beverage cans, steel food and beverage cans, aerosol cans and paint cans) • paper, paperboard and cardboard - EX: ALL SIZES of cardboard boxes, food boxes, EMPTY paper towel and toilet paper rolls, paperboard packaging (i.e. tissue boxes), office paper, newspapers & inserts, magazines, phone books, soft cover books, shredded paper (in clear plastic bags, please) Recycle any size; any quantity of UNACCEPTABLE ITEMS: • NEEDLES! (Do not place used needles with recycling! This is a serious health hazard to everyone!) • Broken glass • Windows, mirrors, ceramics • Aluminum foil • Plastic grocery bags (they can be taken to your grocery store to be recycled) • Food-soiled material • Paperboard juice and milk containers • Packing peanuts • Plastic bubble wrap Here are a few friendly reminders from Penn Waste: Look for 2015 RLAAA subscriptions to arrive in the mail in October this year. Red Lion Area Ambulance Association offers a rewrite of “I Wish You Could”. This article by an unknown author expresses experiences shared by all who are involved in Public Safety. Public safety is indeed a team concept, an expected service and one that comes at a high financial cost to the residents of any community. What kind of a community would it be if we did not have these men and women to provide these services 24 x7? Please support PUBLIC SAFETY. Comments are welcome: rharlacker37@hotmail.com. I Wish You Could... I wish you could comprehend a wife’s horror at 6 in the morning as I check her husband of 40 years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping to bring him back, knowing intuitively it is too late. But wanting his wife and family to know everything possible was done to try and save his life. I wish you could know the unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, the sound of flames crackling, the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke, sensations that I’ve become too familiar with. I wish you could read my mind as I respond to a call. Is this a false alarm or a working fire? How is the building constructed? What hazards await me? Is anyone trapped? I wish you could read my mind as I respond to an EMS call. What is wrong with the patient? Is it minor or life-threatening? Is the caller really in distress, or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun? I wish you could be in the emergency room, as a doctor pronounces dead, the beautiful five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past 25 minutes, knowing she will never go on her first date or say the words, “I love you Mommy”, ever again. I wish you could know the frustration I feel in the cab of the ambulance or engine or cruiser, the driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain, as you fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, “It took you forever to get here!” I wish you could know my thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the remains of her automobile. What if this was my daughter, sister, my girlfriend or a friend? What is her parents’ reaction going to be when they open the door to find a police officer with hat in hand? I wish you could know how it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents and family, not having the heart to tell them that I nearly did not come back from the last call. I wish you could know how it feels dispatching officers, firefighters and EMTs/Paramedics out, and when we call for them, our heart drops because no one answers back, or to hear a bone-chilling 911 call of a child or wife needing assistance. • Break down your cardboard boxes as flat as possible. This includes your pizza boxes, cereal boxes, shoe boxes, etc. I wish you could feel the hurt as people verbally and sometimes physically abuse us or belittle what I do, or as they express their attitudes of “It will never happen to me”. I wish you could realize the physical, emotional and mental drain of missed meals, lost sleep and forgone social activities, in addition to all the tragedy my eyes have seen. • Crush your aluminum cans and all plastics. I wish you could know the brotherhood and self-satisfaction of helping save a life or preserving someone’s property, or being able to be there in time of crisis, or creating order from total chaos. • Bundle all cardboard that does not fit into the recycling bin. • If the weather forecast calls for high winds or wet weather, if possible, keep your paper recyclables until the next week. Wet paper products are difficult to process. • Cover loose paper with heavier items to prevent it from blowing away. CARDBOARD! Please