May, 2016


May, 2016
May 2016
Transitioning to Greece
A man’s heart plans his way, but The Lord directs his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9
inishing up the last few weeks of my time here in
Nicaragua has taken a great deal of planning. I am
now officially no longer the director of Hogar Amiguitos.
Ana, who was our social worker, is now the director. I
have been here to help with the transition, but on May
15 we will be flying to the US. I have spent a lot of time
packing. It is amazing how much stuff can accumulate
in 11 years. I have given away or sold most things. My
house has gotten emptier each day. I sold most of my
dishes. I have sold almost all the furniture. I’ve packed 6
cases. The process has gone well. I was worried it would
be super stressful, but it hasn’t been. I also took time to
get dental work I needed done before I leave since it is
a fraction of the cost here as it is in the US.
Last month I had the opportunity to spend three days
in Leon, training workers in a children’s home there on
how to care for the children that come to them. It is new
home that another ministry is starting, and it was so rewarding to be able to share with them some of what I
have learned during my eleven years here. I feel that
God will be using me more in this way in the future.
I have been immersing myself more in His Word, and
praying for my children since this transition is difficult
for them. Jairo and Amanda, who also live with me, are
leaving on May 6th for Bluefield, Nicaragua, to work
in a new YWAM base there. Regina and Ricardo are
going to the US with me a week later, but Regina will be
Prayer Requests:
staying in the US to attend school while Ricardo and I
go on to Greece in the fall. Needless to say, the coming
separations are difficult for everyone, so last week we
headed down to Laguna Apoyo, one of our favorite
places in Nicaragua, for a mini-vacation before we
head in different directions. It was a great time of just
spending time with each other, and we also took time to
say good-bye to friends in the area.
Another exciting thing to happen before we left was
Ricardo and Amanda getting baptized. Though they
both accepted Jesus as their savior when they were
little, they had never been baptized. They expressed
the desire to do that before we left, and our pastor
organized it for them and others in the church who
wanted to be baptized as well. We had a great time
at church. Ricardo and Amanda were baptized, and
afterwards there was a going away party.
I have had some headaches along the way, but mostly
I have felt surrounded by God’s grace. He has been
answering the prayers from all of you from my prayer
request in my last newsletter. I am so thankful to the
Lord for directing my steps.
Thank you for your continued support.
In Christ,
Joy Pulsifer
1. Praise God for helping me to sell my car and
the furniture here in Nicaragua in preparation for
2. Praise God that all the packing has gone smoothly.
3. God provided all the money for Regina’s outreach
with YWAM to Greece.
4. That God will guide as we prepare for Greece.
That He will set up the connections with the
organizations I will work with. • 850.725.2675 • • PO Box 3040 • Pensacola, FL. 32516