visit the Recycling and Garbage page on our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/recycling-garbage for additional information. Remember... Recycling is MANDATORY in Red Lion Borough! Thank you to all of you who have picked up one of our new larger recycling containers which were obtained by us through a grant from the York County Solid Waste Authority. We truly appreciate your recycling efforts. Unfortunately, we have no more of these containers at the present time. We plan to apply for this grant again if and when it is available. If your current container isn’t large enough, you can stop by our office to pick up an additional smaller recycling bin, OR feel free to use your own container. If you choose to use your own container, please make sure to clearly mark that it contains recyclables. Recycling stickers are available at our office for you to place on your container. 10 312 Horace Mann Ave., Red Lion, PA 17356 717-244-0983 Ron Harlacker, Director of Operations, rharlacker37@hotmail.com I wish you could understand what it feels like to have a little boy tugging at your arm and asking, "Is my Mommy okay?", not even being able to look in his eyes without tears from your own and not knowing what to say. Or to have to hold back a long time friend who watches his buddy having CPR done on him as they take him away. You know all along he did not have his seat belt on. A sensation that I have become too familiar with. Unless you have lived with this kind of life, you will never truly understand or appreciate who I am, we are, or what our job really means to us...I wish you could though. APPRECIATE AND SUPPORT THE LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS, EMS EMT/ PARAMEDICS, 911 DISPATCHERS, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN YOUR AREA. ONE DAY THEY'LL PROBABLY BE SAVING YOUR LIFE. WHEN YOU SEE THEM COMING WITH LIGHTS FLASHING, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY QUICKLY, AND THEN PRAY FOR THEM. Author unknown “EMERGENCIES ARE NOT PLANNED BUT WE PLAN FOR THE EMERGENCY” 3 YORK AREA REGIONAL POLICE DEPARTMENT RECYCLING INFORMATION 33 Oak Street, York, PA 17402 • www.yapd.org • 717-741-1259 Even though you cannot recycle your plastic bags and common films and wraps that are used in our everyday lives through Penn Waste, they can still be recycled. Just remember the three R’s as they relate to these items: AN ACCREDITED LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT Reduce The York Area Regional Police Department has released the annual report of activities for the year 2013. Included below are some of the highlights of the police department work for 2013. Overall, there was a slight decrease in crime from 504 total crimes in 2012 to 474 in 2013 in the Borough. The crimes are broken down into Part I and Part II crimes. There was a decrease in traffic accidents for the year. The complete report for the department can be located on the police department website at www.yapd.org. RED LION PART I PART II MISC. ACCIDENTS TOTAL CALLS TRAFFIC ARRESTS 2009 2010 2011 216 369 1911 112 3702 790 454 228 374 2215 88 3808 475 501 174 287 2138 107 3728 728 349 2012 197 307 2082 102 3636 466 377 2013 208 266 1474 82 3336 379 300 RE-ACCREDITATION In June of this year, the department conducted the second Re-Assessment with the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission. The department was first accredited in 2008 and must undergo a re-assessment every three years. The assessment included a two-day review of files, facilities, personnel interviews, and inspections in order to determine that the department was in compliance with the Commission standards. The assessors included the Chief of Police in Upper Moreland Township, a sergeant from the Allentown Police Department and the Accreditation Manager from the Derry Township Police Department. Fewer than 100 police departments in Pennsylvania, or less than 10%, have been able to complete the rigorous requirements for accreditation. The personnel of the department have this seal of professionalism and best practices that cannot be claimed for most police agencies. Sergeant Jeffry Dunbar was the manager of this process and completing the many preparations required for accreditation. A Message from Red Lion Borough Emergency Management Coordinator, Scott Kopp: P • Get out your snow blower and make sure it is ready. • Prepare an emergency kit for your home. LEO FIRE COMPANY • 201 W. Broadway, Red Lion, PA UPCOMING EVENTS Crab Feed The annual Crab Feed will be held on Saturday, September 20 at 4 PM. A DJ will be on hand to play tunes and plenty of food to eat! Tickets are $35 in advance or $40 at the door and include steamed crabs, MD & Cream of Crab soup, corn on the cob, salads, snacks, baked beans and more. Pit Beef The last Pit Beef & Turkey Sale of the season will be Saturday, October 18th from 10 AM – 2 PM. Eat in or carry out for $5. Snacks and drinks are also available for purchase. Valor Pro Wrestling Valor Pro Wrestling returns to Red Lion on the following dates: Saturday, October 18 • Saturday, December 13 Doors open at 6 PM; show begins at 7 PM. Tickets are $12 and can be picked up at the station Wednesdays from 6 PM–8 PM or call 717-244-8811 to schedule a time. Halloween Parade Come out early the night of the Red Lion Halloween Parade for 2 17356 • 717-244-8811 • www.redlionfire.org dinner at Red Lion Fire Co. Food is served beginning at 5:30 PM including burgers in sauce, hot dogs, nachos, soft pretzels, drinks, snacks and more. Parade begins at 7 PM. Annual Christmas Craft Show The Annual Christmas Craft Show returns again to Red Lion Fire Co. on Saturday, November 29th from 9 AM – 3 PM. Free admission to see over 25 vendors for great holiday gifts! Food also available for purchase throughout the day including a soup sale of Ham & Bean or Chicken Corn Soup for $5 a quart, or buy just a bowl! Whiskey River Band & Wing Buffet Got plans for New Year’s Eve yet? Come to Red Lion Fire Co. for a live band and wing buffet! Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door, which includes wing buffet, drinks and snacks beginning at 8 PM. Band will play from 9 PM – 1 AM with a break to go see the fireworks in the square. Call 717-244-8811 for tickets. Hall Rentals Come see our newly upgraded social hall with new entrance, sound boards, paint and sound system. Need a place for a reception, bingo or party? Contact us! Seating up to 200. Call 717-244-8811 for additional information. Reuse Reduce: BYOB (bring your own bags) to the store when you shop! Recycle: The next time you go shopping, take your old plastic bags and wraps along to be recycled. You can help to give them a new life as splinter-resistant decking, crates and containers, or even new bags! Many local retailers now have collection bins where you can deposit these items for recycling. Items that can be included are: • Plastic store bags • Dry-cleaning bags • Bread bags • Wraps from paper towels, bathroom tissue, napkins, diapers and newspaper bags • Cereal box liners (If it tears like paper, don’t include it; otherwise, if it’s clean, you can recycle it! These items are fully recyclable, but require a different type of recycling than plastic bottles and containers. That's why your bags cannot be included with your curbside recycling. Reuse: More than 90 percent of plastic bag owners reuse plastic grocery bags at home for things like lining bathroom wastebaskets, as filler in plant containers or cleaning up pet poop. Visit www.abagslife.com for interesting information on plastic bag recycling. NOTICE TO All COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN RED LION BOROUGH: Recycling is MANDATORY for everyone in Red Lion Borough. If your commercial establishment does not recycle, take the necessary steps NOW to implement a recycling program. Visit the Commercial Recycling section of our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/recycling-garbage/commercial-recycling, which contains valuable information on recycling in commercial establishments. CFL Bulbs… Just a reminder that compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL's) are considered hazardous waste and cannot be disposed of in your regular garbage. You can dispose of them through the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection, OR as part of Lowes’ and Home Depot’s commitment to the environment, they will recycle them for free at all of their stores, as long as they are unbroken. Call them for more information. RED LION BOROUGH INFORMATION lease make sure to check the following in order to be prepared for the upcoming cold weather: • Check your furnace and filters. • Get your car ready for a winter breakdown or accident. Scott S. Kopp, EMC Red Lion Emergency Management, KC3BKY Recycle Branch & Limb Collections: Fall Leaf Collection: Oct. 13 - Dec. 5 Fall 2014: October 6 – 10 • Spring 2015: May 4 - 8 Branches and limbs should be placed at your garbage collection site. The chipper/shredder will make a daily circuit around the Borough to pick them up. Limbs may be up to 6” in diameter and 4’ to 6’ in length. Do not bundle. Yard waste such as ornamental grass, garden residue, etc., will not be picked up. If you have material to be picked up and it has not been collected by Thursday during the collection week, please call the office at 717-244-3475. The Borough reserves the right to refuse items that do not meet the requirements and is not responsible for cleanup. Please call the Public Works Facility if you are interested in the mulch that results from these collections. Should you have branches and limbs for disposal at any other time, you can either properly store them until the next scheduled collection or call the Public Works Facility at 717-244-2567 and schedule a time to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for RED LION BOROUGH RESIDENTS ONLY. Yard waste items such as garden residue, ornamental grass, tree stumps and similar matter will NOT be accepted at our Public Works Facility. One option is to compost these items at home. OR you can take them to the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Resource Recovery Center on Blackbridge Rd. in Manchester Township. NOTE: Before doing this, visit their website at www.ycswa.com, or call them at 717-845-1066, for requirements and restrictions you will need to be aware of. Leaf collection for 2014 will begin on Monday, October 13 and will continue through Friday, December 5. Place leaves at the curb. They will not be picked up if they are placed elsewhere. Do not mix any other items with the leaves. The pickup schedule is variable depending on weather conditions. We will get to your leaves as soon as we can. We appreciate your understanding that this schedule must be flexible. There will be no collection on Borough holidays. Leaves in plastic trash bags will not be picked up. If you have leaves that you wish to dispose of before or after these dates, you can call the Public Works Facility at 717-244-2567 and make arrangements to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for RED LION BOROUGH RESIDENTS ONLY. DO NOT place your leaves at the curb before our collection begins. Doing this causes leaves to clog our storm drains, and they MUST remain clear of debris. Christmas Tree Collection: January 5 – 23, 2015 The Borough will pick up discarded Christmas trees beginning Monday, January 5th through Friday, January 23rd. Trees should be placed at your usual trash pickup site and MUST NOT be in a bag. All decorations and tinsel must be removed. The trees will be shredded and turned into mulch which will be available to Borough residents at the Public Works Facility on Vulcan Rd. 11 FROM THE ZONING & CODES ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DAN SHAW By now, the grass has quit growing, and our thoughts are turning toward cold, snow-filled days. Here is some important ordinance information to remember for the fall and winter months. GARBAGE COLLECTION: Do not place garbage at the point of collection in excess of 12 hours before your collection day, which is Friday for all residential customers. UNENCLOSED STORAGE: Do not let inoperable, unlicensed and/or uninspected vehicles sit outside. They must be stored in a fully enclosed building. SNOW & ICE REMOVAL: Snow and ice on sidewalks are to be cleared within 12 hours after the snow or sleet stops falling or ice ceases forming. The path must be at least 36” wide. If snow or ice ceases to fall or form after 6 PM, the time deadline for removal then is 6 PM of the following day. It is also unlawful to place any snow or ice into a public street or alley. SNOW EMERGENCIES: In the event of a severe winter storm, the Mayor will declare a SNOW EMERGENCY which will then be announced on local radio and television stations and also on our website. No motor vehicles are permitted to remain parked on the following streets after a snow emergency is declared: ➢ North and South Main Streets ➢ East and West High Streets ➢ East and West Broadway Fines start at $75.00 and may be assessed every eight hours. HOUSING: No owner or occupant shall install, operate or use an unvented space heater employing a flame. This includes unvented portable gas and kerosene heaters. PARKING: Citations will be issued for any motor vehicle that is parked on any Borough highway, street or alley for a period longer than 72 consecutive hours. TREE TRIMMING: To avoid damage to borough equipment, personal vehicles and for the safety of everyone, trees must be kept trimmed to a height of 14 feet above and along the edge of the roadway and 9 feet above sidewalks. MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR: To the Citizens of Red Lion Borough. I hope each of you has enjoyed your summer vacation. We all know that the beauty of autumn in Red Lion is right around the corner. We have many challenges ahead of us this year, and the main issue I am referring to is the police contract which will expire on December 31st. The Council is researching different options. If you have any opinions to share on this matter, now is the time. I am confident they will make the right decision. My position as your Mayor is to retain the services of the York Area Regional Police Department by negotiating a contract that is fair to the police at a reasonable cost to the taxpayers of Red Lion Borough. Once a year, the Mayor has the privilege of recognizing a person or persons who have made a positive contribution to our community. This year I have chosen Joseph and Julie Yahnke of the Leo Independent Fire Company as co-recipients of the Red Lion Community Service Award for 2014. They will be recognized at the November 10th Red Lion Borough Council meeting which will be held at the Community Building at 7:00 PM. Now may I close by wishing you and your family all of God's Blessings! Sincerely, Steven E. Kopp Mayor, Red Lion RED LION AREA COMMUNITY SERVICES 15 First Avenue, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-6934 Fax: 717-244-6911 • Muriel Slenker, Executive Director www.rlacspantry.net • RLACS@Pantry.comcastbiz.net • Office hours: Mon., Tues. & Wed. 9AM - 1PM • Thurs. 9AM - 2PM • Fri. 9AM - Noon • Food Pantry: by appt. • Pantry donations accepted weekday mornings (You can also drop your pantry donations off in the lobby of the Red Lion Municipal Office.) If you are not familiar with who we are and what we do, please read this brief summary of some of our programs and services. The staff, volunteers and board members extend their appreciation for the continued support of the agency as we reach out to those families who find themselves struggling for various reasons to cope with the hardships they experience. Financial donations can be sent to the 15 First Avenue address. The service area for the agency includes the communities surrounding Red Lion and Dallastown, Yoe, Windsor, East Prospect, Yorkana, Winterstown, Felton, Brogue, New Bridgeville, Craley and Collinsville. Kids’ Kafe Summer Lunch Program provides extra nutrition for at least 100 youngsters during ten weeks of summer recess. School supplies are available from July through the first week of September. Christmas gifts and holiday meal extras give support to nearly 200 households each December, and the Warm Program distributes blankets, hats, gloves and scarves during the fall and winter months each year. The Fuel Fund helps to ease the stress of the high cost of heating for several families, many of which are senior citizens. Client households must renew their information at the office each July for food pantry appointments. Please contact the office for more information or to register for any of the programs. Our Gift Baskets are an on-going fundraiser. We offer baskets that are suitable for that favorite senior or for anyone who is homebound or in the hospital or rehab, etc. Each basket is filled with small personal toiletries, word games, note pad, a bit of candy or snacks, a small stuffed animal, and various other fun items. Baskets are wrapped with a seasonal flare and can be designated for a man or woman. All this for the suggested donation of $16! Our second annual Empty Bowls Fall Event is scheduled for Saturday, November 8th at in the parish hall of Chapel UMC, 3050 Cape Horn Road. Seating for the meal will be at 5 PM, with door prizes, agency information, as well as information about other local resources, and a Silent Auction as part of the evening program. Doors will open at 4:30 PM. Ticket prices are $17 for adults; $7 for children ages 6 – 17 (Children 5 years and under are Free). Ticket holders have an opportunity to choose an empty bowl as a thank you for attending and to remind each one of the food insecurity issues in our communities. Supper will include Salad, Ham & Bean Soup, Beef Vegetable Soup, Meatless Chili, Fruit and Breads, Desserts and Beverages. This event is presented by the agency staff, volunteers, and board of directors. Tickets will be available in September by calling us at 717-244-6934. There are two seats opening on the Board of Directors for the coming year. Inquiries may be addressed to the executive director. The capital improvements to our building, the 1904 original Red Lion firehouse, continue as donations and support become available. Tours and information are available during regular office hours or by arrangement with the director. Non-skilled and skilled work teams are often needed for general clean-up and maintenance tasks. Youth groups and scout groups, with appropriate supervision, are welcome to sign up for certain tasks. KALTREIDER-BENFER LIBRARY 147 South Charles Street, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-2032 • www.kaltreider-benfer.org • Email: kalib@yorklibraries.org 3 Story times & children’s programming 3 Computers with blazing fast internet speeds 3 Great books & trusted research materials 3 Lifelong learning seminars 3 Book clubs for various interests 3 Kindles pre-loaded with bestsellers Friends of Kaltreider Library Friends of Kaltreider Library will be holding their BIG Book Sale at 12 the Red Lion Community Building, 190 S. Charles St. in Red Lion, on the following dates: Saturday, September 13th from 9 AM to 3 PM and Sunday, September 14th from 11 AM to 2 PM Sunday only will be Fill-A-Bag for $5.00. Bags provided. Thousands of books at bargain prices! We continue to accept book donations at the library on S. Charles St. These donations make our book sale possible. INFORMATION TO HELP YOU! www.redlionpa.org How should I report a street light that is not working properly? Our office receives many inquiries from residents wanting to report a malfunctioning street light. First Energy Corp. owns the street lights in Red Lion Borough and is therefore responsible for their maintenance. If you see a street light that is not working properly, you can report that directly to First Energy Corp. online. We have provided a link to their website in the “Reporting Problems” on the FAQ’s page of our website. Having the pole number will be very helpful to First Energy. The 10-digit pole number is printed in black on a yellow tag. If you do not have internet access, you can call their Customer Contact Center at 1-800-545-7741. Thank you for helping to keep our streets and public areas safe. BOROUGH EVENTS EVENT DATE 2014 Fall Branch & Limb Collection Oct. 6 – 10 Leaf Collection Oct. 13 – Dec. 5 Halloween Happenings Oct. 25 Red Lion Haunted Mile Oct. 25 Halloween Parade (bad weather date Oct. 28) Oct. 27 Trick or Treat Oct. 31 Red Lion Borough Weeks Nov. 28 – Dec. 11 at Christmas Magic & Dec. 26 – 31 Lighting of the Christmas Tree Nov. 30 Breakfast with Santa Dec. 6 New Year’s Eve Celebration Dec. 31 Christmas Tree Collection Jan. 5 – 23 Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 28 2015 Spring Branch & Limb Collection May 4 – 8 PAGE 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 6 11 www.rabbittransit.org Email: info@rabbittransit.org 717-846-7433 For Fall 2014, rabbittransit will launch an upgrade to InfoPoint, its real-time bus tracking system. Powered by GPS technology, InfoPoint is accessible by smartphone, tablet or computer. InfoPoint will allow riders to plan a trip, find their bus including its exact location, stop locations, set an email alert for bus arrivals/departures and retrieve up-to-the minute inbound/outbound schedules. The upgrade will offer a more user-friendly interface with advanced features, including the ability to set reoccurring rider alerts to specific routes. For more information, please visit www.rabittransit.org, email info@rabbittransit.org or call 717-846-7433. 1 Municipal Office 11 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 190, Red Lion, PA 17356 717-244-3475 Borough Manager Dianne Price 717-244-3475 dprice@redlionpa.org www.redlionpa.org • rlboro@redlionpa.org Tax Collector Mike Zelger 451 Highland Rd., R.L. 717-417-6311 MikeZelgerTaxCollector@comcast.net Zoning & Codes Enforcement Dan Shaw 717-244-3475 dshaw@redlionpa.org Mayor Steven E. Kopp 717-487-9208 skopp@redlionpa.org Red Lion Youth Center 190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L. Jenna Koslosky, Director 717-244-6493 JennaLHubler@yahoo.com Complimentary: Hot Stones and Sauna with Every Massage Session Red Lion Recreation 190 S. Charles St., upper level, R.L. Eric Rabenstein, Recreation Director 717-244-6896 rlrec@redlionpa.org Swedish Deep Tissue Myofascial Release Pregnancy Massage & Couples Massage Red Lion Community Preschool 190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L. 717-244-6493 Sauna 717-244-1464 29 South Main St. Red Lion, PA 17356 Police Department York Area Regional Police 33 Oak St., York, PA 17402 Thomas Gross, Chief 717-741-1259 www.yapd.org Call for Your Appointment Today! Magistrate John H. Fishel Magisterial District Judge District 19-3-01 2997 Cape Horn Rd., R.L. 717-244-4002 www.districtcourt19301.org Ambulance Red Lion Area Ambulance Assn. 312 Horace Mann Ave., R.L. 717-244-0983 Ron Harlacker, Director of Operations, rharlacker37@hotmail.com Garbage & Recycling Fire Department Penn Waste Leo Fire Company No. 1 717-767-4456 201 W. Broadway, R.L. Joseph Yahnke, Fire Chief www.pennwaste.com 717-244-8811 www.redlionfire.org Kaltreider-Benfer Library Red Lion Area Historical Society 147 S. Charles St., R.L. P.O. Box 94, R.L. 717-244-2032 717-244-1912 Jan Barnhart, President www.kaltreider-benfer.org kalib@yorklibraries.org www.redlionareahistoricalsociety.org jbarn71947@aol.com Red Lion Area Business Association 651 Lombard Rd., Suite 122, R.L. Red Lion Area Community Services 717-244-0886 15 First Ave., R.L. www.rlaba.com 717-244-6934 redlionareabusiness@gmail.com Muriel Slenker, Director Red Lion Area Senior Center 20-C Gotham Place, R.L. Heather Goebeler, Executive Director 717-244-7229 www.redlionseniorcenter.com redlionseniorctr@yahoo.com www.rlacspantry.net RLACS@Pantry.comcastbiz.net Red Lion Borough Tax Collector, Mike Zelger 451 Highland Rd., R.L. Phone: 717-417-6311 • Fax: 717-417-5119 Email: MikeZelgerTaxCollector@comcast.net Dr. Douglas Schmidt, D.V.M. Dr. Kevin Schmidt, D.V.M. Dr. Sabrina Walters, V.M.D. Dr. Kathleen Spencer, D.V.M. Dr. Stephanie Edwards, D.V.M. Property Maintenance Experts Noah Mundis 717-968-4990 noah4allseason@comcast.net Fully Bonded & Insured A Special Thank You To The Businesses 425 East Broadway Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-3611 www.pattonvethospital.com Office hours by appointment MEMBER HOSPITAL This publication is made available through the generous advertising sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout our newsletter. Red Lion Borough appreciates their support as the ads provide the revenue that make it possible to produce this newsletter at no cost to our residents. The Borough does not endorse any product or organization that advertises in this newsletter. All in-person tax payments will be made at Mike’s home office located at 451 Highland Rd. He will not be collecting taxes at the Red Lion Borough Office. His office hours are as follows: Mondays and Wednesdays: 9 AM until noon Additional hours are available by appointment. Please call him at 717-417-6311. Special Hours: Thursday, 9/4 Friday, 9/5 6 PM – 8PM 9 AM – Noon Thursday, 9/11 6 PM – 8 PM Friday, 9/12 9 AM – Noon Thursday, 11/6 6 PM – 8 PM Friday, 11/7 9 AM – Noon Thursday, 11/13 6 PM – 8 PM Friday, 11/14 9 AM - Noon Receipts: Send both copies of your tax notices and a self-addressed envelope when receipts are requested. Make checks payable to: Michael Zelger, Tax Collector. A $40 fee will be charged for all returned checks. Postmark, NOT date of check, determines when tax is paid. PLEASE ISSUE SEPARATE CHECKS FOR SCHOOL AND BOROUGH/COUNTY TAXES. Those persons paying real estate taxes in escrow to a mortgage company will be required to forward the current real estate bill to their lender unless notified otherwise. Please contact the tax collector’s office if any of the following apply to you: • If you rent your property or have tenants living in your home • If you, or anyone in your home who is 18 years of age or older, did not receive a per capita bill • If you are selling or moving a mobile home • If you are moving from Red Lion Borough All 2014 taxes must be paid by December 31, 2014. 13 RED LION BOROU GH Pre-Sort Standard U.S. Postage PAID York, PA PERMIT No. 764 11 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 190 Red Lion, PA 17356 POSTAL CUSTOMER MESSAGE FROM BOROUGH COUNCIL PRESIDENT WALT HUGHES: Greetings to everyone! I hope all of you had a wonderful and happy summer. A new season of the year will soon be upon us, and with the colors of the fall foliage, the new harvest time and the blessings of the holidays, I can only wish that everyone will enjoy this time of year as well. Mayor • Steven E. Kopp This Community Newsletter is produced for Red Lion Borough by Hometown Press • 215.257.1500 • All rights reserved® To Place An Ad Call Sara At Hometown Press • 717-395-1634 The Tradition Continues... Celebrating 30 Years in Business! NOW OPEN! Borough Manager • Dianne Price Public Works Supervisor • Brett Patterson Tax Collector • Mike Zelger The Borough is also in labor negotiations with Teamsters Local 776, the bargaining agent for our Public Works employees. We Accept Water Authority • Eric Immel, Chairman • Carroll Missimer III, Vice-Chairman • Jeffrey P. Herrman • Michael Poff • Bradley Smith Water & Sewer Superintendent • Keith Kahwajy York Area Police Chief • Thomas Gross The Well Red Red Lion Lion Psychology Psychology David Haynes-Weller, PsyD Licensed Clinical Psychologist 30 East Broadway • Red Lion, PA 17356 Tel: 717.244.1082 Fax: 717.244.1064 Red LionPsychology.com Another challenge Council faces is to attempt to negotiate a contract with York Area Regional Police Department which is set to expire at the end of this year. The police department has given us notice that they no longer will provide police services to Red Lion Borough beginning in 2015. Borough Council is of the opinion that they do a great job for us; however, the ever-increasing cost has become a problem for the Borough. The Borough is currently paying the police department about $600,000 per year, and that is for 15 PPU’s (Police Protection Units). The police want us to increase that number to between 26 PPU’s and 36.5 PPU’s per year. That increased cost could be $1 million to $1.5 million per year. Meeting that cost increase could mean a 100% increase in your real estate property tax per property owner, unless Council can find another or additional means to fund the police. And that’s just for calendar year 2015. Another option is to stay at 15 PPU’s and be charged for anything in excess of the 15 PPU’s. The police department has informed us that they will evaluate their service to the Borough every six months, and should they find it necessary to increase that amount, the Borough will have to agree or they will drop their services to Red Lion Borough after giving a 45-day notice. Borough Council is working very hard to settle this matter and has been working on this for some time for the betterment of all of Red Lion. Codes/Zoning Officer • Dan Shaw 717-246-2773 59 East Broadway Check Out Our Unique Craft Beer Selections South 74 • Red Lion ORDER ONLINE: We Fill GROWLERS! www.gcpizzaonline.com Borough Council • Walter Hughes, President • Dennis Klinedinst, Vice-President • Kelly Henshaw • Christina Frutiger • Cynthia Barley • Tony Musso • Danielle Kabacinski Borough Council has been very busy this year with many provoking issues challenging them. Last winter took its toll on our streets and alleys as everyone could see. Borough Council has begun the task of moving ahead with repairing our streets and trafficways. To repair ALL of the streets this year, the cost was estimated to be $4.5 million. After review, Council has scheduled about a half-dozen of those roadways for repair this year, 2014. Borough Council has many more important issues we are addressing beyond those mentioned here. Your input is very important to us, as well as helpful. So please feel free to come to Borough Council meetings or contact any Council member with your concerns so we can see if those concerns can be addressed. Please have a great year as we on Borough Council attempt to get the business of government done for you. Most respectfully yours, Walt Hughes President, Red Lion Borough Council Inside This Issue: Message from the Mayor.....................................1 Information to Help You.....................................1 York Area Regional Police Department ...............2 Red Lion Emergency Management......................2 Leo Fire Company..............................................2 Red Lion Area Ambulance Association ...............3 Red Lion Historical Society.................................4 Red Lion Municipal Water & Sewer Authority ...4 York County Area Agency on Aging ...................5 Red Lion Area Senior Center ..............................5 Commuter Services of PA ...................................5 Green Thumb Garden Club................................5 Red Lion Borough Events................................6-7 Red Lion Recreation and Activities .....................7 Red Lion Community Preschool.........................8 Red Lion Youth Center .......................................8 Message from State Rep Stan Saylor....................8 Storm Water Information....................................9 Recycling Information .................................10-11 Red Lion Borough Information.........................11 Zoning & Code Enforcement ...........................12 Red Lion Community Services .........................12 Kaltreider-Benfer Library ..................................12 Municipal Office Information ...........................13 Tax Collector ....................................................13 11 East Broadway, Red Lion, PA 17356 • (717) 244-3475 www.redlionpa.org